#🔪 picture perfect of her 🔪
linos-luna · 11 months
what do you think about yandere chan and changbin? will they kidnap the reader together or will they be against each other?
Pleaseeee, i want this so much!
Also, I love your work. You,re my favourite author (?)!!!🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
I think they would definitely kidnap together! But there would also be a slight rivalry among them. Either way, I can see Yandere Chan taking control of the situation most.
Thank you! 🤍🤍🤍
Our Doll 🔪
Yandere!Chan x Fem!Reader x Yandere!Changbin
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3)
Warnings: kidnapping, Yandere, nonconsensual kissing!, implied choking, stalking
Friends to the end right? Even when there’s a girl in the picture. How about a girl to mutually obsess over? Perhaps even better!
Everyday they’d watch. And everyday they’d wait. Changbin wants to touch you so bad but Chan knew better.
Chan was the sweet talker while his friend followed along. The older man was better at hiding his desperation for you while Changbin’s admiration wasn’t as well hidden.
Nonetheless, you thought of them as friends. You had to admit that changbin looks pretty good with his muscles and maybe Chan a little more with his flirtatious comments but still just friends right?
It all happened so fast. Your freedom gone in an instant.
After a lunch date with some friends, you were heading back to your car. You were the last to leave as you had to use the restroom but it was the middle of the day in a fairly populated area.
As you walked, you looked down at your phone, about to reply to your friend’s text when you feel someone come next to you.
“Hey, y/n.”
You jumped a little but laughed it off when realizing that it’s just your friend Chan.
“Almost gave me a heart attack.” You chuckled while slowing down. “What are you doing here?”
“I just happened to be around.” He smiled while lightly stroking your hair. “Thought I’d see my pretty girl.”
You blushed as he got in front of you, he was practically in between you and your car and you felt your heart thumping as he rubbed his thumb over your lips, only staring at you, as if deep in thought.
“Do you l want to come over?” He asked suddenly.
“Oh. Id love to but… I’m going to a friends house in like an hour…” you replied nervously. “Next time maybe?”
“An hour? You have plenty of time!” He said cheerfully while getting close to you.
“Well no—”
“Right Binnie? An hour is perfect!” Chan interrupted as he looked behind you. Your body tensed up as you felt the muscular man behind you. Your back practically pressed to his chest.
“Aw hyung, I wanna bring her home for longer.” Changbin pouted while holding your waist. “She’s so cute! I wanna keep her forever!”
Before you could react, Changbin grabbed the keys from your hand and held you as Chan gave you a forced kiss so that you couldn’t scream. The parking lot didn’t have many people there but someone must’ve saw something. Right??
Last thing you remember is being shoved into the backseat of your own car before a feeling of breathlessness and everything going dark. You didn’t even have the chance to struggle.
You had no idea how long you’d been out. All you knew was that you’re on a stranger’s bed in a room you’ve never seen.
You opened your mouth to call out but your voice came out very coarse. Looking to the mirror near the bed, you notice the bruising around your neck, almost as if you’d been strangled.
“I thought I may have killed you…”
You turned to see Changbin at the door. He let out a big sigh of relief before approaching you.
“S-stop-!” You said in a loudish raspy whisper while holding your hand out. “W-what did you—?! Wh-where—?!”
“Don’t be scared.” Changbin said casually as Chan came into the room.
“Hi baby. How are you doing?” Chan asked sweetly.
“Baby?” You looked at him with a raised brow. “W-what’s going on?!”
“Hyung, can I kiss her now?!”
“Hold on, Bin.” Chan replied while getting close to to you.
The man stroked your hair and grabbed a handful before suddenly pulling it back.
“Baby, you’re home now!” He laughed as Changbin took a seat next to you.
You winced at the pain and tears formed as Changbin made some desperate whines next to you.
“Pleeeeeease hyuuuungg!”
“Go ahead. She’s our doll now.” Chan replied with a devious smile as the other man grabbed your cheeks and started desperately making out with you.
You were practically frozen, Unable to move as he left his sloppy kisses. There was no way to get out of this…
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
Comfort Holds
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Pairings: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: A long day at work leads the best kind of de-stressing at home: Sam holding you.
Warnings: light cussing, mentions of overdoses, extremely soft Sam, Sam and R showering together, not proofread
AN: a real quick one in celebration of me passing my logic exam! I promise I will crank out some longer ones soon!! I also hate how I couldn’t find a good Hozier/Taylor/Lana song to fit this and it’s going to drive me nuts :(
My Masterlist
Word Count: 1.7K
With a soft sigh, you clocked out of work. Today was rough; it seemed like dispatch could not leave you alone, and the calls were the worst. Just today alone, you had four overdoses, which was a new record. On top of that, you also helped deliver a baby, which was a first. You didn’t hate your job, but sometimes you wished for a simple desk job. Something that wasn’t constantly putting stress on your body.
You locked the ambulance before leaving the station and getting into your car. Being an EMT was fun, and you enjoyed it, but just like any job, it had its ups and downs. As you put your key into the ignition, your phone dinged with a message, and your heart fluttered when you read the name.
Sammy Bear 🔪🖤: When will you be home? I miss you.
You rolled your eyes with a small smile as you read the text. No matter how often you told her not to, Sam continued to sign her texts. At this point, you were convinced she was doing it to irritate you.
Y/N ❤️: Babe, I have you saved in my contacts. You don’t have to sign your name
You watched as the bubbles appeared and disappeared for several minutes, and you were starting to get worried you had upset Sam when she sent you a picture. The breath in your throat got caught, and your mouth started to water as you admired the jaw-dropping picture your girlfriend had just sent you.
It was a picture of her lying down in bed on her stomach. The angle at which it was taken had a perfect view of her cleavage, especially with the necklace that had your first name initial resting between her breasts.
The picture was effortless but still breathtaking, and you couldn’t believe how you managed to pull that gorgeous woman.
Sammy Bear 🔪🖤: Just answer the damn question.
Y/N ❤️: …Not even 5 minutes
As soon as you sent the text, you drove your car and quickly hurried home to Sam. You two have been dating for almost six months, the best six months of your life. It took you several months to break down Sam’s mile-high walls, but after enough late-night conversations and you taking care of Tara while she was at work, Sam slowly allowed herself to be vulnerable with you. Sam didn’t trust easily; hell, sometimes she didn’t even trust herself, but when she was with you, she knew that she could trust you with her heart and her world: Tara.
Once you had won the approval of Tara (a trial that consisted of her forcing you to watch all of her favorite movies and shows), Sam finally opened up her heart to you, and within a week, you two were officially dating.
Within record time, you parked your car outside the Carpenter apartment and hastily approached Sam. When you reached the door to her apartment, you knocked three times and patiently waited for Sam to open up.
“Took you long enough,” the woman in question stated while opening the door. Like in the picture, she only wore a sports bra and leggings, and your mouth began to water as you admired her abs.
“I tried my best to get here quickly,” you retorted while entering your shared apartment. Technically and legally, it was Sam’s apartment, but you were over so much that you two started calling it your ‘shared’ apartment, and you couldn’t be happier.
Once Sam shut the door, you moved to hug her, but she quickly stepped back from you. “Y/N, I love you, but you smell,” Sam defended as she walked into her room, “go take a shower and change, then we can cuddle.”
You grumbled as you followed her and went to your shared dresser. The top two rows were for Sam, and the bottom two were for you, not that the factor in determining who was on top pertained to your sex life at all. No way.
Rummaging through the dresser, you pulled out a pair of shorts along with a baggy t-shirt and a pair of underwear and then carried them into Sam’s bathroom. You turned on the shower and stripped out of your dirty clothes, and deciding to see if Sam was lying, you smelt your shirt. You hated agreeing with your girlfriend, but it didn't smell good.
You threw your dirty clothes into the hamper before stepping into the shower. You were in the middle of washing your face when you heard the bathroom door open. “Hello?” You called up, and when your lips moved, you got soap in your mouth.
As your luck would have it, you were frantically trying to get the awful soap taste out of your mouth when Sam violently pulled back the shower curtain.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Sam!” You exclaimed as you touched your heart, “You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Sam gave you a small laugh and racked her eyes over your body. “You look pretty,” she stated when her eyes reached your face, silently laughing at your startled face covered in soap.
“Thank you,” you replied before sticking your face under the water and washing off the soap. By the time it took you to get the soap off, Sam had undressed and stepped into the shower behind you. Her firm, muscular arms embracing you from behind.
“I miss you, baby,” Sam mumbled against your neck as she hugged your back, kissing your neck. “I missed you too,” you replied, leaning against Sam’s hold and relaxing.
Sam hummed against your neck as she held you tighter. You were her home, and she only ever felt entirely safe in your presence. In time, she planned to make a wife out of you, but only if you wanted her. Sam would move Heaven and Hell for you; she would fist-fight God himself for you, but she would never do something you weren’t okay with. So, if you were crazy enough to grant her your hand in marriage, Sam’s life would be complete.
“How was work?” Sam asked as she let go of her hold on you, grabbed a shampoo bottle, and put some on her hand. “It was rough, to say the least,” you replied with a weak smile, even though Sam couldn’t see it.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Sam asked as she set down the bottle and rubbed the soap together in her hands. “Not really,” you replied while Sam massaged your scalp and applied the soap to your hair. You knew about Sam’s past drug addiction, so you didn’t want to tell her about all the overdoses you encountered today. “But,” you cheerfully stated, “I did help deliver a baby!”
“Oh yeah? Who would trust you with their baby?” Sam teased while she ran her fingers through your hair. You huffed at her words, “A woman who is shooting a child out of her vagina at rocket speed, that’s who.”
Sam laughed at your response and turned you to face her, “You’re a smart-ass, you know that?”
“I know, but I’m your smart-ass,” you said with a smile as Sam gently pushed you backward into the running water of the shower. “Yes, you are,” Sam replied as she began washing the shampoo out of your hair.
It wasn’t rare for Sam to wash your body, as it was her own way of worshiping you. She loved touching your body in more intimate ways than sex, and she also loved that you trusted her enough to allow her to connect with you in such ways. The respect you both had for each other was undeniable, and your love was sacred; no one could ever shake it or ruin it.
For the remainder of the shower, you and Sam took turns washing each other’s body. And when it was time to get out, you both dressed in clean clothes and brushed your teeth. It wasn’t much, but you would kill for these domestic moments with Sam.
“Come here,” Sam said as she climbed into her bed and opened her arms to you. You smiled at her as you turned off the bathroom and bedroom lights and got into bed next to her.
Within a second, Sam had her arms wrapped around your waist and was pulling you into her chest. You placed your head on her chest as one of her hands left your waist and gently rubbed your back.
“Sam? Can I ask you a question?” You asked after Sam had turned on the lamp next to her bed. “Of course, my love,” she responded as her fingers lightly danced across your back, even though you felt her tense up.
“Can you please try not to snore tonight?” You pleaded with beady eyes as you looked up at her, and you could see her visibly relax. “Y/N, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this, but I do not snore,” Sam declared with a hurtful look in her eyes.
“Oh come on, you big baby,” you jolly teased as you propped yourself up on the bed with your elbow and looked at Sam’s big, brown eyes, “You snore, and you know it.”
“Yes, you do! I even recorded you, Sam!”
“That’s a fake video,” she defended, “Why do you hate me?”
Now, this question was her favorite card to play. No matter what you two argued about, this one never failed her. When Sam played this card mixed in with her puppy dog eyes, she knew you were a goner.
“Sam,” you whispered as a hurt look quickly replaced your teasing, “You know I love you.”
“Then why do you insist I snore when I do not?” Sam questioned as you unpropped your elbow and laid back on her chest, listening to her comforting heartbeat.
“Because I love teasing you, Sam. And because your snoring is awful, you should seriously get it checked out,” you responded sarcastically. “Haha, you’re so funny,” Sam dryly replied but hugged you tighter, telling you she was joking.
The two of you talked about your day for several more minutes before you yawned, and Sam reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. You were still lying on her chest as sleep slowly took over your body whenever you heard the faintest whisper, “Delete that video of me snoring.”
Taglist: @elduster @silentwolfsstuff
I stole the text messaging part from the great @maskthedwarf <3
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formulaa-1 · 2 years
Instagram au 🤍
femdriver!reader x Arthur leclerc
you and Arthur have been besties since you were 3 but everyone thinks your in love with eachother… and maybe just maybe they’re right …
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y/nusername : photo dump 📷 warning… jump scare for the third picture⚠️
Liked by arthur_leclerc,paularon_ and 304,274 others
view all 32,368 comments
arthur_leclerc: I hate u
y/nusername: you love me really 😚🫶🏻
arthur_leclerc: yeah 🙄🙄
username278: lmaooo the picture of Arthur 😭
artieeclair291: they are so in love 😫
y/nfan27: her on his shoulders though 🥺🥺
username_wo2: “besties” pfft yeah right look at them 😍🥺
paularon_: I’m just thankful she didn’t post any mugs of me 🙏🏼
y/nusername: now that you’ve reminded me😏
paularon: NO Y/N !!!!
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arthur_leclerc: c’est le karma y/n 😉
tagged: y/nusername
Liked by y/nusername,lorenzotl and 302,365 others
view all 31,282 comments
y/nusername: yeah but I look hot so jokes on u ;)
arthur_leclerc : true 😞
lorenzotl: cute❤️
arthurluvrr4: the flirting again…HIS HEAD ON HER LAP ??? Stop they’re so in love man 😫😫
username29: facts. Like Arthur and y/n are just goals like get together alreadyy
user90: HELLO??? he posts her 😫😫 some men don’t even do that for there gfs… never mind there “besties” 😖😖
alfan36: I have a feeling they’re dating but just don’t wanna tell people yet 😏
y/nluvrrr837: get.together.already.🔪🔪
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paularon_: me ft “just besties”
tagged: arthur_leclerc and y/nusername
Liked by y/nusername,arthur_leclerc and 120,028 others
view all 26,210 comments
y/nusername: your on thin ice 🫶🏻🫶🏻
paularon_: 🏒⛸
arthur_leclerc: y/n makes a really good pillow 👍🏼
user282: LMAO
username289: this day just keeps on getting better and better
paularofann290: him posting them is just *chefs kiss*
user1038: I’m so single 🙄
y/nsbiggestfan19: *waits patiently for them to get tf together*
f2updatesss29: he could be her hab and she could be his wag 🤩 perfect couple.
(AUTHORS NOTE- this took an hour and 20 mins to make..🤯 but anyways my next one will probably be about Pierre gasly! I’m also trying to post once a day but it might be a bit difficult so I’ll try my best :) ! )
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salaciousdoll · 2 years
Armin’s Mean Girl
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Pairings 🔪: Armin Arlet x fem!reader
Encapsulation 🔪: Being a mean girl is a life you lived and breathed, Armin couldn’t help but to fall in love even if you aren’t looking for love in a married man
Warnings 🔪: Smut, manipulative! Armin, manipulative!reader, face fucking, filming, dom!Armin( kinda), Armin is ooc and he’s taller than his usual height for the sake of this position( about 6’1), reader is spiteful towards the wife, a complete mean girl, eren is your ex and he’s mentioned, breeding, choking, impact play, dirty talking(degradation and praise), cheater!Armin, Husband!Armin, chubby reader, black coded reader( just not explicit), rough fucking, Cumming in mouth, swallowing, cervix fucking( just a little bit)
Word Count 🔪: 3.9k
18+ Spooky Hotties Allowed
This is for @sanzucide burn book collab, tysm for letting me join!!
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Armin was your play toy who you loved to fuck. He always was so whiny and beautiful when you’re riding him.
The way his dulcet, blue eyes went droopy whenever you squeezed around him was enough to make you want him for yourself but instead you had to share with that bitch. You hated her ever since high school and now she is married to him at the age of 25 years old. Who the hell gets married in their 20s anyways? Bitches who act mighty and fake-classy, that’s for sure. Yeah you held hella resentment to the bitch who took everything from you.
Every activity you did, she managed to do and always got praises. Every friend you made or tried to make, she swooped in with her perfect smile taking them away from you. You were beginning to see a pattern when she took Eren away from you. He was your love at the time and she managed to slip her freshly done manicured hands that had the same design as you, French tips at that time, into his pants and heart.
She was the new girl at the school and yet she started to have more followers than you. You were the one who put her on the map, yet she turned out to be “better” than you. The people’s words of course not yours, duh! The pattern led you to believe she was obsessed with you ever since you befriended her when no one else was willing. Even your close friends managed to point out similarities between you two.
Every time you got a new mini skirt, she got the same fabric and design just a different color. Every heel you wore she wore at parties she’d invite everyone to. Everytime you got a new pair of gym shoes or boots her ass got them the next week or day.
She was an annoying little bitch and now she’s a changed woman. News flash she isn’t and you know it because once a mean girl will always be a mean girl, you all just grow up into mean sluts or whores. You can proudly vouch for that, reasons why you made it this far in life now: being mean and pretty can get you everywhere. You would know since you were the face of that category.
You were honestly beginning to feel bad for her at one point because of Armin Arlert.He was your play toy for two reasons only, one he was that bitch, Anna, husband and two because he was Eren’s best friend, crazy right. She fucked both of them but managed to marry one of them due to eren cheating on her with Misa, the same way he cheated on you with her.
Oh how much you laughed and posted the papers about her and eren relationship being over with the text messages of him and her when he was cheating on you with her, revenger was written at the top of the paper with red coloring and next to the screenshots were pictures of Eren and Misa making out in his car. You exposed them two in the process of exposing the slimy bitch you hated since she got to the school. The best part is— you didn’t care about the backlash.
Armin, on the other hand, was sweet but never innocent. You knew that from the start when you first met him in high school. He fabricated his innocence and honestly you wanted to call him out to get the kick out of it but what sense does that make if you can just prove his not so innocent based on his desperation for you alone. It was almost sad at how desperate he was. But you basked in his desperation, it made you really want to string him along for more than you planned. Candy is a good example to describe this situation—
very sweet but unhealthy to eat.
The feeling of evil was all around you as you had your phone out recording yourself sucking his long dick. You were enjoying sucking him off so much that you didn’t even care about his panicked face once he saw you recording on your phone. You also didn’t care because you were trying to fit all of him inside your mouth. You see Armin’s dick was bigger than your mouth can take, he was thick and long with three veins across his dick, it curved upwards and you found that fascinating once you finally fucked him senior year of high school, now you both were in college fucking like rabbits without his pregnant “wife” knowing.
Armin reached to grab your phone but you were quicker than him, “ Ah Ah Ah, this is for me, blonde, so sit back and relax while I suck your cock the way you like it.” Armin couldn’t help but to doubt what you were saying when he saw the smirk you displayed on your pretty face, “ You got to promise me that you won’t show anybody, especially her?”
You purse your lips out and scrunch up your face before responding, “ Okay, I promise but if you or her gets out of line then she’s getting shown the video of you eating my pussy, got that?”
You didn’t let him respond because you wrapped your succulent lips around his red flushed tip, sucking on it with eagerness while pointing the camera at you and then him when you saw the way his eyes rolled back. Gosh he was angelic and here you were sucking the “innocence” out of him.
You heard a faint “ fuck” as you took him deeper down your throat making sure not to gag too much, relaxing your throat in the process. You felt his thighs quiver underneath your pretty hands with light pink nails that fit well with your skin complexion due to how pretty the pink was. He had to sit up on his elbows to see you take him into your mouth, “ Fuck yes, take all of me baby, please, your throat is like another pussy baby. So tight and wet.”
You let out a little giggle against his cock creating vibrations, earning a deep groan. Your wink at the camera with a full mouth was enough to make him cum. He took the camera from your hands and held it in view of you sucking his dick with his stomach sucking in and out whenever you suck hard on his cock.
“ Aah yes baby, suck my cock just like that, such a good little slut.”, Armin moans, still trying to hold the camera up while his body bounced back on the bed. You took one of your hands and played with his balls, deep throating his cock to the best of your ability. His tip was bullying the back of your throat and you loved every second of it.
You let out little moans making his mind go in and out, he was mind fucked right now just off your plush, glossy lips wrapped around his cock like his perfect little whore. Armin couldn’t take it anymore, so he had no choice but to hold your head with his free hand, he moved into your mouth at a moored pace, “ ohhh shit, your mouth is soo… soo… amazing!”
You could tell he was about to cum when his balls slapped against your chin in pleasure. You holllowed your cheeks for him and that only got your nose stuffed against his pelvis taking in his beauotful scent with a mixture of his sweat musk. Your jaw felt like it was going to break and your throat felt like it was being punctured by a pin. Point being that it hurts.
You tried to breathe out of your nose since your mouth was stuffed with all of his dick but as soon as his balls jumped, cum flowed inside of your mouth, “ mmm”. Low panic of hums were heard, just like the deep groans heard around the room. Your were coughing and trying to break apart from Armin’s dick but he wasn’t letting up especially when he snapped his hips into your mouth three more times, “ Take it all baby, that’s right, swallow my dick baby, swallow all of my cum just like the perfect girl you claim to be. Oh!”
He talked like this to you when you made him mad or he’s completely had enough. You tried to swallow all of his cum but you were getting light headed, so you decided to tap his thighs telling him to let you up but he wasn’t listening until he saw your mascara roll down your eyes mixing in with the most angelic tears he’s ever witnessed. More spit was trailing down your mouth and onto his dick, creating more shininess. God! Did you look so perfect right now? A true slut. His slut!
Because you looked so pretty with tears and his cock in your mouth and because you were a good girl and swallowed most of his cum, he allowed you to breathe again. You hurried and latched yourself off his cock with a string of saliva disconnecting you apart from his cock. You sat on your knees coughing and wheezing from the impact of almost dying on his dick. Never did he ever do that and for some reason you wanted him to do it more often now. The feeling of dying while sucking dick was an entirely new feeling you were beginning to like, maybe even love.
Armin caught his breath as he sat up, still holding your phone to your face, seeing if you’re okay , “ You alright, baby?” You were confused because he was about to kill you just a minute ago and now he’s comforting you, you weren’t complaining though. To answer his question, you nodded your head and that action made him smile at you before pecking you on the lips two times, “ Allow me to fuck a baby into you? Can you allow that for me? Hmm.”
Your eyes widened at that statement and you were about to respond until you heard him chuckle, “ learn how to take a joke, baby, isn’t that what you always tell me?” You were frozen until you got the courage to laugh, “ yeah but I’m ready for you to take me now, please fuck me Min’!”
Armin smiled with a tight lipped smile prior to him grabbing your hand, pulling you up just to switch places with you while pushing you down on the bed in the process. You were confused because why would he push you down on your stomach instead of telling you to bend over if he’s fucking you in one of his usual positions: Doggy style.
“ You said you wanted to try a new position and I’ve asked Connie, Jean, Eren, and Reiner what positions are best when having sex, they added one called prone-bone. Honey, have you ever tried that before? Did he ever do that position with you because he suggested it to me without even knowing I was talking about his ex girl he’s still hung up on.”, Armin whispers in your ear. He was so happy you were already bare, it’s just your bra and panties still on. He also wanted to see your reaction to what he just said so he cocked his head down and to the side to see your face.
You were smirking because you knew Eren was the one who suggested it because that was a position you introduced him to and the position he taught to her— who will not be named.
Armin chuckled at your face before placing his knees on both sides of your hips massaging the fat of your ass in between his pretty, long fingers, “ Fuck, this ass is perfect and all mine.” You never heard him talk like this and was about to question him until he ripped your panties in half making you gasp, “ Armin! What the fuck!”
Armin didn’t care about what you have to say because he’ll just buy you more. Right now, he only cared about the feeling of your warm walls around his dick. He’s aching for it and he now knows you are too when he reaches down to rub your clit feeling the stickiness and wetness. He felt your body shake underneath him as you bit your lip letting a mean moan escape your pretty lips he’s fallen in love with. He could only see your since he was holding your neck with one hand, making you bend your back a little to gain access of the view of him taking you in.
“ Are you ready, princess? Hmm.”, He asked as he leaned down to pack you again. Armin was glad that you were under him right now. He may be short but damn did he have a long length somewhere else.
“ Please put it in already, I wanna feel you inside of me, Min’ please.”, you say as you looked up at him with doll-like lashes and pretty eyes he always admired. You knew you had him right where you wanted because you did two things he loved— batting those pretty eyelashes and begging.
“ You’re begging is so hot princess, your making my dick jump based off that alone.”, Armin says before letting go of your neck. He tapped your ass with his cock three times, pushing in with a deep moan. You and Armin moan in sync at the feeling of his cock bullying its way into you like a burglar breaking into a house.
Armin’s cock belonged inside of you and he knew it all along, he had no remorse on fucking you in the bed he and his wife lay, besides she just wasn’t you, so he definitely didn’t feel bad. He so badly wanted to because of the humane and nice side of him but his other side was doing the thinking and talking here and he let it. For you.
Armin snapped his hips into you, feeling you spasm around his cock like an elastic band. His cock was curved and hit you in all the right places. You stretched around him while also pulling him inside due to your tightness and he loved it so much, “ Aah baby, this feels so good, keep doing your pussy like that,”
You grabbed onto the sheets crumbling them under your respirated hand, “ Arminnn, this is too much, I think I could feel you in my stomach, Mmgh fuck!” Armin smirked when he heard your voice, fuck it was so sexy no matter the tone or how soft or deep it was. He was completely in love with you. He knew that ever since he named his first child after your middle name and naming his second child with a name similar to yours.
Armin’s movements were slow and steady since he set up your phone on the prompt up pillows he stored without you noticing. Your moans were soundless because of your face being stuffed into the cleaned sheets on his bed. He was so glad his wife was out with the kids tonight over her mother's house. He had the whole house to himself for the night since he chose to have a fight with her for this reason only. Making love and fucking you.
His warm lips trailed down the back of your neck as he moved in and out of your soaking tight cunt. The way you hugged around him should be studied in sex mususems if there is one. You sweet moans rolled off your tongue and sounded like his favorite genre of music on repeat. You were enticing and dangerous. He’d risk it all for you in a heartbeat.
The feeling of Armin kissin’ down your neck and back was everything you needed to add to this sensual pleasure but you wanted him to treat you like his slut he claims for you to be, right now he’s going so slow that it’s painful and pleasuring at the same time, “ Come on, min’ is that the best you got for me? What a shame when Eren did this position it was way better than whatever this is. I mean the way he pounded inside of me was something I will cherish until somebody has topped him and so far Nobody has topped him.” And to top it off you laughed at him.
Armin stopped every movement he had when you mentioned his best friend, your ex. Why did you have to go there and on top of that you laugh at him, mocking him, so he had no choice but to fuck up his wall. Don’t know how he’s going to explain it to his wife and don't care about it right now. Not after what you just said.
Armin positioned himself lower, making his chest touch your back, he forcefully intertwined his right hand on top of yours before using his left arm to wrap around your neck, “ You won’t even think about him when I’m done with you.” Armin snapped his hips into your ass creating ripples form how hard he fucked into your pussy. Your oussy quivered around his cock but he didn’t care because he kept going like that. Wet claps were heard around the room in sync with the bed frame hitting the wall over and over.
You couldn’t do anything but scream from the impact of his dick creeping it’s way to your cervix. Everytime he moved in your walls clamped around him like a magnet and when he moved out they went right back to the way they were before. You felt so good and full, this is what you wanted.
His name felt like a ritual to you since you were chanting it over and over as he fucked inside of your faster, finally making his tip collide with your cervix over and over. Meanwhile, your eyes were rolled into the back of your head at his movements and words whispered in your ear, “ This is what you wanted right. You wanted me to treat you like the slut you are, right? How embarrassing. Truly.”
You almost wanted to cry at his tone and the fact that the way his dick is slamming into your pussy felt like somebody was slapping you on your pussy over and over. Technically he was since his balls slapped onto your clit.
He finally lifted up and put your legs together before pouncing on you again. You couldn’t see the look in his face and you wished you could because he was ducking you just like you wanted him too.
He held himself up by his hands before digging inside of your pussy like a man trying to find gold on sacred land, “ Fuck yes, so embarrassing for you to only think of being a slut. Nothing else goes on inside of that pea brain of yours and it’s concerning. You’re so- ughh! Shit!- so damn lucky your face and pussy makes up for what’s lost up there. Such a mean girl but with a broken mind, am I right?”
You felt disgusted because he was right and because he was holding your head down with one of his hands. He turned your head to the picture on his dresser and it was of his family. Gosh were you really a whore.
“ Armin, please, it’s starting to hurt but I want you to keep going, Mmgh, you fuck me so much better!”, You say with tears coming out your closed eyes. You only closed them to get the image of his family out of your mind while fucking him and it worked but not for long when you heard him let out a loud groan before lifting half of your body up by your hair, “ Don’t take your fucking eyes off that photo, you want to act like a slut and mention the one name I told you not to mention than you’ll be treated like a 2 dollar Whore who’s fucking a married man with two kids, ahhh fuck! Your fucking getting off to this shit because you’re squeezing me so hard.”
Your neck was starting to hurt but he didn’t care because he still drilled into your pussy with no mercy. You were starting to feel like you were about to piss on yourself so you reached back to tap his thighs, but he swat your hands away like a fly on a hot summer day. You felt humiliated when you started to feel yourself peeing, only to feel yourself squirting instead. You hated how the two were similar but you loved the feeling of squirting on a big dick. Armin was the only one to make that happen.
You screamed out his name over and over as he continued to pound inside of you despite you squirting on his dick and the bed, “ Ahh Armin, I wanna- Ohh fuck!— I wanna cum, fuck it I’m about to cum..” you chanted out pleas after that and honestly it was falling death on his ears because he was too focused on getting himself off right now that he didn’t care what you say or did.
“ Puusy is mine, you got that. No other person can make you feel this way like I do. You know this, princess. Huugh fuck— you fit around me so well, your pussy has been fucked into shape by me and I can’t be more proud of myself for fucking this hot. Used. Pussy.”, Armin couldn’t help the words that came out of his mouth because he was pussy drunk and he could tell you were drunk off his cock. Your babbling could justify his point. Just the way he likes it.
His sweat was building up on his body and his limbs were starting to stagger due to the feeling of cumming. He needed to cum so badly that’s why he started chanting your name. Both of your bodies fell onto the bed and he kept moving inside of you chasing his flaming and needed orgasm. Your scream and the tightness of your cunt was enough to let him know that you came around him. The cream flowed down your pussy and onto his thick dick making his body shudder with desperation, “ Shit I can’t hold on, I’m cummin’, cumming inside of you!” You couldn’t help but to moan in exhaustion when you felt his shots of cum inside of you.
It was so hot inside of you and the way he was whispering in your ear made you cry, “ Feel nothing else but my dick, baby. Fucking hell! I love you so much, so, so, so much!” You hated that he was confessing his love to you but at the same time you loved it because now you have everything you needed from him.
He pulled out of you and rolled off you, “ That was amazing, y/n.” You faced his way and smiled at him, “ It was, thank you so much for proving what I already knew: you’re better than everybody I fucked. And that’s only three people.”
Armin chuckled before leaning in to capture your phone, passing it to you, “ Come here and make sure you send me that later, she isn’t coming here until tomorrow evening.”
You smirked in victory as you laid beside him with your legs entangled with his. Anna was gonna feel everything tomorrow and he was too because in the morning he saw you gone, leaving only your schemes and you two scandals behind for him to explain to everyone who supported him and his wife.
God! You loved being a mean girl!
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Tagging🔪: @dejwrites @simpingforwakasa04 @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia
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lauraneedstochill · 2 months
I've never liked to think that Aemond is evil, just someone who's been hurt too much time and time again and saw no justice for it; do you think he's evil? or that there's more to it than simply that? That he genuinely cares about people, his mother, his family?
I do not consider show!Aemond evil — I’d like to believe that, as the definition of the word suggests, you have to be more immoral and wicked, perhaps even a bit sadistic to be downright evil. I see him as calculating, emotionless, cold, and that paired with everything he’s done makes him a villain but not necessarily evil (…yet?).
his current feelings, though? I have no fcking clue because the show is doing a very poor job of explaining them properly. to me, Aemond from Season 1 and Aemond from Season 2 are two different people.
🔪 S1 Aemond, yes, he cared about his mother (she sought justice for him when no one else did, she offered him comfort even when she couldn’t fully understand his struggles), his family (he’d grow up thinking he had to step up and be the responsible one — to eventually take pride in becoming someone his family can rely on), and he knew what loyalty was, despite not being ecstatic about the order of things (Alicent did drill “in the world we must defend our own” into her kids' heads, and you bet, he was the fastest learner). the real tragedy of Aemond — to me — was about his deepest desires and his arrogance clashing with the picture-perfect image he’s grown into and didn’t mind portraying as it got him the love and trust of the ones he cared about, the approval and respect of everyone else. but his desires are too big and burning, and his arrogance is only fuel: of course, he deserves it all and he should take it — and he can take it BUT it will ruin the image he’s crafted and the bonds he’s formed. raised by the woman who put duty above all, can he betray everything she taught him to believe in? there are a few ways things can go from there but all the paths lead to his self-isolation and his downfall, although he keeps trying and trying to prove something till the very end, and it’s sad because it’s relatable — we are all trying, we all hate feeling that we are capable of more but simultaneously aren’t enough. if only he put all that effort somewhere else, maybe he could’ve been happier but we will never know. he dies young.
🔪 but S2 Aemond? they packed his character development in the tiniest bag and it’s never been opened once. the writers are so keen on blaming Aegon for everything, they don’t realize that making Aemond do a 180 because of one unfortunate joke is a disservice to the character. him deciding that regicide and fratricide aren’t a big deal is as wild as it is dumb: there’s no way he didn’t know it would damage his relationships with the very few people who loved him. how long can you milk “he was bullied as a child” before it bites you in the ass and makes your super-cool-much-wow character look like a thin-skinned boy who holds on to every offense instead of idk MOVING ON? because he did get his justice — he got the biggest dragon as a fuck you to the people who made fun of him for not having one, he only got stronger despite losing an eye, he got to be his mom’s most precious son and he DID get Luke killed (even if by mistake, the result is still the same — the bastard who maimed him won’t ever make fun of him again). how is that not enough? who and when decided that Aemond becoming a bully himself would be a great achievement? why holding him accountable for what he did isn’t fair but him being vengeful left and right is praised and cheered for? and he is not complex, I’m sorry, he just isn’t. he’s been robbed of proper reasoning and conflict, and I am getting tired of trying to peer into his one eye to get a hint of emotion while S1 Aemond could at least grant us little outbursts here and there to confirm that he is a human being and he can successfully keep his facade up while also having feelings.
S1 Aemond was many things, all of them fascinating. S2 Aemond makes me want to skip to the scenes of Daemon getting high and scared in some leaking castle (and I’m starting to wonder if maybe that’s the point?).
anyways, I hope Ryan Condal will be out of job when the show is over.
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cameronspecial · 3 months
Insta Connection (Part 3)
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: None of the pictures used are my own. They are found on Google or Pinterest.
Pronouns: She/Her
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Tagged: @Y/N_Y/L/N, @drewstarkey
Liked by obsessedwY/N, drewismyman and 4, 957 others
infoonY/N Picture of Y/N and Drew looking awfully close.
anataylor They are so cute I love it!
     → Y/Nfangirl I don’t know who I want to be more. Her or him
Y/Nanddrewalways do you think they would adopt me?
sourpuss They can’t be dating. She is mine.
     → girllove She is a human being. You don’t know her and she doesn’t owe you anything. 
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Tagged: drewstarkey
Liked by drewstarkey, itshaileylu, and 9, 263, 253 others
Y/N_Y/L/N I only need forever when I’m with you 😍😘♥️ Happy Birthday to Me!
drewstarkey forever sounds perfect with you
     → madelyncline You stole my girl! 
     → itshaileylu i can finally share with the world how much you guys make me want to puke 🤮🤮
obxgirlie I knew it! They are so cute together
thankful4Y/N I love her yearly costume posts and I love it even more now that we are getting couple costumes. Your costume birthday parties always look like so much fun!
beatriceY/L/N Where is my credit for making the costumes?
     → Y/N_Y/L/N All you did was give me the boots. That doesn’t count.
     → beatriceY/L/N 🙄🙄
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Tagged: @Y/N_Y/L/N
Liked by rudeth, Y/N_Y/L/N, and 4, 424, 635 others
drewstarkey can’t believe it’s been one year of watching scary movies with you 🔪Happy Birthday, Beautiful!
supportY/NandDrew If they are posting a photo of their couple costumes every year, I am so excited because they are so cute together!
     → living4Y/N I wish I could go to her birthday party
iloveY/N Your costume is so amazing 🤩
Y/N_Y/L/N I’m still so mad that I’ve held off on watching the Scream franchise only to find out they aren’t even scary. 
itshaileylu @Y/N_Y/L/N next year, we are doing a couple costume
     → Y/N_Y/L/N Anything you want bby!
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Tagged: @drewstarkey
Liked by keller, kissstarkey, and 3, 235 others
hollywire Our interview with Drew Starkey is out now! Wonder what his plans are after the press? Find out by watching on YouTube.
tannerhaus He said he is going home after for all of you too lazy to watch the video.
     → drewisthebest Aww, good for him. He deserves a break
Y/Nanddrewadoptme did he talk about Y/N?
imY/Nsboyfriend This Asshole Doesn’t Deserve Her!
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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I feel like you do await my reactions everytime you post whether it's a concept or a picture of yourself...waiting to see me passively lose my mind either at home literally unable to stop throbbing or having to put on the most passive face out in public while trying to hide my boner as your pictures get burned into my memory and brain permanently 😭 I'm glad I was in your mind too though~ It'd look absolutely perfect and as pretty as you having my initials carved into your tits...well people will learn you're mine the hard way. Especially the cheating men when they get to see your tits at free use nights or in public with how possessively I'd hover around you with my hands all over you... 🤭🔪
Hey I'd love to make you hump your pillow and imagining it as though you were humping my leg, thighs or grinding on my cock until I snap and fuck your pretty little brains out until you're nothing more than a dumbed out cocksleeve for me to use and abuse...I bet you'd love that wouldn't you sweet girl...being turned into a needy mutt to hump my boots or leg like a bitch in heat before I breed you nonstop~? You'd be soaking wet and easy for me to slip into constantly and you wouldn't be able to resist it...so cute 💗💗
Awww I'd love to come into your house all masked up and camera ready, prepared to take you and make you all mine...taking you right in front of the camera that's recording the whole thing from the stand...maybe I'll manhandle you around in constant different positions so we can get all the hot angles...getting a good look at your masked stranger ravaging and fucking your holes while there's a boot keeping your head pinned to the bed...fucking you right in front of the camera and pulling your hair back so they can see your face all dumbed down and fucked out from being roughly pounded and filled with a load after load of my cum...forcing you to kiss your masked perverted freaky stranger on camera while I have you at gunpoint or knifepoint~ Pulling away and kniving your top open so I can flash your tits for the camera...Praising you for being such a good girl before manhandling you back onto the bed...covering you in bruises and the camera gets a good view of my hips slapping into yours as your screams and cries to stop fill the room and mix with my grunts, hissing and moans of delight and pleasure...forcing my cock as deep as I can go inside of your needy yet abused pussy and groping you with my gloved fingers as I whisper to you babygirl, "That's it~ Atta girl... take it all for me~ That's my girl, all MINE!" 🖤💓💕
Maybe we'll edit the audio and videos together while you're cockwarming me and we'll use some of it for your blog, hm? I'm sure your horny and needy followers would enjoy that and imagining themselves in that position...wishing that was them frfr 🥵🤤👀
I love bringing that side out of you sweet girl and I'd love to personally learn more about your sick fantasies and dreams~ <3333
Yeah...I can't help it but we both know you like it...Me being unable to resist you and perving on you constantly when you flash, tease or bend over for me... my brain fogging up with lust...I just can't help it but you love that I can't help it and what I'd do to help it (my obsession with you)🤫
Oh of course not! My darling little sis would never do something as daring, radical or perverted as touching herself...rubbing her cunny to all the fucked up things her anon (sibling) sends her secretly to try and get her horny...
You're my little angel. I know you won't get corrupted by those filthy thoughts of dirty men and women alike...right? Your panties won't be soaked and you won't be squeezing your thighs together cuz your tight and needy pussy is begging for release, yeah~?
You'd be a good little sis and stay edged instead of fingering yourself to dirty asks or porn just for me...wouldn't you?
You definitely wouldn't break down my door and jump on your big sibling and beg them to fuck your brains out...
You definitely wouldn't finger fuck yourself imagining them to be my fingers instead...moaning my name loudly while mom and dad aren't home until you cum and twitch uncontrollably with pleasure hoping I could hear or was listening and jerking off to you the entire time...right?
You wouldn't be as perverted and as fucked up as your guilty elder sibling. Never. You're my good girl and I'm always so proud of you~ <333
That's...the last of my thoughts n energy...I'm gonna pass out lol I might take a break from Tumblr but I'll still stalk and hopefully talk to you soon.
I hope all of these asks wasn't too much for you, if so I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy and have a better day today and beyond~ Have a wonderful morning...I'm gonna pass out with my morning wood and wishing you could take care of it while I'm already halfway into dreamland 💞
Please take care of yourself and be safe...remember to hydrate and stretch~ 🫂
Hope work isn't too bad!!
This one I’m absolutely responding to 👀💗 how could I not? Also just in one of the previous asks the concept of you basically almost slutting me out to a married man, telling me to grind on him~ getting him all hard and then fucking me roughly later reminding me just who I belong too~
God you didn’t have to do that to me 🥺 there’s so much that I love, I was literally just biting my lip so hard at all the dirty depraved thoughts~ you must have been thinking about me quite a bit today hm? ;’) I can’t really say I mind the fact I get you hard anywhere<333 that you’re stalking my blog while you’re out in public💗💗💗 and you just can’t help but get hard looking at my tits hm? ☺️💓 ahhh that totally wasn’t my goal at all;’)
And hhhhhhhhshsk 🥺🥺 you always know just what to say to drive me absolutely crazy💗 ughh I hope you know I am just as much obsessed with you as you are with me<3 god hhh you’re torturing me~
You made me soak my shorts h 🥺💗
I bet I would be so tight around you while cockwarming you while you edit the videos, telling me how pretty I looked in a certain part, or how slutty I sounded, or how absolutely dumb and desperate I get when I’m on camera~ I would be dripping if you started touching me, rubbing my lil clit with your other hand as you make me watch it after you’re finished editing, making me watch you absolutely destroy my pussy, claiming it and breeding it~ 💗☺️ and of course;’) gotta make sure to get all the good angles for everyone 👀💗
Gosh I hope you know I would absolutely rub myself dumb for you anyday 🥺💗
My pussy n my heart is yours you perverted masked stranger~ ;’) 💗💗💗 heh
And oh? I hope you’re doing alright, I can understand if you need a break, I often do, just know I’m always here🖤 definitely don’t overwhelm yourself if you’re not feeling it, take care of yourself first <333
Also just to mention I’m glad you’re comfortable with me and enjoy exploring with me💗 and just being able to be yourself, that just makes me happy!💗💗
Get some rest okay! 🥺💗
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fvnalgirlcomplex · 1 year
hey! can i get a melissa barrera smau and irl? where its melissa can’t stop posting about her gf, and melissa and the reader have a interview together since they were both in scream 5 and 6, and melissa just can’t help but brag about reader, and how lucky she is that reader is hers?
the fc could be megan fox or something?
hi!! sorry for the wait but i got a similar request with melissa abt her gushing abt reader in a interview so instead of doing the same thing twice i’m just gonna do a social media au (this part) and an irl part which will be the actual interview so hopefully that will be up soon. and i didn’t use megan fox because there wasn’t a lot of photos of her that weren’t from like 2009 so i went with alexa demie! hope that’s okay and you like it <3
warnings: mention of a knife??nothing really just fluff
fc: alexa demie ( alexademie on ig )
summary: it’s clear to everyone that melissa is head over heels in love with her girlfriend and the premiere of their new movie is the perfect time to showcase it.
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liked by 67,098 others
melissabarreram it’s almost time 🩸screammovies March 10th only in theaters. You got your tickets yet?
sams.knife try not to say mother(s) for 2 hours and 2 minutes challenge
youruser 🖤
melissaxyn melissa posting yn’s too💀 she’s so real bc if yn was my gf i’d be obsessed too
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melissabarreram press day for screammovies ft. yn’s new hair (and new nails) Ya no falta nada!
https.yn OMG!! yn’s new hair looks so good!!
liked by melissabarreram
melissaluvsyn melissa stays feeding yn fans bc yn posts once a year😭😭
hearts4yn they both look so good!! ik they’re about to eat in the new movie
everyday.yn added to their story!
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liked by 73,478 others
melissabarreram ScreamVI premiere! Oh what a night❤️
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liked by zendaya and 89,827 others
youruser Incredible night ❤️ So proud of this entire cast and every one who’s worked so hard on this movie! Can’t wait for you guys to see it🔪
melissabarreram so proud of you ❤️
youruser i can’t even put into words how proud of you i am❤️❤️
melissaxyn i’m gonna throw myself in the road.
yn.updates them both only posting one picture from the actual premiere and the rest is just them 💀
second part coming soon…
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little-lovett · 9 months
sweeney todd backstory hc’s 🖤🥧🔪
- benjamin barker was a surprise child!!! his older sister and brother were already 11 and 13 years old when he was born. his father was distant and rarely home, and was far from thrilled about another baby, another mouth to feed, a boy to raise. so he just ran from his responsibilities for benjamin. ben always knew he had rejected him, yet still fought for his affection to no avail. picture a little cat bringing dead mice to his owner to please him, and only getting scolded. that was ben. always trying to be a good boy.
- soo he was a total mommy’s boy. and she adored him back, being the baby and an arguably perfect child. he was intelligent, compassionate, gentle, mature, and SO polite. his mother loved him dearly and doted on him until she passed away from illness when he was a teenager. he was devastated. it was his first experience with profound loss. AND DEFINITELY NOT HIS LAST (edit: him being a mommy’s boy and having a bad father is Very Important bc he loves women and hates men once he becomes sweeney)
- once he was grown and met lucy, she turned his whole world upside down in the best way. she was the first person to show him what love could be after his mother. they were dizzy for eachother, and once the initial high of infatuation had worn off, they had just begun settling into the comfortable domestic bond of marriage & parenthood. (then turpin ruined it Lol.)
- when lucy told ben she was pregnant, he internally vowed to be the father he always needed. to protect and love and be there. he hated himself beyond words for breaking his promise to his girl and believed he had failed in the most unforgivable way possible.
- tobias reminds sweeney of young benjamin barker. his innocence, his bright eyes, being glued to his mom’s hip. he always keeps his distance from toby because its just too distressing to remember what he used to be.
- nellie was 20 when she married albert, who was almost forty. they met through him butchering the meat for her pie shop, which she had been running since she was 17. he was not at all what she imagined for a husband, but he had the money and good standing in town for them to get by.
- she had to marry the first stable man she could find just to survive, with no family she knew of left. she loved him — kind of in the way you love an uncle. familiar and warm, but nowhere near the passionate relationship she longed for.
- she always felt like her young womanhood had been stolen from her by her bleak situation. she knew she was beautiful and charming, and she always wondered how marriage would’ve turned out if she hadn’t been so desperate.
- and then there was benjamin barker, her secret dream. he was a few years older than her, dark and handsome and kind, with strong features but the softest eyes she’d ever seen. though she was confined to her marriage, she never stopped herself from indulging in fantasies of the man.
- since he had moved his new barbershop into the space above her, they had been cordial. benjamin thought mrs. lovett generous, pretty, and friendly. that was about it. he was pretty clueless to her feelings about him. besides, she was a married woman.
- lucy came along, and the wedding, and the baby. nellie was terribly jealous and dissatisfied with her life as she watched another woman, a woman with the privilege of settling with a man who had practically nothing, live out her desires. she felt equally guilty for her dark envy of a happy little family who only treated her with kindness and respect.
- when benjamin barker was sent away she fell into pieces. that was when she realized just how terribly she loved him, how deep in over her head she was with her obsession. that impossible ember of hope that one day ben would be hers was the only thing motivating her.
- when turpin ruined lucy and stole johanna, mrs. lovett was not at all happy. it was a heartbreaking situation she tried to not get involved in for her own sake. yet, a rotten tendril of content would worm into her chest sometimes, reveling in what had happened as some sort of rotten justice for all the pleasures lucy had enjoyed in her life. especially the perfect husband she never knew she stole. nellie used to hate that evil, selfish part of herself.
- a couple years after ben was sent away, albert died. then it was just her and her pies and some loyal customers. gradually, even they stopped coming, and business came to a screeching halt. she had hit rock bottom— no money, friends, or family.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (6)
*This ain’t a funeral!* Read [this] first.
Lysistrata: Coryo, that was so beautiful! Your voice was ✨perfection✨.☺️
Coryo: Thanks, Bestie! The Grandma’am had to ✨hit✨ me a lot to make my voice sound like an angel~.💅
Festus: Hit you?😰 What do you mean??
Coryo: My crazy Grandma’am said that I’m not allowed to ✨EAT✨ or ✨SLEEP✨ if I can’t get the tone and lyrics right!☺️
Festus: Coryo, are you okay-
Coryo: Now my voice is perfect!! Lucy Gray Who! My abdomen has never been bruiser- I mean, better.😌
Lysistrata: Coryo, my dear, do you need me to call Child Welfare Services?🥺
Coryo: Child Welfare Services? Does Panem even have such thing? And who’s gonna be the head of that department? Dean Casca Highbottom or Dr.Gaul?
Sejanus: I wish!😡 *glares at Strabo Plinth*
Coryo: Babe, why is your father even here?
Sejanus: He’s going to drive us back to school after-
Strabo: *leans down and whispers to Coryo* Hello, my little son-in-law. How are you?
Coryo: Hello, Father-in-law. I’m fine. Thank you.
Strabo: Do you want to know about the time when your gorgeous father and I went “stargazing” together in the middle of the night?🥰
Coryo: No.
Lysistrata: I want to know!
Festus: Me too!
Strabo: My darling Crassus and I were roommates.😏
Sejanus: Pa, don’t embarrass me in front of my boyfriend!😫
Strabo: But-
Sejanus: Go away or wait in the car!
Strabo: Strabo is sad now.😞
Sejanus: Goodbye, schemer.
Strabo: Goodbye, my idiot heir.
Sejanus: Shoo.
Strabo: See you later, Little Snow.
Coryo: Father-in-law, can you buy 3 gallons of peppermint ice cream and 2 boxes of spinach pizza on the way out? I’m hungry.
Strabo: Anything for Little Snow.😊
Coryo: Thanks.
Festus: Yo, Coryo, can you also ask old Mr. Plinth if he could buy us burgers and fries-
Coryo: No.
Festus: *turns to Sejanus* Bestie, can you ask your old man to buy us burgers and fries?
Sejanus: No.
Festus: Pretty please?🥺🙏
Sejanus: My Coryo said no.
Festus: But I want burgers and fries!😭
Arachne: *on a hospital bed with a neck brace* Oi! Oi, idiots! Why are you even here?! Visiting hours are over!
Coryo: To be fair, the doctors said that we can have a sleepover-
Arachne: Inside my hospital room?! Are you crazy?! I told the school that I’m not dying! Dammit!😡
Sejanus: Our dearest Felix Ravinstill told us to visit and sing you the ✨Gem of Panem✨, Arachne~.☺️
Festus: He’s so considerate.
Arachne: Well, tell our stupid Class President to suck ass and leave me be!
Lysistrata: Why?🥺
Arachne: Because Gem of F*ckin’ Panem is only sung in good or bad occasions!
Coryo: This occasion is pretty good to me-
Arachne: It’s not my freaking wedding or funeral, you dumbass!
Festus: To be fair, me, Lizzie, and Coryo are only here for the food.😋
Coryo: Your evil mom’s apple pie is to die for.
Arachne: But why is idiot Plinth even here?!
Sejanus: I’m Coryo’s sugar daddy- I mean, boyfriend. So. . .
Arachne: Get the f*ck out.
Lysistrata: *pulls out a camera from her bag* Can’t do that. Sejanus and I were tasked by Felix to take pictures. So smile-
Arachne: Get that f*ckin’ camera off my face!
Coryo: Nope. Felix said that as the Class President, it is his duty to prove that you’re still alive and kicking-
Arachne: Get out.
Lysistrata: What was that? We can’t seem to hear-
Arachne: GET OUT!!🤬🔪
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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Obsessed Mind
(Kill Somebody Part Two Chapter One)
🔪Previous Parts Here🔪
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, allusions to murder, Dom's urges, getting outed, baby fic, Kells OCD, PTSD, prior attack, past abuse, degradation, baby cuddles, unprovoked anger, slight domestic, backhanding, relationship talks, worried boys, fighting, choking (in a fun way), d/s undertones, misplaced blame, grinding, subspace, threats, mentions of sex, outercourse (thighs), cum claiming, feminization, threats, come-ons, virgin kink, enemies to lovers ❤️‍🔥 Rating: explicit
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dominic was standing on his balcony and looking out over the ant like people milling about on the street. He couldn't help wondering how many of them were Alphas that deserved his knife but whatever urges he had he had to swallow down. One new rule for the time being was that neither of them were allowed to kill. There were too many eyes on them at all times and they had to act like law abiding citizens. If it wasn't the feds after what they thought was a human trafficker it was the media after pictures of the first omega CEO. There were even fans now, web pages dedicated to his lover. He could at least understand that, his partner was perfect and he was his number one fan.
They hadn't really left their flat all week since the break in and birth. Colson was healing and hiding from all responsibilities but Punk and the new reality of his fame. Dom understood and tried to protect him as best he could. He hadn't gotten much time with his mate or child even though he stayed close twenty four-seven, the other man just couldn't seem to handle passing the baby off for long. They were in a bubble of their own making and while the Alpha missed being the closest creature to the omega he could mostly understand. The promise he'd whispered to the other was always in the back of his mind but he knew it would be a while before they had sex again. He just wanted to feel needed in his family.
He wasn't sleeping as much as he should, he had fresh PTSD from not protecting his people and he always woke up with Col even if he wasn't asked to help. He knew logically it was the man's overwhelming need for control and his lack of it over everything else that made him mumma bear so hard but no matter what he told himself, it still hurt when he'd offer to help and get glared at. ‘Do your tits suddenly work?’ Of course not but they could pump or supplement with formula. ‘You don't know how he likes to be rocked.’ Because he wasn't allowed to learn! ‘Just let me change him, you look terrified.’ Well yes, Punk could make smells like the Alpha hadn't smelled in years. He wasn't scared though, not really. Somehow his mate had seemingly forgotten he raised two girls and whatever other children his parents thought he could watch while they did their ‘adult things’.
Collette had told him to give her son time which he would always do anyway. She'd reminded him about the man's loss which he never forgot about in the first place. He could tell himself every good reason because he knew every one and believed them down to his soul but that didn't make the hurt go away. Especially when he was dealing with his darker needs and missing his lover on top of it all. His partner was still ignoring the woman so he assumed her words were for herself as well. Colson didn't deal with liars very well and it still obviously hurt him that he lost his father figure for so long. Travis was still somewhat kept out but not because the omega was upset with him, he just couldn't face everything happening and he needed time to come to terms. Even Blain was careful and it worried Dom that they might lose some of what they'd gained with him. He told the boy he wasn't being replaced but their adoptive son was so mature he said he completely understood.
Eventually the killer sighed and pulled himself out of his imagination. There probably were assholes who needed killing on the ground but he wouldn't be the one doing it yet. He wasn't actually sure how long he'd been day dreaming but when he got back into their room he didn't see his mate or child. He arched a brow because he knew they hadn't gone outside. Finding them was easy but when he did he had to take a moment to watch, Colson had taken their son to a bath and had fallen asleep with Punk on his chest. The baby wasn't in danger, there wasn't enough water, it just gently touched his little pink feet while he laid like a frog on the older man. Those little red eyes were open, he hadn't found his natural color yet, and he was blinking up at Dom from his perch.
“Wanna get Daddy spanked don't yas? Fine. Come on. Let's let ya mum rest for a bit aye?” He cooed, gently scooping his son into his arms. He found the towel meant for him, something shaped like Toothless the dragon. With his little one's gaze the look was striking. It soothed something inside him to hold his boy and after getting him swaddled he took a seat in their rocking chair to hopefully get him back to sleep. With a pacifier between his rosebud lips it wasn't long before Punk was drifting off and Dom couldn't help his pride in himself. He knew he was good at babies, he just needed his mate to see it.
Colson was a fucking mess and he damn well knew it. He was so overwhelmed by everything happening beyond the door of their bedroom that he couldn't face any of it. He didn't want to lead a revolution and he didn't want fame. He wanted to go back to being himself and leading his family, he didn't want his mother to be a liar or his form to feel constantly wrong. For nine months he'd wanted his body to himself again but since he'd given birth he hated feeling so empty. Part of him was counting down the days until his next heat but getting knocked up again would require letting his lover back in. He knew he wasn't treating Dom right but he couldn't help it. All he had energy for was his son. Punk had been warm all day so after some Motrin they went for a bath. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, it was just so fucking peaceful.
The omega blinked his eyes open and huffed a laugh at himself. “Did you sleep as good as- Punk?” The last word came out broken and he sat up too fast, hurting himself in the process but nothing mattered more than finding his son. Kells knew he was too big for the baby to have fallen off somewhere but his first dark thought was that he'd gone down the damn drain. Or that someone had stolen him. Was Megan back? He knew all of this was insane but he hadn't slept well in a week and he was more lost than he wanted to let on. When he couldn't find his boy he stood up and stepped out of the bath, nearly tripping himself in his haste to find him.
“Cols it's alright! ‘Ey, I got ‘im luv. You was asleep and I wanted to let yas.” Dom was rushing for his lover the moment he heard him awake but the omega let out a small sob when he saw their baby safe. His eyes flashed gold as he gently took his boy back, pressed a kiss to his head, and backhanded his mate as the other tried to apologized.
“Fuck you! How fucking dare you take him while I'm sleeping! What did you think would happen?” He cursed, setting their sleeping son in his cot. He knew he was too upset and they weren't supposed to fight. He'd stopped using violence to solve his issues with Dom months before. It didn't stop him from turning around fast and trying to punch him again but the other man grabbed his wrist. He went for him with his free hand but only scratched that beautiful face with his nails when the Alpha caught that arm too.
“We don't bloody act like tha’ Colson. We ain't our fucking parents. Get ya ‘ead on straight cause I didn't do any of ‘is to ya! Don't take it out on the person who’s staying by ya no matter wha’.” The killer begged but refused to use too much of his strength on his mate.
Colson knew he was right deep down but he still spit in Dom’s face. On the surface everything felt like his bitch's fault. “You didn't do this? So you didn't break in here and try to kill me? You didn't roofie me with your goddamn pheromones and get me to fuck you? You didn't knock me up?” He was growling vitriol he didn't mean, he loved their family but he felt so wrong the past week. “You didn't make me love you? You didn't fuck my body up with your baby? You didn't piss Megan off enough to get me fucking outed to the world?”
Dominic stared at his lover and took every word as the other man cried. It broke something inside him but he hoped his mate didn't mean it. It was just his OCD and possibly postpartum depression. Kells was still struggling in his hold but while he wouldn't let him hit him, he could listen to his complaints. “I didn't. And if you really fink I did any of tha' we got bigger problems. I love you and you bloody well know tha’. I know you scared Cols and I'm trying to ‘elp. We all are. You can't keep me from me son. It ain't fairs.” He finally sighed when his partner took a second to breathe.
Colson just grumbled under his breath and Dom let him go. He had the same heartbroken expression he'd had the last time Col lashed out. “I'll go for a bit, but not forever. If tha's wha' ya want you gotta say it flat out.” The Alpha spoke softly so he didn't bother their boy and he stepped around Kells to leave. The omega's heart dropped and it felt like his life was crumbling in front of him. He was standing there naked and drip drying and his mate was walking away because he'd hit him. Again.
“Fuck you! Don't leave me! Fight for me, asshole.” He hissed out, grabbing his mate’s upper arm where he'd shot him months before and he tripped the other man, pushing him off balance so he fell back on their bed.
“I ‘ave been! I been fighting for yas every bloody day! I been ‘ere! You don't let me in. You don't feel me?” He pushed himself up on his elbows but his omega crawled into his lap and pushed him flat. When a large palm wrapped around his neck he wondered momentarily if this would be it. Was his mate so far gone he'd kill him? He swallowed hard and took a chance, tilting his chin up. He shouldn't submit so soon after what Kells did but he wanted to prove he'd still give everything for his love.
“Make me feel you.” The omega's voice went raspy and dark and for the first time in a week he felt himself wet for more than just his body cleaning itself out. He was tempted to raise his hips and work his Alpha's cock free but he knew it was too soon. They shouldn't yet, should they? “Look what you fucking did to me.”
Dom obeyed, of course he did. Even with all his worry his mind was already going hazy. He was drifting into that fuzzy place only his dominant could put him in. His red gaze danced over the expanse of skin in his view, from Col’s softer but still flat chest and swollen nipples to his still bumped belly. He was losing it already and it hurt some part of his heart. He was missing the signs of his whelp growing. It didn't make sense because Punk was out and safe but he couldn't completely shut his Alpha side up. His hands itched to reach out so he let himself, he touched along his lover's hips and down his thighs. The omega was already gently grinding against him, all the while he had a hold of Dom’s throat.
“Fucking gorgeous. I love seeing wha’ ya body did to give me a son.” As if Dom had taken a class on what to say to woo his mate his words sent a rush of heat through Col’s chest and stomach, down to his core. He still hurt too much to press down hard but his cock was filling and he felt the Alpha's stiff under him. “Makes me wanna fuck anover into yas.” The boy growled and the threat had such a needy effect on Colson he had to cut off his psycho's air.
Dom watched his mate shudder and felt his fist go tight. It wasn't as good as choking on Col’s dick but he still felt warm and fuzzy. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips as if he could taste his lover but he just tasted his own blood. He sucked his split lip hard enough to get a mouthful before he spit it out aiming for the other man's skin. More than anything he wanted a kiss, a taste, all his urges were turning into need for his mate. Even his need for air felt secondary to how badly he craved connection. Had they even really hugged in a week?
“Such a good bitch for me. Look at you. You'd let me kill you with my bare hands wouldn't you? You'd let me rip you apart and you'd beg for more. So fucked up.” Colson purred but he really meant ‘how fucking perfect’. He moved closer slowly and licked crimson off his lover's face. His soul hurt that he'd laid hands on the boy again but all he could do was apologize and try to do better. Maybe attempt to make it up to Dom by… well laying his hands on him. The killer turned pink under his hold but he just tried for a kiss when Col got close. When their lips finally met it felt like their first all over again. How the fuck had he gone so long without him?
The Alpha gasped for breath when Colson finally let him free but he just bucked his hips gently to tilt Kells against him. He needed more. More contact. More kisses. More love. The kisses stung and his throat hurt but everything combined to make him harder, he knew he couldn't stick his dick where he most craved but they could do something couldn't they?
When Col fell against his lover their cocks slot together. He hated the fabric of Dom's sweats between them but he knew it was safer. From experience he knew if they were both naked they'd fall together. He'd convinced the man's knot into his pussy enough times he knew he couldn't trust himself. He could feel his core soaking the cloth between them and it reassured him that his body was his again. He was healing. He could decide what happened now. They had a while before his next heat he hoped, for now they could just fuck around to feel close again. He hadn't let himself realize how bad he needed his partner. The last thing they'd done below the belt was letting the boy lick him clean the night he gave birth. It soothed them both but he hadn't gotten off and Dom hadn't tried for more. Why hadn't he tried harder to stay connected?
“Need you. Wha'ever you'll give me. Always yours.” The killer whimpered against blood and spit drenched lips.
Kells nodded back and got somehow closer, grinding their dicks together, being as careful as he could of his belly and cunt. He couldn't try for more but he hoped it was enough. He shouldn't have lost sight of the one who loved and needed him most. He shouldn't have been pushing Dom away. He felt both terrible and desperate for more. His nails scratched over the pale skin of his lover's ribs and the other squeezed his hips and kept them moving. Little sounds fell from Dom's mouth and he swallowed every one. When the killer was dropped he was the sweetest loudest thing.
Dominic was too close far too soon but he felt backed up as hell, he hadn't been allowed to knot his lover for over a month before their son came and he obviously couldn't yet but that didn't stop his body acting like he was still a teenager. Well… a young one. “Best mate. Sexy as fuck. Love you-” The Alpha whined praises as Col rolled his aching hips like a porn star. He tried to keep his needy moans to a whisper but it felt impossible to be quiet. His skin was on fire everywhere they touched and a puddle of precum was smearing across his stomach. Even as high as he wore his pants the moment he got hard his tip would show out the top. It was one of Col’s favorite things.
“You gonna jizz your pants this soon? What a little desperate whore you are for me. Look at you. Pathetic.” Kells cursed, spitting on Dom's tongue. Of course he didn't mean it but it made his lover nod. “Who's really the bitch here? You in heat or something? Need my cock in that fat ass of yours?” He wasn't really insulting the Alpha's ass, he loved how thick his mate was but the look the killer gave him almost made him cum too soon.
“Yes fuck yes- please? Fuck me?” Dom begged, rutting his dick against his partner's. They both knew they wanted it at some point but neither had realized how bad they might need it. The Alpha was so far gone there were tears in his eyes at the thought.
“Damn bitch. I'll fuck you soon. You have to earn my dick.” More than anything their dynamic was making the omega feel like his old self, there was a power he held over the other man and it soothed so much of his fear. If Dom saw him as strong wasn't that all that mattered? Nothing changed for the killer after their son was born. If anything he was even more impressed. “Say my name and I might let you cum.” He growled against his lover's ear before licking over his mouth. Dom tried to suck his tongue between his teeth but he pulled back and kept the boy pressed down.
“Daddy please?” He couldn't wait for permission though he really fucking tried, between one thrust and another the Alpha broke. Sticky heat spilled between their bellies as their bodies rolled together, but Colson wouldn't stop until he found release too.
Mid orgasm Dom pushed at his pants, his hands scrambling at his hips as he shot hot between them and made a mess of his chest. The omega paused long enough to see what he was up to and cursed when his lover offered his thighs. “Fuck me?” He whimpered, squeezing his legs together like Col had done for him before. He desperately wanted to feel the man inside him but he wasn't that daft. The omega was big for a fucking Alpha without being one, he couldn't take his cock without prep no matter how much pain he enjoyed.
Colson groaned as he swiped a hand through his own slick and covered his dick in it. He fought himself not to jerk off all over his lover, Dom needed to feel connected and so did he. This is what they could safely do and after hurting the boy he needed it too. He slipped between the killer's plush thighs like he belonged there, his shaft bumping Dom's balls and rubbing between his cheeks with every pass. Pleasure was already zinging down his spine but he held out long enough to enjoy the moment.
Slick dripped down his skin to soak Dom's and he growled playfully between rough kisses. “So fucking wet for me. Look at you. My little slut. Good boy.” He was a split second away from going off about the man's needy cunt but they hadn't discussed that yet. They didn't normally talk first but he'd already degraded him, he didn't want to push his mate over the edge. Their skin stuck together from sweat and cum, their bodies gliding with every thrust. The omega finally felt like himself again but more importantly, they felt like them.
“For you. Daddy fuck- cum for me? Wanna feel you.” The Alpha begged and his pleading gaze was all it took. Colson felt that coil snap in his core and he gushed for his lover, spilling hot all over his ass and thighs. At the last moment he pulled himself free and finished over Dom's cock. It was a claim of his own on the other man. A promise that before long he'd give him more.
Panting and drenched they shared come-down kisses and warm wet breath but Kells couldn't hold himself up for long. Eventually he let himself fall to his partner’s side and when he rolled on his back his bitch cuddled against his ribs. He wrapped an inked arm around Dom and pulled him closer, his fingers tracing absentminded patterns on pale skin. When he finally caught his breath he whispered into the quiet- “I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hurt you again.” He'd done better for months but with all the pressure on his shoulders he snapped. Being an overwhelmed mob boss didn't give him an excuse to talk with his fists to his family though. He knew better.
“It ain't okay and if you keep at it I'm taking our boys and leaving. I won't say tha's the last bloody time because I do understand… but I won't let ‘em grow up like I did. Talk to me next time. I'm always ‘ere for you Cols. It's supposed to be us against the world.” Dom sighed back, resting his palm over his mate's strong pulse. He didn't want to talk about the hard thing, he wanted to bask in having his mate back but it was important. They weren't simply them anymore.
“I understand and you're right for it… but if you do that I'd probably kill us both.” He didn't know why he told such a blunt truth but it slipped out before he could stop himself. He couldn't envision living without his lover and their children. Dominic might be the sociopath but he wasn't far off, something was broken in them both and it made them perfect for each other but bad for the world at large.
“I can accept tha’. I don't wanna live wiv'out you neiver. I won't let ‘em grow up like we did and you gotta be alright wiv tha’. You wanna kill summat we can go on a date and find someone, you wanna fight, we'll find yas someone to punch, you wanna shout, we can step away and fuck it out, but our sons won't ‘ear or see nuffin.” Dom pushed himself up on his elbow and cupped his partner's cheek. His thumb wiped blood from his own lip off the other man's skin. “If you good wiv tha’ we good.”
Colson took a deep breath and sucked Dom’s thumb between his lips. It was as comforting as it was sensual. When it was clean of red and he let it pop free a string of spit connected them as the other man sucked it next. Fuck. He wasn't playing fair. “I'm good with that. Are you good with… what happened?”
“Ya mean you calling me a wet slut? Yeah. Course I am. Anytime you ready to use me cunt you welcome to.” Dom purred and winked down at his slightly flabbergasted mate. The boy smiled as if he knew exactly what he was doing and he probably did, Col was sure he could scent the fresh wave of slick that escaped him at those words. “I want you to be Daddy in bed, fuck I need it too. Long as you let me be dad to our son more.”
The boy pouted and it felt like a sucker punch to Col’s chest. He sighed and rubbed over his face before reaching to pull his lover closer. “I don't know what happened. I mean shit I know I have problems with control but… I know you're a good dad. You deserve to show it. I need help, it's driving me nuts but it's like I wanted to be angry with you so I made a reason. I know it's not fair. I'm sorry.”
The Alpha nodded. He was scared to push too far but he wanted the other to know how much he understood. “Your world is changing. Our boy is ‘ere and we boff scared. You been outed and now you basically famous for jus’ living ya life. Maybe a part of ya does blame me. Fairs or not I can take it. But don't shut me out. I need you too. And our son needs us boff, ‘ey boff do.”
“Fuck. Is Blain upset?”
Dom shook his head. “Nah. I fink we all going fhrough it after last week and he still working on everyfing his dad did. But he ain't upset we focused on Punk. If anyfing he jus’ wants to ‘elp.”
“I told Mod and Tom to search for his real papers so we can find a way to make this actually legal. With the feds on our asses we have to be careful. They're going through everything from his dad's. It doesn't seem like the kid has much bio family left so hopefully we can fix it soon. I don't want anyone trying to take him.” He may not have been showing it well but he'd already grown to love the boy. He'd kill anyone who tried to take him but while they were being watched he didn't want to resort to that. Besides, the kid deserved to feel like he belonged.
A soft whimper came from the cot a few feet away and before Colson could move his mate was already popping up. First Dom wiped them both down with his discarded sweats which he thankfully tossed in their wash basket before he picked up their son and made his way back to the bed. “You ‘as understandable issues wiv control luv. I don't mind you taking ‘em out on me arse but don't fuck wiv our relationship okay?” The Alpha kept his voice light so he didn't bother the baby but he gave Col a look.
“You're right. I promise I'll try to do better.” He swore before he folded his arms behind his head to watch his partner. He had to let go a little and let Dom be a dad. He couldn't help thinking his mate didn't know what the hell he was agreeing to. They'd played around with a darker side of sex but nothing too rough. He hoped the other man would still enjoy pain if he was tied down with his ass raw from spankings and his hole fucked sloppy open, but he'd just have to see.
“Get ya mind out the gutter. I'm trying to bond wiv our son and I don't need ya choking me in ya wet cunt scent.” Kells choked on a laugh at his mate's words but the other just smirked at him lovingly. It was a relief they could tease after all he'd done and he let himself laugh as he crawled closer and held his family.
“Mmm I was picturing how pretty your ass would look after I pound you into the mattress.” He whispered in his lover's ear and felt him shiver.
“You mean me fat arse?” Dom huffed back though he was needy for exactly that too. He didn't want them getting too worked up because if Punk was awake it might be a while before they got alone time again. They both knew they should rest when it came around.
“Your sexy thicc fat ass. Bet it'll jiggle when I fuck you.” He couldn't completely let it lie and it wasn't like their boy could understand them. He was just watching with his bright crimson eyes and his pacifier bouncing with his suckles.
“It jiggles when I fuck you so yeah I'd assume.”
“Tight too. Bet.”
“Since you'll be the first? Duh.” Dom was trying so hard to keep himself in check but his lover was a dog with a… bone.
“My little virgin slut. Good boy.”
“Tha’ don't even make sense.”
“It makes perfect sense! Hell, we'll have to try reverse cowgirl just so I can watch it.” Col knew he should stop but he couldn't. He loved watching Dom's cheeks flush.
“I don't even know wha’ tha’ means but I'm sure you'll show me. Now ‘ush and pump ya'self. I wanna feed our son.” The Alpha huffed, getting another laugh from his partner. He never felt as loved as when Kells was hitting on him like that but he wanted to wait until they could actually play. He adored seeing the other man happy though, especially because of him. It had been a rocky week but it was just that, a bump in their road. They both had to try to make it work and he knew they would. For the little one in his arms and their family, they would do whatever they needed.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🩷
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of part two. Chapter two and three might be very intense but I think you'll love it! We'll have a few chapters of heavy smut and family fluff before too much plot starts- though it's sprinkled in. These boys are facing a lot but at least they have each other. Hope you're having fun too! ❤️‍🔥🖤
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pink-tonic · 6 months
Picture Perfect for Me🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: Stalking
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It's the next day and I now have a fresh start to my plan. The one picture I have so far is fine at best, but I need more.
From the information that Info gave me, I analyzed what Oko's routine is. It seems that he first stalks Taeko and then switches over to stalking the Basu sisters. These are two opportunities for me to take pictures and gather evidence.
The only problem is that I need to be careful when it comes to (Y/N). If he sees me, he'll get the wrong idea, and I'm sure he'll tell Taeko about everything that happened between me and him.
I keep in mind the consequences of what can happen if I'm caught, but I'll still go through with my plan.
When Oko starts to walk up the stairs, I follow him and make sure to be as discreet as possible. I keep following him until he makes it to the third floor and goes straight to the Newspaper club room. From a distance, I see that one of the doors to the club is wide open, so I know that (Y/N) and Taeko must be inside.
I decide to keep a further distance and watch from afar what Oko is going to do. I see him approach the open door and peek inside.
I see this as an opportunity to take a quick picture. His back is turned towards me, and his focus is only on Teako.
I take out my phone and open the camera app. I walk towards the club, and when I'm close enough I take a quick picture. I quickly leave and walk down the hallway.
One picture down. One more to go.
I'm on the first floor waiting for Oko to walk down the stairs. It angers me to leave my Senpai alone with that freak, but I make sure to calm myself down since I don't want to kill him. The plan that I have right now is perfect, so I can't let my anger take hold of me.
I wait against the stairs next to the nurse's office as I wait for Oko to walk down the stairs. While waiting, I notice the door to the nurse's office slide open and a familiar face steps out into the hallway.
It's (Y/N).
He doesn't seem to notice me right away, but it doesn't take long for him to realize that I'm nearby. A stunned look presents itself on his face, but he turns around and walks away from me.
I can't help but smirk at his reaction. I'm glad to know that I still cause him fear even after a few weeks.
Yet, I wonder why he's coming out of the nurse's office? Did he tell the nurse what happened?
That can't be right? If he told her, then I would be in trouble already. He must have told a lie, but why? Is he too scared to tell anyone the truth of what happened?
My thought process is stopped when my new target walks down the stairs.
It took him ten minutes to finally come down, I'm surprised that no one has caught him already, but I guess that's my job.
I continue to follow Oko, and he ends up going outside. As I walk behind him, I notice that this is the same area where I bumped into him. No wonder he was in a hurry. He was on his way to stalk the Basu sisters.
I keep following Oko until he leads me to the Basu sisters. The two sisters are sitting on a bench talking to one another. Their conversation doesn't interest me in the slightest, but I take notice that Oko is hiding behind one of the bushes and watching the sisters talk.
I don't care if I get caught in this situation since the Basu sisters don't know me, so all I care about is getting Oko in the picture.
I pull out my phone and open up the camera app once more. I position my camera and take a quick picture. As I put away my phone, a voice catches my attention.
"Were you just taking a picture of us?" One of the sisters asks me as she looks at me with a look of disgust.
I don't care to answer, and I walk away from the sisters as the stalker keeps watching them.
Now that I have three pictures in my possession, all I have to do is show them to the other students so that the rumors start spreading. Luckily, I know the perfect group to show these pictures to.
I decide to talk to the leader of the group instead of the whole group themselves. I walk to the back of the school near the area where the delinquents hang out. I see her leaning against a wall with her arms crossed.
I walk up to Musume Ronshaku, the leader of the bullies. During lunch, Musume splits off from the other members and goes to the back of the school. Every time I pass by her during lunch, I see a look of want in her eyes. I don't know what she wants, but I'm sure that I'll be able to give it to her.
I walk up to her, but I notice a look of annoyance take over her once calm features. It's clear to me that she sees me as a freak, but once I show her the pictures that I took, her opinion is bound to change.
"What do you want?" She asks me with an attitude as she eyes me up and down with her sharp blue eyes.
"You look like you want something, right?" I ask her as I try my best to give her the same look she was giving me with her eyes.
"Yeah, what about it? I doubt you have any cigs on you right now," she tells me as one of her hands lays on her hips.
"I do know someone who has some," I tell her. Seeing the look on her face go from a board one to a hopeful one, is intriguing to say the least.
"You want to give me some?" She asks me, "We'll be on good terms if you do."
"Yeah, sure," I answer as I turn away and walk over to Info's window. I pull out my phone and navigate my way to all the items she is willing to give me. I pay for a box of cigarettes with my Info Points. Right after I click the button, the window to her clubroom opens and a box of cigarettes falls from it.
The box lands on the ground with a thud, and I go to pick it up. I pick it off from the ground, and I go back to Musume.
When I come back, she's still leaning against the wall, waiting for me to show up. When she spots me, a look of joy fills her face once she sees the box of cigarettes in my hands.
"O.M.G! You actually have them! Give them!" She exclaimes as she reaches out towards the box in my hands.
I hand the box over to her, and she snatches it. She quickly takes out a cigarette from the box and grabs a lighter from her bag. She starts to light up the cigarette, but she keeps failing. It's not because of the wind, and the lighter isn't dead, and the cigarette isn't defective. It's because she's trying to light the cigarette on the wrong side.
She tries to play it off, but it's clear to me that she only smokes to look cool. She looks up towards me with a look of embarrassment on her face.
"Could you not stare at me?"
"Only if you do something for me."
"What is it? It better not be something weird!"
She decides to stop trying to light the cigarette, but instead, she looks at me, waiting for what I have to say.
"I have something that you might want to see."
I go to my gallery, and I click on the picture of Oko stalking the Basu sisters. Musume looks at the picture, and then her eyes go wide at what the picture shows.
"O.M.G! I knew that guy was a weirdo! I didn't know he was a total stalker though! But what do you want me to do, though? Like, what do I do with this information?"
"Tell other people. I have more pictures."
"Send me them, I can't wait to mess with this little weirdo," Musume tells me as a devious look takes over her facial features.
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jinlias · 2 years
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—roles in a mafia gang⛓️itzy
a/n: in a world where the mob!ryujin au doesn’t exist
yeji 🔪the right hand
— is at every meeting and operative, knows the bosses darkest secrets, is protected at all costs. she would never betray the family, she grew up with the boss, they’re considered family and they would die for her. her and her family have complete immunity, im talking guards outside your house and if even a branch moves they’re informing the boss immediately.
lia 🔪 the boss turned politic
— she’s the legal stereotype of a mob boss. on the dl, no one really knows she’s the boss but the people that work for her, and the ones that no longer do, are dead, because she couldn’t risk people knowing her past and secret present. yes, she loves to use people as charity cases, and usually, they’re family members of people who did her wrong. now, her family is a perfect picture, perfect wife and kids, always loving and never troubled, her biggest pride and joy, and if something were to happen to you all, she would rain hell on earth, and everyone even the ones not at fault would be apologizing.
ryujin 🔪 the known boss
— usually the most feared. ryujin knows a bit of everything, she had to, when she started it was just you and her, before she could hire people to do anything, she had to learn how to hack, fight, kill, anything you could think about. she knows everyone else’s deepest secrets and when is betrayed will slowly filter them one by one until she ends the person’s life. she prefers that over killing them, but that’s easy for her too.
chaeryeong 🔪 the hacker
— is extremely smart, usually ends up doing more than hacking. she sounds like the most rational out of the team, and is probably the one to take the precautions as to not leave a trace. but, besides the ‘tech’ hacker, she’s the pretty one. she lures people when her boss asks her to, gets the information or objects out of them without any violence needed.
yuna 🔪 the driver
— now, we all know the driver isn’t always just the driver, unlike yeji or ryujin, she will know the family’s biggest secrets, but she is so respected in that household because she’s not afraid to use them against the family. why isn’t she dead yet if she’s threatened to expose them before? she is not just the driver. she’s the only person the boss trusts enough, the only one smart enough to carry on with the gang if something were to happen to the boss. instead of siblings, she’s like the boss’ daughter. that type of affection doesn’t go unnoticed.
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 years
My favorite One Piece hotties with a chef S/O headcanons
He likes light meals with fish or chicken so when he met his S/O and found out she was a chef, he immediately told her all the types of food that he likes and especially what he dislikes such as spicy food so that she would make him a meal for upcoming dates. When he eats the meals she prepared, he immediately compliments her and makes pleasant sounds of satisfaction. His S/O would definitely find recipes to his liking and would send him pictures of what she prepared for him which made him really look forward to their meal times.
He is all about his meals and likes traditional Japanese style spicy meals so when his S/O prepares meals for them, he always helps out and makes sure to add more spice even if it got him some scolding. Sometimes he tries new meals that his S/O made just to make her happy but he prefers his usual meals. He always thanks her for preparing their meals and they always eat breakfast and dinner together. He likes the lunchboxes she prepared for him as it’s prepared to perfection and the portions are perfect for him.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
His S/O would have to remind him to eat a lot because he’s always so busy with his businesses and usually lives on dining out and coffee/tea/alcohol. He’s not a fussy eater but he does enjoy fine dining and his S/O loves experimenting with different meals for him which he truly does appreciate. She also makes sure it’s a meal that he doesn’t have to use a fork and knife with because of his hook. He appreciates all the efforts she does to make sure he’s well fed and praises her cooking.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He enjoys fine dining all the time and his crew always eats with him so he makes sure to brag about how good the food his S/O prepared for them and makes sure they express how much they enjoyed your cooking too. He likes that she tries to make traditional Spanish meals for him and he definitely recommends recipes openly to her. When ever he sees her, his first question is ‘so what did you cook, love?’.
Benn Beckman🔫
He isn’t used to fine dining and just prefers nice home cooked meals so when he found out his S/O was a chef, he thought maybe she’d make meals that he wouldn’t even be able to pronounce! She surprised him though with all his favorite meals, he even swore that some of her cooking was similar to food his grandmother made. He makes sure to get the ingredients she wants so that he would have a nice meal to look forward to.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He loves when his S/O makes all the fancy desserts she comes up with and is always willing to try them out. She can always count on him to agreed to taste test and to give his opinions on the recipes she came up with. He only asks her to make his donuts for his Merienda and that she joins him if she’s not busy. He makes sure to compliment her and thank her every time for his meals.
Killer 🔪
He usually only eats spaghetti in almost all the meals he’s ever had because it’s tasty and easy to eat with his mask on. Ever since he’s met his S/O he tends to take off his mask just to have her cooking because it’s the best meals he ate! He always talks about her cooking to the crew and Kidd is actually taken back by his sudden need to not eat pasta all the damn time. When ever he goes to visit his S/O, he definitely gains a few more pounds but he burns it easily so he doesn’t care at all.
He eat a lot to be able to sustain his massive body and enjoys various meals from all over the world that’s paired with alcohol. He asks you to prepare meals for him mostly for dinner because he usually sleeps in till late and has staff to make him quick meals when he wake up. When he had banquets, his S/O is in charge of making the menus and all the meals. He definitely brags to his colleagues about the food and who made it and of course there are a ton of compliments being said to his S/O mostly because they’re scared to offend him.
He likes coming home to the scent of his favorite meals being cooked before he could even enter the house. He’s told his S/O about the traditional meals his mother would make him and she often tries to make it for him which pleases him greatly. He isn’t picky about food and usually eats what ever she makes for him but he does try to make it romantic by trying to cook for her even though he might get frustrated and burn half of the kitchen down.
He’s very pleased with his S/O being a chef because he can get all the red bean soup that he wants whenever he wants! He also enjoys the savory meals she makes and is eager to head on home so that he could eat all the cooking that she did for him. He eats anything and everything she makes for him and always says her cooking is what made him fall in love with her.
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lured-into-wonderland · 6 months
from 🔪 DH Nezumi:
"It's just chicken soup," Nezumi explains when Nunnally appears at the door, peering towards the stove where Nezumi diligently swirls the thick broth with noodles, parsley and bits of white chicken meat. It smells delicious, he thinks, and a part of him cannot wait for the food to be done, but soups need time and patience, and so Nezumi closes the lid and lets it sit. He turns towards Nunnally, who continues to stare at him.
And then, at last, it dawns on him.
"Is it about the apron?" Nezumi asks, looking down at the sky-blue canvas littered with yellow and white flowers. It isn't his usual black-on-black getup, so it must look glaringly out of place. The apron is old, and it looks its age, too. Nezumi got the apron as a present some years ago and, for as long as it did the job, he didn't think of replacing it.
He unties it, takes it off and throws it over the chair. "Dinner will be ready shortly. Do you want some toasted bread with the soup? Or would you prefer a salad?"
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She should have been leaving. She had extended her stay here, with Nezumi, for too long already. Nunnally was certain there was no need for her to stay anymore. If anything was to happen, if anyone was to be sent after Nezumi (or her), it would have already  happened. And she could find reasons what it wasn’t happening.
She should have been leaving. She was taking his bedroom (he insisted), his personal space and his attention. Nunnally knew Nezumi was worried about her, but there was truly no need. Though she didn’t think about it when it had been happening, everything made perfect sense of why it had happened at all. Did not telling him, not explaining that to him could be considered lying? Nunnally should have been leaving, but she didn’t want to.
She wanted to stay. She wanted to have a reason to live.
She was quite reluctant to admit it to herself, but she liked her new life. It was the closest to the real home she had ever had. Yes, she was sometimes missing the palace, the maids, the luxury…her mare. Her father? Yes, she was sometimes missing the wealth and her position, but if she were to choose (though Nunnally did not think she could), she’d stay here with him. For ever. She could ensure them much better life; getting money was not a problem. She could easily get as much as she wanted, but deep inside Nunnally knew Nezumi would neither appreciate nor (probably) accept it. So, she was there; staying with him and delaying the unavoidable. Her leaving. The demon princess knew that time with Nezumi was only lent to her, and could be taken away at any moment.
And she would not protest when it would finish. And she would not let him do anything about it (even if she doubted he would). She was constantly irritating him. She was a burden for him. A threat?
But maybe he liked her a little bit… She hoped he did. Nunnally didn’t know why it was important for her. After all, he was just an annoying human that thought he could protect her. No-one could.
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She was reading on the bed (on his bed; she never considered it her own) when a nice smell of something being cooked reminded her that she was actually hungry. Slightly unwillingly (as that was really a good book she was reading), she walked into the kitchen; barefoot, a too long purple sweater pretended to be a dress. She walked there only to discover a surprising picture in front of her eyes. Yes, she did see Nezumi cooking before, but she didn’t see him wearing anything that wasn't black. It was such a cute picture, though the one that made Nunnally froze in place just watching Nezumi in silent astonishment until…well, until he noticed her.
She nodded, when he asked whether it was all about the apron.
“It fits you, though.”
“You look…cute in it.” – she added wondering if Nezumi would appreciate the compliment; Nunnally made a mental note to get something more colourful for Nezumi. And try to convince him to wear it. Perhaps she could convince him to take her out into art gallery. It was now safe after all…
Him taking the apron off was met with a small sigh. She liked it, but surely he couldn’t wear the apron for the whole day.
“A salad.” – she decided, although perhaps she’d enjoy some toasted bread as well. But she was not the one to (usually) ask for more than offered. She walked into the kitchen, opened one of the cabinets and handed him the salad bowl.
“I’ll help.” – Nunnally offered; she liked helping him even though at the beginning she found housework (and cooking) below her. She still remembered the sparks of humiliation when he first asked her to dry the dishes. She had changed. She had changed so much. And as much as at the beginning she had loathed the change, now Nunnally was truly enjoying her new self.
“I’ll be careful… I promise.” – she added as if to reassure him she would not break anything or cut her finger. She was becoming better, although probably Nezumi still thought she was worse than an average eight-year-old.
“The soup smells really good…”
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“Nezumi…” – she was not looking at him – “Thank you, Nezumi.” – but he was not getting any more explanation for what she was expressing her gratitude. But it was not for the soup. But for home.
And Nunnally was sure Nezumi would understand.  
Would he miss her when she would leave?
But would she have enough strength to leave? She was not good with decisions. She’d rather wait and see what was to happen.
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jojotichakorn · 3 months
any hcs for khabkluen that u would like to share/haven’t before?? :o
oh, you certainly know what to ask me 😌 thank you so so much for sending him in!
choose a character and ask about my headcanons here, if you like
🏳️‍🌈 a sexuality headcanon
🏳️‍⚧️ a gender headcanon
as a good chunk of autistics, i feel like he is a bit lax with gender. i don't know if he specifically identifies with anything other than being a guy, but if you ask him, he'd probably shrug and say "i'm just me" or something gjkdfgjkfdljgl
🧸 a headcanon about their childhood
i think he was diagnosed as autistic pretty early on, but - although his mom tried her best to support him and let him be himself - he ended up learning how to mask when he was quite young as well. so i think a lot of his childhood was spent as this supposedly picture-perfect, "pleasure to have in class" kid, who everyone talked to, but no one was really friends with necessarily. he knew how to "behave", but not necessarily how to talk to people, a lot of his masking was focused on not stimming, sitting "properly", and other more physical, instantly noticeable things. and that did, of course, turn into meltdowns and shutdowns that were particularly bad.
👻 a headcanon about what scares them
psychologically, overstepping boundaries. he is absolutely terrified of misinterpreting a situation and saying or doing something wrong.
👽 a headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
he is definitely very particular about things. everything in his apartment has a specific place for it and should not be moved. truly, if you put bowls on the left and plates on the right of the shelf, when he's always had bowls on the right and plates on the left, he will switch them back and probably glare at you.
🦾 a disability headcanon
autism, obviously.
💝 a headcanon about their love language
acts of service, often silent ones, which benefit the person but sometimes aren't even immediately apparent. and physical touch, all the cuddles and kisses and casual affection for him, please!
🫂 a friendship headcanon
noel and he are very close and will be best friends for the rest of their lives. generally, khluen doesn't have the easiest time making friends, so this friendship in particular, with someone who truly understands and loves and respects him, is very special.
💔 an angsty headcanon
it takes many years for him to break up with daoneua, generally rethink his social circle, and start going to therapy, so he really only finds his self-worth and starts loving himself probably like a decade after the os2 simm episodes.
🪢 a headcanon about their family
he really is very close to his mom and, apart from noel, she is the first person he goes to, when it feels like the entire world is against him.
📓 a headcanon about their hobbies
he really loves reading. especially romance and fantasy.
👗 a headcanon about their clothes
fashion is really not his thing. he could not care less what he's wearing, as long as it looks presentable.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
he has this very strong sense of justice and does embrace violence as a way of fighting for it, so he will throw a punch, if he finds it necessary, for sure.
🌟 a headcanon about their desires/wishes
he just really wants to be loved, even more than to be understood, which is why he often ends up surrounded by people, who say that they love him, but do not understand him and are not willing to understand him at all.
🍫 a headcanon about food
he has three breakfast options, three lunch options, and three dinner options on rotation. they are the same ones he's had for years. the only two things he can drink are cold water and guava juice. if he does not have any guava juice during the day, it is game over for absolutely everyone.
💄 an appearance headcanon
he stops dyeing his hair brown after breaking up with daoneua.
🖕 a headcanon relating to anger
i'd say he's quite friendly with anger. it is a feeling he doesn't feel often, but when it's appropriate, it's appropriate, ykwim. much like sadness is seen as a negative but not "bad" feeling - the same way khluen does not see anger as a "bad" feeling, like many people do.
😺 an animal related headcanon
he really loves cats. he eventually gets two.
😭 a headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
i don't know if i would necessarily pinpoint one specific moment, but just generally the people he ended up surrounded by, his social circle. most of it, anyway.
😶 a random headcanon!
after finishing uni, he works remotely from home and has a flexible work-schedule.
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