#🕊️ ~ diary
puppy-diary · 2 months
4 / 18 / 24 ;
cals: didn't count
steps: embarrassing. (3k)
what i ate today: eggs, protein bar, edamame
note: the only thinspo i need is my boyfriend 🫶
i am currently doing a mini fast
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momoksha · 2 months
a laughing dove singing in the morning on a rusty pole!🕊🌅🎶(x)
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mindofserenity · 1 year
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25.03.2023 — Day 3 of Ramadan🕊️
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sunshiinnne · 1 month
Is it really so easy to just let go of everything, to just say that, I can't take all this anymore, I'm leaving! bye, take care ??!
It's been a long time since i felt insecure about my own self but i guess life has put me back to that place again because i hadn't learnt my lesson and went on with my vibe. So jokes on me!
I would have lost faith in love and generosity a long time ago if it wasn't for myself. I believe in love and will continue to stick to it because of the generosity i offer!! Nobody can take that away from me. But yeah, I'm learning to create boundaries now, healthy boundaries, I deserve people who would believe me, not just for my words, but for how i care, how I'm actually there when they need me. Now, nobody gets to mess with my mental peace. I'm not going to let anyone walk over me like that again.
May Allah SWT help you through the thick and thin and bless you with tons of happiness and prosperity! 💗
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idollete · 1 month
gente infelizmente tive um pensamento 💭💭💭💭💭 é meio fora da nossa bolhinha lsdln então vou pedir uma licencinha akiiiiiii ☺️☝🏻
enfimmmm tava passando na tv uma reportagem sobre a madonna aqui no brasil e passou os dançarinos dela né. em um dado momento apareceu um cara e uma mulher deitados em uma cadeira de tomar sol e parecia tão gostosinho eles dois ali awnnnnnn ❌🫠 e eu me peguei pensando em um cenário onde um idol x tem um rolinho com a leitora que é dançarina do grupo e eles dois fazem tudo no sigilo obviamente, mas em uma turnê dessas mundiais vivem dando escapadinhas gostosas pra nhac nhac, pensei em uma coisa bem brasil sol praia mar pé na areia caipirinha água de coco cervejinha marquinha de biquíni maresia litoral só coisas leves
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 year
just remembered that because the twinyards are blond, they've got no eyebrows.
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sanctamater · 3 months
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why is tik tok coming for me over amelia and dead amelia jr
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boyczar · 2 months
i think it’s funny that anyone would get the idea that i am trying to harm them or wish ill will upon them in any way. like… that is in your mind sadly. i am aware of the spiritual laws, the rule of 3, the law of divine oneness.. if i were to wish upon you any harm it would literally come back to me. if i do not forgive you it is me not forgiving myself. if i am mean-spirited to you, i am mean-spirited toward myself. i love others as i love myself. i know how the world works (in this regard.) there is really no divide spiritually. i am you as you are me. we are simply different expressions of Source consciousness. we are mirrors. in reality, i have actually done nothing but manifest great things for myself (and You!) i have wished for you nothing but incredible hair days. for your days to be peaceful and productive. for your dreams to be pleasant. for you to have clarity. for you to be in alignment. for you to love yourself. for you to have people around you that actually Love you. for you to enjoy wonderful food. for you to continually grow. for you to turn your pain into growth. for you to feel the sun on your skin every day. for you to be financially free. for you to be free from addictions. for you to live in the present moment. for you to be completely at peace with yourself. for you to live your sincere and best life. for you to be completely authentic. thank you. i love you.
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faerymercy · 2 years
mercy ♡ 24 ♡ she/fae/they ♡ bi nonbinary wlw
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carrd ♡ accessible carrd ♡ described posts ♡ emoji tag guide ♡ film/tv sideblog ♡ sims sideblog
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puppy-diary · 3 months
3 / 21 / 24 ;
cals in: 530
cals out: 213
net cals: 317
steps: 5k
protein: 50g
what i ate today: 3 protein bars
note: i was sick today, couldn't get much done in terms of working out or walking
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momoksha · 3 months
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learning to fly..🕊(x)
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chaoticsoft · 1 year
the mourning dove couple built the loveliest nest in our window, we covered the glass with cardboard so our comings and goings wouldn't disturb them. i named them Milo and Thea 🤍
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syringesyrup · 1 year
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i cant gatekeep this shit anymore this song is THE love song dude like IT CAN LITERALLY WORK WITHANY PAIRING IM SO SERIOUS ITS SO CRAZYYYYYY 😭😭😭😭😭
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angelicvomit · 1 year
i made gf mad today so now i want to kill myself
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sanctamater · 1 year
pov your character is reading one of amelias diaries where she dots all her i’s with hearts and writes in blue glitter gel pen and writes about the unspeakable manmade horrors she has suffered and how can god be merciful when all this is happening
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aethon-recs · 7 months
Tomarrymort Dead Dove Recs, Part 1 🕊️
Welcome to Part 1 of Dead Dove-themed Tomarrymort recs. I like fluff and soft and light-hearted fic as much as the next reader, but at the end of the day, Tomarrymort is a dark ship, and there are some brilliantly talented writers here creating incredibly dark & twisted absolute mindfucks of works that I want to pay tribute to. 
Please note there can be found potentially triggering and disturbing content in the rec list below, so this time I will be placing all 30 of these recs below the cut. Keep in mind don’t like; don’t read, so feel free to scroll on by if non-con/dub-con is not a theme you would like to explore. 
This list was made in collaboration with @danpuff-ao3’s Dead Dove Diaries Series. Check it out for other HP dead dove recs!
Tomarrymort Non-Con/Dub-Con Recs
A Single Love by Vera_DragonMuse (E, 23k, complete)
If Tom had been raised by Harry instead, would he have grown up to be Lord Voldemort?
A Special Day by @vdoshu (E, 3k, complete)
“I think a fresh start is important. I’d like one, and I think this can be it.” “It’s a bit late for a fresh start for me, don’t you think?” he retorts snidely.
Aconite; Thistle by @kushimanii (E, 32k, complete)
Voldemort decides to keep Harry alive and impregnate him to bear children that he can raise into loyal Death Eaters.
Aftertaste by @hiredhorse (E, 4k, complete)
Harry noticed the handsome stranger before the game began.
At the expense of the world by @itsevanffs (E, 24k, WIP)
"He had a lover, you know," Jenkins says to Remus once Harry's behind a wall and out of sight again. "A boy, and a gorgeous one at that. Nobody really knew where he came from, and Tom didn't seem to favour him either, at first, but by the end, he was besotted." Jenkins pauses. "Might have been a girl," he says. "We don't have any drawings, and all the texts are warnings that the God-Emperor is a jealous man - do not seek his puer, or you will be slain where you stand."
Cloudy by @dividawrites (E, 5k, complete)
Trapped alone in a prison on an island, there are many things Tom forgets. But he never forgets Harry.
Dark Light by CrazyJanaCat (E, 3k, complete)
Nineteen years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort, the Wizarding World is at peace, and for once, everything seems right. But what no one knows is that their hero has a dark secret...
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k, complete)
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
For He is the Sun and I am His Shadow by @aglassroseneverfades (E, 13k, complete)
The date is September 1st, 1996. Lord Voldemort is about to get everything he's ever wanted.
Frigid by @mrviran (E, 3k, complete)
In which one of Voldemort's horcruxes is broken, and needs to be fixed.
golden boy by @exarite (E, 3k, complete)
They thought Harry Potter was dead. Months after the battle at Hogwarts, the last of the Resistance finally gets captured. Voldemort shows them just how very much alive Harry Potter is.
Guaranteed Safety by Assapanick (E, 13k, complete)
The only problem would be convincing the Dark Lord to impregnate him, but Harry doesn’t plan on asking.
Harry Potter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Rut by @neurowriter14 (E, 6k, complete)
Harry goes into the forest to confront Voldemort and his death, and all the while his rut waits in the wings, drawing Voldemort's curiosity.
Heartbeat by @phantomato (E, 24k, complete)
Harry, dumped into the past, communes with dangerous men.
Honeyguide by @cannibalinc (E, 7k, complete)
“I need an Alpha," Tom states. "Someone older. Someone already established within the Ministry with strong connections. Someone kind, a bit stupid, and rich. A Pureblood, ideally. Someone who will soften my image.” “A sweet-hearted, good-looking, oblivious moderate, you mean?” Scorpius asks. “Well, that’s Harry Potter to a T. Too bad he’s married.” This is not the problem Scorpius thinks it is.
in bad faith by @cindle-writes (E, 3k, complete)
Voldemort, despite looking thin and skeletal, is heavy enough of a weight on Harry’s chest that he’s having trouble breathing, each breath feeling like a thick, syrupy effort to draw in. “Don’t worry, Harry, I’ll take care of you,” Voldemort murmurs, hot breath ghosting over Harry’s ear.
Insatiate by @vdoshu (E, 2k, complete)
Voldemort stole both Harry and the Philosopher’s Stone, and doomed Harry to live a half-life. That was ten years ago.
Legacy by Pengress (E, 6k, complete)
His Horcrux stared at him with wide green eyes. Voldemort could see the panic, the fear. He had accepted his place in the ritual reluctantly, but he had given the important permission for Voldemort to use his body, and while the preparation seemed to have scared his Horcrux, Voldemort would make sure he would not go back on his word.
Lingering Warmth by anon (E, 2k, complete)
In the aftermath of Harry's death, Voldemort admires Harry's corpse, and when Harry comes back to life he finds himself in a perplexing situation.
My Lord, Master, My Soul by FletchleyRose (E, 69k, complete)
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort learns that Harry Potter is his unintentional Horcrux. He decides to make him his – mind, body, and soul. Harry is not on board with this plan. But when the Dark Lord starts using pleasure instead of pain to convince him, will he be able to resist?
on the other side by @philolust (E, 3k, complete)
Someone abducts Harry Potter and the Dark Lord in an effort to get them to cooperate and end the war. It goes horribly wrong.
Precious Horcrux by @loneamaryllis (E, 127k, WIP)
"Precious Horcrux..." The two possessive, cloying words, hissed low, made Harrie feel nauseous. "I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to keep you."
Research and Development by @cannibalinc (E, 6k, complete)
Primary Objective: Establish with certainty that Subject IS or IS NOT a living Horcrux. Captured audio sample from Subject: You can’t keep me in here forever, Voldemort! Why don’t you come in here and face me, you COWARD! I’m not scared of you! Dumbledore will find me and—
rise anew by @duplicitywrites (E, 5k, complete)
“I must thank you for this new body of mine,” Voldemort continues in an amused tone as he flexes the fingers of his new hand, examining the unnatural length of them. “It is unexpected but not… unpleasant.”
silk of midnight and dawn by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k, complete)
Harry approaches, quietly, arms raised in front of him. It doesn’t take long before pale skin transforms into soft fur as dark as the night sky. Red eyes, now green, look at Harry with such an intensity that he has to take a step back. Four-legged and as imposing as he is when standing in two, Tom Riddle has transformed into a panther.
Such a Noble Villain (part 1) / Monster Under the Bed (part 2) by Run_of_the_mill (E, 4k, complete)
Harry and Voldemort are in a classroom, and Harry is stuck to a chair. Some very weird, creepy stuff happens next because Voldemort is who he is.
The Tattoo by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k, complete)
Tom gives Harry a tattoo that creates a bond between them, giving Tom some control over his mind.
The Ties That Bind by @mosiva (E, 8k, complete)
Harry finds the locket at Grimmauld Place, but it has a curse laid on it. When Harry triggers it, he finds himself trapped with the locket version of Tom Riddle, both of them stuck within the enchantment until they can find the way out. Or so Harry thinks.
Tom Riddle and the Quest for Vulnerability by lejf (E, 16k, complete)
Auror Harry Potter has eighteen-year-old Tom Riddle bent over the table barely a day after he becomes his ward.
Violent Delights by @katsitting (E, 5k, complete)
“The Golden Boy is no more…” Voldemort whispered, voice high and reedy, amused. Harry was shoved against something hard and unyielding. It scratched along his back, chafing the skin. Harry didn’t so much as flinch, refusing to make a sound when more jeers sounded in the clearing, the words cutting through the rush of blood flooding Harry’s ears—
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