scatterbrainedbot · 9 months
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Awooga??? New Year new mutual???
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hi kredena!!!!
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gothpossums · 3 months
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modmad · 3 months
is hero your inner child
bitch u think i am not my own outer child when I look like this irl
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flowercrown-bard · 3 months
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To all the aros and aces and aroaces, you're wonderful and valid and you don't have to prove to anyone that you're "queer enough"
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biowho · 3 months
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To me this implies that they’re gonna throw the CC out into the world for us to play with before the game comes out and if that’s more than me and my wishful thinking I will be going insane
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noughticalcrossings · 5 months
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Captain Francis Crozier
Tell them we are gone, dead and gone
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Please, cuddling, and TimKon?
. . . I am sorry but also I am NOT sorry for what I have done with this reply, but hey, why don't we all enjoy this one being the only prompt fill from this meme that got a read-more cut??
“Please,” Kon tries, trying not to look–he doesn’t know, weird and needy and like an embarrassment, or whatever. It feels like such a stupid thing to ask for. He knows Tim’s not really a hugger or a touchy-feely guy or whatever and that he likes having his own space and basically always hops out of bed right after sex to go write down all the shit his post-nut clarity made him think of, and the idea of, like, just staying still and actually cuddling or whatever is probably basically literal torture to him, assuming it’s ever even occurred to him at all, just . . . 
Just he’d kind of like to sometimes, maybe? Like–not regularly or whatever, he’s not trying to drive Tim nuts or cut into either his worktime or downtime here, just . . .
Just he’d like to do it sometimes, that’s all. 
Tim’s not the tactile type. Tim isn’t even the eye contact type, unless he’s lying to somebody or at work or just faking it for Robin-mode or whatever. Kon gets that. He’s been, like–careful about that. Not trying to take up too much space or ask for too much attention or mind when Tim doesn’t even look up at him when he– 
He’s been careful about it. 
But he is . . . well. The tactile type. Like . . . kind of, anyway. 
Like–it’s kinda unavoidable, honestly. 
“Oh,” Tim says, blinking at him in just enough bemusement to make him feel even more self-conscious about bringing this shit up to begin with, and Kon tries to keep his expression casual and noncommittal and–and just normal about this. Because he is totally normal about this. He is so normal about this. He is.
He’s also normal about the fact that when he asked Tim if he could talk to him about something, Tim didn’t even put down his tablet. Didn’t even put it to sleep, or actually even look up from it until . . . 
Kon’s normal about that. About all of this. 
(and he definitely never feels kind of weird or a little bit abandoned because Tim can’t EVER just bring his stupid laptop back to bed or at least work on whatever he’s thinking about IN the bedroom at the untouched desk he's got set up in there or even just, like . . . stick around and hang out on the couch with him, or anything like that. he definitely totally ENTIRELY doesn’t ever just feel like a casual fuckbuddy or an easy hookup or a gala-night accessory or just the most immediately convenient option and not actually–not actually any kind of a–not actually something that– 
he doesn’t. 
“Uh,” Kon says, and backpedals awkwardly, because clearly this conversation is not going the way he’d wanted it to and Tim just looks so surprised by it all, like–like it never even occurred to him or something, that maybe . . . that maybe Kon would want anything like that, or like he literally just hasn’t noticed how hard Kon’s been trying to be normal about it, or . . . 
It doesn’t feel very good, the idea he’s been trying so hard to respect Tim’s space and preferences and comfort levels and Tim hasn’t even noticed that he was doing anything at all. 
Especially because Tim usually notices just about everything. 
Maybe Tim’s just never thinking about it. Maybe he gets out of bed so quick because he’s spent the whole time in it thinking about other shit and just putting up with–just– 
“Kon,” Tim says, his voice going a little tight, and Kon just tries not to wince. He didn’t mention any of the complicated stuff he’s been trying not to feel, he just asked if Tim could–if Tim would– 
He didn’t even mention any of the complicated stuff, so it’s, like–not a great sign that Tim’s looking at him like that right now, like he’s said something really serious or upsetting or . . . 
He really shouldn’t have said anything, yeah. 
“Sorry,” he tries stiffly, glancing away and wrapping his hand around his own wrist and digging his fingers into the inside of it. It’s–tactile. Just . . . something tactile. “I know you don’t–sorry. Uh. Just forget it.” 
“Fuck,” Tim mutters for some reason, and Kon feels like such an idiot for saying anything at all, and a worse one for apparently doing it in a way that’s got Tim making that face at him. That face is Robin’s “my utility belt is empty, comms are fried, and the mission just went to shit” face. 
He really fucked this up. It was fine. Everything was fine, and now he’s wrecked it and Tim’s about to say it’s not even that serious, it’s not like it’s even–not like they’re even–and that Kon’s clearly gotten the wrong idea and they should just–just– 
“How long have you felt this way?” Tim asks very, very carefully, like the question’s something fragile, and Kon thinks from literally the first fucking time you left me alone in bed all night so you could go recalibrate some stupid useless specialty sensor that wasn’t even part of your primary gear, like, a WEEK into us sleeping together and says, “I dunno. It’s not–I told you. Forget it. It’s not a big deal.” 
He’s being weird about this. He’s being an asshole about this, actually, because being prepared for literally every single possible contingency ever is the Bats’ whole thing and he got into this knowing Tim wasn’t the touchy-feely type or all that expressive and emotive about–about his feelings, or whatever, and–and it’s not like he even–not like he– 
(he just wants a fucking HUG he didn't have to FUCK him for every now and then, or for Tim to at least exist in the same space as him for longer than the time it takes for the next email from Oracle to come in or next alert from Batman to go off or next self-assigned project to finish processing or–
but that’s not something Tim does, and Kon knew that going in, so–so it’s his own stupid fault if he feels SMALL sometimes, when . . . when there’s always something else, always another problem to solve or place to be or thing to think about, always . . . always something more important than just . . . staying, just for a little bit, and just BEING with–with him. just him. not the team, or either of their families, or . . .)
He knew all this going in, Kon reminds himself. He knew it. If he were this bad at being with literally anyone else, he’d just–he’d just– 
But something about it being Tim means he just . . . can’t. 
Tim’s jaw tightens, and he finally sets down his stupid tablet. 
Only now, though, Kon thinks bitterly, and digs his fingers a little deeper into the inside of his wrist. 
“Kon,” Tim says again, says too carefully again. Like something’s fragile, again. “I–” 
“I said forget it, for fuck’s sake!” Kon snaps too hotly, and maybe hates himself for both doing it and for the stricken look that doing it puts on Tim’s face, and also maybe cheats a bit by super-speeding straight out the balcony door into the night air and not taking his cell or his communicator with him. Or–definitely does, in fact. Definitely that’s cheating. He knows it is. 
He just really can’t stand to hear Tim tell him how he’s fucked up this time right now, though. He just–he tried so fucking hard not to fuck up this time. 
He really, really tried. 
He should’ve known it wouldn’t work, but . . . but he really did try.
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The issue: I have little energy for housework after I get home from work.
Observation the first: When I have a coffee around 9am, I crash hard and want to fall asleep around 2pm.
Observation the second: Before I crash hard, I am miraculously productive and energetic.
Observation the third: Most of my caffeine intake is in the very dilute form of Diet Pepsi (~3 mg/oz). I very rarely drink coffee (average 12 mg/oz) and never take more than a few sips of an energy drink (avg 10-20 mg/oz).
Hypothesis: Drinking coffee upon getting home from work (usually between 4:30 and 5 pm) will give me energy to do household tasks I normally cannot, and allow me to fall asleep by my normal bedtime of 11:00.
Methodology: I shotgunned one 8-oz can of room temperature Twix flavored coffee drink (between 60-80 mg caffiene) at roughly 5:30 pm after impulse buying a 12-pack at Sam's Club.
Observations until time of posting:
I portioned and froze everything else I bought in bulk immediately after dinner. Usually after dinner, I sit on the couch and scroll social media.
As scheduled, I hosted the usual weekly anime club. This week, while watching the show, I made significant progress on a weaving project. This is not necessarily out of the ordinary, as I had begun it the evening previously and had been excited to continue.
The first yawn has been recorded around 10:30 pm.
Potential complications:
If this caffeine crash does not happen as predicted, an important day at work tomorrow will fucking suck.
I have a tendency to get migraines if I do not have enough caffeine. In the long term, heightening my caffeine dependency may prove detrimental in the side effects of its absence.
Current course of action: it is now nearing 11 pm and I will attempt to go to sleep.
I will return for more observations in the morning.
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mag200 · 2 years
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MAG142: Scrutiny
watercolor & ink // kofi
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grubbin22 · 1 month
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more wips + joltik
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tryanmybest · 1 month
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r-aindr0p · 1 month
I love how you draw Rollo as a skrunkly little gremlin, can we see him being absolutely unhinged?
I did draw him a bit deranged from time to time ! Though I consider most of the art as old and a bit cringe now but here's a few ! (from latest to newest, I consider the chibi one stepping out of the mirror room coffin as a bit deranged :') ) I guess I didn't draw him unhinged unless there was a good reason to/context and I mostly get inspired to draw when I listen to music so two here are related to fire themed songs + there's a mini "comic" of post GloMas Rollo unable to be near fire without physically trembling and feel unwell
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Though I'd loke to draw him unhinged more often ! I just need a context or something inspiring to do so
I'm planning on drawing more of fire scared/trauma Rollo sometime soon ! But I can take other suggestions as well :)
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fallowfrog · 1 year
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"you wish to leave this place? then, it is my wish to make your doing so a little bit more interesting..."
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 8 months
tim + brentwood characters as boys i was legitimately friends with in high school and think of every single day:
Buzz- Jake (fake names for all of my friends bc privacy reasons) who complained about hanging out with nerds, got into a fistfight with someone else on his football team bc they called us nerds, was thoroughly convinced he'd run laps faster if he was hopped up on pixie stix (i held his backback while he got sick in the bathroom👍👍), he tried to hit on my older sister and she laughed at him, he was so put out he contemplated becoming a monk for a week
Wes: Max, who i helped sneak an entire bottle of orange juice on to the bus to our choir competition, but was unaware he brought a full bottle of vodka as well, ended up crying on our choir teacher for the three hours after the comp and i bought him a box of donuts after school, he did not stop doing this and had severe beef with a kid he knew in 5th grade and hadnt seen since but also hadnt forgotten their name and last i knew, was still awaiting for a dreaded confrontation to eventually come
Kip: Eduardo, who we all thought was studying during lunch but was actually filling his notebook with weird facts he observed about us and also managed to chew several packs of gum at once throughout our math class before the teacher noticed him, didnt know the plot to the clockwork orange so i lied about it for 5 weeks before he read it and called me just to tell me "you lying frog" befire he hung up
Ali: Ángel, who lied several times on separate occasions to the campus security about where people smoked, forgot what chihuahuas were twice, and almost drowned when he was swimming except his older brother got him and he immediately called me while waiting for the ambulance to tell me he almost fucking died, randomly sang a song about crabs he made up throughout the day
Danny: Ben, helped me with my biology homework because i helped him with essays, once released a live rat into the computer classroom because he had beef with the teacher, once texted me at 11 p.m. because he was having a mental breakdown over his chem work before he realized he was actually looking at trig and i told him id shoot him with a tranq gun if he woke me up like this again, kept forgetting how to tie his shoes
Tim: Teddy, he catfished 6 men over the age of 30 by pretending to be a 13 yr old girl and lured them to the part of town where there is an absurd amount of wild dogs that evade animal control and are known to maul humans, i watched him lockpick the english teacher's door so he could take back an essay he wrote bc it was actually a slash fic he printed out and turned in by accident, we hung out at a dennys once and he accidentally put his hand in syrup, looked me dead in the eye and said "i did that bc im gay" and wore pastel pink for a month bc it pissed off the hall monitor, his dad, and also six teachers he didnt even have class with
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
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My bestie bubu is going through an art block so I told him if he would like to do a color palette challenge and later on ax joined us but the ide I had for the drawing was the next one.
Varian is like a being of some sort and (thanks to bubu for this comparison bc he said something Abt the cube in Varian's chest being similar to where prismo is and also as he was pink like prismo bubu made the comparison)
And so with that I imagined a little varian stucked in a room sleeping for eternity and granting wishes to ppl
And one day Hugo gets there and wishes to meet him in every universe
So then they have some kind of string holding them together thanks to prismo Varian who granted the wish and also Hugo can go and visit varian whenever he wants and varian writes some fanfics about them from time to time and gets jumpscared when he's writing a fanfic and all of the sudden Hugo goes there to visit him
Also Hugo bothers Varian with his human physical form as he's tiny unlike his 2D version on the wall (and he's into that)
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nariaein · 3 months
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s-pen doodles of izutsumi + charpim 🥺
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