#''a lot has changed in TV and Movies too'' yeah but we don't need a sequel for that
When are we going to talk about how gen z and alpha growing up with lifelong access to tech didn't make them good with technology, it made them bad with people.
A lot of people, when Leave the World Behind was released, related to the youngest character. The daughter who's only priority and desire was to watch the Friends finale as the adults around her were crippled with anxiety about politics, current events, and the very real possibility a war was happening.
One of her most hard-hitting lines was about wanting nothing but the smallest of comforts in a world that guaranteed you none. So if she was gonna die, she was gonna die watching Friends.
She had little to no empathy for her parents or the rest world, which is key to her character's behavior throughout the movie.
"yes, okay the internet is out and there's a blackout and flamingos are in the pool in the USA, and you're terrified, but can you just please fix the TV for me?"
And yeah, I do think it was the damn phones. Because what she's doing isn't all that different from what a LOT of Americans and Gen Z are doing right now while genocides happen.
It's not that different from what a lot of us do. See something awful on our phone and at some point put the phone down like we didn't. Instead we make dinner, do laundry, go to work.
It's our routine.
But gen z and alpha were born into that climate, unlike the rest of us. They didn't grow up seeing the internet be built. They didn't grow up with friends who created forums or sites or were constantly finding new ones. All that already existed. The internet doesn't have secret corners to hide in anymore. Just shadowy ones you really shouldn't wander into.
The work that needed to be done was already done or being done by someone else. Markets and sites were already saturated. If I want to Google something right now, I know for a fact that someone already posted sources and a webpage for it, too.
So much was simply Provided to them. They're so used to the idea of Unknown Others solving problems for them.
Why would they make the effort to solve anything themselves when experience has shown they just have to Google it. Or that it probably already exists. And what difference would They make anyway?
Afterall they themselves are just another Unknown Other in someone else's life, aren't they? Someone nobody thinks about again after their avatar scrolls by.
Is it really that far of a stretch to say that doing this everyday or even just seeing it happen everyday has had material and tangible effects on us as a society?
That it's resulted in a generation of kids who not only undervalue themselves but the impact they are capable of having on their society. Who have resigned to simply Existing within the world instead of trying to thrive in it?
Can we talk about how millennials saying "the next generation will handle it" was nothing but entitlement? We wanted to stop fighting and tried to pass the torch onto a generation that hadn't even graduated high school yet.
And we made things worse by doing that. If we can refuse to fight for them, why would they fight for anyone else? And when parents hand their kids an iPad and send them off to occupy themselves why would they look for human connections?
We taught them not to.
The internet was and is the only consistent thing Gen Z and alpha has had that did not expect anything of them.
And now most of us would be content to doomscroll in the apocalypse in the name of our "mental health"
We've all seen the memes and jokes about it, don't backpedal now. Like I said, a lot of people saw Rose in that movie and made #me & #same posts.
Few would get up and try to cause the change to change anything. Which, in that movie and IRL is how change is made. Real people getting up and working together. Someone doing the work nobody else wants to because someone has to.
But what happens when you grew up thinking someone else was always gonna do it for you anyway?
And that if they didn't, that you were the least qualified because the internet is Full of people more capable than you, right?
The world is full of people more capable than you. Your phone told you that, didn't it? So there's no point in you doing anything.
Is there?
People need people, in case you forgot. People need you, in case you forgot.
You're not an Unknown Other in my phone. You are person, in case you forgot.
My tribe has this saying that I know is shared with other natives "be a good ancestor"
A reminder that not only are we the product of the people who came before us, but the people after us will be products of us and our choices, too. That time is linear and goes forward and that how we spend that time matters. Not just for us, but for every single person who will come after us.
A reminder that even though we may be one person in a very long line, we are never ever without the power to change our future. That we have a responsibility to our community and family to use the time we are given for good. A reminder that the life I have isnt just for me. It's for a we.
That I am not just some Unknown Other. I'm a community member, I'm a person, and as such I owe it to my community to be better and demand better for them.
I think a lot of people need that lesson.
You're not an Unknown Other that nobody thinks about. Youre a community member and I actually think about you all the time.
I think about everyone who has resigned to doomerism all the time and I wish y'all would wake up. You're like the depressed cousin on the couch who naps too much and this is me trying to snap you out of it again.
Wake up.
You're loved and valued and people need you. Get up. Be a good ancestor.
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kissitbttr · 10 months
hello! i read you miss having asks and i don't know if you maybe miss having some requests (in case you aren't taking any you can ignore this and i hope you'll have a good day <3)
but what about some domestic Miguel and spending your first Christmas together? just imagine sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with a blanket covering both of you, watching some way too romantic soap opera, while drinking some hot chocolate and just enjoy the moment <3
(i know this is so early and we are still in November, but I swear, I can already feel the nostalgic feeling of Christmas </3)
xmas with miggy? say no more baby!!
it is absolutely one of your favorite holiday, ever. the music, the decorations, the presents for your loved ones, the cooking and baking. everything about christmas just screams fairytale,
miguel has never been the one who’s fond of this specific holiday, or any holiday for that matter. he would drown himself in work to avoid any invitations from friends. sad but anything to get away from interacting with strangers.
now ever since you stepped into his life, he can’t help but see how this year’s christmas would be different. having you with him to celebrate together just changes his perspectives. now he has someone to hold and love, this christmas would bring joy into his life.
you and him had been pretty busy with the decorations and stuff. buying a Christmas tree, getting pretty ornaments, looking for presents etc.
“need a hand, baby?” miguel steps into the kitchen, seeing you take out fresh cookies from the oven. you look so… comfy. dressed in his old t-shirt with your hair tied up in a bun—his clothing is basically a dress so there’s no need to be putting on some pants other than underwear—
you nod, looking up at him before setting the cookies on the counter. “can you put those hot chocolates on the table, my love?” you ask with a smile,
his heart soars at the nickname before grabbing the two cups of hot cocoa with tiny pink marshmallows in them. “you pick or i pick the movie?”
you’re quick to raise your hand in a child-like manner, causing him to laugh. “me, duh!” you answer as if it’s the most obvious thing. “we’re tuning in The Mafia Dolls and La Reina Del Sur”
miguel groans at the choice, shaking his head as he put the tray down on the table before grabbing a blanket. “you just want to watch Kate Del Castillo because you have a crush on her” he points out,
shrugging you showcase an expression of no shame. “she’s hot. you know i would leave your ass for her”
miguel jaw drops open, hand over his heart as he watches you stifle a giggle. “i’ve had enough time dealing with men trying to hit on you on a daily basis and now i have to compete with Kate Del Castillo too?!”
“her and Eva Mendes” you nod, arms crossed, smiling to yourself as he rolls his eyes before throwing you a playful glare and sit on the couch. “you’re going to pay for that comment”
you give him a cheeky smile. grabbing two cookies as you stride towards him, his large arm coming to wrap itself around your waist. he gently pulls you down on the couch, letting your head rest against his chest as you feed him a cookie.
“mhmm” he hums in approval. “new recipe?”
“yeah. you like? grandma sent the recipe to me. said that i have to treat my man something nice every once in a while” you giggle to yourself as he put his arm behind you. his lips plants a kiss on top of your head.
“tell her i said thank you” he mumbles as he turns on the tv. “i like this you know?”
a hum rumbles from you as you lay your back comfortably against him, taking another bite of the cookie. “what is?”
then he smiles, eyes landing on you. his fingers move to stroke your soft hair gently, catching that sweet scent of your strawberry mint shampoo that he finds obsessed over.
miguel can’t exactly remember when he had something like this. probably in his childhood? not quite sure. even if it was true, he doubts that it’s actually memorable. he remembers there were a lot of screaming match and broken plates though. maybe that’s why he avoids christmas like a plague. it was never magical.
but you… oh god, you.
you changed it for the better. the decorating christmas tree, wrapping up presents for each other, counting fails at an attempt to create gingerbread house, cooking up delicious traditional food instead of unseasoned dish that he sees people are making. and it might not be a big christmas party like in movies or how his co-workers do it, but that’s okay really. that’s just how he prefers it.
you, him and christmas.
“being with you” he responds, not minding the chatters coming from the tv. “estoy agradecido por ti, princesa”
“so, so grateful” he mumbles, pressing another quick kiss on your temple.
his words cause your gaze to soften. you slowly turn your head to look up to him from the tv, who’s eyes glued into the screen. your heart warms at the sight of miguel being comfortable with you, a small smile attached to his face.
leaning forward, you give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. he sighs out of contentment at the gesture, hand around your waist tighten.
“i’m grateful for you too.”
aaa this feels like it’s rushed but i hope u like it anon! I’m sorry it took too long:(
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GFL girls watching a horror movie with their S/O?
yeah I rewatched emesis blue and I need to see other people get scared
(GFL) Kalina, Helianthus, G36, AK-15, RPK-16, Architect, Scarecrow, M16A1, G11, and HK416 watching a horror movie with their S/O
I just finished watching Stasis: Bone Totem for the past 7 hours personally. I'm sad now.
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Kalina happily snuggles next to S/O, eating popcorn as S/O held onto her for dear life.
She wasn't that troubled by the horror movie they put on.
Mostly because it gave her some fantastic ideas for Halloween this year!
(S/O) "K-Kalina, why are you smiling?!"
(Kalina) "Hm...I think I can recreate that with some of the T-Dolls, the way we can utilize our stealth tech can make one helluva haunted mansion!"
(S/O) "You're going to monetize ghosts?!"
(Kalina) "Heck yeah, I am!"
She does jump at a few of the scares but laughs them off.
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Helian can't help but wonder if this is what the younger couples did nowadays. Or rather, if they still did this kind of thing.
She sat with S/O in the darkness, huddled up next to them on the couch as the TV provided their entertainment for the night.
(Helianthus) "I doubt that this movie will be that scary."
It in fact, was that scary.
Some of the scares get Helian to scream, latching onto S/O.
Which she immediately tries to clear her throat and preserve some dignity.'
(Helianthus) "...Tell anyone about this, and you're a dead man/woman."
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G36 has to put on her glasses in order to watch the film properly.
She couldn't help but fidget a little, she wasn't used to just...sitting down and doing nothing.
But admittedly, it was a nice change of pace.
G36 flinches at some of the scares, but she can't help but laugh at least a little, making sure S/O was comfortable.
Or more accurately, not scared out their mind.
(G36) "You are shaking a lot. Do you require warmer blankets?"
(S/O) "N-NO! Just...s-stay here, don't leave me alone!"
(G36) "Necromorphs are not real-"
(S/O) "C-Can we make sure the vents are locked tight tonight?"
G36 just smiles at that.
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15 doesn't really understand why S/O is watching horror movies if they were scared of it.
If this was just some elaborate ruse just for 15 to hold them tightly, they could've just asked her directly.
Regardless, she obliges them because it made them happy.
She doesn't react in the slightest to any of the scares, finding the whole concepts of ghosts and spirits illogical.
(AK-15) "You know they don't exist S/O. Why are you so afraid?"
(S/O) "I-I don't know! It just freaks me out, alright?!"
She notices their heartbeat calms down at least a little if her arms are wrapped around them, which she comfortably holds them in her grasp the duration of the movie and night.
At least they trusted her strength so much, they believed she could punch a demon back to hell.
That makes her pride go up an substantial amount, though she doesn't vocalize it.
Otherwise, she doesn't flinch from a single thing in the movie, even the more grotesque parts.
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16 is highly amused the entire time, watching as S/O is latching onto her during the movie.
She also can't help but wonder why humans would make something so strange.
Did they want to be scared? Was the human race nothing but masochists?
(RPK-16) "Why exactly did we choose this type of movie tonight, S/O? You seem to be trembling."
(S/O) "Well, I thought it'd be fun..."
(RPK-16) "Hm, well it gives me a few ideas on how to get some interesting reactions out of you at least."
For the remainder of the night, she has a smug grin on her face as S/O squirms and yelps from the scares.
She began to ponder on what exactly S/O was afraid of. The girl with long hair, the loud noises? This was going to be a fun time experimenting!
She isn't affected by the movie at all, save for getting ideas to scare S/O.
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Architect is absolutely terrified with S/O, making her almost drop the bucket of popcorn and candy she has.
(Architect) "AGH! DID YOU SEE THAT?!"
(S/O) "W-WHAT?! NO, WHAT?!"
Like S/O, she gets way too immersed in the film and the both of them are shaking in fear.
When they go to bed, Architect has her weapon directly next to the bedside, with S/O making no complaints.
(Architect) "I-If any demon bastard wants to go through that door, they'll be blown the hell up!"
(S/O) "...Wait, this is my room. Why did you have that in here to begin with-"
(Architect) "For situations like these! I don't wanna be killed by some ghost!"
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Scarecrow finds this whole ordeal illogical. She doesn't get scared by anything, let alone by human entertainment.
The reason why S/O called her to watch these escaped her, but it's not like she had anything better to do.
She blankly stares at the screen as she feels S/O hug her tightly, her irises adjusting to the brightness of the screen.
Her voice remains monotone the entire time, slightly muffled by her mask.
(Scarecrow) "...Do I scare you as much as the scarecrow in this film, S/O?"
(S/O) "Um...Not really, you're a lot cuter.-"
Her eyes glanced over to S/O, noticing that they weren't teasing, mostly due to being afraid.
She finds amusement in their terror, but doesn't make a comment on their compliment.
(Scarecrow) "That is obvious."
(S/O) "UWAGH!?"
Scarecrow is held even tighter, making her sigh. Why are humans like this?
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M16 just smirks when S/O asks her to watch a horror movie with them.
(M16A1) "Don't worry, I'm so bad that not even any monster will come near me!"
She puffs her chest out in pride when S/O finds comfort in her arms.
(M16A1) "Psh, I could beat the hell out of that blue demon."
(S/O) "B-But that's a supernatural ghost! You can't shoot ghosts!"
(M16A1) "I can sure try!"
She has the biggest smile on her face, just getting to enjoy this moment with S/O.
She's not really affected by the scares in the movie, just finding it funny more than anything.
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G11 would be fast asleep if S/O didn't wake her up from their screaming.
The entire time, she is held like a teddy bear in S/O's arms, making her slightly annoyed.
(G11) "Loud..."
(S/O) "How can you sleep through that screaming and bloodshed?!"
(G11) "...It's not real."
(G11) "...Hm...I'm going back to sleep..."
She drools on their arms while S/O is never ever letting go of G11, for less romantic reasons this time around.
Not that she minded entirely, since it was comfortable.
Until S/O screamed and shook her awake, making her eyes groggily open before shutting again.
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HK416 obliges S/O in watching horror movies.
After all, nothing like having the best T-Doll protect them, even from something as mundane as a film.
She only gets scared, because S/O screamed directly next to her.
(HK416) "GAH! God damn-why are you so loud?!"
(S/O) "S-Sorry, it just scared me!"
She rolls her eyes when she feels S/O get closer to her. A slight blush came to her cheeks as she muttered something under her breath.
(HK416) "If you were going to piss yourself, why are we doing this?"
(S/O) "I...I thought I could look braver if I could watch this with you here..."
(HK416) "Heh, some job you're doing."
She's going to lord it over her S/O that she wasn't scared once from the movie.
Until the final jumpscare made her recoil into S/O's arms, turning the tables.
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mooonpiess · 3 months
Proposal - Erasermic
Shouta comes home from patrol and has a peaceful night with his boyfriend, when he randomly gets the urge to ask a life changing question.
1018 words
(likes and reblogs r so appreciated! i post to ao3 first if you wanna check that out! feel free to drop requests! they help a lot!)
Hizashi looked up from his phone as he heard keys in the door. He smiled brightly as Shouta trudged into the room, “Hey,”
“Hi,” Shouta responded, slipping out of his shoes. He wiggled his capture scarf over his head, resting it by his shoes.
“Don’t leave that there,” Hizashi reminded, glancing back down to his phone, “How was it?”
“Fine,” Shouta stretched, popping his back. He sighed and moved to sit next to Hizashi on their sofa. Hizashi turned his head towards his boyfriend again, leaning in to peck his lips.
“I'm glad you're home safe,” Hizashi said this every time Shouta came home. He wasn't complaining though. He would never admit it (so he says) but it’s incredibly endearing.
And like always, he responds with a, “Me too,” He leaned tiredly into Hizashi’s side glancing at his phone, “Script?”
“Mmhm. I know if I don't get it done tonight, it’ll never get done,” Hizashi chuckled and wrapped his free arm around Shouta. He typed a few more words before groaning, “I just am stumped. I swear I don’t know what to add anymore,”
Shouta hummed, closing his eyes, “It’ll come to you. I know it will,”
“You smell,” Hizashi said, his tone teasing, “Want to go wash up so we can relax?”
Shouta rolled his eyes and stood up again, “Be right back,” Shouta trudged to the bathroom and took a brisk shower. He enjoyed the nearly boiling water rolling down his back and aching muscles. He let his hair run under the water as well, finger combing through his hair, untangling the small knots that littered through his hair.
Shouta stepped out of the shower with a soft sigh, feeling less tense already. He dressed quickly, eager to go back out to Hizashi, getting in much needed quality time.
This was the first time in a month that their schedules aligned perfectly. They both had the entire weekend to themselves and they planned on using that to their advantage.
Shouta plopped back on the couch and Hizashi smiled at him, “Can I brush your hair?”
“I knew you’d ask that,” Shouta said and shifted so he sat on the ground in between Hizashi’s legs. He handed Hizashi his brush.
Hizashi brushed his hair nearly every time Shouta washed it. He said he found it relaxing, though, when Shouta tries to return the favor Hizashi declines. He claims that Shouta’s brushing throws off his 12 step hair routine.
Hizashi always took his time with Shouta’s hair, knowing how much his boyfriend liked it.
He brushed his fingers through his still wet hair, following it with the brush. When Shouta’s hair was wet his small waves and curls stood out more, especially after running the brush through and watching the hair stretch and then bounce back to its regular length.
“I love you,” Hizashi said halfway through his hair.
Shouta hummed, clearly he was on the verge of falling asleep, “I know,”
Hizashi continued to brush his hair with just the sound of the tv going, humming to himself softly. Shouta started to shift so Hizashi removed his hands, “Need to get up?”
“Yeah,” Shouta stood, “I’ll be right back,”
Hizashi nodded and watched as he disappeared in the hall. He continued to hum to himself, halfway paying attention to the new movie that started. His eyes flicked to Shouta who walked back into the room. He smiled again.
Shouta returned the smile, though significantly smaller. He walked in front of Hizashi and slowly got down on one knee. He held a small box out in front of him saying a simple, “Marry me,”
Hizashi’s eyes widened. He looked at Shouta’s face, flabbergasted, “What?”
Shouta’s cheeks darkened and he looked away from Hizashi, clearly embarrassed, “Do you want to marry me?”
Hizashi let out a laugh. He was in his ragged pajamas and so was Shouta. He had takeout on the coffee table and they were in their tiny apartment’s living room. As absurd as it sounds he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Yeah,” He laughed harder, “Of course I will, baby,” He situated himself on the floor next to Shouta and cupped his cheeks. He pulled him in for a kiss.
Shouta let out a sigh of relief. He smiled into the kiss, pulling Hizashi even closer.
“I thought you didn’t want to get married,” Hizashi said once they pulled away, “I hope you don’t feel pressured because of me. I would be happy staying boyfriends,”
Shouta removed Hizashi’s hand from his cheek and the ring from the box. He slipped the silver band onto Hizashi’s left ring finger and brought his hand up to his lips to kiss, “Well… at first I didn’t think marriage was important to prove our love. But we’ve been together for so long now and I’m older… it's just… I don’t hate it anymore. I want our routine to continue everyday, I want to call you my husband. I want to grow more with you, Hizashi,”
Hizashi’s smile dropped slightly and he pulled Shouta in again, “Don’t make me cry,”
“I love you, and I know I don’t say it enough, but I do. And forbid anything happens to us… but I don’t want to die without you knowing that,” Shouta continued, holding Hizashi close, not wanting him to see his face, “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me Hizashi. I love you and I want to be your husband,”
Hizashi was silent for a moment, just holding Shouta close. He squeezed him before pulling away slightly, “I love you too Shouta. Now I know what to add to my script,”
“That I’m an engaged man! Everyone’s gonna be sick of me because on Monday, all Im going to talk about is my darling fiance,”
Shouta let a laugh tumble out at Hizashi’s excitement.
Hizashi stood up, bringing Shouta with him, “Come on,” He smiled and started pulling him to the bedroom.
“Huh?” Shouta followed, questioning Hizashi’s moves.
“We have to celebrate somehow, fiance,” Hizashi laughed, “And we have the whole weekend too,”
(they got down and dirty)
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Character Q&A - Mallory & Wil - June '24
Hey peoples!
Over on Patreon, members can submit questions for poll-winning characters to answer in-character. The current hotseat belongs to Mal and Wil simultaneously. Since the answers are public, I figured why not post them here too. Enjoy!
For Mal:
Q: Mal, is there a look you feel the most comfortable in?
A: Sorta? It's more like, there's a range I prefer staying inside. I don't like being too tall or too short, I like keeping the toned bod. I'd have glasses a lot more if they weren't a pain in the ass with a mask. Usually prefer not being too masc or fem, but that depends. It's a comfort thing. Oh, and I don't like changing ethnicity. I dunno how to explain it but it feels, like... yeah I dunno. Lying isn't usually a problem for me but that kinda deceit makes me feel not okay.
Q: When did you first discover you could do what you do?
A: I was like nine or ten and I was screwing around in the kitchen. I think I was trying to microwave dirt or something? I was a little shit when I was a kid. Anyway I picked up my toasty dirt and my hand kind of just melted and I'm freaking out and thinking I invented acid dirt. Luckily mom was there and ran in and she kinda knew what to do, so I put my hand back together and started changing skin colours. Red, blue, orange, all kinds. Then I got grounded for microwaving dirt.
Q: What's your idea of a good date?
A: Hm, good question. I like to switch things up, but I'd rather be doing like, an activity. I get kinda restless with sitdown stuff like dinner or going to the movies. Would rather curl up at home if we're gonna watch something. But yeah, like, going to the club, dancing, just doing things in each other's company, and if we can go home and cuddle or uh, more, afterward, then even better. I mean that's not essential, touch is just a thing for me.
Q: What do you think of the new members?
A: Teddie needs to lighten up. I know his power is a shitty hand, but the grouchy act gets kinda old when you're trying to work as a team. Kay's fun, though if she sticks with this career she's either gonna wise up or she's gonna get burned hard. Still, it's nice having someone around who gets gender stuff. I like Wil but I don't think he's cut out for this line of work. Just a feeling. Guilty conscious, you know?
[MC] is interesting. 'lil bit of a wildcard. Definitely holding a lot back, but who isn't? There are deep wounds there, and I mean deep. I dunno. People with nothing to lose are dangerous, and I doubt [MC] has much.
Q: What kind of movies / TV shows do you like?
A: I'm an unrepentant lover of trash. Give me shitty reality TV and direct to DVD movies. Musicals, too. Just, uh, hope you don't mind hearing all the songs over and over the next few days cause I'll be singing them nonstop.
Q: Did you ever think of being an actor?
A: Nah, not for me. Only two things I ever wanted to be. Still working on those.
For Wil:
Q: Wil, what's your idea of a good date?
A: A good date's one where everyone enjoyed themselves. The actual activity could be almost anything. I love taking people to concerts, though. Not big ones, I'm talking the kind that you get at a bar or maybe a smallish performance centre. There's just something special about it.
Q: What do you think of the group?
A: I don't like that Dion kept things quiet until we'd already committed ourselves. I'm all for giving the government a big fuck you, but Dion held it back on purpose. Makes it harder to trust him. The group as a whole is alright, I guess. Get along okay with everyone. Little surreal to have coworkers and friends as a villain. Hanging out with buddies in downtime isn't something I ever pictured villains doing, you know?
[MC] worries me a bit. There's this... haunted air, and that doesn't happen out of nowhere. I kind of hope there's something I can do to help.
Q: What music do you listen to?
A: K-pop and country.
*cracks up*
Okay, that was a lie. Yeah, I'm absolutely predictable. I like punk and metal, bit of alt rock. I have a pipe organ album, too.
Q: How did you meet Teddie and Kay?
A: We were all younger. Their powers were both already a thing, mine weren't. They used to hang out a lot in this one neighourhood next to the Parks which is basically the Parks minus one percent, and I happened to work at a coffee place there. They came in now and then, got the impression they couldn't really afford it very often. Exchanged a few words here and there, hadn't really met them until they staggered in one day all bloody and bruised. I guess I was the nearest person they vaguely thought they could trust?
Anyway that's how I wound up getting introductions while fixing Teddie's broken nose.
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enixamyram · 18 days
Had a friend sleep round and we decided to binge watch Blood of Zeus. Here are my thoughts:
Overall, it was good. The animation was a little weird at times (it was like realistic animation but with a touch of comedy movement thrown in every now and then that just didn't fit or their lips moved a little too stiffly when speaking) but it still had some great designs for the characters and creatures.
The story itself was a bit of hit and miss. I liked the general plot and most of the little character moments that happened in between but felt Heron was a pretty boring and unnecessary main character. I feel like we could have done the whole story with one of Zeus' canon sons being the lead (either a god or demi god, it could have worked either way). I also realized that a lot of the things I really didn't enjoy from the show was usually the Hollywood-Cliches/Tropes that were added on. Things clearly done to hype the drama but that either weren't needed or didn't fit with the characters. And I'm not sure if it's because I've read a lot of the Greek Myths and I'm mixing it with these characters but I often found myself siding more with the bad guys than the supposed heroes. Like yeah, Hera's totally psycho but at the same time, good for her telling Zeus to go eff himself!
Speaking of characters: Ares. Let me start by saying I don't actually mind changing up the stories and interpreting the characters in different ways. I think it makes it interesting and different. But it has to be for a good enough reason like a serious plot point or important character development. Ares, in this, is not only totally out of character (he's the one of the few God who was against any form of sexual assault) but he's annoyingly pointless. I literally described him to my friend as an "annoying bully jock" and then saw someone else on here also described him as a "typical jock". Throughout the show, he isn't there to do anything but be an asshole and give the "bastards" a hard time so we can see just how much better they are in comparrison. Again, I don't mind changing things up but it feels very much like people still just think: Ares=God of War, war=fighting, fighting=bad, bad=evil. That's such a juvenile thought process but it's all anyone ever does for him in media. (And you know what, on another moaning note. I hated Ares outfit. Not necessarily the outfit but certainly the color. Puting him in all black because, again, black=bad, just looked awful to me. It sucked and it's the one things in the show that really got on my nerves throughout.)
I will watch season 3 when it comes out, but I don't think it's a show I'll be eager to rewatch anytime soon.
And I'll add here: If anyone has any book/movie/TV show recs about Greek God's and Mythology, please recommend. I am still very much addicted to that subject right now.
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luvsae · 1 year
Me again still asking for Cha Hyun-su like lets be real WE NEED MORE LOVE FOR HIS TALL ASS UGHH
Anyways so like he’s infected obviously and were like trynna sneak in to see him - were not dating but we have a crush on him (hell we don’t need angst) - so yeah uhm im horrible at describing of what im asking for
omg this has been in my inbox for so long and i apologize </3
i haven't watched that show but i will watch in the future!! anyway. you know i love to write for hyunsu <3 LETS GOO WOOO this ended with a cliffhanger, so lmk if you want a pt 2 dgkjdsgjdng
infected or not | cha hyunsu
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He was your best friend for a while. You two had moved to a new apartment and had separate rooms, but always joined together to play videogames and what not.
You and Hyunsu were the perfect pair of friends, but what he didn't know was that you had a crush on him. A huge one, to be exact.
Masking your feelings for him was easy, yet hard.
Sometimes you just wanted to shout your feelings out loud, but then you were shy and decided to keep everything in because of the risk of rejection from your bestfriend.
Also, you didn't want to have a change in your friendship. You didn't want anything to happen just because your feelings got in the way, no way.
You loved seeing Hyunsu, but you couldn't anymore because of the infection going around, and he had caught it. It would cause his nose to bleed and his eyes would turn black.
People feared him as if he was some sort of monster, but you didn't fear him. Not one bit. You knew that Hyunsu was still the same person, just infected.
Eunhyuk had decided to keep him locked in an extra room that was on the main floor. This was decided after there was a vote on whether or not to kick Hyunsu out.
Of course, you were against this, and was very vocal about your feelings. The older man complained, but then he turned out to be infected as well. Karma.
You began to feel lonely as your best friend and crush was no longer by your side at all times. You missed the way he would look at you, or the way he would hug you when you first saw each other in the morning.
You never realized how much you could miss someone until they were no longer with you.
Tonight was a rather lonely night.
You were tired of not seeing Hyunsu, so you decided to have a plan laid out.
Tonight you were going to visit him. After hours was the safest option as Eunhyuk would probably be too busy doing something else, or at least you hoped that was the case.
You threw on different clothes - something a little bit nicer, also looking in the mirror to fix your hair.
Mixed feelings entered your mind at a sudden speed. Specifically about Hyunsu.
Should I tell him about how I feel? You thought to yourself, shaking your head to focus on your appearance instead of the many questions in your mind.
Grabbing your phone and headphones just in case, you also took a packet of ramen for Hyunsu. He had a lot of it, but it was his favorite flavor - Chicken.
You closed the door carefully and made your way down to the main level. People were most likely asleep as it was late, but you were just excited to see Hyunsu.
As you made it to the main level, you quickly peaked around to see if anyone was there. Turning around, you bumped into someone. That someone was Sangwook.
"Going somewhere?" He asked, his voice a tad bit quiet.
"Uh," you paused for a moment. "Yes..?"
"Going to see your boyfriend?" He teased.
"Wh- Hyunsu isn't my boyfriend, and can you keep your voice down! I don't need Eunhyuk on my ass about this. He doesn't let me visit in the daytime, so..." You replied back.
Sangwook let out a quiet chuckle. "I wasn't gonna stop you. Have fun and don't get caught. If I get asked anything, I never saw you."
"Thanks." You nodded and continued walking down the hall.
You eventually made it down to the room where Hyunsu remained.
With a quick peak inside, you opened the door, quickly closing the door behind you and noticing Hyunsu who was half asleep against the wall.
His lip was puffed out a bit and his cheeks looked so soft. You smiled at the scene but quietly went over and tapped him on the shoulder.
Jumping slightly, Hyunsu's eyes shot open and looked directly into yours. His mouth was hung open a bit before he got a few words out.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I came to visit you," you answered. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you."
"No, no," he smiled. "You didn't. I'm happy to see you. I've missed being with you all the time."
There was that familiar feeling in your stomach - the butterflies that hatched from the cocoon. The feeling you couldn't wish away even if you wanted to.
"I've missed being with you all the time too," you confessed. "I brought something for you. It might be small but I thought you would like it."
Handing over the pack of ramen, Hyunsu's eyes lit up. "I've been craving this, oh my god. Thank you so much. I promise to repay you when we get out of here- well, if we do."
"Hey," you placed your hand on Hyunsu's shoulder. "We're both gonna get out of here. I promise you that. I'll do whatever it takes, okay?"
"Thank you," he said, "You're an amazing friend."
He didn't know your feelings, but you couldn't help but feel a tad pinch of bitterness at the mention of being a friend - because that's what you were. Just a friend.
You knew you had to confess today because although you did promise about both of you getting out, you didn't know if you would get infected yourself and how your body would react to it.
"What have you been doing to keep yourself occupied?" You asked, knowing you were going to confess soon.
"Staring at the wall," Hyunsu laughed - it was the sound of music to your ears. "I just, I don't know. I try to sleep or eat. I basically do whatever I can to be busy. I think about you sometimes, or all the time actually."
"I think about you all the time, too," You told him, your cheeks slightly burning with red. "I, uh."
You paused, clearing your throat. The nervousness started to rise to your throat.
"Are you okay?" He asked, his face full of concern.
"I'm okay," You reassured him. "I just need to tell you something, but I'm not sure how to.. say it, you know?"
"You can say it whenever you want," he patted your knee. "I'll be ready to hear it."
You closed your eyes momentarily, letting out a breath. "We've been friends for a while. I really love sharing a house with you, but being apart for so long made me realize something,"
You averted eye contact. "I miss you so much. I never knew I could miss someone as much as I miss you, Hyunsu."
"I miss you all the time, too, Y/N."
"My point is," you inhaled shakily. "I've learned that.. I have feelings for you. The feelings you have for someone you like. I'm sorry to have this all.. fall out on you, but I wanted to say that because I miss you every single day."
When you finally looked at Hyunsu, his face was mixed with confusion and other emotions, but you couldn't tell.
As he was about to say something, a familiar figure stood in the opened doorway, looking directly at you.
"Y/N, no one's allowed down here. I've told you that before." Eunhyuk had his hands on his hips as he looked down at you.
You quickly stood up. "I'm so sorry, uh, Hyunsu.. I'll see you later."
Hyunsu watched as you ran out of the room, his feelings left unanswered.
He wanted to say something.
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erinnkenobi · 2 years
Fall into me | chapter three
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"The saddest thing in life and the hardest to live through, is the knowledge that there is someone you love very much whom you cannot save from suffering.." — Agatha Christie
Chapter one - Chapter two - Chapter three
pairing | Spencer Reid x fem!reader
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 | Things changed after Spencer was taken hostage.
"There was no sun in my sky, No mirrors for monsters, and No love in sight. Then you walked down those stairs And I knew my heart wasn't mine"
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 | +7.3k sorry not sorry hon' and good lucky
TW 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 | bad English, inappropriate language, awful situation, mention of drugs, addiction, mental health awareness, comfort in each other, reader has trust issues, kidnapping, episodes set No way out and Revelations all from season two
Author's note | hope you enjoy and don't kill me, I didn't reviewed the story.
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Seriously that you got a call early in the morning? You begrudgingly get up and do what you need to do, you call your neighbour that is usually awakened at this time and ask I'd she could look after your dog for certain periods, to which she agreed.
Arriving at the BAU, you meet the new agent, Agent Prentiss, you have heard this name once, nevermind.
The moment you saw what JJ was showing on the screen, you got it, you have watched plenty of sci-fi movies and action films, it was a biological weapon, but you said nothing since Prentiss started showing off her skills in Arabic, it surprised everyone, but Hotchner face didn't flinch a move.
Well, you know a couple of languages and you still learning in the middle of the night when you're alone while watching a TV show or film by making you company, however since Spencer's visits turned out to be oftentimes, you haven't progressed a lot. The new agent sees smart and hard-working, but as you can notice by her corporal movements, she wants approval.
Hotchner said that you would come with him and Morgan, letting Spencer, Gideon and Prentiss go for Guantanamo Bay. You were not happy, but he's the boss.
–So, see you later?-you say before Spencer left for the Airstrip.
– Yeah, I hope you'll come with us again soon, Gideon seemed not that happy when Hotchner told him that Prentiss would come with us.
– I hope he doesn't scare her.-yo usar playfully, but you're hurt, you weren't made to work in the actual camp, therefore it didn't matter anymore, Hotchner noticed that you could do well in both ways as well as Gideon noticed too, you remained calm and centred, even in the worst possibilities.
But what no one knows is when you come back home, what is inside your mind when you can't show what you want to do right after those awful cases that your team solved? An incoming headache is foreseen, soon or later it will come and you shall crumble.
In a glimpse of time Spencer saw your mien drop off, he stared at your defensive eyes.
– Is something bothering you?-he forgets about his shyness and touches your should, making you look at his face, and your cheeks start burning.
– Ehm... What? NO no no, nothing is bothering me, just I don't think what they're saying is the real issue, there's something more behind it.
– I know, wait.-he still staring at you.– What did you mean by something more? Do you think it's a...
– Spencer, five minutes ended! We're going now.-you give Spencer a weak smile.
– Go and be safe, see you.
– Same thing, be safe OK.
– I'll be, Morgan always says I'm a child so as a parental figure, he says he'll keep out of trouble, I mean, not getting myself harmed.
Spencer wanted to put you in safety, he'd like to come and let you safe, so nothing could harm you even when it wasn't his area.
–If we don't catch up on time, you know when I'll meet you!-he quickly says before halting away from ye
–Go quickly!
–Bonnie Ryan
– Agent y/l/n.
– They must have done escape drills.-Hotchner walks away while Derek followed him, you stood still looking around if you could catch any missing points, then you follow their voices to a room where you saw the bio equipment, while Hotchner and Derek are describing the supposed unsub or gangsta and where they might attack.
–Any ideas y/l/n?-Hotchner suggest and you gestured with a more or less.– What do you think it is?
– Don't judge me in a bad way, but what if it is a bioterrorist weapon? I don't know what ingredients are inside but it doesn't seem just what we see on the surface.
The DEA agent is not happy, not with you of course, but with the statement, if it's a bioterrorist weapon, they must solve it quickly. Hotchner and Morgan said nothing until Morgan found a papel, a list filled with chemical components.
You snoop beside his body, not as subtle as he sees yet he let's you check.
Well, you forgot almost all chemistry classes you took while at school, it doesn't make any less dumb, but what you have just seen froze you.
When Morgan gets what Garcia told him, he first turns his head at you with a worried face, you were right, it wasn't a simple thing that you guys were putting your hands on.
– Are you sure? All right.
– What'd she say?
– Garcia says this looks like a list of additives needed to weaponize anthrax.-and you did it again, Hotchner's eyes are filled with panic even if his face stood as a
Inside the car with Hotchner and Morgan, you're paying attention to Hotch's phone call with JJ.
–[...] And notify Gideon and Reid.-you hear a small okay from JJ, Hotch look at Morgan and Morgan turns to you.
– Are you ready, kid?-your mind says no, yet your mouth betrayed you faster than a blink.
– Yeah, are we going now?
– Right now.-finishes Hotch.
When JJ warned the others about you going with 'em to seek this dangerous place, Reid's heart skipped a painful beat.
Inside the van of The Omega cell with all the right devices you searched along with Morgan for anything that could lead you to a clue, you stopped in your track muttering something under your breath, you felt panic through your veins, you touch Morgan's arm.
– This is a trap.-you alert with a muffled voice, but Morgan didn't hear you.
– What?
– How do you...
[Guantanamo bay]
Reid changes glances between the screen and the unsub hands.
-Something's wrong. His hands.-he reports the man's behaviour.
[...]–Is that Hotch?-Gideon asks while hasting.
– What's the problem?
– Get everybody out of there. Now. NOW. Now.-Gideon demands.
–Everybody out! It's a trap. Now!
You glare in fear at Hotch orders, you just feel Morgan grabbing yoyourand as quickly as possible dragging you out with no problems, soon as you all get out of the container you feel your body being pushed away and a man screaming, but your hears are all buzzing here and there, your body felt weak with suddenly explosion and hot air while pieces from the container were all flying around near ye all, lucky you that Morgan was dragging you before any damage could be done.
The three of you were together when agent Ryan begins chatting, she's sad, you've lost a S.W.A.T member, why they couldn't listen to you for a second? If they heard you all of you would be alive. Morgan after Garcia calls off to apologise, you feel your eyes burning with anger and sadness, you could have done more, you should have screamed that it was a trap, but with your fear you just told Morgan, barely audible.
–[...] Not yet.-Hotch finished his talking with the DEA agent.
When Spencer and Prentiss heard what happened at Guantanamo, Spencer was all worried, his hands holding tightly a paper scrap. If Prentiss noticed? Yeah, but she choose silence, she knew, she can't just ask "Hey, are you okay? The girl what is she for you? You can call her and see if she's okay if you don't mind" out of nowhere since she met them less than a day.
– Are they okay? Is she okay?-Spencer asks Gideon when he turns off the phone, Gideon ignores the second question.
–we were right about the trap. It was rigged to explode. A SWAT agent died.
Spencer could finally breathe, unfortunately, you guys lost a swat agent, there's no word to describe a loss but since he didn't know whose the person was, he couldn't feel much.
[Break time]
You huffed stressed, when you arrived in BAU, and with no time you're dragged again inside the car with Hotch and Morgan, really? On the back/rear seat again?
– Thank you. We just got a lead
–So we did get a name?-you ask with hope.
–And an address.-Morgan complete.
After the FBI agents get out of that house, they explained what they saw, you just could feel your stomach churn in despair, we're too late.
As you thought, you three come back inside the car.
Shopping scene.
Your heart was racing when you start running heading towards the security room with Hotch.
You saw how stressed Hotchner was when he reported the men's localisation to Morgan, the minute after this you tried to calm down Hotchner which you did a great job, affirming that his wife probably cancelled the photography shoot with his son, because, according to you, she'd like to do it with her family together.
– Thank you kid, it was such a stressful day.
– A stressful case Sir.-you cross your arms breathing.–Gladly our team were able to finish 'em, you can go back home and hug your family.-he returns you with a soft yet weak smile, that man need a good sleep.
– I'll make sure to listen to you more, Morgan told me you, the minutes before the explosion that you have warned him that something was oddly and all the cases before it too.
– Thanks sir, but now, what do we do now?
– We should head home kid.
I'm an adult, geez, why do they call me kid or child!
–Nala, do you think Am I a kid?-she barked, you felt a pang into your heart.-No no Nala, mommy is an adult woman, right?-the dog hides it's face under its paws, you just stare at her.
You cannot believe, your own dog getting doctrinesed against you.
–What a meanie.
The day was stressful and you needed a good nap after a good warm shower and Spencer couldn't show up, since they arrived late that day, he didn't mean to bother you.
Spencer is in a hurry while drawing a boy profile on his notebook, he almost bump in JJ, his hands were moving as the flash as it could possibly do, he picked up the phone talking with someone, minutes before it you were talking with Gideon when you saw your friend agitated.
– What's popping?-you cheerfully ask, but when he answers you weren't spectating for it.– Okay I'm out of this case.
– Oh no, you will come.-Spencer says.-Right, Gideon?-the confidence in Spence eyes made Gideon only nod, he never saw it, not even when playing chess.-Told you.
You two hastens away from them, and Gideon gives a forth look at you both and back then at JJ.
– What's happening between these two?
– I don't know Sir, as far as I know, they're friends with odds way in demonstrating it.
– Friends... I see, if you say, I don't mind, is not my business anyway, call Hotch and tell him he should come with us to the dead-house.
Oh my J. Why are you there staring at a woman dead body? ok, you knew ehy you were here, because a special lad dragged against your will, but why they needed you in this case? Dummy girl, you thought to  yourself, 'because you're part of their team'
Hence, as you can see, complaining wouldn't help much, wake up and start working, you noticed the woman body and if Spencer is 100% right, the boy that had done it is mad mad, could only be a boy in a sophomore year or a first year university student, but your money's is on the first option, yet your guts don't lie, there's something odd.
While you were heading back to BAU, you complained.
– Why you needed me?
– Because yes, and besides this poor affirmation, did you noticed something?
– We will need to see Garcia and check up, but I bet the boy you met is a horny boy with a wretched mind, but my guess is, he's might be a sophomore year student.
– Okay, but why sophomore year?
– Ill give you a simple answer, because its the horny age, Spence.-he gasped.
– Oh okay, but I don't think it affects everybody at this age.-yeah Spencer, I can believe.-I never.
– Neither did I, but as far as I can know my friends had done a lot of stupid things while I were studying.
–O, gotcha, though I never had friends.
– Okay, okay, do I need to repeat it again? I'm  your bestie right now, what is in the past, must stay in the past ok.-you couldn't notice at first(because you were looking at the pavement movement)but what you said made he open a wide smile
– Right, let's see Garcia.
Time flies by and BAU is getting the unsub out of hands, now after the sixteen years old girl death you've been set to work with Garcia, you both less than 10 minutes found what Spencee wanted, as a reward suddenly out of nowhere, Reid kisses your forehead while he held your cheeks happily as soon he rushes out of the room leaving you with a speechless shocked face and a shocked Garcia growing with slowly a mischievous grin.
–What the heck have I just seen?
–Don't make me questions that I can't answer.
You're passing by Reid table, he called you but you were with your purse on hands ready to go home, when Garcia stopped you holding your arm.
–We're hitting town tonight, you two, let's go.
– I don't feel like the a good company tonight, sorry.
– Neither do I, my precious hacker.-you Tey to fawn her, but you won't get out.
–Hm nope, you two, don't make me bring both of you by force, good boy.-she says when Spencer gives up getting up.
–I don't when drink, my dear!
–Then I pay you a soda.-Spencer continues, making Garcia proud.-What!? Why are you looking at me like that?
– Because I'll rip your bashful smile out of your face.
–Don't brag sweetie, we are going now -Garcia dragged you outside.
However when you arrived near the car Spencer got a call and his cheerfully smiled dropped in seconds.
–What happened??-you came closer him, but he opens the back seat door of Penelope's car, he makes you get inside and then rushed to Garcia.
–It's Nathan.
After what happened with the boy, Spencer left with Gideon while Penelope were being comforted by Morgan, and you, well with the wind, you shake your head getting out of there going to the nearest bus stop, when the bus arrived you heard your name being called but you were already in.
When you arrived in home you put all of your clothes in the washing machine and took a good shower ready to sleep, the panic and blood that you saw this week were enough, but as you're an unfortunate person someone rang your house's bell. Before opening the door you check who's the visitor,  if is an unknown you would call Nala and pick up your gun, but all what you see is a pale Spencer, you mentally shrugs but open your door.
–Hey, you shouldn't be here after what happened, you should've be at..-y/n is interrupted by a tight hug that almost made her fall on the floor, confused you trust in your guts  and just held his hug the warmest way possible.-Shushh, it's okay, it's okay, Spence, what we saw today it's over now, right?-He kept holding you in his arms,  you thought Gideon calmed him over past hour, but as you can see, Spencer is here, his hands trembling as hell.
You had to force him sit down on your sofa and drink a calming tea, not coffee for tonight, Spencer apologised for his abruptly visit but he also remarked that he'd told uou earlier that day he'd come to you house, it's was awkwardly after the hug because you didn't know what to say when you and he shared minutes that seemed hours staring at each other. You moved haste first, holding his hand and making him sit down while you were preparing the tea.
Nala leant her head on his lap, which seems to distract him, that's a good girl.
After the tea, Spencer quickly sleeps on your comfy large sofa, which causes you to cover him up, you mutter lowly to Nala.
–Keep an eye on our boy girl, mom will sleep too.
And after that day, something happened in both heart's,  but no one would do anything, not now.
Spencer had been visiting you lately at night times, you never asked why he's coming when you both finish your cases, because deep down, his company doesn't make you feel lonely, not ignoring Nala's existence, but having another human near, laughing and telling secrets and stories could never be replaced, even if that person its always bringing you scientific facts.
Derek Morgan's case close — you were mad at everybody, you were paired to work with Garcia, check as quick as possible to get your friend out of his prison. You couldn't believe either Hotch or Gideon were doing, how could be all of them fools, the moment you realised was the same moment you read the letter that Carl Bufort sent to the judge, your tears were burning your eyes and cheeks, Garcia asked worried why you were crying, she never saw you crying like this, eyes filled with a quiet anger.–"Hon' what happened, why are you crying? This is just a letter".–"Garcia... Haven't you noticed why Derek never told us about his past? Is because he have a scar, a deep scar that is private, why do you think he doesn't wanna us to know, I'd feel the same.Yet your friend couldn't understand.–"Garcia...All the clues have dots and those dots links each other" when she connected then her face fell.
The case went by and you two said anything, you'd didn't wanted to make Morgan sad or get him angry, since the stress of this case, this is a matter that isn't your place to say anything if the person wants to forget about their scars, thing that Gideon and Hotch unfortunately opened again, you know, somehow it was needed yet in a unpleasant way.
No way out (part 1 of 2)
Nala is the star of this episode, your brave girl helped a lot, you didn't enter the house, your dong sniffed something as she ran you followed and alerted everybody foretelling that you found the trailer, you dog haven't enter3d but barked, Hotchner came in first, then Spencer, Prentiss and you the last, your eyes googled in dread and further you see more your stomach churn, Spencer approached you pulling you out of the car, he seemed pale as a ghost.
–Are you okay?- you ask him first.
After that case, Spencer was once again at your house, eating and watching something you didn't know what it was, you didn't complain, seeing him distracted and calmer is enough, after dealing with that psychopath who still ran away right above your  nose, twas enough.
You sat beside him, giving him a tea cup, while you were sipping your mug with coffee and milk mixed, he stares at the tea cup followed by your coffee mug.
–Why tea?
– You need rest.
– I can sleep by drinking coffee, your coffee is good.
– Caffeine is considered to be a stimulant, which means it increases activity in your brain and nervous system. It also increases the circulation of chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline in the body. In small doses, caffeine can make you feel refreshed and focused, yet beyond that I surely consider, enough for you today.-he stares at you with those eyes of an abandoned dog that has given up pestering, you were right and he tasted his own poison.
– If this is the reason, you should've a cup of tea then.
– Milk softens the effect of caffeine and despite of it, coffee gives me a reverse effect, I usually get sleepy when my belly is warm.
He roll his eyes with a tiny smile while his head hangs back.
– I can't really believe in what I have heard.
– It's up to you mate, wether you like it or not, this is what happens.
You guys stays in a silent for a couple of minutes when until he question you:
– How you can do that?
– Do what specifically?
– You never flinch when you see mutiled bodies, dead bodies either being of a woman or a child.
With it your body language changed, you tensed reflecting about it, it's true, every case when you're exposed to dreadful backgrounds, your face is neutral, your eyebrows and shoulders just tenses and recoil, you're always with a cheerfully smile, lightning the room even when you stay shut saying nothing only when you have something. Why and how can you just simply act as if nothing happened as each case passes by worsening than the latest case?
Your mind turned numb, your eyes for seconds with no light, Spencer panicked seeing your silence, you usually snaps back.
– Sorry, you don't need to answer if you ...-you tilt your head toward him.
– Honestly or the basic resume?-he hesitated before looking at your eyes.
– The first one.
– Honestly,  I don't know since when I'm like this, I think it's because I don't want to be seem as a weak person, as well I either flinch or cry, I shall not show it, because inside of my head it shows me how weak I am.-Spencer halts his cup of tea on the small table near the sofa, with a quick move he approached his body near your, side by side.
– Why do you say that? Flinching is not a demonstration of weakness nether crying showing them doesn't make you any less brave, in my opinion, it just shows that you're a human and that you care ..
– You didn't get it Spence, before I make it at the BAU, I saw plenty of things that followed my dreams turning them into nightmares, I couldn't even sleep, always crying and in the next morning Id have to put on a makeup so none would noticed that I've been crying the whole night and my mental health wasn't getting any better, but then some episodes later...-his attention is all on you.- Some how I manage to surpress everything that scared me, because I thought to meself, this is the career I've chosen and I shouldn't be scared or surprised anymore, cuz deep down I knew what would happen. I've built a China's wall around my feelings and that why I try my best at not showing you guys any reaction, I longed for become my strongest version of meself.
Spencer took mental notes about what you said and he understood the meaning of all of this, but he also knew you're not all good up here (mind) and that it might be a little fucked up, he gives you a tender smile, his hand struggled but he messed your hair making you frown, what he really wanted to do was stroke your loosen hair, but well, he's such a gentleman.
– What was it?
– Nothing, by the way, I think you should, step by step if you'd like, show more reactions when we see dreadful things, you know, when you don't do it you make all if us look silly.
– Oi! I'm not the only one doing it, Hotchner barely changes his humour and the new agent also never flinch and I mean, mo offending.
– You understood what I meant, don't compare yourself with the others, there's only a Morgan as so  I have only one y/n.-you bubbly laugh.
– After my dim statement you managed to make me laugh, you have an odd way to flatter me Spence.
– Just because your mind is different from others.-you lean in, catching by surprise with such closeness.
– Why? You're saying Am I weird?
– No! Well, I mean, only if you consider me weird as well, because the way your mind works is same as mine, different, oddly.-you back off still staring him with a sassy smile, around him you naturally have a side smile spread.
– Two weirdos then, cheers.-Nala is sleeping when you get up.– If you still coming at my door at night I think I should buy a new bed and put in my office so you could sleep properly while you're resting here.-he urgently denies.
– There's no need for it, if you want me to leave, I'll leave rig..-he stands up faster than you thought.
– Heck no! Back off genius, you're staying with me tonight and in any night time you'd want, you're always welcome Spence, I was just joking silly boy.
– Ah... So I'm nor leaving?
– If you dare to put a toe out my doorstep, I'll drag you inside by your hair.–Spencer begins to laugh sitting again on the couch, inside you something stirred, you'd like to ask him, why is he always coming at your door, doesn't he thinks that you're boring?
Spencer noticed you dull expression, you're thinking in something, because when you're doing it, he knows you lost yourself in your thoughts being em not very pleasant.
– I'd pay billions of dollar's to know what's inside your mind right now.-he snaps you out of your reality.
–What? Were you profiling me right now?-you scoffed a laugh arms crossed.
– Kind of, what you were thinking?
Nothing important you'd say, but you rather started an another subject.
– Do you wanna visit my little piece of heaven? I think I haven't shown you where I work when I ain't at the BAU.-Spencer again quickly haste from the sofa, making you giggled, you show him the way past the hall going up the brief staircase to a singular door made of polished wooden. – When I was a child I've always dreamed of having my little special place so I could run in and stay safe.
– Are you sure you want to share it with me then?-you violently nod with a pout.
– You're my very being person, Spence, you're my best friend.-his heart doesn't want only it.– And I haven't been a good hostess, I just showed you the loo, kitchen and living room, except the most exciting part of my residence.
– Go on.-he anxious yearns, what's behind the door? So this is the space you do your things? It's the place you are comfortable in, it's your special place, it means a lot for you.– You're making me interested and curious.
Saying nothing more you open the door revealing what behind the door, his face just enlighten with the view, getting in before you in excitement, Reid its definitely on cloud nine, his fingers began to do theirs strange movements when he's thinking as well his tongue.
Behind the door you have hidden a mix between where you'd called it a mix between an office and a library, high bookshelves with loads of book yet there's still space to fit more of em and in the center there's an office table with your PC sided by a laptop aside by a lampshade, your office chair in position, near one of the bookshelves there's there's a comfy armchair beside it a couch-rest bed, where your body fits perfectly but not Spencer, if he'd want to use he'd have to shrink a wee.
– Book!-he's already checking on them like of he was a little boy fan of dinosaurs visiting a paleontology museum for the first time seeing his favourites stuffs.-You have never interested me more.– and his heart and brain comes to terms, he wanna marry you, when? He doesn't knows, but he'll even not knowing what to do with it.– And you hide it from me, how dare you.-you look astonished coming closer his side.
– You know, I thought you'd find me weird
– More than people think about meself? Not in a hundred times, that's the place you find come to work, study and also relax?-you positively nod making his heart beat faster.
– Here's where I can find an escape, mainly when I'm alone after arriving home due to a stressful work day also when you don't come, I stay here until I fall asleep, I think the day I marry, if I marry and don't get killed, I'd like to buy a bigger house just to have a library inside home and don't mix with office business.
Reid is holding a handcover book, turning his entire body in front of you. The moment you mentioned marriage, buying a bigger house and make a library stirred his being.
– Do you wanna marry some day?
– Pretty boy, who doesn't? But if I don't find anyone worth of my love in the future, my prince and his dark horse, Imma just marry myself.-he falls into a laugh, you're unbelievable.- What? Why are you laughing at me?
– The mind of yours have an enchanting way to catch me off guard.-you gasp, he isn't cooperating with you when he's just simply and bluntly tells you what he thinks, making your heart skip a beat, it's unfair.
The more you make him laugh, open a wide smile, listen to him when he's telling unfortunate facts or fun facts, make him feels out of breathe when you walk in saying good morning or good night, the more you make him skip a heart beat, the more your intimacy growths.
It should be illegal, your mere existence should be illegal, he's not safe around you.
In this case you stayed with Gideon and Spencer, but along the way everything started to crumble.
Garcia couldn't access the serial killer's IP, this issue were giving to everyone a headache the killer was a psychotic, a sick person who was commenting crimes desecrating sacred verses from the Bible for Christians in his every murder case.
Albeit everything begins downhill when Spencer and JJ were sent to go to Hankel's house
When they found JJ, only her returning from the mission, you for the first time in one of the cases with the BAU, you stepped back, your heart races as Sonic were in a desperate  hurry, yet it did not allow you to cry, you could only tremble when everyone went searching for clues to find Reid.
However nothing was working, why!?  Why!?
Until the video reaches you and Penelope also joins in person with everyone at Hankel's house, seeing him in that chair made your body tense, an anger you hid for so long, one of the feelings you deprived for long years for her to be sane as well as the sadness that filled her heart at seeing Reid so vulnerable.
You couldn't take it and left the room, Prentiss after the video was over went to comfort you and you, the person who seems a little difficult to hug, hugs her, that showed how fragile you were.
Prentiss wasn't the only one, JJ too, but you didn't want to forgive her, she should have stayed together with him, they both should have stayed together, she could have taken care of him, but here she was.
Of course!  You don't really blame her, I was just as in shock as you are and if I were you in her shoes I'd understand, her empathy was sometimes a pain in the ass and sometimes a blessing.
Morgan and Penelope went to talk to you shortly thereafter, both to reassure and to see if you were still in a position to stay on the case and you said that you wouldn't go anywhere without seeing until Reid is safe and sound.
Every minute when you were with them and alone, you try to stay positive, attracting only good things like "Spencer will be saved, he'll be in safety soon, we will find him, you'll find him"
You could barely sleep, even when you closed your eyes to sleep, your anxieties were still awake
And it was then that after the dead couple you gave up, you decided to help Penelope, not knowing that it could work, you took a local map and tried to memorize a bit of what you saw of the video, the place behind what it was
The time now was your worst enemy, the sand in the hourglass reaching to its limits, a valued time that you didn't have, that Spencer didn't have
You didn't know how long he could stand being in the hands of that crazy Raphael, you just wanted to cry, but the tears didn't fall, not while everyone could hear, leave them for later
Garcia told you to rest and you agreed, but when everyone went to sleep, you returned, sleep could not take effect as your mind was dominated by adrenaline
You stayed up all night again until everyone was surprised to see you with the exhausted look and a bad mood, but you got something in the middle of the night, yet it barely escaped your hands and you told Garcia, she asked how it is you only managed to say "I don't know how I let it slip, but I was so close to find"
Before the nightfall you captured the signal and IP address of that video, you managed to decode whatever your input was, as if it were a plague of locusts that wiped out the entire corn crop, quickly and decisively.
You trembled and stuttered with words while the map was in your held,  the map that you manually drew on the computer screen and handed to your team.
— "I found it, I I I saw the details behind the doorstep, there's trees and a graveyard nearest, please, just believe me without making question when we don't I have time, is a damnit gun shoot deep in the dark, but I'm sure we will find our boy"
And then you fainted, Morgan's arm quickly held you when your body and consciousness betrayed you, Morgan had to carry you to a bed and lay you on it, right after all of they left to find Spencer while a cop were looking after you.
You couldn't sleep well, you didn't even were able to sleep, then your body claimed for its well deserved rest when your work is done.
Reid is rescued, all of em were relieved when they saw him alive, in a bad and desperate state but alive, godforsaken, all seemed so relived when your guidance leaded them at the right place
Hankel got shot, anyway
Spencer was so weak, he was a definition of a mess, a mix of feelings  that he couldn't even describe, seeing the whole team coming for his rescued. All the tight hugs he received, except one, yours.
– Where's y/n? Why she's not with you?- he asks Gideon who huffs in worry.
– Agent y/l/n fainted before she could make it.-he became paler than he was, he babbled.
– W What!? What happened with her, is she okay? Is she safe?
– Safer than she could possibly be, kid, she found your localisation, Garcia told us she barely could rest, she stayed up all night, she haven't grip a nap then her body claimed for its own rest when it recognised that her work was done. -Gideon pat his shoulder, let's go home boy.
So it means, because of you, he is safe now, not in a condition indeed yet alive he remains.
– Can I have... Can I have a second alone?-Gideon didn't wanted, but his lips shrink agreeing.
And then, Reid comes back and took the drugs.
Then the weekend came, at 06 a.m you left your house in which you dedicate this time to walk your dog. Your mind filled with the scenes of Reid being captive,  you haven't seen he since then.
You returned home an hour and thirty minutes later, took a good shower and then left again, but Nala stayed at home this time.
You went to a shooting club, you have calmly put on the headphone protectors while you loaded your gun looking at the target(using eyes protectos too), the first shoot in the left side of the chest straightforwardly in the lungs was enough to make your mind weak against the demons that you once make a oath that you would never let em win you mind over.
A flashback knocked down your mind guard.
Unknown years ago
Before working for the BAU at Quantico you used to work in London before your transference and recommendation letter, you used to be just like Garcia, without the twisted nicknames, an assistant rookie with your work friend, they used to be your best friend, until the day they had been take as hostage, you truly tried, yes you did, every effort to make em get out that situation, racing against a time you barely had.
She got shot, the right in the middle of its head, you saw the photos and you blamed yourself for that day, you should've be at they side, you'd do anything to be in their place, yet they wouldn't return, but what freaked you out was knowing that your another colleague were a traitor that also made the trap which get your friend killed, how could you let it happen?
That was the very case that you got yourself into depression, no one could be trusted enough, they'll bite you back. After their death, you couldn't stop sobbing nor crying when you're left alone in your flat, but you had to fake it, because if people from  work felt that something is up with you, they would make you resign and go to therapy or a psychiatric, well, you should've go but you didn't, so you faked every single day the most brightest smile, covering the wounds that the past left in your life.
And seeing that same scene after those years happening with Spencer, your mind entered in a frenzy, too much for your poor heart.
"- not again please."
You felt a gentle hand touching your forearm snaped you out of your mind.
–Are you all right kid?-it was Morgan voice, what is he doing here? You thought.
–W...What? Wait, what are you doing here?- you put down the gun.
– Sometimes I come here to de-stress, I think you're doing the same, but you look awful.
– Thank you for the compliment.-you replied grumpy.
– Easy girl, but since you're here, wanna bet just to see who shoots better?
– You're making my hour worth now.-you take a deep breath.-And don't tell the others that you saw me here, none need to know my whereabouts when I'm enjoying my weekend.
– Not even Garcia and Reid?
– If they ask, you can, but they won't, I'm boring and let me be boring in the weekends.-Morgan denies with a smiling face nod.
– Whatever the little princess wants.-you shyly smile.-But I think you should visit Spencer after getting out of here.-your eyes googled at him, Reid isn't okay? Of course he isn't but you don't want to bother him.
–Why should I? Have something happened?
– You're his friend, I dear to say the closest and that would understand his geeky speeches, besides it I think something is popping inside his mind.-your eyes softens, your heart just listening about his name and what might be happening give you such a pang in the heart.
– I don't want to bother him.
– Bother him?-Morgan loads his gun.-I think, besides me of course, you're like the one that make that boy smile in a way that I, as a common person with a common sense could sense that he loves you when you're around.-your cheeks starts to warm-up, you load you gun once again.
– Don't say things that you might be wrong.
– I used to say the same about your guesses and in the end, you 95% was right.
– Where is 5%?
– I am a proud man kid, I have to maintain my esteem.-you laughed.
– Okay, I'd visit him anyway, but thanks for explaining your thoughts, you might be 100% right.
– Then let's see who's better with a gun.-he declared.-Beware girl, I'll win.
–What a cocky conclusion and, please, tell me where Spencer lives, I forgot his address.
– It's a matter of fact that I'll win and ok, after our deal, I'll give his address, ready or not, there I go.
Well, Morgan won and as a prize, he asked you to bring your special brownies.
You just lose for a slightly difference, Ouch, with a pout on your face you left heading towards home, but in the middle of your track you remembered and as you were not far away from his home, you changed your route.
You toc-toc his door, arm's crossed anxiously waiting, what would you say? You have no subject to talk about, and you're also afraid what are you supposed to do with your visit.
You knocked again and no response again, you inhale and toc one more time.
–Reid, please, open the door..-you're giving up.- Reid I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when they rescued you, I am really but you know, I really wanted to make it, so please open the door and then shuts it again, I know that friends are supposed to support each other in their darkest times, Reid if you don't want to see me because of this, I'll leave, but you won't get rid of me that easi..-And then the angels answer came, the door is wide open as your eyes due to the suddenly action.– What th...
You're caught off guard, because the moment Reid opened his door, pushed you in closing the door behind him,he quickly pulled you into his embrace, holding you in as if you were a precious dragon's gold, and he'd be the dragon in his most desperate way to protect what belongs to it. Although this isn't the real meaning of all of his action.
Reid tightly hugs you, notnwant to letting you go and in a moment of shock you did nothing, but then your gentle hands fondle his back soon turning in a reciprocal hug, if he takes off your lung ait, you'd let.
– Thank you , thank you and thank you again.-he whispers under his breath, fraught in his voice. You had to shut down your eyes.-You saved me, I know the others did the same, but you found me, you found me y/n, and I'll be always grateful for it, I owe you and I'm so sorry...What I did when I chos..
– Shhh... It's okay, It's okay, I'm here and you didn't do anything wrong. There's nothing to apologise for.-you slowly untangled of his hug, just to hold his hand gently stating into his eyes, you hardly do this, you can't keep it for a long period.
His deep red eyes with the bags under his eyes, steaming glowing eyes, he sniffing his nose to not cry, his vulnerable state, his soft hair all in disorder.
Your face trembled, seeing he in this way, how to control your own breathing? You should be strong, you're always have been the strongest, even when you crumbled.
But you couldn't say much, your lips shavers when you tried to say something or smile, your bidy shifted the weight side to side, as you opened your arms, inviting to another hug, as if this action speak for itself: "Hush now, it's alright, you're no longer alone." And Reid hugged you again, a mix of gentle, starved touch of a hug.
Morgan was right, he needed you.
Hence the moment Reid saw you in his doorstep, and heard everything that you were saying (he was in the bathroom until he recognised your voice) he knew that his heart was no longer his to keep.
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azure-steel · 6 months
Meet the Mun.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Yeesh, LOADED question xD Uhm... well I fell in love with Cloud way back in his polygon popeye arms phase when I was around 15 or 16. That moment when he trundled down the stairs on the Hardy Daytona. But like... there's elements of his character that kind of remind me of me that I don't want to go into here tbh. In short I was having a hard time at home when I first took to Cloud, I owe him a lot, and I just pray that I do him justice, you know?
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Not really? I'll have a go at anything. I don't usually know if something is going to bother me or if I'm not feeling it until I'm in the moment. But if that happens I'll let you know :)
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Heh, probably angst tbh. I have this nasty habit of turning the most upbeat thread into a sea of misery if I don't keep myself in check. It's not like I enjoy watching my muse suffer... no... that's a lie OMG. But I love shippy things too, fluff, smut and all that stuff. But the one thing that's key to me is WORLD BUILDING. I love exploring a character's emotions, the things that surround them and how it affects them. Honestly, if I feel stifled in a thread I lose interest pretty fast.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Usually on the fly, as I'm writing replies. It's not something I do often for Cloud considering that his lore is already quite extensive so I don't often feel a need to elaborate on what we already know. It depends really.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I prefer to have music playing and I like the music to fit the mood of the thing I'm writing. Helps me keep my flow and it blocks out everything around me. I can be easily distracted.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
A bit of both. Totally depends if the thread is plotted or not honestly.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Oh man I LOVE IT. A bit too much to be fair. But I'm a bit shy and I don't want to come off as pushy if I feel like my muse could ship with someone elses so it's not often I'll bring it up like that. There's so many good characters here I would love to ship Cloud with but I'm a damn coward xD
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Saphie or just Saph is fine. It's been my online alias for YEARS now.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm over the age of 30, so OLD
25th of March. Team Sheep!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
I... don't think I really have one? I do art as a profession so I love all colour I guess.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Oof, I don't have one to be honest because my tastes change so sporadically. I just love music in general.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Uhm... I want to say Advent Children because that was a movie I specifically put on to watch about a month ago. I'm sure there's been movies on the TV that my husband has been watching and I watched by proxy since then but I couldn't tell you what they are. I have a memory like a sieve...
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Everybody Loves Raymond as I was stuffing my face at breakfast this morning.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
I am currently listening to Who's Side Are You On by Tommee Profitt.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
CAKE, though if it has cheese on it I'm in!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Anything apart from winter. I hate the cold and I can't look cool walking to work in the snow when I'm slipping around on my face...
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I do!! @ghostofnibelheim/ @nanakithewarrior/ @roleplay-abiogenesis2 GO FOLLOW THEM!
Tagged: Yeah... I pinched it from @mezzomorendoTagging: Just steal it and say I tagged ya~
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larry-22-blog · 2 years
Period Complications part 4
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Note: please leave your thoughts and suggestions :))
I take requests, so if you have any please feel free to contact me :)
"You sure you're going to be fine without me?" Erling asked for the tenth time that evening.
"Baby, you already made sure everything is perfect, I have water here, food, snacks, phone, charger, remote, everything. Now go and do what you love!" I gestured with my hands to leave.
He has a game to play.
I'll be fine for a few hours without him.
"I may have done something else..." he said, leaning over me to kiss me, shirtless.
"Erling, what..." before I could finish the sentence someone bangs into the room, "where is the party?! Oh, my eyes!! PDA you guys!" She joked.
Why is she here? I was texting her not too long ago and she didn't mention she was going to come to see me or anything.
If looks could kill, the look I was giving Erling right now would have surely done the job.
"I must have forgotten to tell you I asked Olivia to come to keep you company while I'm gone. Oops, my bad, gotta go though, see you later girls, have fun!!" He kissed me one last time, before taking his shirt and jogging out of the room.
"He's... something..." Olivia said as she threw herself on the bed, on my side, since I was on Erling's.
"Now, what are we gonna watch babe?" She asked, taking the remote and scrolling through the recommendations.
"Something short, I want to watch the game after"
"Should I go make some popcorn?" She asked.
"I'll come with you," I said, slowly getting up.
"You sure? Won't Erling kill me if I let you leave the bed?" She asked worriedly.
"Nah, Erling is a softie, my baby kitten" I giggled, he's really like a baby kitten.
I love him.
"To you maybe, certainly doesn't look like a kitten on the field..." Olivia said while looking at the TV. We switched it to the sports channel and they were showing some Manchester city highlights.
Erling was celebrating full-on Viking after one goal screaming at top of his lungs.
Ah, what a sight.
"He's amazing" I admitted, sitting back on the bed again to watch some more highlights of my man.
We only left the room when it switched to Tottenham's highlights.
After we made some popcorn and tea, we went back to Erling's room.
We watched the short movie, gossiping a bit about life, music, actors, and a lot of random things, not paying much attention to the movie.
We switched back to the sports channel when the game was about to start, watching as they made their way onto the field.
"Aww, I love it when they have kids with them" we both cooed at the men.
"I'm guessing we are going to have quite a few little haalands around in the future huh? She smirked, seeing me so into the idea of Erling with kids, making me blush.
"Honestly, you know that the idea of having kids scares the shit out of me, or used to, but like, something changed since meeting Erling, I don't know, but I would love to have his kids in the future..." I admitted blushing and taking his pillow to hug it as we sat cross-legged on the bed.
"Awww" she giggled.
We watched the game start, it looked ok at the start, not the best but not the worst game.
Erling missed a few shots, trying to score heading the ball, but missed, then trying to score but got tackled by the other players making me groan "I hate to see him being attacked, especially like this, it's like 10 fucking guys on him!" I exclaimed, angry making Olivia laugh "What do you expect, your man is huge, he's basically bullying the defenders, of course, they need the whole team to handle him" she joked making me blush, yeah well he was quite huge compared to them.
But then right before the first half was done Tottenham scored a goal assisted by THEM "Nooo!! What is this bullshit!" I yelled, surprising myself and Olivia.
"Babe, slow down, I think you spent a bit too much time around Haaland, he's rubbing off on you!" She laughed.
"No fucking way in hell! Ederson I love you but what are you doing?!" I cursed, they are losing with a 2-0 score! 2 goals in 1 minute!
"What the hell, I blinked and missed 2 goals, not the best game for them, I've got to say!" Olivia shockingly said.
Then it was break time and they went back into the tunnels.
As they left we got a close-up of Erling, looking sad and tired and slightly angry.
Suddenly I feel so fucking guilty, it's all my fault, he barely got any sleep staying with me in the hospital, skipping meals and he donated his blood to me and then we got home and he took care of me... He didn't get much rest, my poor boy.
"Don't worry, he's stronger than that, he's Norwegian after all" Olivia said, rubbing my back.
"I just feel guilty, he's been under a lot of stress lately, everyone expects so much from him and now I fucked up and added my mess to his already full plate... I just think I'm a burden to him, you know?"
"Babe, this is how relationships work, you can't take just the good things and not the bad things, same as marriage, for better and for worst. You brought a lot of good things into Erling's life and he did the same for you, but life's not always good, he has bad moments too, it's not only you babe, like after losing a game right?" she said, and well yes, maybe she's right.
"Yeah, maybe you're right..."
"Of course I'm right, now look they are coming back on the field!" She exclaimed excitedly.
"Maybe Pep gave them a speech because they look ready to kill," Olivia said and I have to agree, they look determined to win.
And they score the first goal, Alvarez delivering an incredible one and they celebrate. Erling looks so happy and into the game, he has so many touches, which is not usual for him, he's happy to touch the ball 3 times and score 1 goal each but today he chose war, for sure.
"That's my man!" I yelled at top of my lungs as he scored, making the even 2-2.
"Girl chill, it's just a game"  Olivia laughed but I couldn't help how happy I was.
The rest of the game went incredibly fast, they scored 2 more goals, ending the game with an amazing score of 4-2 and I was so fucking happy for them.
"I fucking love them! But Erling smashed it! That's my boy!" I happily admitted as we watched them celebrate, Erling was so happy, he yelled in his own Viking style as he went down in the tunnel, shocking the cameraman with the force, making me giggle.
"You've got to tell me all the spicy details, like babe, how the fuck do you handle that? Him?" Olivia asked, curiously, while eating some cheese puffs.
"I mean, he's a softie really... I'm worst to handle, he's the chill one in our relationship" I admitted reaching for some cheese puffs.
"Babe, there is no way he's all vanilla in bed! That guy is the definition of rough sex!" She said, quite unfiltered making me blush.
"I, well, we actually didn't, you know, like not that we didn't do anything sexual but like, you know..." I rambled, embarrassed.
"You haven't fucked?! You didn't have sex?! You have a beast of a man sleeping beside you, all hard muscles, toned body, he's fucking nordic, they are the hottest guys and he's also a football, oh god think about how fit he is, he could probably go for hours! And he's huge, I bet he's packing and you don't-" Olivia said
"Olivia!! Stop sexualising him! Do you like him?" I glared at her, feeling possessive and protective over Erling.
"Oh sorry, love, you know I'm quite a sexual person, of course, I think he's hot but he's not really my type, don't worry, I have my eyes on another footballer" Olivia winked at me.
"But like a girl how?" She insisted laughing.
"I haven't, you know... With anyone..." I blushed, feeling more embarrassed.
"You're a virgin?! What! How!" She said completely shocked.
"Yeah... Well, I don't know, I guess I haven't found the right guy..." I said, looking down.
"And now that you found Erling, do you not like want him to be your first or...?" Olivia asked.
"Of course I want him to be my first but like I wanted to be sure at first, we haven't dated for that long, and then well, I didn't tell him at first, because like how should I have told him? And he kept trying to, you know, and I didn't know how to tell him to stop, and it ended up being a bit of a mess... He thought I didn't find him attractive, or some bullshit, like how in the hell would I not find him attractive, he's the definition of attractive! And I was afraid to tell him that I'm a virgin like I'm older than him... And well, end of the story, I told him and he was shocked but like he's the greatest guy, told me that we will wait until I'm ready and well, he ended up comforting me..." I rambled, smiling as I remember how sweet he was.
"But then why haven't you, since?" She wondered.
"You think I didn't try, I want him but he's fixed on making sure I'm ready and making it special for me... I just want him" I groaned, but continued "and now this happened and he's gonna be even more careful around me..." I looked down, sadly.
"Ah, Haaland didn't know he was so romantic... But babe, he's got a point though, you need to recover first... Plus if it's your first time... It's not going to be easy, it's going to hurt and he knows it. My first time was the worst most painful thing ever, I did it with a guy I was dating, I didn't even like him that much and he was a dick, took barely any care of me, didn't give me any time to adjust and he didn't care if I enjoyed it... He came in like 2 minutes too and I just wanted it to be over, worst sex I ever had. Plus, he had a small dick, but back then I thought it was big, it felt huge with how much it hurt!" Olivia told me and I gave her a sad smile.
"I'm so sorry your first time was shit, Liv..."
"Yeah well, it passed, had great experiences since" she winked "the thing is Erling is gotta be huge, everything is huge about the guy, I swear, so please be careful, make sure you guys have some foreplay before or whatever you guys are into, maybe it's TMI but like you have a be really wet, and like make sure he fingers you first, or well, finger yourself, maybe use some lube too..." she explained making me turn red, I probably looked like a tomato.
"And also tell him how you feel, take things at your pace, don't rush, give yourself time to adjust, the key is communication" Olivia took both of my hands "And don't stress, go with the flow"
"Thank you, Olivia, really..." I hugged her, even though I'm not much of a hugger.
"Honey, I'm home!" Erling said and before I knew it he walked into the room and I couldn't help myself, I ran up to him and hugged him, pressing myself to his chest "You are incredible Erling Braut Håland! What an amazing game! I'm so fucking proud of you!"
"Thank you, baby, but you should be in bed! And no running! Nope, back you go" he lifted me up, carrying me to bed and putting me under the covers before getting in himself, cuddling me and kissing me "mmm you had cheese puffs," he said into the kiss and I giggled, "had some popcorn and cheese puffs while watching the game"
"Did you like the game?" He asked, playing with my hair.
"Of course, I loved it, although I must admit, I was determined to kill Ederson the first half, but he made it up to me when he assisted 2 goals" Erling pouted "I don't like how much you like Ederson, I'm getting a bit jealous..."
"Nah, don't worry he's not my top choice from the team, I also like Kevin, Grealish and Stones quite a bit, oh and Mahrez, yes, such a great guy!" I joked, kissing his pout.
"That's it...? Shouldn't your top contain someone else, at the front of the list?" He tried and I nodded "of course, you're right baby, can't forget the main guy..." he smiled brightly "Pep, the legend, mastermind of it all" He pouted again.
"No, but someone else, younger? Perhaps taller you know, 1.94? Pale skin, blonde hair? Norwegian??" He tried and I laughed  "Hmm, never seen or heard of him but he sounds hot tho, totally my type" I joked, kissing him, moving my hand to untie his hair, running my fingers through the soft hair "I need to shower..." he sighed into our kiss, trying to get up but I stopped him "nooo, don't leave me, you just got back..." I put my arm around his middle and threw my leg over his "aww my baby koala, you're so cute" he kissed my hair, putting an arm around me, and hugging me closer.
"How are you feeling baby, is your tummy feeling better? Are you still dizzy?" He asked softly into my ear, making me smile.
I love how much he cares about me.
"I'm feeling much better now that I'm back in your arms again," I said cheekily, kissing his jaw.
"I feel the same way, I loved the game but I just wanted to come home to be with you, my love" he admitted, kissing my forehead.
"You didn't celebrate with the guys..." I said into his chest.
"Nah, I wanted to come home as soon as possible, that's why I didn't even shower there"
"Aww, you missed me" I played with his long fingers.
"Always" he turned us around, leaning over me as he pulled me into a kiss, or well, full-on making out. I pulled my hands under his shirt, touching his strong back muscles, flexing under my touch.
"Ummm guys, I'm still here...?" Olivia said, scaring us both, from the other side of the bed, looking at us as she ate cheese puffs.
"Oh, God! Olivia!" Erling got up from the bed, adjusting his shirt and running his fingers through his hair.
Both of our faces were red.
"Sorry, we must have zoomed out..." he tried to explain.
"Nah, you're fine, it's lovely to see how much you guys love each other. It's getting late anyways, I got to go" Olivia got up, searching for her things.
"Thank you, Olivia, really, for all," I said sincerely when she came to hug me.
"Thank you for keeping her company," Erling said, offering to accompany her to the door.
"Nah, don't worry, I know the way, you guys have fun! Remember no sex until she's fully healed, Haaland!" She joked making Erling laugh and me blush.
"Alone, finally..." I got up from the bed, walked up to him and hugged him from behind.
"How about I give you a reward for the incredible performance, what do you say, a handjob or maybe even a blowie, cuz I'm feeling generous today" I put my hands under his shirt, rubbing up and down his toned muscles, making him moan.
"Fuck baby, it sounds amazing, but it wouldn't be fair if you can't enjoy it..." he said sadly.
"Who says I won't enjoy it, I don't need to have an orgasm to enjoy making my boyfriend have one..." I said confidently, moving my hand to squeeze him through his sports pants, feeling how hard he already was.
"Fucking hell..." he moaned.
Note: please leave your thoughts and suggestions :))
I take requests, so if you have any please feel free to contact me :)
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weirdcat1213 · 2 months
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 7 favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/etc) and your top 7 favorite (fictional) characters from any media? Why do you love them all? Sorry if you've answered this questions before......
Hello :D
omg i get to yell about things I like, exciting!
first im going to go with my top 7 in no special order cuz I would never be able to decide
Trigun (98, manga and stampede): I've talked WAY to much about this one but holy shit has impacted my life. The story, the characters, the pain THE SWEET SWEET PAIN MY GOD. It just mixes a lot of tropes/themes I really like. And we have 3 versions of it! How cool is that?
Steven Universe: again another classic. Discovered the show when I was young and it just grabbed my soul. Very formative and influential while I was growing up. So soft and p a i n f u l l as all thins should be :3. Plus the music is a banger. Like to this day ik songs from it. Favorite one is change btw.
Legend series (book series): no one paid attention to this series because it came out the same time as divergent and hunger games and other big titles. But I was! And it's still one of the best book series I've ever read. It totally has the 2013-2015 vibes (except for the latest one in the series, rebel) but it's....honest. not only because all the struggles in the book are real but also because the author really believes in her characters. She created them but also let them become people. Plus the writing is amazing and her description of specific moments and emotions UGH I have a huge post about it because of how cool it is. I still remember opening the first book and getting SLAPPED by the first line. Yes it's that good.
Signalis: newish game :D saw lesbians, saw violence and I was on board but I never thought the game would make me think and stare at the wall that much. So far I've played it 5 times and going for a 6th. It's so abstract and no one can decide on what's true or not but that's part of its beauty. Really clever and interesting game. Nothing is real, only lesbians with guns.
Our Flag Means Death: cool show that was about queer NOT IN THEIR TEENAGE YEARS??? IN THIS ECONOMY??? AND NOT ABOUT AIDS (sorry pose I still love you). Of course it won me over because of the queerness but also the characters themselves. It was nice to see myself in a lot of them, personality and racially wise. The fun gay pirates came to my house, destroyed my life and also gave me life. Easy as that.
Pose fx: don't like the main writer of the show too much but the rest of them ATE WITH THIS. A story about black queer woman PORTRAYED BY BLACK QUEER WOMEN. It deals with the aids crisis through the lenses of trans women and gay men but the thing in that show that blew me away was the love for femininity and the community they created around it. They actually took their abandoned and traumatized selves and became someone. They formed families that actual give support and I'm a sucker for found family. I've cried many times because I wanted Blanca to adopt me. 10/10 show about overcoming shit circumstances and the importance of community. What if I cried again.
Houseki no Kuni (manga and anime): weird manga that I've been following for YEARS because its so fucking good. The anime is beautiful and captivating af and honestly the whole thing needs to be analyzed by a Buddhist. it makes me want to learn about that religion so i can understand more. but yeah its sad, its hype, and once again its about gay rock MMM my favorite. you dont know the hours i spent looking for videos/animatic about it. hard to explain but i like to describe it as "human growth: the manga/anime"
Maybe it seems like I don't watch many movies and it's kinda true! I'm more of a shows person. but there are movies i like. maybe another day
Now onto my favorite characters but again I can't decide so this is in no special order. Also because I can't decide I'm giving the spotlight to characters that are not from the media mentioned above (for example if you dont see vash in here is because i yell about him enough like. 3 times minimum per month). Because I can. Because I'm normal about media and stories i like.
1.Steven (su): MY BOY MY MOON AND STARS. ok a lot of this list is about characters i relate to, but this one is the og. this mf is one of the kindest, awesome yet misunderstood characters of all time. theres so much rage and trauma in this little guy but there are many other feelings that get lowkey explored in the main show until BOOM the emotions explode in su future. its amazing how complex my son is. im so lucky that i got to grow up along side him in a way. and in another way it was nice to see myself kinda represented in him? fun times.
2.Tifa (ffvii): PRETTY RECENT BUT SHES THE COOLEST. ejem sorry. i love cloud, zach and the others from the game but tifa doesnt get the recognition she deserves. she survived so many tragedies and became stronger because of it. not only in body but also in mind. however she also became cautious and tries to not explode in front of others. she tries to be a safe place for people, even when shes scared. i think thats pretty admirable of her. i would say more but i dont want to risk spoiling the game but there are little moments and scenes where she just tries to be there for people because she has no one in her life anymore and fuck it makes me sad. also shes pretty hot-
3.Elektra (pose): MY QUEEN. shes just. evil sometimes. shes really a bitch to most of the characters but DAMN SHES COOL WHEN SHE IS. elektra knows she was born with a huge disadvantage in life so she grabs power like a mf and bites it. i kinda aspire to be that, to not let anyone get in my way. she just really speaks to the part of me that has bigger ambitions. but shes also smart and caring (when shes not being a bitch) and every time the world puts her down she stands up and kicks the world again. she's the power of femininity itself and yes i also think shes hot (i mean look at those cheeks of thunder) but shes like a fucking storm in a person and how i can not love that? We love poc people in power.
4.Phos (houseki no kuni): This fucking child (they're a child in my eyes) is so important to me for weird reasons. I got deep into hnk when I was in my sabbatical year. It was a time where I didn't know where I would go and phos seemed to be in a similar place. To this day it surprises me how ichikawa managed to create a "simple" character and then by all definitions made them human. I like their journey, the transformations they went through, the stages they went to cope or to confront their situation. Plus the design is pretty affff
5.Edward Teach (ofmd): I just.....really connected with this guy ok? The feeling of always being at the bottom so if you are going to rise your only option is to make people fear you but that's not true BOY HE LEFT NO CRUMBS WITH THAT WHOLE THING. he was just really cool when he entered the show and then it was "oh this guy is really fucked up actually" and he's so funny and MORE OLD POC QUEERS? FUCK YEAH. but i guess what puts him on top for me is how he explored himself and his needs. All that while being funny and tragic and gay. Really cool.
6.Anthy (revolutionary girl utena): MY DAUGHTER RRRRAAAAHHH. Anthy is a really tragic and complex character. to this day i cannot put together every reason why shes my favorite from utena. Shes tragic and my god the things she goes through break my heart every time I think about it but...shes also incredibly strong and funny and a weird keeping animals in her room. The creators did an excellent job showing her lack of agency and how she already had given up, but also showed her humanity and wish to retain things in her life that gave her joy. And movie anthy? That girl is a no nonsense girl. She will get her girlfriend no matter what from the people who abused her. She left that fucking school as a mature, smart and kind adult. We fucking stan.
7. Richard (requiem of the rose king): another recent acquired son. Idk why this one hit so much and honestly for how short the manga is (79 chapters) they did such a good job with him???? Banger themes and metaphors, banger character moments, banger GENDER moments. I've seen a few people not being able to take him seriously but idk, ir sounded honest and serious to me. A kid who has been told since birth they were a demon became one to survive but not really. Because no one with his wish can fully be a demon. Idk maybe it's cheesy but his quest for love and acceptance was a banger in my eyes (please read the manga. We can leave the anime behind). Also I like him cuz he's cool and is a character I CAN ACTUALLY COSPLAY THANK GOD-
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youranxiousgf · 1 year
Love is Not Always Enough
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26-04-2023, 7:59 pm
To my anxiously-attached sweethearts, this is for you. To anyone who's in an "opposites attract" relationship and struggling, this is for you.
I secretly loved romance movies and novels growing up- not that I'd ever be caught dead admitting this in front of my sister- I'd sooner admit I'm a furry lol. But you know which love stories I always despised from the depths of my heart? The ones where the two leads love each other so deeply, and are such. genuinely. good. people. And they look so good together??? And yet, they don't end up together... simply because they "wanted different things from life," ugh.
I can't put into words how much I always hated those endings. It was just a heart-wrenching conclusion to a perfect romance. I wanted to punch the TV screen every time, but now that I'm in my first (and beautiful) relationship of 2 years I'm finally tasting this bitter truth from the other side.
Love can hold two people together through the absolute worst that this giant green-and-blue rock has to offer us. But love doesn't equal compatibility. Attraction, love, friendship, commitment, loyalty, compromise, respect, none of these will be enough for a happy relationship if you don't ALIGN in your values, life path, communication, and wants. One by one a crisis will emerge, grow in complexity, and a resolution will become increasingly impossible to reach. You'll start to wonder why you didn't break up earlier, how you don't agree on the most important things. You'll feel helpless and compelled to let them go even as your inner child refuses to.
Opposites can attract but don't necessarily belong together. Your person might make you the happiest you've ever been, but they won't necessarily keep you happy in the long-term. I know, it's an ugly sentence, feel free to cancel me. But it won't change the truth that you're crying in the bathroom every weekend wondering why your person doesn't get you. Sometimes it's just impractical.
If I speak about my boyfriend, he's changed a lot since we met. In a good way for him (I'm proud of his self-improvement journey), but not always in a good way for us. As we're growing, we're moving further apart in what we want out of life. Our relationship needs and goals are becoming increasingly contrasted. He doesn't care much for romance or da horny, while I don't care much for philosophy and spirituality. I want more time with him, do more things with him, he needs less time and less activities. He's avoidant and independent, I'm anxious and clingy. He's the tsundere boyfriend, I'm the uwu girlfriend lmao. Hell yeah we're cute like that, but it's not all sparkles and chocolates.
Do we still love each other? Incredibly so. Some days it feels like the kind of mature love that wrinkly 80 year old grandpas and grandmas have hehe. He's a wonderful person down to the bone, respects me, and looks out for me. We've worked through many arguments and challenges together, stuck together till the end. We both know finding another "wifey" or "hubby" like each other will be rare to come across.
But none of that changes the possibility that maybe we're too different. That I feel like I'm dating a monk who evil laughs and gives me a wise lecture once a day, and he feels like he's dating a 10 year old girl who demands attention and headpats and cries once a day lol. Maybe we're not compatible enough and won't be able to live the rest of our lives making compromises and trying to slowly inch the war in our personal favor. As time progresses it feels like communication is becoming harder, not easier. Love may not be enough to keep us happy, as much as I hate to admit it. Unless we can find common values and allied desires again, grow together again... this relationship is something I'll eventually have to reconsider.
But here's the good part.
If you truly have a decent human being with you, there's always a possibility that things will work out for you. Love is a choice you make everyday, a conscious decision and patient WORK. If they're willing to do it for you and you're willing to do it for them, maybe no matter how unusual and bizarre your match... it will just click.
You can't fit a square into a triangle shaped hole. But if you're ready to cut some corners, maybe it's possible?
So take your time but make it productive. You don't need to end things in a heated screaming match or drag on a dead relationship for infinity. Start the difficult conversations, share the burden of communication, remember to be respectful, and however hurtful, accept your partner's words as their truth. Ask them if they can fight for you. And only stay if the answer is "yes", because that's the only right answer in a world where you deserve happiness.
And the most important pieces of advice I can give you:
1. Work on your flaws and communication skills, you're imperfect too and can't force your partner to change for you. You can both only agree to be better than your codependency/neurosis/defense mechanisms/past trauma, whatever brings a rift in your relationship.
2. There is more to life than romance. You were there before he/she came along, and you'll be there even after them, so remember to put yourself first too, have hobbies and opinions and a whole life outside of your relationship. Self care and autonomy takes the cake, and the attraction you'll feel when you're two separate ppl, not one enmeshed mess, is just the cherry on top.
3. Humor is magic. Sprinkle it on everything. There's a time for taking issues and life seriously, and there's a time for laughing about the things that go wrong between you two somedays. Push aside your anger and be light in your step. Apologize like you expect to be apologized to.
3. Accept it with a smile when the universe tells you that it's just not possible. Fill your heart with utter joy at having made this journey with them, at having come this far and learned so much. They were one of your best friends who you'll never forget. And let go of your hold on them... stepping into a better life.
Having written this, I'm feeling a lot better. I'll go tell my grumpy cat bf I love him now, because I'm here to work on us yet another day.
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findroleplay · 1 year
he/him & I am 23 years old 🕊️
Here are some terms for role playing with me, I'm sorry there are a lot of things, but it saves us the time of having miscommunication or "surprises" later.
» Let me state right off the bat, NO fandoms. We can do ideas based on movies/tv shows, but I am not strictly doing a fandom roleplay. I do not like to be restricted to "what already exists." I want oc's and our own world building collaborations.
You must be at least 20+ to roleplay with me. Thought there is an age minimum, there is not an age maximum. I do not care how old you are, i've roleplayed with 35 year olds before… I have no issue with it.
Our oc's will be older than 20 years old. (My oc will be 24). I am perfectly fine with our oc's having an age gap, though i'd prefer that yours would be the older one.
I have a huge preference for mxm 🏳️‍🌈
I will do mxf BUT with limits, that you probably will not like. These limits to my mxf are:
- you must play the female role,
- I do not want anything vag/anal nsfw with the female role.
— In other words, this would be great for a "femdom" or a "giver not receiver" type person. lol, but yeah.
Overall, I prefer mxm.
I am looking for someone with a dominant personality, though bed-wise i'd prefer you to be a top OR switch. NO STRICT BOTTOMS (unless you want me to bottom the entire time.) — but I do plan to top sometimes too (applies to mxm rp only). I enjoy playing characters who want to top occasionally & will, but will also enjoy being pushed around… if you get what I mean.
I do not & am not willing to double up. Yes, I will play other characters within the role play, but I do not want "two of the same roleplay"
The roleplay will be plot centered but nsfw will be included frequently. I'm kinda kinky, I like things to be rough, so do not come if you're vanilla.
I really want dark themes included. We can discuss this further together, but if you do not know what it means- it just means “dark” roleplay with possibly triggering content. It's best if you come with no triggers and are willing to do *things.* If you get what I mean.
>>>> no gross/stink/poop/slob/death/limb removal, no animals… stuff like that.
-> You need to be advanced lit with the ability to write multiple paragraphs (I write around 3+ aka around discord word limit)If you crank out small one sentence or small paragraph replies… I'll probably be really disappointed and ghost you lol
->You NEED to use realistic face claims (i hate anime, drawn, & picrews, please no descriptions either). Denying the use of realistic faceclaims will just make me ignore you. I’m not willing to change it, i’m sorry. I’m picky, and yes this will also make or break whether I ghost you. Use real faceclaims. If you don’t like it then don’t reach out.
-> 3rd person only
-> long term only
-> discord 1x1 group
I have some plot ideas, I am willing to hear yours too. I am huge fan of historical, but I will do fantasy, modern, futuristic- and every other genre as well.
————Two Ideas I have Currently————
Muse (me) has been a resident of the local psychiatric hospital for a few years. Because of the nature, they keep to themselves and don't go out of the way to meet people. Muse (you) is a newly admitted patient to the same hospital. They're loud & aggressive. , by habit, goes out of their way to avoid , but is fascinated by him. makes it their personal mission to get as close as they possibly can to . One day manages to steal a key card and ambushes in a hallway. Once the two are alone, is finally able to get forced conversations from Muse and decides to keep prisoner for as long as they can without getting caught.
One 2.0:
Kind of a similar plot to one, but our OC’s are “witches” or “warlocks” who each have special individual powers. Your oc has the power of hypnosis/mind control (willing to change). My oc has the power of telekinesis & attraction- meaning he attracts things to him (people, items, other magical beings…) Our oc’s get captured and locked away into an institution. What happens from here can be decided together.
Muse (me), an innocent church boy, who tries to get back at his family, accidentally gets himself caught up in a cult, which is run by Muse (you). Muse learns quickly that he cannot escape the cult and is stuck being teased and tormented.
Two 2.0
Kind of similar to plot two, but our OC’s end up in some kind of religious camp or institution for being gay or assumed gay. Whatever happens from here can be decided together.
Please come with little to no triggers and the ability to collaborate.
Communication is KEY, if you're busy or you're not feeling the roleplay, please please please tell me. We can come up with something that would benefit the both of us.
DM me IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I hate when people engage and then ignore me OR when they don’t read what I’m asking for. Please, don't waste my time. Only engage if you're actually actively seeking roleplay.
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astrowaffles · 1 year
A through Z for the ask game >:]
this is another long one, bear with me!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Uhhhhh well obviously I'm loving the gojo & megumi father-son shit at the moment, it really heals the depression. ALSO @grungeeuvu (alt. account @grungiiuvu) has gotten me back into MXTX, especially TGCF, so fengqing is top of my romantic ship list at the moment. I keep meaning to write something for them. Whoopsies.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
my jjk moots are going to think i'm insane for this, but itafushi. It did NOT occur to me when I watched the anime, but then someone suggested it to me and then I rewatched with new eyes and ... yeah. itafushi canon.
also kuromikashou. I'm a fan of that now, too.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
the rats are going to absolutely hate this announcement, but ushioi and oikage. Hate them both. oisuga? sure. iwaoi? love it. oihina? don't see it as a long term thing, but don't care. even atsuoi is passable. But both ushioi and oikage really irriate me for zero reason.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
bokuroo. they make total logical sense and they'd be hilarious together, but to me they're besties. sorry guys :(
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
i hear lots of good things about my JNT Rulebook, which is a whole load of crack. Also, for AOT i wrote Chaos Theory, which earned comments like "I had no idea funny fics were possible for this fandom". If you are a long-term aot girlie, I am so sorry for your loss.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Uh, I'm not sure? The first fandom I contributed to was PJO. I was there for maybe two years, and that's probably my record. I'm just over one year on haikyuu now. I'M SORRY I JUST KEEP CHANGING INTERESTS
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
My very first OTP was probably Eadric & Emma from The Frog Princess series. It doesn't really have a fandom but god, I loved those books... OR Ash & Serena from Pokemon. They were good too.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I mainly watch anime at the moment and usually they have more active fandoms, so I'm happy to stay with them. With books, you can never be sure that anyone else has ever read them.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Nope, because I am good at staying away from scary people. #slay
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr.
Supernatural. No explanation needed.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
From Haikyuu, it's got to be Hinata, hasn't it? And he's weirdly underrated, considering he's literally the main character.
From other fandoms, I love Yona from Yona of the Dawn. She goes from literal spoiled princess to some kind of warrior queen, PLUS she gains emotional maturity. May we all grow to be like her.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
You know what, guys? I do think Goshiki's cute. I do understand wanting to put him in your pocket. Personally, I don't, but I totally see it.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Sugawara. He's top tier friend material - chaotic, funny, caring, and would definitely feed into your delulu.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
My main fandom is probably haikyuu, so I wish I saw more of:
Appreciation for the writing!!!
Love for main characters. It sounds weird, but the fandom is full of people who have a pet side character who barely has any lines. This is GOOD, all character deserve appreciation, but can we get some applause for hinata??
Love for rarepairs. This sounds even stranger, considering my last point, but we need to get used to letting people ship whoever the fuck they want. As long as it's legal.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
After a good old shuffle of my 94 hour playlist, I got Bad Romance by lady gaga. This is gonna come out of left field because I've never mentioned this fandom before, but it's sherliam from moriarty the patriot.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I've mentioned this to friends before, but we totally need a TGCF hosptial au. Mu Qing is a surgeon, Feng Xin is a physiotherapist, Xie Lian is either a GP or an anesthesiologist, and Hua Cheng is some random reception guy. Mu Qing is always bullying Feng Xin for not being a 'real doctor'. Hualian are married. you see where I'm going.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Harry Potter, for obvious reasons.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I would die for Nobara & Itadori & Megumi. They deserved to be happy forever.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
I wrote whole sections of fanfiction based off my headcanon that Megumi has flat hair like Toji, but he styles it spiky to be like Gojo. I KNOW the canon disproves it. I don't actually care.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Nope, because I am non-confrontational and uncreative.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I'm going niche on this one - well, more like going into fandoms my followers probably aren't into.
Ayame Sohma, Fruits Basket. Loving brother, perfect example of how to make reparations, and also literally fabulous. And gay.
Ooharano, All Out!. Voice by Ian Sinclair, very good at his sport, hilariously sarcastic. Emotional backstory that was just never mentioned again???
Siatrich Wynknight, The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion. Very funny, likes to be a bit evil for the giggles, thinks it's funny when his younger brother endangers national relations. Gay.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
GUYS I HAVE NO IDEA. I'm probably closest to Bokuto or Kageyama - and that seems odd, because they're different people, but that's how I am.'
Also Gojo. Don't tell my readers I said that.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Exes to Lovers, my beloathed. Hate it so much, I can't even explain why.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
RWBY, ITSV, Demon Slayer.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
I guess I've always been interested in the idea of a true morally grey character, because sometimes there are characters that are described as morally grey, or even evil, when they're actually Just A Guy (*cough* Oikawa *cough*). The only character I can think of is probably Dazai from BSD. Everyone has an opinion and very few of them are correct. There is no way you can say he is a bad person, because many of his issues come from the fact that he is an orphan, raised by the mafia, and someone who took the opportunity to leave when prompted. Also, in his life after the mafia, he made a genuine effort to make good on his promises and fix his life, including saving Atsushi.
HOWEVER, you can't say he's a totally good person. He lived well in the mafia, because he didn't care about killing people and perhaps even enjoyed it, depending on how you view certain scenes. Many people would say that he's still not on anyone's side, he's only on his own side. This is debatable, but it's still there. PLUS you've got his continuation of the cycle of abuse through Akutagawa, and his willingness to pretend to betray his friends in order to get the outcome he wants. Everyone else is just a pawn to him.
I'm still undecided on him, but I'm proud of every fan that says "he's morally grey" rather than cutting it up into black and white. Remember that BSD was written for the stray dogs, not the ones who have lived happily all this time...
Thanks for the ask!
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oraclekleo · 1 year
29. What’s your dream date? 😊
So i can be prepared just in case haha 😉😆
Are you planning to swoon me? 😂 This is really direct way of seduction - "What do I need to do to enchant you? Just tell me in details." 🤣
Okay... I don't know. I never dated anyone so I'm not sure how my dream date would go. I guess with the right person it will always be my dream date without any of us actually trying. Natural and smoothly going date with someone I can connect with easily is my dream date. Yes, I'm not making this any easier for you 😂
I get up super early, 4 am and go for a long dog walk right after I get up. I guess a person who would pick me up this early in the morning and went for a dog walk with me and my dogs would get a whole ton of points from me. If they have an early breakfast picnic ready somewhere nice on the route with my favourite foods and also water and healthy snacks for my dogs, I'm close to being sold for them. After the picnic (no more than 2 hours because then people start to wake up) we could go back to my home. They could give breakfast portion of granules and fresh water to my dogs while I dress up more appropriately for the day. I'm not a fan of shopping or watching TV but it's too early for museums or galleries. So they could suggest taking me and dogs for a little trip in countryside. I will assume my ideal date has a driving license and a car. I have none of these so it would be handy if they could actually compensate me in this matter. So we would go somewhere nice and green. Hiking in hills or forest with my dogs. Maybe visiting some interesting site with ancient burial place or remains of temple or church or historical village, something like that. Interesting place with either historical or spiritual meaning (or both). We could walk a trail and arrive to some pub with tables outside so dogs can sit with us while we eat lunch. After lunch and long time hiking we would probably be a bit tired so we would return to my home, I would take a quick shower, change into something less outdoor while my date is feeding my dogs again (I value my privacy, I want them to be occupied while I'm in the shower and changing clothes). Dogs would go sleep and we could go out again, this time only the two of us. I'd probably be in a mood to sit down and relax for a little while so going for an afternoon theater play or into some small cinema to watch old movie would please me a lot. I don't like crowds and it's more likely to avoid them in the afternoon in cinema or theater. After this little rest I would be recharged for more activities. We could go to a museum or gallery or some kind of workshop where I could learn something new. Chakra healing, aura reading, working with crystals or just pottery or weaving baskets would be really nice. Or a workshop on how to make chocolate pralines. I would love such a type of activity. Obviously my date should enjoy it, too. If they keep bitching it's gonna be horrible date. 😂 So yeah! This is the afternoon part. As you know, I always have tea at 5 pm so it would be great if we went to a Tea Room after the workshop. Drinking tea, eating vegan cheesecake... After this I would start being nervous about the dogs being alone for so long so we would go back home, take them for a walk, give them dinner and cook dinner for us together. I'm not really used to eat by the table at home so we would just put the meal into bowls (I don't really eat from plates, you can judge me if you like) and sit by TV and watch some old movie or show again. I would start falling asleep and my date would clean the kitchen up, put the dirty dishes in to dishwasher and only woke me to go for one last dog walk. Me and my dogs would walk with my date to his car, say good bye to each other and I would return home and go sleep. 😂 OR... Depends on the mood, I guess. Maybe I would allow my date to stay. I just can't imagine that happening now because I never dated anyone but I guess it could happen. 😂
So! This is my dream date. All in all not exactly what other people would find dreamy and I have my dogs included a great deal but this is my idea of a great all day long date. Obviously it would be possible for my partner to divide the activities into several days instead.
So yeah... This is it. I don't know what more I could say.
Thanks for this question 😁
Kleo 🦄
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fayerieetale · 2 years
Apparently some tag question has been going around, and I thought these have been illegal already. AND nobody tagged me for it, so Imma tag myself cause I'm too lazy to study right now and I'm being a Leo.
1. What would the happiest and best version of yourself look like?
If I'm lying on my side with someone feeding me grapes, and at the flick of my fingers, people do what I please or what's on my mind.
2. What message/advice would you give to your past self?
3. What is your happy place and why?
Church. HAHA, can't even lie to myself.
Last day of exams. I come home. Take a shower. Open the AC. Close the curtains and lights. And take a sleep for hours. Feeling all the exhaustion run out through my body.
4. Have you ever been in a toxic relationship? How did you get out of it? Any advice?
Yup. In all kinds of relationships. The thing is I don't get out, because I like it manipulative and toxic, well, at least, they do.
5. If money didn't matter (if you earned enough money from it) what job would you want to have and why?
Trauma surgeon. Period.
6. Do you have your happiest memory? If you don't mind sharing please tell us about it.
This is rather sad, but my happiest memory was just an expectation. It was supposed to happen last January. But it didn't. And that makes me extremely lonely.
7. Do you have your saddest memory? If you don't mind sharing please tell us about it.
Wow! that escalated rapidly. I think I have more sad memories than happy ones. And the thing is they're of the same level. But I'll choose two since I tagged myself and this is my page.
First: is that when my mother thought I cannot do med school since my sister is having difficulty in law school, which means if she's already having difficult time in doctorate school, what more if I do it.
Second: when someone who mattered to me said, not just on one but multiple occasions: "whenever i see a pretty pretty pretty girl on my social media, i wonder if you were even pretty"; don't get me wrong, these things didn't bother or bother me now, but during those times, I let myself to be vulnerable.
8. What is the movie/book/tv show that made you think a lot or made you change something about yourself?
Nietzsche book just to sound pretentious. Even the spelling is intimidating.
9. If you ever were to write a book what would it be about?
My autobiography. We need to epitomize me.
10. Do you have a strange habit?
Nope. Too perfect.
11. Have you ever met a person that drastically changed your life?
Yeah. We no longer talk.
12. How would you describe yourself in 5 words ?
I will never be enough.
13. What is your idea of a perfect day?
Waking up late in bed with the AC on, and the blanket just keeping me warm. Looking at the back of someone while he quietly makes breakfast for lunch, with sunlight hitting right through the gap of the curtains. Watching movies or reading a book after lunch, sleeping and snuggling, then going out for dinner and walking around Calle Crisologo. I'm easy to please provided that all of his attention, and eyes are on me. And well, if he carries me as I flick my fingers as if on cue.
14. Do you have any embarrassing stories from your life?
I am not romanticizing embarrassment. Just get the book. Refer to #9.
15. What is the strangest thing you've done or seen ?
I plead the 5th.
16. What is your gender identity? Do you think you do a lot of stereotypical things that are assigned to your gender?
I do exaggerated stereotypical things to mock the society. But in general, I couldn't care less.
17. If you could bring one character from a book to life, who would it be and why?
The wolf guy from Twilight. He seems hot. Hopefully he doesn't smell like a dog. (Refer to number 16)
18. Do you have a person in your life that makes you feel special or a person that you feel like you're soulmates with?
You mean personS?
19. What has been the hardest thing you had to deal with? Do you have any advice on how to deal with a similar situation?
Family stuff. Never limit yourself just because they don't believe in you. You do you.
20. What are you currently waiting for?
a. Getting married (refer to number 16)
b. Scholarship allowance
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