#''muzzle pose'' just means that he's just gonna be wearing one in it
mattodore · 11 months
dash is going so slow guess i finally have to open blender and start working on this muzzle pose for matthias.......
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 12
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 12: Communication is Key
A soft melodic noise was playing in the air as Yanyu and Bohai entered the open clearing. Both blinked for a moment and then a grim expression overtook them as they saw the rest of their friends with the same nervous looks.
“Okay, what the fuck happened with Makkie and whose head do I need to bust open?” Yanyu asked everyone as they watched him play the Dizi as he sat down crossed legged on a tree branch with his tail lazily hanging.
“I don’t know,” Minsheng whispered as they peaked out from behind the tree.
“He’s been like this since we got in an hour ago,” Ahmed continued as his tail swished behind him.
“He didn’t react once,” Mei hissed as her fingers clenched her arm.
“Really?” The jellyfish looked astonished.
“Other than the flicker of his ears when he arrived, nothing,” Daiyu commented as her feathers puffed up.
“He only play this sad shit when he’s feels absolutely terrible and no one knows what the fuck happened?” The bluenette looked at everyone, only to get shakes of heads and denial again. “Damn.”
“I do,” their heads snapped towards a wincing MK as he held a pair of headphones in hand. “But it’s kinda a long story.”
“Last time he got like this was when he blacked out cause a literal firework got shot right next to his ear,” the bunny demon deadpanned, “and that was after already coming close to a breakdown when he thought he lost the two of you when you guys set off that curse.”
“So what they're trying to say MK,” Mei dragged her brother by the shirt and brought him close, “is telling us whose ass do we need to kick?”
“Don’t think you can fight against an immortal,” he winced.
It was Ahmed who got it first as he too winced, “I take it that it went very badly.”
“So much yelling and fighting,” he groaned.
“Wait who-fuck,” Mei eyes narrowed, “Macaque and Monkey King met didn’t they.” At the clarification, everyone winced. They might not have been there to see the fight go down but they have known the black furred monkey long enough for him to trust them on telling the two relationships with each other.
“Tell us everything,” the bunny demon said.
“Everything.” They all said together.
“Then you might want to sit down for this, it’s gonna be a long story.”
“That no good little-”
“Of course they're both idiots,” Bohai sighed as he rubbed his head.
“-how dare he even say that!”
“Two monkeys, both immortal, both friends for a long time, and yet neither of them have developed proper communication,” Yanyu groaned as she too felt a headache coming along.
“I swear I’m gonna grab that head and-”
“Should just be glad that the mountain is still standing,” the lion tried to look on the brighter side despite his claws slowly emerging and retreating.
“It’s kinda sad that this is the best side of all of this,” the vulture said.
“-then after I shave all the fur I will use that razor and-”
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad,” MK wrung his hands together.
“I think bad is an understatement kiddy,” the rabbit demon then looked back at a fuming Mei. “You thinking of stopping anytime soon?”
“No!” The group can almost see the faintest of green in her eyes as it twitched. “There will be a skinned immortal monkey before the month ends!”
“Easy there breezy,” she felt her head forcibly, but gently, lowered by a warm fuzzy hand. “Don’t need to plot the demise of Wukong just yet.”
“Why nottt,” she whined as he looked up at Macaque. “He should learn that nobody messes with you without facing some consequences.”
“And I can do that myself,” he emphasized as he ruffled her hair, but she fondly slapped it away. “But do remember that I also said some things unwarranted too and I also didn’t try to deescalate the fight, so he's not at total fault here.”
“Still was part of the problem,” Minsheng pointed out.
“And also said some things he shouldn’t have said,” Yanyu couldn't help but say.
“True, but some of those things do hold some truth.”
“What part are you talking about?” MK blurted out in confusion.
“I know that I have changed, I can truthfully admit that, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still have a lot of issues in general.” Back then he would have never admitted this to anyone, not even on his deathbed, but as the years pass and as the seasons go on, he knows that he can comfortably say all this to them without fear.
“There are many times where I still question myself and whether or not if this is me or if I wear a facade for so long that I became it, especially if I even deserve to be called a father,” he said that last part lowly to himself, but everyone heard it. But he didn’t take any notice of it as he continued. “Regardless though, I do know one thing for certain, I appreciate you trying to look out for me.” He smirked as he ruffled his two kids' hair.
They begrudgingly let him with a small smile on their face.
“We always do,” Bohai grinned.
“You do the same for us doc,” the bluenette slapped his shoulder. “Like that one time where you forced us to rest after that little incident.”
“You mean the time where you all decided it was a good idea to have a little fight in a bunch of unknown plants and then you all got sick?” He raised his eyebrow.
“That’s the one!” Both rabbit and vulture said with matching grins.
“Why did I become friends with you guys again?” He uttered for the nth time since he met them.
“For our glowing personality,” the big cat gave a deep chuckle as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder and nuzzled his fur as he gave a few long licks to Macaque long mane.
The first time he had ever done this to the monkey, he had chucked him clean across the treetops before it was properly explained to him. This is apparently done with not just cubs, but other lions or demons in the pride to form a closer connection and to provide comfort and affection. After that he begrudgingly let him continue the process, though he couldn’t help but cringe at the first few times.
“Alright, alright I get it,” he gently pushed the muzzle away from him. “Imma whip up some food, didn’t even realize how hungry I was until now. Does a hotpot sound good to you all.”
“I can already feel myself drooling,” Yanyu licked her lips.
“You should probably get that checked out then,” Mei jokes.
“That’s why we have the old man here for.”
“I don’t get paid enough for that,” he deadpanned.
“You don’t get paid at all,” MK supplied.
“No I do not,” was the last thing he said before he climbed up a tree and headed over back to the oversized treehouse.
“So we are gonna take down the Monkey King or at least plan some vengeance upon him, yes,” Bohai mused as he slightly glowed.
“Ohohoho, like you wouldn’t believe it,” Daiyu puffed up her feathers. “Imma about to hurt a monkey.”
“Count me in,” Mei said with an eerie twitching smile.
“May not be the strongest, but I know a few ways to immobilize a simian,” Minsheng muttered.
“I’ll get the hot glue and tacks. Nobody fucks with my teacher and gets away with it alive,” Yanyu took out her phone and began furiously typing.
“At ease everyone, try not to let your anger fester. We’re here for Mac right now,” Ahmed said with a low growl.
“Says the one growling,” MK inputted as his own hands twitched violently as he clutched onto the staff.
Both Tang and Pigsy were watching Mei moodily chomp down on her noodles as she was furiously typing something down. They look to the other side and see that MK, who was on break, was steadfastly ignoring his cooling noodles as he was drawing something down in his notebook.
“Did they get into a fight?” The historian asked as he slurped down his food.
“Not that I know of,” the chef shook his head, “all I know is that MK came in like this and a little later girlie came in with the same mood.”
“We aren’t fighting,” Mei grumbled as she stabbed the chopsticks down onto the counter. “There is just an…issue that has occured.”
“Issue, that’s one word,” MK muttered.
“Just be glad I’m putting it lightly.”
“So, no fight?” Tang asked.
“No,” they both replied.
“Well that’s good at least…does it have to do with Red Son? I know that both of you were worried about him when he didn’t show, he called back yet?”
This brought the two back from their anger filled mind as the two twenty year old looked at each other, then back to Pigsy and shook his head.
“Nothing,” he sighed as he looked through his phone.
“Not even a text back,” Mei included.
“That’s weird, the three of you have been basically stuck by the hip since you all knew each other, wonder what could have happened?” Tang went into a questioning pose.
Mei leaned over to MK as the two other adults talked and quietly whispered, “you think it has something to do with his parents?”
“No doubt in my mind,” he whispered back. The two of them knew some things about his home situation, but that was all they needed to know that his parents were absolute garbage. “I’ll give him two more weeks, if we still don’t get a reply back then we bust in there and grab him.”
“And we should definitely phone the old man about this, at least this would take his mind off…well that,” the Dragon heiress said.
“How about we put that idea on hold for now,” he winced as she shot him an incredulous expression, “I think we can handle it.”
“Okay, you are so spilling why you don’t want to ask Macaque for help,” this isn’t the first time he tried to avoid asking the monkey for help. It’s been a slow gradual thing, but she had just now begun to pick up that MK was hiding something.
“Uhhhh well look at the time,” he nervously swallowed down his food in one gulp, after choking for a bit, and grabbed his keys and a few orders that were just made. “My break is over, no time to talk!”
“MK!” She yelled out as he rushed out of the store. “You will talk one way or another!”
“Oh I can’t hear you! Call you later!” He yelled out as he dived into the car, with the food still safely placed, and quickly drove onto the street.
“You little-!”
“I’m back!” He announced as soon as he landed on the mountain. He had taken a few days away from training and while he was still upset at Monkey King, he didn’t truly hate him nor was he even held a grudge against him. Though it probably didn’t help that Mei would evilly chuckle whenever she was typing or scraping another plan, he still winced at her seventh one. That one looked almost painfully brutal and humiliating.
Small frustration and irritation, yes. But not the kind that would overwhelm him and let it take absolute control. Besides he knew that wasn’t who the monkey really was, arguments can bring out the worst in someone, whether it’s true or not. But he still optimistically believes that those two can become friends again.
“Monkey Ki-WHOA!” He managed to brace for impact as he was almost knocked over as a bunch of monkeys came barreling into him from above. “Hey! Hey! It's good to see you all too.” He laughed as he tried to carry as many as he could.
“They missed you kiddo,” he looked to the voice behind him and saw the Monkey King sporting a wide grin as he sat upon his cloud. “They wouldn’t stop talking about missing their playmate.”
“Awww,” he cooed as he hugged the ones in his arms, “I missed you guys too.”
“We all did kiddo,” he smirked, but it did soften when he saw that there was no hostility or resentment in his student eyes.
“Well I guess I missed you too,” he gave an exaggerated sigh.
“I’m just a bit surprised that you came back, not that I didn’t think that you wouldn’t, but more along the lines of not wanting to see me again. But I mean who wouldn’t want to train with the great Monkey King,” he let a bit of his nerves leak out unintentionally.
“Well Dad always advocates for my choice, so I just chose to be here. Besides I just needed to cool off for a few days after all that,” he grinned widely as he bared his teeth. “I’m not giving up just yet.”
Wukong, who can now clearly tell that MK did share the same grin as Mac, couldn’t help but share his enthusiasm. “Well let’s freshen up your knowledge of the basics, I’m afraid you might have forgotten it all these past days.”
“I did not just sit around and do nothing these past couple of days, for your information!”
“What’s the problem with being lazy?” He smirked as he jumped off his cloud. “Nothing is wrong with that.”
“Oh there isn’t, it’s just that when you have a whole entire forest to watch out for when Dad is taking care of his patients, it gets a little crazy. Especially since the one who usually keeps an eye on things had to focus on another problem entirely or was not even there, except for BaBa. She’s the only reason why I haven’t tied all those idiots together in a knot,” he grumbled in the last part. It does get more than a little hectic in the forest, especially when there are so many creatures and demons all living in that same area no matter how big the boundaries may be. There will always be some sort of dispute between the clans and it’s usually the more neutral group, like Macaque, Ní, BaBa, Kappa, and even some of the faeries, to keep the relative peace. Will true harmony ever be attained? Ha! No, but the way they are living now is just perfectly fine to all of them. Despite the chaos, fights, and craziness in general, no one is truly upset over their homes.
“Oh, so he has patients,” he curiously prodded, “I didn’t think moo-Macaque would willingly subject himself to interacting with people.”
Before MK could tell him that he is technically true, he can tolerate them at best, they both were startled when multitudes of loud screeches burst their ears wide open as all the monkeys were howling and jumping either on the Monkey King or back on MK.
“What the-” Wukong was fast enough to dodge their grapple, but he thought best if he just waited for now as they didn’t seem to be angry from what he could tell from all their voices talking at once, rather…surprised?
“Yeah, I know Macaque?” MK answered one of the monkeys, who managed to stuff fruit in her sibling's mouth to shut them up. “He’s my dad.”
It was silent for only a moment before they all went wild as the ones that were previously on Wukong jumped over to him and began to screech.
“AHHHH?!” He confusedly screamed as well as he couldn’t understand them all when they yelled like this and, well, he was sorely unprepared for what was happening and just decided to copy them.
“Why are you screaming!” Wukong turned to him in confusion.
“I don’t know! Wait!” He looked down to the bunch that were still screeching wildly, “Are you the same ones that took in my Dad back then?!”
He received violent nodding of heads and/or a screech in afrimation.
“AWESOME!” His eyes sparkled as he gained a mischievous grin, “Then that must mean you know all types of embarrassing things he did back then.”
They all shared the same grin as him. It has been a long time since they have seen their missing tribe member, intellectually they knew that he wasn’t around because of a dispute with their King. But they instinctively knew that their King had missed their mate for a long time now, and while some are a bit miffed that he has left, they all have deeply missed a member of their own. And now they have confirmation that not only is he alive, but he has taken in a new infant of his own?! This is a cause for a celebration.
One of the monkeys does turn to Wukong and gives him the stink eye as she glared at him for not telling them.
“Okay to be fair, I didn’t really expect it to happen,” he held up his hands in apology.
The stink eye intensified.
“And I’m sorry.”
The stare remained.
“And I’ll give you some of the sweet peaches.”
She was satisfied as she went back to picking through the child's hair. Maybe that would teach their King twice before not saying anything again…though she highly doubts it.
“But I’m surprised MK,” he casually watched the cute scene of all of the monkeys snuggling, playing, or just hanging all over his student body. “I didn’t know you could understand them.”
“Well I do have a demon monkey for a dad and I frequently talk to the ones in the forest,” he deadpanned.
“Yeah that makes sense,” he stretched his arms as he casually sat down next to him. “Speaking of forest he-you guys really live in the Plum Blossom Forest?”
“Yep!” He grinned as most of the monkeys finally decided to get off him and play around the area, the only one left was the one who glared at Wukong.
“Can you tell me more about it? I never visited there despite it popping up a couple hundred years ago.”
“Well I can tell you some, but dad knows that place like the back of his hand. He made it after all,” he absentmindedly said as he scratched the back of the monkey's head.
“He made it?” He emphasized his last point, “Are you talking about the forest?”
“Why?!” And just when he thought he couldn’t be more shocked about his friend, life apparently throws him in for another loop.
“Well Ping-,” he paused and decided otherwise, “actually it’s kinda personal, way above my level.You should just ask dad about it when you have the chance.”
“Ping again,” he couldn’t help but mutter the name, “he must have been real special to Mac if you keep bringing it up.”
“Well I don’t know about special, but dad always says that he is just a regular human that just somehow doesn’t even blink at the most abnormal things that come his way, no matter how bizarre and crazy it may be,” he summarized.
“Must be some human then if he became so interested in him,” the Monkey King casually said as his tail silently moved back and forth just a bit quicker.
“Yup! Dad may never say it, but he really looks up to him and really is grateful for taking him in when he needed it the most,” he unknowingly blurted out, because right after he began to curse himself in his head over this as he froze. But before he could stutter out a flimsy question to redirect the focus away from the mess up he just created, he stilled once more as he felt a furry hand ruffle his head.
“I’m glad,” Wukong let a small grin envelop his face and he said nothing more.
MK took a few moments to process this and just nodded his head.
“Well I think we sat down for long enough,” the sage commented as he began to stand up. “I think it’s time we get to training. Are you ready?”
MK smiled as he let go of the monkey on his lap and jumped up. “I always am!”
“Mmmm I don’t think so I mean,” he held out a purple headband in his grasp, “you obviously forgot to keep watch of your surroundings.”
“My headband! Why is it always my headband!” He fumed and readied his stance for the chase.
“Like I always say, you can’t let your guard down,” and with that he jumped up and began to rapidly climb the mountain. “No matter what the situation may be.”
“We were having a moment!” He yelled out as he quickly followed behind him.
“With emotions? Ew, I’m allergic to that.”
“That’s not a thing!”
“Says you, I for one have been alive for far longer and I can see some things and experienced just as many, so obviously this is totally a thing that can happen.”
“I am a literal physician in training, I am literally learning under the same monkey who has seen and done just as much shit as you have!”
“And he would agree,” he chirped.
“No he would not!”
“Thanks again for the meal,” Pigsy said as he took a sip of his drink as he gently scratched Tang's head on his lap, “I may love to cook, but it’s nice not having to cook once in a while.”
“I feel you there,” Macaque gave a grin as he laid a blanket on both Mei and MK, who were passed out asleep on the couch. “When I am just swamped with work, I would just order some takeout and have one of my clones bring it here.”
“Don’t forget the tea,” Sandy added as he sipped his cup. “Also, are you sure you don’t mind us staying the night?”
“Please, I have more than enough rooms for everyone here and then some,” he waved him off as he spotted another letter on the counter and promptly tore it up and threw it in the trash after he saw what it was, “it’s no problem.”
“Junk mail,” the blue giant absentmindedly said.
“Heh, yeah it is,” he snorted in amusement for some reason as he sat down on the couch.
“So you really just helped the travelers out of spite cause of who they were running from?” Tang couldn’t help but jump back to their previous conversation they had on some of the stories Macaque had shared during his travels.
“And not out of some benevolent goodwill to them?”
“Not really, I know first hand just how annoying a Yuki-onna, especially that bitch in particular,” he couldn’t stop the disgust in his tone.
“You know her?” Sandy asked.
“Unfortunately, let’s just say I was in the area one time during a snowstorm, cold and starving, did I meet her. She lulled into a false sense of security until I realized that I didn’t hear and then saw that I was half frozen. I got out of there so fast that I didn’t even contemplate my revenge until I could finally feel my feet again.”
“And what happened when you did meet again?” Tang questioned then raised his brow at the monkey's malicious grin.
“Well let’s just say that she dares not to show her face for a long time.”
“Meaning?” Pigsy was almost afraid to ask.
“I made her bald and used a special type of paint to make her skin purple, permanently,” he bluntly stated.
That actually made Sandy choke on his tea as both Tang and Pigsy busted out laughing at the image, though the historian did seem to be leaning more on the hysterical side.
“It shouldn’t be possible to leave a mark on a spirit skin unless it has dealt with tools to banish them, let alone ridding someone of their hair unless they can shapeshift?!”
“Goes to show what you know, I’ve been around quite a bit longer than you and trust me, we are well past the stage of simple banishing.”
“When did that happen? Who even thought of the idea?!”
He opted to say nothing, he wasn’t about to tell anyone that both he and Wukong created this after this one river spirit was getting on both of their nerves. They didn’t want to outright kill them, but to humiliate them enough to make them regret even showing their faces to the sky.
“Back to the merchants,” Sandy redirected the attention, “I know you also briefly mentioned that you helped heal them, have you been a physician for that long?”
“Give or take a couple of years.”
“So you really did go around healing others,” the historian amusedly said as he had broken from his previous hysteria.
Macaque rolled his eyes, “Just when I feel like it.”
“Now I’m curious, how did you decide to become a doctor in the first place?” Pigsy asked.
“Is it cause I sometimes look like either a teenager in their emo phase or too feminine?” He curiously asked. He had been mistaken for both before, though he guess it sometimes doesn’t help that he likes to paint his nails black or keep his mane long and wear feminine style clothing. He’s not complaining though, he didn’t really care about anyone opinion in the way he dress, clothing should not be biased to one gender and he feels good when he can wear whatever the fuck he want.
“No? Just curious,” though that does bring up some more questions on why he asked that.
“Just happened to learn it off of a human a few centuries back and it just didn’t stop,” he shrugged.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Well that’s a bit anticlimactic,” Tang pouted.
“Sucks to suck, but I can truthfully say that I have no regrets learning medicine.”
“Really? Even when things go sideways?” The gentle giant gently prodded.
“Those times are hard, but no no regrets. Especially since it helped bring MK to me,” he nostalgically smiled.
“How so?”
“Well I was actually out of bandages one day and went to the city to pick up some more and I decided to take my time walking back and then I saw him and the rest is history.” He can still remember just how small starlight was and just how tired, both physically and mentally, he was. If he closes his eyes, he can still draw out every scar, bump, bruise or rib that looked too harsh on his bright child. “He really brought a new spark in my life.”
“And you to him as well,” Sandy smiled.
Mac snorted and shook his head, “He would have still been his same kind, bright and enthusiastic self even without me.”
“Maybe, but I’m glad that he didn’t have to suffer for it,” the pig demon added. It may not be obvious at first glance, but there is a spark in both, hell even Mei, eyes whenever they see the other. He couldn’t tell if it was from relief, safety, comfort or all of the above, but just when they are with each other, everything seems to fall into place. “And besides, I think you did a damn good job raising him.”
Both demon and human nodded in agreement.
The monkey demon couldn’t help the small smile forming on his lips. Pigsy words may have been brief, but for some reason, he felt his lingering doubts and dread, that has been flooding his mind since the confrontation, ease up.
They all continued to quietly talk to one another as the night continued on as one by one they all slowly let the night air drift them off to sleep.
“It seems rather slow today,” Tang mentioned as he looked around the empty shop.
“You're telling me,” Pigsy muttered as he wiped down the already clean counter. “Not a single person nor demon stepped in since the lunch rush.”
“Which means less work for me,” the MK clone said as he lounged on the booth.
“Why I outta,” he said before Tang continued.
“That is a bit strange, but it’s not quite so bad,” he said with a coy smile.
“What is that supposed to me-” he was once more cut off as the historian surprised him with a long kiss on the lips. “Oh, I guess that’s not so bad,” he muttered when they came back for air and leaned in once more.
Unfortunately they were rudely interrupted when Mei and Sandy burst through the doors and closed it with a loud bang.
“GHA!” Tang was startled enough to fall out of his chair.
“What the-what's the big idea you guys!” Pigsy gripped the counter as he glared at them, but then it turned to confusion as he saw that both human and demon were strangely in disarray with their clothes torn and scratched on their bodies.
“Are you guys okay?” The historian asked when he too saw a good look at them.
“We have a huge problem!” Mei paused as she quickly closed the blinds and glanced out the window.
“Big problem!”
“What happened?! What’s going on?”
“Demon Bull King is back,” the pigtailed girl continued.
“And his clones have been terrorizing everyone and destroying the city!” The blue giant continued as he patted the frazzled cat on his shoulder.
“It’s mad chaos out there,” she dramatically said, “even Mac is out there blowing those machines to bits, and trying to get people to safety, but it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop. Wait-,” she eyed the relaxed clone and her eyes twitched. “Please don’t tell me-”
“Training with the Monkey King,” Tang and Pigsy simultaneously said.
“Damn it!” She facepalm, “well we’re just gonna have to hold them off until he gets here.”
Everyone, except the clone, nodded in determination as they got prepared for the coming battle.
“I think we need a little wardrobe change, some of us more than others,” Tang said as he eyed both Mei and Sandy clothes.
“Tang, do you really think we have time for this?” The pink demon questioned.
“Oh honey,” his glasses glinted as he held up a needle and thread, “there is always time for a wardrobe change.”
“Eh why not,” Sandy shrugged.
“I’m done for it,” she grinned, “but make sure it’s cool.”
“One apocalyptic style clothes coming right up,” he eagerly said as he made quick work of all their clothing.
“We’re gonna die,” clone MK boredly said as he flipped through the magazine.
Pigsy couldn’t say anything as he sighed and continued to get the weapons.
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tigerdrop · 4 years
u know u could put out the weirdest most fucked up shit and we would still love it. obviously don't share stuff if it makes u uncomfortable but for every single thing you find embarrassing there's something several times worse
i really hope ur ready to stand by these words b/c im about to tell you about.......showdog dogboy gordon. for five thousand fucking words
look. listen. hear me out. my dear kogo introduced me to an idea and it has not left my mind since: showdog......dogboy......gordon
like.........you know.......its about. dogboy. submitting while benrey dolls him up and makes him look nice. maybe hes been a lot......fuzzier since he got forcibly nintendogged. and maybe benrey cracks a joke about it, maybe the joke gets pulled out a little too far. b/c its the two of them, and thats what they do. its jokes. games. jokes being riffed upon and thinly-veiled dares being issued until gordon freeman finds himself standing awkwardly next to a grooming table in nothing but his underwear while benrey tells him to chill the fuck out. puts that collar on him. after all, he wants to look nice for his friend, right? they say a dog is mans best friend
this definitely would not be the first time a joke or a game went too far and they ended up fucking at the end of it, but this is......this is a whole level beyond. this is definitely, like. theres a Lot going on here. but neither of them are breaking character yet so
and. you know. if youre feeling really insane. like me. if youre feeling just fucking diseased. you can make benrey.......pretty big here. make gordon dogy-sized next to him. not like, tiny, but enough that gordon, ordinarily a Big Guy, feels......small. a little emasculated
and.....yknow. gordon could be collared and chained to the table. like a real dog. not a lot of slack on that thing. and maybe hed be.......muzzled, too. if hes the kind of dogboy that gets snippy at scissors
its really good also for.....benrey being fully clothed and gloved up while gordons almost entirely bare. i know dog groomers dont strictly have to wear gloves. but still. not that it was really going to stop me if he wouldnt actually have a reason to wear gloves. i would make him anyway b/c ive lost all dignity
ITS ABOUT. THE HORNY FUCKING GAME. like they could talk about it if, if they wanted, if they were normal about it, b/c in this scenario they have absolutely fucked it out before (b/c i cant imagine any other fucking way gordon freeman acquiesces to this unless hes Aware that theres gonna be dick touching involved), but they are not normal and they are not going to break kayfabe even if it kills them
and like......i think the muzzle thing is......good. its really really good. b/c benrey can get real fuckin mean and tell him that hes gonna have to be a good boy and keep his teeth to himself if he wants it off so that benrey can make him look less like shit
those new canines of his are awful pointy. is gordon sure he can handle it? can he get a grip on his dogy side for fucking long enough to let benrey take a straight razor to his face? of course he can, he thinks, b/c hes not a fucking dog, okay, hes still a guy, and hes here to prove it and just. behave. while benrey manhandles him and grooms him and brushes out his fur and files his fucking nails. hes not in thrall to his instincts whether they be animalistic or vulgar. and hes definitely not going to cave and ask benrey to touch his fucking dick while he does this
> i enjoy the thought of benrey posing gordon as he pleases but never directly touching him, lifting his leg to get under his upper thigh or stretching the skin of his belly taut as not to nick him. so concentrated on gordon but feigning ignorance to his building arousal, ignoring it
> that art jordan did where gordon is on the table and has the collar on. his chest is shaved into the shape of a heart and that made me so DFUCKING CRAZY I STARTED BARKING AND SNARLING AKLSJAKDJFS
YEAH.....ITS......its shaved into a heart on purpose. and i left that in the first version i posted but nobody said anything about it so i just whistled and walked away
> LIKE. the emasculation of it....the fucking. possesiveness. theres also an undercurrent of like tenderness to it that made me fucking go apeshit
its such a fucking power move too. like. thats not gonna grow out for awhile. every time gordon freeman looks in the mirror for the next few weeks hes gonna be reminded of how fuckin debased he was
just..............consider........the trust hed have to put in benrey for it........benrey holding gordons jaw very firmly in his hand and showing him the straight razor and being like "yo.......uhh......this things sharp. dont wanna make a mess......better, better sit real fuckin still. sit boy. dont move." and sitting rigidly after benrey says something like that while tilting his jaw up to look directly athim is one of the hardest things gordons done in his life. hes sweating and hes making himself dizzy by trying not to breathe too much
he can just......he can see exactly where gordons jugular is fluttering madly under the razor and where gordons adams apple bobs as benrey skims stubble off his throat and rest assured that benrey is getting off on this just as much as gordon is
big......big hands on his face.....turning him every which way.......running his thumb over the clean line of his jaw to feel the results..........i think its just, its a cool scenario. to think about. but instead of this being just a normal "gordon freeman gets shaved" scenario, hes half naked and chained to a table and also has dog ears for some fucking reason
but also this is just like......his face. its the "trimming him everywhere" thats the really fun part
> like...the moving down his body....touching almost clinically by moving part of him around to get everything...yknow....
casual.....clinical.......nervewracking to be on the receiving end of
> thinking about him having to restrain his horny is fun, but it’s especially fun when you think about how he’d spend hours like that, hard and dripping, since friend benrey wants to be so through
fucking. hours. of just laying there anxiously running his mouth and laughing and gasping when benrey moves him like its nothing or touches him somewhere that makes him jump......like.......benrey with something whirring as loudly as those clippers in his hand doesnt exactly inspire confidence......but hes weirdly good at what hes doing and hes got a broad palm flat on gordons stomach to hold him in place/get him to chill out......but it just makes gordon sweat and flush and hes trying so hard to stay still b/c benrey keeps demeaning him when he squirms too much......like, what, is he scared? thinks benreys gonna cut his other arm off with a pair of hair clippers? get real. calm down maybe.
but thats not really the reason why hes acting weirdly ticklish about the whole procedure. (its because of the Scenario, man. gordons trying so hard to be normal in the face of the awareness that this is one of the most insane things hes ever gotten hard for, but we all know how strung out this dude gets at even relatively normal shit. so much so that benrey will just stare at him blankly and ask "uhhh, stop moving please? thank you?" b/c gordons so handsy ordinarily and he keeps trying to move his hands when he talks)
> listen. what if he....absentmindedly like...pet. him. on the stomach. just doing the motion cause it soothes normal dogs so when he feels gordon squirming he strokes heavily down. repetitive...but hes not even focusing on that, hes like intent on getting the part hes trimming just right gordon freezes up and stops breathing for a second to flush all over. benrey’s hand is so hot on his stomach, and he can only focus on how good it feels,
> squirmy because he feels like he’s gonna die if his dick doesn’t get touched and all his instincts are screaming to disobey and hump benrey into the ground (not like he physically can with the restraints but)
eventually benreys gonna have to get down to brass tacks and shave and trim all of him
> and like the whole time. the whole goddamn time gordons just in his boxers absolutely throbbing with it and like. benrey's hand moves to his stomach and like the waistband of  his boxers. yeah. all of him.
can you imagine. gordon freeman desperately trying not to be horny while his best friend kneels between his legs and hooks those fingers in his waistband and starts peeling them off and completely fucking failing at it but hes still gotta try, right. whether hes cis or trans this idiot is so horny that his underwear is just. ruined
> i still cant stopr thinking abt. in the pictures you drew jordan. the way benrey is. delicately touching gordons dick/pussy to get a better angle for shaving
Y. YEAH. ITS POTENT. IMO. gordon having to pretend like hes not fucking horny in the slightest while benrey just kind of clinically moves his dick around and laughs at him when it twitches......ITS A LOT.
> the amount of willpower gordon is exercising not to fuck up into benrey’s palm when he’s loosely holding his dick to shave all the hair around it is honestly impressive
hes trying so fucking hard. hes shaking. look at him. tail thumping weakly against the table
just......like......i was thinkin about benrey getting gordon stripped bare while he stammers and rambles because he is so very fucking turned on right now and hes so embarrassed by this that he just stares firmly at the ceiling and humiliates himself ranting about how its a totally normal response and plenty of guys get erections during prostate exams and benrey has no idea what the fuck hes talking about
> this was th. part. ...benrey ignoring his boner and his rambling like "yeah alright. stay still for this part though for real" and gets to work. gordon absolutely mortified but hes breathing real shallow cause he doest want to get nicked here of all places so. and benrey placing a hand on his thigh to push them open further so that he can get a better angle and gordon's leg shakes. its quiet until benrey says to himself "'youre bein still. 's good." and gordon's dick visibly twitches at that and he shuts his eyes quickly and turns his face away. also i was still thinkin,,,,bout how the little praise straight up goes to gordon's head and his tail might also thump a lil faster on the table.
> would benrey notice? probably. maybe not say anything at first but just let a real evil smirk spread on his face, laughing a little. and then say lowly when hes focused on his work, "really like that huh. lil dogboy. you like being good?" and gordon lets out a harsh breath, stomach jumping. doesnt respond but his tail moves even faster. benrey's wrist brushes the head of his dick and he lets out a small sound, which turns strangled then he actually takes his hand and presses his dick to the side so he can get right below his stomach. its detached, hes just holding it pressed to the crease of his hip, but gordon's dick throbs under his palm and dribbles precome against the gloved fingers
> Okay, so, part of the grooming process is, of course, bathing the dog. And luckily, Benrey has a wonderful tool to help him with this. A hand-held shower hose with a lovely little shower head with very nice settings to help our little showdog get... clean.
> Imagine, if you will: Gordon, on all fours and chained up to keep him upright as Benrey slowly, methodically, wets him down. Lathers him up. Works his hands all over his body, from tail tip to the top of his head. Massaging into his belly. Rubbing inside his thighs. Cleaning every part of him. Every part.
> And the shower head occasionally dips down, pulsing, right to a sweet spot between Gordon’s legs, the closest thing he’s got to attention the entire time they’ve been playing this game. He’s so close, so GODDAMN close to getting what he wants, but every time Benrey realizes he’s getting somewhere... ... He moves it. To spray his back. His head. His chest. Anywhere but where Gordon wants it.
> Gordon is shaking. His legs are trembling, the table is wet and slick. He’s having such a hard time staying up on all fours, he’s panting and begging and losing his footing and EVERY TIME he loses his footing, well, the collar and chain choke him and force him right back up. And Benrey is just watching. Grinning.
> Waits for him to get his composure.
> And does it again.
just......like.......jesus. gordon would be. shaking. his whole body. panting like a dog. trying so hard to stay still. but he keeps trying to spread his legs wider when benrey reaches his thighs and he keeps slipping and accidentally choking himself and hes nearly at the breaking point trying to keep himself together but benrey runs a big, warm hand along his side and makes a passing comment on what a good boy hes being and gordon almost fucking yells from how overwhelmed he gets
i want gordon freeman fucking obliterated. i want him to suffer first from benrey jerking him around and then being made to jerk himself around, trying and failing to keep his shit together.....and when benrey tells him sumn like, hey no, dont lay down........even if your arms and legs are shakin, you gotta stay up bro.......its so fuckin demeaning and gordon just spits out "im trying!" and benrey buries his free hand in gordons hair like hes gonna tug in retaliation, but instead he just scratches gordons scalp in a way that feels really fucking good and asks "you gonna bite? huh? gonna bite me? when im treatin you so nice......jeez, man" and that takes him back from the brink a little
hes just always keeping gordon on his toes. switching settings. dragging it out and making gordon shake from head to toe, sometimes putting on one of those real powerful pulsing jets to overstimulate him and make gordon yelp and just work him up into a trembling mess struggling to stay upright. snarling in ugly frustration when benrey yanks the showerhead away just as gordons starting to Get There. it feels like it must have been hours that hes been being bathed like this and teased from occasional glancing sprays with the waterhead to direct stimulation while benrey chuckles at him and just blandly comments "youre shaking." and gordon stammers out hotly "of course im fucking shaking, you keep fucking with me and i just wanna--" and benrey takes him by the chin and makes gordon look up at him and says, laughing at him under his breath, "dogs dont talk, bro"
ike.......at this point u might think "surely thats enough. throw the guy a bone." and that maybe, now, gordon freeman will get his dick touched like he deserves. you owuld be wrong. benreys not done here. gordons gotta come down from that table, get toweled off. and when benrey unclips that leash from the table, gordon just fucking collapses. his arms and legs cant really hold him up right now......hes being strung out like a violin, drawn to maximum tautness before being let go all at once just before he snaps.
and this is where benrey plays a little nice.......dries him off and blowdries him a little, brushing out his hair and his tail. hes committed to the bit, okay? he said he was gonna make his best bro look nice, so hes gonna make gordon look nice. this whole time hes letting gordon come back down.....and its......its kind of frustrating, if benreys just gonna decide to leave him like this and drag him outta here  and call that the end of the game, but its not the worst thing in the world right now. for the first time in hours hes not being asked to do something. he doesnt even really have to move his own arms and legs.
but No. hes still not done. theres something theyre forgetting........gotta clip your nails, bro. its the last thing on benreys docket, and gordons embarrassed for a different (but taxonomically similar) reason. all the personal attention and the bizarre intimacy of it makes gordons mouth start running, just to get his mind off it. pretend to be normal! surely thats gonna work when the guy who nearly gave him a nervous breakdown from being edged and toyed with beyond belief is now at his feet, filing nails and running curious thumbs over the tendons and muscles. benreys almost more lost in it than gordon is at this specific point. (hes been doing nothing but jerking gordon around and its hard work. he deserves this.)
gordons been good. really fuckin good. didnt even nip his fingers. benreys best friend deserves a treat.
> look. hes been so fucking good the whole time. not moving and not touching himself, not breaking the tension they have with each other, staying so still. i think he deserves something nice. but like gordon doesnt expect it, he expects to just be jerked around and let go. benrey tells him to stay on the table and he complains about it like "im done now. you. you said we were done" but benrey comes back with a fresh pair of gloves and gordon tenses until benrey places a hand on his chest and tells him to calm down. he was good. rubs at his chest and stomach, slowly pushing him down onto the table while gordon squeaks when benrey parts his legs.  hes mostly soft now but he hears benrey doing something and then rubbing a slick finger around his hole and he lets out a little "oh god. oh god. " that turns into a moan when he presses in.
> gordon's calmed down a bit but its goddamn embarrassing how quickly he gets wet again, dick throbbing a little. and i think. hm. i  think it would be very fun to do overstimulation in this way now too since hes been edged so much that hes actually fucking desperate to come
> i think he should be be fingered until he howls and comes like 3-4 times. he's finally finally getting what he wants i dont know if he would know what to do. hes probably embrassed as all fuck from the way he acted that whole time, but when he starts getting fingered all that stuff just blanks from his mind and its so, so hard for him to not just chase that feeling and whore himself out. the opportunities for whoredon dialogue when hes that desperate are like  saying shit hes cant even think about like "god - please f- fuck." and benrey's only got one finger in him but hes so wet already that benrey tries a second and it slips in easily. he crooks his fingers and gordon fucking keens, thighs shaking.
the fuckin. the agony in his voice when hes hoarsely begging benrey "do not stop do not fucking stop i cant take it" and just. slamming his fist into the table and being so fucking loud, oh my god, this guy is loud
> the thought of how loud he would be crazed me im just. just. him laying on the fucking table, eyes shut tight and moaning high and loud while he pulls tightly on his own hair, clenching hard around benrey's fingers
i think it would just be cool if. uhh. the thing that finally breaks gordon. gets him to just Let Go. is benrey catching him trying to choke back his words and his sounds and just laughs at him, like, "this is the easy part man. you wanna be a good dog? better, uhh.....better beg. cmon, boy. beg." and gordons hips jerk and the subsequent praise he gets when he actually does it makes him just.......snap.......Bye
> and what if.......benrey doesnt remove them as gordon comes down from that. he just waits a few seconds while gordons still panting and then scissors them and wrings a strangled sound out of gordon, whos hips move down again. and the heat starts building again in his gut and he cant even get out full sentences anymore, just bits and pieces while he fucks onto benrey's fingers. m. maybe benrey's growling out shit like "thats it, cmon. been good for me all fuckin day. you want more?" and gordon nods his head without even looking but he hears a thump and sees benrey kneeling between his thighs and he. licks up from where his fingers are to his clit and he just seals his mouth on it and sucks and that makes gordon come a second time, thighs clamping shut around benrey's ears.
i just......i lvoe......overstim.......and i think gordon freeman should have his pussy eaten until he cannot fucking take it anymore
maybe......even.......maybe after gordon comes a second time. benrey doesnt stop sucking and licking. at first it seems like benreys just working him thru the orgasm, but then he just keeps going. and gordons sensitive, hes too fucking sensitive, each time benreys tongue swipes over him he jerks and tries to close his legs. frantically gasping that he did it, okay, he got gordon off, voice getting high and broken, but benrey just pulls back and looks at him flatly and then very deliberately. spreads his legs wider in one swift movement. and pins them with his big fucking hands. and just looks him in the eye and says "i know, dude" and puts his mouth right back on gordon anyway. and gordons legs twitch like fucking mad but benreys so strong and he cant move and hes slamming his fist on the table again from how overwhelming it is, tears prickling in the corner of his eyes, howling into the open air how benreys killing him, hes fuckin killing him, why does he like jerking gordon around so much........and benrey glances up and breaks the seal of his mouth around gordons dick and mutters something about how he must not be doin his job if gordons still talking
i want him to howl wordlessly with frustration and grab benreys hair and yank him closer as gordon rounds the corner from "the agony of getting sucked off when hes hyper-sensitive" to "the agony of chasing yet another orgasm". i want this dude to be tonguefucked until he wails!!! I Want Him Ruined. meat: massacred. pussy: destroyed. i think it would be cool if gordon freeman was wailing at him for more, dont stop, benrey, until benreys got two big fingers back in him and is squeezing in a third alongside them and hes so fucking tight from having just come twice in a row, but the groan gordon lets out when its finally inside him is so guttural and low it makes benrey blink and shiver
and i think that for the grand finale benrey should smash that dogboy pussy. thanks for coming to my TED talk
hes been going thru this shit for hours. taking his time to really screw gordon freeman up good. and its been so fuckin worth it just to hear all the fun new sounds gordon made (cuz of him, he reminds himself). benreys been awkwardly adjusting his dick in his pants for way too fucking long, and gordons been watching him do it. staring at it. saliva collecting at the corner of his mouth. he was achingly hard the whole time he was giving gordon a glorified pedicure. and he didnt even ask to shift forward from where he was kneeling to let the arch of gordons foot press against his dick. its been just as hard for benrey to keep control and stick to the rules of the game as it has been gordon, and this dude oughta get to crush mad pussy okay
> the thought of this is kinda making me insane actually so. im just. h. im just thinking about how it would go down like. augh. i think that gordon would be shaking from his third consecutive orgasm but like. he can keep going. and he finally gets a moment to breathe and look at benrey whos just a mess. hair messed up where gordon gripped it, red faced, mouth dripping with his own drool and gordon's slick and hes remembers like. this guys so fucked up over this, god. and hed been thinking about his dick the whole time, even though he thought he wasnt gonna get anything out of it for a while. hes been wanting it. and so like like he doesnt want to play any more games. hes been good he deserves this.
> benrey's still got three fingers in him so he kind of just pushes him back and breaths out "fuck me". benrey's actually absolutely dazed from everythin and has to process it like "huh. wh" but gordons like "just fucking do it, cmon. im not gonna say it again" and benrey finally actually registers it like. "y-yeah. okay." and he barely has any time to think before gordon's hauling him up onto the table. starts fumbling to get his pants and shirt off and gordons practically tearing at his clothes which doesnt fucking help. letting out little growls maybe like "fucking. jerking me around this whole time fuck you. can see how much you wanted it" and they finally manage to get them off and gordon pulls him on top and ruts against him. its finally now clicking for benrey that fuck. this is actually happening and he pushes into him with a low sound and gordon's thighs and tail go still and taut until he bottoms out.  gordon's fucking panting and clenches down on him and they both let out a little sound and benrey starts fucking into him slow. but cmon. this dudes been pent up the whole goddamn time. its barely any time before hes gripping gordon's hips and fucking up into him fast and hard, hips slapping against gordon's at a desperate pace. he probably tries to make it last but he cant, hes been edging himself too long. im going to fucking die see ya everybody
thinking about just how fuckin bad benreys legs would shake from the effort of pushin in reaaalll slow b/c gordons so fucking tight after having gotten off 3 times in a row.......trembling from the effort of trying to hold himself back......and gordons nails digging into the back of his neck and dragging down his back to leave long red furrows behind....... gordons eyes screwed tightly shut while the only thought on repeat in his head is "oh my god hes big hes so fucking big" and he can barely fuckin speak
> like yeah he had three fingers in him but this is so goddamn much. thinking about...gordon's hands clawing into back involuntarily from the stretch, letting out little cut off pants while his legs shake a little from it. i just. like the thought of his tail pointing out stiffly and trembling too. the absolutely wrecked sound he would let out when he bottomed out, all of that tension kind of leaving him in a drawn out deep moan. benrey shifts just a little to get a better grip on gordon's thighs and it causes him to yelp a little cause its so fucking much just from that movement.
> benrey's trying not to move but his hips are twitching from holding himself back and gordons letting out little. sounds that are making him insane. he pulls out just a little and that makes gordon let out a whine. and when he pushes back in gordon lets out breathless "fuck!" like its been punched out of him. even going this slowly is making him fucking shake like a leaf. hes squeezing his eyes shut tight heaving deep breaths, chest rising and falling fast. hes so full be can barely think. and benrey's just fucking stupid with cumbrain and hes saying all kinds of filthy shit like "h - fucking - so fucking good for me. so good. nnh. best. best friend -" and that makes gordon let out a whine. the praise has been getting to him the whole time and just. again with the loaded phrase of best friend. like the possesiveness of that. that combined with the near-overstimulation of getting filled makes him actually kind of lose it. his thighs clamp around benreys hips and his toes curl and pulls benrey's hips forward to make him thrust into him, so he stop going slow. bye. goodbye
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thepaperpanda · 5 years
Fraidy-cat Girl || Arthur Morgan x Reader x Dutch Van Der Linde
||Part I||
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Summary: With each passing day your relationship with Arthur and Dutch is deepening. But will the fierce and fearless outlaws be able to persuade you to get on the horse?
Warnings: none
Words: 1693
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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The morning was peaceful.
The whole camp was mostly calm and quiet, just a few short talks could be heard through the camp.
 Dutch was sitting in his tent reading one of his books, while Arthur was sitting near the fire. He was still half asleep, drinking his morning coffee. "Mornin', Y/N." Arthur said, nodding at you as you walked past the campfire.
 Dutch smiled as soon as he saw you walking past his tent. "Y/N, my dear! How are you today, can walk just fine I see." He teased you.
 You smiled shortly at him, blushing at his words. These two men could be the death of you anytime soon.
 You made yourself coffee and sipped on hot, bitter liquid. "How do you feel, Dutch?," you asked walking closer to the man.
 "I am fine as you can see." He said presenting himself to you. "How are you, I hope we didn't hurt you too much last time," Dutch said looking up and down at you. "Any plans for today?"
 Arthur joined both of you soon.
 "No plans. I'll clean our place a little, and well, today's my shift with horses, aye," you gasped sadly rubbing your temple. "You both know how much I hate it. Arthur, maybe you could kind of do my job, I'd take your duties."
 Arthur laughed. "I would like to see a pretty, skinny lady like you taking John and Micah to rob a bank, sweetheart," he shook his head. "No can do, Y/N. My duty doesn't suit lady like you."
 "I'm afraid Arthur is right, my dear. Robbing and killin' ain't for ya. You have no experience when it comes to this," Dutch nodded his head.
 "Why you hate horses anyway? It's not like you see them for the first time. I thought you said your pa had few at his ranch when you were little," Arthur asked resting his hands on his belt.
 You nodded at Arthur's words. "Yes. Indeed, my father used to have horse's on his ranch. He used to breed them. I hate them even now, when I was seven I was beaten by a horse. I was wearing huge bruise on my left palm," you explained. "That's why I'm mostly afraid of them. They're killers, silent ones...," You said openly. "Don't giggle, Morgan!," you frowned seeing how Arthur covered his mouth with hand. "I mean it! And well, I have experience in killing and robbing... I robbed... I mean... Okay. You got me. No experience."
 "I'm a sorry, sweetheart, but it's kinda funny. Horses ain't that scary nor they are killers! They are nice and kind creatures that help us work and bond with us," Arthur said and rubbed his chin, looking at you. "You can't even shoot, Y/N," he reminded you.
 Dutch laughed listening to Arthur's talk about horses. "That's right, son. Without horses, we would get too far," he said. "Shall we take care of Y/N's fear?"
 "I think we should," Arthur said with a big grin on his face.
 You weren't happy about their agreement. Yet you followed Dutch and Arthur.
Horses were always your disadvantage but you would never claim it openly.
 "I think we shall go to stable and get Y/N her own horse so she can get used to the animal," Dutch said and mounted his horse.
 "I guess you are right. Hope on, darlin'," Arthur said looking at you. He frowned when he received no reaction from you. "Sweetheart, don't ya tell me you even can't get on the horse. Really?"
 "Shut up, Morgan or everyone at the camp is gonna learn how do you suck on your thumb during nights," you growled. "No. I can't get on that bastard," you said looking at Dutch. "Is it really necessary?"
 Arthur blinked at your weird comment. "I dunno whatcha talking about, girl, but I have more interesting information about what you can suck," he rolled his eyes and mounted his horse.
 Dutch looked at you. "Well, if you don't want to simply run all the way to town then yes. It's necessary, my dear."
 "I always can tie her up and just throw her on the back of my horse," Arthur suggested with a soft chuckle.
 "Arthur!," Dutch scolded the other man and shook his head. "Come on, dear. You will ride with me."
 You blinked and opened mouth at Arthur's comments. "You're mean, fella," you informed him and climbed with problems onto Dutch's horse. "Oh, God, why this creature has to be that tall!"
 Dutch laughed and helped you sit in front of him. "I think Arthur is honest, Y/N. To answer your question, there are bigger horses," he hummed and gently kissed your shoulder, wrapping his arm around your waist to make sure you won't fall.
 "Let's just go before our lady gets too scared," Arthur said.
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  When you all got to the stable you went with Arthur to look at the horse. "Look, it ain't gonna bite," man took your hand and put it on horse's nose.
 Horse only huffed through its nostrils and gently licked your palm. Arthur patted the horse and looked at you.
 Meanwhile Dutch was looking for, as he stated during the way, 'the BEST equipment' for his lady.
 At first you were about back you hand and run away but you stayed on place. "It's fluffy a little," you told Arthur as you patted horse's nose. "It tickles!"
 For the very first time you stepped into a real stable. When you were a little girl you were always too scared to attempt this. But now, when Dutch and Arthur were by your side, you felt brave enough.
 "Nice and soft like some kind of a fancy material. Go on, pick a horse you like the most. Don't be afraid," Arthur said rubbing your back. "I will better go check on Dutch before he gets ya a gold saddle with fancy diamonds in it," he laughed and walked away.
 You walked from horse to horse. One started paying more attention to you. It looked curiously at you and started to sniff your hair moving them gently with its muzzle.
 "Oh Gosh, Morgan! Morgan, horse tries to eat my hair! Help me, save me!," you screamed after Arthur but eventually you started petting horse's nostrils and head. "You ain't that scary..."
 Arthur looked over his shoulder as he heard your screams but when he realized you were fine he simply shook his head and returned to Dutch.
 Horse let out a quiet mutter and nuzzled to your shoulder before placing its head on it.
 "Dutch! Dutch, love, come here!," you said loudly as you were standing still.
 When Dutch and Arthur came closer, you posed and smirked. "I think I've made a new friend, what do ya think, fellas?!"
 They looked at each other and nodded.
"Well, if horse picks you, you can't really argue with that, dear," Dutch said with a smile.
 Arthur looked at the horse and hummed.
"Nice and young Appaloosa and its lady. You will have a lot of time to teach her stuff and bond with her properly," Athur smiled and waved to stable workers. "EY! Fellas! We take this horse," he shouted. Then he looked back at you. "Think about the name when we will take care of the papers," Arthur told you.
 You nodded and thought for a second. "I have one name, I'm not sure if it's gonna suit her... I thought about Calisto," you said shyly.
 Dutch clasped his hands. "AMAZING, DARLING! It sounds so beautiful and poetic. Just like your name," he said, wrapping his arm around your waist.
 After a few moments, Calisto was yours, you got the papers that you are the owner and you got the most expensive saddle and halter.
All three of you walked back to the camp, guiding your horses behind.
 "Y/N? I think it's time for you to learn how to ride a horse. You have your horse now, so? Get on," Dutch said.
 "I can show you," Arthur added quickly.
 "Nah," you waved hand and slowly climbed on the horse's back. "I think I know how to do this. I have just buck my hips back and forth, just like when I am riding one of you," you said happily.
 Arthur watched your clumsy way of getting on the horse, he wanted to laugh.
 Dutch stopped you and asked to get down, when you did, he smiled softly. "My dear, I think you really need to learn how to do it right. Look at your saddle. You have stirrups there, put your feet in them and pull yourself up," he said and showed you what to do.
 "And make sure to keep your feet in these. They will make sure you won't fall out of the saddle," Arthur added, improving his hat. "Grab the reins rightly and gently nudge your horse on the sides. You can also swing your reins."
 You did as Dutch and Arthur instructed you. It seemed so easy after their advices and soon you were sitting in the saddle like a pro.
 "Our girl is growing up so quickly, Arthur," Dutch said and looked at Arthur as their horses started to move.
 "Yea, let's just hope she won't fall out from the saddle and get scared again," Arthur commented, looking at you.
 You pretended that you didn't hear them and you nudged your horse's sides gently. "As you might be witnessing now, I can handle horse riding pretty well," you said. "Now, let's move your asses, fellas, there's still a lot of to do around the camp. And I have to brush my lady," you smiled petting horse's ear.
 Dutch laughed loudly. "So? How about the race, huh? Arthur?"
 Arthur nodded. "Sure, Dutch."
 Dutch smiled at you. "The last person in camp is fucking only once tonight!," he informed before his horse started to gallop.
 Arthur's horse quickly followed him, leaving you behind.
 You frowned and tried to force your horse to run faster but mare refused and she was walking with steady pace. You rolled eyes. "I'll teach you how to obey, horsy. I fucking will."
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving @arthurmorgan-bae
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evien-stark · 5 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 57
You weren’t sure how you made it back up to the penthouse. A miracle, really, considering it felt like you were on the verge of collapse. But the team still had a job to do, and no one looked like they were ready to quit. So you couldn’t, either. Aside all that… you really needed the peace of mind that Loki was going to be going away in cuffs. After everything he’d done, not just to you, but to everyone, there would be no rest until you saw the absolute end to it all.
By the time the team got up there, he was just starting to rouse from his Hulk induced knock out. And while he was pushing himself to sit up, everyone drew weapons on him. It seemed a little silly, the seven of you gathered around him in a semi-circle, all powered up and ready to go even though the battle was about as over as it was going to get. He looked up with a confused and then sheepish expression.
“If it’s all the same to you… I think I’ll have that drink now.” Completely subdued, and trying for humorous. Really unable to read the room.
Tony stepped back. “Alright, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later.” Walking further away, he gestured around. “By the way, feel free to clean up.” He was moving too fast, only making it more evident that he was still off kilter. Trying to rush by everything so that he wouldn’t have to deal with what had just happened.
You didn’t really want to, either. “It’s gonna take a lot of man power to get the Tower up and running again...” Talking more to yourself, because you didn’t think anyone was listening. You had barely had the lights on for twenty-four hours and now it was somewhat destroyed. The penthouse most of all- well, the front room and balcony- and the STARK letters. Which ones were left…?
“Is that your subtle way of asking for some of us to stick around and sweep up glass?” Steve turned to look at you, hands on his hips.
Strange. This was all strange. Just a moment ago you’d been nearly sobbing to death in his arms because you thought Tony had been trapped and was going to die in space. Now he was looking at you with a half smile that felt like none of that really mattered. Or had happened.
How were you supposed to process this?
Nat came a little too close to you, you realized, holding that god damn stick up. It earned a small jump and a few quick steps back as she asked, “Who gets the uh... magic wand?”
“Be careful with that.” The words shot out of you, perhaps a little more aggressively than you meant. It drew everyone’s attention your way. “Just… there’s something in there that reacts pretty poorly with people.”
Yanked to his feet, Loki grinned. “Ah, still going on, aren’t you?”
Clint stepped in front of him, slapping a pair of heavy duty cuffs around his wrists. “Shut up.” Then, half turning to nod at you and Nat, “I’m with her. Don’t mess around with that thing unless you want your mind erased. And not in the fun way.”
Steve reached out to take hold of it, “STRIKE team is coming to secure it.” Just on cue, the elevator doors in the hallway opened, and out stepped a crew of very serious looking men.
“STRIKE?” Who were these people suddenly flooding your private space? There was only a single face you recognized, and he wasn’t dressed like the rest, instead of black gear, he was wearing a suit and tie. You’d seen him lingering around SHIELD some days.
So it made sense when Nat answered you. “Special Tactical Reserve for International Key Emergencies. They’re with us.” Us. SHIELD, she meant. Handing the stick to the guy in the suit, “Be careful with that.”
And, as he caught you staring, he smiled. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Sticking his hand out, “Agent Jasper Sitwell.” You gave him a weak shake at best, not really sure what to make of any of this. He continued to smile. “Seems like you’re about to have a lot more work to do.” He handed the stick over to someone who appeared to be the top agent with him.
A pretty stoic looking dude. Said dude took it and put it in a case. As he snapped it shut, he turned to you with a gruff noise. “You got a problem?”
“Should I? Agent…?”
“Rumlow.” He picked it up by the handle, turning away abruptly. What was with these guys?
You supposed now was not a good time for introductions. Half the city had just been smashed to pieces by aliens. You weren’t the only one feeling worse for wear. All the more evidenced when you heard Steve speak into his comm, “I’m on my way down to coordinate search and rescue.”
People were dead. People were trapped in rubble. People were lost. Hurt. You had no right to feel like curling up. Or crying. “Do you need help with that?”
A roil of ire rumbled behind you and when you turned you saw a second Steve. Except when he spoke it was very mocking. “I’m on my way to coordinate search and rescue.” Then in a shimmer, Steve changed into you. “Ooh, do you need help with that?” Then it was Loki’s voice, coming out of your mouth. “I mean really, how do you keep your food down?”
Thor stepped forward, slapping what looked to be a muzzle over Loki’s face. You breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
He grinned. “Yes, that’s much better.” With the first team off the elevator, the doors reopened. Turning to the two of you, “Lady, Stark, are you coming?”
“In a second.” It took you approximately five of those to realize he wasn’t talking to just you.
“One sec, just packing my lunch.” Looking over, you saw Tony without his suit, but glove over hand, depositing the cube- the Tesseract- into a padded suitcase. So much was going on around you, were you really paying that little attention?
Apparently Steve had called this STRIKE team on the way up- that made sense. You weren’t really present for that. And while you’d been too concerned with everyone else around you, Tony had gone out on the balcony and retrieved the other source of problems. Everyone was working, and you were just standing around spacing out.
Realizing this somehow even more as Tony came over to you and tap-tapped your Heart Reactor for you, releasing your suit. Your body went into overdrive, hands zipping up to your chest protectively. Something he stopped, cradling your hands gently in his own. “Hey- easy. You’re alright. We’re winding down here, you don’t have to wear that right now.” Even he was no longer in his suit. “You wanna hang back? You look like you need to lie down.”
As if he had any right to talk. He was sporting a black eye in the making, and several cuts across his face. “No, I’m coming with you guys. ...what are we doing?”
His smile was fond but there was a leak of hurt coming from him. “We’re getting shawarma. Remember?” When it took too long for you to answer, he pulled your hand. “Come on. We’re holding them up.”
Everything was moving so fast. You had barely any time to process any of it. Mindlessly you just followed as he tugged you along. The elevator was a little snug with all of you in it, something that became even more clear as Hulk tried to be the last one in. Just about everyone held their hands up to stop him. A crowd of voices came shortly after, “Hey hey hey!”
Tony put the suitcase with the cube in it standing up and moved to sit in a crouch on top of it. “We’re at max capacity here, buddy, what’s it look like?”
Thor chimed in. “Take the stairs!”
Just as the doors were closing he began one of those mighty roars, and that hurricane of anger nearly knocked you over. He reeled back a punch and Tony warned him. “Stop. Stop!” Denting the doors as they shut all the way.
Nervousness swirled inside the small space from just about every occupant. You felt faint. But not terrible enough to speak up. “...there’s a lot of stairs.”
“He’s big. It’ll go quick.”
You gave Tony a dry look. “I don’t think it works that way.”
Down in the lobby, it seemed like every single Stark employee was on high alert. People were moving around in quick clouds. You idly wondered where Pepper was… you were going to need a lot of help moving forward. Even starting to think about what was going to be required gave you a headache. But as soon as your main team stepped off the elevator and started walking, everyone seemed to stop and look.
All eyes on you.
Before you could make it halfway to the door, another set of nearly identical people walked up on your group. What looked to be tactical SHIELD agents led by another man in a suit. This one you had seen as well. A lot more than the other one. He put a hand up to stop all of you. “Mind If I ask where you’re going?” What a great question.
Tony had said shawarma, but that couldn’t be right, could it? You had a murder in your possession and a cube- Thor spoke up, cutting your thoughts off. “We were thinking lunch, then Asgard. And you are?”
...oh. So you really were getting shawarma? After all this? There was so much to do… did you really have time for this?
Coming to his side, Tony gave Thor a little nudge. “Alexander Pierce. He’s the guy behind the guys behind Fury.”
“My friends call me Mr. Secretary.” He smiled, but the expression dropped quickly. “I have to ask you to turn the prisoner over to me.” Oh no. What a mess. Of course the big government dogs wanted a piece of Loki after what he’d done…
“Loki will answer to Odin himself.”
“No, he’ll answer to us. Odin can have what’s left. And we’ll need that case back, too.” Gesturing at Tony. “That’s been SHIELD property for over seventy years.”
Tony shrugged. “I’m not gonna argue who has authority here, but jurisdictionally speaking, we are on Stark property. That is my name on the glass, so...”
Shooting his hand out, Pierce practically demanded. “Just give me the case.”
So you stepped in front of them. “Mr. Pierce, listen. We’ll need a full debrief before we can start handing people and things over. Loki’s not from here. So we can start hashing out earth and Asgardian jail time in a more private setting. If you don’t mind.”
“I do mind. Don’t make a scene and we won’t have problems.”
At the very end of your rope, you weren’t sure you had the patience to deal with bureaucrats. “You’re on my property. So I’d suggest you back up and rethink this. Put in a request with my assistant and maybe I won’t wait until December to take a meeting with you.” Staring at him, unwavering.
He glared. “Well aren’t you just-”
Behind you, the stairwell door slammed open, sending a frenzy of people running and screaming as the Hulk came out yelling. “NO MORE STAIRS!!” He slammed a huge fist into the wall, punching a hole clean through.
This was a problem. As he caught sight of the people he roared again, and you knew you had to put a stop to this. If Hulk got outside in this mood, he could go on another rampage. And this time it wouldn’t be directed so easily.
Without a second thought you tap-tapped your reactor, suiting up and lifting off in a few quick jets. Hovering just in front of him you put your hands out. “Hey, hey! Listen to me!”
And as if you were an annoying bug, he reached out to take hold of you in that big hand of his, swinging you around and then holding you upside down, squeezing you almost hard enough to make your bones pop. Which was good. Because it dragged in a bout of white noise as the blood rushed to your head.
You felt yourself slip from his grip, down into that dark water. Face first, which was new. It was getting almost too easy to transition into these … what would you call them? Out of body experiences? Or maybe they were too intimately in body experiences. Whatever they were-
Shifting forward you stopped right in front of Hulk, holding your hands out, trying to calm that raging water with a burst of calm silvery light. Calm, calm calm calm- gentle, quiet- easy-
And just as finally you thought you’d figured things out, you reached over to the other body here- Bruce’s. Leaving a sort of sunset orange colored hand print on his shoulder as you touched him. It would have been nice to actually see the effect-
But you were promptly dropped for real this time, landing hard on your head in a heap of limbs quickly after. Another moment where you severely contemplated just lying there for a long time. Maybe you had. Tony’s voice was a too far away for comfort as you started coming to. “Hey- honey-”
You really needed a nap. Blinking your eyes open, you saw him just above you. Still in the lobby of Stark Industries. A few feet away, Bruce seemed to be waking up, too, Nat helping him up. “What happened?” You just wanted someone else to parse it out for you.
“Well you told a high ranking government agent off and then put the Hulk to bed in front of everyone. But for a second there it seemed like he was using you like a stress toy. So. ...can you not do that anymore? The suit’s not designed for that amount of force.” Still making jokes.
Which meant he was still not scurrying away from processing. Maybe you just needed to follow his lead. There was just too much to take in. “Should we get him some clothes from the gift shop?”
“I’ll have Happy take a run around the corner.”
“Oh. Is Happy here?”
“...you sure you don’t wanna go lie down?”
“You first.”
It took a small bit of effort to coordinate your next closest assistant after Pepper and Happy (who also wasn’t your assistant), but eventually you did manage to snag someone to go get some clothes for Bruce. As well as organize a car to come pick all of you up. Happy was stationed with Pepper, and the both of them were in D.C. right now- something you were apparently expected to remember in the aftermath of getting beaten on all day by aliens.
And while Thor had said something about needing an open space to transport Loki home, Tony really insisted on shawarma. So that’s where you went.
It didn’t really seem like the place was up to serving customers, being somewhat right in the middle of the blast zone, but Tony offered them only too much money at the door. Their reluctance to invite your little group in eased not with the offering of money, however, but upon them realizing who you were. And while everyone went inside, you had to tell them to order for you and wait up-
Because you had seventy missed calls. Most from President Ellis. That seemed about right. And he’d left many voice mails, too. You had no idea what you were supposed to say to him. Or why it had to be you. But before you could even call him to tell him to stop calling you, Pepper’s name came up on your ID, so you answered her first.
Which was a mistake, because she started screaming at you. Most of which you couldn’t actually make out- her being worried, wanting to know what the hell was going on, what she was supposed to tell people, were you okay, was Tony okay, what happened to the Tower- should we put the party on hold?- but then she got to the crux of it all. “I have Ellis on the other line so if you could just-”
“No, not right now-”
“No but he won’t stop calling and he’s the president so I really think you should-”
“No, Pepper!”
“Okay- transferring him now!”
And the second he came on the line he started yelling, too. Your headache was building again. “How am I supposed to give an address when I don’t know what the hell went on out there?! You and Stark gotta give me something!”
“I know, Mr. President, but just listen to me-”
“Maybe we need to do something together- and where the hell am I supposed to get the funding for this clean up?? Should we do a joint statement?”
“Mr. President, listen, if you want to me to get on air with you, I will, but I need time-”
“The military is deployed down there and we don’t even have a body count yet- god do you think it’s in the hundreds?! What were those things?! Are they coming back?!”
“Ellis- fucking listen to me-”
“What am I gonna tell congress?! How soon can you get me a report?? How come it took you so long to answer me?! Are you-”
“Matthew will you shut the fuck up!?” Everything spilled over. But at least finally he stopped babbling at you long enough for you to hear yourself think, let alone the thoughts he was spewing at you.
“Excuse me?”
“I need time, Mr. President. I was in the middle of a fucking war like thirty minutes ago! I need time, sir. Let me finish what I’m doing and I’ll get back to you. That’s not an ask, by the way.”
“But you-”
“Goodbye, Mr. President. Don’t call me again. I’ll get back to you.”
There was only some small sense of relief when you just turned off your phone, knowing he wouldn’t listen to you. He’d just keep on calling. Why was this your job? What were you supposed to do? Turning back around, the sight of Thor just standing there spooked you.
He put his hands up. “I’m sorry- I did not mean to frighten you.”
You put a hand over your heart. It felt like you were very seriously on the verge of collapse. “No- it’s… it’s fine.” Deep breath. “What are you doing out here?”
“Your food is getting cold.”
He came out here to tell you to come inside and eat? “Uh- okay… I’m coming. I’m sorry.”
“Do not apologize, Lady.” Reaching forward, he put a steady hand on your shoulder. He seemed fond of that gesture. You didn’t mind it so much. “It is the wisest and strongest of leaders who worry how they will heal their people after war.”
But at that, you shyly shifted back. “Me? No. I’m not a leader- I’m not the leader. I was actually just on the phone with him.”
He nodded. “Your President Ellis, yes?”
Your brows went up. “...how do you know that?”
“Everyone can hear you shouting.”
It felt like your stomach dropped into your knees. How utterly embarrassing. “...oh.”
He angled his thumb back to point at the front of the shop behind him, “The windows there- they’re all broken. So. ...we heard everything.”
Reaching up, you pressed your hands to your cheeks, not really knowing what else to do. “Oh.” Heat flooded your face. Everyone must have thought you were absolutely losing it. “Okay. I’m sorry. Let’s eat.”
This lightened his mood. “Very good!”
Heading inside the shop with him, the woman sweeping glass gave you a wave, and you gave her a sheepish one back. It was all you could do to keep your head down as you came to the table where everyone was sitting- eyeing Loki who had been sat in the corner like a bad child. Tony patted the spot next to him. “Saved you a seat.”
“Thanks...” The mood in the room felt tired and somber. Everyone else seemed zoned out. Staring beyond their little plastic baskets of food. It got very quiet.
For almost too long a time. As it turned out, shawarma was pretty good. Lamb, pita bread, spices, tomatoes, onions, lettuce… you barely tasted any of it, too lost in thought. So much going on in your head that you couldn’t even hang on to a clear one for longer than a second.
Thor slamming his fist down on the table startled you yet again. “Damn!”
“What?!” Everyone’s attention went his way.
He hit his fist against the table again and then pointed at you. “I just thought- when you apologized on the roof earlier- I should have said, you may not know what you’re apologizing for yet.”
You weren’t sure you were a real person anymore. People of the city had just died. There were no less than two giant space whales beached on the tops of buildings, and one on an overpass. Stark Tower was slightly destroyed. Aliens had visited earth. Tony had practically died in space-
And Thor was lamenting the lost opportunity at a callback joke?
Before you could stop yourself, laughter just started pouring out of you. So hard that by the end of it you could barely breathe, and tears had started leaking past your lashes. And while everyone stared at you, nervous, at first, as Thor started to explain, “You see- that’s what she said to me earlier- and so I thought- that would have been clever-”
They all started laughing, too. Laughing until it hurt. Because what else could you do but laugh? If you didn’t, you might do something worse. That would come later. For sure.
But for now, as the laughter died down, leaving another long lull of silence, you couldn’t help but say, “Shawarma is pretty good.”
Several voices droned in agreement. “Yeah.”
“It’s alright.”
Tony’s hand reached for yours beneath the table and gave you a squeeze. You squeezed back.
Just holding on.
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tarithenurse · 5 years
All is fair in Love & War - 6
Pairing: Loki x reader Content: Some angsting and maybe some pining? Could it be? A few hints at something sexual, but nothing explicit. Plot-thickening. A/N: I’d love to link to past chapters or my masterlist, but yeah... This is a semi-AU in the sense that it is in a sort of medieval/fairy-tale setting, but Loki and MCU’s version of Nordic mythology still applies. I’ve taken the liberty of tagging people who’ve reposted, but if you do want a tag pls let me know.
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6. Purpose
Loki and you are walking through the halls of the keep. He is constantly talking about the history of the country and its people, drawing surprising parallels to your homeland. It is true, that he could most likely tell you anything and you would not know any better because the few details you know of the past have been passed along by the fireside in the winters when the elder were telling stories from their youth or their grandparents’ times. Now you find yourself hanging to his every word.
“The Jötun are not traditionally a united people as you know from the Asgardians or the Alfheimars,” the god is explaining, “and this has made them wary of everyone outside their own clans, their kin.” Loki continues to explain their old laws of blood guilt, where the first one to draw the blood of another for any other reason than self-preservation is at fault.
Pondering this, you walk in silence next to the tall man before finally saying out loud what you have concluded. “Sire, does that mean that the mistrust together with the…ongoing conflict…” You do not want to actually label it as an invasion. You cannot do that. Yet. “That’s the reason for leaving me to die? It’s the closest to vengeance without straight out killing me themselves. Passiveness means they haven’t drawn blood, so to speak?”
The tall man walking beside you, studying you carefully, stays silent. Together you enter the great hall, and whatever was on your mind is gone. Logically, you are well aware that this keep is far from the grandeur of palace in Sjöblik with its polished, coloured marble and creamy sandstones, and the golden decorations which add an aethereal atmosphere to the place. This hall oozes raw power. Dark, roughhewn slabs of granite glittering in the torchlight while massive wooden beams bring an addition to the warm glow with their amber hues. Still, the long benches and tables, a multitude of different furs, and a firepit as long as five men lying head to toe creating the centerpiece are not enough to draw the attention from the throne in the far end of the hall.
“Is that…glass, your highness?” The heat of the fire is behind you already as the two of you step closer to the crystalline structure.
A soft chuckle erupts from deep in Loki’s chest. “No, little mortal, it is not glass.”
You let him pull you up the few steps of the dais to see the god take his seat leaning on the armrest with the legs casually splayed. A slight motion brings your gaze to his pelvis before you can stop yourself, and you feel the shame heat your cheeks.
“Feel for yourself.” His smirk is audible, creating a suspicion that he is not only referring to the throne.
Choosing to ignore his lewdness, which you are beginning to suspect is the best course of action in these cases, you trace the armrest with the fingertips finding the surface to be cold as…
“Ice?” Palming the surface, you feel a wetness form where your hand touches the seat of the king.
“Yes. That is our true element, we thrive in the cold of winter.” Quick as a snake, he has wrapped you in his arms, locking you in place on his lap. “Besides, in the winter there is time for other activities that bring heat.”
Squirming to get free quickly proves to be a bad move on your behalf as you can feel Loki’s excitement through the layers of clothing you both wear. Mortified, you stop moving, unless considering the rapidly beating heart. Even your breath is shallow, timid in fear of what something as natural as a moving chest might cause.
The chuckle bubbling from within the god’s chest floats into the cool air surrounding the throne. “Ever the shy little flower, but I know what you desire, mortal.” A hand works its way under the dress and shift to find your thigh prickling with goosebumps. “There is no need to play coy.”
“Play?” In your outrage, you manage to push yourself partially onto your feet before he drags you back down. “Sire, I’m not pretending anything! It was a moment of weakness and I won’t give in again!”
His face is hidden behind you, and still you know that he is no longer amused. A drop in temperature is the first warning, the painfully tightening grip is the second. But the chill in Loki’s voice is what truly gives it away.
“Be careful what you say next, little mortal.” Thin lips brush lightly against the shell of your ear in sharp contrast to the rough way the god is handling you. “What do you want?”
“I wanna know what’s really going on!” you nearly yell in exasperation before clasping your hand to your mouth, afraid of what he might do to punish your insolence.
The dangerously familiar cold hand circles your wrist and tugs at it, gently but insistent, to free your self-imposed muzzle. Then Loki flips you around on his lap easily, so you straddle him chest to chest, locking your arms behind your back which makes it impossible for you to turn away. For a second you are lost in the cold beauty of his face with the sharp bone structure and the eyes full of a smoldering darkness capable of making you forget time and place. Get a grip! Blinking furiously, you begin to trace the intricate pattern carved into the ice of the back of the throne. Don’t let him enchant me.
“You will explain what that is supposed to mean, pet,” Loki purrs, but the cold is not gone from his voice, “and you will look me in the eyes as you do so.” Spine like a worm, you scold yourself when your eyes meet the green emeralds he has been bestowed. “Now talk.” A silent battle rages, but you lose it the moment he speaks your name.
“Your highness…” Your voice falters slightly, but you carry on. “I thought I knew what was going on…why we were fighting against the Jötuns and why the obvious enemy was you.” Needing to swallow, you grab the chance to consider the next words carefully. “My people are starving, suffering from disease and the great sacrifices made for the cause. We’ve all lost people dear to us…some more than others…”
You had thought the first death would be the only one. In your sorrow, you had returned to your childhood home and retaken your place among parents and brothers. You had been wrong.
“Who did you lose, my dear?”
Startled by the gentleness in Loki’s voice, you answer without thinking. “Everyone. My husband, parents, brothers…” Biting your lips, you focus on breathing deeply.
“That is why you joined the army.” Something strange flickers in his eyes. “The women of Midgard are not required to serve, they have to volunteer.”
It is true. Where men of all ages have to comply to their king’s call, the women are not bound so because they are considered less resilient. Perhaps the difference is greater among the nobles. Whichever the reason, you had quickly succeeded in the training and were send to the front.
“You know what I and anyone else were told,” you shift the subject from the more personal aspects, “ ’the Blue Monster of Jotunheim is attempting to destroy all of Midgard and it’s only through sacrifice that we can succeed’…or so they said.” Closing your eyes, you can still see the king on his balcony, addressing the new troops. “It never occurred to any of us that our king might be lying, our commanders living a different life than that of the rest of us…” a sigh escapes you, “and part of me can’t accept it because trusting you goes against…everything I learned until the day I tracked you down.”
His hands have already loosened the grasp, now they rush to cup your face tenderly, making your eyes meet once more.
“You did seek me out of your own volition that night,” Loki murmurs, “hoping to kill me or be killed.”
There is no reason to deny it, so you just shrug. Tears are stinging your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall, refuse to show any weakness. And really, you have lived to get a glimpse of the truth. At least a possible alternative to the truth. It means you will have to either trust Loki blindly or that you observe and listen, considering every new bit of information until you have found the truth on your own…whatever that may be.
“You’ve done as you promised, sire.” You force a crooked smile. “You’ve broken down my world, but I won’t give in to see any enchanted creation you please in its stead! I’m gonna figure out what’s real and where my place in that world is. Even if the Midgardian king has been plotting and scheming…well it doesn’t mean that you’re any better.”
“Yet I can give you the skills and tools you need.” The calculative stare is unwavering, and you know he has a very valid point. “And I will not let you go freely.”
Of course not, still, the admission is frightening. “Why not? What risk do I pose? I have no home, no loyalty.”
“Easy for you to say when you possess valuable information about my forces and abilities.” Loki’s smile is unnaturally broad. “No, you will not leave Utgard yet…but I will teach you everything you need to become a spy infiltrating your homeland.”
Oddly, that does not mean he releases you from his grasp, and as the seconds and then minutes drag by in silence, you feel a toe-curling awkwardness steal over you. Loki, however, is unfazed. Long fingers rearranged the yellow fabric of the dress before moving on to the armrest. You try to not watch. You most definitely try not to think of what those fingers are capable of. Thankfully, your captor is too occupied with what he is doing to notice the heat in your cheeks.
What is he doing?
Nimble digits move over the glistening surface, revealing a miniature scenery of mountains and forests stretching into the air. It can only be magic. No sculptor would be able to create such detailed figures without the most delicate tools. The ice forest contains a range of different trees, though most are pines like in the woods at home…squinting, you lean closer to study the landscape. Jagged mountain-arms stretch around the little village at the side of the glacier stream, and you know before laying eyes upon it, that you will find a quarry.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hello Mayra, :-) I hope you're having a good day and don't tire yourself out. I was hoping to request a prompt about Amy thinking Sonic is tired of the way she looks so she tries out new clothes and a new hairstyle. When Sonic sees her he's speechless but also upset because he wouldn't want Amy to change herself just to make him like her because he likes her no matter what she looks like. I know you're mostly sticking to In Character so you can change anything about this prompt. Thank you!
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(x) Used with Artists permission! Please support her as well! 
****(Also, If you are willing to let me use your art as ‘preview images’ to my stories, please support and help me by letting me know you’re alright with the way I credit! I need more preview images plz! -you’ll be alerted if I use your works.- Thank you!)\
I am trying to have a good day, and rest up. So thank you, my friend ^///^
With the ‘in-character’ thing. I do try very hard to stay in character, but I also understand if character’s have to react to AU scenarios not normally happened upon, that they’re going to change their reactions. I use my best guess, or simply try my best. I’m not perfect, but I do my research and hope it’s close enough :) I really like this idea, so I hope you enjoy it!
After Amy began wondering why all her magazine ‘20 ways to catch a wild man’s heart!’ wasn’t working, she tossed the whole thing and seemed pretty bummed out.
But that quickly changed when she saw a commercial of a cute girl trying to impress her crush with different fashion wear…
“It’s up to YOU to decide what he likes!”
She kept flipping through outfits, “Intelligent? Sassy? Untamed? Shy or modest! It’s this brand of design for you!” They ended the commercial, as Amy rose her eyebrow and stood up, looking her look over.
Darting to a mirror, she hesitated a moment before pulling her quills back, and seeing what that looked like from the side.
She then ruffled her quills, spiking them up and then positioning them off to the sides of her shoulders.
“…Sassy.. untamed?”
She then smiled… slowly… before pulling her hair up and striking a pose.
“Shy~” she cutely put her free hand to her muzzle, hiding some of her smirk.
“Modest~” Amy let her hair fall again and then spread her arms down and out, before looking over her clothes.
She pouted, “This won’t do!” she zipped her head to look towards her room and bolted.
Several days later…
Sonic raced through the city, people excitedly pointed up to the buildings he scaled or leaped like an arch-streaked of blue over with praising and excited faces.
He was about to get through the busy streets below, side-walking a building before spotting out of the corner of his eye…
He didn’t believe it at first..
He spun down and held a blank expression, looking at Amy who was sitting quite peacefully at a table, reading something.
He furrowed his brow.
For the past few years… she had never changed her look.
She wore her hair back, fashionable square glasses, bracelets and a baggy shirt.
He shook his head before wondering if this was even Amy.
Her mascara she usually wore?
Her red, open back dress?
Done away with it.
The change was uncomfortable for Sonic, as he just stood there blinking before looking as though he saw a ghost.
Amy leaned her head up over the book, before smiling widely to him.
“Ah! Sonic The Hedgehog! Fastest thing alive. How do you do.” she held her glasses a moment and tipped her head.
He frowned, looking unsure of her actions. “…Fine.” he stated, before walking more over to her and leaning over the table, trying to muster a smile.
“But I can’t say the same for you. You look-”
“-Intelligent?!” she beamed, leaning up and keeping her hands pressed down on her book.
“…Umm….” he looked behind her to see in the reflection of the cafe her tail wildly beating.
He smiled to the side of his face, lifting a curious eyebrow up once he saw a glimmer of her true self returning.
“Heh. More like messy.” he put a finger under his nose, winking…
He wanted to test this out.
“Is this some new trend you’re going for, Amy?”
She pouted with a puff of air in one cheek, and swished her head away before delicately taking her seat again.
“I’m reading Shakespeare.” she countered. “A very sophisticated and elegant thing to do.”
“Shakespeare, huh?” he leaned down and took a cracker from her plate, making her twitch at his rudeness before he nibbled on it, looking down at the book.
“Is it a love story?” he questioned.
Amy’s whole being slumped, “Wha… What is that suppose to mean!?” her anger got the better of her, but she was more surprised than anything. “Shakespeare! Romeo and Juliet? Much Ado About Nothing? Taming of the Shrew!???” she pushed the book repetitively up at his face.
Humorous tears burst from her eyes suddenly, as she laughed. “You can’t be serious! He’s one of the best play-writers in the world!” she gripped her stomach as Sonic smiled, pretending to be annoyed at her acquisition, but glad she was back to her normal self.
“Beats me. I only read legends and myths.” he looked away, before scarfing his cracker down fully then and licking his fingers and lips, seeing Eggman attacking a few streets down. “Gotta go.” he reeled himself off and took speedily off for adventure!
As usual.
“Alright.” she took her hair down, tossing it around a moment before removing the glasses. “That’s a no-go on intelligent.”
Another few days later…
Sonic paused to eat at Amy’s place, before knocking on her door and seeing her come out with a start.
“Pfft! Could you knock any louder? Honestly, Sonic… and they call me desperate.”
He saw her lean against the door,… eye-shadow? Magenta in tone, maybe, and some quills straightened out to be in front of her face. A crop-top with a tight pink skirt that looked like shorts.
He made a sour-expression, before looking back up to her eyes.
“….Hi.” he spoke brassly, before about to turn around.
“H-hey!” she broke her act and quickly reached out to him, holding his arm as he looked back, seeming annoyed.
“..You… don’t go.” her eyes bent, almost a plea. “I-I was just playing sassy…”
Seeing her return to her former self, he smiled, and lost all frustration.
“Ah, there you are.” he turned back and walked inside, starting to figure out what was going on.
“U-um… do you not like.. um..” she pulled her shirt from the bottom out a moment, nervous about showing so much skin, before looking away and blushing, and then holding a pointer finger up for a moment.
“Excuse me… one second!” she darted so fast into her room that he thought it almost cute, and tilted his head with a closed-eye grin.
He then looked around the room… She was already preparing for dinner.
Perfect! He chimed with a step towards the table.
She came back out, her hair redone and makeup changed, which only made him tap on the table and look bored again.
“This same thing..?” he mumbled beneath his breath.
NOW she was wearing a leather jacket, some odd name-brand logos and her hair spiked up on the sides.
She was chewing on a straw and wore black, sleek pants.
What was this? Greece Lightning?
He rolled his eyes.
“Ready for the usual?” she tried to act ‘appealing’… but she could barely move in the get-up and ended up having her pants and heels squeak across the floor till she got to the kitchen.
He pffted, before laughing silently to himself as she twitched an eyebrow in embarrassment and annoyance.
“S-shut up! I’m doing this for-!..Emm..” she kept her mouth closed, but still enraged at him laughing at her attempts before bringing the tray over.
‘Think… untamed…’ she looked up a moment, an innocent expression as Sonic yawned, and ticked her off.
She slammed the tray down, letting the food fly where it would on the table.
Sonic didn’t flinch. Having a leg up on the seat and his hand turned to hold his head up, he just opened an eye and looked back up at her.
“Take your pick. Make your own plate.” she lifted a hand up, trying to shrug it off like she wasn’t responsible and then gave him an edgy glare. “What are you staring at? Food’s gonna get cold.”
He seemed to be looking down, twitching…
She sweat dropped… was he mad at her?
“S-Sonic..?” She stepped back a moment, her Quills starting to fade downward…
“I-I didn’t mean to come off that way! I-I was trying to be untamed.. uhh..” she waved her hands out, but then saw him break into laughter.
He banged a hand on the table, before she pouted and walked off.
“Hold on…”
He continued to profusely laugh as loudly as he could, before about to eat as he wiped his eyes but Amy screamed back.
He drooped his eyes and dropped the food, folding his arms and leaning back, upset she’d make him wait…
She suddenly came in with another get-up, this one cuter as she wore a summer dress and something more modest.
“I.. Umm…” she wore her quills up again, but more neatly done, and seemed to be tryin’ to pull off another look and character.
He frowned deeply again, putting his arms behind his head and waiting for her to sit.
“I-I hope you like it…” she scooted into her seat, and then covered her face. “O-Oh! But it’s okay if you don’t!”
He rolled his eyes again, “You know I always do.” he leaned up and started eating.
She flinched at how he was passively dismissing her random actions and grew upset again.
‘Is he just toying with me!?’
She took a breath and tried again, holding a piece of food up and cupping her hand under it.
“Ahh..?” she tried for modest, offering to feed him as he gave her a dead-pan look.
She twitched her smile, before shoving the food in his mouth and angrily getting up.
He scrunched up his face, chewing quickly and swallowing before glaring up at her about to leave.
“Going to change again?”
She paused in her stride, and he got up, seeing her grip the wall as she was at her last straw…. wit’s end… heart already tested enough as it was.
“I’m not gonna be insulted by-!”
“You insulted?” Sonic turned his head behind his shoulder, folding his arms. “I came here to eat with my friend. Not meet a bunch of different girls like blind-dates.” he spat his tongue out, a little silly, towards another direction before speaking to her with both their backs facing each other.
“I don’t know why you think you have to change yourself, Amy…”
She suddenly rose her head up, perking up to that new shift in character from him…
“..But it’s ruining my meal.” he suddenly took some more food and moved to the door.
“Tell me when Amy gets back.” he popped some food in and opened the door.
“….Sonic…” Amy turned her slightly tearing up, ashamed face back towards him.
He paused, before turning back to her.
“Hmm?” he seemed ready to scold her again, but she untied her hair, and turned to smile at him.
“You like ‘Plain old’ me… don’t you?” she seemed really touched by it, and he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.
“Plain?” he smirked, and turned back around to her, closing the door by leaning back on it till it clicked.
“Amy, you’re never a dull moment.”
She felt her heart melting.
“And you’re never old hat.” he winked.
She immediately skipped off, and made him blink in puzzlement.
He wondered if he said something wrong… but knew he hadn’t.
He sat back down, chillaxing and waiting to eat, trying to be polite as he itched his nose, before seeing her walk back in.
Same old red dress.
His eyes lit up.
Same old mascara.
 His grin curled.
Same old, sweet smile.
He nodded.
“Now that’s a look.” he tossed her some food and she caught it.
“Ohh.. don’t play with your food. Do you like it?” she grumbled a minute at first, before sitting down and looking excited to eat with him.
He winked, “Same old Amy.”
“If you like it, you should marry me and I’ll feed you every day!” she spread her arms out.
He still held his smile.. but leaned back in awkwardness for a moment.
“Heh..heh… still better than Sassy.”
“Oh, you kinda liked Sassy. Admit it.” she put some food on her plate.
“I’d like all those girls better if you were wearing them.” he chomped some food up and she sat, staring at him.
It wasn’t the outfits he didn’t like…
It was simply her not being in them.. that he didn’t approve of.
Author’s notes:
I’ve decided to make this section a ‘read more’ for those who are simply in it for story. ^^
This was fun! I admit, I didn’t know how to make it more unique than my other ‘Amy changes things up to appeal more to Sonic’ prompts, but I’m glad I did! I wanted her to try out different looks and be rejected in them, leading to the main theme coming along… but at the last minute, I had Sonic say probably the most profound thing that randomly hit me as I wrote.
It was like something clicked, maybe the character really did speak out to me, I don’t know XD haha, sounds weird. But I felt he would have been fine with whatever she wore, as long as she was still there.
Because her personality changed, not her clothes! I thought that was super touching and clever, and I literally did it ‘last second’ which makes me feel it was just meant to be written ^^
Surprises come to writers like that, haha! But I was really happy to see that all those personalities truly ‘bugged’ or at least ‘annoyed’ him. He liked how Amy was. She was sweet, thoughtful, and sometimes got upset. But that what’s he likes! haha, it amuses him. So I think Sonic would be uncomfortable with Amy changing herself :)
He’s already so used to her now! Why change anything? teehee! >//w//n
P.s: Instead of some science book which would be more ‘Tails’s style’ I hooked Amy up with Shakespeare. It’s cultured, still something smart, but more Amy’s cup-of-tea. Just in case Sonic would ask something smart of her, she had something to deliver! haha.
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Occupation 101
SAT JUL 18 2020
Things took a disturbing turn this week.
Now, the same three things have been going on, that have been going on for a while now... the caronavirus is still spiking out of control, the Black Lives Matter protests continue to happen nightly in every major city, and Trumps numbers continue to cave dramatically... such that in both the mainstream and online media, talk now is that he just can’t win... and will lose by a landslide.
So... the first bit of good news was that we saw Trump wearing a black mask, while visiting a military hospital. The footage was brief, but it went viral.
Put a pin in that, because I think it was important, but not for obvious reasons.
The first dictatorly thing Trump did this week was order hospitals to cease reporting their Covid numbers to the CDC, but rather to some ass-hat in his cabinet. 
In other words... attempting a desperate cover up of the virus by removing public access to the case, testing, and death rate numbers... something China did last December... and which Trump attacked them for after the pandemic spread to us.  Now, however... it suddenly looks like a great idea!
He followed that up by attempting to discredit Dr. Fauci... and then insisting that all schools must fully reopen in the fall, on time, no online stuff, just back to fucking normal or... no funding!
It’s unclear to me what his authority is on either of these things... can he really order hospitals not to report to the CDC?  Can he really pull funding from schools?  Nobody’s yet answering these questions, but I feel like... not if congress were functioning properly.
That was on the virus front, but then he made an even bolder attack on the Black Lives Matter front, by sending in, to Portland Oregon, gangs of paramilitary thugs dressed in camauflage fatigues... belonging to homeland security (border patrol and other quasi-law enforcement departments) to attack peaceful protesters with batons, tear gas, etc... and throwing people into unmarked vans to be shuttled off against their will.  
Unmarked vehicles, and unmarked uniforms.
Nobody knew, when it started back on the 15th (or so?) who these guys were, or where they came from.  Nither the Mayor of Portland, the Governor of Oregon, or Oregon’s congress people had any idea this Federal force was on it’s way.
The mainstream media... which has been ignoring these protests and all this police brutality for weeks now... laser focused on the virus and the polls... seem not to have believed early stories of these mystery thugs in battle fatigues kidnapping protestors.
Only shyly did they begin to address it, late in the week, just before falling silent, as they always do, for the weekend.
That’s how we know these are homeland security thugs, and the exuse used to deploy them to Portland, was to protect Federal buildings and momuments.  The excuse for how they’ve been behaving (because they’re still doing this shit as I write tonight) is simply... protestors pose a potential threat, so they must be arrested, and if they resist... well... it’s clobbering time!
Latest news was that the Mayor, Governor, and Oregon Senators and Congressmen, are mounting a legal attack, to have Trump’s goons kicked out of Portland.  But we all know how slow that process can be.
Many people across the country are freaking out.  They’re saying Portland is just a dress rehersal, and that this is the first step to martial law.  He’s going to send his HS Gestapo to every city in every state to impose curfews, check papers, and disappear all the dissenters before the election.
Meanwhile, minorities, forced back into schools, will all die of Covid19 before the election, and that will be a secret, because the Covid numbers will be inaccessible.  
Okay, so that’s what they’re saying...
And I’m sure that this is the actual plan, on  Trumps end...
His plan absolutely IS, to cover up the pandemic, intimidate the nation, disappear dissenters, commit a lazy partial genocide by forcing the kids back to school, and effectively force the November election to go in his favor.
It doesn’t sound like a bad plan... if the world is a cartoon.
But the world is not a cartoon.
Okay, now we can return to that thing about him wearing a mask, that we put a pin in, up above...
In the footage, we see Trump walking down a hall, surrounded by real military men, in real camouflage fatigues... wearing a black face mask, as all of them are.
Understand that up until this moment, Trump had not only refused to wear a mask, but said that he would never give the media the pleasure of seeing him wear one.  Also understand that his lunatic anti-mask followers have been decrying them as a symbol of submission... which I’m guessing they think because Muslim women have to cover their noses and mouths?.. so... racism?
Whatever the case, the message this week to them... and to the rest of us who bothered to pay attention... was that the US Military forced Donald Trump to submit.  They put a muzzle on him and paraded him out in front of the media.. the day he decided to visit one of their hospitals.
I feel like this was the military’s way of signaling to the planet that... they are wise to this guy, and are done with him.
You’ll recall Jefferson Square, where Trump attempted his first authoritarian over reach, by clearing the protestors in broad daylight, with... again a bunch of homeland security thugs, and one military helicopter... but while marching with actual military guys across the street to the church.
Well, the military guys who took that walk with him that day all came out and denounced what they’d done, saying they were... essentially fooled by the President into playing along with this thing they did not see coming.
And that’s why we had all the big former generals come out after that, also denouncing Trump and reminding everybody about that oath to defend the Constitution, and never to obey an unlawful order.
And I am giving the US Military the full benefit of the doubt on this one.  I know many who have been in the military, and... well, the military culture is too old, and too deep rooted to just change overnight.
Military families are a common thing... with many families having served for several generations.  You don’t erase those oral records, handed down, about what it’s all about... overnight.  And if you try... they’ll be ready... because that’s how they roll.
Cops and Homeland Security troops are a different story.  They’re all basically just mercenaries... thugs for hire.  They don’t give a shit about a constitution. They ask for only three simple things; a paycheck, a cool uniform, and permission to kick innocent people’s asses... because that’s why they got into this field.
I’ll refer to this group as, “Beta Force,” because it includes city and state cops, homeland security, and voluntary citizens who want to break windows and shoot guns at libs... from the shadows... and go out and find black men to hang (it’s happened several times over the past month and the media has not acknowleded it at all!)
So... can Beta Force occupy every major city, in all fifty states?
If so... how well?
A timer is ticking on this, remember... it’s a little over three months until the election.  So... in that time, can Beta Force establish such a strong foothold, they can enforce martial law with impunity, and either throw the election... or forever postpone the election?
In a word, no.
There’s just not enough men.
You might think, I dunno!... between Homeland Security, all the cops, and all the volunteers... that’s a good lot of men!  They have armor and weapons!  Each one is worth fifty stupid citizens!  They could do this easily!
So, first... thousands of cities, hundreds of big ones, and fifty states, each with their own governor, congress, courts, and National Guard... are not just all gonna lie down simultaneously and take it up the ass from Beta Force, without resistance.
And in the present climate, that resistance only begins with protestors, but goes up the chain of local and state government.  And keep in mind... all of these protesters have been at this for a while... they are an angry, and desperate mob... and the city and state governments have also been at the game of consolodating authority, and making interstate pacts, for a long time too... because it was the only way to fight the virus, without Federal help.
If you’re Beta Force, you don’t just need thugs... you need a whole upper layer of lawyers and managers to communicate with these local and state government entities.
Why? Well, in Portland, all their scary black vans and cars were rented!  Nobody’s gonna let that happen again.  Mayors and Governors can both block that shit pretty easily.  
Hard to occupy a city if you don’t have your own vehicles.  That’s occupation 101.  Hotels can ban you too.  Is there a Trump Motel in town?  Even if there was, would the boss man let us stay there?
Nope!  Trump says, just take the vehicles by force, and occupy the hotels by force.  You’ll be fine!
How many guys again?  What kind of weapons do they have access to?  How fast is their arsenal dwindling every night on the streets with the protesters? Who exactly is resupplying them?  How can the states bugger up their meager supply lines?  Where is the money for all this?
On that last point about funding... while the House can’t currently yank funding for Homeland Security... because the Senate won’t play along... they can totally refuse any new funding to Homeland Security with zero problem over the next three months.
That means Beta Force can’t hire those lawyers and managers, much less afford the supplies and weapons necessary for a nationwide occupation. 
Beta Force is gonna have to go it on the authority alone... five guys walking around town, out of tear gas, clinging to their batons for dear life... sleeping on park benches... living off wild nuts and berries... brandishing batons at everybody... calling for backup... that will never come.
This will be the story in too many places, and the occupation will collapse.
Trump will order the US military to back them up!  
And the military will refuse.  
It’s an unlawful order.  The US Military does not police American Citizens.  Not in their programming.  Can’t do it.
Trump will declare a national emergency, in order to force them to do it... saying that the emergency is... national monuments and the nations great and wonderful statues coming under threat from domestic terrorists.
The military will stand guard by national monuments and wonderful statues, to protect them... and not pay any attention at all to protesters, or do anything to otherwise obstruct the normal operations of daily life.
Clock is ticking here... we only had three months on it to start with, what are we down to now?
Trump could try to order his Homeland Security thugs to harass voters with their batons... giving them all some free ramen noodles to eat for energy... and order the US military troops to stand down while they do this.
Again, this would be a no-can-do.  While they not be allowed to police American citizens... they are sworn to defend the constitution, which would obligate them to step in and defend voters standing in lines, against any assailents, foreign or domestic.
When push comes to shove... they have their instructions.  Elections are not to be thrown, even by homeland security thugs.  Not happening.
So what happens if Beta Force really brings it, and fires on US soldiers attempting to defend voters?  
They’ll die... under the presumption they have gone rogue, because their actions would be treasonous.  And if Trump did not explicitly deny giving such an order... he too would be considered treasonous.
So then what?
Well... the military would say they recognize Mike Pence as their commander in chief.  Simple as that.
And if Pence pulled the same shit... then Pelosi... whoever in the line of succession wants to uphold the constitution.
If you think this is all just a thought experiment, let’s just see what happens, because my guess is, behind the scenes, Trump... the man who the US military brought low to wear a mask in their hospital early this week... is slowly peicing together that he can’t use his border patrol kidnapping ring to occupy the nation and steal the election.
And to touch on the last entry, when I said he’s going to prison... human trafficking, of minors, for sex... will be among the many reasons he does, and will die there.
Likewise, Homeland Security, and ICE, will also pay dearly for their role in the human trafficking that’s been going on for a couple years now, with that fresh supply of youngsters at the border, yanked from their parents. They separated them by age and gender into cages, and have conveniently lost almost all of them.  
Trump may think he still has some shot, with three months to go, of covering up the virus, and intimidating the public, and the rest of government, into giving him a second term...
...but this is not a cartoon, and we are done with this motherfucker!
And with that, it is time for bed.
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