meliohy · 5 months
ok ok I talked to a colleague and now all's good. I'm motivated af for the interview this afternoon. I'm getting that fucking job. Everyone wants me to get that job anyway. I'm done being nice now I'm letting them know they better give me that job and sign the papers in the next month else I'm quitting. Good luck with finding yet another engineer to work in the middle of nowhere when you're already struggling to hire 💅
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sharkboywrites · 3 months
Hello! May I ask for the BG3 gang with an autistic gn Tav who is. Very Very Large but also quite young (think like... Older teen.) who just decides that Astarion/Wyll/Halsin/Gale etc is their new favourite person and WILL NOT leave them alone.
It would be very funny if they just... didn't realise Tav was actually A Kid™ and thought they were just a weirdly clingy grownup. Except Halsin. Halsin would know Immediately.
Inspired by my dumb ass being enormous and this having happened to me irl many times.
Bg3 Characters With a Young Older Looking Autistic Tav
A/n: This idea is so silly I love it. This is obviously written as platonic because reader is younger and baulder's gate characters are older and I don't write weird stuff like that lol although I'm sure that's expected. Also also i did all of them together because I do not have the energy to write sperate headcannons for each of them, dont worry they all get their moment
Gn Reader, Child/teen Reader
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This was an... interesting situation
Everyone on the team assumed you were just assumed you were a bit childish for an adult
I mean could you blame them? You were massive, anyone would assume you were an adult
Except for Halsin
He could easily tell your age, but it's something he kept between the two of you, mainly for safety
Halsin takes more of a dad approach if you cling to him
He's very protective of you and teaches you new skills
He also keeps anyone else on the team from hitting on you, for obvious reasons, but wouldn't say why
He's also the most attentive when it comes to your autism, he's always keeping an eye out for you and helping when he can
It took the others longer to find, though
Wyll was the second to put two and two together
Once he realized, he grilled you about why you didn't tell anyone about it
He isn't too harsh though, and takes a more "fun uncle" role
He always makes sure to entertain you, he's the guy who's got fidgets on him just for you incase you need them
He also decides not to tell anyone for your safety after consulting with Halsin, but he does wish you said something sooner
Gale is the second to last to find out, after trying to teach you something about magic
He had questioned why you didn't know any of this, it was supposed to be common knowledge for someone your age
Or someone he thought was your age
He just stared at you blankly for a good minute after you told him how old you actually were
He's more upset at himself for not noticing to be honest
He realizes how that actually makes a lot of sense
Gale, like Halsin, also takes a more fatherly approach
he teaches you things you may have not known before, and is one of the most helpful when it comes to working through your autism
He's a knowledgeable man and can tell what you need, probably before you do
He's very protective, often insisting that you stay out of battles, but it's not like you listen to him in that department
For comedy's sake, Astarion is the last to find out, and he is pissed
He's mad that no one told him, even if it wasn't too long Gale found out and most of the party knew
He looked so dumbfounded when he found out and like Gale, was more mad that he didn't realize sooner
He's upset, but he gets over it quickly after a day or two of snarky comments and like Wyll, takes on a cool uncle postion
The whole party suddenly wants to protect you and it's suddenly become one of their top goals to return you to your parent/guardian if you have one, next to y'know, getting the worms out of your head
If you don't have somewhere to go they may or may not argue on who takes you once it's all over
Generally, you're taken good care of from then on, much better than you were before
Everyone's very attentive to you and tries to be aware of what you may need at any given point
Since they all have some type of trauma, they want to make sure the same doesn't happen to you, especially so young
Being in this situation is stressful for anyone, let alone a child, and a child with a disability
They do their best to make you happy and keep you safe
They may struggle, but they do their best, and now you have people to call family
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sourbinnie · 1 year
can i req skz reaction to 9th member drunk gn!reader alcohol made they sensitive, they started to cry and apologized for skills vocal/ rap/ dance with time spent and poor memory but end with apologize for stealing snacks (ΦωΦ)
my english so bad hope u get it (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
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title -> drunk thoughts or sober words pair -> ot8!skz + 9th member!reader (gender neutral) genre -> angsty at first but fluffy in the end :] | hurt/comfort lowercase intended + no warnings a/n -> MY FIRST REQUEST yippeee, i'm so excited and i hope it meets your expectations<3 if it's not, i can obviously rewrite it! just let me know! also don't be harsh on your english bb, i'm not a native speaker either and i try my best every day for it to be good lmao
i knew as soon as the night began that this wouldn't end well (at least for me). the more we talked and spent time together, the more drinks that were being poured and oh god, did my members change personalities when they drank. of course not wanting to be left behind, i drank as well.
maybe a bit too much? i don't know, i'm not good at keeping track of things when i was in this certain mood. my thoughts started to consume immediately, i wished it would've been just one bad thought that tried to get me but it felt like a million in one moment. the dreaded one was that i did not deserve to be in stray kids with all these talented guys when i was just not in the same lane as them. when chan chose me, i knew i had to give it my all, but now another era coming by soon, all the teasers filmed and ready to go, just looking at them i wondered what was i doing in this group in the first place. 
i didn't want to think it was out of pity.
but sometimes it led me to believe that it was the only coherent thought.
alcohol wasn't for me huh? and just as soon as i'm doubting myself, the conversation turns serious.
"thank you all for being my bandmates, i couldn't ask for a better team." chan said and i bit my lip as i tried to not let my sensitive side take over (mixing with the sadness in my chest). 
"wow our leader is getting sappy again, are we surprised?" minho responded as he mocked him with his tone and chan just pushed him. everyone was in their own world, either talking, drinking even more or just having a good time their own way. i could feel a pair of eyes on me though and it was none other than felix. he followed every move i made and i couldn't even look at him in the eye 'cause i knew i would break down.
that's when he got closer to me, changing seats with changbin and looked at me sincerely with those hopeful eyes of his.
"you know you can talk to me right? i know you're a sensitive kind of drunk." he said trying to lift up my mood and i tried to laugh but it came as a choked out sob. "hey, look at me it's okay just let it out." he repeated to me and i just fell into his arms, the embrace that i needed to let my frustrations out.
"i don't know what happened, it's like suddenly i got so insecure about everything." i said and now everyone's attention was on me & my tears. they wouldn't stop flowing down my cheeks as i tried to explain what was happening but couldn't find the words other than the sincerity in my heart of how i felt. "i-i feel like i don't deserve my spot on the team".
complete silence fell upon the table, i could feel that everyone was shocked that i just admitted that.
"why would you think that (y/n)?" felix asked, as everyone was still trying to understand what was happening, especially chan, feeling like he did something wrong. "you know you're just as talented as everyone on this table". 
"that's the thing i'm not." i said smiling sadly and wiping my tears away. "i'm not the best singer even if i am a main one, my rapping still lacks and god my dancing is just nothing compared to you guys and i won't even start on my visuals." i said as i felt the knot in my throat getting worse 'cause i just couldn't believe i ruined the night with all my insecurities like this.
again the silence was so loud, it almost felt like i was in the right on this one.
"i hate that you're feeling like this (y/n)." hyunjin said in the most serious tone i've ever heard him use. his hand on mine as he played with them, made imaginary shapes like he does sometimes. "i could not agree with you or your mind at all".
"you're easily the most crucial part of the team." jisung said and seungmin nodded as they looked at me and i didn't know what to believe. it was hard accepting these kind of responses when you're so clouded by your own sensitivity (and a lot of alcohol). 
"you always know what to say, you're always there for us when we need you the most and you have so much to give, your talent is immeasurable." minho then said as he got closer to me and as the person who wasn't the most affectionate or the best with words, surprised me. "i know i don't tend to show it but i'll always have a soft spot for you and i'm happy chan chose you to be with us."
"you were meant to be here with us right now and you deserve so much." chan said as he got closer to me and hugged me, a hug from my leader was also something i did not expect to receive tonight but i gave in as i needed to feel the comfort of the people i loved the most.
it was as if time stopped for a moment and all i could think about was them, their smiles, their comfort and their way of showing me that i'm truly needed and loved. no more tears were flowing like rivers down on my cheeks, just a pure and blossoming smile.
"okay but... chaeryeong didn't eat the last ice cream bar, it was me." now if the silence was bad before, imagine right now. "i'm sorry, okay? i needed another one, i'm just insane like that and i stole felix's brownies the other day but i'm not sorry about that one."
"(y/n) i take it back, i'm taking your brownie privileges away." felix said dead serious and then laughed making everyone lose it again. "you can't do this every time i bake!" he exclaimed but i just pouted looking at him.
"also the freakin ice cream bar, how did you even get chaeryeong to lie for you?" changbin asked and i just did the same thing, i pouted like a baby looking at him. "nevermind, i get it, i would do anything for them, just look at that face!" he said as he hugged me.
"i'm losing my maknae position to a snack stealer!" jeongin exclaimed and i just laughed knowing i had the best chosen family and i wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 months
Hi! If your requests are open I have one! Just saw ATSV yesterday and its rotting my brain agsisghagdh anyways-
An M!Spider!Reader who is one of Miguel's trusted agents with a tendency to overwork himself to make sure that his teammates are kept safe and ignoring his own health in the process. This understandably makes Miguel very concerned but this man cannot healthily express this are you kidding? What I'm saying is classic troupe of patching you up while scolding you in Spanish and then maybe they kiss a little bit and well if you want to make it a little spicy I wont stop you >:]
Thank you very much! Genuinely makes my gay little heart happy when I see writers like you who exclusively write for gn/male readers, y'all are the backbone of the x reader community fr 💜
A/N: im so sorry this took so long this was months ago but a mf forgot and wow here i am yippee!!!! As usual, if yall find any spelling mistakes pls inform me as i’m always praciticing this damn 2nd language lmao. Lets see if my writing skills is still any good LOL enjoy!! <333
Tags: Miguel O’hara xM!Reader, Spidey!Reader, Lyla, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Spider Society, No Smut, Kissing , Fluff, Reader is another spiderman, Soft!Miguel, slight OOC, patching up, healing fic, non-graphic description of wounds, mentions of blood and cuts 
Yet, with all that said, Miguel likes to remind himself that no spidey truly comes home unscathed.
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Ever since the new guy joined the team, he quickly rose in the ranks and became Miguel’s right-hand man. He’d usually go on patrol, jumping from one universe to another with the man as they capture and contain anomalies like the bugs they are. Miguel puts his trust in him, well, as much trust as a man like Miguel can put in someone. But despite the short time the newbie has been in the Spider society, he has managed to capture Miguel and most of the Spider people's hearts so easily. 
He’s a comet that passes by the compound. Each time he returned from a mission, the spiders would gather around him, congratulating him on another successful mission and inviting him to drink or eat together.  A aswarm would always gather around the portal they knew he would come out from and each time, without fail, he would emerge to cheers and smiles. It wasn't like everyone else wasn't doing a good job, they were all doing what they were supposed to, but somehow the newbie was liked all around, solidifying Miguel’s slowly growing infatuation with him. 
But despite the trust and praises he gets, a spidey doesn't come home unscathed, not every time. Sometimes he’d come back from one of his solo missions with a broken rib or two, bruises in more places than necessary, a torn muscle here a twisted ankle there. He’d limp his way into the infirmary, an army of other spideys following him in worry yet he’d dismiss them easily with a simple wave and a; “It’s nothing guys, I’ll be fine,”
Miguel hates it.
Whenever the man goes on missions with the leader of the society, without fail, he will come home with nothing more than one or two bruises that would heal in a couple of hours if not minutes. Miguel would roll his shoulders back and the man would simply shake his head furiously like a dog before prancing to greet his waves of fans. Miguel didn't need to pay attention to him unless they were doing teamwork. He would run around by himself, track down the anomaly with him, and they would contain it easily and transfer it back just as easily. 
He might not look like it, but when Miguel brings a teammate with him on duo missions, he’s expected to cover their back and vice versa. Miguel will break any skull that dares to hurt his team and he hopes for the same response from his teammate. The newbie never disappoints. 
Miguel would find himself enraged, almost cornered by an anomaly, and there come’s Prince Charming with a devastating kick towards the anomaly’s side which sends it hurling into another building. Miguel appreciates their duo missions, the main reason he puts himself with the newbie. 
Not to mention, he makes a great team leader too. He’s carried out several missions with the younger ones, mainly Miles and Gwen, and despite it all, they always return successfully and with a snack in hand. When he goes on missions with Hobie, they’d somehow come back with a new intricate playlist created and when he goes on missions with Pavitr, they’d come back with pockets full of trinkets ready to give them to the other youngins. All in all, a solid team leader.
Yet, with all that said, Miguel likes to remind himself that no spidey truly comes home unscathed.
You were on a mission with Miles. One of your duo missions with the boy, rare considering Gwen usually tags along. But today she’s got a mission with Pavitr and Peni, which leaves you and Miles for some quality Dude Time. 
It was a sunny day in the universe Miles and you dropped in. As the two of you swing from building to building, talking about Miles’ thing with Gwen and laughing at how embarrassed he gets, continuing the topic to buying a new Lego set for Pavitr and Hobie as the two of you swung past a Lego shop, when suddenly the anomaly reveals itself.
Another variant of Doc Oct holding themselves up with their extended metal arms. You can handle a Doc Oct alone, and with Miles helping you, the mission was expected to be so easy you were already thinking about what to have for dinner. 
But things don't always go according to plan, does it?
It strikes 8 pm when Miguel gets a notif from Lyla that an arriving portal was opened into the containment site of the compound. The man clicks his tongue, dropping from his platform before making his way to the site. Every step he takes he leaves his foul mood like a repellent, making the other spidey avoid him, cutting the middle path of the other spideys like a blade. His scowl is not helping his case either way.
The last portal should've been at 6 pm.
The door slides open, and a slight hiss rings out into the room. Inside the evenly lit expanse of the room, he easily spots yours and Mile’s spider suits in between all the other anomaly's dingy outfits. Miguel takes a breath before he stalks towards the two men, their backs to him.
“Ugh, my rib is killing me,” You groan, pressing in the code to store the anomaly in its cell.
“You're telling me, this bruise is going to be a pain in the butt to heal,” Miles sighed, holding his left arm. “But if it weren't for you, man, I’d be dead meat,” 
“Oh come on Miles, none of us knew the guy would send a gas truck our way,” You scoff. The terminal beeps and the thrashing anomaly is contained. 
“The fact that it burned on its way towards us was also something we didn't expect.” Miles laughs at what you said as you find yourself cringing. You knew there were going to be burn marks on your leg.
“No, but seriously, thanks for covering me back there, I thought we’d-”
“You thought you’d what?” 
Miles practically jumps into your arms as the both of you screams. You shut your eyes and it seems like Mile’s did the same before a stern cough makes you peek through your eyelids. There, in front of you, stands a solid wall of muscle and anger. Miguel has his arms crossed, eyes so sharp it could cut a mountain in half. The slight scowl on his lips would be cute if it weren't for the pure bloodlust as he gazes down into you, making you gulp.
“Heeeeeey Miguel,” Your pathetic excuse of a smile was met with nothing but him deepening his frown. Okay alright yup.
Miles awkwardly scuffles down your arms. He coughs into his fist, pulling at the edge of his suit. “Hi there haha…”
Miguel stares. “The last arrival portal should've been at six.”
Not a sound from you or Miles. Miguel holds back a growl. 
“You two are late.”
“Right, ‘m sorry Miguel, I promise this would be the last time, it was just that- See me and Miles here; we didn't realize that this Doc Oct was gonna be slightly more insane than the others-” You ramble, Miles quickly nodding along. 
“And haha, well, one truck lead to another and next thing ya’ now, bam! We got uh… hurt,” A nervous chuckle left your lips. Miguel replies nothing.
“B-but! I covered Miles from the fire! So he only got a couple of bruises, I promise the kid is fine and it wasn't his fault either so let’s just-”
“Enough.” He barks. You practically clamped your mouth shut. 
The doors hisses open again and Gwen comes running in, worry on her face. She sighs in relief as he spots Miles hiding beside you. “Miles! Thank goodness you’re okay!” 
Miguel turns as she runs and wraps her arms around the boy. “You came back so late!”
“I’m sorry Gwen, things got a bit out of control,” Miles pats the girl back reassuringly. “I just got a bit beaten up, nothing I can't handle,” 
Gwen pulls back and grabs the boy's face before turning it left and right and up and down, her eyes scanning like a hawk. She deems it enough as she stops, hands firmly holding Miles’ arms. “You always say that,” She sighs. 
You can't help the small relieved smile on your lips as you watch the two teens catch up with each other before Miguel makes a gesture with his hand.
“Gwen, go take Morales into the infirmary.” He says as he nods to Lyla that popped up on his brace. “And make sure he doesn't get out of bed for the next two days.”
“What?! But it’s barely a scratch-” 
“Now, Morales.” The man stares them down until eventually, Miles relents with a sigh and lets the girl usher him into the Infirmary's direction, the two of them shuffling next to each other, Gwen's arm around Miles. 
You hear something along the lines of ‘detention’ from Gwen as she laughs before the door slides close, leaving you with an enraged lion in its territory. You gulp as Miguel fixes his red eyes on you.
“You. Come with me.” 
And that's how you find yourself walking down the halls of the many living quarters of the compound. You followed silently behind Miguel’s broad shoulders, in any other day you would find it hard to resist not ogling those massive arms, but tonight Miguel was practically a walking beacon of rage. The smallest misstep would make him burst and thats the last thing you want to happen. 
“Miguel, I'm sorry, okay?” You try, catching up to walk beside him. “I promise this will be the last time I’ll come back from a mission late, plus, I won't bring anyone else with me too if I ever do it again. I swear this won't hap-”
His sudden halt catches you off guard and you bump against him. You scratch the bridge of your nose with a slight frown from the impact. The dimly lit hallway made it a slight challenge to read the nameplate but you managed to make out ‘O’Hara’ and with that, your stomach drops.
“Um… Miguel, this isn't my room…” 
The door opens. The room is pitch black. 
Miguel makes his way inside. His red eye glows before he commands; “Sit.” 
Fear brought you to sit on his bed, not a crease in sight which only struck your fear deeper into you. You could hear your heartbeat, terrified for what's to come. The worst thing Miguel could do would probably chew you out in the comfort of his room, away from any possible witnesses, and then maybe take you out of commission for a while as your punishment. 
You gulp as the man sets something beside you. It was a box, hard to make out what it was but it seemed heavy. Miguel clawed and the large hand extends towards you and you screw your eyes shut, hell did you pray to any god that was willing to listen to you so please please please-
“Bring your face closer.” 
Cautiously, you open your eyes to Miguel’s face inches away from you, a warm light bathes over his features, making the lines of worry and fear evident. “Let me see your wounds.” 
You blink, once, twice, owlishly, making the man before you sigh and cup your jaw softly. He turns your face to inspect it before he brings his other hand which wipes your fringe away from covering any other possible wounds. 
He hums. “Looks like just scratches.” 
The mystery box turns out to be a first aid kit. Miguel flicks it open and rummages around in it before he pulls a couple of bottles and bandages out. 
“Take off your suit top, we need to treat that burn before it gets worse.” He demands. You cough before awkwardly peeling off what's left of your suit before dropping it on the carpeted floor. You need to get that repaired.
You couldn't bear to meet Miguel's eyes. Not when he’s kneeled in front of you, his usually intimidating body looking small as he’s hunched over. He looks tired, his frown is a mixture of worry and annoyance, but there is something beneath it. Something you don't dare to think about but you know. You always knew. From the first day, you finally managed to see that crack in Miguel’s hardened exterior, you’ve been scared to make another move toward him. Behind this wall of a man, is a heart guarded with spikes and what he has in his eyes right now as he’s wrapping a cooling pad around your arm is something that petrifies you. 
“Next time you’ll be doing missions with me and me only. I won't be assigning you to any other spiders until you learn to take care of yourself,” He huffs, unveiling another roll of bandages.  He pulls at your shoulder which makes you turn slightly. 
"Fucking hell, ¿cómo puedes ser tan descuidado? You run around saving everyone else but who’s going to save you, huh?" He huffs, wrapping the last of the bandage slightly too tight which makes you wince. He notices but does nothing. 
Once again, he holds your chin between his fingers as your gazes suddenly meet. Miguel growls with how you won't meet his eyes, firmly pointed anywhere but into Miguel’s red eyes. He sighs before letting you go as he takes out some ointments. He puts the substance on your cheek and under your slowly blackening eye, then down your jaw where you know a pretty bad bruise taints your skin. You feel his movement slow before his hand rests on your nape, sending jolts of warmth through your body.
“Cuídate, ¿eh? Cuídate." His voice devastatingly soft. 
Confusion and a steady wave of feelings start at the bottom of your heart, which only worsens as you finally find the courage to look at Miguel. To your surprise, his eyes are wider than usual, pools of crimson oozing with care as he scans your features. His thumb rubs at the base of your skull. “I can't lose my right-hand man.” 
He sighs. “Please, necesito que estés seguro por mí,"
You inhale sharply. Without realizing it, he's practically inches away from you. Your heart races, beats out of your control when Miguel rubs your nape again. 
A beat passes. Silence. 
Before Miguel growls roughly and promptly stands, taking the med kit with him. He makes his way to what you assume was his wardrobe. Panic rises beside you, making you wave around your hands. “I- Um- Miguel please I didn't mean to- Oof!”
Something was thrown at you. Something soft and large and is this hit shirt and… boxers?! 
“Change your clothes. You can't sleep in those.” Miguel points out, his scowl now a pout on his lips. 
“I'm not saying this twice.” He growls before he slides into the bathroom and leaves you in his bedroom along with the pile of his clothes in your arms. 
You slowly look down at what you're holding. Carefully, you slide off what's left of your suit and drop them in a discarded pile before pulling on Miguel's clothes. To no one's surprise, you're practically drowning in the shirt. His boxers barrel fits you and the first goes over your tighs easily. You feel smaller even for your height and stature, but it feels… safe. 
The door of the bathroom slides open to reveal Miguel standing with slightly damp hair as he's drying it off with a towel and in nothing but gray sweats. Something grows within you and it’s definitely something else besides your heart. 
“Ah, you're done,” He glances toward you before setting the towel down neatly. He saunters to the side of his large bed, pulling the covers off before sliding in. An arm keeps the cover slightly open, before he raises an obvious brow.
“Get in here and sleep,” He huffs. 
You jump and quickly slide beside Miguel, careful to keep an inch of a distance. But that was deemed unsuccessful when the man beside you pulled you to his side, and his arm wrapped protectively around your middle which made you drape your hand over his chest. Before you can squirm, he locks his chin over your head with a content sigh. 
Shit, he really is a giant lion. You sigh. 
“Sleep. You need your rest to heal.” Miguel’s voice purrs through you while you're practically glued to his side. You chuckle slightly before pressing a peck just below his jaw.
“You sleep too.” You smile. “Good night Miguel.” 
You hear Miguel hum before he presses his lips to your crown. “Good night.” 
how can you be so careless? = cómo puedes ser tan descuidado
Take care, huh? Take care of yourself. = Cuídate, ¿eh? Cuídate.
I need you to be safe for me, = necesito que estés seguro por mí,
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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thestarstoasun · 3 months
A short drabble of Will & the Apollo kids + a sprinkle of angst
PROMPT: Michael,Lee and the other apollo campers realizing the new tiny blonde kid in the hermes cabin is the son of the Naomi Solace and freaking out.
(A/N: I very loosely followed the prompt in the end)
It wasn’t surprising when the new camper, a small blonde boy with blue eyes, named Will Solace ended up in the infirmary. The first time Lee had treated Will he had been walked in by Maron, a satyr Lee knew brought back tons of demigods, covered in marks from where Stymphalian birds had attacked him. At the time, Will hadn’t said much to him, or anyone else, but he listened well. “It’s nothing too bad. Here,” Lee placed a small piece of ambrosia in Will’s hand with a gentle smile, “this will help you feel better. Just eat that and you’ll be feeling as good as new in no time.” Lee ruffled Will’s hair and walked over to check on a nasty cut that Sherman Yang of the Ares Cabin had gotten during training.
That had been two weeks ago. Will remained unclaimed by his godly parent, while it was disappointing (but unsurprising), several campers including Michael Yew did their best to cheer him up. Hermes and Apollo were at archery together, a new concept that Chiron had suggested. While two different cabins were put together for activities, all of the campers knew the real hope was that the Gods would find promise in one of their unclaimed children during an activity and claim them.
As it turned out, Will was better than other campers with a bow and arrow, though just barely above bar by Apollo standards. Michael found himself drifting over to the boy to help him more and more throughout the session. “You're stance is good, but you need to work on focusing your aim at your target. Why don't you try setting the bow down and throwing the arrow to see if that helps?” He suggested.
Will let out a huff of air and kicked at the ground beneath his feet. “What if I'm just really bad? I'm not even good at holding a sword!” His voice wavered with emotion as his eyes welled with tears. Michael couldn't help but feel bad for him. Unlike most campers, he had been claimed his first day after shooting an apple off of Luke Castellan's head. (If asked, he would swear it was an accident, but some other campers seemed to disagree.)
“Look, Will, I can't say what you'll be good at and what you won't, as your godly parent hasn't claimed you.” The younger boy sniffled and focused his attention on the ground. “But what I can say is that not every demigod is good at the same stuff. I can barely heal to save my life. Yeah, I can give someone nectar and ambrosia, watch over them, give them mortal medicine, all that jazz, but I don't have Lee or my big sister, Juliet's, skill in medicine.” This made Will's eyes widen in shock, because all of the Apollo children were so gifted. (Luke told him it was because their father was the God of a bunch of stuff.)
“My Mama says that everyone has their own skills.” Will spoke up after a few minutes of twisting the hem of his shirt in his fists.
“Your mama sounds very wise.” Michael smiled and picked up the bow Will had been using.
“She is! She's a musician!” Michael noticed how Will's blue eyes seemed to move like the sky when he mentioned his mom. He figured just because he didn't have the best relationship with his own at a young age, the same didn't have to be for all demigods.
“Oh? What's her name? Maybe I know of her.”
“Naomi Solace.” Michael almost choked at the proud tone, not that it wasn't completely appropriate. Naomi Solace was an absolute icon in the music industry. Their head counselor, Sam - a warm, ivory guy who stood at 5 '11, who would be leaving after this summer, had brought a ton of her records and CD's from home to keep in the cabin.
“Seriously? You're Naomi Solace's son!?” The other Apollo kids turned their heads in excitement and began to crowd around them. Will just nodded his head nervously, afraid he had said something wrong.
“That's fucking awesome! We all love her!” Catherine, an umber toned Apollo girl with heterochromia, spoke up.
“Will is still a child, watch your tongue, Cathy.” Sam scolded with a fond, exasperated expression. Will found himself bursting out into a fit of giggles. He had heard much worse while on the road with his mother, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
“You have totally got to introduce us one day, little buddy.” Another Apollo child, who Will had forgotten the name of, spoke up. The children of the sun God had never been anything but welcoming, so after pretending to think about it for a minute Will grinned widely. “Alright, just remember your manners.”
The rest of the day, the Apollo cabin borrowed, or rather stole, Will so he could join them in their activities. While the boy enjoyed the company of the Hermes kids, he felt a sense of belonging that he couldn't place when he was laughing alongside the talented Apollo children. That night at dinner, instead of offering his food to Hermes, he sent an offering to the God of the Sun.
Please, I don't know if I am your son or not, but I really hope I am. I know I may not be as great as Michael or Catherine, but I feel connected to them. They feel like home….like mama…like sunshine.
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anjaelle · 1 year
The Girlfriend Experience
Pairing: Frank Castle x Black! OFC (Cori)
Tags: Mild Age Gap (Mid-late twenties OC/mid-thirties Frank), Frank Corrupting an Honest Woman, Frank being a smug piece of shit, choking, spanking, marking, hair grabbing, Fingering
Summary: Frank, ever the menace, convinces Cori that it's okay to break rules.
Word Count: 3.3K
a/n: This started out as one thing and turned into something completely different. I started this in Fall 2022 and I'm just now finishing it. Congratulate me now.
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(Gif Source)
She very rarely visited her brothers shop. At least, that was the case these last few years. She could understand why Brandon's chair was so popular: He was funny, he was skilled, and he was adept at charming the masses.
She could remember learning how to do shape-ups and trims as a teenager just from watching him work while she did her homework. Sometimes she'd listen in on the barber shop discussions with mild intrigue. They'd talk about sports, and women, and...more sports. Sometimes they'd talk about whatever show or movie they'd watched last night.
It was like watching a foreign entity in an enclosure from a distance, if she was being honest.
Quiet and pensive, she was able to fly under the radar for the vast majority of her teenage years. Sure, sometimes boys would talk to her when she visited. And she'd shyly respond before burying her head back into the books. As she got older and started working in the shop part-time, she noticed the looks even more. For the most part, she could brush them off. But every so often someone would cross the line and Brandon would put his foot down to make it clear that his little sister was off-limits. That was the agreement, and that was the rule.
Then Frank Castle showed up.
Cori wasn't sure when Frank became a regular. While she was juggling grad school and work, she didn't really have time to visit her brother anymore. The first time she met HIM was when she had to fill in for Brandon, and Frank scoffed at her supposed ability to cut and style his hair the way he liked.
That was usually the case with new clients. The incredulity used to piss her off, but now it was just tired.
Unlike previous clients, however, Frank watched her carefully as she worked. It was mildly unsettling, if she was honest with herself, because she wasn't used to people watching her the way she watched others. It didn't help that he had the world's best poker face.
It took 2 more visits before he finally spoke to her in something other than one word responses and grunts.
When her brother had to leave to pick up his kids, she offered to stay and take care of Frank. Despite how intimidating he initially seemed, he exuded a sense of safety that made her trust him. The space was empty and quiet, save for the gentle buzz of the clipper as it glided over his hair.
"What's Cori short for?" He asked, suddenly. She was caught off guard by the question. Something fluttered in her stomach at the gruff way his voice handled her name and she felt her hands hesitate.
"...Corinthian." She responded, plainly. He raised a brow at her and she shrugged, restarting the clippers to even out the back of his hair.
"You're fucking with me."
"Am I?" She chanced a small smirk at him in the mirror and their eyes met. He smirked at her in response. Then an uncharacteristic chuckle rumbled from his chest.
"What's it really short for?"
She gently tilted his head forward to trim the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Nothing. I'm named after my father." She confessed. He hummed, satisfied by the answer and comfortable with the silence that followed.
After that, they would always greet each other whenever she came by the shop to visit. He said her name with a level of cool distance that she didn't buy for a second.
She wasn't sure if her brother ever noticed the soft smile that crossed Frank's features whenever she walked through the door.
"You had me in your phone as 'Big Guy'?" He asked, grinning, "Kinda lazy, huh?"
She crossed the room and sat cross-legged on her bed, suddenly hyper aware of how everything in her small studio apartment looked. Despite this being Cori's home, she felt out of her element. After all, meeting clients after hours was a no-no. It was rule number one above ALL rules.
But, of course, Frank always found a way to make her break her own code of ethics.
She picked at her thumbnail and shrugged, "I don't know. What else was I supposed to call you when I didn't know you yet?"
He didn't answer, but he shut the door behind him and slipped his boots off, neatly placing them in the corner. Cori was grateful he remembered THAT rule, at least. As if reading her mind, he glanced down at his clothes and grumbled something about rain.
"You could've rescheduled," she offered, "I wouldn't have minded. This isn't worth walking in the rain for."
He answered by shaking the damp growth of curls from his forehead, "You know you're the only one who knows how I like it. And it's not like I know what you do when I'm not around. You probably gotta--I dunno...go to class or somethin'. Save baby animals. Tutor orphans. Shit like that."
At this, she rolled her eyes and rested her chin in her hand, shooting him a tired look as he moved to pull his wet gray hoodie over his head and shoulders.
"I'll have you know I live a very interesting life," she averted her gaze as his Semper Fi shirt briefly rode up, revealing his treasure trail and and light scarring on his stomach, "I'm young, I'm pretty. The world is my oyster...or whatever."
She sighed, not even believing her own lies. Her life consisted of work, and staring at her business management books until the words started to blend together in a puree of intellectualism. She couldn't even remember the last time she wore a cute outfit and went to the club. Or the last time she texted her friends. She made a mental note to do both at some point as she rolled onto her stomach and reached under her bed for her toolkit.
"You don't gotta have an interesting life," he said, watching her do gymnastics in an effort to find her things, "Boring's good. Boring's safe."
Her hand swept across the floor until her fingers brushed the shoebox, "Who says I want to be good and safe? Maybe I could use a little bit of danger in my life. It'll give me interesting stories to tell, at least."
Pulling the box from its hiding space, she looked up to see Frank leaning up against the wall, watching her intensely with an amused look on her face, "You don't mean that. If you saw the insane shit I saw..."
There was a pregnant pause between them, with Cori feeling like she was missing something and Frank refusing to finish his statement. She jumped to her feet, choosing to break the silence.
"You want some water or something? I also have iced tea, ginger ale-"
"Water's good."
"Is tap alright?"
"Do I seem like the Perrier type?"
She offered a small smile as she turned the faucet on and waited for the water to cool, "Maybe a little."
He guffawed.
"Did you wash and condition this time?" Cori asked. She eyed his hair, already knowing the answer.
"Why not?" She handed him the glass filled halfway with ice water, and his eyes locked onto hers. She nearly dropped it.
"I guess I kinda like it better when you do it," he held her gaze as he took a long sip from his glass. She deadpanned.
"So what you're saying is you forgot."
He pulled the glass from his lips and grinned at her, slyly.
"You think Imma liar?"
"...I'm not entertaining that with a response."
She wasn't sure what he did for a living. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't one for storytelling and evaded doing so by listening to Cori ramble on about her life. Was his day-to-day so full of turmoil that the mundane seemed like reprieve? All she knew was that he was in the military a while back, and that his wife passed away. She would make up scenarios in her head where he was a boxing champion or a spy.
Big, broody, and decorated in scars and dark bruises, Frank seemed wildly out of place in her small, pink decorated bathroom. She made sure to grab the chair from the kitchen, as well as a towel, a comb, and HER expensive shampoo and conditioner that he certainly wouldn't repay her for.
"You owe me extra for this," she warned, glancing at him from above as he tilted his head back over the sink, "This high quality shit is expensive, Castle."
He hummed his response and closed his eyes as she ran the detachable shower head over his dark hair. The moment the warm water touched his scalp, he sighed in content. And the sigh went straight to her coochie, much to her annoyance. The feeling intensified as she lathered up his hair and he peeked an eye open to look at her.
She knew Frank had grown used to her. His barber shop persona was fascinating. He'd argue with her brother about sports team rankings and drafts. Then the deep rumble of disapproval that blossomed from his chest every time her brother mentioned an athlete he hated made her shift in her seat.
Once upon a time, Frank claimed that she was way too serious. And, thus, he enjoyed pushing her buttons for his own sick enjoyment. Cori understood that he wasn't really like this with most people. He fell into the habit of flustering her on purpose. Especially around the other guys in the shop, though they never seemed to notice.
She had the upper hand when he was in her apartment, to an extent.
The very first time she washed his hair, he stiffened at her touch and it took a while for him to visibly calm down. He admitted to her that it'd been a while since someone else washed his hair, and he wasn't used to it. When she asked him if he wanted her to stop, he shot her a long, intense look before telling her he was fine.
He confessed to her during his second apartment visit that his "profession" made him wary about most things, including touching and...overt closeness. Of course, those weren't the words he used. He mumbled something about offensive hands and defensive moves. She asked for clarification and he evaded the question.
She wasn't sure what their relationship was now. But there was a noticeable shift. Cori's fingers gently massaged his scalp, and she hummed something to herself. His shoulders relaxed, a small smile graced his features, and he opened his eyes again to watch her as she worked the comb through his hair. She was keenly aware of it, but she shyly avoided his gaze, focusing instead on rinsing out the last of the conditioner.
"Up." She commanded, in a hoarse whisper. He sat up and her eyes followed the water that dripped down his neck, staining his shirt. She knew he noticed. She chose to play stupid. Cori towel dried his hair, beginning at his neck and working her way up to his hair that fell over his dark eyes. She worked in silence, lost in her own head until he lightly grabbed her wrist.
"Com'ere," he said with a head tilt. She eyed him curiously, and he laughed. "I'm serious, Cori. C'mon."
She sighed, pretending to be tired but internally intrigued. The minute she stepped in front of him, he gently pulled at her arm.
She stopped fighting the smile forming on her face as she rolled her eyes and shuffled an inch closer.
"A little closer," Frank coaxed.
"You're so obnoxious." Cori mumbled, but stepped an inch closer anyway, refusing to give him the benefit of direct eye contact.
His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into the space between his legs. She was surprised to find her hands moving of their own volition: one resting on his thick shoulder and the other gently brushing the droplets of water from the side of his face with the soft towel.
"There ya go.” He looked up at her with mischief in his eyes, "You gonna stop avoiding me, now?"
"I wasn't avoiding you," Cori grumbled.
She was absolutely avoiding him. She continued to towel try his hair as he rubbed small circles into the small of her back.
"It's not gonna work, Frank."
He snorted and she couldn't even blame him. She didn't sound the least bit convincing. He cocked his head to the side and licked his lips.
"Are you trying to hurt my feelings, Cor?"
She combed her fingers through his hair, pushing it back and away from his face. Anything to avoid looking directly at him. With his hands on her, and the close proximity, Cori wasn't confident in her ability to hold out for much longer.
"Sweetheart, you're killing me," her breath hitched. He leaned forward, pressing his face against her soft stomach.
Cori was always startled by how quickly she blacked out whenever he got into her head. She couldn't remember climbing into his lap and tangling her fingers in his damp hair as she kissed him. His hands roamed from her lower back, slipping beneath her cotton shorts to grab her bare ass in his large calloused hands.
"Shit. You were ready for me, huh?" He chided.
"Shut up."
The only fleeting logical thought floating in her empty, horny head was the question of how the chair could handle their combined weight. His tongue slipped between her lips and he let out a low groan that pushed the thoughts away just as quickly as they arrived. Cori rocked her hips against his lap as Frank smiled against her lips.
"You're so smug," she mumbled, moving to kiss along his jaw. Her hands slipped under his shirt and her nails walked along the hard lines of his stomach. He sucked air between his teeth. He worked her shorts down over her ass and she pushed his shirt over his head, tossing it into the empty tub beside them.
She kissed down his neck and chest, pausing only to examine the numerous scars and fading bruises decorating his skin.
“Do they hurt?” Cori asked, tenderly. She hovered her fingers over a reddened mark that appeared to be the most recent of his injuries. He clicked his tongue dismissively.
He flattened her hand on his chest under his palm, “See? I’m good, baby. You don’t gotta worry about me, I’m not fragile.” He dragged her hand slowly down his torso, and the muscles in his stomach reflexively twitched in response. Cori swallowed hard as she felt the length of him harden between her thighs.
“Oh…” she managed to whisper, under her breath. He curled his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her down for a slow kiss. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and she sighed contentedly into his mouth. As if moving of their own volition, Cori’s hands worked to drag her nails over his sensitive length beneath the coarse denim. As she toyed with the head of his dick through his jeans, his hands roamed around her stomach and reached up to grab her breasts under her shirt.
“Fuck…” She started, instinctively arching her back and abandoning the zipper she’d begun working on. She pressed her hands over his, urging him to touch her more, “…that feels…”
She struggled to get the words out as he pushed her shirt up over her breasts to tease her nipples between his fingers.
“Use your words, baby,” he coaxed. When he wrapped his lips around her right nipple and reached between them to tease her clit, a hoarse cry rose from her throat.
She whined, rocking her hips against his hand. Her head lolled back and it took everything in her to keep from falling off of his lap. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, so she couldn’t wriggle away, “Please…”
“Please what, Cor’?” He slipped his index and middle fingers deep into her pussy, curling them against her. She gripped his shoulder, digging her nails into his skin.
“God god god,” she whined, pitifully, "right there."
He watched her work herself into a frenzy, exuding the air of semi-smug amusement. She wanted to slap the grin off of his face. She could barely remember why he was here in the first place. Maybe he planned this all along. Then he smacked her on the ass—one sharp quick smack—and all she could do was allow her brain to short circuit. She managed to pull a deep groan from him--one that rumbled throughout her body and made her shudder--when she dragged her nails along his scalp and a grabbed some of his damp hair in her fist. The groan dissolved into a low laugh, and he sucked air between his teeth.
"Harder." He commanded. She complied, giving his curls a sharp tug as she rolled her hips in his lap. An almost primal grunt resonated from his parted lips that she swallowed with her own. Cori reached down again to make another eager attempt at undoing his zipper, and he stopped her, grabbing both of her hands in one of his.
"Are you talking to anyone else?" He suddenly asked.
Cori felt like she was in a thick fog and she'd lost all memory of every word she'd ever spoken. She took a deep breath as if trying to register where she was.
"...I don't think so." She slurred through the haze.
His fingers stilled between her thighs and she pouted, shifting her hips to chase the oncoming climax. She could almost taste it, it was so close.
"You don't think so?" He pressed his thick thumb against her clit, and her thighs tensed around him. She was positive he could feel her heart pounding.
"Frankie please..." She arched her back.
"I can find out if you are, Cor'. So speak up."
A small grin pulled at the corner of her mouth when she locked eyes with him. She could almost drown in the darkness of his gaze. It excited her. She wasn't talking to anyone else, it's not like she had the time. But a part of her wanted to lie just to see what he would do. He quirked an eyebrow at her like he wanted to devour her whole. All he needed was the confirmation he wanted, because they both knew he didn't like sharing.
She decided to risk it, "What if I am?"
"Are you?"
His fingers pressed against her g-spot and her body jolted in response, leaving small aftershocks in its wake.
"Don't fucking play games with me." He licked his lips and picked up the speed of his thumb on her clit, "Is someone else making you come?"
She swallowed hard, shaking her head.
"Use your words." He demanded.
"No, baby."
She felt his dick jump between her thighs at the term of endearment. He curled her fingers against her g-spot again, and then again. And he pulled her flush against him when her legs began to shake and she tried to run from the pleasure
"I'm the only one that makes you feel this good, right, sweet girl?"
"Yes, yes, yes, yessss." She chanted, digging her nails into his arm. "Oh, ffffuck!"
He whispered in her ear, talking her through it as she came and leaving hickies on her neck. Cori shuddered hard in his lap and throwing her head back so hard she nearly tipped over. She was sure her neighbors thought she was getting murdered in her bathroom, and she knew she'd have to face the curious looks the next time she ran into them in the hall. But as she came down from her high and dove into another deep kiss after he licked her off of his fingers, she couldn't bring herself to give a shit.
Frank suddenly stood up, wrapping her legs around his hips to carry her back to her bedroom.
"Wait, your hair." She mumbled between kisses, "I have to--"
"Fuck the hair," he grumbled, tossing her onto the mattress, "You can do it tomorrow morning."
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applbottmjeens · 2 months
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tags: toxic and jealous phillip graves as usual, MW2!Era, Peak Gremlin Anna, This mf is sexist and kind of a douche, hates this girl but also wants 2 smooch her so bad just date a man tbh, Phillip Marshall Graves you're too old to be acting like this, Anna has 0 self preservation skills, This man does not treat her good
summary: The beginning of something addicting- Phillip doesn't want Anna talking to other men and deals with it like a man. (The worst way.)
Goddamn Californian girls.
West coast, liberal, chatty, young things. Usually hated their guts, but goddamn this one was just persistent.
Being annoying was her love language. And like a child or a nest of wasps, the more you reacted, the more she acted up. Somehow, against all odds, she made this into a charming trait.
She's a pretty girl in a job full of men. He hates how hyper aware of it he is now. Of how many other guys she spends her time with other than him.
He wasn't special was he? This was how she was with every guy..Right?
She calls Ghost, “Spooky” and punches his arm as thanks. She randomly sings club songs with Soap and asks him for piggyback rides. She pesters her Captain with questions over call like she pesters him. And for a girl who claims to hate this Sergeant Garrick, they sure do text a lot.
He wished she chose to stay in the Shadow Company. He could watch over her more then- keep a closer eye. Have the authority to tell these other goons to stay away from her.
But when Laswell called- she couldn't say no. She “owed her too much” she said.
They weren’t anything. Not officially. There was no labels, nothing telling them that they couldn’t fuck other people or anything. But dang it- if he didn't hate it when she gave another man those fuck me eyes. When they were together, they belonged to each other. What happened when they were apart for work was none of the others business. That was the rule.
She didn't seem to mind. Free spirited, California girl like her was just someone to occupy his time, right?
This wasn't love. He was too old for shit like that. He had his chance and blew it in a bitter, bitter divorce and his firstborn son being raised by some Governor chump. He didn't love her. And while he was certain she was pretty head over heels for him, she wasn't pushing for much.
He didn't think too much of it till he saw how much she and MacTavish got along. Messing up eachother's hair. Constantly talking to one another-
It's driving him nuts. Seeing how she laughs at his jokes as if the man she actually wants to be around isn't right there.
She walks into the room after talking to Soap, and smiles when she sees Phillip pouring himself some coffee.
"You two sure talk alot." He mentions.
"Same MOS kinda. We talk all the time." She answers, leaning on the counter by him, arms crossed.
Phillip can't take it. He bites the bullet and asks her directly. “Is there anything going on between you and MacTavish?”
Anna makes a face and snorts. “...Ew. No. Also if there was, it wouldn't be any of your business-”
“Stop calling me that. I'm not a child.” She sneered. She never got around to that nickname. But he's not kidding around.
"Then stop actin' like one and listen t'me." He says firmly. He puts his coffee mug down and moves towards the smaller woman, forcing her to turn and face him.
“I don't. Want you. Flirting with other men. You understand?” Graves’ grip on her arms tightened. “...Just me.”
Anna doesn't speak for a moment. “You askin' me for a commitment?” She blinks in disbelief.
“I'm asking you not to make a fool outta me.”
She scoffs and shakes her head.“...I'm not gonna roll my stops for a guy who ain't even my man. Don't play with me, Phillip.”
She rolls her eyes like the goddamn brat she is. Does he really have to spell it out for her?
Phillip speaks low, his hands moving to her waist. “Well I am your man.”
“We're together now.” He states firmly. Her usually mischievous eyes are wide and surprised. Gosh, that was cute. He'd caught her off guard.
“Wait-...Don't I get a say in this?” He cuts her off with a kiss. She melts into his arms, breathless when he finally pulls away, eyes blinking in dizzy disbelief.
“...Any more stupid questions?”
Her cheeks are still flushed. “...N-no?...I think?”
He loved shutting her up. And now he had her all to himself, and nobody could take that from him.
Well except maybe HR. But he had his way around that too.
He was keeping her. Consequences be damned...
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heyimcelery · 3 months
Okay so I watched all of Ninjago Dragons Rising s2p2! I've got so many thoughts and I'm dumping them all here in a long list. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
to start: Cole!! He's a family man! He's got a boyfriend and they hold hands and they care for their kids and Bonzle so obviously came out to them and omg I wanted to cry. The joy of acceptance. I mean come one she kept saying how alone she felt, they're found family, she was repeating that she chose he town name and identity and the villains were insistent that she wants a person but just a spell like come on
But there's more than that, I have questions I have concerns!! Like wtf happend on Coles quest?? With Sensei Wu??? Like he disappeared and turned up again and said he would explain but never did.
Cole also came back from that in his bolder form so did he figure out he could do it on his own then? Is that what he learned on his quest?? If so it's gonna be a little awkward when he tried to explain that to his bf Geo.
With part 2 I really want to see the whole gang meet them and talk and catch up on everything. Like cole has been missing since the merge and no one this season cared. At all. They hadn't seen him in ages- didn't even know if he was alive until drs1 but nope no worries or concerns. Not even a question of what he was up to.
When he came through the portal Zane wasn't worried or confused at all, just oh? You need some help?? Sure let's beat these bad guys and not worry or show emotions! Is a tearful reunion for my fav character too much to ask?? Cuz he clearly deserves it. :(
And then into both Zane and Coke this season!! Love them!! They've always been my fav duo (gonna have to start shipping geo/Cole/Zane as poly now) it was so fun to see them going around together with Bonzle. They had some great moments and I'm praying we get more in the next part.
On the other hand it was a shame they got such small roles- just seperated from the others as a way to help Bonzle. It means they didn't have the same lessons or knowledge the others got which is totally unfair!! They have a lot to catch up on. They also never got a chance to be part of the main battle
It's dumb but I was kinda hoping for Cole to show off his stronger powers (he always seems to get new powers every other season but that's a discussion for another day). Like sure he could use his robotic mech suit but that's been done before! He can do his boulder thing now (unless somehow he still thinks he can't which means he kept up that form for several days on his quest) and when he made that giant mid hut to protect his family!! I want to see him do that again! Let me man go ape shit to protect Bonzle.
And on another note, Geo my beloved, you should get a chance to shine with your powers. A chance to show off or at least have a talk about them with Cole.
Next up WyldFyre. I was worried they would make her the annoying comic relief cuz if her injury but her talks about losing loved ones and dragon culture and her home were really sweet and it was great to see some development so driven by battles. I love those too don't get me wrong but like I needed to see this side of her. And I adore her relationship with Kai, being besties/mentors/dad for her works so great for both characters.
I will be first to admit that
Kai wasn't really my favourite. If you couldn't tell I love Cole followed by Zane. Always have and likely always will. I suppose that early Kai reminded me too much of some guys form my class and they turned into shitheads and I've always struggled to reconcile Kai's image form theirs. He was always a little too brash, hotheaded, and too often written as stupid to fall into my good graces.
And yet this season I adored him. Of course I've never hated him but like this season made me see what all his fans (many many fans) see in him.
I thought Kai being the first to master such a new, difficult and crucial skill was incredibly satisfying. Form all the way back to season 1 he's been the butt of jokes- having to learn he's not the centre of the universe and sometimes it's others like Lloyd who are the chosen ones. That's all great but him now getting a starting role, his ability being fueled by thoughts of his family, by his childhood and by protecting is friends was just too good to ignore him. Love this form of his character more than any other I've seen.
And now Kai is trapped :(
I'm glad he's got Bonzle with him tho so hopefully they can have each other's backs (she's meant to be a POWERFUL spell after all) they'll need each other if they're trapped with those other 4 guys. If they can apparently demolish everything then I'm rather worried for the duo. Tbh I'm sure they'll survive just fine, probably making jokes at Cole's expense all the while.
On a side note, I found it super cute how WyldFyre was willing to protect and go down with Kai. Besties I'm telling ya
Now Jay. I've never thought too hard about him I know he's one of the favs of the fandom but like Kai I was never so besotted with him. Still a great guy and omg I feel so bad. One of his worst fears was always being alone and now stuck, confused, forced to hide such a fundamental part of himself.
On the other hand he's got a gun now so that's fun!!
And you can't talk about him without mentioning Nya. He worst fears being him forgetting hurts my soul. And she was so sure it could never be true that she snapped out of her nightmare state!! She's going to break when she finds out.
She's already grieving her own brother, we saw her break down into WyldFyre (more proof she's an honorary sibling by now) but now knowing what's happening with Jay, I'm saying the angst is going to be overpowering. It's a greek tragedy fr
Part 2 is going to be rough. Jay only had a single scene but it's already a sign for the worst to come.
Speaking of things being rough, Lloyd is going THROUGH IT!! give this poor guy a break. I do appreciate that we physically get to see the effects of all his trauma- that everything that's happened has real consequences for his character and the story but I can't help but feel bad.
I've also suffered from anxiety for most of my life so to see it in a character like that feels really personal to me. Hope he gets a little break though, god knows he deserves it.
Have to say it's pretty funny that Lloyd's had so much Oni trauma that he forgot that he's part dragon too. Yes ninjas dragons can do spinjitsu why are you surprised at this point
The animation this season has been incredible, the fights were beautiful the angles so interesting and dynamic and I could go on for hours about how much I love it. It's always great when kids -and even animation in general is treated with respect. It doesn't dumb it's ideas and stories and characters for the sake of it's younger audience, and that makes it so much better for me who is definitely out of the age range.
I have my more points to make but I've been adding stuff in and off for ages so I'll probably go through this all later. Thanks for reading, please I want to know your own thoughts too I love discussing that kinda stuff!!
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blouisparadise · 1 year
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of June. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) All This Time | Teen & Up | 1046 words
Louis Tomlinson had been best friends with flower shop owner Gemma Styles for years. It wasn't until she suggested he date her alpha brother that he ever thought of Harry that way. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...
2) On The Borderline Tonight | Mature | 1470 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Ethan Hawke.
Louis is an artist in need of inspiration. He finds it one sunny afternoon in a Brooklyn coffee shop.
3) Everything Is So Fine, Little Bit Of Sunshine | Not Rated | 2,009 words
Fluffy PWP of catboy Louis and his boyfriend Harry.
4) Soulmated | Mature | 2046 words
Niall forces Louis on a date. Ends differently than both of them expected.
5) Beauty And The Beast | Explicit | 2216 words
A virginal Louis is ‘sacrificed’ to the Beast to ensure the safety of his village. Dressed in ceremonial attire, Louis is locked in the stocks at nightfall and offered up to the Beast.
6) Darling, Just Hold On | Explicit | 2481 words
“I’m actually dying for a piss, but I don’t really know what to do about that. Here’s COACOAC.”
7) Thank You Five! | Explicit | 2719 words
It’s fifteen minutes to the start of Harry’s set and he is nowhere to be seen, much to the stress of everyone else……it might be that he is a little busy with a certain blue-eyed Doncaster lad.
8) Obey Your Alpha | Explicit | 3413 words
Harry and Louis are mated, but Simon isn't happy about it. He ends up separating them from each other. All is good though.
9) Don't You Know That I Am Right Here? | Mature | 4314 words
Louis is proud to be an Omega but his journey hasn’t been exactly easy so far. There’s nothing technically “wrong” with him, or so his doctor likes to remind him when he goes to see him every year since he was 15. His situation is more unusual than a medical problem, but it doesn’t mean most alphas will see it that way. When yet another inconvenient heat threatens to disturb his grad school move-out date, he sets a plan in motion. Enter best friend and gentle alpha Harry Styles.
10) I Can't Get You Off My Mind (I Still Crave It) | Mature | 4519 words
"You're an idiot," It was Lya's time to interrupt. "Why would you want another guy when you already have yours? Don't you ever get tired of those silly games?" "It is different!," Louis defended himself again, mouth open. "How come it is different?," Lya asked again. "I love Harry," it was easy like breathing. "He's the love of my life, I'm going to marry him," Louis looked around, until his eyes looked with Harry's, glossy and vibrant. "That guy was just a hook."
11) The Way to My Heart | Teen & Up | 6516 words
Louis' having a bit of a dry spell, until he bumps into an attractive alpha in the supermarket and leaves with his number. It was a hard bump. Very... muscular. The only problem is, said alpha asks Louis to cook for him - which is not exactly his skill set.
12) New Alpha | Mature | 6841 words
Request: Can you do omega Louis goes into heat and Harry finds him. They mate and Louis get's pregnant. But with more story behind it. Thanks (I know it's standard. But I really love werewolf stories.)
13) Rock My World | Mature | 14238 words
Harry threw the burly guy off the hot, clueless man in seconds. Harry turned his back to the pit of rowdy men and planted his feet to keep them steady. “Are you okay, kid?” The man he saved was even more beautiful than Harry expected. His tiny, elfish nose crinkled at the pet-name. The black lines around his eyes made his blue eyes even more striking. His cheekbones were prominent, making his overall frame even more small. “My name is Louis and I’m fine. Get off me, perve!” Harry hadn’t realized he’d kept his free hand against the small of his back or that it kept the man pressed directly his chest. Harry hated releasing him even in the slightest; Louis was much safer here. “Can you not see I’m security? That it’s my job to save idiots like you?” “Idiot?” Louis shouted to be heard over the man currently screaming his head off into the microphone. “Well, I’m sorry for being small, you dick! Not my fault they slammed into me!”
14) One Day I'll Come Into Your World And Get It Right (A Relaxing Afternoon.... Or Is It?) | Explicit | 14652 words
Zayn treated Louis to an afternoon massage with his friend Harry. They meant well. But Louis was sensitive, and Harry found him too much for his taste and... They're going to send Zayn a fruit basket.
15) What's Left Of My Halo's Black | Explicit | 22464 words As Harry sucks lovebites into Louis’ neck, Louis hopes that one day those marks will cover the way he can still feel Alex’s handprints burned into his flesh. As Harry’s nails drag scratches along Louis’ back, Louis hopes that one day the scabs on his heart will heal and drop away just like the scabs on his skin. As Harry fucks him down into the mattress, the bed shaking with every thrust, Louis hopes that one day his mouth will forget the shape of Alex’s name, won’t trace it over and over as the heat builds inside him, won’t want to scream it when he comes. Maybe one day he’ll open his eyes, as he slowly floats down from his post-orgasm haze, and won’t expect to see Alex’s face smiling back at him. But today is not that day.
16) True Blue | Explicit | 23409 words
Louis has always prided himself on making plans. His freshman year of high school he’d spent the entire night color-coding a five-year plan to get him to the exact career that he’s in today. When his parents wouldn’t let him and Zayn see the midnight premiere of the final Harry Potter, he’d crafted an intricate slideshow mapping out each outcome that his parents were worried about and countering every argument they’d tried to give. Just last week he’d sat down with Harry and forced him to listen to his ten-step process for them to secure the front row at their favorite artist’s show. It’s with this experience under his belt that he starts to devise another plan. One to start pulling his weight and also to prove to Harry and everyone that he is very much capable of fending for himself, thank you very much.
17) Hope Your Life Leads You Back To My Door | Explicit | 56709 words
“What’s the matter?” Louis asked quickly, eyes wide in alarm. “I’ve never done this before. I’ve never gone anywhere alone like this,” Harry whispered, his voice shaky. Louis didn’t look surprised, but there was something really fiery about him as he spoke again. “Then come now,” he insisted with a grin. “Just trust me. Get on this train with me and I promise you’ll have so much fun.” Louis Tomlinson wasn’t ever someone Harry thought he’d trust or look to with such open admiration for having the spirit to do things like this, but suddenly, he did. He trusted him and he wanted this. He was going to do it.
18) Where I Burn To Be | Explicit | 143346 words
There were very few people who managed to get under Louis’ skin as effortlessly as Harry had, and even fewer who had done it in only a day and a half. It was quite an accomplishment, really. They’d only interacted a handful of times and yet Louis had the insatiable desire to slam the locker into that frustratingly well-defined face that never seemed to hold any expressions other than contempt and arrogance. “That’s right. I do own the skies. And you wanna know why?” he sneered. Without his boots on, Louis was a fair bit shorter than Harry, his eyes pretty much level with Harry’s chin and his socked toes bumping into the boots of the other man, close enough that Louis could make out the tiny scar on Harry’s brow and the individual shades of emerald in his irises. He was handsome, but that only made Louis hate him more. Heart thumping heavily against his sternum and his hands balled into fists, Louis lifted his chin defiantly and plastered a coldhearted smirk across his lips. “Because I’m the best goddamn pilot here.”
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judesmoonbeauty · 4 months
The Past Records: Ellis & Jude Chapter 3
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with ***
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Roger: A story I know, huh.
Harrison: I mean, why didn't you tell me you knew each other first?
Roger: You didn't ask.
Harrison: You......
Roger: Besides, we're not really close friends either.
Roger: As for whether those guys can be trusted, I can't say.
Harrison: So, how do you know each other?
Roger: Just as a doctor and a patient. Jude has weak bronchial tubes.
Roger: My dad's so good at what he does that sometimes he used to go over to my parent's house where he worked as a town doctor.
Roger: When he was a patient of my father's, well, I just knew him by his face.....
Roger: One night, he rolled in and said he'd been stabbed with a knife. Not to my dad, but to me.
Harrison: What were the details of the stabbing?
Roger: All he said was that, “I got stabbed because of a grudge.”
Flashback Begins -
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Jude: I got what I deserved. I won't say anything more. Don't ask me again.
Roger: I see. I can't believe you're talking to me, and not my dad because you don't want this out in the open.
Jude: I thought you wanted a table to practice your techniques on.
Jude: You can practice without a medical license.
Jude: In return, I won't tell me how you treated me, so as not to ruin the reputation of your father's clinic.
Roger: Convenient for me and you, huh? Well, I suppose it is.
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Ellis: Roger? Can you fix him?
Roger: Oh, don't worry. I'm quite skilled. I won't kill you.
Ellis: Thank God. I can't have him dying now.
Roger: What's with that talk? When can he die?
Ellis: Probably the happiest moment of his life......
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Roger: Huh. With all this damage, it seems like that's going to be a long way off.
Jude: Hey, I'm pretty sure that's not where you should stick the needle, you Quack!
Flashback ends -
Harrison: You treated him before you got your medical license, huh?
Roger: Haha. It's too late for the statute of limitations now, right?
Harrison: What else do you know?
Roger: Oh? Yeah..... like how Jude gets up early in the morning, or how Ellis eats more than anything?
Harrison: Not about that.
Roger: Jude can drink at the same pace as me and not get crushed, but Ellis gets drunk rather easily.
Harrison: It's not like that either....I've got two more images in my head that I don't need to know.
Roger: As I said earlier, I'm not sure if they're trustworthy or not.
Roger: There's something those two are keeping from me too. It's like conducting research that costs a huge amount of money or something.
Roger: Well, regardless if you can trust them or not, I don't think they'll do anything halfheartedly.
Roger: Was that helpful? Harrison: Well, sort of. At least the information I got from you wasn't false.
Roger: Thank you.
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Liam: I found you.
Harrison: Hmm...oh, Liam. How did you know I was here?
Liam: Will told me. Are you at the cafe to work on a review?
Harrison: If I'm in the castle, I'll be distracted by the report, so I had to change things up.
Liam: Haha, so if I report now, It'll just remind you.
Harrison: It's fine. I just lost my focus. Anyway, you called out to me didn't you?
Liam: So, what?
Liam: Well, then, be my guest. Let's see, first of all, the story I heard from Jude...
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Liam: Is Jude a doctor? A scholar? He was enrolled in public school through the mediation of a doctor or a scholar!
Liam: Surprising, isn't it? It must have been absolutely hard to fit in with all those aristocratic kids. I'd like to see a little bit of that.
Liam: Next, what I heard from Ellis. Ellis said that he didn't go to school.
Liam: I heard his father was a church school teacher, but they split up a long time ago.
Liam: Oh, Ellis and I promised to go skating by the lake sometime.
Harrison: Heh, good for you.....I mean, how did you talk to those two? You haven't been at the castle for the last few days.
Liam: I followed them invisibly and followed them, investigating their actions and routes the last few days.
Liam: Or maybe we just happened to on the way home together? Harrison: I didn't realize you went that far....
Liam: I thought Harry would like it. The rest was simply my feline curiosity getting the better of me.
Liam: I followed them and talked to them directly, but I still can't trust them.
Liam: I feel like I'm missing something decisive here.
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Harrison: That look on your face...you're up to something.
Liam: That's my bad friend! You're quick.
Liam: So, why don't we give the two of them a shot.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Jeng speaking English should come with at least a 10 minute warning so I can collect myself.
Y'all know that I mute and speed up my shows, so I didn't realize he was speaking English until the Thai subs kept coming up; then, I had to rewind and slow it down to hear it, so I could appreciate the cuteness. Jeng bringing out his multilingual side to confess AGAIN made him more adorable!
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And because this isn't the first time the use of another language in a BL has caused me to stop in my tracks, let me give you something you didn't even ask for -
My Top Five Favorite Uses of Another Language in BLs!
offered in no particular order
My Only 12% - English
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Cake was studying with his pals when he decided to call it a night. He went into his bedroom and apologized to his boyfriend Eiw for waking him up. Eiw told Cake he wasn't really sleeping well because Cake wasn't next to him, and that was all it took for Cake's heart-eyes to be activated. He kissed Eiw so tenderly only to then dedicate an ode to Eiw's entire body, mind, and soul all in English while kissing each part of Eiw's body as he praised it. What a king!
Never Let Me Go - Mandarin
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I already thought that Palm liked Nueng's mean side a little too much before Wu and David wandered into Mam's bar, but this exchange solidified that Palm had a specific kink and Nueng was more than happy to offer Palm a helping hand a scolding insult. Nueng took great pleasure calling his boyfriend a fool in every language he knew including Mandarin, and I'm sure that is part of the reason Palm came around to Nueng extending his time abroad for schooling. The more education Nueng has, the more languages he can berate Palm in.
Unintentional Love Story - Spanish
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The main couple were great, but I was showing up every week for Donghee and Hotae's friends-to-enemies-to-menaces plot because once they screamed at each other in the alley, the only reasonable next step was to sleep together, no? Maybe that's just me, but Hotae trying to prove to Donghee that he was serious about him by learning Spanish like one of the Hisstrange (Hispanic) men Donghee liked had me screaming, "SECOND SEASON WHEN?" which now I must patiently wait for to see how well Hotae's improves his language skills for his amor.
KinnPorsche - English
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The VegasPete arc was a wild ride. They went from spying and torturing to crying and fucking in the span of two episodes, but what was the craziest moment of them all was when after sex and STILL CHAINED UP, Vegas turned to Pete and softly said, "Do you know how sexy you are?" Like . . . bitch, what?! Even crazier was Pete's apathetic response of "mmm" as if he had heard that line a thousand times after bringing countless men to their knees with his free therapy and snarky comebacks. Vegas served a lot of great English lines, but this one took the cake, and the tossed salad.
Moonlight Chicken - Modern Standard Thai Sign Language
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Heart and Li Ming's story was already the sweetest thing since a nice mango sorbet on a hot day, but add in the fact that Wen, the bridge between Li Ming and his uncle Jim, was not only fully supportive of these two kids finding happiness within each other, but started to learn MSTSL so he could communicate with Heart was what pushed me over the edge. Heart's own parents couldn't be bothered to learn how to communicate with their son, but Li Ming's very-gay-uncle's boyfriend did. Wen knew he needed an ally to deal with these stubborn guys, and no better than the boyfriend of your-soon-to-be-nephew. Ghost Host, Ghost House gets an honorable mention for MSTSL as well.
KinnPorsche - English
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Ken and Big were two bad bitches and the Regina George and Maddy Perez of Kinn's bodyguard squad. Big had his reasons for disliking Porsche like being jealous that the man he loved was in love with this idiot, but Ken just hated Porsche for being an idiot who upset the guy he was in love with (Ken x Big is canon to me), so when Ken yelled, "Are you fucking dumb, bro?!" at Porsche with Perth's Australian accent, I was cackling. It made me instantly think Ken was the mole because only someone who was rocking with Vegas "but this wasn't the fucking plan" Theerapanyakul could drop bangers like this.
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cute-bag-of-bones · 1 year
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Can't trust a supe.
Part 1: "Uncle" Billy
Warnings ⚠️: Swearing, death, killing, body horror, gore. It's The Boys so all related warnings apply ✌🏻
      My life isn't a happy one, but it used to be. I used to have the best life a kid could ever want. Two loving parents that worked from home, a huge house full of people who cared about me on a bunch of land. Now I know people will say "but Simon your dad was a cult leader and your mom was a crazed geneticist." Which is all true but they loved me and that's all a parent really has to do in my opinion. My life was perfect till the day he ruined it all. Vaught's swinging big stick, Homelander. He attacked my family's compound and destroyed it all. Only bodies and rubble were left when he was done. I only survived because one or my Father's followers shielded me from the falling debris. That was 7 years ago and now I'm a 17 year old living in and out of shelters. I can't even use my real name because of the slander Vaught slung to justify homelanders borderline war crimes. I swore if I ever saw his lipless face again I'd kill him. I just needed to figure out how first.
      I wasn't sure if I could trust this British guy who called himself Billy Butcher. He kept showing up and trying to talk to me. Finally he asked if I wanted to get even with Homelander. How could I refuse? He asked to meet during the day at the park. He kinda sketched me out. The long coat and sunglasses he gave me school shooter all grown up vibes but if he actually had a way to kill Homelander I was more then willing to look past his unfortunate fashion choices. 
      So here I sat at the park waiting for this limey bastard. Sure enough he strolled up and sat down next to me on the bench. He leaned back and looked over the whole park. I turned to look at him and asked him what he needed me to do but before any words could leave my mouth he stopped me.
      "That the fucks the matter with you? Face forward, don't look at me." He said as he chewed on some gum. I look forward and lean against the arm rest. Trying to look as nonchalant as possible. 
      "You are the one who wanted to meet in public." I say taking a quick glance at him.
      "Yeah I did because you're a damn supe." He said it with such malice. I froze for a second. If I was smart I would have walked away and never looked back but I have never been known for my brains. 
      "How did you-"
      "I have my ways. I know who mommy and daddy are as well. I know everything there is to know about you right down to what's in your bag." He said as he shifted in his seat a little. I leaned down and pulled my bag into my lap to hold close.
      "You going to blackmail me or something?" I ask looking over at him no longer caring to play alone with whatever game he had. 
      "No nothing like that, I want to give you an opportunity. We have a common problem. I have this time coming together and we need someone with your particular set of skills." He said as he finally turned his head to look at me. His sunglasses made it impossible to see anything other than my own reflection. 
      "You really think our problem can be fixed? You got that kind of juice on your team?" 
       "Gotta try right? We are getting there. If you don't want to help then fine. I guess you don't want these." He said as he pulled a manila envelope from the inside of his jacket. He smirked down at me. 
      "And what's in that?"
      "The only file Vaught had on your dearly departed mom. She wrote it herself. Could be something interesting in there. Maybe something that could make sense of it all." He tapped his gloved fingers against the envelope then slipped it back on his jacket.
     "What would I have to do?"
     "Come with me and meet the team. I can't talk about it out here. Never know who's listening." He said as he pointed to the sky before standing up. I should be more careful about strangers. He could be a lot of very dangerous things. 
       He walked us to a ran down looking building. He walked down some steps and banged on the door. 
      "Oi cunts let me in!" He shouted. Soon the door unlatched and opened. We walked into this sad gray concrete room. A tall skinny man leaned against the sink with his arms crossed. He looked scared shitless. Like he could vomit at any second. He looked completely harmless. The second man was shorter with a shaved head. He looked much less harmless. 
       "I thought you were getting someone who can help!" He had a thick French accent when he spoke. 
      "She can. She's a supe don't you worry Frenchie." Billy said as he walked past the man. Frenchie how original. He looked at me with almost pleading eyes. Now that I really look at him he seems just as harmless as the pipe cleaner leaning on the sink. 
      "I don't even know what the problem is." Billy walks over to another door and unlocks it. He swings it open and there is an empty cage. My eyes widen as I look at the men in the room. Billy looks in the cage.
      "Shit no no wait a second. The bugger is invisible." He grabs a cattle prod and jabs it onto the cage. I hear a man scream. The man in the cage uncloaks himself. It was translucent from the 7 butt naked and sitting criss-cross applesauce on the bottom of the cage.
     "What the fuck thats almost worse than what I thought you wanted! Whatever it is I'm out hell no!" Billy quickly steps out of the room and shuts the door. 
      "You're the only one who can do it. His skin is like fucking Dimonds! But I was thinking maybe the inside isn't." Billy yelled over my protesting. 
       "What is she super strong or something?" The thin man asked. 
       "No!" Billy and I shout at once at him. 
        "Fine I guess you rather the news have these." Billy says as he opens his coat to show the file. 
        "I thought you weren't going to blackmail me fuck! Fucking dick!" I shout as I stomp my foot. Billy smirks as he nods like a lunatic. Frenchie and the thin man look back and forth at each other confused. I guess Billy had not informed his team about anything of his little plan. 
      "You can do it. The  file says you can anyway." Billy says the same smirk painted on his stupid face. 
       "If he finds out-"
       "If cuntlander finds out you'll get your chance to kill him. Or wait till he comes for you after he finds out who your mom was." 
        "Fuck!" I felt completely cornered. I couldn't kill someone who had never done anything to me. no matter how much of a douchebag they seemed like.
       "Wait, who's her mom?" The man asked.
     "Homelander's old cock warmer" Billy says with a knowing look. 
      "Stop it!"
      "Oh yeah moms got around alright. She was two-timing New York's favorite supe with New York's most notorious serial bombing cult leader. A bit of a whore if you ask me." I wanted to leap across the room and strangle that dumb British asshole but I knew my strengths were not in a physical fight.
       "You're Alphonse Bishop's daughter!?" The thin man said with a look of shock. Billy let out a hardy laugh. I had had enough of this. 
      "That's it! Give me the file or I'll just kill you!" I screamed at Billy. 
      Frenchie's attention turned to a laptop. 
      "Oh look at the big bollocks on this one! Yeah go on kill me might as well because if you don't get in there and kill that cunt we are all dead!" 
      "Butcher we have a problem." Frenchie said. Billy and the other man huddled around the laptop. 
      "Is that-"
      "He's searching for something." 
I come over and stand on my tippy toes to see over the men. It was Homelander he was surveying the area likely looking for his fellow 7 member. It was chaos for a moment. They scrambled around trying to figure out what happened. They talked about a chip of some kind. I was too busy staring at the screen as Homelander flew around. 
      "You two stay here." Billy said as he and frenchie ran up the steps. They were out the door before I could stop to ask for an explanation. 
      "I'm Hughie Campbell by the way, it's good to meet you." The man said, looking over at me as he stuck his hands in his pockets. It took everything in me not to break his jaw right then and there. This wasn't his fault I shouldn't be mad at him. 
      "You should get out of here." I say as I sit down on a stool.
       "Butcher told us to stay." 
       "Yeah if he told you to lick his balls would you? He's gonna get you killed. Let him and the Frenchman sort it out." I say as I motion to the door with my head. He puts on a stiff upper lip and shakes his head. 
         "No noway, I got to do this. He needs all the help he can get, but if you want to go I won't stop you. I'll tell Butcher you overpowered me." He says with a little laugh. Oh if he only knew. He didn't seem like Billy was blackmailing him. What on earth would make someone want to help that maniac. 
         "Nah I'm as good as dead the second I see Homelander face to face anyway. I'm going to rip him apart." I say as I stare at the looping footage of him zipping around. Hughie gives me a strange look. 
      "How are you-" he was interrupted by the other door being opened. Translucent somehow had gotten out of his cage. The 3 of us just stared at each other for a second before finally he spoke. 
       "You kids are gonna let me walk out of here." He says as he starts to walk to the exterior door. Hughie to my surprise steps in front of his path. 
        "No, I'm sorry we can't let you. just go back in the room please." He begged. Translucent laughed a little. He looked over at the laptop and saw Homelander was near. 
        "Yeah I think I'm just going to go outside." He said pushing past a defeated looking Hughie. I could tell Billy would tear this kid a new one if he just let translucent walk out. I got up and quickly put myself between him and the door just as Hughie did. He looked down at me for a second before rolling his eyes and giving me a strong push to the side. I bumped into the table with my hip.
       "You going to push a kid?" Hughie shouted as he grabbed translucent from behind and tried to pull him down to the ground. Translucent went invisible and started to beat the snot out of Hughie. His skin may be invisible but his insides were not. I looked inside of him. Like most supes he was stronger than average but I was sure I could still do something. I saw his skeletal system wrapped in muscle and nerves move as he continued his assault. I tighten his muscles in his right arm making it go stiff. He started to scream which normally wouldn't be a problem but Homelander might hear so I tightened his vocal cords. Now only small mouse-like squeaks escaped his lips. Hughie wiggled himself out from under the invisible man and pushed himself up against a wall. I couldn't see Translucence face but the muscles were constricted in his face. Even without the skin I could make out the expression of fear. I had to be quick about whatever I was going to do to him. 
       I couldn't hold such a targeted effort for too long. He tried to get to his feet so I tightened his joints connected to his knees. I struggled to hold him
 He was fighting against me. I felt a popping sensation and without warning he was ripped apart in all directions. Invisible bloody pieces are sent all over Hughie and I. He looked over at me almost more scared then before. 
      "Was that…" his question slowly trailed to silence as I nodded at him quickly. He slipped on the blood covered floor for a second as he got to his feet.
        Billy and Frenchie came running in. They started to speak but stopped as they realized what was covering us and the walls. 
        "What'd uncle Billy tell ya! Easy peasy. " He says as he hooks his elbow around my neck to pull me closer to his side. Frenchie almost trips over a particularly invisible pile of human. 
         The clean up was somehow more grizzly than the murder itself. Hughie was sent home to shower and try to forget what he saw. It was mostly picked up and Frenchie left to go talk to some girl. So Billy and I were left.
       "My mom wasn't two-timing Homelander. Her and dad had an open relationship and Homelander knew that." I say looking down at Billy who was on his knees searching for the last bits of translucent. 
        "Is that so?" 
        "Yeah and if you ever call my mom a whore again or say she was Homelander's cock warmer I'll pull your tongue out through your asshole." He let out a chuckle as he got up. He got out the file and held it out to me. 
     "I wrote the number of my business cell down on it if you change your mind about helping out. Either way, with or without you, I can promise Homelander is going to die." I grabbed the file but Billy didn't let go. "Stay out of trouble, if you don't you'll be seeing me again and I won't be there to ask for your help." His tone was dark. I could tell it was a genuine warning. I pulled it from his hand and walked out. 
       I wasn't even sure what was in this file but whatever It was, was worth it. It had to be. I killed a man for it after all.
Part 2 will probably be out tomorrow if not then definitely the day after. Thanks for reading! 💖
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kragggon · 1 year
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"So! I was out and about in the mountains near my home city, looking for interesting creatures to take pictures of. I got stopped by a wildling kobold-- much taller, beefier, and more uh... 'traditional'? Cousins to us cityling kobolds. He told me in Scalespeak (thank Sahvriyol I speak it) that I wasn't welcome in their territory, and I may've listened to him and the pike he was whirling around if he wasn't riding a Silver Monster!!
I'd never seen one before, not even in the Phonan zoos, so I begged him for a chance to get some pictures, maybe give it a pet or two? He thought it was funny, and said as long as I turn around and leave right after, he'd allow it. Needless to say, that was the best experience I had that day! His name was Kirasir (the Silver Monster I mean) and he was very friendly and surprisingly photogenic! I don't think I got a single bad picture of him.
Silver Monsters in general are pretty friendly monsters-- they'll only attack if you have 'food' on you. They're a species of Insectoid Arcfauna, and a very close cousin of Rust Monsters who eat tarnish instead of rust: despite the name, they don't eat just silver. Wannabe pathmakers, don't forget to memorize all the metals that tarnish: steel is one of them!
They are social pack monsters, who live as part of a hive in a biiiiig underground network of tunnels that they carve from the earth. They communicate by rubbing their antennae with each other's: certain patterns mean certain things to them. Kirasir tickled my arms quite a few times with his, I'm not sure what he was saying but I hope it was something happy! Due to tarnishable metals being a little rarer than rusting ones, they're a bit smaller than their Rust Monster cousins, so they can eat less. Their carapace is also a bit smoother, since they prefer to run away when threatened: they're incredible burrowers, and they can dig a hole and hide in less than 15 seconds, even in solid stone! Still, it's probably not a good idea to go out and pester them. Silver Monsters will fight back when they have numbers or are cornered, and even if you're not wearing tarnishable armor, their bite is designed to pierce rock, so it'll certainly take a chunk out of you. However, they don't usually fight to kill, and once you back off or can't chase them anymore, they'll probably run away.
Unlike Rust Monsters, which are a bit more aggressive, Silver Monsters make great pets! They're very friendly and they have a surprising amount of personality-- they're even great with kids! However, I implore you to do a ton of research before you go get one. You don't want to be one of the people that has their houses fall down when the braces to your support beams get eaten! However, it's certainly possible if you're wealthy enough to keep them well-fed and you have a large enclosure made out of non-tarnishable, sturdy metal. I hate having to say this so often, but when you're getting a pet, especially an exotic one, do. Your. Homework. However, the groups who have the most unanimous success with Silver Monsters are the wildling kobolds.
I guess I should probably talk about them too, huh? Wildling kobolds live in tribes out in the wilderness-- they would make great insight for all kinds of beasts if they weren't so territorial. They make great smiths, combatants, and beastmasters, making Silver Monsters perfect companions to them: not only can the wildlings feed them well, but they're small enough to ride the Silver Monsters as mounts! Wildling scouts like the ones I met patrol the crags with hooked pikes, designed to grab and pull to make up for their height disadvantage. Coupled with the facts that Silver Monsters can climb on walls and up trees, a skilled wildling kobold rider is an amazing fighter, able to use their environment to gain all kinds of advantages over their opponent.
I'm glad that guy (I forget his name, sorry) thought I was funny, because I admit I was pretty intimidated to see him! He was a pretty relaxed guy once the initial tension died down. I will say, DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. I am a kobold, and even if I am a cityling, wildling kobolds still somewhat see us as 'kin'. They are extremely territorial as I said, and they will not give a non-kobold a second chance. You've been warned! "
Written by @pyyakelp, slightly edited by me. In case y'all didn't know, we share lore with our stuff.
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marimeeko · 8 months
Just for fun I ran to my desktop to aid me with Google translate, which isn't perfect. But given that I don't know Japanese myself....
Here's what I found; on my own, with only translate and my existing language skills.
This is wrong:
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While it isn't one to one, Japanese has a lot of feel and implication, from what I understand. There's a lot of context.
So I tried scanning the fan translations a few times just to see what it said on my own. I broke it down into parts:
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AITSU: him, that guy (in this case, Izuku)
The "Nuguenee" part seems to mean "can't wipe it" or "to wipe away"
Kocchi- here
De nuguu - means something like 'take off with "
Eventually, I felt like it wasn't scanning off the screen well enough, and I actually WROTE THE KANJI in the translation of the panel out on paper, which was very interesting bc again, don't know or write Japanese.
But I scanned that:
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(The word "if" is covered by the icon)
Shows that the verbiage used is "wipe," or "to wipe away," but it is SO MUCH CLOSER in spirit to "I'll step in for what he can't handle" and also the use of Aitsu indicated he is talking directly about Izuku.
I GET that the official translator's job is to try to capture the dialogue in a way that FLOWS for the new audience, since Japanese is a very differently constructed language than English.
They are supposed to find a way to translate certain things with keeping the mood and intent of the dialogue.
"OFA couldn't keep you in the ground, but we'll finish the job and then some"???
Where the hell did they get that???
I didn't dig any further back bc it might take a while but everyone has also pointed out that the original dialogue is a direct reference to the apology scene(I know it is in the fan translation but I think it is also being indicated that it is the same in Japanese as well? Pls fact check me of you desire)
So bc it was originally referring back to that scene, there is an added STING that comes with this official translation
And the ADDITIONAL BLOW that is katsuki once again being kind of...pigeon holed into the aggressive, more self-focused kid that he once was...a caricature of his former self, instead of his emotionally upgraded, self assured, "needing to help Izuku or he will perish" self.....instead of letting this moment be a crazy cool declaration about how HE is the one you fuck with when Izuku needs help.
Which like yeah, in itself is a little bit agrandizing, HOWEVER it is literally also serving as a vow or a completion of his vow earlier in the story that he will take on what he can't handle!
It's super important for Katsukis arc! It acted as not only a THREAT to anyone who give Izuku a run for his money and tests the limits of his OFA, but a VOW to Izuku that HE HAS HIS BACK.
He just YELLED ABOUT IT on a battlefield, while Izuku is probably still staring at him with heart eyes.
It reads properly, and packs a HELL OF A PUNCH EMOTIONALLY. More so than essentially "I'm gonna put you in the ground bc Izuku CAN'T"
It seems like the fan translation kept the literal meaning but added the flavor to make it flow, such as "stepping in" "to handle" and calling Izuku a Nerd. But the official translation just tweaked it by too much to where it just reads differently and most importantly, doesn't carry that punch.
In conclusion, I did a little bit of independent research and decided that YEAH it doesn't make sense why they translated it so wildly different. Other than just wanting Bakugou to remain a frigging caricature, even in the Finale.
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yakuzacanons · 3 months
Hello! How are you doing? Can I request some general dating headcanons for the Ishin boys? Like Nakaoka, Todo and Sasaki? Thanks! <3
ISHIN TIME AGAIN let's go, also nice pick of characters anon, I almost never see people write about Sasaki and Nakaoka so I'm eager to give it my best.
Nakaoka Shintaro
Laidback but intelligent is a great description of him in general. He's a perceptive and logical guy, great at handling things like finances. Definitely more of a longterm, settle down type of partner.
Not shy at all, actually. Typically works up the courage to confess by himself and is a clear communicator. Very kind and gentle but always to the point.
He is quite aware that he's an older bachelor which is one of his few internal struggles. He also is still wrestling with the death of his boss, Yoshida Toyo. Although this particular event doesn't weigh too heavily on his day to day life, he will sometimes want to talk about it.
Bit of a doting figure, type of guy to be like "Ah, your sandal is starting to break..." or to offer to mend a hole in your yukata. Has some handyman skills stowed away.
When it comes to dates, his one weakness is he can be indecisive about where to go and what to do. Prefers to collaborate with you on ideas or activities rather than just drag you somewhere because he said so.
Overall, a very good partner, great for a domestic and longterm relationship. Not a very sexual person unfortunately, but he is a warm and cozy person when it comes to affection at home.
Todo Heisuke
He's a little bit of a fox, constantly has an air of mischief about him. You can blame it on his young age, he won't take offense. He's well aware he's the youngest Shinsengumi captain, but that didn't stop him from doing well so he doesn't see it as a setback or insult.
Having said that, he is prone to boyish tendencies. He's kind of a troublemaker, probably the type of kid to play with firecrackers or sneak rice crackers when he wasn't supposed to. He's less devilish these days but you can still see that glint in his eye or hear that snarkiness in his voice.
Energetic and talkative. Easy to talk to and he's always down to do activities with you. More likely than not, the two of you will go on several dates long before either of you confess, or even realize you two are into each other.
Not much when it comes to confessing, he kind of just lets it out without any crazy fanfare or romanticization. He's quite sly so be warned he can be such a huge flirt, especially if he thinks you're into him. Even more so if he's also into you.
Great at planning dates, especially dinner dates. Knows all the best places to eat, just say the word. It doesn't matter if it's noodles, fish, dessert, even tea. He's an expert.
In a relationship, he's such a hugger. Almost always has an arm around you or is leaning is head on you.
A flashy dresser and sometimes talks really loud. If you tell him to tone it down, he will though. Mostly he doesn't realize he's being noisy.
If you're ever in trouble, call on Todo and he will be there in an instant, sword at the ready. Anyone that's ever thought of messing with you won't anymore because he will not hesitate to cut them, and quite deeply too.
Out of the three boys here, he has the highest sex drive. Very high endurance too so watch out.
Sasaki Tadasaburo
Big man with a surprisingly big heart. His strong and stoic aura and commanding demeanor is a far cry from who he is when it comes to romance.
A disciplined and respected man who carries himself with good manners, although he can be prone to stubborness. As leader of the Mimawarigumi, he can also be somewhat hotheaded.
When it comes to romance, he'll likely court you in a more old fashioned sense, doing it all proper like and then some. It may seem dumb or weird but really it's more so that Sasaki is the type of guy to hold great reverance for familial relationships. He thinks a romantic relationship with a long term partner should be respected as such.
Once he starts letting his guard down, you'll see that he's much more of a normal man than people make him out to be in the rumors. Some of his characteristics still hold true, like his stubborness, but deep down he's a guy who needs companionship like anyone else.
Does enjoy a good drink every now and then and will welcome you to do the same with him. Doesn't get to go out on the town much as work keeps him fairly busy but when he does, it's usually with you.
Keeps a rather organized household. If you end up living with him or marrying him, you can expect it to be a fairly beautiful home. He has a bit of money to his name so you'll at least be comfortable, he'll make sure of it.
Aware that he's older in age but he would like to maybe have a kid someday, perhaps when his work is less straining on him. That aside, he's got an average sex drive but he's definitely a top. He doesn't have a breeding kink or anything like that but you might develop one over time, honestly.
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I'm working on a request for Code Lyoko atm, but meanwhile, here are some headcanons!
Headcanons - Code Lyoko
Aelita Schaeffer
I headcanon that Aelita's music and dj mixing skills are rooted in her dad playing the piano and teaching her about music.
It also gives her trauma and nightmares, as we've all seen in the canon episodes tho..
And though she's smart and brainy, I don't see her going to read literature books or novels. Idk if that's just me.
I think she finds comfort in information rather than fiction, so maybe she would prefer non-fiction genres.
I also think that Aelita would like butterscotch ice cream. It's cute.
There are days where she has hallucinations and nightmares because of X.A.N.A and Franz Hopper and her past, and she would like nothing more than to listen to music while cuddling with Mister Puck and having butterscotch ice cream.
Also, much like Nicholas, a lot of people find Aelita cute. Adding to her popularity that rose from her DJ skills, she's sure to have a lot of people having crushes on her. But of course, she's only got eyes for Jeremie.
Remember that lookalike of Aelita who got only one episode on the show? Taelia? I headcanon that people in Kadic call them twins, and they eventually become good friends. I think Jim would get very confused and would put Aelita and Taelia in different classes for the sake of his own sanity.
Elizabeth "Sissi" Delmas
Sissi is a child of divorce (I think that's also canon).
I headcanon that her parents had a slightly significant age difference, because Principal Delmas looks vv old. Sissi's mom was four years younger than him -- I headcanon her to be a fashion designer, she was very impulsive and liked to live in the moment, but eventually, the love they had for each other fizzled out and they divorced.
I also think that maybe her mom wasn't what you would call "maternal". She knows this too, and accepted it when Sissi's dad contested for her during the divorce. It doesn't mean that her mom loves her less, though. She's just aware that her father could care for her daughter better than she could, and chooses to love Sissi in her own way.
I think it was mentioned somewhere in the website wiki that Sissi goes on shopping sprees with her mom, so that could be their love language. I also think that Sissi digs her mother's fashion style and did a little tweaks of that to turn it into her own.
I think that, Ulrich was her best friend before, and they bonded over having turbulent family situations. It was natural for her to catch feelings for someone who understood her, and hence she liked Ulrich. When Ulrich rejected her (multiple times), she was put off, but just didn't know how to handle their friendship from that point onward.
Sissi knows how to bandage wounds professionally (canon) and I think it was mentioned that she wanted to become a nurse. I definitely see that as a career for her, once she's matured and grown into her own self.
She's definitely a writer on the side. She would write under the pen name Sissi for sure.
I love Sissi a lot. She's so much more than what's shown on screen. I'd have loved to see her grow into the person she's actually meant to become, after some maturity and heart-to-hearts with Ulrich and her parents, too.
Jeremie Belpois
Jeremie needs naps.
A lot of naps. Poor guy.
Jeremie has definitely read classics. I also headcanon Yumi to like classics and literature, so I think both of them would bond a lot over this.
I also headcanon Jeremie to be comfortable with certain colors only – like, he wears blues and browns and some beige tones – and you wouldn't find colors like pink or yellow in his wardrobe.
Jeremie's cousin is said to look like him, right? And that guy – Patrick, I think – was a brunette and wore black rock aesthetic clothing. I think that both of them actually looked similar when they were kids, and Patrick must've changed his look at some point to have that poofy hair instead. This probably annoyed Jeremie, but now that they're on good terms, he probably teases Patrick about it a lot (and also has baby pictures to prove his point).
I can see how I turned this into Patrick headcanons. Sorry.
Jeremie likes long walks during the night. When he's not working on Lyoko related stuff, and when he's not able to sleep, he walks around at night.
His prized possession(s) is the set of polaroids that he took with Aelita on one of her first nights on Earth. He has them in a safe (and yes, he definitely has a safe that he hasn't told anyone about. Except Aelita.).
Laura Gauthier
Laura made some poor choices in Evolution, but hey, Sissi made poor choices in the original show too! People can always improve, and change.
Laura was brought up in a very strict household, where only the very best was expected from her.
That's why she desperately wanted to show her dad the laboratory at the old factory and say, "See? I'm a part of something big."
Laura has closeted lesbian energy. Evolution kinda made a big rivalry between Aelita and Laura for Jeremie, to see who was his better equal and all, but I think Laura didn't care about that and just liked getting Aelita riled up. I think Laura is more into girls, romantically speaking.
I headcanon that Laura buys clothes from Sissi's mom's fashion brand.
I can see her being a fan of "ceilings" by Lizzy McAlpine.
I think Laura has the potential to be even smarter than Jeremie, even better than him, too. But she lacks some of his empathy. It's not necessarily a bad thing -- just shows how people who are similar are also different.
Adding on to this, Laura might not be very in touch with her emotions, and might come off as unempathetic. She's just misunderstood, but she's not helping her own case.
Like with Sissi, I think she could be so much more, if she matures and grows into her truest self.
Odd Della Robbia
I know it's said that Samantha Knight is the person Odd really really loves, but I headcanon Odd to be a no-commitments soul. He enjoys PDA and dates, but he's probably the most comfortable when he's by himself.
He's a top-tier bisexual.
I headcanon that Odd is allergic to cats. His family definitely seems like the type to have cats at home and he's hated it because all he's done is sneeze.
He's the family favourite. I think this is canon too, which is why he was allowed to get Kiwi as a pet. His sisters probably hated that smh.
This might be a personal wish-fulfilment headcanon, but I think Odd didn't learn how to ride a bicycle. He learned the skateboard, but not the bicycle.
He also feels like the kind of person to hate long car rides? He doesn't like sitting in one place for hours.
Odd is really good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and special days. Considering how he had to remind Ulrich that Yumi's birthday had passed, this is probably a canon thing.
Ulrich Stern
Ulrich's a rich kid. Canon. He's known Sissi for ages. Canon.
I headcanon that Ulrich and Sissi were on good terms before both of them hit puberty and Sissi kept forcing herself onto him.
Ulrich's best friend was probably Sissi before everything went downhill between them. Then, Odd and the Lyoko warriors happened.
Martial arts are Ulrich's way of communicating with his inner self. Penchaksilat, karate... he's very self-disciplined.
I think that's why he is so attracted to Yumi in the first place. Her being his equal in terms of martial arts would have been very appealing to him.
With reference to Aelita, Ulrich gives big brother energy and Odd gives little brother energy.
Ulrich is probably the most protective of Aelita out of them all. Of course, Jeremie worships her, but Ulrich has the means to fight anyone who messes with his lil sis.
He played with a lot of samurai toys when he was younger.
Ulrich seems to be the type of guy to like haunted houses.
William Dunbar
William is definitely king of reading classics and books. He gives Yumi a book on poetry in Evolution, right? He loves romance novels and crime thrillers, and probably reads for an hour a day.
When you think about it, William and Ulrich are very similar. Both of them are only childs with wealthy backgrounds, but the difference lies in the fact that William is loved by his parents, while Ulrich's relationship with his own are strained.
William's favorite fruit is orange.
Lyoko gave him a lot of PTSD, but he loves the thrill, and he's still a very honorable man. That's why he comes back.
William and Aelita have an unusual friendship, I think. They can relate to being haunted by X.A.N.A. It's very unfortunate that they have limited interactions in the show and in Evolution too.
I can definitely see William going into the military or the CIA. He gives me those vibes.
ALSO, I think William would probably end up with someone who's way younger than him (maybe 3 years younger) – someone with a lot of vitality and optimism — and probably blonde.
(My OC for William is blonde, but this isn't about me—)
Yumi Ishiyama
Yumi was brought up in a very traditional household, as we know.
Yumi would be very into Asian literature and classics, as mentioned in Jeremie's section.
Yumi doesn't look like it to most people, but she's the most motherly out of all of them. She's a big sister, and she's had to raise Hiroki when her parents were fighting and they almost divorced and all.
I think Yumi's slightly spiritual too. Not to the extent where she fully believes in prayers and ancient rituals, but she understands the significance of her culture and respects them.
Yumi loves fireworks and shooting stars. I headcanon her as a bit of an astrology freak.
I also think that Yumi is bisexual? Or at least, she's always been curious about it.
I think she's had a curious phase about everything. But once she understands, she has the capacity to evaluate for herself and make right decisions.
A/N: These are just my personal headcanons. I can do more of these, and relationship headcanons or friendship headcanons too, if I get requests, or strokes of inspiration. I hope you like these!
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