#'and that we have to be evil to match it :/'
woffles-4-waffles · 11 months
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allastoredeer · 8 days
Hola deer I was wondering what are your thoughts of who might have Al on a leash…I know many people are speculating it to be Lilith, but I feel like There is no way Al had a whole breakdown song just for being Lilith lackeys. True it might be that he just wants his power back, but the idea of Lilith requesting Al to keep an eye on the hotel it’s not that bad per se. The way he reacted when Husk mentioned his leash, that was the face of a man who is terrified to lose control and making a deal with Charlie was his last remedy.
The man is desperate and I can’t stop thinking about the fact the he was already so powerful when he come to hell, And unless he met someone who had a lot of knowledge on the place before dying, I doubt he would have got the title of overlord that quickly. Someone must have helped him right?! Same with Lilith. As the story goes she became so very powerful when she feel in hell, but how? Do u just know what your power are and how to use them when u die? Lilith was the first of her kind to get down there, there was no one she could have taken inspiration from. And what about Al’s shadow? I mean what shadows have in correlation with a deer man with a microphone? To me it would make much more sense if when Al was alive, he got in contact with someone very powerful from hell and made the naive mistake to trust it. He sold his soul and he got shadows to help him through his murders, then Upon dying, he made a second mistake and momentarily forgot about his leash, going around and killing Overlords for his own entertainment, until he was called back to fulfill his end of the bargain.
My speculation is that root must have his soul and maybe even Lilith’s soul, or at least some kinda of deal with her, that got her to be the queen she is remembered as. Heaven is the only place where root eyes are not visible, and it might explain why Lilith disappeared for 7 years in the angel land , same as Al. Maybe Lilith helped Al in exchange of him taking care of his daughter for her or something, and while they were together Lilith might have accidentally influenced Al’s opinion on the king of hell as well, causing the man to hate him at first sight lol
Just imagining Lilith ranting about his ex husband to Alastor, like Charlie did about Vaggie, when they were going to cannibalism town it’s so funny to me.
I like the idea that She's just Luci's long-suffering wine mom friend who is amicably divorced from him and ends up gaining a second man child once Luci and Al get together. I think her being the villain it’s just too cliche and I feel like it would be so much better if she actually start bickering with Lucy, angry talking like two feral cats lol
But let me know what you think😆
I get why a lot of people are speculating that Lilith has Alastor on a leash, and I wouldn't be surprised (or upset) if she does, but I really think it's Roo.
Or, at least, I want it to be her so badly.
I agree that I don't think Alastor would have a mental breakdown over being Lilith's lackey. Honestly, I don't agree with whole idea/concept that Lilith is even the bad guy. Like, I won't be mad if she is, because I love corrupt or morally grey female characters, but I think there is so much more going on them meets the eye.
A lot of people saw that 5 second glimpse of her onscreen during the season finale and kind of just assumed she ditched Hell and her family to live it up in Heaven, but I just...that makes absolutely no sense to me, especially given how she's been depicted in the background during the show. Given what little we know about Lilith, I just cannot see her leaving Lucifer, Charlie, and her entire domain to go fuck around in Heaven, whom I imagine she wouldn't have a very good relationship with, anyway.
And yes! I also massively agree about Alastor getting his power from some kind of source. It was specifically stated that he was toppling Overlords and gaining power faster than anyone ever has before, and from what we can deduce from the show, Alastor has the power to actually kill sinners - which isn't supposed to be possible. The only way sinners are supposed to die is with angelic weaponry.
Not only that, it also hasn't been hinted or implied that anyone else has been able to rip apart souls like he does. As far as we've seen from the other Overlords, the most you can do is own someone's soul.
So we have Alastor over here rising to the top of the food chain almost over night, gaining power at a rapid pace, with abilities that no one else seems to have. Yeah, I 100% believe he made a deal with someone when he first came into Hell, and I think that person was Roo.
I mean, what motive would Lilith have for making a deal with this random sinner who just entered Hell? Out of the hundreds (if not thousands) of sinners who have to be arriving in Hell by the day? What would she have to gain by doing that? What could Alastor possibly offer her that she, the Queen of Hell, can't do herself?
But Roo? She's the Root of all Evil. She doesn't need a reason. She can be evil for the sake of being evil. I can see her picking a random, wide-eyed, recently deceased sinner and giving them the deal of a lifetime - one that she can cash in on later.
And even if it wasn't random, I can see her looking for a lackey to give power to, to then use as a pawn farther down the road. I can see her being cunning and careful with who she picks, and I 100% believe she would see Alastor's insecure ass and know that guy would do anything to get power (the faster the better), especially if he only just died and didn't yet understand the full scale and structure of Hell, and how serious those kinds of deals are.
(And I can also see Alastor making a deal with Roo when he was alive and then suffering the consequences of it when he died. That's be super cool.)
As for why, well, Roo obviously doesn't have much sway in Hell, despite being the Root of all Evil, because we don't see or hear about her at all throughout the show. If she had power over any of the 7 Rings, we would've seen it or heard about it. In fact, she's only been alluded to once, and that was in the first episode, during the opening sequence of Charlie explaining Hell's origin story.
Still, Roo has to interact with Hell in some way, considering she's the personification of evil and this is THE place for wickedness and corruption. I just don't think she has power or dominion there. At least, not yet ;)
I think she's been cooking up a scheme for a while and what we're seeing in season 1 is her slowly putting the game pieces into place. I think she has Alastor on a leash (that she's had him on a leash for a while but she's only just now using it), and I think she's also the reason Lilith is in Heaven.
I mean, when you think about it, of course she would want Lilith out of the picture if she's trying to make a power grab in Hell. Lilith was the one running the place. She thrived in Hell. She empowered it. So getting her out of the picture makes perfect sense, and who would even think to look for Lilith in Heaven? The very last place you'd expect her to be?
I don't know, the whole idea that Lilith is just a big bad evil women who doesn't care about her family and hates Hell and wants nothing to do with either of them just...it doesn't sit right. It doesn't make sense.
I do think that Lilith and Alastor have met each other in some way, though. The both of them disappearing for 7 years, at the same time, is too much of a coincidence (I want her and Alastor to be besties :3) and I just KNOW that there is more to Lucifer and Lilith's divorce than people give it credit for. I want those juicy details. I want a full blown argument between them so we can get that tea.
But if Lilith does end up being one of our antagonists in season 2, I won't be upset, cuz like I said, give me those morally corrupt women. They'll be loved and appreciated here.
Still, my gut says its Roo. And even if Roo isn't directly holding Alastor's leash, I think she's involved in some way and that she's going to be coming into play eventually. She seems like the type who would manipulate things from the shadows, using people as pawns, and playing a game that no one else even realizes they're playing. I want her to be a psychotic little mastermind trash lady.
I neeeeeeed it.
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thejadecount · 1 year
You know what? I’m honestly surprised there isn’t (as far as I’m aware of) a ROTTMNT 2012 crossover that takes place immediately after the Rise Boys just after defeating the Shredder and losing their Karai and through some accident one way or another they end up in the 2012 TMNT universe
But here’s the kicker: instead of usually running into the 2012 TMNT or their Kraang they run into Karai and her foot soldiers (somewhere after she takes lead of the foot clan) and being the morally-grey and fresh-out-of-losing-their-Karai trauma turtles they are they immediately attach onto her like children lost in a store
Look where I’m getting at is I just want morally-grey rise turtles hanging out with 2012 Karai and just having some not-so-innocent fun, you know? Like I feel like the fandom should make more Rise Turtles and 2012 Karai content, it would be great
#I have a feeling Rise Leo and 2012 Karai would enjoy making fun of 2012 Leo together#like okay yeah angst and everything when they realize she’s evil and all that but also#the boys: we can fix her#also the boys: after we’re done bullying these mutant losers that work for her#just guys c’mon#like it would be fun cmon#I’d like to imagine she and rise donnie get into roasting matches#she brings Mikey to the best places for him in New York for him just to go apeshit and graffiti stuff#and maybe set the occasional thing on fire#(the purple dragons lair coinceidentally a sewer drain close by the 12 turtles lair just the places of people she doesn’t like)#I think she and Raph would have genuinely good heart-to-heart moments AND give him a proper outlet for all his emotions#and as stated before she and Rise Leo would have WAY too much fun roasting the 12 turtles#(also remember that offer of stealing a katana she gave to 12 Leo in that one episode? Rise Leo would ABSOLUTELY take her up on that)#THAT PLACE IS GETTING ROBBED#like yeah eventually they redeem her through the power of the found family trope#but also—#crime turtles#rottmnt#rise tmnt#tmnt crossover#2012 tmnt#2012 karai#like obviously they all turn good in the end and shit BUT CRIME#sorry I’m obsessed with this idea now#I’m gonna go try to find fics where she and the rise turtles bond now goodbye#and then they see her turn into a snake and they’re like#AYO POP OFF QUEEN#while she’s viciously tearing apart her enemies#and then they see Shinigami and they’re like ‘Ayo guys we got another lesbian sister’#like I just think we deserve them as a group you know
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steelthroat · 2 months
Otp? Ot3????
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mmukagen · 1 year
Does anyone ever think of how Chris may have dealt with the aftermath of the arklay mountain's and the effects on Claire to see it because I sure do
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sugaroto · 4 months
You know.
At school I had a game with my friend
I would write down names of characters from different media (TV shows, books etc) that she hadn't watched and she would match them
Usually I put the girls and the boys on each side of the page (non binary characters were either at the top or bottom)
And then she drew lines and made ships
Now the thing is. She hardly ever got canon ships right
Her worst cases were close to pedophilia and incest
So at some point she gave up trying to get them right and was more happy when she was creating monstrosities cause it was funny
And I think, the writers of Elite are playing the very same game
They started by making fun ships "hoho look at these characters they look good together" then they messed up "hehe these 2 are awful" and then they went bullshit and thought "YEAH MAKE THE MOM KISS HER SON MUAHAHA"
And yeah. I don't think you should make canon ships of the matching game me and my friend played in class yknow Mr elite writes
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yuridovewing · 5 months
ngl i know it happened cause like, “lol im gonna fuck your mom” jokes are common and funney (and im not on a pedestal i make those jokes a lot LOL) and on a surface level if you havent read the books (which by the amount of love for how deep and nuanced dotc is, i can tell a lot of people havent actually read it) its a weird and bizarre thing and people likely just ran with that and made a joke out of it, but i really never liked the jokes about star flower and clear sky because like… the way star flower is treated is really gross and unsettling and its not a spiteful or petty thing shes doing, he likes her bc shes his sons age and will obey his every whim because “shes bad and needs to earn decent treatment” and she wants to atone or whatever and shes literally treated like a prize he gets for being suuuch a good boy now (now he ONLY abuses women, instead of abusing AND murdering them)
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mutalieju · 11 months
just transitioning would not fix Kendall Roy but becoming a rich lady in an agatha christie mystery who gets to dramatically faint when the lights come back on and there's a dead body in the dining room 100% would
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navree · 11 days
very sexy of me to find every single one of daemon's other relationships infinitely more interesting than daemyra
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i think what people tend to forget (seeing all these posts on my feed atm) is at the end of the day, YOU curate your own fandom experience. there is ALWAYS going to be someone who makes content you dont like. there is a very good chance that someone whose content you do like will make content you dont like for one reason or another.
things to keep in mind?
the content someone creates is not indicative of their nature. for fuck’s sake how many times have you seen someone who looks and acts absolutely sweet and then makes the most fucked up cursed shit youve ever seen— and vice versa. the content they make is not their personality. jfc, if someone writes a story about fairies, are you gonna go, “oh, they’re secretly a fairy”? NO. so it would be appropriate to apply that to other content that you as an individual may find inappropriate
if you see something you dont like, instead of taking the time and energy to give hate to it, just walk away and leave it alone. why do you want to continue engaging with it. is fueling those few minutes of anger truly worth being an asshole? PEOPLE make content. thats right— people with feelings, emotions, experiences, memories, and lives of their own. someone took the time to write something, and then to not only write that thing but then share it with the world in spite of whatever lingering feelings they may have to it. if youre gonna shit talk, do it in private. dont do it right where the artist can see.
with today’s day and age, it is nigh impossible to avoid minors, and the same goes for adults. everyone finds their way into a space somehow. we’re all enjoying the content, and we’re all enjoying it in different ways for different reason. occasionally it’ll match up, but you cannot expect someone to share your opinions and your own view of morality. if you think murder is bad and you hate that someone keeps making the characters in your show kill people, the solution isn’t to say “youre a bad person and you shouldnt be okay with murder”. thats not the statement theyre making. also just leave them alone???
if you dont like the content and want to see something different, instead of suggesting that they make it differently, make it yourself. “i cant draw”— PRACTICE. drawing is a pain in the ass for me. im not great at it but i still practice because i want to make the content i want to see. “i cant write”—PRACTICE. experiment and try new things. “but its going to be bad”— MAKE IT BAD. everyone starts somewhere, and the only way to make your version of better is to improve on your version of bad.
just some thoughts
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curiosityschild · 2 months
On the website for my county government for some reason and all five of our county commissioners look like supervillains. Like. It looks like someone travelled across the multiverse to pluck five supervillains from five different genres and got them all together to govern my county for some reason.
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forcedhesitation · 2 days
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dead by daylight-- the game where you can play as steve harrington from stranger things, and can get sent to partake in a match of murder hide and seek at midwich elementary from silent hill, where you can then use a lute to perform bardic inspiration from dungeons and dragons to give a bonus to your teammates, except for the one who is being chased by nemesis from resident evil 3.
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umbane · 5 months
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There's a crackling over the loudspeakers, followed by the announcer's voice, sounding a little bit more nervous than usual.
Attention contestants and crew! It's come to the emperor's attention that there are a few unwelcome visitors stowed away among our little group. Don't worry! They've already been brought to the dungeons and will remain there until they're cleared of the charges. ... Which I'm sure they will be. You might see a couple of our old faces brought back to round out the numbers, but don't worry about that! Let's just enjoy each other's company.
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mejomonster · 1 year
by the way. while i know this is subjective and your experience may Not match mine, for me the chemistry in Justice in the Dark is quite there and working very well. if you were concerned there wouldn’t be chemistry between the two main leads, i think by episode 3 the show figures out where it’s going and what it aims to do (as do the actors) and that’s when you can get a feel for if the chemistry is working for you
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rosykims · 9 months
looking at two pictures of ketheric and lilithira side by side sweating and twitching because its the same picture
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willowfey · 10 months
sometimes life is boohoo sad and then ur mom brings u back a creamy mango lemonade freeze with mango boba and hello kitty halloween spa things and suddenly u are woohoo glad
#it is not even a little bit frozen anymore but it’s SO GOOD i don’t even care#i accidentally killed a frog last night and got locked out of the house and had to throw pebbles at my window until my sister noticed#and then she teased me and called me a murderer for accidentally killing the frog and that made me feel like an EVIL PERSON#so that was traumatising#also the hot guy on hinge who said i was ‘very very cute’ & looked like i walked right out of a disney movie & was asking abt my hobbies#and almost accurately guessed my meyers briggs except for one letter i think is ghosting me#which i guess was to be expected bc we have like Nothing in common and both matched on looks alone…. still#i’d hoped to get a Little more fun out of it first#aaaand what else…… my room is a mess i have a million things to do & instead i’m sitting on the couch with my neck pillow reading fic#and i think. i THINK. i am done descending into a hole of depression. and i might have the strength to at least sit still for a minute#before attempting to climb back out#i am still very sad about a lot of things and i still feel tired and helpless and anxious and all sorts of things but#it feels like something i recognise again as opposed to some eldritch beast taking over my body#maybe it’s because i cooked yesterday that tends to help. maybe it’s experiencing emotion vicariously through little fictional guys#something like that. also the road in the neighbourhood was repaved today#a new path ahead of me it seems.#anyway if u see this pls come tell me about ur day ! i want to connect with other humans
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