#'but you share blood you have an connection that-' yeah but that doesnt mean they are owed my time or love.
mrfoox · 2 years
The few times I suprise people or have them disagree badly its usually concerning family and relative logic
If no one knows anything of my family or that situation they'd probably think im a big fan of family bc im generally caring and loving but man....
In my opinion, if an person is an asshole or overall just very bad for your mental health and they are unwilling or unable to change... You don't owe them your time. Ive had people argue with me about it and that's fine everyone thinks differently but imo... 'sharing blood' doesn't mean you owe them your time and health etc
I'd rather invest time and love into the people who are good to me back, whether we share blood or not
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notquitedeadpod · 6 months
The more angsty backstory Neige gets the more im attached to him kcmdmdms
No but i was thinking what are your thoughts on Neige being given nicknames in different languages (like how Casper calls him Zima ect.)? Bc ive been thinking about possible Neige nicknames in my native language (latvian!) And its been quite fun!
I even have some ideas:
- Ziema (means winter and is already very close to Zima so not really that unique)
- Sniegs (means snow and sounds pretty nice, can be turned into a pet name "sniedziņš" lol)
- Ledus (means ice and sounds very cold and brutal, doesnt exactly fit the character but still good)
- Sals (it means like frost or frostbite im pretty sure, sounds nice tho)
So yeah from now on i will be reffering to Neige as sniedziņš sometimes and no one can stop me.
(Also i love love love how you bring other languages into the podcast i speak literally no french but its nice to see it used so casually and just aagghhh its amazing <3. I love the representation of languages XD)
I am glad you are having fun gnawing on this prehistoric boy. And yeah!! So, without getting too much into canon, anything wintery or cold themed is an appropriate thing to call Neige, based on the conventions used to name him elsewhere. It's all based on the 'cold' reputation of his blood.
I LOVE the idea of nicknaming him something to do with frostbite, bc he DOES bite, it's a very important thing about him. He's a lover and a biter. No bark, all bite, and so on and so forth.
Anyway YES you are absolutely right in the way you're nicknaming him!!
I really love playing with languages. English is my first language, Welsh is my second, and I also speak a handful of French and Russian. I also know a little grab-bag of words in Italian and Spanish, but not much, and a few words here and there of Czech, but like. VERY scant. Like I know stray bits of vocab, and that is all.
Languages are so fun, I love how they work and relate to each other, I love how when you start learning a new language it's like 'oh the whole way I think about using words is not the default, there are other structures, other systems, different ways to communicate about these objects and this world'. I love how languages are alive and fluid and they borrow and share and steal and give and change and exchange. I love how it's all about connecting with other people and even when the language barrier is a wall, eventually you will find a way to speak with each other, because that's what people do.
Language <3 It's amazing. In my Top 10 Things Humans Did of All Time.
--- Eira xxx
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
ahhh thats the palace hes there in there in that yep
he might as well be dead i mean the pythia that he once knew is dead
flashback wooooo
your descriptions are alwasy SOOOOO
omg theyre at nikis right probably
“my pythia” why dont you go crawl up you own a— anyways. this is a pg zone (i just dont curse)
i want to slap him around a bit, just a tiny bit just like hang him from the ceiling and wack him like he’s a piñata at a five year olds birthday
tommy is so baby brother
NOTNIN THE PHYSICAL SENSE *spins around very quickly like a tornado*
why is schlatt
i think schlatt would look nice with a black eue it would bring out how much kf a d— anyqays
i need more people to draw this tattoo because every singly one is so ahhhhh like i have no clue how this is supposed to look bjt every design peiple make makes sense and i need more im so curious to see how people see
i love the way wilbur thinks i want to take his brain and poke around in it like its so intriguing
also like idk as a person feeling your pulse is always so… intimate? i do it a lot, like just feeling my pulse reminding myself that im human, we all have a pulse. idk its comforting in a way just feeling the way the blood pumps through your body regardless of the world, that youre alive no matter what as long as that blood keeps pumping. like even when everything feels out of place, youre still human.
sorry anyways
anywho thats why hes fiddling with the cuff then hes nervous aboht them seeing
im gonna send a prayer your way schlatt.
god hes so idk his brain man and the way you write and god i love this fic so much
im cool and chill
the vessel.
thats cool.
i just like god this fic man
ah yes tommys tattoo
just saying on… july 28th i said it was from wilburs murder attempt!! im so smart sometimes
anyways im so normal aboht this fic
oh me too wil lets fist bump over our shared fear of failure and disappointment
me when he realizes that they werent empty he jsut didnt know they were allowed to not be empty
i loveddddd the way you formatted it it was super neat and idk im just a sucker for interesting formats of swifching between past and present and like idk yeah it was cool
- 🪿
hi goose this is a few days old now but finally getting around to answering this!
aaa thank you I'm so glad you like my descriptions :D it was definitely a bit tough getting back into the glass writing groove with the style I use for the descriptions and stuff so I'm glad it turned out ok
"my pythia" made my skin crawl to write
YEAHHH TATTOO TIME. every single time I see fanart of the tattoo I freak out (/pos) so much because all the interpretations are SO cool. I love seeing what people come up with because I myself have no artistic ability, I can only describe what's in my head through words, so when people are able to actually put that into art form it just makes me so happy
yes exactly that's why I wanted it on his pulse!! I wanted it to sit right over the reminder that he's human! that he has blood pumping through his veins! everyone has that blood and that heartbeat and I wanted the tattoo to sit right above that both because of the connection to his heartbeat, but also because it's the place other people can feel your pulse. it's the connection point almost between your pulse and others, if that makes sense.
(random fun fact, I can't feel my own pulse on my wrist. doctors and nurses can't get a pulse from my wrist either. like there have been many times I've gone to the doctor and the nurse has tried to take my pulse and they frown and readjust their hand and then they try the other wrist and no matter what it doesn't work and I'm just sitting there. the only place you can get a pulse off of me besides straight up feeling my heartbeat is on my carotid artery on my throat)
aa thank you I had a lot of fun describing wilbur's thought processes in this chapter, especially with the alternating format
you were RIGHT about the vine tattoo you got it and it was so funny I had to just not say shit but i was like yup, several people have already figured it out :)
aaa I'm so glad you enjoyed!! I had so much fun with the format of this chapter. I plotted it out a bit before my trip, and I specifically wanted to finish ch 25 before my trip because I knew ch 26 was going to be the one I'd most want to write after I got back. I needed a REALLY good exciting chapter to come back to and the alternating format was going to be the way I sucked myself back into the story after being out of that headspace for 3 weeks straight, and it worked. it was just so cinematic in my head y'know? I can perfectly picture the flipping between past and present with like different color grading and lighting and music and all that
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limelocked · 4 years
Philza is a good father yall are just too knowledgeable to see it
Flashy title out of the way, hello, it’s me Lime again so let’s get into this shit.
Phil (the character) is a good dad, or at least good Enough. Let’s go thru some history why don’t we?  Phil cannot join the DreamSMP server, this is the start. I could start even further back and go on about how the Antarctic Empire and Newfoundland had a good relationship (sans the first dragon egg war) but the most relevant start is that Philza could not physically stop Wilbur from doing anything until the very last moment when he forced his way onto the server and he Still Failed to talk his son down. Phil killed Wilbur and this may be my own personal theory but Phils character had at Best only heard about Schlatts death from chat, Phil could not have known that Wilbur was on his last life or that respawning wasnt “normal” like on other servers. Not to mention that he very much Didnt Want to do it and had to go soul searching off camera to properly mourn (the case i have for him being on the anger stage of grief is for another post however)
I will very briefly touch on techno and him being phils favourite: Phil got mad at Wilbur for doing evil bullshit because Wilbur isnt That Evil, even in his 100 player videos hes not That Bad. Phil DOESNT get mad at techno doing mass murder because 1, they share violent tendencies. 2, its whats expected of techno to do. 3, phil KNOWS about technos voices (chat) and how blood thirsty they are
“Now” you tell me “you’ve gone thru all the brothers but the important one” and i say yes of course i forgot tubbo
No okay lets talk about Exile Arc Tommy because he’s the only reason I’m making this post
Philza is a good father YALL ARE JUST METAGAMIN HIM INTO BEIN A BAD ONE!  Metagaming is a term in roleplay that basically means that you are using knowledge of the meta (things outside of the RP) inside the RP and metagaming is generally seen as a dick move where im from
How does this connect to Phil thou asketh me, the oracle.
Well because Phil doesnt know that Dream is manipulatin his son and his dumbfuck son refuses to tell him about it. Like your parents always say; parents cant read minds and neither can phil. Phil trusts his sons to come to him if they need something and if theres something tommy isnt doing right now its telling others that hes having trouble
Most of the time i see people calling phil a bad dad now its because hes not helping tommy but phil does not know that dream is manipulating him in canon, even if phils chat was made canon like technos it still doesnt matter because chat is notoriously liars and just goes “TALK TO MY STREAMER” at any given notice
“But he never visits!“ you retort, uselessly. And i say yeah! do YOU want your dad hanging out in your room all the time? specially when youre 16? NO YOU DONT. Phil gives his kids space and they can come to him to ask if they should hang out when they want to and feel comfortable to. For all phil knows tommy is hanging out in logsted with ghostbur and dream, not lonely at all, and all is gucci
Stop using your out of game knowledge to judge characters in the game
thamk you
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salemorbit · 4 years
Hi, sorry if I'm overwhelming you with Requests, but I had an idea for an Imagine that I'd really love to see you write!! Could you please write some Headcanons for how Link, Zelda, Sidon and Revali (Age of Calamity timeline for Sidon btw) would react to a young woman who has a very strong connection to the Spirits being sent to teach Zelda how to unlock her power? Like it's a young woman, around 18 years old, who has a natural ability to communicate with all manner of Spirits, maybe even is part Spirit in some way, so she gets appointed by the King of Hyrule to teach Zelda how to do the same? And maybe she's super nice and excited too? Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!!
oh darling you're totally fine i really appreciate it :D
i hope i did this justice! it's a really neat concept
i also made it an x reader with those attributes if that's okay :)
Hylia's Guide
[BOTW x fem!Reader]
Headcanons (Link, Zelda, Revali, Sidon)
warnings: none
takes place during Age of Calamity!
also for headcanon's sake,,,,,being a descendant of hylia in this case doesnt mean that you're of the same family? if that makes sense? okay so like reader is descended from hylia and technically so is zelda but they aren't blood related in any way HAHA hope that makes sense
Tumblr media
Let's set the scene, yeah?
You were one of the descendants of Hylia from centuries past, now a ghost in the afterlife as part of the universe itself.
Naturally, you would be surprised when you became sentient once more and blinked open your eyes in the middle of Hyrule Field. In your head rang a soothing voice that you both heard in your head and felt in your bones. In an instant, you knew it was Hylia communicating with your physical form again after years of dormant sleep.
The voice instructed that you were to aid Zelda in her studies of connecting to her powers. Hylia could not intervene directly with Zelda, of course, but the most the Goddess could do was send someone in her place. And that was you: a descendant of Hylia's own bloodline resurrected from the dead come to help the princess in her efforts. Easy enough, right?
Convincing the King and his guards of the situation was difficult, let alone trying to get him to allow you to assist his precious daughter with her practice. The only proof that you had of any story that you told were the markings on your hands and chest.
Three distinct triangles etched themselves on your body: one on the back of each hand and the third on your chest. Your powers had long since been passed on to the next descendant of Hylia, but you were still full of the knowledge of how to use Hylia's gift and how to communicate with the spirits.
Link was wary of you at first, being the princess's appointed knight and all, but he soon figured that you weren't as much of a threat as he initially thought
You were kind and excited to meet someone else who also held Hylia's gift (albeit not necessarily awakened, but still) and Link knew that Zelda would be safe in your hands
While going on spiritual treks with Zelda and Link, you almost always made the meals because both Zelda and Link can't really cook lmao
Coming from an entirely different era, you had a big book of recipes in your head that you brought into reality with every meal you made, and Link definitely wasn't complaining
He appreciated your wide breadth of knowledge of different foods, plants, and wildlife that you might encounter on your travels
It made planning protective measures for the princess all the easier
Sometimes the ventures to connect to Hylia didn't bear any fruit (and that's okay because the gift takes plenty of patience!) and the mood could become solemn quickly
But you were always determined to lift the mood and lighten everyone's attitude, and it always worked!
You would excitedly ramble off stories about where you grew up or what you liked to do on your own travels back in the day, and it would always make Link feel warm that you had such fond memories you were willing to share with him
When Zelda needed time to herself to try to connect to the spirits and Hylia, you and Link would hang around each other and bond
Link would listen attentively as you talked about the cultural and time differences between your world and this one, sharing sympathy when you expressed nostalgia over your time lost
But you would quickly turn it around to the positives, which is what Link thought was a wonderful quality that you had
If you ever got caught off guard while on ventures by the Yiga Clan or rogue animals, Link would fight just as hard as he would in larger battles to keep you safe
Over the time you spent together, Link grew very fond of you and always was at your side if he wasn't immediately attending to the princess
Once your guidance and knowledge finally broke through to Zelda and her power awakened, Link was so proud of you for fulfilling your duty
He was worried that you would disappear from his life once you completed Hylia's task, but you connected to the spirits after the fact and bargained with them
At the end of it all, you were able to live your life through again with Link by your side :)
Goddess was Zelda relieved when she found out that she would be having a guide to help her unlock her powers
Upon meeting you, she was absolutely floored with your kindness and willingness to help her with her problems
You were a wonderful mentor to Zelda, teaching her things about the different spirits and how to harness the power that she never would have dreamed of researching on her own
And wow there was a lot of information HAHA
Zelda was also transfixed with the fact that you came from another lifetime, and you were more than happy to tell her all about your life before this one
She would also take very detailed notes about everything you said, enamored with the way you spoke and how excited you got about things you loved
Quiet study time in Zelda's room would often turn into challenges of you trying to make her laugh with small tidbits of stupid stunts you would pull
Of course Zelda couldn't hold back a smile when you were around, so the challenges would fall short but with you falling into fits of laughter
You always brightened Zelda's mood whenever she was down about a failed connection attempt, urging her to try more and be patient with herself
Zelda was thankful to Hylia for sending you because honestly she wouldn't know what to do without someone that was as kind and generous as you were with spreading knowledge about your gifts
And when they finally awakened, Zelda couldn't be more happy!
Hyrule was now safe with Zelda's power awakened and Ganon on the edge of being sealed away
She pleaded that you find a way to stay in her time and teach her more about the spirits and Hylia herself
Your heart warmed at the thought that someone wanted you to stay, and it warmed even more at the fact that someone loved you enough to want to keep you forever :)
Sidon met you when he was summoned with the other Champion successors
You were the first to greet him and explain what had happened with the time jumping and all that, and you helped to put his nerves at ease
His own excitable and boisterous personality bounced off of your own energy and buzz!
Fighting side by side with you, Sidon admired how you always had a strategy and were looking out for Zelda as if she was your own sister
He was surprised upon learning your story: never had he known that Hylia had the power like that to bring someone back to help those in the present
Sidon tried his best to stay by your side whenever he could, wanting to keep your blind spots covered just in case
In your time, you had known the Zora and actually knew King Dorephan when he was a young little guppy, and your stories of Dorephan never failed to make Sidon laugh
Sidon in turn shared his own tales of the evolved Zora Domain, and you found his storytelling absolutely captivating
Sidon felt a pull to you like he had to no one else before, and he nurtured that pull with his own heart
He made sure you had enough supplies, checked in on you immediately when you came back from a far off mission
Just an all around softie I think! Sidon has always been caring like that :)
When it was time for him to go back, you discovered a way that you could jump with him back to his own time
After all, your mission with Zelda from Hylia was over. Why shouldn't you be able to live your life through again?
You jumped back with Sidon to a world vastly different than the one you had just been in, and even more different than the one you were born into
But with Sidon, it always felt like home!
Revali didn't want to be impressed, but he was Definitely Impressed
Your composure about the whole situation was amazing, and you handled all the questions everyone had with grace
And your kindness was overwhelming (in a good way) with the fact that you opened your mind to such possibilities of even being resurrected like that
Revali admired you through and through
He would be incessantly curious about what the afterlife was like, how the spirits communicated with you, what Hylia was like
You, of course, couldn't accurately answer most questions because, well, you couldn't remember, but you appreciated his desire to learn
You loved the way that he fought: with purpose and intent. There was little to no hesitation with Revali, he always had a plan
When you would go to treks with Zelda and Link to try to summon Zelda's power, Revali would make comments here and there insisting that he tag along just in case
Poor Rito really just wanted to spend more time with you, that's all!
If he did tag along, it would be to Lanayru with his knowledge of the cold weather
He would rattle off safety facts of mountain weather and gear you would need, and you would be happy to listen as long as he was talking to you
Revali would also love to hear about your old life, and since you could go on for hours about it all, he would sit and absorb everything that came out of your mouth
He was smitten in a matter of weeks!
He could see the care and sympathy you had for Zelda as she struggled and triumphed in her process of opening her powers, and he appreciated that you could care so much for someone like that
Revali subconsciously protected you even if there was a leaf that fell in the way of your path, as he was always on alert in case someone caught you off guard
As your time came to a close and Zelda awakened her powers, Revali demanded that you stay (with love, of course)
And stay you did, making a bargain with the spirits and living the rest of your second life in the company of the Rito warrior :)
hope i got this good!! i thought the concept was really neat and i kinda wished they did something like that actually :/ zelda didn't deserve that angst
requests are welcome :)
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relaxxattack · 3 years
oh youre alive :D glad you had a nice time pigs are very fun. anyways i dont follow enough dsmp people to know what the discourse is all about but i did watch ranboos lis stream which was very fun. i will not spoil but it was so fucking queer. he got through 3/4 chapters and is gonna do the last one tomorrow :] otherwise uhhh i remember making enderman hcs before passing out last night but for the most part todays just been very very chill.
also yeah tubbos no light player, not in that hes just super Not a light player at all (he does share some traits with lifebound players), but ultimately knowledge/relevancy isnt really his main focus, hes just smart and likes history lol.
i did check and theyre saying hes a page of light which is a definite no on my end. pages have to learn their aspect and tubbos the type to have always been connected to his aspect (which yeah. is space lmao), plus he just doesnt really have the personality of one id say? like compared to our canonical pages (jake, tavros, and horuss), tubbos just never been in like. the kind of pathetic loser stage. i can see why they pegged him as one though, what with, again, him being smart and wanting history to be preserved (plus his worry about who would tell him and tommys stories were they to die), as well as i can see why they would see him as starting out with a disadvantage and becoming more powerful, because, well, it could fit! i just think pages are like, charismatic assholes who get away with shit, and tubbo kind of just. isnt like that, because he gets the shit beat out of him verbally and physically for everything ever 😔
basically, theyre not like.. incredibly wrong, but page of light is a classpect that doesnt really fit the themes of tubbos story, it just happens to fit because of his story of gaining power (even though he doesnt truly want it). he shares certain traits, but ultimately his story fits other classpects better (like, of course, heir of space lmao). its kind of funny looking at the classpecting going on over there honestly, because they also had bloodbound tommy and heartbound radioduo, though tommy was put as a rogue and ranboo as a knight, with wilbur as a bard which is.. really fucking funny to me because those are literally the opposite classes of what we have listed for those three (even if i see tommy as a knight, he does fit thief very well). theres also techno as either a page of rage (funny to me because haha thats what im thinking could be ranboo) or a prince of blood (also funny to me because thats what i see dream as). i dont actually have any thoughts on techno yet though dont ask me i still have to finish that fucking ranboo essay lmao -🎭🎪
this was a treat to read
cannot wait to watch the ranboo vod
i had techno as a prince of rage just because. i mean, obvious reasons. but if we end up classpecting him deeper i would be interested 👀
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
8, 21, 22, 26 for Caz , 25, 27, 29, 39 for Felria, 23, 30, 40, 43 for Suds, and 21, 25, 26, 35 for Nirn? 👀👀
8. How does your character feel about religion?
Not a big fan! Hates the chantry and Andraste and the Maker and the Qun. Being raised in the circle run by templars and nuns and seeing the corruption of the church firsthand from the inside really left a bad taste in her mouth for organized religion.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
She has the ability to flip her manners on or off depending on who shes with. If shes comfortable then shes going to be more crass and impolite, but shes capable of really cleaning up her act and pretending to be professional if she needs to be. Her type of hero is anyone who goes against the status quo and disrupts systems of oppression- She considers Thurwen/the HOF and Hawke personal heroes (if Hawke sides with the mages) as well as Anders. Has read all of Anders manifestos and reports on Thurwen and Hawke and would geek tf out meeting them.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Friends are anyone who accepts her for who she is and doesnt snitch on her, people she can trust to do the right thing or atleast try to, and people she can have a good laugh with. Lovers are only a couple in the past as she needs to get to know someone well/find them interesting to want to sleep with them. Her type is large, charismatic and rugged. Anyone who looks like a good brat tamer but is also intelligent and keen. Iron Bull.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Everything is covered in tomes and journals but theres a method to the madness. She likes to keep her things organized, surprisingly. She likes cool colors like greens and blues, likes dressing comfortably. Oversized shawls that second as blankets and loose pants. Her hair she likes to keep down with the sides pulled into little braids in front of her ears.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
People watching and painting! She knows how to blend into a crowd pretty well or how to find a hidden vantage point where she can just sit and watch people… for hours. She finds peoples behaviors/reactions fascinating and makes little journals of interesting things she sees. Finding how other people work differently than her is vital to figuring out how best to manipulate and control them and she loves learning new ways! And painting because she has an artist's eye and enjoys beautiful things. A few bottles of blood and a quiet evening in front of an easel is a great way for her to unwind.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
She relates her appearance with how easily she will be able to blend in or stand out of her surroundings, and how to dress in order to play the role she wants to play. Because of her line or work (professional assassin and information gatherer) she has to have a lot of costumes available to fit the personalities she plays. Shes a performer at heart but only for herself and the joy she gets in deception. Her own style, if shes not performing, is simple reds and blacks and silvers. She keeps her hair long so shes able to do more with it.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Her pride could definitely be her downfall as well as her curiosity. She believes shes just better and different than everybody else and that its her right to play with people as much as she wants, I can see her eventually trying to play with the wrong person. She believes she can get out of any situation by herself without help and that she deserves the finer things in life, and if someone gets in her way, they deserve whatever harm befalls them.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
She will really ridicule anything and anyone because she finds most things stupid or benign. She likes to ridicule any of the gods and aedra, and anyone who worships them. She ridicules mortals and werewolves and any other creature that's not a vampire.
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
Back in his youth he wanted spontaneous fun, a charming and outspoken person to sweep him off his feet. He always wanted someone to take him on adventures and be dangerous and in the moment. Now? Poor guy just wants commitment and someone genuine. Hes tired of charismatic liars who he always seems to fall for. He wants someone to help tend his garden and bond with the bees. He feels that sex is a sacred thing to be shared with people you trust, not something thrown around haphazardly. Relationship and trust come first with him, and he casually waves any flirtation most of the time as if he hadn't noticed it. He's been hurt too many times to trust easily like that.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Yeah hes holding onto a long ass past full of betrayal from the people hes held dearest to him :/ He by nature is a very forgiving person and believes one must be generous in forgiveness. Hes holding onto his past hurt from Felix and cant seem to get away from it- hes forgiven him many times and each time Felix just does the same things as before.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
A little dual natured in this aspect. Generally pretty reserved and soft with other people and can seem serious to those who dont know him. Underneath that is his reputation as a trickster- fond of pranks and revelry. The little twinkle in his eye is the only thing that would give him away as the culprit when everyone is looking for who filled a bucket of mud over Nirns chamber door. His favorite kind of jokes are the really long ones, the ones that have a seemingly normal storyline and go on forever and then end in a way where the joke is really on the person listening. And everyone around goes “AAAUUGHH!”
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
A lot of them! Hes a very good secret keeper as hes who many people go to with their problems. After being alive so long and being somewhat involved with politics he probably knows more than a few that could take down nations, and always seems to know whats going on wherever in the world. He has his connections, his mushrooms and his bees and such have eyes everywhere. And don't tell anyone but he is an ardent fan of juicy gossip.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Impeccable manners. The posture of a God, obviously. Always eloquent and polite, knows which spoons to use for certain dishes and common diplomacy practice from all over the world. Nirn has no heroes, hes never held anyone to a pedestal or been one for hero worship. If he had to choose hed say his mother, for how graceful yet ruthless she was in politics and trade. He also does not hate anybody, he considers strong feelings a weakness and to harbor such resentment would only make him act rashly. He dislikes the slovenly, though. Not the common man but the drunken aristocrat with wine breath who gambles his savings and acts impolitely.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
Chess and games of strategy are some of his favorites in the odd chance he has any free time. He also plays the violin and the harp and the lute, instruments he's known since he was taught them as a child. Wine tasting as well! Hes one of those mfs who can just sniff a certain drink and say with precision the date time and location it was made.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Everything is refined and elegant with a certain air of someone who enjoys the arts. Many expensive paintings and sculptures on display. He prefers the colors red and gold and white, sometimes a darkish blue or purple. He is always dressed to impress, satin and velvet and exotic leathers. He keeps his hair long to the small of his back, or tied up in a bun. In appearance hes intimidatingly tall and knows how to stand to look even taller, does not tilt his head down to you but moreso stares down his nose.
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
Failure is only a means to greater success to him. To win a game sometimes you need to sacrifice a few pawns, etc. Takes them calmly and with little indication that hes upset at all. He usually has four or five backup plans for any endeavor, so hes able to quickly jump tactics if something isn't working. In game or battle hes typically a good sport at losing, though he very seldom does. Hed be more impressed that someone managed to make him fail, and get to thinking on how to get them in his employ.
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Serpent's Fangs (Pt.2)
"Who are you!" Roman said, scrambling to get up and back away from the man. The man turned to face him, a confused expression on his face and one hand resting on the head of the cobra, Roman's eyes widened in fear.
"Wait- relax- it's not going to hurt you, I promise," said the man.
"Oh- of course it wont! Its just a giant snake! Completely harmless!" Roman said, backing further away. He was stopped by something large, and scaly. It seemed the snakes body reached much farther than he'd thought.
"What do you want from me!" Roman said, clawing at his arms.
"Please- I dont want to hurt you!" The man said, he seemed worried now.
"Then get to explaining what you do want!" Roman continued.
The man let out a sigh, taking off the hat he'd placed on his head.
"Janus, Prince of the undead, I only brought you here so you wouldnt freeze to death from my father's curse," Roman went quiet.
"So you're the reason the people are starving, then?" Roman said, looking around for something sharp.
"Oh nononono nothing like that- I'm- trying to fix it," Janus said, the cobra raised its head slightly, sticking its tongue out before setting it back down with a loud thud.
"Its been like this for months, what could you possibly be doing?" Roman said bitterly. Janus flinched slightly.
"I'm. . . Not sure what spell he used, and I cant use magic to get rid of this, mine will never be strong enough," He said, looking away.
"But- you're a prince! How can you not?" Roman said, getting more confused by the second.
"My father stole most of my magic the day I was born, afraid if I had to much I would become stronger than he was," Janus said solemnly. Roman sat there for a few moments, processing the words.
"Your own father?. . ." Was all he could seem to say. Janus merely nodded and looked away from him.
"You can go where you wish for now, but it's not safe for you to leave the castle," he said, still not looking at Roman.
"What do you mean it's not safe? If theres going to be an attack I need to get home- I cant just leave my family-" Roman bolted upright and rushed towards the exit, he'd gotten halfway down the hall before Janus appeared in front of him, pushing him away from the door with a staff.
"You are a noble, correct?" Janus said, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, but I have friends who aren't," Roman said, he tried to move forward, but he seemed to be frozen in place.
"Your territories will be fine, my father doesnt dare harm nobles, no one knows why," said Janus.
"And my people?" Roman said, narrowing his eyes "What does he plan to do to them?"
Janus sighed, still not looking directly at Roman. "Likely they will be captured to use as leverage against his enemies,"
"And you expect me to just stay here while my people are imprisoned? If he's so afraid of nobles, what's stopping me from facing him myself?" Roman said, anger searing in his voice.
"Roman, my father is one of the most powerful magic-users of the millennia, to challenge him is to sign your own death sentence," Janus said gravely. Once again Roman felt numb, he tried fighting it this time, tried to run out through door, tried to do anything to escape, but to no avail. Soon enough he was laying on a bed of soft red sheets, he bolted upright as soon as he regained feeling in his limbs. Rushing towards the closed door and attempting to open it.
"Locked. Of course." Roman snarled as he tried to pry the door open. After a few more attempts at this he finally resigned himself to searching around the room. There were bookshelves towards the back, Roman scanned the titles for something interesting, finally settling on a black hardcover book with a gold serpent etched into the cover.
"Well, this looks interesting. . ." Roman said. A mere glance at the list of contents told him all he needed to know, pages and pages of information on undead creatures.
"Now let's see just how much lies I've been told," Roman said, turning to the page discussing the vampiric undead that had overrun his city.
Ruthless undead created from draining the last shreds of blood from a dying mortal, and replacing it with mythic energy. These creatures attack at nightfall and drink the blood of animal and humanoid alike to satiate the loss of their own. They fear only those who wield magic derived from their own blood, rather than taking it from other magic users. They work closely with banshees, and often keep them under their command, as a banshee's cry can decimate even those who have already passed on.
Roman read over this page a couple times, searching for any information on weaknesses, but finding none. Finally, he flipped to the chapter detailing the banshee, hoping that this would answer his questions.
The banshee race is created from a mix of earthen magic and death itself, raising fallen mortals who died from unjust circumstances, or innocents lost to the cruelty of others. A banshee's cry can stun or kill depending on what the banshee intends. Banshee can be found often as animals, as these forms allow them to remain in control of their sorrows, but they may take on mortal forms should they wish to rejoin the world of the living, and regain a level of normalcy in their lives. Banshee remain connected to the creatures they share traits with, and often can be found nearby them. A banshee may reproduce with a vampire, creating a hybrid species that is neither one, nor the other, but wields much higher levels of magic than both parents. These children are known as Liches
Roman paused, running the two paragraphs over and over again in his head, before the information finally came together. Janus was no vampire, the slitted eyes, the cobra, the magic, Janus, was a Lich.
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ruby i want to know abt the Arthurian references in kingfisher by joanna newsom!!! can you tell me anything abt it!!!
hello!! how are you?
okay so! the short answer is no and that i dont see any, but heres a much longer answer where i try to not say that!
ive tried to listen to joanna but havent been able to get into her stuff so i looked up the lyrics. it looks like a couple people have tied it to the fisher king. i struggle to care about the grail cycle besides the general decline that precipitated it. arthur and his knights have gone on amazing quests and thats a huge part of their myth, but theyve gone on so many quests that england is running out of them. the knights dont know what to do with themselves. everyone has realized that this era wont go on forever. arthur decides to send knights after the holy grail (the “this is my blood” cup from the last supper) to tie his kingdom in with christian morality (you can see why im not wild over it). 
anyway the fisher king is a wounded king that cant stand so he fishes. iconic. hes guarding the grail. theres also fun little magic games like he will be healed if someone just asks the right question. now if youre not me, this is where your favorite arthurian trio comes in: percival, galahad and bors. the grail quest doesnt always have to have the fisher king (i dont think hes in the last crusade lol), but it usually has percival (like hes the original grail knight. arthur doesnt send everyone after the grail, not even himself, becuase you have to be pure enough. purity as a virtue is weird, but being worthy isnt, so yeah). galahad seems more popular these days though.
i always think of culhwch and olwen when i think of this, and i cant remember why, but im p sure theres a reason. ive forgotten so much about this kind of thing. maybe because arthur sends knights with a specific goal instead of them having personal reasons and just running off.
so theres a king who cant do what hes sposed to do, which is already enough of a story, and then you add the grail (you can always add shit you want to arthurian legends). remember the magic thing...it seems like theres celtic roots to this one, even though the christians go wild with it, like not only is the court a bit directionless, it needs an injection of purity or at least holiness. anyway theres so many wild ways of telling this to get what you want out of it. most importantly i guess is that people really wanted relics back then. of course they wanted saint relics, but relics from gospel times were the cream of the crop.
i just realized that i never really told the story, so youre probably confused like okay theres a king and then he has the grail but whats the plot? um dont ask me :) most of the grail cycle stories are incomplete and make you feel the same way. the grail is a bit of an impossible quest...
so in the song specifically: someone lmk if youve read some good grail cycle stuff and see direct comparisons! bc i dont. i mean it IS weird that we were talking about th white and lips earlier. id say the strongest connection you could make is that the song takes place in a wasteland, and the fisher king rules over a wasteland. i would just say that they share wasteland imagery, not something more profound (like the themes of the quest for the grail). there is talk of injury, but it’s in the wrong place (eyes instead of legs).
there are also lots of other theories!! like pompeii and wwii. i like the idea that it’s tied to “halcyon days” that come from greek myths about the bird, when everything has gone wrong in the world of the song.
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Knight Rider 2000
This post contains spoilers for Knight Rider 2000, the 1991 film which attempts to expand on the canonical universe of Knight Rider (1982-1986).  Key word, attempts.  I know that this film came out almost 30 years ago at this point, but I also know that this fandom grows a little bit every day, and there will ALWAYS be people who haven’t seen every episode (myself included), let alone every movie!  I happened to catch it on Charge! for Hoff's birthday (yes I'm hella late posting this LOL) with my good friend @trust-doesnt-oxidize​, and boy let me tell you, it was… Something.
From here on out, I’m not holding back from sharing my impression of the film based on specific details from it, so if you want a spoiler-free viewing, go watch it and come back!!  Or… don’t, it’s kind of awful.  I can only think of one thing in canon that it may spoil, and even that appears in early Season 2 and is fairly minor, so if you are curious about it, I HIGHLY recommend watching it BEFORE reading this.  The scenes with the most impact are touching because they come as a surprise, so even if you know the general plot of the film, I would recommend watching it first.
Also this is really rambley because I have a lot of emotions about this series and, by extension, this movie.  I really don’t blame you if you click away here, but if you DO read it all the way through, I would love to hear anything you would like to add, agree or disagree!
OKAY!  Knight Rider 2000 is a movie that exists!  And I hate it!
The film sets up an interesting argument between two groups of people whose names I don’t remember because they were boring (except for Devon, I know his name at this point).  In this interpretation of the “future,” gun control has been implemented to,,, some extent, I can’t entirely tell if there have been some policies implemented across the country or if it is all localized in this one city that even the Wikipedia page for this movie doesn’t bother to mention.  And no, this city is NOT in California for once!  Usually I would be happy to see a change of setting, but considering that everything in this film felt so foreign to the Knight Rider that we know, it would have been nice to at least have a familiar setting.  Anyway, gun control stuff.  The debate between whether these gun control policies are ethical or not is very interesting.  Innocent people are dying because the wrong people have guns and the police are rendered useless when they themselves don’t have access to weapons.  This argument happens to support my perspective on the issue, so I appreciated how it took a look at that side WITHOUT it sounding like we are crazy murderer people, but I digress.  It makes sense that the ban happened in the first place, because much like how the main conflict in Pixar’s latest film Incredibles 2 revolves around society’s over-reliance on superheroes, I could see Knight Rider’s society becoming dependent on technology to save them.  It can be easy to seem like the most advanced tech in that society is present only in KITT and KIFT, and to SOME extent that is true.  However, Shawn does say that it is relatively common in this society for people to have memory chips in their brain.  That counts for something.  And the police DO have a defense mechanism according to the Wikipedia page for this movie, it’s just nonlethal.
So as you can see, I am very interested in the conflict this world sets up.  I sure hope they expand on these conflicting ideologies throughout the film, giving us a clearer idea of why the bans were set in place AND giving us insight into what exactly has caused some revolt against it.  That subject is seemingly timeless, and with how decently the introduction tackled it, I have some confidence that this film could pull it off in a tasteful way.  Wouldn’t that be amazing?   It’s some of the most serious subject matter Knight Rider has ever tackled.  It’s so interesting!
Yeah they pretty much abandon that plot in place of a very, very bad copy of the original show’s “Hearts of Stone” (season 1, episode 14).  Illegal guns exist and are bad, but we don’t really know why.  I may know a little better if I had been listening closer, but I was trying to not get so bored that I missed Kitt’s parts!
At some point during this sequence, we are introduced to Shawn, a happy police officer who is happy to have a family on a happy birthday.  And then she gets shot!  Due to head force trauma rendering her unconscious, she’s sent to the hospital.  She goes in for a risky operation that miraculously saves her life against all odds.
Then, Michael wakes up with Garthe Knight’s face and hears a great story about how one man CAN make a difference!… I mean what?  
Jokes aside, it’s kind of amazing how much this very Michael-esque sequence comes across very differently.  It’s almost the perfect example of why I don’t like this movie.  The surgery is weirdly realistic for a Knight Rider entity.  There’s blood and screens and surgeons and a sterile white room for operations.  Michael woke up in a Medieval castle with one doctor and two random people he’d never met at his side.  Shawn’s situation clearly makes more sense, but is it half as fun and whimsical?  No, no it’s not.  This whole film comes across as depressing to me, and it’s only worsened by what’s to come.  Apparently, she had KITT’s CPU/Microprocessor/something sciencey implanted into her brain.  That’s especially strange since all that I saw was a yellow liquid being injected directly into her skull!  That’s a lovely image, and definitely gave me the idea that there was a full computer chip going in there???  (It may have actually been explained more clearly, and I just looked away because eek weirdly bloody operation scene)  This caused her personality to do a full 180.  So, Shawn is going to be fun, snarky, and full of personality like KITT is because they share memories now!  Right?  Right???
I think they tried to do that, but it came across flat.  So flat.  She speaks in a purposefully monotone, robotic voice and delivers downright mean comments that leave Michael and KITT scratching their heads.  She seems to lack basic empathy until her own memories start flooding back, and at that point, the emotions she show seem so foreign to the character we see that it’s not remotely believable.  You want me to believe that this robotic woman with -10 personality points started nearly crying after one string of memories, albeit a very traumatic one, entered her mind?  This would have been believable if she was entirely changed afterwards, coming across as far more human, but that was only the case sometimes.  It also would have been believable if the film had the same energy that the original Knight Rider show does, where suspending one’s disbelief is necessary to make it past the opening credits.  However, this movie tries to be so grounded that the kind of dramatic beats that would work in the original seem forced here.
Shawn is not the only character who I take issue with, though.  Let’s start with the most potentially problematic change from the usual canon in the entire film: KITT’s personality.  I have very mixed feelings on how he is portrayed.  If you’ve seen as much as a spattering of quotes from this movie, you probably could sense that KITT was… off.  When KITT first comes on screen, he slams Michael with a wave of insults, and none of them come off as their normal joking around.  However, I don’t necessarily have a problem with that because he has the proper motivation to be very, very upset.  He is sitting on a desk as a heap of loosely connected parts that have just enough power to make the signature red scanner whir and make an oddly terrifying red light eyeball thing (Hal???) move.  The first thing he hears is Devon nonchalantly saying something along the lines of, “I’m afraid he was recycled” to explain why KITT has been deactivated for OVER A DECADE and is not currently in anything that moves (my Charge! stream thing lagged at this point but @trust-doesnt-oxidize​ has since told me that Devon DID appear upset about KITT's being sold, but KITT likely wouldn't have heard that and what Devon said seemed to be moreso directed at HOW the chip was sold and not the fact that it was sold in the first place).  KITT is justifiably mad, and if they had kept KITT’s actions in character while his emotions said otherwise, I would have no problem with it at all.
However, once KITT’s CPU is somehow implanted into Michael’s Chevrolet, KITT does not act in character.  Shawn drives, not Michael, so it stands to reason that he would not necessarily listen to her.  She stole his CPU, his life for over a decade.  KITT does tend to listen to human companions, regardless of whether he is programmed to or not, but I can see where this would be an exception.  However, Michael soon intercedes and essentially tells him to cut it out.  Based on everything that the original Knight Rider told us, KITT no longer has a choice of whether to listen or not.  Michael is ultimately the one who calls the shots because of KITT’s very programming.  And yet, in this scene, KITT doesn’t listen to Michael and apparently gets so angry that he downright stops functioning.  Because that happens all the time in the original series!
And if you’re wondering where I got the conclusion that KITT frustrated his circuits to the point where they could no longer work, he said that.  KITT.  Admitted to having feelings.  In fact, he did not just admit to being angry in the moment.  He told Michael that, while it may seem like he is an emotionless robot, he does have a “feelings chip.”  A FEELINGS CHIP-
I am for recognizing KITT’s obvious emotions as much as the next guy.  I think they are often overlooked when discussing his character.  While I don’t think that real artificial intelligence will ever reach the level of human consciousness, the entire energy of Knight Rider comes from playing with this concept by portraying an AI character who clearly emotes interacting with a human who doesn’t seem to know that.  But the thing that makes this show feel so sincere is that neither character plays too heavily into that trope.  While not always knowing how much KITT feels and by extension hurting those feelings alarmingly often, Michael recognizes it enough to work in concert with KITT, apologize for his more major flubs, and consider KITT a friend.  And KITT subverts the trope by never recognizing that he has feelings to begin with.  He will say that he cannot feel sadness but, in the next breath, say that something upset him.  He will say he cannot hold a grudge only to immediately rattle off a string of insults directed at the person he clearly has a grudge on.  The show is magic in how these two characters display a subtle chemistry that always has room to grow because both characters are slowly coming to see each other for who they truly are and supporting one another along the way.  From what I can tell, the original show never fully concludes that arc, and it may even start regressing after Season 1.  However, we can feasibly see how Michael could slowly come to understand that KITT really does feel things just as much as he does.  And we can imagine the relief KITT would feel knowing that Michael was never bothered by that possibility.
So, you can see where I have a big problem with KITT spelling it out so plainly.  The audience gets full confirmation about what has been displayed to us through nuanced hints throughout the series, which sounds a lot more satisfying than it really ends up being in this film.  But worse than an underwhelming conclusion to a thrilling story, Michael knows it plain as day.  There is very little buildup to KITT admitting this.  He barely even sounds moved.  Instead, in this movie, the “feelings chip” is a fact of life that does not need to be covered up in the slightest.  Michael himself doesn’t really… react.  He just kind of nods along, as if he’s saying, “Huh, makes sense, alright.”  After everything these two have been through, if there really was such a simple explanation for why KITT is the way he is… why arguments went south, why the mere mention of a Chevrolet was enough to get a seemingly jealous response, why inconsequential things like music taste and gambling were subjects of debate, why KITT had always acted so exaggeratedly dismissive when topics of emotional significance struck a chord, why every little sarcastic banter had a hint of happiness until it didn’t… don’t you think Michael would do something?  Whether that something would be a gentle, “I always knew that, pal”; a shocked, “Why didn’tchya tell me sooner?!”; or even a sarcastic, disbelieving, “Yeah, right” is up to interpretation.  But there would be something.
And yet, even that concept is flawed.  We learn a lot from KARR’s inclusion in the original series, and what I take away from it boils down to a simple sentiment.  FLAG never meant for their AIs to be human.  I do realize that directly contradicts what Devon says within this film, but I see that as another way for the film to steer the plot in this direction, not as a tie in to the original.  When Wilton says that one man CAN make a difference, he means that.  He isn’t considering that KITT is just as much a person as Michael.  He’s not seeing that, at the end of the day, teamwork is what makes the show work, even if Michael is the glue that holds it together.  So, I think that to say that there is a “feelings chip” is to disregard the entire point of the original, that in this world life finds a way of inserting itself and that KITT’s (and KARR’s for that matter) humanity is an anomaly, not the rule.  At the end of the day, KITT’s humanity can’t be explained away with science.  And really, I don’t think it should be explained away at all.  The show has had an amazing trend of showing us how KITT feels, in all its unorthodox glory, alongside private moments that had me sobbing like a baby.  The movie should just be like a longer, more complex episode of Knight Rider… Although I cannot pinpoint exactly how it should be done in the context of this film, I know there are ways that Michael could have been shown that KITT feels rather than being told.
One last complaint, albeit a more minor one, is the idea that he has to listen to what Shawn says over Michael's authority.  I have spent a decent amount of time thinking about this one point, which has caused a lot of the delay in posting this.  There's multiple reasons why this flies right in the face of what is canon in the original series.  Perhaps the most obvious of these problems is the fact that, in the original pilot episode, it's made very clear that KITT can't assume control of the Knight 2000 without Michael's express permission unless Michael is unconcious.  Devon makes it quite clear in this episode that KITT is programmed specifically to listen to Michael, not just anyone who happens to be piloting the vehicle at the time.  In case there was any doubt about this, KITT ejects two people who are attempting to steal him later in the episode (well, ok, later in the two-parter, I don't know if it was the same episode or not).  The show isn't SUPER strict about this in future episodes, but it does at least acknowledge Michael's authority in a few pivotal moments throughout Season 1 (I can't comment on episodes that I haven't seen yet, but I suspect that this pattern continues).  Of all the rules set up throughout the series, it actually seems to be the most loyal to this one.  One moment that stands out to me is in Trust Doesn't Rust when KITT attempts to stop Michael from causing a head-on collision with KARR, but Michael then overrides him and the climax unfolds.  If one of the most iconic moments in the series is caused by this one bit of programming, to throw it out in the film is to disrespect the basis of the original series.
Speaking of KARR, he provides yet another reason niglecting this detail is such a big problem.  From what we can tell, KARR isn't programmed to one specific driver (at least, not anymore[?]), and so he can override anyone in the pilot's seat.  This is something they seem to highlight in TDR as well, although not so plainly as the previous point.  KARR ends up ditching Tony to gain speed and get an upper hand in the chase with Michael and KITT (although a scene they deleted would have made this a mUCH MORE SENSIBLE ACTION THAT R E A L L Y ISN'T A BETRAYAL but y'know what this post isn't about that) whereas KITT has to listen to Michael even to his own detriment.  If this one feature is indeed one of the major things that separates KITT from KARR, the idea that Shawn can override all of that cheapens the original conflict between KITT and KARR.
...Well okay, let's be real, KARR was never that compelling as an antagonist to begin with because he's a LOYAL SWEETIEPIE-- I'll stop.
And finally, we have the biggest, most bizarre reason that this is a problem:
If Shawn can override Michael's authority, that means KITT can override Michael's authority.
Why?  This would be the first time (outside of episodes where some sort of reprogramming or mind control was involved) in the series that KITT had not only listened to another human instead of Michael, but also listened to that person OVER Michael.  The only difference I can see between Shawn and quite literally anyone else in the show's history is that Shawn has KITT's chip implant thing.  If that's the reason her opinion has more credence than Michael's, then wouldn't that mean KITT's own opinion has that authority?  If that is the case, literally every example I've gone through in the last couple of paragraphs is not just challenged but rather negated entirely.
The most frustrating thing about this scene is that it simply didn't have to happen.  Michael could have gone along with KITT's plan, showing him (and us) that he does trust his former partner even after all these years.  Shawn could have convinced Michael to go along with it using her... feelings chip.  Blegh.  Or we could have had a stubborn Michael force this scene to be delayed, likely improving the pacing overall.  Maybe we could have even seen a frustrated and emotionally exhausted Shawn wait until Michael is not in the car and then plead KITT to give her the truth, no matter what Michael says.  We have seen KITT control his actions without Michael's input plenty of times, and we could have seen some more of his humanity show through if he could relate to Shawn's struggles... after all, he too has missing memories because she has his chip.  They're both going through a bit of an identity crisis.  I'm sure that he could find some workaround in his programming to help her if Michael wasn't there insisting that he does not take this course of action.
But even after all of that fussing over what has been done wrong with KITT, I can’t deny that he is the heart and soul of this film.  There was only one scene in this film that brought me near tears.  I got more of an emotional impact from this one clip than I have from a lot of movies that are undeniably much better.  Michael’s old-fashioned Chevrolet does not hold up in the year 2000, and it is clear that the usual car chase sequence won’t work as police vehicles quickly creep up on them.  I was personally very curious what they would do here.  I figured that KITT would find some way to outsmart the drivers of the police cars, maybe by ending up on an elevated mountain road that trips up the other drivers and causes them to waste time turning around and hopping on that same path.  Or, maybe, KITT would access a road that’s too narrow for the relatively bulky police cars.  However, it quickly becomes clear that this city is made up of wide roads on the ground.  As KITT veers off the road and tells Michael to trust him, the I found myself having to trust him.  This isn’t the way Knight Rider chases usually go, and with all these odds stacked against him, the only thing we can do is hold our breath.  The way this scene is staged to send us into this just as blind as Michael is, frankly, genius.  Water slowly creeps into the frame as a feeling of dread builds at the thought of what KITT might do.
Surely, we are led to think, he will knock into some boxes and turn right back around.  Right?  We’re reminded of the fact that this is not the Knight 2000, that there is no chance of this car floating.  That if KITT does what he really seems to be doing, there’s no chance… but he wouldn’t, would he?  This is the only action sequence in the film that had me at the edge of my seat, staring wide eyed at the screen.  And then, the turn that you want so badly to come doesn’t, and you have to wonder what’s about to happen.  What was KITT thinking?  Won’t Michael and Shawn drown?  And, most prominently in my mind, won’t KITT drown?
For a moment, this scene plays us into believing that, because magic FLAG science that is pretty par for the course, everything is fine.  KITT explains that they have an airtight cab and over 20 minutes of oxygen.  Everyone lets out a collective breath of relief.  We see it in Michael and Shawn, and I know I felt myself relax.
And then there’s a flicker in the screen, and that pit in the bottom of my stomach came right back.  Michael is confused, and KITT explains what we should have realized was inevitable.  This is KITT sacrificing himself.  He even goes as far as to let Shawn know that she can use any of his computer chips that she may need.  This comes off as strange at first, but it goes to show that KITT is, at his core, the same kind soul we always knew.  He acts angry because he feels betrayed, but given the choice, he will chose another person’s life over his own, always.  Even the microprocessor that he is most frustrated over, the thing that seems to drive a wedge between him and Shawn, is just how he is expressing his hurt.  Now, thinking it is the end, he offers it up freely, and Shawn doesn’t seem to know how to respond.  KITT is calm as he says his final goodbyes.  And this is the first place in the film that we get to hear the amazingly nuanced  voice acting that William Daniels is so great at.  KITT sounds collected and at peace with what is to come, but there are also subtle hints that he is at least a bit nervous, a bit sad.  “I know.  I guess this is goodbye.”  He doesn’t want to leave his friends, but he knows that he has to for them to be safe.  Even if the pacing of the film seems to actively try to undermine this moment, it stands out to me as an amazing scene, even if the reaction from Michael is underwhelming at best and the reaction from Shawn is… as much as can be expected from Shawn, but that’s not saying much.  As far as KITT knows in that moment, these are his last words: “Michael, take care of yourself.”  Down to the last moment, Michael is everything to him.
And I felt sad, big time sad.  The movie up until that point was unbelievably boring to me, and this wasn’t a turning point where the movie suddenly became great.  It was a moment so darn good that I almost don’t think the movie deserved for it to have as big of an impact as it did.  But that shows just how powerful this universe is, how wonderfully honest these characters are.  Even after being butchered practically beyond recognition, one scene in-character can still bring you to tears because you have connected with them so deeply throughout the TV series.
I don’t like Devon.
Devon was actually more tolerable in this movie than normal, and I can see where people who don’t hate him could be sad that he died  I just,,, he has hurt or talked down to KITT and KARR so many times that I actually could not sympathize.  What’s even more frustrating about that is that Devon’s death is the one that Michael got all sad over when KITT sacrificed his life for him and Devon got kidnapped randomly but okay go off movie you can’t ruin that scene for me.  I knew going in that Devon died, but I was expecting them to spend a lot more time setting it up and making it as dramatic as possible.  Nope, he just got a shot to the old air tanks I guess?  My view of it is nothing more than that it’s a thing that happened.
OH AND DEVON DID PULL ONE HEINOUS ACT.  He said that KIFT was better than KITT in every way other than that KITT has humanity.  SINCE WHEN HAS DEVON GIVEN ONE SINGULAR HOOT ABOUT THE AI’S BEING ALIVE???  TELL KARR THAT???  HECK, TELL DEACTIVATED KITT THAT YOU WERE JUST FINE SELLING OFF AT AUCTION THAT?!?!  Also also, KIFT DOES NOT C O M P A R E TO KITT.  We are coming back to KIFT in a moment, don’t you worry.  For now, I just.  Low blow, Devon, low blow.
Michael was fine too, he played a weirdly small part and that felt off but everything he said seemed pretty in character.  The most out of character parts were when he said nothing at all.  OH AND WHERE HE WAS REPLACING BONNIE but that’s besides the point, no Bonnie OR April… no Bonnie OR April… I’m fine…
It feels like this movie wants you to forget that Michael exists because Shawn is here she’s more interesting, right?  Right???
She’s really not.
So back to KIFT.  My favorite part of KIFT is that pronouncing KIFT in your head sounds funny.  It’s like “gift” but if the gift were actually an underwhelming villain of sorts that is overtaken in a garage, parked, by Michael either removing his microprocessor entirely or moving it to a Chevrolet.
I was surprised how not bad KIFT looked.  I had seen stills from the movie that looked really uninteresting compared to the regular designs, and while I still agree to some extent, it was a lot more epic than I would have thought.  Something about how the paint shines on it is captivating.  I was genuinely happy when KITT was moved to the snazzy red vehicle, although a big part of that could have been how disgusting mint green looks with red.  Seriously, including the red scanner on that bizarre seafoamy-bluey car (and yes, I do think it is a very pretty car by itself) was like when people say movies were “inspired” but in the opposite direction.  And the scanner looked weirdly small?  Was it just me?
Tumblr media
Am I the only one who feels w e i r d just looking at this??
I think this is the most normal thing to be categorized as being in uncanny valley but there we go, I did it.  It’s not right.
Anyway, as neat as KIFT looks, it is no comparison to the classic Knight 2000 or even Season 3 KARR.  Red can be striking, but not when the classic scanner is also red.  No contrast!
KIFT is absurdly easy to forget, and I don’t think that the car’s design has anything to do with it.  KITT spends most of the movie piloting that car, and while it is not what we are used to, it doesn’t come across as super lame to me, either…or at least, not because of the design.  The biggest problem with KIFT is, I think, simply his voice.  His voice feels so out of place in the movie, and it’s so strange to me considering that Daniels’ voice is integrated just fine.  The recording sounds too crisp, too clean.  KITT’s voice always has a great deal of character, a very Earthy-sounding voice for an AI character.  I actually think that this incongruity is purposeful, and it’s a very clever concept.  We are supposed to recognize that KIFT isn’t human like KITT is.  KIFT sounds out of place in the real world among real people; he’s too neat around the edges.  It’s especially obvious when KITT and KIFT talk to each other.  This is also mirrored by how KITT occupies a well-loved Chevrolet that has little imperfections that make it feel real whereas KIFT is in this red… whatever it is that feels like it comes out of a sci-fi film.  This effect would have really worked if we had enough time with KIFT to understand his personality–or, more aptly, his lack of personality.  What makes this not work is the fact that we spend practically no time with KIFT.  We don’t get to hear what he feels he is programmed to do, we don’t get to hear him deliver the sort of lifeless lines that Shawn did that made her so unlikable, and we don’t even get to hear his voice more than 4-5 times.  Every time comes as a shock, taking us out of the moment of the film.  We could have gotten used to his crisp sound if he had spoken more, and we may have seen the actual plot significance of it.  Instead, it pulls you right out of the movie.
Oh yeah, and the only line(s?) that KIFT delivers to KITT are full-on taunting… that’s not very lifeless of you KIFT.
Alright, just one last thing to really hammer home a point from earlier and conclude this whole thing.  You know what I was saying about this movie lacking the whimsical nature of the TV show?  Well, the final chase puts the icing on this oddly sullen crab cake.
Yes, crab cake. 
Because the pinchy crab that is Shawn makes it quite painful to get this particular cake and icing doesn’t even belong on it anyway.
KITT is racing down the street in this bright red car that I just explained is thematically wrong for him to be driving tbh but whatever, he’s racing in it and comes up to a barricade of randomly stacked up cars.
Oh Yeah, we all know what is coming.
The music swells.  Michael looks at the upcoming barricade with furrowed eyebrows and quietly asks KITT what the heck they’re going to do now.
OH YEAH, we definitely know what is coming.
And at last, for the first time in the film…
KITT veers off to the right and they drive on water.  “It’s really sink or swim with you, isn’t it?” Michael asks, pretending that’s funny as if I am not still emotionally raw from that scene that happened an hour ago.
Apparently, KIFT had that one obscure feature from “Return to Cadiz,” the Season 2 episode where April forces KITT to follow KARR into the ocean on the hopes that waterproof wheels might work maybe, directly ignoring his many attempts to get out of it.  Yay.  I love references to That Episode.  That Episode which baited me with an opening that looked like KARR could have been discovered underwater only to show me that not only was there no KARR, but KITT was going to be bullied into repeating what his brother did when he died.  Wholesome.  Lovely.  Fantastic.  And how did KITT know for sure that would work?  KITT clearly still has some technical hiccups in his own CPU from Michael tampering with it, that was an awful lot of confidence to place in a maybe.
I cannot believe that a movie based around Knight Rider did not have a turbo boost (or for that matter, the THEMESONG???).  Like I am honestly still surprised by it.  Almost every episode of the original show had at least one turbo boost, and there is a reason.  The idea of a talking car jumping in midair, sometimes with Michael “WOO!”-ing like a girl, is so fantastically fun that nobody even tries to question how impossible it is.  I think we all know how impossible it is, and that doesn’t matter, it is yet another thing that embodies the heart of this show.
And… not even one.
So yeah, that just happened.  I think this is technically a small novel.  Wow.
  I know that I'm still missing a lot... I have a lot of thoughts about this movie, and if you for some reason want more please ask!  I would also love to hear your thoughts on this!  Do you agree with my analysis?  Do you disagree entirely?  Did you notice something that I failed to mention entirely?  Pleasepleaseplease send ideas, I would love to hear them!  Also know that, no matter how much I was disappointed by the movie itself, I am fully open to hearing your ideas about how to improve or expand upon it.  I truly believe that this film introduced some great concepts, and I would absolutely adore seeing them reworked in a way that's more true to the original.  Thank you for reading! :D
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Ok yall I'm sure you're all probably fed up of hearing my opinion but I'd still like to share my thoughts on Starco from Star VS The Forces Of Evil. After doing literally (and I'm not joking) nothing for weeks but school work, sleeping, and watching the same 12 episodes over and over again because it's the only thing that rejuvenates my spoons, I finally managed to do something else and thus I have become enraptured by svtfoe.
(I guess this is spoilers if you havent seen all 4 seasons?)
Because I watched it recently, I havent participated in the fandom - but I did see just a tiny bit of shipping disputes while looking thru the tom lucitor content (cause I love my boi). The disputes werent anything super big, but it did get me thinking....
Marco has said that he liked star from the beginning, which I dont like. If he really did, we would have seen even just a sliver of him blushing around star in the beginning of the show. Or a slight scowl when star does something with someone else that could be interpreted as romantic in theory if Marco was there instead of the other person. Not like jealousy, but him having that split second thought I dont like that shes like that with them and it passes, or he doesnt dwell on it too much, because its not strong enough to be jealousy. It's just a small little intrusive thought that would hint the viewers of his feelings.
Marco said his feelings kept growing stronger and stronger over time, which yeah, I'll believe, but he also said that they were already strong from the beginning. Given the fact that there was no proper indication of even just... feeling slightly awkward around star in the very beginning because shes a girl hes a boy they are capable of falling in love with eachother I mean with a situation like that, things are bound to be a bit awkward around eachother even for just a little while. And like, yeah it does get like that eventually, but only after it's out in the open that at least one of them is possibly attracted to the other. Which ofc makes things awkward but I'm talking about... like, not even crush awkward but like like awkward
I really like the concept of the blood moon curse tho. I headcannon that the blood moon curse chooses the 2 souls (in that room I guess) that are the closest together and binds them together in what will develop as an irrational borderline unhealthy attraction. And it chooses 2 souls that are already super connected to eachother because it's easier to bind them together if they already have that kind of connection, ya know? So I like the idea of star and marco being destined to eachother from the beginning even without the blood moon curse, but I dont like how we saw their feelings develop.
It feels so much like starco was just kinda.... slapped on there (especially last second in the final episode) simply because the writers could. Which... sadly... is how most ships become cannon. We live in a world where being allosexual and alloromantic is the default. The normal. The unquestioned. You might not even know what the term allo means, it's so baseline. But my point is that romantic and sexual relationships have been last minute slapped into movies and tv shows since the beginning of television basically. Even if the genre isnt romance. Especially if the genre isnt romance. Society projects romantic and sexual attraction and relationships in such a way its actively harmful for those on the aro/ace spectrum. They might blame themselves for a long time wondering why they cant be attracted to people like a normal person.
But my point is, svtfoe was not made to be a romance show from the very beginning, so ofc the romance elements are out of whack. I personally am a multi shipper, so I like a lot of the ships, but it just.... really grinds my gears to see a romance plot fucked up because society has to portray how normal being allo is so they slap cannon ships in last second or without much realism for their development
Anyways, sorry for bothering yall with my thoughts again. But that's what I think :P
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royalreef · 4 years
(( I’m just going to straight up copy + paste the Discussions I had on the MonProm RPC server last night because they’re GOOD. I’m not going to polish them up or anything, just a straight copy/paste, but... Still... It makes my heart soft.
i appreciate it every time someone realizes. "OH, the merfolk tend towards communal raising of children."
they have blood-family but they ALSO have community-family and BOTH ARE INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT.
i dont feel like enough people appreciate nor understand just how SOCIAL merfolk are.
like they are CONSTANTLY noisy and sound like a massive colony of seals for a REASON. in a village where theyre fairly left alone from the kingdom, they'll have a rich social life of complex relationships that are prone to quick change. 
and not in a bad way! very seldom does actual upset happen, and often the community itself will come together to try and resolve it, but its a constantly shifting web of what who-feels-about-who on any given day, with their hypersocial communication coming in to keep up with that quick-changing gossip and relations. they all do genuinely care for and have a particular word for the kind of love they feel for their social-group/pod/group-of-merfolk-term that doesnt translate to english - theyre all just prone to dramatics, and even in being so dramatic, its often viewed as a very fond, good thing that helps keep that social group close and healthy to have playful dramatics with each other. its almost even a form of play to them, without any real danger, and with how their brains are hardwired to easily keep track of every little social change, its something they can really enjoy!!!!!!
its also, in no small part, why the low royals are SO FUCKED UP. theyre systemically deprived of any real way to have social connections, and even when it comes to humans, if you force them to stay emotionally detached from everyone else, it REALLY FUCKS PEOPLE UP. and it only goes tenfold when you get to merfolk, who are even more social than humans, who view isolation as one of the worst tortures you can do to someone! if they dont get the ability to connect to other merfolk, if they dont get to communicate openly and freely with other merfolk, then they quickly get stressed and destructive and just emotionally pent-up to a SEVERE degree. 
its why freshman miranda had such a quick turnaround from "don't even look at me, you don't deserve to know me" to "hi yes i'm crawling into your lap because you gave too much attention to your homework and not enough to me". because she is NOT SUPPOSED TO be so detached from others, but she also didnt really have anywhere to go to or learn how to behave in social situations, and thus ends up overcompensating.
basically being a merkingdom royal is just being in one giant cycle of abuse, which first fucks up your own bodily and instinctual needs, and then sets you up to fuck up your kids bodily and instinctual needs, forever and always, until someone eventually gets the chance to break it
unfortunately, with the merkingdom so far, the "breaking it" often involves entire bloodlines getting wiped out for good and in horrific ways
and its also why i say, if you're getting a good end with miranda, then the merkingdom has to be wholly dismantled. these issues are systemic. putting a new layer on paint on top of it won't fix it, you have to get rid of it.
and also why most of the revolution is just changing people's views on the merkingdom. it doesnt matter if you kill the king if all the other parts of the merkingdom remains. there will be another king that'll grow back. its only a matter of time. miranda knows she is replaceable, and the same goes for every other royal, including the king himself.
and she has an emotional investment in not questioning it, because it's literally all she's ever known. even without the severe physical punishment she'd get, she'd be effectively jumping out of a moral plane without a parachute and blindfolded. there's little to no emotional safety net for her when her entire worldview gets shattered. 
(and its also why she needs to have friends and loved ones around her to help her steady herself when that happens)
but YEH. most merfolk are just inherently playful, caring, loyal croc-fish-cats who will befriend literally anything, are slow to anger much less violence, just want to chat with each other and sing and all share in a truly mindboggling amount of unique foods.
legit i think theyre one of the species most eager to not only adopt other species and raise as their own, but also are most willing to fall in love with other species like humans or other monsters. 
the merkingdom is NOT their natural state.
the first time someone else's muse gets invited to just a random commoner merfolk village, theyre going to be almost immediately adopted into the community and p much SHOWERED in food and merfolk both wanting to play with them and just chat with them. theyre curious, and they dont mean harm, they just wanna take care of this new friend and learn all about them.
i mean what else did you expect from a species so social they evolved a truly stunning set of vocal chords to communicate over many nautical miles and sing to each other in many different voices at many different pitches - who still take it so far today that a major concept in their architecture is making buildings that'll produce sound as the currents turn through them, so that entire cities become song?
who are so universal in needing stuff to chew on, that having chewy stim toys is just a normal and accepted part of their culture? who can eat such a wide variety of foods and have the digestive system to handle it all, that they all intrinsically know the importance of it? who evolve complex visual displays in lights and with their fins just to display to each other? who go to massive lengths to avoid getting in fights, for fear of both hurting the other and for themselves getting hurt too? 
they're just animals, like you or me. and like animals, they arent born bad or evil. they're just born to try and survive, and nothing ensures entire groups of both themselves and others who can help them survive and survive happy and healthy like caring for each other.
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“I was really enraged over “One More Day”. Having been on the Ditko side of the argument for so long, I finally saw that Marvel was totally against letting Peter Parker age and develop new stories. I had planned on protesting the books. But, then they hooked me with the creative teams. Then, they brought back Norman Osborn.”
 Er no they didn’t they brought HARRY Osborn back...pointlessly....
 “Plus, they were trying new stuff and it wasn’t terrible.”
 By new stuff I wonder if they mean ‘Guess who this Goblin themed character is’ and ‘Oh no Spider-Man is framed’ or ‘Yuk yuk Peter just can’t get a date lulz!’
 And by not terrible I wonder if they mean ‘Hey look it’s the Chameleon and his whole history with Peter Parker is being ignored so we can imply he’s raping a woman’ and ‘Here watch this woman take advantage of Peter when he’s drunk before turning on a dime into a racist and sexist sterotype of Latin American woman’ or ‘Let’s ruin the Lizard and Kraven’s Last Hunt for everybody’.
  “What was going on here? Constant creative rotation to keep things fresh and lively?”
 Fresh as in a fresh way to suck shit as inconsistent story and artistic beats pile up to insanity.
  “Villains being reintroduced as the classic threats we know them to be?!?”
 Because we didn’t have that before OMD and needed the marriage gone for that to be the case.
  “Then, we got to see Marcos Martin and Dan Slott on the book. Spider-Man had entered into a new Golden Age. ”
 John Romita Senior’s run was a Golden Age.
 Roger Stern’s run was a Golden Age.
 2004 was a Golden Age.
 Mary Jane dates a loser cleberity because she’s out of character whilst Peter Parker invades people’s privacy which is even MORE out of character and here comes Mysterio alive and well ignoring everything we knew about him for the past 10 years isn’t a Golden Age. Its just hot trash.
  “But, what of Mary Jane? She was Peter’s wife and the mother of their disappeared baby. Would we ever get some sort of closure? Hell no. What was more surprising was how little it mattered.”
  WTF does ‘it didn’t matter’ even mean in this context?
  It mattered to most of the readers hence they kept teasing us with reconciliation to spike sales over and over again before just giving us an AU book...then bringing them back for real!
  “ Does that say a lot for Mary Jane and her defined role in the Spider-Man universe. I venture to say that it did. But, why are now realizing the futile nature of Peter being married and its importance to Mary Jane?”
 Yeah. It’s so futile to have character development for the lead and second biggest character that was the bedrock of 20 years of stories that by and large were better than the objective trash that followed int heir wake and fundamentally damaged both characters going forward.
 “Mary Jane has always never made sense for Peter Parker or Spider-Man. It was wish fulfillment for a guy that went from puny nerd to crushing multiple samples of poon in a three year period.”
  This sexist bullshit again.
  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and even if that wasn’t true Peter is himself attractive and even if he was ‘average looking’ someone as attractive like MJ would marry someone like Peter all the time in the real world.
 It was their personalities and shared histories that made the relationship make sense.
 To dismiss MJ’s backstory and the inter-personal emotions between them that made the relationship happen is ignorant and a clear sign of either not having read or not having paid attention to the material.
 The hard truth is MJ pretty much ALWAYS made sense for Spider-Man. She wasn’t wish fulfilment she was her own well rounded character who organically developed in tandem with Peter, as Nick Spencer himself has corroborated.
  “Gwen was his equal,”
 Gwen was more financially affluent than Peter, had a higher social standing afforded by her father’s job and their comparative wealth to Peter.
  If we are talking her brains, Gwen wasn’t anywhere close to Peter’s league. Peter was the kid whipping up web-fluid in his bedroom as a teenager. Gwen was...someone who was in his science class. A statement that could apply to Harry.
  “ Betty was the older woman and Mary Jane was the neighbor’s niece thrown upon him. ”
 Betty was younger than him canonically Stan lee said so in a letters page but even if she wasn’t in the context of the times she wouldn’t been a few years removed from high school and Peter would’ve been a senior. Big whoop.
 Betty’s place has little to do with her age but more to do with just being his first romantic experience.
  As for MJ putting aside how she was retconning to not be his neighbour, that assessment for her character applies to the Silver Age and literally no other period of time beyond it. That was NOT her role in the Bronze age in the 1970s, the DeFalco run of the 80s and obviously not the time during the 1990s or 2000s when they were married.
  WTF is with his toxic notion that a character is not allowed to develop FFS!
  MJ hasn’t been the nieghbour’s blind date for him for the majority of her existence.
   “Mary Jane doesn’t even show up until the classic final page of her debut issue. Sure, it’s one of the best entrances in comic history. However, Mary Jane already feels like a put on intruder into a world that she doesn’t understand.”
  Correct and Norman Osborn wasn’t revealed as the Goblin until 4 issues before that, Gwen Stacy didn’t die until 7 years after that and Venom never showed up until 22 years after that.
  I guess all that shit is irrelevant to the character and mythology of Spider-Man and is just totally optional and superfluous.
  I’m sorry I never realized only the first 4 years and few months of Spider-Man mattered.
  I never realized Venom, Hobgoblin, Carnage, KINGPIN and all the OTHER shit from after ASM #41 were ‘intruders’ in Spider-Man’s world.
  Give me a fucking break.
   “She spends the next year dancing through the comic and pushing off the boys. ”
  And again, the early years of a character don’t = the inherent nature of the character that is never allowed to develop beyond that ever. If it did the X-Men would’t ever need Wolverine or Storm and Dick Grayson being Nightwing wouldn’t matter at all.
  “Peter grows closer to Gwen until she eventually dies, then he’s forced back onto Mary Jane. ”
  No, he and MJ over the course of 2 years of masterful stories by Conway gradually grow closer organically.
  Can you spell ‘Gwen Stan’?
  “Mary Jane rejects him, then he starts associating with related ESU students, Marvel Team-Up guest stars and the Black Cat.”
 That’s YEARS later. Gwen dies in 1973. Peter and MJ hook up in 1974. They break up in like 1978!
  “When all of those go into the crapper, Mary Jane shows up and he proposes. ”
 Oh dear god this is a quintessential example of buying into Marvel propaganda.
 That isn’t the sequence of events.
  First of all MJ showd up DURING his relationship with Felicia.
 THEN she revealed she knew he was Spider-Man and became his confidant.
  THEN peter and Felicia broke up.
  THEN he and MJ began growing closer and closer.
  THEN he had one last fling with Felicia following a seeming rejection by MJ.
 THEN he proposed to MJ.
  All that shit played out between approximately 1983-1987. That’s about FOUR YEARS of publication with THREE titles running simultaneously!
 “Parker gets rejected, then MJ accepts due to a pending marriage in the Spider-Man comic strip.”
 Again no. Yeah the wedding we got occurred due to synching with the newspaper strip but the build up to it was in the works for years by DeFalco and Frenz who were in charge of the book and embellished by Peter David and other people on the satellites. It wasn’t intended as actually leading to them crossing the threshold as man and wife but the build up to make that happen and for it to hypothetically happen anyway still existed.
 “That’s right, kids. Peter and Mary Jane only got married because Marvel wanted to tie it into an unrelated storyline in the national newspaper comic strip.”
 Again that’s true but the build up for to nevertheless make sense in story was still there and still paid off 4 years of character development.
  “The key point of Peter and MJ’s relationship was based on editorial interference. ”
  Peter and MJ’s relationship began in 1973 nearly 15 years before they got married and it occurred out of a sincere desire by the writer to tell a story about grief.
 “Tom DeFalco had actually spent a storyline early explaining how MJ figured out Peter’s identity, but kept it to herself. ”
 Er...no he didn’t. He explained she knew his identity but never explained how.
 And...this kind of egregiously undermines the central argument right here.
  “Then, made a very reasonable argument for why she could like Peter as a friend. ”
 And then along with Frenz his collaborator and Peter David spent the next 3 or so years developing their relationship as clearly much more than friendship so why is this fuckwit taking one line from ASM #259 totally out of context and ignoring all the stuff it led to.
 Oh right....in order to support the argument via lying.
  “Cut to two years later....”
 It was more than 2 years.
  “forced attacks and a second rejected marriage”
 Forced attacked? Alastair Smythe made the natural presumption that MJ was affiliated with Spider-Man based upon his encounter with her in ASM Annual #19.
  “then MJ is cool about dealing with Peter.”
 No. MJ has a change of heart after resolving her commitment issues directly connected to her estrangement from her sister and her bad blood with her father which Peter helped her to resolve in the course of the story where she accepts his proposal.
   Learn to read the damn stories!
  “Why was it such a big deal? Why did we loft MJ up to this status that doesn’t seem deserved?”
  Because it was wholly deserved based upon the actual stories that were written and not the propaganda assessment this article is pushing.
 “The marriage issue is so confusing. It happened in the first Amazing Spider-Man issue I ever read and most of the imagery has come to dominate my opinion of Spidey through the years. Whether it’s the marriage nightmare with the villains attacking the guests or the robbery with Electro; these images are what I see in my head when I see Spidey. Everything after that point was an excuse to force MJ into action, whether it was Venom attacking for the first time or the creepy landlord stalking her. ”
 Putting aside how ‘everything’would have to mean literally 100% of each Spider-Man story ever when there were many issues MJ either didn’t appear or had a small role...why would this be a bad thing?
  You have a supporting character...they are important...they are used within the narrative...this is bad because why again?
  The sexism and hypocrisy is strong with this point because half the time MJ gets shit because she didn’t do ENOUGH in the marriage. But when she is involved within the super side of things in some capacity it’s forced and bad.
  A super villain knows Peter’s identity and invades his home, targeting someone clone to him who he maybe lives with. That’d been happening since the silver age with Aunt May, Betty Brant and Gwen Stacy.
  As for her getting kidnapped by a stalker, this happens in real life especially to women and famous people and famous women. Spider-Man is a reflection of real life so WTF is the problem with this? HOW is this forced.
  “For next decade, everything became about MJ’s pregnancy, habits and constant fears for Peter.”
  Again, ‘everything’ would need to mean 100% of stories.
 MJ was pregnant for under 2 and a half years, not a decade.
 Not every story revolved around her fears for Peter.
 Her smoking habit lasted for less than 2 years too.
 And there was after all a period of time when Peter wasn’t even the main character of the damn series.
 And of course the notion of ‘everything’ or even ‘most things’ REVOLVING around MJ is bullshit because hate to break it to you but MJ was never the main character, Peter was.
 Everything revolved around him and since she was his wife a lot of stuff revolved around her which is called ‘Godd Wrting’.
 Notice how a shitton of screen time and subplots revolve around the wives of the main characters of drug dealer and mafia boss Walter White and Tony Soprano in the 2 most critically acclaimed TV shows of all time, Breaking Bad and the Sopranos.
  USING supporting characters and giving them screen time is IMPORTANT!
  It’s also the reason people hated Aunt May for decades until JMS started doing this in 2001! That’s near damn 40 years of Aunt May being mostly underutilized and useless to the point where people hated her and wanted her to die. THEN a lot of stories or story moments began involving or revolving around her and opinions changed.
  “The comic was quickly becoming a relationship drama, when we weren’t dealing with fake robot parents, clones, the Superhuman Registration Act or Aunt May getting shot. ”
 a)     The dumbass who wrote this referred to events across the decade following the marriage and then included 2 things AFTER that point in time
b)     This is again a lie it wasn’t a relationship drama
c)     God forbid there be relationship drama in a book that heavily involved soap opera elements and also the real life of the hero who could be you, i.e. someone who has to deal with relationship drama a lot because most people in real life do
 “Enough was enough, as the time came to re-evaluate what MJ brought to the team. ”
 A grounding for Peter. Character development for him. Strong female representation. A human hero who didn’t need to fight villains to be heroic. A realistic flawed and complex human character in a series all about that? A confidant for the main character? An exposition device?
  “The answer was that she is a party girl who worked better as an X Factor.”
  Get fucked and read some comics beyond the Silver Age hack.
MJ STOPPED being a party girl or an X-Factor in 1973!
  “The mystery created by Romita and Lee was long dead and that revealed something didn’t work. ”
 It’s so interesting this author will quote one line from ASM #259 and then totally ignore the rest of the entire issues which developed MJ into a supporting character and confidant who mirrored Peter.
 Because she just didn’t work.
  Get fucked.
  “MJ isn’t meant to be understood by Peter, she’s out of his league.”
 There is no such things as leagues. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and any two people with enough time, compassion and empathy can come to understand one another. Peter came to understand MJ via her tragic backstory which echoed his own.
  “Ultimately, what matters is that Mary Jane stays a viable character in the Spider-Man universe”
 Which she was for over 2 decades and even longer before that when she stopped being a party girl.
  “While she is a personality mis-match, she’s a life-long friend that knows a lot about the man behind the mask. ”
  How are their personalities mis-matched.
  “That kind of grounding is absent outside of a direct family tie to Peter. When MJ makes Mephisto end their marriage during “One More Day”, ”
  Mj doesn’t MAKE Mephisto do shit. This is yet more of the author swallowing and regurgitating Marvel’s sexist lies. Peter put MJ on the spot with an untenable position then she sweetens Mephisto’s deal. Mephisto made the offer though. MJ didn’t make anyone do shit, especially Mephisto. She just complied with his wishes.
  “she whispers something that we don’t find out until “One Moment in Time”. Unfortunately, this twist is negated by the fact that Peter forces MJ to remember their life together as it was, but the duo chooses to split and move on.”
 Fuck this article even fails to accurately represent the events of the bullshit storyt hat supports their claim.
 MJ’s whisper to Mephisto takes places before he changes time and Peter forcing MJ to remember (more like he forces her to not forget) occurres for unrelated reasons after time has been altered. The two things aren’t directly connected.
  Moreover the duo don’t CHOOSE to split, MJ leaves him.
 At least represent the bs you are defending accurately.
  “It’s a tricky setup, but it’s one that has led Spider-Man back to the promise of the early 1980s”
 It’s not tricky it’s hacky.
 It didn’t lead Spider-Man back to the promise of the 1980s because things weren’t written as well.
 Moreover the early 1980s were when O’Neil was writing Spider-Man and the series sucked shit, why would you want to go back to that?
 In fact even if it didn’t suck why would you want to go BACK to something antiquated as being 25-30 years old FFS!
  “There are multiple people in his life demanding certain things, but they all want to push him forward. Even Mary Jane has setup her own business and works as an outside factor in Peter’s life.”
All of which didn’t require ending the marriage or a deal with Satan to facilitate.
 “The book is “The Amazing Spider-Man” for reason and not “Mary Jane Knows Best” for a reason.”
 Get fucked the book was never that during the marriage either.
 “ Supporting characters work when they have a defined role for our central figure.”
You mean like a life partner, best friend, confidant and life line to normalacy.
 “After a quarter century in the main book, MJ lost that focus and the story suffered.”
 After what feels like a quarter century reading this article I feel like my brain has suffered from the lies and misinformation contained within it.
 “While we have turned back the clock on that matter, something harsh remains. Why can’t a woman be on par with Spider-Man?”
She can be but when she is sexist jackasses like this knock her down and just plain lie, misrepresent or twist things to pretend things are untenably bad when they aren’t.
 “ Much has been made out of his MC2 counterpart Spider-Girl. Sure, it’s his daughter as a legacy character keeping the identity alive, but she manages to find time for her retired father in her book. But, her book keeps getting cancelled and the readership of that title is a tenth of what Amazing Spider-Man pulls down. Point rested.”
 Point no rested.
 Spider-Girl suffered in sales because it was a female led book at a time when that wasn’t something the market was kind to. It suffered because it was a mass market book sold on the direct market. It suffered because it underined Marvel’s desired narrative and was spearheaded by a former EIC, people who traditionally generate a lot of bad blood courtesy of consequent editorial regimes who throw them to the wolves. It suffered because they wanted to promote another character with the name. It suffered because it was an out of continuity title.
 It has shit to do with anything related in this dumpster fire of an article.
  In summary:
  This article is hot trash peddling sexist propaganda in line with a false narrative Marvel wants.
 Kill it with fire.
But what can I expect from a writer who doesn’t even know Eddie Brock wasn’t a photojournalist or thinks Ned Leeds was ‘tricked’ into becoming the Hobgoblin.
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missjackil · 6 years
A Dose of SPN Positivity!
For those who know me, they know I love this show.... flaws and all! im critical sometimes, but not overly. Bottom line, I am addicted to the story and Im in love with Sam and Dean.  With Season 14 about to start, and we’re all getting antsy, too much negativity has been flying around, so I want to share some things i love most about the show, and maybe make some of you reflect for a moment and think “Yeah, that is pretty great” and smile.  Supernatural has been referred to as “The Little Show That Could” and to me, its such a fitting description. Logically, on the surface, it looks like it just can’t. I mean, how can a fantasy/horror show, survive with such a low budget, light special effects, and not very scary most of the time. I mean hell, they dont even have that many monsters that look like monsters, so why has it lasted longer than a season or 2? Let alone, 14 seasons with no signs of stopping yet. First and foremost is obvious. Sam and Dean and the actors who play them.  This essay will be full of gushing about these boys, so if you dont feel like enduring such a hardship, scroll on past. if that interests you.....
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Yes these 2 fabulous men are the life blood of this show. Without them, we’d have nothing. THEY are the reason, this little show can, and does. Even those who like one and not the other, even if they dont realize it, the one they prefer is who they are because of the other. Both of their qualities and flaws can be directly linked to their influence on each other. If for some reason the other was gone for good, the one left will change drastically. As we see when one is dead or in grave danger, albeit temporarily, the other changes. Sam is no longer sweet, laid back and practical, and Dean is no longer funny, charming, and nurturing.  In fact, they both seem to become an amplified version of their brother. When Sam dies, Dean gets quiet, sometimes too quiet. He also gets methodical and focused. You may get lucky and just get shot in the back, but if he chooses to speak, he chooses his words to let you know shits gonna hit the fan. “You have my brother, and you have one chance, just one, to hand him over, and if he isnt in one peice, when I find you, and I WILL find you, I will take you apart” Sam on the other hand is boiling over with emotion. My boy becomes savage. He doesnt always choose a lot of words to say, he gets his whole point across most of the time with “WHERES MY BROTHER???!!!!” This... my friends, is good stuff! These things couldnt be done with such beauty without Jared and Jensen. Their offscreen relationship, whatever it may be, is wonderful. Theres no denying the love and respect they have for each other. They are very supportive of each other, and help make the other better at their job. They’re not typical actors who have a work relationship but otherwise spend time with each other. They genuinely enjoy being together, and this shows on screen. When two people are this good at their jobs, and with each other, you just have to keep watching. Other things I love about the show, are kinda small. Some maybe youve never noticed, but maybe now you will and enjoy them too, like... Brains vs Brawn: At first glance, we all go Sam=brains, Dean=brawn right? But thats not actually the case. Dean is far from stupid, and Sam is nowheres near a wimp. Dean teases Sam about being a nerd, and Sam doesnt mind, he kinda wears his nerdiness like a badge of honor. Dean will never admit to being a nerd, but he is. He’s read Vonnegut, knows every old west cowboy statistic, and likes LARPing. Sam, though a bookworm, is one tough mofo. hes tall and muscular and has shown to be a little freakishly strong. He can also take a great deal of pain. And though Dean is known more to be the fighter, he can be very warm and nurturing. And nerdy Sam can make you shit your pants with just a look if you piss him off just right. I absolutely LOVE this balance!! Its one of my favorite things! Old school vs New; A lot has changed in 14 seasons. The brothers have grown, as well as the story, but their roots are never forgotten. They’re still driving around in the same car. Hell. Baby has become the 3rd lead! Even though they have mom back, they never forgot her, or dad, and both were spoken of often throughout the series. They refer back to old days often, so we can all get a feel of nostalgia when we remember too. Most episodes bring the deep past up in one way or another, I love this! Loss and Death: I know so many of us complain that they die and come back too much, but I have a real appreciation for it, The circumstances are always different, and so are the methonds of coming back. Sometimes the death isnt serious, or they dont “seem” dead, like in First Blood or Dark Side of the Moon, when there may have been an initial “wtf?” we got to see them in heaven, and in first blood, they came right back. However there was deep seriousness in All Hell Breaks Loose, No Rest for the Wicked,  Do You Believe in Miracles, Swan Song, Red Meat and Beat The Devil that you felt the dying brother’s physical pain, and then the emotional pain of the surviving brother.  No matter how many times they die, they still hit these types of episodes out of the park. WE may know theyre coming back, but they dont. it still crushes them and I love this! Sam and Dean’s Sexuality: I love that their sexual natures are different, but theyre both okay. Dean is sexually active, enjoys porn and vocalizes some fantasies, Though Sam can tease him a little, its just brotherly ribbing, its not judgemental or trying to make Dean feel bad. Sam isnt overly sexual, he’s gone many seasons without sex at all. He doesnt appear to enjoy porn, we know he doesnt like strip clubs, and its NOT because he’s unattractive!! Dean teases him but he doesnt try to make him feel bad. When he has heavily suggested that Sam get laid, its just because he wants him to have fun. Dean even said he appreciated that Sam wanted to stay pure and waited. Otherwise, its okay that Sam is (at least kinda) asexual. Neither are shunned or judged because of their sexuality. Winsync: This is one of the greatest things. if they didnt do this, we wouldnt care, we would never say “It would be a much better show if the brothers mirrored each other, or did the same thing at the same time” but for whatever reason, TPTB wanted this, and it works so well! Its an intimacy we can see without the show going OTT bromantic. Its the connection, the closeness, and being soulmates. I LOVE this! Soulmates and Brothers: Normally a show will make soulmates out of lovers. It’s not often they do it with siblings. It helps justify their deep love and devotion. It adds an additional layer to their relationship. It makes them so tied together that they will share eternity in heaven together, and not just in their memories. This was a very good decision made by Kripke and crew, so we will all know they cant live without each other, even if they just lived in different homes. I love this! Meta Madness: Though I dont like all the meta episodes, I do love the fact they can do them, and DO do them. Because the whole premise is the supernatural, nothing is impossible, even AUs and cartoon worlds. Sometimes I might roll my eyes, but its awesome to me that they can experiment this way and see how it goes. I Love this!! The Bros are Oblivious: Sam and Dean have been through basically everything, and have seen and done everything, yet they seem shocked when people say theyre famous, or when they heard people tell stories about them. Occasionally they grasp their importance, like when they tell people they save the world, but they were impressed that Asa fixed killed 5 Wendigo, and had an Angel Blade, and Father Luca met the Pope. I mean God hung out at the bunker and made them pancakes! Their Heads Dont Get Too Big: Every once in a while, TPTB make sure we, and the boys, remember that they are only human. Even if they lock away Satan, kill Death, save God’s life, they’re just men. Remember when Bobby died and Dean was sure he wouldnt because “its just one bullet!” ? I can see how it would seem so silly to Dean, and even to us, that someone who has lived through so much, could die from a stupid little bullet. I think that one of the smartest things the show has done in ages, was to have Sam tortured by Toni and friend. Sam was so bold and cocky (and need I say sexy?) telling Toni he’d been tortured by the devil himself, and what could she do to him... He soon learned Hell torture or not,  cold showers still suck, blow torches to the feet still hurt like hell, and a mortal human can still fuck with his head. And Dean, well he can still be put on the injured reserve list from a jacked up leg. IMO S12 was great for re-humanizing the Winchesters. I love this! Comedy to Tragedy: Some of the best episodes, started out funny and ended in a tear jerker. Mystery Spot, Just My Imagination, and Beat The Devil top my list. I love the emotional rollar coaster, Coming away exhausted from an episode is the bestthing I can ask for! They havent tried it the other way around, tragedy to comedy, and thats good. If you are crying at the beginning and laughing later, it doesnt justify the grief and you may feel let down and hollow after. SPN is great with having some humor in even the most depressing episodes, but they know when using it and leaving it out is best. I love this! Brohugs: My #1 favorite thing, aside from the hug in 6.1, they have all been beautiful. Not once, have the boys lost the love, or even repeated the same hug. Each one conveys a different message, a different emotion, but all say “I love you more than everything” and I wont ever get tired of them! I would do anything for a single hug in my whole life that had such love in it, as any Winchester bro hug! I.LOVE.THIS!! Now I hope if you read this far, you got to smile a few times, and a spark was added to the fire that you fell in love with 14 seasons ago. Here’s to S14, i hope its filled with all of these wonderful things!
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siirkaian · 4 years
im also thinking about having the one i still havent fucking named yet. their reincarnation on earth’s name is crystal. not actually die after they kill their higher up in his sleep bc liike......... SOMEONE meets them there and if its stardust............ stardust meets crystal as crystal and saves them from something on Earth and crystal is............. very much hmm. awake. they see into Earth in abstract ways (idk whats with the doors but when barren tries to enter their mind theyve got a huge hallway full of doors and lights that switch off when they come after barren like. as if theyre like office lights but they dont really understand) and like.............................................. where im at atm is that if stardust goes with whoever to that higher ups room, sees (crystal) has already killed them, and (c) is ready to die, they will probably ask stardust about that?? They probably wont understand what exactly happened bc like......... thats like someone from fucking ancient rome seeing visions of modern america its not.............. going to be digestible unless its slightly abstract........................ but im sure something as fucking monumental as seeing an angelic spirit literally manifest in light in front of you here on Earth is something that’’ make an impression on your soul................. and (c)/crystal are fucking good at what they do. i want them to ask about it. and since stardust, who goes between worlds consciously, is going to fucking know who crystal is and recognise that they and barren (stardust’s grandchild) have a lot in common........... theres no fucking way he’d let them jump out that window if they started questioning things, and they would have so many questions having realised that. ugh. basically - 
(c) is brought up as a servant to fill the hole that barren left behind when barren was basically kicked out. Barrens excellent at receiving visions and shit, (c)’s existence is basically ther higher ups finding out the limits of the demos mind in psychism and pushing them
(c) sees a lot of shit and knows theyre good at what they do, but their higher ups dont want to see them exploring other worlds. they therefore have a lot of uncertainties about their abilities and how Sane they fucking are because of the gaslighting
(c) gets to know barren secondhandedly as they start making an impact on the world, fucking up some plans and shit. (c) doesnt like them at first but starts to realise......... theres more to this life than just following orders out of fear. things can be different no matter how scary that is. seeds are planted
(c) ends up doing the mindwalking thing with barren (where they enter someone elses mind, a rare art that currently only barren and they know, and stardust is kinda taught by the god Moonshine) and realises theyve gone through similar trauma w the same higher ups................ seeds beginning to sprout 
(c) finally fucking snaps and ends up killing one of their higher ups in their sleep bc look. the worlds out to get barren and they can do one little thing.......... they dont have to be right, because they plan to kill themselves right after doing it, tired of being abused and of what the higher ups are doing.................. the main characters and they converge at this point
if stardust is there.................. then im SURE since (c) is literally on the fucking edge that they can finally ask like. they have suspicions that stardust is Sol bc they see a lot of fucking shit. but they wont ask that bc hes keeping quiet for a reason and if theyre right............................................... they ask if stardust was the one who saved them in The Other World (without being explicit beyond “did you save me”) and stardust is like.......... see............. left with this fucking decision and imt rying to decide what hed do. He knows the potency of that question - it means (c) knows about Earth. it means they dont know that they know earth. it means they will have a huge amount of questions and a boost to their self worth if he says yes............... but theyve just done something that will get them tortured and killed, theyre planning on dying for a reason. Does he say yes and give them back all their potential just before their death?? Or does he say no and disappoint them.............. because. oh i forgot to mention. (c) has a patron Higher Demos and considering Stardust is actually the fucking god-king of them its like................ (c) will find out after death the truth and this patron (or technically matron, i think ill make Mother their matron/guardian) will tell them why stardust lied but like..................... does he give this potential back when theyre really resoled for good reason to die (so they dont get tortured and then killed)? 
i was thinking of having stardust say yes, have them start waking up to themselves and realising theyve got so many questions and things they can finally talk about and “oh shit!! Wait if these things are real then holy shit, this world isnt everything there is and i think i understand” but. of course theres guards going around and they were supposed to do this super fast get in and get out so theyll probably get spotted............ im thinking about having stardust rescue them as they either get in trouble or go to finish it out of fear bc tbh...................... stardust speaks in actions more than words, not that he doesnt talk but after having taken part in the fucking war against siirka hes....... extremely conscious of the power he has over this life and the impact his actions have on everyone, but i think. him dropping that and reacting instinctually to save this person that was seemingly the enemy......... either he fucking loses his demos form to rescue them if he doesnt get to the window in time, or he’ll pull them forward and touching skin to skin is what activates mindwalking (but the less meditatvely you enter it the less control you have over what you see and whose mind is walked into) so. thatd be a fascinating way to show the connected memories of crystal and stardust and also some bits and pieces i havent been able to show elsewhere. OR! since crystal trying to die has given up, maybe thats a fucking GREAT opportunity to see into THEIR mind alone because theyve let down their self-preserving instincts! Thats how barren gets to see theyve gone through similar trauma, because when barren mindwalks into their mind theyve got the upper hand bc they fucking KNOW what! OH! the song i have for that scene just started playing. anyway they fucking KNOW what theyre doing more than barren! But when barren’s guard gets eaten up basically and (c) starts seeing the shit barrens gone through at the hands of their shared hgher ups their own guard drops and barren gets to see the related memories in (c)’s own mind............ so maybe.......... now (c), finally resolved and aware of their whole life now that its about to be ended, will be mentally open enough for SD to accidentally be pulled into their head
the timeline tho............. stardust has a few reveals and theres only a limited amount of mindwalks i can do with him before im having to actively be like “whoops i guess yet again the important info just HAPPENED to be missed!!” because ive already got. once with barren. Thats when they meet Moonshine and he tries to teach barren more about mindwalking, BUT since Moonshines a mental deity barrens physically overwhelmed like fucking blood pouring from the nose and passes out, SD catches them......... so both their guards are down and the mindwalking experience is scrambled to FUCK changing rapidly between memories of both of them both clear and scrambled since oops surprise barren is SD’s grandchild so their essences mix, and its like trying to right a spiralling descending plane but stardust is TRYING to steer barren away from the “Oh Yeah Im Sol And Your Grandfather” memories................ i can only get away with those memories not being there a VERY LIMITED AMOUNT OF TIMES. sure (c) and stardust have abstracted memories of Earth to anchor on but............. i cant keep having Stardusts mind explored while staying away from Sol. i cant. this story is supposed to be pieced together in clues i cant have like fifty million “heres stardust!”s and then be like “oh and hes sol!!” ya know.............. and stardust and (c) are possibly supposed to experience another mindwalk after moonshine so like. ugh. i dont. UGH i dont know
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“Honestly this game is starting to heat up and I've already set up all my pieces its just time to play with them.” - aria
HOH: Brianna UPSIDE DOWN: Josh C & Nick NOMINEES: Nathan & Nash & Jev POV: Brianna FINAL NOMINEES: Nash & Jev EVICTED: Nash (9-0)
HOH: Joshua UPSIDE DOWN: Josh C NOMINEES: Brianna & Nathan POV: Emma / DPOV: Jacob FINAL NOMINEES: Nick & Nathan EVICTED: Nick (4-3)
i think i should be safe this week! well that's what brianna told me.. so hopefully she doesnt alivia me and put me up. other than that monty going home was ideal for me i think, yes i liked him as a person but he definitely didn't trust me as much as joey might. and he was a duo with nick so like.. he had to go ewp. nathan and nick were probably the votes to keep him. hopefully jury is at f11 which could possibly mean a double, which could possibly mean im fucked! :D
I think its a high chance of me getting nominated i mean i got the upside veto but its like still i hate and love this game im having fun meeting people i love joshua play with jev again been fun i love aria i love jacob i love and miss gina and saira but its outside reasons why i cant focus however today is the very first day that i havent felt depressed but im scared of it creeping up on me again this game has been so confusing these people are so quiet yet so cracked it makes me frustarted the fact that the alliances or supposed alliances are all people who played in pasio or bbdanganronpa idk if its true but if it is it feels like i got no chance of winning the game alot of people are pretty outsided to me i like to think i got a good social game but i aint some social goddess idk its gonna take for me some dark magic for me to survive or have a chance of me winning this game at this point also the nathan thing i am pretty sure i go to him more then he comes to me and also im pretty sure if he and monty were final noms i would probably kept nathan over monty uwu but damn the victim card isnt cute like i been there done that games are fucking hard but u need to pick urself back up if you want to do well like damn nathan i hope ur okay its hard but he could probably do it if he tries i just guess i need to tell him that i dont want him to feel isolated. 
Sooooooo..... TANK BOWL SZN is still on. I threw yet another competition, but I’m literally so fucking safe this week, all I have to do is just relax, let Brianna take some blood on her hands, and hopefully Nash or Nathan go home this week. Nash and I don’t talk, but that’s what half the house has said. I need Jev here as a shield. Nathan I also need gone since I think he’s tryna manipulate me, and honestly, I ain’t here for it. Literally, if I have to get rid of Nash or Joshua myself, I’ll do it.
like... genuine congrats to brianna for making moves but i also think this decision was a bit of a choice? getting nathan out would be a predictable move, yes, but hes also messy/chaotic so i don’t see why i or jev would be seen as bigger threats than him? idk.... 
well. Perhaps its been a while HBFSDJF oopsie whoopsie,, so yeah this is going to be realllllyyy long but ive been doing a lot!! and yall deserve to know the mental olympics ive been going through these last couple weeks so its time for bullet point time!! ALSO I MISS SAIRA GINA MO AND MONTY A LOT BRING EM BACK
-in the stab comp, josh c has some sort of connection with jev and emma because they both stabbed him when they've both told me they liked him, so he threw 
-joey finally snapped and made the alliance between me/kiki/joey/bri
-kiki is in a GREAT position but wbk (kiki jev joshua have to be together in some sense)
-joshua takes a shot at monty/nathan,,,conviently leaving nick the person WHO EVICTED SAIRA alone,,,inch resting
-joshua heard someone said his name, asked monty who ratted out josh, asked jos who ratted nathan-  which leads to a nathan/joshua fight
-nathan ratted out the nathan/monty/nick alliance first
-joshua good at comps
-nash and emma(?) won something from the ud
-nick then leaks the alliance to me,,,after the veto is announced
-nick hinst at going after jacob
-nick warned me i was being grouped with bri/jacob
-whole house considers bri/jacob a group
- jacob leaks kiki/nash/joshua/jacob alliance
-emma feels close with nick (REMEMBER THIS)
-jacob AND nick told nash gina was after them
-leaked to jacob nick is after them
-josh acted like he didnt know nash was connected?? is it a front???
-jacob tells me and bri nash has a dpov (might be fake)
-nathan blows up and clocks the majority thing and pisses everyone off
-i come up with cracked plans that WILL NOT be shared
-joey wants to go after joshua on live night
-joey feels close ot nick
-nick comes to me with a plan of voting out nathan with joshua/kiki so jev and nash come after bri and take her out weakening jacob
-using that knowledge i convince bri to veto nathan :)
-nick is super close to kiki
-talked to joshua josh nathan emma nick who are all evicting nash
-nathan wants kiki out before joshua 
-nick thinks jacob leaked the everyone but... alliance
-nick wants to take a shot at jacob live night
So here we are. I somehow have no blood on my hands and someone whos very connected with major players (jacob and nick) is leaving :))) literally this week turned out so well im still squealing that the rumored "dpov" didnt get used fhbasjfd like when i saw the time limit passed  i jumped around my room and squealed But!! the next big thing is where do i go from here. I THINK me bri and jacob are all safe in live night bc jacob's dpov can help if we're in trouble so im feeling kinda confident for the three of us, and then for some reason nick trusts me?? like a lot??? so i can get information and the perspective of the other side whenever i need it. Not super sure where to go from here but i want to keep the "sides" even so if someone like joshua/kiki/jev could go next that would be great although it probably won't. Honestly this game is starting to heat up and I've already set up all my pieces its just time to play with them.  
Also kinda want to address that people in this house think that bri just ruined her game by doing that but i think i made a good point when i wrote this in my dr- 
"You have a clocked group but you don’t want to take a shot at them because you might have “connections” within that group and think you can be the last person standing but at the end of the day they’re always gonna choose each over over you"
and i think Bri just broke the expectations of sheep being taken to the slaughter and rewrote her own destiny and im proud of her, shes literally the SWEETEST human being ive ever met and the rest of this house is NOTHING compared to her. This is @ someone btw you know who you are :) 
and thats on pewiod <3
So just a little recap of the week, I wasn't surprised to be nominated in the slightest. It kinda bugged me that Brianna brought social interaction into her reasoning for nominations since she doesn't seem to be very responsive in PMs to anybody but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. I just hope me and Nash can survive this week because I don't think either of us deserve to leave over Nathan. Being called out by Nathan earlier this week really annoyed me since he was literally grasping at straws to throw anybody but himself under the bus then had the nerve to say he isn't a messy player... girl the delusion but hopefully he'll leave this week, that's if Brianna is smart and doesn't use the veto on him. He's loyal to nobody but himself and he's proven that this week with his house meeting.
im super excited to make jury.... hopefully ill be able to make it this time longer... i seem to be cursed with horrible situational circumstances lately JDJEIDJDJFKD. anyway as of now my strategy was just to lay low until jury but i think i might continue that for a while... try not to win hoh. i have a finger in every pie as of right now and am in an alliance with everyone in the cast but nathan.... and in doing so have hopefully reduced myself as a target in the eyes of others.... kiki is a master of psychological manipulation. for the live night im banking on that to keep safe but i do tend to be good under pressure so if need be i can count on myself and probably even my closer allies such as joshua and nick to help me out if i end up in a sticky spot. shakes ass in here for the hosts. thats all thank u
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