#'flick hurt herself with confusion' type of thought
ravelqueen · 4 months
everytime I am pulled back into the Shadowgast Madness I remember that one specific future AU brainworm I had, where Essek manages to figure out a spell that basically divides up his own lifespan/lifeforce with someone else, only so that he lives exactly as long as Caleb does and just kind of stalling on how he'd ever convince Caleb to submit to that spell, but needing him , because there is a part of him that fully knows that no matter what Caleb's death would be his as well and it still makes me hurt
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mrm0rgansw0man · 4 months
no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her
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arthur morgan knew he was the type of man that shouldn’t risk falling in love, but jesus she just made it so hard NOT to
a/n: first fic!! inspired by work song by hozier lol. hope y’all enjoy it Xx 💗
re-uploading this fic on my new account because im planning on making a second part of it! should be out soon :) Xx
‘Arthur Morgan, you fool’ He thought to himself, mentally swearing for catching himself staring at their camps newest member yet again. But he just couldn’t help it. He knew he shouldn’t indulge in this. It was stupid really, any attempt at love in the past had failed him. All because of this life he chose to live. One that wasn’t easy to leave behind. Though Arthur knew, if you asked him to he’d throw it all away. God this man would do anything for you, he practically worshiped the ground you walked on. He didn’t know why he was so captivated by you, maybe it was your honey sweet voice, or the kindness you showed him right from your first day of knowing him. He couldn’t stop himself from loving every little thing about you, to him you were perfect. A goddamned goddess. He thought you deserved someone better than him. A woman such as yourself deserved to live a good life, one where the law isn’t out to get you. One where people could be out to hurt you because of your husband’s line of work. You deserved to feel safe and secure in your life. Nothing like the chaos you were living through now.
Little did Arthur know, you were feeling the exact same way about him. You had deep feelings for Arthur Morgan, you were as sweet like sugar on that man. You loved everything about him, but most of all how he treated you. He made 100% sure you felt safe and were taken care of all the time. You were one of the first people he’d check up on when returning from a job. Or you mentioned something you needed and the next day he would just so happen to need to run to town and what do you know, the exact scarf, seasoning, hair ribbon, you name it would be included in his haul. And if he was around at meal times, he would not so subtly make sure you got your portion. All of this and yet, he rarely said a word to you. It confused you to no end, it felt like he cared about you deeply but he rarely paid any attention to you. You were a lost soul before you started riding with the Van Der Lindes, and because of the Blackwater situation it was hard for the gang to let in a new mouth to feed. But ever since the beginning Arthur made you feel so welcomed. You don’t know what you did do deserve his kindness but it was deeply appreciated. Mary-Beth was CONVINCED Arthur was sweet on you, so we’re Tilly, Molly, Abigail, Karen, goodness even Susan Grimahaw herself made a comment about it you once. You wanted to believe it so badly, but he didn’t talk to you!! He could just be a kind man of little words and you’re reading into the situation all wrong.
‘Oh well…’ You thought with a sigh, flicking your eyes up from the needle work you had long been neglecting because of your thinking. To your surprise, you found a pair of beautiful blue eyes already looking in your direction…
“Shit!” Arthur swore under his breath, god dammit you were still as a staute for ages before this why’d you have to look up now?? Arthur begrudgingly tore my eyes away from t and started walking to his horse- where he was supposed to be already. Hosea wanted to take him into town for some reason he had yet to say.
“Arthur!” Hosea said warmly. He then raised an eyebrow. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting here?”
‘Oh I this is NOT goin’ there.’ Arthur thought.
“Course not.” He said flatly. Hosea smiled a knowing smile, before long they mounted thier horses and were off.
The ride to Valentine was thankfully silent and quick. But Arthur knew that was going to change as soon as Hosea informed him that he was taking Arthur to the saloon to “Chat over a drink” With such a grin on his face that Arthur knew he was nothing short of doomed.
After getting situated at the bar with a neat whiskey and a beer, Hosea start talking to Arthur, though it felt more like he was speaking AT at him. Making little remarks about love and what it does for people. Sharing little stories of “the joys of marriage.” …..very sneaky, Hosea.
“Hosea…. Please get to whatever point it is yer tryin’ to make here.” Arthur said, cutting into his rambling.
“Arthur….” He cooed, sounding like he was talking to some schoolyard boy. “I’ve been watching you pine over (Name) for MONTHS.”
Arthur said nothing. Nothing but a silent prayer that his cheeks weren’t burning a fiery shade of red.
“I know you’re sweet on her, it’s as obvious as a wolf standing in a pack of sheep!”
Arthur ran a hand over my face and let out a tired sigh. Hosea sipped his beer, waiting for him to respond.
“What ‘m I supposed’t say?” Arthur grumbled, crossing his arms over my chest. ‘God, what a pathetic fool I am.’ Arthur thought. “Not like she’d want an ugly bastard like me ‘nyway.”
“On the contrary! Hosea chuckles. “I was walking by the women’s tent last nigh- couldn’t sleep. Wanted to walk a bit to clear my head- and my boy you should’ve heard the things (Name) was saying about you!”
At that, Arthur sat up a little straighter. “What things…?” He asked, slightly wearily. Hosea smiled.
“Son, she’s fallen for you head first! If only you’d start speaking more then 2 words a week to her! You do so much for that girl Arthur, would it be so hard to do that too?”
He didn’t say anything. Learning that, by some fucking MIRACLE- the woman of his dreams has fallen for him was making his head spin. Could this really be happening?? Could this work?? A stab of pain shot through him as he remembered Mary, and how things ended with her. But this could be different, after all you were with the gang. You didn’t care about his life, you loved him despite it all…Arthur hadn’t dared let himself think that a love with you could possibly work out. The thought made him giddy. He felt dumb as rocks, feeling so strongly for you without ever saying a damn word to you. But he couldn’t let himself get to know you- he couldn’t bare to hear your silky voice say his name more then you already do. With such kindness, such love.He wanted to talk to you, to love you, to cherish you and worship you like you deserved to be, but-
“Hosea, I’m afraid.” Arthur said quietly. “Look at ‘er, I can’t drag this woman down the path I’m on. She doesn’t deserve a man like me.”
Hosea pushed Arthur’s untouched whiskey towards him, Arthur took the glass and downed it all in one go. He listened to Hosea’a next words at the fiery liquid settled in his stomach.
“Are you going to risk making that decision for her?”
You sat on the cold ground in front of the dying out campfire, grateful that everyone had fallen into their cots for the night. You loved the solitude of nighttime. It was so nice to be by yourself, enjoying the quiet peace of the stars above you.
Before long, your thoughts (as they always did) turned to Arthur Morgan. Hosea has returned to camp hours ago, telling you that Arthur should be back shortly. It’s been hours and still no sign of him. You knew it was normal, but you couldn’t help but worry while he was out of camp. Which was stupid really, you weren’t his girl. Just because he was kind didn’t mean you had to get your knickers all on a twist over him.
‘Damn your mysterious-ness Arthur Morgan….’
You only know you dozed off when the familiar sound of a horse whining woke you up. And then an even more familiar voice soothing the distressed animal.
“Easy girl…. Y’know I can’t spend all my time with ya’ don’t you?”
You stretched your arms out and listened to the sweet interaction. Despite him being the gang’s toughest enforcer, a wanted dead or alive outlaw, Arthur truly was a sweetheart. He treated all the women of the camp with the utmost respect and was such a help to any soul in need of. If only he knew how badly you needed him.
You from your spot on the ground, drawing the outlaws attention. He approached with a small smile.
“Glad it was jus’ you..” Arthur said, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt. You on the other hand were absolutely over the MOON at the fact that Arthur had finally decided to talk to you.
“Oh I hope you’re not too disappointed Mr. Morgan!” You said with a light chuckle. Arthur, not sensing your sarcasm through his nerves, panicked.
“N-no! Not at all, ma’am! I apologize if I came off that way-”
“I’m just teasing ya’ Arthur. It’s quite alright.” You said and smiled. A smile so sweet and bright Arthur could’ve melted on the spot. Your sweet smile, the way his name rolled off your lips. Arthur wasn’t a religious man, but he might as well have been in heaven.
“(Name)….” Arthur said, his sweet southern drawl when he said your name making you blush. “I’d like to apologize. For how I’ve been treatin’ you.”
“Oh Arthur! You’ve been nothin’ but kind to me since I’ve been here- whatever are you sorry for?” You asked him, genuinely shocked at the man’s statement. Were you talking to the same Arthur who took care of your horse for you, bought you ribbons to put in your hair, and watched over you like a protective hawk? Sure he didn’t speak to you much, but you knew he was a man of few words. Even if it hurt sometimes, could live with it. You didn’t need him to love you back for you to love him all the same. You’d almost accepted it. Almost.
Arthur sighed a deep and nervous sigh, his thoughts blurring and the several whiskeys he had in him were NOT helping. Not a bit.
“You see- well it’s, it’s just-” Arthur stammered- god he was making a complete FOOL of himself!
You stepped closer to Arthur, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. You looked up at him nervously. The two of you had never been close as this. Arthur looked down at you, you had concern laced in your eyes. Concern for him. Your long hair was falling out of its messy braid, the loose strands framing your face beautifully. He could see the nights starts reflected in your eyes.
‘How beautiful..’ Arthur thought. He was completely captivated by you. ‘How could a woman like this be allowed to roam the same earth as someone like me..?’
Without even realizing what he was doing, Arthur pulled you flush against his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist and the other reaching up to cup your chin. His touch was feather light as he stroked his thumb over your face.
“I ain’t never felt like this before Miss…” Arthur mumbled, leaning his forehead down to touch your. He didn’t have time to wonder (or thank) whatever divine force gave him to courage to do this. “You got me makin’ a fool outta myself…”
You let out a soft gasp at the a sudden touch from Arthur. You had only ever been like this in your sweetest dreams, was this really happening??
“Arthur…?” You whispered, questioning him. “Wha…What ‘re you d-”
That’s it. He couldn’t take it anymore. To hell with the risks, the past to hell with it all! He had come to love you more than life itself. You were exactly what he needed in his painful and cruel life.
You were such a loving soul, treating everyone and everything around you so kindly it was heartwarming. You give and give and GIVE to everyone around you. You never judged anyone around you for their actions- past or present. You picked up chores from the other women when they needed a break. You sung little Jack to sleep when Abigail was too exhausted to lift her head from her cot. You put braided flowers into your beautiful long hair whenever you had a moment to yourself. You smiled at him every morning when you left your tent to begin your day. You always kept the pink silk scarf he picked up for you and left in your tent with a note in the pocket of your skirt. You picked at nails and hummed when you were nervous. You loved staying up late, gazing at the stars and admiring the universe. He had pages upon pages of you doing exactly that sketched in his journal.
You were heaven sent. You were perfect. The world didn’t fucking deserve you.
Arthur slammed his lips down onto yours without wasting another moment. And he shuddered at the feelings of your lips finally being against his own. You kissed him back just has hard, standing on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. You felt his tongue slide against his bottom lip, and wasted not a moment opening your mouth to let him in.
Months of longing, tension, were fought out as your tongues pushed against each other. Of course Arthur won, you could barely contain the moan that was building in the back of your throat when you felt his tongue exploring your mouth like a starving man. If he hadn’t been holding you so tightly, you would’ve fallen over. The sheer want and desperation of the kiss made your knees go completely weak.
Unfortunately, you both needed air and had to pull away. Arthur rested his forehead against your own. The both of you stood there, panting with closed eyes. Neither wanting the moment to end.
When you eventually opened your eyes, you looked up at Arthur. And couldn’t help the giddy smile that spread across your face. Arthur wrapped both of his strong arms around your waist, and he smiled sweetly back at you. You both stood there for a moment, swaying gently back and forth as you embraced each other. The silence that fell between you both was comfortable and welcome as you gazed into each others eyes, both sharing the same look of love and adoration.
Arthur was the one who finally broke the silence between the two of you, and you will never forget his next words.
“Please darlin’” He whispered. “I’m beggin’ you… I want you to be my girl. I’m sorry I was a fool for such a long time-”
You leaned up on your tip toes and silenced him with a gentle kiss.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way, Mr. Morgan.”
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mrmorganswoman · 4 months
no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her
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arthur morgan knew he was the type of man that shouldn’t risk falling in love, but jesus she just made it so hard NOT to
a/n: first fic!! inspired by work song by hozier lol. hope y’all enjoy it Xx 💗
‘Arthur Morgan, you fool’ He thought to himself, mentally swearing for catching himself staring at their camps newest member yet again. But he just couldn’t help it. He knew he shouldn’t indulge in this. It was stupid really, any attempt at love in the past had failed him. All because of this life he chose to live. One that wasn’t easy to leave behind. Though Arthur knew, if you asked him to he’d throw it all away. God this man would do anything for you, he practically worshiped the ground you walked on. He didn’t know why he was so captivated by you, maybe it was your honey sweet voice, or the kindness you showed him right from your first day of knowing him. He couldn’t stop himself from loving every little thing about you, to him you were perfect. A goddamned goddess. He thought you deserved someone better than him. A woman such as yourself deserved to live a good life, one where the law isn’t out to get you. One where people could be out to hurt you because of your husband’s line of work. You deserved to feel safe and secure in your life. Nothing like the chaos you were living through now.
Little did Arthur know, you were feeling the exact same way about him. You had deep feelings for Arthur Morgan, you were as sweet like sugar on that man. You loved everything about him, but most of all how he treated you. He made 100% sure you felt safe and were taken care of all the time. You were one of the first people he’d check up on when returning from a job. Or you mentioned something you needed and the next day he would just so happen to need to run to town and what do you know, the exact scarf, seasoning, hair ribbon, you name it would be included in his haul. And if he was around at meal times, he would not so subtly make sure you got your portion. All of this and yet, he rarely said a word to you. It confused you to no end, it felt like he cared about you deeply but he rarely paid any attention to you. You were a lost soul before you started riding with the Van Der Lindes, and because of the Blackwater situation it was hard for the gang to let in a new mouth to feed. But ever since the beginning Arthur made you feel so welcomed. You don’t know what you did do deserve his kindness but it was deeply appreciated. Mary-Beth was CONVINCED Arthur was sweet on you, so we’re Tilly, Molly, Abigail, Karen, goodness even Susan Grimahaw herself made a comment about it you once. You wanted to believe it so badly, but he didn’t talk to you!! He could just be a kind man of little words and you’re reading into the situation all wrong.
‘Oh well…’ You thought with a sigh, flicking your eyes up from the needle work you had long been neglecting because of your thinking. To your surprise, you found a pair of beautiful blue eyes already looking in your direction…
“Shit!” Arthur swore under his breath, god dammit you were still as a staute for ages before this why’d you have to look up now?? Arthur begrudgingly tore my eyes away from t and started walking to his horse- where he was supposed to be already. Hosea wanted to take him into town for some reason he had yet to say.
“Arthur!” Hosea said warmly. He then raised an eyebrow. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting here?”
‘Oh I this is NOT goin’ there.’ Arthur thought.
“Course not.” He said flatly. Hosea smiled a knowing smile, before long they mounted thier horses and were off.
The ride to Valentine was thankfully silent and quick. But Arthur knew that was going to change as soon as Hosea informed him that he was taking Arthur to the saloon to “Chat over a drink” With such a grin on his face that Arthur knew he was nothing short of doomed.
After getting situated at the bar with a neat whiskey and a beer, Hosea start talking to Arthur, though it felt more like he was speaking AT at him. Making little remarks about love and what it does for people. Sharing little stories of “the joys of marriage.” …..very sneaky, Hosea.
“Hosea…. Please get to whatever point it is yer tryin’ to make here.” Arthur said, cutting into his rambling.
“Arthur….” He cooed, sounding like he was talking to some schoolyard boy. “I’ve been watching you pine over (Name) for MONTHS.”
Arthur said nothing. Nothing but a silent prayer that his cheeks weren’t burning a fiery shade of red.
“I know you’re sweet on her, it’s as obvious as a wolf standing in a pack of sheep!”
Arthur ran a hand over my face and let out a tired sigh. Hosea sipped his beer, waiting for him to respond.
“What ‘m I supposed’t say?” Arthur grumbled, crossing his arms over my chest. ‘God, what a pathetic fool I am.’ Arthur thought. “Not like she’d want an ugly bastard like me ‘nyway.”
“On the contrary! Hosea chuckles. “I was walking by the women’s tent last nigh- couldn’t sleep. Wanted to walk a bit to clear my head- and my boy you should’ve heard the things (Name) was saying about you!”
At that, Arthur sat up a little straighter. “What things…?” He asked, slightly wearily. Hosea smiled.
“Son, she’s fallen for you head first! If only you’d start speaking more then 2 words a week to her! You do so much for that girl Arthur, would it be so hard to do that too?”
He didn’t say anything. Learning that, by some fucking MIRACLE- the woman of his dreams has fallen for him was making his head spin. Could this really be happening?? Could this work?? A stab of pain shot through him as he remembered Mary, and how things ended with her. But this could be different, after all you were with the gang. You didn’t care about his life, you loved him despite it all…Arthur hadn’t dared let himself think that a love with you could possibly work out. The thought made him giddy. He felt dumb as rocks, feeling so strongly for you without ever saying a damn word to you. But he couldn’t let himself get to know you- he couldn’t bare to hear your silky voice say his name more then you already do. With such kindness, such love.He wanted to talk to you, to love you, to cherish you and worship you like you deserved to be, but-
“Hosea, I’m afraid.” Arthur said quietly. “Look at ‘er, I can’t drag this woman down the path I’m on. She doesn’t deserve a man like me.”
Hosea pushed Arthur’s untouched whiskey towards him, Arthur took the glass and downed it all in one go. He listened to Hosea’a next words at the fiery liquid settled in his stomach.
“Are you going to risk making that decision for her?”
You sat on the cold ground in front of the dying out campfire, grateful that everyone had fallen into their cots for the night. You loved the solitude of nighttime. It was so nice to be by yourself, enjoying the quiet peace of the stars above you.
Before long, your thoughts (as they always did) turned to Arthur Morgan. Hosea has returned to camp hours ago, telling you that Arthur should be back shortly. It’s been hours and still no sign of him. You knew it was normal, but you couldn’t help but worry while he was out of camp. Which was stupid really, you weren’t his girl. Just because he was kind didn’t mean you had to get your knickers all on a twist over him.
‘Damn your mysterious-ness Arthur Morgan….’
You only know you dozed off when the familiar sound of a horse whining woke you up. And then an even more familiar voice soothing the distressed animal.
“Easy girl…. Y’know I can’t spend all my time with ya’ don’t you?”
You stretched your arms out and listened to the sweet interaction. Despite him being the gang’s toughest enforcer, a wanted dead or alive outlaw, Arthur truly was a sweetheart. He treated all the women of the camp with the utmost respect and was such a help to any soul in need of. If only he knew how badly you needed him.
You from your spot on the ground, drawing the outlaws attention. He approached with a small smile.
“Glad it was jus’ you..” Arthur said, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt. You on the other hand were absolutely over the MOON at the fact that Arthur had finally decided to talk to you.
“Oh I hope you’re not too disappointed Mr. Morgan!” You said with a light chuckle. Arthur, not sensing your sarcasm through his nerves, panicked.
“N-no! Not at all, ma’am! I apologize if I came off that way-”
“I’m just teasing ya’ Arthur. It’s quite alright.” You said and smiled. A smile so sweet and bright Arthur could’ve melted on the spot. Your sweet smile, the way his name rolled off your lips. Arthur wasn’t a religious man, but he might as well have been in heaven.
“(Name)….” Arthur said, his sweet southern drawl when he said your name making you blush. “I’d like to apologize. For how I’ve been treatin’ you.”
“Oh Arthur! You’ve been nothin’ but kind to me since I’ve been here- whatever are you sorry for?” You asked him, genuinely shocked at the man’s statement. Were you talking to the same Arthur who took care of your horse for you, bought you ribbons to put in your hair, and watched over you like a protective hawk? Sure he didn’t speak to you much, but you knew he was a man of few words. Even if it hurt sometimes, could live with it. You didn’t need him to love you back for you to love him all the same. You’d almost accepted it. Almost.
Arthur sighed a deep and nervous sigh, his thoughts blurring and the several whiskeys he had in him were NOT helping. Not a bit.
“You see- well it’s, it’s just-” Arthur stammered- god he was making a complete FOOL of himself!
You stepped closer to Arthur, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. You looked up at him nervously. The two of you had never been close as this. Arthur looked down at you, you had concern laced in your eyes. Concern for him. Your long hair was falling out of its messy braid, the loose strands framing your face beautifully. He could see the nights starts reflected in your eyes.
‘How beautiful..’ Arthur thought. He was completely captivated by you. ‘How could a woman like this be allowed to roam the same earth as someone like me..?’
Without even realizing what he was doing, Arthur pulled you flush against his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist and the other reaching up to cup your chin. His touch was feather light as he stroked his thumb over your face.
“I ain’t never felt like this before Miss…” Arthur mumbled, leaning his forehead down to touch your. He didn’t have time to wonder (or thank) whatever divine force gave him to courage to do this. “You got me makin’ a fool outta myself…”
You let out a soft gasp at the a sudden touch from Arthur. You had only ever been like this in your sweetest dreams, was this really happening??
“Arthur…?” You whispered, questioning him. “Wha…What ‘re you d-”
That’s it. He couldn’t take it anymore. To hell with the risks, the past to hell with it all! He had come to love you more than life itself. You were exactly what he needed in his painful and cruel life.
You were such a loving soul, treating everyone and everything around you so kindly it was heartwarming. You give and give and GIVE to everyone around you. You never judged anyone around you for their actions- past or present. You picked up chores from the other women when they needed a break. You sung little Jack to sleep when Abigail was too exhausted to lift her head from her cot. You put braided flowers into your beautiful long hair whenever you had a moment to yourself. You smiled at him every morning when you left your tent to begin your day. You always kept the pink silk scarf he picked up for you and left in your tent with a note in the pocket of your skirt. You picked at nails and hummed when you were nervous. You loved staying up late, gazing at the stars and admiring the universe. He had pages upon pages of you doing exactly that sketched in his journal.
You were heaven sent. You were perfect. The world didn’t fucking deserve you.
Arthur slammed his lips down onto yours without wasting another moment. And he shuddered at the feelings of your lips finally being against his own. You kissed him back just has hard, standing on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. You felt his tongue slide against his bottom lip, and wasted not a moment opening your mouth to let him in.
Months of longing, tension, were fought out as your tongues pushed against each other. Of course Arthur won, you could barely contain the moan that was building in the back of your throat when you felt his tongue exploring your mouth like a starving man. If he hadn’t been holding you so tightly, you would’ve fallen over. The sheer want and desperation of the kiss made your knees go completely weak.
Unfortunately, you both needed air and had to pull away. Arthur rested his forehead against your own. The both of you stood there, panting with closed eyes. Neither wanting the moment to end.
When you eventually opened your eyes, you looked up at Arthur. And couldn’t help the giddy smile that spread across your face. Arthur wrapped both of his strong arms around your waist, and he smiled sweetly back at you. You both stood there for a moment, swaying gently back and forth as you embraced each other. The silence that fell between you both was comfortable and welcome as you gazed into each others eyes, both sharing the same look of love and adoration.
Arthur was the one who finally broke the silence between the two of you, and you will never forget his next words.
“Please darlin’” He whispered. “I’m beggin’ you… I want you to be my girl. I’m sorry I was a fool for such a long time-”
You leaned up on your tip toes and silenced him with a gentle kiss.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way, Mr. Morgan.”
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iminloveweveryone · 7 months
Miguel O’Hara
This is a part two to my first mafia!au Miguel fic, find it here
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*: ★,。・:
Miguel pulled back, still looking smug at your heavy breathing and inability to stand still.
“goodnight sweetheart.” he says, before his usual expression is back on his face. He walks off down the hallway, as you only watch from the door.
you stand frozen for a moment, not sure what to make of the situation.
Eventually you make your way into your apartment, locking up and going to bed with the thought of him still on your mind.
Like he said, he shows up to your work. This time a little earlier and with a grin on his face.
“Your happy” you say to him, a smile playing on your face as you wipe down the counter.
he only nods, pulling out an envelope from his coat and placing it in front of you. “Got something for you.” he leans forward, pushing it closer to you.
You pick up the envelope curiously, inspecting it. “it wont hurt you muñeca.” he teases as you give him a look.
You open up the envelope and read the paper that was placed inside. It was..a job offer?
“Position opened up at my company.” he explains. “It’s an assistants job, nothin’ too difficult.”
He looks over at you expectantly. “well I..” you mumble, a bit unsure. “Promise you it’s better then here.” And he gets to keep an eye on you all day, but he wouldn’t tell you that.
You read over the contract slowly, eyes flicking between the words written down. “would i go for an interview soon or something?” you ask, looking back up to him.
He chuckles for a moment, finding something amusing. “You want it, the jobs yours.” he shrugs. “But..how i mean..they can’t possibly know if i’m qualified.”
“Don’t worry about it, yeah?” he sighs. “Come in monday morning, 7 am.”
And with that he drives you home, wishing you goodnight an expecting to see you in a few days time.
Time passes unexpectedly quick, making you jittery and nervous as you walk down the cold concrete sidewalk.
the fall leaves grace the sidewalk and crunch beneath your new heels. The heels you had worn for this special day.
a excited smile is plastered across your features, as you open the door to the building.
you walk into the lobby, a red head woman sat at the front desk, typing away on her computer.
you walk up to her, placing the envelope he’d given you yesterday on the counter.
“Hello! i’m here for the uh..assistants job” you say with a small smile planted on your face. She looks at you then to the envelope.
She grabs it, inspecting the paper inside before giving a nod and lifting her eyes to meet yours.
“You can go on up hun, top floor.” he says plainly as she slides a key card over to you. you give her a nod and slip the card into your pocket.
You ride the elevator all the way up. The door dings and you step out, examining every inch of the room. you walk in a bit further, the waiting area seems empty.
suddenly a girl pops out, a cheery aura surrounding her. She gives you a smile and walks over.
she introduces herself as lyla and walks you through what you need to know about the job.
soon after she leaves you, so here you sit alone in the office waiting for the boss to show up.
the elevator dings and unexpectedly out steps Miguel, although your happy to see him he looks cold, colder then usual.
“Miguel!” you chirp up, standing and walking over to him. he only gives you a sjde glance before continuing to walk to the office door.
“Oh uh, Miguel i don’t know if you can go in there..the boss is out.” you say, trailing behind him.
he lets out a chuckle, though you don’t think there’s much humor behind it. He opens the door to the office, sliding a key card to unlock it.
He walks in the shuts the door behind him, leaving you a little confused at his actions and mood.
you slowly walk back to your desk, sitting yourself down and going through work when the memory of the first time you’d been in this office pops up.
the man who was bothering you, when Miguel walked in he called him..boss. God how could you not remember, it was so obvious.
how could a man like him not be the boss here, and he’d gotten you a job so quickly, of course.
The rest of the shift passes, leaving only half an hour left. You had only seen Miguel a few times, and each time was similar to the last.
he was almost silent, giving you only short worded answer to any of your questions. And the way he held himself seem different too.
It wasn’t like before, when he so kindly offered to drive you from work everyday. No, now he seemed arrogant, cold and completely uninterested.
You’d wondered if you had upset him, maybe said something wrong or annoyed him in some way.
You’d scrolled through emails and documents, endlessly doing work before something popped up that Miguel actually needed to be informed of.
You dreaded it. Especially since he seemed to be mad right now, or at least pissed off. Regardless, this was now your job.
you wondered if he’d be like this all the time, if working here was one big mistake. Yet you still walk to the large office doors that, file in hand as you prepare yourself to face him.
You knock curtly on the door, waiting for the standard ‘come in’ before entering.
you look around as you do so, plaques covering the shelves and walls. Along with some other more personal items.
“what is it..” he grumbles, not even looking up from his work. You step forward placing the file on his desk.
“They said it was urgent” You point to the small stack of papers that were neatly placed inside. You stand around for a few moments waiting for him to say something more.
��That all?” he asks, reaching for the documents and leaning back. You only nod.
you look down to him, hoping for the sweet man you knew yesterday to re appear.
“Miguel,” you say as he lets out a hum. “Have I..made you mad or something?” you ask cautiously.
“Y/N, i’m busy.” he waves you off not even looking up before going back to his work.
“i know but, i’m just a bit confu-“
“Y/n i said i’m busy, fuck off and bother someone else.” he says harshly slamming the pen he was holding down.
you nod timidly and stare for a moment, unsure what to do.
he says nothing after that, only ignoring you and going back to what he was doing as you awkwardly walk out.
after the uncomfortable shift you find yourself walking home, The dull street lamps barley lighting your path.
A gust of wind passes you by, making you shiver, pulling your light coat tighter. You really needed to get a car..
after walking for a while your apartment building finally comes into view.
you enter your apartment, swinging your coat on a nearby chair and going to your bedroom to put on more comfortable clothes.
After an hour or so of lounging around, reading books and watching tv you decide to turn in, feeling a bit concerned about miguels behaviour keels you up all night, and by the time morning comes you don’t feel or look so good.
You stare in the mirror, tired written all over your face. you move through your morning routine like a sloth and eventually make it out the door. Although his change of attitude threw you off, you still couldn’t afford to lose this job by being late.
The elevator door opens with a ding as you step onto the top floor, where Miguel’s office is located.
Lyla gives you a concerned look as you walk up to her, but says nothing. She hands you a small stack of papers and asks you to bring them too the boss.
you push open the doors and silently walk over to his desk, he looks at you for a quick second before doing a double take.
Your about to walk away as Miguel grabs onto your arm, a worried look written on his face.
“Are you okay?” he asks, earning an eye roll from you. You mumble a quiet ‘mhm’ and try to walk away. To which he stands up.
he walks around the desk swiftly, standing directly in front of you. He reaches out to grab your hands with his own, but you move away quickly.
A disappointed look crosses his face but he leaves it and walks back to his desk, looking like a sad puppy with his tail tucked between his legs.
The day is coming to an end and Miguel’s patience has only gotten thinner, he’s snapping at everyone for anything he can think of.
you hear him barking orders at an assistant just as your packing up, sighing to yourself as you say goodbye to lyla and leave.
you arrived home an hour or so ago, lounging around and putting off making dinner.
that’s when your phone rings, you glance over and see miguel’s contact flash across the screen.
you honestly don’t really feel like talking to him, but he is your boss now so regardless you pick up.
the line is silent for a moment, neither of you saying anything. Then your hear a gruff voice.
“Y/n?” he says to which you stay silent “Y/n, say something please.” you groan internally before answering him.
“Hi miguel..” you say quietly as he sighs in relief. “do you need something?” you ask him.
“yeah i..” he pauses “i’m sorry muñeca, you know i never meant to treat you like that. That was..” he trails off as you cut his sentence short.
“why did you hire me? you had no reason too and you clearly don’t like me very much..” you mumble to the phone.
“what? sweetheart of course i like you, I’m..Im sorry, Somethin’ happened and m’no good at telling people i trust bout that sort of thing.”
you stay silent.
“please let me make it up to you, i’ll take you for dinner and we can talk bout it, how’s that’s sound huh?” he sighs “i want to spend more time with you and..and i for sure fucked up so please, let make it up.”
you smile a little at how persistent he is, and your sure he can hear it as you speak. “okay, fine” he lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you sweetheart, i’ll see you tomorrow at work, alright?” he clicks his tongue “And call me if ya need anything.”
you say yours goodbyes and hang up the phone
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*: ★,。・:
this was in my drafts for so long and i just wanted to put it out so here you goo!
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mooseleyfics · 11 days
“I ship it.” “Oh, we’re actually together.”
“I ship it” “Oh we’re actually together”
“Thanks for coming to help,” Sam smiled at his friend, earning a playful pat on his shoulder as she grinned at him. 
“You kidding me? When you and Dean mentioned a demonic virus spreading online, I was hooked!” Charlie shook her head. “Although, I think we’re dealing with more than a demon if I’m being honest. Doesn’t add up,”
“Yeah. Dean and I found this,” Sam pulled out some more notes, passing them to his friend. “We’ve dealt with cursed objects before because of a ghost attachment, but what if something else placed a curse on an item, rather than attach to it?” 
“Hm,” Charlie hummed out loud, glancing at the obscure runes and etched symbols. “A witch…that makes more sense,” Charlie was pulling out her laptop, furiously typing away. “But what would a witch gain from working with a demon…” She was talking to herself as Sam moved beside her, pulling more notes out to help her. 
“So get this,” Sam’s brows were furrowed, finding the exact symbol Charlie was examining on her laptop. “This symbol was used by witches in the Dark Ages to extract demons that were possessing humans. It ended up extracting the soul of the human too,” Charlie makes a face at that, tapping her lips in thought. 
“What I’m hearing,” Charlie begins, staring at Sam with a look of pure confusion. “Is that this demonic curse virus thing is dangerous to demons too,” She said, scrunching her nose. “Why would a demon work with a curse like that, knowing it could hurt them or their kind? If it’s that powerful of a sigil…” She trailed off, shaking her head. “It makes me wonder if this curse has a specific target in mind. Why else would you risk other demons coming into contact with this curse? I mean, everyone uses the internet, right? I imagine that wouldn't exclude demons..." She blinked, watching the different expressions flicker across Sam's face.
Sam felt like an absolute idiot, his lips parting as his eyes widened in understanding. Charlie reeled back when the man lunged for his phone, his movement shaky as he brought the phone to his ear in a matter of seconds. She closed her laptop, watching the tall man in interest, especially when he slumped and gave a long sigh of relief. 
“Hey, Crowley,” Charlie’s eyes nearly bulged out her head at the name, looking at Sam like he had three heads. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” She watched as the corner of his lips turned up in a small, but fond smile. “I think you might be in danger though,” 
It’s quiet for a moment and Charlie watches in intrigue as a small flush spreads across his face. A huff escapes from him as he fondly rolls his eyes again, lips quirking even more. 
“Two words. Your mother,” Sam said nonchalantly. It was quiet again and Sam snorted softly. “Okay. See you then,” 
When Sam hung up, Charlie was looking at him with even wider eyes. 
“When you say Crowley do you mean…”
“The king of Hell,” Sam finished for her, earning another look of awe from the woman. 
“What a day,” She mumbled to herself. 
“Thanks for the warning, Moose,” Crowley was smirking at him and Charlie couldn’t help but notice the softness in the hazel eyes. “I have to admit, this plot was more creative than the last,” The cursed item was completely destroyed, no longer posing a threat to anyone.
“Let me know if you need help with her,” Sam mumbles back, flushing as the demon smirks at him. “Dean still has a grudge against her,” Crowley hums softly, his eyes briefly flicking down to look at something that Charlie can’t see. “And I do too,” There is a strange beat between them, and Charlie swears that the demon has glanced at her for a few seconds. It's brief, but she swears the demon had held Sam's hand for a split-second before he completely moved away from the hunter, a flippancy in his movements. 
“Looks like I have a mess to clean up in Hell. Remind me to reward you for all your hard work, darling,” Crowley sends Sam a playful wink before vanishing with a snap. 
“So that was Crowley,” Charlie speaks up, coming to stand beside Sam with her arms crossed, her expression one of concentration. Eyeing the flush on Sam’s face, Charlie can’t help but be reminded of Dean and a certain angel. 
“Yeah. He’s a great ally to have. He's like family,” 
“Uh-huh,” She said, grinning mischievously at him. “I ship it,” The flush that spread like wildfire on Sam’s cheeks was amusing, and she was about to laugh when the man cleared his throat, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Oh, we’re actually together.” Sam awkwardly confessed, earning a gasp from Charlie as she gripped his shoulder. 
“Oh my god, Sam!” She grinned widely at him. “At least one Winchester isn’t too afraid to be gay,” Sam choked on her words, listening with fondness as she ranted about Dean and Castiel on the drive back to the bunker.
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scooptroopfanfic · 5 months
Cas with a C CH 5
Note: Please look at the Chapter Select for warnings and general notes. I hope you enjoy!
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Cassie wakes up to the sound of a door opening and tired grumbling as keys fumble with the front door. Cassie grumps herself for a few moments until she remembers where she is and shoots up just in time to see the older man come into the house she is assuming is Wayne. He immediately goes to the sink and pours himself a glass of water. It takes him a moment to notice the shocked eyes of Cassie. He seems surprised himself.
“Ah. Eddie didn’t tell me he was going to bring anyone by.”
“If it helps Mr. Munson, this wasn’t planned.” She says sheepishly as she slightly hides behind the couch.
“No offense Miss but you don’t seem the type to hang around with my nephew.”
“Oh trust me. I was reminded constantly of that fact at the movie Eddie and I went to.” She doesn’t think much of it in her sleep-addled mind as she mumbles curses about them under her breath which the older man chuckles at. “Sorry about the language. I swear it isn’t much of a habit.”
The man still seems on guard but Cassie doesn’t take offense. She would be weirded out too if one of Steve’s hookups were just chilling on the couch. Not that Cassie was a hookup. She shuddered at the thought. She then goes wide-eyed as she remembers something.
“Oh, I’ve really blown my introduction. I’m Cassie Harrington.”
“I know the name Harrington from somewhere right?”
“Probably my- Do I have permission to curse?” She asks to get a nod from the older man. “Asshole of a neglectful father.” Wayne gives her a look of sympathy. “I don’t normally talk about this Mr. Munson but it is early and I don’t have a filter.” After this, a snore is heard from the back room causing the two to chuckle. 
“You seem nice and by the smell of you not like you are using my nephew for his business.” Cassie looks at him wide-eyed. “I’m not dumb. Anyways, where was I? All I ask is that you don’t hurt my boy.”
“I believe there has been a misunderstanding. I am just a friend crashing on a couch which, thinking about it, I am realizing is your bed.” She says as she shoots up and starts trying to tidy up.
“You don’t have to do that. I was planning on maybe watching a show and having a smoke.” 
“Let me at least clear part of the couch.” 
For the rest of the early morning, the two sit in a silence that’s somewhere between awkward and comfortable. Like they don’t know each other, but there aren't any elephants in the room forcing them apart.
A couple of hours later Eddie groggily opens the door to his room with a slight yawn as he heads over to the sink to grab some water. 
“Good morning Wayne,” Eddie says clearly not awake yet. Wayne clears his throat and Cassie waves from her spot on the couch. Suddenly Eddie has water go up his nose in shock and he frantically tries to clean it up.
“Good morning Eddie. Sleep well?” Cassie asks with a laugh as soon as she sees he is ok.
“I thought you would have snuck out.”
“I’m not that kind of girl.” Eddie then remembers what happened last night and he gives Cassie a look. She gives him a look of disbelief in turn.
“Do you think I would have hung out with one of those things willingly for two hours?” She asks him mentally and he looks around confused before Cassie’s eyes flicker back to her normal brown and her nose bleeds.
“One sec swe- Cassie,” Eddie says as he scrambles for a tissue to give her and Wayne looks at the two with a sort of smugness. Once he has one in hand he passes it over to her and she quickly wipes her nose.
“Sorry Mr. Munson. It’s a medical condition.” Cassie then flicks her eyes to Eddie giving him a look before speaking. “It’s actually the reason I ended up on your lovely couch. My condition has been flaring up recently and with my brother working and my family on vacation Eddie here invited me back so someone was looking after me. Originally it was just rides home after a late shift but you know with the late movie…”
Wayne doesn’t seem totally convinced by that but he doesn’t verbally question it. Cassie then gets up after stretching and popping joints to go into the kitchen.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna make breakfast. Anyone have any requests from…” She trails off as she looks to see what she has to work with. 
The kitchen is stocked enough for it to be called a kitchen, but not much more than that. It has the bare minimum of everything and if it is redundant it doesn’t exist. 
“Actually I’m seeing eggs and bacon are my only thing right now. I hope neither of you is totally against it.” Cassie gets an appreciative nod from Wayne and Eddie decides to just stay leaning on the small counter next to the kitchen but not in it. 
“Another Harrington skill?” Eddie asks as she goes to heat up the stove. Cassie almost looks offended as she can still smell the smoke the one time Cassie was sick and he tried to make soup for her. Last time she let him do that.
“Another Cassie skill. Do you think the meathead knows a thing about how to not burn things?” 
“I thought you wouldn’t either.”
“If anything it helped me know how to properly cook something. Especially Carol’s hair.” She says with a laugh as she lays out bacon for the three of them on the pan. Normally she would add a few bits of seasoning now, but plain bacon is fine with her. After a few minutes of silence, she flips them over. 
“Don’t you normally have work in the morning?”
“Normally. After you asked me to go to the movie with you I was able to negotiate with Mary to switch a few shifts around.” Eddie looks shocked. “What?”
“Isn’t that job like your favorite part of the day?”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to be a zombie like the other day.” 
“Yeah, that was rough to watch.” Eddie agrees as Cassie puts the bacon on a paper towel and covers it. Eddie gives her a weird look as she starts cracking eggs into the pan. 
“What? You want your bacon egregiously greasy?”
“Yeah. That is the best part.” Cassie gives him a grossed-out look as he tries to pick up the bacon but burns his fingertips. He goes to suck on them as she gives him a look. Cassie goes into the fridge to see if there is anything to put on the eggs as she uses her powers to continue stirring around the eggs causing Eddie’s eyes to go wide. She eventually finds cheese in the fridge and brings it out and places it on the counter. Eddie looks confused as her nose doesn’t bleed.
“I’m assuming everyone here wants cheese?” After confirming she starts melting it into the eggs and scrambling them. Eventually, she turns off the heat on the stove and starts adding food to the plates which takes a bit of time to find. Eddie rummages around the drawers until he finds silverware and starts handing it out as Cassie passes around plates.
“You know you didn’t have to do this.” 
“I know Mr. Munson, but I wanted to thank you for letting me borrow your bed and I wanted to thank Eddie for helping last night.” She says with a smile as she finally grabs her own food and the fork from Eddie. 
The rest of the morning goes by uneventfully until Cassie gets to the Mall in Eddie’s van. Thankfully she has a change of clothes and her touch-up kit from last night so it isn’t too suspicious when she shows up to work without having gone home… until she has a guest.
“Cassie?” She pokes her head out from between the aisles of books as she finishes helping a small kid find his next sci-fi book. 
“Hi, Steve!” She smiles at him but with his frustrated look and hands on his hips, it is clearly not reciprocated. 
“Don’t ‘Hey Steve’ me after you were missing all last night.” Cassie’s eyes flash with fear as she sees one of the girls that she saw get dragged off last night trying to get close to Steve. She quickly pulls Steve into the back room and shuts the door. “Aww so now you are embarrassed.”
“No. Just. Ugh.” Cassie crumbles her hands near her face in frustration. “You’re an oblivious dumbass.” 
“Why are you mad? I’m the one that should be mad.” Steve's tone has long since shifted to sassy. Cassie feels the chill take over and one minute she is with Steve and the next is with possessed Billy.
“Hello there Cassie.”
“Hi there not Billy.” Cassie sasses back and it chuckles at her. “Long time no see.”
“Not like I didn’t try. You kept ignoring my calls.”
“I have a life outside of all of this you know.” Suddenly the thing closes the distance and grabs her throat. Not in a choking manner but it is still threatening… letting her know he is there and willing.
“Once he is in charge this…. life you have will no longer matter.”
“That won’t be for a while.”
“Not if you are not fully onboard Cassandra. He can tell. Your willingness to the cause is faltering. Maybe if you were to let me consume your brother or that other boy with you.”
“They won’t help. You want people that have power and influence. You know this. I helped you get in with the popular kids from my school. They have neither of those and can’t help you get anyone else.”
“Fine. But in return, you must help me with one thing.”
“Keep El in your sights. She’s the girl that shut the gate and cut me off from the rest of myself.”
“Who is that?” Suddenly the grip around her throat tightens and Cassie grits her teeth as her hands come to her throat trying to tear him off.
“Don’t play dumb. I know you know. Now be a good little helper and do your job.” Cassie could feel that the creature wanted to terminate contact, but failed, and suddenly in front of her was Billy who quickly released his grasp on her, causing her to drop to the ground to catch her breath. Billy kneels down next to her to talk. “Shit Harrington. It’s getting worse. I’m losing more and more time. Whatever the fuck you plan on doing hurry.” Everything fades to dust and suddenly she is in front of Steve who is light-slapping her face.
“Ow dingus that hurt!” Cassie puts her hands up to block his hits.
“You were having an episode.”
“Wow gee, I haven’t noticed. Maybe because they are becoming more frequent? Have you maybe thought that the reason I stayed out last night has something to do with that?” At this, Steve shifts immediately from aggressive to concerned.
“Yeah. I stayed at my friend's house last night. On a couch. Not in someone else’s bed. A couch. There. Happy?” Steve is about to open his mouth but then Dustin busts in.
“Hey, Cassie! I need to borrow Steve real quick.”
“Can you just give me five minutes?”
“No, it’s an emergency! Let’s go!” Dustin says as he shoves Steve toward the door.
“Ok ok, I get it. We can talk later Cassie. I promise.” Steve says before he lets the door shut behind him and Dustin. 
Cassie sighs and works the rest of her shift. She hasn’t seen Mary all day which is odd considering this is her store after all. Eventually, Cassie is able to clock out and meets up with Eddie at his van as the evening settles on Hawkins
“Hey there Cassie.” He says with his goofy smile.
“Can we take a detour on our way back?”
“Give me a sec and I’ll tell you.” Cassie climbs up into the seat and closes her eyes. After focusing on her breathing, her heartbeat, and her thoughts. Eventually, she sinks down out of her body and then she opens her eyes and she is in a black landscape. She starts walking around and looking around. She focuses her thoughts on El. Eleven. Eleven Hopper. Jane? Suddenly she sees the back of the girl along with a bunch of the kids Cassie recognizes from her brother’s babysitting group. 
El turns around and looks directly at Cassie.
“What are you doing?”
“Who are you talking to El?” Max asks her looking in the same direction.
“Who is her?”
“You can’t see her?” Cassie laughs to herself as she watches the scene.
“People I am connected to or have powers could probably see me. I’m not trying to hide myself. Cassie says as she sits on the water in front of El. “Now can you tell me where you are?”
“The host made contact. He knows who you are and he knows who I am.”
“Who is he?”
“You know. You may deny it but you know.” Cassie gives El a hard look and the younger girl folds quickly. 
“We are testing him. We need water and heat. Two things it doesn’t like. The only place my friends could think of is a thing called a sauna.”
“You’re at the pool.” Cassie’s eyes flicker open and Eddie is already ready with the tissue. “So you want the bad news or the worse news?”
“Bad news first. Always. Wait…”
“Ok so worst news it is. We’re gonna have to go fight one of those things again. Not the big scary one. The people shaped ones.”
“Bad news number two. You know all those kids my brother and I hang out with?” Eddie nods to this. “Well, they thought it was a smart idea to try and figure out who the host is and they are probably guessing right.”
“So where are we going now?”
“To the pool.”
“Fuck. Hargrove works there.” He says as he starts driving. 
“Yeah. That's kinda the point if they are testing him.” Eddie looks away from the road to give her a terrified look. 
“Eyes on the road Eds. I know I look pretty but not that much.” She shoos him off. 
As they start parking at the pool Cassie feels something is off causing her to bolt into the pool house before Eddie can even stop the car. Cassie makes it over to the men’s bathroom and notices a lock on the door. She raises her hand and it instantly falls off. Cassie then unbinds the chain and wraps it around her right hand as she heads inside. 
She hears the glass break and the screams of El as she approaches from the shadows. The lights begin the flicker and the cold feeling on her neck is constant as she continues further into the locker room. When she turns the corner she can see the body of Bily but he is not present as he is being choked against the wall covered in black veins. 
He suddenly throws off the weight on his neck and Cassie begins her work of slowly cutting a few of the puppet strings on Billy’s mind as her eyes glaze over. This allows him a few moments of clarity as he sees what he is doing, horrified before he gets swallowed up again and starts choking El. Mike quickly grabs a pipe and hits Billy causing him to drop El and redirect his efforts to Mike.
Cassie can’t continue to wait for Billy to wake up. She quickly and quietly charges in and throws the chain around his neck using her powers and pulls on it keeping the monster away from the kids. It continues to try for Mike and El but after a few moments gives up and instead grips the chain and pulls her in closer… the same chain she has wrapped around her hand. Suddenly the wrap of the chain goes from comfortable to like her hand is on fire, causing pain to shoot up her arm. She grits her teeth to muffle the cry of pain as she charges forward again and kicks him in the chest and makes the two go to the ground and her glasses fly off nearby.
Cassie is surprised with herself as she throws a punch that connects to his face and continues to do whatever the hell she does, getting into a better position. She uses the chain like a single brass knuckle and drives her fists into him, channeling years of pent-up anger and resentment. She starts to smile and her eyes turn from disparate to crazy. The monster frantically tries to untangle the chain around his neck as Cassie continues to mentally cut a few more puppet strings, letting her body go on autopilot. Her heart is racing. She feels like she is on fire. She can win this. That is until suddenly Billy can free himself from the creature.
“Harrington?” He is cut off slightly by getting punched by Cassie’s unchained fist. “Fuck!”
“Billy?” Cassie pauses her assault for a moment. After looking him in the eyes for a moment her body relaxes a bit. “Welcome back. Listen to what I tell you. There is only so much I can do out here for you. You gotta keep fighting in there.” She then gently nudged his forehead with her finger. Suddenly she feels Billy’s body shudder and she quickly finishes unbinding his neck with enough time for El to gather herself and restrain the creature as it possesses Billy, throwing him through a brick wall which Cassie winced at. As she looks through once the dust settles she hears a car door lock and sees a figure running off into the distance.
Cassie looks down at her fists and sees black blood lightly coating them. She slowly unbinds the chain from her fist as she tries to look around for her glasses, just for Will to hand them to her, surprisingly intact. 
“Are you all ok?” Cassie asks as she catches her breath and tries to slow down her heart rate. Mike is hugging El close and the other three look traumatized. She sighs in relief as she slides down the wall slowly until she is on the ground.
“How did you know to come here?” Lucas asks bewildered.
“Fucker tried ‘talking’ to me earlier. Ended up in a fucked up basement with my friend and they left us to get chewed on by this… thing.” Suddenly Eddie busts in looking terrified with two a pair of drumsticks raised in defense. “As you can see we both somehow made it out unscathed thanks to a knife.”
“Ha. Funny coincidence.” Cassie says between breaths. “These are the kids I told you about when we first met. Both an awesome party on and off the board.” Cassie leans her head back against the wall. “Now I don’t know about you all, but I would rather catch up in the safety of a van.” They all are slow but eventually agree. Eddie walks over to Cassie and offers a hand which she quickly takes up and he helps her back to the passenger side of the van. Once the kids are loaded up with their bikes Eddie speeds off for the Wheeler home.
“You beat up Billy?!” Eddie says in disbelief as they all sit on the couches in the basement of the Wheeler home.
“Yeah to be honest not sure how I managed that one,” Cassie says resting a pack of frozen peas on her right hand, wincing at the cold downward pressure. “I just saw red when he started choking El out.”
“Wait. You know each other?” Lucas points between El and Cassie.
“Yeah. We didn’t always go with you to the mall genius. We sometimes just wanted a girl's day… and Cassie wouldn’t rat us out to Hopper, unlike Steve.” Max chimes in with a shrug.
“Wait. Steve is a snitch now? Ewww.” Cassie looks grossed out. “I guess that makes me the cool sibling now.”
“Focus. We need to know what you two know. Anything helps.” Eddie and Cassie look at each other and Eddie shrugs before gesturing to her.
“Don’t ask me. I’ve just been bravely running away with Cassie for the past day or so. Gotta protect my club members after all.” Cassie gives her a look.
“I never said I was joining. I just like to watch. Anyways. Eddie and I were minding our own business post watching a movie at the theatre. Eddie was driving his van in the rain and then a girl walked in the middle of the road… I think it may have been Heather… Eddie then stopped to not hit her, we were dragged out, tied up, and left to be fed to that… thing.”
“The Mind Flayer.” Eddie's eyes flash with recognition as Will speaks up.
“Whatever. Anyways they were idiots and left a knife so I grabbed it, cut Eddie free, then we ran like hell back to the car and sped off for Eddie’s house to hide for the night.”
“Why not go back to your place?”
“Billy knows where I live. He doesn’t know where Eddie lives.” Cassie shrugs.
“Wait wait wait. We are going against The Mind Flayer? Fuck are we dealing with a hive mind?!” Eddie’s foot begins to bounce. 
“Politely with what I have been dealing with no shit.” Cassie retorts.
“Huh?” Lucas seems surprised.
“Does no one else get a chill down their spine when they are near?” Cassie looks at the kids confused. Will's eyes go wide. 
“You feel it too?” 
“Yeah. Since I got out of the coma.” She looks at him confused as she tries to lightly enter his mind, but she fails. She has never failed. Like she does this on accident every day. How could she just lose the ability? That’s when her eyes flick to El who looks at her in confusion. “RIght. Comas are when your body is in the hospital but your mind is still going on adventures.”
“That is… a way to describe it,” Mike says unsure. 
“Wait. What do you mean adventures?” Will asks as he seems to be remembering something. Cassie gives him a look of disbelief.
���You don’t remember? Cute little multicolored gas mask? I thought it was definitely a statement, or at least as much as you can in that place.” Cassie makes a gesture like a mask Will still looks bewildered and she sighs. “You know I thought you ignored me because it was traumatic but I guess it was actual traumatic memory loss which… fair.” She says with a shrug.
“Cassie focus,” Max says causing Cassie to ice her other hand’s knuckles. 
“Right sorry. I guess I can sense those things. At least somewhat reliably. I think that may be the reason for them getting all aggressive and trying to make Eddie and I join in on their fun.”
“Why are you calling it fun?”
“Sugarcoatting.” Her eyes then flick down to his leg as she feels the chill down her neck. “Hey, Mike. Does your family keep a first aid kit?”
“Uh yeah, why?”
“Eds got hurt when we escaped and I really don’t it to get infected.” El also looks down at it. She then looks at Cassie.
“What is-” Cassie’s eyes lightly glaze over.
“Subtly is a virtue. Especially with matters like this.” Her eyes go back to normal as Cassie moves to balance the peas on her fist. Cassie can feel Eddie’s anxiety rise as she silences El. She doesn’t sense anything else wrong but better safe than sorry. Cassie pats her lap and after a second Eddie struggles, but eventually gives up and lays back and raises his leg to rest in his lap. “You go physical. I’ll keep him immobile. Ready?” Cassie asks El mentally which El nods to. Cassie then detaches herself mentally from El and moves on to Eddie.
“Hey, Eds?” Cassie attempts to grab his attention as she starts to slowly unwrap his leg.
“So how do mind flayers normally work in DND? Since we are going against one I figure we should know oh wise Dungeon Master.” Cassie’s hands shake a bit from both the slight pain of using her fingers and nerves. 
“Hmm. I’ll tell you what I can but without the book, it may be a little difficult.” 
“I got one here. Give me a second.” Will then runs off to the corner.
“Why are you asking this?” Eddie looks at her with confused eyes. Ones that look sweet to her. Innocent like a doe.
“Don’t worry about it.” Cassie waves it off as she has most of the wrapping she did earlier off. Will’s eyes go wide as he feels the back of his neck. “Let’s just check this out. You may not want to look. It was pretty bad earlier.” El stares it down as Cassie is on the cloth covering the injury. Her fingers lightly grasp it as she watches something move under his skin causing Eddie to flinch and attempt to kick and Cassie to internally gag as she removes the bandage. 
“Watch out!” Will exclaims as Cassie braces her bodyweight right above Eddie’s knee and below his ankle with gritted teeth feeling a burn running through her arms as she holds herself up. Eddie continues to thrash about as Cassie enters his mind and El focuses her power on the wound.
“Hey Eds. Didn’t want to freak you out. Let me make this easier for you.” Suddenly the two are teleported elsewhere or seem to be. The stars and lake at Lover’s Lake. A younger Eddie sits down alone staring out at the stars. Older Eddie looks around confused at the peaceful scene.
On the outside was nothing peaceful. The kids are screaming as they watch Eddie’s leg move around uncontrollably as something under the skin wiggles. El is using her powers on it trying to immobilize it and extract it, but the thing keeps moving away. Will and Lucas are screaming as Mike runs downstairs with the first aid kit. Eddie and Cassie have glazed over eyes but Cassie is still able to control her muscles enough to keep Eddie’s body relatively still.
“Where are we?” Eddie asks as he looks out into the sky.
“A pleasant memory. I don’t know specifically because it is your memory.” She plops down on the grass a distance away from young Eddie. 
“You can just… poof yourself into my memory like that?” Eddie makes a hand gesture like a bomb.
“No. It took a bit to find this actually. I kinda sensed something off so I started digging a bit. Hope you don’t mind too much.” Cassie scratches the back of her neck sheepishly. 
“You have a parasite in your leg from that thing. It’s been hitching a ride it seems.” 
“Is that why you asked about Mind Flayers?”
“Yeah. I thought I remembered something about them planting a parasite for conversion.”
On the outside of Eddie’s mind, El has gotten a hold of the parasite as Will grabs his staff in defense and Mike has brought down a frying pan. Max and Lucas start arguing as Lucas attempts to hide behind Max. Slowly El starts dragging out the parasite and its squirming body becomes exposed. Lucas faints and Max catches him with a scoff.
“I would probably be screaming and freaking out right now.”
“Exactly. Figured it would be better to keep you tranquil and not have that memory in your head.” She then looks around. “After all memories like this are nice.” She then pats the spot next to her. “So let’s enjoy this one.”
Eddie smiles at her and slowly sits down. The two sit in the mental state for a few moments in relative silence. After that Eddie laughs.
“I now remember this day. Remember in the 8th grade when I performed at the talent show?” It seems like Cassie went back into her own memories.
“Yeah. I think so. You are in a band right?”
“Can’t you just dig around and figure that out?”
“I could but I want to try and give you some privacy. That and there is a bit of fun with mystery.” 
“Corroded Coffin. Some of the guys you met in the last game are in it.” Eddie sighs as suddenly music bleeds through the silence. 
And back in the real world, there are a lot of small children screaming as the creature squeals at them showing off its small teeth before diving back into his leg a bit. 
“You control this place, Eddie. I mean I can navigate it but in the end, it is all you. So let’s see where you are leading us.” Cassie gets up and brushes off her butt as she does so. 
Eddie gets up quickly and starts guiding her off towards the music. It sounds like it is inspired by the music she hears in the car when she takes rides from him. Cassie starts lightly dancing around as they go off into the fog surrounding the lake. As Eddie is about to enter he turns back and offers his hand which she takes with a smile as they break the fogline. 
As Cassie and Eddie walk through they can’t see anything, Eddie uses the music to guide them through the fog until they reach a place that is familiar to the two of them.
“You’re kidding me right?” Cassie looks at Eddie in surprise.
“I go to the Hideout in fifty-cent beer nights with some of Steve’s friends sometimes.” She then laughs. “I didn’t know this was you.” At this Eddie’s eyes go wide and he points at her which she shakes her head at. “I’m DD silly. I just danced around and wrangled in the drunks.”
“Wait! You were the Ellen Ripley who had to reign in the drunk fairy?” Suddenly the scene around them shifts for a bit and there are a bunch of jocks who don’t even hide they are high schoolers at the bar getting another pitcher for their table. There are a few girls in costume. There is a witch, a fairy, and Ellen Ripley. After the girls laugh at a joke one of them said Eddie and his friends finish their song and begin a new one. Cassie begins to lightly dance with the other girls as Corroded Coffin begins. 
The memory seems to be focused on a few locations, what is happening on stage, at the bar, and at the table she is at. The rest seems blurry and unfocused. Cassie’s younger self then turns to reveal their face and it looks distorted. Cassie laughs as she sees this. 
She then looks to her right as she feels a tap but doesn’t notice anyone. She smiles sadly and turns around.
“Hey, Eddie?”
“We gotta go.”
“What?” Suddenly Cassie and Eddie are back in the Wheeler basement.
El is next to the two of them and on the ground is a pile of flesh with a face full of teeth. Eddie’s eyes take a second to go back to normal before he looks at the mound and quickly scoots as far as he can away. Cassie reaches around Eddie for the box of tissues and starts to dab her nose before she offers a clean and fresh one to El.
“And I didn’t get grabs so we should be all set right?” Cassie asks as she looks around to see the fearful eyes of the kids. “You know what Eddie? I think we should go. I don’t want to freak them out more.” Cassie hands back her frozen bag of peas. Cassie then offers her less injured hand to Eddie and pulls him up away from the mess on the floor. “Let me know if you guys ever need anything. I’m one call away.” Lucas then rummages in his bag and hands Cassie a radio which she looks at confused.
“We use this to communicate with each other. If Billy tries to come after you two again just say ‘Code Red’ and explain without being too specific about the situation. Government stuff.” Cassie and Eddie give Lucas a wide-eyed look before looking at each other in concern. 
“Well, kids don’t get grabbed by those things,” Cassie says as she guides a slightly shocked Eddie to the stairs. “But, something forbid and you guys need a place away from parents give me a call and I can probably lend you guys a room at my place for a bit.” Cassie then runs up the stairs leaving the kids very confused about what just happened.
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Y'allI don't even have an explanation for this. I was at work, on break, typing away, thinking of making a cute little series of drabbles where Reina accidentally flirts with various OCs but uh.
This one.
Got away from me.
Pecha belongs to @peachsodama and I apologize profusely if I made her OOC. 😅
(CW: mentions of childhood neglect, depression, brief discussion of self worth. Hybrid au. Very much NOT accidental flirting.)
"I know what it's like to not be wanted."
Pecha startles at the sound of Reina's voice, nearly pricking her finger on the sewing needle in her hand. Her neighbor has been so quiet for so long, only muttering a half-sung string of lyrics under her breath in Kantoan for the past ten minutes, that the sudden sound of her voice, even quiet, is jarring.
"Wh... wha..?" Pecha stumbles, trying and failing to discern where in the world the human woman's comment had even stemmed from.
Reina tilts her head in Pecha's direction but doesn't fully look at her. For a moment she's silent, wordlessly busying herself with pulling a plastic lighter from the pocket of her cardigan to twiddle it nervously between her fingers.
"...Your mom," Reina finally says, voice low. "Mine was good at that, too - pretending I didn't exist."
She reaches up and takes the cigarette that's been tucked behind her ear all this time; settling it between her lips, she inhales deeply through her nose. Then, with a strange slowness, clicks the lighter and brings he flame up to the cigarette's end.
And still she doesn't look at Pecha.
The hybrid furrows her brows, confused. "N-no, that's not! I was wanted! I just..."
She trails off, not sure how exactly to put her thoughts into words. The situation is complicated, and she knows she's told Reina about how her existence as a hybrid could spell disaster for her mother's family, but right now Pecha can't seem to coax the syllables from her tongue. She frowns, a faint whine of frustration building in her throat.
But Reina seems to think she knows how to end Pecha's hanging sentence, because she takes a long drag of nicotine and turns away to exhale through her nose. "...You just weren't what was wanted?"
Reina turns back arpund, still facing forward at the fading sunlight outside the cave entrance - still not at her.
Pecha stays quiet, not knowing how to respond. She tightens her hands around the fabric she'd been stitching together and feels a seam pop loose.
Reina fiddles with the unlit end of the cigarette, twiddling it between her fingers like she did with the lighter. She presses her thumb overtop the fingers of her other hand and pops her knuckles one by one.
"You know..." she says at last, sweeping a hand out before them at the cave, at the cabin's pourch. "A mother is supposed to protect their child, not convince them it's the other way around." She lets out a huff, a humorous exhale of a laugh, indignant and sharply bitter. Her black eyes narrow.
"And they sure and hell aren't supposed to hide them away and then leave them to fend for themselves."
(There is something in the way her expression tightens, visible even from the side, that whispers of years of pain and anger, of clawed and bloodied hands from desperately clinging, spitefully keeping herself from sinking without a trace. Her eyes flick almost imperceptibly towards where Pecha sits gobsmacked, and for a moment it isn't clear if the righteous fury on her face is in regards to Reina's past or Pecha's.)
Pecha swallows. She should be angry, she thinks, should spit embers at this rude, blunt human that's blatantly insulted her mother - as if she has any idea what Pecha's life has been like or the shame she's lived with.
But... she isn't angry. She wants to be, but she isn't.
Because as much as she desperately does not want to admit it, Pecha can't lie and say she isn't sad, isn't hurt and lonely, hasn't wondered just what she'd done except been born that's caused her life to be one lived in shadows.
(And even then, how had it been her fault that she'd been born at all?)
"...I'm sorry," Reina whispers, dragging Pecha from thoughts she doesn't want to think.
Pecha blinks, still off-kilter, and offers a quiet, "uh?"
Her human companion sighs. "I... shouldn't have said all of that," Reina explains. "Not the way I did, at least. It was... shitty of me. Gomen."
Pecha just stares at her; what can she even say?
"...It's okay," she lies. It tastes like dust on her tongue but it's better than making Reina think she's upset - better than telling herself it isn't.
But Reina calls her bluff with a shake of her head. "It's really not."
With another sigh, Reina sits up straighter, no longer leaning across her own knees as she sits on the edge of the porch. She takes another drag from her cigarette and turns away to release the smoke through her nose once more.
"I'm proud of you," she whispers once the smoke has left her lungs. Slowly, she turns back to fix her gaze forward again, but she angles her body towards Pecha this time, and even tilts her chin in the hybrid's direction. "Every reason under the sun to turn out bitter, and you still stayed kind. The world needs more people like you."
It's Pecha's turn to look away now, face and eyes and lungs all burning as she pushes down the way her heart tries to climb up her throat. "I... That's not..." She chokes, pauses to swallow against a too-tight chest.
There's a hand on her arm, calloused but gentle, and despite how afraid she is of turning to look, she does.
And is met with a pair of black eyes and a soft, sad smile.
"You," Reina says in a voice like mist and far-off memories, "are more than what you've been made to think you are. And the ones that made you think it don't deserve you."
She lifts her cigarette to her lips, still not looking away, and pulls in so deep a breath that the cherry crackles sharply. Then, holding Pecha's gaze, Reina breathes out a long plume of smoke, huffing at the last moment so that it fully leaves her in a deliberate, final puff.
(Later, Pecha will replay the scene in her head and wonder if the haze had simply caused her to imagined the bright pink blush staining Reina's cheeks.)
But now is not later, and before Pecha can ask herself that question in real time, Reina is stubbing out her cigarette - not even finished - against the bottom of her shoe. She pockets the crumpled remains and tucks her legs up under herself to stand, dusting off the back of her shorts.
"It's getting dark," she says, pointedly not looking up from her shoes. "I should get back to camp."
She moves likes she's trying to hide shaking hands, gathering up her phone and lighter and nearly fumbling. She doesn't look back up at Pecha as she hops off the porch onto the cave floor; even when she turns to wave goodbye and call out a, "take care, yeah? I'll see you tomorrow!"
It's not until Reina is already halfway out of the cave that Pecha finds her voice again, but by then it's too late and she's left with a hand partially raised in farewell, partially to try and call the human back.
For once, the encroaching twilight doesn't feel so bleak.
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freeroaming-curiosity · 8 months
Gym Badge 1:
Oppy walked to the end of the cave, where Roxanne stood waiting
"Opportunity. Your reputation precedes you. I look forward to a good match"
"How much do you know?"
"Only that you're a faller, and the last faller I fought did not disappoint. Now then, show me what you can do"
With that the battle began. Roxanne sent out her first Geodude and Oppy sent out Celsius. The faster Celsius got to act first
“Ok Celsius, use Ice Shard! Freeze the enemy solid!”
Celsius used Ice Shard, sending shards of cold ice to strike Roxanne’s Geodude. True to Oppy’s word, the Geodude was frozen solid. “Hehe, ok, next up: Bind!” The Cryogonal wrapped Geodude in sharp chains of ice. The Geodude’s strength began to erode under the bind. “Now we just spin to win! Rapid Spin!” The Cryogonal used Rapid Spin again and again, eroding the Geodude’s strength. Suddenly the ice thawed, and the Geodude retaliated with Rock Tomb! Celsius was hurt, but still barely held on, long enough for one last Rapid Spin to take it out.
“One down!” Oppy thought, then switched her pokemon to Genesis. “A… Magikarp?” Roxanne observed. “No matter” she said, sending out her 2nd Geodude. “Time for our big surprise! Genesis use Hydro Pump!” Genesis glowed, then mustered all her might, blasting the Geodude with a massive geyser of water from its mouth. The Geodude fainted under the onslaught.
“Well played” Roxanne said. “You won’t get away with that a second time”
Roxanne sent out her final pokemon, her Nosepass, and this time the Rock-type had the first move, using Harden. That move enabled the Nosepass to survive a subsequent Hydro Pump, and eat an Oran Berry it was holding. Genesis then tried again with Hydro Pump, only to miss, allowing the Nosepass to blast it with Rock Tomb, fainting the Magikarp. 
“Don’t panic, it’s not over yet!” Oppy said to herself, then sent out Celsius. Celsius acted first, and managed to connect with a Confuse Ray before being fainted by another Rock Tomb from the Nosepass.
“We’re both on our last pokemon. How exciting” Roxanne said. “Keep it together Oppy, you can still win this” Oppy said to herself, sending out Vinebud 
Vinebud opened with a Vine Whip. This sent Nosepass’s strength down a good deal, but not all the way. Roxanne countered by using a potion, restoring the Nosepass’s health. Then Nosepass used Rock Tomb, hurting Vinebud, but not enough to faint. “Ok! Now Vinebud! Use your signature special move! Magical Leaf!” Vinebud looked at Oppy in understanding, then leaped into the air above Nosepass. Then she began to spin, and as she spun, glowing leaves of energy began to appear. Then Vinebud, with a triumphant flick of her tail, hurled the leaves toward Nosepass. When the lights cleared, Nosepass had fainted. Oppy was victorious!
0 notes
sinfulsoup · 2 years
The Adventures of Sam and Harry
Authors note: This is just a little something I've been working on for a while. This is part of a later chapter. Any interaction is appreciated. Thank you for reading.
“I need to use your computer.” Harry’s words came out in a rush as she pushed past Sam into the motel room. “Moe’s missing. This it?” she asked, seeing the open laptop on the small kitchen table. Without waiting for an answer she opened up a new tab and started typing.
“What do you mean Moe’s missing?” Sam asked, still standing in the open doorway as he took in her dirt stained navy blue skirt and blazer.
“What’d you do, forget how English works? Exactly as it sounds. She was taken. I’m trying to find her,” Harry responded, keeping her eyes on the screen. 
“Do you know who took her?” 
“No clue, but whoever it was sent me sailing thirty miles in the other direction. Don’t s’pose you’ve got a spare gun that I could use?”
Sam spoke as he retrieved a gun from a bag on one of the beds. “So how’d you get here?” he asked, passing her the gun.
“Hitchhiked,” she replied, checking the gun over. “Thanks,” she said, lifting the weapon in the air. “I’ll make sure you get it back.” She made to leave only to turn back at the door. “Don’t s’pose you’ve got something I could use to steal a car with?”
Rolling his eyes Sam grabbed his jacket from a nearby chair. “I’ll take you,” he stated firmly. Seeing her hesitate, he added, “I know you don’t trust me, but please, I just wanna help.”
Harry opened her mouth to protest, then closed it again as she realised the futility of it, giving Sam a hard nod instead. “This changes nothing, okay? I will end you if you even think about trying anything. With either of us.”
“I got it. Let’s go,” Sam said, quickly scribbling a note for Dean and following her out the door. 
“Should’ve let me drive,” Harry said from the front passenger seat as they drove. “You drive like a grandma.” 
Sam clenched his jaw as he pushed down on the accelerator. He knew she was baiting him, and as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t bring himself to make some smart-aleck retort. She was worried about her friend, and he could respect that. Hell, he’d done worse than make snide comments when Dean had been missing, so a few snarky remarks were nothing.
Then why does it bother you so much? The voice sounded in Sam’s head. Because it’s her, he answered himself, glancing in her direction. Because it’s her and I don’t want her to hate me. I know I should be able to put up with a few narky comments after what I did to her, but it still hurts when she says that stuff. 
“Look!” Harry's hand hovered in front of his face, breaking his train of thought. “Over there. That’s gotta be it.” He followed her finger over to what appeared to be an old, seemingly abandoned, warehouse. He turned down the weed filled road, parking a short way back from the main building. 
“You got a plan?” he asked after getting out of the car and pulling his own weapon while Harry surveyed the surroundings. 
“Yeah,” she said, flicking the safety off. “Get Moe out and don’t get dead. Uh uh,” she added as Sam went to follow her. “You stay here.”
“What? Why?” Sam asked, clearly confused by the turn of events.
“I’m not stupid, Sam. We both know that I can’t take you, which makes this an ideal time for you to try something.”
“No.” Harry looked at him suspiciously. “I’m not gonna try anything. I just want to help. Please,” he pleaded. “Just let me help.”
Harry sighed, shaking her head. “Okay. But be warned, I will shoot you.”
“Understood,” Sam replied. 
Together, moving as quietly as possible, the two of them crept up to the building, finding the old weather worn wooden door pushed open. “If that’s not an invitation I don’t know what is,” Harry whispered more to herself than to Sam. “Here goes nothin’.”
Graffiti covered the walls. Dried leaves and dirt mixed with empty cans and bottles that littered the floor along with other assorted paraphernalia. From somewhere down the hall they heard what could’ve been a sob. Harry cut her eyes to Sam, and he nodded, indicating he’d heard it too. 
They were about halfway down the hall when Sam almost ran into Harry who’d stopped and was pointing through a half opened door. In the room beyond, Moe sat slumped forward on a chair, her hands bound behind her. Shallow cuts marked her face, upper chest and arms. A person with long black hair stood over Moe holding a knife, running the tip of it over Moe’s already bleeding cheek. 
Harry fired, getting the knife wielder in the shoulder. The figure turned and hissed, clutching at the injury and giving Harry a brief glimpse of a familiar face. Snapping fingers, the figure disappeared. 
Harry ran in and dropped to her knees in front of her friend. “Moe,” she said, taking her friend's face in her hands. “Are you okay? Dumb question,” Harry answered herself. “C’mon Moe, say something. Anything! Just tell me you’re still with us!” Harry almost yelled while Sam freed her wrists. 
Slowly Moe opened her eyes, taking a second to focus on Harry. “Chloe,” she said as her eyes closed and she slumped forward. 
“Chloe? Moe, what’s Chloe got to do with this? Moe?” And then with perfect clarity Harry understood exactly how Chloe fit. Harry shook her friend, but got no further response. “We gotta get her outta here,” she aimed at Sam. 
“You’re too late.” 
Harry turned to see the black haired figure had returned, now on the opposite side of the room. “Sabine?” 
“The one and only,” Sabine smirked. “And just who is tall and handsome here with you, hmm?” Sabine purred, eying Sam over. 
“No one for you to sink your claws into,” Harry snapped back angrily as jealousy suddenly reared its ugly head. Assessing her limited options, and knowing that Moe wasn’t in a good way, she aimed at Sam while keeping her gun trained on Sabine, “Get her out of here,” nodding at Moe. There was no way she was going to let her friend get hurt any more than she already was. 
Sam didn’t waste any time lifting the oblivious Moe into his arms. Harry watched him carry her to the door before he turned back. “What about you?”
“I’ll be fine,” Harry replied. “Just go, get her somewhere safe. I’ll meet you later.” Sam nodded once and left the room, running with Moe in his arms out to the car. He slid her into the passenger seat then rounded the vehicle, pausing briefly as he considered going back for Harry. Deciding to honour Harry’s wishes instead, he slid in behind the wheel and took off, hoping that he could get Moe to help before it was too late.
An hour and a half later, and just as Sam had finished reading every poster in the waiting room for the seventh time, a commotion out in the hall caught his attention. “I don’t want treatment, I want to see my friend! Why can’t I see her?” Harry, looking the worse for wear, was demanding as he went to see what was happening. 
“As I've already told you, Miss Douglas, we’re still running tests. We’ll let you know as soon as she’s able to receive visitors,” the nurse stated. “But in the meantime, why don’t we take a look at those cuts.”
With an exaggerated sigh, Harry reiterated, “I’m fine. I just want to see her.”
Seeing Harry wasn’t going to back down, Sam decided to step in. “It’s okay,” he aimed at the nurse. “C’mon Har, I’ll buy you a coffee,” he said, going to lay a hand on her shoulder.
“Touch me,” she hissed, feeling his hand hovering over her shoulder. “And I’ll break your nose.” But she still followed him down the hall to the waiting room. “Do you know anything?”
Sam looked down at her and sighed. “Fourth door down on the right.” She was gone before he’d even sat down. Picking up a magazine, Sam tried to read, but found he couldn’t focus. He’d just ditched the magazine when he saw a nurse heading down the corridor that housed Moe’s room. Thinking quickly, he followed the nurse. “Um, excuse me,” he said loudly just as the nurse was about to open the door.
“Yes,” the nurse said, turning to face Sam. “Can I help you, sir?”
“Yes, yes you can. You see, I’ve had a few too many coffees and I can’t seem to find the men’s room,” Sam replied awkwardly, hoping that Harry had heard. 
“No problem,” the nurse smiled. “Take the first right and it's just down the hall. You can’t miss it.” 
Sam smiled back at the nurse. “Thank you so much. You do a wonderful job,” he added, trying to stall the nurse to give Harry more time. 
The nurse blushed at the praise. “Thank you, but if you’ll excuse me, I have to check on my patient,” she said, opening the door.
“Sure, I, I just thought you should know that,” Sam said, stumbling over his words. “You know, about what a great job you do looking after people.”
“Don’t you have to use the bathroom?” the nurse asked, standing half in half out of the doorway. 
“Yes!” Sam pointed his index fingers at her. “Yes I do. I’ll go and do that now and then I’ll go back to the waiting room.” 
“Good idea, sir. You do that.” The nurse shook her head in disbelief as she entered Moe’s room, closing the door firmly in Sam’s face as he tried to peek in. 
Deciding he had a few minutes to kill, Sam followed the nurses instructions, finding the men’s room with relative ease and made use of the facilities, detouring past the nurses station on his way back to the waiting room, finding Harry seated there, a huge grin on her face. “Oh. My. God,” she said. “Could you have been any more awkward?” Then lowering her voice, she mocked, “Er, um, could you tell me how to get to the bathroom ‘cause I’m a big dopey lumberjack that can’t find my way to a good pick up line.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Sam nodded as he studied her. “You done?”
“For now.”
Thinking about asking her if she was jealous, Sam instead asked, “What did you find?”
Harry sighed. “A fat lot of nothing. All the usual tests have come back either negative or inconclusive. And before you ask, tox screen is clear.”
“So what are you thinking?”
Biting her bottom lip, Harry looked up at him. “I think she’s catatonic. I think that whatever Sabine said to her about Chloe might've tipped her over the edge. If I could get inside her head, I might be able to bring her out of it.”
“Then let's do something about it.”
“Sam, no,” Harry protested.
“Why? Because it isn’t my fight? Or is it because it’s me?” Sam saw her flinch at his words. “You were the one who came knocking on my door, remember.”
“Only to use your computer,” Harry shot back angrily, standing. She didn’t know why his comment had set her off, but now that she’d started, she couldn’t stop herself. “It’s not like I asked for you to stick around. You did that on your own. You could’ve just stayed in your crappy motel room and left me to clean up my mess. But nooo, you had to go and follow me around like the lost little puppy dog that you are. Because you, for whatever reason, think that because I’m shorter than the average person, not to mention a girl to boot, that I must automatically need protecting from the big bad world. Well, news flash Sam, I was looking after myself long before I ever met you and I’ll be doing it again long after you’re gone.” Finally finished with her tirade, Harry looked down at the floor, suddenly overcome with guilt. 
“You done?” Sam asked again. Still with her eyes on the floor, she nodded. Getting out his phone, Sam said, “Do you have something of hers? A strand of hair? Anything like that?”
Harry shook her head. “Not on me, no. Why?”
“We have some African Dream Root.” Sam swiped at his phone as he spoke. “Go get a strand of her hair while I call Dean.” Harry left, returning just as Sam hung up. She held up the three strands she’d taken from Moe’s head. “Dean should be here shortly.” 
Almost ten minutes later Dean walked in holding a plastic cup. “About time,” Harry huffed, rolling her eyes. “What? No coffee for the rest of us?”
“And hello to you too,” Dean retorted. “And this,�� he held up the cup. “Is for you.” He gave her the cup. 
“That the Dream Root?” Harry asked, peering at the tan liquid.
“Yeah. Melissa took it when you got jumped by Djinns at the Governors Ball,” Dean said.
“She told me,” Harry said, adding Moe’s hair and stirring it with her finger. She raised the cup in salute. “Bottoms up!” She drank. “Ugh! That’s disgust -“ The empty cup bounced on the floor as Dean caught her.
“Really,” he grunted, moving Harry to a seat. “Gotta start telling them to sit down before they drink.”
Opening her eyes, Harry found herself standing outside in a cemetery. Grey clouds covered the sky, setting the mood for the sombre funeral that was taking place. Harry looked over at the crowd, seeing a lot of familiar faces, Moe’s and her own included.
“Doesn't seem right somehow.” Moe’s voice beside her made Harry jump. 
Harry shook her head. “No, it doesn’t.” She paused, watching as the coffin was lowered into the ground. “Why here?” Moe looked at her. “What’s the significance?”
Moe turned back to the funeral and shrugged. “Why not?”
“C’mon Moe, this isn’t like you.”
“You really wanna know?” 
Harry nodded. “Of course.”
“This,” she gestured at the funeral. “Is the beginning of the end. This is the moment I knew that there was nothing left for me, the moment I knew the rug had been pulled.”
“You know that’s not true.” Harry gripped her friend’s shoulders. “There is plenty left for you. You, you’re just letting your grief talk for you. I get that trying to deal with this seems overwhelming, but sweetie, you’re the strongest person I know.” She watched a tear trickle down Moe’s cheek. “I know you’re hurting, but honey, there are still people that need you back out in the real world.”
Moe snivelled. “You don’t count.”
Harry smiled. “I wasn’t talking about me specifically, but I still need someone to kick my ass every so often. Besides, we both know that you’re the smarter of the two of us.”
Moe choked out a watery laugh as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Got that right.”
“So, you’ll come back with me?”
Still wiping tears, Moe nodded. “Only if I get to kick your ass.”
“Any time you want. Unless it’s already getting kicked. That would be awkward. You ready?” Moe nodded again. “Okay, and three, two, one, wake up!”
Harry gasped as she sat up with a start, nearly falling off the chair. “Easy there,” Dean said, his hands out ready to catch her. “You okay?”
“Fine,” she said, getting to her feet. “I have to.” She pointed down the hall.
“We’ll be here,” Sam called as she ran down the hall.
Bursting into the room, Harry saw Moe sitting up in bed, her face wet with tears. “Oh honey,” she cooed, pulling Moe in for a hug. “It’s okay.” Harry held Moe tight as she stroked her dark hair. “It’s okay. We’ll find a way, okay? We’ll find a way and you’ll be just fine.” 
Harry held her until her sobs subsided. “Har?”
“Can we get outta here?”
“Absolutely!” Harry smiled at her, then got her clothes from the bedside cupboard. “I’ll go sort out the paperwork while you get dressed.”
Harry was at the door when she heard, “Har?” She turned back. “I, uh,” Moe made a gesture with her hand.
“I love you too.” She grinned. “Now get dressed. I won’t be far away.”
The nurse tsked, handing Moe a form. “You know you’re leaving against medical advice.”
“I know, and I’m perfectly okay with it,” Moe replied, signing the form the nurse had given her. “There you go.” She handed the form back. 
The nurse looked it over. “Okay.”
“Are you sure about this?” Harry whispered as she and Moe walked down the corridor towards the entrance.
“Absolutely,” Moe stated. “Just because I work in a hospital doesn’t mean I want to stay in one.” 
Exiting the hospital, they saw the brothers standing next to a familiar car. “Sam. Playboy. Didn’t expect to see you guys here,” Moe said.
“Sammy told me that you weren’t in a good way. I wanted to see if I could help,” Dean offered. “Besides, I kinda like the Playboy mantle.” He grinned. 
Moe blushed. “Thanks, I think.” Turning to Harry, she mouthed, “We’ll talk later.”
“So what do you ladies have planned?” Dean asked.
Moe and Harry exchanged a glance. “We’re gonna go find a bar and drown our sorrows. But before that, I need to talk to your brother,” Moe said, grabbing a petrified Sam by the arm and dragging him out of earshot.
“I didn’t touch her, I swear,” Sam started, his hands up in surrender.
“I know you didn't. If you had, you’d be lying in a hospital bed.”
“Then what?” Sam sighed, expecting to cop an earful about something.
Moe looked at the ground, then up at Sam. “I, uh, I wanted to thank you. For today.” Sam looked at her with surprise. He hadn’t been expecting this. Moe sighed. “You already know that you’re not my favourite person, not after what you did. But today? Helping her? And me? You didn’t have to do that. So, thank you.”
Sam gave her an awkward smile. “It’s no big deal.”
“It might not be to you, but it means something to me, and if it means something to me, it's gonna mean even more to her. You see where I'm going with this?”
“I think so.”
“Good. Now, about Chloe-”
Sam put his hands up, stopping her before she could say more. “You don't have to explain. I know that she's someone important to you, and that's all I need to know.”
“Okay.” Moe nodded, fighting back the tears that were burning the backs of her eyes. “You want my advice? Give her time, Sam. Just...give her time.” She squeezed his arm lightly then headed back to where Harry and Dean stood. 
Harry raised a questioning eyebrow at Moe as Moe approached. “You okay?”
Moe flung her arm over Harry’s shoulders. “Nope, not by a long shot. Which is why we are going to the nearest bar.”
Harry’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you sure? I mean, after everything that’s happened today,” Harry trailed off. 
“Oh sweetie,” Moe sighed. “You and I both know that there ain’t enough alcohol in the world to cure my pain, but a girl’s gotta start somewhere.”
“Woman after my own heart.” Dean grinned.
“Pfft. You wish, Playboy,” Moe retorted, waving a hand at Dean. 
“Oh, before I forget,” Harry started, reaching behind her and pulling the gun from her waistband. “This is yours. I’ll get you a box of ammo to replace what I’ve used,” she added, handing it over, watching as Sam’s long fingers curled around the grip and wondering, briefly, if she would feel that jolt of electricity that she had with him so many times before, then shook her head at the thought. 
Sam watched her watch him as he took the weapon, feeling as though something had changed between them. Trust, he realised. Today had been a test and he had passed. She was finally starting to trust him. The thought made him happy. 
“We should go,” Harry said to Moe. They’d only taken a few steps when Harry turned back. “Hey, Sam? Thank you. For today.”
Sam smiled at her. “Any time.”
“Think you and Harry will ever work things out?” Dean asked as he and Sam watched the women walk away. 
“I hope so,” Sam replied, praying he was right. 
“Hey, what did Melissa say to you?” 
Sam gave a half shrug. “Thank you.”
“No, really. What did she say?”
Sam rolled his eyes. “She said thank you.”
Dean eyed his brother sceptically. “Okay, if you say so. C’mon,” he said, opening the car door. “I think this calls for a celebration, so let’s go find a bar of our own.”
0 notes
prey-4-me · 2 years
Strange Preferences - Part IV
Prey Predator x fem!reader, smut now included
The two of you prepare to leave Earth after a confusing night
Amishta - name, meaning fearless, limitless
Tenahpu - Comanche/nʉmʉ tekwapʉ  word for man
Thx so much for the continued ♥️… & a*****l, still not tagging directly cuz idk about tumblr etiquette but heehee glad u like my name and yes it was a bit evil of me to cut the chapter where I did… 😇 but no thx to the person that called me a shit head lol, like why 🤔
TW - this chapter is (!)NSFW(!). If you prefer to skip it, there will be a summary of this chapter included with Part V.
You realized your heartbeat was elevated. And your hand was still on his lower abdomen. Mouth dry and trembling slightly, you looked up into his face. He clicked at you softly, eyes searching yours. His hand was still firm on your hip.
You thought about the young men you had been with. Lithe and strong, they were nothing in comparison to Tenahpu. Monstrous power was packed behind every muscle, more than a human man could ever hope to achieve. You realized it was quiet. There were no clicks. He was watching you intently.
Curiously, you timidly ran your hand slowly over and past his belt, and down even lower. The bulge under his clothing twitched against your hand. Reaching under his clothing, you grabbed him lightly. Tenahpu made an almost human noise, groaning softly. The hand on your hip slid to your ass, cupping it. His mandibles clicked together.
Impetuously, you gripped his hard shaft and pumped him several times. Tension filled Tenahpu’s body as you continued, emboldened by his clicks and groans.
He was equally parts aroused and shocked as Amishta stroked his cock. Being both fairly young and not an alpha, he rarely had the opportunity to breed. He felt pent up now that she was stimulating him. He grabbed her ass, remembering to be gentle. She acted tough, but was simply a weaker species.
Beginning to thrust into her hand, he groaned softly. His mandibles started to go slack. He snapped them together, unsure what to do.
Amishta seemed unconcerned. She spoke to him softly in her language; it sounded like a question. His eyes flicked back to hers. She was watching him, eyes hooded, mouth slightly open. He huffed at her softly, clicking questioningly once.
She seemed to take this as some type of assent. Amishta leaned into him, using her shoulder to push. She seemed to be trying to push him onto his back. Her weak attempts amused him, but her ministrations made him susceptible to the idea. He rolled onto his back and waited for her next move. She popped up into a seated position quickly and scrambled on top of him. Straddling his hips, she undid his clothing. It fell away.
Placing both hands on his abdomen, she rutted against his shaft. She was soft, wet, hot. He gulped, snapping his mandibles together again. He found his hands were on the tops of her thighs, his fingers digging into her delicate flesh. Loosening his hold slightly, he worried about hurting her. But she had picked up the pace, and was moaning to herself. It boiled his blood and made his balls ache. He wanted to fuck her, make her moan louder.
Amishta asked him something else, voice quiet. Overtaken by lust, he made mating clicks in response. He resisted flipping her over onto her hands and knees. He wanted her. Wanted her hot cunt. She was pressing down onto him harder and harder as she moved, leaving a trail of slick on his cock as she did. He grunted, frustrated. She seemed too small. Could they…? He huffed, concerned but clouded by lust.
You rutted on him, grinding against his huge cock. You wondered if it would fit inside of you, pussy clutching at the idea. You had never seen anything like his size. You slide down his hips slightly, finding the head of his shaft with your needy entrance. His hips bucked sharply, and he gasped raggedly.
Somewhat afraid to continue, you stalled by sliding your hands up his body to his lower chest. He watched you with burning eyes, chest heaving. “Will you be gentle?” You asked softly, grinding down onto him. He grunted, hips jerking again. “You wanna… you want…?” You were scared to vocalize your desire. Tenahpu whined at you, clicking urgently. His fingers dug back into your thighs. You thought about him behind you, fucking you on your knees. Would he be gentle? Hard? You moaned slightly. He returned the noise. You bit your lip, feeling him nestled between your legs.
You leaned back, grinding with abandon. Tenahpu grunted loudly. His hands slid up to your hips. Holding you in place, he ground up into you, the tip of his cock entering you momentarily. He grunted and bucked his hips while you groaned at the intrusion. It had felt so good.
He gripped you hard and jerked up into you quickly several times. Each time, the tip of his shaft entered you, stretching you out. You tried to fuck down onto him, but his grip was uncompromising. “Let go,” you commanded, your hands going to his gently. You looked into his eyes. He blinked twice, then released you. His hands fell away to his sides.
Pleased, you reached between your legs and grabbed him firmly. Positioning him against your entrance, you slowly sank down onto him. His size was shocking. Your wetness helped immensely, but he still burned as he went in. He grunted, clicking and growling something to you. Starting to bounce on him, you wondered how much more you could take. He was only about halfway in.
Tenahpu made a strained noise. It made your lower stomach tighten and your pussy clutch. A little crazed, you pushed more of him inside yourself. Wanting to fuck but scared to take all of him, you returned your hands to his torso. You slid them up to his chest, then laid your chest flat against his. You lifted your ass in the air, sliding him all the way out. Then you jerked down onto him. Your positioning kept you from taking too much of him. He grunted, once, then wrapped his powerful arms around you. You started to bounce your ass up and down, fucking him hard. The stretch and burn of his shaft felt incredible inside of you. You moaned his name loudly, feeling close to release.
You looked up at him. His mandibles were slack and he was watching your ass as you fucked. Glassy eyed, you tried to bounce even harder. Suddenly Tenahpu squeezed you slightly harder. His mandibles snapped together as he grunted loudly. His cock twitched inside of you, and hot liquid spurted out of your pussy as his cock pulsed, putting a huge amount of his seed in you. The sensation of him cumming in you drove you over the edge. You slammed down as far as you dared on his shaft, rocking your hips and grunting as you came hard. Your core burned with the heat of his cum, making you momentarily want to keep going. You realized you were quite sore. You pulled off him and relaxed your body on top of him. Laying your head against his chest, you heard his heart beating rapidly.
His chest rumbled softly. He kept the noise up, a gentle soundscape. You closed your eyes sleepily.
He felt her go completely limp, and knew she was asleep. Staying totally still, he exhaled gently. His little human had become something else in his eyes. He wondered if this had been buried in his mind all along. But she was such an unlikely mate. His thoughts turned to later in the day. His returning companions would no doubt be overly interested in a live capture. But he didn’t care. He would deal with it. His mandibles clicked nervously.
You opened your eyes, finding yourself alone on the bearskin you two slept on. Tenahpu was nowhere in sight. Startled, you sat up, casting your gaze around. Still, he was nowhere. You called for him softly, nervously. 
Some clicks sounded from nearby, soothing you instantly. He appeared out of some shrubbery. He had something in his arms. Approaching rapidly, he held it up.
“Sarii!!” You screamed, terrified.
Sarii’s head whipped around. Barking, her tail wagged wildly. She wriggled out of Tenahpu’s grasp. He let her go. Running up to you, Sarii licked the tears from you face as you lamented and cried. Happily, Sarii bowled you over, and laid down on top of you, tail thumping the ground. You wrapped your arms around her protectively, sobbing.
Tenahpu reached the two of you and sat down casually across from you. He reached for your face. Wiping your eyes, he growled softly. Sarii nuzzled you, nose wet. “Please… please don’t kill her,” you pleaded softly before you broke down again. “We can take her back home. She can live with my mother.” You sobbed violently.
Tenahpu’s eyes went from yours to the dog. He clicked, reaching for Sarii’s head. Lightly stroking it, he huffed softly. Dropping his hand away, he nodded at you meaningfully. Your face scrunched up in confusion.
He waited for Amishta to understand. He was taking her from her home planet, but he would give her a piece of it to take along. The dog cocked its head at him; he clicked in a friendly tone at it. Its head tilted further. Amishta sat up, arms still around her animal. She had stopped crying and was watching him warily.
He shrugged lightly at her to show indifference to the dog’s presence. If it made her happy, it was welcome. She eyed him darkly. He clicked softly, encouragingly. She asked something, soft. He offered some more light clicks in response. Finally, she seemed to relax. She extended a shaky arm, pointing at him. “Tenahpu,” her voice was soft. He clicked in understanding. Then she pointed at the dog. “Sarii.”
He looked at the dog, then cleared his throat. Carefully, he enunciated, “Sah… ree.” The corners of her mouth turned up. He liked that.
You relaxed. Tenahpu had brought Sarii as some sort of gift. Was it because of last night? Your eyes widened. Last night. You took stock of yourself. You ached slightly. It wasn’t enough to sour the memory. You swallowed hard. Not at all. You looked at Tenahpu shyly. He was busied making breakfast. Was he thinking about it at all?
He huffed softly, taking the food from the fire. Passing it to you carefully, he sat down next to you. Sarii whined, looking from the food to you. Smiling, you tore off some meat for Sarii.
Tenahpu had occupied himself with some sort of cleaning project after breakfast. By noon he had cleared out the small area you now called home. His trophies were laid out in the soft grass. The bone shone bright white in the sun. You started to count the skulls, then stopped, sick. You turned away.
It was time. Everything was packed securely, and his ride had just pinged him. They’d be here within the hour. He sighed, pushing down nerves. Looking over at Amishta and Sarii, he clicked his mandibles apprehensively. He couldn’t wait to be back home with his clan.
A boom sounded in the sky high above you. You recognized the sound. Another thunder bird? You looked up, searching. Last time, it had foretold Tenahpu’s coming. Were more of his kind arriving? Finally you saw it, red and orange clouds parted to show a strange dark object. It became larger and larger until you realized its true size; it was about the size of the meadow your band was camped in. Your eyes widened in fear. There were more coming. More death was coming. You flicked your eyes to Tenahpu; he was looking down poking at his wrist brace. It beeped several times. He looked up at you. Grabbing the pack he’d made, he gestured for you to come. You didn’t know why, but you picked up Sarii protectively. Something was about to happen.
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Part Four. "You hosted me?? In MINECRAFT??"
warnings: swearing but that’s it (i think)! just karl being a goof and dream being a little shit but whats new word count: 3k (not ncluding pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
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Y/n  sat to Karl's left, out of the camera's view as he scrolled through Twitter on his PC.
"Um... oh, how did you guys meet?" Karl read before looking offscreen at Y/n. "Uh... school?"
"What? I was going to make up a funny story but I'm appalled by the seriousness in your voice! Is that really how you think we met?"
The embarrassment on his face answered her question. "Karl! I'm two years younger than you, how would we meet have met at school?"
"I don't know!" he said back defensively, raising his shoulders. "Clubs?"
"Like I was in any of the nerd clubs you were in."
"Well, then, how did we meet?"
Y/n sighed with a laugh. "Our moms–"
"Oh, wait wait, I remember!" he cut her off, excitedly looking towards Y/n. "Our moms are friends and they forced us to hang out." He smiled proudly and looked back to his screen as he continued scrolling for good questions. "If I'm honest, I only still hang out with you because my mom makes me."
Y/n smacked Karl's arm and he laughed but pretended to be hurt. "WHAT THE HONK, BUGSY?!"
"I can't stand you. I barely hit you, nimrod."
Karl giggled and read another one. "How tall is Bugsy? Two feet, four inches."
"No, I'm 7'6," Y/n lied easily and Karl laughed.
"How tall are you actually?"
'I think 5'10 or something? Maybe 5'11. I'm not 6' but I'm taller than you for sure, I know that much–"
"Okay, you are not taller than me. Just to be clear. Chat, Bugsy is not taller than me."
"Yes, I am. Wanna test it?"
"No," he replied quietly in defeat.
"Because you know I'm right," Y/n laughed as her eyes flicked over to read chat. They were spamming their surprise, expecting her to be short. "Yeah, no, chat, I'm tall. I'm taller than Karl."
"Only because your shoes make you tall! Doc Martens are tall and that's pretty much all you wear!"
"You're shorter than me when I'm barefoot!"
"That's literally false. Like completely."
"Just accept it, shorty."
"I'll accept that you're taller than George and Sapnap, but not me. I'm barely taller than you but I'm still taller."
"Whateverrrr. I'll move on to protect your dignity."
Karl ignored her and laughed, pointing to a message from Dream in Karl's chat.
"Dream said I have short girl energy," Y/n read.
"You kinda do."
"What does that even mean?"
"You're shy around new people and you act all sweet."
"So tall girls can't be shy and sweet? Or shy and sweet girls can't be tall?"
"Stop twisting my words," Karl groaned.
"Also, wait, what do you mean I act sweet? Am I not?"
"No, you are. But I mean you also aren't when you don't want to be. Upset Bugsy is scary Bugsy."
Y/n frowned, not recalling a time she's ever been angry or upset at Karl but she let him move on. He pointed to another tweet as he looked at Y/n, giving her an 'I told you so' look. She read it before shaking her head at him.
"Don't read that one."
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"Pleeease, can I answer?"
"No!" she whisper-shouted. I don't want to be shipped with him for asking or you for answering, she mouthed so Karl's chat couldn't put together clues.
"Are you assuming I'll answer positively?" he teased, earning him a hard smack on the arm.
Y/n couldn't help but notice every time she put her hands in the frame, which was usually to hit Karl, half of the chat turned into simps requesting a hand pic because they could see her bracelets and nail polish and now that they knew she was tall they wanted to see how big her hands were. They really wanted every crumb of content they could have regarding her looks. She caught one that said something pretty kinky about her hands which she tried to scrub from her mind immediately.
"Fine," Karl sighed at her request to not read Dream's tweet out loud, instead reading another. "Bestie sleepover? Yes! Bestie sleepover! Bugsy and I are gonna cuddle all night--"
"No, we aren't. I'm sleeping on a completely different bed. Or couch. Nowhere near you."
"Karl! Stop trying to get me to cuddle with you!" Y/n laughed as she pushed away his arms, which were trying to give her a hug. "You're a freaking heater and I don't like touching people!"
"That's my worst nightmare in a friend, how did I end up with you?"
"No idea. Deal with it. It's still a bestie sleepover even if we don't cuddle."
Karl giggled and looked back at his stream. "Oh, by the way, in case anyone ever wanted to know or was Dreaming about it, Bugsy is very cute. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone was wondering or if anyone tweeted specifically asking..."
Y/n smacked his arm again as she yelled, "Karl!"
He grabbed his arm in dramatic pain as if it had been cut off. "Ow! Ow! Bugsy hit me!" he cried as he fell to the floor. "Oh my gosh. Someone call a doctor!"
"I cannot stand you," Y/n  informed as she stared down at him. She glanced at chat, who were all joking about how bad his condition was, saying things like they might have to amputate his arm. "Chat, don't encourage him. Oh, Karl I know what we can do!"
"As long as I don't need two arms for it..." his voice still laced with fake pain.
"Karl Jacobs."
"What is it?"
"Give me a tour of Dream's SMP. Dream whitelisted me yesterday."
"Oh, yeah! What could have possibly made you think of him?" he teased as he got back in his chair.
Y/n glared at him and he cowered slightly.
"Minecraft, yes. There's a PC in the other room you can play on. Do you need help setting it up?"
"No, I've streamed once or twice," Y/n teased as she stood up.
"I'm just trying to be a good host! Gosh!"
"Wait, I have to cross over to leave the room."
"Just do it? What's the issue? Literally no problem, just walk?" he joked before zooming in his camera on his face so it took up the whole screen. Y/n laughed as she went across the room, chat now forced to look at disturbingly close footage of Karl staring directly into the camera with his eyes crossed.
Y/n called Karl on Discord after logging in. "Hi, Karl and Karl's stream."
"Are you on yet?"
"I'm logging in to my Minecraft account right now."
"Okay, join a vc on the smp discord so others can talk to us if we run into anyone. I'll be over in a minute, just give me a bit to read some donations." They both muted, leaving Y/n to herself.
She typed in the IP address to the server and joined a random voice channel that no one was in. She spawned and looked around, confused by the cobblestone wall around her. Her phone lit up so she occupied herself with the texts from Naomi.
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A green figure caught her eye on the screen and she looked up. In the distance was Dream's infamous green Minecraft skin punching the air as he faced her. He ran towards her and stopped in front of her. She set her phone down and slid it away, crouching as his character did the same.
Dream whispers to you: are you streaming you whisper to Dream: no but Karl is and he's about to get on to tour me Dream whispers to you: hmmm okay here
He uncrouched and dropped a few diamond blocks before punching the air again and running away.
Dream whispers to you: shh don’t tell anyone you whisper to Dream: omg :D ty <3 you whisper to Dream: first twitch donos now mc donos you whisper to Dream: rich man over here giving out money and diamonds to everyone like it's candy Dream whispers to you: no, only to you Dream whispers to you: a little gift before our date ;) Dream whispers to you: oh and this
He came back and paused in front of Y/n before dropping a red poppy and sprinting away again. She acted cool despite the huge smile on her face.
you whisper to Dream: charming you whisper to Dream: you give me a flower and dart away before I can properly thank you Dream whispers to you: oh yeah? how would you have thanked me?
Y/n smiled, her cheeks flaming up as a dirty thought entered her mind. Stop, he's not flirting, she told herself. It’s literally a block game and he’s not flirting.
you whisper to Dream: guess we'll never know ;) KarlJacobs joined the game
"I'm back," Karl's voice filled her headset as he joined her voice channel, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Where are you?"
Y/n looked away from the chat in Minecraft and turned around in the game. "Still at spawn. Some forest and cobblestone walls."
"Go left and I'll meet you halfway."
As she ran, the Minecraft chat reappeared with new messages for everyone to see.
<Dream> hey Karl <KarlJacobs> hello Dream <Dream> thanks for answering my question on your stream <KarlJacobs> just doing my civil duty as a bugsy dream shipper <KarlJacobs> official petition for the name to be dreamsy <Dream> signed
"Oh my gosh," Y/n muttered, making Karl laugh.
"What?" Karl asked innocently, but his laugh was maniacal. "Oh, I found you. This way! I built everything on the server, by the way. So if anything is impressive, just remember that I did it."
"Karl, that's the biggest lie you've ever told me. I watch the lore videos."
"Well, I did build it all so I don't know what to tell you. Let's go this way first."
Y/n followed as he showed her stuff, including background and unknown facts about things that have happened off stream. After the tour, they messed around the chessboard. At some point, she found a blue cornflower and turned to Karl.
"Do you have an anvil?"
"I don't exactly have one on me at the moment but I think there's one over here. What for?"
She killed some chickens with her fist to gain XP so she could carry out the task in mind. "I need to name this flower I found." She followed him a few blocks away and clicked the anvil and named the flower 'love, bug'. "Okay, thanks."
"Why did you name it?"
"It's a gift for someone."
"Me?" he asked as his character jumped up and down.
"No. My presence is your gift."
"Ouch. You know, honestly, I'm really hurt by that. Like, why would you say that to me? It's just sorta rude."
"Fine, I'll go get you a flower."
"Well, I don't want it if it isn't sincere. Who's that one for?"
"...no one."
"Tell me or I'll keep complaining about not getting a gift."
"I can deal with that."
"Okay, then tell me or I'll make you sleep in my bed and I'll smother you to death with my affection."
"Ah, okay, fine. It's for Dream."
"Wow you really hate me that much!" Karl laughed.
"No, I'm just not touchy like you!" she defended. She always worried she offended Karl since he was so physically affectionate towards his friends but she just wasn't a physical person.
"Oh, speaking of Dream..." he turned and Y/n followed his characters line of sight, having to zoom in to see the green figure perched at the top of a tree.
"He's very menacing."
"He does that."
<Bugsy> come here pls dream <Bugsy> i have a gift :]
Dream ran towards Y/n and stopped in front of her expectedly. She looked at Karl then back at Dream and dropped the gift, backing up after and crouching.
His character picked it up and held it, pausing to read the name. After a moment, he slowly looked up at Y/n's character before jumping and spinning in circles. Y/n hid her smile in her sleeve even though no one could see her.
<Dream> wait lemme see the one I gave you <Bugsy> what D: <Dream> I wanna name it
"What is going on?" Karl giggled.
"Gift exchange. Mind your own business."
"Woah!" Karl gasped dramatically. "Uncalled for."
Dream came back and dropped the renamed flower for her. Y/n picked it up and hovered over it to read the name.
'host, dream'
She gasped and started punching his character. He backed up and ran away but joined the call seconds later.
"Wait! Stop hitting me!" Dream yelled into her headset.
Y/n laughed, trying to contain her smile as she continued to hit the green character. "Dream! Are you kidding? I tried being all cute and you hosted me?? In MINECRAFT??"
"It was a joke! You said something like that to Wilbur on Twitter a while ago, I was just using your humor!" Dream's giggles filled Y/n's headphones and she smiled but quickly dropped it so her voice could sound serious.
"Give it back."
Dream looked at her before letting out a small, "What?"
"Give me back the flower so I can go burn it with the other one."
"What is going on?" Karl asked through a cackle. "Dream, did you hurt Bugsy??"
"Yes, Karl! He hurt my feelings! He gave me a flower and gave it back to name it something mean!"
Dream just laughed so Y/n punched him again.
"Dream! You can't hurt Bugsy!" Karl defended, also punching Dream.
All Y/n could hear was the sound of Dream wheezing, his character running as the two chased him. "Stop! You guys are so– STOP HITTING ME!"
"Fine," Y/n finally said, crouching and facing the ground as she walked into a corner to look like she was pouting. "I'm just not going to go on any Minecraft dates anymore."
"Wait, no," Dream protested in a soft voice, his character stopping to look at her's. "Take that back."
"Heart been broke so many times..."
"You're so stupid."
Karl gasped happily. "You guys have a Minecraft date? Can I help plan it?!"
"We did. In exchange for letting you give me the tour. But I've changed my mind since I've been so betrayed."
"Oh my gosh, you're so..." Dream trailed off but his wide smile could be heard through his voice.
"So what? Finish that sentence, Dream," Y/n dared teasingly.
"DREAM! SAY YOU'RE SORRY!" Karl yelled.
"Okay! I'm sorry! Bug, I'm so sorry. Really. Please let me... let me rename your flower something cute. It'll make you so happy that you'll fall in love with me all over again and–and we can go on our date. Please don't burn our flowers."
"And what if I don't give them to you?"
"I'll just kill you and pick them off your corpse."
"Woooooowwww. Okay, it's like that?"
"Yes, it is like that," he said through a smile. It was so apparent in his voice that he was grinning like a kid on Christmas morning.
<Ranboo> how is the tour going Bugsy was shot by Dream using DEFINITELY NOT PENIS <Ranboo> ah going well I see
Bugsy screamed in her mic as the death screen appeared. "DREAM!"
"You took too long!" He wheezed as Bugsy respawned.
"I don't know where I am!"
"Hold on, I'll avenge you!" Karl declared before he died too.
"You thought you could kill me with your fists? Karl, you're naked and I'm wearing full Netherite."
"You weren't when I started punching you! You pulled that out of thin air!"
<Ranboo> canon
Y/n smiled at Ranboo's comment. She had never talked to him but she knew he and Tubbo were close friends and he seemed really funny. He had already proved he had a dry sense of humor in the 30 minutes she was on the SMP and she loved that. Y/n made a mental note to befriend him before returning to being drama queen to Dream.
"So, Dream, now that you've made me an enemy–"
"WhAT? We are not enemies, Bug. I'm actually naming a flower something really cute as we speak. Enemies don't do that."
"Maybe I'm not your enemy but you sure are mine."
"Oh come on now," he mumbled lowly, running chills down her spine. What the hell was that?? "What do I have to do to make it up to you?"
"You-you murdered me in cold blood. Nothing will make it up."
"So I could get the flower! It was out of love! So I could give you a better present! Does that count for nothing?"
"Hm," she hummed. "We'll see what new name you come up with and then I'll decide."
Karl and Y/n got back to the chessboard and waited for Dream to return with his new flower.
Breaking character and turning towards her best friend, Y/n laughed at Karl. "Sorry for distracting from our BFF shenanigans time."
"This is way more entertaining," Karl assured. "Me and my chat got front row seats to the Dreamsy love saga."
"Shut up," she mumbled as she punched him in-game.
"Okay, okay, I'm back!!" Dream announced and they saw his figure sprinting and jumping towards them. He dropped the flower for Y/n and stepped back, crouching and standing repeatedly.
Y/n picked up the flower and hovered over it to read the name.
"Is it worthy of your forgiveness, Bugsy? Does it pass the vibe check?" Karl asked with a giggle.
Y/n bit her lip as she smiled at her screen.
to the prettiest girl in the world. love, dream <3
It was a joke, obviously. He was just continuing the joke of flirting with her like he does on Twitter just like Sapnap and Karl and George and Quackity do. They all joke about flirting with her and this was another joke.
But it still gave her tummy butterflies.
"Bug?" Dream called softly.
But why would he joke like that when neither of them were streaming? Karl's chat wouldn't see it so there was no one to point in feeding into the joke, unless he meant for Y/n to show Karl? She was overthinking. She needed to play it cool. 
She also needed an enderchest so no one could find it and no one could take it away from her and destroy it but they didn’t need to know she liked it that much.
"Mmm.... it'll do."
A/N: yeeee hope you guys liked this one! i think this is my favorite so far i just think dream was being too cute and i wanna be best friends with karl so much it hurts. we’re gonna get deeper into the dream relationship soon!! i just needed to indugle in bff karl content real quick!!!
taglist: open (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb​ @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn​ @itshaileyn @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot​ @bellomi-clarke @possiblyanxioushuman
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tobesolonely · 4 years
aura (II)
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A/n: hi everyone! thank you for reading aura and enjoying it enough to ask for a part 2! i hope this lives up to what you guys want! Thanks so much <3 p.s. i am so sorry but I lost track of who asked to be on the taglist :-( So if u would like, please send me an ask and i will definitely add you next time i post about them!
summary: witch!y/n can see auras and harry is no longer blue. he’s pink!
my ko-fi! thank you :)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry always found Y/N to be a bit strange since his first encounter with her, but he never thought she was the type who could kill house plants with just the flick of her finger.
“What just happened?” Harry loudly questions, moving as far away from her as he could get. “How did you do that? What’s going on?” His aura is red and muddy gray. Anxiety, nervousness, and fear.
“How did I do what?” Y/N asks. She wasn’t willing to give herself up so easily.
“You killed my Pothos! I saw you,” Harry points at her accusingly. “Saw ya flick your finger and then it died. Do y’know how hard it is for that thing to die? I forget to water it all the time and it was still doin’ great!”
“Really? It didn’t look too great when I got here -”
“That’s not true,” Harry interrupts her. “You’re tryin’ to make me feel crazy! I know what I saw.”
It’s silent. Neither Y/N nor Harry says anything for what has to be at least half a minute. Y/N doesn’t know if she should tell the truth or try to convince Harry he didn’t see what he thought he saw, and Harry is too frightened to move. Finally, Y/N breaks the silence.
“Harry, it was your bad energy that killed your plant. I was just redirecting it because I didn’t wanna be stuck with it again.” Y/N nervously tugs on the hem of her shirt.
“What do you mean?” Harry inquires, moving slightly closer to her once more. He was still frightened, but quite curious about how Y/N would explain the situation at hand.
Y/N didn’t know what to say. If there was one thing she knew, it was that her… capabilities were not really supposed to be shared with anyone. Of course, they weren’t! It was a hard concept to understand. It was assumed that people who didn’t have this ability would ostracize those who did— potentially even hurt them.
She knew in her heart that Harry wasn’t the type to ever harm her, but her mother always told her she could never be too careful. Y/N lived by those words, always replaying them in her head whenever she wanted to open up to anyone about all that she could do. Harry looks at Y/N expectantly, waiting for her to speak. She seems far away, lost in some thought that Harry didn’t want to break her from.
“Ever since I was little, I’ve always been a really empathetic person,” she starts. “It seemed like I always knew the right things to say to help someone feel better, and I could always cheer them up. My saying this isn’t to brag at all, it was just how it was.” Harry smiles at this but doesn’t say anything, waiting for her to continue.
“I realized something was different about me when my friend came to school one day really sad because her fish had died that morning,” Y/N inhales softly. “Of course I felt for her, you know? Like I said, I was a very empathetic person. When I went in to give her a hug though, I felt so weird immediately after! She was fine, though. It was like she didn’t even care anymore.”
“She just wasn’t sad about it anymore?”
“She missed her fish still, of course. She was just able to reflect on how happy having a pet fish made her and all the good times she had with him. I felt terrible, though. I literally had taken on her pain just from hugging her.”
As Harry takes in what she’s saying, it all starts to make sense to him.
The second time he met her, she was so adamant about knowing what was wrong with him. Harry thought he only felt better because he had talked to her about it instead of holding it in as he usually did (and that could’ve been part of the reason!), but she had also touched him.
It had happened so quickly, Harry didn’t even think anything of it. And why would he? It was nothing more than a gentle touch, gone as quickly as it was there. Now that he knew what he did, it all made sense.
“Can I ask you something, Y/N?”
“You can ask me anything, Harry.”
“How do you always know when I’m not feelin’ well? Jus’ by looking at me?”
“Well,” Y/N starts, a bit hesitant. “I can see it. Your aura.”
“My aura?”
“Your spiritual energy— it has colors.”
“What color am I right now?”
“Red and gray. You’re scared and nervous.” Y/N responds quickly. She’s right.
“How can you see it?”
“I’m not sure. I started becoming able to see auras once I learned I was able to take away people’s emotional pain…” Y/N trails off. “I know it’s odd.”
“Can you… show me?”
“You want me to show you? Show you what?”
“The thing you jus’ did.”
“It only works when you have bad energy.”
Harry raises an eyebrow at Y/N in confusion. “Thought you said I was scared and nervous?”
“Well,” Y/N hesitates. “Now you’re… uh, pink.”
“You’re feeling love.”
Harry feels his cheeks flush as he quickly looks away, hating in that moment that Y/N could literally see what he was feeling. If that was really the case, how much longer would he be able to fight with himself about how he felt about her if even she knew his true feelings?  
He’s saved by the sound of his doorbell ringing, figuring it was his assistant dropping off lunch for him and Y/N. “Be right back.” He says quietly, getting up from the couch, still avoiding eye contact with Y/N.
Now it’s Y/N’s turn to be confused.
She was beginning to notice that Harry turned pink around her quite often— literally. Not only would his skin flush at her presence, but his aura would change too. Y/N decided to tell herself there was no way it could mean anything. Of course it meant nothing! She just met this man. His feelings (or lack of) for her meant nothing. Y/N was just glad Harry couldn’t read her aura in the same way she could read his.
If he could, he would see she was always pink, too.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N.
She was magical. Literally.
After she had left that evening, Harry spent more time than he would like to admit researching auras and empathy. He learned there was a range of colors one's auras could be at any given time, and it was always subject to change. Harry figured that if he could see Y/N’s aura, it would always be shining gold.
Y/N didn’t explicitly tell Harry not to tell anyone about this, but he knew it was something he should keep to himself. He wanted her to trust him and know she was safe around him. Telling anyone what he assumed to be her biggest secret would do nothing but push her away from him— and that was the last thing Harry wanted.
He needed to hear her sweet voice again.
Harry didn’t want Y/N to think he was obsessed with her, but the cat was already out the bag. She could literally see that he had feelings for her. The way Harry saw things, this meant he could lean into his small crush on Y/N now rather than try and deny it. He just hoped she wouldn’t find him bothersome.
When she picks up his call after the third ring, Harry swears his heart just about beats out of his chest.
”Hi Harry. How are you?”
It takes him a moment to compose himself. “H- hi Y/N. Doin’ better, thanks for askin’... I was thinking of you.”
“Mhm,” Harry hums. “S’why I called. What are you up to today?”
“Nothing, really. Just at work.”
Oh. Work.
Y/N was so celestial, heavenly that Harry had forgotten she at her core a regular person who still had to work to pay their bills, just like everyone else. Just like him.
“I don’t mean to bother you while you’re busy. I’ll let you go.” Harry offers this as a courtesy, but he’s hoping Y/N will say he’s not a bother at all and she’s happy to talk to him.
“I think that would work out a bit better. I’ll talk to you as soon as I can. Bye, Harry!”
Harry is met with three short beeps that signify the call has ended.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about Harry.
He called her first! It made her heart flutter to know he was thinking of her. She’s glad he doesn’t know she was thinking about him as well.
It was nice to hear from him. Truth be told, Y/N was always worried about Harry. She worried that he wasn’t sleeping enough, eating enough, or telling people ‘yes’ when he should really be saying ‘no’. She worried he was unhappy. All she wanted was for him to be happy. Although Y/N couldn’t physically see him over the phone, she knew he was doing well today.
Y/N couldn’t say she wasn’t surprised to see Harry’s number flash across her phone. She thought that surely after telling him what she did he would want nothing to do with her. She was glad that he didn’t scare away easily, and that just made her feel even more warmth inside of her body. Y/N looked around the workroom filled with her other co-workers and she hoped there was no one else like her in the building lest they see how pink she was. She was absolutely smitten!
“Y/N, are you with us? What do you think?”
Y/N is broken out of her thoughts by her boss with the call of her name. In her Harry-haze she had completely zoned out, forgetting she was in the middle of an important work meeting.
“I’m very sorry. My mind was somewhere else for a moment,” she turns to face her boss, eyes wonder-filled.  “Would you mind repeating the question?” Y/N sees her boss briefly turn from red to pink and back to yellow before he repeats himself, clearing his throat.
Y/N smirks to herself. Men were too easy.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“What’s got you so smiley?”
Harry jumps slightly, redirecting his attention to his manager. “Whatdya mean?”
“Been smiling and strumming your guitar for ten minutes straight,” Jeff narrows his eyes at Harry. “Are you thinking of that girl again?”
“Y/N,” Harry corrects him immediately. “What are you gonna do if I am?”
“Tell you to snap out of it, man. She’s got you this distracted already and she doesn’t even know you have a crush on her?”
Harry wants to tell him that she does even though he’s not explicitly stated it, but then that would lead to a conversation that wasn’t his to have. So he changes the subject—slightly.
“What do think about me inviting Y/N to the studio? You’ll finally be able to put a face to the name,” Harry adds once he sees the look his manager gives him every time he’s about to tell him no. “I trust her. I jus’ want her opinion on a few things. I know she won’t leak anything.”
“I’m not sure if that’s your greatest idea…” Jeff trails off giving Harry one of his infamous looks of doubt.
“I wouldn’t even be suggesting this if I didn’t trust her with everything in me. ‘Ve never suggested this any other time, have I?”
Jeff gives Harry a pointed look, although he can’t argue with that.
“Fine, invite her. She’s signing papers though…”
Jeff’s voice is nothing more than background noise as he dials Y/N’s number, which he embarrassingly already knows by heart.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
When Harry comes out of the large, wooden double-doors to meet Y/N, he’s glowing. He’s a flash of dazzling gold and pink, his aura not being able to just land on one. Y/N is flattered that he still turns pink when he sees her, and relieved to see him so happy. So relaxed.
“So glad you could make it,” Harry tells Y/N, pulling her in for a tight hug. “My manager had a fit when I told him you were comin’, he’s jus’ very protective of me and my music. Don’t take it personally.”
“I understand,” Y/N tells him honestly. “I don’t blame your manager for not being too keen on me crashing in on one of your sessions. I could leave my phone in the car if that would make you both feel better?”
Y/N made things so easy. She was perfect in Harry’s eyes.
“I trust you completely. It might make my manager feel a bit better though…” Harry trails off, feeling sheepish. Y/N nods and unlocks her car without saying anything, retrieving her phone from her purse and hiding it away in her glove compartment.
“There. Just me and my ears now.” She lets out the sweetest giggle Harry’s ever heard, and he swears he could melt.
“Follow me, then.”
Harry makes his way back inside the studio but feels weird with Y/N trailing so closely behind him, not speaking or physically touching him. He stops and turns to face her, reluctantly reaching his hand out for her to grab. She looks at him for a moment, analyzing his energy before shakily intertwining her finger with his. Harry glows pink—so much so that he was nearly shining red. Y/N was having a difficult time differentiating between the glow of his aura and the glow of his cheeks.
He continues walking down the hall, now feeling like he was on top of the world because he had the most beautiful girl in the universe’s hand in his. Harry was ready to get to work. She was his new biggest inspiration.
Y/N’s having the greatest time watching Harry’s colors. He’s so happy and full of love! The fact that Harry was in such good spirits possibly because of Y/N made her feel like she was floating on a cloud.
Harry feels Y/N’s hesitation to enter the room that now holds not only Jeff but Mitch as well. She pulls back slightly on his hand, hiding timidly behind his broad shoulders. “What’s wrong?” He asks quietly, turning to face her.
“I don’t think they’re happy to see me…” Y/N trails off.
“How do you know?” Harry asks habitually before he realizes who he’s talking to. He knows how she knows. He internally cringes at his question.
“They’re both red,” she shifts from foot to foot. “I can leave. I don’t want to cause any problems—”
“No!” Harry says a bit too loudly. Jeff and Mitch turn to look in their direction, finally aware of their presence. Harry blushes, speaking a bit more quietly. “Sorry. Jus’... don’t leave. I promise they’re not mad that you’re here. They’re just a bit nervous because you’re new and they’ve never met you before. I’ll tell ‘em you left your phone in the car though and it’ll all be good. Yeah?”
Y/N nods, not completely certain Harry could get these men to warm up to her just because he said so. He tilts her chin up so she’s looking in his eyes, and he gives her a warm smile.
“Hey… what color am I?”
Y/N swallows thickly before answering. “You’re yellow… and pink.”
“See? ‘M not red. It’s all good, darling. Believe me when I say that.”
Y/N’s heart beats faster at the pet name and she just hopes Harry can’t hear it. She gives him a forced smile before grabbing his hand again and following him inside of the small room.
“Jeff, Mitch,” Harry starts, swinging Y/N’s hand in his. “This is Y/N.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Jeff says. Harry shoots him a look, silently pleading him to not say anything that’ll embarrass him. Luckily for Harry, Jeff catches onto this and keeps his introduction simple. “I’m Jeff, Harry’s manager.”
“Hi,” Y/N responds. Harry’s heart-strings feel like they’re being tugged at when he hears how quiet Y/N has become. “I left my phone in the car.” Jeff shoots Harry a surprised looked to which Harry gives a small nod in confirmation. Jeff hums, satisfied.
“We’re glad you could join us. I’m not sure if you have any experience in music, but it’ll be nice to get a fresh opinion on some things.”
Mitch gives Y/N a small nod and a smile, and Harry feels her grip on his hand tighten. “Don’t worry. Mitch is just shy.” Harry quietly reassures her. She loosens her grip on his hand slightly, feeling a bit more at ease.
“Where should I sit?”
“Y’can sit on that couch over there. Can I get you anything to drink? Have you ate, I can order food if you haven’t?”
Harry and Y/N are in their own world, only focused on each other. This doesn’t go unnoticed to Jeff or Mitch, and they share knowing looks behind the pair’s backs.
“What do you guys want to eat? Y/N hasn’t eaten yet,” Harry says, already searching for his text thread with his assistant. “Sushi? Mexican?”
“Whatever Y/N wants,” Mitch says, strumming a few random chords on his guitar. “Anything’s fine with me.”
Harry’s satisfied with this answer, just wanting to give all his attention back to Y/N. “Whatdya want to eat, love?”
“Do you all like veggie pizza?”
Harry shoots Jeff a look that tells him not to disagree with her, so Jeff looks down and acts preoccupied with his phone. “That sounds really good, Y/N. I’ll order that.”
Harry actually hated veggie pizza. He hoped Y/N couldn’t tell.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
”I just miss your accent and your friends…”
Harry was blue and Y/N hated it.
She knew he was pulling from old memories for his songs, but she hated when he was upset. Y/N was in a trance, though. Harry’s voice was beautiful. His songs pulled her in like magic. They were captivating, and so, so beautiful.
Y/N was enjoying being in the recording studio. She never had any experience like it, and it was interesting to see all the hard work that went into making just one song.
”Don’t you call him “baby”, we’re not talking lately,” Harry sings into his microphone sadly, licking his lips during the pause. “Don’t you call him what you used to call me…”
Y/N just wanted to go into the recording booth and hug Harry, take his pain away. She knew now wasn’t the time nor place for that, though. She’d check on him later.
“That’s good,” Jeff says, giving Harry a thumbs up. Harry gives him one back and takes his clunky earphones off, setting them beside his feet.
“How was that?” Harry asks Y/N as soon as he’s out of the recording booth. The musician in him knew it wasn’t bad, but he still wanted her praise.
“Very beautiful! Are you okay?” She gives Harry one of those knowing looks he’s growing to love. He shrugs, leaning down to speak quietly to her.
“Singin’ about someone who used to be very special to me,” he says, glancing down at his Vans-clad feet. “I’m okay, though. Don’t worry about me.”
Y/N wanted to tell Harry she always worried about him. She wanted to scream it in his face so he understood how much she cared for his well-being. She does neither of the two. “Okay, Harry. I’m just checking.”
Harry loved that she was “just checking”. He wanted to tell Y/N that he never wanted her to stop caring for him, as he would never stop caring for her. He does neither of the two. “Thank you for checking, Y/N.”
Unbeknownst to them, they were both falling deeper for each other.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“Y/N, are we gonna watch our movie tonight, or are you busy?” Y/N’s roommate, Amalia, peaks her head into her bedroom. Y/N was busy hanging upside down on her bed. Texting Harry.
“What? Oh, is it Friday? Let me just take off my makeup... “ Y/N locks her phone and slowly sits up, taking care not to smush her sleeping kitty who was currently snoring beside her.
“Who were you texting? You’ve been on your phone a lot more than usual lately,” Amalia notes, coming completely into Y/N’s room. “A boy?”
Y/N feels her body heat up at her roommate’s observation. “Maybe…”
“Y/N! You’ve gotta tell me! Who is he, is he cute?” Her roommate makes herself comfortable on Y/N’s bed, folding her legs beneath her. Sapphire startles slightly but quickly falls back asleep, curling her tail closer to her.
“You might know him,” Y/N begins. She and Harry never had a conversation about telling others about their association with others. She trusted her roommate, but she wasn’t sure if he would appreciate it. She decides she’ll just call him. “I’ll actually just call him. Hopefully, he’s not busy.”
Amalia finds it odd that Y/N would rather call this man than just tell her about him, but she says nothing, of course. She was used to her roommate’s behavior. She was different, and that’s why she loved her so much!
“Can you FaceTime him? I wanna see what he looks like,” Amalia claps her hands together out of excitement, feeling anticipation bubble in her stomach. She was hoping her roommate finally found someone for her so they could join her and her boyfriend on double dates and couples game nights.
“FaceTime him?” Y/N had never done that before. She and Harry always just spoke on the phone, and lately, they had gotten into texting. She hoped he wouldn’t mind. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Y/N pulls up the app on her phone and types in Harry’s contact name (which was ‘Harry’ with three pink hearts, which she would never tell him!) and bites her lip as she waits for him to answer. As an afterthought, she reaches for her earphones and connects them to her phone just in case her roommate recognizes his voice. After all, everyone on the planet knew who Harry was except for Y/N. He answers almost immediately, a dimpled smile on his face and a beautiful pink light surrounding him.
“Was jus’ thinking of you. Are we in sync? I swear I was about to call you,” Harry tells her, not being able to stop his toothy grin. “Is everything okay?”
“Well,” Y/N feels nervous. His gaze is still as intense and attentive, even though a phone screen. “I’m just hanging out with my roommate and she noticed I’ve been smiling at my phone a lot—”
“A very observant roommate.”
“Yeah, and she wanted to know if I was texting a boy. I didn’t know if it was okay to say anything but she’s beside me so do you want to say hi? It’s okay if you don’t want to, and I’m sorry if you’re busy right now…”
Harry’s gaze visibly softens. “Why wouldn’t it be okay?”
“You know why.”
Harry hums. “I’d love to meet your roommate. Go ahead and give her the phone.”
Y/N examines Harry for a moment, trying to determine if he’s telling the truth. His aura is slightly tinged red but it’s mainly yellow, making him glow the color of a sunset. He was probably a bit anxious, but he was happy. That was most important to Y/N. Amalia is sitting at the end of Y/N’s bed quietly, scratching Sapphire’s head while she waits. She watches as Y/N unplugs her earphones from her phone and wordlessly hands it to her.
Amalia’s mouth drops.
“Hi, it’s very nice to meet you. I’m Harry.”
Amalia’s entire body feels tingly.
“H- hi. Uh, I’m Amalia. Y/N’s roommate,” she looks up at Y/N, eyes wide. “It’s… wow. I’m sorry, I kinda don’t know what to say right now. I’m such a big fan of yours!”
Y/N hears Harry’s beautiful laugh and she smiles. It was his shy laugh. He was flattered. Maybe a bit flustered.
“That’s very, very nice of you. Thank you for the support.”
“Are you and Y/N dating? I can’t believe she didn’t tell me!” Amalia gives Y/N an accusatory scowl and she feels her body heat up at her roommate’s words.
“Not at the moment, but I’m working on it,” Harry tells her. Y/N doesn’t need to see him to know he’s pink. “I think she was jus’ tryin’ to protect my privacy. Which I appreciate, of course. But a friend of Y/N is a friend of mine! She has good judgment.”
Y/N can’t believe Harry’s “working on it”. He cares for her much more than she had initially thought, and Y/N just hopes he knows how much she cares for him as well. Even if she doesn’t say it.
“I’m gonna give the phone back to Y/N before I say something to embarrass myself, but it was really nice to meet you!” Amalia shakily hands the phone back to Y/N as Harry is telling her it was nice to meet her too.
Y/N is happy to see his face again. He immediately turns pink once he sees her again, a light blush tinging his cheeks. “She’s very nice. We should all go out to brunch one afternoon, how’s that sound?” Y/N nods, glancing at her roommate who currently looked like she was on the verge of fainting, bright pink just as Harry was. She was infatuated.
“Amalia’s amazing,” Y/N replies. “I was just calling to say hi, but I’m glad to see you’re doing good. I’ll talk to you later?” A deep indigo color slowly surrounds Harry at the prospect of Y/N ending the call, making Y/N frown. “I’ll see you tomorrow? Friday’s are our movie nights…”
“Oh!” Harry turns yellow again. “I didn’t mean to keep you from that. I’d like that, though. Lunch tomorrow?”
“And the studio?” Y/N asks, used to their routine. Harry shakes his head.
“Was thinking we do something else. Get out of there for the afternoon? ‘M sure you get bored jus’ watchin’ me sing all day. The last thing I want is for you to be bored.”
Y/N nearly laughed out loud. She was never bored when she was with Harry. She could simply sit and watch the grass grow with him, and she’d still be thoroughly entertained.
“I don’t want you to fall behind because of me.”
“S’my album. I can take a day off, darling. Hey–– can ya look at me?” Y/N knows Harry is asking her to examine what color he is. She nods after a moment.
“Okay, Harry. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow,” she takes a thoughtful pause as she usually does. “Have a good night.”
“I’ll be counting down the minutes. You too, Y/N.” The call disconnects. Y/N feels her heart about to beat out of her chest. Counting down the minutes.
She was counting down the minutes, too.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry was nervous to see Y/N. He hadn’t been alone with her since the day at his house when she came over to keep him company while he was sick. Their relationship was progressing quicker than anticipated, but neither of the two had any complaints.
Per Harry’s request (or, after a ton of his begging) Y/N agreed to let Harry pick her up instead of driving separately and meeting up like they usually do. He was excited to finally know where Y/N lived. When he thought of any space Y/N cultivated, he imagined it to be a bit cluttered. Lots of paintings on the walls. Perhaps some personal photographs of friends and family.
When Harry approaches Y/N’s apartment complex, he isn’t surprised to see that she lives in one of the oldest-looking buildings he’s ever seen. He was sure that when he asked her about it later, she would tell him that old buildings had the most character or something along those lines. Harry parks in record time, albeit like a bit of an asshole, and grabs the bouquet of flowers he picked up on his way to her before hurrying out of his car. His sunglasses immediately go on and his beanie gets pulled low over his forehead in the off chance there was someone who could recognize him anywhere nearby.
“Four, eight, two, five,” Harry mutters Y/N’s gate code under his breath as he approaches it. “Four, eight, two, five…” He’s delighted when it works. Against Y/N’s wishes, he didn’t write it down when she told him, adamant about having the best memory in the world. He was glad he didn’t forget it and have to call her and ask for it again.
Harry has no difficulty at all finding her apartment. Just as she said, there were several potted plants surrounding the door and a plaque that read, ‘Welcome to our home!’. He smiled to himself. It was just so Y/N. He firmly knocks and takes a step back, tightly gripping the bouquet in his hands. The door flies open moments later and Harry is met with Y/N’s beautiful face. His nerves immediately dissipate.
“Hi, Harry–– oh! Those are beautiful!” She opens the door a bit wider. “Please, come in!”
Harry’s happy. She seems happy. Of course, he couldn’t know for sure in the way that he could, but Harry was quickly learning her mannerisms.
“Hi, darlin’. S’nice to see you,” he leans down to place a delicate kiss on her cheek. “You’re lookin’ as beautiful as ever.”
“I haven’t even gotten changed yet,” she replies dismissively, shutting the door. “I completely lost track of time. I was helping Amalia get ready for a date that she’s going on and it made me forget all about ours.”
Harry could die a happy man right now. Y/N just referred to their spending time together as a date!
“No apologizing,” Harry says sternly, handing the flowers to Y/N. “‘M not upset about it, am I? We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Y/N looks down shyly at the shabby rug beneath her feet. “Do you wanna help me pick out an outfit? I’m not too sure about what I should wear… I really think it would help if you actually told me where we were going.”
“Nice try,” Harry chuckles, following her through the apartment. It looked just as he pictured it would. “Already told you it’s a surprise.”
“I thought I would try again.”
Y/N’s room was incredible. There were plants everywhere even more than the ones surrounding her front door. Some were even hanging from the ceiling! Her walls were a pale yellow color. She had glow-in-the-dark stars and planets stuck to her ceiling, a ginormous rug that covered probably half of her wooden floor, and paintings taped haphazardly to the wall. It looked like she made them herself, too. They were lovely.
“Your room is amazing,” Harry tells her, flopping onto her bed while she digs around in her closet. Even though he had never been there before, he immediately feels comfortable. At home. “Where’s Sapphire?”
“Oh, she’s around here somewhere,” Y/N’s voice sounds a bit muffled from being in her closet. “She might be hiding. She doesn’t like men.”
“Did you tell her that I’m nice?”
Y/N turns to look at him, two shirts in her hand. “I can’t force her to like you, Harry. What do you think about these shirts?”
“I think you would look good in all of them,” Harry feels his heart rate pick up under her gaze. “You may get cold if you wear something sleeveless, though.”
Y/N says nothing in response, just stares at him. To anyone else, her staring may be weird, but Harry knew what she was doing. He stares back at her just as intensely, raising an eyebrow. Finally, she nods, turning her attention back to her closet.
“Should I wear something with long sleeves?”
Harry hums in response to her question. “I think that would be a good idea.”
Y/N turns to face him again, tugging at her oversized sleep shirt. “Do you think you can take down some shirts on the shelf for me? I don’t feel like going to get a chair all the way from the kitchen…”
“Of course I can,” Harry immediately gets up from his lying position on Y/N’s bed. “Which ones?”
“The ones in that corner,” Y/N replies, standing beside Harry. He never noticed how much shorter she was than him until she was asking him to reach things off the top-shelf for her. Harry loved it.
He reaches up with ease, grabbing a stack of neatly folded long-sleeves. In the process of pulling them down, a box comes falling off the shelf, hitting the floor with a loud clang! and the sound of broken glass. “Shit,” Harry mutters, bending down to reach for the box. “Sorry about tha’, pet–”
“Don’t touch that!” Y/N exclaims, pushing past Harry to grab the box before he does. Harry backs up, putting his hands up in the air like he was a criminal who’d just been caught.
“I didn’t touch it, I promise,” Harry quickly reassures her. “Why can’t I touch it? What is that?”
“Remember how I was telling you about bad energy?” Her voice drops to a whisper. Harry nods. “This is where I store everyone's bad energy whenever I get stuck with it. They’re in little viles, you know what I mean? Those little tubes?”
“I think the tubes broke when it fell… I can never open this box again because then the bad energy will get out and go back to their owner's body.”
Harry doesn’t say anything, trying to take in what Y/N just told him. It wasn’t the oddest thing he’s heard since he met her. “Is any of my bad energy in there?”
“Yes. Remember when we were at the Greek food place?”
Harry smiles at the memory. “How could I forget? I think that was the day that I knew I had to get to know ya. I was properly obsessed with the idea of runnin’ into you again for days.” Y/N looks away as she usually does when he gets her flustered but this time Harry moves closer to her, snaking his arms around her waist.
“Thank you for always makin’ sure ‘m happy, love,” Harry’s lips are dangerously close to hers, so close that she can smell the scent of mint on his breath. “You don’t even have to touch me to make me happy. Jus’ bein’ near you is enough.” Y/N lets out a shaky breath, not trusting her voice enough to do anything other than nod. Both of their hearts are about to beat out of their chests.
“I’d do anything to make you happy, Harry,” Y/N finally says, staring directly into his eyes. “You deserve all the happiness this life has to offer you.”
“Likewise,” Harry says, feeling intoxicated from standing so close to her. “Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Can I kiss you?”
Y/N gives Harry the biggest smile before standing on her tiptoes, smushing her lips against Harry’s. His eyes shut as he melts into the kiss, having to remind himself to stop smiling so he can properly kiss her back. Her lips are soft, and she tastes just as sweet as she actually is. His entire body tingles and his chest burns due to lack of oxygen, but he was determined not to break the kiss first. His stomach twisted from all the butterflies he had, but it was a feeling no one had made him feel in a long, long time.
Y/N’s the first one to break the kiss. She giggles as she rests her head against Harry’s chest, gasping slightly for air. “You’re a very good kisser.”
“You too.” Harry’s breathless. He doesn’t want to pull away from her so he settles on intaking short bursts of air.
“I’m gonna get changed before I decide to stand here and just kiss you all day,” Y/N tells him, finally breaking their contact. “Can you wait in the living room?”
“I wouldn’t hate that,” Harry says as he places a quick peck on her lips. “‘M gonna go put your flowers in something so they don’t die. Y’think Sapphire will come out of hiding and let me pet her since her mommy finally let me kiss her?”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“I thought we were getting lunch?”
Y/N had been sat in Harry’s passenger seat for slightly over an hour now, his hand hardly leaving hers the entire time. He was yellow for the most part (except when Y/N would speak he turned pink). Song after song played lowly over the stereo, but it was mainly just background noise–– neither one of them was really listening to it.
“We are.”
“Why are we driving so far?” 
“I wanna take you to a really nice spot. Is that okay?”
“Are we almost there?” She stares intensely at Harry and she knows he can feel her eyes on him. He flashes red for a moment causing Y/N to cock her head in confusion. “Why are you nervous?”
“I don’t want you to think our date is boring.”
“Why would I think it’s boring?”
“Have you ever been to Balboa Park? San Diego?” Harry tears his eyes from the road briefly to look at her and he’s relieved to see a look of excitement in her eyes.
“I’ve never been but from the pictures I’ve seen it looks sooo beautiful! Are we going there?” Her grip on his hand tightens slightly.
“Mhm,” Y/N sees Harry visibly relax. “Figure we could grab a bite after? Or before, depending on how hungry you are.”
“We should eat before! Are we allowed to eat in the park? We should have a picnic–– can we do that?” Y/N is talking a mile a minute, too excited to slow down. She turns in the passenger seat to face Harry fully, hand still in his. “We’re going to the gardens, right?” 
“We’re doin’ whatever you want, love. I have some things planned that I think you would like but nothing’s set in stone.”
Y/N loves the fact that Harry took it upon himself to plan out their day. She decides she would go along with whatever he had planned, seeing as he’s been there before and she hasn’t.
They arrive at the park approximately thirty minutes later and Y/N quickly unbuckles her seatbelt and lets herself out of the car before Harry can open the door for her himself. He laughs to himself at her excitement.
“Where are we going first?” Y/N reaches for Harry’s hand seemingly out of habit, not thinking twice before doing so. If she wasn’t busy looking around in awe, she’d see Harry looking down at their interlocked fingers with a big smile on his face.
“How ‘bout we get you something to eat first then go find a spot to have a lil’ picnic? The last time I was here I remember seein’ people eating under this ginormous tree–”
“Okay!” Y/N agrees cheerily, dragging Harry through the parking lot. She was leading the way even though she had no clue where she was going. “Wait, where are we going?”
“How about I lead the way?” Harry is a mixture of green and yellow. He was happy and enjoying the prospect of a nature-filled day.
“Harry, what’s your favorite part about nature?”
“What’s tha’?”
“I see that you like nature, so I just wanted to know what you liked the most about it,” Y/N replies, swinging their hands. 
“It’s calming. I think ‘ve written some of my best songs surrounded by trees and water and things like that. What do you like the most about nature?”
“It’s beautiful. Plants help us and we help them.”
Harry smiles in response to her answer but says nothing, walking her the rest of the way through the parking lot and to the entrance of the park. Once inside they set out on finding something to quickly fill their stomachs with, not wanting to waste too much time eating.
“How do sandwiches sound?” Harry asks, nodding his head in the direction of a sandwich shop. “Quick and easy, isn’t it?”
“Can we still eat them under the fig tree?”
“Whatever you’d like, darling. S’your world, ‘m just livin’ in it.” 
Even though he lets out a chuckle after saying that, Y/N knew he was being completely serious.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry could listen to Y/N talk all day. He never wanted to stop hearing her sweet voice. Y/N’s attention was fixated on the beautiful, blooming gardens–– but Harry was only fixated on her.
She pointed out nearly everything they saw, impressing Harry with her knowledge on plant names and pointless information on how to care for them. She asked Harry to stand in front of all her favorite plants so she could take a picture of him to “commemorate the day” and Harry was more than willing to do so. Anything to keep a smile on her face. Y/N had grown tired of carrying her purse over her shoulder about an hour back and Harry even offered to wear it for her so she wouldn’t have a sore shoulder the next morning.
They decided to call it quits once the sun started setting, walking hand in hand quietly back to Harry’s car. He opens the door for her and checks to make sure she’s all the way in before slamming it shut and walking around to his side. He immediately reaches for her hand again, loving the way it felt in his way too much to not hold it at all times.
“Did you have a good time today?” Harry asks, looking at Y/N’s face in the dim light. She nods sheepishly, looking down at the hands.
“I had an amazing time. I can’t believe you drove all the way out here just for me,” she traces her fingers over one of Harry’s rings. “Thank you for today.”
“How many times have I gotta tell ya I’d do anything for you?” Harry questions, leaning over the center console to be closer to her. “Loved seein’ that beautiful smile on your face today. Made me happy.”
“You’re just saying that…”
“Oh, come off it,” Harry jokes, kissing her cheek before leaning back over to start his car. “Know you saw how happy I was the whole day. S’all because of you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Harry sees Y/N lean over as he previously was so her face is close to his. She gently places the hand that was holding Harry’s on his face and turns his head so he’s fully facing her, licking her lips before she connects them with his. Harry melts into the kiss as he did earlier, feeling as if time stopped when their lips were pressed together. It was the most gentle, loving kiss Harry ever shared with another person.
He could get used to this.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Toy For Their Pet, One Shot
Summary: Hela and Agatha have a pet Jotun!Loki. But they needed to find him a toy to keep him satisfied. Poor mortal Cora is kidnapped and thrown in to the wild beast to appease him. 
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WARNINGS: Rape/Non-con, knotting, rimming. 
‘I know I said to bring her here without causing a scene, but I didn’t mean to knock the poor thing out.’ Agatha said.
‘It’s fine, she’s fine. Look, she’s starting to come round already.’ Hela said in defence.
Cora heard the two female voices as she started to wake. When she opened her eyes, she struggled to focus and keep them open. Her body felt heavy, especially her head. Like she had been drugged or hit.
She tried to sit up, but then the room started spinning and she couldn’t focus on the two women there.
‘Oh no, easy, sweetheart. Don’t move too fast.’ Agatha said as she rushed over to Cora and sat next to her, helping her to sit up a bit as she put her arm around her.
Hela rolled her eyes and walked closer, hands on her hips. ‘We don’t have long before he will be awake. I don’t want to have to punish him again just for being horny.’
Cora was too confused to properly take in the conversation. One minute she was minding her own business in her home, the next she was swiftly knocked out. Now she woke up… wherever the hell she was.
‘Wh… what… what’s going on? Where am I?’ She asked groggily as she put her hand up to her head.
‘Relax, honey. We’re not going to hurt you, as long as you’re a good girl and do as you’re told. Ok?’ Agatha said softly, tucking Cora’s hair behind her ear.
Cora’s eyes widened as she was finally able to focus more. Agatha’s words chilled her to the core.
She looked at the woman next to her and the one standing on front of her… and realised she recognised them. It was hard not to realise who they were, from seeing them on the news.
The fact they weren’t exactly hiding themselves made it blaringly obvious they weren’t just two ordinary women. Hela was wearing Asgardian type light armour, her long black hair encased her face with her bold and intimidating make-up.
Agatha looked exactly like you’d expect a real witch to look. Slightly crazy long hair and she wore elegant dark bluey-purple robes.
They were both extremely intimidating in every sense of the manner. Both of them, Hela more so, were very tall. Making Cora feel even more frightened and small.
When she started shaking, Agatha slid her hand round to her back and started rubbing in circles to try and soothe her. But Cora was too scared, she tried to make a run for it but when she stood and took a few steps, she stumbled as she had stood up far too quickly, then she found herself captured in Hela’s arms.
‘You’re not going anywhere, pet.’ She said as Cora started struggling in her grasp.
‘Please… please don’t hurt me. What do you want with me?’ Cora sobbed.
Hela kept an arm clamped around her middle as she gripped her chin to force her to look at her.
‘As my dearest Agatha said, we aren’t going to hurt you… But he might.’ She grinned and motioned to the right with her head.
Cora looked over and she could barely contain a scream. There was a large glass wall that showed through into another room. But right at the front, at the glass… was Loki. A frost giant. She knew of him too from the news, he had been attacking people at random in London. Unable to change back into his Asgardian form, until he suddenly just vanished. Now, Cora knew where he had vanished to...
He was standing right at the glass, hands flat on it as he stared intently over at her. His red eyes blazing at her hungrily, he looked terrifying. And he was naked, his blue skin was really striking with his Jotun markings all over him. But what she also noticed was that he was extremely aroused.
‘Wh… what… no… please.’ Cora sobbed and panicked all over again, struggling against Hela but to the God she was just like a kitten squirming in her arms.
Agatha stood up quickly and walked over next to Cora, looking at Loki too. Hela still had a firm hold of Cora, but Agatha slid her hand up to the back of Cora’s neck and stroked on her skin softly. But it did nothing to ease Cora’s fear.
‘He won’t hurt you… If you just submit to him, let him do what he wants with you. He is just rather… insatiable.’ Agatha said calmly.
Hela looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. Agatha shrugged and mouthed ‘Don’t scare her off before we even get her in there!’
‘Wh… why me? Please, I can’t… I’m scared.’ Cora begged, hoping the women would take pity on her.
Hela lifted her up with ease and started carrying her over towards the door that led through to where Loki was. He was pacing back and fore now behind the glass, eyes blazing hungrily as he kept locked on to Cora.
‘NO! PLEASE!’ Cora tried kicking out but she was getting nowhere.
‘Don’t tire yourself out, dear. You are going to need all the strength you can get.’ Hela purred and unlocked the door with a flick of her finger and a glimmer of magic.
She looked over at Agatha, who followed and nodded at Hela. When Hela opened the door, Agatha went in first, using her magic to put up a powerful shield to keep Loki back.
He tried to get over, but was kept back by Agatha’s magic as she entered, with Hela and Cora close behind her. Loki was snarling and growling at them, salivating at the mouth and desperate to get to the mortal girl.
He was massive in every sense of the word. A frost giant to the core. Cora thought she was going to pass out again.
Hela suddenly threw Cora onto Loki’s bed, she went sprawling across it. Agatha and Hela backed out of the room.
Cora tried to make a mad rush for the door as it closed and she heard it locking. But she had barely taken a few steps away from the bed when Loki slammed into her.
She screamed, but wasn’t sure what scared her the most. Being trapped with such a wild being, or the fact he was ice cold to touch. His body was over her instantly on the bed, trapping her beneath him.
Loki shoved his face into her neck and in-haled her scent, growling as he did so. She froze while he studied her, terrified to move in-case she angered him. He began sniffing down her body and with his long nails started tearing at her clothes.
Agatha and Hela stood by the glass, watching intently. Hela leaned on Agatha, her elbow resting on her shoulder. ‘You know, love… I think we might have finally found the right pet for our pet.’ Hela said as she watched Loki tearing at Cora’s clothes and then he began sniffing her all over.
Agatha tapped her lower lip and nodded slowly. ‘I think we have. At least he hasn’t torn into her like the last one.’
Hela sighed softly. ‘She was a stunning woman. Such a mess to clean up, though.’
‘She was... But Cora is a pretty little thing. I think she is more suited for our Loki.’ Agatha slipped her arm around Hela.
They continued watching, pleased that Loki had taken to Cora. Finally, finding the right mate for him. He had already started bonding with her and marking her, licking her skin. He started with her stomach, running his tongue all over her.
Cora was crying quietly, too scared to move or argue with him. She knew there would be no chance of escape, anyway. The best thing she could do, was just let him do what he wanted and get out of there alive.
The way his tongue was lapping over her skin had her almost squirming, she was a little ticklish and his cold licks were light. But she kept still, bunching her hands into fists at her sides.
Loki licked up her body, around her breasts and over her nipples, making her squeak slightly. She was a bit weirded out, wondering what on earth he was doing exactly and why. As she was practically covered all over in his saliva by the time he was finished with her. Arms, legs, thighs, stomach, sides. When he was at her neck, he also bit her a few times that made her cry out in pain. But he didn’t react to her noises.
The final place he hadn’t yet claimed was between her thighs. When he moved down there and pushed her thighs further open, she tried to snap them shut but he growled deeply and bit her thigh really hard, making her bleed.
She screamed in agony and then started thrashing around, Loki bit her again on the opposite thigh.
‘You better keep still, honey. Or else you will end up with more bite marks all over you.’ Came Agatha’s voice. It sounded like she was in the room, but Cora knew she wasn’t, she was safe behind the glass.
Cora wept quietly and did her best to just lie there and let Loki do what he was going to do.
Loki hummed in approval when she stopped moving around. He clamped his large hands around her thighs, keeping her spread open for him with terrifying ease with his strength. She couldn’t look down at the monster between her legs, so she opted to look up at the ceiling instead.
When Loki’s cold tongue started lapping at her cunt, she grabbed the bed sheets underneath her. At first, she was repulsed that he was doing this to her. But as his tongue pushed through her folds, gently lapping at her, she found her body falling under his control more and more.
When Loki licked her clit, her body started reacting to it. Little whines came from her and her body jerked each time. Loki smirked against her as he concentrated on that spot for a while, happy with her reactions, the tip of his tongue circling her clit in firm but slow movements.
She was about there, her body being forced into the pleasure. She could feel her impending orgasm… But it was ruined when Loki sucked on her clit and nibbled, sending pain and discomfort through her instead.
‘Ohh poor pet. So close, yet so far.’ Hela said smugly.
‘Mmm, we haven’t had such good entertainment in so long.’ Agatha said, biting her lower lip.
‘Why don’t we make our own entertainment while we watch?’ Hela suggested and with a flick of her wrist, their bed appeared right next to the glass for them to watch and have fun of their own.
Loki flipped Cora over onto her stomach, he treated the back of her to the same treatment. Licking all over, not missing an inch of skin. Her body was cold not only because of his cold nature, but because her skin was cooling fast in the light air around her with his saliva drying on her.
But she panicked when he spread her ass cheeks apart and started licking around her asshole.
‘NO!’ She screamed and tried pulling herself away from him.
Loki snarled angrily, bit her left butt cheek hard and smacked her right cheek with his large palm. Making her scream even louder. She kept still after that, just letting the tears roll down her cheeks. Pleasing Loki for being still, he went back to rimming her. Leaving nothing untouched.
Cora was so relieved when he finally stopped giving her attention there. She really hoped he wouldn’t go back there at any point. She just wanted this nightmare to be over.
But it was far from over.
Loki grabbed her hips and positioned her up on her hands and knees. She so wanted to try crawling forward, away from him, but she knew better now. And the firm grip he had on her was warning enough not to try anything.
She shivered as his cold breath danced against the back of her neck. Suddenly in one smooth motion he mounted her, an arm snaked around her middle while his other hand wrapped around the front of her neck, at the same time his large cock pushed against her wet cunt, seeking entrance. Even that was cold.
Cora was losing her breath, partly from the sheer coldness of it all, having a frost giant pressed against her back and pushing his cock into her was very numbing, mentally and physically. She made a slight movement that Loki thought was her trying to escape him again, so he bit the back of her neck hard, forcing her to submit to him.
Loki ignored her cries and was able to thrust into her fully, forcing her body to yield to him. His ridged and highly alien-like cock was hitting all the right spots inside her. Her mind was at battle with her body.
‘MINE!’ Loki snarled as he held himself deep within her.
It was the first word that Cora had heard from him and it shocked her. His voice was growly and deep.
He became very possessive as he started rutting into her, his balls were slapping against her skin in a loudly lewd manner.
‘Wow, he’s really hammering into her, isn’t he?’ Agatha said. She and Hela had been fondling one another on the bed, but the action between Loki and Cora was too exciting to look away from.
‘Hopefully he doesn’t end up breaking her.’ Hela drawled.
‘Not after taking his time to mark her, I think he’s finally got a toy he’s happy with. He won’t hurt what belongs to him, and she most certainly belongs to him now.’ Agatha said with a big grin as she licked her lips.
The two continued to watch while Loki completed his mating ritual. He started to swell at the base of his cock, he was able to push it into Cora’s cunt when she had an orgasm forcefully, causing her to howl in pain and surprise pleasure as his knot then swelled, locking them together as it throbbed on her g spot.
As Loki started cumming inside his new mate, he locked onto her shoulder with his teeth, drawing more blood from her. No matter how hard she squirmed and tried to move, he wouldn’t let go. He pulsated within her, spilling his cool cum deep into her. She could feel every single drop filling her, it felt like her stomach was going to explode.
Loki collapsed down fully on top of her, almost crushing her. But the mewling from Cora had him quickly rolling them both over so they were on their sides, he kept her close to him though.
She couldn’t stop shivering… a mix of cold, fear and confusion.
Loki nuzzled into her hair, grumbling and making light noises as he stroked over her stomach. He was still knotted inside her, and when he moved a bit, she whimpered as he tugged on her.
He softly kissed her shoulder and the hand on her stomach slid downwards, he lightly touched her clit and when she started moaning, he traced patterns over her until she came on his cock again, her walls fluttered around him as he groaned in pleasure.
‘I’ve never seen him be gentle like that before.’ Hela said as she cocked her head to the side.
‘He’s like you, love. Has his sweet and tender moments, it just takes time to show and the right lover.’ Agatha laughed wickedly at the glare Hela gave her. But she was right.
After Loki ravished poor Cora for hours upon end, she finally passed out in pure exhaustion. Loki’s knot took a while to go down enough for him to slip out of her, a big mess of cum came pooling out.
He wasn’t happy when Agatha and Hela went in to retrieve the mortal. But Hela and Agatha’s powers together was too strong for him. They promised it was just for a short time to let her recover. But Loki’s anger was enough of a sign for them that he was most certainly not happy about her being taken away.
When Cora came round, she wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or not to find herself in Agatha’s arms, on her lap.
‘Hey, honey. Are you alright?’ Agatha smiled sweetly at her.
Cora froze, not sure whether to try escaping or not. Though when she looked around, she saw Hela was sitting right next to them. She knew she wouldn’t have a chance against one of them, never mind two.
Hela reached out towards Cora’s lips with a strawberry in hand. ‘Come on, eat. You must be famished, and you need your strength.’
Cora looked at the offered strawberry like it had insulted her. But her stomach was grumbling, she really was so hungry. She parted her lips and Hela slipped the fruit into her mouth.
‘That’s a good girl.’ Hela praised and hand fed her some more. They were really juicy, so flavoursome. Like from another world.
‘Loki really likes you, which is simply wonderful.’ Agatha beamed happily.
Cora tensed on her lap. ‘I’m so sore.’ She whispered, tears brimming in her eyes.
‘Shhh, shhh. It’s alright, you’ll get used to it.’ Agatha said softly and began stroking her hair.
‘Please… Please, don’t send me back in there with him.’ Cora sobbed and panicked, she clung to Agatha and buried her face in against her.
Agatha pulled a sad face as she gently rubbed Cora’s back. ‘Oh, sweetie.’ She looked up at Hela, smirking and she winked. ‘Unfortunately for you, Loki has mated with you. You’re bonded now, and for a Jotun that means for life. It would hurt him physically and mentally if we kept you apart... And we just can’t do that to him.’
Hela pursed her lips together at Agatha.
‘Agatha is right, my dear. But don’t worry, we will look after you and make sure you’re well fed and watered. Loki isn’t a complete beast all the time, he will want you to be cared for too. And he will be gentler with you now his initial frenzy has calmed.’ Hela said.
Cora wasn’t so sure about that, she was so sore and was sure her insides were bruised. The thought of having to go back in with him was utterly petrifying.
But she knew she had no choice. Up against a powerful Witch and the Goddess of death? The poor mortal girl had no chance, and she knew it.
She belonged to Hela and Agatha’s pet Jotun now. Nothing more than a toy for their pet.
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ratmonky · 3 years
Deceitful Curse
Word Count: 10K
Warnings: non-con, stalking, obsession, mild blood, chikan, gaslighting, manipulation, humiliation, degradation, misogyny, exhibitionism
AO3 Link
As promised, this will be a gift fic for my lovely friend @lyrrotting​ , I promise I will write your four armed Sukuna fic soon to make up for this shitty fic lol <3 
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It was said that most people had an angel sitting on their right shoulder and a devil sitting on their left shoulder, the two bickered into the person’s ears about many things. While the devil would try to tempt the person, the angel would become the sound of conscience.
However, Yuuji only had the King of Curses whispering in his ear and he himself had to be the voice of conscience within his own mind.
Certainly, there would be a time he would be tempted to listen.
Life was good, Yuuji had already graduated over a year ago and gotten his sorcerer license to work until his inevitable execution.
Life was good, everyone had moved on with their lives. Inumaki had gotten a girlfriend, Fushiguro had a girlfriend and from what he heard, Maki and Kugisaki were dating each other.
Life was good, they were all happy.
Life was good, everyone else was happy.
There was a new coffee shop that had opened just two blocks down from where he lived. Naturally, Yuuji wanted to check it out for the sole purpose of seeing how big the place was. When he invited his friends over to his place and if they ever stayed the night, he wanted to have a place he could take them to for a brunch or a cup of coffee.
Unfortunately for him, the place was small. There were barely a dozen tables and nobody seemingly wanted to sit at the cramped coffee shop when they could walk to the nearby park to enjoy their coffee.
The place was crowded due to rush hour so he returned a couple of hours later to finally order something.
As soon as he walked inside, the sugary smell of the sweets and the strong aroma of the coffee surrounded him.
“Welcome!” said a cheerful voice. It was you, beaming at him with the brightest smile he had ever seen on anyone. It looked too genuine to be a fake service worker's smile.
He hesitantly walked up to the counter with a blush coloring his cheeks from the intensity of your smile that was aimed towards him. “Hi,” he said before lifting his eyes up to the menu displays. “Ah.” He had no idea what to get. “Takeaway, I think, and ahh… Um…”
As if you noticed his struggle, you started talking. “If you like sweets I’d recommend my special summer drink. If you like coffee, I can give you the best brew in the whole city. It isn't strong but the aroma actually tastes like fresh coffee beans, I roast them fresh every day.” You were so bright, still smiling. Didn’t your cheeks hurt? How could anyone be this sweet? “Or I can choose a drink for you! Trust me, I’ll make it count!”
He understood none of the things you were saying but he felt like he could trust you to choose a drink for him, so he nodded approvingly.
Clapping your hands together, you walked behind the coffee machine and disappeared from his view. “You live around here?”
Yuuji was caught off guard and didn’t realize you were talking to him for a while until you repeated your question. “Ah, yes! I live around the corner.”
“I’ll do my best to impress you so you’ll buy coffee from here every day.” Your tone wasn’t flirty. It was friendly and inviting, actually welcoming.
“That’s a good business tactic,” he said, matching your tone. “But I’m not that easy to impress.”
“Isn’t my prices enough to impress you? They’re rather cheap for the service you get and I’m not even talking about the quality of my products.” You reappeared with a plastic coffee mug, it had ice and apparently black coffee in it. You poured some sort of golden cream over the coffee on the counter where he could see it.
Like hypnotized, Yuuji watched with his mouth wide open as the two colors mixed in a gradient effect in his drink before you put a lid on it.
“Was that good enough?” you asked, proudly. “To impress you I mean.”
“Y-yeah.” He reached and took the drink you set on the counter. He was carefully examining the colors in awe when he abruptly realized that he hadn’t even paid yet. Hastily he dug his hand in his pocket and took out his wallet, “I’ll come here more often I think if I like the drink of course.”
“Hmm, you’ll like it so I’m not worried.” You smiled as he paid with his credit card. “See you later…” Furrowing your burrows, you looked at him so he would fill in.
“Itadori,” he introduced himself, blushing. “Yuuji Itadori.”
“(name),” you said, offering a cute smile. “Have a nice day, Itadori.”
“Y-you too.” He waved awkwardly and you did the same with a giggle. It was clear that he was a little overwhelmed.
By the time Yuuji exited the shop, he hadn’t realized how hard he was blushing or how he had forgotten to even try his drink. Then he blushed even harder realizing how embarrassing he acted back in the shop but he shook his head to get over those thoughts.
Decidedly, he took a sip from his coffee and immediately understood why you were so confident that he would be back to buy more.
The next day, it wasn’t exactly the incredible coffee you had sold him yesterday that brought him here.
It was you.
He was trying to convince himself that wasn’t the case though.
However, Sukuna knew the truth.
“Being single sucks!” Yuuji complained with a whine after slamming his empty glass on the table.
“You should try those dating apps if you really want a girlfriend,” Fushiguro replied and flicked the ash off his cigarette on the ashtray.
“I agree, Itadori, if you really are determined to be in a relationship then you should try meeting new people.” Yuuta fanned the smoke Fushiguro blew towards him away using his hand with a forced smile.
Inumaki nodded in agreement, continuing to munch on the salted crackers and avoiding drinking.
“It’s easy for all of you with pretty girlfriends to say!” Panda cried, “It’s only me and Itadori who’s single.” He wrapped his big arms around Yuuji and started rocking back and forth.
“You can always book a flight to China to meet with a female Panda?” Yuuji said in a confused tone, “Or the zoo?”
Panda froze and loosened his arms around Yuuji before pushing him away from himself. “That was rude.”
“Huh?” Yuuji raised a brow, still confused.
“His type is more… humane, I think.” Yuuta scratched at his cheeks and raised his brows, hoping that Panda would deny what he just said but he didn’t.
“Wait.” Yuuji’s eyes widened, “So, you’re telling me that it would actually work between you and a human, or is it-”
“Itadori,” Fushiguro said to stop Yuuji from delving deeper into the uncomfortable topic. “Leave Panda’s love life alone.”
“Hmm, why did you bring up the topic of wanting to get a girlfriend?” Yuuta asked, humming thoughtfully. “Do you have someone you like?”
“Deja vu,” Panda mumbled under his breath, nobody heard him.
As soon as the question was asked to him, Yuuji thought of one single person; you. The image of your smile and your cheerful voice. It was just a simple crush, the two of you were total strangers. Yet, he was still thinking about you right now and couldn’t get you out of his mind.
He suppressed all of those thoughts and noticed how everyone was looking at him, waiting for his answer.
“No, I don’t,” Yuuji replied.
Unlike Sukuna, Yuuji was an inexperienced young man. He was a celibate too. Which meant that to him, sexual desires had to come after love. The feelings of love and affection were important when it came to sex. Having sex was an act of love and a form of affection, to prove to the person he was involved with that he was devoting himself to them.
The kid had already grown up to be an adult but still had the mentality of a child.
Sukuna knew he could help.
“You’re coming here more often now,” Sukuna pointed out. “Is it because you know the server likes you?”
“No, she doesn’t like me,” Yuuji deadpanned. He pouted cutely seconds later and watched you walk over to his table holding a tray with his drink on it with a bright smile. “I’m here only because this place makes the best coffee.”
“Here you go,” you chirped, putting Yuuji’s drink on the table. Your friendly smile and gorgeous eyes wandered on his face for a moment longer than usual. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Thank you.” He was blushing.
You flashed him another stunning smile before turning around on your heels.
“She’s into you,” Sukuna declared.
Yuuji ignored Sukuna’s words and stared after you as you walked back to the counter to take another order. His eyes couldn’t leave the way your hips moved with each step you took.
Sukuna’s lips on Yuuji’s hand grinned before disappearing.
“The girl looks like her,” Sukuna said.
“Will you be quiet?” Yuuji groaned and slapped his cheek so he would go away.
It was silent, he smiled to himself. Finally, he had some privacy.
The porn actress spread her legs and Yuuji wrapped his left hand around his cock after licking his palm as he was holding his phone with his right. He slid his fist up along his length and squeezed tightly towards the tip. The pressure felt the best when he applied it to the sensitive tip.
Loud moans coming from the actress filled his apartment since he hadn’t bothered to put on headphones. Not that he needed them when he was living alone but it was a habit now. So, he lowered the volume.
However, there was another reason why he didn’t need to hear the moans of the actress.
“She doesn’t sound like her, does she?” Sukuna made fun of him.
Yuuji ignored him and didn’t bother to tell him that it wasn’t the case. He just needed to cum and go to bed, that was it. He was too used to Sukuna interrupting his self-care time at this point and if the King of Curses didn’t mind watching a guy jerk off to some cheap porn, so be it. They were sharing Yuuji’s body and mind. Or not?
Yuuji focused on the video as the girl bent over and started fingering herself in an awkward position. His hand around his cock started moving to match the way her fingers went in and out of her cunt.
She really looked like you.
Wasn’t that why he had chosen this video?
Nevermind. Forget about it.
He had read or heard somewhere that masturbating with the non-dominant hand could give more pleasure. It was something he had done when he was only a teenager to try it out but now he liked to use his left hand.
It felt different, sometimes his hand went numb and it felt like someone else was touching him. You were touching him.
This had to be how a handjob felt, if you ever gave him a handjob it would definitely feel like this.
Yuuji dropped the phone and closed his eyes, only focusing on his fantasies about you while jerking himself off. His hand moved faster while his hips were desperately thrusting up as if to mimic fucking you.
You would tease him, wouldn’t you? Stare at him with a grin, edge him and even slow down just to make him whine.
Or perhaps you would get rid of your clothes hurriedly to ease yourself down on his cock. Were you a virgin? You would be his first, he would want you to be your first too.
Were you the type to whimper or moan during sex?
Where would you place your hands?
Would you move your hips?
Which position would make you lose yourself?
He would want to be on top, so he could watch your face and kiss you.
What kind of face would you make?
Would you be blushing and moaning?
The image of your eyes overflowing with tears while your face was being stained with the same tears and your ruined makeup appeared within his mind.
Yuuji abruptly came harder than he ever had in his whole life and his seed landed on his stomach, his orgasm left his legs shaking in pleasure.
He didn’t go to the coffee shop the day after from embarrassment.
“You weren’t here yesterday,” you remarked while making his drink. “I was sure you were going to be here after I made you my new drink on the menu.”
“Ahh, I was just busy and didn’t have time to swing by.” It was a simple lie and it wasn’t like he could ever tell you that he was scared of himself after he came to his fantasy of seeing you cry. “I didn’t think you’d miss me this much.”
“Well, you’re my only loyal customer,” you pouted and put his drink on the counter. Nobody else was in the shop, another coffee place had opened just around the corner. “You always drink my special brew coffee too. It’s like an honor to me that you like my coffee.”
“It’s the best coffee I’ve ever had,” his reply was instantaneous and honest. “I like this place, I can tell how much love you put into making your drinks and it feels cozy here.”
You were grinning, “Mm, tell me more. Praise me more. What else?”
He started smirking but his blush ruined the smug face he was making. “Never mind, you’re weirding me out.”
“Hey! I was just asking you what else you like about my place! What’s weird about wanting to know how I can make this place better?” you feigned anger.
He wanted to tell you that he was only coming here for you. Wait, no. He came here for the coffee. Nothing else.
“What about making new drinks every week? They’d sell more and you’d get to try out new things?” he said after careful thinking.
“That’s actually a good idea, thank you, Itadori!”
Ahh, the way you said his name… Yuuji wanted to hear you say his name again and again. Over and over again.
“It’s nothing,” he replied, rubbing his neck nervously with his hand. “I’m just trying to help.”
It started with small words of encouragement.
“That woman likes you, I can tell from the way she smiles at you. Talk to her more and befriend her.”
“It’s not like you to say nice things,” Yuuji said, averting his gaze from yours in embarrassment when you looked his way. He hoped you hadn’t caught him looking. “Besides, she’s just a server. It’s her job to attract customers with a smile and sweet talk.”
“Every server needs a master,” Sukuna spoke through Yuuji’s hand. Nobody could see him since the guy had his hand pressed against his ear. “She doesn’t look at you the same way she looks at the other peasants here.”
Yuuji didn’t say anything.
His finger hovered over the follow button.
”That’s her?” Sukuna asked, his ancient soul was getting used to the technology he saw his vessel was using. “Those are her pictures?”
“Yeah.” Yuuji gulped, nodding languidly. It would be weird if he followed you, right? He had found your account by chance. Not because he found the account of your coffee shop and then scrolled through the following list to find a friend of yours and then searched through their following list to find your name to eventually find your account. Only by chance.
“She looks different in the pictures.” Sukuna was right. You were smiling as usual but you weren’t wearing your cafe uniform. You were wearing normal clothes. Clothes that revealed more of your skin, your shoulders, legs, thighs, and in some pictures your cleavage. There was a smug look on your face when you were looking at the camera as if you knew whoever was looking at these pictures was admiring your beauty.
“Yeah, she does.” He was now looking at a picture of you in a dress that fit you just right, showing your curves he hadn’t noticed in your uniform.
“She’s beautiful.” Sukuna could sense the intensity of his vessel’s stare at your picture.
“I’d save that picture if I were you.” Sukuna grinned.
Yuuji took a screenshot.
“You should be more assertive if you want her to consider you as a man,” Sukuna said as Yuuji was walking towards the coffee shop. “Women like confident men.”
“You come from the ancient times, this is the new age. Women are equal with men and I want her to feel-”
“Women want men. Not boys. Definitely not brats like you.” Sukuna disappeared when his vessel entered the coffee shop.
Yuuji sighed in a dismissive manner, “Whatever you say.”
Women want men.
“What do women like in a man?” Yuuji asked.
The happy laughter of the guys died out as soon as he asked that and the loud chatter of the other people inside the bar couldn’t fill the dead silence Yuuji created.
They were all looking at each other around the table now. Nobody wanted to talk.
“I guess they like guys who are assertive,” Yuuta responded when no one else did. “Megumi, why don’t you say something? What does your girlfriend like about you?”
Fushiguro was inanimate as he stubbed out his cigarette on the ashtray and took a long moment to consider what he was going to say. “She said that likes that I’m possessive and get jealous when she talks to other guys.”
“Hmm, possessive and jealous...” Yuuta nodded and then turned to Inumaki. “And your girlfriend liked that she can depend on you, right?”
“There you have it,” Yuuta concluded. “They like possessive guys who they can depend on!”
“What about you, Okkotsu?” Yuuji asked. “What does your girlfriend like about you?”
The person in question looked a little lost and taken aback that he was being asked. He had to take a deep breath to keep his facial expressions normal. “She likes that I take control.”
“How?” Yuuji was desperate.
“Isn’t that a bit invasive question, Itadori?” Fushiguro warned in a soft tone.
“It’s not invasive at all!” Yuuta forced a laugh and spoke in the same joking manner. “It means that I was a little pushy and bold, I think?”
Both Fushiguro and Inumaki started agreeing.
“I see.” Yuuji realized that Sukuna was right.
“Isn’t that her picture?”
Yuuji ignored him and continued rubbing his cock.
His hand started moving faster, his eyes were trained on the picture of you, eyes roaming on your body and imagining how it would feel to run his hands along your curves.
“She looks like she’d love taking it from her ass.”
“Shut up, she’s not like that!” he immediately protested. His cheeks were bright red from shame. He had never done it to the pictures of the people he had met. Only celebrities. It didn’t feel right.
“She’s a woman. I know what women want and like.” Sukuna was confident. “I know exactly what she wants, unlike you.”
Yuuji tried blocking out the curse’s voice in his head and tightened his grip as well as his pace. He was imagining you again, eyes full of tears and you were twisting your body to push him weakly away with your tiny hands as he took you from behind.
Thanks to that fantasy, he came in an instant.
Yuuji was a good guy.
He was sacrificing his life to save others every day and he was going to be executed for the sake of saving humanity from the curses.
He could never be the bad guy.
“Welcome,” you chirped as soon as he walked through the door. “The usual?”
Yuuji awkwardly smiled and bowed his head to greet you. “Y-yeah.”
“Had a good day?” Turning around, you walked away from the counter to reach the coffee machine, disappearing from his view.
Yuuji made his way towards the counter and tried recalling how his day had been. He had exorcised a couple of curses and even got the opportunity to catch up with Fushiguro and his girlfriend when they ran into each other downtown. To put it simply, his day had been the worst. “It was a good day, how was yours?”
You were only making small talk because he was a regular here, nothing more. He knew people who worked in small coffee shops like this were always friendly to attract customers, to give a sense of home to people who come here for a drink or the tasty sweets. It was a marketing strategy.
“My day was tiring. I took your advice and put a new drink on the menu but apparently, it’s really good because everyone wanted to try it. However, the thing is… it’s so hard to make it!!” You appeared in front of him again with his drink and pointed behind you, at the menu displays. “I ran out of strawberries twice and had to call to ask my friend to go buy some from the store for me.”
“Woah, that sounds really exhausting!” he said in a tone to match your own while you were making a cutesy pouting face. “Hmm.” There was a momentary pause as he took his coffee from you and grinned. “I changed my mind, I also want to try this incredibly hard-to-make drink too.”
Your shoulders slacked and you gave an exaggerated sigh. “I thought you of all people would pity me…”
“I’m known for being ruthless,” he joked, chuckling. The smile on his face was genuine and he couldn’t stop smiling, it was as if he could never be in a bad mood around you. “But yes, I was joking. No need to call a friend to buy more strawberries or anything.”
You pointed a finger at him with mock threat and anger. “Don’t make fun of me or I won’t serve you again.”
“That’s better than threatening to spit in my coffee.” He tilted his head and shrugged.
“You said it as if I don’t do it all the time.” You raised a brow.
Both of you laughed but once the joke died out, there was an awkward silence.
“Anyway,” you said, gesturing towards one of the tables you clearly had wiped and cleaned because you were getting ready to close the place. “You can take a seat there if you wanna, I sadly have to finish up cleaning.”
When he looked around he could see that there was a mop you were planning to use. He didn’t want to disturb you any longer. It would be weird if he sat down when you were desperately trying to close the shop for the night.
It was rude and you were only being polite to him.
“I’ll drink this on the way home,” Yuuji replied with a nervous grin, and the tension from your shoulders visibly relaxed.
“Have a good evening!” you chirped after him as he turned around his heels.
“You too!” He exited the shop.
“Coward,” Sukuna spat.
“Please, be quiet.” Not again. Not this devil again.
“You could’ve fucked her against that counter. She was all over you, begging for you to make a move.” There was an undeniable smile in his voice.
“Be quiet, will you?” No. You were just an innocent girl. Someone who was nice to him because he came to buy coffee. He was just a customer.
“You, brat, are going to die as a celibate if you keep this up. Have you ever stick it inside a woman before? Do you have any idea of how heavenly a woman’s warmth is? The way they squirm and moan under you as they give you the look of an angel’s and beg for you to take it slow, cling onto you with tiny little hands-”
“Shut up!” Yuuji slammed the coffee on the concrete ground, his chest heaving in anger and frustration.
Some passersby stared at him and walked further away from where he was standing.
Sukuna disappeared with a smile.
Yuuji took a deep breath to calm himself.
The bells over the wooden door chimed, announcing his arrival.
“Hi!” you quickly yelled and appeared by the counter, your smile widened when you realized it was Yuuji. “The usual?”
“You don’t need to ask,” he replied, eyes softening and shoulders relaxing. He felt like himself in here, he felt at home.
“Did you have a good day?” you asked before disappearing behind the coffee machine.
“It was a bad day until I came here,” he said lumberingly, his cheeks flushed from nervousness. He was terrible at flirting.
You laughed, he couldn’t see your reaction but you sounded happy when you spoke. “Ahh, I’m glad I’m able to make you happy! It brings me joy when I manage to help others have a good day in one way or another!”
So kind and selfless.
The two of you were a perfect match.
Seconds later you were standing in front of him with his drink on top of the counter. “I hope you’ll have a great rest of the night, Itadori! I’m glad my coffee was able to help you feel better.”
He opened his mouth to say that it wasn’t the coffee that made him happy but he closed it when he realized how weird it would sound. “Thank you.”
“I like you and I think we should hang out sometime,” he said, smiling awkwardly. Seconds of silence passed and he slapped a hand on his face in embarrassment. After taking a deep breath he tried again. “Do you wanna go out for dinner this weekend?”
“You are acting like a brat,” Sukuna mocked. “Go up to her and tell her you to want to make her yours like a real man.”
Yuuji ignored him while staring at his reflection in the mirror and groaned. He hated when Sukuna said things that made sense.
His clothes were ironed and his hair was slicked back with the hair gel he had bought in a rush.
“You look pathetic.” Brutally honest, Sukuna’s voice had a tone of embarrassment in it. He was ashamed of living inside him.
“I look good.” Yuuji wasn’t going to let him ruin this moment. He was going to prove to everyone else that he could get the girl if he acted like himself. There was no need to be pretending something he wasn’t when it came to you. He knew you would want him to be honest.
“She’s going to reject you, brat. Don’t ridicule yourself and take my advice.”
“What’s your advice?” Yuuji scoffed, “Manhandle her?”
“You’re feeling the instinct of mating and lust,” Sukuna said. “You want to fuck her, you don’t want to make love to her or whatever the humans call it.”
“What?” Yuuji forced a smile on his face and laughed hysterically, “Are you even hearing what you’re saying?”
“Love isn’t real. Obsession, lust, and devotion are real though. You want to breed her. Don’t mix up libido with what peasants would call love.”
There was a grim pause.
“I like her,” Yuuji said. “She’s pretty and she seems like a nice person. Her smile is cute and-”
“Do whatever you want, brat,” Sukuna yawned, getting ready to disappear from Yuuji’s cheek. “Try not to throw a tantrum when you get rejected.”
“You were the one who told me to go up to her and make her mine?” Frustrated, Yuuji rolled his eyes in irritation.
“Making some woman yours doesn’t mean to woo her or make love to her. Are all brats the same as you? Don’t you know that women are pleasure dolls for men? They live to please men.” Sukuna was getting serious, he raised his voice with each sentence. “Women are like fish, they don’t have feelings.”
“That’s not true.” Yuuji’s voice got a little weaker than he had intended to. “You’re wrong.” It didn’t sound like he was denying what Sukuna had said and trying to convince himself that wasn’t the truth instead.
Sukuna disappeared from his cheek with a malicious grin.
Shaking his head to gather his thoughts, Yuuji quickly walked out of his room and exited his apartment.
It took him twenty minutes to get to the coffee shop when it usually took him barely ten minutes. He had gotten flowers for you. Not really sure which ones to get, he had chosen one of the pink and red bouquets on display. He was nervous and sweating. He had to wipe his palms down on his jeans to keep them dry way too many times, he had stopped counting after the seventh time.
He stood outside of the cafe, trembling in excitement. There weren't any windows at your coffee shop thus he couldn’t see if there were any customers inside. He could only hope that it would be just the two of you alone since there was something very special he needed to tell you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
He grabbed the handle and opened the door. You were behind the counter, looking down at your phone. As soon as the bells over the door chimed you put it away and smiled, “Welcome!”
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Yuuji’s grip tightened around the bouquet he was holding, his cheeks started burning in nervousness.
“Woahh, you’re going on a date?” you asked while he walked up to the counter, your voice was as cheerful as ever. “I couldn’t recognize you, should I give you the usual?”
“Uhh, no.” He paused. When both of you stared at each other he realized how awkward and confusing his answer was. “Um, it’s not a date but I’m gonna ask the girl I like out.” His face was turning beet red.
“Aww, that’s so adorable! She’s so lucky, you’ve even bought her flowers, so cutee!!” You pressed a hand over your chest, feigning being hurt. “Ahh, my heart can’t handle it.”
“Y-yeah.” He blushed harder, shifting his weight on his feet nervously. “She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”
“You better treat her right then and I hope she’ll say yes.” You didn't miss the eyes on you and continued smiling in discomfort. “The usual?” you asked once it started getting a little too quiet and he nodded.
The uncomfortable silence started making Yuuji reconsider what to say or if he should say them at all. You put his coffee on the counter before he could take his time thinking.
“Is that all?” you asked as you were putting his order’s total into the cash register.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
“N-no,” he replied in a quiet voice while reluctantly taking out his wallet to pay for his coffee.
“I hope you have a lovely night, Itadori. Go get the girl!” you cheered him on with a cute smile.
“Actually,” he started, looking at you with his flushed cheeks and fidgeting with his fingers. “Ahh, (name), I wanted to tell you something.”
“Hmm, what is it?” You were smiling, watching him in confusion.
Yuuji decided that he shouldn’t beat around the bush at this moment because he wanted to seem confident. He knew if he didn’t spit it out now or else he would never say it. He had to get to the point and dive in ahead without any hesitation.
“I like you.”
Lifting the bouquet, he held it up towards you as you looked at him and then at the bouquet repeatedly with wide eyes but you didn’t seem shocked.
You opened your mouth to say something but closed it again.
“I mean, you’re such a nice person and I found myself always looking forward to seeing you. I think about you all the time and I can’t get you out of my head. I used to hate it here, it’s a large city with too many people… but then you took over this shop, and now I… don’t hate it that much.”
He was saying all that with a puffed chest and a big goofy grin on his face, his cheeks were blushing as he tried not to look nervous. However, when he saw the way your smile curled down to a frown as he kept on talking, it felt like someone poured iced water down his head.
Yuuji couldn’t breathe.
“Um, that’s flattering,” you said, forcing a smile on your face and taking the bouquet from him. “Were these for me?”
“Y-yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
You nodded languidly, noticing that you were the girl he wanted to ask out. “I… I don’t know what to say. Thank you, I really appreciate it.” You couldn’t find the words that wouldn’t hurt him.
Gradually, he noticed how uncomfortable you looked and his smile disappeared from his face.
“I’m sorry but I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m really busy with working and taking care of this cafe but I appreciate your feelings.” You averted your gaze from him for a moment, a scoff left your lips. Were you laughing at him? “I apologize if my affable demeanor gave you the wrong idea but sadly I can’t return your feelings.”
He looked down to his feet to pull himself together, an icy shiver ran through him as he spoke. “Thank you for being honest with me.”
So childish.
“Of course,” you said, forcing a chuckle.
“I hope we can still be friends, I wouldn’t wanna lose you.” Yuuji was desperate, he couldn’t imagine a life without you.
“Of course!” you repeated with a louder forced chuckle. “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship!”
“Me neither.” He couldn’t lift his head or move, his body had turned to stone.
The pauses started to grow longer and eerily quiet. You were the one who spoke next.
“Thank you so much, Itadori, I’m flattered by your confession and I hope we can be close friends!” Pressing the bouquet on your chest and hugging it with both arms, you used a soft tone to talk to him. “I need to close down and catch the train home, I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah…” Yuuji turned around and walked out of the cafe without saying anything else, leaving the coffee he had paid for on the counter.
“I told you, didn’t I, brat?” Sukuna mocked, voice full of mischief as he appeared on his vessel’s cheek.
“Leave me alone,” Yuuji hissed. He was walking away from the coffee shop, not going home though, not yet. He needed to calm down.
“Women want to be ordered around, brat. They want men to take control. If you act like a brat, they won’t see you as a man.”
Yuuji’s breath hitched upon hearing Sukuna’s words. His knees started feeling weaker than they ever could but he had to stand proud, assert his dominance over the King of Curses and collect himself.
It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair that he was in this situation, it wasn’t fair that he was rejected, it wasn’t fair that he was cursed to live in despair. He was eventually going to get executed and he hadn’t had a youth where he fulfilled any of his dreams. He had wanted only one thing, to feel happy with one person and that childish wish must have been too much to ask. Not only he got rejected but now he had Sukuna making fun of him.
“You must be a man and make her yours.”
“She told me she didn’t want a relationship.” Yuuji couldn’t deal with him anymore. “We’re friends.”
“Do you want a woman for yourself or not, brat?” Sukuna sighed in irritation before humming thoughtfully. “I’ll help you,” he offered generously, “I’ll help you make her yours.”
“Leave me alone, Sukuna.” Yuuji was getting angrier, and soon he started to tremble in rage.
“Let me help you to get a taste of a woman, brat.”
“She rejected me-”
“She’s just playing hard to get. A woman like her wants to be chased. She didn’t tell you to get lost because she wants you to keep coming back to her so you’ll continue to give her your attention. That girl would spread her legs for anyone who gives her attention if she wasn’t a prude. She’s a virgin, that must be why she’s acting like this. I can smell it, the blood that’s yet to bleed once her innocence is taken. You need to take it, brat.”
“You want me to rape her, is that it?” Yuuji spat, he had never thought he would say those words out loud.
“I never said that, brat.” Sukuna let out a chuckle, lying. “Let me show you what I mean.”
“I’m not letting you take over my body,” he replied coldly.
“I don’t want to take over your body, that woman is yours,” Sukuna assured.
“Then, what do you want me to do?” Yuuji asked.
Sukuna grinned viciously, “Let's go back to where she works first.”
The door closed after him with a soft click.
You let out a frustrated sigh and pressed the bouquet against your chest, hugging them tightly.
That hadn’t gone well at all.
Your eyes landed on the coffee he forgot to take with him on the counter. “I’m the worst,” mumbling, you put the flowers on the counter to prepare the cafe for closing.
You took the paper coffee mug and poured it out, the dark liquid went down the sink as you watched, hypnotized and lost in your thoughts.
That guy… He wasn’t like any other you met. He was adorable and matched your energy like no other person ever had. You enjoyed being around Itadori and you were glad he felt the same but… he knew you for less than two weeks. He was clearly confused, he had made a friend who he managed to click instantly and mistook his feelings for love.
Nonetheless, you felt terrible. It was never easy to reject someone, especially when you were so busy trying to manage the coffee shop of your dreams you finally got to open.
Itadori had to understand that. He would understand, right?
Oh, he had looked so excited and nervous. He had even slicked his messy hair back and brought flowers…
You hoped he would get over it quickly or at least, he would come to the shop tomorrow so you could comfort him. The two of you needed to talk a little more, you needed for him to know that you didn’t want to break his heart. You felt the need to apologize, ahh, so stupid. You hadn’t even done anything wrong.
It hurt though.
It still hurt.
You hated making other people feel bad. You wanted to be the reason behind their smiles and laughter, not tears.
Packing your stuff and turning off the lights, you left the shop. The door was locked two times as usual before you hurried down the street towards the subway.  
The station was packed more than usual and you immediately regretted not listening to your friend’s advice on renting that one apartment down the block. But complaining right now wasn’t going to get you home.
You hopped on the train and shielded the bouquet with your arms wrapped around it as you tried not to get crushed by the swarm of people getting on the train. Once the doors closed, you had successfully managed to find a place by the train door with a little space so you could avoid getting the bouquet crushed.
Facing the doors, you stared out the small window, it was dark but every second or another a light would zoom in and out. You weren’t sure if they were there for navigating or not but you found yourself too focused on the lights as the sudden brake of the train made you stumble forward.
When you regained your balance to stand up straight, there was someone behind you. They were a little too close but it was nothing out of the ordinary, you always found yourself being pressed against other people during rush hours in the subway.
At the next stop, the doors on the opposite side opened and another swarm of people filled the train. Now, the person behind you was trapping you between their body and the door that was in front of you.
You were showing extra carefulness to not let the bouquet get crushed, you wanted to take it home in one piece without anything happening to it. These flowers were beautiful, they smelled amazing too. You wanted to cherish them even if you hadn’t managed to cherish Itadori’s feelings.
As you were inspecting the bouquet you saw a small card that was attached to one of the flowers. You checked it and realized what it was.
It was Itadori’s phone number and a cute little heart drawn next to it with a small message.
‘I’d love to hear more of your voice and complaints about work in private!!’
You didn’t realize you were smiling at the note until something brought you out of your trance.
A voice to be exact.
“Your lover got them to you?” A husky voice asked.
Lifting your head, you stared at the small window. From the almost transparent reflection on the window, you could see that the guy behind you had talked. You couldn’t see his face from his hoodie covering his features but you could tell that he was talking to you.
“Um, not really,” you replied. It wasn’t abnormal to you that other people made small talk to you, you talked to strangers more than anyone else every day. You always overshared anyway. “They are from a close friend.”
“He must love you.” There was an undeniable smile in his voice.
You forced a chuckle, looking down in front of you. “Y-yeah.”
When the train braked abruptly, he got closer. “Touch her-” It was a whisper from the same guy, you were unable to make out the words clearly but you decided to ignore him for the rest of the ride. You needed to get off in twenty minutes and were too tired to act friendly.
That was when you felt the back of his hand brushing against your ass.
You froze, before you could call it an accident and blame it on the crowded train, he pressed the back of his hand more purposefully on the soft flesh.
Fear paralyzed your body and you found yourself at a loss of words. You didn’t know what to do, you wanted to move away but you were trapped between him and the door.
“You’re not gonna ask for help?” he asked, leaning forward to mock you.
It was too humiliating and you were unable to think of anything. Somehow, you shook your head to tell him to stop because your voice wouldn’t come out. You pressed the bouquet harder against your chest in panic, praying to whoever was listening that the guy would stop.
You heard him say something but every other voice was muffled now, it was as if your ears were filled with cotton.
The only thing you did was to hope that you could muster up the courage to push him away and get out on the next stop.
Why was this happening to you?
“See, I told you.” Sukuna scoffed as Yuuji’s entire face was beet red. “She’s not even gonna ask for help because she wants you to continue.”
Yuuji saw your blushed cheeks in the reflection in the window, you were breathing heavily and standing still.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
When Sukuna convinced him to follow you into the subway train and let him do the talking, he was conflicted because he wasn’t sure what the King of Curses wanted to prove but now, he knew.
“Women live to be conquered by men,” Sukuna concluded, “Do you understand it now or should I elaborate more?”
Yuuji was quiet.
“She’ll bend down and beg for you to fuck her right now if you continue touching her.”
You wouldn’t.
Using his whole hand, Yuuji groped your ass while trembling from dismay but he couldn’t forethought the way you reacted being anything other than screaming for help or pushing him away.
Instead of fighting back or doing anything he had thought you would, you mewled and stayed exactly where you were.
They were all right.
Fushiguro, Inumaki and Yuuta. They were all right.
Sukuna was more than right. He had been trying to help him but Yuuji was too blind to see it.
“Check her cunt, I bet she’s soaking wet.” Sukuna had said to mock his vessel. He didn’t expect for him to move his hand between your legs and under your skirt to press his fingers against your clothed pussy. Neither did you.
Letting out a squeal, you hunched forward, pressing your legs together in panic as his digits moved along your clothed slit that was completely damp.
He started rubbing his fingers between your folds, your juices soaked your panties and made sloppy sounds each time he moved his digits.
“I can hear it from here, did you wet yourself, or are you this wet for me?” Sukuna laughed audibly.
You shook your head, slouching further down and trying to move away from Yuuji’s hands.
“Women aren’t good liars,” Sukuna said as Yuuji slouched forward with you and pressed himself against your ass. “You’re aching to have a cock inside you, no?”
“Please,” you begged. You wanted him to stop.
“Oh, look, she’s asking so politely to be filled with a cock.” Sukuna made fun of your misery while watching the brat finally grow into a man.
Yuuji was sure Sukuna had taken over his body because he would never hump the girl he liked as he was fingering her over her clothes in a train. In public, he reminded himself, in a train and in public where nobody seemed to care.
His hands were moving on their own, he hooked a finger under the elastic edge of your panties to pull them to the side.
“W-wait, please,” you whispered in a weak voice, finally using a hand to grab his wrist to try to pull him away from your pussy. You weren’t strong or convincing enough though.
Yuuji slipped his fingers inside you and grinded his growing erection against your ass, earning a surprised moan out of you.
The hand that was grabbing his wrist immediately went to cover your mouth to suppress your voice as he started humping you to deliberately mimic fucking you.
“Please, stop…” Your voice was fainter than a whisper behind your hand.
“You say that but you’re pitifully trembling in anticipation.” His lips were brushing against the shell of your ear but it was as if he wasn’t using his mouth to talk.
“I’m not…” You pressed your legs together and trapped his hand between your thighs while he twirled his digits around inside you.  
“Lying isn’t cute, you know.” There was a smile in his deep voice, “Come on try harder to lie and make me believe you don’t want it.” He dragged his tongue along the shell of your ear, earning a surprised but muffled moan from you.
Yuuji brought his other hand up to cup your breast over your shirt, his cock was painfully hard against his jeans, and the knowledge of him touching his crush was too much for him to handle. He could cum in his pants if he wasn’t careful enough. Sukuna was saying the most vulgar things to you but instead of pushing him away, you were staying exactly where you were. It was fascinating to see how much you were begging to be touched.
It disturbed him a little, would you let any stranger touch you like this? Would you be this wet for anyone?
Yuuji didn’t want to know the answer but Sukuna did.
“Come on, be honest. Would you be this keen to be fucked by any man or is it because it’s me?” Sukuna asked, he was barely holding himself to switch with the brat, he loved corrupting innocent souls like you. He loved seeing the painful and pathetic cries they would let out as their faces were stained with tears.
You shook your head rapidly as his fingers inside you curled to rub a sweet spot you didn’t know existed.
“So, does that mean you wouldn’t want to be fucked by anyone but me?” Sukuna laughed while Yuuji let out a low groan, grinding harder against your ass, humping you roughly.
“N-nooo,” you were sobbing now, tears started running down your cheeks.
“Good girl… You’re finally being honest. You hear that? She would never want to be fucked by anyone but me.”
“T-that’s not what I meant…”
It was fun to tease girls like you. Sukuna could feel your fear and took incredible joy from hearing your voice crack. “Now, that’s cute… I wanna hear you cry out my name in your cute voice too.”
Yuuji groaned, shaking his head as if Sukuna was going to listen to him.
“S-Sukuna,” he mocked your crying. “Come on, say it just like that and beg for me to fuck you.”
Your body was shaking in fear, your cries only spurred him on and you didn’t know what to do. “P-please stop, S-Sukuna.” The way you whimpered his name, there was no way Sukuna could hold back.
“You better take her innocence before I do it myself, brat.” Sukuna was a man of his word, he had promised the brat to not touch you but if he didn’t man up and fucked you here, he would have no choice but to do it himself. He would never let a girl’s innocence go to waste. The blood of purity was something holy for curses like him. It was the nectar of the gods from the most ancient times, something that could only be attained by the perfect innocent virgins.
“Don’t you dare,” Yuuji spat, speaking for the first time. “She’s mine.”
You didn’t hear him though. His fingers were thrusting in and out of you vigorously while he was humping you and fondling your tit. Your walls clenched around his digits as he moved his hand on your chest between your bodies to impatiently pull the front of his pants down.
Realizing what was about to happen when he finally pulled his cock free and hiked your skirt up, you stared at your reflection on the window, crying and begging him to stop.
Yuuji froze momentarily, pulling his fingers out of you. He could see your expression in the window but you couldn’t see his face. He was stunned by seeing your cheeks wet with tears and mascara running down to ruin more of your makeup, it was… it was purely so erotic and better than his fantasies.
He slammed his hips forward and buried the entire length of his cock in your pussy.
Your virgin walls squeezed tightly around him and the sharp pain of your hymen being torn made fresh tears run down your cheeks. Your hand covering your mouth went to the door in front of you to keep your balance because of the ferocity of his thrust. Your lips parted to scream in pain but his fingers being shoved inside your mouth stopped you.
You tasted your bitter juices on his fingers as he twirled them around your tongue, catching the muscle between his knuckles.
Yuuji felt lightheaded by the fact that he was actually having sex with his crush, on top of all that, you were both each others’ first. He knew he was going to cherish this memory forever and even though he would have liked to do it in a bed with the lights off, this was fine too.
It didn’t matter where he was as long as he had his cock inside of you.
With a moan, he staggeringly pulled his hips back to abruptly slam into your pussy. The blood of your innocence acted as a lubricant, made it easier for him to slip inside, and made a sloppy sound each time he thrust inside.
You could feel his entire weight settle on your back while he nuzzled against the side of your neck before he shakily licked the sensitive skin to get a taste of you. Instinctively, you tried moving your head away from his mouth but his fingers in your mouth prevented you. To put it simply, you were trapped and were at his mercy.
He picked up a discreet but still desperate pace to fuck you, he was still cautious of the two of you being in public but he was still delirious to be having sex with you. Sex. Did it always feel this good? Were you feeling good too? You wanted it, he knew you did because you told Sukuna you wanted it.
Slamming his hips forward, he knocked the air out of your lungs, you gasped on his fingers, drooling all over yourself from having your mouth forcefully kept open by his long digits.
Yuuji was hopeless to mark his territory, to mark you as his. He wanted everyone to know that you belonged to someone when they looked at you. You were his and only his.
His cock grew bigger inside you at the thought of him owning you. He started fucking you frantically, no longer bothering if the people around had noticed or not. Your cunt tightened around his cock and you felt his teeth sink into the sensitive flesh of your neck. He bit hard, hard enough to draw blood and leave you trembling in numbing pain.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the tip of his cock hit a sweet spot and your legs shook uncontrollably under you, they were struggling to carry your weight.
His teeth sank deeper into your flesh and you dropped the bouquet you were holding against your chest to involuntarily arch your back instead. He chewed on your skin as he felt your virgin walls pulsate around his cock, you were begging to be filled with his seed, weren’t you?
Women were nothing but a bunch of breeding holes anyway. They all acted like innocent angels when deep down they all were whores. Pleasure toys for men. They lived to please men, didn’t they?
You lived to please Yuuji, didn’t you?
Yuuji pulled his hand out from your mouth and stopped biting you. He licked the blood from your neck to focus on fucking you with frenzied thrusts instead. All of his inexperience and desperation were behind his thrusts, along with his entire weight, forcing you to take the very shape of his cock and never forget the girth of it.
Continuing to peppering small kisses on your neck, he started angling his hips just right to hit the spot that made your knees unbuckle. One, two, three thrusts, and your legs were a shaking mess. You moaned in response before he wrapped an arm around you to keep you up on your feet.
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Sukuna spoke suddenly, startling both of you. “You shouldn’t hold back anymore.”
Yuuji wasn't sure which one of you he was talking to but he kept on nodding and moving his hips.
“Nobody else is going to hear you, give me an honest answer,” Sukuna was chuckling. “How does it feel?”
How does it feel to be fucked?
How does it feel to be fucked on a train?
How does it feel to be fucked in public?
How does it feel to have your innocence taken away?
How does it feel to indulge the darker parts of your mind?
Yuuji’s hips stuttered when your walls clenched around him tightly as you refused to answer.
“I won’t know how it feels if you don’t tell me, (name).”
Your mouth popped open and you moaned upon hearing your name. How did he know your name?
As soon as he thrust into your pussy, you forgot about it and let out a moan.
Were you always this depraved?
He continued fucking you frantically. His pace was faster and more ruthless, he was close. With each thrust of his hips, he left you moaning in involuntary pleasure but there was no denying that it felt good.
It felt so good.
“Tell me, (name).”
It felt so good.
“Come on, tell me.”
“Please,” you begged. It feels so good. Feels so good.
“That’s not what I wanna hear,” Sukuna murmured. “Come on now.”
The automated voice announced the next stop.
“Hurry it up already.” He was getting impatient.
“It feels so good,” you whimpered, defeated.
“Good girl,” Sukuna grinned before disappearing from Yuuji’s cheek.
The shame overwhelmed all of your senses and you looked at your reflection in the window once more, you caught a glimpse of your aroused expression. You were such a whore.
Yuuji slammed his hips forward one last time and you felt the small twitch of his balls against your skin before his cock twitched, spurting thick ropes of cum inside you.
The train stopped and he pulled out of you.
His seed started gushing out of your pussy before starting to trickle down your legs. Most of the bodily fluid had pooled under you and when you fell hard on the ground, they soaked into your skirt.
The guy who assaulted you was nowhere to be seen as the doors of the train on the other side opened. Many people hopped off the train but nobody paid any attention to you and you were sure they had been oblivious to what had happened. Nobody would care anyway.
A sob tore out of you and you tried getting up. Your legs were like jelly but as you managed to stand up, you noticed the bouquet you had dropped. More tears started to come out, they blurred your vision and you found yourself grabbing it from the ground.
Thankfully, it wasn’t crushed.
The train doors closed and it started moving forward while you were trying to fix your skirt.
Ah, that was your stop…
You sobbed again but pressed a hand over your mouth to not disturb anyone. Your crying didn’t stop even after you got off of the train on the next stop. You wanted to call someone to help you get back home because you weren’t sure if you could make it alone. Your legs were hurt, the throbbing pain coming from between your legs wouldn’t let you walk or stand up.
You weren’t going to tell them what had happened. Nobody could know. You didn’t need their pity. You were too ashamed.
Sitting on a bench, you scrolled down your contacts but none of the names there would help you. Not unless they had something to gain from it. Wasn’t that why you dropped everything and moved here to open a coffee shop?
How pathetic of you.
People only used you for your kindness.
You shifted on your seat and something slipped out from the bouquet. When you picked it up, you noticed that it was the note Itadori had written for you.
There was an ugly pause before you dialed the unknown number and a familiar voice responded.
“Hey,” he sounded awkward. Of course, he would, you rejected him. “What’s up?”
“Itadori,” you whimpered, voice cracking. Immediately, you cursed yourself for being this pathetic.
“A-are you o-okay? W-what happened?”
Bursting into tears once again, you only told him that you only needed help in shame after clearing your throat.
It took him barely fifteen minutes to arrive at the station to get you. You wiped your tears as soon as he came into your view. He was breathless, face beet red from running.
“You okay?” he asked in between breaths. “I ran here as fast as I could.”
He ran here.
Has anyone cared for you this much?
“Yeah, thank you and ahh, I… This is embarrassing… I twisted my ankle and needed help getting home.” You were never a good liar but you hoped he was gullible enough to believe it. “I know it’s weird to call you here but none of my friends would come if I called-”
“Ah, it’s no problem!” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and chuckled. He had been worried for nothing. “I can carry you, that’s what friends are for, right?!”
You nodded and bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying. He was too kind. Too similar to you.
“Want me to carry you on my back? Or like this?” He emphasized his words by holding his hands in front of himself to show you that he was offering to carry you bridal style.
“Yeah, that would be better.” You masked the shame with a fake smile. You were embarrassed that you were pathetic to ask him for help even after you rejected him earlier tonight.
He smiled and took a step closer towards the bench. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he slid his arm under the back of your knees and placed a hand on your back to support you as he lifted you up to take you home.
You were grateful that you had a friend like him in your life.
The next day Yuuji came to the coffee shop to take your offer from the last night about giving him a free coffee drink of his choice. 
You served him his coffee with a smile and sat with him on one of the tables, talking about your day as he listened to you complain. 
In the end, Sukuna was right, Yuuji realized. 
Women were begging to be fucked. Women secretly wanted it and that was why you were acting indifferent after all that happened the day before.
He had been worried over nothing, besides, he needed to be more confident and assertive like everyone told him to be. Then he would get the girl. That was what every article he read online, all of his friends and people around him told him. That was what Sukuna told him.
“Wanna go get dinner after you close the place?” he asked, taking a mouthful of his coffee.
“I need to clean and it might take a long while-”
“I’ll help,” he replied, smiling. “Everything’s on me.”
How could you say no to that? How could you say no to anything he had to say?
In your eyes, he was the nicest guy in the world.
Were you really going to pass on the opportunity to have him in your life?
“It’s a date then?” You were grinning, cheeks flushing as you said it. Slowly, you placed your hand over his on the table.
Yuuji gave you a blank stare, something sinister sparkled deep within his eyes but you couldn’t see it. Unbeknownst to you, his other hand under the table had a mouth on it that had an unsettling grin on it too. It was funny how clueless you were. Nonetheless, Yuuji took your hand in his to give you a reassuring squeeze and made you blush harder before agreeing, “It’s a date.”
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ncssian · 3 years
A Favor: Part Seventeen
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: 70% of this fic is written on my phone lying on my side in bed while using swipe typing bc im too lazy to type out words and it shows
TW: discussion of SA
Nesta has an easier time adjusting to a third person in the cabin than she thought she would. Maybe it’s because Azriel indeed minds his business, and half the time Nesta isn’t aware he’s there at all.
Cassian seems to be more irritated by it than anyone else—not his brother, of course, but the fact that he and Nesta no longer exist in their own little bubble. Which is how he ends up at Nesta’s apartment with an overnight bag, sprawled out stomach-down on her mattress while she gets ready for bed.
“TV show or movie?” he asks, clicking through her laptop. Shows are Nesta’s thing and movies are Cassian’s; she feels generous enough tonight to say, “Movie.”
“Thank god,” he mutters, typing something on the laptop. “There’s a Turkish horror flick that I was saving for you.”
“Where do you even find these films?” Grabbing her hairbrush, she flops onto the bed beside him and starts brushing out her brassy locks. Before he can answer, Nesta’s phone buzzes from the stool she uses as a bedside table. Feyre’s name flashes on the screen.
Nesta frowns, but picks up without a second thought. “What is it?”
“Nothing serious,” her sister replies. “Just checking in.”
Before Cassian, Nesta didn’t very much understand the purpose of “checking in” without reason. Now she empathizes with Feyre a little. “I’m fine,” she says.
Deciding she can do better than that, she adds, “Cassian and I are about to start a movie.”
“Is it his choice? I’m so sorry for you.”
Nesta peeks over to where Cassian is still intently searching for his obscure movie and smiles a little. “I like Turkish horror,” she replies.
Cassian overhears and grins approvingly.
“Well, I’m looking at wedding dresses with Rhys so he can prepare for when he inevitably proposes,” Feyre says. “In case you wanted to know.”
Nesta did not particularly want to know, but she doesn’t say this. “Sounds fun. Is that it?”
“For what?”
“This conversation.”
Feyre sighs over the line. “Yes, I’ll let you go now. Thanks for picking up.”
The bar is in hell, Nesta thinks. Mostly because she put it there, but she still feels embarrassed to be congratulated over such small things. “Thanks for keeping it short.”
She’s about to hang up when she hears a male voice speak up in the background, and Feyre interrupts, “Wait—before you go, can you tell Cassian to call Rhys back? He wants Cass’s help picking a new team leader for the Italy project.”
Nesta has no idea what that is, but she says, “Sure, fine.” They say their goodbyes and hang up.
“What’d she want?” Cassian says without looking over at her.
“She said Rhys wants you to call him about the Italy project.”
Cassian turns toward her, half sitting up. “Really? What for?”
“Something about picking a team leader.” She returns to brushing her hair. “Why? What’s the Italy project?”
“Something I thought we put aside for good,” he grumbles. “It’s a year-long overseas project in Milan. Rhys thinks it’s gonna bring in a shit ton of money.”
“Sounds big. What do you have to do with it, though?” She’s never heard of Cassian being involved in Night Court’s international operations, even though he takes on more work than the usual employee.
Cassian shrugs, going back to movie searching. “He wanted me to be the one leading the team, and I guess he still feels petty about me turning him down. Honestly, choosing team leaders outside of my department isn’t even part of my jurisdiction.”
Nesta hesitates. “He offered you the job? When?” She didn’t know this.
“On New Year’s.”
“And you turned it down?”
“Yeah.” Cassian clicks on a link that looks like it’ll plant fifteen different viruses in Nesta’s laptop. “Found the movie,” he says.
“Why would you do that?” Nesta demands.
“The movie?”
“The job offer! Why would you turn down such a big opportunity without even telling me?”
Cassian laughs in confusion. “Are you angry right now?”
She’s astonished at his nonchalance. “Cassian,” she says. “It’s Italy.”
Italy with the art and history and seaside beauty—it’s on their top five places to see before they die.
“It’s Milan,” he says like there’s a difference, “and it’s an entire year away from you.” He shakes his head, sitting up to face her. “Are you out of your mind?”
She goes still. “Don’t tell me you said no because of me.”
“Of course I said no because of you.”
“It’s your dream job!” she bursts. “Traveling, exploring, being on your own—”
“Those are our dreams. I made those plans with you. The hell am I supposed to do all the way in Italy without you?”
“You sound codependent,” she retorts.
He narrows his brows. “Like you wouldn’t do the same thing in my position?”
He’s right, of course. Nesta would do the exact same thing for him. But Nesta and Cassian are not the same, and they both know it. “You can’t make that comparison,” she sighs.
“Why not?” he demands.
“Because—” She struggles to put it into words. “I would give up a long distance job for you because it would be worth it. You’re worth it. It doesn’t work the other way around.”
“Again: why the fuck not?”
So he’s really going to make her spell it out. “Because you’re a good boyfriend. You’re affectionate and caring, you always go the extra mile for those you love, and you come with all these free perks. It’s a great deal. And I’m not anything terrible, but I’m the bare minimum compared to you. Why would you give up Italy for the bare minimum?”
Cassian looks at her in disbelief. “I don’t even know how you can say so many wrong things in a row.”
“He’s blinded by love,” Nesta mutters to herself.
“First of all,” he holds up a finger, “I don’t know where you learned to compare yourself to me, but I don’t like it. You make it sound like I need to be paid back for every half-decent thing I do, and that is not the case at all.”
“Of course you think that,” she says. “You wouldn’t be a good person if you didn’t.”
“Then let me be a blunt person.” He puts a hand on her knee and looks her in the eye. “You will never be like me. Very few people are; you can’t take it personally.”
“Oh my god.” Her eyes might roll out of her head.
“But you’re not the bare minimum. Not even close.” He states it like an undeniable fact.
“How so?” she challenges.
“Like how Elain told me about this boy who broke her heart in her high school, and how the next day he walked into class in a leg cast. And how she just knew you had something to do with it, and you two had a huge fight about it that lasted a week.”
Nesta does not enjoy that memory being brought up. Elain called her a psychopath for the incident, and to save her feelings, Nesta (rather unconvincingly) said it had been an accident.
“I didn’t push anybody into a creek,” she maintains the lie. “Sometimes people just fall down there.”
“To be fair, you’re a lot more stable now than you were then. Now when people hurt those you care about, you find sneakier ways to hurt them back. Don’t you?”
“I do not,” Nesta defends.
“Really? Because Eris texted me earlier saying you’ve been ignoring him since New Year’s, and he’s starting to get worried that you have something heinous planned for him. I asked him why he would ever think such a thing of you.” Cassian leans forward and rests his chin on her shoulder. “Why would he think such a thing of you, Nesta?”
Cassian looks pretty well off from here, doesn’t he? She remembers Eris’s smug face. Did you know Rhysand’s parents found him sleeping in the streets?
“Because he said a bad thing,” Nesta says, looking down at her fingernails. “And I have an unfortunate reputation at school for getting back at people who say bad things.” Like the time Brian O’Connell made jokes about a rape trial the class was studying, and then couldn’t find an internship at a single firm the following summer.
“And what did he say? Because I can’t imagine he would directly insult you. He actually likes you, ass that he is.” His face is warm so close to her neck.
She looks away. “I won’t repeat it.”
That seems to be all Cassian needs to get an idea of what Eris said. “And how long are you planning on holding it against him?”
“That’s what I thought.”
Nesta meets the eyes that haven’t left her face this entire time and snorts. “What’s your point?” Seriously, she’s starting to redden at how close he is.
He buries his face in her neck, his stubble rasping against the sensitive skin there. “The point is that you also do a lot for the people you love. Just in a different way.” He pulls away to look her in the eye. “Don’t do anything to Eris, though,” he says. “Not that I care for him or his shit opinions, but whatever you have planned isn’t worth it.”
Nesta wants to scoff in disbelief at the sincerity on Cassian’s face. He’s always choosing kindness, even at the worst moments. “So that’s your argument?” she says. “You won’t go to Italy because your girlfriend has a bad temper and a taste for revenge?”
“That’s my final argument, Your Honor.” He takes her hand. “Forget Milan, will you? One day I’ll take you to Portofino.”
The longer Nesta knows Cassian, the more she finds it useless to hide from him. Which is why she lets him watch the thoughts flit across her face as she considers his words, deciding whether she believes him. Deciding whether he’s right to give her so much devotion.
“Fine,” she finally says. “You’re right.”
A slow smile spreads across his face as he realizes he won. Wrapping his arms around Nesta’s waist and legs, he hauls her into his lap and shifts around until they’re both comfortable. The movie is forgotten for now.
“Out of curiosity…” He noses at the nape of her neck. “What did Eris say about me to make you so angry?”
When Nesta doesn’t answer, he says, “I’ve already heard everything that could possibly be said. The shit that used to get me when I was eighteen doesn’t have the same hold on me a decade later.”
She lets herself relax into his hold. “It was about the time you spent as an orphan.” Technically, he’s still an orphan, but it was different back then. “I didn’t like the tone of his voice.”
Cassian’s answering hum is a low rumble against her shirt. “Did you know my biological father was from Italy?”
Nesta perks up at that. “No.” She assumed he was entirely Algerian, even though he and Azriel probably look ethnically ambiguous to most. “Isn’t that all the more reason to see Italy someday?”
“Not at all,” he says. “If I could pretend that half of me didn’t exist, I would.”
She can’t think of a response that doesn’t involve a question, so she doesn’t reply. She waits for Cassian to speak on his own terms.
“I went to Italy once,” he admits. “For less than a day while my brothers were partying in Monte Carlo. I was young and stupid, and thought I would never be complete if I didn’t know who my father was.”
“Who was he?” She doesn’t know why she’s whispering.
“No one worth remembering,” Cassian says, his arms unconsciously tightening around her. “I put some dots together and realized how he and my mother must have met, how he must’ve—forced himself on her, and I decided that I didn’t care about bloodlines at all. I never returned to Italy after that.”
Nesta’s hands want to reach out and touch him, soothe him. But her muscles are suddenly very cold, and she can only stiffen. “And what about now? Do you… not want to go back?”
“It’s just a place to me,” he says. “Nothing special, nothing terrible. But I like the way it sounds when you talk about it.” His eyes sparkle. “I’d like to pretend it’s my first time going with you.”
“Alright, then.” She nods. “One day, we’ll go together. It’ll be our first time.”
Cassian refuses to let Nesta leave bed the next morning, dragging his heavy mouth across her body whenever she tries to get up. She’s about to surrender to him altogether when her phone starts vibrating loudly, insistently.
Breaking away from Cassian’s attempt at cuddling, she answers without checking the caller ID. “Yes?” she croaks sleepily.
“Where the hell have you been?” Emerie demands.
Nesta shoves Cassian away despite his protests, untangling her legs from the sheets. “At home,” she says, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom. “Am I supposed to be somewhere else?”
“We haven’t seen you in two weeks,” Emerie says. “Gwyn thought your boyfriend’s weird family killed you.”
“That’s not what happened,” Nesta assures, pulling her shorts down and sitting on the toilet. “I just needed some alone time.” People are all around her these days, it seems. Her body still can’t quite adjust to it.
“Well, have you had enough—are you peeing?”
“Yeah.” She wipes and flushes the toilet.
“Well, clear your day and kick your sorry boyfriend out of your place. I can’t remember the last time I went out.”
“Why does everybody always want to go out?” Nesta says as she washes her hands. “What’s wrong with staying in, being safe, never leaving the house?” She dries her hands on a towel and returns to the bedroom, where Cassian is now sitting up and checking his emails.
“You’re preaching to the choir, but this actually wasn’t my idea,” Emerie says.
Nesta and Cassian alert at the sound of a knock from the front door. Nesta never has uninvited guests.
“Hold on a second, Em,” she says, jogging up the short set of steps to the door. She opens it to the sight of an exasperated-looking Gwyn.
“Jeez, next time send a text that you’re alive, will you?” Gwyn says, shoving past Nesta to enter the apartment. “Do you know how worried I’ve been—” She halts midsentence, one foot hovering above a step as she realizes that Nesta isn’t alone. As she sees Cassian in her bed, bare-chested and highly amused.
“Hey.” He raises a hand in greeting.
Gwyn pales.
“Hello?” Emerie calls over the line.
“You girls both share the same brain,” Nesta sighs. “Let me call you back, Emerie.”
Gwyn whirls around just as Nesta hangs up. “That won’t be necessary,” she says quickly, looking embarrassed. “I’ll be outside. I’m sorry.”
She hurries out of the apartment even faster than she came in, ducking her head to hide her face.
Nesta tosses her arms up in the air. “Great,” she says to Cassian. “Your abs scared her away.”
“But I didn’t do anything—”
She shuts the door behind her as she follows Gwyn outside, barefoot and all. She barely notices the freezing cold air or the awful press of damp grass beneath her feet as she catches up to Gwyn and grabs her elbow. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Gwyn jerks suddenly, yanking out of Nesta’s hold. Her breathing seems a little shallow, and she looks even more embarrassed for it. “It’s nothing. I just didn’t know you had someone over.”
“Cassian? He’s cool, you don’t need to be weird about him,” she tries to reassure Gwyn. “Though I did use to tell him that not everybody wants to see him shirtless all the time.”
“It’s not that,” Gwyn says, waving her off.
Nesta gestures to the apartment. “Do you want to come back inside, then? I’m sure he has clothes on by now.”
Gwyn clears her throat uncomfortably and looks down. “I’d rather not. I’m—I don’t like being around men.”
Nesta pauses, not sure if she heard right. “Like, in a ‘check the backseat of your car before getting in’ way, or…?”
“No, like I can’t be alone in a room with a man without feeling sick. It activates my fight or flight, it’s weird.” She’s carefully stiff, like she’s ready to be met with humiliation.
Nesta remembers that Gwyn has never told her about her therapy sessions before, but she knows they’re more intensive than her own weekly conversations with Lana.
“Not that I think your boyfriend is a bad person,” Gwyn adds when Nesta doesn’t respond. “He looks really nice. He sounds nice, too.”
But Nesta doesn’t care about any of that. Unsure of what to do next, she reaches out and awkwardly pats Gwyn on the arm. “Good thing you’ve never been to the cabin, then. Cassian’s brother is staying…” She trails off when she realizes none of this is relevant. “Why are you here so early?” she asks instead.
Gwyn eases up a little at the change in subject. “I missed you. We’ve barely talked since Christmas.”
Nesta didn’t realize people would take such notice to her absence. “Yeah.” She flushes. “I do that sometimes. I’ll send a message next time I go into hibernation, though.”
“You’re freezing,” Gwyn suddenly scolds, noticing how Nesta’s goosebumped arms are wrapped tightly around herself. She unzips her red hoodie and shrugs it off. “Go back inside and get dressed.” She flings the hoodie around Nesta’s shoulders before Nesta can protest. “Meet me at my car. We’re hanging out.”
Nesta knows that a last minute change of events is not the end of the world, even if it sometimes feels like it. For Gwyn and Emerie, she can bear the discomfort of unexpected plans, same as she does for Cassian. But she at least has to know: “How long will we be out?”
“You can come home after lunch.” At Nesta’s face, Gwyn adds, “Lunch will be at two and shouldn’t take more than an hour.”
Looking her friend up and down, someone who has such an easy time understanding her, Nesta nods in satisfaction. She turns around to go back inside.
They end up at the library where Gwyn works, in the stacks of the long-abandoned encyclopedia section.
Emerie takes a loud sip from the huge McDonald’s soda she snuck in. “So all this show was because Gwyn didn’t want to work her shift alone?”
“I just have some last minute cleanup to do,” she hisses for the third time, shoving an old book back where it belongs. “Go to the porn section if you’re so bored here.”
“Oh, I definitely will,” Emerie says. “But I’m glad that we’re congregating now, even if it’s in the most depressing part of the library. I have a present for you girls.” She hands Nesta her drink so she can dig around in her purse.
Nesta personally has no complaints. The library is quiet, it smells of paper and old ink, and it holds all her favorite books. It’s almost better than staying in.
Emerie successfully pulls out a handful of folded and wrinkled papers from her bag, smoothing them out as best she can. “One for each of us,” she says, passing the papers around.
Nesta takes her paper and stares at the header. Gwyn is the first to speak. “Pole dancing classes?”
“Why?” Nesta says.
“Well, I originally offered them to Justinian and Isaac but they said no—”
“It’s really not for me,” Gwyn interrupts, trying to pass the registration form back to Emerie. “Sorry.”
Nesta doesn’t give her form back.
“Look,” Emerie says. “I get the hesitation. We’re a handful of boring bitches who hate having fun. But don’t you think that has to change at some point?”
“I’ve known you guys a month,” Gwyn retorts. “We’ve only been boring bitches for a month. This is too much.” She turns to Nesta for help.
Nesta is still staring at the paper. Dancing—on a pole, yes, but it’s still dancing. “I’ll do it,” she says.
Gwyn looks betrayed and Emerie looks elated. “Really?” She hops up and down. “That’s two against one, Gwyn. You have to do it, too.”
Gwyn’s cheeks are turning red in frustration. “You can’t just force this on me—”
“Gwyneth,” a sharp voice interrupts their conversation. Nesta spins around to find a young woman with dark skin and bleached white curls heading in their direction, a stack of books in her arms.
She halts before Nesta and glares. “No food or drink in the library.” She looks pointedly at the 32-ounce in her hand.
“It’s not mine.” Nesta shoves the drink back to Emerie.
But the librarian has turned to Gwyn, who hides the dance class form behind her back. “And what are you doing here?” she demands.
“Just putting up a few books, Merrill,” Gwyn answers quickly.
“While socializing?” the woman named Merrill sneers.
“We were just asking for help finding the romance section. Is that a problem?” Emerie crosses her arms and steps forward, letting a little of her beautiful deadliness slip into her stance. It’s the deadliness of someone at the top of her law class, someone who will graduate in a few months with all the power she could want in the palm of her hand. Nesta gets a rush from playing the lawyer game, too, but she’s never had the kind of ambition that Emerie has. Emerie is a shark sitting around in a small pond.
Merrill is not impressed. She snatches the styrofoam cup dangling from Emerie’s hand and tosses it in the nearby trash can. She turns back to Gwyn. “Hand your badge over and clock out.”
“But I’m not done yet—”
“Okay,” she squeaks. She pulls her ID badge off her neck and hands it to Merrill.
Nesta gapes in disbelief. Before she can speak up, Merrill says, “No loitering in the library. If you don’t have anything you need to check out, leave.” With one final judgmental look, she turns down an aisle of dusty books and disappears.
Gwyn makes a face at her back.
“That woman is not old enough to be acting that misanthropic,” Emerie says after Merrill is gone.
“Whatever,” Gwyn mutters. The registration form is still in her hand. She crumples it into a ball and throws it into the trash. “Let’s get out of here.”
Nesta stares at the trash as Gwyn turns to leave. “Coward,” she says.
Gwyn’s head snaps toward Nesta, her auburn hair swinging. “Excuse me?”
She shrugs. “You heard me.” Emerie’s eyes bounce back and forth between the girls.
“I did,” Gwyn says. “I was just making sure this wasn’t coming from the woman who would sooner bite someone’s head off than do something she doesn’t want to.”
“Girls,” Emerie snaps before Nesta can bite back. “It’s just a stupid dance class. I thought it would be fun to do together, but it doesn’t matter anymore.” Taking Gwyn by one arm and Nesta by the other, she starts steering them out of the stacks like a stern mother. “Now let’s go eat. I’m fucking hungry.”
Gwyn’s mood from the library doesn’t recover, even as they sit down for lunch at the local diner. Nesta thinks Gwyn might actually be sick when the male waiter winks at her while taking her order, and it’s not until long after he’s gone that color returns to her face. When their food arrives, Gwyn only picks at her plate.
“What’s wrong?” Nesta finally has to ask bluntly. “You look pukey.” Did the coward comment affect Gwyn more than she let on, or was it Merrill’s attitude that threw her off?
At Nesta’s words, Gwyn becomes even more pallid. “I just don’t feel great today,” she murmurs, looking around like she’s seeking a way out of the diner. “Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to be such a buzzkill. Maybe I should go home early.”
“Absolutely not,” Emerie says. “If you’re going home, we’re going home with you.”
Gwyn bites her lip, trying to decide if she wants that or not. But something about her antsy demeanor is too familiar to Nesta, because she says, “If you really want to be alone, do you mind driving me home first? Emerie’s car is a mess.”
“You just need to move around a few papers,” Emerie protests.
But Gwyn nods distractedly, already gathering her things. “Sure, no problem.” They pay the bill and go their separate ways.
During the ride home, the sky that’s been gray all day finally breaks open, unleashing a spattering of rain over the town. Nesta watches it sprinkle while Gwyn drives in silence.
“Why are you scared of Merrill?” she eventually asks. “She doesn’t look much older than you.”
Gwyn snorts, but there isn’t much heart to it. “Merrill is my superior, but I can handle her on most days.”
“Just not today?”
Gwyn eyes Nesta warily from the corner of her eye. “No, not today. Or this week.”
Nesta chooses not to push. The dull metal of the cars surrounding them glints under the rain, and they arrive at a red light.
After a minute, she takes a breath and blurts, “I’m not always like that around guys, you know.”
Nesta watches her closely, remembering how ghostly she seemed around Cassian, then the waiter. “Keep going.”
Gwyn stares straight at the traffic ahead, her fingers turning bone white on the steering wheel. “I’m just going through a hard period. Everything upsets me and I don’t know how to think straight. It’s like my brain accidentally traveled to the past and now it’s stuck there.” She sounds shaky, breathless, and it makes Nesta wonder what exactly her mind is experiencing.
Nesta knows what it’s like to be unable to move on. Her own brain has only recently started looking toward the future. “Where are you stuck, specifically?” she asks hesitantly. Maybe she can help Gwyn navigate her way out.
Gwyn’s chin quivers. “In a dark room.” Her lips form a tight line. “Being held down. I’m outnumbered.”
Nesta’s stomach turns. “How far back is it?”
“Two years,” Gwyn whispers. “Lately I can’t even look at anything without—remembering it. Thinking about it. Every time I feel like I’m moving past it, I end up being wrong.”
The light turns green, and Nesta puts a hand on Gwyn’s knee in an attempt to ground her. “Drive,” she commands softly.
Gwyn presses down on the accelerator, but Nesta can feel her leg trembling beneath her hand. She squeezes her knee hard. Even with the dark parts of her own past, Nesta has never felt what Gwyn is feeling right now. So she tries to stick to what she knows.
“It’s like you said,” she says carefully. “You’re going through a period where your brain isn’t being friendly to you. It’s horrible, but you can live with the knowledge that it’ll be over eventually.”
Gwyn shakes her head, holding back tears. “It doesn’t work like that. Once it goes away, it’ll just come back again. And it’ll be like that for the rest of my life.”
“You’re right.” Nesta doesn’t have a solution for that, and she hates it. “You’ll never forget. You can be at the peak of your life and still remember all of it. But,” she says slowly, “whether you reach a point where it barely fazes you, or if you keep crippling under the weight of it decades later, you’ll still be normal. You’ll be a perfectly normal human.”
Gwyn lets out a tearful laugh at that. “What does that even mean?”
Shit. “It means…” Nesta tries to explain herself better. “In case you’re worried that there’s something very wrong with you, I’m here telling you that there’s not. There will never be anything wrong with you.”
Gwyn eyes her skeptically as they turn onto a residential road. “Even if I never get past one nightmare I lived years ago? Even if that nightmare defines me until the day I die?”
“That won’t happen.” Nesta’s tone is simple, factual. “But yes, even then.”
“Really? You’re not gonna tell me to live for the better days or whatever?”
“Does that sound like something that would help you? Because I can say it if it does.”
Gwyn snorts. “No.” But her limbs are steady and her eyes are clear on the road. She clears her throat. “Thank you for listening. I think I might feel a little better now.”
“Was it because of what I said?” Nesta tries not to be too hopeful.
“I wouldn’t give you that much credit,” Gwyn says, crushing her hope. “But I’m glad I told you. It makes things…a lot easier for me.” She exhales deeply.
“You know my plate is mostly empty these days.” Nesta pats her knee. “That means I’ll always have room to help carry your shit.”
They pull up to Nesta’s apartment, and Gwyn parks at the curb. “Give me your dance class thing,” she says suddenly.
Frowning, Nesta pulls the wrinkled paper out of her purse and hands it to Gwyn.
Gwyn smooths it out on the steering wheel and grabs a pen from a cupholder, clicking it. “If you’re going to help carry my shit, I guess I have time for pole dancing now.”
“But that’s mine,” Nesta protests as Gwyn starts filling out the form.
“It can be both of ours,” she says, writing Nesta’s name under hers.
“Really?” Nesta grins with an excitement that she doesn’t easily feel. “You’re going to do it with us?”
“Why would I let you do it without me? So I can become the third wheel in our girl group?” She gives Nesta a look that says No way in hell.
Nesta rolls her eyes. “That would never happen to you.”
“Sure,” Gwyn drawls. She finishes the form and folds it in half before pocketing it. “I’ll give this to Emerie as a gift.” She leans over to peck Nesta on the cheek. “Now get home. Love you.”
Nesta turns red at the words and coughs. “Thanks for the ride,” she responds, getting out of the car.
“Say it back!” Gwyn calls after her. But Nesta shuts the door in her face and waves, pretending she can’t hear her. Gwyn mock-scowls at her through the window, but lets her off easy and drives away.
That’s enough feelings for today, Nesta decides. Even if her chest is swelling with emotion for her friend. It’s a sweet hurt that lingers long after she returns to her empty apartment.
a/n: i’m back in my no plot, just vibes era
taglist: @hellasblessed @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @valkyriewarriors @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @swankii-art-teacher @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja @maastrash @bow-dawn @perseusannabeth @dead-on-the-inside666 @jlinez @hungryreadingaddict @anidealiveson @planet-faerie @shallowhighwaters @ghostlyrose2 @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @rarephloxes
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baejax-the-great · 3 years
Alternate Ending
Working on a fic that got derailed when Garrus and Shepard decided to make out. Figured I’d post this version here while spraying them with cold water on the other version.
Shakarian (AO3), Rated T, mild suicide mentions
“You know I thought those shield fluctuations were just my sensors getting confused by your teleportation act?”
Shepard barely glanced over her shoulder before going back to removing her armor. “Did you?”
It wasn’t until he saw a slug hit her in the shoulder that Garrus realized she really was launching herself into the center of the fray—and exploding—completely unshielded. “Shepard, what the fuck.”
She waved a hand in the air. “The dark energy—the way it—in order to—look it overloads my shield emitters, or, well, not exactly, I sort of overload them on purpose along with everything else—but they recover pretty fast. It’s no big deal.”
No big deal? He’d never heard her trip over her words like that. “You’re standing there with your hump out—”
“It’s really good body armor, not even scratched, and I don’t have a hump unless you mean my ass—”
“You’re a sinking pigeon!”
She dropped her chest piece on top of the pile, the sound echoing through the armory, and they stared at each other in mutual incomprehension. Garrus wasn’t angry, not really, but he veered into distinct annoyance when Shepard started laughing, a quick burst of startled air as her shoulders dropped.
Had she really lost her last shred of self-preservation?
“The expression is ‘sitting duck,’ birdman. Anyway, why do you think I bring my best sniper with me everywhere I go?���
She turned back to her armor as Garrus huffed. “I thought I couldn’t hit the side of a barn.”
“You can’t. I was talking to the visor. You’re just its mobile weapons unit.”
She tossed the armor pieces into her locker in a way that would have made any turian commander give her latrine duty for a month and kicked the door closed.
Kasumi’s words came back to him, and in spite of himself, Garrus laughed. “Dammit.”
“What?” she asked with a sidelong glance as she began unsealing her softsuit.
“Kasumi called me your emotional support turian.”
That gave her pause. She got her suit rolled down to her waist, just some thin civilian clothes up top now, exposing a dark purple lump on her shoulder. She shrugged. “Well if I have any emotions that need a shot between the eyes, I’ll be sure to let you know.”
Shepard had gone unreadable while she fussed with her legs, and the weird tension that filled the room had Garrus bouncing on his feet. It occurred to him that he was now just watching Shepard undress for no particular reason.
“You should get that shoulder checked out.”
She slammed her suit down in front of her. “I might be a sinking pigeon, but you are a mother hen. It doesn’t even hurt.”
On what may have been his most suicidal impulse to date, Garrus reached out and poked it.
“Shit.” Shepard snatched his hand, and the very real possibility of Shepard decking him floated through Garrus’s head. But she just threw his hand to the side and said, “Fine. I’ll hit the medbay.”
Garrus didn’t know what made him do it. Gun to his head, he couldn’t have answered. But with seemingly no rational thoughts left in his brain, he reached out poked her again, one turian finger into the soft flesh of her side.
She caught his hand, and this time didn’t let go. “What are you…?”  She let the words linger in the air, a questioning smile on her lips.
And yeah, Garrus was definitely feeling suicidal because when he tried to pull away and she didn’t let go of his wrist, he poked her a third time with his other hand, or, well, he tried to, but she intercepted before he made contact, and now she had both of his hands in a tight grip on either side of her hips, and…
Oh. That was what he was doing. He was flirting. Apparently. Like a twelve-year-old who didn’t know how to just talk to a woman and instead provoked her with juvenile antics.
Shepard was provoked.  
He gave another weak attempt to pull his hands back, but Shepard didn’t let go. Pulled him in tighter, and either she was an expert in turian flirting or she was lining herself up to headbutt him straight to Andromeda.
She wasn’t smiling anymore.
His heart was in his throat as her eyes traveled over his face, inscrutable. He realized he was leaning in even closer, looming over her, really, but he couldn’t figure out how to stop.
Just when Garrus was about to try to excuse himself to take a dive out the airlock, just to cool off, Shepard lunged forward with the weirdest headbutt of all time, planting her mouth over his. Garrus made a noise that was something like “grggghhll?” but Shepard had released his hands and they were back at their absurd stunts, grabbing her around her squishy human waist and pressing her against his body.  
Whatever this was, it was happening. Shepard sure as hell wasn’t pulling away, one of her hands creeping up around his neck to hold his face more firmly to hers. Her lips were warm against his mouth, and her nose was sort of smashed into his cheek, but she didn’t seem to care. And now that she was in his arms, he did not want to let go. This was, she was—weird, but good weird. Soft and kind of wet and Garrus had no idea what he was supposed to do next.
What he did was clumsily push her against the table and jostle her injured shoulder.
Shepard broke away with a hiss and a curse. She gave him a light shove, enough to knock him back two steps, though there was that smile again. Garrus’s hands, instigators of all of this, were now hanging limp by his side, no help at all.
Shepard’s eyes flicked over him. She absentmindedly ran a finger over her lips, which looked a bit pinker than they had earlier. “I’m going to, uh, I am going to go see Chakwas about this. The shoulder, not the uh—” she laughed “—You can… you can stay here and figure out what just happened. Yeah.”
Shepard left the armory in her socks, her softsuit still in a pile on the table. Garrus mirrored her earlier action, rubbing a finger over where her mouth had been just moments before. She’d left a little spit on him.
Weird. So, so weird.
After a minute, when his heart rate had slowed down to something approaching normal, he typed a query into his omnitool.
“That is what they call kissing?” he asked to the empty armory.
More importantly, could he get her to do it again?  
He jumped when EDI’s voice filled the room. “The Commander has asked me to relay a message to you.”
He cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. Go ahead.”
“She says that if you wish to continue your earlier conversation, you should wait for her in her quarters. She anticipates being done with Dr. Chakwas in about fifteen minutes.”
Garrus rubbed his thumb over his mouth again. Fifteen minutes was not a lot of time to learn… everything about human romance. “Thanks, EDI. I’ll, uh. Guess I’ll go wait. Ah, hm. You don’t have to tell her that.”
Garrus shuffled into the CIC and just hoped nobody noticed that when he called the elevator, he had pushed the up button.
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