#'how come they get to be happy snd have all these people they can trust?'
startrekprodigyfan · 1 year
I am trying so hard not to be negative about Netflix getting Prodigy.
I am extremely happy that Netflix got it and that more people are going to be able to access and watch the show now… and of course I’m extremely happy I’ll get to see season 2 of Prodigy.
But I’m still so burned out from the precarious nature of the industry. Netflix is a shitty company and they are notorious for doing shitty things to even the properties they supposedly have saved from cancellation. I remember what they did to Bertie and Tucca…
With the way things have been going lately, with the writers snd actors strikes, with the collapsing of a lot of streaming services due to them not making any money compared to standard cable, and with the carelessness in which shows and movies are treated lately… I’m struggling to be positive about any of this.
We will get a season 2, but there’s no guarantee that there will be a season 3 or 4. Prodigy is on loan to Netflix right now. Which means eventually Paramount will come to their senses and yank them back to Paramount+ someday. Meaning in a year or two time we’ll likely have to deal with this situation all over again. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s that constantly shuffling a series around to different time slots/networks makes it incredibly hard to keep the series profitable and watchable. With every shift there’s a loss in viewership. With a show like Prodigy where viewership is already sorta precarious… that’s not good news.
I’m sorry. I’ll try not to look ahead do much and speculate on how quickly things can go awry. I’ve just not seen much evidence from the big corporations to trust them to do the right thing.
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pansy-picnics · 2 days
I’m curious, what do you think uknighted dream would argue about and how would they apologise to each other?
Cause I personally think Cass hates apologising, Eugene’s not used to it, and Rapunzel according to the show can do no wrong!
Oh, and if you don’t mind me asking, are you planning on updating Children of the moon soon? Sorry, it’s just one of my favourite fics for this ship!
Thank you x
God ive been so bad about that fic i swear i have so many ideas for it but this year has been SOOO busy for me 😭😭 most of my free time has been dedicated to drawing and playing games cuz writing doesn’t come as naturally to me ngl….BUT SOON ENOUGH I WILL LOCK IN I PROMISE!!!! its been crossing my mind a lot more recently snd ive started a little bit of the next chapter…Ur guys’ support means the world to me im so happy to know people enjoy it as much as i do 🥹 and i desperately wish i had more time to dedicate to all my projects
as for your first question though….LMAO yeah the show did rapunzel DIRTY….Honestly it really depends for me, but i think you’re definitely right about cass and eugene. and rapunzel definitely struggles i think to apologize Genuinely, because she can get really overwhelmed with her guilt and anxiety to the point that she loses sight of the actual problem. its definitely a rough spot for all of them
I honestly haven’t thought abt it a lot so idk if i know what they’d fight about Specifically, but what i can come up with off the top of my head is ummm
rapunzel is a chronic Fixer. whenever someone expresses a problem to her shes quicker to try and “solve” it than she is to just. Listen because she kind of has grown up with the idea that everything is Her fault and She needs to fix everything. I think cass and eugene can end up feeling really unheard because of this. Usually it’s just something they can quickly talk through but when put on top of other conflicts it exacerbates things a LOT.
Raps, cass and eugene can all be INCREDIBLY stubborn and set in their ways and they sometimes struggle to hear each other out. rapunzel i think has her moments, but generally she isn’t too bad about it; eugene has a temper and he can be VERY petty but i think unless he REALLY has a reason to hold a grudge against you, he usually just needs about a week to cool down- but Queen of Anxious Attachment Cassandra Tangled (tm) can end up going AGES holding a grudge and just refusing to check in with anyone. as you probably can imagine it does not go well
i think bc rapunzel has such a strong belief that love is transactional she sometimes gets trapped in a cycle where she basically attempts to min-max her time with eugene and cass respectively because she worries if she isn’t spending “equal” amounts of time with them then it means she must not love them enough. as you might imagine this causes a lot more harm than good….
cass is REALLY REALLY bad at asking for help and being vulnerable and especially admitting when someone does something that hurts her. i think this causes a LOT of really stupid miscommunications between them. eugene or rapunzel are both usually able to talk her through it depending on who shes upset at…and it really helps to have a third party there who she trusts because otherwise it could easily just spiral out of control and cause her to grow bitter and distant (As seen in canon LOL)
Ummm….To be completely honest i cant really see a lot of situations where cass and eugene like, Genuinely fight after they get with rapunzel. they obviously still bicker a lot but like, frankly after they’ve both figured their shit out i just don’t think they have much of a reason to fight anymore. Their whole rivalry has always been really childish and most of the more serious stressors have already been taken care of by the time the series ends. i think most of their fights are just over stupid shit and get resolved within the hour. i think they’d have to both go through a MAJOR traumatic event to actually get as bad as they were in season 1 again LMAOOO
How they apologize definitely depends a lot on the situation (go figure) but i genuinely dont think they get into Big fights very often…so when it does happen it takes a toll on all of them.
eugene i imagine is a little extra but sincere. doesn’t do Too much because he doesn’t want to overwhelm the girls, but probably just picks a quiet night and orders takeout or makes a small dinner to talk over. sometimes it can take eugene a while to realize when he’s fucked up but when he DOES realize it, it hits him like a TRUCK and he IMMEDIATELY jumps to do everything in his power to rectify it. he’s a big softie <3
cass is a lot more prideful than raps and eugene whether she realizes it or not, so its a lot harder for her to admit her faults, even when she knows she was wrong. she doesn’t like to make a big deal of when she apologizes because it’s really embarrassing for her. she’s the kind of person to send the apology text to the group chat and have to like physically put her phone down and start pacing around the room. To me.
rapunzel, like i said struggles to genuinely apologize because her anxiety and guilt can just become so overwhelming….she usually has to spend a bit of time away before shes ready to Really talk things out. When she is she definitely shows it quietly but clearly, she writes little notes with a paper bouquet and leaves them around where the other two will find them. they leave her little notes back and let her come to them when she’s ready.
admittedly i’m Not good with thinking of character conflicts off the top of my head, they have to come to me in Visions, and i just don’t end up thinking about a lot of ukd conflicts so hopefully this is okay LOL…..I would love to hear other ppls thoughts….. :3
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The Schrödinger's SPN Revival
So, recently there’s been a lot of talk on here and twitter because a couple articles have been published citing Jared and Jensen (or just Jensen in one POS article) mentioning discussing possibilities for a revival. Does this make it any more likely to happen or closer to being realized? I don’t know, but the guys have been mentioning it off and on for years already, so I’m not sure it’s any more likely now than it ever was. Also, with networks and the whole industry in seeming disarray, even if J2 want to get a revival going, I’m not sure it will happen.
But, let’s speculate anyway. Shall we?
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(I CANOT get the link to work for some reason!!)
My thoughts on this, under the cut.
I’m no authority on anything in the TV industry, but I have watched our little show a lot, so I have thoughts. Let’s take look at each person on this poll.
Kripke - Obviously, he understands Sam and Dean. He created them after all. But, would I trust him with the revival? Well, judging by The Boys, he seems more focused on shock value than tight storytelling these days, so I’m not sure I would want to see an SPN on a streamer that he ran. It might become a case of all fireworks and little to no heart. Also, if he had ended the series in Season 5, both Sam and Dean would have been trapped in the cage forever. Not exactly a happy ending. Still, is he capable of manning a revival snd doing a decent job? Yes. Would I totally trust him with it? Maybe. Maybe not. Do I think he even has time to do it? Not really.
Jensen - Come on, people! If you want him to reprise his role as Dean, then he isn’t going to be the showrunner. Also, he’s an actor, not a writer, so it’s not even in his wheelhouse. So, no. This wouldn’t be a good idea. And after The Winchesters, I think it’s extremely unlikely that he’d be put at the helm in this way. The only upside to Jensen being a show runner? We know damn well Destiel would be ignored as vigorously as it deserves.
Robbie Thompson - Exhibit One: The Winchesters. So, no. Also, while he has written some episodes that I like of SPN, he was always trying to make the show something it wasn’t, whether it was Fairytale time with Charlie or trying to shoehorn romance into a platonic brother love story, he’s shown that he shouldn’t be trusted with the OG show in a position of power.
Sera Gamble - Season 6 while having some absolute bangers, was also a bit of a mess in some ways. And Season 7 was more so. How much of this was due to Gamble hersel and how much was due to Singer tugging at the reins, I don’t know. She is a proven showrunner, so I believe she could do it. She actually understands and enjoys Sam, so that would be a huge relief for those of us who actually care about Sam and want to see him get his due on screen. Also, she has never written Dean badly from my observations, despite certain past claims by “some people” on women not writing male dialogue well. In a lot of ways, I think she could be a good choice. But, would she be interested even? I have no clue.
Andrew Dabb - NEXT!!
Jeremy Carver - For reasons relating to Season 11, I would like to see him helm a revival. He can clearly follow through with a connected and coherent arc. However, for reasons relating to Season 8, where he had characters do a few hugely out of character things for the story’s sake? No. For Season 10 snd the bore thst it was for me personally (though that potentially had something to do with pressure that came from Singer)? No. All in all. I think he’d be capable of ruining a revival, but something tells me he isn’t particularly interested and they guys may not be that ready to chose him, either (purely just my gut).
Robert Singer - No. I believe he interfered with Gamble and Carver’s plans; I just don’t know to what extent. And worst of all, he did nothing to help steer Dabb away from the mess that was much of Seasons 12 to 15. Also, he’d probably bring Buck-Lemming with him. And can I just say a big, “Fuck no,” to that.
Again, all of this is just me rambling. I have no real idea how likely any of them would be to come back for a revival. And I also don’t know how much J2 would want any of them to run a revival, or whether they’d want to just get someone new who might be more likely to listen to their ideas. I don’t even know if J2 would have an easy time agreeing on who would make a good show runner from that list because I think they might not even agree on who they considered to be better writers, or be better candidates to showrunner. For example, I think Jared might be more enthusiastic about Gamble than Jensen would. And Jensen would probably welcome Singer more than Jared would. Again, I don’t know any of this for certain, but it just my impression based off of things they’ve said over the years.
If a revival happens what do I want?
First, it sounds to me like if there is one, J2 want to be a big part of it with Sam and Dean as central focus. This is what I would want. I watched the show for them. I stuck it out through the rough seasons for them. The only way I would watch a revival was if it heavily featured both Sam and Dean. Second, I think I would enjoy if they did a revival during the years (according to J2) between Episodes 19 snd 20. I would like this because it would make the likelihood of angel or demon interference minimal. And this would be the more likely scenario for us to get a more old-school creature hunting revival. We could still see Jody and co for those who care about that. There would be no need for Cas or Jack to show up, which I would prefer. Yet, it would be easy enough for them to make a brief appearance if J2 wanted to pander in that way. Also, I’m so very sick of Angel BS, and this seems like the best way to avoid it. Third, I could be interested in a bit of a prequel with John and the boys, if they could find a way to include J2 without making it convoluted and pointless. Finally, if they come back from heaven for some reason, I think it would be hard for the revival to have much in the way of stakes. And I really wouldn’t want a huge dose of Cas, which we’d potentially have in that case.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on the potential revival, thoughts thst no one asked for admittedly. Lol.
If anyone read this far, what are your thoughts on a revival. If it happens, who should run it and what would you want to see happen?
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one-abuse-survivor · 1 year
im recovering, slowly but its happening, snd its weird. i feel my emotions a lot stronger now, its been around 6 months since i left my parents' house and some days are great, i feel stronger and way more confident than i ever did there, i have an amazing job and i just love life. but there are days where everything is just too much, like today. every part of me hurts on the inside and im just tired. its like my heart aches and my chest has an emotional pain inside of it. my grandad died 4 years ago almost, and i feel like im finally getting the chance to grieve him. every day i miss him more and more and i just want him back. it feels like he died yesterday. my nanan died just over a year ago and i feel like im just processing shes gone. im grieving my grandparents, my parents(who they used to be before they abused me), and my (practically nonexistent) childhood all at once and it just hurts inside. its a hurt that makes me feel alive but i just want it to stop and leave me alone. im hoping this is a normal/regular thing people like me go through, and im also hoping it gets better soon. i know it wont in the near future, i feel all the memories coming back some days and i can only process one or two at a time, and it sometimes frustrates me because i want to get it over with, like ripping a bandaid off, but i just cant, and it has to be done step by step. i just miss my grandparents. a lot. im crying a lot more lately too, just feeling my emotions so much stronger since ive started to truly process my trauma. do they stay this strong or settle down? im triggered pretty easily, which, in time, i hope stops happening so easily. i know recovery is a hard road but im thankful and very grateful that i got the chance to start it so early in life. im 19, moved out at 18, and its a bit hard, just so thankful i have a good therapist 😂 sometimes i just get so angry at everything and want to just hurt myself to make the pain stop, or just feel like i do today, slow and tired and achy. i get the rare amazingly happy day, and make sure i enjoy it, dw hahah but idk i just wanted to vent/say this in hopes of hearing that other people are going through this too, and that im not alone
Hey, nonnie. I'm so glad to hear you're away from your parents and recovering from the abuse and trauma you endured. That's amazing, I'm really happy for you ❤️
Yes, in my experience, it is normal to experience these sort of shifts inside you, especially during the first few years of recovery. I personally also went through phases where I would cry almost daily, phases where my emotions seemed out of control, or where I randomly felt immense grief/anger/sadness/disgust. And I can tell you that, in my case, with the help of time and therapy, the bad days, which used to be frequent and leave me exhausted, have become rare and much more manageable. Now, 5 years into recovery, I can have a bad trauma moment (hell, I can even run into my mother) and still enjoy the rest of my day. And my emotions have become much more stable, too. I rarely feel like I'm not in control of them.
Obviously, not everything is easy or perfect. I still live with PTSD, and there's plenty of things I still need to keep working on, like being vulnerable and trusting others, but... The good days have definitely become the norm over time, instead of the exception. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I had a proper emotional flashback or ugly-cried from how overwhelmed I felt (knocking on wood, haha).
So, yes, nonnie, it does get better with time. Recovery isn't linear—I'm sure you've heard that already—but it does get better. Though there may be ups and downs, and you might go through completely unexpected lows as you process all your emotions, the tendency will be to move upwards, and, if you're anything like me, one day you'll wake up and realise you can't even remember the last time you ugly-cried or felt like the world was ending. You'll just be living your life.
You're doing amazingly! There might still be bad days ahead of you, but there are countless good days to come, too.
I hope you can find ways to safely express your anger with the help of your therapist, and I hope you have the space and tools to process some of your grief and trauma memories as they resurface.
Sending a big virtual hug ❤️
Oh, and if anyone else wants to reassure anon that they're not alone, feel free to do so!
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jamtoasties3316 · 2 years
Red Bull broadcasting Max and Charles’ mating. Charles is more than happy to comply, it’s great PR for him and Ferrari and he’s definitely not complaining about claiming Max.
Max is not so willing but they’ve planned this well. Once his heat kicks in he’ll be begging. Max being so used to Charles’ knot that he can’t help but beg for it. His body wants his alpha. The stream is so popular and people are paying extra for different angles. Max looks so pretty with his pussy leaking and he’s crying for Charles. Charles making sure to show off Max’s dripping cunt, show everyone how needy he is. Max sobs in relief when Charles fucks into him, begging him to claim him. There’s a close up shot where Charles’ knot expands and stretches out his pussy. Also a shot where Charles bites down and draws blood. Max looks so happy and blissed out.
Red Bull is very strict about Max’s birth control as first, he’s bringing too much money in to not have him drive. The post race press always consists of Max begging Charles to fuck him. His race suits are so wet with slick and Red Bull auctions them off. Ferrari streams Charles’ ruts where he mounts Max and fucks him at a brutal pace. While Max’s ruts are streamed by Red Bull and they capitalize on his pre heat where they give him different toys to fuck himself with
Max being so hesitant about all the cameras being set up in the bedroom, already on edge because his heat is so close and then being told Charles will mate him and it will be filmed. Charles is more than happy to claim such a nice thick omega that looks so pretty on his knot, but Max isn't too sure yet.
Until his Heat fully kicks in, he will be panting and begging Charles!
The marketing team keeping Charles away for the first half an hour so they can get nice shots of Max being desperate and presenting on hands and knees and even spreading his cunt open begging to be fucked! Charles finally being allowed closer but he too takes his time, holding max's pussy open snd rubbing his little clit until Max squirts. Charles finally fucking into him and he doesn't have to go easy on the Omega, he knows that, ao he fucks him with rough, deep trusts, pulling on Max's hair to bare his neck so he can look at where he will bite down. The team getting a perfect close up of Charles's already pretty swollen knot being fucked into Max's pussy and max's pussy spasming around the knot in orgasm. Then they also film Charles biting down and claiming max as his! And ofcourse plenty of content of Max looking so happy and blissed out, and a shot of Charles pulling out to catch a closeup of Max's pussy dripping his new Alpha's cum.
Max being so desperate for his alpha after, always dripping and wanting to be fucked and leaking through his rqcesuits.
Charles having rough ruts and they eagerly film him mounting max like an animal and using him like a sex toy until max is gaping, ass too because Charles fucked into the wrong hole
And Max in preheat being desperate for his alpha but instead given big toys and vibrators he bounces on until Charles finslly comes in to give him the knot he craves!
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Healing and clearing my Sacral chakra
What's masks do you wear to protect yourself from building true intimacy with the rest of the world?
So I think sometimes I talk to much snd not ask the right questions to see if I actually have a true connection, I trust to easily. In the past I've used it to mask being insecure about self worth and rejection. Honestly though when I'm happy I feel great but when it comes down to meeting someone new friend or relationship I'm scared to fully let go because of domestic abuse in a past relationship and neglect in my childhood. Yesterday was great for me because I spoke openly about my story and she understood me and respected my honesty. I want to find more of this but these days it seems impossible.
What aspects of your true self are you afraid to allow to be seen?
I show people the real me at the beginning to see what they can handle but then when I see something I don't like I go straight to auto pilot because I feel I know where this will lead. Sometimes I just sit and listen to get a jyst of someone and how they are before I make my decision on someone. My true self is many different things and only my kids will ever fully see that. I accept that someone could love me for who I am and if they were to walk infront of me right now and I felt the same about them as I do my children then I know that would be true love and hard for me to hide who I was. I have trust issues still yet I'm open how confusing is that.
Are you carrying any guilt around for anything you've previously experienced?
Yes I do and this is why I loved the conversation with this lady yesterday because I openly admitted something I did in a previously abusive relationship that I felt I had to do but deep down I never wanted to and that was to hit my children because I thought that was the only way. I will never ever do that again it absolutely breaks me to think I ever did that but I forgive myself. The other thing I still hold guilt for was my stillborn children alfie, I should of never been put in that situation and i need to forgive myself I had to do the only thing that would give you peace my sweet baby boy. Please forgive I didn't want you to suffer and when i meet you again I will give you the biggest hug. You were and always will be wanted ❤️❤️
What do you need in order to release this burden and no longer carry it with you?
At this point all I want is my children to forgive me and know I'm doing everything in my power to make things right whatever that is and give us the best life possible. Know I will always love you no matter what. I feel I need to forgive myself and fully accept what happened.
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hearties-circus · 2 years
Thinking about the 'a broken mug is fixed but a chipped one is overlooked, sometimes I wish I were more damaged so I could get help' and walt n rosa
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pinkpicket · 2 years
What is blocking your success?
Mfs be ready for typos bc I haven't reviewed this 🤡
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Choose an image starting with pile 1 to 6 from left to right.
Pile 1
Wow okay so remember how the society and capitalism constantly screams in our fuvking face telling us the reason why we're not successful? How u don't work hard enough? How u should actually be waking up at 3am to hustle bc that's how billionaires do it? Well that's fucking bullshit so get that shit out of ur mind. U genuinely think bill gates and ms kylie jenner hustled day and night to get $7.25 an hour? No baby they did not. So leave that mindset, it's stupid and it's literally damaging u. My advice would be to actually relax and spoil urself instead of shitting on urself for needing 9 hours of sleep. Baby i will be honest with u, as long as u treat urself harshly the universe will treat u the same. So give urself some love and relax, u deserve it.
Pile 2
Ya u need to stop thinking about relationships and dating and actually start planning and shit bc guess what? Shit needs planning it dont just happen out of thin air. So sit ur ass down and write down a plan and change the plan 74747 if that's what it takes for it to work out.
Pile 3
Communication. Baby u really lack the ability to properly communicate and persuade others. Trust me i get where u r coming from, people are fucking annoying but in this society we have to basically learn to stfu at times and not be honest bc truly that's what everyone does. So keep ur thoughts to urself and form relationships on a superficial level ( be detached ) just so u can progress in ur life and career. Remember people's ego are fragile so dont fuvk up ur life with being unnecessarily harsh and honest with ur words, be diplomatic and suger coat that shit till it turns so sweet they get hooked.
Pile 4
Whatever direction ur heading toward rn holds no success. So u wanna be the hermit and find urself? That's great but in this fucked up capitalistic society that wont bring u success. I genuinely hate to say this but spirituality is not possible with success ( materially and career wise at least) for you ( this is just for u bc others actually require to be spiritual to be successful). Also it's time for u associate and talk to people more, being an introvert is a big disadvantage for you, so go out, make friends and soon u will find success. Group work will bring you success.
Pile 5
Enough of planning, it's time to work. Dont just sit around and expect great shit to happen only bc u manifested it ( remember saturn rules everything material in this world, so if u want a successful career with good money, u gotta go by saturn's rules which are being disciplined and hard work) dont relay on shit that people from tiktok snd tumblr tell u to do "all u have to do is manifest by this technique" and not do shit?? Baby that's not how real life works. U work and u get what u deserve ( at least for u this is like this, hell manifestation might work for others but for u i see this as a different case)
Pile 6
Baby ur tired and i know, i truly see u worked hard and nothing happened. It's like all that hard work was wasted but relax now bc something big is coming. Baby u r getting what u deserve, idk when but it will come. Honestly im genuinely soo happy bc u truly deserve this. So what's blocking ur success? Nothing. Whatever it is, it will come at the right time.
Okay bye uglies. Hope u liked this NOW FOLLOW ME BC IM LITERALLY SO HELPFUL AND PRETTY 🥰💕
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steelycunt · 2 years
ok i saw ur why remus loves sirius post snd im gna need u to pretty pls do a why sirius loves remus post if u havent already <3 the longer the better <3 thank u for ur service
hi babe! thank you! sorry it took me a bit of time to get to this <3
breaking it down the way i broke down my answer abt sirius (as in, starting with when they're young)...i like to think that he was like. in love with remus by the time the train arrived on the first journey in 1971, but that sort of love at first sight is admittedly hard to defend/explain. however, i do think that remus was one of the first genuinely nice people sirius ever met in his life. james is a wonderful friend and peter is sweet but remus is a truly good person in a way that takes sirius aback a bit. also, i reckon remus being so quiet and reserved at first draws him (and platonically, james) in a bit. as in, remus seems like a nice boy. and sirius would like to hear him say more than about ten words maybe.
obviously as they become friends sirius finds that he is smart and brilliant and very funny without having to be a bit of an arse, like he and james are when they're young. he enjoys talking to him he enjoys spending time with him. and he really does think remus is sooo pretty and attractive too. he's kind of not but sirius doesnt know that. he likes remus' hair he likes his voice he wants to tell jokes to make remus smile. remus is attractive in a comfortable, familiar sort of way.
i also think sirius is at his best around remus, really. of course there are bits of him that become angry and jealous and overreact because of his feelings towards remus too, but especially when theyre young remus brings out a gentle, kind side of sirius that he really likes. and after they find out abt remus' condition that sort of serves to illuminate to sirius the fact that he would probably actually do anything for remus. he would do anything to help him or to make him smile or to make sure he's happy. not least because of how much he trusts remus + how remus is there for him concerning issues with his family and all that.
by about...age fifteen, perhaps? he adores remus. like its simple as that. all the things that might be sort of. uhhhh. lame or dull or a bit loserish about him...sirius finds soo endearing. there is nobody like him (you could walk outside and spot like six guys like him in roughly 30 seconds but again sirius doesn't get that). that partially fuels the sort of jealousy and anger that sirius can get a bit caught up in, but that's only because i think he is sooo constantly worried that remus will get fed up with him. i've said this b4 but he definitely thinks remus can do better and find someone a bit more emotionally mature. there comes a point strangely early on in their relationship where he just. wouldnt really know what he'd do without remus (considering he's already had a brief trial of that after the prank). it's like i said on the post about remus loving sirius...they are best friends. sirius has only had eyes for him since he was genuinely. eleven years old. he will always want to be around him. making remus smile is just as rewarding when he's twenty one or thirty six as it is when he's twelve. they keep each other together they're just absolutely unhinged that's just the bottom line :-(
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Why is your writing so gooooooood. I just loved the tiny techno. He’s so smol and so cute, tiny pig, and while I don’t typically deviate from Techno requests I gotta put in more ideas for Y/N the tiny animal tamer.
Schlatt/Glatt will get too drunk or will spend a little too much time in a river and transform into his tiny goat form. You know the one. And you’ll just see him lying around either passed out from the alcohol or lying in the water face up and you just pick him up and take him home and let him sleep by the fire until he wakes up. He secretly loves when this happens, one of the few times he can be happy and sober because he doesn’t have an responsibilities on his shoulders as a tiny goat. Very gentle, will rest his head on your lap (or not so gentle snuggle into your boobs (be you dude or not) if he’s got the chance why not take it)
Tubbo transforms into a goat much more rarely. He’s not as often on low health but if he stays up too long with president duties or experimenting with redstone he’ll transform from tiredness. He’s much smaller than Schlatt and you just gently pet him. Typically he wakes up human again with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair humming a song and he’ll just,,, close his eyes. Let himself sleep just a little longer.
Fundy turns into this tiny cute fox when he’s particularly upset, though he’s gotten better at handling the transformations through the years. He used to run to his dad, then to philza, but now he’s got no one left and he’ll just curl up in the forest. You find him and be it your senses or just a gut feeling you pick him up and take him home and give him some nice cuddles and love. He always leaves before he transforms human again to try and keep it a secret who he is from you, even though you are completely aware of who he is, but he always returns in his tiny Fox form to be held and just feel okay.
Dream turns into a blob and he really can’t control it, so every now and then you’ll see a steaming tiny little blob who just squeaks and is upset. You’ll pick him up and hold him in your hands and take him around and /very/ seriously deliver threats for him. You’ll mess up one of his threats and he’ll squeak at you indignantly until you lean closer, nod as if you understand and amend your threat. It always devolves into laughter though and you spend the rest of the time prancing people or goofing off. Being happy in general.
At some point you find the white little blob balancing on the walkway through prime and you just pick him up expecting him to be a silently pouting Dream only for you to look directly into XD Dreams face (the one with the crossed out eye on one side, sadists design I’d think but blob) and he just silently accompanied you everywhere spooking people.
Quackity of course turns into a tiny duck from time to time, you get a lot of quacking and a lot of rowdy little noises until your petting his fluffed up feathers. Once Philza even stopped by in his bird form and papa bird took over and just preened the tiny chick and Quackity has never been the same since. He will never admit he loved it.
Anyways this is meant to be less of an ask and more of an addition to my last idea I just love the idea of being the most liked person in the SMP because you give everyone a place to be small and soft and themselves. A way to kind of hideout from the SMP and just enjoy being friends and feeling loved. It’s just very soft and very sweet and it makes me very happy.
Might send in an actual ask later lolol.
With lots of love- 🌻
(Honorable mention, Charlie turns into a slime and bounces around all over the place, he only settles when you’ve carefully set him on your shoulder and he kinda just melts. It always stains your shirt but you never bother him about it.)
(SECOND HONORABLE MENTION FROM MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS: Tommy and Wilbur both have bird forms as well. Tommy is this tiny white falcon chick, can barely fly on his own and he sits on your head or shoulder and acts all regal until Dadza stops by snd preens his feathers and treats him like his tiny boy, his little son, until Tommy baps him away with his wings. He’s so loud and just constantly squeaks from your shoulder until he has you all to himself, and then he half falls half glides into your lap and requests pets.
(Wilbur is this pretty hawk, like a red tailed hawk maybe, and he nuzzled along your cheek while he sits on your shoulder or preens your hair as if it were feathers and is just an all around cuddle bug. If he’s not on your shoulder then he moves to Fundys and just affectionately nuzzles and preens his son until Fundy picks him up a nod drops him unceremoniously into your lap.)
Ummmmmm  🌻??????? This is SO GOOD!!!!! I love these so so so so much!!! Fundy, not wanting you know know who he is so he runs away before he shifts back as if he isn’t the only fox hybrid on the server??? Amazing!!!
Blob Dream being extremely upset about his predicament but you just vibe with him and deliver his threats for him???? Hilarious!
Tiny duck Quackity? Oh my heart! Especially after JSchlatt I feel he would have a hard time being that open and vulnerable around people in that tiny of a form. So the fact he trusts you to take care of him is so heart warming. And then big poppa Phil preening him and taking even more care of him???? I’m melting!!
Little slime Charlie who stains your shirt because the only way he’ll settle is on your shoulder? That’s so cute oh gosh, especially because I’ve revealed I love setting things on my shoulders haha I’m obsessed. 
And the thoughts that maybe Tommy and Wilbur can also turn into birds is so adorable and so gooooooooood!!! I would picture Tommy as thinking that he’s a total badass as a bird but then Phil comes in and ruins that vibe by trying to preen him and Tommy tries to smack him away but Phil glares at him and Tommy grumbles and settles down and allows it to happen. And you definitely would be going deaf in the ear because of how loud Tommy is when he’s a bird sitting on your shoulder. He screams and squawks at every little thing. You would think that because this was a form he had to take because he needed to heal up that he would be a lot more calm... Hell no. 
And WIlbur? Oh gosh! He def would be so cuddly and would not go anywhere without being on someone else’s body. I think he would absolutely love it when you called him “Pretty Bird” and would squawk and coo in affection, nuzzling your face and preening your hair when you give him that compliment. And Fundy having enough and dumping him on you would be so funny because it makes you laugh every time and sometimes bird Wilbur lets out a gasp of offense, but he is quickly settled by your hand running down his body and smoothing his feathers. 
This is amazing. Thank you so much for this!!!!
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
How would Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Diavolo react to a male MC who wears skirts (because *chants* men in skirts, it’s masculine af) on the daily? bonus if the MC wears black nail polish!
During this I imagined 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻TANGO DANCER SOLOMON and thats going into my art idea list
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Not unlike all the other boys, Lucifer is willing to risk it all as soon as he sees it.
His favorite cut of skirt is the classic a-line ones, both modest and not.
A CLOSE second goes to wrap skirts.
This is a SFW blog so I will not be going into any detail at this time ✨
Literally loses his breath everytime he sees MC, and it surprises him.
If MC isn’t already wearing the RAD skirt, he’s already offering to get him a set. Almost too eagerly?
When MC decides to not wear a skirt one day, he tries not to make it too obvious, but he’s simply curious as to why is all. Maybe a tad bit let down.
MC insisted one time that Lucifer painted his nails for him, and...
“Well, normally Asmo is the one doing that for all of us...”
“But Lucifer 🥺”
“Alright... Fine. But I’ll have to continue my paperwork in between each layer.
It’s just kinda cute to think that he would spend an incredibly unnecessary amount of time on each nail, trying to perfectly lay down the polish. Occasionally, his tongue will poke out because of his concentration.
There’s some slip ups here and there, but mentioning them will only get him flustered.
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I don’t use this word lightlySIMP SIMP SIMP
He thinks he loves MC in every skirt imaginable just as equally as the last (which, he actually might) but deep down he can’t deny that a mini skirt just hits different.
The first time he saw MC wearing a mini skirt, mammon’s initial reaction was to cover him up before anyone could see him.
However, he failed to realize that he was actually the last of the brothers to see him, since he woke up late.
But that’s just what being the avatar of greed does to you. You just want to keep what’s yours, no matter what.
But considering his jacket isn’t as big as Lucifer’s or Solomon’s, he ended up just holding it up against MC’s lower half and stood in front of him.
It took the coaxing of MC and the snark comments of his siblings to make Mammon finally allow MC to walk around freely.
Looking back on it, Mammon most certainly understands why even Asmo had called him clingy.
But even now, he can’t help but hold MC a little bit closer in public when so many demons are staring at him! It just feels wrong to allow them to do that.
Cut him some slack, he thinks MC looks amazing, and he trusts him, but they’re literally in hell surrounded by demons. He just wants to keep his boy safe <33
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Levi doesn’t even realize what MC’s wearing at first.
In fact, he doesn’t realize even after their first FEW encounters.
He only notices because while Mammon was ranting to him and Satan about money, he brings up MC and his “stupid and cute but also dumb skirts”
Levi is baffled that he’s the only one that hasn’t noticed it. So, the next time he walks by MC’s room, he contemplates stopping by to talk. Right... Socialize. That.
While Levi is stuck in his thoughts, MC opens the door, presumably ready to go out to a party with Mammon and Asmo.
*fish man short circuits*
MC looks...! S-so cute....!
- thinks the third born otaku.
Because I’m big on fashion, I can kind of picture an exact skirt I feel would apply to him. Let your mind run free but I imagine a semi-sheer maxi skirt with water-like embellishments uwu
But don’t get me wrong, Levi literally loves seeing MC in skirts so anything will get him like 😳 yall know how he is
Actually starts to get more interested in feminine fashion because of MC. And one day, he purchases a long black skirt from Akuzon.
He saw a popular cosplayer wearing one, and so he makes that his excuse.
No one even realizes the change except for Asmo, who gushes over the new look, even if it barely changed. MC also notices, but only compliments him/brings it up when they’re alone so Levi doesn’t overheat.
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I was this close to typing “Satan is a man of beauty and FASHION” can you believe that
Satan... He can recognize when someone else looks ridiculous.
But he knows for a FACT. That MC very likely pulls off a skirt better than anyone he’s seen before.
Call him biased, but he sincerely loves it on MC specifically.
He likes the puffier skirts because they’re ADORBS, but for a more casual look, there’s this one asymmetrical skirt in particular that makes MC look so handsome to him.
He has no idea why men don’t wear skirts more often! Surely MC isn’t the only one that can do it!
Oh. Right. Gender norms 😪🤚🏼
Satan feels his anger crawl up his skin when he watches MC get ridiculed. And just for something he simply enjoys wearing! The nerve of demons.
He advances to “de-escalate” the situation in the most “avatar of wrath” way possible, but when he sees MC’s slumped shoulders walking away from him, he feels more inclined to follow and comfort him.
Satan gives an icy glare to the irrelevant demons, taking note of their faces, and goes after MC.
He doesn’t immediately bring up the situation, instead opting to go out on a spontaneous date to a nice café or a shopping district. Anything to distract from the situation subtly.
If his plan works out, splendid. Anything to make light of situation without even addressing it for even a day is good.
If the shopping and food doesn’t quite bring MC’s smile to his eyes, Satan will just have to be forward with his feelings for once.
“MC. I’m not entirely sure how I can get it through to you, but you shouldn’t be worrying about what some moronic, low-level demons think of you or your clothes. Much less what they say. Just be you, and make them suffer ten times worse.”
MC relishes in his words, even if the last bit sounded more like a threat than anything.
The last thing Satan would ever do is let MC even hesitate wearing an outfit that he would have had no trouble throwing on any other day because of someone else.
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Asmo screams (in a happy way)
“No, Mammon! You’re wrong. MC is NOT my personal dress-up doll! He’s my model.”
Trying to break the stigma around Asmo’s “shallow” personality, let’s get the obvious things out of the way.
He and MC shop together pretty much every other day. It’s almost concerning. And nail appointments are, of course, regular.
Yes yes, Asmo loves the skirts and wonderfully glossy black nails, but there’s still such a massive divide between him and MC. Not physically, or even relationship-wise.
He’s never met someone like MC, who is so fashion-heavy and just the right amount of self-centered.
He thinks its the fact that they’re a human and demon. But he’s seen firsthand that the line between what makes a demon so different from a human is very thin. Solomon is an example of that.
But he realizes it’s just MC. He’s simply dressing for himself and himself only.
Asmo loves himself, there’s no doubt. And it’s nice to go out and dress fancy for others. He couldn’t dream of another lifestyle.
But he has to admit that what MC is doing is working for him. He comes off as a charming sort of man when he ignores the negative comments made about his clothes.
He knows that people in both Devildom and the human realm are a little sensitive when it comes to men in skirts. And the fact that MC continues to wear them is beautiful in and of itself.
This got kind of deep out of nowhere and i apologize but Asmo deserves to be seen for more than he’s constantly portrayed as 😞
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Diavolo isn’t really thrown off that much by it at first, but as time passes, he starts to understand the appeal of skirt-wearing MC.
Barbatos has to remind him that it’s rude to stare, but he finds it almost entertaining how whipped they BOTH are for MC.
Like Asmo, he actually loves bringing him out to shop!
The only difference between the two experiences is that Diavolo has no fucking idea what he’s doing when he picks out clothes for him.
Which leads to some pretty funny/terrible clothing combinations.
No, Diavolo, MC will not be wearing a flannel top with a camouflage hi-low skirt. Put those plaid socks away.
He’s confused and even a little sad when MC continues to turn down his ideas, but he figures that he should turn this into a learning opportunity.
So he lets MC grab whatever he wants, and patiently waits for him to finish up in the fitting rooms.
The store clerk is shitting her pants at the sight of the literal future ruler of Devildom hyping MC up with the energy of a puppy retriever.
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Barbatos does an amazing job pretending like this doesn’t affect him.
He’s a classy man, he just internally loses it when he sees MC in any fancy skirt, really. From silky gold ruffles to a victorian-esc vibe, he’s obsessed.
So when Diavolo makes arrangements for an event/ball, Barbatos makes sure to, at the very least, offer to help MC get ready at the castle. He may not be the most fashion-centric but being able to spend time with MC in an extravagant get up is enough to make a demon butler interested.
Most of the time he’s disappointed because in between the seven brothers, he’d be lucky to be able to see MC at all because of how jealous they can all get.
I can imagine that even Diavolo doesn’t get to hear what Barbatos has to say about MC and his ability to make him weak at the knees.
But all it takes is Diavolo prompting, “MC’s outfit tonight... It was a sight for sore eyes, correct?”
Then, Barbatos lets a compliment or two slip out.
I can also imagine MC wearing a slightly short snd flowy skirt, and some rather disgusting demons waiting for it to get picked up by the wind, only for Barbatos to already be there, discreetly holding the fabric down and shooting them an intensely calm smile
Barbatos will always be one step ahead of creeps.
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sneaky boy is sneaky.. especially with the constant glances he gives MC.
Solomon’s favorite type of skirt to see on MC is DEFINITELY pleated. No other option.
Unlike Lucifer, if MC isn’t wearing a skirt, he makes it clear that he wishes he would’ve.
It’s in a playful manner, though! Don’t worry.
“No skirt today? Bummer. That’s fine though, I can’t expect myself to feel attracted any less.”
I imagine MC wearing a flowy skirt to some sort of event at the demon lord’s castle, and he uses his magic to make it temporarily sparkle or shine.
This mf flashy and wants EVERYONE to know that MC is dancing with HIM and no one else.
But if you ask him about it, what? What’re you talking about? Lights?? Emitting from your skirt??? While we were dancing ?¿ Crazy talk. I would never do such a thing.,.
As childish as it is, he loves to see the way it flows when MC twirls or turns.
Not in a weird way, either. It’s just beautiful to him.
So, not to be cheesy (which he WITHOUT A DOUBT is.) but he’ll occasionally just spin MC by his hand throughout the day, then catch/dip him by the waist.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Kabuto and Adoptive Reader - "Shihaikigo"
Part 1, possible a part 2 (will be linked if it comes out)
Summer: Kabuto had been walking home from a fight and met a little girl there. She had a special kekkei genkai called a Shihaikigo, meaning "controlling marks," which contained the ability to control half the mind of an opposer. She's willingly taken to the Sound Village after she began to trust Kabuto and there she met Orochimaru. She would either be sent to another Sound Villager to be raised or stay under Orochimaru's watchful eye until her kekkei genkai gets stronger. If Kabuto were to aid Y/N in life and to raise her, he could be killed in order to break down Y/N. She's very distrustful in a lot of people but Kabuto since they met. Her kekkei genkai is something that is strong enough to rival a Sharingan or Byakugan so Orochimaru plans to use to for himself one day.
Laying there, on the sidewalk on a rainy night, helpless was a child with long, messy, hair and a soaked light-grey dress with red stains. She had no shoes, no home, no comfort, and nobody. She was essentially useless; helpless in this dark, cruel, magical world full of demons, heros, and killers. No matter where she searched for any kind of sanctuary or light, there was nothing. She was left with no motivation or thing to hold on to as right inside the very woods that surrounded the village she is in, was a clan hidden deep within. In this clan was very few powerful, but nonetheless meaningful and strong.
They managed to survive alone and strongly for centuries since their beginnings, as their kekkei genkai is the ability to control 25%-50% some signals heading towards someone's brain, which can therefore nearly control their actions and thoughts and feelings. Of course, such power comes with restrictions. The hair of the people in the clan is very sacred; although it could be cut, it limits the ability for them to use their kekkei genkai forever, even when the hair regrows. If their power is overused, they will be become sick and possibly will be paralyzed, mentally unstable, and others even among death.
This power is stores within three marks on the person's body; it doesn't matter where they are as long as it's on the head, neck, palm, or shoulders. The mark travels between the brain and fingertips, and the user then has to touch their opponent with their fingertips in order for their power to be in use. As mentioned, it has a limit so typically the user's kill is fast and clean. For it's dark advantages and evil disadvantages, this power is represented with horns and a halo;
This clan was feared quite a lot for it's abilities, and most people are raised to never use their abilities as it could be dangerous. But some people would use it on accident as it was surprisingly much easier to use than thought. And it was a certain child's accidental use of that power that caused her to be so helpless on the pavement of Konoha on a dark, wet night. It was empty and alone on these streets aside from the sound of slow footsteps immersing from the left side of her.
The six year old girl barely turned her head to the person walking passed her; he didn't even seem to notice her. But upon seeing his silver hair, a sparkle appeared in her eyes; it was too foggy to even notice the difference between this snake and the ninja she thinks he is.
"Kakashi, is that you?" Ahe asked weakly, slowly standing up. She pulled her arms to her chest, shaking as the cold rain began to rain down harder. The man in front of her stopped, paused for a moment, then slowly turned around k face her. "Oh...I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." The girl's look returned to hopeless as she hung her head low.
"Why are you out here all alone at night? Where are your parents?" He asked emotionless as he pushed his glasses up, eyeing the helpless girl. The girl was silent for a moment before whimpering a little. Then all at once, she broke into tears and collapsed onto the concrete floor beneath her. The man stared at her hopeless form for a minute, watching her cry and whimper before he finally crouched down besides her. He pet her back before sliding his hand up under her chin, moving her head up so he could see her clearly.
"You are part of the L/N Clan, aren't you? You possess the Shihaikigo kekkei genkai, do you not? I can see marks on your skin." The silverhead asked, cockkng his head to the side. The little girl sniffed as she wiped away her fallen tears, her lip quivering as she nodded. After a moment, he hummed. "Why is there blood on your dress?" He asked as he wiped away her tears.
"I didn't mean to," she whimpered out. "It was an accident..." And just from that, Kabuto understood. The blood was from her parents; she accidentally killed them. He smirked lightly upon seeing her fragile body break down once more, but this time she lunged towards him and wrapped her small arms around him and clenched his clothes tightly. She cried into his chest as Kabuto brushed his fingers through her chair.
"It hurts, doesn't it? To have lost everything you had ever cared for just like that. And you fear the people around you will hate you; hurt you emotionally snd physically; kill you. It's truly frightening. Such a shame someone so oung has to endure such a thing, hmm?" He asked as he pat her back. She remained in her broken state, his more quiet and listening closely to him. "However, what if I told you there was a way to make these problems disappear? I know people who will except you and love you and raise you for who you are."
Y/N pulled away, her small hands wiping away her tears once more. "But...but...killers don't deserve happiness," she breathed out softly. Kabuto clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
"I think you'll find that everyone deserves happiness. Except," he paused, gritting his teeth as a wider smile appeared over his face. "Excpet those who try to take it from you because they have no idea what you've been through. Selfish people like that will never deserve happiness." Y/N pure yet terrified E/C eyes stared deep into his; she was so young, so naive and so gullible.
"I, for one, believe you deserve happiness. You're a little girl who made a mistake. That's all," he spoke, looking down at her with such manipulation in his eyes. "You deserve a good home with a warm bed for you and nice food. You deserve good parents and most of all, happiness. Don't you want that?" Y/N slowly nodded her head, never breaking her gaze into his eyes. She was so helpless that it was sickening for Kabuto to pry on such a little girl and obviously only for her kekkei genkai.
Y/N sniffed, sighing a shakey breath before replying. "Thank you...so, so much, suh-sir. I really do want things to go back to normal," she replied. She wrapped her arms around him again and sobbed away her last tears in his chest as he held her close. He was patient with her but the heavy rain and fog was making it very hard to see through his glasses. Suddenly, he burst out in a little laugh.
"How rude of me to offer this before I even introduced myself. My name is Kabuto Yakushi. What is your's?"
"My, my name? It's Y/N L/N," she mumbled as she pulled away from him for the last time. "I just really, really, want things to go back to normal. Please, take somewhere safe, please," she begged. Kabuto softly wrapped his larger hands around her waist and picked her up while standing up straight as well. He held her close smiling softly at her with closed eyes and a tilted head. Y/N smiled back at him and giggled for the first time in a while.
He than began his walk to his original path with Y/N in his arms. Along the long walk, he would ask a question about her age, clothing type, school life and grades, hobbies and other things, and he'd give his own answer as well. Anything to get to know each other. Puddles splashed with each step he took and the clouds seem to just get darker and darker. But luckily, about 30 minutes later, it all came to a stop once Kabuto had arrived to his destination: the hideout of Orochimaru or Otogakure.
"Stay here for a little please, Miss Y/N," Kabuto spoke lightly as he walked inside the underground home. "I must go talk to someone right now, but I'll be back with a surprise," he smiled at her as he left her by the entrance doors. She waved goodbye to him as a large smile remained on her face as she was happy to finally by out of the rain. Kabuto's face dropped as he walked to Orochimaru's room in order to discuss Y/N to him. On his way, what played in his mind was the conversation he had with her on his way here.
Such a young girl was capable of such intelligent responses and detailed storytelling. She may have stuttered here and there but overall she was very consistent and concise. She reminded him a lot of himself as he was willing to abandon his orphanage and family to make them live a better life out of fear for their lives. Y/N attacked her parents for nearly harming a few civilians out of thr goodness of her heart. The situations may have been different but deep down, his heart was just as pure as her's at one point in time.
"A member of the L/N clan, you say? My, my Kabuto, you found quite the prize," Orochimaru smiled darkly as he finished hearing the word of his pawn's finding. "Is she capable of using the Shihaikigo?"
"Yes. In fact, she ran away from her clan because she ended a life with it despite her young age," he explained with a dark smile on his face. "She has a very intelligent mind as well."
Orochimaru laughs were hushed as he considered his moves with the girl. "Perhaps after Kimimaro could be her, don't you think? After all, her kekkei genkai is worth as much as a Byakugan or Sharingan; what good is simply seeing chakra when you could control it? A power like that must be harnessed," he thought out loud. "How about this... A girl of her age can't comprehend what it's like to have a meaning or worth and what giving up her life for another would mean. We will raise her to be desensitized to any evil she sees before we break the truth to her."
Kabuto nodded, "Understood, Lord Orochimaru."
"Well, don't just stand there. I'd love to meet the child," he laughed as he looked Kabuto in the eye again, his smirk growing. Kabuto obeyed and walked out, returning again later with a soaked little girl by his side. She was so happy when she heard she could meet the one who would make her dreams come true, only to be met with fear when she saw the pale snake-like man himself. Her smile dropped and she started to shake; Y/N hid behind his leg, staring at the creature with fear in her eyes.
"Y/N, dear, you can't always judge a book by its cover. This man is Lord Orochimaru; it would be wise to-"
"Come now, Kabuto, this reaction is understandable really." The snake stared down at the little girl with interest glimmering in his dead eyes. He then extended his hand towards the little girl crouching down before her. "Give me your hand, darling. I don't bite, I promise," he laughed. Y/N's lip quivered as she looked up at Kabuto. He had an encouraging smile on his face that told her everything would be alright. That's all the validation she needed before reaching out to take Orochimaru's hand and have him pull her closer.
He held her chin and examined the three marks along her body (you choose where they are :)) before laughing once again. "You're kind is so incredible. That even a child managed to murder with it. Yes, truly incredible." Y/N's eyes widened with fear and she started to freak out even more.
"Mister Oro...Orochimaru, I don't understand," she mumbled fearfully. Orochimaru brushed his fingers over one of her marks and then stood up, patting her head.
"You'll understand one day, child. I promise you," he said as he looked at Kabuto. "Do you wish to help raise her or have other ninja do it?"
"I want to stay with Kabuto, Mister Orochimaru," the little girl called out. Kabuto's dark eyes looked down at her small form. He felt helpless against the adorable voice of the girl and sighed out loudly. She turned to Kabuto and took his hand, hugging it possessively. "Please don't leave me! I just met you and you're the only friend I got now! Please, Kabuto, I'll be good, I swear!" Orochimaru raised a brow, laughing.
"You are good with children, I see. Good. If you wish to take her, I'm sure you would have no problem finding food and clothes for her, right?" Kabuto crouched down by Y/N, her still hugging his hand, and chuckled before booping her nose. He could guess that Orochimaru may kill him in order to destroy her and use her in the future, but for right now, a little more time with the girl wouldn't hurt. After all, it had been quite a while since he had been near a child. In the back of his mind was always the home he grew up in and forever, he will miss it. If being around a single happy child will make him feel more at home, so be it.
The thing is, Kabuto doesn't care about Y/N enough to care about raising her; after all, Orochimaru may kill him. However the idea of having a piece of his past that was taken frkm him back meant a lot to him. So why throw it away? And the thing tipping the scale towards possible death was Y/N's adorable big E/C eyes and cute voice, just like some of the girls in his old home. Plus how she can expirence what it's like to be parentless and be able to relate to him kn a deep level.
"Alright, I made up my mind," Kabuto spoke.
"Kabuto, please," Y/N spoke, her dry eyes swelling up with tears again. "I want to stay with you." Orochimaru smiled at Kabuto patiently, awaiting an answer.
"I'll take her in. It's best to keep a watchful eye under such a kekkei genkai, isn't it?" He asked rhetorically. Y/N gasped loudly before smiling widely and hugging him so tightly.
"Thank you! I promise you woke regret it, haha!" Kabuto frowned, patting the top of her head.
"Let's get you cleaned up before we sleep, Y/N. While you bathe, I'll find clothes for you, okay?" He asked as he pulled away from her hug. Y/N smiled happily as she nodded grabbing his hand before desending out if the room with Kabuto. Orochimaru stayed behind, watching closely, laughing under his breath about how innocent she is and what his plans for her will be.
It had been an hour later when the two of them were ready to go to sleep. After all, although it wasn't mentioned earlier, Kabuto was dirty from fighting earlier that day and he needed to bathe as well. Of course, separate from when Y/N did. The silverhead's chamber was relatively large and minimalistic, though now more crowded with a little mattress across the room and two bags full of clothes for her age group. There was a big bed, a dresser, a mirror, and a bunch of candles around the room for a light source. There, of course, was no windows and no toys for Y/N to play with much to her dismay hut she was too tired to question.
"You will sleep in my bed tonight," Kabuto spoke as he helped Y/N climb into his bed. "If you need anything, let me know. I'm blowing out all the candles so if you need anything, you have to speak before you doing anything else, okay?" Y/N yawned and nodded in understanding.
"Yep. Thank you," she replied as she rubbed her tired eyes and laid down. Kabuto blew out each candle on every side of the room before he returned to the small mattress across the room. It was comfortable but it would be removed so as Kabuto would eventually get Y/N a chamber of her own to sleep in of course. He pulled the covers over him and set his glasses on the floor besides him. "Hey Kabuto?"
"I love you as much as my real dad. Thank you."
Kabuto frowned, taking a moment to comprehend what she had said. "I care about you too. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite," she giggled before slowly falling asleep under the covers.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
Every season we see Michael tackle another piece of substantial character growth and I’m absolutely obsessed with it.
In season 1, he is completely alone. He has self isolated to the point where he really has no one in his life who truly knows him. He doesn’t speak to Max and Isobel sort of plays middle man but it’s clear he refuses to let them in. Alex has been gone 10 years and he has seemingly had zero contact with him for a decade. The closest thing he has to a friend is Maria and even that he holds at arms length until the end of the season.
So in season 1, he learns to let people in and to trust them. He learns to tell people the truth when he can, to let people help, and to start opening himself up to having real, concrete relationships. Season 1 is about Michael learning that he doesn’t have to be totally alone.
So he’s trying, but then Max dies, and he regresses at the start of season 1, but that regression leads to a breakthrough for him, snd puts him onto the season 2 path, which is about Michael learning to allow himself to love people and allowing other people to love him in return.
He finally breaks down and admits that he’s kept every person who has ever loved him at arms length because he has been hurt and rejected every time he’s ever loved anyone. He pushes everyone away as a test, but he starts to try. He opens himself up to being an actual family with Isobel and Max. He starts to actually become friends with Alex, taking their dramatic, passionate love and allowing it to bloom slowly into something more substantial. He allows himself to fall in love with Maria, to accept her gentle, supportive love, a love that feels light and warm. He learns about Sanders, and he realises that he has been loved by someone all along, even if he couldn’t see it.
And so he grows, and in the time jump it’s clear that he has truly built these relationships up as best as he knows how. He admits freely to max and Isobel that he was happy because they had finally become a family. He gives himself space to finally be ready to try for something real with Alex. He has maintained a friendship with Maria even after they broke up. So what’s next? How does Michael Guerin continue to grow?
He starts to work towards becoming a better person than he was yesterday, and last year, and a decade ago. He gets involved and protects people when they’re in need. He apologises to Rosa, and offers himself up to her mercy to try to make amends for what he and his siblings did to her. Based on the promos, he seems to be helping Rosa in some way, maybe training her, maybe something else. He’s working tirelessly to find Kyle and bring Maria back. So, even considering that this season comes with its own conflict in that regard, as well, with this newfound “evil” lineage, testing him as he tries to grow, think we will see Michael really come into his own and find his way to becoming the man we all know he can be this season.
Michael Guerin is given one of the most wonderfully character driven arcs on the show. He grows and evolves more than any other character, and it’s so honest and real. It’s not linear, it’s not perfect, it’s flawed and it’s full of mistakes and missteps, but it’s human in the best way. Michael Guerin has grown so much since we met him in that drunk tank in the pilot, and I, for one, can’t wait to see where he goes next.
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feedergirlblogger · 3 years
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Day 1 - Favourite memory ( @hetaliaplatonicshipsweek )
Note: its the platonic nyo!Ausswiss and I will often use their human names, Adelheid, Adele or Heidi for Switzerland, Anneliese or just Annie for short for Austria, Daniel for nyo!Hungary and Lilly for Liechtenstein. Also Heidi is aromantic, Anne not really. Im not sure if its country or human AU, you can see it however you want.
"Do you still like Annie?" Lilly asked her sister Adelheid, while they were cooking dinner at home on sunday afternoon.
"Dont get me wrong, i still care about her!" Older girl replied, she was surprised. She actually felt like garbage. Since years she lived really lonely life, her sister was the only one she actually spend time with and really cared about. When Heidi thought about it more it made her guilty. It wasnt always like this.
Years ago, when she was still a child she had one very close friend. They were neightbours, had a lot subjects to talk about and no one, who they trusted more than each other. They started to fall apart, when Anneliese met Daniel, a Hungarian guy, who quickly felt in love with her. As a teenager Annie promised Adele that whatever will happen in her romantic life, she will still be close to her.
Soon they found out how different they actually are. Annies mind was complety occupied with boys, especially Daniel and romances. Heidi was sure that she will find a guy for herself soon too, she and Annie will again have common topics to talk about together.
Actually it never happened. Brunette started to really choose her boyfriend over a best friend, blonde girl always felt like a second choice or even third one.
Finding a boyfriend for herself wouldnt solve her problems, especially when she knew she wouldnt really like to have one.
Soon, when they all reached majority Annie and Daniel moved away and started living together. They were so important to each other that they seemed to forgot that there are more people on this planet.
Is romantic love really much more valid then a true friendship?
Heidi was taken away from her thoughtfullness by her sisters next questions.
"But you aren't close anymore. What happened?" Lilly asked her sister, who was quietly cooking the soup.
"I dont know. Nothing in life is pernament. Once youre close with someone, then you just arent anymore." She answered quickly. This girl wasnt the best with words and talking about her emotions. "Now, dinner is ready. Can we eat it in silence?"
When Lilly finished eating Heidi asked her to wash the dishes and clean up kitchen. She needed a time for herself to think more about everything.
She felt so guilty now. Maybe if she was a better person, a better friend Annie would still be near?
Girl runned away to her bedroom and found her old diary.
She read first page snd already got hit by so many memories.
"Annie asked me to help her with one thing. She needed to ask Daniel to go out with her but was to shy. She said she always admired my honesty so I had to tell it to him so she wouldnt be so neurvous."
"Maybe I should tell her that he isnt for her? Am I really so jealous, Daniel is a good person." Heidi thought, she didny recognized herself, she would literally do anything to keep her friend near but wasnt aware of it.
Then she opened it on another page and started reading.
"Since I'm really rich I'm also very busy. You know, nothing comes for free. I love how Annie still helps me with my duties when it overwhelms me."
"It's so nice, Annie was always a good person and we were there for each other all the time. If we were sill friends life would be so much easier" this thought made Adele happy. She didnt felt so guilty anymore.
"This time me and Annie went together on picnic. We havent done this for a long time, but when we were kids it happened almost everyday. We are teenagers and soon will start adulthood. But we can still act like a kids who live peacefully and enjoy little things."
"I just realized how I want to go back in a time." Heidi said. She didnt liked mature life as much as she thought she will. She always neurvously avoids conficts and acts like she isnt ready for all of it, she won't handle eveything. Maybe she would be braver and more confident if her friend was still here?
Reading this and many more notes made her happy but now Adelheid realized that living in memories, acting like a child won't make her happy. She should adapt to the present and think about future. Remembering the past wouldnt bring her friend back.
She needed to do something right now!
Next day Heidi wrote a short letter to her friend and send it moment later.
"Dear Annie
Would you like to visit me soon? Sorry about not writing since a long time, i think I should make up for it.
I dont know what's happening in your life right now but I would love to know. How is your reliationship with Daniel? What are your plans for further future? Please send me a reply and tell me.
I live a nice, peaceful life but Im really lonely, despite having my sister always near me. We should definitely renew our friendship.
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
Do have any sad/angsty headcanons of Emily’s childhood? Like before 15? I love your hc lists, they’re always so good 🥺
i can certainly try!!
(ow i hurt myself really bad with this one)
tw//mention of conversion camps but it’s brief
emily, as we know, had very absent parents (or at least a very absent mother) from a very early age
she’s learned to rely on herself from an early age because of this
like, yeah, she has nannies, but she’s firm on being very independent
(this type of thinking leads to early compartmentalizing, which never ends up being a good thing)
once, emily breaks her arm when she’s four years old and no one noticed for three days because she hid it so well
[her arm still hurts from time to time even now because of this injury]
her mother makes her take ediqute classes to be a prim and proper lady but emily finds ways to skip the classes
she much rather sit alone in the library and read
her favorite stories are the ones where knights rescue princesses
she always imagines herself as the knight, but still as herself because girls can be heroes too!!!
if she wants to fight dragons and carry a sword and rescue pretty princesses, no one can stop her!!!
when she’s six, she begins to sneak out into the woods to play “rescue the princess”
with no friends, she has to use a lot of imagination, but she makes it work
one day, she befriends a raven by feeding him pieces of her lunch that she doesn’t eat
she knows the knights in her storybooks have horses, but she thinks a raven will work fine as her sidekick
she names him mortimer
mortimer gets spooked away when emily first picks up a stick to use as a sword, but once he realizes this weird, tall, featherless bird won’t use the stick on him, he stays
mortimer follows emily around as she stops through the trees, loudly proclaiming that she is “dame prentiss” and that she will slay the dragon to rescue the beautiful princess
mortimer is emily’s only friend, really
when her mother tells emily that they’re going to movie, she honestly has a full blown panic attack because what about mortimer???
he won’t know she left!!!
he won’t understand!!!
what if he’s sad??
what if he thinks she rescued the princess without him???
would he be mad??
he helped too!! mortimer deserved to know!!
she can’t just leave her best friend behind!! surely her mother will understand that, right?
her pleas fall deaf on the ambassador’s ears
emily’s devestated
they move across the world
emily kinda shuts down after the move
she barely talks
she can’t find it in herself to read any more knight stories— they make her too sad
she thinks about mortimer a lot
one day, she thinks she sees him and cries when she realizes the bird is a crow and is definitely not her friend
the ambassador signs her up for piano lessons after that to keep her in the house at all times
after her schooling lessons, emily is forced into the main room with the grand piano
the piano teacher her mother hired is a kind young woman that speaks to emily in a very soft, very friendly voice
she has carmel hair and really pretty hazel eyes and tells emily that her name is miss howard
she looks just like the princesses in emily’s storybooks
miss howard is really patient with emily
sometimes, they don’t even play the piano during emily’s lessons
sometimes they just talk about emily’s day
emily thinks it’s nice—she’s never had anyone to talk to
miss howard listens to emily when she has a bad day
she doesn’t tell her that “a prentiss never shows weakness”
miss howard lets emily cry when she needs to
she lets emily talk about mortimer
she doesn’t call him a stupid bird
miss howard thinks mortimer sounded like the greatest friend [he was]
one day, emily breaks down because her french lesson didn’t go so well and her mother forgot it was her birthday.... again!
when she goes into the main room for piano lessons, miss howard is sitting at the piano with a small cupcake and a candle in the shape of the number 8 sticking from the top
in her hands is a small present that she gives to emily once she’s done singing happy birthday to her
emily bursts into tears because she’s so overwhelmed that miss howard remembered her birthday
she throws her arms around her teacher when she opens her gift— a small crocheted raven that looks exactly like mortimer
emily whispers that she wishes miss howard was her mom instead of the ambassador
the next week, emily has a different piano teacher and never hears from miss howard again
emily moves around a lot during her childhood, and since she’s already lost two friends very near and dear to her, it’s hard for her to let people in
by the time they locate to the western part of the united states, emily is 12 years old
the ambassador puts emily in a private, all girls boarding school
emily gets picked on... a lot
the other girls make fun of her because emily carries around the gift from miss howard everywhere she goes (it brings her comfort)
they make fun of her accent
and the fact that she’s not entirely fluent in english
(she’d honestly like to see any of those mean girls try to attempt to be fluent in russian and french)
she spends most of her time hiding in the school’s library and crying in the bathrooms
she’s hiding in the stalls again after being pushed into the lockers one day when another girl comes in and sits outside the door of emily’s stall
emily recognizes her green socks and cuffed pants— the girl is in her chemistry class (audrey, emily recalls)
audrey is quiet for a long time before saying “those other girls are jerks”
emily’s response is a sniffle and scuffing her shoes against the tile floor
audrey tries again, but her voice is softer
“i really like your bird”
emily timidly sniffles “thank you”
“what’s his name?”
emily pauses
“i like that name”
audrey begins to sit with emily at lunch
she’ll go out of her way to find emily in the library and sit with her so she’s not alone
they don’t talk at first
emily is very wary of audrey’s intentions and doesn’t trust her
but she doesn’t push her away either because audrey doesn’t make fun of her and she likes mortimer
the day emily decides to fully trust audrey is when audrey stands up for her when she’s getting picked on in the halls
audrey stands between her and the bullies and yells at them about how awful they are because “emily is a great person” and “emily’s so sweet and she doesn’t deserve this shit”
emily wonders if the way her heart flutters is the same way the princesses felt when the knights rescued them in her storybooks
she feels special— no one has ever stood up to her the way audrey did
they become inseparable after that
emily and audrey become roommates later that year
audrey helps emily come out of her shell and teaches her how to stick up for herself
emily tells audrey about moritimer, the real one, and miss howard
audrey listens
she always listens
she’ll hug emily tightly and just hold her in her arms
(emily wonders if it’s normal for her to feel so safe in her best friend’s arms)
(she wonders if it’s normal that her heart skips a beat, her breath catches in her throat when audrey smiles at her)
(she wonders if it’s normal for her to get so excited when audrey holds her hand, even though her hands get clammy)
(she wonders if it’s normal to want to kiss your best friend, even if they’re both girls)
they’re skipping class one day, walking hand in hand down the stream behind the school
audrey is abnormally quiet and emily asks her what’s wrong
audrey won’t tell her for the longest time
she lets go of emily’s hand and leans against a tree, biting nervously at her nails
emily gently grabs her wrists and pulls her hands from her mouth
“hey... you can tell me anything, you know that right?” emily whispers
audrey finally meets emily’s gaze brieflt before she sighs
“...is it bad that i really want to kiss you?”
emily’s heart skips a beat
“no, it’s not”
she pauses briefly before adding softly “you should”
audrey is emily’s first kiss
it’s so soft and so perfect and everything like fairytales describe it as
audrey calls emily her girlfriend and she completely swoons
she hasn’t been so happy in years
she doesn’t know how the ambassador found out
but she’s called to the office one day snd faces her very angry mother
the ambasssador chews into her like emily’s never been before, swearing and red in the face from screaming
the ambassador pulls her out of the school right then and there and tells emily that they’re moving to rome
she refues to let emily see audrey again and has her assistant go pack emily’s belongings while she continues to scream at her in the car
she tells emily that this type of behavior is something she won’t tolerate
she says that if she ever catches emily with another woman like that again, she’ll send her off to a camp
emily never sees audrey again
it’s only when they land in rome that she realizes that the ambassador’s assitant never packed the crocheted mortimer
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letsfluxshitup · 4 years
‘like his own little audio book :)’ KDHFKDJFJD LOSING MY MIND. i’m seized by affection for u and ur quacknobros at absolutely every opportunity
also,, Soap fits them so well no one talk 2 me. I’m abt to listen to this song on loop and make a brain animatic see you losers later <3 u need 2 like. make a quacknobros playlist or smth ur music taste is always impeccable Flux
Anyways!! For the SDV AU I love how well it fits Techno’s vibes specifically,, going out n starting a farm to escape ur previously stressful way of life,, being carefully distant from the locals in order 2 avoid getting hurt/hurting them bc of your past and some people still making it thru the cracks through sheer force of will anyways?? This AU was practically made for him
I like the idea of Big Q n Techno meeting in, like, the mines or smth. Quackity backs himself into a corner in one of the earlier levels bc he’s An Idiot and Techno is like a terrifying knight in shining armour w/ his effortlessly efficient way of dealing w/ hordes of slimes. Big Q is simultaneously grateful for the help, put off by how dismissive Techno is of him, and embarrassed that the first impression he made on the new farmer was ‘small weak little man’.
They could ALSO already know each other, ofc, but meeting and bonding w/ people outside of ur trauma environments can be very fulfilling so I’m invested in cottagecore developing friendship 😔
I like the idea of Phil being like your mom in the games where he just sends letters to Techno, except they generally involve more clowning on his son because he’s Phil :] whether Wilbur n Tommy are with him and also send letters or have also come out to fulfill their cottagecore-esque dreams is debatable in my brain. I think Tommy would definitely VISIT at least bc what kind of younger sibling would he be if he didn’t harass Techno u know?? I just think we deserve a little SBI family dynamics. As a treat.
- Saturn 🪐
Aaaaaaaaa your thoughts are so good so many ideas head full;;;;
Im super super torn between already established SBI fam or found family;;;;
tired farmer techno running away from his past;;;
philza sees this tired feral dude stumbling into town every other day covered in dirt and looking dead on his feet and packs him a lunch every day and techno INSISTS on giving him something in return so philza gets fresh veggies and fruits and eggs and milk and a new son :);;;
jodi low-key adopted me in the playthrough I did so I love the concept of him being like Jodi and inviting Techno to family dinners and stuff just casually ;;;
Tommy's a feral child who constantly appears in his farm and accidentally stomps on his crops and techno finally just accepts that this child is going to be bullying him so he helps him learn which crops are which and how to plant;;;
maybe ppl like, know who techno Was so Tommy's like "fight club fight club fight club?" and Techno's just like "town dad philza would kill me if i taught you how to wield a sword properly" and teaches him how to craft sturdy tools instead, and if tommy learns a little about fighting from him well no one tell philza;;;
YES ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE IDEA OF TECHNO SAVING QUACKITY IN THE MINES;;; he saves him one day and leaves him at the doctor's to get patched up and the next day Tommy comes by with his cool friend big q and quackity desperately desperately tries to make a better impression but keeps tripping over stuff and gets attacked by a chicken
HHHHH im in love with Wilbur and techno twins, Techno's the fighter and wilburs the charming scammer, and Wilbur follows Techno to the farm after Technos established himself snd techno grabs his face and leans really close and is lile "PLEASE don't fuck with anyone they'll DESTROY you" so Wilburs forced to play nice with the locals but he gets along with ppl well anyways and he just amplifies the philza tommy family Dynamics by sheer force of will
he's delighted that his brothers making friends and aggressively inserts himself into things and he's just. very happy that his brother has made friends. He Does pester techno constantly about the dirt and the loud chickens and all the Walking he has to do but he's also best friends with all the animals and would kill for their blue chicken named friend ok I know you can get sheep but Blue Chicken
he also hardcore clowns on techno and quackity , just bullies the shit out of quackity and quackitys just like "I think he likes me" while techno beats Wilbur up for making fun of his friend akksmdmdmfkfk
I also love the idea that together they're a very unintentionally chaotic force, like sprinting through town shrieking trying to kill each other at like 6am and when they come back into town later that day someone's like "is everything. good." and techno just Sighs while wilburs like ":) of course :)"
this is getting too long I have to stop hElp
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