#'it's rotten work' 'YEAH IT SURE FUCKING IS'
gaymurdersalad · 2 days
Jack! You should try talking it out with Dave. Tell him how you feel, how from your perspective how tiring and agonising this whole situation is.
Dave cares about you a lot. I'm sure he'll understand you.
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> Fuck you! Quit giving me those puppy dog eyes! It’s not gonna work this time, no, you’re not gonna ruin my life and waltz back in like we’re still friends. I only liked you when I hated myself. Get it through that fucking lobotomized skull, you purple leech.
> … Do you even realize what you’re sayin’ to me, Sportsy?
> I know exactly what I’m saying! You deaf too, you bastard?
> I didn’t ask for your help! Y’know, Sportsy, I coulda been perfectly fine rotting in that alleyway! You didn’t HAVE to drag me back to your home just to fuckin’ chew me out you goddamn hypocrite! What the fuck is wrong with you?!
> It was a moment of weakness. Never in my right mind would I ever let you back in here!
> Sportsy, I know that ain’t really what you think, so can you stop bein’ so goddamn difficult and just tell me what the hell is pissin’ you off today?
> Today? Today?! You’ve been making my life fucking miserable since the moment I met you! You saw I was struggling, you noticed that I hated the company, and instead of leaving me well enough alone, you took advantage of me and made me do your fucking dirty work! I was prepared to do good, I was prepared to save whatever kid was stupid enough to let your cryptid ass lure them into the backroom, but god, when offered with the opportunity to burn it all down, I took it! I couldn’t have met a worse person, someone who fed into that fucking hate and malice and made me worse!
> You’re— You’re blaming me? Sportsy, You’re grown! You are a grown man, you made your own goddamn decision! How are you being so childish right now?! Stop tryin’ to escape the parts you don’t like about yourself, just deal with ‘em like every other adult!
> Deal with it?
> I killed children! Little kids!
> And that’s somehow my fault?
> If you’d have never been there, I never would have done it.
> But you did, you stupid motherfucker, you did! So grow up!
> If you weren’t so fucking obsessed with the legacy of a man that doesn’t even love you, I would never be here! I’d still be living my shitty existence with my shitty family in a shitty house that I couldn’t afford in a shitty world with a shitty job! Your bullfuckery cost me a life, it costed dozens of kids their futures, it destroyed families! Telling me to grow up?? You can only do whatever the fuck your daddy tells you to do!
> Do you know what the hell this means to me? Do you even understand why I’m doin’ this at all? It’s ‘cause I trust him, Sportsy, I trust him with my life ‘cause he’s saved it over and over again! You don’t know what’s happened to me, you don’t know what the hell I’ve seen, what Henry’s dragged me out of! You’ll never fuckin’ understand what he means to me!
> You’re right. I don’t know. Although what I do know, as any other sane, rational person would, is that whatever he’s done for you, it does not justify snuffing out the lives of little kids as some twisted form of gratitude.
> You’re bein’ really unfair!
> Unfair?? I didn’t realize murder was unfair! Okay, you should have every right to take someone else’s life! It’s only fair! It’s only right ‘cause it’s Henry!
> You’re just sayin’ that ‘cause you ain’t never had a dad, you don’t know what the fuck I’d lose if I didn’t satisfy him!
> …
> Yeah, turns out I ain’t brain dead, you soulless bastard. I remember everything you’ve ever told me. Everything you spilled outta those rotten guts in Vegas. You wanna know why, you sick fuck? ‘Cause I liked you. I liked how you treated me, like a person. Lookin’ at me wit’ them doe eyes, so fuckin’ receptive and so goddamn… affectionate.
> Look, Sportsy, I know you whether you want me to or not. I know you don’t hate me, I know you never did. I don’t hate you neither. It’s not a question of if you’re ashamed of what you’ve done or whether it’s my fault or not— you like me. You are so fuckin’ violated to know that I can see through you. Sometimes that’s what I like about you, but right now it’s pissin’ me off. Lay down the goddamn charades and tell me what you want without usin’ any of that goddamn language you were dishin’ out earlier.
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> Stop living for Henry.
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> …
> Stop making it impossible for me to like you.
> … I can be close with Henry and still be your friend, Sportsy—
> No, you can’t! My entire reason for existence is to right Henry’s wrongs! My best friend cannot be his fucking protégé! Dave, you don’t understand what this is doing to me! I want you more than I want to do good in the world! Do you realize how sincerely fucked up that is?!
> … You’re not the only one who feels this way, Sportsy. This is puttin’ me in a uncomfortable position too. You’re askin’ me for a lot.
> I didn’t realize not murdering anyone required serious introspection.
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> Gah, it’s not just about the murder, get over it! That’s all you ever wanna fuckin’ talk about! The very fuckin’ notion that I should lay all my loyalties down for the likes of you is downright insulting— the one who abandoned me after givin’ me a taste of humanity! Yer a joke and a conman and I cannot fuckin’ stand you!
> Yet I care about what you think of me, which is the wildest part of it all! I want you to like me again, but as you’ve so clearly forced down my throat, you won’t do it again unless I betray my own father! Unless I submit to YOUR goddamn ideology! Is it just that you’re usin’ me? Do you just want another pair of hands just like I asked for yours all those years ago? Trynna worm your way into a heartless vessel, are ya? All I got left is my brain, Sportsy, and you and that pink fuck are rippin’ it apart at the seams! Gah!
> You ain’t blameless yourself, anyhow! What, you had one good trip on ether and decided you were a saint? You’ve killed same as me, don’t you dare try and look down on me like you’re any better! So easily persuaded to kill, so easily persuaded to spare— can you ever make up your goddamn mind, or are you just gonna let people boss you around your entire afterlife? Yer like a fuckin’ sheep, like goddamn livestock for people that wanna use you! Turns out we ain’t so different after all, huh?!
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> … You… You wish you what…?
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> …!
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cuubism · 2 years
Okay but AFTER Dream dramatically storms into Desire's realm yelling "WTF did you do to Hob" I can't imagine Desire just...ignored that. They 100% had to go check out this human and see what is so interesting that Dream is all twisted up in knots over him. Can very much picture Desire swanning into the New Inn in their craziest Lady Gaga outfit already drinking a cosmopolitan and introducing themselves to Hob. Because Desire realises that rather than plotting Dream's downfall they can fuck with Dream INFINITELY more by bothering his immortal crush. It's the sibling instinct.
oh. they DEFINITELY will. and like. eventually dream explains his whole thought process, and the fact that desire has fucked with him in the past (hob: dear god why is your family so fucked up), and dream is basically like: DO NOT. ENGAGE WITH DESIRE. IF THEY TRY TO TALK TO YOU. just call me (he still does not have a phone so unclear how this will work) and i'll kick their ass.
critical point: dream did not in any way tell hob how to IDENTIFY DESIRE.
The person who struts -- it's really the only word Hob can think of -- over to the bar at the New Inn makes him uneasy, though he can't say why. Hob is not made uncomfortable easily, he's lived too long and been in too many scrapes to feel intimidated in his own pub, of all places.
But something about them makes his hackles rise. The eyes, maybe. They're too cunning.
But he's not in the habit of throwing people out on looks so he just offers a tight smile and says, "Get you something?"
He's tending bar himself, today. Gives him something to do between terms. And he finds himself strangely grateful to have the bar between him and his strange customer as they slide onto one of the bar stools.
"Cosmo, please," they say, voice like sugar halfway to caramelizing, a bit of pop and smoke in the smooth glide.
This is a bit of an odd drink selection for eleven in the morning, but Hob has, at various points in his life though thankfully no longer, done lines of cocaine before even having breakfast, so he really has no pedestal from which to judge.
"Coming right up."
The bar at the New Inn is well-stocked nowadays. Used to be, they served mainly beer and wine, nothing fancy. Then Hob made the horrible mistake of promising his students an end of term cocktail-making class if they came to all the exam review sessions -- because he does actually know how to make drinks, he's been alive for six centuries, thanks very much -- and now it's become a thing and he's stuck doing it forever.
Then Dream took to his drinks, and alcohol is no substitute for food but getting Dream to eat or drink anything is a bloody miracle, so if that anything is the bougiest mixture of alcohols Hob can come up with, well--
Actually. Actually that might be worse than nothing at all.
Makes Dream happy though, so what is Hob to do? Keep ordering luxardo cherries and elderflower liqueur until he outlives them, that's what.
He finishes shaking the drink under the heavy gaze of his guest and pours, sliding it across the table to them.
Hob feels like he's being sized up by a predator as they take a long, delicate sip. The color of the drink matches the pink of their blazer. Hob is struggling to recall if said blazer was actually pink when they arrived.
"Ah. You mix a good drink, Hob Gadling," they say, propping their head on their hand, looking a him from under their lashes, and, ah, so that's what this is.
Hob leans on the bar. "What sort of... entity are you, then?"
Their whole face brightens in what Hob thinks is delight. "Oh! So you are a perceptive one. Get a lot of entities in here, do you, Robert?"
"'Bout as many as can be expected. That's not an answer."
They pout. "Neither is yours. And can't a being just pop by the local speakeasy for a drink without being interrogated?"
"Seems a little unfair that you know my name, and I don't know yours," Hob points out. "Names have power, and so on, isn't that the thing?"
His guest studies him. "You are both far more normal and far less normal than I'd been expecting. Fascinating."
Before Hob is forced to respond to that, the door swings open to reveal Dream, shrouded in darkness and nighttime and vibrating with electrical fury. Shadows crawl up the windows. All the lights in the inn flicker out.
Oh boy.
"I," Dream says, each word a thunderclap, shining gaze fixed on Hob's guest at the bar, "Explicitly. Forbade. You. From. Interfering."
"What are you going to do, hit me?" taunts the other entity, leaning back on their stool, drink balanced in one hand.
Hob looks back and forth between them, wondering if he should fetch a weapon. He keeps a cricket bat here somewhere, surely...
"Dream, love," he says, once he's decided it's better to try to deescalate the situation rather than introducing further weaponry, "your usual?"
Dream nods, stalking over to the bar. His gaze flits briefly to Hob, softening, before snapping right back to the other being.
"I see you remain incapable of heeding a warning," he says, all ice.
"It's not really part of my nature," they say. "I see it, I like it... well, you get it."
Oh. Oh no.
Cautiously, Hob slides his drink over to Dream. Without breaking eye contact with... Desire? it must be, and thanks, Dream, for the complete lack of description, Dream picks up his drink and downs the whole thing in one long swallow.
Ooooooh boy.
"Desire," Hob says, and they perk up at his realization of their name, looking over at him, "might be better if you were going now."
Desire lets out a frustrated huff. "Ugh, of course. I certainly don't want to upset 'ole Nightmare here."
"You certainly don't want my fist in your jaw," Hob says, more audible threat in it than he intends -- but he remembers Dream's halting confession, about how often love had turned out to be manipulation, and he thinks he should be congratulated on his restraint, actually.
Desire just laughs, and-- ah, Hob is starting to see that there's no winning with this one. Even and especially when you haven't agreed to the game.
"I suppose I'll be going then, before the fists start flying." They slide out of their seat and glide towards the door, waving. "Nice meeting you, Robert! I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again, soon."
I don't doubt it, Hob thinks.
They take their drink with them. Hob's not feeling particularly inclined to chase down that glass.
Dream still hasn't moved. He stares after Desire, empty glass about to crack in his grip.
"I said that you should call for me," Dream says, the ghost of words.
With what means, exactly? Hob thinks. Damned enigmatic shadow of a man. "You didn't tell me who to look out for."
"Oh." Dream finally snaps out of his daze. "Yes. I apologize."
"Come sit down."
Hob fetches a glass of water and drags Dream over to their usual booth, pushing the water into his hands. "Drink that."
Dream stares down at it. "Why?"
"Because you just chugged a drink you usually sip for hours. Drink."
"I will not get drunk unless I choose to," Dream says.
"Have you tested that?" Hob asks.
Dream's brows furrow. "...No."
"Then let's not do that now. Drink. Come on."
Dream sips at the water. "I am sorry," he says, slowly, "about Desire."
"And I'm sorry I didn't actually punch them," Hob says, making Dream look up at him in surprise. "Well. Sort of. Wouldn't want to make it worse."
A smile tugs at Dream's lips. "You would... defend my honor?"
"Always," Hob vows. "I'd defend you. Don't care if the devil himself has it out for you."
"That may well happen," Dream says.
Hob stares at Dream. Dream stares back.
"Oh," Hob says, or maybe just hopes, "you're making a joke."
"No," says Dream. "Lucifer and I are on poor terms at the moment. She may seek revenge."
Hob keeps staring at him. Dream meets his gaze evenly.
Hob scrubs his hands through his hair. "Lucifer and you..."
Why was it always like this?
When he looks up again, Dream is smirking at him. "You're a menace," Hob tells him. "One day, you're going to give me the full rundown of everyone who has beef with you so I can be prepared."
"That will be a long list," Dream says.
"Of course it is," Hob sighs.
Dream takes his hand as if he can comfort Hob through all of the insane interactions he's sure to have with strange beings in the near future. The worst thing is, it works. Hob squeezes his hand and immediately remembers why he's willing to do anything for him.
"I'd go to Hell for you," he says. "I'd prefer not to, though, if it's all the same."
"That is my preference as well," says Dream.
There's a lot Hob would do for Dream. It's probably unhealthy. But what's the point of living six hundred years if you're going to spend it all being healthy, anyway.
"Why do so many people have problems with you, anyway?" Hob asks.
Hob knows. Hob fucking knows why.
Dream pouts. "Matthew tells me my social skills are 'less than adequate.'"
That's one way to phrase 'you act like an arrogant dick 85% of the time.' Matthew should receive a medal for his tact.
Hob loves that arrogant dick, though, God fucking damn him.
"All the more reason to get me that list, then," Hob says. "Maybe we can prevent you from creating an interdimensional incident."
"Will you accomplish this by threatening to punch them in the face?" Dream asks, completely neutral.
"Okay, you know what? Fair," Hob admits, and Dream chuckles. "Perhaps neither of us is cut out for diplomacy. The point, though, is: of course I'd defend you. I love you."
Dream kisses the back of his hand. As if he's only just now realized what he's done to Hob's pub, the lights all flicker back on.
"Thank Christ, I thought I was going to have to replace all those bulbs."
"Do you think I would do that to you?" Dream says with a tiny smile, Hob's hand still pressed to his lips.
You've done worse than that to me, Hob thinks. Better, too. So much better.
"No, love," he says, "I know you wouldn't."
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hajihiko · 10 months
Sonia and Komaeda getting along well enough to room together is so good honestly. Even if its mostly bc she takes no shit, Komaeda was still like the only person to stand up for her when Teruteru was trying to get frisky about her naiveté in the prologue/ch1.
I kind of suspect she was acting more unknowing than she really was then, to suit her role as a princess, but he had no way of knowing that then. Plus, if she was aware then, it might be easier for her to recognize the side of him that isn't all hope n murder? Since outside of the killing game he's pretty polite (if self effacing) and generally not down for creepy behavior.
If you've got any more thoughts on these two's interactions postgame, I'd love to hear.
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I dont think it's perfect by any means (nothing on the ship is!) but its proooobably the best quick-solution scenario?
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immortal-cataclysm · 8 months
If you're doing em: bandeeranza for the ship bingo?
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*cracks knuckles* OH BOY CRACKSHIP TIEM
unfornutely since my kirby interest has sailed my feelings of them have died down as well but i care them. the tragic yaoi boys goobers <3 taranza mr "doomed by the narrative" who could blow up an entire planet n bandee "i have a big sharp stick and i have a big heart" fr fr
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dykeredhood · 9 months
It’s fun balking at things (that I generally consider to be normal wants/needs) because I was never really permitted to be an actual person when I was growing up
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hadourhandstied · 6 months
I moved to Europe on purpose but God Europeans are so fucking annoying online
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homoerotictext · 11 months
ooooooh i fucking HATE democrats who "hate" the """"bernie or bust people"""" ..... you mean the people who just want universal health coverage? period and that's it? YOU are the reason nobody knows what the left even fucking wants. y'all just want to "make things better" well be fucking specific. i don't think one single fucking human should have to pay exorbitant amounts of money out-of-pocket for necessary medical care. do you want that? or do you just want to tell republicans they're wrong? BE FUCKING SPECIFIC! GROW A SPINE! make this healthcare shit less complicated and you will WIN sooooooo easily it's insaaaane...... but they are in the pockets of the 1% :D YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO VOTE FOR 1% JOE BIDEN! AND I'M NOT SORRY! stop taking shady money you fucking spineless faggots
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tossawary · 5 months
I think it would be fun to do a "character swaps with older version of themselves" fic with Moshang. A post-canon Mobei-Jun who has been happily married for a while (probably at least 50 years old) accidentally touches some plot device artifact and time travels, swapping places with his 20ish-year-old self. Older MBJ wakes up in head disciple Shang Qinghua's bed where his younger self had been napping.
Younger MBJ lands in his own palace, where he is quickly found and fawned over by Older SQH, who can't help but think this MBJ is so cute. The System quickly confirms for Shang Qinghua that this situation has been sorted into a "multiple timelines" thing, so SQH doesn't have to worry about "protecting the timeline" by doing anything like hiding the fact that he's MBJ's husband. (So, there's an alternate timeline younger version of Airplane Bro now? He's just going to... ignore having an existential crisis about it. Yeah.)
Which is great because Older MBJ would not have thought about this at all as a potential issue. Older MBJ also thinks Younger SQH (Younger Airplane Bro) is incredibly cute and has no problem informing him that they're married in the future. Younger Airplane Bro is trying to figure what the fuck is happening, but he's having trouble thinking over the sound of how MBJ only became hotter: MBJ didn't get much taller, but he did get wider, heavier, more muscular, and hairier. Holy shit. Older MBJ doesn't even have any problems passionately kissing Younger SQH just to prove that they're married. And he smiles! He's so gentle and communicative! Comparatively!
("Luo Binghe is the Demon Emperor in my time," Older MBJ says. "Ah? Who's Luo Binghe?" Younger Airplane Bro lies very badly. "Hmmm, so you did know," Older MBJ says, and then makes some comment about LBH's husband that makes Younger SQH go, "HIS WHAT NOW?!")
Younger MBJ is trying to be cool, not really confused or scared, and Older SQH spoils him rotten by showing off the home that they're made together and how well the palace works to serve and defend MBJ. Linguang-Jun can't show up here because SQH will light him on fire if he shows his face. Younger MBJ doesn't even really like his SQH yet and is also struggling with how good Older SQH looks: a little taller, broader, relaxed and easygoing, answering all of his questions and explaining important things to him, dressed like a beloved demon lord's spouse, efficiently ordering everyone around. "Call me Gege," Older Shang Qinghua said with a wink, and it went straight to Younger MBJ's defenseless heart; he is developing new kinks immediately. Help him.
In the end, after a few days at most, they manage to switch Older and Younger MBJ back without too much issue. Older SQH is a little annoyed that his husband kissed an alternate timeline version of himself, but mostly because he sure would have liked that experience when he was only a disciple! Okay, SQH may have pet Younger MBJ's head and pinched his cheeks and hugged him and brushed his hair a little and shamelessly lavished him with good examples of human affection, but it's not the same!!!
Younger MBJ and Younger SQH in the alternate timeline are left in SQH's tiny head disciple house, completely flustered, sitting next to each other and barely able to look at each other. What. The. Fuck. Eventually, Shang Qinghua manages to say, "Uh, do you want to make out?" at the same time that Mobei-Jun says, "We should get married as soon as possible. Tomorrow."
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hello!! im not sure if you're still doing requests for miguel, but i'd love to read a miguel x reader where they both find out they enjoy daddy kink and miguel just absolutely spoils them rotten 🥰 can be smutty and fluffy, like a headcanon style thing!! thank you so much <3
hii!! I don’t personally like daddy kink, but I did this in a way that’s similar just bc you asked so nicely (it might even actually be what you wanted lmao, but im not sure) thanks for requesting, hope you like it 💌
miguel o’hara x female reader
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warnings. 18+ only! dacryphilia, size kink, tiny mention of sir. mdni
// fluff and smut are split in half (fluff first)
fluff hc's:
— one thing about miguel is he's a provider, always taking care of the special people in his life. he's the kind that loves to give (i say that loosely), especially to those he loves 
— he loves to treat his little love: giving them lavish gifts, spoiling them - getting them things they could never afford. nothing has a price tag for his girl
— I imagine him frequently surprising you with dinner and flowers. dressed all smart, fancy car pulled out front, waiting to spoil you for the evening: wines, cheeses, 3-course meal, a violinist playing in the restaurant (which he booked out for the evening btw) all the extravagant things he often does for you, and only you !!
— you never have to lift a finger, never have to work, never have to clean, never have to cook your own meals (unless of course, you wanted to) he believes it's his job to take care of you, and all he wants in return is for you to love him, and give an occasional back rub
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smut hc's:
— again, he thinks it's his job to take care of you - to meet your needs, but that doesn't mean he's opposed to an impromptu blowie when he's in the home office/ lab
— don't think he likes being called 'daddy,' so 'sir' would be a good substitute. he likes it when you say it on accident, all breathy and whiney between strokes
— he loves how small you are compared to him. the sheer size of him towering over you, so I def think he loves a bit of missionary or mating press - he's just so massive, and he gets to cage you against the mattress which he loves !! he gets to watch your face as he slowly fucks into you. he gets a bit cocky (??) and says all these things that make you really fucking weak in the knees, "whose fucking you this good?" "like it when I fuck you like this?" "no one does you this good, do they?" but it's all low and quiet, breathy and husky. THE king of, "oh, yeah?" and "mhm-hm,"
— when he's on top - he holds your face in his MAMOTHLY LARGE hands !!! rests his forehead against yours !!! softly grunts against your lips !!! kisses away your tears !!! compliments and praises you for taking him so well !!! sandwhiches his chest with yours so you can't move !!! hikes your legs over his hips/ thighs !!! he's slow with the strokes, letting you feel every SINGLE centimetre. he surprises you with a snappy jab occasionally just to feel you shudder and to hear the harsh moan you make - and when you bury your face the crook of his neck and dig into his back and and and 
— THOUGH he does like you on top sometimes. watching you struggle to use his huge cock, whining pathetically when you can't get it to feel good. he'd cave and grab onto your waist, gripping you so he can fuck himself up into you. pounding you from below - balls slapping, skin sticking, the lot. makes you cry with his cock, and he loves it
— also you have to cum at least once before he even gets his dick out, sorry it's his rules 
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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emomanswhore · 2 years
I feel like... if you call ghost daddy in bed he'll go crazy
ghost with a daddy kink ? oh yeah… he definitely eats it up, when his prettiest princess calls him daddy in bed. <33
—❤︎︎ — DADDY’S HOME . . . ❞
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✵. !! WC : 3.7k
✵. !! TAGS & CW : explicit content! (18+ mdni) - service/softdom!ghost (he’s a lil bit mean), cunnilingus, daddy kink, size kink/difference, praise/petname usage, subtle spit kink, squirting, thigh slapping, overstimulation, dumbification, pussydrunk!ghost (hes in LOVE with your pussy), orgasm denial, fingering, the mask stays ON.
✵. !! A/N : hihi babies ! just a lil treat for y’all and thank you for 700+ follows and all the love you’ve given for simon says ♡!! hope you enjoy this mini fic, lmk how we feeling about it !! <33 ps… i folded. im sat. i actually wanna call this man daddy so bad. 🧎‍♀️
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In your mind, there was one word— one forsaken word that you refused to utter. A word that only the most sexually deprived would use.
A person with their morals in check, should never attempt to sexualize something that is meant as an innocent title and name. Usually reserved for an actual father, or someone fulfilling the role of a male caregiver.
A person with their morals in check.
Right. You totally weren’t projecting… and deeply shaming your own innermost yearning, to desperately call your boyfriend ‘daddy’ while he fucked you.
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It definitely wasn’t a thing you could say you were proud to admit outloud. Nope, you would quite frankly rather be caught dead than have your questionable cravings exposed to the world.
But every single day, you swore to god that your boyfriend tried to purposely provoke you into using the absolutely forbidden word.
Simon always took care of you. Whether that’d be making sure you got to work safely, cooking you meals on days that you were too tired to be bothered, or even texting you throughout the day to make sure you were resting properly.
You know. You know that’s probably the absolute bare minimum, and what a boyfriend is supposed to do for you in a serious relationship. But you just couldn’t help that ache and flutter you got in your heart, that made you so weak for him.
He worked so hard every single day, busy and moving nonstop on less than four hours of full rest. Even when he had his most stressful and agonizingly long days at work, he still tried to reach out to you. It could be a single worded text message or a phone call that only lasted for five minutes.
No matter what or without question, Simon will do his absolute best to tend to you. It was truly unconditional love, devotion, and his unspoken rule to give you whatever you most desired.
And you feel sick— sick in the head for letting your insatiable lust take over your sense of morality. Putting his mostly wholesome catering ways, in the same category as what you needed to relieve that scorching, sore pounding in your core.
That was alright though, you could live off your little fantasies and scenarios you created in your mind. Always making yourself dizzy and soft headed, imagining a world where he would make love to you and refer to himself as ‘daddy’.
It would suit him so well. Your hulk of a man, who had to put a slight bend in his knees whenever he came through the doors of your home. His mellow, husky voice always gently rasping to you— almost never, ever raising it higher than an octave at you. The way he could spoil you absolutely rotten, only ever calling you by his own little terms of endearment.
Always putting you first when he fucked you. Even in times when it got rough or you two were experimenting with things on the more intense side, you always came first. Literally and physically, since Simon couldn't properly get off himself, without knowing you were completely satisfied.
Your aftercare would consist of cuddling, he’d coo the sweetest of praises as he handled your sore limbs.
“My sweet girl, look at how pretty she is. Did such a good job today, angel. I know baby, I'll take good care of you now. Such a pretty girl, aren't you?”
It’s perfectly fine.
You could keep all those things about him to yourself. Just let your brain work its magic, to create fantasies and fill the deep void of your scorching carnality. You always subconsciously needed that one little thing to make yourself come even harder. But you were a good, grateful girl for him and always let Simon know how well he treated your body.
It’s perfectly fine. You don’t need a daddy kink in your life, to make yourself feel better. You were so much better than that, and you’d never let Simon get the idea that you were some ill, perverted deviant.
It was all fine.
Until today, when he finally pulls the most forbidden word out your mouth— and satiates the bubbling, hot desire that has a heavy chokehold on your heart and soul.
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You don’t know how things escalated so fast.
One minute, you get his text that he’s on his way home and he’ll see you soon.
Out of pure joy and excitement to finally see him again after three weeks, you start to get yourself ready for the evening by taking an extra long shower. Making sure you’ve lathered and exfoliated every inch of your body in vanilla scented body polish, with a hint of brown sugar and cocoa butter. It was always Simon’s favorite scent on you, and he’d seemed more clingy than usual whenever your sweet aroma hit his nose.
The next hour, you throw on a simple, yet cheeky little lingerie set.
A delicate floral embroidered baby blue bra, with its matching mini stringed thong panty. You couldn’t help but fall in love with it at first sight. The design is a lovely work of art, the milky color enhancing the glow of your soft skin— yet it’s so scandalous on your body.
You did purposely get a smaller size, but on top of that it was made of see through mesh material. Not a single doubt in your mind that if he looked close enough, Simon could make out the shape of your nipples through the bra. And between your legs? The outline of your folds were perfectly clear and transparent against the light color of your panties.
After spending another minute admiring yourself in the bathroom mirror and taking a few selfies of your enticing form, you slip on a fluffy cream colored robe and head to the kitchen. You wanted to get something in your stomach before Simon came home, so you decided to lightly snack on a slice of pomegranate fruit.
You don’t even make it to the fridge before you hear the sharp clicking of keys turning a door knob, and feel the cold gust of wind that comes with the front door being swung open.
A gasp and squeal flies out your mouth as you bounce up and down on your toes, the actual sight of your boyfriend trudging in through the doorway makes your heart swell and pound in your chest.
“Baby!” You practically skip on your feet towards him, unable to hide your excitement of his abrupt appearance, as he starts taking quick strides to meet you halfway.
You think with how fast Simon approaches towards you, and him not even bothering to take off his shoes at the front door, he must’ve been just as excited to see you.
When you two finally meet each other in the middle of the hallway, you give him a big, dazzling smile as you go to lean in to hug him.
Before you can get your arms around him, he places a large hand on the small of your back and pulls you in close to his chest. You gape up at him, your smile slowly melting down to a look of pure confusion. Knees already feeling wobbly at his close proximity, and the way he has to tilt his head down to look you in the eyes.
Your breath hitches in your throat, when he slowly drags his open palm up along the cotton material of your robe. Even through its thickness, you can feel the heat radiating off his hand that follows along the curve of your back. Sending tingles down your spine, when his hand eventually makes its way up to the soft nape of your neck.
You both stare at each other. Your eyes become hazy and unfocused, while his dark ones scan over your perfect little form. You hear him pull in a deep breath of air through his nose. Holding it in his chest for five seconds before letting it back out, while he drags his eyes up back onto yours.
“Been thinkin’ about you all day long, y’know that?” He mutters these words, yet somehow they’re loud enough to ring and echo in your eardrums. You pull your lips in your mouth, feeling your core thump in tune with the pitter patter of your heartbeat.
You practically whimper out loud, as he continues onto his sentence,
“ ‘S about time I came home. Think it’s only right to show my princess how much I really missed her, wouldn’t you agree, pretty baby ?”
That was the only warning you were given… for what your boyfriend truly had planned for you, once he finally got his hands on you. Everything after that moment, truly did escalate as if time were being fasted forward.
You knew he missed you. Without him vocally telling you how much he thought of you, his actions spoke much louder than his words.
He was so sloppy.
From the way he practically rips your robe off your trembling body, to pushing you down onto your shared mattress and diving face first into the warm heat of your clothed pussy.
He was truly like a dog in heat. Not even bothering to take his mask off completely from his head, and only lifts it enough to show you his parting lips as he comes face to face with the growing patch of wetness sticking in your panties.
“Look at my pretty lil’ lady,” he coos softly, hooking his thumb into the side of your soiled panties and pulling them to the side to expose your glistening cunt to his heavy eyes. “Missed me, haven’t you? Can’t imagine how tight ‘n upset you are, since I haven’t been givin’ you proper treatment lately.”
It always blew your mind when Simon literally talked to your pussy.
Speaking in soft murmurs and giving it the same delicate pet names that he gave you, the owner of it. As dumb as it probably sounded, you sometimes couldn’t help but feel that ugly swirl of jealousy when he practically treated it like it was an entire living and breathing person.
You don’t have time to mull over your childish feelings, letting out a squeak when he grabs both of your thighs and presses them back until your knees squish against your chest.
“Know you’re mad at me, little one” Another squeak sounds out your throat, as you feel him turn his head to the side of your thigh and he lets his teeth sink into the doughy flesh of your skin. He hums, sucking on the flesh before letting it go and pressing a soft kiss to the flaming bruise he leaves behind. “Gonna show you how much I’ve missed splittin’ you open on my tongue.”
He follows through with his words, putting his full attention back onto your pussy. Using his index and middle fingers to pry open the thick lips of your cunt, groaning when he sees your hole twitching and spasming over nothing. The scent of your nectar coating your thighs and leaking out your pussy, makes him feel even more high and drunk off your arousal.
You’re so messy already. And like the gentleman that he was, Simon always took the initiative to help clean up messes that you made.
Still keeping his fingers spread enough to keep your lips parted, he lolls his thick tongue out before swiping it on your slit. You mewl and flinch at the feeling of his warm tongue, but he grips the side of your thighs to keep you still. Simon continues licking up and down your cunt. Maintaining the same pattern of stroking his strong tongue, as if he were savoring a frozen delicacy that helplessly dripped down the side of its waffle cone.
Once he feels like he’s collected enough of your cum on his tongue, he pulls his tongue back into his mouth to let the taste of you sit heavy on his taste-buds.
Your toes curl and you let out a soft gasp, as you watch him hollow his cheeks, before he lets the sinful mixture of your cum and his spit fall right back into your twitching hole. Chuckling to himself as he watches the way his greedy girl swallows up the little treat he gave her.
“Taste so fuckin’ good, princess” This time he does actually talk to you, dragging his eyes up from your drenched pussy and onto your blearing, glossy ones.
“Always so good for me. Could eat you up every single day ‘n never get tired of it. Can’t believe I went so long without this, fuck.”
Simon starts to probe his tongue along your core, tracing the shape of it until he finally pushes inside you. Already feeling the tight caverns of your pussy ease up, and welcome the thickness of his tongue rubbing up against your gushing walls.
“S-Sim— oohhh,” You throw your head back, unable to finish your squealing when he pulls his tongue completely out of you, and decides to inflict his torture upon your little clit. First he flicks the tip of his tongue over it, then he lets his mouth completely envelop around your pearl. Pumping it a few times between his lips, before pulling off to run his tongue over the expanse of your pussy.
You weren’t going to last.
You were far too sensitive after not having him around to please you for three entire weeks. All you could do was sob and let it happen, letting out a cry before you feel a fat watery gush of cum shoot out your hole. Simon pays it absolutely no mind, only widening his mouth to catch every little drop you gifted him.
“That’s it. Such a sweetheart, you’re already spoiling me ‘n givin’ me a lil’ treat. ,” He feels the way your body starts to relax, already going into its state of after pleasure— but he isn't done. Far from done, actually. Hasn’t even been half of an hour yet, and your legs start shaking like a leaf in the wind.
“Ah, Ah,” Simon tuts, slapping his palm hard on your soaked inner thigh, making you jolt and buck your hips up. “C’mon baby, couldn’t have thought I was done with you. ‘S only been a few minutes, ‘n you’re tapping out already? Thought my baby missed me, hm?”
It hasn’t only been a few minutes. Even in your dazed and dizzy mind, you knew that he’d been feasting on your pussy for well over twenty minutes. You shake your head, bottom lip wobbling as you let out a soft sob.
“I di-did miss you, baby” You sniffle wetly, feeling him trace his thick fingers along your soaking heat. Shaking your head in protest as he slips in his middle and ring fingers, humming while you babble to him. “But I can’t ta— aaahh, t-take it anymore. ‘S too much, baby. No more.”
“Too much?” He starts to flex his fingers deep inside of you, curling them in slow motions to stimulate your special gummy spot, that has you sobbing hysterically.
“You haven’t had your fill yet, sweet girl. I can feel it. Y’see this?” Simon tries to retract his fingers from your cunt, but your walls instantly clamp down on him. “You’re not lettin’ me out. My little lady down here knows exactly what she wants. So c’mon princess, lay still ‘n let me spoil this pretty pussy rotten.”
Having absolutely zero regard for your whines and sobs, he continues his previous abuse on your poor little pussy.
Seconds, minutes, hours, decades— You can't even tell how long he stays between your thighs.
Simon uses both strong hands to keep your legs steady and trap you from squirming or running away. You can take it. You will take it. He knows how much you need this, humming at every broken little sob and wanton moan that comes screeching out your throat.
Your vision starts to blur while you stare up at the spinning ceiling. Saliva pooling in your mouth and making a puddle next to your temples, as you let it run down the side of your lips.
You’re going crazy.
So high off the overstimulation of his face buried deep in your leaking pussy, that you swear…. you swear, you can feel your brain getting mushy. So mushy that if you shook your head hard enough, it could probably come spilling out through your ears.
He’s speaking into your pussy, saying words and mumbling something out loud. But you can’t hear it. All you can hear is your heartbeat pulsing in your throat, and feel the way he shakes his face side to side, while his tongue is plugged in your cunt.
Feel the way his hands grip your thighs so tight, that the blunt tip of his nails dig deep into your skin. You can already imagine the bruising and crescent little puncture marks it’ll leave on your legs.
It’s all so sloppy. Your pleas and cries for mercy, getting lost in the little squeals of ‘yes!’ and ‘simon!’ you can’t help but let out. And he eats it up, kissing your heated pelvis while burying three fingers inside of you.
“There’s my good girl, y’sound so pretty” He goes back to focusing his attention on your sore clit, giving it an open mouthed kiss before he continues speaking to you.
“Wanna hear my girl tell me who’s making her feel good. Hm? Lemme hear it. Say who it is, that can make you sing your little heart out.”
You make some unintelligible garbles, and Simon chuckles at your quivering and hiccuping. He squeezes your thighs encouragingly and smacks the side of them twice.
“Big words, baby. You’re a big girl, so tell me… who’s making you feel good right now?”
“It’s…” You swallow thickly and sniffle, slowly losing your train of thought as he suctions his lips around your swollen pearl. “It’s— ohhh, ‘mmm my goddd. It’s you…”
You start to gather some of your discombobulated brain cells to form a complete sentence. Simon’s name sits on your tongue, and you’re ready to tell him, it’s him. Simon. It’s Simon.
Until he pulls his head back with your clit between his lips— taking it with him, and letting it go with a loud pop!
It’s not Simon.
“Oooohhh g-god. It’s you! ‘Mmmy goodddd… daddy, it’s you… it’s all you, daddy.”
He pauses.
Whipping his head up to see if he really just heard what he believes you just cried out. Tapping the side of your thigh, he tries to get your attention so you can focus on his voice.
“What was that, honey? Didn’t hear you, come back to me and say it again.”
You whimper and hiccup, tears run down the side of your face and you continue whining at him.
“ ‘S you, daddy. Need you so badly, pleasseee baby. ‘M-m so close. I need it.”
He lets go of your trembling thighs. Letting the weight of his body help keep them pressed against your chest, as he crawls from up below your stomach and hovers over your face. Simon’s face is covered in your arousal. His lips glisten, and a good portion of the mask is damp and sticks to his skin.
“One more time, honey. Y’said it’s ‘daddy’ ? Hm? It’s your daddy, that’s taking good care of this pretty pussy?”
Simon’s fingers trail back down between your legs, softly shushing you as you keen at the feeling of his digits sliding back inside of you. He stares down at you, practically seeing the little stars spinning in your eyes. You weren’t in your best state of mind right now, but he’ll be damned if you tried denying that word escaping out with your cries.
“Can’t come ‘till you let me know,” You give him big, sad eyes but he shakes his head at you. “Wanna come, right? Tell. Me. Say it again, _____.”
At the use of your real, full name you quickly snap back into reality. It was like a switch, your bubbly headspace falling apart and bursting open once he rasped your name.
You did it. You really did call him daddy. It was your most taboo, and forbidden word—
But fuck it.
Today, your daddy was finally home. And you needed him to take care of you, just like he always did.
“Daddy,” you mewl out, feeling another hot sensation shooting through your spine. It was coming. You were so close. “Daddy I n-need you. ‘S you Simon, so please, pleaasee let me cum.”
His nostrils flare before he’s smacking his lips down on yours. Licking inside of your mouth, and inhaling the little moans you let out from tasting yourself on his tongue.
“Not yet, pretty little baby. Daddy hasn’t had all his fun yet.” Simon pulls away from your lips for a moment, laughing softly at the way you try to chase after his mouth for more. He uses one hand to swiftly fumble with the buckle of his belt, making quick work of pulling down his cargo pants and boxers. Laughing again when he pulls his drenched fingers out your greedy little hole, that puts up a fight to keep him deep inside your cunt.
“Must’a been treating my lil’ lady real good,” You can feel the heat of his hard, thick cock pressing onto your pelvis. Already licking your lips and grabbing onto his flexing bicep for support. “Gotta keep showing my special girls how much their daddy loves ‘em.”
He uses a free hand to guide his length to your throbbing pussy, unable to help himself from slapping the head a few times against you. His cock makes a squishy plop plop when he makes contact with your sticky folds, and teases you with a rub on your raw, swollen clit.
“Want you to remember this, once I’m done with you.”
Simon feels your nails dig into the hard meat of his bicep, bracing yourself when he finally lets the head of his cock greet your warm, welcoming insides. Already feeling the way your pussy grips around him, and makes no plans of ever letting go.
“Want you to remember what’ll happen every single time, that daddy comes home to his pretty, little princess.”
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✪-tagging-✪ / : @touyyes @winterbimbwo @sirenh4ll @sailewhoremoon @noriken @kokobunn @fushisslut @dilftaroooo @aasouthteranoswife @daeneeryss @simon-rileys-princess @g4bby @sussywowzaee @lazuli-leenabride @moonshot-eclipse @mietkoz @honeybee54321 @lich1 @terrythetortoise @fuckinriley @actuallyanita @wedonttalkabouthenry @motionlessinrhi @hauntingtherosebush @spookyclowwn
(couldn’t tag y’all </3 ily tho) @benandjerrysisqueer @bleedingmagic-02 @tescomealdeals-blog @getoruii @alyssam14 @officialjotchuagirlfanclub
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curseddollfaye · 5 months
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toxic baby daddy toji! x reader headcanon ( continued , click here to read the first one)
ᥫ᭡ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! ty! please let me know what you think! ^.^ requests are currently open!! ᥫ᭡
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ੈ✩‧·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· *ੈ✩‧₊˚
- toxic baby daddy toji! who will make sure to leave evidence that he’s been in your room before he leaves. Either that be a shirt or a pair of boxers in your hamper
- and when you confront him about it he acts like he has no clue what you’re talking about…typical
- “Why would I do that hmm? You think m’sum kinda psycho?” His stupid lazy grin doesn’t escape his lips as he scratches his bare chest.
- “I actually think you are, move Toji” you roll your eyes at his antics. His shirt hanging off of your fingers which you had found (very discreetly might you add ) in your panties drawer. Somehow though a smile tugs at your lips.
- toxic baby daddy toji! who looks at you in pure shock and bewilderment when he’s at your place one night. His hands had been roaming all over the underside of your silk little excuse for a nightgown you had on. Soft perky tits being palmed by his big rough hands.
- “Fuck you just say t’ me sweetheart?” The talk man looked at you. His lip twitched in annoyance. How dare you deny him cumming inside his pussy?
- You wave the condom in his face. He looked so damn good, his lips were puffed up. Chest littered with your own makes you put on him. “I’m serious Toji. I’m not getting pregnant”
- he grabbed the square foil and looked at you.
- then he had the audacity to toss it behind his shoulder. Grabbing your legs and tugging them upwards, tossing you back on the bed with a yelp.
- “Tch….this pussy belongs to me baby. If I don’t fill it up just how you need, who will?”
- You said fuck the condoms after that. making that birth control appointment the very next day.
- toxic baby daddy toji! who still sends flowers to your job randomly just so your co workers know who you belong to still
- “Um (Y/N)? There’s another bouquet for you down stairs” Your make co worker had uttered to you in annoyance. The man had been trying for weeks to ask you out.
- You took the bouquet from him offering him an awkward smile…before you shuffled away to the empty break room to call the culprit of your third set of orchids and peonies
- “Hi babe” He was quick to answer you.
- bastard
- “I think Kenji gets the message you’re trying to send” You will never tell him that it made you blush like a school girl whenever your work friends squealed whenever he sent you random gifts. it didn’t help that they thought your baby daddy was a walking sex god.
- You loved knowing that regardless you had his baby, and she was adorable
- You hear his voice drop and seriousness over takes his voice
-You could practically see the creases of his eyebrows as he frowned
- “Good, because it wasn’t a message doll. It was a warning”
- “Funny, I don’t see a ring on my finger or a man’s last name on my ID” with that you quickly hung up and turned off your phone just to fuck with him
- serves him right
- toxic baby daddy toji! who is such a good dad. he’s an amazing dad to Megumi. Spoils the little boy rotten because Toji thinks KNOWS his son deserves it. Of course his little girl too!
- Your two year old little girl Rin is a perfect mix of the both of you
- She takes after him in a lot of ways
- And Toji couldn’t be prouder. His chest puffs up with pride whenever he talks about his kids
- “Yeah, the teacher called us the other day to tell us how amazing of a student Megumi is” Toji brags to his business associates. Leaning up against the bar, his suit undone and a pink tinge to his cheeks from all the scotch he had been drinking. Celebrating another business venture of his. More money, more respect in his industry, more of a reason to make you even prouder of him.
- because it mattered to him most.
- “Says he’s gonna be going up to higher level classes than the rest of his classmates. Smart kid , just like his old man” He clinks his glass to his associate with a smirk.
- toxic baby daddy toji! that you still wake up the next morning after he fucked you into the bed all night to cook breakfast for.
- A slap lands on your ass as you reach over to grab your panties to slip them on. they had been carelessly thrown at the edge of the bed, you were truly shocked to find that they weren’t even ripped
- by the way he had gone feral over your new lingerie you would have assumed the poor fabric was torn
- “What do you want to eat?” You asked softly after slipping your robe in. Toji yawned and moved his hair out of his face. His eyes lazy and still sleepy
- “Mmmm, whatever you want to make me mama”
- “Ok, I’ll get the Keurig started. Went to the grocery store yesterday before you came over and got the coffee pods you like so much” You rub his chest softly, as he presses faint kisses on your jaw and shoulder
- “Always taking care of me n the kids sweetheart, thank you” He mumbles against your neck, his breath fanning against your pulse making you get goosebumps on your skin
- …everything felt right for just a moment.
- “Papa! I’s awake!” You hear your daughter yell from her room. Waiting for him to come get her
- and you hear an annoyed mumbled soon after from Megumi who was trying to bask in his weekend and no school
- You giggled softly “I’ll go get Gumi”
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
fem!reader. 18+ MDNI
Thinking about husband!Bakugou, who loves nothing more than having you in a mating press every single morning before he leaves for work.
Every inch of your skin is drenched in sweat by the time dawn seeps through the parted curtains of your bedroom window; the effort he puts into fucking you trickling down his temples and making the spikes of his ash blonde hair damp and droopy in that enticing way only he can pull off.
Nothing but quiet, sleepy gasps and hushed moans are exchanged between your panting mouths as he keeps kissing you. He's tracing his warm tongue across the roof of your mouth and over the flatness of your front teeth as he holds himself steady above you, broad, scar-riddled shoulders flexing before he dips in and sucks your tongue inside his mouth to make your saliva mix together.
He's slamming home every single time he pulls his hips back and rams them straight back into yours - movements now more animal than human after twenty minutes of raw screwing - and the friction gives him this wild look in his eye you only get to see when he's vulnerable like this. It's the one that makes the red in his already fierce irises even more vicious, and that tells you just how intensely he cares for you without ever uttering a word about it.
And it hurts when he gets it. All of it hurts, from how deeply he starts to crawl and sink himself inside you because of it, but you take it like a champ; you always do. Even if you cry and whine about it like a little cat in heat that needs to get taken care of. Even if you start to squirm underneath that massive, vigorous frame of his.
You're worried that he might be annoyed from how much you're moving around, trying to squeeze your legs back together and to push him out so that you can fucking breathe, but it's all for nothing.
After all, your softness doesn't bother your brute of a husband at all. He just licks your tears away, kisses your sticky cheeks that have a tang of salt to them from the tears you keep spilling that make the pillow underneath your head wet, before he bottoms out yet again and just holds himself there; making you endure his hard cock that is outright throbbing inside your belly now.
He's dazed because of your soft cunt; outright delirious as you start to tighten and gush all over him for the third time ever since his alarm clock woke you both up. He's never felt more like a man - chest puffing with twisted pride - as he watches you tip your head back into that goddamn pillow and just sob his name out with quivering lips again and again.
It's a struggle to go to work after all of that. Your pussy is so wet for him, he can hear it. The squelching noises are so obscene that they make his mind go fucking hazy with lust and adoration. You just can't stop sucking him in, despite crying about it.
So, you surely need more, right? Need him to go even deeper and fill you up, so that you're all warm and sticky with his cum. I mean, what kind of husband would he be if he didn't give the missus what she's silently begging him for?
"Shh, shh, shh, baby. Jus' one more and then we're done, yeah?"
Perhaps he'll take the day off today. Lie about that 'one more' and spoil you rotten, instead.
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vixialuvs · 2 months
can you do threesome with heeseung and jay? heeseung is more gentle and gives you what you want meanwhile jay is more teasing and a bit more rough (but not crazy because i know you don’t write stuff like that)
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୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ GROUPIE LOVE ! ⋄ 𓍯
୨୧ pairing . heeseung x reader x jongseong
୨୧ genre . smut
୨୧ cw . established poly relationship, kinda switch!hee (?), hard!dom jay, teasing, crying, begging, praise, degradation, oral (jay/reader rec)
୨୧ a/n . i screamed while writing this. also thank you so much for reading my guidelines sweetheart ! a lot of people request really rough stuff like non con n stuff, makes me so uncomfy but thank you for being considerate <3 hope you like this !
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HEESEUNG AND JAY ARE CONSTANTLY DRUNK OFF YOUR LOVE. they adore you so much in their own ways, which makes you differ on how you act with them, yet not in a bad way.
with heeseung, you’re such an angel, spoiled rotten by him, he is always buying you everything, especially thigh highs, which he’s obsessed with putting them on you. he babies you and gives you whatever you want.. hes so precious.
jay, on the other hand, is more teasing. he likes to make you beg for affection. especially in bed. whenever you, him and heeseung get intimate, he always has you beg for him, his cock, his tongue, his fingers, everything. he still loves you so much, he just likes to make sure you aren’t being a brat.
today, you were being purposely bratty toward jay since he wouldn’t pay attention to you because he was busy working. you tried your hardest to make him jealous, grinding on heeseungs thigh infront of him, but he didn’t even bat an eye.
he ignored you the whole day, until you walked by him and heeseung gaming on the couch in a tiny little skirt and those thigh highs that turn him on just as much as they do to heeseung. he pulls you onto his lap with a growl, his hand roughly gripping your hip as heeseung smiles and turns your head to face jay.
“baby, you need to stop acting so fucking bratty. you’re acting like a whiney slut. you need me to fuck it out of you, hm? you need us to make you cum?”
jay whispers into your ear with a menacing tone, his hands squeezing your hips warningly as you try to grind your ass on his clothed cock. he starts to angrily kiss your neck while heeseung plays with a strand of your hair.
you whine out quietly,
“no.. m’ not being a brat.. just miss you. you’re so fucking busy all the time!”
your words earn a slap to your thigh, given by jay, as he bites down on your neck rather harshly, earning a loud moan of pleasure out of you.
“good girls don’t use bad words like that, baby.”
he tuts,
“i guess we’ll just have to teach you a lesson, yeah?”
his words make your lips form into a pout, squirming on his lap as he forces your thighs open.
“heeseung,” he mumbles, causing the burgundy haired boy to look up at him, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from the wet spot on your panties,
“get on your knees infront of us.”
he immediately complies, eager to eat your sweet cunt, as he always is, he adores your taste. he presses a soft kiss to your knee, smiling up at you as he caresses your thighs.
jay lifts you up, instructing heeseung to hold you there until he pulls down his sweats and boxers to his ankles, heeseung, simultaneously, ripping your panties off. you’re so wet jay’s immediately able to slip into your warm cunt, groaning out when he feels you tighten around him.
“fuck princess, you’re taking him like such a good girl, i’m so proud baby, you’re so good for us.”
heeseung kisses your inner thigh now, getting dangerously close to your clit and the shaft of jays cock, which is almost completely nestled inside you, keeping his hands on your thighs to keep you spread open nice and good for jay, who’s begun to bounce your already fucked out body on his cock.
“i’ve barely even moved yet, and you’re already so fucking out of it, shit, you’re so cute baby, our cock drunk whore..”
jay groans, pulling your whining body up and down on his already messy cock, tugging your head back by your hair so it rests back on his shoulder, this way giving him access to your neck.
you thought that the pleasure you were getting solely from jays dick slamming inside of you was unparalleled, until you felt the feeling of heeseungs warm tongue messily rubbing around your clit. you gasp, your eyes almost immediately rolling back as you look down to look at him.
you then see him in all his glory, slobbering over your pussy and jays cock, and just the sight of it makes you whimper, almost cumming on the spot..
“fuck, that’s so hot hee..”
you groan out, fingers entangling in his soft hair as you run your hands through it, pulling him closer,
“i.. jay.. i’m- i’m close. please, please let me cum.. i’ll be a good girl from now on, m’ sorry..”
you sob out, feeling so many emotions, the knot in your stomach threatening to unravel. your grip on heeseungs hair gets tighter and he moans into your cunt, cumming untouched.
jay tsks and obliges, nodding his head and kissing the shell of your ear before giving you the vocal okay.
“go ahead, sweet girl. cum all over my cock. then we’ll have heeseung lick it up, okay? i’m close too, fuck.”
jays grip on your hips gets tighter and he lets out a string of curses as he feels you cream all over his cock, his orgasm following. he pulls out just in time to cum on heeseungs face, groaning out as heeseung teasingly kisses the tip and delivers small kitten licks to it, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
heeseung continues his ministrations for a while, cleaning up your pussy and jays cock, before finally pulling away, jays cum all over his pretty face. he grins and gets up off the floor, kissing your cheek as he lifts you up off jays lap to bend you over, jay lazily jerking off as he watches.
he unbuttons his jeans, pulling them and his boxers down in one go as he absentmindedly rubs at your folds. then, he slaps his cock against your ass, enjoying the way you try to grind back against him.
“please, hee, just fuck me already..”
you look back at him over your shoulder with puppy eyes, giving him a pleading look. and who is he to deny his baby girl? he instantly pushes his cock inside you, causing you to lean forward, your cheek resting against jays thigh slightly. he smirks at this and teasingly slaps his dick against your other cheek, ever so gently.
your body begins to rock back and forth as heeseung pounds you from behind, while you try to take jays cock in your mouth and suck him off, whining and moaning around his dick.
you can tell how out of it heeseung is, sharing a knowing glance with jay as you run your tongue up and down his shaft.
heeseungs already close to cumming again, and he lets you know it.
“fuck baby, your pussy’s so good.. i.. i’m gonna cum again.”
he whimpers out, his hands gripping into your thighs for support as his thrusts get sloppier and his noises get more high-pitched. you cling to jays hand as your eyes roll back, still slobbering all over his dick.
you know heeseungs about to cum when he suddenly pulls out and you feel the sticky liquid dripping all over your back and ass. you completely collapse forward onto jay, who coos at you, shushing you softly as you get all lightheaded.
jay kisses your hair and heeseung massages your hips warmly, before lifting you up into his arms, jay following behind, to clean your messy body up. they murmur sweet praises in your ear, talking about how well you did for them and how pretty you are.
that night, you three fall asleep in eachothers arms, watching a movie in your shared bedroom. it’s the most sweet moment, and they never ever want to let go.
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@vixialuvs ‘24. don’t steal my work ! thank you for reading lovelies <3
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
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‘You’re doing it again.’ Jason murmured.
‘Doing what, Jaybirdie?’ You blinked at him as his warm hands creeped on either side of your face, his thumbs then stated soothing your aching temples, causing you to groan at the sweet gesture and found yourself leaning into his touch; Glad to finally have some mental relief.
‘Overthinking, gorgeous.’ He replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he silently encouraged you to lean further against him, whilst watching your face for any signs of discomfort.
‘I’m not. I’m not overthinking.’ You tried to deflect but it only came out sleepy and sluggish as you stubbornly tried to pull yourself away from his firm hold.
Jason tightens his grip, though making sure not to hurt you in the process. ‘Then what’s this,mr/mrs/mx deeply furrowed brows?’ He asks as he softly tapped a finger to your brow. ‘I thought we’d talked about you overthinking yourself to death.‘ he adds on and you huff, knowing that it wasn’t wise to keep anything from Jason without him quickly catching on. He was smart like that and knew you well enough when something was wrong; something you love about him but also hated because you didn’t want to fell like a burden for overthinking about the same things over, and over again but you couldn’t help it.
When you didn’t say anything Jason sighed and adjusted you in his lap, resting his head against yours as this thumbs continued to work soothing patterns into your temples. ‘It’s not something to be ashamed of sweetheart, I know you can’t exactly help what you overthink and I don’t want you to think that I’ll get annoyed over it because that’s the last thing you need right now.’
You groan, making yourself more comfortable against him, allowing his bodily warmth to seep into you and drape over you as though you were being coddled in a weighted blanket with well defined muscles and a heartbeat. ‘Don’t you get tired of doing this every time?’ You asked meekly, not wanting to look into his eyes, fearing the worst that could possibly happen.
‘Nope.’ Jason replied without hesitation.
‘Why?’ You asked incredulously. ‘It’s rotten work.’ You add and you felt Jason tighten his grasp on you as he sharply inhaled.
‘Not to me, not to me you’re not. You’re anything but rotten work and I can name a thousand things that’s rotten work but taking care of you is never one of them.’ He says truthfully and you couldn’t help but whimper at this, not having been with anyone that was willing to put up with your tendencies to overthink and self-sabotage as much as Jason. You were about to say something but Jason cuts you off before you could, ‘and don’t go saying that you don’t deserve me when you’ve don’t nothing but proven yourself more then deserving of me in every which way. Don’t sell yourself short sweetheart. It breaks my heart to know that someone as amazing as you don’t see yourself the way I see you.’
‘And what’s that?’ You looked at him only to see him smiling at you as he peppered kisses to your face, making you giggle and smile at the butterflies he was giving you in your stomach. ‘Fucking brilliant, amazing, talented, and an overall fantastic human being who doesn’t deserve to spend a single minute of their life second guessing themselves.’ Jason lists off the top of his head before looking back at you as though to say well? Your move.
‘You win.’ You pouted and Jason laughed, kissing the pout from your lips as he rests his head against your own.
‘Good. Now let’s get some rest yeah? I know you must’ve be exhausted.’ You hummed in agreement, already finding yourself slipping into sleep from his thumbs that were still soothing your temples with their gentle caresses.
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nwjn-z · 1 year
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₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆What it is like dating Kyle Broflovski headcanons.
warning(s): nsfw, swearing
author’s note: kyle girl till the day i DIE
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-Kyle is the type of boyfriend that is in love with you and only you this man is so love sick
-Kyle tends to take a more dominant role in the relationship, not necessarily in a sexual way but just in general
-Like he ties your shoelaces for you, grabs things for you that you can’t reach, carries your bag at school for you, follows the sidewalk rule (having him walk next to the road instead of you), and helping you with school work
-he’s also always tidying you up through out the day like wiping your mouth, fixing your hair, and fixing your shirts for you.
-i also feel like he also uses this as an excuse to touch you like he’ll pat the back of your bottoms as if he was dusting something off just to touch your ass
-Kyle is also very possessive and gets VERY jealous
-if he sees you on your phone he’s the type to be like “who are we texting😊”
-he has lots of insecurities that make him think you’re gonna leave him for someone “better”
-he just doesn’t want to lose you :((
-His love languages are acts of service and quality time but he also loves physical touch
-he loves holding your hand, kissing your knuckles, stroking your hair, cuddling in private, and stroking your side while he holds your waist.
-He spoils you absolutely rotten he can’t help it, Kyle is the type of person who shows you he loves you by taking care of you in anyway he can
-ie. buying you whatever snacks you want, giving you massages, cooking for you, driving you wherever you want, and just basically never letting you lift a finger to do anything
-never lets you open any door yourself
-you are passenger princess/prince ALWAYS
-he would literally make all his friends sit in the back if you’re going out with them. always makes sure his baby sits shotgun
-Kyle is pretty vanilla and doesn’t really have any kinks all he really wants to do is please you
-although…he is a family man at heart and has a HORRIBLE breeding kink, constantly whispering in your ear about how “you’ll make such a good mom” and how “you’re gonna look so pretty pregnant”
-Kyle is also a very making love kind of person, he needs to have feelings before he fucks
-he’s such a giving lover he always puts you first
-on a normal day = sweet and soft sex, when he’s mad or stressed = rough sex
-his favourite positions are missionary and doggystyle
-missionary because he loves being able to see the cute faces you make while he bullies his fat cock into you while holding you like glass <3
-and doggy for when he’s angry or stressed and needs to let off steam by fucking you senseless
-Kyle can get rough in bed and I’m talking ROUGH, like leaving bruises
-hes a pretty strong guy who doesn’t realise his own strength
-LOVES receiving head, it feels so good and you look so cute trying to please him
-imagine Kyle grabbing a fistful of your hair guiding you down his length while saying things like “Fuck yeah baby just like that” and “Making me feel so good baby”
-just seeing you look up at him with the cutest doe eyes through your lashes gets him weak
-he feels so big and important when you go down on him he loves it sm 🫶
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liv3laughlev · 2 months
BABY? BABY!! // ★.⁗☕️⚬☆
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content warnings: nsfw, fem & afab reader, hubby!toji, reader is written to have hair long enough to be played with and pushed away, breeding kink, creampie, toji has baby fever, rough sex
author’s note: thank you guys for the support on my first post i hope you guys like this one too :D
masterlist !!
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toji never really wanted children, for the most part, he actually disliked them. they were loud and sticky and honestly more expensive to take care of than anything. but today you had agreed to watch your nephew, who was only just a few months old.
you would carry him all over the house, spoiling him rotten with affection. and when toji came home from a long day of work he was a little surprised to hear the sound of a baby giggling while you tickled him.
“what’s this about?” he asked as he sat on the couch, observing the smile you had on your face as you played with your nephew.
“i’m watching him because my sister had to go to work early and her husband couldn’t watch him since he also had work!” you said with a sweet smile as you looked up at him from the floor.
“alright..” he sighed as he sat back, just deciding to observe you.
he noticed how you were basically glowing while playing with your nephew, the sweetest smile on your face. it had him thinking— what would it be like if the two of you had your own kid? he was stuck thinking about what it’d be like all evening until your sister came to pick up her son.
now alone with you he was watching tv with you, his arm wrapped around you while you were snuggled up next to him.
he wanted to say something about earlier, no- needed to. but to be honest we wasn’t sure you’d be into the idea. having kids is such a big step. there’s no guarantee you two won’t regret it down the line. but it was now or never.
“babe?” he spoke up, playing with your hair a little.
“yes?” you asked sweetly, tracing your finger on his stomach some.
toji struggled to figure out how to word what he wanted, which wasn’t often so this was a little nerve wracking for him. “fuck it..” he murmured. “i wanna give you my baby.” he spoke.
your eyes widened a little. “do you mean.. you wanna have one with me?” you asked, biting your lip a little. you had been wanting this basically since the two of you got married a year ago, and part of you didn’t believe this was actually happening.
“yeah.. saw you with that kid and honestly it made me realize it.. do you want that too?” he asked, pushing your hair out of your face some. the nod you gave him was all the confirmation he needed.
“oh fuck!” you whimpered as he had you bouncing on his cock— his cock was reaching deep inside you, his hands gripping onto your hips while he fucked you. you couldn’t even think at this point, hands reaching behind to grasp onto his arms.
“that’s it, baby.. keep bouncing like that..” he groaned, eyes glued to the way you would grind back against him. he couldn’t even think straight either at this point, the only thing in his mind is his determination to get you knocked up.
“toji.. ‘m getting tired..” you whined, your thighs burning a little from riding him. you had probably came already twice and he hadn’t came once, and he planned to dump a couple loads inside you.
toji smirked and didn’t hesitate to bend you over in front of him completely, your ass up while he pushed your face down a little. you cried out in pleasure when his cock bullied deeper inside you. “that better, baby?” he teased, giving your ass a nice slap before his hands rested on your hips while he fucked you so well from behind.
“f-fuuck..” you whined out, your eyes rolling back ever so slightly. “please.. need it.. i need it.. can’t handle it much longer..” you rambled while you felt his hand reach down to toy with your clit, his thumb rubbing it in tight circles.
“i knoww baby.. just a little longer..” he chuckled, “i’m gonna cum soon.. gonna dump it all in that pretty pussy of yours..” he moaned, his eyes taking every reaction you had to what he did.
you nodded desperately, your moans getting a little sharp as you neared another orgasm. “please.. yes please..” you whimpered.
toji groaned as he heard you begging for him. he felt the urge to rest his head back but he wanted to see you as you came more than anything. he loved the way your body shook, your voice suddenly high as you squirmed under him. you gasped, your hands searching for something to hold onto as you finally came. toji nearly lost it as he felt the snug feeling your cunt gave his cock, and he didn’t hesitate to slam his hips against yours one more time before his cum spurt deep inside you.
you two took a minute or two to catch your breath, and toji gently pulled out of you. he watched the way his cum slowly seeped from your pussy, feeling his cock stir right back to life.
he kept you in bed for at least two hours after that to fuck you more, but it definitely paid off because a few weeks later you showed him your positive pregnancy test.
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