#'its my birthday i do what i want' yeah and you know i wont stay home because im scared of being home alone and have nowhere else to go
thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
For the love of god, parents on about seeing my nan for my mom's birthday...
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super-psycho-lov3 · 6 months
it doesnt even matter it doesnt even matter it doesnt ever matter it doesnt even
#im just really tired i guess#i have too many bruises and i cant keep eating a meal a day#its just really tiring getting lied to#people think they care but they really.. just dont?#say you care but im making dinner because you have work and oliver needs it more. as if i havent been making dinner all week.#as if i didnt spend the past two days walking 2-5 miles every day.#'youve been so snappy' as if i didnt clean the whole living room. as if it isnt my fucking bed time. as if you care about my problems.#'olivers here if you need anything' yeah. sure. as if he wont groan and huff at best.#'im sorry i have to go to work' as if youd do anything different#'im not as bad as people make me out to be' 'youre being brainwashed' as if i didnt have to spend all day at my friends house#the day i was persrcibed testosterone because i knew what youd do if i stayed at home#as if you didnt threaten to take it away when i didnt listen to you#just... im jusy so tired. once my mom asked me 'whose birthday did i forget this year?' referring to my siblings.#she was buying gifts. we never celebrated my birthday. didnt have the heart to tell her it was ME. im justs o tired. im so tired#it really sucks to know that — that our sect of the sys is back out because#because we feel. so. Lost. worthless and lost a and alone#doesn't feel like our family is anything at all. and im here because#because of that. i hate that. i hate knowing why i hate it#i hate knowing who and what caused this im so tired i want my brothers i want my sister i want to get out of here for a while i just need to#get out#its so stupid im the oldest sibling but i want my siblings so bad they would never let me down#fucking NEVER! never. not in a way that could ever really matter. just. god#vent post#free to respond#???#i dont fuckin care if you reblog or reply or whatever. im just so tired i just need to yell you guys can say whatever#i got yelled at for reminding them to schedule my fucking root canal anf i just cant take it . so#im. im so hungry okay? im just so hungry#im hungry and tired and sore and so fucking alone and i cant fucking take it#cant eat right now n even if i could i wouldnt have the food so
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mai-mai-lim · 2 months
"What do you wish for?"
An all-dialogue birthday work for Ashley Jang.
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A/N: yup, i am.... very late on this. It was supposed to post a week around her actual birthday (July 20th) and what day is it today? ... yeahhhh
and because im actually proud, here's the post that only has the artworks.
--- “Saengil chukha hamnidaaa~”
“Happy birthday Hye-chun! Make a wish yea? What do you want?”
“I-i want-”
“Shh, dont say it out loud, or else your wish wont come true!”
“Alright, do it like this. Close your eyes and say your wish, not out loud. And then blow it all out.”
“You did it!!! Now we can eat the cake!!”
“Yaaayy!! Cake time!!”
"Alright, here give these to the elders first, these should be enough.”
“Oh look who’s coming for the cake!! So eager, its not your turn yet, Seung-jae.”
“Auntie!! Have a cake!”
“Its alright, you can give it to Seung-jae.”
“Bleh, he has to wait! Mama said so!”
“Haha, kids these days…”
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--- “Do you like your lunch here?”
“I love it!! I’ve never been to a buffet here before. It’s quite nice!”
“Glad you love it. Also, we ordered a slice of red velvet cake for you. Happy birthday my girl.”
*gasps* "Thank you!!”
“So do you wanna make a wish? I mean, we can ask for a candle-”
“No need, I can just wish in my heart and just, eat the cake you know?”
“Oh yes yes. Haha, you are growing up, don’t feel like doing that anymore isnt it?”
“Hm? What’s wrong, dear? Are you ok?”
“Oh, it’s just…, I was thinking of the old times back then. There was a time when Uncle Ethan brought us to the island for my birthday years ago! It was really fun.”
“That was years ago? Time sure flew fast… ” 
(How long… did the accident happen? Hold on, this year is… oh. They were gone… for more than a year…)
“...I, I actually miss them, it’s just not the same anymore…”
“Y-yeah, I miss them too.”
“*sighs* let’s not think about that today, alright?”
“Sorry, I sort of brought down the mood on my own day.”
“No no, dear, you didn’t. It’s understandable. Come on, the cake’s not gonna get eaten by itself, no?”
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--- “Heeeeeeyyyy!! Happy 21st Birthday Ashley!!!”
“There it is, the magic number!! Now can fully do whatever you want liao!”
“Whoa, you guys…”
“21 leh! I see people always make 21 years old extra special one, so we also made it like this for you, with balloons, deco, food, also matcha cake, one of your favourites!”
“T-thank you.”
“Wait, actually back in your home, you are considered 22 is it? Must be confusing.”
“I mean, I’m studying here, may as well follow how you guys count.”
“Well, fair enough. Also I just noticed you got your hair dyed! Looks pretty!”
“Thanks, been wanting to do that for a while.”
“So, any wishes you made?”
“I dunno man, I just wanna survive another school year, then it’s off to… wherever we go after grad-”
“Shush!! Too early to think bout the future! Let’s just celebrate your day, afterwards we go for karaoke, k?”
“It’s more like, are we gonna stay in touch after grad?”
“Like I said, it’s too early to think that! Course I hope we stay in touch, but who knows?”
“Ok ok fine, soooo, I heard karaoke just now~”
“The cake can wait then, let’s go!!!”
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--- “Hey, you guys actually know Ashley’s birthday is coming up soon?”
“Wait really? Huh, never knew that. She didn't really tell anyone that.”
“Ooo, why dont we gave her a lil’ surprise then?”
“And that’s what im thinking about! Let’s start planning…”
- “Haaaaaaaaaappy birthday girlypop!!”
“Heard today is your special day, gurl! We planned this few days ago just to give ya the best of the best!”
“... oh my god…”
“Yup, I asked around and got your favorite cake flavor too!”
“Red velvet, eh, I guess it’s alright…”
“*whispers* He found it from the finest cake shop and stole it.”
“What the- Don’t tell her that!!!”
“There are also presents given from some of us who couldn't come, but they wished ya too."
"I... I didn't expect this, all of this really. T-thank you, all of you..."
"Aw, don't mention it! You are one of the coolest people I met here, may as well returning the favor. By the way, did you wish for something?"
"Bet it's gonna be loads of plushies- ow, hey!!"
"Uh you are completely wrong. I'm not telling you all then."
. . .
(Besides, that wish had already came true, and they are right in front of me.)
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Formatted text for whose speaking: Pink - Ashley, Blue - Seungjae, Orange - Brutus, Green - Cameron, Non-colored text in part 4 - Jinjer
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whois-jess · 11 months
Can I request a Rhea x Fem! reader in which reader in which they go to do some horror mazes and reader acts brave to make Rhea who's insisting to have them all happy, but ends up getting scared? I used to like horror mazes (I watched them on YouTube because I live in Europe and we have only four or five horror mazes in my country, but some traumatized me and now I don't like them anymore xD)
Horror maze
Rhea Ripley x fem!reader
(Sorry this took so long to get done)
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It was the start of October and many would know one of Rheas favorite time of the year, for months now she was talking about it and all the horror movies we can watch and she brought up a horror maze which she was thrilled about and wanted to go to so as my surprise/early birthday present i was taking her.
To me this maze looked and sounded like death but i knew Rhea would love it and thats what mattered to me. "Rhea hurry! We have to get going" i yelled to her as she was the one taking ages this time "damn baby girl i am ready" she chuckles walking around the corner "come on you will love it" i smile grabbing my car keys "will i now" she raised an eyebrow "yes you will" i smile back "maybe if you tell me i will know" i chuckled this time as she has been wanting to know since i told her i had a surprise "nice try love" i said kissing her cheek as we left the house getting in the car.
"Excited" i asked her "yeah i am can i have a clue?" She asks "fine, okay so its to go with Halloween and all that" i said turning left going on to the motorway "Halloween?" She questioned "yes" i smiled when a van cut in front me "bastard!" I yelled honking my horn "if you cant drive fuck off the road!" I yelled again and Rhea laughed "your funny y/n" her hand comes to my thigh patting it not moving her hand afterwards.
"Okay well are here!" I say as well pull into a car park, Rhea looks around beforw her face lights up "oh my god! Its the maze!" She says smiling "yep!" I smile back parking the car turning the engine off "i love you babe" she leans over kissing me "now shall we go in?" I say taking my belt off "uh yes!" Rhea quickly gets out making me laugh as she waits for me "dam girl calm" i say locking the car and she walks over pulling me close to her "your the best girlfriend ever" i smile at her words "i know" i kiss her nose before we walk to the entrance.
As well got closer it has signs says warning dont come closer and crime scene tape the normal 'scary stuff' "welcome you two" a man says dressed as a creepy zombie said "hello" Rhea said holding my hand "stay safe and have the scare of your life" the man said in a creepy way before we walked to the start of the maze "ready?" Rhea smiled "yeah lets just get it over with" i said as we walk in "dont be like that baby it wont be that bad" Rhea say as we take our first corner we turn to see a man dressed as a zombie which jumped scared me a bit "jeez who hides behind a corner" i say and Rhea giggles "he does its his job, looks like a dead end lets go left" she smiles taking my hand "y/n if you want we can go back" Rhea says i knew she was doing because i wasn't the biggest fan of horror mazes right now but she was loving it and i didn't want to ruin it "no baby it fun" i smile at her and she squeezes my hand "okay babe". We turn another corner to see two more zombies walking over "fuck sake".
"Rhea are we lost in a maze of creeps" i raise my eyebrow "Y/n its a maze not a straight line" she smiles kissing my cheek "yeah" we walk down a path and hear a sound "you hear that?" I ask "what sweetheart?" Rhea looks round at me "i think we are being followed" i say looking back "followed? Don't be silly no one is there" we kept walking when i hear something the corner behind us "Rhea there is someone there" my grip tightens on her hand "don't be silly Y/n your fine" my eyes stayed on where the sound came from when a woman in blood and too realistic makeup ran at us "Shit Rhea!" I jumped into Rheas arms "Fuck!" Rhea screamed as well and she runs a bit carring me.
When we got far enough she hugged me and we both laugh "shit that was scary" i laughed "yeah your reaction baby" Rhea chuckled we stood there me in Rheas arms for a bit "lets get out of here" She smiled and kisses me "yeah we have a lot more scares to go" i smiled at her "you got you big strong girlfriend to help you" Rhea jokes and i kiss her "what a hero" we both laugh again before continuing the maze and lets say it was a terrible night sleep but a lot of cuddles.
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dsaf-confessions · 7 months
yeah, im sorry this is so long. its not meant against you, mod, respect ya for all that you have to put up with here... yeah.
i think a lot of the people coming on here to complain about other peoples opinions need to take a deep breath. you don't have to agree with them. but bashing people in the tags, anonymously sending in that someone's opinion on a fucking rpg maker game that, at its core, is a massive shitpost.
suicide jokes, especially when you dont know the person saying it at all, are not funny. if it isnt a joke and youre really about to kill yourself over a fun little tumblr blog, get help. seriously. i hope you get better and feel okay one day.
somebody who probably lives 12 to 24 hours away from you, by plane, saying they self-ship or ship an oc with a character you find irredeemable is not the end of the fucking world. sure, you may see it as weird, but at the end of the day a surprising amount of this fandom is around about 13, and thats what 13 year olds do. no shade to yall. those of you that i know are great.
i myself am a minor, i only got into the games, and months later, the fandom around my 15th birthday. its easier than some of you want to admit to stay away from the parts of the fandom that arent child appropriate. i dont mean the drugs. drugs arent anyone-appropriate. theyre fucking illegal. shoving an eggplant up someones urethra is also totally outlandish and sounds like it was written by a 5th grader
lets all respect each other for a bit. nobody fucking deserved to get the colossal amounts of anon hate that ive seen soley because of a harmless opinion.
to the adults here who churn out high-quality comics and fics and ask blogs, that i so joyously read, hell yeah! keep doing that, do what you want with it.
to the children, and by that i mean minors okay we are in fact legally considered children, you keep it up too. keep up your ask blogs and fics and fanart and shit that is sometimes so high-quality i assume youre fucking 30 until i check your bio.
yall, collectively, need to learn that at the end of the day people are gonna do what they want with these characters. it doesnt matter if someone draws henry miller in fucking cat ears because hes a fictional guy. have you seen what they do to steve raglan out there, man? its a fucking warzone but instead of explosives everyones firing out furry edits! it doesnt matter if someone ships something you dont like. im not a proshipper, theres lines i personally refuse to cross, but can i do anything about the people who do? no. ive come to terms with that.
ship your weird rarepair who never met in canon. draw your genderswap fanart. make your au askblog. write that fic you think wont be good enough. someone, somewhere, probably loves what youre creating.
the anons here saying shit like "oh im gonna kms over this" and "thats a fucking weird character to like", yall are the same. im sure you arent all vanilla ice-cream on a summers day level basic. youve got your unusual headcanons too.
we really have to let the minors in this fandom be. they arent going anywhere, myself included, because they dont want to. you cant force people out. so be fucking nice instead of making someone feel ashamed because they make jake a she/they or whatever.
holy fuckin shit that is. long. i am so sorry mod. if its too long you dont have to post it lmao
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thedoover-if · 1 year
Hey author! Since it was my birthday today, I wanted to send this ask in!
How would they ROs plan MC's birthday? How did the ex do it when they were still together? And How will they do it now?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!🥳🥳 wishing you an AWESOME day!!!!
your wish is my command haha but ill put it under the cut cause i got a little carried away LOL
for the ex spouse it would definitely depend on what kind of person the MC is, so if your MC was a lowkey person who didnt like that whole party shebang then they wouldve organised a small get together with their parents, your parents and the MCs closest friends. but if your MC was outgoing and extroverted, they would have probably planned a surprise party!! its really just about the MCs comfort level since theyve known you for so long
now is a whole different story. i think now they wouldnt plan a party or anything, theyd just drop by with a small gift they picked out way too early (multiple months ago) with a little note and just place it in front of the door. i dont think they would risk ruining the MCs birthday in case the MC didnt want them there so that would probably be the easiest solution
this would be the first time the bartender will have actually spent MCs birthday with them cause usually theyd have to work so would only see them for very short!! but when theyre dating theyd book time off and then once theres only a couple hours left before the MCs birthday, they would toss a helmet at the MC and just say something like "c'mon i wanna show you something" (they wont give much away LOL). then theyd take the MC to a secluded place they usually retreat to clear their head, and there would be a picnic already set up. and then when theres only one minute left till midnight, theyd count down from 10 with a cupcake and one single candle between them and at one theyd wish the MC a happy birthday and tell them to make a wish haha. then if the MC would like theyd stay out there for a few more hours
fyi the bartender wanted to do something like this because they didnt want to rob the MC of any moments they could have with their friends, family etc
if the MC has a party later on in the day the bartender would probably show for a bit but they wouldnt stay long just cause it isnt their scene. but if the MC has a family dinner or something like that theyd be so stressed out haha but theyd still attend if the MC invited them and yeah you might need to elbow them a couple of times to get them to actually talk LOL
the patient loves to organise special events so the first time they plan a birthday the MCs birthday itll be both LOL cause they wouldnt be 100% sure so theyd just have a small gathering in the afternoon and then a big party in the evening. theyd invite every person from the MCs contacts, and let them know and then by the end of the day theyd ask the MC which one they liked better. and then theyd use the information to make their next birthdays one to remember haha so yeah they first one might be a little experimental but theyll make sure to make the next as great as they can with loads of pictures to remember it by!!
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bigdsgirl · 9 months
Alright, let's freaking go episode 11:
"I didn't know that was possible" -- well you haven't met Gu-won that's why!!!!
this drama queen "I have returned!!!"
immediately falls apart when do do hee shows up KING BEHAVIOR
i love him picking out her clothes
that's right, do do hee, girlie you have taste. he looks FIRE in that outfit
the petty bitch, showing up to sass God. I LOVE HIM.
bruh, pls don't regret being sassy
"when is he not glowing?" "you're right" "he's always glowing" -- these employees, icons.
the CAKE alkjglkadfgjadf -- he loves to celebrate and king i do too
uh oh uh oh scary man
SEEDS AND SCALLIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the dog's sweater alkgjdfl;kgjadf;lkgjadfgjadfg
the TATTOO!!!!!!!!!
this good news cannot last forever sigh
i luv his assistant. the sweetest man <3
sir. do not mention HER in front of him. Yeah that's right! you are getting the silent treatment!!!!!!!!
this show is iconic - the hangover cure scene is TOO GOOD!
i thank the lord every day for Song Kang's stylist
oh oh oh this scene with the husband and wife with alzheimers. this is killing meeeeeeee, i am not stable enough to handle this.
I am unwell, holy fuck.
beautifully shot wowowowowowowow.
oh this fella is not the same anymore.... lol the "I was sweating" ok king.
the stake out for ms. shin lolololol. what is in the apple box!!!!!! it better be.... apples. lol.
these TWO BYE.
this is exactly what i want. i LUV IT.
love has no secrets - i love this
"we can't them out do us" competitive king.
even when he sleeps he is holding her wrist!! AH!
HMMM I WONT FORGET YOU? interestinggg....
oh wait. WAIT. god's teeth are normal now... HMM HMM. on purpose? or just now that's we know who she is, it's normal.
Because fate always repeats itself - oh that line is coming back to haunt us.
the investment agreement is so freaking sketch. oh. wait. oh shit. that's her parents? oh wow. wait her father left the company??? oh wow what HAPPENED. to think I was worried about how they would continue for the next 6 episodes.
"call me bro" gu-won has a DEATH WISH (lol)
"don't mind him" -- hmm... no.
oh WAIT he sees the CROSS oh no no no
no not a flashback of her in the new house :( you will break my heart.
her relationship with the chairwoman i am sobbing
omg she wants to show him the photo of their family!
wait. wait. wait. they died on her 11th birthday? wait wait wait. wait.
she needs a hug stop 😭😭😭😭
"I want you to stay next to me"
so like, he is definitely going to "double cross", yup ok now he's being sneaky. would not go in that door bud, i feel like its gonna be BAD. sneaky, he came real fast.
awh shit, he's alive. BOOO.
definitely faking that his son is the culprit. oh yuck.
yuck. yuck. yuck.
oh he actual is turning himself in. wowowowowow.
"the devil" - the cut to Gu-won, ow ow ow.
the way she flinches, god this man is a monster.
ah, the SFL & SML -- i hope they get to bond 🥹
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jinx-blackout-84 · 10 months
My highschool quote book:
"Violence is never the answer.... unless it is" (said with a mischievous look)
"I won't give you a 100 on assignment you didn't do"
"Not even for my birthday?"
".....it's not your birthday"
"I'm going to lick your shoulder" -girl 1
"Then cover it up, whore." -girl 1
"Here's the thing, if someone licks your shoulder because you don't have it covered, that's on you," - math teacher
"Okay but the submissionn didn't work and the document got deleted. I did the assignment, I swear!"
"What was the passage you had to read with the questions about, then?"
".....I prefer not to answer"
"Yeah. Sit down."
"You guys are great. Not because youre a good class, I hate this class, but because you all turned in your presentations, and I didn't expect any of you to do it." -English teacher
"Hey so the presentation was supposed to be between 3-5 minutes. Yours was 23 seconds." -English teacher
".......well you can't say I wasn't efficient!"
"Are those drugs or tictacs? If theyre adderall I want one"
(At least 6 dissapointed sighs)
(For refrence they are both straight guys)
"Stop using my phone to take pictures of guy 1, I don't even know him." -Me
"But he's so hottttt....." -guy 2
"Can I touch your nipples?" -guy 2
"Not in public, babe" -guy 1
"So I was walking past the makeout hallway"
"You need to not fail my class. Do your notes."
"Guy 2, can you stay over tonight?" -guy 1
"OoOoH do you want to kiss me????"-Guy 2
"No I want to play video games." - guy 1
"So basically we are making a petition so me and guy 5 can be cheerleaders" -guy 4
"so I'll see you in a skirt?" -guy 6
"yes." -guy 4
"Can I sign this more than once?" -guy 6
(They did not get to be cheerleaders)
"Okay, so you know the the college fair is today-" -math teacher
(Girl raises hand)
"Can I sleep on the floor instead of attending?" -girl 3
"Are you referring to actual college or just the college fair?" -math teacher
"Both. You never answered my question" -girl 3
"You may not sleep through the college fair." -math teacher
"This is why the school system is failing." -girl 3
"Penis exploding machine"
"Project emo"
"Is it a vape?" -English teacher
"...Its a highlighter" -4 people say at once (it was a pink highlighter)
"Google search how to kill your entire family?"
"I feel like the second someone becomes famous they are immediately imbued with the urge to touch children" -Me
"I wouldn't kill you guys, that's too much work." -English teacher
"Am I watching a drug deal happen right now? What is happening?" -English teacher
"No I just give him money because he's my friend"
"Pov: the girlies go on a road trip to cannibalize politicians" - Me
"I wasnt looking at your boobs because they're sexy, im staring at them because I'm a fucking idiot" - Me
"As a proud part of the gay." - Me
"Everybody's parents die at some point, you dont have to be so sad about it" -Me
"Are you having a boy or an abortion?"
"I wont make you touch Jeremy's vagina, Guy 7, you don't like those" -Me
(Jeremy is an airpod case. His vagina is the charging port. Guy 7 is gay)
"Save that for your discord boy" - Me
"if your nipples are purple, you're not a virgin" - Me
"I do not condone racism" -Guy 7
"I encourage realistic thinking, not positive, but realistic" - English teacher
"School is about doing things you don't like" -English teacher
"shit down" -English teacher
"Karate in the English room is a no" -Me
"He dance battled too hard, the cops went after him" -Guy 7
"I think, had he not insisted upon gyrating at people, the cops may not have been involved" -Me
"Note to self: the cops do not appreciate being thrust at or run from" -Me
"you cant have too many grandpas, don't get greedy, guy 7" -Me
"I hate this ruler..."(Darkly) "I have to snap it in half"
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kusundei · 3 months
oh god forbid. see i was sorta prepping for it earlier bcuz??? wdym. im going to see my nutritionist. follow up or not i remember what they said and wdym its IN PERSON. like jesus christ but nooo. i. expected it i think. when they asked me how much i weighed before i was just like heh idk. i think that mightve fucked me over bcuz i think they think i lost??? like 25-30lbs in??? a few months???? which isnt . horrible but not ideal. its just taking into context the time i spent staying a consistent 160ish after recovery or whatevet and then suddenly dropping down to what. ???? im assuming ???? im??? 140??? or high 130s???? its the way they didnt let me look at the scale but informed me ive lost. like im aware sorta.
just glad they didnt tell my mom. made it a whole thing explaining my recovery and therapy and how i am not DISORDERED. but its inclined them to question my testosterone again bcuz its “not normal” like yeah i know. and then again i also just like look the same like sorry??? thats not me being evil and disordered i swear on my life i havent changed. the only reason i know is because of the scale and also . okay maybe my pants. everything fits me better now. clothes r bigger i suppose but i still??? am the same??? like idk .
no im not. evil. they asked me the same question again if i was . relapsing. or even just thinking ab my weight again and tbh not really??? thats the thing. im not??? like no ive accepted ive always just been on the bigger side. im well aware its not something i try to change anymore jusr cuz im aware even if i lose i wont be happy w myself regardless.. which is evil but at least im self aware. its judt like idk. iiii dont know. i truly am judy not hungry most of the time but i know my body is lashing me for it slightly. getting the same kind of pains i get when i dont eat but i cant eat??
like . idk. im not rlly considering the fact im restricting on purpose but maybe if i truly think ab it maybe i am..??? idk. just the same thing over and over. oh i wont eat yet its too early. im not hungry enough ill eat later. i cant eat this in front of these people??? oh you want my food judt take it??? like idk. same thing . i definitely eat like i wont not let myself not eat for a day thats too evil for me. i guess if anything i am sorta acknowledging my. bad. relationship. w food. idk its weird though cuz . im?? evil????
idk it just reminds me like. im fine eating in front of sav. i suppose thats a time thing but its also just chz shes the one person who will lash me sincerely if i dont eat. then theres ayden and idgaf. aleena. ethan. etc. I dont rlly care and i think that stems mostly from.??? the fact??? they???? eat??? more??? than i do???? which is fucking HORRIBLE TO ADMIT its just like. idk. maybe rhats what it is. reminds me of kyle. my anorexic king like i get it. stop spitting pro-ed shit at me . idc youre restricting idc you think youre fat like buddy. r you patronizing me.
im joking. its just like??? idk. i guess im just keeping it on the dl. family definitely notices though??? oh how uncomfortable i am eating in front of family wtf. reminds me of matthews birthday i was getting lashed. here and there over and over just. r you gonna eat??? why arent you eating yet??? like i know. and no i was sorta hungry its just i knew i cpuldnt rlly stomach anything and jrs weird. like holy fuck was i tweaking i kept. talking to myself. assuring myself it was okay and nobody was judging me and they WANT ME TO EAT and its no big deal loke what the fuck. idk. it was so weird i sat down and tried eating that burger and jesus. i wanted to throw up??? but i knew i needed to eat?? i was hungry but i couldnt stomach it??? also nervous because i was being perceived like jesus christ.
i think. as much as im like rotating bsck and forth i might. be. a bit evil. restricting wise. idk its just my body keeps doing it to me and its. ??? im also fighting that. acknowledgement that i am being. competitive again. see i never got that competitive feeling all too much except w jd cause it was.??? idk??? she was enabling me??? this time around genuinely no one is im just doing it to myself. ESPECIALLY W AJAX LIKE JESUS. what thre fuck am i doing. whyyy do i care its not like hes going to lash me??? he asks me if ive eaten??? reminds me to eat??? asks me to??? like he is NOT lashing me. ??? but why am i??? being??? so evil??? about it???
it comes and goes though. its just horrible to admit that guilty feeling i get all the time when i eat and its likr god fucking forbid. i thought i was over this. ill be honest i mean like?? i could probably get over it. i just need to. again. separate the two. its a constant battle of reminding myself ajax is not jd (obviously) and hes not going to lash me over these things. that he doesnt want me to be evil and bad and worse because he cares and hes not secretly judging me and plotting against me??? that hes not lying to me and everything is okay??? like idk thats just evil sam. i just need to chill out i think. i just hate how it comes and goes like sometimes i eat like a normal human being and then sometimes i eat like nothing at all. like today. im not hungry. mom is lashing me ab eating right now buuut. oh god forbid will she ask me about the appt if i sit w her.
rambling alot idk im just. im aware. i know. i sont need a nutritionist or a psychiatrist to tell me what im already aware of. im not disordered anymore but im not denying the fact i might be a bit evil again. just trying not to enable myself??? like everythint isss okay. just glad they agreed not to tell my mom. like she doesnt need to know this. but ill have to talk ab this w ellis the next time i see them^_^;;;. oh but everything is okay… im fineee im normal im healthy im okay. IMMM OKAY. i loveee my boyfriend oh god i miss him so bad. praying he comes to school and hes okay . siiighhh……. i need school to end but i also need it to keep going. just. ugh. i sont wanna go to school tmr but i also want to. so idk. GOD FUCKING FORBID i cant but irs okay im full of love 💗
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 27
oof i feel like a kid getting into living room while dad is having a meeting
It was all the reassurance he needed to know that Yoongi still liked him. fuck kook is so cute but thats sad too
t feels scary to stand in this hall with dozens and dozens of Rippers and Gluttons staring at you as if you were their greatest downfall STOP she is going to be a witch ok?? she is cool
Some of his fellow Rippers and Gluttons snicker upon seeing their almighty Creator so flustered by a human. xd
you stop talking when you hear just how silent the room became. thats more than enough for my voice to go shaky and crackly, and start doing spoonerism
It is beyond hilarious to them to see their grumpy Creator lose 3000 year old loses to a mere mortal ofc its funny
“no offence, you guys are chill. They’re for Namjoon.” she is soo cute fuck, im sure the old people find her cute too, "oh young kids pssh"
“You’ll regret this”, you press out. for real
“Of course you don’t, not at all.” “Shut up.” ofc yoognles
“I want to play too”, Jungkook exclaims and looks at Yoongi, “can I play?” FUCK HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SET THE WOLRD ON FIRE AAAAAAAHA
“No”, he says, “I don’t have time for silly board games.” ofc millennias old grandpa wont like board games 😒🙄
“I grew hungry all of a sudden" wut 👀 “Stay away from her." KOOK I LOVE U “I will go hunting of course.” oh scared me for a second haha
“Oh”, Seokjin laughs in relief, “that sounds logical yeah.” MOOD
You have studied him and watched his every move and habits. He never takes his keys with him when he is hunting in fear that he might lose them. DAMN LOVE FUCK UR HOT WOOO but they are vampires, they dont need soo much sleep and is quiet, be more careful
“Biggest lie ever! You are constantly doing something stupid” STOP 😭😭violence 💀
“Ha! You’re so easy to mess with!” SHE IS SO ANNOYING I- I LOVE HER MARRY ME
oh we going on a tresure hunt mission
human shaped shadow startles you like crazy. WTF MY HEART JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE BODY STOP only for it to be coat hanger
Cold and dark corridors, always broody and never smiling. He is such a stereotype. XD exposed lol
“I’m literally going to die of a heart attack here”, you murmur. would be the funniest death tho, heart attack while searching for keys 😭😭
Yoongi all dressed up in a tophat and a fancy suit. A daguerreotype, THIS IS TOO FUNNY HAHA now you feel awful for laughing. Yoongi clearly meant to send this to someone special. fuck sorry
his room is so unlike him?? or do we not know him enough yet??
why doesnt he like to look at himself? thats worrying FUCK I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM GREAT AAAAH
ok now can we let tae out or at least visit him???
preferably you hope he pisses off altogether. To the other side of the world. mood
“Hobi seriously, if this is another one of your sad stories only for it to then end in you getting edged during a blowjob I’m gonna scream” 😭😭 did he bore her with his story already wow
An hour later I am speeding down a mountain at three hundred miles per hour whilst screeching like an idiot.” yeah i can hear his screams perfectly (run bts, thank you)
My lower spine was shattered, my legs dead and Annelise had to carry me down the mountain like a sack of potatoes before my spine finally healed again.” wow HEKC YEAH I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE HOBI TURN ME AND YOONGI TRAIN ME THEN I CAN DO RECKLESS SHIT
“It looks like a shrivelled up ballsack.” STOP LET HER COOK
“I thought that he is like me.A, a Ripper or a Glutton a-and I wanted to make him feel how it feels like to lose control.” yeah cuz thats not torture at all
kook ur cute but thats it go away stop tempting me u evil potato FUCK I CANT EVEN CURSE AT U NOODLE no NOODLE IS GOOD UM FUCK U GARLIC YEAH THAT WORKS
“Oh my god”, you exclaim, giving him a quick glance, “read the room, will you?” i feel soo bad for him BUT NO I SHANT FALL FOR HIS TRICKS, HEAR THAT YOU BITTER GOURD??
It was all the reassurance he needed to know that Yoongi still liked him. fuck kook is so cute but thats sad too
i'm actually very sad :( he just wants people to like him :(
t feels scary to stand in this hall with dozens and dozens of Rippers and Gluttons staring at you as if you were their greatest downfall STOP she is going to be a witch ok?? she is cool
interesting theory about her being a witch I LOVE WHEN you guys just have theories 👀
It is beyond hilarious to them to see their grumpy Creator lose 3000 year old loses to a mere mortal ofc its funny
like he's just secretly a big softie confirmed
“no offence, you guys are chill. They’re for Namjoon.” she is soo cute fuck, im sure the old people find her cute too, "oh young kids pssh
SHE IS THE CUTEST!!! i love her so much
“I want to play too”, Jungkook exclaims and looks at Yoongi, “can I play?” FUCK HE IS SO FUCKING CUTE IM GONNA SET THE WOLRD ON FIRE AAAAAAAHA
ME TOO gaaaah *bites him*
“No”, he says, “I don’t have time for silly board games.” ofc millennias old grandpa wont like board games 😒🙄
he is so BAD at pretending ahhhaha
“Biggest lie ever! You are constantly doing something stupid” STOP 😭😭violence 💀
human shaped shadow startles you like crazy. WTF MY HEART JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE BODY STOP only for it to be coat hanger
Yoongi all dressed up in a tophat and a fancy suit. A daguerreotype, THIS IS TOO FUNNY HAHA now you feel awful for laughing. Yoongi clearly meant to send this to someone special. fuck sorry
HAHAHHHAHAHHA this is the best reactionhahahahah
his room is so unlike him?? or do we not know him enough yet??
why doesnt he like to look at himself? thats worrying FUCK I HATE HIM AND I LOVE HIM GREAT AAAAH
No but this is actually so sad :(
lmoaoa the fact that she is ALWAYS busted when she does stupid shit fajdsjf
My lower spine was shattered, my legs dead and Annelise had to carry me down the mountain like a sack of potatoes before my spine finally healed again.” wow HEKC YEAH I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE HOBI TURN ME AND YOONGI TRAIN ME THEN I CAN DO RECKLESS SHIT
no but me for real. I'd probably end up hurting myself once and then never doing it again cause I can't handle the pain lmaoaoa
“It looks like a shrivelled up ballsack.” STOP LET HER COOK
bahahhaha "onion" jfasdjf I have to remember this for a fluffy oneshot
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bonesofwomanhood · 3 months
Things managed to get worse somehow. I dont even know what to say, i talk a lot but somehow i'm speechless.
My dad pays my rent while i pay the rest which is not a good deal as i want to pay rent myself (mostly so i can stop talking to him) but whatever. I live by myself because living with him meant i was gonna kill myself and i almost did. Good, right?
Well, i have been looking for a job -an actual job, not the freelancing stuff i do since i was 18- for months now and i had my mind set on it. Get a job, stay away from everyone, easy, right? Except that our country is in 2001 2.0 so yeah, oh Argentina always being my toxic boyfriend.
There's a huge chance i end up living with him again, unless a miracle happens and i get hired which i hope will happen but if it hasn't happened in months... and im terrified, honestly.
I have done a few advances, very little but still, good enough for me. If i go with him, i cant leave the house as in, due to my phobia, i will not be able to go to the fucking garden (reason why i moved out years ago) i cant eat or sleep properly there because i'm just terrified. I cant stand being with him all day. If i move, finding a place to go when i finally move out will be harder and i dont think i will make it and i had also just really made up my mind on not talking to him. God.
It's in moments like this one when i hate myself the most. If i was healthy, if my agoraphobia didn't exist then i would have more chances on doing something, right? And it's so pathetic, i'm so pathetic.
When i think about basic things like working out of home, taking a bus, going on dates -things i should be able to do, as girls my age do- i feel so stupid. If you look for the word pathetic you'll find a picture of me.
All i think about since my birthday in november is that, getting a job outside of home, going on dates, going somewhere by bus with friends, having children... the realisation that i wont have children has destroyed me, how can i be a good mother when i cant even take them to school? And i want a kid so badly, i have her name chosen, God.
Every day is a realisation of the things i cant do, if i ever somehow become able to do them, they're not gonna be "organic" or whatever, im not gonna enjoy them. The little things i can do -going by car (which btw is so expensive so i can barely do that!!) to a restaurant and eat inside- i dont really enjoy, im always just, terrified but i do them because of course i want to do things other than be home and of course i want to spend time with people i love! But it always ends up in fighting because i spend *my* money so i can go by car and because we eat inside of the restaurant instead of outside under the sun and and and... its tiring. And now this.
Since my birthday i've had this feeling that i wont live until im 30. Being 24 terrifies me, i've been sick since i was 6, i cant just go back in time and each second that goes by with me being me is a lost second, a lost minute, a wasted life. As soon as i turned 24 i had this feeling of "this is it" like, no matter what i do, my life was gonna end around 25. I accidentally saw a few stuff that triggered me and made that thought even more realistic and so, since november, that's all i think about and now... what if i was right? I have no other choice. Either a miracle happens and i get a job or i die, i cant go back there so i dont really see many options.
I always knew if i die, it's my dad who will find me, he is the one that lives closer. I dont think i care tbh, whatever!! But this just makes me think, what if this is just it? I dont think i care about my future anyway, i dont have many plans, althought the fact that i've been crying so hard over this, well...
I dont know. And the other day a friend texted me a lot and i didn't reply and she called me terrified thinking i had killed myself and i laughed it off but i feel like the worst person in the world.
I feel like an attention seeker and that makes me feel so humilliated but whatever, this is like screaming into the void so that's good.
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dr4cking · 3 years
Birthday Boy.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff |
a/n : we love spoiling our ferret boy and thank you for requesting! <3
y/n look up at the clock hanging on her bedroom wall. its 12am sharp, confirming the next date has arrived, which means that it's June 5 now.
she was feeling excited and nervous as she finishes wrapping up the present that she will give to one of her best friends, draco malfoy.
they had been best friends for long years, it started in 2nd year and became inseparable since then and now they both are already graduated.
as they grew up they often flirted with each other, always got jealous when the other see another person.
they both knew that they always wanted to be 'more'. the sexual tension between the two is becoming too hard to ignore, but they were too scared to ruin their friendship.
she stood in front of her mirror, taking the last look at herself. she decided to dress up, it was a special day after all.
she wore a dark green satin dress because draco's favorite color is green and paired it up with silver heels. she had decided to put black lingerie underneath her dress incase 'it' happens.
she had asked her parents to let her stay in malfoy manor today so she can celebrate draco's birthday. and because their parents know each other too, they let her stay there.
she swishes her wand and in a second she was apparated to malfoy manor hall, it was really dark but she still managed to found his bedroom, she knocks softly on his door not wanting to wake his parents.
the door opened, revealing the blonde-haired guy who stood straightly with a genuine smile on his face.
draco is wearing his usual black suit which always making him look hotter than he already is.
she feels her heart will going to jump out of its place at any second when she cant take her eyes off of him.
"you came," he said as he greeted and taking her hand in his guiding her in. they both sit at the edge of his bed.
"of course, i wouldnt miss my best friend's birthday, making sure i was the first celebrating your birthday." she laughed softly making draco chuckle.
"you look so beautiful in that dress, love. green really suits you.”
draco once again take her hand in his and brought it to his lips and kiss it, making her cheeks heated at his action and the nickname he just called her.
"here, happy birthday draco." she placed the gift in his hand.
his eyes lit up and he immediately opens it, making y/n getting more nervous waiting for his reaction.
"oh merlin! this is so cool y/n!! i love it so much!"
he took out the black ring that had a snake symbol carved in it from its place and put it on his ring finger, taking a look and admiring it.
"i’m so glad you like it, draco! i wasnt sure what to get you then i remembered you've been looking at this ring when we passed the store last week"
"thank you so much y/n!! you dont have to do this i appreciate it so much, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, love."
he pulls her by her waist and kisses her forehead, thanking her.
no one has ever treated him like the way she does and he's so grateful to have someone like her in his life.
"aww stop it draco or i will cry in front of you now" she laughs, nudging his elbow making him laughs too but he suddenly stopped and looking at his lap.
"whats wrong, dray? are you okay? did i do something wrong?" she asks worriedly tilting his chin making him looking up at her.
"i'm afraid that i have to say this, y/n..” he takes a big sigh looking into her eyes.
“what is it? tell me i wont judge, draco”
“i- i think i’m in love with you, y/n. no! i know that i am in love with you, i have always been."
he inhales deeply and broke the eye contact, looking anywhere but her eyes, knowing his sudden confession would make him lost her this instant.
"draco, look at me" y/n said as she tilts his chin again making him look at her.
"oh god.. i’m sorry y/n i shouldnt have said that! i was just- its just i- i cant hold it anymore y/n. i need to get this out of my chest and now look, i just ruined us"
"oh draco.. you're not ruining anything, quite the opposite actually, you just made the right move, i'm in love with you too, idiot, always have been."
she chuckles and cupped his face in her hands, pressing both of their foreheads, looking at each other causing a shy smile to appear back on his face.
he tilted his head and wasting no time to smashed his lips on hers, kissing her passionately, showing her how much he loves her which she gladly returned with the same passion.
he put one of his hands on her throat and the other on her waist pulling her closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged softly on his hair making him moan into the kisses.
as the kiss turning into a full makeout, he lays her down to his bed, resting both of his hands on the side of her head still kissing her hungrily.
his suit already thrown out on the floor and her heels too. she snapped back to reality and realizing what is gonna happen then flipping their position over and now she is on top of him straddling him.
"let me do all the work draco, today is all about you, wanna make this special and a night to remember, let me make you feel good, love."
she slowly grinding against him after earning eager nods from him, both of them let out a moan at the feeling.
then she gets down and started to unbuckle his belt, kissing his growing tent and palming him through his trousers causing him to squirmed under her touch.
getting excited she pulls his trousers and boxers down, throwing them somewhere as draco's hard swollen cock sprang free and standing tall in front of her, begging for attention.
she moans at the pretty sight, licking her lips, craving to feel him. she runs her fingers around him and placing soft kisses on his inner thighs before going up to the part he needed the most.
draco let out a throaty groan when y/n finally take his hard cock in her hands pumping him, his body jolted out as he feels y/n kitten lick his tip, his hand founding its way to her hair.
she looks up to him with innocent eyes who already watching her movements, she smiles and took his balls in her mouth making draco instantly moan her name, his other hand gripped on the sheets.
then she pulls out to rest her jaw and lick a straight line on his cock from the base to the tip then going all in, his cock feels so heavy and full in her mouth, draco is already a moaning mess.
"fuck y/n- feels so g-good.." her name repeatedly left his lips like a prayer as he keeps moaning her.
she bobbed her head up and down at a steady pace, hollowing her cheeks and pulling draco deeper each time she suck him.
"yes y/n, just like that, fuck.. feels so fucking good"
she swirls her tongue around his length, sucking on his tip and taking him back inside her mouth again, her hand pumping the rest of his cock that she couldnt fit in her mouth at the same pace making sure that part got pleasures too.
he bucked his hips accidentally making her gagged and choked out, saliva dripping off her mouth and eyes watering.
"shit i’m sorry y/n!" he said as he watches her struggling.
"do that again, draco."
y/n replied as she took him back inside her mouth, and hand still stroking his cock. draco groaned and buck his hips again, making her gagged and moaning at the same time, the vibration sending him near to his high.
she noticed his cock twitched in her mouth and begin to suck faster and deeper, her hand move to his balls and massaging them helping him reach his high.
he let out a low scream of her name as he shots his warm liquids down to her throat, his legs are shaking. y/n moaned and pulls him out showing draco that she swallowed all of his cum. he smirked and mutters a 'good girl' to her.
"how was it, draco?" she asks him smirking as she slowly sat up and straddling him again.
"fuck.. you have no idea y/n.. that was amazing, the best i ever had" he replied as he still catching his breath.
she smiles at him and takes off her dress slowly showing draco her black lingerie. his pupils widened at the view in front of him.
"god y/n.. you are insanely gorgeous, you look so hot in this lingerie, darling. are you preparing all of this for me? planning all of this cause you know this is going to happen, yeah?"
his hands are now roaming around her body, admiring her in every way he could. she blushes and nodded, taking her lingerie off of her showing draco her full body making him embarrassingly moaned at the view.
she starts grinding her now bare cunt on his still hard cock, earning a soft whimper from the boy under her. his hands instantly gripped her hips helping her grinding faster, her wetness now coating his cock.
"now enjoy the ride, mr. malfoy" she said as she lifts her body and pumps his cock lining his tip against her lubricating it with her juices making both of them groaning at the sensation.
she sunk down on his cock, filling her up in a perfect way. its like their bodies fit together and were made for each other.
they’re moaning each other as draco is fully inside her. she paused and take a few seconds to adjust to his size.
"mhm.. fuck- you're so big draco.. fill me up so good inside"
she starts bouncing up and down, resting her hands on draco's chest as she picks up her pace, throwing her head back and screwing her eyes shut in pleasure.
"you're so tight y/n, wrapping my cock so tight, taking me so well" draco praises between his moans, his hands gripped harder on her hips helping her bouncing faster.
"do you like how i ride you, dray?" she leaned into his ear, blowing her hot breath and biting his earlobe making him shuddered.
"y- yes mommy" draco's breath hitched as y/n suddenly going faster, her walls now hugging his cock very tight.
she let out a groan hearing draco called her 'mommy'.
placing her lips on his jawline, licking it then going down to his neck, sucking hard as she found his sweet spot causing draco to moan his raspy voice into her ear, turning her even more.
y/n starts to give him her lovebites and marking him as hers sending butterflies to his stomach.
she put her hand on his throat, choking him lightly while her other hand toying with his nipple, making draco whine. pulling her closer to him and captured her lips on his to muffle his moans.
she broke the kiss and screaming his name out loud as his cock nearly brushing her cervix and hitting her g-spot.
"shit.. you feel so good inside me dray"
she rolled her hips faster on his cock, her tits bouncing up and down in front of him and he caught her nipple in his mouth and buried his face on her breasts, enjoying the warmness.
"ah- you feel so good too, fuck- never felt this good mommy"
his breath got stuck and he feels his cock twitched inside her indicating both of them that he was close, y/n seems close too as she bites her lips feeling the coil in her stomach tightened.
"cum for mommy, baby boy"
y/n rolls her hips and bouncing faster, tightening her grip on his throat.
and that was it for draco, he moans her name out loud not caring if someone might hear as he spilled his cum inside, filling her to the brim, ropes of his warm cum shooting inside her.
y/n cant help but cum all over his cock at the feeling of his cum shooting inside her nonstop, her walls clenching and squeezing hard on him.
both of them are a mess, legs shaking, vision blurry as they were on cloud nine, she rolled her hips lazily to ride out their orgasms before collapsing on top of draco, both panting heavily.
"fuck you have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that, love" draco said softly as he caressing her cheeks pulling her in for a sweet loving kiss.
"happy birthday, draco." y/n broke the kiss smiling at him tiredly, giving lovely kisses all over his face.
"best birthday ever, thank you my love for everything. i love you so much..” he kissed her lips one more time.
“i love you so much too, dray.”
those were the last words they spoke before both of them drifted off to sleep with a smile on their faces.
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @dlmmdl @yiamalfoy @black-repunzel99 @rylynn-m @slythermuf @acciodignity @i-love-scott-mccall @maybesandohnos @yvonnearce22 @arzfia @alexthealexthealex @seriouslyinlove
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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american-idiot21 · 2 years
Yandere dad hawks/Dabi pt1.6
Master list
Master list for series
Im basing this off of “Wake me up when September ends” by Green Day.
So our birthday is in September, and we hate September because of that fact. So its the 19th our birthday and we just wake up and immediately teleport to Hawks house hopping he forgets our birthday. But surprise surprise he doesn’t and the house is decorated. But its in out favorite colors which never happen at our house.
While we are looking at the decorations we remember out conversation that happened on September 1st. And that conversation went like this:
“I dont like September. Can you like put me in a medical induced coma or some shit until September ends?” We say as we teleport right in front of hawks at his agency.
“Ok so no hello? Hi? Or at the lest a hug? We’ve known each other for like 2 months.” Hawks questions, he was going to get back to our question but just wants a hi first.
“Ok. Hi Hawks. I don’t like September. Can you put me in medical coma or something?”
“No. Why don’t you like September? Its your brith month!”
“I dont like it because of school. And because I don’t like my birthday”
“Why dont you like your birthday?”
“Because its just.. like something always goes wrong on my birthday. For example: my mom would get a concussion a week before and it would be a bad once, id figure out someone was using me for a dare or bet, id have a test a fail it, there was even one time where I got nothing I wanted for my birthday! The list could go on and on and on forever!”
“Hmm ok. Tell me what you want. Everything even decorations and I’ll have them at my house on our birthday and we can just stay home that day, do nothing but what you want. Nothing will go wrong! I wont even try to kidnap you at the end of the day. I promise”
“Hmm you’ve made the promise before. But we know you cant really fully kidnap me because of mu quirk. The kidnapping has turned into a joke now I feel like. I mean you’ve done it like 20 times and it still hasn’t worked.”
“Ha ha ha yeah Ik. But I really promise this time.”
“Hmmm OK Fine. Ill be over in the miring before school. Ill hack into the school thing saying im present for all my classes.”
“Ok. Send me a list of everything you want and I’ll get it. And if there are shirt tell me what size in the things too.”
“Ok Ik send you the list. Also there’s a hawks crochet thing in there I really want because the wings are cute.” We say knowing we are going to regret it later when we have like 5 of them. Or as much as he can order. We could tell hawks freaked out after that and after we teleported out of his office and too school because we where going to be late.
After remembering that we chuckle a bit and then hear a loud scream and then “HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!! WE CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TODAY!!!!” Hawks screamed in returned scaring us so much that we screamed at the top of our lungs. Soon fallowed by a hug and red wings wrapping around us.
“Ok ok thanks hawks this is amazing. I love it.” We say while hugging him back, holding back our tears because we felt so happy in that moment.
“So what do oh want to do today first?”
“Breakfast” we say as our stomach growls.
“Haha ok love.”
We all then spent the day doing whatever we wanted and we were freaking out our parents by not being in the house. But we had a good birthday and thats all that matters. Plus Dabi came and we got to burn Endeavors agency down with him while Hawks was busy getting lunch. Also the fact that we got more comfortable with hawks and are starting to feel like the house is home.
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simluvbot · 3 years
how enhypen hyung line spoils you
a/n: okay so the only reason im writing this is because heejay went on tmi news and heeseung said jay is probably the richest enhypen member.. plus jay spending 6k on a hotel for heeseung and the fact that jay’s dad owns a travel agency got me thinking so 😁  yeah here’s a headcanon on how hyung line spoil you :D — also reminder that this is a work of fiction and I wrote this based on what I think would suit with their personalities !
hee will also spoil you with his undivided attention !!
it sounds simple but whenever he is with you, he is not focusing on anything but you. he feels like he doesnt spend as much time with you as he wants to, so moments with you are so precious to him and he is always listening and responding. its really relaxing </3
(open to read more <3)
i dont really think heeseung is the type to buy you lots of materialistic things but since i feel he is really attentive he’ll instead just randomly gift you things that you had said you needed around him and just ended up forgetting about.
you complaining about it being so hot lately and needing to buy a small fan to carry around? heeseung will randomly gift you a portable fan he bought you the other day, oh you know, just ‘casually’ as he says. you saying how youre so hungry and dont have time to go get food during your lunch break?  you have food delivered to your work.
 also !! heeseung is so sO unbelievably talented !!
plus he knows how much you like his singing, so how else does he spoil you? with his voice.
it sounds cheesy but ); how could you not drop everything right that second when heeseung starts singing for you 
so,, you both chilling in bed together and relaxing? he’ll start humming softly or singing quietly because he knows how much you enjoy it, especially when youre stressed out ):
You’re so lucky because he literally voice records him singing cover songs in English too and send them to you, just for your ears only
Also will show you snippets of enhypen’s new songs or choreos because he knows you’re an engene too hehe
tbh he doesnt even bat an eyelash at the prospect of buying you something expensive
i mentioned this before but if he is out shopping, travelling, etc and he sees something he thinks you would like, need or look good on you? he buys it with no second thoughts !
loves buying matching outfits with you <3
he likes to spoil you as well in terms of quality time ):
he’ll rent a small yacht for you both to enjoy a relaxing evening together, rent a restaurant out just for you both, etc just so you two can spend a relaxing time together privatley <3
WILL pull a lee young joon on you from what’s wrong with secretary kim and rent out a whole theme park just to surprise you with 😋
also uses the fact his dad is the owner of a travel agency to his advantage and often books hotel and resort stays for you both whenever he can 😋😋
i think jay would also be the type to spoil you with cheesy couple gifts during anniversaries and on dates lol
so you HAVE started to build a small collection of stuffed teddy bears on your bed..
ofc he spoils you with materialistic things !! he likes it but with jay your comfort and happiness is ALWAYS one of his top priorities with you so he also always makes sure to make some time in his schedule whenever he can, just to spend some time with you <3
I think jake wouldnt spoil you that much, at least he wouldnt make it explicitly obvious
more the type to spoil you with surprises during anniversaries or special occasions 
will be all shy like, “y/n youre not busy for the two days after your birthday, right? just saying please leave your schedule free for then.”
you’re confused but do what he says anyways, and when he surprises you with plane tickets, you have to pretend to act surprised hehe
often pays for expenses such as café or restaurant bills for you (EVEN if you tell him you can pay it yourself 🙄)
i think he would spoil you with random gifts that he gets for you, and over time they accumulate and each little thing he gives you is a reminder of one of your many dates with him <3
that picture frame on your bedroom wall over there? oh jake surprised you with it. the necklace youre wearing? oh jake bought it for you. that blanket on your bed? oh jake didnt want you to get cold at night, so he bought it for you to make sure youre warm ):
he is also very thoughtful so he always considers your health! and he spoils you in the sense of making sure you have the necessities he thinks you need !
when you both went out on a date and he noticed you didnt have a scarf and was complaining about how cold it was he went and bought you a new one rIGHT that second. jake wont dare let his y/n catch a cold 😠😤
jake is also so so sweet ): so he ALWAYS is showering you in compliments and praise
lowkey youre spoiled by his kind words like you could be doing the bare minimum and he’ll be telling you ‘yes thats my baby! youre doing so well!!”
overall jake just wants to make sure youre healthy and happy !! he is always noticing the small things about you hehe so he ends up spoiling you in his own ways unintentionally (:
okAY so youre literally dating him but he’ll be telling you how lucky you are to even be receiving his attention in the first place 🙄
but lowkey he does spoil you too
I see sunghoon making beaded bracelets for you and gifting them to you ):
Another one of the #teddybeargivers™
Spoils you a lot on special occasions. Will buy you roses, candles, chocolate, teddy bears etc. the typical boyfriend-y gifts on days like valentine’s or your bday </3
I feel like sunghoon is very subtle about spoiling you but when he sometimes does spoil you it’ll be something low-key expensive
Like uh sunghoon ?? An apple watch for Christmas?? i don’t think I can accept this
But he’ll look at you like 😐 y/n I went out of my way to buy this for you and it was expensive u better be grateful
Idk if this makes sense but he spoils you in his hoodies 😋
He always have a bunch that he separates ready for you to steal hehe
Also you know how I mentioned the gifts on special occasions? Well he will also write these long, detailed cards and give them to you and since sunghoon isn’t the best at conveying his emotions when he puts down all of his feelings down on a piece of paper,, you always feel so spoiled and flustered in his love ):
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aerimomo-mellon · 3 years
Skz as Boyfriends!
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Paring~ SKZ x Reader
Genre~ informative lol
A/N~ yep it was requested! Enjoy 친구 <3
warnings? none. (idk mention of bed related things haha)
SKZ M☁List II Main M☁List
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✿ Bangchan
We all know this guy and you all have read enough of him I think, to know what imma say. (But for special purposes why not..)
This guy is really really serious about relationships and you are probably the one because he just can’t help loving everything about you.
The fact that he is yours even with all the responsibilities and work he has as a leader and idol is a miracle itself. Therefore consider yourself LUCKY to have the most caring and loving man anyone could have.
Dates- He likes movies hence movie nights and date to the theater are often. If not then he likes taking you to a sports event or the beach cause yeah. ( that vibesssssss you know? )
PDA = 3/10 why?, because as mentioned earlier he is responsible for many important things and he doesn’t want to have any misunderstandings about you and dislikes hate in general. That 30% I gave him was because he would only do PDA if really needed.
In Bed things? Umm not often actually but once in a while yes WHILE he would like it I’m sorry I mean LOVE it..
Con? Yep time! Sorry girl but that time you need, it’s hard for him to fulfill every time.
Cute extra info- Doesn’t mention it but secretly likes when you poke his dimple and say he’s cute.
✿ Minho
There are these majority conceptions, as I said majority but not all cause there are stays who know that he is a sweet guy deep deep down.😉
If you’re his s/o he will give every bit of him to you and expects the same for you. I would categorize him as a boyfriend wo acts like a mom lol. It maybe hard to digest that information but trust me this feeling I have from my gut I can say that he is also very caring. Although he might not say things like I will be there whenever you need me or even I miss you, care for you, but he doesn't need to say this anyway. As action speak more than words our Minho is the same.
Dates- He likes to balance it between what you like and what he likes as well. If you are a new couple he straight up asks what you prefer. Plus point he likes to take you to cat café if you like cats too.
PDA = 0.5/10 why? honestly speaking this guy literally hates to express his feelings. That .5 is literally him agreeing that he is yours and that's it. (when someone asks that is)
In Bed things? I personally think it depends on his mood and not yours. Yup. Somedays he wants you a lot and somedays he likes his space. I'm not saying he hates cuddling but more than that on days he is either tired or stressed he likes to keep that little limit to what happens next.
Con? Attention... you would literally take his cats away from him to get his attention.
Cute extra info- likes it when you call him and yourself Appa and Eomma to his cats.
✿ Changbin
Changbin being the puff/ strong guy(sorry that sounded disturbed lol) We all know how babied he likes to be.
Him as a boyfriend is just very natural, I mean from the way he takes you on a fancy date to even putting nail polish on your left hands. Everything is very genuine and he loves it. The Boyfriend to always apologize first.
I find him as someone to take attraction and the next step which is relationship very seriously. ( the person to be very calculative, it can beat Chan honestly..)Knowing that he is afraid to hurt people in any kind of way, to hurt you even as an accident breaks his heart.
Dates- Our Dwaekki loves taking you on dates with loads of food or snacks. A typical Korean restaurant or even food stalls, he loves seeing you eat than to be broken when you might have some kind of sickness due to eating problems.
PDA = 5/10 why? Because he likes your opinion. He is okay with either if you insist on a particular one but slightly leans on less public knowing. Holding hands and probably hugging you wouldn't be a huge problem for him.
In Bed things? he loves it anytime honestly... if he is horney he is getting what he wants and when you are same goes to you.. you'll get what you want..
Cons? Too much aegyo which makes you do things you don’t necessarily want to. (Stay blessed)
Cute extra info- Praise him! (x100) loves it when you say things like " my boyfriend is so strong.." or even " those arms mmm..."
✿ Hyunjin
I mean do I need to say how into he is with this??? Damn this man is the most prepared man a girl could have. The type to know everything about relationships... from trending couple fashion to even special not important but cute couple events..( that he probably found randomly scrolling through google)
He knows your anniversary, birthday, your moms birthday, dads and basically your whole family knows him too. He also keeps track of your monthly cycle too cause he likes being responsible for you..
He is the type to get jealous very easily BUT wont admit it when you ask. Likes to braid your hair while learning from YouTube.. Likes to buy you so many colorful cute hair accessories. (loves your hair..)
Dates- we all know this guy is fancy so he likes fancy dates but he can also be the complete opposite.. Fancy~ maybe to a art restaurant or even on a fancy boat cause why not.. Normally though~ likes to take you to an art museum or at night to take you on the roof for star gazing..
PDA = 2/10 why? I've probably given hints on my fictions with Hyunjin about this in particular. He prefers keeping this in private and that 20% is with his members (barely)
In Bed things? This guy couldn’t be more romantic lol. Loves being prepared for this buys every thing you both need… and yeah loves it.
Cons? He buys Kammi more hair clips than you sorry….
Cute extra info- likes when you get mad when he cut his hair lol. I apologize to all the stays I know he is cute every time but that long hair just hits different….
✿ Jisung
The craziest boyfriend you could have and will only have. You would low key love your relationship with this man I’m telling ya…
You two would have so much fun like toddlers. He is honestly the cutest, funniest, talented etc.. man you get all in one.. ahaha..
Likes to buy you the most stupid things that actually works for a daily living..( that thing he bought to watch on his phone while laying down 😵)
likes to joke around and talk to you a lot.. gurll listen to him he loves it. He likes to value your problems as well so listens to you too.
Dates- likes to watch anime so you two usually have this anime night cuddle sessions but if he were to plan something outside he would prefer to take you to the amusement part lol.
PDA = 8/10 why? honestly he likes showing you off cause he is fond of you. Basically doesn't care what others think... his parents know you, members, friends outside the group, and stays know you exist lol.. 20% i kept for a reason because he doesn't like it when things get out of handle so he wont do anything to the extent..
In bed things? yes he likes it but that turns up into a tickle fight or even a complete cringe but cute moment..
Cons? He might be very sensitive leading to him being upset and you having to apologize...
Cute extra info- loves it when you kiss his cheeks or just play with them in general..
✿ Felix
I had to bring this up at some point lol.. stays probably know the video where he says his clothes are boyfriend material lol...and yes i agree hands down!
A boyfriend material in his own way ahaha.. i mean we all know he loves to be cared for and loved. That Bangchan! spoiled little youngbok.. i personally feel or think two ways. Either he likes being cared for by you or he takes care for you since now he gets to be the older one..
Felix likes speaking in English so if you know English he would speak both languages as well. Likes to give you blowjobs cause he fell in love with you lol..
Dates- Shopping malls, window shopping, UNO on a picnic lol all these are his favs and so are yours .. Personally speaking he likes to take you to places where he can take lots of pictures of you..
PDA = 4/10 why? I don't know haha yup its just a feeling where I'm in between of two opposite thoughts.. I fell like he shows you to his members and family but not more than that.. (Olivia is most likely to love you)
In bed things? Likes being pampered and loves it when you lead.. happens pretty often actually..
Cons? yes! he like being touchy and so do you but he does it too much which beats ya.. and jealous really easily! and he lets you know that..
cute extra info- compliment him on his freckles and he will blush literally a tomato 🍅..
✿ Seungmin
Sweet really sweet.. he is the typical Korean boyfriend you'll get haha even better than that.
He just likes to talk to you or even look at you all day and keep that puppy smile on him.. The type to sing you a song to sleep or whenever you ask him to. likes to hear you sing too.. attempts to make you laugh but ends up, giving up.
He likes kissing your eyes when they are closed.. or when you just fell asleep after the song likes to give your eyes quick pecks..
Dates- He likes walks and that's why you go on evening walks and return when it's dark.. likes holding your hands. He likes grocery shopping with you, takes you to the rooftop to talk about life and its shitty problems.. Basically effortless things that make your relationship happy for what it is.
PDA = 1/10 why? I mean do I need to tell you this? he is like Minho but just a little bit more obvious.. Prefers to express his love when you two are alone..(that's it)
In bed things? umm yes but no.. i mean he gives in to your begs but I feel like Seungmin is just too into cute cuddling and these things are only when he is very desperate ..
Cons? not much but maybe ignoring you when you ask if he can buy you ice Cream for the fifty-sixth time..(but gives in anyway)
Cute extra info- He likes when he sees you in his clothes.. but doesn't say it and acts like he doesn't..
✿ Jeongin
Baby, baby, Baby..... he is our baby boyyyy but his savage ass towards his Hyungs just breaks it all hahaha…
Jk he is actually really cute, caring, sweet and likes to be protective. It may not suit him but yes he likes scolding people if done wrong to you..
You might be older or younger honestly he doesn’t care.. he is very respectful to you either way. He loves you and is very shy too which you find cute.
Dates- Asks you for your opinion or his Hyungs. He still is very inexperienced so he doesn’t know but sometimes likes it when you two spend time on the swings of some random park with fruit juice 🧃..
PDA = 0/10 why? Cause no no no no not even to his members haha he is just too shy and likes to keep his relationship in its own boundaries.
In bed things? Nope please! I’m sorry stays but I just can’t with Jeongin… (no further details he is just so precious to me)
Cons? He understands very late.. like you trying to say you want to cuddle, kiss etc.. without words he won’t get it. Just fucking be straight forward with our baby.
Cute extra info- honestly everything is cute about him so I can’t fit it here sorry… stays use your imagination here…
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