#plus its on victoria day
thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
For the love of god, parents on about seeing my nan for my mom's birthday...
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redclercs · 1 year
xii. oh no, i’m falling in love again.
— the one where he changes your ticket home.
“𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘺𝘦𝘴. 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘰.” ― 𝘎𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘭 𝘎𝘢𝘳𝘤í𝘢 𝘔á𝘳𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘻, 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘢.
warnings: this is fiction so we're going to ignore everything that doesn't adjust to our real world timeline, okay? okay. ft. timothée chalamet, paris inaccuracies, alcohol consumption. 3.4k words (+articles!)
currently playing: labyrinth by taylor swift!
also the song referenced in the first article is this one.
masterlist ✢ next
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by Alan Gomez
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After months of awaiting its release, Aidan Kim has graced us with the first single of his upcoming album “MIRRORS”.
The first song off the album, called “In Your Pocket” was released last Friday august 4th, and reached its peak at #7 in the billboard 100. The track, in which Aidan participated both as a lyricist and producer, talks about a dying relationship thanks to the girl being a cheater and protecting the evidence by not showing her cellphone to her counterpart.
With a constant “show me yours, I’ll show you mine,” and “it should be really easy if you have nothing to hide” Kim depicts what could be his personal experience with ex-girlfriend y/n y/ln, who was accused of cheating with a Formula 1 pilot last May.
The album expects its release in October 5th.
→ Victoria Presley takes a break from social media: "My free speech is being disrespected."
→ Who did Aidan Kim date before y/n y/ln?
→ Mia Kim loses role on Netflix's Heartstopper.
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By Beatrice Mann
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With the release of his first single, Aidan Kim keeps pushing the same old narrative that he got cheated on by his ex-girlfriend actress y/n y/ln.
The thing is, there is absolutely not proof of this to be true. y/n herself has said that despite everything going on in her relationship with Aidan Kim, cheating never crossed her mind. Plus, the allegations that involved Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclerc have been debunked by the monegasque himself saying he had “the pleasure of meeting y/n” in April.
Aidan Kim is manipulating the narrative to make himself look as the one who was blindsided, however no one is holding these facts against him, when it’s clear lying has never been past him.
Even Joel Austin who spent most of the 2010’s working with Aidan Kim in Star-5 has called him “deceitful” and “jealous”.
It is extremely harmful that, despite y/n refusing to say Aidan Kim’s name in public and choosing to only refer to him as “my former partner”, Aidan can’t keep her name out of his mouth to save his life. Tell me Aidan, who really is freeloading of the other one’s fame?
→ Former Star-5 staff says Aidan Kim played a key part in the group's disbandment.
→ y/n y/ln looks radiant leaving Columbia Pictures HQ.
→ Swifties prove they're #TeamYN with new trend praising the actress.
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August 15th, Paris, France.
Laughter fills your hotel suite, you're stumbling around the room barefoot, in an attempt to dance to ABBA's 'Dancing Queen' while Matilde takes pictures with a disposable camera and holds her aching middle.
You're supposed to be getting ready for a Fashion Show happening in an hour and a half, one both Matilde and you got invited as guests for Dior. Your outfits are hanging by the door to the suite, away from the mess you've made with spilled champagne and a half-eaten fruit platter.
It's the first time in days that the lyrics to 'In Your Pocket' aren't playing in the back of your mind as you try to go on with your day. Being with Mati always helps you forget the outside world, even for a little while.
The music fades as you pose in the middle of the room and Matilde snaps a picture that leaves you seeing stars for the following seconds.
"Okay, let's get serious now," you say through a chortle. "We need to be ready!"
These public appearances are becoming increasingly important for you, they are the few chances you get to show everyone that you are still likable enough to get invited to events and therefore, not an awful person at all. Although actual awful people get invited too, you're hoping to give the opposite impression.
Your styling team will be getting there in ten minutes, assuming you're showered and ready and not in pajama shorts and your hair in a bun on the top of your head.
"Fine!" Matilde takes a deep breath, soothing her laughter before giggling again. "Go on, take a shower and I'll pick our stuff up."
"Thank you!"
You make a stop before running to the bathroom. Your cellphone rests on top of your bed, facing down. A text from Charles pops up as soon as you lift the phone, the screen unlocking with your face. It's a simple 'see you later, soleil' that has you smiling like an idiot against your will.
"What's that?" Matilde wonders, picking runaway crushed grapes from the marble floor. She knows exactly what it is that's got you smiling like that, you spilled everything last night, when you were drunk on red wine.
Your stupid little crush on Charles isn't your best kept secret anymore, but there is no one you trust more than Matilde to keep it with you.
Surprisingly, despite her initial warning, Matilde didn't judge you at all as you hiccuped and whined about how good Charles looked at the wedding and how unfair it was that you felt butterflies every time you thought of him.
The butterflies didn't last long, though, supplanted by worms of anxiety. Falling in love was not a conscious decision, no matter how much you wish it would be otherwise. And it was so frightening. Falling felt like flying, until you ended up crushed on the ground.
“Nothing,” you say, locking the phone again.
“Huh,” Mati is holding back a smile, wiping the stickiness from her hands on her pajama top. “Weird.”
You smile at her, a sheepish ‘I’ve been caught’ smile that finally makes Mati herself grin. You’re glad she didn’t repeat her “you don’t wanna do that” sermon, although maybe it would have helped you make your mind up about whether you want to explore your feelings or throw dirt on them to extinguish the fire.
Maybe you just have to get through one day at a time, if there's anything you've learnt since your downfall began is that the future is unpredictable. You wish you had a crystal ball, though.
It's at the After Party that you actually get five minutes alone with him, or as alone as you possibly can in Le Carmen, surrounded by half-drunk people and loud music blasting.
"Here, soleil," Charles hands you the Vodka Soda you ordered, before taking his whiskey. It makes you remember the smell of his breath, so close to your neck, while you danced at the wedding.
You take a sip of your drink before Charles can clink his glass to yours, and he just laughs as embarrassment fills you. "Sorry."
He looks impeccable in his tailored suit and with his hair slicked back. Your hands are sweating and you try not to let it show how nervous you suddenly feel, this isn't you. Not around Charles, anyway.
"It's okay," he says, sipping his drink too, a smile still on his lips.
Red lights flash on your faces as you try your best to hold a conversation about the fashion show. Charles was a guest for Armani, and had to sit exactly opposite to you facing the runway.
"Hey! y/n!" someone is grabbing the upper part of your arm before you have even turned around.
"Oh, hi!"
You saw Timothée around a couple times tonight, but with his popular kid aura, all he'd done was greet you with a smile and a wave before disappearing through the crowd with a drink in his hand. To be honest, after what you'd said about him on your Youtube video you felt a little shy, but he never seemed to remember or mind your comments, he said he was on your side once or twice, even.
"How's it going?" he asks, his hand has left your shoulder and dropped to his side, but you notice the way Charles' eyes follow it. "Also, nice to meet you," he offers the same hand to Charles who takes it immediately, giving it a strong squeeze.
"C'est mon plaisir," is all Charles responds.
"All good," you half-sigh. Stress is a normal part of your life now, but it doesn't mean you're okay with it. "You?"
Timmy shrugs, imitating your response before drinking from his glass. "Just wanted to say hi, i'll see you soon, yes?"
The exchange can only mean one thing. He has gotten the call.
Your little trip to Los Angeles was for a chemistry read at Columbia Pictures with Timothée for Greta Gerwig's new version of Little Women. It's the furthest you've gotten all year to landing a role and just thinking of it has the vodka churning in your stomach.
Charles watches the conversation with his brows furrowed, gripping the whiskey glass tightly. You give him a smile that he doesn't return before downing his drink.
"I'm sure I'll see you," Timmy is smiling again and his long fingers squeeze your bare shoulder once more. "Exciting, right?"
"Oh, you have no idea," you finish your vodka soda and immediately regret it. The alcohol is going to go straight to your head if you don't slow down.
"What are we talking about?" Charles questions, finally done with being the outsider, and letting his annoyance get the best of his manners.
Timothée and you open your mouths at the same time, but before words can come out, someone is dragging your could-be-costar away not caring at all that he's busy, and all he does is say a quick 'sorry' and 'bye'.
Awkwardness falls between Charles and you as you stare at your shoes, then his, and finally look up at his face, the lights have changed to blue and green and hide the color of his eyes.
"Want to get some air?" you suggest, "I'll tell you all about that." you signal to where Timothée disappeared with your head and bite your lower lip. Charles' expression softens and he nods, following you out as people woo for Rihanna's 'We Found Love'.
You take a deep breath once you're out of the club, the air is warm and pleasant. Charles observes you, leaning against the wall of the building. The back is empty, albeit a little creepy, but you don't mind. It's quiet and you're alone with Charles. Okay, maybe that you mind a little. When did you forget how to act around him?
"So," you begin, standing in front of him. Charles' demeanor is still mildly off-putting and you know you'd be the same had you been excluded in the way you did to him. "It's not a big deal, really. I haven't told anyone because, well, you know how things are right now and, yeah..."
Charles raises both eyebrows, his lips form a thin line briefly, before he switches to a good attempt at being neutral.
"I auditioned for a movie, Little Women, and finally got a callback. We had a chemistry reading a couple weeks ago," you explain quickly, rubbing your forehead in an anxious gesture. "His 'see you soon' is just wishing me luck, he's already got the role."
"Soleil, that's wonderful," Charles pushes himself off the wall, holding both your shoulders with his warm hands. "Why didn't you tell me?"
You shrug, making his palms slide to your biceps. "I didn't want to die of embarrassment when I didn't get the role. Which I can still do, by the way. Die, I mean."
Charles laughs, and you break into a smile too. "Seriously, Charles."
"You're not dying of embarrassment, not on my watch," he squeezes your shoulders. "I'm so proud of you."
"I'm sorry that you felt left out back there," you apologize, and it takes more than a little effort not to look away from his eyes. "It was really rude."
Charles shrugs—all nonchalant—as if he wasn't about to crush a whiskey glass with one hand just ten minutes ago. "That's okay, soleil. You can keep your secrets."
"You can keeps yours too," you joke, and it's like the air shifts around you. Heavy with secrets and unspoken words.
Charles lets go of you then, taking a step back. "I don't want to keep secrets from you, y/n."
Your heart wants to jump out of your chest, and the knot in your stomach tightens so much it turns heavy. You cannot say that you don't want that either, because keeping this secret from him is self-preservation.
It's not the time to think about him, and you hate yourself for it, but when Aidan's face flashes through your mind you're filled with fear. And you hate him more than you could possibly loathe yourself. Because he's made you afraid of falling in love.
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You plan to meet up with Charles for brunch the next day. You ignore Mati's chants of 'It's a date!' all morning as you move around your shared suite, trying to pick out the perfect outfit, excusing the indecision with how 'unpredictable' the weather is. Although it's been mild for the past fourteen days.
The flight you're taking back to New York with Matilde leaves the next day, and you're carrying the dread of packing the mess you've left at the hotel. The press has been right about one thing only that involves you or your friends, Matilde is going back to Broadway and since your home is finally just yours again, you offered it to her while she figures her stuff out.
"y/n, chill, okay?" Mati is lying on her unmade bed, holding her phone above her face. "Your packing will be done just in time, just worry about your date."
"It's not a date," you repeat, running the brush up and down your cheeks again, painting them a glowy peach. "Is it?"
Mati rolls her eyes, and before she can turn to face you, she drops her phone right on her face. "God damnit!"
You burst out laughing before you can help it, but still leave your chair to check on Matilde. "Are you okay?"
She rubs her nose, tears in the corner of her eyes. "Never better,"
"You'll be fine," you assure, blood doesn't come out and the redness is probably just from her incessant rubbing. "Be careful next time."
"Sure mom," Mati rolls her eyes again and sits up on the bed. "Oh, loving the makeup!"
"Thank you," you stare at your reflection in the mirror for thirty seconds straight, urging your eyes to find a flaw. Is the line on your eyelid crooked? Are your teeth stained pink? Maybe you should have chosen another shade for your blush.
"y/n," Mati is still pinching the bridge of her nose and you feel really sorry for laughing. "You look beautiful, okay? Stop looking at yourself like that."
You flashback to a time Victoria told you maybe you should just 'stick to what suited you' when you tried a shorter haircut.
"Thank you, Mati," you take your eyes away from yourself. "Sorry for laughing, are you sure you're okay?"
Mati nods, showing you her clean palm. "This has happened to me more times than I care to admit."
You giggle, running your fingers through your hair one last time. "I promise I'll finish packing as soon as I get back."
"Can you just focus on one thing at a time?" Mati picks a stray hair from your forehead and puts it back in place. "If Charles doesn't tell you how beautiful you look, I will kick his ass, by the way."
You laugh, but you hope he will actually think so.
You get a déjà vu feeling when you get to the restaurant and Charles is already there, tapping his foot on the white linoleum and fixing his empty cup on the little plate.
"Am I late again?" you ask after the host leads you to his table. You're smiling and your cheeks are about to protest in pain.
"I'm just too early, again," Charles gets up to pull your chair, and you hold your breath as he kisses your cheek before moving on to the next task. "You look gorgeous, soleil."
At least Mati won't have to kick his ass.
"Thank you Charlie," you beam wider, enjoying the moment of satisfaction before anxiety presents itself. "You look very handsome."
His beige shirt and glasses aren't otherwordly on a normal basis, but you love the way they look on him. And you're proud of yourself for being able to return the compliment for the first time.
Lunch goes by smoothly as you recap last night's party, the good, the bad and the ugly. You spent the rest of the night dancing with him and Mati, and doing your best to stay away from the vodka to soothe your nerves. You even saw Timmy again before he left, and he wished you good luck in his own strange way before saying goodbye in slurred French to Charles and you.
"So, what are you plans for the rest of the break?" you're on your third cup of coffee, not your best idea, really.
There's around twelve days left before Charles has to go back to racing.
"Maybe taking a trip, spending a few days at home too. I just want to rest."
You nod. As an actress sometimes you have to travel a lot, but it can't compare to the way he's always away from home, you just got the tiniest taste as an Elix ambassador.
"Sounds like a great plan, Charlie,"
It's like Charles is always inviting you to join him in anything he plans to do, and this is not the exception, as the words that come out of his mouth next are: "Do you want to come with me?"
“Come where?” You laugh, to be honest, most of the time you think his offers just come out of being polite. Like when you offer someone a piece of your food and you secretly hope they’ll say no.
But Charles is always authentic when it comes to his offers, especially to you. “Anywhere you want,” he smiles, his eyes become small behind his glasses. “Have you ever been to Greece?”
You can’t help but throw your head back and laugh. “Seriously?”
Charles nods, semblance unchanged. He is smiling but he isn’t joking at all. “Italy? though you know that already thanks to Matilde. Carlos says Tenerife is beautiful.”
“Why?” You gulp, your right hand is gripping your thigh under the table, anxious.
“I want to go with you,” Charles admits, and it’s the first time his calmness falters, just for a split second. “I like being with you.”
The line between what you two are and what you’re not is blurring again, and you’re uncertain as to which side it’s the one you want to choose to remain at, although you’re sure which is the safest.
“Why?” You repeat, your tongue is sandpaper in your mouth. You want to hear him say it, and you dread it all the same.
“Because I like you, y/n. I like you a lot, and I want to be with you.” Charles doesn’t skip a beat and the juxtaposition between how soothing his words are and how nervous they make you, has your head spinning. Sure, it’s not the first time he tells you he likes you. But you know this is different. "Why don't we hang out before you get busy with filming?"
You scoff. "Oh you do have a lot of faith in me, don't you?"
Charles frowns, always disliking every time you self-deprecate. "Yes, and so should you. I'm sure you're getting that role."
"Right," you sigh, annoyed at yourself for going straight down the self-hate line in front of him. Though it's not like he hasn't witnessed it before.
"So?" Charles jumps back to the previous topic swiftly, "Where should we go?"
"I have to go back to New York, though," you wince, your excitement and anxiety dying at once. "I made a promise to Mati."
Charles is unable to hide his disappointment as he looks down at the table. He's unsure of how much longer he can keep playing this game where he's okay with being just friends with you although it's clear you keep crossing each other's lines and taking a step back every time it gets too real. And he promised himself he'd be patient, because what he feels for you is real. But the pain he feels every time you find a polite way to reject him is also very real.
"I understand," he assures, smiling.
"Thank you, Charlie. I'd love to go with you, though."
It's the first time Charles isn't sure you're not lying to him.
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"Are you actually out of your mind?" Mati gasps, her fork clanking against the plate as she lets it go. "Why did you say no?"
"H-How was I supposed to say yes?" you mutter, directing an apolegetic look to the rest of the customers Mati has startled.
"y/n my beloved, you just had to say yes, just like that. "Yes Charles, I'd love to go" finito."
"Right, you make it sound so easy."
Mati softens then, drinking from her sparkling water to gain some time. "Did you want to go with him?"
You find yourself nodding.
"Then why did you say no?"
"We have to go back to New York, Mati, I couldn't leave you hanging."
"First of all," Mati's accent comes out with her slight exasperation. "I can stay at a hotel, y/n. It's not the end of the world. Or you could always give me a key, you know," she raises both eyebrows, and it makes you laugh. "Why don't you put yourself first, y/n?"
This refers to pretty much everything going on in your life for the past 6 months. But the one time you put yourself first meant the beginning of the end.
"I'm scared," you whisper, avoiding Mati's eyes.
"I know," Matilde reaches for your hand and gives it a soft squeeze. "But you deserve to be happy, inspite of the fear. Maybe Charles can add on to your happiness. How will you find out if you don't even let yourself try?"
You know you cannot keep letting fear control your actions and stop you from getting what you want. You've done that enough, it wasn't patience that stopped you from speaking up for yourself all that time while Aidan and Victoria ran you through the dirt. It was fear.
"Could you excuse me while I make a phone call?"
Mati just cackles in response.
The prickle on the back of your neck has returned, and you're trying to get more air into your lungs while you wait for Charles to pick up the phone.
"Hi Charlie," you breathe, failing at hiding your anxiety.
"Hello, soleil," you can hear the smile in his voice, "Are you okay?"
"Um, yes. I just wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead,"
"So um, is it too late to join your trip?" you speak too fast, but you barely have time to wonder whether Charles understood, because he lets out a short, breathy laugh that's filled with relief.
"It's never too late to change your mind. Can New York really wait, though?" Charles fears he's said too much, or that he sounds sarcastic enough to make you regret taking the initiative.
"New York will be there, and so will Matilde," you laugh.
"Let's change your ticket, then, soleil."
You're still falling. You're still afraid. But you're going headfirst.
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─── team principal radio: ❝it's finally here! thank you for reading! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. please let me know what you think, i appreciate all of your interactions with delicate so much! if you're a ghost reader, don't be afraid to interact too. we're all very nice here❞
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911 notes · View notes
sturn-wrld · 6 months
🏮christmas gift
pairing: chris x reader
summary: where chris buys reader a christmas present that is great for the both of them
genre: SMUT!!! if that makes you uncomfortable dni! warnings: unprotected sex (before you get silly, wrap that willy), nicknames (babe, baby, ma, mamas)
a/n: last day of smutmas. i actually really like this. i have no idea what i'm going mg to write now but i'm thinking a little more fluff. happy holidays to everyone no matter what you celebrate 🫶
you open your eyes, adjusting them to the bright sunlight by beaming through large window infrared front of the bed you and your boyfriend, chris currently occupy. the realise hits, it's christmas.
you had loved christmas for your whole life. you didn't know what it was about christmas that you liked so much because very year it changed. when you were five it was opening presents. when you were ten it was the music. when you were fifteen it was gifting presents. but now as a twenty year old it was a mixture of all it, plus the time you can spend with loved ones around you.
you look down to your beautiful boyfriend, laying on your chest and slowly start shaking him. "baby, it's christmas" you cooed not wanting to abruptly wake him. "five more minutes ma" you looked at him rubbing his face deeper into your chest as he fights away the waking up sensation and give in. "okay. five more minutes" after what seemed forever you finally woke him up. "okay it's been five minutes, wake up now. it's christmas" you said emphasising the fact that it's christmas. "alright let's wake up the other two then" chris stated trying to rid the sleep from his eyes.
as you both clawed your way put of bed there was a sudden bang at the door followed by nick and matt slamming their ways into the room. "WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMASSS!" nick said definitely more excited than the other people in the room. you smiled in response turning to chris, "told you to wake up" chris just chuckled as he slowly trudged out of the room. "what a grouch" nick said snarling at him "i know right" you added standing next to him.
as you made your way up the stairs towards the living room area followed by nick and matt, chris was sat on the couch with a. sudden change of demeanour. "let's open presents" nick said excitedly walking towards the sparkling tree in the corner.
as you all finished all the gifts from each other, you split your seperate ways to move presents into designated rooms and clean the house before guests started arriving for the day. as you and chris walked into your shared bedroom, he walked straight to the wardrobe pulling another gift from under a pile of laundry sitting in the closet. "what's this?" you asked walking towards and starting to play with the blue bow tied around the red paper. "it's for you. open it." he said moving to the bed sitting and placing it on your lap. as you ripped open the paper you noticed a familiar pink stripped box. once the box was bare you read the logo guessing what it could be. "victoria's secret" you said looking to your boyfriend, who was smiling so wide. "open it" he said prompting to the box. you lifted the top of the box to reveal a lingerie set. one you had been looking to buy for a while. "thank you baby" you said looking to chris kissing him on the cheek, picking up the lacey piece. "do you want to go try it on?" he said biting his lip, you nodding and moving to the bathroom to change.
you observed yourself in the mirror feeling the lace under your fingertips. "i'm done" you called from the bathroom, your boyfriend on the other side of the door waiting for you to walk out. "show me mamas" he instructed you walking out as he finished his words. his jaw dropped to the floor. "you like it?" you asked travelling your hands up your thighs and walking towards chris as he stood. "like it? i love it. it looks so much better than what i could imagine" he said gripping your waist looking you up and down. "your thighs look so nice and your boobs. don't get me started on your boobs" he blabbered out, causing a giggle to escape your lips.
he looked at your lips and then your eyes, licking his lips. you then leaned into him starting to kiss soft kisses to his lips. with that chris deepened the kiss, causing you to lightly moan into his mouth as he sat down pulling you onto his lap. he started kissing down down your jaw and neck as you felt him become harder under his sweatpants. as he marked your lower neck and chest you started grinding on his now tight sweatpants needing more friction. he traveled his hands from your ass up to the back of your bra unclipping it and throwing it somewhere you didn't care about in this moment. he started massaging your tits as you grind harder against him. he lifted you slightly, now able to slip his pants down revealing his hard cock, slapping against his stomach. he slowly starts traveling his hands down from your boobs back towards your ass and aching core. he starts slipping his fingers through your dripping wetness. "your so wet mamas" he said as you start releasing whining moans. "all for you baby" you said whipping your head back moaning at his movements.
suddenly he slams his fingers into you, stretching your tight hole, rubbing your clit with his other hand. "i need you to fuck me baby" you said whining for him. "anything for you my baby" he said flipping mg you over so you were now below him. he runs his tip down your folds before slamming himself into you causing you to both moan at the feeling. "oh fuck mamas your so tight" he said continuously pounding you at an animalistic pace. "holy shit baby i'm already so close" you said the pleasure building in your stomach. "play with yourself for me ma" he said wanting to push you towards your finish as fast as he was arriving. you starting toying with your clit the pleasure already becoming too much. "i'm going to come baby" you said as he started pounding deeper into you chasing his high "me too" he said as you let go riding out your high. he piled out before he came, continuing the motions with his hand as he came all over your stomach and chest.
he flipped himself down next to you, huffing and puffing.
"that was probably the best christmas gift ever"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @frozenvegitableoil @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn
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pinkieclown · 2 months
Cats The Musical Autism Headcanons
because these kitties are autistic okay!! honestly i think all the characters can be autistic these are just the ones i have specific ideaz for :3
mungojerrie & rumpleteazer (cause the twins definitely share some traits lol)
- the talking talkers… they’re both hyper-verbal :) while their chattiness can sometimes help with their schemes (they like to engage a friendly policeman in conversation!) but usually they just talk cat’s ears off cause they like talking
- always up in each other’s space, these two have very little sense of personal space and are always grabbing each other’s shoulders/arms or leaning on each other, snuggling, or generally being close to each other
- both love jumping up and down or running around to stim! sometimes they link arms and run in a circle for minutes at a time just to get their energy out
- they’re pretty spontaneous when it comes to their heists, usually jumping into it before fully working out a plan, but both can get very upset when something goes wrong/doesn’t go their way
- TERRIBLE with eye contact, he’s always looking at everything except the person he’s talking to. definitely adds to his kinda ‘shifty’ reputation
- loves oral stimming, usually chewelry or something of the sort, but will absentmindedly chew on p much anything in his reach (pens, plastic, teazer’s arm, etc)
- has poor volume control, tends to talk just a bit too loud or too quiet depending on the situation
- tends to accidentally interrupt/talk over others cause he doesn’t really understand their cues
- very touchy-feely… but only on her terms! she loves initiating snuggles hugs or play-fights, but if someone touches her when she’s not expecting/in the mood, she won’t hesitate to take a swipe at em (jerrie is usually the only exception)
- tippy-toe walks alllll the time. helpful for moving quietly when she needs to but will do it for no reason at all
- loves to give cats nicknames, but doesn’t understand how they work so just decides on random nouns to call her friends
- has a hard time understanding metaphors and sarcasm
- THE STIMMER!! she loves to stim! usually flapping her paws, tapping her toes, or bouncing in place, but pretty much any repetitive movement is a stim for her <3
- related to her stimming, she cannot sit still! she’s always moving around, playing with toys, or shifting from side to side even when she’s supposed to stay still
- loves to knit or crochet with jenny, since its repetitive and keeps her hands busy, plus she gets a cute scarf at the end!
- has echolalia, she often repeats words/sounds other cats say, usually just to feel it in her mouth
- non/semi-verbal, only speaks when he’s very comfortable or around certain cats (like victoria or tugger)
- loves to perform but is naturally quite shy and quiet, so tends to lean on his ‘stage persona’ to express his more dramatic and expressive side! when he isn’t in that mindset though he’s very aloof
- very diligent about keeping himself clean and tidy. he can feel when even one tuft of fur is out of place and it BOTHERS him
- has hypersomnia, he’s always sleepy and gets worn out pretty quick (especially after his bigger magical feats)
- has very specific day to day routines (wakes up at a specific time, visits the junkyard on specific days of the week, etc) gets really frustrated and stressed if they’re interrupted or changed
- he’s a house-cat, but refuses to wear a collar (he hates how it feels)
- didn’t speak for a long time growing up, but at like age 4 (in cat years) suddenly started speaking in full sentences. demeter was very surprised
- has a (terrifying) habit of slipping into this wide-eyed hundred yard stare when she zones out. it took a while for everyone to get used to that
- very sensitive to lights and colors, she’s the first to notice when the light shifts ever so slightly, and too-bright lights or colors are very overstimulating for her
- doesn’t like being touched except by her moms and sister (demeter & bomba and electra, respectively) and even then only in certain moments
- special interest is the night sky, she knows all the names of the constellations and can tell you the phase of the moon on any given night
- makes A LOT of eye contact
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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A Brief Guide to Yachts
This is a continuation to my cultural education segment (aka my rich bitch guide).
The yacht is an invention of the 14th century Dutch. The Dutch used small, fast boats for chasing smugglers, pirates and criminals. Rich ship owners and merchants began using these small “jaghts” to sail out to celebrate their returning merchant ships.
The first yacht club in the world, called the Cork Water Club, was established in Ireland in 1720.
Some famous clubs include:
1. Annapolis Yacht Club: Surrounding the Spa Creek Bridge in Annapolis, the Club boasts over 75 wet slips and dry dockage. The club began in 1886 as an informal canoe club, and today has 1600 regular members active in social, racing, and cruising programs
2. Chicago Yacht Club: Founded in 1875, Chicago Yacht Club is one of the oldest and most respected yacht clubs in the world. The Club is home to more than 1,400 members, including a winning America’s Cup skipper, and Olympic medalists.
1. Circolo Canottieri Aniene
2. Circolo degli Esteri
3. Compagnia della Vela
1. Royal Canadian Yacht Club
2. Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
Yachts are most active in the summer months (May- August in the northern hemisphere) or the winter months. many yacht owners decide to keep the maximum number of guests onboard to 12 (plus crew) for chartering.
Different types of yachts:
Sailing Yacht: a yacht mainly propelled via wind and sails
Motor Yacht: a yacht propelled via one or more motors
Gulet Yacht: a hybrid yacht with both sails and motors
Open Yacht, Cruiser, Cabin Cruiser, Express Cruiser: an otherwise uncategorized standard yacht for cruising and entertaining
Luxury Yacht: a yacht that includes high-end finishes and features and the latest in modern performance technology. The term ‘luxury’ can precede any type of yacht, i.e. “luxury motor yacht”, “luxury sailing yacht”, etc.
Sports Yacht: a yacht geared towards fishing, water sports, or cruising with a sleeker design and more powerful motor for faster cruising speeds.
Catamaran Yacht: a yacht with two hulls (pontoons) often made of fiberglass that can be used in shallow waters.
The most popular destinations:
1. Monaco
2. The French Riviera
3. Greece
4. U.S. Virgin Islands
5. Palm Beach, Florida
6. Costa Smeralda, Italy
7. St. George’s Parish, Bermuda 
8. Newport, Rhode Island 
9. Nantucket, Massachusetts
10. Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island
Insane super yachts
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Football club owner Shahid Khan's 95 metre Lürssen Kismet was delivered in 2014. On match days, a four-metre silver statue of a jaguar, its paw resting on a football helmet, graces the bow. Elsewhere, its sizeable foredeck has enough space for Khan's beloved football team, the Jacksonville Jaguars, to stage a practice.
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The 70 metre Feadship superyacht Joy features a deck that's wide enough to enjoy a tandem jog around. This yacht is all about exterior living, which includes making use of these ample decks with some great sporting facilities. A basketball and badminton court is set all the way forward on the owner's deck. This is complemented by her large gym and dedicated spa. All of this adds up to make Joy an ideal choice for those interested in a yacht with ample fitness, wellness and sporting amenities.
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firstdivisiongirl · 7 months
Day 5: Kid - Keep Doing That, And You’ll End Up On the Naughty List
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No one ever would’ve expected Kid to be in a relationship.  But he was.  He met you while traveling, you were an elementary school teacher.  Definitely not the type of girl you would think he’d be with.  You were small, sweet and quiet.  He was loud, brash, and huge.  But he came and visited you every chance he got.  So since it was Christmas time, he figured it would be nice to actually see you for Christmas instead of just sending you some gold and jewels.  
When he arrived on your island, it was about 10:30AM.  That meant you were currently teaching your students.  But thankfully, the teachers and principal at your school (shockingly) liked him, so he could come anytime he wanted.  So he walked in.  The school was an old rusty colored farmhouse.  It wasn’t very large since they didn’t have many children to teach because of the size of the island.  As he walked towards your classroom all of the little old ladies who you worked with waved and said hello and Merry Christmas to him.  He finally reached the navy blue door to your classroom, he peaked in to see what you were doing.  You were showing your students how to make marbled ornaments.  He knocked on the door with his normal arm.  He was afraid of knocking the door off its hinges again.  You hear a knock and walk over to the door.  You are shocked to see your punk rock pirate boyfriend.  “Hi,” he says waving a little awkwardly, “ can I come in?”  You nodded both shocked and happy he’s here.
“Hey kids,” you say, opening the door wider, “look who came to help make Christmas ornaments.”  Kid walks into the room and all the kids get really excited.  They love it when Kid comes to visit their class.  He tells them stories of his adventures and shows them all of the cool stuff he’s been building.  You’d never think that the man with a metal arm and anger issues would be so good with children.
“Captain Kid?  Why aren’t you as good as Strawhat Luffy or Shanks?” little Zack asked.
Kid looked right at Zack, fuming, “what are you talking about?  I’m just as good as them?  Have you seen my bounty?”
“Theirs are higher than yours.  Plus they look cooler than you!”
“You little twirp!  I swear I’m going to…” before Kid could finish saying what violent act he was going to Zack you interrupted him, arms crossed anger dripping from your voice, “keep doing that, and you’ll end up on the naughty list!”
Kid stopped.  He hated seeing you sad, but seeing you angry was scary.  How ironic.  Eventually, a few of the other children told Zack he was wrong because Luffy and Shanks weren’t better than Kid.  Luffy and Shanks never came to visit them.  Kid felt better knowing that these kids did really love him.  For the rest of the school day, he helped you with your class.  After the last kid left to head home, he walked you home.  “Did you really have to yell at me in front of your class” he asked, a little annoyed as he looked down at you.
“Yes!  I don’t need my kids acting up.  And threading you with being on the naughty list was the best way,” you said smiling up at him.  He blushed a little.  His face was starting to match his hair at this point.
“Fine.  But, I’ll be on the nice list after you see your Christmas gift.”
He grabbed your hand with his nonmetal arm.  He led you back to the Victoria Punk to get your gift.  Let’s just say, it was shiny and fit perfectly on your ring figure.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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tackytigerfic · 7 months
im very excited for the Wartime!AU. Its a trope that is not very common in the Drarry fandom - I noticed many other HP fics have quite a few prominent Voldemort wins AU.
Hello Anon, thanks so much for this ask. I'm really happy that you're excited, it still feels like a lovely shock to think that someone might be interested in anything I write. I don't believe I've read any Voldemort Wins AUs before—they tend to run long as far as I can see, and my reading habits run to shorter fics. Also, like you say, I don't think there are very many in Drarry, and I don't really read outside of the ship. And anyway, i can't read any at the moment because when I'm writing I try to avoid reading fics that deal with the same tropes. So I'm looking forward to diving into all the time travel/multiverse/wartime AUs I missed over the last two years! Writing an AU has meant that I needed to do quite a bit of world-building, plus because it's a multiverse fic and we meet Harry and Draco from another world, I've had to keep track of their timeline too. I am already dreading the editing process and wondering how I can possibly ask beta readers to dive into what might very well be an absolute shitshow of inconsistencies. But I'll worry about that when it's done! In the meantime, here's a little snippet of the first time we see Voldemort in this fic. We hear a lot about him, but we hardly ever meet him due to the circumstances of the fic. I'm really looking forward to writing the ending where (hopefully) he'll really come into his own.
CW for widescale attack on Muggles and mass deaths
“Well, that’s that then,” Percy said, and when he tried to raise his coffee to his mouth, his hand shook so that liquid sloshed over the rim of the cup. On the big screen at the top of the room, the Muggle news channel was playing out an endless scroll of horror.
“Enough,” Kingsley said, and he took the cup away from Percy, wiping the spill up with one of his sleeves. “You need sleep and food, in that order.” He looked around murderously at the rest of the Order, at every strained face in the room, as if daring anyone to argue.
Percy sighed, then very carefully, as though his body hurt, pushed his chair back and walked stiffly towards the door, Kingsley stalking alongside him, hand at Percy’s waist, robes swirling.
Harry stared back at the television channel, feeling unable to look away for long. They were still searching the rubble of the tube station for survivors, the newsreader said in her uninflected tone, but the death count was already almost double the previous record for a Tube disaster. Unimaginable, the newsreader said, but the trouble was that Harry could imagine it all too well, had travelled the Victoria line so many times, had run down the steps in Finsbury Park towards the platform, bumped shoulders with the crowds streaming onto the tube, held onto the blue metal poles as the train rattled on underground.
Now the Muggle PM was giving a speech, pale but composed, praising the emergency responses, lamenting the loss of life. A tragic accident.
“If only he knew,” Remus scoffed, then threw down the latest copy of the Prophet, smuggled out of wizarding London, already days old. On the front cover was the Muggle PM, looking slightly bemused, almost entirely unmoving, clearly believing he was posing for an ordinary camera, a sea of dark-suited aides out of focus behind him. Next to him stood Voldemort, looking satisfied, a thin smile curling broader and then receding again as Harry looked, an endless smug loop. He looked very different to how Harry remembered him. He looked ordinary, finally—not the same as he had at school, with the cloud of dark hair, the luminous eyes, the cool appraising stare. But he didn't look like he had when he first returned, either. He was no longer bald, the skin of his face no longer stretched tight over his skull. His eyes were a deep speculative brown, the edges crinkling slightly as he smiled. He looked tired, and very, very human.
“He’s done it then,” Ron said flatly. “He’s secured an alliance.”
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animation-is-my-jam · 26 days
Hey!! I just read through you're blog and I noticed youre Tobecky kids! I wondered about them! Why did you choose those names for them? and how they were received by both Becky and Tobey?
Hello! And Thank you for the ask. (^_^)v
Ngl, I do get very excited about questions regarding any fankids from future AU since they have been the biggest fixation I have regarding my AU. And of course, plus it's Tobecky.
For the names, for context of anyone who doesn't know my Tobecky fankids bc maybe its been a while, it goes:
-Tori (Anactoria) [The oldest]
-Luis [middle child]
-Matilda [youngest]
(They're on my banner now. The easiest way to tell them apart is by their obvious color coordination) (Tori is in purples, Luis dark magenta/crimson, Matilda aquamarine/green-blues)
But yeah, the names!
I came up with their names about in 2018. Yeah, the same year I got fixated on the Wordgirl fandom. At first, I just had the concept of future AU only going from when Becky and the gang went to college, but I got worms in my head casting a vision of a next generation wordgirl story and of course the idea of domestic older Tobecky shenanigans with kids. And I have been sick ever since...my brain it has not recovered.
At first, I only designed one kid, Tori. Which was initially short for Victory since it fits her character, but then I remembered like a dumbass that there is literally a character named Victoria. And I tried to change it in lore that no....um her full name is actually something embarrassingly unique like Anactoria (based on one of Sapphos poems, because local literature nerd Becky might name her daughter that) so she shortens it to Tori. Where then some ppl mistake that she was named after family friend Victoria, and that's the gag for her name. She's named after a poem subject and real funny that it's from Sappho considering who Tori is lmao, but also fits some of her Greek aesthetics.
Luis. Now Luis was a strange one. As I said, I only intended at first for Becky and Tobey in future AU to have one kid, and I only focused on her character. Eventually (aka like 5 months later), I wanted to design other tobecky fankids since the family didn't feel complete for me just yet. So I thought of a little brother, like a TJ to a Becky. But I wanted a baby in there too, so um, middle child Luis was forced to be/lh. But you can tell with some of his characterization and how the family treats him. He was supposed to be the youngest or at least act like the youngest, but nope, he's the middle kid, but he is the most spoiled. His name when I designed him was Lewis, as both references to the protagonist of Meet the Robinsons and to Lewis Carrol of "Alice and Wonderland" (for another literature reference and cause his aesthetic is fairytales). However, I realized that I at least wanted one kid of their's to have a more Hispanic sounding name since y'know I can't lose the culture here, just because Becky married a Brit. So I just had his name and pronunciation easily changed to Luis! (Not said like Lewis or Louise).
Matilda is funny because her name has not changed at all. From her creation, I always imagined her as the youngest and mysteriously smartest of the family. Where Tori and Luis would be messes, she's the one who apparently has it together. She's the Dexter of the family, born a genius, and acts above her age, like a little scientist. I also made it that she's the one with the unique ability of telekinesis and eventually other psychic powers. And for that, she was named after another iconic smart little girl with such abilities. Yep, her name is refence to Matilda from the book and movie (and ig musical too) (that also counts as a literature refence, Becky was 2 for 2 in the naming, too bad Luis couldn't make it 3 lol). She's also nicknamed Matilde, Matty, and Tilly by her siblings and friends.
As for how Tobey and Becky reacted to each of them...hmm while I could just say that they just appeared one day because that's the funniest answer but not canon. I'll just say vaugley how they reacted to them knowing about a kid/how the kids were when they arrived.
All three are ages apart, mainly Tori, since she wasn't intended to have siblings, and I first had her be 12 when Luis came home, but I retconned that a year ago. Where she was 7. The timeline of the McCallister-Botsford family is kinda all over the place, but I'll make it more streamlined one day. (Grrr, I'm now mad at "Stars that shine in your eyes is what matters" because it implies that Luis isn't born yet when now he should be)
So first things first. Tori. Tobey and Becky, after two years of marriage, wanted a kid. And even though, in retrospect, they probably should have waited a bit, they still had their energetic gremlin. They were prepared, excited, and, of course, nervous. And even with the planning they've done, they still didn't anticipate how much of a handful their first would be. Tori was a chaotic little thing, her half Lexiconian abilities definitely causing headaches. There was also her headstrong personality, which made playtime with her an exercise. Tobey and Becky were really preoccupied with her and their own adjectives that there's even a plot line about how they haven't been romantic in years and realize it one day.
When Tori was 7 and she started to become quickly independent, like her mom was at that age (maybe it's a Lexiconian thing), it gave Becky and Tobey time to think about their family more and how it will be smooth sailing from here with Tori getting older...Until Luis happened. He was a surprise, and unlike Tori, he would be a handful too, but in a different way. Tori never cried as much or fussed when she was a baby. The tiredness of taking care of her was all her bountiful energy. However, Luis was clingy, reactive, and sensitive. He was a heavy crier, and it wouldn't go well if they didn't read him a bedtime story. He acted more typical of a human baby, then his sister (and later other sister). He liked to be picked up or carried. Usually, he would also cling to people like some sort of koala.
4 years after Luis was Matilda. She was another surprise. The thing with Matilda is that as a baby, she was already pretty gifted, both in her mind and powers (which were one). Matilda was born with gradual paraplegia. She was given a few chances to learn to crawl and walk, but by age 3, she did have to use a wheelchair. She had other health problems by her birth, but her and the rest of the family learned to live with it. Matilda and Luis formed a bond since they were only 4 years apart versus Tori, who was almost a decade ahead of them. Surprising since Luis would easily get jealous of anyone stealing their parents' time, but he didn't mind being a big brother now and protective of his sister.
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lanitalay · 5 months
Among Flames and Starlight Chapter 1
a/n: I was going to wait until tomorrow but I just cant so enjoy the first chapter!!
Warnings: none
2.3k words
Other Chapters
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Irene opened her eyes to reveal the midnight moon pouring through the frost covered window in the town house. The silver light casted a dim glow across the familiar room. She relished the feel of the sheets and snuggled up even more on the impossibly soft pillow. Keeping her eyes opened, she counted the seconds as they passed by. It was a habit she had picked up as a girl when the war was raging and her parents were at battle. She counted and counted, reminding herself that time was indeed passing, if ever so slowly. Now that the war was long over and her parents long gone she counted to remember them, to ground herself.
Sunrise was a few minutes away so she turned from the window and slowly sat up in bed. She stretched her limbs and cracked her joints before stepping onto the icy morning floor. Winter was at its peak and even with magical temperature control the cold still found a way to creep into the house. Irene looked for her pants, they had been removed from her body first when she entered the room and she could recall them being thrown in the general direction of the door. 
They were hanging on a lounge chair, next to her shirt. She frowns as she sees the slash straight down the middle of the garment. Entitled prick, she thinks but a smirk ghosts her features all the same. The sleeping body still on the bed stirs and grumbles, feeling her absence. 
“You don’t have to leave so early, you know?” Rhys says in a voice muffled by the pillow his face is buried in. 
“Hush, yes I do, Cassian will be here in a few minutes to go train. Plus Victoria and I have a dance lesson right after breakfast, I need to get ready” she slides her arms through the sleeves of her torn shirt and ties a knot to keep her chest from spilling out. 
“I hope you learn some new moves, it will make next time more… interesting” he’s resting on his elbows and he watches her from across the room. 
“You’re unbelievable.” 
“You’re incredibly attractive” she rolls her eyes but he flashes her a smile that completely disarms her. 
“You ruined my shirt.”
“I quite like the new look” he motions for her to return to bed and she can never say no when he looks at her with still sleepy eyes and messy hair. This is her favorite Rhysand, the soft, endearing male he is first thing in the morning. Before his father sees him, before he has to train for an ever impending battle, before he has to mask all of his goodness. So she always says yes to this Rhysand. Irene settles herself on his lap, thighs straddling him. He traces along her collarbones and she shivers at the feather light touch. He’s kissing and nibbling at her neck when she notices the moon is no longer visible through the window. 
“I have to go.” 
“Five more minutes” she chuckles and lifts up from the bed one last time. She pecks his lips and leaves his room. Scurrying down the hall, she arrives as fast as possible to her room, throws her broken shirt into the hearth and lights it. The room is untouched. Last night and pretty much every night this week she had slept in his bed. A necessity, because they had wanted to keep what they did in the cover of night private and Victoria, Rhysand’s sister, spent too much time in this room. 
She would scent him and what they did in an instant.
The shirt turns to ash as the sun begins to rise. 
Irene stays near the fire a while longer before going to the bathing room and getting ready for the day. 
“And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Again!” the dance teacher ordered. Irene and Victoria twirled around the room with the rest of the class. Weaving through the other dancers and switching partners when the timing was right. They had been taking ballroom dancing classes since they were kids. It was something they both enjoyed equally. Which was rare. Sweat gathered on Irene’s brow but she did not wipe it away for fear of messing up the timing in the most complicated part of the dance. They would separate from their current partners and retrace their steps in a flurry of jumps and twirls until they returned to their original partner. 
Madame Silvie had been drilling them for hours. Irene’s feet hurt from the not yet broken-in shoes she wore. She sighed happily when Victoria handed her a glass of water and chugged it down in one go then said “that was intense.”
Victoria laughed and nodded “but wasn’t it fun?”
“It was the best dance we’ve learned, and I think lover boy over there is counting the days until he can ask you to dance in a real ball” she nods her head towards Neil, a male they had known since childhood. He stood leaning against the other wall, offering Victoria a shy grin. She covered her own smile and turned away from him, “stop that! He probably heard you.”
“It’s fine Vic, we all know Neil is in love with you” her eyes bug and Irene stifles a laugh. 
“Alright, alright, I won’t say anything else.” 
“We should go, my mother wanted us home for lunch” the girls picked up the few belongings they had brought to the class and walked back to the town house, flanked by two bodyguards each. 
Celene greets them at the door, her face stern. “Go wash up for lunch” she turns to her daughter and in a low voice warns “your father will be joining us”. 
Irene and Victoria go up the stairs without making a noise and once inside Vic’s room let out the breath they had been holding. 
“If he’s here for lunch and unannounced it can’t be good” the Princess of Night groans. Irene remains silent. 
In her opinion, the High Lord of the Night Court was the most terrifying male in Prythian. 
Cassian sat across from her. Azriel was next to him and Rhysand sat at the other end. Victoria sat next to Irene and on her other side was her mother. The High Lord was at the head of the table. Nearest to him were his mate and heir. Irene did not look up from her plate as she tried to eat. The dryness in her mouth made it impossible to swallow without gulping down water. Through her peripheral vision she saw him cut some meat clean in half. 
A gifted butcher. 
“Vallier” Irene stiffened as he addressed her. The same way he would address her father. 
“My lord” she tried to keep her words steady. But this male had been the reason she had lost everything. 
“The anniversary of your father’s death is coming up, are you planning on doing anything to commemorate?” Tears stung at her eyes. He reminded her every year. 
“I always light a candle for him and those who fell with him, since there is no grave for me to visit.” Her father had died during the war. While he was alive he had been an advisor to the High Lord. When the war between humans and faeries broke out he was ordered to fight, never having wielded a weapon in his life. Her father, Irden Vallier, was a scholar. His mother was a priestess and he had grown up in temples and libraries all over Prythian. He only moved to the Night Court because he fell madly in love with a White Haired Witch from Kovelain, a smokey isle east to the Court of Nightmares. 
He arrived at the mountain court as a scribe, and worked for centuries until he became advisor. By then the witch, Avalon, had given birth to Irene. Avalon was casted out when her coven found out about her pregnancy. It was a disgrace to her bloodline to dilute it with fae blood. Their white hair and silver blood essential in carrying out spells and enchantments. 
Irden died as a footsoldier. He was incinerated alongside everyone else on that battlefield.  That was merciful compared to what happened to Avalon. She had lived in Velaris since giving birth to Irene. When the war began, the High Lord used her knowledge, forcing her to create weapons to defeat Hybern. She was good, possibly too good. When the war ended and the human side won, the High Lord accused her of treason. Executing a witch is impossible, for they are truly immortal, no wound nor poison could kill them. Only the gods decide when a witch’s life is over. So he sentenced her to eternity in the Prison. 
Celene had taken Irene in after both her parents were gone. She was not a true witch and she wasn’t fully fae. If she possessed any magic it had never manifested and she never learned the spells that made her mother so dangerous. 
How easily she could be killed was yet to be determined. 
The High Lord’s voice rattles the table “it’s a fitting tribute” he says coldly and adds “this court has been invited to Adriata. The young High Lord Tarquin will be hosting a grand ball to inaugurate the new docks he built and the trade agreements.” Victoria lights up and turns to Irene “an actual ball!” 
“You know she won't be able to attend, dear” Celene gently reminds her. But her daughter responds with a roll of her eyes and a loud huff “there’s no reason she can’t go.” 
“As the offspring of a traitor she’s not allowed to leave the Night Court” the High Lord interjects. 
“It’s ok Vic, have fun. I have to catch up on some readings anyways” Irene attempts to soothe her friend. 
“She should go, I’ll escort her myself” her heart does a somersault in her chest at what Rhysand says. His father turns to him and raises a sharp brow.
“She’s grown up with us, father. She hasn’t spoken or heard from her mother since the war ended when she was twelve.”
“Father please” Victoria adds her violet eyes wide as she attempts to persuade him. 
“I won’t listen to anymore whining,” he scolds. 
The rest of the meal goes by in silence.
After lunch the High Lord and Celene go to the House of Wind, leaving the heirs and orphans alone in the town house. 
Cassian approaches Irene while everyone else disperses. “He’s a dick, Ire, don’t think of what he said. That’s exactly what he wants.” She runs her hands through her white hair and trying not to cry says “he remembers every year, Cas.” He envelopes her in a giant’s hug. Squeezing tightly. “I can burn the candle with you if you want company this year” Irene shakes her head, “thanks but I don’t think you can sit still for longer than five minutes let alone until an entire candle burns out.” 
“I can try” he nudges her shoulder, trying his best to cheer her up. 
The galloping filled Irene’s ears as she rode her mare across a valley in the outskirts of Velaris. This was the closest thing she could get to flying. Her mother never got the chance to teach her. So she rode across the plains as fast as her horse could take her. A horse that wasn’t really hers. Nothing was. She was a pampered prisoner. Daughter of a traitor and a casualty. Whatever she stood to inherit was taken by the High Lord as reparations for her mother’s crimes. 
She arrived at the abandoned temple she visited each year on this day, walked inside and placed a thick white candle on the altar. With some flint she quickly lit the wick then knelt before it. 
It was a simple ritual. The candle represents the life of the fallen. While it burns the mourner reminisces about the good times and the bad times. The light of the candle along with the memories are supposed to be a guiding light to the souls in the afterworld. It is done with the hope of connecting to a loved one for a moment before they return to the abyss. 
So Irene thought of her father and his scrolls and tomes and quills. She thought of his brown hair and how it had begun to gray at the roots as he got older. How he would wear glasses to read at first but then began to need them at all times. She remembered his voice and the stories he would tell her of the libraries across Pyrthian. He had traveled the realm and she had never been outside of the city limits. 
Night had fallen. The candle nearly burnt out. She recalls the last time she saw him. How his glasses fogged with tears welling up in his eyes. How he knew it would be his doom, his sword too heavy and his reflexes too slow. 
He hugged Irene that day. He kissed Avalon and without another word he went to war. 
The door to her bedroom was cracked when she returned to the townhouse. Rhysand stood by the window that overlooked the garden, waiting. 
“You shouldn’t be here, Rhys” was the only thing she could say, exhausted from the ride and the ritual. 
“I wanted to make sure you were good after today. I forgot it was his anniversary.”
“I’m fine, just tired.” 
“Do you want to sleep in my room?” Yes. She did. She would love nothing more than to crawl into his silky sheets and fall asleep with his arms around her. 
“No, I think I better sleep here tonight” she can’t tell him. Maybe he already knows. What she knew was just a physical release for him was everything for her. 
She had loved him long enough to know he did not feel the same. 
He walks toward her and places a hand on her cheek. Irene doesn’t falter so he concedes. “Alright, see you tomorrow.”
Taglist: @sidthedollface2 @acourtofbatboydreams 
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star-going-supernova · 8 months
Prompt: After vanessa is freed from ol' peepaw willy's control. One day, Gregory just sorta offhandedly comments "by the way, you had a real crappy knife as Vanny". Vanessa, understandably, questions how he knows this. Gregory proceeds to drag her to the store to buy a 4 buck knife, victoria brand (because i recently got one and omg that's sharp). Vanessa is now glad that Vanny was kind of a dummy. (I thought this could be funny!)
Basic implant background for Vanessa here! This is silly, lol.
It started with a movie trailer in which a character was shown attacking a friend because of mind control. It was all rising drama as the second character desperately tried to break their friend free without hurting them while still trying to defend themself. It struck a sour note in Vanessa. 
Had any of her victims, Gregory or otherwise, tried to snap her out of it? Begged for her to wake up, for her not to hurt them? Would they have known to? She didn’t remember enough from those months, her memory scattered and patchy. 
“You must have been so scared,” she murmured, almost without noticing. She immediately tensed when Gregory turned to look at her; That Night had been one of the Things We Don’t Talk About since it happened, and the last thing she’d meant to do was break that unspoken agreement.
But Gregory just made a dismissive noise. “Not really.” 
“Not—not really?” 
He sent her a half pitying, half apologetic look. “You were a really incompetent murderer, is all.” 
And despite how unbelievably stupid it was, Vanessa found herself mildly offended. “Excuse me?” 
Gregory sighed, put-upon. “Forget I said anything.” 
Vanessa did not, instead leaning forward to mute the TV. “No, no, we’re having this conversation. And I’m sorry for bringing it up—for making you uncomfortable, but—”
“Uncomfortable? What are you talking about?”
She gestured at him. “I don’t exactly want to make you relive a traumatic experience.” 
He stared at her blankly for a second, but before she could start to worry that he was having a flashback or something, he snorted, amused. “Ness, I hate to break it to you, but I didn’t find that night in the pizzaplex particularly traumatizing.” 
“You—what? But we, we have that silent agreement not to talk about it!” 
“Yeah. Because you get all self-loathing and thousand-yard-stare-y when you’re reminded of it.” 
“I—” Vanessa cut herself off, narrowing her eyes. Did she get like that? “But—your nightmares?”
He bit his lip, and she got the impression he was trying not to laugh at her. “I’ve never had a nightmare about you or the pizzaplex, actually.” 
“But I—your insomnia, the way you’re so tired in the morning sometimes, and sometimes you fall asleep with the light on!” 
“I have friends in other time zones,” he explained. “And what kid doesn’t stay up to all hours on YouTube? You wouldn’t believe how many theory videos are out there about Fazbear Entertainment and all the murders and stuff.” 
The murders. Her murders? Were there more murders committed by other murderers? 
They stared at each other for a long minute, Vanessa’s worldview shifting in multiple different directions and Gregory placidly watching it happen. 
“Okay, we’ll—come back to that, maybe, but—sorry, just. Let’s circle back to incompetent murderer. The hell does that mean?” 
“Let me put it simply: you dedicated six-plus hours to trying to kill me… and now I live in your house.” 
Vanessa slumped into the couch cushions, unable to argue. 
To add insult to injury, Gregory started counting off a list of incompetencies on his fingers. “Your costume was frankly comical with its bug-eyes and buckteeth and weird smile. I have to assume the mask severely limited your vision with the amount of times you just completely missed me despite me being right in front of you. You had no sense of urgency with the way you were skipping around, and you made it extremely easy to avoid you because you had no concept of stealth or subtlety. Using the animatronics to help you might have been a half decent idea if doing so hadn’t dumbed them down so much. An actual dog would’ve been better at tracking me.” 
She opened her mouth to interject, but he kept going. 
“The one time you did get close to me, you were so dead-set on maintaining the stupidest cover ever that you practically let me get away. I mean, seriously, who were you trying to fool? So what if I, the kid you were going to kill, knew Vanessa and Vanny were one and the same? And despite having an entire building’s worth of security cameras at your fingertips, you never used them to find me, and the door locks were useless with all the keycards laying around. Admittedly, that’s not entirely your fault, but as a murderer, I think you should’ve been more meticulous about that. And the worst part—”
This roast against her mind-controlled self got worse? 
“—your knife was a piece of crap.” 
A few seconds ticked by as Vanessa’s brain tried to take in his criticisms without thinking of them as points that she needed to improve upon. “What was so bad about my knife?” she asked, perhaps a bit too petulant.
Gregory shrugged. “It was a standard kitchen knife, which wasn’t the worst thing you could’ve chosen. But it clearly hadn’t seen a sharpener in way too long.” 
“How would you know?” Because, admittedly, it wasn’t like she’d ever gotten close enough for him to learn firsthand anything about her knife. 
He sucked in through his teeth, faux apologetic. “Another point against you,” he teased. “I stole your knife around 4:30 and you apparently didn’t even notice.” 
“You didn’t. You didn’t!” 
“I did!” His smile turned smug. “And I never gave it back.” 
“You still have it?” Vanessa asked. Was that something to be concerned about? Especially since he had such a clear idea of what made a person a good or bad murderer. 
“Duh. And you’re not getting it back now. It’s part of my collection.” 
Terrifying little menace. Vanessa looked back at the TV and unmuted it. Her thoughts swirled. 
A few minutes later, she huffily turned to Gregory again, smacking the couch cushion as she did, and loudly said, affronted, “Incompetent. Incompetent? Me? Really?” 
Gregory immediately bursting into laughter didn’t help her outrage. 
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ewingstan · 11 months
Tattletale had aimed a handgun at me once, and she had pulled the trigger. In that, at least, she had been playing along. It had been a tool, not a weapon. I had some grievances when it came to her, but that wasn’t one of them.
This whole discussion in 5.8 about guns being against the spirit of the game was interesting for a number of reasons, but this is one of the big ones. Because no one seemed to buy into "the game" theory of capedom more than Tattletale—shes the one who explained it all as a game of cops and robbers. But the same day she explained this to Taylor—on the same job, even—she brought a handgun. And she was actually surprised by Victoria showing up! Its not even clear if she actually knew Glory Girl's weakness before that confrontation! So either Tattletale knew and carried a gun on her all the time on the off-chance Glory Girl ever showed up to a job, or Tattletale never was playing by the game, or guns were never as verboten as Victoria is claiming here. I mean, she also claimed that villains actually killing was against the unspoken rules, and it may just be that the Undersiders went up against a lot more deadly opponents than normal, but a lot of villains in Worm killed people. Plus, Coil and E88 both had armed underlings, and both of them seemed to be playing along with the game to an extent (less so Coil, but his mercenaries were a known part of his operation when he was invited to the initial Villain meeting. Plus, TT ended up recruiting a good deal of those armed mercs).
It seems like either Victoria is sugarcoating how much capes moderated their behavior by the game, or TT wasn't as interested in following the cops-and-robbers rules as she appeared to be. Both are probably true, but I'm gonna be focusing on Vicky potentially having rose-colored glasses about the pre-GM capes as a theme from here on out.
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luxxsolaris · 9 months
Victoria's Secret Rebrand and the Selkie example
This is something thats been in the works for over a year now- a lot of commentary surrounding the VS rebrand has focused on largely fatphobic and body exclusive critique which is not the perspective I believe should be taken towards criticism of the rebrand. This discussion will focus on the idea of the 'angel', why people are upset with the rebrand and why people SHOULD be able to critique it
The popularity of Victorias Secret has been declining to the point of near irrelevancy in the early 2020s after years and years of criticism for culturally offensive runways, fatphobia, problems with sizing, and pushing their models into severely disordered eating habits in fear of being dropped as ambassadors over half an inch of fat. Things got so bad for the brand that in 2021 they announced plans to change their concept entirely to a more subdued, low-key, neutral collection showcasing their new ambassadors and shifting focus onto the success of these women as opposed to their body type.
The brand of Victorias Secret has been predominantly centred around the fantasy of the angel- women so ethereally beautiful that brings a developed sense of elegance, seduction and glamour to their shows. Part of this desire to rebrand was to escape this idea of the male gaze and this male centred fantasy created by their runway shows in that these women were designed to be the 'perfect' woman oftentimes forgoing the actual opinions of what women wanted to see from the brand. This is where the critique of the new-wave VS collection begins.
Thousands of people have taken to tiktok to spread the entirely fatphobic rhetoric that the reason there has been such little support for VS even into their rebranding because they have abandoned the original idea of the angel.
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This mindset that models for VS must adhere to a specific image of femininity is not only disrespectful to the women currently involved as brand ambassadors but to the very Angels they claim to defend as hoards of familiar VS Angels including Adriana Lima, Erin Heatherton and Bridget Malcolm have all come out and discussed the ways in which their modelling careers have affected their eating habits and body image, with Lima commenting (same article) that she would refrain from eating solid foods for nine days prior to a VS runway show.
To wish for Victorias Secret to be this unattainable display of the peak of feminine beauty and sexuality is to push the women involved to unhealthy extremes, damaging their bodies to the extent of chronic exhaustion and missing periods due to extreme weight loss . The push for body inclusivity was a desire to see beautiful women represented by all body types but also a movement to protect the women already involved in the agency and allow them to be and feel healthy and glamorous.
so what happened to the glamour? The recent 'my wings my way' campaign has received a lot of flack for its sense of casualness, embracing a new kind of natural beauty reminiscent of the pages from a 90s magazine as opposed to the high feminine glamour of the 2010s era. Similarly, the new VS collective underwear release has focused on more neutral, subtle styles with a large range of nude colours to appeal to all skin tones almost identical to the Dove body inclusivity campaigns from 2017.
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These concepts are both beautiful in design, but the 180 degree turn from the original concept has left fans wondering if the iconic Look of the brand has been entirely abandoned upon its movement to become more inclusive to age and body type. It's a decision that has subsequently prompted more criticism, this time focusing on the ideas of 'why cant my body be glamorous?".
Why did body and age inclusivity mean that the ideas of femininity, glamour and angelic beauty had to be forgotten? Is VS sending the message that plus sized bodies are not sexy? Is this an attempt to cater to 'what women want' without actually acknowledging what women want (again)?
Natural beauty is a wondrous thing, it's something that everyone possesses and that needs to be celebrated- but thats not the point of Victoria's Secret. Brands are allowed to adhere to a certain aesthetic. Brands are allowed to have a target audience based on selling a specific type or style of clothing. Women appreciated VS garments for feeling glamorous and hyper feminine- what needed to change was the ranges of sizes they carried and the way in which the shows were run (and their intrusive in store measuring lets be real) to ensure that all women of all sizes and ages had the opportunity to experience that high feminine fantasy.
That's where Selkie comes into play. For the past two years selfie has presented absolutely phenomenal spring/summer collections at NYFW with models of differing shapes and sizes- and their 2024 collection featuring their first disabled model (whose name I have not been able see featured in any articles on the runway).
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Selkie embodies what people wanted to see of a VS rebrand. Maintaining the essence of who the brand is- for VS as a hyperfeminine, classy and sexy underwear brand- and feeling that fantasy within inclusivity. The strive towards appreciating that all bodies are beautiful should not have to sacrifice the aesthetic of the garments and in such sacrificing the core audience who appreciated and anticipated their designs.
Selkie's work proves that all bodies are mystical and goddess-like and ethereal and embody the fantasy that their audience are attracted to. The angel can be fat or disabled or old and still be angelic. The fantasy of the angel is not held in body type or skin colour or age or ability but in the women who feel it. What was needed of VS was to allow women to feel their angelic fantasy instead of marketing it towards a male gaze through an unrealistic standard of the ideal woman. What was needed was allowing their models to feel beautiful instead of pushing themselves on strict food exclusionary diets to obsessively maintain their weight. Victorias secret needed a rebrand in conduct that didn't sacrifice the identity of the brand. Because let's face it, there was nothing wrong with a glitzy thong.
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the-lancasters · 1 year
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1 Year of The Lancasters
So last month marked one year since I started posting about the Lancaster family but I didn't have the brain capacity then to mark it in any way 😔
Its been an awesome year and I've enjoyed having a creative outlet from my stressful job and I've learnt a lot from awesome royal simblrs along the way. I'm also proud I have gotten this far!
Thank you for reading, following, commenting and asking questions - every time it happens I'm still surprised and it really does makes my day! (I try not to fall down the obsession rabbit hole with notes as I genuinely do this because I enjoy it but hey 🤷‍♀️ I'm human)
In celebration of this milestone, above is future Queen Victoria and her four children ❤ All looking so grown up and glamorous! Edward is the one on the far left.
And below is the six granddaughters of King George plus another character that will become very important to them ❤
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Heres to another year of storytelling! ✨🎉
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The mind-bending finding suggests that everything around us is constantly being roiled by low-frequency gravitational waves
By Joel Achenbach and 
Victoria Jaggard
June 28, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. EDT
The very fabric of the cosmos is constantly being roiled and rumpled all around us, according to multiple international teams of scientists that have independently found compelling evidence for long-theorized space-time waves.
The claim that telescopes across the planet have seen signs of a “gravitational wave background” has sent a thrill through the astrophysics community, which has been buzzing for days in anticipation of the papers that were unveiled late Wednesday. The discovery seems to affirm an astounding implication of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity that until now has been far too subtle to detect.
In Einstein’s reimagined universe, space is not serenely empty, and time does not march smoothly forward. Instead, the powerful gravitational interactions of massive objects — including supermassive black holes — regularly ripple the fabric of space and time. The picture that emerges is a universe that looks like a choppy sea, churned by violent events that happened over the course of the past 13 billion-plus years.
The gravitational wave background, as described by the astrophysicists, does not put any torque on everyday human existence. There is not a weight-loss discovery in here somewhere. A burble of gravitational waves cannot explain why some days you feel out of sorts. But it does offer potential insight into the physical reality we all inhabit.
“What we measure is the Earth kind of moving in this sea. It’s bobbing around — and it’s not just bobbing up and down, its bobbing in all directions,” said Michael Lam, an astrophysicist at the SETI Institute and a member of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), a team largely based in North America. The NANOGrav team released the findings in five papers that were published Wednesday in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Teams in Europe, India, Australia and China also observed the phenomenon and planned to post their studies at the same time. The simultaneous release of papers from far-flung and competitive teams using similar methodology came only after some scientific diplomacy that ensured no group tried to scoop the rest of the astrophysical community.
“We’ve been on a mission for the last 15 years to find a low-pitch hum of gravitational waves resounding throughout the universe and washing through our galaxy to warp space-time in a measurable way,” NANOGrav chair Stephen Taylor of Vanderbilt University said at a news briefing Tuesday.
“We’re very happy to announce that our hard work has paid off.”
Discovery from dead stars
The feat builds on previous discoveries of things in the universe that are invisible to the naked eye — pulsars. A pulsar is a type of neutron star, the ultradense remnant of a dead star. It is called a pulsar because it spins rapidly, hundredsof revolutions per second, and emits radio waves in a steady pulse. Pulsars were discovered only in the 1960s, not long after the invention of large radio telescopes.
NANOGrav gathered data from 68 pulsars using the Green Bank Telescope in rural West Virginia, the 27 telescopes of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico, and the now-defunctArecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.
The pulses from these bizarre objects reach telescopes on Earth at such predictable frequencies that they serve as cosmic timepieces, nearly as accurate as today’s most advanced atomic clocks, said Chiara Mingarelli, an astrophysicist at Yale and a member of the NANOGrav team.
Theorists believed that low-frequency gravitational waves could throw off the arrival of pulsar signals. Such low-frequency ripples can have crests separated by years, so the search for subtle swells in the sea of space-timerequired patience. The deviation in the pulsar data is so slight that it took 15 years of observations to come up with solid evidence of these gravitational waves, Mingarelli said.
The NANOGrav team had previously published reports with preliminary suggestions that the background exists, but had said more time was necessary to boost confidence that the signal was real and not just noise.
“Even devising the experiment was a huge mental leap,” Mingarelli said.
The existence of gravitational waves is not in dispute. In 2016, scientists announced that their ambitious four-decade experiment called LIGO, for Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, had detected waves from the merger of two black holes. But the newly announced waves are not one-shot wonders, and theorists are noodling the many potential explanations for why the cosmic sea ripples in such a fashion.
Supermassive black holes are the favored explanation.
Most galaxies are home to supermassive black holes in or near their central region. These black holes certainly deserve the “supermassive” label: They typically have the equivalent mass of millions or even billions of suns. By contrast, “stellar mass” black holes are pipsqueaks, with masses akin to 10 or 20 or 30 suns.
Galaxies rarely collide, but the universe is vast, there are many billions of galaxies, and they have had plenty of time to drift into one another. During a galactic meetup, theorists say, the supermassive black holesat the cores of the two galaxiesfirst will do a gravitational dance. They can orbit each other for millions of years, Lam said. This pairing is known as a supermassive black hole binary.
The swirling dance disturbs the fabric of space-time sufficiently to generate very low-frequency gravitational waves that travel across the universe at the speed of light, scientists believe. Over time, energy leaks from the dance party, as it were, and the supermassive black holes ease closer together, their orbital period shortening to just a few decades. At that point, the wavelengths begin to reach the frequencies detectable by NANOGrav, Lam said.
“So at this point in our measurements, we cannot definitively state what sources are producing the gravitational wave background signal,” NANOGrav team member Luke Kelley, an astrophysicist at the University of California at Berkeley, said at the Tuesday news briefing. However, he said, the data is a compelling match for theoretical predictions.
Theorists are “having fun” coming up with other possible sources for the low-frequency signal, he added. But “if it’s not coming from supermassive black hole binaries, we would need to come up with some explanation of where those supermassive black holes are hiding, and why we’re not seeing their gravitational waves.”
A new astronomical era
No matter the signal’s source, the announcement of a gravitational wave background represents a milestone in the embryonic field of gravitational wave astronomy.
Just as some astronomers use different wavelengths of light to probe the cosmos, they can now look for different types of gravitational waves. The low-frequency waves announced Wednesday wouldn’t be detectable by LIGO, and the opposite is also true: NANOGrav and similar efforts using pulsars could not detect the kind ofhigh-frequency waves from the unimaginably violent stellar-mass black hole mergers seen by LIGO.
Lam said the next goal is to pair specific gravitational waves with potential supermassive black hole binaries detected through more traditional forms of astronomy. In other words, rather than just saying we’re picking up signs of lots of waves, the astronomers could say this particular wave right here came from that place over there.
The announcement carries an echo of another milestone in the history of cosmology. In 1965, two physicists at Bell Labsreported that they had detected the signal of something previously theorized: the cosmic microwave background radiation. That residual glow offered landmark evidence that the universe was created by the big bang.
Maura McLaughlin, co-director of the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center, said at the Tuesday briefing that the next step will be for the international teams to combine their independent data into one “uber data set” that should show an even clearer signal of the gravitational wave background — and maybe even the first detection of a supermassive black hole binary.
“We’re opening up a completely new window … on the gravitational wave universe,” she said.
The work, she said,should offer deeper insight into the ways galaxies form and evolve. It might even reveal exotic new physics that would alter our fundamental understanding of the cosmos: “It should be really, really exciting.”
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crimsonattourney · 3 months
It all started junior year of highschool, i mean technically it started freshman year but all of the important stuff happened junior year. Walking through the double doors of the shithole we call Southside High School I realised I had just sealed my fate. Connor and Roger have just spotted me like how vultures spot a dead animal, “Hey, dumbass, you better get yo bitchass over here.” His heavy use of slang and swears confirms my dread to be fully reasonable. Connor is a huge guy, hes taller than most teachers except for a few exceptions, and of course on the football team even though he has been kicked off the field on multiple occasions due to unsportsmanlike behaviour, and then there's his lackey and best friend Rodger, he's built like a brick wall and about as smart, also on the football team, he usually brags about being the toughest guy along with Connor and also beating on his poor brother Charlie. They stride across the hallway elbowing people who get in their way, “We said get the hell over here, do you need us to clean out your ears for you?” Connor grabbed my arm as he said that, Roger egging him on. “You really should let him go,” a voice said behind me. “Coach said if you kept up the bullying he would kick you off the team,” they let me go and approached the girl who told them off. “And who are you to tell us off bitch, you're not on the team,” No I'm not.” she retorted with a sneer, “I happen to be the equipment manager, i applied over the summer, and I also keep track of who's allowed and not allowed to be on the team, so go away.” They slunk off knowing that if they push further they might have their life and only way of graduation stripped away. I look up at my heroine, “uh, t-thank you.” I stammer, “no problem dude, I hate those assholes and really want a reason to kick them off the team,” she strides off as I stand there in astonishment. The rest of the school day was a blur, maths was first, then social studies, then study hall, and finally band, it's the only class i actually enjoy other than social studies, it's also the only class i have with my friend Victoria, or Vikke as everyone other than teachers call her, “i saw the incident that happened earlier,” she said when we walked out of the classroom together, “are you doing okay?” “i'm alright, it's nothing that i haven't dealt with before,” “well that's good, but there's another thing a gotta ask you about, and it's about your hero this morning,” i can feel myself go red as she finish that final sentence, i managed to stutter “i-its not like that, i-its more like…” my voice trails off as i see the girl from this morning walk to her locker which is across the hall from mine and Vikke’s, “I knew it, you have the hots for her!” she whispered “shut up,” I retorted, searching my locker as a distraction. Later that day as I was walking home, my mind drifted to this morning. It's not like that, I admire her for standing up for me, plus she would never go out with a kid like me.
(Just a part of a story that im working on)
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e350tb · 1 year
18 June 2023
Boney Was A Warrior
Aspley House 18 June 2023
It is now 208 years since the Battle of Waterloo. It was here, on perhaps the most famous battlefield in history, that the forces of the Duke of Wellington’s Anglo-Allied Army and Field Marshal Gebhard von Blucher’s Prussian Army decisively defeated Napoleon, ending over two decades of near constant European War and establishing a political order that would persist mostly unbroken for thirty years. In 2015, there was great pomp and ceremony at the site to mark its bicentennial. I was there. (At the bicentennial, not the battle.) So was the then Prince of Wales, and for reasons I’ve never completely worked out, Nigel Farage.
I couldn’t make the trip to Mont St Jean (for the battle was fought a few miles away from Waterloo itself), but I was going into London today, and it seemed appropriate to drop in to Aspley House, the Duke’s London residence, to mark the occasion.
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Aspley House - ‘No. 1, London’ - is as handsome a Georgian townhouse as ever there was, and with the exception of containing perhaps more paintings than it did in his time, is kept pretty much as Wellington knew it. It is absolutely worth a visit. Yet I must make one major criticism of how Aspley House is run, and that is that it has a blanket ban on interior photography. I simply cannot agree with this. No flash photography is completely understandable, but I can’t help but feel that prohibiting photography altogether is a step too far, and out of touch with the modern world of phone cameras and go-pros. I do understand the reason - copyright - I just think it’s a poor reason.
Of course, you can take photos of the exterior to your heart’s content, and as an English Heritage property, there’s often little events going on to attract interest. Today, being Waterloo Day, the front of the house was occupied by redcoats - the men of the 68th Foot, the Durham Light Infantry. Of all the regiments of the British Army (or at least those I don’t have a family connection to), I’ve always had a particularly soft spot for the DLI. The 6th, 7th and 9th Battalions, during WWII, were formed into one brigade for most of the war in Europe, and Montgomery regarded them quite highly. (The 6th and 7th were rotated home at the end of 1944 for a well-earned rest, but the 9th DLI was folded into the famed 7th Armoured Division and fought for the last few months of the war.) On top of this, they had green facings, and my favourite colour is green, so that works well.
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The reenactors drilled before visitors at 1pm, giving their audience a good idea of how British soldiers drilled, what they wore and how they fought in the Napoleonic Wars - specifically in the Peninsular and Waterloo campaigns and the War of 1812 against America. It was a very good show, and I quite enjoyed it. Kudos to the 68th!
(In case one is wondering what other British regiments I have a ‘soft spot’ for, they would be those my family were part of - the descendents of the 60th and 95th Rifles, plus the Royal Engineers and the Royal Artillery - the 2nd (Coldstream) Foot Guards, the Royal Marines, the Middlesex, the Black Watch, the Ox and Bucks and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. I’ll stop myself there because I kept thinking of others.)
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After Aspley House, we headed back down the Victoria and Northern Lines to Edgware, which will be my home base for tonight. Tomorrow will be a long day - the longest day, I’d say, except that refers to the wrong war - ambling around Central London looking at war memorials, the great monuments of the Imperial Metropolis, and a little provincial church they call Westminster…
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