#'just one more accessoire. do it for me!'
queercontrarian · 2 years
lucien sneaking into tamlin's room in the middle of the night to put some fashionable clothes into his closet because he'll be damned if he lets tamlin walk around in public in a mid outfit
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bluewings55 · 3 months
Ladies and gentlemen
Here they are:
Winx mythix redesigns are FINALLY done!
So for the main idea for all the transformations, I completely disgarded the ‚prom dress‘ ideas cus
1. They looked nothing like prom dresses
2. They didn't even look like prom dresses
3. Did I mention that they were hideous?
4. They are hideous
So I went a different way.
I asked myself "what do I see when I hear the word 'fire fairy'?"
A fairy with red hair like Bloom?
A fairy made of literal flames?
A person with molten lava as hair?
There is no right to wrong with mythical beings, everyone can interpret them in their own way. So I took that idea and made them more 'in tune' with their own elements!
I left out their wands for now since I wasn't sure what to do with them.
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With bloom, I went with the idea of a Fire dancer. Her wings are similar to her mythix one. I tried to make her skin resemble lava and I think I screwed up that part but eh.
For me, being a sky Fairy, I went with a light pastelly sky warrior theme. Speedy, agile and sparkly! I also made the skin slightly transparent cus I thought it would look cool :>
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Flora ofc had to be the pretty one. I made her resemble a butterfly, her feet, knees, hands and shoulders are covered with pollen, so she can even pollinate flowers!
Aisha also has a more warrior theme going on. With water hair and even webs on her fingers and ears. Her Main Accessoires are corals and tiny teardrop shaped pearls
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Stella ofc has to be one with the sun and moon. I liked the flower she has in her concept mythix design so I gave that back to her. It's a little hard to see but I also gave her tiny blue star freckles :3
Tecna just had to be a robot I'm sorry. She doesn't emotionally change tho ofc. Regardless of her metallic limbs, she has a very human heart and looks badass as a traveling robot ready to kick ass
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Musa and Roxy were a little more tricky.
I wanted to show off Musa's Chinese heritage and combined that with a Dirigent. I'm just glad that the combo went really well in my opinion.
Roxy was a lot harder. I eventually settled with a deer-like appearance. And yes she's freaking out the first time she sees her legs turned into that of a satyrs.
But here they are, the Mythix redesigns!
What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!
I'm sorry it took so long but I always try to keep my promises!
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lale-txt · 2 years
💗 One Piece characters as shoujo manga stereotypes (pt. 1/?)
a/n: i recently discovered that my love @eustasssimp and i share the same deep passion for shoujo manga. we probably have read them all and basically yelled at each other for three days straight about them. for me, shoujo manga had a HUGE influence on my wish to start writing again, i bascially owe them every fluff piece on this blog omg. Lemon is the reason those headcanons were born, feeding me with so many good ideas that occupied my brain for several days straight. just love putting our favorite men in those silly litte scenarios with you (ノ´ з `)ノ
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the ill tempered, grumpy male lead
never wears his school uniform the right way, something’s always off – no necktie, the fire red hair (which is his natural color but the teachers don’t believe him), wears too many shiny accessories and make up (his winged liner is on point)
everyone has a crush on him and he hates it, cusses everyone out who makes an attempt to get closer to him
he opens his locker and a dozen love letters fall out of it, he tears them apart on the spot and stomps away with angry flushed cheeks to probably rob some poor kid of their lunch money
he doesn’t buy proper lunch from it, just a big pack of energy drinks he downs within half an hour, vibrating in his seat during afternoon classes
eats his lunch with Killer (who made bento for both of them) on the rooftop where the people don’t find them
close up shots of them biting in onigiri, veiny hands holding chopsticks, long lashes that sparkle in the sunset (it’s noon but for the special effects the sun is setting, okay)
during The Field Trip Camping Arc™ Kid will yell at everyone who fails to put up their tent, building them up himself while huffing and puffing
he’s also the one that goes missing during the obligatory rain storm, making everyone worried until he returns out of the blue, probably carrying a puppy in his arms he rescued 
will complain to Killer all night about it as they lay in their sleeping bags, the puppy curled up between them (you wished that was you huh), but he’ll fall asleep with a slight smile though
the stoic, quiet side kick 
his mask stays ON despite school rules. also how else would anyone know he’s the sidekick if he didn’t have a quirky accessoire 
lowkey everyone has a crush on him too. it’s a shoujo manga, everyone crushes on everyone here
Killer gets his own spin off in the chapter cover art or as his own series once the main act is finished because he stole the show so often and became a fan favorite
he’s the head of the school’s food club, hosting cooking lessons once a week and rambling about the power and beauty of a good meal
every petition to turn it into an pasta exclusive club failed and he’s bitter about it, still only teaching recipes you can eat with a mask on
everyone is intimidated by him and then he just brings out tiny cupcakes he baked during cooking class and shares with everyone
master of cake decor – he might look scary but oh boy can he do those filigree sugar coatings with ease
knows Kid comes from a rough home and therefore makes him a bento every day to make sure his friend eats a proper meal at least once a day 
he’s still waiting for Kid to notice the hidden messages he wrote in ketchup on his omelet, asking him to be more than just a friend
the way too sexy home room teacher everyone has a crush on
like he sparkles a little when he enters the classroom and everyone’s heart just goes doki doki
his subjects are history and PE 
on PE days he walks around in a tight shirt and loose sweatpants, hair in a loose bun, making people clench their chest when he walks by 
has the biggest crush on his colleague Roger and it’s obvious to everyone except Roger
he almost got suspended once because he used the money for the field trip for gambling but luckily his class hosted a cake sale (Killer being the initiator) to raise funds and save the day
he’s a strict teacher but also a very kind one, always fighting dearly for his students while also showing them no mercy during tests
though he might “accidentally” leave the test answers written on the blackboard
can survive the field trips only with a little flask in his pocket and trusts his student enough to survive on their own while he checks out the hot springs with his colleague Roger
he gets his spotlight in the bonus panels where the mangaka just goes unhinged about him, giving the fans what they want (dilf on dilf action)
the headmaster and PE teacher that walks around in booty shorts and a tank top that are just a little too tight but no one is complaining, just enjoying the view 
has the biggest crush on his colleague Rayleigh and it’s obvious to everyone except Rayleigh
a menace in the staff room, leaving his belongings on every desk except his own (it doesn’t go unnoticed by him that Rayleigh lets Roger’s worn tank top disappear in his bag, just as planned)
loves the kids and spending time with them during their break, playing skipping rope or ping-pong with them and battling them at the cafeteria over the last strawberry pastry until Rayleigh shoots him a glance
will twirl his hair at Rayleigh asking if he’s getting anyone chocolate for Valentine’s Day and won’t sleep at night when Rayleigh confirms that he will give some chocolate out, yes
big men, big feelings
Roger plans to confess during The Field Trip Camping Arc™ but always gets interrupted for some silly reason (the soda vending machine is broken, one student forgot to pack socks, the class troublemaker gotten lost in the woods during a rainstorm)
the fanfiction writers for both are going feral
they kiss in the bonus panels of the very last volume <3
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moonmeg · 1 year
I have seen one of your recent answers and
1. I would love to see that comic where Catherine and Caleb argue about what marriage is
2. About that, it could be said that Caleb expected Catherine to be submissive and obedient to him?? 😭😭
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This is a bit ooc for Caleb (another reason I cut it) but here you go
Cat: What was that all about?!
C: I protected you from some creep! You're welcome!
Cat: That "creep" was a friend I haven't seen in almost 10 years! And even if it as a stranger who makes me uncomfortable, I am able to protect myself. I don't need you for that!
C (after a small pause): You are not talking to him again.
Cat: Excuse me?
C: ?
Cat: How dare you?
C: I- What are you upset about?
Cat: Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?
C: Who I am to tell you what to do? I'm your husband! You are my wife!
Cat: Yes, your wife. Not your servant.
C: I don't think you understand me here.
Cat: Be a dear and enlighten me, then.
C (hesitant): As my wife it is your responsibility to, well, serve me. I provide for you and in return you obey me. You belong to me now and so you do what I say.
Cat: What? Is that your concept of marriage?
C: Well... yes.
Cat: Alright, let me make myself clear: I married you and am now your wife because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I did not marry you to be treated like a maid or some subject to a king. My husband or not, you are not my superior and never will be. In this marriage there is no hierachy. I am your equal. I'm not your possesion, I'm not your servant, I'm not going to mindlessly obey you and I certainly am not going to be submissive to you - not unless I myself want to be so.
I am your wife and I am still my own person and you are going to treat me as such. You are going to treat me as a person and not like some accessoire. I know this roots in the human realm and you can't just let that go... which is why I will be patient with you on this. But if you can't let that go... this marriage will not work.
[They're both silent for a while, avoiding the other's face]
Cat: Perhaps I can help a bit. What about me is different from you? Aside from the human and witch thing. What does a human woman differenciate from a human man? And do those differences really mean I - or any other woman for that matter - am of less value and do not deserve to be treated the way you expect to be treated by me? Do those differences really mean I cannot have the freedoms and a voice in this marriage as you expect to have them? Why should I obey you? Why not the other way around? Think about it, Caleb.
[Cat leaves]
I only wrote this far before throwing it in the "deleted scenes" folder. Like I said it didn't move anything along and would've just taken up more time.
They resolved this the typical Caline fashion. I would've ended the comic on a hug or kiss.
Depending on my silliness, I would've written out a fic where Caleb would ask what she meant with "not being obedient or submissive to him unless she herself wants to be so" to which Cat just smirks and replies "Do you want to try it out?" and well, they do ;)
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
how would the arcana twilight boys react to a female mc who wears lolita-style dresses? and who just enjoys dressing in a very girly style when not in lolita--lace, pink, pastels, etc. thanks in advance!!
Alpheratz: He prefers your pastel outfits actually, because in a world this dark, he sees pastels as gentle and kind. Not that he would ever wear it himself though. What if you wore a pastel lolita dress though? Put it on and he will have trouble concentrating ever again!
Arcturus: To him, lolita dresses are extremely difficult to like. He loved them once, but then he attempted to sew one himself, but he keeps failing for reasons he just cannot understand. But he will make suiting accessoires for your dresses to enhance your cuteness! Is a fan of laces as well!
Pollux: He likes to hold your sleeves because he enjoys the fabric! If you ever spin to show your dress off, you need to do it on repeat because he loves the beauty of spinning dresses. Sometimes his brain has short circuits when looking at you and he just squeak with happiness over your cuteness. Wants to squish you, but only squishes your cheeks.
Sirius: When you are in goth clothes, he wears more pink. You wear pink, feminine clothes, he puts on emo clothes, with shirts that say "Can't wake me up" and thunders on it. Even if you spontaneously change, he does too. There is no way you ever arrive with the same aesthetic, unless the environment calls for it. But chances are, he will make sure to wear something that will make you two stick out anyways.
Spica: He always wanted to know if lolita dresses are comfortable at all, because they look bothersome to sit in. Has so many questions about the design as well, and will ask them all. In fact, your fashion sense just makes him learn everything about fashion. Differences amongst body types and cultures, and will completely forget the way you look because he learns so many new things. Might asks for your permission to commision a dress for you! Irons your dresses for you.
Vega: The bean and the lolita, you two seem like a strange couple. And he will try to not hug you too much, because he does not want to create wrinkles on your dresses. Treats you cautiously. He likes to see you in pink though, mostly because blue and pink are beautiful alongside each other.
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enkisstories · 2 months
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In cyberspace again...
Daniel: "Any more questions?"
Tina: "One question: Still interested in joining the raid? Given that you just shot Gavin, we'll have to postpone it to a later date, but you and I could clear the area in front of the cave right away."
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Daniel: "Gladly, if I had the slightest inkling how to get there. I usually log into the starter area and off again. I don't know how to travel in this game."
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Tina: "Let me explain... Here!"
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Daniel: "Whoa, that's some detailed scenery! Different from Jakku. I can't tell what is part of the background and what will jump at us any moment."
Tina: "You'll get used to it. Now lay some buffs on me, so that I can set a new kills per hour record!"
Daniel: “You want me to stand around for an hour, occasionally caressing your shoulder? No way, lady! Not even an android would have that much tolerance!”
Tina: “Ours at work stand around even longer.”
Daniel: “Well, then borrow one of those next time you need a buffbot! - Oh, a giant frog!”
Daniel: *shoots*
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From that day on Daniel played with his new friends whenever he could find the time. At first the other three were merely accessoires for Tina, but after they caught up and knew what they were doing, they matured into a force to behold.
Daniel called himself Mel, the kid playing the droid went by RK800, Tina was Jaina_Jade and Gavin SithLordIDWAF (it stood for “SithLordIdontWantAFuckingNumberBehindMyUsernameImNotAnAndroid”, but had to get shortened). Other than Darth Idwaf’s and Jaina’s real world first names and the fact that Tina had a job of some kind, they knew nothing about each other.
After all, it didn't matter. But one day it just might...
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Five facts about me:
Thank you @kittenchrissy for the tag 😊
1. I'm a sucker for camo (be it just fashion or military gear) or entirely military green clothing. I own a bit of military(-like) clothings myself even some old WWII stuff I wanted to make use of doing a cosplay but probably never will do.
2. I am an only child and my family is super small as well. And it is good that way, bc family gatherings do not happen often either.
3. I ain't got a driver's license and probably never will do one but I have a huge love for cool cars ever since I had my first matchbox car. ('chevvy' derives from chevrolet btw, specifically inspired by Dean's car)
4. I left my half of my heart in San Francisco and half of it in Tokyo. My soul lies somewhere on the beach in Carmel-by-the-Sea, while the rest of my being remains here in Germany – So when I do feel best? When I'm in one of those places.
5. My favorite color is copper. It is so damn underrated! Everyone shoud love copper and make more things copper – e.g. more copper deco, more printed shirts with copper (instead of gold/silver), more accessoirs in copper, hell, even more mods in copper!
@bnbc, @gloryride, @nervouswizardcycle, @a-pirate, @pinkydude
Dunno if you guys got tagged already, so sorry if I bothered you with it! No pressure as always.
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Do you ever see an unfunny meme
and feel the overwhelming urge to destroy its (attempt at) humor by treating it as a research prompt? That happened to me recently when I saw this:
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If I had to place my discontent with the punchline, it’s that it enforces a stereotype instead of breaking it. What’s more, as one of my friends noted upon seeing the meme, it employs the picture to power the punchline. The style of ukiyo-e prints does generally make faces look similar.
The only catch is, there are other ways to distinguish characters in a picture, and ukiyo-e artists weren’t afraid to overuse them in order to make everything crystally clear to everybody even half-literate. The first clue are the clothes & accessoires. They let the viewer guess the characters' gender and social status. The style of the clothes and its colour, as well as the presence of heraldic symbols or class symbols (like swords) are the things to look at. If we’re talking famous characters, they may have certain fixed poses/attires/objects by which they are easily recognized. Another important clue is when the artist puts the name of the person in the picture right next to them on a special plaque.
All this is not to say that all faces in ukiyo-e prints are the same. Sure, from early on in Japanese visual art there is a trend of drawing faces in as few and as simple lines as possible (引目鉤鼻, hikime kagibana, or, "slit-eyes and hook-nose")*. But by the late Edo period (to which this print belongs) it is customary to add some individuality into the characters’ features. I think the influence of Sharaku’s caricature-like portraits** here.
In my experience, the two types of sword-wielding characters that come up in such prints are famous martial heroes and actors. The actual warriors are often depicted alone in detailed, dynamic poses***, while actors can come in groups, acting out famous scenes from various plays. (Needless to say, prints were published in thematic albums). In this particular print, we see a pair of actors. First, they are wearing some elaborate costumes (not regular clothes, nor armour, as it would be appropriate for famous warriors). Second, their faces are clean (and warriors in prints are often bearded and wild-looking to reflect their warlike attitude). Third, the pose looks theatrical in its stillness. Certainly, the artist was good enough to make it as dynamic as was custom for that period, should that have been necessary. Also (and this is more of a gut feeling) the bamboo and the lantern in the background seem like something to do with the theater, too.
Now, the only question that remains is, what’s the play? To answer it I had to scroll quite a bit through google images search until I found the original. It, as expected, came with many inscriptions.
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Utagawa Kunisada, 1856
As the cool red lion-plaque in the right corner indicates, the series this print is from is called Seven calligraphic variants of the iroha (清書七伊呂波). Next, a title says that what we see is a scene for the character tsu (つ) from the Kabuki play Tsuzure-no nishiki (襤褸錦, roughly translates as "The brocade of rags"). Which explains the clothes. Next to the title of the play the names of the characters are listed. The black squares on the left (to the best of my understanding) contain the names of the actors.
More pictures and links under cut!
*hikime kagibana
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a close-up of a court lady from Genji monogatari emaki, 12th century (source)
**an actor's portrait by Sharaku
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Arashi Ryûzô II as Ishibe Kinkichi, 1794 (source)
***a warrior print
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石橋山伏木隠 大場三郎景親 (Ishibashiyama: hidden under a bowed tree; Ōba Saburō Kagechika), by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, mid-19th century (source)
And also
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the same scene from Tsuzure-no nishiki in larger scale (same artist, but from about 30 years earlier). The lantern, bamboo and the straw... something seem to indeed be stage decorations/props (source)
P.S. Just remembered that i made another iroha-related post a while ago
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jasdiary · 1 year
Pspsps let me drop some dumb headcanons to some of our ships
Kome x Tomi Grey
-For one I feel Kome would often stop by when she feels sick of her dorm leader, maybe read a book in Octavinelle, play chess with someone online and as she noticed Tomi she for sure already got kinda a small heartbeat that increased… she is a girl that falls quickly
-Anyone that insults her or is mean to her likely gets a small punch, Kome does not hesitate to put people in their place
-however given she is often very sick it may also good for Tomi to watch out if Kome coughs too much if she needs some medication or so she can lean onto her, maybe Carry her
Zelda x April
-April and Zelda often spend time exchanging over Fashion, April showing her flower language or April complaining about her big brother Julian
-The first time she gave herself vulnerable and showed her scars I imagine Zelda quickly make her feel comforted, might even tickle those scars to make her laugh again, something that made April far less insecure
-They could be the type to have matching styles combined with flowers accessoires
-At first April being a Demon worried that she might never get a pretty girlfriend so being slowly assured of her eye, her looks and her heritage… she will slowly grow more open
Juvia x Mellow
-I feel there was at least one moment where Mellow transformed into a monster ran into the woods and she just comforted him to calm down with words and actions… putting a hand on his head before his third eye before her turned back calmed down and cried
-He has tons of sketches of her smiling but too shy to share them so as she came by his room once seeings some of them she that day was even more happier
-Mellow tries his hardest to stand up for her and get more confident but most of the time she is just sweet to him and bursts up like a tomato and hides his face
Kome x Tomi-Grey
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The image of Tomi carrying Kome when she’s feeling sick is SO heartwarming. As much as she hates seeing her sickness get to her, she’s more than happy to take care of someone. And Kome falling for her is too cute, Tomi-Grey gets uncharacteristically shy around her HSJSHS
Zelda x April
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okay 1: i had so much fun drawing them, they’re SO cute. Zelda would do everything she can to make April know how pretty and loved she is! Zelda puts extra flowers in her hair so that she can pick em out and gently put them in April’s hair. Zelda would use her new knowledge of flower language from April for her botany hobby and surprise April with her favorite flowers! Zelda loves all of April’s scars and does everything in her power to comfort April. RAHH THEY’RE SO CUTE AND IN LOVE‼️‼️‼️
Juvia x Mellow
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I have SUCH a soft spot for them. They never fail to make me smile. Juvia’s heart would break seeing Mellow crying over transforming but she would assure him that she loves him no matter what!! She loves her little monster bf!! I can see these two as “S..she asked for no pickles!! please..” and Juvia just laughs and holds onto his arm bcs he’s so cute 😭😭😭 Which reminds me!! i think Juvia has a habit of holding onto Mellow’s arm a lot! like a sign of affection that they’re both fully comfortable with. Juvia loves all of Mellow’s sketches of her and uh,,don’t tell anyone but,,Juvia definitely has sketches of Mellow too 😈
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Okay, but why Caryll, Maria and Laurence first collectively forget how to get hoes and then vibe together in the bus? What is this dynamic? (And how do I find this kind of squad to myself? XD)
In dunno i swear 😂 it’s « besties that want to change the world squad ? » Aka small dream team with Gehrman. I just love them and i want to imagined they were close before everything became a mess. (I mean they even had matching jewelry & accessoires xD at some point. You know the vicar pendant, eyes pendant, small hair ornament (need to share my hc for that one too & Gehrman had a pocketwatch. And i need to find dmt for Ludwig)
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I have so many hc with this 4… early healing church (way before hamlet) but after they got their degree at Byrgen. (Laurence is not Vicar yet so he don’t have an image to maintain yet xD)
(But this one is at Byrgenwerth for exemple x)
Are you referring to this for the « forget how to get hoes ? » (Actually it concerned less Laurence who just got 3 in his life and it concerned a bit less Caryll too lmao xD ok might concerned them too but you can be sure the 2 hunters have no idea 😂 Laurence & Caryll facepalm a lot bc of it. Maria & Gehrman obliviousness is making them fell crazy at times)
But basically Maria & Caryll were at uni together and are the first students friends of each other, so quite close. Laurence was their cool teacher who went to parties with them (and got more drunk) (the type of teacher the gen of my parents had xD)
If you’re talking about that drawing this well they’re going back from like Cainhurst wedding party so they had enough. Only Gehrman feel kinda on. He got vibe check by Maria’s relative and pass it lmao xD (everyone else is just so tired)
I wish to have a squad like that too or that my close friends were with me for this.
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
I just finally finished watching the dream smp, here are my thoughts
Honestly, it wasnt that bad. Or atleast not as bad as some of the spoilers ive read wouldve lead me to believe. I think I wouldve had more negative feelings towards it if it wasnt for the spoilers lowering my standards but whatever, whats done is done and cant be undone or somwthing or like that.
I wanna try and make this a bit more organized, so I'll start with the Syndicate finale; I loved it, no notes. Everyone was great and it felt like an actual conclusion which is more than I can say for most of the other finales which is yknow, a bad sign for the series writing but whatever
Next the Dream, Tommy n Tubbo stuff; it was split into four parts and I didnt partcularly like the first three. The third one was especially bad it was just so weird and messy for the most part. I did really like the actual ending with all of them in this new world, hangin out, I think thats a bit of an unpopular opinion but I didnt have any issues with it. I thought it made sense for the whole cycles of violence theme of this big disc saga to end with the people involved breaking the cycle. I did prefer Tubbos pov of the last stream though, its probably my favorite part of the finale. Idk, I wasnt the biggest fan of Tommys characterization/dialogue, I didnt think he was ooc I just thought it was kinda boring and I really liked cc!Tubbos performance it was absolutely wonderful. Jack was great too, I love a guy whos just so cringefail. I really wish Tommy and Tubbo couldve had a little moment at the end in the new world as well, I know these kinds of post-ending stingers kind of have to be short to keep their impact but cmon, theyre bestiesssss give them a moment together
So yeah, in conclusion: it was okay i guess. I dont think I wouldve really cared if it was any better or worse because this a very character-driven story that doesnt really need an ending. Like, now that Im done with this bullshit I can just take these lovely characters and do whatever with them if that makes sense. It kinda reminds me of being 7 years old, going through my littlest pet shop phase but not having a lot of them and then my grandparents showed up to my birthday with a gigantic plastic tub that was almost as big as me full of lps and accessoires and houses for them, except with blorbos. So yeah Im off to fanart and AU land now, will not be rewatching this in the near future
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nothingtowear05 · 2 years
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Dress: Beaded Charleston Flapper Dress from Art Deco French Period Circa 1920 ($927.59) | Shoes: Jimmy Choo BAILY FLAT (£2,095) | Clutch: Judith Leiber SPHERE SILVER BLING ($2,995.00) | Necklace: Mikimoto Necklace (¥ 1,419,000) | Earrings: Stephen Russell One of a Kind Platinum, Diamond & Pearl Earrings ($20,000.00) | Hair clip: .25 Carat Diamond Platinum Hair Clip ($15,000)
We have come to the last of the OC Fashion Asks outfits. For today’s finale, I decided to end with the Roaring 20s outfit asked by the person who encouraged me to do this challenge. So this is what I imagine Alice would wear at a 1920s-themed party.
When we think of the 1920s, we can’t help but think of the ubiquitous flapper, hence why I went with this vintage flapper’s dress that dates back to the 1920s. The fact this dress comes from France is just an added bonus as Alice is half-French. Next up, the necklace. The accessoire du jour in those days was the long rope pearl necklace, so you just know I had to add one to this outfit. The earrings had an art deco vibe, and the pearls at the end went well with the necklace.
Mary Janes were still popular in the 1920s, though mostly the high-heel kind. Turns out that fancy high-heeled Mary Janes are rare nowadays, so I opted for this flat pair from Jimmy Choo embellished with pearl, I nice wink at the popularity of pearl necklaces back then. The clutch was selected because of its round shape, reminiscent of a pearl, and the crystals covering it go well with the crystals found on the shoes. Finally, the hair clip is a genuine 1920s hair clip. Its bow reminded me too much of Alice to not include it in this outfit, even if glitzy headbands across the forehead were much more popular at the time.
Time to put on the Ritz!
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Let's try something different today.
While waiting for a very delayed Punch to meet them, Carol and Joker end up spending some time together at the campus store. I wonder how well they get along? I'll start you off....
"So, two months with my brother already, huh. You gonna be doing anything special for him?" Joker crossed her arms casually as she looked over the rack of magazines that Sam had installed near the registers. She reached for a fashion title, smirking at Vil posing on the cover, and started to flip through. "Do ya need a lil' inspiration, or think you got it covered?"
Added Savvy from @twst-the-night-away also cause it worked
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“What do you mean by--- Oh no... Joker I told you I don’t-” “Come on its a one time thing, I just want to see how well you can pull it off. As well he will be pretty late anyways... “
Carol sighed... “Fine okay... but if I look like a clown its your fault.”
And so Joker quickly dragged her to the Pomefiore dormitory where Savvy already seemed to be waiting for her.
“You finally convinced her!”
“You two planned this ?!”
“I mean for your anniversary it wouldn’t be bad to make you look stunning right? Also otherwise I couldn’t have gotten you here.”
Carol sat down and then let out another sigh.
“Fine I trust you two, what would you recommend me? Even though I did agree to this, I will chose what I like the best... I will only trust you fully with the make up.”
Both nodded with a smile and seeked out some things... however to calm Carol Joker chatted with her a bit. “Why is it that you dislike these things so much?”
“My big sister... she always kind of used me as a dress up doll and for make up experiments and.... it was for one tiring and secondly this stuff doesn’t feel well on my skin... I always tried to keep a natural look cause I like it.”
“I see... but hey we can draw out your natural look just refine it.”
“Really? Hmm.. okay then I trust you two for now... its an experiment that peaked my curiousity.”
Smiling Joker waved Savvy over who came out with some dresses and accessoires... thanks to Carol being very sure what she liked and disliked it didn’t really take that long for the three to put something together... however she did flinch a little mainly as they tried to apply the make up to her. It was like a cat that was just sprayed with a bottle of water and now hissing.
At least trying out the dress things went less complicated...
Still after a while they did manage to make her look very pretty still more natural... as she looked in the mirror she was kind of impressed.
“Its not bad.... not at all.”
“You look perfect...”
“Oh I am sure Punch will like this... right we should rush to the meeting.”
Carol turned to Savvy before they left and smiled. “Thank you again... and sorry for being so difficult.”
“Its fine it was fun.Maybe next time I can get to do more?”
“Maybe... if I feel like it.”
And so Joker and Carol rushed off where they were supposed to meet with Punch. It was already obvious that both got much more attention when walking around the campus and many eyes followed them which however also made Carol feel a bit odd... mainly cause she wasn’t used to this much attention... she mainly was a bit nervous...
“Joker I...”
“Its fine in doubt I take blame for this...”
And so she lightly walked up to Punch, Joker following behind her... He imidiatly got hella red seeing her in her look.... causing a chuckle from his sister behing her.
“Seems our surprise was a sucess....” Carol chuckled a little and whispered something like a thank you to Joker...Joker meanwhile joked about how her Brother was just stun.
“Earth to Punch, hello? Your girlfriend did so well to look pretty for you and your not even gonna give her a kiss.”
“R-right... I was just... surprised in a good way.”
He lightly bended down to kiss her and smiled at her... given Carol wanted to avoid the topic she took both their hands.
“Hey didn’t we have something we wanted to do... lets leave.”
In all they had a good day but it seemed Punch couldn’t keep his eyes from her.
I feel like friendship wise with Joker and Carol is more Joker trying to get Carol out of her shell where she can.... given usually Carol holds back lots of things.Especially Carol trusts her in this relationship cause who would know Punch better than his sister... As well however there is hesistance given Carol is lightly reminded of her own sister and sometimes falls into a downer mood which can be lifted quickly though. In all I feel its mainly Joker giving her assurance and someone to rely on I think.
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comfortabletextiles · 2 years
craft asks! trying to find smth that hasn't been asked yet, how about these? ❄️🌟
❄️ pet peeves got answered already but how about 🎨 haven't done that one yet :D
🎨what is the one craft ,out think looks amazing but could never do yourself or can't get the hang of it
QUILTING it is fucking ART!! ART YOU HEAR ME?! But dang is it a lot of sewing and so much fabric and determination, and just so much! Maybe one day a small inlay for something to try it out so i know exactly why I don't want to make it 🤣
🌟what is your favorite type of crafting?
Easy: spinning!
It is smooth and fast and cheap and easy you can do it everywhere! Even the tools are pretty the fiber is pretty! And so much to make! From the finest lace yarn to arm thick art yarn you can make EVERYTHING and THEN you can make even more with the yarn itself?!? Amazing, 100 out of 100
You can make clothes, Accessoires, towels, art, Gifts, and you have full control over your yarn and the qualitys of it!
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zigwouldnever · 11 months
Hiii, welcome back. I missed u and ur Blog so much. Glad to hav u in this fandom. It was sooo long ago since before u left.
Lemme keep u updated...
WEH... i agree. So much angst, but definitly a good book of the new ones. Poor Dakota
I see u are reading RWB. Haven't read that.
Very popular and to recommend are Crimes of Passion, Kindred and Guinevere
Fans decided to give books which deserve a sequel a sequel in form of a real Choices game. So a fanmade Choices game which can be played like a game for FREE. Honestly they are making a much better job than PB because the Choices matter, Customizing MC, accessoires, tattoos, collecting points, relationship matters means there are consequences if you try to cheat or something like that. Some examples: @itlivesproject with ItLives3 is fully released, @nightboundfanfiction with the Nightbound 2 game coming soon (first demo releases on Halloween 2023) and @thedistantshoresproject with DS in work...
The Tumblr Choices Book Club @choicesbookclub is back and currently the books are Crimes of Passion 2 and soon BladesofLight&Shadow2 ... don't know what they will do later (maybe an upcoming new choices sequel on the app or maybe an choices book sequel for an upcoming choices project game sequel, idk)
This month #choicesfanficappreciation2023 is beeing hosted to appreciate all fic writers by reading their fics no matter what pairings.
Pixelberry sadly deleted their old games HSS and HollywoodU, instead we got Storyloom :(
... that's it, i think
hiiii tysm for these updates!!
yeah now that some time has passed i appreciate WEH a bit more. it was well written for sure
don't read it it's terrible and apparently it's going to be a series. not a RWB 2 but a similar concept with overlapping characters according to the message at the end of the book so you can just try the new one if you want but i probably won't
i have actually been playing the fan made it lives sequel! long but loving it so far. however i had NO IDEA ABOUT THE FAN MADE NIGHT BOUND 2 BOOK!! tagging @cloudywithachanceofdiscourse because she'll want to play that too. tysm for these updates!!
the rest of the bullet points are great to know thanks for updating me. appreciate you!
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genshinlearnfrench · 1 year
Teyvat Géo Magazine édition spéciale - Voyage d'Alice à Inazuma
Original text is available via this link, the same as in the posts with words from Mondstadt and Liyue travel guides. Here are the words I highlighted from the latest travelogue by Alice:
Le Mont Yougou - Mt. Yougou
luxuriant - luscious
pousser - to grow
à l’extrémité nord - at the north end
sanctuaire - sanctuary, shrine, temple
je suis triste à l’idée de... - I am saddened to think
comme autrefois - as in the past
ivre - drunk
j’étais loin de m’imaginer que - l never imagined that; little did I know that
saouler - to get drunk
se ridiculiser - to make a fool of oneself, to embarrass oneself
je passe pour - I look like
s'humilier - to humble oneself; to humiliate oneself
frustrant - frustrating, vexing
embêter - to bother, to mess with, to tease
un peu plus - a little more
La Cité d’Inazuma - Inazuma City
le feu d’artifice - firework
surdité - deafness, hearing loss
frileux - chilly; cautious
diluer - to dilute, to water down
la combustion de métaux - combustion of metals
faire des essais - to experiment, to conduct tests
un gâchis - a waste, a mess
soi-disant - allegedly; so-called
c’est à n’y rien comprendre - that doesn't make any sense; I just don't understand it
discuter à propos de - to talk about
faire quelques commentaires constructifs - to provide some constructive feedback
la cerise sur le gâteau - the icing on the cake, the cherry on the cake
grincheux - grumpy, grouchy
provoquer par inadvertance - to inadvertently cause, to accidentally provoke
une aile - wing
panser - to heal, to bandage
tout de même - nonetheless, anyway
au passage - by the way, in the process
fâcheux - unfortunate
passer ses journées - to spend ones' days
expressément - specifically
ordonner à qn de faire qch - to order someone to do something
lâcher l'affaire - drop the case, abandon the process, let it go
surplomber - to overhang
encercler - to encircle, to surround
un haut-fourneau - blast-furnace
la forge - forging, blacksmithing
le tamahagane - tamahagane (Japanese steel)
incessamment - imminently
le ponte - big shot, big deal
fabriqué à partir de - made of, crafted from
la divinité - deity, divinity
vaincre - to defeat
disposer d’un poste officiel - to have an official position
subordonné(e) - subordinate
jouir de - to benefit from
obéir volontiers - to obey willingly
froncer les sourcils - to frown
commode - comfortable, convenient
n’avoir pas de racines - to have no roots
pour la plupart - predominantly, for most
se différencier les uns les autres - to differentiate themselves from one another
entonner - to sing, to intone
le rapprochement - reconciliation
les cicatrices des brûlures à haute température - scars from high temperature burns
sans doute - probably
personnes dont les jours sont comptés - people whose days are numbered
prendre la liberté de - to take the liberty of
apporter des modifications à la configuration - to make configuration changes
la vanne - valve, gate
le panneau - panel
accessoirement - incidentally; additionally
la housse de protection - protective cover
rudimentaire - rudimentary, primitive
agréablement surpris - pleasantly surprised
fou de rage - enraged, furious
la production a chuté - production decreased, output fell
se déglinguer - to fall apart
la surchauffe - overheating
une guerre devait bientôt éclater - a war was soon to break out
subir des dégâts - to take damage
du moins - at least
selon mes critères personnels - according to my personal criteria
peut-être même que - maybe even
la survenue - occurrence
être ravi de - to be delighted with, to be excited to
leurs prédictions se révéleront fausses - their predictions will prove false
Île de Yashiori - Yashiori Island
selon les dires de - in the words of someone, according to someone
se prémunir contre qch - to guard against something
la charabia - gibberish
lampadaire - floor lamp; street lamp
la vénération - worship
autre part - somewhere else
un récit de voyage - travelogue
restons en là pour les discussions académiques - let’s leave it for academic discussions
c'est d'un ennui - it's so boring
accueillir chaleureusement - to give a warm welcome
outre cela - moreover
qch abrite de - something is home to
un endroit animé - a lively place
la propagation - spread
contracter une maladie chronique - to develop a chronic disease
une exposition prolongée - long-term exposure
un os - bone
certes - certainly, indeed
goûteux - tasty
ces derniers temps - lately, these days
piéger - to trap
spécialement prévue à cet effet - specially provided for this purpose
être retenue par - to be restrained by
la prêtresse - priestess
le rabat-joie - killjoy
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