#'laughs in crush' well now we've said it
yrsonpurpose · 5 months
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#he's not
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chiyuuchu · 2 months
Can u do a bakugou best friend with reader (but he likes her….)
I. so close yet so far <3 (5th August 2024)
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Prompt! The all time favorite of best friends to lovers trope
a/n my first ever ask! I’m so happy!!
second part here!
Bakugou Katsuki had known Y/N since they were kids. They had grown up together, attended the same schools, and now, they were both students at U.A. High. Their bond was strong, forged through countless shared experiences, secrets, and laughter. Y/N was bubbly, carefree, and had a quirk that matched her personality perfectly—Bubble. She could create bubbles that could either imprison people or objects or explode with a force that rivaled Bakugou’s own explosive quirk.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was intense, driven, and fiercely protective of Y/N. Somewhere along the way, his feelings for her had evolved from mere friendship to something deeper. But he kept these feelings buried, afraid that confessing might ruin the perfect relationship they already had.
Their classmates often saw them together, and it wasn't long before they started to notice Bakugou's subtle affections.
"Dude, have you ever noticed how Bakugou is always with Y/N?" Kaminari whispered to Kirishima one day during lunch.
Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty obvious he's got a thing for her. But I don't think Y/N has a clue."
"Well, they're best friends," Mina added, joining the conversation. "But do best friends really sleep together all the time and share clothes?"
The trio watched as Y/N bounced over to Bakugou, wearing one of his old t-shirts. She greeted him with a bright smile, and he responded with a rare, genuine smile of his own.
As the days passed, Bakugou’s friends became more convinced that he had feelings for Y/N. They decided to subtly encourage him to confess, but Bakugou was torn. He valued their friendship too much to risk losing it.
One evening, the Bakusquad was hanging out in the common room, and the conversation turned to relationships.
"Bakugou, do you like anyone?" Mina asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Bakugou scoffed. "None of your business, Pinky."
Kirishima nudged him playfully. "Come on, man. You can tell us. We’re your friends."
Bakugou hesitated, glancing at Y/N, who was laughing with Jirou across the room. He sighed internally, feeling the weight of his secret crush.
"It's complicated," he muttered. "I don't want to mess things up."
Kaminari leaned in, whispering, "But do you really think Y/N doesn't feel the same way? She spends so much time with you. Maybe she’s just waiting for you to make the first move."
Bakugou clenched his fists, frustration boiling inside him. He knew his friends were right, but the fear of ruining their friendship held him back.
Later that night, Bakugou found himself outside Y/N's dorm room. She opened the door, her face lighting up when she saw him.
"Hey, Katsuki! What’s up?"
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk."
Y/N’s smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of concern. "Is everything okay?"
Bakugou took a deep breath, his heart pounding. "Yeah, it’s just... I need to tell you something important."
Y/N sat down on her bed, patting the spot next to her. "Okay, I’m listening."
Bakugou sat down, struggling to find the right words. "We've been best friends for a long time, right?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Of course. You’re my best friend, Katsuki."
He looked into her eyes, feeling a mixture of fear and hope. "Yeah, and that's the problem. I don’t want to mess things up."
Y/N looked confused. "Mess things up? What do you mean?"
Bakugou glanced around the room, feeling the pressure build. He had the perfect opportunity, but his nerves got the best of him.
"I... I just wanted to say thanks. For always being there for me," he said quickly, standing up. "You know, I don’t say it enough."
Y/N smiled, relief washing over her face. "Oh, Katsuki. You know I'll always be here for you. You don’t have to thank me."
Bakugou nodded, avoiding her gaze. "Yeah, well... I should get going. Training and all."
Y/N stood up, giving him a quick hug. "Take care, Katsuki."
He left her room, cursing himself for not taking the chance. But as he walked back to his own dorm, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had made the right choice. For now, their friendship would remain as it was—strong, unbroken, and precious.
Late at night in the quiet of the U.A. dorms, Bakugou Katsuki lay in his bed, drifting between sleep and wakefulness. The room was dark, illuminated only by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Just as he was about to slip into a deeper sleep, he heard a soft knock on his door.
"Katsuki?" came a trembling voice from the other side. "Are you awake?"
Bakugou immediately recognized the voice. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, come in."
The door creaked open, revealing Y/N standing there with a worried expression. She hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, closing the door behind her.
"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I... I had a nightmare," Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't sleep, and I didn’t want to be alone."
Bakugou's heart softened. He patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come here."
Y/N walked over and climbed into his bed, nestling close to him. Bakugou wrapped his arms around her, holding her gently. He could feel her trembling, her breath shaky.
"You're safe now," he murmured, stroking her hair. "It was just a dream."
Y/N nodded, taking comfort in his presence. "Thank you, Katsuki. You're always here for me."
Bakugou tightened his hold on her, trying to ignore the pang of longing in his chest. "Of course, I am. I'll always be here for you."
Y/N snuggled closer, her breathing slowly evening out. "You're the best friend ever, Katsuki. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Bakugou forced a smile, even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah... best friend."
As Y/N drifted back to sleep, Bakugou stared at the ceiling, his mind racing. He wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, how his feelings for her went far beyond friendship. But as he held her close, he realized that, for now, just being there for her was enough.
"Sleep well, Y/N," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'll always protect you."
Bakugou stood at the edge of the training field, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Y/N and Uraraka spar. Y/N’s quirk, Bubble Burst, created shimmering, iridescent bubbles that floated around her, each one capable of popping into small explosions or trapping her opponent. Uraraka was giving it her all, using her Zero Gravity quirk to dodge and counter, but it was clear Y/N was holding her own.
Bakugou's eyes never left Y/N. He watched as she skillfully manipulated her bubbles, creating an almost mesmerizing display of light and color. Her face was lit up with determination, her movements fluid and confident. She was strong, capable, and everything he admired in a hero.
Yet, despite the pride swelling in his chest, there was an ache deep inside him. She was right there, so close, yet she felt so far out of reach. Every time she laughed or smiled, he felt his heart clench with the weight of unspoken words.
Uraraka managed to float over a particularly large bubble, giving Y/N a playful grin. "You're really good at this, Y/N! I can barely keep up!"
Y/N laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Ochaco! You've gotten faster too!"
Bakugou clenched his fists, trying to suppress the torrent of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. He wanted to be the one sparring with her, the one making her laugh, the one she turned to when she needed support. But every time he thought about telling her how he felt, the fear of ruining what they had held him back.
He watched as Y/N created a series of bubbles that surrounded Uraraka, who quickly floated out of their reach, laughing. Y/N’s expression was one of pure joy and concentration, and it took everything in Bakugou to not march over there and pull her into his arms.
"Hey, Bakugou!" Kirishima called from behind him, pulling him out of his thoughts. "You okay? You've been staring pretty hard."
Bakugou turned to face his friend, his usual scowl in place. "I'm fine, idiot. Just making sure they’re training right."
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, but didn’t press the issue. "Alright, if you say so. Wanna join in?"
Bakugou shook his head. "Not right now."
As Kirishima walked away, Bakugou turned his attention back to Y/N. She was closer now, laughing with Uraraka as they took a break from sparring. Her laughter was like a melody he could never tire of, and her smile was the light in his often-dark world.
All he ever wanted was right in front of him, yet he couldn’t bring himself to reach out and take it. The distance between them wasn’t measured in steps, but in unspoken words and unshared feelings.
One day, maybe, he’d find the courage to bridge that gap. But for now, he would remain where he was, watching her from afar, content with the knowledge that she was happy.
Even if it meant his own heart ached with the weight of longing.
The semester break had finally arrived, and Y/N found herself at the Bakugou residence, a place that felt like a second home. Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mother, greeted her with a warm hug as she walked through the door.
“Y/N! It’s been too long!” Mitsuki beamed. “Come in, come in! We’re just setting the table for dinner.”
Y/N smiled, feeling the familiar comfort of the Bakugou household. “Thank you, Mitsuki. It’s great to be here.”
Katsuki’s father, Masaru, gave her a gentle nod as she entered the dining room. “Welcome, Y/N. It’s always a pleasure to have you here.”
Dinner was lively, filled with laughter and reminiscing about old times. Mitsuki loved teasing Katsuki, and tonight was no different. As they finished their meal and settled into the living room, Mitsuki’s curiosity got the better of her.
“So, Y/N,” Mitsuki began with a mischievous grin, “have you got any crushes at school?”
Y/N blushed, shaking her head. “No, not really. I’m not interested in anyone right now. I’m happy just having Katsuki around.”
Katsuki, who was sipping his drink, nearly choked. He tried to hide his flustered reaction, but his reddening ears gave him away. Mitsuki laughed, patting Y/N on the back.
“That’s sweet,” she said. “You two have always been close.”
Later that night, after the lights were dimmed and the house had settled into a comfortable silence, Katsuki found himself wide awake. Y/N was fast asleep in his bed, and he couldn’t stop thinking about his feelings for her. He slipped out of the room quietly, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water, only to find his father there, sipping tea at the table.
“Can’t sleep?” Masaru asked, looking up at his son.
Katsuki sighed, sitting down across from him. “Yeah, something like that.”
Masaru took another sip of his tea before speaking. “You know, Katsuki, it’s clear you care about Y/N a lot. If you really like her, you should tell her.”
Katsuki looked away, his fists clenching slightly. “What if she doesn’t feel the same? I don’t want to ruin what we have.”
Masaru gave him a gentle, understanding look. “You can’t control her feelings, son. But you owe it to yourself to be honest. If she doesn’t feel the same way, she won’t abandon you. You’ve been friends for too long. She values you, just as you value her.”
Katsuki sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just... hard.”
“I know it is,” Masaru said softly. “But you’re strong, Katsuki. And no matter what happens, you’ll get through it.”
Katsuki nodded, feeling a bit more resolved. “Thanks, Dad.”
As he headed back to his room, he paused at the door, watching Y/N sleep peacefully in his bed. He knew he needed to tell her how he felt, but for now, he was content to let her rest, to savor these quiet moments of just being close.
He climbed back into bed carefully, lying down beside her. As he watched her breathe softly, he thought about his father’s words. Maybe one day, he’d find the courage to tell her. But for now, he’d cherish what they had, hoping that when the time came, he’d be ready to take that leap.
Late one evening, Bakugou lay sprawled on his bed, absently scrolling through the 1A group chat. His thumb paused over a string of messages from the girls:
Ochaco: "Did you hear? Some guy from Class 1B asked Y/N out!"
Mina: "Omg, I know! Do you think she went?"
Jirou: "She didn't mention anything to me. Maybe she kept it a secret."
Hagakure: "Why would she keep it a secret? This is huge news!"
Bakugou's grip tightened on his phone. Why hadn't Y/N told him? They always shared everything. Well, almost everything. His mind raced, picturing Y/N on a date with some random guy. The thought gnawed at him, unsettling him in ways he couldn't quite understand.
He tossed his phone aside and lay back, glaring at the ceiling. "Stupid," he muttered under his breath, reaching for his headphones and queuing up his playlist of intense, brooding music. As the heavy beats filled his ears, he tried to drown out his thoughts, but they only grew louder, replaying every interaction he'd had with Y/N over the years.
Hours later, just as he was about to drift into a fitful sleep, his door burst open. Y/N stood there, slightly out of breath, a puzzled look on her face.
"Katsuki, what's wrong? Why are you listening to this... emo music?" she asked, stepping into his room.
He sat up abruptly, pulling off his headphones. "How was your date?" he blurted out, his tone sharper than he intended.
Y/N blinked, clearly taken aback. "Date? What are you talking about?"
"The guy from Class 1B," Bakugou said, trying to keep his voice steady. "You know, the one who asked you out."
Y/N tilted her head, genuinely confused. "Oh, that. I didn't go."
Bakugou shot up from his bed, his shock evident. "Why not?"
She shrugged casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I don't know. It's hard to find someone compatible with me, I guess."
Bakugou stared at her, his emotions a whirlwind of relief and confusion. "You... didn't want to go?"
Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Nope. I'd rather spend my time with people I care about. Like you."
Bakugou felt a weight lift off his chest, but he couldn't let his guard down completely. He scoffed, trying to mask his relief. "You're such a pain, you know that?"
Y/N laughed, moving closer and plopping down on the edge of his bed. "Yeah, but you wouldn't have it any other way."
He couldn't help but smirk, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't keep stuff from me, okay?"
She nodded, her eyes sincere. "Promise."
As they settled into a comfortable silence, Bakugou felt a newfound sense of hope. Maybe one day, he’d find the courage to tell her how he really felt. But for now, he was content to just have her by his side.
The next day, Bakugou found himself sitting with the Bakusquad in the common room. Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Jirou were lounging around, chatting about their latest training sessions. But as soon as Bakugou entered the room, their attention shifted.
Kirishima grinned, nudging Bakugou with his elbow. "Hey, man. How’s it going with Y/N?"
Bakugou rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "We're best friends, nothing more. It can't go anywhere."
The group exchanged concerned glances. Mina was the first to speak up, her tone gentle but firm. "Dude, since nobody is gonna say it then I will. You do realise that best friends don’t casually do the things you two do."
Kaminari nodded in agreement. "Yeah, like sleeping over all the time in the same bed, sharing clothes, spending every second together…"
Sero raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "You two are practically inseparable."
Jirou leaned forward, her expression serious. "Have you ever considered that maybe she feels the same way about you?"
Bakugou's eyes narrowed. "We’re just best friends. She said she’s not interested in anyone."
Mina sighed, crossing her arms. "People don’t just do all those things with someone they don’t have feelings for. You’re special to her, Bakugou."
Kirishima put a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder, his voice earnest. "You need to be honest with yourself, man. Don’t let fear hold you back."
Bakugou stared at his friends, their words swirling in his mind. He knew they were right, but the fear of losing Y/N’s friendship if she didn’t feel the same way was too much to bear.
"We’ve been best friends our whole lives," Bakugou muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t want to ruin that."
Jirou gave him a sympathetic look. "But what if you’re missing out on something even better?"
The room fell silent as Bakugou contemplated their words. He knew he needed to figure this out, for his sake and Y/N’s. But for now, he would have to gather the courage to take that first step.
The dorms were buzzing with excitement as the girls of Class 1-A gathered for a girls' night. Mina, Jirou, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Hagakure, and Y/N were settled in Y/N’s room, surrounded by snacks, blankets, and the latest gossip.
After a lot of giggling and chatting about their latest adventures and crushes, Mina leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, Y/N, do you like anyone?"
Y/N shook her head, smiling softly. "I’m not really interested in dating right now. I’m fine with just having my best friend, Bakugou."
Jirou raised an eyebrow. "Really? No one has caught your eye?"
Y/N shrugged. "It’s hard to find someone who’s the same standard as him. He’s...special."
Mina exchanged a knowing look with Jirou before asking, "Why not just go for Bakugou then?"
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "We’re just best friends."
Before she could say anything else, Hagakure chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity. "But best friends don’t usually do what you two do. You know, like sleeping over all the time in the same bed, sharing clothes, and more things I could add to the list."
Ochaco nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it sounds like there's more there than just friendship."
Tsuyu added, "Maybe what you’ve been looking for is right beside you."
Y/N blinked, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I... I never really thought about it like that."
Y/N found herself unable to focus. The words from last night’s conversation with the girls echoed in her mind. She sat on the sidelines, watching Bakugou spar with Kirishima. His movements were precise, his strength and determination evident in every punch and kick. She couldn't help but notice how well they complemented each other, how perfect he seemed.
As she watched, she found herself checking him out, admiring his toned muscles and the intensity in his eyes. A blush crept up her cheeks as she realized she was thinking about Bakugou in a way she never had before.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Izuku approaching until he spoke. "Y/N, are you okay?"
Startled, she jumped slightly and turned to face him. "Oh, Izuku! You scared me." Izuku Midoriya was another one of her childhood friends whom she grew up with along with Bakugou.
Izuku gave her a concerned look. "Sorry about that. You seemed really deep in thought. Is everything alright?"
Y/N nodded, trying to shake off her flustered state. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just...thinking."
Izuku raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
Y/N glanced back at Bakugou, who was still sparring with Kirishima, and sighed. "Just...stuff."
Izuku followed her gaze and then looked back at her, a knowing smile forming on his lips. "Does this 'stuff' have anything to do with Kacchan?"
Y/N’s blush deepened, and she looked away. "Maybe."
Izuku chuckled softly. "You know, you two have always had something special. Maybe it’s time you both saw it too."
Izuku’s smile grew softer as he noticed Y/N’s reaction. “You know, Kacchan always been fond of you,” he said casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Izuku looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “I’ve known you both for a long time, and I’ve seen how he’s always been there for you. Even when we were kids, he would get really protective of you. It’s like he always wanted to make sure you were safe and happy.”
Y/N blinked, absorbing his words. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Izuku nodded. “He never says much about his feelings, but he’s always been the first one to help when you needed it. He just never lets his guard down, so it’s easy to miss. But I’ve noticed.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered at the thought. “I had no idea. I always thought he was just being his usual abrasive self.”
Izuku chuckled. “That’s his way of showing he cares. He might act tough, but he’s got a big heart, especially when it comes to you. You’ve always been important to him.”
Y/N glanced back at Bakugou, who was finishing up his sparring match. Her thoughts were racing, piecing together the moments they had shared over the years in a new light. “Maybe I should talk to him.”
Izuku smiled encouragingly. “I think that’s a good idea. Just remember, it’s okay to be open about your feelings too.”
Y/N nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. “Thanks, Izuku. I’ll think about it.”
Izuku gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Anytime. Good luck.”
As the days went by, the rest of Class 1-A couldn’t help but notice Y/N’s noticeably different behavior around Bakugou. It started subtly but quickly became apparent to everyone.
Mina, always quick to pick up on changes, nudged Kirishima during lunch. “Hey, have you noticed Y/N and Bakugou lately?”
Kirishima glanced over at the two. Y/N was laughing at something Bakugou said, a genuine, warm smile on her face. Bakugou, for once, seemed less gruff and more at ease. “Yeah, I see what you mean. They’ve been talking a lot more and… she looks really happy around him.”
Jirou, who was sitting nearby with her headphones around her neck, added, “I noticed that too. Y/N’s always been close with Bakugou, but recently, it’s like she’s more… attentive? I don’t know how to describe it.”
Hagakure, who was peering curiously from behind a book, chimed in, “And Bakugou’s not being his usual loud self around her. He’s actually listening to what she says and even laughing.”
Momo, who had been quietly observing, nodded thoughtfully. “It’s as if there’s a new dynamic between them. I wonder if something happened?”
As they continued to discuss, Y/N and Bakugou finished their conversation and walked toward their seats. Y/N’s face was slightly flushed, and Bakugou had a rare, relaxed smile.
Mina leaned over to Kirishima. “I bet something’s going on. We should find out what’s up.”
Kirishima grinned. “Definitely. It looks like our two friends might be getting closer. And judging by the way they’re acting, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something more going on.”
Jirou laughed softly. “I think you’re right. It’s about time they figured it out.”
As Y/N and Bakugou settled into their seats, the rest of Class 1-A exchanged knowing glances, eager to see where this new development would lead.
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luveline · 1 year
is there any way we could get badass!reader x spencer? except he’s injured this time? how does she react?
tysm ♡ cw hospital / gunshot wounds. 1.1k
"You have to let me see him." 
"It's family only," the nurse says, shrugging sympathetically. 
You grit your teeth. "That's what I'm telling you, I am his family. We've been together for four months." 
"Sorry. Unless you're blood related or his next of kin, I can't let you." 
"Spencer's next of kin is in a sanitarium in Las Vegas. I don't understand why you can't let me see him." You're trying not to shout at her, rage trembling in your aching fingers. "I understand that it's night time, and that he was admitted alone, but he was shot, he's not sick, and I can't make him worse. Please. You have to let me see him." 
When begging doesn't work, you get mean. You'd be ashamed to admit you flashed your badge if it weren't for the fact that you have no shame when it comes to Spencer. Face flushed with heat from a good twenty minutes yelling, a different nurse escorts you to Spencer's room. 
"I expect my colleagues will be arriving soon," you say. "And I expect they'll be met with less resistance." 
The nurse smiles at you, as fake as they come, but you don't deserve a real one. You don't care. Breaking rules and bending policies means nothing to you while Spencer's laying alone in a hospital bed. 
His heart monitor beeps steadily. He's sleeping, waxy face crushed sideways into a limp pillow, his stomach a lump under the sheets where he's been wrapped. He was alone when it happened —no one, BAU or otherwise, knows who did it or why. The hospital didn't know who Spencer was until he woke up after surgery and told them himself. 
And you'd been sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself (and vaguely irritated) because he didn't answer your text that morning. 
It's not hard being vulnerable with Spencer. He's your widely known soft spot, and you're unashamed. But it felt like a mistake, constantly checking to see if he'd answered your text. Good morning, I know we're supposed to see each other tomorrow but do you want to come over and watch movies tonight? Let me know had felt like I'm pathetic and in love with you and my day revolves around when you're free.
None of that matters now. In fact, it's all embarrassingly small. 
You creep up beside his bed and reach out tentatively. His hair falls out of his face with the barest of touches. He's had blood wiped poorly from his cheek, orangey streaks lining his jaw. His undereyes are dark like he hasn't eaten for days, his veins spider legs stark against his eyelids. 
You put your hand on his cheek, rubbing it lightly. "I'm sorry it took me so long," you say, leaning down to kiss his forehead.  
Spencer stirs, a groan rumbling from the centre of his chest. 
"I thought that was you," he mumbles, his fingers brushing your elbow. 
"When?" you ask. 
"You were yelling." 
Yeah, well. You need to be disruptive sometimes. "They wouldn't let me in." You're not a big crier, just seeing him like this, knowing he was alone and probably scared, it has tears pricking. "Spencer, I'm so sorry." 
"Hey." He clears his throat, your emotion starting him into wakefulness. "Hey, don't get upset. It's okay. It bounced off of me–" You groan and he laughs, though he grabs your elbow quickly after. "Ouch. Don't make me laugh." 
"I didn't say anything." You pet his face. He looks pretty even when he's in a bad way. Your chest is a pit. 
"It barely touched me. They said my feminine hips saved my life." 
"Stop trying to make me laugh," you say pleadingly. 
Spencer holds your gaze. "Stop looking so sad and I'll stop."
"Are you hurting?" you ask. You know you sound awful, a scared tone that he's never heard from you before, and you try to tamp it down as a lone tear breaks free, streaking down your cheek. "How's your pain? I can make them give you more–" 
"I know you can. I'm fine now you're here." 
You lean down to kiss the tip of his pert nose. Careful, you kiss his lips, enthused when he kisses up. "I'll take care of everything," you promise. 
The door opens behind you. You give Spencer a last squeeze and find Emily in the entrance with a bag pressed to her chest, her hair windblown, shocked with worry. 
"Spencer," she says, rushing forward to hug him. 
He's in a hospital bed and still insists on comforting her as he'd done you, arms threaded over her shoulders. "Hey. I'm fine." 
"Morgan and Garcia want to be here," she assures him, standing straight. "They're trying to keep the site clean. Spencer, what the hell happened?" 
You drag a chair to his bed and sit on his right. You don't take his hand, he doesn't offer it, but the longer his story goes, the closer you find yourself. "I didn't even realise they were following me," he's saying. Emily nods with Hotch on the phone, listening intently, repeating anything Hotch misses. 
You know you should be strong. Brave. You should be paying attention to his every word, ready to take the rains and solve the case, serve retribution against whoever it is that thought they could hurt him, but Spencer looks so tired. You can't imagine being anywhere that isn't his side right now. A blood bag fills at his side, a catheter runs under the bed, an IV line feeding pain medication and fluids into him mottled the skin on the inside of his wrist with bruise. Sometimes you have to stay put.  
Emily hugs you before she leaves. You hug back. 
"If I knew getting hurt would make you accept love from your friends, I would've done it sooner," Spencer says. 
"If you ever get hurt like this again, I'll never speak to you," you say, bringing his arm to your lips and pressing a kiss to the crook of his elbow. 
"Sorry for scaring you." 
You lay your cheek on his arm, looking up at him through your eyelashes. "That's okay. That's fine. Wasn't your fault." 
Spencer drops his chin to his chest. "Do I look bad from this angle?" 
"No. You look just as nice as you always do." Your throat burns with sincerity. You might cry again. 
Spencer nods like he's reading something else from what you've said. It's not that you'd meant to imply a double meaning, but he must see on your face how relieved you are, and how terrified you'd been. He brings his hand to your face, ignoring his cannula, to wipe the dried tears from your lashes. "You look pretty, too," he says. "Just don't cry anymore." 
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sujiri · 2 months
₊˚⊹ ⁀➴ ᰔ‧₊˚⊹ random days with nanami kento
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: nanami kento x fem!reader, married life, fluff
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ಇ. chocolates
“what are these for, honey?”
that was the first thing your husband says to you after you gifted him the homemade chocolates. it's valentine's day, day of hearts, expressing your affection to your family, friends, or even your lover. of course, nanami kento knows it. he damn knows it's valentine's day this very day.
“chocolates? they're meant for you..?” you confusingly spoke while a questioned look at him. you yourself feel a bit.. awkward. well, he knows about girls giving their crush or love interest sweets; especially chocolates in the heart's day, then it goes vice versa when march 14th comes, white day. he's just completely confused why the sudden gift, although you two have a some chocolates in the fridge. after a minute of awkward silence, you speak.
“oh just eat it, kento.” you huffed and walked towards him. he shakes his head, feeling a bit fuzzy and flattered to your sudden gift. “thank you, my love.” he mumbles and wraps his arm around your shoulder, and kisses your temple. “happy valentine's day.”
ಇ. late night movies
head rested to kento's arm while holding a pillow tightly. you thought this is pretty easy, watching a horror movie with your love in the late evening Friday and even decided earlier to turn off the lights to make it more thrilling. the movie haven't played for almost an hour and now, you can't even look straight at the tv screen anymore, since it awfully scares you so easily.
“honey, you watch documentary films about murderers and gore cases, yet you can't handle watching horror movies?” he softly chuckles while teasing you, suddenly his hand snakes around your shoulder to play with your hair to help you feel at ease to make sure there's nothing to be scared of. “it's a different thing!” you defend while simply looking away from the tv screen from time to time. “just think that they have a lot of bloopers while taping the video, my love.” he assured then you went silent. he has a point there.
while being focused on the movie for a while, your eyes slowly glances up to him to see his reaction, finding out that there's a small smile painted in his damn face. your lips curved into a small pout making him chuckle at your reaction.
“should i turn on the lights?”
ಇ. crushes
“kento, i have a confession.”
“honey, i know you like me and love me. we've been married for years now, yes i know that you love to remind me that, and i feel the same that i love you too.” he babbles as he sips his coffee. you went silent for a bit while staring at your husband. you don't know what to say from the past hour since everything has been boring you a lot. and now, kento sounds like he's been hearing you say that you have a crush on him from the past hour. after a bit of loud silence, he try to lift the mood.
“my love, i have a crush on you too.” he calmly says and glances at you. your face lits up and chuckles. “you're corny, ken.” you said as he went ‘surprised’, “oh and now i'm the corny one?” he says making you laugh. “probably.”
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soulofapatrick · 9 months
Falling Into You - Stiles Stilinski x Female Reader 
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Summary: you and stiles finally give into your unknown crush on each other
Words: 2.6K
Warning: Heated makeout session; if you squint there's dry humping
Living with Stiles has been far from boring. Ever since my dad was killed and my younger brother - Isaac - went to live with Derek, Sheriff Noah Stilinski graciously opened his home to me. That meant living with Stiles too, and let me tell you, it has been anything but dull. Stiles has this knack for turning even the most mundane day into a storytelling session filled with the antics he and Scott get up to. 
I’ve grown to love it here. The Stilinski house is like a second home, and the sheriff is like a second dad to me. He’s been incredibly supportive, especially during the tough times. And then there’s Stiles. He’s… well, he’s Stiles. Quirky, witty and always wearing that mischievous grin. 
Lately, though, something’s shifted. I’ve caught myself stealing glances at Stiles when he’s not looking. His passion for solving mysteries, his loyalty to his friends—there’s something undeniably endearing about him. Maybe it’s the way he cares for everyone around him, or the way he throws himself into every insane situation without hesitation. But it's more than that. There's a warmth in his laughter, a genuineness in his concern, that makes my heart flutter a bit faster. And as much as I try to ignore it, I can't deny that a crush has been slowly blossoming. 
Living under the same roof, it’s hard to keep these feelings under wraps. I find myself wanting to spend more time around him, hoping for moments where it’s just the two of us, away from the chaotic everyday that is Beacon Hills. Yet, I’m also terrified. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? What if it ruins our friendship or makes things awkward while living with him? 
Stiles is currently sat cross legged on my bed, looking so engrossed in whatever supernatural mystery he's delving into. His dedication is admirable, even if it means sacrificing proper posture for the sake of research. I can't help but steal glances at him every now and then, admiring the furrow in his brow as he concentrates. 
I wish I could tell him how I feel. But the fear of ruining what we currently have, the fear of changing the dynamic between us, it’s suffocating. So instead, I go back to focusing on my assignment, the words blurring on the page as my thought drift back to him. 
The room is quiet except for the clicking of keys and the occasional muttered comment from Stiles. As I sit at my desk, trying to concentrate on the assignment in front of me, my mind wandering again—this time an entirely different scenario and it’s one that feels both exhilarating and terrifying. 
I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to set aside the fear and uncertainty, to sit next to Stiles and lean in, closing the distance between us. What would it be like to press my lips against Stiles’? Would they be as soft as they look, as warm as his laugh? My heart races at the mere thought, a flurry of emotions dancing within me. 
I picture the moment vividly: closing the space between us, feeling the warmth of his breath mingling with mine, and the anticipation before our lips meet. I imagine his hands, tentative yet steady, finding their place on my skin, maybe on the curve of my cheek or the small of my back. How would it feel to have his touch ignite a thousand sparks, to feel the electricity between us? 
There’s a mix of longing and hesitation, the desire to experience that connection, yet the fear of disrupting the comfortable equilibrium we've found in our friendship. But in my mind's eye, it's a beautiful chaos—a leap into the unknown, a chance to explore something deeper, something that might exist beyond our late-night conversations and shared moments.
Before I can continue imagining me and Stiles the said boy breaks my thoughts, “Hey Y/N! Come here,” He speaks, excitement in his voice but his eyes never once leaving the screen. 
I force myself out of the reverie, blinking away the vivid daydreams as Stiles called out to me. His excitement is palpable, contagious even, and I push aside the rush of emotions to focus on the present. 
I rise from my chair, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and nervousness as I make my way to where Stiles is seated. He’s still hunched over the laptop, his attention entirely captured by the screen. With a careful step, I settle on the bed behind him, leaning over him enough to rest my chin on his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of what’s got him so intrigued. 
His warmth seeps through the fabric of his shirt, radiating against my chest, a sensation I try desperately to ignore. The scent that envelopes me—a blend of old books, faint traces of motor oil and a lingering hint of coffee—should be distracting, but it’s oddly comforting. It’s quintessentially Stiles, a unique combination that feels inexplicably familiar and reassuring. 
I glance at the screen, feigning interest in whatever supernatural phenomenon has grabbed his attention. But truthfully, my focus wavers between trying to understand what he’s showing me and the proximity between us. His presence feels magnetic, drawing me in, yet I fight the urge to let my thoughts drift into forbidden territory. 
“Look at this,” He exclaims, pointing to a section on the screen. His enthusiasm is infectious, and for a moment, I forget the inner turmoil, getting lost in his excitement. 
Stiles is engrossed in explaining something on the screen, his energy palpable. I try my best to keep up, nodding along as he talks, but the proximity between us amplifies every emotion within me. 
Suddenly, he turns his head, excitement lighting up his russet eyes as he tries to make a point. His words trail off mid-sentence, and in that suspended moment, our faces are unexpected close. I feel his breath, warm against my skin, a sensation that sends a shiver down my spine. 
As if in slow motion, I notice every tiny detail—the freckles scattered across his pale skin, the way his eyes dart down to my lips for the briefest moment before meeting my gaze again. My breath catches in my throat, and I’m sure he can heart the erratic beat of my heart. There's a shift in the air, an unspoken tension that crackles between us. His cheeks flush with colour, a shade of red that matches the intensity of my own emotions. I can't tear my gaze away from him, from the way his eyes flicker between mine and the way his lips part, as if searching for words that elude him. 
For a moment, time seems suspended, our silent exchange speaking volumes. I feel a surge of courage and vulnerability intertwine within me, a silent plea for something more, a leap into the unknown. 
But just as quickly as the moment arrives, it slips away. Stiles blinks, breaking the trance, and clears his throat, shifting slightly away. "Um, sorry, got carried away there," he stammers, his voice a tad higher than usual.
The air feels charged with an awkward tension, heavy with the weight of unspoken words. I try to ease the discomfort by standing up, intending to head back to my desk and salvage what’s left of our usual camaraderie. But before I can even take a step, Stiles’ hand shoots out, wrapped around my wrist in a swift motion that catches me off guard. 
Caught off guard by the sudden proximity, I stumble and practically find myself in Stiles's lap. His warmth envelopes me, and for a moment, our heartbeats synchronise in a chaotic rhythm that seems to echo the unspoken emotions between us. 
Stiles’ eyes lock onto mine, a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability swirling within their depths. His tongue darts out to wet his pretty pink lips, a nervous gesture that betrays the intensity of the moment. Before I can fully comprehend what’s happening, his hand finds the back of my neck, drawing me closer. 
In that heartbeat before our lips meet, the world around us seems to still. His touch sends a surge of electricity through me, igniting a fire that I didn’t know was simmering within. And then, finally, our lips touch in a kiss that feels both anticipated and inevitable. 
As our embrace intensifies, the laptop becomes a mere afterthought, pushed aside to make way for the burgeoning heat between us. Stiles's movements are deliberate, his hands finding my hips with a confident touch, guiding me to straddle his lap as our bodies mold together. 
The kiss deepens, the connection between us sparking a newfound intensity. Stiles’ hands, warm against my skin, slip under the fabric of my teeshirt, sending shivers cascading down my spine. His touch is electric, fingers tracing patterns along my hips, a gentle yet possessive hold that ignites a fire within me. I tangle my fingers in his messy hair, feeling the soft strands between my fingertips as I tilt his head back slightly, deepening the kiss. There’s a dominance in his action, a confidence that surprises me but also excites me in ways I hadn’t anticipated. 
His lips move with purpose, fervent and seeking, a silent demand for more as our breaths mingle in the shared space between us. Each movement, each touch, feels like an unspoken confession of desires long kept hidden. 
My heart races as I lean into him, relishing the sensation of his lips against mine, the way his body responds to my touch. And as I lose myself in the passion of the moment, it becomes clear that Stiles, despite his usual playful demeanour, possesses a commanding presence that takes my breath away. 
As the intensity of the moment heightens, Stiles’ touch remains both from and reassuring, his hands guiding me with a tenderness that contrasts his newfound dominance. With a gentle yet firm pressure, his long, nimble fingers press against my back, coaxing me to lower myself onto him. There’s an undeniable pull in his touch, drawing me closer until I’m lying atop him, our chests pressing together in a shared rhythm. Our breaths mingle in the small space between y=us, the heat of the moment making the air around us feel charged. 
His chest rises and falls with each breath, syncing with mine, creating an unspoken harmony. The sensation of our bodies pressed together sends jolt through me, an electric current that ignites every nerve ending. 
As I rest against him, feeling the steady thud of his heartbeat against mine, a rush of emotions floods over me—desire mingled with a newfound intimacy, vulnerability meshed with a sense of comfort in this uncharted territory. 
Stiles's gaze holds a mixture of passion and tenderness, a silent understanding passing between us in the shared silence. His fingers trace gentle patterns along my back, a gesture that speaks volumes, conveying a reassurance amidst the fervour of the moment. His lips part as if to speak but instead, in a very Stiles fashion, a torrent of words spill out in a hurried stream. 
“I-I've wanted to do this for so long, and I'm sorry, I should've asked, I mean, I wanted to ask, but then this moment happened, and I just... I didn't want to ruin it, but I should’ve—" He babbles, the words tumbling out faster than I can comprehend. His apology mixes with an admission that he’s wanted this as much as I have, and amidst his rambling, I can’t help but laugh softly, finding the sudden flood of words endearing. 
Before his apologies and explanations can continue, I decide to silence him the best way I know how. With a gentle yet decisive motion, I cup his face in both hands, capturing his lips in a kiss that speaks volumes, stealing away his words and replacing them with the silent language of our shared desires. 
The kiss is deliberate interruption, a way to convey everything I’ve been feeling in a single moment. It’s a tender yet firm assertion, an assurance that words are unnecessary amidst the eloquence of our connection. 
As our lips meet, I feel a shift in the air, the nervous energy dissipating into something more serene. Stiles’ initial surprise melts into a reciprocated warmth, and soon, the kiss becomes a dance of shared affection and unspoken apologies. In that suspended moment, the kiss becomes a story of its own—a narrative of unspoken emotions conveyed through the gentle meeting of our lips. Stiles's initial surprise gives way to a newfound ease, his lips molding against mine with a familiarity that feels surprisingly natural yet exhilaratingly new.
His touch, tender yet assured, ignites a cascade of sensations. His hands explore, tracing the contours of my back, sending tingles racing along my skin. There’s a delicate balance in his touch, a mix of reverence and longing that speaks volumes about the dept of his emotions. 
As our kiss deepens, I’m enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions. Stiles’ lips against mine feel like a discovery—a blend of softness and fervour, an unspoken language that surpasses any verbal communication. Each movement of our lips is a revelation, a testament to the unspoken connection between us. His closeness has a gravitational pull, drawing me in and enveloping me in a sense of security and desire. In this moment, I feel cherished, desired, and seen in a way that goes beyond mere words. 
The intensity of our kiss, a universe of emotions contained within, is abruptly interrupted by the jarring ring of Stiles’ phone. Startled, we break apart, a shared groan escaping both of us as the moment fractures, replacing by the intrusion of reality. Stiles fumbles for his phone, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation. With a sigh, he answers and puts it on speaker, revealing Scott’s urgent voice on the other end, asking if Stiles had found any leads. 
As Stiles responds to Scott’s inquiries, I take the opportunity to sit back up, adjusting my position so that I’m straddling his waist. The shift seems to catch Stiles of guard, his breath hitching slightly, and I can feel the bulge pressing against my ass. I watch as Stiles bites his lip, a subtle attempt to suppress any involuntary sounds, his focus divided between the phone call and me, shifting on his lap. His eyes meet mine for a fleeting moment, and I can see a hint of frustration at the interruption, mixed with a smouldering intensity that sends a thrill through me. 
Leaning closer, I offer an apologetic smile, silently acknowledging the disruption but unable to resist teasing him but grinding my hips against his, pretending to get more comfortable on his lap. I notice the way his breath catches again and his hands dart for my hips unsure if they want to stop my hips or help me roll them against that growing bulge. 
“Sh-shit,” A moan escapes him and Scott falls silent as Stiles’ cheeks bloom a pretty shade of red, “Fuck, I gotta go, talk later.” And with that Stiles is hanging up, practically throwing his phone on the floor and in one quick moment has us flipped over so I’m laying underneath him. 
“Hi.” I breathe quietly, an ache between my legs. 
“Don’t you ‘hi’ me you little tease.” He grumbles, leaning on his elbows either side of my head. 
“What you gonna do about it?” I challenge, loving the gleam in his eyes. 
Stiles chuckles softly, his eyes dancing with mischief as he leans closer, his breath brushing against my lips. 
"Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea what you've started."
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Teen Wolf Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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remember-the-fanfics · 7 months
Ask 'I very much enjoy the whole Gen z Overlord thing, I have been wondering you can do a what would they do when they meet Lucifer in the hotel. It interesting when they see how different he is to what they've been told of him.'
By @darkwrath32
During Dad beat Dad
Trying to write the whole episode, let's see how long it works out..
Slightly rush at the end
(Y/n) sat on the couch while watching Charlie theorize, well they aren't actually sure what she's doing exactly anymore.
"Charmander, I think it's time rest." Said (Y/n). Vaggie had ask them to help Charlie with figuring out the redemption plan as (Y/n) is the only Overlord trying to help with it, they agreed not knowing Charlie wasn't going to go to bed anytime soon.
"You can go to bed, (Y/n). I got the handled." Said Charlie, looking at (Y/n).
"Yeah, no. Vaggie will be super upset at me if I just went to bed." They said, getting up heading to the kitchen. "Plus I personally think the best time to think is the middle of the night. I also enjoy helping you with whatever we're doing because I've lost track. You want coffee?"
"Yes please, I'll explain to you when you get back."
"Charlie? (Y/N)?" Said Vaggie seeing the two standing infront of Charlie's planning board with a bunch of paper and string attached and to the side a few empty coffee cups and energy drink cans are on a table and floor.
"I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working. Okay, okay, think Charlie. Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think. Okay if I do this, it's going to be-" Charlie said, panic in her voice. "I have trust falls every single morning-."
"With who? And why?" Said (Y/n) in a less panicked voice. "I can only see you doing it with Vaggie." Both of the demons look like a mess and that they obviously didn't sleep.
"Yikes." Said Angel Dust.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on." Said Charlie when (Y/n) noticed the crowed behind them, holding a ball of string with some of it in their mouth.
"Charlie? Sweetie? You uh, you good?" Asked Vaggie, Charlie looked back with sleep deprived look while holding a piece of paper. "(Y/n) this isn't what I ment by help her." Vaggie told the young overlord, who just shrugged.
"Nope! No, not really. Ha ha, I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working." Charlie said, crushing the paper in her hands.
"We've done trust falls and sharing our feeling which still ew." Said (Y/n), bitting the string in their mouth off the ball.
"And now we only have a month before the angel come-." Charlie said before laughing in her demonic form before turning back. "At this rate-."
"May it's time-"
"-to ask-"
Charlie getting close to Vaggies face and holding her checks before saying "DON'T SAY IT."
"-your dad." Vaggie finished saying and Charlie just groaned. "Charlie, I know you don't want to but we need every advantage we can get."
"He let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, "Go ahead and kill everyone"- Wait, that's it!" Charlie suddenly realized something.
"Kill everyone?" Questioned Vaggie.
"Say sike." Said (Y/n).
"No! He could get me a meeting with Heaven!" Said Charlie.
"Boo! It sucked last time! Adam is a dick!" Said (Y/n).
"He was being an asshole but he isn't in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top. There's sure to be some angels who will listen." Charlie said, getting out her phone but hesitant on calling.
"What's the holdup? You got daddy issues?" Asked Husk.
"Doesn't everyone?" Said (Y/n), earning looks. "Okay, well then must be a generation thing then."
"No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something." Charlie answered.
"Daddy issues." Said Husk and (Y/n), with one being more quiet about it.
"Well I'd like to meet the big dick in charge." Angel Dust said.
"The ultimate bad boy." Said Niffty before laughing and while holding a knife that Angel Dust quickly took away. "I bet he's scary."
"Wait, who is Charlie's dad?" Asked (Y/n) when Charlie decided to call.
"How the fuck do you not know? Her last name is Morningstar!" Said Angel Dust.
"Well I know she's a princess and Morningstar is a weapon." Said (Y/n).
"Toots, who would be the big dick in charge of Hell?"
"The devil?" Said (Y/n) before it clicked in their head. "Oh shit!"
Angle Dust and Husk laughed at their reaction.
"How have you not know yet?" Asked Husk. "You're an Overlord, you got to know politics in hell for that."
"I know I'm just busy making sure my area is taken care off and then helping here, I guess I never had time to draw the connection." Said (Y/n). "I didn't know the devil had a last name! Or a child!"
"He has a first name too."
"Oh shut up."
"Welp, we have an hour until he gets here." Said Charlie interrupting the conversation.
Vaggie then assigned everyone to do something and everyone scattered.
(Y/n) stood next to Angel Dust while he was doing his makeup while sitting on the table. Angel Dust finished and got scared by Niffty who was just staring at him, (Y/n) laughed.
"Come on, my dear. As the other one sponsoring the hotel, we both have to be front and center when he shows up." Said Alastor before guiding (Y/n) to stand beside the door next to him.
"Okay everyone, it's showtime." Charlie said before opening the door to a shorter blond hair demon with fancy attire.
"Hey, Da-." Charlie didn't get to finish before getting hugged really tight by her Dad.
"He's so short." (Y/n) whispered to Alastor, earning a soft chuckle from the demon.
"Oh its so good to see you. Haha!"
"It's uh, good to see you too, Dad." Said Charlie before he finally put her down. "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"
KeeKee showed up along with Razzle and Dazzle to greet him and Lucifer, as (Y/n) finally remembered, greeted them and slight threat to Razzle and Dazzle to keep protecting Charlie.
"Wow! This place sure looks, uh...uh huh yah uh huh...It's got a lot of character!" Said Lucifer looking around the hotel before catching sight of the bar. "OH, what in the unholy hell is that?!"
"Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?" Said Alastor, leaving (Y/n) and appearing next to Angel Dust.
"And who are you?" Lucifer asked, Alastor with a flare of the dramatic reappeared behind Lucifer.
"Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure." Shaking Lucifer cane before wiping his hand off on his jacket. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Like my colleague said you are much shorter in real life." Panicked (Y/n) quickly got next to Alastor.
"Excuse him, I did not say those exact words." (Y/n) said, nudging Alastor. "But I'm (Y/n), pleasure to meet you."
"Who is this? Who is this man and child? Are you the bellhops?"
"Aha! No! I am the co-host of the hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast." Said Alastor.
"Not a kid, I'm co-manager slash other host slash sort of guest, usually when the others are busy. You probably haven't heard of me." Said (Y/n), copying Alastors introduction, shaking Lucifer's hand.
"Atleast this one has manners." Said Lucifer. "And nope havent heard of you! I guess that's why Charlie called it the Has-been Hotel, ahaha." (Y/n) quickly moved back away from the two.
"Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea."
"Ahaha. Well, it's not very clever."
"Ha ha! Fuck you." Alastor said before Charlie got in-between the two.
"Okay! Okay, anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor or (Y/n), we wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much."
"Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfil her bizarre requests." Said Alastor, putting his hand on Charlie's shoulder.
"Well they aren't bizarred request. Charlie thinks outside the box and it's nice to see her dreams become real." Said (Y/n) from the table, not getting closer to whatever beef Alastor decided he had against the other.
"Oh thank you guys." Said Charlie
"Ahem, Charlie! Dear, eheh, why don't you introduce me to your OTHER friends?" Said Lucifer, getting between the two and pointed at the group around the table.
"Oh yes, of course." Said Charlie getting next to Vaggie. "This is Vaggie, my girlfriend."
"Oh my golly! You like girls? So do I! We have so much in common! You put her there Maggie. Hey!" Lucifer said Hugging Vaggie, tightly. "Oh yeah, she's so pretty."
"Lovely to meet you, uh sir." Said Vaggie, taking a deep breath after being let go.
"This is our guests Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, and (Y/n) when they want to." Said Charlie.
"Your Majesty!" Said Sir Pentious trying to defend his cookies from Angel Dust and (Y/n).
"Heya short king~" Said Angel Dust, (Y/n) making a face at how Angel Dust said that.
"Hello from the otherside, again." They said, waving.
"(Y/n) helps with managing with Vaggie and helps when Alastor is busy." Said Charlie. "They just like helping, But anyway Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper."
"Nice to meet you." Said Husk before Niffty runs over and climbs up Lucifer's coat.
"Hello. I clean." She said before the chandelier fell making everyone cough.
"Alright then." Said Lucifer, pointing his cane at the chandelier magically making it disappear.
- "No one is gonna call you dad with that creepy ass smile" the song-
After Mimzy appeared, taking Alastor attention for alittle bit.
"So... you look nothing like how your depicted on earth." Said (Y/n), looking at Lucifer. "They used way to much red."
"..You're a sinner? When did you arrive in Hell?" Asked Lucifer.
"A few years ago. Around 2019 ish? It kinda blurry. I'm technically an Overlord." Answered (Y/n).
"(Y/n) is the youngest in the amount of years in Hell and age." Said Charlie. "They got here when they were 18 so that why they look like a kid." Said Charlie before Mimzy noticed that Lucifer was here, pushing Sir Pentious out of her way.
"Pleased to meet ya! Your Highness." She said before nudging Alastor. "Alastor, you gotta warn a girl when she's in mixed company."
"Charmed, I'm sure." Said Lucifer, sounding like he didn't care.
"As much as I'd love to catch up, Charlie, (Y/n) and I have a tour to continue." Said Alastor, Lucifer hearing this dragged Charlie.
"I'm sure Charlie can handle showing me around." Said Lucifer. "Along with (Y/n)."
"Why am I getting dragged into this?" They questioned with no response.
"Nonsense!" Said Alastor, grabbing Charlie and moved foward. "We started the hotel together, and we'll show it off together. Right, Charlie?"
"I was here before you!" Said (Y/n)
"Oh, right." Charlie said and Alastor let her go so she could show her father around with Vaggie and (Y/n) following behind.
This is going to be an interesting tour.
"So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into heaven! We just need a little time to prove it. The sharing circles haven't been working as fast as I hoped." Charlie told her father, leading the group. (Y/n) walking close to Alastor noticed when Alastor stop and looked back to see Husk.
"Hey, boss. Can I have a word? Uh alone,(Y/n)." Asked Husk.
"Hurry along (Y/n), I wouldn't be long." Said Alastor and (Y/n) got a nervous feeling about what the conversation going to be.
"Okay, see ya Husk." They said before walking to where Charlie and the others went, not seeing Alastor turn his head an 180 degree to face Husk.
"What is it?"
(Y/n) caught up with Vaggie, who was walking behind Lucifer and Charlie.
"What happened?" Asked Vaggie, who noticed (Y/n) and Alastor had stopped earlier.
"Nothing hopefully, Husk just wanted to talk to Alastor." They explained. "How's it going?" Noticing the nervous look on Lucifer's face. Vaggie didn't answer before they got on a balcony and Charlie had her help explain the hotel mission.
"And we've almost been able to find all of Angel Dust's drug stashes… almost." Said Vaggie.
"I remember when I found one the first time, still had no idea what it was." Said (Y/n), remembering how they showed Vaggie it and she quickly took it away and scold Angel Dust for it.
"So, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!" Said Charlie, (Y/n) zone out know with how Lucifer acting Charlie would be disappointed in his response. They leaned on the railing, looking at the view of Hell.
"-Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope. Look at (Y/n)!Why would heaven put a kid here? Unless they're a mass murder." Said Lucifer, getting (Y/n)'s attention.
"I'm not."
"These are our people, Dad, I… I have to try!" Said Charlie.
"Our 'people' Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible!" Said Lucifer.
"Hey! I didn't even get to even use my so call freewill and Charlie is trying to help!" Said (Y/n).
"Well I don't want her to herself on the line for people like-." Said Lucifer before a loud thud, shaking the hotel.
"For fucks sake."
"Geez! What now?!" Said Vaggie before everyone looked out to see Loan sharks at the front door with a battering ram.
"Well, like that." Said Lucifer.
"Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!" One of the sharks yell
"Oh go fuck yourself!" Yelled (Y/n) before being pulled into a portal by Charlie.
"Que Carajo?!" Yelled Vaggie.
"What's going on?!" Said Charlie.
"I maaaaaay be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from—." Said Mimzy before hiding from a loud sound "And I may have also stolen a car… and crashed it… into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!"
Then all hell broke lose by the windows breaking with a barrage of fireballs, scaring everyone.
"My windows!" Yelled Niffty, upset with the broken windows.
"Ah, we're under siege! Ah! Take cover!" Said Sir Pentious, finally letting go of his cookies while dodging a fireball. Everyone panicking scrambled for cover.
"I'm going to fucking kill these assholes!" Said (Y/n), getting pulled by Charlie again away from a fireball.
"You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn't matter how well intentioned you are, they're always going to disappoint you." Said Lucifer unbothered with the chaos, getting on (Y/n)'s last nerve.
"You- just shut up! I'll handle this-." They said before Alastor appeared infront of them.
"No my dear, leave it to me. It's time to remind everyone why I am here."
"I'm also here for a reason, Alastor." Said (Y/n), glaring at the other overlord.
"Very well, shall we dear child?"
"We shall."
"A reminder to all, not to mess with the radio demon!"
"Oh, finally! Took you long enough!" Said Mimzy, earning a look from (Y/n).
(Y/n) let Alastor eat everyone in his demon form while they fought off and weakened the rest for him to finish.
"Does it even taste good?"
"Do you want to try some?"
"No thanks old man."
(Y/n) left Alastor to deal with Mimzy, seeing Charlie and Lucifer comforting each other before singing from the door way.
-"I'm happy they are solving their issues but why does it always have to be by song?"-
"Aww, that's so sssweet." Said Sir Pentious.
"It was." Said (Y/n), patting him on the back.
"Ok, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be ok?" Said Lucifer.
"I'll be fine." Said Charlie.
"That's my girl, good luck kiddo." He said before vanishing in red mist. (Y/n) got closer to Charlie.
"So you're gonna actually do this? Fucking mint, I guess." They said, not completely on board about Heaven of all places.
"The next part is going to be scary, you ready?" Said Vaggie.
"I'm ready, cuz you're gonna be with me." Said Charlie, hugging Vaggie.
"In spirit, right?" Said Vaggie.
"In Heaven!"
"Yay..." said Vaggie before (Y/n) started laughing at her reaction, earning a glare from Vaggie and a look from Charlie.
"You're coming too, (Y/n)!" Said Charlie, making (Y/n) stop laughing.
"Why?!" They said.
"Because you were the first one to help after Vaggie! You're a main part of the hotel!" Said Charlie, pulling (Y/n) in the hug.
"I'm killing myself." Said (Y/n) with a blank look on their face.
"I'm kidding... mostly."
"Why would they want to meet (Y/n) aswell?"
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Spellbinding ( sam winchester x reader )
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summary : sam being completely in love with reader who happens to be his best friend while on a hunt she is hit with a curse making her needy clingy mess while sam was loving the closeness it was only temporary right?
Warnings : spells and shit , sam being simp (love that for him )
In all his life he never thought he would feel like this , at first he pegged it to being a school boy crush but it only grew . she would be the one to stay up late into the morning researching while his brother just went to the bar or bed calling them " nerds"  . she'd be the one to make sure they got sleep after realising how long they had spent nose deep in their laptops or books . she'd be the one to make sure everyone was taken care of even making sure dean didn't have a diet that consisted of fast food making them home cooked meals in the bunker . she would tease and be playful so it wasn't all work . so it was hard not to fall for her in fact what scared him was how easy it happened. the fact that dean caught on was hell in itself finding new ways to torture his brother with the new found information always pairing the two off together , the little remarks she never noticed and when she did she would brush them off as dean well being dean . hunts we're both a blessing and a curse for him when she was there . he could make sure she was safe but yet her just being there meant she was also in danger , an internal battle on which part to stick with . Like now they were walking through an abandoned asylum after report of many men going mad once they've been in the   place one way or another . now they were walking through the halls , searching for whatever it was or even a clue to what it was . she hated the abandoned hospitals and asylums they had an extra creepy feeling to them . sam knew this main reason he made sure to stay closer then usual which if he was lying he kinda took advantage of it . " ah shit " she huffed . " what , what is it " . " look the symbol we've dealt with this before " she pointed walking into the large open space that used to be a rec room . the symbols spread around the room like she said it was too familiar .
" witches " he mused. " always witches get dean here , he's a lightening rod for curses " she sighed dramatically making him laugh. " what are you doing here , your not welcome " the voice called . " listen lady , neither are you " she turned to see the raven haired woman glaring . " this is my new home and intend to keep it that way " she turned to sam as he raised his gun . he was waiting for it , to be thrown across the room it was all too regular habit but yet all he felt was her pushing him and taking the hit flying across and hitting the wall . " hey darling now that wasn't so nice of you " dean held the woman tight while cas done his thing . " hey sweetheart you ok " he called. " yeah i think so ouch how do you do that sammy " she groaned wiping the dust off of herself . " what the hell were you thinking " he yelled running to check her over. " i was thinking you'd be grateful " she smiled sweetly. " idiot you could of been killed " he chastised missing the way she was looking at him . " hey kid you ok " dean smirked seeing the sudden shift in her demeanour. " so pretty " she cooed all doe eyes and mushy as she stared at her best friend before latching on to his arm . " lets get her out of here " dean snorted seeing his brothers cheeks all flushed while Y/N was clinging to him like he was the light in the dark . " hey how you feeling slugger" dean turned see sam carrying her out on his back like a koala on a tree. " she wanted to be closer because it hurt being so far apart " he groaned. " hey you should be happy hot chick all over you " held the door open so sam could put her in the back . " cas in front "dean's shit eating grin was not helping the situation and neither was the grabby hands she was making .
They found out she was hit with a curse same one those men were hit with except in her case well she was overly clingy only when sam moved away it actually hurt her like a blinding cutting pain ran through her body when they were apart for more than 60 minutes , during the first week they found that out . " a couple of weeks and she will be back to normal she said something else but cas was playing around so we had to leave quick " dean explained while Y/N was now in sams lap almost purring like a kitten nothing like the woman before . " couple of weeks , how the hell am i going to do this for a couple of weeks " sam hissed rubbing her back when she tensed at his words. " enjoy it since your such a bitch and not telling her how you feel when she's,  well not a pussy cat " he chuckled. " do you not like the affection " cas asked confused. " i would if it was of her own accord " sam muttered feeling her head resting on his shoulder after she'd fallen asleep . " i need a shower , a quick one " he said placing her down on the sofa and putting his shit around her. " don't be long i can see her screaming again , it's painful to watch " cas walked out . " i wont , i don't like it either " sam huffed running out the room . he loved it and hated it , he loved the close contact and he affection , but he missed his partner in crime , he miss how she would talk about everything and anything with him , he missed her being his best friend . yet he love having her nuzzled so close he could smell her shampoo , he loved the feeling of her soft skin under his palms. how he could see every detail of her face , how her smiled would widen in his presence . the water cascaded down his body yet the hot water done nothing to soften the stress of the situation he loved and hated all in one . What made it worse she was going through it all because she wanted to save him , wasn't it his job to keep her safe.
"where's sammy " she whined starting to sweat as she felt the tingle beginning. " he'll be back in a minute " dean huffed. he couldn't wait for it to end , the badass smart chick he loved like a sister reduce to a needy airhead , now whining like a kid for candy. " hey how come you never told sam why she so bad " cas asked again his curious nature getting the best. " because even i know the two of them need to say it without the power of a curse and hell he'd probably short circuited. " this hurts " she sniffled but her head shot up feeling his presence near it was like her skin was burning and only he could put it out. " hey i'm back " he smiled weakly feeling her arms wrap around him tightly. " i missed you , it hurt and dean was mean" she pouted . " jesus this hard to even watch " dean rolled his eyes . " well if sam loves her i'm sure it ok " . " sammy only loves me like a friend " she pouted at cas words . " that's what you think but he's in love with you ... ouch " he winced rubbing back of his head . her head shot up and a clearing of a fog sensation. " hey when did we get back here " her voice back to levelness before . " hey sweetness aint you a sight " dean smirked only for her to roll her eyes. " she's back " he cheered. " that could of been the cure , although it's very fairy tale like" cas smiled. " what the baby in the trenchcoat is saying was that you were cursed and been on sammy there like a pimple" dean explained making her realise where her hands were . " oh shit sorry " she back off cheeks flushing at the close proximity . " it's ok really " he smiled sheepishly. " so how did we break it " she asked . " i told you how sam really felt and OWWW " Castiel cried . " hey why you hit him " she ran to the angel checking him over. " oh fuck it, knowing sam loved you like truly loved you broke it , the reason she was so affected is because she loves you too " dean yelled. " do i hit him now " cas whispered . " you love me " they both said at same time . " lets give them some room " dean led castiel out of the room while the two stood stunned at the information. " wait did he just confess for us " she asked dumbfounded. " i think he did " sam stood closer wrapping his arms around her waist. " didn't you get enough " she teased turning to face him fully arms going on his shoulder. " but this time its because i know you love me " he smiled leaning his forehead on hers . " shame it wasn't a kiss breaking curse " . " i think we can change that " she couldn't respond because soon as the words left his mouth he crashed his lips on her. kissing her like she was the only source of oxygen . every part of her being felt alive and awake like never before . they melted together like two missing pieces finally connecting. lost souls lost in the dark finding the light. " i love you so much " he chuckled happy to finally being able to say the words .
"hey thought the curse was broken " bobby asked looking as she sat perched in sam's lap while he was looking through research . " it did " she smiled holding up her book she was using . " they love each other and do sick  sweet shit like this now " dean rolled his eyes . " oh stop being a baby i've seen you cuddle your car " she snorted. " i have too " castiel nodded. " well glad to have you back kid" bobby smiled getting himself a cup of coffee. sam on other hand sat smiling happily now he had the woman he loved back , the one who talked to him constantly , his best friend and now his girlfriend .
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princessmaybank · 5 months
I Love You So Fucking Much
Pairings: Sweet!JJ x BestFriend!Fem!Reader
Warnings: MDNI, 18+, Fluff, Pussy Whipped!JJ, Surprise Kiss, Mention of Heavy Petting, Oral (Fem. receiving, short lived), p in v, no protection, cliffhanger, not really edited, etc.
Summary: The guys have been teasing JJ about his crush all day.
Authors Note: My first fic in a while! It's a little short, let me know if you want a part 2! I hope you like it!
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Pope and John B apparently woke up and chose to torture me today. All day we've been with the girls and they wouldn't stop crackin' jokes. Basically I like my best friend and the guys pressured me into telling them that information a few days ago. I haven't seen her since before I told them, and I guess the guys just got really excited and wanna be dicks. Can't say I wouldn't do the same to one of them.
We were hangin' out in front of the fire at the chateau. I was in a fold up chair in between Pope and Sarah. John B was obviously directly next to Sarah and Kie and Y/N were on the other side of the fire. I couldn't stop staring at Y/N. She is gorgeous, her eyes lit up in front of the fire. "Got a lil drool there." Pope teases and reaches for my face, causing me to back up and slap his hand. Everyone noticed me slap him and was staring. "Why'd you hit Pope?" Sarah asked.
"Because it's funny." Is the best I could come up with. Everyone went back to their conversations but I saw John B whispering to Sarah out of the corner of my eye. Next thing I know Sarah turned to me and gasped, of course he fuckin' told the blabbermouth. I glare at her and whisper 'don't' , hopefully she listens.
Pope noticed the events and giggled to himself. "I don't see why you're so scared." Once again I was the center of attention. Kie finally pipes up. "JJ Maybank is scared of something? Never." Everyone giggled, exchanging nods.
Even though the topic changed many times I was still the focus of the night. The guys, and now Sarah, have still been teasing the whole time.
"I'm gonna go grab another beer, anyone want one?" Y/N asked the group as she stood up. Everyone gave her a nod or a 'yes'. "Wasn't expecting everyone, can someone help me?" She smiled with that small laugh that makes her cheeks go pink. She looked so perfect, the fire made her eyes twinkle.
"JJ would love to help you Y/N." Pope said before anyone could offer. "Yeah JJ go help our dear friend Y/N." John B said with a smug look on his face. Y/N shook off JB's weird look as I got up and followed behind her.
She was bent over in the fridge handing beers to me, not looking back. My teeth involuntarily bit my bottom lip as I stared at her ass. She was wearing shorts but she might as well be naked with the way I'm gawking at her.
I didn't notice she had stood up and turned around until a hand waved in front of my face. "Hey there, anybody home?" She giggles. Fuck that laugh was gorgeous. "oh uhm yeah sorry-" I apologized. She giggled again. "What were you so fixated on?" "Uhm- nothing..it's not really important.." I said while grabbing the beers and heading to the door. She shrugged it off as we just went outside.
When we made it back, apparently Kie played musical chairs because she was in my seat now. Leaving the two across from everyone open. We passed out the beers and I begged Kie to give me my seat back but she only smirked at me and waved me off. So everyone knows now, fuckin' great.
"Just come sit with me Jay- I don't bite." She smiled, patting the chair next to her. "What if he wants you to..." Pope muttered almost too loud. "What?" She asked, looking confused. I shook my head telling her not to worry about it and I took my seat next to her.
Everyone on the other side of the fire is having a conversation- well Pope and Kie are, Sarah and JB are sucking each other's faces off. Y/N and I just kinda sat in uncomfortable silence for a little bit before she spoke up. "Why have the guys been teasing you all day?" I was not prepared for this question so the truth just kinda came out. "Oh- uh they found out I uh like this girl and now they won't leave me alone about it." I said not looking into her eyes. "Awe I wanna know!" She said, full of excitement. I shook my head 'no' very vigorously, not uttering a word. Everyone was looking at us again. "Oh please! I love love! I won't tell her Jayj!" She smiled and grabbed my hand for reassurance but I couldn't focus. "Yeah, c'mon Jayj! She won't tell her!" John B chimed in teasingly. My cheeks were heating up as everyone, including her, looked at me. Her hand was still on mine.
"I need to take a leak." I sprung up out of my seat and announced to the others. Everyone just shrugged as I walked towards the house. I headed to the bathroom and actually did have to piss when I got there, so I guess it wasn't a full blown lie.
When I was done I washed up and calmed down. I stared in the mirror at my bright red cheeks. How did she have this effect on me?
When my emotions were finally under control I went to walk out of the bathroom, but I was met face to face with the goddess herself. "Are you okay Jayj? You've been gone a little while." She sounded so concerned and the way she calls me that nickname makes me wanna bust in my pants right here and now.
"Uhm yeah, just a little overheated from the fire." I shrug trying not to let her fluster me. She crossed her arms like she didn't believe a word I said. "You're acting really weird tonight Jayj...did I do something wrong?" The look on her face made me upset, she looked sad. "Of course not.." I rush to say. "I told you the guys have been messing with me about my crush all day, it's upsetting me.." That also wasn't a full blown lie. I was upset over the things they were saying, but only because they were saying everything in front of said crush.
"Wanna talk about it?" She whispered softly, her eyes begged. I just nodded before motioning to the guest bedroom so I could talk about it with her privately. I sat down on the bed and when she got in the room, she shut and locked the door. I was instantly hard but I knew that's not where this was going. Y/N found her spot next to me and faced her body towards me. I stayed on the edge of the bed, not looking at her but I really really wanted to.
I felt a hand creep onto my thigh. "It's okay if you don't wan-" I cut her off by turning and kissing her. Surprisingly she kissed me back. I'm not sure where this confidence came from, but I'm running with it. Neither of us stopped this kiss until she needed some air. When our lips parted, her face was laced with shock.
"I-I'm sorry- I shouldn't ha-" I started tripping over my words before she cut me off. "I liked it." She said, still filled with shock, which made me happy inside but I wasn't sure where to go from here.
We sat in silence for about a minute before she straddled me and took my lips with hers again. She laid me down, deepening the kiss as she very carefully and slowly rocked her hips on mine. She was so scared to move her hips that I almost didn't feel it against me. I moved mine more harshly against hers to show her it was okay.
After about 30 seconds of heavy petting, I was tearing her clothes off. We had switched positions now and she looked perfect. I was standing in front of her only in my shorts and boxers while she laid there naked. I couldn't help my eyes from wandering all over her body, which unfortunately made her freeze and hide her body. I moved her arms away trying to slowly soothe her. "You're gorgeous.." I smile at her. Before she could say anything I massaged her perfect tits and then got on my knees in front of her.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked. She gave a shy smile before eagerly nodding to me. "I wanna hear a 'yes', Y/N." It came out more stern than intended. "Ye-yes Jayj.." She stuttered. She fucking stuttered. Knowing that I'm the man getting her flustered and ready, is fueling my confidence. I just want to please her in this moment.
Her eyes followed my motions as I peppered kisses on the insides of her thighs. I couldn't stop staring into her beautiful, sparkling eyes. They had a hold on me and wouldn't let go. As I got closer to her heat, she made it quite clear that that is where she needed me most. I lightly placed kisses up and down, reaching from her dripping wet hole to her swollen clit. A moan escaped her lips as she stared into my eyes. I couldn't keep teasing I needed her now. I gave her a few good minutes of sucking and licking while reaching to fondle her tits. I would have continued but I heard a soft voice say-
"JJ please fuck me..."
That's all I needed to hear. I pulled my shorts and boxers down and gave myself a few slow strokes. Her eyes landed on my dick and went wide. Her jaw dropped and she kept staring. "It will fit." I chuckled knowing that's what she was worried about.
My hands reached for her cheeks to pull her closer into a soft, passionate kiss. I climbed on top of her, never breaking our kiss and lined myself up with her entrance. Y/N wrapped her arms around my neck as I pushed myself into her slowly which resulted in her pulling her mouth away from mine to let out a moan. I smirked and pulled her lips back to mine as I began to thrust inside her at an easy pace.
"Fuck Jay, you feel so good..." She said under her breath. I watched as her eyes and head rolled back with her pretty little mouth wide open, making the most beautiful sounds. "Keep your eyes on me pretty girl." I said pulling her gaze back to me by her chin with my first finger.
"D-don't call me that.. I'll cum" She said with a light laugh causing me to giggle a little. I hid my face in the nape of her neck because I felt embarrassed and also flustered. The way we were able to laugh and not feel pressured felt amazing. This felt natural. I started giving her neck small kisses before I found her sweet spot, I sucked on it until it was a deep red and purple. The moans I was responsible for slipping from her mouth were music to my ears.
When my eyes met hers again, I swear they were telling me that she felt the same way I did. That little sparkle from before seemed to only grow brighter. This is the most intimate I've ever been in my life, and I'm happy it's with her.
"I'm almost there Jayj..." She whined into my ear. My hips sped up and I pushed her knees to her chest so I'm able to pound deeper into her. "Fuck please don't stop, please." Her eyes were pleading with me. "I don't plan on it baby..." I rolled my eyes to the back of my head, half due to pleasure, the other half because I can't believe I just called her baby. But she smiled. She actually smiled.
I held myself back from kissing her anymore. I don't know if she liked me back or if this was a one time thing. I'm already beating myself up for doing this before taking her out first. But like I said before...it felt right, natural even.
My thrusts started getting faster and sloppier. The orgasm creeping up on me took all control of my body. Her legs fell to my sides as my hands held her waist and I pulled her close. Our eyes danced between each other's lips and gaze before we sealed the deal. My hips didn't stop their motions, and I knew she was about to bust by the way her sounds were getting muffled by our kiss. I nodded letting her know I was ready as well.
Next thing I knew, she pulled her lips away from mine to moan my name, then I felt her cum leaking out onto my dick. She was so beautifully undone beneath me. When it was my turn to release, I was a moaning mess. My load shot into her, the sounds we were making tangled together to make the most amazing music I've ever heard.
My head found its way to her ear as my arms wrapped around her torso. As I rode out our highs, I made one of the biggest mistakes you could make when having 'casual' sex. I didn't realize it until I pulled my head back and saw her eyes.
I can't believe I said it..
"I love you so fucking much..."
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moonlightspencie · 3 months
hey lovely! i saw you were asking for more requests and i love your writing so i am happy to help 🫡😂 can you write a one shot with any of the marauders (you can choose) where the reader works in a coffee shop and he comes in all the time and she thinks it’s because he loves coffee but he really just likes her? idk just thought it would be cute!! thank you friend!
hehehe, well remus won the number 2 spot on my poll, so here he is!
remus lupin x gn!reader
You smiled to yourself when you saw a familiar tall, lanky, scarred, absolutely endearing man walk into the café. He had a habit of dropping in every day. Sometimes twice a day. He'd come to be one of your absolute favorite regulars.
"Hi, Remus," you grinned brightly at him as he came to the counter.
"Hi," he replied shyly, his cheeks a little pink. "How are you today?"
"Can't complain. We've had a pretty slow day, but I'm not mad about it."
"I suppose it's a good thing I've come in, then. I've got to keep this place up and running," he joked lightly.
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Want your regular?"
"Please," he nodded, smiling a bit at the fact she knew his order. "Also whatever you'd like."
"I'd like to pay for whatever drink you'd like, too. You told me last time that you only get one free drink per shift," he said with a small shrug.
You blinked, looking at him in a bit of surprise. "You really don't have to do that."
"I'd like to. If you'll let me."
"Really?" you smile again.
"Really. It's the least I can do."
"I'm only doing my job," you let out a breathy chuckle, your own cheeks heating a little. Though you wouldn't admit it, you'd begun to harbor a small crush on the man. "No big deal."
"You go the extra mile. Nobody else has ever bothered to remember my order."
"Well... you're easy to remember."
His cheeks went even pinker as he sighed softly. "You are... unnecessarily kind."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all."
You smile again, writing on the two cups, then give him the total. He pays, leaving much too generous of a tip as always, and goes to sit down. You start on both of your drinks, debating in your head what you should do. Was it wrong to hit on a patron of the café? Maybe. But was he terribly cute and really sweet? Definitely.
You quickly scribbled your name and number on the cup, then called his name.
He walked up with a sweet smile. "Thanks."
"No problem. But... Maybe next time, I can buy you a drink?"
His brows rose. "This is your job. I don't want you to feel like you have to pay for me at your workplace."
"Then maybe I could buy you a drink someplace else?"
He blushed fiercely. "Oh."
"Unless I'm picking up the wrong signals, of course," you shift on your feet. "I've been thinking you just really liked coffee, but now I'm not so sure."
"You're much sweeter than the coffee," he admits with a soft voice.
You bite back a grin. "In that case... my number's on the cup, and I'm off at six. Maybe text me?"
He swallows, his eyes wide as he nods. "That... that sounds great."
"Good. I'll see you around, then?"
"Next time, maybe not just for the coffee," he smiles, nodding again once.
He walks out of the café a minute later, leaving you giddy on more than caffeine for the rest of your shift. The second you clocked out, you checked your phone, seeing a message from an unknown number:
You made my heart race a lot faster than the coffee today. Thanks for asking me out, I don't think I could have worked up the nerve myself haha
This is Remus, by the way.
You laughed softly, typing a quick response.
Now you'll have to tell me your second favorite place to get drinks. Can't wait :)
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hemmingsleclerc · 3 months
One last time pt2┃charles leclerc
@is-just-a @charlesgirl16 @spookystitchery @leclercsluvs @itsjustkhaos @willowpains @magical-spit @falaihullo @emryb @ssararuffoni
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ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹ ᵎ 𖧧. ⊹ ˖ ♡.˚˳១୨୧ ༘✰ ༘ ˚ ˚ ༘ ‧₊˚𖧧  ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹ ᵎ 𖧧. ⊹ ˖ ♡.˚˳១୨ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹
Y/N's hands shook as she wrote the message to Charles: "See you at our place by the old lighthouse in 20 minutes." She hit send before she could doubt herself and tossed the phone out of her reach. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her mind filled with thoughts of what she was about to do.
The old lighthouse had always been their place, a small hidden place where they escaped the pressures of their lives and were themselves without cameras or people around. As she drove there, memories flooded her: late-night talks, stargazing, and the countless times Charles had made her laugh when she felt like crying or vice versa.
When Y/N arrived she was pacing nervously, checking her phone every few seconds. Finally, she saw Charles' car stop and her heart began to beat even harder and she felt a chill run down her spine.
Charles came out and walked towards her nervously, his expression one of mere concern and confusion.
She took a deep breath, her thoughts confused and chaotic. “Charlie, I…” her voice broke and she looked away, gathering courage. "I need to tell you something"
Charles said softly, moving closer until he was a few inches away from her. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know it."
Y/N nodded and her eyes met his. "Well. Here it goes. The song I sang tonight is about you, I know you already knew that because it's been everywhere but I wanted to tell you myself. It's always been about you. All my songs have been about you. I've had a crush on you since we were kids and I was too scared to tell you because I thought you'd never feel the same. And seeing you with Elise just… broke my heart. But I had to tell you, even if it means losing you as a friend. I can't keep pretending anymore and I understand if you want to stop seeing me or talking to me I will understand."
Charles stared at her, his eyes wide with surprise. For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence lengthened, unbearable and heavy.
"Y/N, I…" he started, but she cut him off, her words coming out quickly.
"I know it's absurd because you don't feel the same and now I'm just saying a lot of things and making everything awkward and…"
Charles stepped forward, took her face in his hands and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with years of unexpressed emotions, longing and love. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly melted into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as she passionately kissed him back, standing on her tiptoes.
When they finally broke apart, they were both breathless, their foreheads pressed against each other. "ma cherié," Charles whispered, his voice full of emotion and desire. "I've always loved you. I was too scared to ruin what we had. I thought you only saw me as a friend and I didn't want to lose you, I didn't want to lose us."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes, but this time they were tears of joy. "Charlie, I've had a crush on you since we were 15. What the hell?"
Charles laughed through his tears and hugged her tightly. “I can't believe we've wasted so much time,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of relief and happiness as he placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
Y/N leaned back a little and looked at him with a smile. “Wait, what about Alex? “I can’t do this to her.”
Charles chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, Alex. We're not actually dating. We never were, apparently swe both like people of the same... type. It was all just a misunderstanding. She's just a friend and we thought it would be easier to let people think we were together instead of constantly explaining our friendship over and over again''
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than she had in years.
A few weeks later, the Monaco Grand Prix weekend arrived and the paddock was full of life. Y/N and Charles had decided to keep their relationship private for a while, wanting to enjoy their new happiness without the public's attention. But as they walked hand in hand, their love was impossible to hide.
ynln has posted a story
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caption: 🏎️❤️‍🔥
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Liked by f1_gossip, ynln_updates and 582,583 others
f1 Look who's here! Our favourite girl of the paddock!
username MY BABIES!
username YN 🥹💓💓
usermame chayn again I'm sobbing😭😭
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Liked by 2,823,108 others
username 😭😭😭😭😭
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Liked by 3,685,298 others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍
My very first win in home and finally able to call her mine ❤️🥲
schecoperez Bravo Charles!
arthur_leclerc Let's goooo
pierregalsy Bravo Champ!! Trop content pour toi!!!
ynln Congrats my golden boy
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Liked by charles_leclerc, pierregalsy and 1,593,294 others
ynln P1 IN MONACO!!! Tremendously proud of you Charlie, I know how much you have trained to get this wonderful achievement and I am truly captivated by your great determination and love! I love you from here to the moon my ferrari boy
pierregasly happy for both
charles_leclerc s'il te plaît, arrête mon amour, je suis sur le point de pleurer, je t'aime (please stop my love, I'm about to cry, I love you)
username My parents
username Right person, right time
Sorry if it's late in posting but I happen to graduate so yes! hope you like it🥲🤍
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discopaddock · 6 months
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SUMMARY: reader is only a fantasy and romance writer and a huge fan of sebastian. he's fan of her book. when he reveals that to the public there's no way their fans are going to lose an opportunity to have them meet.
PAIRING: rbr!sebastian vettel and author!reader
GENRE: smau, fluff pure fluff!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hiya! this was based on this request! also if you see any similarities to one of @hrts4scarr ’s recent works, that's because we got the same request! also go check scar’s work, it's so cool! once again, english isn't my first language so sorry for any mistakes!
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“You’ve checked Twitter recently?” Senna, Y/N’s manager from the publishing house, asked extra happily. The author only shook her head between drinking water, exhausted from another day of signing books for long hours.
Of course it wasn't that she didn't like it! She loved it! But if she was doing it for eight hours six days a week for two months now it was getting boring.
“Then do it!” Senna said, almost shrieking.
Y/N only gasped but opened her laptop and searched Twitter to see her whole feed in Tweets of Sebastian Vettel talking about her book.
That Sebastian Vettel she had the biggest crush on and created him in her book series.
The author looked at the other girl with opened mouth and she only said:
“You're gonna see him tomorrow, we've already arranged it with Red Bull. Sign some books for him with special dedications baby”
Y/N only started smiling like a stupid teenage girl.
Oh what she was gonna do in front of Sebastian?
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Nice is beautiful.
And so is Monaco.
Sebastian found himself in a car in the passenger seat. He wasn't sure where he was going. He only understood that there will be books? Like a lot of books.
He entered the library with his PR manager and some photographer and when he saw that one book on the poster, he immediately knew why he was there.
There weren't a lot of people.
The queue to the author desk wasn't too long, only five people before him.
Sebastian knew that the author of his beloved book was pretty attractive. He had seen her photos on her website.
But in real life she was even a hundred times prettier than in photos.
He was close to saying she was beautiful in that interview. So close but he didn't for his own sake. Now he could say it to the first person that walked beside him.
Finally the queue ended and he was standing in front of the girl.
“Hi, I'm Sebastian” he said only with a smile on his face and she quickly stood up from her chair and fixed her hair.
“Hello, I'm Y/N” she answered with a shy grin and shook his hand.
“I can say that I'm a fan of your writing,” Sebastian announced with a laugh, making her blush.
Mein Gott, she looks so pretty with rosy cheeks – he thought. My God
“Great, because I have something for you” she said and showed him all of her books excluding “Young and beautiful”. “For you, for the longer flights to Australia” she added.
Oh, Sebastian was speechless. He didn't expect to get anything from her, especially since he found out about meeting her like half an hour ago.
“Oh, thank you so much!” he said with a big smile and looked at all the books. The covers were pretty, just like her.
“I don't know if fantasy is your favorite, so I put here most of the romances I have” Y/N laughed a little, looking at him as he carefully watched all of the books.
“I actually like it a lot, even if I don't look like it” he answered, holding in his hands the book where he was in as the main character.
He read the text at the back and when he saw a review from a Twitter user he couldn't believe it.
“Book is great, especially since Hugo gives me major Sebastian Vettel vibes”
“Haha, what is this?” he asked, showing her the review and she only blushed and shrugged.
“Well, I can say that I was lacking in character personalities” she wasn't, he put him in that book on purse. She was writing that book on Wattpad years ago before it was published, when she was watching him in Formula 3.5 and was dreaming of him.
As if she wasn't doing it now.
“Okay, I'll remember that,” he said and laughed. Oh, she loved his laugh. His laugh on TV wasn't as good as in real life.
She was in love with him.
She thought to herself that she was crazy.
But did he care? No, he didn't. Not at all.
“Can I get your number? I want to do something for you as a thank you” Sebastian asked and Y/M speechless and in shock, nodded and grabbed a pen and one of the books to write the number next to the dedication. “I'll text you, don't worry” he winked at her and left with his team and all the books in his hands.
Getting Paddock Passes for the European Grand Prix didn't sound wrong, did it?
And with that Y/N ended in the Red Bull garage in Valencia, extremely happy since it was her first Grand Prix in real life ever.
Also when the fans saw the photos of their little meet up in Nice they went crazy. She had never seen anything like shipping her with someone before that but did she like it? Yes, because Sebastian seemed to like her too.
And now he looked so hot in post race glow and champagne.
“Hey Y/N, I was thinking if you would want to join me at dinner after the whole post win thing?” Seb asked when he came back to the garage, covered in sticky alcohol.
“I don't want to intrude on you-”
“You won't! I'm the one who's asking you to join me” he smiled at her shy personality. She was adorable as hell.
“Okay, I'll go” Y/N said and Sebastian grinned widened and he left a kiss on her cheek.
“See you soon, pretty girl” he said and left to take a shower. She was just standing here without any words, red on face and with butterflies in her stomach.
Oh the thing that she had for Sebastian was big, very, very big.
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lil13 · 2 years
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MOVIE NIGHT - Ethan Landry
You've been best friends with Chad and Mindy since kindergarten. That being said, you and Chad are super close. You have a crush on his roommate, Ethan Landry. One night, you're all going over to Sam, Tara, and Quinn's apartment for a movie night and Chad decides to play wingman.
"I swear, Chad, if you call us the fab five one more time i'm gonna stab you.”
I laughed with Chad as we walked down the hall of his dorm, backpacks slung lazily over our shoulders as we decided to stop by his room so he could change clothes. We were having a movie night at Sam, Tara, and Quinn's and Chad refused to wear anything but sweats to movie nights.
He normally wore sweatpants to class but today was the one day he decided to wear jeans. "You would never." Chad faked being hurt, holding his hand over his heart.
I'd known the boy since kindergarten, my family moved in next door to his family. So, to say that I was close with the twins would be an understatement.
"You don't know my limits." I laughed as he pushed open the wooden door.
"Sup, E!" Chad called out to his roommate as we walked into the room.
I waved to the curly haired boy as well, shooting him a friendly smile. Ethan was an interesting guy. Extremely dorky and sheltered, unlike Chad. Which is why it didn't make sense of how well they got along.
"Chad, Y/N, I wasn't expecting you." That's when I noticed the boy fumbling to find a shirt to put on, "I thought you were going straight to your movie night."
"We were, but Mister 'I can only wear sweats to movie night' needed to stop by and change out of the jeans he put on this morning knowing we were having movie night tonight." My gaze was set on Ethan as he finally found a shirt, a blush evident on his cheeks.
Chad reached over and flicked my forehead, only causing me to swat him away and give him the middle finger.
"You know you can come too, right?" he asked, hopping as he pulled his sweatpants on. "Mindy might think you're a criminal, but the rest of us like you."
Mindy thought every new person was ghostface.
But she was fine being with Anika? I don't know. Make it make sense.
I looked up at Chad before looking back at Ethan. "Who else would we be talking about?" Another blush from the curly headed one.
Ethan scratched the back of his neck, "Right."
Both boys slid hoodies on over their bodies and walked toward the door, Chad moving me along with his body. The three of us exited their dorm room and made our way out of the building and onto the streets of New York. It was vastly different here than it was in our small town back in California. But we all decided that a change of scenery and getting the hell out of Woodsboro would be the best thing for us.
"So, what movie are we watching tonight?" Ethan asked out of nowhere.
I couldn't help but laugh, "Stab, ironically."
Ethan looked between me and Chad with wide eyes as if he were shocked that we'd ever watch the Stab movies considering what we've been through. But, the more I think about it, the less what happened to us even feels real.
You mean to tell me that I got stabbed 3 times in the stomach and had no real lasting damage? Seems fake to me.
"It's oddly entertaining now." Chad shrugged, throwing an arm over my shoulders as we walked.
Most thought Chad and I were a thing due to how comfortable we were around each other. But him and I knew the truth. We both had huge crushes on each other's roommates. Chad had liked Tara ever since we moved to New York and i've had a thing for dorky Ethan since the moment I laid eyes on him.
So, sometimes, I hate when Chad gets touchy with me around Ethan.
When we crossed a crosswalk, it suddenly got rather crowded which only pushed Ethan closer to me and Chad. This only meant that Ethan's hand brushed against mine which sent tingles throughout my entire body.
I hate how much control he has over me. "Sorry." He mumbled.
My eyes immediately shot to him, "No need." I spoke loud enough for only him to hear.
I really didn't need Chad teasing me about this later. Whenever he saw me minimally interacting with his roommate, he'd always tease me about the 'stupid' things I said during the interaction the next time we were alone.
But then again, I do that with him and Tara. So, I can't really complain.
When we reached the apartment building, Ethan picked up his pace to open the door for us. Chad let me go and let me in first, following in behind me. He playfully tapped my ass as we climbed the stairs, which only caused me to turn around and slap his arm.
However, I didn't miss the glance Ethan did between me and Chad.
Dammit, Chad. Stop ruining things for me.
"The love of my life!" Tara smiled brightly as she opened the apartment door, jumping out and pulling me into a hug.
Laughter spilled from my lips, forgetting the whole interacting before and enjoying the embrace of my friend.
Tara and I had gotten closer over the past year. Both incredibly hurt from the betrayal of our friend Amber and bonding over our stab wounds.
"Oh, and you losers." Tara playfully grumbled, arms still loosely around my body as she looked at the two rather tall boys behind me.
"Ha. Ha." Chad rolled his eyes, pushing the two of us girls into the apartment with Ethan closely behind.
Sam entered the living room, holding up a pack of beer. I pulled a face, beer was not my favorite.
"Pizza's on the coffee table. I've got beers for everyone and Bold Rocks are in the fridge, Y/N!" She announced and a smile took over my face.
I skipped over, grabbing the older girl's face and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "You're an angel, Sam Carpenter."
I made a beeline for the kitchen, yanking the door open and grabbing myself a drink. Sam had thankfully left the bottle opener out so it wasn't hard for me to dive right in.
"Holy shit." I cursed when I turned around to see Ethan standing behind me, my heartrate speeding up for more than one reason. "You've gotta make a noise, E."
His face flushed red, "My bad. But uh, mind if I have a Bold Rock too? Beer isn't really my taste."
A man after my own heart.
I cracked a smile, opening the fridge back up and fishing out a drink for the tall boy. I even opened it for him.
"Welcome to the Bold Rock club, E." I tried not to react when our hands brushed as he took the drink from my hand. I even tried to distract my flustered self by clinking our glasses together.
He sent me a smile, the one that always gives me butterflies, before taking a sip of the drink. Ethan winced at the flavor and I couldn't help but laugh. Maybe he's just not an alcohol guy, because these things aren't even strong.
Mindy shouted something about starting the movie and I yelped, not wanting to miss the beginning. Without thinking, I grabbed hold of Ethan to pull him with me into the living room. I wasn't going to have either one of us missing the beginning of the movie.
It wasn't until I let go of the boy's hand to grab a slice of pizza that I realized I had been holding his hand to begin with.
My face flushed red and I very pointedly kept face out of Ethan's view. But apparently not out of Chad's. Because, when I looked up, the boy was smirking at me. So, I flipped him off, for the second time today.
About an hour or so into the movie and i'd drank 4 Bold Rocks and eaten 3 slices of pizza. Ethan had managed to finish his first drink and get started on his second. I was oddly proud of him.
We all were settled into the couch. Mindy and Anika were cuddled up, Tara was situated in between Chad and Sam (a little closer to Chad than her sister), and Quinn was perched on the end of the couch. As for me and Ethan?
Well, we were still decently far apart. I was sort of disappointed. I thought i'd been sending the perfect signals to the boy, trying to tell him he could put an arm around me or something, but nothing was happening. The pit in my stomach was only growing.
My watched vibrated with a text and I casually looked down at it. Chad had texted.
Scoot closer.
I looked up to see Chad smiling at me, nodding. My heart pounded. Maybe dorky little Ethan wasn't going to make the first move. Maybe I needed to? Shit, i'm so fucking nervous.
Bitch, hurry up.
Another text from Chad.
I rolled my eyes, ignoring my nerves, and scooted closer to the boy. Ethan already had his arm propped up on the back of the couch as he watched the movie, so me moving closer basically already put his arm around me.
When our bodies made that light contact, Ethan's head turned toward me. Almost as if he were shocked I was touching him.
I kept my eyes on the tv, not feeling confident enough to make eye contact with him.
With a deep breath, I slouched a little lower on the couch, making myself lean more into his chest. I felt his breath hitch. He was nervous too?
Ethan picked up his phone from beside him, I tried not to be nosy but I couldn't help it. It was a text from Chad. Was he being wingman for both of us?
Dude if you don't put your fucking arm around her I will shave your head!!!
I heard Ethan swallow harshly and had to stop myself from laughing. Seconds later, Ethan slid his arm off of the back of the couch and let it rest on my shoulders. My stomach erupted in butterflies.
We'd been sitting like that for a while, but the longer we sat the more my head slid down his chest. Eventually, my ear ended up over his heart and I could hear how fast it was besting. Maybe he did feel the same way about me.
Out of a nervous habit, I brought up one of my hands and began drawing patterns on his thigh as we continued the movie.
Eventually, his hand caught mine, stopping it from drawing its patterns but instead linking his fingers through mine. I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. It was almost as if our hands were meant to be together.
Cliche, I know.
"Y/N." He whispered.
I looked up at him, his brown eyes connecting with mine for a second before he nodded to the rest of the room. I sat up slightly, his hand now sliding from my shoulder to my hip. Sure enough, everyone was asleep and we'd only just started the second movie.
"Oh my." I stifled my laughter, holding my free hand up to my mouth.
Ethan cleared his throat which only made me turn back to face him. His whole demeanor had changed. There was still some signature Ethan dorky/nervousness there, but he almost looked like he was desperate.
I furrowed my eyebrows, dropping my free hand from my mouth and resting it on his chest. It was then I realized his eyes flickering back and forth from my eyes to my lips.
So, I leaned in, welcoming and approving his wishes. My eyes fluttered closed as our lips connected and fireworks exploded within my body. This kiss was everything i'd dreamed of and more for the past however many months of knowing him.
He slid the hand holding my hip up my back and over to hold the side of my face, the pad of his thumb gently caressing my cheek. His hand holding mine letting go to carefully hold the back of my head. I think I could melt right there.
My fingers gripped his sweatshirt as I leaned in further, deepening this kiss. The hand still on his thigh gripping it due to the intensity of the situation.
But something in the mood shifted. I broke away from the kiss, eyes scanning over Ethan for any sign that I did something wrong.
"You okay?" I asked, suddenly worried.
Ethan averted his gaze and dropped his hands to his lap, no longer holding eye contact with me. "It's stupid."
"No, no, tell me." My voice was quiet, not wanting to wake the others. I'd even moved my hands to hold onto his.
"You're gonna think it's weird though."
"E, tell me. Please."
A slight groan fell from his lips, "I'm a virgin."
I swallowed harshly. Of fucking course he is and me deepening the kiss and squeezing his thigh freaking him out.
"Fuck." Ethan started to scoot away, obviously embarrassed by his confession. I, however, gripped his sweatshirt in my hands and pulled him back. "That's not a bad thing, ok? Just means you're not gonna give it away to whoever walks by. I went through a rebellious stage and hooked up with people I regret. We're different and that's totally ok."
His eyes finally reconnected with mine, a look of shock in them, "That doesn't freak you out?"
"Not at all, just means that we're gonna take things as slow as you want us to."
It was like he was shocked on how I was referring to us. I was more just shocked at my boldness with him.
I leaned in, going with my boldness, and pressed a soft kiss to his slightly swollen lips. "If you want us to be."
He nodded quickly, eyes wide with eagerness. I giggle at his excitement.
This time it was Ethan who leaned in for the kiss, this was slightly longer than the last one. "You sure you're not with Chad?" He questioned, pulling away for a second.
"Oh, fuck no." I laughed, going back in for more.
Ethan pressed another kiss to my lips, pulling my body over so I was sitting on his lap and facing him. This was a bold move on his part.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
well we know how Alessia is clumsy right? Imagine if the reader is just as bad if not worse, the two of them are a right mess when near one another. And her and Alessia are both so oblivious to their feelings for each other that the team just have to deal with these two lovestruck clumsy idiots who tip toe around their feelings until eventually something pushes them to realise and confess
bambi II a.russo
"oh less is finally here." niamh nodded over your shoulder as you choked on your mouthful of cereal, maya smacking you on the back with a concerned look as you gasped to catch your breath.
"oh god not this again." your best friend groaned knowingly as you spat out the soggy mouthful of weetbix and downed your glass of juice. "and what's that supposed to mean?" you looked at her with a frown as niamh sighed dramatically.
"you become a walking hazard around that girl. you're clumsy enough on a regular day i don't need to be worrying about you falling down a flight of stairs and breaking your arm when she sends you a smile!" niamh rolled her eyes as you flipped her off.
"you've had a crush on her for years now, why don't you just ask her out bambi?" maya asked as she took a bite of toast and you shushed her, smacking at her shoulder for the nickname you had always detested.
"i do not! you're both deluded and i wish you'd drop this. you bring it up every camp, we've been friends for years. just friends!" you huffed in annoyance, grabbing your empty plate and standing to your feet.
however what you'd failed to notice was alessia and ella making their way over toward the table, and as you turned with the intention of a dramatic storm off you felt your body collide suddenly with someone else's.
with a grunt you fell on top of them, face flushing red with embarrassment as your eyes met those oh so familiar blue ones, alessia's own cheeks tinted pink. "hi less! i'm so sorry." you squeaked out and apologized, hastily rolling off of her and getting to your feet, helping the taller girl up.
"you know if i knew that you missed me so much i'd have come said hi sooner." alessia sent you a smile which you reciprocated, the blonde wrapping you in a tight hug hello before sitting down and greeting the rest of your friends.
ignoring niamh and maya's smirks you hurried off to get ready for training, the two girls covering up their laughs with their hands as you tripped over a chair leg and almost hit the deck again before mary hastily grabbed the back of your jumper, saving you from further embarrassment.
"let me guess, just saw alessia?" "oh shut up mary."
"i saw you went to italy over the break, how was it?" you asked with a soft smile as you walked back to the change rooms beside alessia, the two of you having been paired up for the last drill of the day.
"it was lovely thank you, and so sunny! i miss it already i can feel my tan slipping away with every second." the blonde groaned pulling back the sleeve of her jumper with a pout, poking at her still very tanned skin.
"yeah clearly you're looking like a vampire!" you rolled your eyes playfully, knocking your shoulder into hers gently. alessia attempted to bump you back but being just as clumsy as you of course she miscalculated.
alessia missed you entirely, suddenly falling sideways and onto the pitch with a grunt, grabbing out at you to steady herself but accidentally just taking you down with her.
"and there she goes! the bigger they are the harder they fall." ella clapped sarcastically as niamh hurried over to help you up and millie hoisted alessia to her feet, the blonde striker apologizing profusely before speed walking away with a shake of her head, ella racing off after her.
"do you think they'll ever realise they're in love with one another?" millie slung an arm over niamhs shoulder as the two watched you head off toward the change room, both girls playing with you at chelsea knew you better than you knew yourself it would seem.
"god i hope so. we need them both unbroken for the qualifiers next week and if they keep up this way they'll be getting together in an ambulance!"
"y/l/n you're up!" the training staff called for your turn for testing, one of the last of the day as the rest of the girls sat on the sidelines chugging their waters.
with a determined nod you zoned in, acing the first few activities without any issues. only when you glanced over to the side and noticed alessia watching you intently you panicked, miss stepping and slipping on the ball at your feet you fell to the floor mid run, taking down several mannequins with you as you squealed and landed on your back with a thud.
your cheeks burnt scarlet as you heard the laughter from the sidelines instantly at your blunder, burying your face in your hands with a sigh. "come on, up you get now." you peeked out from your fingers seeing your captains grinning face staring down at you as she extended her hand.
"now mate i've seen you do some impressive falls over the years but that one, that one took the cake." leah hauled you up to your feet and patted you on the back with a laugh as you groaned in embarrassment.
"don't remind me i'm never gonna live this down."
"less just tell her you like her man! i don't get it." ella whispered to alessia as the two stood in line awaiting their turn to grab lunch. "shut up tooney! i do not." alessia hissed, shoving the shorter girl as she glanced around frantically, sighing in relief not seeing you anywhere within earshot.
"whatever you sayyy." ella sung out with a tut, holding her plate out eagerly as the two of them chatted with the chefs. "god that smells good!" alessia dropped her plate with a loud smash as you appeared beside her, stumbling backwards into ella and knocking her own plate down to the ground as well with her elbow.
"aw less come on!" ella groaned loudly in annoyance dragging her hands down her face, the tips of the italians ears flushing bright red as she apologised over and over to the staff who hurried to clean everything up.
"good thing you're not a goalkeeper with those hands." you joked, nudging her lightly with a soft smile trying to ease her obvious embarassment, alessia mumbling something inaudible before running off to change out of her now food stained training kit.
entering the change room you swore as you slipped on someones stray boot, not paying attention to where you were going, only just catching yourself from falling as the teasings exploded around you.
"i think we need to wrap you in bubble wrap bambi." millie chuckled as you sat down beside her at your locker, ignoring the comment with a roll of your eyes as you started to change into your own boots.
taking your time most of the team had filtered out for training, and you were so zoned out of it you didn't even hear alessia sit down by you at her own locker focused on plaiting her hair.
you jumped a little as she dropped her brush and it cluttered to the floor beside you, knocking you out of your trance as you tied up your laces and reached out to grab her brush.
"here less-" you straightened as the blonde bent down to grab the brush herself, causing her forehead to smash into your nose quite suddenly.
you let out a groan of pain and clutched at your face, dropping alessia's brush to the ground again as the strikers features paled in concern, her hands settling themselves gently either side of your face.
"oh my god i am so so sorry! are you okay?" "yeah...but i think you broke my nose."
"i seem to see the two of you so often i'm considering naming one of the benches in your honour." richard the head doctor chuckled as he opened the door, your stomach fluttering as alessia guided you inside with her hand on the small of your back, not having left your side since everything happened.
"whats happened here then?" the man sighed, gesturing you take a seat up on the table as he grabbed out some wipes, starting to clean the dried blood from around your nose as you grimaced in pain, alessia's stomach lurching with guilt as you recounted what had happened.
her cheeks flushed red as you hastily reached out to grab her hand, squeezing tightly as richard gently poked and prodded at your tender nose.
the blonde shook her head trying to ignore the tingling sensation at your fingers being interlocked with yours.
"well the good news is it isn't broken! just a little swollen." richard explained with a smile as alessia let out a sigh of relief where she was stood beside you. "certainly feels like its broken." you pouted as you poked gingerly at your face.
"but it means no playing for two weeks, minimum. one bad knock and you'll break it properly, which would mean a minimum six weeks out." he announced and your body instantly deflated, knowing that meant you'd not be fit for squad selection for the upcoming national games.
"god i'm so sorry." alessia winced and you felt her gaze pierce into the side of your head but you couldn't bring yourself to meet it, nodding at richards words and sliding off the table, dropping the strikers hand.
"thanks rich, i'll go speak with sarina." you shot him a small smile and shuffled toward the door once he'd given you an icepack and some further instructions of aftercare, alessia following after you. she stayed by your side, head racing with thoughts but remaining silent, too overwhelmed to even voice what she was thinking.
"hey, you know i'm not mad at you right?" you paused, turning to look at her with a small but reassuring smile. "no you have every right to be, i'm so so sorry." the blonde stammered out, breath hitching as you grabbed her hands in yours and squeezed softly.
"but i'm not, it was an accident. they don't call me bambi for nothing, niamh's not wrong when she says im like a walking wet floor sign; always warning everyone of the hazard thats yet to come." you joked lightly, causing the taller girl to crack a small smile.
"don't blame yourself, please. just score a few goals and help us win to make it up to me!" you smiled before dropping her hands and veering right, intending to go and find your manager.
"what about i take you to dinner instead?"
your body froze at her words, alessia nervously fiddling with her hands, almost in shock at the words that had left her mouth.
"let me take you to dinner. please, to make up for it." the blonde steadied herself and spoke with much more confidence than she was really feeling.
"like a....date?" you asked cautiously, aware that these three words could make or break everything.
"yeah, exactly like a date."
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leclercsbunny · 1 year
maybe if you loved me ♡ c. sainz
part five ♡ masterlist
anasainzvdec posted a story 12m ago
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blanca watches you convene with ana animatedly, nodding and laughing along with the both of you as per usual, though she held an air of reservation and restraint, being deep in thought.
"sorry, i have an urge to use the restroom again." you sheepishly cut through her story.
"again? your bladder's gotten small or something?" ana comments amusedly.
"let me go with you." blanca stands up from her seat, making a face. "i think the oj got to me aswell." you gestured towards her smugly, as if to tell ana; look, i'm not alone in my struggles.
"fine, but hurry back." she playfully rolls her eyes.
blanca hooks her arm around yours, and you both depart to the restroom. you made small talk on the way, and went to do your business separately.
when you left the stall to wash your hands, blanca was already there. she looked as if she was... waiting for you. she looked serious, and somehow, bothered.
"is everything alright?" you ask her, feeling your heart drop.
"i say this out of the love i have for you and carlos." blanca utters slowly, watching your expression change. "but does he know?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, blanca." you wave her off, suddenly turning defensive.
"i'm sorry if i'm overstepping... but i cannot help but notice all these, very subtle tells." she says softly, not wanting you to get agitated. "you're suddenly queasy when it comes to certain foods, and you're drawn to sweets. like, crazy partial to them. you use the bathroom often, your waist is just.." she measures it with her hand. "and i think we've cultivated a friendship comfortable enough for a brazen comment about the evident size of your... nether regions."
"blanca," you hiss, feeling your cheeks warm with both embarassment and indignance, as you cover your body from her all knowing gaze. "i don't like what you're implying."
"and you didn't drink coffee. you need your coffee, you're like a.." she sniffles, suddenly finding it difficult to maintain her own composure, "fish when you drink those latte's."
"why are you crying?" you push her shoulders, feeling your own nose itch from the buildup of emotions threatening to just spill and topple the both of you. "this is your own freaking fault that we're having this conversation. be woman enough to finish it."
"you're pregnant." she said it with certainty, eyes welling up with tears, she didn't know wether from happiness or sadness. maybe both. it was supposed to be a joyful moment, one which had been your dream for such a long time. but instead your eyes were both red from the complexities of your current emotions, the information tainted with the knowledge of your current realities. "how far long?" she asks.
"still not sure." you rectify with a broken voice, wiping your tears away. "i took some pt, but i've been delaying the blood tests."
"makes sense," blanca reaches out to grasp your shaky hands, "what do you plan to do?"
"i don't know." you reply honestly. "i can only ever think about matteo, and.. and..." you shake your head resolutely, "i don't want anything to change with him."
"things are going to change, but it doesn't always mean a bad one." she tells you, "i know you're at odds with carlos, but— will you tell him?"
you shake your head, "he doesn't need to know." yet even you found it hard to believe.
"he's the father, y/n." blanca reminds you softly, "i know he's done something horrible, and there's no reason to his actions.... but it will crush him."
"he has a very fickle sense of loyalty, and i'm tired of waiting for him to change." you reply. "i don't need his wavering devotion in my baby's life. please understand me, blanca." you tell her pleadingly.
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f1chai the carlos-yn-daniel drama bubbles over with more controversy as yn is embroiled in a shocking pregnancy scandal. spanish news outlets broke the news over the weekend, claiming the spaniard's long time, now ex girlfriend, has secretly been seeing one of the best child-rearing physician in madrid— neither carlos, nor daniel have been accompanying her, but one of the sainz' sister was discreetly pictured on one of her visits. this led many to speculate that yn is indeed with child, and have been for some time. the question of wether it is sainz's or ricciardo's have yet to be answered. the parties involved had declined to comment on this matter.
username what the fuck
username am not believing this until further notice
username LIES !! character defaming ones !! SUE EVERYONE !!
username seriously why the fuck are people following her anyways...
username right !! she's a normal citizen and these people are all up in her business 🙄
username seriously. let the girl breathe fs
username wrong on so many levels
username this is better than any telenovalas 😭😭
username who's the daddy ? 🤨
username MAMMA MIA ??
username are we even doubting carlos... that man has a whole ass son
username just why? yn already had it good 😭😭😭
username she was running then tripped
username on sainz's lap...
username have to give it to him. well done !!
username get the bag i guess !!
username yeah 😭😭 atleast her baby daddy isn't some brokie 😭😭
username he's a cheater though
username **serial cheater
username 😭😭😭😭
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soxcreg · 3 days
Сold Secrets
Part two
Modern!Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're in love with the captain of the King's Landing University hockey team. You've kept it a closely guarded secret , but something goes wrong.
Disclaimer: English isn't my first language!
Word count: 1002
part one
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It's been a week since that kiss with Cregan. Nothing much has changed in my life, except for a constant feeling of awkwadress. You'd think that since Cregan isn't around, there's no need to worry, but he was. Over the past few days, he's been catching my eye constanly.
Either his car is parked or driving by, or he's visiting Jacaerys while I'm visiting Helaena. I'm a senior, so we've started going to the University, and since the guys in my class have taken an interest in hockey, I see Stark not only in the hallways and classrooms, but also on the ice.
"Don't even think about leaving or sneaking out. Everyone should be on excursions," the teacher warned us menacingly.
Of corse, I couldn't talk about these patterns, because no one, not even Helaena, knew about my crush. Well, maybe I'm just too fixated on all this. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or everithing was like this before,I just started noticing these details. I knew about the tours of the University of King's Landing in advance.
Maybe these are just excuses, but I fell calmer this way. But I was sure that it was either my imagination or an accident.
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I'm sitting in the stands watching he University hockey team's demonstration practice. It feels like my ass already frozen to the bench. Cold. And hungry. My mind whispered. I didn't have time to have breakfast, the class teacher is clearly not in the mood today.
"And theres guys are really nice," One girl giggled next to me, "Yeah. Espencially Aegon. I saw him yesterday, he's so gallant, "And the both started laughing nervously, attracting the attention of even the guys on the ice.
Well, I mean, Aegon is gallant. No, of cours, he's very well-mannered, sometimes he can be polite and behave like a gentelman. But that was only moments.Mostly he's loud, funny and very indecent. The words pouring out of his mouth sometimes add to my vocabulary, and also make me brush and turn away. And he's a pro at terrible ideas and schemes.
Often his nephew Jacaerys, whom he affectionately calls cousin, due to the small age difference, takes part in his scams. They both even tried to get Cregan involved, but he didn't particularly like that, although he did take part in some harmless schemes.
I don't really need to be told about this. I don't think Aegon would like it. On the other hand, I could hear the voice of the class teacher, he was commenting on the training session very heatedly. He seemed to have examined, he also played hockey in his time. I carefully examined the ice and found the one I needed.
Tall, broad-shouldered, he looked even bigger in uniform. He held the stick confidently, and he moved around the ice better than I walked on the ground. It was fascinating. I only skated as a child, I think now I would easily fall there and turn into a star.
So absorbed in staring, I didn't even understand when he looked at me too. His gray eyes were fixed on me. No. From afar, because of the helmet and the play of light, it seemed that way to me. Why would he look at me? That's what I decided.
After traning, we were dismissed, and I headed to the exit of the University. Today, Helaena had invited me to her place. Then someone called me. I turned and saw Cregan. Stell in uniform, he was hurrying towards me. I raised an eyebrow.
"Hey," He came closer and said, "Hi. Did you want something?" I hoped the blush on my cheeks was not as noticable as I thought.
"I heard you were going to Helaena's today. Maybe I could give you a ride?" I started at him, surprised. "How do you know?"
"Aegon said," He replied, smiling as if nothing had happened. Gods, I could melt into a piddle here.
"Yeah, fine. If it's convenient for you," I nervously tugged at the strap of my backpack. "I'll pick you up at six," He said goodbuy and walked back into the building.
I was still under the impression. What if I hadn't imagined the look? Well, I had to stay calm. I turned around and headed home to get my homework done and ready.
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I was already getting ready, it was six in the evening. I said goodbuy to my parents and left the apartament. Mom was casually standing by the window and checking her flowers on the windowsill. I frowned and went to the alevator. When mom found out a guy I knew from the University would be giving me a ride, she got worried.
"My girl has never had a boyfriend, and then some hare crawled out of a hat," Of course, I tried to calm her down, that I had known Cregan for a year, he was a friend of Helaena's cousin-nephew, but it came out so confused that this situation interested her.
I left the train and saw Cregan's car. It's good that he didn't get out of it this time, otherwise there would be even more questions after I returned. I got into the car.
"Hi. How are you?" He asked me. The car started moving. "Everithing is fine, how are you?"
While we were driving to the Targaryen estate, we exchanged basic questions about the weather and school. I didn't seem to be too worried, I hope I'm not imagining it. Several times I definitely caught him looking at me, which I kind of liked, but not really. When we got to our friends, we quickly went to different rooms. Finally, Cregan said he would give me a ride home.
Gods old and new, help me get though this day. It's confusing and giving me butterflies. A lot.
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Looks like there will be a third part.
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chibieggplant · 6 months
Confessions with Penguin
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My boy Penguin doesn’t get enough love. No warnings just banter and fluff.
You sat eating your lunch watching your other crew mates converse and joke with each other when suddenly you were jolted out of your little world feeling a nudge on your shoulder.
“Hey! I told you to stop doing that” You grumble as you rub your arm.
"What, this?" Penguin nudges your shoulder again as he takes the seat next to you.
You swipe his hat from his head in retaliation as he sits down.
"Hey, give that back!" he protests with a smile as he tries to grab his hat back.
“Nuh uh!” you pull the hat down snug on your head sticking your tongue out him.
Penguin lets out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but can I at least get my hat back after lunch?" He didn’t take his hat off…ever, but he couldn’t deny you did look pretty cute in it so he would make an exception.
“You’ll get it back when you promise to stop nudging me”
"Fine, fine. I swear I won't nudge you again" He said, crossing his fingers behind his back.
“Do you think I’m an idiot? That wasn’t a proper promise” you smirk adjusting his hat on your head proudly.
"What do you want from me? Blood?" he says in a pouty voice, crossing his arms.
“Yeah! I want you to make a solom vow”
"You're impossible" he rolled his eyes as he nudged you again.
“And you’re annoying” you say with a smile not really meaning it.
"Shut up" he said playfully, punching you in the arm lightly this time.
“Point proven” you laugh punching his arm back.
"Oh, you wanna go?" he asked playfully, pretending to throw a punch your way.
“You’re the one who punched me first!”
"But it was just a light punch, not like yours, you nearly took my arm off!” he says dramatically, feigning an exaggerated expression of pain.
“I’m sure you’ll survive” you chuckled rolling your eyes.
"No, no I’m pretty sure i’m dying." he says dramatically again, grabbing his arm in ‘pain’.
“Well can you die quietly then please?” You smile as you go back to eating your lunch.
"Well, thanks for your concern. My final seconds on Earth and you can't even show a little sympathy for your favourite crew member" he said with a fake sad expression.
“I’ll make sure to put on your tombstone that you went out from a light punch to the arm” you deadpanned.
"Make sure it's carved in marble too” he said sarcastically with a dramatic flourish.
“You’ll get a wooden cross at best” you chuckled.
"It better be mahogany at the very least”
“I’m sure I can find some nice looking sticks outside”
"They have to be the perfect length, not too short but not too long either. Oh, and make sure the shape is nice and straight, no twisted branches"
“I’ll do my best…just for you” you smile as you throw a french fry in your mouth trying not to laugh.
"Thank you for doing the bare minimum" he said, faking a dramatic sigh before shoving a handful of fries into his mouth.
“What happened to ‘my final seconds on earth’? Shouldn’t you be dead by now?” you smirked. “I’m pretty sure dead guys don’t steal other people’s food”
He tried hard not to laugh, his lips twitching. “I'm fighting for my life here”
“Shut up” You smile throwing a french fry at him.
He catches the fry in his hand and pops it into his mouth. “So rude, even in my dying moments”
“You’re insufferable” you smile shaking your head.
"But you still like me, right?" he said leaning on the table.
“Someone has to” you shrug.
"Oh, please, you secretly have a huge crush on me” he teased, batting his eyelashes.
“You wish” you grin throwing another french fry at him.
He quickly catches the fry again in his hand and eats it. "Don't even try to deny it. We've been friends forever, there's no way you're not in love with me"
“By that logic that means you’re in love with me too” You smirk before quickly realising what you just said…did you just admit to being in love with him?
It takes him a second but then his eyes widened in realisation. Was that an actual slip-up? Did his crew mate, his crush, actually just admit she felt the same way?
“W-wait…what did you just say?”
You looked away suddenly, your eyes fixating on an empty spot across the room. You could feel yourself starting to flush. Had you really just admitted your feelings to him?
You try to backtrack quickly “N-no y-you- I mean…like as a friend…” but you just end up fumbling your words.
He noticed how your words faltered and caught onto the way your cheeks blushed red. Were you just messing around with him?
“No, no, hold on a second. Back up. What did you just say?”
You looked away, embarrassed. “I-it was j-just a joke. I wasn't being serious, really”
His eyes were on your every move. He saw your blush grow deeper, your eyes darting across the room. In that moment, he knew your words had been genuine, not just a funny joke.
“You're lying”
You stayed silent for a few moments, hesitating to respond. Your heart raced as you realised he had read you like a book.
"It was just... I... I just meant by your logic that would mean you’re in love with me…too” You said the last word so quiet that you’d be surprised if he heard it.
A hint of a smile appeared on his face. He couldn't believe it. Did he actually hear what he thought he had? He knew he wasn't imagining things when you started stumbling over you words. He knew you felt the same way as he did. Now he just needed to confirm the answer.
“Say it again”
“S-say what?” The blush across your cheeks refused to leave your face as you still couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him.
He leaned slightly closer to you, lowering his voice so that it could only reach her ears.
“Say that you're in love with me…”
You looked at him through the corner of her eye, completely shaken up by this whole situation.
“D-do you really want me to say it?”
He took your face in his hands so that your eyes met. You shivered at the touch of his hands, a wave of butterflies washing over you as you felt his eyes gazing into yours. Your heart was racing, pounding rapidly in your chest but what you didn’t know was his heart was also beating just as fast.
“Just say it…please”
Your words were breathless, barely even a whisper. “I-I’m... in love with you”
A smile spread across his face as he brushed his thumb over your cheek. He could barely believe this moment was actually happening, that the person he had loved for so long also shared those feelings with him. He wanted to kiss you, to hold you forever. But he knew he needed to hold back, he didn't want to rush anything…not yet anyway.
“Well look at that, here I was thinking I was the only one...”
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