#something something prince of englands hearts..........
yrsonpurpose · 5 months
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#he's not
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ladysharmaa · 3 months
Kate mini version
Sharma!sis x Queen Charlotte's son
Summary: After the ball, everyone knows what happened between Y/n and Prince Charles. With the attention of high society members and the Queen, they face new obstacles as they fall in love.
part 1 part 2 part 3
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Dearest reader,
The tone is abuzz with the latest gossip, and so it's my honor to impart to you.
Miss Y/n Sharma came to England after Kate Sharma's marriage to Viscount Bridgerton. In such a short time she managed to do something that no one else has managed to do: capture the attention of Queen Charlotte's youngest son, Prince Charles.
Dearest reader, this author finds herself compelled to share the most curious of news. It seems the two seemed to be quite close during the last dance, having danced together until Y/n walked away. But Prince Charles didn't take his eyes off the young woman for the rest of the night. Is a new romance brewing? Let's not forget that at the beginning of the season, her Majesty made her intentions clear of joining her youngest son with the princess of Austria.
In addition, Miss Y/n is here at her mother's request, living with her older sister, Kate Bridgerton, and her husband, Lord Bridgerton. Is it permanent or will she return to India? There are many mysteries yet to be unraveled.
On the other hand, the diamond of the season did not dance with any suitor, which may have made her Majesty uneasy. This author is left to wonder what shall her next move be, now that everything seems to be connected to the Bridgerton family.
Yours truly, Lady Whistledown
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"This is not good." Y/n muttered nervously, looking over Kate's shoulder to read the latest edition of Lady Whistledown. And to his greatest horror, she was the main topic. "How many people read this?"
"Too many." the older sister sighed, before placing the paper next to her and turning to Y/n who had her eyes increasingly wide. "Everything's fine. Most of the family has already suffered from Lady Whistledown's words and we support each other. And everything ended up being fine, the ton has short memory and will forget all about this by the next scandal."
"But what if they don't forget?"
"If they don't forget what?" a new voice intruded into the conversation.
Y/n let out a small scream, immediately recognizing Anthony's voice, and hurried to hide the paper behind her back. "Nothing. It's a beautiful day, I'm going to the gardens. Maybe hide there all day. Or all year."
"Y/n, no. You have to tell Anthony, he won't blame you for anything."
Bridgerton's eyebrows rose upon hearing that, turning to Y/n with a frown upon noticing her terrified expression. "What happened?"
"My apologies, Anthony. The last thing I wanted to do was associate the name Bridgerton with scandals. Lady Whistledown wrote about last night. About… About Prince Charles and I." She looked down, not wanting to see Anthony's disapproving look, and handed him the paper.
The minutes dragged on. To Y/n it felt like hours had passed. Long hours with just the silence in the room. Her heart was pounding against her chest and she tried to control the tears from reaching her eyes. Her head was running with different questions that only made her anxiety worse. Would they send her back to India so they wouldn't suffer any more from this scandal? She didn't know that dancing with someone could cause so many problems.
Just the thought of returning to her homeland, despite having loved growing up there, brought her great sadness. Her life was in England now. She adored her sister's family, having grown up close to many of them, especially Francesca and Hyacinth. And the truth is that she had enjoyed meeting Prince Charles. Y/n finally felt like she belonged somewhere.
She snapped out of these thoughts when she heard Anthony sigh. What was that? Disappointment? Anger? Sadness?
"Look at me." he said, but Y/n refused, knowing that as soon as she looked at the couple she would burst into tears. She shook her head, pursing her lips. "Y/n…"
"Please don't send me back to India."
"What?" the Viscount questioned in shock, almost not having noticed her from how quietly she spoke. He felt Kate hold his hand, looking sadly at her sister. "Y/n, look at us. We are not going to send you back to India."
"Really?" She raised her head shyly, her eyes red from holding back tears.
"Of course. You're part of the family. I haven't told you yet, but Mama sent a letter. Edwina had problems during the birth, so she's going to stay there until at least the rest of the year. You're going to stay with us. Here."
"Y/n, we would never send you away because of Lady Whistledown's news. You're a Bridgerton now." Anthony assured, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her smile upon hearing those words, although still small, released some of the stress that Anthony and Kate were feeling.
"Hey, Anthony, I was wondering— Oh, sorry!" Hyacinth entered the room, stopping when she saw the three of them and the tense atmosphere it was in. Then he noticed the sad face and the paper his brother was holding. "Is that from Lady Whistledown? What does it say?"
"It doesn't matter what it says. What did you want to tell me, Hyacinth?"
"Oh, I was wondering if we could go horse riding. I am so bored, Gregory is training and Benedict isn't paying attention to me." she pouted, causing Y/n to giggle and rush over to Hyacinth, intertwining their arms.
"Fear no more, I shall give you attention."
"Thank you, kind lady." Hyacinth laughed. "Please, Anthony, take us horse riding."
When he offered to teach Y/n how to ride a horse, the rest of his sisters were also invited, since the men already knew how to do it. As expected, only Hyacinth accepted with great enthusiasm while Eloise preferred to read and spend her time with her new friend, Miss Cressida. For her part, Francesca was never much for outdoor sports and Daphne was obviously busy with her husband and son. Thus, Y/n and the youngest Bridgerton both formed a special friendship, and were now a feared duo in the Bridgerton house.
"What do you say?" he whispered in his wife's ear, looking at the two girls who were giving them the best puppy dog ​​eyes. "I'm afraid I can't say no to them."
"I think it's a great idea." Kate smiled.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The four then ventured into the forest. Anthony and Kate were ahead, lost in their own world while Hyacinth and Y/n followed a little behind. The younger girl curiously questioned Sharma about the night of the ball, upset that she was still too young to attend one.
"I wish I had gone yesterday. Did you dance with someone yesterday? I tried to ask Francesca the same thing, but she wouldn't leave her room."
"Unexpected things happened. Francesca is just a little discouraged. As diamond of the season, she has a lot of pressure on her. And I… Well, I danced with someone."
"Prince Charles?! I saw you both when we went for a picnic, I think it was love at first sight." Hyacinth giggled.
"Sometimes I forget how good an observer you are. Yes, I danced with him." Before her friend could get too excited, Y/n hurried to add. "And I was naive, because although I enjoyed being with him, he has an enormous responsibility. I doubt people would want him to spend his time with me."
"Please, I think you are in love."
"What? Of course not, I barely know him. We just had fun dancing, but that must be over by now. I doubt her Majesty will let him dance with me again. Lady Whistledown made sure of that."
"If you say so. I, on the other hand, do not agree. Prince Charles has shown that he is interested in you. Or he would have danced with other girls after you. But he didn't."
"Well, maybe he was tired." Y/n shrugged, while Hyacinth rolled her eyes. They continued the walk in silence, enjoying the forest landscape.
“Girls, let’s do a race!” Anthony shouted, looking over his shoulder with a smirk. Y/n chuckled, knowing he had never met a family as competitive as the Bridgertons. But she was one now too, and she loved winning.
“Very well. But make sure you don’t get too sad when I win.” Hyacinth teased, despite being the one with the least experience riding a horse.
“We’ll see.” Kate joined the teasing.
The four positioned themselves next to each other, letting the man count down. Y/n grabbed the reins tighter, and as soon as Anthony finished, she let her horse run. For a moment they were all balanced, but Hyacinth quickly fell behind. The couple competed a little ahead, trying to reach a certain narrower entrance. So, with their attention diverted from her, she took the opportunity to step over a fallen tree trunk, arriving earlier at that entrance, continuing at the same pace.
She felt free on a horse. The wind hit their face, the landscape blurred from how fast they were going. Y/n petted the animal, feeling like they could conquer the world.
When she realized that the others had already stopped, as no one had yet reached her, she also slowed down so she could wait for them to catch up. They probably had to go back to help Hyacinth control her horse.
“That was impressive.” she heard behind her.
Although she felt a second of fear, thinking that an unknown man had found her alone in the middle of the forest, she quickly associated it with the voice of the person she least wanted to see at that moment. As such, she just closed her eyes and hoped it was just her imagination. But when he cleared his throat, she knew she had to face him. Finally, she commanded the horse to turn around, finding herself face to face with Prince Charles, who was also on top of a beautiful black horse.
“Prince Charles, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” she smiled shyly.
“You as well, Miss Y/N. I didn’t know you were so talented at riding. Did Lady Bridgerton teach you?”
“She and Viscount Bridgerton. And since then I haven’t wanted anything else.” she shrugged uncomfortably, both not knowing what to say. In this way, Y/n focused on the horse that the prince was riding, being shocked by its size. “Beautiful.” She looked at Charles, noticing his look of surprise and a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. “I mean, the horse— The horse is beautiful.”
“Of course.” he looked away, clearing his throat. “It seems we both had the same idea after the paper published by Lady Whistledown. A nice walk was exactly what I needed to get away from my mother.”
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to interfere with your marriage with the Princess of Austria.”
“Her Majesty wants me to marry her. But I don't. You see, a beautiful, fierce, remarkable girl has already caught my attention. It may seem sudden, but she is constantly in my thoughts.” he looked intensely into her eyes. Out of nowhere, it seemed like it had become much hotter, her breathing coming in muffled.
“Oh… I—”
“Y/n! Where are you?” Kate's voice was heard through the forest, breaking the atmosphere that had formed between them.
“I’m here, Kate.” Y/n replied, closing her eyes in despair when she realized that she would have a lot to explain once they arrived.
She had already taken a risk with Lady Whistledown, and now they were alone in an isolated place… It's a good thing no one outside the family would see them, or the scandal would have become much more serious. A feeling of guilt coursed through her body again. She had promised Anthony that she didn't want to associate the Bridgerton name with scandals, and here she was doing exactly the opposite.
“Prince Charles, we can’t talk anymore. It’s not right.” she said before the others appeared.
“Why not? Because of Lady Whistledown? Ignore her, the ton will quickly forget about this.”
“You don’t know that!” Y/n exclaimed exasperated at how calm Charles seemed to be about this situation.
“I know that I want to be with you.”
“You are crazy!” she put her hand over her mouth when she realized that she had “insulted” a member of the royal family. “Apologies, Prince Charles. I didn’t mean that.”
“Call me Charles.”
“I take back my apologies.”
“Finally, we found you, Y/N. We had to go back because Hyacinth’s horse refused to move.” Kate appeared, followed by the others, stopping when she saw what was happening. She made a small bow, looking at them suspiciously. “Prince Charles, I didn’t expect to see you here. Especially with my sister.”
“What do you think you are doing?” Anthony wasn't as friendly as his wife, narrowing his eyes and approaching Y/n to stand slightly in front of her.
“Lord Bridgerton, I guarantee nothing happened. I was simply, like you, taking a walk when I saw Miss Y/n. We only talk about what Lady Whistledown wrote.” Charles assured, sending a comforting smile to Y/n, who was watching the two nervously.
“It was mere chance that we found each other. We can go back to the house now.”
Anthony signaled to Kate, who nodded. They had mastered the art of speaking with just their eyes, it still left Y/n quite confused when they did that. But this time, she understood perfectly. Lowering her head slightly, she followed her sister and Hyacinth home, while Anthony and Charles remained behind. Over her shoulder, she mumbled a quick apology to the boy, hoping he would understand what she meant.
When the women were out of sight, Anthony turned to the Prince , who appeared unaffected. “I hope you’re not trying to ruin my wife’s sister’s reputation. You know very well what the ton would say if they found you in this situation. And I guarantee you, you don’t want to duel me.”
“I agree. That's the last thing I desire. Miss Y/n would certainly never speak to me again. And I don't want that. Lord Bridgerton, we were just talking, and on horses for more. But, for all the respect I have for Miss Y/n and the Bridgerton family, I assure you this will never happen again.”
"It better not."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After a tense conversation with Kate and Anthony, they believed Y/n when she said it was a coincidence to meet Prince Charles, but that she understood the gravity of being alone with a man.
So, she spent a few days locked up at home, hoping that the scandal had already been forgotten. However, this isolation couldn't last forever, so she was forced to join the Bridgerton family on a walk by the lake.
She had her arm linked with Benedict's, Eloise beside her, while they listened to Collin's travel stories. He had seen so much, experienced so many new cultures, that Y/n just wanted to know more. Eloise, in turn, seemed envious that only men could have the pleasure of traveling alone wherever they wanted, and Benedict asked about the art of each country, something that Y/n barely understood.
However, Collin ended up rushing the end of the story, seeing a group of girls walking, giggling when they saw him. Eloise groaned in disgust, while Benedict shook his head, changing direction so he wouldn't have to watch his brother flirt. Y/n also went with them, not wanting to see that scene.
But she noticed that they had been stopped by Lady Wilson, whose daughter was participating in the season along with Y/n, Francesca, and Eloise. "Good afternoon, Lady Wilson."
"Good afternoon." she said. "I noticed you didn't go to the ball yesterday. I haven't yet had a chance to talk with Lady Bridgerton to know if everything is alright."
"Thank you for your concern." Benedict said sarcastically, taking control since Anthony wasn't around. "We had other matters to attend, but I assure you that we will be present at the ball tomorrow."
"That's wonderful news." the woman said with a fake smile. "In that case you will be able to see my daughter dancing with Prince Charles, just like yesterday. They form a beautiful couple, don't you think?"
Y/n had to control herself not to roll her eyes. It was clear what Lady Wilson was trying to do, but there would be no reaction from her. Eloise and Benedict looked at her from the corner of their eyes, waiting to know if Y/n needed them to interrupt the conversation.
"I don't know. I didn't see them together nor did I have the opportunity to know about it since Lady Whistledown didn't write about them. And we all know that she writes about everything that happens, and it seems especially important if the prince is interested in someone to court. Looks like we'll have to wait and see."
"Yes, we shall wait." Lady Wilson clenched her jaw. "I'm certain that the prince loved to dance with my daughter."
"If you say so. Please excuse us, we shall return to the rest of our family." Y/n said dryly, hurrying to walk in the opposite direction with the two Bridgertons behind her.
"Jealous, dear sister?" Benedict asked with a sly smile once they were far enough away from the woman.
"No. Why would I be?" Y/n pretended not to be bothered, but in reality the thought of Charles dancing with someone else didn't sit very well with her. But what could she be expecting, she had said that they shouldn't talk anymore and he had to get married this season. "I'm just surprised that Lady Wilson is so confident in her daughter with the prince when the Queen wants him with the princess of Austria."
"Hmm." was the only response she received from Benedict. Eloise, already fed up with just hearing about the season, changed the subject and Y/n was also grateful for that. The last thing she wanted was to think about the next ball.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"What are you going to do?" Hyacinth asked as she helped Y/n and Francesca get ready for ball. The two had already put on their dresses and now all that was left was the jewelry. Kate had already come to say that they would have to leave soon, smiling calmly when she noticed the nervous state of her sister who had changed her dress about five times already.
“About what?”
“About the prince, obviously.”
“I don’t know. I am a little confused. This is all happening so quickly. And the fact that Lady Whistledown wrote about us didn't help. But the truth is that when I'm with him, I don't know, I feel different.” Y/n tried to explain, but realized she couldn't describe her feelings in words. It was something foreign to her, but not unwanted.
“I know what it is. You like him.” the Bridgerton dropped onto the bed dramatically.
“But liking may not be enough. Don't forget that the Queen has a lot of influence on these things. And I wouldn’t want to piss her off, it would only hurt all of you.”
"You are exaggerating. Francesca, what do you think of this?”
“What?” the girl snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“What are you thinking about?” Y/n sat next to her, taking her hand.
“I haven't had almost any suitors yet. And the ones I have seem incapable of having a conversation. What if I don’t find anyone?” Francesca revealed with a sigh, her voice tinged with sadness.
“Nonsense. Everyone would love to dance with you. In fact, I have a feeling you are going to meet someone today.” the Sharma said. “And for that to happen, we must leave and go to this ball. If you need to, we can stay together all night.”
“Thank you, but it won’t be necessary. I want you to have your chance with the prince.”
“After all, you were listening!” Hyacinth exclaimed, groaning as the two left the room and left her there. Now she had to wait until tomorrow to find out everything that was going to happen!
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The ball was already full of people, from nervous mothers to innocent daughters who giggled when a suitor asked them to dance. Y/n and Francesca walked in together, both of them taking deep breaths and looking at each other in encouragement. They could do this.
While Francesca's nerves increased as she saw the Queen's eyes fall on her, Y/n's heart began to beat faster when she noticed Charles, who was standing next to his mother. However, he was not alone, finding himself in conversation with the princess of Austria. From what the Sharma could understand from the few moments in which she let herself focus on them, they seemed to be getting along well, sharing polite smiles.
"Maybe we shall get a refreshment first?" Y/n said, seeing that the family had already dispersed.
"A great idea." Francesca swallowed, nodding several times.
The two hurried to a corner of the room, sending a quick smile to the people passing by. Fortunately, no one engaged them in a long conversation, allowing them to mentally prepare themselves to face that night.
They stopped next to Penelope, who looked at the dancing couples with a sad look. "Are you alright, Penelope?"
"Yes, of course, Francesca." the redhead replied shyly, offering a small smile to the two girls. "You ought to take the floor."
"Ought we?" the Bridgerton chuckled humorlessly.
"Once one finds oneself on the wall, it is difficult to come off it. No matter what one does." Penelope looked down, pursing her lips.
"Better to be on the wall than to make fools of ourselves." Y/n she murmured, discreetly looking at the boy who had invaded her heart, still talking to the beautiful princess. Only this time, almost feeling her gaze on him, he glanced at her, showing what appeared to be a genuine smile. "This is so confusing."
"I agree. At least the wall doesn't ask me about what makes me tick." Francesca complained, still upset about the failed conversations from the last ball. The older girl looked at her understandingly, noticing that Francesca was more reserved. Maybe that was what made her rare, different from all the other girls.
"And why are you on the wall, Penelope? I'm sure there are lots of gentlemen here who would be more than willing to ask for your hand in a dance!"
"Oh no. Nobody wants to dance with me. Believe me." she replied with a slight blush, embarrassed that she didn't have any suitors when this wasn't her first season, unlike them.
"They must be blind, then. You are beautiful." Y/n confessed honestly, really confused that they let such an incredible person like Penelope escape. If she could, she would drag the redhead and Francesca to dance, but she knew it was against the rules.
The three fell into a silence, not uncomfortable, but as if they all had more to think about than trying to carry on a conversation. From the other side of the room, Charles watched Sharma as if in a trance, quickly leaving the conversation he was having to go to meet her.
However, he was interrupted by Charlotte who discreetly held his arm. "What are you doing? Must I remind you that you shall marry this season?"
"Why are you putting so much pressure on me with this. You have so many other children, but I'm the only one who has to suffer with this."
"Your siblings reproducing bastards for me to ignore. You are my last hope, son. I have made sure to give so many heirs to your father, and none of my children seem to be fornicating." she said. When she noticed that she was being too harsh with her youngest son, she sighed. "Bridgerton, Charles?"
"What seems to be the problem? You've already accepted many of their marriages, including naming two Bridgertons as diamonds of the season and ignoring the scandal between Lord Bridgerton and Lady Bridgerton." Charles controlled himself not to roll his eyes.
"Yes… But that was until my son was mentioned in the paper of Lady Whistledown because he was just interested in a girl. Especially when the princess of Austria traveled here just to meet you."
"And I enjoyed meeting her. But I enjoyed much more meeting Y/n Sharma." he admitted, his voice conveying the confidence he felt in those words. "She's the one I want. The one I'll follow to the end of the world if necessary. Don't make me marry someone else, mom, I want her. Just her."
"I believe the boy is in love." Lady Dandbury appeared beside them, looking at the boy with knowing eyes. Charlotte glanced at her from the corner of her eye. "The dance they shared was remarkable. The London Season is already terribly monotonous as it is. Therefore, these cases of passion make it more enjoyable. Don't you agree?"
"Indeed, Lady Danbury." Charles nodded, appreciating her help in convincing the Queen. "May I go now?"
Charlotte watched him for a few moments, noticing how he was restless, his body tilted towards Y/n. Almost as if he had no control over himself, unconsciously wanting to always be close to her. This wait was killing him.
The woman didn't respond verbally, just offered a small nod of permission, and her son was gone in the blink of an eye.
Almost running, the prince arrived next to Y/n, who continued to watch people dancing. She was now only with Penelope, as Francesca was taken by Violet to meet some suitors. Charles approached silently, placing himself in her line of sight and simply offering her a hand.
"What are you doing?" she whispered with wide eyes. Beside her, Penelope excused herself, giving the couple space. Not that they paid much attention, appearing not to have even heard her.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm asking you to dance with me."
"You don't give up, do you?" Y/n let a small smile appear, pretending to be upset by the boy's persistence. Inwardly, her heart was beating furiously fast. She didn't want to dance. She wanted to get away from there so she could be with Charles alone, the two of them talking all night.
But their moment was interrupted by Lady Wilson's daughter, who suddenly appeared and grabbed the prince's arm. "Prince Charles, you promised me a dance. Shall we?"
Y/n took a step back, trying to hide her sadness. Charles hadn't even removed her arm from his. This was a reminder that Charles was not yet hers, and with her indecision, that was becoming increasingly difficult. He had so many good options for marriage, why would he choose her? What made her special from all the others?
Trying to make sure no one saw the tears that threatened to appear, the Sharma decided it was best to leave for the rest of the night. Perhaps Anthony and Kate would believe she was feeling unwell and needed to go home.
But before he could move away completely, Charles snapped out of his shock, grabbing Y/n's hand to pull her closer while shaking the other woman's hold.
He clenched his jaw, upset at not being able to have a single moment of peace with Y/n. "My apologies, Miss." Y/n had to put her hand over her mouth to hide her amusement when Charles didn't remember the girl's name. "Right now, I would like to dance with Miss Y/n. So if you will excuse us."
"What do you say, Miss Y/n. Shall you give me the pleasure of having this dance?" Charles asked quickly before the annoying girl spoke again. His attention was on Sharma, who was looking at him adoringly. Was this what people felt when they were in love? It felt like he couldn't breathe. In a good way.
"We shall… Charles." she laughed. Charles' mouth opened in shock, appearing to have frozen to the ground. In a playful way, she rolled her eyes, guiding him to the dance floor, which was now empty as people saw the two walk there.
Despite the nerves she felt, Y/n felt good with Charles, so she decided to ignore ton's opinions on this. The boy bowed as he offered her his hand, followed by a bow from Y/n, and immediately the music began.
"You called me Charles."
"A very good observation."
"You know, I thought Lord Bridgerton would kill me the moment I looked at you. It would be worth it." he twirled her around, loving it when he heard her little giggles. When she landed on the ground, her eyes found Kate and Anthony watching them, but instead of upset, they looked happy that Y/n was happy. "I must say that when you said we couldn't meet again, it hurt."
"My deepest apologies. How could I have said such absurd things?" Y/n said dramatically, noticing Charles' amusement.
"All is well now. As long as you promise to not run anymore. Even if Lady Whistledown or someone else writes about us. I promise I won't let anything hurt you or your family."
Y/n focused on his eyes. They were honest and had a glow of adoration about them. "What about the Princess of Austria?"
"As I also told her Majesty, I have no interest in her. My heart already belongs to you, Y/n. No one else can take your place."
The music was slowing down, indicating that it would end soon. The boy gripped Y/n's waist tighter, fearing that he would have to let go when he was enjoying savoring every moment of their closeness.
"My heart belongs to you too, Charles." she scrunched her eyebrows and Charles could feel his heart close to bursting. He wanted to marry her.
Instead, he controlled himself from saying it right away, knowing that he would have to talk to Anthony first and ask for Y/n's hand in marriage. Or he feared the Bridgerton wrath. For now, having Y/n in his arms was enough.
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midzukishino · 9 months
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My work for the "Fluffy Zine: cats" where I did my best to draw as many cat characters that i know as I could @_@ I never drew so many characters on one canvas in my life, it was something
Game of guessing in replies is appreciated! But if you just want to check yourself here's the list of characters: The Cat Piano: the poet and the singer OFF the game: The Judge Coraline: black cat Blue Exorcist: Kuro World of Warcraft: Mr. Bigglesworth and Mischief Coco: Pepita Katekyo Hitman Reborn: gatto tempesta Uri Hetalia: Japan cat, England cat, France cat, China cat, Russia cat, America cat, Germany cat and Italy cat Castle cats: Francis, Conan and Catniss My Neighbor Totoro: Catbus Baldur's Gate 3: Tara Kid vs. Kat: Mr. Kat Shaman King: Matamune and Mic Tom and Jerry: Tom The Legend of Pipi: Pipi My Little Pony The Movie: Capper Soul Eater: Blair Pokemon: sprigatito, litten, espeon, purrloin, meowth, skitty The Legend of Luo Xiaohei: Luo Xiaohei Alice in Wonderland: The Cheshire Cat Homestuck: Vodka Mutini Cinderella: Lucifer The Cat Returns: Yuki and Prince Lune, Baron Humbert von Gikkingen and Muta A Whisker Away: Miyo and Kinako 101 Dalmatians: Sergeant Tibbs Lady and the Tramp: Si and Am Кот, который гулял сам по себе: Кот Dog in Boots/Пёс в сапогах: Milady Warrior Cats: Scourge and Firestar Tailchaser's Song: Fritti Tailchaser Mad Rat Dead: Mad Rat and Heart Varjak Paw: Varjak Paw, Holly, Tam Oliver & Company: Oliver Иван Царевич и Серый волк: Кот-учёный Three from Prostokvashino/Трое из Простоквашино: Matroskin Tutenstein: Luxor The Ancient Magus' Bride: Molly Felidae: Francis Chi's Sweet Home: Chi Котёнок по имени Гав: Гав Bolt: Mittens Rudolf the Black Cat: Rudolf and Gottalot Eleceed: Kayden and Kartein Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Puss in Boots, Kitty Softpaws and Perrito The Aristocats: Berlioz, Toulouse, Marie, Duchess and Thomas O'Malley League of legends: Yuumi Re:zero: Puck Thunder and the House of Magic: Thunder Kiki's Delivery Service: Jiji Story Of Fifty Centimeters: Nanao and Machi and prints on the bottles: Hallmarks of felinity: Solange Кошки-мышки: Кот и Мышь Simon's Cat: Cat Nyan Cat
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five-miles-over · 11 months
Tom Hiddleston Characters Masterlist
updated January 26, 2024
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Multiple Character Headcanons/Listicles
• Tom Hiddleston Characters as Desserts
• How Tom Hiddleston Characters Would Spend the Winter Holidays 
• Tom Hiddleston Characters: How They Act When They Have a Crush (on You)
• Tom Hiddleston Characters on Their Wedding Day (to You)
• Tom Hiddleston Characters: How They Would Propose (to You)
• Tom Hiddleston Characters Celebrating the New Year (With You)
Bill Hazeldine from Suburban Shootout
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• She’s a Lady and I am Just a Boy: On the first day of taking ‘Fundamentals of Shakespeare’ at university, Bill Hazeldine finds himself developing a serious crush on you, his drama professor.
• Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends: A first-year medical student at the University of Surrey, you move into a uni house and meet your new flatmates Bill Hazeldine and Rory Slippery (College AU, crossover with Rory Slippery from Fortysomething)
Caius Marcius Coriolanus from Coriolanus
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I’ve Decided, I Will Not Let Your Shadow Separate From Me: After being elected the consul, Coriolanus receives many things - sleepless nights, pointless riots from the lower-class citizens, and you, his new personal slave. While the sleep deprivation and the noise from the plebeians annoy him to no end, he finds himself obsessed with you. (Yandere)
The One That I Desire: A general must always be in control, according to General Caius Marcius Coriolanus . But there often comes a time when even the most powerful general falls to temptation. And for Coriolanus, that temptation is you.
Henry V/Prince Hal from The Hollow Crown
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• Fairytale:  While riding upon your horse in the woods, you come across a stranger with a silver tongue and golden curls. And he calls himself “Hal”. (Basically a meet-cute with fluff.)
• You Will Be Mine : The prince of England quickly becomes obsessed with you, a servant brought to his chambers to serve him breakfast. And there is nothing that will stop him from claiming you as his. (Yandere)
• First Time In London: Three days into your new life in London, you find yourself in a café after one of the dreariest mornings ever. Standing behind you in line is none other than Henry Plantagenet, a handsome gentleman with a zest for life and a romantic outlook that feels too good to be real. (Modern AU)
Jonathan Pine from The Night Manager
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•So Much More: While holidaying in Switzerland at the Hotel Meister, you find yourself constantly being stood up by each and everyone you meet. And each time, the night manager Jonathan Pine is there to comfort you after delivering the bad news. But it’s really just part of the job…right?
• The Forbidden Room: Part One, Part Two : During a late night alone in the lobby of the Hotel Meister, you - a student at the University of Zurich - meet the charming night manager Mr.Jonathan Pine. And what starts out as simply two strangers getting to know each other turns into something more when Pine shows you a secret part of the hotel.
• My Dearest Diamond : After nearly two years of working for MI-6, Jonathan tried to get in touch with you, the girl who stole his heart when he worked at Hotel Meister. For three weeks, the two of you rekindled your love via handwritten letters, until you booked a five-day trip to London to see him.
As he prepares to make this holiday special for you, Jonathan reflects on his relationship with you…and carries out one last errand before you land.
Robert Laing from High-Rise
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• Being Married to Robert Laing would Include...
Loki of Asgard from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
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• Heaven Help the Fool Who Falls in Love: You, a lady-in-waiting of Asgard’s Queen Frigga, and Prince Loki have been inseparable for years. What started with a mere look becomes something more precious. (Fluff)
• A Better King: While shopping with Thor in Mumbai (to kill time while Tony Stark is busy with a meeting), Loki learns about the “king” of Bollywood…and decides that he himself could be a better king.
• Take All of Me: Loki takes great delight in “ruining” his innocent, shy girlfriend for the first time (corruption kink, smut)
• Dandelions: Having heard stories about the Norse god of mischief, you find yourself falling in love with Loki despite having never met him. Out of devotion, you prepare offerings that you think he would like, and find ways to express the way you feel. Little do you know that your feelings are not unrequited.
• Beauty is Where You Find It: A journalist for a New York magazine in September of 2012, you come across the opportunity to do an interview from an icon in the fashion industry. Your subject? A rising supermodel from Wimbledon with icy blue eyes and jet-black curls named Loki Laufeyson.
• They’ll Call Your Crimes a Work of Art: A journalist for a small magazine in New York, you’ve been assigned to write a piece about the recent attacks led by Loki. So, you have a look at Loki himself to get your own perspective.
• Little Darling: Living with the God of Mischief in London comes with finding many surprises, and one of those surprises happens to be a four-year-old named Tom Hiddleston.
Rumors say that a phantom haunts the darkest hall in the royal palace of Asgard, but is he truly as dangerous as the people of Asgard claim he is?
Part One
Part Two
Imagine waking up in an alternate reality where you and Loki are a newlywed couple living in the suburbs...and everything seems a little too good to be true. (inspired by Wandavision)
Part One
Part Two: Mrs. Laufeyson
Part Three: Happy to Keep His Dinner Warm
Part Four: Kitty Makes Three
For his second year teaching at Oxford’s English department, Professor Hiddleston hires you to be his first-ever teaching assistant. One night while working late, he shows you the newest addition to his poetry class’s syllabus: the Lokasenna, a poem centered on the Norse god of mischief…and accidentally summons the trickster god himself.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Jaguar Villain Hiddleston from the Good to Be Bad Campaign
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• All I Worship and Adore: For a long time, Tom has admired you, an innocent woman, from afar...until one day, he makes his affections known to you. And this time, he won’t take no for an answer (Yandere)
• Your Remedy - He may be one of the most powerful and feared man in London, a terrifying villain to the outside world, but when you’re sick with a cold, your paramour Thomas spends the entire evening by your side taking care of you.
• SFW Alphabet - Jaguar Villain!Tom Hiddleston
You, a budding journalist, have the opportunity of a lifetime to interview the feared and revered Mr. Hiddleston, the CEO of Imperial Pharmaceuticals, Britain’s leading drug manufacturing company. What happens when a few mistakes lead you into the jaws of the wolf, working for the man himself?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Miscellaneous Hiddleston AUs
• AU: Tom Hiddleston as the Prince of Scotland
• Lessons from the Viscount (Viscount!Hiddleston x Reader, Reader x William Buxton, Reader x John Plumptre): As a debutante in the Regency era, you attend your first etiquette class, along with the other boys and girls of London’s upper crust. Heading the class is the charismatic Viscount Hiddleston, rumored to be a former Shakespearean actor who returned to London to look after his familal estate. And it isn’t long before he takes a liking to you.
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xspeter · 11 months
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❥ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
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Summer, 1537
Your mom and dad never were in love. Not really anyway. Of course, they insisted that the kind of love you were looking for didn't really exist. It was either be forced to marry a man you didn't know, or be shunned and most likely made a kingdom pariah.
Honestly, being a pariah didn't sound like the worst option..
"Mama, why must you force me to marry this man? I do not even know him! What if- What if he's insane and ends up murdering me? What then?" You argued, ignoring the way your mothers patience seemed to be cracking agonizingly slow.
"He is not a murderer, Y/N. Now, you can either sit there and look pretty or I will see to your mouth being sewn shut." She threatened, and you knew better than to call her bluff.
With an eye roll you leaned back in your chair as your maids continued prepping you for your date with some prince you'd never even heard of.
And just like you'd expected, the date had not gone well in the slightest. The prince, who's name you could not seem to even remember, was quite possibly the most boring person you had ever met. He didn't seem to have any kind of... personality. No hobbies, No talents, No nothing. Just nothing.
What kind of life would it be to be married to someone who can't appreciate the world like you do? And you knew that this man most definitely did not.
Your Mother and Father did not seem to share your sentiment though, because they were already planning the wedding.
You furrowed your brows as they gushed about the prince, "We- I do not even know this man. I will not be forced into an unhappy life just because that's what you both think is right! I will not do it!" You seethed.
Your mother seemed stunned into silence, her eyes glazing over icily, until they no longer held any warmth. If they ever even had.
"Go to your room." She said strangely calm.
You huffed, "No! I am not done-"
Your mother fixed you with a glare, "If you know what's best for you, girl, you will get your face away from me. You will marry him, the arrangements have already been made. Now, go."
Your mother seemed to shatter whatever hope you had for your future with just one sentence. You will marry him, the arrangements have already been made.
Your eyes immediately began to tear up and you quickly made your way through the castle to your bedroom. Frantically, you threw yourself onto the bed and sobbed.
This could not be happening. What about... What about-
There was a knock at your window, but it didn't startle you. You had been expecting it. Your limbs felt like butter as you hauled your body to open the window for him- for Steve.
Your Steve.
"Hello, Princess." He said slyly, but once he noticed you failed to give your usual retort to his pet name, he immediately knew something was wrong. Something had happened.
"Y/N..." He said softly. He reached a warm hand out to your shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of your face. When he did, he felt his heart shatter into a million peices.
Your face, usually flushed with life and love for the world, was flushed with something else today. Tears. Cold, salty tears.
"What happened?" He asked frantically, hands reaching out to cup your face, though your eyes remained downcast even as he held you.
You choked on a sob as you finally confirmed both of your worst fears, "They did it." You sniffed, "They've officially found me a suitor."
Steve's world felt as if though it were crashing down at your confession. The both of you had known this day was coming, that you would not be able to live your life in peace. You both knew that eventually, your secret bedroom rendezvous would have to come to an end. And it seemed they finally were.
Steve stiffened slightly. He wanted to be brave for you, to be brave for the woman he loved so, very dearly, but his own facade was crumbling.
He bit his lip, his hands falling from your face down to your waist, "We'll figure it out. I know we will-" He began, but you cut him off with the shake of your head.
"It'll never work." You choked out. Steve's heart shattered for the second time tonight.
"Please," He began, "Run away with me, be with me, I... I love you. I love you more than i've ever loved anything in this whole world. You are my sun. You are my moon. You are everything to me- I don't know if- if I can live without you-"
"You will." You interrupted. Your fingers finding purchase on the apples of his cheeks. "You will live. If not for yourself, then for me. Even if this is the end of my life as I know it, I will not let it be the end of yours." You said, tears brimming in your eyes once more.
"But, just, promise me this," You whispered, and Steve nodded, nose brimming a red color. "Anything." He breathed.
"In the next life, please, find me."
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May, 1944
New york
The streets were bustling with activity. You'd just arrived in New York, all the way from Virginia. With the war continuing to rage on, one of the country's biggest hotspots for journalists had slowly became the big apple. And you were determined to build a name for yourself here.
The handles of your suitcases were heavy on your shoulders as you attempted to make your way through the humungous crowds. The cars buzzing past put you on edge a bit, but the people... God, there were so many people. How were you supposed to do anything with this many people-
You shrieked as someone collided into you, your suitcases dropping to the floor with a sickening clap.
Your hands threw themselves out as you attempted to catch yourself, but two broad hands found purchase on your waist before you could hit the ground.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" The stranger asked. Once you found your footing again, you quickly bent down and grabbed your bags, doing your best to ignore the way your cheeks swelled a pretty pink color with embarrassment.
"Yes, yes I think-" Brown. Your senses were filled with a honey- no was it chestnut? Either way, it was beautiful. But also familiar. The sudden familiarity you felt once you'd looked at the stranger was like an itch you couldn't quite reach. Somewhere, deep in your soul, you knew for a fact you knew this man. But how?
The man seemed to feel it too, because his whole demeanor suddenly changed. His shoulders slumped a bit and he grimaced as if he was in pain. He seemed to catch himself though, and just as quickly as his face had changed, it did again. "I'm so sorry, ma'am." He said, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked.
You giggled and shook your head, "It was an accident. There's no need to worry about it." You said, a sickeningly sweet smile etched across your face.
You and the mystery man stared at each other for what felt like ages. The steady rush of the crowd blurring around the both of you, until the only thing your mind could focus on was him.
Though, once someone shoulder checked him, you both seemed to snap out of the trance. The man cleared his throat, and you pushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear. With a tip of his hat and a tight smile, the man was off, and you were quick to follow suit.
The both of you continued in opposite directions, but something felt wrong. It felt like... like you were making a mistake. Before you knew it you were turning around, but it seemed the man had the same idea.
You both nearly bumped into each other again, practically chest to chest. He cleared his throat as you snickered, "Could I..." He stammered, "Could I have your name?" He asked.
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August 1945
New York
The hospital was dimly lit, the feeling of death lingering in the air. You tried to hold back your tears as best you could, really you did. Steve always said he hated when you cried, so you did your best to not do it in his final moments. But, still, the dam has broke.
"Y/N, my love," He whispered, shaky hands reaching out to hold you one last time. "Steve..." You sniffed.
It really wasn't fair. The two of you had begun a relationship and there had been instant sparks. It had felt like fate had pulled the both of you together, like you were meant to be. Of course, logically, you knew there was no possible chance something like that could be true, but deep down, you really did believe it.
When Steve had been drafted into the war, your blood had ran cold. No matter how many times Steve reassured you, no matter how many letters he sent, you knew he wouldn't be coming back. And you had been right.
"Steve, please," You cried. Steve wiped your tears away, and you brought your hand up to hold his as it stroked your cheek.
Steve just smiled. Steve was dying, and he smiled.
"I love you." He whispered.
"Promise me," You sobbed, "Promise me in the next life, you'll find me."
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November, 1983
Steve should've know you'd do this. You, always so selfless. And now- you're dying. And it's all Steve's fault.
If you would have asked Steve the beginning of his junior year of high school what he thought of you, he would have said that you were some weird loner girl. He would've made fun of you with those dickheads Tommy and Carol, and he wouldn't of even had second thoughts about it.
But then, Steve had barged into the Byers house on that fateful night when he was introduced to the Upside Down, and his view on things changed. His view on you changed.
You, of course, were still wary of him during your senior year. Even when he sent you warm smiles and tried to show you that he wasn't King Steve anymore, you still tensed at the sight of him- and honestly, it hurt him. He knew he deserved it though.
So when Nancy broke his heart on halloween night, and he found himself suppressing sobs outside some run down gas station, the last person he expected to comfort him was you.
You had held him as he drunkenly sobbed into your shoulder, you bought him some water to sober him up, and you took him home. After that, you started to warm up to him.
You started to return his waves and his smiles, even sometimes sending him one of your own. You didn't mind it when he asked you for help with his homework, in fact, you offered to tutor him.
So when Dustin called him about some creature stuck in his cellar, he had been more than thrilled to see you there as well.
"You two dipshits are the only ones who I could find to help me." He had complained. Steve had scoffed in annoyance, "I swear to god if this is some stupid prank-"
"It's not a prank!" Dustin defended.
You had insisted you come down the cellar with him, claiming it was dangerous for him to go down there alone. He argued with you on it, explaining how he could take of himself, but you insisted. And so he unknowingly found himself starting a cycle of him insisting you stay behind, and you simply refusing.
One of Steve's favorite, but worst memories of you had been from that very next day. None of you had expected Billy Hargrove to be a problem that night, and yet he was.
You, in all your braveness, had stood up to him as soon as he attempted to lay a hand on Steve. You pushed him, yelled at him, called him names- Steve remembers thinking that you were truly something else. Until Billy had had enough of your shit and knocked you into the china cabinet hard enough to leave you concussed and bruised.
Steve remembers the rage he had felt watching you slowly crumple to the floor in defeat. He had attempted to finish what you started- but instead Billy had beat him to a pulp.
Then there was that time you both worked at Star court together.
This was when your friendship had finally blossomed into what it was today. After the events of halloween, you both badly needed someone to be able to go to for comfort. So you found each other.
Starcourt, even with all its horrors, had brought Steve so much joy. Joking around with you and Robin, helping the kids sneak into movies, it was all just a blast.
Then the Russians happened and you had nearly been killed. You, him, and Robin had all been kidnapped and tortured. Your cries of pain still plagued his nightmares. Having to sit helplessly as the Soviets tore through your soul bit by bit was the worst moment of Steve's life.
Once the Russians deemed your bodies had been broken enough and they left the three of you alone, you, thinking that this would be the place you die, confessed to Steve that you were starting to fall in love with him. And Steve had been silent.
Robin, quickly lied and said that Steve had passed out, and he had no issue going along with it. But hearing your feeble "oh" and the way your shoulders slacked even more made Steve feel guilty. Because he was falling in love with you too. But Nancy had really done a number on Steve, and he was scared. Scared that you would realize you deserved more and better and... you'd leave him. Just like she did. And Steve wasn't sure if he could handle that.
Once you had all been rescued and thrown into a war with a flesh demon, Steve was reminded of your stupid hero complex. You had thrown yourself right in the middle of it, throwing firework bombs and taunting the monster. When Eleven had been kidnapped you were the first to attempt to run and save her. Steve knew it would be a suicide mission though, so he grabbed you and held you. Despite all your kicking and screaming and sobbing- he held you close.
And now... you were here. Max is cursed, people in hawkins are dying, and there's a new threat that's nothing like any of you have ever seen before.
When Steve had been pulled into the water, you had jumped in right after him. You fought off the monsters as hard as you possibly could and yet you still lay here in front of him- dying.
You had been fine for a while, adventuring with the group and never complaining of any pain. Steve shouldn't noticed how you sucked in your lower lip if you moved to quickly. He should've noticed the sweat beginning to build up on your forehead. He should've fucking noticed.
When you fell against the mattress in the real world, he should've seen how it knocked the breath out of you.
But he didn't. And now you were here, laying in his arms in Eddie Munsons trailer.
Nancy had just woken from whatever spell Vecna put her under, and just as she had woken up- you had fallen down. He could still hear the thump your body made when it hit the ground.
"Shit- Y/N!" His knees immediately hit the carpet next to you and he hurled you up into his arms. Robin quickly began listing yoir shirt to expose the wounds that they had covered earlier, which had long since soaked through the makeshift bandages.
You began to cough and choke on your own blood, your body convulsing in pain.
"You're okay. You're okay. You're okay." Steve chanted softly, signaling for someone to call an ambulance. Eddie seemed to get the memo- and dashed for a phone.
"Steve..." You said hoarsely.
"You're not gonna die. I won't let you die.." He said, his grip on you tightening slightly. The rest of the group could barely stand to watch the scene in front of them. All of them knowing all too well about the feelings the both of you harbored for one another.
"It's okay..." You sighed out. Steve shook his head, his tears begging to roll of his cheeks and hit your hairline.
"You're gonna be okay." He sobbed out.
"Promise me," You said, "I'm the next life, you'll find me."
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You awoke to the soft sound of beeping.
Groggily, you looked around the room. You were met with the sight of pristine white countertops and machines.
You were slowly made aware of the weight on the side of your bed, a head. Steve Harrington. His hair is sticking up in places, and his cheek is squished against the sheets. You take a metal picture of the sight.
Carefully, you shake him awake. “Steve..” You coo softly. Steve immediately jumps up, eyes wide. You’re eyes widen in shock at the sudden movement. You both sit and stare at eachother before Steve is practically lunging at you. His large arms embrace you in a hug, and his tears damped your shoulder.
“You’re awake…” He hiccups. “Never do that again.”
You smile and hug him tightly, “I promise, i’ll never leave you again. But you have to promise me, that no matter what happens, you’ll find me in the next lifetime.”
Steve smiles and squeezes your hand tighter, “I promise.”
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May, 2005
“Be careful Dean!” You call out to your son, huffing slightly at the way he seems to ignore you. “He’s thirteen honey, he’ll be okay.” Your husband, Steve, reassures you. Your six year old daughter huddled safely in his hold.
Your bite your lip anxiously, “I know that. I’m just worried about him going out into town by himself.” You say.
“He’s not by himself, he’s with his friends.” Steve reassures you. You roll your eyes, “You know what I mean.”
Steve chuckles and kisses you on the cheek, “How about we go in that shop?” He suggests, “Maybe it’ll help ease your mind.” He explains and you gladly accept.
The shop is tiny, but it’s practically overfilled with different antiques.
You looked at the counter, and your met with the sight of a tiny cardboard box. Above it, there’s a sign that says: Photos, ¢25 each.
You take a peak inside and find many different pictures of old timey photos, but one catches your eye. It’s a picture of a couple from the forties. The man is dressed in an army jacket and appears to be heading off to war. The woman, who you assume is his lover, stands next to him and gives him a kiss in the cheek. They both hold giant smiles and lovesick gazes. But the one thing that catches your eye, is their uncanny resemblance to you and Steve.
“Honey,” you call, “Come look at this.” Steve makes his way over happily, your daughter playing with something she found. “What is it?” He asks, and you show him the photo. Steve simply smiles.
“I told you i’d find you in every lifetime, didn’t i?”
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❥ 𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝! 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬!
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
141 + extra When everyone is sick
I am sick. And because I am sick, I thought about doing some thing dealing with some of the COD characters with not just you, or them, or your children sick, but Everybody sick. Let’s be honest one person just doesn’t get sick and then the other people are fine in the household most people if one person gets sick, the whole household runs with that same disgusting germ. If you are a squeamish 2, the usual illness that includes potential, throw up, fevers, coughs, mucus, and whatever else comes out of the crusty eyes of everybody who is sick, then this story might not be for you. Enjoy~
Also, if you want to leave a question, or ask for a theme for a head cannon, or a short story, please feel free to use the ask box!  It’s always open!
COD x Female Character
Warnings: sicknes and other related things, fluff
Captain John Prince
• It started when the girls came back home from school.
• At first they just had sneezes which you didn’t think much about but then the next day their sneezes have turned into coughs and sore throats.
• There was no fever, so you still sent them to school with a packet of Halls for each of them and some kid friendly medicine.
• It was around 2 o’clock and you were almost ready to pick them up from school. When you receive a phone call from the teacher letting you know that your two children have a fever.
• A day later you had caught whatever bug they had caught
• And now your young toddler, son is also down with whatever.
• John is much more susceptible to colds and can handle them. He was doing his best to make sure that everybody was taken care of.
• It honestly broke his heart, saying that his whole family was practically crumpling underneath this little illness.
• He made sure to stay on top of the medication and would do his best to help you with the kids when they weren’t feeling good.
• To make sure that he didn’t get sick, he decided to sleep in the guest bedroom.
• Makes the best chicken noodle soup this side of England!
• Reads to his children while keeping a safe distance from them.
• If you’re burning up and not feeling well, immediately gets a bath going for you.
• He wants to be close to you and the children again and he misses hugging them and you.
• One of the only people that does not get sick.
Lieutenant Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
• You two had eaten some thing that did not settle well in either of your stomachs.
• While, Simon was capable of looking like he wasn’t in pain, you were a different story.
• You were throwing up almost every hour and your stomach hurts so bad.
• Did I forget to mention you’re pregnant with his first child?
• Simon does everything he can for both of you.
• He make sure that you both take the medication on time and he’s very precise with keeping you guys on track of drinking water and taking charcoal pills to eliminate any toxin in your body.
• He’s asking you if you are OK.
• Even though this wasn’t his fault, he still feels like it is.
• You remind him that there is nothing, he could’ve done since neither of you knew that the food was tainted with something.
• He rubs your belly at night, trying to ease the pain that you are feeling, and that your child are experiencing.
• At night, you hear him throwing up. You see him crouched on the side of the toilet, puking out whatever liquids were in his stomach.
• By the time he’s done, he all butt collapses on to the floor, exhausted.
• You help him up and he get him to brush his teeth then you to go back to bed with one trash can mirror each of your bedside.
Sergeant Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish
• Johnny and you had come down with some thing.
• It was a cold, rainy day in Scotland while he and you were hiking.
• You hadn’t expect it to rain so soon.
• It has been a beautiful day out on the highlands when suddenly you got drenched.
• You were now wet and cold and you had at least half a kilometer away from your car.
• Johnny made sure to get you warmed up with a nice hot shower and to make you guys both some soup.
• You could tell by his face he wasn’t feeling good either.
• Another good news was that you made sure to have the freezer stocked with soup bases, and stock as well as soups for cold days and emergencies.
• You to sit on the couch, cuddled together in your blankets, trying to stay warm and drink your soup.
• You take some Advil before heading off to bed.
• The next morning you feel worse than you did.
• You could hear Johnny moaning as he was puking up his contents from dinner.
• His puking caused you to have a chain reaction and you started to feel the bile rising up.
• Next thing you know you’re racing towards the bathroom to throw up as well.
• But it’s too late for you as you suddenly release most of your contacts on the bedroom floor, staining your carpet in the process.
• Johnny sees this and does what he can to finish up with his issue before coming over to help you at least make it into the bathroom before a second wave hits you.
• Your whole body is burning up.
• You decide to start a hot bath for both of you.
• You’re shaking for how cold you feel.
• Johnny does his best to keep you both warm.
• He lays a ton of kisses on your for head as he whispers that it’s going to be OK.
• He is very clingy and wants to be holding you and touching you at all times.
• Some thing about sharing body heat to keep you both warm.
• Just an excuse to hold you.
• He also promises to do a better thorough check on the weather the next time.
Sargent Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
• Gaz was the one that got sick first.
• You’re not exactly sure how he got it. He just came home with a cough and a scratchy throat saying it was nothing.
• The next morning, he woke up with a lot of pain in his throat, and it was making it difficult for him to breathe properly.
• Worried you take him to the doctors and you find out that he has strep throat.
• The doctor gives you the medication you need to help treat him and suggest that you stay away from him as best as you can.
• This hurts both of you since you both want to be close to one another especially in the time of need.
• Gaz makes a phone call to price letting him know that he won’t be in at base due to strep throat.
• Captain Price wishes him well and sends him a speedy recovery.
• Gaz hates taking medicine. He’s not a big fan of bitter stuff.
• But he will do anything if you get to play nurse for him.
• Slightly clingy, but not nearly as clingy as soap.
• Whines a little about not feeling well.
• He doesn’t complain much because he knows you’re doing your best and he doesn’t want you to feel like you’re not doing your best.
• He falls asleep faster if you’re in the room sitting in a chair next to him.
Commander Alejandro Vargas
• The commander is very similar to John. He rarely gets sick, but he hates seeing you get sick and more importantly he hates seeing his children get sick.
• His youngest daughter started not feeling very good a couple of days ago.
• His little baby girl was sent to the hospital to make sure everything was OK.
• She had just picked up the bug that had been passing around the area.
• Do you love watching your husband take care of his baby girl.
• He acts as if her life depends upon him solely to take care of her.
• The other two kids are advised to stay away from their youngest siblings room until she’s feeling better.
• They write her all cards, telling her to get well soon.
• Your two eldest children help you make fresh broth, so that their sibling could have some nourishment.
• Alejandro also knows that he is potentially at risk for catching whatever she has. So in order to keep the disease from spreading, he also sleeps in the guestroom.
• He does miss not being with his family.
Sergeant Major Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
• Your son has always been a weak child from the beginning.
• Since the moment of birth, Rudy and you had to go to the doctors office quite more frequently than what most babies had to go into because your son suffers with autoimmune disease.
• When he was first born, you almost lost him, because he was so weak and born as a preemie.
• Thankfully, he has gotten a lot healthier, but it still considered a very small baby even for his size.
• It was one of those days where he was not feeling very good. While a normal cough or sneeze doesn’t harm a person can absolutely destroy your son.
• Rudy and you are in the ICU making sure that your son is in good hands and being watched over.
• Rudy is nervous but he chose not to show it for you.
• He loves his son dearly and wants the best for him he wishes that he could take his sons pain away.
• His son had to get some IV drips into him.
• Both you and your husband will stay in the hospital for sometime.
• Nothing beats a good day, playing out in the snow in Austria, however; that day will be very short-lived as the whole family gets whammied with an illness.
• The only one that isn’t sick is your baby boy who is staying with his grandmother for the time being as the rest if you get healed up.
• König is not a very healthy person. He doesn’t necessarily have an auto immune issue, but he does catch colds a lot faster, and he sustains them a lot longer than most people.
• Unfortunately, this means that all the work is put on you.
• He really wants to help with the responsibilities, but he can’t even move out of bed without the world spinning, and he hast to collapse back onto the sheets or risk blacking out.
• His girls fare better and you’re doing OK with just a sore throat and a slight fever and mixed with a headache.
• Since you are all sick, you decide to just all cuddle up together in bed.
• König is passed out fast asleep, and the two little girls are squirming around, trying to get comfortable.
• You’re doing your best that you can and you’ve already gotten the medicine from the doctors for the girls and your husband and yourself.
• One morning you wake up to somebody brushing your hair and you look up to see König with some hot coffee ready for you.
• He was feeling a little bit better this morning and wanted to do something nice for you.
• He feels really bad for not helping you with the girls even if you tell them it’s fine.
Alex Keller
• You’ve got pneumonia.
• Alex is like a Labrador retriever.
• He will get you anything that you need or want.
• He woke up in the middle of the night
• He then heard you crying, which helps him get up faster.
• You are in pain and the rattling in your lungs is the evidence of that pain.
• Alex does everything that the doctor prescribes you.
• You have to wear a nebulizer for a few minutes every handful of hours.
• He brings you clothes in his arms as you two are watching a TV show while your nebulizer is wrapped around your face, making a Low hum as it is pumping you with the steam.
• The way you’re laying on his leg is making him uncomfortable, but he’s not gonna say anything to you.
• Right now he’s focused on making sure that you are OK.
Philip Graves
• Philip has never been one really to get sick.
• He Springs back from a lot of things really quickly. It would literally take a bomb to put him under and even then he would still find away.
• He’s not feeling good but he’s got work that Hass to get done and no amount of stopping him is going to keep them from doing his work.
• That is until you get up into his face and pretty much force him back down on the couch when he tries to leave with a 102°f (39°c)fever.
• He grumbles about some thing for Work stating that he can’t miss on his job.
• So you make him go to a doctor and you find out that he has Covid.
• He gets a doctors note and calls in sick from work.
• Yeah, you’re petty.
• You make sure to get the bedroom set up nicely for him and also make sure to have water by his bedside so he’s not dehydrated.
• He grumbles more about how he can handle himself.
• You threaten to call his mom.
• He shuts up.
• He now begrudgingly has to deal with you, tending to his care
• The worst part is he actually enjoys it, and will find any excuse for you to be near him.
• He will ask five or six other times to bring him more tissues, or to fluff up the pillows or tuck in the sheets a little bit more.
• He tries to kiss you after every task, but of course you dodged them telling him he did not want to get Covid.
• He just gets grouchy again.
• Once he’s better, he plans on taking you out to dinner for all your hard work and making him feel better .
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emmaofnormandy · 4 months
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~A Medieval Tale: The Rogue & His Lady. Part II~
Plot: Y/N is a damsel who captures the heart of a rogue, misunderstood prince named Aegon Targaryen in 14th century England… with no civil war to disarray the family.
It’s fluffy, very mediæval like; smut; long post.
Even sun sets in paradise.
Clouds rumble in the skies, a sign of storm, a bad omen to all those who fear the ire of the divine. Many were the peaceful years of King Viserys’s reign. Some would incline to judge this monarch as fool, others, wise, good even.
Whatever epithet this king deserves, it goes to wind, blown away by the first evidences that peace is yet to be supplanted by something worse. What might that be… is yet to be found out.
With the sun eclipsed, new events are setting stage. Aegon and you are forced to be apart by these circumstances and you fear to remain a shadow in his memory, praying to the divine that he does not forsake you .
On his part, this redeemed prince has renewed his vows to you. But he’d come to find that easier is said than done for his attentions are required elsewhere. Demons are coming out to reclaim his soul and he’s the target of evil again.
Indeed, to be surrounded by such creatures requires an inner strength that a fragile faith cannot knock down. Here, Aegon finds difficult to shake ‘em off.
Oh why Lord hast thou forsaken me?
Masking his pain, his porcelain skin turns to ivory. Sweet Prince is now a king… who faces the opposition of partisans who threaten to replace him with Rhaenyra.
Where there is smoke, there is flame. And someone might get burnt.
You, despite yourself, feel inclined to let be consumed by these unnatural flames.
Already pained by how politics are preventing one to find the other, you swallow your pride and discreetly search for him.
Aegon is found in secretive talks to Lord Daeron, his brother and councilor, who thinks best to marry off his sister in order to prevent political troubles that could arise in her state— and none seems to suspect, though, that the Lady Rhaenyra is holding the reigns of her life by taking her own uncle, Lord Daemon Targaryen, as her husband.
How bold, the scandalized court would whisper.
Part of shadows, you are invisible to the eyes of men—and to those of the women, too. For who are you if not part of a nobility that few are familiar with? Your family possessions may give them some credit, but no name, no blood, nothing… could commend you to His Grace.
The tentacles of the Devil hereby try to persuade you of your insignificance, thus trying to work against the designs of the Cupid by pushing you away from him, the one your heart desires.
To the most pious, though, this is read as an announcement of a heavenly battle for two lost souls. Which one is going to be the victor?
One could only pray to fight away such impertinent demons…
But a soul when linked to the other is prompted to recognize its other significant half… regardless the crowd that tries to part them.
Which means to say that His Grace’s lilac eyes find the y/c eyes of yours. So lost. Plagued by this intermittent chaos.
In silence, screaming for the lover stolen.
“Lady Y/N!”
The stunned group of councillors, and here his relatives are included, follow the cause of the king’s disrupted distress.
To many, the evident surprise in their faces when seeing it is you the very reason why Aegon II is more concerned to a damsel than politics may lead to that old superstition, understood as a sort of common sense, which places the blame of wrongs in women… simply because they are not obeying the natural orders.
Regardless, spotlight is on. The Cupid dances, the Devil threatens. Fate is about to play deadly its cards.
“I could not reach out for you. I pray you forgive me for being…”
Even if staying at the center of this stage is something you do not wish for, it is too late to storm out. Your destiny escapes your hands, it’s been woven by the divine. This is all you know.
“Do not apologize, lord. There is nothing to be forgiven for”, you smile, but Aegon sees sadness in your irises. “What can we do before duty? Should be me the one to ask you forgiveness for my meekness, my spirit so prompted to be passional…”
“I see nothing in you to be faulted for. Reason cannot conceive it. Lady Y/N, I aim to reclaim not your body, even if it arises the desires of my flesh, but your soul, so only I before it can be whole.” He cups your face with his hands, in complete ignorance of his mother’s baffled countenance. “Even so, unworthy of thee as I am, take me not as king, but as a man.”
“Poet of mine heart”, you sigh, to the delight of the Goddess of Love who claps before this chaotic profession of most profound sentiments. “I could not refuse you, whether as a beggar, whether as a king. Likewise, my heart is yours to be commanded… despite my most inappropriate station.”
Aegon smiles and it is as if sun shines the brightest. To a general astonishment, the king loves. And such a love is above mortal, fable laws; above lust, inferior desires that have made no other victims than himself.
“I care naught about the laws of men, for I stand before them. My wife you will be, lady of this court, mistress of the realm”, says he in a tone that leaves no argument to it.
Devil is finally fought off. Victory is placed in the hands of Cupid. Heaven smiles below… even if skies remain grey still.
Nothing evokes a greater scandal than unexpected unions. Disregarding reason and every sensible advise, the king intends to make his word law of the realm.
All of this is suffice to say that making you his queen attracted great disapproval of the court. Something unseen since the days of Maegor the cruel.
But Aegon may be many things. Cruel he is not. And you are unlike any of his consorts.
Despite the gleefulness of finally being tied to Aegon, you know that working for peace is part of your queenship.
Therefore, days before the wedding you come after the dowager queen, lady Alicent Hightower. You hope to be as convincing as possible in arranging domestic peace, for you do this overall for the man you love—never forgetting, however, how uncommon this union is, out of the Targaryen inbred and hierarchically mismatched.
The redhaired lady, once praised for her piety and discreetion, who once possessed a crown over her head, welcomed you with distrust in her eyes—even if you see how queenly she is in manners. That is to reinforce the regal obligations one has… out of habit, perhaps, when dealing with others she is less… inclined to like.
“Madame the Queen”, you address her accordingly. “I thank you for welcoming your humble servant.”
Your speech definitely surprises the dowager queen. The lady Alicent has judged you as some sort of gold digger, who craved your nails in her son and whose manners were most undignified of Aegon—even if he is not, as she knows well, the great moral of her house.
However, when studying you, your modesty and meek speech, she realizes she’s been wrong. Not many could surprise Alicent Hightower, but you, Y/N Y/LN did.
“Please rise, child”, she softens towards you. “I am not a queen… not anymore.”
“One never ceases to be a queen, even if the crown is legated to another. You are the force behind this house, my lady. I would do harm to all of us if I only followed my heart.”
Wise move. Oh, this lady possesses a sharp wit. Certainly not like any of the mistresses Aegon had conquered to warm his bed.
And yet… hasn’t Lady Alicent been remembered of that heroine whom she admired, Isolde being the character’s name?
Though the dowager queen envied you for being who she aimed to be since the days of her girlhood, she is not unreasonable where you are concerned.
“I appreciate you come after me for that. I admit all of this caught me out of surprise, for little I expected seeing my son so besotted.”
You try smiling, charmingly if you dare.
“Indeed it has baffled me as well that the king considered me in high esteem. Unworthy as I am, I, however, feel likewise.”
“But you surely must be aware of his flaws”, the dowager queen could not help herself. You remind her of sweet Helaena, who, however, even in her sweetness had a driven force that led her elope with Aemond, her brother.
“I am, my queen. I do not love for the king he is, but for the man he is becoming. I too have my flaws.” The final card is yet to come… “Before the divine, we are inferior beings, all longing for redemption.”
The Queen smiles. You’ve succeeded in captivating her.
“This is very true. Sometimes… when we least expect, we come to learn that love sent from above is yet to redeem us all.”
From this day on, you and the dowager queen become close, perhaps occupying the vacant position left by the princess Helaena.
It is the ceremony day. Here you and Aegon are, lawfully married. A banquet is held on your honor, as well as tournaments are drawing high and low born men alike who spots in the jousts an opportunity to write their names in history.
Most want to be the lady Y/N’s champion, but you’ve already granted your favour to Lord Daeron, the king’s youngest brother, who used to be your childhood playmate.
As wine is poured in your silver glass, you and your lord husband speak as if there is just the two of you in a gold and green salon.
“I espoused you”, says he with his typical smug.
“Indeed”, you side smirk. “But I pray you are reminded daily that I was not any conquest of yours.”
“No”, he agrees, looking deep into your eyes as he takes your hand to his lips in a lingering kiss. “You are the redemption of a lost sinner, my lady.”
But this sweet, intimate moment is interrupted by Aemond’s boast.
“It appears”, he announces in his own way, “this is the moment we have all been waiting for. The bedding ceremony.”
You look away, crimson pink painting your cheeks all the whilst Aegon raises his eyebrows at his brother—though he’d indulge in lies if he didn’t admit he’d been looking to it. Perhaps too much for a man who until recently was slaved by his flesh.
A path of flowers follows your steps as the gentlewomen remove every piece of your green gown. Your carefully embroidered hair is now loose in your back and every jewel that embellished your skin is carefully removed.
Never before you felt so nude, so exposed. Specially under the cries and giggles of the ladies, some of which behave in what you judge to be somewhat in the old ways.
“Be merry, my dear. Today is the day your queenly duties begin”, someone tells you.
You smirk at them, but pay little attention to their sayings, detesting this exhibition. Until your mind suddenly goes blank before the view of perfection that stands right under your eyes.
Aegon Targaryen hasn’t seen you yet. Perhaps to drink away his nervousness, he downs his glass of wine. His hair is somewhat a mess, falling short down to his neck; but your eyes scan his muscles, perfectly shaped after years of sword training.
The lines of his body that reinforce his shape awake something different in you. And when he turns at you….
Your face goes instantly red.
“My queen”, and it doesn’t help you that he scans you with the eyes of a predator.
And you like it how he smirks and moves all the way to welcome you properly.
“You look beautiful like always”, his whisper is like a summer breeze, warming and cozy; his arms are like a fortress, strong and safe. “Do not shy away from me, my dear.”
He is right behind you, his arms snaking around your waist, thus involving you in between. His chin is resting over your shoulder, his lilac eyes staring at your heart-shaped face as he uses one hand to play with your hair all the whilst the other is resting over your belly.
“You are gifted with a beautiful out of this world. As a sinner, I should not dare to look at you, but because of my weakness, I have my feebleness exposed.”
“Oh Aegon, you are no man, nor king, nor something in between. You are above all, and as your subject I boldly commend myself to you.”
Speeches are silent from the moment his lips meet your skin and your mouth drops in an “o” right as you give in under his touch. His slender fingers caressing your belly, squeezing gently your waist before cupping your breasts make you experiment—truthfully this time—this dragon fire.
And you want to get burnt so desperately.
“Aegon…”, you moan softly, dropping your head at shoulders.
Sinful has never been so tempting. Where there is a flame someone is about to get burnt, and you place yourself willingly in this position, notwithstanding the morals of the Church against lust and the dangerous of having pleasure in marital bed—everything must be balanced.
You certainly do not feel condemned by any means when he’s kissing your neck and cupping your breasts; nor guilty when his tongue paces slowly towards your neck.
Aegon too revives his old self, though he is now controlling his lust, not the other way around. As when he lowers his right hand and through forest he finds waterfall in you, diving in you and together finding pleasure in sin.
“Oh yes”, he groans in your ear, pleased to please you. “Give yourself to me, my dear”.
When your gazes meet, you know it’s your end. You are doomed.
And Aegon, has truthfully been tamed.
As when sun and moon meet, so it occurs a significant event the moment your body meets his. When he holds your thighs and pushes within you, when he looks at you with a mix of love and lust… you know it’s nothing regular.
It’s supernatural.
Like when Mars met Venus and in her he planted his seeds, so the king plants his in you.
When does profanity begin? When does sacred end? A line so fragile between extremes is yet to be traced.
But one gaze, one kiss… one bliss is enough to bring altogether what has ever been apart.
Victory thus falls upon the hands of the Cupid, and Heavens will too bless this unique match. No one could have foretold the plans of the divine… as no one could have fought them either.
• Epilogue.
The king sits on his throne, eyes glued on his dancing queen. A smile dances over his lips, some might say Lady Y/N is a witch.
A love for a crown?
A crown for love?
When all eyes are set on their offspring, doubts are quietened. A pair of twins is seen dancing with their mother, whilst another, the elder and heir, is found by his father’s side.
All is well that ends up well… with you.
Aegon smiles. Against all wishes, the peace he provides. And he rises, uncontestedly victorious.
Their family is yet to grow further, with Lady Y/N, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, mothering at least ten more children. Their lives will last… until spring comes and summer passes.
During the autumn of life, when marriages thrive, you outlive your husband only to see Jaehaerys II with Jaehaera by his side.
Thus it is how this Targaryen line survives…
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
not sure if you’re still looking for blurb requests but what about bucky talking in his sleep about cass and the boys giving him so much shit for it? love your writing btw
All The Things I Did (Interlude): Four Times They Speak About Each Other And One Time They Spoke To Each Other
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a/n: ok i for some reason really put cass through it in this. i guess it was her turn. BUT one of these is an episode 9 breadcrumb and one of these is a post-war baby breadcrumb. happy to discuss any of these in greater details//answer any q's about these little snippets. loving our little sleepovers so those will be continuing and interlude requests always open. see you all in my inbox!
tw: miscarriage
One: Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of, His And Mine Are The Same
Cass was restless on the forest floor. Her sleeping bag wasn’t keeping her warm in the cold German night, the fire merely embers and her heart unsettled.
“John. I’m sorry.” They hadn’t separated in England on the best of terms. She hadn’t meant anything she had said to him. Hadn’t really taken this mission to Berlin just so he could see what it felt like to worry about someone. Had tried to apologize before  she left but hadn’t been able to find the words. “Don’t leave me. Please.”
Her nightmares were plagued with images of planes falling from the sky and parachutes drifting over enemy lands. “No, John, wait!” She couldn’t let him get on that plane. Couldn’t let him get on without knowing she wanted all the things he wanted. A future and a forever. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I’m sorry. I promise.” Cass couldn’t make the nightmares stop. It was the emotions of this assignment and the emotions of learning that she was in love with John Egan. The emotions of realizing one wrong move and he could be gone from her life forever. One wrong move and she could be the one that never made it home to him. “I love you, John. Please. I love you.”
“Almost woke you up last night. You sounded like you were in pain.” They were staking out a compound on the outskirts of Berlin, Cass peering at it through binoculars. “Have something to do with that pilot who looked liked he wanted to kill me for sharing a drink with you?” 
“I’m good, Will. But thanks. Sorry for keeping you up.” The last thing she wanted was to discuss John with him. Yes, John had wanted to kill him. But not just because of the drink they were sharing. 
“For what it’s worth, you’re here because you’re the best. You’ll get home to him.” That was, if she hadn’t burnt it all down.
Two: To Live For The Hope Of It All
It was just the two of them. It was a sunny day and he had taken her to the wildflower field. He was laughing and smiling and she was glowing and blushing. 
“You’re dangerous. Making it so I could get used to this. Want to get used to this,” John whispered as she leaned forward to tuck a flower behind his ear. “How do I look?”
“Like a prince,” she teased. “Very handsome, Major.” He leaned forward and captured her lips with his own. 
“I love you, Cass.” She beamed.
“I love you, too, John.”
It was the laughter of Gale Cleven that had Bucky’s eyes fluttering open. Cass was nowhere to be found. He could hear rain pattering outside. There was nothing warm and loving about the rows of beds that held less and less men every day.
“What’s so funny?” he groaned as he turned towards his friend. 
“I love you, Cass. I love you, I love you, I love you.” John’s cheeks flushed fire engine red and he thought about suffocating himself with the bedsheet. That might be easier. “You actually say it or you still just dreaming about it?”
“She say it back?” Gale asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Maybe not.” His friend chuckled. “I’m not rushing her. She shows me how she feels. I don’t need her to say it.” 
“Bucky, if you look at Spook like a lovesick puppy one more time-”
“Thanks, DeMarco, you can go back to sleep now.” A smattering of chuckles echoed. 
“We don’t mind listening to you practice saying ‘I love you,’ Bucky, but if you start practicing loving her there might be some issues,” yelled Curt from the other end. 
“Anyone who knows Bucky knows he needs no practice.” 
“No one makes that fucking joke in front of her, understood?” The last thing John needed was Cass hearing he had slept with the entire nation of Greenland or whatever version of events the men were concocting in their head.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just be sure to invite us to the wedding.” 
“Major has it all planned out in his dream world, boys. Don’t you worry,” Buck joked. Unlike the others, he had truly gotten a sense of the two of them. He had a pretty good idea where it was going. 
“Hell of a woman, Bucky. We are happy for you. All ribbing aside.” Of course Crosby was the one to get sentimental on him. 
“Tell her we say hello at your flower drop in the morning!” A few others chimed in and asked to be included.
“Good night, boys. I love you.” John figured it was better to take the piss than to fight it.
“Name your child after me!”
Three: If There’s One Thing I Am Sure Of, I Am Sure That You Have Always Belonged With Me
In her dreams, everything is as it should be. John is flying but always comes home to her. She travels to the furthest corners of the world and talks to the most intriguing people but she always comes home to him. A home that they have built together and plan to fill with laughter and love. She had cried herself to sleep with tears of frustration too many times to keep track of, the reminder that she had failed echoing constantly. 
“John! John!” She heard her own screams and her chest ached at how they must have sounded to John. At her last glimpse of him trying to reach her. Crawling towards her with his last vestiges of consciousness. It would haunt her the rest of her life. 
“Captain Egan?” She jolted awake and looked around. She didn’t recognize the stark white walls and the rows of empty beds. “We heard you screaming, ma’am. Is everything alright?” Ah, yes. Hospital.
“When can I leave? I’m feeling much better.” 
“You had a miscarriage, Captain. You need to rest a little while longer.” There was that word again. It was all anyone had been whispering about when she woke up hours ago to blood between her legs. 
“I didn’t even know I was pregnant! What I need is to be discharged so I can go back to work.” Cass wanted to point out that without John around, without her husband around, it wasn’t worth being upset about. What she needed was to get him out so they could do it all properly. Do it together.
“It was most likely that very attitude that led to this outcome, Captain.” That was a sentiment she could not bear. That her unwavering dedication to bringing John home might have cost them this. Their most sacred wish. 
“Please don’t say that, Doc.” Cass was held together by sheer determination. The belief that she could figure it all out on her own. That nothing was impossible because she had her head on her shoulders and her wits about her. “I have a plane waiting for me in the next few hours. The most precious thing in the entire world to me waiting on the other end. I need to go.” Just the other day she had been in Wisconsin. Looking at baby photos of John and asking for his mother’s cake recipe and promising his sisters he really was a chivalrous gentleman. She needed the time between now and her arrival in Germany to pretend nothing had happened. Push this entire thing into a box. John could never know.
Four: The World Was Black And White
She watched the men warm their hands by the fire without blinking. There were only a few scattered around the abandoned brick factory and she had found a spot to sit close enough that she still caught waves of heat. Really, she was more focused on the man whose head was in her lap. 
John was sound asleep, her hand smoothing over his hair hypnotically as he breathing evened out and he even cracked out a snore. Cass wasn’t sure when the last time he had slept was. They hadn’t been able to for the past day and a half. Imagined he hadn’t really since he arrived at the camp all those months ago. She was happy to stand guard.
“Cass…Cass, don’t.” She glanced down. His eyes were still closed but the peace was gone from his features. “You can’t be here.” 
“John? John, baby, you’re okay. You’re okay, I’m here.” 
“Not real. Not real.” Cass bit her lip as her eyes began to water ever so slightly. 
“You know, he asked for you in his sleep almost every night.” Gale was watching them. She thinks he looked a little sad. “He spent all day angry and defiant then at night, he just wanted you.” 
“As soon as you get a chance, you take his hand and you run.” Gale had watched John deteriorate before his eyes. Had watched life breathe back into him when he got a letter from her or on the rare occasion she was able to meet him along the fenceline. Those normally held him over just long enough until the Germans did something to piss him off. 
“Not without you.” Cass wasn’t going to budge on it. There was no chance John would leave Gale behind. No chance she would either. He was family. “You have a wedding to attend.” He smiled.
“Bucky says you two are greedy. Might have a second one.” She smiled the way she always did when someone brought up her future with John. Made her want to wake him up just to kiss him. 
“The first one was perfect. We just want to be able to take our time. Share the moment with the people we love.” Time. The thing they had been chasing this entire war. Cass felt it slipping from her grasp with every step through the German winter. At least, if it all ended, she was with John again.
Five: You Are My Favorite Thought
John was a light sleeper these days. His desire to protect the woman he was wrapped around and the small bump that his palm was placed over leaving him attuned to every creak and groan. 
He had been downstairs making some breakfast when he had heard her scream upstairs. John had scaled the staircase in two strides and skidded to a stop in front of their bedroom to find her pensively looking in the mirror. 
“Spook, everything good?”
“Better than good. I popped!” His brow furrowed as he padded over to her gently. “Look.” She turned to the side and the sight spread a warmth through his chest. There was most certainly a bump. Yesterday, it hadn’t been there but today it was. A baby. 
“Looks like we’re having a baby.” He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around so his hand rested on top of her’s over the bump. He dropped a kiss onto the top of her head. “You happy?” Her initial reaction had been one of excitement but now, watching her in the mirror, her eyes were drifting to a far away place.
“Of course. It’s what we’ve always wanted. What kept me going when…” Sometimes, she still had trouble talking about Europe and all the things they had gone through. “It’s just a little overwhelming.” He twisted his fingers between hers and squeezed gently. 
“That’s why you got me. Tell me how much you love my broad shoulders all the time. They can handle whatever you need them to.” But Cass wasn’t sure if they could handle her betrayal.
His gut was telling him something was wrong as she moved in her sleep to rest her head on his chest. That something inside of her was eating her up. That he wanted to fix it but he couldn’t until she told him what it was.
“John?” She was awake, her eyes filled with emotion as she looked up at him. In her heart, she felt like he knew. Like she shouldn’t have to tell him, he should be able to understand without words. But it wasn’t far to him or to their child. The one they had lost or the one they were preparing for. 
“You can tell me anything, Cass.” No matter what it was, they would work through. They had seen each other at their lowest and knew who each other was at their core. Nothing could ever change the love he had for her. The love he had for the life they had created. 
“I’ve been keeping something from you. Something awful.”
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onceuponatown · 1 year
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The Loomis Radio School, Washington D.C. ca. 1921.
The school was located at 401 Ninth St. N.W. and operated with the call letters 3YA. By 1920 it was offering a six month course enabling the graduate to obtain a first grade commercial radio license and by January of 1922 was offering a four year course with a degree in Radio Engineering bestowed on graduates.
The school was founded by Mary Texanna Loomis, pictured in the last photo.
Born August 18, 1880 near Goliad, Texas. She was the second child born to Alvin Isaac and Caroline (Dryer) Loomis. Though born on homestead in Texas in 1880, by 1883 her parents had returned to Rochester NY and then on to Buffalo where Alvin became president of a large delivery and storage company. Little is known of her early years, but appears she had a fairly middle-class up bringing. She seemed well schooled, with an early interest in music and language (she mastered French, German and Italian) Her early years were spent in Buffalo, NY and she later relocated to Virginia. 
During the early years of World War I, she became interested in the new field of wireless telegraphy. There was a family precedent; her cousin, Dr. Mahlon Loomis, had conducted early wireless experiments with moderate success and may in fact have been the first person, in 1865, to send and receive wireless signals. 
Mary soon became proficient enough in wireless telegraphy to be granted a license by the United States Department of Commerce. Thoroughly fascinated with the field now called “radio”, she decided to turn her expertise into a career. Also, she wanted to do something that would honor her pioneering ancestor. Her idea was to do this by founding a radio school. 
Though radio was indeed, for many years, a profession dominated by men, Mary Loomis around age 40 took no notice and in 1920 founded the Loomis Radio School in Washington, D.C. and it quickly gained an excellent reputation. Ms. Loomis set high standards for the school and it attracted students not only from the United States but Europe and Asia as well. Loomis enjoyed teaching as much as she enjoyed radio itself. In an interview, she said, “Really, I am so infatuated with my work that I delight in spending from 12 to 15 hours a day at it. My whole heart and soul are in this radio school.” 
As president and Lecturer of the Loomis Radio School, Mary authored a definitive book on radio, named “Radio Theory and Operating.” 
By January 1922 the school was offering a four year course with a degree in Radio Engineering bestowed on graduates. Loomis also intended that her students understand more than just the inner and outer workings of radio. In addition to a radio laboratory (with equipment constructed almost entirely by Mary herself), the school maintained a complete shop capable of teaching carpentry, drafting and basic electricity. She reasoned that many of her graduates might find themselves at sea, or in other challenging situations and she wanted them adequately prepared. “No man,” Ms. Loomis said, at the time, “can graduate from my school until he learns how to make any part of the apparatus. I give him a blueprint of what I want him to do and tell him to go into the shop and keep hammering away until the job is completed.” 
The school appears to have been in existence at least through the early 1930's, but it has not been possible to find information after that.
In an interview given to H.O. Bishop of the Dearborn Independent in 1921, Mary was asked: “What sort of young men are taking up the radio profession?” to which she replied:
“The Kind who have grit and want to get there! Virtually all of them are ambitious and enthusiastic over the possibility of visiting every nook and corner of the world. My students are not only enrolled from various sections of the USA and Canada but from many foreign countries, such as Sweden, Ireland, England, Poland, Russia, Austria, Rumania and the Philippines. One of the brightest pupils I ever had was Prince Walimuhomed of Far-away Afghanistan. He was an extremely modest young man, keeping his real identity a secret until after graduating. He said he had no idea of earning his living by working at radio, but just wanted to know all about it. He does.You have no idea how much happiness I get out of the success of each individual graduate. My boys keep in touch with me from all parts of the world. Scarcely a day goes by that I do not get some trinket or postcard from some remote section of the world. I have made the wonderful discovery that the only way for me to get happiness for myself is to make some one else happy. I find that I am making these young men happy by teaching them every phase of the radio business so that they can earn a comfortable living for themselves and their dependents and at the same time, see the great big beautiful world.
As far as we can figure out, Mary Loomis left Washington D.C. around 1935 and moved to San Francisco where she worked as a stenographer. She died in 1960 and is interred at Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, CA. 
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archiveikemen · 8 months
『 Dark If 』 Story Event: Epilogue
Jude Jazza
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
Note: This epilogue is a continuation of the Premium END story.
And so, Sleeping Beauty fell asleep for 100 years due to her curse.
She was awakened by a true love’s kiss from a prince, and they lived happily ever after. —
Kate: … I wasn’t kissed by a prince.
I muttered while recalling a passage from the original story of Sleeping Beauty I read back in England.
Ellis: What’s the matter?
Kate: Ah, it’s nothing, just… did my father or any soldiers try breaking into this castle while I was asleep?
Upon waking up, I was informed that my father had passed away while I was asleep.
His passing weighed on my heart for some time, because I felt that I was unfilial for not being there during his final days.
However, I was able to better cope with my feelings after paying a visit to his grave
Besides… I had to be considerate of Jude, who cursed me and took me away from my father, and was still hated and greatly feared 100 years later by the entire country.
(I don’t want to make him regret saving me.)
That was why I never asked for any details on the matter, but it suddenly started troubling me again lately.
Ellis: Ahh… come to think of it, I think I remember something like that happening.
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Ellis: I drove them all away under Jude’s instructions.
Kate: What…?
Ellis: I did try my best to have them leave as unharmed as possible.
Ellis: But it seems that the ones who came while I was away were flayed by Jude and thrown out.
Ellis: Some of them were even left hanging outside for a while.
It was possible that all the princes who attempted to get to me were defeated by the fairy of the thorn castle and his assistant, the thorn.
(In order for this world to have a happy ending…)
(Perhaps someone from this world has to kiss me to wake me up from my sleep.)
“There is something missing in this world” — those words had been bothering me for a while.
(If I have to kiss someone other than Jude… I'd rather this world remain twisted.)
Kate: … Thank you for protecting me.
Ellis: Nah, don’t mention it.
Jude: You haven’t paid for that service yet.
Kate: ! Welcome back, Jude.
My heart instantly started racing the moment I heard that voice.
I sprang up from the couch and ran to Jude.
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Jude: You don't have to come sprinting towards me every single time. What are you, a dog?
Jude muttered dismissively and sat down on the couch.
It had been a few months since I woke up from my sleep, and I was still very much in love with him.
Kate: … I can’t help it when I miss you so much.
Jude: Yeah, yeah, how nice.
The way Jude treated me was as though I were a little girl.
(... I want him to see me as a grown woman.)
(Could it be that he thinks the difference between our mental ages is too big, because I was asleep for 100 years…?)
I still wore the collar he gave me back when we first met.
He told me that I could take it off whenever I wanted, because it wasn’t really something that could blow my head off.
But I found joy in the thought that this collar connected me to him in some way, so I couldn't bring myself to remove it.
— On nights when I had difficulty falling asleep, I would sneak into Jude’s study.
(These piles of books… they were all for finding a cure to my illness.)
While I did find Jude’s spiteful nature endearing, I yearned for him to look at me beyond my illness and as a person.
(I wonder if right now, Jude only sees me as nothing more than free labour and someone who’s repaying a debt they owe him.)
(I mean, of course I’m genuinely trying to be helpful towards him as I promised to and I’m more than happy to help, but…)
(I’m asking for too much, aren’t I? This just isn’t nearly enough for me.)
A suffocating feeling of hopelessness overwhelmed me.
(... This room smells like Jude.)
The love overflowing in my heart was making my body throb and heat up.
Kate: Jude…
I touched my lips.
(I don’t need a prince to kiss me. But…)
Kate: … Will you finally notice me… if we kiss?
Jude: I was just thinking it's admirable that you’re holed up in the study night after night to read…
Jude: What kind of dirty thoughts are you having, pervert?
Kate: …!?
I whipped my head around to see Jude leaning against the door with a mocking smile.
(Jude!? W-When did he come into the study…)
Kate: E-Erm, I was uhh…
Jude: What? Feeling frustrated?
His disgusted remark made my face turn bright red.
I bit my lip tightly in frustration, feeling as though I had just been chided for doing something indecent.
Kate: If you say so… then yes, I am.
Kate: But… it doesn’t mean that I want just anyone to think of me that way or touch me.
Jude narrowed his amethyst eyes and stared at me intently.
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Jude: … You sound like you're saying that you’re horny for me.
Kate: … That’s exactly what I’m saying.
Even if it would make him dislike having me around or hate my entire being, I wanted to come clean about my feelings for him.
Kate: It bothers me that I’m only being thought of as a labourer working to repay a debt.
Jude: — Just a labourer?
He had remained unfazed until now, but upon hearing those words — Jude’s facial expression stiffened and his eyebrows twitched.
Jude: … You really don’t get it at all.
Kate: What…?
Jude hooked his long finger under my collar.
Kate: … ah…
His fingertip coming into contact with my skin sent a sweet tremble through my body that had been throbbing with need ever since he entered the room.
He pulled on the collar, bringing my face closer to his.
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Jude: Do you think I’ll spend 100 years finding a cure to an incurable illness, just to save the life of someone I don’t see as anything more than labourer?
Jude: Are you looking down on me?
Kate: ah… ugh.
I felt a pain in my back as I was pressed against a bookshelf.
He let go of my collar and held my wrists together—
There was a soft touch on my neck, at the spot where the needle pierced me.
The moment I realised that it was Jude’s lips, my entire body started pulsating.
Kate: ah… aah…
His teeth grazed on my skin and he bit down on it like he wanted to slowly instil the pain.
(Did Jude just… bite me…?)
I felt my body go numb and it was as if my legs were about to give way.
Jude pushed his leg in between my knees, preventing me from falling.
Jude: … Before you fell asleep, I said this to you.
Jude: I said that, because it's you, I would never let you die.
The gaze from his gleaming amethyst eyes staring down at me became harsh.
Jude: I must've phrased that wrong.
Jude: It’s precisely because it’s YOU, I didn't let you escape me just like that.
Kate: Jude…
I was so happy that I wanted him to touch me, kiss me, and look at me as soon as possible.
Jude looked down at me mockingly.
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Jude: Oh, but I’m not going to kiss you or anything more than that.
Kate: … Why not?
Jude: You kept me waiting for 100 years — it’s not fair to me if I so easily give you what you want.
Jude: As much as possible, I’ll make you feel impatient, frustrated, and miserable.
Jude: Knowing how persistent you are, 100 years will be nothing, right?
Kate: — You’re awful…!
Jude: Hah… I could say the same thing about you.
It was miserable and painful, my body wouldn't stop throbbing.
The heat from craving for him like mad was messing with my thoughts.
(I don’t need a prince to kiss me.)
(Nor do I need a happy ending, or to return to my original world.)
Even if this bittersweet pain he gave me was making me feel miserable — to me, that was the best form of happiness.
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An Incomplete List: Twenty
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"What about me?" Henry says. "Christ, Alex. The whole bloody time."
They made sure to include this, even if they changed their ages and the specific event they met at; Matthew (and probably Casey too) made certain that we knew from the very beginning of their hooking up that Henry loved him all along. And he was fucking brave enough to tell Alex up front, and Alex was just as courageous to ask.
I love this so much. It's one of the things that truly came with their growth, by aging them up and them having even more experiences. Not that our Alex and Henry in the book, or anyone their age cannot love that deeply or begin a beautiful forever relationship at their ages, but this part in particular for me dug deeper than it did how it was set up in the book. They didn't just meet at a sporting event, they met at something that is an event that helps do good in the world. I really have always just loved that.
But I imagine the scene took place very similarly to how it did in the book, as Alex basically tells us as much, but older Henry had to have been even more scared of it, that after all that time, and with the grief from his father's battle with cancer and then death bleeding into his heart, to see Alex, to love him, the whole bloody time, it had to have been another level of jarring because he had to have started to think that he wouldn't ever feel the way he did about Alex, with anyone. Even if he desperately wanted to, as much as he was afraid of it.
Sorry, Henry, love. You have never been casual with Alex, and the fact that you thought, after admitting to wanting him for years, that you could be, you're just as dense as you are intelligent for that.
And Alex, you're no better. Being called out by Nora for your years-long obsession with Henry and your clearly blatant need to be dicked down by him. You may have only noticed your love for him at the DNC, but also, it took you a month after the damn Prince of England kissed you to even start to examine what it meant aloud. So, no pass for you, darling.
An Incomplete List: Things I love about HRH Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz #1 The fact that they love each other all along.
(yes, these are supposed to be posted on different days, but apparently tumblr has given up on my que schedule) :(
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nightghoul381 · 7 months
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Dark If ~ Jude Jazza
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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Thus, the Thorn Princess fell into a 100-year sleep due to a curse, but was awakened by a princes kiss,
And they lived happily ever after--.
Kate: “…I, I haven’t been kissed by a prince…”
A passage from The Thorn Princess that I’d read when I lived in England came back to me and I couldn’t help but mutter to myself.
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Thorn Ellis: “Is something wrong?”
Kate: “Ah, no….While I was sleeping in this castle, didn’t my father or the military invade looking for me…?”
When I woke up, I was told that my father, the King, had passed away while I was sleeping.
I was worried for a while that I had parted with him in an impersonal way, but
After visiting his grave, I was able to sort out my feelings a little.
Moreover…because he cursed me and stole me from my father, he earned the hatred of all the people,
When I think of Jude, who is still hated and feared 100 years later, I can’t help but wince.
(I don’t want you to regret what you did to help me.)
So, although I had never really thought about it in depth, I suddenly became interested.
Thorn Ellis: “Aah…now that I think about it, I think there was one time.”
Thorn Ellis: “Jude had told me, so I mostly chased them away.”
Kate: “Eh…”
Thorn Ellis: “I was trying to get you back home unscathed as much as possible.”
Thorn Ellis: “It seems like all the people who came when I wasn’t there were stripped and kicked out by Jude.”
Thorn Ellis: “Sometimes there were people left hanging around for a while.”
Apparently, all of the princes were being attacked like thorns by the Wizard of the Thorn Castle and his assistant.
(In order for this world to have a happy ending.)
(Maybe it would’ve been right for me to wake up after being kissed by one of them.)
There is something missing in this world—Those words have always stuck with me.
(If it meant I had to kiss someone other than Jude… I would rather stay in the distorted world.)
Kate: “…Thank you very much for protecting me.”
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Thorn Ellis: “Mmhmm, you’re welcome.”
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Jude the Wizard: “Isn’t it weird that you’re still thanking us for that?”
Kate: “! Jude, welcome home!”
When I hear that voice, my heart leaps on its own.
I jumped up from the couch and ran over to Jude.
Jude the Wizard: “You jump on me every time, are you a dog?”
Jude said slyly, avoiding me and sitting down quickly on the sofa.
It had been several months since I woke up from my sleep and tried to live faithfully to my love.
Kate: “I wanted to see you, so I guess it can’t be helped.”
Jude the Wizard: “Yeah, yeah, I’m impressed by how strong you are.”
It seemed that Jude still thought of me as a little girl or something.
(…I would like to be recognized more as a woman.)
(Is it because my mental age is too different as someone who has been asleep for 100 years…?)
The collar I wore when we met still adorns my neck.
I was told that it wasn’t really something that would make my head blow up, so I could remove it as I wanted, but…
I feel like I’m connected and tied to him, and I was so happy—I couldn’t take it off.
--At night, when I couldn’t sleep, I snuck into Jude’s study.
(This pile of books was all meant to cure my illness, right?)
On the one hand, I feel like Jude is so vindictive and endearing, but on the other hand,
I yearn for him, wishing that he had directed his attachment not only toward my illness, but also toward me.
(Currently, I guess I’m only seen as a laborer repaying my debt to Jude.)
(Of course, I would be happy to be of use, as promised…)
(I’m greedy. That’s not enough.)
A feeling of helpless sadness washes over me.
(…This room smells like Jude.)
The love that continues to build in my chest makes my entire body ache.
Kate: “Jude…”
I touched my lips with my fingertips.
(I don’t need a kiss from a prince…)
Kate: “…If I kiss you… will you be more conscious of me?”
Jude the Wizard: “I thought it was impressive that you were spending your evenings studying…”
Jude the Wizard: “What are you thinking of, pervert?”
Kate: “…!?”
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When I turned around, I saw Jude leaning against the door with a sneer on his face.
(Jude!? When did you get into the study…)
Kate: “Um, that was…”
Jude the Wizard: “What, are you frustrated?”
My face heats up as I hear my exasperated murmur.
I bit my lip in frustration, feel as thought I was being mocked and insulted.
Kate: “Yes, if you’re asking… maybe I am.”
Kate: “But that doesn’t mean I want just anyone to notice me and touch me like this.”
Jude narrowed his amethyst eyes as he stared at me.
Jude the Wizard: “… Sounds like you’re saying you’re horny because you’re with me.”
Kate: “…Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”
Even if he smoked me, even if he hated me. I wanted to make that point clear.
Kate: “Is it bothersome to be treated like that by a mere worker who’s simply paying off a debt?”
Jude the Wizard: “—a mere worker?”
After not moving at all until then, Jude suddenly twitched his eyebrows as he spat out the words.
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Jude the Wizard: “… you really don’t get it.”
Kate: “Huh…?”
Jude’s long fingers slip between the nape of my neck and the collar.
Kate: “…Ah…”
The tips of his nails scratched my skin, and the insides of my body, which had been aching ever since I came into this room, trembled sweetly.
He pulled me in and brought my face closer to his.
Jude the Wizard: “I don’t think I’d spend 100 years working to cure someone I thought of as nothing more than labor.”
Jude the Wizard: “You’ve been licked, haven’t you?”
Kate: “Haah…?
My back begins to hurt from being pressed against the bookshelf.
When the collar was ripped off of me and my wrists were tied together—
I felt a soft sensation on the back of my neck where the needle had been inserted.
The moment I realized that those were Jude’s lips, my whole body shuddered.
Kate: “…ngh… ahh…”
A hard sensation touches my skin and slowly sinks into it, as if to instill pain.
(Jude is biting…?)
The numbness permeates through my entire body and I feel like my legs are losing strength and I’m about to collapse, but…
Jude’s knee, wedged between my legs, won’t let me.
Jude the Wizard: “…You said that before I put you to sleep.”
Jude the Wizard: “Because you said that, I couldn’t let you die.”
The shimmering amethyst looking down at me becomes distorted.
Jude the Wizard: “Ah… I guess I said it wrong.”
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Jude the Wizard: “Because it was you, I couldn’t let you get away.”
Kate: “Jude…”
I was happy, I wanted him to touch me, I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to stare at him,
Jude looked down at me mockingly.
Jude the Wizard: “Oh, but I won’t, will I? No kissing, nothing more.”
Kate: “…ngh, why?”
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Jude the Wizard: “You made me wait 100 years—so it’s not fair if I should satisfy your desires right away, is it?”
Jude the Wizard: “At best, you’ll get impatient, sulk and suffer.”
Jude the Wizard: “You’re not the kind of person to give up, so you can last 100 years, can’t you?”
Kate: “---That’s in such bad taste…!”
Jude the Wizard: “Ha… We’re alike.”
Painfully, so painfully, my whole body pulses and won’t stop.
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Desiring him like crazy, the scorching heat invades even my thoughts.
(I don’t need a prince’s kiss.)
(A happy ending means going back to my original world.)
If he gives me this agonizingly sweet pain—that would be the greatest happiness to me.
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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miss-madness67 · 1 year
Married Woman (Ivar & Bjorn)
You find yourself attracted to a man that is not your husband. Worst of all, he loves you too.
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The first time you saw him, you were instantly drawn to him. It was not because he is a son of Ragnar, you didn’t even know at the beginning. It was all himself. His broad shoulders and his blue eyes were quick to hypnotize you. The next thing you knew, you were in his bed. You could easily say that night was one of the best you spent with him. From then on, your relationship moved quite fast. He wanted to marry you, and you didn’t oppose. You married at Hedeby, his mother’s domain. You met him there when he came back from avenging his father in England. Your family just moved to the town in hopes to marry you. They were not disappointed when Bjorn Ironside took you as his. Not that you were complaining. Marrying a prince was more than you were expecting, considering that your parents are farmers.
“It’s really hard to be here and look at you, as though I’m not completely in love with you.”
The thread you were knitting breaks when you hear Ivar behind you. You stand up and turn to face him. He is by the door that leads to the hall. You take a quick look around the resting room, you are lucky it’s empty right now.
“Ivar, you know you can not say those things.” You scold, looking directly at him.
His gaze is so intense you have to look back at your knitting. You are making a robe for Bjorn. Lately, he has been a little distant. You think it is perhaps because you have yet to get pregnant. Yet, considering that you have not slept together in two weeks, it is a little hard to do so.
“It is the truth, should I lie, uhm?” he raises a brow mockingly.
You met Ivar a few months ago when Bjorn decided to come back to Kattegat for a while. You had just been married for a few weeks then, still, you instantly knew that Bjorn was not a man that stayed in one place. When you arrived at Kattegat, you also learned that you were not your husband’s first wife. Apparently, Torvi had just separated from him before he went to Hedeby. And he had another wife before her that disappeared.
You leave your knitting behind and walk to the other side of the room. “It is something you should not say to your brother’s wife,” you respond without glancing his way.
Ivar has always harbored feelings for you. They were not evident at first. He was just kinder to you than he was to everyone else. Then he started to get bolder, to the point that even Ubbe had noticed. Luckily, neither Queen Aslaug nor Bjorn suspected anything. You thought that perhaps if they knew, they would surely kick you out. Not that it was your fault Ivar felt that way, or that you have done anything with him. You have not.
You hear Ivar’s crutch as he approaches you. Your heart starts pounding rapidly inside your chest. Even if you have never done anything, you cannot deny how your body reacts to him. It is not that you do not have feelings for Bjorn anymore, it is just that what Ivar brings out in you is stronger. Ivar’s hand finds its way to your hip. His fingers delicately trace inconsistent patterns on your hip bone. Your skin burns to the contact in spite of the clothing in its way. You try desperately to control your breathing. He cannot know that his desire is reciprocated because if he does, you are scared of what he will do. You are scared you might do not want to stop him.
“My brother does not deserve you,” he whispers in your ear. “You know how he is. I’m sure Torvi has warned you he is quick to fall out of love.” She did warn you, but you refuse to believe it.
You try to step away, but he does not let you. “It is fine, once I am with child it will be fine.” you attempt to justify.
Your skin feels hot to the touch. You want to escape the feelings that Ivar causes in you, so you think that if you turn around, he will put distance between you. However, once your eyes clash with his, his hold on you tightens. You have never been this close to Ivar. For a moment, all of your rational thoughts leave your brain instantly. The only thing you can think of is his eyes. They are so unlike his brother’s. The shade is the same, yet they transmit something entirely different. They make you feel something completely new.
At that moment of insanity, you take a step towards him. Your senses drown in his presence. You feel you, yet you feel more. Your hand finds its way to his neck. He is taller than you and you love it. His chest clashes with yours and both your breaths mix. You do not know what you are doing, but it feels so right. It is like welcoming your lover after how long raid far from home. It is everything you wish you felt with Bjorn but never did.
“Once you are with me,” he murmurs on your lips, “it will be fine.”
You do not have time to process what is happening, or even to think. One moment he is looking at you like you are his whole life, and the next, he is eating you like you are the greatest feast ever served. His lips mold perfectly with yours. Your hands cup his neck exquisitely. His hand moves from your hip to your back, leaving a trace of fire on its path. Your tongues dance like never before, and you forget your name. It feels like, before this moment, you didn't truly know what happiness and passion were like.
You feel the hold on his crutch slightly wavering. You know that he is strong, yet he must be feeling lightheaded like you. You part from him momentarily, and he tries to follow your lips with his. You pay no mind and quickly locate a chair nearby. You push him towards it. He sits with a puzzled look on his face. Still, he easily knows what you are up to once you climb on his lap.
Your mouths take no time to find each other again. Now, both of his hands caress your sides and your back lovingly. Meanwhile, yours play with his braided hair. You wish it were loose so you could run your fingers through it. You move your hips involuntarily. That causes a moan to escape his mouth. If you were not aroused before, you are now. You continue with your movements so you can listen to the delicious sounds his mouth makes. It is until he places his hand in your left breast that you realize you are moaning too. Right now, you are not thinking that you are in a room where anyone could walk in. You are not thinking about Bjorn. Or the fact that you are kissing his brother.
A loud crash breaks the atmosphere instantly. In the doorway, a male thrall is standing with a surprised look on his face. At his feet, there is a jug with spilled mead. You quickly climb out of Ivar. The thrall turns away, apologizes, and scurries off. You do not try to go after him to prevent him from saying anything. You are too embarrassed to even glance at Ivar. The silence stretches for a moment.
“I…” before Ivar can say something else, you run out the door.
A few days go by. You have been ignoring Ivar ever since the kiss. You only talked when he told you that he took care of the thrall. You did not ask what he did, but you suspect it. A dead slave would not be questioned. In that short conversation, you only managed to nod and flee. The desire you feel for him is too great to simply ignore. Now that he knows he is reciprocated, he has been more persistent in his advances. It has made it nearly impossible to avoid him. Still, what you fear the most is that if you are in a room alone with him, all of your resolutions will be broken again. You fear Bjorn noticing your heart no longer belongs to him. You do not think he will hold it against you, but you still care for him. You do not want to break his heart.
On the other hand, some part of you believes it will not be broken. He has kept on being distant towards you. The night you kissed Ivar, you tried to sleep with him out of guilt. Your advances were stronger than the nights before, and he finally complied. It is safe to say that was the worst sex of your life. At first, he could not get it up, and then it was just not… satisfying. You had to conjure the image of his brother in your mind in order to finish. So, even more so than the neglecting, that was what made you think there could be another woman. Torvi had warned you, so had Ivar and Ubbe. You did not believe it then. Now you do.
As you follow Bjorn through the streets of Kattegat, some part of you wishes to be wrong. You do not want him to cheat on you, which is a bit hypocritical considering you kissed Ivar.
A woman crashes with you, and she murmurs insults your way. Nevertheless, when she looks at your face, she stops. Recognition flashes in her eyes. She smirks, apologizes, and then says something like "one of Ironside wives". The comment bothers you, not because that would make you second to other women in Bjorn's life, but because that means that you are not even memorable to the people of Kattegat. They think you will be gone soon, forgotten in the list of many wives. That you are just one of the many he will have. Still, you must not let it show that it bothered you, so you look down on her way and walk off.
The little encounter makes you lose sight of Bjorn. It takes you a while to find again his blond hair in the crowd. When you do, you see him entering a cabin on the outskirts of town. It was hard to trail him without him noticing, but now that you have seen where he went, you do not want to ruin it. You wait a few minutes at a safe distance, but no one comes inside. Slowly, you approach the place. Your heart is pounding rapidly, wondering what you will find.
The first thing you notice is the loud moans of a woman. That makes you freeze on the spot. Your head screams ‘I knew it’ but you need to see, to make sure. There is a crack in the wood near the door, you go near it. The hole is big enough to show you what is inside. From your spot, you have a direct view of the bed. You are not surprised by what you see.
Your husband, Bjorn, is bent over a woman laying in fours on the bed. You cannot see her face, but you distinguish blonde hair.  Bjorn is pounding rapidly into her. The cabin is filled with her moans and the obscene sounds of flesh hitting flesh. Bjorn groans above her. He grabs her by the hair, lifting her face, and that is when you recognize her. You have never talked with her, after all, she is merely a thrall. You think her name is Freydis. You remember her because she used to cling to Ivar until she realized he was not interested. Back then, you had been slightly jealous. Now, looking at your husband fuck her makes you feel… relief.
You had expected to drown in betrayal or heartbreak. None of that happens. Instead, it is then that you realize that you can be free about your feelings for Ivar. If Bjorn does not care about you any longer, then it does not matter that you are in love with another. You no longer have to remain loyal to him or feel guilty over a simple kiss. Especially with him fucking a slave for Odin knows how long. However, you crave closure. So while Bjorn is still pounding her cunt, you open the door noisily.
Your husband looks up from his task and stops abruptly. He says your name, shocked, and pushes Freydis away. The slave falls to the ground with a thud, but you do not spare a glance her way.
“I know now why you were distant,” you talk first.
He stands up and covers himself with the furs. “I…”
You do not let him talk. You have never seen Bjorn Ironside startled, yet it is your turn to express your feelings. “It is ok, Bjorn. I do not mind, nor do I feel betrayed. Everyone warned me this would happen. Tell me, do you still love me?”
He is even more surprised now. He looks down at Freydis and then at you. He seems embarrassed, though certain. It takes him a while to answer. “I am sorry. I still care about you, but not the way I used to.”
You nod in understanding. “It seems like the gods had put us together to derive our paths to someone else.”
For a moment, he appears confused. Then, a knowing smile overcomes his face. “Ivar, am I right?”
Now is your time to be startled. “How did you…”
He interrupts you. “He is not very subtle… The way he looks at you, I have never looked at anyone that way.” At least he is honest about not loving the thrall either. Then, he adds: “just be careful with him, yes? He is still Ivar The Boneless.” You both know what he means, but you are done listening to your now ex-husband. You nod at him and walk away.
Your body is buzzing with freedom inside your veins. The love and desire you feel for Ivar drives you to search for him. You know he must be in the forest right now, probably in the spot he showed you once; where he went to think. It is not very far from where you are now. You bypass half Kattegat and then scurry off into the woods. The hike seems endless, but it is the best one of your life. Your heart beats fast, and your cheeks hurt from smiling. You have to control yourself before you meet him . You tell yourself that over and over again. And yet, when you see his back, you shout his name. He turns around and sees you.
He is confused, you can see it in his eyes, but when you sit in his lap and kiss him senselessly, he does not pull away. He places his hands on your face and pulls you closer. You know that you must explain everything to him. Tell him that you are no longer married, that your heart belongs to him, that you want with him what you could not with his brother. You want to tell him that and more, but for now, you express it in the kiss. And when he pulls away and looks into your eyes, you know he understands.
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piratefalls · 10 months
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oh my god this got obscenely long. you're welcome?
list one. list two. list three. list four.
Any Beat of Your Heart (Gets Me Through the Night) by stellarmeadow
Alex throws out the first pitch at the Opening Day baseball game, but things go horribly wrong.
kiss me once 'cause you know by ninzied
Of all the things they’ve been to one another—sometimes-rivals, reluctant allies, tediously cordial seatmates at international events—Henry never thought that he and Alex would end up being something like friends. (In which Alex sort of moves in and they don't talk about what it means.)
Mr. BodyPillow by inexplicablymine
“It is hard enough trying to get a date out here when all I really want is to curl up with someone’s head on my chest and play with their hair” “I could do that for you sweetheart” _______ Two boys cuddling on a couch right on top of each other because they are in fact very gay™. Inviting over a complete stranger for cuddles because you are touch starved might be the worst idea Henry has ever had, or the best.
Little Moments by politics_and_prose
Five significant moments in Alex's political career and one in his personal life.
The Case Of The Fucking Curse by everwitch
Henry gets inflicted by a deadly royal curse. The only way to break it is to have sex with a person who possesses the correct physical compatibility, so the crown puts out a desperate plea for people meeting the right criteria to enter a screening process. You’ll never guess who turns out to be the final candidate at the end. Or: the most wholesome Fuck Or Die you’ve read in your life.
You Got Me, and Baby I Got You by princebutt
Alexander Claremont-Diaz, charismatic center for the NHL's Dallas Stars, is completely and utterly smitten with the posh British librarian he met by complete accident. Tonight is the night, and he's got a plan to completely woo Henry and get his man.
cowboy like me by stutteringpeach
Alex was looking for money tonight. And with Henry Mountchristen-Windsor, the gorgeous young heir to the Windsor Group, he sure as hell found it. If Alex is looking to charm someone out of their millions, it might as well be someone he’s going to enjoy stealing from.
but if you could see us from a distance, you'd know i've always been so close to you by anincompletelist (soldouthaz)
Objectively, standing half-soaked from rainwater with a stitch in his side and an uncomfortable, raging hard-on outside his worst enemy’s door is not Henry’s finest moment. It’s not even on the list. -- or, henry is afflicted with a curse-gone-wrong that stipulates that only his sworn enemy, alex claremont-diaz, can touch him.
(did my love aid and abet you?) by alasse
That night in Kensington Palace, Henry told Alex to leave. Eleven years later, Alex watches on the news as Henry comes out, and abdicates. A story of what came before, and what comes after.
It’s been eleven fucking years, and Henry is finally free.  It’s been eleven fucking years, and Henry is finally out.  It’s been eleven fucking years, and Alex Claremont-Diaz still hasn’t learned how to be normal about Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.
it's a scene (and we're out here in plain sight) by annesbonny
"I don’t want us to be in the press for anything other than how good I am at polo, and how charming you look in that shirt.” Henry just wants the Fifth Annual Okonjo Foundation Polo Match to run smoothly, but that's harder than it seems.
lover, tell me if you can by loyaulte_me_lie
Henry has a wobble on their first anniversary. They practise healthy communication and everything ends happily.
Debasing the Prince (And Other Inappropriate Decisions) by orphan_account
Henry in a suit and tie turns Alex into a combination of the heart-eyed and drooling emojis. He can't help it that the goddamned prince of England looks glorious all dressed up. So he meets him in his bedroom and does super inappropriate things with the tie and the prince. This is basically Tale of the Debauchery of a Prince™.
Soon You'll Get Better (Because You Have To) by wafflesandkruge
Two nights after the shooting, Henry receives an email with a pre-recorded video from Alex. He gets one every night, and although it breaks his heart to see Alex happy and alive, he's terrified of when they'll stop coming.
(when you look like that) i never ever wanted to be so bad by hipsterchrist
“How many times have I told you now?” Henry asks, voice still quiet. “In the bedroom, we’re equals.” Alex knows a door left ajar intentionally when he sees it.“ But we’re not in the bedroom, are we?” he mutters. Henry smirks and turns away. Alex nearly falls over trying to follow the loss of Henry’s hand on his face. “It certainly would seem that way,” Henry says, loud and clear, leaning against the wall again. “And so I will have to insist on some degree of deference. Do you think you can manage that?” Or, Alex has a fantasy involving a tack room and Henry's polo uniform, and Henry is all too happy to fulfill it.
if i ever saw you try to be a saint by inmoonlightigetseasick
He turns back, waiting for further instruction from Luna when Henry actually gets up and approaches him to talk. “I must apologize about the hour,” he says, faking sincerity so well Alex recants his doubts about Henry’s acting chops, “this was my fault, I have a shoot for a music video later today and after that I’m on a flight back to jolly old England as it were, loads of publicity for the latest album.” “You sound like a busy guy,” Alex says, with a small, tight smile, “sure you’ll have time for our little movie?” “I will make the time,” he says, his eyes are a bottomless blue, they shine, deceptively truthful, he turns to Luna, “I cannot tell you how great an honour it is to be considered for this role. What you’ve done here,” he gestures to his script, “I think it’s amazing.” Alex hates that Henry is right. -- AU in which Alex is an up-and-coming actor slated to star in in-demand director Rafael Luna's highly anticipated queer coming-of-age film. For Alex, keen to share his own bisexuality with the world, it's the perfect project to be his true starmaking vehicle -- but for one thing-- his nemesis Henry Fox, a wildly popular rock star, might end up playing his love interest.
searching low in the night by saltfics
“Just say it's okay. I just need to hear you say that.” Henry steps outside for just a second, but when Alex goes to find him, he finds only empty streets and an excrutiating feeling of dread in his place.
whenever you're ready by perfect-porcelain (tedddylupin)
“Pez. Please, will you stop tagging me in TikTok thirst traps?” Henry asked as he stepped into his friend’s car. Pez lowered his Gucci sunglasses on his nose, looking at Henry without anything obscuring his vision and just laughed before pushing them back up with his middle finger. “Don’t fucking lie to me, I know you love them.” Or: the one where Henry falls in lust with a TikToker making pottery and leaves drunken thirst comments
hold me close (when the cameras are off) by viciouslyqueer
Henry Fox is a very well-known model. It’s hard to name a magazine he hasn’t been on the cover of, or a photographer that isn’t ready to drop everything just to book a shoot with him. Now he’s barely smiling, slightly parted lips, yet somehow still looking kind as the photographer behind the camera takes picture after picture. His pristine blond hair is delicately styled so it doesn’t fall out of place, and the cherry blossom flowers next to him and beige background give him an angelic look that makes people in the studio stop what they’re doing just to watch. He looks beautiful. Alex hates it. — When models Alex and Henry have to pose together for a shoot, Alex realizes he might not hate Henry after all.
it was you he gave me by coffeecatsme
The tattoo artist traces Alex’s thigh with a gloved finger as she grabs the needle, brows furrowed as if she’s trying to make sense of the lettering. “This is beautiful,” she says, awe in her voice. Alex feels a sort of pride surge through him. “Who’s the poet?” Alex smiles. “If I tell you, can you keep a secret?” Or, Alex finds a pen in their sex toy drawer and Henry finds a use for it.
yours for the afternoon by railmedaddy
“Another day then, tomorrow? Or Saturday, I can do Saturday, I’ll give you my number,” Hunter says, starting to reach for Henry’s phone. Henry knocks it off the table and prays it doesn’t crack. Christ. Is he going to have to leave the coffee shop to get rid of Hunter? He bends down to pick his phone up and when he rights himself, Hunter is waiting expectantly with his hand out for Henry’s phone. He drops it into his bag under the table. “Very kind of you Hunter, but I’m really quite booked up and—" “Sorry I’m late, sweetheart,” comes a drawl Henry vaguely recognises. OR Henry is quietly minding his own business in his favourite coffee shop, when he’s rudely interrupted by an insufferable man attempting to flirt with him. He’s rescued by none other than Alex – a fellow cafe regular who he’s long admired from a distance – posing as his date.
Háblame dulce by QueenKatelynTheAristocrat
"Alex gently drew Henry back to the waking world on a lazy Tuesday morning in their brownstone with a kiss, a cup of Earl Gray, and the words, “Hoy, hablamos español.” Also known as: Henry is learning Spanish for Alex, and Alex is happy to help him.
5 Times Alex Went Viral (+1 Time Henry Did) by clottedcreamfudge
Alex downloads TikTok on a Saturday and by Monday he's completely obsessed. Henry is clearly a little bewildered by this, but he doesn't seem to mind when Alex starts singing sea shanties and trying - with limited success - to harmonise with himself in the shower. *** aka FicTok (aka ‘Five times Alex tested TikTok trends on Henry and one time Henry got his own back’) (aka 'Five times Alex made life hard for Henry and one time Henry just made Alex hard' - you can blame ifyoustay for that one)
Slide, Crawl into the Shades of Light by Mags (sparklepocalypse)
Eventually, they part long enough to buckle their seatbelts, and then the car eases forward in the direction of Kensington Palace. Alex reaches across the seat and cups Henry’s cheek. “You’ve been biting your lips again,” he notes, rubbing a thumb over the rough skin. “When we get back to the apartment we should run a bath, and maybe after, I can make you some tea.” Henry smiles – and it nearly reaches his eyes – and covers Alex’s hand with his own. “That sounds wonderful,” he murmurs. “It’s been a long week.” (Post-movie; Alex and Henry doing that transcontinental couple life thing, and Henry's had a shit week. Alex gives him several orgasms about it.)
A Tiny Shred of Hope by cmere
Henry reacts in the immediate aftermath of his first kiss with Alex.
Most Cordially Invited by aldiara
In which a formal invitation is extended, a royal mirror is defiled, and Alex cusses a lot.
The Bet by bleedingballroomfloor
Looking back at it, it's all Nora's fault. Or, the time Henry and Alex bet on who can last the longest without sex.
Play Me a Song by allmylovesatonce
Every night, like clockwork, Alex's upstairs neighbor plays the piano for two hours, giving Alex the motivation to sit and do his own work so that he can listen. One night, he leaves a letter for his neighbor to thank him for the music. When his neighbor comes to his door to thank him for the note, he finds it's the same cute guy he's been running into in the lobby.
Speak for Yourself by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates)
Alex could have walked out of the Williamsburg apartment at any time. Instead, he decides to sign up to twelve months of Henry. OR Alex makes a rash decision and Henry inexplicably runs with it. (The "accidental housemates" AU that literally no-one asked for).
london bridge has fallen down by indomitablelove
Alex can feel the eyes of the room on him as Shaan approaches his side. Then, Shaan quietly murmurs in his ear. They’re words he’s thought about before, distantly wondering about what might happen when they were finally uttered. How their lives might change. There’s nothing that can prepare him for the reality of it though, nothing that can prepare him for how his breath hitches when Shaan speaks. ‘London Bridge is down, Sir.’  --- Queen Mary is dead. Henry doesn't know how to feel.
i wouldn't stop for red lights by matherine
There are flowers on Henry’s desk when he comes into work. They’re pretty, really – chosen by someone who knows him, because there are hydrangeas and white roses and daffodils, and certainly not enough baby’s breath for the bouquet to have been cheap. Not that Henry would make assumptions, nor that he’s the sort of person that would look up the cost of a gift, but he knows who put it here. Even before he looks at the little card attached to a rose’s stem, he knows, because he gets flowers every April 15th.
Water over Blood by happinessofthepursuit
5 times a member of the British Royal Family was in love with Alex + 1 time they loved Henry
The Prince of Sex: A Collaborative Nightmare by aceinadeck, fairycat, ifigo, MaikkaPakka, ohgaywarden, Princess_Nales
"Alex is waiting for his lover Phillip, when he arrives in the bedroom Alex's jaw drops. Philip is wearing a pair of tight leather pants the outline of his massive horse cock is clearly visible and Alex can't wait to have it pump thick squirts of warm cum inside him and his butt." *** It started as a joke, something that Pez found in the depths of Real Person Fiction on Wattpad that none of them really wanted to explore too much. But he brought it up as a drinking game, something that would get all of them absolutely wasted since this was the first time they were able to get together in almost four months.
An Open Heart by absoluteaudacity
"But, and I hope you’ll forgive me for taking so long to get to the point, they listened and hugged me and told me they loved me no matter what. I gather they feel very guilty that I felt I had to keep my sexuality a secret. Mum had to stop Dad from going straight down to Buckingham and yelling at Gran; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry. They’ve agreed that we’ll keep it to the family for the moment but they’ve made it clear I have their support if I ever want to come out publicly. We’re a long way from that, I think, but at least I know the way is partially clear for us. At least I don’t have to pretend anymore."
It's Getting Hot in Here (So Hot!) by Celaestis
Henry’s firm and unwavering belief in Alex’s hetrosexuality does wonders for their relationship. He can coexist with Alex in the same lobby for entire half-minutes at a time while checking for post, he can make solid eye contact during glances in the hallway. Alex is still the most beautiful man he’s ever beheld, and maybe Henry’s hook-ups are tending towards the Latino types more than they ever did in the UK, but still. Alex is straight. Henry is fine about it. Really.
i'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around by karish
Suddenly, Alex feels like he’s gonna throw up and he feels cold all over. Because this sounds like a goodbye. It sounds like a suicide note. Fuck. God. Please no. AKA: Alex wakes up to find a note from Henry and jumps to the worst possible conclusions.
Wedding Talk by maritinkerbell
“You know, H, I’m not sure anything is going to give me greater pleasure than forcing all your homophobic cousins to smile and make nice while I put a fucking ring on it.” OR An upcoming family wedding leads Henry and Alex to discuss marriage for the first time.
Little Secrets Grow Up To Be Big Lies by DracoWillHearAboutThis
Henry meets Alex in a café as he's hiding from the Crown, the media and the public in general. But Alex is charming and alluring and draws him in right away. Alex also has no idea that he's a Prince.
Give Me Comfort, Give Me Help by dwell_the_brave
“I’ll be back by Thursday,” Philip promises, giving Martha a hand up the jet’s steps. She gives them a brief wave from the top of the stairs before disappearing. “Make sure you don’t ski off a cliff!” Bea calls after him as he follows his wife into the jet. He waves a hand dismissively at her and then withdraws into the darkness of the cabin. That’s the last thing any of them say to him. - Philip dies, and Henry becomes heir.
i could be a better boyfriend by bananzie
It wasn't that Alex didn't like telling people about Henry—quite the opposite, actually—it was just that no one ever believed him when he did. An AU in which Henry is one of England’s most famous rugby players, Alex met him during an exchange year, and they’re so in love it’s sickening, but no one believes him.
Just like that. by myheartalive
“I’m so glad my subpar sexual encounter has fed the brain worms. Something’s got to keep the little guys going.” Henry’s more relaxed now that he’s teasing Alex, and looks a lot more like his normal self. It feels a little easier to talk to him, to actually say what he’s thinking. “It’s just… I realised if that was me, I also wouldn’t know how to do it. How to find your…” “Prostate?” “Yeah. That.” — When Henry comes home from a date frustrated by the guy’s lack of expertise, Alex starts having thoughts. And then, because he’s Alex, he sticks his big foot in his even bigger mouth.
Kinda think that I might be his type by kiwiana
“Bea.” He clambers onto his knees, grabbing her hands in his own. “Bea, take me to Thanksgiving with you.” Bea blinks. Blinks again. “What?” “Bea, I could terrorise your gran until she’s begging you to stay single forever.” Or, Alex agrees to be his friend's fake boyfriend for a weekend. He is not prepared for his friend's brother.
until next wednesday! if you want me to tag you in future lists, let me know!
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Mad Love Chapter 24
Mad Love Chapter 23
Alfons: --Ah, he's finally here.
Alfons: That child is now aiming for your life. How does that feel?
Jeffrey: Huh...?
With quiet footsteps, another shadow stretched into the dimly lit alley.
Alfons: Hey, Elbert?
Jeffrey: Master Elbert...?
Elbert: .................
As if to indicate his footsteps, Elbert emerges from the darkness—
In the corner of the narrow alley, several thugs are cowering and trembling.
Elbert: ...Good evening.
Jeffrey's eyes widen in fear at the chillingly dim voice, and he backs away.
Elbert: Why are you in London?
Elbert: I went to the mansion to see you and was surprised.
Elbert: You were so obsessed with the Greetia family, and then you suddenly disappeared from the mansion and cut off all contact.
Elbert: The other servants were worried about you.
Jeffrey: Th-There's a reason for that—
Elbert: A reason...?
Elbert: Were you trying to do something to Kate "again?"
Jeffrey: Wh-!? How did you—
Jeffrey gasps, as if to ask how Elbert knows that.
Elbert: The art dealer who came to the Greetia mansion was from Bernard & Co., and they are involved in shady business...
Elbert: I didn't think you would know about that.
Elbert: You said you were my proxy and connected with various people in society... so I guess that's where you got your information.
Jeffrey: Master Elbert, I have no idea what you're talking about—
Elbert: But... you didn't know until now that I was working in the "palace," did you?
Elbert: Jeffrey, I... can see what's happening in this darkness of England more than you can comprehend.
Jeffrey: ...
Jeffrey flinches at the cold killing intent, like venom dripping from fangs before prey.
Alfons: Oh my.
Jeffrey takes a step back, then another, his back bumping into Alfons.
Alfons: How passionate of you to jump into my chest like that.
Elbert: ... Al.
Alfons: Hehe, I know.
Alfons cut off Jeffrey's escape route, grabbing his shoulder with one hand.
Jeffrey: ...!?
Elbert: Don't let him go.
Alfons: The only paths left open to you are either to flee this place with all your might and live in the shadows like the dregs of society,
Alfons: Or perhaps, be killed here by him--
Alfons: Oh, that sounds tought.
Alfons: How about I show you a better dream?
With a smooth motion, he removed his leather gloves and Alfons reached for Jeffrey's nape.
Alfons: Look, Lord Elbert is crying because he's so sad to kill you.
Alfons: You love his sad face, don't you?
Alfons: Go to sleep in a happy dream.
Jeffrey: Ah... ah... Lord Elbert.
Elbert: ...Here, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey continues to walk, staring at an image that is different from reality.
To Elbert, who has a drawn sword in his hand.
With a cold expression without a shred of sadness, Elbert looks at Jeffrey approaching... and stabs Jeffrey in the chest without hesitation.
Elbert: --Goodbye.
Alfons: Hehe... How kind of you to say goodbye.
Without even looking at the body that collapsed easily, Elbert turns to Alfons.
Elbert: ...Where's Kate?
Alfons: She is locked up in a pitch-black warehouse ahead, waiting for her prince to come and rescue her.
Elbert: Why, in such a place...
Looking around at the surroundings, Elbert coughed quietly, as if convinced.
Elbert: ...Al, did you protect her?
Alfons: Sigh... Could you people please stop trusting me so much?
Alfons shrugged his shoulders in exasperation as he picked up the key and held it up.
Alfons: I just locked her up. She was in the way.
Alfons: If I hadn't run into Jeffrey, I would have left her behind.
Alfons: I figured you'd come running when you sensed something was wrong anyway.
Elbert: ......Al.
Alfons: Yes?
Elbert: I can tell when you're lying.
Alfons: Ha...
Elbert: Thank you for protecting her.
Elbert: ...I'm going to get her. Would you give me the key?
Alfons: ......
Elbert: ......Al?
Elbert tilts his head at Alfons, who for some reason will not give him the key.
Alfons: ......One wrong move and her heart would have been taken by Jeffrey.
Elbert: ......
Alfons distorts his lips as he senses the air around Elbert becoming disturbed.
Elbert: --I know.
Alfons: You haven't sorted out the nightmare you saw yet, have you?
Alfons: While you hesitate, afraid to hurt her with your own hands...
Alfons: Is it okay for someone else to take her heart?
Elbert: ......Al--!
Even though Elbert's expression doesn't change, Alfons doesn't miss the way he swallows his breath.
Alfons: If you hadn't come, I would have become the prince.
Alfons: Even now, if I don't give you this key...
Alfons: She's mine.
The air in the darkness becomes so tense that all sound disappears.
Elbert: --Al.
Alfons smiles with satisfaction as he sees the quiet killing intent in the deep blue of the sea.
Alfons: I'm joking.
He lets go of the key, and it falls into Elbert's hand.
Alfons: The warehouse is at the end of this road, to the left.
Elbert: ......Ah.
Alfons sees Elbert off as he runs and shifts his gaze to the silent corpse.
Alfons: I wonder if he's finally decided to let his desires run wild.
Alfons: I don't think this is enough to set him off.
The night wind blowing through the cobblestones carried away a small, lonely laugh.
--How long has it been since Alfons locked me up here?
Kate: ...Ouch.
I bump my head lightly against a protruding pillar as I search for a place to put myself.
In the dark, narrow room, I held my breath, filled with anxiety.
( ...The more time passes, the more restless I become.)
(I'm worried about Alfons' safety.)
(And... if Elbert finds out about this situation...)
The thought of him before he left, so worried about me, makes my chest ache.
(I don't want to make Elbert sad because of me.)
(But then, all the more reason not to go outside and risk danger.)
Alfons must have done this to keep me from getting hurt.
(The reason is probably... because Elbert would be sad if I got hurt.)
Then I shouldn't go out there and make any noise, I should just stay here and wait for Alfons to come back.
(The best thing to do now is to wait here for the night to pass... )
I clenched my fists and tried to suppress my anxiety, when--
Clank, the sound of a lock being released echoed in the darkness.
Kate: ---!
Before I could be overcome with anxiety, the door opened with a bang--
Elbert: Kate--?
My breath hitches at the sight of the dazzling gold that fills my eyes.
His blue eyes, strained to the point of breaking, held me captive.
Kate: --Elbert...
Elbert: Kate...
He stumbles towards me and hugs me so tightly that I can hardly breathe.
Kate: ...I'm sorry.
Elbert: ...Why are you apologizing?
Kate: I told you, "It's okay, don't worry," but I made you sad...
My chest aches at the thought of hurting Elbert again.
Elbert: ...Kate, don't apologize.
Elbert: It's not your fault--it's all my fault.
Elbert: Kate... I'm glad you're safe.
The arms that embrace me, as if pressing me tightly against his chest. The sorrow-tinged voice whispering in my ear. It's much like that first night, when he held me close to protect me from the sad scene— (But, compared to back then...) (So much... stronger... the strength of the arms embracing me, the intensity of the emotions I feel in his voice) My chest feels like it's going to burst, with the force of someone holding a precious treasure in their hands. Kate: I'm alright, Lord Elbert. Elbert: ...You're not alright. Elbert: Someone other than me tried to take your life-- Elbert: You were so close to slipping away from me. The back of my throat trembles with an unstable tone, as if driven by some intense impulse. Elbert: It was Jeffrey who was after you. Kate: ...!
Elbert: He sensed my intention to dismiss the servants in the mansion—and blamed you for it. Kate: What... what happened to him? Is Alfons alright? Elbert: Al is safe.—There's nothing for you to worry about anymore. (...This scent.) I faintly smell blood on his clothes. The freshness of it vividly tells me the reality of his crime. Elbert: It's all my fault Kate suffered like this, because I let Jeffrey run free. Elbert: —I won't let you suffer like this ever again. *flashback* Alfons: Lord Elbert will surely take the lives of many more people from now on. Alfons: To protect you, to keep you from being taken away, to keep you from being sad. Alfons: So that you can keep smiling.
Alfons: He would eliminate everything that threatened their happiness and try to get everything that would lead to their happiness. Alfons: His "greed" has no bottom. *flashback over* (Oh...) (Alfons is right.) Surely, our love for each other will only deepen his sins. (Even so—despite that) (I... still can't let go of this man.) Lord Elbert, who kills people with gentle hands and holds me close like a treasure, unwilling to let go. A surge of emotions wells up in my chest, and my eyes grow hot. Elbert: If you were to be taken by someone else, without my knowledge— Elbert: Just thinking about it... it drives me crazy. The emotions conveyed through his every word burn my chest with an almost scorching heat. (I wish I could erase all your anxieties.) (I'll do everything I can to not make you sad anymore.) My chest, feeling like a burnt ruin, throbs violently. Kate: ...It's alright. See? You can hear my heartbeat, right? Kate: It's all right here, in your hands, Lord Elbert. Elbert: ... I hug him back tighter, pressing my chest against his so he can feel my heartbeat. His lips tremble, as if hesitating to say something. Kate: ...Lord Elbert...?
Elbert fell silent, as if hesitating to speak, then coughed in a hoarse voice as if squeezing out the words.
Elbert: ..............I...
Elbert: I didn't want to show you a sad sight... that's why I left you.
Kate: .............
I felt like he was trying to convey his deepest feelings, so I listened intently to his words.
Elbert: I want to keep it that way... I want you to keep smiling.
Elbert: But... while I'm away from you--
Elbert stopped speaking again.
As if he was afraid that the words he was about to utter would hurt me deeply.
Kate: Lord Elbert...?
Wanting to dispel my anxiety, I urged him to continue, and Elbert opened his mouth as if he had made up his mind.
Elbert: While I'm away from you--
Elbert: --I want to lock you away and keep the key.
His strained voice, as if suppressing an urge, makes my heart burn with longing.
Elbert: I've been hiding this feeling ever since before I left the castle.
Elbert: I just hurt you terribly by locking you away.
Elbert: It's insane that I want to repeat the same sin--You'll be scared. You'll leave me.
Elbert: But... I'm sure I--
Elbert: I'll hurt you again. I truly felt that just now.
I've always known that he had a suppressed urge in his heart.
I realize that he finally put it into words and told me.
I also understand the reason why Elbert suppressed that urge.
Elbert: Kate...
Elbert: Would I... just by being near you, make you sad?
Kate: ......
That question was surely the heart of the gaping hole in Elbert's heart.
"Just by being near someone, I make them sad."
"I corner them, hurt them, take their lives."
That is the very sin he has been carrying.
(... I)
(Elbert's wound, this sin, this hole)
(I feel like I met this person to embrace them)
Kate: I can't say that there won't be any sad times ahead, being by your side...
Elbert: ...Kate.
Kate: Please hear me out.
Kate: But even so, I want to be by your side.
Kate: I was happy that you tried to distance me to protect my heart.
Kate: I was happy that you were selfish and said you wanted to protect me yourself.
Kate: Now... you said you wanted to lock me away rather than have me fall into someone else's hands without you knowing...
Kate: ...and I thought that would be okay.
Elbert: ...
Kate: Because I want you to smile.
Kate: When you're happy, I want to laugh with you... and when you're sad, I want to be there for you.
Kate: If I can do that, I'll gladly lock your door from the inside.
My love, the happiness of loving each other, I want you to seek it all as much as you desire.
If I could fill the empty hole in your heart with all the love I have, and fulfill it...
Elbert: .....Kate.
Called by name in a hushed voice, I am embraced tightly against his chest once more.
Even this pain is unbearably precious, and my heart trembles.
Elbert: ...If this is a dream,
Elbert: I never want to wake up.
Kate: It's not a dream.
Elbert: I don't know. Maybe my mind has finally gone mad.
Elbert's eyes, filled with unease, capture me.
Elbert: ...Let me confirm it.
Elbert: Let me touch you more.
Mad Love Chapter 24 Premium Story
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calisources · 11 months
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑻𝑼𝑫𝑶𝑹𝑺. all sentences have been taken from the showtime drama, the tudors. change names, locations, pronouns as you see fit. this is a redo of another meme.
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“Without knowledge, life is not worth having.”
“I have come here to die. I die a Queen, but I would rather die the wife of Culpeper.”
“One day I shall lie beside you again, I promise and we shall sleep together for eternity.”
“Your Majesty's life is far too precious to be put at risk against such a common rabble.” 
“Of course, if you choose to go, you'd be like a lion among wolves.”
“My friend, if all ambassadors were beautiful women I'd be serving my country day and night.”
“You hate him like a scorpion. And why? Because he would not satisfy your ambition.”
“Diplomacy is nearly always settled by such proximity.”
“I call Mary my English mare, because I ride her so often.”
“You are a poet as I am a woman. Poets and women are always free with their hearts, are they not?”
“There's something deep and dangerous in you, Anne, those eyes of yours are like dark hooks for the soul.”
“As a humanist I share your opinion. As a King, I'm forced to disagree.”
“Though I love Your Majesty and I'm loyal to you, in every way, I cannot disguise my distress and unhappiness.”
"I should only ever tell the king what he ought to do, not what he could do. For if the lion knows his own strength, no man could control him."
"Blessed lady, Queen of Hearts, there will be even greater crowds than these to welcome you when you return to London."
"For every scholar that votes for you...I could find a thousand who would vote for me."
"You and I are both young, and with God's grace, boys will follow."
"You have no one to blame but yourself for this.”
“I was a true maid without touch of men. And whether or not it be true, I put it to your conscience.”
"Seduce me. Write letters to me. And poems, I love poems. Ravish me with your words. Seduce me."
"I have never known another man....and nor would I ever want to."
"If I had to choose between extreme sorrow and extreme happiness, I would always choose sorrow, for when you are happy you forget about spiritual things, you forget about God.But in your sorrow, He is always with you."
"Chastity? You talk to me about chastity when you have a mistress and two children, your Eminence."
“This, I vow, that my eyes desire you above all things.”
“As a humanist I have an abhorrence of war. It's an activity fit only for beasts yet practiced by no kind of beasts so constantly as by man.”
“What if the King doesn't know what's in his best interests?”
“If you want to keep the love of a prince, this is what you must do: You must be prepared to give him the thing you most care for, in all the world.”
“Lady Anne is so beautiful, it is the duty of every man to love her. Of course I loved her, but from a distance.”
“You treat me so unkindly and in public neglect me.”
“My only satisfaction is that in frustrating you I hasten your fall from the King's good graces, an outcome I desire above all others.”
“Mistress Boleyn, you should not abuse the Queen's honor with such language!”
“He was a lion in my defense. Now he will die ashamed and alone in a prison cell.”
“Then here's the truth. You must shut your eyes and endure  like your betters have done before you!”
“Don’t you know that I can drag you down as quickly as I raised you?”
“I am more convinced than ever that he is the agent of Satan. If I could, I would strip him from the King's side- and burn him.”
"I know of no Queen of England but my mother. And I will accept no Queen but my mother."
“If the King's mistress would intercede with him on my behalf, then I would be grateful."
"Lady, you must know how beloved you are to the people—as was your mother before you, God rest her soul."
“I'm a lot older than I was when I first knew you. And wiser.”
“have no heir. The Tudor Dynasty, all my father's work, finished, and it's MY fault!”
“He will tire of you, like all the others.”
“You know perfectly well what the King desires and what he shall have.”
“You can't have 3 people in a marriage!”
“I am surprised to receive such a request from such a wise and noble man as you.”
“ I am but a poor woman, lacking in both wit and understanding. How am I supposed to respond to such a request made to me out of the blue?”
“I know what you are trying to do, but do not think to take the King away from me. Let him play with you. Let him give you gifts. But he cannot give you his true heart.”
“I make you this promise. When we are married, I will deliver you a son.”
“I was wondering if you'd like to become my mistress.“
“The brat is now officially a bastard.”
“Everything will change for her. That kiss is her destiny and fortune.”
“People of England, your King is unharmed!”
“An important question, whether it is better for a king to be feared or loved.”
“I do imagine there are some at court who would like to see the Queen replaced.”
“Lady Bryan, if I cannot please the King, will he kill me?”
“For he who possesses the heir to the throne will very soon possess the throne itself.”
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