#'see you soon' -tendy
druidgroves · 7 months
tag people you want to get to know better
tagged by the coolest @pinkfey @pitchmoss @haarleps !! thank u all sm :) tagging: @hotwifeluigi @lakemichigans @rosenfey @kurczakmarty @kirnet @hylfystt & you !
LAST SONG: i can see clearly now by isabella summers from the lisa frankenstein soundtrack !! i wish it was longer 😭
CURRENTLY WATCHING: picking my way through the first season of wheel of time, after which i will probably start black sails 👀
THREE SHIPS: i am a georgiamac stan first & foremost, but i've been thinkin' about kattrin/alistair bc my good friend tess is finalllllyyyy ! playing dragon age & we've been talking abt our wardens :> third ship is greta/deacon !! one day i'll start their long fic.....
FAVORITE COLOR: forest fuckin' green babeyyy
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: about to make chicken tendies 4 dinner.....for the 4th day in a row. autism strikes again.
FIRST SHIP: lina/doon from the city of ember. if anyone remembers those books.
PLACE OF BIRTH: arkansas, usa :) yeehaw
CURRENT LOCATION: upstate new york !!!
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: i have a crush on @anoras do u think she likes me 😳
LAST MOVIE: lisa frankenstein. i'm obsessed with this movie don't watch the trailers don't read critics reviews i truly believe this has the potential to be a classic it's campy it's fun & coal sprouts doesn't talk for 99% of his screen time.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: hopefully more best laid plans?? i only have one chapter in the chamber that's finished & that makes me nervous so don't expect any updates soon tbh as;dkjf
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jacketsoutsider · 2 years
Chicken Tendies - Nick Blankenburg x Reader
Nick Blankenburg x Reader - Karaoke, ft. Chicken Tendies by Clinton Kane
wc: 820
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“You're full of love and wild and free”
You had known Nick for years, and dated for a long time during your college years, but after he signed to Columbus and you graduated from Michigan, you decided to travel the world while he stayed in the states during training camp and making adjustments to move to Ohio.
“Chasing every dream and possibility”
You got your masters degree while studying remotely through multiple countries in Europe, working small internships and jobs in sports and marketing to make your keep, keeping an eye on the NHL and the work that Nick was doing there. 
“You're more than I could ever be”
When you returned to Ohio, you began working in sports again, getting involved in photography, and had been seeing a finance guy for a couple weeks when he invited you to an event that was super small, mostly for those working in the Blue Jackets organization. You agreed, even though you knew there was a high chance of seeing Nick. 
What you hadn’t expected was a karaoke bar, and so many of the team members getting a little too tipsy and singing their songs. You stayed in the back corner with your date, watching and laughing along. What you didn’t expect to see was Nick going to grab the microphone and the opening sounds of one of your favorite songs turning on.
His voice was familiar, as he was known to spend a lot of time with his guitar and singing during college, but something about it struck different in your heart. The song was a ballad of sorts, from the perspective of a heartbroken man who saw his former lover with a new man. The reality of the situation hit you as you looked to your date, knowing that it wouldn’t last long if you heard Nick sing any longer.
“I hope he treats you better than I ever could”
You stood to leave, clenching your purse with your hand nearly in a fist, and leaned down to whisper to your date it was over. As you made your way out, though, KJ stopped you and turned you around, nearly forcing you to stay and listen to Nick. 
“He’s been heartbroken, knowing you were in town but not with him. He was singing this in the shower, Y/N.”
Your shoulders slumped, and you nodded. “It’s my favorite song.”
“Stay and talk to him, just give him a chance.” 
“'Cause you deserve the world times two, and our simple Sunday afternoons”
So you stay, listening to him sing your favorite song, holding his eye contact when he finally found you in the crowd. KJ wrapped his arm around you in support, and you were thankful. By the final chorus, your knees were close to buckling, and it nearly broke you to see the tears in Nick’s eyes as he sang about you deserving the world, when you knew that he was your entire world from day one. 
“I hope he's home for you even though I had to lose you”
Nick pushed the microphone back into the stand, pushing through the crowd of his teasing teammates. Before he could completely get to you, you recognized Boone, the captain of the team, as he stopped Nick fifteen feet away from you. With strong hands on Nick’s shoulder, his back blocked your view of Nick and his view of you. He talked to him for a few seconds, but soon stepped out of the way, and you saw Nick rubbing his hands down his face, clearly trying to hide that he had been crying. He took a breath and started walking toward you, but KJ pushed you forward and you stepped into Nick’s arms.
“For you to find who fills your heart”
“I didn’t know you were going to be here…” Nick mumbled, pulling you into a hug against his chest. 
You wrapped your arms around him, holding yourself to his body. The tears were starting to pool in your eyes. “I missed you.” 
He pulled back slightly, tilting your head to make eye contact. “How long are you in town?” His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he looked down at you. 
“I’m working with Ohio State doing sports photography. I’m here for a while.” 
His smile widened greatly. “You don’t know how happy that makes me.” His hands gently held your waist. “Can I see you again?”
“That depends on one thing…” 
“Even if I'm not the one you choose”
“I’ll do anything, baby, what is it?” his forehead dropped closer to yours. 
You smiled. “Will you kiss me?” 
He immediately dipped his head, his lips pressing against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against his. His teammates all cheered as you pulled back slightly, smiling up at him. “You’re the one I chose, Nicky.” 
“Thank God.”
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zorilleerrant · 4 months
10 first lines challenge
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
Thanks, @im-not-buying-it-ether!
Billy Batson in the Wrong Dimension - The Rock is glowing, like it has some agenda of its own in mind.
Incentive Structure - Dagny had never wanted anything more than to work on a train.
but my dreams they aren't as empty - Jason Todd wakes to the smell of breakfast cooking, and if he keeps his eyes closed, he can pretend it’s Alfred making his favorites.
A Great Deal - “I think there are many dead ends to human greed, actually,” Kemble said, with a sigh.
Just a Moment of Peace - You open your lips to speak the words I need to hear, and it’s different up there on the pulpit where the same words cross your tongue, caress your smile, and pause to wrap around a solitary moment of peace.
The Burden of the Sword - He watches his sister leave.
They Call Me Her - Thom calls her Alan.
One Face, One Voice, One Habit, and Two Persons - My sister is well known for freeing the Roane.
Growth Like A Nurtured Vine - T’Lyn has never been in love.
Tendi and T'Lyn at Their Table - Tendi, her voice loud (but pleasant, lyrical, a rhapsody of ranges that makes it clear why another would look at her with that expression), hands clasped (in joy, in celebration of news I know not and am not concerned by), leaning forward (they always lean, so many of them, as if to grasp the next chapter of the story as soon as there’s time for it to be told).
This is great because it actually offers a good cross section of different types of things I've written. And it's cool to see that the two that stand out are the experimental styles! (I mean, the first is experimental to me, but is pretty common in general. The second one is genuinely weird.) But, like, you can see what the rest of them have it common!
I like to start in media res, and I knew that, but it's fun to see that whether something is happening, or I'm giving backstory, it's all setup. I like to call this (facetiously) the 'thesis statement' of a story, and you know, they do fit a lot of the elements I would say are important when crafting an opening sentence! They all establish some aspect of the writing style, and introduce of the main preoccupations the story has. I would also say that, relative to the writing style, they're generally kind of short and punchy, which is pretty neat to see.
(This is what's up on AO3 but I'm happy to check the last ten stories I published to tumblr if anyone wants to see if we get a different vibe to the opening sentences.)
@hungry-hyena @confusedshades @teashoesandhair come play this game with me
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Time line of Adventure of Y/n Barton and Yelena Belova
Hello Everyone! I’ve created a timeline for our lovely reader that includes ages and where she is at some major moments in the MCU (plus adding the stories where they fall). This will be an active document as stories will be added! Let me know what you want to see one shots of stuff I haven’t written! 
You are the eldest daughter born to Clint and Laura Barton with the ability to shapeshift into any animal. 
Born: 1996, while your parents were working at SHIELD. Clint recruited Natasha in 1997. 
2000 (age 4): there was a kidnapping attempt on you but it was stopped by Natasha. Fury helped set up in the Farm House where you lived there with her mother and soon 2 other siblings. 
2002 (age 6): Cooper is born
2004 (age 8): Lila is born
Marvel Cinematic Universe 
2012 (age 16): Battle of New York; you are at home with Laura, Cooper, and Lila trying to keep it together while Clint is under Loki’s control 
2013 (age 17): you move to NYC to go to college. You come home a few breaks until you see how different her siblings are treated. During college, you get an internship with Pepper. 
2015 (age 19): Age of Ultron - you are at the party when Ultron attacks and Clint forces you home. When the Avengers need a place to stay post the fight with Maximoff, you meet the Avengers with her true identity. At first they try to get you to fight with them but you decline. You stay home till Nathaniel is born and your father ‘retires’ then return to the compound. 
2016 (age 20): You decided on going to online schooling so you can move from the compound, to Iowa, to your apartment in the City. 
Would Anyone Care by Citizen Solider 
You are at the compound when the accords get brought up. You side with Steve right away and your heart is broken by Natasha’s siding with signing the accords. Natasha tells you to leave the compound. But you don’t listen, when Civil War happens you are at the compound when Clint tries to recruit Wanda (you distract Vision for them to leave). You are back in the city when you find out about the fight in Germany and the arrests. Once the accords get overturned, you go back to the compound where Natasha brings Yelena. 
Brother (Sister) by Madds Buckley 
2017 (21): you graduate college with a bachelor degree in psychology focusing on childhood trauma.  
2018 (22): When the Blip happens you are in the city where Clint comes to pick you up and drops you off the compound. 
2018-2023 (22-27): 5 years you lived with Natasha at the compound during those years you were working towards your next degree, a doctorate. 
How Do I Say Good-bye by Dean Lewis  
2023 - 2024: you finish your doctorate in New York City due to your issues with Clint. 
2024 (age 28): Hawkeye - you help Clint and Kate with the whole Ronin thing 
The start of the main story
July 2025 (age 29) - She by Dodie 
July - August 2025: On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons / Day & Night by Avicii
August 2025 - November 2025: Don’t Tell 
November 2025: Little Did You Know by Alex and Sierra  
December 2025: Chicken Tendies by Clinton Kane / Somebody to You by the Banners    
February 2026 Unsteady by X Ambassadors
May 2026: Slow Down by Caleb and Kelsey 
June 2026: Collateral 
Thank you for all the love on this little AU I’ve created!!
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AI-less Whumptober 2023, 1: drugging/sick/poised
This is one continuous story. Intro
TENDI Tendi realized she'd lost consciousness when she gained it again. She groaned. Everything was happening. It needed to stop.
She kept her eyes closed, taking a deep, centering breath--and immediately curled up on herself, hacking giant painful coughs. There was something in the air that wasn't supposed to be there. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to breathe from the inside, too: a sharp pain in her ribs forced her to stifle the coughing. It wasn't easy.
Tendi opened her eyes and found the room spinning around her. She felt sparkly, she realized. That wasn't a medical term, but how else could she describe it? Tendi mumbled to herself, "Sparkly!" and giggled until the pain in her side made her stop. "Woo, ok, I am NOT ok." She reached for the tricorder on her belt and her hand missed the pouch.
"Hey!" She scolded her hand. "Quit goofing around!" She tried again with similar results. Ok, concentrate... this time she moved much more slowly and finally managed to curl her fingers under the flap. She recruited her other hand to help pull it open and grab the tricorder. It popped out of its pouch and went bouncing languidly across the room.
"That's funny," she said to herself. "Tricorders don't normally bounce. Or, wait, do they? I guess I've never tried..." It was hard to think. Her thoughts were bouncing around in her brain just like that tricorder bounced along the floor. Think, think! Remember your training. Something happened. This is an emergency.
She was too heavy. Way too heavy. Way too heavy to think. Tendi stretched out flat on the carpet, kicking something soft out of the way. This was better, but now her nose was smushed. She brought her arms up and rested her forehead on her hands. "There," she said to the floor. "Now I can't see anything distracting." Stop getting distracted. Think, think! Remember your training. This is an emergency.
She was in Sickbay, she remembered. That was good. They'd be bringing the injured people here. She must be injured herself, but she'd do her best to treat people. She'd get up just as soon as the room stopped spinning. Maybe the other medical staff would come by and help her up. Not Dr. T'ana, she'd been off-duty, but Nurse Westlake, and... and... who was the doctor on shift? She couldn't remember. Whoever they were, maybe they would come by soon and give her a hypospray and then her brain would stop bouncing. Bounce, bounce, bounce.
Tendi noticed she wasn't hearing any of the normal triage noises: no running feet, no biodbed beeps, no screaming... either she was deaf, or something was wrong. She listened harder. Hissing. She heard hissing. Forcing open her eyes, she slowly lifted her head. It was dark. Dark and foggy and spinning and sparkling. She was pretty sure the spinning and sparkling were coming from inside her, and the dark and fog were real, but seemed wrong. There shouldn't be fog in Sickbay, should there? She needed to find that tricorder.
Tendi got to her knees. The room whirled around her and she fell over. Her ribs did not approve.
"Come on Tendi, you can do this!" She got to her elbows instead, and waited ten seconds. Then she started a slow, careful belly crawl across the room. There was stuff on the floor, puddles and shards of stuff, and she tried her best to dodge them, but she was so heavy, so clumsy, it scratched up her arms and soaked through her uniform. She just had to find the tricorder. It would tell her what was wrong. Then she could help everybody else.
Everybody else. Where were they? She couldn't see anything through all this fog. And vertigo. Was she even crawling in the direction of the tricorder?
Yes! She was! There it was, lying on the floor like a jerk! But she couldn't have it bouncing across the room again... Tendi made a dome with her fingers and dropped it over the tricorder, trapping it. "Like a birdcage!" She giggled. But the bird would not sing unless she opened it. She dragged her hand across the carpet back to her body, tricorder bumping along under her palm, but she successfully thwarted its escape attempts. Once it was in front of her, she left it on the floor, using one hand to restrain it and the other hand to fumble it open. Its little screen immediately lit up with alerts.
Tendi squinted at it. The light was too bright and none of the letters looked like letters. They pulsed and swirled around like mating Arcturian glowworms. Tendi snapped, "Tricorder! Blind mode!" And suddenly realized how slurred her speech was. That was probably bad.
The tricorder beeped acknolwedgement and said, "Dangerous levels of atmospheric narcelianalin detected. Respirator recommended."
"Ohhh! I should have known!" Narcelianalin was a party drug back on Orion. No wonder she felt so loopy. And heavy. And swirly. She laid back down on the carpet. There were respirators in Sickbay, plenty of them. She just had to go get one and she'd be fine in no time. Just... had to get up... and get one... but she was so heavy. She'd get up in a minute. Just one more minute...
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laneofpennies · 1 year
A lower decks ask to help keep your mind off COVID, hope you feel better soon 🖖
Between Tendi, Boimler and Mariner, who do you think will make captain first and why? (I'm not including Rutherford just because I think he would rather be chief engineer than captain)
Thanks, I’m on so many meds right now and I just slept for way longer than I should’ve 🫡
But this is a really good question!! Especially since Tendi recently talked about wanting to be a Captain, which like, good for her. She would do a great job. I’m just not too familiar with the idea of a science officer as captain, though it makes sense in Starfleet.
But who would get it first? That’s harder. Because even if Mariner isn’t the ideal, she is incredibly good at being a leader. As we’ve seen, she brings out the best in her friends, even if she claims otherwise. I want her to be captain. I think she’d be amazing. But if she was offered, she might turn it down the first few times.
Boimler has grown a lot since season one, he definitely needs to grow some more, but it’s clear he’s working towards being the best he can be. He does need a lot of encouragement (T’Lyn and Mariner both had to hype him up this season already lol) but he clearly knows his shit. He’s good at making difficult calls. He understands the dangers and how to mitigate them. And he’s eager! So I can see him, in the way future, being captain. And only then, once he’s captain, can I see Mariner accepting it herself. So they can be Captain buddies :)
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unhumanrights · 11 months
"Crisis Variable," Chapter 1, by UnhumanRights
Just in case you don't want to go to AO3 to read it, here's the first chapter of my fic. Although, if you would like to do me a kindness, you could go to my work on AO3 and leave kudos/comments. Just saying!
"Tendi, I have witnessed your combat prowess firsthand. Mariner, I have...read about your combat prowess in your file, and I am certain I will see it someday. I must know. In your expert opinions, what did I do wrong here? What should I have done differently?" T'Lyn asks Mariner and Tendi to analyze her combat performance after her encounter with the Betazoid Intelligence operatives.
This story takes place a week after the events of Lower Decks S04e05, "Empathological Fallacies." It's the first real fanfiction I've written in a very long time, so please be kind. One last note: I decided to write it as a script because I was trying to emulate the feel of the show as closely as I could. Call it an experiment in style. Sorry if you don't like reading scripts!
Okay, story under the cut!
[Aboard the Cerritos. Tendi and Mariner enter the holodeck, where T'Lyn is already waiting, a cup with a straw in her hand and a PADD tucked under her arm. The room is empty except for three chairs to the side of the arch]
T'Lyn: I thank you both for coming.
Mariner: Anything for our girl, right, Tendi?
Tendi: You bet! You didn't tell us what this is about, and the mystery's been killing me.
T'Lyn: I require external input on a project I'm working on. You two are ideal candidates for objective third parties.
Mariner: Stop, you're making me blush.
T'Lyn: Please have a seat. Computer, load T'Lyn program "Betazoid Combat Simulation, iteration 342."
[The three women sit, T'Lyn between the other two, as the scene unfolds: the sickbay of the Cerritos. Present are holograms of Mariner, Captain Freeman, T'Lyn, T'Ana, and the three Betazoid intelligence operatives who were passengers during T'Lyn's episode of emotional projection. Mariner recognizes it immediately]
Mariner: Ooo, really? We're gonna revisit this?
T'Lyn: "Revisit" implies a span of time between this event and the creation of the program. I made this on the same day.
Tendi: Wait, did you say 342 iterations? You've been working on this all week?
T'Lyn : Correct.
Tendi: And...how much time do you spend on it each day?
T'Lyn: Only the time I am not sleeping, performing necessary hygiene, or working. [A pause] Correction...most of the time I am working. You would be intrigued to discover how many spare seconds you can reclaim between tasks. The time has been worthwhile and not excessive. Computer, begin program.
[The program begins. Dr. T'Ana discusses the results of the medical scans performed on the Betazoids, the volume muted as the focus is on the three women observing]
T'Lyn: [She sips from her cup as she watches] I have been able to devote more time to the project since discovering this nutrient shake recipe in the replicator. It provides all the nourishment I need without wasting time with mastication.
Mariner: Damn, girl, you don't have an off switch. Do you run simulations in your sleep, too?
[T'Lyn pauses mid-nutrient-sip. She looks away from the holograms long enough to peer at Mariner from the corner of her eye]
T'Lyn: I had not considered that possibility. Very efficient. Thank you for the excellent suggestion, Mariner.
Tendi: Oh boy.
T'Lyn: [She leans forward, attention back to the simulation] This is the portion that requires your utmost attention. I've reset all the variables I've added over the iterations, so your observations will be untainted by my experimentation.
[Mariner and Tendi glance at each other, but say nothing. The combat between the Betazoids and the crew begins, and Mariner's and T'Ana's holograms are knocked out in short order. Soon after, the Betazoids overpower holo-T'Lyn]
T'Lyn: Computer, freeze program.
[The program freezes. T'Lyn puts her nutrient shake down on the floor beside her and begins tapping away on her PADD]
T'Lyn: I have a questionnaire for you both. Please be as detailed as possible. It should not take you more than an hour to answer every question to my satisfaction.
Mariner: Look, Tee-Lye, babe, as much as I love the idea of taking a full-ass exam right now, maybe we can start with something more...informal?
T'Lyn: I suppose we can try it.
Mariner: Great, beautiful. First of all, I kind of thought we were done with this whole thing a week ago? Heartfelt moment of self-acceptance? Ring a bell?
T'Lyn: Ah. You misunderstand, Mariner. That was a crisis of faith regarding my racial identity. This is a different matter.
Tendi: Which is...?
T'Lyn: A crisis of faith regarding my combat skill. I will explain. Computer, please rewind simulation to marker two and resume program.
[The simulation returns to the point after the Betazoids have knocked out Mariner and T'Ana, leaving T'Lyn to face them on her own]
T'Lyn: As you can clearly see from my stance, I have trained in Suus Mahna. I do not claim mastery, having only taken enough to satisfy certain requirements for joining the Vulcan Fleet, but I am by no means defenseless. In addition, Vulcans are naturally faster and stronger than Betazoids. And yet...
[Holo-T'Lyn is knocked out again after a brutal triple-attack from the Betazoids]
T'Lyn: ...I am the one on the ground. [stands up and walks over to her doppelganger's unconscious form, then turns to look at them both] Tendi, I have witnessed your combat prowess firsthand. Mariner, I have...read about your combat prowess in your file, and I am certain I will see it someday. I must know. In your expert opinions, what did I do wrong here? What should I have done differently?
Mariner: Seriously? Look, T'Lyn, you're being way too hard on yourself. I mean, check me out. Stone cold badass, but I was the first one down.
T'Lyn: You were compromised by my psychic influence. It was not a fair fight.
Mariner: [stands up, gesticulating wildly] It was never a fair fight! I know Betazoids aren't known as the galaxy's greatest warriors, but those three were Betazoid Intelligence, not some drunken socialites. Although they could really party. And you tried to take three of them on by yourself. And you lasted longer solo than I did with backup, if you can count my mom and the doctor as backup.
Tendi: [surreptitiously takes a sip of T'Lyn's nutrient shake, makes a face] I bet it's hard, fighting people when you're an empath. Every time you punch someone, you know it hurts. I mean, you'd know that already, duh, but you'd sense it. I'd hate if if it were me. I...don't think there was anything you could have done differently. Those ladies were just hardcore.
T'Lyn: [strokes her chin thoughtfully] Logically, I know what you say is true. Three to one odds were not in my favor, and they were not truly my enemies. However, this...feeling...that I failed my ship is disconcerting.
Tendi: You didn't fail, though. Everything turned out fine!
[T'Lyn says nothing, staring at her unconscious avatar for a few seconds]
T'Lyn: It could have ended differently. Computer, resume program.
[The events that follow mirror what happened after the sickbay encounter. The Betazoid intelligence agents take Captain Freeman to the bridge, where they alter the Cerritos's course to take them through the Neutral Zone]
T'Lyn: I misspoke earlier, when I said I had reset all the variables I had added. I left just this one.
[At this point, the security team should be showing up to retake the bridge from the Betazoid operatives. However, they never appear. Instead, the Cerritos crosses over into the Neutral Zone, where it is summarily destroyed by the Romulan Warbird that lurks cloaked within. T'Lyn stares at the explosion, the orange highlighting her impassive expression until the light fades. She blinks.]
T'Lyn: It could have ended like...this.
Tendi: But that's not what happened.
T'Lyn: Had events unfolded in a way that varied even slightly...my failure could have been final, and fatal. This modified timeline illustrates the possibilities we did not experience solely because of one variable. Had the security team not been isolated from my psychic influence, they would have been compromised like the rest of the crew, and would not have retaken the bridge. I dislike thinking about it, but I cannot stop myself. One variable.
[Mariner looks thoughtful, then her face lights up. She goes to T'Lyn, and puts a hand on her shoulder]
Mariner: Do you trust me?
T'Lyn: [an arch of one eyebrow] Yes.
Mariner: Let me take a crack at modifying your program. I have an idea. I think you'll find it...therapeutic.
T'Lyn: I see no harm in it. Very well. I look forward to it.
Tendi: [almost too stealthy for words, she is out of her chair and hooking an arm through T'Lyn's] You know, you started out great! Put them on the defensive so they had to respond to you, ducked that swing. Maybe we could spar sometime? Just a little, and I'd go easy on you. But first, let's go to the mess and get you some real food, okay? I know a few Orion dishes I bet you'd like...
[Tendi's words fade as we turn away from them and focus on Mariner, looking quite devious]
Mariner: [to herself] This is perfect. Boimler thinks he can write a sequel to MY movie? Well, boom, bitch, Crisis Point 2 just became the direct-to-video sequel that nobody cares about, [muttered] you know, besides all your important personal struggles with mortality or whatever.
[Close-up on Mariner's face, eyes narrowed]
Mariner: Coming to a holodeck near you...Crisis Point 1.5.
End notes:
Well, I hope you enjoyed it! It started out as a much different idea: T'Lyn wanted to learn to fight, and Mariner wanted to learn the Vulcan nerve pinch, and they were basically doing a "cultural exchange." (Man, quotation marks makes that sound dirty). After the episode "Empathological Fallacies," though, it evolved into a new thing. Basically, the episode ruined a punchline I had in mind. I guess I should be happy because it's becoming something I like even better. Heck, Tendi even got involved, which I hadn't expected. Also, I had intended it to be a one-off story, but now I need to do at least one more chapter after that teaser at the end (and probably an epilogue with some nice fluff). I've written too much here, haven't I? I'll stop now.
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knock-kneed · 3 months
Least favourite chore?
What's your emotional support craft?
Pro or anti tchotchkes?
What's in your freezer right now?
What little treat do you always get when you run errands?
Dishes. Give me literally any other chore to do except doing the dishes.
At the moment, it’s any craft that happens to be closest to me, which right now is some darning. I’m more likely to reach for my Emotional Support Ukulele first though.
Oh man, I wish I was anti-tchotchke, but I am too much of a magpie. I am much more discerning about my choice of tchotchkes now though.
Let’s see: a bunch of single serving frozen rice portions (she makes rice in bulk), two portions of a rice cooker meal from two weeks ago, two portions of goulash, one portion of japanese white stew, one portion of japanese curry that I should really eat soon, frozen rice cakes for tteokbokki, two different types of dumplings, some chicken tendies, some edamame, frozen broccoli, and various frozen meats. (oh, and a tiny tub of melon sorbet)
If it’s during the day, a nice coffee and/or Pastry of Choice from a cafe, if it’s later in the evening, whatever is Interesting at the grocery store that is Treat Adjacent (which lately has been filipino snacks because my local has them now!)
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unintentionaloracle · 3 months
Quickfire Raw Thoughts after watching!:
-Still loving Drew being Chaotic Disrespectful. I support McIntyre Wrongs.
-Men's Money In The Bank is looking interesting, not sure how I'm feeling with the Women's so far (a lot of ones I like well enough at least but no clear faves for me) we'll see when that match fills out.
-Please, lord, let Sami retain next Saturday. Especially with what went down tonight.
-Every time Liv calls Dom "Daddy" I think of that post about "the men you call daddy don't even know how to use an Allen wrench" or whatever it was. THE MAN THINKS KETCHUP IS TOO SPICY FOR HIS TENDIES! KETCHUP!
-Was actually kinda impressed with Zelina's promo ngl thought it was solid
-I like the little nuance they did with Chad and The Academy. His near death experience making him realize his mistakes, the group being glad he's okay but standing firm on not wanting to be around him...
-Loved the Wyatt Sicks stuff, especially Bo's video with Uncle Howdy. He's gonna do just fine in this role. Bray'd be proud.
-Also Damian's messy "[TJD] needs me more than I need them" > all the Finn being disappointingly sketchy/Liv also seducing most of the TJD platonically, too, stuff. (I'd like to imagine Seth flipping his hair at her backstage and being like "And that's how you stir the pot. Ahahahahaha! (Becks says "Hi" btw.)"
-Oh I did not like that tag match, and I acknowledge it's largely a me/what I want thing. I don't like that Awesome Truth lost and so soon and suddenly (especially compared to SmackDown's champs). I don't like that Finn/TJD once again has dethroned a tag champs I liked (or that Finn's tag champ again. Love the guy but I didn't care for his last tag run.) I don't like JD so I don't like him succeeding. And I don't like the Liv stuff.
-(Especially the stuff I'm in my head about like "Oh lord if we get TJD 3.0 (4.0?) are we gonna get another boring we're all champs run only now it's Liv not Rhea and there's no Damian and also Carlito's here maybe I don't even know anymore..." "Is this gonna be another "we bandaided the problems now" crap? And just me generally wishing the possible death of TJD (at least as we know it) was going a different way I guess. LORD I hate having such a love-hate relationship with this group and how it's handled. And to an extent how Finn's been handled in it... Bleh.
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fardell24b · 2 years
An Aquatic Second Contact - Part 2
USS Cerritos
Mariner entered the room to see Tendi and T’Lyn in the midst of a discussion.
 “…I disagree that there isn’t any purely terrestrial life forms on any of the islands,” T’Lyn said.
 “But I don’t think there would be any,” Tendi said. “Most of those islands are just atolls.”
 “But those that aren’t atolls?” T’Lyn asked.
 “Are rather small,” Tendi responded. “With an average size of two square kilometres.”
 “You have a point there,” T’Lyn said. “But the largest island is approximately seven square kilometres. I would think that would be a sufficiently large surface area.”
 “But that island is one of the most industrialised,” Tendi said.
 “That’s true, but even extinct examples of purely terrestrial life would still count.”
 Mariner cleared her throat.
 “Hi Mariner,” Tendi said.
 “Greetings,” T’Lyn added. Mariner could tell there was some annoyance at the interruption.
 “That discussion was interesting, but we’re not here for a survey, just laying the groundwork for future surveys,” Mariner said.
 “Not entirely true,” T’Lyn said. “We will be surveying some of the shallower seas around their main settlements.”
 “That’s great!” Mariner said. “But you do know what I have done in the past.”
 “I thought you were turning over a new leaf?” Tendi asked.
 “With the support of the Captain and Commander Ransom, rather than going behind their backs.”
 “And that is what you did in the past?” T’Lyn asked.
 “You have heard of my reputation, right?”
 “I have, and I can see why someone would do that, given that I had done some similar things in the past,” T’Lyn admitted.
 “Really?” Tendi asked.
 T’Lyn nodded.
 “The events of the past year have changed me. I’m no longer the headstrong and insubordinate officer I was.”
 “That’s a long story,” Tendi said to T’Lyn’s look.
 “Let’s get to work,” Mariner said as she put her PADD on the table.
 “Of course,” Tendi said.
  Eali Toromi Station
The twin assistants lead Freeman and Ransom to a meeting room. “The Klingon captain will be here soon,” they said, again in unison, as the door opened.
 “Thanks,” Freeman said.
 “You’re welcome,” the twins said before slipping entirely beneath the water and swimming away.
 “A little creepy.” Ransom commented.
 “Not really,” Freeman said. “Besides, it’s probably a cultural thing. Something we may need to find out about before we cause offense.”
 “Of course, Captain,” Ransom said as he paddled the raft into the meeting room.
  They didn’t have to wait long before Captain Ma’ah and the other assistant arrived. “A representative will be here shortly,” the latter said before leaving.
 “We weren’t informed that a Klingon ship would be here,” Captain Freeman said, as the Klingon joined her and her first officer in the middle of the room.
 “This was a last minute assignment,” Ma’ah explained. “By Chancellor Martok himself. Imperial Intelligence had informed him that a rogue house might attempt to annex this planet into the Empire before he could prevent them.”
 “They can do that?” Ransom asked before the Captain answered.
 “It has happened before. If a planet is already annexed then the High Council invariably votes overwhelmingly not to withdraw,” Ma’ah explained.
 “A fait accompli,” Freeman commented. “Hence why your ship was sent. To act as a deterrent, whereas a California class ship wouldn’t.”
 “That’s correct.”
USS Cerritos
“Captain Freeman to Cerritos.”
 “Shax here, Captain.”
 “I’ve been informed that a rogue Klingon ship may be arriving soon.”
 “Understood, Captain, we’ll be ready for them.”
 “Good, Freeman out.”
 “Ensign Barnes, prepare to launch probes.”
 “Sir?” Barnes asked.
 “They would likely be arriving under cloak!” Shax explained.
 “Of course, sir.”
 “There are methods of detecting cloaked vessels,” Boimler said to Barnes.
 “I know there are,” Barnes said. “Anti-protons and tetryons.”
 Boimler nodded.
  Eali Toromi Station
Ransom saw someone enter the meeting room. “Welcome to Eali Toromi Station, Offworlders,” he said. “I’m Alean E. Rasle, the representative of the Republican Alliance of Oarnva Meraess. I wasn’t informed that the Klingons would be sending a representative.”
 Ma’ah took that as a prompt. “I was sent by my government to ensure that rogue elements would not attempt to annex your world.”
 “I see,” Rasle responded. “You have proof of this?”
 “Of course,” Ma’ah said. He placed PADD on the table and played the message Chancellor Martok had sent him.
  Captain Freeman took in the message. It was reassuring that Martok and Ma’ah were on the same page, so to speak. But that doubled her resolve that the rogue House wouldn’t succeed.
  USS Cerritos
“Probes are ready, sir,” Barnes reported.
 “Then launch. Place them at intervals between the planet and the approach vectors into the system from the direction of Klingon Space,” Shax ordered.
 “Aye, sir,” Barnes said.
  It was boring, Mariner considered, but it would be worth it. Knowing the ecologies of the various settlements would help her know where the needs were. “So, these towns specialise in their equivalent of vegetables?” she asked.
 “That’s right,” Tendi answered.
 “Cool,” she commented.
 “Captain Freeman to Ensign Mariner, please report to the meeting room one the station.”
 Mariner tapped her commbadge. “On my way, Captain!”
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
Well that’s good. Im glad you’re doing okay 💙. I might do my next Tendi cosplay trial at the weekend. The new wig I got is much better. Also, the next part of Inside Job starts tomorrow. So I’ve got that to look forward to on top of the Andor finale on the 23rd. It looks incredible.
Sounds cool! I'm not sure I'll have time to watch that bc my brother's coming over for his birthday weekend, but I hope you get to watch it and enjoy it as soon as it comes out. I still need to see the new Andor episode but I've heard it's good, so that's a good sign.
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abbynx · 2 years
How to have a relationship with Panacotta Fugo
Genre: Headcanons
Warning: Language, mentions of trauma, emotional outbursts
A/N: I love him, your honour. Also listen to "Break your heart" by Taoi Cruz
- So falling in love... It takes quite a lot for him to even develop some sort of connection with you, seeing as how he continually disprove and chastise Giorno for making the smallest of mistakes in part 5, I don't see why he wouldn't do that to others as well.
- So early stages of relationships involved him being dismissive of you and being indifferent, but that's just him being him. He doesn't like you, nor does be dislike you— his treatment remain the same. We will not hesitate to put a fork in your flesh while yelling myriads of Italian profanities at you... Sooo yikes 😬
- BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG! He can be somewhat nice if things aren't busy around the mafioso gig, ya know? He can be calm and patient and have more grasp of his patience, he can be chatty about the recent things he has learned and discuss it thoroughly. It is a sporadic side of him that's always a sight to see because he isn't clenching his jaw nor clutching a fist.
- I think it's the pure-hearted and dedicated that makes him fall. Those who persevere through hardships and coming up with unconventional solutions that oddly work in their favour and just enduring challenges life throws at them. Those who refused to be reduced into adjectives uttered by those who doubted them, in fact it only makes them do better and in spite, prove them wrong. I mean... That's how Fugo finally warmed up to Giorno.
- So... In terms of starting to pursue him romantically requires a lot of preparations. Such as getting close to him (not necessarily physically, he doesn't really fare well to it yet just sayin').
- Befriending him is tricky because ya know, he has a general distrust towards people due of the encounters he had in the past. Hence, what you're going to do is to just let it happen, let it naturally develop. Slow process, baby steps, testing the waters and all that.
- Remember when I said there's a sporadic side of him that adores talking about academics? Don't waste your opportunities, go talk to him about it. It doesn't matter about how little you know about astrophysics, quantum physics, Hunchback of Notre Dam or any of the math science literature history art shit he is into, making it known that you're interested in talking to him and listening to him will make him like you. This will make him want to talk to you more and then suddenly the next thing you know, he no longer side-eyes you chastisingly... Too much.
- Then the conversations will start to drift into more than the academics, but your personal experiences; He'd be sharing moments that happened whilst he hung out with his friends, how stupid Narancia is with the math no matter how many times Fugo stresses the answers, how he warmed up to the newbie Giorno, how Mista was on and on about the number four, how he looks up to Bruno etc etc... He shares them to laugh with you, perhaps express his frustrations and to be frank, he's never felt better to vocalize it to someone who would listen and chime in to ask some clarification. That way, he can also analyse and think about he has done, reflect and just see it in other's point of view.
- The more he gets closer with you, the more he trusts you and soon, the personal experiences evolves to his personal life, where you get some tidbits from his childhood. He'd drop some small info about his past, how he brought up the amount of pressure he had in the family, how young he was, how strong his urges to get his hands on a potentially fatal weapon to dispose of his parents whenever he'd see them... He's been through hell and back, dragged by the hair by life and it's nice to tell someone about that he had to go through.
- So with this bond formed, whenever he needed to cool off after smashing his fist on the wall, he'd find you and you'd be there softly tending to his bleeding hands and listening as he rants away. He really didn't need to be angry to be going to you, he genuinely enjoys your company and doesn't mind spending a whole day with you, just hanging out and whatnot... He realised how he liked your presence so much, he'd get a wee bit antsy if you're not around, finding himself quite a bit irritable because of it.
"Hi Panacotta!"
"Oh! Y/N! Come sit with us! I have a new riddle for you!"
Both Mista and Narancia can only stare in disbelief at how brief the extent of rage Fugo has suddenly evaporating at the sight of you. Then they smiled, having been caught up with the tension between you two.
- But then a revelation came to him... How joyful he is whenever he'd see you and how he'd instantly light up no matter what he's been feeling... How you can get away from his constant scrutiny and how you always receive praises from him... He believed it was a natural thing between close bonds, but he knows how close bonds are thanks to his friends and this feeling with you is certainly different...
"Oh... OH—!"
- Congrats! You made the Panacotta Fugo madly in love with you! A round of applause for Y/N L/N for being a powerful being 🥳🎉🎊
- You'd think this is the end of it but no we're just warming up *cracks fingers*
- He's going to deny it to himself that he was feeling this way, even chastising himself for feeling such a thing. He thinks that him falling in love with you will only bestow you a curse. What if he accidentally unleashes his anger out on you? What if he loses control and hurts you?
"I'm worthless. They deserve someome who treats them like a deity, not a therapist."
- By some miracle, he wasn't catching onto your body language and figuring out that you're in love with him too. So let's say you confessed.
So there you were, spilling your heart out for him, shed a few tears or two, with nothing to lose. He short-circuits. This revelation uncovered feelings about you made him over think about a lot of things. Sure, you feel the same way as he does but...
"I'm sorry Y/N but... I can't accept your feelings."
- Your close bond became nonexistent the moment your feelings were made known to him. He distanced himself in hopes of losing you and resulting you to find someone else better. All that bonding, all that depth, all that trust, all that friendship, disappearing in a mere flash. All of the sudden, you were a stranger again.
- If you made any attempts to approach him, he would be quick to make an escape. If you chose to leave him one, prolong the amount of doubts you have for your relationship and question yourself if you'd done something bad to warrant this behaviour of his will only give him a temporary 'relief' of sorts. Sure it hurts to see you hurting, because of him no less. But in his eyes, he sees this as a better alternative to whatever bullshit he'll give you because of his stupid feelings.
- But if you decided to confront him, or more like corner him, perhaps figuratively and literally, I think he'd snap at you. On full volume, pitch on peak of cracking and breaking, tone angry, words damaging.
- He'd say hurtful things about himself and how he's not worth your time, that you should just leave him alone and such... And in his deep state of neck-deep emotions the tears cascading from his eyes didn't register to him until he realised he need to breathe.
- What remains of the fiery rage that built up within him is in a pile of ashes, then suddenly there goes the emotional downpour.
"I-I'm sorry Y/N I—" God he felt pathetic crying in front of you. And he was at fault, why was he the one crying? Why was he on his knees? "Please... Forgive me..."
- Then you'd be there, keeping your distance out of respect for his lack of desire for physical touch, but you were there to offer him a handkerchief. And as he is in the floor bawling, you were there, calmly rebutting the things he said about himself.
- I think he has too much emotional, psychological things to work through before having a relationship. Such as overcoming his extreme self-loathing, work on his anger issues, get over his past and such.
He loves you, he really does. But he doesn't think he's ready for a relationship. It's the lack of self-esteem that was stopping him, why he avoided you and he was very apologetic about it. He has emotional intelligence to be aware that he is not ready for this sorts of commitment
- So you were there, at a distance but still there comforting him, when he suddenly pulls you, his face against your torso and his tears on your clothes, as he profusely apologizes.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to avoid you like that... Please know I'm avoiding you for your own good, but as it turns out I'm just afraid... Afraid of what I might do to you..."
"Like hurting me?" He nods, his face still against you. He flinches at the slightest when your hand lands on his shoulders, but doesn't move an inch. Your fingers finds its ways in his nape, playing with his hair. "Oh Panacotta... I know you won't hurt me. In fact, I feel safe with you."
- There's no relationship happening between the two of you, at least not yet. Fugo promised that once he's ready, he'll be with you. You wouldn't mind, won't you? You'd be by his side, supporting him in every step.
- It takes long, he gets the thought about him being too slow, only for you to reassure him that you're patient and that he should take his time. He feels nothing but comfort and security in your presence and he works through his issues and learns how to control himself.
- The issue-sorting was quite lengthy, but in the end it was all worth it when he was finally ready. So there really is a happy ending for our boy right here.
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halaboyz · 3 years
came here to request number 3 and eric sohn if that's alright !!
–– apologies // eric.
pairing: ex! eric x gn! reader genre: angst word count: 1.1k warnings // notes: mentions of sea, no more that i know of ;; from my song fic celebration: #3. "cause you deserve the world times two, and our simple sunday afternoons," "i hope he's home for you even though i had to lose you," - angst ; clinton kane - chicken tendies + vae !! thank you for this, i really really hope you enjoy ! thank you for always being there to hype my works up !! i hope you know how much you're so special to me !! + revised the lyrics to match the scenario ! song:
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"eric! it's a sunday!" you beam, jumping on the bed and trampling his sleep.
"i know.." his raspy morning voice welcomes you, tugging you down to lay with him. his arms tighten around your waist, stopping you from wriggling away. "a beach day," his breath tickles your neck, earning him giggles from you.
you cup his cheeks, your other hand briefly brushing the strands of hair that covered his eyes. his eyes flutter open, smiling and feeling butterflies burst in his stomach to wake up to you, smiling and all excited because it was your sundays.
you land a soft peck on his forehead, making him chuckle.
the day went on as usual, how your sundays went- going to the beach, taking a morning swim and by the afternoon, enjoying each other's time together by watching the sunset.
it was getting a little darker when eric suddenly pulls you up, a big, sly smile on his face.
he gets his phone to play a song- pulling you to dance with the music.
"you're so embarrassing." you mumble, yet only to dance with him seconds after. eric's smile on his face carved on your mind, that was the time you knew you were ready to give your life to him.
it just so happened that eric was thinking the same thing.
kneeling down, he holds a sob and laughs it away, pulling a small velvet box on his pocket, revealing a simple ring that made your heart swoon.
you push his face away, trying to hide the tears that kept on flowing out of your eyes.
"marry me." eric fondly looks at you with his doe eyes, suddenly feeling cold beside the sea. "you deserve more than these, the world times two, our simple sunday afternoons, my morning smiles, you deserve.. more than this. but y/n, marry me- and i promise i will never hurt you, i promise to make you happy."
it was eric's fault- and he had to admit that. he strides through the warm sand, in contrast of his body that felt cold for two reasons. one, because of the waves of the sea beside him that brought harsher chilly wind to pass through him, and second, your hands were no longer there to warm him up.
he stops on his tracks, letting his fingers run through his hair as he lets his eyes stay on the dark sky and the vast sea.
"i miss you," was one thing he had always said when his mind goes back to you. "i'm sorry you had to leave," he mumbles, the crashing of waves muffling his soft voice.
this was the spot.
he remembers it with so much detail, like it was happening right in front of his eyes.
nine thirty-two pm. it was exactly that time.. when eric had thrown off the ring to the sea- as if it was your heart he had thrown.
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"y/n, how many times do i have to say that i am not getting cold feet?! we're simply pushing the wedding to two more months!" eric steps out of your shared cottage, anger evident all over his actions as he trampled on the door.
"i'm letting you, eric! and i'm just saying that if you ever get cold feet, we can cancel this for all! this has been the third time we're pushing our wedding, eric," you tail him, the dim lights that lit up the beach enough for you to see how enraged he still was.
"i- we are not cancelling anything, y/n! i just.. i just need more time!" at this point, eric was not even making any sense already.
"i know, that's why i'm giving it to you, eric! we can do this not anytime soon, that's why i'm saying we should cancel it first so we can take our time!" you sigh audibly, making eric stop in his tracks.
he scoffs, running his fingers through his hair frustratingly, harshly.
you both shared a look, one too long and frustrating, one that shouldn't have happened- he was angry. you were upset.
"then let's stop this." eric twists the ring off his finger, his jaw tightening and his eyes never leaving yours.
"eric!" you were a second too late to stop him from throwing the ring on the dark sea, too far away for it to be even heard splattering. "eric.." you repeat, your voice laced with hoplessness.
eric breathes aggressively, looking at where he had thrown it even if it wasn't visible as his eyes trail back to you.
his eyes met with yours full of terror, desperation. it was just now that eric had realized what he did, realization passing through his eyes.
"y/n.." he tried reach out for your hand but you could only step back, fiddling with the ring left on your finger.
heaving deep heavy breaths, you stare at the sand that you wished would have just eaten you.
"you called this." you simply said, the ring slipping past your finger to give back to him. "you can throw this too, if you want. i can't do it, but apparently, you can." your voice cracked, but you didn't care. "and apparently, as easy as you threw your ring.. that's how easy you left me too," you give him a dry laugh, pushing the ring to his chest when he doesn't accept it.
he lets it fall to the ground, helplessly looking at your retreating figure.
it was his fault. it was his fault not owning up to his own feelings back then. he just had to say it. he should've just agreed with you. he never should've let it happen.
but it did.
eric drops to the sand, where he saw you last stood close to him, it dawns to him- how he easily shattered your heart with his own hands.
he swears it was just someone who looks like you- someone who looks a little bit too much like you, awhile ago. yet he can't take his eyes off how much they looked so happy in another man's arms, how their smile lit up like how it looked like yours whenever it looked at eric.
how it broke eric inside that in the end, it wasn't how he imagined it to be- he was supposed to make you happy.
yet he left you with possibly the biggest heartache, one that he can't just apologize about, and empty promises that momentarily made the both of you happy.
eric could just.. hope. hope that even though he had to lose you, he could only hope he's home for you. not someone who was just there to bring hurting and aching- like how he did with you.
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ashdumpsterpile · 3 years
per my last ask mariner is listening to him talk and someone walking by is like "damn nerd alert I thought you were all cool and tough mariner" and she's like "hold on sam one moment" *puts rando through a table* "anyway sorry bout that babe you were saying something about the warp core?"
Carol takes one look at them and sighs.
"So who wants to explain why I'm not sleeping right now?"
The five ensigns in question exchange quick glances.
"To be fair, they started it," Ensign Tendi mutters, glaring across the room at the holding cell where the Oakland's ensigns were glaring back.
"Ensign Mariner threw the first punch, but Tendi is correct in that it was a provoked act of violence," T'yln says, without opening her eyes. She's the only one of the five without a scratch or hair out of place, sitting cross legged of the floor of the cell.
Beckett gives the Vulcan a dirty look. "Whatever. They had it coming."
According to the report Carol received half an hour ago, "had it coming" apparently equates to three ensigns in the hospital and a thoroughly trashed bar.
"Ensign Boimler," she says flatly. "Report."
Boimler groans and rolls over. He'd been lying face down on the cot and now Carol can see why. Jesus that's one hell of a shiner.
"Someone said shit about Rutherford and Mariner, uh, lost her shit."
"I may have had to sedate her," Tendi throws in helpfully. "With, like, elephant tranqs. As a side note, did you know Mariner injected herself with a serum that make her immune to-"
"Yeah yeah okay, shut up," Beckett interrupts, eyes narrowed.
Carol presses a hand over her eyes. She's getting a headache. On top of the already existing headache.
Rutherford, who's taken all this in quietly, from where he's wedged in the corner between T'lyn and Tendi, studiously avoids eye contact.
"It wasn't that big of a deal, Mariner-" he mumbles and one of the Oakland's ensigns snorts something under his breath that sets Beckett right off because suddenly she's shrieking something about NERDS CAN BE COOL TOO and FUCK YOU GUYS YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT YOU AREN'T HOT and Rutherford is groaning into his hands and Boimler rolls over again and shoves his face into the cot and Tendi smirks and pats Rutherford on the head and T'lyn makes direct eye contact with Carol, her eyes screaming I HAVE NO EMOTIONS BUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUT-
"Enough!" Carol shouts, watching with distant amusing as Beckett attempts to climb up the side of the cell, hands and feet slipping through the bars. "Beckett, I will put you in the brig when we get back-"
Tendi snorts. "Just don't insult Rutherford and you don't have to-"
"Oh fuck you, Tendi-"
"Can we please stop talking about me-"
"I want to go home, why does this always happen-"
"You all are behaving illogically- but I understand where you're coming from Mariner. It is acceptable to attempt to defend your future bondmate-"
Carol stares at them. All five of them.
Any promotion to anywhere else can't come soon enough.
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ chicken tendies - l.mk ❞
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lee mark x reader | angst | 0.9k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, non-idol au, richkid!mark, mentions of hair color and style (sorry if you’re blonde/redhead/anything besides brown), bad angst bc i suck at writing it LOL, cursing, might have two parts idk idk
SUMMARY | when you’re the one thing he can’t have. 
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “chicken tendies” by clinton kane :) this might really really suck bc as i've mentioned before angst isn’t one of my strengths but i’ll try and get better!! thank you for being patient with me about puzzle piece btw, i love you all beyond words <3
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mark’s heart stopped in its tracks the moment a tiny brown haired girl that looked just like you passed by him. his mind raced back to the memories you two shared, the times his life was more vibrant and colorful because you were there. 
the thumping of his heart increased the moment he turned around and saw you in your full glory. god you were beautiful. 
❝ i hope he treats you better than i ever could ❞
your soft brown locks were straightened out, curtain bangs to fit your frame. your smiling face mark knew too well on display as you laughed at what the dude next to you had said. mark’s unknown smile he let out after seeing you turned into a frown at the man in your presence. 
❝ cause you deserve the world times two ❞
you two first met in your freshman year of college. the mark back then was stoic and lowkey intimidating, having to be on his best and pristine behaviour for the public. 
see, mark was your typical rich kid. 
his father was the ceo of one of the biggest businesses in korea and once it was his time, mark would be the next in line to carry on his legacy. his parents expected perfection and perfection alone, practically spitting on the fact that mark wanted to work in music instead. 
and falling for you definitely wasn’t in his parents list of expectations. 
you were the typical broke college girl who only knew student debt and getting drunk every weekend. but your kind and approaching demeanor captured mark’s attention and soon enough his heart. 
❝ and our simple sunday afternoons ❞
it was another lazy sunday afternoon at your apartment, the two of you sprawled out on your bed. mark was humming a soft tune that the both of you knew by heart. your face was smushed up against his neck and his arms were holding you tight in an embrace. 
who would’ve thought the big scary mark is a softy at heart, you thought chuckling a bit by yourself. the shaking of your laughter poked mark’s curiosity.
“hey~” he pouted. “what’s so funny?” mark whined, all the more fueling your laughter. the boy’s expression remained in a cute pout as you toned down, choking on your spit. 
“n-nothing baby don’t worry about it.” you said, laughing a bit. 
rolling his eyes, mark reluctantly held you close again grumbling about how childish you were being. you just smiled, taking in the warmth of his body, secretly liking how the boy had a soft spot for you. 
❝ i hope he's home for you even though i had to lose you ❞
mark had no clue where things went wrong. one moment you were going to meet mark’s parents for the first time, the next you were running out the door with tears in your eyes. he was at a complete loss. 
mark knew it was a somewhat bad idea for you to meet his parents. the last time he brought you up the three of them had a screaming match over you. his parents wanted him to marry someone from the business world, someone of status and money to help build the empire mark would soon inherit as an adult. but mark loved you and only you. you were the only person he could ever even begin to imagine marrying. 
but he would’ve never imagined how outright rude his parents would be in the middle of dinner. sure they didn’t like you, but mark thought they loved him enough to try. oh how wrong he was. 
“you’re sick.” mark said with tears in his eyes. he helplessly watched as you left through the front door, rightfully upset with what went down at dinner. 
“mark dear, you know we only want what’s best for you.” mark’s mom tried to reason, holding onto his arm. 
“she’s what is best for me. i love her, don’t you understand that?” his voiced cracked, wanting nothing more than to run after you. pushing his mother away, mark turned to run to you before his father’s voice boomed out. 
“don’t you dare go after her lee mark.” he said, mark freezing in his place. “not unless you want me to send you away.” he threatened, and at this point mark knew he was doomed. 
❝ for you to find who fills your heart ❞
you were miserable the moment mark broke up with you. it was all so sudden and quick, the reality of what had happened hitting you after he left through your door. 
“we really need to talk.” mark said, barging into your apartment. 
“yeah we really do.” you replied impatiently, wanting to talk about the last time you two met up. mark hadn’t talked to you after the messy dinner with his parents and that didn’t sit right with you. 
“we have to break up y/n.” he said breathlessly, so quiet you almost missed it. almost.
“w-wait what?” you said, not expecting that. “mark?” 
he couldn’t meet you eyes, preferring to look at the floor. “i’m sorry.” was the only thing mark said before taking off and leaving you all alone.
❝ even if i’m not the one you choose ❞
all of the laughter and heartbreak mark felt with his time with you all came rushing back to him with just the look of your smile. his y/n, except you weren’t his. giving you one last look mark turned around, only to find you staring back. 
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loveelle · 3 years
New Year, New Requests!
However, requests are closed until January 8 :(
I think I’m going to make a choice that might not be popular but with the new year here, I think I’m gonna delete the requests I have and sort of start over. I mean sort of because I’d be willing to do requests that had been requested and continue some of the wips I started but only if the requester comes back and lets me know that they’re still around and wanting the fic. I’m doing this because, you know, new year new requests and I haven’t posted a fic in a long time thanks to my blog being hidden for 3 months. I know I have a lot of requests that I’m scraping and I’m sorry about that but it’s very overwhelming and I hope you understand <3
That being said, I’m putting the requests below the cut for those who requested them to remember which ones are theirs and to let me know! I’m headed back to school hopefully tomorrow for a quarter that starts on the 4th so I might be a little busy to start excepting requests right away but I will soon!
Thanks for sticking around with me guys and I hope this year brings you more content from me :)
*If you do not see your already requested fic on this list and would like me to write it still pls send me an ask and I’ll add it to my list!
Luke Patterson:
Can we get a cutesy/maybe angsty Luke x reader fic based off the scene/look Luke gives Julie when she asks him to “tell her mom she loves her” when they cross over. But it’s the reader planning to tell Luke how she feels & he gets that giddy smile (the band has been hyping her up/but second guesses herself) then they have the performance & reader returns with Julie expecting the boys to be gone but they aren’t & tries to convince them to go to Caleb but Luke says no & she goes to kiss him??
Hey I love your writing!!!!!!! I have a request for a Luke x reader. So basically this is an alive Luke fic where he is dating the reader. The reader is a little insecure of Julie because she keeps overheating how amazing those two are together and how they should start dating or how he’s probably cheating on her with Julie. So one day she goes to surprise him with lunch and she sees them kissing. Luke sees her but she runs away and he runs after her. Do it very angsty with a happy ending where it was Julie who initiated the kiss because she likes Luke but he doesn’t like her and chooses the reader. Sorry it it’s so complicated.
Can i request a Luke x reader based on the song "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5💚
Luke Patterson x reader - Friends by Ed Shareen
Luke Patterson x reader please? Maybe with song Style by Taylor Swift? Or just any Taylor Swift song in general? Better than Revenge? All Too Well? Cordelia Street?
Can i request a luke x reader for all too well by taylor swift?
Luke x reader? Nobody Compares? By 1D?
Oooo Luke x reader - either Fallin’ All in You/Mutual/Queen or Like to Be You kinda vibe by Shawn Mendes??? I LOVE ALL YOUR WORK! 💞
Omg what about a Luke Patterson x Mercer!reader with the song Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows from Shrek sksks
could I request luke patterson x reader - remember the mornings by clinton kane 💚
Could I request a luke x reader with girls like us by zoe wees! love your fics
Luke x Reader Upside Down by Austin & Ally?
hi!! I saw you were doing song requests ages ago, but I just thought of one now, pretty new song but it hits you right in the feels 🥺🥺 it’s chicken tendies by Clinton Kane (the name is very misleading 😂)
Can you do "Sex" by The 1975 with Luke you dont have to put smut (maybe implied) just Luke pining after the reader with a happy ending💕
Omg! Hi! So idk if you are still taking song fics but I was folding my laundry at 2 am (you know... gotta love that college life) and The Vamps song Can We Dance came on and I was like Ahhhhh! The perfect Luke x reader song... especially if like set at a party or something... but I’d just thought I would suggest it! Everything you write is so incredibly good PSA!! 💞
Reggie Peters:
hiii! i was wondering if your accepting prompts could write reggie x reader (who is alex’s younger sibling) and they’re kinda sneaking around. Thank you 💛
hiiiii! can i request some mercer sibling x reggie pleasee! really interested to see your take on alex as a big brother!! Xx
ah hi !! heard you needed songs for requests or something? sorry if you don't but idk any other jatp pages if that makes sense. young love by btr could work really well for any ghost member x ghost / living reader?? anyway take with that what you will !! have a good day and much love
Could you do something with the song Amnesia by 5sos? Maybe the reader literally has to move. A happy ending twist? (I don’t remember the character requested :( let me know pls)
Peter Parker:
I was thinking maybe Peter Parker x Cheerleader!Reader? Where they both secretly pine after eachother but due to Peter's shyness reader thinks he's intimated by her popularity and uncomfortable around her and she avoids him because of it. But Peter's shy and awkward because he thinks no one like her would like someone like him because they're so different from one another. And then they get paired together for a project or something and their feelings grow stronger and they start getting even more awkward around eachother and they get in an argument where they both think they've done something wrong and in the heat of the moment they both confess their feelings. Idk I feel like its too detailed of a request so I'm not gonna be upset if you decline it. If you do want to write it feel free to take any artistic liberties you want! Totally up to you.
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