#'she wouldn't be able to bring her whole stage and put on as good a show' well maybe she's not a good performer then<3
cosmicheromp3 · 2 years
i'm a tswift hater because it's so much fun but the fact that she's never in her ENTIRE career done a latin american tour (practically never having come here at all) would make me furious if i were a fan
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reason to stay
she doesn't want to leave, she needs a reason to stay.
not proofread, I enjoy writing these bit they are not very good lol
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i asked Jesus for a sign, and I today I haven't cried. its only two pm, but that beats yesterday, so i guess that's a reason to stay.
rafe always got into little arguments with her, making her sob like a baby. when he doesnt, it's great! its more often than not, however. he has treated her like a princess for the whole day so far, beating the record time of holding off till he blows he top off to 2 pm. we will have to see how long that's lasts
if I go find someone new, I lose your mom and your sister, too. you know how much i hate change, so i guess that's a reason to stay.
she loved rose and sarah, even if rose wasn't even rafes real mom, she still loved her as if she was. rose loved her right back, making her little deserts to take home over she came over to the house. she has a great relationship with sarah. they go shopping or out to dinner every week. she didnt want to lose Sarah and rose for breaking up with rafe.
and I ain't perfect either, we all make mistakes
she wasn't exactly the back away from a fight girl, so technically it could be fifty percent her fault, even if he started the arguments. she kept that in mind.
you don't try like you used to
rafe would bring her favorite flowers to her house during the talking stage. her house smelt like a garden with every bouquet. now she nearly gets a welcome at his front door. he acted like she was a given.
you don't look at me the same
he used to look deep into her eyes, hypnotize by her into his love. and it was genuine, not some act her put on to get the girl. now there's not a day gone by without eyerolls or eyebrow scrunches.
you used to say your sorry, now whiskeys what you blame
rafe had always made mistakes. but he would genuinally mean it when he apologized, showing up with a handwritten card and a box of choclates . now he blames it on the amount of work he had to get done. the "you know I was drunk" card was not unheard of in their relationship.
im a giver, but I've given all I can
she always had wanted to please rafe, giving him everything she had for him to give everything he had back. the love and care wasn't working safe anymore, she had given him anything, but not willing to give up everything for him.
we both know I ain't one to walk away, but I'm running out of reasons to stay.
she had never given up on past relationships, scared she wouldn't be able to find something better and she was just being dramatic. all of her exes she had were from them moving on from her. her reasons to stay were plummeting everyday, making her wonder how much more she could take.
song- reason to stay by Megan moroney
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E23 First Watch
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Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
If you want to start at the beginning:
Episode 1
My character/location cheat sheet
Fengxian: Maomao's courtesan mother
The show opens on Maomao's mother, who is in the late stages of her illness, delusional, softly singing a lullaby while moving around some Go pieces. Is she thinking of the past? The lover that she lost, or the baby that she had?
So the box that Maomao requested was a game. The English dub just calls it Chess, but I think it's called Shogi or the Chinese equivalent. Please correct me if I'm wrong. She challenges Lakan to a competition, who is giddy with delight. They will play best out of 5, no handicaps, and they call their prize before they begin.
Lakan: If I manage to best you. I want you to come and live with me.
Jinshi does NOT like that. Gaoshun reminds him that he promised not to interfere, but Lakan can't take his girl! Don't worry yet Jinshi, Maomao wouldn't be so bold if she didn't think she could win this bet. Have faith!
Lakan learns that Maomao is still under contract to work for Jinshi, and he makes a rude implication that has Jinshi grinding his molars.
And I think this is kind of weird. Just what does Lakan think or feel about his daughter? I don't know if he truly believes that there is something amorous going on between Maomao and Jinshi, but he's totally fine with implying that there is. They are talking about her contract here, and the implication that is being made is that Jinshi bought out Maomao's courtesan contract so that he could bring her to his house to service him solely. We the viewer know it's not true, and Lakan may have been able to pick up enough clues to realize it's not true, but still his joke is a weird one for a father to make. Is it just to get under Jinshi's skin? Or is it possible that he believes his daughter is truly acting as a courtesan? We know that Lakan has had dealings with courtesans in the past, and I'm glad he doesn't seem to have any prejudice against them and the work they do. Yet. I kind of thought maybe his whole reason for wanting to get Maomao to come live with him, was that he was trying to protect her from that work. Am I missing something here? Because it seems that's not the case. So if he doesn't want Maomao for her own sake, then he wants her for his own purposes. Which are??? Use her as another piece to maneuver? That doesn't seem quite right either, since she is the only one he doesn't see as a game piece. I don't know what this indecipherable man wants.
Maomao on the other hand wants Lakan to buy out an aging courtesan from the Verdigris House. Her delirious mother I assume. If that's her goal... is it really a good idea to put Maomao's mother into Lakan's care? Is he going to take care of her? It seems like if he intended to take care of her, he would have already stepped forward to do so. I know Maomao doesn't care about her mother, but she does take care of her when she visits the Verdigris House. Surely she wouldn't entrust any person to Lakan if she thought he would be a neglectful caregiver. I guess I just have to trust that Maomao knows these people better than I do, because this to me seems like a bad idea all the way around.
Maomao also adds a drinking element to the game, that includes poison. Also, if someone quits for any reason, they lose.
Lakan and Maomao are relaxed as they play, but Jinshi is worried. He doesn't like the terms or the rules of this game. Maomao loses the first round and is forced to drink, and Jinshi is the one sweating it. When she loses the second match, Jinshi starts to panic.
Lakan doesn't want to risk that Maomao might be poisoned by drinking a third cup, so he throws a game to drink one. If he drinks one that contains poison than he will know that Maomao is safe to lose her third game.
The cup that Lakan drinks from is poisoned, and he is not tolerating it well. Actually, the alcohol is far worse for Lakan than any medicine that Maomao may have added. Lakan famously abstains, and has no tolerance for alcohol. It's why he carries fruit juice with him everywhere.
So did Lakan know it was alcohol when he decided to drink it or did he think it tasted bad because of the medicine Maomao added? Either way, he agreed to the terms of the game and he has now lost the bet. Maomao never had to beat him at chess, she only had to risk drinking poison with a straight face which is an everyday activity for Maomao. Lakan lost the moment he agreed to play by Maomao's rules.
The show takes us back to see a young Lakan. He has hardcore face blindness, which makes for some very disturbing animation. Since he couldn't connect with people he devoted his time to playing Go and Chess. His uncle encourages him to identify people as chess pieces. His family name gets him a military position and Lakan tells us the following.
Lakan: Of all the games I've played. Chess with human pieces was the most fun I've ever had.
Lakan's inability to view people's humanity is frightening. Dangerous. A person without empathy. It's no wonder Maomao wants nothing to do with this man.
I do understand that Lakan's inability to recognize faces affects his ability to connect with other people, but wow, that's a whole lot different than viewing them as pawns you can manipulate for fun. I'm sure he was a brilliant strategist for the military, but the fact that he delighted in it, demonstrates his lack of humanity.
We learn that a courtesan named Fengxian from Verdigris House easily trounced Lakan in a game of Go. Finally he can see a human face. For years they played Go or Chess, slowly getting to know one another while they play.
Fengxian: A woman did give birth to me, but I have no mother. Because in the Pleasure District, a woman can never be a mother.
A pretty clear description of Fengxian's views on motherhood. If she maintained this view when she had her own daughter, then we can understand just what Maomao might have been dealing with. Also, didn't Maomao say something similar when she described Fengxian as the woman who birthed her?
Maomao: Maybe it's love. But if that's the case. It's not a rabbit hole I want to delve into. That's an emotion I'm sure I left behind. Back in the womb of the woman who birthed me. (Episode 18)
At the time I wrote that comment off to be because Maomao had experienced neglect, abuse or abandonment from her mother, which I do think is likely, however, Maomao's view of motherhood is perhaps not too different than Fengxian's. That a woman can never be a mother in the Pleasure District may be a common belief, but it isn't universal, because we saw the princesses, Pairin in particular, step up to fill the mother's role for Maomao.
Maomao has trash parents, but lovely found family.
Lakan tells us that Fengxian's price increased as she became more in demand. From then Lakan could rarely afford to meet with Fengxian.
Upon one visit Lakan learns that someone has bought out Fengxian's contract. She seems disappointed that she won't be able to meet with Lakan again. She makes a bet with him, with the highest stakes possible. Whoever wins, can take whatever they want from the other.
Lakan: Quite suddenly, a terrible thought crossed my mind.
He's thinking about that notorious way to lower the value of a courtesan isn't he? Just what is it that Fengxian wants from Lakan, I wonder? She has to know that he can't afford her contract. Could it be that she also wants to lower her value to avoid being bought out by someone else?
Lakan chooses to play Go, which we remember from an earlier episode that he could never defeat her in. Did he do this to give her the chance to ask something of him? To prevent himself from following through on that terrible thought that crossed his mind?
He does recognize that it's not right to impregnant a woman to lower her value. Is this because he has real feelings for Fengxian or that he simply acknowledges that it's manipulative? Does he think it's terrible because he would have to take responsibility for a child that is born this way? Or is it just terrible because time in bed would be a waste when they could be playing board games?
They never make it to the end of the game. Instead they sleep with each other and Fengxian tells Lakan that she wants to keep playing Go. She, like Lakan, likely has trouble connecting with other people. That they are well matched in intellect is like seeing another human for the first time. Everyone else is beneath them, not even human.
I'm convinced now that this was a tactical move from both of them. After all, Fengxian dismissed Meimei before they even started playing. Win or lose she was counting on sleeping with Lakan.
Lakan: There were no sweet words offered from Fengxian, nor from me for that matter. So in a way you could say we had similar natures.
Do these two care about each other at all or is it just that they don't express it? I have my doubts.
As Lakan is drifting off to sleep Fengxian sings a song, which I can only assume is the same one she tried to hum the day Maomao was in the annex to care for her. It is the same song from earlier in this episode where we see her in the present day playing with Go pieces on her bed. So her present day delusions are all about returning to this time which was the best period of her life. Before she had a baby, Before she cause syphilis, and everything fell apart.
But what is with singing the song in the past? I dipped into the Japanese with English sub to check the faithfulness of the translation:
Sleep, my baby, sleep. Where is she? She cries. Little birds are so innocent. Off they fly to somewhere far.
I'm not the best at interpreting poetry, so maybe someone else can help me with these lyrics. On it's surface it seems like a typical lullaby, but it could be taken as being about a loss of innocence since the innocent little birds fly away. Or perhaps since the birds leave, it could be about a desire for freedom? Both meanings could apply to Fengxian in this moment.
Wow. Okay. So Luomen is Lakan's uncle. I didn't see that coming. So there are blood ties between Maomao and Luomen.
In a fit of embarrassment and anger at Luomen's exile, Lakan's father also sends Lakan abroad. Fengxian's contract fell through and she made sure to alert Lakan, but it's not something he can deal with before his trip. It seems he intended to return to her, but it took three years before he could finally come back. He is greeted by a pile of letters. And a desiccated severed finger. A way to curse someone apparently. And there are two fingers there, a tiny one as well. What the fuck did Fengxian do? I suppose that this explains the nightmare Maomao had when she saw her mother with a knife. Does this have something to do with Maomao's twisted little finger? Did her finger get chopped off and reattached?
Fengxian took a chance when she decided to sleep with Lakan, and it destroyed her life. She ended up pregnant, which may have been okay, if Lakan had been there to buy her out when her value crashed. She was counting on him, and he wasn't there. It wasn't his fault, I think he would have bought her out if he was there, but the timing of everything was catastrophic for Fengxian. I suppose she didn't know he was out of the country, and her hatred grew, hence the finger severing curse. With that level of hatred I suppose it means she must have cared about Lakan, or perhaps she's just pissed that her plan fell through.
Lakan feels like a dumbass, which for a narcissist like him, is really saying something. He was so focused on playing Go and Chess that he didn't try to think of other ways to solve Fengxian and his problems, like impregnating her. Huh? Okay, I had that pegged wrong earlier. So then he must have thought his one night together with Fengxian was something special.
We get to see granny beating Lakan with a broom. She accuses him of not caring about a worthless courtesan and tells him that she's gone. She lost all of her value after being pregnant, and her actions hurt the reputation of the brothel. She had to take clients like a streetwalker where she contracted syphilis.
Lakan is too late to get what he wants from Fengxian. His fantasy with the high class courtesan ended when she lost her value and reputation. Now she is in a dire state, disgraced, diseased. So Lakan is distressed, but... fuck this guy.
l get that things fell apart while he was gone, but Fengxian is still alive at this point. She has a disease, but presumably she won't lose her mental capabilities until later down the line. He could still play Go with her. And even if she had lost her mind, fuck this guy! Does he really not care at all about her because of the things that have happened to her? He has zero capacity for actual love, like a psychopath. Many people become caregivers to the people they love when they become incapacitated. Only the shittiest walk away. Fengxian lost her reputation, her value, and her health, and Lakan is upset that she no longer fits into the perfect vision he had of her. Like seriously. FUCK. THIS. GUY!
I realize this is a HOT TAKE. And I stand ready to be corrected. But based on all I have seen thus far, Lakan is still a pretty shitty dude. I saw someone mention in a comment on one of these blogs about Lakan stans. At the time I thought to myself how the hell are there Lakan stans? It made me think that there was probably more to his story than I had seen up to that point. Well here is more, but it wasn't enough to make me like this character.
I could probably be convinced that he had real feelings for Fengxian, but then where the hell has he been all these years? Is it that Fengxian hated him and didn't want to see him? That she sent him severed fingers in an attempt to curse him would support that.
My opinion on Lakan still stands, even if Lakan loves Fengxian, and Maomao, and has been doing all he can to get back to them, he's still a shitty guy that seems to lack basic empathy. Like, he will only treat someone as a person if he is personally invested? I can't like a person like that.
Back to the present time, Lakan wakes up in Verdigris House and Meimei kindly tends to him. Apparently after he forfeited his game with Maomao by blacking out drunk, he was deposited here to fulfill his end of the bargain.
Is the fact that Fengxian's illness has progressed to delusions now allowed her to forget about her hatred of Lakan? She was seen tying to play Go and singing an old lullaby in the beginning; is she thinking fondly of old times? Does Maomao think now that Fengxian is more out of her mind, she would be willing to see Lakan? Regardless, she's about to end up with him now.
Maomao concocted a bitter beverage for Lakan and gifts him a dried blue rose. Maomao's message: leave the people I care about alone.
After all, Lakan requested blue roses from Jinshi, a nearly impossible thing for him to procure. Maomao made it happen because she didn't want to let Lakan get away with trying to manipulate Jinshi. The roses were all a ploy to draw Maomao out, which it did, but only for her to defend Jinshi and send a message to Lakan to back off.
The rose Maomao left for Lakan is dried. From an earlier time perhaps. Maybe blue roses were a tradition at Verdigris House or something that Fengxian knew the secret to. Perhaps the the blue rose simply represents Fengxian, and Maomao gifts it to Lakan to represent the meaning behind her bet, I'm giving Fengxian to you. There is a secondary meaning here that I don't know the meaning of. But Lakan does.
Cut to Maomao riding in a carriage with the always cheery Basan, where she pulls out a blue rose bud. Is this the bud she helped grow and create for the Garden Party or a dried one from the past? Is she thinking about whatever connection the blue rose has to her mother or is she thinking about what she did to grow these roses for Jinshi? Is she hoping that her message to Lakan will be enough to protect Jinshi and anyone else he may target? Enough to get Lakan out of her life?
I truly hope that this is the last episode with Lakan's POV. I hope to never see these faceless animations ever again.
If you want to read these from the beginning:
Episode 1
Next episode:
Episode 24
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice’s 10th member being babied by 3mix
A/N: I got two similar asks on Tumblr and I put them together, hope the anons like it! :)
The requests: could you do a members (mainly Jihyo) prank the maknae by treating her like a small child/baby..ik they baby her as is but you could make the maknae all annoyed and stuff.
i love ur works! can you do more mom!3mix with 10th member? it's so cute how they baby her 😭
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
It is no secret to ONCE and TWICE themselves that the unnies are overprotective of their maknae. Especially, 3mix, also known as the mom line (lol). However, they woke up with that vibe that you get when you wanna annoy your sibling, in that case, Y/N. Even if the youngest is always enjoying the feeling of being pampered, her sisters know when they get to the line and today, they wanna cross it. The prank is meant to last the whole day, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo got that idea from a ONCE that suggested it on a Vlive (Still can't get over the end of Vlives) they did coming back from a stage on their moms + maknae car. While you could be thinking that Y/N saw the comment, she wouldn't be able to, the unnies were on the front and she was on the last seat roll of the car laying down sleeping like the baby she is. And this cuteness always results in a thousand photos taken, some of them posted on her birthday cause, why not? The worst ones that become memes are usually provided by the maknae line and how could Y/N be mad when she does the same? It's only fair. Anyways- 
The youngest is the last to get up this morning and that's already rare but amazing for 3mix since they had time to prepare everything for the prank.
 Y/N - Morning unnies *yawns*
Jihyo - Hey baby, how are you doing?
Y/N - I'm okay, where are the other unnies? 
Nayeon - They went out, there's only the four of us now, why? Are we not enough? *pouts*
Jeongyeon - Yeah cutie, do you love them more than us?
Y/N - What?? Of course not unnies, why are you like that? *frowns*
Nayeon - Isn't she adorable Jeongyeon? Look at that frown! She looks like a baby.
Y/N - I'm not a baby! You know that unnie :/
Jihyo - Awnnn, come here sweetie. Don't pout.
Y/N - I'm not pouting :(
Jeongyeon - Saying you're not pouting while doing so isn't gonna help your case. 
Y/N - What's with you guys today? 
Jihyo - Nothing, come eat what we made kid. 
Nayeon - Yeah!! It's really good, I mean- I helped, obviously it's delicious. 
Y/N - Okay, let's sit down. Can we watch TV while eating? *puppy eyes*
Jeongyeon - You know I can't with those eyes, Jihyo you answer!
Jihyo - Can't even deny something she asks *rolls eyes*
Nayeon - You try then. It's horrible to say no to her
Meanwhile, Y/N can be seen still doing the kicked puppy look so her unnies take pity on her and she finally watches TV while eating for the first time in months. It's funny for her to think how she did this at home all the time before coming to Korea but in the dorms, she wasn't allowed by 3mix and that made her look spoiled, but she wasn't. (maybe just a little but she'll never admit it). 
After years (for Y/N ofc) they finally let her go to the sofa and they followed with a motherly smile on their faces as they noticed the skip on her steps. When they got there they remembered the prank and got to work.
Jeongyeon - Come cuddle honey
Y/N - Don't wanna...
Nayeon - Come here then... 
Y/N - Nooo, you're being to clingy today unnies
Jihyo - But you're our child, lay here with mama
Y/N - Fineeee 
Y/N goes to the other side of the sofa near the unnies and lands right in the middle, when she sits there and believes they find it enough she relaxes. But she let her guard down and Jihyo pulls her to her chest. The maknae layed there with an "oof-" and whined for the loss of her favourite moment on the TV show, Nayeon only cooed and stroked her hair. The others making sure she gets lots of cuddles. But, with time the youngest tried to get away and the unnies wouldn't let her, only laughing and telling her that a baby shouldn't be alone. This only made her more annoyed! With a huff, she goes out of the room pouting and complaining that the 3mix unnies are too much. (I'd love to be babied by 3mix but you do you girl, IG)
Her sisters felt bad and wrapped up the prank before the day finished, even if it was near the end 'cause they only wanted to annoy her a little but they could hear how frustrated she got with them. Opening the SMC room they found her sitting with her cell phone in hand, apparently texting on K-talk.
Jeongyeon - Kid... You know we love you
Y/N - I know, but why did you treat me like a baby all day? I'm a grown woman unnies
Nayeon - It was a prank pabo, we get that you want to be respected as who you are right now and to be seen as the mature girl we know you are. 
Jihyo - Yeah, we understand you cutie pie, but we'll always see you as the girl that we met when you we're only trainees, even if you are 70 years old. 
Y/N - Even then? Lol but you're gonna be grandmas!
Nayeon - YAH! You too, shut up. 
Y/N - Sorry unnie... But I just overreacted a little, the haters are being mean again and they're talking about how childish I am with you guys *frowns*
Jihyo - WHAT? And you we're gonna talk to us when? This is not okay babe
Nayeon - We're gonna talk with JYP again and this time he must do something with these haters
Jeongyeon - Nobody messes with our child and gets away with it, only us. 
Jihyo - That for sure. Anyway- besides that are you okay princess?
Y/N - Yes mamas, calm down. I'm fine now that you guys are here with me. And may I admit, I love when you guys pamper me, it makes me feel loved and warm inside (I wish)
Nayeon - Awnnn, we love you our dear maknae
Jihyo - Don't ever forget to tell us something like that, we are here for you and we love you our dear maknae
Jeongyeon -You are special to us and will always have a place in our heart and mind. We love you our dear maknae
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3149
by going to my best friend's play today, i made $40.
but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
i started out going to shaw's and running into someone from high school, so we chatted for a few minutes before i took the flowers i'd picked and checked out. i stopped for starbucks and snacked on my way to marlborough. i happily enjoyed the play - Radium Girls, and my friend was the stage manager - minus one twenty minute segment where it feels like i was gonna lose my cocoa and all the candies i ate on the way over.
at the beginning of the play, before it actually began, the lady who was at the ticket counter announced a 50-50 raffle as many community theaters do to raise money. $5 for 6 tickets, so i gave her $10. i didn't care about winning. it was an opportunity to support my best friend's theater, so of course i was gonna take it. community theater is grossly underrated. so i was happy to contribute.
the intermission rolls around and before everyone splits to the bathroom, the same lady from before gets up and reads the number off, and it's mine! what they got from it was $132, so i got $66. which was so cool! when she told us it was time for the raffle, i had this irrational confident feeling, and i questioned it, and then i won, so i don't know what to trust. it's funny.
but also, i paid $16 for my admission ticket and $10 for the raffle tickets, so those combined with the winnings i made $40. thanks, marlborough community theater!
the play was WONDERFUL. i cried twice. i was super happy that i had put my tissues into my new little bag because i needed it.
anyway, i grabbed the flowers i brought for my bestest friend and i found her talking to two more people i knew from high school, her best friend and her boyfriend, who, fascinatingly enough, has at various points in his life dated all three of us 😂🤣 i was first, and then my friend after we were in high school, and now her friend. thankfully he's grown up enough that the two of them are good together. that makes me happy.
anyway, the three of us helped the cast and crew strike the whole auditorium. i helped sweep ("is there a regular dustpan somewhere?" "yup!" "*confusion* how did you know that?" "we work here now."), and i helped bring things out to the car and i helped move boxes and chairs with one hand ("i'm gonna be so jacked on my left side when i'm done with this") because doctor's orders. i succeeded in helping AND in following instructions. it was nice to help.
my friend and i eventually made our way to the cast party for a little bit, and then we went to dinner together where she was able to unload a little bit and decompress. i just adore her and i want her to be happy, and she has been through more shit in the last two weeks than jurassic park ever saw, total. but she's stubborn and won't go down without a fight, but all the same she's still human and i love her dearly. yknow the page from the funny bird book where it's like "i'd sell you to satan for one corn chip"? it's the exact opposite of that. even if the gods themselves demanded me to give her up i wouldn't. i don't care who you are. you're not taking her. and even when the things that challenge her and threaten her are things i can't help, i'll be by her side every step of the goddamn way because she deserves to be happy. when i get outta dodge, i'm inviting her to come with me. joel and me and kat can find a three bedroom apartment or something like that and i'll be there to take care of her when she needs to fall apart. can't live without her, yknow?
i love her more than life itself. more than cheese fries. more than chocolate and snickers bars. and more than bad puns. like how much i love joel, but add ten years and make it sisters.
i love her so much.
speaking of, i wanna see joel sometime this week. i miss him bunches. i wish to see the joel and i want to hug him and be in his adjacent space and hang out with him. i just wanna talk to him.
i gotta get up early tomorrow. physical therapy waits for no man. and unfortunately, sometimes i fall in that category.
0 notes
Omg I loved your yandere pepa's side of the family so much
Part 2? Like let's say reader went to sneak out to meet a boy and got caught, what would happen?
(I love your stories so much, you're such a great writer I fall in love with every headcanon you do!! ❤❤)
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Yes I hate how the ending turned out so I'm sorry if it's crappy I am very tired and thank you so much that means a lot
"Oh nuestro sol it's time for bed if you be good tomorrow you'll even get to go outside for a few hours" Pepa said picking you up to be fair you were her favorite and to be fair you were everyone in the family's favorite you were tired of being babied but you had to play into their strange family dynamic so you'll be able to get off pretty good once you start your plan. You shared a room with Camilo for the moment it was more of a sleepover and you were lucky it's kind of like a theater but there was a giant window you can easily crawl out of you continued acting in a sentence wheat especially when Camilo since he was the most dangerous one "Mi querida you need your rest you're still young" he said semi sickly-sweet tone holding you close to him his hugs were so suffocating you couldn't wait until you see him again Anton he had stolen your heart completely even though you were still pretty young you two knew you were meant to be together.
Sometime did pass as everyone was asleep. You quickly got loose from Camilo's tight grip and put a stuffed animal that was the size and weight of you in between his arms you flinched as he moved and hugged it closer to him almost like it was your plan. your plan will work. You quickly started crawling up the large curtains on the large stage of Camilo's room opening up the window as you got up there and slowly started descending even though Casita was trying to stop you " Casita stop!" You whispered finally when you descended you smiled and started running to Anton and your secret space. You met the man that stole your heart. He was slightly tall for his age and had vitiligo "y/n you made it!" You two quickly embraced, you almost wish it could last forever but you two how to act fast with your quick cute picnic date before your family realized you're gone especially Camilo.
You two were smiling and laughing as you're eating. It was delicious food, baked goods and some juice "I love you Anton" "as do I y/n" it was so cute but it wouldn't last long. Camilo slowly woke up and realized you weren't there but there was some trailer paint leading up to the window he got angry realizing where you were " god dammit it's that damn boy that influenced you I'll have to get the family" he was almost debating just going there alone but he knew that it would not be wise. Camilo sinking fast woke up the rest of his family. Pepa was  thundering so much it could wake up the whole Encanto " they are with Anton!?! Oh I know that boy was such a bad influence" Félix was so angry even he couldn't calm down his wife" Dolores do me a favor and get you know what" she nodded and started walking into the kitchen to grab some weird herb, " Camilo go look for your sibling with Dolores after she brings back you know what me and Pepa we'll deal with the nuisance we will all meet back here when everything is done". 
You and Anton for smiling and you were just laying in his lap before he heard a noise" you stay here I'll go look for what made that noise ok" wishing you could come with him you stood up and started dusting off your nightgown before you knew it you felt something strange smelling covering up your nose you looked down and saw familiar hands but they were holding some weird herb will do you know this herb had the same effect as chloroform you soon began to pass out before you look up and saw the faces of your siblings smiling sweetly at you. " you're not in trouble my dear" Dolores said gently brushing your hair out of your face" far from it you were just under some bad influence from him obviously that just means you can't go with outside anymore which is for the better" Camilo said gently picking you up putting his poncho on you so you wouldn't go cold or get a cold. You began wishing you could just run away Escape or even get out of the grasp of your older brother but you couldn't you knew Antonio wouldn't help you he's too young and he obviously is influenced by his family Behavior you love your family but you wish you had more freedom there's nothing you can do you just hope Anton will be okay.
Pepa and Félix made quick work of that young boy; they made it look like an accident even though they wished they could get their hands more dirty for influencing their perfect angels well at least they couldn't. They started catching up with their other children and saw you passed out and fast asleep which made them happy. You would still stay in Camilo's room so he would have a better watch on you and if you need to go out and stay out for a while they would have a clear eye on you. You would lose a lot of your freedoms but it will be okay. You only have mama papa, your sister and your brothers and that's all you need.
💛 Everything will be okay you just need is yor family 💛
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Moments of Despair #2 [Genshin Impact/Albedo x Reader]
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Synopsis: "The alchemist who relished in his gifts only to fall from grace."
(A series of works where the boys deal with the passing of their beloved).
Diluc’s despair
Warnings: angst, tragedy, major character death and psychological horror (correct me if otherwise)
(A/n): I decided to take a slightly different approach this time. Regardless, it’s still killing my heart TwT.
Out of the many wonders of Teyvat, one thing Albedo loved most was how you were so different from him. 
Difference ties to the unknown, one that must be discovered. He was drawn to you the first time he had laid his eyes upon your form standing at the heights of Mondstadt's cathedral. The Sisters scolded you from below, but all you did was reply with a wink amidst their chaos before soaring into the skies and letting the wind carry your glider. Reckless they said. For him, your recklessness was intriguing. 
As the sun's light blinded his vision, everything he saw seemed like a glass barrier. For the ground was where he thrived and chalk was his core, it became the basis of Albedo's very existence. Even the geo Archon granted him a Vision of the same element to affirm his identity. The earth will forever be attached to his feet as he will keep on his stride until every last truth of Teyvat have all been realized. You, on the other hand, hailed from a place where he couldn't quite reach. What lies beyond this glass ceiling? Albedo found himself gradually holding onto a string of curiosities, a string he could touch but was not able to feel. 
'Interesting,' he thought quietly, while the breeze slip between the fingers of his outstretched hand. 
He was a character of logic, possessing sharp eyes that could pierce through the depths of the most complex formulas and a mind to predict their outcomes-  as long as alchemy was still related. All impossibilities thrown in his way only paved a path for him to become the well known genius he was now. Whether it was alchemy or  investigations with the Knights of Favonius, Albedo never failed to deliver the answers. But despite it all, he always found himself endlessly contemplating over things that were considered intangible. He wonders why you smile when there was nothing to laugh about. How could you tell between the complexities of the human heart? Albedo can't seem to put a finger on it. 
'Why? What drives you? What are you thinking?' 
The Chief Alchemist couldn't resist being fascinated by your unpredictability. It reels him in similar to a fish being baited out of the waters. However, unlike those creatures, Albedo only tightened his grip on the strings as if they were a lifeline, determined to find out what they truly felt like to the touch. 
"I can't really say it's much of an answer," you hummed, clasping both hands behind your back before declaring with a grin, "To put it simply, you just gotta follow your heart."
'Follow your heart...' What does it mean to follow your heart? 
"I'm afraid I still don't understand," he replied in a thoughtful manner. The statement never really resonated with him and it certainly weren't the words his Master taught when he was in the early stages of being created, "But it does suit you very much." 
"Really? But still bring your head with you," a playful laugh escapes and you add while pointing a finger, "At least, it's what everyone tells me these days." 
"Hm," Albedo then affirms with a nod, "I can definitely see why they would tell you that." 
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" 
The days go by and his repetitious march towards the truth remains the same. However, there was never a dull moment when you were at his side. Perhaps that was the reason why Albedo became so attracted to your aura. The way you'd follow around his experiments, eyes so full of enthusiasm at every step of the activity. Sometimes the events can get a little too out of hand in which he needs to step in and save you from getting stuck in slime condensates...constantly. Albedo grew fond of your childlike excitement even when you weren't entirely sure what was going on. He normally distanced himself from socializing as it never sparked his interest. Frankly, he was too much of a genius for mundane conversations. Your presence was rather refreshing in this case. You were an oddball, just like him, and for once the alchemist felt like he didn't need to place that glass barrier between the two worlds. 
"You seem to be in a very good mood today Mister Albedo." 
He was a man of subtle expressions yet anyone could notice the small gleam in his eyes whenever he saw you walking in the hallway. Sucrose often remarked with a giggle after she noticed her teacher holding his documents upside down. But who could blame him? Joy, fun, laughter. He was able to experience those emotions all because of you; his beloved. You were the colour to his canvas and the meaning to his flower. You were a force of nature. Like a warm breeze gracing upon the terrestrial lands, you move him. 
Thump- thump- thump- 
Strings around his world began to weave one whole picture while they also tugged inside his chest. God had finally blown the breath of life into mankind's body, it was only a matter of time before Albedo came to follow his heart too. 
"Alright, just one more detail aaaaand done!" 
You gave a small tap using the tip of your pencil and leaned back to examine your artwork. 
On days when Katheryne had no commissions assigned to the guild, Albedo would accompany you to the Whispering Woods and conduct his sketches there instead. He was aware of the discomfort Dragonspine brought as the temperature wasn't ideal for anyone except for him. You eventually learned that your lover was not only intelligently different from the rest but physically too. Albedo, aside from the Cavalry Captain, was mysterious in his own way. He was hard to read yet never came off as intimidating, no one knew of his origins nor they knew how he came to Mondstadt. You wondered why someone like him would have wanted to get involved with your shenanigans. Rosaria often gave warnings regarding the alchemist's 'hidden intentions' in which you'd roll your eyes in response. The Albedo you knew was far from that. He was a big brother to Klee, a man passionate about his work, he was the one golden star among the many silvers in your sky. He was your lover. 
My Albedo. 
Brushing a hand upon the drawing you made of him, you glided down the lines of his cheek before resting your finger on the mark by his neck. You gazed at it with fondness. Truly a masterpiece indeed. 
"You do realize I'm still here?" 
The paper nearly flies out of your grasp and you snatched it back to your chest, "HUH A-ALBEDO, WHEN DID YOU APPEAR???" 
"I was with you the whole time," he states. The corner of his lip tug upward ever so slightly, "You said you wanted to sketch me." 
"A-Ahahaha, so I did," you reply while scratching your head bashfully. 'I thought I was looking at a sculpture!!'  You rushed to cover your face with the sheet. It wasn't that you forgot he was there, rather, you forgot he was still a living and breathing specimen who just witnessed your little serenade. As Lisa had once said, Albedo was easy on the eyes. His graceful features made him seem almost like an oil painting that could only be found in  halls of the most prestigious households. You made sure to capture everything, every detail, every curve just like he had done with your portraits. Only now you noticed the sun already began its descent below the lakeside, dusting the landscape with hints of bright orange as it marked the day's end. If only time could slow down. But duty calls upon your next journey and there was no telling when you'd return. At the very least, a simple portrait would suffice to fill in the temporary gap of his absence. 
"Can I see it?" 
You glanced his direction while keeping the drawing close to your nose, "Are you sure about that? It might not be up to your expectations." 
"I'm sure," Albedo affirms with a straight countenance, "I can already tell you've put a great amount of effort, otherwise you wouldn't have taken this long." 
"Yeeaahh I kinda lost track of time. I guess it's only fair that you get to see the finished product," you say and shoved the drawing in front of him, "Tada! I present to you, my masterpiece!" 
Albedo takes it out of your grasp and you watched the way his eyes expanded upon sight. 
"Well? Whaddya think?" 
Words could not describe the mixture of emotions that erupted within him. Was it distinguishable or abstract? Albedo spent his time pondering between the two answers as he examined the drawing closely. Despite the lines being slightly jagged and the unevenness in the placement of his eyes, he managed to make the shape of the entire image you were trying to convey. Perhaps it was all thanks to his well trained artistic vision which gave him the ability to do so. Or maybe he was simply biased. But there wasn't a shred of doubt that this was indeed your craftsmanship. 
"You even added flowers in the background," he pointed out with amusement. 
"It's the thing you make when using your elemental burst, I couldn't fit your hand in the picture so I decided to put it somewhere empty," you informed, "Out of everything, that one took me the longest." 
"And the rabbits?" 
"They resemble Klee's bombs!" 
He lets out a chuckle, "I see." 
Albedo kept his attention downward until he was mindlessly staring at the paper in hand. This was a memory made to be carried as you moved on to your next journey and it saddens him that he could not accompany you. If only time slowed down. Albedo wanted to hold onto the memory forever, because he knew once he gave it back, he wouldn't be able to see you for an uncertain amount of time. 
"Do you really have to go?" 
His voice was barely above a whisper. Guilt crept into your heart and you gingerly layed your fingers on his gloved ones, bringing down the paper that blocked his face. A pair of teal orbs held a reflection of your image as the sun's rays casted from the side. You returned it with a reassuring grin, hoping to soothe his worries somehow, "I just need to pay a visit to my father since he's been very sick lately. I'll be fine, so don't worry too much okay?" 
Albedo turns over his palm and gave your hand a squeeze, "How long will it take?" 
"I'm not sure but it will be a while. Snezhnaya is pretty far so..." you trailed off, "But my time in Mondstadt, with Klee and with you, I will never forget! I won't even if I tried." 
When you were met with no answer, a breeze came in to fill the melancholic silence. He too will not forget and he would ensure that it was the same for you. Slowly, Albedo brought your hand up, past the center of his heart all the way to cupping his cheek. He allowed himself to indulge in your warmth, tangling the strands of his hair with your fingers while closing his eyes. Sweet flowers. You always carried the smell of sweet flowers. 
"Albedo?" You gawked, "What's the matter?" 
"...There are certain aspects where drawings can't imitate,"  he says, grip tightening ever so slightly, "How I feel against your skin, the shape of my jaw, your warmth radiating with my own. These are the things I want you to remember." 
Breath leaves your slightly parted mouth. It was unfair how straightforward Albedo could be when showing his affection. Doing as he pleases without anyone's approval to the point it would even catch you off guard since he often absorbed himself in the arts of alchemy. But during times when Albedo did choose to express his feelings, you knew they came from a place of pure genuinity. The thought made it hard for you to tear away from him, "Did you ever find out what the strings felt like then?" 
Albedo returns his gaze, long golden lashes hovering them as he smiles softly, "...I have." 
As he began to reveal his stories, the dusk sky continued to flare across the landscape with colours of passion. Red, it was the thread that had led him to you, the same string that weaved him together as a whole. Albedo lays a kiss atop of your pinky, there was a reason why Mondstadtians called him the Chalk Prince. You didn't know the intention behind his sudden affection but he knew. It was a promise, one to ensure that the thread would also have you return safely back into his arms. 
Oh how he hated the colour red. 
With speed he never knew he had, Albedo scoops you into his embrace and held you close. How did everything happen so fast? He curses his mind as it proceeds to scan your injuries, drawing a conclusion where he wished to be wrong for once: 
You were beyond help. 
"Ah..haha..." you managed to laugh through bitter tears, "You don't have to say it. I know." 
His breath hitches, trying to make sense of the feeling that was slowly tearing him apart from the inside. It's not real. Of course it wasn't, it couldn't be. What other possible answer was there to explain the numbness stinging his fingers? The reason for his shaking? Everything felt so cold. Your body hardly registered to his to touch, you were losing so much blood. You were losing. He was going to lose you. 
"No," Albedo shakes his head, "We still have time. I'll go find help." 
Please, hold on. 
He forced himself to think. The ruin hunter ran off shortly after it had ambushed you, by now the Knights would eventually noticed and apprehended it on sight. They couldn't be too far. All he needed was to carry you back to safety and everyone can go home. Albedo darted his eyes all over the place, breaths becoming shallower with each passing second. Where? Where to go? Which route was best to not overexert your wounds? Think. Think. Think. Why couldn't he think? 
"A..." You watched him in your helpless state. Every part of you throbbed with pain but it pains you even more to see the renowned genius who stood atop the pedestal of elegance and grace so utterly, undoubtedly lost. This was not the goodbye you wanted, though death already had you tight in their grasps. Not yet. Using the last particle of your strength, you tried to stay alive as long as possible. Just a little bit more time. 
Albedo freezes when a trembling hand extends itself to cup around his cheek. Every single thought he had in mind vanished and was replaced by a loud ring resonating in his ears. Dreadfully, mechanically, he turns his attention to where you lay. 
"Don't cry," you whisper, "I love you, don't cry- okay?" 
Albedo grimaces, shutting his eyes closed as he allows the pent up sadness to flow out of him completely, "I can't," he said in a shaky voice, "Please. Stay." 
"I'm sorry," Your vision blurs and he hugs you even more. Drawing your final breath, you relay your most cherished words through a broken smile, "But no matter w-where I go...I won't for..ge.." 
The moment your hand fell, Albedo finally understood the difference between death and loss. 
It was...suffocating. Having the air trapped in his throat, begging to release yet it hurts to speak. The never ending stabs that pulsed within his veins rushed forth like the scraping  blizzard of Dragonspine until his whole body lost all its senses. The world was shattering. He could no longer feel your weight. He could no longer feel. 
Albedo glances at his blood stained fingers where the thread had been severed, wide eyes drowning in sorrow. What a horrible feeling. Was this a warning sent by the gods? For stepping into the boundaries of knowing too much? Ah the curse of knowledge man must bear when eating the temptatious fruit. It was the result of choosing to love you. With life, death is inevitable and with love, it will eventually bring pain. Everything had a price to pay and as an alchemist, Albedo knew that better than anyone. 
But he refused to accept it. 
Cradling your corpse, he leans in and places a kiss on your forehead, lips quivering as they lingered for a second too long before gathering the strength to stand back on his feet. Nothing will stop the alchemist from reuniting with you. If the laws wished to take you away from him then he will use everything in his power to fight against those laws. 
"This is not goodbye..." Albedo said to the sleeping girl, "And it will never be." 
When the sun sinks below the plains and the stars lose their light, the sky had been replaced with a palette of darkness. It was time to go home. 
"Have you all heard about the rumours?" 
A group of knights gather in the corner as they whisper about. Sucrose stops on her tracks and hides behind a wall, clutching the book close to her chest in an attempt to stay hidden. 
"Another criminal disappeared from the dungeons? Crazy..." 
"More like creepy. I was told that place might be haunted by some dead prisoner's ghost. Even the Church is hopping onto this case." 
"Well I hope it doesn't get any worse. So many of us started going on night patrols..." 
Their voices faded out of range as the anemo user backtracks her steps carefully. Several months passed since the news of mysterious kidnappings have been announced to the public. Rumours of their whereabouts swirled around the city and much to her discomfort, Sucrose happened to catch every single one of them. There couldn't possibly be evil spirits lurking in the Favonious Headquarters right? She silently shrieks at the thought, shaking her head furiously to stop her mind from going too deep. No, I have to find him. Without wasting another minute, the anemo user sprinted towards the stairs all the way up to the second floor before stopping directly in front of her teacher's office. Despite the adrenaline that occured at the same time, she made sure to knock. 
No answer. 
"Strange, he told me he would be here today..." Sucrose muttered to herself. But suddenly she heard the sound of objects shifting from the otherside, signaling that there was indeed someone occupying the room. Without realizing, she held her breath out of anticipation. 
"Come in." 
The door creaks as she opens them, giving her enough space to slip between the gap, "Mister Albedo?" 
"You're early today," The Chief Alchemist noted from his desk, "Is there something the matter?" 
"Y-You mean you don't know? There was just another case about a person disappearing from the dungeons," Her tone became more frantic as she rambled to herself, "The kidnapper never leaves a trace and no one knows how they were able to get out. Even when we ask the guards what happened, they can't seem to remember as if...as if someone casted a spell on them!" 
"A spell?" He inquires, "I suppose that could be a possibility." 
"I think so too. I-It's the only explanation that makes sense! I mean...ghosts don't exist after all," Sucrose nervously looks down at her shoes while giving her book a squeeze, "But why? Who could be capable of such advanced techniques? No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to understand their intentions." 
"...Yes. It is a very strange occurrence indeed." 
Noticing her teacher's withdrawn attitude, Sucrose couldn't help but feel flustered at her own behaviour, "Ah my apologies Mister Albedo, I didn't mean to go off track. Have there been any progress on the investigations so far?" 
Albedo briefly glanced at the various documents splayed across his table. His reputation as an incredibly intelligent individual had reached far and wide through Mondstadt. This led to the authorities requesting his assistance regarding the recent matters, despite him specializing in the alchemical field, he was also the Captain of their Investigation Team. Although, Albedo detested partaking in things he deemed irrelevant to his research; 
"I'm afraid I would need more evidence to draw a conclusion." 
"Eh? You still need more?" 
He could not deny that the given authoritative position had provided much benefits to his own accord. 
"My expertise lies in the subject of alchemy," Albedo reasoned and proceeds to intertwine his fingers in front of his mouth, "Humans on the other hand, are very unpredictable in nature. Even the essence of their existence is hard to obtain." 
"Essence of their existence?" Sucrose repeated softly. She wanted to ask what he meant but the blank expression was evident  enough to signal his impatience. At least, that was what she thought, "Nevermind! I have something that might help," taking out a slip from her textbook, she handed it to him, "It's the report Captain Kaeya gave me. He said that the culprit might be a traitor coming from the Knights of Favonius." 
He narrows his eyes. 
"I-I think he might be right! Just think about it, we haven't found anything at all for the past few months but when we do, I sometimes feel like we're just running in circles...oh what if it's becau-" 
Albedo calmly looks at the flustered girl, not realizing how sharp his tone was, "You're overthinking again. Perhaps it's best that you take this day off." 
"But I came here to help," she insisted, "I know it hurts to lose someone you love! Don't you understand that we're all worried about you? And Klee, she..." 
"Please Mister Albedo, if there's anything I could do-" 
"No need," he cuts her off once again, "Your stress levels are too high. We can't go any further if you continue to act like this." 
"Oh," her ruby eyes casted to the side, "I understand..." 
"Good. Now, if you would excuse me," Albedo bid her farewell and watched as the door clicked behind her, observing every detail until he was sure that the absolute silence had returned. He picks up Kaeya's document. Such remarkable handwriting. But of course, appearances are only meant to be displayed on the surface for the Captain was a sly man, wearing a mask to shield what lies underneath. Just like his letter, they were full of innuendos and condensed meanings, orchestrated together until the truth spoke loudly to Albedo himself. 
"So, that's what he thinks." 
Perhaps the alchemist should have been a little more discreet. 
There was a certain place in Dragonspine that no one dared to enter. But those who have, they never return. 
"Hm, no response. Now as for the next step..." 
And he was the reason why. 
Taking the sword out of the transmutation circle, Albedo turned to the snowy hill nearby and activated his alchemy. A small portion of it dissipates, revealing a trench that went so deep underground that even warmth couldn't outplay the sheer cold. It was the perfect hiding place for the evidence to lay out of sight and an environment where only he could handle. The alchemist tossed the leftover along with the others before exiting quietly, summoning back the ice to bury his victims once again. Another day, another experiment, another stain goes to his title. The path he walked upon was one littered with corpses and the sins he committed. But despite the bones crunching beneath his feet and the weight of the dead hanging on his shoulders, the alchemist was numb to it all. Like an entity floating in space with nothing to hold, he became unable to feel. 
"I'm back," When reaching the center of Starglow Cavern, Albedo puts his hand on the icicle and caressed it's hard cold surface, "Did you sleep well?" 
The girl did not respond. Her eyes were closed and her skin was as young as ever. She was frozen in time. 
"You must have." 
Albedo felt the sword beginning to shake in his grasp as it resonated with his energy. Dust particles emitted from the hilt and slowly made their climb to the side of his arm. Still, Albedo's attention did not waver, "To this day, I've been thinking about what you told me the first time we met." 
"Follow your heart. I couldn't understand it at first but after being around your presence, I believe I can finally recognize what that term means." 
He closes his eyes as he envisioned your lively form running across the landscape. Albedo, Albedo! The sound of his name was mixed with your laughter while Klee came into the scene and caught the dandelions with you. A content smile formed on his countenance as he watched from afar, even if it was just a memory, "It's everything. The breakfast we ate together, to the nights spent camping outside, and the silly moments we shared, they bring all these colours that I never knew existed." 
Albedo curls his fingers against the ice as he continues to lament, "Perhaps that's why I began noticing the strings around me. The closer I was to answer, the more I felt it was necessary to discover what they are. All this time, you were the answer I was searching for," Moist begins to build up in his eyes but they freeze up once reaching the corners. How cruel. Despite what he went through, he wasn't even granted the liberty to cry, "Because with you, I'm able to feel them." 
He wonders what you would think if you saw him right now. Albedo peers at his reflection casted on the crystalline surface, the frame of his face had been decorated with streaks of purple and red, spreading out like tree branches as they both fought for dominance. The teal coloured orbs you once adored were beginning to transform to a colour that reminded him of his darkest days. This was Albedo's true nature- a monster, a being that wasn't human, the essence in which you never had the chance to see. 
"I know I may not be the same as I was before," he added, "But if that is what it takes to follow your heart, will you let me feel the strings again?" 
Would you still love me the same? 
"If so, then please understand my actions," Albedo takes a step back as he held out the sword in front of him. At last, the preparations have finally been completed. He plunges the blade to the ground with full force and the surrounding area begins to shake under the power accumulated through many, intentional sacrifices. To revive the dead was a forbidden art as it came with heavy consequences. If it weren't for Albedo's talent and quick wit, the process would have consumed him long before executing the last stage. He winces, the pain was excruciating. It was hard for him to ignore the sound of his skin cracking below his ears and all the way to his nose as they fall off in the shape of small rock-like chunks. Everything hurt so much that even death sounded like a sweet dream but Albedo couldn't afford to give up. He had already come this far, his hands completely washed with sin and his reputation already broken beyond repair, Albedo had nowhere else to go. This was his last destination. 
"Soon-" he pants between choked breaths. Soon your eyes will open. He could drown in your embrace, one that was warm and not cold. Soon he will be able revive those cherished memories from a frozen past. It was all he could think of right now. Your existence was the reason why a part of him felt whole and your death made him realize how painful it was to tear away those pieces. Albedo refused to let go of those pieces, they had already become a part of him. And if this path ended up tearing him even more, then so be it. 
"I should have stopped you the moment you were born." 
The intruder snapped him awake and he swung around to where they stood. But before Albedo could make out who it was, they lunged past him with incredible speed, kicking the sword off the ground while severing his two arms once and for all. They flew to the side, blood dyed purple trickling from the edges of his joint as he struggled to stay upright. 
Dainsleif watched the alchemist fall onto his back as the light around him slowly faded away. He turned his gaze to where the objective was and noticed a girl encased within the ice. The man sighs out of relief when she shows no signs of life, he came just in time, "So this is how it ends." 
Albedo weakly stared at the blonde man. He attempted to say something but the blood caught in his mouth prevented him from that. 
"Save your breath, you won't be having any," Dainsleif remarks in a cold manner and glared at his bloodied form, "The renowned Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt and an important member of Ordo Favonious. Hmph, what an interesting turn of events. Out of everyone, I never thought you were the type to act so foolish." 
Foolish...what a foreign name to be called as. He never heard anyone tell him he was foolish. 
"Truly a pity," With a flick of a wrist, Dainsleif brought his sword to Albedo's neck. It was unbelievable how he had the endurance to go through all that pain while still breathing at this point but what is there to be expected from a monster? "Remember that all actions have consequences." 
The alchemist watched as his life flashed before him, the weight of his sins had finally caught up. He had always seen the world as a platform for his objectives and results were merely a natural cause after attempting many experiments. But death as a consequences was an unbearble realization upon his final moments. He abandoned his title, his pupil and his dearest sister. In the end, he was still unable to fulfill his duty. 
"I just..." Albedo mumbled, his words slurring together, "wanted..." 
As the ashes turn to ashes and dust becomes dust, chalk returns to the earth, forever yearning a place that can never be reached.
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anxious-ace · 3 years
Some Michael headcannons:
Bisexual trans man
Acts tough and looks intimidating but is a huge sweetheart (could be trauma related)
The head technician and one of the managers (he is also on the pa system)
In charge of maintenance
Henry hired him based on skill, not because he's William's son
Really fucking remorseful over his siblings' deaths even though they weren't really his fault
Chewing gum habit is really bad
Is Kasey, Brianna and Eddie's biological dad along with Aiden
Kinda hates Christmas because of trauma but also because of the workload
Will just find lost kids running around and bring them to Henry to help find the parents
Sunny is his service dog and is a good girl
Aiden and Henry bought her for him
His favorite animatronic is whoever didn't try to kill him and Foxy (so the Glamrocks, Helpy and Foxy)
(Maybe The Puppet, trash and the gang and mediocre melodies too)
Is actually really fucking scared of baby because holy shit did she manipulate him
Has scars on his arm from a springlock accident (during sister location)
(It was the suit from night 4)
Will just throw up during panic attacks
Is the reason the company has a therapist
Boy does he trauma dump
He will just spend 4 hours explaining everything that happened in gruesome detail
The ghost kids like talking to him because he understands how fucking painful it is to die and not be able to get help
He will just fall asleep in his office and scare the shit out of everyone else, especially new hires, because it looks like he just fucking died
Let's curious kids ask him questions about the company or himself
Doesn't mind kids staring or talking about him
Knows French because of his mom and Spanish because of Aiden
Also knows Russian and Korean
He can dance really well
Usually eats alone
Moved to New York after sister location
His limbs (mostly his hands) will just fall off
Comes up with holiday themed costumes for the animatronics and staff
Programed a speaker system into the animatronics that sounds like the animatronics are actually singing
(It's basically him playing a song through the program, the animatronics scan the lyrics, separate them based on color coded lyrics and then sing when they're ready)
He's smart but he's also dumb as shit
Mans will put salt in his coffee AND make a whole ass program for shows from scratch
Plays piano and drums on a separate stage next to the animatronics
Has dyed his hair to differentiate himself from his dad
Probably has facial dysmorphia because he looks identical to William and is probably terrified of being just like him
Like he'll look in a mirror for a few seconds, see his father's face instead and just freak out
Since Frostbear's voice box is probably frozen, Michael either, hooked up a speaker to a microphone that he uses to perform through Frostbear or dresses up as him to perform
(He has stage fright so he probably wouldn't be performing without something covering his face, that's probably why he's kinda thankful for the pandemic)
Like he has a reason to cover his face that isn't facial dysmorphia or his fear of being like his father because of how eerily similar they look
Has some kind of hearing aid/ear bud type thing because of an accident (probably from all of the screaming animatronics because holy shit they're loud)
It's mainly for you know, hearing, but there's a certain mode on it that allows it to be used as an ear bud while still being a hearing aid
Smokes semi-regularly
Came up with the idea of having a separate stage away from the animatronics for the human performers
Is probably one of the only ones who are skeptical of the fact that THEY SEND KILLER ANIMATRONICS AND THE MAN WHO LITERALLY KILLED THEIR KIDS TO PEOPLE'S HOUSES
"I just keep hitting shit and it fixes itself."
Bought Eddie's teddy bear (amply named Teddy) for him and is usually the one fixing him up
Actually wanted to be like William when he was little, now he's utterly petrified of even the thought of being like him
Will just carry helpy around one of the locations in a backpack
He didn't apply to a set location, he just gets sent wherever maintenance is needed
Is Nessa's supervisor during the night shift
I don't think he's gotten much sleep, in general not just recently
He and Mangle will just vibe in the back room when he's not needed
He and Henry were pulled out of the fnaf 6 fire
His skin went back to normal and he got his organs and bones back thanks to God or some shit (in other words, nobody fucking knows, least of all Michael himself)
I feel like he would have repressed emotional issues
The ghost kids are actually really sorry for mistaking him for his father and almost killing him
He forgives them
Is Henry's nephew with Summer (my Mrs. Afton) being Henry's sister
Exclusively calls William "motherfucker"
I know the phantom animatronics were hallucinations that were probably caused by the failing vent system, but him having (or being misdiagnosed with) Schizophrenia could also explain it
Has thrown soda cans at the animatronics
Built the glamrocks with the purpose of helping kids safely escape (and for holding cake and piñatas but that's kind of a secondary priority)
His right arm once got caught in a really heavy, metal automatic door under the pizzaplex and had to get it amputated
Gets cold very easily because he used to be a fucking corpse
Literally can't sleep between 12 and 6 am
Might be underweight because I don't think he really ate when he was a skinsuit or after the fact
After a near death experience, he always hears, "you won't die, but you'll wish you could."
I think William didn't really give him a lot of attention when he was a child so now he will work himself to the bone just to get even the tiniest bit of approval
Henry knows this and makes a conscious effort to give him approval whenever he can
He and Summer were involved in a car wreck close to Christmas time
He literally cannot stomach the franchise's pizza, he will throw up if he eats it
It's because it's all he would eat for dinner as a kid
William was basically like, "just eat at the Pizzeria." everytime he asked for food and now he can't eat it without throwing up
Dumping syndrome (foods digests too quickly meaning food moves too quickly from your stomach to your duodenum/small intestine)
Usually takes public transit to work because he fears that he'll get in a car crash like the one that killed his mom
Most of his mannerisms are trauma responses or something he picked up from his parents ( + maybe Henry)
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deexchanel · 3 years
New York
Word Count: 2,655
Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader. Justice League x BlackFem!Reader but more specifically Clark Kent x BlackFem!Reader.
Warning: Arguing, mention of miscarriage, angst.
Summary: After not being in contact for so long, someone decides to make a visit.
A/N: The title has nothing to do with the one short. Oops. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!😁 below is Y/N’s outfit for the first half.
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A long day after helping the team on their mission, Y/N wanted some pizza. It was around 10 p.m. when she decided to leave the tower. Tony was asleep in the chair, Steve was asleep on the couch. Natasha and Bucky were on the floor watching a movie. Thor was rummaging through the refrigerator, he was watching the movie as well but stopped to get some snacks.
Loki was in the library reading a book. Peter was on patrol so that’s why she felt safe with being out so late. “Loki I’m leaving to get some pizza okay?” He closed his book, preparing to stand up.
“Alright, I’m going with you.”
Y/N placed a hand on his chest so he could stay sitting. “ I want to go by myself Loki. I’m going to be perfectly fine, Peter’s patrolling right now.”
Loki sigh trying to push down his overprotective feeling. “Alright, just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Y/N hummed kissing his forehead, she then walked to the living. Everyone in their same position except Thor was now back on the floor.
Y/N kissed each of their foreheads, “I’m going to go get some pizza. Anyone wants anything?”
Natasha shook her head,“ No, be careful though. I really want to pause this good movie to save your ass.” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing her purse from the hook.
“Bring me back some pizza? I’m rather hungry.” Thor said with his eyes glued to the tv.
“You’re always hungry Thor. Bring me some too. Better yet, why don’t I just come.” Y/N heard shuffling from behind her. She wanted to take a peaceful by herself to get pizza, is that too hard to ask? “No Bucky, I want to go by myself. I can handle it.”
She turns around to see him looking at her hesitantly. “You sure Y/N? I don’t mind coming-”
“I got it, really. Go enjoy the movie Bucky. I’ll be right back.” Y/N cut him off, walking out of the door. Bucky stood there dumbfounded, “Is she acting weird or it’s just me?” He pointed to the door, looking at Natasha and Thor.
“She seems alright with me.” Natasha shrugged and Thor didn’t reply.
Y/N took a deep breath hearing the new york life sparkle in her ears. Taxis coming and going. The roar of the subway beneath Y/N’s feet. Everyone talking but still being able to hear your own conversation.
Lights flashing brightly, babies crying, the homeless constantly asking for money. The smell of 1,000 vendors, many selling gyros. Broadway fans going insane when their favorite cast member walks out of the stage door. People of every race, color, and religion.
“Finally,” Y/N mumbled after a good minute of walking, she arrived at the pizza store on the corner. She ordered and stood in line for 15 minutes then left with 5 boxes of pizza. Stopping at the park, Y/N sat on a bench eating pizza enjoying the night air.
Y/N was happy with life but sometimes a person just wants to be alone. A little part of her misses the old lifestyle she had. Bruce, Barry, Diane, Victor, and Arthur. She missed them so much, especially Clark but he was the last person she wanted to see.
They were old lovers, at one time there wasn't a thing Clark wouldn't do for Y/N. Time skip, Y/N found out she was pregnant but due to stress from Clark, she miscarried. No one knew because of the genuine smile she held on her face. He was probably so caught up with Lois to not notice that she'd been gone for a year now.
She loved Clark, Y/N was his best friend. Lois came into the picture and he dropped everything just for her. Heartbroken, Y/N came to new york searching for happiness. She found it in the avengers who she now calls family.
Today was the anniversary of her baby and she just wanted to be alone. She was alone when it happened so she rather be alone now. Y/N stared off into space not even hearing someone land beside her. You read right, land.
The deep voice took her out of her gaze. Y/N turned to see Clark in his superman attire. Shocked, she could barely get anything out. "...Clark??"
Clark's face held worry," Y/N..." Y/N furrow her eyebrow confused cutting him off.
"What are you doing here Clark?"
"I can't come to see you now? Y/N I haven't seen you in months."
"Clark I don't wanna talk about that right now. I want to know how did you know I was here??" Y/N stood up, placing her unfinished pizza in the box. She couldn't even enjoy alone time without being bothered.
"Bruce's been track you this whole time Y/N. Come home, we miss you. I miss you." He reached out for her hands. Surprisingly Y/N let him grab her hands. She shook her head.
"Clark I can't just leave. I have a life and family here. You have Lois now, that's who you need. Not me."
Clark looked down," She left me Y/N. Lois said me being superman was too much."Y/N sigh knowing how to hurt he was. Yes, she was mad at him but sometimes not everything needs a reaction. Keeping it calm, she gave him a hug.
"I'm so sorry Clark, I should've been there for you."
Clark held her close smelling her wonderful smell of lavender. "It's okay Y/N. I know this life is treating you well."
Y/N could feel that it was getting late. "Clark I have to go, but I do have to ask you something." He pulled back glazing into her brown eyes.
"What is it Y/N?"
"Tomorrow evening bring the team to the tower. I want everyone to meet each other. I'll cook! It'll be so much fun."
Clark looked at her with hesitation, "I don't know Y/N.."
Y/N gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Please Clark? You get to see me in a nice outfit." He smiled giving in.
"Oh alright."
"A little bit of this," Y/N murmured pouring grated cheese on top of the macaroni. She placed it in the oven, closing the door with her butt. Dinner consisted of steak with tarragon mushrooms with a side of macaroni. Y/N had been in the kitchen all day while the team did their overview with Fury for missions they have done.
"Smells amazing in here Y/N! What you make?" Steve's voice came from behind while she grabbed plates out of the cabinet. "Food Steve. You'll see when it's dinner time and if you don't mind, can you help me set the table?"
Steve nodded his head with a smile, "Sure I don't mind Y/N." The two joked around while they set the table. Clark and everyone were to be here in about 20 minutes. When she got home from the park last night, Y/N told the avengers about this evening dinner, and boy it was some weird faces.
She didn't know who was harder to convince, Tony or Steve. Maybe because they had been on the team longer. Once finished Y/N ushered Steve to go get dressed. She was so caught up with finishing the meal, that she didn't check the time. "Fuck!"
It was 10 minutes until Clark and the rest got there. She was nowhere near ready. "Y/N why aren't you ready?" Tony asked in disbelief when he walked into the kitchen. Y/N pulled at her hair.
"I know, I know! I was too caught up in finishing the steaks. Can you watch the food so it won't burn? please?"
Tony sigh,"If that makes you get dressed faster then I'll watch it." He opened the lid, the food smelled amazing. "Yeah hurry up, this smells good. I'm ready to eat."
"Thank you!" She kissed his cheek, rushing past so can get dressed.
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"Y/N they're here!" Steve called up the stairs. Y/N hopped around on one foot trying to put on the other boot. When it finally slid on her foot, she stood in front of a mirror taking a deep breath. She wanted all her favorite people to come together and be her support. To make her forget about the pain she went through a year ago yesterday.
Y/N walked downstairs with all eyes on her. Clark's mouth was agape from how good she looked. "Arthur! Diana! I've missed you guys!" Y/N hugged her with passion.
"Me too. You look beautiful." Diana hugged her back. Y/N moved towards Arthur giving him a hug. "Thank you."
"Yeah you look too good, don't make me have to beat anyone up from looking too hard." Thor snorted which made Arthur glance at him for a second. Y/N moved to Bruce.
"I hope you're doing good Bruce other than Barry getting on your nerves."
"Hey!" Barry said in defense.
"I'm good, just missed having you around."Bruce expressed which kinda shocked Y/N because he wasn't so open. She then gave Victor and Barry a hug. "I've missed you, two knuckleheads, together."
"We've missed you too." Victor smiled.
"What are we eating, it smells so good in here," Barry said excitedly. Y/N laughing gesturing towards the dining table. "We're about to find out, let's eat!"
Everyone cheered a bit sitting at the table, you know they didn't mingle but sat on the opposite side. Y/N walked over to the stove trying to bring the food to the table but Natasha stopped her.
"I got it Y/N, go sit down. You've been on your feet all day, I can bring the food to the table." Natasha grabbed the glass casserole dish out of her hand. She wasn't lying about her feet hurting but Y/N wasn't going to admit it.
Y/N sigh, "Fine, I'm bringing the champagne to the table though." She hurriedly grabbed two bottles of champagne before Natasha could protest. She definitely needed a sip before dealing with two rival heroes.
There were conversations here and there but most of Y/N. She had all her favorite people in one room. Dinner was running smoothly until...
"So Y/N, Clark told us that you were coming back to stay permanently. I'm excited to have you back." Barry used his knife to cut the steak. Y/N didn't know who to look at crazy him or Clark. She could feel the hard glaze from Bucky.
"What's speedy boy talking about Y/N?" Tony asked tilting his head. Steve sat down his knife.
"Yes please do explain."
"I uh haven't said anything like that. I had planned on visiting, it wasn't official." Y/N scratched her arm out of nervousness from all eyes on her.
"I knew I wasn't going insane. Y/N wasn't going to go back permanently, she's not that crazy." Thor chuckled drinking his champagne.
Victor glanced at him sideways."What's that supposed to mean? Y/N wouldn't be crazy if she came back permanently. That's honestly the perfect decision if she does."
"Guys.." Y/N trailed off but was ignored by everyone. "Y/N is right where she belongs. Do I need to say more?" Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"If she wants to come back permanently then she can. Y/N's only been with you guys for what ? a year? She's been with us forever so you know who she's going to choose." Arthur leaned back in the seat.
"Sure fish boy." Tony let his smart mouth get the best of him. Y/N took a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves.
She was ignored again. "Y/N is coming with us and that's final. That's the only reason why I came to this wretched place was for her." Clark crossed his arm and Bucky narrowed his eyes at him.
"She's not going anywhere with you. I stand on that."
"Barnes right, you think I was going to let her leave with you after what you did? That's really funny." Natasha chugged the rest of her champagne down. Y/N winced at what she said.
"Guys please."
"Does that matter? Y/N is coming whether you like it or not." Bruce said setting his fork down. Diana nodded in agreement.
"I don't have to anything. Just know I'm not going down without a fight?"
"You people are so petty and tiny." Thor laughed using his fingers to indicate how small they were.
"If Y/N doesn't want to leave she isn't going to leave. it's her decision." Steve sat forward in his seat. They were getting louder by the minute.
"She isn't going, you weaklings," Loki growled sitting forward in his seat as well, not taking eyes off Arthur. Both Clark and Bucky held an intense stare.
"We should go few rounds." Tony stood up and so did Bruce.
"Let's do it then Stark."
Y/N chugged down the rest of the champagne. "Stop." The argument between them grew louder. "Stop!" Y/N stood up placing her hands on the table, no one noticed.
She slammed her hands against the table. "STOP! JUST STOP IT!" Everyone stared at her in shock.
"ENOUGH WITH THIS! I brought you altogether because I wanted support. I needed support."Y/N gritted through her teeth, tears welling in her eyes. "The one time I step out, you all can't even put your petty egos aside. I don't care who I'm staying with and I don't fucking know why it's an argument. I just wanted it to be a normal night."
Y/N lips trembled as she cried, "I can't hold on to this no longer. I was pregnant before I left Clark. I lost the baby. I lost it the day I went to find out the gender." Clark squeezed his eyes closed, his heart broke hearing the news. "And I hate myself so much for even letting myself stress so much that I lost it. When it happened I was alone. I didn't have you, Bruce, or Diana. I didn't have no one. I came to New York heartbroken."
She looked at the Avengers, they held a sad face. Natasha's cheeks were coated with tears."You guys mended my broken heart. You made me feel welcome and I don't know how I could ever repay you." Y/N wiped her tears.
"But I can't deal with this between all of you. I'm leaving so you can have your big ego contest."
She slid the chair back, walking to the elevator. "Y/N!" Bucky called for her but she ignored him. "Shit!" Clark curses under his breath getting up from the chair. Tony shook his head at him.
"Leave her be Clark. She probably went up to the roof or to the park for fresh air."
Y/N sat in the chair at the airport. She was only going out of the country for a couple of days just to clear her mind. Bruce and Tony have been blowing up her phone none stop. She was tired and waiting on her flight to be called. "Ugh, I'm so tired." She mumbled rubbing her temple. She got up going to the bathroom.
It was oddly quiet until she heard panicked screams. "What?" She murmured looking over her shoulder. Parademons were everywhere. Y/N scrambled to grab her phone trying to be quiet. She slid down the wall, covering her mouth trying to contain her breathing so she wouldn't be heard. The vibration from her phone caught one of their attention and she didn't know.
Still scrambling, Y/N declined the call somehow. She knew she was fucked, tears raced down her melanin cheeks as she held her breath. The parademons appeared beside Y/N, one inspected making sure she was the right one. It snatched Y/N up and she screamed.
The two teams were either sitting around or cleaning up. Clark stood in front of the wet dishes drying them off while Bucky cleaned them. He froze hearing Y/N scream in his ears. Diana noticed and instantly spoke up.
"What is Clark? What's wrong?"
"Y/N's been kidnapped."
Omg, I feel like this is so weird😂😂😂. I am going to make a part 2 I just gotta think about how it's going to go. I have a busy weekend ahead so I won't update until Monday.
Yk i had to make Y/N damsel in distress 😉. Clark is her lover but Bucky does like her. This is kinda a part 2 of Vacation. I love Marvel and DC so why not put them together 😁!
I hope you guys enjoyed this weird post even though the title has nothing to do with the plot of the story, I just couldn't think of anything 😂😂.
Stay slutty my friends 💜
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deaneverafter · 2 years
Do You Love An Apple
Okay, so I have a lot of thoughts about the episode, and I have no qualms making that everyone's problem 🤣
First things first, Sheriff Beau Arlen has my whole heart, he really does. He's funny, but he never lets that get in the way of the job. His punch list, when he told Jenny she could take the lead on the naked man running, when he joked about Tonya's picture, to ease the tension. I asked for one nickname for Poppernak every week, I got three ✊🏻 His back and forth with Denise was funny (and for the people who are calling it inappropriate on his part, please rewatch the scene, and see who started it 🤦🏻‍♀️). Denise and Deputy Popcorn meeting up and starting the Sheriff Beau Fanclub is definitely officially on my wishlist.
His relationship with Jenny is everything to me, it really is. I like how he tried to get her to talk about Tonya, and when seriously asking her didn't work, he tried to offer help. But at the same time, I can see that right now, they're still at the stage of keeping each other at arm's length, with her not talking about the things she maybe would as much, like Tonya, and him also holding back a little, like about Carla (I must ask, why does he think Jenny and Carla wouldn't get along? I'm going to go with my "Carla is a mean girl" theory). And I can understand why. Before, I was a bit miffed about Jenny being left out of movie nights, not because of any romantic reasons even, but because I just felt bad about her being sad. That's her best friend and her new boss. But having seen it, with Beau and Cassie having a sibling-like dynamic, and Beau and Jenny still being more professional, with the sparks and chemistry and flirting and gazing only coming out of the cracks for now, I can see why that dynamic would be developed first. And I can see why things are professional-adjacent with Beau and Jenny for now, because clearly they get into some very dangerous situations, and I can understand both of them not wanting to mix in the personal. That, however, just makes my angst loving self want them to get together even more, fall for each other despite all the reasons they think they shouldn't, because I really think that makes for an interesting dynamic, juggling the personal and professional, and they would be so good together. This time when she put herself in danger, he was mad and he told her it was because she didn't follow protocol. Would not mind a rehash of that when he gets annoyed and tells her it's simply because he doesn't want her to get hurt.
I loved how he was able to help Jenny calm down enough at the arrest to let the prisoner say goodbye to her kid. But it also made me sad for him, because it sounded like he was speaking from experience (would not be surprised if there was a time when Carla had just taken Emily and told him nothing). And it made me even angrier in light of this, when Emily ignored him. I'm sorry, but the nicest way I can put it is that she's a brat. This is an man who left everything behind, his whole life, just to move to the middle of nowhere, to be closer to her. If he hadn't been called in to be sheriff, he would've been doing nothing, had no friends around, nothing to do. The least she can do is pick up the phone. And in front of Avery at that. She essentially humiliated him in front of her stepdad, and I wouldn't be surprised if Avery brings it up in front of Beau, just to twist that knife in deeper. Which brings me to the next point. I am really, really not liking this "Beau is still carrying a torch for Carla" thing. He's already being humiliated by his kid, I don't need to see him also get humiliated running after a woman who left him for another guy. The only logical reason for that story point to be a thing, is if it's to show him getting over her. I'm already not liking Carla from everything we've heard about her so far, and all that aside, the fact is, she didn't love him, and she moved on. It's not fun to see him just running after her, being the fourth wheel in their happy little family, especially when neither Carla, and not even Emily, seem to particularly care about him. My hope for that storyline is that, with his new job, new friends, being able to talk it out with Cassie, and eventually Jenny and not just sitting pining in a cabin, he can move on from the divorce, and be open to the chance for happiness again (with Jenny, for example, hint hint). Jenny wouldn't ditch him for a rich guy, at the first sign of trouble, we have proof enough of that by how she stuck with Cody, even despite being separated, how she worked to avenge him and honour him, even though she knew he'd moved on. Carla left him, even if something happens between her and Avery now, Beau deserves better than to be anyone's backup plan. And Beau wouldn't just ditch the woman he was with and start dating her friend, he's loyal to a fault, he followed his ex and his kid to the middle of nowhere, left his whole life behind, even though neither of them seem to appreciate. And that is reason 116161727 that Beau and Jenny should be endgame. They both have loyalty, and they wouldn't do each other dirty like that. I did enjoy Jenny and Cassie trying to be there for him about the Emily situation. And, if one day we get vindication with Beau finally getting over Carla, maybe when she tries to get back with him, him realizing that he deserves much, much better, I will enjoy that immensely. And I'm not here for someone putting Jenny second place and running off with a different woman a third time, AND Beau deserves better than to be with someone who already left him once, so any reconciliation between Beau and Carla, it's a no from me.
I also liked Beau and Jenny's cute, lighthearted moments, like when he pointed to Deputy Potpie and said "help him". The barely veiled annoyance, but also the humour, I loved it. The way during movie night, she just took his cushion and he let her, it felt so familiar that I might've felt that one go directly in my heart. And of course, the car scene. The heart eyes, the jealousy disguised as teasing from Jenny, I can get behind that. Plus, we see Jenny didn't deny the wranglers comment from Denise, so someone's been checking him out 👀🤣 In conclusion, the verdict is, Beau and Jenny should be endgame, your honour.
This is also the second time in as many episodes that Beau has mentioned his brother, and I for one, would like to meet that brother. I think it would be really interesting to see his parents, his siblings, how they feel about him moving out here, how they feel about Carla (I'm going to go with them not being big fans).
We didn't get to see Jenny's mom this episode, but I'm really looking forward to that backstory. I'm also wondering if, with Cassie being a bit more okay with Tonya, and Jenny still being really angry, if this is something that's going to cause problems in their relationship.
I am kind of sad that Cassie and Lindor aren't a thing anymore, I'd liked their relationship, and it was such a slowburn, but, I guess now things are open with Cormac, and that has the potential to be really interesting. Is he a bad guy, is he just stuck in the middle, who knows, but with Cassie being a PI, this could get complicated. And I would like to see it.
Another question, the guy living in the forest is Sunny's son, but is he also Buck's son, or is this something that resulted from a different relationship, perhaps the one she was talking about with Paige?
I also really enjoyed the two minutes of Mark. He didn't have a lot to do, but he looked happy enough on his little adventure, and then scared enough, that even though we know practically nothing about him, it made us care when he fell off the cliff.
Concluding notes, I'm excited to see more of Beau's backstory with the cartel in Texas, I'm excited for Jenny's backstory, and I'm really hoping to see their relationship develop together, from something professional to something closer and hopefully romantic. Aka, when will they realize they should be together!? What other reason is there for Jenny to be having some feelings about Beau and Cassie hanging out, and what other reason is there for Beau to think it would be weird for her? 🤔👀
One moment of thirsty on main, I like that they don't put him in 90 layers of shirts at all times, you can see his guns 🤣 and his freckles are also visible 🥺 and the swoosh! 🥰🔥
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theduosetter · 3 years
── 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠 ──
Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x f!reader
Summary: Two strangers laid their eyes upon one another and were captivated at first sight. All they were itching to know was their name yet who knew they were closer to each other than they realized.
Warning(s): cursing, fluff, adorable all around!!
A|N: I hope you enjoy this mini series! Any heart or reblog would be appreciated thank you! Feedback too :D
Links: m.list | writing commissions ✏️ || tip the writer ✍️ ||
Part: 3
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"Hurry up, Y/n!" Hinata yelled as he grew impatient.
"I'm coming, Shoyo! You're literally outside of my door." you hung up and grabbed your bag along with your phone.
Opening your bedroom door you saw your best friend standing there tapping his foot. "Was it really necesarry for you to call me when you were already here?"
"Yes!" he exclaimed "I don't want you changing plans last minute."
"I'm not going to bail on you guys." you chuckled "Relax, we are going to hangout together today."
"Alright. Come on we still need to get to the gym to warm up." he grabbed your hand and ran downstairs.
"Shoyo!" you exclaimed "Where's Tobio anyway?"
When you got to the bottom of the stairs you saw the black haired friend sitting down at the kitchen table. A sigh escaped your lips knowing he wouldn't pass up the chance of some milk with your mom's pastries. "I can't quite say that I'm surprised."
"Do you wnt...s-sum?" he muffled as he chewed down on the bread making his cheeks chubbier.
"I'll be fine." you answered unlike the orange hair who stuffed a plastic bag filled with pastries while your mom laughed.
"Why don't I just give you guys some extra ones?" your mom said as she filled another bag with individual wrapped bakery goods.
"We'd appreciate it!" the duo spoke.
"We gotta go or else you'll be late for the game!" you exclaimed pulling each one away from the counter covered in sweets.
"Let me get one more!" Hinata whined, "One more-"
"You'll both end up getting stomach aches if you don't stop!" you retorted.
What seemed like eternity you managed to get them out the door despite the begs. "Please make sure to come back soon boys!" your mom said.
"We'll be back Mrs. (last name)! Thank you for the sweets!" they both yelled in unison.
"I will see you before closing, mom." you kissed her cheek and grabbed the four bentos. "Thank you for the food!"
"Be careful okay?" she waved goodbye at you then chuckled to herself, "I'm glad my baby has her friends."
"Seriously you guys barely have enough time to get to the gym!" you yelled out as you three ran towards the school's grounds. "I told you we had to go!"
"Yeah but your mom's bread was so good!" Hinata jumped "It tasted like a fluffy cloud Y/n!"
"She definitely needs to bring her food to the next school's festival." Kageyama added "Imagine how much attention your mom's bakery would get."
You bit your lip "You're not wrong about that..."
Hinata looked at his watch, his eyes widened. "We only have 15 minutes to practice before the other school get's here Kageyama!"
"You idiot! I told you we had to go!" he moved closer to kick his butt but Hinata managed to dodge his hit.
"Oh shut up! You were stuffying your face too!"
"Why am I friends with these two again?" you muttered.
"Come on pick up the pace y/n!" Hinata and Kageyama grabbed your hands and ran faster than your legs could move.
"G-guys!" you exclaimed "I-I'll end up falling─ slow down!" they were too focused on getting to practice than hear about your objections "If I break a bone I'm telling my mom to ban you from the shop!"
After a five minute run that was supposed to be ten, you finally arrived. Your legs felt like jelly and your sweater was long gone as your body was too sweaty. 'This was worse than a summer day...' you thought, 'I showered and got dressed so nicely only for it to be ruined by those two. Ugh they owe me big time.'
You slowly treaded towards the stairs of the gym, their teammates were too busy preparing to notice you. A sigh escaped your lips upon feeling the cool air coming from the a/c. "This... this is nice." you mumbled. "It feels like a cold freezer..."
"Um... hi." a voice spoke coming from behind you.
"You two are so banned..." you muttered under your breath. Slowly you turned around to come face with two guys. 'They must be their teammates.'
"Are you going to keep blocking the door or can we get through?" the tall guy with the glasses spoke.
"Tsuki." the shorter one mumbled.
"Well?" he stared you down, "We don't have all day."
'He must be the guy that Shoyo and Tobio went up against.' you thought.
"R-right... but you don't have to be so rude you know." you answered.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes walking passed you meanwhile his friend gave you an apologetic smile. "He's usually not mean." he chuckled slightly "Do you need help with something?"
"No... I came to see some friends. But they left me out on the front steps to get ready for your match today."
"Wait... are you really their friend?" he asked.
"If you're talking about the tall one and the ginger then yes." you chuckled, "They said it was fine for me to come today."
"Don't take this the wrong way but..." he scratched his cheek looking away from you, "I'm surprised they have a friend that's a girl, given the way that they are."
"No worries. I understand what you mean especially since we met in very different times." You two walked inside "I'm still surprised they are friends."
"Y/n!" looking to the left you saw Yachi jogging over to you. "Oh hey, Tadashi!"
"I should go warm up, it was nice meeting you!"
"You too Tadashi!"
She then spoke again, "What happened to you? Did you run all the way here?"
"Hinata and Kageyama were too busy stuffing their faces with my mom's pastries. By the time they actually listened to me it was too late and we had to run all the way here." you whined "Now I'm all covered in sweat and I feel disgusting."
"I told them not to get distracted." she sighed "Do you want to freshen up? I have an extra shirt in the club room."
"Really? Id really appreciate that."
"Come on we still have a few minutes before the whole team gets here."
Your feet were too tired to walk yet somehow you managed to go upstairs to the room. "I swear one day those two will be the death of me." you complained.
"Can you blame them? Your mom's sweets are too good." Yachi chuckled.
Shaking your head you went inside and washed your face along with your arms and back. "How are the two doing with their quick attack by the way?" you asked.
"They're getting there, although they still want to make sure it comes out perfect. Coach Ukai said they need to upgrade it or else it won't be enough to get past the blocker's hands."
You nodded, "There's no doubt in my mind they will make it work. From the videos you've sent me those two can work a miracle even if they end up fighting... their goals are the same."
"Oh right I was going to ask you..." Yachi continued "... how did it go with your guy by the way? Did he end up messaging you?"
Biting your lip, you put on the white clean shirt. "He did, he was so nervous and sweet. I apologized to him about what my mom did yet he said he didn't mind because he was nervous about talking to me." you giggled.
"Wait so your mom really did give him your phone number?!"
"She did! I wasn't expecting her to go that far." you answered "But it is kinda embarrasing how she had to do it for me though..."
"Nonesense!" she exclaimed "You just needed that little push well you both did. I'm sure he knows that especially since he took the time to message you."
It was difficult to hide the smile that kept creeping up on your face. "As cliche as it sounds... it really feels like a movie Yachi."
"You're barely at the talking stage but what if he asks you out on a date then to become something more. Are you ready to go that far?"
Closing the locker you turned to face her, "Not going to lie with everything that has happened... I feel scared to say yes. After what happened I never really thought someone would take an interest in me and that I'd feel the same way."
Yachi placed her hand on your shoulder, "It's been at least 4 four years I think it is time to enjoy a new adventure in your life. You may never know what might happen."
"Yeah, I know."
There was a knock on the door, "Hey! Yachi are you almost ready? Kiyoko said she needs your help setting up."
"Yeah! We'll be right there Sugawara!" she yelled back.
"Who's Sugawara?" you asked.
"Come on let's go meet the rest of the team that way it'll be easier." she chuckled taking your hand and walking back to the gym.
There were sudden butterflies in your stomach, although you knew your friends were part of the team, you couldn't but wonder if it was okay for you to come. All you wanted was to make a good impression for the team that gave your friends the opportunity to play.
As soon as she opened the door everyone turned their heads to look at you. Two memebers then ran over to you both making you jump back.
"A new girl!" they yelled in unison.
"She's so cute!" the shorter one exclaimed.
"You didn't tell us you had such a pretty friend Yachi!" the taller one added.
Yachi became flustered, "Ah! T-this is m-my friend! She came to w-watch the game today. Y/n this is Tanaka and Nishinoya."
Feeling embarrassed you gave them a nod, "It's nice to meet you guys."
"She's so adorable!" Tanaka exclaimed "I hope we get to see you around here more often."
"Oh... um sure, if you guys don't mind." you said.
"Where have you been all my life?!" Nishinoya's eyes widened not being able to handle how cute you looked.
"Oh Y/n!" Hinata then jogged over to you guys "Can you help us toss some balls?"
"Yeah let's go-" you went to follow Hinata only to be taken away in the opposite direction.
"You need to meet the whole team." Nishinoya held your hand dragging you over to what seemed to be the third years along with other members.
"Guys! This is Yachi's friend, Y/n! Y/n, this is Suga or Sugawara for short, Asahi, Tsukishima, Tadashi, and Ennoshita!"
You tried to hide your nervousness, "Hello! It's nice to meet you guys, thank you for letting my friends play."
Tsukishima stared at you with an uninterested look, while Tadashi smiled softly.
"How did you manage for Hinata and Kageyama to get along? They were at each other's throats." Sugawara chuckled.
"Well... let's just say it's still hasn't changed much." you rubbed the back of your head. "But we make it work."
"Are you also a first year?" Ennoshita asked.
"Mhm I had to change school's during the second semester." you answered. "Karasuno is my second school."
"Well welcome to the team, I apologize in advance if things get out of control." Sugawara said "They're usually..." he tried to put into words but you understood.
"No worries if I can handle those two I'm sure it won't bother me." you chuckled. "Is this the whole team?"
"We're only missing our captain." Asahi answered, "Where is he anyways?"
Tskushima shrugged "He said something about needing to find his knee pads."
"Anyway we should go get ready before the school shows up. Let's start to warm up." Sugawara said and everyone went off to do their own things. "If you want you can sit down besides Coach Ukai and Mr. Takeda."
"Oh okay." you then looked around "Do you need help with anything?"
"I think we should be good, can you help with picking up the volleyballs and putting them in that basket when the other team gets here?"
"Sure." you were about to grab the cart when you heard the door open again.
"Oh! Daichi come over here!" he yelled.
Your feet froze, the numbness you felt earlier in your legs returned. 'Please... don't be who I think it is...' you thought lowering your head, 'Oh my god what if he gets dissappointed?'
You tried to subtly fix your hair and tuck in the club room shirt. Sugawara noticed, "Are you okay─"
"What is it Suga?" Daichi asked as he walked over to where you both were.
"This is the friend that they were talking about, this is Y/n." he said smiling softly at you. "Daichi?"
You slowly lifted your head to come face to face with those loving brown eyes. Daichi was in the same state as you, shocked yet happy to finally see you.
"Are you alright?" Sugawara asked looking at him.
"Y-yeah..." he chuckled awkwardly "It should have been obvious right?"
Your face was hot, "Y-yeah, I shouldn't have been so dumb."
"You two know each other-"
"This is y/n... the one I've been telling you about." Daichi said.
"Oh...." Suga mumbled "So you're the one he can't stop rambling about." a smirked then formed on his lips.
You blushed, "W-what, really?"
"Suga!" Daichi exclaimed.
"I can't believe after all this time you two would end up meeting each other at school." he said.
"Yeah..." you chuckled lightly "I knew you played a sport but never thought you were my friend's captain."
"I didn't know if it sounded cool─" he admitted.
"Are you kidding?!" you exclaimed "It's amazing! Volleyball isn't an easy sport. The amount of people that depend on you to lead them, yet you still have their backs and know what to say" you smiled looking up at him. "It's admirable really."
Daichi rubbed the back of his head, shyly smiling "Thank you I try my best to keep them under control... but sometimes they don't bother to listen."
"I know how that feels."
Sugawara stood quiet watching you two converse as if you were the only ones. He wanted to say something to get Daichi all flustered but didn't have the heart to do so. 'I am sooo going to have fun with this.' he thought.
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke x Reader || Part 4
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A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Side Note: The song that Luke "writes" about Y/N is in fact Moving Along by 5 SOS look it up its a good one
Word Count: 3,088
WARNINGS: 16+ (Sexual References)
It had been weeks since yours and Lukes encounter, in fact you guys have barely talked.... Anytime you guys hung out it was always with the group and only the group and every time he would barely even look at you, you didnt really know what to think of it .... you missed him, yeah you knew that it was gonna be different than before but not this different... You were walking out of 4th period when Carrie came jogging down the hall to catch up with you "Hey Y/N! im gonna walk with you" She said in her normal high pitched Carrie voice, you gave her a shy but inviting smile and then hugged your books to your chest, you hadn't really felt like your self since this whole thing happened, Carrie could see the sadness in your demeanor "Are you okay Y/N? you have been down for like..... weeks" Carried asked with concern, you kind of sighed because thinking about it was hard enough let alone talking about, but you thought your friend deserved an explanation, you glanced in Carries direction "Not really" you said with sadness in your voice "Me and Luke had an... incident so to speak a few weeks ago and it kind of caused a rift in our friendship and now he won't even look at me or talk to me....." you sighed and looked down at the floor "I miss him" you said in a barely audible sad tone, Carrie came closer to you and put a gentle hand on your back showing she cared "Can I ask ... what happened between you and Luke.... you guys were so close, like it was rare to ever see you guys not together" Carrie asked in a soft tone trying not to be pushy, you contemplated on telling her or not *What do I got to loose* you thought to yourself then stopped walking, turning to face Carrie
"Okay.... you just cant tell anyone okay" you said getting close enough to Carrie so that only she could hear what you were saying, her eyes widened with intrigue "Yeah, I promise Y/N" she said urgently to insure you knew that she wouldn't tell a soul "Me and Luke......" you started saying, then stopping to look side to side, to make sure that no one was listening to what you were saying, then looking straight back into Carries eyes "Me and Luke, almost slept together... like it was going to happen but then ... Alex and Reggie Poofed in and then it was a huge mess and then Me and Luke agreed to just be friends and now we are here" You said in a slight urgent whisper, Carries mouth was wide open with shock with her eyes bugged out of her head "Carrie?" you said widening your eyes in concern to why she wasn't answering yet "Carrie!" you exclaimed in hopes she would snap out of it "YOU AND LUKE WHAT!" she yelled in which you immediately slammed your hand over her mouth "Can you not yell maam" you said with tight lips and wide eyes, Carrie shook her head yes under your mouth and relaxed, you released your hand from her mouth in which she started talking instantly "Im sorry! you and Luke what? why am I just now hearing this" Carrie exclaimed in a whispered tone, you sighed and continued walking down the hallway, in which she followed after you "Because I didnt want anyone to know .... I didnt want to make a big deal.... especially since Luke isn't even talking to me ..... I don't know... I just really really miss him" You said in a melancholy tone, Carrie looked at you as if she was gonna say something and then Alex poofed in right in front of you and Carrie, stopping you both in your tracks "Woah! Hey Alex" You said in a high pitched tone, you thought you would be used to them popping in like that by now but you weren't "Luke misses you too! hes driving me crazy" Alex exclaims motioning his hands from his head like he is going out of his mind, You just look at Alex not really knowing what to say, Carrie just looking back and forth from you to Alex waiting for one of you to speak again, Alex continues on with his rant "Y/N! hes so mopey, hes just sitting around all day writing in his stupid freaking song book with his sad Luke face! and anytime I try to ask him to do something or ask him what wrong he just looks at me with that face you know that Luke face that is just like brooding and HIS LUKE
FACE!" Alex says in frustration all while pacing back and forth in front of you guys, messing with his hair in frustration and annoyance, and then he abruptly stops in front of you with wild eyes, grabbing both your shoulders "Y/N! you gotta go make up with him or something! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Alex exclaims, you had to admit this was slightly entertaining you couldn't help but chuckle, but then you sighed thinking about the *You gotta make up with him* part of what Alex said "Theres nothing to make up, we aren't fighting ..... we just ..... I guess aren't as close as we were" You said back to your sad voice , Alex rolls his eyes throwing his hands up in the air doing a slight twirl to face away from you and then a quick motion back to face you "BULL CRAP! YOU GUYS CANT GO FROM ALMOST BONING EACH OTHER TO NOT TALKING AT ALL THAT FAST!! YOU GUYS NEED TO TALK! NOW" Alex exclaims, now pushing you toward the door, Carrie just laughing and then following after to not miss anything "GET HIM OUT OF MY STUDIO, AND FIX HIM!" Alex continues pushing you out the door, him and Carrie just standing in the hallway looking out the door as you walk down the street in major confusion to what just happened, Alex sighs "I really hope I got through to her but wasn't like mean ya know" he says tilting his head to the side as he watched you walk away through the school doors, Carrie tilting her head in the same direction but snapping it up ward to look at Alex "No I think you did a great job! very well executed" She said with reassurance, Alex snaps his head up to look back at her "Thank you, ya know I just ..... I really want Luke out of the studio" He said bringing his hand to heart.
As you walked down the street you decided you weren't gonna go see Luke, it just felt too weird and you didnt want to impose, you just decided to go home... you just wanted to sleep! not talk to anyone or deal with anyone! just sleep! you thought to yourself....... your feet dragged you up the stairs into your room, you slammed the door and face planted on your bed when you noticed something in the corner of your eye... It was your guitar, Luke had kept it with him since he gifted it to you just to keep it safe, but there it was, with its own stand and everything, then you noticed a note sticking out of the strings, you quickly rolled out of your bed to stumble over and read it, you gently pulled the note out of the strings being careful not to damage the guitar in any way, the front of the note read To: Y/N you could tell it was Luke who left it there because of the awful, but cute hand writing, it smelled like him and you thought that was a weird thing to think but .... you missed that smell, you took a moment thinking about the last time you breathed in his scent.... flashing back to the night you guys almost..... you shook your head bringing your self back to focus and opening the letter
Dear Y/N,
Hey.... long time no talk eh? how are you? I don't know why im asking that this is a letter not a text message..... anyway! here's your guitar, figured it wouldn't be any good to ya if you didnt have it. It didnt have a strap or anything so I took the liberty of picking one out for you, I figured you would like this one it has checkers all over it, It will match your vans... and my vans too! thats pretty cool .... I almost bought one for my self I think still might, look at us matching guitar straps! Reggie is gonna be so jealous! Anyway, I hope your doing good ... Oh! and good luck on you French test! I know you were nervous about that, I know youre gonna rock it! you always do
You closed the letter holding it to your chest and smiling, you lightly lifted the guitar strap with your finger to look at it, you chuckled noticing that you were actually wearing your checkered vans today. You removed your finger letting the strap fall gently back to place, you sighed curling your legs up to your chest. You remembered that the band had a show tonight... *Should I go?* you thought to your self... you initially thought you wouldn't go, but it would be nice to support your friends, and maybe you and Luke should talk *Okay Im gonna go!* you thought to your self confidently, but first you needed a nap.
It was 7:00pm, you arrived at the venue of the gig 30 minutes before their performance, the place was packed! you knew you should have gotten their earlier, but it was hard enough to get out of bed to get here... wasn't exactly easy for you.
You danced along with the bands that were on before Julie and the boys, you noticed Flynn and Carrie across the venue, they noticed you back waving their hands in the air in excitement for you to join them, You grow a big smile and excitedly run over to join them... you hug them in a greeting, and just then you heard the announcer say "Please put your hands together for Julie and The Phantoms" the crowd goes wild, Julie and the boys had become quite popular in your town, You, Carrie, and Flynn made it a point to be the loudest ones out of everyone though. Julie entered the stage, alone like she always did, she made her way over to the keyboard and sat down. She pressed one button on the keyboard in order for the boys to poof on stage, Luke immediately starts singing while simultaneously playing the guitar "Thinking bout you lots lately! Have you been eating breakfast alone like me! Thinking bout you lots lately Oh are you moving along!" You had never heard this song before, it must have been new, Luke played and sang effortlessly, you didnt really notice the lyrics until you noticed Carrie and Flynn looking at you with curious wide eyes, Luke sang with such passion in his voice, he always did but this time seemed different. When the bridge came Luke found you in the crowd his eyes getting big but then locking his eyes with yours as he sang, not breaking his stare, singing "Scared of moving on, but you're already gone So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me? Scared of moving on, but you're already gone So if you're moving on, won't you just tell me?" As soon as the bridge ended he broke your gaze, you shook your head in order to get your self to recover, you look over at Carrie and Flynn who were watching you for your reaction, you look back up at the stage, Luke and Reggie were doing their classic move of sharing the mic during the chorus, then Luke broke off, playing the melody on his guitar with such... what seemed like anger, or frustration. You started questioning if you should have even come tonight *Was this a mistake..... he looks mad* you thought to yourself, now biting your thumb due to your new anxiety toward the situation. When the song ended Luke shook his hair which was now damp with sweat, and then he stared at you, you couldn't tell what his emotions were at this moment.... *oh boy, how am I gonna make it through this night* you thought to your self.
The band had a great set, after the new song they played Finally Free, which was one of your favorites, then they did Bright. You were really proud of your best friend and how successful her and the boys were becoming. The whole event was over and the place was now pretty much empty, it was just you, Carrie, and Flynn waiting for Julie and the Boys to come out from the back. You were super nervous to see Luke, you didnt know what to say, was that song about you? you wondered to your self.... in the middle of your internal crisis you saw Julie coming from the back with Alex, Reggie following behind all smiling and then Luke shortly after them, he wasn't smiling though, he was just anxiously messing with the hair behind his head. Carrie and Flynn ran up to Julie to give her a hug to congratulate her on the show, you broke your gaze from Luke in order to do the same, you quickly ran over to give your best friend a hug "Congrats Jules! that was an amazing show!" you exclaimed and then motioned to the boys "All of you!" you said looking at all of them, and then setting your eyes on Luke just a little longer than everyone else, he just shyly smiled in response "Thanks Y/N!" Reggie Exclaimed "Did you like the first song? Luke wrote it about you!" Reggie continued with a big smile and a slight chuckle at the end, Lukes eyes widened with annoyance, Alex just turned slowly to face Reggie, his eye twitching in the process, Reggie just looked confused at both of them "What? was she not supposed to know" Reggie asked like he really didnt know, You just stood there shyly, not really knowing what to say, Carries eyes widened "Well!! Flynn! Julie! Alex! and Reggie! I think there is something over here you guys should see its really cool?" Carrie said breaking the awkward tension, or trying to at least, motioning everyone in to the other side of the venue in order to give you and Luke some privacy "Why whats over here?" Reggie asked confused, in which Alex pulled his arm with annoyance rolling his eyes "Just come on reg!" Alex said with a frustrated tone pulling him in the direction Carrie was leading everyone. Soon enough they all disappeared behind a curtain on the other side of the venue, You turned to look at Luke who had his hands in his front pockets, he looked up to make eye contact with you, a half smile appeared on his face as you guys shared a look, you couldn't help but smile a little too. Luke lifted one leg up and then hoped forward to get closer to you "Soooo....." He said as if he didnt know what to do next, You put your hands in your back pockets, then motioned your shoulders forward a little "Sooooo" You echoed back to him, he chuckled "Did you like the show?" He said motioning toward the stage, you nodded your head yes "Yeah!! you guys rocked it as usual" You said, you felt awkward because you had so many things you wanted to say but you didnt want to overwhelm him or feel like you were over stepping, He made a slight whistle shaking his head yes then looking down at his foot which was resting on its heel motioning side to side, "Was that song really about me?" You blurted out with out even thinking, or realizing what you were doing, Luke froze and then looked up with wide eyes, his lips still pursed from whistling and then he relaxed his position putting his foot down and removing his hands from his pockets "Okay, we're just gonna jump right into it..... yeah! it was" he said with a slightly frustrated tone, you bit your lip not really understanding "Wh- why?" you asked truly wondering why he wrote it, you guys both agreed to be friends and you guys never dated so what was there to move on from, he looked at you scrunching his eyebrows together "Why?" He said back confused to why you were confused, you don't know why but you were getting angry "Yeah!" You said throwing your hands in the air "Why Luke! Why everything! Why have you been avoiding me! why have you been so absent!!!" You exclaimed, starting to tear up "So what we almost slept together! BIG DEAL! THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CUT ME OFF! THAT DOESNT ME YOU
TURN AWAY FROM ME!" You didnt realize it but you were yelling, tears were streaming down your face, you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your jacket "I missed you so much..... so much Luke..... so yeah why?" you said softer with a crack in your voice, Luke bit his lip in frustration "You wanna know why?!" he exclaimed moving one step closer to you "Because you mean more to me than I could ever imagine someone meaning to me, youre the most amazing person I have ever met!" He exclaimed, now him growing tears in his eyes "AND WHEN YOU KEPT SAYING WE'RE JUST FRIENDS IT EFFING BROKE ME INSIDE BECAUSE IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU THAT IT HURTS! OKAY! THAT THE FACT YOU DONT WANT ANYTHING MORE THAN JUST FRIEND SHIP KILLS ME INSIDE! SO YEAH I AVOIDED SEEING YOU BECAUSE EVERYTIME I SAW YOU THE PAIN WAS UNBEARABLE BECAUSE ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS GRAB YOU AND HOLD YOU IN MY ARMS AND CALL YOU MINE!" He yelled, grabbing his hair in frustration "There ya go! thats why!" he exclaimed finishing his statement, You stood there gathering the ends of your jacket sleeve in your fists, looking at Luke with red puffy eyes, and before you could respond Luke picked up his guitar, wiped his eyes and poofed out.
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tetsuroyaoyaoya · 4 years
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A sigh left your lips as you stared blankly at the grey door standing before you. You knew that piece of wood was the only thing standing between you and your  relationship - not that it even existed yet - but its still seemed so daunting. The last of your hope barely existed now, and no matter how much you tried to envision a happy ending for yourself, it just didn't seem possible, at least not with Semi. 
Even with your problems and your doubts, the most important thing right now was the band and its fans. If you couldn't coax Semi back to Miyagi by tonight, then... you weren't actually sure what would happen, but you had a feeling that it wouldn't be good for you and Semi, or the band either.
You reached a hand up, resting your hand on the door before pulling back and knocking thrice.
Somewhere deep within you, you were expecting an answer, and something told you there was hope yet, so you knocked again.
To anyone else, it must have seemed crazy that you were in this part of the district, banging on some random door in an empty building, and at this point, you could only agree. 
What were you doing? Chasing after some boy who clearly didn't want you, when you should’ve just stayed at home with your friends. You thought about doing exactly that, returning home, having your usual movie night sleepover, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. 
Shirabu and Taichi were your friends now too, and you couldn’t let them down.
With one last longing look, you finally turned away, hopefully leaving Semi behind you now, and made your way out of the building, ready to go back to Miyagi. 
It was almost showtime. 
“Y/N! I missed you!” You barely had time to brace yourself as a body flung itself at you, a blur of clothes and hairspray. A cough forced itself from you at the overwhelming scent, and the body, who revealed itself to be Taichi, backed away, a look of regret on his face. 
“Sorry...” You shrugged and smiled, reaching over to adjust the lapel on his denim jacket. 
“No luck then?” Your gaze slid over to Shirabu, who knew the answer the second you looked at him. He sighed, but smiled back, trying to hide how hurt he felt. 
The journey home had taken longer without the aid of Kenma’s helicopter, and so it was barely fifteen minutes until the show, meaning there was very little hope of Semi showing if he wasn't here now. It also meant that the two remaining members has very little time to come up with a plan on how to play a whole show with just the two of them. 
You began to panic as you watched them finishing getting ready, a knot in your throat as you began to come to the realisation that you were most likely the cause of the situation. Taking a few steps backwards, you removed yourself from the room, away from the mania of the dressing room. You needed a second to collect your thoughts, the venue suddenly way too hot and stuffy for your liking. 
Escaping out of a fire exit, you swallowed heavily as the cool evening air hit your skin. You tried to slow down the thoughts running circles in your mind, and came to the realisation that you don't remember the last time you had a moment to yourself to think quietly. 
It must have been before the party for Kenma’s company, you guessed, sine that was before the scandal and all of this drama you were putting yourself through. It was at the point where you couldn't actually remember how peaceful your life had been before. You had grown used to - and maybe even fond of - the chaos. It also helped that you had three new friends to keep it all in control. 
Chaos in Control.
How fitting. 
“Y/N!” Your head sprung up, squinting your eyes to see through the darkness as the alley was only dimly lit by the small light above the exit door. 
A familiar turf of grey hair came into view as Semi jogged towards you, already dressed ready to go on stage, guitar slung over his back. 
“They haven't started yet, have they? Look, I’m sorry-” He didn't have time to finish as his head snapped to the side, a sharp sting in his cheek. He reached a hand up to sooth it, wincing as he made contact with the skin. 
“Ow?” He looked back at you, eyes wide as he saw tears forming in your eyes, even though you looked as though you could murder him on the spot. 
“The show starts in five fucking minutes and you have the audacity to show up now? Seriously? I don't think I’ve ever met anyone as self-centred, arrogant... selfish!” Taking in a deep breath to calm yourself, you refused to look away from him. It clearly didn't work through, as the boy across from you couldn't help but crack a smile, letting out a laugh as he stepped forward, pulling you into his arms and wrapping them around you. 
As cliche as it sounded, it felt like you fit perfectly into him, your bodies moulding together as one as you relished in the warmth of the embrace. Eventually, you relaxed, giving into the feelings you were barely holding back, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“I missed you.” You held your breath at the words, so quiet as his voice was muffled in your hair, but clear enough to cause your mind to falter, your resolve wearing thin as you tried your best to stay mad at him. He deserved it, after all. 
“I’m sorry.” You let out the breath as your attempt to hate him crumbled before you, not being able to resist the whisper of his breath brushing over your ear. You finally lifted your own arms up, wrapping them around his waist, reciprocating the hug. 
He squeezed you tighter for a moment, partly out of relief that you hadn't pushed him away yet, and partly because he really had missed you, and he was going to savour every moment with you from now on. 
It wasn't long, however, until the screams of the fans inside the venue began, and you both separated in a panic. With a silent understanding between the two of you, Semi grabbed your hand and pulled you into the building, you trying to keep up the best you could. 
It looked weird with only two of the band stood up on the stage, but you knew Semi was actually here, and he himself would be up on that stage in a moment as well, taking his place where he truly belonged. 
He parted with you at the side of the stage, and you quickly helped him take his guitar out of his case and pushing it off to the side out of the way. 
He hesitated before going out on stage, quickly turning last second you peck you on the cheek, leaving you a blushing mess as he joined the band and you tried to mingle in with the first few rows of the crowd. 
The boys looked surprised, but nevertheless happy, to see Semi, although you knew he was in for a major scolding when the show was over. 
Even so, they got on the show, and even from the first song you could tell the energy was much better than it had been the week before. Semi looked as though he had finally figured himself out, and it affected his performance in the best way it possibly could have. You just hope it stayed that way. 
It got to the end, and you were readying yourself to help empty the venue when the band had said their final words when Semi suddenly silenced the crowd. 
“Actually, we - well, I - have one more song for you all.” The crowd mumbled between themselves in excitement, and Shirabu and Taichi glanced at each other, shrugging. 
“This is the first time this song has ever been played and heard by anyone other than myself, so please bear with me if it isn't the best. Its not like its my job or anything.” The crowd cheered in support, and so did you, unable to resist a smile at the cheeky grin that spread across Semi’s face as he walked over to the side of the stage, a member of staff switching his electric guitar for an acoustic one. 
“Many of you know by know that I have a beautiful, amazing girlfriend, who is somewhere out in the crowd tonight.” His eyes scanned the crowd, lingering on you for maybe just a moment longer than he should have, as the people around you began to whisper and gossip.
“I have to admit, I’m a pretty shit boyfriend. I really don't deserve her. But no matter how much of a dick I am to her or anyone else, she sticks by me. She likes me for me, and I couldn't ask for anything more.” There were a few ‘awh’s and you couldn't keep the grin off of your face. 
“So, this is my present to her, for putting up with me. Here’s the Story of Us.” 
It wasn't until a few weeks later, when the whole band was in the recording studio, reimagining the song that you ever actually heard it, because you were pretty sure you just blacked out after that point, too preoccupied with your heard beating out of your chest to listen to it. All you could see were Semi’s eyes shining under the stage lights as he strummed expertly on the strings of his guitar, literally serenading his way into you heart. 
You didn't notice the tears running down your face until you could taste them as the song ended, and there was no time to wipe them away because suddenly Semi was handing his guitar to Taichi and jumping off stage, pushing his way through the crowd to get to you. 
He was in front of you in a blink, hand on your cheeks, lips meeting yours for the first time in what felt like forever. 
You could see the flashes of cameras even with your eyes closed, but you didn't care. 
Finally, your happy ending. Not exactly in the way you imagined, but just as amazing.
The chaos was finally controlled.
You groaned as you looked at the empty venue, knowing you were one of the people who had to clean up after the crowd. 
Semi hadn't left your side since the end of the concert, and you had to physically pry him off of you so that you could leave, earning a chuckle from him as you struggled, before he finally left you go, leaving him alone with his two band members. 
He allowed himself to relish in the moment before turning serious. 
“I know you have a crush on her.” It was difficult to see exactly who he was talking to, but the other boy cracked a smile, looking directly back at Semi. 
“What did he say?” Taichi whipped his head around so quickly it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash.
“Kuroo let slip then?” Shirabu sighed, his secret finally out in the open. 
“Yeah, he popped by last night. Now that I look back though, it wasn't exactly subtle.”
“You clearly didn't notice.” Semi laughed at the sarcasm, not at all mad at his friend.
“Nah, I’ll get comfy in the friend zone. I quite like it here.” Semi rolled his eyes, bringing both his boys in for a group hug. 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* updates every monday *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
one chapter left :(
its going to be a short one as well as its more of an epilogue. full tracklist coming soon.
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radiodread · 3 years
yet another thing to absolutely BREAK us: uenoyuki beach scene. holy fuck.
tbh I think ue would feel even more guilty over yuki's death, because the fight they had would've, in part at least, started from him losing his temper. and just because of how violent that argument would've been, he probably would've said a lot of hurtful things and felt so guilty for them
re: kasai1 i 100% agree that mafuyu wouldn't take her shit the way ue does. he would probably just tell her to shut up before he even really processed what she said and what the implications of that are. and the conversation ue has with her later on straight up wouldn't happen with mafuyu. he is not that nice.
this also means that yayoi had to know, to some degree, about ue and yuki. which means during the arc where mafuyu plays support for SYH (and trust me I'll talk about that more) if ue told her that mafuyu was playing with yuki's old band/finishing one of yuki's old songs (if he knows about that at all) she would immediately know what that means to him. and probably offer to go kill mafuyu.
the idea of mafuyu quietly admitting "I don't want to hear him sing about his ex" is fucking HILARIOUS to me. tonally it'd probably be similar to when he admits to akihiko that he doesn't want to see ue play support in canon.
this means uenoyama and ugetsu friendship also?? which is VERY interesting. like idk how that would even work because they are SO different. ugetsu would probably really piss ue off because of how cryptic he is but he'd probably still have a lot of respect for him.
getting back to all of the hiirashizu stuff... just everything about that would be so interesting, like you said, because they're both completely different. shizu would indeed be even more apathetic towards yuki and ue, and hiiragi wpuld be really pissy about the fact that he thinks shizu liked yuki. the entire dynamic of those four would be flipped on its head with ue in the mix, because he'd clash with both hiiragi AND yuki almost constantly. really the only way to get even CLOSE to the dynamic mafuyu and hiiragi have is with shizu, because with how apathetic he comes off in general he'd be the only one who would tease ue without a fistfight ensuing lmao.
and as for mafuyu playing support for SYH, the whole issue of fhat bringing up past trauma stuff would get resolved a LOT faster if the roles are swapped. mafuyu would realize the effect it might have on ue a lot earlier, if not from the start, since he doesn't get blindsided by music the way ue does. likewise ue might not stay silent about it like mafuyu does, or at least not for as long since his temper would boil over. unless, that is, he stopped himself from arguing with mafuyu because he was afraid that would push him further away like it always seemed to with yuki, or worse; that something like the fight he had with yuki would happen again.... and oh wait it might not actually be resolved as fast as I thought.
mafuyu might actually bring it up with ue (especially since shizu would draw his attention to it like he does in canon), but ue might get cagey in an attempt not to blow up at him and risk losing him like he lost yuki...
good lord there's so much there
that one bit about yayoi actually got me thinking.... if she's hanging out with haruki, and goes to the same uni as him and akihiko, then haruki might actually already know ue before the story starts. even if they haven't actually met beforehand, he'd probably be able to put together who ue is based on the name and how similar he looks to yayoi. so they'd already be connected.
and now I'm just thinking.... yayoi watching ritsuka suddenly pick up yuki's guitar and start learning to play, and then hearing that he's joined a band, and then watching him play that song for yuki... how would she even feel? knowing that he's been going through that much pain but was never able to let her in, didn't know how to say it before he started screaming it on stage. watching him as he starts to look more and more like the person that broke him every day. what the hell would that feel like?
why is this au even more angsty than the actual show
Answer under the cut!
Oh no. Oh no, the beach scene.
“You might remember this someday when you randomly start humming that weird song.” “I’ll remember even if we don’t spend another five minutes here.” “Nah, you’re definitely gonna forget. You might remember this next year and in five years, but probably not in ten.”
... considering the fight they would have and how explosive it would be, two days before Yuki died, Ritsuka would absolutely remember. 😭
I agree: Mafuyu wouldn’t be that nice if Ayano told him those rumours about Ritsuka, and he wouldn’t that easily forgive her the way Ritsuka did, what with the conversation Ritsuka and Ayano had when they went to throw out the rubbish. Mafuyu probably wouldn’t even offer to help with that to begin with. 😬😅 Also hahaaaa yep, Yayoi would absolutely offer to kill Mafuyu for Ritsuka if he told her about that SYH collab thing, what with all that it means to Ritsuka with Yuki. Ugh. Also can I just say that a friendship between Ritsuka and Ugetsu would be VERY interesting to see? Yes, like you said I’m also sure Ritsuka would be pissed off by Ugetsu’s sometimes cryptic answers to stuff and how he’s a very harsh and honest critic (imagine Ritsuka’s reaction to Ugetsu telling him “yeah that sucked” after Ritsuka played a bit of the song he’s been writing 😅), but Ritsuka would respect the hell out of him knowing what Ugetsu does for a living and how freaking talented he is. That would be a hilarious but interesting dynamic for sure.
Indeed, the whole dynamic with the childhood friends which would then be Ritsuka, (Yuki), Hiiragi, and Shizu would be another hilarious thing to see because Ritsuka would clash with Hiiragi constantly no matter what universe they’ve stumbled into. No I agree, I also think that this whole debacle with Yuki’s song would be resolved A LOT faster in this AU considering how Ritsuka indeed tends to blow up when things go too far. I mean, just look at the way that classroom argument went, what with Ritsuka being salty about Mafuyu spending so much time with Akihiko. The same thing would probably happen here too where he says “so you’re spending a lot of time with Shizu and Hiiragi, huh” and Mafuyu just wouldn’t know how to explain it, but Ritsuka sure as hell would start barking about it and that would force Mafuyu to speak up way sooner. (I would much prefer this version tbh- canon is........ taking way too long to resolve that issue. :X)
AHH. Indeed, there’s so many possibilities of a swap like this and it’s SO INTERESTING. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, now it’s pretty much all I think about and the possibility of it becoming fic is defnitely on the table. 😂
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter six
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3280
I'm bad at writing descriptions, so this is basically a reader insert into The First Avenger and then we'll see how it goes from there.
Warnings: Canon typical violence
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It had been almost five months since I had left for London. Five months without Steve and nearly six without Bucky. I knew Steve had been traveling the country doing musical numbers to help sell war bonds, something I would have to tease him about later. He was here in the camp today and I had plans to go visit him when I was finished with my work. Peggy and I had been gathering intel on the movements of HYDRA, and there were signs that Dr. Zola had been using American POWs as experiments for his own super-soldier serum. We had arrived in Northern Italy about two weeks ago, there was a Hydra base a few hours away that we were keeping an eye on. We had reason to believe that Zola had moved to the base some time ago.
I was sitting at my desk scanning through some files when Peggy burst through the tent and into the makeshift office. I looked up at her questioningly. “You aren’t going to like this,” she said and handed me a small yellow telegram. I opened it and quickly read the contents.
107th infantry captured by HYDRA. Heavy casualties. Azzano, Italy.
I felt time stop as I read and reread those few words. Bucky was in the 107th. I quickly sprung to my feet and headed for the tent opening. Before I could cross the threshold Peggy grabbed my arm. “Let go of me Carter, I have to go save him,” I said, yanking my arm away, with little to no effort.
“Would you stop for a second?” She grabbed my arm again. “You can’t go rushing into this, you need to think carefully. You can’t just waltz into a HYDRA base by yourself, it's madness.”
“Yes, I can. Now let go of me.” I yanked my arm out of her hold and reached over to the coat rack next to the opening of the tent and grabbed my jacket. It had started raining an hour ago and the dirt paths had become small pools of mud but I didn’t care. I ran quickly through the rain toward the stage on the other side of the camp, Peggy right on my tail. The mud made it harder to run as fast as I wanted to, I had almost fallen twice. When I made it to the stage no one was in sight. I jogged around to the back and looked all over until I saw Steve in a corner with his sketchbook in hand.
“Steve,” I called out, quickly making my way to him. He looked up from his sketch and smiled at me.
“Hey Kid, I didn’t know you were here. It's good to see you.” he walked toward me and gave me a hug, which I returned but abruptly pulled away. He gave me a concerned look when I stepped back. “What's the matter? You usually like my hugs.”
“Steve now really isn’t the time for hugs. We just received a telegram, Bucky's regiment has been captured by HYDRA. I’m not sure if he was captured with them but if he was I’m going to get him and I need you with me.” I watched as his eyebrows furrowed. His face contorted with emotions. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the stage tent and soon we were running to Colonel Philip's tent.
Steve barreled into the tent and went up to Colonel Philips. “I need to see the casualties list from Azzano.”
The Colonel looked up from his desk and shook his head at Steve. “You don’t get to give me orders boy. Now go on,” he said and started to go back to what he was doing.
“I just need one name, Sir. Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th.”
Colonel Phillips' eyes widened a bit and he looked at Peggy and me. “I’m going to have a conversation with you two that you won't enjoy,” he scolded and shook his pen at us.
I stepped forward to be beside Steve. “Sir, we just want to know if he’s alive,” I pleaded.
“His name is B-A-R-” Steve started to spell off Bucky’s last name.
“I can spell,” He spat sarcastically. He got up from his chair and paced to the table behind him. Holding up a handful of letters he stopped. “I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I care to admit. I'm sorry for both of you but the name does sound familiar.” I took in a small gasp of air and my face fell.
“What about the prisoners? Are you planning to rescue them?” Steve asked with more concern in his voice.
“The plan’s called winning the war.” Philips quipped out.
“But Sir. If you know where they are why” Steve was cut off.
“They’re thirty miles behind the lines. Through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We’d lose more men than we’d save. I don’t expect you to understand that, because you are a chorus girl.” A thick silence could be felt when Philips stopped talking.
“I understand it just fine Sir,” Steve said in contempt.
“Then I suggest you get going. From what I understand, you have somewhere to be in the next 30 minutes.”Colonel Philips said as he walked off.
“Yes Sir, I do,” Steve replied and stormed out of the tent. I looked past where he had been standing and looked at the map that was off to the side and realized that Steve had seen where the HYDRA base was pinpointed. I ran out after him.
I caught up to him in the backstage tent where he was packing up a bag. I started to grab some of his things and helped. Peggy arrived frantically minutes later. “Are you both planning to walk to Austria?” She asked.
“Yes, If that's what it takes to save him,” I stated.
“You heard the Colonel. Your friend is most likely dead, there’s no point.”
“You don't know that.” Steve countered.
“But you can’t go, The colonel's devising a strategy, if he finds out what,” Peggy starts but Steve cuts her off.
“It will be too late if we wait around for us to win the war, I need to go now.” He grabbed his bag and headed out to one of the jeeps. I stayed behind after spotting a rack with helmets on them. I rushed over and took one with an A painted onto it and then made my way to the jeep as well. I hoisted myself up and into the passenger seat as Steve finished talking with Peggy and she climbed into the back seat. He turned to me and shook his head. “No, get out. It’s too dangerous.”
“I will not. Don't forget we took the same serum, I’m stronger than I look. I can handle it.”
“I said no. I will not be putting you in this type of situation. Even if Bucky is our friend you can't risk your life like this.”
“What and you can? He’s my fiancé and I am coming with you to get him whether you like it or not! Now drive!” I yelled angrily, crossing my arms and turning away from him. I was so angry that I hadn't even noticed what I had let slip.
“Did you just say, fiancé?” I remained silent. I wouldn't talk to him until he calmed down and drove. He sighed and turned the key when he realized that I wouldn't break.
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Peggy directed Steve to the makeshift airport a few miles out from the camp. She had made a call to Howard Stark to have a plane ready for us when we arrived. I kept quiet the whole ride, still upset that Steve thought he could keep me from coming. He tried to ask about Bucky and I’s relationship several more times before we reached our destination but I remained silent.
It was dark by the time we arrived at the airport. Before Steve even stopped the jeep I was already jumping out of the front seat, helmet in hand, and heading to the plane that was waiting on the dirt runway. We found Howard sitting in the pilot's seat smiling over his shoulder at us.
“Thanks for your help Stark, I can always count on you,” I said as I took a seat in the copilot's chair. I looked behind me as Peggy shut the plane door and took a seat in front of Steve in the cabin.
“Now what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t fly you into enemy territory in the middle of the night?” He laughed out, patting my left shoulder. I shook my head and grabbed the set of headphones off the dash and slid them on as Howard started the plane down the runway. When we were up in the air. He spoke again, this time to everyone. “We should be able to get you both right at their doorstep.”
Steve looked up from his hands and called out, “Just get as close as you can.” He then went back to his conversation with Peggy.
I looked over at Howard, who was flipping a few switches. “You know, we're all going to be in some deep shit when this is over and done with. I’m so not looking forward to the very long and stern talking to from Coronel Phillips.”
“Oh don’t worry, he’ll get over it. Especially if you bring back the soldiers and destroy the base. And technically I’m not here, so unless you can give him proof that I'm flying, I’m still in my private lab.”
“You always have a plan to get out of trouble don’t you Stark?” I questioned.
“Mostly,” he replied. Some time passed before he called out, “We’ll be over the drop zone in ten.”
I gave an assertive nod and took my headphones off and placed them back on the dash. Then I grabbed the helmet from beside my feet and secured it on my head.
“Also took the liberty of bringing a couple pistols and ammo for you, Peggy said you didn't have time to gather any supplies.”
I gave him a quick “Thank you” and stood from my seat and went to sit beside Peggy. She handed me the second parachute and I quickly put it on. I reached over to where two pistols in a belt holster were laid out on the seat and brought them closer to me. I undid the clasp that held the belt together and brought it around my waist. I looped the strap through the metal frame and pulled it taught. “I’m all ready,” I reported to nobody in particular.
“Okay then, Here’s the transponder, you’ll need to activate it when you’re ready. It will let us know your location,” Peggy said while handing a small almost palm-sized black box over to Steve. He turned it around in his hands for a second before he called out to Howard to ask if it worked.
“It’s been tested more than the both of you, it should,” Howard called back.
Then out of nowhere we were being shot at. We weren’t even five minutes away from the drop site. Howard started dodging bullets, making the plane shake from the harsh movements. Steve suddenly got up and threw the cabin door open. A strong gust of wind went through the plane, knocking me back into my seat.
“Stop, We're taking you all the way in!” yelled Peggy as Steve got ready to jump out.
“As soon as I'm clear, turn around and get the hell out of here!” he yelled back at her. I started to make my way over to the open door when Howard made another sharp jerk, I braced myself with my feet spread and my hands pressed to the top of the plane.
“You can't give me orders,” Peggy called out over the wind.
Steve just shook his head and said “Yes I can, I'm a captain.” Then he jumped out into the gunfire. I stepped closer to the door and took a deep breath.
“Be careful and don’t die.” Peggy gave me a pat on the back and then I jumped.
I closed my eyes and could hear the wind rushing past my ears. I could feel how cold it was on my face. I let out the breath I was holding then pulled the string to deploy my shute. The wind caught in it and I jerked up. This time Instead of free-falling I was floating down rather peacefully, considering that there were guns being fired in my general direction, but that didn’t last long. The shots followed the plane as it flew further away. I spotted Steve as he descended into a small clearing in the dense forest and maneuvered my parachute to follow. I put my legs out in front of me as I got closer and closer to the ground to get ready to catch myself.
When my feet hit the ground, I leaned back so my momentum wouldn’t flip me head over tails. I skidded to a stop and hastily unclipped my parachute from my back and stood up. Steve motioned for me to follow him into the tree line, and I did.
We walked for almost five minutes when we came upon the outside fence of the HYDRA base. It was crawling with guards walking the grounds. I ducked down behind a tree as several large trucks drove up the dirt road beside us.
I looked to Steve and whispered, “What are we gonna do now?” I saw Steve eye the last truck in the line.
“I’ve got a plan. Follow me.” He slowly got up from his crouched position and ran to catch up with the last truck, jumping into the back. I followed closely behind him and jumped into the back a moment later, landing headfirst into Steve's back.
“Ow, you couldn’t have gotten out of the way?” I fussed as I readjusted the helmet on my head.
“How was I supposed to know you’d come barreling in straight into my spine. I'm the one that should be saying ow.” He argued back. I pushed him out of my way and looked around, my eyes soon landed on the two HYDRA guards sitting at the other end of the truck.
“Uh, hi,” I mumbled. Then within a second, they were both up out of their seats reaching for Steve and me. One of them put their hand on my left shoulder and I grabbed it with my right hand and twisted. I kneed him between his legs when he fell to the ground I gave him a good kick to the head, knocking him out. Reaching down, I grabbed him by the collar and threw him out onto the road along with the guard that Steve had taken down.
I heard talking as the truck drove through the gates of the base. I felt us slowing down and pretty soon the truck jerked into reverse. We both waited in silence to see what was going to happen. I heard some footsteps coming closer to us. Steve, also hearing them, moved over to where the tarp-covered the back of the truck and positioned this shield in front of him. A guard lifted the tarp up and Steve swiftly took the guard out by hitting him with the shield. I came up beside him and stuck my head out and looked both ways, making sure no one would see us leaving the truck.
“This way,” I whispered as I jumped from the back of the truck. “I know where they probably keep the prisoners.” We headed out into the large open yard where several vehicles were being kept. Carefully maneuvering past stationary and moving guards we made our way to the back of the main building. “They’ll be keeping them in the lower levels. There should be several staircases leading to the main basement level out here, we just need to find one.” I said over my shoulder to Steve who was directly behind me.
It took no time at all to find one of the staircases and descend into the darkness. I spotted a door at the bottom of the stairs and went to open it but it was locked. I looked over to Steve who moved in front of me to look through the window of the door. He tapped on it twice and when the door was opened by a guard he slammed it onto the man's head. The man fell to the ground unconscious and I nimbly slipped over him and through the door. Reaching to my right thigh I grabbed the pistol out of the holster. They were only to be used as a last resort, but with this building being as big as it was, there was no telling what trouble we would run into.
Steve took the lead onto the large factory floor. We passed hundreds of what I assumed to be nuclear bombs, which were in various stages of development. I couldn't believe my eyes. HYDRA had been able to make multiple high-tech bombs and back in the states, the Manhattan Project was still ongoing. We kept walking until an unmanned workbench came into sight. There was a glowing circular ring on the table, surrounded by what seemed to be high-tech hand grenades. Steve and I both grabbed one, looked at it, and then shoved them in our pockets.
“Steve, I think the entrance to the basement cells is this way,” I whispered, pointing over to a set of stairs a few feet away from us. We sprinted to them and started down. After making it down three flights the stairwell opened up to a large dark room with bared holes in the floor. “This is where they are being kept. There’s one guard in here, so you take him and I’ll go down to the next floor.” Steve nodded. Slowly he crept up behind the guard and I turned to go down to the next floor where the cells were located. I heard the guard fall and the jingle of keys as Steve took the guard out.
“Throw the keys down and I’ll start unlocking the cells,” I called out and jogged down the line of cells to where Steve stood, staring down through the bars. He tossed the keys down to one of the men and they handed them to me after I put my pistol back in its holster. I unlocked a few of the doors before I took the other keys off the chain and handed them out to some of the soldiers so they could help free the others faster. When they were all out of the cells I made my way to where Steve was.
“Is there anyone else? We’re looking for a Sergeant James Barnes.” Steve questioned the men around him.
The one in a red beret spoke up, “There’s an isolation ward somewhere here in the factory, but no one has ever come back from it.”
“Okay men, the tree line is northwest, about 80 yards past the gates, after that follow the creek to the clearing. You need to get out fast. We will meet you there when we get everyone we can find out,” I order out to the group of men.
“Do either of you know what you’re doing?” asked one of the men at the front.
“Sure we do, I’ve knocked Adolf Hitler out over 200 times.” Steve started then turned to run back to the stairs and I followed suit.
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katestrophic · 2 years
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*falls over dead* gather around, I have a tale of suffering to tell
Even after looking over the data mines and planning, a wrench still got thrown into my plans. The wrench being Phoebe. She actually scared me into thinking that I wouldn't be able to do a 10k Master Mode clear this time.
Phoebe is built similar to Aaron where she's weak to special attacks. Which is great because I pulled and got Summer N. The problem is, he's at 1/5 AND isn't EX.
After falling on my face several times with Halloween Hilbert, trying every strategy under the sun, including bringing in Bianca to try and change the zone when Phoebe activaged Ghost Wish before sync, but I forgot that you can actually run two zones and it wasn't like weather, so that didn't work. I tried cheesing the Ghost Wish with a flinch and sleep which STILL didn't work, I decided to put put Summer N to see if I could actually clear with him and he still wasn't doing that much better in terms of damage than Crunch with Halloween Hilbert on a good day. So, I gave up and stalled out that stage, which took me FOREVER since Phoebe has Lessen Poison 9 and Lessen Trap 9 as passives.
After finally getting pass Phoebe, I was worried with how difficult the other Elite 4 and Wallace would be, but they were surprisingly a whole lot easier, even with the buffs the Hoenn Champion Stadium gave them.
Glacia was a breeze although survived two syncs, I was able to finish her off after her sync.
Sidney basically required a pre sync nuke under Flying Zone because he'd demolish everyone otherwise. I candied Anni Steven to 2/5 recently so he wasn't that much of a problem. I will admit, one of his sides doing half HP of damage with Swift scared me, but Anni Skyla's flinch came in clutch.
Olivia straight up deleted Drake, even with his passive that decreases speed every time his attacks hit. But, then again, I do have a 3/5 Anni Raihan so that probably helped.
Wallace...hehe...I had forgotten that Plumeria is water weak so she got wiped out immediately after sync. I decided to try and use Koga instead of throwing in another stall team and it worked! I did have two OP supports carrying him though but I cleared the stage, that's the most important part.
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