#genderfluid joke
just--a--vessel · 2 months
He/him pronoun bracelet broke, call that fragile masculinity
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3149
by going to my best friend's play today, i made $40.
but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
i started out going to shaw's and running into someone from high school, so we chatted for a few minutes before i took the flowers i'd picked and checked out. i stopped for starbucks and snacked on my way to marlborough. i happily enjoyed the play - Radium Girls, and my friend was the stage manager - minus one twenty minute segment where it feels like i was gonna lose my cocoa and all the candies i ate on the way over.
at the beginning of the play, before it actually began, the lady who was at the ticket counter announced a 50-50 raffle as many community theaters do to raise money. $5 for 6 tickets, so i gave her $10. i didn't care about winning. it was an opportunity to support my best friend's theater, so of course i was gonna take it. community theater is grossly underrated. so i was happy to contribute.
the intermission rolls around and before everyone splits to the bathroom, the same lady from before gets up and reads the number off, and it's mine! what they got from it was $132, so i got $66. which was so cool! when she told us it was time for the raffle, i had this irrational confident feeling, and i questioned it, and then i won, so i don't know what to trust. it's funny.
but also, i paid $16 for my admission ticket and $10 for the raffle tickets, so those combined with the winnings i made $40. thanks, marlborough community theater!
the play was WONDERFUL. i cried twice. i was super happy that i had put my tissues into my new little bag because i needed it.
anyway, i grabbed the flowers i brought for my bestest friend and i found her talking to two more people i knew from high school, her best friend and her boyfriend, who, fascinatingly enough, has at various points in his life dated all three of us 😂🤣 i was first, and then my friend after we were in high school, and now her friend. thankfully he's grown up enough that the two of them are good together. that makes me happy.
anyway, the three of us helped the cast and crew strike the whole auditorium. i helped sweep ("is there a regular dustpan somewhere?" "yup!" "*confusion* how did you know that?" "we work here now."), and i helped bring things out to the car and i helped move boxes and chairs with one hand ("i'm gonna be so jacked on my left side when i'm done with this") because doctor's orders. i succeeded in helping AND in following instructions. it was nice to help.
my friend and i eventually made our way to the cast party for a little bit, and then we went to dinner together where she was able to unload a little bit and decompress. i just adore her and i want her to be happy, and she has been through more shit in the last two weeks than jurassic park ever saw, total. but she's stubborn and won't go down without a fight, but all the same she's still human and i love her dearly. yknow the page from the funny bird book where it's like "i'd sell you to satan for one corn chip"? it's the exact opposite of that. even if the gods themselves demanded me to give her up i wouldn't. i don't care who you are. you're not taking her. and even when the things that challenge her and threaten her are things i can't help, i'll be by her side every step of the goddamn way because she deserves to be happy. when i get outta dodge, i'm inviting her to come with me. joel and me and kat can find a three bedroom apartment or something like that and i'll be there to take care of her when she needs to fall apart. can't live without her, yknow?
i love her more than life itself. more than cheese fries. more than chocolate and snickers bars. and more than bad puns. like how much i love joel, but add ten years and make it sisters.
i love her so much.
speaking of, i wanna see joel sometime this week. i miss him bunches. i wish to see the joel and i want to hug him and be in his adjacent space and hang out with him. i just wanna talk to him.
i gotta get up early tomorrow. physical therapy waits for no man. and unfortunately, sometimes i fall in that category.
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waxingrunes · 10 months
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First public spice piece for these two. Inspired by Boot Scootin’ Baby on Ao3, by cancerravenclaw. If you’ve not read it yet please take yourself into a quiet room and begin.
Tamer ones to come on my IG.
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diadraws · 1 year
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its adrien hour time to post adriens and plaggs 
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
"This is the gender fuckery and cis+ website"You guys can't even handle trans people who don't want to physically transition
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wumiings · 4 months
so many angsty “merlin gets exiled post-magic reveal” fics as if he wouldn’t just use a transformation spell and get himself hired as queen guinevere’s new maidservant. arthur never suspects a thing because she’s only working one job putting far more effort into chores this time around.
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sqlatoon · 11 months
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will80sbyers · 7 months
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The Doctor, FINALLY, showing their bisexuality openly + Donna's queer radar working perfectly
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nonbinary-polls · 6 days
What kind of nonbinary are you?
No gender
All gender
Gender isn't real
Gender but only when I feel like it
Gender specifically when I don't feel like it
Nonbinary to spite the gender binary
What are you a cop?
i thought i posted this what
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rolaplayor101 · 2 years
He's my girlfriend
~Lola Bunny and Daffy Duck at some point
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Finding hilariously ironic how most of Sanji's perv jokes end up being extremely trans-coded to some extent only because the joke is longer than it should be.
The "guy with a woman's body" joke has been a thing for ages now, but it usually ends after the "haha I have booobs" joke. Sanji extends it to "I want to stay in this body forever. It feels right. I don't want to give it back". Which could still be read as some perverted stuff, but I don't think any man would agree with that. No matter how much of a pervert he is. Because usually being perceived as a woman is something they refuse to go through although they like being in possession sexually of a woman's body (a type of excitement Sanji actually shows, not by being that much aroused by it but being comfortable with it? Which is... A different approach to the joke).
Sanji has made the typical "going into the girl's changing room/bathroom" joke a couple of times, but in Egghead he goes all the way to be extremely frustrated about not being able to do so? And it is obviously different than wanting to keep Nami's body forever. It can still be seen as frustration for not being able to see girls naked. But. But. The fact that the length of the joke increases? The fact that it's way longer than it should be for an average "haha boobs" joke? You know what I mean.
Not to mention his whole arc during the time-skip and how a simple (both transphobic and misogynistic, by the way) joke, goes all the way to show us that Sanji is indeed comfortable in more feminine clothes and environment, until he's pretty much forced to snap out of his fantasy to go back to the crew. But he wasn't having a bad time at all. And it is intended to be a joke, but it's... Longer than it should be to be considered only a joke and to not pay attention to it.
This isn't meant to be an analysis of any kind because if it were I would've worded it differently and would've mentioned how his childhood is also extremely trans-coded, but we all already know that. I just find it extremely funny how all of these jokes that intend to be directed at straight perv men are actually too long to not be taken into consideration as something deeper than a joke. But, aha, yeah, these are just jokes and definitely not proof of Sanji's perception of gender and his issues with it.
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acewithobsessions · 8 months
All these people saying "oh it's so hard to figure out what gender you are" like no. It's easy. Just check what's in your pants. I'm 80% cotton, 18% polyester and 2% spandex. Trigender mode activated.
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fallenrain40 · 6 months
oh my gosh, i just realized the name for coyotes is "canis latrans" COYOTES ARE TRANS CONFIRMED???!?!?!?!?
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roachy-draws · 20 days
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Happy Pride from Roach and I! 💗
This month is all about accepting people, reflecting on past struggles the community have and still face on a day to day basis. This is a month when a lot of people find bravery to come out to the people closest to them
You slay, and don't you forget it 😘💗🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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gostbat · 7 months
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The doctor and the master are the best cause they’re actually old man yaoi to dilf x twink to old man yaoi to toxic yaoi to old man x twink to twink x twink to twinkdeath raccoon man birth x twink to old straight couple to young straight couple.
They went the opposite route, devolved even.
The transition from old man yaoi to straight young couple needs to be studied lowkey.
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