#'we could have just been eaten up by it' i am. weeping.
menelaiad · 1 year
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LOOK. whatever you think of menelaus or agamemnon or whatever. this lil moment here (from icke's oresteia) is AGONY. because they did come from so much shit. from murder and scheming and freakin' cANNIBALISM. yet they MADE IT. before paris and the dominos that fell afterwards, they would have believed that they were different, that they were safe. they had wives that loved them and kids that loved them too (argue with the wall about it). they had MADE IT. DESPITE EVERYTHING. and most importantly they had EACH OTHER. they weren't atreus and thyestes. things were so good for them. and they did good!! we know that myceneans LOVED aga as their king. and menelaus got a kingdom he NEVER expected to have.
to be descended from TANTALUS you are already losing. to then have ATREUS as a father and THYESTES as an uncle? it would have been so easy for greeks to write them off. for them to write themselves off. BUT THAT DIDNT HAPPEN. and they did SO WELL. it was all going SO WELL.
you can't change a narrative. you can't alter fate. and the reason tragedies are so is because it wasn't ALWAYS that way. but ... things could have been so different for them. i TRULY believe that.
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adhdzagreus · 5 months
curtain call
The Mechanisms are uncharacteristically quiet as they walk off the stage. Even Jonny doesn’t know what to say as the remaining eight space pirates file into the dressing room of the venue they booked for their last ever show on Earth. 
The first one to break the silence is the Toy Soldier who sniffles, gasps tremulously, and then wails, “Is all that really going to happen? With the—the black holes and the bar fights and the octokittens and everything?” 
Jonny stifles a groan. This is exactly why he’d locked it out in the first place. What’s going to happen is what’s going to happen, and they all might as well accept it. 
To make matters worse, the Toy Soldier’s sniffling has set off some of the more sensitive Mechanisms. Ivy pats it on the shoulder with a forlorn look, eyes glassy with unshed tears, and Marius’ fragile expression suggests that if Ivy starts crying, he’ll follow suit. 
Tim has his arm around Ashes’ waist, as if worried they might disappear, and though his metal eyes betray no sadness, the firm set of his mouth worries Jonny more than anything else. 
“The odds of us changing the future now that it’s been written are over three hundred million to one,” Ivy says sadly. “It’s statistically impossible that we will live forever.” 
“B-b-but we have so many more songs left to sing!” the Toy Soldier weeps. “Tales to tell! Wars to wage!” 
“And we will,” Jonny says shortly. “None of us are instantly about to keel over, are we?” 
“N-no?” the Toy Soldier says. 
“Everyone seems in decent health to me,” Marius says quietly. He holds Ivy’s hand in both of his. 
“So don’t worry about it,” Jonny says. 
“That’s easy for you to say,” Marius says. “You’re not dying for another millennia. I could get eaten by octokittens tomorrow.” 
Jonny’s stomach twists, and he wrenches his mouth open to retort, but someone interrupts him. 
“No,” Raphaella says sharply. “You will not. We know for a fact that we each die alone. I’m not letting you out of my sight, and you’re certainly not going to check on the octokittens any time soon. I’m planning to have Ivy feed them when we arrive back at the ship.” 
“It’s not the same now that I know they eat Marius,” Ivy sniffles. 
Marius’s expression shatters. “Don’t hold it against them, Ivy! They’re just hungry! They can’t help it! Don’t be sad!” he pleads. 
Jonny feels sick as Ivy starts to cry harder, expounding on the hunting habits of felines, which only makes Marius more upset. He throws himself into a chair and starts taking his makeup off with a wet wipe, trying and failing to ignore them as Raphaella attempts to comfort them both. 
“You’re being awfully callous about all this,” Tim says, still with one arm around a stony-faced Ashes. Brian and the Toy Soldier have joined the fray, and Brian’s platitudes about everything coming to an end in time are almost as unhelpful as the Toy Soldier’s weeping and wailing. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jonny snaps.
“Well, you could at least pretend to be sad like the rest of us,” Tim says. “I know you’re all excited to die, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us are.” 
“God damn it, Tim,” Jonny snaps, throwing the wet wipe on the floor. “You think I’m not sad?” 
“You’re not acting like it,” Tim replies. “Marius had a point. You’ve got a run-up and a death you’re looking forward to. Ashes here could go at any time.”
“Hey, babe, don’t bring me into this,” Ashes mumbles. 
“Am I wrong?” Tim says. 
“Yeah, you fucking are wrong!” Jonny shouts. “You think I want to die alone in some backwater asteroid bar centuries after the rest of you are gone? Yeah, I’m excited to die, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch the rest of you disappear first!” 
The rest of the dressing room falls quiet, and Jonny realizes belatedly that he was shouting. Worse, he feels tears in his eyes, and he scrubs at them angrily, smearing the remains of his face paint. 
“Oh,” Gunpowder Tim says. “I guess I didn’t think about that.” 
“You choose how you go out,” Jonny says. “I have to wait until it finally decides to fucking stick. You know how many times I’ve been stabbed in the heart? I could go start a barfight on an asteroid tomorrow, but I guarantee it won’t stick.”
“All the same,” Tim says quietly. “I’d prefer you didn’t risk it.” 
“And I’d prefer you wore your fucking seatbelt, but we don’t get to choose, now do we?” Jonny says. 
Tim flinches, and Ashes frowns at Jonny who takes a deep, shuddering breath. 
“I—I mean. I don’t want you to die either,” he says. “But we have to die s-sooner or later. And I don’t want to waste whatever time we have left crying about it.” 
Despite this, tears are dripping from his eyes as he speaks, flowing faster than he can scrub them away. No one says another for a long moment, but he feels the eyes of several of his crewmates on him. 
“C’mere, you mean ol’ bastard,” Ashes says. They spread the arm not curled around Tim’s waist and gesture for him to approach. 
“What?” Jonny says, standing up and shuffling closer. 
Ashes crushes him to their chest in a one-armed hug, and Jonny breaks and grabs both Ashes and Tim as best he can. Before he can recover, he feels someone else wrap their arms around him from behind, and before he can protest, he’s at the center of a tangled mass of weeping space pirates—colloquially known as a group hug. 
It’s awkward with so much metal and wood and weapons, but Jonny can’t even pretend to be annoyed by it. He’s too focused on not breaking down into sobs. He’ll be damned if he lets his crew see him cry anymore than they already have. 
“I love you all very much,” the Toy Soldier says happily. “Best space pirate crew ever.” 
Jonny rolls his eyes and sobs silently. Hopefully, buried as he is in a mass of bodies, no one will notice. 
“Well, now that that’s been dealt with,” DrumBot Brian says, “I would like to return to the Aurora. I am concerned our parking pass has expired.” 
Jonny sighs. “Fine, but you stay away from the damn airlock.”
“Your concern is touching and noted,” says the DrumBot. 
The Mechanisms disperse and hurriedly gather up their things. Jonny lovingly coils up his microphone and tucks it safely away, and the band of space pirates begin to make their way back to the Aurora and off to destinations unknown. 
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fictionalmenaremytype · 4 months
Percy Jackson episode 7 spoilers!!!
First of all, that cliff hanger is more cruel than the actual cliffhanger...okay maybe not but you get the point.
- WE GOT CRUSTY'S. If I'm honest though I wasn't really disappointed when I thought he wasn't in it.
- I am sad we didn't get DOA records but the fact that they didn't fare with Charon tells me DOA does still exist they just used a different entrance so I'm hoping for it to be used in a different season. Would be funny if Nico used it in the 5th season with Percy.
- Annabeth's "Dude, don't make me come back out there!" Tell him, WiseGirl!
- Oh my god Percy and Sally at his first boarding school is so sad but when I tell you I cheered when he locked that car door! Persassy at his finest.
- "not in Kansas" "Hey focus, we left kansas four days ago." "Yeah, I-" so it's basically Canon they were going to see the Wizard of Oz in BotL then yeah??
- Percy is so polite with all the souls! "We're all dying...to some extent."
- The boys bribing Charon and Annabeth is staring at them like they are about to get them in trouble again.
- "You can buy a new whistle" I cackled
- AWW CERBERUS...I mean Ahhhh Cerberus!
- Annabeth is so smart but Grover getting eaten?? Was scared he wouldn't come back.
- I feel bad for Aryan being covered in that gloopy stuff that looked gross.
- She just chucks Percy the ball to get herself up! INGENIUS!
- Aww Annabeth's little sad backstop moment and Percy wasn't even listening!
- The way Grover lost the pearl is very clever! I wasn't expecting that but it makes more sense than Poseidon forgetting about Sally.
- New Information?!?!? Mate you could have sent an email!!!! I'm sorry but maybe the fact he was on the school gymnasium roof probably suggests that the school wasn't keeping a good enough watch on him!!! Report the school!!!
- HOMESCHOOL??!?!?! Of course Sally can't do that she's barely able to support her, Percy, and Gabe as is! But Percy seeing all of that is so sad.
- That soul is terrifying I never want to watch the fields of Asphodel scene again (I've watched it four times)
- Annabeth getting stuck because of her regret (which I'm assuming is regret leaving home) I was scared for her. Completely forgot about the pearl.
- I really thought the sound were going to do some Weeping Angel level scary stuff.
- She's so smart using the pearl
- I thought the desert was another dream sequence but nope! How did I forget!
- Sad we didn't get the tartar sauce line but I'm also glad we didn't.
- I am convinced they only came off of Grover's hooves because he has hooves and not feet. If his foot filled the shoe properly he would have been dragged to Kronos.
- "is this?" "No!" "Well it looks like-" "it absolutely is not" "Okay, so what is it then?" "Yeah that's the master bolt." "I mean, I think so right??" I love how they show it takes them longer to get to the truth without Annabeth.
- return the bolt ❌️ Take the bolt to the person you think stole it ✅️
- The café scene is so sad what! "I would never do this to you." Has me sobbing. my favourite thing about the show is all the extra scenes we're getting that explains how difficult it was for Sally to raise Percy, it just adds to why there's so many year-round campers.
- that elevator is badass
- I love how Hades tries to connect with Percy with the nautical reference. He's so funny. I want a scene in season 4 or 5 of Nico just ranting in Italian and Hades sat on his thrown like "Yeah yeah I know."
- "huh?"..."the bolt is my brothers drama I don't want anything to do with it." Spoken like a true middle child.
- "my helm!" "Your what?" So funny. Percy knows loads of stuff about Greek mythology but not about the helm.
- Oh my god, the way this is setting Annabeth up to be the traitor??? The helm turns people invisible like her hat. Percy realised he was supposed to be dragged to Tartarus, which would make sense why she saved him from the chair...he knows someone partnered with Ares, and both Annabeth and Ares were upset with Athena when Ares arrived!! Kind of suspicious...
- "Kronos." chills.
- Hades helping them in exchange for the bolt makes sense now because he only wants to defend his land. He's thinking he's the closest to Tartarus, so he will experience his father's wrath first and therefore needs the strongest weapon.
- "Nice pearl?"
- "Hold fast mum."
- Sally burning the milkshake as an offering is so smart but WHAT CAFÉ HAS MATCHED IN THE SUGAR BOWL?!?!?
- The way Poseidon just turned up because Sally needed him <3 (couldn't do that for Percy though could you mate?)
- "it's a him, he saw it." I cackled.
- Poseidon and Sally having that kind of relationship where they put feelings aside to help the other person. It's giving besties with a child.
- "one day...one day when he's ready...when he knows who he is...and where he belongs...and fate has revealed to him his true path...and that day..." And that day is next Wednesday because surprise! Its a cliff hanger! And the end of the episode!
- The way they looked at eachother when they realised what was about to happen though has set them up to be such a perfect trio.
- I will never get over how cool Ares is!
- And riptide/anaklusmos (which for non book readers is the name of Percy's sword) looked so sick.
This episode was so good and I'm so glad it wasn't like a 25 minute episode. Even though the actual content only took 36 minutes, it felt well spaced and gave time to understand what was happening. I am a little teensy bit worried for how the last episode will go as there's quite a lot to cram in. They have to find the Helm and fight Ares and then they have to return to camp so I'm a little bit worried but I have faith that Rick, Aryan, Leah and Walker will pull it off.
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sasukimimochi · 10 months
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-This bonus chapter is rated Explicit. I'm not giving it the community tag but I am going to give all the warnings and a reading line so you know what to expect. Please be kind and heed the warnings!
-Warnings: violence, death, sex/Intercourse, disturbing behavior, size difference, a lot of descriptions of blood/viscera, demonic behavior (obv, wwx is a demon in this au, but I thought I'd warn), possessiveness (I'd say mild), temporary pain during intercourse, bottomji/topji/bottomxian/topxian (aka they switch at a point, don't worry though lan zhan doesn't turn into a weeping bottom, It's not my cup of tea).
WC - 4037 *Theme: sorta actiony/suspense (not sure if this is the right term but angst isn't quite the right word either so-) with a happy end and lots of demonic spice. DemonXian/AngelJi.
Clash of Immortals✦.
“Mother fu-k-“
Wei Wuxian stared at the demon he dangled from his hand by the throat, waiting to hear Lan Wangji run by in order to collect the small feminine demon from the corner. The collar was quickly and efficiently removed, leaving plenty of time for Lan Wangji to escort the demon away and to take a look at her head wound.
Usually he did these missions alone for Lan Wangji’s safety, but the angel had insisted when Wei Wuxian had mentioned feeling a little tired today. It wasn’t like he was ill, if he had taken to the curse derived from the fauna it would have come on much sooner, but it had been quite a while now since he’d eaten the raw food his diet routinely demanded.
He’d been enjoying the meals his husband made. It made him feel spoiled, it was delicious, and he didn’t have to rely on the other demons to help him or just eat some dried meat.
Wei Wuxian squeezed that disgusting demon’s neck, eyes sharpening on their twisted expression as he choked and snarled. “Disgusting.” He hissed, digging his nails into the other’s throat. Feeling that warmth spray and gush against his hand brought an unexpected tremor to his chest.
Ah...he liked blood. The smell of it…
The feeling of rendering flesh felt good against his hands...he dug deeper, pupils dilating slowly as he listened to the sound of struggle, the snap of bone. It was euphoric, the way blood caught in that demon’s airway. He wanted to dig out his heart, feel that warmth beating in his hand-!
“Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji grabbed the man’s shoulder, and he felt a jolt go through his body as if woken up.
“Ah-“ Wei Wuxian dropped the demon, only then realizing they’d died already. At some point, he had broken their neck, head barely connected to their shoulders after he had torn open their platysma muscles. “...” He swallowed tightly.
“Wei Ying, are you alright?” Lan Wangji asked tentatively, gently rubbing his husband’s back. “We should go home...”
“I...I need to go hunt.” Wei Wuxian swallowed again, prying his eyes away from the bloodied corpse. “I might...I might be...I think it’s been too long since I’ve eaten raw.”
Lan Wangji hesitated, glancing at the shivering girl he’d left over by the corner. “Can it wait until we take her back?”
Wei Wuxian shook his head, “W...We’ll have to send her back through a portal.” He swallowed again, just not able to get what felt like a knot out of his throat. “It’s too dangerous to send you with her alone.” He took a shaking breath, “Let’s hurry.”
He drew a mirror out of his satchel and forced himself away from the body so he could approach the hook demon they’d just saved. “Alright...” He smiled, trying to bring back his friendly demeanor. “I’m going to send you to my home, when you get there, call for Wen Ning and Wen Qing. They will get you cleaned up and dressed and get you a place to sleep.”
The girl sniffed and nodded quietly, terribly frightened but ready to get out of here. While Wei Wuxian was helping her through the mirror and making sure she was safe on the other side, Lan Wangji was watching his husband closely, just in case anything started going wrong again.
Once Wei Wuxian pocketed his mirror, he shakily pushed hair from his sweaty face. “A...alright Lan Zhan, let’s go. Don’t look at me like that, sooner we get away from the blood, less shaky I’ll be. But let’s hurry anyway. I don’t wanna risk hurting you or getting taken down by the suppression force.”
“I wouldn’t let them hurt you.” Lan Wangji’s eyes narrowed dangerously at the thought, but relaxed again to gently rub his back once more. “You will be safe, but tell me what’s happening on the way.”
“A curse?”
“One of the demonic curses of the seven deadly sins. You know already about how raw, demonic fauna is an essential part of the demon diet, right?”
“If it’s ignored too long the curse of gluttony takes hold, and this one is the most dangerous of the curses because you can go out of control.” Wei Wuxian slid into a different air current so he wouldn’t have to flap his wings so much, and waited for Lan Wangji to follow behind him before he continued. “It’s best not to overeat the fauna, but you have to eat a good amount every now and then or…”
“Like what happened back there.”
“Exactly. Except, it won’t be possible to snap me out of it. There is…a lot of negatives to ignoring this curse, and risks, obviously. As you know…”
How could he forget? The biggest cause of death in hell stemmed from this. Wei Wuxian ate raw meat because he was forced to but it was high risk, and as a result one of the things the demon worried the most about.
A great deal of the fauna carried a demonic disease that was near untreatable. There was always, always a risk that he could die because of that curse at any time, and there was a low likelihood of survival, as it had to be actively treated right after discovery. If one was even a second too late, it meant the infected would become violent and attack anyone, anything, and had to be taken down to prevent further death. Not to mention, if another demon found this out, they would sooner report them than actually call for help.
They would rather see them dead.
Lan Wangji was quiet long enough that Wei Wuxian laughed nervously, his tone tired. “Yes…you remember.” He sighed, the sound wavering somewhat. “Essentially I need to eat something raw so the dried meat I carry around isn’t good enough. You need to sit back in case I get violent…or…” He frowned. “Anything else.”
“Anything else?”
Wei Wuxian didn’t answer, “Are you sure you want to be here when I hunt, Lan Zhan?”
Wei Wuxian sighed and nodded, “Just know I won’t be…myself for a bit. If it gets bad.”
He landed quietly atop one of the flaming pillars, sharpened pupils dancing over the fauna below. Lan Wangji circled above, brow furrowed as he watched his husband work.
Wei Wuxian’s stomach felt painfully hollow, pupils blown so wide it was like they had taken over his entire sclera. He swallowed thickly and felt his body shift in a series of snaps and cracks, standing tall as the Yiling Laozu and still aching for a more feral form by the end of it.
He wasn’t surprised when he felt the crick in his spine exaggerate further. The change in his skeletal structure, the length of his claws.
He kneeled over the pillar and stared with glowing eyes at the prey he wanted to catch. He could feel his heart picking up, the curse of gluttony taking over.
It was...too late to do this cleanly. He needed to move.
He leapt from the pillar and tucked his wings in, throttling into one of the creatures with an excessive force. He’d gotten too excited too quickly, surges of heat thrumming in his skin as he made sure the thing couldn’t get away.
Lan Wangji landed atop the pillar to watch, not wanting to get in the way of his now very unstable husband. He covered his nose with his sleeve, the smell of rotting turning his stomach in an awful way. He wished the other didn’t have to eat such disgusting meat, but was glad the demon couldn’t smell it like this.
The sight became horrific in seconds. Blood and entrails went flying as Wei Wuxian tore the meat apart with his claws and teeth, coating his face and arms in a venomous shade of bright red. His tails whipped behind him, like an animal lost in food aggression; he growled, gnawing on the leftover bones until there wasn’t a scrap of flesh left.
It was quiet for a long beat, the demon carefully lapping at the blood on his hands in his attempts to get every single drop.
It grew silent once he was done.
Wei Wuxian sat there on the ground, surrounded by flaming clovers, and breathed deeply, head bent low.
Was it over?
The demon lifted his head and moaned deep from his chest, the sound startling Lan Wangji enough that he felt his hair stand on end despite the red that rushed to his ears. He watched as his husband parted his robes and rut against his hand with that dirty blood, an uncomfortable nausea and…shamefully, arousal and jealousy, churning in his stomach.
Wei Wuxian wasn’t himself. He definitely wasn’t. He needed to get down there and stop him…was it time, though? Had he sated the curse enough, or was this going to be-
He didn’t have time to think further, listening to the demon’s breath catch as he suddenly became distracted by the rustling of foliage.
Wei Wuxian’s hair bristled, lifting his head as his glowing eyes peered over the horizon to lock onto another creature. He’d already eaten a lot, but he didn’t really realize this as he was feeling...ravenous, the bloodlust surging through him at full force.
His bones cracked and snapped as his body changed to compensate; a body not human, not animal, but something that could run on its fours. He kicked off from the ground and sprinted after the creature, pupils blown wide as he watched it flee, a darkened set to his eyes as fire trailed in heated ribbons behind him.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji leapt off the pillar and dove after him, worried he might lose him if he let him get too far away.
Wei Wuxian didn’t listen though, even if his ears did twitch in his direction. He snarled and tackled the creature, biting into its neck and throwing his head back in a messy motion to tear out its throat. Blood sprayed the ground as the creature writhed and twitched in its final breaths, eaten alive by the feasting demon in a gruesome display.
Lan Wangji grimaced, waiting to land until the demon slowed down again. This was a lot, he’s sure. He’d seen him eat raw meals before, albeit shortly before the demon apologized and had it taken away and cleaned his mouth, but…
Was he eating less because of him? Guilt twisted in his stomach, and he made a note to do something about that.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji called again, landing at a distance behind the demon. He didn’t want to get too close, in case he had lost control of himself fully. “Wei Ying, are you with me?”
Wei Wuxian’s body became completely still and he slowly lifted his head, long strands of blood and saliva falling from his chin and down his neck as he swallowed the warm, still rippling flesh. “Mm..?” He rumbled deeply, turning his blown pupils to his husband and soon letting out another low warble, something the angel thinks he might have heard before deep into the winds. Not a typical warble his conscious, loving husband made, but something very feral. Demonic.
Lan Wangji swallowed quietly as his husband stood at his full height, towering over him in that demonic form, and resisted the urge to fly back up to the pillar. Was he taller even than he usually got? He could hear the demon’s spine snapping again, presumably adjusting his form to be bipedal again.
He didn’t want to appear like prey to a demon while in a feeding frenzy, and didn’t really have the confidence that he could get away quick enough, so he stayed where he was. “Wei Ying...You ate enough right? You need to stop for your health, so you don’t become sick.”
The demon’s pupils shrank somewhat, bringing a bit of color back to his eyes but not nearly as much as he should have when he’s normal. So, at least Lan Wangji was being acknowledged right now despite the situation, but he definitely was still deep into the curse.
“Lan Zhan...” Wei Wuxian spoke, the deep bass of his larger form tensing up the angel’s shoulders. “You’re right...” He approached, a little too close.
“But...I’m still hungry. What are you going to do?”
Lan Wangji’s eyes flit about his husband's face, wondering what he should do indeed. So he eventually took a breath and sighed deeply; the other probably wouldn’t allow him to hunt for him in order to remove the entrails, the riskiest part…plus, he wouldn’t stay put. He had to stay at his side.
He didn’t have time to say anything however as Wei Wuxian suddenly stood before him. His heart dropped, moving to jump back, but instead found himself suddenly forced against the ground, and robes torn open in one fell swoop. “Wei Ying!!” He quickly raised his arms to block the others hands, but instead was surprised as his husband leaned in to grind his erection against him with a low, animalistic growl, bloody hands pinning down his arms.
He tried not to gasp too deeply when the smell of his husband's breath wafted over his face. The buzz of alarm in his body was high, but he suppressed it forcefully.
So this was unavoidable. He hadn’t really bottomed for the other except for when he was affected by the winds, during his dominant heats, but he was much more himself during those times and he trusted the other not to hurt him. This was the first time his husband had ever gone fully into bloodlust, and it was not easy to fight him off like this- plus, he didn’t want to legitimately hurt him. He was still his husband.
So it was best to submit, despite knowing it would likely be somewhat painful. If he moved too much or tried to get free, it might stimulate the bloodlust further…so he would try to help the other satiate it like this.
A trill mixed with a growl was ripped out of him when he was ground against again. Wei Wuxian trailed that bloodied tongue along his collar, teeth grazing flesh but resisting the bite. “W-Wei Ying, you can, but if you claw or bite me too hard, you know what that will do. Right? I’m your husband, remember. So be careful.”
The words did sober the demon’s expression briefly, but the sight of the angel’s body bare before him brought him right back into the curse. “Mmm...Careful.” He growled, parting his husband’s thighs none too kindly.
Lan Wangji winced from the sudden stretch of muscle, taking in a deep breath through his mouth in an attempt not to smell the rotten flesh but regretting it as his husband leaned in to kiss him greedily, taking the sight as an invitation. The angel trembled in disgust from the awful taste, thankful it was brief enough that he could spit off to the side to try to get some of the blood off his tongue.
Wei Wuxian yanked the rest of his sash off in one go, licking his free hand as all nine of his tails thrashed behind him hungrily. He barely had the mind to rub that messy hand around his length before he was parting his husband’s insides with an erection that was much too big for him, watching him grit his teeth and grip the demon’s shoulders for dear life now that his hands were finally free.
It was quite painful going in, but thankfully Wei Wuxian stopped briefly, nipping and rocking against him without thrusting quite yet. Lan Wangji was glad it wasn’t as rough as it could be, but god, this was a lot to take on the fly with no prep. Wei Wuxian was also ‘on the small side’ in his Yiling Laozu body, otherwise Lan Wangji would be sure to have been split open.
His husband moved too soon, but it became easier as the demon was leaking quite a lot, gasping as he’s fucked so hard he sees stars. He held it together though. It couldn’t last that long when he wasn’t affected by the winds. The throes of his bloodlust would stop soon. Surely.
It became more pleasurable the longer it went on.
The wet, sticky sound of his husband’s hips slamming into him repeatedly causing his face to flush in embarrassment. Thankfully, he got used to the smell of the blood the longer he was in close contact as well.
“W-Wei Ying...”
His husband growled deeply in response to hearing his name spoken in such a heated tone, causing those teeth to dig into his shoulder and elicit a shaking groan to rip out of his throat. “Wei Ying! Easy!” He gasped.
Lan Wangji winced when he was thrust into particularly hard, his body jerking in surprise as fluids rushed into his insides. Of course his husband wasn’t in the right mind, so a quick and merciless fuck wasn’t a wild result, but he still felt his face heat up with shame at the thought he wanted it to last a little longer.
He exhaled shakily when finally the demon released him and pulled back, the mess dribbling out of him as he caught his breath. It was quite... a lot, and he was feeling sore where he’d been grabbed and bitten and scratched, but it wasn’t too bad. It definitely could have been worse.
“Sorry Lan Zhan...” Wei Wuxian managed, but he was still trembling, pupils still blown wide. “I’m...y...yeah. …Bloodlust.” He informed as quickly as he could manage despite the angel already being very aware, hands shaking as his chest heaved with that ever-so deep hue across his cheekbones. He was quite visibly still affected, despite having already eaten his fill and his actions against Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji felt sorry for him, despite having fallen victim to him in such a fashion. He seemed anxious, despite what he’d just done, and what was still coursing through him.
However, he took this chance to pin the other down, bringing in a shaky inhale. “You do seem to still be in it.” He growled back at the demon when the other bared his teeth, to push as much dominance onto his husband as he could to help the other out of the curse.  It made sense didn’t it? If he became submissive, he should return to himself quicker.
“I’ll take care of you, so be good.” A punishment that doubled as a way to sober the other up. Worst case scenario he would catch the winds, but Lan Wangji was only hurting a little, he could handle it even if he had to screw him all night long.
“Be good.” he reiterated, holding his husbands arms above his head with quite the effort. It was good the demon was somewhat willing, or else he was sure he’d be overpowered again instead. And with that, he thrust into the other, who keened in surprise at the breach, mouth hanging open slightly and teeth on full display. “L-Lan Zha...n!”
Good, it seemed to calm him down a bit to be in the submissive role- so he was right.
Lan Wangji’s thrusts immediately became strong and fast, rendering his husband into a mewling, panting mess rather quickly, though he could still hear the occasional growl. He would thrust harder to quiet him, pressing his wrists firmly into the ground to keep him still. “Good. Just like that.”
Wei Wuxian spread his legs voluntarily and stretched them out, smoke curling out of his lips and shimmering as the magic churned from the food and sex.
Now that he wasn’t thinking about the terrible smell, Lan Wangji growled in pleasure at the debauched sight of his husband; that erection slapping his stomach as the angel fucked him so hard he had to gasp for breath, the deep flushed hues of the demon’s skin, his eyes watering from the pleasure.
God. He loved him.
“Mn-” He panted and groaned when he could feel the other convulse against his length and squirm in his climax, nearly tipping over the edge himself but holding on.
After he bathed him later that night, he’d fuck him again. He’d cover him in his scent.
No one, nothing, was allowed to leave such a stain on his husband.
He growled and leaned in to bite down into the other's shoulder, relishing in that cry while his husband trembled in pleasure.
His husband.
Lan Wangji slammed into him repeatedly as he hit his limit, listening to the demon whimper and cry as the demon drenched his abdomen in musk. The angel took deep breaths while he slowly pulled his hips back, listening to his very tired, helpless husband, purr and warble in deep rumbling tones. He never got used to it, but he loved to learn the new traits of his beloved. Right now he was unfortunately barely conscious but finally in his regulated form, so Lan Wangji exhaled deeply in relief.
They needed to get home before a predator smelled all of this carnage. He could admire his husband properly after a well-deserved bath.
Ah, what a mess.
“Lan Zhaaan…” Wei Wuxian whined, whimpering as his husband scrubbed his body none-too-kindly to get rid of the rotten smell on his skin. “You’re too rough!”
“So were you.” Lan Wangji quietly quipped as he scrubbed. “You’ll be alright.”
Wei Wuxian only whined louder, but still did nothing to fight his husband as his arm was lifted to wash away the red stains. “So cruellll…My husband is so cruel.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji rinsed his hand and brought it to his nose to have a small sniff, humming quietly in satisfaction as it seemed to have come clean easier than he thought. “This will not be happening again.”
“Sorry Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian pouted but then sighed, leaning his head to rest on the edge of the tub.
“...I meant…” The angel glanced at his husband and returned the sigh. “I’m at fault.”
“Huh?” Wei Wuxian’s head popped up and he blinked, watching the other take a brush to his claws to get blood and viscera out from under them. “But I-”
“Every time I entered the room while you were eating raw meat, you would have it taken away.” Lan Wangji supplied, before quietly kissing the back of his husband’s now clean hand. “I am responsible for your detrimental behavior. You were trying to avoid disgusting me. But…Wei Ying, it is part of you. I cannot be disgusted by you.”
The demon stared at the other for some time, trying to argue, but didn’t know what to say…ah, he had gone back to his old habits hadn’t he? “I…that’s not your fault. I let myself get carried away, I didn’t want to make you sit through such a smell when it affected you so, and…well, I should have eaten it in another room but I wanted to see you...and…”
“Mn.” The angel smiled subtly as he lifted his head, as if waiting for the other to continue speaking, and it brought a beloved, curling warmth to Wei Wuxian’s chest.
“You can’t look at me like that, Lan Zhan…my poor heart…”
Lan Wangji sighed affectionately and placed the wash cloth aside, leaning in to kiss his husband gently and brush his wet locks onto his back. “I am quite the criminal.”
Wei Wuxian chuckled quietly and smiled while the angel drained away the dirty red water, purring now while the other washed the remaining smell off of him. “My husband is insatiable.” He whispers, in no way not noticing the lingering touches on his sensitive body.
“You need to smell like me.” Lan Wangji’s eyes narrowed slightly, a subtle smile in them as his husband’s face flushed in deep hues. “I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
Thankfully, it was quite gentle this time around.
With each breath, each beat within their chests, their souls sang:
I love you, I love you, I love you.
If death couldn’t separate the two, surely no curse could tear them apart.
This is set in the future and will probably take place after the events of COI (or, maybe it will be just a future chapter of COI, who knows until I get there) but I hope you all enjoyed reading this. if it ends up doing poorly on here for whatever reason I hope you'll hold out for when it's posted on Ao3 one day!
Thanks for reading 💖😊✨
Check out more art/writing of this & other MDZS Projects on my masterpost! ❤
41 notes · View notes
melishade · 1 year
How does Optimus escape Shockwave anyways? And what's he going to do afterwards since he's injuries, has two human children with him that aren't very healthy right now, and doesn't know where to go since he's on the main lands. And the reunion between them and everyone else must've been somethin'.
Previous Episode in the Dark Timeline
...Am I really about to write out this entire scene because the Dark Timeline has evolved into a hyperfixation, even though I'm currently working on the chapter Secrets for Attack on Prime?
*Takes a Deep Breath*
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Before we begin, recall these for the build-up of the escape:
TFP Shockwave Part 1 (The Dark Timeline)
Part 2
Part 3: Shockwave’s Experiment 
Part 4: Eren’s emotions
Part 5: Prisoners of Shockwave 
Part 6: Arrival
Part 7: Dark Energon
TW Violence! TW Gore! Let’s go!
“What are we going to do?” Gabi wept, clutching her head and curling in on herself. She continued to weep at the hopelessness of it all.
“Gabi, look at me,” Optimus told her, “Please.”
Gabi reluctantly raised her head, the tears still falling.
“We will find a way out of here,” Optimus promised her.
“But how?!” Gabi exclaimed, her voice cracking from the lack of water.
“The glass container you are in,” Optimus explained, “Shockwave left it too close to the edge of the table.”
Gabi turned her gaze downwards and realized Optimus was right. Her prison was too close to the edge of the table. But...it confused her. Shockwave seemed so careful and calculated. Why would he be so foolish like this?
“What I need you to do is knock yourself off the table,” Optimus instructed.
“But...it’s too high,” Gabi whispered in fear.
“The fall is not too far for it to kill you,” Optimus explained, “You will be bruised, but you will be fine.”
“But I haven’t eaten anything, and everything hurts,” Gabi told him. Before she was captured, she would have done something like this in a heartbeat, but fear over-rode everything right now, “I-,”
“Gabi, I understand your fear, but we need to get out of here and we need to find Porco’s location. We have not seen him in days and we need to find where Shockwave is keeping him,” Optimus told her sternly, “Our survival hinges on your cooperation. Please.”
Gabi could hear the earnest sincerity, the insistency, the concern in his voice and hesitated. She looked down one more time before taking a deep breath. For Porco, for Optimus, for her!
Gabi took a few steps back until her back hit the glass. She rammed into the other side of the glass, causing her container to shake from its position. 
“Again,” Optimus told her.
Gabi rammed into the glass again, causing the container to shake even more.
“One more time!” Optimus encouraged her.
Gabi yelled as she rammed against the glass with all her might. Gabi yelled as the container tittered over the edge and fell to the floor. She yelled in pain as the glass container hit the ground hard, causing it to shatter. She tried to get up, but the pain from hitting the ground and the glass under her piercing into her skin made it hard to do so.
“Are you alright?” Optimus asked her.
“Ow,” she whimpered, holding her bruised side. She was certain she broke a rib, “It’s hurts.”
“Can you stand?” Optimus asked her.
Gabi forced a nod as she used her bloodied hands and weak arms to push herself to her knees, and then to her feet. She swayed a little from side to side before she almost burst into tears. She was out. She was out of that claustrophobic cage.
“Good,” Optimus said, “Now, I need you to take the largest piece of glass you can carry and jam it into the cuff around my leg.”
Gabi turned her gaze to the blue, electric cuffs on Optimus’ ankles and wrists, pinning him to the berth. “Wouldn’t it make sense to free your wrist?”
“You are too exhausted and can only do so much in your condition,” Optimus explained, “Climbing to my wrist will take time. Just destabilize the one on my ankle and I will take care of the rest.”
Gabi then looked around and saw a large piece of glass that had remained in tact and grabbed it. Normally, she would have been able to carry it over her head with ease, but due to the lack of food, she struggled to get it off the ground. She grunted as she dragged the glass across the floor to the bottom of the berth. She rest the glass against it and climbed up to where Optimus’ pede was before dragging the glass up with her. She stumbled backward and hit her head on Optimus’ pede, causing her to yelp in pain.
“I’m fine,” she moaned, rubbing the back of her head. She heard the hum of the electric cuff and turned to still see it glow a bright blue. She just needed to break this one. That’s all she had to do. That’s all she needed to do! Gabi grabbed the glass, and with all her strength, managed to jam the glass into the cuff. She gasped as she saw it spark and destabilize, but she pushed on with what little strength she had and ignored the sparks flying. She was getting out of here. They needed to get out of here! Gabi screamed with her hoarse voice as the cuff’s current cut off, knocking her back and onto the floor, destroying the glass in the process. 
Optimus grew worried over Gabi’s condition, and once he realized his leg was completely free, he bent it towards him. The Prime then arched his back upwards and groaned at the resistance he was trying to create. He wanted to pull until another one of the cuffs broke. Gabi watched in fear as Optimus yelled and snapped the cuff on his right wrist off rather violently. Optimus wasted no time and transformed that servo into a blade, jamming it into the cuff on his left wrist. Once his left wrist was free, he sat up and jammed the blade into the left ankle cuff, causing it to break. 
Optimus tried to stand up, but his own injuries caused him to stumble forward and crash into the ground. Gabi yelped at the impact the Prime created, covering her ears and shutting her eyes in the process. Optimus held his side and rested on his servos and knees, groaning in pain. He then turned his attention to Gabi, who had still kept her eyes shut. Optimus rested his body on his knees and reached out a servo towards her.
Gabi squeaked at the cold and unfamiliar sensation of a hand holding her so carefully. She trembled as she realized she was getting picked up from the floor, but she refused to open her eyes. 
“Gabi,” she heard the deep, baritone voice speak, “Thank you.”
Gabi stopped trembling and opened her eyes to see Optimus looking down at her with a small yet relieved smile. Gabi felt her fears fade away, even for a brief moment as she lowered her hands from her ears. Gabi could only nod in response, but yelped as the Prime began to move. Gabi wrapped her arms around one of his digits and held it tight as Optimus tried to stand. He slammed his servo against the console to the monitor before using it as a support to push himself up. Optimus could feel his legs tremble. His knees were ready to buckle, so he placed Gabi on the console before using his other servo to grab and steady himself on the station. Optimus forced himself to stand up fully, leaning against the console. His face grew stern, hiding his pain as he began to type on the keyboard, accessing Shockwave’s files to the ship.
“W-what are you doing?” Gabi asked in confusion.
“We need to find the location of Porco Galliard, along with other information and experiments that Shockwave may be running,” Optimus explained as he continued to search through the files, “We need to relay this information back to the island in hopes that we can defeat him.”
Gabi understood Optimus’ explanation, but the words on the screen were daunting to her. What kind of language was that? She couldn’t understand what any of it meant. She did manage to get some pictures. She nearly threw up at the sight of the titan experiments, but was also confused at something else. It looked like a giant mountain with a flat top in the middle of the desert. 
Optimus continued searching through Shockwave’s database as fast as he could, his face slowly turning into a grimace. This was bad. He had an off sight laboratory where he was conducting his experiments. Porco was there as well, and he’s been getting to that sight through a groundbridge. Of course Shockwave would make himself a groundbridge. He couldn’t have been riding on the Predacon’s back this entire time. What else did Shockwave have?
Optimus searched deeper into the files and was almost disgusted at the detailed experiments on the Eldian people, but he hid his displeasure from Gabi. He didn’t need her to be more stressed out than she was right now. Optimus had also discovered that the Predacon did not have the ability to transform like Predaking and the others. It was probably a good thing long term. Optimus kept scanning through the files and paused when he came across something that caught his attention. Optimus gasped and lifted his servos from the keyboard, causing Gabi to snap her head at him.
“What’s wrong?!” Gabi asked.
Optimus kept staring at the screen. It talked...extensively about dark energon...inside Porco Galliard. Shockwave had dark energon, and he was using Porco to get it and create a new serum! Optimus snapped out of his shock and quickly scanned through Shockwave’s systems to get to the ship’s schematics.
“We cannot rescue Porco at this time,” Optimus told Gabi.
“What?!” Gabi exclaimed, forcing herself to stand up, “No! We have to go save him! Optimus, you promised!”
“You are malnourished and I am injured.” Optimus found the settings for the ship’s cloaking technology and how it was set up for the ship, “We are in no condition to retrieve Porco on our own. If we try now, we will all die by Shockwave’s hand.”
Optimus transformed his servo into a sword and pried open the side of the console to reveal and entanglement of wires. “We need to return to the island in order to get reinforcements to save Porco. If they are still alive, then we have a chance to increase our numbers.”
“But...Porco will still be suffering under Shockwave,” Gabi whimpered, “We can’t leave him.”
Optimus paused in his work and lamented her distress, shutting his optics in shame. “I know. I do not wish for Porco to suffer even more under Shockwave than he already has. If we go now, we will die, and no one will be able to rescue him. If we leave now, then Porco still has a chance at being rescued.”
Optimus then raised a servo to the console before wrapping the other around a set of wires. “Gabi, when I hit the console, the cloaking system will be disabled. It will alert the island to our location, but it will also alert Shockwave of a system malfunction. We both must be ready for the worst possible outcomes. Alright?”
Gabi could see the servo hovering over the console. If they did this, there was no going back. They could live, but they could also die. But...there was also a chance to get out of this hell. Gabi clenched her fists. “We come back for Porco. We’re not leaving him behind!”
“We will,” Optimus swore to her, “I promise.”
The girl searched Optimus’ optics, and saw nothing but honesty and truth. Gabi nodded her head. “Do it.”
Optimus slammed his hand on the console, causing alarms throughout the ship to blare and a red light to blink and fill the room. Optimus grunted as he yanked the wires out of the console before wrapping it around his own neck. He then picked up Gabi and placed her there. Gabi quickly grabbed onto the wire and held it tight as Optimus forced himself to stand and limp out of their prison as fast as he could.
Wheeljack jolted as the Jackhammer’s alarms went haywire. The Wrecker ran and saw the screen, a new signal popping up on the ship’s radar.
“’Cee! Megatron! Shockwave’s ship is on the radar!” Wheeljack shouted.
“Follow that signal!” Megatron ordered as Arcee ran inside the Jackhammer, “I’ll follow soon after!”
The Jackhammer’s doors shut as Megatron flew towards the inner Walls. He needed to grab Eren first! They needed to save Optimus together!
Shockwave raised his helm, his train of thought broken when he heard the monitor blaring. He turned his attention to the screen and stopped the shock treatment on Porco when he realized that his ship had shown up on the radar. The scientist hummed a little. It could have either been a malfunction, or...the Prime is making an attempt to escape.
The Predacon had awoken to the sounds of the noise and growled in agitation. Shockwave walked over to his creation and scratched under its chin, soothing it and causing it to purr at the affection.
“Terran,” Shockwave spoke. Terran opened its golden optics and stared at his master. Shockwave then pointed to the monitor, specifically the ship on the screen, “Hunt.”
Terran screeched in response to Shockwave’s command before standing on all fours. It flexed it’s golden wings before flying out of Shockwave’s lab and away from Shockwave’s testing site towards its master’s ship.
Optimus leaned against the wall, forcing himself to continue down the hall to the exit to the ship, activating his battle mask in the process. He managed to get a good layout of the ship through the console, but it was taking time to reach the exit. His body ached, and he could feel the sting of his wounds. The cuts, the energon leaking, all he wanted to do was collapse and rest. But the two of them were on a time crunch, and he needed to know exactly where they were. Optimus tripped over himself and almost fell, causing Gabi to yell and cling to the wire for dear life. 
“Apologies.” Optimus said to her before he pushed onward. When he reached the exit of the ship, he pushed on the mechanism to the door, and the hatch slowly opened. Optimus winced while Gabi shut her eyes at the abundance of light pouring into their vision. When the hatch stopped, they both opened their eyes to see the light of day. They could see the beautiful blue sky, light of the middle of the day, and an abundance of clouds below them. Gabi couldn’t help, but be in awe at the sight. She wish that she could admire it more, but screamed in fear when she looked down and realized how high the two were. Optimus turned his attention downward and realized the situation. He had no idea how to pilot the ship, and he was too weak to try. Jumping from this height would have resulted in both of their deaths.
Optimus turned his attention to the jet engines directly above them and transformed his arm into a blaster. Gabi grew concerned as he raised his blaster to the engine.
“What are you doing?!” Gabi exclaimed, but Optimus didn’t listen and fired anyway. The energon directly hit the engine, causing it to explode and the ship to spin out. Gabi screamed in fear as Optimus held her close and shielded her from the explosion and the debris. She continued screaming as the ship stopped spinning, but continued to descend towards the ground. Optimus gripped the side of the hatch and clenched his dentas in concern. He prayed to Primus that the crash would be enough for them to withstand before they had to run!
“Looks like you could use an assist, Chief,” A familiar voice crackled through his comm. link.
“W-wheeljack?” Optimus stuttered in surprise. Optimus then heard the familiar hum of an engine and turned his helm to see the Jackhammer flying directly towards them. He...he was here?! How was he here?! And why?! Did they find the neutral ship?! The Jackhammer pivoted towards them as its hatch opened, revealing Arcee holding both sides of the wall to steady herself from the movement.
“Arcee!” Optimus exclaimed.
“You have so much explaining to do!” Arcee shouted at him, but the Two-Wheeler couldn’t help but smile at Optimus.
Optimus was stunned at her statement, but gave a small smile in response. “I am glad to see you as well.”
Wheeljack’s systems began to blare once more as the Jackhammer picked up something on the radar, moving fast and heading straight towards them. “Reunion later! We gotta move!”
A loud screech was heard, and Gabi yelled in horror and pointed at the sight. Arcee and Optimus gasped as the Predacon flew towards them with maddening speed. Arcee quickly held her servo out to her leader. “C’mon, Optimus! Let’s go!”
Optimus tried, but almost stumbled off the ledge and plummeted below. He went back to hold the edge and wince at the pain all over his body. He wouldn’t be able to reach the Jackhammer like this, despite how close it was. They were plummeting to the ground, going with the flow of gravity. He could fall and take Gabi with him, and the Predacon was coming in too fast. All of them could get hurt, or worse. Optimus made a decision, one where there would be minimal causalities.
Gabi yelped as Optimus took her and removed her from his shoulder. The Prime cradled the human girl in his servos and Gabi looked up to see Optimus’ optics...full of remorse.
“Forgive me,” he whispered to her.
Gabi couldn’t process the words. “What?”
“Take her!” Gabi screamed as Optimus tossed her from his servos to Arcee. Gabi reached out for the Prime and grunted as Arcee caught her in her arms. 
“No!” Gabi extended her hands for the Prime. Wheeljack saw the Predacon coming in too close and thrusted the ship forward to dodge the impact. Arcee stumbled from the jerk of the ship, but Gabi kept her eyes on Optimus. Her heart stopped beating and her voice got lodged in her throat as the Predacon rammed into the Prime. The creature made a direct hit at Optimus’ face, tearing his battle mask into shreds. The talon tore through Optimus’ flesh, leaving three ragged claw marks that went through his cheek, barely missing his right optic, and dug out of his forehead. The impact of the collision threw Optimus off the ledge of Shockwave’s ship. Arcee gasped as she realized what she just witnessed. Energon stained the talons of the Predacon and flew from Optimus’ wound before his unconscious body plummeted towards the ground.
“NOOO!” Gabi wailed as tears exploded from her eyes. “OPTIMUS! AHH!”
Gabi kept screaming and crying her head off, trying to tear herself out of Arcee’s grip and get to Optimus. Meanwhile, Arcee was in a state of shock. He saved a human girl. Optimus saved a human girl. He chose her over himself. Whatever doubt she had remaining about Optimus Prime being a fake were now completely gone. Arcee grit her denta as the Predacon turned around and dove right after Optimus.
“Wheeljack! WHEELJACK!” Arcee shouted at Wheeljack.
“On it!” Wheeljack turned the Jackhammer around and dove right after them.
Optimus’ limp body continued to fall through the clouds and towards the ground below. The Predacon flapped its wings to accelerate towards the body. It opened its maw to bite and tear into Optimus, but before it could clamp its teeth, a powerful, purple, beam hit the Predacon in its side, knocking the creature off course and away from Optimus as he continued to fall. The Predacon shook its helm and continued to flap its wings, turning its gaze to the source of the attack.
Megatron was flying as fast as he could to the Predacon, with Eren riding on top of him in titan form, and holding onto the wing with crystalized hands for dear life. Eren glanced down at Optimus falling body and gasped in fear. He was unconscious. He was bleeding. He was plummeting to his death. The child in him wanted desperately to grab him and save Optimus, but he was quickly snapped out of that selfish desire when he heard the Predacon roar and charge towards them.
“We stop the Predacon!” Megatron spoke, “We get Optimus!”
Eren roared in agreement before jumping off of Megatron and into the air. Megatron transformed and grabbed Eren’s arm before the titan shifter fell past him. He spun and threw Eren towards the Predacon. Eren crystalized his fists and punched the Predacon directly in the face before grabbing one of its feet. Eren held on tightly and the Predacon tried to bite him and shake him off. However, Megatron charged towards the Predacon and used his sword to slash at the beast’s neck. Megatron growled as the cut wasn’t deep enough and the creature quickly regenerated. The Predacon turned it’s attention to Megatron and charged the fireball building in its throat. Before the Predacon could launch the attack at Megatron, Eren climbed the beast and yanked its neck downward, redirecting the fire blast towards the ground. The Predacon tried to pull Eren away, and throw him off. The Predacon took notice of Optimus still falling and vulnerable, and pulled its neck to redirect its attack to Optimus. Eren jammed his arm in the beast’s mouth, taking the brute force of the attack and catching his entire arm on fire. The Predacon choked on Eren’s arm, tearing it off in the process. The charred stump of Eren’s arm started to regenerate, but was taking a little longer compared to a clean tear. But the loss of Eren’s arm allowed for the Predacon to swing its neck and throw Eren off of it. Eren spun out of control and almost started to fall, but his back ended up hitting the top of the Jackhammer. Eren clung to it with his other arm before he fell off.
The Predacon tried to go after the Jackhammer, but Megatron rammed into the Predacon via alt mode. Megatron transformed back into his bipedal mode and grabbed his sword and stabbed the beast repeatedly in the throat. The Predacon choked on its blood and Megatron tried to aim for the spark, but the Predacon began to thrash and fly around like mad, causing Megatron to keep his grip on the beast. 
“Wheeljack, can’t you try and shoot the slagging thing?!” Arcee shouted at Wheeljack, gripping his seat with a crying Gabi still in her arms.
“I can’t get a good angle while the kid and Buckethead are trying to wrestle this fragger in free fall!” Wheeljack retorted, “I could also hit Optimus in the process!”
“Then get Optimus!” Arcee told him.
“At that speed?!” Wheeljack reminded, “I’m all for doing crazy stunts, but if Optimus isn’t conscious, he’s just going to crash into us and fall off or go through us with the speed! I can’t catch him ‘cause I’m driving, and you can’t ‘cause your short! The only ones who can get Optimus are currently fighting a regenerating Predacon!”
Eren jumped off the Jackhammer and grabbed the Predacon by its tail. He tried to climb onto the beast, but with all the thrashing and flying it was doing, it ended up whipping Eren off of him. Megatron saw its wounds heal as it charged another fire blast directly for his face, but Megatron grabbed his shield and blocked the attack. The force still made him let go and sent Megatron plummeting downward, but he didn’t suffer too much damage.
Eren couldn’t focus as he continued spinning out in the air. He grunted as his back hit hard metal. He quickly crystalized his fingers to grip the metal and prevent himself from falling. He raised his head and was stunned to see the flaming engine of a large ship in front of him. This wasn’t the Jackhammer...this was Shockwave’s ship! Eren turned his gaze upward to see Megatron flying back up and try to cut the wings off the Predacon. Eren grit his teeth in the nape and swore to himself. He didn’t have any weapons like Megatron. He only had his fists. Eren looked around him and felt the heavy metal under his finger and smirked in the nape. He might not have a weapon, but he didn’t mind borrowing from Shockwave a tool or two. Eren sunk his claws in the metal of the ship and ripped a chunk of it from the falling ship before throwing it up at the Predacon. He quickly grabbed some of the wires in the ship and tore them apart before chucking it in the air.
Megatron was ready to throw his sword at the Predacon, but paused in surprise when debris hit the Predacon in the face. He looked down at the source and saw Eren tearing apart Shockwave’s ship from the outside and throwing it at the Predacon. Megatron smirked with delight, feeling a small swell of pride at Eren’s idea. He grabbed some of the debris coming his way and threw it at the Predacon. The Predacon grew furious and threw a powerful fire blast through the air, burning through the debris surrounding them. 
“How far until we hit the ground?!” Arcee asked. 
“20,000 feet!” Wheeljack answered.
“Wait! Wait!” Gabi begged as Arcee forced Gabi to let go of her and placed her in Wheeljack’s lap.
“Watch her!” Arcee ordered as she ran to grab a grenade.
Wheeljack groaned before looking down at Gabi and picking her up by her clothes. “Sorry, kid. Can’t have you flying about the cabin.”
Gabi yelled as Wheeljack opened his chest compartment and dropped her in there before shutting it. Gabi begged to be let out, banging on the inside of the chest, but Wheeljack ignored it as he continued flying down, trying to fire off a flew blasts to hit the Predacon but unfortunately missing. Arcee opened the hatch up top and climbed out of the ship with a grenade in her servo.
“Eren!” Megatron shouted as the Predacon flew towards Eren and landed on the top of the ship in front of him. Eren crystalized his feet to keep himself on the ship before crystalizing his fists and getting into a fighting stance and charged. The Predacon shot another fireball at the teen, but Eren quickly ducked his head, his hair catching on fire in the process. Eren ignored it as he glanced behind him to see the smoking engine. An idea sprang into his head as the Predacon fired another blast, but this time, Eren unhooked his feet and pushed himself off the ship. The Predacon’s attack hit the other engine and the ship blew up from the ignition. The Predacon went flying, while Eren was sent spinning upward by the forced of the explosion. 
As Shockwave’s ship plummeted at a faster rate, Megatron tackled the Predacon from behind and pulled at the beast’s wings. The beast thrashed violently, trying to throw Megatron off once more. Arcee jumped towards Eren and quickly grabbed the teen’s hair. Arcee then showed the grenade to Eren and pointed at the Predacon.
“Shove this in the Predacon’s jaws so I can get a clean shot!” Arcee ordered. Eren took the grenade as Arcee kicked Eren with all her might towards the Predacon. Eren ended up wrapping his arms around the Predacon’s neck as it roared. Eren punched the beast in the throat and dug his claws into its neck. Eren then put the grenade between his own jaw and grabbed the maw of the beast with his hands and forced it to open its mouth. The Predacon thrashed and bit at Eren’s fingers, tearing a few of them off. Eren then punched the Predacon in the face in response to try and disorient it. The Predacon then howled in pain as it felt its wings being torn off bit by bit. Megatron continued to press into the creatures back with his pedes and pull on its wings. Sparks and energon flew as the metal creaked and tore with the force.
“10,000! Hurry up!” Wheeljack warned.
Eren sunk his hand into the Predacon’s eye socket and roared in fury as he pulled on the beast’s eye ball. Eren screamed in the nape and pulled as hard as he could, successfully tearing the beast’s optic out in the process. The Predacon roared even louder than before, but it was enough of a distraction for Eren to open its jaws and jam the grenade inside. Megatron let out a loud battle cry as he tore the Predacon’s wings off. Megatron threw the wings aside and both quickly jumped off of the beast. Arcee transformed her arm into her blaster and aimed it at the grenade in the mouth of the beast. Eren searched frantically for Optimus and saw that he was right below him.
“Optimus!” Eren yelled in the nape, diving towards Optimus as Arcee fired. Eren could hear the sound of the explosion go off behind him. He could feel the heat on his back and see the debris falling around him. He wasn’t sure if the Predacon was dead, nor did he care. He needed to save Optimus. He needed to save his mentor. His father!
Eren extended his hand towards Optimus as he found himself getting closer to him. And the titan shifter couldn’t help but...remember. He couldn’t help but remember all the people he couldn’t save. His inability to save Hannes from that titan. His failure to act sooner when trying to save Levi’s squad. His weakness when he couldn’t avenge Thomas and the others from the 104th. His helplessness as he watched his mother get eaten by the same titan that later killed Hannes. 
His fingers spread out as tears formed in his eyes, failing to notice Optimus regaining consciousness. Please. Please let this be enough. Please let their efforts be enough. He actually found himself beginning to pray. He just wanted to save Optimus, after everything he every did, asking for nothing in return. Please let him save one of the few people who gave him hope, who treated him with fairness and respect, who...saw him as a human. No more. No less.
Eren’s eyes snapped open as Optimus clasped Eren’s arm. Eren tightened his own grip and gasped in disbelief at Optimus’ stunned and scarred face. Eren laughed in the nape as the tears continued to fall. Eren pulled Optimus close and they held each other tight as they continued to fall together. Eren looked up to see Megatron flying towards them and stretched his arm out to the titan. Eren managed to grab Megatron’s wing and crystalized his fingers to tighten his grip. Megatron flew towards the island as fast as he could with Eren and Optimus in tow.
“We got him! Let’s go!” Arcee shouted. The Jackhammer flew under her and Arcee quickly grabbed up as Wheeljack followed Megatron. The Two-Wheeler looked back to the Predacon’s body crashing into the ground along with Shockwave’s ship. She didn’t know if that killed the beast, but she prayed to Primus it was enough.
Optimus held onto Eren as tightly as he could, while Eren tightened his grip on Megatron’s wing. Megatron ignored the pain and the extra weight as he flew over the sea, keeping his focus of getting to the island. Eren kept his other arm wrapped around Optimus as he shut his eyes. Just a little longer. Hold on a little longer. Don’t let go! Do not let go!
Eren gasped as Megatron suddenly transformed, forcing Eren to let go of the ex-con. Eren held onto Optimus as tight as he could as they both crashed into the ground; however, the momentum they were flying at caused Eren to let go of Optimus as they rolled across the ground. Megatron ended up hitting the ground a little further away, rolling more violently across the dirt.
Eren groaned in pain as he forced himself on all four, rubbing his head to ease his pain. Eren gasped as he heard Optimus groan. He snapped his head to see Optimus forcing himself to sit up. The Prime moved his hand across the grass, and seemed surprised at the sensation, and even where he was.
“Optimus,” Eren breathed in the nape, “Optimus! DAD!”
Eren scrambled to his feet and bolted towards the Prime. Before Optimus could register what had happened, Eren slid on his knees and tackled Optimus into a hug, wrapping an arm around his back and placing another on his head. Eren sobbed in both human and titan form, trying to find the words of how relieved and happy he was. They did it. They saved him. They saved Optimus. He was alive, and they didn’t fail him.
Optimus had to take a moment to register what was going on. He couldn’t move. This...this was real. This wasn’t a dream. He was...Eren was...he was out...he was alive...It worked. By the Allspark it worked. Optimus felt lubricant well up in his own optics and a few of those tears fell down his cheeks. Optimus ignored his pain. He ignored his bruises and wounds and just wrapped both arms around Eren. 
“Thank you, Eren,” Optimus said with a strained, yet relieved voice, “Thank you for saving my life.”
Megatron forced himself up a little by his arms to see Optimus and Eren hugging each other so tightly on their knees. Megatron could see Eren sobbing with relief, and he also spotted those few tears escaping Optimus’ own optics. Megatron collapsed onto his back and stared up at the sky, and he found himself...laughing. Laughing with genuine joy. It worked! Primus’ sake, that worked! The former warlord heard galloping and turned to see the Survey Corps riding towards them with expressions of bafflement and tears of excitement. They quickly got off their horses and ran towards Optimus and Eren. 
“Optimus!” Hanji screamed with tears coming down her face, causing the two to end their embrace. Eren still supported Optimus by placing one of his arms over his shoulder. 
“I would advise not to administer contact,” Optimus warned as he gestured to his bruises. But the Survey Corps quickly saw the wire still around his neck and flew up to that with their 3D gear hugging him there as best as they could. Optimus wanted to retort, but he couldn’t say no those tears of happiness and relief. He was so happy to see them alive that he did his best to cradle them with his other servo. 
Levi slowly approached Megatron, keeping his eyes on Optimus and the Survey Corps. Levi also found himself...laughing and even smiling a little. “I can’t believe you pulled it off.”
“Me too,” Megatron laughed in agreement.
Not far behind, the Marleyan Warriors and Magath got of their horses to see the tearful reunion. Pieck felt happy for them and smiled a little. Reiner and Annie were also relieved to see Optimus alive. Lara was just touched at the sight and placed a hand over her heart, while Magath was just in a state of shock. he couldn’t believe it. They pulled it off. They managed to get Optimus back.
The Jackhammer landed on the ground and the hatch opened. Arcee and Wheeljack quickly ran out to see the tearful reunion and sighed with relief. Arcee; however, remembered something and turned to the Wrecker.
“Where’s the girl?!” Arcee exclaimed.
“Oh, right.” Wheeljack opened his chest to reveal a disoriented Gabi. 
“Primus,” Arcee swore as she pulled Gabi out of Wheeljack’s chest compartment, allowing the Wrecker to close it.
“Sorry, kid,” Wheeljack apologized.
Gabi shook her head, and gasped with joy to see Optimus alive. She then turned her attention to Arcee and did her best to hug her. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Hey, Chief!” Wheeljack called out, “What’s with the kid?! What do we do with her?!”
Optimus placed the Survey Corps on the ground as Pieck raised her eyebrow in confusion. She turned her head to Arcee and let out a shocked yell at the sight of Gabi in the Two-Wheelers arms, covering her mouth in the process. Reiner was confused by Pieck’s yell, but followed her gaze and almost collapsed right then and there.
“GABI!” Reiner, Pieck, and Annie quickly ran towards the ship, tears coming down all of their faces.
Gabi gasped at the familiar voice and smiled at the sight of the three, specifically her cousin. “REINER!”
Arcee put Gabi on the ground, and the girl tried to run at the same frantic speed everyone else, but her frail body would only allow her to limp. Reiner didn’t care and merely met Gabi in the middle, hugging her so tight and refusing to let go. The two cousins try to find the words, but all that came out were cries of relief, sadness, and joy. Pieck and Annie quickly hugged the duo, and they all fell to their knees and cried together. Meanwhile, Magath was dumbstruck. He…saved Gabi. Optimus….actually saved her, when many would have left her behind.
Optimus sighed with relief at the sight. They were okay. He kept his word. They would be okay. Optimus then remembered Porco’s fate, and all the information Shockwave held in his database. He also found his vision to be spinning out, it becoming distorted and filling with black. His injuries. He needed to tell them before he fell to his injuries.
“...Eren...,” Eren froze at the way Optimus called for him, and realized...how weak it sounded. Eren turned to see Optimus’ optics flickering in and out as he tried to look at his student.
“...I...need...” Optimus’ optics rolled to the back of his helm as he collapsed in Eren’s arms.
“No! No! Optimus!” Eren screamed in the nape, “Optimus, get up!”
Megatron shot up the minute he heard the screaming and yelling from Eren’s titan form and the Survey Corps and saw Optimus barely hanging onto life. He scrambled to his pedes and ran to the distraught Eren, almost hitting Levi in the process.
“Optimus!” Megatron kneeled and froze as he noticed the complete extent of his injuries: the scars on his arms and legs, the scarring on his chest plate showing it was clearly cut open by force, the broken mask, the three, vertical, claw marks taking up the right side of his face just barely missing his optics. He was leaking energon everywhere!
“Wheeljack, get your ship ready for transport!” Megatron shouted at the Wrecker as everyone begged for Optimus to wake up. Gabi had seen the chaos and tried to run to Optimus, but Reiner had hold her back. She tried to wrangle out of her cousin’s grasp, but she herself was too weak to do so.
Optimus could barely see, and his hearing was going in and out, hearing nothing but panicked screaming. He managed to see Megatron in his vision and weakly raised his arm to touch Megatron and get his attention.
“Mega…” Optimus weakly spoke.
“Stay awake!” Megatron ordered in anger and fear, “You are not dying after everything we did to get you back!”
“P-p…atch,” Optimus forced out, “dark…ener…Por…co…”
“Patch?” Megatron questioned in confusion before his optics widened. “What does he know?! Optimus, what does Shockwave know?!”
“Every…” Optimus could only hear more panicked screaming as his world faded to darkness.
(This all happened because Shockwave didn’t place a container correctly. Lol. And don’t worry. The next chapter for Attack on Prime will come out later today. I just need to take care of some stuff. I hope you enjoyed this.)
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wishfulstargazer · 11 months
After the Orpheum: Trevor Speaks
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Rating: T
Words: 674
“I swear, my dead friends are haunting me. I see them on my daughter’s laptop. They leave me notes on my bathroom mirror. They played at the Orpheum last night! It’s impossible but I know it’s true.”
“Trevor, we’ve talked about the difference between reality and fantasy before,” Dr. Crystal said soothingly. She handed him a cup of steaming hot tea. 
“Bobby,” he corrected, inhaling the herbal steam. He closed his eyes in delight. “Lemon Zinger?”
“Yes, with a sprinkling of rose hips,” she said. “Am I to understand you don’t wish to go by Trevor any more?”
Bobby waved his hands around dramatically. “THEY call me Bobby, dammit, that’s how they know me…that’s who they leave the notes for “Hello Bobby!” in the mirror. I still see that every time I shut my eyes.”
“Well, what would you prefer me to call you?” Dr. Crystal asked, wearing her calmest expression. “Trevor Wilson? Bobby Shaw? Which feels right to you.”
“I’ve been Trevor for longer than I ever was Bobby,” he said, running his fingers through his long black hair. “But if they could live again…”
Dr. Crystal took off her glasses. “You’d go back to being Bobby, then?” 
“I never wanted to be Trevor Wilson,” the middle aged man said. “But if I wanted to play music…I couldn’t be known as the fourth member of the band that died. And Bobby…Bobby was their friend. Bobby was their bandmate. Bobby was the guy that should have been with them when they died instead of trying to pick up a pretty girl.”
Dr. Crystal nodded. She had repeatedly tried to point out that flirting with an attractive woman was absolutely normal and certainly no crime for a seventeen year old boy, but her patient had never been able to release the guilt.
“I let Luke sleep in my garage when he ran away from home,” Bobby/Trevor continued. “I hid him from his parents, from my parents. He stopped going to school because his parents would find him. All we did was rehearse and play. When we were in school Luke would play in parks or at the pier for cash. We all stole food for him. But what I didn’t think about until after he died is that if I hadn’t helped him he would have had to go home! His parents were gong to make him quit the band. If we hadn’t been scheduled to play the Orpheum that night, they would never have eaten those damn hot dogs and he’d still be alive today! If Bobby–” he spoke his old name as if it belonged to someone vile–”hadn’t hidden him..maybe all three of them would still be alive.”
“This wasn’t your fault, Bobby,’ Dr Crystal said. “We’ve talked about this before. No matter how much you try to make it your responsibility, the fault was in the hot dog company that sold the tainted meat. The fault was perhaps with the vendor, who should have sampled his own product before feeding it to customers. The fault was with the adults, not with a seventeen year old boy who was just trying to help his friend.”
“Helped his friend? Helped him by stealing all of his music! How did that help him?”
“Again, Bobby, we’ve been over this. You made some mistakes when you were still grieving your best friends. That draconian contract you signed should never have been permitted. You were a kid. You didn’t have representation. You didn’t really know what you were getting yourself into. Again, the adults were to blame.”
“Tell that to Luke, Reggie, and Alex,” the aging rock legend Trevor Wilson said wearily. “They clearly blame me for it all. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be haunting me.”
Dr. Crystal opened her mouth as if to say something else.
“No, Doctor,” he interrupted. “You can’t dispute that. They blame me. I blame me. And you know what? They’re RIGHT to blame me.” 
And rock legend Trevor Wilson curled up on his psychiatrist’s couch, and began to weep.
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The Gambit - A Malevolent Fic
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Nothing to see here.
Only a baby god... scheming.
Part of the Surrogate series. Written with @sepiabandensis.
Court was just getting started. Magnificent beings sashayed (floated, slid, burbled) their way through Hastur’s throne room. It was a gleaming affair, in spite of being so very wet; creatures so outré they caused madness when seen without protections, creatures that could (and had) eaten entire worlds, creatures who reigned, magnificent and terrible, over their own nightmare-realms of screaming fools and weeping children.
But they made it look good.
Dripping essence and gleaming jewels, sweeping fabrics and bloodshot eyes, colors that could not be named, and fluting sounds through holes in membranous wings—it all came together in one overwhelming potpourri, a maddening maelstrom, a storming insanity.
And John was ready. Hastur, said John. I need to speak with you.
Arthur blinked. “What?” he whispered.
Trust me.
Hastur’s undulating tentacles stilled, just for a moment, as he turned toward them. “Of course, John. Right now?”
One supplicant, detecting this wasn’t a conversation meant for their ears, loped back a bit, bumping into the line that had begun to creep forward.
He was king, John reminded himself. Rex. He could do this. Yes.
“And it couldn’t have been discussed at breakfast?” said Hastur lightly.
No. John was firm. We need to have a private conversation, and we would not have been afforded that.
“Uh,” whispered Arthur. “Don’t think it’s private now.”
Yes, but this forces his hand, John hissed back. It’s strategy.
Hastur chuckled, low. It was an awful sound, and purely for show. “Ah, the impertinence of youth! Everything must happen so quickly.” He picked Arthur up. “We will return post-tantrum, and all will be well, hm?”
Polite laughter followed them as Hastur flew out of the room. Arthur put his face over his hands and groaned. “Now what?”
Hastur apparently took John’s request seriously. He didn’t choose a room, didn’t raise a sound-proofed ward; instead, he flew through one of the high, wide windows and went straight into sky.
“Whoa!” Arthur cried, feeling wind in his face.
Oh! We’re high, Arthur! So high! John laughed. The day was warm and sunny, beautiful and clear, and Hastur added a couple more tentacles around Arthur as if to be sure the man couldn’t get it into his head to squirm away and fall.
John envied the tentacles.
And now, above Carcosa, they hovered free, blazing brighter than the suns, a sight that would cause terror anywhere other than Hastur’s own home.
John envied the power.
“Well,” said Hastur. “Here we are. All alone, yet viewed by the whole world for the sake of whatever little play you’ve concocted. What, exactly, was so urgent you needed to interrupt court to bring my attention to you?”
“Drop the act,” said Arthur. “Nobody can hear us up here.”
“True.” Hastur’s tone was softer, that undone tone he’d had all through the last month. It wasn’t booming. It wasn’t authoritative. It wasn’t powerful.
John did not envy whatever this was. It’s about Sunny, he said.
Arthur inhaled. “Sunny?”
“Is there a concern regarding Sunny?” Hastur said evenly.
He is intended to merge with you at the end of the six years, John said. I am telling you not to do it.
Silence. The wind whistled; distant birds chirped. Far below, Carcosa bustled, its various sounds and conversations merging into a hum. 
“You are… telling me,” Hastur said.
Yes. Don’t fucking eat him. John spoke low, stubborn, angry. Kingly. He tried to channel the anger of a lord discovering he’d been disrespected and disobeyed. Or I will never fucking forgive you!
“Oh, John,” Arthur whispered, and their eyes went a littly misty.
Hastur was so still; the only indication of any life was the subtle sense of his hearts and the fact that they still flew. “Oh, won’t you?” he said at last.
I fucking mean it, Hastur! John snapped. He’s wise! If I’m to take my place at your side, I need his advice, but if you do not give me what I want in this way, I will reject you. I will stymy you at every point. I will ruin your fucking court!
“Holy fuck,” Arthur said.
Hastur looked up as if seeing a million miles away, into the stars hidden behind the day. “I see. Yes.”
Don’t take him. I… Was this working? Was he getting anyhwere? John swallowed, reaching for Arthur’s hand. He understands. He’s helping me, even though… even though I scared him, before all of this.
Hastur was silent for another long moment. “Do you know why I have asked you to step up, John?”
Uh. Well. No, actually, he did not, and felt absolutely flatfooted by the question. No.
“The last month made me realize many things,” said Hastur slowly, as though only now putting it all into words. “I am known to mock my brother, Cthulhu. You know this of course.”
John scoffed. Hit by a boat and sleeping. Right.
“Yes.” A deep, perfect sigh, ponderous and weighty. “I need something from you. Perhaps… we can satisfy each other.”
John growled. Satisfy?
“I am weakened, John.”
Arthur swallowed hard, and his free hand clenched one of the tentacles holding him.
John didn’t answer.
“Weakened since losing you. Weakened since losing Sunny. I had hoped to regain some of my power through him. But if I am to forgo taking this piece of myself back into me, then I need something in return.”
I’m not leaving Arthur, said John, so if that’s what you want, you can shove it up your ass.
“I will never ask you to do that again.”
Arthur exhaled, and his head hung for a moment.
“I think, John… that I need… rest.”
And John put it together. Wait the fuck… you want to go to sleep? Like fucking Cthulhu?
Arthur frowned. “I thought gods didn’t sleep?”
“It is a… stasis,” said Hastur quietly. “A condition of ultimate rest for us—and one in which we heal more than at any other time or place. After this second season—or whatever Kayne called it—I think I will need rest.”
Arthur’s eyes widened. “You’re leaving?”
“Not now.”
“Wait. Fucking… at the end of the six years, you’re fucking leaving us?” Arthur snarled.
“You fucking coward! Don’t you dare!”
Hastur stroked Arthur’s hair.
Arthur shoved at him. “No! You don’t get to be all paternal when you’re leaving us.”
“Temporarily,” said Hastur again. “And I think I need to, Arthur. This isn’t a want; do you really think I would choose to miss such crucial developmental stages in Faroe’s life?”
That brought Arthur up short. Of course.
I don’t understand, said John, softly.
“I am so very old,” said Hastur just as softly. “Usually, I don’t feel it; but since my son…” He stopped. His voice caught; if he was acting, it was the best that had ever been done. “Since my son, I have… bled, inside. That is how it feels. I need rest. And that is why I need you.”
Arthur inhaled slowly. “He… you can’t put that on John.”
“For me to continue as I am, weakened, will only put all of you in even greater danger. But if I prepare to to step up and take my place for a time while I rest, then you will be safe.”
Arthur shook his head. “You can’t do this. It’s too much.”
“Not at all,” said Hastur. “John has you.”
Arthur went dead pale.
John couldn’t go pale, but he felt sure that if he could see himself right now, his color would have leached away, gone from vibrant gold to pale pee in snow. You want me to rule Carcosa?
“Temporarily. None of this is meant to be permanent, John.”
Oh. Oh, this was…
If John had been asked yesterday if he should take over from Hastur until that god got his ass in gear, he’d have said yes. Now that it looked him right in the face, he felt sick. I can’t… I can’t do that.
“You can.”
“What would this entail, exactly?” Arthur said. “You think anyone would be willing to obey us like they do you?”
“Yes. I’m laying the groundwork now.”
Arthur shuddered, hard. “I’m just… nobody is going to follow me. Nobody should follow me.”
“They will be following John,” said Hastur, “who is me. This will help. Lighten my burden, John. If you agree, I will not take Sunny within myself. You have my guarantee.”
There was no other way. Rex. He’d chosen this path for himself. This was where it got him… and he would win. I agree.
“John,” Arthur whispered.
John squeezed his hand. We’ve got this. The answer is yes.
“I am relieved. Thank you,” said Hastur simply, and flew back down while his passengers twisted in new and frightening knowledge. Hastur’s persona wrapped back around him like a cloak, reflecting power, vibrating pride, and he resumed adjudicating as if nothing at all had happened.
Arthur waited until the noise rose, until the laughter and voices grew high enough to cover his murmur. “Is this what you and Sunny talked about?”
Yes. No, it had not been. It had not, and John had a nagging feeling Sunny would be upset if he found out what happened. Sunny was wise, but not always rational.
Well, John would handle that too. He would. He could. He knew what was best here, even if Sunny did not. He was taking care of his people.
More supplicants made their way past, shuffling, sliming, floating. Praise was heaped on Hastur for being wise and powerful, the ever-flowing fountain of fear and glorious madness.
“It’s going to be all right, John,” Arthur said softly, catching John’s twitching hand to still it. “We’ve faced worse odds. All the odds are ours this time around. Even if you screw up, it’ll be brushed under the rug because they think you’re a child.” Very carefully, he added, “It’s not our first time working through that, either. We’ll make it through.”
John let out a low noise. What does that mean? Not the first time working through that.
Arthur hesitated.
It was never great when Arthur hesitated.
John suddenly didn’t want to know. Not now. Maybe they could breeze past this, and Arthur could forget he asked at all. I trust you, Arthur. Communication. Sunny had talked about communication, about talking, and he and Parker were together so that must mean he’d gotten it right. I trust you won’t let me make a fool of myself, John said finally.
“I won’t.” Arthur threaded his fingers between John’s.
I don’t want to mess this up. 
Arthur sighed. “Remember. It’s not about messing it up. It’s about what you do after.”
Time for a terribly unkingly question. Will… will you still love me even if I do fuck up?
Arthur’s smile was soft, beautiful in the mirrors. “John, if there’s one thing I think you and I have proven, absolutely nothing can drive us apart—including each other.”
All right. Good. John sighed deeply. I want to play jazz after court. And I want to practice walking.
“We can do both,” Arthur promised, and John knew Arthur (King’s own, his own) always tried to keep his word, just as he should.
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aletheapierce · 1 year
holiday break 2022 - pierce residence, savannah georgia
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"get up." the voice noted harshly from her doorway. "you cannot waste your day away. not in my household." alethea moaned, turning over to look at their alarm clock that read the time 8:15 am. they figured their mother had already been up since 5:30, answered emails, gone on a run with her father, eaten an almond and green juice for her breakfast. jacob was already gone with his friends, and her father at work. so it meant that alethea was stuck with just their mother for the first day of break. thank god it was only a week.
coming home had been a mistake, they had tried to think of an excuse, any excuse, to stay at school for winter break. she had even tried to excuse of having to be back for the ski trip, and it was pointless, when the dorms closed and their exams finished alethea was expected to be at the airport.
her mother had insisted that it was too far to drive (meaning alethea would have to use one of the family cars when she was home). so they were rolling out of bed without a word and heading toward her en suite bathroom. it was weird, being back home. in a room they had grown up in but felt like a foreigner now.
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"get your act together alethea!" their mother hissed, eyes dark and piercing at their child. the two were seated at the kitchen table, a half-eaten bowl of yogurt in front of alethea. how did she get here? she was in the shower attempting to drown herself and suddenly she was eating breakfast with dried hair and their mother already berating them. "i raised you better than this. you have the perfect plan in front of you, and you're throwing it away." the words were meant to cut, a small wound that would eventually grow into something that could never be closed. she was good at that sort of thing. alethea flinched, eyes casted down. "i only required a few things from you, to set your future, and here you are. your incompetence is embarrassing."
they didn't respond, having learned by now that any move to defend themselves would result in more words thrown like daggers. "and don't even get me started on my leniency with you. you're the one who wanted to dance, and you're lucky that ogden had a program. but now you're saying you're not sure what you want to do? no, you will finish your time at ogden, you will get good grades, and you will come back to savannah. we could barely trust you enough to send you off to a place we are connected to." her voice was so sterile, so emotionless, wanting nothing more than to remind alethea of just how little she meant to the family. how stupid they were. the child in her was screaming, pounding on her ribs to open up and weep. alethea locked them back a few more doors.
"don't you even care that this semester was tough? that my best friend is missing?" she spoke softly, blinking back the threat of tears. "the girl you told me to befriend?" greer had been perfect for her image, jennifer pierce had insisted when alethea mentioned meeting greer on a call home during the first week. "that is so devastating, obviously i am not heartless alethea." her tone begged to differ. "but you have to focus on your future, you are the representative to this family. you don't have time to get lost in some girls game who decided to leave behind her perfect life."
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with that she nodded and dropped her spoon in her bowl, appetite suddenly gone. "i'm going on a run." she didn't wait to hear the woman's response. wanting instead to nurse her wounds, to inspect them one by one, to pick at them and watch them bleed. what could they show her next? what could they do for her this time?
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dejaaalm · 2 years
Monday Silence
My dad had been in the hospital since August 2nd because he wasn’t feeling well. No one was available to be at the hospital with him and my mom on Monday, August 8th, so I told my siblings on Sunday night that I would call in sick to work and go be with them.
Monday came. I woke up at 8 AM. It was a beautiful sunny day. I got my kids ready and dropped them off at my sister’s house. I picked up my mom and we both headed to Regions Hospital. Jerry stayed the night with dad so he was exhausted. He said dad was still pretty much the same. By this time, we were told that dad had pneumonia and had been using an oxygen mask at the maximum level to support his breathing for two days. He was very weak but still responsive. He was still able to nod his head and talk.
The night before, I compiled a list of questions I wanted to ask dad and topics I wanted to talk with him about. I normally did this when I took dad to some of his appointments. I did not want to have any regrets or missed opportunities. We always had something to talk about. But when I arrived in his room and saw him, I could not contain the sadness within my heart. He had seen my mom and some of my siblings weeping for him to get better. I chose to be calm and cherry. I walked in and said cheerfully “Hi dad! I’m here to be with you all day.” Dad nodded his head.
You’d think that we talked a lot but we didn’t. I found myself at a loss for words. Aside from talking with mom, I sat in the room in silence with my dad while constantly checking on him and holding his hands. Every time I wanted to say something, I just wanted to cry. I massaged his hands and feet. Helped reposition him when his body felt sore. Translated when he needed something.
Dad hadn’t sleep in days. He hadn’t eaten anything for over 24 hours. He was not allowed to eat or drink anything because he had pneumonia and a leaky feeding tube. He was confined to the bed. Dad had told me how thirsty he was throughout the day and they wouldn’t let him drink anything. 
I had all day to be with my dad. It’s the moment we all wish we’d have before someone we love passes away. But here I was, unknowingly, with the perfect opportunity to ask anything or say anything, and I couldn’t say anything. My siblings had been texting and messaging all day. I just watched dad and observed everything going on. I watched him suffering and cried in silence. My dad cried off and on too. My mom wiped his tears and told him to not cry. I wanted to take that stupid mask off of him. I wanted to feed him. I wanted him to get up and move around. I wanted to take him home and free him from his pain. I wanted to do so much for him. At one point, my dad said to my mom “Let me go. I’m done.” My mom and I cried and she said “I’m not letting you go yet. Our corn is not ready yet. You have to come home and eat the corn I planted this year.” Dad said “Then let’s go together. I hate this mask.” I just squeezed my dad’s hands and cried.
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Dad trying to take a nap. He was fighting hard to not sleep because he kept saying he was afraid of “going” if he fell into a deep sleep.
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Hanging out with my daddy. He didn’t want to watch tv so mom and I just stood beside him and talked to each other to keep him company. At one point, I was telling a funny story about my sister Mk and we saw my dad chuckling a little bit.
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Dad was given a break from the oxygen mask for a bit. Mom was holding onto dad’s hand while he told her that he wanted both of them to “go” together.
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This was the view from dad’s room overlooking highway 35E north and southbound.
Around 1:00 PM, several doctors and nurses came in to dad’s room with a Hmong interpreter. It was not the conversation I wanted to hear. The doctor said that they’ve done everything they could to help dad and that we needed to prepare for the worst. Dad’s pneumonia was not getting any better. The doctor asked my dad if he was having any anxieties and dad responded in Hmong that he was in fact feeling worried. He is worried for his family because he knew that his time was coming to an end. I just bawled my eyes out when I heard him say that. Dad started crying and said that he didn’t want to leave his family behind. The interpreter translated what dad said to the doctors and they all nodded in silent. Then I called my brother Hang to join in on the conversation.
After the doctors left the room, my mom kept crying and praying for my dad. I brushed my fingers through his hair and wept as well. The strongest man I know is dying and there's nothing I can do to help him. My heart ached with so much pain.
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Mom cleaning dad’s dry lips and moisturizing it.
The last thing my dad said before I was leaving the hospital was “Me naib, muab qhov dej ntawm kov rau kuv haus.” (Sweetie, give me some of that water to drink.) The nurse had allowed mouth swabs only which was a little stick that had a tiny sponge attach to the end of it. I was only allowed to dip that sponge into the cup of water to swab that into his mouth. My mom wept as I did that and said to dad “You always refused to drink water and now that they won’t let you drink anymore, you are dying to drink. I feel so helpless honey.” The last thing I did for my dad was swabbed his mouth with water to quench his thirst.
Before I left the hospital, I held my dad’s hands and said “Txiv, kuv yuav mus tsev es koj yuav tsum uv thiag thiag. Kuv tu mi tub ntxawg txawj txawj taug kev lawm es koj yuav tsum los tsev los pom nws taug kev.” (Dad, I am going home now so you must keep fighting. My baby Zayn is walking now so you must come home to see him walk.) Dad nodded his head. I hugged my mom and left his room.
On the way home, I cried and prayed to the Lord. “God, there are lots of people dying everyday and those who pray to live another day. Over a year ago, I selfishly prayed for you to keep my dad alive, to heal him, to keep him here longer with us. And You did! If you must take him home now, I will be sad but my heart will be at peace knowing that he is going to you.”
My dad passed away the next day, August 9th, around 3:30 PM. Due to Covid restrictions, only a few people were allowed to be in the room with my dad to see him take his last breath. I got to see him at 3:50. His hands and arms were still warm. I held his hands, rubbed his arms, and brushed his hair. I cried and said “Who will I call dad now? We still have so much to talk about. So much I still need to learn from you. So many stories that I still want to hear about. I’m not ready to live a life without you dad.”
“Sometimes, the most beautiful things are found in silence.”
I will never forget that Monday. God knew I needed that moment to be with my dad. I needed to just be with him in silence. Thank you God! Thank you for letting me be with him that Monday. I am still mourning. I am still sad. I am still heartbroken. I don’t know when this will end but I am at peace knowing that my dad is not suffering anymore and that God hears our prayers.
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archeologistfalse · 1 year
The Nightmare Part 1
Tw: Suicide Ideation, Body Mutation maybe horror? There some religion in there with mention of angels.
False opened her eyes to the desert sky. The sand smooshed itself deep into her body, almost wanting to bury her into it rough yet soft depths. False would have loved that, but she needed to know where she was.
She walked now, her legs seemed to ache, the pain courses through her body that there was no thought no plan forming. She felt like a husk, even with her awareness still intact. Moving along, she saw mirrors with candle unlit surrounded: They show what look almost like a pictures if not for it familiarity of memories. Not hers, but the Copper Queen and all the emperors, happy times. False smiled at their full of life faces, but shifted her eyes anytime she came close to seeing Copper Queen.
Soon she came at the end of this impromptu hallway, sitting there preparing for a tea party was herself Wicka: Wicka look perfect, laughter that now seem to echoes the world. She look what an honorable Keeper would be if not for the purple hyacinth that seem to be in Wicka’s eyes and chest painfully poking out from the angle she could see. False tried to ignore it, but the color dragged her to noticed.
“Hey!” False shouted confused yet happy(fault fault death death why her) She felt extremely nervous, this was who you were before.
The moment Wicka seem to signal hearing that voice, she awkwardly sat down facing backward False way, False walked up now more confused: “Hey me, you know what going on? I can’t remember anything.”
“Am I you?” Wicka simply asked still not turning around
“I don’t know…I know yo- I mean we died, I always questioned that but didn’t think it matters.” False smile fell: “If I not you, then hello for the first time, my condolences for your death. It must have been hard to not have anyone be able to properly buried you.” She said in a more professional tone than with any of the others before, death was a serious matter after all.
“Hello for the first time, only a first time if you don’t remember it.” Wicka said menacingly: “You should never have first time with someone if all you do is hurt them for your own stupid inferior complex.��� She now faces False, the flowers now bleeding and the chest now seem to open: “You don’t deserve those mirror, you suppose to dead and forgotten but it haven’t gone through your stupid bone headed SKULL! She screamed, the scream like the Vigil cracks False remember hearing when the day the Dragon was killed.
False didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything. Her mouth felt dry like sand. She felt not just the aches through her body, but lighting that seem to frying her inside alive. Even with all of that, all she could do is smile, it was the widest she ever made with tears spilling out of her face. Now the whole world screamed, so many indistinguishable voices that yet calling out their sadness and anger and pure agony over the loss of Vigil. It was part of their culture, part of their belief, even part of their breath for it was a symbol of losing and honoring life and death. But now not only they were weeping for the Vigil, they scream so definitely so outraged, for murder of the Copper Queen.
Wicka was no longer a girl, no she have eaten copious amounts of the sand. And the sand welcome it, it revel and smile at having a true leader to control it. So it help warp her, warp into something bigger than False, something eldritch yet mesmerizing it hard not to look. The sand made her into an angel of the highest caliber, ready to strike.
“Do you know who you really are?” The Wicka angel asked, bolting to False.
“No.” False dashes away, finding the strength.
Wicka angel stare at her, they both now in a sprint, eyes filled with sorrow and determination and bloodlust wrapped in almost understanding look.
False didn’t want to run, she should have screamed, but yet she wanted to give up to the angel. Yet running is what she always done.
The mirror of the past are now broken, each of the emperors faces now broken by glass, except for Oli who blurred out instead. But the Copper Queen, she is ripped out of every picture almost perfectly, that you wouldn’t even know she was there alongside everyone only a few tears could even tell you she was there. That felt right in False opinion, but she couldn’t think about that long now she was at the edge.
Wicka was there now, expression surprisingly empty now she caught up: “Goodbye False, you pushed them all away.” False should have felt fear, but she felt peaceful. Sure she never got any answers about who she really was, but it was better that way better for her to die under an angel beam.
The floor fell down before False could be blasted, and she fell down. The angel didn’t follow.
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Your word for today
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My message to every woman that loves God in this International women's month
Scripture reading:
1 Samuel 1:7-18
..... 9 So Hannah rose after they had eaten and drunk in Shiloh. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his seat beside a post of the temple (tent) of the Lord.
[10]And [Hannah] was in distress of soul, praying to the Lord and weeping bitterly.
[11]She vowed, saying, O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your handmaid and [earnestly] remember, and not forget Your handmaid but will give me a son, I will give him to the Lord all his life; no razor shall touch his head.
[12]And as she continued praying before the Lord, Eli noticed her mouth.
[13]Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she was drunk.
[14]Eli said to her, How long will you be intoxicated? Put wine away from you.
[15]But Hannah answered, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I was pouring out my soul before the Lord.
[16]Regard not your handmaid as a wicked woman; for out of my great complaint and bitter provocation I have been speaking.
[17]Then Eli said, Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him.
[18]Hannah said, Let your handmaid find grace in your sight. So [she] went her way and ate, her countenance no longer sad.
James 5:17-18
18. Elijah was a human being with a nature such as we have [with feelings, affections, and a constitution like ours]; and he prayed earnestly for it not to rain, and no rain fell on the earth for three years and six months.
[18]And [then] he prayed again and the heavens supplied rain and the land produced its crops [as usual].
Hannah a unique woman.
Let me share with you a message that I believe is going to lift up someone to a new level of strategic prayer and unique lifestyle.
The message is preached directed to women but it works the same on men and anyone else in every circumstances and situation.
Let's look at this woman and find out how she was unique
1. Hannah was the first wife.
1 Samuel 1:2 He had two wives, one named Hannah and the other named Peninnah.
Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
Hannah is mentioned first which means she was the first wife.
Elkanah had married Hannah and maybe because she could not give him children he married Peninnah.
Hannah didn't settle for second place, she knew she was the first one.
She could have just enjoyed the double meat portions and love of her husband but she had the right to bring a special heir to the husband even when the husband wasn't aware of it.
As a Hannah be discerning of your purpose where you are.
God has a greater mission and assignment for you that your husband, wife, family, boss, leader may not be aware of.
Don't settle for secondary purposes when God has a Primary and priority mission for you.
Don't rest until you conceive and birth your purpose.
1 Samuel 1:6-8 [This embarrassed and grieved Hannah] and her rival provoked her greatly to vex her, because the Lord had left her childless.
[7]So it was year after year; whenever Hannah went up to the Lord's house, Peninnah provoked her, so she wept and did not eat.
[8]Then Elkanah her husband said to her, Hannah, why do you cry? And why do you not eat? And why are you grieving? Am I not more to you than ten sons?
She was not a Peninnah, a natural child making machine.
Peninnah is the easy going type of woman who has:
NO trials,
NO tests,
No ups, no downs,
No mountain and no valley,
She has very little struggle in her life.
The devil doesn't fight such kind of woman because she is no threat to his Kingdom.
Her womb doesn't produce Prophets and great judges.
Her womb just produces to fill the home with impact-free, vision-less sons and daughters.
Peninnah bears children to satisfy her husband but Hannah bears children to dedicate to God.
Peninnah bears children to ridicule Hannah and to show off her birthing abilities, but Hannah bears children to change nations.
Peninnah bears children to prove she is better than Hannah, but Hannah bears children to answer the call of God to anoint kings.
Peninnah can have seven children and the only change that happen in the community is a train of them paraded before society and a change in the budget of Elkanah.
One child from Hannah will cause the earth to shake and the Heavens to open.
One Samuel caused the voice of the Lord to be heard again in Israel.
DESCERN the reason for your delays!
Descern the reason for your barrenness!
Yes, you are constantly attacked by demons,
Yes your marriage is under constant attack, BUT WHY?
YES you are taking long to get that man walk you to the alter, BUT WHY?
THE Peninnahs are getting married like someone is chasing them out of their parents homes.
They are getting children like they are on commission
They are parading their marriages like the movies!
They are getting things like Christmas toys!
You are not THEM
You are a Hannah type of woman!
Your needs are unique!
So your prayers should be unique!
Your praise should be unique!
Your worship should be unique!
Don't follow the patterns of the Peninnahs, you have your own unique pattern.
You can't afford to be like them. because you are not looking for the results they are looking for.
3. Hannah was not ashamed to go deeper with God.
1 Samuel 1:9-13 So Hannah rose after they had eaten and drunk in Shiloh. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his seat beside a post of the temple (tent) of the Lord.
[10]And [Hannah] was in distress of soul, praying to the Lord and weeping bitterly.
[11]She vowed, saying, O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your handmaid and [earnestly] remember, and not forget Your handmaid but will give me a son, I will give him to the Lord all his life; no razor shall touch his head.
[12]And as she continued praying before the Lord, Eli noticed her mouth.
[13]Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she was drunk.
Peninnah had all the time to play around and tread only the shallow waters of the spirit.
She was satisfied by just having children!
Hannah wanted to give birth to a man of God.
Peninnah rather spent her time mocking Hannah than pray.
She would rather mockingly parade her kids before Hannah than pray!
If you have time to see other women's poor hairstyles, unfit dresses and oversized shoes, your are a Peninnah kind of woman!
If you're satisfied with having just enough to be better than those who are yet to get anything.
You are a Peninnah kind of woman!
If you are religious and are just satisfied in being better than other people.
Hello there Peninnah, how are you!
A Hannah prays when others are preying on the weak!
A Hannah prays when others are playing and acting celebrity
A Hannah prays and works more when others are sleeping and feeling they have arrived.
A Hannah dives unreservedly into the deep waters of the spirit when the Peninnahs are enjoying meat, jokes, selfies, flirting comments and gossip.
A Hannah dives fearlessly to the deep end where few dare even to swim.
Deep calleth unto deep, her heart yearns for the deep where only God speaks and answers.
Her hunger for God drives her to the depths where she is no longer afraid of being labeled.
Are you still afraid of being labeled drunk?
Are you still afraid of being labeled fanatic?
You're not Peninnah!
You're Hannah!
You're unique!
Rise up unique woman, rise up Hannah!
Don't look at Peninnah!
Don't look at Elkanah!
Look beyond Eli!
Look at Jesus!
Until He speaks and reacts don't stop praying!
Follow the Holy Ghost into the Holy of Holies!
Until you get your answer don't stop.
You're unique, you have a unique need that requires a unique relationship with the lord that provokes a unique answer.
Eli may mistake you for a drunk, but Jesus will not.
He will uniquely give you your unique miracle.
Happy/blessed women's month
Much blessing
*© Pst Brucely Hanya*
*_March 2023 daily word_*
Join me for your daily word here
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animerina · 3 years
Wine for Freedom-7
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Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
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Thranduil x F!Reader
Summary: The Reader is left with nothing but three bottles of wine after Smaug destroys Laketown and somehow becomes Thranduil’s new brewmaster.
Note: 18+ ONLY, minors DNI. This started as a one shot and ended up as a full story. You can read the rest on A03.
All Italics are Elvish.
Gi melin-I love you Ada-Father Naneth-Mother
Chapter 7: Darkness and Light
The air felt heavy like a hundred blankets had been laid over my body. I could not move any part of it no matter how hard I tried. Though I felt pressure on me, I felt nothing against my back as if I was floating, but how could I be? Eventually, I found I could open my eyes although the task was difficult. I could see nothing, only an endless sea of darkness. Had I gone blind?
I thought I had screamed for someone, but realized I hadn’t made any sound. I was not even sure if I had managed to open my mouth. Everything felt wrong. I did not know where I was and felt hopeless that anyone would find me.
The face of the guard who had picked me up flashed through my mind. Where was he and where had he taken me? My mind raced with possibilities on how I had ended up in this strange place. My first thought was that I had been poisoned. If that was it, surely it was because of my ties to Thranduil for I did not think I had upset anyone so badly in Mirkwood. I tried to remember what I had eaten for breakfast. Toasted bread and fruit, I recalled. Calanthe had brought it to me because I had woken up late.
No, Calanthe would never do that, I assured myself. I trusted her more than myself. I had not had anything else to eat or drink. Except, I suddenly remembered, that I had. I had sampled some mulled wine I had made. Many people had access to the cellar, but who would have done it?
Another thought that terrified me was that I was dead. I hadn’t felt well before I collapsed. Maybe my heart had just given out like my father’s had. I wanted to cry. I finally had true freedom, something I had craved since I was a girl, and now I would never get to fully enjoy it. I thought of Thranduil, one who had already lost so much. What would happen to him now? We had been happy and it broke me that he would suffer from my death. A selfish thought, I scolded myself. What if he was not fazed by it at all? That would break me, but if I was dead now, how would I ever know? Then again, if I was really dead, how was I laying here talking to myself? It seemed impossible. So maybe-hopefully, I wasn’t.
I closed my eyes again, though I was scared of what would happen if I fell back asleep. The black behind my eyes began to deepen, slowly morphing into a black sky filled with stars so close I felt I could touch them. They shone brightly and looked beautiful, giving me some peace. After what felt like hours, the stars began moving as if they were revolving around my eyes. The motion made me feel dizzy and I felt myself slip back into the silence of my mind, somewhere between sleep and dreaming.
“He weeps for you.”
The distorted voice startled me awake and, again, I tried to move, but the weight upon me had not been lifted. Frustrated, I tried crying out to the voice, but still I was silent. I could not see anything, not even the stars in the strange sky. I was floating in darkness again, but this time I couldn’t judge how long I lay there.
“I know not why I interfere in such matters,” the voice spoke again sounding like fifty people were speaking at once all in different pitches. It was both terrifying and astonishing.
Where am I? I thought hoping they would respond and was disappointed when they didn’t. Laying there helpless, I began to lose hope that I would ever find out what had happened to me. A tiny ball of light grew out of the darkness in front of my face and began growing slowly as the voice continued speaking to me.
“Many suffer and yet I hear the cries of my children the loudest. You have light in you,” it said.
The ball expanded until it was longer than me. My body began rising towards it and while I was scared, I was tired of floating in this endless dark. It felt like it had been an eternity. If this was the end, then so be it. I just hoped my friends and Thranduil would not suffer long.
My eyes adjusted to the light, and I realized I was standing in the King’s garden at the place. I looked around and saw the flowers in bloom, but that could not be. It was Winter and there hadn’t been flowers in the garden since early Autumn. Confused, I started walking towards the palace, and realized I was wearing a dress I did not own. It was white silk embellished with red and purple embroidered flowers that matched the dark red robe over it. Unsettled, I continued on my path. I needed to find Thranduil as I was sure he would know what was going on.
A voice unlike the one I had heard earlier distracted me and I followed it. Laughter rang out from behind a bush on the path and I stepped around it and saw an elf on one knee helping an elfling properly aim a bow. The elf was dressed well, the material of their tunic and trousers expensive and well made. He was blonde with two braids beside his ears and his profile looked familiar. My breath hitched in my throat. Could it be Thranduil? I looked him over again and realized that this must be him many years ago. The elfling must have been Prince Legolas.
Just then, the elf turned towards me, but did not appear to see my form. Now that I could see his face properly, I realized that it was not Thranduil I was looking at, but his son. I had never met the prince myself, but there was a portrait of him and his father in one of the main halls. I never noticed just how much he resembled the king. The realization confused me more. I knew there were elflings in Mirkwood, though few in number, but I did not know any who were close to the royal family.
As I stood there trying to figure out what was happening, I saw Thranduil enter the gardens, dressed casually, a proud smile on his face. Legolas stood, greeting his father as the elfling ran over to the king.
“Ada!” He squealed.
Another gasp left me when I realized this child had called Thranduil father.
“Good morning, my little greenleaf,” he said scooping the child into his arms. “And to you, my not so little one.” This time he was speaking to Legolas, who smiled brightly.
“Ada, good morning! What brings you out so early?” Legolas asked his father.
“I was informed you were conducting archery lessons. I thought you may need assistance,” Thranduil teased his oldest. He had yet to set the little one down and the sight was too much for me. He was the most darling little thing with blonde hair slightly darker than Thranduil’s and eyes as green as the forest. I felt the urge to cry as I looked at the scene before me. Was this the Valar’s way of showing me that Thranduil would be alright? Had I helped him heal enough to find another?
I continued watching as the child jumped down from Thranduil’s arms and ran back towards Legolas, grabbing his bow so he could show off for his father. At that moment, it seemed that Thranduil could see me standing there. His smile brightened and he reached out to me. Hesitantly, I met him halfway worried that this would all disappear once we touched. When I didn’t fade away I stepped closer.
“Meleth nin, I did not expect you back so soon,” he spoke and pushed a strand of hair out of my face. “Come. Hisaeldaer is in need of an audience.”
I blindly followed as he led me to where the other two were setting up a target. The elfling looked over his shoulder and again took off running, but instead of jumping into Thranduil’s arms, he ran into mine.
“Naneth, I missed you!” He cried and then laughed as I picked him up. The more I looked at him, the more I saw my own features. He had my nose and my brow, but favored his father overall. My hand ran over an ear and noticed it was not as sharp as Legolas’. Tears began to fall, confusing the boy.
“Naneth, why do you cry?” He asked worriedly which only made the tears fall harder.
“How old are you?” I asked him and despite his confusion he answered.
“I am twenty-five. Ada, is something wrong with Naneth ?” He had turned to Thranduil who looked equally concerned.
If this elfling was twenty-five then I should be in my fifties. I looked at the back of my hand. It was smooth with so signs of age. My hand flew to my face feeling the skin there. Again, I found it smooth and wrinkle free. I tried to reason with myself. Even if I was really in my fifties, and the elves had found some way to stop my physical aging, I was still a virgin and Thranduil had insisted on waiting to change that.
Perhaps this was farther in the future than I thought. This child could not be mine, but I knew when I looked into his eyes that he was. Everything started to melt away. All my fear and anxiousness vanished as I took in the meaning of this vision.
“Are you feeling well, melda ?”
I tried to answer, but I started to feel numb again, the icy feeling stinging in my fingertips and crawling up through my bones. Setting the boy down, I watched as my vision began to fade and I felt myself falling backwards away from the three. They were no longer reacting to my presence, just staring off into the space where I had been standing. Wind swept around me as I fell through emptiness. I could hear the strange voice again, but it spoke words I did not know. The chanting was soothing causing a desire to sleep again. As my eyes shut, I heard words I could understand.
“Child of men, I give you life.”
Y/N lay on her bed surrounded by Thranduil’s personal healers. Her skin had lost its color and her body continued to sweat. She had been unconscious for six days. Calanthe had refused to leave her side, staying to make sure she was comfortable while being tended to. She only left when the king himself commanded her, fiercely protective of her friend.
Thranduil entered the room for the third time that day wanting to check on her as well as speak to the head healer. He looked exhausted as he called the elf over.
“Have there been any changes?” He asked gruffly.
“She has not improved, Aran nin . This illness is like nothing I have encountered. Her fever will not break despite the decoctions we have given her,” the brunette elf explained.
“Then call for someone who knows the illnesses of men,” Thranduil demanded.
The healer looked solemn as he said the words Thranduil desperately wished not to hear.
“I am afraid it is too late for that, Aran nin . If she does not awaken soon, she will die. I believe it is best if we make her as comfortable as possible,” he continued.
Thranduil shook with rage. The head healer stepped back from him, but did not cower.
“Get out! All of you!” He seethed.
Calanthe reluctantly followed the healers out of the room, but was stopped by Thranduil.
“Calanthe, fetch me roses,” he said considerably softer.
“Roses, my lord?” She questioned.
“They are her favorite,” he said as he grabbed one of the rags and wiped the sweat from Y/N’s face.
“Of course,” she bowed and left the room hiding her tears, moved by his devotion to the woman. Perhaps Thranduil had lost his faith that she would recover, but Calanthe still had hope.
Alone, Thranduil wept silently over the woman. He cradled her face in his hands, softly stroking the hot skin, wishing it was him laying there instead of her. When the guards had found her in the hallway, he had sent his personal healers to attend to her, but even they could not help. He had lost his Queen, his son’s trust, and now he would lose his hope. Life had truly been unfair to him. He knew that one day her death would inevitably happen, but he had not expected it so soon.
“Please do not leave me,” he begged. “I am not ready for it.”
Of course she did not respond, but that only made his heart ache more.
“Gi melin, Y/N. I am sorry I did not say it to you before,” he whispered and continued to hold her as he cried.
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@velvetmotel20 @happycupcakeenthusiast
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legoshi-plz · 3 years
Pretenses Part Five (Louis x Reader)
Summary: Louis is a spoiled prince and you are a clumsy maid. Prince! Louis x Canine!Dog! Reader.
Warning: NSFW (+18)
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Despite Louis’ outwardly composed nature, inside he was in full blown panic mode.
He had just finished up yet another uneventful dinner with his father and his future bride; now it was time to return to his chambers. His chambers he hadn’t been in since this morning. His chambers where he was currently holding you hostage.
Louis stood in front of his door for who knows how long before finally opening it with great hesitation, preparing himself for your angry, perhaps even violent response. Instead he was greeted with.... silence. You were on the bed where he’d left you, sound asleep.
Louis couldn’t help the relieved flutter of his tail at the sight of your sleeping form.
You had curled under the covers, probably to keep warm in the cold air of his chambers, your form rising and falling peacefully as you snoozed. Louis approached you slowly, checking to make sure you were actually asleep before his hands flew to throw off his royal regalia.
Once free from the confines of his complex uniform, he was under the covers immediately. Bringing your snoozing figure into his arms. You didn’t move a muscle; it was evident you were a heavy sleeper. Louis already knew this from his time watching you as you took your midday naps in his chambers but he didn’t know it was to such a great extent. He shifted so that he could lay his head on your chest, arms encircling your waist. He listened to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, his breathing slowing down to match your own.
He was asleep in minutes.
You awoke to a weight on your chest and the smell of Louis’ cologne surrounding you. When you opened your eyes, the brightness assaulted your vision, making you attempt to turn away but that attempt was futile.
The Prince, who definitely wasn’t there when you fell asleep yesterday, was laying directly on top of you with his head on your chest, arms in a deadlock around your waist. You were caged beneath him, his weight pinning you down. You contemplated screaming bloody murder, hoping you could shock him into letting you go and make a run for it but decided against it. You doubted he’d remember to lock the door behind him, that could possibly be an opportunity for you to escape. You slowly began trying to pull his long arms from you when you felt his grip tighten.
“Don’t even think about it,” Louis mumbled, nuzzling further into your neck.
“My liege, please stop this indecency. As rightful heir to the thrown, a lowly maid such as myself would only sully-
“How long did you practice that one? Is that what you were doing yesterday while I was gone? Rehearsing pleas so I’d let you go?” Louis chuckled, finally opening his eyes. Sleepy amber orbs met your own irises and you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his brown eyes looked in the morning sun. They didn’t reflect the light but instead nearly consumed it, a complete contrast to the brown of his fur.
“You must be hungry? You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday, if that. I’ll call the kitchen and have them bring us something up. Breakfast in bed doesn’t sound too bad,” Louis bit his lip as his eyes drank in your form beneath him. He definitely looked hungry, yet for something other than food; his eyes were burning with barely contained lust.
“I-I have to go, my Prince. I have to perform my duties in the kitch-AH,” you were cut off when Louis sat up and brought you with him as he pulled you onto his lap to straddle him. You felt your fur prickle with embarrassment as you realized not only was he shirtless, but he also seemed to be only in his underwear, the dark blue embroided material providing a very thin barrier to the Prince’s most precious asset.
“What about your duties to me?” Louis hummed, rubbing his hands up and down the fur of your outter thighs. The top of your uniform was still very much ripped open, so you brought your arms up to cover yourself, the blankets you’d been curled under no longer providing you coverage.
“Ah ah ah, you should know better than to hide yourself from me,” Louis hummed, prying your arms from your chest. He leaned forward, his mouth capturing once of your hardened nipples. The feeling of his hot tongue on your sensitive peak sent a jolt of electricity through you.
“Pr-pr-princeee, pleaaaase,” you moaned lightly, your voice nothing more than a breathy whisper.
Louis ignored you, instead moving to the other peak while his hands found themselves back at your plush hips. He rocked upwards into you, his hard member making its presence know.
“Take these off,” Louis mumbled against your areola, tugging at your panties. When you hesitated, he simply sighed before ripping them off himself.
“My Pri-
“Shut up,” Louis groaned against your chest, the vibrations further stimulating your raised peak. Louis plunged his fingers into your arching cavern just as he had the day before. You felt your head swirl in embarrassment and arousal, the two emotions battling for dominance.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted you? How long I’ve desired you?” Louis asked, his free hand coming up to cup your jaw. His eyes burned with such passion for you, it was hard to not look away.
“That’s it, ride my hand. Just like that,” Louis grunted and you hadn’t even noticed your pelvis had begun grinding into his hand to meet the thrusts of his fingers. Your body was moving completely on its own, anything to help relieve the pressure growing in your lower belly.
Suddenly, Louis ceased his movements, lifting you up slightly with one hand while he pulled his underwear down with the other. His member sprang to life, resting against his abdomen as it stood glistening with precum. Being a stag and royalty, it was natural to assume he’d be well-endowed but nothing could have prepared you for the vision that was his impressive length.
He took your hands in his own larger ones and wrapped them around his weeping shaft. He let out a soft “fuck...” as he guided your hands up and down. He let go once you found your own rhythm, no longer needing his assistance for such a simple act.
“You’re so good at this- too good, actually. Did you touch Azuki’s mutt like this? Huh?” Louis asked breathlessly, his death grip returning to your thighs.
“I already told you yesterday, we aren’t like... that...” you grumbled, swiping your fingers over his sensitive cockhead, causing a needy groan to tear from his throat.
“Then what were you two like? You were already letting that filthy mongrel close enough to scent you, it’d be nothing for you to get on your knees for him.” Louis said angrily and you suddenly remembered exactly where you were and, more importantly, who you were with.
No amount of pretty words and declarations of desire were going to keep Louis’ true nature at bay for long. He was vile and malicious at heart. You knew this. He’d proven it to you time and time again. So when was it finally going to register in your dumb little brain?
You released his cock immediately, and climbed off his lap and out of his bed. You headed straight for the door but Louis was faster, grabbing and pinning you against the very door you’d been trying to exit from.
“Why do you keep running away from me? Can’t you see what I’m trying to do here?” Louis groaned into the nape of your neck. It sent shivers down your spine and you resisted the urge to arch into him.
“You’re trying to control me, to manipulate me”
“I’m trying to love you.” Louis craned his head back to look into your eyes. He saw no warmth in them.
“You have a peculiar way of expressing your ‘love’, my lord,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Annnnd we’re back to the incorrect formalities. Every time I feel we’ve taken one step forward, you move three spaces back. Why do you insist on fighting me so? I know you feel it, I can’t be imagining this attraction between us,” Louis finished, the grip on you wrists that previously had you pinned against the door now residing so that he could caress your forearms with the pads of his thumbs.
“I fight it because I know my place. I’m a dog, your highness. Lower than any other Herbivore commoner, and amongst the unfavorable even within Carnivore spaces. Most of the animals around here think I should be banished for even working within the castle during the day, let alone catering to you.”
“Their opinions don’t matter, they have no authority here-”
“It does matter, your highness. Because once your infatuation with me ceases, which is inevitable, you will return to your fiancé, marry her, be crowned King, and produce heirs. And all I’ll have is my life as a lowly commoner. That’s the natural order of things.” You lamented, your voice feeling thick with emotion.
“So what, you believe your future is with Azuki’s guard dog? Popping out litter after litter for him until you die? That’s no way to live, he can’t commit to you. His life already belongs to another woman and that’s Azuki.”
“You don’t think I know that? I’m fully aware of the hold our future Queen has over him. I’m just grateful for every moment he chooses to share with me. Makes my life a little less lonely...,”
“I could make your life less lonely! I could do that for you, better than he ever could!” Louis was slightly begging now, he could hear it in his own voice but he was beyond the point of caring.
“Don’t you see I feel my loneliest when I’m with you? All you’ve ever made me feel was small, and stupid, and unworthy. Legoshi doesn’t point out how I misuse words just to remind me of how uneducated I am. He doesn’t point out how unrefined my taste pallet is or force me to eat food outside of the carnivore diet. He doesn’t drag me out of bed at night to look at some stupid star a million miles away on some balcony when I’m afraid of heights. He doesn’t tell me where I can and can’t go, who I can and can’t see, just because he felt like it. He doesn’t humiliate me every chance he gets! He doesn’t boss me around just because he can!” There were hot tears streaming down your face. You had been holding this in for a long time.
“I see...,” Louis said finally breaking the silence. He released you from his grasp and took a step back. He adjusted himself, tucking his forgotten member fully back into his underwear. Though he had a beautiful body envious to those of Gods, he seemed almost shy about his lack of clothing now.
He glanced at your tattered uniform before muttering a “wait here... please...”, and walking towards one of the humongous wardrobes in his room. He pulled out a pristine, new uniform and walked back over to hand it to you.
“I kept a lot of these on hand, in case you ever wanted.... a more comfortable bed to lay your head at night...” Louis’s voice had never seemed so clouded. You silently accepted the uniform.
“You have my deepest apologies for my behavior. Such veracity was never my intention. I hereby relieve you of all obligation to me. You may return to the kitchen or to the gardens or to somewhere new if you like. Whereever you choose to go is fine, I’ll notify Stallworth of my approval. I...” Louis hesitated, finally bringing his eyes up yours.
“You’re free to go.”
A/N: I finally know how I want this story to end so hopefully they’ll only be two more parts for this series and it’ll reach it’s completion! Also thank you all again for 1K!
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Iteration - a Malevolent fic, chapter six
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John has been poisoned. Who did it? Unknown. How can he be saved? If not for Arthur, he wouldn't.
The ripples from this event hit far distant shores, and no one will come out of it unchanged.
Part 100 of the Surrogate series.
AO3 - chapter six
Court was solemn on the dawn of the next day. Magic had dimmed the shine in the throne room, turned the gold a dark and frightening ochre. The windows had disappeared; darkness held the room except for its central occupants. In the gloom, the crowd was packed, because everyone wanted to see who’d had the gall to do something like this.
And everyone wanted to see what Hastur would do to them.
Hastur’s throne seemed higher than usual. Faroe’s was empty. Arthur was not to his left, either; he remained in the medical ward, out of sight.
Before Hastur, in shackles, lit by a harsh spotlight, was the head chef, Bh’tnnkr’nuah. He stood, still in his chef’s whites, his many limbs tied behind his back, his lower tentacles still on the floor. He stood tall. Wet spots from his tears dotted his jacket.
“Bh’tnnkr’nuah,” said Hastur. “You have been found guilty.”
“Yes,” said the head chef without hesitation, without pride, without defenses.
No one made a sound. Parker’s breathing was possibly the loudest thing in the place, and he stood over by the corner, wearing a cloak and hood. Sunny’s tiny, unhappy sniffles were only audible to him.
“We are a fair court,” said Hastur with a low rumble. “You may speak in your defense, should you wish.”
Bh’tnnkr’nuah’s breath stuttered just a little, but when he spoke, his voice was even. “I do not defend what I did. Zis was… I am sorry. Do as you must. Zis is what had to happen.”
Parker’s fists clenched.
“Nothing to say in your defense? Not even a reason given?” said Hastur like a growing fire.
“I have given you my reason. Zis is all zat I have.”
“Then my judgment stands.” Hastur’s volume rose. “Bh’tnnkr’nuah has attempted the highest of crimes: he poisoned my marked. He did so willfully, with full intent. I think it only fitting that since he tried to take life, he should instead be given far more than he wanted. I condemn you, Bh’tnnkr’nuah, to my salt mines. There, you will languish. You will never see the sun again; you will live your life under the Erosian Salts of Koreth, where your skin will slowly be eaten away, but I will not let you die. Perhaps in a few thousand years, I will give you merciful release from that burning pain… but more likely… I will not.”
Lightning struck, or seemed to; a crack in the air, in the floor, shattering the tiles where that chef had been standing, and the air itself burned black in the shape of him for a lingering, frightening moment.
Hastur studied his audience. “Am I not merciful?”
Murmurs of fearful assent.
“Am I not good?”
Murmurs of fearful assent.
“Leave. Court will resume tomorrow. And by all means… talk about what happened,” Hastur added. “Next time, I will not be kind enough to ignore the family of traitors.”
Quiet gossip had already begun as the doors slammed open, blinding everyone briefly with morning light.
Parker slipped out, hood low, one hand up to gently stroke his jaw.
I d… I still don… I…
“It’s okay, buddy,” whispered Parker, moving between dignitaries and getting out of the more populated areas of the palace. “That went about as good as it could go.”
But it wasn’t anybody’s… who did it? Who lied to him?
Parker sighed. “Nobody knows that. Not even him. Come on. We gotta fill Arthur in.”
Sunny’s voice trembled. I hate this. But I… I… fuck. He was weeping now, softly. I understand. I see why Hastur did it this way. There wasn’t another way. Protecting his people, seeming just, still doing what was needed… I don’t know any other way it could have gone.
“Lots of ways, and all of them suck,” said Parker, and knocked on Arthur’s door.
Arthur flung it open. He must have been pacing right in front of it.
“You gotta learn to doublecheck who’s there,” said Parker lightly as he entered.
“What happened?” said Arthur. “They said you found someone. They said someone was caught.”
“Take a seat. This is…”
It’s horrible, said Sunny.
Arthur took a seat, and Parker told him a story.
A story of a young monster serving a major god, working his way through the ranks to support loved ones far away; a young monster with an even younger family, and the horror of learning they suffered a magical plague all the way on the other side of the Dreamlands.
A young monster who went, desperate, to the Oracle, and took the worst deal of all in exchange for a cure: a favor, without limit, to be rendered when asked without question.
It had seemed the right thing to do. His daughter had been so young; his mate, so frightened. They both lived. That was worth it, right? It was. And if the Oracle had never called on that favor, never asked for that thing, all the better, and this young monster (who slowly became an older one, and rose to head chef in the court of the greatest King of all) thought maybe… just maybe… the debt had been forgiven.
It had not, and the letter had appeared by his bedside with two packets and clear instructions: to ensure Arthur ate the contents of the first packet, and to ensure that the second packet was secured to the bottom of his food cart where it would detach itself in his room and trigger what had been swallowed.
It seemed to be from the Oracle. His handwriting, his seal; it made clear that, should this be disobeyed, his family would come down with that plague again, and this time, nothing would save them. And the no-longer-young monster wept, because what else could he do?
He knew, obeying, what it would mean, and sent his mate and child away, far away, to another world, because the King would want his due.
It would be fair. It would be right. He also did not plan to run. Justice would be done.
The contents of the first packet were still warm as if just cooked—some kind of sweet sauce, and a perfect accompaniment for the meal that night. The contents of the second package aped life, and Bh’tnnkr’nuah shuddered as he tried not to think too hard about the life that would be taken.
“Wait just a fucking second,” said Arthur. “The Oracle is dead. Months dead. What the fuck? Did… how’d he send anything?”
“He didn’t,” said Parker. “Someone broke into his fucking place, stole shit like his seal, and pretended to be him.”
Arthur paled. “Oh, gods. So it was a lie?”
And someone’s life was ruined because of that lie. “Yeah,” said Parker, low.
“A fucking… someone knew this guy owed that and… wait. Wait, this doesn’t make sense.”
“Yeah, it does,” said Parker. “Like the Smith case. Remember? Smokes Malone called in that marker, though Jerry didn’t owe it to him.”
“Fuck,” whispered Arthur. “He was stuck. What else was he supposed to do? His family… What the fuck was he supposed to do?”
Th-that’s why, Sunny hitched, Hastur didn’t kill him. He had to punish him, but he… Bh’tnnkr’nuah had a daughter, and he…
“It still couldn’t be excused,” said Arthur. “If he’d gone after Faroe…”
“Yeah,” said Parker. “Couldn’t let him off, either.”
Arthur exhaled, leaning forward. “Fuck. Fuck.” He wiped his eyes. “Fuck!”
He got off easy, said Not-John.
Everyone ignored him.
It wasn’t right. None of it, said Sunny. And nobody knows who set it all in motion… except that they were powerful enough to deliver these things undetected.
“Does Bh’tnnkr’nuah know he’s been tricked?” whispered Arthur. “Know his life is fucked for a lie?”
“Yeah,” whispered Parker.
“Fuck,” said Arthur, and wiped his face again. “He has to feel so… horrible. But he still did it. He made his choice. And if… if he’d gone after  Faroe… the Keeper said if I didn’t have John, I’d be dead. She w… she would’ve…”
“Yeah, so,” said Parker. “It’s done. Hastur’s got a shit-ton of experts going over all the staff now, seeing who owes what where, making damned sure nobody can do that again. Dunno if that’s gonna work, but.”
Arthur took John’s hand. “Whoever it was really must hate you,” he said softly.
Fuck them. Not-John didn’t sound half as confident as he wished.
“Still missing a motive,” said Parker. “Since we don’t know who in fuck it was.”
Arthur’s smile was weak, but true. “And that bugs you.”
“Yeah, that bugs me!  Fuck, I’ll be up nights thinking about this.”
“If we ever find out, I hope Hastur puts them through hell,” Arthur said, teeth bared, and gripped John’s hand tight.
Very gently, almost subtly, John gripped him back. Fuck you all, he said, trying to cover that up, and clearly did not mean it at all.
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Whumpee has never looked so small. They were always a few inches shorter than Caretaker, skinnier, but now they are curled into a ball so tight on the couch that the cushion next to them occupies more space than they do. Before they were taken, Caretaker had never realized how small they are. How tiny they could make themselves. They did last night. And they do now.
They want to sit next to them, run their finger through their matted hair, tell them that they are safe now, that they don't need to be this scared anymore. But they can also see the fear in Whumpee's eyes every time their gazes meet. The flinch Whumpee tries to hide but can never quite conceal when they see Caretaker watching them.
Regret and resignation battle inside Caretaker’s chest each time they see Whumpee pulling away from them, curling up tighter. 
They had to do it. Whumper had put a tracker on Whumpee, and they wouldn't have been able to run away with it still attached to their shoulder. 
Caretaker can still feel Whumpee's warm skin under their hands, thrashing desperately before going limp, defeated. Can still feel their blood under their nails, even though they've made sure to wash it until their hands were chapped and aching as soon as they got to the safehouse. Whumpee can probably still feel their touch too, given the way Caretaker sometimes catches their eyes watering as they peek at them.
I had to do it, Caretaker tells themselves over and over again. Whumpee was too panicked to understand what was happening and if the tracker hadn't been taken out, they’d be back with Whumper now. Knowing it was necessary doesn't make their heart hurt any less when Whumpee sniffles and looks away though.
Caretaker is silently rehearsing a speech about how much they care about Whumpee and how sorry they are when they hear a soft noise of springs and glance up right in time to see Whumpee tiptoeing to the kitchen. 
They know Whumpee doesn't want to talk to them. It's fair, after last night they can understand why. But Caretaker has also spent the entirety of a month desperate to find Whumpee, walking around like a shadow of their former self as worry ate them alive, terrified of what Whumper was doing to them, of losing them, and now that they are together they won't even look at Caretaker. 
Before they can rethink it, Caretaker stands up and goes after Whumpee.
They are pouring water into a cup when Caretaker takes a hesitant step into the kitchen. Whumpee halts immediately and spins around to face them with wide eyes.
"It's okay," Caretaker says, raising their hands to show them there's no threat there. "Please, go on. You really should drink some water, you haven't eaten anything since... um... I don't know when was the last time you ate," they finish in a quiet voice.
Whumpee stares at them as if watching a predator. Caretaker nods encouragingly, and though they wait a few more moments, Whumpee puts the water gallon down and takes a tentative sip from the cup. Then drain it completely in one single gulp.
Caretaker shifts their stance anxiously, unsure of what to do next. They don't want to spook Whumpee, but they also can't take those fearful glances and badly hidden flinches anymore.
"Do you want to eat something?" They ask uncertainly. "I can make you anything you want".
Whumpee shakes their head no, and their eyes dart around the kitchen as if looking for an escape that doesn't involve coming near Caretaker. When they realize it's either approaching Caretaker or staying there, they straighten their back and grab the edge of the countertop behind them as one would a lifeline. 
"I'm sorry" Caretaker finally chokes out, taking a step closer. Whumpee’s shoulders stiffen, but they don't flinch, so Caretaker takes another one. "I'm so sorry Whumpee, I wish we didn't have to... do that last night, but we had to get the tracker out of you or Whumper would’ve found us. I really am sorry".
Whumpee watches them carefully, body tense like it's preparing to flee, but at least they aren’t cowering away this time. Caretaker wants to take that last step so they can touch Whumpee, hug them, but the idea of Whumpee running away if they do is enough to make them stop.
"Would you do it again?" Whumpee asks in a hoarse voice that’s barely more than a whisper. Caretaker doesn't want to think about why their voice is so raw.
"We had to, Whumpee. It was either that or losing you again".
"So that's a yes".
Caretaker nods slowly, feeling their heart sinking to the ground. It hurts, but at least now they are talking. They'll take the rage. They'll take anything as long as Whumpee isn't pushing them away.
In an impulsive decision, they take that last step closer, stopping right in front of them. This time, Whumpee winces and raises their hands to cover their face, as if in preparation for a hit.
Caretaker gasps and widens their eyes, guilt and regret already flooding them. But before they can do or say anything, they see Whumpee's wrists. They had been hidden by long sleeves until now, exposed with the sudden movement, fabric no longer covering skin or the deep circular wounds there, the exact size of heavy shackles. There's dried blood mixed with dark bruises and scraped skin.
"Whumpee" Caretaker whispers, holding their forearms with the lightest touch they can manage and lowering their arms, until they are displayed between both of them. Whumpee stares at them with fear in their eyes but doesn't pull their arms away from Caretaker's touch. "I had no idea of... Whumpee, they hurt you. I knew they had, but I never thought–“ 
"They were supposed to hurt me" Whumpee interrupts, fury in their raspy voice like Caretaker has never heard before "You weren't."
Tears prick Caretaker's eyes, but they blink them away. It's not their place to cry when Whumpee is the one hurting.
"Whumpee, we had to, I-"
"You had to? You had to?" They repeat, narrowing their eyes and letting out a disbeliefing little laugh that makes Caretaker let go of their arms and take a step back. "You had to make me believe I was finally being rescued, finally getting peace, just to have the people I thought were my friends throwing me on the ground and holding me there for you to cut me open while you said it was for my own good? I trusted you. I thought you were the one who’d never hurt me. But I guess I should've believed Whumper when they said all I was good for was to hurt" their voice breaks at the end, too hoarse and full of emotion to go on, but Caretaker hears it anyway. They hear it, but they also feel it as if it were a blow aimed straight at their heart, stealing all of their breath away.
They are too shocked, too heartbroken, to stop Whumpee as they warily walk around them to leave the kitchen, steps so quiet they can barely be heard as they go.
They are still frozen in place by Whumpee's words, staring desolately at the wall in front of them, when Whumpee's raspy voice fills the kitchen again. 
"Do you know who used to hold me down and hurt me while they said they were doing it for my own good?" Caretaker doesn't want to hear the answer, they already know it, but Whumpee doesn't give them time to respond. "Whumper. Every time I did something they didn't like. So don't you dare talk to me about how I was hurt or how sorry you are, Caretaker"
"Whumpee" they choke out, starting to turn around to stare at their dearest friend, but their voice stops them on their track.
"Don't. Please don't come near me."
They pretend not to hear the "ever again" as Whumpee's steps take them away, leaving Caretaker to crumble to the ground and weep.
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Cut the Ties #4
Chapter 4 is here!! ^^ Enjoy. SUPER SORRY that I took a while, I haven't been feeling great 3: I need hugs </3
All love and credit goes to @professionallydeadinside for creating Muriel!!
Chapter Four
Darkness, silence... little Muriel was on her own and walking down into nothing.
Her skin prickled.
She reached for her arms hoping to rub them warm.
'Hello?' She called.
Her voice echoed down the way.
It lingered for a good couple of seconds before it dwindled down into a whisper then nothing...
A sudden crash from behind, Muriel jumped and saw a horrid shadow donning the face of Mother Miranda.
It cackled and screamed at her.
Muriel wanted to run but was stuck, she could not move.
Mother Miranda then charged... and then
Muriel woke up...
Donna was absolutely furious when told.
Alcina had made a call, once the dagger had been collected, and soon enough, she came storming into the castle.
'What the bloody hell were you thinking, Muriel!' She thundered.
Muriel stood in front of the two women, looking down on the castle's marble floor with a frown. She wasn't ashamed, just annoyed she wasn't able to get the dagger.
Muriel wasn't able to sleep, even in Alcina's comfy bed, she just wanted to get a hold of that dagger and now it was gone - on it's way to Life's Edge.
Muriel was locked away, in the lady's room along with the daughters so the Dagger could be taken without reason to be cautious.
'You had me worried sick!' Donna continued.
Muriel knew this was serious as Donna didn't have on her veil. She never saw the woman so angry before and neither did Alcina the way she looked gobsmacked at her younger sister. The tall woman looked almost frightened.
'Not only that but you have shown disrespect to Alcina in her own home!'
Muriel kept quiet.
She did feel bad, of course she did yet felt worse for getting caught.
'Donna,' Alcina piped up. 'I am sure Muriel meant no real upset and is sorry for her actions, right?' She tossed the question over to the little girl.
Muriel looked up at both women, she sighed frustrated.
'Yes.' She almost spat.
No one was convinced but it would have to do.
'Thank you, Alcina.' Donna sight. She was getting a headache. 'Thank you for looking after her.'
'Of course.' Alcina smiled. 'Do not think you are alone in this, Donna.'
Donna only looked to Alcina with an appreciative smile. With that, she left, Muriel trod not too far behind.
As the girl left, she felt a kind and comforting hand of Alcina rub her shoulder and back, the tall woman knew Muriel only meant well, she did not mean to cause any aggravation with anyone.
The day was muggy, a faint fog latched onto the land making all paths unclear. The village felt erased.
Donna made sure Muriel kept close, it was important to her that the girl was no more than a foot behind.
A familiar building seeped into view, Muriel knew it too well - Karl's factory.
'Are we not going home?' Muriel asked.
'Not yet.' Donna spoke quietly.
'Why not?' She pried.
'Karl would like to see us.'
Muriel did not quite understand it but knew it best to not start an argument or continue to question her guardian at this moment. She kept her head down, looking at the floor as she paced forward.
The gates opened and the two walked in, ready to meet Karl.
He was waiting outside, his bulky hammer over his shoulders as always and sucked on a cigar. There was an obvious annoyance to his face as he frowned at Muriel, was there no one in this village that wasn't disappointed in her?
'Good to see you, Kid. I'm glad Alcina didn't rip you up.' He said, there was no humour or sarcasm in his voice.
Muriel stayed silent. This wasn't going to be a cheery meeting.
'Donna, I have that 'thing' prepared for you.'
'Oh, good.' The woman sounded almost miserable.
It pelted hard like a rock against Muriel's heart. It was all her fault Donna was feeling this way.
It ate her up, she clenched her fists, her head suddenly began to hurt, the little legs on her sides began to wriggle. Everything felt dark and red. There were cracks in the road and she was the one to put them there.
She found herself panting, gasping for air...
'Muriel?' Donna wondered.
Muriel snapped out of it almost instantly. 'Sorry... I haven't eaten.'
'I can make you something, Kid.' Karl said. 'Come on in.'
The factory, to the naked eye, could be described as a death ridden hell hole with the walls decorated in rust with the accompanying smell of death and an ambience of screams, to Muriel it was her second home.
What the Lords did was their business, she didn't want to ask and pull away the masks of those she loved, it would've been hypercritical as they all accepted her for what she became.
It also wasn't a secret that Muriel likes to pick off a few birds and even cats if and when she manages to lure them close enough...
The three of them walked inside and down the hall. There was a bit of haze in the air, it was always warm in the factory. A kind of comforting heat.
It was enough to make Karl glisten but not profusely. He was used to the heat and oily skin... and the stench of which he donned. He kept his head of greasy hair under a dirty hat and hid his sleep deprived eyes under blackened glasses.
For a man so rough he had such a soft spot for the little girl, Muriel. He admired her even before the battle with Miranda that had almost cost her life. She was a strong little tyke.
They kept on walking until they reached an open room.
It was lit up with a pale light, looked more like a large storage room with a high ceiling.
Donna was noticeably quiet, her hands in each other.
'Muriel.' Karl spoke. 'Mind waiting in here for a sec? I just need to go over something with Donna.'
'OK.' Muriel said, unsure.
She stepped into the room, her spider-legs began to fidget then... the door was slammed shut behind her. There was a large 'snap' as it was bolted shut.
'Hey!' Muriel screamed, banging on the door.
There was a latch on the door, it slid open.
'I'm sorry,' Donna spoke. 'But I cannot trust you right now.'
'It is for your own good, Kid.' Karl said apologetically. 'Once that dagger is far enough away, we'll let you out.'
''Let me out now!' Muriel begged.
'I'm sorry.' Donna repeated, upset.
Now it was clear to Muriel why Donna was upset, it was because of this trap.
Muriel looked around the room, everything was white, she looked for an escape until she found a window above her. That was her way out.
She got to the wall and began to climb... but... she didn't stick... she couldn't get to it.
'Climb-proof paint.' Karl explained. 'The only way you'll get out is when we let you out, it should only be an hour.
'No!' Muriel spat. 'Let me out!'
'Muriel, we are doing this because we love you.' Donna said.
Muriel snarled and looked away. 'I hate you...'
There was a low gasp, it hurt Donna more than any dagger ever could.
'Fine.' Donna snuffed and walked away.
Karl watched his sister leave and turned back to the girl. 'We'll be back in an hour.' He said.
The latch was then shut, leaving Muriel what she could any call a cell.
It had to have been fifteen minutes of trying to stick to the walls before Muriel gave up, her hands were raw and bleeding, she was out of breath and slumped onto the floor.
She began to weep and slammed a mighty fist on the wall out of anger and betrayal.
Muriel curled herself up, hugging her legs tightly so they rested just under her chin.
She closed her eyes and found herself back in that dark place, the inside of her skull began to throb and felt the little legs on either side tingle once more.
Her body was experiencing a tremor only she could feel, something inside her was trying to come out, it was a dull pain and soon enough was taking over.
and then, she screamed...
As she did, warm webs spouted from the tips of all her legs and latched onto the wall opposite her.
Muriel got up in shock.
Did she do that?
She looked down and saw specks of webs dribbling from one on her spider legs.
She blinked and looked up to the ceiling, at the window.
Muriel closed her eyes again, focusing on that dull pain once more, she tensed up and felt another stream of webbing form out of the legs, but again hit the wall in front.
'No, up.' Muriel whispered, just in case the Lords were close and listening in.
She raised her right up, the spider legs on the same side were doing the same, slowly.
Muriel then closed her eyes and tensed again, web shot up and stuck itself onto the window, Muriel smiled and did it two more times just to make sure it was strong enough.
She took the thick strand but stopped and looked back at the door.
Her heart ached, knowing it'll cripple Donna and the rest to find she had escaped but she was doing it for them...
'This is not goodbye.'
With a deep breath, she climbed up her own web and soon was out back in the fog...
She ran, out of the Village and onto the open road, the path still smeared with mist, if she hurried she might be able to catch the person delivering the dagger.
As she ran, a familiar laugh caught her ear.
She squinted and looked.
He smiled, sat at the front of his carriage, it was like he was waiting for her. 'Need a lift?'
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