#'what am i' being interrupted by 'well youre bella' as if to say youre still you and all your complexities - not just this situation
uniquezombiedestiny · 3 months
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Why was I made this way?
full text (its bella monologue sunday!):
"I'm always here to help." That's what I always say! But sometimes, I have to wonder, well… why else am I here? Whenever I fall down or… or have one of those bad days, I just think, "Well, there's work tomorrow." Hm? Oh, it's not that bad. You get used to it. But anyways, sometimes it just makes me think - what am I? Outside of being your Captain-… I know my name. But what's my purpose? What's the meaning of all my time here? Because so many horrible things keep happening. So many- so many spikes, penetrating straight through my mind; so many things made to laugh and jeer at me; "You couldn't do it! You never could. Never." What else was I possibly made for other than to help you? I wasn't born the way a person was. I was built like a machine, all my life… So why.. Why do I feel anything? Why does everything just drag me down? Why can't I let go of everything I feel while everyone else diligently works? It's tiring. Really tiring. So why couldn't I have just been built out of metal and wires instead? Why couldn't they have just made me a machine? A perfect, unfeeling metal body. Noone could ever hurt me again. I'd never have to cry; to deliberate; to feel guilty about anything… Why? Why was I made this way? Why am I a human being at all in this place… if not to fail..?
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Four
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Almost-car accident? Talk of getting smushed by a car.
Notes: Finally, a little something-something! I’m trying to post on the weekends to have some sort of schedule, but I have zero impulse control… so here it is a day early!
Word Count: 2146
Series Masterlist
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• January 25th, 2005 • Forks High School •
Not only am I lucky enough to spend lunch with Y/n, but some godly force must be watching out for me in that today’s history assignment allowed me to team up with her and learn more about her.
Her energy is absolutely fascinating and it almost worries me that I’m internally compelled to want to spend even more time in her presence. Two days and I’m already a goner, Emmett is going to have a field day interrogating me tonight.
Which leads me to now, after completing our history assignment with only a few minutes to spare, I’m escorting her to her car in an effort to prolong this addiction to her attention.
“Where are you from?” I ask, curious to know anything about her.
“Texas. Well, Dallas more specifically.” She’s still watching the ground as we walk, nervousness pouring from her.
“Why Forks? You couldn’t of picked a more completely opposite environment.” I miss my home state, and if it weren’t for my adversion to the sun - I would return.
“My parents divorced.” She continues before I could apologize for the intrusive question, “Happily divorced and I protested the whole ‘stay together until she graduates’ bullshit.” Fingers gesturing around the air quotations.
She trails off after that, circling back to our history assignment that no doubt has her still worked up. The Civil War, I cringe internally at today's topic since it’s a sore one for myself - having lived through it and fought in it.
“All I’m saying is, maybe history class should be more focused on the lessons learned, than just the events themselves.” She states rather passionately while inserting the key into the lock on the driver’s door of her car.
“To recognize and avoid in the future.” I respond, leaning my back against the rear of the small vehicle as I scan the wet parking lot packed with kids.
“Exactly!” She pops her head up, an excited smile in place as she garners my gaze again.
But just over her shoulder my eyes flick up to catch the sight of a blue van headed our direction a little too quickly for such a busy spot. A car horn blaring has her turning in its direction and the gasp I hear across the parking lot from Alice sends me into action. I grab Y/n by the waist and spin her against her car, so that my back might take the brunt of the hit, but it never comes as the rear of the van just barely slides past us. I relax the grip I have on her and tear my eyes from hers as I spin my head in the direction of the vehicle, ready to yell at the driver for being so reckless. The words die in my throat as I see where it’s headed - straight for Isabella Swan.
“Bella!” Y/n screams, but it’s lost in the screech of tires and the headphones in her ears that are keeping the outside world out.
Just as I’m about to damn us all to save another girl from this idiot driver, Edward flashes past to stop the van from crushing the Sheriff’s daughter.
“Fuck.” I whisper, glancing back to where my other adopted siblings are standing next to their own vehicles - faces unreadable, but emotions blaring alarm.
“I’m sorry, I have to go. Please be safe getting home?” I ask her urgently as I peel my fingers from where they want to stay gripping her, safe and close to me.
“But Jas-“ she starts, a little shell shocked at my quick action of saving her and the close call with her friend.
A whistle from Emmett interrupts her before she can interrogate me, so I flash her an apologetic smile before jogging at a normal human pace to the familiar silver Jeep. My hands flex in my lap the entire tense ride home, warm and tingly from when I gripped Y/n to protect her fragile little human body.
If we weren’t vampires already, this family meeting about to take place would definitely give Carlisle a full head of gray hair.
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• January 26th, 2005 • Forks High School •
“Hey, mind catching me up on what that was yesterday?” I immediately bombard Jasper as I sit across from him at what I’ve mentally deemed ‘our table’ at lunch.
He glances up from his sketchbook with a look that says he wasn’t prepared for my blunt line of questioning.
“The saving you from certain death part, or?” He leaves open ended for me to clarify.
“The part where Bella was alone next to her truck, but your brother teleported to her side AND somehow the van skidded to a stop right before turning them both into pancakes?” I’m not pulling my punches with my queries, after having spent last night stewing over what I had seen.
“He wasn’t that far from her when I moved you out of the way, I must’ve distracted you enough that you didn’t see him walking to her after he got out of class. Plus, the van wasn’t going that fast, maybe when it hit the back of her truck the tires got traction and he could brake properly.” He answers, turning his gaze back to his sketch and resuming his work.
I don’t really buy it, but I mull over my recount of yesterday afternoon as I pull my lunch from my bag. Was I so focused on Jasper the moment he put his hands on me? Was I so soda-strawed in on Bella being in the way of the van that I missed Edward?
No, something isn’t adding up. I know that van was hauling ass in the parking lot, I was going to yell as much at the idiot driving before I saw it headed for Bella. But I can also tell I won’t be getting the answers I want from Jasper. I can tell from the rigidity of his spine that he’s worried I’ll ask more questions. I mean, his recount of the accident isn’t out-landish, but I know what I saw!
I need to talk to Bella.
“Yeah I guess that makes sense.” I acquiesce. I see him deflate a little with relief as I pick at my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Thank you for saving me, by the way.” I add nervously, a little heat working it’s way onto my cheeks.
Jasper glances up to my face and with a small smile, “Anytime Y/l/n, anytime.”
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• January 27th, 2005 • Forks High School •
“Bella!” I yell down the hallway, catching her as she slams her locker shut. I jog over to her as she turns towards the exit, everyone that has Mr. Banner for Biology is going on a field trip today.
“Hey Y/n, what’s up?” She questions, seeing the look on my face.
“Tuesday, parking lot, what the hell happened?” I jump right into it.
“Tyler must’ve lost traction-“
“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it. Edward was nowhere near you.” Cutting off her redirection. “Jasper won’t budge, he insists I was distracted and didn’t see his brother before the accident.”
Bella glances around the hallway and decides to pull me into the empty female bathroom for some privacy.
“Edward is avoiding me, I was asking him the same questions when I was at the hospital and he refused to answer.” She answers nervously.
“It’s weird, right? I mean, one second I’m unlocking the door to my car, and the next Jasper spins me around to protect my body with his. And then I see Edward jump over the tailgate of your truck when I thought Tyler’s van was going to end you.” I’m just rambling the thoughts that have been pinging around the last two days.
I can see her hesitate, “You can talk to me, you know? I kinda don’t have any friends besides you, I mean - if you want to be friends?” I tack on the last part, worried I’d over stepped.
“Yeah no, of course - I um, I could use a friend to vent to.” Bella glances down at her shoes, picking at the sleeves of her sweater as the both of us exit the bathroom. “He’s coming on today’s class trip, I’ll talk to him then and see what I can find out.”
“Perfect, want to sit with me on the bus?” I ask, walking out of the building for the student parking lot where the buses are waiting.
“As if I’d risk getting stuck sitting with Mike Newton, absolutely.” She jokes back. “I’m going to grab my book from my truck, I’ll be there in a sec - save us a seat!” She yells as she jogs to her vehicle across the parking lot.
As I board the first bus I can hear Mr Banner yell at everyone loitering in the parking lot, “Yo yo yo, hey guys c’mon! We gotta go, we gotta go! Green is what? Good, let’s go!”
A few moments later Bella joins me in our claimed seat, book in hand looking a little frazzled. I see Mike pass us with a forlorn expression on his face, “Oh God, what happened?” I ask.
“He asked me to prom and I told him to ask Jessica, please don’t make me talk about it.” She answers with what I assume is a shiver of discomfort.
I want to laugh, but I just grin instead. “Your not-so-secret admirer fumble is safe with me, Bells.” I knock my shoulder into hers to tease her a little as I crack open my own book I brought for the bus ride.
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• Community College Greenhouse •
Walking alone in line through the greenhouse, my hands drift over the different sprouting vegetables. Behind me I can hear Mr. Banner giving a spiel on “compost tea” and how its derived from table scraps and other organic waste. Every now and then my fingers float over the soft petals of flowers placed sporadically through the hundreds of food-producing plants; earlier it was explained that they encourage pollinators to visit.
Even though I’m a smidge lonely since Bella is hanging back with Edward, I’m glad to be surrounded by greenery instead of stuck in a stuffy classroom.
Just as Tyler Crowley pushes past with a clear mug of what looks like poop/dirt water, I spot Alice just ahead standing to the side of the isle with Jasper to allow students to flow by. When I get within arms reach, Alice loops her elbow through mine, almost like she could sense my loneliness.
“So,” she drags out the word cheerfully, “Enjoying the plants? Fresh air? Freedom from school?”
“Oh absolutely,” I glance over my shoulder at Jasper following behind us silently. “I’m surprised you’re not off in a corner doodling flowers, Hale.” I catch him duck his head and chuckle under his breath as Alice watches our interaction, surprised.
“And isolate myself away from your commentary? Never, Y/l/n.”
“Oh, Emmett’s opinions on your drawings are too much, but mine aren’t?” I smile as I turn to look at new plants as we pass them in our slow walk through the final greenhouse.
“My brother isn’t nearly as interesting.” His response catches me off guard and if it weren’t for Alice’s grip on my arm I would’ve stumbled on the wet concrete.
“As I live and breathe, Jasper Hale flirting-“ but Alice doesn’t finish her sentence due to Jasper snaking out a pinch to her ribs, her flinch forcing our hold to separate. Before I could chide Alice for teasing her brother for just being nice, Edward storms up to the three of us.
“Ready to leave?” He glances between his siblings, pointedly ignoring me so that I wouldn’t feel the obligation to join them.
“Edward-“ Alice says disapprovingly, but he pushes past us without waiting for an answer. She looks at me apologetically before skipping after him.
“Sorry about my brother, he’s insufferable when he’s in a mood.” Jasper offers as explanation as we watch the two of them exit the greenhouse.
“I get the feeling he’s always in a ‘mood’.” My fingers emphasize the last word with air quotations and it draws another chuckle from the gorgeous boy at my side.
“Touché.” He says with a grin. “I better catch up before they ditch me, see ya around darlin’.” He weaves his way through the crowded isle and out of sight before the heat settles in my cheeks.
I manage to file outside and towards the buses with the rest of my class after I gather my wits. I spot Bella already in our shared bus seat with a sad expression. “Wanna talk about it?” I ask as I sit.
“Not right now.” She answers, turning to look out of the window.
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ukulelevillainwrites · 4 months
who follows the rules anyway?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
pairing : anthony lockwood x reader
word count : 10k
warnings : drinking, drunken state
taglist : @demigoddess-of-ghosts ; @oblivious-idiot ; @neewtmas ; @bobbys-not-that-small ; @bella-rose29 ; @maraschinomerry ; @novelizt ; @fudosl ; @archiveoftara ; @cassiopeiia24 (i think i didn't forget anyone but i could be wrong)
content : I couldn’t resist some callbacks to the attic scene before fittes’ party, George wears a bowtie for all the fans of ali in a bowtie out there know that it was my frame of reference, I tried to not make it look like a direct copy of the fittes party but there are a lot of similarities
note : life got so out of hand, I sincerely apologize that it took so long but to make up for it it’s quite long and I really really like this part it’s THE part I’ve fantasized about since I started writing and I really like how the main scenes came out
Also sorry I know it’s been a long time but pt8 picks up right after the last scene of pt7
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She realized what she just said as she walked past him entering the kitchen. She turned around suddenly, bumping into him as he followed her inside.
“I’m so sorry Lockwood I’m being so rude.”
“Well, you’re not wrong but you could tell me this without stepping on my toes.”
She looked down and fair enough she was. She took a few steps back, apologizing again and she bumped into the cupboards behind her.
“Am I gonna have to stitch you up again?” Lockwood asked, amused.
“I’m so sorry.” She said again sitting down in the chair closest to her.
“You keep saying that.”
“Well, I am. I’m sorry I talked to you that way in front of Lucy, and I’m sorry I talked to you like that in the hall, and I’m sorry I came into your life yelling at you and making you angry-”
“I’m not angry.” He interrupted. “Just… frustrated.” They stayed in silence for a while staring at each other.
“I can’t figure you out.” He admitted in a lower voice.
She could have told him the same thing.
“You hate me, then you warm up to me, then you give me the cold shoulder and hate me again… what am I supposed to think?”
“I don’t hate you. I just… I can’t figure you out either. I never know what you’re thinking.”
“Well, I hired you because I think you’re good, I hate fighting, I genuinely want to help you with this whole thing, and I think it’s pretty nice when we get along. Is that clear enough?”
Not quite, she thought. What were they supposed to be? Did he consider them actual friends now or were they far from it? Did he mean it when he said that he had always been honest with her? His charming act did look awfully familiar every time he used it with clients. She didn’t know what she was supposed to think. All the questions that clouded her mind when she thought about him came rushing in.
“We’re strictly colleagues then? Or am I allowed to say that we’re friends.” She managed.
“I think friends is more fitting. I mean what kind of employer would I be sleeping in the same couch as my underling?”
She blushed furiously at the memory of his arms around her.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Did I go too far that night? I never meant to-”
“Lockwood it’s alright. It was sweet really… I didn’t expect you to watch over me like that.”
They both looked anywhere else but each other, embarrassed at the thought of that night. She didn’t regret it, quite the contrary. She still thought about it fondly.
“It was nice… I felt safe.” She added in a tone barely above a whisper.
“I know you’d do the same for me…”
She looked up at him in surprise.
“Wouldn’t you?” he asked, his frown deepening as he looked into her eyes, almost begging.
“I… I just don’t see what I did to make you so sure of it. Was it the insults or the yelling?”
He laughed.
“You saved my life twice. I didn’t think I’d have to remind you that, I rather thought you’d gloat and annoy me with it every single day.”
“You’re right I should.”
They exchanged another look, warmer and more knowing.
She got up to prepare some tea. She made his cup the way he liked it and handed to him. He smiled at her with the familiarity she liked so much. She turned around before he could notice the blush on her cheeks. She then prepared two more cups, George’s with slightly more sugar than hers and placed them on an unused corner of the Thinking Cloth. She called on George and handed him his tea. When she looked up at Lockwood his smile wasn’t as wide. The three of them settled around the table.
“Alright, let’s plan a heist.”
“Why can’t we just push it back one week? It’d give us the extra time we need to prepare.”
“The event for the launch of their new rapier line will be more crowded and it lasts an entire day. Showing up there will never be enough to keep us out of suspicion. It has to be the fundraiser tomorrow.”
Lockwood hadn’t looked up from the plans of the building. They were trying to figure out the safest route for Lucy and Norrie to reach the documents they needed while staying as far from the party as possible and they were running out of time. Lockwood had had a hard time getting them in the fundraiser. For starter he had tried reaching out to different contacts to get in. The only result he got was a newfound rage against the Organization for not inviting them in the first place. She could have guessed a million things that could have motivated Lockwood to get them into this party at all costs. She didn’t think Bunchurch would be the one. Apparently the less than prestigious agency had some agents attending the event. In fact, all agencies had some representatives attending, or almost all of them. Something about showing the growing bonds between agencies and the Silverpoint Organization. Lockwood’s renewed determination led him to go all the way down to their headquarters to demand an invite using a mix of his usual charms and some threats of bad press. He had been convincing enough to get the three of them in. He had just put the envelopes down on the Thinking Cloth with a triumphant smile when someone knocked on the door. George led Lucy in the kitchen and they all smiled widely when she told them she and Norrie would join them. All the pieces were finally coming together. Then they studied the plans of the house and realized that it wasn’t as easy as it seemed.
First of all because it was a mansion and not a house. The surface was significantly larger and the number of rooms they had to cover seemed impossible to search in just a few hours. Second of all because it was a city mansion, just north of Hyde Park, with other buildings right next to it, no garden and the front door accessible from the street. No other point of entry and neighbours on both sides. It had been fairly easy to determine which rooms to search first, compared to figuring out how the girls were supposed to get inside and out while remaining unseen.
“Wait what’s this?” Norrie asked picking up some of the research y/n had done on the party. She had spent so much time looking at those papers she couldn’t bear to look at them again.
“It’s details about the party, the agencies and companies that will be represented, the staff I managed to get information about, that kind of thing.”
“Well, if we know which catering company they’ll be hiring why don’t we use that?”
“I don’t know… Maybe get hired, be a waitress during the event and use that to slip out?”
They all stared at her, in disbelief that they didn’t make the connection sooner.
“That’s a good idea but I’m not sure we’ll have enough time to get hired.” Lucy raised a good point.
“They’re always looking for extra people at the last minute for this kind of event. They get to hire desperate people who need a job so they can pay them less. It could be worth a try.”
“Norrie, that’s brilliant.” Lockwood exclaimed, his enthusiasm renewed. “Okay, you and Lucy will get in by waitressing at the event.” He got up and started pacing around the room. “You discreetly slip out and search the rooms in that order. I’ll need you to find a folder to put the documents in. Next, one of you go up on the second floor in that room.” He pointed at what seemed to be a bedroom drawn on the top left corner of the map. “You’ll let the folder fall from that window into the alley next to the mansion. When it’s done, give us a discreet sign. One of us will fake going out to take some fresh air and retrieve the documents.”
Relief filled the room as Lockwood finished explaining the last details of his plan. He was so sure of himself, so confident and convinced that they would succeed that it was hard to be pessimistic. He made it sound so easy.
“Lucy, Norrie, you should go and see if you can get hired today. George, now that we have a plan, I’m ordering you to find something decent to wear to the event.”
George sighed, clearly not happy about having to leave his research and take on an activity he had no interest in.
“Do you have something to wear, y/n?”
“I’ll probably figure something out.” She answered, rubbing her eyes. The long days of research, planning and cases had drained all energy from her, and like George she wasn’t too eager to spend time on her feet looking for something to wear at a party she wasn’t going to have fun at. Her bed sounded more appealing than anything else.
“Am I going to have to lead you both out with the point of my rapier in your back to get you moving?”
“Are you threatening us so we go shopping?”
“Well, locking you out of the house isn’t an option because of a certain someone,” Lockwood said as his stare lingered on her a few seconds more than she thought necessary, “so I have to resort to extreme measures.” He concluded with a wink.
They looked at him in disbelief. Since when did he care so much about what they were wearing?
“We need to be camera ready, this could be Lockwood and Co.’s first very public night we need to look our best!”
She was so exhausted she hadn’t realized they now had to endure fame-struck Lockwood craving the attention of the public. He was not going to let this go. She reluctantly stood up, mouthing “fine” at him with a thin smile. She dragged George out of the kitchen before he could protest and start an argument he would lose anyway. When public image was at stake, Lockwood always had the last word.
They got home three hours later, arms tired from carrying heavy bags. George’s suit weighed a ton, so did her shoes. She thought then that the platforms might have been overkill. Especially since she still didn’t know what she was going to wear. Finding something appropriate had taken longer than expected. Not for George, who bought the first cheapest suit he could find to get this over with. He complained louder each time she tried on a dress she didn’t buy. She was as frustrated as he was, really. The weather was getting colder and for some reason all she could find were backless or sleeveless dresses in which she was already too cold just by trying them on. Between George’s complaints and her feet growing tired y/n thought about giving up more than once. They started to walk back, discussing the plan for their very busy evening the following night when George interrupted himself.
“What? What is it?”
“In the window across the street. That could fit you for tomorrow night, right?”
She looked across to see a long-sleeved black jumpsuit on the mannequin in the shop in front of them. It was simple but very elegant, with a square neckline, a tight body giving the illusion of a corset, and wider pants long enough to touch the floor. The platforms would come in handy here. Since it was George’s idea, she told him he wasn’t allowed to complain if it didn’t fit. She went inside and came back out fifteen minutes later with another heavy bag to carry home.
She couldn’t help the tremor in her hand while she applied mascara on her eyelashes. As the hours went on, y/n could feel the knot in her stomach tighten. The idea of spending the night at such a sophisticated event made her nervous. She was incredibly intimidated, especially considering the type of crowd she would have to face. Being surrounded by rich and elegant people was not something she was used to, and tonight she would have to talk to them to make sure they saw her there. It added a stinging salt to her already oozing wound. She fixed her hair for the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes, checking her reflection under every angle. She jumped and dropped her hairbrush when someone knocked on the door to the attic.
“y/n, are you alright?”
She recognized Lockwood’s voice and told him to come in. She bent down to retrieve her hairbrush and when she looked back up she saw him standing next to the mirror, wide-eyed and silent.
“Do I look this bad?”
“You… No! No, no on the contrary you look…” He blushed as he looked into her eyes.
“You look great.” He said shyly.
She didn’t think she had ever seen him so flustered. Had she not been so nervous, she might have read into his reaction. But her nerves were so unsettled that she simply smiled back at him before putting on her lipstick. She had picked a dark red to complete her elegant look for the night. She focused on the reflection of her lips. When she looked back up Lockwood was gone. She wondered if she had imagined his eyes following her every movement in the mirror. He was acting strange, but it was a very stressful night. She couldn’t even stop her hands from shaking. It was surprising coming from him, but they had never been in that situation before. Confused, she went to sit on her bed to put on her shoes. Another knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
Lockwood was back, the same bewildered expression on his face.
“I’ve never seen you with lipstick.”
“Well, it’s not really my priority when going out to fight visitors all night.” She joked.
He kept staring insistently at her.
“What is it? Did I get some on my teeth?” She stood back up to look in the mirror again. Everything had to be perfect. She inspected every inch of her face, every tooth, every hair. Movement behind her made her look up to see Lockwood stepping closer in the reflection, reaching for something in his pocket.
“Here, I thought it would make you look even more elegant than you already are.”
He took out a red velvet pouch and revealed a pearl necklace.
“Lockwood… that’s… very thoughtful. Thank you.” She hoped the warm lights of her bedroom were enough to hide the red that had spread across her cheeks. He detached the clasp and went to stand behind her. She looked back into the mirror as he placed the necklace around her neck. She pushed her hair away, her hand softly brushing against his for a second. His gaze remained fixed on her reflection, the dark brown of his irises looking even warmer in the soft dim light. He looked back at her neck.
“They belonged to my mother.” He said as he fastened the clasp.
She looked at him in the mirror with surprise. He was smiling. A soft, delicate smile. He had rendered her speechless. For the briefest moment, the party didn’t matter, the past few months and everything that had led her there tonight weren’t as important. She was here, now, with him and everything was okay.
She blinked and turned around.
“Lockwood I can’t-”
“It’s nothing, really. Plus, you’ll fit right in tonight looking like this.” He winked, his smile back to its usual wolfish grin. “I’ll go get us a cab, George should be about ready too.”
Before she could protest, he was down the stairs, asking George if was ready, leaving her standing there, a hand resting on the necklace. She looked back at her reflection. The pearls did make her look rich and sophisticated, she admitted to herself. Lockwood had never talked to her about his family. She was incredibly flattered by this gift, and most importantly by the fact that he had opened up, even just a little. The softness of his eyes kept flashing back in her mind. She breathed in deeply, more assured than she was. He had quite an effect on her, she thought. The brush of his skin on hers, his soft breathing in her neck… If only he had stood closer, even just for an instant. She stopped her mind from going any further. The butterflies in her stomach were back and her heart was ready to jump out of her chest, but it’d have to wait. They had a party to attend and some documents to steal.
She came down the stairs to join Lockwood and George, ready to leave. George was adjusting his bowtie in the mirror in the living room. She was surprised to see him look quite dashing.
“George, promise me you’ll make an effort to socialize and be as visible as you can tonight.”
“Easy for you to say, it’ll be second nature for you to be at the center of attention!”
Lockwood laughed as he headed for the door and stopped in his tracks when she entered the room.
“Especially if I have the most gorgeous girl at the party on my arm.” He said after a pause.
She blushed furiously at the remark. He had never complimented her so much, or been so kind to her before. She tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but really she was close to falling on her knees. It was like he loved tormenting her.
They stayed staring at each other in silence, their smiles getting wider every second.
“I think I liked it better when you were fighting.” Said George in an exasperated tone.
Lockwood ignored him as he crossed the room to offer her his arm.
“Shall we?”
The ride over to the fundraiser was a silent one, though the three of them were agitated. George kept adjusting his bowtie and cleaning his glasses, y/n checked her lipstick in her pocket mirror every five minutes. Lockwood kept fidgeting, but it wasn’t really unusual for him. While they kept glancing anxiously at the road, he alternatively looked through each window like a toddler wondering if they were there yet. y/n did not share his excitement. She gripped the pearls around her neck and took a deep breath. Lockwood nudged his knee against hers to get her attention.
“It’s gonna go just fine.” He said in a low voice.
She smiled but it was rigid, almost fake. Panic was slowly strengthening its grip on her. What was she supposed to talk about with these people all night? She didn’t have Lockwood’s natural talent and ease when it came to socializing. She was terrified of saying something wrong and making a fool of herself. He rested a hand on her knee, bringing her out of her overwhelming thoughts.
“You’ll be great.”
She reached for his hand as she whispered a low ‘thank you’.
Despite his best efforts to reassure her, the crowd on the sidewalk and the animation coming from the mansion brought back her insecurities. Everyone looked so elegant and influential that she instantly felt out of place.
The look on George’s face reassured her a little bit. She wasn’t the only one desperate to go home. They got out of the cab and mingled in the crowd waiting to check their coats. y/n took a first look at the faces she would have to talk to during the night, trying to recognize anyone that would be easier to talk to. None of them looked like she could have seen them around at Fittes, or clients she could have worked with. She did notice the catering van parked in front of an alleyway next to the house, the waiters and waitresses all gathered next to it. She saw Lucy and Norrie with them, acting professional. Before she could try to get their attention and ask them if they were okay, Lockwood grabbed her arm and led her inside.
The elegance of the hall did not prepare her for the spectacular room in which the event took place. An imposing marble staircase was lit with candles, so many she couldn’t count them all, yet it was only half as much as the ones lighting up the crystal chandelier illuminating the room and taking up half the ceiling. If the Silverpoint Organization was a non-profit, they showed none of it during their receptions. The room was full of eloquent people, as she expected, most of them middle aged. Most men wore a lavender pin on their lapel, but some of them had a silver brooch in the shape of a harp instead. Women wore them too. She didn’t know what it stood for and felt foolish, dreading the interactions to come even more now. Every now and then she saw agents in the crowd. Fittes, Rotwell, Tendy’s, Bunchurch too. Unsure what to do, George and y/n looked expectantly at Lockwood.
“Why don’t you two mingle, I’ll go get us some drinks.” He said cheerfully before leaving them to fend for themselves.
They didn’t have time to protest, he was already lost in the crowd. George turned to her, suggesting that they should make a break for it while they still could. As much as she wished they could leave, she couldn’t bail on their plan now.
“I’ll make hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and those mini marshmallows you love so much!” He insisted with a pleading look.
“As much as I want to, we can’t.”
Before he could add anything that was likely to change her mind, the ringing of glasses rose through the air and soon the room fell silent. At the top of the grand staircase stood a man, stoic while he waited for the last conversations to die out.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” y/n was taken aback by the authority in his voice. She mustn’t have been the only one. The first few guests at the end of the staircase had stood straighter at the words.
“I am Theodor Mullet, chairman of Mullet and Sons and your host for the night,” he continued, “I hope you are all enjoying your evening so far. The music will continue in a moment but first I wanted to thank you all for attending and for your generous donations. As you know, the Silverpoint Organization has been helping our brave agents in the small way it can for over 20 years now.” He went on to describe the actions the Organization had taken over the years, reassuring the attendees that their money would be put to good use. Even though she knew for a fact that the donations in question would be spent on the black market, a part of her couldn’t help but believe he was telling the truth. The way he stood, tall and broad with his dark hair greying on the temples and his black glasses framing his gaze made him look straightforward. He didn’t have the appearance of a lying politician like she expected, instead he looked very matter-of-fact, what you would expect of a businessman at the head of one of the largest companies in the country. As she analyzed his every feature, she noticed that he too wore a silver brooch in the shape of a harp on the lapel of his vest. She wondered what kind of association he shared with the guests she had seen with the same accessory in the crowd.
“It was all the more important to me that all agencies attend this event, as both the Silverpoint Organization and Mullet&Sons want to further our relationship with them and support them all in keeping the nation safe. The courage of those young people is truly worth all our admiration, which is why I invite you all to raise a glass to the bravery of the agents present here with us tonight. May all agencies, big or small, defeat the Problem.” He raised his glass to the audience, and all guests followed suit. Many people were now staring at her and George with a mix of respect and pity.
“I could really use a drink… Where is Lockwood?” She said, turning towards George to avoid looking at the rest of the crowd.
“I don’t know… I think I’ll go try the buffet.”
y/n was too nervous to eat anything, especially with all this unwanted attention directed towards her. It didn’t seem to matter to George who was already gone before she could tell him that. She went her separate way to look for Lockwood in the crowd. It wouldn’t have surprised her if she found him charming some prestigious guests with dazzling stories about one of their cases. He was made for this after all and he had a knack for embellishing random anecdotes, turning them into thrilling quests. She tried to break through the crowd as respectfully as she could, overhearing small talk about what a fantastic man Theodor Mullet was or vivid debates about what the Organization’s next actions should be. She grew desperate the longer she looked. Without Lockwood, she didn’t think she could manage talking about those topics for an entire evening.
Relief flooded her when she spotted him next to the bar, glasses in hand. She got closer and stopped a few feet away, frozen. Her already dreadful evening turned even worse. She watched as El gently but confidently stroked his arm, throwing their head back in an exaggerated laughter that rose above the commotion. They did always have a flare for the dramatic. Lockwood smiled politely, but she couldn’t tell if he was genuinely enjoying talking to them. She dismissed the idea immediately. El was too proud, too flashy and overall, too much and Lockwood couldn’t enjoy the company of someone like this. Or could he? He looked around the room but didn’t notice the small sign she gave him, discreetly asking if he needed help. Before she could try something else, he was drawn back into the conversation, El clinging to his arm more every passing second. The knot in her stomach tightened.
She looked over at the buffet where George was having a better time than she was, enjoying the canapes that Lucy and Norrie or some of their colleagues for the night had brought out. She tried to spot the girls to make sure everything was fine but she couldn’t find them among the waiters. When she looked back over at Lockwood, El had placed a hand on his chest, now stroking his tie. She reached them in two strides, not minding the people previously in her way.
“There you are!” She pressed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ve been looking all over for you! Thank you for getting me a drink!” She said as she reached for the second glass he had in hand, interlocking her arm with his.
She looked up to see the confused look on his face. She ignored it and stared at El with feigned surprise.
“Oh… long time no see.”
El was staring back with barely hidden disgust.
“So you two are-”
“I heard you didn’t make it into Kipps’ team…” She didn’t let them finish. “That’s too bad.”
Their eyes darkened at that mention.
“I’ve moved on to better things.”
y/n huffed as she rolled her eyes.
“I’ve been working closely with Mrs. Dufour actually.” They said with a proud smirk. “It pays really well. And I get to meet a lot of influential people… Very influential. If I were you, I’d watch my back.”
She was barely surprised at that revelation.
“I see your loyalty hasn’t changed. At least it looks like your nose just about recovered, that’s a relief.” She forced a smile. Lockwood was staring at her with confusion, not saying a word.
She started to turn away, dragging Lockwood by the hand with her, when they forcefully grabbed her arm.
“I’m sorry your late-night encounter with Rasler didn’t manage to drive you out of town. Maybe next time I’ll finish the job myself.”
Lockwood untangled his arm and came to stand between them. His features were sharper than usual, his jaw clenched in anger. Even when they had particularly bad fights, he never looked so stern.
“Oh you have your prince charming coming to your rescue now! How adorable.”
They both were about to protest when El continued.
“Please don’t make a scene, this a class A event after all.” They looked back at her. “Not that you should get used to that, y/n.”
El then turned away and headed for the bar.
“Are you okay?” Lockwood asked her, worried.
“I should be the one to ask you that. How long were you stuck talking to them?”
He instinctively offered her his arm as they walked away from the scene.
“They ambushed me right after the speech. You have some very questionable acquaintances.”
“Well, I did punch them in the face, it made the inconvenience more palatable.”
She was about to take a sip of her champagne when Lockwood stopped abruptly, making her almost spill her drink. He looked at his reflection in one of the mirrors adorning the room before turning towards her.
“y/n, have I been walking around with your lipstick on my cheek for the past ten minutes?”
She laughed, louder than she had meant, only now paying attention to the very defined dark red shape of her lips on his pale skin.
“That’s not funny I look ridiculous!”
“It’s a little bit funny.” She said gasping for air. “Admit it!”
He smiled, but the blush on his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment.
“It’ll come off easily I swear!” She said, dragging him out of the ballroom to look for a bathroom.
He kept his hand on his cheek, trying to hide the source of his shame. y/n had stopped laughing, the realization of what she had done only hitting her now. It was her turn to blush. She wasn’t thinking, she acted on instinct. But why did her instinct have to make her do this in particular?
They reached a corridor lit with golden sconces on the wall. The light was softer here, giving the space a more intimate atmosphere.
“Was the kiss really necessary?” Lockwood asked in a lower voice now that they were further from the crowd.
She forced her embarrassment down and used all the courage she could muster to look in his eyes. His smirk betrayed the seriousness of his tone. He was messing with her.
“Next time I’ll let you fend for yourself.” She answered.
“Do you have many more nemeses I should be on the lookout for?”
“No, I don’t. Unless Dufour decides to go for someone half her age.” She joked.
“I should be safe from this kind of situation then.”
She looked through every door, looking for any room that would have a sink or a vanity, anything to help save his case.
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that if I were you.” She said absentmindedly, opening yet another door. “You’re young, attractive, you own your company… How come in a place as big as this one none of these doors are bathrooms?”
“You think I’m-”
“Ah! There we are, finally!” She led him into the powder room. She looked for a tissue or anything that would help him get the lipstick stain off. The room matched the elegance of the mansion, fancy soaps and cloth towels displayed next to the sink for the comfort of the guests. She ran a hand towel under the faucet, added some soap and handed it to Lockwood. He stared at her for a few seconds, before reaching for it. He rubbed the cloth on his face, staining it red. Somehow, he made the mark bigger, spreading it across his whole cheek. She laughed as he helplessly looked up at her in the mirror.
“This is all your fault, need I remind you.”
He tried to look upset, but soon he laughed with her at the scene, mocking his own reflection.
“I look like a clown.”
She took the cloth out of his hand and told him to crouch a little so she could take care of it. He leaned slightly against the sink, enough to meet her at eye level. She gently lifted and turned his chin to clean the rest of her lipstick off. He looked at her softly while she worked. She tried to ignore him or the way the soft bathroom light made his eyes sparkle. His eyelashes looked longer somehow. Maybe it was because she was seeing them from so close.
“There.” She said softly. “It’s gone.”
She looked back into his eyes. He was already staring. He smiled softly but didn’t say anything.
“You could thank me, you know?”
“For cleaning up your mess? Do you want a medal too?” He smiled wider. She laughed.
“You jerk!” She threw the towel at him, without doing much damage as it was thrown from so close. “I could also make it worse.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He said defiantly.
She held his stare, becoming increasingly aware of their proximity. Heat creeped up her cheeks, but she didn’t want to move. Instead, she leaned into it, inching ever so slightly closer to him. She rested her hand on the edge of the sink, her fingers meeting the warmth of the back of his hand instead. He opened his palm and wrapped his fingers around hers. He subtly parted his lips, making her look at them then back into his eyes. He did the same. His other hand came to rest on her waist. His touch was delicate and soft, yet it was enough to send shivers down her back. It reached the small of her back, bringing her slowly closer to him, his eyes still focused on hers.
The door suddenly opened, making them both jump up in surprise.
“This isn’t the bathroom!” He man said loudly in the hallway before shutting the door.
She instinctively checked her hair in the mirror. Lockwood stood straighter, clearing his throat. She looked back at him with a thin smile, hoping the dim light hid her crimson cheeks.
“Thank you… for your help.”
“Oh you’re welcome!” She stammered. “You’re very welcome.”
They stood awkwardly, not sure what to do next.
“y/n… Do you…”
“I- uh we should go.”
She exited the room, flushed and a little disoriented. Lockwood called after her, asking her to wait. She wanted to turn back, desperately so, but a voice inside her head kept her from it. They were colleagues, she reminded herself. The voice of reason that had snuck into her head the morning after they fell asleep on the couch came screaming back, listing everything that was questionable about her behaviour. She never would have dared anything like this when she was at Fittes’. Lockwood’s recklessness was rubbing off on her and her conscience wasn’t having any of it. Her crush was inappropriate and now was certainly not the time to get lost in it. She headed back towards the ballroom to make sure enough guests witnessed her presence, but Lockwood caught up with her, reaching for her hand.
“y/n wait, please. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have…”
She looked back at him, her face still flushed from the moment they had shared.
“No, it’s me. I let my feelings get the best of me. We should really head back before someone notices we’re missing.” She said as she tried to regain composure.
“Your… feelings?” He asked, intrigued. He tried to act casual, but a grin had already formed at the corner of his mouth.
She didn’t think it was possible to be more embarrassed but here she was. She looked at him with wide eyes, realizing what had slipped out of her mouth and hurried back to the reception, hoping that the night wouldn’t get any worse. She heard Lockwood run after her and she instinctively hid among the guests in response. She grabbed a glass of champagne being served by one of the waiters and swallowed it down in full gulps. If anything else didn’t go as expected, at least she would find it funny. She spotted George still standing next to the buffet. He was joined by Lockwood a few minutes later, who still scanned the crowd, she guessed he was looking for her. She turned her back to him to avoid his eyes and knocked into someone. She apologized profusely, silently cursing this night and everything that had led her there in the first place.
“y/n? What are you doing here?”
She looked up to see her old team leader standing there, glass of champagne in hand, wearing a tuxedo that somehow made him look even more intimidating than his grey uniform.
“Kipps! Hi!” She answered.
“I didn’t expect to see you here tonight!”
“Me neither if I’m honest. You’re here to represent Fittes I’m guessing?”
“Officially yes.” He said, but his voice had an edge.
“I’m actually glad to see you again. I could use your insight on something.” He added in a growingly ominous tone.
“Kipps, what’s going on?” She asked impatiently.
“Yeah Kipps, what’s going on?” said a voice behind her. She didn’t need to turn around to know that Lockwood was looking down at him with the smug look he always had when he fed into that ridiculous rivalry of theirs.
“Not now Tony, I need y/n’s advice on something.”
“Oh really? And what would that be, Kipps? Put your team members in unfathomable danger again? How many children have you traumatized this time?”
“Lockwood, please. This is important.” She had no idea what Kipps wanted her advice on, but she wasn’t ready to face Lockwood yet. She wouldn’t be for a while. She looked up at him to silently tell him to go. He looked back at her and his smile vanished. She didn’t think this would hurt him, but however ridiculous his fight with Kipps was, his pride was taking a hit having to walk away. It didn’t help that Kipps added insult to injury with snobbish remarks, not caring how childish it made him look.
She started to walk towards an empty corner of the room, grabbing another glass on her way. Kipps followed closely.
“What is this all about Kipps?”
“I’m not just here to represent Fittes.” He paused significantly, as if he enjoyed building some kind of suspense around his intentions. “I’m trying to collect more information on Dufour.”
She stayed quiet for a minute as she tried to process what all it implied. On the one hand, they had a potential new ally in this mess. On the other hand, Kipps could make their whole plan fail and this would not end well. She took another sip to calm her nerves and frowned.
“What do you mean?”
“y/n, you never needed to tell me what happened for me to understand that she fired you because you got in the way.”
A new wave of panic washed over her. She hadn’t told him the whole story, she reminded herself. And she hadn’t seen him since that awful article had been published to humiliate her. There was no way he could have come to the same conclusions.
“I mean, you noticed a lot earlier than me how strange she was acting. After that article came out, I kept an eye on her when I could. There was more and more chatter among supervisors about her. Many clients had started complaining and it was reaching higher level executives. It was pretty obvious where all of this was heading.” He said in a sly tone. She finished her glass. Maybe he had.  
“She’s getting fired and tries to find a job with the Organization!” He concluded, congratulating his deduction skills. At least he wasn’t onto them. She was about to ask what kind of advice he expected her to give him when he started monologuing again. He visibly hadn’t told anyone about this and was getting too enthusiastic finally sharing his theories.
“I’ve already talked to a few guests about this, subtly mind you. I try to stay discreet on this whole thing. I managed to talk to one of the members of the Organization and left him with plenty to think about.” He said with a grin.
“What do you… I mean, what kind of advice are you looking for exactly?”
“Well let’s just say that the few anecdotes I shared tonight might jeopardize some of Dufour’s opportunities.” He winked at her. “I didn’t really need your advice, I just wanted to tell you that what she did is unforgivable, and she had no right to take you off my team. I’m just making sure she pays her dues.”
Apparently in Dufour’s case karma had a name and it was Quill F. Kipps. She smiled and the alcohol made her laugh much more than anticipated. She held onto him as she threw her head back in a fit of laughter, tears starting to prickle the corner of her eyes.
“That’s really sweet of you Kipps, thank you.” She said when her breathing evened out.
“I was proud to have you on my team y/n.” He said, raising his glass. She grabbed another one on a tray a waiter was passing around to clink a glass with his.
“You know,” She said, taking another sip, “I was always so intimidated by you. I was constantly trying to impress you.”
“Well, you did.”
Even though they hadn’t worked together in months, his recognition still made her feel queasy. Or maybe she was drunker than she realized. She looked away, searching for her reflection to make sure she wasn’t as red as she felt she was. Instead, she saw Lockwood watching the whole scene.
“Would you like to dance, maybe?” Kipps asked behind her.
She looked back at him, unable to refuse after what he had done for her. They headed towards the dancing crowd and when she looked back, Lockwood was gone. She tried to focus on her steps and not let him distract her movements. Her head was dangerously dizzy and if it was not for Kipps’ arm around her waist she would have fallen down twice already.
The song felt like it was going on forever, her feet were killing her and a headache started to hurt her temples. After another spin, she spotted Norrie’s red hair from afar, tray in hand and a wide smile on her face. She locked eyes with her and winked before heading back towards the buffet. Did Lucy manage to get the documents? She tried to look around to see if George or Lockwood had the folder. There were so many faces to look at. She lost her balance and tripped, saved by her dancing partner’s quick reflexes.
“y/n are you okay? You should drink some water.” He said as he led her towards the bar. He helped her sit down and brought her a glass, checking if she was alright. He never let go of her hand the whole time.
“I’m fine, I think I just had too much champagne.”
She barely had the time to take a sip of water when a familiar voice resonated behind her.
“What the hell did you do to her?”
She felt Lockwood place his arm behind her back, his touch just as warm as it had been a few hours earlier. His other hand reached her chin, making her look up at him with sleepy eyes.
“Did he make you drink too much?” He asked her in a softer tone, worry filling his voice.
“This is ridiculous!” Kipps answered.
“You shut up!”
“Come on Tony, throwing a tantrum because I danced with your girlfriend, seriously?”
“Lockwood! I’m okay, I swear.” She intervened. “Kipps you’ve been great tonight. Thank you for everything, but don’t ruin it now.” She squeezed his hand before letting go. She turned back towards Lockwood. “Maybe we should go now? The first guests seem to be leaving too.”
He hadn’t stopped glaring towards Kipps. When he looked back down at her, he sighed before agreeing.
“Why don’t you go look for George? I’ll be with you in a minute.”
He seemed surprised at her words, like he couldn’t conceive letting her alone with Kipps any longer. He pressed his hand against her back before heading towards the hall. She stood back up, struggling with the height of her heals. Kipps helped her up, holding her still as she tried to find her balance.
“Thank you for everything, Kipps. I never thought you would help me get revenge on Dufour and I have to say that I greatly appreciate it.”
“I tried being the bigger person but it didn’t work out too well for me.”
She teased him once more about the childish fight he had with Lockwood, not convinced that he could ever be the bigger person. They laughed, and she felt truly happy at the comradery they shared. She offered to meet him some time for coffee. He agreed and told her she should probably get back to her boss to avoid any trouble at home. She answered that he was annoying as they hugged goodbye and he ruffled her hair in exchange. With a smile, she headed towards the entrance where Lockwood was already waiting with her coat in hand.
As soon as they got in the car, Lockwood pulled a folder out of his jacket. His smile was radiant as he went over the numbers. They were more than enough to put the Organization in trouble, and hopefully Dufour with it too. As enthusiastic as he was, they were too exhausted to be receptive. George swore he would never set foot in this kind of event ever again while y/n struggled to stay awake.
“I’d rather fight thirteen limbless than talk to another member of that stupid organization.” He exclaimed, shuffling in his seat, disturbing her as she rested her head against the window. There was no time for her to fall asleep, as the cab was already slowing down in front of the house.
George practically jumped out of the car, eager to go to bed to “put this horrible night behind him”. She didn’t know what happened that made him so irritable, but she was sure she had missed something while she was talking to Kipps. Lockwood stepped out next, waiting beside the door to help her out. It was out of necessity more than chivalry since her knees buckled when she stood up. Never leaving her side, he helped her up the stairs into the hall. She started walking or rather stumbling towards the stairs when Lockwood stopped her in her tracks.
“You should drink at least two full glasses of water before sleeping.”
She didn’t answer and simply pouted like a child.
“Fine, if you can walk up to the attic on your own, I won’t make you drink water.”
She gave him an exaggerated smile and immediately tripped over the first step. He put his arm around her and led her towards the kitchen.
She rested against the countertop while he poured her a glass from the tap. She drank it all and he filled it up again. She smiled lazily. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He stared back, making sure she drank it all. The stood there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence, wordlessly getting lost in each other’s eyes.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She said while tilting her head to the side.
It was a bad call. She couldn’t even move her head without being a fall risk.
He caught her just in time, as he always had this evening, and held her closer to start the long climb to the attic. She rested her face against his chest, nestling and taking comfort in his reassuring scent.
“Oh no…” She muttered under her breath.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m putting make-up all over your shirt.” Her voice was sad but she made no move to try and stop it.
“It’s not the first time you put your make-up all over me tonight, darling. I think I’ll be alright.”
After the first flight of stairs, she slouched even more against him. Instead of taking the way up to the attic, he led her towards the opposite end of the hallway in his room. She didn’t register until he laid her down on his bed. The blanket she felt underneath her fingertips wasn’t the same texture as the one she had gotten used to.
“Lockwood I can’t sleep in your bed.” She mumbled, her face pressed into a pillow.
“Of course you can. You’re half asleep already.”
“Yeah but-”
“I’ll go sleep in your bed for tonight.”
She muttered an “okay” barely audible, drifting in and out of consciousness.
“I think that’s enough drinking and dancing for a while.” He said as he pressed a soft kiss against her temple.
“Hardly, I didn’t even get to dance with you!” Her eyelids started to close. “You’re the only one I wanted to dance with.”
She closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly, not noticing when Lockwood exited the room quietly.
She woke up to the sound of hammers from the construction across the street. The sun burned her eyes and a painful headache pressed her forehead when she tightly closed her eyelids. She reached for the closest pillow and buried her head under it, hoping to draw out the hurtful sound and the blinding light. It didn’t do much, but it had the perk of surrounding her with a familiar comforting scent. She didn’t know how long she stayed like this. She remembered this wasn’t her room and she was surprised that no one had come in yet. She turned on her side and opened her eyes carefully. The first thing she saw was a glass of water resting on the bedside table. The second was Lockwood’s clothes from last night hanging on the back of his chair. She stared at them for a while, wondering if he had been comfortable enough to change in the same room she was passed out in. While she was sleeping in his bed, nonetheless. She tried the best she could to sit up. Drinking on an empty stomach had not done her any favor. There wasn’t much chance she would get anything done today. She drank the glass left for her and rose up with great difficulty.
Everything hurt. She made her way down the stairs, and by the time she reached the kitchen someone had made her a plate with warm toast. It was sitting on the table at the seat she usually took but there was no one around to greet her. She forced herself to eat even though her stomach wasn’t cooperative and drank as much water as she could, hoping it would help getting over her hangover. The house was quiet. It was a nice change from the noises that had woken her up but it was unsettling not hearing any sign of life. Usually when she thought she was alone she would still hear Lockwood training in the basement or George mutter something under his breath while researching a case. It was rare that the both of them left at the same time. She wondered where they could have gone as she made her way back up the stairs. She passed the library and the turning of pages made her turn around. Lockwood was sitting in his armchair, flipping through his magazine the way he usually did in the late hours of the night after a case. He was impeccable as always and she felt acutely self-conscious standing there at the beginning of the afternoon with messy hair and probably runny make-up all over her face. If he looked up from his magazine she didn’t pay him any attention and ran upstairs to try and look more presentable, no matter how awful she felt.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked when she came back down, not looking up from what he was reading. She took the sit next to him.
“As good as I can.” She answered, massaging her temples.
He pushed forward a glass of water on the table between them.
“Where’s George?” She asked between two sips.
“I sent him to deliver the documents to DEPRAC. I thought he was better suited to leave it anonymously with a semblance of discretion. If Barnes ever saw me there, we could never get away with it.”
“Smart.” She had avoided his eyes the entire time. The entire night was blurry, but the alcohol had not erased the specific memories she was trying to ignore. They stayed in an uncomfortable silence until he finished his magazine, eventually closing it and putting it back on the table between them. The ghost-jar was back into the fireplace, covered in ashes with burn marks here and there. She wondered when George had found the time to keep experimenting on it with how busy they had been these past few weeks. Instead of making its usual horrible faces it simply stared at her. It looked over at Lockwood who didn’t seem to pay him no mind, then back at her with that same insistent stare. It made her even more uncomfortable than the heavy silence filling the room. When she got up to get away from it, it smiled. A crude and devilish smile. What a horrid wretched thing. She was too distracted to realize that Lockwood had followed her into the hall.
“y/n, about last night…”
Before she could turn around, the entire chain of events flashed before her eyes. What part did he want to talk about: her drunken state, the night she spent in his bed, the lipstick mark she left on his cheek or the way she almost kissed him? She couldn’t pick which would be more embarrassing. She didn’t want to talk about any of it either. She didn’t even want to think about it, though this part was harder than it looked. Heat rose to her cheeks at the memory of his hand around her waist in that first-floor bathroom. After behaving so recklessly, a conversation like this was bound to happen. They might as well get it over with.
“I just wanted to say…”
When she finally mustered the courage to look him in the eye, the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” She said, hurrying to open the door.
It was Kipps, coming to see if she was feeling better.
“I’m doing alright! Thanks for checking in.”
“I brought you some chocolate chip cookies from a bakery near my flat. Thought they could help.”
“That’s sweet of you Kipps but we’re a doughnut family here.” Lockwood said before snatching the bag out of his hands, coming behind her to wave Kipps away. Kipps ignored him and turned his attention back to her.
“If you’re feeling okay maybe we could grab that cup of coffee you talked about last night?”
“Thanks but I’m still feeling a bit sick, I’d love to go out when I’m fully recovered though!”
“Sure, give me a call when you’re free. Take care, alright?”
“I will, thank you.”
She waved back at him as he left and slowly closed the door behind her. Lockwood was standing silently at the bottom of the stairs.
“You asked Kipps to get coffee after what happened last night?”
“Yes, he’s been a real friend to me. He’s helping me with Dufour without me asking.”
“What do you mean he’s helping you? Have you been cooperating with him behind our backs?”
“Of course not! I just found out he’s been giving her bad press.”
“So, it wasn’t a date then?”
“Are you jealous of Quill Kipps?” She asked with a laugh.
“How dare you say something like that under my roof!”
They both smiled at the situation, easing the tension that was there a few minutes earlier.
“But seriously, y/n. I wanted to apologize about last night. I never meant to make anything weird or-”
“Can we just say that we both acted dumb?”
He took a few seconds to consider her offer.
“Well, you started it.” He grinned.
She looked at him defiantly. She would not take the fall for this, even though her unrequited crush was definitely to blame.
“Didn’t you call me darling last night?”
He blushed at the mention, only saved by the front door opening and letting George in, followed closely by Inspector Barnes. The intrusion of the DEPRAC representative took them aback. They stared mutely back and forth between George and the inspector, waiting for an explanation. The man stared back at them, a familiar folder in hand. Without saying a word, Lockwood led him to the living room. y/n closed the door before joining them. Barnes stood in the middle of the room, glaring between them, holding up the folder and pointing it accusingly at Lockwood.
“I don’t want to know how you could have gotten your hand on these documents.”
“I’ve never seen that folder before in my life.” Lockwood replied, feigning innocence.
“Shut it! I don’t care how you did it, I know it was you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have caught Karim here sneaking out of Scotland Yard after an ‘anonymous contribution’ was made for the case you seem to be tied to.” He glared in her direction to punctuate his words. After holding her stare in an anger-fueled silence, he looks down in resignation. “As much as I hate to admit it, this evidence makes our case stronger against the Silverpoint Organization.”
She couldn’t help a thin smile to form on her lips. She looked back at Lockwood, relieved. He was already looking back at her with a soft smile. He winked before looking back at Barnes with a proud smile.
“Don’t even dare congratulate yourselves for this. Next time you step out of line, one mistake and I revoke your license and shut down this agency for good.”
They all looked down, trying to hide their joy at hearing that their plan had worked. After a few more minutes of silent scolding, the inspector aimed for the door.
“An audit of the organization’s finances will start in a few days and we’ll probably put an end to your surveillance.” He turned back. “That does not mean that you should get back to breaking any law-”
“Does that mean that Dufour will be arrested soon?” y/n couldn’t help asking, interrupting Barnes who had an exasperated look on his face. He sighed.
“Unfortunately, like any person involved in relic dealings the only evidence that can guarantee an arrest are catching the perpetrators in the act. I’m afraid Mrs. Dufour will remain free for now.” He didn’t seem as frustrated as she was. Probably because this kind of injustice was commonplace in his line of work. Still, her highest hopes came crashing down. The rollercoaster from the joy of their success to this disillusion made her sick.
“Oh.” She simply said.
“I’ll do my best to get her complaint against you dropped. Don’t get the idea of putting yourself in any more danger to get more evidence yourself. Am I clear?”
“Perfectly clear, inspector.”
The three of them led him back to the front door. When she closed it behind him, George and Lockwood both placed an arm around her.
“We’ll figure something out.” Lockwood said. “I promise.”
“It’s alright.” She said in a flat tone. “I’ll go lie down for a while, I think I’m still sick from the champagne.”
As she went up the stairs, her mind was already reeling. If Barnes couldn’t get the evidence he needed to put Dufour away for good, she’d find a way to do it herself.
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dawningclan · 7 months
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          “What was your old clan like?”
          “Hm? Where’d that come from?”
          “Well, you’re a clan cat. According to the stories, clan cats don’t usually leave their territory—let alone their clan permanently! So, there had to be something about your clan that made you leave.”
          Faiththorn paused for a moment. It was sunhigh, a perfect time for a nap, not for stressors like this! Urgh, I’m too old for stupid kit questions.
          She averted her gaze and noticed Flax and that new cat looking at her and Bella. They were beside the fallen log, the one they’d been using as a meeting spot. Bella turned her head to look too, which Flax responded by motioning them over with his paw.
          Bella was quick to arise. The young cat still could get up without issue. Faiththorn wasn’t so lucky, taking a moment to hoist herself up, letting out a grunt as she did so.
          They hobbled over to greet the now 3 cats by the log. The new gray cat seemed awfully excited for some reason. As she joined them, Bella broke the silence, asking, “What’s going on?”
          “Well, I thought I would have a meeting with everyone, as we’re having a new cat join us. Faiththorn, do you know if Aspenecho and Milo are here? Or are they still out hunting?”
          Faiththorn didn’t pause to think, simply tilting her head over towards the bushes and shouted, “ASPEN! MILO! ARE YOU THERE?”
          The call startled the newcomer, which she didn’t need to see as the loud jingle from the bell against their blue collar indicated a quick jolt. What was their name again?
          Shortly after, an annoyed yowl cried back, “WHAT? YOU WOKE UP REDKIT!”
          Aspenecho, eyes bleary from being jolted awake, popped his head out from the bushes. As their body emerged from the shadows, a bouncy red kitten ran out from under the legs of the lanky wildcat.
          He tottered over as Redkit began to do his usual laps around the sink. Stars above, that kit has so much energy. Shortly after, Milo also crept out from under the bush, and teetered towards the gathering cats. He let out an annoyed groan, “What do you want???”
          Flax was about to sink into himself. The newcomer was puzzled. He squeaked out, “Umm… Faiththorn, what I wanted to say was important, but it could’ve waited.”
          She shrugged, “Well, now we’ve got everyone. So, you can spit it out.”
          “Alright,” He sighed.
“Well, for a while it was just me here, then it was you, Aspenecho, and Redkit. Then Bella and Milo joined last moon cycle, and now, since a few days ago, we have them,” he motioned towards the gray cat, “And well, they want to join our little group.”
          Milo piped up, “That’s great and all, but what’s so important that we need to have a meeting about it? You didn’t have a meeting like this for me.”
          Bella continued, “Yeah, there’s got to be more to this.”
          Flax growled, “If you let me continue, I could explain.” He glared at the two who interrupted his little speech. They fell silent.
          “Well, they want to change their name. That was their whole reason for leaving the life of a kittypet because others wouldn’t accept them—"
“That makes two.”
“Shut up, Milo!”
“Thanks Bella… and that gave me the idea… we could make this group we have an official clan! You wouldn’t have to change your name if you don’t want to, but they could.”
          Faiththorn’s fur raised, “Are you serious?”
          “Course I am! Wouldn’t it be nice to have your own clan to live in again?”
          “He’s got a point,” Aspenecho inched towards her. “Having a clan to surround and love Redkit would be best for him.”
          “You said my name!” Redkit bounced over, “What are you guys talking about?”
          Faiththorn started, raising her paw to slowly push him away, “It’s none of your—”
          “Flax wants to start a clan!” the newcomer meowed excitedly.
          Redkit leaped over Faiththorn’s paw, and went over towards Flax, “Really? That sounds so cool! Like unkie Aspen’s talked about? I want to join! Can I join? Can I join?!”
          “Of course you can!” Aspenecho purred, “I’d love to join a new clan too!”
          “You told him the stories?” Faith hissed quietly, glaring at the light gray tom.
          “Only the basics…”
          “Why not?” Bella piped in.
          “You don’t know anything about this situation.”
          Grumbling, Bella retorted, “I think I do.”
          “No, you—”
          “Are we in agreement? To make this a clan?” Flax meowed, interrupting their whispering match. The Newcomer, Redkit, and Milo, were also staring at the three.
          Milo piped up again, “Feels like a bit of a commitment, but I don’t have anything specifically against the idea.”
          Aspen meowed, “There likely wouldn’t be any big changes, not at first, at least. So don’t worry about it.” Turning to Flax, “I’d be glad to help you run a clan as your deputy, if you’d accept my help.”
          “Wait, you want me to lead? I didn’t say that!”
          The Newcomer noted, “Well, it was your idea. Why wouldn’t you be the leader?”
          “And you’ve been doing a lot of the running of this little group already,” Aspenecho continued.
          “I—guess you’re right. Yeah, I could be leader.”
          Redkit meowed, “You’d be a cool leader!”
          “Thanks, kiddo!”
          Milo meowed, “so that makes me, them, Flax, Aspenecho, and Redkit. Bella, are you in?” She nodded, and inched closer to them.
          Aspenecho gave her an encouraging smile. “It’ll be okay. I promise.”
          Her eyes darted between him and Redkit. The kit’s smile was wide, and he was wiggling with excitement. Maybe this is what Starclan meant.
          She took a deep breath before nodding.
          “So it’s settled! Welcome Harepaw to—‘undecided name’ Clan.” Redkit giggled at that. Flax continued, “We’ll work on names later. But welcome everyone!”
Event: Harepaw joins the clan!
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Forbidden Love. Part 2: Andromeda
Check out Part 1.
This is from my personal Muggle Modern AU about the Black Sisters. Let me know if you have questions and yes. Adam McKinnon is Marlene's older brother.
Trigger Warning: Violence, Attempt of sexual abuse.
November, 2009.
Andromeda loved the way Ted closed his eyes to play the song. Giving everything to his music. Smiling and singing playfully with his friends. It was beautiful and magical. Andromeda had never seen something like it.
Maybe that was what she loved the most about Ted. His passion for things. How he enjoyed everything. How he enjoyed life. Andromeda didn't think it was possible to live so beautifully. Live for music, live for friends, live for adventures. Not live for money or status.
Andromeda clapped happily as the band finished practicing. She had been trying so hard to like them. They were practically Ted's family. Andromeda was envious. She never had something like that. Not friends. Only her sisters. So she wanted to be likable for them. So far it was going well. Except for Adam McKinnon. Andromeda knew he hated her. But it was about the past and her connection with the people that used to be Adam's enemies at school. Andromeda was still trying.
"That was incredible" Andromeda smiled as Ted approached to give her a kiss "You are gonna be great Rockstars in no time"
"We hope!" Tammy moaned.
"Don't you want a hair or nail of us? Before we get famous?" Will smirked.
The others laughed.
"That's disgusting, Will" Tammy tutted.
"What?" Will shrugged "She might sell them and be rich"
"She is already rich" Adam interrupted "Remember?"
If it was a joke it sounded more serious than that.
"Adam..." Ted protested.
Or maybe Adam hated her for being a Black. That was another possibility. Her family was rich but they hadn't done anything to the McKinnons. They were great admirers of Rugby.
It was Tammy who changed the subject asking about their outfits for the big night. She was a true angel. And the one Andromeda liked the most of the group.
Ted put a lock of hair behind her ear softly as the others spoke.
"I am sorry I cannot go to the gig" Andromeda spoke only for him "Bella made me promise I would go out with her this Saturday..."
Andromeda couldn't just tell her sister that she wanted to go and listen to the band of the boy she loved perform for a big crowd. Andromeda and Ted's relationship was perfect. Except for the fact that they needed to hide it from the rest of the world. Only Ted's friends knew.
Andromeda couldn't tell her sisters, the people she loved the most, she was in love. It was painful. They would never accept Ted, especially Bella. Andromeda knew it was a big elefant in the room. Something that Andromeda was trying to ignore because she was happy. She had never been this happy. So she kept on hiding Ted from everyone she cared about.
"It's okay. I get it"
"I haven't seen her much lately and..."
Ted interrupted her with a kiss. Andromeda smiled.
"There would be other gigs" Ted smirked "And I will take you to our tours around the world once we are famous...." he grabbed her face between his hands "So you will soon be sick of our songs for how much you listen to them"
Andromeda let out a chuckle.
"I love your songs" she said. Ted smiled "I love you" she added.
It was so easy to say it now. Almost seven months together. But it still gave her butterflies in her tummy the way Ted made her feel.
"I love you too"
Andromeda knew Ted had had other girlfriends before. And maybe he had told them "I love you" as well. But she hoped that she had been the only one that he actually meant it with. And that he would never say it to any other girl ever again. Andromeda wanted Ted to be hers forever.
They shared a kiss again. Andromeda was smiling as she kissed Ted because he made her extremely happy. And she couldn't avoid it.
"Come on lovebirds!" they heard Roger protest. And they broke apart giggling "We are all starving"
"Yeah, let's go" Ted said.
Adam was furious as he observed them. Andromeda gave him a soft smile. Adam looked away. Maybe she needed to try harder. But she was gonna gain Adam's trust. Because he was important for Ted. And Ted was important for her.
They were walking from the parking lot to the club Bella was talking about. The one that someone had recommended to her. It was weird, Bella never changed the places she went to. Cindy had been talking about how good sex was with her boyfriend Seth. Seth had been with Bella and Andy at school and he had seemed a pretty decent calmed boy. Not the wild love machine Cindy was referring too. And God she was being so graphic.
Andromeda had been realizing lately that her so called "friends" were people Andromeda didn't feel compatible with. They talked about superficial things. They didn't feel like a family. Like Ted's friends did.
"What about you, Andy?" Cindy asked "I think it is lame you haven't popped your cherry yet. You are twenty"
Bellatrix didn't stopped Cindy. She didn't say anything.
Of course they didn't know Andromeda had done things with Ted.
"Maybe old Rod would do the honors" Cindy continued, giggling "He had been staring at you all night"
Andromeda looked up to the four boys that were walking up front. Just as Rodolphus was turning to look. He gave her a soft smile and turned again.
Rodolphus had been "out of bounds" for Andromeda at school. He was all Bellatrix talked about. The man of her dreams. Her future husband. Her true love.
Andromeda knew Rodolphus wasn't the popular wanker he used to be at school. Andromeda had only grown closer to him when they got to Uni. They shared classes. And Andromeda liked Rod. The real Rod. He was actually funny, compassionate and intelligent. He had dreams and desires. For Andromeda he became more real. Not the Rod Bella had put into a pedestal.  Rod was the perfect guy for her, someone her family would approve. But Andromeda was in love with Ted. And Ted Tonks wasn't Rodolphus Lestrange.
Andromeda froze when they got to the club entrance. Her heart dropped to the floor. It was the same in which Ted and his band were performing.
"Look we are lucky!" Bellatrix said, pointing to a sign outside "Some band is performing live tonight"
She said it as if she knew everything. She said that looking directly at Andromeda with those penetrating eyes of hers. Andromeda swallowed. And then Bellatrix looked away and came in first. The others followed but Andromeda was frozen.
"Are you alright, Andy?" Rod asked. He was looking at her with eyes of worry.
What if they knew? All of them knew? What would happen to her and Ted?
Andromeda was cold sweating as they waited for the band to perform. They were practically on the front row. Nobody said anything about Ted. They acted as if nothing was happening.
"Do you want a beer?" Rodolphus asked with a smile.
Andromeda took the can from his hand and swallowed a large gulp. This couldn't be happening.
*Don't worry Andy. I won't let anything happen to you"
Andromeda looked at him, trying to figure out what he meant.
"Ladies and gentlemen! We have a new wicked band performing here tonight! Please welcome, Missfeet!"
And that's when the band came in. Andromeda's heart stopped as she saw him. Her Ted. Her beautiful Ted. He was smiling as the rest of the band. Probably very excited. It wasn't until he hanged his guitar around his neck that Ted saw her. And he froze too. The world disappeared as they looked at each other. Andromeda was trying to tell him many things with her eyes.
"Ted" Adam touched his shoulder. That's when Ted reacted. Adam noticed Andromeda. He was furious.
"Isn't that Tonks?" Gerard asked "The lad from the Leaky Cauldron?"
Gerard found it funny. But he didn't hate Ted as the ones who went to Hogwarts. Like Rod, like Seth, like Bella.
All of them looked furious. They hated Tonks and they hated Adam. Ted and Adam looked at their group in the same way. The rest of the band was shocked to see Andromeda.
The band started performing anyway. They did their best considering the circumstances. Ted didn't close his eyes this time.
They were focused on Andromeda. Just like hers were on him. Andromeda didn't even care if they notice anymore. She couldn't look away.
"This sucks!" Seth yelled all of the sudden "What is this music?"
"Buuuuh" Gerard screamed laughing afterwards.
The band continued playing but they didn't do a great job. It was obvious they were nervous and tense.
They continued jeering at the band. And like a domino effect, the rest of the crowd began doing it as well. Thinking they were a bad band. They weren't. It was so unfair. It must be horrible to play like that.
"Please stop!" Andromeda begged. She was talking to Bella.
Bellatrix ignored her.
"This band sucks!" she yelled instead "Get them out!"
"Get them out! Get them out!" Rabastan begun yelling and the rest of the crowd followed him "Get them out! Get them out!".
The band finally stopped playing when somebody threw a can of beer at them, wetting Tammy's dress. Andromeda turned to look. It had been Rodolphus. Andromeda didn't expected that from him.
Where were the owners of these place? Fucking security?
Adam was showing everyone his middle finger. Will was yelling at them to shut up. Roger and Tammy were looking at each other. Ted was looking at Andromeda. Andromeda didn't like that expression.
"Come on, sweetheart!" Gerard yelled at Tammy "Why don't you take that dress off?"
Gerard had always been a pig.
But Rabastan found it amusing. He laughed and approached the stage. His arms trying to touch Tammy's legs. Trying to pull her dress up.
Rabastan had a pill before. He was probably high. And Rodolphus was too busy to notice what his brother was doing.
"Get off me!" Tammy was yelling.
That's when Roger noticed. Roger was a soft boy. Very pacific and shy. But he became wild when it came to Tammy being in danger. He pushed Rabastan away.
That's when everything started to get nasty. And everyone got more agressive. Adam and Roger came down stage to fight with Rabastan and Gerard. Seth went to punch Will. And Rodolphus went directly upstage towards Ted. He grabbed him by the shirt and gave him a punch.
The screamed never came out. Because Andromeda was frozen. Ted was defending himself. Everyone was fighting with someone. That's when security intervened, trying to break people apart but everything was pure chaos. Tammy was getting lost in the crowd. She looked so scared. Andromeda was going to help her. But somebody dragged her arm.
"Come this way, Andy!".
Bellatrix dragged Andromeda to an empty space by the bar. Andromeda was shaking. Bella must've seen her sister's pale expression because  Bellatrix hugged Andromeda protectively.
"It's okay!" she whispered in her ear.
No! Nothing was okay. Andromeda had lost sight of Ted. Her precious Ted.
Andromeda pushed Bellatrix away. She needed to see what was going on. She needed to find Ted. But she saw something else near the stage. Gerard was hugging Tammy from behind. He was kissing her neck. Tammy was yelling.
Tammy had had a horrible past with her step dad. Andromeda had learned that she escaped home and went to live with Ted. A house were she could transition. And be herself.
"TAMMY!!" Andromeda cried out. Nobody heard her. Except for Bellatrix. Because she was looking between Andromeda and Tammy furiously. But Andromeda didn't care. She had to help Tammy.
She started walking but Bellatrix stopped her.
"Where do you think you are going?"
"Do you see what he is doing to her?" Andromeda was furious.
"Don't leave me!" Bellatrix begged, grabbing her arm. But Andromeda knew she was referring to something else. Bella knew. She pulled away. And she walked towards Tammy.
Tammy had managed to hit Gerard in the stomach with her elbow.
But as Andromeda was pushing herself into the crowd, she saw Adam behind Gerard. With a bottle in hand. And... SMASH!! He hid Gerard's head with it. Tammy let out the scream Andromeda had inside. Andromeda stopped walking. Gerard was on the floor. His head was bleeding. Andromeda covered her mouth.
"GERARD!!" The others noticed too, because they stopped fighting. Rodolphus ran up to his friend. Kneeling in front of him.
Adam backed away. Realizing what he had done.
People started running, pushing Andromeda on the way. But she couldn't move. Her eyes were fixated on Gerard's blood. Luckily he was conscious.
"LET'S GO, TAMMY!!" Andromeda heard Roger yelling. He grabbed her hand and dragged her away. Will and Adam were behind them.
"TED!!" Roger screamed.
Andromeda finally saw Ted, making his way towards them amongst the crowd. His hair was a mess. His shirt had been ripped. And his lip was swollen and bleeding. Andromeda's heart ached. Her precious Ted. She loved him. She loved him so much. And just as she was calling him, his eyes flickered towards her. Ted looked at Andromeda with eyes of sadness. Andromeda's eyes filled with tears.
"TED!! Come on!" Roger grabbed Ted's arm and dragged him away. Ted was still looking at Andromeda as he walked away.
Andromeda wanted to run towards him. But her feet were frozen.
"I SWEAR TO GOD THAT I WILL SEND YOU TO JAIL FOR THIS, FREAKING BASTARDS!!" Rodolphus yelled as Ted and his friends ran away.
"See the kind of trouble that those people bring, Andy?" Someone whispered in her ear. Bellatrix.
"I hope you learned the lesson"
That's when Andromeda started crying.
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coldbluemornings · 2 years
Falling in Love
Isabella was sitting over by the bench, appreciating the view. A sunset painting a beautiful sea, seen afar from the top of a grassy cliff. An area known by both locals and tourists, though empty at this time of the year and late afternoon, it was getting darker and chillier every second.
I knew all that, of course. And I know what she did. Isabella is a cold blooded murdered and I will get my revenge.
We've been friends for years, decades, even. We told each other every little secret, anything microscopic that happened to our lives.
But when I told her the news I had gotten a girlfriend she got... distant. Messages like "good for you" or "thats nice" replaced the cheery things she would say to me every day.
Months later, I got the worst news of my life. My girlfriend, Sam, was murdered: stabbed to death. The suspect left little clues and the murder was still being solved. And still, no support from Isabella, like she had completely shut down at that point.
I took a deep breath, considering what I was about to do. The weather, the tranquility, the cliff, god, it was the perfect time to do this.
I walked up to her, my footsteps making a soft grassy sound.
She looked back at the path, startled. Her pale blonde hair swung as she moved her neck. She looked so innocent.
"A... Anya?" she said, surprised.
"Hey, Belle." I said, faking a smile, although she realised something was up with the glance I gave her. "What are you doing here? It's the off season." I asked.
"W-well..." Isabella hesitated. She looked back at the view "There's a lot of tranquility here. No tourists, and I like the chilly breeze."
I sat next to her.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. The view here really is..." I paused for a second "amazing".
Isabella sighed.
At this point, I was confused about what to do. Push her off the cliff? I brought a knife. Should I just stab her right there?" my thoughts got interrupted by her standing up and holding down her hand.
Here. Come with me. Let's look at it closer.
Hesitantly, I did. If she tried something on me, I had to make sure I acted first.
We slowly walked near the cliff. The sky went from golden pink to a greyish blue.
"Belle..." I said quietly, turning to her. Our hands were locked.
"Yes?" she looked at me fondly. My hands started shaking.
"I know your secret."
Her eye twitched for a second.
"Haha, what secret?" she said nervously.
I paused. Then, with the most serious and meaningful look, I said slowly:
"Sam. You killed the love of my life."
Isabella stepped back in shock. Then, out of nowhere, she caught her breath and... smiled.
"That's funny. Because I am the love of your life."
There we go. I was correct. But I still felt like throwing up.
"You..." the anger that was boiling inside me was already up to my neck, but I needed to stay rational.
A plan quickly hatched into my mind.
"Oh, Bella. I'm so glad. I want to be with you forever." I lied, with a growing ache in my heart.
Isabella smiled, genuenly this time. She bought it.
"Anya. I love you, Anya. I need you. I only did what was best for us."
I came near her to get a hug, or maybe even a kiss. Whatever made her closer to the edge of the cliff.
She ran towards me, embracing me immediately.
For a few seconds I thought if this was really worth it. Putting my own life in risk to killing my best friend who murdered my girlfriend. I had to.
I quickly pulled out the knife I had hidden in my jacket and plunged into her stomach. The noise it made was sickening. Soon, we could both feel the warmth of the blood spilling out of the wound.
And again, and again, and again.
Bella looked at me, shocked, dazed, betrayed. Just as she was about to die though, there was a spark on her eyes. One last plan.
With the force of her collapsing body, she pulled us, still unevenly interlaced, to the dephts of the cliff.
I don't know how to feel. Who is really at blame here? I guess murder is relative. And falling to my death makes me reflect on things.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
My dear [S.U]
Sam Uley x Fem! reader!
Summary: “Did you have a hard day? You can complain to me. Did something make you almost cry? It’s alright, look at me. Starting from now, think of three really good things: the warm air, the dazzling weather, and me outside your window.  I told you, you can see brightness only when it gets dark”
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, death, heart dissease and such. English not my mother language so pls let me know if something’s wrong
gif’s not mine
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"Sorry to bother you, Chief," you said following the man's moves through your house. Charlie Swan was carrying a reclining chair with ease leaving it in the middle of the living room while you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your little four year old daughter in your arms. Cassie was exhausted. It had been a long plane ride and a bit more road travel, which knocked your little girl out as soon as you set foot in your new home in Forks. It was a long time since you had seen that place but of course you remembered Charlie Swan as kind as he had always been. Even when you were just starting to think about moving back to Forks he was the first to help you get a safe home for you and your daughter. You remembered looking up for Charlie's old phone number hoping it was still the same and when you dialed and heard the man's voice behind the phone you sighed in relief. At last life seemed to be smiling on you after a long time and Charlie was quick to offer to help you if you decided to return to town.
He told you about a house for sale next to his. The owner was elderly and preferred to live with one of her children and earn income from the house near the forest that could be bought by curious tourists so Charlie convinced her to sell you the house and at a lower price than she was originally asking because the house needed some repairs that he could do. So you thought no more about it and packed your things to return to Forks after the horrible years you had lived in Brownsville.
Charlie picked you up at the airport in his police cruiser and avoided turning on the siren cause Cassie was already half asleep in your arms when you got off the plane and he didn't want to disturb her, but Cassie had the strength to stay awake long enough to make him promise that next time he would turn on the siren as they drove around town.
The truth was that Charlie Swan was an angel. He arranged everything so you would have a quick return and even now he was bothering to get all your stuff out of the moving truck so you wouldn't have the worry of doing it later.
"Nonsense, I'm happy to do it. Besides, it's my day off."
"And that's why you shouldn't be doing all this. I know vacations for police officers are non-recurring."
"I'm the chief, I have certain privileges."
"Well, I wasn't going to let you do this on your own" he replied, carrying the boxes with your and Cassie's clothes. He set them down on the kitchen island and leaned back against them to rest. You walked over and settling Cassie better in your arms you sat down in one of the chairs Charlie had given you "Billy and Jacob will be here in a little while to get all this settled so you can have your first night here without any problems."
"I still think it's too much. Stop spoiling me like this, Charlie, you even gave me part of your dining room!"
"Ah, it was nothing. Bella and I recently bought a new one and we didn't want to take it to the dump cause it still has some use. The table is made out of good wood and the chairs are freshly upholstered. Look at it, it suits perfectly!"
"That's not the point" you said, glancing sideways at the newly arranged dining room near the kitchen "The point is that you're doing a lot for me and it's not fair."
"Your father would have done the same for Bella if it had been about me" he replied reaching for a bottle of water from the installed cooler. A sudden tension appeared in the room as you both remembered what your father's life was like in Forks "Jackson was my best friend for a long time and when he died...I promised him that I would seek you out and support you as if you were my own and that is precisely what I am doing."
"You wouldn't have if I hadn't left and hadn't abandoned him. He died because of me"
"That's not true."
"He was left alone when I left. He died of grief"
"He died from the heart valve disease he had. Your father suffered it from a young age and even so, you had a right to look for your mother"
"I wish I hadn't" you murmured, cooing to Cassie who was beginning to get annoyed by the noise of your voices "I abandoned my father and didn't find anything worthwhile"
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore, stop tormenting yourself and thinking you killed your father. I was with him. He loved you and he died peacefully, remember him as the good man he was, child."
You sighed. Cassie went back to sleep peacefully
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I know it's not the same, but you have me now and I'd rather die than let you leave again, do you hear me?"
"Easy, I have no intention of doing that" you half smiled "I'm running away from the tracks I left in Brownsville, I have no desire to go back under any circumstances. What I'm worried about is that the tracks won't rub off and show the way to the one I'm hiding from"
Charlie clicked his tongue.
"That should be the least of your problems. I have a gun and I know how to use it. He'll have to deal with that first before he gets to you."
"Thanks, Charlie."
"Although, if Chief Swan is as good at shooting as he is at fishing then you'll have to learn how to handle a gun yourself, honey" a voice appeared from the doorway followed by a young man's laughter.  You looked up meeting the unmistakable face of Billy Black next to his son Jacob. Billy entered your house being pushed by Jacob leaving him next to Charlie as he rolled his eyes "Be a little more modest, buddy."
"There's nothing wrong with bragging once in a while."
"Yeah, but you do it all the time."
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Charlie got up from his spot lunging towards Billy who ina swift movement spun the wheels of his chair avoiding Charlie's attack thus beginning a chase through the house dodging the obstacles of boxes on the floor. Jacob laughed taking Charlie's place in front of you.
"I thought we were coming to help with the move, not to watch them play like preschoolers?"
"Me too. I think Cassie will get along with them."
"Your little girl will beat them up right away"
You giggled quietly avoiding waking Cassie as Charlie and Billy finished their game to go back to the truck and get the last boxes, then you could finally get everything settled at home. Jacob smiled, looking at you
"I'm Jacob. You may not remember me but..."
"Are you kidding? I used to give you the bottle."
"No you didn't."
"Of course i did! My dad used to visit your parents a lot and he used to take me with him. You were a newborn baby and I used to volunteer to help Sarah feed you. You were the worst baby ever. You cried too loudly and squeezed the bottle with your swollen gums. Then you'd throw the milk back and you used to get really messy. Your poop was the smelliest I could remember."
"Don't say that!" he replied, embarrassed "I see you do remember me."
"And Quill and Embry. Tell me, are they still the same old fools?"
"They haven't changed at all."
You laughed.
"Ok, these are the last boxes" announced Charlie walking into the house carrying with him a small box with Cassie's toys. Billy came in behind with some boxes on his lap "I think now we can get everything organized and finishing in time for you to get some rest."
"I'll clean up the little girl's room" offered Jacob standing up "then I'll fill the closet and set up the bed so you can lay her down, you must be tired from carrying her around for so long. is that okay with you?" he asked you. You nodded
"Yes, thank you Jacob."
"You're welcome. Give me that" The boy took the boxes off his father's legs and picked up Charlie's, all with one arm and with the other he carried the folding base of the bed. You opened your eyes wide 
"Easy, big guy, when did you get so strong?"
"I don't know. It just... showed up" he replied disappearing up the stairs
"It showed up" said Charlie "Ah, I hope shows up something like that to me"
"Don’t hold your breath as that happens" Billy joked.
"I should do something for lunch" you said trying to stand up. You were going to put Cassie down on one of the couches and put some cushions around her, but Charlie won't let you. Billy agreed 
"None of that. We'll order something."
"Nothing" interrupted Billy "We'll buy pizza"
"You guys really need to stop doing this" you reproached. Billy picked up his phone
"Ah, sorry, you had to say that earlier, I'm already on the call."
"You guys are unbelievable"
Charlie smiled
"We know. oh I'll get Bella, she hasn't said hello yet" Charlie walked out before you could say anything else and closed the door dismissing the moving truck. Billy smiled complicitly, placed the order, gave the address and left the cell phone on the kitchen bar
"Dinner is served."
"Thank you."
"They had children's menu, so I ordered it for Cassie. I hear their brownies are delicious. Maybe I'll steal it for myself."
"I'll keep it as a secret"
Billy nodded with a smile and as the food arrived you chatted animatedly about what had happened in your absence, he also told you things about your father and all the times they went fishing together before his death. You were enjoying Billy's stories when time began to pass and Charlie didn’t return with Bella as he promised. Jacob was finishing Cassie's room and when the pizza arrived he came downstairs immediately, asking about Charlie's whereabouts.
"He went to get Bella, but he hasn't come back yet."
"That's strange, his house is right next door."
"Maybe something came up for him at the station" Billy shrugged.
You  decided to wait for the Swans to eat, but seeing that they didn't show up Jacob offered to investigate what was going on when suddenly the door opened and a very worried Charlie Swan walked in wiping the sweat from his brow
"Bella’s missing."
Jacob suddenly became alert and Billy remained static in his place. You felt a knot in your stomach. While riding in the police cruiser that morning, you had heard something about tourist disappearances and wild creatures killing people in the woods and you feared Bella might be in that kind of danger. You were never close, but you knew her and occasionally went out together to talk or share a movie night. You still hadn't seen her after the years you were away and the least you wanted was for something bad to happen to her.
"Did you talk to any of her friends?"
"She was with them during classes, but they lost track of her on her way here. I'll call the Cullens, maybe..."
"You didn't know?" asked Billy "The Cullens left Forks, Charlie."
"Where did they go?"
"We'll find her" encouraged Jacob "But we have to go out and look for her before dark."
"I'll go with you" you said "I'll take Cassie to her room and..."
"No, no, stay" Charlie asked you "I left a note for Bella at home in case she comes back she’ll know that she has to come here and wait for me. If she does, call me right away, please" you nodded
"I'll call Harry and ask him to join along with the boys" Billy said and wheeled away down the hallway holding the phone to his ear. Charlie and Jacob left and you decided to take Cassie to the room, go down to the kitchen and make some coffee for the Brigadiers and Bella. If she was alone in the woods and the night was catching up with her then she was going to need something hot to get her strength back. 
You hoped with all your heart that she was all right. For her, for Charlie.
Hours passed one after another with no sign of Bella. Your driveway was carpeted with people and police cruisers specially brought by Charlie to search for Bella. The entire town was scoured by officers from the early hours of the night, yet there was no trace of the chief's daughter. You decided to join the search taking the opportunity that Sue Clearwater was playing with Cassie - who was awakened by the ruckus of the patrol cars - asking if it was a good idea to search for her in the woods, but Harry refused.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what might be among the trees. We can't risk losing any more people."
You were about to object his words when Jacob came up to you putting a hand on your shoulder telling you that he was right and that the forest was something not to be taken lightly. So you gave up, deciding to go back inside and refill the coffee pot when Jacob alerted Charlie that someone had found Bella.
A tall man walked in a straight line toward the Brigadiers where Billy and Harry watched him with restrained relief. He had a stocky frame and Bella unconscious in his arms seemed to weigh no more than a feather. His cropped black hair was messy and his lack of a shirt told you that the icy cold of the city didn't affect him at all
You knew him. His face was very familiar yet strange at the same time. You were back in Forks after a few years, but you knew that no one could change that much in that period of time.
Sam Uley was holding Bella and Charlie took her in his arms as he came out of the stupor and relief of having found his daughter. The Brigadiers sighed in unison and Billy thanked them all. You wanted to do something, to approach Charlie, to ask him if he needed help with Bella, but your eyes were caught in Sam’s. 
They were dark, wild, like the forest behind him. You remembered him perfectly. 
Before you left Forks you two were close friends and came to like each other as something more, but your leaving ended that and what you might have been up to that point.
You tried to look away, but then Sam's huge body began to shake, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground resting his hands on the dirt. Harry Clearwater reacted and approached him asking if he was okay.
"Tired" you heard him whisper causing you to shudder. Harry helped him up, whispered something in his ear and after taking one last look at you he disappeared into the woods. Harry walked back towards you.
"I thought the forest was dangerous"
"For us."
"What do you mean?"
Harry looked at you. Then he looked at his wife with Cassie in her arms standing at the doorway . He smiled.
"You'll find out soon, child"
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psycopath06 · 3 years
Secretary Part 1: Volturi Kings x Neutral!Reader
A/N: The parentheses next to the quotes are the translation to any words that are in Italian.
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I had been working as the new secretary for the Volturi for a week now. I had been lucky with the few guards, that didn't have a stick up their asses, were nice enough to tell me what to avoid that would cause my death. The secretaries got killed for the stupidest of reasons.
   I only took the job because I desperately needed the money even if the job seemed sketchy. My family didn't help get me better off finacially but put me in even more debt. The immortality part was just a bonus to the job.
   I had manage to not piss the kings or the guards off thus far, but that could easily change with Caius' temper. He's been out for my head since the day he met me. Thanks to Aro and Marcus I have been able to avoid Caius' wrath for the most part. Aro and Marcus were neutral to me being there. They would tell Caius to stop threatening me whenever he saw me.
   It was late and I was going to be off duty in 15 minutes, so I got up to deliver the letter that they got in the mail. I had decided that giving them their mail before I was let off for the night gave me a better chance of survival, since the kings were also ready to retire for the night.
   I walked in to the underground Throne room and gave my best smile as to not get on their bad side.
   "Ah, young y/n has brought us something." Aro's eagerly said as he got off his throne and walked to the edge of the platform.
   "They should not have interrupted." Caius stated his hatred for me loud and clear to everyone in the room. Always had something to say about whatever I did.
   "They're new." Aro half-ass defended me.
   "Aren't they all?" Marcus rasped out. For once Marcus was doing something besides being depressed!
   I watched Caius smirk at the joke, smug bastard. I had to focus on why I was here as to not want to slap Caius.
   I stepped up on the first step and extended the sliver tray to Aro with the letter on it. They INSISTED that I use this stupid tray when I gave them letters. Surprisingly I wasn't that bother by the kings being vampires and didn't really fear them which was why I was comfortable being this close to Aro.
   Aro took the letter from the tray as he gave me when of his creepy smiles that I have gotten use to at this point. He opened the letter and started speaking Italian. "L'amore ci mantiene tutti giovani. Bella and Edward are to be married." (Love keeps us all young)
   Marcus once again spoke "What joy." Now the depression was back, it never went far from Marcus.
   "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation? They mock us with their delays." Caius declared. Always the first to want to start a war with someone.
   Aro turned to look at Caius. "Patience, brother." He reminded him. Like Caius ever had patience in his life.
   Aro put the envelope on the tray, while Marcus and Caius began to stand from their thrones.
   "Though you do have a point," Aro's airy voice muttered, "The human did interput." He dropped his happy sharade at the end of his sentence as he gently brushed my face with his finger. By then, Marcus and Caius were by his side.
   I sighed, knowing this was the end of the line for me. I turned around and walked over to Felix and Demetri.
   "Alright, kill me now boys! I know you have been wanting to do it since you met me!" I exclaimed loudly, I just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible. Better a quick death than a slow one.
   Felix and Demetri looked over at Aro for approval but Aro only chuckled. "So easily willing to let us end your life. You're such a fascinating human." Aro fondly expressed.
   Then these motherfuckers just walked away while Aro was saying "Oh, I do love weddings."
   I just stared at the door they left out of. Why am I still alive? I questioned that as I headed back to my room, ignoring the bodies on my way out of the underground throne room.
   The next day went like it normally would. Caius insulting me every second he got, most guards glaring at me, Marcus being depressed, and Aro's creepy tendencies.
   Everything was going well and I was about to leave early for the day until I got an email. The email was about a job application regarding my position as a secretary for the Volturi. Apparently someone sent this woman an email saying the position is open and she could start tomorrow. Now I did what any sane person would do when they realize they were about to get fired, which meant death. I went to the store, got some alcohol, got my favorite ice cream, got my favorite snacks, and enjoyed my last few hours of life.
   Sadly, at about one in the morning someone had opened my door to check on me. I was still awake, drunk, eating ice cream, surrounded by snacks, and binge watching my favorite show on TV all while crying out of my own self pity. Why did I take this stupid job?!
   "Carissimo? Why are you still awake?" (Dearest) That voice was Marcus. Sweet and slow as always. I was gonna miss that voice, no matter how depressed he could be.
   I laughed bitterly as I continued to eat my ice cream. "Like you care, you get to have a brand new secretary tomorrow!" I mockingly joked.
   Marcus gently grabbed my face and turned it to look at him. "You are unbelievably drunk and crying. Why are you this way, piccolo?" (Little one)
   I moved my face out of his hand. "Why do you care? I won't be your problem tomorrow." I growled angrily as I stabbed my ice cream with my spoon.
   Marcus had finally left after a minute of staring me down. Unfortunately, he came back with Aro and Caius.
   I could feel Caius trying to glare holes in my head with his stare as soon as he saw the state that I was in. Aro was immediately by my side mumbling something in Italian that I couldn't bother to translate.
   "If you're going to glare at me the whole time your here then leave." I said as I glared back at Caius. Something I never did since I met the kings. Mostly for fear of them killing me on the spot. What the hell did I have to lose at this point?
   "Caro, why are you drunk and crying?" (Dear) Aro's normal cheery voice was laced with concern.
   "What does it matter? I'll be dead in a few hours. Can't have one last night to enjoy being alive? Too much to ask from a bunch of vampires?" I grumbled angrily while finishing my ice cream. What was with all the sudden new pet names anyway? They normally call me by name, or rarely they say "human" just to mess with me.
   "Who told you that you were going to die tomorrow?" Aro calmly asked.
   I rolled my eyes and answered. "No one because no one has the balls to say it to my face that I'm no longer useful." I than look up at Caius again to glare at him. "You couldn't wait to get rid of me, could you?"
   I put my empty tub of ice cream on my nightstand, I would deal with it tomorrow. I am too drunk to be wondering the halls for the kitchen. Since the kings weren't going to leave any time soon, I made myself comfortable. Put my pillows against my headboard and wrapped myself in my blanket.
   Caius hadn't said a word since he got here and quite frankly, it was pissing me off. "For once the most feared king doesn't have a damn thing to say. Shocker." I snarked at him. Marcus and Aro were quietly chuckling at my antics, which made me turn my glare to them.
   "You're like an insufferable toddler when drunk." Caius snarked back at me. I tried to get up and punch him in the face, but Marcus cuddled me in his lap while sitting on my bed. I could enjoy this little bit of comfort from Marcus before I die. Punching Caius in the face would be a pleasure I could do before I died tomorrow.
   Aro just had to ruin the moment by trying to read my thoughts. I tried to move away but Marcus kept my arms in place so Aro could touch me. I huff at being ganged up on like this.
   After a minute, Aro pulled away and had become eerily quiet. That was never a good thing with Aro, someone normally died when Aro was quiet. Marcus was gently rubbing my back which was causing me to relax and finally fall asleep. The last thing I saw was Caius finally moving away from that stupid doorway.
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celamoon · 3 years
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Warnings: crack, Y/n pisses Vyn off for fun
Pronouns: They/them
Summary: Vyn never gave Y/n a clear explanation about that day, so Y/n makes it a personal goal to get Vynnie to confess to them properly. The NXX joins in on the fun to embarrass Vyn further.
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"VYNNIEEEEE!!!" Y/n flings themself across the room next to Vyn.
"Vynnie do you like me? Because if you were messing with me that other day I might just pull the knife from the drawer." They bat their lashes innocently.
"You're good at reading people right? How about you tell me?"
Son of a bitch-
"Vynnie... I'm not the psychologist... even if I were to be able to tell, I wouldn't be able to read you as well as you can read me..." They mumble sadly. Gaslight gatekeep girl boss? Manipulate mansplain malewife? Up to you.
Vyn turns to face Y/n and pushes a strand of hair behind their ear. "I thought you said Raven taught you how to read people?"
Luke turns from the other side of the room with sharp eyes.
"Dr. Richter we all know that you have a fat crush on Y/n why can't you confess?" Marius calls from his desk.
Vyn throws a pen at him. Marius squeaks when it barely misses him.
“You like me?” Y/n bats their lashes again and Vyn stares into their soul.
“You tell me Y/n.” Vyn smiles.
Y/n has now made it a personal goal to make Vyn bend to their will.
It starts with food.
“vyNNIE I MADE COOKIES!!!” They fly through the door to the office, and Vyn barely gets to breathe before a cookie is shoved into his mouth with a box onto his desk.
“They’re earl grey tea cookies,” Y/n shoves another into their mouth and then rushes to hand everyone their packet.
Vyn finally gets to taste the cookie, and he finds that it tastes pretty good. It’s edible.
The six failed attempts at home say otherwise but the final batch was tasty so they brought it anyways.
“Mari do you think I could work at your mansion as a chef?” Vyn can see your nose growing.
Marius bites down onto another one. “Quit the NXX I’ll give you twice the pay.”
“I’ll send you right back to the psych ward if you quit.” Vyn cuts you both off.
Strike one!
Then came the all nighters.
“Let me finish I’m two lines of code away from breaking in,” You stare into the computer, and your fingers never stop typing.
Vyn stares at you and sighs. “Don’t stay up too late.”
You were still awake the next morning.
“Yeah Artie can you bring me coffee? I need a bit more energy before I finally get in.” You secure the phone between your cheek and shoulder, and you continue typing. “I’ll pay you the money.”
Oh hell no.
“Y/n.” Here comes the devil. A smoking hot devil ;)
“VyNnIE~” You sing. “GoOd MorNIng!~”
“Get to bed,” Vyn sighs.
“VYNNIE it’s TOO EaRLY foR BEDDDDD!!!” You groan. A ding is heard from the elevator and you perk up. “ARTIE’S HERE WITH THE BEAN JUICE!!!”
“Hey,” Artem greets the two of you. “Here’s the coffee.”
You sigh in content as you reach for the drink. Vyn grabs it from your hand, and he downs the whole thing in one breath.
“Vynnie…” You blink. “Vynnie… that was four shots of espresso…”
Vyn breathes after the coffee and stares down at you. “Sleep. Now.”
“YES DADDY!” You speed past him before he can grab you, and you crash onto the bed in the office.
Vyn struggled through the day thanks to that coffee of yours.
Strike two!
“Luke.” You push your chair so that it slams right into his. “Lukie help me out I’m almost in you just need to get that last line of code in.”
“Oh so now you’re not sorry for stealing my job?”
“Yes. Absolutely.” You push your laptop to him and he types in the code you’re missing. Your eyes stare at his hands and the screen, and the NXX headquarters is so quiet it seems as though you were never there to begin with.
The other four turn to stare at you two, and Vyn walks over before he can register anything. He pushes the two chairs apart, and he stands between the two.
“How about you leave Raven’s job to him, and go work on that drug’s prototype?”
“Makes me sound like the bad guy here,” You grumble. “It’s curing in the fridge. Now let me see the code!! VYNNIE STOP COCKBLOCKING ME-“
Vyn throws you over his shoulder, and he shoves you onto the bed in the headquarters.
“I CRASHED FOR THREE HOURS YESTERDAY VYNNIE I’M FINE-“ You try to get up and Vyn pushes you back down.
“I won’t repeat myself again. Sleep.”
You stare at him. “Vynnie. Vynnie just admit you have a crush on me and we can make this easier for everyone.”
Vyn stares at you and glares.
Strike three!
You hug MC by the waist as she sits on the sofa.
“Why won’t Vynnie confess…” You grumble into her stomach.
“Well Dr. Richter is a bit more collected than others,” MC smiles. “How about you? Do you like him?”
“Not sure.” You hum. “But I do know I like being petty.”
MC smiles and continues sorting through the papers.
“Ah,” She stops. “Y/n do you know your old identity in the research program?”
“Am I wanted for mass murder?” You turn to stare at the papers. “Oh yeah they used to call me Dr. Bella. Short for Belladonna I believe.”
“Ah,” MC stares at the papers. “You probably want to see this.”
“Ooh did we find the man I want to kill?” You jump up, and you kick your legs over MC’s. “WE DID!!!!”
You look through the papers, and you’re interrupted by someone pulling you off of MC’s legs.
“You’re going to kill her circulation.”
“And I won’t kill yours?” You’re seated on Vyn’s lap now.
“She’s a woman.”
“Idk sounds misogynistic to me Vynnie,” You sigh. “What? Jealous of a woman now?”
Vyn buries his face into your neck, and you take off his glasses for him.
“No…” He mumbles. “I just… want you to myself…”
MC whips out her phone, and you hear another camera click. Luke had brought his expensive camera for this. Marius whips out a canvas and easel out of nowhere and Artem’s furiously scribbling down notes onto a paper. Vyn hides himself into the crook of your neck even more and you strike a pose.
“Does this mean we’re dating?”
“Nope,” Vyn rolls his eyes. “I totally didn’t confess to you just now… it was your imagination.”
“No difference”
“We’ve been going through this for months already.”
“Marius do you wanna date?”
“Hell yes. Come here-“
“… I don’t know what to feel about this.”
“Just enjoy this before we’re yelled at to get back to work again.”
“… you’re right.”
You're out!
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Can you write that fight between Afton and Edward? With Afton being invisible and Edward being insufferable, I can't get it out if my mind. Please please please...
Likely sometime post Breaking Dawn, Edward and Afton somehow run into each other. No one else more competent is there.
Edward recognizes Afton as a) Volturi b) Chelsea's mate. If he eliminates Afton, this could emotionally devastate Chelsea and potentially loosen her hold on the Volturi members. Without her gift, the Volturi would collapse under its own weight, and the world would be free from tyranny.
Killing Afton is a sacrifice Edward is willing to make.
As for Afton, he recognizes this punk as Edward Cullen, that guy the Volturi went to war against who messed up everything. His wife is Bella Swan, the greatest modern threat to the Volturi. If Afton kills Edward, Bella may become the next Marcus, inconsolable and utterly incapable of acting against anyone. Afton could save the Volturi, could be important, and even if that doesn't happen surely Caius will think he's cool for murdering Edward Cullen.
Killing Edward is a sacrifice Afton is willing to make.
Each observes the other, they begin circling each other like vultures, feinting at each other then backing away at the last moment.
Edward starts babbling, as one does.
"You think you can become invisible and attack me," Edward says with a smirk, reading Afton's mind, "That's not going to work. Thanks to my mind-reading abilities, I'll know where you are at all times."
Afton gasps in shock and horror: the fiend!
(Neither acknowledges that he would be perfectly able to see where Afton is because Afton's gift is next to useless.)
"You cannot defeat me," Edward continues, still smirking, "I can read your every move before you take it. The moment you strike at me, I will cut you down. I will use your every stratagem, you're every opening, your--"
Afton slaps Edward across the face on instinct, not even really thinking about it, and thanks to the difference in strength, Edward goes flying.
Afton stands there, dumb, and looks at his hand in wonder. This has never happened before, he always loses in hand to hand combat in spars with the other Volturi members. Does he... have a new gift?
Edward's jaw hangs open. How did Afton accomplish this?! He moved so fast, was so strong, and it was purely on instinct.
(Somewhere, in the recesses of Edward's brain where the narcissism finally stops, the part of him that realizes he is neither strong, nor fast, nor an adept fighter begins to get worried.)
Edward starts babbling harder.
"I meant to do that!" he says, "I am luring you into my trap, Afton, into a false sense of confidence. You think you're riding high now? Oh, but you have made a fatal mistake. The gravest error you can. You don't know you're already dead!"
(Edward, for the record, doesn't know he's quoting "Fist of the North Star" either. If he did, he just might die of shame.)
Afton is alarmed. He very well could have made a grave mistake, he tries to think of what this mistake might be, but nothing comes to him. He then wonders if Edward might, in fact, be bluffing. The yellow-eyed snake is a crafty one indeed. HOW CLEVER.
"You wish I was bluffing!" Edward bluffs, and opens his mouth to say more but Afton does another instinctive slap. Edward goes flying again.
Afton is unnerved at this sudden onslaught of success. Surely, Edward is right, and this is a trap. A crafty demon like Edward cannot possibly be defeated so easily.
Edward, meanwhile, is panicking. This isn't going well, in the deep recesses of his mind that unease has become sirens shouting "AWOOOOOOOOOOOGA! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON" as they recognize his imminent demise in a way Edward Cullen consciously cannot.
His mouth runs away from him, the babbling gets more intent, and he starts pulling out everything as ammunition.
"Chelsea doesn't even love you!" Edward shouts, "The Volturi all hate you, Aro thinks you're useless and annoying, and they'll have a party when I kill you!"
Afton gasps in horror and outrage, "You're lying!"
"You're lying to yourself," Edward corrects him with a smirk, "I only speak the thoughts you already have, Afton, and you know I've seen their thoughts too."
"No!" Afton shouts.
"Yes!" Edward shouts back, and while Afton is distracted, he leaps in for the jugular.
And gets smacked down as Afton unintentionally starts flailing his arms in his despair at the thought of everyone in Volterra secretly (it's not a secret, they're very open about it) hating him.
Then Afton remembers he's fighting Edward, which is a bit like fighting Lucifer, where he uses all your mental weaknesses against you. It was, indeed, a trap.
Edward is unwillingly impressed. So, Afton saw through that, did he? He is more formidable an opponent than Edward thought. BUT EDWARD WILL PERSEVERE!
They keep this up until somebody competent comes to interrupt them.
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diamond-coral · 3 years
The Heist- Part Two
Steve x Reader Chapter Summary: Steve sees you working at a club. Now Steve wants you...and he’ll have you.
Series Warnings: dark, rape/non-con, kidnapping, stripper themes, swearing, crime
Chapter Warnings: male masturbation, swearing, stripper themes, kidnapping, crime, mild violence, threats of rape/non-con, creepy crazy stevo
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Steve had begrudgingly went to the strip club with Bucky and Sam because, as Sam said, ‘Modern women are somethin’ else compared to the 1940’s.’. Bucky was much more enthusiastic to see how much things had changed as a once been ladies’ man from the 40’s even if it meant having to go with Sam who bickered with him every five minutes. And while Bucky’s enthusiasm remained as they entered the club, the blaring music, flashing lights, and women in skimpy outfits had Steve remaining unimpressed.
Until he saw you.
You weren’t on the stage but rather talking to a coworker in the back of the room, a tray of drinks in one hand and a smile on your face that could light up a room. An honest, genuine smile that stood out in a room filled with nothing but empty sultry smiles given by dancers. Your coworker said something, and you threw your head back and let out a laugh that Steve could’ve sworn he had heard ringing all the way across the club over the blaring music.
You were perfect.
While you were still scantily clad in nothing but a light pink shimmery sheer top that showed your bra perfectly cupping your breasts, a pair of barely their black shorts, and black heels that had his eyes dragging up and down your legs, your demeanor and posture was more relaxed, and that’s what he loved. You weren’t sticking your tits out in front of you or pushing your ass back, but were rather slouched a little, eyes shimmering with excitement as you talked. What Steve saw of you was raw and authentic, and he loved it.
Sam’s voice interrupted Steve from his daydreaming, and Steve shot him a look of irritation causing Sam to raise his hands in defense.
“Woah there loverboy,” Sam chuckled. “I was just gonna suggest, you should ask for a dance from that girl you’re ogling over.”
“And before you go over and court her with your righteousness and whisk her away to waltz like prince charming, he means a lapdance, punk,” Bucky says while taking a sip of his drink.
“I- I was’t ogling,” Steve sputtered, but let out a sigh of defeat at Sam’s raised eyebrow. “I’m not gonna ask for a lapdance. Besides, she seems to be just waiting tables. I wouldn’t wanna interrupt-”
“You’re hopeless,” Sam teased as he brought his fingers to his mouth to let out a shrill cab whistle. You turned, and Sam caught your attention, beckoning you over with two fingers.
“Hiya fellas,” you said, and Steve frowned a little at the sultry voice you put on. “What can I help you with?”
“Just another round of drinks, sugar. Oh- and-” Sam leaned to whisper something in your ear and Steve noticed your eyes widening a little before your gaze snapped to him, a small smile on your painted lips.
“Of course,” you responded to Sam. “I’ll be back with your drinks shortly.”
As you turned to leave, Steve frowned at Sam. “What did you tell her,” he asked.
“Oh nothing much. Just mentioned that THE Captain America was looking for a little bit of fun tonight.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a groan. “Sam you dumbass.”
“Hey, he’s doing more about it than you,” Bucky interjected. “Sometimes it’s just sad watching you when you just sit and do - oh shit here she’s comes.”
“Alright, and I’ve got another round of drinks,” you said cheerfully while distributing the glasses. “And you, Mr. Rogers…” You sat on one of Steve’s thick thighs while placing your hands on the collar of his button up shirt and smoothing it down. “You’re friend told me you’re lookin’ for something… special tonight?”
Steve’s throat was dry and he was sure you could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest. “Oh well...I um-I.”
“What Mr. Womanizer would like to say is that he accepts your offer,” Sam offered, and Steve shot him what was probably the one-hundredth dirty look of the night.
“Well then.” You got off his lap and tugged on his arm. “I’d be happy to oblige.”
Half an hour later, Steve returned a mess. The first few buttons of button up were undone, his hair was tousled, his cheeks flushed, and his heart hadn’t stopped racing.
“Good time?” Bucky inquired with a smirk.
Steve could barely form any words other than ‘where’s Sam’ to which Bucky pointed to the crowd of sweaty dancing bodies where Sam was shamelessly grinding on some woman.
“Oh God, I need a drink.” Steve fixed his hair with one hand while the other dipped into his pocket to retrieve a flask of Asgardian liquor Thor had given him.
“Was she that good?” 
“Well yes, but it wasn’t just the dance. It was her,”  Steve answered while burying his face in his hands. He felt like the scrawny kid from Brooklyn again. Completely flustered as he chased after a girl totally out of his league. “I don’t know Buck, she’s just-she’s just perfect.”
“Stevie, look around you. Every woman here is practically perfect. And they’re goddesses. That girl is just a girl.”
“No it’s just- you don’t understand. She’s just…” Steve let out an exasperated sigh and Bucky’s eyes softened.
“Wow you really like her don’t ya?” Steve just nodded in reply. “Well what if we came back again when she’s working?”
“No that wouldn’t work,” Steve said. “But...I think I have an idea.”
“And am I involved in this idea at all?”
“Maybe.” Steve laughed at his friend who groaned.
Steve then continued to explain his plan. He pointed out the coworker you had been friendly with when he first saw you, and asked Bucky to get some information out of her since he was the less recognizable out of the two. Steve needed to see you again. Not just that...he needed you. You were just so perfect for him, and Steve knew that the moment he laid eyes on you. The genuineness of your smile and laugh, just the way you were so authentic amidst your surroundings just showed you didn’t really belong in this environment or even this time period of imitation and phonies. But you belonged with him. And he’d preserve that authenticity. 
Bucky just simply nodded, and at first Steve was nervous that his best friend was going to call him crazy, but after a bit, Bucky got up and snatched Steve’s flask while flashing him a grin.
“Bout time we got you a girl, huh pal?”
Steve sighed in relief, and as Bucky trotted off, he went to find Sam.
Steve explained to Sam that he was gonna go home while Bucky worked some “wingman magic” and Sam started letting out fits of laughter at how THE Captain America was ‘down bad’. 
Finally, after Sam had finally calmed down, he wished him goodbye and headed home.
He had some things to take care of.
As Steve guided his hand up and down his shaft, all he could think about was you.
Your tits, your ass that had ground on his crotch at the club, your red lips around he imagined on his cock. You’d probably use your skilled hands as well, not being able to fit his entire member into your mouth. 
Steve’s thoughts didn’t stop there.
He thought about how your hips moved while in the private dance room. He thought about how although you were undeniably sexy, you were also so kind to him, once in a while asking if everything was okay and if he wanted anything else from you. He thought about how you simply smiled and let out your angelic laugh as Steve fumbled and stuttered, simply putting your hands over his and telling him everything was okay and he could sit back and relax, not having to take charge after a long day of commanding people. The light pink color of your lingerie was so beautifully innocent as your body moved lewdly in contrast. And he loved it.
Steve came with a shout to the image ingrained in his mind.
A few minutes after Steve had cleaned up and taken a much needed cold shower, he received a call from Bucky.
“You’re right,” Bucky’s voice spoke through the phone. “Two drops of that Asgardian shit and she was completely mentally clocked out. Told me everything about your girl.” 
As Bucky told Steve your name, Steve tried it out on his tongue for himself.
“Also told me a little bit of a little side job they got goin on. Your girl’s a bit of a criminal, Stevie. Sure you still want her?”
“I’m sure she has her reasons.”
“Well you’re right in that actually. According to...Bella-yeah I think that’s her name-,” Bucky recounted. “They steal from people to pay for rent and art school. And I just so happened to tell her about some skeevy old timer government worker who happened to be loaded from scamming low income taxpayers. Who also happens to live at your address.”
“Wait, you want her to rob me?!” Steve exclaimed.
“Will you just let me finish?” Bucky took Steve’s silence as an opportunity to continue. “I told Bella no one would be home while your girl does the job, but obviously you’ll be home so she can’t get away. She’s literally coming to you on a silver platter pal. Could it get any better than that?”
Steve took a moment to consider the situation before replying. “You’re right. Thanks pal. I really owe you one.”
Bucky chuckled. “Well I got one hell of a blow job so I’ll say we’re almost even. Anyway, she’ll be comin in a week, so that’ll give you plenty of time to prepare.”
You awoke slowly to sunlight streaming through your apartment window, your bed feeling more comfortable than usual, and a warm arm wrapped around your-
What the hell?
Your body thrashed as you jolted awake and flung yourself away from the body next to you in the bed that very much wasn’t yours in the apartment that was always not yours. Steve Rogers just sat up on his elbows and gave a groggy smile at your frazzled state.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.”
You recalled your memory, trying to see if this was some sort of drunken hookup, and it all came back to you. The heist, him coming home early.
“Didn’t mother ever tell you stealing is wrong?” were the words he had said before he had grabbed your hair in an iron grip and smashed your head on the near coffee table. Everything was black after that.
“Oh my God...you,” you began to back away from him.
“I what, sweetheart?” he mused. “Last time I checked, this is my apartment, and you were the one breaking and entering.”
You scrambled backwards off the bed, but just as you were about to reach the bedroom door, something cold and hard pulled against your ankle causing you to topple face first onto his carpet. Turning your head, you observed a metal cuff secured around your ankle with a chain leading back to the foot of the bed. 
Steve used the time you took panicking and hyperventilating to get out of bed and leisurely stretch his arms as if this was a normal occurrence. He approached you cautiously as if you were a wild animal and bent down to softly cup your face with a large hand.
“It’s okay, doll, I didn’t hurt you. Just let you sleep a bit before I caught you up to speed today.”
“Did- did you…,” you sniffled at the thought of what that man could’ve done to you while you slept.
“No. God no!” You nerves calmed a little bit as you were reassured that America’s hero was still the gentlemanly golden boy you met at the club. That was before he tilted your chin to meet his sinister gaze. “I wanted our first time to be while you were awake.”
Your heart dropped. This man was crazy.
You began to frantically yank at the chain on your ankle and your breathing became shorter.
“Hey. Hey! Stop it!” he urged before grabbing both of your hands and holding them in a steel grip. “Listen. I know this is all..new...but you need me. And I need you. When I saw you at the club, you were just so perfect. You’re not like those other women. You don’t belong there. You don’t belong in this life. I can take care of you. I will take care of you.” A tear slipped from your eye at his words but he just brushed it away with his thumb and continued. “You just don’t understand yet. When I saw you, I just knew you were meant for me. You’re perfect, doll.”
All you did was stare at him in disbelief and mutter, “You’re crazy.”
He went to soothe you again and brush a lock of hair away from your face, but you thrashed and said it louder.
“You’re crazy, you’re fucking crazy!”
“Doll, you don’t understand. I love you. And you’ll love me. I promise just give it some time and-”
“No you’re deranged. You’re FUCKING DELIRIOUS!!” you screech as your hand shot out and slapped him across the cheek.
The room went dead silent. You froze, and so did he. You had just slapped Steve Rogers across the face. You slapped the pure muscle mass six foot super soldier and called him delirious, and he looked hurt. His face was painted with a heartbroken look of regret, disbelief, and sorrow. But not from the slap. It’s like your words had hit him like a ten-ton truck, and for a second you saw doubt flicker across his eyes as if realizing that everything he imagined was in his head. And in that doubt was your hope. Your hope that this man would come to his senses and let you go.
“Steve...please, you have to realize this is wrong,” you said softly as he gave you a broken look. In that look you saw the scrawny kid from Brooklyn in the 1940s who only knew rejection, and your heart broke just a little bit. “What you’re feeling...it isn’t love.”
All of a sudden his demeanor changed. Any doubt in his eyes was wiped away in a nanosecond and replaced by a fierce look of determination. His face contorted into a snarl as he yanked you up with him by your hair and spun you around to press your front against the well.
“You dumb bitch,” he growled into your ear. “You think you don't need me when you’re a pathetic thief who whores herself out every night.”
You writhed in his hold but he just gripped your hair harder and let out a breathy laugh.
“You know...for someone like you to stoop so low as to work at that club...it makes me think. You wanna be treated like a whore?” he seethed. “Fine. I’ll treat you like a whore.”
a/n: don’t worry I don’t think working at a strip club is “low” at all. just some classic sexist bs from our good old 1940′s fav
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / Part 17 Here! / < This is Part 18!>
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* Your eyes open, and your hand flies to your throat 
* You’re thirsty
* You sigh as you sit up in your bed a little annoyed, you were having such a good dream too
* Only when you look to your night stand to grab your blood bottle, past it you see Edward sitting in your desk chair 
* “What are you doing?” Your voice is gravely, and you don’t wait for a response before uncapping your bottle and taking a sip
* Edward fidgets, his hands tugging with the sleeves of his shirt 
* “I like watching you sleep” he admits with a shrug and a boyish quirk of the lips. 
* Of course the dork likes watching you pretend to sleep
* Somethings haven’t changed from the books at least
* Maybe he’s part owl or something
* “Ugh, it’s already Sunday where does the weekend go?” You mumble, it’s around 3 am right now
* To be fair you know  half your Saturday went in self loathing in a tree, and the other half spent with your entire coven congratulating you and Edward on your new relationship
* “I call (Y/N) as my sibling the next time we move!” Emmett grins
* “That’s not fair, I was going to make them my sibling.” Jasper pouts
* “You already have Rosalie don’t get greedy”
* And then they all basically tried to plan out your wedding. 
* So the pressure is on
* At least you still have all Sunday before you have to face everyone at school though. You haven’t even tried to look at your phone 
* “Edward,” he perks up at the sound of your voice “were they really thinking vile thoughts about me?”
* His eyebrows thread together, head tilting to the side
* “Mike and Conner, you said they were thinking vile thoughts when you...came to get me.”
* It’s been bothering you for some time, Conner you can understand, but Mike? 
* You feel....betrayed 
* Edward averts his eyes, you’re half hoping he was lying to you and that he was just upset you were kissing other people
* “Were they thinking of r*ping me?” The second the words fall out of your lips he scampers closer, the chair screeching behind him.
* “No! No of course not-at least I don’t think so-“ His hand cups your face, the other cards through your hair. He sits on the edge of your bed carefully
* “They were thinking of taking you...” 
* oh well that’s no so bad.
* “At the same time”
* So that’s a little worse
* “So they were thinking about a threesome?” Edward winces at the word but nods
* You let out a sigh of relief, a threesome is still kinda sketchy but that’s just normal teenage boy brain for you 
* “At the time I didn’t appreciate their...vivid thoughts but” he looks into your eyes, like two pools of gold. “Maybe you wanted that.” 
*  He had acted instinctively upon seeing their thoughts, but in reality he wasn’t much better
* He had imagined that same needy expression on your face dozens of times 
* Maybe... you might have enjoyed an experience like that. After all two lovers are better than one
* He’s stuck in his own self loathing until he hears you laugh. 
* You’re actually laughing at him!
* He’s worried that you missed out on a vital human experience and you’re laughing!
* The nerve
* And yet, he feels his heart flutters when he see’s you smile at him
* “No, I’m good.” You laugh, and he feels himself let out a sigh of relief.
* “What about Jessica? Does she hate me now” Edward shakes his head
* “I think she might have a bit of a crush on you now.” He grins at your confused expression
* Well that’s unexpected
* You know you can’t really sleep but you feel exhausted, completely emotionally drained
* You snuggle back into the covers  And pat the space on the bed beside you
* “Sleep with me?” 
* Your face feels uncomfortably hot when you realize what you just said. “I just meant like-dream with me-not um no-“
* “I know what you meant” Edward says with a small smile
* He lies down on the other end of the bed, at least five feet away from you
* “You can come closer, you’re my boyfriend now, boyfriend privileges”
* Boyfriend 
* He’s always thought the word was garish. 
* A boy who was your special friend, how idiotic. But hearing the word tumble from your lips makes him unbelievably  happy 
* “What are boyfriend privileges?” He repeats carefully. Shifting so he is lying beside you
* “Normal couple stuff I guess, kissing, hugging, public affection-“ 
* and sex stuff
* “So I get to be as greedy with you as I want?” 
* You feel your face grow warm at the thought of Edward being as greedy with your body as he wants
* The way his hands would feel as they ghost over your body, his sweet rosemary and argon scent filling the air
* You can’t manage to get out words so you just nod, and he grins
* “Let’s go out tomorrow” 
* To like a hotel or?
* “We can go to the aquarium in Seattle, I think it’s supposed to rain so something indoors would be good.”
* Oh like greedy with your time
* That seems more on brand for Edward tbh 
* “The aquarium sounds nice”
* You curl into his chest, breathing in his scent deeply. He feels warm, not as warm as a human, but soothing in its own right. A gentle warmth, like the warmth from a candle
* You feel so safe here with him. You feel yourself drift off into sleep, and Edward’s arms tentatively wrap around you
* Your weight is pressed against him, and he can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have you pressed against him even more
* Your hands clawing at his chest as you plead
* “Great now I’m the one having vile thoughts” he murmurs to himself 
* You both sneak out early in the morning, while all your other coven members are still preoccupied 
* “Grab a couple blood bags and I’ll get some tumblrs” you nod, shoving it all quickly in his nike backpack, and you both practically jog to your jeep.
* The drive feels a lot shorter than you remember, it’s only 10 when you get there. 
* You sigh as you get out, you’re wearing faded blue jeans and a black coat that cinches at the waist
* Edward is dressed in a similar fashion, faded blue jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket
* Both of you wearing sunglasses 
* You don’t miss the looks you get as you walk across the parking lot. You already get a lot of attention as is  with the hot pink Barbie jeep
* But you and Edward together look like something straight out of a magazine catalog 
* “Did you already buy tickets?” You ask, your arm linking through his. 
* “Yeah, we just have to pick them up at the box” 
* It’s actually pretty busy, it is a weekend day though so it’s to be expected 
* “(Y/N)?” You turn to the voice and feel like the wind got knocked out of you
* “Jessica, Bella...” and there’s someone else with them, brown skin and long dark hair.
* Well he’s kinda hot, for a human that is
* “What are you doing here?” 
* They’re like the weirdest group for a Sunday hang out
* “My Dad had some tickets, he was going to come with my mom but I guess they got in a fight or something.” 
* You get the feeling that there’s more to it than that, but you’re just happy she’s talking to you after you kissed her without consent 
* “Oh um , this is Jacob we’ve been friends since we were kids.” 
* So this is Jacob, he looks older for his age.
* “Hey Jacob nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N)” you extend your hand and you see him stiffen for a second
* Yeah that sounds about right. All humans get afraid when they first me et you, you are technically their natural predator after all. He seems to get over it and grasps your hand
* “Hey, nice to meet you” 
* “Do you go to school with us?” 
*You know he doesn’t, but you’ve found it best to pretend in this situation. 
* You glance at Edward who hiding a twitching smile, looks like he heard something interesting
* “No I go to school on the res, I’m a sophomore.” 
* Oh a sophomore, younger man is more her speed huh? And they’ve been friends for years, he’s to her what Edward is to you
* You ship it
* “Do you guys want to join us?” 
* You can feel Edward’s eyes piercing you in the back. Yeah you know this is a date, and he probably wants some quality time with you or whatever-
* But it’s not like you’re f*cking after or anything
* And honestly you kinda wanna see how this whole Bella-Jacob ship plays out 
* “Well I don’t-“ Bella starts
* “We’d love to!” Jessica interrupts, and then taking a nervous glance at Edward she adds:
* “That is if you don’t mind?”
* Queue everyone looking at Edward. He looks at you, a small pout bowing onto your lips and let’s out a deep sigh
* “No of course not, I’ll get the tickets and meet you at the gate.” He says with a resigned smile
* He leans down, catching your lips in his. You know you don’t have a beating heart, but you feel it stutter when he pulls away and smiles at you
* “See you in a bit daring” and then he walks towards the empty “reserved pass” line
* Darling?
* (Y/N).Exe is broken
* And you would stay broken if Jessica and Bella didn’t each grab a shoulder and shake you.
* “Oh my god what was that?!?!” Jessica shrieks
* “Are you guys like...dating now?” Bella grins
* “Yeah, I guess we are?” The human part of you understands that you’ve just agreed you feel the same, and that you have just started a relationship
* But the vampire part of you, the primal part, knows it’s so much more than that
* He’s your mate
* And saving any major changes, he is yours for as long the universe will permit 
* “Wait are you guys on a date right now?” Jessica asks, and it pulls you right out of your thoughts
* She’s worried she’s intruding
* “No-I mean maybe? Honestly we both just wanted an excuse to get out of the house.” You sigh
* “Are the rest of the Cullen’s not taking it well?” 
* You do live together, and you’re at that age. Sure Emmett and Rosalie and together, but that seems to be under more transparent circumstances 
* So imagine her surprise when you card your fingers through your hair
* “No they’re taking it too well!” 
* Last night you basically rotated between coven members as they all told you how happy they were you were with Edward now
* “Honestly I thought the nerd would never find the nerve” Emmett confided in you
* “Eleazer you’ll never guess what happened....we’re going to be brothers!” You had heard Carlisle tell Eleazer over the phone before breaking down into tears
* “Carlisle stop crying, the venom is going to make a hole in the floor.” Esme shouted before turning her attention back to you
* “So what colors do you like (Y/N)? I’m partial to gold and white myself-“ she said pointing the color combination examples in her wedding book 
* They were driving you crazy.
* “Carlisle keeps rotating between smiling and crying because ‘two kids are leaving the house’ and Tanya called to give me the most smug speech about it- I just need a break.”
* You sigh
* “Wait-did all of this happen after the party?” Bella asks with a smile creeping onto her face
* Before you can answer though, you see Edward walking towards you
* “We’ll talk about this later” Jessica whispers, not that it matters, going on the smirk on Edward’s lips he already heard everything
* “So Tanya called you huh?” He whispers in your ear when the others move ahead
* His breath fanning against your ear causes your stomach to flip. You’ve been around him so long, you almost started to forget how hot he was.
* “Yeah, she’s basically hoping I crush your heart so she can get revenge.”
* You’re mostly joking, but given past history, you know she wouldn’t mind if that’s how things turned out anyway
* “That’s fair.” He looks almost sad. What the hell happened between them to make him like this?
* You want to ask, but you feel like now isn’t the best time. Not when Jessica and Bella are a mere five feet away arguing about whether to see the jellyfish or penguins first
* So you do the only thing you can: You reach out and hold his hand, squeezing it slightly. Edward doesn’t say anything, he just squeezes back
* It’s a pretty nice day, Bella’s dad bought her a digital camera so you take a bunch of cheesy pictures around the aquarium
* “Oh try to get one like a shark is eating us! Like I’m in Jaws!”
* “You know they’re an endangered species and that stupid movie doesn’t help right?” 
* “There is no ethical consumption under capitalism Bella”
* Edward just makes a pained expression as he holds up the camera. All he wanted to do was go on a date with his significant other
* “Girls am I right?” Jacob asks, extending his bag of popcorn
* For a second you think Edward might hate him, but instead a smile arch’s onto his face
* “You have no idea.” He smiles, taking a few kernels.
* Aw, it’s Edward’s first human friend 💖
* You kinda wish you were the one with a camera now, or at least a smart phone
* Instead you settle for a grainy picture on your flip phone. They both look at you like confused puppy's when the shutter clicks 
* “Aw that’s a cute one” Jessica coo’s
* “You even got a shark in the back” Bella says pointing to a blurry gray blob in the background
* It’s a good day 
* You’re almost sad when you have to part at the end 
* “You sure you guys don’t want to come with us? Jessica’s dad is letting us have his reservation at the revolving restaurant in the space needle”
* You and Edward exchange a look
* “Nah it’s fine, I’m pretty sure Esme is wondering when we’re coming home” 
* “She’ll be pissed if we eat there without here.” You add for good measure 
* “Well alright we’ll see you at school tomorrow” Jessica says with a wave, and you smile
* “See you tomorrow”
* Looks like things are back to normal
* Edward drives on the way back
* You hold the plush sea turtle close to your chest as you watch him
* He really is handsome, chiseled cheekbones and full rosy lips. To add he has that mane of auburn hair, and that irresistible splatter of freckles across his nose 
* The prettiest boy you’ve ever seen
* “I can feel you staring” he says with a smile twitching onto his lips. Oh god you want to kiss that stupid smile right off his mouth
* “What went wrong with you and Tanya?”
* Way to kill the vibe
* “I’m sure Tanya told you all about it.” He shrugs. There’s that sad look again
* “I want to hear about it from you though” 
* And Edward might have denied you if your hand hadn’t found his, resting on top of it 
* He grins
* You don’t play fair, do you?
* He sighs, squeezing your hand while keeping his eyes on the road
* “I just...didn’t like the way she thought about me”
* “Like you were a piece of meat?” 
* He laughs
* “Like I was some charity case besides-“ he stops abruptly, looking at you before swallowing hard. “Never mind”
* “No tell me!” You lean forward cradling your hand intertwined with his against your chest and he chuckles, you really don’t play fair
* “ I didn’t-I don’t feel attraction to people unless-“
* He looks into your eyes, and you feel his fingers squirm against yours 
* “Unless we’re friends first” 
* Oh, he’s asexual. 
*Or  demisexual. 
* Somewhere on the spectrum for sure
* Is he coming out to you right now? 
* You give his hand a squeeze 
* “I get that.”
* You want to smack yourself. 
* The boy you love just came out to you about his sexuality and all you can say is ‘I get that’ 
* You feel so useless
* But Edward doesn’t let you feel useless for too long, he squeezes back looking at you with such warm eyes
* And again you can’t help but think that even though his heart doesn’t beat anymore, he looks so human
* He’s just pulled into the driveway at the house, the car parked. He’s about to say something when you cut him off, tugging him closer to you and placing your lips on his
* If he’s surprised he doesn’t show it, placing his free hand on your shoulder and leaning a bit closer to you 
* He’s so careful and gentle...and dazzling 
* He’s barely touching you but you can feel yourself seeing stars
* That thing he does with his tongue-it’s indescribable 
* Are you sure he’s a virgin?!?
* You can’t help the sigh that passes your lips when he pulls away. You’re still in a daze when he pulls you into his lap, one leg straddled on each side 
* His head is tilted back, an easy smile on his mouth. 
* You suddenly feel shy, that look in his eyes should be illegal 
* “So-“ you lean back a bit “do you-um-do you have feelings like that for me?”
* He tilts his head to the side in confusion and you gulp
* “Y’know sexually speaking” 
* He actually laughs at you
* Right there, when you’re only a handful of inches away from his face
* But you’re not annoyed, instead all you can feel is a rush of affection
* His eyes crinkle at the ends, his pearly white fangs sparkling as he grins. Your hands cup his face as he looks up at you with adoration 
* You can imagine the rosy blush that would light his face so clearly, the deep emerald green of his eyes. You’re almost starving for the image you see in your mind to be real
* He pulls you out of the image with a simple touch. His arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer
* “I - like the rest of the entire student population at Forks High School- find you absolutely bewitching” 
* The way he says it makes you shiver, and Edward’s hand trails up your back. 
*He sits a little straighter, bouncing you slightly in his lap as he does, so you’re looking straight into his eyes
* “I find it hard to believe you don’t know that I have been dying inside everyday watching you walk around in those short shorts you love so much,” he whispers in your ear. 
*“That I haven’t been dying to absolutely ravish you .”
* You gulp.
* It’s all you can do when he’s looking at you like that
* If you thought Garrett’s bedroom eyes were intense, then Edward is on an entire different level
* You feel your heart stutter, butterflies erupting in your stomach...and something else
* A certain heat you haven’t felt in a long time
* You’ve never seen him look at anything like that, like he’s hungry- 
* Starving even 
* His lips brush against your neck, trailing down to your collar bone and you sigh
* He really knows everything about you doesn’t he? All your sweet spots, all your stories, every one of your secrets.
* Your hand trails up his chest, entangling in his hair and a low gasp tumbles from his lips
* And then your phone rings
* You hear him groan, and you shake your head
* “Ignore it” you mumble, your mouth meeting his once more 
* And you continue on for a few moments, until his phone rings
*He pulls away from you with a groan
* “Rosalie’s calling me a long list of profanities right now” he mumbles, you sigh pulling away to lean against the steering wheel 
* It’s probably for the best, no point in getting too turned on when you knew he was going to say ‘you should wait until marriage’
* Like honestly, he died, and you died, and now you live an alternative lifestyle where literally nothing matters anymore 
* But you’ll respect his wishes 
* “Guess we should go inside” You sigh, you move to get off of him
* But just as your about to crawl off, he tugs you to face him once more
* His thumb brushes over your cheek, and those deep gold eyes bore at you with that same intensity as before 
* He pulls you in for one last kiss, before getting out of the car and closing the door behind him
* “We’ll pick up where we left off later.” 
* (Y/N).exe is broken
* You walk to the house slowly, like humans do 
* “Are you ready?” He asks, holding out his hand
* You smile, placing your hand in his and nodding
* “Ready”
* So imagine your surprise when you and Edward get inside, hand in hand, to find the entire coven is laughing in the living room. 
* From where you’re standing you can only see Carlisle 
* “Ah your home! Come, I want you both to meet someone-“ 
* You move forward but Edward stays rooted to the spot
* Three people come into view, a woman with flaming red hair, a man -no older than 25- with rich mahogany skin, and a dazzling young man with hair the color of the sun.
* “Meet our new friends, Victoria, James and Laurent” 
* You turn to look at Edward, his mouth pinched into a frown
* Well F*ck 
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa @werewolflover3252​ @teenagezombiekryptonite @shynz​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @monkeyluver4546​
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Yandere Bully Jasper Hale X bullied Male Reader
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Warning: little violence, bullying, and a little smut. 
Requested from Peramess. 
Background: In this world vampires and humans live together in peace but vampires still mistreat humans because they are weaklings. Then this brings us to Jasper Hale he is the king of H/S/N. He bullies those that weak he likes to pick on one kid specifically... M/n. this goes on for a while until a new boy arrives at school. Jasper doesn’t like how you and him are close. Jasper had to ‘deal’ with Elijah.
M/N: Male name
L/N: Last name
H/S/N: High School Name.
Disclaimer: I have never seen twilight so my knowledge of it low. All I know is its about werewolves and vampires and a girl named Bella.
sorry if this is bad!
Word count: 2026
*beep, beep, beep*
You heard your annoying alarm clock going off. “Ugh!” you turned off your alarm clock and got up. You see hints of the sun’s rays penetrating through the closed curtains. ‘New day, and more torture.’ 
You were bullied by Jasper Hale, the “Vampire King” of H/S/N. You didn’t understand why he was doing it, you weren’t weak like others. You do go to the gym and workout, but you weren’t strong as Jasper. 
After just staring at the corner for 5 minutes, you finally got up and began your daily routine. You emptied your blabber, bushed your teeth until they were crystal white, and you put on your uniform. 
After a few minutes some finalizations, you made your way downstairs, where you see your mother cooking her famous pancakes. “Good morning sweetie!” Your mother acknowledges your presence entering the kitchen. 
‘Hey mom,” you said with a tired voice. “You okay sweetie? You don’t seem excited.” Your mother asked worriedly. “I’m just tired. I just wanna go back to sleep.” you said, ‘If only she knew.’ You thought to yourself. “Oh okay, anyways breakfast is ready! Dig in!” your mother placed down a plate full of pancakes, bacon, sausages, and eggs with toast and milk on the side. Your mouth was salivating. “Thanks, mom.” 
After a few minutes of eating, you said goodbye to your mother and began walking to school. As you were walking, you began to take in the sights before entering prison- school. 
You began to the building appear in the distance. When you entered, you were met with a kick to the leg. “Ahh.” you fell onto the concrete floor, you looked you see the same blond-haired guy that made your life a living hell, Jasper Hale. (is that blond hair?) 
“Well, well, well look at what we got here.” you heard him say clearly mocking you. “Well, you need to get your daily beating.” You were now scared, nobody was coming to aid you. Everyone was afraid of what might happen to them. You felt pain spread throughout your body as they kicked. 
The bell ring and the kicking stopped. “I’ll be back later to finish what we started.” Jasper whispered into your ear before leaving with his gang. You stayed there for minutes before attempting to get back up.
While you were getting up, you see a hand in front of you. You looked up and see an unfamiliar person. ‘Who is he?’ You questioned. You just stared at his hand before finally taking it. 
“You okay? You looked pretty beat up.” this stranger said. “Yeah, I’m okay this happens daily,” you replied not caring about how he would respond. “If you say so,” he responded. “So are you new here or something? Cause I have never seen you around,” You asked curiously. “Oh, yes. Yes, I am new. And I was wondering if you knew where this class is?” he asked handing you his schedule. You looked over and he had the same classes as you. “We both have the same classes. I can show around if you want,” you offered him. “Okay, let’s get going!”
“By the way, what’s your name?” You asked wanting to get to know him, ‘He could be my first friend!’ you thought excitedly. “Elijah. Elijah Wilson. Nice to meet you. what’s your name?” he now asked you the same question. “Oh, umm M/n. M/N L/N…” you replied nervously since this was your first time having a normal conversation. “Nice to meet you M/N! Now I feel like we should get going.” He replied in a friendly tone. ‘Maybe he isn’t that bad.’ “Yeah, let’s get going,” you replied with a smile on your face. 
“So you have trigonometry for the first period! Come on let me show you where it is.” You said walking in the direction of both you’re first-period class. “Ugh, trigonometry?! Why is math my first-period class!” Elijah said annoyed, while you laughed at him.  
Time skip (4 minutes)
After walking for 4 minutes you and Elijah both made it to class. Once you open the door everybody stared at you. “You’re late!” your teacher said aggravated that you interrupted her class. In the corner of your eye, you can Jasper be chuckling and smirking along with everybody else. That was when Elijah made himself noticed after walking in. Now everybody’s attention was on him. 
“Ahh, you must the new student right?” “Yes, I am. my name is Elijah Wilson,” Elijah replied timidly. “Alright, class Elijah will be joining our class and treat him with respect. Do you need someone to show you around?” Your teacher asked trying to get this over with. “No, M/N said he’ll show me around,” Elijah replied. “Okay, M/N you will show him around! Now… take your seats.” the teacher demanded. 
You went to your seat while Elijah followed you and took his seat next to you since no one wanted to. Everybody was looking at you both, some with a look of pity, and the others just a look of fear of what was going to happen. Jasper was fuming at this and everybody could feel his anger, he just glared at Elijah the whole time. 
Time skip (30 minutes later)
The bell rang signaling that class is over and its time to move to the next class. You packed your things and waited for Elijah at the door. While you were waiting you got for Elijah, you got punched in the back and kicked in the leg, then you felt someone pulling your hair. You looked and wouldn’t you know it, it was Jasper with a furious look on his face. He was about to continue until someone stepped in.
“Hey stop that!” Elijah yelled, gaining the attention of everyone in the hallway. “Or what? What are going to do, you weak human.” Jasper said with venom, he let go of your hair and began to walk towards Elijah. Elijah walked forward as well. Jasper was about to punch Elijah but he quickly dodges and landed a punch on Jasper. Then the fight happened, you were just standing there shocked. 
They were both beaten up but Jasper seems to be more injured. ‘How is he doing this?! Jasper is a vampire! He’s human?!’ You thought to yourself as you were confused. Jasper was the first to put out. “Gasp.” everybody gasped. ‘Jasper never backed down!’ you too were shocked. 
After it was over you got up and went to aid Elijah. “Come on we need to get to the nurse’s office.” You helped a very bruised Elijah up and made your way to the office. While you were walking, Jasper was just staring at your back. ‘You’ll be mine M/n…’ 
Time skip (5 minutes)
You knocked on the door. No one answered. You decided to just enter anyways. “Looks like the nurse isn’t here. Go get on the bed and I’ll get the bandages.” you got the bandages and the alcohol from one of the cabinets. You both sat there in silence until Elijah asked something personal… 
“Why don’t you have many friends?” you stopped what you were doing and just looked at him. “I’m sorry if I offended you,” Elijah apologize. “No don’t worry, you didn’t offend me.” it went back to being quiet until you man up and told him what happen. “If you’re wondering why I don’t have many friends… (you paused for a moment) My friends went missing. I don’t know what happened to them,” you said while tears began to pour out of your eyes. You felt Elijah hug you whispering, “It’s alright.”
Jasper was looking in through the window of the door. Jealousy and anger raged through his veins. 
Time skip (2 months later)
You and Elijah have grown close. Jasper for some reason stopped bullying you, now all he does is stare at you, but you paid no attention to it.
It was the end of the school day and you said your goodbyes to Elijah and began your walk home. While you were walking you felt like someone was watching you. 
You heard footsteps behind and you decided to walk faster the figure behind also began to walk faster. Before you know it, you ran trying to get away from this unknown person. But in the end, this unknown figure caught you and pulled you into an alleyway. 
This hooded figure pulled out a cloth with chloroform on it and put it onto your nose. You tried your best not to inhale it but failed. You passed out. 
You woke up and see that you’re chained to the wall. You began to panic, you looked around trying to see you’re surrounding. In the corner of the room you… Elijah chained up to the wall as well. “Elijah!” you called out to him but he didn’t respond. You heard footsteps coming down into the basement. You looked at the entrance and you see…… Jasper. 
“Jasper?! You did this!” You yelled with anger. “Watch that mouth of your sweetheart.” when he said you were flabbergasted. ‘Sweetheart?!?!’ “Sweetheart?! One, why are you calling me that, and two, what did you do to Elijah?!” when I said Elijah’s name, his face changed immediately. ‘Bipolar much.’ 
“Elijah, Elijah! It always about him! Why?!” He said with resentment. “Why?! Because you bullied me every day! Elijah was the only one who actually stood up for me and stood up to you!”  you yelled back at him. After you said that he just looked at you before making a move. “You wanna see what I did to Elijah?! Here have a look!” With that said Jasper throws the dead body of Elijah. You screamed at the sight, his eyes were ripped out and his fingers were ripped off as well. Also, his blood was drained. 
Jasper just laughs at your expression. “Wanna know why his eyes and fingers are ripped off? Because he looked at you. His fingers? He touched you.” you were screaming at how calm he was. While you’re crying out your tears, Jasper began to step closer. 
He grabbed the chains raising you up. He grabbed your wrist pulling you closer and tilt your head to the other side. Jasper began to lick your neck trying your sweet spot, he put his hand over your mouth so you wouldn’t make a sound. “Mmm.” you whimpering until…
“Ahhhh!” you felt fangs penetrating your skin. “Mmm.” Jasper was sucking your blood. He then stopped and began to whisper in your ear. “You taste delicious. Better than that scumbag’s blood. You taste so sweet,” Jasper whispered in your ear while also licking it and biting. 
He went back to sucking your blood in the same location. You passed out from blood loss but before you did, you heard him say something. “You’ll make the best bride.”
Time skip (5 months. 5 months since you went missing.)
“You may now kiss the bride.” Jasper immediately grabbed you and kissed you. “We are now married. Now you’ll be mine forever. Nobody will come to save you. Dead is the only thing that will divide us…”
How did this happen? It started off as Jasper bullying you, now it ends with your Bully marrying you. 
You’re his and he’ll never let you go. 
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jamesandthedog · 3 years
I think it’s still @blitheringmcgonagall ‘s birthday where she lives so happy birthday you vaguely shining light of my life! No present could express how glad I am to have you as a friend, but have a little bit of fast written and very unedited Jily:)
Stuffed in Sirius’ drawer
James remembered Lily’s voice and how her hand felt wrapped around his own. At least he thought it was her hand. He remembered seeing the familiar features of his best friend hovering high above him and he thought he had heard voices. He may have slept somewhere between those thoughts, he wasn’t sure. Everything felt a little groggy, dream-like, just like the pain he remembered vaguely in the back of his mind, or those white-clothed witches and wizards he thought he’d seen walk by.
When he really put his mind into it, he could remember fighting Death Eaters near Portobello Road, but now it all seemed fuzzy. It had been late evening, but it wasn’t dark anymore. Where was he?
“James, are you awake?”
There was the voice again, her voice. This was James’ favourite dream, the one were Lily talked to him. Sometimes it was just a voice, sometimes a touch or blurry outlines of her face disappearing before he could quite see them. Though now something in this drowsy state of mind felt different, as if she was closer.
When James tried really hard, he could imagine Lily was holding his hand with both of hers, sitting beside a hospital bed. The image was shattering, there was too much light and he thought she looked tired, worried.
“Great. We’ve wanted him to shut up for years and this is when he decides to listen.”
“Shut up, Sirius,” Lily said and it came out almost as a cry.
“He’s going to be alright,” said a third voice, more soothing.
Remus, James realised.
This dream felt more real than the ones before.
“Stop pissing her off, Padfoot,” James muttered.
He heard Sirius laugh. Maybe he heard Lily whisper a Muggle prayer.
It took James some time to open his eyes and realise that Lily really was there. He couldn’t see her properly, he didn’t have his glasses on, but she was there, smiling, her lips kissing his fingers. Then he saw Remus, one hand on Lily’s shoulder as if he’d been massaging her shoulder to calm her down. Sirius was on the other side of the bed, leaning on the window frame, looking like he hadn’t had a shower in days.
“Should’ve known you’d come back from death just to defend Lily,” Sirius said.
James smiled.
“How are you?” Lily asked, placing his glasses on his face and kissing his forehead.
James thought about it. He felt a little sore, not much.
“You’re in St Mungo’s. You’ve been passed out for three days,” Remus added as Sirius walked on the edge of the bed.
That explained the bandages. Three days? Had they given him a sleeping potion? Shit. He moved a little and his whole body ached, making him grimace. Shit.
“Never better,” he smiled.
Lily took a long, shaky breath. James looked at her, and now that he was able to see her clearly, he could see she was upset. She had tears in her eyes. It felt was worse than the actual aching in his chest. James squeezed her hand that was still holding his.
“Good. You really scared Lily,” Sirius grinned.
“Scared me?” Lily scoffed. “You were the one considering going back to your parent’s house to do research on dark magic in case we needed to bring James back from the death!”
“I’d say it’s fair to say you scared all of us,” Remus concluded. “If Peter wasn’t on Order duty, he’d be here to worry over you too.”
James looked at them. He could see the worry boiling in Lily, and he knew Sirius could act calm but the idea of losing any one of his friends got to him. Remus was probably the most sensible one when it came to death, he’d given the idea some thought a long before the war started. He’d probably been the one to guide the others through the past three days, and James didn’t think he could even thank Remus enough for doing so.
“So… You all got out of there unharmed? What happened?” James asked.
Lily bit her lip. She didn’t look at him.
“Snivellus hit you with that curse. Remember the one that cut you at school?” Sirius said, anger in his voice. “Only he’s gotten better at it because it wasn’t just a cut of two, you were bleeding all over. And you know how Bella gets, I couldn’t get to you past her and fucking Snape.”
Lily looked down at their hands and took a long breath collecting herself. James hated putting her through this. Whatever Snape did wasn’t her fault. James squeezed her hand.
“I managed to disparate you, but that was after Snape had thrown a Crusiatus at you,” Lily said quietly. “It took ages for the heelers to stop the bleeding.”
“Your girlfriend hasn’t left the hospital since. And neither has Padfoot,” Remus concluded.
James took a breath and nodded. That explained why he felt his whole body ache. James remembered some of it now. Battling against Snape, the man had sought him out like he always did when he couldn’t see Lily around.
“Thanks. For getting me out of there and, everything,” James said, looking at each of them.
“Thanks for not dying,” Sirius shrugged.
“Me, shutting up for live?” James asked remembering the first words he’d heard Sirius speak. “No way I’d give you the pleasure.”
“I’d hit you if you weren’t looking so crappy already, you know?” Sirius grinned.
“Can I… Can we have a moment?” Lily asked, looking at the two boys.
Remus nodded. “Yeah. I’ll take Sirius home so you can talk. That mutt needs a bath anyway.”
They left, and James was left with Lily. Now that the others were gone she had hard time keeping her eyes dry.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m okay,” James said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her palm. “Are you okay?”
A sob escaped her lips, but she nodded, pressing her lips together.
“If you ever – EVER – scare me like that again I swear I-“ Lily started.
“Showcase your Muggle swearwords?” James raised a brow as he interrupted her. He loved listening her swear the Muggle way with all her Gods and Christs.
“Don’t start joking mister couldn’t-wake-up-for-three-days,” Lily snapped, but he knew she was relieved to hear him being back to his joking self. “Besides you told me you’d always win him in a battle!”
He had sworn that not too long ago, when Lily had witnessed Snape seeking James out in a battle two times in a row. It had happened earlier too, and James had a feeling Snape only did it when he thought Lily wasn’t around. But she had caught up to it, so James was forced to talk to her about it. He didn’t want her to worry, and honestly he was better at combat, so he had told her she didn’t need to worry about it.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, apologetically.
“I don’t need you to be sorry, I need you to stay alive, you idiot!��
She was sobbing now through the anger and yelling. James tried to sit up, but it was too fast and hurt his chest where Snape’s first curse had hit him. Lily stood up to stop him, but he got up sitting anyway, this time slowly. He pulled Lily closer by the hand until he could hug her. It wasn’t a full hug, not the type of warmth and comfort he was able to give when his chest wasn’t covered in wounds.
Lily cried, her tears wetting the skin on James’ neck as his fingertips draw calming patterns on her back.
“I am alive. I’m not going anywhere,” he hushed, pressing a kiss into her neck.
“You better not,” Lily said. “I’m pregnant.”
James’s fingers stopped petting her back. He let the air escape his lungs and pulled back just enough to see her face, it still hurt but it was the fastest thing on his mind.
“You what?” He asked, wiping a tear from her cheek.
“You heard me, Potter,” she said with defiance in her voice.
James snorted at it and glanced somewhere above just to take time to comprehend it. It was definitely not something they had been planning. They had been careful. Except maybe… Well, they may have not always waited quite as long as they should have after Lily took the potion preventing this sorts of thing from happening.
“And I’m keeping it so you better not die on us,” Lily added when James looked at her again.
It was a war and bringing a child into that certainly didn’t seem like a responsible thing to do. But when he looked at Lily, he knew what he had known for years. He wanted her. The chaos of war had only made him more certain of it. He hadn’t dare to dream of live after war for quite some time, but there had always been that distant idea of creating a family with her. Their little life together.
James nodded, giving her a smile. “Can you send an owl to Pads?”
Lily raised her eyebrows.
“You really want to write Sirius a letter right now?”
“I need him to bring me something,” James smiled.
“I tell you I’m pregnant and the only comment I get is your need to write to Sirius?”, she asked.
James rolled his eyes and kissed her softly.
“Fine,” he gave up on the letter and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “But if this is going to be very lame because I can’t even get off the bed, you’re the one to blame.”
“James? That makes literally no sense,” Lily frowned. “Are you alright? I’m going to call a heeler.”
James laughed and kissed her again before she had time to move away from him.
“No,” he shook his head and kissed her once more, slowly, bringing his hand in her neck. “I just mean, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. And I can’t promise you I won’t ever die. But I swear I’ll do anything to keep us all safe. I can’t get on one knee-“
“James what-“
“And the ring is stuffed in Sirius’ drawer –“
“I fucking love you, Evans-“
“Oh my god.”
“I love your laughter. I love your fierceness. I love your wit. I love how big heart you have. I loved to wake up to your voice today. I love everything about you, even the things that annoy me. And I’m not saying this just because you’re pregnant. Will marry me, Evans?”
There were tears in Lily’s eyes again. His hands had moved to cup her face as he’d spoken and she was holding onto his wrists. He tried to read her expression but he was too nervous to catch her thoughts just by reading her.
“You have a ring stuffed in Sirius’ drawer?” She asked.
“He said I should commit to a ring at least for three months before chaining myself for life.”
“How long has it been there?”
“Around two months.”
Lily nodded. “He’s going to be pissed.”
James raised his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“You’re really going to marry me, Evans?”
“I’m really going to marry you, Potter,” she laughed, and pulled him gently closer, pressing her lips on his.
In that moment James was sure no death eater, not even Voldemort could stop them from winning the war. He had simply too much to live for. So he kissed her back, and felt nothing but utter joy until twenty minutes later when the tiredness took over his aching body and he fell asleep smiling.
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Carlisle Cullen x OC
Summary: Carlisle and his mate Eloise receive some shocking news that they weren’t necessarily prepared to deal with regarding her health. Instead of seeing what’s right in front of him, Carlisle believes that his wife’s health issues are stemming from other avenues. It isn’t until his wife makes a discovery that he alters his course of action. 
Note: This is a deviation from what I normally post, but I hope that all of you will take the chance and give it a read. :) 
“I can’t even believe this is happening again. And with your wife of all people!” Jacob Black shouted as he walked into the Cullen family’s wide, contemporary kitchen. 
“Jacob, we’ve discussed this. Eloise isn’t like us. She isn’t a vampire, she’s a phoenix. As such, she’s capable of resurrecting the dead, the broken, the ill-equipped parts of us that are theoretically unsalvageable. And as things stand, we all know I’m infertile. Or that I was.” Carlisle explained. “Believe me, I’m just as overwhelmed as you are. Even more so because I’m still struggling to accept the fact that I helped someone--the woman I adore more than anything else on this earth--procreate.”
And it’s not like the couple had been trying either. Quite the opposite actually. Sure, both of them had done ample amounts of research--through legends and the like--to determine whether or not they would need to take precautions before having intercourse. From what little they could find, it appeared that exercising the freedom of caution was the best choice. Not only had pregnancies been reported, multiple births seemed to be a common occurrence. And even though Carlisle was reluctant to put his faith into these infinitesimal references, he still did what any self-respecting man would do: He made sure his strong, confident wife made the final decision about what she wanted to do. At the end of the day, her body would have been doing the brunt of the work had a pregnancy occurred. 
Eloise thought long and hard about this and would even go so far as to test herself. Did she want a child? Yes. Would she be a genuinely good mother? She hoped so. But the ultimate question remained: did she want a child with Carlisle? More than anything else in the world. However, it just didn’t seem like the right time. The pack was going through organizational disputes, the Volturi were still trying to find ways to get her and Alice to join their coven, and Bella and Edward were in the process of adopting a child. There was just too much happening around her for that to work out. Or so she thought at that moment. 
About two months later, she started feeling a bit off-kilter. She was suffering from myriad migraine headaches, her stomach always seemed to be queasy, and she was dealing with some intense bouts of insomnia (which she had never experienced as a child or even during her adult life). Her husband was increasingly worried about her. So much so that he would have her in his office every day for testing. At that point, he was looking for a dormant autoimmune disease, cancer, anything that would highlight these symptoms. What he wasn’t looking for was a pregnancy, a fertilized egg within his wife. 
One night, while the rest of the family was out hunting, Eloise and Carlisle were cuddling on the couch, her head in his lap. He was running his long, cool fingers through her hair and down her back, intermittently trying to coax her into eating a small piece of toast that he’d made for her. Yet every attempt didn’t do much. Regardless, he was hoping she would get her appetite back soon because her skin had started to take on a translucent pallor that he despised. 
“Come on, honey, just one bite. That’s all I’m asking for,” Carlisle said, putting the plate in front of her face. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m just not hungry. The entire idea of food is revolting. Plus, I don’t really want to repeat what happened a few hours ago.” Carlisle hummed in understanding. While he knew that Eloise was being sincere, he wasn’t pleased that she was still feeling so fatigued and nauseated. 
A few hours ago, as he was attending to a broken rib of Seth’s at the reservation, he received a call from Alice. ‘Eloise has been throwing up for the last forty minutes, Carlisle. She didn’t want to worry you,’ she’d started. ‘But you need to get back here now. I’ve been sitting with her, and I’m worried she’s getting dehydrated.’ Heart in his throat, he quickly finished his session with Seth, letting him know that he had an emergency that he needed to attend to. 
After parking the car, he ran into the house, heading straight for his and Eloise’s bedroom. And when he walking into the adjoining bathroom, he was shocked by what he saw: his wife, her cheek smashed against the toilet seat, breathing heavily in order to avoid another onset of nausea. In his peripheral, he saw Alice lightly rubbing Eloise’s back with her left hand and murmuring comforting words to her. 
Instinctively, Carlisle  moved towards his wife and took Alice’s place as the caretaker. “Hi, sweetheart. Alice called and said you weren’t feeling well. Can you tell me what’s been bothering you?” he asked, gently kneading the taut muscles in her lean back. 
Eloise slowly pulled her face away from the toilet bowl and looked at him blearily. “My stomach just isn’t feeling super fantastic at the moment. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to keep anything down. I haven’t been able to since about two o’clock this afternoon.”
“Well, you haven’t been at your best recently. Do you think that may have something to do with it?”
“Perhaps. But I haven’t had this happen before. Yes, I’ve experienced nausea and some stomach cramping, but it never ended with me vomiting for hours on end.”
And that was what still puzzled Carlisle in this moment. Why was this happening to her when nothing was physically wrong? She didn’t have AGID nor was there any evidence of malignant tumor growth. She wasn’t running a fever nor was she displaying any signs of infection. So what could it be? He was determined to find out. 
He lightly ran the pad of his right thumb over Eloise’s cheek. “Sweet girl, I think it’s time that I do an ultrasound on your stomach. Maybe that will give us some answers. What do you say?” 
“Alright. You’ll probably have to carry me though. I haven’t been doing well vertically,” she said, slightly smiling. 
“Your wish is my command.” 
He proceeded to carefully--oh, so carefully--move her head off his lap and onto a pillow (as a replacement). Then, when he was completely erect, he swiftly leaned forward and placed his forearms underneath Eloise’s lumbar vertebrae and upper thighs. Once she was secured in his arms, he gently kissed her cheek and proceeded to move them into his office, the one room in the house both of them have grown to resent. 
Placing her on the exam table, he grazed his hand through her bangs in the hope of soothing the anxiety that was coursing through her. “It’ll be alright. You know I would never hurt you. Never.”
“I know. It’s not that. I just don’t want anything to be wrong. I want to be healthy,” she said, her voice on the verge of breaking. 
“You will be. I’ll make sure of it,” Carlisle responds as he pressed his forehead against hers. 
Eloise smiled wanly as her husband went through his check-up regimen: ears, eyes, nose, throat, body temperature, blood pressure, then reflexes. While she may complain every now and then about his overprotectiveness, she really does feel so grateful and lucky to be married to a man whose compassion and kindness are limitless. This man always makes her feel valued, appreciated, and heard, especially apart from the rest of the world. And these are things that will never go unnoticed by her. He will never go unnoticed by her. 
“How are things looking, Doctor Cullen?” she asked. “Am I passing inspection?”
Carlisle lightly laughed at her attempt at a joke. “So far things are looking good. I think we’re about ready to do the abdominal ultrasound and see what things are looking like down there.”
He moved over to his white, sterile metal cart that held the handheld ultrasound. The plan was for Carlisle to put the clear lubricant on her belly, place the ultrasound on it, and then wait for the image to connect to the screen to his right. From there, he’ll see if there are any obstructions or issues. 
“Are you ready, honey?” he asked. “If it’s too cold, just let me know.” 
Eloise held her two thumbs up. “I’m ready. Let’s do it.”
The exam began. For a period of time, the sound and echo waves were all they could hear. Eloise was holding her breath. Carlisle’s face was pinched, his eyes and ears hyper-focused on the task. Until the heartbeat-like echo struck back at them. 
His wife lifted her hand to stop him from continuing with the examination. “What was that?” she queried. 
“I don’t know, darling. I don’t know.” he said. “Let’s try again and see if we get the same feedback.”
He continued his inspection but still received the same results. The heartbeat was unlike any he heard before (besides his wife’s): strong, pure, yet calm in its essence. Before he could ponder any other reasonings behind this strange occurrence, Eloise interrupted him. “Carlisle, we both know that’s a heartbeat. You can question it and try to find other avenues to follow, but you know the truth. And a heartbeat can only mean one thing,” she smiled, so big that her dimples were more pronounced than ever before. “We’re pregnant. My magic enabled us to create a baby.”
He took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. “We don’t know that.”
“But we do. Carlisle, all the signs have been pretty prevalent these last few weeks. I just never thought to associate them with pregnancy because we agreed we would wait to start trying. I guess the universe had other plans.” 
“Eloise, honey…”
“You know it’s true. I do because I can feel our child. Now, after all this time, he or she has decided to make their presence known. The energy I feel--the positivity and contentment I’m now carrying in this moment--is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.” 
Carlisle looked at her, stunned. If she can feel their child, how could he dispute that? How could he challenge what she (and he) knew to be true in all its unlikelihood? It wasn’t like this was entirely impossible, especially after reading about other couples’ experiences. Couples like them. 
Eloise took his moment of consideration to move his hand to her tummy. “I know it’s hard to come to terms with right now because we weren’t sure how true the reports were, but I think it’s time we start believing in them. Carlisle, you’re going to be a father, and I’m going to be a mother. We’re going to finally have the opportunity to expand our family.” 
Hearing those words made Carlisle outright grin. They had been waiting for this moment for so long that he never believed it would ever actually happen. But now, he has everything he could ever want in the palm of his hand. 
“Well, it would appear that way,” he said, leaning over his wife to give her a heart-stopping kiss. “And I must add that I’m excruciatingly happy. Thank you, sweetheart.” 
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oliviayamaoka · 3 years
The Roseville Murders (Chapter 2)
Hi, just wanted to say I adjusted the plot slightly and will go into more detail with the story next chapter! This was a bit experimental and I wanted to write the growing relationship / rivalry between Y/N and Danny. I also wanted to write Y/N as a girlboss and to be just as witty as Danny!
Anyways, please comment any ideas or suggestions you may wanna see in future chapters! I have this planned out but would love any ideas or stuff I can add into the story! Tysm for reading!
It rained softly outside as you took a seat at your workplace. The desk was a bit cluttered with your art, notes, junk, and your papers regarding your current investigation.
One of the drawings on your desk was a sketch of Ghostface’s mask, attached to it was a few notes regarding the origin of the mask. Did Ghostface care for the history of it, anyways? You already theorized he was a narcissist who took pride in his work. Perhaps, he admired Edward Munch and his infamous “The Scream” artwork? Or maybe he based his persona off of it? You weren’t too sure but you did research the distribution and the company that made the masks. It wasn’t a particular popular company but it only distributed to the USA, Canada, and Brazil.
Ghostface didn’t seem too caring when it came to where he stabbed victims. As long as there was a lot of blood and something only he could perceive as art. And maybe you too. You felt excited, you already had a three year timeline. Maybe, you could get ahold of other states and ask if there’s been similar killings. Maybe even Brazil and Canada? You had to pinpoint a location and see if you could find just one name, any name.
Three years. Three countries. A part of you doubted he was Brazilian. Maybe Canadian? You weren’t so sure, you were pretty sure he was American. Y/N would probably have to go to the library tommorow to do research and use the slowly growing internet. Your research was suddenly halted when you knocked your sketchbook over.
Our slid a page. You kneeled down to pick it up, holding it as you examined the dark sketch. On the paper was a sketch of claws? No, they also looked like tentacles. Ever since the incident, you had dreams of these tentacle claws grabbing you and pulling you away from life as you know it. It must’ve been a sign of trauma or maybe it represented what happened through the nightmares? You slid it back into your sketchbook, deciding not to dwell on it. It would only make your room feel more depressing.
Beside your sketchbook was your leather journal. Y/N wrote everything in there, for mental health reasons. You included the incident and what Jonathan did for you. Your previous therapist said journaling your thoughts helped the healing process. It worked but journaling about how you killed your abuser was hell.
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted when your phone rang. It was a chunky, black mobile phone you got about a week ago? Y/N reached for it and answered.
“Hello?” You answered, using your other hand to organize your desk.
“Hello?” A voice answered, it was a male by the sound of it.
“Hi, who’s this?” Y/N asked, paying no mind to the phone call as she started to put some of her stuff away. Art supplies.
“Who’s this?” He replied.
“Y/N L/N, am I who you’re trying to reach?” You asked, sitting back down.
“Ah, you’re no fun, detective.” He chuckled as you stopped, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. Who was this?
“My apologies but, this is my personal phone. Can I ask who gave you this number?” You questioned him.
“Why does it matter, gorgeous? I know it’s you now.” He responded.
“Please don’t call me that. And yes, I am indeed a detective but I’d feel more comfortable discussing anything with you on my work phone.” Y/N said sternly.
“Oh, yeah… Detective L/N, huh? Think you’re some sort of hotshot because you’re new? Where did you come from? Washington? Gonna take more than the feds to catch me.” He said to you.
You listened intently and stopped for a moment. Catch him? Must be a stupid prank. Although, not a funny one since he had your personal phone number. An eyebrow raised as you looked at your notes on Ghostface.
“You still haven’t told me your name. Let’s not be rude, yeah?” You responded, being a little more cocky since you were off-duty.
“Awe, don’t tell me you forgot my name. I’ll give you a hint… I’ve been quite famous lately. In fact, I think you’ve taken quite the interest in me, Y/N.” The man teased. It was 100% Danny.
“I asked for a name, not an alias.” You said.
“Maybe after dinner, hotshot.” Danny said to you as you furrowed your eyebrows.
“I’m not in Roseville to play games. Either verify you are who you claim to be or quit wasting my time.” Y/N spoke with a stern tone.
“My last victim had three stab wounds to the throat. It was going to be two but their scream wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be. And they had a tattoo on their upper thigh. Bella Smith.” He said as you froze for a moment.
It was true. The latest murder victim was a middle-aged woman named Bella Smith who worked at a convenience store. She had multiple stab wounds but it was pretty much impossible to see she had three wounds on her throat just looking at photos of the crime scene.
“Okay and how did you get my number? I imagine the infamous Ghostface doesn’t have access to these types of things. How do I know this isn’t some sort of elaborate prank orchestrated by my coworkers?” You questioned.
“Honey, I am Roseville. Also sounds like you have experience with these kinds of things. You ever get humiliated like that?” Danny asked, grinning widely.
“No, it’s just a very logical conclusion. And why would you be talking to me anyways?” You asked him.
While you spoke to him, you quickly wrote down what he said and what he sounded like. You quickly speculated what his age may be, maybe 25?
“I keep tabs on the cops who are investigating my work and to be honest? They’re all stupid, it’s pathetic. Although, I noticed something about you. You come from one of the big cities, don’t you? You’re actually smart compared to those other pigs.” He said.
“Those pigs you speak of have tried their best in pursuing you. They have families too.” You responded.
“Really, huh? You’ve only been here three weeks? I think you should just trust me on this one because those other officers really don’t know what they’re doing. If you actually find out who I am, are they gonna give you credit? The newbie? A woman?” He asked.
“I don’t understand why gender is an issue. And why would they try to steal credit?” You questioned.
“They’re stuck in this shit hole city and I bet they could just really use a promotion right now. They want so badly to be the hero that arrests me… but first, they’ll let the freshly graduated detective do the work. It’s so easy to overshadow women in this world.” Danny said.
“Well, I don’t care. As long as you’re put behind bars.” Y/N responded.
“The bars at this station? I must say, your desk is quite cute. A bit plain but I like your style… interesting files too.” He mused.
“Huh?” You responded, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Your lil’ office at the station, I like it. This place has always been easy to break into. You noticed it too, didn’t you? Their security sucks and their morgue is just too damn small.” Danny said as you frantically looked around, shoving your shoes on.
“I’m going to call them right now and tell them you’re there. That was a stupid move on your part.” You said, practically yelling.
“So young and naive. I’ll be long gone.” He responded, chuckling as you hung up.
“Fuck, shit!” You said, quickly dialling the number to the police station.
You practically flung your door open, sprinting down the hallway and out through the front doors of the apartment complex after three flights of stairs. Your heart rate increased as you continued running down the sidewalk, feeling more frantic when there was no answer.
“Answer…!” You yelled, calling the emergency number.
“911, how can I help you?” A staticky voice answered as you continued running.
“I’m Detective Y/N L/N! Please inform the police station that there’s an intruder! He might be armed and dangerous! Do not touch anything since there may be forensic evidence!” You instructed.
“Oh—yes, right away, ma’am!” The dispatcher answered as you hung up, continuing to focus on your running towards the station.
Back at your apartment complex, there stood Danny with his own mobile phone. It couldn’t be traced back to him since it was stolen and he didn’t leave any DNA on it. If anything, it had the previous owners. Bella Smith. Your apartment complex had fire escape stairs outside your window. Easy enough, he thought. His outfit was black and had some stuff hanging off it. Strings? Ribbons? Danny was quite quick and extremely quiet when it came to climbing the set of stairs.
He reached your window, pulling it open gently and hoisting himself through, landing gently whilst kneeled down. For precaution, he had his knife gripped in one hand. This was purely for investigation and to see what you truly had on him. His head tilted curiously as he noticed your desk. Your art and notebook. His gloved hand reached out to your sketch of him.
Danny was truly impressed at how detailed and good it was. He read through your sticky notes and theories. Other than the fact he was blown away, he knew you were a threat since you successfully guessed his age range and height. Wait, his height? You did a careful examination of the footage he was in, looking at objects around him and his boots to correctly guess a height.
“What the fuck…?” Danny muttered as he looked at your notes.
The Scream by Edward Munch and a costume company? He skimmed over your notes and the psychological profile you built on him. He felt somewhat panicked since you were indeed no joke. His gaze averted towards your leather notebook. Eagerly, he grabbed it and opened it. Most of it was your thoughts and causes of your stress and anxiety. He stopped flipping through when he saw a darker page. It was dark because of the writing and how crumpled it seemed.
December 23rd, 1992
I was walking down an alleyway two weeks ago. It was cold so I had a jacket over my uniform. I suppose that’s why the man didn’t know I was an officer.
At first, I thought that he was going to try and rob me. It took me a while to realize that my money and belongings wasn’t what he was after. I suppose it would be appropriate to say that I was in shock for a moment. He never finished what he started. Despite being in shock, I was able to feel everything and the adrenaline only helped my rage.
Why? Why did this have to happen to me? After getting him off, I pulled my gun out and he stopped. I still remember the look on his face after I shot him. He was scared and pathetic, as he was in life. I don’t regret killing him. I never will. I just feel utterly violated. Never once have I been touched like that so violently. Is this what this fucked up world has come to? What if I didn’t have my gun and training?
He definitely did this to other women… he deserved to die. And I would do it all over again to him and to other men just like him. Of course, I had to call the police. They were going to charge me with manslaughter but they said that they would push this all under the rug, just as long as I never tell anybody. Did I contribute to corruption in the police force? This getting out would ruin everything. I don’t know but I do know that this was my gift.
Freedom was my gift for killing that man. It felt oddly exhilarating. I hope nobody remembers him, I hope his family know what kind of monster he was. Anyways, I’m being reassigned somewhere. They said they’ll give me my first investigation. In a smaller city.
Danny’s fingers trailed over the page. He felt angry and sad for you. That this happened to you. But, something arose in him when he kept re-reading that paragraph. You… enjoyed it? Behind the mask, he had a soft expression on his face. He imagined your beautiful face full of blood with you and your gun. He smiled gently as he kept the notebook.
He did indeed feel bad for you but he wasn’t satisfied with his limited knowledge of you. Danny decided to use this notebook of incriminating evidence to hold some leverage over you. Not only that but he figured he’d get to know you better if they had something interesting to talk to you about. Danny couldn’t help but grin when he thought about your journal entry and the sketches you made of him. So smart yet so naive.
Danny quickly took a look around your apartment to see all points of entry. He took a peak into your bedroom, it was neat and tidy. He seemed somewhat paranoid so quickly went back to your living room window, making his swift little escape. Not without taking some of your notes on him and your sketchbook.
About two hours later, you rubbed your eyes in frustration as another officer came to talk to you. There was a forensic team still investigating your little office space. Apparently, there was nobody here and your office seemed untouched. For about thirty minutes, you inspected any points of entry and tried to look for out of place shoe marks since it rained outside.
“Detective, are you certain it was the killer who called? We get prank calls a lot.” He said as you nodded.
“Yes, I’m certain. It was him, he knows I’m going to catch him soon.” You said as he nodded a bit.
“Okay, well, we’ll take it from here. Come early tommorow.” He said as you sighed.
“I will but please, don’t miss anything. I’m starting to think he was lying. It was him though.” You said as you turned, walking down the hallway towards the exit.
It seemed to be evening at this point and the rain stopped pouring. It was slightly humid but the city looked oddly beautiful when it was wet? You couldn’t stop thinking about your phone call with Ghostface earlier. Y/N already had some tech professionals try to track the number he called from and all of the information regarding the phone company. You’d have to wait two days at the latest for the results to come back.
As you walked through light puddles, you felt more and more tired. All the running and frantically searching for him was enough to just make you exhausted. It was all last-minute too. Y/N stopped dead in her tracks when she felt her mobile phone ring. You pulled it out of your pocket and answered it.
“Hello?” You asked, tired.
“Hey, gorgeous. Just wanted to apologize for my little deception trick earlier.” He responded as your eyes widened.
“Ghostface…” You responded, shocked that he had the courage to call you again.
“God, hearing that from you…” He said with a slight husk as you took a deep breath quietly to calm yourself.
“You know I’m close, don’t you?” You questioned him as he chuckled.
“Of course, I do… only these hands of mine can do wonders for you.” Danny said to you as you scoffed.
“You’re disgusting.” You say to him.
“Don’t lose your temper now, detective. There’s… things we should discuss.” He cooed.
“Things? Seriously?” You asked him, already tired of his bullshit.
“Yeah! Like, this lil’ notebook of yours! Really deep stuff… Victor Houston, was it? The serial rapist? Must’ve felt real good to put him down, didn’t it? Did it feel as good as you said it did in this thing?” He asked as you froze.
You probably let out a small whimper of shock as your hands trembled. Your heart pumped hard and fast. It was all you can hear as you felt your face heat out of pure embarrassment and shock. He… read your journal? This wasn’t good, this wasn’t good.
“W-What…?” You asked as he cackled.
“God, you’re so hot when you sound scared. Don’t be offended though, babe. You still sound real sexy in your cop tone.” He said as he continued.
“Yeah, I read all about the guy you killed. And how it was all covered up to accommodate you. Are you a star student or something? It’s hard covering up murders… or has it always been easy for you?” He asked.
“I-I, um… how did you get that…?” You asked him, trembling.
“You see, Y/N… we’re the same. You and I are too smart for Roseville. It’s just that I got the upper hand this time. While you rushed to the police station, I took a quick trip into your apartment.” He said as you let out a light gasp.
“Yeah, that’s right! I know where you live, I know where you’re from, and your number. I know who you truly are, Detective Y/N L/N.” Danny said mockingly.
“And what are you going to do with it?” You asked him.
“Always so straight to the point. I might give that annoying little journalist Jed Olsen. You’re trying to work with him, aren’t you? You mentioned in one of these notes… you also think he’s handsome.” He said as you covered your eyes.
You fought tears.
“Why? Why would you do this?” You ask.
“I should be asking you that. I’m a bit jealous you find someone like Olsen… attractive. He’s so boring, so normal, so… ugh, I hate talking about him. Still though, nice to know I have another fan besides him.” He said to you.
“Where are you going with this?!” You snapped as he chuckled darkly.
“I won’t tell anybody. Just as long as you halt your investigation for a while. I still want to have fun in Roseville here and well… get to know you.” He said.
“Go to hell.” You muttered.
“How original… so what’ll it be? I kinda need to know now since I’m also on a bit of a time crunch.” Danny asked you.
“W-What the fuck do you want me to do? Sit back and watch as you kill more innocent people?! I won’t let you.” You said with a venomous tone.
“What are you gonna do? Stop me behind bars?” He asked mockingly.
“Fuck you.” You said.
“I’m sure we will. But first, I just want you to sit back and not do anything stupid. We’ll see each other eventually. I’ll call you from another phone soon.” He said, hanging up.
You held your phone in disbelief and quickly made sure you had your gun. How the hell could you have been so dumb?! It was genius, leading you away from you apartment and finding such leverage against you purely out of luck. Your breath trembled as you walked back to your apartment, having your gun ready in your pocket as you did so.
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