#( ✰ musings ⟶ tucker )
radiance1 · 6 months
Vlad: Would you like to form an alliance... with me?
Ghost writer: Absolutely. Absolutely, I do.
Now, Vlad should know better than to ally himself with someone who broke the Christmas truce, buuuut. The call for DnD is so tempting that he just had to do it.
He then dragged Daniel and his friends into it as well. Daniel dragged his sister along and then the Fenton parents found out and, well.
It suddenly became a thing.
Oh well, both Vlad and Ghost Writer sculpt up some lore from each of their character sheets, weave a world from words and then drag a random number of people to act as their 'players.'
It was supposed to be people from Amity Park, but there was a miscalculation on that part, and honestly you can't even blame them because they've been weaving nonstop and Vlad ignored quite a bit of sleep to try and make this perfect as he could.
So instead of civilians they dragged in a few members of the Justice League and, well.
As long as they play by the rules nothing would hopefully go wrong...?
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biteofcherry · 5 months
I'm hoping to launch a certain event in the upcoming months (probably starting March, but it's still tbd) and I was wondering, which of the characters I haven't written for yet, you'd like me to include in the future?
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cashandandrogyny · 11 months
Please this is so funny 😭
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The mutants of Krakoa are sent on their mission to investigate who is behind the terrorist attack and they help the survivors of the bombed city. Also, they fend off the Watchdogs who are harassing the mutants and survivors.
The mutants who do things in this comic are...
Storm disperses the biotoxic gas in the air and she helps out in fending off the Watchdogs. She also creates an oxygen-rich bubble environment to enhance Triage's healing powers.
Cyclops and Monet St Croix do most of the fighting in fending off the Watchdogs who are harassing the mutants.
Bishop helps out the survivors as well as fending off the Watchdogs.
Cerebra and Tempo analyze the skull and they found out that the skull belonged to a young mutant who was kidnapped and used as a living weapon by Orchis.
Thunderbird frees the trapped man inside the car, he also knows that the Heritage Foundation might have something to do with the X-Gene used to create the exploding mutant so he informs the CSI team that they were buying native X-Genes.
Iceman creates ice bowls for the dogs to drink water out of. He also uses his ice golems to do CPA stuff in the office, helping the town prepare for upcoming bureaucratic and budgetary battles.
Triage works to heal the critically injured and notes that half the town is sick or infectious due to the "dirty bomb" explosion.
Tag's powers are great for evacuation and he "tags" destroyed cars and buildings to help people escape them, while Karma telepathically guides people out of complexes.
Angel helps out in not only taking the trapped survivors out of the window from the building, he also helps out Cyclops, Monet, Bishop, Jean Grey and Bishop in fending off the Watchdogs.
Jean Grey ends up her telekinesis levitating most of the Watchdogs and after reading their minds realizes they're not part of the false flag operation. They actually believe mutants are responsible for the attack. She gets them out of the way and has them "chasing their own tails." Jean Grey also rebuilds people's homes using their memories as blueprints.
Somnus keeps the wounded but stable victims dreaming comfortably as they rest.
Thumbelina uses her shrinking powers to perform microsurgeries inside the survivors' bodies.
Wicked the Genoshan mutant connects the deceased with their loved ones as grief counseling. Bishop notes that without backups of these people the Phoenix Foundation can't bring them back.
Icarus singing local tunes to lift the hearts of the victims.
Escapade switching places with trapped people as she seems good at escaping.
Crave the random mutant eats the contents of biohazard bags that have been collected, neutralizing them. He also finds them delicious.
Northstar and Aurora light up the night sky.
Sanjar Javeed (Horseman Death from Remender's Uncanny X-Force) boosts the immune systems of the most vulnerable.
Brutha Nature grows air-scrubbing flora all over town.
Alchemist (Sudi Abadi) purifies the contaminated water.
Theia also helps to reassemble the streets, businesses, etc.
Greycrow cooks a massive pot of seafood boil while Madrox fills and passes out bowls.
Eye-Scream the obscure mutant makes ice cream for the children.
Hindsight uses his telemetry to do more investigations.
--- X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike #1, 2023
Whew! What a list!
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I find the idea that Stan's gang are called "the popular kids" by Butters yet Craig claims the majority of their classmates dislike them/think they're assholes is really interesting
Sure it could just be a matter of personal opinion from two wildly different characters, but I also don't think these two opinions really contradict each other realistically
There are plenty of real world people who are incredibly popular but widely disliked.
Personally, the way I've always viewed Stan's gang was as popular but more in an infamous way? I feel like Stan is usually credited as being a natural leader, and Cartman is credited usually with being very charismatic, but I would argue that these are qualities thar all four of the gang have to varying degrees and presentations, which I feel makes them maybe tolerable individually to their classmates, all four of them have a handful of likeable traits that you could reason would make them popular, but together as a unit they're a fucking destructive force with the capacity to pull people into crazy shit they didn't necessarily understand the scope of
And it can either be GREAT, like Stick of Truth/Black Friday Event where they essentially organized a massive game for the whole town
Or you know, they could steal Craig's birthday money and get them all sent to Peru
Either of these scenarios is just as likely as the other when getting involved with these four, so I imagine they're easy to love when things are going great, but even easier to hate or at least be wary of when they're even just suggesting doing something even more than mundane
(I sorta headcanon Craig nicknaming their group "The Supermassive Black Hole" due to their ability to suck people in and figuratively rip them to shreds (and also because Craig using space terms ))
Honestly I feel like the closest group that could be "popular" in the sense of them being well liked because they're just... likable? It would probably be Craig's Gang, which I feel is kinda funny, because when I think of them, I sort of imagine them being the opposite of Stan's gang
That is to say, I imagine Stan's gang is more tolerable individually, whereas I feel like Craig and Those guys are more likeable as a group?
I feel like Timmy and Tolkien are probably pretty affable individually, but Craig, Clyde and Jimmy I feel like have the capacity to be real shitheads if left unchecked and I love them for that. (Not really including Tweek here, even thought I technically include him with Catg, but he's kinda like their Butters so )
I wish I had the strength to factor in how the girls fit into this, but the fact that the girls are treated as one monolithic group fucking irks me too much
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fagtainsparklez · 7 months
Congrats on Yaoi Pregnancy??? I think???
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my-t4t-romance · 2 years
trip tucker fighting for his life against the temptations of denobulan milf pussy and then phlox is just like “oh cool I hope you and my wife have fun on your next date”
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blackwood4stucky · 7 months
To be honest
I ship any and all iterations of evanstan, with my latest obsession being Lloyd Hansen/Steve Kemp. I need that
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vmures · 9 months
Tucker & Dale vs Evil is so damn good, it should be illegal. It's definitely in my top 10 of horror movies. Not only is it funny, the central message is that miscommunication and assumptions cause harm to others!
Right?! It's such an underrated gem of a film. It's in my top 10 movies, horror or otherwise. And I love that it turns that whole "evil hillbillies" trope on its head. And you are so right about it being such a perfect central message. Miscommunications and assumptions are by far and away some of the most dangerous things out there.
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thehollowprince · 2 years
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Tempus, Proteus, Hope, Elixir, Egg...
The Five.
The foundation on which the nation of Krakoa has been built. Individual mutants who, while powerful in their own right, when working in unison, have managed to cheat Death of her prize by resurrecting their dead.
They've been a cornerstone of the Krakoan era of the X-Men and, most recently, have even joined the arena of Krakoan politics with Hope joining the Quiet Council. And the question has often been asked as to what would happen to Krakoa if anything ever happened to the Five. This is such a worry that there are protocols in place in case one of of the Five ends up dead themselves. After all, who is going to resurrect the resurrectors? It's been mentioned (via data pages) that mutants like Mimic and Synch are on standby in case something happens to them, as they're both very capable of easily filling in for whatever role is suddenly vacant.
With Judgment Day just around the corner, I've been thinking about what would potentially happen if Moira's plan works, even if it's only having Druig and his Eternals taking out the Five. Synch is powerful, but he's not THAT powerful.
Anyway, here are my pics for who could replace the Five.
#1. Fabio Medina - EGG
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There is no other mutant like Egg. Whereas the other members of the Five have other mutants who could fill their roles, there is no one (aside from someone like Synch, Rogue or Mimic) who could use his powers, and he needs to be alive (even if just at first) for them to copy his powers. The only way resurrection works is with his eggs, so he is very necessary.
That being said, I'm pretty sure he doesn't create a new egg pod at the beginning of each resurrection. It was shown during X OF SWORDS that they stock the entire hatchery with them. So I'm pretty sure, if nothing else, he'd have his very own pod waiting for his resurrection, stored in a secure location so that he could resume his work with the new Five.
#2. Christopher Muse - TRIAGE
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I've stated before, in another post about potential Omega level mutants, that Triage has the same abilities as Elixir, and so he would be the ideal choice to fill that role for the Resurrection Protocols.
Healer would also be a potential candidate for this role.
#3. Heather Tucker - TEMPO
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Much like Triage, Heather's powers are nearly identical to Tempus. In fact, with people arguing that Tempus should be classified as an Omega level mutant, I'd say the same for Tempo, because Heather has been shown to be just as (if not more) powerful than Eva, especially within the pages of the current run of MARAUDERS.
#4. Franklin Richards - POWERHOUSE
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I went back and forth on this one because, technically speaking (at the moment), Franklin isn't (or maybe he is?) a mutant (he's totally a mutant! Fuck you, Dan Slott!). I mean, we do have other reality warping mutants that could very easily fill that role, but given my feelings on how Franklin was handled by Slott (🤬), I wanted to give this character a shot at "redemption", rather in a similar way that was granted to Wanda during the TRIAL OF MAGNETO.
Characters like Mister M, Monarch, Mad Jim Jaspers (lot of Ms here) as well as Wanda Maximoff herself, could also fill this role.
#5. Everett Thomas - SYNCH
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I know I mentioned him as someone who could fill any role within the Five as required, but if we had to have a brand new Five, Synch would be my pick to replace Hope. He can already do what Hope can do when it comes to copying powers and so forth, and that was actually one of my initial gripes with the character of Hope when she was introduced. Same with Tempo and Tempus. There seems to be a recurring theme of writers liking a character of color's power set and then wouldn't ya know, there's suddenly a white character that has that exact same power who gets far more air time.
Unofficial (or auxiliary) members would include people like Fabian Cortez (or a Boost Fruit) to grant a power boost as needed (because Khora of the Burning Heart would definitely NOT participate) and whatever psychic is needed to access the Cerebro backups.
And yeah.
That's my version of the Five, if anything happens to them. In fact, it would be my suggestion that these mutants be utilized in conjunction with the current Five to help speed up the resurrection queue that still has several million mutants sitting on the back burner.
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cuteteacakes · 3 months
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Behold, a man who is plum tuckered after a night of surveillance.
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Sighs~ "Ain't he dreamy~??"
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ac1nums-moved · 3 months
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@greedaeye, john tucker required an inccorect quote featuring sabrina james.
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cashandandrogyny · 11 months
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Fucking hell dude best night of my life
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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A preview of X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike #1
KRAKOA STRIKES?! Ever since mutants declared themselves humanity’s new gods, certain circles have been waiting for the other shoe to drop—the wrath. When a small New England town is hit by a devastating mutant attack, it seems the wrath is here. But all isn’t as it appears. And Krakoa doesn’t hesitate to save lives—so it’s time for BISHOP to lead Krakoa’s biggest rescue effort yet!
Written by: Steve Orlando Art by: Valentina Pinti, Frank William Cover by: Israel Silva, David Baldeón Page Count: 36 Pages Release Date: June 7, 2023
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xhimbology · 9 months
Who has the fuzziest tummies?
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"Guilty as charged!" Tucker struck a pose, putting his hands behind his back as he puffed out his torso to feature the furred skin. "What can I say? Furry boys have more fun." He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly before adding, "And uh... Not that kind of furry. Just to make that clear for everyone."
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"Yeah, I'm not as brave as Tucker. So I'm not doing that, but I do have some fuzz." Ben, as modest as ever. "And what's a furry?" Oh Ben, some things are best left unexplored.
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"It's no secret I let my body hair grow out. If you're a good boy, I might just let you nuzzle and worship me all over." Ezra offered a confident smile, leaning back slightly to show off his unshaven torso, an intoxicating manly musk accompanying his frame.
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
so i don’t watch mianite and all my mianite knowledge have been the bits and pieces i’ve read here, so i apologize if i’m wrong, but i’m realizing now that c!jordan and capsize are that one tweet that’s like:
“this ship is canon” *picture of a lesbian and a gay man*
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