#( c: Cain )
sigmasoyboy · 1 month
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can't believe I can cram all of vicetober into a single post now (well, minus the only drawing that I didn't manage to link to the rest of the story, F), this feels insane
context: drawn during 2022 following that year's vicetober prompt list. The story that would eventually become the vicetober verse was made up as I went, building on top of previous drawings and ideas and coming back to explore lots of what ifs, then polished and stitched together over the next months (and still ever evolving and growing).
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🫁 click on image description to enable crazed ramblings (/!\ unfiltered 2AM thoughts) 🫀
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fireflyflits · 6 months
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Bored work doodles
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sheenlux · 4 months
He was hungover, and trying to hide it. He'd been so anxious over the reaping that he'd somehow be having to come back as a tribute rather than as a mentor he spent what could have possibly been his last night as a free man getting very, very high, and very, very drunk. Evidently, it had been for nothing, but now that the reapings were over he saw that quite a few people he knew were being dragged back into the games. He saw Cain, and approached not wanting to be miserable alone. Plopping down next to him, he pulled off the sunglasses he was wearing. Bags under his eyes darker than usual. "If you comment on the fact I'm a blonde now, please be merciful. It wasn't exactly my choice." Still he'd rather talk about his hair, or the music or anything besides the games at the present moment.
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rt2417 · 1 year
[Hymn of Serata on the Requiem Night] Chapter 1
Bradley: Even at a feast, yer still a damn miserable son of a bitch.
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Location: Forest
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Lennox: Kenja-sama's handkerchief, it's quite to hard to find, isn't it.
Akira: Yes. I thought I dropped it while I was walking around this area earlier, but…
I feel a little sorry for having you keep me company for so long.
Lennox: Please do not worry about it. After all, everyone loses things sometimes.
Together with Lennox, who encouraged me, we advance further into the gloomy forest.
As the chilly night wind passes us by, Lennox suddenly lifts his head.
Akira: What’s the matter, Lennox; did you perhaps find something?
Lennox: No, I thought I heard a sound. Like the sound of a bell…
Akira: It’s true! It’s coming from deep in the thicket over there, don’t you think?
Lennox: Someone may possibly be out here. Still, it’s already quite late…
Akira: You’re right… Why don’t we take a little look around?
Mixed in with our footsteps as we tread on the grass, the sound of the bell is long and thin, and continues to echo on as if trying to lure someone in.
After a bit of walking, a sweet aroma suddenly tickles my nose.
Akira: (Smells nice…)
As if enticed by the aroma, I look ahead past Lennox’s broad back.
In a clearing with few trees, a bonfire's flames flicker. Standing quietly in front of it, is a figure cloaked in black.
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Faust: ……
Lennox: Faust-sama?
Faust: Kenja and Lennox… As expected, there was a hint of your presence.
In a place like this, what is it that you want?
Akira: No…
Faust speaks quietly, as he always does, but I suddenly find myself at a loss for words.
The flickering flames contrast against the moonlight; his beautiful profile looks pale and somewhat otherworldly amidst it all.
Lennox: …Faust-sama. In addition to you, was there anyone else here?
There’s empty liquor bottles, almost as if someone was having a banquet.
Akira: Ah, it’s true. The bonfire is surrounded by plenty of alcohol and fruit. There’s also corolla flowers lined up…
Faust: No… I’ve been alone the entire time.
The moon is clearly visible tonight. I thought I’d have a drink by myself while gazing up at it.
Akira: Eh…?
It feels a bit unexpected to hear those words come from Faust.
Even as Faust speaks with a light casual tone, a hint of self-deprecation flickers on his face, as he slowly looks upward.
Up in the night sky, the enormous Great Calamity looms above, threatening to engulf us.
Faust: Looking up at the moon… makes me feel uncomfortable, like I have an ache in the depths of my heart.
That’s why, with this as a side dish, I thought I’d direct a complaint or two toward the Calamity.
That’s it, there’s no more to it.
Lennox: ……
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Bradley: Hmph. If that’s what yer havin’ as a side dish, it’ll only make the booze taste like shit.
Even at a feast, yer still a damn miserable son of a bitch.
Akira: ……!
I turn around at the sound of the familiar voice coming from behind us. Faust also gazes deep into the forest, where it originates from.
Lennox: Bradley… Could it be, you were blown away by a sneeze again?
Bradley: Well, that’s about the gist of it. ’M not very happy ’bout it.
Bradley says this nonchalantly, as he steps out of the woods with ease.
Bradley: Y’all got a depressing look on yer faces. I can get why you feel such resentment, though.
I was hurt too, but the eastern curse worker was almost killed by that damn moon.
Faust: That’s right. However, ultimately I didn’t end up dying.
Faust mumbles as he casts his eyes downward, then he abruptly fumbles with his sleeve to retrieve something.
Faust: Come to think of it, I picked this up earlier. Is it yours?
Akira: Oh, my handkerchief…! Thank you so much, I was searching for this.
Lennox: I’m glad you were able to successfully find it.
Akira: Yes! Lennox you too, thanks so much for keeping me company while searching for it.
Faust: In that case, if you’ve finished with your business you shouldn’t linger for long. Please head back to the Wizard Manor as soon as possible…
Bradley: Huh, there’s some good booze ‘ere.
Interrupting Faust, Bradley steps forward before the bonfire. He quickly crouches down to judge the bottles of alcohol lined up.
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Faust: Oi, don’t go rummaging. There’s no liquor here for thieves.
Bradley: It’s good, ain’t it? If ya went to the extent to pull all this out, it’ll be hard to bring it back. I’ll lend a helpin’ hand.
Akira: Ah… Well, I’ll help you tidy up too. I think we’re all about finished for the day.
While saying this, I reach for the items scattered around me. Then, Faust’s sharp voice rings out.
Faust: Stop, don’t touch that!
Akira: Ah, I’m sorry…!
In response to the unexpected menacing look, my shoulders jumped. Faust looks taken aback, his words muddled.
Faust: Apologies… I didn’t mean to frighten you. It’s just that you shouldn’t carelessly touch a wizard’s tools like that.
Particularly when it comes to things that a curse worker like me handles.
Lennox: …Here, let me help.
The night wind is getting colder, so please head back first, Kenja-sama and Bradley. We’ll return soon.
As he speaks, a strong cold wind blows between the two of us. Bradley scratches the tip of his nose and grumbles.
Bradley: Shit, that was close. Hell, I don’t wanna be sent flyin’ again.
C’mon, Kenja. The bar at the Wizard Manor is a way better place to drink booze in than this shithole. Come ‘n get a drink with me.
Akira: O-Of course. Well then, I’ll take your word for it… Faust, Lennox. Good night, I’ll see you tomorrow.
Faust: Ah. Good night.
Lennox: Have a good night.
As we exchange salutations, Bradley, with one hand in his pocket, magically pulls out his broom.
He yanks me on by the scruff of my neck, and once I settle behind him with my legs crossed, we’re immediately lifted off the ground.
As the wind blows, I can faintly hear the sound of the bell from somewhere beneath us.
Location: Manor
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And so, a few days later we’re presented with an unexpected request.
Arthur: Pure white hands creeping through the sky?
Cock Robin: Yes… It seems to be an anomaly happening in a village on the outskirts of the Central Country.
Once night falls, I was told that multiple hands emerge and creep all throughout the area.
Riquet: Are you saying that there’s no face or body, that it’s just hands?
Akira: That’s rather unsettling. It’s almost like a different sort of scary than ghosts and the like.
Rustica: When it comes to only having hands, we need to think over how to communicate with them. Rather than idle chit chat, perhaps we should use music.
Rutile: Hm, that sounds lovely! Even if you only have fingers, you can still play the piano and pluck strings.
Cain: It would surely help if they like music, wouldn’t it. Actually, what’s the situation like in the village itself?
The people gathered around to listen to the request are Rutile, Rustica, Cock Robin-san, and myself. The Central Wizards are also among us.
Cock Robin-san was originally looking for the Central Wizards and me, however, seeing Rutile and Rustica in the dining hall, he also asked them to help.
Cock Robin: It seems that the residents are so frightened by the strange sight that they’ve withdrawn into their homes.
Furthermore, some residents have even left the village after rumors spread that it was a curse of sorts…
Oz: So, the hands are just wandering about then. What’s the actual harm?
Cock Robin: Um, well… According to reports sometimes they just merely float about, but other times they draw near private homes and livestock pens.
I heard that some villagers and livestock were grabbed by the shoulders and were nearly dragged straight into darkness, and such…
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Cain: That’s a rather vague report.
Cock Robin: Sorry, the contents of the report were a bit ambiguous in certain places…
Arthur: Judging from his penmanship, he may have been in a state of distraught. He must’ve been frightened, but still somehow managed to send us a letter.
Rutile: In addition, it seems that the time when the anomalies began to occur was… It says that it was after the Great Calamity came.
Riquet: I see. In that case, it’s our turn.
Cain: Yeah, we should go check it out in person. It’s most likely an after effect of the Calamity. Is that alright with you, Kenja-sama?
Akira: Yes, of course. Please, allow me to accompany you all in this investigation.
Arthur: If that’s the case, we should promptly discuss a date as soon as possible.
Since this is a Central Country affair, the participants will be Cain, Riquet… and myself. I’ll keep my identity concealed though.
Rustica: Then let me also accompany you. The wandering hands may possibly be looking for a potential dance partner.
Even for me, it’s not every day that I get the chance to have someone other than myself take my hand.
Rutile: I’m coming too! Since we just had the pleasure of talking together, I would be happy to help in any way I can.
Arthur: Thank you. It'll be reassuring having the both of you. Oz-sama, what about you?
Akira: (Ah, right… Arthur is worried about Oz’s wounds from the Calamity, since the anomaly occurs at night.)
Oz gives a slight nod toward Arthur’s concerned look. Then slowly, he looks me in the eyes.
Oz: …There are others who are more qualified for this than I am.
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Oz: When it comes to curses, there’s someone whose specialty lies in them.
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batfamilycentral · 5 months
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Cassandra Cain in Detective Comics #1084 (2024), art by Robbi Rodriguez. - requested by anonymous.
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belialdior · 2 years
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come get your funky love story.
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castlesbyrs · 1 year
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1x02 - 4x10 Tom kept his promise.
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dhl-au · 3 months
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Cynthia Cruz Diagnosis // David Foster Wallace // Olivia Rodrigo lacy // pinterest // Jamie Varon Does The Universe Fight For Souls To Be Together? // Ethel Cain Inbred // Chen Chen Popular Street // Meggie C. Royer Tragedies // Olivia Rodrigo making the bed // @ely-n // Mary Oliver "The Return," What Do We Know: Poems and Prose Poems // Meg Day "There's Snow in the West," Last Psalm at Sea Level
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martyrbat · 9 months
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batman: black and white (2020) #4
[ID: a black and white pin-up of Cassandra Cain as they somberly stare at the viewer. They're sitting with their knees bent to one side and is shown from the thighs up. They're wearing dark pants, their utility belt, and a black hoodie that has the bat symbol on the chest in a thin white outline. The hood is up, casting a light shadow on their upper face. There's blood splattered on their jaw and on the blade of a sword that they're sheathing. END ID]
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lambmotifz · 3 months
dean having cannibalistic thoughts about sam as a metaphor for his repressed desire to fuck him but also his extreme possessiveness over him. cannibalism as a metaphor for ownership. a need to have control. cannibalism as a metaphor for love that is desperate and violent and possessive
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fireflyflits · 5 months
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This is the funniest way I could have took a pic of this sketch.
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sheenlux · 5 months
Sheen had given Cain some time to grieve for Mack, Sheen could slightly understand what he was going through. While he never exactly had any type of formal relationship with Rodeo, there had still been feelings for him on Sheen's end. He had made it clear though, that should Cain need anything he was there for him. Now that it had been some time, Sheen figured it had been a better time as any to offer of a distraction......
A conclusion to the bet that they had made during the 134 Victor Ball.....whoever had gotten the least amount of sponsors would be getting the other's name tattooed on their backside. Sheen wasn't actually confident in his number, he had gotten as many sponsors as usual. So when he met with Cain, and they compared numbers.....it revealed they had gotten exactly the same amount of sponsors, thirteen.
So after a brief negotiation, the two came to the conclusion that they had both technically lost since neither had gotten a higher number of sponsors. So, they would be both be getting the first and last initial of the other tattooed onto them.
Meeting up outside of Cain's place the following day, Sheen had taken ether, he was going to need it in order to follow through. He had been nervous, but now he was excited...confident about it. When Cain came out he wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him in.
"You ready for this? Because you can still turn tail and get the hell outta here if you want, buddy. But then I'd have no choice but to brand you as a chicken forever."
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rt2417 · 1 year
[Hymn of Serata on the Requiem Night] Chapter 3
Rutile: J-Just now, something passed by…
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Location: Remote Central Village
Time: Day
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Akira: (Perhaps that’s why…… I wonder if that’s the reason why Faust approached the villagers.)
(Come to think of it, Arthur is the Prince, so there’s the chance someone could’ve recognized him. Moreso, Cain’s wound from the Calamity prevents him from seeing others…)
Even without using words, Faust was able to make the right decision for the situation naturally. It’s a reassuring thought, having his presence by our side on this mission.
Faust: In the meantime, we should continue discussion about the investigation. Is there anyone with concrete information on the time and location of when the anomaly happens?
Woman with a Mole: Um, well… I happened to catch sight of something in the direction of the plaza. I believe it was a bit after sunset…
Graying Old Man: I also saw something just down the hill. This was late at night, around the time when most people are already in slumber…
The villagers seemed much more at ease now than a short while ago. All of them answer Faust’s questions in loud voices.
According to their reports, the anomaly only occurs during the night. Moreso, the sightings themselves can be seen all over the village.
Bearded Man: Sightings outside of the village are rare, but I’ve seen them once or twice by the right hand side of the animal trail entrance.
The end of that trail stops at a sudden steep cliff, which is why most of the village folks don’t go near it……
Cain: I see. Well, then it’s probably best to keep our investigation inside the village, yeah? If we come out with nothing, we can start looking outside.
I’ll go around shaking the villagers hands while gathering information. It’d be kinda a hassle if I can’t see them.
Faust: Right, if you would. To start off, let’s prioritize the residences with missing livestock and the areas that sustained the most damage.
Once night falls, we’ll regroup in the plaza and share our findings.
Time: Night
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Rutile: As we were running about, it seems like nightfall has caught up to us.
Akira: I agree… It was like I blinked my eyes and suddenly the sun had already begun to set.
With no lit street lights or house lamps, it was hard to believe the scenery was the same as it was in the day. Everything had been enshrouded in darkness.
Since the anomalies only ever occurred at night, it was reasonable to guess that whatever it was probably wasn’t the best with light. Therefore, even the smallest lights were extinguished.
Arthur: I’ve gone and asked the residents who live around here to spend the night in other houses… but, it’s really pitch black now.
Cain: Yeah. Man, if we don’t keep talking we might even end up losing sight of each other.
Gathered in the plaza, so far, are a few of us who have already finished our investigation. The only source of light was from the moon, which occasionally flickered through the clouds.
Faust: I see that everyone has assembled. Lennox, Rustica, and I have returned.
Lennox: Apologies for the delay.
Rustica: Oh my, hearing everyone’s voices in the darkness makes it so much easier to enjoy the sound of them.
Riquet: Welcome back. Per Faust’s instructions we’ve been waiting without any lights turned on, but so far I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.
Cain: Ow! Rustica… My foot, you’re stepping on it!
Rustica: Oh my, excuse me. Cain, have you somehow managed to lose a few inches?
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Arthur: Rustica, Cain is over that way. I’m Arthur.
Akira: We’re all at the mercy of the darkness, it seems… It’s cloudy today, so even the moonlight is dim.
Although my eyes are adjusting to it, it’s so dark you wouldn’t even realize if someone tried to pinch your nose. So, please, be careful…
Bradley: Nose? That’s a strange way to put it, ain’t it? Hey!
Akira: Guh. W-Who!?
Bradley: Hahah! You really can’t see, can ya? In a condition like that, you’ll totally get captured by the monsters!
Akira: Bradley! Oh my god…… I really thought you were the anomaly.
Faust: Seriously, what are you doing? If you keep these foolish games up, you’ll miss anything abnormal happening.
Lennox: Still, with this level of darkness, it proves quite challenging to observe anything without paying close attention.
Rather, I honestly find it easier to tell if someone is pinching my nose than this…..
Lennox says as he surveys the nearby surroundings. Then, something faintly emerges across his face.
It looks akin to a white spider. However, even as I strained my eyes, before I could clearly see it, the cover of night masks its presence.
Akira: (Was I mistaken…?)
Cain: Hey, did you guys just see that? I could’ve sworn I felt something from where Lennox’s voice was coming from……
As I look in the direction of Cain’s voice, something white quickly crosses my field of vision.
Akira: Gh…!?
Rutile: J-Just now, something passed by…
Riquet: Rutile, it’s near you!
Rutile: Wah!
Bradley: Heh… So ya got the nerve to come out now?
I could hear Bradley’s laughter from nearby, and finally, I came to see it clearly. Unconsciously, I let out a scream.
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Akira: H-Hands! We’re surrounded by a bunch of white hands…!
I quickly became all too aware of the many white hands floating in the darkness, encircling us.
It was undoubtedly a bizarre spectacle. A myriad of hands float in every direction around us, swaying as if they were watching our every move.
Lennox: Kenja-sama, please stay behind me.
Akira: R-Right…!
As I take a step back, Faust recites his spell.
Faust: « Salliuqnart • Mullcredo »
As Faust finishes, an orb of light appears, illuminating the surrounding area. Naturally, everyone gathers around the orb.
Even after the light was released, the white hands persisted, moving about as they pleased. At that moment, we came to a realization.
Lennox: This is…
Akira: H-How should I put this…… Their movements are surprisingly quite unique.
Riquet: Yes….. They walk on the ground using their fingers, and sometimes mimic flying by forming wing shapes.
Rutile: They almost look like they’re swaying and dancing on a swing; giving off a relaxed feel to them, don’t they?
Cain: It’s no doubt peculiar…. Even when they appear, there’s no notable sense of weirdness. That remains true even now.
Arthur: Agreed. I don't sense anything strange or feel any hostility. If it were so, we would’ve been attacked by now.
Rustica: Then, shall I get acquainted with them? Come, extend your hands my way.
Akira: Wait, Rustica!
Rustica, who approaches gracefully, gently extends his hand towards the eerie floating white presence. The younger wizards, startled by his actions, instinctively widen their eyes.
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Rustica: Oya…
Riquet: I-Is holding your hands out suddenly like that even okay…!?
Faust: How careless…. Well, never mind that; is there anything unusual?
Rustica: No. But this is quite the surprise. « Amoresuto • Viesse »
Bradley: If you wanna make the light brighter, at least give a heads up. My eyes’ are gettin’ strained.
In an instant, the white hands halted their movements, as if taken by surprise, after being bathed in the bright magic.
In that short time, I could see the details of the hands.
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Akira: Could it be that….. All of them are gloves?
Rustica: That’s correct. Each one has a different shape, but they’re all crafted with high-quality materials and craftsmanship.
Arthur: Now that you mention it….. There are consistent stitches on them.
Lennox: The inside of the gloves are empty as well. They get caught by the wind, and the hem flutters about.
Rutile: It’s quite the peculiar scene, isn’t it? It feels just like a world from a picture book.
Cain: Even though it’s a picture book, it’s more so the type that suits a specific kind of audience. Hence why the villagers find them creepy instead.
Rustica: Yeah….. Still, it gave me a mysterious feeling. It was as if I was holding the hand of a young maiden…
Bradley: Hands or gloves, it doesn’t matter. Stop fuckin’ around and kick their asses instead.
Akira: Ah.
Faust is deep in thought when the gloves begin to move silently, inching closer from behind Bradley.
With that knowledge, it takes hold of a strand of his hair and yanks forcefully.
Bradley: You, whose hair do you think yer pullin’ at!?
In an instant, Bradley stretches out his hand, but the gloves slip through the gaps between his long fingers.
And then, in a dash, they quickly escape with a whoosh, moving up and down in place as if cheering ‘Banzai!’
The other gloves present express their approval with an applause.
Rustica: My, how wonderful. Racing through the night at the speed of a shooting star, such a marvelous display of agility. Allow me to offer my own applause too.
Cain: Haha. Somehow, it feels like I’m watching a game of chase or something.
Akira: How do I say this…. They seem quite mischievous, I’m beginning to find them somewhat cute now.
Faust: Still, we can’t afford to let them run wild. Without understanding the cause or background, I can’t devise proper strategies.
Lennox: That’s right. In any case, for the time being we should use magic to catch….. Ah, Faust-sama.
Faust: What is it?
Lennox: Please stay where you are. There is something on your shoulder...
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Faust: ! Say it promptly. « Salliuqnart • Mullcredo »
Without hesitation, Faust extends his hand to grasp the thing on his shoulder and begins to recite his spell.
However, the gloves immediately float up, nudging his glasses in the process.
Akira: Woah, it’s coming over here….! It’s pretty quick, isn’t it!?
I also try to reach out for the gloves, but they slip through, flying towards Rutile. Then, they start circling around him at high speed.
Rutile: W-Would you please…. be still for a moment? U…Ugh…. My head…. is spinning….
Cain: Arthur, there’s one diving into your cloak!
Arthur: Cain, your sword is being poked at too!
Cain: You’re right. Hey, back off! If my sword comes out, your fingers are gonna get cut!
Riquet: Ah, give me back that bag! I just got it from the villagers!
Akira: E-Everyone is getting caught up with the gloves….
Bradley: Tch, so damn irritating. « Adno Potensum » !
Bradley’s spell rings out, like aiming to take down a flying bird.
In that moment, the glove, which had been suspended in mid-air as if paralyzed, suddenly vanishes into the darkness.
Bradley: Hah….? It just poofed out of existence.
Arthur: « Pernoctant • Nixzo »
…It’s true. These gloves, do they lack an actual form!?
Rutile: Now that you mention it, I think it also slipped through Rustica-san and Faust-san’s fingertips a little while ago…?
Riquet: It’s like they’re ghost gloves or something….
Faust: ……..If we continue like this, we won’t get anywhere. Let's change the plan, everyone. For now, let's prioritize the safety of the village.
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Lennox: I agree….. We can't keep playing cat and mouse with them until morning.
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batfamilycentral · 3 months
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Cassandra Cain in Spirit World (2023), art by Haining. - requested by anonymous.
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belialdior · 2 years
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original sin.
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