#( ffvii : meta )
depression-napping · 19 days
I finished translating Vincent’s original biography from the Ultimania Omega awhile back but forgot to post it! (Pgs 9, 44 and 45)
Read it here
More coming soon :)
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(Edit: I added the pages for reference. They are poor quality on purpose XD since it’s probably not 100% ok to post them but… oh well :)
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hedonistbyheart · 6 months
People seem to think that one of the changes they'll add to the FFVII Remake triptych is that Vincent will be Sephiroth's father instead of Hojo and I refuse to accept it. I'm going to utterly deny any hint at the possibility until they force me to accept it. I hate it.
I LIKE that Sephiroth's conception is not a product of love, I like that his parents are both hyper intelligent and utterly horrific people. I like the idea that he is a child with so much potential, but the fact that his parents did monstrous things, without literally being monsters, corrupted him.
If Vincent is his father you get more of a tragic lovers scenario, but it muddles how Sephiroth ended up being the genesis (excuse the pun) of everything. Lucrecia's motivations are already fucked, but if Sephiroth is a lovechild, Hojo would have to have stolen him I suppose. It's a possibility, but I still prefer the og explanation. I prefer it because it's fucked up, to be clear.
I also like the idea of Vincent feeling responsible for Sephiroth because he was in love with Lucrecia, rather than because Sephiroth is his actual child. There's something very gothic about feeling guilty about the child of the woman you pined after, but never actually had, and the irony of the man who contains monsters being more human than the one who did father the godlike child.
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skywheeldate · 6 months
Analyzing the Skywheel Dates
Unable to wait patiently for the Ultimania releasing next month, I wanted to provide my own analysis of the Skywheel dates between Cloud/Tifa and Cloud/Aerith.
By analyzing Cloud's behavior on these two dates, which are explicitly more romantic than the other four, I aim to understand why the dates played out the way they did and what was going through the character's heads during them.
Tifa Date:
What sticks out in most player's minds during the date is the kiss Cloud gives Tifa while riding the Skywheel, and it's easy to see why! It's the first time Cloud has kissed a woman on screen, after all. But I have seen fans state that this proves Cloud likes Tifa more, and while I hate to get myself involved in any shipping war, I feel there is a more interesting conclusion we can draw based on the timeline of events throughout both remake games.
First, I want to direct you to this caption from the Remake Ultimania:
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When Cloud gives Tifa the flower, he wants to "Show off a youthful image of what he himself wants to be like"...
I think this caption is very important to helping us understand why Cloud was able to be so bold as to kiss the girl he was always too shy to befriend as a child. And I think it's linked to his new "ex-soldier persona."
See, the ex-soldier persona Cloud crafted is modeled after a person he admired and wanted to be like: Zack. Although making this new personality for himself was an unhealthy response to his trauma, I think there are good things to it, as well. For one, it allowed him to take action again and thereby begin his first steps towards recovery. In addition, it gives him courage to do things he never could before, such as strutting his stuff on the dance floor:
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I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say that this extends to him giving the flower to Tifa.
So this, in my mind, explains how Cloud had the courage to kiss Tifa and why some fans might think it felt a little sudden or out of character--it's because it almost is, in a way. But let me reiterate, I don't think that's a bad thing. I think Zack's influence on Cloud is somewhat natural and, frankly, having the courage to do the things you want and have fun is never a bad thing. I truly believe Cloud is exemplifying being Zack's "living legacy" by becoming more confident and outgoing. It's a good thing!!
And let's not ignore Tifa in this scene. Before the kiss, Tifa brings up that she feels she and Cloud have become closer, but frets that she's rushing to conclusions again. She's giving Cloud a clear opening to prove his feelings for her--and frankly, after all this build up? Giving the flower, all the tiny touches they've shared? Cloud is more than ready to prove it to her, and he does. It's so easy, and he does it the best way he knows how: with a kiss. In that moment, the boy became the man he's always aspired to be.
Aerith Date:
Conversely, the Aerith date isn't quite as simple--at least to me. It's hard to understand what's going on in their heads, and I think they comparatively have more obstacles in the way of their romance.
The biggest obstacle is that Aerith has seen through Cloud's persona, and almost calls him out on it during the date. She tells him she's looking for the real him, and that she wants to meet him someday.
I believe this stops Cloud, subconsciously. While the persona he built around Zack gives him more confidence, it's still a persona. It's not who he really is. By giving into that persona at all, he is not giving Aerith what she wants. Being confident and bold with Tifa was important, because she needed proof he liked her, but here? What's important is being the "real" Cloud, whoever that is. It must have stumped him.
Aerith gives him an easy out though: she asks Cloud to let her snuggle up against him until the ride ends. And that much, at least, Cloud can manage. And he goes even further than that when he interlaces their fingers together. I think this is his way of showing that he'll be there for Aerith--not just till the ride ends, but after. He's showing her that he does, in fact, care about her, and that her selfish request isn't as selfish as she thinks it is.
I also want to bring up the lyrics from No Promises to Keep here since I think they're extremely relevant to the Clerith relationship and the hand-holding symbolism seen throughout the game:
Till the day that we meet again At our place, just let me believe In the chance that you'll come Take my hand and never let me go Take my hand And believe We can be Together evermore
The hand holding symbolizes their shared desire to be "together evermore" and the belief that they will be. The interlocked fingers display a powerful, mutual bond that cannot be so easily severed. I think this imagery is both simple and extremely beautiful.
In summary, although they are not at a point in their relationship where they're ready to kiss yet, I believe this scene is meant to show that there is still possibility for their relationship to grow and get to that point.
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。• *₊°。 .❀
Thank you for reading till the end! I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. Feel free to use or reference this post if you found it resonated with your own interpretations of these scenes. And if you have your own interpretations to share, I would love to hear them!
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finallyfantasy7 · 1 year
Strange they thought they had to change the design of the Buster Sword in Crisis Core Reunion to match Final Fantasy VII Remake when no explanation was neccessary, the story was almost telling itself.
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Angeal's father had the sword made because he was proud of his son. He owed a lot of money for that sword, so it was obviously very expensive. It makes sense the sword would be ornate.
Angeal Hewley (almost) never used it wanting it to stay in perfect condition.
Zack Fair used it, but he was very careful with it. He says in Crisis Core that he always hits with the blunt side so he doesn't damage the blade.
Cloud Strife doesn't care. That's his personality at the beginning of FFVII Remake. We see Cloud on the train some 2-3 months after he got the Buster Sword, and he has already ruined Zack's uniform. Just before Cloud woke from his catatonic state, Zack's old uniform, which he dragged Cloud around in for a year, looked like this
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2 to 3 months later, with Cloud's treatment it looks like this
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The right strap has been replaced, the original pauldrons are gone, and the one he has now is rusting and covered in chipped paint.
So wouldn't it also make sense that he ruined the ornate golden hand guard as well, and replaced it with something much more simple, sturdy, and utilitarian?
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allottavabassa · 1 year
Tifa Lockhart/Aerith Gainsborough is kind of an odd ship dynamic, actually! There's a lot going on with those two
I feel like they could pass for a healthy, well-adjusted couple right up until the point where Tifa tries to start one (1) sincere conversation about Aerith's emotions.
Aerith seems like she can hardly cross the street without three layers of irony and performative cheeriness. She's in a party full of late-90s antiheroes, and somehow she's still the least good at being open with people.
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silvergreenseraphim · 13 days
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Sephiroth: It takes a strong heart to control a superior body. A strong heart is a heart that does not hesitate. An unshakeable heart, an unwavering heart, a ruthless heart…
Sephiroth: Soldiers who put emotions first are second-rate. No, I should say they are old-fashioned. In that case, there is no point in them existing.
Sephiroth: This is a battlefield. Killing the enemy is the only way to survive!!
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Glenn: You’re right. This is a battlefield. There is no choice but to live or die.
Glenn: But Sephiroth, you don’t have anything to prove anymore. You are strong enough. So be kind. That takes strength.
Glenn: Sephiroth….just a little is enough….
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Sephiroth:….I’m not a modified human…
Glenn: I know. I’m sorry.
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Sephiroth:…..this isn’t what I wanted to be….
(A Direct translation of Sephiroth’s speech about the battlefield and Glenn’s response in chapter 5 of The First Soldier.)
“Cyborg” in the official English translation refers to the side of Sephiroth that is unnaturally modified. When Sephiroth denies that he is a cyborg (modified), he says specifically that it was never what he wanted. He subconsciously expresses a sorrowful longing to never have been enhanced or tampered with inside the womb. This unnatural invasion of his pre-born body led to his further modifications as a child raised by Shinra and Hojo. A combination of this treatment allowed him to wield superior strength.
Before Nibelheim. Sephiroth does not know that this enhancement to his body was something done to him before his birth, but he knows he is different and special in some way.
In this chapter, we learn at last that it was not what he wanted to be. It is possible by this point that Sephiroth believes his own denial of being modified. He can accept mako treatments and he describes his own training, but the secret of his birth is still that; a secret. He may be unaware that his body was ever changed. For all he knows, he was born with special abilities and other SOLDIERs are modified to mimic his talents. This is true if we consider it. Sephiroth was the only SOLDIER that was “perfect” from birth. His strength is not to be compared with.
All of this aside, the point stays firm. Sephiroth never wanted to be the special creature he is. He did not want to be different. This is why when he discovers this difference that he loathes was not a natural deviation beyond anyone’s control, but a production of Shinra, his hatred for the company explodes. They forced that difference upon him and took away his life. They took away his chances to be a normal human. On top of that, they lied to him about it for his entire life. It was the worst betrayal Sephiroth could fathom.
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toopolar · 6 months
"Do you think we're less destructive in the other universe?"
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The other universe:
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glossolali · 11 months
okay listen i was talking to @quinn-of-aebradore and @wanderingbasilisk about my netherdeep blorbo and long story short (insert spoilers here) and we got to talking about FF7 AND THEn I came to the conclusion that Matt is such a a FF7 nerd that that LOOK:
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are ruidus born like jenova remnants?????
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:0! I’d love to hear your Wedge thoughts!
I want to preface that a lot of my observations and feelings stem from my personal experiences, which is why I had said I felt very empathetic. Also, discussions of fatphobia, be warned is all. This turned out a bit more negative, at least in the beginning, than I had originally intended. There's just a lot of experiences and feelings that feed into how I understand him, and that means talking about some less than fun topics first.
There's something about how he presents himself and how he is treated(in several regards) that is very familiar to me. Deep down, he's a very nervous person, he shows this in varying degrees to different people. Oddly enough, he hides it from the people he's closest to. but in a way, that makes sense. if you're used to being in the out group, whatever that may be, you will put up with a lot in order to have a group at all.
His friends very clearly care about him, but there's little things here and there that clearly hurt, things that get brushed to the side. Jokes that, on the surface, are meant to come off as "endearing" or "supportive", but carry a quiet message. One that's hard to pick up on unless you're on the receiving end.
While I truly believe that Jessie and Biggs mean the best, a good portion of what we see when they interact with him is. Not nice. There's a jab about his love life, or lack there of (what's implied to be the reason for that?). There's the way him getting injured was shrugged off (or even the fact that they'd hit him, 'as a joke'. That shit still hurts even if you've got 'padding'). And, in a couple of instances, it feels like they hold him back, like he's going to embarrass himself.
And this all feeds into that feeling of inadequacy that he describes after the parachute fall. He plays into the role of "the funny one", cause why else are they keeping him around? Because clearly he isn't anyone to be taken seriously. This is the one thing about the writing that I can stomach, that there's a clear effect on him from how he's treated. As much as I'd rather he not get treated like this at all. Par for the course, unfortunately.
But he legitimately has so much merit. He's the teams exit strategist, he's an impeccable shot, he's willing to put himself in danger for others even when he isn't the most qualified to do so (Cloud's the fighter for hire, and he took a shot for the guy anyway). It's clear he has a deep love for his community in the slums, and is just an incredibly kind person.
Despite his own reservations and anxieties, he does what he thinks is right, just, with the understanding that it could very well get him killed. He calls himself a coward, he always puts others first to the point he's worried he's a burden, but he truly does so much. And he's very emotionally intelligent, being the only person to see that Cloud actually cared about what he was doing in the beginning. He's just severely underappreciated, and it messes with how he views himself.
I think he deserves the world, honestly.
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phoenixcatch7 · 6 months
Various headcanons about sephiroth that come from someone who does not know enough about ff7 to have any sort of credible opinion:
He got artificially aged a couple years as a kid. This lines up with hojos astoundingly selfish, cruel, results oriented modus operandi. It gets results faster and means he doesn't have to deal with an infant/toddler for the usual years. It's said in some ff7 encyclopedia that he was on the front lines before he was ten, but his mind and body in ever crisis do not reflect that. And I SINCERELY doubt even propaganda fed soldiers would accept a nine year old in a war zone. That and he's the youngest of the 1st trinity, with them being very young adults, but looks fully matured (if with the face of someone who's never had a single spot ever lol).
His hair isn't normal. There's no way that's just normal keratin it simply isn't. I don't know what it is but it's as weird as the rest of him. Maybe it's like polar bear fur and suuuuper thick but hollow like bird feathers. Did you know their skin is pure black?? Do you think his hair reflects rainbows in the right light like glass tubes???
Speaking of his hair he probably started growing it out the second he stepped on the battlefield and away from hojo. Probably a buzz cut when he was a kid. I imagine it to be a combination of a symbol of independence and self care (as it is to me), taking control of his own appearance, and picking up a bit of the samurai/noble warrior culture alongside his katana during the war with wutai, which (in real life eastern cultures, notably traditional Japan and China, but do NOT quote me) associated long hair with nobility and high ranking samurai, and short/shorn hair with slavery and criminals. (Also, lions manes shorten or even fall out when they lose (gain injuries in) fights, and that's very funny to imagine sephiroth dealing with.) His bangs? They're the only part of his appearance that actually needs regular upkeep, so why does he have them? Simple. They're the same bangs as the picture of his mum lucrecia he got as a kid. Their hair spikes up there the same way ToT.
I lied there's another part of his appearance that needs upkeep. Man is wearing eyeliner and mascara. I get it's a character design choice to bring attention to his eyes but that is definitely eyeliner and the rest of his hair is white as snow, so mascara as well. The whole of gaia (ff7) is pretty 90s metal scifi dystopia and the general fashion (cohesive character designs) feature plenty of belts and earrings (but only for the men??) so it's unlikely to be any sort of big deal Mr macho war mascot is wearing subtle eye makeup.
But I do get the feeling he doesn't have earrings because he heals too fast. Like even cloud has a stud. I like to imagine the three of them went and got them all at the same time but only sephiroths didn't stick.
Those weird metal cuff looking bracelets all soldiers have are used to brace your sword with. Sephiroth is the only one I've seen use them through, so they're obviously very reinforced XD! But he can probably backhand all sorts with them. Wish they got more usage. Imagine charging sephiroth with a claymore or something (side eyes cloud) and he just slaps it away and his stupid leather glove doesn't even have a scratch.
He got taught reading and writing pretty late. You know the way he reads with his finger keeping track of where he is like a little kid? That's definitely an old habit. When you raise a super strong, super intelligent kid in the labs you're gonna want to restrict the information he can get, and I sincerely doubt hojo was going to be invested in getting his baby alien child soldier a well read education. Gast probably taught him some if he was old enough to understand. He might have originally been taught Ancient text before that fell through. Might even be mostly self taught.
You just know he's got a dog eared dictionary somewhere in his apartment.
Hojo has got a winter soldier style shutdown code in him as a failsafe. I sincerely doubt sephiroth would know, but he might suspect something. In canon sephiroth went off the rails exactly the way hojo wanted, so it was never used, but that man's psychopathy and tendency for mind manipulation combined with his thoroughness and self serving god complex (and general sadism) makes for a perfect breeding ground for that sort of brainwashing when dealing with a subject capable of ripping his blackened heart from his chest in a microsecond. The first word is jenova, because why would sephiroth suspect a surge of adrenaline at the sound of his 'mother's' name? Also I think it'd be super scary and ripe for fics.
Sephiroth doesn't experience gender the same way as humans. Not a chance. He'd totally use neo pronouns. Star gender. He achieved his safer form and had the biggest wave of gender euphoria ever (outside of that black wing arm which reads to me as a sign of corruption from.. *waves in shinras direction*). If a sane sephiroth saw it he'd be so jealous. (In contrast angel and genesis don't.)
He's got cptsd from hojo and labs/doctors in general. But he wouldn't know until he got therapy and exited survival mode lol.
I get the feeling he tried really hard to have morals and kindness even if it didn't come naturally until the library. It probably didn't come naturally but listen he was trying his best and succeeding!! But then his last thread snapped and he was like 'fine. If I'm a monster I'll be the worst monster they've ever seen' and went on to do exactly that.
He thinks he's rebelling and shedding his chains exacting vengeance etc etc but hojo handed him directly to jenova. Like he went from one slave master to the other he doesn't even know what his chains actually look like. Hojo was jenova yes man he was so happy to do anything for her out of scientific curiosity and sadistic glee. He was happy to watch the world burn if it meant he had a hand in it.
Sephiroth is actually a pretty good blend of his parents. Got all his looks from his mother though XD. And his temper. But his laser focused cruelty is all hojo.
Him and aerith probably knew each other in the labs at least peripherally. I like the idea they knew each other as kids.
He can't taste sour well at all, can taste water like cats and dogs, and craves fish. These have zero basis in canon and are mostly from a really good fic (ROADTRIP! by copper_nights on ao3, who does my absolute FAVOURITE characterisations of sephiroth and the gang) but I like the idea of him craving fish because of the whole 'part planet eating alien' thing and the fact life first developed in the oceans. So seafood is probably a pretty big part of jenova diet XD. But hojo probably has him on a more red meat based diet for ~protein~. Get this man some sushi!
The way he fights is very offensive unless he's sparring (obviously) but the way he takes damage is by being absolutely fine until he abruptly keels over. Like cats. This worries everyone around him and is entirely hojos fault. It's partly ff7 having limited gore like most media and partly the fight in advent children where he acts untouched, gets off a one liner to cloud and then IMMEDIATELY dies of his injuries. Kadaj survives about another twenty seconds. It's very classy big bad video game boss but it's also hilarious how much he refuses to ragdoll at any cost. He may be insane and clawing his way back to the earth's surface by kidnapping children but man has his dignity!! (Literally the only time he goes where he's sent is in rebirth when he grapples cloud for?? Absolutely zero reason?? And lets himself be pushed off and even then it's because he's playing mind games. Remake sephiroth is wild.)
He was also degrading before he died. As the youngest and most stable he lasted longest, but just like genesis (and Angel) he went downhill real fast even before he got thrown into the reactor. The degradation seems to start mentally before bigger symptoms appear, with paranoia, irritability, tunnel vision. I don't doubt chronic pain, which would exacerbate everything.
He LOVES space. It's almost hypnotic to him. He can navigate by stars amazingly well.
And I hit the character limit XD.
To round off briefly, I also feel he would be disappointed or betrayed upon finding out about/meeting lucrecia, for not being able to get him out of the labs (like elmyra did for aerith) because he probably struggled a lot with realistic power levels and his idolisation/fantasies of his mother, but I don't like that and also they both deserve a proper reunion so I usually ignore that lol.
And Vincent would have been his godfather, which is another reason hojo shot him - he could have lost legal guardianship over sephiroth, and thus, total control. A top ranking turk would have been the only person capable of successfully hiding such a child. Maybe they had the paperwork all ready.
They might be just headcanons, but I really like them XD! I don't usually make these, I prefer fleshing out canon with sturdier stuff or straight up making aus, but sephiroth sends me feral so lol.
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depression-napping · 6 days
Hello! I’ve uploaded 🔫 Vincent’s original weapons list with commentary, translated from FFVII Ultimania Omega pgs 330-331, plus a bonus paragraph about how Death Penalty works in the OG:
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salmalin · 3 months
So I have thoughts about Roche, Queerness, themes related to Modern Christianity in regards to Conversion Therapy, and the Sephiroth Cloning Effects in FFVIIR. Which, uh… I realize are extremely strange topics to connect, but bear with me here.
(Spoilers under the cut.)
It starts specifically with thoughts about how Roche is flamboyant and fun and weird, and he’s also unapologetic about that. Thoughts about how his fight scene in Part 2 involve him exclusively on his bike, and how he’s weak to fire. He’s dramatic, invites others to the “party”, and makes a spectacle about everything. He involves his bike in every attack, too.
I’m also thinking about that last fight scene—after the procedure. I think about how he said he was disobeying orders. So who brought him there? His friends in the army? And honestly, the moment the scene started, I knew he wouldn’t come out of the other end of the battle. Why? Well:
1. He leaps out of a container full of people instead of bringing them with him. He has abandoned the audience and his fans and very literally left them behind.
2. He destroys his bike himself and doesn’t even flinch, then he fights on foot, suddenly without his bike but still demanding Cloud’s best despite having thrown away his ability to do his own.
3. He’s not even weak to fire anymore. Which means not only has he thrown away all his strengths, but all his weaknesses, as well.
Over the course of that scene, followed by the disappointing fight to follow, it becomes abundantly clear that Roche has lost all sense of himself. His ability to maintain himself leaves even before his will and honor, which is very in-character for him. Almost nothing remains of the man he was except his honor. But also the fact that they lay this out first is such in-your-face symbolism… It’s honestly a big reason why I’ve been enjoying the remake of 7 so much.
Roche lost every bit of himself piece by piece before our very eyes, and we watch the last of him slide off and become swallowed by Sephiroth’s ego, and that honestly drives home just how powerful Sephiroth’s ego is, and just how terrifying it is. How destructive.
I also think it’s incredibly beautiful to apply a story-line like this to a character who—let’s be real here—reads as unbelievably queer. Like holy hell. This man brought a brass band to a knife fight. His ego and his honor shine through even through the end. Even after every part of him is taken from him, someone else’s will hammered into his body and mind…
The Sephiroth Cloning technique, through this lens, reads a lot like Conversion Therapy.
Those subjected to this specific brand of torture are forced to conform to the identity of another, their initial personality lost and distorted as they are directed to bend to the will and desires of another. Most of them die before reaching the end, usually through the action of moving itself. They shuffle along, mindless, with nothing to them beyond this horrible trek to serve another’s purpose—a being that is beyond the reach of mortals; a being that has died and returned to their World through the touch of their (Father in Heaven) Mother.
Cloud comes out the other end after years of this and barely even has a sense of self left, if you can even call it that at that point. Heck, if Advent Children is still canon, this means he’s still so messed up by guilt years after the fact that he doesn’t even know how to be happy, or to bring himself to be around others for long periods of time. He fundamentally does not remember who he was before, basing his identity around a man who was not compatible with the cloning technique and managed to escape. However, this puts MORE holes in his head and his story because this is not who he is. He is pretending to be something he cannot even remember. You know. Like horrible PTSD from being in a Conversion Therapy Camp for just shy of five years.
I’m gonna stop myself here or I’ll go on for ages. Regardless, food for thought.
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fyresaber · 5 months
i like how dissidia writing captured lightning and cloud’s parallels better than half the fanbase is capable of understanding through her “i know what it feels like to be a tool,” line.
lightning a puppet of the fal’cie/gc and he of sephiroth/shinra is the common ground under which they find solidarity.
in their first in-game interaction she’s a vehicle through which he seeks to protect tifa, because she too is a protector (of women). in nt she takes up his mantle in avenging sephiroth’s victims (women). in woff he chooses going after and protecting her (aerith adjacent via maaya sakamoto) over revenge, embracing his new creed. i've posted before about lightning's reappropriation of the buster sword in her own efforts to overthrow bhunivelze, and in an abandoned nt plotline she was set to do the same with sephiroth. she gets her own lightning returns quotes that emulate his personality and are her impersonation & interpretation of his journey.
woff pairs cloud with lightning and zack with serah, serah using her experience with lightning distancing herself from her to convince zack not to do the same with cloud in this world. through their dialogue we learn lightning's also introduced cloud to snow, a man whose heroic mantra and swagger echo that of zack's, to say the least. (in opera omnia cloud rolls his eyes at snow's bravado and surety, not unlike lightning's initial impression of snow.)
the canon lightning post-lumina and cloud strife dynamic is actually just her teasing the shit out of him as established in woff and opera omnia. “want to make it a race, cloud? 😏" “so i take it that means you cherish us 😉" “you can practice all that cherishing on the way home 😌🫦" "let me guess, sephiroth? there's only one person who can get cloud like this 🙄🤭 " cloud respects lightning's strength to the extent he absolves himself of her responsibility when terra accuses him of leaving lightning to face a summon alone. at the end of woff the lone two nod and work together to ensure escape of their comrades and thee ff princesses.
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Round 1, Match 15: Galaxia vs. Masamune
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From: Kirby
Wielder: Meta Knight
Galaxia is Meta Knight’s trusty sword. He is able to perform many feats with it, including battling Kirby and besting Galacta Knight (the “greatest warrior in the galaxy”). Meta Knight also gives Galaxia to Kirby in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, who then uses it to defeat Dark Mind.
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From: Final Fantasy VII
Wielder: Sephiroth
The Masamune is an extremely long and unwieldy sword used by Sephiroth. It can cut through boulders and other rocky substances, and is famously used to kill Aerith as well as impaling Cloud and lifting him into the air.
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whetstonefires · 10 months
For the DVD Commentary post:
"I hate everything, he sobbed, and was surprised somehow when they did not draw back further, were not angry, even though it could not possibly be news by this point. I hate everything. I hate Shinra. I hate the world. I hate you. I hate Mother. I hate Sephiroth.
He made the name mean something entirely different than they had, trying to tame him. An image in fragments, bright silver yes and speed, the fit of uniform boots. The sound of people saying it, year in and year out—cold disdain and breathless admiration and writhing jealousy, and every repetition a new burden to carry. The crackle of flame and the stink of mako, laughter like Hojo’s laughter in his own throat, the taste of blood in your mouth. Jenova’s long-dead eyes staring with too much awareness for a corpse.
All the things the word Sephiroth meant that he felt consumed by, but also the mere thick, fungus-spreading concept of self.
He had failed so many times in so many ways. They told him he was perfect and yes everything was easy except anything that actually mattered, and he just wanted to do something right."
This one lives in my head hahaha i'd love to know the commentary behind it
Oh, this is a fun one! (That's for this post from this fic, the sixth and final Sephiroth-as-sibling AU.) Sorry for the delay in turnaround, I had to. Thanksgiving. It was a lot.
Well, we're already like three layers deep into Sephiroth's head during this bit, since it's a flashback to how he was feeling during an interaction within the Lifestream, so that part's a little redundant. He's about as self-aware as I can personally justify Sephiroth ever being.
This was an important bit for the fic, since it covers two essential elements--most obviously, it's the moment when Aerith's project of separating Sephiroth's consciousness from the greater Jenova gestalt decisively bore fruit.
Secondly, this is the passage where we find out why I've been tying myself into knots this entire time refusing to let the POV character call himself by name. (This would be even more important if I'd ever finished and posted the whole story; this is technically just the opening.)
Written carelessly, this bit would be just, the worst exposition-dump. So I leaned in hard on the sensory data, of Sephiroth's experience of brokenness and of his own fractured identity, and how that drives his relationship to the situation he's in now.
I ran through all the senses, some more than once--the physicality of memory was very important, since the physicality of the actual experience was illusory. Sight was first color, then a specific image; fire was a sound and mako was a smell. Taste was blood, which I remember wording carefully so it spanned the breadth from 'when you overwork until you start tasting blood' to 'blood in your mouth from serious injury' to 'having bitten,' because Sephiroth's cannibalism is all strictly metaphorical but it's also a big part of the narrative.
The game, I mean, but maybe also the fic.
Touch was the specific encasing sensation of standard-issue footwear and the internal sensation of your throat spasming on laughter, which bleeds into sound because Sephiroth's laughter during his breakdown is sometimes spelled like Hojo's and this makes me insane and I don't think he'd have been happy to notice it either.
And sound was also the symbolic item of the name, and the way it is held differently in each user's mouth, and how public-use Sephiroth's name was made by Shinra, when it was almost the only thing he had that was his own. The way his celebrity rendered him public property and so many people felt they knew him and had a right to his acknowledgement in return.
The way this makes trying to call him back to himself by calling his name, the way they do here, the way Zack tried at Nibelheim--difficult. There's no inherent intimacy in using his name to impose a specific personhood on him, and what there is has a lot of negative associations.
The nice thing about writing something happening in the Lifestream is you don't need to, and shouldn't, distinguish well between fact and metaphor. The name is the meaning you pack into it, much more than it is physical syllables. But the shape of those syllables is still attached, essential, in the same way the dead remember what they looked like, until they don't.
I don't think you can do a post-Jenovization Sephiroth without massive identity issues. He's technically been mindwhammied even more thoroughly than Cloud was at the Northern Crater, and like with Cloud, it was being in a position of doubting who and what he really was and whether that was worth anything that set him up to crack in the first place. So he doesn't have any stable sense of 'himself' to go back to.
There's no one alive who can do for Sephiroth what Tifa does for Cloud. But, I thought, there might be a few people dead who have a shot.
If you consider Sephiroth's lines in Cloud's version of the Nibelheim flashback to be canon--which I do because they're much more interesting than the alternative--then we also have strong indications Sephiroth adopted his omnicidal transhuman identity as a coping mechanism. He's very obviously not a happy person, but when Cloud/Zack/whoever says after the massacre that their sadness is the same he laughs and asks, what do I have to be sad about?
This new identity is his consolation, an escape. He has to have hated himself because most of 'himself' is a thing he threw away.
I think it's very significant to the themes of Final Fantasy VII that while our protagonist can be directly, physically puppeted by psychic projection when taken by surprise, ultimately it seems to be necessary to break Cloud's will at the root in order for Sephiroth to 'win' their conflict, a process probably achieved with the other more thoroughly overcome Copies via torture and isolation. (What this implies about the making of Genesis' Copies I'm not sure, but it's not good. The Compilation is very bad at preserving theme though, and I very much opted to side with the OG on any point of conflict here.)
Sephiroth may have been both deceived and influenced by psychic pressure, but he can't have been forced. He chose this. He rejected everything that he had ever been in life other than 'a killer' in exchange for a new identity that was straight-up fraudulent, and then when that bubble burst one with nothing in it but hunger and anger and pride, and didn't look back.
So, any Sephiroth you put back together post-Nibelheim to be a distinct living person and seek things other than domination and murder (a thing I've seen done quite a few times, it's a popular saw I'm kinda riffing on, though I've never seen it done in this timeframe) is going to be a wreck for reasons that have nothing whatever to do with guilt.
He has never had a strong and stable sense of self, raised within Shinra and subject to its demands. Sephiroth-of-SOLDIER was so easy to throw away because it was a self built up chiefly from without. He is not a nice or an accommodating person, but he's also not one who ever learned to make his own choices, something that's implied in the original game and leaned into heavily in Crisis Core.
When he unconsciously expects to be rejected for expressing his ragged, vulnerable hate in the section excerpted, that's part of this. Sephiroth is a character whose main vector of self-expression has always been violence, but who has never been permitted his own anger--before he breaks, his resentment of Hojo appears exclusively via passive aggression. (This is such a bad combination stg President dude wtf did you expect.)
This passage is the baring of all these facts, the breaking point where Aerith successfully deprives him of his coping mechanisms thoroughly enough that he's driven onto the shoals of honest agony. And he's already ditched the act-normal, stay-level coping behaviors that got him through most of his life. And he's straight-up lost chunks of his psyche that got particularly integrated with his Mother and left behind when Aerith did Big Slice, some of which had provided him with load-bearing emotional bulwarks against self-loathing. So what's left?
But even as this is getting to the heart of his unhappiness, he's at the same time conducting one more self-evasion maneuver here, trying to wrap Sephiroth up into a bundle that he can externalize his self-hatred onto, a thing that people (including Jenova) made of him (he, who is a made thing) rather than a person he continuously is.
If Aerith had set him adrift in the Lifestream in this state and somehow kept Jenova from promptly reincorporating him, he probably would have succumbed to the true death quite rapidly, since it's the hanging-on to one's own identity that holds that off, and Sephiroth's primary attachment points seem to have always been his hatred and his physical form, and he's here shown in a state of rejecting his attachment to both, for lack of any other effective shield against the hurt of being.
Instead she stuffed him back into his body, which was conveniently preserved in crystal at the Northern Crater (a significantly less bullshit way to resurrect the lad than anything else I've seen done imho lmao like it's already there in the text). Existing as a single person in a body is the foundation (though not a necessary prerequisite) of individual selfhood in this setting, so he's sort of being forced to patch a self together by virtue of having skin.
Which brings us out of this flashback and a day later to the main timeline of the fic--wherein it is hopefully now more obvious why he's acting this way.
And possibly why one of the first things he did (after stabbing Rufus on sight lol) was cut off his iconic hair.
The three ghosts (not actually appearing in the quoted passage but relevant) are being fairly honest, since 1) they're dead and made of feelings and that makes it harder to avoid and 2) what they're doing wouldn't work otherwise.
Aerith's primary motive really isn't revenge, though I think as we see with Tseng she is fully capable of balancing a sense of connection to someone and the opinion that they should die and spare everyone else the burden of their existence in the world; her primary motive isn't pity either.
This is strategic. Sephiroth makes Jenova much stronger and is doing a lot of her thinking as part of the gestalt; breaking them up is, if possible, the single most effective thing she can do from within the Lifestream. And since in this timeline she knows Sephiroth much better than in canon, she has an angle of attack available. And she does identify with him, and remember him as a very unhappy child, and when you come down to it no person who was a deeply unhappy child ever entirely stops being one, deep down.
(Another fact that is relevant to Cloud's canonical identity arc. He cannot start to fully heal until he integrates that resentful eight-year-old who internalized the blame for not protecting Tifa from herself.)
Zack is in this for her sake and Cloud's, and because his failure at Nibelheim is his greatest remaining regret, especially because of the way it replicates the trauma of Angeal's death. There's no way he could pass up the chance to resolve that. And even now, he really feels for Sephiroth--especially now, as Aerith's plan gets moving and how pitiful a creature Sephiroth is under all that gets exposed.
Angeal feels, with some justification, responsible for Sephiroth's mental breakdown. He didn't realize he had that kind of power or he would at the very least have made more effort to explicitly dip on Sephiroth personally and make clear that it wasn't personal, but he definitely helped fuck the guy up. Happily, if there's one thing Angeal is good at it's failing to let go of things he very clearly should not hold onto, so he makes a solid anchor for this maneuver.
The only reason he's able to verbalize this as usefully as he does is the squad basically ran drills for this before making their move. All three of them are violently allergic to most expressions of sincere emotion, especially negative, especially their own, especially conveyed in words rather than gestures and allusions, and having to listen to one another's practice monologues was significantly more unpleasant than getting killed in the first place. But they had to, so they could provide critique.
I don't think I have any puns for this one?
:} Do note that Aerith's chopping maneuver after luring Sephiroth's core consciousness away from the gestalt center via grudgebaiting should be visualized with that same overhead slam animation she uses in FFVII:1997 when you have her jump forward from the back row and deliver a physical blow with her staff.
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a-vctlan · 5 months
SOLDIERs doing horrific things with their strength, how for all they fight and train to deal with the monsters of the world, they stand as an apex predator of their own species. fast, unnatural so, there's no outrunning them unless they let you. strength whose only purpose is to break you; a girp tight enough to break bones and tear them out your sockets; to cave in your chest with a single punch; hands that tear out your throat. it takes subconscious awareness to temper themselves, to lay down their hands, to be tender and palatable —but the shadow of their truth follows after them: they fight, and they love it.
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