#( he doesn’t go out of his way to murder or be Evil™️ )
summergilded · 6 months
man if i make it blog canon that’d khi accidentally gets the tieflings slaughtered at the grove by the druids because he stole the idol,,,,,that’d probably make him reflect on it or send him spiraling into a sort of madness. depending on how receptive he is to the tadcrew.
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Mal x GN! Reader who is a little shit
this one goes out to you, dusky boy. now learn about Xigbar, my brother, he’s your type.
@glitched-out-dusk requested this. They are the only one who can do this besides @insanetvgirl.
TW: Mal, swearing
So! For this, we’ll assume Zoke doesn’t exist. Or that Pointy likes Zoey, but Mal doesn’t. Yay, because I don’t like Zoke!
Now, let’s assume (almost) everything plays out like in canon. You’re placed on the Heroes Team, due to “NEVER letting you and Jo be ANYWHERE near each other again. Seriously, how did you even get in there?”
Proximity to Mal: increased.
Of course, Evil Dread plays out like usual. However, the newly-emerged Mal decided “hey, I like this crazy son of a bitch! Why did Mike even go for Zoey?” and, well, suffice to say, he likes you.
He gets close to you (and away from Zoey and Cameron, who could tell if Pointy’s out) under the guise of making friends. Oh, he is making friends. More than friends.
The moment he truly falls in love with you is the moment he catches you changing the password on Sierra’s phone(s). Someone like you will rule beside him on the Dark Throne™️ he plans on buying with the million!
Cue everyone’s stuff getting stolen, and regifted to you with slightly sappy, slightly threatening letters. Don’t worry, Dudcan will be getting the blame for this. He’ll make sure of it.
He stands extremely close to you in challenges, often keeping a hand on one shoulder or on your waist. Sometimes he’ll even sabotage ones you struggle in.
Of course, you help him out with his more legal schemes. Taking stuff and putting it in the bags of others, deleting Sam’s save files, uploading Noco (i do NOT ship it) to Sierra’s phone, and being generally horrible people. The explosions and attempted murders are kept from you, though.
If you have any enemies, don’t worry! They’ll be in for HELL. Mal will mess with them in so. Many. Ways. Turning their friends/allies/partners against them, sabotaging challenges, even bribing Chris if he finds a way. And believe me, he WILL.
Now, as for changes to canon.
Sundae Muddy Sundae is not horrible now. He keeps the chart a secret, as so to torment Pointy with Zoey’s elimination. As a result, the game comes down to The Evil Troublemakers vs Courtney’s Polycule. Unfortunately, there’s probably another episode added between this and the penultimate one, leaving either you, Scott or Gwen gone. We’ll go with Gwen for this.
In the penultimate episode, Chris decides who goes to the finale: Courtney and Mal.
Expect Chris’s “cottage” to be blown up once again. Or worse (better), his hair gel to be replaced with something like mud. Or you could expect to see Chris with some new burgundy scars. Something of the sort.
Anyways, Courtney vs Mal finale. Courtney wins. Better than canon.
No reset button. Somebody decides to bring another alter out, possibly by dropping him off a cliff so Svetlana HAS to come out or they’ll die. Either way, no reset button.
After the show, Mal does sometimes emerge (under supervision) to meet up with you. Expect stories of juvie, horror movie marathons and Gamer Rage™️.
I don’t have the energy to write the rest of this lol
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 10 months
the rest of the kotlc books i read summarized in the most unhinged way possible
part one
Lodestar: Sir Mommy Issues™️ is apart of the neverseen and blows. up. his. SCHOOL. the council make everyone go to prison school lesssons, btw y’all can blow up flesh and bone, what?!, oh nothing, girl blows up rock with mind, ✨Slumber Party✨ MARRIED PEOPLE 💕KISS💕 BECAUSE THEY LOVE AND FORGIVE EACH OTHER, daily check-in with double agent friend, he makes a poem about his bootie!!, they meet on a island?? and talk about stuff??? young man gets kidnapped and 🔥tortured🔥, the mirror that the girl was allergic to is actually a ✨secret portal✨, and it leads to another ✨secret portal✨,it takes them to a evil bad gut hideout (it’s empty btw), (they accidentally trap their friend in the secret wall hole), 13 year old is asked to attend peace talks because that’s where a child should be, this just in: having a peace talks on top of a underground prison is a horrible idea™️ who would have thought, the building collapses on top of everyone because foreshadowing, man who murdered his fiancé gets smooshed by a R O C K, the mentor guy gets stabbed and slowly bleeds out as his creation watches helplessly (this will definitely not effect her forever) oh no the bad guys have another bad guy!! oh know the girls human parents get kidnapped!! but her sister is ok!! she suddenly remembers who her sister is! THE END so much happens in this book what the hell
Nightfall: Human girl thinks elves names are weird, man drugs a group of children and takes them to a second location (his ex best friends apartment), the ex best friend fosters the human girl along with his “not legally” ex-wife, main character goes into zombie mode because her human parents are being tortured, strange lady takes children on a field trip with a man who’s just a blurry blob and not any character we knows older brother, 🎶young man, fight the ogre king, i say young man, rip that jewel, off, his, ear🎶 a princess becomes a body gaurd and immediately booby traps her charges bed, he’s supposed to be on bed rest because he got almost gutted by the Ogre king aka her dad, surprise girl can control 🔥FIRE🔥, secret message decoding, and technically not cousin kissing,they find the evil big brother™️ and he gets slammed into the walls by his sister, there’s a secret torture chamber under the under water city, parents are stuck inside fake 🔥fire🔥, they get the parents out, dad mid controls a psychopath AND a genetically modified murder creature that shouldn’t even exist (kinda like the main character but with less murder), girl decides to take on a murderer, without emotions, who’s been in jail for a millennia on her own and gets TOSSED THROUGH A MIRROR (A+ for effort baby girl), she’s completely shredded and to this day i don’t understand how they even found her body or how she found the evil lady, the human parents gets their minds wiped AGAIN (you will cry at what the mother says), evil big brother completely forgot who he is THE END
Flashback: Evil big brother who had his mind completely wiped is living at home again, because the council and his parents don’t think he’s evil anymore because he forgot all his memories, the younger siblings are NOT happy™️, the younger brother AKA the Burnette hot guy is EXTRA not happy™️, he works out in the desert doing hand stand push up that the main character definitely doesn’t find hot, OH NO! the bad guys attack with shadow powers!!!, the two guys the series keeps forgetting about save the day with a 🌈rainbow sword🌈 (and Explosives!!!🔥local children almost die for the eleventeth time, their in comas, their poor parents, girl wakes up, her arm is goopy and there’s a monster in her brain that is not a metaphor for PTSD, the boy is still in a coma, 🩷😊✨happy shadow thoughts✨😊🩷, girl says she misses the boy and he wakes up through the power of 💕love💕 (probably), they’re hospitalized for two months aka half the book, the blonde hot boy walks in on the Burnett hot guy had feeding the main character candy, he leaves like a sad puppy in the rain, they get out of the hospital, but the Burnett guy is still on crutches, ❤️boy x chandelier the love story for the ages❤️, main character gets not 1 not 2 but 4 new body guards, one is married to the princess, they hate each other, self-defense training and bodyguards shenanigans, the ballad of Bo and Ro is written, local horse girl almost gets kissed by a guy who’s basically royalty, the horse girls horse goes into labor and the horse girl teleports to her rescue, the bald girl from book one helps save the horse’s life with her mom and dad, a troll takes advantage of the fact that the baby horses need to be incubated and gets the horse girl make an alliance with the entire horse species without any other adult input, they take the babies to some hidden tower and create an illusion that will definitely protect them, surprise Evil brother is still evil, he release secret gmo murder troll newborns who wreck havoc, EVIL LADY GETS CRUSHED BY D O O R, little brother almost kills his brother not once but twice, one of those times he trapped him in a baby troll capsule, when it started to fill with goop. he. stopped. pressing. buttons. evil brother escapes definitely won’t be relevant later, evil mom lady threatens to kill the baby horses if he doesn’t get to steal a child, he agrees to be stolen, she knocks him out anyway, the baby horses are born and they are ok, then the horse girl goes to get her eugenics lists because that’s what you do when your friend is kidnapped.
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hp-hcs · 2 months
Not really a request but holy crap your nb blaise fic was absolutely amazing hell yeah ill integrate that into my belief system. Do you have any other hcs about that bc it's super cool
(more) nonbinary! blaise zabini headcanons — a (sort of) part two to my fic uniforms
there’s a lot, so i’ve divided them up into sections and subsections
also i’m tired and it’s late if there are any typos shhh no there aren’t
~ 𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 ~
they’re better at makeup than you, hands down
isn’t blaise like canonically (aka, the actor) 6’3”? well anyways, they wear heels. they don’t need them, but they own six inch stilettos and won’t miss a step. absolutely strutting on the moving stairs while everyone watches like “how the fuck—”
(if you ask why they wear them, their answer will always be “so i can step on men, duh”)
~ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕦𝕥 ~
• mrs. zabini •
their mom is hella supportive!!!
one of her definitely-not-murdered ex-husbands mysteriously went missing after making some joke at blaise’s expense
no, mr. auror, i haven’t a clue how my husband ended up at the bottom of the black lake with the word ‘transphobe’ magically carved into his forehead what that’s crazy
• slytherin squad™️ •
draco: shouts “i knew it!!!!” and runs off to go get his money from whoever he bet against
theo: could not give less of a fuck. i kinda hc theo as being fluid or at least apathetic to their own gender, so it’s all love & support over here!!
mattheo: needs it explained a couple times, but once he gets it, he never messes up their pronouns and will fight any bitch who does
pansy: absolute queen. she will d r a g them to diagon alley to go shopping with her and will buy them their first personal makeup palette. we stan.
enzo: already knew. knew like, two years ago. when they come out, he’s just like, “oh!! i’m so happy you finally figured it out!! i’ve been waiting for you to say something for ages!!!!”
• adults •
dumbledick: completely ignores their pronouns bc all slytherins are evil and he’s definitely not biased or anything
snape: is an asshole about it.
voldemort: would be like 🧍‍♂️“ok but ur still one of my death eaters right?”
narcissa: does that one fake polite smile and nod that every white mom is capable of. “how lovely, dear.”
bellatrix: man, bitch is crazy. who even knows
tonks: AGGRESSIVELY supportive
• golden trio (& co.) •
harry: gets into an argument with the slytherins and calls blaise “he”. draco’s ready to beat his ass, but blaise just calmly explains their gender identity and harry apologizes, then goes back to arguing with them, ✨respectfully✨.
ron: (what no i’m definitely not a blairon shipper shut up) immediately switches to strictly gender-neutral language and goes out of his way to ask them what terms/compliments/etc they’re comfortable being called.
hermione: hot take! i hc her as a closeted lesbian with internalized homophobia, and i think she’d try to make an argument about “bUt ThEy iS pLuRaL”.
neville: cutie pie!! he just nods and is like “okay! 🥹🌱”
ginny: doesn’t give a fuck. blaise is on the slytherin quidditch team, and damn if you think she isn’t going to do everything in her power to continue trying to beat them
luna: sagely nods like it was obvious. “oh, the nargles already told me.”
comments are always appreciated!! the author thrives off encouragement, like a toddler being given a gold star sticker!!!
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vo09 · 1 year
Personal thoughts (and ramblings) about Hans and “redemption”.
[Writing this because of a post another user made about this topic. Didn’t want to reply to OP directly with such a long rant because I end up talking about other stuff too and going off-track]
Personally, I like and fully accept (and love) the canon material we got for the character, the fact he did what he did on the first movie, the fact he turned out to have evil/selfish intentions all along and from the beginning... But because I feel and interpret him as a rather complex character ("more human-like" or “morally gray”, someone who can consciously and willingly choose to do good and real good, but also do bad and real bad), I still think he’s capable of getting a hypothetical "moral evolution/change" that could push him to –at least– recognize and admit his wrongdoings towards the sisters (wrongdoings that were not "simple mistakes" at all, since they were deliberate and conscious selfish actions).
Do I think he could've had a rough and sad upbringing? Yeah, absolutely, but I still think he chose to be selfish and did what he did for his own personal gain (which is what I think makes his character interesting), even if his past could "explain" and/or throw some light into why he chose this path, he knowingly still chose to do bad.
I think Hans is not the type of villain that has his core completely rotten and Evil™️ like, let's say Mother Gothel, who was totally selfish with her actions and you could tell she was happy and more than okay being that way, she couldn’t have changed no matter what. I think he falls in the middle of being like Ernesto de la Cruz –another selfish villain who did horrible stuff for his own benefit, but at the same time, also had his moments of doing good/being nice for “no reason at all” (like when he saved Miguel from drowning because, even if he did that to show off to everyone, he still acted immediately and did the right thing, although that doesn't turn him into a good person either or erases what he did to Hector and Miguel’s family, of course)– and maybe like a professor Robert Callaghan/Yokai type of villain, who also was completely selfish no matter how hurt he was or what "reasons" he though he had for doing what he did, but it’s canon that in the end he deeply regreted the pain he caused and recognizes his fault in Tadashi's death, apologizing sincerely to Hiro on the TV show (something that was done well because Hiro didn’t/couldn’t forgive him, which is something I’ll talk about later).
The only difference between Hans and these two villains is that, luckily for Hans, his plan backfired at last moment and he didn't end up murdering anyone like the other two (all thanks to Anna's sacrifice, who in some way not only saved Elsa, but also saved him from doing something like that). He has some kind of “second chance in life” to do better or reflect thanks to that (or thanks to poor Anna, to be more precise).
As many people have already pointed out about Frozen, the franchise never was about the simplistic “Good vs Evil” trope, the movie plays with the complexity of things and people, and I think that it’s fair to apply this fact about everything and everyone that made “Frozen” Frozen (including Hans). Don't know if that could count as a redemption arc in itself, but as I mentioned first, I like the idea of him going through a mentality change after reflecting (like Callaghan), even if that change doesn't grant him the sister's forgiveness in the end (which is totally fair and would make total sense).
[I'll go on a tangent here, but I'd like to get out my point of view on forgiveness]
To me forgiveness isn't something you ask for, but something you could be given to (or not) after apologizing. The people holding that power over their aggressor/abuser/bully (etc.) are not obliged to give it to them no matter the apologies they get from the person who caused them harm (and let’s be honest, I don't think anyone can easily forgive attempted/almost murder of a loved one, manipulation, lying, and all the stuff Hans willingly did to the sisters, and like I mentioned above, it was well executed with Hiro and Callaghan, it feels real and completely understandable). Apologizing is key for closure (in some cases/sometimes for the victim, but always for the perpetrator), and if you apologize to someone you’ve hurt, you do it because you’ve learnt and truly feel sorry for what you did, you do not expect absolutely anything in return, not even forgiveness, you're just sorry for what you did, that should be more than enough for you (but maybe not for the victim/s, and that's still okay and completely fair). To truly apologize you need to reflect, understand, and be willing to learn and change.
Personally, I don't usually agree with a lot of people’s ideas of redemption for Hans (after being in the fandom for years) because they usually either involve "unrelated heroic acts" that immediately grant him forgiveness (and I don't agree with that), or it involves some kind of romantic shipping that helps him "realize" what he did was wrong instead of being him the one who does the work (and personally and as someone who’s not into shipping, I'm really not into that either, specially because that shipping usually involves the people he hurt and that’s not my cup of tea, although I respect if anyone is into enemies to lovers, not trying to shame anyone here).
My main problem with this kind of redemption arcs is that they focus on the forgiveness part, making the victim/s the ones doing the work (as if Anna and Elsa owed him that or anything at all), instead of focusing on Hans’ accountability. An unrelated “New Good” doesn’t make a “Past Bad” go away. A new good action does not compensate a totally unrelated bad action done before, apologies and accountability can.
The important part of a redemption and the point/"lesson" of this trope should be the wrongdoer recognizing and feeling sincere shame for what they've done to their victim/s, the willingness to do better from now on and, at the very least (and hopefully) to apologize without expecting forgiveness or anything in return.
A story that calls itself "redemption arc" and only pushes the message of "we should learn to forgive" isn't a redemption arc, it's just a story that puts the moral responsibility on the victim/s while the aggressor doesn't learn anything (and simply gets the happy ending without putting any of the necessary effort).
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its-your-mind · 2 years
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I posted 10,158 times in 2022
That's 6,390 more posts than 2021!
233 posts created (2%)
9,925 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 706 of my posts in 2022
#tma - 124 posts
#the magnus archives - 94 posts
#jonathan sims - 42 posts
#dracula daily - 27 posts
#dracula - 24 posts
#jonmartin - 22 posts
#martin blackwood - 21 posts
#tma spoilers - 20 posts
#statement remains - 16 posts
#tma fanart - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#whereas martin is just chuggin along in his life when ope here’s a person i can help time to get them tea what do you mean i’m in love
My Top Posts in 2022:
“Oh, Martin saw Jon be a complete mess of a human being and thought I can fix him and that was the reason his crush started”
you fools. you absolute circus clowns. you avatars of pure silliness.
Martin is EXACTLY as unhinged as Jon even before they ever meet each other, and becomes even more so after we meet him. Behold:
List of Reasons why Martin Kartin Blackwood is just as (if not more) unhinged than his avatar-of-all-evil-knowledge-boyfriend:
in order to get a job, he lied on his CV. Not too bad, fuck academic elitism, etc, but this man. claimed to have a very specific degree in a very specific field. and then he got hired. because of that degree
and no one noticed. for ten whole years.
(except the head of the institute, which doesn’t count bc he’s an evil mind reading bastard)
Also claimed to be like ten years older than he really was (him and jon share this unhinged fun fact which is fuckin wild)
ALSO also didn’t have a middle name so just kinda. gave himself a middle initial. for funsies.
let a dog into a building bc it tricked him with its cute face
but also carried out a con for months on an avatar of an evil fear god by just. frowning and nodding.
could have been an avatar of manipulation and control, instead decided to be in love. icon.
actually, could have been an avatar of three different fear gods. said no thanks I will be in love instead ty
boss is specifically an asshole to him. decides to fall in love anyway.
had to be told to put his hands in his pockets so he would stop touching plastic explosives
wanted to kill an old man bc one time that old man kind of threatened to throw him off a rollercoaster
after being trapped in his flat for three weeks by a bug lady, brought a jar full of her bugs with him back to work to prove a point
willing to damn an unknowable number of other realities
met himself. he was an asshole. to himself.
“sorry elias I can’t hear you there’s a door in the way”
decided with no evidence that he was going to take his bf on a hiking trip and figure out a way to shove the fear gods back into their little box
has dreams of making out with his bf over their ex-boss’s corpse
“Hey, Elias! J o n a h M a g n u s !!!!! …. OI DICKHEAD”
big strong rowing arms
(that’s not unhinged i just wanted everyone to remember that martin has big strong arms good for rowing and giving hugs)
thinks tea is cure to all emotional ills
certainly has a large fun patterned jumper collection at home
also advocates that he and his bf “get their murder on”
stole a possibly evil tape recorder to record poetry bc lo-fi vibes
spent several months talking to tape recorders more than humans
See the full post
6,854 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Help I’m late to the party re: cryptic Rusty Quill Magnus Archives news and don’t know how to catch up!
You have come to the right place! Here I will summarize The Bullshit™️ with time stamps where able. I will also update this post when new things come to light.
Let’s go one day at a time!
10 October
Rusty Quill Twitter and Instagrams post UNPROMPTED, UNEXPLAINED eyes
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See the full post
7,837 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
tma fandom for the past year and a half: the ambiguity of the ending was so beautiful, I love that we just Don’t Know what happened to them. Horror tragedy is a heart-wrenching but also amazing genre.
tma fans today: mARTIN? Martin my beloved bby boy?? Is here???? Is aliVe??? THANK FUCK THIS IS WHAT I WANTED ALL ALONG now where is my jarchivist whom I love so dearly rusty quill if you keep him from me I will never forgive you
11,420 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
I did not have “tumblr book club forms and reads a classic horror novel delivered via email; immediately begins to roast and fall in love with protagonist” on my 2022 bingo card, but I have to say I am enjoying myself immensely
18,645 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I feel like neil gaiman’s regular presence on this hellsite is like… an unintentional secret that we all have. I never question it, and yet it’s just like… on your right you will see the queer podcast fandom. on the left you will see author of coraline and good omens and the sandman. yeah he’s here. yeah sometimes he’ll appear in your notes or respond to a shitpost when you least expect it. it’s fine.
30,370 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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flower-of-darkness · 3 years
How does Mori choose his executives?
This was a question that had been lingering in my mind for quite some time now, and I finally came up with an analysis? theory? of how this ruthless and absolute dickhead Port Mafia boss carefully handpicked the people to be his executives.
My first thought was that he picked people based on their experience in the PM, but if this was the case, then why didn’t he pick Hirotsu to be an executive? Man had been around since the Fifteen novels, and is probably the oldest member of the PM, so he’s definitely one of the best candidates to be an executive. But Mori didn’t even consider choosing him, so I abandoned the thought.
The next logical reason is to pick people based on their strength and abilities, which is a very evil mafia boss™️ thing to do, but then my dumbass realized that more power = more chance of them turning against him, so that's a huge no.
I'll start analyzing the PM's individual executives and the possible reasons of why Mori selected them to be executives, minus Ace (dude appeared for 1 episode and got yeeted - we don’t know anything about his relationship with Mori besides how he was a master gambler and bought his way to the executives’ table), and Verlaine (I haven’t read SB, although I know a general gist of what happened because the bsd fandom in instagram does NOT know how to put spoiler warnings) 
Koyo Ozaki
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I'll start with this absolutely gorgeous milf lady.
We know too little about Koyo’s backstory, but there are two things about her past that actually says a lot about why Mori might have recruited her as an executive :
1. She tried escaping the Mafia with an unnamed older man whom she admired, but the previous boss found out, went “ayo that’s illegal”, and just, straight up murdered the man. Rip unnamed man, you will be missed.
2. As copied from the official BSD wiki :
Koyo is an extremely cynic, jaded against things like hope and love. Koyo doesn’t believe in the benefits of “light” and claims that people born in “darkness” are destined to ever branch out for the light.
Y’all see this? Koyo both fears and despises the light, believing that people like her, who were “born in the dark”, were destined to stay there. She believes that she belongs in the Port Mafia, making her the last person to ever be tempted to defect from the organization.
What’s more, as much as an asshole he is, Mori is better than the previous boss. He doesn’t go around wreaking havoc and killing people pointlessly. He somewhat? values his subordinates, as long as they swear loyalty to him and let him manipulate them.
As we can see from multiple scenes in the anime, Koyo favors Mori much more than the previous boss, going as far as attempting to kill Tanizaki to protect him, saying that “If that man died, we would go back to the Port Mafia I hated so much”.
Does Mori, the genius dickhead mastermind know this? Of course. He knows that Koyo isn't interested in switching to the good side, and that she respects him enough to not betray the PM. That’s why he chose her to be one of his executives.
Nakahara Chuuya
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Moving on to my husband when I become 20 bc istg this mf is fine asf-
Mori definitely picked Chuuya partly because of his overwhelming strength - best martial artist in the Port Mafia, gravity manipulation, has a wholeass God inside him, etc etc - but that’s not the main reason he chose him.
Let’s go back to their history. When Chuuya first joined the PM, he was fifteen, and had just gotten betrayed by his family. But Chuuya didn’t blame the Sheep at the slightest. In fact, he blames himself, thinking that this was all because he wasn’t a good leader. He sees himself as someone who failed to take care of his subordinates, and so he asked Mori what it means to be a true leader of an organization - to which Mori answers with : “A leader not only stands on top of an organization, but he's also a slave to it.”
From this moment, Chuuya saw Mori as the leader he could never be, and decided to devote his life to him, even going as far as bowing down to the PM boss.
But here’s what infuriates me the most : Mori already left a good impression on Chuuya since he was fifteen - being a seemingly good and charismatic leader, and taking him in with open arms when he was all alone after his family’s betrayal.
And being the strategic bastard he is, Mori definitely knows. He knows that Chuuya sees the Port Mafia as his saviour and will forever be in their debt. He also knows that Chuuya was a loyal person, because he saw how the boy truly cared about the Sheep when he threatened to kill them to get him to work with Dazai. 
With these two aspects combined, he knows that Chuuya will never betray the Port Mafia even if he ever got tempted to switch to the ADA like Dazai, because that’s just the kind of person he is. He’s loyal to the ends of the earth and will always repay kindness with even more. And Mori decided to use this to his advantage, being able to predict that Chuuya would be the last person to ever betray him.
Not to mention that Chuuya was just a child when he joined the PM, making it easier for Mori to manipulate him - to drill into his mind whatever ideals and false hopes that will lead him to believe that he needs to be loyal to the PM. And when the time came, Mori finally made him an executive. 
So basically, Mori chose Chuuya because it was easier to manipulate him as a child, and he has faith in Chuuya’s undying loyalty to him and his organization.
Dazai Osamu 
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We know that Dazai was Mori’s right hand ever since he was fourteen, going as far as being the witness for the previous boss’s assassination. Why did he choose Dazai at such a young age? Nobody knows for sure, although the most logical reason is probably how he sees himself in Dazai and takes an immediate liking to him. 
That’s most likely also why he chose Dazai to become an executive. He knows that Dazai is similar to him - ruthless, calculating, and smart - which makes him suitable to be a high-ranking mafioso. Out of all the other executives, especially Chuuya and Koyo, Dazai is probably the only one who Mori chose mostly because he's actually fitting for the position, not because of other ulterior motives.
And that creates a huge problem for Mori, because this makes Dazai harder to manipulate. After all, he could actually take over Port Mafia if he really wanted to. But because he was a unique subordinate and was the perfect candidate to be an executive, Mori was willing to take risks. He went through extreme lengths to always predict Dazai’s next actions so that he could still control him. 
And for a few years, it worked. This was shown prominently in the Fifteen novels. From offering Dazai a painless way to die in return for working for him, up to threatening to drag Dazai down with him as the organization executes them both, Mori always had a way to somehow keep Dazai under his control.
Until one time. The only time when Mori failed to predict Dazai’s next action.
He didn’t expect Dazai to choose Oda over the PM - to choose good over the evil he had always basked in, which resulted in losing his most precious executive. Ha, get rekt, asshole.
So, what am I trying to say from this long ramble? Mori doesn’t choose his executives based on the people he trusts, he tends to choose people who trust him - which is both a genius and shitty tactic - and someone should punch some senses to him. Preferably Chuuya, because he broke a mothafcking wall with only his fist in Dead Apple, imagine the damage he could do to Mori’s face--
@yesterdays-shadowtag @tecchous-thicc-buttocks @boombboi @aki-galaxy Y'ALL I DID IT 😭👍🏻✨️
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stuckasmain · 3 years
I figured out what’s been bothering me about the Reincarnation plot in The mummy returns
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a absolute sucker for reincarnation plot’s… I just really don’t think it works in this movie. Especially for Evie.
Something I like so much about the original is that Imhotep is never explicitly evil? (To my memory). He commits murder, but it is done as a act of love. While it is expected he’d be killed for this - he is given what is the worst possible punishment /death any man could face in ancient Egypt. Mummified alive, eaten alive- and cursed for eternity, purely for love(and murder) he’s acting in such a a way, and doing what he had do to the curse on him, and what that does to a man after a few thousand years wilting everything else away. He’s justifiably angry, and … well world domination is not the best but it was not his thing form the get go.
The reincarnation plot sort of ruins that? “Oh well the pharaoh was the protagonist’s dad so they’re super duper evil bad, nothing good ever. Everyone knew they just wanted to kill him” it sort of eliminates the entire point of their original death. Not to mention it sort of diminishes Evie to a cosmic snitch and a “oh she can only do this because she used to be bad ass” or all of her abilities, physical prowess, education and linguist skills are eliminated. They’re no longer years of study, excitement and absolutely pouring herself into the ancient world! It’s just magic powers because reincarnation!!
It also diminishes Her and Rick’s marriage? No. No soulmates can’t just happen, they can’t just meet and slowly realize they were made for each other, there’s no understanding or slow connection. It’s just cosmic/ past life so they HAVE to. See this happened before and it HAS to happen again so really it’s not like they ever could have been friends- seriously?! (Their relationship is so beautiful and deep and loving except this part is just???) they had something going. They could have had a “I will love and find you in every life even if I don’t know it.” Moment but they just- nope. Just like her skills down the drain to powers and fate.
Evie loses her Agency, the relationship’s meaning becomes screwed and Imhotep is done dirty. The only one that made sense/ I liked was Anck-su-namun’s reincarnation- however they manage to semi mess it up? I do love the aspect of giving her back her soul but they act like she didn’t know who she was or had her memories before that when she did the entire movie before that?? And she acts shocked/leaves him- WHAT?
Just - when the movie does good it does good but when it does bad it does really bad. It’s enjoyable but frustrating, then again nothing can be the original.
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Also it’s a nitpick but what the actual fuck was she wearing in the beginning in the temple? It’s the 1930s what 2001 celebrity photo lookin- same with ? Her clothes in the rest. Seriously everyone else is in period and then there’s just her. The first movie went out of the way to show she doesn’t need a “look at me I’m in pants ™️” moment and was 100% capable in a skirt??? Just whoever was in charge of her wardrobe this movie- I wanna talk
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