#( he’s got regrets and is broken and is just so god damn sad )
queen-of-the-avengers · 4 months
Shouldn't Have Said It
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: relationship angst, heartbreak, getting roofied at a bar by someone you trust
Summary: It's been a month since you and Bucky broke up, and it's been the hardest month of your life. In that time, you realize you never wanted to be apart from Bucky. You put your trust in the wrong person, and your entire life hangs in the balance.
Between Love and Hate Masterlist
Squares Filled: "told you so" (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You didn't know how hard this was going to be for you. You didn’t leave because you fell out of love with Bucky. You left because it breaks your heart when Bucky takes away life like he’s God or something. Could you get over it? Maybe. You shouldn’t have said what you said to him. Maybe there was room for improvement but you were so stricken with grief that you said exactly what you were feeling at that moment.
It’s been nearly a month since you and Bucky broke things off so why doesn’t it feel over with? You want nothing more than to go running back to him but it’s like you’re stuck between true love and your morals. Killing is wrong. Taking a human life is a crime. Bucky should be in jail for what he’s done. He’s the bad guy, so why do you dream of him every night? Your parents raised you to be good and to help where you can. They taught you to love and care for others. If they knew what you’ve been doing, they’d shun you for sure.
You’re scared your innocence will be stripped down to nothing if you continue to stay with Bucky. You have given him everything you possibly could. Is there anything left?
Gio noticed a change in not only your appearance but the fact that you don’t smile anymore. You’re not dressing in your usual style--flowing dresses, shorts, tanks, and all of them in bright colors. Now, you’re dressed in dark colors, jeans, and band t-shirts with your hair in a bun most days. Over the past moonth, you might have said maybe ten words to him and he’s been a gentleman and let you have the space you’re silently asking for.
Even when you and Bucky are broken up, he still finds ways to take care of you. He sent you a new verison of the car you had before so you’re not walking or taking public transportation, but you refuse to use it. That’s a pity car and you’re not taking any charity even though it’s nice and you really want to use it. It’s not going to help much but you got a job at the local hardware store where you can save up for a car on your own.
If you truly want to be done with Bucky, you can’t use anything he gives you. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It’s so damn hard moving on because you’re still so damn in love with him.
When Gio sees you sitting alone at lunch, he decides it’s time to bring up whatever’s got you in a slum. He walks across the huge cafeteria and sits next to you. You barely look at him but he does hear you mutter his name.
“Going through a break up is never easy.”
You look up at hi with slightly red and puffy eyes.
“How did you know?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to fit the puzzle together. Bucky isn’t around anymore.” You sigh and look back down at your food. “I didn’t want tot say anything to give you space but it’s been a month. Come out drinking with me and some friends.”
“I don’t know…”
“It’s fifty cent wings at the bar on campus. They got an overshipment of chicken wings and need them to go out before they go bad. Come on, it’s one night.”
Maybe this will be good for you. You’ve been sitting in your apartment all alone looking at pictures of you and Bucky. You’re making yourself sad so going out might be the way to move on.
“Okay, just one night.”
“Can I pick you up?”
“Yeah. I’ll text you my address.”
“Cool,” he smiles. “You’re not going to regret it.” His energy makes you smile even if it’s small. “I made you smile, right? That’s progress.”
Gio gets up and leaves you alone. Gio would be so easy to be with but he’s not Bucky. He doesn’t give you the sense of danger and adventure you had when you were with Bucky. You watch him walk away, and as much as you try not to, you see Bucky walking away from you. Yeah, you might really need this night out or maybe you’re forcing yourself to get over Bucky when you know you don’t want to.
Oh, I don’t know what to do or think.
When you get home, you immediately start getting ready even though you have three hours to spare because if you don’t distract yourself, you’ll start to think about Bucky and cancel on Gio. You don’t dress fancy since you’re going to go to a campus bar but you at least try to put something nice on. Gio comes when he sayid he would, and you meet him in the parking lot. You’re not an idiot. Being with Bucky made you cautious with most things in your life. Gio is an amazing man but Bucky made you weary of anyone in your life.
“Wow,” Gio smiles.
“You look beautiful.”
“It’s just jeans and a t-shirt,” you say shyly.
“Even better.”
It only takes ten minutes to get to the bar which is already lively with people. Gio meets up with his friends who welcome you in with open arms. There are already three boxes of wings on the table that are all half devoured with more on the way. Gio orders two beers and sits with you at the table when he grabs them. Football games are playing on all of the TV screens, people are playing darts and pool in teams, and everyone is having such a good time.
Why aren't you?
“So? How do you feel?” Gio asks and nudges your shoulder.
“This isn’t so bad, I guess,” you chuckle.
“Told you so. I’m glad I could convince you to come out.”
“Well, I figure I had my month to wallow. It’s time to move on.”
Are you saying that to Gio or yourself? Are you really ready to move on? Do you even want to? I don’t know what to think. My head is all jumbled and confused. You look at Gio with a small smile wishing you were here with Bucky instead. Actually, you wish you were back in Italy with Bucky. You had to put your entire life on hold when you were there, and you’d give anything to feel that way again.
“Your skills are getting better in class. No one can sew like you.”
“Thank you. My mother was a seamstress. She’s to thank for my love of designing.”
“What about your dad?”
“He’s an architect. I get designing from him as well. What about your parents?”
Gio clears his throat and looks down at his beer.
“My mom died when I was a baby. I don’t remember much about her except the stories I’ve heard.”
“I’m sorry. What about your dad?” you ask and sip your beer. Gio’s face immediately hardens into something that makes you uneasy. He spares you a glance and forces himself to relax but the anger is still there. “Are you okay?”
“My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago.”
“Oh, my God. I’m so sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” he shrugs. “I don’t really like to talk about it.” You nod in understanding when his eyes meet yours. There’s a dark anger in his eyes that he can’t hide. He sees how taken aback you are so he grabs your half-drank beer and his almost finished one. “Let me get you another drink.”
He’s gone before you can say anything. You sigh and look around the crowded bar in thought.
“You’re out on a date with that guy?” You snap your head up when you hear his voice. “Come home. I miss you.”
Bucky is sitting right next to you as if he’s really there. You look around in panic but when you look back at Bucky, he’s gone. Who were you kidding? You can’t do this. You’re an idiot if you thought you were ready to move on. Who are you kidding right now? You don’t want to move on. No, you don’t. You miss Bucky. You miss his touch after a long day and the way his rough hands run over your smooth skin. You miss his lips when they kiss all over your body. You miss his smile when you make him work for your attention. You miss his blue eyes and the way they darken when you put on that red little number he loves so much.
So what if he kills people, right? He’d kill for you. That shows how much he loves you, right? He’d do anything to protect you. He treats you like a Queen, and you’re an idiot to let him go. If only your parents could see you now.
Gio comes back with a different drink in his hands. Right. Gio. You want to go home. Will Bucky take you back after what you said to him? Can he find it in himself to love you again?
“Hey, listen, you’re great and super nice but I don’t think I’m ready for this. It’s not you. I’m just not ready.”
“No worries,” he smiles. He sets a red-colored drink on the table in front of you. “I got you your favorite drink. Let me just say bye to my friends and I’ll take you home.”
“Thank you.”
Gio leaves your side to do what he said he was going to do. You take the glass and down the alcohol easily. Gio comes back shortly and you get out of the booth to leave. However, when you take the first step, your legs immediately feel like jelly. Gio catches you before you go crashing to the ground, and you look away in embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry. This usually doesn’t happen. I’m not a lightweight.”
You and Bucky once had a drinking contest to see who could drink the most and you won. Despite how hard and dangerous he can be, he can’t handle his alcohol well.
“Come on, let’s get you to the car.”
Gio helps you to his car and inside the passenger side. Your headache is worse, your body feels completely numb, and your vision is starting to blur. What the hell happened? Gio gets behind the wheel and pulls away from the bar.
“I don’t feel so good,” you slur.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take you home. Just go to sleep.”
He makes a right onto the main road and drives down the dark and desolate road. The last thing on your mind before you succumb to the darkness is that in order to get to your apartment, he had to make a left, not a right.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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midwestmade29 · 10 months
Choose Me (Part 3)
Christmas writing prompt: #20 (A couple broken up get invited to a Christmas party) Word Count: 1,023 Divider by: @benkeibear Be sure to check out @madhatterbri's [full list] of Christmas/New Year writing prompts!
Lots of dialogue in part 3 😮‍💨 and still dripping with lots of angst!
I think I’m gonna have to give @madhatterbri her angst crown back after writing this story. Not my strong suit, but always good to switch things up from time to time.
Only disclaimers I would say part 3 has is manipulation and some cursing 😬
Every story has an ending...but will yours be happy?
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“Aww, you look upset. What’s wrong sunshine?” Shayna asked with smug smile on her face. “Please move.” You said sternly, but she didn’t budge. “What do you want Shayna? Isn’t there someone else around here you can torment? Maybe some new executive’s ass you can kiss?” Shayna only laughed at your sarcasm which made your blood start to boil. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous! You only wish you could do what I do. Afterall, I do have the grandest prize of all in my bed at night while you’re all alone in yours. Poor thing, it must be so sad knowing Christian chose me over you!” She said, faking a pouty face. Her words cut straight to your core making you want to run and hide like you have the last few months, but you knew you couldn’t waiver. “Look, I really don’t have anything else to say to you other than you won. You won Shayna! Christian is yours! If he wants you to suck the life out of him again like a God damn vampire, then so be it. He saw right through your bullshit before, so one can only hope he will again. Just tell me one thing. Why? Why would you meddle with Christian and I and tear us a part?” As soon as you asked the infamous question, you regretted it because you weren’t sure if you were truly ready to hear the answer.
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“Oh honey, isn’t it obvious? I’m a grown woman and you’re just a little girl! Why in the world would someone like Christian ever stay with someone like you? You can’t give him what he needs! Don’t get me wrong, I applaud you for catching his attention for a little while, but now he’s where he belongs and that’s in-between my legs.” Shayna said victoriously. “You stole him from me, so I simply took back what’s mine. An eye for an eye if you will.” Your jaw dropped at her confession and your stomach started to turn at the thought of Christian being intimate with her. Your head felt like it was spinning as you tried to process everything. You felt like crying and screaming at the same time the more her words sank in, but you had to say your peace. “Sounds to me you’re not as grown as you say you are playing these types of childish games. My life is not a game and Christian is not a prize to be won! We are more than pawns in your sick game. Shame on you!” Fury burned in Shayna’s eyes the more you went on. “You just couldn’t stand that he finally got the courage to leave your toxic ass in the first place! So please, cut the shit and move out of my way.”
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Without another word, you walked right past her, feeling 10 pounds lighter having unloaded the thoughts and feelings you had built up inside of you for so long. Your strappy heels clacked on the marble stairs as you walked down them, the sound echoing off the walls. Once you reached the bottom step, you heard someone rushing down them not too far behind you. “Y/N! Wait!” Christian called out, but you kept walking and didn’t look back. He eventually caught up with you and tried to stop you when he grabbed hold of your wrist. “Don’t!” you shouted as you pulled your wrist free from Christian’s grasp. “I’m sorry. Please don’t leave like this. I didn’t mean to ruin your night or to upset you. I wasn’t even sure you were here until I heard someone call your name earlier. Once I saw you, I couldn’t stay away. I had to talk to you.” He confessed. After exchanging words with Shayna, you felt numb, so Christian’s words fell upon deaf ears. When you didn’t say anything, he continued. “When Kris finally stopped chewing me out, I saw you say something to Shayna before walking away. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
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Feeling exasperated over everything, every thought and feeling you had left spilled from your lips. “You wanted to make sure I was okay? What about Shayna? Shouldn’t you be checking on your girlfriend instead?” He tried to interject, but you stopped him and continued. “You made your choice Christian. I’m not going to beg you to change your mind and choose me instead. If you’re willing to give up everything we had together, then I have to make a choice too. I have to let you go.” Something you said must’ve hit a nerve because he showed his true colors when his next words were coated with condescension. “You have to let me go?” he scoffed. “I did what I had to for my career! I’m all everyone talks about, and Shayna adds to that. I can’t give up that kind of clout! Being with her makes sense for business and that’s what fills my bank account.” In the matter of a few seconds, your entire world caved in once again. All this time you thought you knew Christian, but you were sadly mistaken. You had fallen in love with an imposter and someone who clearly loved fortune and fame more than they loved you.
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You pulled yourself out of the stupor you were in, doing your best to hold back the tears that threatened to flow when you replied to Christian. “So, what you’re telling me is that you’re willing to sacrifice true happiness and love for money and notability? It’s evident now more than ever that you are lost. So lost. I hope somewhere down the road you’re able to find your way again Christian. You and Shayna are a match made in hell and the two of you deserve each other!” Without a second glance, you turned and walked away, leaving Christian standing alone in the vestibule just like he left you the night he broke your heart in your apartment. He didn’t even try to say anything further, he could only stand and watch as the best damn thing to ever happen to him walked right out the door.
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Phew, glad that’s over 🤣 Now, time to write some smut & fluff!
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blackjackkent · 9 months
Finally got a followup from Astarion regarding the incredibly uncomfortable conversation with Araj back in Moonrise.
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"The way she leered at me...the blood merchant... I can't get it out of my head..."
It is the most unsettled Hector has ever seen the elf. All the usual cocky facade is gone and he is fidgeting uncomfortably, the corners of his mouth turned down in an expression of fear and regret.
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"It isn't like me. Not like me at all," he says hastily, shaking his head rapidly as if trying to clear something from it. His tone grows more agitated, trying to convince Hector of something and in doing so, trying to convince himself. "I was being too...precious, wasn't I? We could have used her potion."
He clenches his fists at his sides, looks at the ground.
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"A moment of unpleasantry doesn't matter if there's a fine reward," he mutters. "I should have just gritted my teeth as always and let her have me for a bit."
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Hector listens to this in silence. Does Astarion expect him to agree? Whatever torments Astarion has been put through in the past, he has not faced them here; Hector has done his best to make sure of that. But Astarion still sees it as not only expected but natural that he should have his comfort and safety sacrificed on behalf of the group.
"It makes me sad to hear you talk about yourself like that," Hector says quietly.
The sympathy, however, only seems to agitate Astarion further.
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"Why?" he sneers. "I'm simply trying to be realistic. There's nothing more desirable in the world than a vampire, is there?"
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"And when you've been through all I have, you damn well are going to fight with what few assets the gods give you!"
His voice rises to an abrupt shout, snarling anger at the workings of fate-- and then he stops, falls silent, as if surprised at his own aggression.
There's a long pause. Hector waits. Astarion lets out a heavy breath, and his face falls.
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"But..." he mutters, lower now, still furious, and ashamed. "A part of me feels sick when I think about getting on my back for breadcrumbs again."
Gods. Every time Hector hears what Astarion has been through, it turns out that it was even worse than he thought before. No wonder Araj's offer upset him so badly - it was not just that something was "wrong with her blood", it's that it was a demand for sex, and he has been offered as a prize in that way before, turned into a piece of meat based on his looks and the nebulous appeal of 'the vampire.'
This Cazador...is there any degradation he did not put you through?
Hector sighs, shakes his head. "You have so much more than your looks going for you," he says firmly. And it's true. He's learned a lot about Astarion, far beyond the initial cocky, violent persona he tried to put on - he's got a sense of humor, he's quick with a joke, fiendishly smart, and tremendously strong given the brutal life he has been forced to lead. There's the foundations of a good man under the cracked and broken shell.
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Astarion flinches away from the compliment, hesitates. "I had nothing at all for so long," he mutters. "Not even my body. That was owned by Cazador, to be sent out to tempt fools into his palace."
He rubs a hand down his face, fidgets a quick pace back and forth. "I have bedded thousands of people," he goes on, his voice rising in intensity. "Half of them I barely remember. Most of them didn't even grant me temporary bliss..."
A pause. His eyes flick to meet Hector's, and this time he holds the monk's gaze thoughtfully.
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"It should have been so easy to let the drow use me for her fantasy. But perhaps..." He swallows, clearly fighting the urge to look away. "You showed me I have enough strength. I don't *need* to."
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Hector feels something he hadn't known was tense in him suddenly come loose, and a smile flickers onto his face. He is surprised how much it means to him to hear Astarion say that - that he has started to realize his own strength, and that he credits Hector for his support. The absolute chaos and darkness of Moonrise has left him feeling empty, ineffectual and frightened, but he helped something good happen here.
"You're not a slave anymore, Astarion. You're free," he says softly.
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Astarion swallows, and Hector is surprised to hear a tightness in his voice, the edge of tears. "I can stop using myself..." he whispers. "Stop being used. It...isn't worth the scars, anymore..."
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assigning midnights songs to the bau and ships
anti-hero; did you hear my covert narcissism idisguise as altruism like some kind of congressman, tale as old as time, i wake up screaming from dreaming one day i'll watch as you're leaving and life will lose all its meaning for the last time
would've, could've, should've; all i used to do was pray // i would've stayed on my knees and i damn sure never would've danced with the devil (at fifteen)// if you never touched me, i would've gone along with the righteous // you're a crisis of my faith, would've, could've, should've, if I'd only played it safe // god rest my soul, i miss who i used to be, the tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind, i regret you all the time
dear reader; dear reader, get out your map, pick somewhere and just run, dear reader, burn all the files, desert all your past lives, and if you don't recognize yourself, that means you did it right // never take advice from someone who's falling apart // dear reader when you aim at the devil make sure you don't miss // you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking, if you knew where i was walking, to a house, not a home, all alone
penelope, bejeweled; best believe I'm still bejeweled when I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer // baby boy, I think I've been too good of a girl, did all the extra credit, then got graded on a curve // what's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
jj (about ros or maggie), bigger than the whole sky; ive got a lot to pine about, ive got a lot to live without, im never gonna meet what could've been, would've been, what should've been you // did some force take you because I didn't pray? every single thing to come has turned into ashes // it's all over, it's not meant to be so ill say words I don't believe, goodbye
elle, vigilante shit; and she looks so pretty, driving in your Benz. lately she's been dressing for revenge. she don't start shit, but she can tell you how it ends, don't get sad, get even // someone sweet and kind and fun the lady simply had enough
morgan, karma; i keep my side of the street clean, you wouldn't know what I mean // karma is a god // me and karma vibe like that // don't you know that cash ain't the only price? it's coming back around // ask me what i learned from all those years, ask me what i earned from all those tears // im still here // karma's gonna track you down step by step, town to town
spencer, you're on your own kid; cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take, so make the friendship bracelets take the moment and taste it, you've got no reason to be afraid // you're on your own, kid, you always have been
haley, high infidelity; high infidelity, put on your records, and regret me // do you really want to know where I was april 29th? do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes? // storm coming, good husband, bad omen // at the house lonely, good money // you know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough, do you really want to know where i was april 29th? do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
the great war; all that blood shed, crimson clover, uh-huh, sweet dream was over, my hand was the one you reached for, all throughout the great war // your finger on my hair pin triggers, hold you down on that icy ground, looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the troops. that was the night I nearly lost you
labyrinth; it only hurts this much right now was what I was thinking the whole time, breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out, ill be getting over you my whole life// you would break your back to make me break a smile, you know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back, just like that
mastermind; what if i told you none of it was accidental? and the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me, i laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line // no one wanted to play with me as a little kid so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me and make it seem effortless is this the first time I feel the need to confess? and i swear, im only cryptic and machiavellian 'cause i care
maroon (emilys perspective); and I chose you, the one I was dancin' with in new york // the burgundy on my tshirt when you splashed your wine onto me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was maroon //sobbin' with your head in your hands ain't that the way shit always ends? // and I wake with your memory over me, that's a real fucking legacy to leave
paris; privacy sign on the door and on my page and on the whole world, romance is not dead if you keep it just yours // i wanna transport you to somewhere the culture's clever confess my truth in swooping sloping cursive letters
snow on the beach (jjs perspective); and it's like snow at the beach, weird but it was beautiful, flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful, you wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around // i can't speak, afraid to jinx it. i don't even dare to wish it
glitch; we were supposed to be just friends // i think there's been a glitch, five seconds later, i'm fastening myself to you with a stitch and I'm not even sorry // a  brief interruption, a slight malfunction, id go back to wanting dudes who give nothing, ihought we had no chance and that's romance, let's dance
other ships
willifer, lavendar haze; all they keep asking me is if i'm gonna be your bride the only kinda girl they see is a one night or a wife // im damned if I do give a damn what people say, no deal, the 1950s shit they want from me
hotchniss/willifer/jemily, midnight rain; he was sunshine, i was midnight rain he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain, he wanted a bride, i was making my own name, chasing that fame, he stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight // i broke his heart 'cause he was nice // Picture perfect, shiny family, holiday, peppermint candy but for him it's every day // i guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted
garvez, sweet nothing; they said the end is coming, everyone's up to something, i find myself running home to your sweet nothings, outside they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing // to you i can admit that im just too soft for all of it
jeid, question...?;  one thing after another fucking situation, circumstances, miscommunications and I have to say, by the way, i just may like some explanations// did you leave her house in the middle of the night? did you wish you'd put up more of a fight, when she said it was too much? do you wish you could still touch her? it's just a question // half-moon eyes, bad surprise, did you realize, out of time, she was on your mind with some dickhead guy that you saw that night but you were on something
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bizlybebo · 6 months
Tide and Mark Winters
They're just two dads doing what they think is best for their kids
hold on i have an unfinished rant about dakota and mark from earlier that i decided to throw in the drafts cause i sound like a broken record in it. their rivalry means so much to me though.
i genuinely don’t think i’ll ever be okay again about dakota and mark actually.
you take these two people who are both immovable forces, and they’re on the opposite side of practically everything. young hero-in-training and an old weathered villain. rambunctious kid who makes mistakes and a father who’s just doing his best.
and they fucking hate each other.
dakota’s not a very hateful person. yeah, he can resent people’s actions, but he’s only truly hated very few people or things; that which can be classified as nearly 100% certain evil. something without a chance of redemption or rehabilitation. he had an entire character arc about facing his morals and learning to look past his kneejerk reaction of anger and vengeance.
but he hates mark.
they’re two people who absolutely cannot stand each other but they have one common goal, one thread that unites them: ashe.
they love ashe in different ways. mark is a father, and dakota is a best friend. they both know ashe so well and would do anything to save her.
mark just has different methods.
mark’s never known justice like dakota has. he’s never had the luxury of a hero training program. no matter what, the law will see him as what he is: a villain.
all mark cares about is bringing his kid back home, safe and alive. even if ashe hates him. even if ashe can never look him in the eye again. he just wants his kid back.
he’d kill, and has killed, for his child.
mark knows that he’s seen as an irredeemable monster, so he leans into it. used that as a shield.
despite this, though, there’s something.
a faint glimmer, a spark of hope.
dakota cannot stand mark. he thinks he’s cruel and immature and incapable of listening to anybody else, incapable of getting out of his own damn head.
but dakota still thinks mark can change.
i’ve talked about this specific thing before, but it still just. hits me so hard. i cant not talk about it.
dakota, who knows grief and guilt like no other, who went years knowing his heart was ticking on borrowed time, still thinks that mark can change.
he’s optimistic to a fault. he wants mark to turn over a new leaf, maybe with a new alias like soundwave instead of wavelength.
and mark still. tries. to kill him.
he couldn’t have known that dakota would be incorporeal. he couldn’t have predicted the bullets blazing right through his body and colliding with nothing.
dakota fights back with everything he has. a whole year of inaction and anger and regret that built up in his heart, and he’s finally got a place to direct it.
thats where i got too sad and had to finish the rant but oh my god. do you think that after everything mark would still do the Dad Thing when dakota falls asleep on the couch next to ashe and drape a blanket over the two of them. grrrrrrgrgrgrg they make me go feral
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burgundykicks · 5 months
1. "I love you ,its ruining my life" WAS NOT EXPECTION THAT IN FORNIGHT ,A TRACK 1?
I absolutely love the beat tho and I'm so exited for the music vid
"This ain't the Chelsea Hotel ,we're modern idiots"
"You left your typewriter at my apartment ,straight from the Tortured Poets department"
3. "I clean up sandcastles he destroys"
"Left all these broken parts ,and told me I'm better off"
4. "For a minute I knew cosmic love ,now I'm down back crying at the gym"
Actually this whole song is giving wolfstar
"Everything comes out ,teenage petulance"
"How much sad did you ,think I had ,did I have in me?"
6. "I only know these people raise you ,to cage you"
"I'm having his baby ,no I'm not ,but you should see your faces"
Giggled bc that's rlly funny
7. "Now pretty baby I'm running back home to you ,fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to"
"I need to forget so take me to florida ,I got some regrets ill Bury them in florida"
9. "My boredoms bone deep"
"Am I allowed to cry"
"Someone told me ,there's no such thing as bad thoughts. Only your actions talk"
"If its make beleive ,why does it feel like a vow"
10. "You don't get to tell me about sad"
"Is it a wonder I broke let's hear one more joke ,then we could all just laugh until I cry"
"Who's afraid of little old me, well you should be"
"So tell me everything is not about me ,but what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me ,but what if they did? I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me. You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me."
11. "But your good lord doesn't need to lift a finger ,I can fix him (no really I can)"
"He had a halo of the highest grade ,he just hadn't met me yet"
12. "Black and white ,all those plot twists"
The noble and most ancient house of black.
"I wish I could un recall ,how we almost had it all"
"It was legendary ,it was momentary"
13. TRACK 13!
"Cuz I'm a real tough kid ,I can handle my shit"
"Lights camera bitch smile ,even when you wanna die"
"I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday everyday"
"I cry alot but I am so productive, it's an art"
"Cuz I'm miserable ,and no one even knows"
14. "Was any of it true ,gazing at me starry eyed"
"And I don't even want you back I just want to know ,if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"
"And I would have died for your sins ,but instead I just died inside"
15. "Honestly ,who are we to fight the alchemy"
"This happens once every few lifetimes"
16. Last track before bonuses/the doubke album omgggg
"All your life did you know, you'd be picked like a rose"
"No one in my small town thought I'd see the lights of manhattan"
"You look like ,stevie nicks in 75 ,the hair and lips ,crowd goes wild at her fingertips ,a half moon shine ,a full eclipse"
"Promise to be dazzling"
"You look like taylor swift in this life were loving it ,you've got edge she never did ,the futures bright ,dazzling"
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the-septic-maniac · 1 year
July 30, 2030
"Deraila and Amy seem awfully down today" Marina noted seeing the two with their heads down, drinking their coffee together in silence. Orlando walks in and sees the situation. “Oh my…” He notices the shirt that Deraila is wearing. It was a Hawaiian button-up but not one of her usual ones. “That shirt carries quite the history to it. A heavy history about a broken man. A broken family.” Raising an eyebrow, Marina asks “How so?” He gives a bit of a shocked look. “In the 4 years you've known Amy and the possibly more that you’ve known Deraila, they haven't told you about their old partner they used to share?”
Amy speaks up clearly irritated “Orlando, if you want to talk about The Knight Family don't do it around me and Deraila. 15 years might have passed since the entire family’s death but it weighs just about heavy as it did back then”. Deralia speaks up clearly depressed “It's fine Amy. Orlando can talk about them. It's not the most traumatizing thing I’ve witnessed in my life…”
Orlando with a bit of a heavy sadness in his voice “it is not. Ive looked at their history over the at this point in time, almost 20 years of police work, but it is…” he swallows thickly “certaintly up there. Along with witnessing multiple attempts of suicide, one of which was successful…” He looks like he is wavering. “Her partner at the time during their first years, h-had…” it seems like he’s struggling to get the appropriate words out. He keeps clearing his throat. Deraila interrupts him, speaking in a monotone voice. “Me and Jones had witnessed the suicide of our Chief at the time…”
She stands up from their bench and grabs them all some coffee. “Let me tell you a story… When I first joined the Pacific Bay team, I had just got off from Grimsbourgh, my home town and Amy was just a junior officer when we met. We both met who we knew as our senior and the original owner of this shirt, Frank Knight.” Amy nods, a solemn look on her face. Deraila took a staggered breath. “He wasn’t a good man… but dammit he wasn't a bad one either. He was broken… broken in many ways and regretted so many things…” They take a sip of his coffee. The room is filled with silence. Amy broke the silence after a few minutes.“He… despite his actions in the end almost treated me like his own kid…” Deraila had a increased frustration in their voice as they spoke “He just wanted his damned family back. And gods whe he started emptying out his heart about his past-” Amy completed their sentence “Some of his behaviors and actions made so much more sense” "the one thing I won't ever let him down on if he was alive was the murder of Danny Moto… he was just a kid when frank killed him. Sure yeah, Frank's guilt about the incident weighed heavy on his shoulders, and if there ever such thing as a afterlife, it probably still does weight heavy on him, despite what Erikah Mabayo said."
A heavy silence came into the room. Deraila's grip on her mug white-knuckled as her frustration as memories started flooding into their head. "To make matters worse for him around this time, his daughter was in a coma and he and his wife Karen Knight had just reunited. But that was short lived because of those fucking bastards Albert Tesla and Alden fucking Greene!!!" The volume of Deraila's voice had risen exponentially. The other members on the team looked on in shock as they see how angry Deraila seems. Amy placed a hand on their shoulder. "They dangled the promise of them being a whole family again. Nothing pisses me off then an empty promise. especially one that puts loved ones in a choke hold when it was just a scheme for something else!" Marina and Orlando look on in absolute shock. They haven't ever seen Deraila this angry. "TESLA HAD THE FUCKING GALL AFTER SENDING SOMEONE TO KILL FRANK TO TRY AND BAIT US AND KEEP THE UTOPIA OPEN BY USING THE KNIGHT FAMILY!" Deraila sends one of her fists flying through a wall. after that, she breaks down into tears. Amy looked like she was about to go into tears as well, remembering the happy faces of the complete Knight Family in the utopia. It was a first for Marina and Orlando to see Amy like this.
Sobbing between Amy and Deraila were the only things heard for just a few moments as those hours repeated in their heads. The desperation for answers from the suspects and their coworkers. The search for clues and the skull rattling laughter from Tesla mocking them. The adrenaline spike from the tension. Then came the bitter-sweet ending… Those smiles… the smiles of Laura and Daisy that they have only seen once but damn will they never forget them. The smiles of Frank and Karen, a broken couple that has been broken apart due to their grief but reunited for their bedridden daughter. In death, this family was reunited…
But Deraila and Amy can't help but weep at their deaths. After 15 years… they still couldn't help but cry for a family they barely knew. Yet somehow they loved the family all the same.
"I-I think I'm gonna head home after repairing this," Deraila said as she pulled her fist out of the wall, her hand a little bloody. Amy nods and says the same thing. Orlando, Marina, and Jack stand there in silence as their teammates walk off, wondering what they could possibly do to help…
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thebattlelost · 2 years
Hope (A prayer for Ryder)
I was sitting alone in the park one day at lunch and I sat on the same bench where Ryder and I used to play, we would sing our songs and laugh and pray while letting the world go by, those were bright and sunny days of just him and I.
Then as I looked up it hit me I was staring right at the tree where I carved out our initials for everyone to see, so I got up and looked but all the tears that were now falling it was hard for me to find anything at all but then I found them and it read “I love Ryder and Ryder loves me”.
Suddenly I got a sharp pain in my chest and I fell hard to the ground. It hit me so hard that it knocked me to my knees. I looked all around and saw that everyone was watching so I threw my fist up into the air and lifted my head up to God and I screamed as loud as I could why me?
Why would you bring him into my life knowing how much I would care? I gave that little boy everything I had left to give in my heart, in my soul, all my strength all that I had left to give do you not understand? He was the only reason that I am still here, my only will I have left to live. I hate you God that was not fair and now I live with these memories that play over and over stuck in my head and not like a dream, No now my life is nothing but a living nightmare. Then I hear Ryder’s little voice calling out to me I say Ryder I am right here and look but there was nobody here.
Then in a whisper, I say "I am sorry God I did not mean what I said I am finished here please take me now because I would rather be dead. I hurt so bad every single day from a heart that is broken and will never heal and a soul that is dying and can no longer feel. He is my son no matter what they say or do Ryder is my little bundle of joy and I miss him so terribly. I am so damn tired of hurting from all this sorrow and regret, I am so lonely and sad" I looked down and cried and I sobbed. Then I remembered God had a son once too Jesus was his name I thought he understood, right then I felt His hand as He placed it on my head and I felt him as my heart filled with so much love he wanted me to know he was listening from his home high above.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." I opened up my heart and I let him back in.
Today, I still hurt every single day and I still cry for my son Ryder, but now I know our lord that is in heaven above is watching and he will let me see him one day because it is our destiny, our fate either here on earth or high above at heaven’s gate and that is what I now Pray every night before I go to sleep.
In his name, Amen.
One year after I wrote this piece I was awarded the right to be in my son's life with both DNA parents standing in Parker County in a Weatherford court, The judge said I would be in my son's and not have to pay to be in it". Today, four years later, I have full custody and Ryder just turned 7 years old and is doing great.
Ryder is now ten years old and in fourth grade his teachers he is a wonderful child who is a friend to everyone and that is true in the last year he went 8-0 in Soccer and Football and is doing.
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. A Poet's Journey
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lingchung · 1 year
Fear Setting
My cousin thinks I’m just getting cold feet.
My mom thinks I will regret passing by such a good man.
My buddy doesn’t think anything. He just very matter-of-factly said to me: “It sounds like you’re saying “I want a shared investment property and kids and am willing to compromise in order to get them”.
The last one stung, it was too brutally honest. This line has been ringing in my ears for three weeks.
Have I sunk this low?
Tim Ferriss talked about a concept called fear setting. Here are my fears:
I don’t want to go into the dating pool again. I don’t want my heart broken again. It took me ten years to find a man who treats me the way he does. 
Well, so what if you go back into the dating pool. You likely have 60 more years ahead of you so you will have 6 more shots. Your mom met Bernabe when she was 60. You will find love. You always do.
No relationship is perfect. You will end up in a similar predicament in your next relationship, over a different matter.
Then keep dating until you’re convinced you’re the problem. Right now you’re not sure. Do you want to to take that chance - to know that you played it safe - that you settled for a good union and forwent the potential of a great union.
I will hurt him.
Yes this is a legit fear. I have no rebuttal for you. But I know you. You already foresee feeling trapped. It will habour resentment and you will take it out on him. Is that any less hurtful?
I’m not getting younger. If I want kids, I don’t have much time.
You planned for this didn’t you? You froze your eggs when you were 34 for a reason. And do I need to remind you, you did it twice?
Government will fund an IVF cycle if I’m under 42. I don’t have many years before I hit that.
So what if government wouldn’t fund the cycle. You can pay out of pocket. What would it cost? $10k? $20k? $30k? It’s pennies in the bucket compared to making a wrong decision. I highly doubt this would affect you and your partner’s cashflow.
He’s so handy. I know I don’t need to deal with the operational side of managing the investment property. I don’t want to get my hands dirty.
God damn it, just hire someone. You kidding me? Is this even a legit reason to weigh into what people call the biggest decision of your life? 
I told him we would grow old together. I got our expectations up. I am breaking my own promise.
You are. I’m sorry, this is why it’s hard.
Some of my old writing shook me. I thought I could compromise on some things, but my old writing reminded me, how important they are for me. So important I wrote about them years ago.
This is not the first time I’m having second-thoughts. This is probably the third. If it’s recurring, should I still ignore it?
The relationship is nurturing, doting, accommodating (I need this) and supportive. But it’s not a cosmic explosion of ideas and thoughts. I’ve asked myself, am I ok with it?
Argh. I hate hate hate that I so desperately want it to work but something is off in my heart.
Staying is the practical choice. But damn it, I’m romantic.
I chatted with him. I warned my mom. I scheduled therapy.
I just want to make sure, I’ve given everything that I’ve got. I also want to make sure, he inputs into the decision.
If you’ve found someone you love, who loves you back, and you know you guys can build a life together - know that you’re very lucky - it’s harder than it appears.
It makes me sad that we may not be able to build a life together.
0 notes
diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Finally wrote something again! Sorry it took so long. 
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How exactly do you get a dog to lose your scent? Because avoiding your werewolf boyfriend Embry was proving a lot harder than you had anticipated. Last weekend was… eventful. You guys had finally done it. Gone all the way. After 6 months of dating and an imprint bond, you both finally decided you were ready to take that next step. And you’ve only had one thought since that night. 
That shit hurted. 
It was borderline unbearable. The pain was searing. You lied there until Embry was done, faking moans and even faking the Big O, and you were less than eager to do it again. Were you broken? He seemed to enjoy it, so obviously you were to blame. He’d been super clingy and lovey since that night, even more so than usual, and you didn’t have the heart to be around him knowing you had faked it like that. What if he found out? He’d be crushed. What if he wanted to do it again? You couldn’t take that pain another night. What if he faked it too and was going to break up with you the next time he saw you? Yeah, no. Avoidance was the way to go. 
He wanted to take you out to see a movie. You mysteriously came down with a case of allergies in the middle of winter. 
He wanted to pick you up after school and give you a ride home. You had the sudden urge to join a club that was meeting after school that day. 
He called, your phone was on silent. 
He texted, you suddenly became illiterate. 
But he kept trying. God, why was he making this so difficult?! Thoughts like this swirled through your head as you walked the long way home from school. He knew your usual route, so obviously that was out of the question. You took a path through the woods that would eventually spit you out right by the beach where you could sit and think. The forest had always felt like a second home to you. Peaceful, comfortable, private. You walked for some time before hearing twigs snapping in the distance. Probably a rabbit or something. Louder snapping. Bigger sticks. Definitely not a rabbit. You halted, waiting for the creature to pass, when a large gray wolf stalked out of the trees. 
He was wearing the softest, cutest, most “kicked puppy” look on his face that you had ever seen. Head bowed, he walked up to you slowly, whining. So he had noticed your avoidance. You held your hand out to him, petting the thick fur between his ears. He sniffed your hand, giving it a soft lick. 
“Hi,” you whispered. He whined louder at this. “Embry…” you started, before he crouched down, a silent cue for you to get on his back. He waited. 
Guess this was inevitable. And at least him showing up in wolf form gave you some time to think about how exactly you would explain what had happened. With another soft sigh, you climbed up on his back, holding the fur tightly as he trotted off into the trees. After about 5 minutes, you realized that he was taking you to Sam and Emily’s house. You weren’t in the mood to be around the rest of the pack right now. 
“Embry, I’m kind of busy today. I don’t really have time to hang out with the pack.” 
He ignored you, trotting along as if your statement was the buzz of a mosquito in his ear. When you reached the house, however, you quickly realized that no one else was there. They must all be out. It was a Friday afternoon, after all. 
When you reached the lawn, Embry stopped and crouched once more so you could dismount. When you did, he ran off behind the house, walking back out several minutes later as the inky-haired boy you had grown to love. His face was full of sadness, yours full of anxiety. 
“Let’s go for a walk,” he said. 
You silently followed him down the path that led to the cliffs, waiting for him to say something else. He never did, only kept walking. You struggled to keep up, but were too stubborn in your silence to ask him to slow down. You both finally reached the rocky cliffs jutting out over the frigid ocean. He stopped, staring out at the horizon. You paused next to him, waiting. After another several minutes of silence, you grew impatient. 
“It’s supposed to snow Monday,” you said. 
You waited. Silence. 
“The news said they might even cancel school.” 
A pause. Nothing. 
“I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use a three day weeken-”
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he cut you off, seeming agitated. For as long as you’d known Embry, he was never in a bad mood. Never anything but happy. Maybe sad on a few occasions, but never angry. Never frustrated. And it was making you nervous. 
And now it was your turn to be silent. Yes! You wanted to say. You hurt me! But you couldn’t. Wouldn’t. He didn’t do it on purpose, so why would you make him feel guilty about something that was your problem and your problem alone? 
“Because, if I’m counting correctly, it’s been 5 days since I’ve so much as heard from you. Barely a text back. Not a call, not a ‘hey! I’m super busy this week.’ Why are you avoiding me? I thought… after last weekend, we should be more in love than ever right?! Did it not mean anything to you?” 
You remained quiet, tears pooling in your eyes. You gave no sign that you were going to respond, so he kept going. 
“Just tell me where your fucking head is at, Y/N. You can’t keep brushing me off like this. Did I do something wrong? Do you regret what we did? Am I, like… not ripped enough for you or something?” 
“Embry, no,” you pleaded. You could see the insecurity behind his eyes. You had to tell him what was going on, but you knew it would crush him. “It’s not that at all.” 
He waited. “Then what?” 
You closed your eyes, a tear slipping down your face. You wiped it away quickly before taking a deep breath. “I have been avoiding you.” You looked up at his face at this, finding tears building up in his own eyes. “I love you, Embry. But last weekend, just… I can’t do that again.” 
He clenched his jaw, looking anywhere but your face and nodded. He was hurt. You definitely could have worded that better. 
“Let me explain,” you pleaded. He wouldn’t look at you still, but didn’t walk away, so you kept going. “I think I might be broken or something, because that… It didn’t feel right.” 
At this, he looked back at your face, switching from hurt to concerned almost immediately. 
“Why would you think you’re broken?” 
Another pause. “I know you would never hurt me on purpose…”
“You were in pain?” he panicked, fresh tears pricking in his eyes. 
“It’s not your fault,” you hurried. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that? Why would you let me keep going?!” 
“I’m sorry!” you cried, causing him to walk up and embrace you. You sobbed into his chest as he pet your hair, all signs of anger gone. “You were having a good time, and I didn’t wanna ruin it, but it hurt so bad…” 
“Shhhhh,” he cooed as he rocked you from side to side, letting you calm down. “It’s okay.” 
After several minutes, you finally stopped crying. He didn’t falter in his embrace, only left light kisses on your forehead and cheek. 
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” he whispered into your hair. 
“It’s not your fault,” you replied. 
“Yes, it is. I’m supposed to take care of you. It was my job to make you feel good, and you were hurting that bad and I didn’t even notice.” You sniffled, just enjoying being in his arms. A few more minutes passed as you both calmed down. 
“To be fair, I did take a drama class last semester. I’d say I put on a pretty convincing performance,” you added weakly, an attempt to lighten the mood. 
He huffed a laugh, if for no other reason than to make you feel better. “Had me fooled,” he added. 
You smiled, looking up at him. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.” 
“It’s okay. I just wish you would have told me as soon as it started to hurt that you wanted to stop.” 
“I know. I should have, I just got all in my head about it.” 
“And I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ll never forgive myself, and I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore,” he answered, nervously awaiting your response. 
“I forgive you. And of course I still want to be with you, Embry. I love you. We just need to work on our communication skills a little bit,” you laughed. 
“We do. And I’ll start. I would really love another chance to make you feel good. If you promise to be honest about how you’re feeling, I know I can do a way better job. But I understand completely if you wanna wait a while… or if you never wanna do it again. You’re in charge here.” 
His words had your heart melting. He really did care about you, and you knew that if you had told him in the moment that you were in pain, he would have done anything to get you feeling good. You were always his first priority. 
“I’d be willing to try again, but what we did last time didn’t work. I think we need to think of some new techniques or something,” you mumbled shyly. 
“Tell you what. I’ll do some research, get some stuff, and you can come over tonight… if you want to. And we can maybe try again? And if you get there and aren’t feeling up to it, we can just watch a movie and cuddle. No pressure… I just miss you.” 
You thought for a second. Worst case scenario, you’d cuddle on the couch and eat junk food. You trusted Embry completely, and if you said stop, you knew he would. 
“Okay,” you replied. 
After a long shower, some fresh makeup, and a cute-yet-comfortable outfit, you were ready to go over to Embry’s. Sure, the nerves were kicking in, but you trusted him when he said he would do some research. When you pulled up, he was already standing in the doorway smiling. You ran out and gave him a giant bear hug (or wolf hug), and he picked you up and carried you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot. 
“I missed you,” he said, face buried in your hair. 
“You saw me like 3 hours ago,” you giggled in response. 
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen you all week! Gotta get my Y/N fill or I might die!” 
You laughed loudly, hands threading up into his hair as he sat down on the bed with you seated in his lap. 
“Yeah, yeah, just try not to crowd me,” you cheekily replied. 
He raised an eyebrow before tackling you back onto the bed, tickling you like a maniac and placing playful kisses all over your face and neck. 
“Like this?! Don’t crowd you like this?” 
“Embry stop!” you laughed, trying to suck in a breath between his manic tickles. When he finally stopped, he was lying between your legs, one hand grasping both your wrists above your head, the other propped beside you so as to not crush you. He stared lovingly at your face before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. His grip on your arms loosened, as if to say You can stop me anytime, but you didn’t. You kissed him back, arms staying in place to tell him that you were okay. 
The kisses grew slightly more heated, but Embry kept them gentle. And every time you thought he was about to take things to the next step, he’d just kiss you some more. You were growing slightly impatient, breath labored and blood pumping fast. Your stomach became slightly warm, and every time you leaned up, he’d pull away. 
“You’re being mean,” you whimpered. 
He just looked at you and smirked before leaning down and capturing your lips once more. You could feel your blood heat in every part of your body. From your head to your toes, you felt warm and fuzzy, yet desperate for more,,, more touch, more pressure, more Embry. Growing frustrated, you hooked your legs around his waist and tried your best to pull him closer, unintentionally grinding your hips into his. When he brushed up against your core, you let out an involuntary sigh. It actually felt nice. He smiled into the kiss, pulling his lips away from yours and dragging them down to your jaw, and then your neck, suckling and sucking and leaving light red marks that made your head spin. The hand that was holding your wrists came down behind your back and up into your hair, firmly pulling your head back to give him better access to your neck. 
This movement made your entire back arch up into his body. His grip in your hair tightened slightly, lips sucking your skin up into his mouth as he nibbled, before soothing with his tongue. Your toes curled, legs pulling him impossibly closer. When he felt this, he ground his hips down into yours. The combination of his hands, lips, and weight on top of you made you let out a gasp. Your hands held onto his shoulders for dear life, pulling his shirt up in an attempt to take it off. He got the hint and sat up to remove it, being away from your body for far too long for your taste. He didn’t lower fully back down, however, instead sliding his warm hands under your shirt and onto your stomach. You sat up, taking your sweatshirt off and throwing it violently across the room. His eyes widened as they looked down at your bare chest in an almost feral fashion. He gripped your thighs, tugging you down the bed with ease, and resuming his position on top of you, hands roaming all over your torso. He cupped your breasts gently, rolling your nipples softly between his fingers. You shut your eyes and threw your head back, enjoying the sensations. His kisses trailed from your neck and down to your chest, softly. Lovingly. When he reached your nipples, his tongue poked out and licked around each of them, before taking them into his mouth and sucking. His hands continued to caress your back, and he took his sweet time switching from one breast to the other, and back again, until he felt your skin grow almost as hot as his. You were writhing underneath him, panting as your mind tried to comprehend the sensations. And his mouth, God it was so warm. You felt him kiss the undersides of your breasts, and then your stomach, and then lower… 
When he reached the waistband of your leggings, he brought his hands up as if to pull them off of you. He stopped, looking up at you for permission. You gave a lazy nod Yes, and lifted your hips to help him. He pulled your underwear off as well, spreading your legs and almost salivating at the sight of your soaking pussy. Not wanting to waste another second, he once again began placing kisses on your lower stomach, and then down to your hip bones, scraping his teeth lightly against the skin, which had you shuddering. He trailed lower, to where your thighs met your core, and began to suck lightly and the soft skin there. Your clit was throbbing by now, desperate for any sort of attention. You thrust your hips up, desperate for his mouth on the place you needed him, but he only pulled your legs over his shoulders and brought his arms across your stomach to hold you in place. Your hands went to his hair in an effort to control any aspect of this situation, but the boy was strong. He teased and teased and teased, until you thought you might very well crawl out of your own skin if he didn’t properly touch you soon. Embry brought his face right up to your center and licked into your entrance, making your toes curl once more. His hands gripped your hips as he brought you as far onto his tongue as he could, nose not quite brushing where you still needed him. 
“Embry…” you whimpered, about to tell him what you needed. 
“I know, baby. I got you,” he spoke, as he finally brought his warm tongue to lick a firm stripe up to your clit, swirling it around and sucking the swollen nub into his mouth. 
You let out a moan. A real one. Your first real one. And it only encouraged Embry, as he began to suck and lick with a steady rhythm that caused your legs to shake. You felt your stomach start to coil after several minutes of this, hands fisting Embry’s hair even tighter. It felt amazing, but that coil wouldn’t snap. He started to notice you coming down slightly, orgasm fading away, when he brought his index finger into your mouth. You sucked on instinct, before he pulled it out and brought it down to your entrance. He swirled the digit around a few times and began to push in slowly. One knuckle. Then two. And then he was fully in you. Sucking your clit into his mouth yet again, he rubbed his finger up into your front wall, massaging the ridges there. 
“Oh… Embry, oh my God,” you moaned. He used more pressure, and then brought his finger out and added another, slowly pushing them in together and resuming the ‘come-hither’ motion. You felt your muscles shake, losing all control, and the coil in your stomach tightened rapidly once again, only this time, it broke. Your back arched, eyes shut tight, mouth open in a silent scream as you came hard. Waves of pleasure drove through you, hands holding his head firmly onto your center. When you came down and opened your eyes, you looked down at his face to see an excited grin. 
“If you tell me that was fake, I think I’ll cry,” he chirped. 
You calmed your hard breathing enough to mutter a “That was real.” 
“Do you wanna keep going?” he asked. 
You nodded, taking note of the obvious tent in his shorts. You reached a hand down to grasp him, when he grabbed your wrist and said “Nuh-uh, I’m still making it up to you.” 
He stood up off the bed and went over to a plastic shopping bag on his desk. He opened it and pulled out a condom, some lube, and a small pink toy. Your eyes widened, and he cockily stated, “told you I’d do some research. Come here Sweetheart.” He held a hand out to help you up, and moved you so that you were on your hands and knees, bum facing him as he stood at the edge of the bed. He tore the condom packet open with his teeth and rolled it on, and then opened the bottle of lube and slathered it all over himself. He then brought what was left on his hand up to your sensitive core, distributing the substance gently. Throwing the bottle onto the floor, he lined himself up with your entrance. 
“You sure you wanna keep going?” he asked. You nodded in response. “I need you to say it, babe.” 
“Yes, I want to keep going, Em,” you almost cried. 
“Okay, but I need you to tell me if it hurts even a little. Promise?” 
He grasped your hip with one hand, guiding himself in with the other. Slowly, carefully, he became fully seated inside you, giving you a moment to adjust. You felt no pain, just a delicious stretch inside your walls. When Embry saw that you were relaxed, he pulled himself out a couple of inches and softly thrusted back in, looking for any signs of discomfort. He found none, and continued. He dragged himself in and out of you at a torturous pace that made your breathing pick up yet again. You needed more. You began rocking yourself back onto him, begging for a faster pace, and he complied. He pulled out several inches more this time, shoving back in at a quicker pace that had your toes curling and your moans going up in pitch. At this, he stopped holding back. Embry began pounding into you, hands gripping your hips tight enough to leave the good kind of bruise. You were moaning loudly, brain turning to mush. This is what sex was supposed to be like. What you’d always imagined it would be like. Passionate, loving, amazing. 
Embry found himself reaching the edge, but would not allow himself to finish before you. He reached down onto the bed for the small pink toy that you had forgotten about. He flicked it on, brought his other hand down and around your throat to pull you up against him, and held the small vibrator right onto your clit. The pounding pressure of his dick paired with the fervent vibrations had you seeing stars. You came. Hard. You didn’t know how long the orgasm had lasted. When you came to, you were lying on your back on the bed, breathing still labored, as Embry cleaned your thighs off with a damp towel. He noticed you looking up at him. 
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he cooed.
“Hey,” you responded weakly. 
“How ya doing?” 
“Really good,” you laughed. 
“Yeah?” he beamed at you as you nodded in response. “Good. I’m gonna get you some water and then we can cuddle, okay?” You only smiled in contentment as he walked off into the hallway, returning shortly with a cup of cold water. “Sit up for me?” 
“Can’t,” you answered, eliciting a laugh from him. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you,” he spoke as he gently held the back of your head, supporting you as you leaned up to drink from the cup he was holding up to your mouth. After you took a few sips, he seemed satisfied and placed the cup on the floor, lying down next to you and pulling you close. “If you start ignoring me after that, I might have to kill you,” he teased. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t ever ignore you again.” You sighed in contentment, listening to Embry’s soothing heartbeat, before you began to wonder. “By the way, what the heck kind of research did you do?” 
He huffed a laugh before responding, “Some guy on the internet called Owen Grey.” 
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enhypia · 3 years
JS ; exes
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exes answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: park jongseong x gn!reader
genre: angst, mild fluff
words: roughly 1.7k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - jay speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and jay speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing, neglect, breaking up
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello, i'm (y/n)
and i'm jay
we're (awkward eye contact)
uhh we're exes
[you guys were invited here today as exes for a fun little drinking game, you guys were aware of that right?]
*interviewer shuffles awkwardly
sorry it's just, our friends were the ones who signed up for us
yeah, we just found out about it three days ago
[but are you guys still okay with doing this?]
we're okay
just give us a few minutes to get used to environment
*(y/n) chuckles
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. are you guys ready? should we start?]
*jay nods
ready as i'll ever be
[how long were you guys together?]
we were together for almost 3 years
[how long have you guys been broken up?]
about a year and a half now
[who broke up with who?]
i did they did
[why did you break up with him?]
so this was all a year and a half ago okay? no coming for jay, he's grown, we've grown
you're welcome
*jay laughs
uhh.. it just really reached a point where i felt neglected in a way? and it was just tiring? i kept thinking 'do i deserve this treatment?' and i hated that i was doubting everything, including his feelings. so i just said let's talk about it and then yeah we split up
*jay drinks and (y/n) laughs
sorry sorry
nah i just needed that
[okay, how about we officially start the q&a portion between the of you now?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, jay wins
*he picks up a card and facepalms after seeing the question
should i be scared?
not sure, but you might opt to drink though
[do you blame me for what happened to us?]
oh my god *(y/n) laughs
i know right
so we're unpacking emotions today? okay noted
you can just drink if you're not comfortable with it
i'll drink but i'll still answer, might ease your mind no?
*jay couldn't stop his head from nodding
*(y/n) drinks
i admit that i blamed you at first, but then i got to thinking that it wasn't just you, i was also at fault too since i never really vocalized what i felt? i just let it build up until it reached the point where you couldn't do anything about it anymore, and i couldn't too.
yeah but it's more of my fault since i felt something was wrong but i just brushed it off, i brushed you off.
*jay smiles slightly and both raised their glasses to cheers before drinking
we were both at fault and i don't blame you, jay. i hope you stop blaming yourself
*(y/n) smiles softly then picks up a card to stop any reply they might get from jay
god why are these questions so heavy? it wasn't like this from other episodes
*jay and crew laugh
okay, hit me
[what's your biggest regret about our relationship?]
what the fuck
SEE ?!
*both laugh and jay drinks
okay, next question
no, i'm answering
[we won't stop you but just reminding you both that it's okay not to answer if you drink]
the alcohol releases the unhinged-ness
in other words, this is really just us using the alcohol to actually say what we feel
i think you already the answer, and it's that i didn't do anything about us even if i felt something was wrong. i just kept on focusing on my career that i reached a point where i brushed everything off as nothing. and in the end, while i got the success i wanted, somehow i also feel like i'm on the losing end really.
*(y/n) drinks making jay laugh
what? it's my first time hearing all this !
it was a rough break so
omg is this our closure ???
*jay's eyes widened
and it's filmed ?!?!
*everyone laughs
couple goals *(y/n) does a hashtag
oh wait *(y/n) looks at jay
exes goals *both do a hashtag pose
*they laugh, ignoring the sting in their hearts
okay, okay moving on
*jay laughs again
is it a heavy one again?
[do your friends hate me?]
*(y/n) bursts out laughing
please 😭
we have the same friends
we share a lot of mutual friends
that's why there was like tension for a month in the friend group because no one knew what to do
i'm sorry you had to endure all that friends
remember when they literally made an organized schedule to hang out where we wouldn't see each since the break up was still fresh?
yeah like i got heeseung on tuesdays
and i got him on thursdays
we love them though, they did their best to console us both
thanks guys <33
*(y/n) picks up a card
[do you think we could've actually worked out our problems?]
i think it's unfair that i get a lot of heavy questions
i have the power of god and anime on my side today
i think we could've, if i just had taken the actual time to reflect and sit down and talk, we could've worked it out.
*(y/n) slaps jay's arm
i told you, stop blaming yourself
*(y/n) rolls their eyes
*jay picks up a card and
*he is stuttering guys, he is fidgeting
[do you wish we were still together?]
*both drink
i mean-
*jay has been paralyzed, he did not expect (y/n) to answer
i'm happy where i am right now, maybe there are moments of weakness that the thought crosses my mind but i don't dwell on it too much. i think we're both still learning and growing.
*jay doesn't want to think about the fact that (y/n) never said a clear yes or no
*(y/n) picks up a card and groans
please just drink to this
[what do you think of me now?]
i'm answering
i want to?
right now i'm just really proud of you.
*WORLD PAUSE, (y/n) is malfunctioning
it's a little sad that i didn't get to witness a lot of it but i promise i watched from afar and i'm so proud of you. like it makes me feel lighter in a way? knowing that you're still going and pursuing your dreams. it just made me at ease that -
*(y/n) drinks, looking very much like snow white's apples
are you blushing?
jay i will kick you
*he laughs and pinches (y/n) cheeks making them redder, (y/n) slaps his hands away
i won't hesitate bitch
how about you huh?
[what do you think of me now?]
*jay you should know not to tease too much or else it'll bite you back
i think you're absolutely amazing.
*jay could only blame himself
i am in constant awe and there's this pride that i have in me whenever i see you thriving. it's weird because i thought i'd be bitter about it, but since i knew of your goals and how passionate you were, all i felt was pride. it did hurt a little that i couldn't go "that's my baby!" anymore.
*alert! jay's ears are red and it's spreading to his cheeks and neck
okay next question!
*he quickly picks up a card making (y/n) burst out laughing
everything i said was true though.
hajima. stop. pause. i'm not listening
*(y/n) laughs at flustered jay
this is the last one.
[question for both: if you could tell me anything, what would you say?]
rock paper scissors? loser goes first
*jay wins
*(y/n) drinks
can you turn around for this one, like don't look at me.
*jay followed
i want to say that,,,, that it's not your fault for putting your future first. it kind of stung since you made me feel like i wasn't a part of it but i know that wasn't your intention. i understand your actions and i don't blame you. if i was in your position i probably would've been the same. i'm sorry that i didn't try harder, like you said we could've made it work but i just got so tired, i hope you can forgive me for that as well.
okay i'm turning around as well, your turn
*(y/n)'s eyes are glassy, but jay doesn't need to see that
i want to say that i'm sorry for neglecting you. i feel like you're tired of me saying sorry but that's really all i could do. i forgive you by the way even if i don't get why you're apologizing to me. i also want to say that, it wasn't you. it sounds cliche but you weren't the reason i became like that, it was me. it was never you. so please don't blame yourself for anything. please don't question your worth because you were more than enough.
yah i didn't want to unpack that
well i still know you and i was given the chance to say it now so
*(y/n) turns around wiping tears, jay is sniffling
i need a drink damn
*(y/n) pours a shot and jay as well, both drink after clinking their glasses
[you guys good?]
*both looks at each other and chuckles
we're good
i can't believe we have to thank our friends for setting this up
*jay groans
[care to answer one last question that is in everyone's minds' right now?]
oh god
is it what i think it is
[will we see you guys be featured again? maybe exes to couples again?]
let's drink!
*both take one last shot and waves to the camera
*(y/n) shrugs and jay winks
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments (peep last one)
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: i was planning to post this sooner but my pharma prof suddenly dropped a 6-page activity lmao rip, im scheduling the timestamps i forgot to post last update sorry sorry. my angst skills are subpar forgive me but i tried my best. i hope you like this one too !! jake's will be uploaded next ! please look forward to it <33
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leahblackk · 3 years
I have not sent in a request jn like 6 years but okay -
something maybe a lil big angsty but like spencer is being over the top sarcastic with reader. maybe they’re in an argument over his job or something some argument and Spencer is just being very rude and sarcastic to the point where reader can’t tell if it’s a joke or not, and in the midst of their argument spencer is called away on a case, and comes home to see reader has left. (if u wanna fluff it up at the end he can apologize profusely and they can cuddle it out but up to you leah bc your mind is genius)
Hurtful words
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(Not my gif)
Summary: a little blurb by my local amazing ideas giver, Alex. Let’s all say thank you Alex for this idea.
Couple: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: Spencer being a little shit. And mentions of being injured because of gunshot. And many mistakes I’m sorry :)
Oh my god yes! I feel like I haven’t done a blurb in years. Your blurb ideas are the ones that keep me going. And you are the genius!! Your ideas are extremely amazing and I’m happy I can make them true <3
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Spencer Reid.
What a mystery that man was.
Y/n met Spencer as a sweet young man with glasses and cute jumpers. A man who didn't catch certain social things. He didn’t understood sarcasm in certain occasions or indirect messages or double intentions. Of course, he knew what it was, but he didn’t know how to act with it or how to use it.
Until he learned how to be passive-aggressive.
The first time Y/n ever saw Spencer being passive-aggressive with someone was with JJ when the Lauren/Emily thing happened. Spencer, of course, was very mad about it. JJ was his best friend, the person he most trusted besides his girlfriend. He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t know. It wasn’t like he was going to tell anyone! He had the right to know that his friend whom he loved so much wasn’t buried five feet underground! He cried on his girlfriend floor for hours, and when he was too embarrassed by her looking at him, he went to JJ’s house. She saw him, she saw him crying his eyes out for her and she didn’t say a damn thing! Of course he was going to be mad.
Y/n never thought she had to worry about him being like that with her.
Spencer always has been a sweet man. But he isn’t when he’s under stress, mad or sad. The pressure over him made his IQ of 187 slashed to 63. He couldn’t think straight. And Spencer never worried about him being like that with his girlfriend. He didn’t had any reasons to be. She was all nice to him and cared about him.
But now, things changed while they were fighting in their shared apartment.
Y/n has been injured on a case after being reckless, or that was the way his boyfriend thought, but to be honest she saved a life, even if that got her hurt. She didn’t care. She would do it again. And that petrified Spencer.
Even if her doctor told her she could go back to the field. Spencer wasn’t going to have any of it. That was why they were fighting. Neither of them liked to deal with strong emotions. He wanted to say he didn’t want her to be there because he was scared he was going to lose her. He couldn’t lose her. She was his everything. His glue putting him together when the world tried to bring him down and shatter his heart. She was the thing that keeps him going. But instead of saying that, he was treating her badly and Y/n on her side wasn’t going to have any of it.
“Why can’t you understand, Spencer? I’m not a child. I can perfectly take care of myself.” She said putting her clothes on her go-bag while Spencer took them out.
He chuckled, “Perfectly take care of yourself? Yeah of course I believe you. When did you take care of yourself? When you put yourself in front of the unsub and he shot you? Yeah, Y/n, that’s taking care of yourself.”
She frowned.
That hurt.
“Excuse Spencer but you’re not no one to tell me what to do.”
“I’m your boyfriend!” He said, hurt.
“And? That doesn’t give you any right to tell me what to do. I’m a grown-up, Reid. If you didn’t notice. I’m not a child you can take care of.”
“Sometimes I think you are, you know?” He then looked at her, “You act worse than a child sometimes. Being so reckless and putting yourself in danger.”
“Like you haven’t done that yourself either.”
“I have! But I knew what I was doing. You weren’t thinking!”
“When is gonna be the day you understand you can’t tell me what to do?”
“When you stop being so reckless and actually take care of yourself,” He crossed his arms over his chest, “But apparently that’s not happening.”
She sighed with anger and looked at him. Throwing a shirt over his face and going downstairs to the kitchen to drink water and calm herself. Spencer followed her and entered the kitchen taking a glass of water as well.
She didn’t even look at him. He wanted her looking at him. He wanted to feel those eyes on him even if they were full of anger.
So he made it in the wrong way.
“And you said you’re not a child,” he murmured referring to her throwing the shirt on his face.
“What was that?” She turned around and look at him.
“You perfectly heard it, Y/n.”
“I can’t believe you’re the one calling me a child. Look at you,” she moved her hands up and down in front of him to make a point, “I’m going to that case you like it or not.”
“I wouldn’t risk the team to be with you on the case. They might end it up injured with your recklessness.”
The words Spencer throw made echo in both lovers ears.
Reid bit his bottom lip regretting the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. Trying to take them back but the damage was already done.
Y/n looked at him without any emotion. Until her eyes start to burn and the tears came out. She lifted her hand with anger and wiped them off feeling her cheeks getting warmer and warmer.
Spencer looked at her and his heart ached. Why did he said that? She was a great agent. He was just scared of losing her and if by telling her that stuff, she would stay home safe, he would do it. But he regretted it now. He regretted it so much.
She chuckled without any humour and licked her bottom lip, tears coming down her face again.
But she let them now. Too tired.
Spencer’s first instinct was to step forward to her, but she stayed back putting her hands in front of him, to stop him.
She didn’t want to be touched by him.
He looked down.
He spends his life touching her. Loving her and worshipping her body. Touching her soft skin with soft moves, carefully not wanting to break her as she was a porcelain doll. But now, she didn’t want to be touched by him.
And Spencer understood.
He did.
It was all his fault at the end of the day. He made her stayed back when he wanted to pull her in. It was his fault. “I don’t want you to touch me,” she murmured and passed him taking her arms close to her so they wouldn’t brush his skin.
Spencer’s tears came down now.
I don’t want you to touch me.
She didn’t want him to touch her.
But all he wanted to do was touch her and let her know he didn’t mean those words. How could he? She was perfect in everything she did, her job included. Mostly her job.
Spencer didn’t notice how much time had passed while he stood frozen in the middle of their kitchen until he felt his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket. It was Morgan.
Hey Spencer. I know you love your girlfriend so much but we have to hurry! People are dying you know? Not everything is vanilla and roses like you two.
Spencer chuckled. Only if he knew.
He went upstairs with careful moves while he pressed his palms together trying to stop the trembling. He mostly did.
All her clothes were now in the closet, her go-bag as well. She wasn’t going to the case. It wasn’t a surprise. He knew he would achieve what he wanted after saying that. But now it didn’t felt right.
He moved closer to where she was. On their shared bed. He sat down. He was about to open his mouth to say something but she did it first. “Please don’t say anything. You have said enough and I think your thoughts are very clear,” her voice sounds broken. And was all his fault, “Just go. Tell the team I haven’t made full recovery yet.”
He nodded even if she couldn’t see him because she was hiding under the blankets.
What Spencer didn’t notice was the way after saying those words, her hands end it up on her mouth trying the sobs not to come out. She knew if Spencer heard those he would stay with her, even if they just argued. It was Spencer at the end of the day.
He would do anything for her.
Spencer full of guilty took his go-bag and walked directly to the door, looking at her once more.
He wanted to ask.
He needed to know.
You’re gonna be here when I come back?
You’re gonna still be here when I come back?
But the words never left his mouth. They got stuck on his throat. The pain and the tears as well. He needs to say he still loved her. That no matter what he still loved her. He loves her.
He loves her.
But he couldn’t. So he turned around, and left.
When the front door closed Y/n finally let the sobs out.
The young doctor tried to avoid all the questions on why he was so grumpy and distracted.
The answer to those questions was “I just had a huge fight with the love of my life and I’m worried she leaves while I’m here. Even if she have every right to I’m still scared because she’s the only thing that keeps me going.”
But of course, he didn’t said it.
He just dismissed everything saying he didn’t have good sleep which didn’t make things better because later on, he was going to be teased by Emily and Morgan.
And when the case was finally closed, he ran to the closest flower shop to buy her favourite flowers and then he went to her favourite restaurant to get her favourite food to then ran to the metro all the way to their shared apartment.
He tried to manage to open the door with all the things in his hand but he couldn’t so he put his satchel and the flowers on the wooden floor, and he was about to put the food as well but then he thought about the germs even if the food was protected, so he put it above his satchel and he was finally able to open the door.
The lights were off which wasn’t weird of her. She wasn’t a lover of the lights of the apartment, always reminding Spencer that they needed to change them as they were too bright, but they never had time to do so, but that was exactly what Spencer was going to do tomorrow.
He then took off his shoes and put them next to the others, but her shoes weren’t there which was weird but he didn’t think too much about it. Maybe she forgot to take them off.
Spencer, then, open the door, even more, to put all the things inside of the house. He put his satchel on the little table next to the shoes and his keys as well.
Her keys weren’t there.
Spencer’s heart stopped.
Her keys weren’t there.
He breathed in and out softly trying to calm his desperate heart beating faster and faster on his chest wanting to get out. He put his palms together trying to stop the trembling but this time was impossible.
He took the flowers with him and went upstairs closing the front door behind him and he open the door of their shared bedroom.
She wasn’t there.
She wasn’t there.
Where did she go?
Did she leave?
“No,” Spencer whispered the tears coming down his eyes.
She wouldn’t. Even if she was mad. She wouldn’t do that as everyone else did without any more explanation than a letter or a note.
A letter.
He needed to find the letter.
He searched on their bed and the tables beside their side of the bed. He didn’t look in their closet or bathroom because she wouldn’t leave that there.
Spencer went downstairs to the kitchen looking for the letter on the dining table and outside of the refrigerator. But there was none.
He, then walked to the living room looking and moving things making a mess.
He needed to read the letter.
She must have left a letter.
Everyone else left a letter.
And the door open but he didn’t heard it because of his desperation and the sound of his heartbeat making echo in his hears
He needed to find the letter.
He turned around and she saw her. Standing there with a sundress and her hair tied. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful, but she had a frown on her face looking with confusion at her surroundings, the mess he just made and then back to Spencer repeatedly.
And then he understood he needed to explain himself. “I-I,” he looked down and closed his eyes full of tears for a few seconds. She saw the trembling on his hands. She made a step forward from instinct but then she stopped as she remembers what happened between them. He looked up at her. He couldn’t get the words out of his mouth but she waited for him to talk, patiently while he tried to find the correct words. “I came here right away. Well not right away because I went first to the flower shop and then to your favourite restaurant,” he rambled looking at her. She didn’t stop him. She didn’t have any intention to stop him. Instead, she listens carefully. She always listens, “you weren’t at home and I’ve been nervous all these past days because I thought you would leave, and you had every right to and then I came back here and you weren’t and I looked for a-a note or letter.”
Her heart shattered.
People that left his life always left a note or a letter. She remembers when he told her that.
“I didn’t leave,” he nodded. She didn’t. She stayed. “Penelope called me and she needed help with something and then she asked me if I knew why you were acting so weird and I talked to her for a while and I didn’t realize how late it was. I’m sorry.”
He shocked his head. Stepping forward to her. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who needs to apologize. I shouldn’t have treated you so badly and I want you to understand that I didn’t mean a single word because you are so great and so amazing in everything you do. I would never mean those words,” now was her turn to nodded, “I just said that because after you being injured, I didn’t want you to hurt yourself or even get killed. I’m selfish, yeah I know that. But you’re my everything, Y/n. Without you, I don’t know what will I do, you’re the only one who keeps me together and the one who brings light to my darkness. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he took her hands looking for permission first, “I said those things because I knew you would stay home, but I didn’t mean them I swear I didn’t.”
She nodded again and hugged him. He sobbed while he hugged her as his life depends on it. “I know. It’s okay love. I won't leave you I promise,” she sobbed too. “I love you.”
“I love you more, so so much.”
And they held each other while they sobbed and repeat those three little words back and forth.
They were home now.
They were okay now.
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
What if Alcina comforts you when you go through a break up:
"It's all right, dear. Let it all out..." She held you close to her chest while you sobbbed incontrolably. Your heart clenched at the memory of what happened earlier that day. Her strong arms were surrounding you, protecting you, shielding you against your demons. Her chin rested on the top of your head while her retracted claws scratched your scalp soothingly.
You regretted avoiding her all day. It wasn't your intention at first, but you just couldn't face her. Of course you couldn't run for long, and so you inevitably stumbled upon her in the hallway on your way to the library.
Alcina is a very observant person, you know that, she always notice even the smallest details, and your downcast gaze along with arrhythmic heartbeat were obviously not the exception. You tried to sweep everything under the rug, to hide your struggle and the way your heart clenched, but those piercing gorgeous golden eyes bore into your soul making it impossible to keep your walls up, and when you couldn't hold it in any longer and finally broke, when your tears and your pain finally saw light she didn't think it twice, she didn't hesitate. She held you, leaning down to your insignificant height to recieve you with open arms and an open heart.
"I did my best, Alci." You said, your hoarse voice reverberating into her throat and your tears wetting her neck. "I did my best and i wasn't enough..." Your arms circled her waist when she kneeled and brought you closer, sitting you on her lap like a crying child. She didn't even care to ruin her dress on the dirty floor.
"What happened? Who hurt you like this?" Her voice was gentle, and you didn't notice the hidden rage she held towards whoever hurt you like that.
"He dumped me. He said that—"You sniffled and your hands clutched her dress as if your life depended on it. "He said that i'm useless, just a nuisance he had to put up with all that time we were together..."
It was then when Alcina reliazed you were talking about your shitty boyfriend. The same man she felt jealous of, because he got to hold you whenever he wanted, he could cuddle with you at night every night, and above all he could kiss you as many times as he wanted while she could only fantasize about it in her dreams. God, Alcina hated that man, but seeing you happy made it impossible for her to get rid of him. And now she regretted not doing it. 'How dare that man make you cry like this?'
"Darling, here, look at me." She carefully but firmly guided your chin up, angling your head so you could look at her. The stern look on her face made her beauty even brighter. " That man does not deserve your tears." Her hand cupped your cheek, or well, half of your face, and her thumb stroked your cheek softly, soothingly, helping your sobbing subside. "That idiot will pay for telling you such things. He is a fool for letting you go, and you my lo– dear, deserve someone much better than that garbage man."
"I'm not hurt because he dumped me, Alcina." That got her attention, you almost never called her by her complete first name. "It hurts me that he's right." You wiped your tears with the back of your hand and stood up. Even kneeled Alcina was taller than you, and you couldn't hold her gaze. You turned your back to her, trying to hide the shame you felt. "It hurts me because if that insignificant bitch thinks that i'm worthless, then there's no way i'm enough for the one who i really love..."
Alcinas breath hitched. Those were news she was not aware of. Has there been someone else this whole time? But who could it be the one who stole you heart? You never mentioned anything, and to her it looked like you were happy as you were, but she clearly was reading you wrong. She felt a sting in her chest. How could she have let something like that slip past her? Had she known you were unhappy... well, she could have taken care of that.
"What do you mean... who you love?"
"It's nothing." You said too quickly to be unsuspiciouis. "I've said too much. Please, i want-- i want to be alone right now." You tried to walk away, but before you even gave a step a strong hand held onto your wrist.
"Please, tell me."
The way Alcina asked, breathless, almost a whisper, made you turn back and confront her begging expression.
"I can't. I don't want to lose you, i'll be damned if--" You sighed. "I'm not enough."
Alcina's eyes widened.
Those beautiful golden eyes always enthralled you. The first time you saw them in that god forsaken forest you thought the journey was worth it if you got to see that pretty color. But now, they just filled you with sadness and made your stomach churn with anxiety.
"Is... Is it me? Please, i need to know."
Your breath catched in your throat. You let out a whimper and the tears flowed again.
"I'm sorry... i have to go." With a hard tug you freed your wrist from her grip and made a run for the stairs without looking back to the desperate shouts of Alcina begging you to stay.
You were no longer in sight, and not even the echo of your hurried footsteps could be heard. You slipped off her hands just like a handful of sand would.
She had you for a moment, completing the other half of her damaged heart, and the next second you were running away from her only leaving her broken heart behind.
Alcina didn't even notice the tears flowing out of her own eyes, too distracted by the faint smell of your perfume that was slowly dissipating.
She had you for a second, bringing up a new world of possibilities, where her dreams would not longer be impossible, only for them to be shattered mercilessly.
Alcina could feel her lungs being constricted, as if something were crushing her on the inside. Her eyes stung. Her heart hammered in her chest.
She had you... and then she lost you.
She hadn't alowwed herself to love for many, many years. She had prived herself from feeling any form of affection and caring that were not for her daughters and yet, her walls crumbled in a matter of days when she met you. She denied at first, tried to push you away but you, insufferable little thing, charmed your way into her heart and when she least expected it she was swooning at the sight of you eating whole turkey voraciously.
Was it worth it? The pain in her chest, the dissapointment, the stress? Well, she already knew the answer.
Kneeled on the library hallway Alcina made a decision.
Alcina stood up in a blink and did what she had not done in a very long time. She ran. Ran and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, down the stairs where you had run too.
She hoped it wasn't too late, she wished she hadn't taken that long to act, and she yearned to have you back in her arms.
The high heels were slowing her down, and she didn't hesitate to take them off while she ran, stumbling a bit but keeping the pace. She didn't care if it was not proper of a lady to run barefoot around the castle, hoisting her dress up in an attempt to cover more ground, you were more important than any propriety.
It's a good thing to have really long legs when your'e chasing someone, and even though Alcina was very out of breath she managed to reach you just in time as you were opening the front door.
"Wait!" She yelled, and you snapped your neck back to face her. The sight made your heart flutter and screech in pain at the same time. Alcina had gotten rid of her shoes, a good part of the skirt of her dress was strongly clutched under her arm. Her make up was smudged and you could tell she was sweating, something you had never seen her do. Her hair was ruffled and her hat was gone.
You tried to run again but Alcina was already running down the stairs and you didn't go too far outside before she clashed with you, her front to your back, circling your body with her arms while you both fell to the snowy ground.
"Wait! Please, please wait." Her ragged breath felt hot against the nape of your neck. Your glossy eyes made it hard for you to see, but you could feel her lips on your skin. "Don't go. Don't leave me. I--" She swallowed before speaking again. "Oh god, dear, i love you. Don't you understand?"
You let out a short, shaky breath. Did she really tell you that? you wonder.
"You... what?"
"You heard me. I love you." Alcina held you tighter, impossibly closer to her, and in her arms the horrible cold from the outside didn't faze you. "I love you, i love you, i love you. I'll tell you as many times as you need. I love you, please stay with me."
"You mean it?" Your voice was shaky, your breath was ragged from all the running, and your heart matched Alcina's own. "You really mean it?" You turned in her embrace, enough to face her, and she held you face with her hand. it was an awkard position, but there was nowhere else you wanted to be.
"I mean it..." And as she was teached that actions speak better than words, she leaned in to kiss you, capturing your lips with her own. You turned completely and wasted no time before kissing her again. And again and again.
"I loved you first." You said, letting out a wet giggle, all that crying really did a number on you. You tenderly tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, your touch lingering for a bit. "And if you let me, i'll love you until the end."
"I would like nothing more..." And she kissed you again, hungrily this time and you of course kissed back. "Also, i'll kill your ex. Life is a luxury your little bitch of ex-partner doesn't deserve."
"Alci no!"
If you like my work, buy me a coffee?
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opalsdarkreadings · 4 years
✰𝙅𝙪𝙟𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙪 𝙆𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙎/𝙊. 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙪𝙨: 𝙎𝙪𝙠𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙍𝙮𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣✰
Pairing: Gojo, Yuji, Fushiguro, Nobara, Sukuna x gender neutral reader
Warning: angst, depression themes, mentions of blood
Notes: I love the smell of saddens and crying in the morining, great starter of the days. lol I hope you all enjoy, there’ll be some grammical errors so please just ignore and I’ll try to fix them when I spot them. And I’m addicted to this series and characters so I’ll be releasing a bunch of others stuff regarding this show soon.
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✵𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘂✵
You were going to get up, you always did. The two inseparable prankster would be back at it agian like always. Like old times. You....you were fine
But the pit of his stomach twist and churn, his heart aching with a new found sense of despair. He knew, so why didn’t he just accepted it.
NO! You were going to get up, you just liked to joke around that’s all. So why did he feel a surge of rage so deep, so painful that ach his very core. Even destroying the special grade left nothing but dissatisfaction.
For the first time in his life he felt... hesitant.
Your body unmoving from the blow dealt by the curse demon. The curse being dealt with in seconds afterwards. The stillness felt eery, his heart pounding against his chest as he makes his way to you unmoving body
He crouch and pulled the slik blind off his face, beautiful bright blue eyes scanning over you body. Sadness being reflected in them but he kept that signiature smile of his
“S/o...can you still move?” He asked hoping, silently praying you could at least answer him.
“Cutie-chan~ quit playing around...get up so we can go home....” the weak laugh that left his lips felt more like whimper, as you continue to not answer him.
He doesn’t even know why he’s trying, he should be use to it. He’s lost thousands of friends in battle, time and time agian. One of his students wouldn’t come back, a coworker that didn’t make it, a close friends that died tragically. He’s heard it all.
So why did it hurt so much?...
Droplets fell over you color ridden cheek, you body being lifted into a broad chest. As Satoru buried his face into the crook of your neck, that awful perfume he hate infiltrating his nose, a choked laught left him.
“God I hate that perfum..”
That smile of yours as bright as the evening star, flooded his mind, your words ringing out as he cradled your dead body.
“I know you do, but you still love me~.”
✵𝘆𝘂𝗷𝗶 𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶✵
That face, you always made that face whenever you did something stupid. Honestly, he couldn’t talk much, seeing on half the crap he’s done was on impulse, however...god you were an idiot.
You Could’ve lived, left him there on the cool slab of the concrete, the beast that was too far over their heads coming his way. He could’ve handled it, Sukuna was a stubborn bastard, but wouldn’t let him die.
You were and utter fool and he cursed about it to this day.
But it all felt like slow motion, the pounding of your footsteps hitting against the ground, his weak shouts trying to get you to go back. The drop in his stomach as that sickening crack echoed out the domain.
There was so much blood, the walls were splattered with it, the floor painted a sea of red, your body nothing more than crushed remembrance of what it used to be.
He’s never felt such a feeling of rage so strong before. All his actions a blur until late on. When he’s bound by a cursed rope and set aside near the school where the cursed demon was located.
A stretcher hauling, what’s once was your body. Your hand peeking out from under the blood covers. That’s all it took for him to lose it.
The rope keeping his struggling body from moving as he sobbed hysterically.
“S/O! S/O! Answer me please..please! Why would you do that?! You’re such an idiot damnit, don’t you dare leave me...you promised.” He fell over the harsh ground, tears cascading down from his cheek to the floor.
Fushiguro and Nobara gazes lowered to the ground. Effectively trying to hold back their friend as your body was carried off.
His sobs turning into quiet whimpers. It dawned on him, he’s was official alone now. You and his Grampa being taken from him unfairly. He had no one, you would never smiles at him agian
Slap his head whenever he got a little to handsy or tease Him relentless when he slipped up and blurtted out random things
Your sweet laugh would be distance memory of the past, something that made his heart squeeze with hurt.
“That’s no fair...it’s not fair.” He mumbles soflty to himself
Sukuna for once, was eerily silent.
✵𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗴𝘂𝗿𝗼 𝗠𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗺𝗶✵
He still couldn’t believe it. It all happened so quickly. One minute you two were sharing a passionate night, basking under the moonlight as you kiss and bodies dance together.
And the next, he’s cradling your bleeding body, words stuck in his throat and horror swirling on his eyes. Trembling hands trying to stop the blood from gushing out from your neck.
The bastard had got away but he could care less. “S-s/o..just...just stay awake for me okay...c-can you do that for me?” His words trembled off his lips, your eyes shifting over to his. The dullness setting in.
Weakly, your fingers brush over his cheek, his hands reaching up and taking hold of them as he kiss over the knuckle. “You’re....you’re gonna be okay! I promise the others are coming.” He hadn’t realized it but tears had already started falling from his eyes.
He was lying out his ass, the culprit behind this, another cursed user, has been terrorizing this part of town for months now. They weren’t letting him getaway, so you’re mostly his responsibility till the aftermath. He knew you didn’t have that long.
He went to move you but you grunt in pain, more blood pooling out from the wound. He cursed and held you on the bloodstained ground.
“I’m sorry...I-I’m so sorry..” he mumbles into your neck, uncaring if his face was stained with blood as his quiet sobs racked his body.
With as much strength you could muster, you raised your hand to be lazily placed over his head and stroked it over it like you always did.
“I...I l-love you..” you whispered to him, your body becoming slack and your hand falling to your side.
He didn’t need to check, he didn’t need to see whatever expression your face was making to know that you were gone. His grip over your lifeless body tightens, his cries reaching into screams.
This felt all too familiar to him.
He wanted to blame you for breaking his defense, to inching so close to his heart. For making him so happy and attached, but he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t enjoy the moments that came with it.
The memories that’ll forever stay replaying like a broken record in his mind. This is why he didn’t try to make friends, he didn’t try to get close, he hated that he loved you so much.
✵𝗡𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗞𝘂𝗴𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗸𝗶✵
Maybe she was too mean to you, not caring enough, She mishandled you to many times, to many fights and arguments over tedious things that should have been left as it was.
Was this her punishment? She allowed for such actions to boil and fester, and now what? A dumb argument over a stupid past that no longer connected to you and the exchange was your life. 
Even though you said you sorry’s, I love you’s, there was still tension before you both part. Nobara saving to say all those mushy things she felt for when you were back in her arms
Oh, the deep regret she felt.
The way her teammates came back quieter than usual and more seemly more sluggish then earlier
“What are you idiots standing like that for, that cursed demon shake you that bad. Hmph, simple enough what would you guys be with me?” She teased her sly smile spreading over her lips before it falter
They didn’t even try to agrue much less protest, they just seem distraught, stunned even. Then I dawned on her, they were missing someone...they were missing you.
“Where’s...where’s s/o?” She asked them soflty. A look of guilt overcame Yuji's features as he fished for something out of his pocket.
Confusion ran across Nobara face before it morphed into horror. A single scrap of a school uniform being held out in his hand.
“We...we couldn’t get their body..” Megumi finished his gaze meeting her’s before falling back to his feet. Fist clenched tightly to his side.
She barely heard anything after that, her eyes fixated on the single scrap of clothing. She inched to Yuji taking it and stroking her thumb over the material.
She bites her bottom lip, this was fates cruels joke. She didn’t deserve you from the beginning, it seems like everywhere she went someone had to leave her.
But why did it have to be violent? Why you out of all people. Maybe she should have told her how much you meant to her.
How much of a rock and pillars you were in this crazy life of hers. A beam of reassurance and love that she could always depend on whenever she needed you.
How does she continue now, that beams were gone, taken from her so harshly. The only things she could cling so desperately to have been the last thing she saw you in.
What a cruel world she lived in.
✵𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚✵
There was always some form of a catch when it came to huamsn. No relationship or friendship was formed without a common goal or another interest being taken into play.
The sweet smiles, honey-coated words, and gentle touches were always a facade...wasn’t it?
He could care less about what happened to you, what became of you. After all humans are dirty devilish creatures so even more so then cursed beast.
But he didn’t understand... he didn’t understand why he felt such strong stings of anger, sadness, and a bit of shock bubble in him as you push him out the way.
Did you place some sort of technique over him, that made the king of curses catch such disease as emotions? Laced your words and touches with magic that only you could see and undo....no that’s not it.
Possible it was this damn vessel's fault. Always hanging off your words and embraces like a lovesick fool. Opting to distract himself with your praise and love then rather focus on what’s important at hand.
though denying that he didn't enjoy your persevere, from time to time would make the ping of guilt worsen.
Your body hit the floor with a loud thud, the gaping hole through your chest made the anger and feelings of anguish flow in him.
He didn’t even notice when he had taken over Yuji's body, destroying the very thing that took you away from him. The slaughter more animalistic and erratic as his state of sanity seems to be blown out the window.
He cares not for the look of horror and fear that clouded Yuji's teammate's face. Not concerning much of his attention to them, he came over, plucked your dead body from the ground, and disappear.
Appearing back to that place you talked with Yuji so dearly about..what was it again. He couldn’t recall the name, only knowing about the large wisteria trees that guard the scenery. 
“Dumb human...surely foolish beings you are.” He mumbles you head was press into his chest as he looked out from the Cliffs view.
“Look what you have done, making me feeling things for you..” his voice soft as he pushed back small strands from your face. Yuji memories of this morning playing back
“You two better make it out of here alive or I’m kicking both of your butts.” You proclaimed earning a whine from Yuji and scoff from Sukuna as he appeared on the other’s cheek. “Dare I ask how you’ll be able to deafest me, don’t bite more than what you can chew.” He threatens but only succeeded in making you laugh, “Mhm..yeah you’re right I’m just worried about my two favorite boys.” You had told them, leaning in and kissing a flustered Yuji, “I love you both so be safe.” Okay and no stupid actions.” You scolded Yuji plucking the boy's head.
A weak laugh fell off from his lips, “Looks who’s talking, you’re the one that’s gone and died on us..” he spoke aloud. Moving to crouch by the tree and sit your body against the bark.
He let one finger trail over your lips and down your features letting them be engraved in his memory as he gazes down at you.
That disease having still affecting him, even as you lay dead in front of him. These feeling of sadness and heart ach and most of all loneliness suffocating and clawing at his throat
He dare not shed a tear, Yuji would do enough of that for the both of them. Instead, he let his hand gently cup over your cold and colorless cheek. The warmth he remembers oh so clearly, know felt like something that occurs ages ago.
He leans his forehead against yours and shutting his eyes, and allowing Yuji to take control.
You’d never heard him say, though he wished you are hear so he could that dazzling smile as he did
“I love you... S/o.”
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Summary: You overhear Steve talking to Bucky about going back to be with Peggy. Rather than confronting the situation, you write him a letter.
Warnings: I cried just thinking about writing this, so much angst, some swearing
Word Count: 3305
a/n: here it is folks: the sad fic I mentioned a few posts ago. Inspired by a multitude of songs from the album Ashlyn by Ashe. I high key recommend listening to that album while you read or just in general. I'm pretending like nobody died in Endgame because that shit is sad and I know this is sad aside from that, but I still have a heart ya know?
Per usual, any song lyrics (or song lyrics that I changed a bit) are in bold! I think used lyrics from Me Without You, Save Myself, I'm Fine, Love is Not Enough, and Always.
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"You'd really want to go back?" You overheard Bucky right before you walked into Steve's room.
"I don't know." He let out a deep sigh. "I mean, I do know, but what do you think?" Steve's answer left you wondering what they were discussing.
"All for Peggy?" Your heart stopped waiting for Steve to reply.
Another sigh escaped his lips. You could easily picture him running his hands down his face, a signal he was deep in thought. "I mean, I never got a chance to see what would happen with her. Don't you think she deserves this much?"
You felt frozen. You couldn't hear the rest of Steve's answer or Bucky's reply over the sound of blood rushing through your ears.
It was all too much to handle. Rather than confront the grab bag of emotions swimming inside of you, you turned around and went back to your room in a zombie like haze.
"Friday, don't let anyone in my room."
You know the AI replied, but you were still too caught up in thought to understand it. Your mind was full of questions you knew you couldn't figure out the answers to alone.
Why would Steve want to go back for Peggy when he had you? Why would he even consider it if he loved you like he said he does? Is he still in love with Peggy? Has he been in love with her the whole time? Why would he choose her when he's spent so much more time with you?
"Y/N?" The sound of Steve's voice outside your door startled you. "Y/N, honey, are you in there?"
You could hear the doorknob rattling in his attempt to open it, but Friday was doing as you asked.
"I thought you were going to meet me downstairs?"
His words only broke your heart more, a small sniffle escaping despite your efforts to remain quiet.
"Are you not feeling well? What's wrong?"
His questions were left unanswered, much like the questions swimming around your head.
Steve kept talking to you through the door for a while, but you never replied. You weren't ready to face him, not until you knew you wouldn't say something you'd later regret.
The next few days carried on much the same. You refused to leave your room, relying on various snacks and protein bars you had for food. Every few hours, you would try to write down what you were feeling, but it didn't help calm you down the same way it typically did.
Everyone tried talking to you, but nothing worked. Steve spent hours outside your door every day in an effort to get you to talk to him, but you just couldn't figure out your emotions. It was all still too much to handle.
Late one night, Steve said something that forced you into action.
"Y/N, I don't know what happened, but if I did something I'm truly sorry. I'm returning the stones tomorrow. We've never not said goodbye before a mission... I just hope this one is the same."
You listened as he quietly walked back down the hallway, steps slowly receding until you were left in the same absolute silence you've spent the last few days.
You knew you had to talk to him, but hearing him say to your face that he's staying with Peggy would kill you.
You couldn't survive a permanent goodbye, not in your current state of mind.
After a few minutes of silent contemplation, you decided to write Steve a letter. Maybe you'd give it to him or maybe it would just help you organize your thoughts. Either way, it would be helpful to write to someone for a change.
Hi Steve,
I, well, I guess I'll start with this. You deserve an apology. I'm truly sorry for ignoring you for the past few days. I just... I heard what you said to Bucky and I didn't know how to deal with it.
You know I've never been the best at controlling my emotions, so I just holed myself up in here. I avoided you so I could figure out my own feelings first.
I know I should talk to you. You deserve that too, but I don't think I could survive the heartbreak. I guess I'll try to explain everything I've been thinking and feeling since that night.
Honestly, I'm not sure where to start. It feels kind of stupid to say, but I obviously experienced a range of emotions when I first heard you and Bucky talking about going back.
You know I've always found solace in writing, so that's what I'm doing. I needed a way to clear my thoughts, and it turned into this concoction of thoughts and some poems - you know how I feel about poems. (Look at that! A sarcastic comment! I didn't think I was capable of humor anymore.)
This might not surprise you, but the first emotion I clung to was anger. I'm not angry anymore, well at least not as angry. Anyway, I wrote this next part when I was absolutely pissed at you.
What the fuck?
You want to go back in time and stay there?
You want to leave me behind?
Steve, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I could keep you here. If I really wanted to, I could figure out a way to do it. I could cut the brakes just to keep you from leaving. I'll do it too. My hands on the wheel would drive us into a wall.
You must think I'm being petty. Hiding in my room like a child to avoid you. All the while, here I am writing all the things I could do to keep you. Well, news flash: I don't need you. You made me think the only world I could exist in, was one you lived in, almost had me fooled.
Here's something you probably never considered, because I sure as shit never thought I'd even need to. I can be me without you. I don't have to rely on you for my own happiness. I thought you loved me, but if you want to go back and be with Peggy, do it. Go find yourself, let me down.
It's easy to sit here now and look back on how everything we had would always be second string to your relationship with her. God damn hindsight's 2020.
I want you to know, you did this to me. You broke my heart. When I heard you say you wanted a chance to be with Peggy, it's like my whole world crumbled down around me.
Everything I thought I knew was ripped out from under me. You poured rain all over my sunny. Yeah, someday, this could all be funny, but right now it's absolute shit.
And maybe everything will work out the way it's meant to be, but honestly I couldn't give less of a shit about that right now.
If I had the chance, I would take it back. Everything. Meeting you. Becoming friends. Dating you. Falling in love. I'd be jumping off your sinking ship, instead of going down with it.
It'd be so much easier that way. If I never fucking knew you.
One day I'll be good. I'll be over all of this bullshit. Right now I'm just mad. And you know what, it's justifiable. I think I'm allowed to be mad at you.
I'm over being so mature. If only I was never yours. Maybe I'll go back in time and undo it all. Then at least I could save myself from you.
Like I said, I wrote that in the heat of the moment. Once my brain caught up to my ears, all I saw was red. Anger didn't last as long as you might think though.
All that was how I felt in the moment, but I want you to know it's not true. I don't really believe any of it. I was hurt and angry and avoiding the pain I knew was just around the corner.
I've always told you anger would be my downfall because I just can't control what I say.
Let me be completely clear, I would never want to undo meeting you. You've been the best part of my life for years. I need you to know that I don't regret any of it and I never will.
Anyway, the anger shifted to tears pretty quickly. It wasn't hard to feel the pain that comes with someone you love leaving you. I can't honestly picture a world where I don't love you.
This is the first poem I wrote. With tear blurring my vision, I put pen to paper and this is what came out.
Complicated. Understated. On the way to, Devastated. I'm just holding on for dear life.
Short and sweet, right? Well, not so much sweet, but you get the point. I feel broken. Here's another bit of poetry for ya.
Right now I'm sorry, Burns through me darling, But I can't help hope In thirty years it won't.
Maybe I just need time. That's what everyone always says. "Time can heal all wounds."
It's hard to even think about moving on though when everything reminds me of you. I've got emotional souvenirs from fleeting moments we spent together. If this is the end, I'll always know you were my golden years. I know in the future I could close my eyes and go back there.
Maybe that's the hardest part. Knowing I'll always have these memories.
All I've been thinking about for the past three days is if this will ever feel better. And maybe it will, when time has passed.
Maybe when I'm older, I'll run out of stories about you. Maybe when I'm older, I'll know what it's like not to love you, Anymore.
Despite my best efforts, it's still only a maybe. Maybe when I'm older I'll be able to stop thinking about you every second of the day. Maybe when I'm older I won't feel like crying everytime I see your face.
But maybe not. Maybe I'll always feel this way.
Maybe when I'm six feet, underneath the concrete, I'll know what it's like not to want you, anymore.
I'm not saying all this to make you feel guilty. You don't need to tell me you're sorry. I know you are. I know you would never hurt me like this without a reason.
I should just talk to you, but I don't think I can. Not yet. We don't need to talk til we're ready. Both of us.
I guess I do have one question. Do you really love me?
I don't think I want to know the answer right now. Because even if you do... it takes a lot more than a rose, more than a kiss, more than a heart to truly love someone and spend forever with them.
It takes a lot more than a ring, more than a vow, more than a promise to build and maintain a relationship.
Love is not enough. I know that now. Even if you love me to the best of your abilities, you could still love Peggy more. Love may not be enough for us, but at least we got that much.
If you leave, I'll live the rest of my life grateful that at least I got your touch for as long as I did.
I used to think we could take our sweet time, that everything would be just fine. But now I know maybe not.
I cried for days. Like I said, I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty though. I just want to be completely honest. I cried a lot, probably more than I ever have before.
I kept replaying memories of time I spent with you. Not even dates, just the small moments that made me know I love you.
Like that day I woke up too early, almost put salt in my coffee. Oh I thank God that you stopped me before that.
I've never been a morning person, but ever since I met you you've always been there to keep my head on straight.
I think the thing I love most about you is how you can read me better than anyone I've ever known. I can hide from everyone else and they won't bat an eye. They never can tell when I'm falling apart on the inside.
No matter how hard I try to hide it though, you don't believe me when I say I'm alright. You can always, always tell.
It's like you've got a sixth sense that tells you I need you when I try to say I'm fine.
Before I met you, I would get so lonely everyday. Now I'm only lonely until you ask if I'm okay and then I remember that I have people who are there for me. I have you.
All this to say, I love you, Steve. I love you more than I've ever loved another human being.
Forever yours,
It took you nearly all night to write a coherent letter and come up with a plan to talk to Steve. A quick glance at the clock let you know Steve would be up any minute, so you had to act fast.
You opened your door for the first time in days, running in a full sprint to the stairs and down the hall to Steve's door.
With one final burst of courage, you shoved the letter under the door and ran away before anyone could find you out of your room.
"Y/N?" A familiar knock on your door woke you from a restless sleep. "I read your letter, Y/N please let me explain."
It felt like time slowed down as you stared at the door.
"Y/N, I have to bring the stones back, but I really want to talk to you first."
"Come in." You steadied yourself with a deep breath, but one look at Steve ruined your flimsy resolve.
"Y/N... I tried to wait for you to come to me, but..."
He stopped talking when you shook your head, a painful sob forming in your chest.
"I've been thinking a lot." You started slowly, voice scratchy from days of not being used except to cry. "What if staying with me isn't the best thing to keep you happy?"
"Y/N, I-"
"Please let me finish." You waited for him to acknowledge your words before you spoke again.
"If letting you go is the best way to show that I love you, I will." Tears poured down your cheeks, breaths coming to you shakily.
"Captain Rogers, your presence is requested in the backyard." Friday's voice echoed through the room.
Steve looked more torn than you've ever seen him.
"Let's go." You nodded toward the door. "I've got more to say, but you've got somewhere to be."
Slowly, the two of you walked down the hall and entered the elevator.
"I don't know if you'll ever come back-"
"Y/N, really just let me-"
"Steve, please." You begged him to let you get it all out. "I won't ask 'cause that's selfish."
"It's not." He cut in again.
"It is. You deserve to be as happy as possible." With a slow, shaky breath you continued your speech. "I've come to terms I might never feel whole again."
The elevator doors slid open. You followed Steve to the yard where they set up the time machine.
"I'll be broken when you're gone, but I won't hold you back if it's wrong."
"Steve, there you are! Let's go-"
"In a minute, Sam." Steve's eyes never left you, remaining soft and caring. "We can go back inside if you want." He ran his thumbs over your cheeks, ridding them of tears only to be instantly replaced. You've always hated crying in front of people.
"I don't care what people say." You shook your head, ignoring the potential pitying looks you could receive for crying in front of others. Another deep breath, and you continued. "You know I won't force you to stay."
It was your turn to wipe tears from Steve's face.
"If you leave, I'll be okay. Just promise that you won't forget me babe."
"I could never-" He cut in again only to stop when you gave him a pleading look.
"I understand if leaving is what you have to do. I don't want you to go, but I'll be okay, eventually." You let out a watery chuckle, wiping your eyes again.
"Y/N, I never meant for-"
"Steve, you ready?" Sam interrupted again.
"It's fine. You can go." You did your best to hold back any lingering tears. You had to physically turn Steve around yourself and push him towards the machine.
"Y/N, please, I can't-"
"Steve, they're waiting for you. It's okay, I promise." He finally started to walk away only to pause when you called out one more thing. "Oh, Steve?"
"Yeah?" He wore a solemn smile.
"I'll love you always."
You watched as he listened to Banner's instructions and bid farewell to Sam and Bucky. The bitter part of you wondered if Sam knew.
A strangled sob left your mouth as soon as Steve disappeared. All three men standing around the machine looked your way, Sam and Bucky running toward you to help.
"He should be back any second. It's fine!" Sam desperately tried to console you, but you knew it wouldn't work.
"Y/N. Y/N! Listen to me. Did Steve talk to you?" Bucky asked, ignoring Sam's bewildered expression.
You nodded pitifully.
"Did he explain-" You cut him off.
"He- he didn't ha-have time.: You stuttered as you tried desperately to gulp in air through the tears. "I did most of the talking. I needed him to know it was okay."
"To know what was okay?" Sam asked, still clearly confused.
The thought of explaining it only broke you down more. You would have fallen to the ground if not for Bucky catching you. Your body leaned into his.
"Doll..." Bucky shook his head. "You should have let him explain."
You choked on another sob just thinking about it.
"Shh, it's okay. You'll be okay." Bucky whispered in your ear, ignoring Sam's confused glares.
"Y/N..." The sound of Steve's voice echoed in your ears causing another painful sob to jolt through your body.
"Baby, please look at me."
You genuinely thought you were hallucinating when you opened your eyes to see Steve towering over you.
"Steve?" Your voice was barely a whisper.
"It's me, I'm here." He gently took you from Bucky's arms, cradling you close to him but leaning his head far enough away for you to look into your eyes.
"You came back..." Your tears slowed, gently falling down your cheeks as you stared at him wide-eyed.
"I was never planning to leave." He spoke while gently stroking your hair.
"B-but, you were talking to Bucky about going back?" Your tears gave way to confusion as you glanced between him and Bucky.
"Just to say goodbye." He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, breathing in your scent. "I just thought she deserved a real goodbye."
New tears pooled in your eyes as you took in his words. "So, you never wanted to leave me?"
"I could never, and would never, leave you. I love you so much. I just wish I knew why you were holed up in your room sooner." He smiled at you, the same adoring smile he gave you the first time you met.
"I love you too. Always." You leaned into his embrace, relishing in the touch you thought you'd lost forever. He whispered his reply, clinging to you just as much as you were to him.
a/n: today I discovered I am truly incapable of writing a sad ending. I just like the idea of escaping to a reality where Steve would never abandon me.
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gukyi · 4 years
in the frosty air | a jjk drabble
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summary: two weeks ago you and your roommate slept together. which would be fine, if you knew you both felt the same about each other. but you don’t. and now it’s christmas, and jungkook is still gorgeous and gentle and wonderful and here, and and you don’t really know what to do about that.
{college!au, roommates!au}
pairing: jungkook x reader genre: this is just an angst train tbh, but it has a happy ending! word count: 1.6k warnings: mentions of past alcohol consumption, this centers around everyone’s favorite capitalist holiday, being sad in the wintertime a/n: OHHHHHHHHHH *internet breaks* anyway yeah i’m back baby!!! here’s a little drabble to celebrate because i can’t help myself when it comes to jungkook. love me or we both go down coming soon!
“This Christmas is pretty fucking lame, isn’t it?”
You whip around at the sound of his voice. “Oh, hey. I didn’t hear you come in.”
“I figured,” Jungkook chuckles, bending his head down as he crawls through the open window to join you on the fire escape. The temperature is freezing and the wind is stinging your skin, but it didn’t really feel right to be spending tonight inside. “Saw the window open. Thought you might be here.”
“Yeah. I was probably gonna head inside soon, though.” In the hopes that you would be curled up in your bedroom before Jungkook even got home. Seeing him lately has been hard. “How did your final go?”
“It was alright.” You don’t have to keep looking at him to feel Jungkook taking a seat next to you, crossing his legs over each other as he stares out into the city below you. It snowed a few days ago, and the sidewalks are still covered in that dirty slush that always lingers, wet and cold and black from car tires. Just being beside you makes your heart race, makes your chest tighten. “I was pretty stressed out about it, but then I just sort of remembered that I did my best and that was all I could do, you know?”
“That’s good.” You wish you had that mindset. You spend days studying for an exam and once it’s over, you spend days dwelling on all the things you might have gotten wrong. It’s a philosophy you apply to most aspects of your life. Why you did the thing you did. Why doing the thing you did was the worst thing you could have done. How you will recover from it. If you even will. 
Jungkook sighs. You turn to look at him, just briefly, glance at his side figure, and notice he’s wearing nothing but a giant zip-up hoodie. Isn’t he cold? “It doesn’t really feel like Christmas.”
“Yeah.” You don’t have anything else to say to that. It doesn’t. Which is a damn shame, because you and Jungkook spent the entire beginning of this month turning your tiny, two-bedroom apartment into a winter wonderland. You got a tree to put up next to your TV and decorated with the weirdest ornaments you could find. You hung up those dangly white Christmas lights on the balcony of your fire escape, the ones meant to look like icicles dripping from the metal railing. The radio has been playing nothing but Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey. And yet.
It’s not hard to wonder why this Christmas is such shit. Your spring internship fell through a week ago. Your parents rented a lake house and assumed you wouldn’t be coming with. All of your other friends have gone home already. And Jungkook, perhaps the last person in this whole goddamn city you would have wanted to spend time with, you can’t even bear to look at. 
“How did your finals go?” Jungkook asks, trying to keep the conversation going. 
“They were fine.” At least that torture is over. But living with Jungkook, seeing him every day and knowing that what you have done you can never undo--it’s endless. 
There’s silence. It’s like the two of you simultaneously have no idea and know exactly what to say. Like the words are lingering on the tips of your tongues but your lips are sealed shut. Opening them won’t be like a can of worms. It will be a dam, a waterfall of I’m sorrys and What nows. One week ago, in the heat of the night and in the haze of drink after drink, you and Jungkook made the worst mistake two roommates could ever make. 
“Are you going home this break?” You blurt out the words before you can stop yourself. 
Jungkook sighs. “I’m not sure.”
“It’s okay if you want to.” I get it. I’m not sure if I’d want to hang around and see me either. 
He shrugs. “I just haven’t decided yet.”
He knows that you’re staying. The two of you were so looking forward to spending Christmas together. Now look at you. Jungkook was the perfect roommate. Then everything changed. 
“Okay.” He’s probably just trying to figure out a way to let you down easy. 
Next to you, Jungkook rustles a hand through his pocket. “By the way, uh--I just remembered. I got you something.”
You don’t even have time to object before Jungkook is placing a small fabric box into your open palm, resting on your lap. You look down at the item, at the way your hand seems to envelop it. 
“You didn’t have to--”
“I wanted to.” Jungkook is firm in his response. “Besides, I got it a while ago. Figured now is as good a time as any to give it to you.”
There’s not really anything else to do except open it. Carefully, with trembling fingers, you pull off the lid. Inside sits a dainty silver locket resting amongst a pile of folded tissue paper. You gasp, your breath coming out in smoke in the cold winter air. 
“Oh my God, I--”
“I overheard you talking on the phone saying you wanted one,” Jungkook admits sheepishly. “I wanted to give it to you before I forgot.”
Fingers shaking from the cold, you pull the locket from the box. It dangles from its chain, a delicate little thing, barely the size of a fingerprint. Even on this hazy winter evening, it still catches the light.
For the first time tonight, you look up at him. His eyes are a swirling brown, a deep chocolate. They are unreadable. He offers a small, guarded smile your way, lips pink in the chilly air. “Thank you,” you tell him honestly. This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for you. 
You can’t accept this without returning the favor. Wordlessly, you get up from the fire escape, rushing indoors for a moment as you grab your gift from your bedroom. It’s been sitting in there for at least two weeks now. You hold your hand behind your back as you make your way back to the fire escape, sitting down next to him once more. 
With a small flourish, you reveal your own present. They’re drumsticks. 
“For you,” you tell him, that same small grin on your face. “Since you’re always drumming on everything. Thought you could use something to do that with.”
Jungkook looks positively starstruck. He takes the sticks in his hands, feels the wood with his fingers, tracing over the logo at the bottom. You aren’t very well versed in the world of drum equipment, but your friend in the orchestra told you it was a good brand. 
“Wow, Y/N,” he says, mouth agape. “This is... this is the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever gotten me. Thank you.”
And that’s the truth, isn’t it? No matter what you do, no matter what you say, you will always be there to give Jungkook what he deserves. To make his life just the tiniest bit better. Doing thoughtful things for him has never required effort on your part. There is just a part of you that will do them, because he deserves it. Because he is so gentle, and loving, and kind, and wonderful. 
You sit there for a little while longer, relishing in the brief respite of your gift exchange. It’s softened the ice, warmed the air, broken the tension. Even if only a little. But it’s enough to keep you out here, sitting next to him. It’s enough to keep you from drifting away. 
“I don’t regret that night.”
The words feel like biting wind. 
“What?” You turn to him. 
“I don’t. I’d do it again. A thousand times over.” Jungkook is resolute. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed in determination. 
“Jungkook, what happened that night--”
“Is something I’ll never forget,” he finishes. “Do you know how fucking long I had been waiting to do that? To hold you? Kiss you? To spend the night with you?”
Each syllable presses deeper into your chest, imprinting themselves on your heart. You stare back at him, too shocked to say anything at all. 
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same,” Jungkook adds on, quickly backtracking. “I sort of... got that message when I woke up that morning and you were gone. But I just wanted you to know that that night didn’t change anything about how I feel about you.”
Jungkook’s got it all wrong. You were the one who fucked up. You were the one whose feelings won’t change. “I thought you were the one who didn’t feel the same.”
Jungkook chuckles, this sad, forced cough. “Are you kidding? I’d do anything to relive that night. You’re my favorite person in this whole world, Y/N.”
If the weather were just a little bit warmer, if the wind wasn’t as dry, perhaps tears would fall. But instead, you blink back at him and it feels at once like your heart weighs a million pounds and nothing at all. “Me too,” you choke out. “I never want to be without you.”
Your fire escape is barely big enough for one person, let alone two, but that doesn’t stop Jungkook from reaching over and pulling you in, pressing a chilly kiss to your frozen lips, the heat of his mouth warming you up from the inside out. It’s cold tonight, yes. But Jungkook makes you feel like it’s summer all year long. 
You smile against his lips. They feel like home. They taste like peppermint lip balm and coffee and ice. 
“Do you want me to stay?” He asks. As if he was even thinking about going home anyway. 
“Yes,” you whisper back. 
It feels a lot more like Christmas now. 
“Then I’ll stay.”
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↳ don’t forget to message me with any thoughts or feedback! i missed you guys!
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