#( headcanon;; Wendy)
melonsharks · 1 month
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like a thing, make a character lineup to figure out how i would draw them. thats the way my brain works! you can find close-ups under the cut!
these were fun :] theres a lot of characters in this show that would be fun to draw, is there anyone you guys wanna see next? 🤔
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
Gravity falls Hcs: Throughout the years, pt. 1
The town of gravity falls continues to remain normal, but still has its weird strange flair
More and more tourists come and go from Gravity Falls Oregon, especially after Weirdmageddon
Tyler is still mayor and going on strong
Dipper and Mabel still visit Gravity Falls every summer, and they remain close with their friends from Gravity Falls
Mabel, Grenda, and Candy's friendship still remain strong as they all grow up (since they got phones and computers, they text and videochat 24/7)
Dipper and Mabel have their troubles in school, especially after what they've been through, but no matter what, the pines twins stick together through thick and thin
Dipper is still not so popular, but he found his people, and he managed to create a "Dungeons, dungeons and more dungeons" club in school
Mabel is still to this day an arts and crafts master and also a master of knitting and clothing designs.
When Mabel was granted access to the world of the internet. She made her own business website showing the clothes she made, along with making video tutorials on knitting, art, and making wax figures
On one of twins' birthdays, great uncle Ford and Mabel gave Dipper three journals so he could find his own discoveries and adventures and write them in the journals (Dipper loved the gift and takes great care of them.)
Mabel still never misses a scrapbook-ortunity
Wendy and her gang of friends are still hanging out and still close (they've slowly started to treat Thompson nicer)
Robbie and Tambry are still together and are getting married (Wendy is Robbie's best woman and Tambry's bridesmaid)
When Soos got married, everyone was there, and it was all very emotional. Especially for Soos who cried at his own wedding more than anyone
When the pines twins come to gravity falls over the summer or the holidays, the townspeople all know their name, give them endless hugs and high fives, and it's pretty much the happiest moment for the townspeople
Old man Mckgucket still invents, but this time, it's for the benefit of town.
As time went by, Fiddleford started fixing his mind little by little with his son's help. He is also slowly rebuilding his relationship with his son and Stanford
When Mabel and Dipper's parents met with the Stan brothers, they demanded an explanation. Stanley and Stanford came up with a very believable lie involving Stanley owing a bunch of debt to dangerous men, and then he faked his death to get them off his back with Stanfords help.
Bill Cipher's statue is still in the woods of Gravity Falls, and everyone makes sure that people, including tourists, go nowhere near the statue out of fear
Stanley slowly starts remembering everything, but he asks his family and Stanford for clarification on memories that are a bit of a blur
Every time the Pines twins come to gravity falls, it's always a new adventure, and Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and even Pacifica started joining them on their adventures
Soos named Stanley the grandfather and the pines twins as the godparents. Melody wanted to protest, but she could never say no to Soos
Wendy found a girlfriend and still helps out at the shack, but now she is working as either a lumberjack or working on construction
Since money was tight for the Northwest family, Pacifica took a job at the diner thanks to lazy Susan, and now she earns her own money to help out, and she FaceTimes Mabel and the girls a lot
Pacifica gives Mabel fashion and design tips
Sev'ral Timez still lives in the woods and somehow managed to mate and multiply with nature. Now there are mutant hybrid Sev'ral Timez children running around Gravity Falls
Ivan or Toot-Toot McBumbersnazzle is traveling around the world to find his song that is in his heart, and so far, he has released a few Banjo songs but not many
While living in California was nice, Waddles, after some time, was no longer aloud to live with the Pines twins family, which broke Mabel's heart but Soos luckily volunteered to take in Waddles after he convinced Melody to be on board which Mabel immediately was happy about
Sheriff Daryl Blubs and Deputy Durland are married and have adopted a boy together
After the weirdmaggedon, everyone has their trauma, and everyone deals with it in their own way, but the town who went through it all go through the healing together or with those that they trust
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apollowhoo · 2 months
Can you do fluff head-canons for a platonic gravity falls x reader thingy where reader is the twins older sister(by like, two years or smth) please?
If not, that’s completely okay! I just wanted to know. Stay safe, eat well, drink lots of water, love you!!
(i'm so glad that this fandom is back omgg!! Since you didn't exactly specify what type of sister you wanted + with who you wanted hc with so i wrote what made sense to me. So sorry if this isn't what you wanted:((. I can always rewrite, just let me know.)
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As the older sister to Dipper and Mabel, you have some kind of protective instict towards them. Even though they have proven themself multiple times that they're capable of handling themselves, you often find yourself stepping in to make sure they're safe.
Dipper leans on you for advice and support during his mystery hunts, knowing you’ll help him out of any jam. Oh! He also asks about Wendy daily. Mabel always goes to you when she finds a new guy. Asking you what she should say to him for his attention or if he's even worth it. But she usually ends up doing her own thing..
With Grunkle Stan, you share a playful but caring relationship—he often jokes that you're the "voice of reason" among the kids, but he secretly appreciates your maturity and occasionally seeks your advice (obviously does it secretly).
Wendy treats you like an honorary member of her friend group, and you two usually hang out, talking and sharing snacks on the roof of the Shack. You admire her laid-back attitude and take inspiration from her confidence.
Even Grunkle Ford respects your input during intense situations, and you often work together to solve the deeper mysteries of Gravity Falls.
Despite the sometimes serious nature of your adventures, you’ve kinda became the comforting presence that everyone turns to when things get tough, offering a smile, a joke, or a comforting hug.
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lorddialtones · 11 months
I have gravity falls brain rot and its about to be everyone's problem
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vanity-breaking · 22 days
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I like to think Soos would know how to cheer her up (I just wanted to put Wendy in a stupid wolf shirt)
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dylanmct00ny · 1 month
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lots of cartoons boggling in my brain atm i desperately want to draw more bill possessing people its one of my favourite gravity falls things to draw, that and dipper with a big big massive forehead hehehe
btw crazy how most of the gravity falls characters are lgbt (all headcanons wahh) stan is aromantic, mabel is bisexual, dipper is trans, wendy is bisexual (CANON BTW!!), soos is pansexual, ford is asexual homoromantic and bill is aroace?!?!?! woaghhgh cant believe that's all true and factual!!!!!! /silly
normal show and the smiler man are here as well lol
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velnoni · 20 days
Gravity Falls Reverse AU/Relativity AU Ideas
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Where Dipper and Mabel are in Stan & Ford's places. Here's how I think some things would translate based on the art going around. Also I didn't create this AU, I just wanna toss my two cents in.
Dipper goes by Mason but is called his nickname by family. Mabel calls him by his real name when introducing him or under stress.
A tale of two Stans = A tale of two Pines (constellations?)
Stan might have a pet opposum (the one from the comic)...or maybe keep Waddles cuz he's cute? Maybe both. Mabel will give it a bow tie maybe.
Ford is the stinky twin this time. Stan uses his cuteness to get free stuff from folks.
Mabel is hard on Ford like Stan was to Dipper. But she teaches both twins "feminine" stuff like sewing, knitting, etc to bond even when they complain. It comes in handy, though. She makes Ford winter gloves each Christmas.
She's a scammer just like Stan was.
Maybe the twins were raised in NY parallel to NJ if folks want to be picky.
Mabel's glitter gun, grappling hook, or perhaps nachos are what ruined Dipper's chances of getting into his dream school. Or Mabel juice.
I saw someone questioning about the swap au how would the switch work with Dipper and Mabel but I had a thought that when the oracle/bill returns, Mabel pretends to have erased Dipper's mind and he's on the plan too. She "accidentally" let's it slip that she had a convo with Dipper about the equation to break the field or saw it in his journal from the invisible ink. And by using Mabel like they did with Stan, Dipper erases her memory.
That's all I can come up with at the moment, but lmk what yall think!
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winterrain-11 · 17 days
some gravity falls hcs :3
- The twins love divorced dad rock. they didn’t really even listen to it growing up but they will listen to it unironically (dipper cries to second chance by shinedown)
- soos names his kids after mabel, dipper, and stan of course, but he tried to name his fourth stanley jr before melody explained that juniors don’t work like that. his next suggestion was waddles which was also turned down
- along with this, soos was DEVASTATED when he found out that dipper wasn’t his legal name. he refused to let dipper tell him what his legal name was for years until melody said that they couldn’t put dipper as a first name
- mabel’s cat and waddles are mortal enemies it’s giving dipper and robbie wanting to k!ll each other when wendy isn’t looking. dipper knows but will NEVER tell mabel
- soos and melody basically took pacifica in after her parents sold the manor and subsequently got more abu$!ve. she takes over for wendy as cashier at the mystery shack after wendy leaves for college
- as soon as mabel gets her braces off, dipper has to get his own. he gets clear bracket bands and mabel (who originally didn’t want to make fun of him for braces bc she knows how much they suck) bullies him relentlessly for looking like a dork.
- mabel eventually publishes children’s books with her scrapbook-style drawings and they’re a hit.
- when dipper first came out as trans, he wanted to be called tyrone. mabel supported him wholeheartedly and was so excited to have a bother, but had to sit him down and BEG his white ass not to use tyrone.
- Mabel had a lot ocs that she writes fanfiction about when she’s bored. she has a hella wattpad following and everyone loves the absurdity of her plotlines
- stan and ford very quickly realize they know NOTHING about actually maintaining and sailing a boat. it was a hell of a learning curve and they almost capsized multiple times
- ford loves the big bang theory and also minion memes. he periodically discovers new memes from 2010 and tries to incorporate them into his convos. he once walked in a room and said “here come dat boi” and mabel gagged
- stan still has significant memory gaps from time to time along with relapses in forgetting. when the twins finally got used to it, dipper started telling stan fake shit that he did over the summer to seem cooler, but mabel would just privately tell stan much lamer, embarassing fake stories about dipper to counteract it
- ford was devestated to find out that doctor who ended a few years after he got sucked into the portal but ten times more excited when he learned about modern who. he loves 10 so much (he kind of looks like young fiddleford. only mabel has made this connection)
- wendy takes a liking to pacifica after she becomes close with soos and melody. she eventually gets her own place on the outskirts of gravity falls and they regularly hang out and watch movies, wendy gives her advice about independence and moving away from the toxicity of her family
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cassafrassie · 1 month
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Since we’re all doing headcanons, here’s one of mine. The kids start spending a lot more time at Greasy’s after Pacifica starts working there. It kind of becomes the default hanging out spot as they enter their teen years and start wanting to spend more time out in town on their own. Lazy Susan loves having everyone around, even though they barely order anything. Dipper treats a particular corner booth as a de facto office for writing about his research, and though she gives him grief about it, Pacifica always makes sure the single black coffee he orders is full and warm. She sneaks Mabel cookies as much a she can to try to prevent her embarrassing habit of eating sugar right from the packet, but it does little to prevent it from happening. Wendy brings her brothers in for Sunday morning breakfast every weekend and Lazy Susan somehow consistently forgets to charge them for their extra toppings on their pancakes.
Pacifica complains about the crew being so “obsessed” with her that they cant even let her work in peace, but everyone knows she secretly watches the door waiting for them to show up.
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Gravity Falls Headcanons
[maybe acceptable to change]
Dipper Pines
Has autism
Has chewelry for when he’s in deep thought, which is better than chewing his pens
Is an ally
Gets glasses
Has gained two more friends around his age, Twig Westwood and Lorelei ‘Lorie’ Flussmann
Has scarring from the summer of 2012
Has participated in marching band
Plans to pursue journalism
Mabel Pines
Is pan
Doesn’t have a single fashion ‘style’, opting to change it frequently (ex. She’s goth one day and bohemian the next day and retro the next day)
Has started using hair chalk to go with her outfits
Will have her braces removed, but start wearing a retainer
Has a knack for alchemy and magic and is currently under the tutelage of a witch
Continues with her Guide to Life videos and becomes a popular WebTuber
She does commissions for her handmade bracelets and necklaces and anything knitting/crocheting related
Stan Pines
Probably the most ‘normal’ of the Pines twins
Is bisexual
Has claustrophobia
Is dyslexic
Suffers from depression and PTSD
Is the better cook compared to Ford
Would reclaim his mullet while out at sea
Needs a moment to let his mind settle after waking up, a side effect of the memory gun
Is fluent in Spanish, and passively understand French and Portuguese (but can’t speak fluently)
He used be part of a biker gang, the same one with Jimmy Snakes
With Ford’s permission, he gave Soos the entire Shack, house and all
With money from selling treasure, Stan has Dan build a new cabin house for the family
Ford Pines
Major Insomniac
An AroAce Nonbinary Man!
Suffers from c-PTSD, depression, and great guilt
Does have a feral side to him
Has a fear of snakes, but loves cats (imagine him meeting a tatzelwurm)
Eerily quiet while asleep
Grows out his hair to his shoulder blades. Initially has plans to cut it, but Mabel likes this long.
Has a cybernetic spine; its what caused his eyes to turn from brown to blue; there are other changes.
He probably has other implants, though one is a translator
He doesn’t like being touched, especially around his wrists and neck
Used to be fairly chubby until his fallout with Bill, which caused him to lose weight because of stress. Becomes malnourished while dimension hopping. Still currently recovering.
Soos Ramirez
Becomes a let’s player on his days off, his WebTube channel is called ‘Let’sDoodIt!’. Melody would occasionally appear in it.
Soos, along with Melody and his Abuelita, has moved into the Shack
For the Stans’ 59th birthday, Soos had gifted Stan his adoption papers and Stan, without missing a beat, signs it
Has a lot of weird dreams, one of them of him and Stan being frogs and the latter owning a wax museum
Wendy Corduroy
Her trapper hat used to belong to her mother
Got super depressed over her mom disappearing
Has a new friend named Seiko Habutai, who would eventually become her girlfriend
Joins Ford as his assistant when able
Owns a bat-ax, built by McGucket
Fiddleford McGucket
Has recovered a lot: Wears a brace to fix his posture, takes it off for showers and sleep, received dental implants (still has his golden tooth), his hair has grown back and regained some color (gray but still), but unfortunately had to get his beard and mustache shaved off (it was a mess! You know the man did not wash that thing!)
Uses a cane with a fritz handle
Is reconnecting with his ex-wife, Emma May
Still has his former raccoon wife, but as a pet, June
Has started his own electronics company, McGucket & Son’s Lab
Would occasionally have minor relapses before returning to his senses on his own
Have started watching anime, courtesy of Soos, and alot of them inspired some of his creations
Has future apprentices in Candy Chiu and a Molly Westwood
Pacifica Northwest
Is in her ‘rebellious’ phase, according to her parents
Starts hanging out with Candy and Grenda
Still keeps in touch with Archibald’s spirit, who has followed the Northwests to their new house
Plans to golf professionally, but likes to play casually, especially with Mabel
Also has an affinity for magic and has the same witch teacher as Mabel
Robbie Valentino
Continues to pursue his band career
Has a new best friend in an anthropomorphic wolf named Yue, who joins his band
Is more annoyed with his parents’ during funerals (thanks, Jacky ^^)
Gideon Gleeful
Was always an intelligent kid
Would skip a couple of grades upon finishing elementary school
He knows the full extent of Ford’s torture, who promised him not to say a word
Hates dancing and will decline when offered
Bill Cipher (post-Theraprism; if he manages to get released)
Would gain a cat-like appearance once he could reincarnate
Would somehow be put under the custody of the Pines family
Has lost most of his powers, can now only levitate himself and enter dreams
More subdue and standoffish, but still has his sick sense of humor and trickster attitude
Became somewhat of a tsundere
People did move out Gravity Falls because of the trauma caused by Weirdmageddon
The ‘Never Mind All That’ Act was abolished three months after creation
There is a ‘Midnight Market’, where the Abnormal creatures have a flea market in town square in the middle of the night
During spooky events, such as Halloween and Summerween, and ‘nerd’ conventions, abnormal species are able to freely show themselves to ‘normies’
Manotaurs has started to work for the Corduroys
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happilychee · 9 months
fairy tail dragon slayer headcanons pt. 1
♡ what the first gen and second gen dragon slayers eat is pretty self-explanatory. all of their elements are... somewhat tangible. sting and rogue though? they're still figuring it out. rogue wonders if he can eat someone else's shadow, and sting immediately volunteers himself. "for science!" he says. the result is that sting almost passes out. oops. he insists they try on their friends, much to rogue's displeasure. the results are that sting is the most susceptible, then yukino, rufus, orga, and minerva is the least susceptible to magic drainage. sting insists rogue tries to eat an inanimate object's shadow, and nothing happens to it, so they decide that's the way to go.
♡ when wendy eats air, the oxygen levels thin. she has to be careful or she'll cause her allies and enemies alike to pass out. when sting eats light, the area gets darker and darker. this is great for rogue, who starts eating the shadows, and they manage to balance each other out.
♡ sting insists that different types of light taste differently. his favorite is light from golden hour, right when the sun is dipping below the horizon. moonlight will do in a pinch, but it's so diluted that it takes way more of it to recover sting's magic. he also gets sick if he eats too much moonlight.
♡ pantherlily already has transformation magic and enhanced strength, and carla learns to transform so she can help wendy fight. the other three exceeds feel... a little left out. happy learns how to fly faster and for longer (though he still complains about lucy being heavy). lector goes to porlyusica and wendy to learn some stamina regeneration spells for sting. everyone is surprised when frosch, completely on their own, manages to learn an adorable light spell that creates floating pink bubbles. rogue can consume the shadows from them without worrying about draining frosch's magic, and he spends the entire afternoon crying about it.
♡ dragon slayers are a bit like crows. their way of bonding with someone is through gifting trinkets. natsu will bring lucy, erza, and even gray pretty rocks or seashells that he's found on jobs. wendy picks up a new craft or hobby every week, so the members of fairy tail are constantly recieving handmade accessories from her (gajeel helps during the metalsmithing phase). gajeel does not buy cute things for people. he is like a dad in the fact that, when juvia mentions she wants watermelon, he buys her 20 watermelons. walking math problem fr.
♡ laxus has mixed feelings about his more draconic features and habits. he's never loved his magic because of the way he got it, and the memory of his father basically torturing him as he inserted the lacrima will stay with him forever. he tends to suppress dragon instincts more than anyone else in the group, and they all scold him for it. on a rare occasion, laxus will give in and buy something shiny (like a hairclip) for wendy. she has a little jewelry box for them that she guards fiercely.
♡ cobra considers himself more of a flying snake than a dragon. he once drew a picture that sent everyone into a laughing fit. he prefers to stick with the old oración seis crew, but the guild dragon slayers are always happy to see him when he stops by with crime sorcière.
♡ sting, because of his heightened senses and his affinity for light, prefers nighttime. the day can often be overwhelming, and overexposure to bright settings and lots of people leaves his skin buzzing. he likes to sit in the dim guild hall, leaning against the cool stone wall, as the chatter of the crowd quiets down with the setting sun.
♡ dragon slayers all have the Bite instinct. some exercise a degree of control about it, and others go crazy with it. wendy will very gently nibble on erza or mira's arm when she's in the mood, and sometimes she does it absentmindedly. natsu, on the other hand, is an absolute menace. multiple of erza's armor sets have natsu-shaped bite marks on them. he tends to go after her the most because he knows he won't hurt her with the armor. when natsu's more calmed down, he will chomp on lucy's shoulder. gajaeel copes by eating all of fairy tail's silverware (mira starts buying ceramic spoons), but when levy offers her wrist to him he can't help it.
♡ rogue is another one who doesn't really bite people. he, very rarely, nips at frosch's ears, which causes the exceed to giggle. sting is a Biter like natsu, but with slightly more decorum. he really wants to go at it but will restrain himself because most people aren't willing to be treated like a chew toy. luckily for him, gray and cana aren't most people! because they both wear pretty exposing clothing, gray and cana have no qualms about showing off sting's bite marks on their skin. sting always turns bright red when they tease him about it.
♡ laxus and cobra don't really feel the Bite instinct due to being second gen, but cobra is a little shit and bites people for the fun of it. laxus is completely unbothered when natsu clings to him like a koala and gnaws at him.
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childofsardior · 15 days
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🌅 End of Vacantion...🍹
Everything ends eventually... especially holydays! The Royal Koopa Family comes back home after their staying at Isle Delfino, and my Summertime Series meets its end...
↓↓↓ See below for detailed shots!! ↓↓↓
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Clean Version, no speech bubbles
NOTE: All characters' designs for my AU are currently WIP!
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Kamek Great Mage's outfit with the tiny details. Kamek is probably thinkin about his SPA day...
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Roy is thinking about seeing his little gang of punk friends back home. Morton is trying to distract Junior from his end-of-summertime sadness, showing him all the cool rocks and seashell he found.
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Wendy is talking with some friends, probably updating them about her staying at Isle Delfino's best resort. Iggy is noting on his notebook all the new species he discovered on the Island.
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Larry is not very happy the Summertime is over. Ludwig is sending his last photo of the vacantion to his GF.
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Lemmy is probably pretending to be a sky pirate. Lord Bowser is clearly already thinking about the next invasion of the Mushroom Kingdom... or about a new and eccentric way to propose to the Princess.
*** - ***
That's it! That's the end of my first, small Series from my personal SMB HC/AU!
I'm very proud of how this drawing turned out and it was probably the hardest, most complex thing I've ever draw in YEARS (maybe EVER). It took me 4 full days to finish and it's the very first time I play with perspective. Two friends of mine helped me A LOT with the perspective study, so a very big thank you to you!
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countlessimagines · 17 days
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I just thought of this…
Do you guys think another reason that Dipper and Mabel wanted to leave on their first night (and stayed because the magic 8 ball said yes)…
Is because they didn’t expect Stan to be the way he is??
Because think of it this way: their parents were sending them to STANFORD, not Stanley - who was already considered dead.
Their parents probably told them that Stan was nerdy and there in gravity falls for research, but instead got a Grunkle that was a con man and not at all what they described.
Just a food for thought
(Also if someone has already said this pls just ignore me it is late at night lmao)
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4raykage · 4 months
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they are the same :D
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animebookworm16 · 6 months
Random Headcanons I Have for the Various Dragonslayers Part 2
Part 1
Laxus has a permanent state of bedhead and no amount of hair gel can fix it
Sometimes Rogue gets 'nightmares' from the bad future but he only remembers vague bits and pieces when he wakes up
Natsu has full on accidentally set no less than seven wooden pieces of furniture on fire in the guildhall due to his body temperature
When Wendy wants to think she finds the highest building/mountain to sit on top of and listens to the wind
Laxus is endlessly annoyed that Natsu has the ability to use lightning (sure it only happens in dire circumstances and Natsu gets violently sick afterward but still)
Natsu and Gajeel have fought over who gets to eat the last Twinkie and they will do it again
The first time Erik really hated his enhanced hearing after he reformed was when he had to hear everyone constantly talk about how much they wanted Jellal and Erza to get together already
Despite never having trained with actual dragons Laxus and Erik when they first got their powers had dreams where dragon-like figures explained things. Neither have ever told anyone about it.
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trash-soup · 12 hours
I have very serious and not at all silly headcanons about Gravity Falls that I must burden you all with because it is my curse so it shall be yours as well.
0. The twins move out to Oregon as soon as possible, obviously.
1. Dipper is trans. So is Stanley. As is Wendy.
2. Soos is part of the online group Anonymous. No I will not elaborate.
3. Ford definitely didn't know about the twin towers before he came back, and everyone just sort of forgot to mention it to him. When the twins visit new York on their boat, Ford tells Stan that while it's a bit shocking at first, he's not surprised and he lays out an intricately detailed plan of how he would instigate a terrorist maneuver on domestic soil if he was the sort of person to do so, leaving Stanley absolutely agape.
4. Stan and Waddles get along better than anybody else in the family (primarily because waddles will eat literally anything and Stan needs to get rid of a LOT of evidence)
5. Fiddleford teaches Mabel how to play the Banjo. Mabel pays him back by giving him a handcrafted sweater with a twangy little banjo and some music notes
6. Fidds also teaches Soos everything he can about engineering, with the help of Ford of course.
7. The statue of Bill is visited every weekend by Mabel. She lingers on her getting tricked by him, so she essentially keeps guard over his makeshift tomb, ensuring that nobody messes with it.
8. Shmebulock becomes king of the gnomes and institutes a democratic monarchy, wherein the power of government is in the tiny hands of the people and he serves as a leader and figurehead.
9. Dipper continues Ford's work, cataloguing the wild mysteries of Gravity Falls, making sure to leave no stone unturned. He discovers many different legends both local and national, and even meets the Great Maker (who looks like some scruffy-bearded guy in a flannel shirt and has a very familiar voice)
10. The mystery shack blossoms into a thriving roadside attraction under the care of Soos, making a very pretty penny and leaving his family and his employees (Wendy, Dipper, and Mabel) very well off.
11. Pacifica becomes a young investigative reporter after being inspired by Shandra to do something more for herself. She starts a small news bulletin that soon grows in popularity, and after the exile of her parents she gets adopted by Blubs and Durand after they get married.
12. Bill, now in the theraprism, is tortured by nightmares of his final moments in Stan's mind every single night. He refuses to learn his lesson and will stay in the theraprism for a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very VERY long time.
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