#( ic; ritsuko. )
tavwrote · 1 year
👀 + did you expect to get away with it? (The masterminds uwu)
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" yes, and i did. multiple times and with several different outcomes, even. " as if she hadn't still lost in the end, ritsuko laughs softly, warm smile contrasting every foul thing she did to her classmates. " junko could never. "
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" obviously. the killing game was... only one of several matches i did not intend to lose. i should not have lost, especially with yasu at my side. i don't understand how my most powerful piece did nothing for me in the end. i admit, i am not sure where i went wrong... "
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NGE types! Shinji Ikari is normal type, Asuka is fighting type, Rei is ice/psychic, Misato is fighting/fire, Ritsuko is electric, Gendo is normal/psychic and kaworu is ??? type.
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Shinji Ikari is a Normal Type!
Asuka is a Fighting Type!
Rei is an Ice/Psychic Type!
Misato is a Fighting/Fire Type!
Ritsuko is an Electric Type!
Gendo is a Normal/Psychic Type!
Kaworu is a ??? Type!
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rubbarbandnsfw · 5 months
we could do it again, if you want.
( From Ritsuko Enshu to Des! )
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"I suppose we could-have you caught your breath? Are you properly hydrated too? Then I'm totally game." Desmond would caress her cheek waiting for her to crawl up and let him lock lips with her.
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working my way through the evangelion rebuild movies and cruel angel's thesis is once again sinking into my blood and bones
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sentofight · 1 year
❛   tousle .   mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair . - For Zack and Ritsu
The barks of Rider notifying his owner he wanted some attention, too. Zack had been enjoying Ritsu's company a bit too much that Rider started pawing at him to play with him, too. "Haha, aw you got jealous? You can't be jealous of her, buddy." he slide down the couch where he was sitting with Ritsuko to play with Rider. The two played happily together. Rider jumped and rubbed against Zack, happy that he got his friend back to play.
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Meanwhile, Ritsuko felt ignored for the doggo. She moved forward and carefully ran her fingers through Zack's hair then playfully messed with it. "H-hey, heey not you too! haha that's so unfair! double attack on me--gah! haha rider! Ritsukoooo~ I will fall asleep if you continue to do that."
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nonverbal prompts. | accepting | @psychcdelica
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mosie-b · 1 year
So like Otacon was totally a Shinnie right?
TW mentions of SA:
So like Eva is a mech show(well deconstruction of the genre but still) and it aired from 1995-1996 at a time when young Hal 'Otacon' Emmerich would have been 15-16 similar to the age of Shinji(14) in eva. Shinji is ostracized and forced to pilot a mech by his father(who possibly killed his mom working on the mechs). Later in the series his ersatz mother figure(Misato) attempts to sexually abuse him. "But what does this have to do with mgs?" Well Otacon was also forced to pilot a mech by his father. His mother fought back by sending Otacon away to America, in response his mother was murdered by his father, who stuffed her inside an AI(just like shinji's mother being the soul inside eva01) In America after living separate from his father for years, they reunite, and the two begin to live together again along side his new stepmom and step sister. This new mother figure promptly begins to sexually abuse the young boy(again around the time the original show aired) Upon figuring this out his father attempts to murder his stepsister JUST LIKE RITSUKO'S MOM WITH THE FIRST REI CLONE! Otacon runs away after his father dies. He has no friends and is entirely alone until meeting the love of his life Solid Snake who would later die prematurely just like Kaworu. But the icing on the cake... Otacon is a huge fan of mech shows. He totally would have watched the biggest show while it was airing, while he was the same age as Shinji, while suffering the exact same things Shinji did. So like Otacon totally would have been a Shinnie right?
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cyberpunk2007 · 1 year
Just found out that there's 6 official NGE Tamagotchi called "Evatchi" based on each character and their EVA so heres a post abt it :D
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The Evatchi Lore:
NERV has developed "egg-shaped containers" filled with LCL called "Evatchi". The LCL forces Angels into their embryonic state so they can be raised in the Evachi and it also doubles as a way to restrain the Angel and allow employees to easily carry them outside of the NERV laboratory. As an employee of NERV, you have been assigned to raise the Angels using the ‘Evatchi’ and based on how you handle various events, the Angel will grow into 1 of 20 different forms. Some of these events are breaking through A.T. Fields (A force field The Angel will activate when it's kept unhappy for an extended period of time which higher's their chance of death if kept active), attending to any "instances of L.C.L. corruption", feeding the Angel S2 Engine's when it requires energy, feeding the Angel watermelon to keep it happy and two minigames (Battle Training and Target Switch).
Daily Events
Every hour, normally at XX:30, various Evangelion related animations of will appear on screen. Pressing any button will trigger the animation to end, with some showing an additional screen before closing. The animations appear daily, unless the Angel is in the cocoon stage. Raising certain characters causes additional animations to appear at 3 PM.
9:30: Maya typing on a computer
10:30: Harmonics test
11:30: Mari parashooting
12:00: Asuka eating lunch with either Rei or Hikari
13:30: Gendo
14:30: Shinji in a hospital bed
15:30: Toji eating ice cream (with either the ice cream stick being blank or a winner)
16:30: Jet alone walking
17:30: Kaji hitting on Ritsuko while Misato watches
18:30: Fuyutsuki playing a game
19:30: Shinji's SDAT player
20:30: Misato drinking beer
Additional animations:
Leliel: Shinji sitting on a train with a younger Shinji
Kaworu: Kaworu and Shinji playing the piano
Wave 1:
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Number 1: Evatchi Shinji
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Number 2: Evatchi Asuka
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Number 3: Evatchi Rei
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Wave 2:
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Number 4,5,6: Evatchi Kaworu, Evatchi Mari, Evatchi Rei (tentative name)
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External Links
Official Japanese site
Official English site
Tamagotchi.fandom Page
Instruction Manuals
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karizard-ao3 · 3 months
NGE characters coffee headcanons? Who drinks the most and when, how, who makes it, who doesn't drink
I am the worst person to ask this because I don't drink coffee myself! But I'll do my best.
Shinji - I feel like he's a coffee fiend. I think we've seen him enjoying a cup with breakfast? I think he drinks canned iced coffees during the day, too. He loves to be caffeinated.
Asuka - no coffee. She gets too agitated.
Rei - one cup of coffee a day
Misato - she gets a fancy blended coffee on her way to work every day
Kaji - I feel like he's a tea man. For some reason, I feel like chai specifically is his pleasure
Ritsuko - drinks coffee any time she has to pull an all nighter or when it's offered
Toji - doesn't like the taste but goes nuts for class rep's mocha frappes when she shares them
Class rep - see above
Kensuke - drinks black coffee and makes a big deal out of it
Gendo - caffeine pills
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shinagawa-division · 6 months
Around the same time that Femme Fatale had received their gift, a package had arrived at the Kobayashi mansion where the team of CodeX was located. As the doorbell to the large residence rung out, the butler of the estate, Goro, informed his mistress, Miho Kobayashi, about the package. Presenting it to the lady and her teammates, his, along with the ladies' eyes widen at what was inside.
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It was a large cake with green and black frosting to commemorate the Shinagawa team for their anniversary. On the front of the package, it read:
'From Sakurai Clan and Jet Set Trio
Happy Anniversary!'
“Oh sweet! More sweets!” Sumire grinned, taking a scoop of frosting on her finger and licking it off much to Miho’s disgust.
“Damnit Sumire, at least wait until we cut it!” Miho scolded her niece who just responded with an eye roll, Ritsuko merely looked at the now ruined cake and shrugged before taking a scoop of icing on her own finger and popped it into her mouth causing Sumire to laugh and Miho to glare at the scientist.
“Honestly, were you both raised in a barn? We have utensils!” Miho pinched the bridge of her nose while Sumire and Ritsuko shrugged.
“C’mon Miho, it’s just us here, you can drop the formal shit.” Sumire grabbed a fork and began eating the cake right off the plate with Ritsuko joining her.
Miho stared blankly at her niece and best friend before sighing in defeat and grabbing her own to join her team.
Thank you for the gift!
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leo-nesebjorn · 1 year
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Ritsuko and Alexandra sharing an ice~🍦😋 It was winter when I drew this, now it's so hot here that it finally fits the theme 😂
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phosphophy11ite · 2 years
Neon Genesis Evangelion Ep 2 "The Beast" -> Review/analysis ^_^
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the second ep opens with the sachiel and unit 1 fighting. it's not going so well. while shinji has been able to sync amazingly with the eva, he still has no idea what he's doing and is pretty defenseless to sachiel's attacks. we get a glimpse that the eva might be more than a robot pretty soon in the series:
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what kind of robot bleeds?? the fight scene then cuts to shinji waking up in the hospital, confused and disorientated. we don't know what happened between unit 1 and sachiel, but shinji must've defeated the angel as seen in the next scene shows the government cleaning the damage from the fight. shinji won, but the viewer still doesn't know how. episode 2 also introduces us to seele. gendo is shown discussing the battle with seele officials, who allude to the human instrumentality project, telling gendo it's his largest priority. one member also makes this comment, which again highlights the selfishness of war and that the government really does not care about the wellbeing of the eva pilots (which are just tools and weapons to them). 'this' refers to the appearance of the angel.
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misato and ritsuko discuss the battle together. it's a miracle that unit 1 won, though it's not been revealed how to the viewer yet. misato is concerned about shinji's mental and physical state after the battle, and ritsuko reveals why shinji's in the hospital. in the exchange below, ritsuko takes an analytical, objective-type approach to shinji's injury as a scientist/doctor would, while the emotional misato snarkily corrects her: since the injury impacts shinji's psychological state, it's his heart that's getting hurt. this little interaction features ritsuko being more removed and less empathetic, and misato criticizing her for it. this conflict between the two of them will continue and escalate throughout the series, with misato seeing ritsuko as cold and robotic and ritsuko seeing misato as overly-emotional-- though she sympathizes with her. remind you of any other two female characters?
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misato then picks shinji up from the hospital. shinji and gendo have an awkward exchange, and shinji breaks eye contact with gendo angrily. this is his way of telling gendo that he didn't pilot unit 1 for his father's approval, but i do think his father's approval played a role in his decision. gendo and shinji don't want to live together. they've spent most of shinji's life separated, and their relationship is obviously not the best. the ikaris both find it easier to isolate themselves to avoid conflict and/or connection with others.
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misato, feeling bad for shinji, invites him to live at her apartment. they stop at a grocery store on the way over, and shinji overhears a conversation between two women about the dangerous battle the night before and how they're leaving tokyo because of it. reminder that shinji still can't recall exactly what happened. once misato stocks up on beer and snacks, she takes a detour to look over the city with shinji. they comment on how beautiful it is, and misato tells him this is the city he saved. shinji still doesn't remember what happened. i think it's quite possible that he's blocking the memories out on purpose.
once they arrive at misato's apartment, it's revealed that misato is a real slob. there's nothing in the fridge besides beer, ice, and snacks, and the entire apartment is littered with takeaway containers and miscellaneous boxes. this mess further exemplifies misato's immaturity. during dinner, misato acts quite childish.
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but when shinji leaves to go take a bath, it is revealed that (most) of misato's antics were a ruse to make him feel more at ease. she worries he's seen through them.
meanwhile at nerv, ritsuko and gendo discuss the evas and the battle with sachiel. ritsuko questions if its just to force the children to pilot the evas regardless of their feelings and gendo, unsurprisingly, says it's fine. ritsuko is really not as cold as she appears. like most of the characters in the series, she puts up a wall between the feelings of others and herself to protect herself, but we'll see more of that later... the next shot shows a motionless unit 0 attacking the observation desk where ritsuko and gendo stand. this is why the robot was out of commission, and it offers a glimpse at the conflict between mankind and their creations.
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back at misato's, misato is taking a bath and calls ritsuko. misato wonders if shinji will continue to pilot the eva and ritsuko says he should as long as he is still "operable". ritsuko's word choice hints that shinji is a tool, though we know ritsuko has her own doubts about the morality of the whole operation. doubts she doesn't show misato (lack of communication, failure to connect with others... these are flaws that are present throughout the cast). misato hangs up and reflects on the day before, where she urged shinji to get into the eva. she feels guilty:
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shinji is now in bed, and the memories of the fight flood back to him. right when sachiel had him cornered, about to go in for the final blow, unit 1 goes berserk. the nerv scientists, ritsuko, and misato are shown watching the ordeal with horrified looks on their faces while gendo smirks. they fear this machine they've created, maybe even more than they fear the angel.
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bersek unit 1 attacks sachiel in a ravenous manner. it does not fire its guns but uses a piece of debris to stab sachiel over and over again. this is not the cold, calculated violence of a machine but the overwhelming anger and fear of a crime of passion. it's terrifying. sachiel self-destructs, but unit 1 remains intact. the battle has been won.
shinji is fished out from the eva, and gets a glimpse of what it looks like under its armor:
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what is this thing? how much control does nerv have over it?
this episode is titled "the beast", and while we first think the beast refers to sachielf, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that the beast is actually the evangelion. now that shinji remembers the ordeal, how is he going to react? find out next time dundundundnnnnn
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tavwrote · 1 year
d does ritsuko want a lil homemade custom watch? she made her one :) its got her name on the strap and it a pretty gold :)) for her!
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well now, what's this? a gift, all for her? how sweet. with an unusually warm smile, ritsuko takes the watch into her hands and turns it around slowly to observe every bit, like maybe moving too quickly would ruin all the work ryoka put into a present ritsuko so rightfully deserves. from what she can tell, it's certainly a gift worthy of her approval. most of the praise goes unsaid, but it would be difficult to miss the look on her face that basically spells out ' well done. '
" it wasn't necessary to go so far for me, you know... " and yet, she would've been upset had ryoka gone any less than the extra mile. call her spoiled, see if she cares all that much. " it's beautiful. thank you. "
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helenaheissner · 9 months
Magical Girl Exorcist Squad (Issue #9: God's Soldier)
Nicole sat on the bed in her hotel room, her mother brushing her hair. Not that her hair was all that long, not that Nicole couldn’t do it herself, but her mom had offered, and Nicole found it hard to deny that it was something she desperately wanted, something that sang through her like a choir of birds on a bright spring morning. It was even better when Monica came up to her with her own brush and asked, “Could you do mine? Like you did when I was little.”
She hadn’t asked that in years. Nicole wanted to cry, but she tried not to because Mom had already done her makeup for her as well. So she brushed her little sister’s long tresses while Mom ran a brush through Nicole’s short ‘do and Dad stood in the doorway of the adjoining room, a happy little smile gracing his weathered face. 
“My girls are all caring for each other,” Dad said. 
The light in Nicole’s chest was diminished only by the sight out of the corner of her eye, of Zack sitting on his bed, lacing his loafers and scowling.  
Cass awoke from dreams of fire and ice and blood and death when Amy and Debbi knocked on her door. Before she had a moment to process the strange, terrifying, lifelike dreams, they were dragging her out of her dorm and hurrying her outside to where Victoria waited in their family’s car. 
“Morning, Cass!” Victoria said, already dressed to the nines in spite of the early hour. 
“Good morning,” Cass said, yawning and rubbing her eyes as she sat in the backseat next to Amy while Debbi took the front. 
“How are you today, sweetheart?”
“I…,” Cass started, before deciding to be honest with her emotions. “It’s been a rough couple of days.”
“Well, I’m very sorry to hear that,” Victoria said. “How would you like to come to the salon with us, get prettied up before Mass?”
Honest with my emotions, Cass thought, trusting how I feel. “That sounds really nice.”
“Lovely,” Victoria said. She put the car in drive and backed them out of the parking lot. “How have classes been going?”
“Oh, I’m surviving,” Cass said. “Still not sure what I want to major in. I don’t think I’ll have it figured out by next semester. But I need to before sophomore year starts if I want to graduate at a normal pace.”
“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, kiddo,” Victoria said. “I didn’t decide on my major until my junior year. Some people take a while to decide what they want to do with their lives.”
“Yeah, seriously,” Amy said. “I must’ve changed what I wanted to do when I grow up a million times as a kid.”
“Oh, you were so cute when you came to dinner every night announcing a different career,” Victoria said. 
“Gosh, Mom, no I wasn’t,” Amy said, wincing slightly. 
“You were, though!”
“Eh, debatable,” Debbi said with a wry grin. 
Amy chuckled. “The wise one speaks the truth.” 
“So I’m a wise guy, eh?” Debbi said.
“Yeah, see! A real wisenheimer!” Amy said in an exaggerated Boston accent. 
“Wise guys everywhere,” Victoria said in a matching accent. 
Cass just smiled, happy to be there for this, happy to be a part of this moment. Her heart smiled with her, but she rubbed her temples as a drilling sensation dug through the inside of her skull. “Can, uh, we stop for coffee on the way? I’ve a splitting headache.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart,” Victoria said. 
“Thanks, Mom,” Amy and Debbi said in unison. 
Cass nearly said it herself. 
“Hold still,” Mom said as she held Heather’s face and applied mascara. 
Heather groaned. It wasn’t that she didn’t like wearing eye makeup, it was that she was too scared to apply it herself. Mostly she was afraid she’d jab out her eye. She looked over and saw Ritsuko doing the same with Naomi, who was practically fidgeting out of her seat. 
They were all piled into the living room of their hotel suite. Dad and Shiro were shaving while Jack waited for one of the bathrooms to free up. 
“This is what I get for wanting to wear mascara for once,” Heather said. 
“I feel you, sis,” Naomi said. She was so tomboyish she made Heather look femme by comparison, though even she had to admit she looked good gussied up in a nice dress and makeup. Ritsuko had practically jumped with joy when their youngest sister had asked for her help in getting ready.  
Dad walked out of the bathroom, his goatee trimmed and the sideburns shorn. “You ladies almost ready?”
“That’s a rhetorical question, right dear?” Mom said, arching her arched eyebrow. 
“Yes, yes it is,” Dad said with his wry Dad-smile and Dad-laugh. Heather had to grin- she missed being away from them. She knew there was always a place for her at home, knew she could always work for the family business. Part of her took comfort in that, while another part was saddened by the fact that she had a higher duty. 
On the other hand, I have a higher duty. Most folks can’t say that, Heather thought. 
“What are you thinking about right now?” Mom said, switching to her other eye. “You’ve got that pensive look on your face, Hime.”
“Oh, just about how nice little moments like this are, how they keep life sane and livable in between the random bouts of chaotic ultraviolence,” Heather said.
“Got the soul of a poet in you,” Shiro said as he stepped out of the bathroom, toweling his shaggy black hair. 
“That’s the idea,” Heather smirked. 
“So how’s the book coming along then?” Dad asked. 
Heather groaned.
“Hold. Still,” Mom reminded her.  
Bishop Roberts was driven up and down the aisle, waiting for Mass to start. He wasn’t sure what Cyrus and the others were planning, but it was a threat to the girls. They didn’t deserve this- nobody did. To be attacked in a House of God, of any house of worship, by the very evil God promised to protect you from, was profane on a fundamental level. And that made the demon piloting him laugh, and laugh, and laugh. The creature seemed somewhat able to read his thoughts, or at least his emotions. And negative emotions in particular seemed to give him a rapturous joy, like Sir Galahad when he saw the Grail. 
Part of him wanted to blame the girls for this, especially Nicholas. But he knew that was what the demon wanted. Why was that? Could it really be that that was the doorway Cyrus had needed to possess him? Was it truly his sin, that he could not accept Nicolas… Accept Nicole as a daughter of God?
Faith and reason, he uttered inside his mental prison, where he treaded polluted water inside a cement box. Faith and reason. Faith and reason. 
And the water lowered. Perhaps only a quarter inch, but the water lowered. 
Cyrus twitched. He must’ve noticed the Bishop’s mantra, and peeled a bit of flesh off Marcus’ arm as recompense. Marcus screamed inside his cage, the bright pain stinging his arm. And it did not appear to affect Cyrus in the slightest. It was probably just more food for his whore of a wife-
The water rose again, nearly pushing him against the cement ceiling. 
He felt Cyrus smirk.
“Bishop, you’re bleeding,” came a voice from behind them. 
Father Gonzalez stood in the church’s doorway, the bright light of day flooding in from outside. The middle-aged priest strode forward with arms outstretched, palms flat, concern plain on his face. 
“Oh, um, yes, I suppose so,” Cyrus said, pulling his sleeve down. “It’s nothing. Really.”
Father Gonzalez grabbed the Bishop’s arm and rolled up the sleeve, revealing the stripes of scars decorating him. “Oh, I don’t think that’s true. Have you been self-harming, Bishop? It’s nothing to be ashamed of if you have, but it is a concern. Many of the students at the university have told me about doing so themselves. And I always say to them, ‘why would you do to yourself what God would never do to you?’”
“Well, that’s very nice, but I haven’t been-”
“Haven’t been what? Yourself lately?” Father Gonalez said with a smirk, still holding the Bishop’s forearm in place, reaching for an unscrewed flask on his hip. 
Water splashed the Bishop’s face, but he didn’t feel it. Cyrus, however, did. Cyrus screamed with pain as the Holy Water burned him. Such was the pain that consciousness slipped away from both of them. 
When the Bishop, and when Cyrus, awoke, they were no longer in the church. He wasn’t sure where they were. All he knew is that he was tied to a chair in a square room made entirely of gray concrete, just like the cell in the Bishop’s mind. Aramaic runes were painted in a circle on the floor, while above him, a gallon-sized bucket hung from a rope. Father Gonzalez stood with them in the circle, holding the pulley that would topple the bucket and send its contents down onto the both of them. 
Father Gonalez wore his frock and collar, and had his hands folded behind his back. “Glad you’re awake. Before you ask, yes, that bucket is full of Holy Water. And yes, these sigils will keep you from fleeing this body until such a time as you are exorcized. And yes,” he unfolded his arms and revealed a steel dagger, “This knife was cooled in Holy Water when it was forged. It generally doesn’t agree with demons. Not one bit.”
“You fucking bastard,” Cyrus growled. “What are you doing? Who the hell are you?!”
“Right, of course. Introductions are in order, aren’t they? My name is Father Maximilliano Gonzalez,” the priest said. “I was born in San Jose, California. I served in the United States Marine Corps. Joined up after September 11th- I was nineteen, didn’t have any direction in my life. But I was feeling patriotic.”
Cyrus growled, “I don’t care about any of that! What I wanna know is who the hell you think you are to be-”
Cyrus howled in pain when the flat of the knife was pressed against his palm, and yet once more, inside his Russian Nesting Cage, the Bishop felt nothing. But when he looked down, he did see a burn-mark on his palm, where the knife had rested moments prior. The pain eluded him, but the scar did not.
“As I was saying,” Father Gonalez said, “I was feeling patriotic. And I wanted to fight evil. Thought it was that simple. Served two tours in Afghanistan. Watched lots of my friends die. Made a lot of other people’s friends die. Didn’t feel great about it, which I’m sure to you is a shock. But towards the end of my tour, I started to see some things. Men who stepped on landmines but kept running at you while on fire. Soldiers turning on their own comrades and slaughtering them in the night. Children, dead and strewn about on the ground outside their parents’ homes and pomegranate trees blooming out of the remains. And one day, a priest and an imam get brought into where we were, and I’m assigned to protect them both. They lead me to a house, where we find some tiny little woman tied to a chair and snarling, her head literally on backwards. And that was when I saw my first exorcism. After I got done with my tour, I joined the seminary, and on the priest’s recommendation, I became an exorcist myself. Not just any exorcist, though- I have personally removed more demons from this plain of existence than any other Catholic priest in human history. The only person with a higher exorcism record than myself is young Ms. Cassandra Ortiz, but given her abilities and the fact that she started at the tender age of thirteen, I don’t see myself catching up to her any time soon.”
Cyrus seethed. “My friends will find me. And they’ll kill you. Slowly. Painfully.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” the priest said. “But at the same time, you’ve gotta understand- I saw you talking to some very strange folks the other night, overheard some very strange things. It didn’t take long to realize you were possessed. I thought to myself, I’ll just tell the girls, they’ll handle this, and everything will go back to normal. But I decided, no. This is an opportunity to get a leg up for once. See, I know lots of tricks of the trade. I need information. And you’re going to give it to me.”
“Or you’ll what? Torture it out of me!? Not very priestly!” Cyrus said.
“You’re right, it’s not,” Father Gonzalez said. “That’s why I’m not going to. I’m just going to wait. See, I know the Bishop. And he’s far from a perfect man. But his dedication to God is absolute, and if there’s anyone who can figure out how to pull a reversal on you, it’s Bishop Marcus Roberts. I know you’re able to read his thoughts and emotions. It’s why I know he can do the same with yours. He’ll have to get there himself, have to get over himself, but I have faith. And so does he.”
“FUCK YOU!” Cyrus screamed. 
“Oh, get some original material,” Father Gonzalez said as he put his knife away. He snapped his fingers, and the door to the square room opened. A middle eastern man in a long black duster, tall and slender and imposing, entered the room. “Abe here is gonna keep watch while I’m gone. I’ve got a Mass to officiate. But I’ll be back. And Bishop: I know you can hear me. Just remember you’re better than this, that you’re better than him. Both the demon, and the man you think you are.”
And with that, he left, and inside his mind, the Bishop felt the water get a little bit lower once again. 
Nicole was nervous. It was her first church service since coming out. The first time she’d been there, knowing who she was and what she wanted. When she got there, all she felt was love. 
The service went by quickly- it was a Catholic Mass, and there was no reason for those to go longer than forty-five minutes. Father Gonzalez talked about how one’s fears and prejudices kept us caged, possessed, even, and by working to better ourselves, we became our truest, purest self. The self that God saw when He looked at us. During the Holy Peace, her family sans Zack all came in for a group hug, and when that had ended, the rest of the team came over one by one for hugs. Amy was last, and stood there in front of her, clearly terrified Nicole would say no. 
But Nicole wrapped her arms around her and squeezed tight. Perhaps forgiveness wasn’t as far off here as she’d initially feared. 
When it was over, all of their families piled into their cars and finally went to Legal Seafood for a meal together. They sat at a long, rectangular table, beneath bright lights, while outside, a cool autumn evening washed over Boston. Nicole never thought she would be this happy. She never thought she could be this happy. 
It was all perfect, except for Zack. 
As they petered out of the restaurant, she snapped her fingers at Zack while pointing at his chair. He sat back in it, while their parents’ took the hint and cleared everyone else out. They sat facing each other across the table while a very uncomfortable busboy took away their plates one dish at a time. She didn’t particularly want to do this now, but her family was driving back to Manchester right after this, and she no idea when she'd get this opportunity again.
“Okay, now this is just unfair,” Zack said. 
“Don’t start with me, Zachary,” Nicole said. 
“Then I won’t. Nicolas,” Zack said, standing up. 
“You walk out that door, you are going to have to face not just our family, but everyone else’s family too. And they’re all on my side,” Nicole glared. 
“So, what, are y’all just gonna peer pressure me into taking your bullshit seriously?” Zack said. 
The busboy balked, stared at them, until a waiter came over and put a hand on his shoulder, shepherding him to safety while wearing a mildly amused look.
“Seems the most likely method of getting you to cut this nonsense out,” Nicole said. 
“It’s not nonsense. It’s what I sincerely believe. You’re not a woman. You’re fooling yourself,” Zack said. 
“Ayuh?” Nicole said. “Well, fair enough, you’re all of sixteen years old now, you’ve clearly got the whole world figured out. I mean obviously if one teenage boy says trans people aren’t valid, then clearly that settles it right there.”
Zack grinded his teeth. “Don’t call me stupid.”
“I didn’t. That’s just you projecting. All I said was that maybe, Horatio, there are more things between Heaven and Earth-”
“Being both wrong and pretentious is a very bad look for you, bro,” Zack said. 
Nicole glared. “Were you always this much of a brat, or this how you are around Mom and Monica too?”
“Of course it’s not!”
“So it’s not that you don’t respect women, it’s just that you don’t respect trans women,” Nicole said. The busboy and several more waiters began watching from the back of the restaurant, running their mouths about the sordid little drama unfolding before their eyes.
“Well, there’s nothing to respect, so I guess not, no,” Zack said. 
“Not even after I saved your life?” Nicole said. Each word out the boy’s mouth was a dagger to the ribs. She could feel the tears starting at the back of her mind, and hoped desperately she could finish this conversation before they made themselves visible. 
Zack paused, chewed on that a moment. Every moment he made Nicole wait was another knife. “I mean what the hell do you expect me to say? That you’re one of the good ones? That you’re a credit to your people? Do you expect me to say I’ve re-examined my biases and now I don’t think you’re an abomination anymore?”
Nicole gulped. This… This had been easier with Amy. She couldn’t believe that. She’d known Zack would be difficult about this- it was one of the first things she’d thought after she realized who she was- but this was insane. Couldn’t he see how much he was hurting her? Didn’t he care? Or did he only ever care about her as an idea of an older sibling, and not the messy reality? She feared the answer, feared how she would react to it. “No, Zack. I just expect you to say you still love me.”
Zack balked. “Well that’s tough, because I don’t.”
Nicole gripped the hem of her dress so tight she was afraid it would rip. The truth, then. Nothing but the raw, unvarnished truth. Unlike with Amy, Nicole knew that Zack could take it. Even if Nicole couldn’t. “Okay. That’s fine. Just remember that I still love you.”
Zack blinked. “W-what?”
“I still love you, little brother. And I always will. Even if you hate me, even if you never speak to me again, I’ll always love you, and I’m always gonna look out for you.”
Tears welled up in Zack’s eyes and streamed down his face. One hit his hand, and when it did, he finally registered that he was crying. He stood up, and he ran out, leaving Nicole there as her own tears caught up to her and she buried her face in her hands. 
 Eventually, she found her legs and got up and left. Her family wasn’t waiting for her outside, but the team was. Amy included. 
After that, they made their way to Amy’s apartment and opened a case of Hanazawa beer. The apartment was a swanky affair, with two bedrooms and a carpeted floor and a plasma screen television on the walls. It was clean- spotless really- like Amy spent an hour every day scrubbing every inch. They gathered in the living room, where a full-sized couch and a loveseat were nestled around a glass coffee table in front of the TV. Nicole sat next to Amy on her couch, finally out of tears to shed. She was so tired. She wanted to say that was the hardest conversation she was ever going to have to have, but she knew it wasn’t. Their family had been changed by this. It would never be what it was before. If she was lucky, it could become something better, but with Zack being the way he was… She didn’t want him to lose his family, even if he seemed determined to drive them away. 
She looked down at her phone and saw she had three new texts from Mom, apologizing profusely for Zack, one from Dad telling her how much he loved her, and one from Monica containing a terribly long list of expletives pertaining to Zack and his actions. Honestly, where had she learned to curse like that? Certainly not from Nicole. 
Nicole knew she should stop looking at her phone. That she should enjoy the moment. This was a good one. The day had been filled with good moments, beautiful ones. She couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t let one bad one, let one awful conversation with that terrible little boy ruin it for her. So, she wouldn’t. She sat with her friends, and forced herself to pay attention to what was right in front of her. 
She did so just in time for Cass to start screaming. 
Red light spilled out of Cassandra’s eyes, and a white sigil in the shape of an owl appeared on her forehead. “My head,” Cass cried. “My head hurts so much! And I see- I see EVERYTHING!”
Three empty thrones carved from ice lay dormant at the center of a frozen wasteland. The hellscape was comprised of thirteen layers, each one rotating at a different speed. Past the first layer, the ice melted, and gave way to red stone sizzling with angry heat. Past the second layer was the Lake of Fire, waves of flame washing against the molten shoreline. The fourth layer was sand dunes of volcanic ash, grainy and uneven as the denizens tried valiantly to run up to higher ground and avoid the burning tide. The fifth layer was a maze of caves and tunnels, where dragons dwelt and hunted condemned souls and fallen Dragonslayers. The sixth layer was a garden of iron spikes, jutting from the ground and impaling the still-living, ever-screaming prisoners through the chest. The seventh layer was a river of blood, wide and wild, filled with rocks and rapids, in which Leviathan swam and hunted those trapped beneath the surface. The eighth layer was a series of suburban houses, and her friends were trapped inside them, unable to leave as they starved to death with their worst enemies. The ninth layer was a city made of obsidian, wherein the demons made their homes and the Lady of the Legion rallied them to her cause. The tenth layer was a forest of bones, wherein the Wilders and the Outcasts hunted strays to stay alive. The eleventh was a swamp of poisoned water, where witches of the Devil’s Coven boiled their enemies alive. The twelfth was a ranch where monsters were born and bred, hellhounds and wraiths and serpents. And finally, the thirteenth was a series of valleys and canyons, wherein the lost stumbled around in the dark, searching for shelter, searching for answers, only to be found by the Dark Prophet. 
Cass stood on a cliff atop the expanse of Hell, drinking it all in. She saw all the pain, heard all the screaming, smelled all the brimstone and burning flesh. Next to her stood an old woman, leathery and wizened, with hair like iron and eyes like embers. “Your time will come. And you will need all of your numbers to face this Hell,” the old woman said. “If you are not united as Exorcists, Slayers, and Tamers, then you will fall before the might of the Outcasts, the Wilders, the Legion, the Coven, the Army of Monsters, and the Followers of the Dark Prophet. Be strong, young one; For though traitors swim in your waters presently, the worst is yet to come.”
And Cass screamed, and screamed, and screamed. 
Winona stood on the ground outside of Amy Donahue’s apartment. Her entire plan to have the ‘Bishop’ deliver a sermon outing the girls’ secret identities before condemning them as witches then draining their power as they transformed had been gutted once Cyrus vanished that morning. She’d spent the whole day stalking the team, waiting for a moment to strike, waiting for them all to get drunk enough they could be drained without putting up much of a fight. But as she saw red light spilling out of the apartment, saw an owl made of white radiance fly out the window, heard one of them scream, a new plan germinated in the garden of her mind.
A new Prophet had awakened, and it was one of the Magical Girls. An unexpected development, to be sure, but one Winona could capitalize on. 
Winona clapped her hands and danced alone in the red light, celebrating her good fortune. She could use this, and she would get Cyrus and Veronica back, and they would take over hell together. And finally, her family would all be together again. 
For now, though, it was time to go home for the night. Time to rest. Time to savor this wonderful moment of good news.
Nicole held Cass’ hand as the light show raged on, hoping for the younger girl’s sake it would be over soon. Finally, the red and white lights faded, and Cass’ shoulders slumped, and she groped for breath. Amy held a glass of water aloft, and Cass grabbed it and drank it down. 
“A beer as well. Please,” Cass said. Heather obliged, and Cass gulped the contents within seconds. “I’m guessing you guys didn’t see that?”
“No,” Nicole said. “All we saw were red lights and translucent owls. Did you have some sort of vision?”
“That… That must be it,” Cass said. “Either that or a fully-sensory hallucination. And this… This felt real.”
She told them what she saw, everything, down to the last detail. When it was over, they all needed another drink themselves. 
“So, we’ve got a lot on our plate, it looks like,” Heather said, pinching the bridge of her nose and wincing. 
“Apparently,” Nicole said, her fingers twitching. 
“And we have traitors in our midst,” Amy said. 
For a second, Nicole swore Amy made eye contact with her, but she wasn’t positive. Gosh, she hoped she was wrong. 
“Okay, look,” Debbi said, “This is heavy. I get it. But are any of us in any position to do anything about this tonight, at this very moment?”
“... No, probably not,” Amy said. 
“Yeah, I don’t even know where we’d start,” Cass said, sitting there with her slumped shoulders and her pained, exhausted expression. She muttered the names and colors of the objects around her as she squeezed Nicole’s hand so tight it hurt.
Debbi continued, “Then we’re tabling this for the night. We’re all tired, and most of us are drunk. We’re gonna need to wait until we’re actually able to handle this. We have classes tomorrow, and if this week has taught me anything, it’s that no matter what crazy shit happens, life still goes on. We will deal with this tomorrow. After we’re all done with classes, we meet at Saint Joseph’s, and we tell Sister Quinn, Father Gonzalez, and Bishop Roberts. Sound good?”
“I like this plan,” Cass said, looking like she was about to pass out. 
“Good, because frankly, I’m more concerned about you right now than about this vision. It sounds wicked heavy, but please put it aside for right now and let me ask you: how do you feel?”
“I feel… I feel scared. I feel exhausted. I feel like the floor is about to vanish from underneath me and I’ll just fall and fall and fall forever,” Cass said, her eyes not looking at anything in particular.
“It’s not going to,” Debbi said. Nicole nodded, trying to keep Cass focused on what was in front of her. “We are with you, and we love you.”
“We do,” Amy said. 
“Absolutely,” Nicole and Heather said in unison.
“Now breathe and tell me what’s around you.”
Cass inhaled and exhaled, inhaled and exhaled, inhaled and exhaled. She ran down the list of objects in the apartment once more, and then shifted to discussing the designs and fabric types of all of their respective outfits.
“Maybe I should be a design major,” Cass said. 
“That sounds like a definite possibility, as well as another thing you can think about tomorrow. Right now, though, I think you need to go to bed and rest. Sound good?” Debbi asked.
Cass nodded. She let go of Nicole’s hand, and both Nicole and Amy sighed with relief.
“Also, we use the buddy system going forward,” Debbi said. “Like the old lady in Cass’ vision said, we need to stick together. Heather, you’re crashing with me tonight anyways, so come on, let’s go home and get some sleep. Cass, we’ll walk you to your room.”
“What about me?” Nicole said. She hated having to say that, having to make this in any way about herself. It wasn’t fair to Cass, or the rest of the team, or to anyone at all given the situation. Still, there were a few open questions left that she needed answers to before bed. “I’m not super comfortable with going back to my dorm right now, and you don’t have enough space to-”
“You can crash with me,” Amy said. 
… That was unexpected. “Oh. Um, I mean, sure for tonight-”
“No, I meant,” Amy started, “I have an extra room. I was supposed to have a roommate but that didn’t pan out, because… People find me kind of abrasive and overbearing. But you need a place to stay, and I… I’d really like to make it up to you.”
“Amy,” Nicole said, “That’s very sweet but you don’t have to-”
“I want to,” Amy insisted. “I mean, yesterday, talking to you, hanging out with you… It was great. I think we should be friends. And… Like Debbi said, buddy system.”
Nicole chewed on it. She looked at the others for support, and all three of them shrugged. Well, Debbi and Heather shrugged. Cass moved her shoulders very slightly while struggling not to pass out. Nicole drew a deep breath through her nose. This was very sudden, and probably a bad idea, but… Amy seemed genuine, if perhaps a bit desperate for validation. And it wasn’t like Nicole had a ton of other options. 
“Okay,” Nicole said. “But only if you help me move my stuff out of Ditko Hall tomorrow.”
“That sounds perfectly reasonable,” Amy said with a contented smile. This girl was… Almost alarmingly sincere. Nicole wondered briefly if this was how she came off to other people. 
After that, the rest of the girls packed up and went home. Debbi went through a series of breathing exercises with Cass as they left, asking her questions and keeping her present. Her hands stopped trembling by the time they got out the door.
And so Nicole stood there, only her new roommate for company. 
“Night-cap?” Amy offered. 
“Why not?” Nicole asked, rubbing her eyes. 
Amy went into the cabinet in her kitchen and opened it up, revealing a bottle of whisky. She retrieved two shot glasses poured whisky into both, and she held hers up and said, “Slainte.”
“Jubel,” Nicole responded. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.” Nicole wasn’t sure if she meant the vision, or the traitors, or Zack, or just the drama between the two of them. But either way… She was very, very tired, and she couldn’t do this right now.
“Okay,” Amy said. “We can whenever you want to, though.”
They sat together on the couch, relaxing with their drinks. There would be lots to do, lots of scary and complicated stuff, but for right now… Right now, they were at peace. For right now, she could rest, and try to enjoy the little moments.
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idolaxhcrt · 1 year
Chihaya Kisaragi
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★~ Name:如月千早 (Kisaragi Chihaya) ★~ Age:16 ★~ Height:162 cm ★~ Weight:41 kg ★~ Birthday : February 25th ★~ Blood type: A ★~ Three sizes: 72-55-78 ★~ Handedness: Right ★~ Hobbies: Classical Music, *Training, Taking photos, collecting cute things, Listening to headphones. ★~ Horoscope: Pisces ★~ Hometown: Tokyo ★~Series : Idolm|@|ster Million live, Idolm|@|ster Tagged~ Bluesongbird
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Interesting facts
★~ Chihaya’s nickname is Blue bird.
★~ Chihaya is very sensitive and self-conscious about her bust size (“B72”)
★~ Chihaya loves dogs and would buy one if she could. However her apartment complex restricts the keeping of house animals and she’d need to ask someone to watch it while she’s away at work.
★~ Before joining 765 Production, Chihaya was part of the chorus at her school. Being somewhat asocial, she only joined to improve her singing, as she did not like to sing with others
★~ Chihaya has a very odd sense of humor, laughing loudly at the lamest jokes, almost making herself look a little foolish and childish to others sometimes.
★~ Aside from having no passion other than singing, that Chihaya also has a strong interest for the Japanese Genroku Era art (called Kabuki) and Greek Architecture. she is revealed to have picked up an interest in photography.
★~ Chihaya tries to avoid showing her cold or bad side towards Producer. Instead, she tries to remain cheerful and happy around him.
★~ Though Chihaya can be stubborn, often refusing various requests made by the Producer, when forced she will do virtually anything.
★~ Chihaya sometimes idolizes Ritsuko Akizuki as a role model due to Ritsuko helping out in the productions as well as teaching her how to understand and remember lyrics.
★~ Chihaya is sometimes known to never eat sweets for unknown reasons (most likely to keep herself in shape for stage), sometimes refusing Haruka’s cookies or cakes. But when offered vanilla ice cream, she will eat it non-stop.
★~Chihaya has a habit of saying “Ku…” when she’s upset or annoyed, and it has become a sort of catchphrase. In fan works and even in the anime, she often says it when her bust size is brought up.
Character Introduction:
“ Greetings, I am Kisaragi Chihaya. My age is 16. I joined 765 Production in order to improve my singing.
My ultimate goal is to stand at the top of the vocal world. If necessary, I am willing to persevere against any hardship and overcome every obstacle. Um… that may have come across as a little too headstrong… I don’t really have a great deal of experience filming videos like this… I’m not very good at smiling, which will probably cause you trouble, Producer.
“But I do hope I can count on your strict guidance!
Level-headed and stoic, she is an almost obsessively diligent hard worker. However, singing is all she ever focuses on, which had led to her missing many opportunities to broaden her career as an idol.
Chihaya is the most famous out of all the 765 idols combined, going as far as considering her talent to be the most “revolutionary” in all of mankind, having her popularity reach worldwide. She was also known for being the only idol to ever be featured on Souichi Takeda’s radio show “Old Whistle”.
Chihaya Kisaragi is known to be gifted with the talent to sing. At 16 years of age, the young songstress cares about nothing but singing, spending almost all of her time devoted to singing only. She is considered to be “Cool and Serious”, yet also has a very hard time deciding her emotions or what to say at certain times.
Because of this, the other idols consider her to be “cold and heartless” in some situations. She is also a difficult person to socialize with, sometimes shutting herself away from people to practice singing and to exercise.
Despite these facts, Chihaya does have a soft spot for others, especially for people whom she cares about even though she may never show it.
Chihaya’s family consists of herself, her father, her mother, and her deceased little brother, named Yuu in THE iDOLM@STER (anime), who died in a car accident. After his death, her parents began fighting constantly and later divorced, causing Chihaya to despise them.
It is due to this that she became a “cold” person and devoted her life to singing.
On her free time, Chihaya loves listening to classical music to help her practice her singing.
But ever since she joined 765 Pro , she’s been aiming to improve and be happy with whom she is.
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bandiiey · 3 years
Asuka and ritsuko are both lesbians but they both have to deal with compulsive heterosexuality and abuse and in a better world they would realize this
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dcviated · 2 years
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@psychcdelica​ sent:  "Hottie for a Thottie!  Slide into my DMs King ~♡"
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“Uhhh...?” The receptionist at Lemniscate is a lot to take in on her own, and the sudden verbal slurry knocks Raguna into a different degree of confusion. What? He’s going to take about a week to process that statement properly. Half the words didn’t make sense. Was it a sort of slogan? Or anime catchphrase? She’s waiting for a response, leaning over the counter and--- ahhhhh.
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“No... thank you? Sorry... I’m here delivering pizza for Iris Sagan? Can you let her know it’s here?” Sometimes, this job was the hardest of all. Some of the strangest places took orders late in the evenings and it always seemed like he was the one who ended up taking them. He’d rather be at Sunfish Pocket right now cooking. But his next shift wasn’t until midday tomorrow.
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