#( it's not a definitive list but it's pretty much accurate otherwise )
musaeon · 1 year
since it's apparently the topic on the dash rn here's my ship bias/ship list! well, at least for my p/5 muses. as a general note: i won't ship anyone here with adults/over the age of 18-19 and i am open to crossovers/ocs it just requires development/chemistry! list under the cut
otp: akechi, yusuke
love: sumi, hifumi
like: haru, ann
no/platonic only: futaba, makoto, ryuji, sophia
otp: shiho, ryuji, makoto
love: hifumi, haru
like: akira, futaba, sumi (talk me into them)
no/platonic only: yusuke, akechi, sophia
otp: sumi
love: sophia, kana
like: ann
no/platonic only: akira, yusuke, ryuji, akechi, makoto
otp: akira
love: unsure
like: yusuke (talk me into it)
no/platonic only: ...everyone else basically
tbh i only really ship her with sumi/futaba otherwise it's platonic relationships for everyone else
otp: futaba
love: sophia, akira
like: ann (talk me into it)
no/platonic only: akechi, yusuke, ryuji, makoto, haru
otp: akira, ryuji
love: unsure
like: akechi (talk me into it)
no/platonic only: all the girls
shiho (test muse)
otp: ann, ryuji
love: akira
like: unsure tbh (talk to me about it)
no/platonic only: futaba, akechi, yusuke, sophia
haru (test muse)
otp: makoto, ann
love: ryuji, hifumi
like: akira
no/platonic only: futaba, sumi, yusuke, akechi, sophia
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wc-confessions · 3 months
Here's a rapid fire list of non-Warriors xenofiction novels WC fans can read. Will say I haven't read all of these, and in that case, I will not leave a comment. Obligatory Wings of Fire, Guardians of Ga'hoole, Redwall, and Watership Down recommendation. Honorable mentions go to other Erin Hunter series - Seekers, Survivors, Bravelands, and Bamboo Kingdom. Varjak Paw series by S.F. Said. Two books. Geared toward a younger audience like Warriors. I can vouch this as one of my favorites. I can see it being an acquired taste, especially for someone older, though. Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams. One book. Personally, I'd only recommend this book if you're super interested in learning about the inspiration for Warriors. Otherwise, its themes have aged like milk and the story isn't all too special. I will say the plot gets pretty decent and horrifying at the halfway point. The Deadlands series by Skye Melki-Wegner. Three books. I have completed the first and a read a little of the second. Geared towards a younger audience like Warriors. You can tell that the audience is younger due to the dialogue and characters. Descriptions are good and I'd imagine thrilling for the target demographic. In fact, I'd describe the books, that I've read so far, as thrilling in general. However, the "Jurassic Park meets Wings of Fire" comparison is a lie. Wings of Fire is accurate but this series has nothing to do with the Jurassic Park movies or books besides dinosaurs. It'd be closer to say "The Land Before Time meets Wings of Fire." I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for Warriors with dinosaurs. Silverwing series by Kenneth Oppel. I've only read a little of the first book, so I don't have much to talk about. I will tell you that a graphic novel has recently released! Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies. One book. About deer. No comment. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. One book. Horses. No comment. Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker. One book. Utahraptors. No comment. A Black Fox Running by Brian Carter. One book. Foxes. No comment. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien. One book. Mice. No comment. Foxcraft series by Inbali Iserles. Three books. Foxes. No comment. The Tygrine Cat series by Inbali Iserles. Two books. Cats. No comment. The Books of the Named series by Clare Bell, more commonly known as Ratha's Creature or the Ratha series. Five books. Prehistoric Dinaelurus nimravids. No comment. I think I've listed enough in this ask, but I'll drop this xenofiction list https://www.tumblr.com/the-owl-tree/745956715298799616/xenofiction-reading-recommendation-list?source=share in case anyone wants more.
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My first rant, and the reason I snapped and made this blog, is not about Jiang Cheng. It's actually about the characters around him.
See, I was reading this fic and, without naming any specifics, I was enjoying it. Nothing especially groundbreaking, but it was good enough that I was immersed. In fact, the thing that probably got me about this is that what I liked most about the fic, what was really sucked me in, was the characterisations. Wei Wuxian was the definite standout. Fic premise meant that he was injured, but he was being portrayed with his canonical resilience, which is rare enough that prior to this, I would have likely celebrated the fic for it's accuracy. It's a difficult thing to pull off, and I always give extra credit to authors who can walk the line of, essentially, whumping a character while still keeping them themselves.
Then it happened. Jiang Cheng showed up. I've sometimes clicked out of a fic just for that (the timing of his appearance is, occasionally, enough of an indicator of his role in the story that I know I'm not going to be able to jive with it), but I was immersed! And the author had gained my trust with the aforementioned character accuracy until that point! I was caught up, and ready to roll with whatever version of Jiang Cheng came out.
And, well, his behaviour seemed somewhat accurate to canon. Angry, accusatory, sort of irrational, in an overly suspicious way. Seemed pretty good. Again, the timing made me think that the fic was probably going to go the reconciliation path, but you know, I can get through that. I don't care enough about Jiang Cheng that his presence or absence alone is enough to ruin a fic I'm otherwise enjoying.
But then, imagine my shock. Jiang Cheng, post first siege (where, as far as everyone knows, he killed Wei Wuxian, and has spent the years since his death hunting down and torturing anyone who might be/reminds him of him. You can dispute Jiang Cheng's actions, if you wish, but not that this is how he is widely perceived), demands to see Wei Wuxian. And Lan Wangji, who loves Wei Wuxian, who spent stars knows how much time desperately trying to protect Wei Wuxian, who would stand between Wei Wuxian and the world if he had been allowed, just... agrees.
Lan Wangji. Agreed. To let a Jiang Cheng, who shows no, I don't know, remorse, or concern, or anything, toward a person he is credited with murdering, that Lan Wangji believes he murdered. And Lan Wangji just... yep. I'll just take you to see Wei Wuxian. Sure, he's injured, and vulnerable, and you show no sign of wanting to do anything other than a violence. Yep, right this way.
And THIS. THIS is why Jiang Cheng infuriates me. This is why I had to make this blog. Because I don't care about Jiang Cheng, love him, hate him, think he's the most evil scum imaginable, think he's the true victim of mdzs, I literally don't care. I don't have enough investment in the character to give a fuck about how accurate he is.
But I love Lan Wangji. I really do (and Wei Wuxian, and Wen Ning, and Wen Qing, and Jin Ling, and every other character even peripherally related to Jiang Cheng). So to see the characters I do care about being warped and twisted, just to try and force a particular narrative to play out about this one character? I've spent the past idk two hours as I set this up frothing with rage.
It's not like he's the main character of this fic. He's one of the last ones listed (after characters that are actually deceased throughout the entirety of the fic), and there's no, idk, Yunmeng siblings or reconciliation tag or anything. Full confession, I haven't finished the fic, but I'm well over halfway through, so I can somewhat confidently say that his presence, while maybe playing into something in the endgame, is not super critical.
And yet. The author, who until that point had been pretty good with their characterisations, felt the need to overlook one of the main characters primary personality traits (Lan Wangji's desire to protect people and keep safe that which he loves) in order to... make it slightly easier for Jiang Cheng to be shoehorned into the plot? Why? Just... why?
I'm frustrated. Frustrated, and confused. Is it lack of imagination? Could the author not think of a single other way Jiang Cheng might come into contact with Wei Wuxian after the first siege (assuming, of course, that he is alive)? I don't believe that, the author did well enough with thinking up some left field plot points at other stages of the fic. Did they overlook the fact that, Jiang Cheng having demanded Lan Wangji take him to Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji could have just... not done that? Lan Wangji, Mr. You Are Not Qualified To Talk To Me, had no choice but to acquiesce to Jiang Cheng's will. He couldn't have just. refused. Or walked away from the conversation. Knocked him out and left. Or called out the inherent contradiction of Jiang Cheng wanting to visit someone he killed (again, regardless of your opinion on Jiang Cheng's culpability, it is made clear in canon that that is the version of events Lan Wangji knows/believes). Or at the very least placed conditions on Jiang Cheng that he's not allowed to do anything to harm Wei Wuxian.
But nope! In the space of a single scene, just by his very presence, apparently, Jiang Cheng is able to turn a fully fledged, well characterised version of Lan Wangji into a robot that cannot disobey a human's will due to it's programming.
And it may seem like I'm ragging on this poor author, or that I'm getting too worked up over one scene, and, and, yeah, that would... that would be correct (hence I'm trying to avoid saying anything identifying about the fic, though I realise that might lessen the impact of my arguments). But the thing is, it's not just this fic. Or just this author.
It's everywhere.
I cannot count the number of fics that have characters that otherwise align pretty well with their canonical selves, only for all that to go out the window the second Jiang Cheng shows up. It's like people can't help themselves. Jiang Cheng appears, and every other character must suddenly become whatever version of themselves makes Jiang Cheng appear most sympathetic/reasonable/well-intentioned. Whatever helps the author make Jiang Cheng be what they want him to be.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji definitely get this the worst. Wei Wuxian goes from an intelligent, calculating individual, who excels at reading the situations he's in and figuring out what's going to get him the outcome he wants*, to a reckless idiot who charges in without thinking because he wants to "be a hero". And Lan Wangji goes from someone who has repeatedly failed to save the ones he loves, and so is appropriately determined to protect them as much as he can (without becoming his father), to someone who thinks he always knows best**, and will happily put someone he loves into a potentially deadly situation because... I don't know. His thinking is pretty much never clearly explained, but I've seen different half-reasons. Sometimes Lan Wangji just thinks that Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng are such good, good brothers, and that Jiang Cheng is so important to Wei Wuxian that the chance to hold a conversation with him is worth Wei Wuxian... best case scenario, being verbally abused, worst case, being tortured to death. Sometimes he thinks he wouldn't be able to stop Jiang Cheng which... haha. Even Jin Ling, who reflexively defends Jiang Cheng over everything, thinks that Jiang Cheng doesn't stand a chance against Lan Wangji. Sometimes he thinks he shouldn't interfere with someone else's family... even though they aren't related, and Jiang Cheng cannot, under any circumstances, acknowledge Wei Wuxian as anything other than a disciple/servant. Also, Lan Wangji gets involved in everything. That's kind of his thing. You know... going where the chaos is? There's certainly a lot of chaos whenever Jiang Cheng is around...
But really, it's everyone. Wen Ning goes from being so defensive of Wei Wuxian that he breaks a promise and reveals a secret he kept for nearly twenty years just to get Jiang Cheng to stop talking shit, to usually being passively pushed into the back seat, his bond with Wei Wuxian glossed over in favour of the "brothers"***. Wen Qing, a person so devoted to Wei Wuxian that she sacrificed herself and her beloved brother on the off chance that it would mean he wouldn't have to face consequences for Jin Zixuan's death, is suddenly chastising Wei Wuxian for not doing more to smooth over their relationship. Jin Ling goes from creating a diversion so that he can help Wei Wuxian escape Jiang Cheng, despite knowing he would get in trouble for it, to trying to trick them into being in the same room. It's everyone.
Every. Single. Character. Must be changed, must behave in ways antithetical to their personalities and relationships, because it seems that's the only way many people can reconcile with their affection for a character that behaves the way Jiang Cheng does. In order to keep Jiang Cheng even slightly resembling his canonical self (angry. violent. verbally abusive at every possible opportunity), and yet still have him be welcomed and beloved by the other characters, every other character must lose integral parts of themselves. Mo Dao Zu Shi is, in many ways, a surprisingly tightly woven story when you start pulling threads, and if you want that jumper to work like pants, you need to get the scissors and start cutting.
Or at least, I can only assume that's what's happening. I can't fathom any other reason as to why so many fics, that are otherwise fairly true to character, veer so wildly OOC as soon as he appears. And it is so, so many fics. Note: I've read, ballpark, around two thousand mo dao zu shi fics (yes, I have no life. no, why do you ask?), and this happens in a staggering amount of them.
And basically, this is the root of my issue with Jiang Cheng. I don't care how you write him, he can be the most loving, soft, compassionate individual in the world in your fic, it's your fic, you write what you like****, I'm just going to engage less with those parts, because I don't care as much. You can make him greet each sunrise by weeping, and coo over every baby he encounters on the street, and weave blankets for the homeless in his free time. I literally don't care.
What I care about is the changes made to the other characters. That in order to raise Jiang Cheng, other characters must be dragged down. That he must be there, and he must be the secretly misunderstood caring brother, so every character that could challenge that in any way must be changed, by any means necessary, to prevent that.
(But really, do they? It's fanfiction. Can you really think of no way to make Jiang Cheng be the character you want him to be without mutilating everyone else? If you truly feel for him, truly think his actions make sense, truly wish to show how his relationships can be fixed without him altering his own attitude... then shouldn't it be easy enough, to persuade others of this, without turning the cohesive characters around him into a farce?)
* - since I know this is going to get disputed, even if only internally, by someone; the literal second scene involving Jiang Cheng (immediately post dancing-statue attack, Jiang Cheng suspects and wants to test with Zidian) has Wei Wuxian realise he's not going to be able to escape without some proof of innocence (i.e. reading the room, despite the stress of the moment). He then deliberately steps out of cover so Jiang Cheng can hit him, proving he's not possessing Mo Xuanyu, and then, when that's not enough to guarantee his freedom, he recognises that, and plays on Jiang Cheng's ego (and ymmv homophobia) by saying he's not his type, so Jiang Cheng can't take him without losing too much face, which Wei Wuxian knows he won't do, since Jiang Cheng is very concerned with reputation and appearances (after all, that's why he refused to help Wen Qing and Wen Ning, in spite of the debt he owed them). If that doesn't indicate Wei Wuxian is a clever person who thinks things through, I don't know what does.
** - not as worried about this being disputed, but I can see people thinking this so; no, Lan Wangji doesn't think he knows best. He did when he was young (or, at least, thought the rules he lived by were definitive morals), and that's what led to his rigid black-and-white thinking regarding rules and such. Then he got older, and got more experience, and made some mistakes, and realised that different people approach the world differently, and that he needed to be more flexible and meet people halfway if he wanted to be able to help them. See his change in attitude toward mo dao/gui dao.
*** - fic challenge; see how many fics that portray Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng as close, loving brothers, and also contain the close, caring, trustful friendship between Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning. It's very, very few. On some level, I think everyone who wants to show Jiang Cheng as #bestbrother knows that, from his actions to his attitude, Wen Ning is what a beloved, caring, bad-reputation-but-is-actually-just-misunderstood baby-brother-figure should be.
**** - at the end of the day, everyone has the right the write whatever they like in their fic. I'm a full supporter and encourager of that. But if you don't make it clear that you are going to write OOC, I reserve the right to feel frustrated when I stumble across it. I would never comment it in the fic itself, Ican't imagine anything more poorly mannered, but I am, apparently, not above vague blogging about it (hopefully vague enough that no one can identify any specific fics).
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give-to-oblivion · 1 day
My Hero Academia Recs: Dadmight & Dadzawa Edition
I love all the adopted dads in this fandom, but I get sad when one of them gets bashed at the expense of the others. This recs list is for fics that have both All Might and Aizawa (and sometimes Present Mic) as good surrogate father figures. The focus isn't always split evenly between them, but I only included fics I thought had good representation of both. Most of these also have good mom Inko because that's important to me, and I've indicated where it's otherwise.
Some of these fics are pretty well known; this is less an "unearth new discoveries" list and more of a "filter for this specific trope variation" list.
Please feel free to reblog with your own additions! There's definitely some longfic I haven't had a chance to sit down with yet.
Announcer AU (Series) by RogueVector
Midoriya Izuku makes his debut on the national stage not as a competitor at the Sports Festival, but rather as a lost spectator turned announcer alongside his heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic.
This is more like EVERYBODY adopting Izuku, but it's still a lot fun. The first two main fics are completed; the third is still a WIP and hasn't been updated for some time.
Apex Predator (WIP, on hiatus) by silver jackdaw (cizzi)
Every single school had one: someone at the top of the food chain. An acme. Someone who could do things under a teacher's nose, escape consequences, and terrify other people. Someone who looked down on everyone else like they were prey. An apex predator. And Izuku couldn't count on teachers and adults to protect anyone. Even a hero school wasn't safe from the phenomena. When Izuku gets to Yuuei, he's determined to find out who it is and ensure they can't hurt him or his new friends.
...and accidentally, in the process, becomes the apex predator (though he is mostly unaware of this, and uses it for good. But still, people are terrified of him.)
Although this is on hiatus, it's over 170k and doesn't leave off on a cliffhanger. I've reread this at least 10 times.
Burn Your Wings by oWhiteKiwibird
Izuku inherited his parents’ quirks, but he swore he’d never use his fire.
He knows first hand how—bright, burning, scorching, painful, terrifying, destructive—it is, after all, and Izuku promised (promised his crying mother, promised his burning self, promised the laughing memory of his father) that he’d become a hero who stops that kind of despair.
Even if he has to burn his own wings to do so.
By Chance, By Choice by Marigold_Flowers
Aizawa Shouta, Yagi Toshinori, Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou Hitoshi wake up one morning with a Soul-mark, meaning that there's a chance they'll meet their Soulmate that day. Things don't go quite like they expect, but they go well all the same. They find new family, just perhaps not quite how they thought they would.
Parental soulmates, with a twist. I've never seen this take on this trope and had to include it.
A Guide to Death Worlders (Series) by katydid & Zyla_SweetBean
Humans are known across the galaxy for being terrifying, relentless, and savage monsters. Naturally the alien warlord All for One must have one as a pet. The unfortunate alien abduction victim Izuku Midoriya is determined to make his captor regret it.
Series based on the "humans are space orcs" premise. A little cracky, but very fun, and the series is complete at over 270k so it'll last you a while.
Hide and Seek (Series, complete) by battybatzgirl
Izuku Midoriya is good at hiding his secrets. Shouta Aizawa is better at uncovering them.
Left Over by Dinosawrhat
Aizawa Shouta’s instincts were nearly 100% accurate, as was his eye for small details. They were skills honed through years working the Underground, and only broadened when it came to dealing with 20 incredibly powerful teens year after year. So, when he noticed that Midoriya hadn’t brought a lunch for the fourth time this week, he knew something was off.
This does have neglectful Inko. And just. so much whump.
The New Normal by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Midoriya Izuku comes from a long line of secret Force users. Reconciling that with living as a Quirkless person in and Quirked world is interesting at best --and that was before his Dad tried to make him commit a murder.
Present Mic and Eraserhead, meanwhile, have been trying to adopt for a while with no luck until Mic walks past the wrong (possibly the right) custody hearing and can't help but step in.
A Boku no Hero Academia and Star Wars Fusion.
Razzmatazz by xylophones
Izuku has plans for everything.
He plans out what to say to the cashier when ordering coffee, he plans out his homework before even opening his textbook. He has a whole ten-year plan for how he’s going to get into UA’s hero course and get his hero license fully quirkless. He plans for every wild, unlikely scenario he can think of because his anxiety gets so bad if he doesn’t go through every possible outcome, every way his life could landslide into disaster–– but Izuku never planned for this.
For once, he doesn’t have a plan and he doesn’t have time to think of one. All he can see is Yagi-san’s lined, kind face looking resigned as he stares down the villain in his shop. Yagi-san, who is the closest thing to a father figure Izuku has ever had.
Izuku doesn’t think. He just moves.
This is mostly Dadmight, but does have some good Dadzawa as well.
Send Endeavor to the Shadow Realm (Series) by PitViperOfDoom
Todoroki Enji is the worst and Midoriya finds ways to let people know it.
The last story in the series is the real meat of it (60k+) but you should read the rest for context. And because they're good.
Things That Haunt Our Hallways by ghostwriterofthemachine
“It was a kid,” Yagi gasped out. He had his hand balled up into a fist and the fist pressed to his lips, as if to remind himself that he could not start screaming. “Or. Young person, maybe 20. Homeless, I think. Activated their Quirk on reflex and then ran. The kids—” Here, he pressed his fist harder to his mouth, sucked in a wheezing breath, as if the air itself was pushing down something with physical weight. “The kids—”
“Scattered immediately,” Aizawa finished for him, and Yagi managed a nod.  
Yagi’s eyes were so dilated that the blue was almost invisible. He shook violently. He looked like a scarecrow in a windstorm.   
Someone activated a Fear-Inducer Quirk so powerful that it reduced All Might to this— of course Aizawa’s class had bolted. 
when at first you don't succeed by LunaLucrea
Toshinori finds himself in a race against time to save his successor. Over and over and over again.
A World Anew (Series) by Krasimer
Time travel/AU fic where a hero traveling back to save Shimura Tenko starts a ripple effect that creates a better world. The first two fics are completed and the third is close to wrapping up.
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lonepower · 1 month
re: the previous poll, I have come up with an absolutely accurate and objective ranking of the various inquisition companions’ cop-punching likelihoods. this is all completely correct and i do not accept constructive criticism
vivienne: literally the most pro-cop companion in the games (next to fenris, and even then, he can be convinced otherwise). greatly disapproves if you mention that you have been a direct victim of police violence. would call 911 on you for punching a cop & then smugly pat herself on the back for "keeping the world safe".
Dorian: gets too caught up insisting that the problem with cops is regional and not systematic. yeah the fereldan and orlesian cops suck, but his cops are actually good and do what they're supposed to! may or may not punch a cop, but wouldn't stop you, either.
Solas: anti-cop, but also looks down on punching people and would rather just avoid or incapacitate them some other way. would not punch one and may disapprove of you doing so, but would approve of looney-toons-like antics to humiliate them instead.
Sera: is currently punching a cop right this very second. I'm so glad we all agree on this.
Cole: I firmly believe that human!Cole could be convinced to punch a cop. Spirit!Cole (the superior Cole) would psychoanalyze them into having a breakdown and quitting, or simply kill them if that wasn't possible. Would definitely approve of you punching a cop in any scenario.
Cassandra: is a cop, but the kind that naively thinks that being a "good cop" and fixing the system from the inside is possible. Grudgingly accepts that some cops need to be punched, but would not punch one herself.
Iron Bull: is cop-adjacent and pro-cop, but would still punch one and approves of punching pretty much anyone in basically any context.
Blackwall: has punched cops before and will punch them again.
Cullen: quit being a cop in disgust, but still hasn't gotten rid of all his bad habits. Would not punch a cop.
Josephine: Would ruin them financially, socially, and emotionally instead.
(+Varric, who was not listed but still deserves to be included: pretends to be pro-cop so that he can embezzle them for all they're worth, uses the funds to help their victims, gets performatively offended and denies any accusations of philanthropy if you try to bring it up.)
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dykeseinfeld · 1 month
Is it hard to read the odyssey? Is it like a poem? Or very old fashioned? I wanna read it but idk if I'd understand it well
okay okay so first of all. if it’s your first introduction to the story i highly recommend first familiarizing yourself with an adaptation (the 1997 miniseries is 3 hours long but it’s my favorite and fairly accurate to the original epic, the graphic novel by gareth hinds is also pretty good)
then once you’re familiar with the basic beats of the story the epic i would say is pretty accessible depending on which translation you pick! there’s a lot of names and places (but almost all translations come with detailed maps and glossaries so you can tell everyone apart) and epic conventions that may be unfamiliar but if you google there’s plenty of explanations of the different devices (such as epithets, invocation of the muse, etc)
for translations id recommend either of the following
robert fagles is who i read first when i was 14 in school so i’m still very loyal 🧡. it’s a little old fashioned in its language though not overly flowery in my opinion, and may be slow going especially because the “poem” feel is a bit lost, but it’s ultimately a clear translation and if you take your time it’s a great way to appreciate a more classic (pun ha) take
emily wilson is a much faster read, because she translates into iambic pentameter (which is a lot faster and more fluent english rhythm) and uses simpler phrasing, and it’s an extremely beautiful and fascinating take on the story. however, she makes a couple of choices with how she translates certain phrases that are less common among classicists so you may be u familiar with classic epithets and such. if you just want to consume the story for fun though she’s definitely the way to go!!
this all can be really overwhelming but i promise it’s an awesome poem that can be so so fun to read in its original if you are motivated enough to take it slow and look up things when you’re confused! otherwise there are a million great adaptations that are also great ways to appreciate the story and cut out some of the more boring listing of ships and such. there is no shame it took me Years to truly have fun with the original and this is literally my favorite story of all time. enjoy!
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Chortle headlines.
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Some of these are interesting. I don't know if it bodes well if Paddy Young is the absolute best rookie comedians in all of Britain, but he definitely had a good show last year (that got streamed on NextUp from Edinburgh). I have trouble believing anyone wrote a show that's better than both Paul Foot's Dissolve and Ahir Shah's Ends, but to be fair, I haven't seen John Kearns' show and he is very fucking good at these things, makes me hope even more that he'll be doing something in Edinburgh while I'm there. Alex Horne got an award for Taskmaster being an outstanding achievement, not quite sure what that means but I think it's accurate. I think if you look up the definition of "breakthrough act" you'll just find a note that says "see Sam Campbell's career throughout 2023", so that couldn't really have gone any other way. I've heard Kiri Pritchard-McLean compere a bunch on NextUp things, she is in fact very good at clubs. I haven't seen any of the other nominees but I'm still sure that James Acaster deserved to win that best tour one. I couldn't stomach the amount of Celebrity Glamour in Joe Lycett's new show but he is a great comedian and he is definitely made to be a TV comedian, which in some ways could be an insult but I really mean it as a compliment, he's great at that, good for him. Munya Chawawa posts highly amusing song parodies on YouTube. Fern Brady's is one of the best comedian books I've read. Three Bean Salad I was unable to get into, but maybe I'll give it another shot sometimes, after I finish with the winners of that radio award, John and Elis - well done to them for getting over ten years and not completely falling apart. I usually find it hard to get into sketch comedy (or anything that isn't straight stand-up) but Lorna Rose Treen made me laugh with character things last summer, so she probably deserves that one.
Those are my unsolicited opinions on that. The existence of Taskmaster is definitely an outstanding achievement for all involved.
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This a special feature that happens every once in a while, called "Chortle publishes the contents of Daniel Kitson's mailing list". I find it gets funnier the less it sounds like Steve Bennett knows about the news items beyond the contents of the mailing list email, and in this case, that is clearly fuck all. But anyway, it's a great show and exciting announcement, anyone who has the opportunity should go see this tour. He said in the email that he might try to get something going in NYC later this year, which would be incredibly logistically difficult for me to get to (8.5-hour drive each way if I can borrow a car from someone, which would be tough, 14 hours on the bus otherwise, I've been told I can't take any more vacation days in 2024 because I used them on the London/Edinburgh trip), but still, I have found myself wondering how I might be able to make that work if he actually announces it.
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Fucking hell. I can't believe this. My local comedian Facebook group is going pretty wild in response to this news. That's fucking huge, a massive amount of stuff is centred around this. To be honest I'm still not clear on the scope of this news so I won't go into it too much, I'll just say, fucking hell. Truly shocking. That's like a sport just canceling its national championships halfway through the season.
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Excellent. Everyone should read this. His 2023 show (which I think he's still touring) is one of my favourite comedy shows ever. And the one before that, which inspired this book, is also very fucking funny, though not as good as his latest one.
Also, I am up for a trend of one comedian per year writing a book about their relatively recent autism diagnosis. Who do we think it'll be in 2025? I have approximately four to five suggestions.
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chocotonez · 2 years
stray kids with a dyslexic s/o
a/n: praying my research was enough for this, please let me know if any of these descriptions are harmful/rude/inaccurate :,)
warnings/genre: reader can be insecure about capabilities, fluff w angst if you squint, g/n reader, hopefully somewhat accurate portrayals of dyslexia, but please let me know if any of these are disrespectful in any way <3
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-most accommodating towards your dyslexia, but like not in a patronizing way
-it’s just because most of what can be helpful is just second nature to him, like breaking down information into smaller pieces or writing large, reading things out loud like a dad at a grocery store, etc etc
-if you’re speech habits are affected by your dyslexia, he’ll always help you talk through your thoughts
-and if u ever feel insecure he’ll always reassure you and help you through it!! proofreading ur essays/emails, promising you’re never a bother or stupid, and he will literally never make fun of you for misreading/misspelling/missaying something
-it’s not really a massive deal to him, it just comes w the territory yknow?? he loves you for who you are, so he doesn’t really care to make it a major thing!!
-rather than seeing u as a dyslexic person, he just sees you as a person who has dyslexia ?? I hope that makes sense,, he just constantly reminds you on your strengths and what truly defines your capabilities
-but sometimes he does giggle a little if you make your phone font really large, but ONLY because it looks silly he swears <333
lee know
-I think at first he might struggle with it, especially if you two live together or are around each other a lot
-gets over it pretty quickly though, but I think he can be a little insensitive to the more emotional side of dyslexia?? like, he’ll forget you can feel insecure at times or you might have difficulties expressing something, so he’ll just be like “what”
-not in a cold way, just he sometimes forgets how to react
-doesn’t coddle you that much, if you need help he trusts you’ll seek him out of your own volition because the last thing he wants to do is make you feel incapable of being independent
-I think sends voice memos over texting already anyways, just finds it more convenient, but if you have auditory/processing issues he’ll literally transcribe his voice message to u
-it’s just about communication between you two, he doesn’t want to assume you need to be accommodated and it can make him seem kinda cold/avoidant about your dyslexia, esp if ur more sensitive??
-just reach out to him or he like “hey can you…” and he’ll immediately help you out in any way he can
-he doesn’t want to make you feel like you can’t be independent, but he’s very observant and attentive if you ever struggle/need something (he’s definitely mistaken you zoning out as being unable to process something a few too many times, but he’s trying)
-he uses google a lot for resources so sometimes he can be a little bit uninformed such as the time he asked if there’s “dyslexia glasses” he can get for you
-apologizes x100 if he ever asks you a disrespectful question, it’s not that he does it on purpose, but sometimes he’s just very curious but also very misinformed LMAO
-more emotionally accommodating, always encourages you and makes you feel better if any of your colleagues/peers look down on you
-puts a lot of effort in seeing your perspective and understanding your feelings, he thinks the way you feel because of your dyslexia is a lot more important than you being able to read a grocery list
-but if you tell him otherwise, he won’t hesitate to go and research into being more physically accommodating!! he never wants you to feel badly, especially if it’s from him doting on you just a touch too much
-very neutral on it?? not because he doesn’t care but more because he thinks it’s a bit strange to coddle you and baby you over dyslexia
-finds it uncomfortable when people give backhanded comments, even if unintentional, so he doesn’t want to patronize you or make you feel that way either
-but he’ll definitely look into helping a partner with dyslexia, or writing out a schedule for you in his neatest handwriting to help you organize your day (he makes the words pretty colors), or even just how to comfort you if your dyslexia ever gets in the way of anything
-would never tease you though unless he knew with 100% confidence you’d be okay with it, wouldn’t want even a sliver of insecurity to be caused by him
-similarly to changbin, he won’t go out of his way unless he notices you struggling, but this applies emotionally as well
-sometimes he can just know if you’re getting frustrated or struggling, so he’ll walk over and look at what you’re trying to write or read and help the best he can while reassuring you on your abilities :>
-it’s v nice especially if one of your symptoms is struggling with expression of feelings, as somehow he always just knows <3 but if he ever gets it wrong or makes you feel bad, he made you pinky promise to tell him so he can be a better boyfriend for u!!
-he probably accidentally patronized you a lot early on, because he didn’t really know how else to help you
-it was a bit overbearing, so once you told him that “yes I can read my texts on my own” he tones it down x90000, because ur a grown adult who just has dyslexia
-will always go out of his way to ask you if you ever need help with anything though, he doesn’t want to make you wait to reach out, or wait for him to notice
-also he because he might fail to notice if you’re having problems, especially in public or maybe at dinner with friends when ur fighting with a menu
-so he doesn’t want you to suffer in silence!! so he tries his best to help you in a respectful manner, and does a lot of research and reading into dyslexia
-likes to show off fun facts he learned, like naming off 12 recognized categories of dyslexia and ur just like ???
-“very cool babe!” -you after he somehow remembered an entire neurohealth article but didn’t notice you struggling with the grocery list he wrote out
-he’s so patient and loving with you, and very empathetic
-he’s somehow a really good balance of knowing how to treat you or help you, or when you just need some time to think things through
-always reminds you of your intellectual capabilities or strengths, especially if he notices you getting nervous in situations where dyslexia might get in the way
-holds your hand but very loosely, like the others he really doesn’t want you to feel babied or a lack of independence
-but he’s so understanding if you sorta need that reassurance and accommodations, and he’s so incredibly patient and understanding about it as well
-but he’s still felix so if you’re 100% comfortable with him poking a bit of fun at you, just know he’ll recite that one Bella Thorn anti-bullying dyslexia ad LMAO
-looks a lot into it to know what to do, but doesn’t go out of his way to make accommodations/alter lifestyle choices for you unless needed
-true neutral
-ur his s/o and you have dyslexia, cool, it doesn’t bother him unless it bothers you
-he can be kinda mean when it comes to your feelings though, might make a joke that’s a bit too far, but just let him know
-and if you struggle with expressing yourself, let him know and he’ll shut down any behaviors that might make you feel insecure
-sends you reminders to help you organize your schedule, makes sure to speak clearly and never gets annoyed if you need him to repeat/rewrite/read something out for you
-but other than that, it’s just another aspect to your relationship. he’ll never see it as a downside, and he loves you always <3 if you tell him he’s not doing enough, he’ll change, if you complain about a colleague clowning on you, he’ll go hire a hitman
-“lol bella thorn”
-if you’re comfortable with it, he has a very playful approach to your dyslexia, making light jokes while you do the same
-if he asks you to wash the dishes or like go grab something, you’ll always respond with “is it because I have dyslexia 😞”
-honestly he does sometimes go a bit far with helping you out, exaggerating his writing to a point it seems ridiculous or speaking slowly like you’re a baby
-he’ll take it so seriously though if you ever express your discomfort with his actions, and he’ll always remember how you feel about certain things or if you struggled with anything in particular
-his search history,,,is a bit funny. ur not really sure how helpful a wikihow article from 2013 will be in regards to “reading to your dyslexic lover in dim lighting”, but you’re very impressed with not only the length of the article but also how jeongin practically has one for almost every single situation in which dyslexia might hinder you
-will still occasionally clown you for writing “if life gives you melons” one time though
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boinin · 1 year
Blue Lock Manga
We've been blessed by Chp 218 🙌 It's had a mixed response but I enjoyed it a lot.
Thoughts under the cut.
Previous chapter analyses
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The art continues to blow me away. I didn't appreciate it as much when I was bingeing through the chapters, or when I watched the anime 🙃 but gosh it's so pretty. These are my personal favourite panels this week. The one with Barou and Isagi is so evocative. A clear visual explanation of the difference between Metavision and Predator Eye.
Isagi is data scientist AU anybody?
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He's SUCH a dork, and I mean that in the kindest sense. Bro's reeling off completely fabricated terms to Niko like he's teaching a class 🥹 I love that he's so keen to pass on what he's learned. He's shown himself to be a voracious learner, going to everyone from Barou to Rin to Kunigami for tips. I want to see someone ask him for instruction!
Also - how cute are Aiku and Niko in this chp?! They're like brothers. I have a draft outline in my writing vault for an Ubers found family fluff fic featuring these two, and this isn't helping me ignore it.
Not everyone has metavision, what a shocking reveal /s It felt heavy handed in delivery, but it shows who Isagi's rivals are in terms of playmaking and predictions. No, Raichi isn't coming for Himsagi's bag yet.
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Another amazing set of panels, love it any time they go nuts with the puzzle pieces. Isagi lists only four... but I think Kaneshiro's setting up Aiku to be the surprise fifth MV user. He might not consciously activate the ability as Isagi does, but he's definitely capable.
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I had sight of these panels from the leaks when I was writing up the chp 217 post, so I won't rehash the BM v Ubers point. But I like how this visualises their differences. The art is grotesque but really beautiful at the same time. Look at Isagi naming himself at the top alongside Kaiser! That's ego growth for you.
On that note: who's the Game Changer this chapter's talking about? Isagi seems to think it's going to be one of him or Kaiser, or out of Ubers, Lorenzo, Barou, Aiku or Niko. Naturally, it's not likely to be any of these, cos ✨suspense✨
The chapter itself ends with a suggestion that it'll be BM that supplies it...
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I'm biased towards my boy Rensuke, but I'll try to be objective here. On the subreddit, people are split 50:50 between being excited that he's getting a moment, or rolling their eyes at that edgy ball steal. I couldn't care less about whether this is an accurate depiction of soccer playing or not (it's a shounen battle manga as far as I'm concerned). But I do think Kunigami's solo run will get shut down next chapter. He hasn't had a lot to do in this match, but I think Kaneshiro will hold back on Kunigami's development for the PXG showdown.
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In the last panel, you can see Kunigami's barrelling towards the goal. There's two defenders up ahead. One is Niko, who's apparently well-suited to reacting to sudden threats (i.e. him tackling Isagi). The other is not so obvious... but odds are, it's Aiku. Who's also not done a lot so far and who doesn't have a grudge against Shidou Ryuusei to milk later
My prediction? Kunigami will outmuscle Niko, but get walled by a levelled-up Aiku, leaving a free ball for Kaiser or Isagi to claim.
As for who'll be the true game changer? Said it already, but if Hiori's not getting subbed on for our newly christened royal trash!Ness in the next five chapters, I'll eat my hat. 🐑
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No more commentary from me. Just signing off with a glorious narcissistic bastard entering flow 💅
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doubleddenden · 6 months
Decided to try something different with a schedule I make for my friends in a discord server I'm in.
Going forward, I'll be posting my Toonami Schedules on my blog as well, and my DD ScheDDules too. That's just a little silly schedule I make.
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Oh, the "meDDia" section is something I usually do when there's a rerun. In our server, I kinda have free reign over this part, so usually I'll look up a funny video that kinda fits the theming. This go around, since I'm feeling the love for DBZ again, I thought it'd be fun to try some fresh DB content we haven't gotten on the actual Toonami block. I decided to post ep 1 and 2 here since this is my first blog post of the schedule.
The graphic is definitely new for me. I found a font matching the Toonami font online, found the old Toonami emblem/logo, and from there I googled space pictures and did renders and edits in paint.net to get the result you see above. Thinking about changing the colors and doing a little more editing, but not too bad for my first attempt at one of these, right?
Some QA and disclaimers below:
"Why do this?"
I'm not really sure tbh. This kinda became my role in the server I'm in. I try to keep on top of the schedule and changes so everyone else can be informed or make other plans if they like. I wasn't the first to do this in my server, nor am I the only one able to do this, I just... I dunno, kinda did it so the others can catch a break? Life's tough and I like being relied on. I'm the schedule guy now
"Tf is the DD Schedule?"
Well, I am DD. The DD Schedule kinda started just as a little joke a year or two ago, again, I just kinda joke and shoot the shit. Some of my friends get upset with me if I forget or don't do the silly schedule, so I reckon if it makes them happy, I do it.
Sometimes it's good for recap. Sometimes not. Depends on the mood. It's just harmless fun and I like being silly.
"Why the inaccurate Japanese?"
Since Ninja Kamui is subbed, I basically just run my original Ninja Kamui bit through Deepl since I was told it is slightly more accurate than Google translate. No harm was meant if it comes off wrong. In other words, Sub is basically the same as Dub but slight differences.
"What are the numbers and projected end dates?"
Something different I decided to do with this schedule is to keep count of episodes and a possible end date for the season or series on Toonami. The Projected End Dates- PED- is subject to change for marathons that may happen. In fact, I'm pretty sure we're due for a Ninja Kamui marathon or 2 for when the series ends its current run, as they tend to do other originals.
"Why the graphics?"
Dunno, thought it'd be fun to try something different for a change. The schedule I post in our server is usually just text, so I figure this would spice things up.
"Why no time listed?"
Because I live in Central, some if my friends don't. Just assume the schedule starts as normal unless stated otherwise. For me that's 11:00pm central.
"Tf is Nart?"
It's Naruto, that's just my pet name for it.
Couple disclaimers
1. I am not a toonami employee. Just a fan. I have limited data per month and can't watch anime as much as I'd like, so Toonami is a great way for me to watch new things I haven't seen that I can't find on youtube or something.
2. I'm not a mod or admin of this server, more like a town crier or janitor.
If you have questions, feel free to message me and I'll answer whatever
3. Our server is a psuedo fan server, not official, and it's really more of a "whatever" server depending on the mood we're in, from Toonami to streamers to games and shows, etc. None of us are affiliated with Toonami in any official capacity and it's mostly us goofing off about whatever or watching Toonami on Saturdays. It is an 18+ server, fair warning- we try to keep that stuff in the designated channels, but *some* people are gremlins, so it can scare some off.
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motsimages · 2 years
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I've just seen this thread on Twitter and I will translate it because it really shows what it is to learn a language to a degree where you actually understand it.
"Completely agree. And let us not fetishize more than necessary. Sometimes, when it comes to languages, we are no better than those cishet men who, on the 8th of March, say that women are the most beautiful thing God created.
"In Norwegian, the Spanish "penumbra" (semi-darkness) is called "semi-darkness" and it's super poetic."
"Well, yes, imaginary speaker, the etymology of "penumbra" is "almost shadow", but it also is an everyday word that has no esoteric characteristics"
"But, lighthouse is "tower of fire" and it makes you think..."
"No, that's what it makes *you* think because you just learn the word, but it really means lighthouse, and that's it."
There is a level of fluency in every language when you *think* you are fluent because you can follow conversations, watch movies and read books, you can interact with people and not struggle much, and it makes you truly believe that you are bilingual. Which you are (definitions of "bilingual" may vary but I count you in), but you are still a foreigner, an outsider, and you think that everything that people do is fascinating and interesting and cool.
As Ana says "you turn it into a fetish". I will use an example I saw a mutual comment on not so long ago (espero que no te moleste, avisé de que igual hacía un hilo sobre esto ;) ). He mentioned something kind of like "literacy" in English had more o better connotations than the Spanish "alfabetización". He explained why he felt that this translation wasn't accurate, because of the connotations he felt it had and a conversation in his notes followed with suggestions to find a more accurate translation. That is the accurate translation, though. That is literally what "literacy" means, what it is, as exotic and cool as the English word may be.
As far as I can tell, he is studying in English. This is giving him fluency and knowledge he otherwise wouldn't have, but he is still at a stage where the foreign language is exotic, interesting and rare. Where you can stop and overanalyze words because look at how they constructed this otherwise average word! And it sounds so pretty too!
We've all been there. You can do that with your native language too. It happens with everything. You look at your garden, the park in front of your house and you don't notice the plants, you noticed they moved the benches. You go to another country and suddenly they have tall trees, big flowers, interesting birds. You do too back home, you are just used to them and don't pay attention.
The thing is if you keep using the foreign language, if you ever find yourself surrounded by natives (say, you travel to the country or you move in with many people from there), it won't be the leisure and study language, or the work language. It will be the language, the only one you have for many everyday situations. And you will stop noticing that "lighthouse" is actually "house of light" because what matters is what purpose it serves. Etymology rarely matters in every day life.
There are many words and sentences that are difficult to translate. They usually are the colloquial ones, more than the technical. I always remember that time that our teacher of Russian, in a class of translation Spanish-Russian, stopped the class to ask "How would you translate "culamen"?" because I said that word to a classmate in a joke. He gave us the words for "ass" that could be used in Russian, and added "but the suffix -amen, those connotations would be hard to give, we would need to know what is the meaning behind it, is it a big ass? Does Inés want to offend her classmate? And we work from there". This does not mean that "culamen" cannot be translated. It means it will not be translated with just one word in a 1:1 way.
The lists of untranslatable words that often appear in newspapers and magazines only add to the idea that the only valid translation is "one noun = one noun, one verb = one verb, and so on". They also help turn into something exotic and yes, fetishistic, average mundane words. "Look how the Inuit have this very long word that can only be explained into a sentence for this very beautiful concept that can't be translated" is a falacy. The very long Inuktitut word is actually just that sentence that you used to translate it. You know nothing about how that language works but that is another matter.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying and being fascinated with the mundane in foreign languages, but then, be fascinated with the mundane of your own native language too.
Many people who are bilingual but who aren't really used to translate still believe this is how translation works, that it should be like "what I know about this is what everyone knows about it", "what I perceive is what it is". It doesn't. As the original tweet points out, sometimes you don't want a translation, you want to learn the language, to really learn it.
And if you want to translate, you will have to learn to leave yourself aside because your perception doesn't matter and it *shouldn't* matter. A great amount of time when you are translating goes to double-checking that the word you are using will actually be understood while also portraying the original intentions. And more often than not, all that were just words used for communications, no poetry behind them.
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My 2023 Warriors reread!
As you may know, we celebrate 20 years of warrior cats in 2023, so I decided to do my long overdue reread of every single book this year. I thought it would be fun/interesting to keep everyone updated with my progress and thoughts, so here is how this is going to work.
To reduce spam, this is going to be a regularly updated master post containing a continually updated tier list. I’m going to have a short pinned post containing a link to this post, and update that with what book I’m currently reading. I also thought it would be fun to have one sentence reviews/ statements/ thoughts about each book.
Since I have very recently reread River, Sky, and Onestar’s Confession, they’re already on the tier list/review list (I couldn’t find a tier list with Sky yet so that won’t be on the list itself but it still gets a ranking). I will mostly read the books in publication order with a few exceptions which include reading all books in a single arc together, and reading a few books in a reading order I prefer more.
As books come out this year I will pause my reread to read those, give them a review, and then continue my reread after they’re done.
Anyway, the tier list:
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One sentence thoughts on each book:
Into the Wild - A - No wonder this thing got like 100 sequels.
Fire and Ice - B - Graystripe commits manslaughter twice in this book.
Forest of Secrets - S - This book is littered with so many good character moments throughout, and despite reading this book more times than I can remember, the third act is still so tense and emotionally driven for me.
Rising Storm - A - This book is quite chill until Runningwind dies and it all just gets more dramatic from there, I always am unprepared for how hard Yellowfang’s death hits.
A Dangerous Path - A - Seeing just how ill Bluestar gets in this book is absolutely heartbreaking.
The Darkest Hour - S - What an excellent way to end the arc, and what would have been at the time the whole series, special shout out to that guy Vicky knew/knows which came up with the initial idea of Scourge.
Firestar’s Quest - B - The only real problem I have with this book is the extremely forced Spottedleaf relationship drama.
Midnight - A - I do not remember liking this book this much last time I read it at all, I wasn’t expecting this to get an A, I really like the character interactions in this particularly.
Moonrise - D - You know in games where you choose to play a side quest but it goes on way too long and you can’t wait for it to be over, yeah that’s this book’s Tribe plot.
Dawn - B - The workmen in this book are pretty terrible people, one deliberately injures a cat and most of them just don’t seem to care when several cats are running around their active heavy machinery.
Starlight - C - Brambleclaw please stfu.
Twilight - C - I already can’t remember most of what happened in this book and I finished it about 10 minutes ago.
Sunset - B - I was on the fence about whether to give this C or B but the Hawkfrost confrontation pushed it to B.
Rise of Scourge - A - Wherever Scourge is living there’s a pretty severe feral cat problem judging by the overhead shots showing them littering the street.
The Sight - A - I forgot how good the character interactions are in this book.
The Lost Warrior - C - I feel really bad for Millie’s owner, she clearly loved Millie a lot.
Warrior’s Refuge - C - Why does that cat have a hereditary 90s haircut?
Warrior’s Return - C - Diesel is the best part of this book, he’s great.
Secrets of the Clans - B - A cute field guide, it’s interesting to see in particular the stuff which ended up becoming dotc, and how those stories in the book are presented as the stories as how the clans know them rather than be totally accurate.
Dark River - C - The character interactions really hold this together, it would definitely be a D tier book if based on the plot alone.
Outcast - E - There’s a few good character moments, especially from Breezepaw, but otherwise the book is just racist and boring.
Eclipse - A - I wanted to keep reading this despite having my life consumed by tears of the kingdom so you know it’s good.
Long Shadows - B - Everything before the fire scene was C and the fire scene and beyond was S so it all evened out to an B to me.
Cats of the Clans - C - It’s fine, that’s all I really have to say about it.
Sunrise - S - What a tragic story for so many involved, and the emotional beats are absolutely nailed.
Into the woods - D - The priceless look on the big handsome cat’s face was the best part of the book
Escape from the Forest - C - She should have stayed with the captain and Patch, I hope she went back to them later on
Return to the Clans - D- In hindsight maybe Sasha shouldn’t have insisted to her kits that Tigerstar was misunderstood and other cats just didn’t understand him
Code of the Clans - A - It’s a shame more and more of this is becoming retconned, I like to still think that it’s all still canon bar the elements of the stories that directly contradict new canon.
Bluestar’s Prophecy - A- It’s a miracle no one in ThunderClan immediately recognised Mistypaw and Stonepaw at their first gathering only mere moons after the identical Mistykit and Stonekit supposedly died.
The Fourth Apprentice - B - Jayfeather just can’t catch a break can he?
Fading Echoes - B - I feel so bad for both Dovepaw and Ivypaw, I thought to myself “oh honey… no” so many times reading each of their POVs.
Battles of the Clans - C- How and why does Cedarheart know about SkyClan in this?
Shattered Peace - C - Willie is the worst BloodClan cat name ever, imagine losing your home to a cat named Willie.
A Clan in Need - B - It was very satisfying to see Violet and Barley beat up their abusive brothers.
Heart of a Warrior - B - the last 3 pages are a RavenBarley shipper’s dream.
SkyClan’s Destiny - E - I did like many of the character moments, and almost rated the book higher on those alone, but the plot is just a bunch of random things happening before the main plot gets a rushed resolution in 3 chapters after getting barely any focus.
Night Whispers - B - Dovepaw and Ivypaw’s relationship is breaking my heart in this one.
Sign of the Moon - F - It started off ok but then it became very quickly apparent that there is no reason for this book to exist apart from padding out the arc to six books.
Crookedstar’s Promise - S - This book hurts my heart.
The Forgotten Warrior - E - In this one I can just feel the writers struggling under the weight of everything they set up but neglected to plan how they would follow through.
The Last Hope - B - I found about 77% of this book to be C tier but the battle at the end is good, iconic, and emotional so I bumped the whole book up to a B.
The Rescue - B - That old lady seemed really nice, I hope she found a cat which loved her and stayed with her.
Beyond the Code - B - I hope Sol’s siblings ended up having good lives, did Cinders scout the homes for her children beforehand or did she just randomly choose houses I wonder.
After the Flood - B - Glad Shrewtooth got some time in the spotlight like that before he disappeared, I wonder what happened to him, I miss him.
Yellowfang’s Secret - E - This book is just messy; lots of obvious errors, bad pacing, and Yellowfang herself is just so bland, she’s nothing like the cat she is in the first arc.
Hollyleaf’s Story - C - Nice insight into Hollyleaf’s time in the tunnels, I don’t have much else to say about it.
Mistystar’s Omen - C - Probably worth a read again if you’re invested in ASC, you get more out of it.
Cloudstar’s Journey - A - Why no one talks about this book is beyond me, do yourself a favour and check it out if you haven’t.
Tallstar’s Revenge - S+ - Words cannot describe how I feel for this book but maybe the fact I added an S+ category just for it can.
Ultimate Guide (2013 Edition) - B - Nice guide with a few mistakes, B tier rather than C for the art, RIP Wayne.
The Sun Trail - S - Overall I really liked this one particularly the stuff at the beginning up to Gray Wing finding Jagged Peak.
Thunder Rising - A - I’m sorry for the gross treatment you were given Bumble, you deserved so much better.
The First Battle - S+ - What a heart-wrenching tragedy the second half of the book is, perfectly crafted to just continue inflicting emotional pain on the reader.
The Blazing Star - C - You died too soon One Eye.
A Forest Divided - B - Surprised I enjoyed this one as much as I did, not looking forward for Slash next book, such a nothing villain.
Path of Stars - B - Was considering giving this a C until the second half picked up and the ending left me an emotional mess, Slash still sucks as a villain though.
Moth Flight’s Vision - C - This book was so close yet so far to saying purposefully something meaningful about trauma.
Tigerclaw’s Fury - F - I liked Jaggedtooth and not much else at all.
Leafpool’s Wish - D - I liked the last two chapters with the three as kits, that was cute, unfortunately how vile StarClan are drags the whole book down.
Dovewing’s Silence - B - The first few chapters that dealt with the direct aftermath of the battle were my favourite.
Bramblestar’s Storm - D - Would be a lot better if it was about 30% shorter.
Mapleshade’s Vengeance- A - A really good self contained villain origin story - Warriors needs more like this.
Goosefeather’s Curse - S - Genuinely probably the bleakest and most hopeless warrior cats story, and I adore it.
Ravenpaw’s Farewell - S - This story radiates love.
The Apprentice’s Quest - B - The characterisations of Needlepaw and Alderpaw are my favourite things about this book.
Thunder and Shadow - A - “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it”, isn’t that right Onestar?
Hawkwing’s Journey - A - Probably simultaneously both the most hopeless and hopeful warriors book there is.
Shattered Sky - S - Manages to build a sense of horror and dread about the fates of the missing cats that you rarely see in a warrior cats book.
Spottedleaf’s Heart - F - This book is just thoroughly terrible in so many ways, I don’t think I need to explain myself here.
Pinestar’s Choice - B - I really like how Pinestar’s struggle is handled, and Shanty, I fully believe those dream cats telling him to kill Tigerkit were just a normal nightmare rather than a message from StarClan.
Thunderstar’s Echo - A - I liked this one better than I remember, the character bonds and interactions really sell it for me.
Onestar’s Confession - E - Imagine building up a character for an entire book as an awful person then just having them be forgiven by everyone at the end, enjoyed the Darktail stuff so it gets E rather than F.
River - A - I’m really glad to see warrior cats doing some good old murder mystery again.
Sky - B - Wake up bestie new character with anxiety just dropped.
Shadow - A - Nightheart gets smacked in the face with a frog, if that’s not enough reason for you to check this book out I don’t know what to say.
A Thief in ThunderClan - A- After all these years of wanting a Brightheart book it finally came and I definitely wasn’t disappointed.
Riverstar’s Home - S - We got a really nice close platonic friendship between a male and female character in this, to make up for it the Erins gave us the most fridged character in warrior cats history.
Thunder - A - It only took 20 years but the warrior cats discovered therapy.
Wind - A - Oh Splashtail, Tigerstar would have given his tail for a son like you.
Ultimate Guide 2023 Edition - C - I liked the new stories, points off for the horrendous colour errors though.
TPB Graphic Novel 1 - A - I love the art, the pacing for the fire and ice section isn’t great though.
Ivypool’s Heart - S - One of the most emotionally mature stories in warriors, with the underlying message that there is life and beauty in everything and nothing ever truly leaves.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
I'm selfish Sam anon, life got in the way of my rewatch but I had a non rewatch thought. I remembered a Pride & Prejudice quote I think fits Dean and Sam - "One has got all the goodness, the other all the appearance of it". Sam likes to look like a good guy but he's actually emotionally manipulative and insincere and only seems to genuinely care about those they save when he identifies with them. Dean can be standoffish and brutally honest at times but truly cares about helping people.
Oh, a thousand times yes, on all counts.  I don't know how I'd managed to forget that quote --- my sister made me read that book repeatedly, and then made me watch each and every interpretation she found --- but it's a really good one in general, and especially pertinent as regards these two.  (Honestly, the comparison between Wickham/Darcy and Sam/Dean is remarkably accurate… In both cases, the former is conventionally viewed within the story as charming, educated, and eloquent despite being perfectly willing to manipulate his way into getting something and then splitting as soon as they’ve gotten it; in both cases, the latter is viewed in-story as a touch brusque and, often, as you put it, standoffish despite being more generous and caring than their reputation/outward personality suggests.)
Sam is always viewed as the smart, empathetic, and caring one of the two, but it’s really not accurate.  It’s a common discussion in this fandom, but Sam’s got book-Intelligence (though I’d also point out that Dean’s pretty damn book-smart too, just not in the conventional-education path as opposed to the self-taught, research-highly-obscure-texts-and-read-Vonnegut sense) and Dean’s got the practical Wisdom,  Sam is only truly empathetic when he cares to be; otherwise, his skill at people-reading is used to that person’s detriment (e.g. knowing that he’s Dean’s weakness and using that to manipulate/hurt him repeatedly, using Crowley only as much as was beneficial to him and trying to kill him just after, manipulating Rowena with Oskar, etc.), whereas Dean may not like talking about feelings, but he’s usually decent at caring about/reading other people (e.g. knowing what to say to Bobby in “Curious Case”, trying to get Cas to talk after Purgatory, etc.).  And so on and so forth, because there are more things to list than belong in one Tumblr post.
Your message is remarkably serendipitous in terms of timing, actually, because I've been stewing over a post I saw a while back... Unfortunately, I can't recall who actually said this, but they referred to how Cas says that "Dean… he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known" and said that it was "proof" that Cas was clearly biased in Dean's favor because obviously this is blatantly false. 
Which, like... what.
Just because Dean doesn’t express feelings verbally doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them, and anyone who thinks he isn’t one of the deepest-feeling characters on the show clearly hasn’t watched the same show I have.  Even beyond guilt — which the man soaks up like a damn sponge — he really is one of the most emotional characters on the show; it’s just contained mostly in microexpressions and the look in his eyes, so it’s easier to miss than Sam (whose main sign of emotion is his jaw muscle ticking or the Wi-Fi signal appearing in his forehead).  It’s like you said; Sam has the appearance of goodness, and Dean has the real deal.
(Also, I'm sorry to hear that life got hectic... I hope anything stressful gets cleared up, and I wish you the best with that!  I definitely look forward to hearing from you again later, should you grant me the honor!)
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favorite movies / shows ? (:
sorry for the late response, but i took this too seriously and started going through notes and diaries to find lists
Idioot (2011) by Rainer Sarnet. It's an adaptation of dostoyevsky's "the idiot" and it's one of the few movies i can actually call underground, because i've yet to met anyone besides my mom whose actually seen it. I don't like it because of that though, i like it because all of it is shot in a church (even the outdoor scenes) and the ending has gay undertones. it's arthouse, what else do you expect?
Amelie (2001) is one of the few romance movies i like because it's super sweet and has very interesting visuals. and also i saw it before i knew i was aroace so i didn't care about whether or not i like romance.
Knives out (2019) has super cool visuals and also very cool foreshadowing. definitely a movie i watched an explanation of later. not THAT deep though, like you get the message before even finishing it.
Tank Girl (1995) is a fucking comedy and apocalypse masterpiece and no one will convince me otherwise. I do not care about if it's accurate to the comics at all. it's just pure, unfiltered, 90s action. with implied lesbians.
In tandem with the last movie comes Bad Girls (1994), even though this one is a bit less goofy (it does not have kangaroo-man hybrids)
Kill your darlings (2013). i don't even care about the gayness, they went ham with the poetry references. like they explain a technique in poetry and then do that same thing in the movie? fucking beautiful. the soundtrack is also so unique. i could go on about this movie forever.
Birds of Prey, or the fantabulous emancipation of Harley Quinn (2020) is like all of those other superhero action movies, but this time it's For Girls (tm) and i LOVE it because of that. idec about action movies in general, that one just Gets It. Margot Robbie OWNS Harley Quinn for me
speaking of feminist action movies, Mad Max Fury Road (2015) is amazing. it has one of the most unique colour palettes i've seen, because of how much contrast there is. Surprisingly condensed, the action is not spread out at all, gets straight to the point. Also it has like no romance at all.
Hannibal (2013-2015) is my number 1, no competition. It's a rom com, it's a thriller, it's horror, it's whatever you want it to be. not gonna say too much, becuase i want you to experience its glory first hand.
pushing daisies (2007-2009) is whimsical, light hearted, fairy-tale like, fluffy, etc. basically the opposite of hannibal, even though both of them are made by Brian Fuller. fun fact: it has the only straight romance i actively root for. they're also asexual because i said so.
I am not okay with this (2020) is another one of those movies you only see in those lists of shows that netflix ended too soon, because it did. it's like netflix said "wait it has LESBIANS? we can't have THAT" which is a shame, because it's a masterfully crafted allegory for grief and depression. and as if THAT wasn't enough, it parodies while ´imitating an 80s high school movie, which gives it this cool aesthetic of the modern day mixed with the 80s.
Over the garden wall (2016). Wirt is a very accurately written teen who i want to be friends with SO BAD, and Greg is somehow even more accurately written because my sister is roughly the same age as him and they are basically the same people. It goes pretty hard with the historical influences, the soundtrack fits it so well and the story is very sweet. i recommend it 👍
Hope i didn't burden you with my ramblings too much, i don't even have an excuse. thanks for the ask tho, i had fun
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ilaiyayaya · 10 months
Plok Goes So Hard Feel Free To Like And RePlok If You Agree
My Spotify Wrapped is fucking weird and like kinda accurate but also like not at all but like 2/3rds of the music I listen to isn't on Spotify anyways so like it kinda makes sense why it's not completely accurate but also like????
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But like yeah this one makes perfect sense this is one of the non-weird ones, the only weird part of this is that number is way too low, I 100% listened to it more than 147 times, just most of that probably wasn't on Spotify. I listened to this on loop every day for like 2 months straight earlier this year, it was like actually a problem so like yea this is definitely my most listened to song this year.
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But like, most of the rest of my top 10, uhh no??? cringe??? wuh??? guh??? The Time Has Come makes sense too tho like no complaints for the top 2, I think it's funny when it says "the time has come and so have I" and that line alone means it deserves to be at least top 2. Number 3 is like by far the most confusing on this entire list of 100 songs (you don't get to see 11-100 that would require too many screenshots and also nobody is allowed to see where Team Chaotix is on the list (the answer is it's somehow not in the top 100, and that's really embarrassing)). Vigilante is like near the very bottom of my tier list of Hiroyuki Sawano songs, like it's still good, but like, it's nowhere near #3 good, I feel like I skip it half the time it plays too so like I have no clue how it's as high as it is. Like if literally any other song composed by that guy was at #3 I wouldn't be surprised at all, but I guess I just don't listen to any of those enough on Spotify.😔 4 makes sense, Amatsu Kaze is definitely the FFXIV song that's on Spotify that I listen to the most, idk if it's my number 1 favorite, but definitely what I listen to most often. Unfortunately neither Dedicated To Moonlight, nor Athena The Tireless One are on Spotify yet otherwise at least one, if not both would probably be in this spot instead. 5 is also weird as fuck, like I love this song, world.execute(me) is definitely one of my favorite Mili songs, but I feel like it's more of a 2022 song, I feel like I've listened to sustain++ way more this year. Although I guess I do listen to it a lot more off Spotify than on Spotify so I guess it kinda makes sense but still like, I think sustain++ should be here instead. Masterpiece? more like, yea this song is a masterpiece. Yea this is one of my favorite songs of all time I've been listening to this consistently since like 2011 and I still listen to it enough to be in the top 10, really any Toaru song being super high makes sense, this is definitely my favorite one tho. This one kinda sorta makes sense, like yea I definitely do listen to Violence a lot, and it's probably my 2nd favorite Chainsaw Man song, but I think I like Chainsaw Blood a bit more, and I thought I listened to it pretty much equally, yet it's way lower down the list. Tbh I'm kinda surprised Calling for Rain isn't slightly higher, like this is another one that I listened to nonstop on loop for like an entire month, I'm satisfied that it's here though, acceptable placement. Yea Gravitation is another Toaru song, any Toaru song being high will never be a surprise, the only consistency in life is that 10 years from now I'll still be listening to Index openings and Sonic the Hedgehog music. Yea No Buts! is another Toaru song. I like how the first 10 seconds sounds like I broke into a bank and am about to die :)
I lied this is fun so I'm gonna keep going here's 11-20 :)
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11. THIS SONG RELEASED LESS THAN A FUCKING MONTH AGO WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME HOW IS IT SO HIGH I like the line where it says "how many liters can you bleed" because I too like the metric system and also blood. 12. Slightly surprising this is so high, I'm glad it is, one of my favorite songs for sure but like, didn't realize I still listened to it often enough to make top 20, very cool. What if Meguca and Hameru kis 13. Ok I know why this one is as high as it is because I couldn't find most Ali Project songs on Spotify until like 3 months ago, but like, this is probably in my top 5 least favorite, and also least listened to Ali Project songs so it DOES NOT deserve to be this high but also I couldn't find any of the cooler songs until recently so ;-; 14. I hate that this is probably my favorite Inabakumori song because listening to it makes me so depressed because I associate it with being depressed as fuck but like, I like it :) 15. How the FUCK is this one higher than Guitar, Loneliness and Blue Planet, I DON'T EVEN LIKE THIS ONE THAT MUCH, ok I mean it's still pretty good but like it's no Masterpiece. 16. Yea this one's pretty good I'm okay with this Hiroyuki Sawano song being this high, still not as good as like Club Ki3e, or Here I Am, or Brave the Ocean, or like a bunch of his other songs, but I do still feel like I listen to it a lot, DEFINITELY MORE THAN VIGILANTE, FUCK YOU VIGILANTE I HATE YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! 17. sigh this one's okay I do like this one, but still definitely not peak Ali Project, but like, I like it more than the last one at least so that's cool! 18. YEAAAAAA SONIC WOOOOOOOOOOO fucking took long enough. Idk if this is necessarily my favorite Sonic song this year, and if I included non-Spotify listens it definitely wouldn't be my most listened to, but like it's probably like top 10 Sonic songs of all time so honestly the real issue here is that it's not way higher. 19. WOOOOOOOO YEAAAAAAA THE COOLER BOCCHI SONG YEAAAAAAA this should be higher 100%, I do listen to it more frequently outside of Spotify so I get why it's not in like the top 10, but if this was counting all of the music I've listened to on all platforms over the last year, this would easily be in the top 10, I listen to this constantly. 20. I'm very surprised this one isn't higher, I feel like I listen to it a lot, and it's the only x0o0x_ song on Spotify that I really like. I definitely like their cover of Big Brother more, but unfortunately Spotify doesn't think that song exists, it also doesn't think 2/3rds of the music I actually listen to exists so I think Spotify is kinda dumb and stupid and stupid.
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21. This is pretty much exactly where I would expect this one to be, like yea I listen to Kick Back a lot, but like, not constantly and I feel like I probably listen to Chainsaw Blood more oftenTHERE IT IS THERE IT IS IT'S RIGHT THERE AT NUMBER 30 WHY IS IT SO LOW! 22. I think this may actually be my least favorite of the Drakengard 3 vocal songs, like it's still good I still enjoy it a lot, but like why is this the only one on Spotify??? But like yeah Black Song White Scales is definitely probably the best one I don't have hot takes. 23. WOOOOOOO YEAAAAA this is definitely my favorite Inabakumori song that doesn't make me depressed af, wish it was higher Rainy Boots is kinda like the anti-depression song. 24. Shut up, shut the fuck up it's good I don't care I will kill you shut up now. 25. It's so sad that this is the lowest Toaru song on here, this is like my 3rd favorite one yet it's this far down, this is so sad, I'm licherally going to move onto the next song. 26. If I had used Spotify in 2020 this would've probably been my most listened to song that year, and it probably would've still been in the top 5 in 2021, so good to know that maybe by 2030 it'll finally be outside of my top 100. But like yeah Reol kinda pog and this is definitely my favorite song of her's, should've been higher. 27. This one is so odd, because it is entirely not my normal style of music, yet I still like it for some reason and clearly still listen to it a lot and I have no clue why I like it because I really shouldn't. I think it may literally just be because it's from a game that I like because I also like almost the entire Madworld OST and that's all the same type of music. 28. UMINEKO YEAAAA UMINEKO WOOOOOO FINALLY YEAAAA unfortunately Occultics no Majo isn't on spotify otherwise it would easily, and permanently be in the top 10 and also would've been for the last 3 years, but like this one's still really good, it's an alright consolation prize, but nothing can compete with peak, it's truly so unfair. Very surprised that Kina no Kaori ~ Ai no Shiren isn't higher tho, like I don't think it's even in the top 100, but I do definitely listen to it way more off Spotify so I guess I probably shouldn't be too surprised. Not enough Umineko representation on this list, next year I need to make sure to exclusively listen to M. Zacky so I can meet my minimum required Umineko threshold. 29. I'm not sure whether to be surprised at how low this is, or how high it is, because I fucking love this song and have been listening to it, along with the rest of the Sonic CD soundtrack a ton in the last 2 months, but prior to very recently this was one of my less listened to Sonic songs. I guess I've just been listening to it enough recently to put it this high, very epic, will never complain about a Sonic song being so high on the list. 30. THERE IT IS GARY THERE IT IS!!! This is probably my favorite Chainsaw Man song, so I'm really surprised that both Kick Back and Violence are both way higher, I guess it's probably another case of me listening to it more often outside Spotify without realizing it.
Ok eepy disease is getting too strong so no more extra special bonus rounds, 30 is enough. In conclusion fuck Spotify, doesn't even have Ort's theme from FGO, or hxcxx2 my favorite song with 500 views on Youtube, I hate Spotify and I hope Mr. Spotify falls in a river and then gets out of said river covered in mud and also deadly leeches.
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melivora · 2 years
I think in Britain, race isn't as big as an issue as the US. Sure it does happen, but most often to people from asia instead, being black doesn't carry the same weight in the UK as is seems to in the US, people don't really give a shit here, except for those who want to make it a problem, usually the kind who think they're doing it for good.
Pretty much. This is definitely a US import via interwebs, which is a shame.
Again, obviously racism happens in the UK, it would be silly to say otherwise, but the cultural landscape in the US is far different to what we have here. There's an irony in trying to not treat people based on biases or assumptions, but at the same time assuming that racial dynamics are the same everywhere.
Also, there's even differences within the UK. Another thing that annoys me is whenever people talk about being black in the UK, it's 99% of the time about people who live in London or other major cities where there's different community dynamics compared to living in a small town or village.
There are different "types" of black which is also somewhat lost in the US. You can get west indies ppl and african people and US people and whatever else kinds and they all have their own variations.
There's also a difference between people whose families have been in the country a few generations vs those who are recent immigrants (for any race/country). Mixed people. Adoptees. List goes on.
It's much easier to just treat people as individuals. Historically, it was mostly accurate to assume that X racial group = X culture but we're a few generations in now and there is so much variation on every factor that assumptions are gonna be a bit more wrong.
I could get into the whole idea that stirring shit up constantly and antagonising one particular demographic and calling them names for having valid concerns about things that happen to them ends up creating more racists but I've already written a mini essay here lol.
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