#( lucy PLEASE oh my lord LMAO. )
wcstenra · 1 year
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@desiredprince​: --❝ no, that’s a myth. ❞
vampiric starters. | accepting
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                         ( she is somewhat INTOXICATED, flushed features warm &. bright in dim silver moonlight. heiress &. gentleman stand together on the veranda overlooking evergreen IMPRESSIONIST blur of fragrant gardens. lucy had been atypically NERVOUS entering tonight’s ball, reaching for coupes filled with bubbling champagne upon gliding through the foyer-a full glass is cradled in one DELICATE hand now. it is the first of the season’s festivities where all THREE of her vying suitors were in attendance, &. her dance card was already full with scrawled signatures of other hopeful, ENAMORED men. diamond of the first water, EMERALD of the british isles - miss westenra had men competing for her hand, for even the chance to gaze upon ETHEREAL angel from all over the world. initial excitement had become overwhelming, near OPPRESSIVE strain eased only by sparkling wine. promenade on the veranda is first OPPORTUNITY nymph has had to breathe, grateful for cool evening air on FEVERISH, blushing skin. still, even now she PERFORMS, her life a constant DISPLAY of carefully constructed façade. )
                         ‘ oh monsieur, you must think me a very silly woman! ‘
                         ( laughter - much like the rest of her - is DREAMY in its silvery, bubbling quality. her question had been about the CHARMING american fascination with weapons; though she knew little about the stranger she now CONVERSED with, heiress did know he had some experiences with americans. the country had always FASCINATED her, interest increasing twofold upon making acquaintance with mr. quincey morris. the TEXAN - being the only american lucy knew personally - had given angel incorrect, perhaps NAÏVE assumption all americans hoarded weaponry of all kinds similarly to quincey. tapered fingertips lightly touch his arm, still giggling as she sipped her champagne. soft british lilt is somewhat SHEEPISH with her unwilling ignorance - miss westenra has never left england &. sometimes feels utterly FOOLISH conversing with more cosmopolitan strangers such as the gentleman who now holds her RADIANT attention. )
                         ‘ you seem very worldly, &. i am ashamed to admit i am not. it is why i am so eager to gain knowledge from gentlemen like yourself, you see, or the enchanting mr. morris. ‘
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ur-dad-satan · 7 months
I’m certain that MC would introduce movie references to some of the undatabes and the brothers except Lucifer and use their confusion as entertainment. Like, I can imagine MC hanging out with everyone outside like:
Luke: Solomon! Simeon! Wanna race?
Solo: *joking* You want me to run?
MC: *almost involuntarily* run, run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread man!!
Levi: *catching on* You're a monster!
Luci: Leviathan! That's incredibly rude! Apologize to them.
Mam: They're not the monster here, you are!
Barbs: What is going on?
Sat: You and the rest of that fairytale trash poisoning my perfect world. Now tell me, where are the others?!
Sim: Oh my! Who is poisoning things?
MC: EAT ME! *fake spits*
Barbs: MC, please don't spit
Belphie: I've tried to be fair to you creatures, now my patience has reached it's end!
Solo: *grabbing MC* TELL ME, or I'll- *lowkey pulling MC's shirt*
Luke: No! Not the buttons! Not their gumdrop buttons!!
Sim: Luke, what are you taking about?? What buttons?
Asmo: All right, then who's hiding them?!
Levi: Okay, I'll tell you...
MC: Do you know... the Muffin Man?
Luci, Barbs, and Sim: *cluelessly* The Muffin Man?
Mam, Luke, and Asmo: The muffin man.
Beel: Yes, I know the muffin man. Who lives on Drury Lane?
Dia: Well... she's married to... the muffin man...
Luci: Who are you talking about?
Barbs: The Muffin Man?
Everyone except Luci, Barbs, and Sim: THE MUFFIN MAN!!!
Dia: *thoughtfully* She married to the muffin man...
MC: *grabbing a stick or something* MY LORD! We've found it!
Everyone except Luci, Barbs, and Sim: *dies laughing*
Luci: What the hell was that about??
MC: You should really watch more movies with us, then you wouldn't be lost.
Levi: LMAO even Lord Diavolo knew the scene!! Lol!
Mam: I didn't know Lord Diavolo was actually kinda cool.
Dia: *ecstatic* Thank you, Mammon!
Barbs: Young master when have you had time to learn movie scenes?
Sim: I must admit, it was a bit fun, don't you two agree?
Luci: No. *lying*
Barbs: Young master?
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bronx-bomber87 · 10 months
Happy Wednesday lovely readers :) I love any episode with Lucy/Tamara in it. Add in Tim? Makes an amazing thing even more so. I love this one for delving into Tamara’s past a bit, how Tim helps Lucy without a thought, and the bond between Lucy and Tamara. Such good one let’s get going.
4x11 End Game
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We begin our episode with Tamara and Lucy. It’s clear Lucy has been up all night researching. Tamara asks why? Lucy tells her legal research. That kid Tyler she cited out last episode ended up stealing from a liquor store. He felt stressed to pay back the dealer he lost product for. Unfortunately he gave the store owner a heart attack. Luckily the owner is out and ok.
She’s been up all night trying to finds ways for the state to show him leniency since the owner is fine. I love both of them calling Chris the ‘clown’ from the DA’s office. Might be my new name for him. Chris the clown. It’s fitting. They have a lovely moment as Tamara refills her coffee and brings it to her. Saying this kid is lucky to have her backing him.
That she knows she was. Best thing she ever did was steal Lucy’s car. I mean it’s true haha I love Tamara being more open with Lucy. Showing how grateful she is that Lucy took a chance on her like she did. Tamara saying crime pays actually. In this case it does tbh. Heh Lucy says she’s cute when she walks away. It’s such an adorable mom/daughter open for them.
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We see Mr. Clown shortly after Lucy arrives at the station. She is gloating that the store owner survived. Chris agrees with her that he’s happy she survived. Lucy questioning how true that is. She tries to get him to charge Tyler as a minor but Chris refuses of course. Schmuck. Lucy starts to tell him studies and he’s so condescending to her. Saying not to quote studies at him. I hate it so much. I dislike him greatly...
Tells her he will only charge him as a minor as long as he’s a CI for his crew. This is where Lucy really goes off on him. Both barrels and pulls no punches whatsoever. Chris is finding this amusing and I want to clock him. Calling her dramatic too. You don’t know her like that ya clown. So rude to say. Tim coming into the convo asking if everything is ok? I love that. Protective Husband is in the building.
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The way she spins around to face Tim is hilarious. His face and posture LOL Lucy saying she can’t believe the nerve of him calling her dramatic. She sees his reaction and tells him don’t start. Haha Eric is the king of facial expressions. He doesn’t disappoint in the least here. His face conveying ‘ I didn’t say anything…’ Even though his body language is saying everything. Laughing so hard at his reaction.
Such a hubby move here. Doesn't say anything but she knows what that reaction means. HIs silence saying more than he ever could. He’s smart enough to know when not to engage her in a fight. Be more married you two please. Lucy is in full wifey mode here and my heart is so happy. Also my god the forearms/biceps. Phew lord. Love to have those wrapped around me like a blanket. There is just so much to love about this mini moment.
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It’s the next part where we hit peak married vibes. Tim knowing her so damn well. Pinpointing why she is so friggin keyed up. Asking exactly how many cups of coffee she’s had this morning? God these two know each other so damn well. Lucy doesn’t lie and says she’s just going to apologize right now LMAO
Knowing how she’s going to be the rest of the shift for him. It’s so funny. I love her self awareness knowing she’s gonna be extra cause she’s hopped up on caffeine. Good thing Tim is actually is so very fond of it even though he’s exasperated at the same time hehe. She’s so cute I cannot.
Tim’s reaction to her reply is the best part. No one does the eye roll better than our guy. It’s so funny. It makes me laugh every single time. Lucy knows what she’s done and is just owning up it to ahha I love these two idiots so very much. Her saying it’s going to be a long day for him. Oh he’s well aware of that one my dear. I love them so much makes my heart hurt haha
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Tim and Lucy are called to Lopez’s homicide. It’s a 18 year old girl killed and dumped. Tim is confused why Angela needed a sergeant. She tells them she didn’t. Just Lucy. Asking if she knows her? Lucy tells her no. Angela hands her the phone and says Tamara does. Pic of her and this girl as her Lock Screen. Hence them being looped in.
Cut to them retuning to her apartment. The marriage theme continues in this episode. Except it goes from sassy poking fun husband and wife. To very sweet and supportive husband for his wife. Being a sweet mom and dad tag team for Tamara in this moment. Which I adore so much.
Lucy is feeling lost and not sure how to handle this. You can tell as she enters the apt. She’s honest with Tim. Replies 'I don't know.' When he asks how she wants to handle it? Lucy tells him she’s done death notices before. But never for someone she cared about. Handling it as a cop vs as a roommate are different approaches. I love how Tim is watching her as she talks out her thoughts. Not judging her but wanting to support her. Knowing this is part of her process.
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She is torn and Tim decides for her. Telling her just to be a friend and he’s got the cop part for her. I love this sfm. Letting her be the soft empathetic friend in this moment. That if she needed someone firmer or more business like to tap him in. Tim knows she wants to be the caring and soft one in this moment. Because he knows her so well. Wants to relieve her of the burden of being a cop right now. To let her just be the caring friend and if she needs a cop he will handle that portion for her.
It seems like such a small gesture that comes across as so much more. You can see Lucy visibly relax when he tells her this. Thanks him for this kindness. He has her back in more ways than one. I love their bond so much. Knowing exactly what the other needs in moments like this. He’s so soft for her I cannot handle it. Just being the best supportive work hubby he can be. Such growth makes my soul happy.
Gives Lucy a chance to relay the news to Tamara in the way she is most comfortable with. Solo in her room. It so sad to watch Tamara take in the news. Not believing Lucy at first or not wanting to really. Lucy confirming it by the phone that was found at the scene. Telling Tamara how sorry she was. I love Tim giving her this private moment alone with her. To be empathetic, caring and all the things she would need in this moment. Let her be Lucy her friend and roommate and not the cop.
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Once they’re out of her room Tim is apart of the convo. Officially in cop mode now. Lucy asking if there was anyone her friend Becca was afraid of? Tamara says no but they hadn’t talked in 3 months. With school and her moving in they lost touch. Tim steps in and asks 'Any idea where she was crashing?' She tells them mostly the street, sometimes shelters, some families let you crash on the floor if they had room. Her last known suggestion is a darker one.
It's where we get a peak into Tamara’s past and it's grim. You can see it all over Lucy’s face as Tamara speaks. How her heart is breaking for her. Killing her to think she ever had to do ‘swiping’. Hitting her like a ton of bricks. You can see the pre-tears in her eyes from hearing all this. The protective mama in her wanting to hug and protect her. To never let her experience that ever again. Tamara can't even look at them while she explains it. Breaks my heart.
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Tim can read Lucy like a book once they’re back in the shop. They’re talking about the men they found on Becca’s phone but her mind is elsewhere. He knows she’s upset and asks her if she’s okay? I’ll never be over this portion of his growth. Him actively engaging in personal stuff with her. Giving her his advice and caring. Being 100 percent genuine in all of it too. My damn heart. He’s also just so damn good with her. Just like she is for him. The shop where they supposedly leave their personal lives at the door is a rule that never really existed for them.
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He provides such a comforting environment for her to share in here. I love him being the one to reach out for this. Lucy engaging right away with him. Voicing everything she was feeling about their convo with Tamara. How it worried her that Tamara knew right away about the swiping idea. Asking Tim’s opinion if he thinks she’s used it herself? If she gave that impression to him?
Tim doesn’t answer so much as shoot a question back. Asking if she’s ever mentioned it to her before? You can hear the hurt in her voice. See the pain in her eyes as she speaks. Telling Tim as close as they are she won’t talk to her about her past. I can see why Lucy would be hurt by this. I can also see why Tamara doesn’t want to talk about it. She probably feels shameful about some of what she did to survive. I can only imagine what she had to do pre-Lucy.
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Tim’s reply is perfection. What I love most about it is that it’s coming from experience. At least that’s how it’s coming off to me. We all know how hard it was for Lucy to crack the nut that is Tim. How she scratched and clawed for him to open up to her. Tim had a painful past and lot of reasons to be closed off. But that didn’t stop Lucy from pursuing that relationship with him. It was slow but so very worth it. Tim telling her not to take it personally.
That it might just be hard for to open up to her. It’s not Lucy it’s Tamara's own stuff preventing her from doing so. Just like it was for Tim. Lucy kept knocking at that door till Tim answered. Now look at him. He shares things with her. Deeply personal things. Is giving her advice on her own personal life. Look how far we’ve come. It’s these moments I love the most. The ones that show us how damn far Tim has come. How far they have come as a pairing.
It’s unreal to watch and so rewarding. It’s why the slow burn works so damn well for them. We get moments like this. Where Tim sees she is upset, reaches out, and even relieves her worries. Also once again using his past experience to help her out. Knowing it was hard for him to start to open up with her. That took time for him too. Applying that to his advice for Tamara not opening up just yet. You can see she feels lighter after their talk. Nodding her head agreeing with his advice. Relieving her of her worries for the time being at least. Tim being every bit the supportive husband here and I love it sfm. The emotional intimacy between these at this point is off the charts amazing. *sigh* I love them so much.
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They return to the station to watch interrogation. Lopez has one of Becca’s clip talk guys in the box. Angela comes right at him. Doesn't waste time after he admits he knows her. Saying she knows he used clip talk for sex. In exchange she got warm bed and a meal out of it. He is instantly defensive. Thinking he’s been brought in for something she did or said. Is an ass outright calling her crazy cause she’s homeless and possibly on drugs.
Lopez cuts him right off saying she’s dead. Asking where he was last night? He stumbles and says he has nothing to do with it. That he did see her for few minutes but his GF was coming over. (Classy SOB..) Angela asks what she wanted? He says hot meal, shower, place to stay. But told her to go cause his GF was on the way. I love the way Tim leans forward as they get to heart of his story. He continues on saying Becca threatened to tell his GF if he didn’t give her money.
Telling Lopez all he had was a 20 dollar bill on him to give her. After she left he said he noticed Becca swiped his Cerus Watch. Which he paid 10K for. Lopez following up saying he couldn’t file a police report or it would expose his secret. Lopez cycles back to our couple. Lucy telling her she didn’t have a watch on her body. That she either sold it or whoever killed her took it and did. Tim says they'll ask Tamara where they think it would be pawned.
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We find Tamara catching up with her old life. Visiting with friends she knew. My guess is she felt guilty about not talking to Becca all these months. Wanting to reconnect to help herself grieve. One of her friends telling her how proud Becca was of her. That she missed her but was so happy to see her move on. It’s then we see Tim and Lucy pull up. They all get nervous and Tamara tells them they’re cool.
Lucy is in mom mode asking how she is? Tamara tells her it’s a lot to be back here. She is trying to put up a brave front. Pretend she’s ok. So she avoids saying anymore by asking if they found anything? They update her on the watch Becca took. Asking her if she know where she would pawn it? Love Lucy seeing her hesitancy and reassuring her it’s ok. Also not wanting to leave her there. In full mom mode I adore it. Not wanting to leave her there but not having much of a choice atm.
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They head to the pawn shop Tamara suggested. Tim doesn’t mess around or mince words with the owner. Saying they’re looking for a stolen Cerus watch. The owner gets defensive and says they just come into his shop accusing him of this? Lucy comes right at him too.
A tag team of confidence and unity. I love it. Her reply is feisty af. ‘Of purchasing stolen property from homeless teenagers? We are accusing you of exactly that.’ Get em Lucy! Gah love them being this bad ass united front. This guy goes off on a rant how he’s a lifeline for these kids. Lucy shows him the pic of Becca. Tells him this watch is what got her killed. He sighs and pulls it out to show them.
Saying it was brought in yesterday and shows them who brought it in. It wasn’t Becca….it was the kid Tamara was visiting. The look of realization washes over them. That beautiful silent communication of theirs kicking in. A shared look of worry washing over them. Tim asking isn’t that Tamara’s friend? The one they just left her with...
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We cut back to Tamara talking to him. Asking if he’s ok? He say no. She starts to apologize she hasn’t been around. We see Tim and Lucy racing to get back to her. Such great cinematography in this scene. Declan starting his confession and it flits back to a worried Tim and Lucy. They're trying to get back to her as soon as they can. You can see the panic/urgency written across both of their faces.
Declan tells her how Becca was going to go back to school. Use the watch to get her started with it. She wanted to be more like Tamara. He starts to get emotional saying she was going to leave him too. You can see the shift in Tamara as she see’s where this is going. How he mentions he tried to sneak the watch out. That she caught him and he pushed her and didn’t mean for her to hit her head like she did. It’s then Lucy and Tim roll up like the BAMFS they are. Lucy all but jumping out of the shop to get to Tamara.
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Tim cuffing him immediately. Once he's secure Lucy turns to her asking her if is she’s ok? Not expecting the response that she gets. Tamara finally putting down her walls and being honest. That she isn’t ok and runs to Lucy for comfort. I love this hug and Tamara finally turning to Lucy and being vulnerable. Lucy’s reaction is so sweet as she holds her tight. Such a nice moment for them. Adding to that growing familial bond between them.
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The clown catches Lucy on her way out. I hate writing about him but I also don’t love writing about Ashley either. But they are apart of this season thus in my reviews when I have to. Lucy is straight with him. Says she isn’t in the mood for anymore bad news. He tells her he cut a good deal for Tyler. That he won’t have to be a CI. Just 6 months in Juvie. Probation till 18.
Clearly trying to impress her with this deal. Because let’s be honest if he had his way that kid would’ve been screwed. He did this to get on her good side. To me Chris was always kinda clueless but a little manipulative as well. I.e. This deal to impress her. Never liked him or thought he was good enough to be in her presence let alone date her.
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This scene is a good bookend to how the episode began with Tamara’s gratefulness. Except this ending portion is a lot more sincere. No jokes involved. Makes me emotional as she thanks Lucy for everything she’s given her. Tamara thanks her for helping her leave it all behind as well. That if not for her she could've ended up just like Becca. Their scenes are always so good. Thanking Lucy for getting her friend justice.
Lucy not taking credit for that. Saying she did that for her. It’s true she guided them most of the investigation. Without her tips and such it would’ve taken them so much longer. I love Lucy telling her she doesn’t need to worry about what could’ve been without her. That’s she’s safe now ❤️ This next bit is so good. Lucy bringing up talking about her time on the street.
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Tamara telling her not right now. Lucy bringing up she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t even have to with her. Just someday talking to someone would be good. So it doesn’t sneak up on her. Because it will. She is not wrong...It did for me. I took too long to talk to someone myself. I had a random run in with a sweet old lady who was a client of mine. She commented on my earrings. Asking where I got them? I said my mom with no real emotions attached to it. She looked me in the eye and said ‘Your mother must love you very much.’ I wanted to cry because I wasn't sure how true that was.
I swallowed my complicated emotions and my racing thoughts. I thanked her. But it triggered something in me when I got back to my car and I cried. Because it brought up all the emotions and feelings I hadn’t talked about with my mom. I texted my baby sister about it. She told me it was time to seek some therapeutic help. I did and it's helped so very much. So Lucy is so very right if you don’t talk about it. Suppress it for too long it sneaks up on you.
This is such solid advice once again from Lucy. Therapy and talking it out does wonders for the soul. Because if you don’t It’ll eat at you slowly. Take away from your present. Such a lovely way to end the episode for them both. I always love me some Tamara/ Lucy eps.
Side notes-Non Chenford
James and Nyla being cute af. I truly love them together. They work so well.
Also more cute James/ Wes moments about the pregnancy and such. I do love their bromance so.
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jesslockwood · 3 years
rakes | chapter two
pairing: regency!Harrison Osterfield x regency!reader
words: 2.1k 
warnings:  bridgerton s1 spoilers, swearing, mentions of sex
a/n: this took me forever to write because i wrote the ending ish and I have even the whole end part planned out lmao. now I just need to write up to it lmao. 
Please Reblog and Like if you enjoy!
series masterlist
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You awoke startled, sweaty, and with tears streaming down your face. It had been from a nightmare, of your first season’s debut. You knew that things could not go as horribly wrong that night did, yet, you were afraid deep down it might. 
You could never forget the piercing scream that rang through your body as you watched helplessly, your worst unknown nightmare becoming real in front of you, and being able to do nothing for your parents. 
After sitting in your bed for what seemed like hours, you decided to get dressed at the start making a list of what you had to do in haste to get ready for the season’s rush.
There was so much to do and so little time, so you knew one worry could be put at ease if you planned it all out. At least then your mind would hopefully quiet down the thoughts in your head. 
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Sitting near the window with it open, you watched the sunrise, wondering how your dear William was doing. You had left hastily, not even with a goodbye to him. It was too painful to be in Grosvenor square where all your fondest memories had been with your deceased parents. He was of course in those fond memories, yet it was too painful as you saw your father in him, and the man he became because of your father being a parental figure to him.
You wondered how he was handling being the earl, especially without the guidance or help of anyone. Especially since your presence is missing. You wrote to him all the time, yet he had no return address to send it to so you knew not much of how your dearest sibling was doing.
You knew not much of duty of being a man and running an estate and the burden weighed on society of being an earl, yet you knew the pressures and gossip and betrayal all too much so you knew it could not have been easy. 
You only wished as much that you could have stayed for William, yet you knew your body would not let you stay as the fear would crawl into your bones, rotting you into some sort of insane spinster. 
You stretched your body out after sitting for too long on the uncomfortable chair, deciding it was time to head on out- “the earlier the better”- you thought.
As soon as you stepped out into the hall you had turned, and collided with a strong torso, almost falling to the ground. Strong arms had caught you before you took a nasty spill. 
“Pardon me-” you whispered quietly, as you then realized the close proximity of you and the man that had caught you, his face very close to your own. 
He looked disheveled slightly, with his golden locks out of place slightly, and a small amount of dusting of freckles that adorned his face. His icy blue eyes had been staring into yours, almost too cold to even look into, yet you felt a sense of curiosity to capture the color of them in your mind. You also had noticed the closeness of your bodies in this very moment, almost too scandalous to even think of in society’s ton. 
“Apologies, Miss.,” he said with a slightly crooked smile that could make any woman melt at this moment. 
He helped you regain your balance on your own two feet, before heading towards the stairs, giving you a lopsided smile again, nodding at you, and went downstairs.
You were almost too stunned to move from the interaction. You had never been as close as that to a man in your life. It gave you a small chill down your spine, even thinking about him, the mystery man. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when your maid, Lucy, was walking out of the adjacent room to yours. 
“Madam, shall I fetch the carriage?” she asks you politely, suddenly snapping you out of your entranced state. 
“Yes, we should get going.”
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Arriving at the Bridgeton home was, interesting to say the least, in a good way. It had been around noon, after your stop at the modiste, picking up dresses for the most -well- dreaded season, and you had been welcomed by most of the Bridgerton ladies in the drawing-room, embraced by Violet, asking for your time heading to their home. It was quite a shock as the chaos yet love could be felt in the room, as whom you were assuming the two youngest were arguing of some hair ribbon, and two of the other elder brothers of Daphne’s were in some heated debate about god knows what, and one sister was writing in a journal of some sort as the other played the pianoforte. 
“Welcome dear, to our home. I apologize in advance for the chaos, we are getting ready for Elosie’s first season, and our masquerade ball.”
“No need to apologize, Lady Bridgerton. Thank you for letting me stay until William gets in tomorrow. I just couldn’t stay in the house alone.”
“Please call me Violet! And any friend of my family is welcome here. Children, This is Lady Y/L/N.”
“If I am to call you Violet I insist you all call me Y/n” she smiles warmly towards you, “Eloise, could you please show Y/n to her room, I’m sure she is but tired from her journey.”
She comes out of her trance of writing responding to her mother, “Of course Mama.”
As you walk out of the drawing-room with her she looks as if she’s in deep thought. 
“I have so many questions to ask of you! How were you able to travel? I only thought men such as my brother could do so, yet here you are!”
“Well when my parents passed, I just- well, couldn’t stay here, so I ventured off with what my bro- erm, cousin, William had given to me. I went to visit some other cousins in France and had gone off to other parts of Europe. It was better than I had ever imagined. But now my duty is to my family, and the adventure has stopped, for now at least.”
You had stopped walking when you reached a door, that you assumed was your room.  
“That is incredible, I shall wait to ask more of you, later on of course.”
“Why don’t you show me the grounds and I shall tell you more, right now, and you can tell me about yourself, Eloise.”
Her face lit up.
“I would quite enjoy that!”
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After walking around their grounds, you had sat on the swings on a tree, telling her all about your adventures, and she told you about herself and even told you quite a bit about Lady Whistledown and her venture in trying to find the writer behind the pen. It had been a few hours, probably nearing dinner time, but you felt at ease with Eloise. At least, you knew you had a friend in her, that hated society almost as much as you,
“I cannot believe you went in the ocean on the beach! Most ladies here would assume it unlady-like!”
“Well, I am especially not one for lady-like behavior! Especially structured by vicious mamas!” you both laugh together at that comment. Oh how you both knew of the shocking behavior of the ton’s mamas. 
“I believe we should head in now, Dinner will soon be ready, and I can only assume you are starving since we only had biscuits earlier.”
You both get up stretching your legs lightly, before heading indoors. 
You felt warmth sitting at the dinner table, though not typical, it felt like they truly loved each other, and actually enjoyed each other as a family, something you had longed for from your own family, especially for William’s sake.
William had never felt like he belonged in your family, at least not fully. The warmth you and your parents tried to give to him almost did not get through his thick skull, that you had accepted him as an esteemed member of the family. You had always wondered if it was because his true father never accepted him until he needed him to fulfill his wants. 
“So, Y/n are you excited for the season?” Anthony cuts through his current conversation, to include you. 
“Probably something of the sort. I am quite intrigued to see how people have changed.”
“Well, most have not, especially the men.” 
You laughed slightly at that. 
“Well do tell whom to stay away from.” you joke.
“If you have not read the most recent lady Whistledown I assume you don’t know.”
“I’m not quite sure I’ve ever heard of a Lady Whistledown?” you question, curiosity getting to the best of you. 
“Lady Whistledown is a gossip writer, under a pen name, whom, however, mentions people in the ton in name, by name in full.” Eloise cuts in.
You raise a brow quizzically. That was unheard of. 
“She mentions you in her most recent edition” Hyacinth mentions, before going back to throwing peas strategically when her mother wasn’t looking at her brother Gregory.  
“I’m sure Eloise has it if she hasn’t already shown you.” now you were fully intrigued. There was truly only one main thing you thought the writer could write about.
“She wrote about Lord Holland today, and might I say he is pretty dreamy.” Francesca pipes up, before earnings glare from Anthony and a kick from Eloise.
“If I didn’t do it, Anthony would have and he kicks harder.” 
You giggle at the family’s interactions. You only hoped you could have one as close as the Bridgertons.
“I see we are quite the entertainment for our guest tonight. I guess there’s no need for Eloise to get on the pianoforte. God knows I’m in motion for that.” Benedict adds before earning a kick from Eloise as well. 
“Back to the topic at hand, I’d stay away from Benedict for certain.” Eloise says, which erupts you five into a fit of giggles, before getting your end of the table gets a hard stare-down from Violet, almost as if to say ‘behave’.
“So I'm assuming other than Daphne missing, the letter C, Colin, must be the one travelling? Daph did mention he would be writing me asking about the best places to travel.”
“Yes, Colin is the one travelling, but was the letter system too obvious of whom is which?” Benedict asks in an amused manner. 
“I think it’s adorable, and if you must know I find it orderly.”
“Don’t tell my mother that, or she won’t stop talking about how ‘Lady Y/n complimented her naming system’.” Benedict jokes.
You laugh before you see Eloise bringing out what you assumed was the gossip sheet. She hands it to you before you read it over, turning slightly pale at the mentions of your family so intimately.
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Harrison had made it into town earlier that afternoon, only to be wondering why Mama’s, and Ladies alike- married or not- had been whispering and pointing at him. On the other hand, he had been met with a warm embrace from his wonderful sister Charlotte, and loving Mother, Phil, only to be dragged by Charlotte for her to tell him to read the latest Lady Whistledown, a woman he knew he hadn’t heard of, nevertheless thought he’d fucked. 
He however listened to his sister and her worry, before being shell-shocked by what was on the page. 
“Charlotte what the hell is this? And who the hell wrote it?"
“Lady Whistledown is but the biggest anonymous gossip columnist, and everyone reads it. Haz what am I to do if no suitors show interest when I am eligible for marriage? What if I end up a spinster?!”
“Char, I won’t let that happen I promise you.”
Harrison was determined to make sure charlotte never had to worry. She was the most lovely of any woman on the market and he would make sure she had a shot. 
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“Wait Osterfield, you’re saying, you’ll Woo whoever is the most desired by the queen and marry her?” Tom askes very confusedly as to what sparked this in his bestfriend.
“Yes Tom, That is my plan,” Harrison replies before taking a sip of his drink again.
The two men had reunited at the Bridgerton’s gentleman club, talking over Harrison’s not so genius plan, according to Tom.
“Do you know how many mamas loathe even the sight of you right now? Especially because of Lady Whistledown.” Harrison’s face scrunches up, cringing at that. 
“Yes, I know already. But if I can just get in the good graces of Lady Whistledown, then I know any mama will turn around! maybe if I form an attachment with someone she might see that I’m serious about marrying. Don’t you have that cousin? Zendaya?”
“That’s a terrible idea, Harrison. Also, Zendaya is now going to be under my care according to my mother. She told her father, who is ill,  I’d watch out for her during the season to find her a suitable husband.”
Harrison gets a mischievous, conniving look on his face as the gears turn in his brain. “I said suitable Haz! Her father would have a heart attack if you came near her!”
“Fine, but can you at least convince her to show interest in me to the other ladies? So I can find a wife?”
Tom rolls his eyes before downing his drink mentally hating the idea, but agreeing to try for his almost brother,  even if he didn’t think he’d find a wife.
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@spideyspeaches @greenorangevioletgrass @take-me-to-ny @queenofthepouges @minejungwoo @sheranatic111 @keithseabrook27 @lolooo22​ @webmeupspiderdaddy​
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 1
Asmo: He actually locked the door...
Solomon: He did-
Levi: Oh sht- No no no no no!! Ichigo!! [runs straight to wherever the frick they are]
Mammon: What's going on...?
Belphie: Beel carried her into technically our room, then he locked the door.
Mammon: Oh sht! I'm coming with you Levi!!
inside the room, someone is currently making out. Luckily they didn't go all the way but this pink-haired girl has a lot of hickeys on her skin. As their kiss proceeds, they hear a loud knocking by the room.
Mammon: Beel! You glutton of a demon!! Stay away from her!!
Levi: Don't you dare taint her!! Despite her being a demon she's still innocent!!
Ichigo: ?? What's going on??
Beel: .... [staring at the door]
Ichigo: Hon?
Beel: Let's just ignore them-
Ichigo: But- [lmao she got cut off by a kiss yet again]
Outside Mammon and Levi are freaking out, Asmo and Solomon are cracking up while Belphie is already asleep on the couch. Lucifer decides to leave and help Diavolo and Barbatos on their unpacking.
Mammon: I swear to Lord Diavolo if you taint her I'm killing you!!
Levi: Open the damn door, Beelzebub!!
Inside, Ichigo finally stopped the kiss and steps out to open the door. She does feel bad for them considering they have zero ideas what happens in that room and thought of the worse. Once she opened the door, Levi and Mammon instantly drag her out.
Mammon: He didn't do anything right?!
Levi: You're safe right?! Nothing bad happened right?!
Ichigo: N-not that I know off...^^
Asmo: Oh my~
Ichigo: What?
Asmo: I see my little brother marked you, and it's quite many as well...^^
Ichigo, Mammon, and Levi: He what?!
Asmo: I can help with concealers if you're going out soon.
Ichigo: Not really, but-
Beel: Don't. I put those there for a reason.
Ichigo: o////o Eh?
Asmo: ooh~ Quite a possessive one are you~
Ichigo: I'll just stay here for a while I guess...;-;
Mammon: Lucifer actually sets up another room for you for a reason!
Ichigo: I don't think he wants me out of here.... judging by his tight grip on me.
Mammon: [glaring at Beel]
Beel: [glaring back lol]
As the glaring proceeds, they hear Lucifer's voice from downstairs. Of course, the couple needs to separate and gotta hear what he has to say.
Lucifer: Ichigo, I've set a room for you! Beel was supposed to be rooming with Belphie actually^^
Ichigo: I see, thanks a lot, Luci!
Beel: Even here?
Lucifer: Yes, even here. Now hands-off. I don't want any more chaos and I'm sure I can trust you considering you barely made troubles unless it's related to food.
Asmo: He might make one at night~
Lucifer: Asmodeus Morningstar!
Asmo: ....or not^^
As the brothers continue to talk, Ichigo's phone starts to vibrate.
Ichigo: A phone call... oh! It's from Haruka. Hon, can you let me go for a while?
Beel: You can answer it just fine though
Ichigo: [chuckles] You're quite clingy today are you^^ Oh well.
With that Ichigo answers the phone call with Haruka telling her about the extra room in her hotel.
Ichigo: Eh? I can stay there? With you guys?
Haruka: Yeah! Because there are like five people, Luke, unfortunately, needs to room alone so maybe if you'd like to join us maybe Luke won't be lonely and I can room with you.
Ichigo: That's actually a good idea, I can do that! Maybe tomorrow...? Because a certain demon is being a little too clingy today^^
Haruka: Beel? Well, that's fine. I guess... you can come by tomorow^^ It's really late too.
Ichigo: Yeah, it was unfortunate. But I'd vi- Luke?!
Luke: Ichigoo!! Did those demons do anything to you?!
Ichigo: Of course not^^
Luke: Oh Thank God! I was getting worried since you're the only girl in that house and Solomon told me that Beel instantly carries you away! He didn't do anything bad right?!
Ichigo turns bright red at the question while her boyfriend stares confusedly.
Ichigo: I don't think so at least. I don't think he did anything bad. How's the hotel? ^^
Luke: It's great! The decor reminds me of the celestial realm and they gave us fluffy pillows!
Ichigo: That's great!
In the other line, Ichigo can hear Michael calling for Luke and Haruka.
Luke: :(( well Michael is calling us... so I guess I'll hang up
Ichigo: That's okay^^ See you guys tomorow~
Luke: Yeah! I can't wait!
Finally Luke hang up on Haruka's phone. Ichigo can feel Beel's jealous aura just from behind her, of course, she needs to calm him down right now.
Ichigo: Let me remind you that Luke is a kid, Haruka and Simeon are engaged and Michael is married.
Beel: So you're going to stay there tomorrow night? [puppy eyes]
Ichigo: Well... I might. Considering Luke can't sleep alone. So I can room with Haruka and all. I'll be okay.
Beel: But-
Ichigo: You're still scared of getting separated from me aren't you?
Beel: [nods] I almost lost you in that battle and you barely summoned me...
Ichigo: It's because I don't wanna burden you. [pats Beel] but if you don't want me to go I can stay^^
Beel: You would...?
Ichigo: I might unless you can control yourself. Then I might move~
Beel: Looking this cute might have been a challenge to control myself against my desire.
Ichigo: I don't remember you being the avatar of lust
Beel: I might do something against my sins towards you though-
Ichigo: Like....?
Beel: I might
Ichigo: Beelzebub!
Meanwhile, at the hotel, Haruka is unpacking her things in her room and so is Simeon. considering she's really dirty from that battle she decides to take a shower or bath, whichever the hotel gives.
Haruka: Hey, Simeon! Can I wash up first? I feel really dirty
Simeon: That's okay^^ I'll just unpack as you wash up
Haruka: Okay!
As Haruka is washing up, Luke decides to visit and play with Simeon in that room. As he and Luke are playing, he keeps on getting glimpses of Satan staring at his fiance. He did ignore it at first now that he thought of it, Satan probably hasn't moved on completely and still holds feelings for her. Luckily he didn't do anything so he's fine with it.
Suddenly Simeon hears a voice from the bathroom. The song is "A dream is a wish your heart makes" from Cinderella. Simeon is impressed by her voice as he comes closer to listen to it and so did Luke.
Luke: Whoa! She has a really good voice!
Simeon: Indeed she does.
Haruka of course is oblivious and keeps on singing until she finishes her shower. Once she comes out, Simeon and Luke both panic and try to escape but instead they got smacked by the bathroom door.
Haruka: Oh my goodness! Are you two okay?!
Simeon: ....yea?
Luke: Ouch ;-;
Haruka: Oh no! Luke!
Haruka: Why are you guys even near the door in the first place?
Haruka: ....are you guys...
Simeon: What?! No! Why would I?!
Haruka: Then why are you there? You know that's dangerous!
Simeon: ....
Luke: ....
Haruka: Luke?
Luke: W-we were just listening to your singing.... it was really nice...hehe
Haruka: oh.. wait what?!
Luke: You really have a nice voice, so we went to listen.
Haruka: Well you don't have to actually stand in front of the door!
Simeon: Curiosity kills the cat I guess...
Haruka: Just go! I need to change!
With that Simeon and Luke instantly runs off the room to let Haruka change. Now let's go back to the mansion. Ichigo is between Lucifer and Beel who are arguing about the room arrangements.
Lucifer: I think it'd be best for Ichigo to have a room on her own.
Beel: She slept with me just fine. I don't see a reason why she should sleep alone!
Lucifer: With that incident happening, I don't think having her sleep with you is a good idea considering you have 0 skills in controlling yourself.
Asmo: Why don't she just sleep in my room? I'm sure it'd be safer.
Lucifer: I'm most certain that that wouldn't be safe.
Asmo: I won't do anything to her~ Cross my heart~
Lucifer: One, that's a blatant lie. Second, she'll have her own room and that's final!
Ichigo sighs and decides to leave the area because they're too noisy. Beel of course instantly follows her. At first, he thought she'd go to her room or probably his room but to his surprise, she goes to Satan's room.
Ichigo: Hey buddy, you okay there?
Satan: I don't know.... perhaps not...?
Ichigo: Well there's apple pie in the fridge if you're hungry.
Satan: I'm not in a mood for food.
Ichigo: It still hurts doesn't it [sits beside him]
Satan: Yeah... I thought we were destined together but here we are. Her being happier with Simeon. Sure I'm glad she's happy but it still hurts me nonetheless.
Ichigo: You'll be okay. I'm sure it'll pass. As you said before, if you're destined together you can meet in the next life.
Satan: You're right, thanks a lot, Ichigo.
Ichigo: You're wel- [sees Beel staring at them by the door] Beel?
Satan: ?? What is he doing here? And why is he staring at me??
Ichigo: I'm unsure^^ But it'll pass. Dinner is soon, catch you later?
Satan: Yeah, thanks a lot though.
Ichigo: It's the least I could do. You need to cheer up!
Satan nods with a slight laugh as Ichigo exits the door, pushing Beel out.
Ichigo: Why are you here? I thought I left you to argue with Lucifer and the others!
Instead of an answer, Beel pins her into a wall shocking the pink-haired girl. Sure she did notice Beel acting more possessive to her but this is not what she expected. The other brothers and probably Diavolo or Barbatos are downstairs yet here he is pinning her down by the wall!
Ichigo: B-Beel, they're downstairs!
Beel: Let them watch
Ichigo: But Beel- Hold on! Listen to me!
Beel pulls away in confusion as his girlfriend's cheeks are bright red. One she's very flustered, two she's embarrassed because they're about to do whatever this is in front of this family.
Ichigo: I know you're probably jealous because I've been interacting more with your brothers rather than you but please understand Satan's situation. He's really heartbroken now and I'm trying my best to cheer him up so he won't be sad anymore, I'm just being a good friend!
Beel: I do trust you, sugar. What I don't trust is them! Remember the last time I let you hang out with them? Belphie turns out to have feelings for you, Solomon almost kissed you at 3 a.m... who knows what else would happen...
Ichigo: I know, but I'll be okay. You know I'm only yours, right?
Beel: Yes you are. The mark is there for a reason.
Ichigo: Exactly^^
Mammon: Can't you two just knock it off! There are singles here!!
The couple looks back to see Mammon complaining about their PDA downstairs while Lucifer and Barbatos are busy creating a barrier so Solomon won't enter the kitchen.
Ichigo: Oh? What's going on?
Asmo: They're creating a barrier so Solomon can't enter the kitchen.
Beel: We're cooking today?
Ichigo: I think so. Well time to work, honeybear~ No eating the ingredients though!
Beel: I'll try^^
Ichigo: Want me to use the pact against you?
Beel: If that's what it takes, sure. At least I won't disturb you while you're cooking~
Asmo: He might disturb you in other ways~
Beel: Asmo-
Asmo: No need to get aggressive, little brother. I'm just telling the truth. You know I can smell lust from far away don't you, especially with her wearing such short shorts.
Beel: Do you maybe...wanna change?
Ichigo: It's too hot for me to change so no.
Beel: Alright then, use the pact on me so we can get to work
Ichigo: Okay! I command you, Beelzebub Morningstar, to not eat the ingredients or any food supplies in the kitchen!
Ichigo: We're all set, Barb! Let's get to work!
Barbatos: I'm glad. Let's go^^
At the same time, Haruka finally finished changing and it now chilling on her bed until she hears a knock on her door, turns out when she opens it, it's Michael and Rosaria.
Haruka: Michael, Rosaria!
Rosaria: Hello, dear^^
Haruka: Oh, what brings you here?
Michael: We're planning on eating out today, do you guys want to come?
Haruka: I do! I'll let Simeon and Luke know real quick!
Rosaria: Take your time, dear^^
With that, Haruka calls for Simeon and Luke, unfortunately, Luke is still stuck in the bathroom using his pants.
Haruka: Luke! Hurry up, we don't have time!
Luke: I am!! Just give me a sec!!
Haruka: Just hurry!!
After a few minutes, Luke finally gets out all set.
Luke: Aaaa!! Don't leave me yet!!
Simeon: We're still waiting for the lift, don't worry^^
Luke: ...oh- :o
Finally, the lift's here and off they go to the restaurant. After more discussion, they decide to eat at a seafood restaurant. Now back to the mansion, the food is finally done. Ichigo made Apple pie and Pasta while Barbatos made grilled salmon! There's a lot of dishes that the two of them need help in serving them, luckily Asmo and Beel are there to help them.
Asmo: Whoa! That's so pretty! This is a devilgram worthy dish! [taking pictures of the food as soon as it's set]
Ichigo: Well we've done our best^^
Satan: You really made apple pie [he's touched]
Ichigo: I did, so you'll cheer up!
Satan: Well, I appreciate it^^ Thank you, Ichigo!
Ichigo: You're welcome! That's what friends are for!
Suddenly Diavolo and the others came out to see the food.
Diavolo: Wow! That's a lot of food! Good job, Barbatos, Ichigo!
Barbatos: All the best for you M'lord^^
Levi: Whoa! Awesome!
Belphie: Did I just smell Salmon-
Levi: Salmon...? It's been a while since I eat seafood or fish...
Diavolo: Well, what are we waiting for! Let's dig in^^
Meanwhile, Haruka and the angels are in a seafood restaurant, they already choose their drinks and currently waiting for their food. Haruka gets sweet ice tea, Luke has water, Simeon unusually gets carrot juice confusing everyone while the married couple gets tea, Michael gets the warm one though while Rosaria gets green tea. As they wait for the food, Haruka suddenly gets a telepathic message from Ichigo and Solomon.
Haruka: W H A T?!
Solomon: ....Beel is being unusually possessive and it scares the sht out of me.
Ichigo: I'm sure it'll pass....right...
Haruka: Oh I don't know, stare at Asmo?? Stare at your food???
Solomon: IDEK WHY?!?!?!
Ichigo: Is it because of that 3am thing-
Solomon: Did he know?
Ichigo: Perhaps...
Solomon: ...sht- BYE I'M DYING TODAY!
Haruka: This is why....never touched someone taken.
Ichigo: Indeed. Oh well, back to eating. Bye folks.
In real life, Rosaria is concerned because Haruka has been frozen for 5 minutes so she decides to help.
Rosaria: Haruka? My dear? Are you okay?
Haruka: Y-yeah! I'm okay! Oooh, the food's here!
Michael: It has been here minutes ago, seeing you blank a bit is a bit concerning.
Simeon internally: ....this is unusual. Why did she blank out? She's always so deep in thought most of the time....what is she thinking about I wonder...
Luke: Simeeooon!! Can you get me that fish?? It's so far from me!
Simeon: Of course Luke^^ [gets the fish for him]
Overall the dinner went well everyone is enjoying themselves until Simeon decides to ask why Haruka keeps on blanking out.
Haruka: Me? Blanking out?
Simeon: Yes, you sometimes blank out for no reason. Are you okay?
Haruka: W-well... I was just thinking of food. No harm done^^
Simeon: ....Okay....?
The question keeps on coming, even in the hotel room.
Simeon: Haruka, can you please be honest with me. What's bothering you? Did something happen during the battle? What's happening?
Haruka: I'm fine... I'm just thinking of food like I said.
Simeon:...Is it about him?
Haruka: What?! No! Definitely not!
Simeon: Then what is it?
Haruka: I... need the bathroom! Hold that thought! [runs into the bathroom]
As soon as she's there, she contacts Solomon and Ichigo. Solomon can't answer because he's probably unconscious. So Ichigo is the only one available.
Ichigo: Sup!
Haruka: Simeon keeps on asking about me blanking out! What should I do? It keeps on coming! Should I just tell him?
Ichigo: Why are you even hiding it in the first place?
Haruka: Well... I don't want it to be awkward...
Ichigo: Well...just tell him honestly....? There's no harm in him knowing.
Haruka: What if he asks even further?
Ichigo: Then explain?? I don't know??
Haruka: Oh well... guess I'll just tell him honestly.
Outside, Simeon is waiting for her. That girl really did take her time in that toilet, until he hears a flush. Finally, Haruka came out of the bathroom.
Haruka: Uh.... so... uh... you need to sit down. This is gonna take a while.
Simeon: ?? You can just explain to me straight away....?
Haruka: Just- Just do as I say!
Simeon: Okay- [sits down on a sofa]
Haruka finally explains her situation and luckily Simeon understands.
Simeon: Then why don't you tell me from the start?
Haruka: I don't know... because I don't want it to be awkward. I'm scared you're gonna be mad at me for having such powers!
Simeon: Haruka, I'm literally an angel and you're a princess. We just went on a huge battle. I don't think such powers fazes me anymore.
Haruka: Good point...
Simeon: For now, let's get you cleaned! I'll set you a warm bath with a peach bath bomb. I'm sure you'll like it^^
Haruka: Just me right?
Simeon: You want me to join?
Haruka: I mean if you want to...
Simeon: Depends, if the bathtub fits, I don't see why not^^
Haruka: Deal! We'll have that! I want you to relax as well. That battle must've stressed you out :((
Simeon: It didn't stress me out perse... but it does make me worry about you.
Haruka: Well let's go! Let's get into it!
And so, this newly engaged couple ends up in a bubble bath with a peach scent. Luke who's alone in his room turned bored and walks around, leading him to Haruka's room. Once he got there he smells a peach scent, which leads him to the bathroom. He tries to open the door but it's locked.
Simeon: ....
Haruka: ....
Luke: Haruka?!
Haruka: Y-Yeah?!
Luke: Ooh! Are you having a bubble bath? It smells so good!
Haruka: I am! Why?
Luke: Oooh, have you seen Simeon?
Haruka: Oh he's with Michael. They need to talk.
Luke: I see...Okay then! [walks back to his room]
Haruka and Simeon sighs in relief. Because that was really scary and it'd be embarrassing and chaotic if they get caught chilling in the same bathtub.
Simeon: That was close...
Haruka: Indeed. Oh well, let's just finish this off and we'll sleep it off.
Simeon: You're starting to get drowsy...
Haruka: Perhaps I am, this warm bath does relax me
Simeon: We obviously can't sleep here. Do you want me to carry you back?
Haruka: I guess...but let's just clean ourselves first then you can do what you want.
Simeon: What I want?
Haruka: Yeah...
Simeon: Are you certain?
Haruka: Wait, what did you- Oh my goodness! Simeon! We just got engaged! Since when are you this dirty-minded?!
Simeon: What? I was only thinking of cuddling you to sleep... Haruka... are you okay??
Haruka: Then who's gonna take care of Luke?
Simeon: Good point...
Haruka: Now out! I'm cleaning myself!
Simeon: Alright, alright-
Wow, that's a chaotic ride for these two. Who knew an angel would have such a dirty mind. Well, there's someone worse apparently. Now we're back to square one with Beel, Ichigo, and Belphie arguing about the room.
Belphie: I'm fine sleeping anywhere ffs-
Ichigo: Can I just sleep in my own room? ;-;
Beel: But I wanna be with you.... at least for tonight...
Belphie: Fine! Get her out of here! I'm sleeping in this room! Out! O U T!
Ichigo: What?! But Belp- [gets carried away by Beel again, help] Honey, are you sure this is a good idea??
Beel: I am.
Ichigo: Alright then.... guess I'll just sleep with you for tonight.
Beel: Yay! Let's go then. I promise I won't do anything to you.
Ichigo: I trust you^^ We'll just sleep but once you're hungry we'll go get snacks okay?
Beel: Okay!
Yeah, maybe not as nasty as he is before but hey at least these two get to cuddle. Hours later, a certain avatar of wrath is awake and it's currently 3 a.m. he can't seem to sleep in any way despite the fluffy pillows, how comfortable his bed is, even the cat plushies are not helping him.
Satan: I need some fresh air...
Yes, Satan indeed leaves his room to walk around and get some fresh air, at the same time, Beel and Ichigo are both out to get some midnight snack.
Ichigo: Satan?
Satan: ....? Ichigo?? Beel??
Beel: Yeah... it's us. Why are you here?
Satan: I need some fresh air...
Ichigo: Well... we're going to McDonald's, wanna come with us?
Satan: I guess I'll go...
Ichigo: Alright then, let's go!!
With that, all three of them go to McDonald's. Beel of course orders his food, Satan and Ichigo just settle with drinks and some good ol fries. As they were eating, Satan is somehow getting better.
Beel: You probably can't sleep because you're hungry.
Satan: That'd make sense.
Ichigo: Yeah, that's probably why.
Beel: Hey, do you want some?
Ichigo: Hm? Oh, burger! Sure^^ [bites the burger]
Satan: You two need to tone down with the PDA. It starts to get concerning.
Beel: What's so bad about it?
Satan: It makes everyone feel single...
Beel: Ah.... oh well [shrugs]
After they finished, they went home but as soon as they went home, they see Lucifer at the center of the balcony staring at them.
Lucifer: Good morning, it seems to me that you guys went on a trip^^
Beel: ... I was hungry.... and I decide to get McDonald's...
Lucifer: Doesn't explain why he's coming along.
Satan: I went with them as well...
Lucifer: Are you sure?
Ichigo: He is! He went with us! He can't sleep so he came with us to McDonald's!
Lucifer: I see, alright then. Since we're in the human world, you're lucky that I can't punish any of you. Do get some rest. Except for Satan, I might need to talk with this son of mine.
Satan: ?? That doesn't even make sense!
Lucifer: Come on^^ Let's go~
Satan: ugh... [follows Lucifer]
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drawlfoy · 5 years
Faux Diplomacy p.1
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pairing: draco x femilvermornymugglebornslytherin(a mouthful i know)!reader
request: no, i’ve just always wanted to write this
warnings: explicit language, mentions of drinking, and most importantly, the reader has a moment where she thinks of inducing vomiting (not for a disorder but for a reason totally unrelated). if you’re sensitive to that then i suggest maybe skipping the part where she describes the slytherin boy dormitories. also, drink “spiking” (not date rape drugs though, just veritaserum)
summary: ilvermorny exchange fic during 6th year. reader is sorted into slytherin along with nearly all of the other exchange students. they realize they may be there for another reason than just for diplomacy when they discover that all of them are muggleborn. slow burn for draco...you’re supposed to hate him in the beginning.
a/n: i drafted this in the very beginning of summer without the intent of showing it to anyone, so this is a pretty large step in my writing journey. feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the replies, i’m always here to hear them! more requests are coming soon and i’ll try and whip out another original idea once i slough through the requests i have right now. also: the best friend and the reader are going to be very affectionate, and i apologize if that’s not your thing. it’s just how i interact with my friends and i like to insert my favorite people in my stories, even when it isn’t very smooth. also if you’re wondering why i have so many fics based in 6th year it’s because i always found that to be the hottest year for draco lmao
music recs: i listened to a lot of lorde when i wrote this for some reason. i couldn’t tell you why but i did lol
word count: 2,038
“This is ridiculous.”
I turned around to look at my roommate and best friend, Bella, who was sitting sprawled out on my bed and repeated the sentiment.
“This is ridiculous. My application status is still ‘review’, and everyone else already got their acceptance letter. Do you think it means they’re trying to find a nice way to reject me?”
Bella rolled her eyes in exasperation.
“Jesus Christ Y/N, with your grades and qualifications, they’d be a fool to not let you go. I got in. Hell, even Peter got in!”
Her comment made me crack a smile. Peter was in our year, sure, but a whole idiot. He was probably the lowest ranked person in Y/I/H. His parents were super loaded, though.
“Plus,” Bella added, “Hogwarts doesn’t have much experience with muggle electronics. I hear they switched to electric acceptances for foreign matters for efficiency purposes since they were so sick of losing owls over the Atlantic. They’re a bunch of old geezers that might still be looking for the send button on your acceptance email.”
“Wait.” Y/N froze as she saw something pop up in her inbox from Hogwarts’ administration. “I think they sent me something.”
Suddenly, the hot August air was more stifling than ever. Y/N had an urge to get up and open her window, but she couldn’t leave her laptop. Her eyes were glued to the email.
“You gonna open it, or...” 
“YES! Fine, I’ll do it.” Y/N’s hand clicked on the email and hid her face. Bella’s hands began prying her fingers away from her face. 
“You’ve gotta see it, Y/N. You’ve gotta look!”
Y/N allowed her hands to drop, peering at the screen in front of her. 
No way. No way.
It took her a minute to actually comprehend the words “Congratulations!” on the screen, but once she did, her entire body began vibrating with electricity.
“Oh my GOD!”
“We’re going to Hogwarts together!” Bella shrieked, jumping off Y/N’s bed and grabbing her. The two girls clung to each other while Bella spun them in circles until they fell on the bed with dizziness.
After the Hogwarts acceptance letter, Ilvermorny reached out to the students as well to detail their departure. The 16 students selected--a rather odd number, Y/N thought--were to meet on the Ilvermorny grounds at 6am on September 1st. Dumbledore himself had prepared 4 portkeys for the students and expected them to teleport to Hogwarts using them.
As far as Y/N was concerned, this day couldn’t come soon enough. It was time for her to get away from the loudness of America.
The first thing Y/N saw was a very old witch standing in front of her small group of peers. She was wearing a traditional witch hat, something no one ever did back in America.
“Welcome, students.” Y/N was taken aback by just how delicate her voice was. She always forgot how diverse accents were in Europe. “I am Professor McGonagall. We are so pleased to have you joining us for this school year.” 
The elegant old lady fiddled with her eyeglasses before she continued.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears as though there won’t be enough time to sort each and every one of you. We do have a rather large group of first years and would prefer to keep things moving along.” 
Everyone groaned in unison. Who did this lady think she was, taking away their chances at being sorted by the infamous Sorting Hat?
“Thankfully,” she continued, “The head of the Slytherin house, Professor Snape, was gracious enough to take all of you in. It appears as though there are exactly 16 open beds in their dorm, so it works famously. I expect you all to behave yourselves and represent your country well so that we’ll consider taking exchange students next year. We have no qualms with sending students home who don’t follow the rules.”
Everyone nodded, nervously glancing around the group. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if people were going to be sent home, or if that was simply an empty threat.
“Well, come along then!”
McGonagall ushered the nervous group of witches and wizards across the courtyard and into a giant dining hall, much larger than the one Ilvermorny boasted.
As the students entered, the soft chatter that had filled the room faded away as the Hogwarts students examined the newcomers. Whispers replaced the chatter once they saw a magical display above them unfurl an american flag.
So much for getting away from that obnoxious American stereotype Y/N thought bitterly. What’s next, magical reenactments of the Vietnam War?
“Students,” McGonagall called. “Sit at the Slytherin table.”
A long but well kept fingernail motioned to the long table on the right side, filled with students wearing green.
“Good thing green looks great on both of us!” Bella whispered into Y/N’s ear. She giggled. 
“Yellow and red wash me out. We got lucky.”
Unfortunately for the girls, everyone else had gotten to the table first, leaving only two open seats open. When they saw who was across from them, they began to understand why they were the least desirable seats.
One platinum haired boy and a dark haired girl occupied the seats, both wearing disgusted looks. 
“Hello, I’m-” Y/N’s timid attempt at an introduction was cut short when the dark haired girl cut in.
“We know why you’re here.”
“Excuse me?” Bella looked ready to kill.
“She said,” the blond boy met Y/N’s eyes, “We know why you’re here.”
“Uh...yeah, the weather’s great this time of year.” Y/N tried to push for a laugh, but clearly it wasn’t coming.
“No, you idiot.” The girl raised one eyebrow. “Do you not know?”
“Well, whatever you think you know wasn’t deemed important enough to mention to US, so fuck off,” Bella answered.
“Jesus, Bella, we can at least be nice,” Y/N interjected. “Can you tell us? We probably already know, but sti-”
“No.” The blond boy looked slightly amused at our curiosity. “You’re right. It’s so important that of course you would know. Pansy and I are just playing with you. That’s all you mudbloods are good for, anyways.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped. Blood purity discrimination? That shit was outlawed years ago in the US. If anyone even mentioned the term “muggleborn” in a less than positive light, they were blacklisted. 
“What did you just call us?”
“Perhaps you need to get your ears checked,” the girl shot back. “You heard him.”
Y/N sucked in a breath. She’d woken up at 5 for this. 
“So tell me, Pansy.” Y/N leaned over the table. “Was it an accident? Or were you just born with a pug face?”
The girl turned bright red but maintained her composure. 
“I’m sick of talking to you,” she finally said.
“Oh, bitch, you got her!” Bella was cackling to Y/N in the privacy of her dorm room. “You were like, ‘do tell me’, and the second those words left your lips, I was like, oh no, here it comes...”
They both ugly laughed on the bed together until their sides hurt. 
“Blondie was kind of hot though,” Y/N admitted.
“Kind of. I guess, if you’re into racists.” 
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not.” Y/N chucked a pillow at Bella/s head, just narrowly missing it and instead hitting her suitcase. 
A knock on their door sounded, stopping their shenanigans. Bella crept up to open it and saw Laurel, another girl from their year, with a few other kids.
“The Slytherins are throwing a welcome party for us in the common room,” Lucy informed them. “The nice ones are, at least.”
“There’s nice Slytherins?” Bella asked sarcastically. “Whatever. We’re in. Give us a minute to get dressed.”
Lucy nodded, shutting the door. Y/N could hear their footsteps walk away from their room.
The two rushed to get out of the sad looking sweats they were planning to sleep in, Y/N opting for a skirt and a short sleeved shirt. She’d always been a fan of old-fashioned plaid.
Y/N did not get drunk. It was the unspoken rule between her and Bella: one of them drinks, the other one sips and plays the mom friend. Y/N was always the mom, something she didn’t mind that much, but at the welcome party, she indulged in two cups of firewhiskey. She held her liquor well anyways, and it wasn’t like anyone had to drive. 
A few hours had gone by when a Slytherin girl who introduced herself as Daphne Greengrass stood on a table and yelled, “Everyone, quiet!”
The music quieted a little and the chatter erased itself as the room waited on her words.
“In Slytherin tradition,” the Greengrass girl said, “We’re going to play a game of Truth or Dare. The Firewhiskey has been laced with Veritaserum, so if you’re choosing truth, beware! We’re playing around this table!”
With that, Daphne stepped down and all the Ilvermorny students stood frozen. Y/N couldn’t believe that the Slytherins spiked their drinks. She also couldn’t believe the fact that she accepted drinks from people she didn’t know, violating every bit of party safety rules her father had taught he. He’d be so disappointed.
Against her better judgement, Y/N allowed herself to be pulled to the table by a very intoxicated but very cheerful Bella. She managed a smile--she loved drunk Bella almost more than she loved normal Bella. She’d always heard that people became their true selves when they drank. If that was the case, Bella was the sunniest person to walk the earth.
Unfortunately for Y/N, she was sitting next to Daphne, who announced that the person to the right of her would spin the bottle to see who the question poser would be. That was Y/N.
She sighed, already deciding on asking for a dare. She wasn’t holding back any secrets, but she didn’t want to answer anything with a dumb or embarrassing detail of her life.Y/N spun the bottle, praying for it to land on Bella.
When it stopped, she looked up to meet the eyes of the girl she insulted in the Dining Hall: Pansy.
“Well,” she drawled, a smirk forming on her face,”Truth? Or dare?”
Y/N could nearly see the gears in her head turning to find the cruelest dare she could. Finally, her eyes light up and her smirk deepened.
“You know who I don’t see here?” 
“Draco,” she responded. Y/N noticed Daphne grimace next to her. “Go wake him up and get him to come out. Of course, he probably won’t come out. But you have to at least make a valiant effort.”
“Ok.” Y/N gulped. “Where is he?”
“I’m going to assume his room.” The Slytherins surrounding her chuckled. “But if you want specifics: last door on the right of the boy’s dormitories. Zabini will let you in. You can go now.”
Y/N stumbled off with the boy she assumed was Zabini. He opened the door for her, whispering the password under his breath and looking almost sorry for her. “Good luck.”
The dormitories were exponentially cooler than the common room, and Y/N felt herself shiver at the sensation of the air on her bare skin. The stone walls and flooring made her feel as though she was in a dungeon, something she found to be an interesting choice for a house with so many wealthy students.
Y/N slowly crept towards the furthest door on the right, pondering her options. She could, of course, just come back and lie, saying he didn’t answer. Then she remembered the Veritaserum in her drink. Maybe if she tried hard enough, she could get herself to throw it up, but her logical mind struck that idea down. The alcohol was already absorbed and she would have to explain to everyone why there was a pool of bile outside the door she was tasked to knock on. 
There was something else that was nagging at her, though, a morbid curiosity regarding what someone like him could be bothering himself with on a Friday night. If he wasn’t partying, was he sleeping? 
It simply didn’t add up.
Y/N knew what she had to do. She raised her hand to knock on the door.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Oh! For the ask game number 12 if it’s not taken yet✨
Aight, fam, time for me to brag on myself lmao! Just kidding, but this should be interesting. 
Number Ten: Colors
This is one of my older piece, a Shikamaru x Temari one, and I still look back on it fondly as a major achievement of when I really first started writing. Those two are such a unique couple to write and I really love the image of the firework colors in Temari’s eyes. Just a nice aesthetic. 
Number Nine: Ghosts
This was the first time I had written a oneshot that wasn’t really romance, but a subdued angsty piece, and it was a refreshing change. Capturing Gintoki and Katsura’s haunted personas was a real challenge and I enjoyed how it came out. 
Number Eight: Sizzling Summer Heat
This one was a shift from the typical “confession” romance piece to one with an established couple and I just like it a lot! Plus, I just really like the intimacy of the two of them I feel came across. Plus, tangerine-banana smoothies sound bomb as fuck, no? 
Number Seven: Stars in Your Eyes
This is probably my favorite Natsu x Lucy piece I’ve done simply because of the imagery. I love everything about the night sky; describing the moon and stars and the light they give off is a pretty regular thing for my stories, and the idea of Natsu thinking Lucy’s eyes are so beautiful they contain the stars themselves is just a notion that makes me soft. :)
Number Six: Peppermint Flare
Writing Law and Nami is fun, period, but this one is high up there for me just because of the dramatic image of Law holding her while she smells like peppermint... Oof... Such a sexy couple. Lord help us. 
Number Five: Life in Every Breath
I wrote two stories on this scenario, but this one out-competes the other just because I think I raised the stakes a lot. I really went raw with the emotion in this one and I think it made for a really gut-wrenching, desperate piece. Plus the title is a line from my favorite movie, so. 
Number Four: Back and Forth
This was the first Law x Nami piece I wrote, originally intending to be a Christmas present for @anubislover but my computer decided to do a thing, so I just released it like any old regular story. It really opened my eyes to how fun writing the couple was and the potential, and it’s risen to be one of my top rarepairs. I just love them so much TT.TT
Number Three: Sleep-Talking
This one is recent, but the premise just has me. It’s so cute and soft and I really liked writing Sabo’s anxieties about revealing his feelings to Koala. I think the scene makes for a great image, too. 
Number Two: 3 A.M. Musings and Cherry Lip Gloss
Hayner is my life, I love him to death and I would absolutely play a Kingdom Hearts spin-off just about the Twilight Town trio. Give this boy a Keyblade, please! Anyway, this one is high up there simply for the fact that it was really fun to write a teenager delirious and in love at 3 a.m. Just a great concept. 
Number One: Between the Lines
Ugh, the angst. I like the other Ace x Nami piece I did too, but I think this one really ramps it up with the longing, the passion, and the overall theme of “we can’t have each other but we’re so helplessly in love it hurts.” I just like it linguistically, too. 
Honorable Mentions: Baby Fever, Hibiscus and Honey, Natural, A Failure of A Valentine’s Day, Call It Destiny, How It Always Will Be, Promises, Poetic
Bonus: Things I haven’t written or haven’t published but am excited to release- 
My pieces for ShikaSaku Week; I had never considered the couple before but now I’m highkey hooked. Some of them I like more than others, but I won’t say more until they’re all posted :3
A Kacchako piece titled Cherry-Orange Blossoms, which is a modern Hanahaki AU. I’m just ready to break some hearts; y’all ain’t ready. I’m also working on a Dekuraka Soulmate AU titled The Quantum Mailbox, where Uraraka finds out he’s her soulmate but he died in a car accident and she has to send letters back in time to basically rewrite history. Hooray for random sparks of inspiration at 2 a.m. 
Finally, a re-write of my most successful piece to date, Daffodils Bloom After Winter. Nothing else has gotten near the response or attention, and I’m hoping the remaster is better than the original. Stay tuned for these! 
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borhapstyles · 6 years
HC : dating Gwilym since shortly after he came back from shooting BoRhap, you’re not in the business and the Globes are your first big event together, you meet the whole band, instant bff with Lucy and Joe ... i mean i’d continue for hours but please explore ✨🥰
You and gwilym were friends before he started shooting Bo Rhap
but he liked you and you liked him
spoiler ur relationship was like one big slow burn fanfic
happy ending of course cause u guys r together now *fireworks*
before when you guys were just talking and he was still filming
he’d send you snapchats of himself on set or text you stories of the randomest shit that happened that day
“Joe and Ben stole my phone while I was getting my wig fitted on and they took selfies. This is the end result.”
“my god, you should’ve been there today when Ben realised he didn’t have to play the drum solo, he looked like he was gonna shit himself while simultaneously wanting to kill Rami”
Gwil talked about the bo rhap boys non stop and so you were really excited to meet them
but the way it was to happen stressed you out a bit more than it should’ve
Gwil knew the next time they’d all reunite was at the golden globes
so when Gwil was planning out his trip to the globes,
he didn’t even really bother asking you, it was more so just assumed you’d go
“i’m going.. as your girlfriend?”
“no, as my pet llama. yes as my girlfriend” he rolled his eyes (jokingly tho)
you were so so beyond proud tho
but you were also scared
“Gwil you do realise we haven’t really gone public with our relationship yet”
and he just tugged you close and kissed your temple and said
“i know, darling. I figured we could at the Globes, if you’re okay with that. I’ll only do it if you’re comfortable with it though, I don’t want to make you do anything you’re not up for.”
so you kissed him and told him it was probably for the best that you do it there
that didn’t stop you from being nervous though
as someone who isn’t in the film industry whatsoever, you weren’t sure what to expect at the globes
so walking around the red carpet with everyone throwing questions at you and Gwil?? not inviting
but everyone was quick to realise you guys were dating when Gwil kissed your temple
a small gesture but it drove everyone mad in the best way
cause y’all would be so damn cute and the entire bo rhap fam would be supportive
y’all bitches better be supportive of whatever relationship they get into irl smh 
but to the rescue the bo rhap cast came when you met them
and no amount of Gwil’s descriptions could prepare you for how much you loved them
and they adored you from the start
and they didn’t fail to mention just how much Gwil spoke about you on the set of Bo Rhap before you guys were even together
Joe: “This guy was head over heels for you, and that’s not an exaggeration. He was telling us something about you when he tripped over a pair of heels that was lying around in the dressing room.”
Ben: “Yeah, you’ve got yourself a good one there, Y/N. He said you can call him sweet, like he’s some kind of cheese.”
but the very very first interaction you had with them?? you couldn’t help but mess with Joe
you had the whole cast in front of you, huddled around in a mini circle
“Y/N, this is Joe”
“oh, you’re the one with the perm who didn’t know a perm stood for permanent, right?”
Joe scowled at Gwil and you just played along even further
“i-i’m sorry, that’s the only description of you he gave me.”
jsksj the rest of the cast laughed
Rami was a sweet jelly bean when you hugged him tho
and in the middle of the night when u were trying to video everyone’s happiness?? rami stopped u and told u that you guys could take a picture instead
Lucy was your best friend right away (as she should be)
The first five minutes of your friendship she set up a date to go shopping together and that’s how u knew she was gonna be ya main hoe for life
“it’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N.  you’re even more lovely than Gwil described”
and when Joe, Gwil, Ben and Rami were all dancing around, she noticed how you were just watching Gwil with the smile on your face
she smiled and said “that’s the face Gwil got whenever he spoke about you on set. you two are perfect for each other”
Joe too tho he was such a big advocate for your guys relationship
sometimes more than you and Gwil combined lmao
if he came across pictures of you and gwil together online he’d send them to you and hype you guys up
“power couple of the century, they give Harry and Meghan a run for their money” he’d say
but the whole night, Gwil wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you and
not that you minded, it was his night and the sex that followed after oh lord
but also he knew how anxious you were about the whole affair so during the night he’d be checking on you to see if you were alright and overall just wanted you to be comfortable
your comfort and your well-being would be the most important thing to Gwil
didn’t matter if you guys were at the globes or just getting coffee somewhere
how you felt was key to him being alright as well
and when Gwil wasn’t around the follow morning but you were with the rest of the bo rhap cast
they’d tell you thank you and say they’ve never seen Gwil in this light, so happy
because Gwil loves you with all his heart and soul and he’s so glad to have you around
soz if this sucks, darling! it’s almost 2am where i’m from but i couldn’t sleep and i wanted to do this, i hope it works! lots of love xx
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mspaintbunny · 3 years
Oh! Please! 4, 5, 14, 16, 17, 23, 30, 33, 35, 48, 49, 69, 72, 73, 76, 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100!!!
dear lord thats a lot of em
4. First kink tried? iunno does spanking count? that sounds real vanilla but i guess it aint for a "first kink"
5. First time doing oral? i guess my first time doing anything, still one of my fave things to do, i might've lost practise tho
14. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them? to answer both: yeah, but i really gotta trust you to send you anything spicier than what you'll get in this blog
16. Spit or swallow? swallow! no need to make a mess
17. Cut or uncut dicks? no preference, but foreskin is funny, so it wins out
23. What is too big for you to take? that i'd like to find out
30. Where would you most like to have sex? skipping this one, really cant think of anywhere but a bed right now thfyftdgrthyhtdrg
33. What’s your biggest kink? praise and overstimulation
35. Are you okay with name calling in bed? yeah i love petnames
48. Favourite Sex Toy? dont own any 😔 unfortunately
49. What do you masturbate to? most of the time? to nothing at all. other times... to vague horny thoughts... about certain someones... and the things id like those someones to do to me...
69. Do you finger yourself? sometimes, but its always more fun if someone else does it to me or if im doing it to someone else doing it to myself is awkward, i really need a toy for that
72. Favourite position? legs on shoulders, but imma be trying more stuff in the future, so it might change
73. How often do you do unprotected sex? as often as i dont feel like having penetration happen lmao
76. Do you like/dislike/love/hate cum? me like ^v^ wishing i could produce the stuff again, i've seen other trans girls who regain the ability AND it looked like i did so as well for a short while, but i guess something has to tick in my head for it to happen
84. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched? How do you prefer partners? shave certain areas to make it look pretty, shave completly when it gets too unbearable, no preference on partners
87. What do you wear to bed? sweatpants and a t-shirt, sometimes only one of the two, switch the sweatpants for shorts on the summer sometimes
88. Do you eat ass? Do you like having your ass eaten? yes and yes!
89. Try to describe how orgasm feels for you. well they might feel a variety of ways: warm, tingly, underwhelming, like flowers, explosive... idunno they're its own thing, hard to find words for it when you're your only point of reference in how things feel
91. Do you name your genitalia? i call it my lady parts sometimes, but nah i do name my boobs tho, they're lucy and anabel
95. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift? i mean yeah, if i knew they wanted it and we could try it out together...
96. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen? remember that one viral video people would send to eachother in the early-ish internet like "hey check out this link" and there were variations of it but it was always really disgusting stuff cuz there you go never saw that much porn to give you an actual answer
98. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom? yeah i tried to use a hairbrush's handle on myself once, it was a very tantalising shape, didnt go far in tho
99. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on? nah
100. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with? yeah, a couple of em in this app ;3c
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deanandthemoose · 6 years
my thoughts on 13x18
-ketch fucking KNOWS dean doesn’t know wtf is going on
-Cas being sassy is what I LIVE FOR
- fuck colonel sanders
-ketch seriously knows what’s up he’s like let’s hide and dean is like uh no
- “I moved to Monty Carlo and shacked up with pornstars” damn it Gabe
- he’s so shook about people praying hahahaha
- wow I loved the exorcist
-”you’re welcome” sassy boy
- “OUCH”
- he’s so insulted they holy watered him I can’t breathe
- DEAN FFS ( but thank you ketch for caring for the boy)
- “pornstars”
-god damn it i fucking HATE him
- ah Gabe is ok
-me too Lucifer
- Luci is so fucking mad
- how DARE jo disrespect my king
- they BETTER be on their way to get Charlie
- “Holy bullets in yo ass” - Rockwell, a friend I watched it with
- they got Charlie!!!!
- Dean’s heart just broke oh my god
- Poor Dean :(
- Dean is so broken I can’t actually deal
- @ gabe why tho
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
*epic music* In a world of Lucis where Insomnia hasn't fallen there are still the Glaives to protect the country. They are powerful. They are celebrated as heroes. ...or are they? While disliked by many citizens and living in awful slums (seriously, have you seen the place, where they have to live?) there is one great princess, an oracle destined to help even the greatest heroes. Will she achieve her goal to kick the kings ass for letting them live like that? (Insert your ideas here,have fun ^^)
I don’t know if it’s because you started it with “*epic music* In a world of Lucis where Insomnia hasn’t fallen..”, but I suddenly could see and hear this as a movie trailer, and suddenly see myself into it, ahahah. I have a cape and I’m a raccoonie watching this all from afar, and not I’m in doubt of what will happen, oh gods, what now, what is going to happen now? :O
Such an epic scenario, buddy!
It may sound simple at first, but you know what this implies?
This could oh so easily transform Regis and the throne family into the villains haosidskf
This could either show us villain, bad person Regis, or give us the idea that Reegis will be the bad guy but it turns out it’s not his fualt at all that the Glaives are seen that way. But the first one has SO MANY POSSIBILITIES.
Oh gods, duuuuude! This story sounds so epic; a bad, evil king Regis that despised the own people that protect him and his kingdom/capital city, and mistreats them, only to end up being faced by the Oracle herself, future savior of the Glaives, releasing them from the bad treatment they’re given.
Aoajsdo´sjg, dude  (」°ロ°)」
The idea of an evil Regis is SO COOL on its own. We’re so used to wise, good Regis, giving him this twist to become the villain is SO EPIC. We see this man over-aged from having given so much of his energy to the Crystal, and we feel so bad because he looks so wasted and haggard, and we feel so bad because he limps and he looks so fragile...but in reality he’s this evil and very bad king that basically has the Glaives as slaves. The worst sort of villain, the one you can feel so much pity and sympathy for and who looks so harmless, but is an absolute ass.
And then Lunafreya kicking in  ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
Imagine her receiving the news, though. Like, the Glaives’ status and treatment is one of those utterly frustrating cases in which no one but the people of Insomnia really know about. To the world, to the television cameras, and to the tourists, the Glaives are the praised and so admired heroes that receive flowers and medals and are seen on pedestals...but it’s all just one giant lie. One giant theatre play set up to make the rest of Eos believe one thing, when in reality the Glaives are but abused people.
And what’s worst is that the Glaives can’t do anything about it! Their homeland was destroyed, and they were taken in by the king into the Capital City, and who would have suspected it would turn out to be for this? So the Glaives have no option; they arrived not knowing, they walked themselves into the cage, and even though they could leave, there is nowhere they could go...
...not to speak about the rumors, but don’t believe me...
...rumors have it that when a Glaive has tried to leave the capital city, they mysteriously disappear. And even quieter rumors have it that it’s on the king’s orders, but shh, we’re not allowed to talk about that...
[Okay, it’s not too long, actually, but I’ll put the rest under a cut YOU SHOULD GO THERE TO READ ABOUT THE REST OF THE STORY AND HOW NOCTIS COMES IN APSJDOSFG]
So Lunafreya knowing about the Glaives’ reality isn’t only a concern, it’s an absolute impact! King Regis? The saint, good, the admired and so gentle king? Mistreating the Glaives, keeping them in poor refuges and shitty places, paying them in the form of barely basic necessities and not a single cent more, despising them, and allowing the people to spit on their faces?
Not only would Lunafreya know about the reality that the Glaives live in, she would also have her world turn 180 degrees upside-down! King Regis! King Regis who she trusted with her life! A maniac villain!?
There are many things that Lunafreya can tolerate...but a group of people being mistreated and abused, lack of justice, that’s not one of those things.
So off she goes, our Oracle and princess, straight towards Insomnia and nothing’s going to stop her, not until she frees this people, not until justice is served!
And off goes Lady Lunafreya into a journey towards Insomnia to punish the evil and free the oppressed! Epic battles! Magic encounters! Explosions!
And the possibility of a very naïve king Regis that’s not actually the villain, he just had no idea the Glaives were being mistreated and the final boss turns out to not have been the evil boss, just a very distracted king that thought that the reports about the Glaives living in shitty conditions were a joke because “lmao why would anyone treat such incredible warriors like poop haha nice try to fool me, Cor”.
Ahahahaha! I mean, it’s a possibility! I’m sorry, I’m trying to keep the idea of evil Regis but I can’t. Have you seen this man to the eyes, dear gods, he can’t step on an ant even if he tried 。゚(TヮT)゚。
But yes, I LOVE the idea of a villain Regis for real! Just imagine how EPIC of a story that would be! GODDAMMIT now I want an entire videogame for this story; Lady Lunafreya, princess and Oracle, with the mission to free the oppressed Glaives, and fighting a villain dark lord Regis. HNNNGGGGGGGGG.
Imagine the EPIC journey into Insomnia, though, but later in the story! First time Lunafreya visited, she was trying to be diplomatic and face Regis in law and speech and not battle. But Regis, when he realizes that he’s caught and that Lunafreya knows about the treatment he gives to the Glaives, of COURSe and because he’s a villain here tries to kill her, and sends troops after her, so she has to run away of Insomnia only while she plans how to go back in,a nd andasndojgsdn after a journey and strategy and companions, final dungeon is an Insomnia that’s going after her, and at some point we learn that Regis sent the Glaives to some jails or such, and the first mission besides not dying is freeing the Glaives, AND WHEN LUNAFREYA FREES THEM FROM PRISON ALL THE GLAIVES BURST INTO REBELLION.
And while this goes on, Lunafreya and one of the Glaives WHO ABSOLUTELY IS NYX and who’s guarding her, go to the Citadel for the Final Boss Fight aND OHMYGOD IT TURNS INTO A SUPER EPIC BATTLE AND THERE’S MAGIC FLYING EVERYWHERE AND BLUE SPARKLES AND ZOOM AND SWOOSH AND WOOAH AND BAM AND BOOM AND WOOOOOOOOOOH ヽ(°〇°)ノ
“Dear princess, oh, dear, fool Lunafreya...did you really think the king was the one on control? Oh, fool, fool Oracle. He was but a puppet. I’m glad he’s out the way. Now, I hear you have a complaint?” *steps on an agonizing Nyx’s injury, as a clear threat* “I’m all ears.”
*after some seconds calming down*
*couhgs* Uhm, eh, I got...a bit over excited, but basically YES to all of this. SUCH AN EPIC SCENARIO, and it has SO MANY possibilities, all super epic!!
*groans and slowly slips off chair*
There is a GODDAMN REASON I think I have the DAMN BLOODY BEST inbox and anons in the world, YOU PEOPLE HAVE SUCH EPIC STORIES HOW DO YOU DO THAT
*throws chair out the window*
UUUUUUGH. Seriously, thank you so much for sharing this story/idea with me. I had no idea it would trigger me into so much, hahaha. It’s just SO EPIC, and it has so much potential and holds so many possibilities!! I’m absolutely in love with this idea. I’d read the hell out of this story would anyone write it!
Thank you, dear anon! I’m loving this soooo much! 
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mallahanmoxie · 7 years
expose your most hated narnia fancasts that you’ve seen
oh boy before the manslaughter begins, shoutout to tumblr who didn’t notify me i had gotten an ask so that i only saw this message three days later when i accidentally clicked on my inbox
the thing you gotta understand though is that i am old and withered by current narnia fans standards. much like the asoue fandom, though out of different reasons, there’s a new generation of fans that seem to be producing content. when i was young? we were three people with a stick and a piece of paper. so like, the kinda content we put out before was… different. world’s changed tbh.
so i can’t tell you i’ve moved on, because i will never move on from narnia ever you’ll pry it off my dead cold fingers, but i don’t really pay attention to the fandom quite as much as i used to do. i’ve seen the new content tho! i even dragged my ancient ass to a network! that i don’t post to bc university dragged the joy and life out of me! (sorry to the admins). this current gen is producing Top Notch Content. it is not… standardized, let’s say, and it’s mostly for fun so it’s cool. i don’t take it for more than it is. hey, it’s gay and brown, right? it suffices my taste. when i wanted to make a narnia fancast with brown and gay people, i had to plot out the entire series WITH background characters and shit. i had papers of all the characters in the bloody universe fancasted with people who could actually play them (which is why my black, age appropriate pevensies idea died as soon as i had to pick somebody else but lucy, who was oscar nominated quvenzhané wallis who is now sadly too old). some a bit out there but you gotta attract big names to attract big crowds sometimes. this happens less, as the growing trend of casting models and people who cannot act develops as idk overall fandom culture, but it’s still much much better. i’m not criticizing anybody, i swear to you i love yall. you gave me park boyoung as lucy pevensie!!!! nobody’s made me happier!!!!!!!!!
now, for the people of my time…
(i speak like im 84. it’s only been like six years). anyway, a list of my most hated narnia fancasts:
bradley james as anyone. the narnia fandom’s boytoy! our generic White King! the only fucking face i saw for like fifteen and a half years!!! now i love bradley james  BUT. he was everywhere. peter? of course. tirian? why not. rilian? sure. caspian? uh yeah he was blond in the books. i couldn’t get rid of his fucking face bc everybody used him bc idk he was the top first result in blond people that look medieval but without rotting teeth or something list
katie mcgrath as susan or the lady of the green kirtle. again, same thing. pretty lady with black hair that has worn a crown and looks slightly evil, first result, our designated susan. bc what’s having a personality. also she wore a green dress Once so like, what’s the logical choice.
colin morgan as edmund. do you see a pattern here??? i guess merlin was the only medieval show everybody watched back then??? they didn’t cast angel coulby as lucy bc boy would the pevensie parents have some shit to explain.
adelaide kane as lucy. i looked at this once and promptly had a meltdown. an anon yelled at me for being too mean and look, yes, i was too mean and it was not the space to say i Fucking Hated It bc op could see it (top notch graphic tho op sorry for the cursing) but reign was going on and, nah. nah. 
elle fanning as polly plummer. i saw her be polly much more than jill so im jotting her as that, though she was used liberally by lots. at some point i hated elle fanning just bc? idk why tbqh, i can’t remember, but it was maybe that fancast. i still think she lacks all of polly’s spunk anyway. polly? literally yelled at a two meter woman presumably looking like tilda swinton? please.
asa fucking butterfield and chloe moretz as digory and polly. i have a personal vendetta for asa that i forget all about except when our birthdays come around. anyway, they made hugo and people said, well the magician’s nephew happens in the same time frame? they’re white and young? sign me up! i turned the sheet away.
freddie highmore as cor/corin. again, same old. i don’t even know if he ever acted on anything medieval??? and i love freddie okay i kissed his picture when i was in third grade bc i thought blond freddie in arthur and the minimoys (????) was the Shit. but he was Everywhere.
gemma arterton as susan. i don’t hate it i just think she doesn’t fit susan and the whole thing was sloppy when weaponized femininity was all the rage and hansel and gretel came out
sophie nélisse as jill or polly. again dont hate it but it’s uninspired. she lacks the spunk. also, if you notice a pattern here is bc whenever a period drama movie came out with white kids vaguely resembling the pevensies or something, everybody flocked to photoshop. myself included (forgive me lord ive sinned)
francois arnaud as rabadash. he’s white?????????? fam. (sorry i dont have the cedilla on this keyboard)
a few people i want to never see near this: uh, the entire merlin cast, the entire reign cast, the entire white queen or something?? cast, the borgia cast, the harry potter cast, the hunger games cast, the cast of the next child movie that comes out… idk. 
i honestly can’t think of any more but i know i’ve raged before. i have like a real clear idea of how i want the characters to look? and i have like different concepts for them, i just can’t find anybody ever lmao. 
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Ayesha Liveblogs Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry
Natsu!!! Such a tiny baby he’s really just a 90% head
Classic Fairy Tail lmao dropping us right in the middle of a mess I love it
I assume this is set pre Magic Council Disaster I really have like 3000 questions about the Fiore government
“I think you may need glasses” Lucy’s been #called out for Plue not being a real dog lmao
Someone spare Wendy from these unnecessarily intimate teens 
My sweet gentle snowman Gray Fullbuster clearing my skin and saving my crops 
“It’s been a while since we visited Crocus, eh?” said Gray, about an incident during which he literally died
“I’m furthering my education over here man!” character development Gajeel
Jesus Christ I’m glad Juvia’s ridiculous fantasy about Wendy being her competition was at least PG as hell but hard pass thanks 
“Juvia please hold me” On the other hand, I will take her Levy fantasy 10/10 nice 
If they’re acknowledging Ishgar I have at least 10 more questions about the chronology of this movie is it post-manga or???
“Don’t worry about it, Lucy, you look great up there” if they don’t want me to ship Graylu they need to stop doing this
God I almost forgot for 13 whole minutes how obsessed Hiro Mashima is with boobs.... simpler times 
At least for once the boobs are serving a purpose I love my scheming babies coordinating their covert attacks 
“I hope they’re not taking the same job we are” isn’t that what the mission board is for?
Wendy being Natsu’s little dragon sister is super cute 
You’d really think if they were housing the magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb there’d be a more effective security system 
“I’m the guy telling you there’s no smoking backstage” wrong Gray ur all smokin’ ayyyyyyyyyyy
Also who the hell thought to trust Natsu with an infiltration mission cripes
I LOVE that everyone’s got a blushy face in this it improves their aesthetic so much
It ain’t Team Natsu without both Gray and Lucy half-naked lmao 
“So you’re the kind of girl who steals things” but mostly hearts, Evil Dude
“The people here are creepy, I’ll teach them to glare at me” Natsu was so ready to kick every single townsfolk’s ass lmao my boy is truly chaotic neutral
I already don’t like Sonia and this lord’s relationship and they’ve only been on screen together for like 10 seconds 
“My Graydar is starting to pick up an extremely strong signal” good lord 
I don’t know what’s funnier when Gray is outraged that he’s naked or when he’s just like “eh”
In fairness to the villains, doesn’t seem like they made much effort to hide 
Why does this angry zooming villain boy look like the lovechild of Natsu and Acnologia 
“Please Natsu, stop” as anime strategies go, fair, but u oughta move Lucy
Every ten seconds I have to stop to be enamored with Gray Fullbuster
“King Animus” Mystogan, shouting from space ‘Animaaaaaaaa’
But where..... did Gray get those clothes???? Does Erza stock up on spare outfits for him or??? 
Oh my god does this dude literally have a group of captive women he tortures I hate it this is the worst if he doesn’t die I’ll murder him
Thank you Natsu for preemptively interrupting this gross scene 
“We’re not good at being inconspicuous,” said Erza, in what might be the understatement of the century
Not 2 be that guy but the titty shots of Lucy sort of take away from the severity of this plot exposition I hope someone gives her some real clothes
“Then we gotta sleep in shifts” a surprisingly sensible suggestion, Natsu
Omg Natsu’s showing her the stars what a sweet dragon boy
“I don’t know, we literally haven’t done anything!” Fairy Tail has always done something and u know it Gajeel
I can’t believe she’s just... the Leg Wizard.... like... who named these characters???? 
“Did you find me using your Juviadar, my love?” “HELL no!” [Hiro Mashima voice] requited love
So Carla’s change in form definitely means that this is set post-Fairy disbandment at least, but I’m willing to bet it’s post-manga too, all things considered 
Wendy using dragon force and Lucy going to free these captive ladies that’s my girls!!!
I really thought the lady wizard captain was going to be more involved in this story based on her character design and introduction
They didn’t even bother to deal with the question of where Lucy’s keys were when she was captured what kinda storyboarding 
Omg at Lucy’s Capricorn outfit she’s finally the dom that Virgo’s always wanted her to be 
None Can Defeat... The Power of.... The Leg
“What in the hell, this is his city” Gray questioning the movie’s internal logic 
Gray Fullbuster’s truest magical power: His Stunning Dick 
I’m loving everyone pulling out their coolest magical powers like yassss show off your years of training my beautiful and competent wizards
“Your kicks are lovely [...]” I’m not sure what I’m more pleased about how gay this battle just got or the fact that ERZA IS USING JELLAL’S CELESTIAL MAGIC (definitely that one I LOVE IT) 
Holy fucking plot twist this is the kind of villain I’m here for 
“If you must know, I’m Animus, and I’m the dragon soul that lives within Sonia” this is doubly funny because it’s Young Jellal’s VA like how many times will this same voice actor play a young idealist possessed by ancient evil good lord 
Whomst?? Does anyone who eats that fruit breathe fire or just Happy
Team Natsu, probably, every time another goddamn dragon appears from the distant past to fuck up the present: Getting real sick of this shit
I know Jellal’s not going to show up but I keep hoping he will where r u Erza’s garbage boyfriend 
This dragon makes a weirdly compelling antagonist 
“Your soul used to shine” this brings the whole childhood friends backstory into weird perspective huh
Should Natsu really be moving around that much after being impaled 
“You’re the destroyer of all... E. N.” “Who cares” Hard same Natsu??
Really the King of Fiore should stop keeping shit that can destroy the whole world in his basement clearly it’s very poorly guarded
“This is the first time I’ve seen your smile, it’s beautiful” you were?? In her body??? U were looking in the mirror in an earlier scene man 
Sometimes a family is a fuckton of impulsive wizards and some flying cats 
Ooh damn I guess they did have a time setting for this movie after all and it’s post-2014 anime but pre-everything that follows huh? 
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dangpankoozie · 7 years
My thoughts on 7x19 and the promo
1. Aria…what is with the bad lying fml 2. Lucy literally just KILLED that scene with Dunhill omg (I love Lucy so much) 3. "glad you agree" gave me chills fml 4. Listen Spencer I literally give 0 shits about your Mary drama people are dying 5. Why would the daughter of a politician and the daughter of a real estate company owner need money? It's not money that's in the Lost Woods for Spencer to find is it (calling IT!) 6. How much can a ratty haunted motel cost anyway 7. Gas leak? Why? What's the point of trying to kill them? What do they have against bilaurentis? 8. …….it's just a dream sequence….the most hyped up scene is a goddamn dream sequence (good job, Mar!) 9. Emma Thorwald? Who dat? 10. Both fell asleep while watching the game,,,,disappointed but not surprised 11. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. THAT'S ALL OF THE NAT WE'RE GETTING? 12. "How did we both fall asleep" idk you tell me Alison lmao   13. DON'T IMMORTALIZE SPALEB LIKE THAT SPENCER WTF 14. Kind of digging this spaleb bromance,,,, kind of not 15. Caleb and Ezra? What 16. Kind of creepy if you realise Ezra used to teach at the school Caleb went to (and now they're bromancing!?) 17. But who cares that Ezra used to be a creepy stalker-teacher who exploited little girls right (love is love, innit?) 18. Side note: IAN PORTRAYS EZRA SO WELL AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 19. The way Ezra literally pounced? On Aria? Wtf? #shady stalker-teacher right there 20. Ezra and the "body in my trunk "moment was much needed comic relief 21. That frozen …oh tf expression IS LITERALLY ME 22. Sudden appearance of the Two Crows Diner is…sudden 23. "did he go back to the car?" yes Spencer in his invisibility cloak,,,clearly he is in the car 24. Why do Caleb and Mona have a chemistry that just…is good? It's natural but WHY 25. FIRST IT'S THE COFFEE, THEN IT'S THE PIE, THEY'RE HANNA'S #PARENTS CONFIRMED! 26. "we swim around in this fishbowl like we're in control,,, we are NOT" killed me. This is the line that made me like this episode. Janel Parrish deserves so much more than this show has given her 27. Hanna and Caleb: bickering 28. Me: oh my GOD! Who. THE HELL. CARES? 29. Mona is Houdini #confirmed 30. AD sending messages like that. THIS IS THE AD IM INTERESTED IN not the one that used emojis for the lols 31. Alison apologizing to Aria signals character development and I AM HERE FOR IT   32. The petals falling on Hanna….i literally died 33. Can we just. All take a moment. To thank our lord and saviour for giving us that amazing scene between Charlotte and Mona. Just. OH MY GOD. This is the quality acting that used to prevail on PLL. THIS IS WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR. THANK YOU VANESSA RAY AND JANEL PARRISH. I didn't even have any words. HOLY HELL. I LOVE THIS. 34. THIS IS HOW YOU DO A REVEAL, PEOPLE! 35. But what I don't get is this: if Charlotte just wanted to fool everybody so she could play the game again, what was the point of revealing herself in 6X10 in the first place? 36. Mona killed Charlotte so that her friends won't get hurt again 37. Said friends continue to exclude and hurt Mona 38. #give mona better friends 39. Spencer and Hanna taking such good care of Mona is my aesthetic 40. Wait…..so there is literally no significance in the result of that puzzle? It's not a mask, or a grave, or a map or an ultrasound or anything? It's just a stock image? Good job, PLL! 41. Aria being wise but also being too late is literally me 42. THAT MOMENT WHEN THEY JUST WALKED OUT OF THERE AND BUSTED THEM WAS AMAZING. LINDA TANNER IS THE SAVIOUR THAT THE ROSEWOOD PD NEEDS BUT CANNOT HAVE 43. Okay so Mary Drake taking the fall for them is literal PROOF that she gave Alison and Spencer the Lost Woods not for the money but because there is something important inside 44. So Archer Dunhill was just a con man? That's it? I don't like this irrelevance 45. Why was he British then? What's the point of riling Wren theorists up like that? 46. Mary doing the shush…I still don't trust her. 47. Alison finding out who killed her mom through a live interrogation. Why do they hate her so much? And how did Spencer conveniently forget to tell her friend who killed her mom? 48. You guys I really love how empathizing Spencer, #1 Anti-Mona Stan is being right now. She knows how it's like to be pushed over the edge and to need help. I really like this. This is so heartwarming and beautiful. 49. Why the hell is Toby not here? Why are they making him so shady suddenly? What is the Purpose? 50. I thought Wren was going to be in more episodes? Where is he? I think he filmed scenes but they didn't make the final cut; probably because he was too shady and they revealed too much (hopefully) 51. Okay I honestly think that hyping up the blunt weapon was such a clever move. They made us get so worked up over it and threw hints everywhere but then they SIKED us in the BEST possible way. I LOVED that little tidbit of detail, how the evidence was right there. It's just such clever writing, something this show hasn't exhibited in such a long time. 52. MOST IMPORTANT: WHERE. IS. JASON. The writers haven't said shit about Drew coming back YET they SAT DREW DOWN and told him the whole story before the others knew. Is it because they wanted him to empathize with AD and portray him better (yes please!) I did hear he would be coming back for 7B? But he's not here? And Drew himself didn't really say much about it? Shady shit. 53. I mean, Jason literally did get the worst life out of every character in the series, and he got the least help for his problems. So honestly, it makes sense if all of that pent-up anger results in AD. And he's out of the country all the time, but he still is always in New York when Alison wants to meet him? 54. Ezra being plenty shady too. Writing another book? DYING? Hopefully lmao 55. So Lucas' relevance to this story is over? Arcturus was his big reveal? Why? And what's the explanation for sharing that look with Aria? 56. Mona saved this show you guys. THEY BETTER TREAT HER RIGHT AND NOT KILL HER OFF NEXT WEEK ISTG. 57. Yup! Just leave the game game there why don't you? Best decision ever! 58. A riding into the sunset like that was very LOL and very why?? At the same time   59. THAT PROMO? KILLED ME. 60. Snowglobes? snOWGlobES? TOBY AND JENNA! RELEVANCE! YES! 61. Lmao see I TOLD YOU Mary was shady. Attacking (? I think) her daughter like that lmao 62. Melissa's scene is probably a flashback. The mood of that snippet is different and she's smiling and was that a horse (?) and the filter is less stark than the rest of the snippets in the promo 63. Addison? And Jenna? ?????? 64. Listen listen listen if they make a spin-off starring Addison as Alison II and her minions LITERALLY NO ONE WILL WATCH IT so just don't waste your money Freeform 65. "I cant marry ezra" hate to say I told you so but I told you so 66. "I can't marry ezra" LITERALLY WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU SINCE SEASON 1 EPISODE 1   67. OMG what if halfway through the Ezria wedding Aria realizes she didn't forgive Ezra for the book and she pulls out halfway which is when AD swoops in and steals the show ??? #yes 68. WREN. WITH A GUN. GUN. IN WREN'S HANDS. WREN HOLDING GUN. GUN HELD BY WREN. I really think Ezra is going to die yallz 69. Don't think they're going to make Wren AD anymore though, if he's in the promo like that. Still rooting for him, but probably not. 70. Okay what if Ezra wrote another book and kept it shush from Aria and AD got hold of it, and saw that Ezra actually got something right in his life for once, and hence sent Wren (assuming AD is Adynamic Duo/team) to shoot him!! BUT NOT BEFORE they sent the liars a draft because the #truth is important and hence making Aria stop short of the worst life decision she ever made lmao
Best episode in a long time but that's because of Janel Parrish, Ian Harding and Vanessa Ray. Lucy Hale did good too. But Janel Parrish stole this episode. LOVE HER SO MUCH. If she does anything after PLL I will 100% watch it      
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tfwlawyers · 7 years
long story short: I lost my cat poppy suddenly on april 2nd while I was away and asked for people to send me pictures of their own cats/pets; I’m a huge cat person and even just seeing cats really does cheer me up, so!! a huge thank you to everyone who sent me stuff or even just stayed the night with all these pics, I wanted to clean up my blog but still wanted to keep all the pictures
so !! cats under the cut, check if you’re ever feeling down and like cats ;0; 
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submitted by dontkillbirds:
I couldn’t decided which of my cats to turn into Edgeworth so I turned both my cats into Edgeworth? I have no idea if this is comforting but you said you wanted pictures of cats or ace attorney stuff and this??? Is what my brain came up with???
I’m truly sorry you lost your cat. Xoxoxoxoxox
this is so unbelievably comforting to me, thank you <3 and your cats are super adorable, what are their names !!
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submitted by theskittypink:
shoot you need cat submissions? here this is my boy Leo and hes about 8 at this point. Hes a kitten at heart, a snuggler and bed thief!
WHAT A FLUFF BALL he looks so sweet!! give him some snuggles for me, please ;0;
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submitted by lebdinechew:
This is my baby girl, Sasha, on Christmas She loves her sweater when it’s cold.
i am This Close to crying again but not out of sadness this time but just bc sasha’s a good girl who looks great in her sweater hgkdlgd
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submitted by pocketclocked:
Here is Morgana (aka Beebs), who is very snuggly and comprised mostly of sharp objects and demons. 💙💙
an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0; <3
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submitted by acecaskettuniverse:
Lost my precious cat Lucky in November. I know exactly how you feel. It took me months before I could touch another cat (February). But as much as I miss him, it gets easier. Above all I know that he wants me to be happy. And I’m sure yours does too.
I’m so sorry to hear that, he looks like a sweetheart and I’m sure he was so happy with you ;0; I pretty much always need a cat to function so I’m sure I’ll make a day out of visiting my local shelter sometime soon, but I absolutely understand needing the time and I’m glad you were finally able to look again….. lucky and poppy were loved and happy and knowing that is a definite comfort, ty <3
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submitted by whimsicallyabsolute:
These are my babies, Shiloh and Seamus. They’re grumpy and I love them very much.
the ?? opposite fur thing they’ve got going on ???? they’re so cute, ty ;0;
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submitted by eternallyanna:
my dumb boys… odin w the collar and hobbes without
hobBES what a perf name for an orange cat ;0; thank you!! god that last pic is an absolute beauty
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submitted by klesbian:
This is Sakura, I met her at a cat cafe and she was a sleepy little angel! I’m sorry about your cat, it’s always the worst when a pet passes.
what a bab!! and thank you for your words <3
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submitted by caltrops:
this is commodore puffington. majestic and Very Large. he likes to stick his leggy out. he would definitely cuddle you if you needed him.
;0; im on the way over Right Now to cuddle, perf name for a perf cat, thank you!
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submitted by fabhab:
here’s my round boy (1/3 cats; i would have submitted pictures of all of them but i couldn’t figure out how to submit more than one picture at once) his name is quill and when we first got him he weighed 15 ounces but now he’s a chunky boy and he loves throwing his toys under furniture and making u retrieve them for him
quill’s such a cute name omg!! big happy boy I’m so glad
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submitted by fabhab:
whoop i figured it out on mobile so here’s my basement gremlin lupine who we saved from starving at petsmart bc he only has 4 teeth and can’t eat wet food. he’s a very softboy and will whack ur legs if u attempt to leave in the middle of paying attention to him. last but not least is percy who enjoys being a rabblerouser and is possibly a crime lord (all the neighborhood cats are afraid of him). however, he is a very cuddly boy and will sit on ur lap for 8 hours straight if u let him
basement gremline lupine and crime lord percy goD, they look like sweethearts, thank you for sending me these ;0; <3
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submitted by anaislingmemory:
I’m sorry about hearing about your cat. I don’t have any completed Narumitsu fics (yet), but I have a pic of Krystal.
!!!! krystal is more than enough, thank you <3
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submitted by sarcasticscepticles:
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. This is my cat Nymer, his favorite foods are cookies, pizza rolls, chips, flour, and anything else that’s not cat food.
WHAT A LUMP I love him
and ty ;0;
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submitted by advisedpanic:
I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. This is my puppy Sally, and she is Very Old (16) so I’m sort of preparing myself to get news like this one day soon too. She is grumpy and loves lounging in the sun and she’s my baby. this was from when she was recovering from surgery to get some cancer out of her nose but she’s all better now. im sending u all the best vibes and wishes xx
!! she looks adorable and I sincerely hope you a few more good long years with her; and thank you ;w;
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger
:0 the softest…
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submitted by chickenpurr:
here’s some of my cats, Suki (annoying and loud, occasionally cuddly), Marbles (old and sleepy and simply the best), and some of my feathered cats (including Zella the Frog Assassin). Hope they can help cheer you up a bit :>
cuties!! my friend also has a cat named suki and she sounds exactly the same hdg
thank you ;w;
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submitted by thatonechickyoudontknow:
This is my friend @zipper-nova ’s cat, Abraham Lincoln. He’s a big, old, momma’s boy. We think he tucked himself in…
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submitted by skygrappler:
This is my baby Gigi! She was a rescued cat that we think was let out of a college dorm… she’s like a year old and her hobbies are farting and biting my fingers
;o; I’m glad she’s got a home with you now !! (and all the fingers she can bite)
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submitted by sammythebabymoose123:
My little Bby Josie, I hope this cheers you up! I know how hard it is loosing a pet and I’m so sorry that you weren’t there for it
ahHHH they look so soft and sweet!! and thank you… even if was a seizure (and I suspect it was) and I couldn’t have done anything, I still so so wish I’d been there with my baby when it happened ghdlgh, she hadn’t been in any pain beforehand so that’s the one silver lining I guess
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submitted by tsunderecafe:
This is Lucy, she hopes these cat pictures make you happy :3
what a sweetheart !! my sister used to have a cat named lucy and she was the most loving thing, this lucy looks the same way ;0; I’m definitely happier, ty
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submitted by emerdoods:
This is Wudge. He’s 20 pounds, 13 years old, and a pretty good boy (mostly)
wudge……………. a chaotic good if i’ve ever seen one
thank you!!
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submitted by aceoftwos:
top three pics are my cat, lunatic. then the grey one is my friend’s cat, annie. the last one is an adorable cat i met at the docks who shall remain nameless bc i never got a name!
i’m sorry for your loss. i really hope seeing these makes you feel a little better! (there’s also a lot on my instagram, same username, if you need more!) i’m afraid i can’t recommend any wrightworth fics bc i get all my recs from you!!
what a bunch of babs !! thank you so much for sending me these, I love cats so much and they all look so sweet, I love lunatic’s lil marking socks ;0;
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submitted by probonoapollo:
hey hi hello this is my precious baby Pumpkin i found her under my car after school a couple of years ago and i had to bring her home cos she was the sweetest thing ever and she still is (also i am sorry there’s so many pictures i just love her and i couldn’t choose)
aaAAa I’m so happy pumpkin found a home with you fjdf she looks like a sweetheart and I totally get having too many pictures to choose from ;0 ty…
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submitted by antipelargy:
I’m sorry that you’re going through a rough time. I see that people have been sending you animal pics so here are some of mine! The first 2 are of a cat named Joey who I watched last week, he’s a huge Maine coon and a lover boy. The rest are of my dog Baxter, who I swear is part cat. He crawls all over people, will sit on my laptop/book/sketchbook, and jumps onto chairs to the table. But he’s the sweetest pup you’ll ever meet!
THEY’RE BOTH ADORABLE thank you for sending me these!! god please boop baxter’s nose for me
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submitted by shirayahas:
This is Cosmo. He enjoys licking things for hours, cuddles, and being annoying. I can’t recall a funny cat story but he will really lick the shower curtain for hours if you let him and I have no idea why.
Im really sorry for your loss. Cosmo also lost his sister when he was a little over a year old. It’s impossibly hard to loose a pet, and it’s hard to go through. Me and Cosmo here will be around if you ever need us. We’ll do all that we can to help.
what a big ol cream puff, omg… poppy used to love licking the shower door whenever I left it open because apparently getting the condensation from there was way easier than just drinking out of her water dish lmao
and thank you, this is a very sweet message ;w; I’m sorry you had to go through a loss as well, please give cosmo tons of cuddles for me <3
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submitted by mimikyutie:
this is my lady, dozer. she acts all regal but is a huge lovely nerd and pansy. she loves to play fetch, brush her face all over my brush, do backflips in the middle of the night and steal yoghurt. im so sorry for your loss, and i hope all the cute cat pics sent your way are helpful <3
and such little concern for your laptop, omfg
she looks lovely, ty for the pics <3 and thank you for the condolences, these pictures really have been a huge help :’)
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submitted by commanderfreddy:
my mum’s a catsitter so here are some choice friends from throughout the years
;0; ty fred… the dream job with all the dream cats
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submitted by rannxch:
This is Midna (named for the twilight princess lmao) a Russian blue who’s about 10 months old. She’s a huge diva who loves ice cream and is afraid of spoons.
THAT FIRST PIC OH MY GOOOODDDDDD she looks wonderful, thank you!!
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
if I fits I sits
every time there’s a cat from you I gasp a little irl, ty ..
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submitted by sethsenpaiiyo:
Hello !! I have never submitted anything so i hope this works,, I have some cats for you :,) In the first picture, left to right - Pus, Kompis & Susie + another one of Pus///
Second picture is Katja! Snapchat decided that filters work on her so she’s a pretty kitty :3c Hope you feel better!
worked just fine, thank you so much!! they all look so sweet and katja is esp gorgeous ;0; <3
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submitted by fangirling247:
This is Milo, he is a sleepy old man whose hobbies include napping and hogging blankets. He is a good friend and hopes that you make a new friend someday.
so many milos hdfdh I love that name sm, he looks soft and sweet and I sincerely hope I do too, ty ;0;
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submitted by hannaginel:
This is my cat Lilly. We call her Lilly Moo because her markings make her look like a cow. She’s 7 years old and she loves snuggling and comforting me when I have panic attacks. She’s my baby.
!! an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0;
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submitted by mythalogies:
Here’s some pics of my boi
a handsome boi……………………. thank you!!
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submitted by sentient-cloud:
Heres a picture of my two cats Octavian(hes the tabby) and Phoenix(yeah I know), the grey tuxedo. They are brothers and they love each other very much, they get upset when they’re not in the same room! I hope this helps!
cuddling cats are one of the most sacred images in the entire world imho ;0; thank you, they look super sweet!!
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submitted by princelowell:
hey there! here’s some of mine: the first cat was my boy sox. he passed away when he was 4 years old out of nowhere–we assume a heart condition.
the pug is gizmo, who is 9 years old now (they were about the same age). the ferret, mei, came about a month after we lost sox.
the chubby tabby cat is one of the cats who lived with me when i lived in Japan. her name is hanabi (means fireworks) and she’s probably four or five now? she loved me and slept in my bed but she doesn’t like my host mom much. wish i could’ve taken her home with me.
! i love them aLL, THANK YOU, I’m so sorry to hear about losing sox at such a young age, i’m sure he was super loved and happy ;0;
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submitted by wildblueegg:
hey i dont know you but i know you and i saw your cat… well. AND I CAME AS FAST AS MY COMPUTER HANDLED IT
I’m so sorry for your loss, this isn’t even the first pet that i saw that died this year. Take the cat from my friend, he’s a white and soft meme(am i doing this correctly???).
;0; THANK YOU both for the cutie and the kind words <3
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submitted by blnketfort: 
ik i’m a bit late to the cat meet & greet (because i was asleep) and also idk how to submit multiple photos so this is a post but i heard abt poppy and i’ve had that happen a few times so i know how devastating it can be.
these are my 2 cats patrick (yawning) and cally (doesn’t like the flash.) they’re half siblings but we rescued them both at different times.
Cally is six but still the size of a kitten, super smart, a total grump but loves strokes and sitting on my lap (and laptop.)
Patrick is 3 (i think?) and an Absolute Idiot. seriously, you can go to step/sit on him and he just won’t move. Follows us all the way when i walk the dog, loves tummy tickles and sitting in the most inconvenient places imaginable & refusing to move.
SWEETIES god I love when cats stretch like in the second pic, absolutely zero concern for what’s around them they’re just Comfy
and I’m sorry for your previous pet losses as well, ty for taking the time to make this photoset :’)
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
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submitted by ignisalatus:
I’m so sorry for your loss, losing animals is one of the worst things imaginable… ): I lost my baby Rascal here about 6 years ago to a very sudden and agressive mouth cancer when he was only 11, and still miss him terribly to this day. I know it wasn’t nearly as sudden as your baby’s passing, but I can surely sympathize with the shock of how fast and unexpectedly these things can happen ;-;
He was a Rowdy Boy™ but also a total sweetheart of a giant melty fluff ragamuffin. He was my best friend growing up, one of those cats who could always sense when something was wrong and would always jump in my lap and purr and rub my face and cuddle when he knew I was upset. I hope he can keep your baby company as they have many many more catventures in the stars 💜✨
i want to say this is a bad post bc it made me start crying again but hgdkgh it’s not ofc it’s not, this is an extremely sweet message and I’m so so sorry for your baby’s loss as well :’) rascal looks like such a sweetheart and sounds exactly like how poppy was towards me, I’m so heartbroken we lost them both at such young ages but dljfdf I bet they’ll be the best of friends soon ;0; thank you so much for sharing this, it means more than I can say <3333
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submitted by atroquinine-blues:
Here’s some pictures of my boy, Buddy, sleeping :) I’m really sorry about your cat, and I hope things get better for you soon (your art is amazing btw)
what a cutie !! I love when cats have markings that makes em look like they’re got lil boots/socks on
and thank you :’)
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submitted by easterlil:
This isn’t really my cat, but it’s my grandma’s cat BooBoo. I hope she can help cheer you up a bit!
I did laugh when I refreshed my inbox so jfkldf thank u very much booboo ;0;
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submitted by beeva:
I don’t yet have a cat of my own, so here are some cat photos I have on my phone
cats from the cat cafe, feat. my aunt’s cat, who I love
SO MANY CATS AND I LOVE THEM ALL, thank you!! I should see if there’s a cat cafe in my state, that’s always sounded so amazing
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
Highest priority mail!!
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submitted by ludbeilschmidt:
This is Peaches!! He likes to help garden. Which means rolling in my plants and meowing for attention. I hope you’re doing ok and feel better soon!! I lost my cat like…almost 10 yrs ago now and it still gets to me sometimes so I know how rough it can be. Take it easy!!!
aw omg, he’s doing a great job !! and thank you, as much as I love getting all these submissions it’s also heartbreaking to hear about how many other cats people have lost - still, knowing how loved they were helps a bit ghgf
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submitted by narcoleptrix:
pls accept my condolences through this humble offering of muffin. she’s a sweet old lady cat that enjoys stealing food when you’re not looking and licking people.
MUFFIN….. she’s got a gorgeous coat and if she wants food then she’s getting it
and thank you ;w;
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submitted by whalestickers:
This is my soon-to-be cat, Lola!!! Im rly excited abt getting her, she is just the sweetest lap cat ever
!! what an angel !! I’m sure you’ll be very happy together, I’m super excited for the both of you too \o/
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submitted by fresh-biscuits:
Here’s my fat baby. Her name is Noelle Faye and she’s a princess. Sorry for your lost. ❤❤❤ Cats are wonderful, no? They just add so much to our lives. How could we ever repay them?
;0; the fattest baby, I love her… guess we just gotta give em as much love as physically possible while they’re with us, which it looks like noelle is for sure getting !! thank you sm <3
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submitted by docworth:
hey, i’m sorry to hear about your loss. this is my pride and joy fatman, who pretty much only ever sleeps with/on me (also picture three is a rousing game of “Spot The Fandom Memrobelia”)
your un is docworth, I see a conbat plush and phoenix DS cover(?), your cat is named fatman, clearly you’re just in the best possible timeline
and thank you… my cat used me pretty much exclusively as a pillow as well and what an honor it was
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submitted by radioscientist:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat! My cat Lyra (the cat in the first two pictures) passed away yesterday, so I understand it must be hard! Hopefully you enjoy these pictures of her and her sister ❤️
oh god, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat too - april 2nd clearly needs a redo
lyra (and her sister!) are adorable and I hope she and my poppy are doing alright :’)
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submitted by threeleggedbike:
I’m sorry about the loss of your cat, here’s one of my fuzzy sausages if it makes you feel better
the fuzziest sausage.. they’re adorable, ty ;0
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submitted by tir-amy-su:
i present…….. the stinky squad..
i………………….. love them …
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submitted by fairytalepeople:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat:( I don’t have any cats of my own but I have the stable cats! The first one is Bertil and the other is Tigris. She’s turning 18 this summer so she gets to stay in the kitchen if she wants to. I also have my dogs, Freja and Sweetie, and none of them act their age (Freja turned 7 yesterday and sweetie is 8) Then there’s my butterfly Miranda (I swear it reacted positively to the Hamilton ost) who I found the last day of December. Sadly it passed some time before February. Tigris usually tries to steal lunch from people by being adorable:3 I hope you are feeling better soon!
all a bunch of babs !!!!! I love freja especially ;0; and thank you <3
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submitted by koalabuddy:
my kitty for ur cat night
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submitted by vvarp-core:
Here are my meowers, and a cat that definitely isnt mine but i want to shake his furry lil hand
v sweet meowers, thank you !!! funk engine cat is going places
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submitted by captainbuttersocks:
These are my eggs!! They’re inseparable. The white one is Princess and the big orange fella is Lucky.
i gasped a lil bit at that third picture, they look so sweet ;0; thank you!!
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submitted by wrightworthmakesmylifeworthwhile:
heard u needed cat pics so hey!! this lil guy is milo (originally “miles” bc im a nerd but we decided he’s too silly to have such a serious name) he’s got a black cat sister named maya (also bc I’m a nerd) and an older yellow tabby cat named pumpkin but he’s probably the most photogenic of my lovely three cats and he’s smol and an awkward little goofball!! he’s not too bright bless him and he always sticks his legs up in the air for no reason (like the first pic I didn’t make him do that he just?? decided that was a comfortable position to be in) anyway he’s a gem I hope he brings you joy bc he sure does me!!! I’m v sorry about your cat 😕
that picture of him with the pumpkin and bunny tail cape made me so unbelievably happy I cannot even begin to express
thank you so much !! he looks like such a sweet bean and his fam sounds just as adorable ;w;
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submitted by starlight-steel:
i’m so so sorry to hear about your cat; she looks like such a sweetheart, and it’s always hard to lose a pet :( i thought i’d send over some pics of my anastasia; i hope she helps a little bit!!
(ps this glitched the first time sorry if it submits twice!)
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CAT with an extra beautiful name !!
and thank you, she really was the sweetest :’)
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submitted by lala-inwonderland:
i’m very sorry about your kitty, i know how it feels to lose a pet like that. hopefully these pictures of my cats help? the soft orange boy is Oliver and the floppy calico is Daphne. Oliver is a nosy little thief and Daphne is a lazy prissy princess
oliver looks so mischievous and daphne is adorable….. thank you for these, they’re definitely helping, and thank you for your condolences!!
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submitted by yolo--ziff: 
This is Ghost. He is about ten months old and loves licking water from the shower, chewing shoelaces and sitting on my keyboard
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submitted by mewtwo–official:
This is my precious bab Misu, I hope she cheers you at least a little
she absolutely does, thank you ;___; I love her markings !!
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submitted by upsidedownsudoku: 
this is o'malley. he likes the sink, is afraid of mice, and cries every time we bring him outside but i love him anyways
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submitted by selenathezorua: 
mao mao it’s gracie
gracie looks so soft ;___; 
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submitted by miraculouscatnip:
I’m so sorry you had to go through this, here’s the round girl and the pancake boy to make you feel better
thank you... and theyre gorgeous ;0; !!
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submitted by ryuibee: 
I saw you posting a bunch of cats and I heard you lost a cat/cats??? I’m extremely sorry for your loss !! I hated losing my cats : (( I actually lost one of mine ( he’s the black and white spotted one here. His name is spot spot but we called him pouder ((literally poo-duh-er)) this November and it was very heartbreaking. He was only 3 and was this little 15 pound cat who’s gender we couldn’t actually tell so we just used male pronouns and loved belly rubs and chirped like a birdie. Thankfully I have one of my other babies still, Mamakitty !! She’s the gray one in here !! I love her !! She’s very sweet and will love on you 24/7 but if you leave the room she will meow until you get back or come and find you !! But I love her very much ,,, I hope you don’t mind me submitting my cats too !! I’d thought I try and help you !! Love your blog btw-
!!! thank you so much for this message, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss as well, especially considering his age.. ;w; 
and i lOve these cats, ty for sending them <33
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
I have 4 cats, Sabbath (the black itty kitty, he’s all grown up now), Minda (the black and white putty-tat, still just a baby), Wyatt (fluffy cat), and Binx (yet to be photographed, he’s elusive)
This guy is a rescue we found a home for a few months back (we have so many cats because we have a hard time giving away kitties)
;w; what a sweetheart, thank you..
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
Catz 4 dayz (Sending you gooood vibes👍)
aaAAA TY <3
and now some decidedly un-cat pets ?? who are all just as good
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submitted by mccreesweetpea:
I see people are sending you their adorable animals. I’d love to join in with my baby Stripe!! :0
what a cutie !!!!!! an old friend of mine had a guinea pig and she was a sweetheart too
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submitted by commanderofwhat:
I hope some pic of my weird dogs cheer you up a bit!!
the weirdest dogs, i love them ;0; ty!!
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submitted by famousinthatanonymousway:
okay so i don’t have a pet cat but these are my children. front to back: Whitney, Enchilada, Aloe, Anti-Capitalist “Gendy” Agenda and Nihilist (2 in tiny pot), Rosa, Boro, Milo, Rose, Nambypampy, and the bamboo in the back is Eduardo Two. im so sorry for your loss, i love you and my sons and daughters love you too
ngl when I first refreshed my inbox I was slowly scrolling down to try and find the elusive cat before I got to the attached message, but this is honestly so much better
i love you and your sons and daughters too, and thank you for such a beautiful pic of your v aptly named children <3
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submitted by darkdragonslies:
I don’t have a cat, but I do have a bird. Knowing the feeling of suddenly losing pets, I’m very sorry for your loss
a big ol cutie for sure!!! and thank you <3
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submitted by gay-lawyer-heaven:
Ayyy I’m sorry about your cats man, I’ve lost doggies and I know the feel. I’d send you cats, but I have none, so have a lil pic of my doggies Tonks (brown on the left) and Scout! (black, terror eyes on the right) Scout’s the mellower he’s like. Four-fiveish. Tonks is about one or two and licks. Everything.
A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, I love dogs a whole bunch too (we have a jack russell terrier named frodo wishbone baggins lmao) and yours are adorable!!
and now some text 
dontkillbirds said: I’m so so sorry to hear about that, it’s awful when pets pass. Xo
clefeeble said: I’m so so sorry for your loss :<
leonidas1754 said: Oh gosh, I’m so sorry bud.
thank you all so much ;w; <3
silversacredsilence said: hang in there, you can do it. happened a lot of times to me too and if you want, i can send pictures of my cats and dogs :)
tysm.. and I’d love to see your pets if you’ve got pics, I’ve been asking my friends to send me pics of theirs and it really is helping ;0;
stories ?
actualmomgarnet asked: Ok so its not a pic but I thought I'd share my cat story with you??? To make you laugh!! Before my cat Toby got sick and passed away he was the cuddliest cat you'd ever meet and I miss him to this day, even though it's been 4 years. BUT sometimes he'd chase my mom down the hallway like a dog and it was SO FUNNY so just imagine (1/2)
you’re sitting in the living room and you’d look down the hallway to only hear a “thumpathumpathump” followed by a “SCREEEEEAAAAAAAAAACCCHHHHH” as my mom RAN AS FAST AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE AWAY FROM HIM :’D so yeah. My cat Toby :D (2/2)
that is the most ridICULOUS THING I’VE EVER HEARD JFDLKF, I love when cats just go wild in hallways goD, thank you for this !!
and I’m very sorry to hear about your loss as well, I’m sure toby was super loved himself ;0;
anon said: I'll share a cat story too! we had a cat named smokey, who could stretch to be as long as I was tall (as a 5th-grade babby). and he was very. VERY into food. our kitchen was kind of just a long hallway, and it had completely smooth wood-laminate flooring, and his food bowl was against the far wall. anytime someone went into the kitchen after about 5 pm, smokey would lose his mind and go sprinting into the kitchen. but the floor was smooth, and he was fast. he ran into the wall quite a bit.
another story about smokey and food: dad’s girlfriend at the time (now wife) made us a pan of brownies, and we left them on the counter overnight. when we woke up, half of the pan had been chewed down. dad thought it was me and my brother at first, until he looked a little closer. what did he see? kitty nose prints. -n- smokey would also open cabinets to steal bread and fling it all around the house, which necessitated baby locks on the cabinets. he was. smart in the dumbest ways.
I love smokey ??? smokey sounds like the perfect and most exemplary ridiculous cat in existence?? thank you, these made me smile a lot jdklf
anon said: my cat's name is Tuxie, my mom named him that because he's black with a little white tuxedo pattern. He was our neighborhood stray for years until he started making friends with our other cats through the glass and when winter came, we couldn't help but bring him in. He's incredibly buff but not feral, vet says he was probably abandoned by his last owner. He's very kind and shy and polite and the only noise he makes is little squeaks when he jumps we love him to bits
!!! I’m so glad he’s got a home with you guys now, he sounds like an absolute sweetheart ;0;
en-el-espanol-de-la-rae asked: my mom head a cat hus name was agüi (a mix of the spanish word for water n here bc apparently they had found him by the river) n he was Very Clingy and liked to climb and his fave resting spot was around ppl's necks for some unknown reason so a common sight in our house was agüi around someone's neck... i dont have pics of him but he was v photogenic my mom took a lot of pics w him in college n took him everywhere
he sounds adorable omg, thank you for sharing… cats are just ?? so good ??? poppy used to just lie on my back/shoulders if i was ever in the position for her to do so lmao
again. thank you all so much for sending me these things, they really meant a lot 
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Ayesha Liveblogs Fairy Tail S7 Part 2
Natsu and Gray went on a battle date how cute
“If there’s something you don’t want to see then stop looking” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Lmao at this point Fairy Tail is just kind of like ‘we were 100% expecting for someone to fight us this is just our life’ 
“Sorry kid, I like ‘em full grown” FANTASY JELLAL IS FANTASTIC
Playing keepaway with the one magical item that might help you is probably not a good idea
“Children are much easier to assassinate” calm down Lord Voldemort
This is the most adorable dark power I’ve ever seen
“Girls just aren’t meant for fighting” KILL THEM LADIES
Natsu’s using a pretty loose definition of ‘adult’
Regression Man has not taken into account that Gray has been ready to fight since birth 
Someone needs to protect these small traumatized babies
I’m so proud of Gray for being so good at strategizing even when he’s like three feet tall  
It seems likes a poor decision to kill a demon on top of a sacred alter
I’m laughing at Gray grabbing Lucy’s forehead I guess that’s one way to cool her off 
“We don’t know why, or who’s responsible,” said Grand Doma, as Doranbolt and Lahar shared a look that said ‘Jellal?’
Well that escalated quickly poor Doranbolt he’s had a rough few years he must have the worst case of survivor’s guilt in history
“I could’ve sworn he already gave Juvia a clear cut answer in the form of a ‘No’” He did someone teach Juvia about consent
If they are going after former council members I am very concerned for Jellal 
It’s been a wild of ride from Laxus “I Will Murder All My Friends Including My Grandpa” Dreyar to Laxus “Defender of Little Girls and Old Men” and “Probably Fuckbuddies with Freed” Dreyar 
Poor little lightning man he deserves better than this
I love that Loke is present during important times because he’s a full-fledged member of the guild in his own right
Did Loke just tell Wendy that he fucked his way into important knowledge
The answer is yes, yes he did 
Michello is a piece of shit he wants Lucy to sacrifice a pregnant woman 
“You leave the town out of this,” said Natsu, before proceeding to destroy more of the town 
This is awful Elfman has already lived with the guilt of killing Lisanna once
I imagine “Immorality and Sinners” will not be nearly as fun an episode as the title might imply 
Midnight’s new character design is less goth and more Void
Leave Jellal and Erza be!!! They deserve a home together and five dogs not torture and guilt and five-on-one battles
Maybe I should rescind my comment on Juvia, Gray seems to be far more accepting of her presence near him than before
“There’s a victim inside every villain - that doesn’t absolve us of our sins” I love Jellal so much 
This intro has induced a lot of stress what are they going to do to the guild hall what is going to happen to Jellal’s eyes please stop 
Why do they keep shooting holes through the people I love 
What the fuck man can Jellal see or what surely there were better ways to break through an illusion 
Chairman Crawford, probably: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal 
Kyoka, after murdering someone: It would seem that I have blundered
Mirajane is my beautiful demon queen she could definitely step on me
“You’ve implied that there may be a time and I am oh so willing to wait” I live for Loke ddfkjghksjghjkhfklg
Lmao @ Alzack carrying his little girl in his poncho while he battles The Ultimate Dad 
If Mira claims to have demon blood does that mean her siblings are half-siblings and also is Gray part demon because of Silver? Unclear
[Timberland voice] Only got 41 minutes to save the world 
A lot of Fairy Tail’s problems this season would be solved if people communicated better
My best guess for the soul is Gildarts by merit of the fact we haven’t seen him since before the games
“Are you trying to beat me or take me home? Because either way I’m not that easy!” I am deadass in love with this boy
Good for Wendy it’s about time she enhanced her combat abilities I know she’s a healer but she’s also a dragon slayer
Based on how many repeated shots there are this season plus the different animation they have a lower budget but they will spend every cent they have animating Gray’s titties
This is so fucked up why the little girl and the cat what the fuck
I fucking forgot about Hades’ finger guns good lord
Richard thinks Jellal is in love with Merudy because he has not seen him interact with Erza for ten seconds in the past seven years
“You don’t choose for her” Cobra is a closet women’s rights activist
Amazing Jellal and Merudy can win over the hearts of villains with beautiful sincerity and inadvertent charm 
The Strauss family is so Pure
Lucy is always losing her top after a battle but you know what so is Gray so fair enough 
I wasn’t expecting to feel so sad about the celestial spirits oh no
“The passion is electric” Even the villains are always gay for Erza
Gajeel, Juvia, Gray and Natsu forming #ProtectLucySquad is my aesthetic
“I’ve liked Gray for much longer than he has” I’m pretty sure his dad’s not going to try to bang him Juvia
It’s like since Doranbolt was being a good surrogate dad to Wendy they had to immediately contrast it with what a terrible dad Jiemma was
They do an impressive amount of keeping track of when things happened to them because in Gray’s mind his parents’ deaths must’ve happened ten years ago
Oh no Gray his going to fight Deliora while wearing his dad’s corpse
My baby is so smart using the elements around him to fight 
“You shut your filthy demon mouth!” Panther Lily sounds so offended yet so calm it’s hilarious 
Gray’s life is so sad let him be (but I’m happy that he’s going to be in this arc more)
Silver is embodying my will and giving Gray the world’s longest hug
“I’m an ice demon slayer now,” Well that was quick and convenient
I don’t really think Juvia is going to die but if she does it’ll be unfortunate
I just really want all of Fairy Tail to know that Lucy saved the she deserves that acknowledgement 
“This is how I die, drowning, falling, fading into black,” Gajeel is so dramatic
I can’t believe that Levy just gave underwater CPR I’m not sure if that’s medically sound 
GAJEEL DOESN’T KNOW LEVY KISSED HIM also Gajeel’s plan is totally what I thought Levy was gonna do 
Laxus my lightning baby is back <3
“I’m running solely on vengeance” Laxus pls 
Gajeel is watching this fight terrified and a little turned on
I guess there’s a reason the voice of Laxus was cast as Fight Dad in Bleach because he is truly the Fight Dad of this guild 
For the most part they try to show that no one is beyond redemption, everyone has the potential to be better or have someone they care for except Tempester who is like ‘by the way fuck you all’ as he dies
That is a plot twist I was not expecting holy shit Natsu’s dad was hiding in his body does that mean that Wendy and Gajeel also have dragons inside of them
Kinda fucked up that Kyoka is goddess of the slave planet and she’s fighting Erza who was once a slave
Juvia is just gently holding Laxus like ‘I will protect this man twice my size’
“Even making the slightest of movements causes my entire body to be wracked with pain” same Panther Lily same
Erza is the greatest warrior I have ever seen in my life
Mard Geer is so upset about being ignored by the dragon bros
No one loves a dramatic entrance as much as Gray Fullbuster
I love the lizard boys 
Honestly Natsu and Gray teaming up to fight the Big Bad is the battle I’ve been waiting for my whole life 
“The only thing she was ever going to be good for was continuing my bloodline” it is possible Jiemma is the worst father in this show
My boys are so in sync they can match each other’s strikes without even saying a word 
Doranbolt is so graceful that coat toss arced right onto Lisanna’s shoulders
Fucking Jellal has he just been walking around for hours while the world is ending dude needs to work on his timing 
Zeref, talking about his own murder: It saddens me, but you failed
“If you don’t get that he’s out of your league by now, you’re probably a lost cause” Fdfkghkdfjhgkfdjghklf Bickslow and Freed are killing me
I have a lot of emotions about Gray and his dad but I’m glad he’s at peace
“It is possible though, that our paths will someday cross” Erza’s garbage boyfriend missed the battle but drops by with vaguely inspiring words and a lowkey ‘I’ll call you’
Whaaaaaaaaaaat Mest has had the most confusing life
It’s a testament to how tired I am that it did not occur to me right away that Etherious Natsu Dragneel spelled out END
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