#( so now my muse is chiller than me )
ectogeo-rebubbles · 1 month
Can I have Siskarak fanfic recs, please? I've only read a few (can't remember too well at 3AM; one on the Defiant comes to mind), and I was surprised by how well the vibe worked!
Oh absolutely. 😈 Fair warning that I’m gonna rec a LOT of my own fics bc I’m shameless like that, but also because I’ve written like 25% of the Siskarak fics that exist. 😂 Of course in addition to my little ramblings, please check all the tags and summaries on these and just read the ones that speak to you! 💖 And now, in no particular order:
so, I lied, I cheated by me - My beloved siskarak novella!! 🥰 It’s an In the Pale Moonlight AU where Sisko and Garak fake an affair to explain why they are meeting together secretly all the time now, so that no one will realize it’s actually bc they’re conspiring to bring the Romulans into the war. It’s a VERY cracky premise, and I then treat the implications of that premise with the utmost severity haha. It’s a big clusterfuck of them making each other worse and ruining each other’s lives but I did aim for a hopeful ending for them and for their healthier relationships (siskasidy and garashir). I’m so proud of it, I have some planted some insane character insights into there that I truly can’t figure out other simpler ways to express/convince people of than by writing them into a complicated angsty porny ITPM-but-way-worse fic.
And Scene by Flazéda (peternurphy) - Obsessed with this one. Sisko and Garak have to go undercover at a sex club, and I am just such a sucked for fake relationship scenarios. I’m also never not thinking about the moment in this fic where Sisko muses internally on how spanking Garak’s ass with a paddle is satisfying in the same way as swinging a baseball bat.
Moonlight Still Casts Shadows by Warpcorps @spocksbeanies - This one is SO HOT. It’s post-ITPM and Sisko is continuing to compromise his morals in delicious, sexy ways to accomplish his goals. 😈 (He’s having sex with Garak to keep him happy and working for him.)
Decadence: In His Service by JA Chapman is soooo good and sooo insane and I want to read approximately 10k more words about the messy, messy scenario described. Siskarak is only a secondary ship, the main one shown is Sloan/Sisko. I don’t particularly buy into it as realistic, but this fic ask all kinds of questions and offers NO answers, and I am driven insane by it every day, I do still recommend. XD
Exaltation by @hellostuffedtiger is another good one involving Sloan and it is much closer to canon than the above hahaha. Sisko and Garak have casual sex, then discuss S31 and Sloan and how to protect Bashir.
going up, going down by me - Crackfic to the max, haha! Garak gives Sisko a blowjob in the turbolift and they get caught.
Plausible Deniability by katiemariie is really interesting and reading it helped kick off my interest in the ship! I do have some small quibbles with it bc I don’t really buy that Garak isn’t interested in Bashir or that Siskarak could actually become a sustainable romantic ship, but oh man other than that the dynamic is great here!
Captain’s Whore by @the-last-dillpickle - Garak pettily making sure everyone knows he’s Sisko’s mistress is just so fun and delightful 😂
partners in crime by anonymous - A tasty little post-ITPM PWP where Sisko does a bit of introspection about himself and Garak’s effect on him.
you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine by me - This might be the one on the Defiant you’re thinking of. It’s set during Second Skin. I wanted to write a lower stakes, chiller, flirtier Siskarak dynamic here and I really really like how it turned out 🥰
A few more very short fics by me:
me and the devil walking side by side
lying down with dogs
dirty little secret
never loved nobody fully (alternate Siskarak ending) (there’s also a podfic of this drabble by klb and blackglass and horchatapods… I know at least one of you is on tumblr and I can’t remember which rn)
Not super shippy but def have some fun and somewhat charged Sisko and Garak interactions:
Farce of the Prophets by @cardassiangoodreads - This one involves Garak messing with Sisko a little bit haha. It’s got those fake relationship elements I love so dearly 🥰
Dance of Fools by stuffedtiger - More Siskarak fake relationship stuff 😈 They dance 🥰
redacted by me - Garak and Sisko figuring out how to work together when they are both stationed on Starbase 375 at the beginning of s6.
This was so fun to put together, thanks for this ask, I love gushing about my fave siskarak fics 💖
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
greer nelson. blog canon. please read.
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OKAY. SO. Given my deep love of Greer Nelson aka Tigra; and having gone through all of her original appearances (re-reading west coast avengers at the moment); I want to draw back in some themes and give a distinct setting and idea for where her character is at with Marvel. This will be vastly headcanon, but it is my canon as Marvel ain't gonna give it to us.
If you read her original stuff with her as Tigra, before she gets put into Avengers; she's a were-woman, now she still will follow what her canon rules on transformation and in terms of her soul (wca agin) that holds true. She started out facing down supernatural creatures, encountering monsters; one of her first spotlights as tigra was in marvel chillers. tigra is a character tied to mystics lore of marvel universe. i need to find the panel, i think it's in new avengers, where dr. strange looks at all potential sorcerer supremes, and tigra is one of them (of many).
i write william as a secondary muse; since he is attached to me writing her mama, greer, and a major part of her character
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PLEASE GIVE THIS LIKE IF YOU VIEW AND PLEASE VIEW. It is important to my blog canon, but I threw this under a cut cause it got long.
anyways, i want to bring back some of that older themes seen in greer's stories back into her canon. so here's what is what.
Remember Greer's apartment from New Avengers (2005) (click) -> well, to pull Tigra back into the mysticism of Marvel; her original New York apartment before he was forced to move, was a place to which she preserved Cat People artifacts (both Earthborn and the Land Within Cat People) as well as held onto other magical/mystical items. She also had personal effects of Dr. Joanne Tumolo, Professor Leon, and other Cat People who have passed on. -> After she had been assaulted and had to move on orders from the Initiative; her apartment was raided and all items stolen from her. -> Present day, she is looking to find these items and return them to hers to preserve; on the fact that some have historical and cultural value to the Cat People (especially consider most earthborn cat people are gone), as well as items being magical and thus, needed to be kept somewhere safe
GREER, MAGIC, AND MYSTIC AWARENESS -> While you could not go to Greer and ask her to cast a spell like Dr Strange, Wanda, or Loki. She still has strong senses when it comes to mystics and magic, about to smell magic cast, and has quite a bit of understanding due to her over the years accepting herself as Tigra, the Cat People's mighty protector and mystical warrior. She can use magical artifacts, after all her amulet is illusion magic that allows her to appear human again, and she has ideas that allow her to open the doors to The Land Within, to which she has a sense of direction towards where those are. She can tap into magic on specific occasions, and with training could possible even do spell work; as being Tigra, she is in tune with the mystic arts. She will still turn you over to Wanda or Dr. Strange or others who deal in the mystic arts, since she is still more warrior than magician.
HER BABY'S DADDY -> Holding true to comic canon, Greer does not inform her son or anyone/most people in general the truth about William's parentage. She upholds to the lie that Hank Pym is William's true father, and in a way that is true; he does share genetic makeup to Hank Pym. She will speak fond of Hank, though knowing his shortcomings and problems, because of her son. She refuses to give name or power to the truth; some of that comes from Greer not resolving her own trauma, but greatly comes from wanting to give her son something good to grow up on.
RAISING WILLIAM -> Given that her son is not human, and her own experiences with how people can treat Cat People? Curious, perhaps well-intentioned people reaching out to grab her tail, touch her fur, say something that was vaguely offensive, ask questions because she's not human, doesn't hide her power or who she is. Given her own experience, and know how overwhelming that can be on herself, and knowing how she reacts to a given situation say being grabbed (lashed out with claws), or snapping a no and being adult able to say no; she doesn't want that on her son, knows how children could be and does not trust other parent to teach their kids not to see her son has an object, a pet, a toy despite being a kid like them, their friend. William is homeschooled, because the options for non-human kids that aren't "mutants" and can't hide their non-humaness isn't the best.
SO HOMESCHOOL -> this means that a majority of Greer's time is spent with her son, gathering schooling materials and teaching him; now she does enlist a lot of her super friends, or people she can trust to watch him to give herself time to work or time away, as well as even "jokingly" enlisting friend to be "substitute" teachers, or help him do homeschool work he has laid out. Given that she has chose to take this route for her son's education, so that he can be fully accommodated to his needs and safe from people who don't respect a non-human's boundaries. This can leave her quite frazzled.
MIDNIGHT MISSION -> Following Moon Knight (2022) quite closely, with one addition to this; as she stated was sent by the Avengers (T'Challa) to keep an eye on Moon Knight, but does fully flip on that and simply finds herself involved in MK's work. She does consider herself to work with the Midnight Mission and for Moon Knight to some degree; helping out any of those who seek out the Midnight Mission and its services. She does this as a good friend to Marc, as well as because she does simply want to help people in need.
MIDNIGHT MISSION 2 -> Given that that the House of Shadows is presently inhabiting/tied to the Midnight Mission; Greer is very aware of the House's presence and power, given her mystic attunement, Greer does communicate to the House, mostly speaking kindly to it and thanking it for what it does; doing this in part so that the HoS treats her kindly, lets her in, and may in the future want to continue help and defend her, Moon Knight, and company.
INDEPENDENT WORK -> While the best way to contact Greer is through the Midnight Mission and that is where you would find her and meet her, if hiring her out (paid work; sorry, but the half-avengers pension is not as big as you think and she's a single mom) normally she will be met there, or around the area of the Midnight Mission. Greer does some independent work; typically her services tie to tracking people or objects down, finding lost and missing things, things that don't want to be found, as well various other related services to her using her senses. She has taken a few odder jobs like bounty hunting, but it's never with intent to kill. For the right price, she can do more within reasons.
MONSTER HUNTING -> Bringing back her monster genre themes, Greer would be an ideal for taking on hunting down monsters and cryptids; she's the survival, predator, and hunter instincts to track down and take down. She tends to be drawn to by mystic instinct and attracts monsters as well. Greer can and will take them down; again hired/paid service.
AVENGER? -> If a crisis arose and her number was called, than she would come but otherwise Midnight Mission is as much team work as Greer does. She's a single mom first as well, but she is not opposed to being an Avenger again; and still keeps in touch. After all, she had originally been spying for them.
Verse dependent, but I will occasionally run with Marc being Greer's boyfriend again as the new Moon Knight establishes. Anyways, these are somethings to keep in mind when writing with present day / present canon as well as my portrayal of Greer in general.
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nulltune · 3 years
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OK HI I LOVE SMOLANA DEL RAY SO FRIKKIN MUCHHHH 🙏🙏💖💖💖 I CAN RAMBLE ABT IT FOR HOURS TBH but pls know that i am simply Heart Eyes every time smol graces my dash/notifs with her presence 😳😳😳👉👈💞💞💓 
BUT OKAY SMOL-LUVIN' ASIDE-- THIS IS GONNA BE A LONGASS POST. AND WHEN I SAY LONGASS, I MEAN LONGASS. as in: do not click read more unless you want your dash flooded by this one post JDJSHFJSH
for context: i joked abt doing the 4 headcanons meme for all of smol's muses,, but little did she know..... i am a feral clown who's got hakuno brainrot on da mind 24/7. very bold of me to do so with minimal knowledge on any other fate character other than miss kishinami (my beloved 🥺❤) but ya know what???
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THE SPIRIT OF HAKUNO HAS POSSESSED ME SO I AM NOW HERE TO PROVE YOU WRONG SMOL!!!!!! and to immortalize your willy wonka pfp here tbh heeheehoohoo
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both had short lives that ended up being lost because of a war, both lived a life with no regrets; but what's interesting is what happens after their death and their views on themselves. achilles lived "the short life of a hero with brilliant achievements in battle", but his name is forever carved into history and he is remembered as a hero. hakuno is a glitch that won't be remembered, she knows that the world will go on without and that her death is just insignificant loss — but she finds comfort in that and is happy that those she cares for will continue to move on to the future. listen... i love Contrast(TM) and i just think it'd be an interesting thing to explore idk!!!!
they're vastly differently in terms of how they view their own selves, but mayhaps achilles can help hakuno gain some pride in her achievements 🤔 (girlie literally won a war and Ended it pls) and realize that she's much more heroic than the sort of antagonistic character she thinks she is. on hakuno's end — she can humble him a bit. GSNFB I JOKEEE!! but i think she could mayhaps bring out a softer and chiller side to him than the usual pompous fighty achilles?
she would very much like to meet his horses!! and taking a trip down memory lane... here's the first ever ask i ever sent to a smowu blog (GASP! 😳) and hakuno absolutely is the type to talk to animals as well, so perhaps the two can bond over that?
adding to that above point-- she'd probably try to be his "mentor" when it comes to "politely communicating to animals" (spoiler alert: it's really the most basic advice ever) and in turn, she's like him to teach her how to properly care for his horses too! she'd come in to check up on them every now and then and would always bring an apple as a treat for each of em n_n (if achilles asked her if she came to see him she'd give him the d r i e s t expression ever. hakuno vc ..what do you think?) (and when he looks away she presses a snack that she got for him against his cheek) (she do be like that)
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LISTEN I STILL LAUGH OVER HAKUNO AND HER BROKEN FRENCH GDJSHFJSJ but!!!! in an effort to impress jeannu, hakuno seeks a tutor to improve her french. after much effort to search for one and the rejection from a certain other avenger, she found her savior in the form of a french-japanese chaldea staff member willing to devote an hour of their day to teach the moon girl some french. would this newfound interaction cause a change in the avenger's seemingly adamant answer of "no"? who knows--
ALSO THE CONCEPT OF HAKUNO TEACHING JALTER HOW TO READ..... i'd imagine that outside of historical and informative stuff (hakuno's a real big history buff ya see!) she'd like those feel good happy ending kind of stories... which i feel like jalter might just scoff at i think. i think these reading sessions could be a regular thing with these two mayhaps... :] with hakuno brewing a different kind of tea and lowkey trying to gauge jeannu's reaction to find out her favorite! (hakuno vc maybe you'd prefer some other beverage... but nothing beats a warm cup of tea while reading... ah-- unless you do prefer some other drink, avenger?!)
i can lowkey imagine hakuno reading out a story to jalter only to pause all of a sudden because it got to a sad part and she's trying really hard not to cry, cue a heavy sigh from the avenger as she takes the book away from hakuno and reads to her instead. end result is a very peacefully sleeping moon girl who WILL be all bright-eyed and full of thanks and praise for jalter the next day. ✨
anddd in return, jalter teaching hakuno how to draw⁉️ we both know how.../Hm/ this moon girl's art skills are (insert your edgar sighing in the bg here) and iirc jalter is skilled enough to make a doujin for that servant fes thing so 👀 AND HAKUNO HELPING HER DURING SERVANTFES TOO PERHAPS!!! ....but also dragging jalter off to enjoy summer in luluhawa from time to time and not just waste away making her doujin in that stuffy hotel room-
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the man she went to when in seek of a french tutor. the man who immediately refused her when she asked him to become her french tutor. oddly enough, he started speaking more french after this request of hers —— or was it just her imagination? in any case, she'd like to impress the count with her french too.
hakuno's more of a tea person, but there's something very special about having coffee together with the count (it also makes her feel all wise and cool and mature okok). on one occasion, she asked the avenger if he knew how to do latte art and only received A Look in response (she assumed he got offended by the question.. maybe...). cut to a few days later, to a day where hakuno finds a cup of coffee with a very cute cat latte art on top conveniently placed on her bedside and made just the way she likes her coffee. it felt too cute to drink, but she ended drinking it in the end and enjoyed that cup of coffee very much. she was later scolded for consuming things without knowing where they came from tho. ("but i already knew you were the one who--" "quiet.")
dantes is a rancid possum (in da words of smol herself 🙏) who helps and protects from afar, but keeps his distance. seeing the similarities between hakuno and his past self, dantes might take it upon himself to become hakuno's protector from the shadows, but hakuno's the type to ask him to try and bring him out of those shadows and stand beside her instead (because she'd also like to be able to support and protect him okok).  
hakuno is a megane luvr so i'm sorry to say mr. kuhaha but she will be very 👁👁✨✨ at him when she's in his summer get-up. the instant he's out of it though? moon girl's back to stoic (idk how this is a hc but this just Had To Be Said)
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truthfully, hakuno admires nightingale a lot. nightingale is someone who selflessly devotes herself to helping others — hakuno kishinami on the other hand, is someone who selfishly keeps on living despite taking the way the lives of people infinitely more important and meaningful (MOON GIRL'S WORDS OKOK. NOT MINE!) 
it makes me think of a Maybe mentor-mentee relationship because hakuno would very much like to learn first aid and how to patch up wounds and all from nightingale!! and pls hakuno considers herself selfish and someone who only thinks of herself but after learning basic first aid, even if she herself is all bloodied and bruised, she's always making sure others get treated and healed (maybe nightingale could help hakuno in this regard?? pointing out how her actions are totally opposite of the type of person she thinks she is---)
hakuno's not scared of the nurse, but she avoids being treated by her at all costs. it's not a nightingale exclusive thing (though she has heard of some of the berserker's more... unique treatment plans for certain patients), it's just that she sees no need for any of the important resources to be spent on something not even human. if she ever does get to a point where she can't refuse treatment from nightingale, i can imagine it to be a significant moment for hakuno 👀 hakuno doesn't hide the fact that she's an npc, but she keeps her own insecurities and issues that stem from that fact hidden. though nightingale may not be aware of the extent of those issues, i can imagine her treating hakuno like any other patient and maybe even saying some things that can unknowingly ease hakuno with some of her internal conflicts.
selflessness is a theme that i feel like would be reaaaal prominent with these two and i think it is very Interesting how they're both extremely selfless characters but packaged in a way that you wouldn't expect your typical kind and selfless characters to be 👁👁
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they watch tokusatsu shows together. they both do those dramatic ass poses together. just-- GDJFHSJFJD THEY WATCH TOKUSATSU SHOWS TOGETHER!!! (hakuno vc this is canon) (arjuna sighs for the nth time that day) though on a more serious note-- it'd be Interesting if they do watch tokusatsu shows and mayhaps get into a discussion on what it means to be a hero and the like... 🤔 
BUT YES THEY SHOULD WATCH POWER RANGERS TOGETHER. movie night becomes a thing and out of the good will in her heart, hakuno gets arjuna power rangers merch-- a white mask like the power ranger's. not exactly the best gift (for anyone ever) but her comment about how "it would really elevate your hero poses" really doesn't make it any better. 
i don't know why but hear me out-- I DON'T KNOW WHY OKAY BUT i want them to suddenly get cast into a play (be it power rangers or a tokusatsu show, just any kind of play, aight!!!) – only for that the play to deviate from the storyline into absolute Madness with everyone just improvising lines and creating a crazy new story altogether... you know da trope!! idk why but arjuna strikes me as a perfectionist so he might not vibe with that but hakuno's adaptable and lowkey embraces the chaos ngl. i can imagine a hakuno going up to him after all that fiasco to ask him if he had fun or not, gives some comment on how even though the play wasn't perfect it's still special and meaningful in its own way... 
THIS ONE'S JUST RIDICULOUS NGL NGL BUT CONSIDERING THE PLENTIFUL COMMENTS SOME OF YOUR MUSES HAVE HAD ABT MOON GIRL BEING A /MOONKEH/-- hakuno needs to interact with the monkey in his travel outfit whatever it is. not sure what your junabro's (stealing tsuno wuno's yq's nickname here) stance on having pets or just animals in general is, but they can be a trio ✊ (arjuna da unwilling straightman) (arjuna da monkeh babysitter) (i proceed to get beat up by da moon girl-)
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this manbitch arthur never came 2 my chaldea ^_T but i Do know that he's from a separate world? something something idrk BUT! i am eye-nyooming on the concept that they're both "outsiders" in chaldea... this is a whole can of worms for my hakuno but i'm just 👁👁 there's a unique kind of loneliness that arises from being in a world you don't belong in.... (a constant mood for this moon girl tho ahahaha-)
Big Eaters(TM), but i think they're both people who cook to feed other people rather than to feed themselves. so!! i can see hakuno asking arthur to teach her how to cook, and at the end of their first cooking lesson together, the finished product she's very proud of is given to him (hakuno vc even outside of cooking-- you're always working hard for others' sake.. but i think you need to extend that kindness to yourself too) (SHE RLLY NEEDS TO PRACTICE WHAT SHE PREACHES THO)
i think arthur's expertise lies in savory meals? and arthur is your muse but this is a really sweet concept (no pun intended) but i offer u this idea: after finding out the moon girl's sweet tooth, he starts getting more into baking as well....... IT'S JUST ODDLY SOFF 2 ME OKAY 😭
HMMMMRGHH lynnpoo has not thought much on what hakuno's thoughts on chivalry and honor and all that are but 🤔 i am thinking abt.... the bad light hakuno views herself in and how arthur is viewed by everyone as a perfect king-- only hakuno's extremely perceptive so she'd definitely be able to look past that image and she isn't me so she's not going to be 😳 over anything he does GFJSBFND THE TOPIC OF THE SELF AND SELF IMAGE IS SOMETHING THAT CAN BE EXPLORED HERE THO METHINKS
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idk why smolie but ever since izou made fun of her height, i just imagine these two developing a very weird very childish very dumb rivalry sort of rivalry...... VFJSHFN hakuno's typical interactions with him usually consists of that Moon Girl Snark(TM). absolutely can imagine her getting some 20cm heels just to get back at him for that height comment too.
BUT ALL THE KIDDY BANTER ASIDE- she does treat this aggressive manslayer as she does any other person (though she is well aware that he could kill her at any second, yes). she's not afraid to give criticism or praise where it's deserved and i can lowkey imagine the sincere praise and kindness she gives him being something that would leave the assassin dead silent for a moment... —— before he suddenly starts barking up a storm, saying that that he knows that already or that he doesn't need her help or whatever. (hakuno doesn't need a reason to be nice, but hey– she finds that reaction pretty amusing and may or may not want to see it more often)
they're both pretty chaotic and defiant people, but hakuno's definitely the calmer and composed one in this duo while izou is 100% the much more hot-tempered one. a tendency to be self- destructive is an isse they both have, and there's a lot they can learn from each other to be less self-destructive: izou can learn that violence isn't always the answer and instead find better ways to deal with his emotions, especially his anger; hakuno's already quite the assertive person, but she can learn to be more vocal with her own issues that she tends to keep bottled up and maybe even talk back to the insults she gets instead of silently accepting it (though she does mentally make a point to prove them otherwise).
the day hakuno bumped into the assassin's back was a very pivotal moment to her. (here are the two things came to her mind: 1. damn. assassin is shorttt. and 2. assassin's hair is... FLUFFY-WUFFY..?!) (come to think of it, he does remind her of a fluffy-wuffy pomenarian--). catch hakuno forcing izou to sit still as she brushes all the tangles out of his hair. he'd definitely refuse, but hakuno is Stubborn As Hell and insists that it's for the greater good (of his hair). mayhaps this could lead to a rare and tender moment between the pomenarian and the squirrel--
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ngl the thing i remember most about your robin is-- B R E A D. therefore i greatly implore you to have them eat bread! i remember we also talked a bit abt my hakuno being lowkey 😬 because she remembers the moon cell robin that Shot Her With An Arrow and Nearly Poisoned Her To Death, so maybe this robin could sense her lowkey uneasiness... offers her bread to,, get her to not be so uneasy..?
IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!! (she might refuse out of politeness a couple of times at first but honestly she'll cave in) (the way to a moon girl's heart is thru her stomach o k ay-) and it really might just be a scene taken straight out of those nature documentaries with the person getting the animal to loosen up by giving it some food-- but afterwards hakuno is very firm on saying that she'll repay him in some way and that she bears no ill will towards him !!
THOUGH RLLY THE SITUATION OF THESE TWO IS VEWY INTEWESTING.... hakuno obviously knows A Lot about robin given her interactions with the him from the moon cell, which i feel like he would be a little or a lot 🤨 given the nature of his own legend and how if he's observant enough, he can definitely pick up on her body language that would most definitely tell him that she's familiar with him to an extent. what he chooses to do though... is all his choice 🤸‍♂️
i just skimmed thru robin's wiki and for the identity section-- "treated him as an outcast" "orphan" "lived as a black sheep" HELLO??? listen i already knew abt them having the whole identity thing as a common issue which already made me very 👀👀 but this all very new info to me that i'm just 👁👁‼‼ "and though every person to adopt the robin hood persona truly values life above all else, they have little appreciations for their own"  /HELLO???/ 
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kairi-chan · 4 years
Coffee Date?! - BoruSara
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Art by: @emancipate-art​ my first collab with Manci!! <3 Please go to his profile and check out his stuff. Commissions are open, too. :)
Rated: K+ 
Genre: Fluff / Humor 
Written for @borusaraweek2020​ D7: Coffee
Beta-read by: @ss-tyytyy​ <3 
“Come on, Boruto! Hurry up!” Sarada was absolutely ecstatic. The grin on her face, as well as the pink tint on her cheeks, were starting to look permanent. And if Boruto just wasn’t such a sore loser, he might have found it cute. Maybe. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” he muttered and stuffed his hands in his pockets. His lower lip jutted out as he watched her walk ahead with a spring in her step, short hair swaying along with the cool spring breeze, and that sweet smile on her face. 
Yeah, he definitely didn’t find her cute. At all. 
It was a bad idea, letting her taunt him into making a bet that she could hit more bullseyes than he could. But his stupid pride and his stupid want to look cool in front of her had won over. Sarada was the best at shuriken jutsu. Everyone knew that, including Boruto. But despite knowing the facts, he took her up on her bet. 
“Loser buys coffee after training.” She grinned slyly. 
“Ha! You’re on. But if I win, we go to Thunder Burger,” Boruto huffed.
“It doesn’t matter where you want to go, because we’re surely going to Ninbucks,” Sarada replied as she crossed her arms across her chest.
And that is exactly what happened. Boruto should have already known—Sarada was always right. Now he was standing outside the coffee shop, gazing up at the green logo and sighed. Of course, she would want to take advantage of her win and come here. Boruto could kiss that pack of Ninja cards goodbye. 
He followed her into the store, the aroma of coffee enveloping his senses. Boruto took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and a small smile formed on his lips. Okay, maybe coming here wasn’t such a bad idea. 
“What should I have, what should I have,” Sarada mused to herself as she tapped her lower lip with her index finger, those dark eyes gazing at the menu board overhead. “What will you be getting, Boruto?” 
His eyes widened a bit, he hadn’t thought about it. All he thought about was getting Sarada her coffee. He didn’t think that they would actually be staying in the cafe. “I don’t know yet,” he admitted and stood next to her in the queue in order to see what they were offering. 
“I think I want to get a cake, too.” Sarada looked at the chiller before her, her dark eyes going wide with excitement. “Their chocolate cake here is good.” 
“Hey!” Boruto puffed his cheeks. “Our bet just involved coffee!” 
“Yes, yes,” Sarada waved her hand at him dismissively. “This one’s on me. Let’s share.” She turned her gaze at him and smiled. 
His eyes widened and turned his face away. “O-okay, fine.” 
Sarada walked up to the cashier and said her orders. She then turned to look at Boruto and asked what he wanted. “I’ll have what you’re having.” 
This surprised her, but she grinned. “Good choice.” She said before turning to the cashier to finalize her order. Boruto pulled out his wallet and handed the cashier some bills, and Sarada did the same. 
They both walked over to an empty table and sat across from each other. The couch was surprisingly comfortable. Paired with the smell of coffee and Sarada’s warm presence, Boruto allowed himself to relax and lean back. The two of them spoke about their training routine, and it wasn’t long until they called Sarada’s name to pick up their orders. She made a move to stand, but Boruto stopped her. “Don’t worry, I got it.” He got up on his feet and picked up the tray. 
Blue eyes widened when he turned and caught sight of her. The way Sarada was leaning back on the couch with a tired yet soft smile on her face as she watched him approach, the light from the window giving her an ethereal glow. His heart stuttered for a moment.
Okay… Maybe he did find her cute. 
Boruto carefully put the tray down on the table in front of them, cheeks tinted pink as he was now so painfully aware of her attention on him. He peeked at her, deeming it safe now that she was cooing over the cake and coffee. Boruto swallowed and his cheeks burned all the more. 
If buying her coffee meant seeing her smile like this, he wouldn’t mind doing it a little more often. 
The cake really was good, and Boruto enjoyed sharing it with her. The coffee that Sarada chose was also pretty good, just the right amount of bitter and sweet mixed into one smooth hot concoction.
“Better than Thunder Burger, huh?” She asked slyly. 
“What?” How could she even suggest such a thing? “No way!” He scoffed. 
Sarada giggled and took a sip of her coffee. “It was worth a shot, but this is nice for a change, don’t you think? You shouldn’t be eating too many burgers, too.” 
“I can eat what I want,” Boruto sulked, taking a small sip of his coffee. The taste was far from his favorite, but he had to admit, Sarada was right. “Though… I guess you’re right. This is nice,” he muttered. 
That put a wide grin on her face, cheeks turning pink. “I’m happy.” Sarada scooted off the chair and pulled her phone out. “We should take a photo. The day that I almost made you admit Ninbucks is better than Thunder Burger, and treat me to a coffee date.” She took her glasses off, picked up the coffee cup and looked back at him. “Ready?” 
Boruto was shocked, too little time to react to what she just said. 
A coffee date?! 
His cheeks burned. So this is a date. And with Sarada, too. He turned away, a pout on his face.   
Sarada took a barrage of photos, and captured a portion of Boruto looking surprised, one with a pout, another peeking at her, a soft smile forming on his face, before finally turning into a wide smile. 
If this is what dates were like with Sarada, maybe Boruto would want more of it. 
Sarada stopped taking photos, put her glasses back on, and looked at the photos, laughing upon seeing his expression. “Boruto, what was that pout for?” She showed him the screen. “It’s not like you to be this way for photos.” She kept on scrolling and found the last photo—of her and Boruto with wide smiles on their faces. “That’s the smile I was looking for.” 
She showed him a photo of the screen, and Boruto couldn’t help but smile warmly. “Send me that, would ya?” 
“Sure. I’ll post it, too.” Sarada got on her phone, thumbs going over the screen, sending him the photo and posting it on Ninstagram. 
Right when Sarada posted it, she put her phone away and went back to her coffee, chatting about what her hopes were for their next mission. Boruto did the same and took a slice of cake, happily exchanging wishes for a higher ranked mission next time as well. 
Boruto walked her home, just when the sun was setting and the sky was painted with colors of pink and orange. He waved at her, and waited until she was inside before turning heel and walking towards his own house. The phone in his pocket started vibrating like crazy, and he pulled it out, looking at all the notifications his guy friends were sending in their group chat. 
His eyes went wide and heat filled his cheeks as he read the messages from his friends, all filled with teasing—teasing him with Sarada. Boruto couldn’t even speak right, choking on words and feeling his face heat up from all of their messages. Boruto stuffed his phone in his pocket and marched away.
As much as he tried being huffy about it, whenever he would think about Sarada, his heart would feel so much lighter and at some point, he couldn’t stop smiling. He caught himself, groaned and stuffed his hands in his pockets. 
Great. Boruto’s crushing on Sarada. 
He kicked a rock on the pavement and pouted. Well, it’s not like he would ever admit it. 
At least, for now. 
If you like my fics, please do visit my profile. I have links to my Masterpost, FFnet, Ao3, Twitter, and Ko-Fi there. :)  
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kaibacxrps · 4 years
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@kaibacorpbros​ has sent: 「8 for both (but i know the answer for Seto u MONSTER-- *ahem* and 14 for Set」
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.[Accepting]
8. Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
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Happiness is something that I don’t take into consideration, when I’m developing and coming up with their stories. I want to give them right ending- the most suitable one, for them. Set’s ending obviously is a lot happier, than Seto’s but they both feel equally right in my eyes.
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// Believe in me, when I say that him losing KC. Dropping the Kaiba surname in the process, then moving to America so he start anew there are the best things to happen to him. Obviously around this time he is feeling extremely stressed out, it is an unstable moment in his life until he establishes his new company.
But he has left behind all of his past, and that for him feels like a weight has been lifted from his back. Now he can exclusively look at the future, ahead of him. Without being reminded of his story, for the most part.
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// Set’s life has long since ended, and although he is happy to be serving Atem alongside his friends/colleagues from the court. I can’t deny just how, Set would likely appreciate the opportunity to truly be reborn in the mortal world.
Complete the cycle- be a free soul, just like those from his children/lovers/etc anyone that didn’t have any direct ties to Atem. To start a new life in this new world...
14. How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?  
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// I apologize in advance.
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// Set is a lot chiller though, they’ll be fine with him.
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countessofbiscuit · 6 years
For @celebrate-the-clone-wars’ Writing Wednesday Prompt “Your Reputation Precedes You”  Rating: M Words: 2414 Inspired by The Adventures of Doll Rex.
(If there isn’t a 69′s in a universe with a 79′s, I’m calling bs) 
Having spent themselves silly, the boys in blue who’d brought the house down were long gone, and 69’s grew dull again. The exhibitionism continued, sure, the dancing was always pleasing in a kind of mindless way, and when things got really boring, the massage droid in the break room had a lekku setting that induced comas—it was almost enough to make a showgirl consider marriage.
But the circus this wasn’t. There used to be wardrobe brawls and stampeding reeks and everything. The only adrenaline high to be had here was shaking up assholes who tried to stiff her colleagues until their credits and their shame fell out. A civilian crime, and a dwindling one. The soldiers never did that. Ursula fleeced them for admittance—the bigot—then got mad when the staff stretched the poor sods’ pocket change by giving them free drinks because they were polite and very, very pretty. Oh they made noise. Lots of it. But they viciously policed their own and didn’t put their hands where they shouldn’t. And not just because they thought they might get charged.
They were … “shiny.” And two meters of broad, blood-red Twi might scare the shit out of anybody whose first experience with boobs was two hours ago and three levels up, when they got squished against someone on the dance floor or got flashed by a waitress.
Hence the boredom of a somewhat self-conscious girl who doesn’t like working a room for tips.
“Lala, that’s for you,” chirps Diohn when Laa’let returns from the freshers.
She stops fidgeting with her bra and rebuilding circuses in the sky and glances at the Zabrak bartender. Diohn points at the counter, then returns to digging through the mixer chiller.
A doll is sitting on the end of the bar. 
It’s propped up around a bright red cocktail, looking stupidly drunk, resting its chin on the rim of a glass about as wide as its comical face. Laa’let narrows her eyes at the arrangement. A clone. She recognizes the little flared skirt and shoulder decoration—and the golden top of one of those boys in blue. She scans the club for any that fit the description, but it’s just a throbbing sea of maroon sweats and crumpled greys, with a shrinking handful of businessmen pressed against the edges of the room; the only troopers in plates are the wrong color, and most of them are sitting along the rack, where they’ve figured out that two shoulder wings promise some seriously advanced recon—a much more exciting and personal show than anything happening at the bar.
“Who?” asks Laa’let.
“Didn’t see,” Diohn shrugs from inside the chiller, “they just left credits. And a note.”
Laa’let slides up towards the drink, ignoring the vulgar garnish—a cherry shoved in between a split taffy stem. The script is very regular, but the napkin is torn on the angles, like they couldn’t get the pressure right:
For the Ruby Rancor ♥
She grates the sharp tips of her teeth together. “You said you wouldn’t make it a drink.”
“I didn’t! I swear!” Diohn takes her own dulled molars to the cap of a bottle and spits it in the trash. “But you should stop fighting it. It’s definitely caught on.”
“Then what’s with this,” Laa’let says. It’s not just the garnish that’s offensive. Diohn’s clearly chosen her most bulbous glass, and she must have some campari, premixed to the perfect shade, chilling in a jug somewhere.
“That’s just me doing my fucking job. Now you should do yours.”
Diohn won’t share her tips forever, but Laa’let has her limits. Maybe too many of them for this career. “It’s not my job to talk to dolls.”
“Talking to cute faces with nothing but stuffing between their ears? I’d say that’s definitely in your contract. Roll out some carnival tricks.”
Laa’let’s lekku stiffen. “Circus. And I was a fucking acrobat.”
“Whatever. There’s still an audience—and maybe they’ll tip.”
It’s not an audience if you didn’t invite it, she refrains from saying, it’s an embarrassment. Too much like real life. With a frown, Laa’let swipes the drink, and the doll flops face down onto the chromium counter. Pathetic.
“Hand me that,” she says, snapping her fingers at an open bubblezap bottle.
Diohn giggles and swiggs the dregs. “Awww, someone’s had one too many!”
Laa’let maneuvers the doll into a seated position against the bottle, mindful of the oversized head. Its eyes are fixed off to the side, as if deliberately avoiding her boobs. “I need to get on his level. Is this a double?” she asks, stirring the drink once with the garnish.
One of Diohn’s liberal shots cascades over her peach fingers as she preps a line of Fuzzy Yodas—frothy, green, and strong enough to make you talk backwards. “You’ll have a nice time. I promise.”
Laa’let pulls out one of the lethris barstools and drops onto it. She hates sitting on these chairs. They’re sticky and undersized, like everything else here—even the ceiling is too low to accommodate her best tricks on stage. It’s maddening to be reduced to pantomime, the feeling of holding herself by halves, but Diohn’s right. She’s still a consummate performer, she’s still on the clock, and she’s still fucking broke.
“So,” Laa’let begins, taking a long sip that melts her sinuses and makes her damn nipples hard, “I’m new to this job and don’t have a lot of conversation up my sleeve, so do you want tragic backstory or tragic backstory?”
The little soldier makes big eyes at the turquoise Togruta on stage, but doesn’t indicate a preference.
“Tragic backstory it is. You might think it all started when my parents sold me to some charlatan in a travelling circus. Or when my growth spurt went on two years too long and I couldn’t get health insurance—did you know organs over a meter long are considered a pre-existing condition?”
She’s got her lekku draped over her shoulders and she shakes the tip of one in the little soldier’s face.
“Speciesist, I know. Free Porn Taa is laughably small in every department, so it’s not a priority for him. And the Togs aren’t represented in the Senate—not that healthcare is a priority there either.”
“Ugh, Lala,” groans Diohn, loudly dumping an armful of bottles into the bin as she passes by. “Politics? At my bar? No wonder he’s bored.”
Laa’let makes a rude gesture at Diohn’s back. “Anyway,” she says to the disinterested doll, “things really didn’t go downhill for me until the fucking Zillo Beast.”
The rack around Tosha’s stage erupts in applause when she finishes her routine. Another charming clone thing. It’d never occurred to them not to clap.
“Did I see it? You bet your plastic ass I did. Three of its gnarly legs came crashing through the roof during my act.”
Just for something to do, Laa’let takes the garnish from her drink and starts to trace a wet rendering of the monster that ruined her life on the counter.
“Squashed half the audience. I fell into the netting, along with all the buttresses, and was buried with broken ribs for three damn days. And this is where having no health insurance, no transferable skills, and no tolerance for animal abuse lands you,” she says, gesturing at the room, humid and a hazy red in the house lights, like an oversized womb.
Laa’let follows the little soldier’s gaze again. Tosha’s now working the rack for tolls. She’s got her knees on either side of one trooper’s ears, gripping him by his red shoulder wings as he gently tucks some funny money into her panties, ruffled and pink like cotton candy.
“Look, I know she’s topless and I’m not, but you could at least pretend to pay attention.”
A trooper in purple plates, very much paying attention, suddenly materalizes next to the doll. Laa’let takes in his double wings and his skirt—has she been performing for a fancy ARC?—and then moves onto his hair. It’s shaved into a landing strip across his skull and down his chin, and she can’t help wonder if the landscaping extends below the belt, too.
“There you are, Rex!” he declares, smiling broadly like he’d be very happy to enlighten her. “Who’s your pretty friend?” He gives a wave with one of the doll’s stubby arms.
This part always makes Laa’let nervous. What seemed like a good idea when she was eighteen and angry now made her job—wooing credits out of beings already much smaller than herself—very difficult.
“Doesn’t your friend know it’s rude not to stare?” she says, as softly as she can over the synth-glimmik pumping from the speakers, shielding her fangs with full lips—the only gift her mother gave her.
“My apologies, ma’am,” answers the trooper while ogling her tits for both of them. “He said he knew you, but he was probably talking out of his shebs.”
“Nah, he’s just shy. He doesn’t know how to ask,” comes a rumble in her cone. Another trooper pokes his head over her shoulder and starts taking mental soundings down her cleavage. 
Mindful of the bulk of her lek, she turns to glance at his plates—also purple, also winged. “Ask what?” 
The second one tilts his pretty face up. His hair curls in a way Laa’let recognizes as attractive to humans, and thick black stripes on his cheeks somehow brighten his green eyes, which sparkle at her with all the optimism of someone about two drinks in. “How much to blow bubbles?”
Laa’let takes a moment to parse this phrasing. The soldiers have a funny way of talking, but blowing bubbles is a far cry from their usual slang, crude and derived from military words she doesn’t understand. But eyes speak a pretty universal language, and theirs are glued to her red rack. If anyone’s going to introduce face fapping to the clone lexicon, it won’t be her.
But Green is far too cute to be allowed to bury those sweet cheeks so soon. The cheroot smoking on his breath is making her heart flutter, and she downs the rest of her drink.
“What’s your name, soldier?”
“Jock, ma’am. And that fastidious fucker’s Muse.”
She struts her long fingers atop the bar towards the doll and starts to toy suggestively with his little skirt. “Well, Jock, boys in blue get things on the house,” Laa’let teases with a smile, not bothering about the fangs. If these two are going to spook, better get the disappointment over with.
Muse sits his ass straight down for the long haul, and Jock hovers even closer.
“And boys in other colors?” he mumbles, brushing the back of a finger down her shoulder, evidently still full of hope. That he doesn’t go straight for her plushy lek says he’s got manners, and Laa’let feels her bum go warm on the barstool.
“What makes purple boys special?” she asks, genuinely curious. She’s not encountered any troopers in this soft shade before, and 69’s does a good trade in color—every dancer’s got their favorites, but it’s considered good luck to get crisp tips off a new one. They think it means you’re a trooper’s first; Laa’let just suspects a counterfeit operation somewhere.
“We’ve got walkers and big, fuck-off tanks with psycho warfare tech” and “we’re an elite, hypermobile, armored reconnaissance unit” are the simultaneous answers.
Muse makes a disapproving face at his comrade and straightens up a little when he clarifies. “We’re the 113th Armored Infantry Battalion, ma’am.”
“And the color?” she asks, fingering the lining of Jock’s skirt. Maybe she could get him down to nothing but this, then bribe it off him? The lethris on these things is pretty lush, given it’s army issue.
“Commander’s orders,” says Jock, beaming. “Matches our Jedi’s sabers.”
“Who’s your Jedi?” Laa’let prods, wondering how much two elite soldiers will leak over big tits.
Jock squints at Muse. “I think that’s classified?”
“Definitely classified.”
“He’s sealed tight but … I’m working on it,” Jock assures her with a wink, mischievous and loaded. She can’t tell if he means his Jedi, Muse, or both, but his playfulness is certainly working on her. Even if Diohn hasn’t just made herself conspicuous, inquiring with gestures about the status of flimsi in fingers.
Laa’let smiles, plucks the doll from the counter, and dumps him headfirst into her cleavage.
“Steady on, Rex,” gasps Muse, wide-eyed, grinning stupidly between the doll and slack-jawed Jock.
“For you two,” she begins, giving the little head a very illustrative shake, “this is ten…”
Using the nubbed arms, Laa’let pushes the golden top of her dress down, popping out one ivory nipple, then the other, conscious that she’s already given away about fifteen credits. “Handsies is twenty...”
Flipping the little doll over by the arms, she lets him come to rest where creamy fabric melts into the divot between her hips. Her senses are alight with human! now that Jock’s knees have failed him and his head’s propped up on her shoulder. Her right lek tingles against his balmy cheek. She returns Muse’s puppet wave. “And anything more is subject to performance review.”
“We…” Muse begins, opening and closing his mouth like a blurrg on spice, “we’ve only got twenty between us.”
Laa’let bites her lip and bounces the doll in her broad lap, like she isn’t preparing to inflate more than just their manual scores. She’s flipped her glass and her tits are out. Diohn better be getting her a fucking room.
“Tell you what. Twenty plus this little trooper and you might find I’m big enough to share.”
. . . . .
[CT-61-6898] Are you seated
     [CT-27-5555]      in briefing w some top squares      knock me down my ombre hombre
[CT-61-6898] …  RIP Cpt Rex
     [CT-27-5555]      !      what did those dumbfucks do
     [CT-27-5555]      its only been 12 hrs      we r still in the system ffs
     [CT-27-5555]      facts tho he was ltd edition      not even rex actual has one
[CT-61-6898] unnamed.holo
     [CT-27-5555]      !      u perv       what did u fucking do to him
[CT-61-6898] Shit That wasn’t for you Wrong holo
     [CT-27-5555]      too late      ...rip smokecheck
     [CT-27-5555]      commdr tano likes ur paintjob
[CT-61-6898] You fucking wish (...but I’ll pass on the compliment) 
     [CT-27-5555]      so he didn’t get creampied      good 2 know      what happened 
[CT-61-6898] rexnruby.holo
     [CT-27-5555]      !
[CT-61-6898] Is he scuba qualified 
     [CT-27-5555]      !
[CT-61-6898] Muse is sorry not sorry Rex was sacrificed for the mission He did give me a datachip instead
     [CT-27-5555]      WORTH IT
Smokecheck belongs to tiend. The 113th bros and Miss Laa’let are mine. 
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musermatt · 6 years
Do you like something human? Do you like it when the band goes in new directions? What is the worst(and/or best) sound experiment they’ve tried in your opinion?
Omg great questions thank you. Exactly the kinds of Qs I wanted. Be warned, I’m gonna ramble so much that I’m only going to answer the first question. I’ll address the others later, perhaps, but my thoughts on those might become clear in my discussion of Something Human.
Ok. So. My feelings about that song are a bit complicated. I don’t hate it quite as much as a lot of fans I’ve talked to, but I can’t really say I like it. I wanted to like it. I really did. I thought the acoustic snippet Matt posted on Instagram was nice. It was cool to see him getting the acoustic out and trying something a bit more low key. That I don’t mind at all - in fact, I encourage it. It’s not my preferred vibe at all, but I certainly respect their decision to experiment with that tone. One thing I didn’t love about it from the start though was the adherence to the diatonic major scale - I just don’t like conventional happy upbeat pop progressions. The song does manage to get away with it somewhat imo by having an interesting enough line on the acoustic, but the predominantly major tonality remains a compositional element I’m not crazy about. It just smacks of lazy songwriting from a band that used to treat augmented chords and modulation like child’s play. Luckily I got my fix for that kind of stuff on TDS, but I don’t think just because a song has a chiller, more poppy angle that it has to have all the trappings of a generic pop song. Still, I do think the acoustic is nice and I’m excited for the all-acoustic version in the deluxe edition.
BUT, I’ve been avoiding talking about the final version and you’re about to see why (hot takes incoming pls don’t hate me. If you can’t handle criticism of Muse, now’s the time to scroll). I’m not a fan of this song. I mean, since I’d heard the tease of the chorus at the end of the Drones movie I knew it would be synthy, but that isn’t even a problem for me. I fucking love synths. I’m a damn keyboardist ffs. But as soon as the song started and I heard those mallets at the beginning, followed swiftly by a light finger snap, I knew this wasn’t the song for me. That synth has a distinctly generic radio-friendly sound. It’s an instant turn-off. Of all the synths they could’ve gone with to add texture, they chose that, and they added that snap. Then Matt’s voice comes in and…
I’ve been rambling but ok - real talk. This song just straight up doesn’t work. The vibe the instrumental is going for isn’t my favorite, but it’s clearly trying to establish a certain mood - chill, relaxed, upbeat. Okay. Fair enough. Now what about the vocals? Yeah they’re toned down and breathy af (btw this kind of vocal delivery has been a pet peeve of mine since Madness, but that’s a topic for another day), BUT imo Matt’s vocal delivery, lyrical content, and his voice in general just don’t make sense over the instruments and the vibe they’re trying to create. He’s trying to sound tender and emotionally invested with the breathiness. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Matt’s voice and its naturally intense, yearning sound. It’s one of the things I love most about Muse. The problem is that when he tries to tone it down, it sounds forced and inauthentic. It feels like he’s trying too hard to create the feeling of intimacy, rather than actually just doing it. I’ve been taking vocal lessons so now I listen for this sort of thing, (especially since my teacher is trying to break my habit of imitating Matt Bellamy lmao).
Ok I should really stop this but one last thing. The theme of the song is humanity and yearning for intimacy and interpersonal connection, right? Something human, organic. And yet, the lyrics still reference robots, cleansing sins, burning money, absolving lies, et cetera. Matt Bellamy just can’t help but inject sci-fi and politics into his lyrics, and that’s one thing a lot of us admire, but it just feels weird and distracting in the context of a song that’s supposed to be sentimental. Come on, you can’t tell me you don’t find the second verse of Neutron Star Collision a little funny and dumb. “Hail the preachers fake and proud, their doctrines will be cloud” lmao. It’s kind of like that. NSC is actually a good point of comparison to SH. It’s also a poppy love song that most of the fandom despises, but it works much better imo. Yes, it’s laughably bombastic and grandiose, but let’s just face it - that’s what Muse are best at. Muse trying to be chill is like Shaq trying to visit Bilbo Baggins at home. It just doesn’t fit. It just doesn’t work. Now I don’t think they need to be bombastic and weird all the time, but they need to adjust their strategy a bit when experimenting with new sounds, because this one didn’t really stick the landing. The Dark Side, on the other hand, is a different story entirely…
TL;DR - Something Human is yet another in Muse’s long line of cute but failed attempts to stay relevant and generate buzz by pulling a genre switcheroo. Rating: 4.5/10
Oh god that went on way too long. AREN’T YOU GUYS GLAD I’M BACK????
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lloronala · 6 years
GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! ( repost, please don’t reblog )
tagged by: @rollingsnowsmasher​ !!!<3 tagging: @recuerdaxme​ @dienteoro​ @sopocoloco​ @gliitchiing​ @vinterdronniing​ @quealegria​ @sococorro​ @cantenalcoro​ @threestraysouls​ @musiciantothebone​ @seizeyourmcment​ @musicban​ @the-alchemical-key​ @recdyasilleverbe​
I love??? Tea and boba so much???? Like this is pretty unhealthy of me and please don’t follow this terrible example--but whenever I go out and hang and everyone else orders food, I sometimes just order a drink because...that’s all I need sometimes (before I regret it later). But anyway--yeah I do oddly prefer liquids over actual food sometimes and god save me from that diet.
My favorite type of exercise usually revolve around using muscles/strength! I’m definitely more of the endurance type rather than cardio/speed...since I suck at those....
I’m the physical embodiment of a night owl like--I suffer in the morning and need all the caffeine out there in order to pass as a human being for the rest of the day (I actually sleep in my friend’s car half of the time whenever we all go out somewhere LMAO).
I’ve received a lot of comments saying how their first impression of me is either intimidation or ‘normal’(?) looking. I somehow usually surprise them when I like something that’s kinda....weeby I guess...? Or I nerd out on something. Honestly guys, if you ever meet me irl and if I look done, that’s because that’s just how I look and I apologize for that; (it doesn’t help that I’m usually pretty quiet and anxious too when trying to interact with people the first time so rip me)
Please don’t make me laugh if you don’t want to hear something obnoxious cause GOD I AM THAT ONE OBNOXIOUS PERSON WITH THAT OBNOXIOUS LAUGHTER THAT WILL EMBARRASS YOU IN PUBLIC.
▐ HOW LONG ( YEARS/MONTHS ): I think I started in eighth grade (I’m too afraid to do the math here)? Yeah--definitely started off with deviantArt ocs and then pokemon gijinkas and god...those are some of my darkest moments in terms of writing lmao.... ▐ PLATFORMS USED: DeviantArt, MSN, Skype, a few forums & here. ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: Well...I’ll be super honest and say I guess it’s on this blog? I’ve never thought it would soar off and just the fact that you guys want to even talk to me is like mind blowing to me? Not to mention the amount of support I’ve received within these past few months is like fucking wild;; So sincerely, thank you guys for everything;;
▐ MALE OR FEMALE: Either is fine, but mostly female! ▐ FAVORITE FACE: ヽ/❀o ل͜ o\ノ ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: Smut isn’t really my thing lmao--but definitely fluff and angst is a huge yes for meeee ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: I don’t mind either! Although usually it’s just done spontaneously/through memes so.
▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I’m comfortable with both! I just have the tendency to write a lot is all; ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE:  When I’m on break (which I am right now) or just any time when I’m able to wind down because it’s practically my source of stress relief. ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Eh, bits and parts I guess. Like to a certain degree I guess I am in a way, but for the most part not really. If anything, I’m way chiller than Imelda and 80% of the time I’m like struggling to get my shit together so :’’’)
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fateprotected-a · 6 years
alright folks so quick update
my life is a mess right now between new job immediately demanding more hours than I signed up for and jury duty being this week so....I have no idea when/if I’ll be on, and I’ll likely be pretty muse-drawn. If you are interested in roleplaying, please feel free to hit me up on Discord. I can be on there pretty regularly at work, but tumblr mobile is a mess, so I don’t even try to write on it. 
Otherwise, I should (knock on wood) theoretically get onto my requested, much chiller schedule next week. So expect more regular activity then. thanks for your patience!!! xoxoxox
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kazosa · 7 years
Ye ruined me, lass.
I wrote this when I should have been doing my college classes. Hope it doesn’t suck. I’m a super fluffy writer with a tiny bit of steam, so if that’s not your deal…
Summary: Chibs and the reader once worked at TM together. The reader was oblivious to Chibs’ feelings for her.
Warnings: language, smidge of angst, fluffiness
Word count: 1500(ish)
Tagging: @charlottecl   @sam-samcro
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He first saw her when she was on the other side of the street. It was hard to miss those long legs even though the dress she was wearing was poofy around her knees. He watched her as she appeared to be looking for something. If he hadn’t been the only one in Scoops, he might have called out to her just to see if she needed help. There was something about her that was familiar, he just couldn’t put his finger on what it was.
In a stroke of luck, the woman crossed the road and headed in the direction of scoops. She was walking slowly as she entered the view through the windows, her long legs stretching up for days. And then he saw it, the tattoo. He recognized that tattoo. She pulled the handle to the door and walked in. He finally saw her face clearly.
When you went out to TM, Tiggy was there.
“Whaaat?! What the hell?!” he came walking toward you with his arms outstretched.
You went to him with your arms outstretched, too. Tig scooped you up and spun you around in a crushing bear hug, just like he always did, before he set you back on your feet.
“What brings you back around here? I thought you said this place could rot?”
You could tell he wanted to be mad, but he couldn’t quite get to that spot.
“I know. I’m sorry. I was… I was a lot of things,” you were ashamed of how you left Charming. “Now, I’m just sorry I took off the way I did. Think you guys can forgive me?”
“Sweetheart, you were forgiven as soon as I saw you,” he said. “You need a job? We can put you in the office again.”
You were looking around at the property. You’d heard what happened, of course. It had been all over the news. You’d come back for the funerals, but you’d stayed out of sight of the Sons on your visit. There was one person you’d remained in contact with while you were gone and he let you know when it was safe to visit and stay out of sight.
There were a few people bustling about TM, but you didn’t see the man you were looking for.
“He’s not here, darlin’,” Tig always saw right through you.
You sighed, “Where is he?”
Tig gave you the address to a place called Scoops and Sweets that was somewhere downtown. You hadn’t remembered a place by that name and it had been quite a while since you’d been in Charming. You parked your Jeep down the road and got out to look for the shop. When you finally spotted it, you crossed the road, not knowing what to expect, hoping he’d be happy to see you, hoping he would forgive you for not saying goodbye…
You’d never been to this place called “Scoops” before. You pulled the handle of the door and stepped inside. The air inside was icy cold and smelled of cookies. You took off your sunglasses and let your eyes adjust to the dim lighting inside the store.
“Hallo, lass,” his voice sent a shiver down your spine. “What are you doing here?”
“Hi Filip,” you said shyly. “It’s really good to see you.”
She looked beautiful, like she always did. Her clothes were different now, but they seemed to suit her better than just jeans and t-shirts she used to wear. It had never mattered to him though. He’d loved her since he met her. He’d flirted with her like mad, but she either was clueless to what he was doing or she just didn’t know how to let him down. She sat on one of the stools and wouldn’t look away from him. She’d hurt him, and he knew she hadn’t meant to, but he couldn’t change how he felt either.
“What will ye have, lass,” he said breaking eye contact, not wanting to feel anything for her, but he couldn’t help himself, either.
“You,” she said, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Four years ago, he’d wanted nothing more than to hear her say that to him. A lot had changed in that time……Christ, no it hadn’t, he still loved her, probably always would.
He looked like he might throw you out for a moment. You couldn’t blame him. He’d never been anything but sweet to you and you had been too clueless to see what was right in front of you. And what had you done? You picked up some asshole at a bar and, essentially, rubbed it in Chibs’ face.
“Look, I just wanna say I’m sorry,” you told him. “I didn’t understand what was going on. Things were so confusing for me then.”
“Aye, well, it’s not every day ye have an old man flirting with ye. I shoulda known better,” he said grabbing a beer our of the chiller. “I was wrong to think I had a shot with ye.”
You had a sudden rush of heat to your face and ears. Your embarrassment was overwhelming. Flirting had never been something you were good at, not when it came from someone else. When Happy, of all people, clued you in on what was going on, you didn’t know what to do. You panicked and went to the bar.
“I never thought you were too old for me, Filip,” you could barely look at him now. “I just didn’t know what to do when I found out. I never thought that you felt the same way about me that I felt about you.”
“Come again?” he said, looking directly at you now.
“I didn’t know how to flirt back with someone I was interested in, too,” you said. “I just thought you were being nice to me. Taking pity on me.”
He took a deep drag off the beer and walked around the counter. He came up behind you and spun the stool around so you faced him. He put his hand on the bar behind you, his face so close to yours.
“I never took pity on ye, love. I though you were smart, funny, and absolutely gorgeous,” he said. “An’ I didn’t like seein’ ye with that piece of shite.”
That had been painfully obvious when you were at the bar and Chibs came in seeing you with James. He grabbed him and beat the ever-living shit out of him. Instead of seeing that Chibs was both trying to protect you from James and jealous of the shite, it had pushed you toward James instead. As soon as he was released from the hospital, you and he left town. It had taken you a while to sort things out, but you eventually came to see James for what he really was. By then, a long time had passed and you were sure Chibs never wanted to see you again.
When you got the call from Happy about what had happened in the club, you’d wanted to go back to Charming, but you just couldn’t do it, not for any length of time, until now.
“Well, you were right. He was a piece of shit. But, I don’t want to talk about him,” you said, looking up into his warm, brown eyes. He was still as handsome as ever, making your heart hammer in your chest.
“What do ye want to talk about?”
“I was hoping maybe you and me… maybe we could start over?” you said, trying desperately not to feel like a little school girl under his intense scrutiny.
“Hmm,” he mused, not moving away from you. “You don’t think I’m too old?”
You shook your head. “I’ve never cared about that. I thought you were out of my league, that I couldn’t compete with the girls that you usually went with. I just want you. It’s always been you, Filip.”
He scoffed a little, “Ye ruined me for other women, lass. In the last four years, no one has ever been good enough. No one was you.”
He put his fingertips under your chin, tipping your head up to meet his gaze. He closed the space between the two of you, his lips meeting yours. Your lips were tingling where they touched his. His knee pressed between yours so he could get closer to you. Wrapping his arms around you, he held you tightly to him as he lifted you from the stool. Your arms went around his shoulders and your hand went to the back of his head.
When your feet were back on the floor, he didn’t let go of you.
“Do ye plan on stayin’ then, lass?” he asked. His lips giving butterfly kisses as you collected your thoughts after that first kiss…
“I’ll need a job,” you managed to whisper.
“Mmm. Really do want to start over, eh? Well,” his Scottish accent was thick, “tha’ can be arranged.”
You smiled at him and he kissed you again.
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vinceticious-mmd · 8 years
Open for asks all day!
Accepting any asks for myself, the Vivi-Mun, and my muses!
Though I do need to something about asks real quick:
Guys, seriously. I do find some of the “ACTing” asks that you guys ask Lu funny, but after a while it gets a tad bit annoying. And typically other than those asks, they end up making her upset.
Chill with the feel-zy and/or lewd asks towards Lu, guys! XD I don’t mind a few every now and then, but when that’s all I receive it gets on my nerves a little. Try asking her more simple questions, maybe learn more about her? I haven’t really revealed all her info yet, so it’s be easier for me if you’d ask about her occasionally. 
That, along with I need asks for my other muses(Mono, Sol, Chiller, and Vivi), too. I know I use Luna the most frequently, but that’s because she’s my most developed character! I need you guys to help me with my other muses.
Finally, I have other news! Sol’s birthday is tomorrow, and I think it would be sweet if you guys sent him happy birthday messages! 
Thanks for letting me ramble on your dash XD Ask away!! Check out my ask blog masterlist if you want to ask on their own blogs!
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irasciblempresse · 8 years
NAME: Marie PRONOUNS: she/her. SEXUALITY: Demi heterosexual TAKEN OR SINGLE: {Going on a date on Sunday. Realllllllllly not excited for it. So probably single}
1. I cosplay in the spare time that I don’t have ;p 2. my To Watch list on netflix is atrociously long and untouched (ditto dat sista girl) 3. Economics is my arch-nemesis
HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Ehhhhhhhhhh call it 8 years now??? 7 or 8 I think PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, youtube, rolepages, texting, proboards back in the day BEST EXPERIENCE: Oh my lord, the stories I could tell you children... I dunno, the ability to write as someone I’m not has always been such a fantastic, cathartic experience for me I don’t think I could narrow it down
FEMALE OR MALE: Generally female, but I’m coming onto a few men MULTI OR SINGLE: Despite the fact that I have quite literally hundreds of muses, I prefer single for one blog
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I love angst, I’m good at fluff, and I know more about smut than I should ;p PLOTS OR MEMES: Both, but I’m a slut for plotting LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Longggggggggg so so long BEST TIME TO WRITE: Totally not during class. Nope. Never. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): There’s a smidge of myself in all of my muses, but I tend to think I’m a bit chiller than Raccie. We’re about as misanthropic tho ;p Tagged by: @slumberingscarlet the darling <3 <3 <3
Tagging: @themadandthebroken @hightoppseamstress @mxrmoreal @heartsandmiinds @whohasthetime @stayne-knaveofhearts
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dylanreviewsthings · 6 years
Immortal Reviews' Top 50 Albums Of 2018
2018. It’s been some time since a year came to define itself so apparently as this past one did. 2018 saw tumultuous politics become even more fiery, but even as our world seemingly tears apart, we all band together under the sentiment of moving forward to keep going. “It’s 2018” became less of a meme and more of a statement as time went on - and as the new year approaches, we’re all reflecting on how much really changed this year.
Music certainly saw its fair share of important movements this year. Hip-hop continued to dominate, Travis Scott finally releasing his long-awaited ASTROWORLD while Kanye West produced several powerful records this year. Pop music kept evolving, its modern message of “even if it’s not okay now, it will be” coming to captivate all of us as we find hope in it. Rock made a comeback, artists like Mike Shinoda rising out of the ashes to deliver his debut solo record, overcoming the demons of grief while Muse redefined their sound in one of their most eclectic records yet. 2018 gave us a lot of music - and here are the 50 albums that defined the year for us.
50. Passenger - Runaway
Passenger‘s reflective indie-folk mix has always provided for some great tracks, but that' reached a new level with 2018’s Runaway. Familiarly chill vibes in ‘Why Can’t I Change‘ and ‘Heart To Love‘ reveal that Passenger is doing more than just recalling his life: he’s trying to figure out how to change it, and without much luck. Runaway is like reaching an impasse in life, where all you can do is run; Passenger certainly seems to feel so, at least, with songs like title track ‘Runaway‘ seeking the strength to move forward. While the latter half of the record trends towards a more appreciative tone (in songs including ‘To Be Free‘ and ‘Eagle Bear Buffalo‘), it’s the more emotional tracks, namely the heartbroken opener ‘Hell Or High Water,’ where Passenger really shines and let’s himself be vulnerable.
49. A Hawk and A Hacksaw - Forest Bathing
Instrumental music has the unique property of transporting you to wherever your mind allows you to go. That being said, it’s hard to find the perfect balance between storytelling and quality - luckily, A Hack and A Hacksaw managed to find just the right blend of the two in Forest Bathing. Middle Eastern elements will transport you from the Egyptian deserts in ‘Alexandria‘ to the lively bustle of a town in ‘The Washing Bear.’ Closing track ‘Bayati Maqam‘ hardly feels like an end to a journey, but concludes the record in a fittingly summative way, the dark and independent instruments creating a majestic atmosphere. Forest Bathing is a brilliant Middle Eastern journey, masterfully brought together by an Arabian orchestra and A Hack and A Hacksaw.
48. Elder Brother - Stay Inside
Elder Brother‘s latest record is proof that diversity adds a whole new level to storytelling. Their new record Stay Inside is full of pain, but the band channels it in several different ways in an effort to try and understand it. From the confusion of the grand build in ‘Unnatural History‘ to the tantalizing melodies of ‘No Reason,’ Stay Inside doesn’t ever stick to one sound to cope with pain. Their quest to really channel this pain seems to meet dead ends, as each song ends powerfully but not without questions. The record ends powerfully and anthemically with the beaten down ‘I Don’t Think It Stops,’ building slowly into a massive bridge with a big guitar solo before exploding with one final burst of emotion to take things out. Elder Brother explored their pain in ways few others dare to, and Stay Inside is as therapeutic as it is painful.
47. Logic - Bobby Tarantino II
Logic burst into 2018 looking to prove himself once and for all, and he certainly did everything he could to achieve that. Bobby Tarantino II, the sequel to his cult-classic mixtape, set the hip-hop world alight when it dropped, and not without reason. Logic goes off in this record, showing off his quickfire abilities in tracks like ‘44 More‘ and in ‘Wassup‘ with Big Sean. Bobby Tarantino II is more than just an onslaught of skill: it’s a diverse record full of fun and confidence, with songs as characteristic as ‘Indica Badu‘ and as serious as the fiery ‘Contra.’ There’s no denying that with Bobby Tarantino II, Logic definitely solidified his place amongst the greats of modern hip-hop.
46. S. Carey - Hundred Acres
Every good story has a sort of ebb and flow to it, and S. Carey perfects that concept amazingly in his record Hundred Acres. The indie record feels like an inside look into the artist’s past, anecdotes in tracks like ‘True North‘ and ‘Fool’s Gold‘ adding that personal touch to the record. The natural wonder of ‘Yellowstone‘ and the peaceful atmosphere of ‘Rose Petals‘ feel like childhood memories, while the darker ‘Hideout‘ tells a more pertinent story. Hundred Acres is an autobiography of sorts, and in S. Carey’s writing we find ourselves being reminded of our own pasts, too.
45. Logic - YSIV
Logic had a busy - and tough - year, but that didn’t stop him from constantly delivering. His second spot on our Top 50 Albums list comes with YSIV, his mixtape that saw him dive deep into hip-hop’s roots to offer up a whole different experience from Bobby Tarantino II. Title track ‘YSIV‘ is a great example of everything this record has to offer: an old-school west-coast style beat underlying Logic’s unstoppable flow and lyricism. The rest of the record doesn’t slack, either, the entire Wu-Tang Clan joining him for ‘Wu Tang Forever‘ while Jaden Smith shows a bit of aggression in ‘ICONIC.’ Chiller tracks including ‘One Day‘ with Ryan Tedder and ‘Ordinary Day‘ with Hailee Steinfeld provide some nice color to the record. Closing track ‘Last Call‘ is a reflective and thankful finale, Logic thanking his fans for bringing him to where his is now while recalling his past struggles. Life isn’t easy all of the time, but even when all seems to fall apart, Logic reminds us that struggle will always give way to success.
44. Tomberlin - At Weddings
There were a lot of times this year where things felt like they wouldn’t get better. More than ever, the negativity seems to be all that dominates the Internet and media. There were plenty of times that extended into our personal lives, too; it certainly did for Tomberlin. In her new record At Weddings, Tomberlin bared her heart as she let go of all the things that hold her back. It feels like a constant battle between maintaining optimism and losing it, evident in ‘Any Other Way,’ where her reflective and sweet vocals try desperately to stay optimistic before things coming crashing down in ‘Untitled 1.’ This mental warfare only continues to show the complication behind Tomberlin’s struggle, which seems to reach it’s harshest point in ‘I’m Not Scared,’ where a fragile Tomberlin has to ensure herself that things will get better: "And to be a woman is to be in pain / And my body reminds me almost everyday that I was made for another, but I don’t want to know that / Cause it happened once and I always look back." Even when all seems lost, however, Tomberlin still dejectedly tries to find her way out of her funk, almost to an inspiring degree. The world will throw everything it has at you one day: learn from Tomberlin, and be prepared to move forward knowing that.
43. Kamasi Washington - Heaven & Earth
It’s hard to qualify Kamasi Washington‘s brilliance, but we can certainly find a deep appreciation for it. The saxophonist returned this year with the out-of-this-world Heaven & Earth, a sprawling jazz journey through the beauty of our own planet and beyond. The first half of the record feels familiarly mortal, numbers like ‘Testify‘ and ‘Tiffakonkae‘ seemingly exploring the beauty of our world, while the Latin subtleties of opening track ‘Fists Of Fury‘ help show the drama that hides within it, too. The second half is far more supernatural, tracks like the otherworldly ‘The Space Travelers Lullaby‘ the wondrous ‘The Journey‘ captivating you with their beauty. Kamasi Washington has a way of capturing beautiful soundscapes with his music, and Heaven & Earth may be the finest example of that yet.
42. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
The woes of the indie artist never seem to stop, but most have learned how to turn them into the subjects of their music. Courtney Barnett‘s issues aren’t anything groundbreaking, but they’re something we all know well. Her record Tell Me How You Really Feel is similarly as straightforward, but that adds to its charm. Barnett' showed with this record that it doesn’t take a life-changing event to make good music: all it takes are true-to-heart emotions that everyone knows. The entrancing lyrics of the intro song ‘Hopefulessness‘ is a perfect example of this: the repetition of “No one is born to hate“ is a simple yet prompt message. Barnett’s dejected timbre allows for the listener to key into the more intimate vibes as the messages aren’t affected by layers of sound - rather, Barnett says everything promptly and effectively. Perhaps most charming on the record is ‘Need A Little Time,’ a simple and chill indie rocker that rolls with a warm drive, nice melodies, and even a bit of conviction. You don’t need to change the way something works to make a difference: you just have to be true to yourself, which is something we could all do a little more.
41. Jon Hopkins - Singularity
Jon Hopkins manages to turn almost anything he touches into something magical, so it’s no surprise that this year’s Singularity was like a journey in its own right. With the gentleness of a dimly lit star in the night sky and the curiosity of a new-born, Singularity envelops you in this enchanting atmosphere, the slow chords of opening track and title track ‘Singularity‘ wrapping around you like a warm blanket. The atmospheric record is fairly long with some pretty lengthy tracks, but the magic of each song will distract you from that fact, so the twelve-minute build of ‘Luminous Beings‘ just makes you feel like you’re listening to another fairy tale. The emotion behind closing track ‘Recovery‘ is almost tangible as this magical journey ends beautifully, gorgeous pianos quietly ringing alongside ambience. Only instrumental music with such passion could ignite such powerful imagery as Hopkins does on this record.
40. J.I.D. - DiCaprio 2
At times it feels like hip-hop is becoming overly obsessed with fame and money, so when a damning record like this comes along, it’s always a nice refresher. J.I.D. delivered a real record with DiCaprio 2, offering up not only a lot of heart and soul, but some powerful messages, too. DiCaprio 2 feels like an onslaught of energy from start to finish, ‘Slick Talk‘ delivering unique and awesome vibes almost immediately. The flow and beats throughout DiCaprio 2 are on another level, from ‘Westbrook‘ with A$AP Ferg to closing track ‘Despacito Too.‘ ‘Off Deez‘ with J. Cole delivers the most heat on the record, the two rappers trading off effortlessly as they unleash an unstoppable flow from start to finish. Fingers crossed that hip-hop follows this trend of passion into the next year.
39. Oceanator - Lows
Few albums were as reflective as Oceanator‘s Lows this year. The solo project of Brooklyn-native Elise Okusami runs deep with emotion as she retells her painful memories in an attempt to overcome them. Opening track ‘Coming Home‘ establishes the themes of the record wonderfully, the somber lyrics echoing: “You're an ocean away, and that's the way it's supposed to be, but still I'm coming home.“ Oceanator constantly hits you with powerful tracks, from the epic, intense ‘Tell Me‘ to the monstrously building closing track ‘Inhuman.’ Lows is full of surprises, including the huge bridge of the bluesy ‘Not Around.’ Much like life, Lows is unpredictable and diverse - it’s never quite positive, but its reflective nature will definitely help some of your deeper wounds to heal.
38. Denzel Curry - TA13OO
Denzel Curry is a relatively new name on the hip-hop scene, but he’s certainly a force to be reckoned with. His debut TA13OO is like trap on heroin, probably being as close to metal as you can get without actually having a guitar in it. Perhaps the clearest show of the album’s sound is ‘BLACK METAL TERRORIST,’ a raging song full of huge distorted bass synths, angry, almost screamed bars, and an evil atmosphere. Lyrically, Curry always has some grit, even when the instrumentals may be a bit cooler (i.e. ‘BLACK BALLOONS‘ and title track ‘TABOO‘). TA13OO is unrelenting, pushing trap in a direction it never quite explored while also maintaining a pretty catchy album.
37. The Neighbourhood - The Neighbourhood
The Neighbourhood spent 2018 redefining their sound, keeping their dark and sensual nature and exploring a more electronic element. Their self-titled record The Neighbourhood is the outcome of their experimentation, and it certainly doesn’t disappoint. Dominated by its attitude, The Neighbourhood comes at you like a flirty guy at a club. ‘Flowers‘ wins you over with a mischievous innocence before more sensual numbers like ‘Nervous‘ and ‘Stay With Me‘ capture that signature sexual intimacy. ‘Softcore‘ is the perfect culmination of new and old for The Neighbourhood, the moody electronic track led by its swagger and melodies. The Neighbourhood definitely took a chance with this record, and it paid off in what is one of the year’s most intimate numbers of the year.
36. Animal Flag - Void Ripper
A truly visceral record feeds off the energy of the musicians and lives and breathes as its own piece of art. That’s exactly the attention Animal Flag gave Void Ripper. Animal Flag’s latest record draws from the most animalistic energy we can muster, opening track ‘Morningstar‘ starting off patiently, as if a hunter waiting for its prey. That prey arrives in following track ‘Void Ripper‘ as the record bursts to life. Tracks like ‘Fair‘ bring more energy to the album, while ‘Lord Of Pain‘ and ‘Candace‘ offer a more evil, brooding atmosphere. There’s a carefulness in this wild record that shows the passion and musicianship of Animal Flag and how they put this record together, and like how few others can really manage to do.
35. Father John Misty - God’s Favorite Customer
Indie’s self-proclaimed anti-Christ returned in 2018, but his ego took a bit of a hit. Father John Misty‘s God’s Favorite Customer was written during a two month span in which he rarely left his hotel room. Josh Tillman‘s signature pessimism plays out in opening track ‘Hangout At The Gallows‘ and title track ‘God’s Favorite Customer,’ but what’s more important is where he lets himself be a bit more transparent. In a year that tested all of our resilience, even Father John Misty couldn’t help but let go of some emotions, in tracks including ‘The Songwriter,’ where Tillman ponders what life would be like if his life was switched with his wife’s, and the even more worrying ‘Please Don’t Die,’ where Tillman sings of his wife begging him to not commit suicide. Even the harshest, hardest souls have humanity behind them.
34. BTS - Love Yourself 轉 'Tear'
The advent of K-Pop took the world by storm in 2018, and BTS finally reached an international audience. That pressure didn’t get to them, as they delivered several records this year that show exactly why K-Pop is bent on world domination. The boy-band’s Love Yourself 轉 'Tear' showed not only the power of the genre, but the diversity of it, as well. Numbers such as ‘FAKE LOVE‘ and ‘So What‘ deliver the bombast beats and energy typically associated with K-Pop, but other songs explore different avenues. ‘Airplane pt. 2‘ combines Latin music with K-Pop’s swagger, leading for a very unique listen while tracks like ‘Paradise‘ and ‘Love Maze‘ seem to tackle a more Americanized version of pop. Even ‘Outro: Tear‘ takes a moment to change things up, ending the record on a pretty aggressive hip-hop note. K-Pop is taking over the world, and BTS are riding that sweet wave to success.
33. Lissie - Castles
It seems like everyone has something to prove nowadays, but no one’s proven themselves as much as Lissie has. Castles is dramatic in all the right ways, and captures just about everything you’d want from Lissie. From the peaceful but existential opener ‘World Away‘ to the massive, powerful closure ‘Meet Me In The Mystery,’ all of Lissie’s emotions come out in a thoughtful and provocative way. The metaphor of her body as a breaking castle in title track ‘Castles‘ is a nice thematic centerpoint of the record, defining the rest of the record’s woes as well. There’s a lot of pained emotion in Castles, but they come together to paint the portrait of a woman ready to take herself back.
32. Architects - Holy Hell
When it comes to losing a band member, not many losses hit as close to home as in Architects. Their first full effort without guitarist and songwriter Tom Searle, Holy Hell, is as oppressively heavy as the burden of losing a brother and friend. Single ‘Hereafter‘ roars with a sense of impossibility, as if the band know the gravity of the loss will overcome them. Regardless, their crushing riffs and thrilling screams provide for loads of energy, and even hope, especially in songs like opening track ‘Death Is Not Defeat‘ and ‘Damnation.’ It feels like every note is performed in dedication to their fallen bandmate, each kick and each powerchord feeling like they pack the weight of that loss. 2018 came with its share of loss, but time and time again we overcame it, even, at times, with rage, confusion, and chaos, like in Holy Hell.
31. Jaden Smith - The Sunset Tapes: A Cool Tape Story
Jaden Smith is one of the most surprisingly good artists of the year, last year’s SYRE showing that his blend of indie, rock, and hip-hop was something to be threatened with. While not coming back with a full-fledged effort this year, his mixtape The Sunset Tapes: A Cool Tape Story certainly proved that he’s not gone anywhere. His aesthetic is still very apparent, the atmosphere and signature chill of opening track ‘SOHO‘ making certain of that. More of Smith’s raw ability is shown in this album, from the rapping in ‘A Calabasas Freestyle‘ to the fantastic melodies of ‘Rollin Around.’ Perhaps not as all-inclusive as SYRE, but impressive all the same, showing that he’s still a step ahead of the rest.
30. The Weeknd - My Dear Melancholy,
Pop’s R&B king The Weeknd kept things relatively quiet this year, but that didn’t stop him from delivering one of the genre’s best EP’s of the year. My Dear Melancholy, explores more of The Weeknd’s sensual darkness, opening track ‘Call Out My Name‘ perfectly capturing the tortured love and drama of the record, the dark chords and The Weeknd’s pained delivery saying it all. The short EP is dynamic, with tracks like ‘I Was Never Here‘ featuring a beat change and focussing on dreamier atmospheres, while closing track ‘Privilege‘ builds dramatically in a similar fashion to the opening track. The Weeknd’s sound never gets old, and this EP is the perfect soundtrack for any night on the town.
29. Fall Out Boy - Lake Effect Kid
Fall Out Boy certainly had a great year, and they humble acknowledged that with their surprise Lake Effect Kid EP, a short EP dedicated to their hometown of Chicago. With a similar flair as this year’s MANIA, Lake Effect Kid was a short burst of energy that only solidified the band’s big comeback this year. There’s a threat in the big punchy bass and cried vocals of ‘Super Fade‘ that precedes the awesome drop, while the loud guitar riff of title track ‘Lake Effect Kid‘ shows a return to the band’s more ambitious roots. ‘City In A Garden‘ is where the band’s worlds collide as the alternative drive and pounding drums provide for another feel good jam from the band. You really just couldn’t go wrong with Fall Out Boy this year.
28. Nothing But Thieves - What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way?
Nothing But Thieves are perhaps one of rock’s most interesting modern acts, and they don’t stop providing; even on short EPs. This year, they offered up the short - yet massive - What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? EP, gracing us with four new, powerful tracks. Rock and roll flair opens the record up tenfold with single ‘Forever & Ever More,’ while a funkier, groovier energy comes through in ‘You Know Me Too Well.’ ‘Gods‘ is also filled with energy, before ‘Take This Lonely Heart‘ ends the album on a somber build. Even in the little time they have, Nothing But Thieves pack this record to the brim with drama, action, and fun, delivering some pretty powerful songs in the process.
27. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour
If you know Immortal Reviews, you’ll know country isn’t our favorite genre by any means; regardless of genre, however, Kacey Musgraves definitely surprised more than just us. The album reads like a diary, Musgraves letting go of her harshest burdens through her country-like delivery. Her personality comes through in numbers like ‘Space Cowboy,’ which are so delightfully her that it may even distract you from the pain and hurt behind the lyrics. Musgraves always seems to be coping with something or another, whether it be love (like in the tortured yet sweet ‘Butterflies‘) or loss (in ‘Mother,’ where she states, “I'm just sitting here thinking 'bout the time that's slipping / And missing my mother, mother.“) This album is more than a genre-defying country-pop record. It’s the attitude of picking yourself back up even when all the world throws you is negativity that makes this record inspiring.
26. Kanye West - ye
Kanye West was a busy man this year, producing records for several artists all while making his own music. One of his most pertinent releases, however, was his own: ye. Politics and controversies aside, West’s ye was an introspective look into his mind, revealing some pretty dark things. The album opens with ‘I Thought About Killing You,’ where West literally admits to contemplating the murder of someone he cares about as well as his own suicide. Thematically more along the lines of his pre-Yeezus material, ye continues to dish out some pretty powerful tracks, like the soulful ‘Ghost Town‘ and ‘Violent Crimes,’ the latter of which sees him reflecting on how his views of women have changed since the birth of his children. West has been destroyed by the public and media alike this year for his admittedly problematic statements, but if anything, ye is a testament to what’s going on inside of us all: behind every man is a deeper story that not everyone is aware of. 2018 taught us acceptance - perhaps ye should be part of that lesson.
25. Agua Rojo - Roses
Sometimes to make a powerful statement, you don’t have to do it in a unique way - just in a way that’s intrinsically you. That’s how Agua Rojo‘s Roses delivers its own story. The EP is like a breakup record, but not in a typical way: it’s all about finding yourself in the aftermath, the album’s drama acting as a front for the emotions that are just waiting to flood out. Opening track ‘Be Alone‘ brings the record to life immediately with dramatic vocals and an expansive, reverberating instrumental, the message really kicking in with ‘Roses‘ as Agua Rojo begins taking themselves back. Roses is a testament to the individual spirit, and Agua Rojo want you to know that even when times are tough, you’ll always have the power in there to keep moving forward.
24. Hozier - Nina Cried Power
One of 2018’s most surprising comebacks was blues rocker Hozier, who has been quietly plotting new music since his last record. He returned with the short but powerful Nina Cried Power EP, and the music was nothing short of spectacular. Title track ‘Nina Cried Power‘ says it all, the urgent drive and dramatic atmosphere empowered by Hozier’s deep timbre, beautiful melodies, and a powerful choir aided by Mavis Staples. The other tracks aren’t quite as heavenly powerful, but certainly make a huge impression: ‘NFWMB‘ rolls with huge attitude, while ‘Shrike‘ gets more intimate. Hozier certainly was one of the year’s most unexpected stars, but he burst back onto the scene with such power that he electrified music itself.
23. Hayley Kiyoko - Expectations
Hayley Kiyoko‘s rise this year felt like it happened overnight, though with an album as good as Expectations, it’s not so surprising. A huge part of 2018 was learning to accept one another truly and finally, and no one pushed that harder in the music world than Kiyoko. With plenty of tantalizing and sensual hits from ‘Curious‘ and ‘What I Need‘ featuring Kehlani to more empowering, building tracks like ‘Feelings‘ and ‘Wanna Be Missed,’ Kiyoko showed that not only is it not easy facing sexuality, but it’s also rewarding in the end. Perhaps we should all be a bit more like Kiyoko in the way we approach love: it’s all about the passion and discovery, and only you can decide who you give it to.
22. Eminem - Kamikaze
If anyone learned anything this year, it was to not mess with Eminem. The hip-hop legend dropped Kamikaze out of the blue at the end of the summer, and it wasn’t what anyone expected. Eminem returns to his angry predispositions that people complained was gone after his previous record Revival, and no one was ready. Eminem slaughters the rest of his competition in tracks like ‘Greatest‘ and ‘Lucky You‘ (with a shocking verse from Joyner Lucas), while upping himself in the other tracks, including ‘Stepping Stones‘ and ‘Not Alike.' Even closing track ‘Venom,’ though meme’d into oblivion, provides for a fun and classic Em-style listen.
21. Thrice - Palms
Thrice have always had a way of writing songs that are inexplicably powerful, yet continue to evolve their sound from record to record. This year’s Palms was no exception in their vast discography, the much more alternative and mellow record seeing Thrice test some new waters. The band’s previous angry confusion is gone and replaced by a more pained longing, evident in tracks like ‘The Dark‘ and ‘My Soul.’ Thrice stay true to their angrier past with the aggressive and energetic ‘A Branch In The River,’ while their new sound comes to an emotional climax in the conclusive ballad ‘Beyond The Pines,’ a tortured anthem that has Dustin Kensrue whispering to us in the finale as if he were taking his final breathes. Thrice never play around, and in one of their most personal records yet, they did not stray away from expectations.
20. The Neighbourhood - To Imagine
While the band’s self-titled release later in the year was certainly a more fleshed out listen, it was The Neighbourhood‘s To Imagine EP at the start of the year that really brought in the captivating numbers. Featuring a handful of tracks that would later feature on the full effort, The Neighbourhood kicked off the year showing off their new evolution. It’s the EP-exclusive efforts that put this one ahead of the full record: ‘Heaven‘ creates the perfect sensual atmosphere with dark melodies and an enchanting groove, ‘Dust‘ brings more of an industrial intensity, and ‘Compass‘ bursts with ethereal bliss. Emotion and intimacy runs in the very veins of this EP.
19. A Perfect Circle - Eat The Elephant
It’s hard to accept an album that so perfectly captures society, but A Perfect Circle have done so this year in a way that you just can’t argue with. Eat The Elephant is not only powerful, but pertinent, too. Maynard James Keenan slams and observes society through his music, tackling some pretty broad messages in a surprisingly simple way. ‘Disillusioned‘ comments on our addiction to social media as Keenan sings about losing touch of reality (“Take a look around, find a way in the silence / Lie supine away with your back to the ground / Dis- and re-connect to the resonance now / You were never an island“), while ‘So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish‘ is more of an emotional goodbye to the greats we’ve lost over the last few years. It’s easy to look at Eat The Elephant as a slamming commentary, but if anything, it’s more of a snapshot and a celebration: this is where we are, and this is where we’re going. A Perfect Circle wants us to learn to love that, acknowledge our faults and improve.
18. Haley Heynderickx - I Need To Start A Garden
2018 blessed us with a whole slew of new talent, but none had as unique a personality as Haley Heynderickx. The indie new-comer delivered her debut record I Need To Start A Garden this year, and its atmosphere alone was enough to solidify itself as an instant classic. Imagine waking up in an isolated wooden house in the middle of a large field, looking out the window to see nothing but fog. You step out onto the porch, take a seat, and just stare out into the misty oblivion, thinking: that’s the sound of I Need To Start A Garden. Slow, beautiful numbers like ‘No Face‘ and ‘Untitled God Song' help keep the atmosphere alive and evolving, while tracks like closing song ‘Drinking Song‘ reveal a more weathered life behind the perfect atmosphere. Heynderickx’s main attraction has to be ‘The Bug Collector,’ however, a delightfully sweet track filled with insect-themed metaphors and imagery. Only Heynderickx could make that sound endearing.
17. Gia Margaret - There’s Always Glimmer
We all face tragedy in our lives, yet each blow feels so different from the last. Gia Margaret comes face to face with constant pain and trauma in There’s Always Glimmer, her innocent debut that shines a heartbreaking light onto a fragile heart. Opening track ‘Groceries‘ admits from the start: “It’s safe to say it’s been a hard year,“ Margaret preparing to unload a lifetime of regrets. ‘Smoke‘ cuts through you like an emotional knife, so to speak, the ghastly vocals and enveloping build providing the perfect atmosphere for you to grab your insecurities and float away with them. Margaret dives through a series of tough emotions, such as the chilling ‘In Normal Ways‘ or the existential ‘Exist.’ Closing track ‘West‘ cuts off abruptly, as if she herself cannot continue to face these haunting memories. Intimate, real, and even topical, Margaret’s debut perfectly captured the lonelier and harder moments of the year.
16. Rae Morris - Someone Out There
Finding ourselves was an important part of 2018, and Rae Morris‘s new record Someone Out There was the perfect soundtrack for just that. Morris’s sophomore effort found her refining her sound into the perfect blend of hope and pain, perhaps best seen in the album’s emotional centerpiece ‘Wait For The Rain.’ The slowly building pop anthem builds sweetly as Morris sing’s motivationally, gaining strength and passion as she seems to come into her own. The heartbreaking message of the song is also reflected in ‘Physical Form,’ but warmer, more reassuring tracks promise better times are ahead: opening track ‘Push Me To My Limit‘ offers a warm, airy atmosphere, while even ‘Dip My Toes‘ keeps the record fun by the end. Self-discovery and overcoming the past can be scary, but with the right inspiration - which is just what Someone Out There is - you’ll get there without worry.
15. Stone Temple Pilots - Stone Temple Pilots
It’s been a rough couple of years for the Stone Temple Pilots, but the band finally seem to be back on their feet. While they may have lost both of their former vocalists in the last years, the band have never sounded more alive with Jeff Gutt now fronting the band. It’s no surprise, then, that their comeback album was full of the grungy energy that defined their come up. Massive numbers including ‘Roll Me Under,’ ‘Six Eight,’ and ‘Red & Blues‘ show that STP is still going and kicking furiously, while slower numbers, including the Chester Bennington-dedicated ‘Finest Hour‘ acknowledge the pain they’ve been through over the last few years. When life kicks you down, you get back up with twice as much bite - that’s the biggest message to take away from Stone Temple Pilots.
14. TesseracT - Sonder
TesseracT have been at the forefront of progressive metal and djent since their formation, but none of their records have hit like Sonder does. Defined by experimentation and a familiar explosiveness, Sonder is packed with action and drama. Opening track ‘Luminary‘ exhibits this combination wonderfully, the gentle electronic background accented by heavy guitar riffs. Melodies carry the soaring ‘Juno‘ while the jagged riffs of ‘Beneath My Skin / Mirror Image‘ offer heavy, sharp contrasts that make the record feel even more thrilling. The seven-minute epic ‘King‘ is perhaps all you need to hear to feel like you’ve been hit by the train that is this record, the constant build never ending before the deadly breakdown kicks in to melt your face off. TesseracT not only killed the game - they ended it.
13. Son Lux - Brighter Wounds
Few bands have carved an identity for themselves like Son Lux have. The electronic group have made their sound even more eclectic with the surprisingly anthemic and powerful Brighter Wounds, a record defined by its chaos. From the huge bass hits of opening track ‘Forty Screams‘ to the haunting timbre of closing number ‘Resurrection,’ the record’s chaos paints a picture as you have no idea what lies beyond the next corner in each track. The beauty of this chaos is perhaps most promptly seen in ‘Dream State,’ an anthemic track that combines chaos with order. The song’s structure and instrumental is as wild and unpredictable as you’d expect, but its in their layering where they come together: huge bass and a driving drum beat carry soaring gang vocals that sing out in unison as the song itself seems to be giving up on itself as it continues to glitch and distort. In the end, however, the song never loses its integrity, holding itself together despite all the chaos around it and even within it. Poetic and pertinent to not only this last year, but our own daily lives, as well.
12. Twenty One Pilots - Trench
Those who dismissed Twenty One Pilots as another passing emo fad after Blurryface certainly missed out this year. Trench is one of the year’s biggest and most methodical records, diverse in both sound and message. The record follows the protagonist’s escape from the fictional city of Dema, to a haven for the “banditos” (escapees) known as Trench. The album is full of story-telling and world-building tracks, like the reggae-inspired ‘Nico and The Niners‘ and the more somber ‘Banditos.’ Meanwhile, the duo don’t lose sight of keeping things catchy and fresh, employing poppier elements in tracks like the explosive ‘Jumpsuit‘ and emotional brotherly ode ‘My Blood.’ The band continue to experiment with new sounds, trying out 80s soul in the chorus of ‘Morph,’ trap in ‘Levitate,’ and even adopt a more innocently romantic vibe in ‘Smithereens.’ The album’s more powerful moments are the somber ones, namely ‘Neon Gravestones,‘ an emotional piano ballad against suicide. Twenty One Pilots have long since passed the moniker of an emo band - they’ve become a staple of culture, and their stories and messages are ever more important today than ever.
11. Fall Out Boy - MANIA
It seemed that for awhile, Fall Out Boy were slowly losing their place in an evolving pop-punk soundscape, but 2018 proved that they were back and ready to kick. The very first notes of MANIA‘s opening track ‘Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea‘ demand your attention as huge synths, guitars, and drums underlie Patrick Stump‘s soulful and swagger-filled delivery. Alt. rock anthem ‘The Last Of The Real Ones‘ explodes to life as tracks including ‘HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T‘ and ‘Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)‘ plays towards Fall Out Boy’s more emotional, live-in-the-moment side. The band even take it to the gospel in ‘Church’ before the thrilling, poetic conclusion ‘Bishops Knife Trick‘ closes out what is undoubtedly Fall Out Boy’s most lively and energetic record in years.
Of all of Kanye West's projects release over the summer, his collaborative album KIDS WITH GHOSTS with Kid Cudi was by far the most evocative. Reflective, aesthetic, and apt, West and Cudi look at all the aspects of both their pasts and society around them to craft the powerful commentary in the record. From the aggressively anthemic intro 'Feel The Love' to the brilliant Santa Claus-referencing samples of '4th Dimension,' the production plays as pivotal a role as the lyrics themselves. Cudi and West face their failures in 'Fire' and incessant criticsm in 'Freee' before fully committing to look forward in 'Reborn,' offering a message of self-improvement as well. KIDS SEE GHOSTS is a project of the times: an effort dedicated to bettering both the world and themselves.
9. Marmozets - Knowing What You Know Now
Marmozets were the reviving force of punk-infused alternative rock when they broke onto the scene in 2015. Back with more societal anger and even bigger riffs, Knowing What You Know Now is a massive effort full of hard hitters like 'Habits' and the emotional ballad 'Me & You.' They leave no stones unturned, challenging society where they see fit: whether its political turmoil ('New Religion,' 'Like A Battery') or personal battles ('Insomnia'), Marmozets have a vengeance to settle and have proven that their wild spirit was not just a flash in the pan: it's here to stay, and it's staying with a vicious attitude.
8. AURORA - Infections Of A Different Kind (Step I)
In a world dominated by countless pop stars, AURORA has always stood out. The Norwegian singer’s folky and indie pop blend earned her a cult following, and her sound is only progressing. This year’s Infections Of A Different Kind (Step I) finally followed up her 2016 debut, delivering both natural anthems like ‘Queendom‘ and more introspective tracks like the haunting ‘Churchyard' and panicked ‘Gentle Earthquakes.’ Meanwhile, tracks like ‘It Happened Quiet‘ are the perfect representation of why AURORA is so important in music right now: no one has that same angelic nature about them like she does, and the way she makes her music come to life is almost like you’re watching a fairytale unfold.
7. grandson - a modern tragedy vol. 1
Music is trending towards a genreless future, and amongst the new generation of these alternative artists is grandson, who is undoubtedly the most unique of the bunch. Bringing together elements of electronica, rock, indie, and just about everything else under the sun, grandson's haunting melodies and glitchy drops are some of music's most unique moments. Add to that a lazy revolutionary motive, and you have his debut EP a modern tragedy, vol. 1, complete with banging singles like 'Blood // Water' and haunting rockers like 'Overdose' and '6:00.' There's not quite anyone who sounds similar to him, but all the same shows that he's paving the way for a new future in music. 
6. Let’s Eat Grandma - I’m All Ears
Rarely do you hear something as diverse yet so certain as Let's Eat Grandma's latest record I'm All Ears. Like a modern blend of CHVRCHES and Pink Floyd, Let's Eat Grandma build an expansive record out of drama, pain, and the idea of growing up. The album begins with carefree, fun tracks like 'Hot Pink' and 'Falling Into Me,' before the duo grows more introspective as they meet reality. The dejected 'Snakes & Ladders' and the closing track - the eleven minute epic of self exploration 'Donnie Darko' - see them go down that path of self-acceptance as they meet life head on in its most momentous and difficult times. It's deceivingly catchy, and will wrap you in and grow more as a personal memoir that slowly but surely begins to mirror its listener the longer it plays.
5. Muse - Simulation Theory
Muse are no stranger to grandiose themes and bombastic albums, and their latest effort is no different - but they bring a different vibe to the table this time. 2018’s Simulation Theory is an exploration of the idea we’re living in a simulation, dramatic tracks like 'Algorithm‘ and ‘Propaganda‘ attempting to overrun the simulation and take themselves back. The narrative of wanting to preserve what emotion humanity has left carries over from the warfare-minded Drones, yet Muse’s exploration of electronica in tracks like ‘The Dark Side‘ harken back to their earlier songs. Meanwhile, the punchy ‘Pressure‘ with its brass accents and ‘Thought Contagion‘ remain as revolutionary anthems to keep the attention of any potential rebel. Muse start down a new path with this one, but one that really sums them up perfectly.
4. Milk & Bone - Deception Bay
The feeling of being in love is one that is hard to qualify. It's pure euphoria, and that is something that doesn't come by easily. The first half of Milk & Bone's Deception Bay is all about that feeling. With childlike curiosity, the duo celebrates and explores young love, from the feelings of an innocent crush to a growing passion, beautifully and sweetly capturing the emotions you'd feel on both sonic and lyrical planes. But, as the album hits it centers, it all turns as loneliness takes over love, heartbreak being all they know. From the melancholy search of 'Tmrw.' that chants "Let's see what tomorrow brings" to the ambient, reflective closure of ':'),' Milk & Bone explore two of life's most powerful emotions and takes you along on the ride, too.
3. CHVRCHES - Love Is Dead
Band's can easily find themselves having an identity crisis as they grow. For CHVRCHES, they experienced that with their third album, but instead of scrambling in the dark, they embraced it. With acoustic instrumentation supporting their famous synth soundscapes, CHVRCHES forge ahead on a new path in Love Is Dead. It's an album about accepting reality even when the past seems so tantalizing, from heartbreak tracks like 'My Enemy' (featuring The National's Matt Berninger) and 'Really Gone' to more energetic anthems like the instrument driven 'Graves,' it really feels like not only has CHVRCHES turned over a new stone, but they've thrown a stone as well. Even if the epic atmosphere of 'Never Say Die' or the "take yourself back" energy of 'Get Out' aren't necessarily new for the band, this record shows CHVRCHES at their best and with a new understanding of both their sound and themselves.
2. Mike Shinoda - Post Traumatic
Once Mike Shinoda delivered the highly emotional Post Traumatic EP to launch his solo career at the start of the year, it was clear that he was going to turn his journey through grief into something powerful. And so he does with Post Traumatic, his debut album that looks back and ahead in the aftermath of losing his best friend and bandmate, Chester Bennington. The first half of the record is trapped in the past, numbers like 'Over Again' and 'Nothing Makes Sense Anymore' lost and confused. The second, however, is more optimistic and begins looking forward: 'Crossing A Line' sees Shinoda find the courage to pull himself back together, while 'World's On Fire' is an ode to his loved ones. It's an emotional record, but a reassuring one all the same: pain is universal, and the journey through grief is not an easy one. But by speaking out and trying to understand one another, we can reach that destination just a bit more easily.
1. Thirty Seconds To Mars - AMERICA
We live in a tumultuous time. The chaos of every day seems to get lost in the constant dialogue of one big issue after another. Thirty Seconds To Mars perfectly captures the essence of that in their new album America. Neither wholly global nor personal, America is the soundtrack of society today. From the dream-inspiring lead single 'Walk On Water' to the epic orchestral theme of a tragic hero, closing track 'Rider,' Jared Leto and co. take a look at all the aspects of life and how society faces them. The thrill of love is celebrated in 'Dangerous Night' while it is dramatized in 'Love Is Madness' with Halsey, before the admiration of 'Great Wide Open' fills your heart with the want to unite and spread peace and tranquility. America is as much of a call-to-arms as it is a snapshot, but it naturally leads you to want to reach that point of unity by showing you the chaos head on. It's an album about humanity, and begs the question: are we moving forward, or stuck in the past?
What albums defined YOUR 2018? Stay tuned for our Top 50 Songs and Best New Artists of 2018 lists, and be sure to follow us on social media to stay covered on new music in 2019!
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ngtv-spc · 7 years
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impressed mom with a delicious choco chip pancake breakfast (happy mother’s day!!)
started a new book on cancer, “the emperor of all maladies” 
heard disturbing news about my parents and stayed calm through it
got a compliment from emily’s mom(!!)
googled ways to get my dad to go to a therapist
Hi.  It’s been a while.  I’ve felt the need to get back to you for the last few days now, but haven’t been able to for whatever reason (honestly, lack of muse for doodling.  You can see from above that I am at a loss of what to do).
Um…there’s a lot to talk about.  Life’s been pretty eventful since we last talked.  Lots of ups and downs, and to be frank, I feel like I’m a lot chiller now than I would have been dealing with all of this shit even just a year ago.  So congratulations, me.  That’s honestly something to appreciate (or to worry about).  I’m not really in a great place right now, so positivity is needed, and I need to remember that.
So let’s talk about good things first!  Let’s see…it’s been a while so I’ll have to backtrack a few days, if you don’t mind.  I got to hang out with Emily a couple days ago!  It actually happened because Ben’s train was late to the Kalamazoo station, and he couldn’t get a car to hang out with me, so I was upset about it, and he was upset about it, and we were both upset with each other.  So I was feeling pretty sad about that and needed someone to be with, since the house is a little suffocating right now.  She invited me over to watch Moana with her mom and Sarah, and we sat on the living room floor with her three slobbery dogs and watched a Hawaiian heroine’s journey unfold on the TV.  Firstly, it was an excellent movie–songs were just okay, although I’d never tell Emily that because Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote the whole soundtrack and she’d twist my neck–with implicit gender equality (a girl could be the chieftain) and possible acknowledgement of gender on a spectrummmm?  A solid 8 out of 10.  Afterwards we just talked for an hour or so until she drove me home, my bike wedged into the back of her car (it was too dark to cross 12th Street, aka Roadkill Lane).  
Since I had originally planned to hang out with Ben that day, I had done my face up for the first time in two weeks and was thus all made up at Emily’s house.  Today she messaged me and told me that her mom had thought I was really pretty that day!  Specifically, that “Chang’s always been cute but she’s really grown and now she’s just so pretty”.  Julie Kay Stroh tells it like it is, so this was genuine praise.  I was, and am, immensely flattered.
Another big, obvious positive thing was that I finally got to see Ben for a little while.  Two whole days, to be precise, which felt endless once they began and all too short by the end.  I’ve doubted for a little while whether I really, truly love him or whether I jumped the gun by saying it too early and have convinced myself that it’s true–please remember that I live in a stressed household right now, so such dark and dramatic thoughts are really not that out of the ordinary in my brain right now.  But there’s no way for that doubt to exist right now.  It felt so good hearing and saying “I love you” whenever there was a lull in the conversation as he drove us back and forth between our houses; it was this…fulfilling feeling in the heart.  My chest literally felt like it swelled a little underneath my sternum every time that happened.  And when I saw him off the first day from my house, I can honestly say that I felt crushed thinking that I wasn’t going to see him for another long stretch of time.  I miss him already and he only left for Ann Arbor today.  
Things just felt so easy with us once we were together.  We’ve been fighting over the phone, as you know, ever since summer break started, and I think it really took a toll on both of us–we both started doubting things; at least, I know I did.  But it was a huge affirmation to be back together and know that the majority of it was just frustration from being an hour and a half apart from each other.  My favorite memory was being curled up with him on his couch, his cat on our bellies, Tesla against Ben’s hip, and Ellie slumbering on the other sofa as we all snoozed for half an hour.  It was half an hour of reprieve, you know?  Not to sound like a MySpace scene kid, but I need to be unconscious more often.  It’s how I’ll be able to make it through these next four months in this household.
Another good thing:  I finally finished reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  I thought that it was multifaceted, and my biggest frustration with it was that there was no clear solution at the end, which I had been searching for–justice for the Lacks family, but appropriate justice and realistic justice.  Unfortunately, that is the way of the real world.  I dipped my toes in that book Dad has been pushing me to read, Hillbilly Elegy, but I don’t think it’s my cup of tea–just another novel of one man’s experience that hints at broader explanations of hillbillies in America.  I guess it’s just too slow-paced for me to appreciate at the moment.  Although I did perversely appreciate the descriptions of how physically wild and abusive the Vance family could get; I guess it made me feel better about my own–although we’re bad, we’re not that bad (supposedly).  
Bad things now.  And they’re all about my dad (of course), so let’s just list them off as a list because Chang, you do not need to dwell on them.  You need to list them to say that they’re real and so you don’t forget them forever, but then you can let them go from your brain and maybe breathe for a moment.  Let’s go:
my dad has been fighting with my mom about lao lao staying at our house, even though she is 78, her lease is ending soon, and my uncle might need to leave Kalamazoo to find a job in the States
my dad didn’t wish my mom happy birthday on her 47th birthday
my dad screams at my sister when she doesn’t understand math problems
my dad once told my sister to kill herself in mandarin, which culturally has a different context than it does in English (people say it more often), but what the fuck, dad
my dad smokes now (or did before I came?  not sure if he still does)
my dad says stupid fucking shit when he’s angry–not long ago, before I came back, while in a fight with my mom about my grandma, he said “well what if I killed her?” and my mom was like “then you go to jail and I stay in the house with the kids” and my dad was like “well what if I killed you?” and my mom was like “then you go to jail and I’m dead and the kids will have no one” WHAT THE FUCK, DAD?
my dad sometimes cooks and doesn’t make enough for five people
my dad would never help David with school (like I haven’t seen him do it once, ever)
my dad is fucking mental
my dad needs to go to a therapist so he can work on his shitty self but I’ll pay all of my current savings to anyone who can figure out how to get him there
my dad is putting so much pressure on me with all of his shit even if he doesn’t know it
my dad is forcing me to picture a life where he’s not in it, for the sake of my happiness and personal health
I.  Need.  Someone.  To.  Help. And I need to remember, this Mother's Day, how much my mother does for me and how much she loves me. I love you, Mom. You are the strongest woman I know.
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