#( that's it. that's the most concise way to answer this lmao )
parvamundi · 9 months
what is your opinion on human dumpsterfire jacob stack tho?
What do I think of Jacob Stack?
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chumpovodir · 2 months
Fun fact: do you want to know what pushed me to consider Hectorcard (although still more in a platonic sense)? NFCV.
No really :P I found a very specific plot that NFCV fans used to write about after S2 dropped, which is basically "Hector runs away from Carmilla and goes back to Dracula's castle, where he finds a lonely a grieving Alucard. They bond over their trauma and relationship with Dracula"
(there is a post-S3 variant where Trephacard rescue Hector after becoming Lenore's slave, or generally having the two bonding over the trauma of having being raped and deceived, but I'm not too fond of this idea because it's a little too delicate)
And the idea was actually good! I do think those two characters share enough parallels even in that universe. So ofc it got me to think, what about game Hectorcard? What about that short window of time where both of them were sick of Dracula? How would their personalities mash, are they really so similar? (answer: yes but actually no, Alucard is far more curt and cagey than Hector who is a little more polite and emotional) Would they grow from strangers to brothers? What kept them apart in the end?
(and I'm not even considering what ifs? where Alucard doesn't go to sleep or wakes up after CoD)
also yes the reason i'm working on this awkward smut fic is because it's an excellent character study: Alucard is inexperienced and generally unenthused, Hector is too used to serve others (which unnerves Alucard for reasons you can understand), but the important thing is that they both trust each other with the most vulnerable parts of themselves, which is so so so important after Dracula (and Isaac, in Hector's case) made clear that he sees them as children whose voices don't matter.
They could be sweet together :3
👀‼ (this. gave me such intense brain worms i think i went on a few too many tangents, that i felt the need to edit it down to something a bit more cohesive and concise lmao. it's still pretty long so i'm putting it under a cut)
ooh yes, i'm familiar with both variants of post-S2 and post-S3 scenarios, having read my share of NFCV Hectorcard fics in my search for their game counterpart pairings lmao
there was one i really liked, the title escapes me atm, but notably it was on the shorter side, where it's Alucard who goes to rescue Hector from his imprisonment and in the end, to save Hector's life from a fatal injury, he turns him and they get to spend eternity together (what can i say, i'm a sucker for a scenario where they can both end up healed, happy, and loved that doesn't feel cheap or forced).
yeah, the idea of both of them trauma bonding over everything they went through really is a good one, but. definitely not handled very well, or at least not in a satisfying way imo. mostly due to how rushed their relationship usually ends up, considering in this universe they're complete strangers, but, also, bc of the nature of their trauma, i find it tends to dip into alot of whump/caretaker tropes, which, while not bad on its own, doesn't really scratch that itch for me to explore where their respective characters are similar and diverge since they're both so different from their game versions.
and also, yes, bc N!Alucard is sassy and rude, but N!Hector is generally more polite and woobie, they get pigeonholed in a very predictable top/bottom dynamic which is. something i already didn't enjoy in the early fandom days of the games lmao
but there's potential! just like there's potential in their game counterparts which is made so much more interesting by the fact they didn't get together
(there's a secondary theme that kind of threads those types of fics together that i wish were explored more: the idea of N!Alucard and N!Hector learning about the other in their respective absences - N!Hector while he was under N!Drac's employ, only being able to piece together N!Alucard's existence through a forgotten portrait here or there, stumbling upon his childhood bedroom in his early days of learning the layout of his new home. N!Alucard after the Styrian invasion who no doubt discovers N!Hector's menagerie of undead pets left behind then eventually his forging lab, maybe even his personal quarters. what kind of first impression would they have of each other based on these limited clues vs. when they eventually meet face to face? it really is such a shame their storylines were kept completely separate in the show :/)
i know you headcanon Alucard as aroace and therefore he wouldn't be too keen on being intimate to begin with, but i do love the idea of it being a moment of vulnerability for him where he has to keep his desire in check lest his vampiric nature take over and he end up inadvertently hurting Hector - some kind of internal struggle to match Hector's own apprehensiveness that he would feel the need to slow down and go full service top mode because hey, this is Dracula's beloved son he's fucking, better make it good (vs when he's with Isaac and they're both rough and wild with each other)
goshhhh i love speculating about this ship now it's just. the idea of Alucard having at least one positive, intimate relationship he will cherish for life, and for Hector this will be just have to be another face he will miss, another happy memory relegated to the past once he finally leaves, and after everything that is yet to come...it's the doomed relationship aspect of it all, the tragedy being that it was brought on by circumstances completely outside their control rather than anything to do with them as individuals. in another universe, in another life, maybe they could've been happy together, in any type of relationship. if only :')
anyway def looking forward to your take on their relationship whenever you get finished with that piece. i have no doubts it will surely rip my heart out~
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stevie-petey · 29 days
Hello! I just wanted to start off by saying I LOVE your Come Home series and your writing with it. It has inspired me in so many ways, and in all honesty, I’ve enjoyed it more than I have actually watching Stranger Things! I cannot wait to see where you take the book, and how you navigate whatever comes with season 5!!!!
I was also wondering, how have you found so much success with this series on Tumblr, and do you have any tips for growing fics in general? It has gained so much popularity and I am so happy to see it because you totally deserve it, your hard work is paying off so good!
Have a great day or night,
Anon 🦋
hi dear !! first of all, thank you so much <333 i appreciate the kind words so much and i adore you for being so supportive :’)
long post ahead !!
as for how come home managed to become what it is now: i truthfully cant really say. it still amazes me that its so popular now, but even then i dont necessarily consider it “popular” in my head lmao shes just my lil story !!
i want to start off by saying i never intended for come home to become such a well loved fic. i uploaded the first chapter simply because i wanted to, i liked what i wrote and hoped someone would like it as well. never did i think “cool ok this fic will def become an overnight sensation”.
honestly, one day i was averaging maybe 60 notes per chapter and then the next day i was suddenly averaging 300-400. the fic quickly took off before i could even really process it, and i want to emphasize that this is rare !! so so so incredibly rare. i got lucky, thats all there really is to it :/ sometimes amazing stories dont get the recognition they deserve and sometimes they do. i have personally written fanfiction for 10 years now and i never once had a fic “blow up” how come home did.
i also want to say how fucking grateful that my story managed to find its own community and become this amazing thing. every day i cannot believe any of it is real and i genuinely love and adore each and every person who reblogs and recommends the fic.
what i CAN say is that tags help !! ive noticed some new authors dont know how to tag their fics, which can really diminish their reach. for tumblr, the first five tags are the most important. these are the ones that show up on dashboards !!! i think what also helped me was having a very clear and concise story structure with pretty frequent updates. im fortunate to be able to write and upload a lot faster than i probably should (it concerns many but i find it funny).
and lastly i also just think its super important to interact with everyone !! answer all the asks, reblog all the responses, reply to every comment. i firmly believe its the least i can do if someone has taken the time to read my story and found time to say a quick praise or simply tell me they laughed :)
at the end of the day, its a game of luck and perseverance if anything else, but the general creator rule of thumb is that you should never create something just for the notes/reblogs/praise. create for yourself, create because you WANT to !!! its a slippery slope keeping track of clicks and hit and whatever. i stopped keeping track of come homes own traction because i simply dont care enough to follow it. im happy where i am and i love how the story has grown :)
hope this helped a bit and that ya enjoyed my rambles <3
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batbirdies · 2 months
Thank you @coyote-nebula and @selkienight60 for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
610,258 - the fact that it's over half a million but I've only written 22 fics is... telling lmao.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently and for the forseeable future, just Batfam, but I have written for the Hobbit fandom and Marvel in the past. And I think Harry Potter way back in my OC days.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Clearly Calm and Keeping Terrorized in which Jason has a ROUGH time with PTSD and the timing is right to do some relationship healing with the fam. The Penny Drops the Penny Dreads in which Jason is a 12 year old Robin new to the manor and struggling to deal with some unresolved trauma thats not so far behind him. I'll Come Our Right On the Other Side in which Bruce is in therapy and trying to work on his relationships with his kids Overcoming Our Antecedents in which Jason is deaged to the day before he ran away to Ethiopia and Bruce gets to try again Live While I Breathe in which Bruce is badly triggered by an explosion, deals with it badly, is yelled at by Stephanie Brown to get his shit together, and has a a slow internal battle that ends in the decision to go to therapy.
5. do you respond to comments?
Not very often :( I used to reply to all my comments but it just started to be a source of anxiety and to feel overwhelming so i decided to stop unless something just really inspires a response or asks a direct question I can easily answer.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I struggled to think of one for this because I just don't write angsty endings. HOWEVER I do have one from 2014 when I was in the marvel fandom. Seams in which Bucky internalizes the fear surrounding his metal arm. (it's only 500ish words)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I would say most of my fics have postive endings if not outright "happy". But I would saaaaay probably Overcoming Our Antecedents?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally I get rude comments, usually complaining about how a certain character is unfairly treated by the narrative. Which always makes me a little insane lol. I try to just delete them.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't. Never been interested. Probably actively uninsterested lol.
10. do you write crossovers?
I don't, and probaly the same as above lol.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Mengru on AO3 translated multiple of my fics into Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Recently with Coyote_Nebula. Tip for a Successful Interview: Lie (down)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't care about romantic ships, if I'm willing to read a fic that centers around it it's up there lol. But I dearly love platonic ships. Having said that I am terrible at choosing favorites of things. My reading and writing history probably supports Bruce &Jason as my fav platonic relationship but lately I'm also loving Bruce & Clark friendship.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
A Bad Case of the Good 'Ol Days I still really like whats there but the rest of the fic is a mystery to me at this point. I've plotted it like three times at least but it never feels right.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think Dialogue and complicated emotions. I have also been told that I'm good at evoking anxiety in readers lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am VERBOSE I'm very bad at being concise which is clearly reflected in my stack of long ass fics lol. I think I've improved but its definitely still my biggest weakness. I also struggle with any kind of complicated plot. I have a WIP currently that has a deeper plot and it panics me lmao.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it depends what you're going for. If you want the audience to understand what's being said, you should provide a ready translation that doesn't involve jumping to the end notes and then having to find your way back to the place you were previously reading. Its just really disruptive to the reading experience for me. I have seen people do really cool formatting on AO3 where you can hover over text and see a pre-input translation. Its very cool on desktop but I'm not sure if it works on Mobile. My go to is pretty much always just to state that someone is speaking in a different language and tell the audience what they said. Sometimes I'll italicize it only so the reader doesn't forget that the words are not meant to be in English.
Of course sometimes you don't want the audience to know what is being said and that can be fun, however you do risk some of your readers speaking the language and getting hints other people don't lol. Or google translating it for themselves. So up to the author if they're cool with that or not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly am not sure. I think I wrote fic for most of the cartoons I watched as a ten year old lol, but I didn't know what fandom was then. Harry Potter if we're getting official.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Still CCAKT at this point I think, but once Penny Drops is finally FINALLY completed it might give it a run for its money.
Sorry I don't have the bandwidth to think of anyone to tag right now, it took me three days to finish filling this out despite the entertainment value 😅 but thanks for the tags and I hope anyone who wants to will do it too, feel free to tag me when you post it if you do :)
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elleplaysotome · 5 months
Discovered you through IkeVil! I love your humor and got even happier when I read that your Tumblr is a safe space for asexuals. Thank you for making me smile today!
What's your favourite thing about each character?
Omg hi! This is so sweet thank you for making me smile!! I'm always happy to provide a safe space for aces!!
I'm studying abroad rn and super busy so I haven't had enough time to really start Ikevil ENG😭 (also why it's taken me a few days to answer, I'm so sorry!) my knowledge on the characters is a little rusty, but that being said:
Mostly what I've loved most ab the Ikevil characters is the character design! I think that with otome games, the way a character is designed goes with their personality a lot and that is especially true with Ikevil, which I think is super cool. The color schemes used for them are also very eye-catching. I LOVE the contrast in William's color scheme, for example. How bright the red is in his eyes and how white his hair is. For Liam as well, the tiny light green-blue accents on his outfit really pull his design together!
As for each character specifically:
William is a great posterboy because he still has the same almost "perfect man" qualities as the others, but with the villain twist of the "I can make her worse, but who she was always meant to be" type trope.
More basic for Liam, but him being a theatre kid is very funny to me, as someone who did theatre crew a lot in high school.
Based on what I know ab Harri, he might end up being a favorite of mine. I can see him being the type of head-over-heels otome LI that I adore. (Don't know for sure yet tho!) His color is also my favorite color lmao.
Roger is the doctor, which I have historically enjoyed the trope of. Ikerev Kyle, my beloved🥰
Elbert is my current favorite, and I think he'll stay that way! I love the pretty boys and I think his curse is very interesting.
I'm gonna be so real I don't think I'll like Alfons💀 I'll still read his route when it comes to ENG, but I can tell it'll be a situation where I like the route itself but not the character (happened to me with Luke and Rio from Ikepri)
Jude reminds me of Ikepri Silvio, my absolute beloved, so I am very excited for more of him. I love his character type a lot, and I love that the concern he has for Kate and her normal life is clear from the beginning.
Ellis is another contender for a favorite of mine! I'm a sucker for dark purple charcters, but I'm also so curious about him and his curse!!
And Victor is just hilarious, he kills me every time. He's also very intriguing and I love seeing theories about him, but I mostly just love how funny he is! His energy really completes the dynamic between all the characters lmao.
Sorry if this was super long I tend to have a hard time being concise with anything😭😭😭 but thank you so much for your ask! I really love seeing other aspecs in the community!
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chthonicgodling · 8 months
10 for chal and 18 for pho and icy ?
Ty!!! again questions from here w ocs from here - aaaand again behind a cut cause LONG Lmfao aaughhhh
10- If they have a love interest how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? (Re: Chal)
FENIXE AND I DIDNT PLAN CHAL AND BEL GETTING TOGETHER AT AAAAALLLL just like everything we’ve ever done it just sort of happened! So Chal was pretty solidly the way she was since before Bel, BUT certain traits of hers did definitely end up becoming emphasized just by nature of putting the two of them next to each other especially one specific thing like
The thing about Bel is that, as a mindreader and also as a split god linked to his own twin sibling, Bel’s not…. good at…….. communicating his own thoughts and feelings? Like Bel’s always been used to Ty just knowing everything about him all the time cause the two of them are ALWAYS in each others heads they can’t turn it off. That’s not to say Bel isn’t extremely well spoken and emotionally intelligent he just uh. Forgets to Do That On The Outside.
‘Cause then you put him next to someone like Chal who is not only incredibly imperceptive of how other people are feeling (she has gotten so much better with this but lmao still!!) but also NOT in tune with her OWN thoughts and emotions, and so all of that “Chal-ness” about Chal just jumped way more intensely to the forefront. Bel’s always poker faced and never reveals what he’s feeling - Chal, his partner, is frantically babbling every single thing she’s thinking and experiencing the second anything pops into her head. Bel himself summed up pretty concisely a while ago (yes I went back to 2017 to find tbis exact quote lol) - “I think the way we love each other is different.  You're more intense, I'm more subtle.”
so was that on PURPOSE okay no like I said Chal was never designed with Bel specifically in mind but. Is this something about Chal that’s become more pronounced as she developed alongside Bel! yyeeessss. So to foil alongside Bel Chal has gotten LOUDER and BABBLIER
fun fact re all of this though that idk if I’ve ever shared - they have had MANY conversations about their extreme communication differences cause it has caused problems due to Chal not!! being able to read minds and Bel!! forgetting that not everyone can read minds!!!!! They have a rule set up between them that Chal can ask at any time “what are you thinking” and Bel will always answer honestly no exceptions 💞 Chal asks this 40 times a day and it’s become so second nature to them that she’s even occasionally slipped up and done it to like, Tory, Gany, lol
18- What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? (Re: Icy & Pho)
the way these are both Chal related cause the last time they were really around in canon doing anything was around her lmfao—
For Icy: I’ve yet to formally do anything about this in canon but Icy’s still on and off crushing on Chal solely because I think it’s really funny so i’m stalling as long as possible since Neo and Icy are forever endgame anyway. HOWEVER I have discovered in my daydream planning that the way Icy will finally and definitively stop fawning over her is gonna be the moment he finally has an actual in depth conversation with Chal in order to discover that Chal, just like Icy, is an anxious wreck disaster - maybe even more so - and the shock of looking in a metaphorical mirror will be enough to knock some sense back into him. No way can Icy be the put together confident one in a relationship they can’t BOTH be falling apart aahhhh. Icy’s gonna realise that he can only date an opposite! HMM WHO’S ICY’S POLAR OPPOSITE AND CONVENIENTLY HIS BEST FRIEND AT HIS SIDE —
For Pho: this came to light for me the moment Pho and Chal actually met each other in canon cause I hadn’t realized how Pho was going to behave until he was behaving as such (I said, as the person responsible for writing and controlling all of these characters — shhhhhhhh) — is the discovery that Pho REALLY can’t stand Chal and it’s NOT for any of the reasons anyone else has hated her lmfao?! Literally nothing to do with Thanatos?!?!!
Pho and his dayglo glitter projection self has always existed outside of “time” in the sense that since like, physical age 4 onwards Pho has never actually ACTED his age, babbling in competent paragraphs due to his powers as a brain-mental(dream) god advancing him well beyond typical development. Kid-not-really-a-kid. Who else in the palace was merely kid-shaped but actually mentally existing well beyond their physical age???
Why, mindreading mindgods Ty and Bel of course, who froze themselves deliberately in the shape of children at age 7ish to be 7 forever with their big sister Meli, despite their powers advancing them outside the confines of age and space and time. they’re mind gods - they’re every mind!
and that’s a lonely life to live forever but not when you have a glittery buddy who’s also masquerading the same way to hang out with :-) besties! Except of course then Bel and Ty moved to Chal’s house— and dropped the facade, for Chal’s sake, to actually appear as the adults they were. For Chal’s sake! happily ever after for Chal!
…well. then. Pho was quite dismayed to discover that his besties weren’t kids to hang out with anymore. they didn’t even tell him fffdkfkff whoops??? like they just showed up at the palace again all different and Pho hanging out there with Icy was like what the FUCK??? so when Pho finally met Chal the discovery - suddenly became very clear to me that he harbors QUITE a bit of jealous resentment against her for “taking Bel and Ty away” and uhhh. will this be a grudge Pho holds forever?! maybe lmao! everyone’s oblivious no one can read Pho’s mind cause it’s all glitter sooooo……….. hm…….. keeping that one in the back of my mind……
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itsseohannbin · 5 months
thank you for the tag Pookie!! @feelbokkie
Get To Know Me!
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❣ Who is your favorite Kpop group?
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Stray Kids is my main group, but I'm also dabbling in some others, like Ateez, Big Bang, iKon, Enhypen, Astro, The Boyz, NewJeans, BlackPink, BTS/Jungkook. (One OK Rock & The Rose are also heavily loved but idk if they qualify as Kpop or not?)
❣ Which member sparked your interest first?
I think my answer is the same as nearly every other Stay out there.... Lee Felix Yongbok.
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he's just such a sweet lil cinnamon roll with the voice of a devil. his smile got me first, cause hello? look at it and tell me you aren't melting!!?? (being considered the embodiment of sunshine by all my close friends/family of course only heightened the adoration I had for him). I truly and utterly adore him sm 😊
❣ Who was your first bias?
Han Jisung, obviously 🙄🙄 smooth lil bitch that he is..
I mean, look at this smol bean :(
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He is absolutely adorable, and he held my heart for such a long period of time before Binnie came along out of nowhere and shut that shit down LOL
it's almost like I convinced myself Han was my bias and Changbin was my number 1 bias wrecker, when in reality, it was the complete opposite. Bin has always been #1 with Han fighting for his chance in #2.
❣ Who is your current bias?
I think I've made it abundantly clear over the last few days 6 months lmao help who my heart truly belongs to, and it's this fucking dude right here omg.
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juST LOOK AT HIM!! Boba eyes, curly hair, plushy lips 🥺🥺
I just wanna hold him😭😭
I denied it for so so SO LONGGGGG and I'm so ashamed that I did because the moment I was like "fuck, yeah, this is the one," I felt like I could breathe properly for the first time since becoming a STAY LOL.
I had a little dramatic moment with a Chan Bias Friend of mine about the whole ordeal (thank you again for Syd for holding me through that crisis bc lord it was a big one!), and told her that I feel like I've been wearing beer goggles for my entire journey as a STAY and I just now took them off, and the world seems so much clearer now.. everything makes so much more sense LOL. We always talk about how your bias is most like you and your wrecker is what you look for most in a partner, but it's the complete opposite for me. Changbin truly has my entire heart and I could not be happier knowing it's him that's protecting it
❣ What makes them your bias?
This is a loaded question, but I'll try to explain it as clear and concise as possible.
I fucking adore this man.
So so fucking much.
It's so true that you don't find Stray Kids in your time of need, they find you. Changbin found me. 6 months or so ago, I had an "oh shit" moment where I kind of realized that it's been Binnie all along, but I wanted to deny it and stay loyal to Han because he was my first and I was determined to keep him as my #1.. but after my Binnie moment, I started going HARD. I watched everything. interviews, skz-codes, live performances, tiktoks, vlogs, skz-talkers, the entirety of Kingdom LW then all the way back to music videos and the bts for the mv's. I became obsessed, not just with all of the members, but with Binnie. His personality is so so sweet and so genuine and so raw that I couldn't help but gravitate towards him. His duality, his personality, his stage presence. It was overwhelming in the best way possible. He's become such a safe space for me over the course of the last year and a half that I've been apart of the STAY community and been a fan of the group. His encouraging words, his gentle and loving presence, his loud and confident personality. All of it.
He's unknowingly helped me come to terms with my eating disorder and helped me stay on a healthy and positive path in my journey to self-love. He taught me the importance of our bodies and how to properly take care of the body you were born with. He taught me how to stick to my principles and never stray from my own beliefs, no matter what people around me have to say/do about it. He taught me how to appreciate the family I was blessed with, and that yes, sometimes it is nice to just dance with them in snow. He taught me confidence and self-acceptance in ways no trainer or therapist ever could. He's helped me accept myself, helped me realize that life is not about the journey, but who you spend the journey with. He's taught me to Never let the fear of being myself, stop me from being myself (this one is so fucking huge and so fucking important to me, you'll never understand). He is such a huge inspiration for me. I can't get over how much I love him and how much I owe to him and his existence. I see posts and tiktoks all the time about how Changbin is like everyones own personal happy pill, and he truly is.
I could go into very specific details with video timestamps, specific lyrics, tiktoks and moments where my love for him was solidified more and more, but I feel like we would be here all day and I want to keep this post short and sweet.
So yes, I adore Changbin and his presence in my life. He is truly an inspiration in so many aspects and I just cannot imagine a life without him, or the rest of SKZ, in it.
❣ Who is your bias wrecker?
For the longest time possible, it was a Seungmin. The little menace he is. It was him, and then I had a moment where I slowly starting veering off towards Minho, cause he's like, the king of menaces and Seungmin is just his little menace-in-training. Then it went back to Seungmin after watching most of Kingdom: Legendary War and seeing his performance in I'll Be Your Man and Love Poem.
THEN as of the most recent two comebacks, Hyunjin shows up and is like "hello I'm here too. I also require your attention". But truthfully, I think I've come to accept the fact that I'm a Changbin bias, but OT7 wrecked on the daily, because each and every member wrecks me in different ways.
Bangchan with his astounding hardwork and adoring personality. Lee Know as the king of menaces/ultimate butt hunter. Hyunjinnie with his passion and love for all the art and beauty in the world. Han with his dedication and lyrics that always hit so close to home. Felix for his rays of sunshine, demonic voice and heart of gold. Seungmin for his shy and guarded personality but the prince following in the King's foot steps. and INNIE?? BABY BREAD??? No baby bread ain't a baby bread anymore, he's a freakin' Daddy Toast and I'm uNWELL
Hannie definitely holds the top spot for bias wrecker (hello he was demoted from #1 so it only makes sense for him to fall to #2), but the remaining 6 are fighting for the title on a daily basis. It's very concerning LOL
❣ Which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
As of right now, I cannot for the life of me get Channie out of my fucking head. Idk what it is lately, but there's just something about Chan that takes up all my attention. Maybe it's the excessive amounts of fics I've been reading and writing for him, but he's just someone who captivates your attention and absolutely requires you to keep it on him. It's frustrating but I'm also not complaining.
❣ When did you first discover this group?
I first heard of SKZ by the boyfies little sister who is a die hard kpop fan. When I first met her when she was 11 or 12, she was a big fan of BTS, and I tried to bond with her over Kpop, although it was something I never thought I'd ever get into, and she was like "well, BTS isn't for everyone. Have you listened to SKZ?" and she showed me Gods Menu and like one of their early SKZ Codes, and I was like "alright, they're pretty cool. Demonic voice sunshine boi, fast rapper #1, fast rapper #2, maniacal little puppy, ethearal fairie who likes to touch butts, best leader, tiny baby with large hands and pretty artist." but after that I didn't really give them a second thought.
Then, in January of 2023, I started a new job with my lifelong best friend who I hadn't caught up with in a long time, and she was obsessed.. she had already been apart of Stayville since maxident, and she got our other friend into them as well, so when we spent every break and lunch hour together scrolling through tiktoks and listening to her gush about how amazing these men were, I was like, alright. I'll give them a shot. If my best friend adored something so much, who am I to not give them a shot and see what all the fuss was about.
She showed me the MAMA 2022 performance and from there, I was hooked.
Thank you Kennie for bringing these losers into my life.
❣ Have you ever been to one of their concerts?
I have not. I've seen so many concert videos and tiktoks of others living out the ultimate dream and I am so so jealous. I really hope they come to Canada on their next tour. I will be absolutely devastated if they don't, but I am fully willing to road trip down to any state at any time to see them live. I will not miss another concert. I will not.
❣ What are some of your favorite songs by the group?
oh fuck.
okay uhm, lets see...
Case 143
Give Me Your TMI
Thunderous (definitely getting a Thunderous tattoo)
Sorry, I love you
Venom/Maniac (First performance I watched)
Waiting For Us
Gods Menu (first song I heard)
EASY ??!!!!??
TOP (holy fuck incredible song 10/10)
Back Door (first choreo I learned)
Get Lit
LOL it's really hard to pick favorites when their entire discography is played on repeat 24/7. There is not one song I skip while listening to my SKZ playlist. Not one!
No presh tags :) || @moonlightndaydreams @channieandhisgoonsquad @bethanysnow @noellllslut @queenmea604
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silviakundera · 6 months
The Spirealm ep3 &4 reactions
Hard to judge without coming in fresh, but my impression is they're spelling out the rules of the doors pretty clearly & concisely.
Our new partners are partnering!
Lin Quishi: "Already killed by me."
Ruan Baijie: "I killed that."
Lin Quishi: "What's the difference between you & me, we aren't strangers."
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When Ruan Baijie terrorizes the NPC with an ax to get their answer and everyone starts nodding, like yes ok we got a badass over here 👏 👏 👏
The moment has an extra umph! in the novel because thus far he's been playing low key, he's disguised as a 'delicate' woman. But this is still fun. I love when he gets all mask-off, confident strut.
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For the novel readers, they really do seem to be implying without saying that our valiant protagonist has a weakness for beautiful, delicate men lmaooooo
During the novel in this door, Baijie in drag cons him into indulging "her" thru various antics that are manipulations to keep them safe... and also excuses to flirt.
I'm bemused to see similar behavior played out from the start, where the protagonist isn't making the mental excuses of 'any man' being unable not to pamper such a beautiful woman.
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The moment of Lin Qiushi having the woman on his back replaced was much creepier in the novel... eh, but to be fair to do a gory survival game series justice it would need to be produced on Netflix or HBO. There's no point in Spirealm trying to pretend it can match that level of horror.
Finally 3 deaths to up the stakes! Yes!
LMAO Baijie literally dragging stubborn boyfriend into the temple.
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Ep 4
I finally get to hear the dulcet sounds of monsters munching & crunching on tasty humans! Yay!
Lin Qiushi asks, why is my delicate beauty suddenly coming on all tough at the group members?
Ruan Baijie explains that after 6 deaths, all bets are off and no one is besties anymore.
"We must first have a sense of prevention."
"Me and you. ... Fool."
(the way he says this... 💕)
Even Lin Quishi looks a tad bashful. Like, boy got what he was fishing for!
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"Thanks." 😍
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During the adventure they keep doing this feeling-the-situation-out dance, little nudges at each other to affirm that this is really happening: they've formed an indivisible unit; his side is my side.
Bed sharing once again \o/
The way Ruan Baijie glances at Lin Quishi when he's saving him from the well-monster that night! Nicely done by the actor. It's subtle but absolutely there if you look for it.
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Then a necklace gift! Which Lin Quishi puts around his neck with the most minimal of coaxing.
"I wanted to give it to you outside. But take it now."
(awkward dodge)
"It's very important. Take it."
Drama queen Ruan Baijie avoiding hard labor and preventing outsider girl from being the 3rd person to drag the tree. 👍
More ax threatening YAAAAASSSSSSS
2 more deaths but not as satisfying. (As a horror fan, I enjoyed the novel's darkness of being unsure if that girl was a monster or not, the guy losing it and chopping her to death with the ax, and the looming, continued uncertainty of if it was murder or protection until the reveal after the door.)
Next Episode
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lavenoon · 2 years
Okay okay, so blorbo thought involving Eclipse because of course it does—
But my brain went “what if his battery was good and he was interested in the Field Agent job? And what if Sun and Moon were in the lab instead?” :o dunno if that would work but that’s quite the switcheroo if so!!
So this is interesting to think about because I want to give you the simp answer you deserve but Eclipse in the field is just. (:
Okay so, we imagine Eclipse has a good battery - his lack of awareness for social cues and general bluntness keep him from undercover work (unless the agency is desperate) but he can now finally follow in his brothers footsteps and learn parkour <3
So sneaky secret agent Eclipse stealing information! He'd have a blast and very much mirror the way Robin feels about their job - absolute glee at being a secret agent. The type of goober sneaking around an empty building humming the mission impossible or pink panther theme. Probably more pink panther actually.
A little bummed out maybe, because he's doing most missions alone still, other field agents not quite agreeing with his work ethic and being bitter how he still is a damn good agent somehow. Time for a new agent to maybe join the agency >:3c
Researchers Dusk/ Dawn would still be good at their jobs, but significantly more bored with it compared to the field. It was the condition to join the agency though, at least until they can guarantee three celestial animatronics in the field will not cause issues, even with the distance between locations.
They get visited by field agent Robin (break in vs undercover agent depending on timeline - for the sake of everyone's dashboard I'll try to be concise) coming by the lab for some upgrades or repairs. Robin is much less harsh with lab workers (because they aren't competition), so Dusk/ Dawn get a much easier time talking to them and a much more socially awkward Robin because not competition > means they can be nice > how tf do they interact then?
Boys quicker to flirt, at first just to get this field agent to stay longer and to get a taste of the field agent life, but soon realize how delightful it is to actually have them around and have them warm up to the respective him, much easier to fluster and convince to stick around for shenanigans. Basically Saros but with Dusk or Dawn! And the shenanigans of their civilian life with the totally unrelated to their coworker neighbor (: No great difference between main and reverse this time, as Dawn has really no reason to be a dick here, and a reveal would also go a little smoother in general, because without all three of them in the field, none of them would freak out quite as much lmao
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discoidal · 1 year
basically most tattoos nowadays are done with tattoo machines that have a little electric motor inside. this means the artist can use multiple needles at once (makes colouring much easier.) also the motor moves the needle up and down way faster than a human can. this makes the process much faster and less painful. a stick and poke is just doing a tattoo by hand rather than using a machine.
this is why they're usually small and simple and don't colour/shading. they're more painful because they're slower to do - you have to manually pierce the skin each time with the needle
a tattoo is made by depositing ink in the dermis, which is basically your second layer of skin. if you don't go deep enough with the needle then the ink will remain in the epidermis (the top layer of skin that we can see.) So it'll have holes in the design where the ink is missing, or it might even disappear entirely (bc we shed the top layer of skin regularly)
if you go too deep with the needle then the ink will go past the dermis. below the dermis is basically a layer of fatty tissue. fat can't "hold" ink like skin can, and the ink will slide around beneath your skin. this causes a blowout (google image if you're not familiar)
with stick and pokes it's harder to get the ink consistently at the right depth, which is why they often don't look great. it's hard, but it is certainly possible to make them look nice (there are professional artists who use this method because they like the stippled look it creates)
honestly people scaremonger a lot about the health risks of tattooing yourself. it's kind of silly. the idea of a full-time professional tattoo artist is VERY modern (20th century and tattoos have been practiced for thousands of years.) its not like you die instantly if you stab yourself with a needle that has a bit of ink on the end.
the bad reputation of stick and pokes comes from "scratchers", I.e people who masquerade as legitimate artists but don't have any skill and who don't follow proper safety protocols. the most dangerous is obviously unclean needles, or reusing needles. it puts you at serious risk for any bloodbourne illnesses including HIV.
other risks are the same as a tattoo done with a machine. a tattoo is essentially an open wound and is therefore very prone to infections. most people wouldn't instinctively know how to keep a tattoo clean (both during the process and afterwards) so that's why i would generally discourage stick and pokes done at home. you also can't get the level of cleanliness at home that you can get at a legitimate shop (which use autoclaves to sterilise their machines.) however you can get pretty close and you're unlikely to get an infection if if know how to keep a tattoo clean
idk if that's the kind of answer you were looking for lmao
oh thats DEF what i was looking for thank u!!! i wasnt doing serious research bc im not seriously planning to do it but i was a bit troubled how ig + the first couple sites in google were making it out to be, like, riskless and more #quirky than machines? thanks for sharing things completely and concisely it's such a big help!!!
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sichore · 8 months
6, 9, 35, 56, 66, aaaaand 99 for RelishJam. I know it's a lot, but 2 are jokes ;) You'll see
LMAO KAAAAAAAAY. okokok let's do this let's go
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I was a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer?
So we GOT THE ANSWER TO THIS... and it's a resounding YES. There's no greater act of love than summoning your dead girlfriend's ghost as a goopy slug via emesis.
9. If there wasn't enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Olive or Jimi could take Pickles' lap. Jimi would take the armrest. Pickles would have to take the floor because he's most likely to flop over over the course of whatever is going on.
35. How does each significant other view any exes and former relationships?
I imagine neither Olive nor Pickles care for Jimi's first, though that wasn't really a relationship. The two women that were her true first relationship weren't bad people, and if anything, the whole situation evokes sympathy and pity, respectively. Everything was done right, Jimi wasn't just ready for it.
Jimi on the other hand doesn't care for any of her partners' exes. For Olive's, it's on sight. For Pickles, depending on the canon, one or two are on the sight, and the others were just unfortunate. While Jimi's past relationship wasn't abusive, all three in the trio have come away with trauma, so they all do their best to be mindful and sympathetic of one another.
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral?
While all three can be level-headed, Jimi's the one who can stay that way. It kinds varies between Olive and Pickles which one is more feral – if we're talking who's quickest to anger or violence, then Olive is terrifyingly quick and concise, whereas Pickles is explosive. If it's just for ridiculousness.... then it's Jimi > Olive > Pickles.
66. Have they ever been caught in the act? What would be their reaction if they were?
As many are aware, Olive and Pickles LOVE the attention. Jimi, not so much, and she'd be startled... at first. The other two would definitely be considerate and cover her up, but depending on who catches them, Jimi could get into it.
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
PICKLES. Usually he's standing up for them! But occasionally it's the girls (gender neutral) sending him out while they're up to some mischief.
OC Relationships Asks
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mosses-gate-3 · 8 months
What is Andis, Salix, and Ren's speech like? Do they have distinct accents? Or any other notable ways of speaking, like using particular phrases, slang, or terms of endearment? Bonus question: What do their voices sound like?
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
Andis has a pretty casual way of speaking I think. He's not particularly formal but he can be very verbose, I think he stumbles over words and has to backtrack ("Wri-- wrote-- WRITTEN, yes, that." or "And the... What's the word. The thingy.") relatively often. I don't think he has much of a notable accent. He snaps his fingers a lot when he's figuring out what in particular to say but generally it's brain -> speech with not a lot of filtration. Dunno what I'd call his voice but I know he's been on Magic T for several years. He's affectionate with his nicknames, he calls people love or friend very often. Honey is usually reserved for passive aggressiveness or concern, in equal measure.
Salix's speech is very posh and dignified, she was raised a lady of the court and it shows. Most of what she says is something she's previously thought about, I think she tends to rehearse conversations a lot. Every interaction is a game of chess and baby she's gonna win. She has a very sharp tone, the best way I'd describe her is acerbic. As she loosens up over the course of the adventure she uses more casual speech but a lot of her courtly mannerisms stay. I imagine her having a similar voice and accent to Morgana in BBC Merlin (played by Katie McGrath but I know she does a different accent for that specific role). Or perhaps Idina Menzel. She doesn't use pet names unless she means it.
Ren doesn't talk much, and when they do it's often formal and as concise as possible. One-word answers or short questions, always. Multiple full sentences, almost never. They're not excessively verbose and certainly didn't swallow the same thesaurus Gale did. They are a very good listener, though - they basically talk like the player character dialogue options. Before speaking they tend to pause and think about the best way to phrase things rather than spewing their consciousness into dialogue. They don't really use pet names often. I don't have a voice claim for them yet but I imagine they're an alto.
You didn't ask about Monty (because he didn't exist at the time of sending the ask lmao) but I'm putting him here anyway-- he talks like a cowboy. He has a recognizably American Southern accent, though it's not super strong. Sugar is his go-to pet name for most people, but when he really means it it's angel or love. His speech kind of feels like he's always in motion, if that makes sense? Like a bit out of breath, a bit flippant, a bit like he's holding his words in the back of his throat. He's kind of a whore also. (e.g. "Well sure, sugar, if you're interested", "Ah, well, ain't that a shame.") If I HAD to voice claim him it would be Eoin Macken probably, something smooth and drawling. Fittingly draconic.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
I don't think I got too much on Utah & Gator yesterday, what's their story about ?
i kinda answered it here: https://www.tumblr.com/vacantgodling/730447358170710017/what-is-the-deal-with-utah-and-co-tbhi-am-very
but tbh i don’t think there’s a concise way to explain it bc i don’t quite know yet. but we have the usual ren staples:
assholes (like all of them even slug. the only not asshole is probably oogma but they don’t remember enough most of the time to be an asshole lol)
road trip gone horribly wrong
violin-ence (aka violence)
weird worldbuilding that i don’t want to think about too deeply bc this is about HAVING FUN
family trauma :))))))))))))
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cliban · 11 months
how DOES your asexuality work anyway????? you say so many things
Just a quick reminder anon that you're not entitled to an explanation of anyone's orientation or identity. I'm going to answer this because I like talking about myself, but this probably isn't a great thing to send to someone who hasn't made it clear they wanna talk about it.
(I am absolutely, however, one of those guys that loves talking about queerness and my own experience! Feel free to ask me whatever questions you want)
So first off, my romantic orientation is pretty solid - I am aromantic, which means I do not feel any romantic attraction. I fall squarely as neutral on the concept of romance, but should I ever enter a romantic interaction it's probably more of a service for the other person rather than something I'd do because I'd like it. Just. Meh. Whatever.
Sexuality-wise, I'm in a constant state of flux. Right now I find myself consistently either 0-attraction OR attraction to men, so flip-flopping between identifying with asexual (sex-positive, or cupiosexual), and gay as in mlm. This doesn't seem to have any trigger, I just think it's a quirk of my sexuality.
On the occasion that I am attracted to women (more sparse these days but still there!) I ID as lesbian, because there was a time that I did ID as lesbian and I still feel connected to that label in a way that is very connected to transmasculinity. Butch lesbians I owe u my life.
I've also toyed around with the bisexual gay man label, but it's a bit of a mouthful and I like being concise lmao. Your safest bets are to assume I'm attracted to men most of the time, women sometimes, and as a default I tend to call myself an aroallo gay man these days :]
Now the reason I don't personally vibe with mspec labels such as bi or pansexual is that I literally cannot be more than one of those three sexualities I described above. I cannot look at a picture of a hot guy and a hot girl and go oooo both pretty - my brain locks onto one and guess we're gay for the day. Not to say anyone with a similar experience to mine cannot ID as mspec, just that it personally doesn't fit me :]
I hope that explains a little bit of my, quite honestly confusing, sexuality. I do believe it's inherently tied to my aromanticism in some way but I'm not fussed enough to conduct a study on myself.
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amiharana · 1 year
For that ask game, I’d have to say I love your descriptions the most!!! Whether you’re writing headcanons, short little ideas, or full-fledged oneshots, I feel like I can always picture exactly what you’re talking about, and they always hit me just right ngl 👌👌 And it’s great because they’re already such wonderful and very smart ideas! Like, for the earlier ask you answered about how they smell, I could picture all those scents and I was like, “Yes, you are so right” and that little tag you added about Revali dabbing his cologne on his neck and behind his ears??? I instantly got a mental image of that, you better BELIEVE lmao. Anyway, yeah 👍 Hope you have a great day!
(ask game from here; referenced revalink scent post here lmfao)
AWHHHH THANK YOU OOMFIE 🫶🫶 yeah for anyone that reads most of my revalink stuff, i tend to have an issue where i just cannot stop writing and the post gets so fawkin long, and it’s because when i have an idea, i have a very specific image of how it’s going to go down. i’m someone who is very particular and specific about the way i phrase things, and irl i have been called out multiple times for sounding too direct or too harsh because i try to word things as concisely as possible so there's no room for misunderstanding bc I DON'T EVEN REGISTER THAT I COME OFF AS MEAN IM SAWRRRRY LIKEKJDHFHKJDF ✋😭
but ye i just have such a specific image or scene or storyline in my head, i have to write out exactly how it looks in my mind or else i will never be free el oh el!
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fickleminder · 2 years
In response to your post about your writing...
Forgive the essay, but you're one of the best writers I've seen on this platform. My favorite is probably "the years start coming and they don't stop coming"; it never gets old. I also LOVE "The Sphynx" and "Dirty Pop(sicles)" (but that last one... lmao).
I think the way you write is typically clear, concise, and interesting. You do a good job at varying sentence length and structure, and you use a wide range of vocab to avoid repetition. These things also give the MC a relatable personality and convey their emotions in a subtle way (not to mention the fact that they can be downright hilarious). "Actions speak louder than words" is always a hallmark of good writing, and I'd say you nail that most of the time.
One thing about fanfiction is that you don't have many opportunities to describe things without relaying something your reader already knows. But this is arguably good practice; in general you don't want to stop time to give a full description of an environment unless the character is in awe and observing it all in detail themselves (even then, keep it brief).
Personally, I like your character- and plot-centric approach; truthfully, the details of the setting and what someone's wearing aren't important to the reader... unless, of course, they are.
Some might disapprove of your "abrupt" transitions, but I think it works really well for you. The way you introduce the next part usually makes it easy to pick up and avoids being repetitive, so I don't see it as a problem (quite the opposite, actually).
In short, you do a great job! Do you write/plan on writing formally at all, or is it just a hobby for you?
I had to lie down and reboot my brain a few times before even thinking about how to reply this. This is such a motivating thing to read first thing in the morning, holy shit.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m going to print this essay and hang it on my wall.
I feel like I struggle with “show don’t tell” a lot, which leads to the balancing act between elaborating/describing and not over-explaining/stating the obvious. I’ve written plots too vaguely before, and I always have to remind myself that plot twists readers can see coming (or at least don’t come completely out of nowhere) are actually a good thing 😅
I’ll keep your encouragement in mind Anon! And to answer your question, writing’s just a hobby for me. It’s something I want to keep absolutely stress-free, so I don’t do those “write x words a day” stuff or monthly challenges. Kudos to the writers who do though, I have mad respect for them 🫡
I can’t say this enough, but thank you again. I’ll let you in on something: I’m actually in the middle of commissioning an artist for an illustration of a scene in The Sphinx. Since you enjoyed that piece (I had a lot of fun writing it too even though xOC fics generally aren’t popular), I hope you’ll look forward to it when it’s finally done.
Have a great rest of the week Anon 💕💕💕💕
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