#( the force )
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antianakin · 2 days
Hello, I like to share this quote said by Jedi Bob in the last Lego Series which really illustrates the light and dark side, giving my opinion after that.
"The dark side is loud and obvious like a big, mean Gamorrean kicking you in the head over and over. But the light side, the light side of the Force is just a whisper in the back of your mind."
In my opinion, Jedi Bob's quote really shows about how violent and visceral the dark side could be to the person who hears it, against the gentleness of the light side but harder to hear if you don't feel balanced enough. Something that the Jedi could understand. Ignoring the loud and brutal darkness and let the light to comfort and guide them. And it's up to each person to decide which sound to follow. What do you think about this quote?
I don't hate it, I can kind-of see what it's getting at here, but it's not quite how I see the Force working.
I also don't really love "the light side" as a thing, it didn't used to exist in Star Wars at all when Lucas was in charge, and I think it's confused some of what the worldbuilding of Star Wars actually is. Balance and "the light side" are, in effect, the exact same thing. So I don't think that "the light side" LEADS to balance, that's not how it works. Darkness is a thing and it's always there, in everyone and everything, but balance isn't "light," it's just choosing to acknowledge darkness and reject it. That's what balance IS.
So I don't see "the light side" as a whisper, because balance is a CHOICE, it's active. Things happen to you that are outside of your control, but how you choose to react to them is up to you. Your ability to remain balanced and reject darkness in yourself will always have to be your own choice to make. Balance is about standing firm on the stormiest seas or planting your feet against the strongest winds. That's not a whisper at all, that's a very strong, loud, intentional choice that you make in the face of everyone and everything trying to tear you down.
Balance is Obi-Wan living through the death and destruction of everyone and everything he knows and loves and remaining kind and compassionate afterwards. Balance is living in isolation in the desert for twenty years and surviving on pure hope and faith in a better future.
Whereas darkness can often creep up on you. It's temptation. It's that little whisper in your head that tells you that it's okay to let yourself be selfish just this once, it's the voice that convinces you that you're doing the right thing even if it hurts people. Darkness is the desire for just one more every time.
Darkness is Palpatine quietly dripping poison into Anakin's ears for a decade, slowly driving a wedge between Anakin and the Jedi, eroding Anakin's compassion bit by bit and encouraging his selfish tendencies, convincing him each time that it was for the best no matter what the consequences were and surely doing it just once more couldn't hurt.
As Yoda tells Luke, using the dark side is easier and faster, but it is NOT stronger than using the Force the way it's intended to be used. Using the dark side is like building a house that isn't up to safety codes and so the first time a storm hits, everything falls apart. You got a house a lot faster and with a lot less effort, sure, but it was pretty weak in the long run and now you don't have a house anymore. Whereas if you'd taken the time to give the house a strong foundation and put the energy into making it safe, it would've stayed standing during that storm. Maybe it would've taken a little damage, but it wouldn't be GONE.
This metaphor seems to be more about what darkness and balance look like from the OUTSIDE, perhaps, but not the reality of them. The dark side (and the people who use it) can maybe look big and strong and loud, while balance (and those who achieve it) is perhaps less obvious and seems weaker because it doesn't always show immediate results. But the reality is, in fact, the exact opposite. Darkness doesn't just come in and kick you in the head once and now you're a bad guy; it comes up slowly day by day, choice by choice, until everything you used to be, everything you once loved, is gone. And balance might not give immediate results and it might seem weaker at the beginning, but it will stand the test of time and hold firm against whatever tries to break it down.
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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allthingskenobi · 5 months
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I feel safe. Yes, it feels like that.
@swsource​ star wars week: day 6 – may the 4th be with you!
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amarcia · 5 months
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My ocs Cirz and Enah. [previous comic with them]
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
Text is based from an end scene of the movie Mandala 1981
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jkl-fff · 8 months
Jedi Teacher: Padawan Windu, that was amazing! How were you able to take out that rampaging rancor so easily?
Mace Windu, who has Force Shatterpoint which allows him to see where and when to strike: I just hit the glowing weak spot. It's not that hard.
Jedi Teacher:
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(Mace Windu, holder of the rare Jedi skill called "Video Game Vision".)
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hayden-christensen · 1 month
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The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of the Force gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, such as levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen. 
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chissjedi · 5 months
Star Wars is about coming back to the light, healing, forgiving others and yourself, being selfless and protecting the innocent and vulnerable. Star Wars is about hope that things and people will someday get better. Star Wars is about redemption and kindness. Star Wars always has been about love and I pray it always will be.
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Okay I'm gonna break this down real simple like.
The Light Side of The Force is The Force in balance.
The Dark Side is a corruption of The Force. An infection.
The Jedi serve The Force. They are subservient to it.
The Sith subvert The Force. They bend it to their will in an unnatural way.
The Light Side is peace. It is acknowledging your negative emotions without being consumed by them, and living in harmony with The Force.
The Dark Side is suffering. It is succumbing to your negative emotions and being consumed by them.
The Jedi defend life.
The Sith exert their will on those weaker than themselves.
Light = Jedi = Good
Dark = Sith = Evil
Hope this helps.
Also the grey Jedi aren't a thing and the concept is stupid.
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Obi-Wan's shit eating smirk is EVERYTHING.
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furious-blueberry0 · 2 months
Repeat after me:
The dark side does not bring justice, it does not bring fulfillment, it does not bring happiness, it does not bring love.
It takes, it takes, it takes and it takes.
And all that gives back is pain and anger, suffering and despair.
Nothing good comes from dwelling with the dark side, and when you start using it, you'll fall into the illusion that the power you're receiving will make you achieve everything you ever wanted, but just like a drug, it's feeding you sweet lies to keep you distracted by the way it's destroying both your body and your mind.
There is no peace within the dark side, it is a bottomless abyss, where all you can do is fall, and fall, and fall, more and more to your pathetic end.
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twinterrors29 · 21 days
Owen and Beru never managed to have kids of their own despite always wanting them and having married right around the start of the Clone Wars because both of them got their Sex Ed from Shmi 'Immaculate Conception' Skywalker-Lars
considering that it worked out more or less as they'd wanted via Force-wizard baby-delivery before too long anyway, they never actually questioned this
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jonathanrogersartist · 2 months
On the Dark Side, the Jedi, and the moral decay of Star Wars
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Just a reminder folks: The Dark Side of the Force is unequivocally evil. Just because someone who's wielding it looks hot, doesn't make it 'misunderstood.' It poisons your mind, rots your soul, and makes you become the worst version of yourself. The Jedi make it their life's mission to protect the galaxy from Dark Siders, and they are right to do so. Because when Dark Siders get in power.... you get an Empire, a fascist and genocidal police state. That is their ideological endgame; it always was, always will be. Power, for power's sake. They may wrap it up in promises of 'freedom' and 'self worth,' but it's a lie they tell themselves, and others. They are nihilistic 'don't tread on me' terrorists, with super-powers. Compared to them, the Jedi truly are the 'moral authority' of the Star Wars universe, and they are not at all the same. There is no 'many fine people on both sides' with the Jedi and Sith. The only 'good' Dark Sider, is one who rejects the darkness, at which point they cease to be a Dark Sider. The Star Wars I love, that I believe has meaning and value for our species and our civilizations, is about that fundamental choice between giving into our darkness, and rising above it. Everyone has it in them, but we all must learn how to live with it, and keep it in check. I hope one day, modern Star Wars media will remember this vital lesson, and be more responsible with its depiction of the Jedi and Sith orders. Not continue down this path of forcing 'moral ambiguity' onto George's vision, that breaks the moral foundation of the universe he built, and makes it an ultimately depressing tale where the heroes are not worth believing in, and the villains are given excuses for their wickedness.
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winterinhimring · 1 year
So I recently saw a post with a screencap of this scene in it:
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And good heavens. Is this not a perfect visual metaphor of Obi-Wan's role in the entire Star Wars universe? Supporting the wounded Light, unable to stop her from dying, but still steadfastly good and patient up to and through the darkest hour, waiting (though he doesn't know it, yet) for that Light to be reborn in a padawan?
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amarcia · 7 months
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He too, was a star, and the light that shone from him was the Force
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
I read Shadows of Mindor and I really liked Luke's musings on the Force in the book so I had to draw something. Other doodle under the cut:
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frost-queen · 5 months
Join the dark side (Reader x Anakin Skywalker)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers , @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly,@denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko  , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr   , @swampthing07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury ,  @imagines-by-her ,  @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @sweetheartlizzie07
Summary: Hello there! May the forth be with you. Reader is Padmé's sister. When Anakin has turned to the dark side, he and the empire demand your hand. You are against it, clearly having no say in it as Anakin demands it. Numerous times you try to run from him, arguing, cursing and hating him. Anakin claims you as his wife no matter what. One night you ask Anakin what made him turn to the dark side, feeling empathy for him once you finally understand it a bit more.
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There was no denying the sudden shift in the galaxy. Jedi’s were falling and the Sith were taking over. Naboo wasn’t a place you could stay anymore. In a rushed way, you were packing your things. Throwing some dresses in a bag, knowing your sister would be waiting for you in half an hour at the secret passage. She needed a lot of convincing to leave Naboo. Being to headstrong into not wanting to leave the people.
But for now going in hiding would be the best solution. Surely against the empire. Panting loud, you hurried through your room to collect the most important things you needed. Half-way from where your bed was with the bag, suddenly opened your door. It made you freeze with panic, staring with wide eyes as men entered your room. They parted making way for Anakin Skywalker in all black.
“Anakin?”  -  you said confused. Anakin noticed the bag on your bag, making him glare your way. – “Seize her!” – he ordered. His order made you drop your item as the men rushed over to you. Each grabbing you by the arm. – “Anakin what is going on?” – you called out, scribbling against their grip.
Anakin approached you. A darker vibe surrounding him as you sensed it. The way he approached you seeming nothing like he was before. The men pulled at you, pushing you forwards to him. Anakin gave you a sweet smile, hands folded before him. Utterly confused and wary, you didn’t know what to expect.
“Are you going somewhere?” – he asked tilting his head back to look at the bag on your bed. – “What is it to you?” – you bit back. If it weren’t for the other men in the room, you might have reacted different. Yet the way he ordered them to handle you, had upset you too much.
Anakin chuckled humorously bringing one finger up to his lips. – “You are right Naboo isn’t save for you anymore.” – he said looking down at you. The tone in his voice made you swallow nervously. – “You’d be much saver with me.” – he added moving a bit more casual.
It made you furrow your brows as he moved his hand towards you, grabbing you by your chin. – “Marry me.” ��� he let out as your eyes widened in shock. You tore your face away to release his grip on you. – “Not a chance!” – you fired back. There had clearly something changed about him and you didn’t like one bit of it. Anakin inhaled sharp through his nose, grabbing your chin by force now. Wanting you to look him in the eye. – “That wasn’t a request!” – he made clear that you had no choice in it.
His gaze stern and colder than you had ever seen. Anakin tilted his chin up, looking down on you with a certain ego around him. – “Take her away!” – he ordered his men pushing your face to the side as he let go of you. The men he was with dragged you around him out of the door. – “No!” – you cried out, trying to fight them off. Leaning back and pulling at your arms to get them off you. They were strong as they kept their grip on you.
Looking over your shoulder, you stared at Anakin and the bag on your bed. Tears swelling up as you knew you’d never meet up with your sister Padmé now. Anakin watched you leave with a stern look, hands behind his back. – “Anakin please!” – you begged one last time before they pulled you out of your room, around the corner and out of sight.
You got dragged outside to a craft ship. – “No, no please… Padmé.” – you breathed out looking back as your sister would be waiting for you now. Not knowing what is happening to you. – “Princess!” – two guards came running outside having seen what was happening. The men that were holding you, stopped and turned you around to your guards. – “Release her at once.” – one of the guards called out. – “We will give the empire everything, but not our princess.” – the second one begged dropping to his knees.
You looked at the men holding you with panic. – “You have no right to take her!” – the first one remained determined and guarding. The second guard more beggingly. The hearing of a lightsaber getting active made you gasp loud. The red illuminating in the darkness behind them. The guard on his knees got up startled. The other one jumped frightened back. Your eyes widened with fear as Anakin emerged from the dark, swaying the red lightsaber around. The guards having no chance as they got killed.
Now it was clear as day that the Anakin you knew was gone. The dark side had claimed him as he was one of them now. – “Nooo!” – you cried sinking to your knees. Anakin got up, walking up to you with his lightsaber still in hand. He reached his hand out to you, making you sway your head aside, not wanting his touch on you. Anakin managed to place his gloved hand against your cheek, making you shiver out a breath. He smiled softly. – “I will never harm you Y/n.” – he spoke with politeness. – “You have my word for it.”
With a simple nod of him, his men pulled you up and dragged you onto the ship. The platform shut behind Anakin as he left Naboo for what it was. Needing nothing more of it. Certainly not now that he had what he wanted. What he had always wanted. You. The ship left, going into unknown galaxies for you. The men had knotted your hands together behind your back. Anakin came over once they flew in open space.
“I told them it wasn’t necessary.” – he said, kneeling down before you. – “The cuffs.” – he pointed at you, sounding a bit like his old self. – “They wouldn’t listen, but I know you Y/n.” – he added leaning over your shoulder to reach the cuffs. You heard the cuffs come off as Anakin came in sight again, smiling. The second your hands were free, you punched him against his cheek. Anakin groaned in pain, taking a second to recover.
He grabbed your shoulders with violence, pressing his fingers deep into your skin. You could see the anger in his eyes. Seeing how dominant it was. For a moment, you were truly terrified of him. Not knowing what he would do to you. Anakin then breathed out a laugh, catching you off guard. He took the cuffs again, securing your hands together in front of you.
Anakin got up, leaving your side once more. Lowering your head, there was no denying it anymore. You had no where to run. The ship boarded a floating base in the galaxy. The death star they called it. The guard pushed you forwards, being just a step behind Anakin. Your eyes wide with horror at the hundreds no thousands of stormtroopers on the platform.
You didn’t want to know how many of them roaming this place. There seemed to be little attention for you. Generals bowed their heads when Anakin walked past them. He came to a stop before a room as the door swished open. Anakin took you from the soldier by pressing his hand on your lower back. Pushing you into the room. – “Clean up, our wedding will be tonight.” – he said. You turned angered back at him.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” – you called out. – “No.” – Anakin answered cheeky. – “I hate you!” – you shouted punching your tied up hands against his chest. Anakin barely flinched. Only chuckling amusingly at your silly attempts. He took a step back, letting the door swish shut before him. Once he had left, you gasped when the cuffs fell to the ground.
There was a dress left out for you as you stormed over to it. Grabbed it and threw it on the floor. There was no way you would satisfy him with the pleasure of seeing you dolled up for him. You didn’t know how long you waited, but your door opened once more. A stormtrooper entering your room. – “Princess.” – he addressed you. – “You are coming with me.” – he said. You inhaled deep, chin up with pride as you walked up to him.
He had his blaster at his side as you eyed it. Once you were with him, he moved a bit aside to let you pass first. You stomped your foot on his, grabbing his blaster as you used the end to punch it against his armour. The stormtrooper grunted as he doubled over. Throwing the blaster away, you ran out of the room.
Not caring to where, you just needed to get out. Panting loud, you looked over your shoulder to see if he was following you. There rounded a curve as you ran to follow it, suddenly bumping into someone when you looked back to the front. A firm grip settling on your arm. Gasping loud, you looked up to Anakin, shaking his head. His gaze went down your clothing, seeing you hadn’t changed.
“No matter, you are beautiful anyways Y/n.” – he said making you scoff. – “You are delusional if you think I will marry you!” – you called out wanting his grip to be off you. Anakin chuckled. – “We’ll see Y/n… we’ll see.” – he breathed out pulling you along with him. He dragged you into a room. It was clear he wasn’t going to let you get out of it. So eager to marry you. Anakin walked with you up to the front. – “Charming.” – you responded sarcastically at the wedding view.
The base room with a large glass window overlooking the galaxy. The Sith lord sitting on his throne at the front. The first order standing up straight from behind their panels, saluting. He paused you in front of the Sith lord. You tried your last attempt of running off as Anakin was way ahead of you. He immediately grabbed you by the arm, pulling you back. You weren’t going anywhere.
The Sith lord laughed loud as you elbowed Anakin in the stomach to get him off your back. Anakin grabbed you hard by your arms, turning you to him. – “You will marry me!” – he ordered loud. – “I. would. Rather. Die.” – you answered in a slow pace to deliver your message. Anakin curled up a smile, your taunting only amusing him more. The Sith lord started to conduct the wedding as Anakin kept his grip on you.
“I do.” – Anakin said letting his thumb brush against your cheek. The Sith lord turned to you, waiting for your answer. Anakin stared back at you, ushering you to say the words. – “Asshole.” – you breathed out for only him to hear. – “What was that?” – The Sith lord asked confused. Anakin smiled before squeezing your arms tighter. – “SAY IT!” – he yelled out, forcing you to do so.
“Asshole!” – you repeated louder for everyone to hear. Anakin snapped wrapping his hand around your throat. It made you gasp loud, startled by his sudden violence. – “Say it!” – he asked again gently squeezing your throat as he brought your face closer to his. – “I…I…do…” – you forced with little air. Anakin let go of you, making you grasp for air.
The Sith lord declared you married as Anakin grabbed your chin. Pulling you at him as he soured your lips with his. Kissing you hungrily as you felt the control in his actions. He pulled away, smirking. – “My wife.” – he grinned making you roll your eyes at him. Trying to deny that his kiss might have flustered you. And with that the wedding was over. Married to Anakin that had turned to the dark side.
Ever since the wedding, you could hardly avoid Anakin. He was always there. Confusing you with his actions. Sometimes he was gentle and caring. Other times he was hard and rudely towards you. Acting to you like the master of the puppet that you were. Sometimes you could see his old self slip through. Other days the dark side inside of him took over. Slowly you started to open up to him.
Having always been forced together. You were in the bedroom sitting on the bed. The door swished open as Anakin entered. He walked up to the table, pouring himself a glass of water. – “Anakin may I ask you something?” – you proposed seeing him quirk his eyebrow up. He set the glass back down, coming to lean against the table. – “Of course my star.” – he replied. You shifted nervously on the bed, rubbing your palms together.
Anakin noticed how nervous you were, going over to you. He came sitting with you, taking your hands in his. – “What is it?” – he asked. You took a deep breath before speaking. – “May I know… I want to ask… how… why… why did you join the dark side?” – your words made Anakin tear his gaze away. Almost angered that you dared to ask something like that. You seated yourself better, placing your hands on his shoulders as he had turned his back to you.
“I just want to understand.” – you said shy. You felt his muscles untense under your palms. He slowly turned back to you, making you drop your hands on him. You listened as he explained what drove him to the dark side. Hearing him explain it, gave you a different view of him. Reasons you didn’t think would lead him up to this point. He kept explaining as you started to sympathize with him.
“Anakin I never knew…” – you started taking his hand. – “I finally understand it a bit, not fully, for I cannot. Yet I understand what that feeling is like. Feeling as if you are losing control over everything. Swirling into the despair and doubts. It would make you do everything.” – you continued. Anakin smiled at you, resting his palm against your cheek. Kissing you tenderly for your understanding. For all he ever wanted was to protect you. How didn’t matter, as long as you were his.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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