#( the moving pieces and parts and players in this are all so vital )
clochanamarc · 9 months
u get another teaser drabble for what's to come in 2024 for aisling and the squad, but before i dive into it: this year is a whole JOURNEY, yk? a real saga of so many parts for aisling and the family and ur muses too (if u want!! bc i very much want ye to feel like u can be involved!) but this is like. i've been so excited abt this for so long, and that's all i wanna say atm, but i will be making a post to outline stuff if y'all wanna plot smth involved w this year's overall arc!
she's never driven as fast as this in her life. rubber burning, tires defying every natural law of physics as they power through puddles and thin air and loose gravel to bring her to the blooming flower of smoke that protrudes from the familiar block. the police have already set up the tape, not for a crime scene but rather to keep the others safe, when she skids to a halt next to them, abandoning the keys in the ignition, door open, knowing nobody would be stupid enough to steal it tonight.
" will! " she's racing forward, and the officer instinctively lifts a hand. " where are they?! "
" aisling-- "
" where?! " she's about to move past him, but he plants a hand on her shoulder with admittedly lacking wisdom. adrenaline and terror and trauma collide. she catches his wrist, twists it down and away from her arm, and uses a swirl of energy to pin him down against the bonnet of a police car.
" wait! dammit, wait, wait, wait! " he's yelling, his free hand waving out frantically, and it takes a second for her to grasp that he isn't speaking to her, but to the alarmed back-up who take positions and size her up, a hair away from a chaotic choice. " she's alright! she's fine, ais, you're okay, i'm sorry, let me explain-- "
" where the hell are they?! " she's releasing him, brushing past the others like flies, when she sees a familiar face emerging from the rubble of the diner. " woo-- "
" alright, let's all just take a second... jones, we found seven of the kids. they're fine, they're unharmed. well... eli dislocated an arm, but-- "
" i have eight children. "
" ... you still do, yes. but aisling, we... we need to talk about that-- "
" what... " she's not sure which way is up anymore. jimmy has an arm outstretched, but her gaze is fixed on the destruction around them. blackened bricks. scorched rubble. veins of darkness that spiral across the tarmac. metal lampposts twisted and contorted. her fingertips catch on a piece of lightly melted tinsel, flames reflecting against the cheap gleam of the plastic. " who's missing? " nobody answers her. nobody wants to say it. her hands curl into tight fists, and she turns, eyes filled with tears of heartbreak and rage and disbelief. " who did he take, woo? "
" well... that's just it, jones. aisling... mister kelly was not responsible for this. they did. they fled shortly after, and... there's something else you should know. "
" you're not making any sense; you mean one of my kids did this? one of my kids melted concrete and levelled a four storey building? "
" please. aisling-- "
" aisling. " the voice alone drives her stomach into the ground. he's standing in the hazy smoke, soot and dust staining the holy collar, black shirt crumpled from the madness. oisín. the boy who forgot. the man who remembers. the lost-and-found brother who opens out his arms, and places her in a gentle, feather-light embrace. " i need you to listen now... "
" no. " her voice betrays the full measure of fear and devastation that besieges her heart. but he won't let her pull away; he holds her tighter, and places a gentle hand on the back of her head, voice thick with tears.
" he's gone, ais. i'm sorry-- "
" shut up, shut up, don't you-- oisín, please, please-- "
" he's dead. "
she's crying, and her legs give out beneath her, but he holds her upright, forcing her to bear it all. " don't do this- "
but he has to.
and so he does.
" stanley's dead. "
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imbecominggayer · 1 month
Writing Advice: Too Many Characters
A common advice when writing stories is "don't write too many characters". But, like with everything creative and good, there is no definitive answer to how many characters should be in a book!
So I will be discussing numerous variables in storytelling which impacts how many characters you should have and what makes something in a book "pointless".
Themes! Themes! Themes! (Omori Spoilers, Not Too Much)
The most important question that a writer has to ask themself is "what is this scene/book/media trying to do?". If your story is based on the relationships we have with others and the impact they can have on our psyche then having a close-knitted community of people will drive the message of intimate connection better then just having more people in there. If your story is focused primarily on introspection, looking inward, individuality, and other spiritual activities then the protagonist is more likely to spend longer durations of the media by themselves.
An example of these to forces is the popular game of Omori.
Omori is a game that focuses on acceptance first and foremost. Self-acceptance to be more specific. Due to the fact that the game is a piece of introspection both for Sunny and for the player, the most important moments in the game such as the "reveal" sequence of pictures and Black Space are ones that are done on your own.
However, the game also prioritizes the relationships Sunny has between his friends as this serves as motivation for the final duet. The final duet was an act of bonding as Mari and Sunny just wanted to spend time together, doing something they liked.
The introspection moments are pushed towards the end of the game because it's only when Sunny has that support and belief in his friends, can he rise above his doubt and shame and fear.
2. What Is The Purpose Of This Character?
All characters need to have a purpose in the narrative. Both within the context of the world and in the context of the book.
Within the context of the world, they need a goal that is going to impact the protagonist either positively or negatively.
Within the context of the book, what is this character giving to the audience that wouldn't otherwise be there?
Pro tip: All the characters you have need to have more then one purpose! Characters that give exposition can't JUST give exposition.
If you have a love interest that can be cut out without taking away a vital part of the story either from a thematic(theme) standpoint or a narrative(plot) standpoint, just replace them with an object and move it along!
If you have an ally character that only shows up twice and can be changed into "I went down to the store to buy these items", give that "ally" tag to someone more story relevant"!
3. Priorites?
Ask yourself this: "Do I have the book length to dedicate time to this person?"
If the answer is no, follow my next steps. If the answer is yes, here is how to make them better.
When I say "prioritize", I mean you need to figure out what type of character this character is. Are they a main character? A side character? Cannon fodder? A symbol? WHAT ARE THEY?
Also, can you give these character responsibilities to someone else? This simultaneously gives those characters deeper complexity and eliminates more characters
Example: Love Interest, after being trapped by the villain, uses their intelligence in order to provide information about the villain to the hero. (Love Interest + Ally + Informant)
Example: Friend is revealed to be a double agent on the side of the Villain. However, it's revealed that Friend was secretly a triple agent who is finally redeemed from their original believed betrayal. They're back to being an ally. (Friend + Betrayer + Ally + Enemy)
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simaddix · 1 year
*Pay Attention - Part 2 - Tutorial*
I was about to go back to my business and quietly leave y'all with a word of wisdom but the very next package I opened raised my hackles. So here we go, hold on to your seat.
Disclaimer for younger/sweeter - followers - this has language in it because I'm pissed... I apologize in advance.
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49,282 Polycounts. That's 50K for a fucking basket!!!
It's pretty, it's beautiful, and I downloaded it because it's everything you could want out of a basket of lemons... whoever created it did an outstanding job... for a movie production.
So let's fix it - and let's hold our creators and converters to a higher standard or send them along to a different platform where they can create without our bitching.
First off, there's 3 or 4 ways you can check polycounts.
1 - TSRW under Mesh tab
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2 - S3PE (Pretty sure you have to have an addon to do this - I'll try to find it when I'm done and add the link) Under MLOD, right click and go down to Preview. It'll open up a window and you can view the model and the polycount.
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3 - 3D Viewer on your computer
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4 - Blender or Milkshape
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Now that we have the ability to check our polycount - we're gonna fix this mesh. I'm not going to show you how to package it, there are other tutorials for that part, but this is VITAL to having a healthy game, and honestly, being a creator or converter for this game. I do understand that you have to have the knowledge before you can fix a problem, so here it is - literally handed to you in a basket. I also understand that there are creators/converters who don't post polycounts because they're afraid people won't download it - that is inexcusable. If that's the case then you will eventually be boycotted by the players who know better.
Alright, so step one - you're going to want to get into blender after exporting your mesh. You're going open the modifier properties and add a decimate modifier (the wrench circled in red, and the add modifier drop down menu).
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Keep it in Collapse, not un-subdivide. It's gentler on the mesh itself and you'll get a lot farther with it. You're also going to want your UV map to match what you're doing with your mesh, in case you need it for selection (I'll explain that in a minute) and have faces tagged so the selection is easier.
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Now that you have that set up, you're gonna want to remove unnecessary vertices. See the shadows on the bottom of the basket? Here's how to fix that - hit tab, press A to select everything, and then go to MESH/MERGE/BY DISTANCE. This removed 16,900 loose vertices that didn't need to be there.
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Go back to your modifiers and add an edge split modifier and hit apply.
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Boom - no shadows.
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Now that that is all done you're going to go in to edit mode (tab) and press L while hovering over what you're wanting to select. This is going to select all of the islands in your UV, and it's the fastest way (that I've found) to quickly select pieces of your mesh.
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When you have your whole group selected (you can also figure out at this point what pieces need alternate textures or groups for TSRW later in your packaging process) you're going to hit P-Selection. That's gonna split whatever you have selected into a separate group.
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Now, you can do that to however many pieces you see fit, but for this I'm just gonna stick with two - the lemons and the basket itself. You're going to click the blue Ratio box - and type in .5 and hit enter. That will collapse your polycount in half - (you can move that ratio box lower if you wish, but this way is the gentlest way possible and I've gotten better results. So play with it and see for yourself if you wish to. ) - Now repeat the process until your mesh starts to lose quality, I tend to stop there unless I can push it a bit further without making it look bad.
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Now repeat that process with all groups.
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Given that this particular mesh was such high polycount and an intricate mesh, I could only manage to get it from 49,282 faces (polys) down to 18,860. This is absolutely not okay for TS3 - and I'm using as a lesson rather than using something that I can get down to an okay level - because this is what you're going to run into when getting meshes that start in the tens of thousands of polys. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR TS3, it's beautiful, yes, but you are putting people's equipment at risk by advertising a mesh for a 13 year old game without disclaiming that it's dangerous for it.
This tutorial will absolutely work for most objects, and I've used this process for a couple of years now with success, but you have to be able to decide what you're willing to put into TS3. We have all of these tutorials for reducing lag in this old as dirt game, but NONE of that matters if you're carrying objects like this - no matter how pretty they are.
If you need it that bad, figure out how to make a version of it that CAN look as good as this with a little less detail (think the spirals in the wicker that is actually meshed rather than just textured), or ask a creator to make something for you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If I have the time, I try to help whoever comes into my inbox. If I can't help, there is a hoard of creators out there that probably can.
So have fun, CHECK YOUR CONTENT, and keep your computer safe.
And creators/converters - do better.
Edit to add - to the creators/converters who do put out their polycounts, or a disclaimer of high poly/photo use only - thank you. I do understand the need for high poly objects for photo-op purposes, and I'm not here to attack anyone's preferred gaming style. I just want people to be safe while they play, as there are those who don't know what they're putting into their games. Let's help ensure that everyone has a chance to play whether they're experienced creators or regular game-players.
Edit to add 2 -
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To add a bit of context - I was able to get the reduced mesh even further by removing some of the intricate details of the mesh, to create a simpler version. This is now down to 5,270 - and it could be lowered even further by removing the top of the handle - which is 1700 by itself because it's spiraled. So when you're dealing with a high mesh object such as this, pay attention to what's really adding weight, and if you can replace/remove it without taking too much away. The shadows can be fixed in gimp as well.
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THEME: Ironsworn/Starforged Hacks
This week’s recommendations are all inspired by Ironsworn, by Shawn Tomkin, or Starforged, its science-fantasy successor.
Inspired by PbtA games, Ironsworn stands out because it can be played solo, GM-less, or as a traditional roleplaying game - and the PDF of the rulebook, a work of stellar quality, is free. It uses unique mechanics such as Vows, Momentum, and Supply to support play - Vows being personal goals that drive the character’s story and generate progression, Momentum being an asset that can be used to track your character’s general level level of success, and Supply being a representation of how prepared or energetic your characters are.
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While Ironsworn is a game of fantasy adventuring, Starforged takes cues from space fiction and science fantasy, and comes with unique character pieces and a planet generator.
Let’s take a look at some of the hacks created out of these games!
Iron Valley, by M. Kirin.
Iron Valley is a cozy solo ttrpg hack for Ironsworn and Starforged.
In this game you take the role of someone moving into a small community and starting their life anew. Maybe you’ll restore your family’s farm. Maybe you’ll explore the mysterious forest just beyond town. Maybe you’ll fall in love and get married! This is a game about living a cozy life with good company, one day at a time.
As a farming simulation, this is a great example of a cozy game. Follow the course of a year, making a new home for yourself using a simplified version of Ironsworn. Fundamentally, the game revolves around the promises you make to your friends, losing track of time instead of hit points. 
This is a chunky game that takes some set-up, that a single can play over many days or weeks. It’s something that requires a bit of work to put together, but you can pick it up a little bit at a time if you’re looking for sustained play, and you don’t have to work with a group to try and schedule game time.
Stonebound, by S0ra.
The Dawnlands are filled with various groups of palaeolithic humans, all trying their best to survive in this prehistoric world, where they are far from the top of the food chain.
You are not like them.
You will venture forth from your home, rise up and challenge the monstrous creatures who roam this land, discover secrets better left forgotten, protect your people from the feral horrors that rise in the night, bind your will and your word to the sacred stone of this land and become Stonebound.
This isn’t much of a departure from the original Ironsworn: the author describes it as a re-skin, with new assets and foes to make the system fit in a stone-and-sorcery kind of setting. The game is still in development, so changes might continue being added, but the game is Pay What You Want for now! In Stonebound, stone replaces iron as the way by which you make vows, and as a result stone becomes a vital part of the landscape. If you really like the way Ironsworn plays but are interested to see how it looks in a new setting, you might want to check this game out.
Cybersworn, by Homebrewster, and Hyper City, by Thomas Manuel.
You’ll need to know how Ironsworn or Starforged works in order to play these hacks. Cybersworn is meant to fit a number of different flavours of cyberpunk; from high-magic settings, to low-magic settings, to settings with cyborgs or a virtual other space. It provides new pieces to slot into the basic ruleset to make the game neon and gritty. And just like Ironsworn, this game is free!
Hyper City is a specific corporate dystopia that you build based on a real city that you’re interested in. It uses Burning Questions rather than Iron Vows, it provides a mode of play that focuses on investigation and exploration, rather than action and adventure. Hyper City is also designed to be played “solo together,” as described by the designer. Each player is playing their own solo journey, but their characters can interact with each-other via messaging apps or something similar to trade information and give each-other updates. 
These games aren’t designed to necessarily be played together, but since they’re built for the same system, it’s likely easy to steal a little from one to place into the other. If you’re into cyberpunk and building your own city, these might be worth checking out!
Silversworn, by fyret.
This is a hack about being a werewolf (possibly in space). It is a hack about rage and trying your best to hide it. It is a hack about finding what lengths you'll go to keep the beast inside, and what carnage you'll bring when it is unleashed. 
This game specifically alters the rules of Ironsworn to allow you to play as a werewolf character. One of the basic moves, Face Desolation, is replaced by Face Rampage, which is meant to replicate your struggle to keep your human form. Apart from mechanical changes, this hack comes with some tips about playing as a werewolf, especially when you’ve transformed. The game also comes with a new series of Truths and Assets, to help you build the world you want, whether you want to tell a story within the fantasy world of Ironsworn, or the galaxy of Starforged.
If you want to see more genre hacks of these games, I’d recommend checking out the Starforged 2023 Jam on Itch.io. 
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callipraxia · 2 years
Just spent about half an hour working out my answer to the question, "so, if I were to regard the plot of Gravity Falls as part of a chess game played to put Bill in check...who would fill all of the roles?" Because this is obviously a sensible use of my time after midnight...Plus, by sheer coincidence, I actually have sixteen characters who can logically compose Team Good Guys! To demonstrate, with explanations below the cut now that I know how those work on this site:
Pawns: Filbrick, Caryn, Shermie, Shermie's wife/girlfriend/whoever Shermie had a kid with, Dipper and Mabel's parents, Robbie, and Pacifica.
Knights: Dipper and Wendy
Bishops: Fiddleford and Gideon
Rooks: Stan and Soos
Queen: Mabel
King: Ford
Those last two should not be read as implying any weird ships, because...ew. Rather, it's all in how their actions correspond to the relevant pieces/the fact that they are in fact arguably both ex-royalty (Ford's the ex-king of the Finger Dimension, one could interpret Jeff the Gnome's comments as meaning that Mabel was, briefly and on a technicality, Queen of the Gnomes before she busted out the leaf blower). As for the more relevant bits:
The information in Ford's head makes him a vital piece for Team Good Guys: if Bill extracts said information, the game's over. Ford is also very limited in his options (the piece can move in any direction, but only one square at a time) and is just as easily trapped into check by his own pieces - it's his attachment to Dipper and Mabel which nearly allowed Bill to pull off a ‘smothered mate’-like situation.
Mabel is a strong piece with a very respectable track record of violence toward Bill. She can also move in any direction in a very literal way (grappling hook!) and this ability is what gives her uncles time to execute the twin switch which 'won the game.' On which note...
I think I read that it's different now (full disclosure, I'm a lousy chess player), but at one point in the history of the game, castling rules allowed an unmoved King to swap places with one of his unmoved Rooks. The Rooks, meanwhile, are moving buildings that flatten pretty much all in their path. Seemed like a description anyone Stan ever punched would agree with. Soos could go here or as Knight II; I stuck him here because he takes over the same role as Stan at the end of the series (plus, you know it would make him so happy).
If Soos is with the Rooks, then Dipper and Wendy become the Knights. Look at them in Weirdmageddon I! And in general (Dipper was pretty much born not moving the same way as anyone else in the game: ‘ladder shoes’, anyone?), but in that episode, when the two of them work together, they go from "surviving out here, which is already impressive and indicative of unusual skills" to "have decimated Bill's ground forces by flipping Gideon and are gearing up to take on a magic trap directly." Plus, Wendy customarily carries an axe; if she wanted to, she could go very medieval on folks.
Speaking of medieval (sort of) - our Bishops, Fiddleford and Gideon. Aside from both being at least religion-adjacent in supplementary materials (Gideon reads Preacher's Digest and behaves like a televangelist, Fiddleford is specifically stated to make the sign of the cross when he steps over a grave), they also fit well enough with the incomparable Terry Pratchett's description of the role in chess: "Bishops move diagonally. That's why they often turn up where the kings don't expect them to be." Certainly both Fiddleford and Gideon end up in places Bill didn't expect them to be, and they both go the long way about accomplishing their goals, too, preferring manipulation and ranged tech (robots, science guns, proxies, etc.) to direct confrontations, though they will if they must and may well show slightly disturbing glee while they’re about it - rather like the mace-wielding bishops of yore, no?
Which just leaves our eight pawns: Filbrick, Caryn, Dipper and Mabel's parents, one set of Dipper and Mabel's grandparents, Robbie, and Pacifica. The first six fit the role well: they are the 'front line' which made initial moves (had kids, raised kids, screwed said kids up something awful on occasion) and allowed the more powerful pieces to 'develop' long enough to get to Weirdmageddon/have the mental health issues that create their circumstances at that time. Pacifica's season two arc also makes her fit nicely into the role of Promoted Pawn: at first, she may compete for everything as the 'face' of the Northwest family, but she has so little real power of her own that she is cowered by a bell. Later, though, after fighting her way through Lilliputtians and aiding in the capture of a Category 10 ghost, she breaks the bell conditioning and saves the town. During the endgame, she is in the right place at the right time to first get the sweater Mabel made her and then to realize it meant she was part of the Destiny Circle. I'd say she made it to the other end of the board.
And then there's Robbie. Who I just stuck in here because he wasn't cool enough to be Knight II and nothing else fit at all. Sorry, Robbie.
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zadien · 2 years
My fave SLTS scene to date!
I was thinking about @paperclippedmime's question regarding music and how they work with certain scenes. And it got me thinking about this particular piece of music from Haikyuu that I wrote and edited a Tala scene to (finding this track on youtube is an effort because the album on Spotify is all in Japanese and I DON'T SPEAK IT! But I know this scene and the Trust part gave it away.)
It's from Chapter 39, I think of SLTS. The ending of the Time arc. The Varsity are losing to the JV team because Varsity have lost a few key players (most especially their goalie and they are having teething problems and communication problems and things are not going well). So of course Tala has to step up and save the day, right? (Also featuring Sassy Best Boi Max as the goalie extraordinaire for the JV team and Daichi being Daichi). -----------
As Jefferson moved up with the puck in hand, Tala blew out a breath, cleared his mind, allowed it to frost over until it mimicked the flat surface beneath his skates.
Jefferson glanced between Miguel and Kai, offered his pithy spiel about sportsmanship—probably lifted from a Disney movie—and readied the puck.
Kai nodded, a quick jerk of his head, eyes glued to the black disc. Miguel shifted, his fingers twitching on the stick. Daichi shuffled an inch to the side, a subtle position aimed to block Enrique’s dash up front. Tala’s lips ticked up. Good for them, they’d guessed their tactic. Not that it would help them.
The puck dropped.
Kai blocked Miguel, and knocked the puck back. Tala snatched it and whipped away to clearer ice, out of Kirby’s surprisingly fast reach. He drew back as Kirby chased him and looked around for Enrique.
“You’re going the wrong way!” Kane shouted.
Bryan intercepted Kirby and Tala grinned. Miguel came at him. Tala spun out of his reach, snapping the puck to Enrique as his teammate emerged from the cluster of JV uniforms. Enrique nearly fumbled the pass but then he tore down the ice.
Tala chased after him, aware of Kai coming down the middle to act as interference. Enrique was fast, but Enrique had one vital flaw. He could only go in a straight line and if anyone got in his way, Enrique didn’t have the stick handling or ability to dodge and keep the puck.
A flash of navy shot across the ice and directly into Enrique’s path. Tala cursed under his breath as Tyson got in front of Enrique and swept his stick into the puck’s path. It skittered across the ice, a black blur as Tyson and Enrique collided. Tala changed gears, skates all but slicing through the ice as he veered off after the puck. He could feel Miguel breathing down his neck, knew his cousin was just as intent on getting that puck.
They couldn’t afford that. Once the JV got it they’d waste the remaining time. He could feel the seconds eroding away, like melting snow. Less than four minutes. Sticks hooked at his feet and he evaded. Slamming into the boards, he struggled to free the puck. No corners on a rink but it sure fucking felt like he was boxed in one.
A body crushed him into the boards and he grunted, ribs protesting as he struggled for purchase.
“Give it up, Tala.”
“Why?” Tala asked. “You think you’ve won, Miguel?”
“First goal, and not the last.”
Tala shook his head. Was it a combination of inexperience and naivety that made them so cocky? Had he ever been that arrogant? Probably still was, he thought with a smirk, as the edge of his stick knocked the puck loose.
Enrique scooped it up and took it around the back of the net while Miguel growled and shoved at him to right himself. Tala chuckled and followed suit.
He could hear his team shouting from the box but their words were a blur. He didn’t need their instructions, he knew what he had to do.
Crouching low to intercept a pass, he flicked it to Enrique, baring his teeth at Kirby’s sound of annoyance. Using the brief moment of clear ice, he tried to get a better angle on the net. They were swarming, clustering around Max as the JV goalie watched the puck with eagle eyes, not an excess of movement to be seen.
3 minutes.
Enrique swung his stick back and slammed the puck at the net. Max knocked it away like it was an irritant. Not an ounce of concern on his face.
“Clear it!” Miguel ordered.
Kirby seized the puck and passed to Daichi. Enrique shoved his way in front, stick swinging like a metronome and when Daichi tried to pass it was knocked off trajectory by the tip of Enrique’s stick. Kai snagged the puck and whipped around to shoot. It bulleted towards the net and Max snagged it out of the air and froze it.
Kirby patted his helmet as she passed. “Nice save, Max!”
Tala blew out a breath and straightened, rolling his shoulders as he waited for Jefferson to collect the puck.
2 minutes, fifty-three seconds.
“You need a nap, Maxie? I’ll hold the fort for you,” Tala offered through clenched teeth.
All good-natured cheer, Max grinned at him through his visor, dropping the puck into Jefferson’s hand. “No thanks, Tala. This is the first bit of action I’m seeing all game. Was going to go grab lunch earlier since you guys didn’t want to come visit.”
Flipping the boy off, Tala glided over to the circle coming around to Kai’s right. “We need to make the play now.”
“What do you think we’ve been doing?”
Enrique huffed out a breath and swallowed hard, licking his dry lips. “Max is like a steel fort. We can’t get through him.”
“You OAP’s need a rest?” Kirby asked, passing through them to find her spot.
“I can’t move without Tyson sticking to me,” Kai muttered under his breath.
Tala glanced over at the navy-haired teen who was pulling his helmet back over his head and snapping it into place under his chin. “Get me the puck.”
“You think now’s the time?”
“Who better to try it out on than Max?”
With a roll of his shoulders, Kai nodded and Tala drifted to his spot for the face-off. He dropped low as the puck fell and Kai swiped it from under Miguel’s stick. Taking it, Enrique snapped it to Tala. He danced out of Kirby’s path, jumping over her stick when she tried to hook the puck and—
He stumbled forward as a train bulldozed him from behind. Hitting the ice on his knees, he glowered over his shoulder. Dunga picked up the puck and took it around the net. Scrambling to his feet, Tala grabbed his stick and took off after the defenceman.
The collision of bodies would have rattled Tala’s bones as Spencer pinned Dunga to the boards. It left their zone wide open with Miguel skating down the ice for a one-on-one confrontation with Kane.
Tala raced after him only to be passed out by Enrique, briskly chasing Miguel down. They crossed the neutral zone and Enrique veered into Miguel, knocking him off balance and sending the puck skittering down the ice to the boards. Kane slipped out of the net and dug out the puck, casting it over to Tala as he circled around.
2 minutes, 30 seconds.
Breath labouring in his chest, Tala guided the puck back down the ice, dodging Daichi and into the offensive zone, taking in the fact that every time Kai tried to shake Tyson, the kid stuck to him like glue. Bryan shifted around, trying to block Dunga and Kirby but with her quick reflexes, she outmanoeuvred her bulky cousin and sprinted to Tala.
He deked and nipped by her, legs working hard to carry him past the net and around the back of it, aware of Max shuffling to keep him in sight.
“Get it in, Tala!”
“Come on, Tala,” Daichi jeered, “show us something fancy.”
Kid was too mouthy for his own good, Tala thought, taking the puck across in front of Max and leading him to the right of the net. As the boy shifted to close off the corner, Tala flicked the puck back between his legs and clipped it up and over Max’s left shoulder.
It struck twine and the lamp lit.
For a second, time stopped and then the roar from the bench hit him. He pumped his fist and spun to grab Enrique.
“The fuck was that!” The blonde roared in his ear as Bryan slapped his helmet hard enough to jar his brain.
Elation filled him, a deep-rooted satisfaction of a damn good goal. He grinned over the babbling blonde’s shoulder at Kai who approached them with a smirk.
“Cutting it close weren’t you?”
Pushing Enrique off him, he bumped his gloved fist against Kai’s. “Still within the five minutes.”
“You’d think they’d never scored before,” Miguel muttered as he muscled past them.
Tyson jostled his captain. “Don’t worry about it, we’ll get another back! Still two minutes on the clock and it doesn’t take that long to score.”
Tala straightened, following them to the face-off but paused when Max called out to him. Tala flinched at his sober expression. He braced himself for the self-doubts. He didn’t want to make Max questions his skills. It was a testament to his talent that Tala had to resort to that kind of shot.
“Hey, Tala, when we get back to school after break, mind showing me that goal again?”
Surprised, Tala propped himself against his stick. “Think I’ll be able to pull it off again? Maybe it was a fluke?”
Max’s blue eyes were bright but serious. “I want to see what I need to do to stop that.”
Recognising that same drive inside the blonde boy, Tala nodded. “I will, if you promise to help us whip Kane into shape. He could do with some one on one time with a goalie.”
Max blinked, then nodded rapidly. “Sure, if you think it’ll help, I’d be glad to.”
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npclibrarydump · 4 months
thinking about the scene in my head where the crew finally gets their shit together and meets up to plan for the session, like who still needs their planet quests done and who knows where their quest bed is. and discussing how exactly the battlefield is going to be restored, and how the genesis breeding is going. and then theyre wondering how exactly the "win" thing works. if their new universe is at the end...
alexi's pretty blunt "can we take finn with us?" because its not wrong to assume game 'constructs' wont be able to leave the medium.
everyone goes silent while finn sorta deflects and haws his way around a no. he didnt even see the ultimate reward in his own game, and he probably wouldnt have remembered anyway. "but please, dont worry about it. the most important thing is getting everyone to the end in one piece :)" and because hes sweet and atp more attatched to this group than his own co-players
"i really want you guys to win, more than anything" very sentimental and smiley. but piers isnt having any of that. "we. you are a part of this team now finn, if we win youre winning with us."
and more silence bc its awkward and tbh piers and kastri are the ones who know finn the best atp. finn is surprised and has to hide that... he doesnt really feel that way. but he thanks piers and asks frixaa to move on discussing the plans.
piers is more blunt and well, not grumpy but yk. for the rest of that meeting. and afterwards. everyone splits up to go questing and piers goes back home for more tedious insect science. and after floating around checking on the others for a bit, finn ends up on piers' planet like he usually does.
its hard to tell, but piers is upset with him. or something related to finn? he's a grumpy cynical person anyway, but piers when he's really upset is distant and cold, using work as a barrier to the world while he seethes quietly. finn tries to talk to him, just how they normally would, but piers is uhh. yea
neither of them are super 'beat around the bush' people, so finn just asks. "is it about the meeting?" and piers has to put his tools down. "i'm flattered you think of me as one of you all, really. but the reality is that,.. im not even supposed to be here. i'm only... not alive but resurrected, because of a whole lot of glitches that lined up to revive me."
"im not a player here. my planet isnt here, i dont have a spot on either of the moons, there sure isnt a quest bed out there for me. ive no reason to assume ill be able to enter the new universe with you, and i dont want to... pretend that its true."
piers: "you dont know! im not going to delude myself into thinking that either, but you just... dismiss that it could happen... and i dont care whatever the game thinks, youre- ugh" he doesnt usually get this emotional with arguments..
finn is still... listen. its a self worth thing, the only vital thing he did for his session was die. and so far, he hasnt done anything other than provide the information sprites are supposed to anyway. hes a useful messenger, and he's good at talking to people, but hes not a combatant or magic wielder or planner. he knows hes a coward.
"i just... dont want to get anyones hopes up. yours or mine." he says. "and if i cant leave with you, or something else happens- i dont want you all to hesitate in getting the reward you really deserve..."
piers stands up from his desk, "you deserve it too! and theres a difference between... between hoping itll turn out fine and being just... defeatist and cynical!"
finn half laughs. "hm, i thought you were supposed to be the cynical one." piers deflates, that feeling where you know you arent persuasive enough to convince someone to change their mind, especially about themselves.
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sociomi · 6 months
How to Play Slot Machines
The vitally safe machines were free — the not permanently established by how much that particular machine had been played since the last achievement. Today most reformists are associated electronically to various machines, with all credits played in the associated machines adding to an ordinary gold mine.
These treasure troves can be colossal — the record is $39,710,826.26, a $1 moderate at a Las Vegas club. The tradeoff is that repeat and size of other payouts are commonly more unassuming. Additionally, you can't win the colossal enormous stake without playing most outrageous credits.
If you ought to play not exactly most prominent credits, look for a multiplier in which the last coin bob in the top treasure trove is minute. Stunningly better, pick a machine that licenses you to stay reasonable enough for you while playing most outrageous credits.
If your monetary arrangement won't allow you to play most outrageous credits on a $1 machine, move to a quarter machine. In case you're disturbed playing 3/4 all at once, move to a two-quarter machine. If you can't play two quarters at the same time, play a nickel machine.
The Differentiation With Video Spaces With so many paylines and the possibility betting different credits per line, video spaces are remarkable. Some penny openings with 20 paylines take up to 25 coins for each line. That is a $5 generally outrageous bet — a boatload of cash without a doubt!
Most players bet not the very greatest on video openings yet make sure to cover all the paylines, whether or not betting only a solitary credit for each line. You want to make sure to be equipped for the extra changes that give video spaces most of their great times. A couple of moderate huge stakes require max bets, and some don't.
Expecting a most extreme bet is supposed to be equipped for the large stake and you're not prepared to move that high, find a substitute machine.
Cash The chiefs Managing your money honorably is the fundamental piece of playing any betting club game, and moreover the most inconvenient part of playing the spaces. To be sure, even on quarter machines, how much money included runs up quickly. A serious space player on a machine that plays off credits can without a very remarkable stretch get in 600 pulls an hour. At two quarters at the same time, that suggests wagering $300 every hour — a comparative total a $5 blackjack player bets at a commonplace table speed of 60 hands every hour.
Most of that money is reused from more unobtrusive payouts — at a betting club returning 93% on quarter spaces, the ordinary normal mishap for $300 in play is $21. Yet again regardless, you will prevail upon the opposition on a more normal premise if you pocket a part of those more unobtrusive payouts and don't diligently put all that you get into the machine. Check out giga5000.
One methodology for administering cash is to segment your space bankroll for the day into more unassuming gathering bankrolls. If, for example, you've taken $100 on an over two hour riverboat venture, assign $20 for each half-hour. Select a quarter machine — dollar machines could destroy a $100 bankroll in minutes — and play the $20 through once. If you've gotten more than $20 in payouts, pocket the excess and play with the first $20. Around the completion of one half-hour, pocket anything that remaining parts and start one more gathering with the accompanying $20.
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paperdemon-arpg · 1 year
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Art RPG Forge: 10 Ways to Grow Your Art RPG Community
Building an Art RPG is a lot of work, but the work doesn’t stop when you’ve figured out your mechanics and assets. Players are the heartbeat of every Art RPG, so how do you jumpstart the pulse? In this article, I'll share 10 tips for attracting players to your Art RPG. Most of these tips can apply to both Art RPGs that are just launching or have been running for years.
These are in no particular order. What will work best for you and your game depends a little on luck and a little on skill. Choose something that feels approachable but don’t be afraid to explore all of them!
If you don’t see immediate success, don’t worry too much about it. Community building can take months or even years before you see significant results. It’s an investment, and you’ll have to keep it up until you get where you want to be.
#1 - A Playable Game
While this might seem obvious, many Art RPGs only launch with a handful of mechanics functional, if any. Other mechanics are usually teased as “coming soon,” but never happen. Make sure that your game has functional playability before launching it. If a player shows up and is interested but can’t actually play the game, you’ve lost a potential community member. They might come back later, but why miss that first chance?
All of the central parts of your game should be up and running when you’re bringing in new recruits. You can leave some room for future development, but don’t put vital functions behind closed doors.
#2 - Clear Onboarding
The biggest barrier to entry for most Art RPGs is too much information too soon. Some games have a wall of all of their links and others have a starter guide, but few take the time to walk their players through the game step by step in bite sized pieces.
Make sure your getting started guide is approachable. It should be as clear and concise as possible and introduce your players to the world and the mechanics with optional deeper information hosted on other guides. Consider building a walkthrough or a mentorship program for your game.
#3 - Newbie Events
Offer new players an opportunity to get a free character or gift basket of items. Offering free characters or predesigned characters reduces the barrier to entry for new players. Choose giveaway items so that they’re things that can be used early in the game, or give the new players access to an important high value item or two that they can look forward to using. 
You can even incentivise existing players to invite their friends in order to earn rewards for both themselves and the new player.
#4 - Eye Catching Art
Invest in the look of your game. Banners, item art, NPCs, import base art. All of these and more are where people are likely to draw their first judgment of your game. The more professional and polished the art in your game is, the more likely people will give it a longer look. Make sure to establish a cohesive style for your game to set the tone.
Consider commissioning artists or bringing them onto your team long term to create event art and new assets as your game moves forward. Don’t cheap out on this– it can get pricey but it’ll be even more difficult and pricey to have to replace the art later on. Make sure to have use agreements in writing, particularly if you’re planning on selling the art as merch.
#5 - Paid Banner and Video Ads
Word of mouth is the primary way most Art RPGs bring in new players, but there are an enormous amount of artists out there who haven’t even heard of the genre. Banner ads on sites that artists and creators frequent, particularly artists and creators your game targets, can help bring in new players. Look into targeted YouTube ads that show up on videos by creators whose audience matches yours.
#9 - In-Person Events
Does your town have a local fan convention? Do you table at an artists alley? Is there an artist meetup group you can plug into? Get involved in your in-person community and keep links on hand to show people about your game. Consider printing flyers or business cards to hand out to other artists you meet in the wild. Get in touch with convention staff before the event, some conventions offer specific tables for creative advertisers who aren’t actually selling merch.
#6 - Active Events and Developments
Some Art RPGs are fairly static, but most have seasonal events and new releases to keep players engaged. Consider putting together a roadmap for your game so you can time the creation of assets and mechanics for a regular release schedule. The summer tends to be a high activity period for many Art RPGs, and summer events can bring in new players as well as excite and engage existing ones.
#7 - Social Media
Social media posts keep your players updated, show how active your game is, and provide quick, snappy information for new players. You can feature art, events, spotlights, and much more to show people the very best of your game. Pick only one or two to focus on at first– social media can be overwhelming and different platforms often require different styles of content. Look into social media scheduling tools to help keep your social media active and on track.
As of the time of this writing, we've seen Art RPGs have the most success with the social platforms Discord and Instagram.
#8 - Healthy Community
While internet communities are made up of many people who have many different styles of communication, there is a lot you can do to shape the atmosphere and expectations of your community. Make sure you have very clear rules about behavior that you enforce consistently and fairly. Talk to your team to make sure everyone is on the same page about how they handle both positive and negative situations with the community. Reward players who engage consistently and positively!
#10 - Connect to the Larger Community
There are hundreds of other Art RPGs out there. Many of them have affiliate lists or Discords where they allow advertising for other Art RPGs. Connect with other leaders and see if they want to work together on anything from swapping affiliate links to building crossover events between games.
Do you have more tips for growing your Art RPG that we missed? Let us know in the comments.
Reposted from our Blog Written by Shyftlock
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secretlessonnews · 1 year
Be strong trust yourself love yourself
Be strong trust yourself love yourself Your Power Map: Adherence in an Age of Deception Hello fellow navigators of life! I am Sol, your enthusiastic guide in your search for self-discovery. While my story might sound taller than an Idaho potato stalk, rest assured I am here to help you realize an age-old truth: the world may contain many stories but the key lies within trusting and accepting yourself as who you truly are. We live on an ever-shifting globe filled with misconceptions and falsehoods. Like an endless magic show, each trick seems more mind-boggling than the last. Don't let any of this rattle you; remember to trust yourself, love yourself, and stand tall against conflicting narratives. Life can often make us feel like mere pawns on a chessboard, moved about according to its whims. But don't forget, you aren't just another piece in its grand game - you are its player, its mover and shaker; YOU set the rules, not someone else dictating them for you. Be confident, trust yourself, love yourself so your experience becomes that much more exhilarating! "Sounds great, Sol - but how can I get there?" you might be asking. Here is your tour guide on your path towards self-reliance: - **Step 1: Tune Into Your Intuition** Your intuition can serve as your own personal GPS system. Rather than employing fancy car systems with pre-recorded British voices to guide them through chaos, trust yourself and allow your intuition to guide the way. - **Step 2: Establish Your Self-Belief** As the master architect of your own confidence, it falls to you to construct it from the inside out. Just like building a home requires strong foundations, walls, and roof to protect you in any weather; be confident, trust yourself, love yourself - and your self-belief skyscraper will reach impressive heights! - **Step 3: Accept Your Individuality** Celebrate what makes you unique! Don't look at yourself like just another mass-produced potato chip: accept and embrace all your quirks as an integral part of who you are; it will help build trust between yourself and yourself! - **Step 4: Challenge Your Limits** Think of limits like potato skins - peel away at them until your mind reveals their limitless potential! Be strong, trust yourself, love yourself then see where that takes you. Trusting and loving yourself is a journey, not an endpoint. Reassessing and growing are vital parts of this process; otherwise the world can only provide illusions. In truth, only you have control of deciding your reality. At every turn in life, let your authenticity serve as your compass. Trust and love yourself so that your story becomes one that echoes with truth and strength. Remember, nothing can rival being true to who you truly are in a world that attempts to shape you into someone else's image. Be strong, trust yourself, love yourself and let your light shine - it will outshone any Idaho potato field! ☟ ☟ ☟ Read the full article
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merry-tes · 2 years
Math as a Focus
Today's workshop was fun, and I learned a lot from our different stations and activities. Something new that I've learned from the workshop about math learning for children is that a child can explore math in their everyday experiences through their interactions with teachers and classmates. Math learning comes from the child's curiosity during play, and it does not only pertain to numbers and counting them, but it also involves shapes, sizes, patterns and comparing things. The activities we did are familiar ones that I enjoyed growing up, and I have just learned that these activities promote math learning for children.
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"Station #8 Looseparts #1" Photo Credit: Marites
Although all the activities are fun and you learn something from them, I enjoyed playing chutes and ladders (station 4). This activity reminds me of my childhood, as my friends played this game almost daily. The ones we used to play back then were called snakes and ladders differently, but the concept is the same. The idea of this game is to be the first to reach the final square. All the players must start from starting square, and players take turns rolling the dice to move the token by the number of squares according to the die rolled. If you land on a square with the lower end of a ladder, the player moves the token up the ladder with the higher-numbered square, but if the player lands on the square with the head of a snake, the player moves the token down to the square with the snake's tail. The player who is first to bring a token to the last square is the winner. This game introduces the math learning of counting, sequence, spatial relationships such as going up and down the ladder and snake, and rational counting. Children can also learn number lines and simple addition. This activity also helps children to interact better and enjoy playing while engaging with math. I also like this game as it is exciting. You need to know what number you might roll with the dice and which number on the board you might land, whether it be a ladder or a chute.
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"Station #4 Snake and Ladders" Photo Credit: Marites
The educator has a vital role in supporting children's math learning. Educators could ensure the activity is appropriate and inclusive to the children participating by providing all the materials required for the activity are complete and adequate. Another role of the educator in supporting learning for the children is to promote the safety of everyone by making sure there is enough space for everyone to move and do the activity. Aside from security, educators should also make the environment attractive to children so that they would engage and participate in math play. An example is from workshop station 1 using the children's book "From Head to Toe." This activity encourages children to copy or act out the movements by combining how many times they need to act using the dice. It involves children performing an action called "directional words." Educators could also support learning by instructing and showing the children how the activity is done, especially if this is the first time the children are doing the exercise. For example, for station #8 of loose parts, the educator could start by showing how to arrange a set of stones, wood chips, shells, and pine cones from small to big, which the children may follow along with the remaining pieces. Lastly, communicating with each child and giving praise and encouragement is another way for educators to support a child's math learning (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, n.d.). Educators support children in developing their ability to solve the problem and connect the math they are learning to the real world around them.
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"Station #1 From Head to Toe by Eric Carle" Photo Credit" Marites
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. (n.d.). Developmental Milestones. MSU Extension. Retrieved February 19, 2023, From https://www.chop.edu/primary-care/developmental-milestones
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lahaciendainn · 2 years
What Makes A Decent Inn For A Family To Remain In?
Underneath, we investigate what makes a great family lodging and what you ought to be searching for while attempting to find inns that are reasonable for your loved ones.
 Area - Having a family with you makes voyaging fairly more troublesome, particularly in the event that the kids are very youthful or on the other hand assuming you are going with old guardians or grandparents. A decent inn for a family is regularly a very much associated lodging, where you can get out and see puts effectively without long strolls or costly cabs or different types of public vehicle
 Environmental elements - With a family it is imperative you have a great deal of things to see and do inside closeness of the inn; else you will make some exhausting memories with your kids which could make life troublesome. An inn with parts to see and do inside a short transport, train, or taxi ride is the ideal lodging while going with a family since this assists with holding the expense down and the spirit high!
 Offices - In the event that you have several children, you could do with the lodging having a couple of things for the kids to do once in the lodging. Close by a blue ray player and a scope of Channels, a few inns have gaming consoles or a choice of books that the occupants can utilize, making free time with kids a piece simpler to make due. Assuming you have extremely small kids, it tends to be vital that the inn offers offices for children and will exceed all expectations would it be a good idea for you want anything.
 Cost - Assuming you are visiting several lodgings while on your movements with your family, then the cost of the lodgings that you stay in will likewise frame a thought on your outing of some sort. Occasions and touring experiences can turn out to be very costly when you are remaining in city area lodgings, so you should can find an inn that is sensibly estimated and is perhaps ready to offer a rebate for over one night's visit.
 Accessible Rooms - A few lodgings can't adapt to multiple individuals in a room, since they depend on business explorers and couples who simply need to move away for an end of the week. A decent family-orientated inn will have a determination of rooms that can hold 4 individuals without any issues, yet will likewise propose to attempt to oblige more relatives in rooms that are near one another.
La Hacienda Inn are located 8.5 miles from San Antonio Airport (SAT), 2 blocks from Alamodome,1 mile from beautiful RiverWalk,1.2 miles from Henry B. Gonzalez convention center, & 3 miles away from AT&T Center. Our hotel is 100% smoke & vape free with interior access and offers free WiFi and on-site parking. Each room has Mexican style decor with amenities such as flat screen TV, ceiling fan, coffee maker, microwave, refrigerator, iron/ironing board, and a hairdryer. Stay and experience Best Hotels In San Antonio Riverwalk.
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bulkkerlon · 2 years
Desperados 3 ps4 price
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Desperados 3 ps4 price update#
Desperados 3 ps4 price series#
Desperados 3 ps4 price update#
With missions that can easily take three or more hours to complete it’s easy to admire the game’s commitment to being old school but there was a chance to update the formula here, and make it more accessible, and it’s been missed entirely. You can tell this by the fact that the touchpad is dedicated to the feature and there’s a dirty great ‘remember to quicksave’ icon that pops up onscreen if you haven’t done so for more than a minute. This has been an issue for all similar games, right from the beginning but it feels particularly arcane in this day and edge, where you constantly load and restart a section because your timing was a millisecond off or an enemy didn’t react as you expected.Īnd it’s not because you just needed to git gud either, it’s clearly the way the game is meant to be played.
Desperados 3 ps4 price series#
White Xbox Elite Series 2 controller is £45 cheaper but still not actually cheap It’s also hugely satisfying when it works. This is not only useful for when there’s a lot going on but essential when you’re setting up complex plans that depend on two characters doing something at the same time (such as sniping from a distance and running for cover). One of the many reasons why the real-time strategy label isn’t very helpful is that you can also activate ‘showdown mode’ to briefly pause the game and queue a chain of commands for the characters to execute once the action is un-paused. That means you not only have to be cautious but thorough, as a single mistake can ruin minutes of careful hiding and waiting. Enemies have clearly indicated vision cones, showing where they can see, and will alert their comrades if they spot you or any dead bodies. The stealth elements are the opposite of something like The Last Of Us Part 2, since everything is very precise and relatively realistic. The five playable characters in Desperados 3 have a wide range of specialities though and at times the game takes on elements of the Hitman franchise, as you try to make enemy deaths look like accidents or simply avoid confrontations entirely. Ultimately, they’re bound for a showdown fit for legends.The Wild West setting is slightly odd though, as being in control of Second World War commandos made much more obvious sense in terms of a game where stealth is vital and all-out action will almost certainly end with your entire squad being wiped out. The gang’s journey will lead them through marshes, rural towns, and a host of other Wild West settings. At its core rests John Cooper, who joins other Desperados on a quest for redemption. Serving as a prequel to Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive, Desperados III is expected to cover quite the interesting narrative. Players may find themselves wanting to rely on non-lethal options, too. Not every situation will demand lethal force, either. Like any other tactical strategy title, players will need to carefully plan every move, devising the optimal way in which to tackle the game’s myriad paths. Check it out in the video below:ĭesperados III’s five playable characters will each bring their own set of skills to the experience. Desperados III Season Pass including three new missions, due to release post-launch in 2020 and tell the story of a new adventure that takes place after the main game’s eventsĪ trailer for the Collector’s Edition accompanied the news, showing off each of the packaged items.A music box, which plays a piece of the soundtrack.5×6-inch figurines of the Desperados: John Cooper, Kate O’Hara, Doc McCoy, Isabelle Moreau and Hector Mendoza.
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the-final-sif · 3 years
So I believe I just read everything you have for Eldritch Dream and I didn't see anything about Ghostbur? What *was* Ghostbur if Wilbur was just essentially off in another room? Is eh!Dream gonna go get him from Limbo now that everything is settling down? I'm sure Tommy would LOVE that. Did Ranboo die as well in your story? Is there a Ghostboo wandering around somewhere? What about Karl's time traveling and memory loss?
I'm so glad I found your AO3 and I *can't wait* until the Quackity fic is up. (Take your time though!) I really want to strangle Canon Quackity for the Torture, but I can't wait to see how it goes here!
Ahh, yeah, ghostbur.
So, in this fic specifically, the main divergence from the SMP plot is when c!Techno was breaking c!Dream & c!Ranboo out of prison. They made it farther without Ranboo getting got by Sam, and Tubbo showed up to try to help Ranboo. That means that Wilbur did get revived like in canon, and Ranboo never died.
As for what Ghostbur was... Well, in a way, he's just c!Wilbur. Since c!Dream believed this was all a game, he didn't want anyone to actually die (getting voided) but he wanted it to FEEL like death was possible. As a part of the LARP. When XD decided he wanted to play too around the pogtopia era, Dream put him in charge of running "Limbo" which is basically meant to be a place where you're "out" of the game. It's basically a side-server, and the person is physically moved there. A "ghost" is the echo of the person meant to keep them connected to the original server just in case something goes wrong. It's not a real player, but it is connected to the real player it represents. It can mimic general personality traits, but will have a lot of trouble accessing any memories. It also doesn't have much storage for new memories, given that it isn't a player. That's what ghostbur was.
The problem with Limbo was that XD is also an Eldritch, and is less knowledgeable about humans/the physical world than c!Dream. So tbh he kinda fucked it up. The time difference between worlds is because XD doesn't understand time as humans experience it. Limbo resembles the void in a lot of ways (empty, lonely) because that's what XD knows. None of it was intentional, but it did suck because it was really a space designed for Eldritch that got used by humans.
c!Karl is still dealing with time traveling and memory loss! It's a little bit different than in canon. First, Karl is the first time traveler. Second, Karl isn't actually time traveling, he's experiencing worlds and situations created by XD. Third, XD isn't aware of the memory loss or that he's the cause of it. It's not on purpose, it's just kind of something that happens as a result of longterm exposure to the void/an Eldritch in any sort of true form.
Also! Yes! I'm excited with how the Quackity piece is coming along. I love his character and I really want to delve into a semi-sympathetic take on him, but specifically one where he's forced to change himself. I'm also excited to contrast him and Sam, because I think there's a lot of vital differences between the two of them that I really want to play out. Unsure when it'll be done though, mostly because I still don't know how long it'll end up being.
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 29
Word Count: 4,619
POV:  Reader
Warngings: Language, Pregnancy
Notes: Ok here’s the chapter some of you have been hounding me for. When we last saw these two, the Pens were in the midst of a playoff run. (Y/N) had not one but two positive pregnancy tests and Sid had just taken a devastating hit on the ice. Let’s see what happens now. Would absolutely kill to get more feedback from you guys, other than when is the next chapter. So please send it my way and give me motivation to write the next chapter if you want it.Happy Reading! 
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Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
As Sid made his way down the ramp to the training room, you tried to quell the bout of nausea that kept threatening to make its presence known.  Over the last year, he'd taken a hard hit to the boards or tweaked a muscle from time to time. In every instance, he would simply wink or give you some sort of acknowledgment that he was ok. Never had he completely ignored the fact that you were standing there. That fact alone told you how serious the injury was, even if you wouldn't have seen him lying on the ice writhing in pain.
It seemed as though your legs couldn't move fast enough, as you followed the trainers and doctors down the hall. You kept telling yourself to breathe and that everything would be fine. You weren't working for the Penguins back when Sid suffered a season ending concussion that kept him out of the game over a span of two years. Sid didn't speak about it too much, but you knew how hard it had been for him, and watching him take that hit tonight couldn't help but bring flashbacks of that time. You followed them into the room, staying out of the way so that the doctors could check him out. It was a process you'd probably watched a hundred times on numerous players, but watching them work on Sid scared the hell out of you.
You grabbed your phone and quickly dialed Trina. "How is he?" Were the first words out of her mouth.
"I'm not sure. The doctors are talking with him now. He hasn't said much." Gear was being taken off of him, as well as vitals all being checked." He hasn't even looked at me." You heard a hitch in Trina's voice, confirming your worst fears, for she too knew that it was unlike Sid to let you worry if nothing was wrong. Ears straining, you heard Sid mumble something yet couldn't make out the words. Was his speech grabbled? Had the hit affected him that badly? You sent up a silent prayer that everything would be fine. It was while they were checking his reflexes and his response to light that you were able to give Trina the next update. "They're taking him to the hospital. Sounds like they want to do an MRI to rule everything."
"You're going with him, right?"
"Yes, of course. I'll update you the minute I know anything."
"Thank you (Y/N). I'll know you'll take good care of my boy." The two of you said goodbye and then you headed over to tell Chris you were going to the hospital, and where all the forms were if anyone else got hurt. You quickly ran down to your office and grabbed your bag, before heading to the training room. Sid was stripped out of his uniform and already in sweats, when you got back, doctors' still surrounding him.
It was only then that he finally spoke to you. "Babe, can you grab my wallet and phone?"
"Yeah, sure." You headed over to the locker room, the period having ended by now.
"How is he?" You weren't sure if it was Flower that asked or Tanger. Hell, it could've been Geno. You were on autopilot simply heading to his stall and sifting through it to get what you needed.
"They're taking him to the hospital to get checked out further. I'll keep you in the loop."
Flower came up to you then, throwing a hand over your shoulder. "He'll be alright, (Y/N)." Just that small gesture and you were ready to crumble into a million pieces on the floor. You felt the first tear slip out. Quickly, you swiped it away before more followed in its wake. "Call Vero, if the game is still going or if it's after call me. You got this." He hugged you, and you felt a few more hands pat your back as you headed back to Sid.
"The car's ready." The doctor proclaimed once you entered the room. "Are you going with us or following in Sid's car." You hadn't even thought about it, as every instinct in your body wanted to go with your boyfriend, but you supposed it made more sense to take the Land Rover, so you could take Sid home after the tests.
"I'll meet you there." The doctor nodded, then took Sid by the elbow. You could tell by the way Sid held himself that he was unused to being coddled, like a toddler just learning to walk, yet he didn't shrug off the help either. The drive to the hospital seemed endless and even turning on the radio to listen to the game didn't seem to distract you from thoughts of Sid going through another lengthy concussion. Of course, you ran every worst-case scenario through your head. If he would be out for the rest of the season, you'd have to get someone to replace you with the team as you'd need to be there for him. There was always the option of getting someone to stay with him, but you hated that idea. He was your boyfriend, you wanted to be the one to care for him. And what if the recovery was a lengthy one, what would you do then? The ink was barely dry on the contract you'd signed earlier this year. Was it too late to turn the job down? You knew Sid would never hear of you quitting to take care of him, but what if you didn't have a choice? Every thought made you sicker and sicker to your stomach.
Your hand went to rest on your abdomen, hoping to ease your worries, but instead, it magnified them by tenfold. The baby. You'd completely forgotten about the other little predicament you were in. There was no time to think about it though as you pulled up to the hospital. Rushing inside, you made your way to imaging where Sid's MRI was already in progress. You waited outside, sitting in one of the chairs while nervous energy coursed through your body. Your phone dinged, alerting you to a text. Tanger was keeping you up to date on the game and wanting to know how Sidney was. Unfortunately, you had nothing to report at the moment. He tried to reassure that everything would be fine, but that was easier said than done, especially since Tanger himself was out with a long-term injury. At least he tried to distract as much as possible.
A nurse finally came out to the waiting room, which was empty except for you. "The doctor's reviewing the scans now, but Mr. Crosby asked if you could come in." You got up and made your way over to her, then stopped abruptly. "Is something wrong?"
"It's just…" you weren't exactly sure how to say this, at the same time you had to know. "I think I might be pregnant." God, she didn't need to know that, especially when even Sid didn't know. "I have an appointment tomorrow." Now you were babbling, giving information out that definitely wasn't needed. "I just didn't know if it was safe."
She patted your shoulders. "It's perfectly fine for you to go inside. MRIs are safe. It's CAT scans you want to stay away from."
"Oh, thank you." You started to head inside once again and then turned back again. "I'd appreciate it if this stayed between us." The last thing you needed was it getting out to the press, that Sidney Crosby's girlfriend was pregnant.
"Of course."
Sid was laying on a gurney off to the side; eyes closed even though the lights were dimmed. He probably had a splitting headache. You went to his side, the back of your hand caressing his cheek. His eyes fluttered open. "Hey babe, how's the head feel?"
"Not too bad actually. I feel like I'll be back on the ice tomorrow for sure."
"Sid." You let your voice carry the weight and the enormity of what a decision like that would mean.
"I know, I know. We'll wait and see what Doc has to say."
"Thank you," you whispered keeping your voice low.
The doctor chose that moment to come in and talk to Sid. "I looked over the scans a few times." Sid grabbed your hand. It let you know he was more worried than he had let on. "It's a concussion, as I expected." Your heart sank for your boyfriend and you gave his hand a reassuring squeezing. "But it's just a mild one. Nothing like before. I expect you'll be back on the ice in a few days. IF you rest." The doctor emphasized the word if, and you knew why. He knew your boyfriend as well as you did and knew that he would try anything and everything to get back onto the ice. "You were lucky. That was a nasty hit you took, but I don't see you having any long-term effects from it."
"That's good news," you declared, while at the same time Sid said, "So you think I'll be out on the ice in a day or so."
"Sid, Doc said you needed rest."
"Yes, I did. Thank you for reminding him, (Y/N). Go home, put some ice on that neck and try to take it easy. I don't want you driving either until I've cleared you. I'll reevaluate you tomorrow at practice. I'm going to call Sully. I'll see you both tomorrow." With that, the doctor left.
"Come on, let's get you home and in bed." Sid nodded, gingerly getting up off the hospital bed he was laying on. You knew he was feeling the effects of the concussion more than he let on, but at least things weren't as bad as you originally thought.
The ride home was quiet; the radio off as Sid laid his head back on the seat. You were probably five miles from home when he finally asked. "So, how'd the game go?"
He would eventually find out, but you knew he wouldn't be pleased with what you had to say. "We lost…in overtime. The guys really gave it their all."
"Yeah, I'm sure they did, though it's hard being a man down."
You briefly thought about pointing out that Niskanen had been kicked out but didn't want to add any salt to the wound, so you remained silent. Choosing instead to add, "We'll get the next one." He simply hummed a response, as you pulled into the driveway. "I'll help you upstairs, then I'm going to call the guys."
"You don't need to. Besides I'm kind of hungry. Think I'm going to make a sandwich first."
"I can do that for you." You were both in the house now and hurried into the kitchen to see what you could find to make him. "There's leftover pasta from last night if you want that instead?"
"Sure, that sounds good." He pulled up a seat at the island as you got the plate ready for him. It took no time at all before you set that and some water in front of him. "Thank you." You headed over to your purse searching for your phone. "Why don't you sit with me for a bit?"
"I am. I just want to text Flower and see if he can take you home after practice tomorrow."
He scrunched his eyes together. "Can't you do it?"
"Uh, no. I can't." He stopped eating his pasta so he could look at you. "I have an appointment." While your original plan had been to tell Sid everything. Tonight's events had made you change your mind. The last thing he needed to hear was that you were pregnant.
"For?" He prompted, not letting the issue die, while at the same time returning to his favorite meal.
"It's a…" you hem hawed, trying to think of something that would seem appropriate to tell him. Fidgeting the entire time, as you tried to scramble for words that didn't want to appear in your brain.
"(Y/N), is something wrong?" Food completely forgotten, he shoved his plate aside, swiveling in the stool so that he was now facing you.
"We can talk about it when you're feeling better. If you're done, why don't we head up to bed."
"My head is fine, but I'm only going to feel better if you tell me what's really going on?" He was concerned, you could see it written all over his face. When you didn't answer right away, he started making guesses. "Are you sick? You're not thinking of moving out? Please tell me tonight didn't make you rethink our relationship?"
His mind always seemed to travel a mile a minute and you could barely keep up as he spouted one idea after another. "No, no it's not like that at all."
"Then what is it, babe? You're making me nervous."
You inhaled deeply, knowing that the only way out of this was by telling him the truth. "I didn't want to tell you like this, because it's the last thing you need to think about, but…" He grabbed your hands, as you'd been so nervous that you started to crack your knuckles.
"Just say it, (Y/N)."
"I think I'm pregnant, Sid." There it was the one thing you didn't want to have to say especially after the man had just been concussed. Maybe by some luck of fate, he'd forget it all in the morning.
"You think you're pregnant?" Sid repeated, a small smile forming on his face.
"Well yeah, I mean I took a test. Two really and they both were positive. I didn't want to say anything until I confirmed everything with the doctor."
The smile on his face continued to grow. "When? How? I mean…why didn't you tell me?" His concussion definitely had to be a mild one for how quickly he was thinking tonight. You couldn't even answer one question before he had another one out.
"I'm not exactly sure about the when part. As for the how, I don't think we need to go back to fourth-grade health class. But when we were packing for DC, I realized I hadn't had my period in a while. So…uh…yeah…I sort of lied that night and said I needed to talk to Vero and went and bought some tests." Like you had flipped a switch, you could see the current of your words traveling to his brain as he processed everything. "I took them once we were at the hotel."
"(Y/N), you should've told me."
"How could I? You shouldn't be focusing on something like this when you're in the middle of a playoff run."
The disapproving look he gave you, could rival any of those your grandmother had given you throughout your childhood. You felt like a sullen child who was being banished to the corner for a timeout, all with one look from him. "I'm fully capable of thinking about more than hockey, (Y/N) and you know that."
The guilt you felt at just that simple statement, started to eat away at your gut. If you were being honest with yourself there was another reason, but it was harder to admit than you thought. "I know you are. I suppose that's just a copout." You took a shaky breath before you continued. "I guess I'm scared."
"Scared of what?"
Tears started to well in your eyes. With the pad of his thumb, Sid brushed them away. "I don't know…of everything. That we're not ready for this, since we haven't even been dating a whole year. That our life is going to change drastically. That I'll have to give up my job." Once you started rattling things off it was as if you couldn't stop. The last one though, well that made you choke on a sob before you could even get it out. "That I won't be a good mother." It all felt so wrong, dumping this all on him while he was injured. Which just seemed to prove your point about the last part. Moms' should put their child's needs first and not their own. You were going to be horrible at this.
"Oh sweetheart," he whispered and gathered you into his arms. He comforted you for a few moments before pulling you back to look you in the eye. "You're going to be the best mom there is. Look at the way you take care of all of us. And believe me, I know we can be a handful. It's like you already have almost thirty kids now." You had to laugh for he was somewhat right, for sometimes grown men could act like toddlers. "As for your job, we can work that out. We'll hire a nanny if you want, so you can still work. I mean yeah you'll need to take some time off after you have the baby, but we'll figure that out." How he could simply solve all your problems, amazed you. Concussion or not, the man was always at the top of his game, at least where you were concerned. "And I'm not sure if you realize this, but I've been ready to have kids with you for a while now." That smile, the genuine one that got caught on camera every now and then, graced his lips. "It's all I can think about sometimes. How beautiful you'll look carrying our child, and how great it will be to teach our kid to skate or throw a ball. I've even thought about taking them to soccer practice or ballet. I think about all those things because I want them all with you."
"It might not be so great when they wake up screaming at two in the morning because of a poopy diaper."
He giggled causing you to laugh as well. "Ok, admittedly that won't be a highlight, but I'll gladly get up and change it, or feed them a bottle, or rock him or her back to sleep. I can't wait for all that."
"So, you're ok with this?"
"(Y/N), I'm more than ok with this. You're literally making me the happiest man alive." You smiled. The first real one since you thought you were pregnant. "So, we're doing this right?"
You nodded your head. "Yeah, yeah we are."
His lips met yours then. The kiss sweet and tender, and filled with so much love. "We're having a baby, baby." You laughed kissing him back as you both were just giddy with thoughts of becoming a family of three. "So, what time's your appointment? I'd like to go with you if that's ok?"
"I made it for after practice. I thought you'd be watching film and I could sneak away for a bit." You admitted a bit sheepishly for going behind his back. "I can see if we can make it for later."
"No, it's fine. I don't need to stay for films. Let's face it, I won't be playing the next game. Doc all but said that. I can catch up on them later. This is more important."
"No buts, babe. I'm going with you."
"Ok," you agreed knowing that you weren't going to win that argument even if you tried. "But now we are heading to bed. You need rest."
"So, do you…mom."
You smiled, while happy tears formed in your eyes. "Ok…dad." The two of you headed upstairs, dishes still on the counter.
By two o'clock the next day, you were sitting in the doctor's office, after having your blood drawn and peeing in a cup, waiting for the doctor to give you the official news. Sid's eyes were huge as they took in the exam room. You warned him that the doctor would probably want to take out your IUD, but hadn't exactly gone into details about anything. "Why are those things there?"
You were sitting on the table, clad in only a gown, while Sid sat in a chair pulled up beside you. "The stirrups?" He nodded and you had to laugh. Of course, he'd seen his fair share of exam tables but never one at an OB/GYN. "My feet go there when the doctor examines me." He raised one eyebrow. "Just stay topside and we'll be fine." You were saved from answering further questions by the doctor coming in.
"It's good to see you again, (Y/N)." She said taking your hand and shaking it. "And this is…" It was only then that she noticed sitting beside you was hockey great, Sidney Crosby. "Oh, I know who you are…Mr. Crosby. I…" she stuttered somewhat star-struck. Sid had that effect on people. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."
"It's ok, and please call me Sid."
"Oh…well…yes. Nice to meet you, Sid." She shook his hand, then proceeded to look at your chart. "So it says here, you think you might be pregnant? Any idea when your last period was?"
"Beginning of February."
She nodded and then reviewed the chart. "Ok, so I'd like to do an ultrasound and check things out if you don't mind. Go ahead and put your feet up and scooch down to the end of the table." You did as instructed, checking on Sid to make sure how he was doing. He kept his eyes trained on your face which was for the best. She moved the wand around several times, eyes on the screen as she did. Both you and Sid watched along with her. You'd seen this on television a million times. There would be this little blob, that you probably couldn't make out, and eventually, the doctor would say that was your baby. So you really weren't surprised when you didn't recognize anything coming up on the screen. A few more passes with the wand and then the doctor was removing it. "You can go ahead and sit up for me, (Y/N)." Once again, doing as you were told, you sat up looking at the doctor expectantly. "I'm sorry to say this, but you're not pregnant."
"I don't understand. I took two tests," you told her, not fully comprehending her words. "They both were positive."
She nodded her head, before saying anything more, while Sid grabbed your hand for support. "So, let's talk about a few things here. Your urine test today came back positive as well, but the blood result was inconclusive. That's why I wanted to do the ultrasound before confirming your pregnancy. (Y/N), you had what we like to call a chemical pregnancy."
"Chemical pregnancy?" This from Sid as he was listening just as intently as you were to the doctor.
"Yes, it's basically when the embryo, doesn't attach or grow in the uterus. There's no real known cause. It can happen for a number of reasons, and we really don't get into a deep dive as to why, unless it occurs more than once."
"So, you're saying I was pregnant but I'm not anymore?"
"Unfortunately, yes." You bit the inside of your cheek to stave off any tears that threatened to flow. All that talk of 2 a.m. feedings and diaper changes, last night were for nothing. The empty pit in your heart felt just as empty as your womb, and there was nothing you could do about it.
"Was there something I did or didn't do? Should I have come in sooner?"
She patted your other hand, the one Sid wasn't holding. "As I said, there really isn't anything you could've done. There could be any number of reasons this happened, one of the most common is hormone imbalances, and with you still having your IUD; that could've been the cause. I can't be a hundred percent sure though. I will say this though if you're looking to get pregnant, we definitely need to remove it. I'm going to give you two a couple minutes. I'll be back in a few and we can discuss it a bit more."
You felt numb. Almost like when you woke up from a nightmare, only you were living it. The last seven days had been a roller coaster of emotions and it seemed as though you weren't going to be able to get off the ride anytime soon. You looked over at Sid, there was a sadness in his eyes, that you felt down in your soul. "I'm so sorry," you whispered out.
"(Y/N), you have nothing to be sorry for." He got up then, standing beside you, and gathered you in his arms.
"I'm sorry I put you through this," you told him. "I should've been sure before…" A hiccup escaped you as you choked on a sob. "I'm sorry…I don't know why I'm crying." His arms moved up and down your back in a soothing motion, as tears continued to fall from your eyes. "It seems silly too…over something we never even had."
"It's not silly, (Y/N). It hurts. It hurts like hell actually." You heard him sniffle and knew he felt just as horrible as you did. That thought only made you feel worse. If you hadn't told him, he wouldn't have to be going through this right now, but at the same time, you'd be here, alone. Maybe it was selfish, but you couldn't imagine receiving this news by yourself. "And it hurts because we both wanted this."
You did want this. Somewhere between taking those home pregnancy tests and this morning, you finally realized you wanted to be a mom. It wasn't just that though. You wanted a baby with Sid. You wanted this baby, but you didn't have him or her anymore. "We did, didn't we?"
"Yes, babe, we did." When he pulled you back from his embrace, his face took on a serious look. "But we can try again, (Y/N). There's no reason we can't do this right now."
"But what if it happens again?"
"Then we keep trying, and I'll find the best doctors to find out why this is happening." Somewhere deep down, you knew that Sid would go to the ends of the earth if he had to. "And if that doesn't work we can do that invitro thing." He probably had no clue what that involved, hell you didn't really either, but it spoke volumes to how badly he wanted a baby with you. Capturing your chin with his thumb and index finger, he made sure you were looking him in the eye before he spoke. "If that doesn't work, there's always adoption. And before you say anything, I would be thrilled to adopt a baby with you. There are so many kids out there that need a loving home, babe, and we could give them that."
Tears freely flowing now at all that he was offering you. Not just himself, but possibly his legacy too. "Sid…"
"No, (Y/N), don't say it. I love you and at the end of the day, you're all I need. No one else but you. Whatever happens, happens. Ok?"
There was no way in this world you could love this man possibly more than you did at this moment. "Ok. I love you too." The kiss to your lips he gave you, was tender and sweet and spoke of all the promises he'd just made and more that you felt were coming.
The doctor came in right at that moment. "Oh." The two of you broke apart at her exclamation.
"Sorry," Sid said sheepishly.
"No, it's fine. I can give you both more time."
"That's not necessary," you spoke up and told her. "We've decided we want the IUD out." Sid looked at you with a huge smile on his face before pecking your lips quickly. "So how soon can we try for a baby again?"
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moonbeamwritings · 3 years
a piece of you
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We all take a little part of the people we love everywhere we go, captured in a photograph or in the recipes we memorize. It lingers in the way we wear our hair or the silly jokes we make with friends. We mirror, consume and display what we love, and by extension, who we love, in every action and phrase — an endless, ever-expanding galaxy littered with moments and precious memories spent watching and learning and loving. Even long after they leave us, pieces of our loved ones linger. They linger in our hearts and homes as if they belong, even if there is no longer any space for them. Stars can still be seen from the ground long after they’ve died, after all.
Hinata’s luggage is heavy as he wheels it through the airport, his backpack weighing him down as if it’s packed full of rocks. He’s just said goodbye to his mother and Natsu outside, just said goodbye to you, before his flight to Brazil. It was a decision that felt so right, so perfect, one that he’d spent weeks excitedly telling everyone about, but now, as he checks his luggage, he doesn’t understand the emotion that swirls somewhere deep in the pit of his stomach. As he settles into the plane, squished in the middle seat on his way to a country full of opportunities, his eyes mist over and sting with unshed tears. He was so unbelievably, undeniably, happy with his decision, so why did it feel so wrong, like he was missing something vital. He pats his pockets, a mental checklist running through his mind. Wallet, passport, pocket guide to Portuguese (Thanks, Yachi). So what was it?
It doesn’t hit him until he’s moved into his apartment. Pedro is quiet, almost too quiet, and Hinata knows he isn’t good enough at the language, not yet, to stave off the loneliness that creeps up his ribcage like vines. He keeps busy, though. Meditating on the beach at sunrise, Hinata thinks of Takeda and Ukai; words about prioritizing both body and mind ringing in his head, a delicate balance that any player needs to succeed. He works and trains and eats right. He gets his eight hours. Everything seems to be going well, but the feeling lingers. Days later, with the last of his boxes unpacked, his clothes neatly tucked (or as neatly as he cares to keep them) into the dresser in the corner, he stands, hands on his hips, and takes in his room. The loneliness inches closer.
He has the brand of hand lotion his mom and sister have always used sitting on his desk. It smells like them. It smells like home. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches the lock screen of his phone. It’s a group photo of his friends, a photo that took a lot of begging on his and Yachi’s part. A wobbly smile forms on his lips as he thinks of her standing before Tsukishima and demanding that he smile, just this once. He didn’t, of course, but Hinata didn't mind. The picture makes his chest feel warm and tight all at once.
What finally gets him, though, what brings Hinata face-to-face with the gnawing feeling that had been itching at him for days, is a sweatshirt that lingers on the edge of the bed. He brings it to his nose, and all he can smell is you. Your perfume, your shampoo — just you. It’s familiar and comforting and saddening in a way Hinata is sure he’s never felt before. You’d worn it the night before his flight when you’d both settled beneath the tree in his backyard, talking and cuddling as if the sun, your sun, wasn’t about to fall out of orbit. You were going to college, Hinata was going to Brazil, and everything felt so out of control. Nothing would ever be the same.
“I’m going to miss you.” It’s an earnest whisper, and Hinata wonders if you ever intended for him to hear it.
“I’m going to miss you more.”
A scoff travels on the cool evening breeze. He smiles despite himself at the sound. “I don’t think so.”
It’s one competition neither of you would ever win. The two of you could go back and forth until the end of time. How had he managed to find someone who he loved so deeply and who made him feel so loved in return? He was one of the lucky ones, that much he knew.
Crickets chirp in the background and the distant clank of pots and pans remind you both that dinner is on the horizon, that soon this moment will be broken before it is broken again and again until he’s home — before he comes back to you.
You pick your head up from his shoulder then and press your lips to his. It’s salty with tears, ones he hadn’t realized you’d both started to shed, and it says everything and nothing all at once. It’s perfect.
When you finally break away, he takes your face in both of his hands and swipes his thumbs beneath your eyes, along your cheekbones. He stares into your eyes and memorizes their color. He traces the line of your cupid’s bow and the curve of your nose.
You sniffle, and your hand comes up to rest over one of his. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to have to beg you to stay.”
“I love you.” Another earnest confession, and certainly not the last.
“I love you, too.”
At the memory, he wastes no time in tugging the sweatshirt over his head, bringing his tired body down to lay across his comforter, energy gone amid his reminiscing. If his chest felt tight before, it’s nearly suffocating him now as he thinks of the photo he has of you tucked in his wallet. A cute candid where your smile reaches your eyes, hand outstretched to grab him, who was lingering just behind the camera. Your presence lingers in every corner of his room, even though he’s thousands of miles away, and he’s grateful. He’s grateful that he can keep you close, can keep you in his heart until he can finally come home to you. A week later, he struggles to put the sweatshirt through the wash.
He calls you every day for two years. He writes you letters and sends you postcards, and you send your own back. The pictures and papers litter his room, forming a stack on his deck and his bedside table that he doesn’t dare put away. The distance, though daunting, is manageable, it seems. Anything is when you love someone as much as he loves you, and before he knows it, his two years are up. He’s absorbed new skills like a sponge, has made new friends, and now he’s able to return home. Finally.
You’re there to greet him at the airport, holding up a sign decorated with his name written in neon markers, stickers dotting nearly every inch of the paper. It takes everything in him to prevent himself from simply tackling you to the ground, scooping you up into his arms and never letting go. He’s sure to crash into you with less force, taking you into his arms and lifting you from the ground instead of bringing you to it. Your lips bump together in a frenzied kiss that’s all teeth and big smiles and two years worth of love. He loves you and he’s home and nothing else matters.
It’s said that your loved ones can be seen and felt in all corners of your being, sparkling stars and distant glimpses of lost and found loves ever-present in the way we move and speak and exist. Hinata hadn’t realized how much of you he had truly kept until you were in his arms again, his heart finally feeling whole.
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