#( uldren ; headcanon )
screebyy · 4 months
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Part 2: local empath tries and fails to parse his own feelings apart from the feelings of the dead little freak living inside his brain
Next part is either gonna be either a really big one or split into several little parts idk yet but i would like to finish this at least through the next Scene™️
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Panel 1: Crow is sitting on a branch high up in a dead tree, on a hill above the Harbinger’s Seclude temple in the Dreaming City. Crow is relaxing along the branch, with one leg stretched out and one propped up so he can rest his hand on his knee. He is leaning back against the trunk of the tree as he looks to his right, down at the temple and away from the viewer. He is holding a flaming hunter throwing knife in his hand, flicking it back and forth. Glint is floating next to him. Glint: “Do you want to see him again?” Crow: “I don’t think he wants to see me.” Glint: “That’s not what I asked!”
Panel 2: Crow twirls the knife in his hand, scowling as he looks down at it. The knife is made of solar flame, and leaves trails of fire behind it as he twirls it. Crow looks like he is reluctantly considering Glint’s question.
Panel 3: Crow turns back towards the temple, grabbing the knife and pulling his knees into his chest. Crow: “I just want him to be alright.”
Panel 4: Crow hugs his knees into his chest. His face is not visible. Crow: “And… it seems like knowing me doesn’t help with that.”
Panel 5: Crow has his arms crossed over his knees, and is resting his face on his forearm. With his other hand, he continues to fidget with the solar knife, twirling it between his fingers. He is looking at the knife, but his expression is distant. Crow: “I shouldn’t be surprised.”
Panel 6: In a memory, Uldren and Jolyon are in bed, late at night. Jolyon seems to be sleeping peacefully, and is embracing Uldren from behind with his face pressed against the back of Uldren’s head. One arm is draped over Uldren’s waist, while the other is resting under Uldren’s cheek, with his hand palm-up on the mattress in front of Uldren’s face.Uldren is awake. He is clutching the blanket around his waist with one hand. His other hand is clutching desperately at Jolyon’s hand on the mattress in front of him, with his fingers threaded between Jolyon’s at an awkward, stiff angle. He is staring at their clasped hands, looking distraught and almost angry. He is crying. Crow (from present day): “I always knew I was bad for him. Even before the garden, when things were… Mostly good. I knew I’d never be what he wanted. What he deserved…”
Panel 7: In present day, Crow continues to twirl the knife, but has turned his face further into the crook of his elbow, staring vacantly into the distance. Crow: “I was just too selfish to let him go.” Panel 8: Close up of Glint staring down at Crow passively. Glint: “It sounds like that’s how Uldren felt. What about you?”
Panel 8: Close up of Crow’s hand holding the knife. He has stopped it mid-spin, catching it between his fingers. Crow: “...”
Panel 9: Close up of Crow’s hand. He dissolves the knife into a fizzling burst of flame as he closes his hand into a fist. Crow: “Right.”
Panel 10: Wide shot from behind Crow. Crow turns his body fully towards the temple, still resting his left hand on his knee. Glint is floating in front of him, looking at his face. Crow: “I don’t want to make the same mistake. So… if he asks, I’ll be there. But after everything Uldren did, the way things ended…”
Panel 11: Crow turns his head away from Glint, leaning on his right hand stiffly. Crow: “I don’t think I’ll hear from him again.”
Panel 12: Glint floats in front of Crow again. Crow is looking down and away from the camera. Glint: “... And you’re okay with that?”
Panel 13: Crow starts to turn back towards Glint, looking torn. Crow: “... I-” He is interrupted by a dinging sound coming from his pocket.
Panel 14: Crow pulls his phone from his pocket, looking at the screen curiously. The phone dings again, and the screen shows that there are two new notifications.
Panel 15: Crow pulls the phone very close to his face, clutching it tightly with both hands. He is staring at the phone with comically wide eyes, looking alarmed and is blushing lightly. The phone shows two messages from an external sender [EXT]. Crow: “A-” Phone: “Are you still in the reef?” Phone: “It’s Jolyon”
Panel 16: Wide shot of Crow squatting like a gremlin on the branch, holding the phone with both hands directly in front of his face as he types on it quickly. He is blushing, and looks extremely focused. Glint is spinning excitedly above him. Crow’s response is visible coming from the phone. Phone (Crow’s response): “yes leaving tomorrow” Glint: “He’s messaging you!! Do you think he wants to see you??” Crow: “I don’t know shush” Crow: “He’s typing…”
Panel 17: Close up of the phone screen, where 3 messages from Jolyon are visible: [EXT]: Can we talk? [EXT]: Meet me here? [EXT]: (a UI element reads NAV DATA SHARED, showing a nav point over cartographical lines)
Panel 18: Close up of Crow’s face, looking down at the phone. He look surprised.
Panel 19: Text shows Crow’s response: “on my way.”
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unlucky-corvid · 4 months
Crow x Reader SFW Relationship Alphabet
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So, I tried my best with this one, I hope you enjoy it. sorry if its a little OOC. i love crow but he's a character I've not had much exposure to. its also not been massively proof read but either way I hope you all enjoy! (I've yet to add the links to the lore books but when its not 11pm I will!)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first crow is a bit hesitant with affection. What if he did it wrong? What if he was too much? What if you realised you didn’t like him? This led to a rather frustrating lack of communication with crow hesitant to initiate affection and you pulling back slightly thinking his lack of affection was in response to being overwhelmed by your own actions. After it reaches its peak you both sit down and clear the air. Crow gets things off his chest and realises you more than welcome any affection he wants to give.
At first its secretive, shy. More cuddles and kisses when you’re both relaxing in your apartment. He’ll makes you tea or coffee on cold mornings before heading out, draw you baths when you get back covered in dirt, sweat and something he frankly daren’t ask about. His affection is soft and warm.
Eventually he’ll feel comfortable enough to show a little more affection outside your little slice of privacy. His Pinky will find yours, linking them as you listen to one of Osiris’s lectures, he’ll place a hand on the small of your back, thumb making soft soothing circles.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
His mind is in two sorts. One side shies away, best case scenario guardians would be polite, but he could see the slight contempt for him in their eyes, especially the hunters. The other side, the side desperate for connection with someone, anyone, wants to reach out to you. Its this side that wins when you and crow are paired up on a routine patrol in the dreaming city to some more dangerous areas infested with taken. When he isn’t treated to the usual harshness, the malicious and reluctant compliance with being paired with him, he relaxes a little. Glints incessant chatter in his ear about how nice you were and how he should ask to do something with you in the tower, or talk to you more, or even just smile at you a little more.
To his surprise after the patrol, you offer to take him out to the ramen joint and, after getting over his surprise, he agrees and it blossoms from there.
You’re both very close, attached at the hip and rarely going on missions and patrols without one another. He’s a very protective and considerate friend. Zavala, Osiris, and a few others had shown him forgiveness and understanding but none like you. You truly cared. He’s the first to speak up if he feels the vanguard are putting too much on you and taking advantage of your willingness to help.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This touch starved man is desperate for anything he can get.
Crows first touch from a guardian was a female titan who had spotted him as he took his first steps into the world of guardians. She proceeded to snap his collar bone and crush his pelvis with a flaming hammer and left him to die there from internal haemorrhaging. After that he decided to cover his face and very rarely sought out the touch of other guardians.
Then came you.
he trusted you enough to sleep near you, let you touch him, knowing you wouldn’t hurt him. You would sit by the campfire, leant against one another, and slowly sink into a peaceful albite short slumber.
After you and crow get closer as friends and something more, you would both find solace in each other’s arms, whether it was after a particularly harrowing mission, loss of a friend or simply a bad day full of minor inconveniences.
After you start dating, he’s so cuddly. In your apartment, he’s all over you. Cooking? he’s there behind you, arms round your waist. Laundry? Same deal. In bed? You don’t need that weighted blanket anymore, you have an awoken male shaped pillow on top of you. He’s very fond of how your fingers gently trace the swirls of light on his face as he relaxes into you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Crow knows the possibility of being able to settle down is slim to none. Theres always a new threat, a new enemy but he can dream.
This man can’t cook to save his life. He can make edible meals but cook something and make it taste good on purpose, not so much. He puts effort into other things though, always helping out with the chores when you’ve both got the time to do them. Being house proud tends to come second to being a guardian out in the field.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I honestly can’t see crow leaving you unless you did something heinous that he just can’t forgive. If he did it would be face to face after convincing from Osiris and saint or glint. When he does see you, you have to coax what he’s trying to say out of him because he’s just that nervous. And if you cry? That’ll just break him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Crow is very quick to commit. As soon as he knows that you both have the same feelings for one another and that he can trust you, he will never stray from your side. Unlike Cayde who would promise to marry you when everything dies down, crow is the opposite. Nothing big or lavish and he’ll try his best to get a nice ring, but he would want everyone to know and to have that promise and commitment. A small ceremony consisting of very close friends, probably officiated by Mara, Zavala or Osiris takes place in the courtyard at dusk as the sun is setting.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally, crow is very aware. After years of picking up the subtle glares, veiled threats and reading between the lines crow is very in tuned to other people’s emotions, especially yours. He knows when your calm face remains so but your fists client and jaw sets that your moments away from punching the next annoyance that passes you, he notices the tiredness in your eyes no matter how hard you try to hide it and he always notices the glassiness in your gaze as you fight back tears. And he always knows how to help. A calming hand, a warm embrace, a hot drink, and a blanket. He’ll never dismiss your feelings.
Physically, crow is equally as gentle. Uldrens hands were tools of death, Deaths of many and he wants to be anything but that. When touching you he’s always gentle, he treats you with reverences, like you’re the most precious thing he’s held and to him its true.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
This is pretty much covered in the cuddles section. At first, he was a little adverse to touch but after you hug him out of sheer relief he was addicted and realised what he had been missing out.
Crows’ coms had gone down mid mission while the pair of you had been separated during a high-risk mission. No matter what you had tried you couldn’t establish a connection. You reach the exfil point and…. nothing. he wasn’t there. You waited and just as you were about to go and look for him, he emerges looking worse for wear, armour muddied, cloak torn a little at the edges and panting. You didn’t give it a second thought you surge forward, wrapping your arms around him, telling him how worried you were. He freezes but with a little encouragement from glint he relaxes and returns the hug.
Crows’ hugs are gentle but firm, holding you close as he buries his face into your hair or the side of your neck. Nine times out of ten you will have to be the one to end the hug or you’ll be there a long time.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Crow would be the first to say it. Hed take you somewhere scenic, you’d have been dancing round one another’s feeling for a while. He’s a fumbling mess, what you didn’t see was the 15-minute prep talk he got from glint. When he does say it, it’s quiet, he’s holding your hands as he finally says the words. His eyes watching you closely waiting for the rejection or the horror that…never comes. When you return the little 3 words, he’s letting out a breath he’s been holding far too long.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets jealous, not a lot but he does. He likes having your attention. You’re attentive, caring, and sweet, of course he wants to be the one you focus on. He totally doesn’t move your favourite plushie across the room because you cuddled it instead of him that night…. doesn’t matter that he got home after you’d fallen asleep, it should have been him. He never voices these things because he knows its unreasonable and this manifests as frustration and frequent berating of himself. When you notice his change in behaviour and ask him, he comes clean about his feelings, he explains how he feels bad about it and is surprised when you comfort him and explain that a little jealousy is normal and okay, as long as he doesn’t let it get out of hand.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Crow’s kisses are soft and unhurried. He likes to make the most of every single one. He’s a tad inexperienced, before he got Uldrens memories, he had never kissed another, steering away from taking off his mask. And Uldren wasn’t exactly a magnet for physical affection, so crow hasn’t had much practice. Much to his delight, you’re quick to rectify this.
Crow will kiss you everywhere but he’s particularly fond of your wrists, forehead, and nape of your neck when spooning.
Crow adores any kisses you give him, be it lips, cheeks or anywhere else. He won’t admit that he’s very fond of when you kiss a particular spot just under his jaw line that makes him melt.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Crow has a surprising amount of experience with children. Uldren would tell stories to eliksni children, even putting voices on, earning him delighted laughter. Crow misses this, he often tells glit about the times he would tell exciting tales to the children and when Eido suggests him coming to tell the children stories again one day., well…how could he turn down an offer like that, and of course you got an invite.
When he’s with the children, sat cross legged on the floor as the many eyes watch him with an alarming amount of attention, its like a new side of him peaks out, a soft and confident demeanour as he does all the sound effects and voices for the young ones who cant supress their giggles. Occasionally your eyes will meet as he tells the tales, and you don’t mis the faint blush that dusts his cheeks.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are slow and warm and cosy. Wrapped in the blankets and one another’s embrace. Words are hushed and murmured, quiet giggles and soft smiles as you each fight one another to prevent each other from leaving the warmth of the covers. When you eventually climb out of the bed, crow is making coffee while you cook breakfast before you leave onto perform whatever task the day holds. On occasion alarms will get slumber leading to panicked rushing and mad dashing around the room to get dressed. Once crow face planted the floor trying to put on socks and you laughed so hard you forgot you were late and got a very stern talking to from Zavala and had to put up with crows pouting all day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are spent wrapped up on the sofa. If you’ve been busy on patrols and missions, then its take out and drinks at home. Glint loves these nights, bouncing between the pair of you and your own ghost as you sit and chat. On nights when the pair of you have a little more energy, walks in the tower and trips to the few restaurants in the last city, trying new food and experiences. Crow loves the long nights sat up talking, its quiet and no one has any expectations of either of you, allowing the pair of you to just be.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Crow knows you likely know his past. Its no secret, most everyone in the tower knew, no doubt at the beginning of your friendship people warned you about him, sent you the same glares, the same spiteful words. Despite this you stick by him, and he finds himself slowly opening up to you. Small stories from Uldrens childhood, moments in the dreaming city, his experiences after being ressed and fears for the future are shared over drinks in the night.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
While crow is a fairly patient guardian, he can be a little brash. Naïve and eager to fight the fight against darkness sometimes he needs to be heled back and reminded of the risks before charging in headfirst. This is even more so if its you the vanguard are discussing throwing into the fight. If you’re sent on a solo mission, he’s pacing the tower until you’re back, until he knows you’re safe. Like Cayde, he has your armour, weapons and ship committed to memory in case the worst happens and he has to go out and find you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You are everything to this guardian and he’s going to try and commit everything to memory. Your favourite food, drinks, how you like your tea and coffee, your routines, birthday, anniversary. Everything he can remember he does, anything he’s worried about forgetting, well, glint is more than happy to help.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you and crow began to grow closer together as friends, he starts to notice…peculiar things. His heart racing when you’re near, sweaty palms, nervousness. After multiples talks with Osiris, saint and glint he decides maybe he should talk to you. He invites you on a trip to the dreaming city on the promise of showing you his favourite part of the dreaming city’s gardens. That area is, thankfully, devoid of taken or scorn. You both sit in the soft grass surrounded by plants of all colours and the amethyst hue of the surrounding rock formations. He shares some of his most treasured memories until a nudge from glint who gave him an eager whisper about how he’s stalling. Eventually through awkward fumbled words and a new hue of blue/purple on his cheeks which you eventually figure out is him blushing, he confesses his feeling to you. And much to his delight, you reciprocate them.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. Crow has lost far too much, risked far too much to lose you. Crow would go on every mission he could with you and if he couldn’t, you can bet he’ll be on coms with you the whole time. Crow would have your 6 no matter what, god help anything that tries to take you from him.
Crow won’t admit it but he loves when you defend him against the lessening but still there harsh words of guardians who refuse to trust he is no longer Uldren. Seeing you reprimand them, scolding them with words about how caring and sweet and strong he was and how they were wrong for judging him based on a life he now had no control over. He thinks he’s slick and that you don’t know he likes it, not realising the dumb grin on his face afterwards gives everything away.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries, bless him. But he’s not the most experienced with courting. Dates are private affairs rather than big grand gestures. Maybe he got glint to find a recipe to cook your favourite meal ready for you when you get home, picnics somewhere not infested with fallen, cabal or hive and grabbing a meal at a small restaurant. Glint is always eager to help and offering well-meaning but questionable suggestions.
Everyday tasks, he’s making you tea, running your baths, this man will do anything for you if it makes you smile no matter how boring or laborious.
Gifts include anything from a little something you spotted in the bazar but decided not to buy because your saving glimmer to a new titan mark/warlock bond/ hunter cloak specialised just for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Crow is incredibly self-sacrificing and at times self-deprecating. Deep down he still holds himself accountable for Uldrens actions. To repent for his actions, he throws himself into risky missions sometime with little regard for his wellbeing.  When he’s feeling the effects of nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and the horrors of Uldrens past he pulls away from everyone, choosing solitude rather than expressing to the people close and that care for him that he needs help and he’s struggling.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
After being freed from spider’s grasp Osiris gifted him a cloak made by Eva Lavante which quickly becomes one of his treasured possessions which he, almost excessively, makes sure is clean and pristine. He detests being dirty after missions and patrols so regularly showers and when he comes out of the shower smelling of your body wash and shampoo you can’t help but chuckle, his embarrassed mumbles of “it just smells nice” reaching your ears. You make sure to buy plenty of that brand from then on.
He takes care of his own hair, shaving it shorter on the side himself, very carefully with a mirror. He’s very surprised one evening when you approach him and offer to cut it for him. He eyes you suspiciously and on the promise that you won’t cut it too short or make him bald, he hands you the clippers. Soon it’s a regular thing that he lets you help take care of his hair.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You are crows’ sanctuary. A place away from the nightmares, haunting memories, and fear. Somewhere warm, safe, and calming. You keep him grounded, from running headfirst into trouble. He hasn’t felt whole in a long time, especially after getting back his memories as Uldren but with your help, he slowly feels like he’s reclaiming his image, his life, and his future.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Glint ADORES you. I mean adores you. The second glint saw you treating crow as crow and not Uldren, he thought you were brilliant. crow wasn’t amazing at selfcare so seeing you look after his guardian kept glint buzzing. Glint regularly finds place on your shoulder or lap when you’re relaxing with crow and crow thanks you when on rare occasion glints chatting gets a bit much and you take the chatter box into the next room, talk of ‘the headless ones’’ drifting through the wall, reaching crows ears, and making him chuckle.
One mission crow returns tired and worn out. While he’s asleep you notice that there’s a clear rip in his beloved cloak that’s left resting on the chair. When he wakes up to see you, needle in hand, occasionally cursing as the needle pricks your finger. He’s surprised to see you diligently sewing his cloak as glint whispers hushed encouragements. That’s when crow knew. That’s when he knew he picked the right person.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
People who refuse to see him as crow and only see Uldren. He understands to a degree how hard it can be but when people throw Caydes death in his face over and over and over, it grates.
Crow wouldn’t like a partner who didn’t like glint, glints always been encouraging and sweet as well as protective of crow and it works the other way to. If you don’t get on with glint or glint doesn’t like you, it’s going to be a hard time getting any closer than friends.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
This guy barely slept. He would take 2-to-3-hour long power naps at best when you first get to know him. Sat in the hanger, hidden amongst the crates cloak acting as a blanket. Leant against you as you read on the sofa, one of your hands in his hair putting him to sleep in seconds.
When you two begin sleeping in the same bed together, he’s worried about keeping you up, with nightmares, restless sleep and late nights but when you both lay in bed, his head on your chest and hand in his hair he melts. And for the first time since being resurrected he has a full night’s sleep, no nightmares, no waking up only hours later, no thrashing in his sleep, just blissful rest.
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kirakuudere1 · 2 months
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a sketch of him in a dress (I’m obsessed with crow or Uldren in a dress) UMM I might draw him with juicyyyy lips bro… 😭
Headcannon is that the awokens blush is purple pink cuz their skin is blue and blood is red soooo 🟣
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orbdotexe · 6 months
A new Lightbearer breathes his first panicked breaths, throwing the blanket off his resting place, and finds himself in a world that instead takes pity on him—Much to his displeasure. But he’s been having strange dreams, and everyone warns him away from some strange… person? As more time goes on, and the warnings compound—he’s less and less sure of that notion, or if they even exist.
The brainworms said "what about Crow pre-Vanguard?? he was never in Spider's 'employ' in TFE!" and so here's some Salty Crow and the start of him being determined to figure out who killed him!
Mind: the divide is a time skip, to when Crow is out of the Dreaming City-- and this is the armor I use for the YW, since I don't give much detail. Anyway, Crow's Rez, "Bury Me Shallow":
— — —
“Who was buried up there?”
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean- No offense. Just… he seemed important.”
“...You don’t know?” The Corsair eyes him, wary.
“Know what?”
She takes a moment to study his face, though it’s shadowed by his hood and the sharp light behind him. It feels like she’s trying to flip through torn out pages and looks like she cut her fingers open on the shreds— He resists drawing any further in on himself.
“...Nevermind.” She scans his disheveled outfit, “You’re a Guardian?”
“Not sure what it means, but that seems to be the consensus,” he replies, mentally bristling at the judgmental tone. How can someone tell by just the clothing? Why would he be buried in this if it was that bad?
…Oh. Right. He was buried in it.
Well, maybe buried wasn’t the right word—There was just a blanket thrown over him, laying on some stone slab. 
Not much of a burial. Could just be how the dead are treated, though.
“You haven’t spoken to any of your… lot, yet, either?” The corsair asks, some disdain in her words. He’s been hearing that tone a lot on the subject of Guardians, though not at him. If he’s one of them, shouldn’t she be disgusted by him, as well?
“Ah… no. I’ve seen some around, but haven’t gotten to speak to any. They seem awfully busy.” It’s not exactly a lie, but he hasn’t exactly tried to speak to them at all.
The thought of approaching one makes him nervous.
She snorts, “Busy is one way to put it.” There’s that resentment again.
He doesn’t think he will ever understand why. It seems the Guardians are trying to help, so why does almost everyone he talks to seem to hate them? Well, there have been a few Corsairs that seemed more thankful for the help, but… Most aren’t.
In the ensuing awkward silence, the Corsair seems to get a call in her helmet, turning away from him and murmuring into nothing. He can’t pick any of it up, though it sounds urgent, and she shoulders her rifle.
He can’t help but sigh quietly, knowing that meant no real conversations for another week or so.
She huffs after a few more moments, and sighs. “Well, I hate to cut this short, but the Crows’ feather falls that there’s enemy movement around.” She pauses, mouth pulling into a grimace, before continuing, “Your… abilities, might be… useful.”
“Oh.” She’s asking for his help, isn’t she? Even the Corsairs who didn’t mind Guardians hadn’t asked him to. He… hasn’t done this before—Helped from afar, sure, but not in the thick of it. 
She eyes him, with some mix of anxiousness and detesting having asked. “Well, I’m… happy to help.” He smiles, despite the nervous knot in his gut. “Just lead the way.”
He swears there’s a glint of familiarity in her eyes as he says it, and she relaxes some before clearing her throat. “Let’s get going, then.”
— — —
“Sooo… Don’t remember nothin’?” The shadowed figure asks from the thick branch it’s laying on, a deep and modulated voice carrying just loud enough to reach him.
He has to crane his neck to see the ominous red glow of what he assumes is its eyes. “Uhm… no. Didn’t think I was meant to.”
“Yer Ghost tell you nothing, either?” The figure adjusts some, legs now dangling. Seems he’s interesting enough for its full attention.
“Was he supposed to?”
“...Guess not.” It drops down, not a sound leaving them as they right themself, and their face comes into view. Grey metal plates and red dots for eyes greet him. ”Any idea who ya are? Where ya woke up?”
“Looked like…a cathedral, I think.” He takes a half-step back, savouring his personal space, “He must’ve been highly respected. Did you know him?” The apparently metal man—not that he hasn’t heard of Exos (because he has, if only some), but hearing of and seeing are two different things—eyes him for a moment. 
“Not personally, but knew of ‘im. An’way, strict Vanguard policy n all, can’t tell ya much.” The exo turns on his heel and starts walking, waving a hand for him to follow.
“...Riight.” He peers around the trees and rocky terrain before deciding to go along with it. “Actually, what’s with that? A few people have told me that already.” 
“S’posedly, knowing obscures judgment… or som’thin along those lines. Never bothered to listen ver’ much. Got better things to do than listen to some raving mad Warlock’s lecture.”
“And… I’m supposed to be a… a Hunter?”
“Look it to me. Cape, dirty look,”—Dirty? Now that’s rude—“Things like that. Got that stature, too, and the slouch.” 
“Ah. You’re…”—Brutal—“forthcoming.”
“You asked. An’way, got a name for yerself yet? Like to keep track of who I meet.”
A name. His Ghost talked about those; he had seemed excited to pick them.
“...No, not yet.”
“Could give ya some suggestions, if ya like. Though, you’d prob’ly like to do that wit yer Ghost, rather than a stranger.”
“Yeah… he’s been nagging me about it. Seems important to him.”
“Might wanna get on wit it, then! Unhappy Ghost makes a’ unhappy Guardian, y’know. In the meantime, got a preference? Any topics in partic’ you like? Might wanna fly with ‘ose.”
He thinks for a moment, and the black feather on the Hunter’s hood catches his eye. “Well… What’s yours? Might give me some ideas,” he shrugs.
“Rancher!” The other Hunter announces, wholly confident.
“Rancher,” he deadpans back, deciding that whatever he picked would have to be better than that.
“Yuep.” He opts not to question how the Exo popped the P without lips. “M’ Ghost, Iridant, wouldn’t let me jus’ keep Hunter.”
“You were going to name yourself Hunter?”
“Well, it was before I knew ‘bout the Vanguard an’ their classes thing! Iri took ‘er sweet time telling me, an’ I knew I liked huntin’, so…” 
The first statement gives him pause.
Are there… are there Guardians outside of the Vanguard? Well, are not all Ghosts with the Vanguard, at least? 
So it’s not just him, then. Maybe Rancher’s Ghost kept him away from the Vanguard for awhile for the same reason his Ghost does… Whatever that reason is, anyway.
As the pair come up on an uphill, littered with stone piles and boulders, Rancher kicks some gravel rocks aside. “Soo, heh, how long ‘ave you been up ‘n about?” 
He eyes the patch of gravel for a moment, watching them resettle, “Not too long. Spent some months in the Dreaming City, but only been out here for a few weeks, I think.”
“Ahh, so yer a new Newlight, then! Yeah. Yeah! I imagine those Awoken’re a bit weird, ey?” A barking, modulated laugh brings his gaze back up, finding Rancher to be stood at the top of some larger boulder at the top of the hill now, “How’s that place, an’way? ‘aven’t had the chance to go quite yet.”
Weird was one way to put the Corsairs. So much disdain for Guardians, and yet they seemed fine with him—among other things. “Well, it’s… It’s pretty, when you aren’t under fire.” He could paint pictures of that sky, but… What were the pale things called? Scorn? “The uh… the ones with crossbows were trouble.”
Rancher laughs, again—now more entertained, rather than antagonistic, “Ooooh, big man too good for Taken? The ozone smell don’t bother you? Might jus’ be a’ Exo thing, that, but I ‘ear it makes some a bit nauseous.”
The memory of spinning around, mid combat, to be met with a Taken Knight towering over him moments before waking up—with a few Corsairs gathered around him—springs to the front of his mind. He opts to hum in agreement rather than debate it, climbing up on another slab across from the other Hunter.
The hill below drops-off into what looks to be a patched together base of sorts, old enough to have a dusting of moss and vines over it, but recently lived in and the vines cut back over computer panels and exits. 
He catches Rancher stretching (though, he doubts Exos have any need to do so) out the corner of his eye as the other Hunter sighs, “Ahhh, ‘ere’s my stop.”
“Your… stop?” Despite the lived-in look to the base, he can’t see any proof of the occupants anywhere nearby. Or was Rancher here to reclaim it? He had heard Hunters were largely meant to be scouts. Supposedly.
“Yuep!” The Exo pops the end, again. “Got an op to run out ‘ere. That base down there? ‘posed to hold some pests, an’ I’m on exterminator duty!”
And there goes the scout theory. If he went to the Vanguard, would he be put on these missions, too?
“Ooh,” Rancher stops and turns back, “‘fore I go—Careful if you see a Hunter in red an—ahh, no, that’s… That’s not specific at all. Hm.”
He’s heard this warning before. No one ever tells him why, or what that Hunter did, just to stay far away. Every. Time. Other than the vague warnings, he’s not even sure what he’s looking out for.
And it doesn’t help that “red and black Hunter” is a good seventy percent of Hunters he’s seen.
“Why? What did they do?” He tries to put force into his voice, but Rancher skips over the question.
“Just- ah. Complicated. I’ll send yer Ghost a picture, heh?” Rancher’s Ghost—a foil-textured, pink colored, and green eyed… mini Servitor?—appeared with a series of trills. “You’ll want to avoid–” The Ghost projected an image, “–that one.”
He could barely study the figure before there was a blast followed by the sound of Pikes somewhere nearby, to which both Rancher and his Ghost snapped to attention, projection fading. 
“Ah!” Rancher sounded excited as his Ghost dematerialized, “That’s my que! Pleasure t’ meet ya, blueberry, but I gotta run.”
“Wh- Blue–? Hold on, what does that—” but the other Hunter is already plowing through the woods on a still-materializing sparrow, giving him one last wave, “—mean…”
He sighs, but can’t help but stare, dumbfounded, after Rancher, yet—
One thing stuck in his mind; That single, holographic, orange eye. 
The same one in his dreams.
What happened to his past life?
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planet4546b · 1 year
transgender guardians who transition after being rezzed are really good because what better to represent the themes about light as change and second chances. transgender guardians who transitioned in their first life are really good because imagine waking up and going ‘damn. wonder what happened to get this giant scar on my thigh. anyways!’
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jellidile · 2 years
Meeting for the first time again
I need to know how Variks would react to seeing Crow... and MAYBE, maybe, insert of a headcannon that Uldren was nice to Variks and Variks was nice to Uldren.......
So I wrote it: Devil smiling emoji
Variks is silently fiddling with the terminals in his shelter. He’s hoping he can get one almost working so that he can watch human entertainment. He’s heard about the guardian’s crucible training and thought it would be interesting to see if he could catch the guardian in any of the matches. His door slides open with a whine and crackle and when he looks up from his work he nearly falls right back down. 
Standing at the entrance of his shelter is Uldren. Variks is nearly convinced that he’s seeing ghosts, and then he does. A red-purple ghost pops up from behind Uldren and looks around the shelter. It’s blue eye settles onto Variks and it emotes, 
    “Oh! There’s Variks.” Uldren turns to look at Variks and the Eliksni feels his voice catch in his throat. There is no trace of the darkness that once plagued the prince… It is comforting but-
    “Variks?” tears well in the scribe’s eyes as he backs away from Uldren. Even his voice sounds the same. Just like so long ago when the Prince would let Variks lean on him on days when his body ached. But no matter the similarities, Variks knows that the man in front of him is not Uldren. Even if the two share the same body and mind, 
    “I know this must be uncomfortable… I was hoping I might get to meet you again.” Variks shakes his head. He cannot get the sight of Uldren in the corner, and his wild golden stare out of his head. The sobs of despondent hunters ring in Variks’ ears like alarm bells. Variks cannot make his voice heard because he knows he will address Uldren as he always has. 
    “I… I know what Uldren- I did and I know how you fit into that whole mess Variks.”     “He doesn’t blame you! In case- y’know, you felt we were here to-” the ghost seems more nervous than Uldren. But he’s fiddling with his hands just like he used to. It makes Variks’ breath shake as he remembers every quiet banter he shared with Uldren.
    “Yeah! I just… If you wanted to talk about… Anything. I don’t, haven’t yet talked to Mara so you don’t have to worry about me going to her. I’d keep everything between us.” Variks has never had any hatchlings but he always felt Uldren, although a prince, was his. Variks has mourned enough. He cannot go through losing Uldren a third time. The Guardian steps forward again and Variks wheezes shaking his head, 
    “My prince-” Finally the tears slip down his face, “Guardian. You should leave.” Uldren pauses. There is an innocence in the hurt that crosses his face, and Variks looks away to stop himself from making Uldren stay. He misses the Reef, he misses being in service to Mara and her great plans. He misses feeling useful. 
    “If you are looking to torment Variks, you have succeeded.” 
    “Thats not fair! We’re not trying to hurt you.” The ghost floated between the two. Variks heard Uldren shuffle, 
    “Glint. It’s okay.” there is silence between them as Variks turns his back to Uldren,
    “Variks is in no mood to speak about the prison, Guardian. Another time perhaps.” The scribe’s resolve is weakening with every moment. He glances up to Uldren and see’s the small hopeful smile planted on his face. He turns to walk into another room, in hopes of crying privately. Uldren’s voice fills the silence, 
    “My name is Crow now, Variks. I hope we can talk more. Outsider to outsider?” Variks makes a sound as he waves the awoken away and heads into another room. He wonders as he sinks to the floor, as quiet mournful cries shake him if… Crow knows that he’s said that same phrase before. A long, long time ago.
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corvusalbus93 · 2 years
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Maybe it’s just me, but seems like the Guardian is saying goodbye to Uldren one last time...
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of-snakes-and-men · 2 years
♡ for Dredgen Shin, Cayde, Crow, and Drifter!
♡ Dredgen Shin - Do not let his reputation scare you! He will be much more inclined to get involved with someone who talked back/got curious, instead of cowering in front of him.
♡ Cayde - See past the Hunter Vanguard. Notice small things about him, details that others don’t see. Ask him about a crack in the plating/what did he dream of that night/what cool thing did he see on his last trip outside.
♡ Uldren - ( i do not write for Crow so you get Uldren instead :3 ) Go against his loftiness, show him he is more than a Prince/Mara’s brother. Nothing big: banter with him, invite him to do new things, let him show you his interests/favorite places. He will do the latter without even realising cause he will be so excited.
♡ Drifter - Regularly spend nights in the Derelict. He has troubles sleeping/nightmares/hallucinations, so having someone around is a great help. It doesn’t have to be anything on a level of dating either! Simply doing your own thing around him/cooking together/playing something is enough. He just needs a living, breathing person to feel safe on the ship.
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eggsmuses-a · 1 year
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EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO NOTE. Uldren will call any and all variants of the Young Wolf 'Dog' to be DISRESPECTFUL because he is a BIG MAN BABY who can't stand being around people he hates and holds no value over. He will not hesitate to hate crime your muse
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crow-posting · 2 months
Awoken Headcanons
note: this is mostly based on my own audacity rather than actual lore. 🤫
Earthborn and Awoken Guardians are like the book versions of LotR elves, while Reefborn are like the movie versions. They're actually similar, but to outsiders, Earthborn are friendly and full of life while Reefborn are aloof and elegant like their queen. This perception, though frustrating to people like Petra, generally works in Mara's favor so she allows it to continue.
Awoken Speech sounds more like creole than a separate language. This is due to the multitude of languages spoken aboard the Yang Liwei, which then carried over into the dialects in the Distributary. Although some argue Speech is a mixed language rather than creole, consensus from both the Gensym Scribes and Last City's Cryptarchy has not yet been reached.
Portmanteau examples:
daatma (ดาว/"dāw" + आत्मा/"ātman"): Awoken [older gen]
tulatma (tulay + आत्मा/"ātman"): Awoken [younger gen]
luxïn (luz + 星/"xīng"): starlight
noyam (noyer + يوم/"yawm"): Darkness
Traditional Awoken names usually sound "soft," with palatalized consonants and several vowels. The most common ending letters are "A" (Mara, Petra, Amrita) and "N" (Uldren, Jolyon, Nasan), while the most uncommon letter is "K" (Tulnik).
Most Reefborn are highly superstitious, due to the environment they grew up in. However they don't consider themselves superstitious, as it is only "practical" to refer to The Dreaming using epithets instead of names, or to look for omens in dreams, or to treat water and reflections as near-sacred, and so on.
Promises and vows / oaths are generally a life-long ordeal for Awoken, especially for Reefborn and especially if they are made to Mara. This is partly influenced by the post-Distributary riots, partly influenced by contracts with Ahamkara, and partly influenced by Mara's own charisma, which has created an almost religious devotion* amongst her followers.
*(Embarrassingly, when Calus sought to imitate this sense of devotion to lure Awoken Guardians to the Menagerie, he was partially successful.)
Balance is an important part of Awoken culture. Past and future and life and death are strongly emphasized by Reefborn, while Earthborn have integrated Old Earth philosophies like yin-yang and wabi-sabi. While Awoken Guardians tend to be less ardent about balance and/or a desire for it, there are noticeably less Awoken within the Praxic Order than in other Vanguard-affiliated organizations.
The Awoken don't believe in a physical afterlife, only the Unreal. This makes the existence of Awoken Guardians egregious to other Awoken, as they do not "return" from death, but rather "take form" of people who no longer exist. Even so, Guardians (or "Noble Dead") are still treated with respect - out of love for the ones they look like, and fear of the entities they are.
(Awoken don't believe in reincarnation either, as The Awakening is considered an "extraordinary" circumstance.)
Contrary to popular belief, male Awoken aren't ostracized in Reefborn society, and they aren't considered second-class citizens either. Even so, due to the 70/30 split [which has persisted since the Distributary], it is rare to see male Reefborn in high-level positions or as Techeuns. The perceived lack of opportunity has led to an increase in Reefborn emigrants in recent years, especially after the Battle of Saturn.
Due to the loss of resources and difficulties of growing food in the Reef, Reefborn dishes are "bland" compared to Earthborn ones. The most common seasonings are salt, cold-hardy herbs like mint, and corasteri (a star-shaped culinary variant of asphodelia). However, Reefborn food is both warming and filling, which is suited to a life in deep space.
The Dreaming City is surprisingly bare in terms of flora and fauna. Aside from pink asphodelia, queensfoil, baryon bough and memorial trees - most of which are cultivated - there are very few plants to be found. Spectral butterflies and non-native jewel bugs can be found in gardens and lost sectors, and starcats have free rein of the buildings, but there is no urban wildlife like in the Last City and Earth's metropolitan ruins. The vibrance is an illusion; it is as empty as the Reef's biodomes.
Earthborn do not live as long as their Reefborn counterparts; higher oxygen levels, increased gravity, and larger amounts of pollution make life more difficult for people adapted to space. Ironically, this is the inverse issue the Awoken faced when leaving the Distributary.
Awoken anatomy is uncanny if you look closely enough. Most traits fall within expectations (eg resistance to radiation, increased reaction time) but adaptations like tapetum lucidum can still startle people who aren't used to seeing them. Experimental traits, which are common in later-generation Reefborn, make some seem entirely inhuman. And the ability to track Guardians by their Light will never not be creepy.
Experimental traits include but aren't limited to: pointed ears; nictitating membranes (i.e. "third eyelids"); and genital slits [for Awoken specifically created for deep space missions].
Due to a history of bio-engineering, cybernetic augments are seen as unnecessary and rarely utilized outside of eutechs, and later, Techeuns. Fully robotic components, such as exo frames, are practically unheard of and often met with pity or revulsion.
The 891 are forbidden from seeking information about their lives from The Time Before (aka pre-Collapse lives), as it is considered a "distraction" from Mara's plan. Descendant Awoken are also discouraged from pursuing such info unless it is considered pertinent to their mission.
Queenslaw has been partially lifted in the Reef, due to the influx of Guardians after the Battle of Saturn. Many things once considered illegal or taboo are now acceptable, and some things are even encouraged. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with these "sudden" changes and it has done little to reduce tensions between factions, most notably the Gensym Scribes and the Last City's Cryptarchy.
Reefborn sobriquets often refer to relationships (Uldren "Queensbrother," Taranis "Rivensmate," Petra "Covensdaughter"). Earthborn nicknames are often more individualized but still invoke a sense of interconnectedness (eg "Swornsister" Takara, Avraam "Firstborn").
Although the Awoken are known for their music (for ceremonies, parties, mourning, etc.) Earth-derived music seems just as violent to them as the Guardians who enjoy it. Knowing this, RZ-3 intentionally made a playlist to "scare" Petra on missions, and has successfully startled several Corsairs by belting out the lyrics to "Teenagers" while doing patrols.
[official grimoire / lore books: The Maraid (D1); Marasenna, The Awoken of the Reef, The Dreaming City (D2, general); The Forsaken Prince, A Tangled Web, Ripples (D2, Uldren/Crow), Ecdysis (D2, the Emissary)]
[specific lore that Tickles My Brain: "Holdfast Bond," "The Supremacy", "Third Gift"; "Crow's Best Night"]
[see also: "Things I Think About: Awoken Edition"; "Awoken Phrases & Exclamations"; "Last City Lingo"; timeline in the Distributary; Awoken amethyst]
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Crow is obviously struggling with his grief but it’s sort of messed up, given everything he knows, to turn to YW and invite them on a vengeance crusade. Through Uldren he has first hand knowledge of just how far off the deep end they’re capable of going. How far does he want them to go? How much pain does he want them to cause? If he asks for scorched earth he’d probably get it. Given Amanda’s death happened during a mission they were involved in it’s likely another loss they feel somewhat personally responsible for.
I know there’s a lot of times different characters ask for YW to basically unleash rage upon their enemies but personally to me (just my headcanon basically) I always felt that, post Forsaken, it was meeting Crow and hearing about what he’d been through since he’d risen that started to wake YW up. And with his perspectives on our conflicts and enemies in the following seasons he reminded YW of the type of Guardian they could be. The type of Guardian they were when they showed Misraaks mercy all those years ago on Titan.
So it being him who is asking this of them just left me feeling hollow.
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screebyy · 2 months
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Part 5 the healing power of taking a long walk in the middle of the night
A collection of lil interactions that were too short and/or silly so i have super glued them together 🙌
Prev | Next | Start
Scene 1: Panel 1: Wide shot of Jolyon and Crow standing at the base of a cliff. Beside them, the white staircase they’ve been following has partially collapsed, blocking their ascent. Jolyon is beginning to climb the cliffside, while Crow observes with his hands on his hips.
Panel 2: Jolyon is nearly at the top of the rock wall, grabbing the top ledge awkwardly
Panel 3: Jolyon is pulling himself up onto the ledge ungracefully
Panel 4: Jolyon sits back on the ledge with a sigh, clearly exhausted from the effort.
Panel 5: Jolyon is startled as Crow jumps past him. Crow is a blurry streak of black & white lines.
Panel 6: Wide, tall shot showing that Crow has triple-jumped up the entire rock wall effortlessly.
Panel 7: Jolyon glares up at Crow, slightly annoyed. The text “wtf” is visible beside him.
Panel 8: Crow looks down at him with a shrug and a cheeky smile, walking backwards towards their destination.
Scene 2: Panel 1: Crow and Jolyon are walking down a white stone path between two rock walls overlooking a clff. They are walking away from the camera, towards a white set of stairs that curve up and around the mountainside. Distant mountains are visible in the background, with dreaming city gazebos anbd pillars sitting on the cliffsides.
Panel 2: Front shot of Crow and Jolyon chatting with each other. Crow is waving his hands emphatically, and Jolyon is smiling lightly. Speech bubbles with squiggly lines denote a non-specific conversation between them.
Panel 3: Crow leans towards Jolyon and summons Glint with one hand with a  broad smile. Jolyon looks down at Glint’s sudden appearance with surprise.
Panel 4: Jolyon is smiling and laughing, talking to Glint in the background. Speech bubbles with cartoonish black crows in them indicate that they are gossiping about Crow together. Crow is in the foreground, walking in front of them with an exasperated, embarrassed expression.
Scene 3: Panel 1: Wide shot of a white marble plaza circling around the mountainside. Jolyon and Crow are walking towards the camera, still climbing. Jolyon is walking in front of Crow. It is still dark, but golden rays of dawn are visible in the fog blanketing the background.
Crow: “We’re almost at the summit, right?” Jolyon: “Almost.” Crow: “It’s nearly dawn…”
Panel 2: Crow is looking out at the landscape with a distant expression. Jolyon has paused and turned back towards him. Crow: “It’s changed so much since the first time we walked here.” Jolyon: “It was a long time ago. There was no city then, just a bunch of rocks.”
Panel 3: Close up of Jolyon as he turns away slightly, smiling distantly and looking down. Jolyon: “Uldren was so… Uncertain.”
Panel 4: Flashback of Uldren and Jolyon in the distant past. Jolyon is wearing a plain green sweater and his hair is pulled back into a bun. Uldren is wearing a black hoodie. Jolyon is standing inside the  white and red ship he was living in, opening the door to greet Uldren. Uldren is blushing very hard, standing stiffly outside and looking extremely uncomfortable. Jolyon is staring at him with a “?” floating beside his head. Jolyon (present day): “I still remember him showing up on my doorstep, shaking like a leaf. I’d never seen him so nervous.” Uldren (flashback): “hey wanna take a walk with me”
Panel 5: Crow turns and continues walking down the path, smiling distantly. Crow: “He was worried. He didn’t think you’d hear him out.”
Panel 6: Jolyon also resumes walking, with the same nostalgic expression on his face. Jolyon: “Hah. If I was smarter, I wouldn’t have.”
Panel 7: shot looking over Jolyon’s shoulder as he walks past the camera. Crow is glancing up at him with a soft smile. Jolyon: “But lucky him…” Crow: “...”
Panel 8: Close up of crow as he turns back towards the cliffside, looking slightly sad as his smile drops. Crow: “He always regretted that, by the way.”
Panel 9: Side shot of Jolyon as he stops walking. His expression is not visible. Crow (offscreen): “Shutting you out, when you said you were going to leave the Distributary with him. And ignoring you that first year here.
Panel 10: Flashback of Uldren walking away from Jolyon. Jolyon is reaching for him with a distraught expression, and Uldren is tearing his hand away from Jolyon’s grasp, looking frustrated. Crow (present day): “He was just… terrified that if you followed him into another war, you were going to die for him. He thought if he pushed you away, you might decide to stay behind.”
Panel 11: Close up of Jolyon in present day. He is staring blankly down at the ground, turning slightly away from Crow. He looks sad and distant. Crow (offscreen): “And when you didn’t… He didn’t know what else to do.” Jolyon: “Huh…”
Panel 12: Jolyon turns back towards Crow as he walks up beside him. Jolyon is grinning good-naturedly, with a teasing expression. Crow looks confused and is brushing his hair out of his eyes as he looks up at Jolyon. Jolyon: “I’m sure he never grasped the hypocrisy of that, did he?” Crow: “What?” Jolyon: “It sounds like something Mara would do.” Crow: “oh…”
Panel 13: Side shot as the both continue walking. Crow is walking beside Jolyon, looking up at him. Jolyon is staring straight ahead with a neutral expression. Crow: “Then… I guess not. But he did regret it.” Jolyon: “Yeah. That part I knew.”
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unlucky-corvid · 4 months
So I'm eager to write things other than sfw alphabets. I've got some mini fics in mind but I'm low on ideas, so any suggestions/requests for scenarios, headcanons and fillets are welcome.
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sotc · 8 months
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anyway, been playing my sick freak cleric durge lately :) his name is jozsef lil honorable mention to @uldren-sov's OC in here named Naressa. She's been modded into his playthrough and it's been a LOT!!! of fun throwing ideas around and intertwining the main story with our own headcanons. Surprisingly, Shadowheart's story with memory loss + the durge's amnesia has been a great vibe for these two.
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orbdotexe · 1 year
Here’s a thought I just had:
Corruption Arc and Angel!Cayde
Cayde gets a front row seat to his student and friend’s fall
And there’s nothing he can do to stop it.
AH. We're already making it angsty, I see. ow
To make it even worse, they don't even feel bad about it. Not that he can tell, anyway.
Far as he can see, they take great joy in doing this. The claims of "Why should I let someone else take the lead?" that they take far too much satisfaction in.
He wants to think they just didn't know how else to cope, he wants to think they're doing this for some sense of control - but he isn't sure. At the very least, they still seem committed to keeping their word.
At the very least they still know some kind of virtue.
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maccreadysbaby · 2 years
My Masterlist ♡
frequently updated :)
don’t worry, all posts are SFW!
★ - female!reader
☆ - male!reader
♣︎ - unspecified (readers choice)
I don’t write NSFW or pining canon characters. anything else is up for grabs!
Who I write for!
all companions ( minus old longfellow, strong, ada, automotron, and dogmeat )
drummer boy
heather casdin
travis miles
butch deloria
the crow / uldren sov
sam coe
DC (Batfam, mostly)
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Damian Wayne (underaged)
peter parker (andrew or tom versions)
quicksilver (evan peters or aaron johnson version)
scott & alex summers (tye and lucas versions)
kurt wagner (kodi smit-mcphee version)
warning, bunches of content below cut
Deacon ↴
MacCready ↴
deacon & maccready masterlist
Hancock ↴
monster ★ (hancock compares himself to other companions) (TW: vague mentions of suicide)
a messy list of hancock headcanons
Preston ↴
a messy list of preston headcanons
Gage ↴
a messy list of gage headcanons
a messy list of (angsty) gage headcanons
Danse ↴
a messy list of danse headcanons
a messy list of (angsty) danse headcanons
just a hobby of mine (danse finds deacon half dead)
danse’s arc (a rant)
The Big Leagues™︎ ↴
( non-canon stories about the pasts of fo4 companions )
( all parts can be found under the tag #mb; big leagues )
big leagues masterlist
Companions React ↴
how easy it is to make the companions cry
soft forms of affection the male companions enjoy
nicknames romanced male fo4 companions would call their so
cait, preston and danse react to receiving a hand-made gift
who male fo4 companions would be in a high school au
my personal ranking of fo4 companions
modern job aus (male)
oc ideas!
deacon, mac, and x6 react to sole kissing them ♣︎
companions react to hugs
male companions when they’re sick
ranking male companions (+ arcade and butch) taking care of an injured sole/lone/six
male companions as phobias
male companions in hallucigen inc
male companions as colors
Side Characters ↴
a messy list of carrington headcanons
kent connolly as a companion
crushing drummer boy ♣︎
dating drummer boy ♣︎
Butch DeLoria ↴
nosebleed? ★ (butch’s mother dies and lone comforts him)
butch reacts to positive physical touch
butch reacts to being shouted at post-vault
Batfam ↴
Joker Jr. (tim has a nightmare he can’t get out of, but luckily, jason’s strangely good at grounding people)
OC x Canon Character Asks ↴
question list
tommy x maccready (12, 18, 20)
tommy x maccready (22, 30, 33)
birdie x deacon (46, 50)
henley x butch (44, 24, 11)
Before Us™︎ ↴
( maccready x fem!oc )
( all parts can be found under the tag #mb; before us )
before us masterlist
Character Bingos / Games ↴
preston bingo
maccready bingo
deacon bingo
danse bingo
cait bingo
gage bingo
X6-88 bingo
piper bingo
oc sheet
fic recs!
Headcanons ↴
deacon’s sunglasses
deacon’s face
deacon & danse
hancock & deacon
hancock & deacon (elaborated)
cait & kent
maccready is scared of storms
The Crow / Uldren Sov ↴
wayfaring stranger ★ (a female guardian sings crow to sleep — request based on the canon quote “if the fallen captured me, who would sing crow to sleep?”)
little guardian ♣︎ (the guardian helps reassure crow after he fails the severance — request based on the canon quote “a lot of attitude for somebody who broke down crying last time we were here.”)
memories ♣︎ (crow makes the mistake of going to the tower on the anniversary of cayde’s death)
Destiny 2 ↴
guardian res headcanon
guardian memory headcanon
guardian ship poll
solar sickness lore idea
the aesthetics of the subclasses
solar sickness lore idea (extra info)
Crash and Burn™︎ ↴
( preston garvey x fem!oc )
( all parts can be found under the tag #mb; crash and burn )
crash and burn masterlist
My OCs ↴
introducing tommy
cabot house oc (sneak peek)
voltron oc
Art! ↴
( all found under the tag #maccreadysbaby draws )
whittaker & eli (courier six)
pidge & matt (voltron)
strand (destiny 2 subclass)
cute guy with blue hair (random art)
minecraft allay as a human (drawing challenge)
random oc headshot
damian wayne/robin
Hesh Walker ↴
i don’t want to die without him ★ (hesh is dying and he doesn’t wanna go without logan) (this is part of a double whammy post with a soap mactavish x reader at the end. ignore it or read it, too!) (TW: injury, blood & gore)
Logan Walker ↴
logan x single mother!reader masterlist
Soap MacTavish ↴
feelings police ★ (soap is a mess after ghost gets hurt and the feelings police is actually there to help)
deacon’s protégé ★ (soap makes a nerdy recruit blush) (this is on a double whammy post with a hesh x reader at the beginning. scroll until you see the bright blue deacon’s protege title.)
we’re okay ★ (soap has a breakdown after a long hard mission)
annoyance ★ (soap and a medic get in a fight that ends in something more surprising than anger) (fluffy !)
Writing Tips! ↴
writing tip masterlist
A Hundred Days to Become a Wayne (book one) ↴
( batfamily + oc insert )
a hundred days to become a wayne masterlist
A Hundred Ways to Become a Wayne (book two) ↴
a hundred ways to become a wayne masterlist
Ezra to the End of the Earth (and Back Again)
( original work about a child who finds out he can travel through alternate dimensions by accidentally traveling to one — and getting stuck )
ezra to the end of the earth masterlist
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