#(  even a sinner can bloom from a flower  :  about.  )  *
lurochar · 4 months
A Daily Stroll
Based on the Alastor comic
Warnings: I am really really bad at writing at headcanons it seems
It was a daily routine for you and Alastor to go on strolls around the streets of Hell. Despite the fact you and Alastor having been together for almost the entirety of his reign as an Overlord, Sinners still have trouble seeing the sadistic Radio Demon in any part of a romantic relationship.
You were Alastor’s assistant in life, but never married. Of course, there were questions about your exact role, as there were scandalous rumours flying about. Alastor paid you well enough that you could support yourself.
You were murdered about five years after Alastor’s own death by one of his victim’s family members, believing you were his accomplice.
It was one of his few regrets, not confessing to you. He just didn’t want to drag you down with him if he did ever get caught for his crimes. He’s honestly surprised to find you in Hell, but now he has his second chance and he isn’t wasting it.
You accept and so your daily life as the wife of the Radio Demon begins.
Everyday, you and Alastor go to the same cafe with the same shaky nervous waiter. Alastor just ‘tsks’ at you when you throw a few crumbs of your meal at those hungry-looking birds watching your every move. “Darling, don’t waste food on those filthy scavengers.” It doesn’t take him long to join you if the food isn’t to his liking, though.
Next on your stroll, is a park where naturally flowers bloom, which is a rarity in Hell. In life, Alastor had given his mother flowers on the regular and you red roses in particular. Now, he can no longer touch any flower without them immediately wilting, which is quite the shame.
You had long since noticed his annoyed sneer when yet another rose withered in his fingers and you smiled, reaching into your coat. “It took me a while, but I finally learned to make this!” You said excitedly. “Please, bend down for me!”
Alastor’s eyes gain a curious look, but he does as you ask and bends down. A brow raises when he feels you tying something around one of his ears and watches as you stand back and seem to stare at him proudly. “Now what is this?” He reaches up to feel what it is.
You reach into your coat again. “Paper flowers.” You hold one out for him to see. “I know, it’s not as pretty as the real thing. But… but I thought I should try something?”
“It’s lovely, Darling.” 
And so is your proceeding smile.
Cannibal Town is both charming and daunting. Your tastes are not the same as Alastor’s and it’s always a bit unpleasant to see a group of Sinners feasting upon some poor soul unfortunate to wind up as their dinner, but this is Hell and you are no judge.
“Morning, Alastor~♡!” 
It was a swarm of women with hearts in their eyes and blood dripping down their faces and Alastor politely bows his head in return. “Good morning, ladies.” His ear, with the paper rose still tied around it, twitches at your laugh. He’s only being a gentleman, after all. He can’t ignore a greeting from a lady. “Give Rosie a hello from me!”
“Popular as ever, I see.” You say teasingly as Alastor veers you away, not wanting to deal with flirting women when he was out with his wife. “I guess that’s what I get for marrying a celebrity, hmm?” 
He’s content you’re secure enough not to be jealous – he couldn’t even fathom the thought of ever straying from you.
“Speaking of celebrities…” You cough, noting the demons who are just staring blankly into the windows of the stores you both are passing. You grimace and Alastor sneers at the sight of Vox on the TVs. “Is he still…?”
“Madly obsessed with the both of us? Very much so.” Alastor grips his microphone cane harshly, his voice breaking the hypnotizing spell on the two Sinners standing there. “There really is nothing good on these picture box shows, hmm?” The demons instantly run. “Come, Darling. No need to waste time here. A new meat shop has opened and I would like to try it.”
You both stroll along until you reach the meat shop Alastor was talking about. There was a boar butcher, who looked nervous at the sight of the famous Radio Demon. “My good man. I do hope you have fresh venison! My wife and I are partial to it, you see!” Alastor grins and the butcher shudders.
The meat is packed quickly and you and Alastor are on your way out of the shop, passing a lamb Sinner. It only takes a moment, but screams are heard and you both stop and you can see Alastor’s smile is tense. That butcher was a fool, it seemed. You both are back in the shop to see the lamb being choked by the butcher.
“You know, I do really hate those who can’t show a little more respect to those of fairer means.” Alastor is shifting into his more demonic form and you are left to comfort the lamb. “It’s rather distasteful. LIKE BAD MEAT.” Now the butcher is the one screaming and you usher the crying lamb out of the shop.
It’s not long at all before Alastor exits with a bloody bag in hand. “It’s not as tasty as venison, but won’t boar do for tonight’s dinner, Darling?” He grinned and you laughed nervously, blinking when the lamb shyly pulled on your arm with tears in her big eyes.
“T-thank you for saving me!” She squeaked. “How can I repay you? This happens to me a lot.” She confessed. “I’ll give my soul for protection.” 
You are taken back by her blunt offer, but Alastor is used to this sort of thing and it’s clear he does not see any worth in the lamb’s bid and he summons a card out of the air to hand to the lamb. “My dear, go to Cannibal Town and ask for Rosie. Perhaps she can be of some assistance to you? Do keep that card on you, otherwise you will end up as mutton.” Alastor sends the lamb off on her way.
“So kind of you, Alastor~”
It was just another daily stroll with your Radio Demon.
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eggiesins · 1 month
Sandrock Bachelors Being Drunk
Mild NSFW so Minors DNI
My first head canon post, enjoy!
Arvio already has no idea what inhibition is so expect his personality to intensify by 200% while his ability to actually come up with schemes drops by 200%.  He’s gonna have so many half-baked terrible ideas that he will immediately try to act upon, so be ready to keep him on a kid leash to avoid some really dumb incidents.  “Builder!  I just had the best idea for how to get more investors for By the Stairs, but we have to act fast!  I’m hopping on the next train to Atara right n- what do you mean it can wait til morning??”  Arvio already slurs his words, so drunk Arvio I could see being almost unintelligible.  Once he’s drunk enough, he’ll constantly flip back and forth between beaming over how much he loves the builder and sobbing over Fang’s most recent rejection.
Amirah helps at first, but clocks out of babysitting after the first hour of shenanigans.  Good luck Builder.  He’s your responsibility now.
Sweet, sweet summer child Burgess.  He’s not much of a drinker, but would easily be peer pressured into drinking games, especially if the Builder wants him to play.  Others offer to drink for him if he wants, but Burgess insists that, as the Chief Water Inspector, his high hydration levels and position of bureaucratic authority give him a high enough tolerance to make it through the whole game.  They do not.  Sweet baby boy’s never been drunk before and has no idea how to handle it, so be ready to babysit this one too.  He’s gonna cry over how beautiful the cactus flowers are in full bloom, how Banjo jumped in his lap and started purring, and how you’re an angel from the Light sent to save Sandrock.  Keeping him hydrated is easy, but if he does throw up, he’ll never forgive himself for the wasted water.
He’s very good at listening to the Builder’s instructions and advice on sobering up, though.  Of all the drunks on this list, he’s the easiest to comfort and get to bed by far.
Drunk Burgess is a “sinner” (by his perspective) & 100% gives Pen the “you’re a bully but I forgive you” speech instead of turning the other cheek or forgiving immediately.
It’s been a while for him.  Did he drink and party with Luna back in Atara?  100%, but since arriving at Sandrock, he’s been so busy with hyper fixating on Logan and trying to survive droughts and sandstorms, there hasn’t been much of an opportunity for him to just let loose and party.  Once he finally does, though?  Mans is writing sonnets on sonnets on sonnets.  None of them rhyme, or even make sense, but he gives them his all anyway.  “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”  “Ernest, you said that one already.”  “Did I?  I guess every time I see you, I seem to just forget everything else.”
Ernest is pretty open about flirting with the Builder normally, so when he’s drunk, expect to hear it way way more.  He’s gonna rizz up that Builder as well as his drunk brain can ‘cause he absolutely LOVES seeing them blush because of him.  He’s all talk though, well aware that when he’s drunk, neither he nor anyone else should take him seriously.  He’s just having fun!
I could see Fang going one of two ways when drunk: either he realizes he’s drunk and immediately goes to sleep regardless of location OR his walls come down and you get to see an almost completely unfiltered Fang.  When his walls come down, oh man, Arvio better watch out.  If Arvio were to try any shenanigans, Fang is definitely telling him to shut up and sit down.  He’s grumpy normally, so drunk Fang would be much more likely to express that grumpiness.  It’s not that he’s a mean drunk so much as he is just more comfortable expressing himself under the effects of liquid courage.
If he’s with the Builder, he becomes soooooo clingy and jealous.  “The feel of your touch, unforgettable.”  Yeah he’s not giving up the feel of your touch while he feels confident enough to truly demand it.  If the builder is standing, he’s right behind them with arms around their waist.  If the builder is sitting, his head is on their shoulder, hand on their thigh, glaring down other townies who get too close.  
X lowkey loves when Fang gets drunk because it means he doesn’t have to filter what he says either, not that he does it too much normally.  He definitely eggs Fang on if the kind doctor happens to be roasting someone (Arvio) like a squawking mini-hypebeast.  At the same time, X helps the builder out a lot with getting Fang to drink water and go to sleep.
He has a very low tolerance, 4 drinks max
Our favorite Sheriff and tiredest dad of all the bachelors, Justice definitely knows how to drink.  One of his best friends is the local saloon owner, so yes, Justice has a pretty high tolerance.  With that, Justice tends to be pretty mellow when he drinks, but if he’s with the builder, he’s getting flirty too.  He’s gonna lean hard into the cowboy aesthetic, with a fake tip of the hat before asking the builder to dance.  During the dance Justice is pulling the builder close enough to stand on his feet (so he doesn’t drunkenly stumble on them) & going all the way with the spins and twirls.  He’s not elegant by any means, but he is fun!  He’s giggly and having a good time (probably annoying Logan).
If the builder is a friend, he’d insist on walking them home to see them off safely before stumbling back to his house.  If the builder is more than a friend, Justice is definitely laying on the rizz  and trying to get laid down at the workshop.
[insert “hmm society” question about life here] (seriously though, why do all the civil corps members wax philosophical so often?)
We all know the yakboy only dances when he drinks, but what else will he do when drunk?  Logan has a temper, yes, but he’s also a soft gooey ball of affection with the people he cares about, and that dichotomy is on full display when he drinks.  He avoids drinking games (they’re dumb & childish & he’s a grown man, damnit), but if the Builder wants to get up to drunken shenanigans?  Oh he’s in.  
“Darlin’, are you seriously tellin’ me ya wanna go build a scarecrow that looks like death to set up outside Cooper’s house ‘n scare him when he wakes up at 4am?”  “Ye”  “What do ya need me to do?”
Surprisingly, not a horny drunk at all (fanfic writers sue me).  BUT, he is an affectionate drunk with the builder.  Kinda like Fang, he’s all about the physical affection, especially in public.  The builder is his, and he’s gonna make sure it stays that way.  When they get home, he just wants to lay in bed with the builder in a cuddly vice grip til they both fall asleep.
He definitely relies on Rambo knowing the way home, just hops up, tells the goat where to go, and halfway passes out in the saddle.  He’s definitely getting roasted for being a lightweight by Andy when he gets home.
How else would a religious fanatic obsessed with discipline act when drunk?  Off the rails ranting & outright simping for the builder.  Full stop.  I’m not even a Miguel fan and I know this man is so down bad for the builder.  He wouldn’t even want to drink initially, until the builder challenges him to a game.  “Very well, Builder.  For the person who has done the most to promote telesis in this barren land, I can surely raise a glass or two in celebration.”
Once he’s drunk, expect a strange combination of sermon and praise for the builder (he will definitely be mortified in the morning).  But if the builder even touches him by accident, he’s already hiding a sneaky semi tenting his pants.  
“Miguel…are you hard right now?”  “Builder, it would be a sin for me to deny the truth of this situation.  *proceeds to dramatically throw his jacket off*  Take me now, body and soul.”  “I mean, sure, but…can that wait til we can get home?”  “OH…………………..yes”
The next morning, while nursing a hell of a hangover and the raw, unfiltered embarrassment of drunken mistakes, he vows to never drink again.  At least, as long as the builder doesn’t ask him to.
Honestly?  I don’t see Owen acting too differently when drunk, just a lot less anxious when interacting with the builder.  Seemingly out of nowhere, his stuttering and nervous way of speaking with the builder is gone, replaced with a more confident barkeep.
He’s wicked good at drinking games, having spent his entire life inside of a saloon.  If you think you’re winning beer pong or rage cage against Owen’s 6 foot something ass, you’re wrong.  There’s a reason Justice and Logan outright refuse to play drinking games with him, and it’s cause it always ended with someone throwing up.  Never Owen, though.  He’s got a finely tuned tolerance for alcohol and knows exactly where his sweet spot is.  
He won’t really try to initiate any sexy times with the builder, but if they start dropping hints for him?  “Justice, can you watch the bar while I step out with the builder real quick?  They need some help..um…perfecting a new recipe.”  Cue Justice’s shit-eating grin.  “Sure pardner, take as long as y’all need” with a quick wink at the couple
Is he drunk, or has he just been pretending to drink that much?  Who knows?  Pablo’s been around, especially in Walnut Groove.  He knows how to drink and even more so, he knows how to look how to drink especially.  He’s watching the town get absolutely smashed with glee, taking stock of everything that happens, especially anything embarrassing.
He’s the one who calls at 8am the next morning when you’re hungover to hell and back and tell you, in excruciating detail, every embarrassing thing you said and did, just in case you forgot.  All in all, I think he likes to drink a little, socially of course, but he’s far more interested in getting others drunk instead of himself.
Assuming that Pen can get drunk (he is sensitive to Duvos peppers), he’s gonna be glued to whatever the nearest reflective surface is.  But what actually surprises the builder is how genuinely affectionate he becomes with them, especially if they’re not officially a thing yet.  He wants them sitting in his lap so he can wrap their skinny arms in his big arms the entire time.
When he’s not being affectionate, he’s definitely trying to spar with them, though.  For Pen, fighting is very much foreplay, and this is even more true when he’s drunk.  He would already be turned on just by the builder existing, so a drunken brawl at 2am?  He’s the hardest he's ever been the entire time, full stop.  Bro is so hard from fighting the builder he has to take care not to fall flat on his face or he might break Pen jr.  
Pen avoids getting drunk because it also makes him feel guilty, at least some part of him.  He doesn’t necessarily like deceiving the builder (Sandrock he could take or leave tbh), but he has to so he can protect the life he wants for himself.  The builder changed a lot of that for him, so he feels a lot of guilt about keeping secrets.  Don’t be surprised if drunk Pen says he needs to confess something, only to go silent for 5 straight minutes before telling them he’s just hungry.
You know that meme about the guy’s roommate who blacks out and designs an entire airplane?  That’s Qi when he drinks, but with spaceships.  How did you get him to the saloon to start drinking in the first place?  Three words: Saloon Trivia Night.  Qi is competitive, and assumes that he’s usually at the top of his respective totem pole, so when Owen starts including trivia questions about archaeology, building, agriculture, etc, Qi can get frustrated relying on his team to answer for him.  And for every round lost, that’s another drink finished.  Soon enough, he’s ranting about the uselessness of “soft sciences” and the possibilities of interstellar space travel (someone please just make out with him and shut this nerd up)  The drunker he gets, the more he only excuses the builder’s mistakes and no one else’s.
This man definitely gets hot and bothered when drunk, but has no idea what he’s feeling or what to do about it, so he usually just goes to bed.  If the builder is romancing him, though?  The builder will definitely need to initiate things, but from there a now-uninhibited Qi goes off, following any and every instinct he can that the builder will allow.  He wants to try everything with them, for science of course.  
Regular Unsuur is honest, if a bit stoic.  Drunk Unsuur is too honest, and still kinda stoic.  As soon as he has a thought, he’s saying it, no filter.  It doesn't matter who he is talking to or what he is saying, he’s gonna let loose with whatever he’s thinking.  “Hey Cooper, why do you talk so much?  Like, you talk a lot.  Going on and on, kind of like I am now.  Why do you do that?”
“Unsuur, are you drunk?”
“Yeah.  Oh.  Builder, can I make love to you until you’re breathless and destroyed and the only word you know is my name?  I think you’d be really beautiful like that”
“Unsuur, we’re in public! Everyone can hear you right now.”
“Oh, yeah.  We should probably go home before doing that.  Pretty sure having sex in public is a crime.”
Aside from shamelessly flirting with the builder, Unsuur would also just wax philosophical to all the town pets in some corner of the saloon.  None of the other drunks there could keep up with his train of thought, but he doesn’t let that stop him.  Now Macchiato’s third eye is open, and he’s considering joining the civil corps under Captain.
I hope you guys enjoyed the headcanons! Let me know if you want to see the bachelorettes too! Yan has dialogue in the game about "mixing yakmel milk and catnip" so if y'all want any other headcanon posts, intoxicated or otherwise, let me know!
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yurnu · 2 months
Imagined Charlie meeting God. I imagined this. Hope you like it.
Charlie enters a large and beautiful garden. Everything bloomed and smelled so fresh. She made her way as she looked at the flowers and plants that surrounded her, taking in the view. Then, she see’s her grandfather, God, carefully cutting the roses.
“Greetings Charlie.” Charlie was spooked by this.
“Oh shi-I mean, hi grandpa! Nice to see you. I didn’t know you could see me.”
“I am omnipresent my dear.” His shears disappeared from his hand and he gestured to a table with a tea set. “Now have a seat.”
Charlie sat down in the chair as she looked at the tea. She took a sip and it was caught off guard by it. “F-this taste like a Frappuccino?”
“Yes, I know you’re not a fan of tea so I changed the taste for you.”
“Thank you. Creepy, but thanks.” She took another sip. “So, you know why I’m here.”
“yes, because of your redemption hotel.” God, poured his tea. His eyes not leaving Charlie.
“Right! So, you know why I’m doing it. So if anything we can-“ God put his hand up to the young woman.
“I know what you want my grand daughter. I read your heart the minute you entered. I do not blame you for your father’ and mother’s sin, but, just because you’re my granddaughter, I will not spoil you. I do not support your hotel.” Charlie’s face dropped, her optimism and plans seemed to have died down. She nervously looked around and tried to drink more of her tea but it didn’t work.
“W-why?” Charlie squeaked, trying not to cry. “Why are you like this? Why is it that you allow angels to stay in heaven when they have do not follow your rules but punish those who try to change?!” Her voice became louder, as the supreme being listens on and drank from his cup. “I worked with these sinners! I helped them see the errors of these ways and tried everything in my power to make things right not just for me but for my people! And…And how can you sit there and not do anything?! There are people who suffered for a few bad choices yet angels can live up here and do anything they can because they are perfect?! Why kind of a system is that?! What do you have against this?!”
Just then, God put down his tea and looked at his granddaughter with a serious expression. “Angel was a gang member who had killed several innocent people when he was alive. After his sister died from a rival gang attack, he found comfort in booze, drugs, and sex.” Charlie anger subsided. “Husk was a notorious playboy who gambled people’s lives. And Alastor? Ha! That guy already showed you his true colors and yet you’re are blind to it. Or maybe…” he took the tea pot and poured his cup. “Maybe you know and just play dumb because you don’t want to admit to him that he was right.” Charlie’s eye widen from his last statement.
“We-well, why is it that you allowed Adam to stay here when he was responsible for killing his own kind?”
“His kind? You mean a bunch of pedophiles, murders, kidnappers, racists, criminals, and so on. Do you know I have them chances to change for the better? To turn back against evil and proclaim my name but no! So now they rot where they all belong.” He stands up. “But I find it funny that the girl so obsessed with redemption didn’t try to find a redeeming quality in my first man. Didn’t even bother to do research herself about him rather than the lie her parents read to her.” He picks up the tea pot. “So much so that she ,along with her father, killed him and left him to rot. Never even bother trying to find a common ground with him. Didn’t even have a rainbow inside of him. So tell me, Charlie,” He then poured the girl’s tea as he leaned close to her. “Doesn't that sounds hypocritical?”
(This won't appear in the comic)
God: You say you preach redemption, that everyone deserves a second chance. But my son, who fought tooth and nail, sweated blood and perished in pain to protect the family from him. All this because your father couldn't admit that he was wrong. Doesn't he deserve heaven?
The atmosphere became dense, Charlie found it difficult to breathe properly, it was as if air was being denied him.
God: But apparently, those sinners who ruined millions of innocent lives have a right over those who did earn their place in heaven when they were alive.— God's expression was emotionless. stirred her cup of tea before taking a sip.— Did you even research heaven, purgatory and hell before thinking about making your hotel?
Charlie: Pu- purgatory?...
God: Mn... Apparently you didn't. Purgatory is a place where lower-ranking sinners or those in a gray area go to be cleansed of sin, giving them a second chance to repent. Your friends, Anthony and Pentious fell in there. They were given a second chance to make amends for their actions, but they squandered it and continued doing their thing there instead of seeking redemption. But only now, when they fall to hell, do they want redemption? They had their opportunity on a silver platter before and decided to waste it, now that they bear the consequences of their actions.
Charlie tried to make a contract argument but the thin air around her made it impossible for her to answer.
God: But tell me. Do you really preach redemption? Are you really as merciful as you pretend to be? Or do you only do it for the mere pride of being praised as the "savior" of sinners?
The atmosphere became denser and more difficult to breathe, a lot of eyes and toothy smiling mouths appeared around God and the garden plants. Looking at her, judging her.
God: You say I am unfair because I let sinners suffer in hell for the actions they decided to take. But haven't you thought that you are also the one who is unfair to the victims of those same sinners? How do you think a rape victim will feel when she sees her abuser walking the same pristine paths of heaven as her? That apparently his good actions in life were in vain since apparently if you are a sinner and you repent you can go to heaven too. Isn't that unfair?
Charlie was panting heavily as he tried to get some air into his lungs. His eyes, full of tears, looked at God with fear.
God: Listen well. Daughter of the archtraitor. Even if you continue with your blasphemous hotel, no sinner will touch the golden gates of heaven, since I refuse to recognize your hotel. It was not for nothing that I sent that disgusting sinner back to your kingdom.
With a wave of his hand, God lifted Charlie into the air with his powers, and with a snap of his fingers he opened a portal that looked towards hell, in hell's heaven.
God: Perish. —was what God said before throwing Charlie through the portal.—
The last thing Charlie saw, before the portal closed, was the indifferent and icy gaze of God.
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ok things I’m going to be completely honest with you here, I NEED for adamsapple date night where they go to Ozzie’s PLEASE!
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Highly requested date night at Ozzie's! I'm going to use the garden center au for this because brain rot lol
Adam finally gave in and agreed to a date with Lucifer. The king had been relentless with his pursuit of the new overlord and Adam ran out of ways to keep him out of Eden.
"Fine, one date. But it better be worth my while and if it sucks you can NEVER ask me out again." Is what he told Lucifer.
Lucifer of course, saw this as a challenge. Adam was a challenge in and of himself and Lucifer loved a good challenge. So of course he was going to take him to the best place for dinner in all the seven rings.
Adam was confused at first. "I thought sinners couldn't go to other rings?"
"You, my dear flower, are no need sinner. You're an overlord which is a fancy title of being a sinner BUT! You'll be there with me. I can make anything happen." Lucifer said smoothly, winking at him. He offered Adam his arm and was pleased when he took it.
When they got to Ozzie's, they were given the best booth that was in the house. There were even Lust ring native flowers on their table.
Adam looked at them in awe. "What are these?"
"Lustful lilacs. They only grow here, if you were to strip them down and scrap out the insides and eat it, you'd feel instant lustful feelings. Powerful stuff."
Adam let his power flow through him to connect with the flowers, he did indeed feel the power of lust coming from them. "They're fucking amazing."
Lucifer smiled. "You can take them home when we go if you'd like."
"Of course."
Adam smiled at him and smelled the flowers. Intoxicating.
The rest of the date went off without a hitch. Their dinner arrived and was delicious, the entertainment was more tasteful that night.
Adam loved those flowers.
He was also loving Lucifer's presence. Since they were in a booth, they could sit closer to each other. Adam felt a hand on his and his heart fluttered at the feeling. He looked over to see Lucifer giving him a soft look.
Ah, fuck it he's put him through a lot.
Adam leaned forward, eyes half lidded. Lucifer, pleasantly surprised, met him halfway and connected their lips together in a tender kiss.
Lucifer held Adam close by his waist and hair, worried he'd float away. He tested the waters and deepened the kiss.
Adam opened his mouth for him and moaned softly when his tongue danced with his own. He had a firm grip on the front of Lucifer's suit before he wrapped his arms around his neck and shoulders getting closer.
Adam wasn't sure how long they were making out like that, but it wasn't until someone made a comment about all the flowers did they break apart.
Vines had sprouted covered in roses, they swirled around the couple keeping them together, the ends in the shape of a heart. One other vine was gently caressing Lucifer's back in a loving manner.
"I thought I felt something touching me." Lucifer said with an amused tone. "So you do like me?~"
Adam flushed, damn traitorous flowers! More roses bloomed only to further embarrass him. "Whatever."
"Oh flower, don't ever change." Lucifer kissed him again and this time Adam used his vines to keep them impossibly close.
No point in trying to fight it.
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a-dose-of-comatose · 25 days
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What Adam does for lute when she’s mad at him
How Mad is She?
Lute was in the zone. There were only three minutes left until the end of Extermination Day and she was plowing through Sinners with as much vigor as if only three minutes had passed.
She was surrounded by ten or so Sinners, nothing she couldn’t handle on her own, but Adam had kept his axe fairly clean that day - so why wouldn’t he hop in to help?
As he sliced through five of them with one large swing Lute screamed, “Adam! What the fuck are you doing?!”
He scoffed, “I’m picking fucking dandelions - what the fuck does it look like I’m doing?”
She ripped her sword out from the last Sinner’s chest with an angry huff, “Go find your own!” She stomped. “God-fucking-damnit!” She stabbed her sword through the Sinner’s chest once more.
“I think you got him, Tits-”
She frantically looked down at her watch before letting out a long screech. She sounded like a tantruming toddler.
“Dude - what’s your fucking problem?” Adam questioned.
“There’s only one minute left in the Extermination and I still need to kill two more sinners to beat my record from last year!” She yanked her helmet off her head and threw it at the pile of bodies bleeding red onto the surrounding brimstone. “And by my calculations you just stole fucking five from me, you dipshit!”
His jaw dropped as she continued to stop through the puddles of blood to retrieve her stained helmet. “Bitch! That’s not fair!” he protested, “how was I supposed to know-”
“I had them!” Her knuckles clenched shut. “I fucking had them!”
At that moment their watches began to chime, signaling the end of another Extermination.
“I cannot fucking believe you!” She groaned, slinging the helmet back on, not so much as wincing as it flung still warm blood over both herself and Adam. 
He opened the portal back to Heaven and watched as the Exorcists took to the sky. 
Looking back to Lute, he rolled his eyes, and reminded her, “There’s always next year.”
That was a mistake.
“Did you just roll your fucking-” she cut herself off, taking a deep breath before spitting between clenched teeth, “Y’know what? Fuck you.” 
“Lute, can we please just talk about this?” 
She grabbed her sword and took flight without so much as looking back down at him.
“Fucking women.” He grumbled as he followed suit.
“Lute, babe for real?” He banged his forehead against the bathroom door, grimacing as the shower turned on. “We always shower together after the Extermination!”
“I’m mad at you!” She shouted back. “Go shower somewhere else!”
He groaned, “But Lute!”
“I don’t want to fucking hear it, Adam!”
“Does this mean no head?”
From beyond the closed door she threw something hard and fast his direction. The shockwave of its impact went through the thin door and directly into his skull. “Ow! Fuck!” He jumped back. “Okay, maybe I deserved that one-”
He could hear the venom dripping from her voice as she screamed again, “What part of ‘I don’t want to hear it’ are you not getting? Go the fuck away!”
Adam ran a hand through his matted helmet hair. The next Extermination wasn’t for another year - and Lute could hold a grudge longer than anyone he had ever met - and he was the first man, he had met a lot of people throughout his long afterlife. 
He begrudgingly pulled out his phone, typing into the search engine 
‘How to apologize to my angry girlfriend’
He mindlessly scrolled through options that simply wouldn’t work for Lute. Bullshit like ‘speak to her rationally’ and ‘admit your wrongdoings’ before he found the perfect option.
‘Buy her flowers’
He quickly ducked out through the front door, and even faster opened a portal to the nearest flower shop. Adam had passed it hundreds of times but never set foot inside - he had never had a reason to. 
Until now.
“Hello!” A chipper voice called from the back. “I will be right with you!”
“All good!” Adam called back, realizing just how out of his element he was, surrounded with all the blooming plants in every imaginable shape and color. 
The Winner waltzed to the counter, tying an apron around his waist. “Hi sir, I’m David. How can I help - woah. You, uh,” he stuttered, “you have a little something on your robes, sir.”
Adam looked back down at his robes. The ones he hadn’t had a chance to change out of since getting home from Hell. “Oh shit-” he muttered, “yeah. I was - uh - baking.”
“You were baking?”
“Yeah.” Adam reaffirmed, trying to convince himself it was a believable excuse just as much as he tried to convince the shopkeeper. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here. I kinda fucked up with my girlfriend and she’s pretty pissed.”
“How mad is she?” He asked.
Fuck. How was he supposed to explain that his psychotic girlfriend was mad that he killed off what would have been lucky numbers two hundred and thirty-six through two hundred and forty-one? 
“Well-” He exhaled. “We were baking - and my girl, she’s one of those real competitive types - y’know how it is.” He waved his hand. “We were on the last few - um - cupcakes before a deadline, and I may have tried to help her when she didn’t want it - and I guess it messed up some goal she had so she got pissed and threw,” he looked down to the blood on his robe, “jelly at me.”
“No. How mad is she?” The florist rolled his eyes before pointing up at a sign directly above his head. 
The letters read:
‘How Mad Is She?’ followed by pictures of three bouquets ranging in size - A being the smallest, and C being the largest.
“Based on the fact that you’re covered with-” he paused to look Adam up and down, “-jelly, I’m thinking you might need a C.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Definitely a fucking C.”
“Let’s ring you up and then get you outta here.” David reassured. “That’ll be one hundred and twenty heaven bucks.”
“Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me.”
Adam tentatively knocked at the bedroom door when he got home. “Hey, Lute-” he drew out her name, “can I come in?”
“Fine,” she grumbled, “but I’m still mad at you.”
He opened the door, and was greeted by her mouth dropping open in shock. “You got me flowers?”
He smirked. “I did.”
“I was mad - so you got me flowers?”
Uh oh. That wasn’t the intended reaction. 
“Surprise?” He offered, approaching the bed.
Her angry eyebrows softened as she struggled to contain a laugh, her gorgeous grin spreading across her cheeks as she finally cracked. “You fucking dork.”
“I’m sorry for fucking up your kill count today.”
“It’s alright,” she sighed. “I’m sorry for snapping at you like I did. The flowers are sweet, thank you.”
 He grinned, leaning in for a kiss. “Nothing but the best for you.”
She pushed him back playfully. “Nuh uh. Not until we get you cleaned up.” She hopped out of the bed.
Taking his hand she pulled him towards the bathroom. “Wait - does that mean?”
“It’s not a post Extermination shower if we don’t do it together.” She relented.
Adam looked to the ceiling and whispered a silent thank you, to god, to the internet, and to fucking David at the flowershop. 
The flowers fucking worked.
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alrightbuckaroo · 2 months
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Happy AU-gust, everyone! To celebrate, I plan to publish the 1950s rentboy AU later this month, but for now, I want to celebrate all the other alternative universes these boys have found each other in!
come and take a walk on the wild side (13/?)
Play the part, live the lie; this is how we survive. ------- Carlos Reyes is a college student who's trying to pay his rent, get his degree and make his dad understand he doesn't need to worry about his son's future. That said, Carlos isn't too sure he's not worried about his own future. It feels like each day begets a question that can't be answered. After meeting TK Strand during a night out; he thinks he might just be the answer he's been looking for. What they didn't plan for, was Carlos being the answer TK wasn't looking for.
summer slipped us underneath her tongue (3/3)
TK Strand is a freshly heartbroken art history student who's been given the opportunity of a lifetime; studying art in the heart of it all, Paris, France. However, he thinks it's a cruel taunt from the universe. He's studying what he loves so much in the city of love but is stuck thinking there's no one out there who loves him. Carlos Reyes is a career driven culinary student studying at Le Cordon Bleu. He has hard time maintaining relationships, an even harder time of detaching himself from his work and and has an awful habit of doubting everything about himself. After a night out that they end up sharing with each other; they agree to keep any and all things casual. Well, like most things, that's easier said than done.
a little taste of love (1/1)
TK Strand, a florist working for the renowned flower shop, Bloom With a View, can't take his eyes off of Carlos Reyes, a baker working at Cake My Day, the bakery across the street.
love can pull you out of yesterday (5/5)
The day TK falls through the ice is a day that Carlos doesn't want to remember, but it's one he can't forget. It's the day he's currently stuck living over and over and over again.
my honey in the summer
a 911 Lone Star college AU series
Coming later this month:
take a kiss without regret - a 1950s Rentboy AU
you can't catch a sinner with a saint - an Old West AU
love in a hurricane - a Bodyguard AU
love by any other name - a Witness Protection AU
lone star lately - a mid 2000s Rom-Com AU
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arioloyal · 8 months
(King baldwin iv x reader part 5)
Warning: none!
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How it feels to rest
On your patient lips
To eternal bliss
I'm so glad to know
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Today, before sunrise, after the king's suggestion, y/n and baldwin iv left the palace without informing anyone. The hooves of their horses raised dust on the way. They passed everywhere , enjoying the clean air and the absolute silence of the dawn. The crows began to crow and the clothes spread on the ropes in front of the village houses danced and waved in the wind.
Then Baldwin pulled on his horse's reins with one hand and pointed to an oak tree on a hill far away. After getting there, y/n spread the long cloth that was with her under the tree and both of them sat and looked at the sky that was slowly turning to light red and orange.
The sound of adhan came from far away. lady y/n said under her breath: "When I arrived in Jerusalem, I saw this tree on my way first and I sat here. I met someone who said that your sermons can take all the sadness out of any heart, and you know how much I I am a curious person."
Baldwin IV did not respond. He stood there motionless as if he had traveled to another world. His eyes were looking far away. Meanwhile, y/n picked up a large bowl and walked over to the river to fill it with water. she returned and placed a bowl of water and some dates and walnuts in front of him.
:" I was there that day and witnessed all the events.I saw how some templars looked at you. Willingly or unwillingly, you ignite the fire of anger in them. I have no longer the power and ability to suppress them. I don't even like to predict what calamities can befall you. Then I can no longer protect you."
:" I am not an enemy to anyone, I am against the conspiratorial nature of some of them. The world is always full of sinners who wear holiness clothes. Jerusalem is the land of conscience. Sometimes, order, law and words are not enough. The only thing that always It's worth it, it's only love. The love of God . I came here to ask for forgiveness, but I had no idea that I was going to be the king's companion."
"I wish one day I could experience the love like you..."
Lady y/n turned her head, probably so he wouldn't see her laughing. :" If God wills, you will definitely reach it. The place where words lose their meaning."
He took a deep and heavy breath, in this world, they were the only ones who could drive each other crazy out of excitement. Whenever Y/n was with him, she felt like a young girl who was ready to learn new things at any moment, she had the feeling of a caring mother, and she was like a lotus flower that was ready to bloom. She would flourish, she would become a woman.
:"You say that if God wills it for me, I will reach it. What exactly do you mean by that? Does it mean that it is in my destiny?"
Lady y/n nodded and said, "Yes, that counts as well. But we shouldn't have false beliefs about fate. I can't say what fate is, but I can say what it isn't. destiny doesn't mean that the path of our life is predetermined. That a person after every tragedy says, "there is nothing more i can do!This was my destiny" is a sign of ignorance. Destiny is only at the crossroads. It is up to man to choose the path.
In fact, we are neither in control of our lives nor condemned to it.
He moved a little closer to y/n and adjusted the white scarf on her head and tucked her black hair behind her ear. he was close enough that y/n could smell him. The smell of wood, amber and rained soil...
:" I brought you here to ask you an important question. away from everyone. After these events, I have become more determined to protect you at any cost. Now it's your turn to choose between this dilemma. .."
:" I saw you as a person who loves not only beauty but also ugliness. I trusted you in any situation because I knew you deserve it. You will one day become a great person in this land. But I'm not here for too long. I will not be there to see that day."
He held her hand, it was pleasantly warm.
:" Jerusalem and I need you and we are fascinated by you in all the way... are you willing to stay here?"
:"Yes, my lord if you wish...!"
:" No hear it all before you answer...
would you marry me?
Lady y/n felt like the blood froze in all her veins for a moment. The world stopped moving. her happiness, like the life of her king, was short. For a moment, she imagined the farewell . that day. which would destroy heart. But she was glad that she could at least have him from now on.
she came here in search of divine love. But at this moment, she was blessed with divine and material love at the same time...
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[To be continued]...
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lacasarosee · 11 months
About him and the fire that burns you alive.
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Tags: Fluff, angst. (1.3 Words)
Notes: This is basically about missing Portgas .D. Ace, in remembrance of him. I write this because I am still crying over him after 7 years, thus, I write what I can dedicated for him.
Link: Find my work here!
When it comes to fire, it's always about him. The colour of autumn, leaves fall and the soil starts to dry. It's always about him when it comes to oranges, both the fruit and the colour; fused with red, aflame in spark of fireworks and campfire. It's always him whenever the sun rises or sets, when the river flows, or when the first flower of spring blooms; both on the ground, or inside your throat that it clogs your air away, far away from your lungs and it flicks the fire inside you. The whole world is about him, who was born in Baterilla, South Blue. And this page too, is about him, who holds the name D.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
God's greatest archenemy, they said. But to you, he is nothing but the greatest gift ever alive. If God says that he is a wicked, sinful child, then you are bathed in wickery, bloodied in sin. And if the world says that he is a nasty, ugly child just because he is the son of the world's worst criminal, then your head is wanted by everyone. Because what child should bear the sin of his father? What child should be blamed for the sin he never did? And what child who was born from the womb of a brave warrior of a woman, should be oppressed by the belief that he has nothing but sinner's blood—? Thus, what is love if it's not tender; what if love, if it's not seeing him as the softest flower's petal in the dead tree branch.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
The friendliest sun on the face of earth. Kindness hurts sometimes, either sanity or pride, people can choose; yet his kindness feels so genuine that you can't even resent it. One said he was generally cheerful and outgoing all the time (though the same man said he was especially excited when he talked about his little brother). And that way, he manages to be your solemn embodiment of sun rays. Baterilla, oh, Baterilla—so far, so south, such a place to be blessed by the flickering candle. From one coast to another, corals and waves, rocks and salts, and maybe the shells of dead molluscs. But if darkness is the sky, then he is the star; and if darkness is the sea, then he is bioluminescent. And from coast to coast, river to river, waterfalls to canyons to the Grand Line, there is no one as soft as he is. Because it takes so much violence for him to be that tender, it takes so much insecurity to be that goofy, and foremost, it takes so much sadness to be that kind. Yet, even if life takes so many questions out of his lungs, still, he hasn't found the answer.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
From a metal pipe, into a dagger, then a fire fist. He who challenges warlords, he who challenges Gods. He who filled with love for his brother, he who filled with love for you. Round necklaces, as red as bravery and back to orange is his hat. Yellow somewhat suits him, the colour of jealousy that you didn't expect. However, despite how red he is, insecurity paints him better than all the myriad colours ever existed. Thus, one day, someone ask you:
"Who is he?"
They said, pointing at the raging flame on the sinking boat as you watched from the shore. And that time, you answered:
"The guy I love so dearly."
And whenever that conversation happened, no matter in between summer sky or winter blues, in between autumn shadows or grasses in spring—it's always about him.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Captain, glutton, a navigator he is. Treasure may be across the sea—yet he maps your body better than the ocean. From cheeks to cheeks, eyes to eyes, breast to breast, and limbs to limbs, he knows how to map you. The colour of your skin, the hue of your blush, the coldness of your fingertips, the softness of your breasts, he knows it so well. He knows where to press, when to press—either when you have seasickness, or when you are underneath him, pressed in between his flesh and his mattress, just like a flower in between book pages. He knows how to touch, what to touch—is it your bulging stomach or is it tears on your face, because no matter which one, his fingertips are warm enough to soothe away the pain. He knows why; why are you upset, why are you not eating; why are you angry; or why are you speaking his name over, and all over again. The latter is because everything in this world is about him, and just him only.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Listening is the last thing he can do, he is terrible at it. When you said: "Be careful it's still hot!" He ate it a second later and his tongue got burnt. It's weird how, because isn't he made of fire? When you said: "You should stop sleeping while eating." Which is impossible—he falls asleep right after the word leaves your mouth. When you said: "You should stop going on a mission alone and get hurt!" Yet, the moment he stepped back to your cabin, he was full of nothing but cuts and glories. Listening is hard when you are filled with so many quirks and beams, just like him. Yet he is somewhat good at listening to his own voice, either the one inside his heart, or the one swimming and saying bullshit inside his mind. The one that speaks: "The ocean is calling for you." Or the one that speaks: "Your presence is a whole abomination." And sometimes, he gets it mixed up inside his mind. Yet, all those voices speak to the same person, about the same person.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Lying is not his best friend, he is bad at telling lies. However, that happened because of how you are able to read him like a book too. Sometimes he gets too nervous, and too comical to even lie to your face. When you ask: "Who eats my last piece of cake?" around the dining room, every eye darted towards him—he got nervous, and his eyes were wandering here and there. When you ask: "Who spills ink on my book?" in the ship's deck, he quickly averts his eyes from yours. You can always tell when he lies, because he is so easy to read. Thus, when he said: "I will never die!" In front of you, it sounds so certain, so powerful, he is not lying. You keep that sentence in your mind.
Portgas .D. Ace will never die.
The news soared faster than the wind, and just like that, he lied.
It's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
Valhalla, he is the sanctuary of broken dreams. Maybe you are losing to death, it loves him more than you do—yet life loves you more than you expected it to be. Losing him is easy, but having your daily life imagining what if he was here is devastating. One said someone will never die if you keep them in your memory, yet, what torture they wish upon you? For you have to remember such a dead lover like he is, when all you want is for him to come back and admit that he lied to you, that fate is playing against you. He is the grave of roaring seas, waves and tides sink inside him. Yet you, somewhat even without someone asking not to, you will never forget about him. One day someone will ask: "Who is Portgas .D. Ace?" And people might say:
"A pirate."
"A brat."
"A brother of mine."
"A brother of mine."
"Someone's older brother."
"Someone that promised me to come back."
And when that question directed to you, you will say:
"Someone I loved so dearly."
Because it's always about Portgas .D. Ace.
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lephamquynhnhu · 10 months
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Chapter 2: Storm before the Blushing Morn
Dan Feng x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS/ TAGS: The reader has a default name, OOC, mentioned of blood. (This is a work of fanfiction, events are not aligned or relevant to the original work)
Word count: ~2k
Summary: He met you on a drizzling day when hydrangea fully bloomed on its field. Amidst the sea of mild pastel petals, Dan Feng never thought the flowery domain that intertwined your fate was the precise thing withered with you. They said he was a dragon, a hero, a sinner, but never a person with love, hatred, sorrow, or joy like everyone else in this world. However, it was a demi-truth. He committed the cardinal sin because of you.
Note: Do you like...pain?
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He revisited on a sprinkle day, his signature ambergris aroma mixed with the freshness of humid forest note. You did not know why, but the High Elder seemed to be into rainy days because every time he came, water definitely showered outside. It has been weeks since you met him for the first time, and thanks to the frequency of his visits, you learn that the nonchalant Imbibitor Lunae gradually displays the other side. Although Dan Feng never clearly shows his emotion, you can tell his mood through the draconic tail. When he feels happy, his tail swings side to side and stands still as its owner is interested in or concentrates on whatever your information. In addition to your surprise, he sometimes even punchlines on your venting stories.  
Under the Mulan's foliage, you slowly gaze at the kaleidoscope sky after rain. A mid-summer breeze that carries the scent of white flowers softly blows through, driving the ripples to gleam on the water's surface. 
Immersing in your haze, you forget what was going to do until the Long Scion gives out his curiousness about the bush of Datura Metel in a corner garden. 
"I have studied an organic pesticide which extracts from their active agents." - The elegant smell of lotus still glistens in the morning dew perfumes in your lungs when nudging into them. Suddenly, you shove the flower cart into his arms and tell him to wait for you at a nearby wooden bench. Dan Feng thinks eternal Spring never leaves this sunlit Shangri-La as he wipes the Mulan's petals out of the seat because the flora seems to blossom in four seasons. 
While idly watching Koi fish under silky leafages, the High Elder does not notice you snicker behind. A forgotten raindrop stagnates on the lotus leaf trail like a lost pearl, arousing the quiet pond like his emerald orbs rising in astonishment. Amid the multi-colored palette, Dan Feng finds your smile is the most gorgeous flower when you abruptly pop up with a posy of Emperical Peony. The beam you flashed him still lingering in his mind as Dan Feng reluctantly takes the gift. Your hands lightly brush together via the exchange, reminding him of the existence of those black gloves since he has not seen you take them off once. Nevertheless, he lets it pass and dances his slender finger around the ombre corolla instead.  
"Thank you, Yi Ting." - Imbibitor Lunae softly mutters under his breath, and as the lost ray shines through frost winter, a faint smile stretches on his usually glacial face. 
On that day in the summer season, Dan Feng realizes that he does not return to your place because of its spectacular. He wants to revisit the Shangri-La because he likes spending time with you.
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On an Autumn afternoon painted in a burnt orange hue and wafting with a ripe persimmon scent, you are leisurely proceeding to the Dan Feng's residence while absentmindedly grazing a bunch of white chrysanthemums in hand. Looking at the High Elder Statue at the Dragonvista Rain Hall, your mind winds up reminiscing about the previous conversation.
"Yes?" - Transfering your focus toward his position, you represented the confusion as if hearing him wrong. The quiet Long Scion might befriend you and be your custom guest, but it was an extraordinary phenomenon since Dan Feng has not asked you to deliver flowers to his estate before. He patiently repeated the order while reading his scroll in one hand, and the other halfway was lifting the teacup with expressionless features. Looking at his relaxing manner, you unknowingly realize this house became Imbibitor Lunae's office. 
When immersing thought in the past, you are suddenly pulled back to the present by a low thud of a light collision with a follow-up painful cry. Tears are bubbling in the Vidyadhara child's doe eyes as she feels the pain. You swiftly support her to stand up and inspect the body while trying to comfort the child, which results in two news in this situation. A good one is a scratch, and the bad is her cry getting louder even though you used up all your tricks. 
"Pain, Pain goes away!" - You singsong to conjure an apple lollipop appearing in hand, and tears stop falling as she eyes your apologetic smile with compensation. When you clean the last drop of trail wet on her chubby cheekbones and apologize with head patting, other Vidyadhara children circle you to admire the little show. A defeated sigh escapes your breath as you look at their twinkle glims and secretly count the remaining candy's quantity. Unfortunately, in addition to your trouble, with an invitation from a brunette-haired boy, the group of children tugs your sleeves to play blind man's buff with their puppy eyes. 
"Alright, but I won't be lenient." - You confidently state when settling the bouquet on a stone bench. And you keep your line.
Once darkness invades the vision, you start to track down the children. By listening to their footsteps and sensing the airflow, you catch all of them except Ma Tian, the boy with sheen eyes who cleverly outclasses your skill. Finally, thanks to your florist's exceptional technique, you discreetly declare the endgame while detecting his fabric detergent in the wind's stream. 
"Catch ya, little brat!" - You happily exclaim your victory when circling your arms around Ma Tian's figure. However, you immediately realize something is wrong as a familiar ambergris cologne lingers on your nose, and you are hugging a lean body. Hurriedly removing the blindfold, you see Dan Feng mimic your shocked expression while Ma Tian lolls out his head behind the Long Scion. 
"How long do you intend to embrace me?" - The High Elder clears his throat with a light reprimand nuance laces in but does not seem annoyed. If there is anything you would admire about Imbibitor Lunae besides his glorious feats, the quick recovery from an embarrassing situation is one of them. As soon as you two detach, Dan Feng grabs the bouquet and leads you out of the Scalegorge Waterscape, leaving the cheerful goodbyes of those children behind. You do not understand why Dan Feng is rushing in his strides until you see a pink tint on his tip ears. 
When the sunset light turns golden on the greenery beneath, which gets everything basked in the look of burnished copper, you two arrive at the military memorial area where illustrious warriors rest in peace. Passing through hundreds of black marble graves glides their name, Dan Feng unravels your holding hands as he crunches down to place the chrysanthemum bouquet in front of a stone-carved Bai Heng. 
You know that name. She was once a High-Cloud quintet member and a gifted pilot who sacrificed in the third Denizen of Abundance. People say Imbibitor Lunae is never a person with love, hatred, sorrow, or joy like everyone else in this world, but now you can shout out they are all wrong because of the unfathomable somber besieges in his orbs.
"Life is so short when it comes to mortal organisms'' - He mouths in a calm and unwavering tone after a long silence - "No matter what you do, they definitely die." With his back turned to you, it is challenging to figure out its meaning, yet you can degust a longing taste entangled in that clause. Forgotten fragments of sunlight slowly die on your heels while trekking to the way out, and the crescent vaguely takes place in the saturated navy sky. Although the High Elder rarely shared his thoughts with someone else, you hardly agree with this viewpoint.
 "Even if it is short-lived, even if fate sometimes turns tragic, limited longevity creates the beauty of lives and valuableness because we learn to cherish life, and not all farewells are regretful. Sometimes, death is also an extrication, and I believe we will rendezvous on another horizon." 
Dan Feng follows your graze to the glitter crepuscule, causing the mellow ray to cradle his features. - "Someday, you also turn into ashes?" - A sliver of bitterness in the question soon morphed into those cyan irises as you confirmed with your bright smile. When the two of you pass through the gate, Imbibitor Lunae abruptly informs you of his next arrival with special requests that combine with osmanthus cake and jasmine tea. It is the first time he proactively reserves in advance because Dan Feng neither notices his attendance nor does he appear on sunny days.  
"Do I have to wait for the rain to meet you?" - Only one sentence, it has changed your relationship ever since. You guess that might be the way he expresses his feelings. 
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In a dream, I see myself in my childhood state with a bouquet of blue hydrangeas. Strolling by the seashore, the shells confound in golden sand rustles underneath my bare feet as I search for someone. End then, an abnormal bloodred butterfly hovers around to lead me toward that person; we have passed zillions of landscapes and territories, from glacial rivers where white snow permanently coats mounts to the vast rug crafted by countless vivid blossoms. From the nameless barren deserts with magnificent starry nights crown aloft to the rich prairie possesses coast breezes. I keep going, going.
"Hydrangeas is the soulmate of rains." A distant voice echoes from those feeble wings in the entire journey. It feels like Amber Periods have flown until we reach a field with full-bloom hydrangeas that unfold our presence. Suddenly, my companion disappears into thin air, and I notice a nostalgic glimpse waving his hand from afar as if he has been waiting for me for an astronomical long time. 
"You got my wish fulfilled... Thank you, my comrade." - The boy says in a gentle demeanor. His blue eyes shine brighter than any stars I have ever known, and he also disappears like the bloodred butterfly. His silhouette dissipates into thousands of flower petals as he flashes a warm smile toward me. 
"Wait, H...H..." - A tsunami of impuissant waves brews into my heart when I try to call his name, but none of the syllables come out, and tears continuously cascade from my eyes while I witness the lost world fading.
You wake up from a soothing noise of hot steam oozing out of your old kettle and forget the dream cleanly. "You had a fever." - A low tone voice diagnoses as soon as Dan Feng senses your consciousness. Slightly lifting the heavy eyelids, you see him situating beside your headboard with a botanical book in hand. The glorious sun is far high hanging in the sky to pour its honeyed light through your window, which informs you to oversleep impliedly. You do not notice tears rolling down until the Long Scion points out in skimming your complexion and uses his thumb to caress the trail wetness. Sensing no engagement in conversation, Dan Feng shifts his hand to cover your eyesight and tenderly leans forward.
You only feel a pillowy touch on your forehead afterward. 
"Please do not leave the bed today, and take the medicine on time because this is a prescription from the High Elder." - He faux-orders when rendering your vision. Astoundedly grazing the lingering sensation, you did not know that Imbibitor Lunae has a bizarre way of assessing the temperature. 
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Winter at Shangri-La never experiences snow, yet it takes some seasonal features such as the gloomy weather all day with northeast wind seething through every direction. Inspecting the murky clouded skyward, you tug the scarf closer when your breaths dimly turn into silver smoke. As soon as you attempt to lift the white lily cart, a hot stream of fluid smelling like rusty iron runs down your chin, which the soil absorbs its falling drops. When you bring your hand to clean the water, it takes a moment to process it is blood. Your irises squeeze as you dumbfoundedly stare at the ivory gloves tainted with the crimson hue. Just as you intend to step forward, the surrounding spins around as though Earth and Heaven are twitching position, and you kneel only to cough out blood that permeates the fabric. The pollen sparkles in the ether after the collapse, and the shivering lily's petals in chilly winds are the last things in your blurring vision.
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lifeofpriya · 7 days
for sinner weekend can u do the quiet acts of love- following the sidewalk rule/^ like imagine realizing it as they gently take the other's wrist and guide them to the other side please? i feel like jannik would be so observant and notice little things and he’s kinda shy so the quiet acts of love seem so fitting for him
your wish is my command, anon 🤭🫶🏼
A Heartfelt Habit
wc: 2.2k
Jannik was a man of few words; he preferred his actions to speak louder than any promise could. He had a gentle touch, a fiery spirit, and a smile that could melt even the most stubborn of hearts. You had been dating him for a few weeks now, and every moment was a surprise wrapped in the anticipation of what was to come.
One balmy evening, as you both strolled through the cobblestone streets of his quaint Italian hometown, the setting sun cast a warm glow over the ancient buildings, making the red roofs seem as though they were on fire. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the distant chatter of locals enjoying their evening espressos. Jannik's hand was firm in yours, and you felt the comforting thump of his heartbeat through his palm.
"Wait, there's a big puddle up ahead," Jannik said, his eyes scanning the sidewalk. Without a moment's hesitation, he guided you to the left, placing himself on the side closer to the curb. The water stretched from one side of the path to the other, a glossy mirror reflecting the pastel colors of the buildings.
You looked at him, bewildered. "What are you doing?"
Jannik shot you a boyish grin, his cheeks dimpling slightly. "The sidewalk rule," he replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I always walk on the side closer to the street to protect you from any splashes."
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling both touched and a little embarrassed by the old-fashioned chivalry. "It's just a puddle, Jannik," you said, but your voice was warm with affection.
His eyes held yours, earnest and sincere. "Every little thing counts," he said, his grip on your hand tightening slightly.
You felt a flutter in your chest. This simple gesture, something you had never expected from someone as modern and accomplished as Jannik, was surprisingly charming. It spoke volumes about his character—his respect for you, his attentiveness to your comfort, and his willingness to put you first, even in the smallest of ways.
As you continued walking, the sidewalks grew narrower, forcing you closer together. You could feel the heat from his body, and the scent of his cologne mixed with the fresh summer air was intoxicating. His focus remained on the path ahead, eyes darting to and fro, ensuring there were no other obstacles to navigate around.
You felt a sudden urge to lean into him, to press your cheek against his shoulder and breathe him in. But you held back, not wanting to interrupt the rhythm of the moment. Instead, you watched his profile—the strong line of his jaw, the curve of his full lips, the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly when he was concentrating.
As you approached the town square, the cobblestones gave way to a well-trodden dirt path, lined with lampposts that cast a soft, amber light. The sound of your footsteps and the distant clinking of wine glasses at an outdoor café grew louder as you approached. Jannik steered you around a particularly large stone, his eyes never leaving the ground.
"You're so attentive," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've never had anyone do this for me before."
Jannik glanced up, his gaze meeting yours. "It's nothing," he said, his cheeks flushing slightly. "It's just the way I was raised."
You couldn't resist the urge to lean into him anymore. You slid your hand up his arm, feeling the muscles tighten beneath your touch, and rested your head on his shoulder. He didn't miss a beat, continuing to guide you through the square with the same careful attention. The warmth of his body enveloped you, and you felt a sense of safety and belonging that was unparalleled.
The dirt path grew more crowded as you reached the heart of the town. Tourists and locals alike milled about, their conversations a blend of Italian and various other languages. The smell of garlic and fresh bread wafted from open windows, making your stomach rumble. Jannik noticed and chuckled, squeezing your hand.
"I know a place," he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "A little trattoria, just around the corner."
You nodded eagerly, the mention of food making your stomach growl louder. He led you down a narrow alleyway, the walls covered in ivy and old, peeling posters advertising past festivals. The sound of laughter and clinking dishes grew louder until you emerged into a small, dimly lit courtyard filled with rustic wooden tables. The smell of garlic and tomato sauce was intoxicating, and your mouth watered in anticipation.
Jannik held the door open for you, the warm light from inside spilling out onto the cobblestones. The hostess greeted him with a cheery "Ciao, Jannik!" and a kiss on both cheeks. She led you to a cozy table in the corner, where a candle flickered in a red wine bottle. The walls were adorned with vintage family photos and faded newspaper clippings of past tennis champions, a subtle nod to Jannik's own success.
You slid into the chair he held out for you, feeling the rough fabric of your jeans against the wooden seat. The cramped space made it feel like a secret hiding spot, a place where the two of you could share a quiet, intimate dinner away from prying eyes. The air was thick with the scent of simmering sauces and fresh basil, making your stomach rumble even more.
Jannik ordered for both of you in fluent Italian, his accent thick and comforting. You watched as he spoke to the waitress, his eyes lighting up with passion as he described the perfect meal. It was clear that he loved this place, and you loved watching him in his element. When he turned back to you, his eyes searched yours, questioning if you were okay with his choices. You nodded enthusiastically, a smile playing on your lips.
The food arrived, steaming plates of pasta that looked like they had been plucked straight from a Renaissance painting. The scent was heavenly, and you couldn't wait to dig in. Jannik reached for his fork, but before he could take a bite, he paused. "May I?" he asked, his eyes looking for permission.
You nodded, curious about his intentions. He took a piece of garlic bread and carefully broke it in half, placing one piece on your plate. "For you," he said, his voice low and sincere. "Always." It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you. It was as if he was saying, 'I'll share everything with you, even the simple things'.
As you took a bite of the warm, crusty bread, the flavors of garlic and herbs danced on your tongue. The bread was perfect, a testament to the care the chef had put into it. You watched as Jannik twirled his fork in a delicate dance, capturing a mouthful of spaghetti and taking a bite with a contented sigh. You couldn't help but feel a surge of affection as you realized he enjoyed food as much as you did.
The conversation flowed easily between you, a mix of laughter and shared stories. You felt as though you had known Jannik for years, not weeks. His eyes lit up when he talked about his family, his hometown, and his love for the sport that had taken him around the globe. You listened intently, hanging on every word, feeling a growing admiration for his dedication and passion.
As the night grew darker and the candle on your table flickered, casting shadows across your faces, you found yourself lost in his stories. His hands gestured wildly as he recounted a particularly close match, the tension and excitement palpable in his voice. You could see the determination in his eyes, the same determination that had led him to victory so many times.
The pasta was heavenly, each bite a symphony of flavors that seemed to resonate with the beating of your heart. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you felt the warmth of the food spread through your body. Jannik noticed your empty plate and his eyes crinkled with satisfaction.
"I'm so glad you liked it," he said, taking a sip of his wine.
You nodded, your mouth still full of the heavenly concoction. "It's amazing," you managed to say around the food.
Jannik's smile grew wider, and he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "The secret is in the sauce," he confided. "The chef's grandmother's recipe. They say she used to make it for the local champions back in the day."
You took another bite, savoring the rich flavors that seemed to carry a piece of history with them. The town square outside the restaurant windows was now a blur of shadows and soft lights, the chatter of passersby melding into a comforting hum. The moment felt suspended in time, as if the world had stopped just for the two of you.
Jannik reached across the table, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. His touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you found yourself leaning into his hand, your eyes locking onto his. For a moment, you forgot about the food, the restaurant, and the world outside. It was just the two of you, lost in the warmth of each other's presence.
The waitress returned, placing a dessert menu in front of you with a knowing smile. Jannik chuckled, his eyes never leaving yours. "Dolci?" he suggested, his voice low and intimate.
You nodded, your heart racing. The air between you was thick with unspoken words and the promise of what was to come. You pointed to a decadent-looking chocolate torte, and he nodded in approval. "Perfetto," he murmured, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand.
As the dessert arrived, the waitress set it down with a knowing wink. The torte was a masterpiece, the chocolate glistening under the candlelight, a scoop of gelato melting gracefully beside it. Jannik didn't wait for you to pick up your spoon; instead, he reached for it and offered you the first bite. The chocolate was rich and smooth, the gelato a cool contrast that sent a shiver down your spine.
You tasted the love in his gesture, the sweetness of his intentions. As you took the spoon from his hand, your fingers grazed his, sending a spark of electricity through you. The touch was innocent, but it was loaded with the promise of something more, something that made your heart race faster than any tennis match ever could.
Jannik watched you intently as you took a bite, his eyes never leaving your mouth as you savored the decadent dessert. The chocolate was heavenly, but it was the look in his eyes that truly made it special. You could see the way he was memorizing every detail of your face, as if he was afraid that if he blinked, you might disappear.
The moment grew quieter as you both enjoyed the torte, sharing bites and sips of wine. The candle between you cast a warm glow, casting soft shadows that danced across your skin. The conversation lulled, and you found yourself simply enjoying the sound of his breathing, the feel of his hand in yours.
As the last crumbs of dessert disappeared, Jannik leaned back in his chair, his gaze still locked on yours. "Would you like to take a walk?" he asked, his voice a gentle rumble that seemed to resonate in your chest.
You nodded, unable to resist the invitation. The night was still young, and the town had transformed into a tapestry of shadow and light. The cobblestone streets were slick with the remnants of the day's rain, and the air was cool and refreshing against your skin. Jannik held your hand as you strolled, his thumb tracing circles on your palm, sending shivers up your arm.
The walk was leisurely, the silence between you comfortable and filled with the unspoken understanding that had grown over the weeks. You passed by the café where you had shared your first kiss, the spot where the scent of freshly baked cookies had filled the air and the world had stopped spinning for a brief, magical moment. You squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back, a silent acknowledgment of the memory.
The town square was now almost empty, the only sounds the distant echo of laughter and the occasional splash of water from a fountain. The moon had risen, casting a silver glow over the buildings and making the cobblestones shimmer like a river of stars. Jannik led you to a bench under a large, ancient tree, its branches stretching out like protective arms.
You sat down, the cool metal of the bench a stark contrast to the warmth of Jannik's hand. He sat close, his leg brushing against yours. You could feel the heat of his body, and your heart raced in anticipation of what might happen next. His eyes searched yours, and you knew he was feeling the same unspoken tension.
The moon cast a soft light across his features, highlighting the sharp angles of his cheekbones and the intensity of his gaze. You leaned in, unable to resist the magnetic pull, and your lips met in a kiss that was sweet and tender. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer, and the world around you faded into the background, leaving only the sound of your mingled breaths and the steady beat of your hearts.
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mysterybooks-world · 5 months
Say hello to Vox's friend
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I settled on this idea instead of My original idea
When I was thinking about Vox's friend OC I was thinking of making a young man with a Venetian Mask
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Like a mix between Joker and Kaitou Kid
Joker from: (Persona Records) and Kaitou Kid from (Detective Conan)
a True gentleman More than Alastor and Valentino
And he sang a song Did I Mention (From "Descendants") Dove Cameron - Boyfriend
But I changed my mind or I can put him in another au
I was thinking about her appearance As you can see she is between stars and plants witch.
Because Sinners have their own appearance in different shapes and sizes And a different design
As for her store or Shop is (Antique store) aka (MystiKraft) Not only Antique store It is the place of everything, without Anything related to sex and drugs.
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From the outside it is like a small store but from the inside it is big
she is like wandering merchant, She sells things and items
What is special about her store?
Her store Like pocket dimensions can go anywhere to other Rings of Hell & heaven & earth
You could say something similar to (Howl's Moving Castle)
No one can enter the store without her permission.
Anything that happens inside the store, no one can use magic to see it inside Or use magic to enter. Even Lucifer and Seven Deadly Sins & Angels, they magic doesn't work in a store.
(My mind whispering: A perfect place for someone to hide If you get my meaning)
Her powers are like a witch's -she can mess with reality -has the power to mess with time Like stopping time or turning it back
-her tail is like fire, but it does not sting If she want to, Sometimes, her tail becomes like a street lamp
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Back story: She was there from the beginning, anomaly, She's just there seeing it all, She saw everything The fight God & angels and Roo aka ROOT OF ALL EVIL. And you know the rest of the story.
She was interested in humanity But she did not interfere in many people's lives, only telling them her advice and wisdom. and She listens to their stories. She loved playing the role wandering merchant.
she appeared in front of humans At different ages Sometimes she is an adult, a teenager, an old woman or a child,
And one day, years ago, When she was child, she met child Vox, They became friends, They began to grow together from children to teenagers then Adults,
when Vox died and fell into hell, His friend was already there, she Guide him to her store and she offered him sweet tea, After he calmed his nerves and realized that he was dead and in hell, After she told him everything About hell, and she Give him some stuff and money, Both of them went their separate ways, Sometimes Vox would visit her,
My OC: Wait a minute I think I forgot to tell him I'm not human and She smiles OH well I'll let him figure this out for himself, Plus His reaction will be funny
And here the story begins Like I mentioned in my poster before
was returning from his back from his supposed date with Valentino But Valentino didn't show up and forgot about their date, He is busy with Angel Dust.
When Vox was passing by a store. He stopped where he was and stepped back, This store wasn't here when he walked in this morning, But when he read the shop sign (MystiKraft) Vox realized who the shop owner was And he entered the place, Vox meets his best friend again
I feel like this is a song for them
she sing (Flying Solo) from Julie and the Phantoms
So Vox spends time with her again.
now the important thing What name should I choose for her? There are four names with their meaning of Flowers and stars
First name: Aster: Greek in origin, this uncommon name's literal meaning is 'star.' Aster flowers, which bear brightly-colored, star-shaped blooms, are the official flower of September and according to myth, are the tears of the Goddess Astraea, also known as Virgo — September's ruling constellation.
Second name Calla: comes from Greek roots, is a type of lily, and means “beautiful.” With Latin origins, this name means “starflower.” This name is inspired by the relaxing flowering herb commonly found in teas
Third name Calytrix. 'Calytrix' has a Latin origin and the meaning of the name is 'star flower'
Fourth name Ahana. This pretty Japanese name means “sky flower.” Anan. This one has Hebrew roots, too, and means “cloud” or “vapor.
I was thinking about choosing Aster or Calytrix.
What do you guys think? Which one of names suits her the most?
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mail-posting · 5 months
god okay so
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the first half of this, specifically “better to not have enough” relates to when he’s first interacting with people. he recoils, he pulls away, he even pushes others away because surely even being exposed to him for long enough would trigger his curse
speaking of, the next two lines are actually about that! because obviously, he is cursed, but even in the (impossible) chance he isn’t, you shouldn’t approach him. he’s still a sinner, a horrible person, meant to do nothing except worship and repent. “i beg you, praying with all my soul” could be him begging that his curse doesn’t affect anyone, but a more fitting explanation would be him hoping that luca (and later on, emil and the others) doesn’t keep interacting with him because they’ll be tainted.
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“lying tears of rain” in this case could correlate to a saying that goes around in families, something like “the skies/heavens are crying for you when it rains” (this could be something only my family did but, maybe not) however, the lie in this comes from the fact the heavens would never weep for such a tainted creature.
i also think the flower blooming represents the memory of his mother. his heart is a “withered sea” from the loss, but he refuses to forget the only person (or, more notably as the dynamics progress, human) who’s ever treated him kindly—hence the reason there is only a single flower.
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this is after a bad meltdown. he doesn’t think he’s done enough to make up for his sins, and yet he easily follows the guidance of the angels—they could be deceiving him for a test, but he wants to believe that maybe, maybe he’s done enough to accept the lies— (hence the reason why he doesnt think of looking back- if he reflects on whether he did repent enough, he’d realize he most likely didn’t. he wants to be selfish for a bit, despite how undeserving he is.)—at least, temporarily.
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this is a bit patchy for me, but i think it relates to him trying to take luca and emil’s sins for his own. he wants to believe he can do it, he just has to atone for all three of them. what he doesn’t want is to even think that it wouldn’t work (hence “it’s better not to know”), because he can’t let his angels be tainted and dirtied by sin.
wanting to “dream of a delusional love” is about how subconsciously, he wants love. he wants affection. he craves it. however, he can never get it—never deserve it—unless he’s driven himself into the ground. he wishes he could be worthy of being loved without destroying himself, but that’s just a delusional thought- he’ll never reach that level of redemption no matter how hard he tries.
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andrew constantly is trying to please his angels, desperately trying to keep them around- though if they get sick of him, there’s nothing he can do. trying to win them back is pointless; he’s lost all hope at any redemption, and trying to trick the angels into thinking he’s worthy of another try will only worsen the consequences of God’s wrath—whenever it will happen. if that happens, there’s no point in trying to explain himself (“dont make excuses”) because the angels will be able to tell his true, selfish intentions, and he has no right to get emotional (“dont be so sentimental”) because he should’ve expected this. it’s only what he had coming, what he deserved, or else it wouldn’t have happened.
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this is also a more difficult bit for me to interpret, but i think this could relate to the orpheus incident. he tries to ignore what people are saying because they think he can’t hear them— so why not pretend he doesn’t know? as long as nobody directly confronts him, he has no reason to get involved—its not his place. regardless of how much it hurts for him to listen to.
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there’s a right and wrong to everything. if being correct is easy, then so must being wrong. some people hold different opinions- some say it’s easier to do the right thing than the wrong, or vice versa, or its situational. to andrew, there’s a correct answer- no matter how difficult it is, if you don’t do the objectively correct thing, you’re in the wrong. andrew himself is unsure of the correct thing in most situations, but he has to be picking the wrong one, or else he wouldn’t be punished by the heavens this often, right?
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the lies andrew tells arent important. insignificant things, like how he’s fine, like how he doesn’t remember where this bruise came from, or that cut. all that matters is that emil and luca are okay, that they’re content, and if they think he’s fine, then they stay content and happy- there’s no reason to hate him if they’re content.
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him being fine with the “back-to-back love” is him accepting the affection from both of them (from the time being.) he wants to feel cared for, comfortable, loved, accepted, warm. he needs it as soon as he feels worthy, because there’s only a limited period of affection he’s earned, and selfish as it is, he wants to be able to get as much of it as he can.
Shakes you shakes you shakes you
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friendlyfatbee · 1 year
Flowers I Associate with Angels of Death Characters!
*Note, not necessarily always perfectly matching with flower language, of course this is all just my own opinion! Tw for religious topics with some flower meanings.
Cardinal Flowers! Majority of the time they’re bright red, easily recognizable wildflower for its flowers that aren’t perfectly perked up like how flowers are typically imagined to be. I’ve seen it before in wet areas like streams near bogs, so it isn’t hindered by “dirty” environments. This flower is also extremely toxic to humans and pets, deadly just like Zack! Just not in a slasher killer fashion. While this next idea might be a stretch, these flowers supposedly will bring love to the lives of elderly women (by touching the root, not gifting), and Zack just so happens to bring light into a certain elderly man’s life before his untimely death.
Ironically, these flowers have been associated with the red robes of cardinals in the Catholic Church, even though Zack could care less about God and religion.
Crabapple Blossoms, specifically Sargent Tina Crabapple with red buds that bloom into white, pure flowers, only to change to bright red, shiny crabapples. Crabapples are actually fairly related to Rose, which can be tied to how Cathy and Danny had a history far before Gray’s experiment, according to the prequel manga series. These gradually whitening flowers caught my eye immediately from the fact that despite the abundance of red buds, not a single white flower was red. Morbidly enough, the red to white transition reminds me of both Danny’s plethora of injuries during the course of the story staining his coat, and also the fact he stopped the bleeding due to his medical knowledge.
Crabapples are toxic to animals due to a compound within the seeds that can transition into cyanide, while in most cases this cyanide doesn’t pose a real threat to humans but can be harmful in large amounts, mirroring how Danny may not always be a lethal threat with his eye stealing, but is capable of plenty of harm.
Ironically and sadly, crabapple blossoms are associated with fertility, marriage, love, and joy, things that Danny was doomed to never have over the course of the main story as an antagonist.
Tulips, with its wide variety of colors including orange, along with flower meanings that all relate back to deep and understanding love, something that Eddie offers (though this is partially due to his yearning to “own” something and give a proper death to things he believes he should own.) In areas where I’ve seen tulips, butterflies and other insects definitely crawl about, reminding me even more of Eddie’s death and the butterflies present in the anime. Orange tulips in particular convey understanding and appreciation between two people (usually in a relationship,) which further relates to Eddie’s views on Rachel and his family.
Tulips are, surprisingly, toxic, and in most cases of poisoning, the bulb was confused for edible onions. It may be a stretch to say that this deception matches Eddie’s childish personality (though understandably because he is a literal child) and his ability to kill.
Roses, specifically bred ones as opposed to wild or cute Chinese roses. Roses have always been a symbol of wealth, power, passion, and slight danger, and we already know how Cathy circulates through money faster than blood in the circulatory system. I can confirm from falling into rose bushes multiple times that they do indeed hurt, only reminding me further of Cathy and how she craves to judge and punish sinners in the most painful way possible. Roses are not toxic and depend on their thorns for protection, paralleling how Cathy doesn’t directly kill or punish sinners and uses expensive technology to do so.
For those who have read the manga, yes Cathy reminds me of specifically red and white roses, which signify unity (which I associate between Cathy and Lucy, even with Cathy still wearing a ring as if to show that sense of unity is still strong. Even if it was slightly one sided…)
📖Gray 📖
Hyacinths, but particularly from the fact that Hyacinths are strong and sweet smelling (like a certain sweet smelling gas Gray uses.) When I came across a group of Hyacinths, the smell is what hit me first before I even saw them. They come in a variety of colors (white, pink, etc) but also notably purple. While purple Hyacinths are typically associated with sorrow and desire for forgiveness, they can also let a mourner know you’re thinking of them after a death in the family. This can’t be linked to Gray in any significant way, but it is still worthy to note.
No, I did not even think about the whole Hyacinthus myth of Apollo being gay, but if you told me that Reverend Gray was immortal like how Hyacinthus was immortalized, I would 100% believe you. /hj Hyacinths are also toxic to ingest and skin irritants due to oxalic acid.
Lilies of the Valley, for a variety of reasons. White, small, delicate, and with a mixed history of both youthful and pure things (when in loving arrangements) but also sadness and pain (in funeral arrangements.) This flower also has supernatural associations, such as the belief that these flowers can communicate with an outside world. Despite being treasured by some cultures, they’re actually seen as a nuisance where I live, which could be tied to Rachel’s sense of being unworthy and hated by God. These flowers also are associated with tears, such as the Virgin Mary’s tears when Jesus was crucified, and the tears of Eve when she was expelled from the Garden of Eden, which once again ties into Rachel’s feelings toward God rejecting her. These dainty flowers are also toxic, which is more than fitting for Rachel’s deadly history.
Of course these flowers are what I associate with the AoD cast from my personal experience with the plants, not what plants best fit them. If you have a different opinion, that’s great and feel free to comment it!
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nekurooma · 1 year
@raytm asked: HC tell me all about mukuro rn 🔪 // SEND ME " HC + A WORD " AND ILL WRITE A HEADCANON ABT IT <3
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mukuro never got to meet his mother in her life, her blood already on his hands before even taking his first real breath. it is the first thing they remember ; blood and death. it haunted his steps ever since, a large looming shadow over him. it keeps them near, and yet it won't hold them. nothing ever does except for the restraints binding him to the cold metal table underneath fluorescent lights.
his first death is an illusion of relief, of happiness. he sees the back of a woman, her long dark hair moving gently as she walks and she seems achingly familiar. he knows he never met her. he knows he would remember if he did, as he does everything else in painful detail. they're overcome with the intense desire to call out, to reach for her hand and look at her face, to laugh with her, to be with her. to apologize. but his feet are sinking into the ground. it's swallowing him up and blood fills his lungs, his ears, his nose , his eye. she's leaving him behind, walking further further away and mukuro is screaming, voice nothing more than a gurgle, begging his mother to take him with her. she doesn't hear him, keeps walking as mukuro descends into hell, as it curls within his veins, making itself at home in his soul and marking him a sinner forever. 一. ichi. Jigokudou.
the second time he dies, he dies of hunger. hunger for what, he can't tell, not anymore. only that it is all consuming, starting with himself. he's already thin, bones poking at their skin ; so what follows next is his mind. colors swirl in their vision, taking shapes he's never seen before but can't help but think beautiful. ethereal, pure - they're flowers that bloom from the filthiest of dirt and yet stay forever clean of it. not even his fingers, covered in blood and grime as they are can stain the beautiful pale pink. mukuro reaches, reaches and reaches - but collapses before he can touch. they grow around him, so close and yet so far, mocking and soothing. mukuro is so hungry for it, death rejects him once again in fear of being consumed. 二, ni, Gakidou.
mukuro is a sacrifice for the family. the sacrificial lamb to lead them to prosperity. they take his blood, his skin, his bones, nothing is left to waste. they apologize, they laugh - they get everything they want. snakes curl along what is left of his arms to hold him in place, on the altar of war as bullets are made in his image that will bring them salvation. are the snakes truly holding him down though? or are they holding him together - it doesn't matter. in the end, they are his - and he is them. 三, san. Chikushoudou
how long can you cut a human for, until there's nothing left to get ? not that it matters for the family, or mukuro himself. he is neither human anymore, nor does he ever stay dead. no matter how long it takes, he will always take a breath again. the cursed child - the devil. mukuro has stopped speaking a long time ago. has stopped screaming even longer. they think he has given up, that his spirit is broken as they passively watch him bleed out in front of them - but what they don't see is the flame in his eyes, the dying will to tear it all from their rotten hands. to keep living so that he can eventually, turn this entire domain upside down and become his own lord. he will tear them apart, limb from limb - and he will watch the world burn. this is his vow. 四, shi, Ashuradou
they can not hurt him, everything they could have done to him - they already have. pain has become inconsequential in the face of his obsession. mukuro knows that they have grown powerful - that each one of their deaths has brought them further and further down a path that will lead them to something devilishly divine.but it's not enough, not yet. there's something more, more power lurking behind a closed door - they can feel it. dangerous, pulsing, alive. the doctors have been treating him more and more carelessly thanks to his broken act. it is almost laughably easy to steal a scalpel and take it back to his room. he knows exactly what needs to be done to unlock that door. pain is inconsequential. mukuro is already dead before his body hits the ground, the blade wedged deep inside his cursed eye. his last thought as a comfortable warmth envelops his body is how laughably human it is to be so confident, so prideful about oneself and their potential. and yet it is still not enough. 五, go, Ningendou
六. roku. Tendou. to become exalted, mukuro dies for the sixth time with his fingers around his handlers throat and a bullet made of his own bones lodged inside his head. his sixth death is liberation. the end. mukuro takes a new breath but his handler doesn't. the barrel of the gun still smokes as mukuro idly wipes away the blood on his forehead. there is no control over him anymore - gone with the color of the other man's face. pale, distorted in fear and pain. a pitiful end, and yet too quick all the same. the time has finally come, his patience paid off. there will be no one to ever hold his leash again - his family will die - and so will all the others. he will be the judge and executioner in this broken world - in all his rotten, manmade divinity.
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lumierecharity · 2 years
Saint Charbel was a Maronite monk and priest who lived in Lebanon. The community in Lebanon remembers the holy man for his miraculous healings. Fr Charbel (Saint Charbel) - in his latter years a holy hermit - went to Almighty God from this life on 24th December 1898. 
St Charbel was buried outside the monastery in a grave adjacent to the church wall. In the records of the Monastery of St Maroun in Annaya, Fr (Saint) Charbel's superior wrote that because of what Charbel would accomplish after his death, he had no need to write about his life but was satisfied with stating that Charbel had kept his vows like an angel and not like a human. 
Starting from the time of his burial, St Charbel's tomb emanated a bright light. As a result, the tomb was opened on April 15th 1899, four months after St Charbel's death. The saint's body was found to be intact with no signs of change, a miraculous sign. 
In 1950, St Charbel's tomb at the Maronite monks' monastery high on a mountain in Lebanon was opened yet again, because a light had frequently been seen in the vicinity. To the astonishment of all the body of the priest who had been buried there for fifty-two years was as though he had been merely asleep that half a century. Even his clothing was intact.
Why this Wonder?
People began to pray to St Charbel to ask his intercession with God on their behalf. The monastery began to keep records of miracles performed through the intercession of Fr Charbel from 1950 onwards. There are over 26,000 miracles attributed to the intercession of St Charbel Makhlouf since 1898. 
Saint Pope Paul VI beatified Charbel
At the closing of the Second Vatican Council, on December 5, 1965, St Charbel was beatified by Saint Pope Paul VI, who said:
"Great is the gladness in heaven and earth today for the beatification of Charbel Makhlouf, monk and hermit of the Lebanese Maronite Order. Great is the joy of the East and West for this son of Lebanon, admirable flower of sanctity blooming on the stem of the ancient monastic traditions of the East, and venerated today by the Church of Rome ... the holy monk of Annaya is presented as one who reminds us of the indispensable roles of prayer, hidden virtues and penance ... A hermit from the Lebanese mountain is enrolled among the blessed ... a new, eminent member of monastic sanctity is enriching the entire Christian people by his example and his intercession ... In a world largely fascinated with riches and comfort, he helps us understand the paramount value of poverty, penance, and ascetism to liberate the soul in its ascent to God ..." [1]
St Charbel was canonised in 1977 by Saint Pope Paul VI. At the time, Bishop Francis Zayek wrote, "St Sharbel is called the second St Anthony of the Desert, the Perfume of Lebanon, the first Confessor of the East to be raised to the Altars according to the actual procedures of the Catholic Church, the honor of our Aramaic Antiochian Church, and the model of spiritual values and renewal. Sharbel is like a Cedar of Lebanon standing in eternal prayer, on top of a mountain." [2]
St Charbel's tomb has been a site for millions of pilgrimages ever since his burial. 
Preparation for Holy Mass
St Charbel used to spend half a day preparing to celebrate Mass, and half a day in thanksgiving. During the Holy Mass he offered the Eucharist to the Holy Trinity for the conversion of sinners.
History of Saint Charbel
History of St Charbel can be accessed at http://saintcharbel.net.au/history/
Some healings which are attributed to St Charbel
Some healings which are attributed to St Charbel can be accessed at https://epicpew.com/6-incredible-miracles-saint-charbel/
Prayer to Saint Charbel
Saint Sharbel, vessel of sweet perfume, pray for me. O merciful God, who honored Saint Sharbel through the working of great miracles, have mercy on me and grant me what I ask through his intercession. To You be glory forever, Amen. 
One of St Charbel's spiritual practices we can imitate is prayer of the Holy Rosary. 
[1] Saint Charbel http://saintcharbel.net.au/history/
[2] Charbel Makhlouf 
Visit the following link
On the cross the Creed is prayed:
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right Hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He shall come, to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.
On the single beads the Our Father is prayed:
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name;  Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as It is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
On the sets of beads, the Hail Mary is prayed:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
At the end of each set of beads, the Glory Be is prayed:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.
This is followed by the Fatima prayer:
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.
Many people recite five to fifteen mysteries of the Holy Rosary each day:
The Joyful Mysteries (always recited on Mondays and Thursdays)
1. The Annunciation
2. The Visitation
3. The Nativity
4. The Presentation
5. The finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
The Sorrowful Mysteries (always recited on Tuesdays and Fridays)
1. The Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
3. The Crowning with Thorns
4. The Carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus on the Cross
The Glorious Mysteries (always recited on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays)
1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost
4. The Assumption of Our Lady body and soul into Heaven
5. The Crowning of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven
At the end of the Rosary recite the Hail Holy Queen:
Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Follow the Hail Holy Queen by:
Pray for us O Holy Mother of God
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
O God, Who by Thy Life, Death and Resurrection didst purchase for us the rewards of eternal salvation
Grant, we beseech thee, that, while meditating upon these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
We may both imitate what they contain
And obtain what they promise through the same Christ our Lord
Link to online Rosary
With thanks to usccb.org, saintcharbel.net.au, epicpew.com, wikipedia.org, comepraytherosary.org and youtube
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0721am · 1 year
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(Sending you a virtual bouquet and a cake!)
16th July, 2023
Dear gentle Ami,
Your lovely friend has returned with the letter for your birthday. how have you been, darling? the year has been a journey, full of tides, ups and downs. yet, that smile of yours never disappeared. indeed, the very charm of yours is that serene smile.
I hope your heart is at peace. 🤍
Yesterday, I perused the previous letter and realized I am writing my fifth letter to you. The number 5 signifies the middle point of anything. Now, I am closer to a decade than before. In complete sincerity, I can not wait to see how much will change in these letters and our lives.
Let's go for a ‘10!’ 🤍
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Now, you shall start the new season with my letter.
Dearest, Happy Birthday! Welcome to 24. (Perhaps, should I welcome you to a mid-life crisis? I rather not!) I hope you had a lovely day. I sincerely wish all your wishes come true.
However, there is one wish which I want to come true — Meeting you. I have no idea kab, kaise, aur kahan — but I really want to meet you. Countless times, my mind filled with the thoughts of our meeting — from what we would have dressed to the kind of hangout we would have. I want to hold you close and cherish your presence. I need to know what it is like to be in your presence. Hopefully, soon, this wish of mine come true! 🌹
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Spring Sunshine.
You're so cute. Each and every time I see your stories on Instagram, my first thought has always been, “You’re so cute like a button!” I must say, as the days go by, you get cuter. Despite the thorns you faced, the rose bloomed within you. 🌹
You're the cutest muffin evah! 🤍
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With all my heart, I thank you for listening to my concerns and softening them for me to cope. I felt lighter.
So, Thank you, darling!
Since you've been learning Korean for the past few years, I found this poem for you —
꽃은 시들 줄 알면서도 핀다 그래서 사람들은 안다 지금 피지 않은 꽃이 있다 해도 곧 활짝 필 거란 걸
❝Flowers bloom even though they know they will wither
So people know
Although there are flowers that are not in bloom right now
They will be in full bloom soon.❞
Though this poem speaks about the light within the soul, I felt this poem may resonate with you in terms of dreams, dearest. We dream and put in the effort, knowing they may or may not come true. Yet, we continue to dream. For the inner child who has been wounded by 23, I hope 24 brings the marham she longs for.
May your soul and dream bloom courageously, despite.
My love...
Welcome to the thirst trap section! 🤍✨
How can I end the letter without involving THE KIM TAEHYUNG!? Huh, that's impossible. I shall make you sinner with my curation.
Allow me to spice up your new season! ✨
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Amisha, my munchkin, I hope you enjoyed a delightful time reading the letter. Pardon me if this did not meet your expectations! I still have not recovered from my writing block. However, writing a letter every year means a lot to me. This is an important business!
Honey, once again, Happiest B'day! 🤍✨
— yours, Teeeeee! 🌼
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