#((Chapter 1 is up. The rewrite begins. Y'ALL!
st-riley-the-brave · 1 year
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[ A Kraftwerk fanfiction | All aboard! ]
• This is not a drill: Chapter 2 is up!
• Chapter 3 is up. All aboard!
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cecilysass · 2 months
20 Questions for 20 Writers
tagged by @baronessblixen and @randomfoggytiger
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 24
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 364,789
3. What fandoms do you write for? Only X-Files, although sometimes I have thoughts.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Chicken Dinner, Pause, The Kaleidoscope, The Boy on the Beach, The Marriage Spectacular
5. Do you respond to comments? Not every time. I do in bursts. I feel guilty if I respond to some and not others, so sometimes I just respond to none, especially if it's a long story and I'm posting chapters everyday. I wish it were otherwise, because I sincerely do like engaging with comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I've answered this question before, and I think I decided it was either (1) Opposition and Synthesis, which is a post-Requiem fic that no one has read, written between season 7 and 8, on Gossamer or (2) Ice Water, which was a fic I wrote for an exchange, also beginning of season 8, which is on AO3. Both of them have the same source of angst, which is the season 8 overall angst: missing Mulder.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have happy endings. I do try not to sew things up too tightly--I prefer to keep it a little open-ended, with the possibility that things could still be complicated, because I guess that feels more real to me. And more in universe, I suppose.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not very often. Sometimes. There was someone recently on a fic who went on a rant about me hating Mulder, but it mostly made me laugh. (Y'all. Let me assure you. This girl does not hate Mulder. She is a ridiculous Mulder champion.) I haven't been that upset by hate on my fics. I've been more upset by seeing hate on other people's.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have. It's always a struggle for me, possibly because I'm not a super visually oriented person. I have betas who help me with this a lot, and I'm grateful to them. I do tend to want smut to feel organic to the story; I don't like when it feels tacked on. (Although listen, I don't judge anyone who wants that either; fanfic is for fun lol.)
10. Do you write crossovers? No.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone asked me if they could translate one of my fics to Russian once. I assume that happened.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet, but mulling that over with some co-authors now.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Mulder and Scully. Sometimes I admit I will also read some Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have many WIPs. Maybe 8-10. I don't post WIPs any more because that experience is too stressful for me; I prefer to wait until the whole thing is done and post then.
16. What are your writing strengths? I revise and rewrite a lot. Dialogue. I used to think I was bad at plotting, but I'm getting better.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I get certain phrases and words in my head and keep reusing them without thinking about it. Then my beta makes fun of me for saying "scowl" 150 times in one chapter. Also, I struggle with visualizing a space and how characters are moving in it. My betas are always like: "What side of the table is he sitting on?" "Where is her leg?" "Is she on the side of the couch with the fish tank or no?" I don't think of these things very well naturally.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? All of my fic is in English, my first and best (by far) language. I would never write in another language unless I had a native speaker willing to help me with this. I included a few lines of Spanish in one fic, but I double and triple checked that. (And it was almost nothing! )
19. First fandom you wrote for? X-Files, unless you count things I wrote as a kid about books.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is hard, but I do love Boy on the Beach, which I researched quite a bit and very carefully plotted out. I also like We're Not Here To Talk About Personal Problems, which was the first fic I wrote for an exchange, an X-Cops post-ep, and really felt like me getting back into new fic.
Randomfoggytiger's additional questions:
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
A hobby, but also kind of a way of life, as it's tangential to how I make money, and it's always something I've done regularly.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
Is this what I prefer? Clean, completed manuscript then. I don't like paper journals at all, so while I do have notes, they're only in Google Docs.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
I don't have a specific event, person, or work of art. I will say I think I am influenced by having had some training writing for the stage. I often write dialogue first and then fill in everything else around it. And I think about plays I've read or seen a lot when I write.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
First draft. I revise a lot. And I'm an amazing singer, or at least I am so far as you know.
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I feel like I should say yes, but no, not that I can remember specifically.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
364,789 - Am I satisfied? I don't know. Do I win something at a particular number? Assuming no, the number doesn't really matter to me. I would be sad if I never posted anything again though, because I enjoy it.
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably? I really loved From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler when I was a kid.
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it? I've received such generous feedback on my fic of every kind, and honestly I could never hope to say which kind was the best. I'm grateful for that. I will say that someone told me on Pause that my D.C. geography was spot on, and I was really thrilled about that, since I spent quite a bit of time "driving" from Georgetown to Alexandria on Google Maps / Street View to see what it would be like.
10. What defines your writing style?
Dialogue. Angst. I don't know. What else? It's hard for me to see!
Tagging: @phillippadgettwrites @atths--twice
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thr0wnawayy · 2 months
AU Ideas and other Concepts. 1/?)
Authors Note: I apologize for the delay for the upcoming chapters of Crownless Monarchy, I have been working on the next three chapters (at once) and hope to release them sometime soon.
Hey y'all. I figured I'd let some of these ideas see the light of day. Perhaps one of you can make something of them.
A bit of disclaimer: The way "s/i" isn't the typical. A Self Insert is usually the author putting themselves as a character.
In the MHA Community this is usally done through projecting ones personality through an existing character (ex: Midoriya)
The way I use S/I is a either:
A: A OC with knowledge or awareness of MHA's canon in some form (visions, reincarnation, intution) These characters are usually made up from a collection of different people and experiences, rather than just my own personhood.
A Character like Seven fit this bill.
B: S/I but Ingrained. Aka a S/I that blends and adapts to the world of MHA, their past self is not as relevant (if it's brought up at all) however may play a role in their perspectives and world views.
A Character like Arachne fits this bill (for another post)
With that out of the way, let's start small and work our way up:
Bonuses: (Minor prompts and concepts)
Dabi uses the PLF's connections to give Rei better treatment/conditions at the Hospital, or just transfer her all together to somewhere safe.
The Hood Enji fights is a Twice Clone while the real Hood is elsewhere.
S/I wakes up as Touya after the 3 year coma.
This one's out there: Hood meets Rei and causes a realization through his blunt honesty (f-flowers, iss the bar t-that low?)
Gigantomachia rewrite/replacement (idk, mine said make them motivational rather than denouncing, also make them smart)
a Vigilante group inspired by the 50 Blessings Organization from Hotline Miami
Event Swap: At Kamino, Enji's crimes are exposed (how is up to you)
Funfact: The above prompt was originally a time travel fic, here's the unfinished script & notes
HPSC gets exposed as well [ Child soldier project] ) (Perhaps this can be added as well?)
Zero was disguised as AFO and sheds her disguse for her grand reveal
Zero twirled around in place, glittering in the moonlight, taking deep breath "Come and serenade with me, Uncle Toshi." she was wild, wild and yet so meticulous.
They were speechless, shell shocked, They were running to the smoke and lost themselves in the fire.
"You're looking glum Endeavor, y'know for someone who's just achieved No1 status, Ya really need to brighten up!" She jeered.
A canon formed out of her forearm, quickly firing a beam of energy. An explosion rocked the district, some heroes barley fleeing in time, others not so fortunate.
She barked a manic laugh, her eyes wide as saucers, onslaught never ceasing, never to falter.
And as she made her great adeau, the nation finally knew that the age of heroism was torn asunder.
Bonus: After Ms.Curious is killed, S/I posses her body and lives again (Type A: S/I)
Bonus: Strike Back
Class of Aldera is done with Bakugo's shit( Students stand up for Midorya and try to redeem themselves)
( Fingers calls himself a coward for giving into pressure and fear [ was forced to attack Midorya, threatened verbally and physically by Bakugo and became numb to it], is inspired by a David Shield interview to become a scientist )
Star and Stripes' (Cathleen Bate's) Neice, Head of the W.H.A, travels to Japan following AM'S retirement/ Kamino and begins to take over the reigns from the HPSC. Starting with U.A's internships.
Profile: Mary-Ann Bate
Dirty Blonde, 6,2 ft , wavy blonde hair slightly past shoulders, well kempt, suits and pants
Stern attitude, takes no shit, willing to ground Endevour and Hawks's hero licenses
Q: Reality
Bonus: Replaceable
During the sludge incident it's not Bakugo whom Midorya pulls out
A New Course Of Action:
Following the disaster (Pointless Kamakaze raid), Dabi's expose video and Twice's death at Jaku, The civilians of Tokyo decide to take matters into their own hands, it all starts with one after all.
And lastly a character profile of a background character turned OC
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If you need reference, this is the girl seated next to Midoriya at Aldera, her quirk is pretty rad with the possibility of being better than Hellflame (because she seems to have fine control over the flame itself, becoming it). Of course she needs professional training first
I imagined them (her and Mido) here as friends who met halfway through middle school and have stuck together since.
Much like her quirk and namesake, Ryukka has a fiery disposition and doesn't take kindly to people* harassing her friend(s) (*read Bakugo)
She's one the only people at Aldera willing to stand up to him (her flames cause his quirk to overload)
As hinted at in her quote, she does get into UA and thanks to her and Midorya's study sessions (Quirk and academic wise) she gets in with high scores (beating out Bakugo's score in the Entrance Exam)
Has beef with Aizawa
As I stated, everything in here is up for grabs so feel free to use it in your works if you so wish.
Just remember to link it here in the comments
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Keepers of the Lost Cities Chapter 1
Here it is folks. The beginning. I really really hope this goes well ;-;.
UPDATE: I'm dropping the link to the fic on google docs so I don't abuse Tumblr :)
UPDATE UPDATE: We're up to chapter 6! Once we get to chapter 10, I might attempt to draw something. Sidenote, I might actually cry if someone made fan art of my oc or any of the 'bonus scenes' I add into the book.
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: Y'all, we're at chapter 8 now. I might randomly post two chapters in a day, depending on the length of the chapters.
Chapter 1
“Miss Foster!” Mr. Sweeney’s nasal voice cut through Sophie’s blaring music as he yanked her earbuds out by the cords. “Have you decided that you’re too smart to pay attention to this information?”
Sophie forced her eyes open. She tried not to wince as the bright fluorescents reflected off the unnecessarily vivid blue walls of the museum, amplifying the throbbing headache she was hiding.
“No, Mr. Sweeney,” she mumbled, shrinking under the glares of her now staring classmates. She pulled her shoulder-length blond hair around her face, wishing she could hide behind it. 
This was exactly the kind of attention she went out of her way to avoid. Why she wore dull colors and lurked in the back, blocked by the other kids who were at least a foot taller than her. 
It was the only way to survive as a twelve-year-old high school senior. 
“Then perhaps you can explain why you were listening to your iPod instead of following along?” Mr. Sweeney held up her earbuds like they were evidence in a crime. 
Although to him, they probably were. 
He’d dragged Sophie’s class to the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park, assuming his students would be excited about the all-day field trip. He didn’t seem to realize that unless the giant dinosaur replicas came to life and started eating people, no one cared. 
Sophie tugged out a loose eyelash—a nervous habit—and stared at her feet.
There was no way to make Mr. Sweeney understand why she needed the music to cancel the noise. 
He couldn’t even hear the noise. 
Chatter from dozens of tourists echoed off the fossil-lined walls and splashed around the cavernous room. But their mental voices were the real problem. 
Scattered, disconnected pieces of thoughts broadcast straight into Sophie’s brain—like being in a room with hundreds of TVs blaring different shows at the same time. They sliced into her consciousness, leaving sharp pains in their wake. 
She was a freak. 
It’d been her secret—her burden—since she fell and hit her head when she was five years old. She’d tried blocking the noise. Tried ignoring it. Nothing helped. And she could never tell anyone. They wouldn’t understand. 
“Since you’ve decided you’re above this lecture, why don’t you give it?” Mr. Sweeney asked. He pointed to the enormous orange dinosaur with a duckbill in the center of the room. “Explain to the class how the Lambeosaurus differs from the other dinosaurs we’ve studied.” 
Sophie repressed a sigh as her mind flashed to an image of the information card in front of the display. She’d glanced at it when they entered the museum, and her photographic memory recorded every detail. 
As she recited the facts in a droning tone, Mr. Sweeney’s face twisted into a scowl, and she could hear her classmates’ thoughts grow increasingly sour. They weren’t exactly fans of their resident child prodigy. 
They called her Curvebuster. 
She finished her answer, and Mr. Sweeney grumbled something that sounded like “know-it-all” as he stalked off to the exhibit in the next room over. Sophie didn’t follow. 
The thin walls separating the two rooms didn’t block the noise, but they muffled it. She grabbed what little relief she could. 
“Nice job, superfreak,” Garwin Chang—a boy wearing a T-shirt that said BACK OFF! I’M GONNA FART—sneered as he shoved past her to join their classmates. “Maybe they’ll write another article about you. ‘Child Prodigy Teaches Class About the Lame-o-saurus.’” 
“Hah. You only wish they’d write articles about you Chang.” A short blonde walked up to Sophie’s side, tilting her head towards her. “Don’t worry about him, Soph.” 
Quinn Parker was a presence not easily ignored. She was also Sophie’s only friend.
They were both only twelve, and seniors in high school, navigating the world with strange abilities together. 
Quinn could feel what other people were feeling if she got within close proximity of them, and knowing what others were feeling was, to quote Quinn, ‘Not fun.’ 
Sophie figured that must be almost as bad as having to hear other people’s thoughts. 
She tugged out another eyelash. 
Quinn shook her head and grabbed Sophie’s wrist to stop her from pulling any more. “He’s stupid anyway.” 
“I guess.” Sophie whispered. 
“I’m serious. You’re way smarter than anyone else I know.” Quinn reassured her, not letting go until Sophie begrudgingly nodded. “Okay, well, I know you probably want some relief from your headache, so I’ll leave you be. Don’t do anything dumb.”
Sophie sighed as she saw Quinn approaching Garwin, and had a feeling that she was going to start a problem that really didn’t need to be started.  Even if Garwin really was being a jerk. 
Garwin was still bitter Yale had offered her a full scholarship while his rejection letter had arrived a few weeks before. 
Not that she was allowed to go. 
Her parents said it was too much attention, too much pressure, and she was too young. 
End of discussion. 
So she’d be attending the much closer, much smaller San Diego City College next year—a fact some annoying reporter found newsworthy enough to post in the local paper the day before—CHILD PRODIGY CHOOSES CITY COLLEGE OVER IVY LEAGUE—complete with her senior photo.
 Her parents freaked when they found it. “Freaked” wasn’t even a strong enough word. More than half their rules were to help Sophie “avoid unnecessary attention.” Front-page articles were pretty much their worst nightmare. They’d even called the newspaper to complain. 
The editor had seemed almost as unhappy as they were. 
The story was run in place of an article on the arsonist terrorizing the city—and they were still trying to figure out how the mistake had happened. Bizarre fires with white-hot flames and smoke that smelled like burnt sugar took priority over everything. Especially a story about an unimportant little girl most people went out of their way to ignore. 
Or, they used to at least. 
Across the museum, Sophie caught sight of a tall, dark-haired, sepia-skinned, boy reading yesterday’s newspaper with the embarrassing black-and-white photo of her on the front. Then he looked up and stared straight at her. She’d never seen eyes that particular shade of blue before—teal, like the smooth pieces of sea glass she’d found on the beach—and they were so bright they glittered. 
Something flickered across his expression when he caught her gaze. Disappointment? Before she could decide what to make of it, he shrugged off the display he’d been leaning against and closed the distance between them. The smile he flashed belonged on a movie screen, and Sophie’s heart did a weird fluttery thing. 
“Is this you?” he asked, pointing to the picture. Sophie nodded, feeling tongue-tied. He was probably fifteen, and by far the cutest boy she’d ever seen, so why was he talking to her? 
“I thought so.” He squinted at the picture, then back at her. “I didn’t realize your eyes were brown.” 
“Uh . . . yeah,” she said, not sure what to say. “Why?” 
He shrugged. “No reason.” 
Something felt off about the conversation, but she couldn’t figure out what it was. And she couldn’t place his accent. Kind of British, but different somehow. Crisper? Which bothered her—but she didn’t know why. 
“Are you in this class?” she asked, wishing she could suck the words back as soon as they left her mouth. Of course he wasn’t in her class. She’d never seen him before. She wasn’t used to talking to boys—especially cute boys—and it made her brain a little mushy.  
His perfect smile returned as he told her, “No.” Then he pointed to the hulking greenish figure they were standing in front of. An Albertosaurus, in all its giant, lizardesque glory. “Tell me something. Do you really think that’s what they looked like? It’s a little absurd, isn’t it?” 
“Not really,” Sophie said, trying to see what he saw. It looked like a small T. rex: big mouth, sharp teeth, ridiculously short arms. Seemed fine to her. “Why? What do you think they looked like?” 
He laughed. “Never mind. I’ll let you get back to your class. It was nice to meet you, Sophie.” He turned to leave just as two classes of kindergartners barreled into the fossil exhibit. 
The crushing wave of screaming voices was enough to knock Sophie back a step. But their mental voices were a whole other realm of pain. Kids’ thoughts were stinging, high-pitched needles—and so many at once was like an angry porcupine attacking her brain. 
So much for relief… 
 Sophie closed her eyes as her hands darted to her head, rubbing her temples to ease the stabbings in her skull. Then she remembered she wasn’t alone. 
She glanced around to see if anyone noticed her reaction and locked eyes with the boy. His hands were at his forehead, and his face wore the same pained expression she imagined she’d had only a few seconds before. 
“Did you just . . . hear that?” he asked, his voice hushed. 
She physically felt the blood drain from her face. 
He couldn’t mean . . . It had to be the screaming kids. They created plenty of racket on their own. Shrieks and squeals and giggles, plus sixty or so individual voices chattering away. 
She gasped and took another step back as her brain solved her earlier problem. 
She could hear the thoughts of everyone in the room. But she couldn’t hear the boy’s distinct, accented voice unless he was speaking. His mind was totally and completely silent. 
That had only happened with one other person.
“Who are you?” she whispered.
 His eyes widened. “You did—didn’t you?” He moved closer, leaning in to whisper. “Are you a Telepath?” 
She flinched. 
The word made her skin itch. And her reaction gave her away.
 “You are! I can’t believe it,” he whispered. 
Sophie backed toward the exit. She wasn’t about to reveal her secret to a total stranger. It had taken her months- no- years to trust Quinn enough to tell her. 
“It’s okay,” he said, holding out his hands as he moved closer, like she was some sort of wild animal he was trying to calm. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m one too.” 
Sophie froze. 
“My name’s Fitz,” he added, stepping closer still. 
Fitz? What kind of a name was Fitz? 
She studied his face, searching for some sign that this was all part of a joke. 
“I’m not joking,” he said, like he knew exactly what she was thinking. 
Maybe he did.
She wobbled on her feet. She’d spent the past seven years wishing she could find someone else like her —someone who could do what she could. Now that she’d found him, she felt like the world had tilted sideways. 
He grabbed her arms to steady her. “It’s okay, Sophie. I’m here to help you. We’ve been looking for you for twelve years.” 
Twelve years? And what did he mean by “we”? Better question: What did he want with her? 
The walls closed in and the room started to spin. Air. She needed air. She jerked away and bolted through the museum, running straight into Quinn. 
“Soph? You okay? What’s wrong?” 
Sophie couldn’t respond. She just ran, ignoring Quinn’s shouting for her to come back. 
Sophie shot out of the museum’s ginormous doors, nearly tripping in the process. She sucked in giant breaths as she ran down the stairs in front of the museum. The smoke from the fires burned her lungs and white bits of ash flew in her face, but she ignored them. She wanted as much space between her and the strange boy as possible. 
“Sophie, come back!” Fitz shouted behind her. 
She picked up her pace as she raced through the courtyard at the base of the steps, past the wide fountain and over the grassy knolls to the sidewalk. No one got in her way—everyone was inside because of the poor air quality. But she could still hear his footsteps gaining on her. 
“Wait,” Fitz called. “You don’t have to be afraid.” 
She ignored him, pouring all her energy into her sprint and fighting the urge to glance over her shoulder to see how far back he was. 
She made it halfway through a crosswalk before she heard Quinn’s terrified voice calling her name.
 The sound of screeching tires reminded her she hadn’t looked both ways. Her head turned and she locked eyes with a terrified driver struggling to stop his car before it plowed right over her. 
She was going to die.
And there ya go folks. Consider yourselves fed. No but fr I accept all criticism (unless you're being a douche) and I love knowing other people's opinions. (Please tell me if it sucks :)) One thing I forgot to mention is that I moved up the timing a bit, mostly so we could have newer music and a Nintendo switch in the fic. (I wanted the gang to play Mario kart don't come for me.) So right now the current timing is September of 2017.
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memberment · 1 month
Idk why I'm making a post yet I really don't feel like writing. ANYWAYS. Updates may come today. They also may not. Idk yet.
6:51 Hello from beyond. A new playlist is being born as I write through chapter 30. Also, I think I finished my chapter 7 art. It's Craig carrying Tweek home after they first met. They were so cute 😭 Idk what the message is gonna be in that one yet though. I know what the response is, but not the og message. And I am realizing as I type that that I was not supposed to reveal that but fuck it we ball there's like six people on here it's okay.
ANYWAYS. IF I CAN FINISH 30 AND ACTUALLY WRITE 27 (due to a restructure, I skipped over it entirely and have to go back and rewrite it.) AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, CIRCLE BACK AND FINISH 22, I will be soooooooo happy. I got like 12 hours til sleep time and I prob will not be working on chapter 8 art. Because I do NOT wanna draw Kenny and Clyde just yet. (I'm afraid. I wanna put them in their magical girl uniforms and ACTUALLY SHOW THEIR UNIFORMS bc they do change eventually and I feel like the contrast goes INSANE.)
9:19: Hello friends totally didn't get distracted<3 ANYWAYS. Back to this hell chapter of everyone having a bad time.
1:38: I got so distracted Desolation was late and I didn't write anything. I have literally written under 1k today which is fucking insane to me. I write more when I'm "on breaks"
But I have come here to yap about something. While I'm "on break" I think I'm going to rework The End Is Near AND New Beginnings. Meaning they might get deleted for a bit. Because I kinda wanna redo them both because let's be so real here. My writing was not shit, but I feel like they are both gems that need a bit of love. I don't know if I'm gonna commit to the bit but I really fucking might LMFAOO.
But I do really want to redo New Beginnings because that was the whole reason I started writing fanfic and people are still looking at it and I feel like it pales in comparison to what I write now.
And reworking those two will be much more lax while I suffer through 15 weeks of physics hell. SOOO.
Whatever. Gonna try and get through chapter 30. and maybe 27 BECAUSE I STILL HAVE TO WRITE IT WHAT THE FUCK‼️‼️
I lied I'm yapping for all of five more seconds because I need to complain and refuse to get a diary.
I am actually really sad that I'm not gonna have every day posts anymore. Like I am trying so hard to cope with it but y'all.
Desolation has 4 chapters left. Tweek's Guide has 7 chapters left. Eclipse has 4 (technically five but epilogue's short so it's gonna get posted same day) chapters left. Craig's Guide has like 10 chapters left. Dandelion has 8 (technically 9) chapters left. and Leap year has 8 chapters left. (Genesis doesn't count because that just started. ) LIKE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COPE. I HAVE FOUR FICS AND THERE ARE SEVEN DAYS OF THE WEEK. AND I CAN'T POST MY ONE REALLY FUNNY TRASHFIRE FIC BC PART OF IT IS SO GOOD I KINDA WANNA SPLIT THE CONCEPTS UP AND I REFUSE TO FINISH IT TIL I GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. Like y'all do not understand daily posts are like embedded in my brain. I love it. HOW DO I FIX THIS WITHOUT ACTIVELY WRITING. I hate it here. Oh also when Eclipse or Desolation get finished Dandelion is moving to Monday/Wednesdays because Freedom Pal Fridays are being a thing. Because I have. So. Many. Goddamn. Freedom. Pals. Fics. Sitting. There. ScREAMING. For. Me. To. Write. So An Answers getting thrown on Fridays. But how do I space this out? (I am so sorry for this unnecessary lengthiness I am officially just gaming this out as I type because my brother is sleeping and I can't call him to yap.) Like- I wanted to do Sunday for Genesis but I feel like Sundays kinda suck as post days, lowk. So what then? Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday???? I can't just do Tuesday and not Thursday. AH. I hate it here. I need more time and we are constantly running out of time.
Life is fleeting, and I simply hate it.
2:39: JUST HIT 90K. This has been cut down to 38 chapters. I have 1k ish left of 30. 27 is still undone. 22 needs its angel fight. So approximately 29k-36k ish left. I'm losing my mind. I can't believe I am speedballing through this like that. WHICH MEANS IF GOD SHINES DOWN UPON ME I CAN FINISH BOUND IN PEACE.
Then what?
Do I start my break early?
I don't wanna do that? What the fuck would I even work on then though??????
LMFAO about to pray for clarity.
3:44: Creative freedom is fucking crazy because Wendy's having a heart to heart with Brimmy right now.
4:14: I keep cutting chapters and part of me is starting to worry that this is too short but in the same breath like I'm combining them because drawing them out feels kinda lazy and rude. But we are now down to 36/37 chapters. I can't be too mad about it. But part two might be like, way longer. Also we're at 92.3k. SO I DID SOMETHING TODAY.
I lowk wanna work on bound for a bit but that means committing myself to an entire chapter because I can't just write part of a chapter and go back to it for that one and kinda I wanna reread the whole thing before I work on it more. UGH.
I might. I honestly fucking love Bound, like that was my baby when I was concepting it. I literally wrote so much of it while I was on vacation. Like stats on that one suck bc it's so niche but I do not even care. One of my favorite fics that I've written, easy. I'm not even a K2 girlie. I just wanted to write one because it was gonna annoy me if I didn't throw my hat in the ring at least once. I might write background K2 though for something unimportant bc I kinda like how I write them ngl. OKAY GOODBYE FOR NOW I'VE CONVINCED MYSELF TO MAYBE WRITE ANOTHER BOUND CHAPTER.
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dandelion-bride · 1 month
💧, 🫧, 🌸!
💧Is there a ship you wouldn’t write yourself, but love reading?
Almost any rarepair with Gortash. I've read him with Gale, Wyll, Minthara, Ketheric, Bane - the bastard's power dynamics are delicious and he brings out the best and worst in people. Also shout out to Shar/Shadowheart, Cazador/Astarion, and other high-power-disparity catharsis-filled pairs.
🫧If you were to write a BG3 AU, what universe would you pick?
Current era, maybe a few years in the future. Social Media as the Tadpole perhaps, or an artificial parasite? Zefira fits as a disguised-self-as-male defrocked Jesuit priest, I think.
🌸Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it!
(I would like to be clear that I went to random.org and had it choose from 1-13, and it said 7.)
A Cleric Halfling (least played race and class combo!) main character with nuanced morality, a layered backstory, and who engages in sincere, messy non-monogamy
Humor in conversations, from puns to jokes to Enver Gortash deadpan snarking at the Morninglord Lathander himself
A serious, nuanced look at how an ascension-chasing Astarion would be in a relationship
A Tavtash pairing that makes sense with the underlying character motivations while still respecting a historical (and future) Durgetash pairing
Melting hot smut in multiple pairings and scenarios that fit into the story as a whole
A full chapter dedicated to the Temple of Bhaal and the emotional Descent to the Underworld experience of a Reject-intending Dark Urge
An ending where we don't have to choose between the Emperor and Orpheus!
Roah Moonglow enjoying milk tea. Yes, that's an entire bullet point on its own. Y'all don't give enough love to her
Lots of DnD lore shout-outs, from the MC's deity to Barovian implications to reminding everyone that their favorite new-beginnings god has a cataclysm named for him
Look. I know I talk up A Little Wicked a lot, and that's because it deserves it. It's a long fic (57k) in 11 easy-to-split-up chapters, it's an act 3 rewrite with new spins on many in-game events (let's just blow a hole in the Szarr Palace lmao,) and it's written by someone who genuinely likes and understands the characters they write about. It was my first novel-length fic, and anyone who drops in my DMs about it raves about how emotionally invested they become, how true the characters are to the game, how this little fellow Zefira Shadebrook is someone they come to love! I know, maybe people are like "ew, a halfling having sex" - but give me a chance, please! If you love Durgetash, if you love the bastard Enver Gortash, if you can just try one Tavtash story (that ends in Durgetash!) and give me a chance to impress you, please try reading A Little Wicked. I promise you it will be worth your time.
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Shinnok x Reader Lemon
The misty atmosphere of the Jinsei Chamber gave you chills when you entered it, making you shiver. Perhaps it was the confusion on why you've been summoned here by Lord Shinnok himself.
Of course, you were a servant of his, but of many. So why would he specifically request you?
Approaching the center where the jinsei essence nests, you saw the fallen higher being observing the life force of Earthrealm.
The sound of your footsteps alerted him since the arena was empty with somewhat creepy vibes. Nothing in which you couldn't handle considering who you work for.
"Y/n L/n, correct?" He checks for confirmation without looking up from the essence.
"Yes, my Lord. What is it you request me for?" Anxiety was stalking up your body after he spoke, but you managed to force a bow of respect.
"Come to me." He calmy ordered with a subtle hint of sterness in his voice.
Pushing off your anxiety momentarily, you cautiously walked over to him. Shinnok didn't answer your question, but now this raises another one
Why does he want me close to him?
You stopped by his side, awaiting for an explanation or possibly another command.
Maybe this was all about the jinsei, giving that he had never taken his eyes off of it ever since you arrived.
"Look." Shinnok gestured at the blue flowing liquid. Confused, you did as he said.
"Isn't it mesmerizing?" He asked, reflecting satisfaction. You observed the essence more, and he is correct. The jinsei was flowing like blood through arteries in the heart of Earthrealm. Too bad he has malicious intentions with it.
"It is, my Lord. But is this why I was called here?" You asked.
"No, my dear mortal," Shinnok finally arose his gaze. "Being a powerful god can be stressful sometimes and lonely.
You tilted his head at his statement. "Oh, so you want my company?"
"Indeed. However, my need is deeper than that." He cooed while looking in your eyes for once.
You thought about what he said, and your eyes widened from such a preposterous thought. "What do you mean, my Lord?!"
Well, Y/n, to be more direct, I want a beautiful woman like yourself to give me company. And there's a way for you to do that." He explains while getting very close to you.
"Wait, but I'm a mortal! Are we even allowed?" You backed up. Your face was very heated up from this situation.
"Of course we can. Argus was never punished for creating his pathetic son, Rain."
Very fair... Wait, what was he getting at?
"I- my Lord, I don't want a-" A bony finger was pressed against your lips.
"Shhhh. You won't. I promise there's nothing for you to be so overwhelmed about."
Then, the former Elder God kissed you. Right instantly, you kissed back, pushing off every other emotion.
Denying him would most likely get you killed, so you may as well enjoy it. Besides, you have a nice story to tell the girls after this. Your evening spent having sex with a god.
You felt his hand crawl up your shirt, and you reacted with a moan, which was muffled by your aggressive kiss.
Everything seemed to begin well on your behalf...
"Brother, our dear mother has asked for-"
The different voice that entered the chamber startled you to hell, as well as it did for Shinnok.
Looking towards the speaker, you saw the sister of the fallen god.
Shinnok retracted his hand quickly from your shirt, but it was already too late.
Cetrion, the goddess of virtue, stood there and silently processed the situation.
"My apologies." She said swiftly, turning and walking away. She said it with a saddened, disappointed tone, leaving you and Shinnok feel embarrassed.
Boy, did that ruin the mood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author note:
1. Look at the date ;)
2. Fun fact: This was a request from years ago that I did, but instead of rewriting it, why not turn into something funny?
3. I install Wattpad so I could do this but if I use the bold or italic text for one line, it changes the whole chapter. What the hell.
Catch y'all later tho💙
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sarandipitywrites · 9 months
saran's year of writing (2023)
hey y'all! saw a couple posts like this floating around and thought i'd hop on the train, because this year has been WILD for my writing (in a really good way). let's start with the bullet points version and i'll put the details under the cut. here we go:
shared snippets of my work with other, actual humans!
made friends?!
started (and finished!) draft 2 of Dead Roots, Dark Water
wrote 1 short story for every week in october (that's 5 stories in a month! that's great for me!)
first NaNoWriMo in 10 years (and i finished it!)
drafted and re-drafted The Art of Empty Space
started draft 3 of Dead Roots, Dark Water
details, links to projects, me getting maybe a tad too personal, and those all-important wordcounts under the cut:
i just realized i only started participating at the beginning of october, but it feels like i've been hanging out with you all the whole year 😅 maybe that means i should cut back a bit? nah...
really though, this year was the year i started taking my writing more seriously (not in a 'gotta get published' kind of way, but in a 'writing makes me happier than anything else and that's enough reason to set aside time and energy for it without feeling hella guilty' kind of way) and seeing you all posting your work and being so positive and encouraging to each other was what helped me get up the nerve to join in. and i can say without a doubt that it's the best choice i've made all year. y'all are such a supportive community and i've never once felt like i was encroaching or didn't belong here (and for me, that's really saying something)
so i guess what i'm getting at is: THANK YOU! i've loved reading your snippets and projects this year, and i'm way more confident in my own than i've ever been 💜 y'all are good peeps
Dead Roots, Dark Water
word count (edited and written): 187,789
that's a lotta words! DRDW is both my longest work wordcount-wise, and the work i've dedicated the most time to... probably ever. and i'm SO happy with it, it's a little concerning (/positive)
DRDW is now on its THIRD draft, and (assuming i don't do a massive re-edit) should be ready to start posting in 2024! *excited screaming* i've never released anything i've written in its entirety (the snippets i've been posting are actually a lot more than i've ever shared before), so this is MASSIVE for me and i'm both excited and terrified! overall, though, it's a very, very good thing
Short Stories
this october, i decided to challenge myself to do several things i don't ever do: write short stories; write them on a timeline; and share them. and i did! i wrote one short story for each week in october, and posted them here. they're far from my best work, and due to the timeline, they never could have been my best, which oddly i think helped make it easier to post them? they were also the first pieces i shared here (or anywhere)! they're not awesome, but i'm proud of them and i'm proud of myself for sharing them
NaNoWriMo and The Art of Empty Space
i've done nano once before, ten years ago. i was in college and had a lot more time then (and a job where i could spend the entire day just writing - i didn't know how good i had it), and even so i remember struggling to reach my word goal. but by the power of writing everything in wingdings so i can't second-guess my word choices, i made it this year! and even though i decided to challenge myself by writing a romance-heavy project (something i've historically avoided because IT'S HARD FOR ME, DAMNIT), i love AES and its characters and that feels fucking awesome.
even though my brain decided to spring a surprise plot restructure on me and now i have to rewrite like half of it. it'll be better for it, though, so it's all good 🥲
What's Next?
my plan for early 2024 is, of course, going to be to work on draft 3 of DRDW with the hope of getting some chapters posted (they are LONG, so i'll probably post to tumblr in chunks and the full, unbroken chapters on Ao3 due to formatting). once that's ready, i'll be able to return my attention to AES and getting draft 1.5 all written up. i've mostly figured out where the plot's going there, so it'll just be writing it up to figure out the gaps. if i'm able to write something for november again next year (which i really hope i will; nano did some great things for AES), it'll probably be one of the other Jak & Daxter fics i have kicking around in my head, because i am Obsessed (and switching it up between working on fanfic and original fic seems to work well for my brain).
i've been not super active here for the last month or so because Real Life Work is kicking my ass, but hopefully that will calm down and i'll be able to do more of what i want: writing wild shit, reading your wild shit, and screaming about it together 💜
good vibes and best wishes to everybody in the new year 🥂
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reidsaurora · 1 year
Make. Me. Write!!!
i was tagged by: @writer-in-theory
Rules and Regulations:
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP title gets the most votes write 1 sentence for every vote. If it gets more votes than your comfortable with, feel free to swap to words.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of the chapter, move to the WIP with the second highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to your original poll or attached it to a reblog
idk why but i feel the need to give a lil backstory or explanation of some sort for each one so you know what you're getting into 🫡
backstories and np tags under the cut 🫶🏻🧡
Cowboy!Steve Harrington wip
this one's self explanatory, you can go read the first three fics in this series over on my nsfw blog, @hornyhornyhimbos 🖤✨️
JBU (Reidaway)
so, i teased this series a little bit when SYGB ended but i never really fully committed to writing it because i have a set beginning but i have no clue what to do for the ending 😬
i'm not gonna spoil it because y'all know me, i'm a writer and i have to tease everything but let's just say it involves forced proximity, sorta work rivals to maybe lovers, and black cat!elle greenaway x golden retriever!spencer reid <3
Eat Your Young (Spencer Reid)
i can't explain this much other than that i was extremely h word when i came up with the plot for this and i was playing "Eat Your Young" by Hozier on repeat when it happened
I'm Too Pretty For This (Warren Rojas)
this was a request i got like two months ago when i first announced i was gonna be writing for DJATS characters and i got like two paragraphs in and i hated it so i never finished it 😂
basically something happens between the band members of the group that are opening for DJATS on the Aurora tour and it somehow makes their lead singer realize she might have a thing for Warren 😏
AFTR (Steve Harrington)
this will be my first serious Steve series. i know that the Loriverse exists and the Cowboyverse exists but this one is actually a serious series that i wanted to write for the summer and i just never did
a brief summary without giving too much away is that Stancy happens but doesn't last and somehow Reader/FMC (haven't decided which yet) ends up spending the summer as Steve's rebound of sorts?
LMLAF rewrite (Hotchniss)
so, a few of you may remember this series i posted back in February of 2022. i was extremely depressed and lonely so i did what any normal human would... i wrote a story about Hotchniss being friends with benefits.
however, that story was posted on this account, where I do not post smut. well, other than that one chapter of SYGB but we don't need to go there rn akshksjsjsj
anyway, basically this would be the spicier rewritten version of that where i don't leave readers in the dark about what went on between Hotchniss after Haley died ;)
All Your Being, pt 2 (Spencer Reid)
another fic i wrote where i tried desperately to keep things closed door until now when i decided i don't care about that anymore 😂
in case you guys don't remember this fic, i'll link it here but basically Spencer and midsized!reader have been together for six months but have yet to do the nasty because she's afraid of what he'll think about her body. this part two would basically just be him saying f!ck it and showing her that every body is a beautiful body 🫶🏻
Tolerate It (Spencer Reid)
just go listen to "tolerate it" by Taylor Swift. it would be easier for you to do that than for me to tell you about the dark sh!t that ensued in this fic... i was at my lowest low when i wrote this and you'll see that if i ever post it 🥲
well now that that's over with, how bout some no pressure tags!! 🥳🎉
@reidsbookclub @dungeons-are-too-cold @nomajdetective @bejeweledmunson @rupsmorge @reidselle @lukeclvez @lcvingprentjss @serenity-lattes @writingquillsandpainpills
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intoevernightfanfic · 2 years
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Hi, friends! A couple of quick updates for y'all!
First, the announcement I'm most excited about! Hooked On a Star (aka Pop Stars) will be released beginning Wednesday, January 11th @ 5PM. For now, it'll be updated every other week (opposite of After the Spring Has Come).
After the Spring Has Come will continue on a biweekly update schedule through the end of the story. I've made the decision to keep to this schedule and release (the already completed) Hooked On a Star in the meantime because of continued rewrites for AtSHC.
And don't worry, because I haven't forgotten At Your Service either! AYS will continue to be updated 1-2 times a month since I'm writing it as I go.
To celebrate the upcoming release of my new fic, Hooked On a Star, here's a little sneak peek of Chapter 1 for WIP Wednesday!
"After a lot of thought, we’ve decided it’d be lucrative to Nanami-chan’s debut if she was seen as your girlfriend.”
At this, Nanami’s jaw dropped, her heart picking up its pace until she thought it’d explode. “What the hell?” she thought. It seemed Kurama was just as shocked, because he nearly dropped his iPhone. He narrowly caught it, fumbling with the device until it fell into his lap.
“What?” Kurama burst out, the single syllable loud, vehement. A brief pause, and then he raised his voice. “Have you lost your mind?"
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worldismyne · 2 years
Crest of the Dragon - Ch 13 : The Heylin Dragon Pt 1
Summary: Raimundo's transition to leadership isn't as easy as he makes it appear. Working together, the group tries to advance to the next level, but could the past be distracting them from the present? The fifth Dragon Warrior has yet to reveal themselves. A circumstance Hannibal Bean is more than willing to extort. A fan envisioned fourth season.
Rating: T
(Implied RaiKim, but more like a garnish rather than the focus)
Start at the Beginning at Ao3
After a lot of debating, I decided to post the newest chapter before I finish editing the older ones. I hate FF.net shoving adds into the chapters, but that's where a majority of people read it still. I will keep updating the Ao3 one. I just got a lot of older stories I'm polishing at the same time.
I'm happy to talk about all things XS, though I'm a lil rusty on my trivia this story is still near and dear to my heart.
It has been literal years since I posted a new chapter (last one was in 2017 OmO)
As for "Why did this take so long?" after I got my RN license, I burnt out on all the stories I had been writing in college. This one in particular had a wall of writer's blocks. An ending I once had seen so clearly now seemed impossible to write. Between moving into my own place, my father's death and struggling with a toxic relationship, I just lost a lot of whimsy and the part of me that didn't have to be serious 24/7. I got hyper fixated with other series for a while, but I always regretted not being able to deliver the finale I promised for this one.
I'm now in a much better place mentally and it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders and I realized I had just made the ending a little too complicated. I'm about 1/3 into writing the next chapter (this sat in my drafts folder for a while and ended up needing major rewrites). I debated whether I should post this to FF given I'm still in the middle of editing and porting it over to Ao3, but I figured why not? (I'm trying to update the Ao3 one weekly, but irl stuff gets in the way sometimes.)
This is chapter 1/4. Three for the finale and an epilogue.
Thank you all for sticking around and sharing this story. It's what's kept me from orphaning it.
(Side note, y'all should also check out Warrior U >_> or talk to me about XS. Still on tumblr at worldismyne)
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undeniablyares · 2 years
This was a fun little post that was going on around Twitter that I wanted to share here for those that follow me here. ✨
1. Accidentally Demonic. It is hands down my favorite fic of mine to read and write, and I only have 3 chapters out currently. Just based on the overall tone, what I've done so far, and what's to come based on my chapter maps/planning, I think it will be one of my best works ever. Y'all are really in for it.
2. Accidentally an Oiran is my most popular fic. The sheer amount of support, engagement, and interest will forever be mind-boggling to me. It was my first long fic, my first Akaren story I started, it brought me out of my shell and introduced me to all you amazing people within the KNY fandom. It will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'm forever grateful for all of you that enjoy it. 🔥❄️
3. Breathe. It's weird, sad af, and wildly out of character, but I think we need more Senjuro-centered fics. I adore character studies, and a badass, dark version of Senjuro is just so fucking cool. I also think it's the most mature thing I've written as I try to characterize a tough, clever, slayer Senjuro who is fueled by grief and spite. I'm dying to get back to it so I can keep the plot going.
4. I am such a sap for the childhood friends to lovers trope in romance/erotica. I'm also into that weird, one-sided pining where the other is an idiot and doesn't realize their friend has always been in love with them until much later, then falls for the friend and it becomes mutual pining until one nuts up and finally confesses. Confusing slow burns have me in a chokehold. 😅🥲
5. Soulmates alternate universes are probably my least favorite trope to read or write. This likely stems from my own spiritual beliefs and ideas about the universe, more than anything else. Not bashing the idea at all, as it's adorably romantic, it's just not my favorite. Reincarnation alternate universe ideas are different, though. I'll fuck with a reincarnation au anytime. 😅
6. I have a longer fic idea that I want to do with either a slayer Akaza or Hakuji and Pillar Kyo, where Kyo gets turned into a demon at the beginning and Akaza/Hakuji has to fight to try and find a cure for him, or like a Tokyo Ghoul sort of scenario that rewrites Mugen Train to have Kyo survive from a makeshift transfusion of Akaza's blood and becoming a half-demon from it. (I really love demon Kyo ideas 🫣)
7. Accidentally an Oiran is my longest fanfic currently, but not my longest work ever. I write original fiction that's longer that is dark fantasy/horror and erotica with LGBTQ+ characters that I am currently editing and hoping to actually publish one day.
8. Snake Eyes, the Akaren Week mythology prompt, is currently my shortest fic.
9. My list of collaborations that I inwardly pine for consists of working with some of my favorite Akaren writers, but I'm far too nervous to ever initiate anything with anyone else. My faves are GremlinCat, Blueberrybagel, saigne, OllieWritesAll, GodlessOx, and BTS2016dia on AO3. I can dream, anyway. 😅🫣 That being said, all Akaren is good Akaren. I am always down to collab with anyone about anything Akaren at any time. This also goes for artists that are interested in me writing stories to go along with their art or comics. My DMs are literally always open to anyone. 😌
10. My most used tags are Kyojurou lives, porn with plot/feelings, and anal. I am a predictable man with fine tastes. 😂
11. My AO3 account is linked at the bottom. The update schedule is going to be, for the very near future: Ch. 3 of Bad Pillar, the Wet and Messy | Massages | Body Worship Akaren Kinktober prompt, Dubiously Married Part 3, and chapters 3 for Accidentally Human and Accidentally Reborn. The 2023 update schedule will likely consist of more with the Accidentally Routes, the longer modern au BDSM Akaren fic I'm planning, and the Demon Rehab fic. Stay tuned, friends. Trying to feed y'all well. 😌
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speakergame · 3 years
Weekly Update - 1/18/22
hello and happy Tuesday!
these things have almost become bi-weekly at this point, haven't they? 😅 Thank y'all for your patience. Last week I made the mistake of getting my covid booster and flu shot at the same time, and I... slept for pretty much 24 hour straight, and was really out of it for the rest of the week.
The good (and bad) news is that I was still writing! In fact, the early draft of the end of Chapter 3 is finished! It's a bit of a mess right now, so right now I'm working on heavy edits and rewrites to turn it into something coherent. It's got good bones, though! Just need to fix it up a little, then code it and it should be good to go to my betas either late this week or early next week.
I'm going to be taking a short break after Chapter 3 is finished before I start on Chapter 4. The prologue and beginning of Chapter 1 were very obviously written with CoG in mind instead of Twine, and compared to later updates they feel very out of place to me. I'm going to do some rewrites to get them more in line with the rest of the story. Nothing major, I don't think, just some tweaks, but either way I want to do that before I start diving into the complexities of Chapter 4!
I think that's all I've got for this time! I hope you all have a fantastic week and I'll see you next Tuesday! 💙
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writersmorgue · 3 years
quick rant about this fic i just read (it's actually an entire fucking essay but that's beside the point)
tw: sexual assault mention
i just spend TWO GODDAMN HOURS. at 11 in the nighttime. reading this stupid fic to help me go to sleep. now unless the author decides to write in first person or the entire thing is too illegible to read after one chapter i usually stick it out even if i'm not a fan and just silently grovel to myself after. but THIS GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING FIC. first four chapters? solid. ffs i COMMENTED and said how realistic and good it was written, but like fifth chapter in it goes back to the beginning and repeats basically all the same shit with the pov of the other love interest. now, this would be cool under multiple circumstances. namely: if it was a separate fic devoted to the other perspective, if it was cLEARLY stated that we changed perspective, if there was any context at all to the switch in perspective, if the change was fucking NECESSARY. but it was none of those things. literally switches for no reason, and then just retells the entire four chapters again- which by the way, we were left on a cliffhanger- with no point whatsoever. Also there were some things in the first four that didn't make sense, namely when they're having sex for the fourth time or whatever and the mc, who is asexual, has a breakthrough (part of the plot) and suddenly in the middle of sex starts loving it and all that, which would not be a problem if he didn't fucking not remember when they finished??? and it's not explained at all???? as an asexual with asexual friends i don't believe we have this super slutty side that is like a werewolf and just pops out without us knowing, it's all pretty conscious- and if it's not then that's a whole other problem. So that was weird, but ignorable, but then the rewrite CONTINUES TO NOT EXPLAIN IT. if anything it made it more weird??? like mc coming down from post nut and is like "why am i crying? wtf happened?" and i'm trying to figure out if this bitch was drugged or smthn,,, and no. it just happens. i do not understand. anyway moving on, congrats if you actually read this far idk if this makes any sense- and the main plot of this fic is about mc's asexuality, and a big issue in the first half is how he has no sex drive and character b does and they wanna compromise, which,,, the issue suddenly goes away in the second part? and now they don't really have an issue??? they're just chilling?? without ever resolving this?? ALSO character 2 SA'd mc???? and then the blame, even on the narrarator's part, is put on mc. for leaving. after he was assaulted. by someone he loved and trusted. also after they talk about it once like "oh THAT"S why you didn't like me forcefully shoving you down and hurting you without consent,, haha i'm so dumb" it is NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN AND SECOND CHARACTER COMPLETELY GETS AWAY WITH IT. NO CONSEQUENCES. A NYWAY. so we're at the end right? and i'm waiting for us to catch up to the line we were left at on chapter 4, which then happens, and the other half of the line is said. makes absolutely no sense. Why is this said? is it a marriage proposal? is it asking to be boyfriends again? why are you saying this??? do you forgive him now?? y'all literally tried to have sex the other day and were cockblocked by side character number 7 and there is no resolution. which BY THE WAY. mc 2 fucking stuck his hands in mc 1's pants with no consent, and mc threatened to safe word. i'm,,,,, that's not ok. y'all don't have an agreement, as far as the reader is aware, that no safeword pre-sex is consent. especially if he threatens it????? PLUS side character 3 SAW the bruises on MC's wrists after the SA and was like "lmao bruh u good" and he's like "oh yeah i'm good" which okay, but then also sees MC 2 have sex with side character 49 and then aggressively rant about how much MC fucked up,,, when he left the bruises,, does this not raise any reed flags??? not really my main problem at all but something that ticked me off. okay sorry, back on topic, so the last line. makes no sense, i've practically forgotten the first part since it was FOUR FUCKING CHAPTERS AGO. and then the fic just ends. that's it. that's all.
no more. I'm------ what the FUCK. It's ONE AFUCKINGM and i'm sitting here writing this because now i can't sleep bc of this bullshit. and of course it's my fault for reading this instead of fucking listening to music or whatever but DAMN. i was so happy too because FINALLY some long fic with good character relations and asexuality but no, i was wrong. fuck.
k nightt
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jasperygrace · 2 years
June 2022 Mid Monthly Report
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Hello hello, everyone! Apologies for the late report this month-- had a lot I needed to take care of this week, but I am once again back this month with another Mid Monthly Report.
As always, if you're interested in my work, consider checking out the Masterlist or my Artstation for more.
Without further ado, let's begin!
Project Progress
Project : Identity
Change of pace, so we're gonna start with Pro:Iden progress this time around.
So! I have completed the common route for Project : Identity, and I just have to say... I may have to change the project name for this. So the story has changed a lot, which I expected with a project with as short of a development time as this was. I just uh, did not expect it change as much as it did. The story really does not deal with the concept of identity anymore, rather it deals with the concept of survival. In the month I've been working on it, it's gone from a crime drama to a rapture tale. Which I'm all for, but writing for the two routes is going to be a little bit more difficult than planned.
As for other things regarding the project, I have begun character designs. I said originally that I hoped to have them done for around the 19th, I'm going to shoot for 22st to have the girls' refs done.
Project : Desert
As of writing this, I am halfway through Act 2, and hooo boy, Act 2 has been a doozy so far. A lot of rewrites I had to do, and then the story took a turn in a direction I wasn't expecting it to. I don't write by the seat of my pants normally, but this is one of those times (I guess that's just the common theme for this month). Given that I am halfway through Act 2, I should be able to complete the act by July. Even with the delay I had earlier this year, I should be able to finish Draft 1 before the year's end (perhaps by October-ish). Which exciting, but also terrifying.
Speaking of exciting things, in a little under two weeks with be Project : Desert's 2nd Year Anniversary (wo-hoo!!!). It's crazy to think how long I've been working on this project, and even crazier to think this started out as a short story in a fanzine of all things. Y'all here this so often from me, but I just want to say thank you for your support. It really does mean the world to me that you've stuck with me and my crazed ramblings this long. I hope you'll look forward to the anniversary because I have a very special piece I made just for the occasion :^)
Here are my goals from last month:
Write three/four chapters by June 15th [done]
Storyboard chapters 6 & 8 by June 15th [done]
Finish Art Nouveau prints by September 30th (or sooner) [in progress]
Begin development for Project : Identity and post first devlog by May 22nd. [done]
Update the Masterlist by May 31st [I FORGOT D:]
Begin work on Project : Desert anniversary [done]
June Goals:
Write three/four chapters by July 15th
Storyboard chapters 9 & Reese by July 15th
Work on Art Nouveau prints
Finish Project : Identity refs by June 22nd
Complete Wildfire route by July 1st
Update the damn masterlist by July
That sums up my report for this month! Thank you for reading, and I hope you'll support me in my future endeavors.
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rupertgayesarchive · 3 years
hey jenn...
so tell me about your plot planning process
oh chi i hate this question so much askfjajfakds
okay okay so i had to think about this because?? i don't do a lot of this consciously. have any of y'all looked at writing advice stuff and tried to make it work for you?? i keep trying and idk... i really tried to be the type of writer with like, outlines and bullet points, and usually i might have notes of some sort somewhere... it's all very much a 'trust the process' um. process. so here's stuff i do? in some semblance of order, but more like for your reading benefit than how it might actually happen.
first of all - i start with a concept (that fucks, obviously). considering the current spn fic i'm writing and the last longfic i wrote (marvel fandom) were both borne of that age old 'i read all the fics with this trope so now i have to write my own', i guess that's a pattern?
second, once i have the beginnings of like, a Thing I Want To Read Badly Enough That I Will Bite The Bullet And Write It Myself, how can i write it, considering like, who i am? for heard from your mother, a spn character getting sent back in time to fix things isn't a totally unique plot, but i am someone who 1. has not actually watched that much spn and 2. really enjoys the early seasons. so pretty quickly i started to think along the lines of 'writing a time travel fix it would require an in-depth knowledge of canon that i don't have past like, s3'. then my brain starts spinning off in all these other directions which leads to -
plot, i guess? by the time i put out the first chapter of heard from your mother i knew how cas got sent back in time, kinda sorta what would happen, and a rough idea of the ending, but no real sign posts. i think the main other thing i knew was that dean and cas end up together before the end of the fic, but even then, i didn't really know how. i also thought it would be a fun idea to give cas a cellphone that sends him anonymous messages as another draw/guide to the story. since pre-pilot was mostly focused on dean and cas meeting and getting together, a lot of energy was focused in trying to get them to be in the same place at the same time, bond, and eventually become an item. which also means -
what stories happen within the story? in any of my longer fics, there's usually an A/B plot going, which can shift and morph and intertwine as the story goes on. In heard from your mother, the A plot is probably dean and cas getting together, up until s1 starts, in which case it's the 'find dad' s1 plot, and the B plot throughout the fic is 'cas needs to figure out what he is and how he got where he is now'. there are shorter c plots (like offscreen stuff that happens with jess, bobby, pamela, etc.) but they're shorter lived.
another thing plot-wise that i don't consciously think of too much but is still important is payoff. these can be big or small, but this fic is SO goddamn long that it's good to idk, give the readers *something*. early in s0, this was dean and cas meeting up again after doing their own thing, like, yay! fun treat! good times! or another clue to what cas is (aka the RIBS chapter). some fun reveal, like seeing an old character pop up again, or maybe another emotional moment, like the resolution of the scarecrow episode rewrite, where dean finally comes out to sam. these are all moments that i personally really enjoyed writing, and if you're in this fic for the long haul, i imagine you're reading and going 'omg, finally!' or 'whoa, cool' - just something to make you pick your head up after however many words.
when i actually sit down to write a chapter, i kind of know where i want things to end up? like a lot of s0 was making sure certain characters met each other, s1 was more or less the same as the canon s1 with more focus on how the characters have grown/changed, and everything else is made up on the spot. like the hunts in s0 were made by me thinking: 'oh this monster got mentioned in an early season of spn, dean probably hunted that before. let's find a town for it to take place in, and maybe write it in a way that highlights one of his character flaws' very much an early monster of the week type of fic - creature story with an aesop somewhere inside that prompts dean (and usually cas) to confront something about themselves and hopefully push themselves closer together. we see this in the chapters dealing with the gillepsie family and the crocotta, probably the most obviously? i try not to beat anyone over the head with it. heard from your mother has a writing style that is sort of like 'here it is, you make sense of what people are thinking/feeling bc i'm not narrating that' which is very spn and male coded of me i think.
if i ever get stuck on how to approach something, i usually will put the fic down and listen to music or read something else, or i just talk out the ideas i have (to a lot of people on tumblr actually! thank you!!) a lot of my writing is latent and i just kind of let it happen. there are definitely deliberate choices for some things i do in this fic (i mentioned this with a previous ask about putting stuff in the plot that could help the characters from being backed into a corner later on), but heard from your mother is still something that to me is like 'this is a fun little story, watch me type away at my google doc and see what happens!'. like i take it seriously, i want people to enjoy it, but i want to enjoy writing it just as much.
i guess my writing is just: find what you want to read, figure out how you could write it taking into account your personal hangups, get it started, know kind of where you want to end up, and have fun figuring out the stuff in between (and leave some breadcrumbs in the middle there so if you end up way off base and you're already putting out chapters you can write your way out of it).
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