homolobotomized · 9 months
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do you guys get it
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do you understand
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hello can anyone hear me
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nebulous-rain · 2 years
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redraw of something super Super old that i never posted- after death, lewis doesn't form correctly and follows the gang around to bully arthur through their spirit box
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2ndalt · 7 months
To aid me on my quest of extreme procrastination, I've decided to translate the French version of The Dragon's Code. For context, the non-English versions of the Thea Stilton books have little extended scenes at the end that are basically just the main characters chilling after solving the mystery. There's quite a bit to translate, so I'm breaking it up and just translating one character per post.
Starting off with Violet!
Right off the bat she writes a letter to Colette, complaining about the nicknames that they gave Vi. She acknowledges the other nicknames Colette gives her friends, like calling Pamela "Pam" and Nicky "Nic" (And Violet points out that it's a bit excessive, since Nicky's already an abbreviated name). Violet then addresses the nicknames that Colette gave her: "Vivi" and "Princess". She hates these nicknames with a burning passion.
In fact, Violet is being so incredibly petty about it that she comes up with a couple of amazing nicknames for Colette to get back at her. My favorites include:
"Collante": Sticky
"Cocotte": Casserole
"Colique": Colic (I had to look this one up to understand the joke; Colic is frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in a healthy infant. Violet's basically using a fancy term for cry-baby.)
These jokes wouldn't have worked as well in the English version, but they're hilarious in French.
Then she writes a list of various things that annoy her, like loud music (dangit pamela), nicknames (looking at you colette), people who talk while she's trying to study, etc., etc.
However, the next letter Violet writes is to her parents, in which she mentions that she has some new friends! She's like: "Hey Dad, I know I'm terribly shy and introverted and most people view me as a dismissive, short-tempered person, but I have friends now! Even I'm surprised by this development!"
Honestly, it's very sweet to see how much happier Violet is after properly getting to know and become friends with the other Thea Sisters. Despite all of their differences, Violet has grown to appreciate their company and uniqueness. She ends off her letter with a hopeful little note:
"P.S: Raxford (Mouseford in other translations) has an amphitheatre where we can give concerts. Wouldn't it be great if we could organize one and have you come?"
All in all, very cute extended scenes :)
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l-in-the-light · 1 month
Chapter 1124 comment (small spoilers)
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Spoken like a true D. there, Vivi. Not fearing death.
Still, what's her problem?! We need those news printed!! And yeah yeah I get her point that he's gonna pin down murder of Vegapunk on Luffy, but we need all those other news hitting the papers. How else will Luffy know what's going on?! Vivi, get your shit back together, which side are you on?? You also relied on newspapers all this time to read news about your fav Strawhats!
I feel so conflicted right now. Because yeah, I do get Vivi's point here, but this is not really helping anyone right now, it's just for her own sake because she dislikes that Morgans preys on reporting misery of other people. And ofc it's awful, but also neccessary evil, especially in a world of One Piece, where Morgans IS the only source of information. What is she even expecting him to do? To pledge to always publish only truth? That's not how the world works. But I guess we all wish it would be the case.
That being said I did some online gaming news writing before and quickly quit. It was terrible. The only acceptable news to be published were about the most popular games (countless new GTA rumours, never any indie games unless they're trendy at the moment or a phenomenon like Dave the Diver), only the ones that will get the most "clicks". Any other news were ignored. And also lots of trash content, also for the clicks. And there was always a rat race involved - whoever refreshes the site constantly gets the news topics first and of course only the boss dictates the news roster. You could propose your own stuff to publish, but 90% of cases would be rejected just because. It was really discouraging, to say the least. Also they were so backwards in how the news were written, if you try to be objective they will try to make you write them in more embarrassingly "controversial" fashion too and if you just keep doing it your own way, they will start to be nitpicky about some insignificant to the topic details or even accuse you of not knowing shit about games just because they can. No one cares about the facts, only about clicks.
But in this particular case, I'm with Morgans. Those news need to hit the papers. Now's not the right time for the criticism Vivi, now's the time to grit your teeth and hope for the best.
This chapter finishes with a feast, which makes me think we're not gonna hop to Elbaf right away. Otherwise why not wait till we reach it to celebrate? Meanwhile if we're making another stop on the way, that makes more sense. Fans will be so mad that Elbaf will get once again delayed tho. I don't care. I would prefer Elbaf with Law onboard already, thank you very much.
My hopeful prediction is that we're gonna meet Law soon.
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hiya-itsamber · 2 months
actually sorta 🧍🏽‍♀️ abt the fact my fav authors r following me now . WHAT DID I DO
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Namivivi modern AU would literally be Nami and Vivi meeting each other and falling in love but Vivi living pretty fucking far away without being able to live closer for now and these two spending their teenage years having a long-distance relationship. Doing calls every day and sending each other messages constantly and talking about how much they want to get married and live together the second they can live in the same place. It would be Nami crying sobbing and shaking every time she misses Vivi and also being kind of sort of addicted to her phone because she keeps texting Vivi everything she does. Vivi doing exactly the same and Koza having to listen to her for hours every day talking about how excited she is to go see Nami but how scared she is of Nami leaving her or getting tired of her because they're so far away. But then they keep reminding each other that they'll be okay because nobody else understands their relationship like them. That they will be together no matter the distance.
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ivomartins · 3 months
helloo omg it's vivi i just noticed that you answered the asks (while scrolling through hsr tag i need the update so bad i can't live like this)
dogging on hs is a full time job and we're employees of the month 🤞 ntm on hs tho bc i will end up playing hs3 if it's ever released bc i need to see my li happy.
im new to rc so i can't say much about the writers but i think what you said does make a lot of sense. when new characters were introduced in hs2 it had the same tone as hs1. i would say there was a slight improvement bc astaroth and hunger were 10x more interesting than hs1 characters but the dialogue and their way of speaking was the same as hs1. like how do you pride yourself on being soo much better than mortals and speak exactly like them? why are you, as lucifer, speaking like a frat boy? make it make sense.
anyway, as opposed to hs, the immortals are actually different from mortals. lane noticing the lack of human warmth and emotions on cains face, despite how serene and aristocratic he looks right off the bat immediately showed us that they're not easily understood and they operate differently than humans. and the dialogue flows so much more naturally in hsr and different characters have their own distinguished way of speaking. (interesting that cain sometimes speaks so formally like during the church scene, but at other times uses mortal slang. just how long has he been roaming around earth?)
tbh now that ive analyzed the flying scene, he does seem somewhat sincere and like you said, they're both only looking out for themselves so they have a sense of kinship. (also love that lane is so unbothered about saving humanity or whatever and specifically said shes only going to translate what she needs... im obsessed with her)
but is it insane of me to hope that he's just being nice for the sake of using her? ive been ranting to everyone who would listen about how much i adore the church scene, it was the exact balance of unsettling and sensual, psychedelic and dreamlike. it had so much tension and i loved how cain was portrayed in it. but he's being suspiciously sweet and protective of her, cute, but i miss the tension 😭 he and lane are some of the most interesting characters ive seen in a while and id hate for them to lose everything that makes them unique to a generic romance so early.
what about your theories on how they could've known each other earlier? and what do you think about cain's past?
not this entire ass essay 😭 i love a good religious horror media what can i say. since ur just as obsessed w hsr as i am it's fun talking to you but this is a lot to think ab and reply to pls take ur time 😭💓
(ps to answer what you asked about choices, i haven't touched it since i got back into rc 🤞)
we truly are the pioneers of hs shit talk and i love this for us <3
i chuckled at your comment about lucifer talking like a frat boy because why is that so fucking true 😭
it really is just in the book's nature i think because if you look at the massive growth of alice's writing between hs1 and hs2, it's wild how the writing for hs2 still isn't that much better except in certain areas (hunger is masterfully written, for example, and the emo vibe was captured pretty well too since alice is an angst grandmaster)
like heaven's secret is simply, intrinsically, a haphazard low-quality story - because that was the foundation in hs1 and so it's only natural hs2 and hs3 will be the same. and i'm not hating on it when i say that because i definitely get why some people love it but as someone who's a bit of a snob and doesn't like harry potter vibe stories, it's just not for me
i'm living for your thoughts and analysis of hs:r though omg i didn't catch on to cain's manner of speech swinging between formal and informal, that's so interesting?? but YES overall i'm also hoping that we'll get more of the intensity we got with the church scene and that the dark undertone to their dynamic will prove to be an actual Theme and not just a one-off thing. i would actually GRIEVE if cain's route devolved into basic lovey dovey shit 😭
have you checked out dmitry's scenes? what did you think of them? 👀
when it comes to cain's past and his history with lane, i... have no clue tbh like that's just how good the suspense is. generally i'm expecting cain to be somehow tied to the event/entity/power that caused lane's memory gap because her dreams are clearly very significant and she dreams of him at the start of the book + that could be the reason why she got so woozy in the church scene instead of him seducing her with his power, because of whatever tie that binds them through that. but we know so little about him and his motivations that it's hard for me to theorize anything about his past. i adore pre-established dynamics though so i honestly think we're in for some juicy shit regardless of our theories. i can't wait!!!
shut up i lived for your essay and gave you one of my own pls 😭♥️ you're totally good!! i'm having just as much fun chatting with you angel <3
i haven't touched choices since the nanny affair 😭 though i do miss the good OG books sometimes ngl like open heart s1 remains ICONIC and forever in my heart and also the werewolf book uhh i forgot its name but it was sooo goood. there's not even a comparison with rc though whew it was such a huge upgrade for me especially since i started off with arcanum of all books - truly could not put it down
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cosmicrhetoric · 6 months
i am so smart and correct for having most of my fave one piece characters get introduced in a time frame that could be acceptably covered in opla s2. if i even catch sight of a blue wig this blog will not know peace for a hundred years
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rabit333n · 5 months
someone PLEASE send me photos of matt in pink im losing my mind
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homolobotomized · 9 months
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nobody touch me
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vivigoesinsaneagain · 11 days
i take that back!! life is so great and amazing because v is here!! prolonged dreamy sigh...
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
Random observation while listening to the FF9 OST. The track Eternal Harvest that plays over that scene of Freya joining the Cleyrans in their protection ritual is absolutely gorgeous, but I wish my memory of it wasn’t that awkwardly mocap-ed scene and was a cinematic instead. It had the potential to be a lot more powerful if given the weightiness of a cinematic, and ofc is Freya had been more fleshed out instead of having her arc come to a dead stop in the middle of the 3rd disc.
Freya and Garnet are both great conduits to explore the devastation that Kuja left in his wake on a personal level. But while Garnet is through the eyes of a young woman struggling as a leader against such incredible odds, Freya had the potential to be a great exploration of the more personal and cultural aspect of that destruction. Her people are already appeared to be a somewhat disliked minority, which is what made them an easy first target for Brahne compared to her in-laws in Lindblum. And unlike Alexandria and Lindblum where despite their state, it’s implied that the kingdoms are still fit to rebuild, the Burmecians are really fucked over. Their country was the first to be attacked and therefore didn’t have time to prepare, and then the other Burmecian state of Cleyra where most of the refugees fled to was DISINTEGRATED.
Like Freya might be the character with the most baggage to explore. After witnessing the ruins of Burmecia she comes to this ancient bastion of her people, and despite not fully respecting their distinct way of life, she partakes in their ritual, hoping it will be able to protect the last of them. And then not even an hour later, right from under her that citadel is literally wiped off the face of the earth. It’s haunting to think about, and I deeply wish it could have been explored beyond just a bit of her grieving before launching into more shenanigans.
Not that her being forced to so quickly move on isn’t powerful in itself, but I wish there was more EMPHASIS. Emphasis that could have come from a beautifully directed cinematic of that ritual she performed in vain. Able to visually represent that fragile, majestic hope the track accompanying it conveys.
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Not her snitching on her sister like that
After all she did and then to be like she was dancing with him
I would’ve beat her ass after I got out that room
Also I’m not done yet
Not her choosing a man over her own sister her own mortal sister literal twin sister what
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viviblvck · 4 months
Sneezing on day 2.
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hiya-itsamber · 21 days
me n the girls
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
i love and relate to Usopp sooo much, hes like one of my highest kins. not only cause of his anxiety, but when i was younger (and now, not just as much) i was a chronic liar. it was mostly a trauma response due to my neglectful parents, and id usually lie to make myself sound cooler or to get attention and i wouldnt rlly be able to control it. just seeing him do the exact same thing and still have people care for him is like. huh. so that can happen. (sorry if this is worded weirdly im bad at articulating my thoughts sometimes)
I love Usopp kinnies SO much. I am literally surrounded by them, honestly. My best friend is an Usopp kinnie and my fiancé too. They're my pookies. I luv them. Does this have anything to do with my own kin list? Probably!
I'm sorry you had to lie because of your parents. If it makes you feel any better I can just go and kick them. Parents should care about their children. You shouldn't have to lie to get people's attention, I'm sure you're a wonderful person without needing to do it. Although it's not something that you can't actually control most of the time, so,,, You're a wonderful person anyway, I'm sure. You deserved!!! Love!!! And attention!!! And people will love you no matter what!!! That thing doesn't establish whether you deserve love or not. I'm so so happy that at least you found comfort in Usopp. He's just,,, He's such a great character. He brings me so much comfort too. But that's just because I love him a lot and he's 100% the type of person I'd be friends with.
I know the feeling, by the way. Sanji is one of my highest kins too. And WCI changed my life because?? Wow??? Sanji sabotaging and sacrificing himself constantly like the stubborn, people-pleaser idiot he is because of his issues with his family and Luffy wanting him anyway??? The way they love him??? AND WANO????? Sanji there fucked me up completely. He's just like me fr. And I swear, watching a show that tells you "hey, is this who you are? Look at this character who's like you get loved!! Because they deserve love!!" it's just the most cathartic thing in the world. Not to mention Robin saying she wants to live. And Nami asking for help after being alone for so long. Like- One Piece really changes lives, huh.
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