#((thank you so much for always giving me the chance to ramble about my guy !!))
ellestinyshittyposts · 6 months
Hello:))) been reading ur newt hcs and absolutely adored them YOU WRITE HIM SO SWEET. But i was wondering if you would do newt cuddling hcs with a f!reader please? (I haven’t requested for you before so if this isn't the type of thing you do just delete this lol)
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hello anon!! i'm happy you like those!! i think that newt is the type of person that treats their s/o gentle !! i hope you like this:))))
Newt who can't keep his hands to himself when you're both cuddling. Newt who would pull you into his chest with your back against him so he can kiss your neck. Newt who would put his arm around your waist just to touch you. Newt who would be crazy and rambles whenever he sees you wear his shirts to cuddle or sleep (and when you ask him why, he says "you look hot- i mean beautiful, wait i didn't mean it like your not hot, cause you are hot, i mean- your hot- wait that's not the point- but you look bloody amazing with my shirt"). Newt who can't sleep without you in his arms. Newt who would be very clingy and glued to you when both of you are alone (he's starved for your attention and affection). Newt who doesn't have a 'favourite cuddle position' but he loves it so much when you rest your head on his chest and just lay there. Newt who runs his fingers through your hair and leave a bunch of kisses all over your face whenever he gets the chance. Newt who sometimes wander his hands underneath your shirt (with consent of course) and he just trace circles all over your skin. Newt who sometimes would just lay in your arms tiredly because he’s exhaused from doing all work, helping around the glade, and having many meetings with Alby and the runners(he's a busy man). Newt who would smell a little more earthy when you guys are cuddling before shower. Newt who prefers to cuddle after shower because he thinks you'll like him more if he smells 'sweet like a candy' when you're both cuddling (he used your soap and shampoo because he said it made him "smell like sweets and vanilla" lol ). Newt who would sleep with you with hardly any space between each other. Newt who loves it when you bury your face in his neck and when you play with his hair. Newt who will always pull you back onto the bed and back into his arms if you try to leave or stop cuddling. ("Newt we have to get up! Alby will be mad at us-" "2 more minutes, please love? i'm sure Alby will be fine without me" "Newt, you said that 20 minutes ago."). Newt who doesn't mind being a big spoon or the little spoon when you're both cuddling. Newt who likes it when his arms are securely around your waist & his face in your hair when he's being the big spoon. Newt's arms will be the place you wake up every morning. Newt who would ask if he can play with your hair every time you're both cuddling (he wants to make sure you're giving him consent even tho you've reassured him that he doesn't need to ask that). Newt who would randomly compliment you when your almost asleep ("your so beautiful. like really bloody beautiful, love"). Newt who would sometimes talk in his sleeps because he gets nightmares when he's cuddling you ("please stay, please. don't go. stay with me." "i'm not going anywhere love"). Newt who would easily get sleepy when you run your hands through his hair. Newt who would fall asleep on top of you, then wakes up only to ask if you're okay, if he made you uncomfortable, and why didn’t you wake him up in his raspy sleepy voice. Newt who would have a staring contest with you and then make stupid faces so you laugh and he wins the contest (later on he tease you about it). Newt who would stay up with you and just have deep conversations as you both cuddle when you can't sleep ("why do people has to lose the person they love first, to realize they're bloody value and worth? doesn't make sense, what do you think?").
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itoshiexx · 7 months
thin line
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synopsis: four times itoshi rin said he hated you, and the one time he finally said the truth.
pairing: itoshi rin x gn!reader | words: 5k (insane) | warnings: enemies to (implied) lovers, cursing (rin being rin), rin is a total tsundere and emotionally constipated, banter, teasing, one (1) sexual implication towards the end, i use the word hate a lot, kinda proofread
notes: oh my GOD. you have no idea how hard it was for me to write (and finish!) this. writer's block has been kicking my ass really hard and honestly i don't even know if i like this but i swear to god if this flops i'll kms. (jk. maybe. or not.)
masterlist sae's 4+1
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itoshi rin was a hater. 
he didn’t consider himself one, naturally. rin thought he was a pretty chill guy, but apparently, everyone who had some sort of interaction with the younger itoshi felt the same kind of vibe coming from him. at least, it was what his stupid teammates said after claiming rin was always hating on something — whether it was the line in the coffee shop being too long, every pass given to him by isagi or the librarian with “a stupid fish-face”.
on his defense, no one liked long lines, isagi had two left feet when it came to passing and the librarian was a fucking weirdo. even if he was a hater, he had a plausible reason for everything he hated. 
that included you, of course.
rin was pretty convinced it was impossible not to hate you. every time he entered your shared biology class, a mere look at you was enough for his irk to grow even more. everything about you was just obnoxious.
you were loud. and, although unpleasant, that wouldn’t be much of a problem if you just weren’t unable to shut the fuck up and stop rambling excitedly at every friend you met. and you had many. you were some kind of weird social butterfly with infinite energy for social interactions — in a way, you reminded him of bachira. 
but bachira was not always jumping at every chance to refute him with a know-it-all smirk. bachira wasn’t perpetually ready to throw witty remarks at his rudeness. and bachira definitely didn’t have a pretty gleam on his eyes every time he headbutted with rin.
in short, you were everything itoshi rin hated. and the worst part was that you knew. you knew how much your very existence annoyed him, and it seemed like you took as your life mission to make the next two years of his life a living hell. 
“itoshi.” your voice reached his ears again. well, maybe if he just ignored you, you would… “itoshi!”
“what the fuck do you want?” he snapped, diverting his attention from the match playing on his phone to look at you. “i told you not to call me that.”
another thing he hated — to be called by his last name. it reminded him way too much of sae, and that was something rin didn’t want to do. but it wasn’t like he was going to tell you that, so he’d rather let you think he just didn’t want you to address him at all. which wasn’t a lie, either. 
you gave him a puzzled look, tilting your head like an innocent puppy. a fake naivety, of course. “we’re not close enough for me to call you by your first name, though.”
“thank fuck.” 
your eyes rolled at that. “language, itoshi.” he glared at you again, and you fixed your posture, putting your hands on the back pockets of your jeans. the malicious smile you gave sent chills down his spine. 
“well, i just came to deliver you the news since you missed last period. there’s a project worth 75% of our grade to be delivered in two months, and guess what? we’re together!”
oh, hell no.
“you tell terrible jokes.”
“i’m serious, though. if you don’t believe me, just ask your friends,” you said, so absentmindedly that rin felt his blood pressure rising. he opened his mouth to retort, but you beat him to it. “and before you try, the teacher already said no one can work alone and that the pairs cannot be exchanged.”
his left eye twitched, and he was pretty sure all his muscles were tight and ready to combust. life just couldn’t give him a break, could it? it was like he was being punished — forced to work with you, of all people. what a fucking nightmare. 
how the hell was he supposed to endure two months of constant interactions with your annoying sassiness and the pretty curve of your lips when you smirked? it might just drive him crazy. 
“so, when can we start, partner?”
rin rolled his eyes so hard they almost got stuck on the back of his skull. 
“i hate you.”
the soccer field was probably the only place rin felt at peace. the smell of grass and sweat was as familiar as his home, much like the round shape of the ball on his feet and the path to the goal. despite his rowdy teammates and their dumb antics, there wasn’t much that was able to distract him and break this peacefulness.
there was still something, though. or someone, for that matter.
the shock of seeing you in his “happy place” was so big rin nearly tripped on the ball, successfully letting bachira steal it from him. the snickers from reo and isagi made his skin boil with anger, but his harsh glare was directed at you — the fucking source of all his problems. 
and no, he was not being dramatic. 
“what are you doing here.” 
it wasn’t really a question, more like a veiled threat; but you seemed oblivious to it, or simply didn’t care about his reaction. something in him even thought you liked getting on his nerves. he was sure of it when you smirked.
“the project, dummy. we need to start today if we want to get it done in time. it’s pretty long, hence why we have two months.”
“i can’t today,” was all he said. 
“because,” rin spat with venom on his tongue, “i have an important game next week.”
you stared at him in silence. rin would have thought about how the sun shining on your back framed you with a perfect halo and gave you a nearly angelic look if he wasn’t so busy controlling the heat on his face from your scrutiny. he hated when you did that. he hated you. 
“we have to start today, itoshi. i’ll wait until you finish practicing so we can go to the library.”
he hated your stubbornness. he hated your voice, too — how it sounded like a siren’s melody, ready to trap him and bring him to the bottom of the ocean.
“fine. suit yourself.”
the young itoshi turned around and went back to the field, ignoring aryu’s pestering and shidou asking about who you were and if he could have your number. rin pondered if a yellow card was worth shutting up the insect, but eventually decided against it; he didn’t want ego to bench him, especially when they were so close to the tournament next week. 
the rest of the game went pretty smoothly, although rin and his teammates could tell he had half of his focus on the sidelines, where you sat prettily at the stands with your laptop. a perpetual scowl was on his face throughout the rest of the match. you were so damn distracting it was annoying. 
once the match was over, some of the boys went home, while others continued practicing, rin being one of them. he was expecting you to grow tired and give up, especially considering it was getting darker and colder, but you didn’t waver. your face was still present on the stands, haunting him even if he closed his eyes. you even had the audacity to smile when your gazes crossed.
he hated your smile. he did. 
hours passed until every one of his teammates had gone home, and rin was the only one left in the field. deciding it was finally enough (and not admitting he was starting to worry for you), he stopped his moves, finishing up with a few stretches so that his muscles weren’t too sore. he stored the footballs on the cart and put away the cones, something that was already routine at that point since he was usually the last one to leave.
finally, rin walked towards you. 
“i’m done,” he said as he approached you on the sideline of the field. his gym bag was right at your side, and he ignored the electricity that sparked his skin when it grazed yours. 
your eyes averted from your laptop to look at him. “oh, hi! thought you’d take a little longer,” you retorted. “anyways, i’m done too.”
he stopped his movement. “what?”
“yeah, i finished the first topic. only fourteen more to go.” the giggle that flew out of your mouth reverberated through his body. rin watched as you stood up and stretched, looking away when your shirt rode up and a sliver of your stomach could be seen. you then proceeded to put your laptop away, and his brows furrowed. 
“i don’t get it. i thought you said… you said it was too much stuff to do by yourself.” you nodded, not even looking at him. rin kind of wished you did. “and yet you did everything?”
“well, yes.”
his scowl only worsened. “what the fuck? why?”
you slung your bag through your shoulder, looking at him with those damn doe-eyes that always sparkled so much. it was annoying. why did they remind him of the stars? and why did rin wanted to watch the night sky on your face?
“you said you have an important game next week, so i figured it wouldn’t kill to do the first topic by myself,” you answered. “don’t get used to it, though! you’re gonna have to help on the next ones, partner.”
the young itoshi ignored the stupid nickname, his brain still trying to catch up to everything. something just wasn’t clicking…
“so why the hell did you wait for me to finish practice?”
you didn’t even falter.
“thought you could use the company.” you shrugged. and although your voice was nonchalant, you were smiling. and not your typical mischievous smirk — it was a sweet, sweet smile, dripped in honey and all things good in the world. 
rin’s heart leaped on his chest. he could feel his cheeks becoming flushed, but he blamed it on the cold. 
coming to think of it, it was really cold. and you sat there for hours… if he looked closely, he could see your frame shivering from the lack of proper clothing. 
a little tsk came out of his mouth, and rin impulsively took off his jacket, throwing it on your face — ignoring the “hey!” you sent his way.
“what’s that for, itoshi?!”
“so that you don’t freeze to death, dumbass.”
rin had to admit your gaping expression was kind of cute. not that he would commit to memory or something… that would be lukewarm, and he was anything but lukewarm. especially when it came to you. 
“don’t get any ideas, though,” he said before you could retort, turning around to follow the path to his dorm room, “i still hate you.”
things were calmer after the game passed. rin often found himself at the university library with you after his practice, leaving around nine or ten, and walking you to your dorm building simply because he didn’t want to be bothered in case something happened to you. not like he was worried for your safety or anything.
you still got on his nerves, but the project was going surprisingly well. rin learned you were very dedicated and meticulous, meaning you put in a lot of effort to focus and make everything as perfect as it could be. he wished he could say his focus was also as sharp as ever, but the scent of your coconut shampoo always lingered on the study booths and made his mind fuzzy. 
it was tuesday night and you were both on your laptops doing research and writing on your paper, falling into the same little routine you established the past weeks. the library was nearly empty as usual — though you always sat at the furthest cabin because rin didn’t like to see, hear or speak to people — and the only sound in the ambience was the pitter patter of the rain. 
everything seemed to be going fine, but things changed when the rain got heavier and became a strong thunderstorm that made the lights go out.
“fuck,” rin cursed under his breath, looking around to hear other people mumbling complaints and the librarian saying she would turn on the power generator, asking for calm and patience. he squeezed the bridge of his nose, annoyed, and turned to you. “hey, do you think—”
then he stopped. 
the only source of light was the screen of your laptops and the occasional lightning striking on the dark sky, but rin could see you on the other side of the table as clear as day. and he felt his heart squeeze impossibly hard with the sight. 
you were shaking like a leaf, hands squeezed tight and nails prickling your skin, and your eyes were widened and so, so scared. he had never seen you wear such an expression, always familiar with your confidant, cheery self, and he decided he didn’t like one bit. 
“hey,” he whispered, trying to grasp your attention. however, your eyes were focused outside. “hey, look at me.”
slowly, your orbs met his, and rin felt his breath hitch. there were tears on your lash line threatening to fall, and panic began to rise on his throat; but he forced himself to stay calm for your sake. 
“what’s wrong?”
your lips trembled, but nothing came out. he hated your voice, but found himself missing it. so he tried again.
“are you… afraid of the dark?”
his question was answered when the sound of another thunder reverberated again, making you visibly flinch. his gaze softened when a small hiccup left your lips. 
“oh. it’s the thunder.”
you nodded, still unable to talk. rin could see you were forcing yourself to keep your sobs contained, as if the mere thought of crying in front of him was as dangerous as standing at gunpoint. like his words — venomous, harsh, cold words — could hurt you just as much as a bullet. 
his stomach churned with that thought. he hated it. 
so, as carefully as he could so as not to startle you, rin stood up from his seat and walked around the table until he reached the chair at your side, sitting on it. he felt you body tense with the proximity, more so when he slightly turned to stare at you, and felt the need to say something.
“it’s okay,” he murmured, so impossibly soft you could hardly believe it was itoshi rin saying those words to you. 
it was even more unbelievable when he enveloped your body in a hug, bringing your head to his chest as if to shelter you from the thunder. 
rin really hoped you couldn't hear the unrestrained beating of his heart. everything about that moment made him nearly combust; from the ever present smell of your shampoo when he rested his nose in your hair, the evident relaxation of your frame when he hugged you or the small arms that held his waist as if he was the only lifeline in the ocean. 
you let your sobs and sniffles run free, burying yourself deeper in his embrace, and all rin could do was pat your hair and whisper soft reassurances on your ear. 
it’s okay. you are safe. i won’t let it hurt you. 
he didn’t know how long you both stayed in that position, but as he enjoyed the warmth of your body next to his, your sobs eventually died out along with the roaring sound of thunder. the rain became thinner and the lights finally came back, although neither of you made a move to separate. 
the silence lingered for a moment before you broke it, “thank you.”
the male only hummed, trying to hide his disappointment when you slowly backed away. though his hand didn’t leave you, going from your hair to rest on your hip in some type of reassurance squeeze. 
“i-i’m sorry, it’s just…”
“you don’t have to explain,” he interrupted. then, hesitantly added, “only if you want to.”
“it’s not something big or anything… this fear has just kind of been there. i think something happened to me when i was a kid and it was thundering, so every time it happens i just… freeze.” you shook your head. “it’s stupid.”
he frowned. “it’s not stupid if it makes you this terrified. it’s okay, we all have fears.”
you were yet to look him in the eye, seemingly embarrassed about your triggered phobia. “i cried on your shirt.”
“it has tears stains.”
you sighed. “i’m sorry.”
he squeezed your hip again. “don’t apologize.”
you finally raised your head to look at him, and rin could very much consider himself a lost man at that moment. your eyes were glistening from the remnant of tears, but that pretty gleam was still there, barging its way through any sadness and any fear to present itself with the shy smile you sent him.
even if it was still dark, he would be able to see it, because you shined. brightly, scorchingly and so, so mesmerizing, like some sort of classic painting worth millions of dollars. if rin had the choice, he wouldn’t want to look away. 
“i think it’s enough for today,” you said, “do you mind if we continue tomorrow?”
“i don’t mind,” rin answered, although he secretly wished to bask in your warmth for a little longer. “i’ll take you to your dorm building. i brought an umbrella.”
because he knew you were a klutz and would most likely forget. not that he paid attention to you or something. 
you smiled again, and rin had to use all of his might to let go of you and go back to his chair to pick up his stuff. silently, you both put away your things and left the study booth towards the exit, where the younger itoshi opened his umbrella and started to walk towards your destination. he felt his skin burning when you tangled your arm with his so that you were squeezed together under the shelter for the rain.
around ten minutes later, you finally arrived at your dorm building. and then, as the little minx you were, you stood on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek before running inside along with your goodbyes. 
“thank you, rin!”
he stood there like a statue for what felt like an eternity, feeling his face impossibly hot. rin touched his cheek in mild disbelief, feeling butterflies erupting on his stomach without permission. 
it was only then he realized you called him by his actual name, and a smile inevitably took over his features. 
itoshi rin hated you. but that day, he discovered that he hated seeing you cry even more.
he didn’t really know what the fuck he was doing there. rin was not the kind of guy who went to parties, much less fraternity ones; but somehow he ended up in one on a saturday night after a lot of convincing from his teammates. he claimed he only accepted so that isagi would shut up and stop pestering him, but the said boy insisted to say he only agreed after learning you would be there. 
which was absurd, of course. a completely crazy, delusional and absurd thought. why would he want your obnoxious self to go and ruin the party? rin hated you. 
the music was loud and the people were even louder. there were dozens of bodies on the makeshift dance floor swaying to the beat, along with some people playing beer pong and small groups scattered around talking as best as they could. rin was part of the last type, although he was tuning out everything that bachira blabbed on his ear like a madman. his focus was solely on the entrance.
and then, you came in. 
it was like a stupid romance movie — the way everything seemed to be in slow motion. from the way you walked, to the slight movement of your hair, to the blink of your curved eyelashes. and god, how much he hated that. 
he hated the way your mere presence prickled his skin. how your voice soothed his lousy thoughts, how your smile lit up the room. he hated this urge inside of him to look for you every time he knew you'd be in the same vicinity, like you were some source of life that he couldn’t live without. 
“are you okay, rin-chan?” bachira’s voice took him out of his thoughts. he blinked a few times.
“yeah, i’m fine.”
now, rin wasn’t a drinker; the red cup on his hand was merely for show. but he gulped some beer at that moment, as if trying to wake up from a hazy dream or get out of a trance. it made sense — he did think you were a siren of some sort. 
there was no other reason for the spell you put on him. 
the party went on, and he spent a few hours avoiding you like the plague and pretending he wasn’t stealing glances at every chance he got. truth is, he was always paying attention when you were swaying your hips on the dance floor like there was no tomorrow, glaring at every guy who thought about getting close while holding back his own desire to do the same.
it was only when you left to the backyard that his teammates finally decided to say something.
“you should talk to them” reo advised, eyebrows dancing in a weird, wiggly way. rin grimaced.
“what? why?”
the boys rolled their eyes and groaned, tired of the younger itoshi’s behavior. 
“rin, man. you are clearly interested in them. and i’m pretty sure they’re interested in you, too,” isagi said slowly, as if rin was a child. “otherwise, they wouldn’t make the effort to pester you.”
rin could feel his face flushing. “i’m not—”
“don’t even try to deny it. it’s kind of obvious, really,” chigiri butted in, an exasperated countenance on his face. “just go, rin.”
he let out a tsk, chugging the rest of his drink and throwing the cup on the trash. “i’m going out just because i don’t want to keep listening to you idiots.” 
“yeah, right,” nagi snickered, and the others followed, watching rin turn his back and move towards the backyard, where he would inevitably find you. 
the chilly air hit his skin the moment he stepped out, and rin kind of thanked the relief it gave to his hot cheeks. quickly looking around, it was easy to spot your lonely frame leaning on the wall, staring at the stars as if they weren’t in your eyes. he walked to you like his feet had their own will, and once he got close enough, leaned the side of his body on the wall, facing you.
“you’re cold.”
not even a hello, how are you to start. great conversationalist, itoshi rin.
you turned your head to look at him, smiling when recognition took over your features. “hey, itoshi! didn’t think i’d meet you here!”
the giggle that went past your lips was the only reason he didn’t scowl when you didn’t call him rin.
“parties are not really my thing, but my friends convinced me to come.” you nodded, understanding. he blinked a couple of times, and said again, “you’re cold.”
you slightly flushed. “it’s just a bit chilly, but it’s not a big deal…”
but rin was already shrugging off his jacket, moving to be right in front of you as if to shield you from the wind. he handed the piece of clothing to you. “here.”
“oh… thank you,” you answered, bashful, taking the jacket and putting it on. 
last time he lent you one, he didn’t stay to see how you looked like. but at that moment, rin was sure there was nothing prettier than the sight of you in his clothes. he swallowed a nervous lump from his throat.
“so… why are you out here by yourself?”
“needed some air. i danced a lot and it was kind of stuffy in there.” you shrugged. then, fiddling with your fingers, you look straight into his eyes. “and maybe… maybe i was hoping someone would follow.”
someone. you had your eyes on someone. 
rin didn’t know what was worse: the stinging pain on his heart or the bitter taste left on his tongue. what he did know was that both felt like poison, one that would spread through his veins and consume him whole. and that he shouldn’t feel like this. because he hated you, after all. 
he must have made a terrible grimace, because you threw your hands in the air in exasperation. 
“for fucks sake.”
and then your lips were on his. 
it was just a fleeting moment — something way too quick and definitely not enough to sate the dormant hunger inside of him. in the blink of an eye, you were already back in your place, staring at him with doe-eyes and a hundred doubts written in them. 
rin freezed for a whole full minute with his mouth agape, until finally lunging forward to kiss you again. his right arm wrapped possessively around your waist to glue your bodies together, while his left hand found a place in your jaw, cradling your face as if you were some precious jewel. his lips were hungry on yours, and you gasped with the intensity, giving him the opportunity to shove his tongue inside your mouth. 
kissing you was exhilarating, like scoring the perfect goal or winning a championship. adrenaline ran high on his veins and his head was a little airy. and rin swore he never felt so alive. 
when you finally parted, you were both panting, chest heaving with every breath. rin rested his forehead against yours, directing both of his hands to your middle as if to look for grounding. 
“you still hate me, itoshi?” you asked in a whisper, mouth inches away from his but still not close enough. that dangerous gleam was still settled in your eyes, and he could swear you were the perfect definition of sinful every time you batted your eyelashes at him.
“call me rin.”
“okay,” you giggled lightly. “you still hate me, rin?”
he could feel his blood pulsing on his ears. “yeah,” he answered, way too breathless for an athlete of his caliber. 
and then, holding your waist tighter, “kiss me again.”
“we should get coffee.”
rin’s words cut the silence as you were exiting the library yet again. you looked up to see his face staring straight ahead, expression unreadable as always, but the light redness on the tip of his ears told you all you needed to know. 
you decided to be a tease, as always. “hm… i don’t know, should we? you sure you want to spend even more time with someone you hate?”
he scowled like usual, but this time, there was a small pout on his lips. you thought he looked the cutest when he was like that, all shy and trying to maintain his stoic act. 
he grumbled something under his breath. 
“what was that?”
“i said,” he sneered, “i don’t hate you, stupid.”
you arched your brow. “you don’t?”
“do you think i would have kissed you if i did?” the smirk you give him is both charming and infuriating. rin would have said he hated it, but he was done pretending. 
“i don’t know, itoshi. you are kind of emotionally constipated.”
“shut up,” rin quipped. then, he snaked your waist with his right arm as you walked side by side, pulling you closer. “and didn’t i tell you to call me rin?”
there was just mischief in your eyes when you answered, “yeah, but i like to get on your nerves.”
the male scoffed, still in disbelief with your antics. 
“you’re a damn brat. i think you just want me to teach you my name tonight.”
rin could practically feel the heat on your face, and he smirked when he saw how red you were. god, you were so cute. 
“at least take me to dinner first before we hate-fuck,” you still managed to joke, despite the slight shakiness in your voice. he rolled his eyes, and pulled you to a stop by the arm. 
you both stood in the middle of campus, feeling the gentle caress of the breeze and listening to the birds chirping. it was a peaceful day, with the sun high up in the baby blue sky. rin thought there was no better time than at that moment. 
his hand traced your arm until it reached your own, and he squeezed your fingers in reassurance. 
“i don’t hate you,” he said again. “i just hate the way i don’t hate you. not even close. not even a little bit. not even at all.”
he watched your eyes light up and smile brighter than the sun, and he almost laughed at the disbelief in your voice. 
“did you just quote ‘ten things i hate about you’?”
it was his time to flush. a small shrug was all rin answered with — he didn’t want you to know he specifically chose this sentence because that was your favorite movie. not like it mattered when you were gleaming at him and making his heart leap on his chest. 
“well, then,” you squeezed his hand back, “let’s get coffee, rin.”
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© 2023 itoshiexx. do not plagarise, translate, or repost any of my work on here or other sites.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 15 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: A perfect day isn't enough to solve all your problems, but a Bradley who shows you how much he wants you and Everett might just do the trick. 
Warnings: Fluff and swearing
Length: 3200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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As Bradley pulled into the lot at Petco Park, he flashed a VIP parking pass at the guard. You still weren't sure why you needed to get to the game so early, but honestly, you didn't mind spending some extra time around Bradley today. He made Everett happy, and you were really considering giving him a second chance. Because he made you happy, too. 
Bradley and Everett were singing a song about the Phillie Phanatic, and now you were singing along too. He held your hand tight while he parked the Bronco next to the ballpark, and when he grinned and pulled you out through his door with him, you couldn't help but smile. 
"I'm so happy you came," he whispered, looking down at you with a crooked smile that had your heart melting. "I planned a lot of stuff to surprise Ev, but if you and he aren't having fun, then we can always just get some food or leave early."
You shook your head at him, amazed that he didn't get it yet. "There's nothing that kid wants more than to spend the day with you, watching the Phillies."
"That's what I want, too," he replied, opening the back door and lifting Everett down. "Ready, kiddo? I have something cool to show you."
You walked a few steps behind them as they made their way to the turnstile hand in hand. "What's faster, a slider or a changeup? And how does the catcher know when to get the pitcher to throw a curveball?" Everett rambled. They looked adorable in their matching backwards caps.
"They practice together a lot. Just the two of them. And they get really good at knowing how to communicate."
"That's cool. I wanna be a pitcher and a power hitter."
"Kid, if you can manage to combine those two, you'll hit the majors for sure," Bradley told him, glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were there. With a smile, he handed three tickets to the guy in the booth, and next thing you knew, you were all being ushered through an underground tunnel. 
"Where are we going exactly?" you asked Bradley, losing the battle to slip your hand into his free one. The three of you were being led down a long ramp by a tour guide named John who had given each of you VIP badges to wear. 
"On a locker room tour," he replied, and then Everett really got excited. 
"I get to go in the locker room?" he asked, skipping ahead and making John chuckle. 
"I told them you wanted to see the visitors' locker room," Bradley told Everett. "Maybe some of the Phillies uniforms will be hanging up."
And they were. You stood in the middle of the visitor's suite that looked more like a luxury hotel than a men's locker room while Everett ran around with your phone taking pictures. "Mom! Take a picture of us in front of the bats!" 
You snapped a few photos of Bradley and Everett standing near the equipment, and then you tucked your phone away. "This is so cool," you whispered to Bradley while the tour guide showed Everett the snack bar that was reserved for the players. "Thank you."
Bradley sighed. "Jake hooked it up. He begged the groundskeeper. I think he felt bad for what he said to you at the bar."
You nodded and met his eyes. "He told me he likes moms." You watched his eyes narrow just a fraction as he licked his lips. 
"Yeah, well I love moms, actually. I was just overcompensating for my insecurities before. You and Ev are intimidating."
You scoffed. "Intimidating?"
Bradley nodded, his brown eyes sincere. "I told you, Kitten, you two are perfect. And I got in my own head."
"I'm eating the snacks that the players eat!" Everett announced, holding up a bag of peanuts. The tour guide let him take a few as he led all three of you into one of the press boxes. 
Your hand ended up in Bradley's and he kept pulling you closer, but once he saw who was in the press box, his grip on your hand tightened until it was almost painful. 
"Ev, you asked who the starting pitchers were?" Bradley said in awe. "Well, here they are."
"Hey, are you Everett?" asked the Phillies starting pitcher, and you were afraid your son and Bradley were both going to faint. 
"Yeah?" your son asked, and John led him closer to the table where two men were sitting. 
"Wait, are you really a Phillies fan? I heard you're from San Diego!" said the Padres pitcher with a laugh. 
"I like you, too!" Everett said hurriedly. "The Padres are my second favorite team, I swear!" You laughed and both pitchers smiled at you. 
"How about we both sign a shirt for you?" asked the Phillies pitcher. "I don't think anyone else has a shirt signed by rival pitchers."
"Holy shit," Bradley muttered as he watched them each sign an MLB all-stars shirt and hand it to Everett. 
"Why don't you get in there with him for a photo, Coach?" you asked. Bradley let go of your hand so fast to scramble behind the table with Everett, and you snapped a few pictures of the four of them. Then the pitchers stood and shook hands with Bradley, and it amazed you to see that he was built exactly like the professionals were. Tall, broad and strong. 
"Have fun with your parents, Everett," the Padres pitcher told him, knocking his Phillies cap crooked and smiling. "Enjoy the game."
"We will!" Everett and Bradley said in unison, and you stood frozen in place. Maybe they had been too excited to process the word parents, but you'd heard it loud and clear. 
They both looked dazed as John led them back through the tunnel. "Are you both okay?" you asked with a laugh as Bradley's hand found yours again. 
"That was awesome," Bradley said, tossing Ev's new shirt over his shoulder as they emptied out of the tunnel and onto the ballfield. It was a perfect, clear day, and you heard John tell Everett he could run around anywhere except on the outfield. You watched your son take off like a rocket and run around the bases while you cheered for him. He looked so small out on a real infield. 
"Oh, fuck it," Bradley said, and he took off running the bases too while you laughed and cheerer for both of them. Bradley caught up to Everett near home plate where you were standing, and after they both crossed the bag, he scooped Everett up into his arms. 
They were both out of breath as Bradley said, "You'll have to get used to running that far if you're a power hitter."
"I can do it," Everett told him, and they had gigantic, matching smiles on their faces. 
You snapped a few more photos, and then John asked, "Want to throw some pitches?" He handed Bradley a few pristine baseballs, and he and Everett took off toward the pitcher's mound. You stood off to the side as Bradley got Everett set up and in position with one of the balls. Then your son threw a pitch that didn't quite have enough force behind it to make it all the way to home plate, but it was thrown so accurately, you watched it roll to where the batters normally stood. 
"Wow! Great job, Ev! Very accurate!" you shouted, thoroughly impressed. He threw a second pitch, and it was just as good as the first one. Then you watched Bradley trade places with him and wind up to throw what you thought was a slider. It sailed beautifully past home plate and bounced off the advertisement signs. He threw a second one that looked like a fastball. 
"Hey! You're good!" said John as Bradley and Everett ran from the mound to home plate. "Did you play?"
"Just in college," Bradley replied, collecting the balls so John didn't have to. "A long time ago."
"He's a tee ball coach!" Everett announced. "He coaches my team!"
You didn't know if you could remember a time Everett looked this happy, and you felt like you were going to cry. This wasn't a one off. You needed this kind of day to happen again. Maybe not on the grand scale of gallivanting around Petco Park like VIPs, but you needed more days in the park getting ice cream. You needed more pizza nights. You need to have Bradley touching you at the batting cages and making love in his Bronco. 
"Come here, Kitten," he called, waving you over. "I want a picture of the three of us on home plate."
You closed the distance to them, and Bradley tucked you against his side with Everett in front of both of you. John took some pictures with Bradley's phone, and you let your head rest on his shoulder. "Thank you for doing this," you whispered, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "He's in heaven."
"So am I," Bradley replied softly before kissing your lips. "I didn't do anything though. All I did was mess up, Kitten." He was being sincere, and you knew it. You thought you'd have to be an idiot to not forgive him. When John handed his phone back to him, you wrapped your arms around Bradley's waist. 
"Cute family photos," John remarked, and Everett turned to see you in Bradley's arms. 
"Thanks," Bradley replied as he rubbed your back. "Hey, Ev, why don't you run the bases one last time, kiddo?"
"I'll time you," John told him, setting the stopwatch on his phone and telling Ev when to start.
You looked up at Bradley and whispered, "I forgive you." He squeezed you tighter and let out a deep sigh of relief that made you smile. "And not just because today is perfect, but also because Everett and I are both attached to you, so you better not mess this up."
His lips were on yours in the sweetest kiss that had you reaching for more as he pulled away. He kissed you a little harder and whispered, "I'll be so good to you. Both of you," against your lips. You knew he was telling the truth.
Bradley was trying to stay calm, but it was nearly impossible. You were sitting two seats away from him, eating some nachos and smiling at Everett. Whenever your eyes met his, Bradley sighed in relief. He would ask you to be his girlfriend later tonight after the game. He was completely ready for that. Ready to be around for you and Everett. 
"Thanks, Bradley," Ev told him, and Bradley managed to get a napkin under Everett's hot dog before it could drip ketchup on his jersey. "This is probably the best day I've ever had."
It was only the bottom of the first inning, but the Phillies were already leading by one run. The day had been perfect up to this point, but Bradley desperately wanted them to win for Everett. "Probably the best day I've ever had, too, kiddo."
The smile that touched your lips before you bit into a chip had Bradley grinning too. And as the innings wore on and the sun started to set, the stadium lights glowed to life. Everett was sitting on the edge of the seat when the Padres had the bases loaded, and it was all up to the pitcher that had autographed his shirt to save it for the Phillies. Without a word, Everett scrambled onto Bradley's lap to get a better view, and they both held their breath as the pitch count reached three balls and two strikes. 
"Come on," Bradley muttered, wrapping his arm around Everett's middle. When the pitcher struck out the batter, Bradley jumped to his feet with Everett, and they cheered with the few other Phillies fans sitting in the section. "Still have the lead!"
You were sitting in Everett's vacant seat when Bradley settled down with Ev on his lap again, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "You boys having fun?" you asked.
"Yep!" Everett said, clapping as the Phillies shortstop walked up to bat. 
Bradley leaned in and kissed your cheek, his mustache tickling your ear. "We should do this all the time. At least until he gets to see every team play the Padres."
"And what if he decides he likes a different team better than the Phillies after he sees them all?" you asked, and Bradley scoffed.
"Do we look like fair weather fans?" he asked, gesturing to himself and Everett. "No. That's not going to happen, Kitten."
You laughed and leaned in to kiss him. "You're right. What was I thinking?"
"If the Phillies make it to the playoffs, we'll go to Philadelphia and watch them play and eat cheesesteaks and meet the Phanatic in person," he told you with conviction. 
"Yeah, mom," Everett agreed, never taking his eyes off the game. "Because the Phanatic only goes to home games."
"Yeah, Kitten," Bradley echoed. "The Phanatic only goes to home games."
"You're both ridiculous," you said, but your smile was wide as you let your head rest on his shoulder. 
You felt a tinge of disappointment as the Padres managed to tie the game in the eight inning. Everett was squirming a bit on Bradley's lap in anticipation, and Bradley had his fingers laced with yours. 
"Do you want to switch laps, Ev?" you asked, and both Bradley and Everett replied with a firm No.
But Everett hopped off of Bradley's lap when the inning ended, and it didn't escape your attention that his gaze settled on your joined hands on the armrest. "I'll only be a little bit sad if the Phillies lose, okay? Because I'm having a lot of fun." Then he climbed back on Bradley's lap as you chuckled. 
"Me too, kiddo, but wouldn't it be great if the Phillies hit a homerun to win the game?" he asked, straightening out Everett's cap.
"That would be so cool," Everett agreed as a new batter came up to the plate for the Phillies. 
You pulled Bradley closer, and he gave you his undivided attention. You kissed his lips softly and said, "I think you're right. I want to do this all the time, too." Bradley's lips curled into a smile as he nodded, so you continued with a smile of your own. "The Padres play the Pirates here on Ev's birthday next month. So maybe we can do this again? I know it would be a late game, since it's during the week, but we could see if Molly and Bob want to come too. It could be really fun. What do you think?"
Bradley let go of your hand and wrapped his warm fingers around your neck, pulling you closer until your hand found his cheek while he kissed you. You moaned softly against his lips, you'd missed him this way so much. Then his nose bumped yours as he released your lips but kept you close to him. "Kitten, I think I love you."
"Look!" Everett shouted, and both you and Bradley turned to see what was going on. The echo of the solidly hit ball was still in the air as Bradley dumped Everett onto your lap and stood. You managed to stumble to your feet with Everett as Bradley jumped and caught the Phillies home run ball with his bare hand while the player rounded the bases to the sound of everyone in your section cheering. Then you watched as Bradley toppled over the armrest and into the aisle with a look of elation mixed with terror on his face.
"He caught it!" Everett cheered, launching himself onto Bradley who was trying to sit up awkwardly on the stairs. But he smiled and hugged Everett, handing him the ball while he clenched and unclenched his hand. 
"Are you okay?" you asked, laughing as Bradley stood with Everett hanging onto him.
"Yeah, Kitten," he grunted, kissing your lips while everyone cheered. "Just gonna be a little sore. Damn, my hand hurts," he said, shaking it out again. The three of you were being featured on the big screen as they showed a replay of Bradley jumping up over and over again. 
"Dad of the year!" the guy across the aisle shouted to Bradley, and you couldn't stop smiling.
"Thanks, man," Bradley replied with a laugh as he sat down. Everett had Bradley in a headlock as he examined his souvenir baseball with wide eyes. 
"Wow," Everett said over and over again. "You're good at catching too, Coach."
"I'll teach you everything I know, kiddo." 
"That was insane," you whispered, and Bradley laughed. 
"I had to catch it. That was a once in a lifetime ball."
Everett was distracted by the end of the game as you leaned in close and pressed your lips to Bradley's. "I think I love you too, Coach."
Bradley hadn't stopped touching you for a single moment. He was a little sore from landing on his ass in the aisle, but he honestly couldn't remember a better day in recent memory. When the game ended in a victory for the Phillies, Everett hugged him tight, but Bradley kept his hand wrapped around yours. 
When Everett scrambled onto your lap for a hug, you asked him, "Do you want to come back for your birthday? We haven't seen the Pirates play yet."
"Yeah!" Everett cheered, clearly running on a Phillies high. But by the time the three of you were exiting the ballpark, Bradley scopped Everett up and carried him. All of the excitement of the day seemed to have the kid running on empty all of a sudden. When the three of you finally empied out into the parking lot with the rest of the crowd, Everett was mostly asleep in his arms. 
"He's wiped out," Bradley told you with a laugh. You had your hand wrapped around his waist, your fingers rubbing his side, and Bradley couldn't stop grinning. 
"All the excitement caught up to him." You took the keys from Bradley's pocket and went ahead to unlock the Bronco and open the back door. Bradley carefully deposited Everett into the booster seat and buckled him in as his eyes opened briefly. 
"I'm tired," Everett mumbled, and Bradley laughed as he kissed his forehead. "I know, kiddo. Love you." Then he closed the door and you were reaching for him in the shadows of the parking lot, pressing your body to his and kissing him just like he had become accustomed to. He had missed you so much.
He pushed you up against the back door of the Bronco, and you gasped as he sucked on your neck. Your body felt warm against the chill of the night air, and Bradley's hands found their way up inside your shirt. "Kitten," he moaned below your ear. You had one hand wrapped around his neck, and the other was pressing against the fly of his jeans. You could make him go insane. "Kitten, baby, I can't get enough of you."
"Take us home," you demanded. "And stay with me."
"God, yes," he agreed, and then you were climbing in the driver's door and crawling across the seat.
Best day ever! Good job, Coach! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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kaijuparfait · 21 days
long ramble of me going through the venom trailer because i am insane totally normal about it
this isn't anything professional, just me spouting out random words as i run around in circles like an excited dog-
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firstly... king please change your clothes its been years, why are you still wearing that exact same outfit???
BUT i am a sucker for the light going over and past Eddie as he walks, i just think it's so cool hehe,,
E: "You should probably know that I have a really dark and unpredictable side to me."
hmmm... i'll believe you. at first, it sounds like he's telling this to Venom, but I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie is telling this to someone else and this "dark and unpredictable side" is Venom.... Or he is telling this to Venom and Eddie just really wants to kill now which. I am ok with that, love that for them, they should be allowed to do what they want
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cleanly punching off the lock via the ~ Power of Friendship ~ (or something like that)
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not the dogs :( i'm assuming this is a place to hold dogs for like. dog fighting?? i think? which is terrible and those guys deserved to get their heads eaten!
E: "I'm giving you a chance, sweetie."
LET. EDDIE. KILL. everyone say thank you Tom Hardy for being Eddie cause WOAH i am. normal.
V: "Just say "when"." E: "...when."
WE'RE SO BACK its just like the "Mask!" "Copy." bit from the first movie omg we're so back, these two make me ill i love them sm
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also Eddie not even flinching at the knife, most likely Venom turning off the pain (or something) but I like to think Eddie's just cool like that (these close ups of Eddie's face makes me wanna do a study on him, just draw him a million times for the fun of it, and i will! Tom Hardy is a beautiful man!)
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either venom is fully acting as shoes or Eddie is wear the most busted up pair of crocs i have ever seen and both options are so great. either way- KICK! that guy is GONE you even see him slouched against the wall, surrounded by bricks in a later scene, Venom and Eddie are not messing around this movie!
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I- hhhhh. ok. I'm ok. Yeah these two are NOT messing around, Eddie could not care less about these dudes, there is no hesitating, no guilt, no fear in this man's expression AND I LOVE IT <333 GET ANGRY! GET SCARY!!!
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AND WE HAVE THE BOI. THERE HE IS!!! the roar sounds different too i think, it's very cool tho, feels like a shrill, higher pitch than i expected but i don't dislike it
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let the dogs be free! they immediately start attacking those guys and i love it <3 doggy :3
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AND EDDIE IS FIGHTING TOO WOOOOO i need to redraw all of these frame cause WHEW! making me blush with these shot compositions, so good. so much trust, Eddie knows Venom will keep him safe and jumps in! literally! i adore how Venom's head is following him too, it's so creepy, the way it just slithers through the air, I wish to send all my love to the teams who work on Venom, there are so many points from the trailer and the first 2 movies that I wanna dissect, just to point out all his little movements, very fun
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speaking of his little movements- squinty eyes :3 and the half venom, half eddie face again! always a win, forever iconic <3
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tearing apart this venom scene OK! the little tendrils by Eddie's face, the way they move around is so UGH its so weird and i adore it! This "pose" is also fun because we really get to see the inside of Venom's mouth, most importantly his teeeeeth, in a long, pretty still shot that isn't when his mouth is wide open, the artist in me is loving it
also the team always does an amazing job on just making Venom look alien- the thick veins, the shiny black skin, and the tendrils that are holding up the bad guy split apart, instead of being just one tentacle, very gross, but in a good way
E: "We.. are..-" V: "WE ARE VENOM!" E: "We.. are..-" V: "VENOM!!" E: "No.."
They share one braincell, holy fudge, I love symbrock fjdkslfjsdk
and Eddie just keeps trying! same tone, same level, and Venom is so excited
V: "Oh!"
(I also love these shots because we get a nice close up of how Venom's mouth moves when pronouncing words)
E: "Yeah.. We.." V: "We.." E + V: "are... Venom." E: "...We really need to work on that."
and they get there eventually lmao, the way they say it is so in sync, even the eye movements are the same, how they open wider, and THE VOICES hhhh the voices.,,.. Tom Hardy is such a good. voice actor? in this sense ig.. i am on the ground, pure joy with how Eddie and Venom's voices overlap here
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and Venom goes to town! lovely meal <3 getting a meal with the bf <3
I am LOOKING oh my goodness his mouth can open WIDE... normal feelings rn, yup, mhm!
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doggy :D dog friends :D also Eddie no shot you stole that guy's shoes lmao??? nice boots tho (as someone who wears cowboy boots often, i would love to see Eddie in a full outfit.. putting that in the drawing idea list...)
V: "DELICIOUS! You take me to all the finest places!"
see! dinner date! :3 I can just hear the smile on Venom, i love when he's happy
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and the world's most pathetic wet cat of a man (I say with the upmost affection) is back!
more proof that Eddie is never NOT sweating and that Tom Hardy's Eddie voice has the most confusing accent- i think he's saying
E: "Honey, I don't know."
but he could very well just be stuttering, or maybe he stopped midway and instead said "I need- I don't know." but i'm hoping they're at the point of pet names, go full comic, let Eddie call Venom "love" and "dear" and "my darling"
[Edit- thank you @.bridoesotherjunk for pointing out that he says "I need a Tylenol." i need better listening comprehension i guess??? lol?]
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i don't know 100% of the Venom lore, still have tons of comics to read, so i won't talk much about the potential storyline here but- 4 SYMBIOTES!! maybe maybe maybe the Life Foundation Symbiotes... these babies got some funky colors.. they already used the name Riot but these 4 could be Lasher, Phage, Scream and Agony if i pray hard enough, the colors don't match but i can dream!
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totally not emotional over this little bit of Venom that was left behind from that one after credits scene trying to bond with a host gently. yup yeah my heart isn't hurting at all!
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my favorite local cryptid, what a creature
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and he changed! finally! nice shirt tho, buttoned up only part way? the HAIR??? good stuff
fire seems to be a known weakness now, looking at the background, and i can't guess what they're looking up at, Eddie does speed up for it tho. I'm gonna say either a helicopter or something else they're gonna try and jump up to? Venom does go-
during this scene so maybe it's one of those Symbiotes from before? Who knows, I could guess a hundred things but idk
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Venom in the last bit and Eddie being just himself if the first portion of these clips show that these guys 100% know what they're doing and have some sort of device (shown in the right image) that is capable of doing some crazy damage to Venom! Which! Oh no!!! I enjoy fight scenes underwater tho (Looks at Godzilla), very hyped for this one, I really wanna see how Venom swims. Yeah that sounds a bit weird but like. no way he's swimming like a human, c'mon now
E: "We are living the dream, my friend V: "You mean it?!" E: "NO."
Can't get over Venom's delivery here, he sounds so genuinely, it made me laugh, especially to how exhausted Eddie sounds lmao
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LAS VEGAS??? y'all guessed right, they really are gonna get married in vegas,,
Eddie in a suit, HELLO??? my guy is looking snazzy! really tho, he looks so nice a suit, the BLACK AND WHITE suit? perfect. I saw people saying that they hope that Venom is the suit and just. me too..
MRS. CHEN RETURNS omg this cast are all so <333 she is GORGEOUS that dress is beautiful on her AND HER HAIR Mrs. Chen my beloved
Mrs. Chen sounds so happy to see Eddie, and Venom also very excitedly say hi, my heart is going to burst, it is overflowing, this part of the trailer makes me smile so much AND THEN THEY DANCE WITH EACH OTHER!!! I know it's called The Last Dance but I was not expecting a dance with Mrs. Chen??? I am more than ok with this tho, Venom and Mrs. Chen, dancing on the stairs, they look so happy, they're having such a good time i can't, my heart can't take this <3
AND LOOK HOW THEY HOLD HER HANDS.. they... they care about each other so much i'm going to cry in the theaters- no i'm gonna cry NOW.
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is that a xenophage i see??? that thing is HUGE HUH??? i fully understand Venom in this (side note, i ADORE how Venom goes "JESUS CHRIST" upon seeing this thing, the line delivery get's better every film, that was so genuine) this design is insane tho, i might spend some time doing a study on it
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Toxin is here! YIPPEE!!! love the voice, thought it was Venom for a second the first time i watch this but its pretty good
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I have no clue who the people are that are in this tower thing, I've seen a few theories but i ain't embarrassing myself by guessing wrong here lmao
(running out of image spaces sorry!)
in the clip of Venom walking into this lab (?) and then getting violently shot at, is it just me or does Venom seem small? I'm guessing the door is just really big but like. idk maybe i'm just mixing up my Venoms and thinking that he's not as big as I remember
really quick cut of what may be 2 more Symbiotes like the 4 from earlier? maybe they're the same and are just changing colors, maybe they're new, who knows! I love their colors tho, the one on the right (in the clip) looks like it's blue and pink and i think that's cute
Xenophage breaks into this lab, love that for her, she is still terrifying!
E: "We may not make it out of this alive, buddy."
haha what do you mean by that king?
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V: "Eddie... the time has come..."
HAHA PAUSE. uhm. he said the same thing last time at the end of Let There Be Carnage and Eddie didn't let him go but, istg, IF THEY DIE AT THE END OF THIS MOVIE. i know its the last of the trilogy BUT THEY DON'T NEED TO DIE, SONY, MARVEL, DON'T DO THIS TO ME. i am going cry violently at the writers... i don't think i will ever stop crying if they die at the end
they're in this busted up helicopter, already intriguing, but when it zooms in on Eddie's face, he's tearing up??? this movie is checking off every emotion, i need to remember to stay hydrated before i go see it, i will cry so much
I don't even think i'll be able to handle just one of them dying, the end of the first movie made me tear up the first time i saw it, and that was before i was as insane about them as i am now, i will be UNWELL in the theater
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And last but certainly not least. HORSE VENOM WOOOOOO
the design for this things is insane, i didn't think i'd ever wanna draw a horse in my life but like.. kinda changing my mind ngl (weird detail, Venom horse has hands and feet and not hooves!)
E: "Be honest with me, how fast do you think you can make that thing go, without killing it?" V: "..ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!"
Venom sounds a bit muffled in this clip which makes it a bit more funny to me, i won't lie. Eddie is hanging on FOR HIS LIFE THOUGH, geez i know he said "how fast" but Eddie gets LAUNCHED OFF VENOM when they go over that cliff. fun reference to the first movie, how Venom grabs onto Eddie as he flies up, like on the motorcycle <3
this horse scene has to be earlier on because Eddie is in The Outfit and is also not wearing shoes??? i refuse to believe he'd put it back on, and in the helicopter-"it is time" clip, Eddie is wearing that white shirt, which looks like the undershirt to the suit (maybe) so the Las Vegas scene happens before them running from the explosion/fire.
oh right, the song that's playing? Space Oddity by David Bowie? yeah it's about an astronaut dying along in space.... which... is not very comforting...
god this trailer makes me so hyped, October cannot come faster i need this movie NOW. please.
man the trailer is kinda confusing, i'm already making guesses on where things happen and what the context could be, but literally anything could happen in this film. there are so many things that just don't make sense yet and it's hurting my brain I JUST WANNA KNOW! are those new Symbiotes or not? What even is the plot? Will Eddie and Venom profess their love to each other? Will Sleeper be real? How many times will this movie make me cry? Only time will tell
...and it's only the first trailer! head so full of thoughts, heart so full of emotions!
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behidethetrees · 10 months
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IN WHICH… You’re ethans dream girl!
Pairing: Ethan landry x Fem! Reader
Contents: non-gf! Ethan, Reader is bffs with Tara and Anika <3, Chad is definitely Ethan’s biggest hypeman, This is set in the 2000s!!
THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! my blog got deleted so I have to re-upload all my fics :( but nonetheless enjoy!!
Ethan has had his eye on you for a while.
Since junior year of high school when you asked him for the algebra notes, he's been completely infatuated with you. He had daydreamed about you and everything he would do for you once you became his.
He was so sure you two would tie the knot soon that he started to plan your future together. He dreamed about having a big house with two cats, a good-paying job so he can spoil you, maybe even kids. But he couldn't have any of that if he hadn't talked to you yet.
he decided to take matters into his own hands, He was going to talk to you. He thought of all the different ways he would approach you But every time he tried, Once he got close enough to you, he would always back down because of how nervous you made him.
Ethan felt as if you were getting farther from him Until one day when you asked for the notes again…
"I- uhm, can tutor you if you want." Ethan blurts out
"tutor me? You think I'm stupid?" you said in that sickly sweet voice of yours which, at that moment, didn't feel all too sweet.
"NO!, oh God uhm-no that's not what I meant. I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that, It's just uh we have a test soon so I didn't know if-" Ethan started to ramble. He had fantasized about you for too long to let you slip away. He wasn't going to let it happen.
"I'm just fucking with you, here's my number." you laugh as you tear a piece of paper from your notebook and grab Ethan's pen from his hand.
Ethan was sure he was seeing hearts around his vision. Ethan had made YOU laugh, Ethan's heart was pumping out of his chest. As you handed him the paper, smiled, and thanked him he had to force himself not to kiss you right then and there.
Every tutor session ended with you two just talking and getting to know each other. Ethan studied you. he memorized what you liked, didn't like, your favorite foods, the shows you liked, everything you told him he would remember.
As you two became closer, Ethan became more and more devoted to you. You two went shopping? He’d carry your bags. Out for food? He’d pay. Simply walking towards a door? He’d hold the door open for you. You had started to consider Ethan a best friend and that made Ethan's stomach hurt with excitement.
When you introduced Ethan to the group, of course, Chad took a quick liking in him, So much so they're now roommates at Blackmore. Ethan would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of Chad at first. How close you guys were, how comfortable, How much trust you put in him, Everybody loved Chad and his personality, Chad had a higher chance of being with you than Him Ethan thought, and something about that made Ethan's jaw clench harder every time, But he would never admit this.
When you got that text from Ethan, Tara grabbed your pink flip phone and freaked out.
“Oh my god! y/n you HAVE to accept this!” Tara yelled as she grabbed your shoulders and shook you.
“Why this restaurant though? Why does he want to go that far out for food?” You said with too much obliviousness that it hurt everyone in the room.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Anika started “ He likes you! He's taking you to a fancy dinner to tell you, There's no other reason why he would want you to go that far out for a hamburger!”
“I don't think he does though, I think he likes that girl in our econ class” You said, The thought of that makes your heart hurt. You had liked ethan for awhile, He was so kind and attentive, If you asked him for help, He would be there in a heartbeat. He treated you with so much respect and gentleness you knew no one else could give you like he did.
“Jill? Are you kidding? You're so blind.” Tara says “Well he looks at her sometimes-” You start getting defensive.
“She sits in front of him Y/N. I promise you he doesn't like her, if he does he's an idiot!” Tara yells.
Anika agrees with a loud yeah!
“Whatever but I still don't think he likes me, we're just friends.” In your gut, you knew that was a lie but you kept telling yourself it wasn't.
“He has heart eyes every time he looks at you y/n. He's definitely in love with you.” Anika said, Tara laughs.
The whole afternoon Tara and Anika helped you get ready and pick out what to wear. You all decided on a y/f/c colored dress with some dark shoes. Tara straighten your hair and Anika did your nails and picked out your perfume.
“He's gonna be more in love with you than he already is!” Tara says, You laugh as Tara and Anika hug you.
Ethan was sitting in the booth of a fancy restaurant that was quite the drive from Blackmore. Chad had finally convinced Ethan to ask you out and when you agreed, Chad's plan was finally in motion. Ethan smelled like Chad's cologne and was dressed in expensive clothes Chad had brought him, a baby blue collared shirt with grey dress pants. Ethan's curls were somehow curlier and out of his face, he looked like a ‘million bucks’ according to Chad.
As you walk in you noticed a group of three sitting to the left of the entrance, All dressed in black, sunglasses, and their hair covering their faces, One of them looked like Anika, You almost laughed. What you didn't notice was Ethan's eyes going wide as he saw you walk in. How his blood started rushing and his heart was about to explode.
“Hey y/n!’ Ethan awkwardly gets up from his seat, He puts his hands on your waist to pull you into a hug.
“Hey Ethan.” you say as you lean into his touch, placing your arms around his neck. It was a short but an effective hug. You too, were now nervous.
As Ethan lets go, You exhale a breath you didn't know you were holding.
You sat across from Ethan and looked at the menu, but Ethan didn't. Ethan was looking at you. Admiring you. How focused you were, how your eyebrows moved up a bit if you saw something that looked good, how you played with your silver ring, taking it off and putting it back on your finger.
“ I think I want to try this, Ethan are you looking?” you ask as you move the menu to show Ethan, “ Are you okay?” You noticed Ethan was just staring down.
“I uhm, need to tell you something.” Ethan says softly. Was he really about to do this?
“Oh okay” Ethan saw you fidget with your ring again, He knew you were just as nervous as he was.
Ethan looked down at his hand to remember what to say- oh crap, Ethan's black ink was smudged from washing his hands. Ethan cursed himself in his head for being so dumb. Ethan breathed in deeply, trying not to panic. What was he supposed to say now?
Ethan picked up his head but avoided making eye contact with you, But you on the other hand were looking right into his hazel eyes that still somehow shined even in the dimed lights.
“I don't know if this is weird because we're friends and I don't want to make you uncomfortable,” Ethan starts, He knew this wasn't the best way to start but he didn't know what else to say. “If you don't feel the same that's okay, And if you don't want to be friends after this thats fine too-” Ethan is stalling.
“Ethan what are you saying?” You knew what was coming but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Its nothing bad! I just uhm, like you.” Ethan mumbles while scratching his face.
“What?” You heard him, You just wanted him to say it again.
“ I like you y/n, I've liked you for so long it's making me crazy.” Ethan's mouth begins to move faster than his brain. “ I've loved you ever since I've known you and- and I've tried to show you, The best days of my life revolve around you, it's always been you.” Ethan doesn't notice that you get up and start to walk to his side of the booth.
“ I’d do anything you want, I already do everything you want and I'm sorry if this is weird but your all I want-” You grab Ethan's hand from his lap as you sit next to him, Now he notices.
“Ethan how could i not like you? Youre like, the best person ive ever met.” You make sure he looks you in your eyes so he knows you really mean it.
“ You have so much kindness and patience and i admire that so much, You make me feel loved.” You say as you lean in to kiss him. Ethan was caught off guard but slowly he grabs your hips as you place your hand on the side of his arm. It was a long passionate kiss filled with years of yearning and love for each other.
As you began to pull away you see the same 3 weird people from the other table in front of you.
“Tara?!” It was Tara, Anika, and Chad dressed up, Anika Was recording.
“Is it official?” Tara asks with excitement. You and Ethan looked at each other before smiling and turning to the others and nodding.
Immediately Tara grabs you out of the booth and hugs you so tight you felt like you couldn't breathe, Anika also joining in. Chad and Ethan do their handshake they’ve practice for over a year, this time they perfected it.
“Dinner is on me!” Chad yells.
A/N; Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!
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rebouks · 5 months
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Hey Mat, Long time no see, or write, or anything really.. feel free to rip this letter to shreds if you feel like it, I wouldn’t blame you. I didn’t exactly plan on dipping like that and I’m sure you’re probably pissed, or were but if you somehow manage to get through this stupid thing, then thanks… I’m doing better, thankfully.. sorted my shit out, like you said, as much as I think I can anyway… I’ve been clean for a while now, bar a few mishaps but I guess I should know by now that fucking up is just a part of myself that I can’t really change. I always liked that about you guys though, how you never judged me for it, I’ve found some pretty neat people here too, for the most part. I kinda cut my parents off too, but I dunno if I feel bad about that or not yet, guess I’m still figuring it out. I might give em another chance but half of me expects nothing to change, so I dunno… I kinda miss the Bay n’ stuff sometimes too y’know? Maybe not the rain though.. but I think I got so used to leaving things behind I didn’t really think it’d be any different this time around, maybe I was wrong. I’m doing okay, I guess.. but there’s a piece of me that feels like maybe I left a part of myself behind too. That sounds a bit dramatic huh? I don’t even know why I’m telling you all this… I suppose I’ve kinda been letting myself think about the past recently, someone got into my head about using it to move ahead instead of running from it and like, the elephant in the room n’ all that? I’m grateful you talked some sense into me before I did something I might’ve regretted not that I would have I didn’t mean to put you in that position though and I’m sorry if you thought maybe it was your fault that I left, cos it wasn’t. So uh can’t believe I just wrote uh out but I just wanted to apologise for leaving the way I did, without saying anything, and I hope none of you hate me for it and I hope you’re doing okay, no, better than okay! I really hope you worked things out with the whole Pixie thing too, I still think that was amazing, what you did I think it’d be neat if you had a relationship with her. Sometimes I wonder if I helped at all hopefully she’s doing good, either way though cos whatever you decided was for the best, no doubt. This letter is a rambling mess, I know.. but hopefully it’s better than nothing you can burn it if you want Can you tell I flunked lang/lit? I skipped write a letter day too I guess, my bad hah.. never was any good with words, written or spoken, but I’m sure you remember that. Anyway, say hi to everyone for me if you want, but you don’t have to - especially Oscar & Courtney, they don’t know how much they helped me.. and lil Robin, but I bet he’s not so little anymore. I shouldn’t have waited so long but uh.. better late than never? Okay peace.. T x ps. I almost didn’t post this but someone practically dragged me to the post box and now I’m nervous at the thought of you reading it.. which I’ll bet you find pretty funny, which is why I told you I guess pps. I don’t expect you to write back so dw about it if you don’t
Pick you up at 12? x Can’t make it… Why not? I’m sick I already bought tickets! Do you want me to come over, nurse you back to health? ;) I’m good, take someone else x Fiiine, get some rest sweet cheeks xx
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pinkworldone · 9 months
When you like girls/boys that are short
Yandere(?) Genshin Impact x reader
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characters from:
part 1:
Mondstadt: Rosaria, Amber, Kaeya, Albedo
Liyue:, Shenhe, Xiangling, Zhongli, Xiao
part 2 will contain:
Inazuma: Ayato, Thoma, Gorou, Kazuha, Raiden Ei, Kuki Shinobu, Yae Miko
part 3
Sumeru: Tighnari, Cyno, Alhaitham, Dehya, Candace, Wanderer, Nilou, Kaveh
NOTES!!.: I still exploring Fontaine and the characters, so for now, I’m not writing for any Fontaine characters! Have a good day/afternoon or night, hope you like it! This is my first time writing in English.
Thank you, @nervousdelusionballoon, for letting me use the idea!!
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Rosaria was liking you for a very long time, she always watch you, saying that it’s for your protection, but she knows very well that isn’t for just protection.
Rosaria is a really quiet woman and many may consider her difficult to deal with, so your approach to her took a while, but it happened. You would go to Church almost every day to thank Barbatos and she would stay by your side or just watch you from afar, Rosaria don't believe in the Archons, however, if it meant staying close to you, having the slightest touches of your skin, she could accept that a bit,  always spelling the Archon' name wrong, which you complained about at first, but now you just accepted it and is happy with the company of your dear friend.
As a nun, Rosaria cannot get involved in certain personal relationships, even so, she seeks at least something more than friendship, just let her protect you, but don't have a relationship with anyone, okay? Rosaria has this kind of thinking, she doesn't stay with anyone and neither do you, they would just be friends... So, when you say you like someone, she just listens in silence, thinking about how to end that person. And if you said you like shorter men and women, she'll be freaking out inside, you said you found Albedo attractive! 
Rosaria felt strange, because she didn't trust him and also didn't want to see you with anyone. You also started to praise Amber quite often, which made her angry and hurt, was it because Amber believed in Barbatoes?! Was because of this? Did you want a devout person to the Archon?!
No, no, no! She will look for the deepest secrets and if she doesn't find anything compromising enough, she will stay by your side and invite you to the Church, after all, she needs to participate in certain activities and when she can't escape them, she always calls you to keep an eye on her. in you. Albedo and Amber have already realized how much Rosaria is by their side, especially, silently judging them and they feel that any wrong step or word would lead them to a not very good end.
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Kaeya is quite attentive when it comes to his sweetheart (but you still don't know that you are destined for him), always winning over and trying to flirt with you, giving you hints that he liked you and only you! Those nights at the bar weren't enough for you to realize?! Kaeya knew you were weak to drink and so he could take advantage of that. 
What shocked him was hearing that you thought Aether (or Lumine) and Albedo were cute just because they were shorter, he stopped drinking for a few seconds, listening to you ramble about how cute they were. This makes him angry, so all those days, months of flirting were useless because you liked shorter people!? 
Kaeya tried to smile for you, support you through it all, but it was difficult, he didn't want to share it and  he won't. Slowly moving you away from the "cute" or short guys, flirting in public so they know they don't have a chance, the smile getting bigger when they mention you two as a couple. 
“a cute couple” they say, making his smile bigger and you flustered, even Albedo and Amber noticed that…
everything is going according to plan.
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Shenhe wasn't a person fond of "humans", after all, she barely knew the concept of humanity and people didn't consider her as one either. So, being treated like a human and with so much affection, care and patience was a good experience. So good that she didn't want it to end. Hearing you say that you liked Xiangling for being shorter left her genuinely confused, she was conflicted as she didn't know how to react. Did she let you go or did she fight for that good feeling of kindness? Ant the bad thoughts began to fill her mind, did you like Xiangling because she was more human?
humanity is weird for her, so, the way she acts towards you is weird too.
Shenhe is strange towards any loving or more human sensation, so when the source of her jealousy appears, she wants to get rid of this evil so that she can become calmer and return to her normal, stoic state. But the moment you said you liked short people, she just didn't know what to do. Even if she got rid of them, there would always be someone else who caught her attention, and Shenhe can't change her own height. leaving her conflicted. In any case, Shenhe will remain by your side, she knows that she can be scary and that many may be afraid of her, so why not take advantage? So maybe you can see that height is not that important....
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His passion for you was so gentle and obvious by the unintentional touches, the way he always called you and stayed by your side, but you were oblivious to all of that. Maybe he was just a good friend and since you received some advice from Zhongli, you thought about saying your preference for a love interest.
He was interested, maybe he was your type? Maybe you liked him and that was an excuse to say you loved him? so cute! So, he heard that you liked Xiao, he just looked at you in silence, which might scare you at first. Zhongli was in shock, as long as you are happy, he repeated to himself several times. Zhongli started to ask what made you interested in Xiao, and when he heard that it was time, he realized that there was no way to get your heart that easily. Those hours, days, months of courting you weren't useful?!
No, no, no! He wanted to stay in that idea “as long as you’re happy”, but you can’t be happy without him! You can’t see it? He will make you see that he is perfect for you, Zhongli first told you that Xiao probably wasn't interested in anything romantic and when that doesn't work, he'll talk to Xiao about you, asking him not to accept you. Zhongli had made you more and more dependent on him. Acting more and more like a "charming prince", even if he is eliminating the rivals.
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2hoothoots · 1 month
So I was going through your blog (again) and found some of your stuff mentions fsau Raz having ADHD, as somebody with adhd I’m intrigued, may I have some of those headcanons (canons??) related to that? Also, I would give “a penny for your thoughts” but I’m out of pennies, so here’s various images of a drawing of ur blorbo I put next to my animals, note that a rock had to be added in one picture to keep him from flying away (BONUS: his now permanent place with the wifi guardian frog)
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NOTHING brings me more joy than seeing physical drawings of these guys, like, out and about. in situations. thank you for this gift, and ALSO for the great ask because it's a perfect chance to ramble
so first of all, canon Raz having ADHD is very real to me. he's constantly fidgeting and moving around, getting distracted by sidequests and scavenger hunt objectives, always talking to himself out loud, gotta write everything down so he remembers it because there's so much to DO!, running away from home because his dad yelled at him one time and now Raz assumes he must hate him forever... i could go on, but i think there's a lot of room for interpretation there!
in my headcanon, he never got diagnosed as a kid. maybe there were some notes about it in his reports each year, sure - but a little hyperactivity and distractability never seemed to slow him down. he excelled in lessons and on missions, and when he was with his family their performances gave him something to focus that energy into. it was only really when he turned 18 and graduated to a full agent that the cracks started to show.
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because there's a big difference between the responsibilities you have as a minor, and the responsibilities you have as an 18-year-old living away from home! one who's expected to cook and clean for themselves, and take care of adult life stuff, and also work the 9-to-5 office job he's just graduated into that involves sitting in front of a computer and write reports all day.
short-term, he found he could get himself to power through a deadline with energy drinks and psi-pops (a lot of psi-pops...)
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long-term, something had to give. he was working himself to exhaustion, constantly stressed, swinging between days spent staring at his computer screen doing nothing and all-nighters desperately trying to finish his paperwork before the deadline. it just didn't make any sense to him. he'd finally started his job as a Psychonaut, he was living independently like he'd always dreamed, he'd gotten top surgery after planning it for so long. he should have everything he ever wanted. why wasn't he happy?
following a deep post-surgical depression, about a month before his 19th birthday Raz was living out of his car, couch-surfing or sleeping in his office. he got kicked out of his apartment after falling behind on bills and rent. it wasn't that he didn't have the money, it was all just too much for him to stay on top of.
he'd probably have stayed in that misery hole for a lot longer if Frazie hadn't marched into his life and demanded he let her help him move into a new place, or she was telling mom that he was homeless. together, they sorted through all of his possessions from the last place - everything that had been hastily shoved in his car, or tossed in a box in his office, piled in a heap that was giving him anxiety even looking at it.
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things do get better for him from there.
when he eventually explains things to Hollis, she gently suggests that he should get a roommate. he ends up moving in with Phoebe, and they become pretty good friends after a couple months! something about having another person around to help do the chores and wash the dishes and share the space helps, even if it takes him a while to admit it.
he gets his ADHD diagnosis, and finding the exact right medication and dose is a journey he's still on years later - but they're a huge help in getting him to actually knuckle down and finish his work on time. and the whole thing ends up being a chance for him to take a step back and really think about what he wants to do with his life. he'd always assumed that being a Psychonaut was his dream, but he'd never really reckoned with what that dream would look like before.
in the end, he sticks with it, but also decides to follow Lili's example in branching out. he applies to study a part-time Bachelor's in Psychology on a remote course, and gets accepted. juggling missions and paperwork and study and relationships (because the whole thing made him realise he also wasn't setting aside any time for himself, and wow, dating is a thing) is a lot - but he manages to figure it out, day by day.
(Lili comes back to the Psychonauts after graduating. she and Raz have both changed a lot over those four years, but on their first mission together they hit it off like a house on fire - and the rest is history!)
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
A while ago you said in a post that Ace’s isolation seems to come from how he values Yuu and Deuce’s friendship more and I think you perfectly worded how I feel. I would like to hear more about it if you have more to say!
Like yeah he’s a very friendly and outgoing guy. He can easily make friends/acquaintances but there’s also a clear line between those friends and where Deuce Yuu and Grim stands.
He gets along really well with his seniors as seen by his relationships with the basketball club, Playful Land and hell I bet this new event will prove that too. But it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Among the first years, he doesn’t seem to be as close to them as Deuce is. Like Deuce and Epel have this whole bond going on because of Chapter 5, Deuce and Jack are in the same club etc. Ace is kind to his fellow first years and helps them out like in Fairy Gala If with Ortho but again there’s this divide. Everyone knows it’s Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim as the group.
Multiple people have mentioned how those 4 are constantly together and how it’s rare to see one without the other and I think that’s really important when you take into consideration on how Ace literally ditched his last girlfriend because they were too different in terms of taste (well there’s more to unpack with that but that’s not what I’m here to talk about). Quality time is hugely important with Ace in my opinion, he wouldn’t hang out with people he hates and seeing the amount of time he spends time with those three and how the game makes an active effort to make us pay attention to it tells us that yeah Ace definitely values his friendship with Deuce, Yuu and Grim more than the others and why Ace feels so separated from the other first years at times.
He also tends to keep people at arms length because of his inability to really express affection towards his friends so it just comes across as him being snarky and mean when that’s really not the case. This also does show with Deuce Yuu and Grim yet goes to help them whenever he gets the chance, buys gifts for them, spends time with them etc. Like bro his actions tell otherwise it’s so funny he’s like a tsundere.
I think his exterior kind of makes it hard to people to really get close to him and I think he purposely does that, so to see him have obvious bias towards a group of people is really important.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
I would like to thank the aceyuu community for their continued dedication to putting deeply insightful character analysis in my inbox. I love you all so very much. I also love your icon very much, Gen 5 best pokemon (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
it gives me more of a vibe of a younger kid endearingly annoying his older classmates than friendship.
Yes very much this. Ace is the baby of his family, and there seems to be a decent age gap between him and his brother. He repeatedly talks about wanting to be like his seniors, and Jamil mentions at least once he is generally respectful towards them. His level up lines imply he wants to try challenging Riddle again, but it seems less because he disrespects him and wants to be dorm leader and more because he wants to prove he's gotten stronger.
Friend groups
So I have been thinking since the first and second time we talked about this trying to pick out who exactly Ace's friend group even is outside of Yuu and Deuce and ??? Deuce knew who Epel was before you properly met and he and Jack do seem to get along pretty well but Ace? I feel like maybe the intention might be to have him be closer to Ortho and Sebek, which sort of makes sense. They're all the youngest in their families and look up to their seniors to varying degrees but still. Ace specifically, like you said, is literally always around either Yuu or Deuce. In Idia's lab wear vignette Ace literally stays over alone with Yuu to watch horror movies and sends Grim to get the drinks alone 💀 like sir? Hello? And he implies he's done this more than once??? I like the idea of quality time being important to Ace, he says the most important thing for him in a partner is someone you have fun with and like being around so yeah. That makes sense for him.
I think back on how Ace initially interacted with Yuu and Deuce and, while at first I was a bit hesitant to say Ace keeps people at arms length, but you can literally see him doing that in the prologue. He's a brat towards people his own age, and while I imagine he has always been super popular to a degree I don't know if I can see him ever having had as deep of a friendship with anyone as he has Yuu and Deuce. I'm not sure if I would say he does it on purpose 100% of the time, but his Suitor Suit vignette does seem to imply he does it when he feels particularly embarrassed by something. He isn't just like a tsundere, he is one and honestly I was not expecting to like him as much as I do because tsundere isn't really one of my favorite tropes.
Gotta admire his loyalty, once you’ve proven yourself he’s sticking with you for the rest of his life. Sorry for rambling but uh yeah your response gave me thoughts.
Never apologize for rambling, it is the last thing I will ever take issue with and that goes for anyone in my inbox.
I hard agree. Ace's loyalty to Deuce, Yuu, and Grim should scare anyone trying to mess with them. I am waiting with baited breath for Grim overblot he is just going to pop off I JUST KNOW IT PLEASE YANA PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE
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itslusii · 1 year
hello!, good afternoon/evening 😸🫶, I would like to make a request for Carlos Sainz, a headcanons about a relationship with him, something like Pedri's, yes! I am the one who made the request for Pedri, thank you very much, I really love what you write, while I read it a silly smile appears on my face 😿💗
Dating Carlos Sainz ❤️
Pairing: Carlos Sainz Jr x Reader
Warnings: nope
Author’s Note: Hi love 💕 Thank you so so much for this! I enjoyed writing this one and i tried adding a few other things to make it longer! Hope you enjoy this one as well 💗Also the amount of times i tried putting the stupid photos together, it’s embarrassing but i just couldn’t do it so no photo this time :(((
-Carlos Sainz is a family guy. That is very clear and i think we all know it, he will love that you and his family get along really well. You and his sisters, his mum, his father. Everyone.
-You have to know that Carlos won’t always be there due to his job so communication is something big in the relationship. Such as Good Morning texts, asking you if slept well, also loves to facetime you at night and ask you about your day. If you guys fight it’s probably because of lack of communication and distance.
-He is not someone that will go and be affectionate in public. He will not, he just doesn’t feel comfortable with it and it’s totally fine! But in private homeboy is all over you. Like literally, he will not even let you go to the bathroom or if you are cooking he is sitting there just looking at your face. He is in love.
-Carlos has godly lips so he must know what he’s doing with them ;) Such as forehead kisses, cheek kisses, hands, shoulders, nose, ears. Everywhere. He is OBSESSED with kissing you and every chance he gets to do it he’ll take it.
-Carlos is someone that adores animals, Piñon (his dog) is the most precious thing he has so it is a requirement to love Piñon. He is included in the Carlos Sainz Pack. And if you have any dogs or cats or whatever he will gladly introduce them to Piñon.
-This man loves gossip, he lives for it. Anything you know about the people that surround both of you he’ll soak it up like a sponge. And if he has the tea he’ll sit you down and tell you everything.
-Carlos is someone really involved in working, like i already said he will be away a majority of time so if you have any hobby or you play any sport or anything you are like dedicated to, he will do everything in his will to at-least watch it on his phone. If he is there in the moment he’ll look like a proud mom taking photos and videos all the time. (i love this man please)
-Lazy mornings are his thing, if he went to bed late due to work he will expect for you to sleep in a little later so that both of you can enjoy the morning together.
-Is open for anything new, like if you cook something that is from your country he will try it and if he likes it, will most likely to learn how to cook it for future night dates :)
-Carlos is a happy person and is happy that you are in his life. And if you are happy, he is happy but if you are not he’ll try to comfort you by talking to you, cuddling, listening to you ramble, etc. He grew up around women so he probably is good at listening and giving advice.
-Loves music, any song that he reminds him of you he’ll add it to shared playlist that you both listen while being in the car.
-Which takes me to the driving part. As a Formula 1 driver you must think he is tired of driving, well not. He loves going to his family country side house and spending his free time there with you. Drinking wine, playing soft music, cooking, movies, board games.
-Overall Carlos is a really sweet man and will probably want to be in your life for a long time💘
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pepsiboyy · 4 months
beyond the contract - part 2
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
pairing: matt sturniolo x reader summary: where the sturniolo triplets are part of an organization known as the eclipse alliance, matt has constantly failed to pull through with pulling the trigger on a target. fed up, their boss gives matt one last chance, where he is sent to northside high school to get some answers out of a girl. warnings: mentions of weapons (guns), blood, and cursing!! author's note: hiii part one is doing kind of good so i guess its time to write part two !! <3 WC: 1974 lowercase intentional !!
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"class, today we have a new student."
my eyebrows furrowed as i examined the new boy. he was very clearly nervous, and i could tell he had a bit of a hard time talking to the class.
"hi, i'm matt," he breathed and took in a sharp breath. i smiled softly at him as i sat up in my seat. i already knew where this was going.
"psst," i whispered, causing the brunette to turn in my direction. "here," i mouthed, pointing at the seat beside me. this kid had to sit down eventually or else the teacher would dig into his life story in front of the entire class.
once he set down his things, he turned to me and whispered a soft, "thanks," before he took out some things.
i smiled softly as i looked at him. this guy was stunning, probably one of the most beautiful guys i had ever laid eyes on. in the least weird way possible. or something.
"no problem, she rambles anyways. needed to get you outta there as soon as i could," i mumbled back and chuckled, shooting him a soft smile. i held out my hand as i watched his eyes scan the room. was he looking for someone? i shrugged it off when he moved to shake my hand back, and i shook his hand firmly. "name's y/n."
matt smiled at me and nodded quickly and pulled his hand back to his lap. "nice to meet you, y/n. your name's pretty."
i felt my cheeks heat up, but played it off and thanked him with a soft smile.
i took a few steps towards my front door before pushing the door opened and turning towards my dad, who was sitting in the living room and reading. he shut the book at the sound of the door opening, and i smiled softly. "i'm home, dad."
he immediately stood up and smiled, making his way to the kitchen. "hey, kiddo. how was school?" he whispered as he began to wash the dishes in the sink.
"good, there was a new kid so i showed him around throughout the day.." i trailed off as i began collecting my things. "anyways, i'm going upstairs to do homework." i smiled at my dad before giving him a soft side hug and heading upstairs.
after some time of doing homework, my mind felt like it was trailing off severely. i had gotten hardly any work done. my dad had gone off to work, so i had the house to myself. with a soft hum, i carefully slid my phone out from my pocket and pulled up the newest contact created, matt.
i stared at it for about five minutes before finally composing a message, typing and reading it out loud to myself before backspacing. this repeated several times before i read it out to myself again.
"hey matt, glad i met you today... i hope that today was an alright first day, and i could be of some help. see you tomorrow." i took in a soft breath and hit send before quickly shutting off my phone and setting it on the side of my bed.
for some reason, matt made me super nervous. in the best way possible. he seems like he keeps to himself, and someone who doesn't open up much. yet, that makes him so intriguing. i found myself thinking about him many times throughout the day, and to add on top of it, he's pretty cute too.
living alone with my dad was always something, especially since he was always out on a business trip. he works in an office, and while i try to visit him sometimes, he tells me he's busy that day. and the next. and the next week. month. year. so i stopped trying. he never really talked with me in general other than asking me how my day is going.
my mom is out of the picture. she left us when i was about eight years old, and i never got to find out why. dad talks about her a lot though, and how beneficial she was to him overall. he really loved her.
i guess matt reminds me of my dad in a way, being so mysterious. but what can i say, i met him just today.
i sighed and turned to the clock, groaning as i read the time.
"hey," i breathed, looking at matt and smiling at him. we had both sat down fairly early before class.
matt turned to me and smiled softly before going back to his phone and scrolling through instagram.
i scrunched up my nose, blinking a few times as i looked down at my finished homework and back at him.
"how was... your night?"
matt shrugged in response, and i bit my lip. was he upset about something?
"did you get my text last night? i was worried i sent it to the wrong number."
wrong. i knew it was his number, but i wanted to know if he had at least read it.
"oh, sorry, i must have opened it on accident." matt mumbled before going back to what he was doing.
my face fell as i stared at him in disbelief. "right," i replied, before turning my head to the front of the classroom.
class came to an end, and i turned to matt. he hadn't spoken to me the entirety of class, and i was beginning to wonder if something was wrong. maybe he was having second thoughts about coming to this school?
"hey," i muttered, putting a hand on matt's shoulder as he began to walk away. he stopped in his tracks and looked down before taking a very visible breath. i bit my lip before i removed my hand. "can you talk to me? is something up?"
matt turned around slowly and looked at me, his bright blue eyes making contact with mine.
that was another thing about him i couldn't stop thinking about. his eyes.
"yeah, sorry. i just have had a lot on my mind," he responded before taking a deep breath and smiling at me.
"i understand. did you want me to go over some of the missing work with you after school?" i questioned, looking at him with a soft smile.
"oh, yeah sure that might be... good," matt breathed, looking away and rubbing his neck. "is your place cool? mine is kind of... a mess. or any place. it doesn't have to be yours-" he rambled, but i cut him off with a soft chuckle.
"my place is fine. my dad won't be home, so.." i trailed off before my cheeks turned pink. "sorry, i mean that in the least weird way possible." i chuckled nervously, and matt nodded with a shy smile.
"right." he breathed before he turned to begin walking to our next class.
i sat on the couch in my living room, staring at my wall as i waited for the doorbell. i had deep cleaned my house, and to be honest, i still felt like it was a mess. the idea that this new boy who i had known for a day and a half was coming to my house, not to mention he was incredibly attractive.
ding dong.
i shot up from the couch and booked it to the door, quickly opening it and chuckling softly. "heyy," i breathed, smiling as i stepped back for matt to come inside.
with a few steps, matt made his way through the door and smiled softly. "nice house you have here," he mumbled before he tried to hold in a laugh. "sorry, not to be weird. i just.. think it's nice? i don't know.." he trailed off.
i could tell he had mentally facepalmed and i shrugged before making my way up the stairs to my room with him. "my schoolwork and everything is up here, we can work on it all in here." i smiled as i pushed the door open to the room.
it was a quiet and simple room, one with white and beige walls with hints of greens and browns. there's some posters of my favorite bands and shows, but not too many to where it looks like clutter. i carefully took a seat on the end of my bed and turned my head to matt, who was standing awkwardly in the doorway.
i chuckled and waved him in. "you're welcome in, you know." i smiled.
his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink as he chuckled and moved forward to carefully sit beside me, a generous amount of room between us two.
"should i put some music on?" i questioned as i stood up and connected my phone to the small speaker on my nightstand.
matt shrugged and played with his fingers for a few minutes before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a few books.
i watched him for a moment before i mentally slapped myself.
right, we're studying.
i put on some hotel ugly on shuffle, and matt's head shot up as he looked at me with a shocked look. "i love hotel ugly," he breathed, and i chuckled softly, sitting back down.
"i picked them up more recently, their music is really soothing and.." i trailed off as i looked at my hands and shrugged. "sorry, i'm rambling." i smiled as i pulled out my own books and materials.
matt stared at me as we studied. a lot. and every time i turned to catch him, he would clear his throat and look away.
"can i get you something to drink?" i asked as i stood up, rubbing the back of my head and stretching softly. "we have water, orange and apple juice, root b-"
"i'll take that," he interrupted, smiling warmly, "the root beer."
i chuckled and nodded before heading out of my room and to the fridge. with a soft hum to myself, i carefully grabbed him and i both a can of root beer.
my mind wandered. matt seemed like somebody who kept to himself, but i could tell that with time, he would open up. with that thought, i made my way back up the stairs.
"i got your root beer," i chuckled and turned to matt, who was standing by my dresser and looking at the different famed pictures.
i carefully set the cans down on my nightstand and made my way over to him, blinking. "you okay?" i asked, looking at him.
"why are you alone in all of your pictures here?" he asked, turning to me, and i blinked a few times before shrugging.
"well, my mom is out of the picture, and my dad usually takes the pictures." i shrugged and took a seat back down on the side of the bed, taking our root beers and handing him his before opening mine and taking a sip.
"can i ask what happened to your mom?" he asked, taking a seat beside me and opening his root beer as well.
i smiled sadly as i looked in front of me blankly. "uhh, she walked out on me and my dad when i was about... i wanna say eight?" i shrugged. "it's always been me and my dad, but we only talk once a day, honestly. he's busy with work, and i respect that." i smiled and hummed.
matt listened to me and nodded, humming softly through each statement.
a few moments go by and matt lets out a deep sigh, standing up and stretching. "wanna get out of here?" he questioned, smiling softly.
i blinked a few times and stood up as well, smiling back. "i mean... sure? where are you thinking of going?"
matt chuckled and began walking, motioning me to follow him.
"i know a spot."
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I HOPE THIS WAS FREAKING AWESOME pls let me know what you guys think!!! i took a bit of a break off tumblr and whatnot for a break graaah and comment to be added to taglist!! taglist;; @star-saturn-xx @sturniolo-girl @p1xieswrld
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latibvles · 4 days
'a kiss attempting to convince the other party to stay' viv x bucky 🙏
didn't mean to beat them with the angst bat but alas . anyways discussions of grief in this one and bucky is HAMMEREEEED he's done-zo. viv being a normal amount of upset over the fact that she's extremely down bad but won't admit it. ohh someone save bucky from his bad coping mechanisms.
It could be worse, Viv reminds herself, it could be raining.
Bucky was well-behaved in the passenger’s seat of the jeep, and Buck took one of the bikes to get to the mess to grab a bucket. Bucky seemed to be happy to follow her so long as he got to half-drape himself over her like this. She really isn’t built to support the weight of a 6’2” man, but she’s damned if she doesn’t try.
He’s really feeling it today, is what goes unsaid between Buck and herself. Sometimes there are just losses that… set people off. It doesn’t always have to be ninety men in an afternoon. Sometimes it’s just one crew, one fort, one person, and there’s a new crack in the armor. She didn’t get around to asking him about what it might’ve been.
Viv knows how loose-lipped Bucky can be when he’s like this, but she’s not in the means of taking advantage. She’ll take the chance when he’s sober.
“Y’know… you’re really somethin’ Viv,” he murmurs into her hair as she opens the door with her foot.
“So you’ve said.”
“M’not just sayin’ it,” Bucky drags out. He stumbles on entry. “You’re just real special, y’know?”
“Mhm. Thanks Bucky.” Really she’s just focused on getting him in the door. She’s not trying to be dismissive. It’s just… late. And she’s tired and worried and unable to ask the questions she could get away with if he was sober. Luckily the few men in the hut are asleep, and Viv knows enough about drunk men to know several of the guys in these racks are likely knocked out cold.
She won’t be loud, but she doesn’t have to worry about being silent.
Bucky’s cheek is pressed into the top of her head, muttering nonsensical sweet nothings into her hair as he stumbles towards his cot. It squeaks with the weight of him laying down, and she could leave him there, logically, but she doesn’t do anything half-assed.
Viv sits on the end of the cot, puts his heavy leg in her lap and starts undoing one of his boots.
“Tryna get me outta my clothes?” He teases as Viv yanks the boot off and sets it aside.
“Trying to get you into bed.” He’ll really be feeling this tomorrow. That much is undeniable. He might not complain, but he’ll definitely feel it. She takes his other leg and does the same thing: removing the boot and then she sets the pair right by his cot. She has to get up to undo the zipper of his jacket, looming over him as he stares up at her. The one lamp she’s turned on isn’t enough to light up the blue of his eyes, but he’s smiling as he squirms, trying to aid her even in his current state.
Viv wishes he wouldn’t look at her so softly when she does this for him. She’d almost prefer him nonsensical, rambling about things she couldn’t comprehend, the way that most drunk men she’d known would do. Instead, he laid his affection on thick and saccharine sweet — it made her want to crawl out of her skin, that unapologetic intimacy he offered in such a state.
Not out of resentment, no, but it was harder to wave this earnestness off as a joke.
Bucky won’t remember this tomorrow and that’s the one comfort she has. She pats his chest twice, gives him a smile and a nod. She shouldn’t linger here too long. Buck could handle the rest of this and it didn’t look like he was going anywhere.
“Told you I’d tuck you in.”
“Mmmhmm, you’re sweet like that.” He mutters, and Viv is straightening up to walk away, but she doesn’t really get the chance.
His hand goes to latch onto her wrist. It didn’t hurt, but she wasn’t expecting it. He shifts onto his side, tugging at her arm a bit, and Viv bites the inside of her cheek hard as he brings her wrist lazily to his lips. Right over her hammering pulse, his lips brush against it — ghostlike, but still, it burned. Viv’s tasting iron in her mouth, wondering if he can feel the all-at-once way her pulse has quickened, hammering against the spot where he’d kissed her. He looks up at her then and she swallows the trembling breath she wants to take.
“C’mere,” Bucky mutters, drunk and foolish. Viv kind of hates him for the grip he has on her. She hates the seat she takes on the side of his cot after a third, insistent tug. She’s grateful that he doesn’t pull her into his body or something — his stupor makes him clingy in all the ways that kill her. She shouldn’t be here. He kisses her wrist again, searing his mark into her skin to scar her for days. “Want you… t’stay,” he mutters, voice half-muffled by his pillow.
Viv wishes he didn’t say that. She breathes out, reaching to push some of the curls from his forehead.
“Mhm. I’m staying,” she mutters. It’s not a lie. Not really. Buck will come back in ten minutes and none of them will talk about this tomorrow. Bucky won’t even remember this part. But he’ll remember his bad morning and the bucket from the mess placed strategically by his cot to save him from making a mess of himself. “Should go to sleep though, it’s late,” her feeble attempt to coax him into it falls upon deaf ears. He’s staring at her intently, his thumb rubbing over the spot that he’d kissed.
“You’re g’nna do… a real number on me,” Bucky mutters, looking over her with cloudy drunken eyes. Viv’s brows furrow, her lips tugging into a frown — she’s asking the question before she can stop herself from asking it.
“What’re you talking about?” Bucky, who’s been looking over every feature of her face, looks back into her eyes again.
“When y’go…” There’s a resignation there, a commitment to grieving her, and a lump forms in her throat. If he weren’t so out of it, she’d tell him not to say that. That she isn’t going anywhere; not like that anyway. But that’s what everybody said, wasn’t it? Even if they didn’t wholly believe it? What they faced in the air was indiscriminate and deadly. It did not care for promises, or people waiting on the ground, or the witnesses in the other forts who would have to log your death if it did happen.
Still, the idea that he’s already decided he’d lose her makes her want to grab him by his shoulders and shake the thought from his inebriated mind until it dissolved into thin air.
“Not gonna get over it.” He mutters frankly. It squeezes at Viv’s heart like a snake wrapping around her throat, strangling her beyond words. Goddammit Bucky, her free hand balls into a fist. What the hell do you want me to say to that? Trying to come up with something he’ll believe feels near impossible — the type of thing they would’ve laughed about if the situation weren’t so dire. How you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.
Viv reaches up with her free hand to let her fingers graze the warm skin of his cheek, giving him what she hopes is something of a reassuring smile. Something to dissuade him from these thoughts and her own terrifying truth: that she might not get over losing him either.
“Already told you I’m staying, didn’t I?” she chides, letting her thumb sweep over a cheekbone, watching his face tilt into the touch. It’s sickeningly domestic in a way she’s only ever heard other people talk about. If he were any other man she might’ve resented him for putting her in this position — to soothe and assure him of her presence, to hold onto him like this to keep him from diving into the deep end. She doesn’t. That’s scary.
He opens his mouth but the door opens, and Viv recognizes Buck’s silhouette as he makes his way towards them. His expression shifts to one of immediate concern. She assumes the agony’s apparent on her face as she pulls herself away, giving him a tight-lipped smile and a clap on the shoulder.
“I got his boots and jacket off, the rest is up to you Major,” Viv offers, and prays to God no one asks her any questions tomorrow as she bids them both a goodnight.
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
My beloved cutie mooties🥺🖤
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(edited 12.05.24)
Niki, my beautiful sunshine, I'm so grateful to have you through thick and thin. I'm still convinced you're cute and idc whether you accept that or not. I love talking to you and you're one of the kindest people I know (unless you yell at me you meanie...joking obviously, chill guys😂🖤) I'll always be there for you...also pls stop spending so much money on me cutie😭 Keep shining sunny bunny...love you, pretty girl🖤
my beloved (not so silent anymore) bestie, i love our shared European confusion and confusing the others together in return. you're such a cute little kitty and we all know u love being called cute so...you're very cute, deal with it🤭I love our shared stupidity whenever we talk about the boys and seriously, every time you send me your part for the rambles I'd drop to my knees and pay for it bc holy shit. I'll always be there if you need me, keep fighting lovey. love you unnie🖤
azzy, I'm so proud of slowly pulling you a little from the shadows you were hiding in😂 also...idk how I managed to do so, but I'm still laughing about achieving most of your tumblr milestones😭 i love sharing requests with you, working out ideas or simply do as you said and write what my brain couldn't figure out. thank you for always being there for me and sharing your brilliant brain with me, co-writer🤭 also it's such a bummer we live so far away bc after what we talked about so far I know you'd be the best cuddle buddy🥺 love you azzy my cutest little thing🖤
🖤@jinnie-ret 🖤
jinnie my dear, even though we haven't talked that much so far, I always love it when we get the chance🤭 can't wait to get to know you better as well and I'm already so excited for that fic👀looveeee your writing sm🖤
you're my newest mootie and I love you so much already it's ridiculous (niki can confirm that🥹) you're always so sweet and you literally outshine every fic with your loving reblogs and comments (I'm just too speechless to answer properly, I really love them🥺) so yeah, that's why you got the tag "the cutest" 🤭🖤
Ash. my dear, we don't have that much time to talk usually because you're either working or I'm asleep (a rarity but still). Nevertheless, you have a special place in my heart by now and I'm thankful for your presence in my life. I know who to text if I need someone to kick ass. Your reblogs make me smile like some idiot every time, thank you so much for appreciating my lil dummy ideas so much. love you mama wolf🖤
Miu, babyy, I've made you cry way too often with stuff like this—my bad. I know it's not always easy, but you're one of the kindest people I know, and I love that I have someone with whom I can talk in my native language for once. You're a sweetheart and thank you for always being there for me. I still plan to meet you one day hehe. Long story short, you're amazing, don't let anyone else try to make you believe anything less than that. Bin immer für dich da🖤
heyy mimi, we haven't talked much so far...sometimes accidentally when you mistook my icon for niki's I hope that's easier now😂😉 you seem like such a kind soul and I hope we'll get closer over time (no rush dear!) I'm happy over each of your reblogs, especially after you told us you're too shy to do so sometimes. I really appreciate it, you cutie🖤
I always loved seeing you pop up in my notifications with your sweet comments. I already think you're a sweetheart, I know we haven't talked that much yet. Still, I loved prereading your fics and getting a glimpse into your genius brain. Don't give up writing as long as you have fun with it, because you're truly amazing at it🖤
You've been around on my prior blog already and still my stupid brain didn't realize you've changed usernames for so long😭😂 I always look forward to your excited comments and reblogs, they're truly a boost of motiviation ngl. Hope to have you around for a long time🤭🖤
Your excitement for that Minchan series made me think about writing bonus chapters for the first time in months. I really love seeing how you get so invested in some of the stories, which makes me want to do better hehe. Also...omg...I'm still thinking about that one fic you wrote a while ago🫠 I'm excited to see what's next and hope we'll get the chance to maybe talk some more🖤
Without giving away too much, your brain is amazing. I love your requests so much and you're always so kind when I get back to you to make sure I get everything right. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about certain topics and stuff I haven't so far🖤
love, love, loveee your blog (for obvious inspirational reasons😉) you seemed like a very sweet soul whenever we talked before and I'll always be there if you need someone to talk, even about the most random bullshit😂🖤
You're such a lovely person, I can't even put it into words properly. Your writing is beautiful and I'm still in love with that stargazing fic with Channie😭 always love talking to you and seeing your comments🖤
I've told you so before, I wanna kiss your brain so bad sometimes. The stuff you come up with for me to write is brilliant. I can't wait to finish more of your requests and share ideas as soon as possible! Love you hehe🖤
Heyy sweetie, I love seeing you in my notes and I swear I'll get that Minchan x Hyunjin thing done for you!! Thank you for all the love, dear🖤
The amount of times I made you choke back tears at work is...concerning and I'm so sorry, I don't do it on purpose, I swear😭😂 your reblogs are always so genuine and make me feel like I did exactly what I wanted to with the fic in question. I appreciate your words so much, thank you!
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elliezlils11utt · 5 months
Hiii, first of all, idk if you take requests, but I loved the fic that you did w ellie (the bad idea! One w a girl in red song), so I was wondering if you could do another fic with ellie, but this time based on "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl in red?
A/N: Hi Hi annon! so first of all I do take requests & Your my first one! Also THANK YOUU????? that fic was so rushed omg. and I love girl in red sm so when i tell u I ran to write this. Also I think that how I view this song and how other people view it is kinda different, so just bare with me on this one. (I pulled this idea outa my ass.)
"I wanna be your girlfriend"- Girl in red. (E.W)
content: You walk your crush home after hanging out with friends. Should you tell her how you feel? or did someone beat you to it? (based off of "I wanna be your girlfriend - Girl in red.)
song link: https://open.spotify.com/track/5PjdC2gMATetx5xdnwGUu7?si=eba1439d3ffd490e
warnings: sfw! none really. loser!ellie? angsty? cussing? idk.
proofread: nope! (sorry babes!!)
You all sit bundled up in comfy coats. The crisp winter air whistling in the wind while you and your friends laugh up a storm. Your eyes find this one girl's eyes immediately though. Ellie Williams. You and Ellie had been friends for years. Friends. Keyword. Its not like you ever thought there was a chance you and Ellie could even be anything more than that. Maybe it was just a wish? She's perfect. Ugh that sounds like such a cliche. And maybe it is. But as Ellie sits here rambling on about some girl that was madly in love with her, you can't help but admire her every move. 
“Hey, are you listening?” 
“Yeah- uh sorry.” You can't tell if your ears are red because you're embarrassed, or because it's cold asf outside. 
“So this girl, cat. Everyone keeps telling me she likes me. But I don't know.” 
“I mean, I would just go talk to her right?” This is fucking painful. Giving your crush girl advice was not at the top of your to-do list today.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” her hands fumble at her fingers, toying with her nails to keep her fingers busy. She always did this and you found it so cute. 
“Hey guys, I think we are going to head out. Jesse wants to ‘netflix and chill’ if you know what I mean.” Dina says, hooked to her boyfriend's arm. And boy did you know what she meant. Jesse and Dina were always sucking each other's faces off. Its a merical you havent seen them fully fuck in public. (and trust, there have been times they got close to it.)
“Sure yeah! You guys have fun.” you respond, giving them a sweet smile as a farewell. And now here you are, Alone, With ellie. Oh fuck. You're alone with Ellie now. Okay so let's rephrase this. You and Ellie had been friends for years… With the company of Dina and jesse. You guys never really spent time alone together. Your friendship just wasn't like that. And plus you were always too much of a pussy to say anything. You got so nervous whenever you were around her alone. Just like you were now.
“It's getting late, I should start back home.” Her hand plays with the back of her ear while she talks. You notice that she only did that when she was nervous. Why would she be nervous right now? 
“Yeah definitely! I could walk you home, yk if you wanted me to.” 
“Yeah, I would like that.” As much as you hated being alone with Ellie, you loved spending time with her. Even if she didn't see you like that. It was just nice to be around her. To be in her presence. That fluffy little feeling you get in your stomach when she says your name is worth the nervousness. Watching the way her eyes light up as she talks about her favorite video games or comic books, is worth the nervousness. As you guys walk to Ellie's apartment, you talk about anything under the sun. The conversation just seems to flow. Fuck, another reason to fall in love with her. (as if you weren't already) You didn't want to pretend you wanted to be her friend any longer. Because the truth is. You don't wanna be her friend, you wanna kiss her lips. 
“You're a really good friend, you know that?” She turns to look at you as you approach her apartment. ‘Friend.’ Just another reminder on how she thinks of you. Just a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. And that will probably never change. You are fully convinced you and Ellie were meant to just be friends. 
“Mhm yeah, you deserve it ellie.”
“I mean it though. How'd I get so lucky with you, huh?” You giggle, as if that comment didn't just set your heart on fire. Your eyes find her lips. The icy air makes your breath visible. The same breath you wanted to be lost in a kiss with ellie. You wanna kiss her until you lose your breath. As you and Ellie walk up the steps of her complex you contemplate telling her how you feel. Tell her how you think about her. Beg her to just look at you the same. And just as you are about to spill your feelings out, Ellies phone rings. 
“Sorry its cat, I gotta take this. Thanks for walking me home though! See you Friday?”  And with that you're left at the steps of her home. Watching as she gets all giddy to talk to another girl. A girl that's not you. And that never will be. You and Ellie will never be more than friends. Even if you wanna be her girlfriend. With teary eyes you wave goodbye while her back is faced to you. Watching her walk away without a proper goodbye. This can't be real. It's all just a dream. Your heart shatters. Completely. You knew that You and Ellie would never date. But thats confirmation just fucked you over. You lose your breath.
A/n: This is so bad and i feel like shit bc its my first ask. But uh. Enjoy? When i think of "girl in red" I think of heartbreak so no fic based off a "girl in red" song is going to end happy:D
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Thank you so much for your hard work dear. I really love all of your works! 😍 Can i request Xdinary Heroes reaction to you meeting his parents? Maybe they'd invite both of you to stay at the member's family house for a week or something? I'm curious how they react to finally see you for the first time and how the boys would react 🥺
Here you go! This was so fun to write I hope that you enjoy it!!
All members >^.^<
Summary: Meeting Xdinary Heroes parents for the first time.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil is so excited for you to finally meet and spend time with his parents. They had invited the two of you over for the weekend, since Gunil’s schedule was finally free. Contrary to Gunil’s excitement you were a nervous wreck. Meeting parents is usually a big step in a relationship. You worried about making a good first impression.
“Hey there’s nothing to worry about. They’re gonna love you. My mom has been bugging me for months about meeting you,” Gunil reassures you as he parked the car in front of his parents home. 
“But-” you began to talk, but Gunil cut you off.
“No buts. I’m sure it will go well. Now come on, let's not keep my mom waiting any longer. She’s probably standing at the door right now,” he chuckles lightly. The two of you grab your bags and walk up the steps to the front door. Sure enough just seconds after knocking the door opens revealing Gunil’s parents. 
“Y/n! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Gunil’s mom greets you elatedly. She takes your bag from your hand and gives it to Gunil’s dad, telling him to take it to Gunil’s room. “Come on now, dinner is almost ready,” She says after hugging Gunil and telling him how much she missed him. Dinner went well. Gunil’s mom told you all about how Gunil would call her to ramble about you when he was crushing on you. Succeeding in making Gunil turn into a tomato, but you thought that it was cute. Gunil’s dad found the chance to tell multiple dad jokes, making you see where Gunil got his sense of humor from.
Currently, Gunil and you were snuggly packed onto his twin sized bed ready to sleep.
“See I told you there was nothing to worry about. They absolutely adore you,” Gunil tells you.
“Yeah, I’m glad it went well,” you replied. All the nerves you felt before now completely disappeared. 
The next morning Gunil and you are awoken by Gunil’s mom taking photos of you guys all cuddling up in bed.
“Mom!” Gunil whined, but still didn’t let you go from his hold.
“I can’t help it. The two of you looked so cute,” she replied, showing him the photos she just took.
Jungsu was really happy when you agreed to meeting his parents. His mom had already brought it up a few times about how much she wanted to meet the girl who her beloved son loves so much. Jungsu didn’t want you to feel pressured though, knowing how nerve wracking meeting parents could be. He reassured you that there was no rush and you could meet them when you felt ready.
That time was now. You and Jungsu had just arrived at his parents house. Jungsu’s hand was comfortingly holding yours as you waited for his parents to open the door. The door opened and your breath hitched, nerves taking full effect now. 
“You’re even prettier than in the photos,” Jungsu’s mom gushed, causing you to blush.
“You’re prettier than me though. I see where Jungsu gets his looks from,” you responded with a smile, cheeks still tinted pink.
“Oh stop! There’s no need to flatter me,” she says, gently taking your hand to pull you inside.
“You know she’s been dying to meet you,” Jungsu’s dad states when you all sat down at the table for lunch. 
“Jungsu always speaks so adoringly about them, so how could I not want to meet them?” She defends herself. You all continue to chat over lunch. You told them stories about your childhood and your time spent with Jungsu. 
Afterwards you helped Jungsu’s mom with the dishes. You washed while she dried and put away. The two of you continued to talk a bit while cleaning. 
“I get why Jungsu loves you so much,” she tells you after putting away the last dish. Her words took you by surprise and you didn’t know how to respond. “I’m glad that he has someone like you by his side supporting him,” thankfully she continued. Giving you time to formulate a response.
“I’m lucky to have him by my side too,” you responded, making his mom smile. 
“If you don’t make them my daughter-in-law I’m going to be very disappointed,” Jungsu’s mother says when you and Jungsu are getting ready to leave. 
“Mom, it’s too early to be saying things like that,” Jungsu complained.
“No I’m gonna be disappointed too if I’m not,” you said. Jungsu flushed and hurriedly pulled you out the door.
Jiseok was a little nervous about asking you to meet his parents. The two of you had only been together for a few months, but his mother was really adamant about meeting you. However Jiseok was very pleasantly surprised when you agreed to it, saying you were going to meet them at some point anyway.
Jiseok had one arm casually splayed around your shoulder and his other arm reached out to knock on the door. The door opened shortly after displaying the view of both his parents. 
“There’s our Jiseok that we missed so much!” His mother says excitedly pulling him into a hug. Jiseok’s father hugs him next after his mom releases him.
“And the y/n that we’ve heard so much about!” Now it’s your turn to be pulled into a hug. After pulling away from the hug you and Jiseok took your things to his bedroom to get settled for the weekend. 
You offered to help out Jiseok’s mom with making dinner, to which she gladly accepted. At the beginning you felt a little bit awkward because you were a bit nervous about wanting her to like you, but after a bit of warming up the kitchen is now filled with your guys' laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Jiseok’s dad questions entering the kitchen with Jiseok only a few steps behind him. 
“Oh y/n was just telling me about the hike they and Jiseok took to Baegundae Peak,” She explained, still trying to catch her breath slightly. 
“I don’t just have to worry about my mom telling embarrassing stories about me, but you too!” Jiseok exclaimed with a sense of betrayal.
“What happened?” His dad asked.
“I’ll tell you later,” his mom snickered. “Come on let’s eat,” she continued, grabbing the food to carry it over to the table. Over dinner Jiseok found a way to take revenge and tell an embarrassing story about you. Although you couldn’t even be that annoyed about it, since the atmosphere was so bright and lively.
The weekend seemed to have flown by. You and Jiseok were saying your last goodbyes to his parents. Just before you botched walked out the door Jiseok’s mother whispered something in his ear, that made Jiseok smile but also flush. She told him to marry you.
Seungmin was overjoyed about you meeting his parents. He told you about how much his parents wanted to meet you and when you agreed he rushed to talk to his mom about setting something up. They worked out a time for the both of you to come spend a weekend with them. 
“Wait, now that we’re here I feel really nervous,” you say before you and Seungmin could exit the car. 
“Why are you nervous? You’ve talked to both of them on the phone before,” Seungmin states, resting a reassuring hand on your leg.
“I know, but this is in person, it’s different,” you told him.
“It’s gonna go well. They already like you, so stop overthinking,” he tells you. The pair of you get out of the car with your things and walk up to the door. His parents are quick to answer the door and welcome you inside. 
“Y/n you have no idea how much we’ve been dying to meet you in person,” his mom raves.
“It’s all that she’s talked about this week ‘Finally meeting y/n’,” Seungmin’s dad adds. That’s all it took to subside your nerves. 
“Come on dinner’s ready,” Seungmin’s mom ushers you all towards the table. The conversation flowed naturally while you guys ate and afterward you and Seungmin did clean up duty. 
“The remind me of us when we were younger,” Seungmin’s mom said as she and her husband watched you and Seungmin clean up.
“They’re a really good match. I’m glad our son found them,” his dad noted. Seungmin happens to catch his parents watching you two and gives them a questioning look. They smile and his dad throws him a thumbs up before they walk away, causing Seungmin to chuckle.
“What?” you ask Seungmin upon hearing his chuckle.
“Nothing,” he responds with a smile etched into his face. The two of you finished cleaning up then joined his parents in the living room. You all watched a movie together before going to bed. 
In the morning Seungmin’s mom came to wake you and Seungmin for breakfast, but she couldn’t help but stare at the sight of Seungmin sleeping with his head on your chest and arm securely around your waist. She snapped a quick picture before actually waking you two.
Hyeongjun already knew that his parents liked you, so he didn’t have any worries about you meeting them. He just wanted to be sure that you were comfortable with it too. When you told him that you were, it made him so happy. Hyeongjun liked the thought of you and his parents spending time together.
The two of you had just arrived at his parents house. Your hands were linked together as you approached the door. Only moments after knocking the door swung open. 
“Y/n! I’m so glad to finally get to meet you,” Hyeonjun’s mom says while pulling both you and Hyeongjun into a hug. Hyeongjun’s dad warmly welcomes you both, also giving the two of you a hug.  All of you sat in the living room talking for a bit before deciding to eat some lunch. You helped his mom dish it up, while Hyeongjun and his dad set the table. 
“You know Hyeongjun used to call me and talk about you all the time,” his mom spoke up.
“Mom! Why are you bringing that up?” Hyeongjun complained, staring at his plate to hide his flushed face. 
“It was cute, there’s nothing wrong with it,” she justified.
“Actually I used to talk to my mom about Hyeongjun,” you admitted. 
“Really?” Hyeonjun said, picking his head up, now looking at you.
“Yeah and I would call her and say ‘Mom I like him so much. What do I do?’,” you mocked yourself.
“That’s exactly what Hyeongjun did too. I was so glad when he finally told me that you two had gotten together,” Hyeongjun’s mom tells.
Later for a pre-dinner snack you were helping Hyeongjun’s mom cut up some fruits.
“You know I’m really thankful that Hyeonjun has you,” his mom stated. “I always worry about him being an idol. I know how stressful their lives can be. Busy schedules, not enough sleep, worried about diets,” she lists out. “But I feel better knowing Hyeonjun has you to help look out for him. I can tell he really loves you a lot,” She finished.
“Hyeongjun looks out for me too. We take care of each other. I love him a lot too,” you replied.
“Trust me I know,” she said, picking up the plate of cut fruit walking back to the living room.
Jooyeon couldn’t have been more excited for you to meet his parents. You hardly had time to be nervous with how excited he was.They had been asking about meeting you for a while due to how much Jooyeon talks about you. His parents invited you over for the weekend. Jooyeon was so excited about it all week and the day had finally arrived.
Jooyeon had just knocked on the door to his parents house. He kept an arm wrapped around your lower back as you guys waited for his parents to answer the door. Moments later the door opened.
“Jooyeon! Y/n! You’re finally here,” Jooyeon’s mom says. She hugs Jooyeon first telling him how much she’s missed him before his father does the same. They’re just as energetic to welcome you too, saying that it’s nice to meet you and not just hear about Jooyeon talking about you. “You two must be hungry from the trip, let’s go eat,” she leads you guys into the dinning room. You sit next to Jooyeon and his parents sit across from the two of you. His parents asked you some questions about your childhood and your life. By the end of the meal laughter surrounded the table. 
You were currently washing dishes with Jooyeon, who kept minorly complaining about what a chore it is. You told him that it would go faster if he stopped complaining. 
Jooyeon’s mom marveled at the sight because she had never seen Jooyeon do the dishes so easily before. If she didn’t approve of you before she definitely did now seeing how you brought out a more mature side to her son.
Afterwards you all played some card games together. It was nothing short of fun and a nice way to end the night before heading to bed. 
Jooyeon and you were cuddled up in his bed with some stuffed animals. Jooyeon’s mom discovered the sight when she went to wake you two up the next morning. She took out her phone to take multiple pictures of you both all cuddled up. Jooyeon stirred awake catching his mom’s little photo shoot. At first he let out a groan.
“Send them to me,” he followed up with then proceeding to close his eyes once more.
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ficthots · 2 years
The Ugly Duckling
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A/N: Okay...I saw GVF in concert because they’re one of my favorite bands and now I am completely enamored with them, particularly Joshua and Danny so here we are! First piece for Josh. As always let me know what you guys think and enjoy!
Word Count: 9.7k+
Warnings: Smut, 18+ content, DNI if you are under 18! Mentions of insecurities with appearance, teasing about looks, and past childhood issues regarding the warnings mentioned above. 
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You remember the story we read earlier in the school year, The Ugly Duckling? Don’t listen to anyone else, you need to stay true to you. You’ll find your own group and people one day and you’ll blossom into a beautiful girl, but in the meantime just keep your head up.”
You had vivid memories of your second grade teacher repeating those exact words to you. Recess had just started and after a morning of continuous teasing, your teacher pulled you aside as she saw tears forming in your young eyes.
The words she chose didn’t help, but only spurred on your emotions. You sat at the far corner of the playground, hiding from your classmates, fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
Your front two and bottom three teeth had all fallen out within the last few weeks, leaving your mouth a gaping hole. Originally over excited because it meant that your tooth fairy money had accumulated so quickly had been squashed as your classmates eyed you like some freak.
Bare feet appeared in your vision, shifting from the blacktop to the grass field you sat in. “Why’re you crying?” A loud voice asked the question and as you looked up a tanned, brown haired boy stood before you. When you didn’t answer he poked your shoulder.
“I like your overalls.” You mumbled a quiet thank you, sniffling as your tears subsided. “Where are your shoes?” You asked, staring at the boy's ginormous smile and eyes that peered down at you.
“Shoes are feet jail. The grass feels good on my toes,” he held his foot up, giving you a clear view of the sole, covered in complete filth. You made a face of disgust as he laughed whilst examining his own blackened foot.
He sighed, placing both his hands on his hips as his eyes scanned over you. “Why were you crying?” Your fist jabbed into your chin as you contemplated your response to him. “People were making fun of me because I lost a lot of my teeth. Mrs. Jones called me the ugly duckling,” you sniffled again as you replayed her words in your head.
The boy knelt down and caught your eyes. “Smile,” you hesitated, but he gave you the biggest smile he could manage, showcasing all of the teeth in his mouth and you couldn’t help but to laugh at how ridiculous he looked.
His eyes brightened at your sound and he saw the missing teeth. “That’s so cool, I bet you have so much tooth fairy money! Mrs. Jones is a mean old lady, she yells at me all the time and she’s not even my teacher. How much does the tooth fairy give you per tooth? I get $1 for each one, but I’ve heard some people get like $5 which I wonder why. Do they have bigger teeth and get more for it? Doesn’t make sense to me.”
You sat quietly listening to him ramble on with hardly any stops for breathing, not even getting a chance to answer his question. He did ask a question right?
“Come play with me and my brother,” he grabbed your hand in his and dragged you over to another boy who looked incredibly similar to the one who had you in his grasp. You stopped in front of him as the boy eyed you questiongly.
“Brother, this is my new best friend, Ducky. Welcome her,” he smiled at you as you gingerly waved. “I am Joshua, but I am Josh and this is my twin Jacob, but he is Jake.” Who you had just learned was Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes at his brother.
“She’s your best friend and didn’t know your name?” Josh’s slender arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “That is none of your business,” he leaned towards you, whispering so only you could hear him.
“Jake’s dumb. Don’t listen to him. I’m older if you couldn’t tell,” your name tumbled from his quick words, shocking you.
“You know my name?” His smile grew at your words. “Course I do. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t know your name? Since we’re best friends though I’m going to call you Ducky because Mrs. Jones is dumb and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. We have to have nicknames.” He said it so matter of factly, your heart fluttered nervously.
You had never had a best friend before and now this goofy boy was yours. The bell rang loudly through the playground seconds after. Josh gathered his shoes in one hand, padding off to get in line as he nudged you.
“Wanna come to my house after school? We have a playground, an electric Jeep, scooters, roller skates-” Jake cut him off as he appeared at your other side. “Yeah, it’s a lot of fun, you should come.”
You softly nodded at the two, a tight lipped smile forming as they waved bye to you, saying they would see you after school when you heard Mrs. Jones yell across the blacktop.
“Joshua Kiszka, shoes on, now!”
After that day, you were inseparable. You tagged along with them everywhere they went, the two of them doing the same for you. As Sam grew older he joined your trio as did Daniel as he became incredibly close with the youngest Kiszka brother.
They became your protectors through the horror that was your school years. Your family simply called you a late bloomer, but it never took the sting away from the teasing you endured through the years.
At the eighth grade dance you had been having a blast with the twins and some other friends you had made, but as the disco ball spun on the ceiling, the lights dipped lower, and a slower song began to play, you found yourself slinking back away from the dance floor.
You watched as Jake shuffled around the floor with Tessa McKenna, the girl he had a massive crush on the entire year. Josh’s hands trembled on Lyssa Winslow’s waist, glancing around the gym, waiting for the dance to just be over. Lyssa and Tessa were in the popular circle, practically being ring leaders for the posse that followed them like lost puppies.
You would never tell Josh or Jake about the things the girls had said to you, knowing that they had harbored crushes on them for most of middle school, but these girls were not nice. Especially to you.
The corner of the room had pulled you into its embrace as you watched everyone dance together. Your heart hurt, a knot forming in your throat as tears welled in your eyes. No one had asked you to dance. You had worn your prettiest dress, your mom had helped you style your hair, even letting you put mascara and lipgloss on.
Yet it wasn’t enough. The darkness that enclosed around the space was a welcomed friend as you watched the clique of the eighth grade approach you as the song came to an end, the boys joining their friend group as you stayed hidden.
“Awe, no one ask you to dance? Poor baby. You didn’t think Josh or Jake would dance with you, right? They don’t like ugly girls which is probably why you haven’t even had your first kiss yet,” your bottom lip wobbled as Lyssa’s words washed over you. She was right of course. They would never go for a girl like you.
Your eyes fell down to your shoes as the girls snickered, but stopped quickly as someone spoke up. “Shut up, Lyssa. Ducky is ten times prettier and nicer than you are or will ever be. C’mon, let’s go dance,” Josh’s hand enclosed around yours pulling you from the group as they stood with their jaws hanging open at his harsh words.
You had never heard Josh speak like that to anyone before and it shocked you to hear how angry he had gotten.
He pulled you to a quiet corner, away from everyone else. The bass of another song jumped through the building. “How often does she say things like that to you?” You shrugged at his question, avoiding his stare. “Tell me or I’ll find out for myself.”
You sighed and rubbed at the bottom of your eye, not wanting to smear your makeup. “A lot.” Josh groaned and grabbed your arm. “Ducky, why would you not tell me? You can’t let people talk to you like that! If you won’t do anything about it, you come and get me or Jake and we’ll handle it. That’s my job, ducky!”
You could see the anger in his eyes as he yelled to be heard over the music. “I’m sorry. I knew you liked her and I didn’t want to ruin it,” you sniffled and met his look for the first time and he took a deep breath as he stepped towards you.
Without thinking anymore he quickly pushed his lips against yours for a split second. You barely registered what had happened before he pulled back, eyes wide and staring at you. “There. Now they can’t say you haven’t had your first kiss. I love this song, come on.”
As he took your forearm in his hand and dragged you behind him to rejoin his brother you couldn’t fight the grin that plastered itself on your face. You had just had your first kiss. With Josh. Your first kiss was Josh.
The rest of your night was wonderful and spent dancing and laughing with your best friends, not fully understanding the heat that nestled its way into your chest every time you looked at the dorky boy that had just saved you. Again.
High school's path continued the same. The boys blossomed as puberty hit them like trucks. Josh only had his remarkable features enhanced as he grew up. Jake and Sam appeared more like twins than the actual twins. You thought Danny had always been handsome and he only got better with age.
You however seemed to remain the same through the years. Your features hadn’t matured like you had hoped they would, but with college approaching and being able to escape the narrow minded people you had grown up with, it didn’t bother you as much as it used to.
Too many nights spent crying over aspects of yourself that you had no power to change had deeply rooted insecurity into you. The boys helped you with your confidence though. Just being around Josh was like being on the surface of the sun.
His pure energy made you always feel comfortable and like it was okay to be yourself with him because it was. The boys were your safe space and you wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
Graduation had come and gone and you sat on the back porch of the cabin your parents had rented for you, Josh, and Jake as a graduation present. Your usual group had come on a small camping trip, knowing this was going to be your last chance at a normal hang for awhile.
It was quiet in the house, everyone passed out from the exertion of the five mile hike you had all done earlier in the day to get to a secret swimming spot Sam had somehow heard about. You had agreed to the parents to keep an eye on the younger ones, placing full responsibility in your hands.
The crickets chirped loudly, an occasional firefly would illuminate the grass, a frog's croak tickling the calm air of the early summer night had you feeling at complete peace. The door creaked open as Josh appeared from the back door.
“Why’re you still up, ducky?” The nickname that you heard more than your own name had a sense of familiarity washing over you. “I don’t really want to sleep. I leave Monday and I don’t want this to change,” you offered him a sad smile as he took the open place next to you on the porch swing.
“You’ll only be an hour and a half from here, ducky. I’m literally gonna see you every weekend, mama. Whether you come to me or I come to you, I don’t care. I have to see you,” you groaned and pushed him away from you.
“I didn’t say you could come see me whenever you wanted. That’s quite an assumption you made there,” you giggled as he leaned on you, hand going to your bare knee and squeezing. “Oh, I know you didn’t, but you forget I’m helping you move into the dorm and will know where you live. You didn’t think you could get rid of me so easily did you, duck?”
You hummed contently and leaned into his touch, letting his arm slink over your shoulders, pulling you into his side. The smell of patchouli, lavender, and a scent that was pure Josh filled your senses making your eyelids flutter shut as his hand rubbed your arm. Home.
“Nothings gonna change. I promise.”
Josh held true to his promise to the best of his ability. Your first semester of school had been difficult to cope with. It was the first time you had lived away from home. From the boys. You went home every other weekend and your group would take the opposite weekends to come visit you.
It was the middle of finals, you had been up studying for almost a full twenty-four hours and you had much more to go. Your roommate had taken her finals early to fly home for break leaving the dorm to you which you were immensely thankful for.
You were hunched over your desk, typing a paper furiously. The only light in the room came from your shitty desk lamp and the back glow of your laptop screen. You had no idea what time it was, but a soft knock came on your door, forcing your eyes to peel away from the screen for the first time in hours.
The clock on your bedside table read a little past one in the morning and you sighed, getting up to answer the door as the knocking started again. Your body ached as you stood, allowing your limbs to stretch.
The bright, big smile of your favorite boy greeted you as you opened the door. “Josh? What’re you doing here? How did you get in?” He pushed past you, shopping bag in hand as he made his way into your room.
“I hadn’t heard from you in days. I know it’s finals, but I missed my ducky and wanted to see you. As for me getting in here, that is my secret,” he shot you a wink as he spoke, “I brought snacks for you, a movie for us to watch that I’ve been dying to show you, and a nice bottle of wine that I stole from my mom.”
You sighed, leaning against the wall as you rubbed tiredly at your eyes. “Josh, thank you, but I don’t have time to stop. I have my biggest final the day after tomorrow and I really need to finish this paper and study,” he rolled his eyes, moving the dirty clothes from your bed to the floor as he made himself comfortable on the twin size mattress.
“You have to rest at some point and I’m here to assist in that. Take the night off from studying and start again early in the morning. I will even go get you coffee. Now come on, I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You couldn’t fight the smile that took over your face as you gave in with an over exaggerated groan, watching him do a happy shimmy in your bed. You closed your laptop, making sure the document was saved and stretched your arms above your head, letting your joints pop.
“Okay, fine. I’m gonna run to the bathroom first to shower. I’ll be back,” you made your way from your dorm room, making sure your RA wasn’t near, visitation hours long over. The shower helped you relax, the hot water pummeling against your tense shoulders, happy that Josh had come to see you. 
You missed him more than you would like to admit. Annoying boy. 
As you shuffled back into your room you saw Josh had cleaned up the space a bit, having his own laptop set up for the movie, your bed adjusted to be able to hold both of you better. He had a fresh pair of sweats and a sweatshirt laid out for you on your desk chair, your string lights turned on, illuminating the space.
“Alright, mama, get changed so we can watch this,” he turned his back to offer you some semblance of privacy as you slipped into your clean clothes, his voice never stopping with his talking about his week. You jumped into the bed before he could, using the opportunity to take up more space.
Josh laughed, jumping on top of you, wrestling for the bottom section of the bed. Your exhaustion quickly hits you, giving up and letting him settle underneath you, letting you fully rest against him.
His voice carried through the space, rambling on about the movie as if every time you had spoken to him in the last month he hadn’t said the same exact things to you. As the movie played, Josh’s hand drew lazy circles on your hip that had become exposed, your sweatshirt riding up.
“How’s college life been, ducky?” You shrugged in response, mumbling out back to him. “Same old same old.” He stayed quiet for a second before chuckling. “No boyfriends? I thought guys would’ve been lining up at your door by now,” you shook your head, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath your ear.
“You know it’s not like that for me, Josh. Never has been.” As the years dragged on you became more okay with the idea of not finding someone. You didn’t mind being alone romantically. Sure, you thought about it every once in a while and how it would be nice to share time with someone else, but you didn’t need it like you thought you would.
Technically, you weren’t alone anyways. You had the boys, your roommate, and some other friends you had made since school started. You were okay. You had to be okay.
“They’re all idiots, ducky. Don’t know what they’re missing out on,” his slender fingers dipped under your chin, forcing your face upwards towards him. He had a soft smile on his face. One of the rare ones that didn’t showcase all of his teeth, but was still big enough to bring out the singular dimple he had.
He swallowed thickly as your gazes met. You searched his eyes trying to place what emotion was coursing through him, but he answered for you as he leaned down, hand splaying out on your jaw as he slowly connected your lips together.
His lips were plush and soft as they met yours, moving leisurely against one another like you had all the time in the world together. His tongue parted your lips, brushing against yours for the first time.
The sensation had a shiver rolling down your back as he smirked into the kiss, hands moving down to your waist and having you climb on him. You placed a leg on either side of his narrow waist, hands trailing up to his mop of curls and tangling them in between your fingers.
His hands kneaded at the flesh on your hips, gently pushing you down to feel his hard on pressing into your core. An involuntary moan rumbled from your throat that had him nudging his hips up into you again.
Josh’s warm hands slid underneath your sweatshirt, grabbing the hem as he went and removing it from your body. His breath stuttered in his throat as you briefly separated to allow him to pull it off of you. Your eyes quickly scanned his features, wanting to remember this moment, searing it into your memory.
One of his hands cupped the back of your neck bringing you back down to him, taking your bottom lip in between his, teeth gently scraping. “Lay down for me, ducky,” his breathing was already growing shallow as he spoke against your mouth, starting to move you to lay underneath him.
Your head hit your pillow, a giggle escaping from you as Josh peered down at you, taking you in like it was the first time he had ever laid eyes on you. Your heart rate increased when you realized how your best friend was seeing you.
“No, don’t do that. Don’t fall back into yourself. Not with me,” he shook his head as he watched you slowly retreat internally from him, fear creeping into you at the prospect of what was happening. “I can’t lose you, Joshy. I don’t want to do this if I’m going to lose you,” your breathing was labored, panic setting in at the sheer idea of losing him.
He knelt down, placing gentle kisses across your face. His lips danced across your cheeks, the tip of your nose, your forehead, your chin, your eyelashes, leaving no section of your face without his lips having touched it.
“You couldn’t lose me if you tried, mama,” your smile slowly came back as he moved down your neck, sucking into the skin, eliciting a hiss from your mouth before his tongue flattened on your pulse, soothing the love mark.
You could feel his smile on you as he moved further down, hands cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples, letting the soft peaks harden before enclosing his mouth around one.
Your back arched off the mattress, pushing him further into your chest as he switched, continuing the motion on you. “Jo-josh, wait, wait,” he immediately pulled back as you moaned out, not wanting to lose his contact.
“What’s wrong?” Your face burned at the admission you were about to speak out to Josh. You were fairly certain he knew, but it still didn’t lessen the embarrassment of the confession. “I just want you to know that this is my first. I haven’t done this before with anyone,” his gaze softened at your words before he kissed you deeply, groaning into your mouth.
“I don’t care, ducky. If you want me to be your first then I’ll gladly do it, baby, but if you want to wait I understand,” you quickly shook your head, letting your hands nestle into his locks, pulling him to you.
“No, I don’t want to wait. I want you, Josh,” his eyes darkened, as his hand slipped into the waistband of your sweats. “Fuck, you’re soaked,” his voice went deeper, his index finger putting light pressure on your clit.
Your eyes squeezed shut at the feeling, a gasp falling from your lips as he made slow circles on you. The familiar heat started to build in your lower stomach as you moaned, his name falling from your lips in a breathless whimper.
He switched his fingers, letting his middle finger slip into you with ease. Josh was quiet as he watched you explode into euphoria, his breathing ragged as he rode you through your orgasm. “God damn, ducky. That was so hot, holy shit,” his smile didn’t lessen as he kissed you again.
He put his finger into his mouth, sucking your slick off of it, eyes fluttering at the motion. “Need you, Joshy. Please,” you rolled your hips up, clit throbbing as his dick pressed into you.
“Needy aren’t ‘cha?” He teased as you rolled your eyes, letting his hands pull your sweats off your body, helping him quickly strip off his own clothes. He put his open palm under your mouth and you eyed him as he smiled sweetly at you.
“Spit into my hand, baby,” you did as he said, noticing his brow furrow and a low moan come from him as it dribbled onto him. His hand went down to stroke himself, letting your spit coat him.
You tensed up as he ran his cock through your folds. His eyes looked up to meet yours, fingers pinching your chin to look at him. “Take a deep breath. Relax, I’m gonna take care of you and go slow, ‘kay?”
You nodded, letting your body go limp as his eyes snapped down to watch his tip slip into you. He shuddered as you moaned. “Jesus, you’re so tight,” he shakily spoke out, pushing his thumb onto your clit.
The feeling of him stretching you out for the first time was one you would never forget. The burning slowly subsided as he sat fully in you, letting you adjust. You accepted him inch by inch, the fullness something you would crave for the rest of your days.
“Let me know when I can move, sweetie,” Josh choked out as your velvet walls held him firmly in you, gently pulsating against him as you tried to adjust as quickly as possible. “Mo-move. Move, babe,” you breathed out, wrapping your arms around his neck as he withdrew from you to snap his hips back into you.
He moved gently and slowly like you were the most delicate flower he’d ever held in his life. Afraid that if he handled you too roughly you would crumple in his hand. He wanted to show you how special you were to him. That you were his flower. He felt honored that you had allowed him to do this with you. That you wanted him to be your first.
You two kissed the entire time, letting your legs wrap around his waist, ankles crossing on his lower back. His hands massaged your breasts, heavy breathing mixed together as you moaned and whimpered into each other's mouths.
“I’m so close, baby,” you nodded at his words, head lolling to the side as he moved his lips across your jaw and neck, kissing the hollow of your collarbones. His hand made quick circles on your clit, trying to get you there with him and a groan fell from you as you tighten your legs around him, meeting his thrusts as you fell over the edge.
He pulled out from you as his cum fell across the soft skin on your stomach. His face was flush, curls stuck to his forehead and neck with sweat, face contorted in pleasure as he jerked himself through his own finish.
You both glistened with sweat, the movie still playing lowly in the back as the string lights cast him in a beautiful glow. You smiled at each other as he climbed off of you, grabbing your towel from your earlier shower and wiping you clean.
You gasped as the rough material rubbed against your core. “Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled as he finished wiping you up, using the same towel to clean himself.
The two of you quietly got dressed as Josh laid in bed, watching as you laid back down with him, laying your head on his chest. “I think I missed most of the movie. Guess we’ll have to rewatch it,” he laughed, kissing the top of your head as your eyelids grow heavy.
“Oh absolutely. Next weekend, ducky.” You two laid in silence as the screen went dark, sleep encompassing you, but you quietly spoke out to your best friend, wanting him to know how much this meant to you.
“Thank you, Josh. Thank you,” he was already asleep.
You nailed, no pun intended, your finals that week. Neither of you spoke of the night again, but nothing shifted in your relationship. He was still Josh and you were still ducky. No one knew and you wanted to keep it that way.
The feelings of content you had come to terms with earlier in your university days came and went in waves. Some days worse than others. 
As college continued on for you, you only had one serious relationship. His name was Dominick and he was a total jackass. Of course, you didn’t know that at the time. Maybe you did, but after watching everyone around you become engaged, married, get into serious relationships back to back, you felt like you were missing something.
Dominick was there. A typical business major that lived in his frat house should have been the first clue to his true self, but you wanted to ignore it. Someone was finally interested in you. You felt like you had to take what you were given and that just happened to be him.
When you took him home for the first time, the boys were anything but friendly with him, almost ignoring him entirely. The parents tried to have a conversation with him, but he seemed completely uninterested in holding more than a three word response to anyone.
This was the night of your first fight. You told him how important that night was to you, that you wanted him to make a good impression to the people that meant the most to you. Especially Josh. He didn’t know what the big deal was which only made it worse.
You stopped seeing everyone as often as you used to, Dominick having you with him every weekend instead. The boy's music took off, Greta Van Fleet had become their life. You were so proud of them, watching their dreams come true right before your eyes.
Josh texted you pictures and videos almost every day as they recorded their first album. You were their biggest fan, their first fan. The first Josh girl you liked to remind him.
The first time you saw them perform it was like watching a moving piece of art. They fell into their roles so well and so quickly. Josh’s voice was like nothing you had ever heard before and watching him prance around on stage had your heart soar for him.
Your senior year of university was the most stressful you had endured yet. Your senior thesis had been kicking your ass and Josh invited you to one of their shows, but Dominick insisted you go to his frats end of semester party.
You begrudgingly told Josh you would love to, but Dominick had plans for you both that night already. Hearing the pain in his voice at your words cracked your heart every time it happened. Always a promise of next time, but there hadn’t been a next time yet. You hated it.
That night at the party, you continuously checked your phone for updates from him, but there hadn’t been a single text from him all night. You had been standing in the corner of the house, watching people rithe against each other, alcohol spilling across the hardwood floors, smoke carrying through the room.
You hadn’t seen your boyfriend in almost an hour and making the decision to go look for him was the blessing in disguise you didn’t know you needed. When you opened a bedroom door and saw him fucking a girl from his statistics course, your eyes met his, filling with tears as you turned on your heel, shutting the door behind you as you made your way out of the house.
You walked quickly to your car down the block as you breathed heavily, puffs of air coming out in front of you. You fumbled with your keys, hands a trembling mess as you tried to unlock your door.
As your car struggled to turn over you screamed, hitting the steering wheel over and over as angry tears flowed from your eyes onto your sweater. You grabbed your phone, shaking hands trying to find his contact.
It rang a few times too many and as you were about to give up, sobs wracking your body, his voice came through the speaker. “Ducky, I’m about to go on. I’ll call you back, okay?”
You didn’t respond, hand clamped over your mouth to stifle the uncontrollable whimpers coming from you. A loud cry escaped you as you finally spoke. “Okay. Have a good show,” his worried tone quickly spoke, but you ended the call before he could finish.
“Are you crying? What’s happ-” you threw your phone onto the floor of the passenger side as you took a shaky breath, your car finally starting for you. You made the short drive back to your apartment, sitting in the parking lot for too long when you had a car where the heater didn’t work and it was December in Michigan.
You reluctantly reached over and grabbed your phone, dozens of missed calls and texts from Josh and one text from Dominick. You unlocked your phone, dialing Josh back, but getting his voicemail, knowing he was on stage right then.
“Hi Josh. I’m, uh, sorry about earlier. Didn’t mean to scare you. Um, I was at that party with Dominick and I walked in on him with another girl. Guess it’s a good thing, right? He was such an ass, but he was the only guy that had ever shown any interest in me. I’m that pathetic that I would stay with a guy who told me that he was way too good for me and that I should be thankful to be with him. Did I tell you he said that to me? He did. I just wanted to be wanted. God, I just-I’m sad, Josh. I’m sorry, I’ll talk to you later,” you ended the call and trudged back to your apartment.
You quietly climbed into bed, letting silent tears fall down your cheeks as you tried to will the night to end.
A hand rubbed gently on your back, the smell of patchouli hit your nose. You rolled over, peeling your eyes open and coming face to face with your best friend. His face had a soft smile as he knelt by your bed.
“Hey, ducky girl. How’re you doing?” You shook your head, pulling him into the bed with you. He kicked his shoes off before climbing under the covers, wrapping you up in him. His soft shirt rubbed under your cheek as it grew wet with tears.
His hand went into your hair, scratching your scalp as he held you tightly to him. “Don’t you ever call me like that again. You do not call me and hang up while you’re feeling like that. Scared the shit out of me, mama,” his cheek pressed onto the crown of your head.
“‘M sorry. I knew you were going on and didn’t want to bother you,” he shook his head. “I don’t care about that. You scared me because you were crying like that and just hung up. I tried calling you back and you didn’t answer. Sam literally dragged me on stage. I’m pretty sure that was the worst show of my life because all I could think of was if you were okay. Don’t do that again.”
You nodded your head, letting his hand rub your arm. “We’ll talk about that voicemail in the morning, too. Sleep, ducky.” You didn’t need to be told twice, you were out minutes later.
Graduation happened only two weeks later. Everyone was in the stands screaming for you as your name got called, your degree finally complete. When you met them outside the stadium, you jumped into Josh’s arms, hearing him scream as he jumped you both around, the other boys joining in.
That night at dinner you sat thigh to thigh with Josh, chatting excitedly with the boys about their upcoming tour. Of course, you were having a hard time with the idea of not seeing them for as long as it was going to be, but you knew they needed to do this.
Your name was called from the other end of the table and you turned to see Karen and Lori with bright smiles directed at you as your moms eyes shined brightly in your direction. “The question that everyones dying to know; what’s next?” Your smile grew as you looked at them and shrugged.
“That was actually a surprise I wanted to share with everyone tonight,” you bounced anxiously in your seat as the table's undivided attention fell to you. “I got offered a position in Nashville. I start next month.” After the shock wore off the boys jumped up from their seats, running around the table to wrap their arms around you, lifting you from your seat and screaming.
You laughed as other people in the restaurant turned their attention to what was happening. Josh’s eyes looked like they were going to bug out of his head as his thoughts came rushing out of his mouth a million miles a minute.
“You’re gonna be so close to me-us. I’m-we’re gonna see you all the time after the tour and on breaks. Do you have an apartment? I have a spare bedroom at mine that you can take! That way you don’t have to worry about finding a place unless you already have one and in that case just forget about it, but I’ll still need to get you a key.”
You giggled as you watched the excitement course through him and the guys, talking over each other about what they wanted to show you when you got there.
None of that happened the way you all wanted. Once you moved to Nashville life swept you all up. The boys had been gone for almost an entire year and when they came home on breaks you were always on a work trip, having to travel constantly for your company. You missed them by a day at a time or they missed you by two.
Everything changed in that year. Your late bloomer, ugly duckling status, had disappeared. It seemed to almost happen overnight. You woke up one day and relationships changed. You were treated differently, instantly nicer. You noticed people looking at you more, men started approaching you and asking for your number on nights out with co-workers.
You didn’t really notice the change in yourself until you went home for a quick weekend and your mom almost fell over as you walked in the front door. Karen and Lori’s jaws hung slack. When they took a picture of you with your mom, you couldn’t help but stare at the image. Puberty had finally hit you. Sure, it was a few years late, but it had happened. 
However, it was the last thing on your mind, excitement bubbling over into your workday because tonight was the first night in nearly a year that you were seeing the boys again.
They had a show in Nashville before a bit of a break and your ticket had been waiting in your inbox from Josh the minute it was available. You ended up leaving work early, too riled up to even begin to think about work, your boss giving you the go ahead, excited for you.
As you arrived at the arena you quickly found your seat, your leg bounced with jitters and nerves setting in. It was just Josh and the boys. You had known them since you were seven. Nothing had changed.
It was your Josh. Your best friend that you talked to everyday over text, FaceTime simply not an option as your work schedules rivaled each other so often.
As the lights dimmed and the screams echoed of excited fans, your smile grew as you saw the familiar figure make its way to the center of the stage.
Your smile never diminished, dancing and singing along to every song. You couldn’t believe how much they had grown and shaped into complete public figure personas. Your Josh was made for this life and you knew it. You could see it in the way he eyed the crowd as he sang his heart out night after night. It fed him and the attention he so desperately craved.
Honestly, you were slightly relieved it didn’t solely fall on you anymore, but as you watched him go to the crowd, handing out flowers to those on the barricade, your heart leapt into your throat.
His eyes happened to bounce up to the balcony you were on, but his gaze was quick and fleeting. It was dark, he wouldn’t be able to see you of course.
As the concert was coming to an end, you left your seat, starting to make your way towards backstage to meet them. You were questioned each step of the way, even though you had a badge, saying that your ID didn’t really look too much like you.
When you finally made your way to the backroom where they stood, laughing and chatting loudly about the show, Jita’s gaze landed on you.
Her eyes widened as she took you in, smacking Jake’s arm to get his attention. Jake’s eyes fell on you next, brows furrowing as you nervously shifted from one leg to the next, clearly not recognizing who you were.
You lightly waved and laughed. “Hey, great show,” Jake’s eyes bugged out as he rushed over to you, enveloping you in a bone crushing hug. “Holy fuck, ducky! I didn’t even know it was you,” he was laughing loudly, pulling you back at arms length to see you.
“Yeah, apparently there’s this thing called second puberty. Hit me super hard,” he nodded his head, pulling you back into his embrace. “No shit. God, ducky it’s so good to see you. I fucking missed you. You have no idea how hard it was to handle them. For a year. Alone. I needed my sidekick to help me,” he swayed back and forth as he mumbled into your hair.
“Can’t even imagine, Jake. So sorry you had to handle that. For a year. Alone.” You copied his tone and he let you go, letting Jita take you into a quick hug, saying how good it was to see you.
Josh was nowhere to be found, but Sam caught sight of you next. An actual double take happened as he ran over to you, lifting you from your feet as the same interaction that had just happened, happened again.
As you scanned around for the mop of curls and let your ears tune in to be able to hear him, Danny walked into the room, hair dripping as he clearly had just exited the shower.
His mouth opened, wordless as he took your hand in his, laughing as he pulled you into him. His skin was warm as you wrapped your arms around his torso, head landing on his chest. “Jesus, ducky. Hardly even recognized you. How’re you doing? I want to hear all about this job. They have you traveling all the damn time. We’ve missed you, duck.”
You fell into easy conversation with the drummer, complimenting him on his new hair look, telling him how well the makeup he adorned each night suited him. Your back was facing the entry to the room, Sam and Jake catching you up on their travels and stories when he entered the room.
You quickly turned at the sound of his voice, eyes stuck to his phone screen as he walked towards the group. It fell silent as Josh spoke up, eyes quickly darting over the posse. “Where’s ducky? Has she come back yet? Did she get lost?”
He didn’t look at you again as he walked to grab a drink that sat on the table in the room. You laughed, clearing your throat, causing his head to snap back in your direction, dropping the cup that was in his hand.
“No, I got back okay. I was stopped quite often though, but I am glad they take your guys' safety so seriously! Very thorough,” before you could finish your sentence, Josh had crossed the room and had his arms wrapped around you.
Patchouli. Your eyes fluttered shut as he filled your senses. “Hey Joshy,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck, giggles flowing from you, before he peeled away reluctantly.
“I like the new look. You better take care of it,” you said as he still stood in complete silence. Your fingers ran through his curls, brushing over the newly shaved sides, overly exaggerating your examination of the new haircut.
“Shit, ducky. This is the first time he’s ever been rendered speechless. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him be quiet for this long,” Sam laughed as Josh’s eyes quickly darted around your face and body, confusion evident as his brother took you away from him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Alright, we’re hitting some bars tonight. Ducky, I challenge you to a drink off,” you leaned into Sam’s side as you walked out, quickly looking back at Josh. He was still rooted to his spot, every emotion he was feeling flashing across his face.
The glass slammed onto the table as you choked down another shot. You were three in and about to call it, still nursing a beer, but Sam and Jake were celebrating the group's complete reunion they said.
You leaned against the bar, going to order another drink for Jake when the third random guy of the night approached you. “Hey, pretty girl. What’re you drinking?” You offered a quick smile, crossing your arms over your chest. “Oh, I’m just ordering for my friend. Thank you, though,” you yelled over the music.
He leaned in closer, the smell of booze evident on his breath. “Let’s have a dance!” You tried to turn him down, but a tall figure stood next to you. “She’s with me, man!” A sigh of relief fell from you as Danny gently pulled you under his arm. The man quickly backed off as you beamed at Danny.
“Thank you. My hero!” He laughed, a blush tinting his cheeks at your words. “Don’t mention it.” You two walked back to the booth to continue chatting, the guys playing pool near the back of the bar as you two sat close, arms brushing each other each time you moved.
You had tears streaming down your face as Danny recanted a tale from Italy about throwing stuff from their balcony window, but it almost got them kicked out of the hotel when Sam tried throwing furniture.
“Ah, I’ve missed you guys so much. Doesn’t feel right without you all here,” Danny nodded his head, hand gently taking yours in his. “I know what you mean. I’ve missed you, ducky.” You felt eyes on you.
Without a second thought your head turned and immediate eye contact was made with Josh. He stood leaning on the wall, pool cue in hand, knuckles stark white from the grip he had on it. His gaze bore into yours, anger and irritation dripping from him as he watched you and Danny.
The boy next to you brought your attention back to him as he started another story. The mood was soured. Josh had no right to be mad. He had hardly said two words to you all night. Literally two words, “Beer and shots?” and it was directed at the whole group, not just you.
You had missed him, but maybe something had changed within him. People were bound to change. You were just silently hoping he hadn’t outgrown you. You weren’t sure what you would do if he had.
The thoughts raced through your mind as the group reconvened, calling it a night as last call was made in the bar. Jake haphazardly took you in his arms, waddling you out of the bar with him, laughter flowing as he stood directly behind you, arms wrapped over your chest, crushing you to him as he yelled in your ear.
“Lunch or dinner tomorrow, ducky. Maybe both. I’ll call you, ‘kay?” He spoke in your ear and you nodded your head, patting his hands as you removed them from you, handing him off to Jita. “Course, Jake. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” You waved to them as they continued walking off, Josh far ahead of them, not turning to look back at you as you climbed into your Uber.
As you got home, you kicked your shoes off, relief palpable, instantly dulling the ache those shoes had caused from the hours you spent in them.
You jumped, a small scream coming from your mouth as someone pounded on your door. You slowly made your way to it, peering out the peephole.
“Josh?” You spoke out as you opened the door, stumbling back as he made his way in. “What the hell was that?” His voice boomed as he turned to face you as you closed the door, hands on his hips, eyes wide and hair disheveled.
“What are you talking about?” A humorless laugh fell from him as he rolled his eyes at you. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You and Danny. Really?” You narrowed your eyes at him, irritation bubbling in your gut at his words.
“What about me and Danny? The fact that nothing was happening?” His eyebrows shot up, stepping towards you. “Nothing? Are you fucking joking? Nothing? So Danny just said he was going to take you out for dinner for nothing? Because you absolutely weren’t flirting with him all night? Because all those guys at the bar that came up to you were nothing?”
Your mouth opened and closed as he continued spewing these words, faster and faster. “What the hell are you talking about, Josh? Danny did not ask me out. Those guys at the bar meant nothing. Of course they meant nothing. You know what, no! I do not owe you any explanation. You haven’t said more than two words to me all night! I haven’t seen my best friend in almost a year and this is how I get treated the first night I see you?”
He shook his head, eyes falling down to the floor. “Oh trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I saw it. Sam saw it. Jake saw it. It was all they talked about all night. How much you had changed since we last saw you. Danny most definitely saw it. All those fucking douchebags at the bar saw it. You know why I haven’t said anything to you all night? Because I don’t know how to!”
You stopped in your tracks. A silence fell over you two as you figured out how to respond. You whispered to him as his words settled over you. “What do you mean you don’t know how to? Josh, it’s me,” he had calmed down, but as he looked at you, you could tell he was anxious.
“Is it? Ducky, I don’t-I didn’t even recognize you tonight,” you slowly approached him, taking his hand in yours. “Promise. I haven’t changed. I mean, my appearance changed, but it’s me. Still your ducky.”
Josh quickly moved his hands to cup your cheeks, pulling you into him. His lips collided with yours and it felt like home. It felt like everything you knew. Everything you wanted. Everything was Josh. It was Josh.
You lead him to your room, hands exploring each other for the first time since your freshman year of university. A complete lifetime ago. A lifetime you wouldn’t want to live again without him by your side.
A trail of clothes was left behind from the living room to the bedroom, as you collapsed on the bed with him, eager kisses and heavy breaths filled the noiseless space.
“Mine. You’re mine,” you nodded as he littered your neck with bites and marks. “Always, Josh. Always have been,” a whine flew from your mouth as he took a nipple in his mouth.
He made quick work, kissing down your sternum, landing between your legs. Your stomach caved in, back arching off the bed as he licked a singular strip on your dripping center.
“Oh my god!” He shook his head, teeth nipping the inside of your thigh. “My name. I want to hear my name, mama.” You giggled as a low groan escaped from his lips.
“Still as cocky as ever, Kiszka.” Without hesitation he took your clit in his mouth, sucking hard, thighs clamping tight around his head at the motion. “For good reason,” he mumbled against you as his tongue explored you for the first time.
“Fuck. Fuck. You taste amazing, mama,” incoherent words tumbled from your lips as he continued working on you, two fingers slipping into you, working in tandem with his mouth.
He was quickly pushing you to the edge, curling his fingers and hitting the sweet spot in you. “C’mon, baby. You’re so close, I can feel it,” he rolled your clit in his mouth and you saw white. It was complete bliss as waves of pleasure crashed onto you, mouth gaping as choked moans fell from you.
Josh crawled back up to you, placing his open palm under your mouth, a shit eating grin taking over his features as the deja vu hit you both. You smiled, letting the spit hang from your mouth into his hand, Josh wasted no time and licked your lips as he used his lubricated hand to stroke himself.
Your hands tangled into his hair and broke apart as you smiled at him. “I really do love the new look,” crimson stained his cheeks from the heat in the room and your compliment to him. “Thank you, mama. Wanted to look good for you,” you giggled as he kissed across your face.
Josh entered you and went to the hilt right away. The wind knocked out of you at the movement, your head falling back against the pillow, eyes rolling with pure bliss, feelings running through you at a million miles a minute.
“Shit, I missed you, sweetie. So much,” your eyes watered at the pace that he set immediately, pounding into you, not letting you catch your breath. “My girl, always been my girl. Fuck, I fucking need you. Every single fucking day, ducky,” one leg landed on his shoulder, an entirely new angle opening for him.
Whimpers and moans filled the room, skin hitting skin seeping in between the quiet time when Josh wasn’t talking, confessing everything to you.
You pushed him onto his back, straddling him, hand grabbing his achingly hard cock and lining him up at your cunt. “Missed you, too, babe,” the words fell breathless as he thrusted his hips up into you, matching your timing as you rolled your hips over him, small bounces meeting his thrusts.
Your hands landed on his toned chest, a large smile took over your features as Josh continued talking to you. “Oh, fuck, mama. My beautiful girl. Always been the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen, you know that? Didn’t tell you enough, ‘m sorry. So sorry,” you silenced him as you leaned down, connecting your lips again, needs and wants mingling.
“‘S okay, Joshy. I knew it was you,” his eyes fell closed as you continued your movements, jaw straining, sweat glistening off you both, sticking you together. “Fuck, gonna cum. So close,” you whimpered, but Josh flipped you both back, placing you on your back again.
“Look at me, mama,” your eyes peeled open to see his gaze staring down at you. Adoration, awe, devotion, love. His eyes said everything you both had ever wanted to say. It pushed you over the edge. The all encompassing feeling of natural, unadulterated love flowed from him to you.
His hips faltered, slowing almost to a complete stop as he finished in you as your last moments of your orgasm fell from you. Your hands pushed the sweaty curls from his forehead, smiling brightly at him. His eyes slowly looked you over.
“I’ve always seen your beauty, ducky. I hope you know that,” you nodded your head at him as your fingers continue moving through his locks. “Oh I know,” his hands landed on your jaw, thumbs rubbing small circles into your cheeks as he kissed you.
When he pulled out, a small whine left you as he laughed. “Don’t worry, mama. Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be ready to go again.” Your laugh mimicked his as it bounced off the walls.
He disappeared into the bathroom reappearing with a warm washcloth, wiping you clean as gently as he could. “I swear we’ve done this before,” he laughed as he finished cleaning you up, lips landing on your cheek.
“God, I hope it was better this time,” he climbed into bed with you, wrapping you up in him. Patchouli. You breathed him in deeply as you nuzzled into his neck. “The first time was perfect, thank you very much,” you spoke out to him, laughing as his adams apple bobbed as he chuckled.
“I knew I was completely in love with you that night, you know that? I had known since the eighth grade dance when I kissed you, but that night totally solidified it. I was just too much of a pussy to do anything about it. I knew you were meant to do bigger things and I didn’t want to hold you back,” you peered up at him, shock taking over your features.
“Me? Me doing bigger things? Joshua, do you know what your job is?” He looked down at you and his dimple was deep as he laughed. “I literally just told you that I love you and have been in love with you since we were children and that’s what you focus on?” You shrugged and moved closer to him, putting your leg over his waist.
“Yeah yeah,” you reached over him and turned the nightstand lamp off, sighing a content breath. “Night, Joshy.” A shocked gasp left him as you rolled over and away from him.
His fingers dug into your side, attacking your neck as you squealed. “Alright, alright! I give, I give! I love you, too.” He sighed, laughter subsiding as he pulled his lip between his teeth.
“Say it again,” your smile grew as you did. “I am hopelessly and madly in love with you, Josh. Better?” He leaned down, head landing in the juncture between your neck and collarbone.
“Much better. Love you, ducky girl.”
You never would have thought that one of the shittiest days of your life all those years ago would have led you to where you were today. Josh was your rock, protector, partner, all of the above. You were never the ugly duckling in his eyes. No, in his eyes you had always been the swan that was meant to be with him and his flock. You were his flock. His ducky.
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