#((you can do that if you want i just wont be able to answer til later and it will Gnaw))
piningpercussionist · 4 months
Saw a comment somewhere and if I wasnt so tired my blood would be boiling but we are at a low simmer, so here I am to Bitch
I'm sorry but if your argument for (likely canon) bisexual Kim having a preference for men is her FORMER relationship with Scott I am going to beat you to death with my bat
At LEAST say it's the hopeless pining she does for him currently. Or maybe mention that she's dated 3 guys that we know of! (Which I will counter w her being gay as hell for/with 3 women, which levels out- though that's besides the point-) But if you're going to hinge it entirely on a relationship she had that started and ended in highschool I'm going to break your legs and make you sit through a deep dive of the series with me. All media. Just to reeeeeally draw it out. Painfully.
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consider: undefeatable as a ford song
because id like to give him a song that isnt depression and anguish and self-loathing. and also i think it would be a great song for him going up against the residents of the nightmare realm
heres every single lyric for your consideration:
'im hanging on to the other side' - other side can be interpreted to mean a lot of things, but i personally like to think that this is ford thinking about his home dimension and using it as motivation to go through with his plan (+ hanging onto that photo the entire time hes in the multiverse)
'i wont give up til the end of me' - kill bill or be killed himself in the process
'welcome to the mind of a different kind, where weve been growing slowly' - ford's dreamscape has changed a lot + hes found a method to keep bill locked out of it (bill can access his dreams, but it seems like not much more than that). a different kind than bill once knew, and fords been growing his defenses over time
'think im on eleven but im on a nine, guess you dont really know me' - the all-knowing god doesnt really know ford all that well actually. also ford should be allowed to taunt bill as much as he wants
'running from the past is a losing game- it never brings you glory' - hes not hiding from bill, he is actively hunting him down (this can also work as a weirdmaggedon/sea grunk era ford line)
'been down this road before, already know this story' - hes already been manipulated by bill once, hes not gonna let it happen again, no matter what the triangle says
'push yourself!' and 'its time to face your fear' and 'and you can throw me to the wolves, cause i am undefeatable' - ford has been through a lot, he is absolutely terrified, but hes determined to do whatever it takes to take bill down regardless
'cause when your time has come and gone, ill be the one to carry on' - weirdmaggedon
'im what you get when the stars collide- now, face it, youre just an enemy' - stars colliding is very ford. if you ask me. and also ford hitting bill with 'youre just an enemy'. not even 'my enemy' just an enemy
'youre crossing the line' - bill aiming to get at ford's dimension, trying to use ford for it, and then promising an entire dimension (doubt hed have actually been able to fulfill that promise) for his capture so ford is never left alone during the entire over half his life spent in the portal. crossing the line is underselling it a bit, i think
'now weve run out of time. ill take what is mine' - ford getting through all the other folks in the nightmare realm and finally being able to actually take bill out (until he isnt actually. bad timing)
'and when the story ends, it becomes a part of me' - trauma, most likely. finally being able to take a second to try and process said trauma once bill is dead, maybe
'ill give it what it takes. ill find another way' - again, ford is not taking no for an answer here. he is going to kill bill by any means necessary
'i used to never know, but now its crystal clear' - past ford hitting a roadblock and turning to bill for help, seeing him as a helpful entity vs current ford understanding the answer he was looking for and seeing bill for what he truly is
'this feelings just a ghost' - the fear he feels is very real, but not a solid force. he can push past it, and he has methods for doing so
(all the rest of the lyrics are simply repeating other ones)
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effielovesapples · 14 days
i'm the anon that asked about your ex-friend!! thank u i'm in a similar situation. i fear they wont get the hint til i get in a fight but i dont wanna lol. thanks for your advice
of course!! Well i hope youre able to remove yourself from that situation. if i can add too, because i was at work when i wrote the first answer, One of the things that really helped me was distancing socially from them, finding my footing with other social groups i liked or even people that they claimed were bad when it turns out they just didnt really Personally get along with that *i* do!!!. this was a friend i thought was like. almost a staple of me and just my presence in a room sometimes. even some of the people i talk to now say "ive wanted to be friends with you, but felt like i couldnt because of so-and-so." if you are able to find support and resource in others, it makes the distancing so much easier. Even online circles and my online buddies (whom ive been friends with for almost a decade) seriously helped even with just removing myself emotionally and not feeling so bad when i finally was like YOU AND I ARE NO LONGER TALKING! Because well i had people to make me feel better about my choice! i hope you have people in your life to make you feel safe and your relationship with this person does not have to be forever :,)
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undercover-underdog · 3 months
Okay.. so I can't sleep because I feel like had I not said I was coming home, you'd have never brought up staying over there. It just felt sneaky.. And tbh, it's not even the staying over, it's the fact that it felt like you suddenly had to come clean when a simple "hey im doing this so i wont be home or ill be busy" would have done in the first place.. and like.. what if I hadn't? Would you have mentioned it at all? If I'd just come home at 5am and not found you here and not gotten any answer if I'd messaged about if you'd gotten out of the neighborhood safe.. like... was there no thought of "hey just letting you know I'm going here and I'm safe" or was it just a situation where I didn't have to know til you realized I'd be here and you wouldn't? And now I'm all fucked up in the head cause like.. okay.. are we acting impulsively today? Were other decisions made impulsively? Were you safe? Were my boundaries pushed aside again? Was my health or safety considered? Did you skip protection like the last 2 times? Why was my couch all fucked up and my stuffies were moved? Do my blankets smell different or was that just a hallucination? Like.. I'm realizing I'm not okay. And I feel like no amount of reassurance is gonna make me okay. Because I don't feel safe or secure. You fucking used polyamory as a tool to cheat. I feel like repairing our relationship took a backseat to nurturing a new one and like I'm laying on this stupid fucking couch crying every night while you get to be fucked, cuddled, validated, and reassured, on a whim, that you have worth and want from the person you used to hurt me, when I'm just trying to schlep my ass through the motions of being "okay" every day when im losing my mind trying to put the pieces together to salvage myself? I'm not okay. I'm hurt and honestly I don't know if I can be mended. And I feel like nothing can fix it. I feel like the wife turned ex turned roommate that you just won't tell it's over. And I have nowhere to go and nobody I can talk to and I feel fucking paranoid and stupid and like I can't say any of it to you because I'll just be the bitch who sabotaged your newfound relationship by making you feel guilty. Like.. who am I kidding? This won't work because we're fucking broken.. idk why I'm trying because I feel like I'm never going to be able to fix this when you're moving on to something fresh and new and spontaneous and untainted... I can't sleep. I can't get an appetite.. I can't stop crying. And what's worse is I can't say a fucking thing because you chose my fucking friend to do this with and he has no idea so if I do say anything I fucking lose him too. I'm so angry and I wish I could fucking hate you. I wish I could leave. I wish I could wish I'd never met you because loving you fucking hurts. I wish I could wish I'd never married you. Because I wouldn't be here on my own fucking couch terrified to say a word about any of it and lose you or be seen as the crazy bitch who sabotages your other relationship. God damnit it all just fucking hurts. Fuck you. Fuck you for doing this to me. Fuck you for making me feel safe and then being a fucking liar. Because I'll never not panic when you swear anything to me ever again.
And what's worse is I dropped my guard. I let you back in and I fucking knew this was going to happen. I knew it was going to hurt worse if I came back to you that morning and i still did it because i just wanted to feel like you love me.
I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind.
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elainefm · 2 years
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Champagne Problems - Taylor Swift “your midas touch on the chevy door, november flush and your flannel cure... how evergreen our group of friends, don’t think we’ll say that word again and soon they’ll have the nerve to deck the halls that we once walked through. one for the money, two for the show, i never was ready so i watch you go. sometimes you just don’t know the answer, ‘til someones on their knees and asks you. she would have made such a lovely bride, ‘what a shame she’s fucked in the head’ they said. but you’ll find the real thing instead, she’ll patch up your tapestry that i shred.” 
This one was an obvious choice to me because everything Midas touched turned into gold and Harvey is the GOLDEN BOY. Anyway, I imagine that when Harvey and Elaine broke up it was a SCANDAL, especially with Elaine’s infidelity. I think that when they broke up her natural reaction (after being rejected by Casey) was to want to beg for Harvey back, but she stopped herself from causing him any more hurt than she already had. Which isn’t to say that she WONT be stirring up some drama with him in the future, but i digress. Now that they’re so far removed from it, she wants him to have a future with someone else that can actually make him happy. “How evergreen our group of friends, don’t think we’ll say that word again and soon they’ll have the nerve to deck the halls that we once walked through.” The two of them spent their entire lives as a “we” and an “us”, and now that they’re separated they’ll never be able to say those words again. It’s the recognition that even though the two of them have separated the world didn’t stop spinning and their friends didn’t stop carrying on with their lives. There’s this giant hole where they once were, but to everyone else it’s business as usual. 
Favourite Ex - Maisie Peters “it was open and closing and hopelessly hoping for shore. we were here, we were ghosting. both of us coasting on just give a little more...you were my best nights and worst fights and deepest breaths. you were my gold rush to cold touch, favourite ex. and all of the others cancel out each other and its always you left. you were my no sleep, cried for weeks, favourite ex.” 
Another gold reference I cannot be stopped. Since they were together for so long, Elaine definitely holds a lot of love in her heart for Harvey even though it’s not romantic. I think it took her a long time to get over no longer having him in her life, especially since she always thought they’d be together forever. Even if it wasn’t what she really wanted.
Love Like That - Lauv “i don’t deserve you and it hurts to get the kinda love that you never had, wish that you could give, give, give it back. wish that i could love, love, love you back. wish that i could love like that... wish i could finish what we started, but i don’t know how to give the kind of love that you deserve, knowing that i can’t just makes it worse.” 
I think that Elaine realized she wasn’t in love with Harvey years before they actually broke up. She would hear other people describe the feeling or watch actors swoon over one another in movies, and wonder if she’d ever start to feel that way with him. And then I think she just sort of accepted that it wasn’t going to happen and that she’d just have to deal with it. It wasn’t like she didn’t like being around Harvey, it wasn’t like she’d mind spending her life with him. He would be a good husband, a good father- who cared about butterflies anyway? But there was a nagging guilt in her stomach, knowing that he felt what she couldn’t. She wanted so badly to be able to feel the same way that he did, but it just never happened. 
Coney Island - Taylor Swift (feat. The National) “the question pounds my head, what’s a lifetime of achievement? if i pushed you to the edge, but you were too polite to leave me. do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there? will you forgive my soul, when you’re too wise to trust me and too old to care? we were like the mall before the internet, it was the one place to be. the mischief, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams. sorry for not winning you an arcade ring... did i leave you hanging every single day?...did i paint your bluest skies the darkest gray?... the fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go. sorry for not making you my centerfold.” 
Okay I know I included so many lyrics from this song but it truly truly describes their entire relationship perfectly to me. To the Archers, Elaine’s biggest achievement in life would be to marry Harvey. It’s all they’ve ever wanted for their daughter, and at some point I think she started to question if that was really all she ever wanted to do with her life? She’s always been incredibly ambitious, and she hates the thought of only being known as Mrs. Harvey Hargrove one day. Elaine and Harvey spent so much time together that they pretty much built their own world, one that Elaine left Harvey behind in when they broke up. The version of her that existed in that world no longer exists. She’s not in love with Harvey, she never was, but it doesn’t stop her from loving him. She desperately wants to know if he’ll ever forgive her and if they can ever restore some sort of relationship past bickering at events. “Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring” This line speaks volumes to me, because it captures the fact that their relationship existed so much in their childhood/teenhood. An arcade ring seems like such an insignificant thing, but it represents working to win something to give to your significant other. She never put the same work into their relationship as Harvey did. 
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pizadowa · 3 years
generally a lil nervous to ask, buuut, since I’ve seen a few people chat about how Ivy/the sibs would take care of Carmen when she gets sick, but how would Carmen take care of Ivy if she got sick? I curious to see your take on this 👀 (Carmivy intended?)
oh anon don’t be nervous or shy, this is a very benign ask and I like to think I'm not intimidating 😢..😭
but anywhoooo ... I actually have thought about this before, so I felt like whipping up a quick Ivy POV ficlet rather than strictly talk about Carmen ... :)
-- --
Unlike Zack’s sensitive chemical makeup, Ivy's immune system is built like a supercharged ox, and when it comes to sickness she has vastly more experience being other people’s—namely Zack’s—begrudging caretaker than catching anything herself. 
In the nearly three years she’s traveled the world with Team Red, she can count on less than one hand the times she’s fallen ill, and each instance hardly interfered with their capers, not to mention her self-prescribed medicine of “toughing-it-out” has gotten her through even the roughest days. She's not exactly a fan of admitting defeat to a cold, nor being so useless that someone would need to take care of her, especially when that someone is almost always Zack. His questionable understanding of the human body means he's less adept at relieving any real symptoms and more so at keeping her company enough to distract her frazzled, sickly mind. It's not ideal, but it’s the only thing she knows, and it’s better than getting Carmen involved; Ivy would rather their getaway driver catch her sickness than their very important team leader.
So when she wakes up one day in their new HQ to immobilizing muscle pain, a presumably contagious case of the sniffles, and a very concerned Carmen seated at her bedside instead of Zack, she’s more than a little bit freaking out.
“Wh… Carm?” Ivy submerges part of her face under the covers, fearful of spreading her mystery contagion despite their distance. For extra good measure she directs her head away to her night table, taking note of a glass of water and tissues that definitely weren’t there before. “How long have you…?”
Carmen brings one leg onto the bed and curls her palms around it as she speaks, “Not too long. I was actually just wrapping up some sets when Zack ran in screaming like a banshee about you. It’s amazing that didn’t wake you up.”
Ivy’s vision focuses out of its watery haze enough to comprehend Carmen’s tight athletic wear and exposed skin that’s somehow less sweaty than her own. A cold-hot chill sends her into shivers. 
“I’m pretty sure that was the demon in my fever dream." She cringes at the sound of her own nasally voice wreaking havoc on her aching head. "Where is he, anyway?”
“I sent him out to the store and had Shadowsan tag along to make sure he doesn’t go overboard with the anecdotal home remedies.”
The imagery has Ivy falling into laughter that quickly becomes a strained coughing fit beneath her thick blanket. Carmen noticeably teeters away, which only adds to the discomfort in her chest.
“Ugh, sorry for the gross sound effects.”
“Don’t be. I had a feeling you wouldn’t be doing too hot in the morning. You were hardly eating and going to bed earlier than Shadowsan.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yeah. So, all-in-all, I was expecting this.”
“Double ugh.” She buries herself within the bed until the only thing she can see is threaded darkness. The weight by her legs shifts closer, and then there’s a gentle hand on her blanketed bicep. It’s warm even through the fabric.
“Hey, don’t sweat it. Actually, I guess do sweat it if you have a fever. Do you have a fever?”
Ivy’s about to answer when the blanket peels back and the hand that was on her arm presses firmly to her forehead. She blinks past the slender forearm in her view and over to Carmen’s determined face leaning closer with each passing second. For a moment their intense eyes cross paths, lock on to each other before softening completely, and Ivy is overcome with an urge to hold on. To what, she doesn’t know, but one of her hands takes the initiative and reaches up to Carmen’s wrist—which pulls away just as her fingernails make contact with smooth skin.
“You feel warm, but it’s hard to say,” Carmen contemplates aloud and returns to her previous spot on the bed. “We’ll need that thermometer once Zack and Shadowsan are back, but in the meantime, I’m here. Whatever you need.”
Ivy struggles to push a scratchy lump down her throat as she shoves her hand back under the covers. 
She's not used to this. Unless it’s Zack—who’s almost too obliging for his own good—she avoids asking for help as much as possible. She prefers to handle most things perfectly well on her own, and she’s since learned her hard lesson of what happens when you owe a debt to others. The very thought of burdening Carmen with something as dumb as a little cold sets her nerves even more haywire. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” she grumbles weakly.
Carmen shoots her a look like she's just said a profane insult. "I shouldn't?"
"Yeah, I'm all sick and stuff. Wouldn't you prefer to be...not...sick and stuff?"
"Checking your temperature is nothing. And besides, you were probably contagious days ago. If I got it, I got it.” Ivy’s face contorts into a sarcastic pout, but Carmen preemptively interrupts her griping with a raised hand. “I’m just saying it takes a bit more than that to knock me down, and if I’m fine now, I might as well help out. Seriously, I think I get sick even less than you do."
Ivy pauses to consider it, only able to recall taking care of a Carmen who has been downed by injuries and overexertion, not acute illnesses. Not even a little upset stomach from too much delicious food like she and Zack—though mostly Zack—are wont to do.
"Still, I don't wanna risk it." Ivy shuffles on her back to the farther side of the bed. "I appreciate your concern, Carm, I really do, but I'll be fine. Just send Zack in here once he's back."
"Oh." Carmen frowns at her in a way Ivy’s never received before, and for an intense split second she feels a strange pang of guilt. "Sure, but...this is the same Zack who thought the best remedy for altitude sickness was sticking a fan at the front of the tent to magically blow in more oxygen?"
"And who once drank a phony herbal miracle cure from downtown that made even his worst food poisoning look like a work of art?"
"Ew-uh, gross!" Ivy scrunches up her entire face, only relaxing it once she sees lightning behind her eyelids. "Okay, okay, I get it. You really don't want Zack taking care of me."
"It's not just that."
With great effort Ivy sits up out of her cocoon for the first time that morning. "What'd'ya mean?"
Carmen twists her torso completely toward Ivy. "You guys are always looking out for me when I'm down for the count. And you, you've been the only one taking care of Zack for how long?" 
Ivy offers a small chuckle of understanding. “Too long.”
"Exactly. So the least I could do is return the favor and pamper you for once. I may not be a doctor but I do cook a mean sopa de mondongo, and that's always helped me when I was sick on the isle."
"I don't even know what that is and I feel better already."
"Wait ‘til you actually try it. Funny enough we actually have all the ingredients, but not the basics for treating a nasty cold, go figure."
"Food is the priority around here."
Carmen snatches a glass of water from Ivy's night table and extends it over the bed to her. "Finish this, I'll go get started on the soup. The guys should be back soon with some medicine. Think you can hold out just a bit longer?"
Ivy takes the glass in her hands and peers down at its fullness with a warmth in her chest that crawls up her neck. “Yeah, yeah I think I can do that.”
“Oh, and...I’m really happy it’s you here right now. Like, really really happy.” Ivy pauses. “Don’t tell Zack I said that.”
She peers up from her watery reflection to see Carmen beaming at her in silent affirmation, and she does her best to offer the same expression. She takes a few slow sips of her lukewarm drink, fully expecting Carmen to have left by now, but instead the other girl shifts closer on the bed. Closer into Ivy’s space.
"You know,” Carmen starts, her voice husked low despite not needing to, and Ivy can feel her heart beating across every inch of her body, “I'm told I give amazing massages, in case those muscle aches become too much trouble for you.”
She trails her hand along Ivy's covered thigh before lightly squeezing down her ankle, and the peculiar sensations have Ivy frozen with nothing else to do but gawk at her. She offers an unreadable smirk with lidded eyes that cast her mind further into delirium, and walks out of the room without another word.
When she’s fully registered that she’s alone again, Ivy wolfs down the rest of her water, barely managing to fend off a spell of wheezes, and quickly discards the glass to the empty sheets next to her. With a buzzing in her cranium that ripples throughout her entire body, she flings herself down to her pillows to smother her overheated cheeks with a shaky sigh.
"I should get sick more often."
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tentimesthecourage · 3 years
Spirit AU
Um... this was supposed to be light hearted
annnnd then I ran into a problem
and someone on Discord gave me a solution
“i mean,,,,,, if four dies, they wont have to worry about living and dead“
But... it’s not a bad thing
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
They were all supposed to leave safely. They had won!
And yet…
The group of eight living and one dead surrounded their tenth member as he shuddered with a heavy gasp. Blood dripped down the side of his mouth as he gripped the tattered piece of his tunic just above the gaping wound in his abdomen. His eyes were glazed from both the pain and tears as he shivered.
Faintly Four could hear the others desperately trying to figure out a way to help him, but he already knew it was too late. They were out of potions, out of fairies and Hyrule was already exhausted from the battle. He wasn’t going to make it out of this alive.
His gaze managed to shift over to Rinku who was watching silently, grimly. Their eyes met and despite the pain, Four smiled at him. The spirit jolted before smiling weakly in return. Reaching out, he saw him brush his fingers against his cheek, but he certainly couldn’t feel it. He was going numb.
Four wasn’t afraid to die, he had come close to it so many times it almost felt like an old friend. A part of him (well, if he was honest, all parts of him) selfishly hoped that when he did die he’d be able to stay with them regardless. Stay with him regardless. He knew it was slim… but it didn’t hurt to hope, right? What else did he have to lose?
He blinked slowly as he noticed Rinku above him, watching him pull away. The spirit’s eyes were bright and he could barely make out the shimmer of tears in his eyes. He wanted to tell him don’t cry, he couldn’t feel anything, it didn’t hurt anymore, but he was so… so tired…
The shouting around him had dulled down to almost nothing and he sighed softly. His vision was dimming, guess it was time.
Please… if She was listening… don’t make him leave.
Rinku watched as a final shudder ran through Four and he fell still. He didn’t pay attention to the arguing, he didn’t pay attention to the curses, the shouts, the sobs. His gaze was focused on the small male who looked so peaceful even with the wounds his body held. Slowly he lowered himself down to him again, cupping his cheeks. He was still warm… it looked like he would wake up at any moment.
And then he noticed it. And a chuckle escaped him, slowly developing into a laugh. The laughter silenced everyone else and he could feel their stares, confused and probably angry. Not answering their silent questions, he instead moved to take Four’s hand and gently squeeze.
“My… aren’t you a stubborn one…” And he pulled gently. The physical hand slipped out of his grasp, but in its place was a transparent one. Carefully, slowly, he helped him sit up. “I would have thought Hylia would have taken you away from us.”
“I…” Four shuddered faintly. “I didn’t want to go…” He gave a sheepish smile, a silver blush crossed his face as he noticed the stares of disbelief, “Um… guys…?”
“FOUR!” Rinku had to smother a laugh as the new spirit was engulfed in hugs.
“You feel like ice…” Wind mumbled, his voice thick with tears. Four scoffed quietly, shaking his head in faint exasperation even as he hugged the younger male back. “That’s expected.”
“Why would you stay here?” Sounded like Legend, though his voice was choked. Neither Rinku nor Four could see if he was crying, but it certainly sounded like it.
“Someone has to look after you lot.”
Rinku stepped back to settle beside Wild who gave him a look as he hung back as well.
“You knew?”
“No…” He wiped his eyes. “But I know he’s stubborn, so I guessed.”
Wild wanted to say more, but he was yanked into the hug soon after and his expression crumbled as reality finally set in. Four was dead, but he was still here. Goddesses, he was still here.
Then there were sounds of confusion as the Four Sword gleamed brightly.
And one was now five.
“What…?” Four gasped softly. They were…
“The Four Sword still works?” Red was staring at his hands.
“Somehow…” Vio mused softly.
“Not even death was gonna mess with us.” Blue folded his arms.
Green said nothing, he was staring at Four in disbelief just as the other was doing the same.
“G-guys…” The other three snapped their heads in his direction, realization dawning on them.
“We’re separate…”
“We’re all here…”
“FOUR!” Red slammed into the other causing a cry of surprise as he fell over. They were quickly joined by the other three as they clung to each other like a lifeline as tears fell and faded before they hit the ground.
“I’ll be honest, didn’t see that coming.” Rinku murmured to his twin who chuckled softly. He glanced over at Wild, biting his lip. “What are the others…?”
“They’re cleaning up the blood and making his body presentable.” Wild murmured. “But no one’s sure what to do with it. We can’t take it with us… but burying him in the middle of nowhere just seems wrong.”
“Burn it.”
The twins jumped at the interruption, turning to Four who was in the middle of a cuddle pile by his Colors.
“That’s what I want.” He raised his voice, catching the rest of the Chain’s attention. “Don’t bother making me presentable.”
“But Four…” Twilight protested, quieting as the smith shook his head.
“I want my body to be cremated. There’s no reason for it to be presentable.” He turned a wry smile on Wild. “Would you do the honors, Wild?” The champion stiffened in surprise. “You really want me to…?” He asked softly causing Four to nod.
“I trust you with this…”
Soon enough, Four, his Colors and Rinku settled together as a fire roared before them. Everyone was silent in respect, but the smith could see tears on their faces reflecting the flames. He might still be here, but it wasn’t the same and he understood that. It was strange… undeniably so, knowing that his body was burning in those flames. The Four Sword was stored away in Wild’s slate, the smith not having the heart to let it be burned away with him. He felt Red shove his head against his chest and reached up to run his fingers through his hair. Green rested his head on his right shoulder while Vio was on his left. Blue was draped across their laps, seemingly nonchalant, but Four knew better.
And Rinku was settled behind him, arms around his waist and his chin on top of his head. In any other instance, he probably would have jabbed him in the stomach, but right now he appreciated the silent support. It was grounding.
The fire burned long into the evening and then into the night. Eventually nothing remained except the ashes. Carefully, almost reverently, Wild managed to gather them into a bottle and store them in the slate.
“At the very least, we should bring you home when we can.” He whispered as his eyes met with Four’s questioning ones. The smith nodded slowly in understanding, slumping. Home… Goddesses, what would his grandfather think? What about Dot? He hated that he was leaving them in such a manner. He could only hope they’d understand and not be angry with everyone.
He leaned back against Rinku’s chest and gave a shuddering sigh. So many things were new to him now. He looked up at Rinku who gave him a small but knowing smile. At least he had someone at his back.
They also needed to have a talk… but for now, he managed to reach up and pull him down, brushing his lips against his cheek for the briefest moment.  He felt Rinku stiffen and watched as a silver flush crossed his face.
“Til death do us part, right…?” He whispered “But death can’t part us anymore.”
Rinku stared at him in surprise before his expression softened and he smiled, tightening his hold on him.
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fndmxreader · 4 years
TITLE :   can end in burning flames or paradise . PAIRINGS :   michael x reader . REQUEST : Hello! How’re you doing? I would like to request something Michael x reader, maybe where they’re dancing around their feelings for each other? I love Michael and would love to see more of him. If not, that’s ok! I hope you’re doing well! Thank you ☺️ INSPO : i'm so into you, i can barely breathe and all i wanna do is to fall in deep, but close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line, baby.  
      YOU NEVER TRULY FELT WORTHY TO BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM .  when the arch angel entered,  all eyes would turn to him,  even those who weren’t aware of what he truly was .  everything about him was so charismatic,  dominant   -  just utterly devastating.   most swooned just looking at him,  but for you it was his energy  (  though looks certainly helped  ) ,  how he carried himself  ?  it made your knees weak,   made your cheeks heat up and heart beat so fast its like the first time in your life you feel alive  .   it was pathetic how you acted,  like a school girl experiencing a crush for the first time  .   you tried to shove them down,  tried for months,  but it seems the more you did it only got worse and more intense  .     you knew you weren’t exactly subtle about it,  even if you tried your best to deny it  -  how you looked at him,  eyes sparkling with awe,  with wonder... with love  .  even now,  here you were  :  your chin in hand,  staring at him even though it should be on the book in front of you,  you were in deep and each day had you sinker further and further ...  you stopped struggling by now,  to collapse in front of such a being was too welcoming .  
   THOUGH DESPITE HOW CONTENT YOU WERE WITH FALLING,   you weren’t ready for the confession yet,  to fall on your knees and stare up at the almighty is something that was just too intimidating,  and you feel like you already know the answer if you did  .  all that lied beyond the blinding tunnel was rejection,  so you will avoid the cross decorated booth,  instead you day dream about things that will never be  .
   “ YOU SEEM DISTRACTED,  Y/N “   the angel of the hour was sat opposite you in the library,  posture straight an lips curled up into a slight smirk  .  he always wore that,  even when the times seems dire such a look never left his face  “  is everything alright  ? “  
    YOU HAD NO IDEA THAT HIS CLUELESSNESS WAS AN ACT,  michael was an all knowing celestial being  -  furthermore,  he knew what people wanted,  what they desired  -    oh,  he knew what you wanted,  what you craved and ached for :  him .    he can’t say he’s displeased with the situation,   every time he walked into the room your aura brightened,  he could hear your breath hitch and stare up at him in nothing but amazement .   not only did it stroke his already inflated ego,  but more importantly it made him feel wanted .   people often forgot that michael too was hurt by the absence of god,   the demoralization of his character across the board  -  he was a soldier,  a warrior,   a broken diamond with the shine but without the worth  .  you made the being ...  feel,   feel what he doesn’t truly understand  ...  perhaps more human,  more like an angel rather a disregarded creation,  whatever it was -  he was addicted to you,  to your presence,  your voice  .  he was always drawn to you,    but the minute you started acting this way,   when what he felt became reciprocated,   he became much more attached  -  however arms length you must stay,   his world was far too dangerous for you,  you’re the one human he’d mourn,  to see you leave this plane would destroy him and the world along with it  .
   “ I’M FINE “   the squeak the words came out as your eyes darting back down to the black and white pages,  “ i’m just ...  day dreaming “   about us,  you want to add,  but you bite your tongue .  you think about how his hands must feel against the softest parts of your body,  what it would feel like to have his lips against yours  .  but beyond that,  thinking about what it must be to feel loved by the most feared angel of them all .   you bet he would be possessive but gentle,  hold you like a delicate rose,   you think about what it would be like to see the most softest parts of his personality  when its just the two of you  .  
   MICHAEL KNOWS THE DAY DREAMS,  and oh how his body shuddered at your thoughts  -  he briefly wonders why you struggle to sense his wings, you were so in tuned with the supernatural more than the humans most times, how can you fail to sense the way his wings itch towards you and want to slowly trail across your face  ?  “ my dear, lovely y/n, “ michael thinks to himself,   “ you already know me,  can you not see how my fiery blade is hoisted in your presence ? “  but much like your thoughts,  his stay exactly that,  thoughts  .   the world is not a peaceful place,   you and him,  perhaps in time :  but in this one and the realities that live side by side ?  there is no such thing,  no possibilities where you can both end up happy .   blood,  chaos and destruction,  an angel was never a lover,  that much is clear -  and even with the way his grave sin is pride,  michael doesn’t feel worthy of you  . 
    “ I TAKE IT YOU AREN’T PLANNING ON SHARING WHAT’S GOING ON IN THAT PRETTY LITTLE HEAD OF YOURS ? “    his eyebrow cocked,   he knows you wont,  but he loved to see you shuffle on the spot when you get all flustered and embarrassed .  
    “ THERE’S NOTHING TO TELL “   your bottom lip meets between teeth,  biting into the flesh as you try and focus on something other than the air suffocates around you .  it’s then you decided to stand up,  against the better judgment of how michael looked at you under intense gaze  “  though i should go tell sam about what i found out,  the sooner we get on the road the sooner we can help those people “  it was the first sentence you got through without stuttering while meeting his gaze .  
    “ YOU NEED ANYTHING “  michael stands along with you,  towering over you without much effort  “ just send me a prayer “  firm,  he knows you can handle yourself,  but it had to be said  -  he wouldn’t be able to rest if he didn’t .  the back of his hands raised when you nodded in understanding,  just grazing your cheek .   though once you both felt that first touch,  the electric shock between you both made you jolt away in surprise and the lights flickered in the library,    michael remained stotic as ever but tense,  hands now by his side and turned into fists,  jaw clenching as he felt the need to take a sharp inhale .  
    “ THE POWER IN THIS BUNKER IS SHOCKING “    your laugh is forced,  your left feeling dizzy from the touch but oblivious to michaels reaction .  he’ll agree,   you can’t know,  you can’t ever know ;  and oh,  does that just kill the sword wielding angel from the inside out . 
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Title: Labor And Delivery
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Gif credit @jay-halstead
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder
Jay was in the bedroom on the computer, researching his case that he was currently working on. He had the night off and was spending it with you but duty calls.
"Babe, do you need anything"? You poked your head in the door.
"No. Why aren't you resting"? He closed his laptop slightly.
"I'm fixing dinner. I can't let it burn".
"Well, you need to rest. You're nine months pregnant and need to take it easy".
"I'll rest once this little monster is out of me. I cant rest. I think it's called nesting". Jay chuckled.
"I think it's called, you wont let me fix dinner because you think I'll burn the food or not cook it properly".
"Alright, that's true. I'll let you get back to work. Dinners in five". You winked with a kiss and left the room. Jay went back to his searching and you stirred the food.
As you went to get the plates out of the cabinet. A sharp and unbearable pain struck through you. You let out a squeal, squeezing the cabinet handle.
"Y/N, did you burn the food"? Jay joked as he walked into the kitchen. His bare feet his the floor.
You breathed in and out as the pain subsided and you were able to move to a chair.
"You okay"? He questioned at the state you were in.  Your hand rubbed your belly as the other gripped the counter, your knuckles turning pale.
"What happened"?
"I...had....a...sharp...pain...run...through...my...belly". You breathed through the pain that was coming full force.
"I'm calling 911". Jay rushed to get his phone as he pressed call, you screamed and he bolted back into the kitchen.
"My water broke". You started crying. Jay was on the phone with the operator and helped you lay on the couch.
"Her water just broke and the contractions are really close. Please hurry". Jay threw his phone on the table and held your hand as you laid there on the couch. Deep breathing and squeezing the life out of Jay's hand.
"Breath in.  One two three. Out.  One two three. And repeat". He coached you.
"Jay, shut up". Your face scrunched up as another way of pain coursed through your lower body. Having the feeling to poop. Well push, you were guessing.
"Jay, I have to push". You said wiggling out of your pajamas pants.
Jay's face turned to horror. "No, do not push. No pushing. Stop". Jay groaned. He might be a cop but he's never delivered a baby before, yet alone his own.
"What do you want me to do, hold it in"? You asked the stupidest question for a pregnant woman to a man.
Jay thought about it, as if he was going to say yes. "At least til the EMT get here".
You grabbed him by the shirt and brought him to your face. "I am having this baby, if you so much as faint and leave me. I'll kill you, do you understand"? You screamed.
Jay nodded fiercely. He was scared shitless.
The screaming and pushing went on for what seemed like forever  and there was no sign of the EMT. You were having this baby with or without them. Jay held your hand, he wiped your head with his shirt.
"Go see if you see the head". You told Jay.
"I'll faint".
"You see blood all the time, what's the difference"?
"It's not coming out a place where you could be shot unless you are an idiot".
"Don't make me kill you"? You warned.
"Your threats mean nothing".
You squeezed his hand roughly, twisting it and you both thought you heard a crack.
"Alright". He took a deep breath in and peeked down below.
"I see the head. Kid has a big head, must come from you". He laughed.
"This is not a joking matter. Get a towel so you can catch the baby when I push it out".
"Jay"! You growled. Jay quickly ran to the bathroom and got all the towels laying them under you and around the couch.
Holding on to the back of the couch with one hand and the other Jay held. You pushed. All that you had in you you pushed a big push and finally out popped a baby. Jay held the tiny baby in his arms with a smile. The baby started to cry and you were relieved. Laying back on the couch catching your breath you were exhausted.
"We have a baby girl". Jay said teary eyed as he handed you your daughter. He little cries were music to your ears. She was small for nine months but looked and sounded healthy.
"I'm so proud of you". Jay kissed your sweaty forehead. Your daughter had a hold to his finger.
"I'm sorry that I went all crazy on you. It just hurt...alot". You chuckled.
"It's okay. Next time I'll be prepared for what's to come".
"Next time"?
"Yeah. This was pretty easy".
"I don't know what birth you were at. Unless you blacked out during the pushing". You and Jay laughed as there was a knock at the door.
Jay got up and answered it. "Sorry, we're late. There was a wreck on the way here". Gabby came in and checked the baby and you over.
"That's okay. We had a bonding moment with each other. Jay did amazingly well". You tell her as the other paramedic and Jay help you onto the stretcher.
"I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for the threats". He kissed your head.
"It'll be one to tell our grandchildren for sure". You say as you held your daughter, Jay by your side as you went to the ambulance.
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yesmooshoe · 4 years
hii! could you do #34 "please don't do this" from the angst/fluff list for ironhusbands? 💖
Whoops, this was supposed to be short but then I wrote 3000 words. WARNING - THERE’S SOME SMUT AT THE END.
Also, you can read it on ao3! Double also, feel free to send me a prompt if you want.
“Please don’t do this.” Rhodey said through gritted teeth as Tony inched closer and closer to him.
“Do what?” He asked nonchalantly as their shoulders touched.
Rhodey took a deep breath and took a step away from Tony while scanning the crowded Officer’s Mess, hoping that no one saw that. “Touch me.”
“I thought you liked it when I touched you.” Tony said, cocking his head and flashing a smile.
Rhodey could feel his blood pressure rise as he locked eyes with Tony.
He hated this.
He hadn’t seen Tony in 13 months, 12 days, and 41 minutes...not that he was counting. Tony had begged him on multiple occasions to take some time off and come meet him somewhere, even just for a night, but Rhodey hadn’t wanted to risk it. Tony was famous. Someone would have noticed that he was in Frankfurt, someone would have noticed that Rhodey was off-base, someone would have snapped a photo of them buying lube. It was too risky, way too risky.
But this? This was way worse.
Yes, Stark Industries was the main manufacturer of planes for the US Air Force. And yes, there was a brand new cargo plane making its’ debut tomorrow. So in theory, Tony being at Ramstein made perfect sense. Plus, everyone knew that they were friends. But no one, other than maybe Pepper, knew the rest. If anyone found out that he was gay, his entire military career would be over.
“Fine, no touching. Can we at least eat lunch together? I promise I wont fellate you in between bites of powdered mashed potatoes.” Tony teased under his breath.
Of course he wanted to touch him, wanted to hold him, wanted to kiss him. But he also just wanted to talk to him. They were always careful while communicating, knowing that Rhodey’s email and phone conversations weren’t necessarily private. They never said I love you, but they’d found other ways to say and show that over the years. Tony always sent really elaborate and thoughtful care packages whenever Rhodey was overseas, and Rhodey always sent Tony weird souvenirs and postcards whenever he could. Rhodey always closed his letters by reminding Tony to water his plants, and Tony always ended his saying that he hadn’t forgotten. Rhodey didn’t even have any plants, but that was their little way of saying I love you with no one noticing.
“I have a meeting.” Rhodey lied, worried that spending too much time together would raise suspicion. “Just...just come over tonight, ok? After 7.”
Tony looked annoyed, but nodded. It was the same expression he had every time Rhodey signed up for another 4 years, or whenever he told him that he was being transferred or deployed again. They both hated this, but they loved each other and Rhodey loved his job. And Tony never once asked him to stop, so all they could do was hope that one day they’d get rid of that stupid law.
“Fine. See you tonight, Captain.” Tony said as he walked away, heading toward the group of SI employees at the opposite end of the room.
Rhodey’s heart was racing again as the clock struck 7, and a million different scenarios started running through his head. What if Tony had done something stupid like buy condoms at the PX? What if someone saw him coming up here? Even worse, what if someone noticed him leaving in the morning? They were friends though, best friends. Everyone knew that they were friends and knew that they’d been roommates for several years at MIT. There was nothing wrong with him coming over and spending the night, right? He’d just tell everyone that they had a few beers and then Tony passed out on the couch. It’d be fine, right?
Suddenly, a knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. He jumped right up and smoothed his pants out, not wanting to look like a complete mess, and then quickly crossed to the front door of his apartment, which he pulled open to reveal Tony. In one hand he was holding a pizza, and in the other a 12-pack of beer and a shopping bag.
Rhodey smiled at him as he stepped aside and let him in. He stuck his head out in the hallway to see if anyone was around, and once he was confident that the coast was clear he closed the door. Before he knew what was happening, Tony grabbed him, slammed him against the door, and started kissing him. Rhodey gave in immediately, running his hands up Tony’s back and tangling them in his hair.
When they finally broke apart, both breathless, they just stood there for a moment with their foreheads resting against each other.
“Hi.” Tony panted out as his arms settled around Rhodey’s waist.
“Hi. Missed you.” Rhodey said before giving him another peck on the lips.
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too. This has been a long one.”
“Just a few more months ‘til I’m back at Edwards, I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Tony said as he pulled away and walked over to the counter where he’d dropped everything.
Rhodey came up behind and wrapped his arms around him, just so happy to be able to hold him again. “Well, we’ve got tonight, ok? I can promise you that.” He said in between pressing soft kisses to Tony’s neck.
Tony turned around and smiled at him, knowing that it would have to do for now. “And it’s going to be a good night indeed, Captain Rhodes.”
“You really like saying that, huh?”
“It’s hot.”
“Mmhmm.” Rhodey chuckled as he nuzzled against him. It’d only been a few weeks since his promotion.
“Oh Captain, my Captain, our night is just beginning, and I promise you it’ll be a wild one.”
“Not too wild, these walls are very thin.”
“Not to worry.” Tony said as he slipped out of his grip and grabbed the plastic bag. “Fear not, for I have rented several movies with lots of explosions that’ll certainly drown out all of your incomprehensible babbling while my tongue is buried deep in your ass in about 15 minutes.”
Rhodey could feel his cheeks getting hot as he looked down at the floor, always getting a bit flustered when Tony said stuff like that to him. “Did anyone see you at the video store? Does anyone know you’re here?”
Tony sighed as he played around with the VCR, which answered Rhodey’s question for him.
“Christ, Tony, who?” Rhodey asked, suddenly feeling anxious again.
“Calm down, ok? Look...Colonel Moore and Major Kirkland wanted to take me out to dinner, but I told them that I was coming over here to get you drunk and maybe beat your ass in Mario Kart a few times.”
“Moore and Kirkland? Tony, I work with them every day you can’t just go around telling everyone - “ Before Rhodey could finish his rant, Tony shut him up with another kiss.
“It’s fine. I promise you it’s fine. No one cares that I’m here, no one is suspicious, ok?” He said softly in between kisses. “I got pizza and shitty beer and even shittier action movies and as far as anyone knows we’re over here like a couple of perfectly normal straight dudes talking about tits and cheering when things explode, ok?”
Rhodey took a deep breath and nodded. That was certainly easy for Tony to say - it wasn’t his career and everything he’d worked for on the line - but he trusted him. “Well hey, I bet you’ll be cheering later when I explode in your ass, so I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
Tony laughed and shook his head while playfully shoving Rhodey towards the bedroom. “That’s the spirit. Now go on, I want you completely naked by the time I’m done putting on this movie to appease your neighbors.”
Rhodey just smiled at him and pulled his shirt off as he rushed into his room. By the time he flopped onto his bed he was completely naked, though he hadn’t been wearing much to begin with. Still, it had to be a record.
He propped himself up on his elbows while laying on his back, and a huge smile spread across his face when Tony finally joined him. They took a moment to just look at each other, and even though the sound of rapid gun fire from whatever movie Tony had put on kept it from being super romantic, much like everything else, it’d do for now.
Tony’s hair was a bit longer than the last time he’d seen him, and it seemed like the goatee was here to stay. He hadn’t been sure about the facial hair at first, missing the baby-faced boy he’d fallen in love with back at school, but it really suited him. “Your hair’s wet, was it raining?” He asked, breaking the silence.
“No, I took a shower. I’m not an animal.” Tony answered while pulling his shirt off and climbing onto the bed and onto Rhodey. He leaned down and kissed him again, though this time it was more soft and more loving.
They spent a while just kissing and letting their hands get reacquainted with each other. Rhodey’s cock was hard now, and pressed up against the annoyingly still-clothed Tony. He wanted more, but he also didn’t want to stop whatever this was. He’d been so starved for attention like this for so long, so he did his best to just enjoy the gentle caresses and the way Tony’s tongue seemed to be exploring every single inch of his mouth, even though he desperately wanted Tony buried inside of him.
Eventually Tony sat up, and Rhodey just smiled as he noticed how red and puffy his lips were from all of the action so far.
“Have you...been with anyone? Since...since last time?” Tony asked quietly while slowly circling around Rhodey’s nipples with his thumbs. They had a sort of open thing, but neither really cashed in on it too much.
“No. Have you?”
Rhodey smiled. “I love you, Tony.”
“I love you too. Roll over.” Tony instructed as he shifted to the edge of the bed.
“Yes sir.” Rhodey said as Tony pulled off his pants and boxers, finally releasing his cock.
“Mm, I like when you call me sir.” Tony said as he straddled Rhodey again. “God your ass is amazing. I feel like people don’t tell you that enough, but it really is perfect.”
Rhodey smiled at the compliment, but he was also focused on the gunfire and motorcycles coming from the TV in the next room. For a moment he worried that maybe it was too loud and that the neighbors would complain. That’s all he needed, having to run to the door mid-sex while trying to pull his sweatpants on. He considered stopping to turn it down, but all of the thoughts left his head as he felt Tony spread his ass cheeks apart and slowly run his tongue up his crack.
“Oh fuck.” Rhodey moaned while tightening his grip on the blankets he was clutching. Luckily his bed was against an exterior wall, so he wasn’t worried about being too loud in here. As Tony continued to explore, slowly circling his tongue around the rim and prodding at the hole, Rhodey became painfully aware of how desperate his cock was for attention. It was pinned between his stomach and the bed and he tried to move a bit, but it was impossible with how Tony was holding him down. “Tony please…” He cried out quietly.
“Please what?” Tony asked smugly as he pulled away. He slowly crawled up on top of Rhodey and started grinding his cock against Rhodey’s eager ass. “Come on, what do you want, Sourpatch?”
“I want you.”
“Want me to what?”
“I want you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me.” Rhodey moaned again before Tony pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Good boy.” He said as he sat up. “Lube?”
“Night stand. Bottom drawer.” Rhodey replied breathlessly, still not quite believing that they were together again.
“Do you want me to use a condom?” He asked as he found all of the supplies.
“No, I trust you.”
“Okay. I trust you too. Ooh, Astroglide! How retro.” Tony almost giggled as he climbed back onto the bed.
Rhodey rolled onto his back and wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking himself slowly as Tony got settled again.
“Hey hey, none of that. I don’t want you cumming before I even get inside of you.” Tony teased as he opened up the bottle and squirted some of the clear liquid in his hand. “You want it like this?”
Rhodey nodded as he let go of his cock. “Yeah. I want to see you.”
Tony just smiled before leaning down to give him a kiss. “Good.”
Rhodey took a deep breath while Tony grabbed a pillow and put it under his back for easier access, and Rhodey just let his legs fall open for him. They locked eyes as Tony’s slick hand found Rhodey’s hole, and stayed that way as Tony worked a finger in and out of him. They kissed more as Tony fingered him slowly, and the sensation of their cocks trapped together between their stomachs was more than enough to make Rhodey start dribbling pre-cum.
“Someone’s excited.” Tony whispered between kisses.
“Just fuck me, please.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” Tony said with a little salute as he sat up and pulled his fingers out of Rhodey’s ass.
Rhodey watched as he grabbed the lube again and slicked himself up, and he braced himself for what was coming next. He sucked in a sharp breath as Tony lined himself up and pushed into his ass slowly, doing his best to relax and take it.
“Fuck!” Rhodey cried out as he arched his back, easily taking Tony’s cock deep inside of him.
“Shh shh.” Tony said as he bottomed out. “Don’t want the Joint Chiefs to hear you. You ok?”
“Yes Tony, this isn’t my first Rodeo. Just shut up and move.”
Tony laughed again as he guided Rhodey legs up to rest on his shoulders. Slowly, he started to move, thrusting in and out of and finding a good rhythm. Rhodey was letting out little gasps with each thrust at first, and as soon as Tony started to pick up the pace he wrapped his hand around his cock and started stroking in rhythm with the thrusts. He forced himself to open his eyes, and he smiled at the determined look on Tony’s face as he loomed over the top of him.
“God Tony, I’m so close. Faster.” He moaned again, gripping at the bad with his free hand. This was all happening a bit faster than Rhodey had hoped, but it had been a while and he was certain he’d last longer on the next round.
Tony started snapping his hips faster, losing his composure as he got closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck, I’ve missed this.” He managed to say before grabbing Rhodey’s hips and slamming him back down on his cock as they both chased release.
They fell silent for a while, but the room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and a huge series of explosions from the living room.
It was Rhodey who came first, spraying his stomach with an explosion of creamy, white liquid as Tony continued to ride him harder and faster. It was becoming too much for Rhodey, overwhelmed by his own own orgasm. “Fuck, come on Tony. Give me everything.” He chanted through gritted teeth, which seemed to be just enough to push him over.
Tony came with an indistinguishable string of syllables, which he quickly muffled as he continued to thrust, filling Rhodey with everything that he had. They were both panting as Tony finished up and let his cock slip out of him, but despite how out of it Rhodey felt, Tony seemed to have a bit more in mind for this first session.
As Tony caught his breath he leaned down and ran his tongue over Rhodey’s toned stomach, lapping up the streams of cum that were splattered all over him. Rhodey just relaxed as Tony cleaned him up, tugging on his shaggy brown hair as he did. When Tony was done he crawled up and gave Rhodey a kiss, allowing him to taste some of the salty substance that remained on his lips.
“Do you want pizza?” Tony asked after a few moments of silence, which just made both of them laugh.
“You’re ridiculous.” Rhodey said as he playfully shoved Tony off of him.
“What? I’m hungry. And we gotta keep up our stamina. We’ve got 12 hours to make up for 12 months.” Tony teased as he sat up and ran his hands through his hair.
“You need a haircut.”
“Yeah well, I wanted to give you something nice and long to grab onto later when we get really dirty.” Tony said as he stood up.
Rhodey just shook his head. “Fine. But I’m taking you to a barber before you leave. Also, it’s not been 12 months.”
“It’s not been 12 months. It’s been 13 months, 12 days, 7 hours, and 38 minutes.” He said as another explosion rang out in the living room.
“Oh, and I’m the ridiculous one? Come on, pizza.”
“Tony?” Rhodey called out as he started to leave. He wanted to promise him that they wouldn't go 13 months without seeing each other again. He wanted to promise that he’d be back in California soon. He wanted to promise that he wouldn’t re-up again when the time came.
But he couldn’t, he just couldn’t. He shook his head, vowing to do his best to not dwell on any of that right now. They had tonight, and that was what was important.
Tony was just staring at him, confused by the silence. “Yes?”
“Nothing.  I’m just - I’m sorry.”
Tony walked back over to the bed and held out his hand. “Don’t be, I knew what I was signing up for, ok? Come on, pizza time. And if you’re lucky I’ll let you fuck me next round.” He said as he pulled him up and led him into the kitchen.
“Tell you what. Mario Kart. Loser has to bottom, all right?” Rhodey suggested with a huge smile on his face.
Tony just smiled. “Fine, but I hope you’re ready for me to ride your ass all night, Captain.” He said as he grabbed the box of pizza and headed for the living room.
Again, none of this was ideal. But right now, in this stupid apartment with thin walls in the middle of Germany, everything was perfect.
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kitten-mafiagang · 4 years
Beautiful In White [Sakusa x Reader] SongFic
(Sakusa's pov)
Not sure if you know this But when we first met~
At first i never know what 'love' really means,i always see couples in school or in streets and i see alot of physical affections is just- just nevermind aughh..
But it changed when i met (y/n) at the hospital,i met her because i came to my daily check-ups and i saw her walking at the halls with a hospital gown.
"Ms. (l/n),please go back to your room,you know how dangerous your situation is!" the nurse warned her.
"so what?!,do you expect me to be stuck at that stupid room forever?" she exclaimed.
"Please Ms. (l/n) i-" a doctor snuck in to their conversation.
"Nurse Miko,let (y/n) enjoy the outside word,it might help her you know? let her do this.." the doctor smiled.
"F-fine...Here bring this pills incase!" she said.
"Okay,okay" (y/n) said sarcastically.
I got so nervous I couldn't speak In that very moment~
I followed her to the hospital garden and sat beside her the bench.
"H-hey" i break the silence.
"hello...you saw it right?" she said.
I found the one and My life had found its missing piece~
"Why do you stay here in the hospital?" i asked.
"ived been here for 3 years....well how about you?" she asked.
"Oh i came to checked up myself..." i asnwered.
My phone ringed.
"Omi!! we have practice today where are you?!" the loud atsumu shouted through the other line.
"Yeah,yeah im comming!" i answered and ended the call.
"Im going now,nice meeting you" i bowed at her and walked away,and suddenly She pulled my arm.
"p-please visit again...i-i just want company" she said.
"Sure.." i smiled at her and walked away.
So as long as I live I love you Will have and hold you~
Day after day i visit her always having anything i could bring,flowers,food,or anything that can make her company and happy.
"Sakusa,you shouldt brought food,i might trouble you with these" she said.
"Nah,its fine...also here its from a friend i know who runs a store" i gave her an onigiri.
"Thanks!" she thanked.
"Hey,you never told me what your sickness really is...what was it?"
"w-well can we keep it a secret for awhile,i promise i will tell you~!" she said.
"Okay,i understand.."
You look so beautiful in white And from now 'til my very last breath~
Well days turns month and i developed feelings for her.Everyday i would visit her and she would tell me how lucky she is to meet me and company her.
She told me her stories were about how boring the hospital was before,white walls,monitor beeping,and drowning in pills every hour and quiet.
This day I'll cherish You look so beautiful in white~
"Hey,promise me something!" she excitedly asked.
"Okay,what is it?" i asked.
"Well...if i ever get out in this boring hospital...,show me the outside world~!" she said.
"sure i promise you..."
"Pinky promise?" she asked poutingly.
"Yeah,Pinky promise" i held my pinky finger up and connected to hers.
What we have is timeless~
Sometimes i wonder,that i hope this days wont end..
My love is endless~
Will i be able to tell her what i feel,well...ill just tell her when she can come out i guess..
And with this ring I Say to the world~
"Sakusa,what are you thinking?" she asked.
"Dont worry im fine..."
You're my every reason You're all that I believe in~
"Okay!,also ived heard your having a match tomorrow..." her voice turns sadder.
"Yeah..i wont be able to come and visit you.." i said.
With all my heart I mean every word~
"Can i come though?" she asked.
"No,just stay here at the hospital just to be safe.."
"Okay,but promise me you'll come back early as possible~! okay?" she said.
"I promise.."
So as long as I live I love you Will haven and hold you~
As soon as i left her at the hospital i sleep right away and waited for the next day.
I woke up with 26 miss calls from Miko her nurse.
"H-hello? what is it Miko- what?!"
I rush to the hospital and saw many doctors outside.
"Where is she?" i asked.
"Listen Sakusa...she has guillain barre syndrome,and she is at her limit now..."
'...I see..can i see her?"
"Hm" he hummed in angreement.
I walked inside the room and saw (Y/n) looking at the window.
"Hey..." i called.
You look so beautiful in white~
"Im sorry..." she began to tear up.
"Its okay.."
And from now 'til my very last breath This day I'll cherish~
"You look pretty today...rest now.." i sat on her bed and she leaned on me.
"Hm..." she hummed.
You look so beautiful in white Tonight~
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night-triumphantt · 4 years
I was tagged by by @not-sewell and @wayhavensmasonsbitch and also @lxdy-starfury sjsjsjsj :D
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
(ima tag a few ppl sorry if u’ve already done it, also feel free to ignore, also I just KNOW I’m missing ppl I’m so very sorry :P) @masonsfangs @bobbymckenzie @queerbrujas @agentnatesewell @raleighcarrera @specialistagent-morgan @lilas
Name/nickname: Judie, I don’t really have a nickname but y’all can use N-T if u want, or my name, up to u
Gender: Female (she/her pronouns :P)
Star sign: Aries sun sign and Libra Moon and Rising, I assume thats where the diplomacy comes from XD
Height: *Sigh* 5’ 1”
Time: 2:55 pm
Birthday: March 25!
Favorite bands: IIII don’t feel like I listen to that many bands actually, tho did u know technically Bruno Mars is a band artist, Bruno Mars and the Hooligans XD.
Favorite solo artists: I have, pretty mainstream tastes tbh lolll, (at least thats what my sister tells me, but I maintain that I just don’t have the time to go out and LOOk for new music) aAAAnnyways, I can never choose a favorite anything so Im gonna list a few that I always come back to: The Weeknd, Billy Eilish, Victoria Monet, Ariana Grande,Taylor Swift, Stromae, Logic, Halsey, Ed Sheeran, & Bruno Mars ofc but I just mentioned him XD.
Song stuck in my head: Long Story Short by Taylor Swift
Last movie: Soul :D
Last show: I’ve been rewatching ATLA
When did you create this blog? I made this sideblog, innnnn November-ish of 2019, but wasn’t active til about January of 2020, a whole year guys :D, (I have had a Tumblr for many years at this point tho, I’m not quite sure when I first joined though)
What do i post? Art, mostly fanart for TWC, or choices, very rarely my own OC’s, and then I also RB art, writing, and just, fandom memes loll
Last thing i googled: Industrial piercing after care, I am highly considering one
Do i get asks? Yes sometimes, and I cherish each and every one and I am sorry I am so bad at responding sometimes
Why i chose my url: Originally I just made this so I could find posts abt choices that I liked easier, cuzzzz I don’t have a tagging system, so it was choicesstuff, but then I decided I wanted to post art so I changed it to Night-Triumphantt bc of one of my favorite quotes from the ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ series
Average hours of sleep: Ugh, that depends, I always stay up far too late but I also sleep in hella late if I am able, I’m gonna say a solid 6 average (its that delayed circadian rhythm babeyyyyy)
Lucky number: 7 :D
Instruments: I can play piano, and viola, (Tho its been a while) and I am currently trying to learn guitar as I have ALWAYS wanted to learn it. I just wanna be able to play some sweet sweet riffs man! (I also reaaaaallly want to learn how to play the bass guitar but I told myself I wont drop the money on it unless I learn to actually play guitar this year XDD)
What i’m wearing: A very comfy sweater from an Ariana Grande Concert, and black work pants cuz I am at work loll.
Dream job: If I could do anything w/o care I would love to be an animator, but like, I know the actual job isn’t really for me, so I’m goin into medicine, very different I know but I do really love the medical field.
Dream trip: I wanna go to New Zealand someday, its so beautiful!!
last book i read: Children of Blood and Bone, HIGHLY recommend
Favorite food: Sushi, or Pizza
Nationality: Lebanese :D (also American IG lol)
Favorite song: I can never choose a favorite anything, I do absolutely adore Drunk by Ed Sheeran tho, that one stays in the top rotation always
Top three fictional universes: hmmmmmm, ATLA for sure but Im actually blanking on any other universes lolll
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 4
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The next morning i was up and ready to go by 6:30am after only a few hours sleep! Frank was insatiable last night and now I was exhausted! Maybe id be able to sleep in the car on the way to Vermont.
"Okay i'm gonna go" Frank said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my neck as i started to pull out a couple of travel mugs to make some coffee.
"Mmm okay" i mumbled leaning back against him.
"Can i call you or are you off limits til you get back?"
"You can call, text. I'll answer when i can"
"You'll probably forget all about me while im gone" i chuckled. His arms tightened around me and i felt him shake his head.
"Not gonna happen sweetheart"
"We'll see" i turned in his arms and kissed him properly before playfully pushing him towards the door.
"Okay i'm going" he laughed catching my lips one more time "i'll call you later, have a safe journey".
"Bye Frank".
Once Frank had left i double checked i had everything and carried on making the two cups of coffee to go.
Andy: Im outside :)
Y/N: on my way.
As i approached Andy's car he got out and greeted me with a smile taking my bag and putting it in the trunk next to his. I couldn't help but notice he was dressed more casual today, wearing black jeans and black Henley.... he looked good! Andy ALWAYS looked good but there was something about seeing this more relaxed side to him that made me smile.
"I made you some coffee for the journey" i held out the cup to him shaking my head slightly to clear it of thinking about how good my boss looked!
"Oh my god you must have read my mind" he smiled and accepted the cup before we both got in the car.
I spent the first half hour of the journey covering my mouth as i yawned, Andy had caught it a few times but didn't say anything which i was grateful for! When we finally arrived at the hotel he grabbed both our bags from the car insisting that he carry mine.
"Do you wanna sit down and wait with the bags and i'll go check in and grab the room keys?" He turned to me and asked pointing to the sofa's in the corner.
"Yeah sure" i nodded quickly with a smile. Once i was alone i took the chance to check my phone, i had felt it vibrating a while ago but didnt want to check it in-front of Andy.
Frank: Hows the journey?
Having fun?
Y/N: Journey was fine, i spent most of it trying to stay awake because SOMEONE kept me up all night lol
Frank: Didnt hear u complaining last night babe 😈
Y/N: im not stupid thats why! 😂
Y/N: i gotta go, just checking in. I'll text when im in the room x
Andy walked towards me looking a bit sheepish and scratching his beard.
"All sorted?" I asked as i stood up.
"Kinda, there's been a mix up with the bookings and they only have my room. I tried to book another one but their fully booked because of some event"
"They can bring a cot up to my room though, you can have the bed"
"Okay, i guess theres not much more we can do" i shrugged, i could hardly insist on going home just because we had to share a room! We were both adults for christ sake. Taking both bags again Andy led the way to the elevators and hit the button for the 8th floor.
"Im so sorry about this Y/N they must have double booked us somehow. I feel awful" he sighed before dropping his head down and slowly shaking it.
"Its fine Andy, i mean we wont even be at the room much. Its just somewhere to get a few hours sleep"
"Yeah i guess your right, i'll buy you dinner tonight to apologise"
"Hate to break it to you boss but you were already paying for dinner" i chuckled as the doors opened and i stepped out the elevator "what room is it?"
I took the keycard from Andy and quickly located the room.
"You in a rush?" He laughed from behind me.
"Sorry i really need to pee" i replied stepping into the room with a quiet "wow!" the room was huge and obviously very expensive....It was more like a suite!
Of course he'd have one of the fancier rooms.
After i was finished in the bathroom i pulled my cell from my pocket and pulled up my messages with Frank.
Y/N: Hey, you'll never believe what happened??!
Frank: Hey sweetheart. What happened?
Y/N: The hotel double booked us so there's only one room!
Now i have to stay with Andy!
Frank: ur right, i dont believe it! He so obviously planned this to happen!
Y/N: Its a bit odd i have to admit, but their fully booked for an event in town. Its fine though their bringing a cot up to the room, Andy said he'll sleep there and i can have the bedroom
Frank: Make sure u lock ur door!
Y/N: Very funny! Lol
Frank: Im serious! Lol
U need me to come rescue u??
Y/N:  No i'm good lol i gotta work.
"You okay in there?" Andy suddenly called from outside and then i realised how long id been in the bathroom!
"Yeah!" I called back tucking my phone back in my pocket and opening the door, Andy looked over at me smiling.
"I thought maybe you fell in or something"
I shook my head laughing "No, i was just texting a friend and got distracted".
Andy nodded with a tight lipped smile on his face as if he wanted to say something but thought better of it.
"I eh, i left your bag in the bedroom" he said pointing towards the bedroom.
"Im just gonna call my friend and find out where to meet then we can get on with what needs doing"
"Okay, i'll check the emails while you do that make sure nothing urgent has come up back home"
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We had been waiting down in the hotel bar for Andy's friend Paul to arrive for over an hour now and there was no sign of him. Andy was getting more and more agitated as the time passed. He finally grabbed his phone and excused himself, i watched as he stormed outside and made a call, pacing up and down past the window shaking his head....10 minutes later he came strutting back in and sat on the barstool next to me.
"everything okay?"
"His not coming" Andy shook his head "he said he got called to an important meeting and now cant meet me until tomorrow morning!"
"Such a bullshitter! His probably with some woman" he moaned "put all that away Y/N" Andy nodded to my laptop and notebook that i had out.
"We done for the day?"
"Yeah fuck it, how about we go back to the room and get changed into some comfier clothes then dinner and a few drinks?"
"Sure, sounds good boss, lets go" i smiled as i quickly tucked the laptop and notebook away in my bag....I couldn't wait to get into my comfy clothes and get something to eat.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama
71 notes · View notes
Joe & Ronnie
Joe: Hey
Joe: my flatmate has some work I reckon your mate might be interested in
Joe: but it’ll sound a bit dodgy coming from me so you wanna pass it along?
Joe: moneys alright for no real work, depending on how you look at it
Ronnie: never done any work as a secretary myself
Ronnie: write your own fucking love notes
Joe: I see that
Joe: your accent down the 📞?
Joe: no cunt here’d understand you, never mind the demeanour
Joe: yeah, well, it’d really seem that way
Joe: but I actually need someone to take her off my hands
Ronnie: racism as foreplays playing to the wrong crowd hes more into homo bashing
Ronnie: errr dunno how you read his demeanor mckenna but he aint taken a her off anyones hands since before any of us had phones
Joe: i’ll keep that in mind
Joe: well homophobic of me to not tell him myself so he’s welcome for the freebie
Joe: not actual escorting
Joe: she does art, her life drawing class needs a model
Joe: I ain’t fucking doing that
Joe: tell me I ain’t 📖 him right on that one
Ronnie: fucks sake if youd said it was cash for cock wed be done talking already
Joe: I just did
Joe: sound, she’ll be made up, she’ll get off my case, and he’ll get £15 an hour, apparently 👌
Ronnie: sexist not to ask me
Ronnie: pass that on to your little gf
Joe: weren’t her idea to ask Charlie
Joe: you’ll have to take up that grievance with me as well
Joe: I’ll just point out it’d be even weirder if I’d have asked you
Ronnie: you wish
Ronnie: how much £ you offering me to bang you
Joe: if I did no point paying you to do it for her and her class and not me
Joe: that’s an interesting take on cucking though, loads that would go for it, I’m sure
Ronnie: ill write it down as youve made me go hunting for a pen in this shithole
Joe: cheers
Joe: take 20% commission or whatever
Joe: or take the IOU I owe him for doing this
Ronnie: you said it hed do this for fuck all ill take the lot and mary wont know it was a paid gig
Joe: if he can fend the flatmate off, undoubtedly a load of art gays he can have his pick of
Ronnie: that what youre telling yourself for why you dont want me to do it yeah
Joe: you wanna do it?
Ronnie: i want you to admit the reason you dont want me to is cause he scrubs up enough for horse girl and her course mates not to stage an intervention
Joe: not what it is so no
Joe: I know I don’t want to get my shit out in front of a load of middle class kids who know fuck all about fuck all, so I assumed as much for you
Ronnie: dont ever assume fuck all for or about me
Joe: why do you wanna do it so bad when like you said, you can pocket the cash and get him to?
Ronnie: i dont wanna fucking do it
Joe: well that’s grand ‘cos I reckon Sophie wants to see dick so
Joe: she’d be really let down
Ronnie: usually what gets you off
Ronnie: but im made up youre in love now like
Joe: please, she either don’t get it’s weird to ask me which means she’s some kind of special
Joe: or this is the start of her 50 shades fantasy and I have to be the let down to end all let downs and i’m already doing my best
Ronnie: rem is right to pay for it when she could just walk in on you taking a piss or having a shower
Joe: when you’re just a creep and not a predator 💔
Joe: not the girl my parents warned me about
Ronnie: if theyd be the type to go down the stables theyd have seen the other side of her
Joe: you’ve got your own daydreams, alright
Joe: put out the feelers, who isn’t a little gay these days, right
Ronnie: go ed and pass on ive got a bigger dick than him and she will have
Ronnie: i dont dream 💔
Joe: shame she isn’t equally inspiring for you
Joe: or anyone, really
Ronnie: cry about it with him when youre done pimping
Joe: what do you dream about then, when you’re awake
Ronnie: what you cant read me
Joe: clearly not
Joe: dashed your modelling dreams
Ronnie: blind and not able to read braille must be dead hard for you
Joe: is that sympathy?
Joe: or you offering me 🖐 to 👩��‍🦲 time
Ronnie: again you wish
Ronnie: 💭💉
Ronnie: cant make it any easier to understand soz
Joe: maybe I do
Joe: far as 💭s go
Ronnie: fuck maybe you do or you dont
Joe: well it ain’t why I don’t want to get my arms out for her
Joe: not tried it
Joe: but not a no
Ronnie: give a shit what you do or dont want to do for or to her
Joe: that is a no, tah
Ronnie: tell her not me baby
Joe: that’s not a big sister duty?
Joe: gutted
Ronnie: wouldnt know im the middle kid dorothy does that for us
Joe: i’ll ask him when i’m crying on him then
Joe: make a change for me
Ronnie: hot
Ronnie: rack up the ious like a fat line hes gonna be made up
Joe: oi he’s like family ain’t he
Ronnie: &
Ronnie: you wanna fuck your mam
Ronnie: not oi ing you
Joe: well you get to think about me and him, you gave me her and you, not fair
Ronnie: life aint soft lad
Ronnie: and stopping at thinking about shit is the difference between me and you
Joe: I get it, you’ve gone there
Joe: purely here for the homophobia
Ronnie: your kinks match 💘
Ronnie: purely there so the lads dont kick off before hes got his kicks
Joe: see, you’ve got it in you 💘
Joe: the sisterly thing
Joe: my hate don’t get expressed by putting me in him though so I won’t run my mouth
Ronnie: not what ive got in me but im not giving you the talk just cause your ma didnt
Joe: you want a virgin to defile reckon Soph and her mates are prime, vampira
Ronnie: set it up with her ill show if i get no better offers
Joe: lucky girl
Joe: no more nights in doing doodles of cute girls that look like you
Ronnie: we dont look alike youll have to accept theyre of you
Joe: i fit less than you, by far
Ronnie: fuck off
Joe: sorry
Joe: it’s weird, say the least
Ronnie: i fit nowhere she made sure i dont
Joe: ditto
Joe: so buzzing i can write shit songs about it though
Ronnie: no
Ronnie: weve got fuck all in common
Joe: just the same mother
Joe: who put her shitty genetics and choices on us both at different times
Ronnie: i ain’t got a mother you cant cross out the un from wanted and act like its the same word
Joe: incubator then
Joe: she was 19 and still fucked, don’t think they had a five-year plan down
Joe: worse if she did, the state of
Ronnie: she made 1 choice for me shes still controlling you
Ronnie: were not the fucking same
Joe: you reckon
Ronnie: if you wanna claim it aint her fault youre this big of a pussy try it
Joe: you don’t think it’s my fault?
Joe: woah, just say you love me
Ronnie: i dont think about you when you aint trying to compare us
Joe: hot
Joe: I’ve thought about you plenty
Joe: uni ain’t that interesting
Ronnie: you came looking for me werent the other way round
Ronnie: you ain’t interesting to me mckenna
Joe: you reckon you’re fascinating, yeah?
Joe: fair enough
Ronnie: if your flatmate knows anyone doing doc film making they can wank over me lying in the gutter when youre done
Joe: nah
Joe: you don’t want control of your narrative
Ronnie: i dont want a narrative
Joe: then i’ll be the only wanker
Ronnie: in your dreams
Joe: well you painted such a lovely visual
Ronnie: black screen would get you going can stay in your own fucked head with no interference then like
Joe: Static is my kink
Joe: you know me so well
Ronnie: your fucking kink is not shutting the hell up til i do
Joe: i’m a gentleman
Joe: and i’m taking that review
Ronnie: youll get a lengthy one from my big brother when you are
Joe: you don’t have to settle for hearing it and getting your kicks second-hand
Joe: I’ll have to be somewhere to be unavailable for this life drawing class
Joe: let’s do something
Ronnie: what you paying me to babysit
Joe: you can ask my mammy or you can see what you can get
Ronnie: if i was gonna talk to her it wouldnt be about you
Joe: thank god
Joe: so take the risk
Ronnie: of what
Ronnie: boring me is asking too much of you
Joe: that’s surely a given
Joe: risk anything but
Ronnie: if I need rescuing again ill call you thats the only given Joe: you’re worse than her
Joe: christian grey or superman, like
Joe: gonna be BFFs yous, I can tell
Ronnie: you dont like being compared to cunts youre nothing like either funny that
Joe: touche
Joe: come on, what would convince you
Ronnie: if youre gonna beg then beg and if youre gonna show me something do it
Joe: I know you’d like to hear me beg but I can’t tell what you’d wanna see
Ronnie: then the answers nothing
Joe: nah
Joe: the answers you want to wait or you wanna be disappointed
Ronnie: why the fuck would I want either of those things
Joe: that’s what I’ll give you then
Joe: the opposite of that
Ronnie: thats meant to convince me yeah
Joe: nah, I am
Ronnie: like fuck will you
Joe: see, you want to be disappointed
Ronnie: ill be disappointed want has fuck all to do with it
Joe: if you don’t come and see
Ronnie: come where
Joe: see me
Joe: i’m new in town, I don’t know where to go
Joe: fuck sightseeing
Ronnie: [somewhere she’d hang out]
Ronnie: go there
Joe: now?
Ronnie: whenever you dont know where to go
Joe: okay
Joe: and I’ll see you there when you don’t
Ronnie: when im not fucking either of our flatmates
Joe: when you’re done being disappointed
Ronnie: when you prove yourself as not
Joe: you’ll see
Joe: I can’t show you over the phone
Ronnie: you could
Ronnie: im going nowhere on a bullshit promise cause im not a meff teenager
Joe: and I ain’t young enough to think that’s a good idea either
Joe: pictures not doing no favours
Joe: if you’re there and i’m there
Ronnie: big if
Joe: I never know where to be
Ronnie: newborn i heard you
Joe: something like that
Joe: if you can’t leave soph alone I’ll do my best begging 🥺
Ronnie: she cant leave you alone id be doing you a favour
Joe: true
Joe: wouldn’t wanna be caught doing that though
Ronnie: let you do the clean up after ive killed and ate her id be caught well fast for that instead
Joe: you’d get caught for being three times your size
Joe: she’s a big girl
Joe: you should share, be sworn to secrecy
Ronnie: doing her a favour i shouldve said
Ronnie: fuck all going for her
Joe: way to get in shape
Joe: she’ll appreciate us using her blood for something artsy on the walls
Ronnie: ill ask the basic white bitch i live with to give me a clue
Joe: 🍆 will be appropriate for her
Ronnie: 🐎
Joe: they might reckon she did it with her dying breath
Joe: very artist of her, dying how she lived
Ronnie: hurry the fuck up with your confession song if you want credit
Joe: you wanna hear me confessing so bad
Joe: but I might be able to hand that in so
Joe: hold on
Ronnie: it aint me whos a choir boy
Joe: ugh, I wish
Ronnie: cant chat shit about us having the same fantasies ive been touched by a old bloke wearing a dress and i dont rate it
Ronnie: standard surrounded by homos night out
Joe: yeah, and the nuns are never the hot kind
Joe: if they didn’t self-flagellate they’d be entirely uninteresting
Ronnie: 💔
Joe: yeah, it’s tragic being this bored/boring, say it ‘fore you have to bother
Ronnie: didnt invite you to no pity party and if thats where youre trying to get me to turn up to dont bother is right
Joe: you mean you don’t wanna talk about your feelings?
Joe: like you said, like being left alone with my own fucked up ones too much to try and start a therapy session
Ronnie: what fucking feelings dead above & below the waist like
Joe: dangerously close to sharing there
Joe: you got your 💉 already then?
Ronnie: wouldnt be this chatty if i had
Ronnie: unlucky you
Joe: I’m the one that wants to see you
Joe: so I’ll cope
Ronnie: cant even spell martyrdom proper so youve fucked yourself looking for a pat on the back off me by matching the definition up
Joe: i’ll just ring mum up yeah
Ronnie: your da if not but it wont have the same satisfying end for you like
Joe: 💔
Joe: validations the last thing i need
Joe: had a whole lifetime
Ronnie: you crawling back to me with a boner for the accent your mummys losing is the last thing i need
Ronnie: get on the scouse samaritans
Joe: don’t reckon that’s a job you’ll get any time soon either
Joe: ‘less the purpose is to make sure people go through with it
Ronnie: couldve fooled me if it aint what else is talking a sad cunts ear off about their problems gonna do
Joe: attention seekers anonymous
Ronnie: no need to meet you there i earned all them badges as a kid 🧷🩸
Joe: wouldn’t be caught 💀 obvs
Joe: keeping it secret adds another level of masochism anyway
Ronnie: does it fuck
Ronnie: keeps you feeling like a smug bitch you can still pass
Ronnie: miss me with that pussy shit
Joe: nah, that’s that i’m in control shit
Joe: it’s not that
Joe: the only thing you might be smug about is how oblivious everyone chooses to be
Joe: if it weren’t also depressing as fuck
Ronnie: dont give em the choice
Joe: why?
Ronnie: why the fuck would you want to
Joe: don’t need to be my mother’s next cause celebre
Joe: she can force the therapy and concern on any of the others, I don’t wanna get better or have to fake like I’ll even try
Ronnie: then dont
Ronnie: cut off your umbilical cord and wipe up the blood trail
Ronnie: not like she tries very hard to herd back the black sheep
Joe: maybe they know and don’t give a fuck 🤞
Joe: I know I ain’t going back so whatever
Ronnie: & you reckon weve got anything in common
Joe: just 50% of our DNA
Joe: never said we were twinsies
Ronnie: if youd have said id have spat in your face 1st time we met get it collected and the tests run
Joe: I wish
Joe: has your face healed
Ronnie: wheres the fun in letting it do that
Joe: 😏
Joe: we can pretend that’s inherited if you need
Ronnie: not 5 i dont play pretend
Joe: if you keep digging, reckon the ink will be gone and it’ll be pure scar tissue
Ronnie: calm the fuck down i can hear how turned on you are about it from here
Joe: spoilsport
Joe: just thinking, scar that only vaguely looks like 🍒s might be well more rugged for my transformation from baby to independent real boy
Ronnie: laughing cos i like pain not cause youre funny
Ronnie: when you see or hear it from wherever youre lurking
Joe: you don’t leave room for me to get the wrong idea, you’re alright
Joe: all them fucked ones are mine alone and already there
Ronnie: get your girlfriend to draw you a pin up & dont tell her youve changed the lass horse head to look like your mas
Ronnie: masc for masc in your bio before you know it and 🦋 tramp stamp to follow
Joe: you know my dad already has a tattoo that looks like her, no bullshit
Joe: and another dead girl on the other arm but that’s a whole other boring story
Joe: playing dress up is off the cards too if I’m ever gonna be a big boy
Ronnie: where do you keep his severed arm when youre not using it to fist yourself and how old were you when you cut it off
Ronnie: if we re telling stories
Joe: 😂
Joe: where we keep the horse
Joe: that en-suite is massive
Ronnie: if he finds out it was a paid gig ill know where to crash
Joe: still gutted she don’t wanna see you naked
Ronnie: youre a liar if you dont wanna see her face seeing me
Joe: don’t know if anyone could be bothered to look at her when you’re about but yeah
Joe: the trauma would really fuel me and make her much more bearable to live with
Ronnie: youre welcome like
Joe: gotta stop being nice to me
Joe: you know stalkers, give ‘em an inch
Ronnie: telling me what to do is the fastest way 🖕
Ronnie: and i know you dont have an inch to give me making the best of this shitshow is what an optimist like me has gotta do
Joe: obviously you’re that type
Joe: not having it in common will have you back 👍
Joe: you’re inspiring, like
Ronnie: chop off my arms and legs and get a camera set up in the en-suite
Joe: you’d fit in my cello case then, could take you everywhere
Ronnie: course youve had a measuring tape out
Joe: hate to kill your optimism with 🍆
Joe: have a go at pushing it back in
Ronnie: how longs your tongue reckon that could kill any girls optimism
Joe: 💔 if it was only good for chatting your ear off
Ronnie: [send him a picture of your weird gross split tongue because obviously]
Joe: [how does that not make you lisp, or does it, I always think that]
Joe: that’s why you’ve not had an invite
Joe: 🚫🐍
Ronnie: gutted
Joe: you know you can show up and do whatever you wanna do whenever
Joe: I’ll take you back
Ronnie: this performance art is meant to what just scare her or teach you how to get her to back the fuck off as well as
Ronnie: im not a fucking tour guide mckenna & you can get yourself evicted without my help
Joe: you know I meant to Dublin
Joe: don’t think it’d take much to scare Sophie off, give it a month for us to both get comfortable and she’ll see what I ain’t
Ronnie: fuck you
Joe: I said if you want
Ronnie: dont need your permission to do anything i want
Joe: don’t think any of ‘em are that lax with their socials
Joe: you’d need directions
Ronnie: ive had years to find em & we dont both hang about with horse girls from kent
Joe: can’t say it’s your loss
Ronnie: shut up about it then
Joe: 🤐
Ronnie: 🖕
Joe: got a whole fist here, you can keep it
Ronnie: sizeist
Joe: told her yours is massive like you said, it’s fine
Ronnie: i said bigger than his not a horse shes in for a disappointment
Joe: gotta 🤞 she’s an optimist like you babe
Ronnie: unlike you shes gonna wait to see what i do with it before telling me to shove it
Joe: you just wanna blueball me for the pain
Joe: go on, for your lols
Ronnie: she wont want me at all unless youre gonna watch
Joe: and you need a witness so I get time too
Joe: I’ll do it, torturous as it’d be
Ronnie: the iou is gonna torture me too
Joe: if you’re lucky
Ronnie: not the dna half we share 💔
Joe: damnit
Joe: what’s good about being Scouse?
Ronnie: now the beatles are dead youve got fuck all to live for
Ronnie: noted
Joe: only the good ones
Joe: I dunno, anything good about it never happened, left when I was a kid and we still lived in a shithole with shitheads
Ronnie: get in line she left me in a shithole with shitheads 1st
Joe: where were you
Joe: wonder how close it was
Ronnie: what the fuck does it matter
Joe: it makes her more/less shitty depending
Ronnie: it aint gonna change my opinion and I dont give a shit about yours
Joe: fair enough
Ronnie: get cosy with charlie hed take you down memory lane
Joe: not before he’s got it out for the art class tah
Ronnie: you didnt say when
Joe: [probably an evening class like tomorrow or the next day, then the same time a week later]
Ronnie: too fucking late the pen is in pieces
Joe: sure it isn’t the first time you’ve left him a note in blood
Ronnie: hes only gonna cry about it & take the shine off his modelling debut
Joe: awh
Joe: message him 🧓🏼
Ronnie: fuck off calling me old
Joe: 😏
Ronnie: ill write him a note blaming what a twat you are for what hes gonna walk in on
Joe: what mess have you made
Ronnie: havent killed myself yet
Joe: and you’ve not stopped talking so no OD’ing
Joe: possibilities are endless still
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: come out
Joe: we can get new ink to dig out
Joe: whatever
Ronnie: you gonna suck his dick this time
Joe: I’ll just pay the old-fashioned way
Ronnie: flashy cunt
Joe: what being a student is all about
Ronnie: and youre too special to poison your blood how the rest of em do
Joe: I’m not opposed but I can do it alone, I don’t need to go to a sweaty student bar that plays shit songs and has a load of sad Soph clones giving it 🥺
Ronnie: you can get another tattoo without me holding your hand
Joe: I could
Ronnie: go do it 🦋 baby
Joe: have mentioned its not about the tat, yeah?
Ronnie: nah not that ive heard
Joe: come on
Joe: i want to see you, i’ve said loads
Ronnie: youve said loads of shit yeah
Joe: shit i mean
Ronnie: why
Joe: why wouldn’t I
Ronnie: thats your answer then fuck it
Joe: you don’t need to ask ‘cos you know
Ronnie: i did ask and you said why the fuck not
Ronnie: like its nothing
Ronnie: like you didnt turn up uninvited into my life not long ago
Joe: then tell me to leave
Joe: like it’s that easy
Ronnie: i didnt tell you to fucking appear
Ronnie: just cause youre a kid dont make me the dead fish you won at the fair
Joe: I never had the choice
Joe: she told me about you, talked about you all the fucking time
Joe: you’ve always been in my life
Ronnie: and youve never been in mine
Ronnie: im not gonna carve out a place for you now cos you want it
Joe: Alright
Joe: do it then
Ronnie: dont tell me what to fucking do
Joe: I’m not going unless you say it
Ronnie: no shit this is fun for you
Joe: like fuck it is
Ronnie: im the car wreck youre craning your neck to keep looking at
Ronnie: thats all the fuck this is
Joe: lie better
Ronnie: you dont care about me or what this feels like
Joe: I can’t take it back, you know now
Ronnie: you dont wanna take it back
Joe: I can’t, what’s the point pretending
Joe: I never said I was a good person
Joe: being sorry won’t change anything for you
Ronnie: its all your christmases & birthdays im west as this course youre gonna keep on spinning me out
Joe: Piss off
Ronnie: lie better cunt
Joe: So you’re allowed pity parties, yeah?
Joe: 👌
Ronnie: calling you out on your bullshit is allowed if youre crying thats your problem
Joe: if all you want from me is for me to go away, consider it done
Joe: you can’t hack it, my apologies
Ronnie: tell me why if im so fucking wrong
Joe: I like you
Joe: I want you, to get to know you
Joe: I can’t just stop it, not for myself
Joe: So make me
Ronnie: stop telling me what to fucking do
Ronnie: fucks sake
Joe: you ain’t saying anything
Joe: what do you want
Ronnie: I dont want you to like me
Ronnie: fuck is that
Joe: yeah, it’s obvious you go to great lengths to be unlikeable
Joe: not going to tell no one am I
Ronnie: so hate me soft lad
Joe: I’ll give it a go
Ronnie: ill make you
Joe: give it a go then
Ronnie: where are you then
Joe: [give a location of somewhere near your flat ‘cos don’t need to actually set you on the flatmate rn and that’s likely where you were]
Ronnie: [obviously we’re just gonna show up however long that takes us without another word like !?]
Joe: [just so much eye contact ‘cos what you gonna say what you gonna do]
Ronnie: [definitely gonna take him somewhere sketchy as hell to the level that like Charlie doesn’t know we still go there/we’d never take him ever like you wanna get to know me okay bitch buckle up]
Joe: [can’t let you hook up or shoot up yet ‘cos chronological but go along with this obvs]
Ronnie: [it would make sense if you made out/almost hooked up though because the vibe for the next convo was very much oh fuck what are you doing here we didn’t mean to run each other like this but also v flirty]
Joe: [agreed, and allowed, it’s the obvious vibe but any untold drama can happen to stop you in whatever dodgy place so makes sense]
Ronnie: [literally and just because you can’t shoot up together yet does not mean either of you have to be in any way sober so]
Joe: [hundo, we’re not saying he’s never done a drug lol, he clearly abuses his prescription as is so like, there’s plenty to be done without going there]
Ronnie: [and if we wanted to we could say that you watch her do it here and now before you do it together anyway because you’d both get a weird kick out of that]
Joe: [tea, bet you did not see this coming for your uni experience lmao]
Ronnie: [meanwhile she’s old enough to have left, do you wanna grow up babe? No? okay]
Joe: [the way you’re rolling with this, we know you’re fucked boy but pop off]
Ronnie: [I can’t overstate how much she’d be doing the absolute most to try and scare him away like I dare you to go back on what you said]
Joe: [we know you’re not gonna, soz babe, is very rude how he’s just waltzed in but truly did not say we were a good person lol]
Ronnie: [we know she’s not either and also is here for it more than she will ever express until we’re literally years into this]
Joe: [hi your mother’s daughter, but no, you actually have a reason this is messed up but we’re into it from the off and not pretending, risky af strategy boy]
Ronnie: [is there anything we wanna say happens that has lasting-ish consequences other than the make out/ almost hook up ie a tattoo or a fight with injury potential or an arrest lol]
Joe: [hmm, the possibilities, maybe a fight to show you can, could be about anything, it’s that sort of place]
Ronnie: [that is such a mood I love it and yeah could literally be you’re a new face or could be her fault because of the aforementioned doing the most]
Joe: [totally, and that’ll be an easy way to separate you and not meet until the next convo]
Ronnie: [exactly dr phil]
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rwmhunt · 4 years
Leviticus, Chapter 23
1. Substitute day, and a return unto A sender of something, as to another place, That hasn't the wherewithal to get there either; I will open it again and learn That which is already known to be such As isn't so much.
2. And it's not mine, but a, And is the right way round. For as I set the seasons, I reprise, reply, replay; It's substitution day.
3. And Sabbath is the seventh, Whence the lord, in all thy dwellings, Is up for doing nothing; Or Sabbath is the sixth; I don't care.
4. And welcome to my channel, It's great to have each of you still with me- A man who speaks of people By their purpose, Himself as his own singer, With- such are the seasons, Even, holy convocations, For want to be sure of a constant, It's Senhal, An obscure term For an old friend.
5. Love, love, lo, this is not Of a cloven love, Leviticus, I will speak of it Unto sundry strangers and neighbours, As just one more month's dusk Then it'll be passover, Not once. Not twice, Not once. Love. So we can still imagine a time When all of this will go again;
6. But a day will approach When, if there is something That can look back, Could think that 'here' and 'then' Are really very close;- And I wonder if they saw The strings of direct attachment, Lining their behaviours; Just flour and water, But I don't think so; Still, anytime was closer to history than this one, So what do I know?
7. If I were to put the onus On to the impossible, Then what was light-hearted and playful, Would be wont to become ridden and surly; Lord, being an influencer is a serious endeavour, For how many unsuccessful oblations are there That are out there? Lo, state your appreciation; Don’t just wing it. Plan it out in kalends, Of which are reckon'd to be backwards; so, To start, do nothing.
8. After a week, Let's go- Gift your influencers' grift, For, when you so do this, It strokes the ego of the flames, Who then add unto the savour of sacrifice, Thus, get me it up; Make it smolder, Then, use its fatal nature To activate the future.
9. And simple: These are nacks, To muster control Over gods; Are junk and have been; That we all have interest vested- Let ignorance of it control Hereafter, same, so anon and amen.
10. Crowdsplain- First fruit the priest Hard and long, Find the tunnels, Writing what's impossible For the brain to conceive, That it may then be read back of, To supplant and supersede; So become possible.
11. And thither, the Wheatchief Will wave the sheaf Tomorrow- See how it goes? Ol' Cathode Ray, and Non-mathmatical aesthetic identities, The spirit of the radio take her.
12. That once the sheaf And all the while Be specific unto thy niche- Nativize unto thy platform, For, the experience shall follow The rhyzome's swerve and function, So that the user-expectation be wrought From whence the contents be placed- In this case, Add in a lamb shank ponzi scheme to my platform; Smells wonderful.
13. So unto the titular character, Exerting such low level leverage as Begetteth me of an ephah cake, And a quarter hin of wine; I don't need the free stuff, I am a successful influencer, But shouldst you want me to advertise for suckers On my platform that I have built myself for free; Well, we're all getting along so good.
14. Then it's me first, And simple: see- That our boldest endeavours, And most exciting adventures- They have not yet even begun; That, in spite of all the detritus, In the teeth of all that we've done, my boys, I tell you: The best Is yet To come.
15. Then, 49 days later, Seek whence Thought might come in sequence, And I'm really so blessed and thankful to you all for being here; So, as thought comes  in sequence And thus, it wasn't known where We are going here as we begun. O tensions, retensions- I use to used to run.
16.  Know, influencers, I am the hype; So on-brand that I can give unto you, And through you, the trick- Pyramid that still stands For the thousands- Round it up; So nice.
17. And, super relevant- Optimize continuously, also, Compensate me handsomely; while Sacrifice may seem like a quick-success marketing strategy, It isn’t so. Such are the things that keep not happening; More food please.
18. Lots more, This is why the burden of proof for rhetorical claim Shall falleth shortly As among the Open Wounde who should maketh of such a claim; It is not upon the world to provide him a fallacy, But he, who's to prove the world its truth; which, Across all channels, He, rerewise, hath been completely unable to do.
19. So suffer him his own precarity; And then some; Think back to when, Twirrup twipip,-pwiwip, Suwee, psu, swoo swsoo, So sweepeth they in song, As we, quiet, Through our blossom comedown, That hideth our tiny singers, And the bulgence behind the wiltage, In the verges, Be of burgeoning seed.
20. And everyone wave; All this- so good as is it to be; And though under a hail Of black tormentors, Our torment, And through its over-drone, With no one remembering it happening, But, who'll remember the photograph?
21. Sit back; You've lost everything, So lo, olah, you remember how mother died- Bringing cow parsley into the tent of meaning; For she went by the umbels as we'd walked on the plain, And they had reminded her of those lace cushions That her ladies-in-waiting had carried, And so gave them the name.
22. Embassadors, Leave thy corners to disillusion; A true influencer ideally keeps doing What they genuinely gain of a passion for. They know their value and their need is not to shew it, So spend a lot of time reading news and sharing opinions with others online. By buying-up dozens of potential plots, They help to plot the exodus to less, And stake an astronaut over the shape of a woman. But politics isn’t about the weird worship of one dude, So his words became their actions.
23.  Is it worth your time To try and ignore that, if, What you are listening to Is  the most effective form of advertising- A babbling of a technique That hath impostulated language, Then, should things go well, We may even be able to rend a cross-paracleation With phantom trust-collaborators, Interested in guest-posting for backlinks and exposure, Thus, marrying into micro-influencers, And so tap into our y.
24. But be consistent: For my favourite casts come out the same- Here, crowdplain how a seventh month is a Sound the trumpet month; See how it goes? Lo, but half of me struggles with the whimsy Of the other side that's yet so entranced; No, I'm not sure why, it's just the way I feel.
25. Down tools, more please. Gnaw your own head off. All things positivity- and It is always negotiation; Not: You bring it to the tabernacle, I sing- There is no shortness of spirit In opinion To be cut down. Equal positives, so unto Those things that keep not happening.
26. There are voices you hear of, As quoted as begetters of insightful opinion, Who art themselves never made extant, Being only reported hereto as sources, And lo, that they are the influencers. And I'm super curious as to know what you guys think; Please be sure to leave your comments amid the margins.
27. Thence, afflict thy souls, For, tis atonement day- We're ten into the seventh, And the snap's back when I was An offensive lineman, And the pass sent over- The big lie, long, long to the long deceiver, Ah, burnt offerings- How original, Best look unto the analytics, And if they give you not access there unto , Verily, you are going to have to fight, Fight as peaceful as Sheol, Down, deep down and dirty- I'm not going to call it off.
28. Down tools; Atone to the dial tone, No one calls; Let Ladder Capital Createth of the sponsored post- Like many on the medium, To use an ode- I used to play the role; To laugh and laugh; Laugh til I despised all there was to laugh at, And then I stopped, And in the silence, saw what I had done.
29. But laughing is not so bad.
We've been a good wee band. Yes we have. No one is coming after us. And if you're alright, mack, You'll get cut off.
30. So workers got destroyed That day, And Aaron was frustrated, And livid. Reach round; Feel thy spine. The way people stop you From being helpful When you are helpful, So that you cannot be helpful, So that they can cut you From your people.
31. Tardiness in perpetuity, Aye, today, it is Yplangenday- Well, I'll have to put myself Through some more adamantine Paces than god allows, else I'll never get enough done.
32. And be bold, For, you'll need to deracinate; Chancers are toxic vocations Within the tent of meaning; It's content; it's all content- Divide and game, so- Focus and grow. I mean to make sure That you are a consistent- Start of the ninth evening , End of the next.
33. God doesn't eat though, That I can see- For all that we give him, God doesn't eat.
34. Crowd, 15/7, and tabernacle feast week; Still his words became their actions, Shrill, until the doctrine of laches, When the searched-after Faithless elector went libertarian, Like many on the medium, Clade unto such bolled and novel obstacles What stretched where chance was slim, And slim was still in quarantine.
35. To start again, down tools, For, lo, if you want to be in a prison camp, You needst allow yourself the luxury Of being stupid enough to get captured.
36. Sacrifice? Spluttereth the LORD: But I'm fed up with so much burnt rubbish, I wish for forced fresh rhubarb, So shunt and jive; I've Optimized, and optimize continuously.
37. Drinks break; take life indicting, Gratify all at a local craven hire scheme, Go abroad singing, so merrylike, To slough off the whole As one enormous rhyzome. Deus Hic! God is drunk! I heard that, Brian Leg-Coverall.
38. O well done Jehus, And good to be with you, Yes you, Who are good in a crisis; A reminder- I'm working with mischief.
39. Wait, rest again, To live is to live through An embarrassment of times, Damarkated as meaningful riches, That will not be well remembered. Really, I am so blessed.
40. But try to ask of a question; So that thy congregation Might make communion in answer, See how it goes? Say, But why, isn't it A bit like palm sunday? The stream changeth its name As it passeth through each neighbourhood. I knew it as; Well it doesn't matter- You're not reposting, nor liking my banal repartee, So, unfollow.
41. And it goes; for I have giv'n unto them a scapegoat, But they cast it not out; So shall there be a reaving that will follow, and Themselves, they shall be cut off from.
42. Then all ye home-born booth dwellers In dwelling booths, Shall dwell in booths seven days and know That you are living in the rhyzome..
43. And everyone will know that I made you do this- The old booth dwellers, needing my rescue out of Egypt, So weakened,  the Open Wounde stayeth open; And remember to tell us what you think, Way down, deep down, down in the margins.
44. And Mose went about with the crowdsplaining Old loud-haler; A simple fellow out of storybook glen, From the tent of meaning, From the twilight men, He ran and told- And the thing is, They were too clever To not know what they were doing- So the target becomes bios; Is the common psychle, The answer- How would you like it? Is - 'I didn't'. And that therein has a hold and salience, As before tends to be the best time to regret- It is a kind of nonsense. I'm so merry
I'm so merry and sad.
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witchofmorena · 4 years
Eskel gets a bard
I got the idea from @jaskiersvalley and this fic (Imma steal name of competition, hope you don’t mind darling <3 )
Jaskier invites Eskel to stay and watch/listen to music, in hope Eskel finds someone he likes. Eskel stays and helps Jaskier prank Valdo over and over again (for one Eskel distracted Valdo while Jaskier put horse-shit (yes he was disgusted, and yes Geralt helped) in Valdo’s bed in place of his bed mattress... When Valdo went to bed with some other bard (yes they were going to be naughty) and as soon as they laid in bed they sunk into feces...well lets just say our dear witchers and Jaskier learned many new swearwords and other bards realized it might not be a good idea to bed Valdo during the Bard-Off).
The Bard-Off lasts for about 2 weeks, depending on number of participants, and teachers of Oxenfurt are judges, many nobles come to watch this event - it is one of most important events after all. During day the bards sing, the judges give them points for songs and audience enjoys some good music. In the evenings there is always a party, with lots of alcohol and food and people sneaking away for...some...private parties... 
Over hundred bards singed up, 128 to be precise - human,part-humans (fea, sirens, succubi, etc)... however non-human participants used magic to hide their “abnormalities” - they didn’t expect so many nobility and TWO witchers to be present. Each circle eliminated half of current participants (1st circle 64 get eliminated, 2nd 32, etc), there is 7 circles . 
In first circle, Eskel notices one girl who is fairly quiet compared to other bards, who cheers for her friends when they do well while most others boo-es them, she comforts other bards who get disqualified ("Why did they disqualify me? I can’t stop people from trying to impress me, because they are susceptible to even tiniest amount of siren voice! And I can’t even *turn it off* as they demand and they know it” “I know maybe, darling, next year will be better”)... Well now Eskel know why his medallion keeps vibrating - not every contestant was human... The girl is very pretty, she has short black hair and eyes that look like they are actual mini thunderstorm and pale skin, at least that’s all Eskel manages to see before she disappears from his view...For her first performance she sings a song about helping someone, falling for them and them taking advantage of her and her love /*AN: smth along the lines of Without me by Halsey*/ all while looking at Valdo. When she finishes and gets off the stage Valdo’s approaching her. He grabs her arm and drags her away and into an empty hallway. What Valdo forgot is that Jask is fond of this lady and sees her as younger sister. Jaskier asks his darling and friend to come with him (he already sang and doesn’t have to worry much about performing). They find Valdo yelling at her:“ Ishtar....what did I say about telling people about what happened between us?”. The girl, Ishtar, smells of fear and it makes witchers’ noses itch and Eskel growl - he hates seeing others being hurt in such way. As soon as bard raises hand and moves to strike Ishtar, Eskel appears in front of young lady. Idiot bard hits him and...regrets it immediately, for Eskel punches him hard enough to hear and feel breaking of bone. Jaskier and Geralt force Valdo outside, unkindly, and Eskel is alone with the beautiful woman. Only - she doesn’t seem fully human anymore, oh no. she has two horns coming out of her temples and ears have transformed as well... Eskel doesn’t address the fact that she is part succubus - her fear didn’t disappear and that is a bigger worry. So he tries talking to her.
“Did he hurt you? Do you want me to get someone else?”- he asks as gently as possible, not wishing to scare her even more, looking closely for any change that might indicate that she is calming down. “No, he didn’t and no need....Thanks for...help and....offer“ Ishtar said quietly, she didn’t understand why he was nice to her, especially now that her glamour is off, and why he protected her. Unable to stop herself she asked him. “Simple, I’m a witcher and my job is to protect innocent, besides I...uh...“ he stutters trough the rest of the answer, uncertain how to answer. “Oh....I thought witchers kill monsters“ Eskel frowns “We do, but not all,” he launches into explaining about differences and reasoning just about everything. Ishtar listens intently and calms down. Witcher gathers courage to ask her. “I’d like to dance with you, will you honor me and go to the party with me tonight?“ “Depends“ she answered shortly.”Will I be able to leave at any moment or will you force me to stay? Will I be able to speak with my friends?“ The scarred wolf smiles slightly, he likes her already”Why would I stop you doing anything you like to do? If you say you wish to leave I’ll walk you to your room....or corridor if you wish for that, wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened earlier“ our wolf has a feeling she’ll accept.  “Very well, but do not think I wont argue if try to restrict me!“ “Wouldn’t dream of it, lovely“ she blushes, unused to compliments while unglamoured.”I’ll see you tonight“ he says with a wink and turns to go find fellow wolf and his bard.
At the party Eskel and Ishtar dance until she decides to find Essi The Little Eye and some other people. Meanwhile Eskel finds Jaskier and White Wolf and tells them about the succubus bard he wants, Jaskier gets enthusiastic and tells Eskel everything he knows about her (and that is a lot) and Geralt just keeps up with his “hmmm”-s until Jask is done. Then starts teasing bigger wolf about his “love for horny women“ (pun is dumb but intended). When she says she wants to go, he walks her to her room. Ishtar get a kiss on her hand - he is doing this the way she wants.
Her second staging is about Essi and she sings about lover who fell for someone else, the one whose love changed from friend to lover and back to friend, the one who she’ll always love and treasure. Jaskier is impressed - he didn’t hear that one before so it must be new. Eskel appreciates how her voice is raising and falling so smoothly, how it goes from gentle to husky.
Third one is simply about the one who lied and despite that drove her crazy and did crazy things with this one and she doesn’t regret it at all (Ricky Martin - Livin’ La Vida Loca). Eskel raises eyebrows - it happened to him, a whore slipped him something for sleep, took his coin (leaving barely enough for room) and left him there, he felt resigned at the time and unhappy (he looked forward to eating her out and driving her nuts with his tongue). 
Fourth performance - she wanted to sing her newest song about the one who keeps Valdo away (aka Eskel), she composed it last night - and so she sings about a hero, a hero who is strong, fast, larger then life (Bonnie Tyler - I need a hero) all while keeping eye-contact with Eskel (he winks at her).
Fifth round and she has no idea what to sing - so she sings a song to god of vegetation, fertility, protection and war (aka Yarilo) and once again is looking Eskel in the eye, as if she is challenging him in some way. That is the day he asks her to be his bard... “I’m curious....“ he said quietly, as if unsure of something ”Do you travel around Continent, like Jask does?” Ishtar looks up from her notes, she’s composing something new “Hmmmm? Oh....yes, all bards travel, but Jaskier travels the most” she seems confused ”Tho if I had a chance I’d travel like he does...“ even tho that was all he needs to hear to know she’ll be up for travelling with him he’s still uncertain - who would want his scarred and ugly mug? “What if someone asks you? Say someone you’ve spent some time with during this Bard-Off?“ he hints he wants to travel with her. “Are you asking me to wander with you, oh scary witcher?“ her eyes sparkle as she asks him teasingly. “hmmmmm...“ Eskel humms thinking to himself <Good going, Eskel, you’re just as eloquent as Geralt....On the other hand that might help>. He keeps stuttering answer “Well....yes...I mean if....if you don’t....want to...it’s fine....Unless?...”  Ishtar pulls him down “I’d love to travel with you, sweet witcher”, kisses him and drags, well it’s not exactly dragging since he is following her willingly, to her room.”Just know that is not the only thing I want to do with you” pushes him on the bed ”The word among succubae is” perches on his lap and his arm goes around her waist, steadying her “That Eskel of the wolves” kisses and bites his neck, he grunts softly “is amazing in bed” whispers in his ear and sucks “Is that true?” He growls, aroused. “Want to find out“ he pulls her closer “Just how good“ tangles his free hand in her hair ”I can be“ kisses her, moving from her sweet lips, along her jaw and down her neck, leaving occasional bite or sucking on the skin. 
She is too focused on Eskel as they tear each others clothes off to notice the glamour slipping. He lies her down as they are kissing, and slowly makes his way down her body, taking time to warship her - sucking and biting than licking and kissing to sooth the sting. He makes her come over and over again with his tongue and and fingers til she’s overstimulated mess, begging him for something and even she doesn’t know what for. Is she begging for more? For less? Until she decides she wants him to be a mess. So she turns the table on him - suddenly he is the one in his back, and it’s her turn to drive him crazy, like he did her.
Afterwards, when they are both spent and cuddling, Ishtar looks at her witcher, for in her eyes he is hers, and whispers softly, gently, her breath tickles his neck “I want to travel and I want to travel with you, my dear wolf” she raises her head to look into his eyes “and the stories are true - you are amazing” leans in to kiss his lips, where the scar deforms them, gently.
Several months later.... Eskel is in a small town, so small it doesn’t even have name not to mention it’s in a swampy area, Ishtar is with him. They go to local alderman to check if there are any monsters that are terrorizing people. Turns out there are drowners - rather big horde of over 20 drowners. Eskel takes the contract and tries to convince his lovely succubus bard to stay behind and “maybe sing in a tavern? I don’t want you near danger”. Of course, she doesn’t stay in town/village and follows her darling. She keeps her distance, as to not make more work for Eskel. <Silly witcher thinks I need protection 24/7....*shakes head fondly*....well if he doesn’t need help I still need new material for a new song - it’s been a while since I accompanied him on his hunts...> she thinks to herself. The fight last much longer then either of them thought it would and Eskel left his potions behind, didn’t drink them thinking it’ll be easy fight. He’ll definitely have words with the alderman about this. He doesn’t notice couple drowners coming from behind, but Ishtar does. She picks up the first thing she sees - it’s a tree branch and thankfully it’s not dry. She runs at drowners (<NO NO NO! That is MY witcher! I wont let you have him>), starts hitting them with her make-shift weapon screaming at the top of her lungs “Die DIe DIE” until there is only...mess made of brain matter, mud and bones left behind. Eskel watches her with amusement in his eyes and proud smile on his tired face - the rest of drowners were already dead. “I know I should’ve stayed in tavern or something, but I’ve decided to follow you AND I’m not apologizing” Ishtar says defensively. “I was wrong” he admits, coming closer to her and hugging her tightly. She could feel his excitement against her hip, but since he’s ignoring it she does the same and returns the hug just as tightly. They found the alderman upon their return to the town. He admitted to not knowing how many drowners there really was, and, since he couldn’t pay for the ones he didn’t know about he invited duo to stay at his house for a few days. 
With time Ishtar’s songs become as popular as Jaskier’s and the Eskel Chernovuk becomes as famous as Geralt. While Jaskier and Geralt are known as Feral Bard and White Wolf, Ishtar and Eskel are know as Demon Bardess and Chernovuk. 
The person who supported me is my sweet tree climbing buddy Rhi, @merthurlocked so I’m tagging her (Thanks, love <3)
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