#(Anyway I have license to link to this AND talk about it)
koushirouizumi · 1 year
#koushirouizumi ref#koushirouizumi fl#koushirouizumi fl ref#koushirouizumi fam#(M e ' Hey I need a simple and effective way to describe what a high Cat4~5 sounds like to people who ') :') :') :') ...#(Me ' probs wouldnt give a single genuine actual sh*t about *any of this* either way but ')#(Me ' ... ')#(Me ' Holy sh*t it sounds {almost} exactly like I remember it ')#(I actually hadnt watched Andrew stuff in a LONG TIME because negl it was a little . traumatizing to hear this again)#(There's damage seen towards the end as a warning)#(We also Know PeopleTM QUITE Close to that T u r k e y P o i n t area and)#(sh*T I knew it had bad damage to it but tHAT BAD W O W)#(I mean I expected it too but...)#(Protip: if they tell you + fam to evacuate gET THE HELL OUT OF THERE)#(around 2:10 timemark is some flashing which is a trans{former??} light blowing out)#(around 3:70 mark is the N.H.C radar literally BLOWING OUT and there is flashing too and it lasts for a while long)#(I had seen some of this footage before specifically the radar blowing footage and similar of the winds but NOT all of this)#(It's honestly so sh*t that other day was SO taken up by That GuyTM we could barely even get the date of This acknowledged)#(I wasn't finding ANYTHING the other day other than 'oh here's our passing mention of Andrew in our current forecast!!1!')#(Anyway I have license to link to this AND talk about it)#(considering MY WHOLE DAMN FL FAM LIVED through this storm and multiple Cat 4s that passed through after)#(even if we WERENT immediately in the eye)#(LIKE??? MY CHILDHOOD HOME WAS STILL HEAVILY DAMAGED BY ANDREW???? EVEN IF IT ~~WASNT FLATTENED~~????)#(It was *like half the house* on various ends but BECAUSE WE {FAM} EVACUATED we DIDNT HAVE TO WITHSTAND THAT but)#(*NOT EVERYONE COULD GET OUT*)#(Almost everyone we know 30+ in FL has memories if not other fam that remembers living through specifically THIS STORM)#(And my fam was '''~INLAND~''' and even then many of us are tbh still shocked the whole fam end MADE IT THROUGH this storm)#(Like its COMMON for us to talk abt it BECAUSE WE ALMOST ALL WENT THROUGH IT except the youngest of F.L. fam end!!)#(It was literally LIKE HALF OF J E W I S H end {+a fam friend!} crammed into one fam place for THE WHOLE NIGHT+ into the next days)#(Like I honestly dont even *know* anymore how to describe how terrifying these storms can get unless I LINK SOMETHING like this)
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slayfics · 7 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter Twenty: Planning for the School Festival.
Chapter links
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After Mina dragged you out of Katsuki's room and forced you into what she called "girl's study night" a screaming match ensued between you and her.
She insisted you explain why you went "crawling back" to Katsuki when he didn't even apologize.
You kept telling her that's not how things happened, but she wasn't satisfied. To be fair you weren't giving her the whole story. But- how could you?
Katsuki had come to you confidently to vent about the guilt he had been carrying around due to All Might losing his power. Katsuki assumed it was all his fault for getting kidnapped and had been carrying that weight around all this time.
You weren't about to break his trust and out his vulnerability to all the girls in the class.
Why couldn't Mina just trust you had a good reason to be friends with him again?
"Listen, I get you have a big crush on him but- that doesn't make it ok for you to let him treat you like garbage!" Mina yelled. You felt your face become hot as the rest of the girl's mouths had dropped open. What happened to Mina waiting for you to be ready to say that? This fight was really all it took for her to expose you in front of the rest of the girls? You felt your hands begin to shake with anger.
"I don't know why you're so invested in this Ashido! Is it because you're jealous?! You're the one who's been obsessed with who likes who and going around saying you want to fall in love someday! Why do you even care what I do? It doesn't concern you!" You yelled
Mina stood stunned by your words for a moment before defeatedly exclaiming, "You're right- it doesn't concern me," and walking away.
You two hadn't talked since.
She kept her distance from you in classes and training, and in the common room you could feel her staring daggers at you any time you were near Katsuki.
You tried to brush it off and stay focused on your work, but it became increasingly annoying to feel her negative energy around you every day.
The next day in class Aizawa announced that the School Festival would be occurring as it does every year, and your class needed to choose an event to put on.
The class erupted with ideas and arguments about ideas that never reached a conclusion. Aizawa had told your class that if you didn't have an idea by morning you would be going with his idea of a public lecture.
After class, almost everyone hung around in the common room to discuss ideas. Katsuki walked past everyone discussing and said he was going to sleep.
You looked around and made eye contact with Mina who was giving you a nasty glare. You let out a sigh and followed after Katsuki.
"Tch- following me?" he asked as you stepped into the elevator with him.
"I'm not trying to stay down here with Ashido giving me side eye all night. Besides you heard them in class. They didn't care for our ideas anyway," You responded as Katsuki pressed the elevator button to the fourth floor.
Katsuki grunted in agreement. "Whatever they choose is going to be lame as hell anyway, and I don't give a fuck. I've got enough to deal with from the supplement classes for the provisional license," he said as you both made your way into his dorm.
He sat on his bed, and you sat on his rolling chair.
"How have those been anyway?" You asked, trying to keep the worry out of your voice. You knew it had to be a lot, juggling those classes on top of everything else in the hero courses at U.A. 
"I'm fine- you don't need to ask," Katsuki said then looked away from you glaring at the floor as he contemplated. " You and Raccoon Eyes still haven't talked since that day?" he asked.
Katsuki wasn't dumb, he knew Mina was upset at you because from her perspective it looked like he had ignored you for three days then seemingly came back with no explanation. He knew you didn't tell Mina the truth- how he had cried like a damn baby to you that night shortly after his fight with Deku. He was grateful you didn't- but also felt guilty for putting a wedge in your friendship with Mina.
"No," you answered. "But I don't give a damn, she's just an extra anyway, right?" You teased.
Katsuki let out an amused huff. He knew you were lying. Of course, you cared. He noticed Mina was the only other person in the class you had gotten close to besides him and Eijiro.
"Yeah," he said still staring at the floor. If he could have, he would have thanked you for keeping his privacy and he would have apologized for rupturing your friendship, but... he just couldn't. So instead- "You want to get working on one of the dumb assignments we have due soon?"
"Yeah," You smiled at him excited for the invitation to work with him.
Katsuki glanced at your smile before making his way to grab his study materials. You were always so happy to be around him even when he knew he had to be a miserable company. It didn't make sense to him- but... he didn't hate it.
You two worked on your assignment until Katsuki declared it was getting too late. You looked at your phone and rolled your eyes.
"Still on grandpa time, huh?" you teased.
"Hey! I have a good sleep schedule and I need it with all this extra work alright!" He barked.
"I know I know- I'm just messing with you," you said and began to pack up your study supplies.
Katsuki eyed you putting your stuff away for a moment and then laid down on his bed stretching out.
You swung your backpack on your back, "Get some rest then Grandpa," you said playfully at him.
"Hm?" He said eyeing you. "You- don't have to leave," he said.
You froze and stared at him, returning his gaze. He was asking you to stay?
You dropped your backpack and sat back down on his rolling chair eyeing him curiously.
"You comfortable over there?" He asked.
"Uh-," You mumbled unsure of how to answer. You were unsure what he was trying to get at?
"You fell asleep over here before brat- you can make yourself more comfortable," he said in response to your quizzical look.
You felt your breath catch in your throat. Was he asking you to join him on the bed?
You moved slowly as you sat on the bed awkwardly.
Katsuki scoffed, "So- what stupid event do you think those extras are going to choose?"
"No idea- but if they choose Kaminari's maid cafe, I will be murdering someone," You responded laughing.
"Hm- too bad you wouldn't look bad in a maid outfit," Katsuki said laughing.
A bright blush illuminated your face.
"Oh shit- relax I'm just kidding, no need to turn into a damn tomato," he said laughing again.
You tried to brush off your reaction and turned away to hide your face. "Hey- you sure you want me in here much longer?" You asked.
"The hell do you mean? Would have told you to get the fuck out if I didn't," Katsuki said.
"It's just- I don't know- I'm sure you heard."
"Heard what?" He asked.
"Some of those rumors that spread around when Ashido pulled that stunt and dragged me out of your room when I tried to hide from her in the restroom," You explained After that night when the boys had seen your fight with Ashido, someone had run with some assumptions of why you were hiding in Katsuki's room.
"Oh," Katsuki exclaimed now understanding. "Look you can go if you want. Those extras are nosy as hell and need to mind their damn business. But- I don't give a damn about what any of them have to say so-," Katsuki said.
He was never good at words, so he couldn't just simply say he liked your company and didn't want you to leave. Especially now that you brought up those rumors he heard. He didn't want to feel like he was forcing you to stay.
"Just go if you're uncomfortable," He concluded.
"No! I- I don't care either... I just- whatever it doesn't matter," you said deciding to leave the conversation alone.
To Katsuki's surprise, you laid down next to him, "Ok- so who had the worst idea of an event?" You asked.
Katsuki let out an amused laugh, "Iida, who the fuck would come to a history lesson?!"
You laughed at his response, and the two of you talked until you had both dosed off into sleep.
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Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle @reads-stuff-quietly @chixkadee @perfectsukii @faetoraa @fem-weeb @nagicats @lees-chaotic-brain @maelibo
Just wanted to thank you all for reading and update you that there are 4 more chapters left!
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Hi Maya! my name is Claire and I got into the void state, shifted and manifested my dream life using your lucid dreaming guide, and your recommended subliminals!
I think lucid dreaming is the easiest way to do anything spiritual related because dreams are the link of reality to the subconscious. I have now entered the void, shifted, and practice manifesting while using lucid dreaming. I had been trying for 3 years and your guide really gave me clarity I needed to complete my journey. This was a couple of months ago when I first read your post that I got my dream life so I just want to share my experiences in case it could help others!
Sooo….I first restarted my journey after downloading tumblr. I knew I wanted to do lucid dreaming so I did my research and found your guide and the rest is history. I started small, and after using FILD I combined that with your intention method and your recommended subliminals and it sped up my journey. I crawled before I walked and I first started with having small manifestations using lucid dreaming
In my lucid dreams
*I practiced driving in lucid dreaming and manifested my license
*I practiced my public speaking and manifested less anxiety
*i talked to my guardian Angel. It took form of an owl, which is the first spiritual experience I ever had.
Then I went bigger and tried shifting. After a week of practice I got lucid dreaming down and could become lucid every night.
Then I shifted. Best day of my life and I had no plans so I ended up shifting to a reality where no men exist 😭 it was honestly so fun and I spent a week of dr time telling women about what men are, what they do, and the oppression women in this reality faced. It was in a futuristic yet renaissancey type like reality. Anyways as I explored this new society I discovered something miraculous: the disappearance of men has actually created harmony. Women are now able to focus on themselves and the things that matter most to them without worrying about the men.This newfound bliss didn’t last long however as I soon realized that a new problem had emerged. With the absence of men many essential tasks were left undone. And so, the women of our society had formed a collective economy in order to fill this void.One of the most peculiar duties that the women had assumed was to take care of the sheep. With no shepherds to take care of them, women used their skills to care for these animals and protect them from the elements. They have become so adept at this task that they have perfected it. The lack of men may have been a dramatic adjustment, but it has made for a joyful and empowering society.
When I came back I made a list of realities, like self created ones, tv shows, books, etc that I wanted to shift my awareness to and historic past places I wanted to visit. I spent a lot of time doing that, I was barely ever in this cr tbh and I enjoyed it throughly. I decided then that I was going to one day permanent shift and explore the infinite vast world for eternity. When I came back to this reality after having the first initial exploring crave I realized I hated my life lmfaooo. But I knew about the void and started reading stories about that and then I decided I wanted to change my life here too.
I mean.. I have the multiverse to my will so might as well fix this life here too. I hated coming back to this reality after my shifts because my parents were abusive, I was kind of ugly, and my life had gone to shit. I didn’t really care to change it because I was barely here anyways but after reading Neville and the law and understanding that “clones” really don’t exist and I’m just switching states I decided up stop being such a loser and realize it’s all me and only me. Anyways I manifested a complete change in my life in every aspect. I don’t really care to make a list but I am gorgeous, my family is revised to be old money rich, loving,and taken care of, my house is 30,000 sq feet,revised my name to Claire (it’s so pretty I love it) I have a loving boyfriend who is into shifting and spirituality as well, and so much more. I still do plan to permanent shift one day and I reserve to sundays for exploring the multiverse but I want to enjoy this reality now.
I thought being here was an accident after shifting, but nope everything happens bc you intended to and it’s so goddamn beautiful. This came out super ranty and lame but I just wanted to share in case I motivated anyone! I still sometimes come on tumblr so can I be your 🎐 anon. I love seeing all the success stories and everyone living their best life ! Anyways the best tips I can give you as a stranger who has been through all this is be kind to yourself and never give up. You found it all for a reason and you deserve to have everything and you will.
The first reality you shifted to reminds me of a very vivid dream I had four months ago. Regardless anyways your entire experience is so beautiful and I relate a lot to your experience I’m glad you have found happiness in every reality including this one beloved :)! Thank you for sharing 🎐 anon
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telomeke · 10 months
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I haven't watched this episode in full yet (will do so on the weekend) but the Ep.2 scene in the bar toilet (Ep.2 [4/4] 10.36) piqued my interest with naga Tharn and garuda Phaya getting frisky in the water room. And there's a bit more than meets the eye...
As the bar lighting flits from red tones to cool aquamarine and back again (echoing the dance of the fiery garuda and the waterlord naga), a drunk Tharn decides to call Phaya... EVIL JELLYFISH? 👀
Since Tharn is the reincarnation of a water-dwelling naga with dominion over all things water – the marine reference does make sense. However, the subtitles took a bit of license, and what Tharn actually says there is also reference to Phaya's garuda persona (remembering that garudas in The Sign are associated with sun and flame).
The name that Tharn calls Phaya is แมงกะพรุนไฟ/maaeng ga phroon fai, which refers to a particular kind of jellyfish. (I think the subtitles have slightly misspelt it as แมงกระพรุนไฟ though.) Anyway maaeng ga phroon fai literally means fire jellyfish and is a tip of the hat to Phaya's garuda identity. 🤩
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(above) แมงกะพรุนไฟ/maaeng ga phroon fai/fire jellyfish; attribution linked here
And when Phaya talks about the jellyfish's sting, well... The jellyfish that Thai people call maaeng ga phroon fai is from the genus Chrysaora, which gets its name from Chrysaor in Greek mythology. Chrysaor was the son of Poseidon (the god of the sea) and Medusa (the gorgon with a head of snakes), and this coincidentally is also nod at Tharn's sea-going naga (or serpent) persona (even though he's using it to address Phaya).
Anyway Chrysaor literally means "he who has a golden sword". 👀 Let's hope Phaya wields his wisely! 🤣
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klunsgod · 1 month
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link to the prototype post
here's some off-hand writing about Haya the Hedgehog, some strange timeline where SEGA had to dissolve some of their assets because of some circumstances, and Nintendo snatched it and mandated it to conform to their plumber's world in character and world design (for petty reasons)
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in actuality, i started drawing some organic badniks based on Mario, then made sense of the rest. that's is the biggest difference between Haya!Eggman and Canon!Eggman; he hires organic troops instead of creating robots (of course there are Bob-ombs but you know what i'm talking about)
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the story events largely follow the same, except for when i find it most convenient, har har. don't worry, i like a lot of the original stories. they're unique, and there's no way Nintendo would change their stories since they focus on gameplay anyway
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because of stricter synergy between the JP and ENG sides of the company though, i do have to strike at some things when they're down.
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never heard of it
though that does beg you the question if i want Haya to still love chili dogs. good question! i like that part of him, but maybe you have to rip what you love. sniff.
or maybe not. it's not like the ENG side of Nintendo is completely held hostage. have you seen them handing out the Mario license all nilly willy back in the 90s?
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speaking of story changes... nothing much to change, really. most of it is indulging in preferences and having fun. i'm sure most people won't miss the original story of Sonic Blast.
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"making it fun" taking the biggest priority
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and to end off the lengthy post, the bio i wrote for the franchise in my Klunssite
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truly, the official ho
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kr-han · 10 months
Cobra, Murayama, and Bike
I was originally wanting to prove that Cobra never going to high school. But I ended up finding something more intriguing about the whole situation. Remember this credit scene from Final Mission?
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Why would Murayama go to meet Cobra in person like that, in front of the whole Sannoh Rengokai's members? I feel like there is an underlying issue in this scene. Which come to my assumption that Murayama actually doesn't want to talk about bike, it was something else.
But upon the presence of other members that might be Murayama didn't expect to be there (but hello, it's Sannoh! They're always in a group anyway), he holds it up. Instead, he asked about bike. Cobra, in the other hand might seem like stoic and has a personality like 'I don't give a fuck', but he's not. He knew all along that bike was never Murayama's concern that's why he asked, "Can you get a license?"
Cobra knew it and he played dumb (such a snake—well, he is). With that question, it'll postponed their talk because they want it to be private. Just both of them. But when it comes, it wouldn't just about bike. It might something else, about life for example.
I might get it wrong, but almost everyone in fandom portrays them as oblivious. But no, I don't think so. They might be oblivious, sometimes. But not every time. Presumably, they're just awkward around each other. Because, no doubt, they just known each other as a person not as a leader of some gangs.
Back to driver's license. I don't think Cobra would be that cruel to Murayama. Because I have an assumption about him, and his bike and it linked to MUGEN era. Let's take a look on this scene from Road to HiGH&LOW.
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Three of them are childhood friends, but let's dive into the details. Noboru wore a high school uniform which means he went to high school. No wonder, because he went to university as well (dropped out, though). Then, by this scene, you may ask, do Cobra and Yamato went to school? My answer would be no.
Why? They're in MUGEN. They did road trip, perhaps, from morning to another morning. With that, when they have time for school? No. Because they don't go to school. They just ride.
Why is Cobra MUGEN and whether or not he went to high school linked to the question: "Can you get a license?"? Let me elaborate. According to this cart:
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MUGEN's members' bike are in heavy motorcycle category which requires to be 18 years old to get a license. If Cobra and Yamato joined MUGEN in their high school era at that time, they were about 16 years old. That's breaking the law but who cares anyway they ride bike without helmet.
There are two possibilities about Cobra and Yamato's driver license:
They have driver's license but they but not the right one.
They don't have.
And why don't they go to school? It simply because they already have job. In present timeline, Yamato already taking over Asahina Garage and Cobra would take over Hino Gas Station (I assume his parents are still alive by the timeline and yes, he's not jobless. I thought he was jobless LMAO). Whereas Noboru's parents seem didn't have any business in Sannoh that's why Noboru need to be educated in order to get a job (which is realistic).
Also, in my opinion, with his personality, Cobra would never didn't want to talk about bike with Murayama just because he didn't get a license yet. It was because both of them know that it's not the real thing they wanted to talk about.
They did talk, anyway. Remember this scene from HiGH&LOW The Worst?
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Was he really busy? May be not. But Cobra is a chronically offline person in my opinion, he prefers direct conversation. But hey, he picked it up, at least. Even teased about the bike. They finally get a chance to talk.
He teased because he wanted to make sure whether or not Murayama was ready to talk about the real thing. I might overthink it, but in my assumption, they talk about life, and it was adulting to be exact. In my opinion, more like my head canon, this particular talk with Cobra led Murayama to graduate from Oya High and somehow Furuya and Seki found out about it.
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But hey, I Murayama did get a bike at the end, right?
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From now on, it'll be just my head canons and my interpretation of their characters. They complement each other. Murayama has a childish persona and Cobra has a mature persona. But deep inside, they are the opposite of their persona. It seems like as the time goes on, as they have a lot more talk, Cobra would talk more, and Murayama would listen more.
Platonically or romantically (I'm their shipper anyway), they're comfortable with each other's existence and company. You know sometimes, no matter how much you trust in your best friend, no matter how much you love them, and you know they would never judge you, there will always things you can't talk about with them. That's how Cobra and Murayama connected.
They're both leaders, and they became leaders just because they're stronger than anyone else. They were clueless and don't know if they did the right thing with their current role. Murayama was a lone wolf, whereas Cobra was a follower. He has been tagging along with Tatsuya and Kohaku for a long time. They completed each other.
With their responsibility as leaders, there's always something they couldn't talk to their closest friends. For Cobra, he couldn't talk about it to Sannoh's member even though they're Yamato and Noboru. For Murayama, he couldn't talk about it to Furuya and Seki. That's why they talk to each other, leaning on each other's back, joining hands in the same burden. They could understand each other and glad that they find each other. That's how Cobra and Murayama connected. That's how their dynamic work.
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Tennessee Orange
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician, RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Reader, You, Original Female Character
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2407
Summary: I met somebody, he’s got blue eyes.
Tags/Warnings: Young Love, Established Relationship, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Leaving home, Baby Boy Elvis, 1950s Elvis, Comfort, Song Fic, Tennessee Orange // Megan Moroney, Idk what football teams where around in the 50s so lets just lend some artistic license to it k?
Notes: Oh to have a whirlwind romance with baby boy Elvis
This is linked to Die From A Broken Heart
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I was nervous, the knots in my stomach growing tenfold with every passing second and every unanswered ring of the phone. It wasn’t that I’d been waiting long but I’d built up my nerve and it was losing momentum the longer the call went on. Not to mention how the idea of my daddy answering the phone sent me into a cold sweat.
Fortunately I didn’t have to worry much about that as when the line clicked on it was my mother's soft voice that answered, ‘hello?’
‘Mama?’ I asked.
‘Darlin’ is that you?’ she said with a smile in her voice.
‘It’s me,’ I said and though my nerves hadn’t completely vanished they dulled as I allowed the comfort that only a mother's voice could bring to wash over me.
‘Well isn’t this a surprise,’ she chuckled, ‘we figured we wouldn’t hear hide nor hair of you for a least another couple of days.’
‘I got a spare minute,’ I mumbled as my nerves amped up once more. She was right given that the moment I had touched down in Memphis my thoughts of home seemed to vanish and they probably would’ve stayed that way if I hadn't been forced to make this blasted phone call.
‘How is it going?’ she asked.
‘Good,’ I said which technically wasn’t a lie. I was having the time of my life here but that wasn’t what I had called to talk about. My mother however didn’t seem to grasp that as she continued to ask, ‘are you girls having fun?’
‘Yeah, actually-'
‘Behaving?’ she mused.
‘Yeah, Mama,’ I said attempting to get to the point only to find she once again beat me to the punch.
‘Because I won't have you putting Betty out you hear me? You’re a guest in her home-‘
‘I know,’ I said hoping I could nip whatever rant she was going to go into in the bud.
‘Mama I’ve got some news,’ I said, the words tripping out of my mouth without permission though they seemed to do the trick as she fell quiet on the other end. I fell quiet too, my heart hammering in my chest as I realised that there was no way I could back out now.
‘Oh?’ she said. It wasn’t an outright question or even a statement but it was enough to know that she was waiting for whatever information I was going to lay on her.
‘Yeah,’ I said hesitantly, ‘it’s important.’
‘Oh,’ she said again and I was stunned at how she could keep her tone so even. How she could make it that I couldn’t sniff out anger or happiness alike. How she could remain unphased whilst I was sitting on the other end, knots in my stomach as well as the phone cord I had taken to twizzling around my finger the moment the call began. How she didn’t betray her feelings as I did when I rushed to say, ‘but you can't tell Daddy! Not yet anyway.’
Only then did I hear her falter, a hefty sigh escaping her lips as she asked panicked, ‘What is it? Are you okay? Oh Lord please tell me you are not in some sorta trouble.’
‘Of course not! You know you raised me right,’ I protested feeling a warmth in my cheeks at the thought of her picturing whatever mess I’d gotten into.
‘Well then, what is it?’ she asked.
‘Mama…I met someone,’ I mumbled.
‘Oh,’ she said softly and though it was nothing more than a word I could sense the emotions in it because it was one of surprise.
I didn’t blame her of course. She had sent me to spend time with my aunt and my cousins not to get involved with boys but it wasn’t as though it couldn’t happen. And suddenly my protests of her having raised me right reared their head because if she had I wouldn’t have been keeping him a secret. I wouldn’t have kept his existence in my life on the fringes. They would’ve gotten some inkling of what was coming.
‘You remember the boy from summer I told you about?’ I asked hoping that if she recalled my having mentioned him, if only once, it would make me feel less guilty.
‘Elvis? The singer guy?’ she said making my heart flutter at his mere mention, ‘the one whose concert you and June went to?’
‘That’s him,’ I agreed feeling slightly better that at least he hadn't come totally out of the blue as I carried on explaining, ‘Well, we’ve been talking and writing all the time since and well…Mama he asked me to be his girl.’
‘Well,’ she said before she paused for a moment causing my emotions to buy another ticket for the rollercoaster they were currently on until she said, ‘That’s good. What’s he like?’
‘Oh he’s amazing,’ I said, the damn finally breaking as all the happiness and love I’d been terrified of admitting to spilled out, pouring from me and down the phone line in gushing sentiments, ‘I’ve never met a boy like him before at all. He’s sweet and charming and handsome. I mean you should see his eyes, Mama, he’s got these gorgeous blue eyes I swear could hypnotise ya.’
‘Well he sounds quite the guy,’ she said in the way that mothers do. The way that makes you wonder if they’ve ever felt that way before though at some point they must’ve otherwise you wouldn’t even be here to be feeling it yourself.
‘He is,’ I said trying not to feel embarrassed by my gushing and rather to see them as an aid in making her see just how much I loved him.
‘Well I’m happy for you baby and don’t worry about your daddy, I’m sure he’ll be fine with it,’ she said and for a moment I forgot about all the worries I’d had about telling her. She was happy for me. And if she was happy it would only take some cajoling from her to get daddy on board which was why I had ventured to tell her first, to lay the groundwork for any further conversations.
‘Doubt it he’s a Vols fan,’ I giggled.
‘Oh Lord help you,’ she mused.
‘I know! Actually, he took me to a game the other day, he even got me wearing that horrible orange jersey,’ I teased making her laugh.
‘So long as you don’t bother learning the words to Old Rocky Top I think your daddy will survive,’ she said.
‘I won’t,’ I promised though as her laughter died down my nerves crept back in. I’d gotten lost in the conversation, lost in getting her on board with the mere idea of Elvis that I’d forgotten that wasn’t why I was calling.
‘Mama?’ I asked earning a hum from her that signalled she was listening, ‘that’s not all.’
‘What is it?’ she asked in a voice so earnest I could picture her sweet face, plastered with confusion waiting for whatever bombshell I was about to drop. And once again I felt the need to defend myself as I rambled, ‘you gotta understand. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before and I don’t think I ever will for anyone else.’
‘Baby what is it?’ she said hesitantly.
‘Well Elvis’ singing career is getting real big and he’s doin’ real well-'
‘Okay,’ she murmured.
‘Which means he’s all over the place workin’ which is why when we have seen each other I’ve always had to come to Memphis and well it's not gonna get any easier or at least it doesn’t look like it will what with him doing so well-'
‘Honey you’re rambling,’ she said stopping me in my tracks.
‘He asked me if I’d want to move here…to live with him,’ I said quietly unable to gauge any reaction before I whispered, ‘and I said yes.’
And with that she fell silent meaning that all the nerves I had alleviated with her happiness came flooding back only ten times worse. I could picture her now, trying to work out how to dash my dreams but to do it in a way that didn’t break my heart entirely. That had been why I had been scared to tell them because I worried they’d ask me not to. And I couldn’t do that because when Elvis had asked I had said yes without question and though it was a big change I knew it was what I wanted with my whole heart.
‘Oh baby I don’t know,’ my mother said quietly.
‘Mama I know it's soon but I promise you he’s a good guy. And it's not like I’d be on my own. Betty’s here in Memphis and he lives with his whole family so it’s not like it’s just us. And they're all so sweet to me you’d really like ‘em,’ I said hoping to reassure her. Hoping that if she saw that I’d thought about it thoroughly she’d see it wasn’t as bad as it sounded on paper.
‘But it's just so far and you're so young sweetheart,’ she said.
‘Not that young,’ I said feeling a pout fall on my face as though I was a kid who’d acted rashly when that wasn't the case at all. In fact, I’d been chewing on the idea for days.
‘Young enough,’ she countered and with that, I felt my sorrow turn to irritation.
‘As young as you were when you married Daddy,’ I refuted feeling immediately guilty as I realised it was a dirty move, ‘besides it ain’t like there’s much waiting for me back in Crawford.’
‘What about your family?’ she bit back making the guilt hit another level.
‘Mama don’t be like that,’ I sighed.
‘I’m not being like anything you’ve just told me you want to run away to live with a boy you barely know, one that your daddy and I haven’t even met!’ she said heatedly.
‘Well, what if you meet him?’ I said hoping the conversation wouldn’t spiral any further. I hadn't meant to hurt her with my words but I could tell that she was hurting anyway. So I tried to compromise, I tried to offer something that would make her see I was happy, ‘how about you come to Memphis and meet him and his family? I swear you'll see this is good for me I promise.’
‘Why don’t we talk about this in the morning?’ she asked cutting me off.
‘Look I just some time to think about it okay? To think about what I’m gonna say to your daddy,’ she said quietly.
‘You’re saying it can happen?’ I asked trying desperately to pick apart what her words meant.
‘I’m saying you're a grown-up. I can't stop you and I won't,’ she said, ‘but if it’s what you want…’
‘It is,’ I said.
‘Then we’ll figure it out,’ she said, ‘it’s just a lot you have to understand that.’
‘I do Mama,’ I said, ‘but I promise this is good for me. I know once you meet him you'll understand.’
‘You're probably right,’ she said, a tad flatter than I’d hoped. I could hear her moving now, no doubt itching to get me off the line. A suspicion that was confirmed as she said, ‘Look your daddy will be home soon. I should go.’
‘Okay,’ I said trying to sound as understanding as possible.
‘Okay,’ she replied, ‘I love you.’
‘Love you too,’ I said quietly.
And with that she was gone, the line going silent as I slipped the handset back into place. As I thought about it all I flopped back on the bed exhausted by the mix of emotions flooding thought me. I supposed it could’ve gone worse. It wasn’t the best it could be sure, but she could’ve said no. She could’ve told me I had to come home which would only leave me heartbroken, not by the prospect of leaving Elvis, but by the fact that I would choose him, I knew I would.
I knew how it looked. I knew I must sound crazy to move hundreds of miles away from home for a boy I had only just met and that as my mother she had every right to be concerned. But as my attention was pulled to the door where I found Elvis poking his head around it, a lopsided grin coming to his face as he found me splayed out on the bed, I knew her concerns weren’t warranted. Because as hard as I had fallen for him he had fallen for me just as much.
And though we could try to do long distance it wouldn’t be the same. I'd be stuck moping around Crawford, my days spent waiting for him. At least here I was in his world and that world was one I never wanted to leave, because no matter how mixed up I was feeling at that moment everything felt okay because he was there.
‘Hey,’ he said coming into the room and sitting next to me.
‘Hey,’ I replied as I pushed myself up, looping my arm through his as I placed my head on his shoulder.
‘Everything alright?’ he asked with concern making a small smile come to my face.
‘Yeah,’ I murmured, ‘just got off the phone with my mom.’
‘Ah,’ he said understandingly, ‘how'd it go?’
‘Could've gone better,’ I admitted, refusing to look up though I felt him glance down at me. It was true, it could’ve gone better but I supposed it could’ve gone worse too and for that I was grateful.
‘You told her I was a Vols fan huh?’ Elvis asked making me giggle, his own hearty rumble soothing against my ear. Though as quickly as my laugh came it went and he must have heard the deep breath that came from me as no sooner was it out did he put his hand on my knee, providing me with comfort I could never repay. Comfort that only continued as he said, ‘They’ll come around.’
I smiled, wondering how on earth he always knew just what to say.
‘I hope so.’
He ain't from where we're from,
But he feels like home, yeah,
He's got me doin' things I've never done,
In Georgia, they call it a sin,
And I still want the Dawgs to win,
But I'm wearing Tennessee orange for him 🧡
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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npd-goro-akechi · 8 months
What are some resources you would recommend for learning about npd?
Hello hello, before I link anything I want to preface that finding anything about NPD (or stigmatized disorders in general) that isn't biased or misinformation is incredibly difficult, (which if you've tried looking for stuff you've already figured that out lol). Honestly, tumblr blogs are seriously one of your best bets. When researching disorders I feel like a lot of people tend to only look at professional medical articles and the like, which yes, you should do, but it should be done alongside primary resources too - any source coming directly from someone with NPD. I see a lot of people rag on about how people are getting information from social media, but I'd say it's actually a really good place to find people talking about their own experiences, whereas sticking only to secondary sources (a source created by someone who does not have first-hand experience with what they're discussing,) especially with NPD, can end up with a really biased and one-sided view of the disorder. Anyway, that being said, I tried to link a mix of both in this post. There's quite a bit, but I'd rather that than not enough. These three links are good for looking into the symptoms of NPD:
National Library of Medicine - NPD Overview
Narcissus and the Daffodils - A breakdown of the symptoms
NPD Resources Masterlist - a-sip-of-milo - This has a lot of linked resources and covers a lot; the first few links are specifically about the diagnostic criteria but I'd recommend going through the other things they have linked, too Youtube:
Interview - Interview with pwNPD, I found it quite helpful and a lot of his experiences reflect mine personally
Heal NPD - Youtube channel ran by a licensed psychologist who specializes in NPD. Lots of good videos Some miscellaneous stuff that I think is also worth linking:
Diary of a Narcissist - Short quotev book of someone documenting their experiences with NPD
Highs and Crashes - Explanation of what narcissistic highs and crashes
It's ok to praise pwNPD - Good tumblr post
NPD recovery resources - I'm not sure if you're looking for resources out of curiosity, or if you think you yourself may have NPD, anon, but this tumblr blog has a bunch of resources to help with coping Instagram:
narc.abuser - Not quite a resource, but they edit anti-NPD posts into something positive and I find it humorous That's all I can think of now, but I think that's fine, there's quite a bit to go through here; (like I said, rather offer too much than not enough.) Thank you for the ask, anon! Hope this is able to help you somewhat
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mythserene · 8 months
LEWISOHN: Let's crowdsource this bastard.
Check a footnote.
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Whether you heroically tear straight into him like @wingsoverlagos or you find one thing like @delightfullyatomicfest did, it matters! What I hoped for and imagined from the beginning was some sort of crowdsourced work. There is too much for any one person, and one of the biggest problems with Beatles' sources is that they're not all equally easy to get to for everyone. And although this has become personal for me, it is an objectively huge problem for all Beatles fans and scholars that the man who has collectively been called the Beatles historian has—and I cannot say this clearly enough—BEEN JUST MAKING SHIT UP.
He literally ends ‘Tune In’ with a fabricated line that he sources to John Lennon. (!!!)
(Which I might not have realized for ages—if ever—if not for this @wingsoverlagos post)
Lewisohn has no shame.
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And while it may seem like we are screaming into the void right now, I will tell you that we are not. I fear jinxing anything so I won't say more now, but our work is not in vain. People are paying attention. How can they help but pay attention? It's too shocking a betrayal. Too great a breach of trust. It has become overwhelming and impossible to ignore, and it has happened so quickly. Just by a few people taking the time to do the work.
And what is obvious now is that if you take a piece of source material that's referenced and go through it you will find butchered and fabricated quotes. And whether you do it that way or just check a footnote that interests you PLEASE TELL ME what you find! 🙏🏻
I am trying to gather all this up in one place. An ammo dump, if you will. If you want credit, tell me how you want to be credited, linked to, and any combination thereof. (I don't like taking credit for things I don't find, anyway.) But either shoot me a message or @ me or all of the above so we can collect all together and it can have the cumulative effect it deserves. (I will respond, but sometimes I am gone for a few days at a time, and occasionally for up to a week. I always come back, though.) #crowdsourcelewisohn
I have also set up an email for collecting funky footnotes: [email protected] (At this point I'm only checking this once a week.)
If you look, you almost certainly will find.
If you have any Beatle magazines or Pete Best's book, "Beatle!" you could be a superhero. (One chapter of Best's book is available online, but I haven't been able to find the rest.) Or if you have any less-available source material I am urging you—begging you—to jump in and check some footnotes. With Lewisohn as bold as he is in the easily searchable things just imagine the license he's taking in the rest. But whether hard to find or commonplace, check a source. It adds up and it kind of feels good to uncover some bullshit.
For your edification and motivation I am adding a clip — lightly edited to take out some Lewisohn devolutions (so here's the queued up link) — of Mark Lewisohn bragging and basking in the praise of being called a historian who should be ranked alongside the great LBJ biographer Robert Caro, of him saying that the Beatles should appreciate anyone writing a biography of this high a standard about them, and a momentary lapse into deep resentment that they don't appreciate him. And then he gives his little speech about the Beatles being about “truth with a capital ‘T’” and how he is writing a biography to match that truth.
“Truth” is a word Mark Lewisohn needs to keep out of his mouth. If you feel like he should be struck by lightening for uttering it, that is exactly what I am talking about.
We are that lightening.
Honestly, what AKOM started is so awesome. It gave this an outlet. (And I still go back and listen for both source material and motivation.)
It's sickening to listen to this now. Sickening because Lewisohn has been making us all his dupes for far too long. We have been his marks, and there's almost nothing I hate more than being conned.
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
okay, so, I tried to attend the virtual SAG meeting on saturday to ask some of my questions but it was literally full - I did not know that could happen virtually. but it's amazing, I love that the membership is SO galvanized.
that said, I have watched the in-person meetings for both LA and NY (both of which are, uh, 4 hours long thank god for 2x speed on youtube). the wonderful actors in attendance (including some real life pals!) asked all my questions and more. I took some notes on the SAG presentation (only the LA one - I didn't watch the NY presentation, just the Q&A) but I'm assuming it was larger the same) and the answers from the Q&A that I thought were particularly interesting.
I'm making a new post because my original post got so long, but I'm going to link this with a small summary in a reblog as well, because I think it's important to see how my thinking has shifted as I've gotten more information. (also, on that original post, I've seen some folks be like 'I'm not an actor or a sag member, but I think you should vote yes'...lovingly, please stop. share the post! share your thoughts! but please don't try to pressure a vote on a contract you have no material investment in).
anyway, let's get into it:
the presentation
nothing really revelatory here, but there were a few points that Duncan Crabtree-Ireland (the chief negotiator and a lawyer) brought up that I thought were really interesting:
if you wanted to make your own digital replica or have one made with a third party contract, you could then license that under the same consent rules as if the company did the scan. my brain immediately latched onto this because I think there is a lot of very interesting ramifications for someone making their own replica and then making an argument that the company needs to license that replica instead of scanning them. I don't think this is something that's really going to happen in a major way in this contract period but an actor having and controlling their own replica and making companies pay for it is genuinely very cool if I'm understanding it correctly.
he did mention that the dubbing issue with alteration was more about companies being able to hire an actor to dub in a foreign language and then alter the actor's mouth to match the dialogue, so presumably would not be a threat to dubbers. I don't know that the companies are required to hire a voice actor for this, but that was at least good to hear.
the whole thing about synthetic performers...Duncan really made some interesting points around this. in the Q&A, he basically echoed the point that I made in my original point that this doesn't actually have to do with actors at all, but he saw the inclusion of it as a good thing. synthetics have nothing to do with actor employment, but duncan argued that by putting it in here, we're forcing the studios to acknowledge that synthetics are horning in on our territory and it seems that the union will work to de-incentivize the use of synthetics by making it more expensive than hiring an actor (really hoping the MOA provides more clarity on this)
studios will meet with SAG twice a year to talk about AI stuff
he confirmed that studios have to hire background actors and if they use their digital replicas (which the background actors have to consent to) those actors have to be paid for their replicas work.
he made the argument that there are a lot of things, like consent to replicas, that are conditions of employment: salary, relocation, nudity, etc. and that's true, certainly, but this is still something we're going to have to keep close eyes on IMO.
there's a provision that actors have to be given notice for scenes that may be triggering to film! cool!
the Q&A
this is just a sampling of the many wonderful questions that were asked - if you're a member, I highly recommend you watch both of the livestreams and future meetings.
I didn't know this but there's a legal framework for minors to disavow contracts when they're 18, so this would allow minors to rescind their consent of their digital replicas. good!
someone pointed out that SAG could notify the membership about a company using synethics (which they have to notify SAG) about and use the membership/public to pressure the studios or boycott the use of synthetics. SAG confirmed that there's nothing to prevent SAG from telling us and letting us galvanize the public.
duncan reminded everyone that companies rely on copyright to make money and currently AI cannot legally by copyrighted, which will de-incentivize studios from leaning on it.
companies can only use digital replica in projects they've contracted, they cannot sell them to third party, which includes non-identifiable data. this was a great question and it's awesome to hear that the companies cannot do anything with any of the replica data, anonymized or not, without your consent.
there is so much likeness legislature out there already (you own your likeness, etc.), so these things just bolster those
a company choosing to hire someone else because you won't consent to scanning is not retaliation but being replaced during the course of your employment because of not consenting is and you could take action against that studio. and remember, they have to ask for your consent on specific things, so you would be giving your consent throughout presumably.
someone asked about loopholes with generative AI, and SAG emphasized that any resemblance to a real actor kicks it from synthetic into digital replicas and the actor would have to consent/be paid
background actors seem divided - in some ways they've gotten major gains and in others, they're very worried about being replaced because they don't want to be scanned.
they did fight for union consent to use of generative AI, and the studios are seemingly never going to give that
there was a question about studios scanning non-union actors and creating digital replicas and just using those instead; if I understood correctly (which I'm not sure I did), the studios would not be able to do that under this contract - all the digital replica terms would apply to any replica done, union or not.
my thoughts
I have all the same concerns as I expressed in my original post, but I do think that these meetings reassured me that SAG has the best intentions. I have been very vocal about my criticism of SAG (specifically how they approached podcasting, my main art form) so I don't have rose-colored glasses here. I have also seen them really improve on those areas of criticism in the past several years and I think we always have to keep in mind that we'll be back at the negotiations in two and a half years. I do think SAG is doing the best they can.
I also think it's important to always assume that the studios have the worst intentions. they're going to violate this contract if it's ratified and accept their fine/slap on the wrist/do not work orders and then violate the contract again. they're going to find loopholes to save money and behave badly. no contract in the world could prevent those things from happening. SAG is not great at enforcing these violations but no contract is going to fix that.
it has always been important for actors to rely on their agents, lawyers, and union for support and reporting violations and that's going to be more important than ever under this contract. it's also going to be so important for the famous and wealthy actors to sue the studios when there's particularly bad behavior on the AI stuff.
it's also going to be really important for you guys - the audience, the subscribers - to fully reject any and all use of synthetic performers. public pressure will be the way we keep acting alive as a profession and art form.
but here's where I'm at: I'm leaning toward yes. "but lauren, you had so many concerns! you think that this contract is an existential threat to acting!" yeah, I know. I'm still there, but I'm also leaning yes. I believe SAG when they say we're not going to get a better deal. I think even if we did go back on strike, we're losing public support and support from other unions - actors barely have leverage to begin with (which is why SAG contracts have historically not been great) and I don't foresee us gaining more over the next 6 months.
so I don't think we're going to get a better deal and I also agree that it's better to have some protections in place instead of nothing. ultimately, it comes down to the fact that my issues with the contract have a lot to do with that existential threat and the icky feeling that I get thinking about signing a contract that suggests at times that actors are meat puppets.
if this was a contract I was looking at as an individual, I would not sign it, plain and simple. but collective bargaining is a different thing. this contract unarguably gives actors more protection against AI than they currently have. we will get to renegotiate again in less than three years and this is a much better place to start from, especially considering how much AI will grow and change in the next few years. if we have to go on strike again, we will, and we'll be armed with a better contract and more knowledge, especially since we'll be able to see how studios behave within this contract.
I completely understand why people want to vote no. I would never presume to tell someone how I think they should vote - follow your conscience. I personally will not be voting until I've had time to review the MOA (memorandum of agreement) and I would encourage everyone to read the full contract before deciding how to vote.
tldr: I am leaning toward voting yes because my pragmatic brain is winning out - as someone who has experience negotiating with major studios as an individual, I know that SAG is telling the truth when they say this is likely as good as its able to get. this is the first battle in a war of AI and we can either live to fight another day or not. I think this contract will help us live, even if it isn't an out-and-out victory.
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kikker-oma · 10 months
Twilight gets a drivers license, featuring CHAOS!!
A/N: I literally just woke up and typed this, so grammatical errors will be present
“Ok, Twi, we love you, but you seriously need to learn to drive.” Legend grumbled, “I’m sick of walking, and after the… restaurant incident Time isn’t driving us anywhere.”
“What are you talking about? We have Epona!” The rancher responded. Why learn to drive when you already can travel easily with a horse? “I ain’t wasting time getting a… car license, when we already got a fast way to travel.” 
“Can Epona fit 9 Links and their stuff?”
“Good point.”
“Okay, let’s start with the basics. This is a car.” Time pointed to the vehicle, “It’s used to drive.”
“Old man, I’m not stupid.” Twilight hopped into the front seat, “Bless y’alls hearts, anyways, how do you drive this thing?” 
“Um… First set the lever into DRIVE,” Time paused, “I think.”
“You THINK?” 
“Okay, 60 years old is back on the list.” Wind whispered to the rest of the chain, “But I’m guessing older.” 
“Anyways, back to what I was saying…”
So, after about 3 hours of attempting to teach the rancher how to drive, and about 5 hours of failing miserably, Time completely lost hope.
“You know,” Wild crunched on an apple, “I could teach ya how to use the master cycle 0-“
“Are you sure that’s safe?” Four jumped in, “I’ve seen you fuel that thing with literally anything, not to mention isn’t that like a gazillion years old?”
“Who’s counting?” 
“Wait, wait.” Warriors interjected, “Isn’t there a driving school?” 
“Oh yeahhhhh” Legend sarcastically responded, “Because we just LOVE to waste our precious rupees for transportation.”
“Wasn’t this whole learning thing your idea vet?-“
“Hush hush pretty boy, let the big kids talk”
“NO.” Hyrule quickly shut Warriors’ mouth, “We don’t talk about that…” Then he paused, “Wait, a DMV does make sense though.”
About a million “years” later, Twilight emerged from the car. Full marks.
“I got a drivers license.”
The Links cheered, “Good job rancher, I knew you could do it.” Time gave him a pat on the back.
“Now I can do what I always wanted to do…”
Twilight hopped back into the car.
“I gOt mY dRiVeRs lIceNse tHiS wEeK, jUsT like wE nEvEr tAlkEd aBouT-“
LOL the chaos this is exuding hahahaha
Twi being all angsty teen about Midna is great😂
Time losing hope in this whole thing is such a mood honestly, I remember my mom teaching me how to parallel park and it was..... An experience hahaha.
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slayfics · 7 months
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Explosive Tendencies a slow burn fan fiction about the readers developing relationship with Katsuki Bakugo.
Chapter twenty-one: Your class decides what to do for the School Festival.
Chapter links
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In class, you overheard that your classmates had decided to put on a concert for the school festival. After classes, everyone huddled around in the common room trying to decide what the show would look like. You weren't surprised to see Katsuki wasn't there yet again.
Mina eyed you as you walked past your classmates debating on what kind of show to have. You slipped by them and made your way to the elevator for the boy's side of the dorms.
Once you finally made it to the fourth floor and Katsuki's door, you were greeted with his typical furious "What!?" when you knocked.
"Oh, hey," he said when he opened the door and realized it was you.
"Hiding up here again?" You asked, as you made your way into his room sitting in your usual spot on his rolling chair.
"I was about to head down," he said, as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
"What really!? You were actually going to help with ideas for the show?" You asked surprised.
"Tch- I don't know... the whole thing is pointless anyway," he said irritated, although you noticed he had been much more in thought about it than before.
"Pointless hu?" You asked.
"Yeah... I overheard some dumbasses from general studies talking about our class. Saying it's our fault everyone had to move into the dorm. As if we fucking asked for some villains to come and ruin everything. Just- I don't know..." He trailed off.
You could tell it was bothering Katsuki more than he was saying. You knew he must feel partially responsible given he was the one that got kidnapped at summer camp. You decided changing the subject to get his mind off it was best.
"Whatever, forget those extras," You joked. "I never asked how your classes went this past weekend for your provisional licenses," you said.
You were hoping a change of subject would help, but this also seemed to activate Katsuki.
"Fucking dumb," he said dryly.
"Tell me about it," You encouraged.
Katsuki grunted and looked away as he decided if he wanted to talk about it or not. "The test was fucking stupid and those damn airheads from Shiketsu were there," He spoke.
"Airheads?" You asked clarifying.
"Yeah, that fucking wind guy and some blond bitch that was all over Icy Hot," Katsuki said as he averted his gaze to the ground.
Katsuki wasn't saying it but the fact that Inasa and Camie ignored him while they fawned over Shoto upset him.
You noticed the dejected look on his face and laughed, "Well sounds like that blond girl has some horrible taste then."
"Hu?" He exclaimed and looked back up at you.
"I just mean if I was her, it's not Todoroki I'd be looking at," You explained.
"No?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Who would you be looking at then?"
"Uh-," You felt your face get hot. You hadn't expected Katsuki to call you out to clarify.
"Come on, say it," He pushed.
Just then Katsuki's door flew open, "Are you seriously not going to come down again and help Kacchan?" Denki asked entering the room unannounced. "Oh! Uh hey! Didn't expect to find you here too," Denki said looking at you. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?"
"Didn't anyone teach you to knock dunce face!" Katsuki yelled.
"Sorry!" Denki said throwing his hands up. "But come on- you two should be helping us!" He complained.
"Fine," Katsuki grunted standing up. "Let's go see what these idiots are planning." He said waving at you to follow.
Once you three made your way down to join the rest of your classmates a discussion about who knew how to play instruments ensued.
That was when Denki shouted excitedly at Katsuki, "Hey! Didn't you say your parents made you take drum lessons?!"
"HU?! No way I'm playing and making a fucking idiot of myself on stage!" Katsuki barked.
"Oh, we get it- it's too hard for you, hu?" Hanta said snickering. He was clearly trying to anger Katsuki into playing them.
"WHAT!? THEY AREN'T EVEN THAT HARD!" Katsuki yelled as he stomped over to play.
"Well, that was easy," Hanta whispered to Denki, and they both broke laughing.
Katsuki proceeded to play a short drum solo that left everyone shocked. Jiro quickly proclaimed that Katsuki should be the drummer for the school festival.
"NO!" Katsuki said and began to walk back to his dorm.
A symphony of your classmates broke out trying to persuade him.
"Don't you idiots get it!" He yelled. "All the other classes blame us for why things are so strict now. They are only going to come and watch us to hope we make fools of ourselves," Katsuki explained.
"What?! We're just trying to help everyone have a good time!" Trou yelled back.
"You didn't help decide what we were going to do so you can't complain," Shoto said.
Katsuki let out an annoyed grunt, "Whatever, but doesn't it piss you off? It's not like we wanted villains to show up and attack us, but now we're being blamed for it? I don't give a damn how those other weak classes feel about us let's just destroy them by having the best event at the stupid festival." Katsuki replied.
Most of the class erupted in excitement at Katsuki agreeing to play drums, but few exchanged glances having a different understanding about what he said.
Some of your classmates picked up on the subtly of what Katsuki was saying. He had been carrying around the guilt of being kidnapped and causing all the strict changes to the school.
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Tags: @anon-mouse223 @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @sikuthealien @queenpiranhadon @melrs21 @poemzcheng @kazuumii @bakunianadecorazon @ur-crusty-uncle @reads-stuff-quietly @chixkadee @perfectsukii @faetoraa @fem-weeb @nagicats @lees-chaotic-brain @maelibo
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fierceawakening · 3 months
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So @ceanothusspinosis really likes to use replies not reblogs, even when they’re posting multiple paragraphs and even when they’re including links, which makes giving the whole context really rough when I’m on mobile. So my apologies for pulling this out like it’s everything they said but I only have so much patience for shit I can’t cut and paste.
But this is the core of the issue right here. The quote is saying that the number of people who pose an immediate risk is small, and suggests basically methods of deescalation plus some supervision to make sure the person has fully calmed.
That’s… not bad advice, if the issue is that someone is highly emotional and behaving irrationally as a result.
But there’s a lot of crime that is not that, and I think it’s a mistake to say those crimes or the people who commit crimes that are not that are “very small in number.”
Which is to me the heart of what’s going on. I think there are a lot of middle class (using the term very broadly) leftists for whom experiencing crime is very rare, the kind of thing that only comes up once or twice in their life, probably when the one family member they have with serious behavioral issues isn’t adequately supervised.
It’s very easy, if this is what you’re working from, to think that crime really isn’t much of a problem. You and your family can usually handle Cousin Jack, it’s just you thought Maude was watching him when she thought Vernon was. And anyway PRISON?! Would he even understand being there? He doesn’t hurt people, he just forgets things don’t belong to him sometimes.
This is an understandable thing to think! It’s a lot of people’s experience.
This is not the experience of a LOT of people, though. I’m going to talk about two different things in depth here and each may take a while
My major concern, as I e mentioned before, is powerful people who repeatedly harm or exploit others. I’m leery of the idea that such people will respond to “short term intensive supervision in the community,” or to “active therapeutic intervention.” I’m not a licensed mental health professional, just a case worker of various sorts over many years, but I shudder to think of the poor “therapeutic intervener” assigned to a Trump or a Nassar or a Weinstein.
So my strong suspicion is that people like this who have a vision of mutual aid and community support are compartmentalizing and don’t even see that they’re doing it. They have petty crimes in mind, perpetrated by young poor people, possibly with mild behavioral issues. Since there are good ways to solve those without prison, prison bad!
But you’ve put aside a whole massive category of crimes and of people who commit them, and aren’t realizing it because it’s not who you aim to protect.
There’s another group too though: people who aren’t powerful, but are recidivists. This can be anyone, but I have child abusers and rapists I. Mind specifically, because those are people whose crimes tend to hook into their belief system. Very often these are people who are taught that what they’re doing is right, or at least necessary. That people who say they’re being harsh or cruel are naive or silly or poisoned by liberal squishiness.
Which I don’t think is completely immune in all cases to “therapeutic intervention,” but once again I think we need a failsafe. What if the best damn social worker in the syndicate just can’t convince old Bob to put down his belt?
So again, I think the issue is likely one of compartmentalization. People aren’t sitting down and listing every bad action that falls under the category of crime, and thinking about how effective they expect health care providers in the community to reasonably be.
The existence of prison, as awful as it is, at least means society recognizes that there are some people it doesn’t know how to change.
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adachimoe · 1 year
Adachi's un-involvement in Rise's abduction
I feel like the story events on June 22-23 get commonly misremembered or misconstrued into "Adachi was facilitating Rise's kidnapping" lol.
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June 22nd is the day that the protag, Yosuke and Kanji go into Marukyu Tofu and talk to Rise and warn her that she might get abducted. After they leave, Dojima and Adachi also show up. Rise reveals that someone has already warned her about what's been going on in Inaba, and Dojima manages to guess that it was the protag and his buddies.
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At night on the 22nd, Dojima tries to talk to the protagonist about what's been going on and why he was at Marukyu earlier. Dojima drops it, and then Nanako gets in the middle of it and assumes you're fighting. The player sees that Dojima is concerned about the protag getting involved with all of this. He can't talk to the protag, the protag won't talk to him (can't anyway, he's silent), and Nanako is also butting in.
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Enter Adachi on June 23rd. He walks into Shiroku and sees everyone hanging out, then complains about having to play babysitter. When the Investigation Team says they're going to Marukyu, Adachi claims he's on his way there too.
Based on the events of the 22nd, especially the dinner scene with Dojima, I really don't buy the idea that Adachi was lying about being ordered by Dojima to come babysit you all. And when the kids say they're going to Marukyu, he says he just-so-happens to be going there too as an excuse to keep following them around. But to his surprise, Chie invites him to go with them.
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People even say that Adachi is the one who points out the photographer to distract the kids so that Namatame can kidnap Rise and that this is all part of some Master Plan, Adachi's Game, yada yada. But just rewatching the cutscene shows this is false - Yukiko is the one who points out the photographer, and she does so completely unprompted without any nudge from Adachi. It's like after you know, "hey, he's the guy", your brain just goes back and slots him into saying and doing shit he didn't even do lmao.
Some think that everything he says during this was all bullshit. They think that Adachi saying he's on babysitting duty was a lie, and that he was really there to help facilitate Rise's kidnapping. Per my very long wall of text, I have many issues with that reading of the plot lol.
Putting aside any walls of text though, I think it's the other way around - Adachi does jackshit in this sequence and you could remove him from this scene and it would play out the same. The kids would still go to Marukyu, the photographer would still show up, Yukiko would still point out the photographer, the group would still chase him, and Namatame would still drive by before kidnapping Rise.
As for why Dojima would send Adachi... Aside from the very obvious "Adachi is Dojima's slave", Adachi happens to be much closer to you in age than Dojima, and like you, he's also a city transplant.
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Tbh, I think the new stuff added to Golden reinforces why Dojima would think you might talk to Adachi but not him. There's new scenes that setup the scooters and the Rise fanboy photographer. After you bring up the scooter license, Adachi sides with you. He thinks you should get one and talks about how it's super inconvenient to get around in Inaba. He even tries to tell you about Dojima's biker days. Plus, by this point in the game, you could have started Adachi's social link and even had him over to the house when Dojima wasn't there.
The idea that Adachi was not lying is based on Dojima being some mixture of anxious, concerned, and suspicious about you and your buds. As the later scenes in the game show, he absolutely was:
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When you come home after Naoto is out of the TV, Dojima is clearly suspicious of you.
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And when Dojima sees the 2nd letter, he finally verbalizes his suspicions.
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tessiete · 1 year
Wild Guesses and Untamed Theories about Good Omens Season 3.
Please feel free to disagree vehemently in the reblogs. Love that for us.
Since season one was about self-determination, and season two was about love, I'm guessing that season three is about death. Clues: 1. The Crow Road - Muriel is seen "reading" this book at the end. It's also the other novel that we see Jim alphabetise. It's about a young man whose grandmother dies, and he goes back to Scotland to wrestle with mortality, faith, and his relationship with his father. The "crow road" itself is a euphemism for death. Someone who's gone up crow road is dead.
2. The Final Nia Truc - Crowley's license plate being a reference to Terry Gilliam and his work on Monty Python. The skit it's referencing can be seen here (though you really should just watch The Meaning of Life. The Galaxy Song is maybe the best song written, and in fact I'm actually linking that and not the final curtain reference, so... (tw: suicidal leaves)
3. The Third Season is "Final" - Neil said so himself. In a three word Clue. I can't find it, so you're just gonna have to trust me. Anyway, what's more final than death? Or what isn't? You know?
4. Death as A Person - They were introduced as a physicalised character in the first season, and in the book it's noted that Death cannot be overcome. But Death CAN be delayed.
5. Book of Life - Revelations. Second Coming. Final Judgement. Jesus checking the Book of Life for the righteous. The resurrection of the dead. The end of all life on Earth. Etc., etc. The Bible is really preoccupied with this stuff, so I hear.
Aziraphale - He's a mess. I think we can all, well, not safely or with any certainty but at least with some...conviction? Some confidence? We can reasonably guess that Aziraphale's going to be dealing with a more complete disillusionment and emancipation from Heaven.
What does this mean in practical terms?
Probably a lot of conflict with the Metatron. Maybe Aziraphale realising he's being maneuvered as a puppet without any real authority. Potentially a coup by the other archangels? Possibly blackmail with Crowley's safety? Conceivably The Book of Life as a threat to his existence? To Crowley's? To Earth's? Sure. Why not?
Crowley - Okay, this is the neat one because Crowley had the most dramatic arc of the two of them in the second season. His was the open discovery of his love for Aziraphale, explicitly stated desire to be together, and the final (?) emancipation from Hell. Wanting to be a Us with a capital U.
So where is it left for him to go?
He's gonna have to learn to get comfy with forgiveness. With receiving it. With accepting it. With offering it.
Because he's going to have to give it to Aziraphale.
I know, I know - no one agrees with me on this, but I'm gonna say it anyway and you can all yell in the notes.
I think this series ends with Crowley and Aziraphale becoming human. Choosing One Life to live together as humans. To have EVERYTHING, ALL AT ONCE, in one go. Together.
Because, because -- think of it:
Humanity vs. The Divine The book talks frequently about the difference between humans and angels/demons. Most clearly, here:
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"The real grace and the real heart-stopping evil, was right inside the human mind."
This, to me, suggests that the things which Aziraphale and Crowley are ciphers for can only truly be realised by humans.
The book also goes on to reinforce to us how close the two of them already are.
They're said to have "gone native."
Crowley is said to have something other demons don't have: imagination.
Aziraphale is a straight up hedonist.
They live here. They work here.
And like with Dog, "form shapes nature."
And when it comes to "sides," Crowley notes in Season 1 that the final battle will really be between Heaven/Hell and Humanity. That's their side.
2. On the Nature of Free Will
Much is made about the nature of free will, especially in season one which is basically all about that. Anathema with her prophecies, Adam with his destiny, and, of course, Aziraphale and Crowley with their respective natures.
All of those arcs end with the heroes overcoming the bonds of restraint and determining their own future. In short, exercising their own free will.
While Aziraphale and Crowley don't necessarily recognise this, it is nonetheless true. And even though we're told it's impossible, we see that this isn't entirely true.
We see it in how Crowley drinks, and Aziraphale eats. Aziraphale especially engaging in all sorts of sinful activities without any celestial direction but purely because he likes it. He chooses it. And despite it going against the tenets of Heaven, he is able to do it.
Crowley wills the Bentley to survive the flames. Crowley chooses to conspire with Aziraphale time and again, not just to thwart the Great Plan but so that they can have oysters, or so that he doesn't have to ride a horse.
We constantly see them choosing.
And while, yes, in the scope of season 1 we could argue that "Ah, but - BUT! That is the Ineffable Plan. It wasn't chosen, it was always meant to be that way," this kind of falls apart in the scope of season 2 which is all about people resisting the expectations and pressures of other divine plans.
Gabriel nahs the war.
Maggie and Nina not only can't be miracled into love (so says Aziraphale), but also refuse to be manipulated into it either by miracle or meddling.
Muriel likes Aziraphale. Muriel "reads". Muriel helps Crowley.
So. Free Will.
Something that it seems everyone -- angels and demons included -- already has.
Additionally, Aziraphale's temptation back to Heaven is not based in ambition (he suggests Michael), but in self-determination (follow me, I swear it makes sense).
Okay, so the thing that sells him is the RESTORATION of Crowley to a divine state. Because he thinks that Crowley's Fall is fundamentally a mistake. That their inability to be together is because they are fundamentally opposed. Logically this makes sense, so why doesn't he feel convinced of it?
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"Deep down you're a good person"
"That was a very kind thing you did"
All that stuff. He's constantly trying to assert Crowley's goodness as proof that he's not truly the demon he is. To Aziraphale, Crowley's status as a demon is a mistake that infringes upon his ability to determine his own path because when left to it, Crowley often chooses good.
While Crowley feels like his Fall is the act which bought him freedom from the shackles of Heaven. His Fall gave him self-determination.
Aziraphale sees it as something to be fixed. Crowley sees it as a choice. He sauntered vaguely downward. He goes along as far as he can.
In That Conversation, they're both hearing that the other person dislikes something they view as FUNDAMENTAL about themselves. Aziraphale IS an angel. Crowley IS a demon. They don't recognise how their choices determine their identities, and so misunderstand each other and ultimately, lose each other.
If they could see past those titles, then what would they find? And...something, something.
Where was I going with this?
Oh, right! Being human.
Anyway, if free-will is one of the requirements of Being Human then everyone qualifies whether they know it or not.
3. On the Nature of LOOOOOOVE
Falling in love. "It's what humans do." SO SAYS Aziraphale.
And well.
You know?
Enough said.
So, if Being Human means having free will AND falling in love, then...
Being an Angel or a Demon is just a job description.
And since Aziraphale and Crowley quit, then...
The only other thing that humanity has which separates them from angels and demons is that, well, they die. We die.
And so, if they are to become fully human with all the LOVE and FREEDOM of it, then they'll have to also take the death. Death, after all, is what makes the rest of it all possible. Maybe. I think, in some philosophies.
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So, at a guess, the story ends like it began: in a garden.
Two humans, in love, living out their days in a cottage on the South Downs.
WILD RANDOM GUESSES (and how likely I think they are):
Jesus is a nepo baby, and Humanity turns on him because flying in a private jet is pretty gauche these days (9/10 - I think that this could go either way. When this idea was conceived in the 90s/00s private jets weren't the absolute bane of our literal continued existence as they are now. Some ideas don't age perfectly. The record shop, the...message box. Machine. The voice mail thing. The pay per view porn. But this one could have fun new connotations!)
Crowley becomes the new Duke of Hell and makes his dominion here on Earth (5/10 - Break ups can be Hell, and I think Crowley spiting Aziraphale's little efforts at beautification, or spurning all the places they used to love together is kind of fun. Also would explain global warming, buuuuut Crowley was pretty certain about not going back to Hell so...)
Aziraphale studies the porn in an effort to learn how to seduce Crowley. It's what humans do (like, a 8/10? I think it'll happen but I have no idea how it'd fit in)
Humans clone a whale. After all, God says to get back to her once we've managed to make a whale. (6/10. If Season 3 touches on the idea of emancipation (I didn't mention it up top, but here it is. Theme: EMANCIPATION) then I think it'd be funny for the cloning of a whale to signify Humanity's emancipation from Heaven and Hell, and God Herself. After all, if humans are God's children, all children - no exceptions - grow up.)
Humanity holds a General Strike against Heaven and Hell. It starts with a little old woman who just refuses to die. We all know one -- she's constantly being taken to the hospital, her family warned to prepare, and yet, somehow, she's back at the nursing home the next day. She just refuses to go. She's tired of all their nonsense (4/10 I think that there's no way humanity can outmatch Heaven or Hell for sheer strength so victory will have to come from somewhere else. Neil is a member of a union. A union currently on strike. Little guys taking on the Big Bads. I think it's a very relevant theme these days, but as I'm also in that same strike, I am le biased)
One of the guest leads is a pathologist named Dr. Leighton Quick. Because he deals with the Late. And the Quick. Get it? He's between Life and Death. Heaven and Hell. A human mediator. Seeking out answers to mete out justice on Earth. (-400/10 Absolutely impossible unless Neil has the exact same taste for puns that I do. But there are so many options, so...unlikely. I just think it's funny.)
Some old man is working in Heaven. He accidentally forgot to get off the escalator, and has been in accounting up there for 40 years. No one has noticed. (3/10. It's the kind of absurdity I can see happening. I just don't know how it'd fit. Only slight less likely than Duke Crowley)
The Somewhere Cold people go after Death is a Reception Lobby on the 42nd Floor. It's halfway between Up and Down. It has no windows and fluorescent lights. It's not horrible, but the A/C is broken so summer or winter, it's freezing cold. (7/10. I mean, it's a government office building, right? You're always waiting. It's always boring af. The A/C is always broken.)
Death is some Scottish Guy. Because of Crow Road. Because of David. Because it's funny. Because Death also deserves a little garden in the highlands. He lives on Crow Road. (10/10-1. I like it. It's probably too on the nose)
Aziraphale dies. It's some gambit. Crowley tries to intervene in some clever way, but is shocked when his miracle fails. Aziraphale smiles. Says, "It's too late, Crowley. It was always too late. Forgive me." And he walks off, hand in hand with Death. Crowley tracks Death down to Scotland. He finds Aziraphale having tea with Death in the garden (it ENDS in a garden). Death cannot be overcome, but he can be put off a bit. He agrees to restore Aziraphale to life on the condition that Crowley give up his immortality, and that someday, He'll come back for both of them. Crowley agrees. (15/10. I just like this. So, I'm betting hard on it. Vibes.)
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the-bonclave · 2 years
I need to interrupt your evening to inform you that PoseManiacs is back!
But wait, there's more! I can't believe I'm saying this, but PoseManiacs (might have) actually employed ethical AI generator integration. Or rather they license from a company that does so.
Generated Photos creates people that don't exist, but instead of scrapping their images from the internet like certain AI generators we all know, their generator is sourced from models photographed in their studio.
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I have yet to come across any shady things about this company specifically (kind of hard when your company name is basic AI keywords) so I could be wrong and please inform me if I am. But their user agreement does state their products can't be used for illegal purposes.
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That won't stop misuse, but real stock photos suffer from the same problems anyway (the AI bot hordes are coming).
Do I think this is a good replacement for stock photography? Hell no. Their photos suffer from "same face syndrome"; they don't have any unique or interesting facial features real people have (something GP addresses tbf). And a lot of them are oozing the uncanny valley. You're still better off using real stock, going to life drawing sessions, or just asking a friend to model for you.
I can't say I encourage the company itself since they jumped in the Pandora's Box that should not have been opened the way it was (and shouldn't have been opened at all). I'm still not sure if I should support PoseManiacs for using an AI company, even an "ethical" one. There's still the broader question of how modelers' and studio photographers' employment will be impacted, the same uncertain boat artists are in.
But since this Pandora's Box is open and we can't send AI generators back to Hell, I believe GP is a good step forward in co-existing with AI generators. I appreciate that they're trying to be ethical about it and I hope they set a good example for the inevitable wave of AI companies.
(Also DO NOT harass Generated Photos or PoseManiacs please. I only linked because there's some interesting info on their site but I'm to tired to talk about that right now).
(And PoseManiacs's new features are pretty fucking rad.)
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