#(Figured that now might be a good time to boop this out again... considering some of my Active Muses XD )
micerhat · 1 year
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He couldn't help but heave a sigh once again, his clawed fingers fidgeting with the tiny zipper on the 'disguise' Gregory and Vanessa had insisted he continue to wear during their ventures out into public.
It wasn't that the jacket was bad.
Just… the zipper pull was once more slowly raised and lowered before returning back to it's original position, his rounded ears twitching at the steady click of plastic zipper teeth …it paled in comparison to the marvelous wonder that had been his original chest compartment that had brought forth merriment and baked goods to so many.
He couldn't carry anything in there and it was awful.
Even if the alternative was still being just a head.
The endoskeleton that now carried that head of his was an older model cast off from some long defunct upgrade - now a wonderful bargain from back of a flea market. He supposed being a head alone couldn't bring much happiness and being able to travel in something other than a duffel bag was an upgrade.
But you could still put things in the duffel bag...
Freddy couldn't help but miss the old things despite being surrounding by such an amazing world that had always been just outside the doors.
He just felt a bit... lost... at times.
Bright eyes turned in response to movement, as Vanessa - 'Not Officer Vanessa - Just Vanessa, Okay?' - stomped past with her arms laden with another pile of soggy clothing towards the dryers.
He had offered to help, but she had firmly insisted that they stay put where she could make sure both of them didn't get into trouble.
Though he did not fully understand how washing clothes in an otherwise empty laundromat in the middle of the night would bring about trouble.
But Vanessa had only repeated that - unless they really wanted to talk to the police who might come upon them on their own - they would listen to her and 'Not. Cause. A. Problem.'
No doubt she was wanting to 'Get this done' judging by the muttering covered by the sound of the solitary dryer already running and the tinny beeps and boops of the handheld gaming system that Gregory had 'liberated' somewhere along the way.
Freddy would have possibly considered the levels of success involved in convincing the child to go back to sleep in their vehicle - had it not been for the extremely familiar figure suddenly looming in the light of the window, pointing towards him with a long digit pressed against the glass and excitedly waving with muffled jingling from outside.
"I ....uh... Vanessa..." He was going to regret saying this.
"...I think there is a problem."
Something did get out of the Pizza-Plex.
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canon-fcdder · 5 years
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“I won't get to Heaven, Why not raise a little Hell? ”
              { ☆ } Indie. Multi-muse … Semi-Selective … Multi-ship … Multi-verse { ☆ }
                                                          ~ {Rules} || {Muses} ~
- Follows back as @dragcnsden  
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Just a day with MICHAEL and wine aunt y/n?
Babysitter Y/N Is On The Case
Pairings: none
Characters included: Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael, Fundy, Philza
Warnings: While this is Gender Neutral, Reader refers to themself as Aunt/ gets referred to as aunt by others
Series: a request drabble!
Summary: Y/N was asked to play babysitter for Michael so of course who would they be if they didn’t bring some toys with them or tell him some funny stories about his parents.
Words count: 3103
Authors Note: I’m sorry I wasn’t sure what kind of pronouns you wanted me to use so I stuck to Gender Neutral but Reader still gets referred to as Aunt. 
I also was really excited to write it but lost steam halfway through, I apologize but it did help me get back into writing after being stuck with studying so much! So thanks for that!
Ranboo was sitting on the ground. Busy watching Michael draw with crayons on scraps of paper. He was currently making his own rendition of a family portrait and Ranboo couldn’t help but be amused with the way he drew him, Ranboo, and his best friend Tubbo.
He was tall, sure, but seeing how Michael drew clouds right next to his face was for some reason quite comical to him.
Tubbo was pacing the room up and down. His thoughts lingering on something else. Foolish was currently building their new home, a mansion to be exact, and he needed their help to map some stuff out.
At first the two wanted to bring Michael with them but Foolish brought up that a construction site might not be the safest place for a toddler. So, the two had to find a babysitter. It would be the first time they entrusted someone else with their adopted child and it made both of them nervous to say the least.
This place didn’t have the best track record when it came to important things like that and yet they still found someone who they felt like they could trust.
It was none other than Y/N.
Y/N did help the two numerous times. They were always there when trouble arose and they made their best effort to help the two through it. Both Tubbo and Ranboo felt close enough to them to even consider them family.
Ranboo mentioned this off handedly the day Y/N first met Michael and they looked shocked but also as if they were about to melt right then and there. It was this reaction that reaffirmed to them that, yes, they could trust Y/N.
A knock made Tubbo finally stop pacing and instead he practically sprinted down towards to the front door. Ranboo wanted to roll his eyes towards Tubbo’s agitated state but he felt similar. He just had more experience on how to hide it.
When Tubbo finally opened the door he was met by a smiling Y/N. They were holding a small bag in their hands as they gave Tubbo a short hug as a greeting.
“Hello, Tubbo! Babysitter Y/N is here and ready to take care of my little nephew Michael.”
A bit overwhelmed Tubbo let them in and closed the door, shutting away the cold winter air “Nephew?”
“Well you two told me that I’m somewhat like family to you, so, that would make Michael my nephew, definitely not grandson. So nephew.”
Tubbo just stared at Y/N for a short moment “I- I guess?”
Frankly he was a bit confused with how enthusiastic Y/N seemed to be about this whole situation. On one hand it was proof to him that Y/N did indeed take this somewhat serious and on the other hand this seems like it could somehow spell trouble.
Shaking off his confusion Tubbo began making his way up back into Michael’s room, closely followed by Y/N.
“Ranboo! How are you!” Y/N greeted the Enderman Hybrid as they softly put down the bag.
Michael looked up from his drawing and let out a happy squeak as soon as he noticed Y/N. He slowly got up and stumbled his way towards them and effectively hugged their leg as a greeting.
Y/N giggled as they slowly knelt down and put one hand on his head, ruffling through his bristle like hair “Hello, Sweetie. I’m happy to see you as well.”
“So, um, we need to go then. We made some extra food and put it to the side. Please don’t give Michael too much cookies or too much from the cake. He likes to-“ Ranboo begun to ramble off but Y/N interrupted him.
“Don’t worry, Ranboo. You won’t be gone for weeks. It’s only a day, probably even just a few hours. Nothing will happen to him. I’ll make sure of that.”
“Okay, but don’t let anyone else close to him, okay? Especially not Fundy. He has threatened him before!” Tubbo added.
Y/N put their hand above their heart “I hereby swear that I will protect little Michael with my life and make sure no harm will come to him while you two deal with your own business. Now, go.”
They were now physically pushing the two towards the stairs.
“You are awfully forceful today.” Ranboo noted, now worried after all that they chose Y/N as the babysitter.
Even so the two begun making their way down away from Michael’s room, all the while Y/N would continue push and poke them towards the door.
They scoffed “I’m not being forceful I’m helping you guys out. Besides, do you want to let poor Foolish waiting?”
“Alright, Alright! We are going! But should anything bad happen to Michael… Just saying, I have extra nukes.”
But Y/N just rolled their eyes “I know. Don’t worry. Really. You guys have been good to me so I want to repay your kindness. Besides I have gotten quite attached to the little gremlin as well.”
Finally the two seemed to relax and grabbed their jackets as they walked out of the door. Y/N waved them goodbye and softly closed the door once they couldn’t see them anymore.
Now with the two parents gone Y/N made their way back to Michael, not wanting him to be alone for too long.
Back in his room Y/N found Michael staring out the window, probably watched as his parents left the home without him. Usually at least one person would stay behind so it must have been a surprise for him to see both of his parents leave at the same time.
He let out a few sad squeaks as he desperately tried to jump around, hoping he could somehow find his parents again if he just took a better look.
“Hey, it’s fine. They’ll come back and while they are gone I’m taking care of you, alright?” Y/N begun speaking, hoping he would turn his attention towards them instead the outside but he ignored them.
Y/N stepped closer, sitting down on the ground next to him while he was standing on the tip of his hooves, holding on to the corner of the windows with his hands.
Carefully Y/N stretched out a hand to Michael’s shoulder in order to gain his attention this way and it seemed to work. He let go off the window and instead twisted around to look his babysitter in the face. Both his eyes wide and glossy. Michael seemed to be close to tears.
“They will be back soon I promise, alright? In the meantime we can hang out!”
He still seemed to be close to tears and sad squeaks where still leaving his mouth so Y/N decided then and there it was time for their special weapon.
As Y/N got back up they held their hand out for Michael who slowly put his hand into theirs. Together they walked towards the brown bag Y/N brought with them.
An almost mischievous smile made it’s way on their face as Y/N opened up the bag in a way that Michael could look inside.
His expression immediately lightened up. The gloss seemed to disappear and instead he looked like he was in awe. He took his hand out of Y/N’s and moved it inside the bag only to stop and look Y/N into their eyes. Obviously asking for permission.
Ranboo and Tubbo really did a good job when it came to teaching Michael manners apparently which surprised Y/N a tiny bit. For some reason they suspected that Ranboo played a bigger role in this than Tubbo though.
Y/N nodded “Go ahead. I got them for you after all.”
Excited Michael almost dove into the bag as he got the little toys out. They were just simple wooden toys like horses, people and the like but still hard to come by around in this place. He sprayed them out on the ground only to take a closer look at the figures that seemed to represent certain people.
There were four of them. One looking like Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael and of course one looked like Y/N. They had to admit part why they did this was to bribe Michael but only a tiny bit. He was adorable and they did get kind of attached to this young Pigling as well so giving him gifts like that was only natural, right?
He grabbed all four of them and hugged them close to his chest, his gaze once again on Y/N’s face with a pleading expression.
“Yeah, they are yours! Just remember who got you them.” It felt like their heart was swelling up in their chest as they watched Michael hugging the piece that looked like them.
To Y/N’s sudden surprise Michael softly put the wooden dolls down, got up only to crash back into Y/N, hugging their body with his tiny arms. His previous sad squeaks exchanged by happy grunts.
“Alright. You want to play a bit? Read something? Or would you want me to tell you stories about your parents? Don’t get me wrong they are amazing but they are also idiots.”
Curious Michael looked back up which gave Y/N the chance to boop him on his little snout “Embarrassing stories about your parents it is then.” Which resulted in Michael to let out a sequence of grunts that mirrored a giggle.
Michael moved back away from Y/N and sat down on the ground. Grabbing the figure that represented Y/N as well as a brown horse.
“What could I tell you about... There is so much. Oh, if I tell you about that I think both Tubbo and Ranboo will kill me. Then again. You can keep a secret right?”
Without hesitation Michael nodded enthusiastically as he continued to play around with his new toys.
“Let’s start then.”
For the next hour or so Y/N begun telling stories about Ranboo and Tubbo. At first they only wanted to tell him about the little embarrassing things they did but it soon turned into a bit of a nostalgia trip for them. Briefly talking about how L’Manberg started, Tubbo’s presidency, Ranboo’s first day in the SMP and all the hijinks in between.
They made sure to let out the bad parts and mainly concentrated on the funny bits and pieces in between all the stressful situations and wars they have been through. That was something they didn’t feel like they had the right to talk about. Not without talking with Ranboo and Tubbo about it.
During all of that Michael was patiently listening though he was still rolling around on the ground playing with his new toys. Whenever Y/N thought he might not be listening anymore he let out a few squeaks urging them to keep on going.
The two new parents probably have never talked much with Michael about what they have been up to before they adopted him. To them there was a lot of pain connected to their past so instead they tried to work on their future instead. A future that involved Michael and hopefully a happier one.
For Y/N it wasn’t that different to be honest. They were right there at the beginning of it after all but when it came to the two parents they could tell Michael probably better than they themselves about the funny little bits in their past.
The time went on and at some point Y/N stopped telling stories and instead joined Michael in him playing with his new toys. He was also very adamant about the fact that Y/N used the Y/N-Doll while they played out scenarios like fighting off zombies.
It has already been after mid-day when Y/N came over to babysit so it didn’t take long for the sun to slowly set, soon the world turned dark.
When Tubbo and Ranboo first talked with them about Y/N babysitting they also made sure to tell them that once the sun is down it’s bed time for Michael which was a rule Y/N tried to follow at first.
“It’s bed time Michael. You can play later with the dolls but this is one of the rules your parents set up for me.”
He just put his arms in front of his chest and huffed out an annoyed grunt, still holding on to the toys.
Y/N smirked “Man, you sure are lucky that cool auntie Y/N is here. Let’s move bed time another hour or two but if your parents come home soon you have to get in bed asap?”
Once again Michael was enthusiastically nodding.
When Tubbo and Ranboo did finally came home again they heard a ton of noise coming from upstairs as the door fell shut. They were tired from the visit to the mansion since it took longer than expected. Foolish took the chance with them there to properly map out all the rooms. And with properly map out it really meant thoroughly.
He was so happy to see them since apparently having to build all this while having to guess how to build the rooms was a stressful endeavor. So, as much as they missed Michael and worried for him, they felt the need to stay and help out Foolish as much as possible.
He really seemed to be on the edge of losing his mind.
Though now they were curious why in the world they heard a rumbling from upstairs and Tubbo, determined as he is, climbed up the ladder as fast as he could.
Though all he saw in the room were toys strewn around, Michael in his bed with his eyes closed, clearly taking in deep breaths as if he was just running around while Y/N sat next to the bed with a book open upside down in their hand.
Ranboo was now joining the group as well, his expression showing his confusion to this situation.
“Ah, uh, hey! How was the day with Foolish? As you can see I got the kid some toys, I hope that is alright.”
“Michael?” Tubbo asked and to Y/N’s detriment his ears twitched for a moment and he clearly squinted his eyes even closer shut.
Now Tubbo turned to Y/N with his hands on both of his sides, his eyebrows turned down into a frown “Y/N!”
“We told you he had a strict bed time!” Ranboo chimed in.
Y/N set the book down and got up “Yes, you are right. I should have listened. I am sorry. He was just so happy with the toys! Anyways, I have to go now as well. Hope you guys aren’t too angry with me since babysitting him was a ton of fun. If you need my help again don’t hesitate to ask me.”
And with that they made their way out of the house. Ignoring the call outs from the two. Effectively fleeing.
While they were not thrilled that Y/N let him stay up way past his bedtime nothing really bad happened to him hence why in the end they had to admit that Y/N was a good choice for a babysitter.
So whenever the need for a babysitter arose they still asked Y/N to fill that role.
Of course whenever they appeared they would bring in more presents. Either more toys or things like books and building blocks. Over time Michael seemed to be mostly interested in the little dolls that depicted actual people from the SMP so Y/N made sure to at least bring always one little doll over whenever they visited him.
Telling him fun little stories about them and who they were. At some point this turned into their favorite little tradition with the Piglin kid.
This seemed to also be the same case for Michael judging by one little instance.
They were visiting Michael once again, this time carrying a Ghostbur-Doll with them only to meet Philza and Fundy at Tubbo’s and Ranboo’s place. They were all deep in a discussion concerning Michael which Y/N used to sneakily hand him his new toy which he happily put next to his others.
Both Philza and Fundy have visited Michael a few times already as far as Y/N knew but not as often as they themself did.
“Oh, good that you are here, Y/N. I ‘ve been wondering something.” Fundy suddenly approached them, missing the subtle gift exchange just beforehand.
Y/N raised one of their eyebrows, somehow sensing trouble from him “Hey, Fundy. Hello Philza, Tubbo, Ranboo. Sorry that I’m late? Didn’t expect to see Fundy and Phil here.”
Ranboo scratched the back of his neck nervously “Yeah, we didn’t as well. It just kind of happened.”
“I get that. Either way it’s nice to see them. What is it that you were wondering about Fundy?” Y/N turned back to the Fox Hybrid at the last part.
He had a mischievous smile on his face which didn’t seem to only worry Y/N but the other residents in the room as well “You have not been the only one visiting Michael from time to time, so we have to settle one thing. Who is the better aunt or uncle.”
“Just ask him then.” Philza threw in, sounding somehow tired of Fundy already.
This seemed to pull Michaels attention back towards the adults. Ignoring his new toy for now but still holding on to it.
Y/N didn’t want to show it but a satisfied smile appeared on their face. They had it on good authority what Michael would probably go for.
Fundy knelt down on the ground, so Y/N followed suit.
“Hey little guy. Uncle Fundy has been wondering who you like more. The super cool fox dude? Or the boring Y/N?”
Normally Y/N would have said something against it but instead they just rolled their eyes and made sure to put on a soft smile for Michael. No words were needed.
When Michael looked at bit unsure on what to do Tubbo let out a weary sigh, probably tired of Fundy’s hijinks “Go ahead Michael. Don’t worry no one will get mad it is just a question.”
“You- You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to.” Ranboo tried to further calm Michael’s worry down but before he even properly ended the sentence the kid was already on the move.
Without even hesitating he ran into Y/N arms. Y/N put their arms softly around him and ruffled through his hair “Yeah! Suck it Fundy! I’m the better one! Hah!”
“Y/N!” both Tubbo and Ranboo exclaimed angrily at the same time but Y/N just continued to snicker as Fundy got back up and begun sulking in a corner. Philza was of course busy laughing.
There was no way that Fundy even stood a chance against Y/N from the very beginning.
“This was unfair! They clearly bribed him! Look at all the toys he got from them!” Fundy exclaimed angrily.
“All is fair in love or war, Fundy.” Philza reminded him between him laughing.
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graaythekwami · 3 years
The Little Things - ML One-Shot
(Spoilers for the season 4 episode Hack-San)
"Out for a solo patrol, Chat Noir?"
Chat Noir jumped slightly, not quite use to hearing an unfamiliar voice up here on the rooftops, and turned. The figure was standing on a chimney a ways from him, the reds of her costume matching the setting sun.
"Scarabella?" Chat Noir said, looking at the temporary Ladybug heroine he had met the other day. His surprise quickly gave way to worry, eyes widening slightly. "Did something happen to Ladybug? Is there an akuma out right now? Is–"
Scarabella held up her hands, but didn't come closer. "No no no, everything is okay– I just wanted to talk to you, that's all, and Ladybug said you often did some patrols in the evening..."
He gave a tight smile, shoulders relaxing slightly. "Not really a patrol, not like what me and M'Lady do when we patrol. It's just... to get some fresh air, I suppose."
He was slightly startled when he turned and found Scarabella walking towards him, as he hadn't heard her steps. She had some papers in her hands, and an uncertain smile on her face. She paused a little ways away from him.
"Is it okay if we talk for a bit?" Scarabella asked. "I don't have a lot of time, and then I can leave you to your... 'patrol'."
"What's up?" Chat Noir asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. His feelings on Scarabella were... mixed. She was an ally and she had spirit, but he would be lying if he said there was no bitterness when he thought about her. About what she knew and why she was there.
"I... I wanted to just show you this," Scarabella said, holding up the papers in her hand, before carefully setting it down on the roof near him, before retreating back slightly. "I had to edit out a few 'tips' for identity reasons, and Ladybug doesn't know I'm showing this to you, but considering my sudden appearance I figured maybe it would help if you saw it."
Chat glanced at the papers, then back at the spare heroine. "I don't want to go behind Ladybug's back."
Scarabella blinked, then let out a small laugh. "Oh, no, no, it's not like it's something I can't show you. It's just the list of tips she gave me of how to be Ladybug while she was gone."
Scarabella smiled. "Read them, would you? Please?"
Chat Noir looked at the papers, before carefully picking them up and unfolding them. Sure enough he found a list of 'tips', each one carefully numbered off. His eyes scanned down the list, noting a few numbers were missing, which must have been the editing she had been referring to.
Chat Noir's eyes jumped back up to the top, and began reading. He could tell right away that it was indeed written by his Lady, and he could almost hear her voice as he read.
Tip 1 - Keep the earrings in at all times, they are easy to misplace. DO NOT TAKE THEM OFF.
Tip 2 - Always have sweets for Tikki on hand.
Tip 3 - Not just for recharging if an akuma appears, make sure you have something she can snack on if she's hungry.
Tip 4 - No. Seriously. Holders know no fury like a kwami starved.
Chat Noir snickered, knowing fully well what she meant. His interactions with Tikki had been limited, and she had been a very sweet kwami. Ladybug told pretty much the same story... except for the times she didn't have cookies or macarons on hand for her kwami. It turned out the little Ladybug kwami was just as passionate about her sweets as Plagg was with his cheese.
Tip 11 - Tell Chat Noir what's going on right away if an akuma shows up. Since I wasn't able to talk my way into staying in Paris like I thought I didn't get time to tell him I was leaving.
Tip 12 - If you see Chat Noir patrolling at night don't worry, it doesn't mean there's an akuma or somewhere you need to take my place. My Kitty is a free spirit and Paris is our city.
Tip 13 - Leave out croissants for him if he happens to come by where you are on patrol.
Tip 14 - The chocolate covered ones are his favorite. Chat loves anything with passion fruit too.
Tip 15 - Chat Noir likes any kind of sweets, actually, but try to get him his favorites if you can.
There was a small smile on his face as he read, eyes carefully looking over each word, warmth in his heart. The tips soon drifted back towards things regarding the Miraculous, a good dozen involving Lucky Charms and explaining how the yoyo worked.
Tip 25 - Lucky Charms might be bigger than you think! Be prepared to leapt out of the way in case a piano comes crashing down instead of a pencil.
Tip 26 - Don't ask Tikki to explain Lucky Charms. She'll be vague and she'll do it on purpose.
Tip 27 - Don't try to force a Lucky Charm to work. It's just kind of instinctual? I don't know how to describe it.
Tip 28 - Ask Chat Noir for help if the Lucky Charm is too confusing. He's been Misterbug before and has helped me defeat villains with countless Lucky Charms.
Tip 29 - Just ask Chat Noir if you have any questions, he's a professional.
Tip 30 - Don't ask him so many questions though that you stress him out! Akuma fights are hard enough and with him being the most experienced he'll have enough to worry about without a bunch of questions.
Tip 31 - Just follow Kitty's lead, he knows what to do.
Tip 32 - Chat Noir has good instincts and enhanced senses, listen to him.
Tip 33 - When Chat Noir makes a joke try to laugh, even if you think it's not funny. It makes him happy. :)
"My jokes are always funny, My Lady!" Chat Noir exclaimed in protest, though there was a smile on his face.
Tip 34 - Make sure Chat Noir is happy.
Tip 35 - Don't make fun of his purring, he's self conscious about it even though it's adorable. (He embraces everything cat except for the purring, I don't know why.)
Tip 36 - Purring doesn't always mean he's happy! Cats can purr when they're hurt! If he takes a hit and you hear him purr then you got to defeat the akuma as quickly as possible! Sooner you can cast the Miraculous Ladybugs the sooner Chat Noir isn't hurting!
Tip 37 - Don't let Chat Noir take any hits for you.
Tip 38 - Seriously. He does that way too much and I don't like watching it. Stupid self-sacrificing cat. Make sure he stays safe.
Tip 39 - Or else.
"These aren't even tips at this point!" He said, holding back a laugh.
"She does that a lot," Scarabella said with a fond smile. "With 675 'tips' a good chunk of them are ramblings."
"Six hundred and what-?" Chat said, quickly flicking through the papers and towards the end. Sure enough the very last one stared back up at him, the same number as Scarabella had promised.
Tip 675 - When you say "Miraculous Ladybug" don't forget to throw the Lucky Charm.
He flicked back a few more pages, eyes scanning the various notes that had been left. Many were just like he had expected when Scarabella had first told him what the list was: advice on what to do with different types of akumas, how the timer worked, tips for finding the akumatized object, and what to say to a victim after they were freed from Shadow Moth's control.
But then there were others, small little mentions of him and things he hadn't even realized his Lady knew or noticed, things he didn't know people cared about.
Tip 142 - If Chat Noir is dismissive with how his day has gone crack a few jokes. He tries to cover up when he's had a bad day and this is the best way to lift his spirits.
Tip 143 - Chat Noir loves hugs. Quick hugs, tight hugs, long hugs, he adores them.
Tip 144 - Chat likes to be scratched under the chin and behind his faux ears. It makes him purr, but don't mention the purring (see tip 36).
Tip 145 - Chat Noir is a cuddler.
Tip 146 - Ignore all the last few tips. Respect Chat Noir's personal space.
Tip 147 - But don't be distant either, support him! Fist bumps, pats on the back, you know, be friendly.
Tip 148 - You better be nice to my Kitty. I'll be watching all akuma coverage.
Tip 149 - No booping Chat Noir on the nose. That's our thing.
Tip 150 - No bonking him with the yoyo, carrying him in your arms, or using the nicknames 'chaton' or 'kitty', again those are our things, not yours.
Tip 151 - You can use the nicknames 'Chat' or 'CN'.
Tip 152 - He may kiss your hand. Chat Noir is a gentleman, don't let the costume fool you.
"M'lady..." Chat Noir said softly.
Tip 355 - Let Chat Noir handle the media, he's a pro at that.
Tip 356 - Don't leave him alone to deal with all the reporters though, that's a lot of pressure.
Tip 357 - Chat's ears and tail can tell you a lot about how he's feeling. I've read a lot of cat behavior articles and it's helped me a lot.
"Hey!" Chat Noir protested, even though his Lady wasn't here to see it.
Tip 598 - If anyone makes any comment about Chat Noir being dangerous or being a sidekick, you don't hold back.
Tip 599 - If it's a reporter that makes this comment give me their name and who they work for so I can make sure they never get an interview from the heroes again.
Tip 600 - Send Chat Noir a cat meme on the yoyo to cheer him up if anyone does say anything about him.
"I need to go," Scarabella said softly. "Feel free to keep those, I... I just wanted you to know that she was thinking about you. You mean a lot to her, Kittycat."
Chat Noir looked up at Scarabella, vision blurring slightly, but a smile was on his face. "I don't think 'Kittycat' was on the list of approved nicknames, Scar."
Scarabella scowled. "Well I can tell you that one isn't on my list of approved nicknames either."
Chat Noir grinned. "I'm sure it will grow on you."
"Purrhaps," Scarabella said, before giving a salute and a smile. She then tossed her yoyo, swinging away. Chat Noir watched her for a moment, before looking back down at the list he had been given.
He smiled, holding the papers close to his chest as he laid down on the roof, letting out a happy sigh.
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  6.3
Author’s Note:  Hello!  If you haven’t seen my post last night about choosing between two videos, I encourage you to check it out and give me your input! I need as much of it as possible.  Thanks!! Here’s the next chapter<3
Your eyes slowly opened to view the new cell Dottore had assigned you.  You thought the original cell had been bad, so when your vision finally focused, you realized in great annoyance that this cage was meant for a literal animal.  Bars replaced the entry wall and doorway, leaving you no privacy in this underground arena.  Even the toilet lacked some sort of curtain to hide you from prying eyes, though you sincerely doubted anyone would bother to cause that kind of trouble with you.
You forced yourself to sit up despite the horrendous pain that shook the very bones within you.  Yesterday was blurry, but the image of a not-so-kind Signora granting you rest remained prominent.  That awful interrogation was no doubt going to continue today, but at least you got the rest you desperately needed.  Your mind was clearer now, less weak and broken than last night.  If Signora never gave Dottore the order, what would have happened?  Would you have only passed out, or would you have actually died in the process?  Were you one to give in on the brink of death and spill what you already know, risking Xiao's life?
A sore throat plagued you, and the cold of the country seemed to seep into the building--even as low as down here.  Your puffy eyes slid to the bars that prevented your escape...Why weren't there any guards today?  A blink wiped away some of the blurriness and you slowly crawled over to the cell door.  A faint but unmistakable ruckus leaked through the prison's exit, and your posture straightened.  It was only when the door at the end of the hall burst off its hinges that you considered the possibility of an attack.
The door wasn't the only thing that clattered to the ground.  "X-Xiao?"  Your voice came out more broken than intended, and your drowsiness was swept under the rug.  Am I seeing things?  "Xiao!"
"Ha-ha!  Didn't think he'd wake up so early," a Fatui agent entered the corridor and lifted the unconscious adeptus by the nape of his neck.  "Must've been some sort of reflex, he's out cold again.  Pathetic.  This is the might of the adepti?"
Your blood ran colder when a third figure entered.  His eyes met yours as he retied Xiao's hands behind his back, half-pushing him forward to walk.  A devious smile slipped across his lips as he escorted Xiao past your cell.
"I thought you'd appreciate it if I was the one to bring him in," Childe teased as he walked past you.
"Xiao!"  You couldn't raise your voice as much as you wanted to, but the yaksha's eyes opened.  "Xiao! What happened?!"
"...a-ambushed..."  His body was too weak to lift his head.
"What the hell did you do to him?"  The shriek was like music to Childe's ears as he roughly discarded the yaksha into a cell you couldn't see from where you were placed.  "HEY! Don't do that!"
Childe returned to your cell and squatted down so he was level with you.  "I didn't do anything to him, ojou-chan.  He was like this when we found him."
"'Found?'"  The cell walls seemed to constrict you, force you into maintaining eye contact.  "What did you do?  What happened to everyone?  Where's Aether, Zhongli?"
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, girlie," he booped your forehead and stood up.  "Just remember the sight I just gave to you; you wasted your love on someone that wasn't strong enough to protect you."  He passed the Fatui agent and made a face at the broken door that lay on the ground.  "Fix this."
"Yes, Master Childe."
"Ugh..."  A faint groan made its way to your ears.
"Xiao?"  You dragged your body to the corner of the cell so you could hear him better.  "Are you okay?"  The bars your hands were around seemed less cold and cruel now that a familiar presence was awake.
"This is nothing."  It was an obvious lie, but you didn't press further until he yelped in pain a few seconds later.
"Sigils," he coughed.  "I can't touch the walls."
"Sigils? What kind of sigils?"
"The kind that trap and seal adepti, obviously."  He shuffled around the best he could so that he was situated in the exact middle of his cell.  
"But I thought they didn't know where to find you..."  Your eyebrows furrowed as you thought aloud.  They couldn't have found him so quickly, and by the sound of it, they weren't planning on looking for him anytime soon either.  It didn't add up.
"Relax.  These aren't nearly enough to restrain me.  I can--"
A little metal object flew across the ceiling until it landed on the newly-fixed doorframe.  It was some sort of metal bird with eyes that glowed an ominous red.  The beak tapped the doorframe twice, and signaled for it to open.
"I see my subjects are up and about," Dottore stuck his arm out so his little bird could perch on his sleeve.  His leisure footsteps carried him to the halfway point between your and Xiao's cells so he could look at the two of you.  When his eyes landed on Xiao, a manic grin spread across his lips.  "Already planning on breaking out?  Go ahead and give it a try.  The amount of power you'd need to exert would kill her."
"Huh?"  Just what exactly was Xiao doing right now?  "Don't listen to him, he's trying to force submission."
"Am I?  I just saved your life right now, girlie," Dottore's eyes shifted to yours, then returned to Xiao.  The metal bird hopped onto the doctor's shoulder so he could rest his arm at his side.  Another smile plagued his lips.  "Your little savior here only just noticed the most powerful sigil right beside him.  To break it would require most of his strength and this entire underground network would be collateral damage.  There'd be no saving you."
Judging by the silence that emanated from Xiao's cell, he was right.  "Just do it, Xiao."  Your voice didn't hold any emotion, save for a longing for his safe return.  "You don't have to worry about me."
Dottore let out a cackle that momentarily startled his artificial companion.  "Ha!  I wasn't aware adepti could be defeated so easily!"
"What're you talking about?"
"Oh, my dear, you should see the look on his face right now.  Actually, I can make that happen."  He nudged the bird in the direction of the door and it took off.  This time it landed on the doorknob and pecked three times.  After a few moments of silence, the door opened.  "Since Childe has been with you two the longest, I've asked the Tsaritsa for his aid.  From his reports it seems like you three had quite the companionship."
You heard Xiao scoff at the words, then your cell door opened.  "Looks like we'll be stuck together for awhile longer," Childe lifted you off the ground with little effort.  His nose scrunched up when he realized he did it with such ease.  Is she just that broken, or just that skinny now?  He shrugged the question off as he escorted you to Xiao's cell.
"When was it you stumbled upon him yesterday?"  Dottore addressed his subordinate as he opened a small bag that was just handed to him by a Fatui agent.  That agent, along with Childe, forced you to your knees.  Xiao shifted forward, eyes widening slightly as he tried to read the situation.
"Sometime in the late evening, in Fontaine.  They were heading straight for Snezhnaya."  Childe pushed some of your hair out of the way and exposed the nape of your neck.  "Seems like they were on their way to rescue you, ojou-chan.  I only happened to stumble upon them by chance."
The way he said that made you think it wasn't at all by chance.  It would explain why these symbols were already painted within Xiao's cell...Your eyes scanned Xiao's surroundings.  Were those seals painted with red paint, or with blood?  Maybe it was better if you didn't know the answer.  At least Xiao didn't appear to be too injured.
"And you overheard them discussing Xiao's unconscious state?"  Childe confirmed with a nod as his grip on you tightened.  "Good.  I have a theory pertaining to his current state.  You see, Childe, I had been interrogating her last night as well.  I think there may be yet another connection we can study--"
Your heart dropped when you peeked up to see that he was filling a syringe with a mysterious orange liquid.  If that was the same liquid from yesterday--  "Please don't."
"Ha! 'Please don't?'  That's the only comeback you have today?"  Dottore let out another cackle and tapped the excess liquid off of the needle.  "Don't worry missy, this is a smaller dosage."
"No!"  The needle penetrated your skin and you immediately felt like your insides were being torched alive.  Childe and the Fatui agent let you squirm in pain on the ground, while Dottore had his attention on Xiao.
Xiao hid his pain well this time around.  He had dealt with it yesterday, after all.  He continued to glare at Dottore, his hands subtly curling into tight fists to deal with the pain.  The harbinger took it as a challenge, and he prepared another needle.  It was then when the yaksha let the pain show on his face, and he tilted his head in discomfort as the pain only worsened.
Dottore's hands froze when he noticed the glowing in his eyes.  "I see.  It looks like we have a breakthrough already, Childe."  He yanked your head up from the ground and forced you to look at him.  "See how quick progress can be made when you obtain all the variables?"
"How are you feeling?"  Xiao's voice coaxed you out of the hysterical mindset the pain had put you in.
"H-How did I get in here?"  You were in his cell, head still spinning and stomach still churning.  Your body was slick with a cold sweat.  Your fingers were still twitching uncontrollably as you lay on the ground beside him.
"I suppose you don't remember," Xiao returned his gaze forward.  "They decided it would be better for us to remain in a single cell, that way the odds of you dying in an escape are high."
"Great--" A groan left your lips as you tried to prop yourself on an elbow.
"You shouldn't move."  When you ignored him, he pushed you back down with a gloved hand on your shoulder.  "You're pushing yourself too far.  Lie down and rest."
"I'm fine!" Your protest was accompanied by another attempt to sit up, but this time he pinned you down with both hands.  He hovered over you, but was careful not to be too forceful with your already-aching body.
"Your body cannot handle this much strain.  You don't understand the--"
"No, you don't understand.  I've been put through so much torture these past few days and you haven't seen--"  Your voice caught in your throat when he pulled away.  How insensitive of me; he knows more than plenty of what it's like.  "...I'm sorry for snapping, I..."
"I have felt some of the pain they put you through," his gaze finally returned to yours.  "That's why I'm telling you to rest.  Even I could not withstand that pain.  Zhongli said it was a new side effect, like how you can feel my thoughts.  I can now feel your emotions and physical pains."
"That's why you were found unconscious?"  It took you a moment to process the new developments.  Just what emotions could he feel from you?  Hopefully not your love for him...
"Have you not realized what he was injecting you with?"  Your confused expression made him shake his head.  "It was a synthetic solution made with your own blood."
"My own blood? But they didn't take any samples--"
"They could have when you were unconscious.  Then they must have enhanced it somehow, made it more concentrated.  The burning is attributed to a high amount of adeptal energy.  He's effectively poisoning you."
"Then why did it hurt you?  You're an adeptus."
"If they were to inject it directly into me, I wouldn't be harmed.  But since it was injected into a mortal body that's linked to mine and is not fully adeptus, I would feel what your body feels."
"When did you start feeling my feelings and pain?"  If he was feeling it the entire time you've been in this awful place, you were going to feel even worse for snapping at him.  
"Your emotions began plaguing me a few days ago.  As for your pain, only last night.  I overheard Zhongli explaining his theories while I came in and out of consciousness."  He absentmindedly stared at the hallway.  "Regardless, we're too late.  They already have the means of creating pathetic mortal versions of adepti; all that's left is to study us until they know the full powers and limitations of the bonds, and then..."  We'll more than likely be slaughtered when they're through with us.
"And...what about the others?  Zhongli, Aether?  Did they escape?"
The unfriendly metal bird impatiently hopped along the hall's floor.  Xiao watched it with a neutral expression.  "No.  They didn't."
Coming up:  The bond only strengthens.  An introduction to a new harbinger.
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frangipanidownunder · 4 years
Still with me, Scully?: fic
A bad case, a snowstorm, a grumpy Scully, a sorry Mulder in a one-bed tropefest story for your entertainment.
The outside looks promising enough. The neon light blinks Vacancy. A low-slung roof over a festively decorated door, wreath shimmering with silver tinsel and tiny jewel lights twinkling. He chances a look over his shoulder. She’s round-shouldered, down-in-the-mouth, pale like the frost just starting to crackle over the motel windows.
“Still with me Scully?”
She stuffs her hands deep into her pockets and he imagines those fine fingers squeezing the life out of him, her cold eyes glinting as he gasps her name, an apology and a declaration of love all wrapped up one final exhalation. It’s been a bad case. Really bad. Silent treatment for the hours lost on the road. Face turned to the grimy roadside all the way; surely, she has a cricked neck and yet another excuse to beat him up, down and sideways.
The door creaks open and the smell of pine, sawdust and years of lost souls hits him. “Looks all right,” he says, mustering some cheer that isn’t exactly Christmassy but definitely holds a note of the hopefulness that comes at this time of year. The end of something, the beginning of something. A chance to reset. She doesn’t respond, merely checks out the tree in the corner with its bright decorations. He follows her gaze and his eyes rest on a golden bauble in the shape of a teardrop. Of course.
The clerk flumps open a dusty ledger and peruses the listing, umming and ahing ostentatiously. Any minute she’ll explode; he can see the blast brooding in her flaring nostrils and her half-rolled lips. The eyebrow is shooting up and up. Ladies and gentlemen, we have lift off.
“Only one room left,” the clerk declares. “It’s out round back.” He turns and unhooks a loop of keys and gives them to Mulder. “You and the missus’ll be nice and cosy, though. There’s a bucket of firewood in each room. Matches are on the sideboard. TV don’t work but I’m sure you’ve got other ways to keep yourselves occupied. Storm’s coming.”
Yes, it is, Mulder thinks as the keys feel like stone in his hand. He turns to face his partner and swallows. “Um. You still with me, Scully?”
The teardrop on the Christmas tree wobbles and falls to the floor as she lets the door slam behind her.
The room is…cosy. But not in the rich timber panelling, mellow lighting, roaring fireplace, fleecy quilted bed linen and luxurious drapes at the windows kind of way. More the six foot by six foot, dingy broom cupboard way. A single, square window the size of a postage stamp is opaque with dust not frost. The curtains hang limply from a bent pelmet. The sideboard is more like a child’s school desk. He guesses the tv hasn’t worked since colour came in. The fireplace is the only saving grace. Mulder gets to work straightaway, striking each flimsy match from the small book as a penance prayer. Finally, the penultimate redhead catches and he protects the small orange flame of hope with his cupped hands.
“I’m so sorry this happened,” he says to her. She’s on the bed. Or in it, perhaps, because it’s folded up around her making her look like a young orphan fresh off the train at Miss O’Leary’s Home for Young Innocents. She grunts at him and sighs forever.
The fire take hold and he lets himself smile at the small victory. “Ta-da,” he declares with jazz hands that he hopes are conciliatory, but from the raised eyebrow and averted gaze are probably more fuel for her inner fire. How can one be simultaneously icy and fiery? Scully is the enigma of all enigmas.
“I’ll take the…” he looks around for another item of furniture. There is none. “Floor?”
She tuts and rolls the small opal earring around in her right lobe. It catches the reflection of the fire and an amber glow emerges from the pearlescent surround. It’s Scully in an earring, he muses. “It’s okay, Mulder. We’re grown-ups.” She offers him a curt smile, one that says, ‘well at least one of us is’.
“I promise not to play footsie,” he says as the fire licks and spits. “If you promise not to drool on me.”
Between her fingers, she’s made a knot of the coverlet. She drops it, straightens it out and slides him a smile, somewhere between a white flag and a red flag. He can’t quite work out which it is, but the room is warming up and maybe she’s thawing a little too.
The fire burns out some time during the small hours. His feet and the small of his back are exposed and his brain is unhelpfully supplying all the dumb things he’s ever done during their partnership. It’s quite the extensive playlist. He can’t move, because he’ll wake her. But he does lift his head to see her nested in the pillow, face like an angel, a russet halo framing her forehead. The delicacy of her snoring is somewhat comforting, the salve for the burn his mind is meting out.
There’s a weighty silence around them. The profound quiet of a snowfall. Through the slit in the curtain he thinks he can see the rising accumulation on the window sill. The blind face of the tv screen is visible in the strange light. He stares at it like he might on one of his usual insomniac nights. What’s the difference between a blank screen and a movie he’s seen a hundred times? The mind-stultifying effect is what he’s seeking.
She shifts. Turns to him and the tip of her nose brushes his. She blows out a slightly acidic breath and it warms him more than she’d consider medically possible. But Dr Scully doesn’t know everything. They’re both as uneducated when it comes to affairs of the heart. True affairs of the heart, not the hormone or power fuelled relationships they’ve both endured in the past. He loves her. She loves him. It’s as clear as the pure snow that’s undoubtedly settling outside. But it’s easier to plough through life without acknowledging the build-up, without gritting the paths to make their way through safer. No, they’ll be wading through knee-high snow for a while to come.
His sigh is louder than he anticipated and her eyes flicker open. “Sorry, Scully,” he whispers and she twitches her nose, wets her lips. She wriggles her hands between her legs and her knees boop his groin. Now it’s her turn to apologise. Although it’s debatable who’s more embarrassed. “Do you want me to start the fire again?”
“Too early for coffee, too late for coffee. Want coffee?”
She nods and he gets up, starts the fire first time and fumbles for the kettle and supplies. She’s found an extra pair of woolly socks and slips them on. Her crumpled appearance makes him almost fold in half. She’s a glorious sight to behold. His eyes take her in and he finds his breath again. He realises in that moment he would dearly sell his soul to the devil to wake up with her every morning and make her coffee. He hands her a cup and crawls next to her, so their feet are both flat to the flames, thighs pressed together.
“Thank you,” she murmurs, and his heart lights up.
“It’s snowing.”
“Think you could bear another night here?”
She dips her mouth to the coffee. “Seems to me there won’t be much of a choice if the car’s stuck.” She takes another sip. “Everything is working against us, here.”
“Seems that way. Can’t win a trick.”
“But you do make a good fire, Mulder. So consider that a win.”
He does. He considers it the win of the century. Up there with the Knicks smashing the 76ers in 94.
“So you’re still with me, Scully?”
She rubs his ankle with her fuzzy socks and he lifts his foot so that hers slips under his. “Always,” she whispers and the coffee suddenly tastes like a promise of something better to come.
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tanyawritesstories · 4 years
Touch | Kit Fisto x Reader
My first Kit Fisto piece! Kit asked the reader how humans enjoy and use water and they were more than willing to show him.
Tagging: @a-dorin and @savagesbonergarage because I know they are both Kit simps like me 😊
Warnings: fluff, kissing, mentions of nudity, Kit is a sassy and silly boi
You stirred the bath water with your hand until you were sure all of the bath bomb had dissolved. It tingled on your skin a little bit and smelled like fresh rain and mint; it had changed the water to a beautiful blue-green hue. You remembered to light the candles you had sitting on the edge of the large spa bathtub, also checking the assortment of lotions you had lined up on the opposite counter. You stepped back and made sure everything looked perfect. It was picturesque, you hoped he liked it.
You opened the bathroom door and poked your head out. Your lover was sitting in a chair on the far side of the bedroom, deep into the book he was reading. He had one ankle resting on the knee of his other leg and one hand being used to support his head. Your heart melted. He looked so serene and beautiful, his onyx colored eyes scanning over every page, concentration etched onto his face. You wanted nothing more than to keep this image forever. He sensed your presence and looked up at you, a smile forming on his lips. "Hello, my love." 
You smiled at him and could feel your cheeks turning pink; he still found a way to make your heart flutter. "Your surprise is ready," you said. You stepped into the bedroom, and walked to him. "I just need you to do one thing, lose your shirt and pants and close your eyes." Kit closed his book and set it on a small table, he stood up and started removing his clothes. You helped him take off the three different shirts he wore and let him do the pants.
"Ok, you can leave your underwear on, just close your eyes," you instructed. He obeyed and you waved your hand in front of his eyes to make sure. "Why are you waving your hand in front of me?"
"How-" You were confused for a moment, before figuring he was able to sense it somehow, or maybe he just knew you too well. You smirked and bonked him in the arm with your hand, causing him to chuckle.
"C'mon troublemaker," you took his hands and slowly began leading him to the bathroom. "You're not going to run me into anything, are you?" He teased. "No," you giggled. You stopped to open the bathroom door before leading him inside and closing it. "It smells nice in here," he commented. "Don't open your eyes, just stay right there," you said, letting go of his hands. You quickly went over to the vanity and hurried to take off your normal clothes.
"Darling, what are you doing?"
"Nothing, don't worry about it," you responded.
You threw your clothes in the hamper before opening one of the vanity drawers. You pulled out an emerald green silk nightgown and hastily put it on. You smoothed it out and looked in the mirror to make sure you looked good. The nightgown had thin straps and lace around every hem, it came down to your knees and was flowy, light, and comfy. It wasn't meant to be sexy or anything like that, you bought it because you thought Kit would like the way you looked in it.
You returned to stand in front of him and took a few steps back, double checking everything. “Ok, open your eyes.”
Kit's eyes opened and he took in the sight before him. The entire bathroom was bathed in candlelight, you had drawn a bath that was an interesting shade of blue, or green. To top it off you stood before him wearing a new garment he’d never seen you in, and maker did it look gorgeous on you.
“It’s perfect,” he praised. You flung your arms around him and pressed your head to his chest, able to hear his hearts beating one after another. He ushered you to the edge of the bathtub, “What have you prepared for me?”
“You said you wanted to experience the ways humans use water, this is one of my favorite ways,” you smiled.
“Do enlighten me.”
“I put a bath bomb into the water,” you explained, “They are condensed balls of fragrance oils, soap, and color. They make your skin feel nice.” Kit nodded in partial understanding, “And the purpose behind this is..”
“To relax,” you finished, “Something you sorely need, get in.” 
You turned and walked to the vanity, “Now it might tingle at first but that’s normal.” You looked through a drawer trying to find the other identical bath bomb to show him what it looked like in its package. “Should I remove my undergarments, or not?” He asked. “Up to you,” you answered, closing that drawer and looking in another. Something light hit your legs and you looked down to see Kit’s shorts laying at your feet. You turned around in time to get a glimpse of Kit’s cute, perky butt as he sank into the turquoise water. You tsked and returned to the drawer, finally finding the bath bomb at the back.
You kneeled next to the bathtub so you were eye level with him. "This one is called Mon Cala Crush. It's made for aquatic species, so it won't hurt your sensitive skin or.." you blushed slightly, "or other special areas." You glanced at Kit to see the smug little grin on his face. He lifted one arm out of the water and held your chin in his palm. "You look beautiful," he complimented. 
"Thank you, Kit."
"Did you buy this dress just for me?" He asked, stroking his thumb along your cheek. "No," you said playfully, "I bought it for myself, to wear for you. And it's a nightgown, not a dress." He smiled at your sass and booped you on the nose, "Troublemaker." You giggled and crossed your arms on the edge of the tub, you both staring into each other's eyes. "Do you like it?" His arms slipped into the water and he moved them around. "I love it," you smiled brightly, "though it would be perfect if you joined me." 
"Darling this is for you to enjoy and I have to go make dinner soon," you informed. Kit made a noise of annoyance and sunk farther into the water. "Can't we just skip dinner? I like you right here, beside me."
"Only if you want to go hungry. I'm making your favorite," you whispered the last part into his ear. He looked at you, taking your chin between his thumb and index finger again. "Why must you give me such difficult decisions?" 
You took his hand in yours and kissed his knuckles, then the back of his hand and his wrist. He watched as you planted kisses on his skin, making your way up his arm. He felt peaceful as he watched you with adoration in his eyes, his hearts so full of love for you. His lover, his little human, a person the Force had chosen for him to have and hold and cherish. All his, and he couldn't be happier.
You continued peppering little kisses all the way up to his neck, onto his jaw, and over till you found his lips, connecting them with yours. You both always kissed with such passion, like it was the last kiss you'd ever share. During the war there was no guarantee he'd come home every time he left. You both eventually had to disconnect your lips. Kit couldn't use his gills out of water, but if he could he'd kiss you forever.
You nuzzle his nose and massage his shoulders. "Five more minutes and then I have to make dinner," you said softly into his ear. Kit hummed and closed his eyes as you massaged his shoulders and back. He was chest deep in the soothing water and you gently splashed it over his shoulders. You kissed his temple and told him not to go anywhere before making your way out of the bathroom. It only took you about 15 minutes to prepare dinner considering it had to sit in the oven for 45 minutes. That should be enough time for you to finish your surprise for Kit. You headed back upstairs and quietly entered the bathroom. Your heart melted upon seeing your Nautolan lover asleep in the bath, the turquoise water gently lapping at his collarbone with every breath he took. His tentacle-tresses draped over the edge of the tub and you found yourself, again, wanting to immortalize the moment forever. You kneeled behind the tub and leaned over it, your lips only centimeters from his ear. 
“Where are you?” You whispered. He hummed and didn’t move. “Home, on Glee Anselm,” he said fondly. “What’s it like?” You asked, voice smooth and low. “Blue, warm, peaceful. Paradise.” You smiled to yourself, a twinge of sadness going through you at the fact that Kit couldn’t afford the luxury of visiting his home that he loved so much. “You’re there,” he added, “But no one else. We have a home, a family, the war is far from us.”
Your heart sank at the reality but lifted at the hope, maintaining a perfect buoyancy in your chest. “You always have such beautiful dreams,” you remarked. Kit opened his eyes and turned just enough so he could see you. You managed a smile and kissed his cheek, “Are you finished soaking, my dear? I do have more of my surprise for you.” Kit agreed and you got up to get him a towel, you tossed one to him and took the other one, wrapping it around his shoulders. You helped him dry off and got a new pair of shorts for him.
“What else did you have planned for me?” He asked, sitting down on the end of the bed. “If you’ll allow me I’d love to slather you in lotion and give you a massage but that’s up to you,” you said nonchalantly. Kit laughed, “Did you even have to ask?” You shrugged, “I figured I should.”
You retrieved the lotion from the vanity in the bathroom and returned to find Kit laying on his stomach in the middle of the bed, his broad muscular back on display. You kneeled next to him on the bed, squeezing some of the lotion into your hands and moving his head-tails out of the way. His muscles seemed to relax as soon as your hands touched him. You smoothed the lotion over the back of his neck, shoulder blades, and down to his lower back. He hummed happily as you kneaded his skin and muscles into a state of calm. Satisfied with your work, you told him to turn over and you started on his front. Running your hands over his collarbone and pectoral muscles, down over his abs and stomach. All the while Kit watched you, taking in the little details in your face. He suddenly sat up, face inches from yours. “Kit, I’m not finished-”
“I want a kiss.”
You melted again, he sounded almost sad, a small plea for love. You cupped his face in your hands and pressed a gentle, loving kiss to his lips. He kissed back with slightly more force, snaking his arms around you and holding you tight to him. You knew deep down Kit was afraid of losing you and this was a rare instance that he showed it. After several seconds he broke away but didn’t let go of you. “You’re so good to me,” he said, love dripping off the words he spoke, “Let me do something for you.”
You smiled, “Your love is enough, Kit.” He took your cheek into his palm and was about to speak when the oven sounded from downstairs. “Dinner is ready,” you stated, “Should we go eat?” He nodded, “But will you let me do something like this for you?” You moved your hands to his shoulders, “I would like that.” Kit smiled and pulled you in for another kiss.
With you, he might make it through the war.
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goldnratio · 4 years
Bad Days and Back Rubs (MGG x reader)
Tumblr media
Warnings: uhhhh none unless you count periods and the products needed to handle it, unedited writing
Word Count: 1,576
A/N: lots of italics and idk why. sorry this took longer than expected oops! also I hope u don’t mind I switched up the request a bit :) and reader has a uterus and I tried to keep it as gender neutral as possible. pls enjoy!!
When you woke up in the morning, you were almost surprised to have started your period. Granted, you kept a somewhat accurate track of your cycle with an app, but this time around, you had little to no PMS symptoms. Thinking your first day wouldn’t be so bad, you decide not to call in sick to work.
“Baby, why don’t you just stay home?” Matthew asked, wrapping his arms around your torso as you were getting ready in your shared bathroom.
“Because, Matthew, I have work to finish, and if I don’t get it done soon you know my manager will be the first to complain.”
Matthew spun you around to face him and gave you a sympathetic look. “C’mon, (Y/N), we both know your first day is always the worst—“ he brushed a piece of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear— “we can just stay home and watch whatever you want.”
You really wanted to give in to his offer, considering Matthew hardly got enough time at home in between all of his filming. But you knew you had to go to work.
“As tempting as that sounds, my love, the answer is still no. Besides, the cramps aren’t so bad right now,” you said.
Matthew sighed. “Alright, but if you don’t feel good, then just come home okay?”
“I know, I’ll let you know. But I swear, I feel fine for it being my first day on my period!”
When you got to work, you started to feel slight back pain and cramps, but they weren’t so bad and you quickly brushed the discomfort off. You spent a while like that, with some odd cramps here and there. Nothing a couple ibuprofen pills couldn’t handle.
During your break when your pain began to increase. While you waited for your tea to heat up in the break room, you figure you should tell Matthew you’ll possibly leave work early.
To Gube💍🧸💖
hey baby, might go home early. my cramps are getting a little worse :(
You were starting to wish you’d just stayed home with your boyfriend. Cuddling on the warm couch, watching romantic comedies that would probably make you cry, eating anything that satisfies your cravings.
The sound of your phone’s text tone pulled you out of your thoughts.
From Gube💍🧸💖
oh I’m sorry love :( I’m out running errands but I should be home in a few hours, just call me if you want to go home. Love you❤️
To Gube💍🧸💖
I think I can handle it for a couple more hours but ok, love u too💞💞
Luckily the ibuprofen kicked in fast, so your pain was dealt with. However, your manager was really starting to get on your nerves, she just kept micromanaging you. Needless to say, it was irritating.
Lunch time came around and the painkillers began to wear off. Not wanting to deal with the period pains and being hungry, you head out to your car and call Matthew.
“Hi, pumpkin, how are you feeling?”
You groan.
“I don’t know, my manager is annoying me and my cramps are coming back— hold on, let me put you on speaker because I’m about to go grab something to eat.”
“On your lunch break?”
“Yeah, I can’t tell if I’m in the mood for Chinese food or pizza.”
“How about you get Chinese for lunch, and we can get pizza for dinner,” Matthew suggested.
“Hmm, that sounds like a genius idea, baby. Let me call you back though, I’m pulling up to the restaurant.”
You’d considered yourself lucky to have a job so close to a shopping center with several food options. Sometimes you walked to get food with a coworker, but walking there and back to work wasn’t happening today, much less with someone else.
“Okay. I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you too, Matthew. Byeeee.”
Once you have your food and you’ve arrived back to work, you spend the rest of your lunch on the phone with Matthew as you peacefully eat your lunch in the car.
About an hour after your lunch break, you felt your cramps coming back. Only now they felt ten times worse than what you felt earlier, and your desk chair did nothing to help the sharp ache in your lower back. Instead of taking more pain medication, you take another bathroom break, and immediately wish you’d just stayed home.
You didn’t notice you used the last of your menstrual products earlier, and forgot to pack more. You check the dispensers in the bathroom, and thank the stars, the little meter still reads ‘full.’ Sighing in relief, you push the button for the feminine product.
Nothing falls.
You push the button again, still nothing.
Please don’t let it be jammed.
You tried jostling the dispenser, smacking the sides, pushing the different buttons. No luck.
“Great, this is just what I need right now,” you mumble to yourself.
With the cramps and back pain becoming borderline unbearable and your unsuccessful attempts with the product dispenser, you feel tears building up in your eyes. Rather than start bawling over not having your menstrual products, you quickly compose yourself and weigh your options.
I can either ask someone if I can have one of their stash or just go home…Home it is.
As you make your way to your manager’s office, you text Matthew letting him know you’re going home.
It took going back and forth with your manager for almost ten minutes, for her to finally agree to let you take the rest of the day off.
Once you’re out of the office, you notice Matthew hasn’t text you back, so you decide to call him. When he doesn’t pick up, your only choice is leaving a voicemail.
‘Hey, uh, it's me. Figured I’d call you since I’m leaving work early. Sooo yeah, I’ll see you in a bit. Love you, bye.’
It’s a quick drive home, mostly because by some miracle you’re only hitting green lights and there isn’t much traffic around two o’clock on a weekday.
Unlocking the front door, you take off your shoes and toss your bag and keys onto the coffee table.
“Hey, Gube! I’m home!”
“In the kitchen!”
He’s by the stove, about to take off his apron to greet you, but you just wrap your arms around his torso and nuzzle into his chest. “Smells good. Hi.” You look up at Matthew, and he tilts his head towards you to kiss you.
“Hi to you too, (Y/N). How you feelin’, pumpkin?”
“Mmm, tired and in pain.”
“I know, baby, I know.” He keeps you in his arms, swaying a bit, and presses his lips to your temple. “How was work?”
“Ugh, you were right. I should’ve just stayed home.”
Matthew chuckled, “that bad, huh?”
“I mean, actual work was okay, but my day could’ve been better,” you sigh, “it’s just that everything was hurting so much that I wanted to go home, and my manager was being difficult about letting me leave. How was your day?”
“Fine, most of it was spent at the store buying groceries,” Matthew says, “and things for you.” He ‘boops’ your nose, and you smile.
“Speaking of groceries, what’d you make?” you ask, suddenly curious as to what the delicious smells in the kitchen are.
“Well,” Matthew said, and spun you around to see, “I’m making you hot chocolate, some tea for later that should help with your cramps, and there’s a pizza in the oven for when you’re hungry. And I restocked on your favorite snacks.”
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” You playfully ask.
“Only about a thousand times.”
“Then let’s make it a thousand and one times, because I love you sooo much.”
You flash your boyfriend a smile before pulling him in for a kiss. A few moments later, a cramp hits you, and you groan into Matthew’s mouth. He pulls away, but just enough for your foreheads to still touch.
“More cramps?” He softly asks.
“Yeah, any chance that tea’s ready?”
“Of course, baby. Why don’t you go change into something comfortable, pick a movie, and I’ll bring over the tea and some snacks.”
You give Matthew a quick peck on his cheek before leaving the kitchen. “Sounds like a plan, you’re the best.”
After you’ve changed and used the bathroom, you spot Matthew holding a hot water bottle and the remote control. “You ready?”
Halfway through the movie, with your tea and most of the snacks finished, you’re hit with another wave of pain and tiredness. You sit up and climb into Matthew’s lap, peppering sleepy kisses on his neck.
“Gube, can you massage my back pleaseeee?”
Matthew shifts from under you to get more comfortable. “Since you asked so nicely.”
He placed the hot water bottle in between your stomachs and started working his large hands on your lower back, and it feels heavenly.
“Keep going like that, and I might fall asleep right here,” you mutter.
Matthew placed a kiss on top of your head, “Go ahead, baby.”
“Thank you, Matthew, really. For always taking care of me.” You tilt your head up to plant a gentle kiss on his jaw.
“Anytime, (Y/N).”
Within a few minutes, you’re falling asleep in your lover’s arms, and it feels so nice that you briefly forget about all the pain your period’s caused you.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 23
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: NSFW, fluff, a tad of angst
WC: 2695
A/N: This chapter fills my ‘sex toys’ square for @spnkinkbingo​​
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​ <3
This series is complete on Patreon!
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She’s jumpy in his arms and Dean’s holding her tighter as they both stare at the source of the knocking. It’s right by the window next to him, and a dark shadowy figure can be seen through the fogged up window of the Impala. Her heart races, he can feel it drumming against his chest.
The figure raps frantically at the window again, and Y/N’s struggling in his arms, wriggles herself around and tries to get off of him, but he holds her still, shushes her, tucks her hair back behind her ear, and brushes his knuckles over her cheek, “Shhhh, it’s okay, stay.”
There’s a frown on her face and Dean has to chuckle at that, to which her eyes widen some more. 
“I got this,” He assures her, and his hand leaves her face to roll down the window. 
A bright flashlight shines into their eyes and she quickly looks away, buries her face in the crook of his neck while Dean squints.
“Hello Officer,” Dean greets the figure, giving him a courtesy nod.
“You know you’re not allowed to park here this late, right?” The officer asks, and Dean could see the penny drop as soon as he sees Dean’s grin, “Oh! Mr. Winchester! Alright, keep doing whatever you’re doing. I’m gone, have a good night!” 
“Thank you.” Dean says calmly and rolls the window up again. 
Y/N plies her face from his neck and stares at him, the frown lines on her forehead grow some more and he evens them out with his thumb while he grins at her. He can see that she has a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that the officer had no intention of commenting on what they were doing out here in the dark of the night.
“What was that? Have a good night?” She hisses out and it’s cute, really.
Dean chuckles and pulls her down by her top, kisses the corner of her lips because she’s a little upset and she tilts her head to the side before he could hit his target, “Baby, I would never put you in the position where you could get in trouble. I knew who would be on duty for the park today and it happened that it’s someone I know.”
“From where?” Her nose scrunches up. That’s something new. He thinks he’s seen all of her facial expressions, yet he’s still discovering new things about her. It makes him weak. Adorable is what it is.
He couldn’t resist booping her nose with his forefinger, but she doesn’t budge, the nose keeps scrunching, the frown deepens and Dean sighs out, “He’s a VIP.” 
“Ah, of course he is,” She scoffs, “But what if he saw more? What if he uses his knowledge of your nightly trysts to blackmail you?”
He has to laugh at that, and when he looks at her, Y/N’s not smiling with him. There’s not even a little smirk at the corner of her lips. She’s really really concerned about it and it makes him uneasy. There’s something about the way she trains her gaze down, something about the way she bites at her lips. Something tells Dean that she’s been burned before and fuck, did it happen? Was someone blackmailing her? He wants to find out, but he thinks that it’s not going to be now, not going to tonight. She’ll talk when she’s ready. He swears, if it’s fucking Cole, that dude will get his balls ripped out next.
Dean kisses her lips, his hand on her shoulder, fingers long and palms wide around her neck, grounding her to him. When he speaks again, his voice is soft, “That’s impossible. The things I know about that guy?” It makes him shudder even thinking about it, “I can safely say that I’ve got the upper hand here.”
“‘K,” She breathes out, but he knows that nothing is fucking K . 
His hands leave her shoulder and hips and search for hers. When he finds them, he takes them in his. They’re so small compared to his and he still can’t believe that he gets to hold them.
“Y/N, I’m thorough,” He whispers, places her hand to his lips and leaves featherlight kisses on her knuckles.
“I know you are.” 
There’s a sigh above him and he looks up to see her pouting a little. 
He smirks, “Do you know how I got to where I am now?”
She shakes her head.
One of his hands goes up to her face, traces along her cheekbone and jawline with his fingertips, “Because I’m always at least one step ahead. I always know what will happen when I do something, and I’m ready to take the fall when something goes wrong. It’s just that nothing will go wrong now.”
Dean knows that it sounds cocky. It is. It’s also the truth. He made it through school like that and he thought that she knew it as well as he does.
Perhaps she does, because he can feel her body relaxing on top of him, “Can we go home?” She’s still pouting and Dean knows it’s because she’s tired. 
Well, it was a lot tonight, and he maybe shouldn’t have brought her out here, but the dude was on duty for this park only once every fortnight. Dean couldn’t let the opportunity slip away. He knows that it might have been selfish, but she enjoyed it too, so at least he hopes that it is a little selfless either.
“Yeah, we can,” Dean nods his head, but then she’s not moving. He has to chuckle again, “Never thought that I ever have to say that but, baby, you need to get off me.” 
He really never thought he’d had to say it when all he wants is to stay like this. With his dick still inside. It’s a good feeling. He’s going out of a limb to admit that it’s even the best feeling in the world.
“Nuh-uh,” She pouts and he smirks, reaches out a hand to thumb at her lips.
“It’s so cozy,” Her lips now spread into a grin, which is addictive, and Dean smiles with her. 
Dean agrees wholeheartedly, though. Agrees that it feels fucking great to just be inside her. He would absolutely love to stay. Perhaps wait for him to get hard again and fuck her all over, a third time in less than twelve hours, but he has to be the responsible one around here, because she has to get up early and he doesn’t even know if she’s already packed.
His hands go around her waist, lifts her off him and she squeals and giggles. His soft cock comes out with a squelching sound. Some cum drips out and leaves a trail on the leather seat to where he plops her down. Dean doesn’t care about that, though, can’t possibly care. It’s going to serve as a temporary memento to their late night escapade. He’d like to keep it that way, but he knows he can’t because that would be absolutely weird and disgusting, right? Yeah, right. She’s fucking with his mind to even consider the things he’s thinking, but strangely, Dean’s super okay with it.
He parks in front of her building and takes her things from his trunk. He lets her take his hand to guide him inside, and up the stairs to her apartment. 
Y/N toys with the keyhole when she turns around, “Are you staying?”
“Yes,” Dean grins, “Yes, I’m staying.”
Back inside, he can see that she’s already packed as there’s a small carry on bag resting right by the entrance. Well, if he knew that before, but that’s good, so they don’t have to rush in the morning. 
Dean’s stomach twists when he thinks about her leaving, even though he tells himself that it’s only for two fucking nights. He managed a whole lifetime without her, two nights should be easy. Should be. Yeah, she’s absolutely fucking with his head because his brain makes him act like a lovesick teenager.
They slip into the shower together and Dean has to make sure to take the cock ring off before he could get hard again and he knows that he will because that has become a common thing around her now. 
Y/N takes it out of his hand, rinses it thoroughly and walks out of the bathroom while he discharges the rest of his clothing. He hears the drawer open and close, grins smugly because of course she wants to keep that thing. 
Dean soaps her up in the shower and he has to hold himself back from fucking her again. That’s another thing, he doesn’t know what’s wrong with his libido either. It really feels like he’s seven-fucking-teen again and he’s sure that she’ll be the death of him. 
She’s finished before him and slips into bed while he brushes his teeth. When he’s finished, he lifts the covers, and she whines with half closed lids at the loss of the warmth that escapes from beneath. 
“Sshhh,” He hushes and smiles when she turns on her back and spreads her arm for him. 
He lays his head on her chest, searching for her heartbeat, when her hand comes up to stroke his hair. And he likes that, he really does. It’s not just the sex they share. It’s these little moments and gestures of intimacy that makes his heart fill up. 
“I don’t wanna go,” Y/N mumbles above him. He can hear her voice vibrating in her chest. 
“I know, I don’t want you to go either,” He replies, his hand strokes at her arm, “It’s only two nights, huh?”
“We’ll do something fun when you’re back,” He grins because her hand on his scalp stills. 
“Do I get to see more rooms?”
“Rooms are closed when you’re back.” He mutters, he knew he forgot to tell her something. 
“Why’s that?” 
“We’re having a fancy dress party. It was all Claire’s idea and apparently the club is not a dictatorship but a democracy where employees are being heard, they can pitch in their ideas and if they get enough votes, it’s going to happen. I didn’t know what everyone would be playing against me.” Dean nuzzles his face into her chest. 
It’s true, they all voted and he and another employee thought it was a little over the top for the season as autumn is a long way to go but apparently, Claire was very persuasive. He bets it’s because she sleeps with the majority of them but what does he know, really.
“Awe, poor baby,” Y/N chuckles and strokes his head some more. The pressure of her nails digging into his scalp is just perfect. 
“Can I come to the costume party?”
Dean chuckles, “Of course you can. But you have to dress up.”
“Oh, I will,” She’s laughing.
“Nothing too revealing.” He growls.
He lifts his head and looks at her, “Do you really want me to tell you why? I thought you knew.”
She’s grinning. That fucking little minx. 
“I know, just really like hearing you say it.”
Dean replicates her grin, moves his hand to brace himself on the mattress and looms over her, “Yeah?”
“Because you’re mine and I don’t share what’s mine.” He whispers, lips ghosting over hers. 
“I’m yours.” She agrees, tongue wetting her lips and Dean can’t wait anymore, crashes his mouth onto hers. 
The kiss grows harder, rougher and he knows that he should stop, even though his mind doesn’t want to. With a last bite to her lips, Dean pushes himself away again and lays next to her, “Now we sleep,” His voice is rough and strained from kissing. 
She only pushes out a whiny sound from her throat before she climbs into his arms. 
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Y/N wakes up to an empty space next to her. She immediately sits up and looks around. Dean’s clothes were gone.
Did he leave her while she slept?
She takes her phone from her nightstand and checks if he left her a message but there’s nothing. The only things she sees is that she still has an hour before she has to leave. 
Where did he go? 
Already lifting the blanket with the intention of getting out of bed, she hears the key being turned in the lock. 
She stills immediately and listens.
There’s the sound of a lock as the door is closed again. Heavy footsteps walk along the hardwood flooring and then, she sees it. She sees him. 
Dean’s holding a tray of coffees in his one hand, a bag of something really good smelling in the other. 
“Hey,” He greets her and walks into the room, bending down to place a kiss on her forehead, “Thought you could use a coffee before you leave and you really don’t have anything edible here, how do you do it?”
She’s in awe and can’t stop staring at him.
“What?” Dean asks and raises one eyebrow, clearly a little irritated. 
“Nothing,” Y/N grins, “Thank you.” 
This is new to her. Someone who brings her coffee and food. She doesn’t think she’s ever had anyone do that for her. Not ever. And maybe, she thinks, Rufus is right. Maybe she should keep him. 
Dean drives her to the train station, even making the effort to park his car and walk her to the platform. Her hand in his. And she likes that. Likes how he really fucking cares. 
He pulls her into an embrace and places a kiss on the top of her head, before he makes her look up to him. Her hands are around his waist.
Dean’s knuckles graze her cheeks, and he smirks a little, “Be good, okay?”
“Always.” She replies and he kisses her forehead, lingering there a little longer than usual, to which she has to chuckle.
“What?” He mumbles, lips moving on her forehead.
“Are you checking my temperature?” Y/N looks up to see Dean blush. She loves when he’s all flustered and shy.
“I have packed something in your bag,” Dean says and she knows it’s a distraction from the question but also what? 
“Check it once the train leaves,” He winks before bending down to kiss her on the lips and it’s not fair because she couldn’t ask anything anymore, she’s too lost in the kiss.
Dean waits until the train departs and waves one handed while he has the other hand crossed over his chest. 
As soon as she’s a safe distance away, she takes her bag, unzips it. Her heart is racing. What did he pack for her? 
There’s a colorful box in lilac/orange. 
WE VIBE written on it.
She honestly has no idea what it is but the eyes of the woman sitting across from her widen. 
Y/N unpacks it, shrieks out and claps her hand over her mouth when she realizes what it is. The woman across is laughing and honestly, she wishes the floor would open up and swallow her whole.
Deciding that she doesn’t want to call him in front of the woman and she doesn’t want to leave her bag alone, she texts Dean instead.
  Y/N: Thanks for embarrassing me
  The answer comes straight away. He must have known that she would dig into her bag as soon as he was out of sight and was just waiting for her to text him.
  D: What?
Y/N: Oh, you know… Just unpacked it unsuspectingly and I was holding a vibrator in my hand while the woman across from me was laughing her ass off.
D: …
  She can see the three dots appearing and reappearing a couple of times.
  D: Sorry, I think I just snorted coffee out of my nose
Y/N: Serves you right
D: Let me know when you use it. I have an app.
Y/N: What?
D: Yeah, I can control it from here.
Y/N: Oh my god
D: Ah, just call me Dean
Y/N: Bye, Dean
D: Talk to you later, baby
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Chapter 24
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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jordanlahey · 4 years
Ripped at the Seams (2/?)
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Warnings: none?
Word count: 1482
A/n: Finally finished part 2!
When you got home you worked on your jacket, placing the patches where Marko suggested you put them he had been on you mind the whole night, it was safe to say you developed a small crush on the boy considering you only met him once who's to say you might ever see him again? You started working on making a new patch for Marko, you weren't really sure what to make this one into maybe it would have been smart to have asked him. You mentally cursed yourself and threw yourself back into your bed until a knock came at your door.
"Do you wanna go back to the Boardwalk again tomorrow night?" Michael asked poking his head around the door, you thought for a second then agreed maybe you'll find Marko again and your brother is probably thinking the same but for the girl. Michael left you alone for the night kinda thankful that you agreed since both the people you were interested in were with each other which made it easier for the both of you.
You felt kinda giddy as well as nervous about going to the boardwalk again if you do see Marko you'll be happy but if you don't will you feel a little disappointed? That you weren't sure about.
You followed your brothers around the boardwalk both of you losing a little bit of hope after not being able to find they people you were looking for while having to listen to your younger brother talk your ears off about being whipped etc. Micheal has walked off to buy himself a leather jacket and you laughed at this it was funny seeing how your brother was trying to change how he dressed to impress a girl. You wandered off too, giving up on looking for Marko you decided maybe to look around for a little while, see all the things you had missed. You had noticed that Micheal had already found the girl he was looking for and was leading her to the bike and before you could think anything else more motorbikes crowded around Michaels.
You walked slowly behind them, you recognised one of the boys being Marko and you felt happy to see him but you were more worried about Micheal at the moment.
"You know where Hudson's Bluff is over looking the point?" The boy in front of you spoke and your brother looked at you then back at him.
"I can't beat your bike." He answered.
"You don't have to beat me Michael. You just have to keep up." He was gonna go off with them? Leave you and Sam here? "And you." All the boys looked at you and you froze. "You can ride with Marko." Your face turned a shade of red and you looked at your brother who nodded his head over towards Marko allowing you to go.
'How did they know I was behind them? I was quiet right?' You thought to yourself.
"Long time no see. Don't worry I'll be careful." He helped you on the bike, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him and then you zoomed off. You would occasionally look back at Micheal, he seemed to be somewhat enjoying himself right? You've ridden with Micheal before but Marko was driving pretty fast more than what you were ever use to, he was wild and if this was him being careful then what exactly is him being normal? You had to hide your face to avoid the sand getting in your eyes, how did they all do this with out that happening? You looked at the others all laughing and Marko screaming at the top of his lungs, they were having a good time and all we were doing was driving but their energy was contagious at some points you found yourself laugh too.
It was starting to get foggy, if you couldn't see I front of you or even around you how could Marko? And he was the driver. Your grip on him tightened and he noticed this, he looked back at you briefly.
"It's fine Y/n, nothing to worry about." Was all he said but that didn't ease you at all, you started looking in front for Micheal and could barely make out his red bike until you heard his bike skid on the ground below and everyone else stopped too. You could just make out your brother running up to David which caused everyone else to get off their bikes and try stop Michael.
"What the hell are you doing huh!?" You heard your brother shout.
"Michael!" You yelled back, when you saw him land a punch at David, you cringed are the sound. You never liked violence you hated it in fact
"Just you come on. Come on just you." You were behind Paul and Marko, switching looks at your brother and at David who was smirking.
"How far you willing to go Michael." Was all david said, you were now worried for your brother and you were kinda wanting to go back now. Marko walked you back to his bike, his hand just barley touching your back you would look back at your brother then at Marko.
"Where are we going?" You asked and Marko flashed you a cheeky grin.
"You'll see." You were starting to feel uneasy, it wasn't anything to do with Marko well kinda you liked him yes but something was just off about them all. The ride was painfully quiet, David was in the front we were beside paul and Dwayne while Micheal trailed behind. You wanted back home you really did and you wanted to ask Marko if he would kindly take you but you couldn't leave Micheal for some reason you felt responsible for him at the moment since you're the only one thinking level headedly well somewhat level headedly.
You had arrived at a cave that was pretty far from the boardwalk it smelt of salt water more than it does there but it didn't really bother you, you kinda liked it actually. The boys and your brother hid their bikes while you followed Star into the cave, you didn't fully enter cause the entrance was a slope and 9 chances out of 10 you will go down like a sack of potatoes and you didn't really feel like being laughed at.
"C'mon I'll help you down." Marko got in front of you and took your hand in his as he led you down gently. He got to the bottom of the slope and that's when your feet decided it was time to slip and you fell right into his chest.
'Typical' you thought, you're face turned the brightest shade of red you didn't want Marko to look at you, you just wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
"Marko food.” David’s voice echoed in the cave, giving you the shivers it only added to your uneasy feeling.
“I’ll be right back.” Marko cheekily smiled at you and booped your nose and off he went. You looked around the cave in awe as you made your way to sit beside your brother and David went on about what happened to the hotel etc. You felt awkward now and you tried to get your brothers attention by whispering that you wanted to go home he he shushed you every time you mentioned it, you sometimes caught Star’s eyes she matched your uneasy expression and you figured that she knew something you didn’t which didn’t help at all.
“Feeding time, come and get it boys.” Marko had came back, that was pretty quick for a drive to get food and back. David offered you and Michael a box of rice but the two of you declined.
“You don’t like rice? Tell me you two how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?” David held the box out for Michael and he took it. “How are those maggots?” You looked between Michael and David.
“Maggots Michael, you’re eating maggots how do they taste?” You both looked at the box and the threw it away and spat up the fork full. You covered your mouth that’s disgusting. The cave filled with laughter from the boys.
“Leave him alone.” Star spoke up, you looked at the box of maggots and now it was rice? You really wished you stayed home, you hugged your jacket closer for something to hold onto.
“No hard feelings.” You spaced out for most of the conversation afterwards, how did the rice turn into maggots then back to rice? None of this made sense you zoned back in watching David whisper something into Marko’s ear, he left and came back with a jewelled bottle full of what you think was wine. David took a swig and looked and the two of you. “Drink this. Be one of us.”
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wolfcha1k · 4 years
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Decided I wanted a cover for my Guy x Eep one shot collection "A Tomorrow of Our Own", as of now its part 4 of "The Sun Was A Wayfarer" series. I'll post the first chapter of "A Tomorrow of Our Own" down below ~ Used refs from the movie itself for this picture ~
- <3 -
Summary - "I was thinking about Tomorrow… OUR Tomorrow."
"I think I love you So what am I so afraid of? I'm afraid that I'm not sure of A love there is no cure for I think I love you Isn't that what life is made of? Though it worries me to say I've never felt this way"
What is life like after Tomorrow? Guy and Eep are settling down into their new married life together at the Betterman Farm. There's been some obstacles along the way but its nothing they can't handle.
[Read the next two chapters of this story here on Ao3 OR FF.net, note, its a one shot collection: A Tomorrow of Our Own  /// A Tomorrow of Our Own ]
The Sun Was a Wayfarer - Series
Previous All I Can Think About next n/a
He wasn't wrong about the flowers, butterflies and babbling brook that would be in their very own home. This privacy thing wasn't so bad either once she got over the initial newness of it too. There was also the benefit of being able to shamelessly share a space with him that wasn't occupied by seven other large masses getting in the way. Okay, so maybe the sleep pile did have its drawbacks now that she thought about it. It reeked of love though, despite what Guy might have said against it.
Guy's arm was slung loosely over her waist as she curled up into his side. He was warm, combating the morning chill that turned her skin to goose flesh. Eep burrowed her nose into his neck, breathing deeply. She could feel his pulse under her lips. The strange scent of vanilla was finally fading away to something that was just Guy again. She had woken up with the sunrise and was unable to fall back to sleep. So she watched the early light of dawn warm his features, turning his caramel skin a rich bronze color.
She admired him with a soft smile, reaching out fondly to brush her fingers against his cheek. To think she'd nearly lost him, the thought still made her stomach clench. Ee[ ran her hand over his chest to lay her palm flat against his heart. Guy stirred with a soft groan, eyelids quivering though he didn't open them. Instead, a lazy smile crossed his face.
"Mhm… isn't it a little early for that?" He murmured though he hardly sounded like he was complaining over the attention.
She fought a grin off, instead brushing her fingers against his skin. "Hey," she greeted.
His voice was still thick with sleep, giving it a raspy timbre sound. "Hey what?"
"Hey you, good morning," Eep merrily said, reaching up to fondly poke his nose.
He huffed, at last looking at her bleary eyed. Guy lifted his free hand to touch her nose, watching her go cross eyed as she tried following it. "Morning boop."
"Is that what we're calling it?" She let out a giggle.
"I'm not awake enough to think of something better," he said, beginning to stretch. "Have you been up long?" He reclined his head to try getting a proper look out the window, everything was covered in pre dawn light.
"A bit," she hummed, leaning towards him to press a featherlight kiss to his lips. He chased after her when she pulled back, cupping her cheek. She felt his sleepy smile. "I thought it was too early," Eep teased, practically purring.
"I can make exceptions," he protested, wrapping his arms around her to pull her flush against him.
She snorted more so than laughed, trying to muffle it against his neck. Eep took the opportunity to playfully nip at his pulse point, feeling his hands clutch her waist. She grinned, dragging her teeth along the spot a moment before she sighed. Nestling closer, there were no complaints on Guy's part as she practically draped herself over his chest.
"Still doesn't feel real," she couldn't help but muse.
"Hmm?" He encouraged her with a hum, stroking her back with his calloused palms. He traced a large scar that dipped down the lower part of her spine.
"You know… this, us, here together," Eep said in a wistful sort of way. She lifted her head up to look at him, finding his dark eyes were glinting with emotion.
"Well, I'm glad it's real." He pressed a chaste kiss to her nose before pulling her back close. He rolled onto his side with her in his arms. "I was stupid."
"And I was unfair," she added, knowing the blame wasn't solely his. Eep could have handled that argument better, communicated what she was feeling so she hadn't blown up at him like a fire spewing volcano. The ash that had rained down was worse than the lava, really. "I didn't think about how you were feeling."
He gave her a smile, tender as he looked at her. "I'm just as guilty of that, Eep."
"Yeah but you weren't the one storming up a tree throwing a fit," she huffed, her thoughts drifting back to her mother Ugga. She'd practically flattened that small clearing into nothing with how many trees she destroyed in her anger. The heartbreak lingered at its strings when she let her mind dwell on the moment.
"I can't believe he would choose... a tree over me."
"I don't think it's that simple. Guy knew the Bettermans when he was little, they're the closest thing he has to a family."
"We could keep this blame game up for forever," he said with a sigh, instead tangling his long fingers into her hair. "Words are weapons we really need to remember to be more careful with."
"I'm sorry I called you stupid," she said, feeling him huff into her neck.
"When did you call me stupid?"
"After our break up… I was venting to Dawn and I told her boys are stupid." Eep felt him laugh more so than heard it, Guy muffling his face into her collarbone. "What?"
"I called you complicated, we're even now." He drew away to poke her nose, earning himself a pout as Eep returned the gesture. It was their little game, one Eep was glad to finally get back to. "I don't think the punch monkeys agreed with me though."
"Complicated?" She arched a brow, amusement in her voice. If she knew where this was going, it would be a pretty easy guess. Eep leaned away to sit up a little, making space between them. "What girls besides Dawn do you know?"
"You," he teased.
"I don't count," she quipped, poking him on the chest.
"Well… what boys do you know then?" His tone was mirthful, leaning up on his elbow as he looked at her.
She opened her mouth to retort.
"Your dad, Thunk and Mr. Betterman don't count."
She hinged her jaw back closed with a pout. "Fineee," Eep said, dragging out the word before flopping back down against him. Her weight sent him down on his back again before she rolled off him. They were still pressed close together.
"Okay so we might not be the best frames of reference." Guy leaned his head against hers as they laid side by side.
"Oh definitely," Eep agreed, grinning.
"Also… I'm sorry I told you to take a shower." Eep turned to brush her nose against his cheek, making Guy turn to grin sheepishly at her.
"When was the last time you took a shower?" She couldn't really pick up the scent of soft rain and cool mountain streams on his skin anymore, it was faint even with her very sensitive nose.
Guy looked confused by the question before reclining back to get more comfortable. "A few days?" Eep gazed at him with confused eyes, Guy picked up the social cue. "I thought I kinda deserved it, like penance?"
"Guy, you can shower, for The End's sake." She shook her head.
He gave a helpless sort of shrug, making Eep nudge him with her shoulder. "Maybe tomorrow."
"It's always Tomorrow with you, isn't it, babe?" Eep sighed fondly.
He seemed to realize what he'd said and grinned, toothy and wide as he laced their fingers together. They were pressed palm to palm, it brought a wave of nostalgia over Eep when she remembered back to the first time in that maze of a gully filled with crystals. Come with me, the memory echoed before his voice broke through with a tender reverence. "I have my Tomorrow figured out now. Don't you worry, Eep."
"Like I ever was worried," she said, feeling uncharacteristically flustered. She knew it was silly to be, considering that now they were more than just boyfriend and girlfriend.
He was her husband and she was his wife, yet the butterflies still flocked a storm in her belly. They shared more than just body together but heart and mind too. They were life mates and yet things didn't really feel any different, she'd lived with him long enough. The change in their routine in the few short moons since the situation with the spineback gorilla was hardly a shift that needed adapting to.
His face looked sad for a moment, brows furrowed as he nuzzled his nose into her chin. He peppered her jaw with kisses, trying to reassure her without words. She lifted her neck with a shiver, giving him better access. Nothing was said for a long moment as they traded lazy kiss after lazy kiss, the morning was still young and they had all the time in the world to enjoy each other. After pressing his lips to her jaw a few more times he drew back with a loving grin, one she returned before nuzzling her nose against his.
His breath tickled her lips, their foreheads pressed against one another. This was what she always wanted, just him right here, together forever in their Tomorrow. There was no Tomorrow without him.
"Hey," she said in a low voice.
"Hey what?"
"I love you." Eep beamed at him.
"You're pretty awesome too, I hope you know that," he told her as they leaned against each other.
She practically purred with delight, Eep brushing his cheek with her own. "You could stand to tell me that every so often, actually."
Something about the words seemed to make his eyes flash and he perked up considerably.
"Oh yeah," he exclaimed, nudging her to sit up on the bed. Eep leaned back on her heels and watched Guy get up. He went to dig through their things, they still needed to finish unpacking but the excitement of new marital bliss was distracting. It was a wonder they got anything done when they were so wrapped up in eachother every day. "There's something I wanted to do if you were okay with it."
She scooted off the pallet, alit with curiosity as she coyly arched a brow. "Oh? Like what?"
He seemed to catch her hint and huffed, amused. "You wish, I mean something else."
She pretended to be disappointed, resting her chin on her fist as she sat back down. "You're no fun."
"You didn't say that last night," he teased before continuing his rummaging. Hesitation flashed across Guy's face, soon replaced with a resolve strong as steel. He turned to face her with a jar in his hand. "I made extra Henna," Guy explained, gesturing to himself. The newly painted stripes had long since dried, Eep had missed them.
"Well… you," he replied, shuffling his weight before approaching her again. "Since we're married and all now, I thought… maybe you'd…?"
"Are you sure this isn't an excuse to get handsy, Guy?" She nudged his knee with her foot, rousing a laugh out of him.
"And your dad said I was the bad influence," he said. Guy's smile turned wistful suddenly, dark eyes gazing at the jar. "I remember my mom and dad having matching paint."
Eep smiled at him, sympathy on her face. She hopped onto her feet, reaching out to trace her hand down a stripe on his slender shoulder. "Was it all your family?"
"Yeah, our tribe used them to make sure people knew we were all together, that we were one people." He rested his large palm over hers, stopping her. Guy slowly led her hand down his arm, Eep touching the two stripes around his bicep before finally he tangled their fingers together. "You're my family now," he said fondly, soft. "So, that makes you my tribe too."
"You think I've earned my stripes?"
"There was never anything to test you for," Guy replied with a shake of his head, lifting their joint hands so he could kiss her knuckles. "Nothing at all to prove." Eep reached out to trace his cheek with her fingers before laying her palm flat against it. He leaned into her touch, arching his brows with a small grin. "So… is it a yes?"
Eep nodded her head. "I always look pretty good in stripes anyways."
"You always look good."
"Flattering me will get you nowhere," she said in jest, though she glowed with how pleased she was by the compliment.
"It's gotten me this far," Guy replied, leaning forward to kiss her.
Eep met him half way, pulling his palm closer to hers as she wrapped her free arm around his waist. Guy cursed the jar of paint in his other hand, groaning against her mouth. Eep was flush against his torso and chest, always the daring one and already she took control of the kiss. He was always happy to follow her lead though.
She gave his lip a feisty nip, Guy juggled for his paint when he mentally stumbled and slackened his grip. It cooled some of the heat in his belly, simmering into embers. Finally, he mustered enough willpower to pull away from her when he felt the soft flicker of her tongue. He'd never get the tattoos on her before the first chickenseal crow at this rate.
Eep let go of his hand and pulled away from him, seeing he needed the breathing room. She just grinned broadly at his flushed cheeks and flustered expression. He cleared his throat, adjusting his cargo. "Um… anyway, guess just sit on the stool there."
She took a seat with surprising daintiness as she did so. Guy crouched in front of her, gesturing with his head for her to give him her arm. Eep extended her forearm, watching Guy dip his hand into the red paste. He began to trace a stripe along her bicep gently, feeling the firm muscle under his palm and fingers.
"It might itch for a few hours at first," he told her, trying to distract himself from the nervous pounding in between his ears.
Eep noticed the first stripe he painted wasn't rounded like his, but kind of lopsided in places and jagged in shape. She looked from her stripe to Guy's, curious if he'd slipped up. He only grinned. "Let's just say Gran inspired me, Fire Heart."
It suddenly made sense, her eyes quickly glancing back at the lightning bolt shaped stripe curved around her bicep. "But its not -"
"New tribe names, remember?" Guy leaned back on his heels a moment to give her a proper look. "We can change things, make new traditions. It still means the same thing, Eep. It just has a personal touch now."
"We never got to give you a name, you know."
"Well… you could now I guess."
"I'm not as good as Gran is at the Thunder Sister naming thing," Eep mused, watching Guy dunk his fingers in more of the Henna to paint another stripe.
Guy chuckled, "Can't be any worse than Bog Water."
"Hey you, Mrs. Betterman is proud to be Bog Water." She reached her free hand to reach into the Henna, dipping her fingers in it before playfully tracing a shape against his eyebrow. Guy started, nearly messing up his own paint job as he looked at Eep. "Hold still, I'm christening you."
Guy tried looking at what she was doing but it was pretty much impossible so he just waited patiently for Eep to finish. It was two tusk-like shapes she'd painted under both eyes, starting at his eyebrows and stopping at the slope of his nose. Eep cleared her throat dramatically. "From now on," Eep began with as noble a voice she could muster. "You will be Bright Smile."
When he grinned at her, Eep knew it was the perfect name, even if it didn't sound the most intimidating. It certainly was no Blood Horn or Fire Heart. "Bright Smile?"
She thought back to the night she'd met him, drawn out of her cave by the light of his fire. When she thought he was a warthog beast ready to kill her, Eep hadn't hesitated to grab for a rock to dash his brains in. However, there were hands that reached out to placate her and ever so slowly the boar head had come off. In its place was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen and he was smiling at her.
At least, until she was startled so badly she dropped said rock upon his foot but that was a different story entirely and one she still thought back on with embarrassment. "If the shoe fits, you make extra pairs," Eep chirped proudly, feeling giddy with a secretive smile.
"I like it," he told her, idly touching the edge of the paint with his finger. "Wish I could see what you painted though."
"It's nothing phallic if that's what you're thinking, Guy."
"I wasn't going to say that," he replied.
"You were thinking it," Eep tsked with a pout.
Guy chuckled, shaking his head before going back to his work. He painted another stripe, the placement similar to his own. He went into the farthest depth of his memory to try recalling just how the stripes looked between married pairs. Eep rolled up her night shirt up to her chest, letting Guy draw stripes similar to the ones he had. Hers were on her belly though, and when he circled her ribs, Eep fought off a giggle at just how tickling she was.
He couldn't resist digging his fingers into her side, rousing a shriek of laughter. "Stop! You'll ruin your paint job!" Eep exclaimed.
"I can just redo it," he quipped, grinning though he lightened his touch to avoid another giggle fit when he began the next stripe that went closer to her hip bone.
She reached over his head, ignoring his gentle scolding that she was fidgeting too much to grab the mirror on the nightstand. "What happened to just redoing it, Guy?" Eep teased.
Gripping it in her hands, Eep pushed her finger against his forehead to make him lean back. She presented him with his reflection in the glass, grinning as she peeked over for his reaction.
He paused with a contemplated expression on his face and tipped his head to the side, causing some of his hair to fall away like a curtain. Guy seemed to connect the dots in what his face paint meant, recognition alit in those dark eyes of his. After several heartbeats, Guy glanced up at her. "You still think about it?"
Eep knew what he meant and nodded. "Of course, it was only one of the most important nights of my life." He smiled at her and Eep fought off a blissful sigh. "Now you're just being deliberate."
"How so?" Eep traced his lips with her index finger, outlining his smile and she bopped him one right on the nose right after. He looked like a confused puppy for a moment before he chuckled. "Hey, it worked. You didn't break my head with a rock. My foot though…"
She huffed, pressing her full palm into his face in embarrassment. "Ssshh, you snuck up on me. You deserved that." The words were muffled against her hand but she got the gist of it. "No, you could have just said something."
Guy reached over to grab her wrist, pulling her hand away. "Air," he gasped out first before speaking more. "I'm glad you broke into my camp and tried stealing my fire anyway. It worked out."
"That sounds even worse out loud," Eep bemoaned, pulling a clump of her wild red mane of hair over her face.
"And then there was the log ride…"
"I say this with love, Eep."
She only huffed at him and put the mirror back where it came from. "Don't you have some stripes to finish painting?"
"I will if a certain someone, who will remain nameless, would let me," he said with mirth, pointing from the bowl of Henna to her.
"You're starting to sound a lot like my dad, Mr. Crood." Eep held still at last, letting Guy finally finish the stripe on her hip.
"Mr. Crood? Mr. Crood is my father-in-law, Eep." The comment earned him a gentle tap on the head, gentle for Eep at least. He blinked as his vision blurred for a second. He reached over and hoisted her leg up onto his shoulder. Her weight was heavy and solid but he'd grown used to it in the recent moons.
"Guy!" She nearly sounded scandalized, much to his amusement.
"I have to paint your thigh!"
She sheepishly looked away from him and Guy began painting the final stripes. He was quick about it, since she seemed to fidget awkwardly at their position. It was silly to be embarrassed when all things were considered, Eep took a moment to glance at the rock Guy had given her that rested next to the bed. Finally, he drew back and lowered her leg back onto the ground, relinquishing it.
"That should do it," he said, sounding proud. Guy stood up, grunting as he popped his back at the stiff muscles that had coiled during his seated position. "You're right, you do look good in stripes."
Eep got up from the stool with an eager little hop, extending her arm out to give it a good once over. She reached out to touch the edge of one stripe, careful to not mess up the paint. It would take a few hours to properly dry. It was a deep red but she knew with time they would soon be the same shade of brown as her husband's. She looked at Guy who was waiting for her opinion, he tried hard to not look as excited as he felt but like always he was an open book.
"I love them, Guy." She reached out to hug him, weary of pressing her torso too close to his. Guy patted her back gently. He wanted to tug her close but he'd spent too much effort on the Henna to mess it up. "Thank you."
"I'm glad you like them," he said, beaming. "Thank you, love."
She flushed at the term of endearment even though she heard it plenty of times prior. Eep looked back down at her stripes, admiring wondered what Guy's family would have thought of her. Would they approve of her being part of them, even if it was only in spirit now?
"Something on your mind?" His voice coaxed her from her thoughts, drawing her back to the present.
"Nothing," she began before furrowed her brows. "Well… maybe not nothing. I was thinking what your parents might have thought of me." Eep knew the Bettermans hadn't approved of her at first but that was different now, they were quickly becoming like family.
The Bettermans had been part of Guy's old tribe, though they no longer wore their stripes. Guy looked thoughtful but he didn't hesitate. "Mom and dad would have adored you. I know it."
"Why is that?"
"They told me to find Tomorrow and I found you. It was always you, that's why." He squeezed her hand reassuringly.
Eep smiled back at him, she couldn't help but feel relieved. There was the familiar sound of a chickenseal cawing that roused them, breaking the moment. Guy looked at the window, surprised that so much time had passed. The sky was now a light blue color.
"And there's our cue to get ready for the day," he sighed, turning away to put the paint away and wash his hands in a nearby basin.
"Yeah, we gotta go meet up with Dawn for the morning chores." Eep removed her night shirt to go grab her fur pelt dress that was draped over a nearby pole. She grabbed Guy's pants and boots along the way, tossing both in his direction.
He was quick to get dressed, tugging the garments on. "Careful with the paint," he cautioned once Eep pulled her dress over her head.
"This one hangs looser than my other one," Eep reassured him.
He nodded his head and gave the room a look. "We really need to think about organizing this place," he said, eying their unpacked bags and disarray belongings.
Eep began making her way for the door after pecking his cheek. "There's always Tomorrow," she chirped and she heard him laugh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
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spacebatisluvd · 4 years
Summary: Hordak is having a bad day. Until Entrapta intervenes. 
Content Warning: Totally SFW. Nothing but cuddles. Brief ableist language and dealing with chronic pain/disability, but the focus is on fluff and comfort.
It had been a very long day. He’d spent the morning arguing with Mermista over his plans for rebuilding Salineas—he was beginning to suspect she was shooting down his ideas out of pure spite—and then the rest of the day had been a series of small inconveniences and trials. 
A nearby village had sent a representative to Dryl, demanding—not requesting; demanding—aid in rebuilding their infrastructure after the collapse of a small bridge. The castle servants had ambushed him after that, begging him to ask Entrapta to decommission some of her traps—and when, exactly, had he become the more approachable of the two? Finally, Kadroh had cornered him in his lab, asking about everything he did and why he was doing it and did he like Entrapta? Were they friends or were they more than friends? And what, exactly, was Imp, anyway? 
To top it all off, his armor simply wasn’t managing his pain. Not to the degree he needed it to. Everything hurt and everyone he spoke to seemed intent on trying his patience.
He was done.
“Oooh, what does this—“
“Kadroh. Get out.”
“—do? Hmmm? Did you say something, Brother?”
“I said; Get out!”
“You sound angry. Should I—?”
Kadroh gave him a concerned look, walking slowly out of the room. “Okay. But I’m worried about you!”
Hordak rubbed the spot between his eyes, trying to figure out when, exactly, yelling ‘Get out!’ stopped earning him privacy and instead started netting him concerned looks. Either way, Kadroh—no matter how reluctantly—had left. It was the first moment of peace Hordak had been allowed the entire day. He leaned against the table, head in his hands. He took a breath, cataloging his various aches and pains, from the bone-deep soreness in his strained legs to the absolute agony of his shoulders and upper back.
He would have happily taken a sedative and gotten himself some restful sleep, but there was daylight left, and he had work to do.
He took a breath and returned his attention to his plans for Salineas, growling softly as he erased or edited the aspects Mermista had objected to. His shoulders burned as he leaned over the drafting table, but he just clenched his hand and shifted position, trying in vain to find a pose that relieved the ache.
A clanging in the vents made him growl. He expected Imp to come flying through—then he heard Entrapta’s soft giggling, and he wasn’t sure what or who to expect anymore. Until Entrapta’s lower half appeared, hanging from a vent-shaft overhead. Uncertain, he dropped everything and walked toward her dangling legs. “Is everything all right? Do you need assistance?”
He waited, watching her. Though he wasn’t fully sure what he intended to do should she fall. Even with his armor, he was in no shape to catch her at the moment.
(He’d definitely catch her. Personal consequences be damned, he’d catch her without a moment of hesitation.)
Thankfully, she had everything in hand. Or in hair. She lowered herself out of the vent with her hair, jumping down when she was close enough to the ground that the risk of injury was minimal. His hearts steadied a little and he nodded at her. “This is unexpected. I thought you were occupied with repairs to your Beast Island mech.”
“Oh, yeah! She’s still running rough, but with a little more TLC, she’ll be good as new! Well. Kind of. Kadroh said you were being grumpier than usual?”
He blinked at the abrupt change in topic, then crossed his arms and looked away, ears folding back. “He is...disruptive. I asked him to leave. And I am not grumpy!”
“Did you ask? Or did you just yell at him?”
Hordak threw his hands up and stalked back to the table. “Why does it matter!? He’s a distraction, and not one I can deal with at the moment!”
She popped up on the other side of his drafting table as soon as he started working again. “You are in a mood, aren’t you?”
“I am not—!” He growled, leaning forward until they were nose to nasal ridge. “I am not ‘in a mood’. I am busy. I am trying to get my work done and no one seems capable of respecting that.”
She just ‘booped’ him on the nose and started to run her fingers through his hair. “I think you need to take a break.”
“I need to get this done!”
“Does it need to be done before tomorrow?”
Realistically, he knew that would not be possible. “No,” he said, voice still undercut by a soft growl. “It will take several days to finish, at least. Which is why I must get as much done as possible now.” He brushed her hand away from his hair. “Stop that!”
“I thought you liked it when I did that?”
“That is not the point!”
“What is the point?”
“I’m trying to work. You are distracting me.”
“So? What’s wrong with a little distraction? This isn’t urgent.” She gestured to the drafting table and the diagrams displayed. “Why not take a break? Especially if it’s putting you in a bad mood.”
“I can’t just take a break!”
“Why not?”
He floundered, not sure how to answer that. She ran her fingers through his hair again, causing his scalp to prickle pleasantly. “Entrapta.” He stopped, not liking his tone. It sounded too much like he was begging.
“Come on,” she urged, hopping off the drafting table and wrapping her hair around his waist. He glanced at his plans and diagrams as she started to tug him toward the door.
He could fight her, if he really wanted to. He was in his armor. He had the strength to pull free, though it would cost him later. Even that was likely unnecessary, though. He suspected that she would stop if he put up more than token resistance.
If he truly wanted her to stop, he could make it clear, and she would stop.
He dragged his feet, but ultimately allowed her to pull him from the room. She smiled at him as the door shut behind them, and she pushed him down the hallway. He started to fuss again when they passed his door. “My bedroom is here.”
“I know, but mine’s more comfortable. We really should get you some comfy chairs or something.”
“My furniture is perfectly adequate.”
Ignoring him, she pulled him into her suite of room and smiled. He crossed his arms, returning her smile with a glare. “There. I am ‘taking a break’. Are you pleased with yourse—elf?!”
She plucked the crystal from his suit with a nimble rope of hair. Before he could react to the sudden heaviness of his armor, she was already stripping it from him. “That is what the applicator in my bedroom is for,” he said pointedly.
She lifted herself up so she could cup his chin. “I know. This is better, though, right? No pinching. No pain.”
He huffed and looked away, unwilling to admit that she was right. “I can do it myself.”
“Yep!” she said, sounding pleased with herself, “But there’s nothing wrong with getting a little help once in a while. Especially when you’re hurting.”
His ears folded back, and he dropped his gaze. “Is it...that obvious?”
“No. I think most people just think you’re grumpy.” He huffed, scowling. “But Kadroh said it looked like you were in pain.”
His ears drew down. “I was not aware he knew of my defect.”
“He doesn’t—or, well, I didn’t tell him about it. I think he’s just....” Her mouth rucked to the side as she thought about it. “I think he sees people the way I see robots. Anyway, he said you looked like you were hurt, and I figured that might be why you were in such a mood.”
“I am not in a mood!” Free of his armor, he crossed his arms over his chest to hide the fine tremor in his hands. Everything ached, and now that he didn’t have his armor supporting him, he felt close to collapse. Not that he would admit that, even to her.
“Hmmm...bed? Or chair?” she wondered aloud.
“Which would be more comfortable?” He knew the answer to that, but it was also embarrassing, so he said nothing. “Probably the bed.” His cheeks warmed, but he couldn’t find it in himself to protest as she caught him around his hips and shoulders with her hair, supporting him as she walked him into her bedroom and shoved him—gently; she was always so gentle with him, even when she was being forceful—onto the mattress. A stray rope of hair flipped on the lights, casting a warm glow over the plush mattress and pillows.
“See? My room is way more comfortable than yours.” She considered that. “We should do something about that...unless you don’t mind staying in here with me when you’re having a bad day.” She smiled brightly, and he glanced around the room, taking in the varying shades of purple and violet, the heavy canopy the hung over her bed, and the various disemboweled electronics that lay scattered across her furniture, in stark contrast to the softer elements of her decor.
It was not decorated to his tastes at all, but there was something peaceful in being here. This was her space. Her room. And she’d invited him in. That spoke to something visceral inside of him, warming him, but how it made him feel was hardly the most important consideration. “I am certain your staff would start to gossip if I spent too much time with you in here.”
She looked at him blankly. “About what?”
Her hair was rearranging the pillows around them, and before he could answer, she asked, “Are you comfortable?”
He should resist this. He should have stopped things before they got this far, should have insisted she leave him in his room—alone—but he was tired and everything hurt, and the threat of gossip seemed so distant. Surely, they could have this. It was innocent enough, and her staff would know that. “I...wouldn’t mind if you allowed me to use some of your pillows.”
She nodded, the two of them shifting him and the pillows until he was as comfortable as he could physically be at the moment—without drugs, at least. He ended up propped slightly to one side, his ribcage and upper back cushioned by pillows. He leaned back against them, sighing softly. He opened his eyes when she drew a heavy blanket overtop him, the weight of it settling around him like an embrace. She was, partially, under the blanket as well, her hand on his side, thumb slowly running over his exposed skin. He hadn’t thought he could get more comfortable—not on a day like today—but her other hand crooked overhead to run her fingers through his hair. This time, he shut his eyes and allowed himself to appreciate the way his scalp prickled when she did that. The nerves all down the back of his neck and trailing across his upper back tingled pleasantly. The deep ache in his body lingered, but the affected muscles loosened, making it easier to bear.
The soft thrumming—too low for Etherian ears to hear, but strong enough that she could probably feel it in her chest at this proximity—started up. He should be embarrassed that he had so little control over his body, but he found, in that moment, he didn’t care.
He shut his eyes, ears drooping and relaxed. “Thank you,” he murmured, “You don’t have to stay.”
Her hands stilled. “Do you want me to leave?”
His thrumming quieted, and he looked at her. “You have more important things to do than babysit an invalid. I don’t want to keep you from anything.”
She resumed her ministrations, and a soft moan—definitely audible, even to her ears—escaped him. He flinched, but she just leaned close and brushed her lips against his. “If you don’t want me to leave, then I’ll stay. I like helping. And I like hearing the sounds you make. Or feeling them. It’s fascinating. As far as I’m concerned, this is very valuable data for our intimacy log. And...” she drew the word out, pressing their foreheads together. “I don’t like it when you call yourself that. It reminds me of the ‘r’ word.”
“‘R’ word?”
“I’ll explain later. It makes me uncomfortable and right now, I’m very comfortable and happy, so I don’t want to think about it.”
He nodded, but worry clawed at him. Carefully constructing his sentence to make sure he didn’t use any word that began with ‘r’, he asked, “Is it something I might say incidentally? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Especially after she’d taken such great pains to keep him comfortable.
She giggled. “Don’t worry. You wouldn’t. It’s not a common word, and not one I’ve ever heard you say.”
The concern lingered, but her hand had moved from his hair to his ear, rubbing the pointed tip. His eyelids slipped shut, and he relaxed into the pillows. His shoulders were still sore, but this position relieved the deep ache of before. 
She leaned close. “Hordak?”
“Hmm?” With her hand on his side and her fingers alternately running through his hair or over the tip of his ear, he was finding it difficult to form words.
“Would it be okay if I got a little closer?”
He opened his eyes and reached out to her, though he stopped before he could make contact. “You may get as close as you like.”
She smiled, laying her cheek in his palm. He shifted his fingers, running the blunt side of his claws against her temple. A small shudder ran through her, followed by a soft coo. “Oh, that’s nice. I like that,” she said, scooting closer to him.
Soon, they were both tucked under the heavy blanket. She pressed herself against his side, curling there. One of her arms reached over his waist and up his side. The other was pressed to his ribcage, sandwiched between their bodies. All along that side of his body, he could feel her pressing against him, and the contact revived the steady thrumming once again.
“May I...?” He cleared his throat. “May I put my arm around you?”
“Oh, yeah! I think I’d like that.”
He moved carefully, afraid to disturb this tableau. He’d never been so close to someone before, never been held like this. Unless someone intended to harm him, that is. It was strange to feel safe in the arms of another person—strange and wonderful—and he was afraid he might ruin it somehow. Nonetheless, he snaked his arm alongside her shoulder, careful not to catch his claws on her hair, and held her to him, one large hand resting on her hip. She sighed and, somehow, snuggled closer, leaning her head on the place were his chest and shoulder joined.
“Is this good?”
He nodded. “Is it good for you as well?”
“It’s even better than anticipated.” She sighed happily, squeezing his waist. “I’ll have to remember that this position seems to be ideal for cuddling.” She nuzzled against him. “I can feel your purring.”
He frowned, though the steady thrumming didn’t stop. “I do not purr. That is not a purr. It is a subsonic vocalization.”
“You know...feline purring has been shown to have some positive effects on healing and pain management. I wonder if the same is true for you.”
“It is not a purr.” Despite his insistence, the way her fingers ran up and down his bare side made it difficult to maintain his irritation at the term.
“Well, however you want to classify it, it’s definitely cute.”
He should have found that irritating as well, but a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and his breathing contracted in a brief, soundless laugh. “I am not ‘cute‘ by any definition.”
“You are by mine.”
His cheeks burned, but he had no response to that. He just allowed himself to shut his eyes and relax beside her, enjoying the warmth of her body alongside his.
Before he knew it, he’d already drifted off to sleep.
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nekoabiwrites · 4 years
How Not to Help Your Nerd Boyfriend Find a Swimsuit
Long title... but it’s all I got lmao.
It’s @maeofclubsandart​‘s birthday and she deserves good stuff - I hope this falls under that :P This is like a few hours early for her, but I couldn’t wait to post!!
AU: Human Pairing: Intruloceit Words: 3002 Warnings: Nothing. Let me know if there is anything you want me to add!
Summary: Logan realises he doesn’t have a swimsuit. His boyfriends want to help. They are no help.
Logan was quiet as he sat on the couch, face pensive. One of his boyfriends had suggested a ‘date day beach trip’, and the other had tentatively agreed as long as a list of stipulations were agreed to. Now the two of them were playfully bantering back and forth, a pad of paper being scrawled on to get each stipulation in writing. Logan was not listening to anything they were saying, however. He was too busy thinking about how to bring up the topic that he didn’t own attire appropriate for the beach.
It wasn’t for lack of trying that Logan didn’t own a swimsuit. It was more to do with the fact that he had not required one since he was a child and thus had had no reason to go searching for one in his adulthood. He’d barely even given the summer displays in stores a second thought when he had passed by them in recent years. A hand gently resting on his thigh had Logan suddenly jolting back to reality.
“Logan? Are you alright?”
“You haven’t added anything to our list yet. I thought you’d already have a contract to hand me, checked by a lawyer and everything!”
Logan cleared his throat awkwardly, “Apologies. I was simply… lost in thought for a moment.”
“What about? What about?” The more excitable of the two leaped over the coffee table and cuddled up against Logan’s side, looking up at him with a grin.
“Remus. We’ve mentioned time and time again. No pressuring anyone into talking about things they don’t want to talk about.”
Remus pouted, “But Jannyyyyy, I wasn’t tryyyyingggggg toooooo.”
“Stop. Both of those things. Immediately.” Janus sighed, grimacing exaggeratedly at the nickname.
Logan felt himself relax a little as the tension of the situation dissipated. He cut through the continuing argument, “It is alright. I just realised that I do not own a bathing suit.”
A beat of silence passed before a wide grin spread across Remus’ face and his eyes twinkled with mischief. He grabbed a tight hold of Logan’s wrist and began to drag the bespectacled man across the room towards the front door. “Let’s go remedy this immediately!” As his hand touched the door handle, a shout stopped him in his tracks.
“REMUS!” Janus stood back at the couch, hands on his hips and a disappointed downturn on his lips, “Are you really going now?”
“Of course! What better time than the present, right, Lo-Lo?” Remus wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist, fluttering his eyelashes in a way that was supposed to be innocent before placing an uncomfortably wet kiss to Logan’s cheek.
“Oh, yes, right. And you’ll be getting so far without these…” He held the car keys up between two fingers. Remus gasped and practically threw himself over to his partner in order to snatch them out of the other’s hand, but Janus moved the keys out of Remus’ reach only moments before he could get them in his grasp. “You might also want to consider changing out of your…” Janus gave Remus a once over, “current outfit… and put on some shoes… and take your wallet… y’know, just a suggestion.” He dramatically checked his nailbeds, pointedly ignoring Remus’ continued attempts to grab the car keys.
Remus soon gave up and huffed as he walked away to change his outfit into something deemed appropriate for the outside world. Once the bedroom door had shut behind him, Janus sighed and turned to Logan with a gentle smile, as the taller man wandered back towards the couch. The car keys were handed over, their touch lingering for longer than necessary, “I managed to buy you some time to prepare. You can thank me later. Do try not to die out there, the increase in rent would be far too taxing on me.”
An amused snort fell from Logan’s lips as he slipped his shoes on and retrieved both his and Remus’ wallets from the table in the entryway. He was just slipping his into his back pocket when the bedroom door swung open once again.
“Is this better?” Remus asked, twirling and posing excessively for his partners. Neither could deny that the outfit was indeed far better, though it still had that… Remus flair that would likely cause passing parents to gape and tug their children away faster.
“It will have to do if we want to get this done today.” Logan said in an already defeated tone. He turned and headed to the door, making sure to obviously jostle the keys in his hand to get Remus to follow him, instead of annoying Janus for them.
Only once they got into the store did Logan realise what he’d gotten himself into.
Remus had him stand before the display of bathing suits. The eccentric man circled Logan, poking and prodding him in ways that seemed completely unnecessary. It was only once Remus poked Logan’s ass with a high-pitched “Boop!” did Logan snap and finally move from the spot he’d been placed in.
“What on earth are you doing?”
“Oh, I was just trying to figure out your size is all! And what would look good on you.” Remus practically purred as he approached Logan once more, his arms coming to rest around the other’s waist.
“What did all of the… touching have to do with that? Enlighten me.” Logan deadpanned, practically able to hear the response Remus was about to give him.
With yet another fluttering of his eyelashes, Remus grinned cheekily and responded, “I just wanted to touch my boyfriend. Is that a crime?”
“It depends, obviously.”
“Ooh? I do love a bit of crime…”
“Remus.” Logan’s voice held a note of warning, letting his boyfriend know that he was getting close to pushing his luck.
“Fine, fine. Back to swimsuits. We can figure out crime later!” Remus let go and turned back to the wall beside them. As his partner was taking a moment to breathe and compose himself, Remus was busy grabbing a variety of pieces off of the wall. He grabbed the last one and then grabbed a hold of Logan’s arm once more to pull him over to the changing rooms. “Here! Try these!” He dumped the pile onto the bench in the small space behind the curtain.
“Alright… but you are staying out there.” Logan said hesitantly, lightly pressing against Remus’ shoulder to get him out of the changing room. He moved without much of a fight, though the disappointment was clear on his face.
Logan couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips as he pulled the curtain across in front of his boyfriend’s face. Though he could be impulsive, reckless, overly sexual and a number of other descriptors, Logan could not say that any of it changed his feelings about Remus. Somehow, all the strange things he did brought Logan deeper into his affection. The playful nature of it all just helped Logan relax, even when things did start to border on illegal activity.
Speaking of illegal, it was the only work Logan could conjure up in his mind to describe the swimsuits Remus had left him with. Every single one was too revealing, either due to a complete lack of fabric or the fabric used happened to be extremely translucent. He took his time looking through them all before even considering disrobing to try some on.
“Um, Remus?” Logan asked, staring in disbelief at the choices laid out before him.
“Yeah, Logan?” Remus parroted back in the same tone, teasing him.
“Are you quite sure about these, uh, choices of yours?”
“Of course I am! They’d all look just so good on you. Trust me, I have an eye for this stuff.” Remus had approached the curtain so he could lower his voice, in an attempt to both be seductive and save Logan from the embarrassment of public flirting.
“…Okay…” Logan muttered under his breath as he slowly began to strip down in order to try at least one of the swimsuits – specifically the one that offered the most coverage. After far too long, Logan stood in front of the mirror looking at himself. He had to give Remus one thing; it did suit him quite well, though he couldn’t say it would work for outside of this changing room… or other, more private, areas. “Uh, Remus…? Would you… would you mind, joining me? I don’t think I can come out…”
Remus clapped loudly before his footsteps approached the curtain, “I thought you’d never ask!” The curtain swung open as the moustachioed man entered the changing room. As the curtain fell from Remus’ hand, his eyes swept Logan’s body and an almost lecherous smile spread across his face. He reached out and gently held his boyfriend’s hips, coaxing him to turn so Remus could see everything. “It’s even better than I thought.”
“Remus. This is not suitable as a swimsuit.” Logan hissed, a dark blush coating his cheeks as he was observed from every conceivable angle.
“I dunno. It seems good to me.”
Finally, Remus looked up at Logan’s face and his grin faltered. The clear unease and worry behind the thick framed glasses that rested on Logan’s blushing cheeks, the hunch of his back and the twitching of his arms as he fought to not wrap them around himself, the tension in his entire body. It cut Remus to his core. “Okay. None of these.”
The voice that responded was no more than a whisper, “Thank you.”
“Gimme that one and I’ll go put these all back while you get dressed, yeah?” Logan nodded as Remus filled his arms back up with the rest of the swimsuits. Logan dropped the one he’d tried on atop the pile and Remus slipped out of the changing room. Internally, he mourned the fact that he was unsuccessful in getting Logan to agree to one of his ideas. He did look so good, and he was sure that Janus would have agreed with him too. But Logan’s comfort came first and so all of them were put on the return rack.
The couple left the store once Logan had emerged – fully dressed - from behind the curtain. Remus was gentler for the rest of their trip out, not dragging Logan from place to place – instead just guiding him. They stopped off at a small café nearby for a quick snack before heading home.
To say that Janus was unsurprised when they returned empty handed was an understatement. “Are you truly surprised that your suggestions were received so poorly?” Janus asked, shutting the cover of his book and resting it in his lap.
Remus rolled his eyes and cocked his hip, “Duh, of course. Logan looked so good and he would have looked even better in some of the others I picked out!”
“I’m sure he did…” Janus’ eyes flicked to Logan, raking his body for a moment before returning to Remus’ gaze, “Even so, we all know your taste in fashion is… different, to ours.” He gestured between himself and Logan for emphasis.
“Just because you two are adorable little squares when it comes to your outfits, doesn’t mean you can’t step out of that every once and a while!” Remus flopped into the space on the couch nearest Janus’ armchair, reaching to grab a hold of his hands, “I mean, it’s not like you two have any issues when its just us…” He grinned, pulling the hand closer to his lips.
Janus slipped his hand from Remus’ grip before he could even place the ghost of a kiss onto his fingertips – though it was highly unlikely to just be something that insufferably sweet – and turned his attention to Logan, “We’ll go and sort out this little issue ourselves tomorrow. Just us two.” He directed his statement at Remus, who slumped over the arm of the couch, defeated.
He knew he’d be bored without his boyfriends around, but Remus couldn’t have imagined just how restless he’d be knowing that they were out looking at swimsuits without him. He did eventually manage to lay on the couch and distract himself with some cheesy horror movies, but the moment the front door lock clicked, Remus was up on his feet. “How did it-” Remus cut himself off as Logan’s voice preceded him even entering the home.
“I truly did not think that the two of you would be at such extreme ends of this spectrum!” Logan said, as he stormed through the door. Janus shut it behind him, leaning against it. He said nothing, only gesturing to himself. Logan quickly back-peddled, “I didn’t mean- I’m sorry. I just…”
“No, no. It’s alright.” Janus held up a hand to quiet his now nervously stuttering nerd, “I have specific needs when it comes to such things.” He approached Logan and placed a chaste kiss to Logan’s cheek, a display of love that assured Logan he was fine. Logan couldn’t help placing his own kiss to Janus’ lips to replace the gentle smiles they were sharing, a kiss that slowly turned into something… more as it continued for longer than expected.
As he was left out of the affection, Remus couldn’t help himself and made a noise of frustration. The two separated and Janus rolled his eyes playfully then headed over to give their sulking boyfriend his own kiss. Immediately, Remus perked up, “It didn’t go well then?”
“No, it went fabulously. We just didn’t bring anything back because it went so well.” Janus drawled, sarcasm dripping through his voice.
“No need to be so salty about it, Janny.”
“What did I say about that?”
The two began bickering, but Logan tuned it out. He was deep in thought about his current experiences. While Remus was more than comfortable showing his entire body to the world, Janus was a completely different story. Due to his heavy scarring, it made sense that Janus would be more concerned about covering up as he needed to take extra precautions for his safety. Though, it couldn’t be said that he didn’t like to show off.
Janus had revealed that he preferred wetsuit-like outfits. What Logan hadn’t realised was how tightly some would cling to the body. He was extremely uncomfortable with the amount that was showing when he tried one on, even after his boyfriend complimented him so thoroughly.
Eventually, Logan stood, “I’m going to spend some time in the study.” His eyes were not focusing on either of his partners, as he was still deep in thought. Without waiting for a response, Logan wandered off.
Remus and Janus sat in silence, watching as the study door shut behind their boyfriend. They shared a worried glance before delving into a conversation on how to fix what they had both messed up on.
Days passed and the topic slipped from Logan’s mind. His work started getting extremely busy which provided an excellent distraction. It wasn’t until he came home one day weeks later and was greeted with the sight of his boyfriends wearing their own swimsuits that he thought about it again. He dropped his bag in its usual spot by the door with a heavy sigh, “If you are about to try and convince me to go out and look at swimsuits again, please do not.”
“We’re not.”
Logan paused in the middle of pulling off his jacket, “You’re… not?”
“So… what are you… doing?”
“We don’t need to take you to look at swimsuits-” Janus started.
“-Because we have one for you right here!” Remus chimed in, holding a box out in front of him.
Logan cautiously eyed the gift as he walked towards them. As he took the box into his hands, Logan found that he was being guided to sit on the couch between his boyfriends – both of whom were eagerly watching him. The lid was lifted slowly, as if Logan assumed something venomous was going to jump out and bite him. Logan’s expression shifted to one of surprise when he saw the swimsuit inside.
The dark blue swim trunks were long and loose, something that Logan was almost ashamed to say he internally sighed in relief at. They also had a few silver coloured stripes wrapping around in an asymmetric design and – upon closer inspection – had the Ravenclaw house crest in the upper left-hand corner at the front.
“Sooooooo?” Remus asked, the silence clearly getting to him as he impatiently bounced up and down.
“I… I don’t know what to say… I uh… they’re perfect.” Logan said, a genuine smile pulling at his lips. After coaxing Logan into putting his new swimsuit on, the three of them relaxed in a makeshift ‘beach’ that had been set up in the back garden. It was made up of a small, blow-up kiddie pool and a tarp covered in sand – which had clearly been hastily placed on the ground. Remus lamented over the fact that Janus had stopped him from going and getting actual sea water and seaweed to bring the “smell of the beach to us”, instead having to settle for scented candles. Despite the odd set up and the unnecessary nature of it all, Logan couldn’t stop the deep fondness he was feeling for their beach. Though there was one question he needed answering.
“Why did you do all of this?” Logan asked suddenly. Remus stopped forming his phallic shaped sand sculpture to turn his attention to Logan, while Janus simply lifted his sunglasses. “I had never said anything about the beach setting being a difficult place to be, so I was just wondering why you set this all up…”
Janus’ wry smile crossed his lips and placed his sunglasses back down onto his nose as Remus responded casually, “It was just so you could get used to how good we look like this. Couldn’t have you getting all worked up over us in public now…” Remus playfully winked and stuck his tongue out, causing Logan to blush heavily at the implication.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly  @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka @notalwaysthevillian @pumpkinminette @doces-e--tuga @coloursintheblur @safesandersides @hogwarts-my-love
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tintinwrites · 5 years
yes, general | Poe Dameron x Reader
Requests: “aight I’m just gonna say it for all of us. some GENERAL dameron kink I know we’re all thinking it” - Anon “For your follower celebration... Can I just- getting bent over a desk and fucked by /general/ dameron for misbehaving (I'm newer so idk if you've done this before, but if so, I'd love that link 👀) 11/10 would die” - Anon
A/N: hello fellow hoes. I haven’t even seen TROS but I sure am BSing my way through this
Rating: M
Warning: Smut. Fingering. Naughty words. Poe Dameron is the only man who can do you over a desk and boop your nose in the same fic.
Word count: 1,551, apparently!!
Summary: General Dameron has a word with you about defying his orders.
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You had a lot of fantasies about Poe Dameron that you would never tell him, but you'd been fantasizing about something specific ever since he was made general.
Or a little later; it was in the back of your mind at the time since everything was too fast-paced to stop and think of such trivial things, but now you were on a permanent base and Poe's duties as general were second nature to him now, his commands and leadership serving you well when you were alone in your quarters.
And now you were sitting at his desk.
Not really thinking about being taken by your general as much as wondering if you were about to be kicked out of the Resistance.
"I don't see why we have to have this meeting."
"Maybe since you happened to directly disobey my orders?"
His tone was sharp and his words true; he'd asked you not to do something on a special mission, yelled over the comms for you to retreat out of fear that you were about to get yourself killed.
He hadn't even congratulated your success, instead staring at you and telling you to meet him in his office the moment you walked onto the tarmac.
"You're one to talk."
"This isn't about me."
"The mission was successful! I'm here! I don't even have a scratch."
"And that's the reason I'm not going to ground you for the next fucking year."
You bit your lip, reaching up to play with some fragment of a planet he had sitting on his desk.
His hand pinned yours to the desk and you hadn't even realized he'd stood up, much less walked around to stand over you.
"I'm willing to be lenient on you if you make it up to me."
"Please don't make me wash the ships."
He squeezed your hand, his thumb brushing over your wrist. "I had something else in mind."
You racked your brain for what he might have in mind, if he had the audacity to have you clean out everyone's refreshers or something, and then you realized.
"You can say no," he said when you stared silently for a rather long time, his eyes serious and full of concern. "We can forget all about this."
You'd convinced yourself that he would never be interested in you and that the way his eyes traveled over your body sometimes was all in your head, but you had wanted this for a very long time and he was the one asking you.
Your eyes met his and you blinked in a way that you hoped was seductive and not stupid.
"But I owe it to you, General Dameron." You saw his eyes darken immediately.
"Bend over the desk."
Were you too obvious as you jumped from your seat and did as he said?
If you were, he didn't really care, moving behind you and touching you from your shoulder blades down to the curve of your ass. "I see the way you look at me, sweetheart, and even more since I became the general. I want you to be a good girl and tell me the truth with every question that I ask you."
"You have a crush on me?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, General." You squirmed slightly as heat built between your legs at having to speak to him that way.
"How long have you wanted this?"
"I've wanted you since the very day I met you, but this was a newer fantasy."
He'd been unfastening your pants as you spoke, pulling them down to your knees with your underwear following them. "Did you think I didn't know?"
You heard him mumble in surprise when two of his fingers slipped into you to find you already wet, moaning softly. "I figured that you didn't care."
"You live in this little world where you think only you can possibly like someone, huh?"
"Yes, General."
"What are you thinking now that my fingers are inside you?"
"That I'm dreaming again."
He thrust his fingers almost roughly, as a reassurance that you were most definitely not dreaming and the handsomest man you'd ever seen was seriously finger-fucking you over his desk.
He seemed to be searching for something, pumping until your breath hitched slightly and your hips moved back and he knew he'd found what he wanted. "Is that the spot you've been cravin' for me to touch, sweetheart?"
You practically mewled, nails dragging across the top of the desk.
Poe unfastened his pants with his free hand and then pulled away, stroking your wetness over himself as lubricant.
"You can say no," he reminded you gently.
"I disobeyed your orders."
He growled, grabbing onto your hips and pulling you back a little bit as he moved forward, his cock pressing tight against your entrance.
You were aware that his cock was sizable where it was between your legs, but you wondered what it looked like.
"Can I see it?"
"See what?"
"I want you bent— oh, wait, you mean—"
You nodded and he pulled away considerately, allowing you to turn over and look at him like you asked to.
And, damn, you're pleased. You couldn’t blame him for how proudly he was standing with his hands on his hips.
He was above average, sure, but you were more impressed by how aesthetically pleasing he was, how his cock was perfectly proportioned and it was the first time you were turned on by only looking at a man.
Poe was looking at you in awe; admiring you standing there with your pants around your knees, looking at him like he was the sexy one.
You're the gorgeous one and he could've come from the look in your eyes that was practically saying his dick was made of aurodium, and he was wondering why he waited that long to see if your flirtations really meant anything.
Maybe being general made him braver, though he'd never considered himself cowardly.
"Please, General."
He didn't know what it was that you were begging for, didn't know if you were asking for sex or if you were simply asking for his cock in any way possible, but he did know that you were bending over again and spreading your legs.
You said a lot about his cock without saying a word to him — aside from your please that made him twitch — and he decided to return the favor when he was placed perfectly between your legs again.
Slowly pushing his tip in you and pausing for your adjustment, he gently traced letters on your back. "You have a beautiful fucking pussy. Fit for a general." He accentuated his incredibly arousing statement by thrusting himself into you.
You moaned at how much he filled you and he moaned at the way your tight walls squeezed around him.
The pace he started against you was rough, one hand trailing up your back until he gripped onto your hair; gentle, firm, only trying to put your attention on him.
He seemed to relish in the feeling of you for a moment and then tugged at your hair to be sure you were listening to him, to which you hummed.
"You disobeyed me."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Do it again and we'll be back here."
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
He tugged slightly harder. "I'm serious. Ah, fuck..."
Both of you didn't have much to say after that aside from the odd dirty word or compliment; Poe was panting and grunting behind you as he pounded into you, you were moaning happily at being used by your general like this.
You were coming around him quickly, hips lifting off the desk to meet his, whimpers and words of praise falling from you.
The strangled cry that came with his orgasm was the hottest thing you had ever heard, and you wanted to genuinely beg him to do this again and to hear it again.
He pushed into you a couple more times and then pulled out, collapsing next to you on his back while you laid where you were.
You turned your head to look at him, finding a big grin on his face.
His finger booped you on the nose and pushed some hair away from your eyes.
"I'm really glad I didn't scare the hell out of you and make you think I was taking advantage. I only propositioned you thinking that you had a thing for me."
"I do have a thing for you. You can take advantage of me anytime you want to."
He laughed, then his smile softened. "Seriously, though, next time you defy my orders, make sure it was a stupid order? Like that I told you to grab me a caf or something. When I tell you not to be killed, you need to listen."
You nodded. "Did you mean it?'
"Mean what?"
"That we'd do this again if I disobey."
"Only if you want to and only if it's a stupid order. This is the one time I'm gonna let you get away with reckless behavior."
"I understand."
You did, but you were also going to defy every non-important order he gave you.
He stood and helped you pull your pants back up.
"Do you want to?"
"Yes, General."
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toonytoodles · 3 years
Here's another round of "these would be head canons except it's canon" or "random ideas I had and wrote down and I'm posting them to keep track of all my thoughts"
Sofia always gets a little nervous when walking up or down stairs, she's terrified to fall, unfortunately her room is upstairs, and no one knows of this fear
Pond has submechanaphobia (the fear of underwater objects)
Ponds younger sibling Brook has "nicknames" for her and her friends.
"Pon," "Avey," "Memma," "Fia," "Cememine," and the calls both the twins "Anby-n-Anby"
Pond can size shift in a way, being able to be small enough to fit in a glass, or be as big as a lake, she can change her size shape and form under the right conditions, but prefers not to
Andie doesn't swim- it's not that she doesn't know how, she just doesn't like getting wet, and she doesn't like swimsuits
Avery gets bored and thinks about random stuff a lot
The twins have done that cat nose boop to their friends, they were all touched by the sentiment, except for Avery who had to have it explained to her, then she happy-cried about it
Andie and Andy snuggle like actual cats do, often purring as they sleep
Andie is the older and more assertive twin
Every time Andie gets deadnamed Emma looms over the person with an angry look and just says "Her name is Andie." In a dead serious tone. It doesn't happen as often anymore, but I like to think after they run in terror, Emma checks to see if Andie is okay, then needs to be reassured that she's not actually that scary
Sometimes the others can't understand Avery due to her accent, to everyone else it's kinda funny, (though Emma does try REALLY hard to understand), but Avery gets kinda mad, especially if it's important or if she's already upset. Shes especially hard to understand if she's upset/panicking, it kind of sounds like gibberish at that point. That's usually when she gets pancaked by Em.
When Emma first met Sofia she PANICKED cause she had no idea what a dullahan was. Emma just started screaming and panicking, until Clementine and Avery calmed her down and slowly explained that she was fine, that she's supposed to have her head off. Emma didn't completely get it at first, but she's slowly adjusted to it and she understands it now, but then she was so scared. She's really really embarrassed by it, and feels bad about it, and Sofia was scared of her too, so it was just really awkward at first. They're cool now, but at first they wanted to run away from each other upon seeing the other
Avery doesn't like jewelry- it's too much sensory wise, she doesn't like the feel of rings, bracelets, or necklaces, and she can't wear earrings, they won't pierce through her scales
Avery absent mindedly lays on her stomach and is always wearing something that covers her stomach- she doesn't realize it, but it's a survival instinct, as her stomach is one of her biggest weak points. She's almost physically incapable of lying on her back, she can only do it when she's in a safe calm environment where she feels she can't be hurt. But again, this all happens subconsciously, she doesn't notice that she's doing it. Her other huge weak point is her tail, it's important to her balance, and it's directly connected to her spine, so should anything happen to her tail, it could be life or death. This one she is aware of, but there are other reasons she doesn't like people touching her tail in addition to the danger it puts her in. It's uncomfortable for her, it's hers and it's weird to her if you touch it. It's uncomfortable on a couple of levels, it feels uncomfortable and is literally uncomfortable, leave her tail alone. The only exception to this is Emma, and only because it can't always be helped, she might touch her tail some when she sits on her hand. But Emma tries to touch is as little as possible, as she knows how bad it bothers her. (also Avery can lay on her back in Emma's pocket)
Sapphire has a Scottish accent- that's where Avery got it from
Emma and Avery do eventually become a couple, they're just anxious and beat around the bush about it for a while. They're too nervous to tell each other, they're worried about rejection, ruining their friendship, and being good enough for the other. Once they're dating it doesn't change much, except they do call hanging out with each other dates and occasionally do couple things (and Avery does kiss her at one point, which Emma gets all flustered about)
Andie and Andy are identical twins
Andies enchanted flute can implant suggestions into people's minds, and she has the ability to talk to/understand feral animals, this is all she can do because she doesn't want to put in the effort to learning more, and 90% of the time she forgets she can do either
They all have a favorite ice cream flavor!
Avery - Moon berry ice cream with chunks of hot pepper and hot fudge on top
Emma - Chocolate with fudge chunks and chocolate syrup on top
Sofia - Vanilla
Clementine - Coffee flavored ice cream with chocolate syrup and marshmallows
Andie - Neapolitan, preferably in a sundae
Andy - Strawberry with strawberry syrup and when possible, strawberries on top
Andie is secretly scared of balloons
Emma's shoes are slip ons
Andie gets vocal training to sound more feminine, Andy pays for the classes out of his allowance
Emma's house has small platforms and walkways for beans. One of these elevated walk ways leads into Emma's room, where there's a small cubby hole that's a make shift room for beans. Emma set it up for Avery to give her some space when she comes over, she has a big family, and everyone in the family is big, and they all want Averys attention- it can be a bit much. When Avery is in the small room she's officially off limits, with Emma being close by to ward off her siblings. Emma worries about her small friends safety, and sanity, and tries to make accommodations for her, both with her size and her needs.
Averys stims/ticks are: Hand flapping, tail wagging, she has a pressure stim that helps her calm down, her feet claws dig at the ground absent mindedly, her leg bounces when she sits, she pulls on her hair, ocassionally grunts and/or whines, will scream at the top of her lungs when she's pushed past her limit, and rarely, but sometimes she randomly twitches/flinches, and hates when people point it out, like, she's not spasming on purpose, you don't have to be a jerk about it... Emma doesn't stand for it either, so people will shut up about it quickly. Avery doesn't have anything diagnosed, but it's very possible that she has adhd, a sensory processing disorder, an anxiety disorder, and/or is somewhere on the spectrum. I'm not going to officially diagnose her with anything, most of these things are based off myself, and I feel that they also apply to her. These seem very in character, Avery is impulsive, can't sit still, does things without thinking/ not realizing she's doing it, she can't stand certain feelings/sensations/ textures/ tastes, etc., she panics kind of easily, and it escalates quickly, she has several stims/ticks that she uses for basically every emotion, she likes to enclose herself in comfortable small spaces, she has certain people she goes to for comfort, this is all canon already, I've discussed most of it before, I just thought I'd try to list it all out for my own reference
In Averys particular subspecies, there's no way to tell what the sex of the draconic is before it hatches. Her parents debated on a while about various male/female names, but they didn't want to keep referring to the egg as "the egg," or "the baby," as they didn't just think of the egg as an object, so they decided wanted on a gender neutral name for the egg so it could work for either, eventually deciding on Avery
Emma has anxiety about accidentally hurting her small friends, sometimes causing nightmares and makes her want to distance herself from them
Emma doesn't like being upside down (she learned this when she accidentally shrunk herself down to borrower size and Avery accidentally picked her up upside down in a panic)
After buying new clothes, Sofia often sets her head on her bed then does a small fashion show to see how it looks on her- she finds it's one of the few benefits of being a dullahan
Clementine LOVES mind puzzles and being able to problem solve, anything that poses a challenge excites her
Sofia often carries her pet snake on her shoulders, wearing her ball python as a boa
Avery loves sour candy, Emma prefers chocolate, Clementine likes m&ms and small candies that can be eaten while studying, also she considers grass and raisins a candy, something that is a debate amongst her friends, Sofia likes gummies, Andie likes candy bars, and Andy likes hard candies, Pond doesn't eat, so she can't eat candy, but would absolutely love chocolate covered almonds if she could taste them
Pond can do impressions- she often likes to mimic Avery and Andie because she finds accents funny, for some reason? She doesn't really know what it is about them, she just finds them hilarious
Emma is determined to find a way to hug Pond, she will hug water, she'll figure it out someday...
Out of all their friends, Emma only trusts herself to help Avery when she really needs it. It's not that she doesn't trust anyone else, it's just that, well, she doesn't think her friends can handle it. Emma's little brother Aaron has a lot of the same struggles as Avery, so Emma's a little more knowledgeable and understanding than the others. Not to say that the others aren't understanding, but they're often confused or flustered or even scared of Averys behavior sometimes, whereas Emma sees her struggling and attempts to help. The others can't do much most of the time, whereas Emma can help her out by giving her a small squish to help her decompress, put her in her pocket when she needs to be alone, she's scared, upset, tired, etc.,and knows how to talk to her to help her calm down, and she's good at figuring out what it is that she needs/wants when she gets too elevated and is panicking and/or shutting down
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thenameisel · 3 years
Origin Stories Part Four: Dangers in the Dark
A black garbed Hunter stood out against the off-white wall of the warehouse, pacing and judging the best way to scale it, as it was unfortunately much too high to jump. There was a rusted out fire escape that just might hold Boop's weight.
"Heard anything from them?"
"Nope!" Pip chirped.
"I'll admit I'm a little concerned. Caush usually doesn't go radio silent."
"Oh the two of them are probably busy inside. How long do you figure till we start hearing explosions?"
Boop laughed and started carefully climbing upwards. The fire escape thankfully held. Mostly. It helped that the Hunter didn't weigh very much. Pip kept pace, scanning rungs as they went, pointing out the ones that should be avoided. Even still there were a couple close calls as the old metal cracked unter the weight.
Halfway up Boop paused and turned to admire the buildings of the old world. Eyes narrowed momentarily at a disturbingly uniform set of potholes leading away from the warehouse. Pip noticed what his Hunter was looking at, and made a singular, slightly worried sounding beep.
“The pattern of those tracks seem to be headed away. Let’s be glad for that.” The Ghost said, and the two continued their climb.
Eventually they made it to the rooftop, which was a wide gravel covered expanse, warm from the day's sun. There was a large hole in the center where the roof had collapsed some point in the past.
"Oh that's… not good. Nope. Nope." Pip exclaimed as he vanished in a flurry of sparks. Boop shared a few choice curses. Running like some giant web across the surface of the roof was lines of ash and green fire.
“Boop. Caush still isn’t answering me. Now I’m worried.”
“C’mon.” Boop said, carefully picking a route across to the hole and staying well away from the lines of Hive magic. “Any idea what this does?”
“No, sorry. But I bet nothing good.”
The hundred meters or so to the gap was made painfully long with worry about Elliott. But eventually, Boop made it to the edge. Crouching down to reduce the chances of being seen, the last few meters were taken at a crouch, each step careful to not disturb any pebbles, least any drop over the edge. Readying the sniper, Boop peeked over into the warehouse below.
Surprisingly, the space was clear of debris, and a wood floor made it much more home like. At the edge of the sunlit area the wood gave way to a concrete floor and the maze of cubicle-like living spaces favored by the Eliksni. Carpets and fabric hangings softened the ramshackle walls.
“Oh.” Pip said excitedly. “So there is Fallen here! Or was! I was starting to worry that informat was lying. But why the Hive magic?”
“No idea." Boop scanned both light and dark areas, but couldn’t see anything moving. "Any sign of Elliott and Caush?”
“No. Nothing.” a pause. Boop could feel Pip thinking. “Wait. That’s it! The magic! It must be blocking my sensors!"
"Ok. So we're blind right now. Let's wait a bit. Elliott can take care of himself. We haven't heard any noises so it's likely he hasn't come across anything. He might be working his way through that maze down there."
And so they waited. Eyes scanning shadows for any sign of movement. Something about the whole thing didn't sit right with Boop though. And the longer they waited, the stronger the feeling got. Why was the Hive here? Why was the roof criss crossed in their weird magic fire? The whole thing didn't sit right.
"I think it's a trap."
"You do?" Pip said excitedly. "Oh we haven't encountered a good trap for years! Oh! Oh! What do you think this one does? Cave the roof in? Summon a Tomb Ship?"
"Seriously?" Boop shifted the sniper rifle anxiously, really wishing Pip was visible. That Ghost needed a good poke for that comment. "It's one thing when it's us! It's not right when it's Elliott in danger!"
"Oh he's fiiiiiine. Betcha Caush already figured it out. Besides, when was the last time Elliott went up against something he couldn't punch his way out of?"
"Quiet. I think I see movement. Ten o'clock."
"Oh you're right! I think that's them. Weird. It's like they aren't there."
Boop's shoulders stiffened in concern. The Titan was walking nonchalantly down the corridor towards the open space.
"Wait. More movement. Two, four, and nine." Pip's voice went up an octave. "Also not on sensors! But I think I see Hive eyes!"
Boop didn't hesitate. Cover didn't matter at this point. Standing up with a pebble in hand, the Hunter tossed it with the aim of years of marksmanship practice. Watched as it pinged off Elliott's helmet. His response was slow. Too slow. Waving madly Boop finally managed to catch his attention. Tried so hard with a chopping motion to encourage him to back away. But it was too late. The Titan was surrounded.
Below, Elliott engaged the hive with that ridiculous auto rifle, the paff paff paff-ing noise cutting through the chaotic screeching of the Hive. Anything that got too close for comfort got punched with an Arc covered fist.
Aiming the sniper rifle expertly, Boop started felling targets, Pip calling out locations of the most pressing ones. Hive Knights getting behind Elliott. Corrupted Thralls creeping too close. It almost looked like they could turn the tide.
Then the Ogre stepped out of the gloom.
For a split second Boop considered jumping down, but something about the way the Hive as a whole kept pushing Elliott back towards the center of the open space was concerning. The Knights never stepped more than a couple feet onto the wood floor. The Ogre did, but started backpedaling when Elliott gave ground. That sealed it. There was definitely a trap.
Boop watched in horror as the Titan jumped into the air, Arc energy flowing around him violently. Watched him plummet towards a knot of Thralls that looked like they had been herded out into the open as bait.
Boop screamed his name knowing full well it was too late as Elliott punched through the floor into the hidden pit below.
A wave of green fire erupted upwards before the depths sunk back into darkness.
"Oh no no no." Pip exclaimed "Now what? NOW WHAT?"
"Now we improvise. Keep trying to contact Caush."
"You can't be serious. I know what you're thinking! What if you fall too?"
"I'm a whole lot lighter than a hurtling Titan." Fire erupted along Boop's arm as a flaming gun appeared out of nowhere. "We'll be fine."
With that the Hunter hopped into the building, firing the flaming gun on the way down. Spent, it dissipated into ash and embers, but each shot had hit it's mark. The Ogre was dead, and so were a handful more Knights.
Using Light to break the fall, Boop landed gracefully at the edge of the open area, footsteps making a distinct hollow sound. Quickly slipping into the shadows the Hunter became a whirling dance of hidden death. Knives were thrown, shotgun was fired, and Hive fell not knowing where the onslaught came from. Boop kept moving, kept them guessing.
"I'VE GOT CAUSH!" Pip all but screamed in excitement.
"Thank the Light. Are they ok?" Another dodge, the Hive Thrall that had gotten to close lunging through the smoke like trail of Boop's passing. A shotgun blast dispatched it.
"Enough." Pip said relieved, between Boop's blasts. "But Caush says there isn't much Light down there. They have some time but…"
"So we better move faster." Boop said, resuming the dance.
"...hear me? Hello? Elliott?" Caush's voice cut through the ringing and fog. "Look, I need you to wake up. Or specifically, you need you to wake up and get out of here so I can heal you."
"What happened?" Elliott groaned. Everything hurt. He tried to roll onto his back and failed. His legs were pinned under something heavy. He did manage to twist around enough to see a jagged outline above them. "How far did we fall?"
"It was a trap. False floor. Walls covered in Hive magic to conceal it. We are so far out of my calculations that for once, I've scraped my analysis entirely. We are now, officially, winging it."
"Ok. Let's have some light to see."
"No. Not happening. There is so much magic here I can't tell what it does. I can't justify that risk. But I can tell you that there is so little Light here that unless we move, and you die, I won't be able to do anything about it."
"So. You need me to free myself, and climb out, injured and blind."
The Titan groaned in frustration and tried to shift the mass again. Part of the floor no doubt. It moved slightly.
"You got this." Caush said encouragingly. "You're the strongest…"
Caush fell silent mid sentence. Elliott could feel excitement building through their connection to each other. He held his breath and listened. He could still hear the Hive shrieking above, no doubt in joy for him falling for their trap. Then he heard something different between the screams. Shotgun blasts. The shrieking was in frustration! Boop!
“Connection reestablished!” Caush proclaimed proudly. “Your fall must have disrupted enough magic to get a signal out. I’ve updated them on the situation, Pip says they will come as fast as they can.”
“Ok. I guess I better keep trying.”
Again Elliott tried to move the mass. But being pinned face down was not helping. Somehow he did manage to get enough leverage to extract himself down to his knees and flip mostly over. Elliott grit his teeth as fresh pain in his left leg assaulted him and he suddenly felt very faint. He knew immediately what was wrong. Being a Guardian let you experience death in so many ways.
"How bad is it, Caush?"
"Unless you can stop the flow, I figure you have about three minutes." This time there was concern in his Ghost's voice.
"Great." Elliott said, and tried again to free himself. He had a sliver of hope though, the time between shotgun blasts above was starting lengthen.
Unfortunately Boop was quickly running out of ammo. Fortunately targets to shoot were starting to run thin too. A pull of the trigger took out one of the three remaining Knights, the second Knight got a knife in its head buying precious time to reload. Sliding through the last knot of Thralls, and firing at a choice few, Boop managed to get near enough to blow a hole through the last Knight. When it fell the remaining Thralls bunched up almost nervously. A single grenade finished them off.
Panting heavily Boop lifted a hand. Pip appeared, gave his Hunter a quick one over, patched up a few cuts and a nasty acid burn, and vanished again quick as can be.
“All right. Down?” Boop asked, carefully picking a path to the hole in the floor. Lighter by far than a Titan, the damaged floor held the Hunter’s weight. Mostly. But one misstep could cause another collapse risking Boop being in the same state as Elliott.
“Little more to your left, near that jumble of cables. Wow that hole is deeper than you’d think. Oh! Oh! Oh! I bet the Hive were digging a new nest right under the Fallen! Perhaps they thought it would be an easy food source?”
“Maybe. Can you patch me through to Elliott?”
“Done!” Pip said after a short pause.
“Hey.” His voice was weak but there.
“You ok?” Boop kept moving, listening to the creek of the floor.
“Nope.” a grunt of pain, and sharp intake of breath. “Look. Caush is gonna need your help with this one. Not enough... Light.”
Boop understood. They were playing a dangerous game. If Elliott died down there, Caush wouldn't be able to bring him back alone. Boop and Pip’s own Light could help, but if they got there after Elliott’s faded away completely… there would be no bringing him back.
Boop was getting close to the edge.
“Talk to me, Elliott.”
“About… what?” His voice was strained.
“Well. It’s your turn.”
“Now… is not... the time.”
“I heard McKay made the whole thing up. For the attention.” Boop said mischievously. Felt Pip’s amusement at the taunting.
“You take… you take that back!”
“Well.” Boop said, having reached a beam that jutted out over the hole. Carefully walking the length, the hunter peered over the edge, judging the distance. Pip helpfully highlighted Elliott’s form in the gloom and shifting dust below. “I guess you better survive to set me straight!”
Boop stepped off the edge casually, dropping feet first. At the last moment a burst of Light propelled Boop upwards, breaking the fall. Landing gracefully, the Hunter quickly headed over to the Titans form. Elliott lay there limply amongst the debris of the false floor. Blood seeped from a poorly wrapped rent in the armor on his left leg, ran down the rubble, collecting in pools on the dirt floor. Way too much blood.
“Damned Hunters...” He managed faintly. “Always showing off… with that jump. Worried you’ll… miss… one day. Break… something.”
“Well I’m here an’t I? Besides, I’ve done that enough times to learn my lesson.”
Elliott didn't reply.
A chill ran down Boop's spine as the realization hit that the Titan was no longer breathing.
“Where you at Caush?” Boop lifted a palm for Pip in a bout of sudden panic. They had precious moments before Elliott's light would be gone forever.
“NO! Too much Hive magic! It’s not safe!”
Boop’s hand dropped instinctively.
"You serious?” Pip exclaimed, Boop was getting the distinct impression Pip thought Caush was being ridiculous. “Sure, it's a gamble, but we don't have time to find another solution!”
Caush was quiet at that.
Boop raised a hand again.
A flurry of sparks filled the air above it as Pip entered material space, his light illuminating the area.
There was utter silence for a few moments, as Pip’s facets rotated back and forth anxiously.
But nothing happened.
After a moment Pip made an angry sounding burble, his shell twitching in rage.
Caush appeared directly above his Titan, his eye shifting between various sickly hues of embarrassment. His shell span, splitting open, facets glittering pale gold in the low light. His own stores of Light were pitifully low. Certainly not enough to bring Elliott back.
Wordlessly Boop reached out towards the glow, eyes closed, shutting out Elliott's broken form and trying to focus on the flow of Light within and quickly found it. A sensation like a warm bubble, Pip's emotion filled consciousness pressing on the barriers of Boop's. The connection made, Light poured out from Pip, through Boop, and into Caush.
Boop's eyes opened just in time to see Caush, now glowing brightly with plenty of Light, start spinning faster and faster. Suddenly with a blinding flash his Light enveloped Elliott, settling on him like a mist. Boop watched breathless as Light mended the rent armor, the unneeded bandage dissolving into motes of light which reformed in their correct place as an unflawed Mark at Elliott’s waist.
With an audible snap Caush’s facets pulled back into place. The Ghost gave a little shake, and with sharp nervous movements floated over the Titan’s face.
A heartbeat stretched into an eternity.
Boop jumped as Elliott inhaled violently. With his fist exhalation he rolled and stumbled upright, instincts telling him to move. He took a few staggering steps, his breathing heavily and swaying like a drunk. Boop ducked under an arm to help Elliott stay upright as he got his balance back. He shook his head trying to clear the fog of resurrection.
“Thank you.” He said, his voice coming back to its usual room filling quality. “Now if you ever talk smack about McKay again...”
Boop laughed. “How about we get out of here, hmm?”
“Sounds good.” Elliott looked up wearily. “Better start climbing."
"You better be careful about it. Neither of us have enough Light left if you fall again."
"No promises" Elliott chuckled, then grew somber. "Too bad this place was overrun by Hive. No Fallen Captain in sight.”
“Not a total loss there. Pip? Caush?”
Both Ghosts did a deep bob in the air in acknowledgement.
“Oh! Yes! Caush and myself compared some notes, and we believe the Fallen vacated only a couple days ago, and it looks like they had a Spider Tank with them. Should be easy to track!”
“So?” Boop asked, elbowing Elliott in the ribs. “Wanna check it out? Take the sparrows and follow the tracks? You can tell me about your first day on the way!”
“Yea. Sounds good to me!”
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