#(I found this in my drafts
sugdenlovesdingle · 5 hours
inspired by a gifset of Lou('s character in some film) doing yoga
Buck and Tommy go to Texas to visit TK and Carlos For Reasons
and Tommy and Carlos discover they both like yoga and get the mats out (Carlos has a spare one in case he can finally convince TK to join him)
And TK just sits back and enjoys the view of his husband in his yoga clothes, but somehow Buck has never seen Tommy in his yoga get up and is just 🥵🥵🥵
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ninaps · 2 months
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Just another day on the Enterprise.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 11 months
Just a reminder that when the worst things in their lives began:
Kaz was 9.
Wylan was 8.
Matthias was 12.
Inej was 14.
Nina was 16.
Zoya was 9.
Genya was 11.
Kuwei was 15.
Alina was 17.
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Ever since the incidents™️, Gotham journalists look to you for assurance that Bruce’s words are accurate.
Incident 1 (before you come along)
Reporter: With the paperwork being completed for your newest ward, you seem to have a full house, Mr. Wayne. How many children do you have now?
Bruce: Umm… Do you have a pen?
Bruce *sits down and writes the full names of his children before capping the pen*: Four.
Incident 2
Reporter: I see you brought all of your children tonight, Mr. Wayne. How many people does your limo hold?
Bruce: We’ll, there’s two of us. And then the kids so that’s… *starts counting on fingers* Seven.
You: Don’t forget Dami.
Bruce: Eight.
You: Did you count both girls?
Bruce: Nine.
Reporter: *looks at you*
You: Nine.
Now the journalists now better than to ask Bruce questions about his kids without you around. Or anything that involves counting really.
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ghostreblogging · 1 year
DP x DC prompts : Danny distracting bruce
I'd feel like Danny would help his adopted brothers out so much! Idk if I'm self projecting but like he's arleady a gremlin and he would help the others be gremlins.
The batfam mess something up and they need a distraction, Danny is the perfect distraction. He is relatively new and has a clean record
For now
So it goes:
Dick the reason why something that could be used as an igniter was there with the bombs: We accidentally blew up the crime scene! We need to fix this before b find out!
Damian the reason it exploded( he was attacking Tim with dick's escrimas(is that how it's spelled: Yes it is true that father should be . . . kept unaware. Timothy it's your fault, figure it out.
Tim the victim™( nah not really he was the reason™ cuz he thought fit to taunt the demon brat): I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. NOT MY FAULT THAT YOU DECIDED TO USE AN ELECTRIC TASER WITH EXPLOSIVES AROUND
Jason the reason why explosives were there: you know we could sweep this under the rug
Tim: HOW?!
Jason calling Danny: hey, do you think you can distract Bitch man?
So while the boys were cleaning up their mess Danny was distracting bruce.
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localratwithcowboyhat · 7 months
She blackbox on my warrior
till I collapse with steven jonson syndrome on the er floor
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imjusthella-gay · 1 year
movie theater date, except I'm fingering you under your skirt and shoving my fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet, all while demanding that you keep your eyes on the screen
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hugeegosorry · 10 months
My dealer: got some straight gas🔥😛this strain is called "House MD"😳 you'll be zonked out of your gourd💯
me: yeah whatever. I don't feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude i swear i saw the ghost of your dead girlfriend
My buddy Wilson pacing: the patient is lying to us
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hoss-bonaventure · 3 months
i want to expand on this post just cause i can.
so much of gus and jesse’s relationship is played as an affair. this is only because it makes walt’s anger about their dynamic feel more jilted, like a lover. when he confronts jesse about the two of them having dinner he uses language an excusatory husband would use if he caught his spouse cheating such as “tell me you weren’t as his house last night?” it’s very clearly written as jesse being disloyal to walt and their partnership. now the audience knows that’s just simply not true with jesse literally saying “if you kill mr. white, you’re going to have to kill me too” when he thinks gus is suggesting killing him. he’s devoted to mr. white throughly. even when he’s being shoved into these new situations by mike and gus, there’s never a moment where he thinks about abandoning him. he’s still in the back of his mind through everything, and every character knows this except for walt. that’s what makes most of the build-up leading to gus’s death so ironic. to walt, gus is the other woman who needs to be killed for fraternizing with what’s “his”. in reality, it’s his own brutality and sadistic behavior that is putting a wedge between him and jesse. 
it’s very reminiscent of walt finding out about skyler’s affair with ted. he lashes out and throws a tantrum but he never stops for a second and asks why it happened. he never comes to the conclusion that his actions are what’s driving skyler into another’s arms. he plots to get revenge on ted, but it’s never more serious than toxic masculine how-dare-you-sleep-with-my-wife bullshit. he wants to kill him, i don’t doubt that, but he can’t. how can he? killing, torturing, and all that depravity belongs in the “heisenberg” part of his life. he cannot touch ted because he is as mundane as the life he is fronting. 
now, i will admit, the skyler affair storyline and jesse’s so-called adultery are really not that similar at all. like i said, jesse is not betraying anyone--he is still fiercely dedicated to mr. white. his unfaithfulness is only interpreted as much by walt himself, and it’s walt’s delusions drive him away in the first place. skyler cheats as a means of revenge, as a way to take back some autonomy that walt had stripped her of. however, it’s the way that walt handles these individual perfidies that’s so captivating to me. when deciding what to do with gus, he immediately decides he needs to kill him. this was his plan prior, but now it’s more dire. jesse is gone. he needs to kill two birds with one stone: win back jesse and kill gus. more importantly, he needs to show jesse that him killing gus was something he did for the both of them. so thus he embarks on this convoluted, deplorable, fucked-up scheme. and hey! it works. he successfully manipulates jesse once again, implanting in his brain that no one will have your best interests at heart but me. “gus had to go” and jesse has to agree because this pseudo-son is dying and mr. white is right there and he saved him right? he saved brock and he saved jesse and it doesn’t matter that their love has a body count. their reunion is so impactful because they’re like magnets in a way. the connection they share is so strong that it doesn’t matter how hard they fight or run away, they will cling to each other once more. but what’s devastating this time around is that jesse doesn’t have a leg to stand on with mr. white anymore. he almost fucking killed him and it turns out the “real” mastermind was gus all along. so he offers his submission as an apology, when mr. white holds out his hand he takes it because this is how he can say he’s sorry. and walt? how could he not fall in love all over again. he has jesse, freshly martyred and in his arms once again. 
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echo-stimmingrose · 6 months
Posiedon: *trying to be helpful* You know when I was you're age-
Percy: When you were my age you were being eaten by your father, shut up fish dinner I know what I'm doing.
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naboosands · 10 months
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Everyone say thank you to Dave Filoni for giving us Plo in this outfit
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feralfrey · 5 months
harley quinn: y’know i’m sick of dating people with red flags, so i’m thinkin’ i need some green in my life for a change
poison ivy: *walks by*
harley quinn: you’re green
poison ivy: yes? and?
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anachronic-cobra · 4 months
🍽 royalserving Follow
O God everyone at this banquet is kissing His Majesty The King's boots, he's not gonna fuck thee
🤡 jesterihardlyknowher Follow
🤡 jesterihardlyknowher Follow
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🔮 nostradamus Follow
Cleansing thine hands and avoiding contact with your peers will slow the spread of the Black Death! I beg of thee, understand this
🐦‍⬛doctorbeaky Follow
Lmao this peasant thinks he knows the body's humors better than modern science! Fool, be away with your witchcraft and let we doctors remove the tainted blood as we have for decades
🙈 pissantpeasant Follow
Imagine thinking thou knoweth more than those who have studied medicine
🔮 nostradamus Follow
@doctorbeaky never studied medicine, they were posting about their fruit stand going bankrupt only yesteryear
🫁 miasmatic Follow
And? He's still a doctor. Go jump into a lake if thee loveth cleanliness so.
🔮 nostradamus Follow
[thou art all so fucking stupid.png]
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His Majesty The King has bestowed upon me the honor of slaying a beast to save the princess of our neighbor kingdom
...tbh this dragon is kinda fair actually
Forget the princess I'm boutta get lanced myself 👀
🐉dragonbone25 Follow
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Rip to the greatest hero of all the land 🫡😔
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mistmarauder · 17 days
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Me, watching the first season of tgcf, expecting heartbreak, drama and angst: that's... That's cute. That's so fucking cute I have a toothache. They are married. They just met and they are living their domestic lives. Good for them!
Me, after getting to know the whole story: this is lwj's years of pinning and waiting ON STEROIDS. This is showing lbh into the Abyss and lbh surviving there just for sqq^123456789. This is some next level devotinon.
I live for this now.
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dollsinvogue · 4 months
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Robin Sterling fashion board
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