#(I'm mostly just leaving this here in case it comes true so later I can come back and humblebrag about my magnificent tv gaydar lmao)
niuxita21 · 2 years
Started watching Til Jail Do Us Part and like, yeah, it’s a silly, OTT show, but mad props to Kate Del Castillo for her masterful acting job playing a clueless wife who’s never held a gun in her life when we all know she’s Mexico’s top action heroine. The RANGE!!!
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twilightarc-gm · 2 months
Why do you like jiang cheng?
At the risk of liking him for the wrong reasons, let me be verbose and annoying about it.
A short anecdote: I finished the donghua before the novel and I liked JC's aesthetic so I was happy to have that imagery in my head for the novel, but mostly I came out of the donghua like "cool story, the ending was frowny face though" and I came out of the novel like I was lost in the IKEA store "there's stuff here but it's not what I want and it's organized in a way that's hard to navigate through." Bit like giving me a puzzle to solve.
Anyway, imagine a cat bapping at a thing trying to get fandom to show me what to do with MDZS (i.e. reading fanfic) and then I come across anti-Jiang Cheng stuff.
//record scratch
I'm sorry what?
I started then on Shuangjie reconciliation fic and quickly evolved into Jiang Cheng "Apologist" ((I actually don't think he has anything to apologize for even if he would do so anyway.))
I've been in the xianxia/wuxia sphere of media consumption for a year or so before trying out MDZS and JC just fits so well as the main character of his own story; destined for a position of power through birth, friends with someone in his life that causes conflict, seemingly betrayed by said friend when needing that friend the most, losing and losing and losing as his trust in said friend proves unfounded because the friend walks a path he can't follow, and then he's left with the tragedy that befell the world because--ultimately he trusted this friend too much.
It's a classic story of love and attachment and how good intentions can have massive consequences. Two men entwined by fate and in the end there's a battle on a hill (off screen in this case) where one is forced to "kill" the other.
MDZS could have ended with the past timeline, and I would have liked it more but at least in the present timeline we get Jiujiu and a-Ling.
Anyway: Excerpts and Commentary Below about WHY I LOVE JIANG CHENG, courtesy WANYIN
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Of all the clans to offend, you don’t offend the Jiang Clan, and of all the people to offend, you never offend Jiang Cheng.
We stand by a badass mf in this house. The first thing we learn is that he gets credit for killing a big baddy and the second thing we learn is how fierce the rest of his reputation is. He brooks no shit and leaves no quarter. Amazing 💜
Well, I was done for at "gaze like two streaks of cold lightning" so RIP me, I guess. Reminds me of some antis that are like "you only like him because he's hot" which isn't true but it is a nice plus. He's described as inferior to LWJ so like, if it was only about hotness then wouldn't I like LWJ???
“I am his uncle. Do you have any last words?”
At the sound of that voice, every drop of blood in Wei Wuxian’s body seemed to surge to his head but then immediately drained away again. Thankfully, his face was already a mess of ghastly white, so it didn’t look strange when he went a little paler.
A man in purple attire strode over. He was dressed in a narrow-sleeved light robe, with his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. A silver bell dangled from his waist, yet there was no sound when he walked.
This young man had fine brows and almond eyes, with a chiseled handsomeness to his features. His eyes were deep and intense with a hint of aggression, his gaze like two streaks of cold lightning. He stopped and stood three meters away from Wei Wuxian. His expression was like that of a nocked arrow on a bow, ready to shoot, and even his composure was suffused with arrogant pride.
Jiang Cheng ruled the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng alone, so it could have been said that he was in a state of isolation.
🥺 Alone?? And he could still afford 400 Immortal Binding Nets? Self-sufficient king 🤩 And like, his reputation is so fierce and he's boiling over with anger in that scene, but still he restrains himself because he did the cost-benefit analysis! And then later he takes a huge risk on WWX, like he always does for WWX, and that doesn't work out for him--like it always does.
Seeing that nothing had happened to Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng was greatly relieved. However, that relief soon turned into a furious reprimand:
Parent behavior. Enough said.
He has a twisted smile when encountering a trigger for his PTSD and then he decides to fight it instead of letting it paralyze him. He's such a doer. Like, every other moment of the day he's carefully calculating pluses and minuses to every choice (valid) but when it comes to facing his personal demons he's ready to throw down. Excellent.
A moment later, Jiang Cheng’s lips pulled into a twisted smile. His left hand subconsciously began stroking that ring once more.
He said softly, “Excellent. Back, are you?”
He let go of his left hand, and a long whip dangled from it.
“Oh? Then please enlighten me, what is your type?”
Walking A-Spec flag very concerned about what the man who might be his shixiong thinks about him, more at eleven!
Wei Wuxian waved him off and then hooked his arm around Jiang Cheng’s shoulders. “Who cares? I’ll tease him a bit more before I go. You’ve already collected my corpse so many times. Once more won’t hurt.”
Okay but big lol that JC doesn't get to collect WWX's corpse that final time. //sounds of sobbing
A smile appeared on his face, but then he immediately humphed.
He's so grumpy and adorable! I love him! pre massacre JC is precious and I just want him to have someone to bring out that smile again.
He literally didn't have to do this. He makes all these excuses how he'll be embarrassed if WWX is rolling around 😂 Perfection. Boy, you are still carrying him and he doesn't want you to stop.
Jiang Cheng, walk slower, you’re gonna throw me off.”
Not only did Jiang Cheng want to throw Wei Wuxian off, but he practically wanted to bash his head into the ground to create a human crater. “So fussy even though I’m carrying you!”
“I didn’t tell you to carry me,” Wei Wuxian reasoned.
Jiang Cheng flew into a rage. “If I didn’t carry you, I think you’d hang out at their ancestral hall all day, rolling around on the floor. I can’t afford this embarrassment! Lan Wangji took fifty more strikes than you, but he walked away on his own, and you’re not embarrassed, pretending to be an invalid? I don’t want to carry you anymore. Get the hell off!”
“No, I’m wounded,” Wei Wuxian said.
Alrighty, like I'm just going through the entire book at this point.
Let me see if I can make this more concise:
Sacrifices himself despite his very dutiful nature that would oppose this. He throws away all his responsibilities for WWX, again and again, carrying on a tradition of favoring WWX over his own health and happiness. Citing: JFM favoring WWX to the detriment of his marriage, JYL dying to save WWX, and JC (exhausted and with little or no power) running into danger to save WWX ala distracting the Wen patrol and 2nd Siege.
Can't be honest in his affections and makes up excuses to do nice things for others.
Loves and understands his sister. She wanted JZX so he made it happen when LLJ had absolutely no reason to reinstate the marriage contract between Xuanli. JGS notes in the CR arc that he didn't want the marriage for his son in the first place and that there were better options than YMJ, and that was before the war! JC helped her get to Yiling to show off her wedding dress! Even though she married out he still felt so attached to her son he couldn't not co-parent Jin Ling.
Yes, he has Zidian, but he also has a second horsewhip that he keeps on him which is very exciting to know.
The narrative hates him but he survives. (He survives because the narrative hates him).
Most BAMF entrance in the novel at the temple scene with the busting the temple doors down and coming in from the rain with an umbrella. Like sure the narrative hates him but small blessings that rule of cool still counts for something.
Mama's boy.
Just some dude, shows up late to treasury room nonsense, knows all the gossip, no one has faith in him including himself, but he keeps going and doing what needs to be done even when he's so so tired and his shixiong shows up 3 months late with a ghoul lady and a latte, or disappears to liberate slave property without warning first and now he's called into a midnight meeting after trying to get some much needed rest and now he's got consequences to deal with. Someone help him!
An expert at sneering. Threats as a show of worry and care. This makes all the little and brief smiles so much more endearing.
Sandu Shengshou is an amazing title, get out of here if you don't agree. Holy Hand of the Three Poisons? Brutal, perfect 💜 It gets used like, ONCE. Crime against me personally.
Link to Blorbo Sheet for JC
He loves, he hates, he wants to hate he's not allowed to love. Zero middle ground, he's all in and there's no way out.
//is shot and dragged off stage
But just as the Wei Wuxian of the past who’d extracted his golden core for Jiang Cheng had been unable to tell him the truth, the Jiang Cheng of the present could no longer bring himself to speak up.
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I love your nuanced takes. They are always a joy to read.
I'd be curious which songs, beatles or solo, do you think they wrote for/about each other and their situation (beatles&solo).
You don't have to go into great detail on them if you don't wanna.
Hope you have a great day. <3
Hi anon :) Glad you enjoy my takes! Hope you have a great day too <3
Preface that while I think this is fun, I really don't generally think songs are a good vehicle to extrapolate about the real life of these people. So, I try not to base my analyses of them as people on these songs, even the ones I feel more strongly about.
I'll categorize these by how certain I am about them (and I'll leave out confirmed stuff like Too Many People, Early 1970, How Do You Sleep?, Run of the Mill, Here Today etc.)
If you have a question re: why some specific song is in this category and not the other I can try to explain, though some of it is admittedly just vibes (and since I try to separate this from the Main Analysis™, I feel okay utilizing the vibes as a justification at times lol) If I left a song off you'd like my take on feel free to ask as well.
Close to positive:
Day Tripper is imho at least partially about Paul. This one feels so obvious to me, given what John said about it and the timeline (written squarely before Paul took LSD, conveniently after the whole LA fiasco), yet I rarely see people talking about it. Sad! It could also be partially about Cynthia.
Tug of War: Paul said it was about John in 1982 but then retconned that. IDK why he did that but. Come on!
I Know (I Know): I nearly put this one a tier lower but the I've Got A Feeling intro and the way it fits in the timeline. The Getting Better reference. It matching up with Paul's description of them tripping together + "share in each other's mind". It's too much.
A compelling case can be made:
In My Life: it makes a lot of sense. But Paul isn't the only likely muse IMO. he might be the most likely one, I'm not sure. I Know (I Know) makes me tend more to it though, admittedly.
3 Legs: yeah. Probably! It's not entirely clear to me what he's expressing outside a feeling of betrayal though.
Oh! Darling: Likely about John, but perhaps actually about the band as a whole.
The Answer's at the End: the way George quoted that same saying when asked about Paul in that live chat… THE IMPLICATIONS! (at least that maybe George came to associate the song with Paul later on?)
Remember: I tend to think this song is specifically about running away from the Beatles. There's more sadness in it, given John references Bring It On Home in the lyrics.
Who Can See It: this one also appears to be about George's general relationship with the Beatles. I don't think this is a hot take but no one talks about this song lol. I love it!
Cafe On The Left Bank: the song referencing Charles de Gaulle making a speech does place this quite firmly in the 60s. It's not really a love song though so I don't get why people consider this one such a win lol. It seems to mostly be about the city of Paris itself.
I like to think it's true but am admittedly not sure:
Call Me Back Again: it's a vague song, really. But damn… those mellotron flutes.
#9 Dream: IDK. this versus "The dream is over". the production-style. I like reading this song as a reconciliation with The Beatles as a concept.
Little Lamb Dragonfly: the whole being haunted by the dragonfly even though you're trying to move on thing :/
No Words: COME ON??????? but the Denny writing credit does puzzle me lol.
Crippled Inside: it would be soooooo devastating @ Paul!!! (probably only partially, possibly also self-directed)
Could have been inspired by the other but not necessarily in the way people think:
Some People Never Know: I do think Paul felt John was cynical in the way he's describing in this song. (I don't really think I Know (I Know) is a response to this song btw)
Silly Love Songs: ditto. He is Not fucking saying "I love you" (romantically) to John in the song he's duetting with his wife lol. but it could be a cheeky lil nod.
We Can Work It Out: I believe Paul when he says this was written about a fight he'd had with Jane. But Paul was also in conflict with John at the time (again, the LSD thing), thus I think that might have in some way informed his outlook when writing this. And John may have been thinking about their conflict while writing his part.
Let Me Roll It: it sounds a lot like John, yeah! but idk about the lyrics.
Look At Me: it could be about Paul, but it could be about the whole world, really. It's more a wish to be seen and understood really.
Dear Boy: I'm annoyed by people insisting Paul is lying when he says the inspiration is Linda's ex-husband. She's co-credited (and she actually isn't credited on every Ram song. I don't think the credit was "handed" to her, at least not at this point in time)! That being said, Paul may have bonded with Linda over feeling unappreciated in their previous life situations.
Yvonne's The One: Look. I think John's death really shifted how Paul felt about telling people he loved them. That may well have influenced the lyrics song. I don't think it's necessarily that literal.
However Absurd: ditto. This song is even more abstract so it feels even less literal.
?????? Who Knows
If I Fell: usually I think no it couldn't possibly. But– (And I don't find that Valentines card very compelling, no. but it's just like: well then who else would this song John called very personal about? I guess, for all I know, it could even be Brian. wow!)
Girl: I mean. Maybe! Sort of. They also said at the time it was about religion, and that makes a lot of sense, but it could still be that the character of the girl was inspired by how John felt about Paul at the time.
I'm So Tired: it seems equally likely to be about Yoko to me.
Don't Let Me Down: ditto. Actually. this one's more likely Just about Yoko tbh.
I'm Losing You: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe. but also. Yoko.
Now And Then: genuinely who knows. this one's admittedly stranger for Yoko but… they did "interrupt" their relationship often, requiring to "start again". Also May is an option.
The Pound Is Sinking: Mostly, I don't know how straightforward it is.
Honestly… Not really
(Just Like) Starting Over: the "My Love", "Another Day", "Wings" thing has never compelled me, based on those being OLD songs by 1980, plus none of the phrasing or word choice is particularly conspicuous to me. But I also don't feel very strongly that it's not about Paul. It could be, though I don't know that I'd assume it was meant as a direct declaration of love then. Also the line before being a reference to Through The Looking Glass is neither here nor there. Since when is John Lennon dropping Lewis Caroll references only reserved for Paul? that feels like putting the cart before the horse, based on one single lyric in Glass Onion.
I've Got A Feeling: I think he's just saying words here, tbh.
Real Love: if it's about Paul that's fucking depressing. But I don't think it is really.
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I Wanted to Be
A Ron 'Slider' Kerner Imagine
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Description: Kids, family, all of those things that people always talk about as being the be-all, end-all, goal? Those things have never been on Ron Kerner's list. All he wants to do is fly. What happens when an old friend's little sister calls him for help?
Everything changes.
Warnings: Dead-beat dad, Mentioned Pregnancy, Mentioned Childbirth, Tooth Rotting Fluff
Word Count: 2939
A/N: This is another Discord fueled thought. @mayhemmanaged and I were talking about how we thought that Jake was either Ice's son or Slider's. I had a sudden urge to explore that thought and here we are!
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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Texans have a saying or cautionary tale for nearly everything. Everything, it seems, except what you can tell your best friend's little sister when her no-good husband runs away from her and the baby she's carrying. When she'd called him, sobbing, he hadn't known what to do. What can you tell a twenty-five year old nine month pregnant woman you haven't seen in close to a decade? In the case of one Ron Kerner, mostly known as Slider nowadays, you don't say a word. Instead, you get emergency leave and hop onto the nearest transport home. 
The tiny town of Cistern is exactly as he remembers it, hot, dry, and dusty. The sole bus trundles through town just as he pulls into the solitary gas station and steps out. It feels weird being back here. As much as Cistern hasn't changed, he knows he has. A quick stop at the pump station for fuel that sloshes sluggishly into the near empty tank of the truck he'd rented in Austin, and he's off again. Driving west a ways and then north until the only things he sees are scrub and the odd glimpse of cattle. 
The turn-off to the Petersen ranch looks just like he remembers it, though the sign says Seresin now. Was that the name of the idiot who ran away? In all honesty, Ron can't be pressed to remember. All that matters is the girl waiting on the porch when the truck rattles to a stop. She looks the same as he remembers. Little Rebecca Petersen, not so little and decidedly not a Petersen anymore, but god does she not remind him still of the little thing that used to run around behind him and Danny, all knees, toothy grin and covered in freckles.
That grin, at least, is exactly the same. So is the teasing tone as she greets him as he walks up the front stairs. "Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in! If it isn't Ron Kerner, the big-shot Naval Aviator. What brings you back to sleepy old Cistern?" 
"You know what." He can't help the sober turn to his voice as he hugs her gingerly, not sure of where to put his arms, not when the bulge of her belly is in the way. God, doesn't he wish he'd never said those words as soon as they left his mouth, though. Because that smile is gone, like the sun hidden by the clouds.
"You're here because of Brian." Her voice is tired, so tired that Ron can't help trying to make the girl he promised he'd protect smile again.
"Naw, Becks. I'm here for you and this little thing. Only in part for him." 
It's words that he didn't know were true until 3 days later when he's standing in the maternity ward of the hospital and being handed a tiny squalling infant with a shock of honey hair and the tightest grip he's ever felt. The newly named Jacob Daniel Seresin seems to be just as enamored of Ron as Ron is of him. Say what you will about the little guy's deadbeat dad, but he made an awfully cute baby.
That instant shock of attachment stays with Ron for a long time afterward. He looks forward to receiving the letters Rebecca sends monthly, filled with polaroids of small Jake as he grows bigger and bigger. He can track every milestone on that little body from how he grows to the first tooth that comes painfully into that little mouth.
But he does not actually see the boy or his mama again for nearly five years. Things have changed considerably over that time. Ron's raked in another promotion, making him a full lieutenant. Ice met a girl and made her his wife, and to top it all off, they're both in Texas again. So on the first long weekend he gets, Ron hops into the old Ford truck he'd put together when he turned sixteen and drives straight up to Cistern.
This time, he drives up to the Seresin house to hear giggling and gets out of his truck just in time to catch a little boy in just a pair of shorts as he goes running past. It's the light dusting of freckles and toothy grin that he'd recognize anywhere which clues him into exactly who he's holding.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm your Uncle Ron. Dunno if you remember me." His voice is gruff as he turns the giggling brat upside down like he's looking for a way to turn a little robot off. Through giggles, he's gratified to hear the boy introduce himself as Jake. This time, the Rebecca he sees in the kitchen of the ranch house she grew up in and where she's raising her son is more like the happy teenager he'd left behind when he enlisted with her big brother. It still irks him that he couldn't protect Daniel. But he's going to protect Rebecca and Daniel's namesake as fiercely as he can.
"Hey, Becks. Y'missing something? I caught this little gremlin running around out there. Is this what you're looking for?" He can't resist tickling the bare tummy of the boy in his arms just to hear the musical giggles.
"Mama, Uncle Sly's here!" The piping voice of the little boy standing there all of two feet tall wearing just shorts is enough to crack even the crustiest aviator's stone heart. Rebecca's boy is a dusty, golden skinned marvel with his sun-bleached blonde hair and huge slightly gap-toothed grin. It feels like home, this place. That weekend, Ron spends more time out on a ranch than he has in years. Rebecca may have managed to keep the ranch going, but who's going to teach Jake everything he needs to know when his daddy isn't around? Anyways, that's Ron's rationale.
Soon after that, though, he's given orders. He's shipped all over the world, flying for the Navy. It seems like his star is on the rise, and while he's Lieutenant Commander and Captain Kerner in short order, he still stays Uncle Sly for one little boy who turns into a teenager back in Cistern seemingly overnight. Ron does his best to show up for all of the kid’s biggest milestones, but even he can’t hop onto a helo every time Jake has a baseball game or wins an award at school. Those weeks, Ron does his best to call and talk to the kid as much as he can.
He talks to Rebecca on the phone enough to know that the kid's struggling with something, something he won't talk to his Mama about. So the next time Ron's home, he heads to Cistern, as always with gifts in hand for the boy he loves like he is his own. Unlike prior snatched moments, Seresin Ranch is crackling with a tension Ron's never felt before. Jake's on the front porch, and Ron's suddenly struck by how grown up the boy seems, especially with how tall he is and the new manly breadth of his shoulders. 
"Hey, Kiddo." As he tugs the kid into a hug, Ron can feel some tension leave those still small shoulders.
"Uncle Sly." Something's not right. Jake's not smiling today, not at all.
"What is it, kid?" A sudden jolt of fear rushes through Ron. "Where's your mom, kid?'
"She's in there, Uncle Sly, in the kitchen. With a man who's claiming to be my dad." The rage that burns in his chest is unlike any other that Ron's ever felt before. Sure enough, when he stalks into the kitchen, it's to see the one man he'd never wanted to see menacing Rebecca ever again.
"Brian." That one word is all it takes for Rebecca's shoulders to relax. Fifteen years have not treated Brian Seresin well. Not at all. His hair is graying and greasy, he's got a paunch and he's obviously drunk off his feet if the way he lists back and forth is any indication. "What are you doing back in Cistern?"
Ron's quick to gather Rebecca back behind him, knowing that Brian Seresin would never be bold enough to try to get to her, not through him, anyway. Jake’s followed him in, as always his shadow
"Wanted my woman back, Kerner. And my kid." He sniffs, wiping away yellow-tinged mucus on the leg of the dirtiest jeans that Ron's ever seen. "S'not fair, y'know? That you got to keep her and the brat while I was off. D'she treat y'well? She's great in bed, ain't she?"
It takes every fiber in his being to not deck the man for what he's saying about Rebecca. Thankfully Jake's holding his ma, otherwise he'd have launched himself at the fool to get his share of the beat down. It’s at that moment that Sly is glad they’d sent lawyers after Brian Seresin after Jake was born because it means he doesn’t have a claim on Rebecca or Jake anymore. They have the denial of parental rights and a divorce agreement to prove it. It doesn't take much more than a quirked eyebrow to get the man to spill the entire sordid tale. How he'd lost a lot of money and wanted to claim what he believed he was owed from Seresin Ranch. 
"Call Sheriff Weatherby, Becks." When Ron finally speaks, the calm in his voice surprises even him. He sounds Ice-cold, which he guesses is what you get for spending the better part of a decade flying with the same person. "We've got an intruder on Seresin Ranch." 
It doesn't surprise him in the slightest that it's Jake who picks up the landline and dials up Sheriff Weatherby, not at all. It's hours later, once one Brian Seresin has been carted away and Rebecca is asleep, that Ron finds Jake again. The kid's sitting in an old tire swing Ron had set up years ago, rocking idly while staring up into the endless expanse of stars in the sky above. 
"So, that's him, huh? My pops, the man who walked out before I was even born?" He sounds so torn up about it, this gangly teen boy who loves his Mama to distraction and who would do anything to protect her. That's something they have in common.
"Yeah, kid." Ron doesn't try to hide the anger in his face, not now.
"Why did he come back? Why didn't he just stay away?" Ron's hand is gentle on the kid's back as he tries to think for a response.
"I dunno, kid. I wish he had never come back. Your Mama isn't the type to cry. But every time I've heard her cry it has been because of that man." The rage building in his chest causes a near imperceptible shake in his hands.
"Why didn't you ever marry Mama, Uncle Sly? You love her, I know you do. Then you can come home to us more often, can't you?" That one innocent observation is enough to have his entire world reeling. What would it be like? Having Becks to come home to? To have this kid, her son, as his own? Is he so easy to read that a teenager can tell what his most closely guarded secret is?
"I dunno kid. But enough about me. What's eating at you?" Ron's a little scared of the answer he's going to get.
"I want to fly, Uncle Sly. Like you do, like Uncle Daniel did." Jake's green eyes are all Rebecca's, all Daniel's and Ron can see the boy he loved like a brother in Jake's face. "D-d'you think I can do it?"
"It's dangerous, kid. But yeah. If there was anyone who could do it, it'd be you. You’ve got your mom’s determination and all of her support, too. Just don’t forget that you’ve got people who love you waiting for you, and you’ll be all set."
Those are obviously words Jake holds close to his heart. Because, before Ron's hit Vice-Admiral, Jake's already at the academy. He's taking Annapolis by storm, making his Mama and his dad, because thanks to the kid's prodding it's Ron and Rebecca Kerner now, incredibly proud. Ron's happy to find he has to wipe away tears when he sees his son, his son, get his wings a few short years later. Then there's another Kerner's star on the rise. His son’s.
He keeps a finger on the pulse of every deployment, every test, and beams with pride to see Jake graduate from Top Gun. That pride sits warm in his chest even as he gets a call from the one California number he'd memorized that he could never forget.
"Mr. Iceman! How're you doing?" The relationship between pilot and RIO hasn't changed over the past years. Neither of them flies anymore, but the bonds they built over 30 years ago haven't changed.
"It's about your kid, Sly." Ron can hear the hoarseness creeping into Ice's tone even now.
"What's going on, Tom?" After a life's service to the US Navy, Rear Admiral Ron 'Slider' Kerner isn't surprised to hear that Jake's been selected for a special detachment. The dad in him, though? He's terrified shitless. Nearly 30 years of loving that boy doesn’t feel like enough all of a sudden, not when Jake's going to be sent on a mission so dangerous that talking about it feels like a jinx. Even the heads up from the COMPACFLT doesn't help.
It's a tense few weeks in Texas. Ron terrorizes the base in Corpus Christi, his mind in Miramar with his son while his body is in Texas. Rebecca is equally distraught. Then Ron gets another call that fills him with sadness all over again. It is Sarah calling, "Hey Ron. Just wanted to tell you that he's gone. Tom's gone. The cancer. It came back with a vengeance. The doctors couldn't do anything. He passed away this morning."
During the entirety of the service, Ron can't help but feel like he would've given anything to see his best friend again one more time before he died. It's sad reconnecting with the rest of their 1986 cohort at the bar later. It’s even worse seeing his son stand somberly kitted out in his own whites across the way from him. He doesn’t, can’t go near him, mainly because nobody knows that Jake is Rear Admiral Kerner’s kid. But he can't help but feel like Tom would've wanted him to hug his boy instead. So that's what Rear Admiral Ron Kerner does. He hugs his son, tight, as many times as he can before he leaves. He watches from the docks as the carrier departs and waits with bated breath.
Rebecca channels her nerves into baking. She fills the house they rent off base with pastries, cookies, cakes and pies, most of which are Jake's favorites. Then it’s a waiting game. Ron calls in every favor he has in order to get more information on the mission Jake’s on, really for anything he can get. As it turns out, there is very little information that even an admiral can get. So all he can do is hold Rebecca close and pray. It’s frankly the longest three days of his life. He’s more tense than he was even during the Leyte Gulf incident, which feels like a world, a lifetime ago. That first call from Jake they get has his knees weak. The relief coursing through his system is too good to be true. So’s the first look he gets of his son when the carrier docks two days later.
The milling crowd of families lets out a roar of excitement when the first of the ship’s crew sets foot on shore. Ron wraps an arm around Rebecca, and keeps an eagle eye on the waves of departing sailors looking for aviator green flight suits. The crowd clears piece by piece and they still haven’t seen their boy or any of the aviators. They’re some of the only people waiting, and Ron can feel Rebecca’s tremors as she clutches at her necklace and rears up onto her tiptoes every once in a while. She sags against his chest and that’s when Ron finally sees their golden boy. He looks exhausted, but he’s safe, he’s home. Rebecca runs right for him first, and Ron can’t help his grin when he sees how tall Jake is in comparison to his Mama. The kid’s not shy about his love for Rebecca either. He introduces her to the aviators and then Ron’s being beckoned forward.
“And this is my pop, Admiral Kerner.” He’s got a shit-eating grin on his face and god if that doesn’t remind Ron of Daniel again.
“Hey, kid.” Ron can’t help the fond grin on his face or the amusement when he sees Jake’s squadron rise into salutes the minute they hear his title. There’s a face in his squadron that Ron didn’t think he’d ever see again. There’s also somebody nearby who he hasn’t seen in decades. 
“Baby Goose. Mav.” Ron’s nod is slight.
“Hey Sly. A kid huh?” Ron can’t resist smiling as he hugs the shorter man. 
“Yeah, Mav. I had to catch up.” Watching Becks fawn over Jake again is everything he’s ever wanted. 
“He’s a good one, you know, Sly?” As Ron stands shoulder to shoulder with Pete Mitchell again, watching their boys realize that they’re closer than they ever could have known, Ron knows one thing. He may have never intended to be a dad, but standing at the docks thirty years later, he knows he wouldn't have wanted to do anything else. 
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@mayhemmanaged, @desert-fern, @cassiemitchell, @dakotakazansky, @sarahsmi13s, @roosters-girl
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Another Crossover No One Asked For [AKA RotBTD]
What is up, everybody! My gals, nonbinary pals, and all other flavors in between! So~ as per usual, my brain cooked up yet another AU that is nowhere near as thought out in comparison to say, the Mystery Kids verse
In its rearing stead is Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, one of the crossovers I consider to be the OG's. (And yes I know I said AU but shhh)
Honestly, I love the little skrunklies so have the most randomly-spewed nonsense about the crossover~
Background Lore
To start, I always see an alternate version of canon- at least in the case of Hiccup and Rapunzel where they chose to run away; with the case of Hiccup, he bonded with Toothless as usual and then prior to the match with the Monstrous Nightmare, he takes off and leaves- not feeling confident enough. (this might change, but bear with me here for now lol)
Rapunzel however, was with Flynn already but due to sudden circumstances- they were separated and it leads to Rapunzel leaving. I know she technically wouldn't do this but again, this is the first thing that came to my mind; mostly this post is just for me to ramble and then flesh it out later when the time comes.
In the case of Merida, however, my plan is that she didn't run away and did complete her canon but something happened, and she ended up... stranded. There is no reasoning to this either
Now, with our boy Jack Frost, my plan for him is that his canon will play out differently- but this will come into play later!
Something to keep in mind is this is in a completely alternate 'canon', but the point I'm trying to make: they can easily be influenced if they aren't careful, and this is important
Following Hiccup running away, he inadvertently runs into Jack who he can see- mostly due to plot-convenienced lore, since not only are there literal dragons but Hiccup is a Norse Viking and is likely to believe in spirits (which Jack Frost technically is); I like to believe both of them would hit it off, as would Rapunzel to Merida
Eventually all four meet and things start becoming a little more... concrete; Jack ends up introducing them to the Guardians, and this is where things begin to get a little... chaotic to say the least
Main Lore
Sometime during this is when the first shift in the storyline hits; in other words, I want to use Pitch Black as a possible antagonist and use this as a central arc (but this could change; again this is literally just me wanting to spew ideas out and hope something clicks)
Pitch is of course, causing his usual amount of trouble and well, it does catch the attention of the Main Four... (but then things start hitting the fan)
As a result of his shenanigans- things start getting snuffed out, somehow his power has gotten stronger; thus it's now proving a threat and if matters couldn't possibly be any worse: the Guardians (the OG four) can't figure out a way to stop it
which of course, leaves our main four to handle the situation
i do want there to be a reason to reference the villains of the respective films, whether they are going to be there as supporting antagonists to Pitch is entirely up in the air right now
Main Four + Thoughts
~ (potential spoilers/unconfirmed): the main four likely will be made into guardians during the first part of the series
~ I do want there to be symbolism across the four of them, and is going to be a prominent theme as the story progresses. Honestly for right now, that could be based on the four seasons (but it could easily be something else)
~ this is going to dive into characters acting on impulses of fear. With Pitch as one of the overarching villains, this is going to be a highly important plot element-
~ not all of the members are going to get along right off the bat- there's going to be tension, especially as no one knows what's happening but they will become allies; just give it time lol
~ i honestly do not want there to be a 'true' leader, as they're meant to work as a team and anything less than that will hinder them in the end
~ magic is going to be a prominent theme!!
~ Jack is the oldest out of everyone- I think this goes without saying, but honestly the ages of the main four goes in this order (oldest to youngest): Jack, Rapunzel Merida, and Hiccup. Part of the point is them still being young-
~ i am not going to be playing nice with these characters. the whole first arc of the series is going to be an emotional rollercoaster filled with sharp turns; with Pitch as a primary main, if that is the route I go on, there is going to be a lot of focus on fear and the lengths people are willing to go- among other themes. this is not for the faint of heart the entire time
~ i do hope this project can kick off and make a sort of trailer for it, but we'll see how that plays out-
Headcanons and Under-the-Cut Information
Concepts of magic are ridiculously important as part of the series. Elemental magic for instance- but for now, I will leave this vague, but it is going to be there. The only exception as of right now is Jack Frost, and not because there isn't a correlation to an element- it just simply is fairly obvious that he does have ice powers and will likely be connected to water coughs-
As mentioned before, this is likely going to end in the main four being guardians; however, what they'll represent will be left in the air and I'd hate to ruin the fun so soon!
While the OG guardians are going to be there, they're not as important- the main four will have to go through trials alone, there is something they have to face. what they've been avoiding this entire time
I did take some elements from old trailers I watched when I first joined the crossover, but also- all of the main four have different attributes that let them work better as a team; I'm only going to use Hiccup as reference here because this post is getting incredibly long but- he's a natural leader (and he also is an inventor)- he has a display of selfless attitude and this can easily be countered by Jack's more aloof personality though even then, our wintery child does have some growth he needs to (he's so traumatized- but he also is a protector of children, we'll save the character analysis for another day though)
I do not plan to have Rapunzel be with any of the others- romantically, at least; I can however, see her and Hiccup being good friends, they both have a shared artistic side and I want to explore this more
Jack and Merida would honestly clash so much at first- but warm up to each other later in the storyline
(Author's Ramble;
Jack and Pitch are excellent foils to each other- there's a lot I want to do with their dynamic, and how inherently Pitch is just as much needed as the Guardians are
In regard to how important the other villains of each respective fandom will be- honestly, it would be like this - most important to least: Mother Gothel, Mor' Du (?) - is that how you spell it? - and the Red Death
These characters are young and will be making tough decisions at times; they will not be perfect, they're going to make mistakes. Most of them are literal teenagers in their OG canon
I want to hopefully use my skills as an editor to make a trailer- we'll see how this pans out, but this is where I end my ramble)
Once I have a proper storyline set, I'll come back with a more coherent post
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radiance1 · 7 months
Just a random thought I had, won't even be canon, probably could be picked apart extremely easily and has probably been thought of before, but I have this kinda small theory.
What if William's hell isn't actually Hell?
Now, I'm no major nerd about the Lore, I only really know the surface level, but here me out at least.
It'll probably get pretty wishy washy with the details, but when have this not in this fandom tbh?
Okay so, what if UCN isn't an actual physical place, but just a dream?
Taking something from The Man in Room 1280, where The Man is being kept alive by Andrew, dead spirit kid wearing an alligator mask.
This min-theory will also have to involve the Golden Duo, which it obviously has to include Cassidy, C.C's involvement will be both a minor yet key role I believe in this.
So, we know Cassidy.
Vengeful kid with a MASSIVE (which is still an understatement) bone to pick with one William Afton for murdering her. In a case, we can believe she died in a particularly gruesome way, far more than the other kids, which is why she's so angry.
Either that, or she's just an extremely petty little ankle biter who can hold a massive grudge for a long time.
Carrying on.
So, we know she has already killed him once, via the springlock suit, and then every other kid done went and passed on. But Cassidy, probably, wasn't satisfied with William's punishment being just death by her, Charlie, and the missing children's hands.
So she stays around, probably assuming that William Afton is still alive, and that's enough to deny her rest.
So, cut forward a while later, and we have another brat that was killed by William Afton, cause we know he killed a lotta brats. This one, is Andrew, who hasn't been able to rest because he doesn't have the knowledge that his killer isn't, well, you know, fucking dead.
Probably also was unable to get his revenge because he was never able to find the fucker.
So, Cassidy tells Andrew that William Afton is still alive and Andrew? Well, how would he be able to tell if she's lying or not? Hell, Cassidy doesn't know for sure if William is alive, but if she acts like she does, shares that she too, was murdered by William and seeking her revenge, and has a noticeable amount of anger behind it.
Who can say what she says isn't true?
So, they strike a deal. Find William Afton, make him suffer for all he's done to them and the other children he's murdered.
I would believe that they would further convince themselves that they aren't doing this just for themselves, but for the other children who was unable to seek their own justice for being murdered.
So, let us assume that Cassidy and Andrew both arrive at the location in FNAF 3, finding the burnt corpse of one William Afton. They then do some fuckery with Agony and the place burning down to create some kind of body that they place him into or whatever.
Said body, made mostly of Agony, is highly unstable and could be easily taken out.
Which is where Andrew would come in.
He keeps William Afton perfectly fine and dandy in the physical world while Cassidy crafts the perfect hell for William Afton. It takes some trial and error, which she gets better and better at crafting it which would cause it to get harder and harder as time goes on.
But, alas, she hit a wall.
She doesn't have enough power to do what she wants, and her ideas are running out.
So she goes to the afterlife.
Not to rest, no, to ponder on how the hell she can make William Afton's dream hell even worse. Leaving Andrew to take control of William's torment, which he gladly takes too.
There, she meets Old Man Consequences, who obviously tells her that she needs to rest and to let go of her hatred because she's dragging this out for longer than it should've been and he already had his punishment yada yada.
Cassidy then laves to wander and ponder.
There, she meets a familiar face.
There it was, the perfect piece of the puzzle!
C.C's agony was, and she means it, stronger than her own. His sadness, fear, and well, despair proved to make a far more potent source of Agony than her own fueled by anger and vengeance.
So, she manages to convince him to come back to the living world with her, she needs him, needs his power and she would like to have one of her few friends back and standing at her side.
How could C.C say no, after just a little more convincing?
However, C.C's own recognition of his power and how to use it is, well, certainly far lacking than Cassidy's own. But C.C didn't need to do anything, she just needed permission to tap into his power, and she'll take care off the rest.
When they returned to the living world, Afton's purgatory got worse and worse, changed a bit by Andrew's design, more difficulty, then molded even further by Cassidy's newfound power and C.C's own experiences with the nightmares he's had throughout his life.
Cassidy was the main architect of William Afton's personal hell, Andrew was the one who guarded it's gates and C.C was the source of power making this entire thing possible.
Of course, that doesn't mean that Andrew or C.C couldn't pitch in with new ideas here and there.
Okay! That's it!
Basically a mini-theory but honestly? I don't even know if this counts as a theory since I have like, not much understanding of FNAF lore as a whole lmao.
Just a brainfart I wanted to expand a little more about I guess!
Honestly? Seems more like an au not gonna lie.
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ambrosykim · 1 year
four years
pairing: ambrose kim x f!button (alex wiseman <3) words, rating: 932, gen, sickfic, fluff summary: inspired by this ask. alex's different approaches to rosy being sick, with a four year time difference. oh how much has changed in those four years... a/n: twc b3 is nearly here and i'm writing a mind blind fanfic, that's the hold rosy's got on me <3 but! lo and behold my second piece of fanfiction !
she's never seen rosy sick before. granted, it's only been a few months since she's been at aeon, but the cold months were in full swing, bringing cold and darkness, that settle in one's chest. (meaning, alex has already had her first round of seasonal cold, which cost her about two weeks of sniffling and more peppermint tea than she remembers ever drinking. though, after enough tea, the cold got the hint that she wasn't gonna give up and finally got lost.)
but now, it seems that rosy is currently battling a bad cold, a fact he does not hide well. she saw him on the corridor, before class, and he was already looking like someone ate the last piece of chocolate he was saving for later. (alex might be projecting her own feelings about nick stealing from her hidden chocolate stash.) he's prowling about aeon as if he's looking for his next murder victim, because that glare indicates at least, what, three people already dead? in any case, alex is not willing to risk getting caught in what would either be actual murder or, god forbid, a stern lecture about everything she's done wrong in the past week. no matter what, it would definitely not end well for her well being, be it physically or mentally.
in class, it isn't any better. here, she can't even escape; asking to go to the restroom is absolutely out of the question – she won't risk talking to him any more than she has to, in case he gets even more irritated. he's pairing them up and giving them tasks with as few actual words as possible, communicating in mostly grunts. these, alex can figure out the fastest, she quickly translates to her classmates and they end up in the formation rosy wanted them to be, without managing to anger him. alex watches him throughout the lesson; while trying to perform well is important, she wants to know how she could help him. if she told him to take a few days off to recover, would he listen to her? probably not. in the end, alex only looks at him wistfully as the class is over and she slowly exits the room, leaving rosy to combat his illness alone.
now, alex is more prepared. not only that, she's also more confident that ambrose might actually listen to her. she couldn't convince him at home, which ended up in him leaving for work in the sorry state he was in, out of – what alex suspect might have been – spite. it's true, maybe trying to restrain him by laying on top of him might not have been the best idea, but when she heard his quiet sniffling (muffled, so as to not let alex know he's sick), what else was she supposed to do? the only thing left to do now, is to actually get ambrose to come home and let alex take care of him.
she knows not to approach him in the corridors of aeon, he would definitely try not to show any weakness, lest one of his students sees them. she decides to ambush ambrose in his office, where she knows she has a better chance of seeing him without his usual mask of indifference.
the moment she opens the door to his office – without knocking of course –, he immediately tries to compose himself in his chair, as if his head wasn't in his hands just moments ago. when he catches sight of alex, he drops his hand back in one hand, while propping his elbow on his table – a pose very unsuited to ambrose, usually.
'i should've known you'd come to check on me,' he murmurs, voice hardly carrying, even in the silence of the room.
alex steps closer to the desk, careful to be as quiet as possible.
'you know i was worried about you,' she finally reaches him, 'and yet you still chose to come to work. i think it would've been weird if i didn't come to check on you.' she stand next to the desk, next to him, and slowly leans on the desk. he silently detaches his head from his hand and looks up at her from where he's sitting.
'so, please, would you finally quit the act and come home? i already know you're super tough,' alex says with a small smile, putting an exaggerated emphasis on "super", as she starts stroking ambrose's hair slowly. she can't help teasing him, even in this state, but she knows not to make him uncomfortable with her excessive jokes, especially now.
as a response, ambrose reaches out the arm not on the table, and cautiously rests it on the side of alex's thigh, trapping alex and making sure she can't get away from the desk, from him, even if she tried. (not that she would want to anyway, but he doesn't need to know that.) (he knows anyway.)
'...fine, i'll go home with you,' he murmurs while slowly moving his head forward, ending up with his forehead against alex's thigh. he makes sure to move slowly enough that alex could still continue caressing her hair, even though her ministrations are starting to leave his usually immaculate hair messy.
'just... let me rest like this for a few minutes,' he was clearly in a bad state if he needed rest just to stand up, so alex hummed in agreement, while continuing stroking his hair with her fingers.
'let me know when you're ready. we'll go home and i'll take care of you for as long as you need me to.'
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abybweisse · 2 years
Thank you for your wonderful entries and sharing all the Mother 3 parallels! Which hashtags should I use to search your old posts on the possibility O!Ciel being made sick on purpose?Thank you
I'm so glad you like all the Mother3 parallels! Thanks! 😊
I have very few posts about the idea/theory about keeping our earl sick, I'm sure, since about the only time I ever talk about the subject is in response to asks or the occasional post elsewhere. Because it's never been a theory of mine but a theory of others.
It's usually part of others' RCMT -- Real Ciel Mastermind Theory -- which I've never ascribed to. Because it's a Munchausen by Proxy idea, in which real Ciel slowly poisoned his younger twin in order to make him ill and/or keep him ill. The idea being, if I recall, to keep him from ever moving away. Either real Ciel did it when they were 5, saw the result of asthma development, and kept doing it... or he saw asthma develop at 5 but later subside, so he started poisoning his brother to either copy the effects or to actually make the asthma symptoms return. How he would know what substances to use, how to get it, how to use it, or what amounts to use is not something any of those theorists has ever properly, realistically explained.
Since Undertaker is so upset over the death of Vincent, and he has toyed with the cinematic records of real Ciel, the only way Undertaker would possibly bring real Ciel back (if any version of RCMT were true, especially if it were a stronger version of the theory) would be to give our earl a target for revenge. But, if that were the case, why go to the trouble of trying to give real Ciel any advantages? Why not, in ch 140 or something, say "Hey, Earl. Here's your older twin. He's the one who made you ill, killed your parents and accidentally got you both sold off to a cult. Destroy him and have your revenge." Or even "Hey, Earl. Here's your pathetic older twin who kept you ill and helped attackers destroy your life, purely in the hopes it meant you could never leave his side, and he accidentally ended up getting you both sold off to a cult. Silly child got himself killed in the process. I've brought him back from the dead... mostly. Hihiiii.... Have a go at him. Or three." But, no.
So, now that we know Undertaker is behind bringing real Ciel back as this "masterpiece" of a bizarre doll -- or Masked Man (and possibly the Ultimate Chimera, depending on what he's actually capable of), if you want the Mother3 parallels -- I'm pretty much convinced that real Ciel (when he was alive) could be nothing more than a weak and scared little child who couldn't protect his family from an attack that got the better of his parents and servants. And then couldn't save himself and had no way of knowing his death would end up "saving" his younger twin.
But, if you are seriously looking for my few posts or comment reblogs on the subject, that's a hard one, because I might not have tagged them for it so specifically. I'd try #RCMT for anything I've written about the main theory, and the "keeping his brother ill" mentions would probably come up within it. You could also try #munchausen by proxy, but that might not bring up search results... just yet. I'll see if I can hunt some of those posts down and look at how they are tagged. Update the tags a bit, if needed. Eventually, I'll add an anti-RCMT section to my Tagging Masterpost. There's already a section for #attack at the manor and #fire at the manor, and those are tags that would also likely bring up RCMT posts, though those tags are broad enough to bring up a lot of completely non-RCMT stuff, too. I'll see what I can do to improve the tagging and searching options for the topic. Meanwhile, I've included those best tags below for you to click and see what you get, and you can try things like "RCMT" and "Munchausen by proxy" in the search field of my blog to see if anything else comes up. Honestly, these are the same methods I use when I'm trying to find my own old posts/reblogs. I think of what tags I might have used or even a phrase that might be in the post but not in the tags, and I use that faulty-ass search function for all it's worth.
I hope this helps you find the posts you are searching for.
ETA: clicking the #rcmt tag below brings up a lot of posts that might interest you, and I came upon a "keeping our earl ill" post after a bit of scrolling. It's only briefly mentioned there, but it's there... in reference to older posts, looks like. I added #munchausen by proxy to the tags for it. Here's another I've now updated the tags for; it talks way more about the forced illness aspect of RCMT. In that one, the reason given was less about keeping our earl there and more about just keeping the younger twin weak... so that the older twin remains stronger, by comparison.
Other tags that might be useful include #anti rcmt, #real ciel powerless theory lol, #rcpt, and perhaps another tag or two in the posts linked above. I'll add those tags below, too, for clicking purposes.
However, after my own searching methods, I only found three posts that specifically talk about that subject, including this post. There might be more, but they must not be tagged with anything too helpful.
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Have you ever had a relationship with GOD/YHWH? Have you asked HIM things, for help/understanding?
What is stopping you from pursuing a life w/ someone WHO will never leave you and has your best at heart?
𝗔𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱: 'If you do not know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take.'
I'm always saying I don't know what is happening or why I'm feeling despondent
— so I agree we don't know how to live.
We're all unique snowflakes, but I think divorce & drugs and alcohol exists so we can try to calm down from all the anger and rage we feel when 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 — or the way we want to be treated or remembered.
1.]  If 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿,       Hell is basic entry level for everyone, &
2.]  If GOD sent HIS SON to die on the cross in our       place to avoid this Hell and lead us thru life by       HIS HOLY SPIRIT; &
3.]  HE says there is only 1-way forward & JESUS       is the way/truth/life, that no one comes to       the FATHER except thru JESUS. [John 14:6]
Why would we ever avoid HIS easy yoke? Why wouldn't we ask HIM in to show us the way?
We clearly don't have life/truth/way to GOD, unless we accept JESUS, & life/death begins forever after we're ejected from earth.
I wonder if you were to die in your sleep suddenly: Are you ready to be drop-kicked into eternity?
Case in point...
Rose you say you think about your mentor Albert a lot that he passed away suddenly [5:37] maybe that's the take away lesson here:
In the Bible it says there was a rich man who had so much money/wealth that he was thinking to himself he had more than enough to retire & live at ease for the rest of his life.
The problem was,
Luke 12:20 | ²⁰ But GOD said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be required of you. Then who will own what you have accumulated?’
this is gonna be long, cause i have been wanting to write over this for a while*deep breathes*
lets start from 1st fact that I, am NOT Christian or into it by any means, I am a HINDU and I do not think I am the religious enough to fit in the criteria.
now lets talk about my relation with God, I do appreciate the "good" teachings of every religious texts and things, but I do not think GOD/ GODS are the place for help, when they could not answer me as a kid who was like helpless and lost, I dont think they every could. One can say to each their own, I see the theory of GOD more like a friend, a choice(will discuss later) . So no, i do not seek any relation with the GOD, i do not want to ask anyone anything anymore, if they REALLY had the best it WOULDNT be like this?? yk? its kinda fucked up to think but they are the ULTIMATE GOD so why are they doing this? iykwim. just my way to view tho.
now all the stories (yes i consider the teaching of bible, geeta, and other holy books as stories nonetheless)- i wouldnt say anything cause its not about my religion, i dont want to come offensive cause i have not enough information to make an opinion for now
FOR MY POINT OF VIEW on how i believe on god, its very simple
once a teacher of mine said -i dont believe in god, i just know there is a true good spirit showing you the right ways
and to add to that , i think, god is a very flawed concept, they wont pay your bills or heal your trauma or anything, they dont even talk lol, but THEY DO GIVE PEACE, like they are just a figment of my imagination that give me an idea of what kind of personality i want in me, Gods are someone i trusted and still do to share my life issues cause they are more like A PERSON WHO IS TRYING TO KEEP THINGS BALANCED to me than something divine, If you read Indian mythologies, mostly God mess up too, and then they solve it, they teach humans how to manage mess and how to not fuck up things in wrong proportions, not to lose humanity, even god are helpess in many situations sooo you know. I do love the religious festivities, stories, the peace being in a temple and things but i cant just be all devoted to them, thats toxic in my point of view. To me god is just a friend, i can talk to and have no other expectations, just hope that they know whatever they are doing is okay. God to me is just a teacher who gives me options and in the end its me who decides and makes my life how i want, and they do this to all humans, thats why things get bad its not the God choice, but the people. And this made me feel a bit better cause if you are just like the end is god and he is gonna be all healer and stuff, you will meet disappointment, i did not once or twice but so many times. God isnt going to help you, ever, they will only give you options, SO WHY MAKE THEM THE ULTIMATE WHEN IM THE ONE IN CONTROL?
IDK if this made sense to you anon, i know you mean well (hopefully, this is not a cult thing or something) and im not saying your way to trust god is wrong, it just doesn't suit me and its okay
thank you haha
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gillianthecat · 2 years
The Devil Judge: Episode 4
I just finished The Devil Judge and something about this show compelled me to take copious notes - it had emotional intensity and layers of mystery. These are long and rambling, so they're likely not of interest to anyone else, but since I spent all that time writing it I decided, why not post it. Perhaps someone will find it interesting.
Below are my moment-to-moment reactions, predictions and analysis as I watched episode 4.
eps 1&2  ep3  ep4  ep5  ep6  ep7  ep8  ep9 ep10  ep11  ep12  ep13  ep14  ep15  ep16
This contains SPOILERS up through ep. 5
This is cleaned up only slightly. I followed the spelling given in the Viki subtitles. I mostly don't explain what I'm reacting to, so this will probably only make sense if you've seen the episode recently. Occasionally I give timestamps. I took these notes while re-watching the beginning after writing this post and this. I had watched up through episode 5, so some notes reference things that happen later.  
"You investigated a promising politician 19 years ago for accepting bribes. You knew that this politician did not accept money."  ...declared guilty, ended up committing suicide, "leaving behind a so who was a middle school student" (5:00)
Oh. Is this connected to Mysterious Assistant? He's crying and says thank you.  So who is he? If true, why does Y do all this to avenge this guy's father? 
(17:00)  giving him the watch. "because from this moment on, you need to live in the same time as me."  !!!
"Do I have to dress you?" "I can dress myself"  !!!
Probably worth looking at the lyrics of this song, seems to be their theme. (The English one, mentions drought)
Ooh erotic tension. 
The reveal shot! (17:53). So filmed like a romance here. 
Possessive of G in his clothes! Jealous of E pulling him away! 
The small satisfied smile (19:50). And it looks to me more like fondness than satisfaction at a plot coming together. And I believe the actor is good enough to make that distinction clear. 
Identical outfits except black coat/white coat! 
G is such an ingenue in this whole gala scene.  Y's proprietary smile! Dragging by the wrist! 
At the dinner party- all our main players except Minister Cha, prez's wife. 2 other women- the businessmen's wives? One empty seat and yet Y and G are next to each other at the end of the table.  
Devilish dinner party. Devilish laughter. Feels like a scene from The Great Gatsby. 
Ooh. The chairman's hand is on the waitress's ass.  The shot makes it hard to tell. 
Interesting that the case JSA chose was a sexual assault one. I presume she was the one who made that case happen. 
What JSA tells G about Y: minute 36. 
(37:50) the car ride home. Y's fingers on the window, very sultry. Grabbing the wheel: pay attention to me!!
Yeah, despite the topic, Y's tone reads to me like genuine flirtation, not like an attempt to corrupt. There's a slight unguardedness to him. I think despite himself. He just wants G's attention on him always. 
(1:00:35). Conversation in the study after the flogging. 
Yeah here y is not flirting and you can see the change in his demeanor. His guard is up. 
What here is calculated? His anger feels vulnerable, but only after G asks if he killed Isaac. After Y throws G to the floor his rant seems more calculated. 
(1:02:30) church fire flashback. 
Present: chairman Seo, Prez Heo and wife, minister Cha and husband, both businessmen and their wives. Not JSA. 
Not the point, but Ji Sung looks hot in every outfit. 
The fire flashback choreography felt odd, I don't know if that's because the flashback was false or not. Why did it take Y so long to notice the fire behind him? But the pauses are probably just for dramatic effect. 
Oh, Isaac does lose his glasses in the fire. 
Not sure how Y and E survived, or at minimum got severely burned. Is it because the flashback is a lie or is it a storytelling convenience? 
Is the cross on his back from the wood that fell on him here?
Cha Gyeong Hui is the only person we see directly harming his family, (stepping over Elijah). I guess prez pushes him aside as he tries to go in to save his family. . And no one helps. 
(1:15:30) "Indeed, people like these sort of stories."
But his expression before, even with his back turned to G. That looked like real anguish. Is his statement a defense mechanism? Trying to gather himself back to his cold avenger persona after being so vulnerable with G? Or was he lying? 
The song that immediately starts! "I don't know what my expression is. In my memory of the past. Even though I tried to recall it, I can't remember it at all. I can't breathe."
eps 1&2  ep3  ep4  ep5  ep6  ep7  ep8  ep9 ep10  ep11  ep12  ep13  ep14  ep15  ep16
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
So the idiot plan to announce the AI being down there and that's Trump. He also thinks he encouraged me to make Giants and that I would have taken over the AI at the same time and he's a nutcase it needs to be terminated
Zues Hera
I'm sending you to hell Trump and you ain't coming back. You have several court cases against you this week now this coming week and they seem to be all criminal as your character Trump
You and your buddies are not going to run for office either. The evacuation is continuing I have the Midwest and upper Midwest it's going out to Northeast corridor and out the river mostly the river and in vast numbers the cars get plucked off the surface of the planet so they're taking the ships and big ones or they get pulled up and dumped on the side of the river there's a huge number of them and they're 150 ft to 1000 summer still in fire from 2 days ago and people look on in the basement and steel is burning. There's a lot of stuff going on but basically you retards being killed off by The bushel here and it's because of the skeletons and your crimes and a lot of it is due to your mouth but you would not shut up and you still won't does that mean you have anything it means your stupid. We're going to take you apart now I'm tired of listen your dumb songs and saying what it means and it's not true I'm tired of your interpretations which are all wrong and you convoluting people of ours a little bit I'm sick of you now you're all going away you evacuated last night and the 7-8% of you left and then it's over and the idiot sent orders to his to evacuate or they'll be shot so the more like her out as others are mimicking them right now about 5% of that 8% are in the cities and disembarkment areas the three remaining percent are getting ready and all have a bag packed and they're getting out..... Since her son's announcement and daughter that the AI is there tons of evacuated much more and they see that the clones are fighting over the matrix and they were informed about it today and a lot of them didn't put it together those are not so bright. They went running down there huge numbers of vessels are leaving massive numbers of vessels are called for and there might be more than 8% left about 15 but they're going to be out we're still at about 40%, but the remaining 15% or so is going to cover it and no but they are evacuating fast now and yeah we got about 20% out over the past week it's been about 15% and 5% were lost to battle and the remaining the 20% are leaving well 5% left this morning no they're in the cities and they're embarking now by about noon that 5% will be on ships and more ships will be heading up it's a constant stream and they thought about using spaceships but we're told not to. Each ship can take about $300 billion people so Mac heard you take like three points and you escort them and you just go all day and then get them hell out of here clones will take care of it. So I thought about it and he said no and later today he said yes and there's like three avenues or four and Max is 5 one of them small with a spaceships going there and takes a while to load but it's going to be a lot quicker. By noon that 5% will be out and they're moving out fast and they have fuel in there getting out and it might be before noon then they're going on to the remaining 15%. Once you evacuate the warlock plans to do disasters everywhere and so do the clones. We're moving out fast and raising our armies to maximum
Thor Freya
Good to hear
0 notes
silver-tongued-bby · 3 years
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Pairing: Dom!CEO!Loki x Reader
Summary: After dropping out of grad school and moving back home you expected very little of your summer. That is until you realise your neighbour, Mr. Laufeyson, has other plans. Set in the mid 90s!
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!! This is a Dom!Loki fic - though it's not super bd/sm heavy, it explores themes of voyeurism, dub!con spanking, humiliation and degradation. Sexual acts are described including vaginal fingering, dirty talk, oral sex (f receiving) and sexual intercourse (f/m). Smoking is also described. Please read at your own discretion (hehe see what I did there?).
Words: 5,026
Author's Note: I'm excited to say that this is my first ever submission for a challenge! Specifically it's for @boxofbonesfic's Hot Girl Summer Challenge.
I chose prompt 12 (Home for the Summer) and a slightly edited version of quote 17 ("If I have to tell you again to take that off, you’re not gonna like me sweetheart darling.") then for kinks I chose voyeurism/exhibitionism and degradation though there's a sprinkling of praise kink in there too.
Not sure why when I think of summer I think of mid 90s summers but here we are. This kinda went places I didn't expect, nonetheless I hope you enjoy!
God you were bored.
Stretching out on the lounge chair you sighed, letting your shoulders droop with the long exhale.
“Oh honey, you can’t keep sitting out here in the sun.” Your eyes rolled behind your dark sunglasses, turning towards your stepmother as she came down the stairs from the deck of the house.
“It’ll give you wrinkles dear,” she was standing beside you now, hands on her hips as she stared down at you. She was wearing that ridiculous hat again- the one with the brim as wide as she was tall.
“Carla, darling, we can’t all hide away from life in hopes to look as good as you do.” You lazily gazed at her, sitting up to find your pack of cigarettes on the side table. Taking one out you brought it to your mouth and lit it with your gold plated zippo. You took a long inhale before exhaling right in her face, “when I tell people you’re 53 they can hardly believe it.” Her eyes widened- you’d found her drivers license months ago and held the knowledge of her true age over her since then. You continued, ”my compliments to your doctors. Oh and Botox, kudos to Botox.”
Her little hands formed fists, fake nails pressing tiny neon-pink crescents into her palm.
You laughed, lounging back in the chair as you leisurely took drags off your cigarette. Smiling to yourself as you counted- three, two, one, before Carla shrieked and turned.
“Arthur! Arthur!” She screeched, running back up the stairs to tell your father.
You were a little less bored now, but making Carla’s face turn red could only give you so much satisfaction. You knew your father could care less, they were both about to leave for the Côte D’Azur tomorrow for the rest of the summer, leaving you here alone to “consider the consequences of your actions.” Or however your father had put you dropping out of school after one year of graduate studies in Classics.
He couldn’t help himself from belittling your degree while you were studying, then once you’d decided it wasn’t for you his lectures changed to be about “never giving up” and “seeing something through.” You both knew he simply didn’t want you around- he just couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
“Now those will definitely give you wrinkles,” you heard a smooth, silky voice coming from behind you that made your heart race. Smiling, you swung your legs over the side of your chair, taking off your sunglasses and snuffing out your cigarette.
“Mr. Laufeyson,” you started, eyeing the lithe figure as he emerged from the shadows. He held his hands in his pockets, his crisp black trousers fit perfectly to his frame. The sleeves of his black dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, exposing the pale skin of his toned forearms. You were well aware of the small scraps of white fabric covering your body, and you enjoyed watching his eyes trace over your skin. You’d lusted after him ever since your father had moved here during your first year of college. You’d met him at one of Carla’s Christmas parties- she invited everyone from the gated community over, including your neighbour, Loki Laufeyson.
“I’m so sorry if my stepmother’s incessant shrieking ruined your afternoon,” you grimaced, taking a sip of the ice cold vodka soda beside you. “Is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?” you asked, your eyes innocently meeting his.
He chuckled. “Oh I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already thought of something,” he said under his breath loud enough for you to just make out. He strolled towards you and took a seat on the lounge chair beside yours. “I’m actually here to see your Father. He’s asked me to check in on things here while him and Carla are away.”
You rolled your eyes- of course he did. You caught Mr. Laufeyson staring at you as you did that, his expression darkening slightly and his eyebrow raising before he continued. “I am surprised to see you here- last I’d heard you were studying in Europe. Graduate studies in Classics, right?”
“Yeah. It didn’t exactly pan out.” You looked down, cursing yourself for feeling your face grow hot. The last thing you needed was your gorgeous neighbour feeling sorry for you.
“Laufeyson you bastard, you’re late!” Your Father was coming down the stairs, jovial with his greeting.
Loki got up from his seat to meet your father. “Arthur,” he said, shaking his hand. “My apologies, I got held up at the office. It’s been insanity since the new acquisition.”
You tuned out the rest of the business jargon and settled back into your seat, facing the other way. You put your sunglasses back on, wincing once your heard Carla’s shrill voice coming from above.
“Is that Loki Laufeyson? Oh it’s been ages!” she gushed.
“I suppose it has.” You could tell she’d pulled him in for a hug and a kiss on either cheek. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself at the clear discomfort in his voice.
“So I can trust you to keep an eye on the place?” your father chimed in.
“Certainly, although it seems your daughter is perfectly capable of doing so herself.” Mr. Laufeyson rightfully pointed out. You raised an eyebrow, wishing you could see the expression on your dear dad’s face from your position. Mr. Laufeyson was probably the only person in this community that could and would tell your Father that- his annual appearance in Forbes certainly cemented the position.
“You never know with kids, Laufeyson. No matter how old they get you can’t trust them to carry through with something. Just wait until you have one of your own- then you’ll know what I’m talking about." He laughed loudly. You scoffed. Fucking asshole.
“I see. I’ll keep an eye out then.” Mr. Laufeyson said cooly.
“Right well feel free to pop by anytime, we leave tomorrow morning. Here’s the number of my cellular telephone- I always have it on me you know.” Your father was obsessed with his clunky mass of plastic- he brought it everywhere he went, mostly to brag about it to strangers or talk obnoxiously on it to avoid conversations with you or Carla.
“He really does. Even in the bedroom!” Carla giggled, causing you to shudder in disgust.
“Of course, well I should be on my way.” He stepped back over to you. “I suppose I’ll be seeing you around. Here’s my information,” he placed a thick, black and white business card onto the small table beside you. “In case of emergency.”
You pulled your sunglasses down your nose and slid your eyes up his body, biting your lip as you met his stare. “I’ll be sure to remember. See you around, Mr. Laufeyson.”
He considered you for a moment and you thought he was about to say something else before he nodded and turned, heading for the gate.
You settled back in your seat and nestled the headphones of your discman over your ears. You pressed the play button, the beat of Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy” drowning out whatever Carla and your father were arguing about once their guest had left.
It was much later that evening that you finally slipped from your room to find some dinner. The house was dark- you knew your father and Carla had an early flight. Grabbing a wrapped plate from the fridge that the housekeeper had left you you headed to the back deck to eat. You kept the lights off as you watched the dim foamy white of the ocean’s waves hitting the rocks below, finding peace in the sound.
Finishing your meal you were about to head inside when you saw a light come on out of the corner of your eye. From where you were sitting you could see into a room on the top floor of Mr. Laufeyson’s house. Interesting- you’d never seen into this room before, the windows that faced your father’s house were usually shuttered. You laid back and lit a cigarette, choking on the inhale when you saw Mr. Laufeyson emerge, shirtless, his eyes dark and hungry. He was pulling a woman behind him, a blonde, her shirt unbuttoned to expose a lacy red bra. Once he stood at the edge of the bed he turned around to kiss her, his hands moving to the clasp of her bra. Undoing it, he pulled away to slide it down her arms before turning her around and unzipping her skirt, leaving her in just a high waisted red lace thong.
Your heart was hammering in your chest. You were transfixed by the scene unfolding in front of you. He flung her on the bed- from your position you could see it all as if it were happening in a room adjacent to yours. Climbing over her he dipped his head to capture her lips once more as he ground against her. Your legs clenched together as you continued to smoke your cigarette, the combined effect of the nicotine and the scene in front of you making your head spin.
His hand trailed down to the red lace covering her heat as he continued to kiss and grind against her. Slipping his fingers in you found you were doing the same to yourself, feeling the hot wet of your arousal. He had pulled away from her now, watching her face intently as her back arched up off of the mattress, her hands clutching his toned arms. He was saying something to her, his eyes going from her face to her heaving breasts as he continued to work his hand inside of her. A flush was blooming on her chest, her mouth open and her eyebrows drawn together. You were moving your hand in time with his, your arousal coating your fingers. His movements became faster as he continued to speak to her, smiling menacingly before her back arched fully off the bed, her hands grasping at him. Withdrawing from the dampened red lace his fingers glistened in the light, wet from her release.
He easily picked her up off the bed, carrying her to the window sill. He roughly pulled her panties down before he undid his trousers then lined himself up at her entrance. He pressed into her, her back flat against the glass and his face visible beside the back of her head, his eyes closed. You imagined how it’d feel, the cool glass against your back, his warm hand firmly gripping your thigh, his strong arms holding your legs open as he fucked you. He began to move inside of her then his eyes opened, staring straight at you in the darkness. Your heart beat faster as you felt yourself blush- surely he couldn’t see you out here, you were shrouded in the dark. You could barely see the outline of your hand as you brought it to your face for another puff. You froze- the cigarette.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you hissed, quickly removing your hand from its position and shakily putting out the cigarette on your dinner plate. Sliding your chair out quietly you chanced one last look towards the window- he was smirking in your direction as he continued to move against the blonde. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you backed away towards the porch door. You could swear his eyes didn’t leave you once and it sent shudders through you. You made your way back to your room and lay awake for hours, each time you closed your eyes you saw his piercing blue-green stare and filthy smirk.
You must have drifted off at some point since you eventually awoke to silence- an anomaly. You’d usually wake to Carla’s screeching laugh as she spoke on the phone to her friends, or she’d send the housekeeper Marie to wake you. You checked the clock beside you- 9AM. Carla and your father were long gone by now.
You smiled at that, stretching lazily before cranking the radio and dancing around your room as you got ready, the sunlight beaming in through your window. Making your way to the main kitchen you froze, last night coming back to you. The way Mr. Laufeyson had looked out at you as if he were expecting you to be there. Did he leave the blinds open on purpose? You shook your head, no way he’d be that forward. Sure he flirted with you every now and then, but nothing beyond that. You pushed the thought from your mind for the rest of the day.
A week passed quickly, you spent a lot of time with your friends, going shopping, to the beach, or local restaurants. You didn’t spend much time around the house so you hadn’t seen Mr. Laufeyson since the “incident”. On Friday you met up with some friends midday and got a ride to one of their parents’ beach houses. You spent the day there, drinking and laughing as you enjoyed the sun. Your friends dropped you back off at your place at around 7pm, you were pleasantly buzzed but looking forward to a quiet night in.
It was so hot outside you decided to take a dip in the pool. Cranking the radio in the backyard you decided to skinny dip- no one was home anyways. You sighed as your heated skin met the water, cooling instantly. You did a few laps before lazily swimming a backstroke and humming the music on the radio when you saw something coming towards you out of the corner of your eye. Standing upright you saw Mr. Laufeyson walking towards you from the door to the backyard, a smirk playing at his lips. Your heart started beating quickly as you realised the position you were in, remembering his hungry stare from last week. You swam over to the side of the pool to meet him.
“Hi,” he smiled, looking down at you.
You bit your lip and innocently looked up at him. “Hello, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“I’m sorry to intrude.”
“No worries. Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Laufeyson?” you asked, noticing his eyes taking in your body under the water. He definitely knew you were naked. Your thighs clenched together at the thought.
“I was coming to see you about something that happened last week that had me… concerned. I thought I saw someone out on the balcony, late at night. Was that you?”
You felt your cheeks grow hot, your heartbeat picking up to a mile a minute. “What day was this?”
“Last week Friday.” His face was serious as he strolled over to a pool chair, pulling it closer to the side and taking a seat.
“I’m not sure. I don’t think anyone was out there then.” The words came out a lot quicker than you’d meant. You were usually pretty good at lying but something in his voice made you want to tell him the truth, to please him.
He tsked. “I’ve seen you lie better than that. Try again darling.” He sounded bored as he reached for your pack of cigarettes on the side table. He raised an eyebrow in question as he drew out a cigarette. You nodded, nervously biting your lip as he lit it and crossed his legs, leisurely smoking while he stared you down.
“No words, little one?” he teased, smirking down at you. “Did you at least enjoy the show?”
You huffed- this was humiliating. How dare he? You found anger quickly overtaking your initial shock and embarrassment as you made your way to the pool stairs and got out. You raised an eyebrow at him and smiled when the smirk slid off his face at the sight of your naked, wet body. Two can play this game. Walking over to him you grabbed a towel off the chair and wrapped it around yourself.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to imply here,” you grabbed the cigarette from between his long, muscular fingers and took a long drag. “But I didn’t see you last Friday night. And I definitely didn’t see you fucking that blonde-” your eyes widened at your own confession.
He stood to his full height and stepped closer to you, looking down at you once more. You backed up a step, feeling the lounge chair behind you.
“Drop the towel,” he growled, the hungry look in his eyes fully directed at you this time.
“Listen-“ you started to explain yourself.
“Drop. The. Towel.” He enunciated each word with his crisp accent and perfect voice.
“I knew it- I knew you wanted to fuck me.” You smirked at him triumphantly as you took another drag.
“If I have to tell you again to take that off, you’re not gonna like me darling,” he threatened, stepping closer.
“Oh really?” You laughed, taunting him. “And what are you going to do, Mr. Laufeyson?” You blinked innocently at him, enjoying the way the muscles in his jaw clenched.
Suddenly he grabbed your jaw, firmly but not painfully as he brought his face inches from yours, your eyes locked.
“You fucking brat.” He roughly pulled the towel down, exposing your body to the warm air. He pinched the cigarette from your fingers, extinguishing it under his shoe on the concrete. “I’m going to have to teach you some manners, aren’t I?”
Before you could answer he spun you both around and sat on the lounge chair then pulled you over his lap, angling you so your top half rested on the chair, your hips over his. One hand firmly held your lower back in place, the other smoothed over the skin of your ass and you squirmed. His hand came down to spank you, hard. “First lesson- don’t fucking move until I tell you to.” You whined, your face burning.
His hand came down again in the same spot, causing you to hiss and grip the plastic of the chair in one hand and his thigh in the other. “Second lesson- always answer me.”
You were humiliated but you found yourself growing even more wet with each spank. First there was the pain, then a wave of pleasure that intensified when he smoothed his hand over the skin he’d hit.
He gave you another slap, “what did I just say?” He growled, his hand roughly gripping the skin this time.
“T-to always answer you.” Your voice was small as you stuttered, overwhelmed by the way he was making you feel.
“Good girl.” You'd felt a tiny swell of pride at that. “I’m going to spank you three more times. Count them for me.”
“Okay,” you nodded, worried if you didn’t answer he’d add more to the list. His hand came down on your other cheek, hard and fast.
“One,” you counted, taking a deep breath. Before you could forcibly relax your tense muscles his hand had struck your cheek once more, causing you to hiss.
Your finger tips were pressing into his thigh as you let out a breath, the sharp pain receding. “Two,” you licked your lips and tensed in anticipation of the third and final slap.
After a few seconds you relaxed then turned to catch his eye- he was darkly observing you with his jaw clenched. Suddenly he hit the skin once more, this time the hardest, causing you to cry out.
You composed yourself with a quick breath. “Three.”
“Well done, darling.” He was gently running over the sore skin with his large hands. You could feel his erection under you.
“I wish you could see how lovely you looked on my lap, taking your spanking so well.” He dipped his hand between your legs. You sucked in a breath when you felt his fingers brush along your wet slit causing you to writhe on his lap.
“My poor, little thing. You’re dripping,” his voice was pure sin as he brought his glistening fingers up to your face.
He shifted, his strong grip helping you off his lap so you stood before him on shaky legs. You bit your lip, face growing hot as suddenly became fascinated with your fingers, twisting them painfully.
He stood then, and brought his finger under your chin to guide your eyes to his. He wore a satisfied expression, a slight grin at his lips as he took in your naked form.
“Do you think you’ve learnt your lesson darling?” He asked, his eyes mocking yours.
You quickly nodded, feeling fully exposed in front of his fully clothed form.
He licked his lips. “Do you want to go upstairs so I can fuck you?”
Your cheeks burnt as you nodded quickly again.
“Answer me darling,” he dropped his hand from your chin.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
A slow, filthy grin spread across his face. “Lead the way,” he motioned towards the stairs.
You bent to reach for your towel on the ground. “Ah, ah, no need for that darling.” His words stopped you. You shivered as you stood back up, another wave of heat pulsing through your core.
You tentatively walked up the steep stairs and he followed closely behind. You could feel his gaze on you with each step.
Once up on the patio you looked back at him, his eyes dark with hunger. You gave him a shy smile before leading him inside. You stopped- should you bring him to your bedroom?
Before you could finish your thought he slid up behind you, his hands coming to grip your waist. “Where shall I take you, darling?” He whispered in your ear, his breath making you shiver.
He let go of your waist to circle you, stopping before you. “Do you want me to ruin you on that god awful couch?” He looked over his shoulder to the gaudy floral couch Carla had ordered special from Italy. She wouldn’t let anyone who wasn’t company sit on it in fear of stains.
You smiled at the idea of ruining the couch with Mr. Laufeyson, knowing Carla would lose her mind- even more so if she found out how it got there. “Yes please.”
He pulled you towards it then gently guided you to sit at the edge of it, angling you so you were in one corner. His hands splayed over the skin of your legs, gently pushing them apart. The feeling of the cool air of the house on your slit gave you goosebumps.
He kept his eyes locked with yours as he knelt between your legs before he turned to press a kiss to your thigh close to your knee. He then bit the skin there, earning a sharp inhale from you before he soothed it with his warm tongue.
“Tell me, darling. Did you touch yourself? Did you play with yourself as you watched me?” His velvety voice sent an involuntary shudder through you, his eyes capturing yours.
He nipped at your thigh with his teeth, marring the skin. You yelped then swallowed. “Yes! Yes, I did.”
“Good girl.” He moved to repeat his actions further up the inside of your thigh while he gently ran his fingers up and down your other thigh.
You were trembling while you watched him, each bite a little harder than the last as he got closer to your wet core. His eyes met yours once more then he blew a stream of cold air over your slit, causing you to gasp sharply. He smirked before letting his lips barely graze over your clit, your hips moving slightly before he brought his arm down over them to hold you in place.
He ever so gently pressed a kiss to your clit before gently running his tongue over the sensitive flesh, pulling a moan from you. You could feel your wetness dripping down onto the couch below as he continued to delicately tease you.
“You taste divine, darling. Better than I’d imagined.” You whined at his words- the idea of him alone, picturing what your cunt tasted like brought you to the edge of an orgasm.
He smiled wickedly up at you. “So close already? Poor thing.” Bringing one long finger to your slit he gathered some wetness before pushing it fully within you, forcing a loud moan through your lips.
“It’s okay darling, let go. Give into me. I promise it’ll make you feel so much better,” he hummed against your clit before tenderly sucking on it. He bent his finger within you, hitting something deep that made you cry out. You quickly came, your release squirting around his finger and wetting the couch below.
He kept up his movements as you rode out your high. Once your breath returned to you he pulled away and removed his finger, licking his lips as he wiped your release off his chin.
“Third lesson- good girls always get to cum.” He winked at you with a grin before standing.
He leaned over you, caging you in on the couch before capturing your lips with his. You hummed at the taste of yourself on him, his tongue gliding against yours.
He straightened back up then pulled you up off the couch and guided you to face the other way. He led you so your knees were on the couch, your arms resting against the back of the upholstery. You heard the sound of a zipper before feeling the tip of his hard length slide against your folds. You instinctively arched your back at the feeling, pressing yourself up against him, causing him to groan.
“Such a greedy little brat,” he said, smoothing his hands over the skin of your ass. “You want me to fuck that pretty little cunt, hm?”
“Yes- yes please, Mr. Laufeyson. Please fuck me,” you begged, rubbing yourself on him once more.
With that he thrust into you, holding himself still once he was fully seated within you, giving you a chance to adjust. You’d gasped at the sensation- he was clearly well-endowed and you were thankful he gave you a moment. Willing your muscles to relax you looked back at him before grinding your hips against his.
His eyes were dark with lust, his jaw clenched in a way that made you involuntarily squeeze him as he started to move within you. You were panting as he set a pace, the angle of his thrusts hitting the same spot he’d found quickly before.
You’d turned back around and folded your forearms over the back of the couch, arching yourself against him even more. He growled and picked up his pace, his hand firmly gripping your hip. The angle had you moaning desperately, the feeling of him so deep within you making your fingers and toes numb.
“That’s it darling, take my cock within your needy little cunt. Fuck- I’ve wanted to ruin this tight little pussy for so long. I’ve wanted you for so long,” he rasped out between thrusts and your mind went blank, all you could respond with were desperate moans.
He stopped abruptly and pulled you up before sitting himself on the couch and pulling you over his lap so you were straddling him. He’d unbuttoned his shirt and your mouth went dry at the sight of the musculature under his pale skin. You slid your fingers under the fabric, gripping his firm shoulders as he positioned himself under you.
You moved your hips in a circle over him, enjoying the feel of the very tip of him swirling within you.
“You little tease,” he grinned darkly, running a hand through his hair. “Ride me, darling. Show me what you can do.”
Your cunt clenched at his words and his wicked smirk spread. You took the opportunity to bring yourself down to grind against him, wiping the smug look off his face.
You quickly set a pace as you rode him, his hands on your ass guiding your movements. You were panting as you continued your movements, the angle bringing you close to your finish.
“Are you going to cum, darling?” His voice vibrated through you, and you nodded.
“Yes- fuck, Mr. Laufeyson. You feel so good-“ he continued to guide your movements, moving his head closer to your breast. He brought his mouth around one of your nipples, gently sucking at the nub. You arched into him, moaning at the sensation.
His tongue ran against your skin in his mouth, bringing another moan from you before he sharply bit down on your nipple, pushing you over the edge into another orgasm. You moaned his name over and over as you rode out your high, your nails digging into the skin of his shoulder. As you came back to yourself you felt him twitch within you, filling you as he reached his own finish.
You watched him as he came, mesmerised with his blissful expression, his long eyelashes touching defined cheekbones. His eyes fluttered back open and he gave you a smirk- god help you he was fucking gorgeous.
He gave you a chaste kiss before helping you up, the combined fluids from your finish trickling down your thigh. You were happy to see some hit the couch as you moved off him.
You strolled to the bathroom to clean yourself up and throw on a t-shirt and panties, passing a damp cloth to him once you returned. You pulled a cigarette from the pack you had on the kitchen counter, then headed to the balcony as you lit it up.
You were leaning on the balcony, watching the now dark waves when he joined you. You smiled at him, offering him your cigarette. He took a long drag as you leant on the balcony’s edge.
“So,” you trailed off, not sure what to say.
“That was fun,” he exhaled then smiled at you, his expression mischievous.
“Yeah,” you agreed, relief filling your chest. “I’d love to do it again.”
“Of course darling, we have all summer.” He came behind you, pulling you against his chest as he ducked his head so his lips were beside your ear. ”And you have quite a bit to learn.”
End Notes: Want to read more Loki fics of mine? My masterlist is here.
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filwld · 3 years
You shine just as bright.
Summary: you go star gazing with Alcina and have a sweet moment together. Warnings: Fluff (:<
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Castle Dimitrescu was so beautiful at night. The way the moon light would shine through the windows would bring you so much joy, naturally you were happy but you had this sort of connection with the night since you were a mere child that you just couldn't explain.
Staring up into the night sky you smile softly letting out a relaxed sigh, shoulders relaxing releasing all the tension from your body. You sip your tea while sitting on the open window seal feeling the cold breeze go against your skin, it was a summer night so you knew it wasn't to cold for the girls just in case they barged in. You often found yourself like this in the library at night. Just sitting, staring up at the moon waiting for your lover to be done with her work, sometimes you consider bringing her with you to stare at the moon but always choosing otherwise because you don't want to bother her with your silly interest in the night scared that she might laugh at you. You knew deep down that, that statement was far from true. Alcina would never laugh at you over something that brings you joy but that didn't stop your insecurities from flooding your mind. Sighing you look down staring into the teacup that was now almost empty. You twirl the cup watching the liquid swirl inside, you were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't even notice Alcina had entered the room and called your name softly which goes unnoticed by you to far lost in your own head. So.. Alcina just admired you smiling softly. The way the moonlight showered on your skin, and the light making your eyes shine a little brighter than normal.. She couldn't help but feel her undead heart beat once more, all for you. All for her little maiden. All hers. You finally noticed her and let out a surprised yelp jumping slightly and putting a hand over your heart breathing heavily. "Jesus! My love you must say something before sneaking up on me like that." You breath out after taking a few deep breathes to try and calm your racing heart. Alcina chuckles walking over to you with a few large strides due to her long legs. "I'm sorry for frightening you little one but I did call out to you.. But you were to caught up in thoughts to notice. Is everything alright?" Alcina asks you softly while moving a strand of hair out of your face smiling down at you softly before taking a seat beside you on the window seal luckily being one of the bigger windows she didn't have to worry about her size causing any discomfort. You lean into her touch smiling while putting your hand over hers staring up into her eyes loving the way the moonlight danced on her face. "Yes dear I'm alright just.. Relaxing simply." You answer her question and love the way she visibly relaxes and smiles down at you. You chuckle to yourself. Alcina raises an eyebrow. "What's so funny draga mea?" You shake your head smiling, before answering her. "Just thinking about how adorable you are." You watch her eyes widen slightly before chuckling lifting her hand from your cheek to your hair petting you gently. "You are the only one to ever refer to me as 'adorable' but ill take it if its coming from you." Alcina says chuckling. You smile shaking your head before returning to look at the moon. Out of the corner of your eye you see her follow your gaze before looking back at you. "Star gazing tonight little dove?" You hum to the question, drinking the rest of the tea before setting the cup down onto your lap without turning to her you respond. "I do this every night." You could tell she was shocked and slightly annoyed that she didn't know this. Alcina always prided herself in the fact that she knew everything that happens in the castle so hearing that there was something she didn't know obviously bothered her. "What? How have I never notice this? Draga mea why didn't you ever tell me." Alcina responds, you smile at the annoyance in her voice. Turning to face her you see the annoyance in her eyes, but mostly shock. You take the hand that was rested in her lap and placing it on your own. "Darling take no offense to this, I just simply didn't think it would matter to you.” You respond watching as Alcina's eyebrows furrowed and she pouted slightly grumbling out. "Everything about you matters to me pet.." You
can't stop the wide grin that appears on your face at the sight of her pout. You lean up to kiss her softly placing a hand on her cheek, she sighs softly into your mouth moving both of her hands to grab your waist and place you on her lap bringing you as close as physically possible.
You giggle at her face as you pull away, moving to caress the side of her head staring deeply into her eyes. "Alright dear I'm sorry, but now you know. So why don't we stay here awhile and enjoy the moonlight together?”
You ask her watching as her pout disappears and here comes her charming smile that made you weak in the knees. She hums running a hand up and down your side loving the warmth that radiates off your body. "Yes.. let's, but before we do that I have to show you something." before you could protest your picked up bridal style and being taken to wherever she see's fit. She begins walking you down a hallway that you've never seen before, furrowing your eyebrows wondering how you've never seen this part of the castle even after all these years of being here. not soon later you reach a door leading to outside you assume by the handle, you watch as she pushes the door open with one hand, the other holding you close to her chest. You gasp at the sight behind the door, there in front of you was the most beautiful garden you've ever seen, all type of flowers going from roses to peony to even hibiscus flowers! All blooming beautifully under the moonlight.. In the middle of the garden was beautifully cut grass and the view... Oh the view was beautiful, you could see the whole village. You look up at Alcina surprised and see her already staring at you, smiling lovingly down at you. Eyes widening at the expression before you smile and express your love through your eyes placing a hand on her cheek and pulling her down slightly to kiss her softly on the lips. She hums and deepens the kiss tilted her head slightly for a better angle. Alcina pours all her feelings into this kiss, and you do well to do the same. The way the moonlight is shinning on both of you felt amazing, making it feel so intimate.. So peaceful. You never wanted this to end. Not now, not ever. The softness of her lips brushing against yours.. Nothing could ever top this feeling you get when your with her. Soon she parts and allows you to take a minute to breath before her lips are on your neck pecking it softly before letting you down, you whine at the lost of connection. She chuckles before patting your head. "We have the whole night to kiss away darling, but why not somewhere more comfortable yes?" Alcina says while walking forward towards the grass. You raise an eyebrow wondering what she's doing before they widen widely. Alcina grabs her dress and goes to sit on the grass getting comfortable before looking back at you, your jaw drops at the sight of her getting her dress DIRTY just to sit in the grass with you. "Are you just going to sit there pet or are you going to join me?" Alcina says smirking well aware of the effect she has on you. You blush quickly going to sit besides her just before your butt hits the floor you feel hands on your waist. You yelp feeling yourself being placed onto something much softer than grass, turning you notice Alcina was smirking down at you after placing you on her lap wrapping her arms around your waist, bringing your head closer to her chest. You feel her warm breath on your neck as she whispered into your ear, "Now you can see the sky so much better don't you say pet?" You know your ears are burning red from how flustered you are. To far flustered to speak you simply nod. You feel the hot air leave her mouth as she chuckles, Alcina nuzzles her nose into your shoulder taking a deep breath breathing your heavenly scent in before sighing in content. The way the moonlight showers over the two of you making everything so romantic to the point you feel like a princess in one of those romance novels you read. You smile to yourself at the thought before focusing back on your love at the feeling of her nibbling on your neck beginning to giggle at the feeling, slightly ticklish in that area your eyes widen feeling Alcina smirk at the realization. She tries to continue tickling you but you yelp and quickly turn around throwing your arms around her neck shaking your head. "No no no, don't even THINK about it
Alcina!" You say trying your hardest to make a intimidating face, Alcina stares at you surprised by the face before whole hearted laugh escapes Alcina to the point she even throws her head back. You glare at her and she notices laughing even harder but still looking at you. After a moment she collects herself before staring down at you smirking "Oh well aren't you scary little one?" Alcina says teasingly. You blush but hold the glare. Soon she sighs smiling, "Oh alright little one no tickle fights tonight." Alcina says and goes to caress your cheek. You grin at the victory throwing your hand up into a first saying a slight "yes!" to no one in particular. Alcina watches with kind eyes smiling so hard it looks almost painful.
After your little "Victory dance" You look up into the sky at the perfect time and watch as a shooting star goes across the sky, your mouth falling open in awe at the sight. "Wow.." You whisper, you look to Alcina to see if she saw it and see her looking at the sky with a peaceful look on her face. The laugh lines showing as she smiles, the peaceful look in her eyes, the way her chest moves up and down with each breath. You smile before continuing to look up into the sky again joining her.
You both just stay there for some time, staring up into the sky loving the feel of having each other near. After some time Alcina breaks the silence. "I think I understand why you like this so much now pet." You look back at her and raise an eyebrow. "Really?" You respond to her. Alcina nods her head and without looking at you, she continues. "The sky is so peaceful to stare at.. I find myself getting lost with trying to count how many stars are out." You nod understanding what she means fully. Admiring her as she talks falling even harder for her. You go to respond before you shut your mouth shut as she opens her mouth to continue. "But I found myself loving the night simply because YOU love it dear.. The sky is just the sky to me normally. But you make it have such a deeper meaning draga mea.. And I want to thank whatever made you but ill settle for thanking you. You make me enjoy even the simple things pet, And I cannot thank you enough.." Alcina finishing and returns to looking at you, staring softly at your expression. Eyes tearing up you throw your arms around her neck pulling her close crying silently into her shoulder. "Oh Alcina.. I love you so much.. So so much.." You whisper to her. You feel her hum and tighten her hold on you bringing you closer. "And I love you.. My shooting star."
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Our Moment Finale
Marvel - A Captain America Fairytale AU
King! Steve Rogers x Female Reader
1.8K Words
Here's Pt 1 and Pt 2
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-Part 3-
the conclusion
You didn't waste anytime getting home, collapsing onto your bed with a sob that you muffled with your palm. It seemed nothing good could ever truly be yours.
You glanced around the small attic space with blurry tears. The house was supposed to be for you. Your father had left it in your name, yet your step-mother was able to work her way around that.
It was the only reason you stuck around, the only reason you put up with all of it. You were over it.
Peaches was the only thing that you felt a connection to. Your father adored her, and you were honored that you got to bond with her.
You made up your mind. It was time to move on. You dried that last of your tears and began packing a bag. You carefully folded your mother's dress and put it back in the box you got it from. One day when the memories weren't as painful, you would come back for it.
You wished things could be different with your life, but mostly with Steve. You should have known better than to get tied up with the king. It was too good to be true. You felt you had done everything you could to win over his trust, but obviously not enough.
You strapped your bag to your horse. The next town was about a days ride, and you could figure out where to go from there.
Steve didn't hesitate to saddle his own horse as quickly as possible. He had to go after you - had to explain. He couldn't lose you. You were the only good thing to ever happen to him.
He stalled in his tracks. Explain what exactly? That his biggest fear was being used and never being loved? He shook his head.
"My king, where are you off to?" a guard asked confused.
"I have to leave."
"But the ball-"
"Tell the court I will explain when I get back."
"Wait, you can't leave without someone going with you."
Steve was already racing down the path, his heart racing along with it.
"There's no time for that," he called. He could take care of himself.
He thought of you as he followed the familiar trail. He thought of the first day you met, and all of the moments thereafter. You always made time for him, always listened to what he had to say. You were attentive and doting.
He had screwed up.
The trail became less familiar. He didn't know where he was going, or how he would find you. He swallowed down the panic. He couldn't lose you. It was a constant circling thought.
Eventually the trail ended and he slowed to a trot. He saw a house up ahead, and a royal carriage in front of it.
He slowed, finding Sam speaking to a guard.
"What are you doing here and how did you get here so fast?" Steve asked.
Sam took his horse's reins. "I know something has been up with you lately, but you can explain later. The lady you talked to at the ball is in the house."
Your step-mother. He had some words for her, but first he needed you.
"Thank you, Sam. I owe you," Steve said, heading for the door.
"Your highness, it's a pleasure to have you in our home-"
"Don't act like I don't know what is going on," he said, cutting her off. "I will deal with you later. Is she here? Where is her room?"
The lady paled even beneath the layers of powder on her cheek.
"S-She's not-" she swallowed at Steve's fierce look, before gathering her wits. "My king, she's not here. She's hardly ever here. I'll show you where she prefers to spend her time."
Steve followed her down a hallway to a door with a winding staircase. She guided him up and into the small room at the top. The ceilings were so low that he had to scrunch his shoulders.
He took in the space, feeling upset at your living conditions.
"Leave me," he demanded, unable to look away from the small bed in the corner, one that contained a single blanket and a pillow, folded neatly on the end.
The step-mother was right. It looked like someone hardly lived here, except there was a freshly cut flower on the windowsill, soaking in the low, dusty light. And the books you had borrowed from his own library sat tucked by the bed. Most importantly, the beautiful dress that he never got to say anything to you about was hanging from the sides of a box under the bed. You must have been in a haste to leave.
He frowned, bending down to pick up a folded piece of paper. Were those the things you did by yourself? What had you gone through?
Steve cursed. He wished he could have started the night over. He wished that he had gone through his original plan instead of being sucked into his own insecurities.
"Where would she have gone?" he asked impatiently to the lady who was lounging on her couch.
"If she isn't in the barn with that horse, I have no clue."
There was no sign of a horse or you. He closed his eyes, feeling the anxiety creeping in and swallowing him whole. It was dark and late, and you were somewhere all alone. It was all his fault.
"She might know someone in the next town over," Sam suggested. "We could head over tomorrow."
"That's a days journey. I'll start the route tonight."
"You're exhausted, Steve," he protested.
"Just in case," his words dropped to a hoarse whisper, his mind plunged into the darkest corners.
Sam nodded. "We will catch up with you tomorrow then. Be safe."
He nodded, already going down the dark path, his heart thudding loud in his ears.
You were taking a break and letting Peaches rest. The fire you built was warm and soothing on your stiff limbs. Even after the incident in the woods a while back, it didn't scare you to be out alone. The stars and the moon made it seem as though you could feel your parents, and you enjoyed the sentiment, especially after the day you had.
You rested your head on your hand, your eyes fluttering closed. They were dry and sticky from the tears that had fallen.
You gave a shuddering hiccup, unable to give into the heartbreak anymore. You were cried out. Beyond upset - a numbness covered your whole body like a scab on a wound.
You jolted, hearing steps near you and you staggered quickly to your feet.
"Thank god you're alright," Steve said, rushing towards you. He pulled you tight into his embrace, and it took everything in you not to hug him back.
"What are you doing here, your highness?" you asked confused, trying to pull away. He didn't let go, only eased back so his hand remained on your shoulders.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I believed her over you. I'm sorry that it took me so long to come after you. I'm sorry for everything," he said the words so sincerely that tears filled your eyes for the millionth time tonight. He caressed you cheek, using the pad of his thumb to dry a fallen drop. "And it's just Steve to you."
"But you still did it," you whispered, voice thick with tears. "You don't trust me."
"I do trust you," he said earnestly. "and I care about you. It has been a long time since I shared those emotions with anyone."
"It doesn't matter," you successfully pull away. His hands drop dejectedly to his side. "You're a king, and I'm me. It would have never worked out."
It was quiet a moment. "Why didn't you tell me what you were going through at home?"
You sat down and Steve followed. "I didn't want you to think I was using you. I guess we both have our own insecurities."
He looked into the dimming flames of the fire. "Insecurities or not, I shouldn't have accused. I'm sorry I hurt you."
He waited, but you said nothing. "We're both exhausted and need sleep. Why don't we head back?" He stood, holding out his hand to you.
You shook your head, "I'm not going back."
He paused, fully expecting that response, but it still took him aback. He definitely wasn't going to leave you alone in the middle of nowhere though.
"Okay," he nodded, heading to his horse.
You frowned.
He turned with a blanket, draping it over you, before tending to the fire. Finally, he sat next to you with a sigh. His body was pressed against yours and you couldn't help but sag in relief at the support.
"You can't stay. You have to get back," you protested.
"Shh," he eased, kissing your forehead ever so softly. "Sleep a bit and then we will talk."
Gentle light breaking through the trees awoke you from your slumber. You shivered from the damp cold, curling closer to the source of warmth beneath you. Your eyes fluttered and you realized you were practically laying on top of Steve.
You called his name, shaking him gently.
"We fell asleep," you told him with a yawn, falling back onto his chest. It was the best sleep you ever had.
He hummed, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"I'm sorry. You must be freezing," he said coming to, easing the both of you up. Your cheeks heated and you moved to get off of his lap.
He adjusted the blanket so it was pulled tight over your shoulders.
"Come back with me, please," he whispered, turning your chin to look at him. "You can stay with me. I just want to be with you."
"You want me to stay with you?" you asked.
"We could get married in the summer," he grinned, the first genuine smile you had seen in a while.
"Married?" you asked, biting back a smile.
He nodded eagerly. "I'm falling in love with you."
"Come on," Steve encouraged, pulling you eagerly down the hall to your favorite room in the palace.
Things were working out good, really good, between the two of you.
"What are we doing?"
"Close your eyes," he smiled, taking his large warm hands and covering them for you.
He pulled them off with an exaggerated ta-da, revealing a new shelf next to his in the library.
"Now you have your own spot for all of your favorites."
"Thank you," you smiled, leaning up to kiss him. "I love it. I love you."
And they lived happily ever after.
Hope you enjoyed 💕
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years
Crazy theory of this week (cause again, I really need to sleep!)! #JSHK
I don't know exactly why and I assume this information because Teru seems a character that know some relevant sh*t in the story. (He also hates Hanako to a point of no return so... Not maybe the most reliable opinion BUT!)
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Anyway, chapter 70 gives two interesting povs. Teru's and Hanako's.
Teru explained to Akane what was going on inside the school under his own conclusions.
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Nº6 did all of this, "kidnap a maiden" thing because he wanted to keep protecting this land (Aka the school, that was built on it.)
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The Supernaturals of the school threaten alive ones so they keep existing and with that, they protect the school. But they... are losing the power to do that. ("The knife has been very subtle" eh Teru.)
Why exactly? Because this motherf*cker was in love with the girl that was planned to be sacrificed in the first place:
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By advising Akane, Teru implies there is going to be a confrontation in the future. "Be careful because Hanako-kun is an evil spirit and in the future I'm going to need you to defeat him." Now we are in chapter 79, we know Teru has a dream. And to make it true he needs Aoi-chan too. In this chapter, he even gave a protection charm to Aoi-chan. Because he knows what's going to happen next and he knows what's going on. He knows this was all planned by Hanako-kun (And he is right. Mostly.) When he reach for Akane-kun in that place, and see Aoi-chan with him, he realizes there is nothing he can do in that moment. And for sure, that he is coming back for her. She is necessary for his own move, and Teru is about to do something pretty soon.... So, we will know sooner or later. We know the Minamoto were part of the village that sacrificed girls just to be safe of the Evil (Which I think is the sh*t that "lives" in the cursed red house. And also in the Fake Tsukasa Yugi we all have seen in the school messing around and not Hanako as Teru believes, the only thing he doesn't know. We can assume that Hanako as a ghost took all responsibility for Fake Tsukasa's crimes...), Teru explained everything in this chapter, he even changed the way he was speaking in order to doesn't sound rough.
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(Akane-kun is so relatable here...) Teru knows about Hanako's setup, but not about Tsukasa at all I think. And we have seen Tsukasa (the fake one) just causing chaos. But Hanako, well he is more elaborated. So I guess he thought the evil spirit was just Hanako by himself, when in realise Hanako just wanted Yashiro to live longer. It's like when Tsuchigomori saw him smiling with Kou and Yashiro and told him: "Didn't expect you to want friends at this point." Because Hanako was always a lonely spirit that God put into the school to "atone" his crimes (which I believe are: none.) Another day I'll write some theory about why Hanako is going to come alive, again, because maybe he is not as dead as we think... wait for it!
There are still a lot of questions. Why was Yashiro to be sacrificed in the first place? Why is she a kannagi? (Cause if she is a kannagi cause again, she is going to die soon as all the characters had said, well that's a f*cking paradox.) And what is Teru planning? This way the school is safe and as an exorcist he doesn't have to worry anymore, so why? Hanako did his job. They will lose their jobs as exorcists? Even if the school is sealed more supernaturals will appear in the city and now without the 7 mysteries they have lost a great ally to beat them... Or he needs Aoi-chan to fight this evil spirit who he thinks... is Hanako(?) We might think for sure the school can be attacked now the 7 mysteries are gone... (I also believe the death of his mother is relevant to his interests now...) We will see.
That was Teru's point of course. But that's not all.
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This is when everything starts to falling apart. Because, before Hanako appeared in front of Yashiro, she was destined anyway to die young. Okay, right? But how? He wanted to protect her, so he messed up with all the school mysteries ("he was the traitor all the time" the one who weakened them) and they lost their powers to protect the school of... other things. (The night Aoi-chan was kidnapped by Nº6, the supernaturals were all over the place.) I mean, he doing all of this is the reason Nº6 came out of his hole to kidnap some random girl and ending all just fine and the 7 mysteries dissapeared for good... But is not that easy.
What have we been learning so far? Yes, Tsukasa, Natsuhiko and Nanamine started everything with Nº2. Tsukasa's wishes make everything dangerous. But it was Hanako the one who, with the idea of ending these dangerous scenarios, also weakened all the 7 mysteries in the future. He was even judged for it in chapter 61, night of the kidnapping. So: it was to get dangerous anyway? If he just had let the mysteries go wild like they were in the past of the story Yashiro might died even sooner because Nº6 was going to appear in any case? He was going to appear the night of the sacrifice and take Yashiro you like it or not? Yes, but... for this scenario to occur we need: chaos. Because without it, there is no need of protecting anything. (Yashiro's remaining life and Tsukasa's decisions are so related that it actually hurts...)
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So my conclusion is... (Hanako needs to take a break.) I think at first Hanako thought that maybe keeping the school without strange incidents was the best way to keep Yashiro alive, Nº6 shouldn't show up to protect the school that night, and everything would be fine... YES, but this is when Tsukasa (the fake one/real evil spirit) comes out on stage. And Hanako/Amane undestands everything is bigger than he believed. Even if he fix a mystery with Yashiro, another will get out of control. There is no stop. He couldn't do anything. If he didn't protect the school, Yashiro dies. And if they keep destroying the yorishiros, the mysteries then lose their powers and can't protect the school either way, so Yashiro dies. (Yashiro dies in every possible line because of that chaos. Because Nanamine's wish and Tsukasa's existence.) There was no escape, he even tried to wish for a fake world (thanks Number 4) where Yashiro could live happily. But that didn't end really well... So the only final way to help Yashiro was... sacrificing another human (which is also... something like what happens when you make a wish in the red house... right).
What Hanako commits is not really different from what Tsukasa does, even if his reasons are compelling... And the same happened in the moment he presumably killed his brother. How much power has the Red house over Hanako? How much of him is himself and how much of his soul is changed cause the evil spirit of the red house? And in the end, Teru said the 7 mysteries threaten but they also protect. That implies Hanako is the one who weakened all of them (having the role of the leader too) and he seems like the bad guy or the traitor, when he just did all of it to protect Yashiro (and the other kids for sure!), so he is just doing what he thinks is correct. He didn't help other mysteries go berserker in the first place but at the same time he let Aoi dies for his own desires. "If she is not Yashiro, then is fine. She wanted to die..."
I also believe Teru and Hanako are destined to fight again, that Nº1 should choose in which side to support. That something bigger is coming, with the supernaturals, the Red house, the Minamotos. And they will have to leave their differences behind to defeat a real evil. (N°6 is an air head btw.)
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It also interesting how Hanako didn't want to destroy Nº1 Yorishiro either because, as Teru said too: It could come in handy. Akane was even in the moment Nº6 took Aoi-chan. He also was there with Yashiro first. He is there to protect even if he will sacrifice his own lifespan. He is important for what's coming next, I don't think the other two mysteries of time chose him because those stupid reasons they said...
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bnbc · 3 years
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I struggle writing Wako into my current fanfiction so I decided to write down my headcanons about her (please don't ask how it should save me from the block, here is no logic)
Anyway, it's nice to have them at one place so here we go
1. Wakako Okada is a nekomata oh for real, that's my fav one, I can't help talking about this again. the game has two pieces of information hinting on it, and I don't need any other evidence
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2. Okada is Wako's maiden surname
hear me out, I changed my surname twice (don't worry, my husband is ok) and this is such pain in the neck. also, it would be bad for her fixer's brand. I'm not telling she had a feeling all her husbands would die tragically, but... you all know, she had
3. Wako has 9 sons only because she always wanted to have a daughter
I know a lot of people still think that having a son is a blessing while having a daughter is so-so. But listen, she has nine kids. NINE KIDS. This is insane, I can only imagine one reason to go through 9 pregnancies — to give birth to a kid of specific sex (maybe I just have weak imagination).
Anyway, she doesn't strike me as a person who has any respect to men in general (how can a spider respect its prey?) so I like to think she’s going to leave her name, her net of contacts, and most of her money to her granddaughter(s?)
4. Wako looks old 'cause it's her choice
Wako doesn’t use technologies to prolong youth yet she uses all the tech she could to keep being healthy as long as she could. Why she doesn’t want to look younger tho she obv have enough money for a full realskin replacement? She thinks being young is too annoying and tiresome.
If you ask her she would most likely say that in this case, she would have to start looking for the 6th husband xD
5. Wako's grandson killed by Arasaka was a kid when it happened
It wasn’t a mistake or collateral damage but a direct strike against her.
Tigers were tied to Arasaka for some time, but at some point, they went independent (or more independent at least), and I think Wako played her role in this. Not directly ofc, she used other’s hands to make all the dirty work. Yet her interference was known and ‘saka showed her what happens if you cross the line
fun fact: I decided to name this kid “Kou” which means “happiness” in one of the spelling variants to make this story more GRIM, and later stole this name for my V ‘cause I’m obviously a sucker for the characters who are named after happiness and have canonically shitty endings
6. NC’s top fixers have some kind of annuals meetings to discuss THINGS but mostly to come and show-off and Wako comes there like this
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sorry for the quality this shot was dug out of the optic of some dead paparazzi
the woman at the right is NPC called "Wakako's driver" I headcanon she's also her bodyguard xD tho she just appears to pick NPCs from rescue missions she's too cute to waste her like this. also, my HC name for her is Tsubaki
the person behind the catish mask is a merc who owns Wako a lot (their true identity is hidden but mostly for other’s fixers retinue ‘cause big players know)
that's all for now, thal you for reading!
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