#(O N E . THATS ALL MOST PEOPLE HERE *NEED* TO DO but sure my stuff is FREE REIN for everyone to use *for hate posts*)
koushirouizumi · 10 months
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Literally I make this so fucking easy for people.
I LEAVE MY ASKBOX OPEN to users so they can POLITELY ASK ME TO USE MY GIFS/EDITS, ONCE, LITERALLY ONE TIME ONLY FOR CONFIRMATION and no one who blatantly re posts (and/or wants to use inspiration from Digi-O.C.s I've already made/used in the past for years) can even do THAT.
ONCE. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO DO. ASK ME *ONCE*. It would literally take you 0.0001 seconds of your day.
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hello! I was just wondering, how long do you think it’d take for an s/o from Yandere! Dabi, Shigaraki and Aizawa to be found if they escape from their ‘home’ (i.e. a week, months) - this can either be in the BNHA universe or ABO... ;)
Both? Both sounds good uwu
Also! Anon I saw your second ask! I had already completely written this except for the Dabi A/B/O part so ill fill that out as a separate request <3
Aizawa (Canon): 
Honestly if you manage to get away from Aizawa you already must be either A. Incredibly lucky, or B. Incredibly skilled. Most likely? A bit of both. He tends to be a bit more of a lax yandere, he isn’t constantly in your face, but he definitely be on edge about you escaping. Windows and doors have several sets of locks, anything you can use to break or pick the locks will be kept out of your reach ontop of being behind yet another lock. He doesn’t mess with your safety/his ability to keep you trapped with him.
Now if you actually managed to escape? Game on. Maybe he forgot to lock a window airing out the apartment, or maybe you managed to get your hands on a key or something to break the locks. Either way you are out the door in an instant. 
Now if you are escaping at night? He’ll have you back in a few hours at the latest. He is trained to hunting villains down in the pitch black, slinking in the shadows as he stalks and hunts his pray. You have no chance beating him in his own territory. You’re a fool to even try. 
Now during the day is a completely different story. He isn’t in his element during that time, theres more people out on the streets, and lets be honest, he looks suspicious. Even with his popularity growing after being on the news a few times people wont ignore some homeless ragged looking man snatching up a screaming frightened civilian. He knows it too. Unlike at night when people turn a blind eye, people will get more involved if you fight him in broad daylight, he’ll get more attention drawn to him and thats the last thing he needs. If you play your cards right, if you’re smart and have a plan I can see you evading him for maybe a week before he finds you again. He’s smart, cunning, calculating, even if you stay in the shadows, careful to avoid using anything that he could use to track you, he’ll still find you. It’s what he’s good at after all. 
Aizawa (A/B/O):
Same scenario, he’ll find you even faster at night. Your scent will lead him right to you, his instincts pumping hard as he pumps out so much of his own scent it completely masks yours. No one will ever see a hint of you. 
During the day the scenario becomes trickier, he has to suppress his scent as to not alert anyone as he stalks you. Any chance of getting away is completely gone, he made sure to memorize your scent, ingrain it into his mind to the point he could easily pick you out even among a sea of scents. Even if you stuff yourself into the most heavily populated place you can find, disguising yourself under the mix of heavy scents of other’s, he’ll easily smell through it and find you. He’ll follow you, waiting until nightfall before he scoops you up in his arms, easily pinning you against his chest so you can’t struggle as he carries you back home. 
Shigaraki (Canon): 
Getting away from Shigaraki is hard to say the least. Not only are you running from him, but all his little friends too. You are the only thing that keeps him semi-calm, makes him tolerable to be around, when you are around, forcefully held still in his lap, or board stiff as he cuddles up to your back, fingers idly dragging across your abdomen he is much more focused. Ever since he kidnapped you his plans have been better, he’s been more down to earth, less irritable. Bottom line is you are useful to the league and its future, so they can’t let you leave, the effects would be disastrous, especially with how childish and temperamental he can be. 
Shigaraki himself can be a little careless, giving you ample opportunities to escape him but there has always been someone else to stare you down, a warning for if you ever dared try it. 
At least until there isn’t. You’ll get 1 chance and only one, where every other member of the league is off busy, even Kurogiri your normal babysitter isn’t around to keep you in check. Shigaraki isn’t watching you, he asked you to go get him food while he’s in the other room engrossed in his game, it’ll probably be hours before he realizes you didn’t come back with his gamer snacks. 
So you run out the door. 
You won’t last very long with Shigaraki either, probably a month just because the league tries to be careful, tracking you down through underground connections before blatantly hunting you. They are trying to stay under the radar. That goes out the window when one of the dozens of informants they scattered around catches you in a busy mall one day. Much to the annoyance of everyone else Shigaraki storms to the mall immediately, uncaring of making a scene or killing civilians. You would be dragged back over the dust of corpses if he had to. 
“Y/N, come here, before I have to disintegrate even more npcs. I can only get rid of so many before the main boss will show his face.”
Shigaraki (A/B/O):
Honestly I think Alpha! Shiggy would respond the same as normal!Shiggy. By the time he realizes that you’re gone, that you d a r e d try and escape him your scent is stale, impossible to track. He’ll go on a rampage. Forget waiting, trying not to draw the attention of heros, he’ll leave a trail of bodies behind him, of disintegrated buildings and burning streets on his hunt to find his mate again. 
Honestly be it your guilt causing you to return to him, rushing to his side to stop the casualties and destruction, or if he hunts you down, dragging you out of whatever little hovel you’ve hole up in I don’t see it lasting more than a day to a week at most. 
Dabi (Canon):
Honestly when Dabi comes back and finds you gone, slipped out of the apartment where he keeps you trapped, leaving you locked up tight whenever he has to leave you, he’s more amused than anything. He thinks of it as a game as he stalks out of the apartment to come after you, hunt you down. Already ideas for punishments are brewing in his head as he takes off after you.
I can see him dragging it out for months. Realistically with his connections he knows exactly where you are within about a week, but its so much fun to reveal himself and watch you scurry away, to follow you as you try to hide again. He’ll keep you on edge, terrified and paranoid until you are a quivering mess. Having your nerves rubbed raw and all the sleepless nights are catching up to you. He’ll wait until you are too weak to fight him anymore, broken down and exhausted before he scoops you up in his arms and takes you back. 
“Now wasn’t that a fun game of cat and mouse~ I can’t wait to devour my reward~” 
Dabi: (A/B/O):
Alpha Dabi will be much more aggressive, especially if he sees you as his mate. The second he realizes you’re gone he’ll burn the apartment to the ground, unable to control his flames as he rages, nearly feral as he tears the place apart. He’ll storm out to the streets, following your scent no matter how faint it is. Never underestimate an alpha whose mate has been taken from them. He’ll hunt you down, not bothering to play with you. The second he sees you you’ll be tackled to the ground, a growling pissed off alpha nearly crushing you as you are pinned to the concreate. 
If you don’t have a mating mark on the back of your neck yet, you will now. Hell, he might bite down and claim you right then and there, out in the open for everyone to see as he shows you exactly who you belong to. 
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crystal-witchiness · 3 years
***Okay so I found this in my notes from May 2021 as a reaction to the scenes in the beginning of Endgame when Captain Marvel first brings Tony and Nebula back to Earth, when they first get off the ship, and when Tony yells at Steve a few scenes later when he looks like ‘Death Warmed Over’ in his robe and i thought I’d share -
Every time someone argues with me about my ABSOLUTE 100% belief that Steve and Tony had romantic feelings for each other, I’ll just show them this scene. “And I needed YOU.” He didn’t say “You guys” or “Your help.” Tony looked at Steve with so much pain in his eyes and said, “I needed y o u.” And Steve is just as broken watching Tony. This isn’t the first time this has happened between them. They had MANY scenes like this in Civil War (but I like to pretend that movie didn’t happen cause ‘ow blow a hole in my ship why dontcha?’) I mean technically I could submit that whole movie as evidence of their feelings but there are too many negative emotions wrapped up in it and it hurts. This movie is the first time they’ve seen each other since Civil War and when Tony first gets off the ship he basically falls into Steve’s arms. First of all, Steve fricking S P R I N T S when he sees Tony getting off the ship, then Tony sighs in relief and lets Steve take his weight. AND IMMEDIATELY begins unloading his grief about losing Peter cause he knew Steve would understand and comfort him. You can SEE s e e when Pepper runs up that (Ofc Tony does another sigh of relief that the snap didn’t take her (which I wish it did sorry Pepper your character stopped being interesting in the 2nd Iron Man)) Tony has to pull himself off of Steve and pretend to have it more together than he does because Pepper immediately begins crying and Tony has to comfort her. But Steve doesn’t leave his side. Tony cradling Pepper but he’s turning his body so that Steve can cradle him and ugh. Honestly I would have accepted a polyamorous relationship. Tony NEEDED someone to be the leader. THATS LITERALLY WHAT PEPPER WAS TALKING ABOUT. Tony NEVER rests because he always thinks he has to be the one to do everything, EXCEPT for when Steve’s around. Steve is the Captain and even though they bump heads (a lot, awww couples’ squabbles) Tony ALWAYS defers to Steve when it’s important. And Steve? Steve HAS to be a leader, to be helpful, in a healthy way because he couldn’t be that for most of his life in the past. He was a scrawny defenseless guy who always had to depend on Bucky. So to be able to take care of this group of wonderful people who are so powerful and yet STILL NEED STEVE? It’s who he his. It’s who Tony is too but he doesn’t WANT to be that way, he does it because he has to. He does it when no one else can or he doesn’t want to lose anyone else. This scene right now is Tony feeling helpless and so he lashes out at the easiest person, Steve. Steve is their leader and has saved them many times. Tony saw that picture of Peter and couldn’t handle his own feelings of helplessness so he lashed out to bring down the next ‘leader figure’ of the group. Steve and Tony have always been the parents of the Avengers. Steve is the most dad-est dad ever to dad. Meanwhile, Tony invites everyone to live with him while feeding them, clothing them (armor and civilian clothes) and making sure they have top of the line protection. HE LITERALLY EVEN SAYS THIS IN AGE OF ULTRON. SUCH a mom. So he wanted to make Steve feel his pain because Steve made a promise that they would lose together and Steve wasn’t there on that moon. And OF COURSE Tony knows that Steve was on earth fighting his own battle against Thanos but he wasn’t WITH Tony. And they are always stronger together than apart. (Civil War kinda proved this too) Tony sees Steve’s absence as the reason they lost, because ‘if only they’d been together’ ‘maybe we could have won if we’d only been together.’
ALSO DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON TONY LITERALLY GIVING STEVE A REPRESENTATION OF HIS HEART. I know he did it out of anger and to make a point but he took away this piece of him, that he made SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE HE FELT VULNERABLE WITHOUT THE ARC, and gave it to Steve. Once again shedding that responsibility and giving it to Steve. Because even with the residual anger over Civil War, Tony trusts Steve. He says otherwise in this moment out of anger but that “vision” he talks about here? He literally watches Steve die (YEAH THATS RIGHT I SAID STEVE. Not PEPPER, NOT RHODEY, NOT ANY OF THE OTHER AVENGERS.) Wanda showed him his worst fear in Age of Ultron and it was the death of the Avengers, but he didn’t see THEM die. Everyone else, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, and Clint were already dead. Tony watched STEVE die and it was STEVE saying that Tony could’ve saved them that spurred him into creating Ultron. He was so scared of losing them and letting Steve down (and letting him die) that he wanted to wrap the whole world in armor to protect him. And he tries to do it again in this scene. He means it to be spiteful but he gives Steve his armor and tells him to hide from Thanos. WHICH IS ANOTHER THING UGH. Tony doesn’t know that out of all of the people who fought Thanos in Wakanda that day, Steve was the one who engaged in hand-to-hand combat with him. Everyone else had armor and suits, weapons, etc. Steve has his serum strength and he u s e d it. It didn’t help for very long but he used his BARE HANDS to fight an alien-monster wielding 5/6 of ALL POWERFUL infinity stones, and ofc he was never going to win, but even Thanos looked at Steve in incredulity at his bravery and resolve. A human (a super charged one at that but still a human) fought him with his bare hands and wasn’t going to stop. (Steve proved this again at the end of Endgame when he’s the last one standing against Thanos and his entire army and just tightens the strap on his broken shield, (and most likely broken arm, based on the flinch/hiss) and readies himself to fight alone. Steve also gave Wanda time to destroy the mind stone (unfortunately, that didn’t mean anything in the end)
AND YET Tony doesn’t know any of this. He doesn’t know how hard Steve fought, just like Tony did on Titan, to stop Thanos. And I REALLY wish we had seen Tony’s reaction to Steve standing up to Thanos at the end of Endgame OR EVEN WIELDING MJOLNIR, but anyways.
Back to the basics. Boss level stuff most people don’t remember or think about- Tony’s dad very unhealthily IDOLIZED Steve. He canonically compared everything Tony did to Steve. So Tony grew up idolizing this man that he also despised because it fueled his father’s abuse of him. Tony shows this anger in the first Avengers. When they have their argument on the quinjet. “Everything special about you came out of a bottle.” He even says something about how Steve didn’t live up to his father’s hype (I don’t remember Tony’s exact words but that’s the gist) And ofc Steve says Tony’s nothing without his armor. But then they go on the prove each other wrong multiple times, but mainly in their last moments in the MCU. Steve proves it by standing alone against an ENTIRE alien army and later by picking up mjolnir. And Tony? Tony is that ONE factor in a million that Stephen sees. Tony, a beautifully pure human-being, with no powers or serums to help, takes on the powers of the stones. KNOWING it would kill him. He had proof. It nearly killed Thanos and Bruce and they were hulking (pun intended) beings with super strength and all that.
Tony and Steve were always set up to be spoils to one another and that makes them perfect together. They balance each other out. Pepper was a boss b****, no doubt, and I loved their relationship in the first two Iron Man movies, but as their characters grew and Tony’s personality was intrinsically changed through trauma- Pepper was no longer right for him. She was good for him, no doubt, but Tony couldn’t relax with her as he did with Steve. Tony could trust Steve to take over and everything could be fine. Pepper was like that for Stark Industries but not in other ways. Tony always saw himself as Pepper’s protector. I will 100% give her props for telling Tony that he’d never rest until he tried Scott’s time travel theory, but other than that she wasn’t particularly supportive of Iron. Man. What Pepper never seemed to understand, and what Steve didn’t understand when he FIRST met Tony, is that Tony and Iron Man are synonymous. Their is no ‘man outside the suit.’ Tony Stark is Iron Man and Iron Man is Tony Stark. Steve was placed into an already created persona of Captain America. Steve didn’t create Captain America even though that’s who he was. He was literally MADE for the role. Tony on the other hand, MADE Iron Man. He was the one who built the first suit - dying in a cave in Afghanistan. He was the one who took responsibility for Obadiah and his father’s actions and became a superhero to save the countries that were affected by Stark tech. Steve may have volunteered to be a superhero because he felt like he had no one other choice but Tony DIDN’T HAVE TO. He had fame, money, power, ALL OF IT. He could’ve EASILY hidden his company’s dark underside once he found out. But instead, Tony was like “Hey um so my company has done some bad things and instead of delegating aid through my money and power, I’m going to personally handle this with a titanium alloy suit and technology that I helped create in a cave while being held captive by a terrorist cell.”
Where was I going with this? OH YEAH.
I will believe in TonyxSteve (Stony) for the rest of my life and I will use fanfiction to fill the void of their deaths. Basically, if I lost anyone in the word vomit above, what I’m trying to say is that- Steve and Tony completed each other. They provided something the other needed. Tony needed stability and protection. He needed to feel like he could let go. Steve needed an anchor in the present. Someone lively and opinionated, SOMEONE ADVENTUROUS AND FUNNY, who Steve could smile with and protect. But also. Steve trusted Tony to be a leader as much as Tony trusted him. They had their ups and downs. Trauma and the Accords didn’t help their relationship at all, but should’ve been it for each other. And I honestly believe they would have t h r i v e d.
Honestly I applaud anyone who made it this far. I don’t know where this all came from but I will not apologize✌🏻
I rest my case your honor.
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azucanela · 4 years
being sokka’s s/o would include hcs?
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being zuko’s s/o headcannons | being korra’s s/o headcannons
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SUMMARY: being sokka’s s/o from the confession to the marriage
WARNINGS: mild lok spoiler, fluff, kissing, do these count as warnings, yeah this is pretty pg man, blood, stab wound, sokka being sokka
A/N: im sick and dying h e l p, but also interact with me im lonely, become and elusive anon idc <3 also wow i have 500 followers??? idk why you all followed me?? but thanks?? hi??
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getting into the relationship
oh god 
i see him with a friends to lovers thing where he either flirts with you from the moment he meets you or progressively begins to fall for you and is far to flustered to flirt because woah there why are you so beautiful
if its the former, then he’s probably gonna be ‘joking’ for the most part and you know this, so you two are just playfully flirting all the time until one day he realizes that he wants this to be REAL and panics 
when you flirt the first time he’s flustered, because he’s really just not used to the same level of forwardness that he has himself, but after a while Sokka is gonna get used to it and he’ll just roll with it
but when he realizes he wants more? he’s gonna be flustered all over again, and he’s probably gonna flirt with you signifigantly less, which is gonna cause you to confront him, much to his dismay, because oh no he’s alone with you-
“oh! haha.. hey y/n. yeah i need to go sharpen my boomerang-”
“sokka that’s not something you can do.”
when you confront him, he’s probably gonna be honest with you and tell you how he feels because he really cares for you and just wants you to calm down because no he does n o t hate you
“do you hate me or something now?”
“uh.. it’s the opposite actually you see-”
if its the latter, he’s gonna go from really calm and chill around you, because of the friendly vibes and such like cracking jokes and such, to a complete and utter mess
you two are really close as friends and that isn’t something he wants to mess up but he’s definitely gonna confess at some point because he’s not one to bottle his emotions up and hates how weird things are between the two of you now that he’s realized he likes you
in general i see sokka as a mess around whoever he likes, until he comes to terms with the fact that he likes them, and this likely won’t take long, he’s pretty in tune with his emotions
he’s not gonna wanna ask you out at first, in all honesty, i see sokka’s whole confidence thing as a facade, because in actuality he has really low self esteem and genuinely sees himself as the “extra” member of team avatar because he lacks bending and everyone around him is so talented that he sometimes forgets he is literally super smart and makes all the plans that save their lives on the daily
just things you are too good for him, especially if you are a bender
if you start hinting that you like him too, he is initially gonna think it is a joke until you start getting bold and then it’s gonna hit him like everyone hits the cabbage man’s cart
i can see either of you confessing first, if Sokka does, he’s probably gonna be really bashful and flustered about it, but he’s also gonna try and act cool because thats like his trademark
if you confess first, he’s gonna be in shock temporarily, but then he’s gonna jump right into things because you like him BACK omgomgomgomg 
he’s gonna wanna kiss you right after the confession, and it’ll probably backfire because he got really excited and ended up headbutting you and now you have a bruise forming on your head and a very apologetic sokka oops
in general, quickly recognizes his feelings and confesses shortly after, because he just hates the weird tension even if he thinks he’s the only one feeling it, even though hes NOT
during the relationship
a really attentive boyfriend, you will never feel neglected, he’s a very clingy person who gets intimate with you all the time, so if you like affection you got it
kissing him is nice, he’s good at it 10/10 recommend, always wants to hold you as close as possible, prefers a hand on your hip/lowerback and another on your face or neck to pull you closer
if you don’t like affection, he’ll express his love in other ways
for example, cooking, i see sokka as someone who can either cook REALLY well, or not at all. there is no in between. 
genuinely just really wants to make you happy
the type to bully you if you’re in a relationship, pls bully him back, humble this man. he’s gonna roast you but he doesn’t really mean it okay, he’s just doesn’t want things to change between you
loves that his best friend is his lover, would not want it any other way
probably forgets to tell the gaang you are dating and like aang and toph are gonna catch you two kissing or smth and sokka’s just gonna be like oh hey guys and they are both like ???
"when did this happen?”
“wym lol”
if you two are together during the war, he’s gonna wanna be by your side like 24/7 because he does not want you to die, like this lowkey stresses him so much that he will subconsciously, when developing battle plans either put you in the safest possible spot or by his side, and its because he has literally lost so many people he’s care for and now he’s distressed
remind him that he matters and is important to the team, because he forget that sometimes and falls into a mood, where he’s all sad and stuff and it just makes you sad so like
tell him he matters, because he does, tell him he’s great even if he can’t bend, and tell him he is a fantastic and brilliant leader, this will serve as an ego boost though so be prepared to humble him
steal his hair ties and do all of us a favor okay, just steal them, burn them because no littering, just make sure he cannot find them! he will walk around with his hair down in confusion, searching for them before he starts the day
speaking of starting the day, you always wake up first, this man is not a morning person and needs his beauty sleep, definitely have a 17 step skin care routine, change my mind, he is big on self care and will make sure you participate with him because he cares about you
speaking of care he knows you so well since you are his s/o so if he notices something is up he will not hesitate to confront you, and will ask if you want solutions or just someone to listen to
prefers solving the problem though
back to mornings, um have fun waking up to sokka with his hair down that sounds HEAVENLY um
mild lok spoilers but sokka ends up chief, and gets involved in politics over time, so he kinda runs out of time for you a bit until he figures out how to organize his time better, then he gets kinda sad, but he still wants to take you out on dates as often as possible ok no more spoilers
so speaking of dates, sokka wants weekly dates, this is a must, does not care if it is a fancy restaurant, cooking at home, or a picnic. he loves picnics most though, and please notice how food is the common factor here
sokka would never cheat on you but if he did he would cheat with food
arguments aren’t rare, but they are mostly over dumb stuff and you both know its dumb stuff so for the most part its a joke, but sometimes someone takes things too far so then apologies are necessary
like actual argument arguments are mostly rare because sokka doesn’t wanna pick fights with you and he’s fairly passive unless he feels really strongly about something
he can be REALLY MEAN THOUGH AND PETTY like wow sokka will go days without talking to you because of a fight
he can and will apologize first when he realizes the toll its taking on your relationship, probably will apologize first
if you catch him being a misogynist put him in his place :)
 he thinks you are hot when you are angry and might pick a fight with you just for that reason, pls make out with him
marriage n’ stuff
im still waiting for someone to explain what weddings are like guys please
anyways he’s gonna realize he wants to marry you when he nearly dies and is like wow life is really short also lets discuss him losing all the important people he’s loved in his life one more time, he does not want to lose you!!!
so he’s gonna nearly die and then be like i need to propose, like now, i cannot die without being married to the literal love of my life so i should do that literally the moment i get home instead of getting medical attention first
yeah he is the smart one, but he lacks common sense, so i hope you got a LOT of common sense. y’all do be sharing a braincell
stops by a ring shop place, and the moment he just feels like he saw the one, price does NOT matter he has purchased it and is now heading home to you
you on the other hand are PANICKING because what do you mean sokka just ran out of the hospital with no explanation and is nowhere to be found katara
what do you mean you thought he would be h e r e
yes katara went over to your house to see if sokka was there and he is not!!!
yet ;)
there is like a manhunt for sokka and he has yet to notice because mans has tunnel vision and as he opens the door to your shared apartment he does not expect to see a crying katara and oh no-
hes like of course im not dead what the hell
you’re seated standing next to Katara trying to console her when you see sokka and wow you are relieved to see he is not dead or kidnapped
lol he’s kissing you to shut you up how cute, now leave katara you are infringing on an extremely pivotal moment of this relationship
honestly seeing you comforting his sister just makes him love you more and he kinda just wants to marry you 10x more now 
you pull away from the kiss looking at him like what are you doing, and katara is like, “Sokka where the hell were you??? you have a stab wound???” and now you’re like WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHWOAH
“stabbed? sokka you need medical attention-”
“to answer your question dear sister, i was getting a ring for your hopefully soon to be sister in law.”
“EXCUSE ME?” you are so confused, katara is confused and is now realizing that she was probably not supposed to be here
sokka is already dropping down onto one knee and pulling out the just bought ring as saying, “marry me!” now he’s high on adrenaline and pain has yet to hit him and he’s kinda just sitting there beaming up at you despite the blood seeping out of him at a rapid rate
“im sorry what?” thats katara girl be quiet they are trying to have a MOMENT
anyways you’re like, “sokka. hospital.”
and he’s like, “answer me first” and he’s giving you a weak lil smile as he realizes how stupid he was and he’s about to stand back up but you put a hand on his shoulder and just nod.
now he’s back to beaming so brightly, and he’s putting the ring on your finger and oh no- he’s passed out. is it from excitement or bloodloss? idk
he also might pass out before hearing you answer and then at the hospital you’re kinda sitting there like, “ARE YOU DUMB STUPID OR DUMB. YOU COULD HAVE DIED.”
and he’s like, “not without hearing your answer” <3<3 heart eyes emojis everywhere
alternatively, he is one of few people i could see having a public proposal, with lots of flowers, a band, fireworks, the whole nine yards
he’s gonna want it flashy
something probably goes wrong and he nearly cries but you say yes anyways and he throws a party after
anyways the actual wedding is preferably public, but if you want a more private one then he does what you want because he loves you most
he is gonna be very active in wedding planning, wants to try the foods and desserts and appetizers and everything especially. wants to do the weird stuff like picking napkins with you and flower arrangements and all that stuff i think this happens idk someone please inform me
this stuff just makes him fall in love with you more tbh, and he’s just so so sure he wants to marry you 
his vows will make HIM cry, like he is going to cry when he sees you walk down the aisle, he’s going to cry when he reads his own vows, and he’s going to cry when you read your vows, it doesn’t matter if they are lowkey bad
makes jokes in his vows because he is a nerd but can barely reach the punchline because he is in tears
fr though he is just so happy to be marrying you and wow you look REALLY GOOD in whatever you are wearing um damn okay you really went off
married life with sokka is elite ngl, mans cooks for you, he probably cleans sometimes, but otherwise chores are fairly divided 
he spoils you
overall sokka is a real great s/o and he gives you everything you deserve and yeah marry sokka 2020 everyone deserves a sokka 
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taglists[lmk if you wanna be added or removed via askbox or replies]
atla:  @bubblebars @jada-cleo @Art-flirt @the-deli-meat @wemissyou3000 @ajediherowitchrunner 
sokka: @iammello
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Ah!! My bad!! Didn't know you couldn't write controversial stuff!! I'll be happy to resend the ask!))May I have Enji, Bakugo, and Deku with a very punk S/O?-Anarchy anon
• He thinks its very entertaining.
• V e r y
• He likes what you wear 🥺🥺
• He thinks they suit you
• they match your skin
• and your body
• thigh highs?? Yes.
• skirts??? He loves it
• tight jeans?? Baby pop the duck off
• studded collar? Y e s
• all your bracelets? Shits dope as duck
• Listen I know his parents literally work in fashion- but he did not inherit the genes needed to be good at it
• so you're gonna have to help hi
• and your make up blows him away
• You teach him how to do eyeliner
• bc we all know he abuses the power
• so you sit him down and you show him how you do yours
• and then you give him an extra eyeliner pen and he copies each step
• Now his eyeliner is sharp as fuck
• its great
• he'll help you dye your hair
• which you love because the feeling of him playing with you hair or running his fingers through it to even out the dyed strands feels like heaven
• you've fallen asleep from it before
• he thinks its funny
• bc here you are
• big scary punk babe
• falling asleep bc he's playing w your fucking hair
• There just this ion give a fuck attitude that punks have
• and he lives for it
• except when it comes to school
• or anything else productive
• so basically just when you're dealing with other people
• bc he's absolutely on your ass about grades
• he'll come w you to get new piercings
• stick n pokes are a no go tho
• seriously he'll flip lmaoo
• Bro you and Dekj are literally the opposite
• he's ✨🧚‍♀️🥰😍💋💫❣❣
• a fucking bottom
• and youre 🤬👺😈💢♠️⛓💉🩸���
• its very amusing to see a babey decked out in black and blue and purple with crazy fucking hair, screamjng profanities at some bitch who had the misfortune of messing w ur bf
• and then a broccoli boy w green hair panicked and trying to pull you away from the fight
• :)
• he's enamored with your makeup tho
• heavy eyeliner?? Yes
• blush??? Yes.
• eyeliner in places thats not your fucking eye? Yes.
• Black lipstick? Yes.
• Babey wants to try and to it 🥺
• its harder than he thinks
• he's looking at the best he just made on your eyelids and he's like 😓
• he likes to try on your jewelry too!!
• just chill with it throughout the day
• like he'll walk into class one day wearing your spiked choker and no one bats an eye
• bc they just know
• its a deku thing
• or he'll come in wearing your cool hand chain things on days they don't have to train
• or your bracelets!
• also?? He sees your coping method of piercings
• and that you do them yourself
• and he'll watch as you do it like 🥰🥰
• he'll make sure its all safe tho!!!
• just because you're punk doesn't mean you can't be safe!!!!
• he likes to see all your cool pins :(
• he'll steal those too
• @ arthur making a fist meme pin
• your favorite one
• n your like sir??????
• whomst??
• you can't take it from him tho 😔
• he's just too cute and he'd be sad if you took it
• he'll sometimes pick your outfit to go out
• or he'll have you style something he can wear so he looks 😤😤 too
• and its a vibe
• You'd never think
• THE Enji Todoroki
• would end up
• w someone
• like
• you
• He's a very composed man
• He dresses well, expensive designer brands
• he's always put together and well-mannered (for the most part)
• and then there's you
• the fucking gremlin from hell that runs on caffeine and energy drinks that looks like a hottopic advertisement
• Its awesome tbh
• Shouto LOVES you
• Bc you're in your late 20's- Early 30's and you fr just living not giving a shit
• Not acting like his mother
• knowing you have like 0 authority over him
• just fucking vibing
• And somehow you managed to snag his dad??
• youre the embodiment of ill marry your date and make you my stepson bitch
• he's like yo, I see you
• Enji lowkey (highkey he just doesn't think its obvious) finds it hot
• that you dress the way you too
• and your attitude
• it just does things to him
• he just really really likes the vibe
• theres an excitement of finally just letting go and saying fuck it after a long day of being composed
• and it appeals to him
• I feel like lowkey part of the punk vibe is making/thrifting/mismatching clothes and just good hard as fuck
• like
• I got these pants from Walmart, this shirt from 7/11 that I cut up and I found these shoes behind the dumpster of an Arby's so here we fucking go
• so when he buys you fancy and expensive punk shit you're like 😤😤😤
• but also like 👁👁
• bc get that bread sis
• mans just watches you kill your hair with bleach and hair dye
• "Would you like me to call and schedule and appointment with Fuyumis hair stylist?" He asks with confusion
"No!! We're fucking shit up is what we're doing. We HAVE to do it this way!!!!"
"Okay, would you like help? I can try the best I'm able to,"
"Aw bby, help is for the week."
• you end up needing help to get the back lmaoooo
• you do your own haircuts
• bc like I said
• fucking shit up
• thats the vibe
• m u l l e t
• or you know the girls that cut lil bits of their hair so short it looks like lil horns??
• please do that
• I promise he'll get rlly soft about it
• "I believe it suits you," he'll say softly, running his fingers through the ends of your hair
"Thanks, I fucked it up and went for it."
• he tends not to curse as much
• so
• :)
• you'll curse for him
• some shit goes wrong? You're right next to him?
• get ready for the storm bb
• "oh you mother fucking cu-"
• he honestly doesn't mind the mouth
• bc like I said before
• its refreshing for him to know he can come home and not be expected to be composed
• He will absolutely be willing to pay for whatever tattoos you want
• and honestly just take him up on it bc tattoos are expensive like
• 3 letters is like 150 bruh
• but!! Piercings are done at home!
• unless they're in your mouth :)
• tongue piercing or that peircing above your teeth
• he won't let you do shit like that at home
• when you did get them he helped you take care of them
• but esr piercings are free game
• overall he's very very supportive in the way you dress and act all around• he really doesn't mind at all
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
Boys reaction to MC who never have date before meeting them. Like, the boys as MC's first love.
My first HC on here and I was memeing half the time while writing it. Included what the boys would do after hearing this news as well because why not. I’m not a Lucien fan but lord have mercy on my soul, I couldn’t help making his romantic af. He is the ideal boyfriend/date minus the l i e s that come in the MS and I hate it. All the crossed out stuff is just commentary because I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy~ Thank you for your ask <3
How the MLQC boys react to being MC’s first love below the cut~
Follows with some snarky comment after he calls her “Dummy”.
Let’s be real here, if he doesn’t call her dummy immediately, then something is wrong. Reminds me of when we streamed the first episode of MLQC and we were all yelling “CALL US BAKA” the second Victor came on screen.
While he seems cool and collected on the outside, you can hear the computer shutdown sound play on the inside.
To him, this is a shocking confession.
Victor: I’m not surprised a dummy like you hasn’t been in a serious relationship before.
Victor, internally: How has she never been in a serious relationship before??
He’s not very good at expressing himself honestly through his words but he truly admires MCs hardworking nature.
He finds that very attractive in a woman and is surprised that other men in the line of business haven’t taken their shot with her yet. it’s because they can feel your death stare on the back of their heads, kind sir
One thing he struggles with is being himself. He tries to act like everything is in his control all the time.
Because of this, upon hearing MCs confession, he invites her to a fancy dinner at his penthouse insert Victor’s Dazzling Date because THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. Jkjk haha... unless...
He wants to impress her as much as possible even though he knows deep down that she doesn’t care about what a person has and rather how they are as a person
BUT ALAS. The stress be real for her first boyfriend.
He wants her to know she made a good decision without verbally telling her out of his own bitch mouth I love you, please call me baka so he goes over the top with their first date.
Basically pulls a Mr. Krabs when taking Mrs. Puff on a date. Just add shades to Mr. Krabs to represent Victor’s “I’m calm. I’m chill. I’m all good. We vibin out here.”
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All MC wants from him is his honest and genuine thoughts. and a lifetime stock of pudding because good god a girl has chocolate needs
MC eventually figures out Victor’s intentions with all the gifts he rains on her because hE dOesNt nEeD tHeM he can’t give her anything more than a cup of pudding up front
MC knows this and accepts the secret gifts with a smile.
She sends a gift in return to his office the following day along with a thank you for the wonderful date.
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of Victor’s heart rate slowing to the average persons.
insert pikachu meme
This boy is mind blown.
“How have you never been in a relationship before??? That can’t be true!”
Kiro sees the good in everyone, so hearing that MC has never been in a relationship before him is
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He gives her a bright smile and playfully hugs her from behind.
The two of them laugh together as he whispers genuinely in her ear,
“I promise to make you happy. You won’t regret it.”
He immediately drags her off to Loveland’s Amusement Park, where they spend the whole day together.
Rides, snacks, games, you name it, they did it all.
Kiro naturally spoils MC without putting much thought to it.
It’s like a reflex for him. It’s just who he is as a person. Always wants to share the happiness in the world with the people he cares about.
As for how anxious he is after hearing the news about being MC’s first love, he is screaming at a pitch only dogs can hear.
Almost 100% of the time he has a smile on his face and even convinces himself that he’s not worried about it.
But he is.
It only hits him when he thinks about another man taking MC away from him after seeing her talking with another guy.
MC will catch him without his carefree smile at times and eventually confronts him about it.
He shows her a wide smile and says there’s nothing to worry about.
After a few attempts of trying to get Kiro to open up about it, he gives in and says he’s worried he’s not good enough for her HAHAHHA, GOOD ONE KIRO
MC, however, turns it around on him
MC: I’m afraid IM the one who isn’t good enough for you.
They both smile and embrace each other, knowing they’ll get through any little concerns like this.
He knows.
We’re talking about the boy who has been in love with MC since high school; Who has protected her behind the scenes ever since he laid eyes on her.
He would know if she had been in a previous or current relationship.
It only comes as a shock when she says she’s never been interested in anyone else romantically before. Lies. Have you seen the other suitors, MC. In a world where guys are that hot, you must’ve had at least 1 crush, c’mon sis.
Gavin respected her personal boundaries and never looked into her personal affairs so he had very little knowledge of her views on other guys.
He gets a little bit nervous, since he believes her standards must be high if she hasn’t been interested in anyone else before.
Does the full on soldier oath, bend the knee cliche which includes “I promise to always protect you” and “Nobody will ever be good enough for you”
Mc: Gavin no...
Spoiler alert: You are waayyyyy too good for me, Gavin.
He doesn’t have too much anxiety over the thought of being MC’s first love though since he’s very good at staying true to himself and knows MC is one to admire that about others.
Gavin is a quiet guy in general. He’s more of an observer and watches MC to take note of what she enjoys.
When he sees her eyes shine bright after seeing a delicious dessert cafe, he offers to take her. He makes sure to express how he also wants to go since he knows she won’t accept unless he is interested as well.
Boy literally has no interests the moment he’s with MC. He is essentially that vine
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Doesn’t even wait until the question is over and just “Absolutely. Let’s do it”
MC: But I haven’t even said anything yet...
He isn’t much different from how he is now. Has around the same amount of anxiety just from being in MCs presence.
Boy just wants to PROTECC and is always panicking on the inside but tries to remain calm.
He is very good at calming his anxiety though since he’s had so long to understand what MC values and knows she just loves people for themselves.
That’s all he needs.
His eyes widen slightly at MCs confession.
It’s nothing too mind blowing for him since he knows how refined MC is and how dedicated she is to her work.
It’s still surprising to him that nobody has tried to sweep her off her feet yet.
With how kind MC is, it would be hard for her to refuse a date with a gentleman.
Lucien gently presses a kiss to MCs hand upon hearing her confession.
Lucien: I am honored to be given the opportunity TO WOO to take such a beautiful lady out on a date~ AND MORE PLEASE
Lucien is the definition of a gentleman shhhh we aren’t speaking of current chapters in the main route Lucien. Cover your eyes. Pretend you do not see.
With little to no anxiety showing on his face after the reveal that he is MCs first love, he insists on taking her out to a nice restaurant the most classy and romantic 5 star restaurant Loveland City has to offer as a way to thank her for dealing with his bs (both his bullshit and black swan hahaha I’m so funny oml) being given the opportunity to treat her as a beautiful young lady should be treated.
He’s also more on the less anxious side of being MCs first love.
Lucien is a traditional man and does stuff by the book.
Because of this, he respects and likes the idea of being MCs first love.
He doesn’t go over the top yet isn’t cliche with dates and little actions.
He knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Though he may struggle with being openly honest about his own thoughts and feelings, he tries his best to express himself for MC. a lot of the time he just assumes talking to her about his personal affairs would bring her down.
This, however, gets better overtime as they continue to date.
They spend a lovely evening at dinner together and take a midnight stroll through the city oh god city stroll PTSD
He gently wraps his jacket around her bare shoulders with a soft smile as he thanks her once again for believing in him believing he is worthy of her
Shaw, smirking: Is that so?
Oohhhhh you know what that smirk does to me. DOWN BOY D O W N.
He’s surprised but his reaction is very mutual.
His internal thoughts are more on the line of “Hmm I’m her first boyfriend, aye?” and “OYA OYA”
He very likely most definitely places his hand on the wall beside her head and leans in closely to get a reaction from her as he growls,
Shaw: So that means you really like me, yeah? I’m making this way too hot gdi. Shaw stans please enjoy your food
MC looks up to see that same playful smirk resting on his face.
highkey don’t know how to respond because Im just “ok think of 3 things she would probably say and go from there” while my brain just computer error sound
MC: and what about yourself? I’m sure there are tons of girls throwing themselves at you yet you choose me.
He pulls away and places his hands in his pockets with a chuckle.
Shaw: I’ve had my fair share before.
iVe HaD mY fAiR sHarE bEfoRe MY ASS
I’m convinced he’s had one time things with girls purely for information or he isn’t the least bit interested in relationships because he thrives on stimulation and entertainment and nOboDy iS gOoD eNouGh plus he literally asks what people do on dates when taking mc out in his first date in game SO
Either way, this is a LIE. The man can’t relationship for the life of him so he has no RIGHTS to tease her.
Just let him believe or you can try to tease him about it in hopes of getting a little pouty face out of him.
Honestly, their first date would just be the first date we got in the game and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Shaw is a wild child and doesn’t care for romantic dates. at least that’s what he wants you to think
A little insight on his character: He’s very blunt and easily pushes people away all the while keeping them close enough to gather intel. He doesn’t get emotionally attached to anyone and makes sure it’s mutual on both ends. Personal relationships only drag him down, especially in his line of work. He prioritizes other things before relationships which makes him so damn FRUSTRATING BUT I SWEAR I WILL CRACK YOU OPEN LIKE A WALNUT JUST YOU WATCH ME.
With that being said, after actually being in a relationship with MC for a while and opening up about their personal lives more, Shaw can be very romantic. He may be awkward for a bit at first since he literally doesn’t know what a date is but he gets there eventually.
He’s still full of fun but is also very gentle and makes sure MC is enjoying herself.
I got sidetracked with the actual HC on this one but Shaw stans need food I NEED FOOD
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jaideite · 4 years
Main 1-A (shoto, izuku, bakuhoe, and Iida) boys playing Minecraft with their s/o
*cries in ender pearls* I’m such a loser cause I don’t even remember most of everything that goes on in minecraft. Don’t @ me if something is wrong. Debating if I should buy Minecraft on my phone and play it
i felt bad bc i haven’t posted any good content so heres an old request ima shoot out the inbox for y’all I’m probably so rusty KWKD :(( <3
first time writing for Iida let’s see how well we do hMM ;))
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— doesn’t understand a single thing but still plays because you do
— he spawned into the world and moved two spaces
— he fell into a cave and survived
— then died because a cave spider attacked him
— “That’s rough buddy.”
— He’s one of those people who mines straight down and finds a whole bunch of diamonds
— “What are these light blue things in the stones?”
— “It’s an ore for a gem. You mine them and you get diamonds or emeralds. Is it like a really light blue?”
— you’re on like the other side of the cave you both went into so you can’t go over and mine them with a certain pickaxe you made specifically for mining
— you’re pissed because you always struggle to find them and here he is breaking the first rule of Minecraft and finding them
— jerk
— “So I should just get rid of them?”
— “Well I mean—“
— he throws them in lava and they make that burning “sss” sound and you just slowly look up at him from your screen
— “Shoto...what did you do with the diamonds?”
— he kinda just “oops” from his side of the room and you just rub your hands over your face and sigh
— “Oh god I’m in for a rude awakening.”
— he makes an underground farm and house and has collected sea lanterns as lights
— has collected all the diamonds in the world I’m not even kidding he just followed your rule of mining them with the gem pickaxe and diddly doo went off
— “This world sucks there are no diamonds.”
— “Oh I have some in the chest by my crafting table.”
— it’s literally a large chest and it’s full of diamonds
— you are just shook
— “sHOTO HOW—“
— lives in the side of a mountain too it’s actually kinda cute cause he used like stairs as chairs and stuff
— unless y’all are playing with some type of mod that allows chairs then other than that pfft your little “house” is decked out just like his bedroom
— your Minecraft beds are right next to each other too
— he thinks it’s romantic
— kinda looks more like an apartment lmaoo
— he’s more of a peaceful Minecraft player but he can survive survival mode if being asked to play
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— blows everything up
— but not with TNT and flint and steel oh no that’s too easy for him
— the easy way is not for him
— he’s going to learn how to set redstone traps so you walk into them and don’t know
— you walk into your house and you hear the click
— “What just—“
— next thing you know your getting eaten by endermites that have been spawned in
— or your screen just freezes because of all the explosions that go off
— “No No No my stuff—“
— you just watch from the ‘respawn’ screen while he moves into your house to steal your stuff
— “Haha, I knew you had some good shit in here—fucking taking these— what the hell is hitting me—OH SHIT! NO FUCK OFF STUPID RAT LOOKING FUCKS NO DON’T FUCKING KILL ME—“
— your rolling on the floor at the situation of him raging cause the endermites killed him
— katsuki works hard but karma works harder bitch
— raids your stuff when all else fails
— “They’re mine now bitch.”
— he is a survival mode player only
— no exceptions
— plays it at the hardest level and rages when he dies but manages to get the hang of it after a while
— the meanest and worst minecraft player to ever play with
— and on top of it all he only plays so he has your attention
— what a clown i swear
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— best one to play with tbh only second to mirio
— knows the basics and a little more
— if he made his own world he could survive pretty decently
— he keeps a notebook on the world you guys share with all the weapons and stuff you could need
— has memorized the most important potions needed like invisibility, etc.
— when you first made the world you had an icon that looked like you so you were looking for a little green haired character amongst the grass (assuming that’s where y’all spawned)
— and you are just so confused cause where is he
— “Izuku where the heck are you?”
— “By the flowers and grass.”
— “Oh no wonder I didn’t see you your hair probably—“
— and like once you finally get to the flowers you see him (or his character) and you just stop in your tracks
— cause there’s a tall, buff pixelated All Might staring back at you
— “Izuku—you know what? I ain’t even surprised.“
— “Haha...sorry.”
— you had to turn away because oh god the face on that thing was going to give you nightmares
— the armour—oh goodness the armour
— of course it’s customized to look like All Mights hero costume
— other than that—he’s a decent Minecraft player
— he has a secret world where he has built the city and all might fighting the villains
— it’s a huge flat world and it’s dedicated to all might
— he can survive pretty well at going off mining on his own but he won’t go without you just in case he dies and loses his stuff
— gets excited when he finds ores especially diamonds
— you get excited when you find emeralds because
— “Oh my god Izuku the emeralds look like your eyes.”
— all_mights_1_fan has left the game
— “Oh wow.”
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— y’all know those Minecraft books that they used to have that used to help you with like enchantments and stuff?
— Thats Iida
— he plays by the books
— has the complete handbook collection
— I do too lmaooo
— you ask him does he want to play and he just ??
— two days later he’s knocking at your door with the books in hand ready to play
— “I would suggest you go over these should we play!”
— “...Tenya—“
— when you guys play he immediately wants the rules
— “Theres only one.”
— “One—“
— “Don’t dig straight down.”
— he just stares at you mouth agape before he just starts going oFF
— “That rule is absurd! Surely there are more—“
— “NOpe that’s how you play.”
— he’s just ??
— no wonder you’re so chaotic you play games with oNE RULE
— what kind of g a m e has o n e r u l e ?
— so you guys are playing and yknow Iida isn’t having the best of luck
— he’s fallen into caves, burned by lava, and been buried alive by gravel and sand
— lowkey kinda feel bad for him lmaoo
— “This game is chaotic! At least these strange green fellows are coming to greet me.”
— “Strange green fellows?”
— “Yes! Some have no clothing on, but that’s alright!”
— you’re confused for a bit until it just it’s you
— when the first creeper explodes and he goes flying and he starts scolding it for doing that you know you’re in for a ride
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— also best person to play with
— a combination of everyone lmaoo
— he’s like midoriya except no notebooks
— can also survive on his own but like not in hard mode like katsuki that demon
— you guys play mini games like bedwars and are definitely a couples teams just like in real life
— you guys are like pros at playing
— “Get that blue bed guy over there.”
— “You have a yellow bed behind you, watch out!”
— wholesome is what it is
— if you are like me and just chaotic at Minecraft and life
— which includes missing almost everything, forgetting the names of stuff, and building a little house on the side of a mountain for the next seven days and being scared of everything
— “Babe where are you?”
— “Uh...I’m... I’m in a cave.”
— “We are in the jungle how are you—“
— “I saw a pig and I wanted to kill it and on the way I just dropped into a hole in the ground.”
— poor mirio is just exasperated
— oh boy y’all are in for a ride
— best therapy for him if he gets depressed about the losing his quirk
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angies-aesthetics · 3 years
Hey hey!! I know it says that requests are open, but I still hope that it's ok to send this in with you having a lot of em!
I came to ask for a Kin Matchup! I hope that sources Deltarune, Cookie Run, Pokémon, and Danganronpa (any game works!) are ok! You can remove one of them if it's too much! :0 (or add on if you feel like it >:3)
I'm an ENFP-T 9w1! (I recently took a more accurate personality test and it gave me this MBTI hehe) Well I'm overall more of an ambivert though? I just barely got E after all
Anyway!! My signs are:
Gemini - Sun
Pisces - Moon
Capricorn - Rising
A quick note ( in case it helps!) that I most likely have ADHD with every sign lining up, though it's definitely not confirmed yet since I have yet to get a place to get diagnosed officially,, it's kinda hard at this time y'know!
Alright, onto the actual good bits!
General personality traits I have, regardless of who I am around:
Generally, I'd consider myself kind! I care for others needs more than mine and tend to forget about myself a lot- but hey! Others say that I'm easy to talk to!
I generally have a problem with taking things seriously! I dunno I just?? Can't get into the mindset of being serious when I need to be? Like I can't relate man-
Another problem is that I maaaaay bottle up my emotions a lot and then tell people not to do that like a dumbass lmao
Aaand I also am a lousy multitasker- Like I cannot concentrate on more than one thing- especially auditory things! So if I'm doing something it's gonna take like 10 tries to get my attention by just talking-
And lastly, I'm very impulsive! Like impulse spending included- if I think something is funny I'm doing/buying it. No questions asked.
Ok and now specific things:
How I act in public differs a lot from how I act online!! I seem a bit quiet and withdrawn but in reality I'm just anxious and awkward and literally don't know what to say since physically interacting is EXHAUSTING- Well it's slightly to my advantage anyways since I can't talk a lot cuz otherwise my throat starts to hurt badly!
Thats- that's literally it really-
But online or around friends will be a lot more! I think!!
This is generally where I put a LOT of my energy! I'm, well, energetic and such, and I am also super super chaotic! It ties in with the impulse thing lol- if it's cursed IM MAKING IT. As long as it's appropriate of course!!
I love to joke around with friends and tease them about stuff, though I'll stop if they express their discomfort! Hopefully not in a way that looks like joking to me though because otherwise I'm gonna misunderstand- it's generally good to use tone indicators around me!
I express myself and my opinions a lot more, and will speak up if there's something that I don't think is right. At least when It's a small group and not a whole server-
Ok this wasn't a lot longer but that's ok??
Oh here are some of my kins if you need them:
• Sara Chidouin, B E A N I E M A N (weird combo I know but aha aha) -YTTD
• Hu Tao - Genshin Impact
Ok what else uhh
Hobbies!! I love to draw! I have been doing so for about 10 years now, and I'm not thinking of stopping anytime soon! 5 y/o me made the right choice to copy my sister with doing art as well >:)
I also love to play video games hehe- I prefer singleplayer, but I can do multi if I play with friends! Especially for stuff like Dead By Daylight- I'm not going in without at least one other person! That being said, my fav genres atm would probably be RPGs, Indies and horror! Horror doesn't give me the scares at all but it's amusing nonetheless!
I also really really love listening to music! I cannot go without it since I don't like it when theres a lot of people talking (either in general or to me)- my fav genre will always be Jazz
Pretty sure this should be all, please please take your time on this since it's long!! ★
hello!! you got it :]
for deltarune, you remind me of noelle holiday !! (I haven't played the new chp so this is all based off of what I remember from chp 1 lol) but she's super sweet, people oriented and friendly, but definitely more awkward generally (and especially around newer people) but this is mostly based off of vibes, if I'm honest !!
from cookie run, you remind me of pancake cookie !! they're a younger cookie, a little bit more childlike and wonderous, but enjoys playing with others and enjoys making new friends :] I really like them!!
from pokemon, I've decided to assign you both an actual pokemon and a character: for the pokemon, I think you remind me of the electric-type, emolga !! super cute and fun and a little mischievous!! and from pokemon swsh you remind me of Hop! he's really passionate and looks up to the people around him-- he's a bit bold and a little reckless at times, but he's very goal oriented and very personable!!
from danganronpa you remind me of aoi asahina !! she's super energetic and friendly, comes off as a little airheaded at times, but is really a sweetheart and loves taking care of others !!
I hope this was fun for you!! have a wonderful day!!
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bladekindeyewear · 3 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-12-25
I’m not going to spend time BLOGGING an upd8 on Christmas morning!
...yes I am who the fuck am I kidding.  (Bonus stuff and Hiveswap are still well on hold though.)
So are we gonna follow up on the main ship?  Probably not, right, with that perfect Karkat point to cut away, right?  We’re just going to leave Roxy’s question hanging, as well as makeouts etiquette, and leave while having seen a COUPLE FRAMES of non-possessed canon Jade with only whatever fun fanart was inspired across the internet by the moment to tide us over????
Yeah, probably.
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Ugh, more Dirk.  I guess it’s overdue.  :(
> CHAPTER 16. Welcome to my Secret Lair
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Oh huh, I guess not?  So... Jane’s, or Rose and Kanaya’s?
Karkat stays for longer than John thought he would. They talk a bit, but mostly they are quiet. Eventually, Karkat gets called away on yet more important war business, leaving John with one final touch on the shoulder. John leans into it in response, though he’s a bit ashamed of chasing down a sliver of physical affection so soon after obliterating Karkat’s evening like he had.
Pretty much, yeah.  Can’t blame either of them.
When Karkat is finally gone, John still doesn’t move. It isn’t as though he has nowhere else to go, since there are quite a few places he might attempt to make himself useful, for better or for worse.
You’re still abandoning the task that was explicitly yours to protect your literal kid and his friends, but, oh well.  Low-point.  Dave dead, house dead, broke news, I get it.
He just doesn’t feel ready for that yet. The remnants of his house are still smoldering, and he can’t stop staring at them. It would make sense, he thinks, to want to root around through the rubble for anything that’s still intact; some half-charred keepsake to claim as the last thing left that’s still his. But he doesn’t want to do it, and he doesn’t want to think about it. And he still can’t move.
Can’t move.  No Breath huh?  What’s going to get him to, then?
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Oh boy, that might help.  XD  She’s pretty good at that.
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Still with the waistline gap.  And was his phone always yellow like his God-Tier shoes?
ROXY: hey john can u do me a quick solid ROXY: actly idk how quick itll be but its definitely solid ROXY: harry anderson says i just missed u being here but could u skip back on over?
Nice, huh!  No judgment, just a hey-any-chance-you-could-swing-back.  He sort of needs to be needed right now, in a simple, almost everyday non-judgmental way I guess.  (That’s what he NEEDED anyway-- whether he deserved it though is up for debate.)
ROXY: i need help w/smth and yr darling boy is holed up in his room working on some fuckin craft project or other and cant be bothered
ROXY: and now that me and u are freshly on speakin terms again i might as well take advantage of that olive branch and put u to work ROXY: assumin you havent died in an air raid, that is ROXY: which id also be interested in knowin about so if u wld be so kind as to reply instead of leavin me hangin
Heheheh.  Gosh Roxy is always the best.
JOHN: yea yea sorry im here. JOHN: i just had a hard time getting my phone out of these fucking tiny pants.
JOHN: and also my house is bombed out so i'm kinda grappling with that. JOHN: but i honestly am not sure how much longer i need to sit around staring at it. trying to align my memories of my youth with whatever is happening right now so JOHN: short version is no i’m not dead, and yeah i can come back over there and help you out. ROXY: oh sweet yr alive and down to do manual labor its a win/win JOHN: see you soon.
Yep!  Pulled away from all the metaphorical, ultra-meaningful bullshit, back to some brass tacks with some easy humor.  Definitely something Roxy can do well.~
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EXCUSE ME.  What is that outfit and pose.  Did you--
ROXY: sup ROXY: follow me ROXY: well were just going to my room so i guess technically u know the way JOHN: haha ok.
Did you invite him over for the manual labor of banging you while your son is sewing in the other room
Or maybe the labor is making him a new sibling.  JFC
Is this plan part of why we got the sudden content warning that was mocked or was that mainly for Hiveswap 
John follows, trying to shake the ominous feeling he got from what she’d just said. He’d been in and out of this house a lot in the past few days. Why should this be any different?
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Yea this seems like a fucc room.
JOHN: it’s not like i could forget! ROXY: ya i guess u only really saw the living room when you were here the other day but i have changed some stuff up ROXY: done a lil redecoratin here n there
So it’s MORE of a fucc room than previously >__>”
ROXY: may have to do a smidge more if my old bff decides im next on the list for bombing out ROXY: but so far so good
Ah geez.
ROXY: just a coupla exploded cars in the yard from some shenanigans our dear son and his friends were in but u kno it is what it is!!!
Well, that’ll buff out easy.
ROXY: can i get u anything? ROXY: just made some coffee JOHN: no, uh, i’m good.
Of course she has a fancy handled winecoffeeglass  (and the handle does look ridiculous but it’d be too hot to hold otherwise)
Roxy shrugs and swirls her own coffee around in her novelty mug. John looks around. A lot about the room is the same. The family photos, the rug. There’s a lot more cat stuff in there now, though. The bed is new. John feels like he’s about to take a test he hasn’t studied for. He makes himself focus on what she’s saying.
That would be the feeling.
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MY GOD.  Roxy is so fucking good at this holy shit
She KNOWS she’s making him squirm and she loves it
JOHN: so uh anyway. JOHN: what was this favor? ROXY: yo why dont u just come rest yr tush for a bit ROXY: take a lil relax next 2 me here JOHN: haha uh. JOHN: roxy i uh. JOHN: im flattered, but i don’t know if that’s really the right step right now. JOHN: don’t get me wrong, everything seems so fucked up right now that when i try to think about what might actually BE the right step, it feels like a huge cartoon question mark might physically manifest over my head. JOHN: but I’m not sure if um rekindling our physical relationship is really the best--
So is Roxy trolling him, about to reveal she wasn’t thinking of sex and was just making things seem sultry?  Or just had “lol jk” as an option-select, maybe.
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ROXY: r u kiddin me rn egbert JOHN: i’m not? unless you were, in which case yeah lets say i was also kidding. JOHN: oh my god, i’m sorry, i don’t know why this making me freak out.
ROXY: i remember our past boot knockin with fondness but that is a situation im not interested in revisiting
boot knockin XD
ROXY: look john ROXY: i was trying to be polite about it ROXY: offering u sustenance n rest n all ROXY: but you look like shit ROXY: i just wanted to catch up on the whole heinous war situation were in and maybe check in on e/o before leaping strait to the real n actual nonsexual manual labor favor i have in mind for u JOHN: oh.
Hey, she can’t help looking sexy she’s too good at it.
Is the manual labor moving the crashed cars?  Can’t Roxy pull that off on her own, or... banish the cars to the void or something?  (Oh, but WOULD she want to do it on her own when she can rope in John and bring him down to earth by giving him a useful task?  And admittedly his strength and wallet would make things easier.)
John feels his shoulders unbunch. Of course. Yeah. He’s almost embarrassed by how relieved he feels. So what if his ex wife wanted to hook up? Shouldn’t that be a situation he could navigate? Don’t people like to find solace in human physical connection during dire times? Why did the idea of it make his mind white out in panic more than, say, any number of the traumas he just experienced?
Probably some gender stuff mixed up in there too, June.
He doesn’t know, but he believes Roxy that he must look pretty haggard. He probably feels haggard? Maybe sitting down will feel better.
Just put your feet up yeah
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JOHN: sorry. like i said, my "how to react to stuff" meter is completely fucked right now. ROXY: thats fair bud
she’s used to being patient with you don’t worry otherwise you never would’ve gotten this far
ROXY: real fast i do need to do a quick takeback of all that shit i said last time we talked about janey not being literally the most evil person we knew or whatever ROXY: i guess i was hopped up on arguin or somethin since that was before we hit our conversational vibe bc of course u were right and i shoulda listened
Ouch.  Yeah, we saw just lately just how far off the deep end she was.  (Where was that funny upd8 reaction art summarizing the bit where Kanaya was holding Tavros hostage and Jane was transparently debating “hmm do I let my son die?” and Kanaya and Tavros were just looking at each-other flat-mouthed nervous?  I REALLY wanted to share that but I don’t usually want to reblog or put most stuff HS^2 not under a read-more, for spoiler purposes, usually.)
ROXY: im just glad ur ok ROXY: or like alive JOHN: yeah, jury's still out on "ok" but, you know. ROXY: ya ROXY: u said ur house is gone?? JOHN: yep. JOHN: completely. ROXY: jeez ROXY: i would ask how ur feelin but like the answer 2 that has got 2b "prtty bad"
Talk it ouuuut~~  get those feels out there and articulated john
JOHN: yeah. JOHN: i mean. JOHN: no? JOHN: it’s weird. JOHN: it feels like it should be a bigger deal, I guess? JOHN: like it’s my HOUSE. JOHN: but mostly it always felt like my dad’s house? JOHN: and when i started living there after i moved out of here, it was like i crammed myself back into whatever was left of my kid self? JOHN: and it didn’t feel good, but it at least was familiar, you know? JOHN: like living there let me feel closer to my dad, trying to be like the way i remember him, or like how i remember him wanting me to be, or something? JOHN: and i didn’t realize how much i hated doing that until i saw it all go up in flames. JOHN: so i guess i could have used my powers to stop the fire and save whatever was left of the place, but i couldn’t bring myself to do it. JOHN: like some fucked up part of me was glad i got there too late? JOHN: so i just sat there, watching, trying to figure out why watching my house burn down felt like i was being released from prison. JOHN: and even now i keep trying to explain it away, as though it’s because of how fucked up everything else is that it made me feel good. JOHN: but that’s just bullshit. JOHN: it DID feel good. JOHN: i DO feel free. JOHN: sorry.
I was kind of saying some Breath/Blood stuff at the time of him losing his last tie to his stubborn sticking-to-his-kid-self bit?  Except now we’re mixing it in with June Egbert and his gender-identity questions too.
ROXY: no need 2 apologize ROXY: we just delved in2 my whole gender thing last time so it seems fine for u to have a turn JOHN: i didn’t say it was a gender thing.
Oh shit
ROXY: well no i just meant like i did some sharing ROXY: like referrin 2 the topic i brought up when we chatted last ROXY: but like now that u mention it ROXY: *meaningful pause* JOHN: … JOHN: i JOHN: ROXY: lol well we can move on 2 the favor part if youd rather ROXY: stick a lil pin in that topic n come back 2 it when u have had sleep
Are you just INCREDIBLY incisive Roxy or have you and John talked about this before?
ROXY: like i said the other day its not like this shits figureoutable in 1 sitting anyways JOHN: yeah... ROXY: sooooooo ROXY: movin on
It’s just fine for Roxy to slow-roll this yeah, if she’s going to pry open that door a little
ROXY: dont be mad but theres a part of the house u didnt know abt the whole time u lived here JOHN: what? ROXY: yea ROXY: i got a secret lair ROXY: for my sciences
OH FUCK YES SCIENCE LAB, of COURSE Roxy would want a cool science lab basement because she always wants a cool science lab basement
ROXY: and i get to it via a transportalizer underneath our bed ROXY: which is 2 heavy 2 move by my lonesome so i just needed to borrow some o your aforementioned powers of wind
Okay no.  Wait.  What the fuck?
First of all, as funny and MSPaintAdventures-y as furniture being in the way of things is, why would you block it with a bed too heavy to move, but,
Second of all, more importantly, how is a GOD-TIER ROXY not strong enough to lift a heavy bed?!?!?!?  Either she’s lying to get John involved in things or this is a gendered cop-out because these characters are superheroes at the TOP of their echeladders, given obnoxiously powerful video-game strength and athletics only to then have ascended into DEITIES.  God-Tier Roxy could probably have lifted a bed like that when she was SEVENTEEN!  And now she’s an ADULT, out-of-shape or otherwise!  If this were a whole CAR I might be willing to handwave it, but just a heavy BED?!?  And none of the GUYS are going to have this much trouble lifting a bed like this, are they??  This just feels like following classic cartoony gender tropes in the complete absence of these characters’ super powers, what the fuck, and also Roxy if you didn’t make it Transportalizer-only access you could have given it an entrance you could phase through with your fancy powers to get to.  FUCK.
This feels stupid.
ROXY: so if u dont mind woosh away JOHN: uh ok, well... JOHN: a secret science lair, sure, i can deal with that. JOHN: why not! JOHN: it doesn’t work out great when i do the windy thing indoors, though. ROXY: aight then no wind bending just use your mangrit
Roxy flexes, the corner of her mouth pulled up into a familiar grin. John feels his guts, so recently calmed, twist up into knots again. Her eyebrows shoot up and the smile loosens. He must have shown something on his face.
You’re already THIS sensitive about gendertalk?
ROXY: ok or just like push when i push ROXY: we both got sick muscles ROXY: no other adjectives necessary JOHN: yeah ok. ROXY: on 3?
Please, please reinforce the idea that they both have sick strength, because they fucking do and the idea that Roxy actually a hundred percent NEEDED John to do this is BS.
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JOHN: holy shit? ROXY: sorry to lop yet another huge scoop onto ur lil brains ice cream revelation sundae JOHN: so wait, if this thing's always been under the bed, how’d you get down here before without me? ROXY: well thats neither here nor there john JOHN: i mean it is kinda. Here. ROXY: fine ok checkmate ROXY: i dont ACTUALLY need ur nerdgrit for this escapade ROXY: like im sorry but i said it ROXY: i mostly just wanted to see you and show u wats down here
If that wasn’t actually just a lie to get him involved I was going to stay SO mad.  Of COURSE Roxy can move a fucking BED no matter how heavy it is.  OF COURSE.
ROXY: and also uve been ~sent for~ JOHN: ok but like ROXY: john i am inviting u 2 my inner sanctum ROXY: i am literally bringing out the word "sanctum" in case u werent already clued in 2 how cool this is ROXY: so do u wanna go into my secret lair or wat JOHN: yeah!? JOHN: yes? i guess? ROXY: aight good
Yes John of course you want to stop fighting it
ROXY: then as they told me in the hospital before lil h a was born ROXY: just push
eyeroll, but yeah, of course
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Oh cool, sprite form version of her loungewear.
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Sorry for my compulsion to post every full-frame image of Roxy in this awesome outfi-WERE YOU KEEPING CALLIOPE UNDER YOUR BED THIS WHOLE TIME?!?????
That’s like... almost a fucking metaphor isn’t it????  For the relationship you preferred in the other timeline and possibly THIS one TOO or
ROXY: hey callieee i got him ROXY: o damn john sorry i shoulda also told u callies here weve been hangin out again ROXY: 1 more freak for ur bean
Oh huh, so this isn’t an always thing.  And these two can get close in more than one timeline where it would’ve worked out nicely.  :)
JOHN: oh it's ok, my bean feels pretty well adjusted to freakage at this point so keep them coming if you like! ROXY: k cool i will JOHN: do i get to know what that big thing under the sheet is? ROXY: hmmmmmm no JOHN: oh ok. JOHN: are you sure? i mean, it seems like a pretty prominent feature of the room. JOHN: space. JOHN: wherever we are. ROXY: and a totally mysterious n COMPLETELY inconspicuous feature it will have to remain for now ROXY: we r kinda in a hurry here fyi ROXY: and by that i mean ROXY: we are in precisely the amount of hurry that means im excused from having to a that specific q rn JOHN: right, sorry. JOHN: i will pay no attention to the object behind the curtain. ROXY: u catch on fast egbert ROXY: anyway theres more cool info coming so just follow me
I don’t have any big theories.  Is it just the Hiveswap device or something?  If Calliope helped with it it’d help explain the Cherubic theme.
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JOHN: so... this is all downstairs? JOHN: it seems like you had a lot of work done. ROXY: well no not x actly ROXY: were in the old meteor JOHN: under the house??? ROXY: ok so ROXY: in hindsight it may have been a bit misleading 2 say like ROXY: "downstairs" ROXY: in reference to a place which is hells of buried underground and may not actually be literally under the house ROXY: but there is no time to explain all that rn john so instead im going to refer u to my adorable little green friend here CALLIOPE: #U_U# ROXY: (hehe) CALLIOPE: *AHEM* CALLIOPE: hi john! CALLIOPE: long time no see. ^u^
Cherubs just really like dark cavelike places full of weird tech don’t they.
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JOHN: oh, uh. hey callie! JOHN: it sure has been a while huh. JOHN: now that i think about it, the last time the three of us hung out like this... CALLIOPE: was when i was aggressively third wheeling yoUr prenUptial coUrtship? CALLIOPE: if yoU dont mind, john, i'd rather not rehash that period of oUr lives. CALLIOPE: it was more than a little painfUl for me. JOHN: oh. JOHN: god, jeez, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to-- CALLIOPE: hee hee john i am only pUlling yoUr leg, don't worry. CALLIOPE: if anything i was personally a little thrilled with how things shook oUt in that respect. CALLIOPE: imagine, if yoU will, a yoUng cherUb raised in solitUde, whose only solace was the convolUted and tUmUltUoUs romantic schemata she projected onto her only friends from another Universe. CALLIOPE: and then fUrther imagine that this yoUng cherUb, throUgh varioUs even *more* convolUted contrivances, ended Up in the company of those selfsafe friends as an eqUal participant in their sphere of social discoUrse! CALLIOPE: it is a joy the like of which yoU possibly cannot fathom. u_u
Reinforcing that things turning out this way was in fact the FANTASY that Calliope was writing over in the Canon timeline.  Just, heavily, HEAVILY implied that the Candy timeline is -- or at least originated as -- Calliope’s fanfiction as a Muse of Space, and its competition for audience interest with canon is the essential conflict between alt!Calliope and Dirk (or Dirk and Andrew Hussie).
CALLIOPE: so to pUt it simply, getting to experience sUch emotional drama myself was an impossibly enriching experience. CALLIOPE: possibly a first for my species! CALLIOPE: it's actUally qUite interesting, if yoU ROXY: *nudge* CALLIOPE: oh, right. yes. i'm getting a little carried away, haha. CALLIOPE: argh, i'm sorry, this is not how i planned to begin this vital conversation.
Vital conversation?  What sorta truth-bombs are coming?
CALLIOPE: but to sUmmarise, what i was trying to say is: CALLIOPE: don't beat yourself Up aboUt it john. CALLIOPE: besides, hUman divorces are even more fascinating than i had ever imagined, and being able to witness yoUrs in motion was an honoUr. CALLIOPE: so i consider Us aboUt even at this point. JOHN: hahaha!!! JOHN: okay, well that's good to know! CALLIOPE: ^u^
Holy SHIT that was savage!  And we’ll NEVER know whether or not she really intended it so savagely, either.~
JOHN: so um... JOHN: i hear that there's this big secret thing you wanna tell me about? CALLIOPE: oh right, yes of course! CALLIOPE: let me jUst say first of all how thrilled i am that yoU're on board. CALLIOPE: i wasn't sUre if yoUr natUral inclinations woUld have preclUded yoUr coming to such a place as this, and yet here yoU are. CALLIOPE: this whole endeavoUr will be *so* mUch easier with yoUr help.
Uh oh.
Hopefully babies aren’t involved.
JOHN: oh! well, shucks. JOHN: not really sure what that means but i'm just glad to be of use somewhere, haha. JOHN: which, speaking of somewhere, CALLIOPE: ah right, right. yoU're probably a little cUrioUs as to where the dickens we are. CALLIOPE: how much do yoU know aboUt black holes? JOHN: um... like, the big space things? CALLIOPE: they aren't always big actUally, and in fact their relative smallness is practically their defining qUality. JOHN: oh. CALLIOPE: bUt okay i think we are on the same page. CALLIOPE: so, what if i told yoU that we are inside of a black hole right now.
Oh dear, we’re getting into the canon/noncanon divide?
JOHN: um... JOHN: like, HERE? JOHN: we just transportalized into a black hole? CALLIOPE: no, i mean, what if oUr whole WORLD was inside a black hole. JOHN: ok.
Yeah, that’s gonna be John’s reaction.  “ok.”  Pretty much inevitable.
CALLIOPE: earth c, or at least oUr version of it, has, from the moment we crossed the victory threshold, been inside a black hole. JOHN: ok. CALLIOPE: and not just any black hole, bUt the very black hole in which the green sUn Ultimately met its demise, allowing oUr victory in the first instance! JOHN: huh! ROXY: ("huh!") ROXY: (rofl my fucking ao egbert) JOHN: (shhhh!)
And Roxy enjoys his non-reaction reactions as much as we do, hehe.
CALLIOPE: bUt, paradoxically, the critical moment which determined its capture within the black hole happened *after* that point. CALLIOPE: i refer of coUrse to yoUr decision not to retUrn to the mediUm and fight my brother. JOHN: wait, wait. JOHN: you mean, the meat and candy thing? JOHN: oh my god. JOHN: you mean i actually DID make a mistake that day. CALLIOPE: well, that's not exactly what that-- JOHN: ugh, i fucking KNEW it! JOHN: i'm so sorry. JOHN: i'm so sorry that i put the earth inside a black hole everyone. ): ROXY: john ROXY: listen ROXY: u have got to get out of this mindset i am begging you JOHN: ):
Yeah shake him out of this shit.
ROXY: your choice literally didnt matter ROXY: the whole thing was symbolic in the first place ROXY: literally symbolic in the case of the picnic i mean come on ROXY: it was just some steak and a plate of candy suckers JOHN: oh. CALLIOPE: i mean, i wouldn't go so far as to say that the meal we shared was unimportant, given the sacred significance of the two options i presented. CALLIOPE: but yes, yoUr choice of snack was infinitely less important than the choice which it presaged. CALLIOPE: and even then, calling it a choice woUld be sorely misleading. CALLIOPE: think of it like a coin flip. CALLIOPE: the series of events that led to Us being trapped beyond the event horizon of an Ubermassive black hole could be considered "tails", while the events which would have occUrred otherwise could be considered "heads". CALLIOPE: since both were possible, and paradox space is the way it is, they actUally both happened. and we jUst "happened" (hee hee) to get tails instead of heads. JOHN: you mean we ended up with the bad possibility. CALLIOPE: not at all! since both possibilities depend on one another's existence, it really doesn't make sense to call them "right" or "wrong". they both just "are". JOHN: o...kay... CALLIOPE: u_u
Yeah, it’s going to take a bit more than that to convince him he didn’t make the “wrong decision”.
CALLIOPE: i realise that this may be a lot to process. CALLIOPE: it's easy to forget that this wasn't obvioUs to everyone from the beginning. CALLIOPE: anyway, the reason i went on this tangent in the first place was to explain that the space we are standing in right now has a special significance, in that it is the location which corresponds to the black hole's singUlarity. JOHN: oh, wow. JOHN: um. JOHN: ok so, sorry if this is a dumb question to ask suddenly, but what does being inside of a black hole actually... mean for us? JOHN: is that bad? JOHN: is it like in movie, um, JOHN: shoot. JOHN: roxy what was that matthew mcconaughey movie from your earth that we watched? ROXY: u mean interstellar JOHN: RIGHT. JOHN: the one with the organ. JOHN: man. i cried at that movie so much. ROXY: lol u can say that again ROXY: iirc at least part of y u got so weepy was the fact that u couldnt believe a version of earth existed where ppl got 2 watch more mcconaughey films than you JOHN: listen. JOHN: i simply don't think you all appreciated the gift you were given. CALLIOPE: i don't believe i'm familiar with this particular film ^u^;; ROXY: oh dont worry cal you didnt miss much JOHN: (gasp)
This is all gold
ROXY: but the important point is that no its not really an interstellar type situation here egbert ROXY: ur not gonna enter a weird time vortex and change the trajectory of a little girls life with the power of love JOHN: aw.
Dammit, now we have to be on the lookout for that possibility.  Or it did sort of already happen more than once to John.  ...Whatever.
CALLIOPE: to go back to your original question, john. CALLIOPE: it's not strictly speaking "bad" for Us to be inside of a black hole, mUch thoUgh that contradicts most of what anyone knows about them. CALLIOPE: of coUrse, if we had fallen into it, that woUld be a whole other kettle of fish. CALLIOPE: the tidal forces woUld have stretched Us all into spaghetti and then ripped us apart! CALLIOPE: bUt the natUre of oUr arrival was more akin to simply "being" here, sUddenly. one moment we were not, and the next moment we were, and somehow always had been. CALLIOPE: in everyday, practical terms, being inside of a black hole has very little bearing on Us. CALLIOPE: i mean, the natUre of space and time is a little finicky in here, bUt for the most part it doesn't seem to be anything too oUt of the ordinary. CALLIOPE: bUt beyond that, it means that we are sealed away from the rest of existence. CALLIOPE: oUr sphere of inflUence is limited to the sphere of the black hole's bounding horizon. CALLIOPE: as far as everyone else is concerned, we might as well not even exist! JOHN: is there no way we could let anyone know that we're in here...? CALLIOPE: almost certainly not!
No?  So this doesn’t have to do with the divide?
CALLIOPE: there are very few ways for anything to escape the kind of predicament that we are in right now. one of them is to be an all-powerfUl being with control over the very fabric of space, with the energy of two Universes at yoUr disposal. CALLIOPE: in which case, escape woUld become rather trivial, if a little Unscientific. JOHN: ok. i am going to assume that we can't just do that. CALLIOPE: yoU've hit the nail on the head, UnfortUnately. U_U CALLIOPE: the method i described was the one employed by my alternate self, who yoU may recall crashed through the event horizon in the body that once belonged to jade harley. CALLIOPE: she departed through a pUnctUre she created in the black hole's surface shortly after consUming my brother, a deed which provided her with the necessary "oomph", and which was frankly rather breathtaking to watch. =u= CALLIOPE: bUt Upon her departUre, the rift closed for good. as far as i can see, there's simply no way for Us to commUnicate with the world oUtside the black hole.
What the heck?  Calliope SAW all this?  Is this her Muse powers at work, letting her observe these things, or was she there?  And John certainly did NOT see ANY of what Calliope just said happen.
CALLIOPE: i woUld certainly be very sUrprised to find oUt that anyone had managed sUch a thing!
So we’re going to find that out if we haven’t already.  Maybe something to do with the way Vrissy just conks out narcoleptically?
JOHN: ...right. JOHN: so... let me just get this straight. JOHN: knowing that we're inside of a black hole... does that actually change anything? JOHN: like, can't we just go on living like normal? CALLIOPE: oh absolUtely not. CALLIOPE: i don't know if yoU've noticed john bUt this world is on the brink of a total cataclysm. JOHN: oh.
Um, what?
CALLIOPE: oUr exclUsion from the overarching coUrse of events which governs all reality means that oUr existence here is liable to dramatic and violent Upheaval. CALLIOPE: to pUt it another way, becaUse nothing in here "matters", we are likely to be sUbjected to things which are a bit bats in the belfry, for no reason other than it's totally insignificant to the wider canon of reality. CALLIOPE: and mUch thoUgh i am personally titillated by some of the conseqUences of this predicament, it is a degrading way for Us to live. u_u JOHN: that's... certainly one way to put it, yeah...
No plot-armor for your entire timeline, I guess, yep.  Outside of canon, we can imagine and write about ANYTHING happening to the characters, or just drop their existence entirely, much like a doomed offshoot timeline.  It’s a plot stability that depended heavily on the threat of Lord English and being trapped in a story, and without it things are bound to see a BIT chaotic (or “degrading” if you view it as subjected to the whims of fanfic writers, certainly).
CALLIOPE: at first, i believed that this was simply necessary. Us playing tails to oUr coUnterparts' heads, the black to their white, and so forth. CALLIOPE: bUt over the years i have come to the conclUsion that this is simply not kosher. ROXY: its total bs is what it is CALLIOPE: right, yes. CALLIOPE: a steaming pile of bUllshite. CALLIOPE: and so we have decided that something needs to be done aboUt it.
Ah fuck.  You’re going to regulate non-canon?  “Canonize” it?  Is the fact that you eventually succeed at whatever it is you’re trying to do part of why we have the story presented to us in this bifurcated structure?
ROXY: this is finally where u come in jegbert ROXY: we gots quests for yous CALLIOPE: hee hee, yes. CALLIOPE: or *a* quest, to be specific. JOHN: oh boy! ROXY: (this fkin nerd i s2g)
Roxy and Calliope setting him on this quest as a Rogue of Void and a Muse of Space feels fitting.
JOHN: i'm not sure how i can go about freeing us from a hellish space prison, but i'm up for giving it a try i guess? JOHN: i have... literally nothing better to be doing at this point. except for maybe hanging out with harry anderson. ROXY: nice save lol
ROXY: but u dont need to worry abt busting us outta space jail tbh ROXY: thats not ur problem to fix JOHN: oh. JOHN: i'm... not sure i follow, then. ROXY: i mean yeah ur gonna obvs facilitate it in a sense ROXY: but only by going and busting the person who can actually help us outta normal earth jail CALLIOPE: we need yoU to free vriska from the clUtches of oUr misgUided friend jane, and bring her here, to the singUlarity. ROXY: weve been calling it the plot point CALLIOPE: yes, the plot point is a key part of oUr plan. CALLIOPE: as far as we have been able to sUrmise, the only remaining method for escaping oUr grim confinement depends on leveraging the UniqUe properties of this location to create an event of sUch catalcysmic proportions that it simply cannot be contained within the black hole any more. CALLIOPE: something SO dramatic, so hyper-relevant, that it becomes ontologically impossible for anyone to ignore it. CALLIOPE: for that, we need an individUal of sUfficient narrative cloUt, so to speak. CALLIOPE: and to liberate her, who better than the embodiment of the aspect of freedom itself? CALLIOPE: ... CALLIOPE: phew. okay, i'm finished. CALLIOPE: CALLIOPE: sorry, that took longer than i expected to go throUgh.
OOooooh, kay.
Whatever this is, it’s going to be really weird and PROBABLY infuriating and/or shippy, and I’m probably not going to like it.  Plus it seems like it’s some sort of inverse belated canonization of some other black-hole-rescue theories I went on about at some point.  Although, related to that link, “aspect of freedom” if anyone wasn’t paying attention!  That’s a (sorta-)canon mention of the purpose of it!
They’re going to attention-wh-- attention-hog themselves out of the black hole so that they’re “considered canon” too, or close enough.  Huh.
ROXY: what r u talking about cals that was great ROXY: i could listen 2 u plotsplain for years CALLIOPE: oh you >u< ROXY: fyi this was why i wanted u to get a move on eggbread ROXY: so callie could have more time 2 infodump ROXY: thats love bitchhhhhh JOHN: hahaha. JOHN: ok, well, i think i understood all that?
Love with who? Callie, John, both?
In reality, John isn’t sure what most of this means. But on balance, it feels okay? He’s gone back and forth about a hundred times in the last week about where his place in everything is, so he might as well ride this out. Plus, the last time a Lalonde kind of told him to do something, he thinks that he chose not to, and look where that got him. And it’s not like he has other plans. He may as well do this! It’s at least going to get him involved in things again, if nothing else. He turns to go, and then hears a sound. It’s the sound of feet and knocking on doors, echoed through stone and digital static.
Oh shit.  Is Andrew trapped behind some fourth walls behind the curtains.
> (==>)
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Oh RIGHT also that DEVICE is where they want to bring Vriska.  Are they going to overturn part of canon itself with a super-retcon thus making this timeline unbelievably relevant or--?  Maybe make all the PESTERQUESTS canon or something?!  I don’t know.  Maybe they’re INTENTIONALLY starting the game like Vriska wanted to??????
Guh, this is something so big that I don’t WANT to theorize about it, do I.
JOHN: did you hear that? ROXY: wha ROXY: oh yeah uh ROXY: i may have messaged rose and kan and jade to check on them too ROXY: so its prob onea them showin up ROXY: they don’t need to know bout all this tho ROXY: we got time to chat with them b4 u go get vriska
No, even if it’s a knock at the somehow-top-level-house-even-under-buried-- oh, right, maybe it’s covering in part a monitoring system that looks up there.  But still, part of that sound was DOUBTLESS these two hiding something, all standing in front of the curtain like that.
JOHN: i’ll go stall em. ROXY: thx babe ROXY: oh is it 2 soon for that joke or JOHN: no, weirdly enough, that one’s fine. ROXY: oh good ok see u up there soon!
How is calling your significant other “babe” not cool REGARDLESS of gender?!  Like wasn’t that always cool? --Oh wait is it because they’re not together or... but... guh, I don’t know.
Anyway, see y’all after the holidays at least.
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theyneedtobangstahp · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to their Girlfriend being a youtuber
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For Chan, I kinda incorporated my country’s dish because thats one of the things I can cook Hehe. Shout out to my Filipino peeps and my sinigang peeps! I kinda went over board and made them do a video together hehe sorry but I hope you enjoy!
` C H A N ▪
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~W E L C O M E TO Y / N ’ S K I T C H E N~
Would sometimes be too busy to join you in some videos tbh. But when he does have some free time, he will join you. He actually enjoys doing youtube videos with you.
You lay out all the ingredients on the table and turn on the camera. “Hello Everyone! I am y/n back at it again in making my house burn! But, today there is a special guest that will help me not burn my house down. After many days of asking, no scratch that, begging him to join, he finally said yes! So here he is my boyfriend, Chan!” You clap as he comes into the frame with you. “Hi, hello.” He says while waving shyly to the camera.
“I can’t believe it. Bang Chan, being shy all because of a camera? You’re acting like this is your first time being recorded.” You say to him. “That’s different! This is your personal channel. I have to be on my best behavior.” He says while standing up straight looking like a good boy. You chuckle at him and pass him an apron. “What are we cooking today Chan?”  
“Well, since my very beautiful girlfriend cooked this for me last week and I liked it very much, she will teach me how to cook sinigang! Did I say it right babe?” He whispers to you. “Hmm, much better than last time. You still have to work on your ng though but it’s fine.” You reassure him. “We will specifically cook shrimp sinigang! Because it is way easier. Now chan what do you think is the first step?” He looks at the recipe and reads it. “Well it says here to boil water.” 
“Yes, I will do that and you can chop the tomato and onions please.” 20 minutes later of teaching him how to cook sinigang, it was time to taste it! 
“Okay first taste of Chan cooking Sinigang!” You say as you pass him a spoon. You both take a sip of the soup and your face clearly showing that you enjoy it, but Chan wrinkles his face. “It’s way too sour!” He says while looking at the camera. “It’s just right!” You argue back. “Did you add extra tamarind powder while I wasn’t looking?” He asks you. “No..”
You do your outro then start editing, you add the part where you did add extra tamarind powder into the soup when you were editing. You upload it and Chan watches it just as it gets posted on youtube. “You did add extra powder!” You hear Chan scream from the living room. 
` M I N H O ▪
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~C H A P S T I C K C H A L L E N G E~
"Minho! I’m home!” You shout as you enter your shared apartment, holding this small bag filled with chapstick. You see Minho on the couch watching television, you sit next to him and hold his hand. “Hey my baby, my very handsome, cool, talented, sexy, gentleman of a boyfriend.” He looks at you weirdly. “What do you want y/n?” You scoff at him.
“Can’t I just compliment my handsome boyfriend?” You say while snuggling closer into him. “You can, but whats the catch?” He caught you. “Can you be in my video? Well you can’t really say no-” He cuts you off “No.”
“Come on! You’re the only one I can do this with! I can’t exactly ask other people for this. It’ll be really awkward if I ask other people to do this with me.” 
“What video are you shooting?” 
“Chapstick challenge.” You say while smirking at him. His eyes get wider when you said that. “You should’ve said that first! I’m always down for kissing you.” He says while grabbing your hand and also the bag, rushing to go into your studio. (your shared room) 
“You are purposely getting the flavors wrong Minho! You can’t do that!” You say while trying to stop him pulling your face to kiss you again. “Just one more kiss y/n. I really don’t know.” He says while cheekily smiling at you. “How can you not know, you literally also use this kind.” 
“I don’t remember it. Now please kiss me again.” He says while stealing a kiss from your lips.
` C H A N G B I N ▪
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~Q A N D A W I T H M Y B O Y F R I E N D~
Changbin would be down to be in a video with you! Most especially a q and a. He really wants to win this one so he can show how he remembers every single thing about you both. 
“Okay first question, where was our first date?” You put your phone down and write your answer. Changbin looks at the ceiling, recalling all the dates you guys have been to. He scribbles something down and looks at the camera. “Done!” He screams. “Okay show it on the count of three. one, two, three!” You both show the whiteboard to the camera and you look at him confused. “We didn’t have our first date at your house? We had it at the movie theatre down the street.” You say as you show your answer to the camera. “No, we had it at my house. We were having our weekly movie nights as friends then I confessed to you when the character was also confessing!” He says. “But it wasn’t a date!” You argue back. “I legit asked you after you said you liked me back if it was a date and you said yes.”
“Oh yeah, I remember now.” You say while recalling the memory. “You see this guys? She doesn’t even know the answer to the first question. I’m basically the winner now.” He says while smiling proudly at the camera. 
“There are 19 more questions! I can catch up easily.” 
“Sure y/n, sure.” 
` H Y U N J I N ▪
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~T U R N I N G M Y B O Y F R I E N D I N T O A N E B O Y~
“Hyunjin!” You shout from your room. “Yes?” He shouts from the living room. He hears your feet padding down the stairs and you peek your head in the living room. “Do you mind joining me for my new video?” You ask him. “What do I need to do?” 
“You just need to sit and look pretty for me, and also model and outfit for me.” You say while smiling at him.”Sure, when do we start?” “Now.” 
You sit him down on the stool and he looks at you confusedly. “Whats with all the make up?” You ignore him and open your camera. You do your intro and he is shocked by what you said. “Hey guys y/n is back at it again with her shenanigans and today I’m going to turn my boyfriend-” You point at him “Into an e-boy.” 
“I was not informed. I thought you said I was just going to sit still and look pretty?” 
“You are-” You grab your make up kit from the table “trust me, this will be great!” You put his eye make up and kinda ruffle his hair but styling it in a way that looks good. “What are you doing now?” He asks because you didn’t give him a mirror. You wanted him to also be surprised by the outcome. “I’m going to put a fake lip piercing on you, stay still.” You put earrings on him and give him his clothes. “Okay guys this is the finale. The moment we all have been waiting for. Hyunjin come out from the bathroom!” You point your camera at the door and he walks out. Your mouth drops open and he poses for the camera. 
“Damn. I don’t think the world is ready for e-boy Hyunjin. Am I even going to upload this?” You say mostly to yourself but Hyunjin laughs at you. “Of course you should babe! I look good. Now come on I need to model too right?” He was enjoying this too much. You guys take pictures and he is so into it. You do your outro and turn off your camera. You look at him and still can’t believe it. 
“Damn, just, damn.” Hyunjin just smiles at you and kisses your cheek. “This is all you baby.”
“I should’ve done this a long time ago.” 
` J I S U N G ▪
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~M Y B O Y F R I E N D D O E S M Y M A K E U P~  
Jisung will most definitely want to join you. He just wants to help you all the time with your youtube channel. When you asked him if he could do a video with you and he gets to put make up on your face, he is so down for it.
“Please don’t put too much foundation on my face.” You say as you see him pick up the foundation from your make up kit. You really don’t use it that much, it’s kinda just there. He squeezes the tube and a lot of foundation goes out. His eyes go wide and he looks at you. “Oh, this is too much.” He says not really knowing what to do with the extra foundation. He pats it on your face and gets eyeshadow. “You’re not going to put concealer on me?” 
“What do I need to conceal? Your beauty? Oh no thanks I won’t be using that.” He says trying to be romantic. “I legit have acne and acne marks Ji.” 
“Well I don’t care. I won’t use that on your face.” He says. “If you already think I’m very beautiful, why do we even need to do this video?” You ask him. He stops putting eyeshadow on you for a second. “You’re right. We need to scrap this video idea of yours!” You laugh at him. “I’m just kidding Ji, continue what you were doing.” A few minutes of him trying to put eyeliner on you, he says this. 
“You know that you don’t need to put make up on right? You’re already beautiful in my eyes.” 
“I know Ji, and I’m really thankful for that, but you need to finish doing my make up. I need to see how you did.” a few minutes later he was done and he didn’t do that bad. It was good for a beginner. You upload it and instantly get comments of how much Jisung shows his love for you in the video. Especially the part where he told you that you were very beautiful. Your subscribers also fell for him when he said that to you, but you were the lucky girl that he was head over heels with already.
` F E L I X ▪
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~D O I N G T I K T O K D A N C E S W I T H M Y B O Y F R I E N D~ 
Let’s be real. If Felix wasn’t in stray kids, he would definitely have a youtube channel. So when he found out you had one, it was basically also his channel. He also uploaded some stuff on there so when he came up with a video idea, you were down for it. 
“Hey guys! It’s Felix here and welcome to my youtube channel!” He says to the camera. You just smile at him and introduce your self next. “And I’m y/n! The previous owner of this youtube channel, and today we are doing something different, Lix can you explain?” You gesture for him and he instantly starts explaining. “So guys, as you know stray kids have tiktok, and one night I kinda went into a hole and learned almost all of the trending dances on there, and guess who doesn’t have a tiktok?” He says while looking at you. “Look, before I get any hate, I watch tiktok videos on youtube okay? So I know some dances on there!” You defend yourself. “Okay boomer. Now I’m going to teach my boomer of a girlfriend some tiktok dances that she doesn’t know. Are you ready baby?” He asks while looking at you.
“I can’t believe my boyfriend just called me a boomer just because I don’t have tiktok.” You say while looking at him in disbelief. “I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s start!” 
The video was full of laughter as Felix was teaching you the dances, also him being amazed by you learning most of them just by watching it only once. “Close your moth Lix, you’ll catch flies.” You say while smirking at him. He looks at the camera and points at you. “I retract my earlier statement, my girlfriend is not a boomer.” 
` S E U N G M I N ▪
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~I N T R O D U C I N G M Y B O Y F R I E N D~ 
Your relationship was finally public and this gained attention on your youtube channel. Mostly comments on having him on some of your videos and some hate comments but this ain’t about them. They wanted to get to know Seungmin more as your boyfriend, not as idol Seungmin. He was kind of against it at first but seeing you interacting with your fans, he kinda had a change of heart.
“I’ll do it.” He suddenly says in the middle of a movie. “Do what?” You ask not knowing the context of what he was saying. “The video. It’s been a while so I think we’re in the clear. Also, I want to know your fans.” He says. “You don’t need to do it if you feel pressured Seung. I completely understand that it may not be the wisest decision while in the middle of your career. You don’t need to feel pressured to do the video, okay?” 
“I know, but I’m tired of always thinking about what other people have to say about our relationship. It’s our relationship, not theirs. I shouldn’t have to care about what they think, and I know that now. So just tell me whenever you want to do the video, okay?” He reassures you and days later you guys are recording it. 
“Hello everyone y/n here! This video is kind of different from the past ones because I have a special guest today. Please welcome my boyfriend, Seungmin!” He comes into frame and sits beside you, holding your hands out of habit and just because it gives him comfort.”So I know all, if not almost all of you know him. He is from Stray kids, they just had a comeback so you guys should definitely stream and buy the album okay! Give my boys some love!” You turn to him and gesture for him to talk. “Oh, uhm, hi I’m Seungmin. Uhm, what else do I say?” He asks while looking at you. You pinch his cheeks because he just looked so cute and looked at the camera. 
“As you can see by the title of the video we will basically be asking him some questions so you guys get to know him more. Maybe some other stuff aside from what we already know?” You ask for his permission and he nods. 
“Okay, now that we got the go signal, let’s start!” 
` J E O N G I N ▪
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~W H I S P E R C H A L L E N G E~
He would be really shy when you first asked him to be in one of your videos. He was scared that your fans would not like him. You assured him that was not going to happen because he was a very lovable human being and he deserves all the love in the world :< After many attempts he finally said yes and to make his very first youtube video with you fun and memorable, you decided to do a challenge with him. 
“Hi guys this is the first time my boyfriend will be joining me in one of my videos, so what better way to welcome him than to do a challenge? More specifically, the whisper challenge!” You look at him and he continues what you were saying. “So uhm, we both wrote down random things we like on a piece of paper. The other one doesn’t know what it says, obviously, and they have to guess while having music on full volume.” He says while smiling cutely at the camera. “Okay! Let’s begin. Put on your headphones Innie.” He puts them on and you both start.
“Penguin.” You say to him calmly. “Ben ten?” 
“Peng-” “Ben” You shake your head at him “P-Peng” “PENG?” You nod and continue. “Uin.” “What? Win? Oh! PENGUIN!” He screams at you. You guys switch and it’s his turn. 
“y/n” He says while blushing. 
“Did you just say my name?” You asked confusion all over your face. “ Why would you write that?” 
“You told me to write stuff we like, I like you. Well, I love you, but you get the point.” He scratches his neck and accidentally shows the camera how red his ears are. “I am definitely not going to edit this out.” You say while chuckling at how cute your boyfriend is. 
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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bbyhaikyuu · 4 years
Captains as Older Brothers || Headcanons
Ushijima Wakatoshi || Kuroo Tetsurou || Oikawa Tooru || Sawamura Daichi || Bokuto Kotaro
Warnings: Just some swear words here and there. gn!reader.
I actually have two brothers, one older and one younger. So this one is probably influenced by my experiences
M.List || Requests
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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Everyone is surprised that you're his younger sibling?? I mean, you're a ball of sunshine and Wakatoshi is... Wakatoshi.
What they didn't know is that precisely because of your older brother, you were able to become the person you are today.
He was the one who kept you distracted while your parents fought. The one who shouldered everything just to let you have a normal childhood. And the one who demanded that both of you should always be together. He practically raised you in a way.
The type of brother who rarely bickers and just lets you win? He mature like that.
The dorm rooms for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years are separated but you visit each other frequently, be it for homework, movie nights, or just plain gossiping ya'know?
Tendou naturally became your brother too. The best one to talk about the manga and animes because all your brother does is read the advertisements on jump.
Occasionally treats you with food whenever you do good at exams.
Found out about the love letters you've been getting. Rejects them for you lmaoooo.
Probably because you've told him about the person you kinda like. You can't really tell your mom about these stuff because when you were a kid and told her about liking someone, you just got a long ass lecture.
Wingman Wakatoshi nii-san? Hell yeah. Although he can just threaten them and everything will work out.
Best head pats. It's a fact.
Originally was against the idea of letting you play volleyball. But after seeing how passionate you were he just went— ah, fuck it
You still were far from matching his strength in spiking, but it doesn't mean you're not good at it. (you're the best according to nii-san. Don't tell Goshiki)
Has the softest smile when you're around. His team is actually dumbstruck seeing him that way.
Practically has the whole volleyball team looking after you.
Kuroo Tetsurou
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The type of older brother that basically imparts all his knowledge unto you.
I have always been this kind
Yeah but loves to annoy the shit out of you. You're just lying on your bed? Mf will suffocate you with his body. But he can tell when you aren't really in the mood to play around anymore.
You and Kenma always occasionally make fun of him. Or give him the stink eye. Depends on what shit he said.
Oh yeah remember the way he taught Tsukki about blocking? He likes to be straightforward with his words and criticism.
Midnight drives and food trip. It's like a monthly bonding thing you guys have. Might also turn into a driving lesson.
Also drives for you when you go out with friends. Fetches you when it's already late at night because he doesn't trust public transport that much.
Usually let's you experience and learn some things on your own. But steps in once it feels like it's too dangerous or if he feels like you can't handle the aftermath.
He wants to be considered as the best older brother. Kinda regrets letting you meet the rest of his team. They all baby you and even Lev's older sister loves you.
Getting bullied? Try to hide it from him? No chance, he got eyes and ears everywhere. He's ready to throw hands. Even the rest of the volleyball team got their fists ready.
Brings you along whenever he comes over at Kenma's house because you and Kenma seem to get along more than him.
Might have tried to set you and Kenma up. He failed.
You and Kenma decided to ignore him for like a week. Profusely apologized after 3 days and swore he won't do it ever again.
Has a quote that goes "It's the older brother's job to annoy his younger sibling."
Honestly a good brother 11/10. Would bring a speaker and food into your room just to cheer you up. Makes fun of you after when he knows that you're over it.
Oikawa Tooru
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Either verbal or physical. This bitch won't back down.
You both lost count of how your mother threatened to handcuff you both on a pole for a whole day.
But don't be fooled. He brought out the best of his team. He can do that to you too.
Likes to give you shitty nicknames. One of his fangirls thought it would be a good idea to call you that and Oikawa overheard it. "Who do you think you are to use that nickname? " istg that girl ran away like lightning. Sonic could never.
Honestly you just fight everywhere. Iwaizumi either stops you both or joins you in bullying shittykawa.
You know that thing where you just stand in the doorway of his bedroom and like, stare at him for a good minute and leave without closing the door? Yeah he hates that.
Honestly when he's feeling down, he just goes to your room, flop down on your bed, and talk his heart out. He thinks you're just scrolling through your phone and not listening to his rambles, but thats not the case. You rarely give out advices because you know that he just wants to lift the burden off his shoulders when he talks about his thoughts.
You rarely play volleyball, but will play with him just to make him feel better.
Being Oikawa's sibling means you're crazy good even if you rarely play. People are confused.
100% helped you during your first heartbreak.
Will probably break down your door just because he wants to try a tiktok trend with you.
When the fight gets a little out of hand. Neither of you says sorry. Just pop your head into the bedroom and ask him if he wants to eat. That always solves the problem.
Never says it but he is extremely proud of his sibling. Secretly boasts about you to your teammates.
School heartthrobs. You don't really care though unlike your hoe of a brother.
Asks you to come along with him to do his practices. Never lets you go home alone
Tries really hard to be the best older brother. Of course you love him.
Sawamura Daichi
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Play fighting. A lot of play fighting. Either through volleyball or wrestling.
He knows he's stronger than you so he usually tries to match his strength with yours.
Will not hesitate to put you in a headlock if you keep being an ass.
Does a pretty good job of keeping you down. I mean, he is scary when he's mad. A look or a smile can make you shut up already.
Knows when something is bugging you. Will not hesitate to ask you about it so that he can help you resolve it as fast as possible.
The type to give you a piggy back ride if you still felt like shit.
Actually asked Chikara to make sure Tanaka and Noya limit their interaction with you because he knows that those two are up to no good. After quite some time and persuading, he finally trusts them enough to be around you.
Pranks. A lot of pranks. Daichi has boomer tendencies so he probably won't know about the latest trends. Sugawara is very supportive of your plans too.
One time you almost got hit by a stray ball. He ran faster than Hinata.
Doesn't say it but he gets jealous when you hug Asahi. Who couldn't resist hugging that teddy bear?
Will ruffle your hair whenever you did something great. You kinda got accustomed to it.
Actual fights never really happen? You retort once or twice but that's pretty much it.
Knows how to cook and bake. With you being his personal critique. He bakes your favorites every Sunday.
Knows when to bother you and when not to.
Older brother instincts is one of the best of the best.
Bokuto Koutarou
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A f f e c t i o n. Lots and lots of it.
Will hug you out of the blue. Or throw you out somewhere, depends on his mood. You don't mind though.
You are a perfect balance between Bokuto and Akaashi's personality. Like their love child.
You don't really have an emo mode though, just a really strong aura that can match your brother's. Akaashi was thankful because he didn't want to take care of two Bokutos. His system can't handle it.
Bokuto emo mode? Call him nii-chan along with some compliments, that'll do. That's why you're always needed when they have a game. And when you can't come, a quick call from you is usually the team's plan B.
Usually takes you to his practices if you have nothing else to do. Will probably or maybe already has taught you everything he knows.
Tried to smuggle you with him during his summer training camp. He got caught by Akaashi and got lectured by your mom.
Travelling is normal for him because of volleyball. Expect a lot of souvenirs and gifts. He spoiled you so much and he doesn't even realize it. You don't take it for granted though.
You fought once. That was it. He went on full emo mode. You never try to bicker with him again.
The type to send you snaps and tiktoks of the most random things. Even at three in the morning. Not that you're asleep (Don't tell mom.)
Will try to smuggle you again. You woke up to him trying to stuff you in a suitcase.
Will give you infinite amounts of piggy back rides despite your age.
Kuroo and Hinata knows about you because he just doesn't stop talking about his precious sibling.
Feeling down? Expect Bokuto to go into nii-chan mode. Will not hesitate to slap a bitch. Or take you to explore the city and buy you food and stuff. Remember the way of the ace T-shirt? Yeah, you have a matching one.
When he feels down, but not like his emo mode, he just usually plops down next to you and start talking. Feel free to give out advices, he'll always say that you're the smartest and the best.
A great older brother indeed. He doesn't even realize it.
Gif Sources : Ushijima, Kuroo, Oikawa, Daichi, Bokuto
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pinkykitten · 5 years
I’ll walk you home
Peter Parker x female! reader
Warning: none 
Specifics: fluff, comedy, romance, one-shot, race neutral reader, pictures, aesthetic
People: peter parker, mj, nick furry 
Words: 2,395
Summary: Based on Emily’s 5k writing challenge, @collecting-stories. During the trip in Venice the first Elemental pops up making peter terrified not for only himself but for your safety. he will do anything in his power to keep you safe even if it means revealing his secret. 
“I’ll walk you home”
Authors Note: i entered into a writing challenge, yay my first one and im so excited for u guys to read this. i love how this came out it was so much fun to write i totally recommend you guys to do this challenge. im sorry that its a little long but when i get to writing about my bby there aint nothing stopping me! i rlly do hope u guys like this and have an amazing day
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Venice, Italy. You were beyond excited to have a trip where you could just relax and spend time with your overly nerdy, smart friends. The most you were ecstatic to be with though was Peter Parker. He was so different from the other boys. He was smart yet he never bragged about it. He was humble, shy, silly and just so kind. He was everything to you. You were ready to say something. Ready to confess but you felt Peter was hiding something away from you. You couldn’t risk or put your friendship with him at jeopardy, it was just too risky.
You took your seat in the airplane beside your friend MJ. She was an odd girl but you loved odd and being different was way better than being normal. 
“Hey you okay?” She asked as she stopped reading, having her full attention on you. You sat all your belongings beside you and shrugged, “oh me? I’m just...afraid of pooping on an airplane.” You tried to come up with something. 
“Bull. Tell me the truth.”
You bit your lip. Why was MJ so good at reading you? “MJ I’m okay really.”
“You like Peter Parker don’t you?”
You almost chocked as you placed a hand over her mouth. Looking at Peter to make sure he didn’t notice his name being called. 
“I would like to breathe you know,” MJ licked your hand. You backed away disgusted and shocked. “How in the world did you know?”
“First of all its obvious and second I just can tell. Like the way you talk to him, by the way you suck at that-”
“Sorry, its the truth. You talk to him like he’s god or something,” She laughs. “Like if you speak any louder you or him or both might explode!”
You looked down and sighed. It was no use, MJ was right, you were terrible at this. “There’s nothing I can do though. I don’t even think he likes me one bit.”
“Y/n, he’s a nerd like you! All you have to do is talk to him. Talk about what you like, hobbies, what you don’t like, stuff like that so you two get to know each other better.”
You turned your head to look at him. He was seated between the teachers, looking miserable. 
“Y/n, you’re a smart, beautiful young lady, maybe weird but for real he would be crazy not to want to be with you. Those are facts.”
“Oh look he’s going to use the bathroom right now, I’m gonna go.” You embraced MJ and shook her like crazy. “Thats why I love you and you’re my best friend and and and yeah, you’re the best MJ.”
MJ smirked as she whispered under her breath, “they grow up so fast.”
Running to the bathroom you looked in the mirror to make sure you looked presentable. You ran so fast there in order to make sure Peter and you would have time to converse. “Hey Peter,” you waved at him as he was about to go into the bathroom. Was this weird?
As you motioned to him you almost fell due to the turbulence. Peter kept his hands steady on you to make sure you didn’t fall. “Woah, are you okay y/n?”
You held onto his shoulders. “Man for a teenager you have pretty nice shoulders...” You realized you said that out loud and your whole confidence and demeanor changed. You became bashful, so embarrassed. “Oh my god did I just say that out loud?” You covered your mouth and felt your whole body heat up. 
Peter chuckled, “ye-yeah thanks y-y/n, thats, yeah, I do a lot of weights.” He stuttered making your heart beat faster. Was he also nervous with you? Peter noticed he made himself sound like a buff, bully of a jock and changed his sentence, “well I don’t work out everyday. I’m not like that junky, workout guy. I like barely, wo-workout out I mean but I do so...”
“I like it,” you gave almost a peep as you two stood there awkwardly by the bathrooms. 
“Are you excited for Venice?”
You nodded rapidly, a bit too much. “Oh yes. I’ve been looking forward to this trip since well since forever.”
Peter tried to be suave and lean against the bathroom door, “what are you most excited for?”
“Food...definitely the food.” You wanted a better answer, “Oh and the clothes too.”
“Oh yeah, I- I’m super excited for the food as well. I’m sorry I’m kinda realizing how many times I’ve said excited already and its a lot so I’m not gonna say excited anymore. I would like to see the different historical buildings and things like that.”
You started giggling and then full on laughing. Peter gulped and became as red as his suit. He was about to ask as to why you are laughing but you wiped your tears and walked closer to Peter, “Peter, you and I are very shy and very nervous, but lets stop that. Lets be ourselves, I’ll show you the real me, 100 percent me, I’ll show you who I am if you show me you.”
Peter looked side to side and whispered, “you want me to take my clothes off?”
“What? No! I’m saying Peter you are an amazing person just the way you are. I’m not gonna judge you because you work out everyday or because you use excited in 50 percent of your sentences. I’m not like that. So lets just lay it down and start over so we can be like we’ve been friends for years.” You lifted your hand out and said, “Hello there kid, I’m y/n l/n. I think you’re awesome and yeah, now your turn.” Peter smiled. This was so incredibly different. You were different. You were odd, strange, weird and Peter was loving it. Every second. Peter shook your hand, “hey y/n, my names Peter Parker and,” he closed his eyes and swallowed the fear, “a-and I- I would like to know if-if you would like to go out and see the streets of Venice tonight, with just me-me and yo-you?” Peter feared rejection and feared if you would say no. 
Before he could even finish you shouted a loud, “yes!” 
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Peter kept a close eye on you. Later that day an Elemental was seen and the first person he wanted safe was you. You needed to be okay. 
Peter ran to your room after the fight. Drenched as can be he came to your room. When you saw him you finally felt as ease and peace. “Peter!” You brought him into a hug, not caring if he was soaked. “Peter I was so worried. I thought, I thought that something happened to you,” tears swelled up in your eyes. Peter placed his cold, wet hands on your cheek and looked in your e/c orbs, he was not worried for himself, he was worried for you. “Hey, hey, hey its okay. Look I’m okay, y/n. Hey, look at me,” you did and your tears fell down your cheek. Your eyes were so innocent as they looked into his puppy ones. Peter so badly wanted to kiss you. He wanted you to be alright, to know nothing was going to happen to him. “I’m here. I’m okay, I’m fine and I’m happy to be here with you. I remember though that a certain someone was supposed to go out with another certain someone, today in Venice.”
“As if I would forget. Pick me up at my room at 7, got it?”
Peter liked when you were bossy, it was cute. Peter saluted and went to his room to freshen up. 
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Peter again arrived at your room. You came out in a galaxy two piece outfit. It was unique, just like you.
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You were scared to wear it. Afraid Peter would joke about it, make you look like a fool. Instead Peter was in awe. You looked like a space princess. So beautiful and breathtaking. “Wow y/n you look,” his mouth was opened in an o. “so beautiful.”
You played with your fingers as he complimented you. That was something that rarely ever happened. “Thank you Peter. I think my name for today though will be Allura.”
“Voltron is the best,” Peter chuckled as you two walked together. “You’d make a good Allura...space princess.”
You curtsied, “why thank you my Paladin.” You two looked at each other and it was as if you two were made for one another. 
“Wouldn’t it be cool if we could go to space?”
Peter nervously gave a chuckle. Unknown to you he did go to space, fighting Thanos and well dying. Thats how the blip became. “Yeah it would be really cool.”
You guys made it into museums, restaurants, shops. Him buying you a blue bracelet with a heart on it and you buying him a key chain that said, “the best person in the world” in big dark letters on Earth. 
“I have a surprise for you y/n,” Peter smiled as he grabbed onto your hand and ran with you. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see!” Peter ran like child. He was so happy to show you the surprise. He’s been waiting all afternoon to show you. 
“Here it is,” Peter opened out his arms to show you-
“A Ferris wheel!” Your eyes widened at all the neon colors. It was gigantic. “Peter this is so pretty.”
“Its much more prettier up there,” Peter took your arm again. Paid the gentleman and you two went in. Your heart was pounding that you could hear it. You were afraid of heights. Afraid of the misfortune. You didn’t notice but you were holding onto Peter’s arm tightly through out the whole thing. Peter stiffened at the contact. You two made it all to the top and then it paused. Below you could see all of Venice. The lights of the buildings, the people, it was magical. You felt you were flying above the clouds. 
“Look at this view Peter! Isn’t it magnificent?”
“Yeah, it really is,” he said as he looked at you. Peter took his phone out and you and him took many selfies. Some pretty and some silly. It was a perfect night. 
“Peter look how high we are. Look at all the little people below. HELLO WORLD!!!” You screamed since you were high up. Peter loved your enthusiasm and your attitude about the world. Such little and small things made you happy. That meant so much to Peter. “You know you really are special y/n, like really special. You’re different and you’re really nice.”
You beamed a great big toothy smile, “you’re really special as well Peter.”
As you two got off the Ferris wheel you still had a hold onto Peter’s arm. Quickly you let go, shy. 
Peter’s phone rang and as he looked at the caller id it said Nick Furry. Peter cursed under his breath. 
“Is something wrong Peter?” You asked, seeing how odd Peter reacted. 
Peter scratched the back of his head, “no, no, its nothing really its nothing.”
“Peter if you need to go somewhere I’m fine going by myself.”
Peter would be crazy to leave you alone. He wanted to keep you safe. There were great big Elementals still roaming about. He could not let you go by yourself. 
“I’ll walk you home!” He blurted out as he blocked you. He realized he would be taking you to the hotel and not your house so as red as an apple he shook his head, “I-I I meant to say hotel.” He felt terrible keeping the secret that he was spider-man from you. His hands were getting sweaty and he could tell he was getting nervous. 
“Peter,” you held onto his hand softly. The bracelet he bought for you clinking against his wrist. “I would love for you to join me.”
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Arriving at the hotel Peter could already see the many text messages on his phone, but he had to take care of you first. He dropped you off your room, “well I guess this is it.”
Honestly, you were sad to see the day end, you wish it could go on forever. You didn’t know what this meant. Was this a date or just a hangout? You were so confused!
“Thank you Peter.”
Peter turned on his heels seeing you were done for the night but he felt a tug on his sleeve. You held onto him, mentally slapping yourself. You didn’t know how to proceed. “Peter wait. Tonight was so incredible, it was amazing. Its been a long time since I’ve had this much fun. You really are an amazing person but,” there was that but, “if you’re hiding something from me, something bad I just wish you would say what it is. I thought I meant more to you than that.”
Peter bit his lip. He did want to tell you the truth, that’s all he wanted but it would make you unsafe. 
“Y/n I can’t.”
“You can’t, or you won’t?”
“I just I-”
“Peter I care about you a lot. You mean so much to me and I don’t want you hurt.”
“Me neither!”
“Then just tell me Peter, tell me whats going on.”
“I can’t y/n because I love you!”
The air was silent. All that was heard was the breathing of a certain young girl and a certain young boy. Confused but also knowing. They both wanted the same thing. All they wanted was each other. 
“You...you love me?”
Peter’s face was all red and his eyes were closed, he nodded his head lightly. He was about to leave when you stepped closer and kissed his lips. It was your first kiss and his too. It was small and light but it was perfect. You gave him a few more pecks and brushed his hair with your fingers. 
“I love you too Peter,” you whispered, kissing him one last time. “You are the one for me.”
Peter knew he could not lie to you no longer. You two now were boyfriend and girlfriend, your relationship was more serious. Peter held your hands as he walked into your room. 
“Okay I have to tell you something y/n, the secret that I’ve been hiding is,” he gulped as he said something he could never take back.
“I’m Spider-Man.” 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : The villain’s little hero
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  All Might, Japan's number 1 villain has a successor. The problem? His successor is a hero hopeful. All Might will stop at nothing to make sure his kid gets to live his dream.
au where all might is a villain raising izuku to be a hero!
quirkless izuku, his backstory is mostly the same
all might decided that hero work had too much red tape. if he was going to take down afo, he needed the freedom to do whatever he had to and he wasnt getting that working within the law
so hes a,,, viilllaaaiinnn?? like. stain. but less murdery, would also save civilians if they were in danger
he has 0 qualms about crippling fake heroes but hes not a fan of murder
nighteye is still his sidekick, he doesnt use his quirk on allmight bc all might h a t e s it
hes kinda on board with "the future is only set in stone because you've seen it now" so he wants the freedom to break fate. but its very useful to get info, so nighteye just uses it on other people
hero to the people villain to literally everyone else
allmights villain costume is reallll similar to his hero costume. just less eye bleeding
he has longer grey hair too.
all mights bronze age costume is basically his villain costume thanks for listening
david shield is still in this story
david agrees w all might and like,,, sneaks him stuff on the downlow
all might told him ab. his quirk because who on earth is gonna believe that one america man about japans worst supervillain?
also melissa is a Soft Young Woman and she is all mights favourite person on this fucking planet until he meets izuku
all might went to ua, only defected after completing his hero training because he wanted to be trained by the people he was going to screw over
izuku has always kinda been a big fan of all might. not openly because hes legally a villain and very much paints himself as one, but his quirk is one of the most amazing things izuku has ever seen
when he looks closer, all might has never let a civilian get hurt once hes been on scene. hes taken hits to protect housing, hes pulled heroes from the line of fire
izuku watches his sports festivals and wonders why? why did all might, the man who happily told the world he'd stop at nothing to keep them safe, suddenly flip sides like that for no reason?
izuku doesnt buy it
izuku's big yellow backpack is a big red one in this universe, hes had it so long its gone pink but he still loves it
the sludge villain
all might saves him and izuku is crying. allmight thinks its because hes scared but izuku just turns to him with this big weepy eye smile and gives him the most genuine thanks he thinks hes ever been given
(its honestly the shock of that that makes him deflate into small might, which has izuku scrambling to find tissues and called an ambulance before he thinks better of calling emergency services for All Might)
izuku is like "Im SO SORRY SIR ARE YOU oK"
and all might is like ",,, b  oy"
izuku softly asking
"can,, can i still be someone with out a quirk? can i still make a difference?"
all might doesnt get the chance to anser because there is a massive explosion in the distance
its bakugo!! hes dying
the sludge villain got away bc izuku and all might were chatting a little
izuku hears it and he feels this terrible realization, because its probably not bakugo? but its definitely bakugo because izuku's life is falling to pieces
he sprints towards him and katsuki will n e v e r admit it but he feels hope in that moment because some one is trying to help. even if its just izuku, he wasnt totally left for dead
all might sees this tiny, nervous, quirkless kid run straight up to a villain that almost killed him seconds before to save someone what looks like they'd rather die
and he thinks
"no one deserves one for all more than him"
and allmight, the most wanted villain in japan, maybe the world, jumps in
the heroes look at him and they are scared. if they couldnt take the sludge villain, what is all might going to do to them? but the scariest man in japan, the person parents tell their kids about to stop them from going out at night, blows the sludge villain to tiny pieces and carefully, gently, places the two boys by the heroes
before he vanishes before they can call for backup or even ask why
izuku gets yelled at by the heroes because the heroes are scared and angry they couldnt stop either of the villains and izuku is so overwhelmed that hes crying and he can hardly breathe
bakugo doesnt even yell at him because hes so dazed about everything that happened and he cant make himself yell at this sobbing kid that used to be his friend
(bakugo is holding izukus hand like hes going to crush it but its the only thing keeping izuku present)
izuku is walking home and hes still hicuping and crying because he almost died and the heroes hate him and he feels a hand on his shoulder, and a soft :"its ok now my boy"
he knows its all might but he cant help but hide his face in his shirt and sob
all might gets down so he can look izuku in the eye
"you asked me if you could be someone with out a quirk and i didnt get the chance to answer. my answer? you already are someone. you are someone that inspired me, a villain, to save the day. you are going to be amazing"
and looks him dead in the eye "you'll do amazing things, even with out a quirk. but, you of all people deserve one, and no matter what you chose to do with it, it can be yours. hero, villain or someone in between"
izuku looks at this villain
this painfully thin villain, who just saved his life and who has unimaginable strength
and he throws his arms around his waist and sobs
inko isnt a great mum in this au and she likes to basically pretend izuku doesnt exist
izuku trains a lot and has to make his own food bc his mum just ignores him
he sneaks out at night to clear trash and sneaks back in before dawn to clean the sand from his hair
he smells like saltwater and rust, and he hasnt slept more than 4 hours a night in weeks and katsuki is worried
all might sees him crumbling with a smile stuck on his face and he wants to stop him from self-destructing, but the kid will never learn his lesson until he feels his body give up under what hes doing to it. if all might steps in he'll do it again and again until no one stops him and hes never learnt his limit.
so he waits and he watches while he pretends he cant see the bags under his eyes and pretends that everytime izuku sways on his feet he doesnt feel a jolt of deep panic
did he do this? if he the reason izuku looks like hes falling apart before his eyes?
the kid passes the fuck out and all might tells him off in a soft dad way and izuku cries bc why does this villain care more than his mum does
and all might catches the end of that little mumble, and feels terrible so he pretends he didnt hear and takes him for lunch
they go to a cafe and all might buys izuku the cutest slice of cake and a big ass bowl of katsudon and some fancy fucking tea and covers the kids eyes every time he tries to look at the prices
izuku looks at all might and asks
"are you buying me katsudon with crime money"
and all might looks sheepish and izuku giggles like an idiot and says "dont tell me ill feel bad!!!"
all might grins bc this kid is honestly the only reason he hasnt stabbed a pro hero in a few months bc hes so fucking sweet
he has to carry izuku half the way home bc the kid could barely lift his chopsticks and almost fell asleep in the booth after he finished eating
and allmight, skinny and kinda scary is giving his 15 year old a piggy back and someone says "you're such a good dad!" and he almost coughs up his last lung
izuku mumbles sleepily and hes has the biggest warm and fuzzy feeling and hes going to yell bc hes All Might the No. 1 Villain and this fucking kid is drooling on his sweater but he would die for him
some random stranger on the street commenting on how it was rly fortunate that izuku inherited his adorable smile from his father
all might, abt to burst into tears: whack
allmight is easily flustered even when hes killed a man
he comes home and inko isnt there so he has to like, wake up izuku to get him to open the door and he feels bad bc izuku is a Sleepy Man
izuku mumbles that he cant ever tell if shes at home or not because nothing changes and all might feels a wave of "wait my son isnt being parented enough"
so he makes izuku a cup of tea and tucks him into bed after he has a shower because izuku is His Son Now Inko
hes like
sitting in the living room reading the paper and he hears inko's car and hes like ",,, fuck it im walking out the front door im no coward"
she doesnt even notice and hes going to scream because does she have a brain
inko, spaced out, tired and terrible: oh is the tall man here for izuku :))) thats great :)))
all might is screaming bc"" do you get let weird men into see your tiny son>???? what the fuck???
hes so small inko??? and you?? let random men in?????
all might would yeet her into the sun if he could but his boy needs an actual family member to make going to ua easier
inko is kinda mentally ill. she is depressed and often forgets she has izuku. like shes not always being terrible she just sometimes forget to do basic things
one time she locked izuku out of the house for 10 hours and he had to sleep next to the front door
one month she didnt buy any food so by the end of it he was starving and out of his own money and there was n o t h i n g in the house, but inko would go out to eat every night and lunch and not take her son
allmight is upset bc izuku didnt tell him but izuku is embarrassed. embarrassed that he was forgotten by his own mum, that he couldnt do anything to help her or himself and honestly mad he was so hungry all might noticed bc he didnt want to bug him
it was getting to the point that katsuki actually slipped some change into his bag with a candy bar
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morganisboringg · 4 years
Omegle friendship story ;-;
Stranger: m
You: hiya
You: f
Stranger: bonjour
You: hola
Stranger: im 18 bitchh
You: im 14 hoeee
Stranger: shidddd
Stranger: 😂😂
You: yeah im a childdd
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: but im not a creepy guy so ur good 👌🏼
Stranger: hahaha
You: yeah ie had a 20 year old try to keep talking with me
You: and a 17 yr old ask if i have a nice ass XD ive delt with creepy guys XD
Stranger: hahaha dudes are horny
Stranger: used to be like that too but i realized its wrong
Stranger: so yeah just vibing rn
Stranger: 😤😤😤
You: yeah they are, i be vibin too im watching sky high B)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im watching rick&morty
Stranger: im the ultimate virgin
You: lmaoooooo , i mean u have to also like game theory and film theory for that but ur close XD
Stranger: never heard of that
Stranger: 😂
You: theyre nerdy yt channels, they make theorys on games and films and shows and stuff
You: they have a bunch on rick and morty
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i watch some of those
Stranger: 😤😂
Stranger: im an ‘adult’ child
You: yeah i do too, i literally have their merch
Stranger: hahahaha
You: oh i hope to be an adult child bc gRosS adults
Stranger: yeah i dont wanna be an adult
You: me either, adults get stares when they only dress in hot topic clothes why would i want that
Stranger: hahahah yeah
Stranger: thats the reason i dont have a gf
Stranger: bc im too childish
You: well then u just havent found the right childish girl
Stranger: that is a fact
You: might i reccomend the single rider lines at like amusement parks XD
Stranger: hahaha why
You: ive seen plenty of dudes shoot there shot there bc the girls are by themselves then they get to ride a rollercoaster together
Stranger: hahah yeah thats fun
Stranger: maybe i wikk
Stranger: :)
You: yeah XD then if it works out a cute date at an amusement park!
Stranger: hahah yeah
Stranger: do u have a amusement park obsession
Stranger: lmaoo
You: uh- thats uniMPORTANTTT
Stranger: hahahhah
You: theres food and adreniline whats not to love!
Stranger: i love them too
Stranger: i once forced my cousin to ride the same coaster 12 times in a row
You: ive ridden king da ka the tallest rollercoaster in the world XD
Stranger: he puked after
You: lmaoooo sounds like smth id do
Stranger: hahaha
You: but then id just say again and go again XD
Stranger: hahahah same
Stranger: adter he threw up i went alone
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: dude i need some advice
You: sure
Stranger: my friends sister (shes 15) has a crush on me
Stranger: what do i do
You: oh shit uh- tell her shes too young
You: or like take her on a cute date but say its a friends date
You: thats a nice way to friend zone sm1
Stranger: yeah true
Stranger: its kinda weird
Stranger: my friend says he doesnt mind
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: but still wekrd
Stranger: weird
You: well thats uh getting to chris hansen levels so gotta shoot her down lmao
Stranger: yeah hahaha
You: but like yk when like a little sisters older siblings s/o would take them on a "date" to show them how to be treated u could do that- idk
Stranger: yeah idkk
Stranger: we shall see
You: we shall broski, just uh dont do anything that chris hansen would ask u to sit down with him over XD
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: i have no idea who that is
Stranger: oh i looked it up
You: yeah XD
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: yeah like it is weird but not the age difference
Stranger: 3 years is not a lot
You: oh abt the friends sibling thing? XD
Stranger: ya
You: ik 3 years isnt alot in like the grand scheme of stuff but NOW 3 years is the difference between 6th graders and freshman and thats really weird
Stranger: yeah true true
You: and abt them being a friends sibling, um dont pull a kissing booth and be all dating behind everyones back- that movie was weird in general smh
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: yeah i wont
Stranger: his mom told me i would be a good son in law
You: LMAO too soon??
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: yeah right ilnow
You: 1) u arent even dating and 2) u think its weird
You: that would creep me tf out
Stranger: yeah but i dont really care
Stranger: i take it as a compliment
Stranger: it means im nice
You: yeah, im just a generally akward perso so XD
Stranger: hahahaha
You: but like uh if u dont wanna date a friends sibling dont, in most movies thats like number one best friend code no dating sibkings
Stranger: yeah i dont really care if my friend doesnt mins
Stranger: but i dont like her
Stranger: i like someone else
Stranger: and she doesnt like me back
Stranger: 🙃🙂
You: oh cool, aw that suckss u seem really chill and have a good personality so idk whats not to like thats prob my pansexual talking tho XD
Stranger: hahha
Stranger: ur attracted to pans?
Stranger: thanks lmao yeah idk
You: no i came out of the pantry smh
Stranger: 🤯🤯🤯🤯
You: common misconseption XD
Stranger: yeah shes my girl best friend
Stranger: so thats why she doesnt like me
Stranger: but maybe some daaaaaayv
You: oooo thats a hard place to get out of the f r i e n d z o n e
Stranger: ivee been tryyiiiiiiiing
Stranger: to make u love meeee
Stranger: but everything i try
You: *blasts u belong with me by taylor swift on a boombox* now go stand outside her window
Stranger: just takes you further from me
You: XD
Stranger: ghost town by kanye west is such a good song
You: oh i dont think ive listened to it lmao too much emo music and musicals
Stranger: you like kid cudi
You: who..? ugh i feel stupid not knowing stuff
Stranger: ur too young
Stranger: hes a legend
Stranger: makes good music u should listen to him
Stranger: kind of drug/depresion related
You: oh okay, that sounds like smth id listen too XD
Stranger: listen to love. by him on youtube or soundcloud
Stranger: it isnt on spotify
You: oh okay, i use amazon music like a loser XD
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeah its only on yt or soundcloud lmao
Stranger: hahah doesnt matter right
You: yeah lmao
You: u wanna be friends? its ok to say no cause im 14 XD
You: im morgan btw whats ur name?
Stranger: hahaha aw thats a nice thing to ask
Stranger: but i just came on here to twlk to random people :( sorry
You: im not good at the whole "making friends" thing so idk what to do but ask lmao
Stranger: my name is julian
You: oh okay
Stranger: im sure u will make friends some day
You: OMG ofc its julian- i meet guys with m names or julius/julians never anything else
Stranger: hahaha what do y mean
You: i mean in the past week ive met a mike, mikey, and a mick then ive met like 4 julius' and 2 julians
Stranger: ahhaha wow
Stranger: thats funny
You: i swear idk what is up but smth is
You: my fbi agent is on smth ig
Stranger: hahahhahaha
Stranger: tryna set u up
You: yeah they want either an m&m or m j XD just m&ms or michael jackson IDFK XD
Stranger: haahahah
Stranger: so when did u find out u were pan sexual
You: uh when i was 11 i thinkk
Stranger: wow
Stranger: when i was 11 i was eating boogers out of my nose
You: yeah i knew i wasnt straight since like pre school girls are just too cute lmao
You: lmao thanks for sharing
Stranger: that is a facr
Stranger: women are cute
You: yeah they are XD
Stranger: hahaha
You: ummm idk what to talk abt now lol
Stranger: yeah me too lol
You: uh do u like heathers? like the movie or the musical
Stranger: never heard of it
You: my friends saying to skip u smh but i wouldnt dare
Stranger: what do u mean hahah
You: heathers is like a cult classic 80s movie like breakfast club or 16 candles or the outsiders
Stranger: ohh ok hahah
Stranger: i dont watch a lit of old movies
You: u know what those are right? especially the outsiders?
Stranger: only fiction
Stranger: never heard of them
You: U HAVENT???
Stranger: whats sliced bread
Stranger: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: i swear i dont watch movies
You: like a loaf of bread XD its an expression
Stranger: oh lolllll
You: but like look up dallas winston MMMMM I LOVE THAT MAN
Stranger: hahah ok
Stranger: this was a fun talk dude hahah
Stranger: i ahve to go eat rn
You: okay byee nice talk too bad we cant be friends i wish u luck <3
Stranger: were kind of stranger friends
Stranger: so count me as a friend
Stranger: :S
You: okay too bad after this we'll never talk again
You: S?
Stranger: idk lmao
Stranger: yeah but thats life
Stranger: byeee 😘
You: yeah it is byeeee
Stranger has disconnected.
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andieperrie18 · 4 years
This is just a sample
• o n e •
OSIRIA FOUND HERSELF at the same spot in the hallway where she stuck her ground as she had once watched her brother's small fragile frame fade and the sound of running neared to her left ear. The difference with this one was it is unbelievably peaceful though she didn't give any mind. But she knew it wasn't long before the small chaos would come uninvited by the Phantomhive manor.
"They are now scouting around the house miss Rose." she turned to Tanaka who stood by her side right at the moment. She nodded her thanks as before turning her view back to where it was.
The butler stared at the laughing circus hostbefore him and his master. Joker, who cackled like a mad man as he laid sprawled out on the cold concrete in the of his own crimson liquid. His maniacly laughter bounce on every wall and pillar of the large torture hall.
"However, you will also have some important things stolen from you from you tonight." the cackling mad man quoted as he waited for the smuggness on the their discombombulate to pieces. And when they did and it only brought up Joker's confidence more.
"My fellow circus members are paying a visit to you manor tonight." he continued
The two servants stood side by side under the light of the moon as they waited. The maid's onyx orbs shot open as she heard the rustle of shrubs from across the estate's yard.
"Mister Tanaka, please be on guard by Lady Elizabeth's room. I'll take it from here." the said butler bowed before ushering away. After a good distance, the maid pulled out a red hard-bounded book with the words 'Danse Macabre' embedded on the front portion. It revealed pages of writings and pictures with a stamp that quoting "completed" on every page. The flipping came to a halt as it landed on a blank page. She stared at it from for a good minute before a set datas appeared on the once blank pages.
Five new victims.
A smile crept on her lips, she loved the idea of how her victims likes coming to her web unknowingly and making her job easier to collect their precious memoirs. Ever since she entered the business of being a fairyman or woman of death, she hadn't have the need to obviously chase the souls assigned to her. They would always be aroung her ten meter radius.
She closed the small diary and waited for the perfect time.
| • | • | • | • |
"My servants?" the young earl trailed as his butler bursted into a small fit of giggling after finding such an amusing intel. The poor man's turn to be morphe in disdain, he turned to the two gentlemen.
"what's so darn funny?"
Slamming the metal tip of his cane to the ground, the earl stood with a fierce complexion. His worry completely thrown out the window and his butler by his side smiling maniacly.
"Just who do you think your dealing with? They are Phantomhive servants."
A cheshire smile was etched on Osiria's face as she watched the gardener give the large bald man a harsh blow sending him flying to the walls of the stair case of the front porch.
She could feel her hands itched with the need to pull a heavy object but she mustn't intervene with the cause of a human's death.
"How unfortunate souls~" she breathed.
The brawl continued as the young gardener came face to face with two trapeze artists. He was a bit out numbered at the moment, Osiria took the liberty to make the numbers fair as she now stood by the roof with the once clumsy maid by her side. Surrounded by a number of riffles and loaded with ammo. The raven haired maid whisked to the sniper's back and her lips neared her left ear.
"What is a maid's duty Mey-rin?" her tone etched with somewhat playfulness as she eyed the sniper's targets as the bullet was released to the air aiming a perfect mark.
"Always follow the young masters instructions, welcome the master every day with a manor that is spotlessly clean." the sniper dressed in a maid's outfit voice transitioned from a muffled voice to a sly tone.
"Very good, now what do we do with filth?" Osiria inched away as she let the femme before her do her job.
Little Elizabeth sat up from the bed's comfort as she was woken by the sound of some glass shattering from outside her door.
"what was that sound?" the door of her quarters opened to the old butler with a candle lit. Asking what was the matter to the young girl.
"Wasn't their just a huge sound by now?" she asked with curiousity and confusion for she was sure there was a sound since it was very loud.
The butler spoke with an unmasked tone of calmness as he assured her that there was no such sound was heard. Finding assurance from the words of an old man young lady descended to the comfort of her bed unknown to her that behind the frame of the old man and her door laid the bloodied body of one of the manors threatening visitors.
"Yo! I was waiting for you. I gotta tell say that you're both lucky to come face to face with me because if you had to face Miss Rose. It would probably messy."
Bardroy rested himself by a frame of the staircase as he eyed the two circus perpetrators before him. He continued to blabber until one of the two threw a set of knives towards him.
"Hey! That was dangerous! I was in the middle of talking!" the chef was now being attacked by woman with a whip. He continued to dodge until he called the aid of a familiar blonde gardener. The said gardner replied by throwing countless statues towards the infiltrators.
The two unwelcomed guest dodged every rock. It was a bit tricky to create diversion for the two but once they did, they dashed out.
The sound of chaos got louder and louder as every second passes. A figure sat restlessly from one of the roofs of the manor. Along it was a figure of a long scythe the it owned. The shadow revealed a pair of bright green orbs staring down at the three servants that stared down a hole that they created with the unwelcome guests were. The climax has been reached as the shadow stood up and swung the huge modified garden tool to the air.
| • | • | • | • |
"My servants, those are actually private soldiers hand picked to guard my manor."
The look of terror shook Joker to his core. He had sent his family to their unknown doom. He sent them armee with baby knives in a war. He could only mutter one word as he stared at Ciel with disbelief.
"They'll protect Phantomhive secrets and Phantomhive pride from any thing."
The moon was the only witness to the horror. The amusement on head maid's face remained as she watched the chef throw a lit match to the whole, leaving no evidence of murder.
Osiria had finished cleaning up the other messes around a few parts, meaning disposing and leaving no traces as well.
"After all, thats what makes a Phantomhive servant."
| • | • | • | • |
The mayhem of last nights events may have left a big mess on a portion of the mansion. The three servants would have to face the wrath of the head butler but then came Osiria to their aid.
"Don't worry, I just had a friend come by last night to fix the mess. We don't want miss Elizabeth worrying now won't we?" the maid quoted as the three servants fervently nodded to the sweet lady. It's been a long while since the woman came to the Phantomhives and they never felt so thankful in their life. They often compare her to Sebastian as they both carried perfect qualities of a servant but a plus side to her since she always helps and covers for them at all times. She was much kinder than Sebastian, much like the indian prince's servant but a female one.
She had become the big sister of the manor as despite of her height. She was a lot older than what her looks give out.
"Now I'm sure that you all are hungry from last night's events so I have prepared breakfast for all of you at the kitchen. Go get yourselves stuff then proceed to your jobs." as she said the words breakfast, the more their eyes sparkled in delight and they ran inside the unscratched manor to receive their prizes with a skip in every step.
"RIA!!" a high pitch lively voiced call from behind her. The maid spun to greet the young fiance of her master as she was glomped on the process. The lively blonde nuzzled into her embrace.
"WHEN IS CIEL COMING HOME!!?? TELL ME! DID HE TELL YOU?? WAAAHHH!!" the sweet child cried to her as she could only chuckle.
"Don't fret now my lady, he is already here." she cooed as the girl spun to see her beloved fiance stepping off of the carriage with his butler. Lizzie got off the maid's arms and ran to the small boy to glomp him. Smiling, she met the innocent eyes of the butler. She nodded to him as he did aswell. Sebastian had no doubts of leaving safety of the Lady Elizabeth's to her and the other servants for she was extremely different like him.
"Oh Ciel! I've missed you so much! Let's get inside! Ria made us teas and cakes!"
| • | • | • | • |
Mey-rin sweeped the remaining rubbles that was left on the floors as she hummed in delight after a wonderful meal. Then came a knock on the door, running to attend it the maid greeted the guest but only to be cut off to find out who it was.
"Ca'va!" the tall woman dressed with the most flamboyant clothings as it screamed different seasons to every eye.
"Miss Nina!" the said woman jumped on the poor maid kissing her cheeks in delight for seeing her again. She was the one who designed the maid outfit the Meyrin had found quite handy in times of need like last night. It allowed her unrestricted movements from any type of brawl. For it was only crucial for the home of the Queen's guard dog to have a well guarded household. If he can't protect his own household, it will quickly reflect to what might happened if he serves the queen. The tailor fumbled around the maid's frame as she was overcomed by delight from having the people she dresses find comfort and a sense of exploitable to any type of situation.
"Ms. Hopkins, what a delight to finally see you again." the tailor gasped and turned to the person who greeted her. She removed herself from the poor maid and launched herself the girl, purposely ignoring the other two male servants who have been calling for her attention for quite a while now.
"Oh how cute you look!! Why don't you lead me to where Ciel is while share to you my new ideas that are inspired by you!" the woman said in delight as the raven haired maid happily lead the woman to the stair case.
"Your clothes are in the horse carrige." she ushered to the two males as one of them seemed to have had enough of her rudeness.
"What with this different in treatment!!?" the chef claimed.
"Miss Hopkins." Sebastian's voice echoed around the hall as tailor and the head maid stared up to find the man by the upper wing of the stairway. The woman grumbled in disdain to find the familiar butler. "I believe I told you many times that merchants are to come in through the back door." he said coldly. "So you've come out huh.. Mr. Stiff." the woman muttered under her breath.
"Mr. Sebastian please do calm down. I'll escort Ms. Hopkins to drawing room while I speak to her about going to the back door. Would that be alright?" Osiria politely intruded as she placed a hand behind the Nina's back. The tailor completely sweeped off her feet with the maid's sweet voice, "what an angel you are Osiria!"
With that, they head off their way to the said room with the maid letting the tailor babble.
"Young Master and My lady, Miss Nina Hopkins is here." the maid slide the door to the side to reveal the said woman to the couple.
They went along with their greetings and discussion about the what the young lord would like to add in his line of outfit at the moment. Sebastian who came in a five minutes after they entered started to state the demands of what the Ciel would like to have.
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