katierosefun · 9 months
sick and twisted that organizing my desk space (and organizing the clutter in my room in general) does, in fact, make me feel a lot happier and a lot better about my life . . . sick and twisted
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wolfish-trickster · 5 months
I want to choose you now
Gojo x fem!reader, Geto x fem!reader
Part 4
Previous part
Word count: 2K
Summary: Gojo comes to you to talk. You and him decide to have a serious conversation again. Both of you make some hurtful freudian slips, but Gojo still tries to win you back.
Warnings: bad grammar (possibly), typos, angst, very little comfort
Taglist: @ilovebattinson @catobsessedlady @tqd4455 @nanao4k
@abcdefghijklmmopqrstuvwxyz @username23345 @www-kiana-mp3 @wirwirfr
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Gojo knocked on the old door with probably too much force but he didn't really care.
He was well rested, freshly shaved and nicely dressed. The sky was clear with birds chasing eachother in the air which smelled like fresh flowers. It was a beautiful spring day. If it wasn't for the anxiety and guilt crushing his chest he would call this the ideal weekend.
Some shuffling behind the door and a sound of key unlocking said door later and Gojo was met with his old friend's face.
"Hey Shoko," he tried sounding nonchalant but it came out forced and fake, "is Y/N here?"
"Yes," she said and stood firmly in the free space between the halfway opened door and the doorframe, "will you cause trouble?"
"Don't you know me?" he teased with a nervous smile. Shoko didn't smile. Gojo gulped. "I won't. Promise."
This made Shoko smile. A little bit. "Good, you can come in," she opened the door wider and stepped out of the way.
It's been a while since Gojo's been to this place. Most of his time lately has been devided equally between Geto's and his shared home with Y/N. Well, more or less equally. But even though some furniture got replaced and Shoko rearranged a decoration here and there he could still feel the remnance of the trio they once were. The framed picture of their highschool graduation above the fireplace. The almost unnoticible stain on the carpet from Gojo's messy way of drinking milk after Geto dared him to eat the spiciest chili they could buy. Shoko didn't even change the kitchen table. He could still see that little burned spot from Shoko teaching both Geto and Gojo how to smoke. Gojo smiled when he remembered how both of them coughed like crazy and Geto almost burned down the whole kitchen with his fallen cigarette, hence the burned spot. And right next to it sat...
"Hi," you greeted in a small voice. Even though you tried to have neutral face he could see the sadness behind your eyes. The dissapointment. It fueled Gojo to fight even harder to earn your trust again.
"Can we talk?" He said without a greeting.
You and Shoko exchanged a look he couldn't decipher.
"Is there something to talk about?" You asked in return. Your seemingly neutral expression turned hostile with your eyebrows lowering over your eyes creating a slight scowl.
He realized he should've greeted.
"Yes, there is," he said gently and slowly took a step towards the kitchen table. You didn't flinch or tried to move away from him, which he took as a good sign.
You shook your head. "There is no us Gojo."
He felt mild anxiety before. Now he felt like he could throw up.
"You blew it Satoru," said Shoko from behind him, "apologize, make peace and go."
"Since when are you on her side?" He snapped without thinking.
"What the hell Gojo?" you half yelled at him.
His head snapped back at you. "I-I didn't mean it like that. I-" his head kept turning from Shoko to you. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He needs to play this right. He can't afford another fuck up. "I'm sorry. But can you leave me and Y/N alone for a while?" he turned to Shoko with a pleading look he knew will work on her. He has mastered it over the years. "Please."
Shoko pondered it for a while. In the end she closed her eyes and sighed. "I need to go to class anyways," she said as she passed him to get her phone from where she left it to charge in the kitchen. Neither of you corrected her it's weekend and therefore no school.
After changing from pyjamas she walked to the front door. "Don't wreck my house, okay?"
Gojo didn't know who was this sentence meant for but he still nodded and mouthed a 'thanks'.
The door closed. The air got even more tense somehow. Gojo wanted to say everything at once but he had no idea how to start.
He pointed at the chair that was next to you, question in his eyes behind his black shades.
You nodded.
He smiled in relief and and turned the chair so he was fully facing you but sitting on it backwards as well to have the backrest to hold onto.
"So," he started and pushed the lump in his throat as deep as possible, "I had a talk with Suguru and-" you squirmed in your seat.
"Let me finish!" he quickly said in panic you'd walk out again after mentioning his best friend. "Just please let me finish."
"I didn't say anything," you said calmly.
"Yes but," he realized arguing with you would make the already bad situation even worse. "Nevermind," he looked at the floor. He never realized how much it resembled the one at Suguru's.
"Go on. You talked with Geto and?"
"Right," he nodded, "I talked with him and he made me realize I don't want to loose you. You are very important to me and now I see why you were upset. I admit, I was really spending too much time with him. But, I'm willing to try minimize my time with him and maximize the time I have with you."
You scoffed and smiled, still avoiding looking him in the eyes. "So you needed a third person to realize something was wrong with you?"
Gojo frowned. "There's nothing wrong with me."
You nodded. "Okay, sorry. I worded it wrong. But you understand don't you?"
"Yes, I do," he didn't. But in fear of making it worse he left it at that.
"Good," you leaned back. "At least we're getting somewhere."
He nodded. "Look, Suguru told me there were two types of love, one for friends and other for lovers. All my life I thought there was just one type of love. I was really confused when I first started having feelings towards you. At our first anniversary I realized I even forgot he even existed," a sad chuckle.
"I think," he continued, "that was the point when I wanted to spend more time with him. As to not lose him," he clarified.
Your expression slowly turned from neutral to sad to heartbroken.
"But I'm willing to fix that! As Suguru said you should be loved in a way a girlfriend is and I'll learn just that!"
"Oh, so you only loved me as a best friend till now?" You snapped and finally looked at him.
"No, that's not what I said," he raised his hands, palms turned towards you, as if he was calming down a wild animal. "I just told you I'm willing to work for this and even that isn't good enough for you?"
"Gojo," you frowned at him. "I don't want to be with someone who literally has to learn how to love me."
"But I can do that," he said softly. "I can do that for you. See?" He reached out to wipe the tear slowly making its way down your cheek. "I can-"
You slapped his hand away before it could even touch you. "Why?"
"Why do you want to be with me so much? You're free to hang out with Suguru as much as you'd like now that you're not with me."
Gojo closed his mouth. Did he hear correctly? "Why did you call him Suguru and not Geto?"
"Oh my god," you rolled your eyes, "that's what stuck with you? Out of all..."
"Answer me! Why are you using his first name and not mine?"
"It slipped out! Don't avoid-"
"Slipped out, my ass," he rubbed the bridge of his nose under his glasses. "Do you like him more than me now? A guy you barely met versus a guy you've been with for three years!"
"Can you stop?!" you cried out.
"Oh, why? Because I hit a sore spot? Did you get bored of me and developed a crush on him instead? Is that why you caused this whole mess in the first place? To break up with me even though I try so-"
"Me?!" You asked in disbelief. "It was you who was never home! And now you're blaming me for that?" your chest kept rising and falling rapidly. You placed a hand on it to calmed it down.
"No, I'm not blaming you for anything. See it's not my fault you had no one but me to fill your time!"
Quiet. You leaned away from him deeper into the chair.
"Y/N, I-" he had no words. How does he fix this. "I didn't-"
"Can you just answer the damn question?" you wiped your tears and gathered enough courage to look him in the eye. "After all of this, why are you still here? Why do you want me back? Don't you hate me?"
He violently shook his head. "No, god no! I could never."
"Then why?"
"You mean a lot to me."
You raised your eyebrows. "And?"
"And..." he needed to buy some time to think. What did you want to hear from him? What words would make you believe he really wants to have you back? "And I love you?"
Sad chuckle. "You're not even sure about that yourself."
"I am!" He argued back and cringed. He must've sounded like a stubborn child to you. "I love you Y/N. I really do. And if you think I don't then teach me what kind of love you want me to have for you."
"I already told you," you groaned. "I don't want you to force yourself to love me. I wnat someone who will want to love me on their own."
"I don't force myself. I really do love you. But it's obviously not enough or the right kind. Please Y/N."
He reached for your hands and even though you pulled them away he still grabbed them and held them. They were cold as ice.
"We felt good together, right? We had fun, we went out, we talked all night long. Don't throw this away. I don't want to be alone."
His hands held yours as if his life depended on it.
"So you just don't want to be alone," you concluded and sniffled.
He shook his head. "No," he wanted to say more but he didn't know what. He wanted you back. To hug you as the two of you fall asleep. To cook with you again. Spend time with you. Even without Suguru. He was ready to try that. He'll be there, just as he said. Gojo tried telling his head and his heart it's okay to neglect Suguru now. Focusing on you will become his priority. He'll do better this time. He begged his mouth to say all of that. And yet.
No words fell. From you nor him.
Clock kept ticking. Sun shone through Shoko's replaced window and created a beautiful rainbow which fell on your joined hands. Gojo smiled. Then something fell on the back of his hand. A tear.
He looked up. You were crying, but your head was also pretty far away. The tear that fell was his. His head maybe didn't know yet. But his heart. It knew.
You freed one of your hands and wiped his cheek. "You know what's the worst though?" you asked through your tears.
"It's not how you refuse to aknowledge you were in the wrong. Or how you still want to force Suguru into all of this when it should be just the two of us. It's none of that," you stood up and for the first time someone towered over Gojo and he felt true fear of what was about to come. "It's how you talked so much and yet you never said sorry."
"You sure they won't kill eachother there?" Geto asked as he gave Shoko his own lighter. Shoko threw her old one away and gladly accepted her friend's.
"I hope they won't," she slipped a new cigarette between her lips and lit it. This must be her third one in this hour. Right after she left she called Geto to meet up. Gojo was a dear friwnd to both of them. But they took a liking to you too. It hurt Shoko to hear how much of an ass her good friend was but ultimately she sympathized with you more. She hoped Gojo would come to his senses and do the right thing.
"Besides," she breathed out some smoke, "Satoru is a little dense but he isn't stupid. I trust he'll say the right words."
Geto hummed and kept walking.
Shoko pitied him. She was in a fairly difficult position. Gojo was her friend, sure, but so were you. Geto though? Gojo was his best friend since forever and Y/N was the girl he fell in love with. She was there when Geto got drunk one night and blabbed about how much he liked you and how good you were. She only thought it was a cute little crush from his side but after he sobered up she knew. He was speaking nothing but truth.
Even if Shoko knew Geto was much more mature than Gojo and you would much more appreciate him in the future Geto kept telling her the same thing: he can't do that to his best friend.
But even though she knew all this, she couldn't help but tease him one last time. "And even if it doesn't work out you can at least get a shot," she playfully nudged him.
"So you're well rested now," smiled and rubbed his arm.
She cocked her head to one side. "What do you mean?"
"Last night," he explained but Shoko was still clueless. "We texted," he tried more but it still didn't ring a bell for her.
"I was sleeping last night, Suguru," she took a drag from the cigarette and blew out grey smoke.
Geto stopped in his tracks. "What did you say?"
"Eeeh, I slept?"
Geto shook his head. "No, I meant what did you call me?"
"Suguru? Like always?" she said and studied his face. It turned from realization to blush to pure horror.
"You've always called me Suguru. Not even when we first met you didn't call me by my surname," he muttered and fished out hsi phone from his pants. He quickly found Shoko's contact and scrolled to the messages he had with her. He slowly turned his phone for Shoko to see. She got so surprised her cigarette fell from her hand as she stared at the last message next to her contact picture.
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fearandhatred · 1 year
The Alternate Coffee Theory
okay i've been thinking about this a lot. like an unhealthy amount. so: the coffee that the metatron buys for aziraphale is obviously significant. however.
i'm starting to think that its significance really doesn't have that much of a role to play in season 3's plot as we might think, or as the coffee theory might suggest. it might honestly just be important because of all that it symbolises in the last episode, aka earthly desires and by extension, the metatron's hatred of humans and crowley. hear me out
Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death, aka The Metatron Hates Humanity
when i tell y'all i genuinely even tried abbreviating Large Oat Milk Latte With A Dash Of Almond Syrup in case there was some subliminal hidden message in that order... yeah that didn't work out. but honestly i think the main thing to take away from this scene is that the metatron hates humans.
the metatron (so demeaningly): your establishment. i assume they always ask for coffee (eye roll) (deep sigh) (dripping with sarcasm)
nina: no one ever asks for death no :)
the metatron (mockingly): no i don't suppose they doooooo. sooo predictable
the metatron does not mention anything about the world or humans when he's talking to aziraphale (at least not what is shown to us, but if he didn't at all then it's very interesting that aziraphale didn't pick up on that, but that's a whole separate thing).
what this scene with the coffee mostly does is establish the metatron as The Antagonist of season 3. yeah, it's already hinted by the second coming bomb drop, but this solidifies it: he thinks of himself as superior to humans, he genuinely does not care what happens to them. and it'll be harder to change his mind (which aziraphale will undoubtedly try to) because of this.
"Where Would I Get My Coffee?" aka Aziraphale Exposing His Priorities, aka The Metatron Hates Crowley
this is where i think the coffee is REALLY important. it draws out some interesting conversations between the metatron and aziraphale that go exactly how the metatron intended. and also, while the previous scene shows how he hates humans, everything from that point on shows that he hates crowley.
"shall i?" "drink it? of course. i've ingested things in my time."
this has definitely been said before but to reiterate, the metatron is trying to appeal to aziraphale here with human things, which is funny considering we've established that he hates humans. i think from this point onwards, the metatron is trying to parse out just how attached aziraphale is to humanity.
you can kind of see his intent when aziraphale says the coffee is very nice and he replies "yes, i should jolly well hope so". when i first heard that i was all ???? why the hell did he say it like that? but i think it's him confirming that yes, aziraphale partakes in earthly pleasures. maybe there's something to be said here about gluttony being a sin? no idea. so yes, aziraphale loves the world. but then:
2. "where would i get my coffee?"
now THIS is interesting. because aziraphale says "no, i don't want to go to heaven. where would i get my coffee?" and the metatron doesn't say anything like "as archangel you can go wherever you want. you can come back to earth and drink coffee. you can manifest coffee in heaven."
NO. he says "you can have crowley with you". it's a very pointed segue. and if we take it that we are shown all the important parts of the conversation, that means that aziraphale accepts the offer pretty much right after learning that he can be with crowley.
so in the previous point, in the bookshop, the metatron confirms that aziraphale loves and knows humanity. now here, he confirms (this is what he thinks, at least) that aziraphale loves humanity, and he loves crowley more. and to him, this is A Major Problem.
The Offer, aka The Metatron's True Intentions
okay, now let's talk about the metatron's offer to 1. make aziraphale an archangel, and 2. make crowley an angel too.
yes, the second coming is the metatron's major goal. yes, he wants aziraphale to help. but not in the way he thinks: he wants aziraphale to help by getting out of the way. this means that the offer to make crowley an angel again was genuine, because no matter which way it goes, him and heaven benefit from this.
aziraphale and crowley, together, loving humanity, is literally all that stands between heaven and The Ineffable Plan, because that was the case for Armageddidn't. if the metatron gets both of them to go to heaven, fantastic! the troublemakers removed willingly from humanity and doing good (aka advancing the plan).
if crowley refuses to go with aziraphale, fantastic! he knows how much aziraphale relies on crowley. he thinks they're weaker when they're not together. by separating him from all that he loves and directing his attention elsewhere, that's when they can really start doing things.
Coffee Recap and What This Means For Season 3
ok so. tldr. the coffee was placed in the show for symbolic reasons, to set up all these scenes and conversations and show the metatron's true intentions. maybe the coffee even represents aziraphale's attachment to things that are decidedly not heaven, but are in fact heaven's rejects. heaven's fallen. the metatron has decided to make that his problem.
now maybe they really will brainwash aziraphale in heaven, or refuse to let him go back to earth or communicate with crowley in any way. but that doesn't take away from the fact that aziraphale went up there for what he genuinely believes is right, and that is what matters to me, honestly.
but this makes the metatron a lot more sinister than i originally thought. he's very smart; that offer he made wasn't an offer at all, because either way it went would have benefited him. and the fact that he's thought this through means that this is definitely not the end. crowley is probably in danger. aziraphale will be put under a lot of control that would be hard to break free of.
i don't think there's a possibility of them changing the metatron's mind, but i might be wrong. i do think that the season will end with humanity saved and heaven becoming a better place, maybe a joint partnership with hell, but whether they defeat the metatron or somehow make the whole of heaven and hell see sense is past me.
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memethebum · 1 year
Started a new was supposed to be a oneshot for Halloween AU for October!!
This one is a 1800s mutual pining fake marriage AU hehe
“Are you alright?” Maka whispered before tightening her grip on his arm.
I dunno, am I? Soul thought as he looked to the side and noticed the way Maka’s eyebrows had been slightly furrowed in worry. However, his attention soon wandered towards how radiant she looked due to Marie’s handiwork in makeup and picking out a perfect dress to borrow for their wedding.
“Ye-yes, why wouldn’t I be?” Soul coughed out while watching Maka flash a smile at the crowd that’d gathered to watch them leave the courthouse.
“I don’t know, I just…thought you were acting a little off,” his wife replied, causing him to let out a long sigh due to how hard he’d been suppressing the urge to imagine all of this being real and not merely a favor between two friends.
“Oh well, I suppose I should try smiling a lil’ more. Wouldn’t wanna displease my wife,” he added before gently placing one of Maka’s hands within his own and feathering a kiss onto her knuckles.
The young man then looked up to see her gaping at him while he wondered if the soft blush across her cheekbones was a figment of his imagination.
“Hm, well I’m glad to hear it,” Maka whispered before grounding her feet to a halt and reaching up to peck him on the cheek, eliciting a set of gasps from the crowd.
The stopping point allowed Soul to get a perfect view of Blake, who seemed to flash him a wink before displaying the newsletter he’d been milking for the past week.
A Leaflet for Love
Soul Evans, one of our town’s most humble and prosperous farmers, had asked for a special section to be printed into Miss Maka Albarn’s copy of the Death Tribune this past week. It read as follows:
I am twenty two years old, have a rather peculiar set of teeth, believe in the wealth of Mister Deathman, and the merit of the crops which our town produces. I have taken up a State lot, cleared up eighteen acres last year, and seeded ten of it down.
My buckwheat looks first-rate, and the oats and potatoes are bully.
I have got nine sheep, a two-year-old bull, and two heifers, besides a house and barn.
I want to get married.
I want to buy bread-and-butter, hoop-skirts, and waterfalls for some person of the female persuasion during life. That's what's the matter with me.
But I don't know how to do it, as my world would shatter if none other than Miss Maka Albarn would give me the pleasure of being my wife.
1 week ago
“I just…don’t understand what I’m supposed to do sometimes, Soul,” Maka exclaimed before taking a swig out of a large wine bottle and passing it over to him.
“C’mon, you’re Maka Albarn, the toughest woman ta’ ever live,” Soul mumbled back while shifting the arm he’d snaked around her back.
He then took a large swig from the bottle while Maka slumped further against the pine tree they were seated under. The summer had graced the town with a cool evening breeze, which allowed the pair to have a perfect atmosphere for their nightly chats.
“Women are women to the lot, especially when it comes to business. Am I just supposed to waltz up to any investor, curtsy, and say good morning my name is Miss Maka Albarn and I’m inquiring about opening the first ever department store in Death City by myself,” she huffed, earning her a chortle from Soul.
“Well that’s where you’re wrong. I’m gonna be there to help you through it silly,” he added before regarding her with a shark-toothed grin, only to watch as her eyes became glazed over in deep thought.
“Hmm, help me out. That’s it!” the young woman yelped, eliciting Soul to jump at her sudden outburst.
“Soul….” she murmured before placing the wine bottle onto the ground and clasping both of her hands onto his own.
“Will you marry me?” Maka added while giving him an ardent stare, only for it to go unnoticed as the young man tried to wrap his mind around what she’d just said.
“Wha-“ Soul attempted to stammer out before feeling Maka’s grip on his hands begin to tighten.
“You could be the investor for me! I mean, you already have all this land and-“ Maka added, although Soul’s mind was too busy replaying those four words she’d uttered a moment ago.
Heh, kinda funny how I think about that stuff all the time. Me marryin’ Maka, her starting a business, us harvesting these fields every year until we’re an old married couple. Too bad…I can never really give her that life Soul mentally lamented before Maka slowly released his hands with a sigh.
“I-I mean only if you want to. It-it’s a request so please don’t-“
“Let’s do it,” the young man voiced while feeling a gentle warmth begin to creep up his chest once Maka’s emerald eyes settled upon his large grin.
“…Really?” she whispered, probing Soul into pressing his forehead against hers.
“Yea, if it means that much to ya’, let’s get hitched,” he added before Maka tackled him to the ground and hastily planted a set of kisses across his face.
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cherry-poppins · 2 years
The Things You Do In The Name Of Love (Classic!Sans x Reader)
The Things you do in the name of love, it makes us, it breaks us, but it'll save us. Careful before you say it, as it known with different names and come in different forms.
The atmosphere was filled with the smell of coffee grounds and the screams of freshly steamed milk. Conversations mixing together like sugar put in hot tea as light music played in the background. Eyeing Fresh pastry that winked back, almost begging you to buy them as you go to pay for your lunch.
"Woah there bucko, don't be so fast to pull out your wallet, Lunch is on me today." A grinning skeleton spoke, bringing out his wallet as he handed the cashier the money.
"Sans!!! Not again, seriously this is like the third meal you've bought me this week, you can't keep doing this to me i swear you’re gonna go bankrupted." I sighed before my face heated up as I quickly added. "I mean, It’s not that I'm not grateful or anything!!! Which I am very grateful for, thank you so much but you seriously don't have to."
"What? Is paying for another friend's food is wrong! Are you gonna look at me and tell me that it's wrong?!" He joked, grinning like the complete idiot he was while leaning against the countertop as we both waited for our food.
"Pft. No, it's not that. I just feel like ur spoiling me, not everyone gets this kinda treatment u know" I sighed, leaning next to him.
Sans waved me off. “Eh I know but seeing that look on ur face makes it worth it every time. Besides can’t I treat my best friend to lunch? Is that such a crime” He chuckled before ruffling my head like some child.
“Saaannnss, bugger off.” I whine, smacking his hands away. “It is a crime when someone does it as often as you do”
“Welp then arrest me with hand cuff and call me a criminal because I ain’t stoppin’ anytime soon” He joked, holding out his hands together.
You quickly snap a picture, instantly sending it to your favorite fish lady. “I’m sure Undyne would love a good excuse to shove you in a cell” You giggle, trying to look as though you are being serious…. It fails.
Staring at each other for what felt like 5 minutes we both break character and surrender into a fit of laughter, trying our absolute best to stay quite as to not disturb the people and monsters around us.
Containing the last of my giggles trying to calm myself down. I observe the rest of the café feelings slightly nostalgic. “Stars I swear how did I keep you around this long?” I ask, thinking back to the first time we had met.
Sans and I have been best friends for nearly a year and a half. It wasn't always this delightful, at first, he hated my entire being, couldn't stand me. We met at this cute café that I loved so much, I'd go there every weekend for a treat or to study. I remember it was a Saturday, midday, I was walking down the street joyfully looking forward to my (f/f) iced frappe while I scrolled through Monstergram, perhaps read a couple of fanfics in Wattpad, or i could've been a complete basic white Girl and had a photo shoot with my frappe. The possibilities are endless!
As I hummed a happy tune, opening the door to the café I bumped straight into- a skeleton?!
"Oh my Stars I'm so sorry, s-sir? I wasn't looking where I was-" I was them interrupted by the strange skeleton man, face full of disgust and spite. "You should really watch were you’re going. You have eyes for a reason, use them" said spat. That one way to ruin someone's day. I took a deep breath trying to regain my calm, not wanting to cause a scene. "As I said before I'm terribly sorry, I meant no harm-" I was interrupted again by his sarcastic tone of voice
"Course ya didn't, humans never mean these kinds of things. Tch just an excuse to abuse us monsters, perhaps provoke us so we might go "feral.” Oh, you'd like that wouldn't ya. Give you a reason to call the police on us because we were trying to "kill" you. Real nice"
Was he for real, was this actually happening? "Look Sir I don't wanna cause any trouble, I'm just a nice citizen of the terrible human race trying to get her daily espresso. So why don't we shake on it and become friends instead?" I held out my hand with a smile on my face.
"Pathetic. As if I'd fall for that dirty human, you really think I'd want to be friends with a greedy, racist creature who drowns her problems with caffeine? You're dumber than ya look" Sans said.
Ok that's it, I've been disrespected before, but this was crossing the line. And how dare he call me out for my semi-coffee addiction. "What’s your problem Mr? I've been extremely kind towards you considering that you're verbally abusing me for no good reason. Like seriously I accidentally bumped into, I'm sorry for getting into your "personal space". What did I ever do to you?! Yeah, I get that us humans are a bunch of assbutts but take this in consideration, not all humans are. And a lil FYI bucko, I attend every monster freedom protest so I can help fight for your rights and equality. So next time you decide to be a prick because someone accidentally bumped into you then maybe instead of opening your judgmental mouth think for two seconds because maybe that person is fighting so you can have a better future!!!" I ranted, my eyes widening at the sight of the skeleton. His eye lights had shrunken and was sweating badly- Wait skeletons can sweat?!
"I-I... I'm sorry for my b-behaviour miss.... uh, I'll be on my way n-now..." he stuttered, a blue hue covering his cheeks. They can blush too!? Before I could question him, he disappeared into thin air.
I blinked a couple of times, my eyes staring at the spot where the strange skeleton once was. So, they can disappear- uh, teleport? Welp my day just got more interesting.
A week went by, and I was back at my fav cafe, sippin' on my latte, listening to music while I studied. I could hear the faint sounds of people chattering, the coffee maker running and the slight jingle of the bell that rings when someone enters. 10 minutes later I hear yet another jingle, ignoring it like always. But then I heard a familiar voice which caught my attention. I tilted my book down slightly, just enough to let me see whom the familiar voice belonged to, and the sight shocked me. It was that strange skeleton I had met last week. Why was he here? Did he come here often? Did he like to come here on weekends for coffee too?
Shaking my head to silence my questions building up inside my head, i watching him from the corner of my eye, hiding myself behind one of my textbooks. Should... should i say hello?? I kinda raged at him last week, wasn't the best first impression. I sigh, slouching in my chair. What’s the worst that could happen. Putting my book down on the table, pausing my music as i take of my headphones. With every bit of confidence that i managed to conjure i got up from my seat and walk over to the skeleton man.
He just finished ordering, well whatever he ordered and was slouching by the pickup counter flipping through his phone. Great now’s my chance. I stood in front of him, wondering if this was a good idea. "Eh, excuse me.... Mr skeleton guy?" I shyly called, thinking that I probably looked like the biggest idiot in the world.
He gaze shifted from his phone to me, his pupils shrinking at the sight of me. yep, he remembered me. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, straightening himself up before cautiously speaking. "Oh, it you. geez, uh look kid i don't want any trouble. What i said before- i just, I’m sorry. It's just that-"
"Oh no, no, no. It's fine really. This isn't the first time i had to deal with this sorta stuff, it happens all the time. Besides, I understand." I cut him off, ensuring him. "I mean what you did wasn't acceptable at all, but everyone deserves a second chance, right?" I smiled at the skeleton who was now bewildered, the same blue hue that he had the other week weakly flushed against his cheekbones. It was kinda cute not gonna lie.
"Heh, I guess people do... hey uh, would you mind if I sat down with you for coffee?" He asked, rubbing the back of his skull, barely making eye contact. Ok but like he was cute. give this dude a hug. "I'd love that! Oh, wait i haven't told you my name! Gosh I’m such a dummy..." i exclaimed, mumbling the last part feeling my cheeks heat up. I confidently hold out my hand, giving him a soft smile. "I-I'm (Y/N)"
The skeletons eye lights widened, looking down at my hand back up to my eyes. He seemed hesitant at first but finally eased up, taking his hand out of his hoodie pocket wrapping his phalanges around my hand. I didn't know what to expect, the skeleton's hand was warm and had the texture kinda like a pebble. It’s like if you left a nice stone outside in the sun on a beautiful day, the stone absorbing the suns warmth.
"The name's Sans, Sans the skeleton"
-Flashback End-
“Cause you couldn’t resist me” Sans “batted” his eyes, sticking his tongue out. “You figured out I was a hilarious, pun filled, skeleton with a lot of money and a cool brother so decided to jump of that bandwagon and now here we are”
You scoffed “Oh yeah that’s definitely how that happened, you figured me out Sherlock Holmes” You mocked sarcastically.
He chuckles at your attempt of humour. “Heh nice, Oooo does that mean you’ll be my Watson??” He asks
“Ha, yeah alright. Well now I know what our costumes are for this Halloween” I reply, thinking who our Moriarty would be.
“Saves me for being a ghost for the third year in a row, and this is why your my favourite human” he grins, a light blue bluish dusting his cheeks.
Pink instantly dusted my cheeks as I feel my face getting warms. Damn that smooth talker, he always knew how to get you flustered. "Favourite human? Come on, I can't be your favourite. There's probably a million other humans you hang out with, not to mention all the pretty girl that'd most likely fawn over you" I teased, smirking at him. "Besides when did ever become yours~"
"Um since you gave me that box filled with 32 bottles of ketchup for Christmas, duh." He joked. "But seriously, kid you're one of the only human girls I actually talk to and that'll talk to me. I mean there's Frisk but their non-binary, so they doesn't count. and yeah, I hang out with some pretty girls but none of them "fawn" over me, Stars above. Well, I guess one pretty girl does" Sans mumbled the last part, looking off into the cafe.
My grin faulted for a second. So, there was another girl? Oh.... I sigh, quickly shaking away the feeling. Come on (Y/N), you're better than this. Hiding my sadness and disappointment with a smile, I ask about this girl. "Sans have you been hiding out on me?! Come on who is she, what's she like?" I let out a giggle as i felt my heart shatter into millions of tiny pieces.
I felt my soul being crushed just like my hopes, it was always a suspension that he was interested in someone. You had just hoped that someone would be you. You two had always joked around, teased, and flirted with each other and gone out together but as friends. It wasn’t like you weren’t giving him hints, it’s like you were holding up a sign with “IM INTERESTED’ printed on it in red.
As long as he's happy, that’s all that matters. You say to yourself, the least you could have is his friendship.
"Meh, not telling." He said with the smuggest of grins. Oh, that bastard, he hasn't got the slightest idea on what he's doing to me...
"What!? Oh, come on that's not fair, you can't just mention this mystery girl and then not say anything about it" I pouted.
"Heh what? You jealous or something kid~?" He chuckled, raising his non-existing eyebrow and he gave me dat grin. Come on we all know what that looks like.
My face heated up instantly, my cheeks dusted red. "Jealous?! Of what, the apparently pretty girl that fawns over you and most likely has a crush on you and you like her back. W-why on earth would I be jealous of that...." I rant basically outing myself as I mentally curse as myself. F*ck... do you think he noticed?!
"Oh my gosh I was kidding (Y/N), no need to get all flustered about it. Though you're right about me having a crush on her" He smiled softly, his gaze sorta in a daze.
"Oh.... is that so" My face dropped slowly. T-this is fine... I've been rejected before.... This....This...is.... fine...
"Yeah, she pretty, real smart, funny too like i swear she could beat me at puns, the student becomes the master. Heh, I’ve known her since forever. Not too long after i came to the surface. Though my problem is that I'm not sure if she likes me back. Got any advice, kid?" He turned his head to me as he waited for an answer.
Was he serious? Was he really that dense? Could he not see the tears that threaten to flow from my eyes, could he not tell that I was breaking, that he was shattering my soul, tearing apart my heart and crushing my hopes and dreams. It hurt so much, and he has the audacity to ask- You know what it doesn't matter anymore, he likes another. Best thing you can do is be there and support him as a.... friend. Because that's all I'll ever be to him. "Y-yeah I can give you some advice, anything for a friend... Umm, well for a start you should tell her how you feel, perhaps through I'm a few hints here and there, look for hints uhm.... Oh, maybe ask someone to causally ask her if she does like you?" I felt the tears about to spill, losing my two-face game- no! Do not break down, not here, not now. I don't want him to see me like this.
"Huh, great advice. Might try a couple of them some time- Uh hey k-kid you alright, you look like you're bout cry ya eyes out... have I upset you?" He turned his full attention to me, leaning up from the countertop. His hand gently held my shoulders, his gaze filled with worry.
I sniffed a bit, blinking a bunch to contain my tears "Y-yeah I'm alright *sniff* i have hay fever, damn must be that time of year already" I Chuckled, faking another smile.
He sighed, giving me the classic serious Sans look. "Don't lie to me (Y/N), I know somethings up. We've been friends for what? 3 and a half years now?" "Y-yeah..." My gazes falls, not wanting to look into his eyes.
"And friends don't lie to each other, nor do they keep stuff from each other especially if it leads to the friend about cry their eyes out." He hooked one of his phalanges under my chin, lifting it up so I'd face him. Not gonna lie it was hot, but it sadly wasn't the time for that. "Come on kid, what's wrong?" He asked softly
I can't... "It's just... heh didn't think a lazy bone head like you could get the girls" I nudged him a bit, bursting into laughter.
His face was covered in a blue hue, blushing. He let a chuckle, releasing my chin. "Harsh but fair Kiddo. but come on stop avoiding the topic-"
"Aren't I too old for that nickname now Sans? You've been calling me kid and kiddo for as long as i can remember" I force a giggle, hoping to throw him off.
He gave me a "really" look, shaking his head slightly as he sighed. the it was his turn to plaster on a smile. "What, it suits you~ And you do tend to act like a child from time to time." Sans teased. Oh, I acted like a child from time to time?! You should see him when we run out of ketchup. Toddler 100.
I shook my head, chuckling a bit. "Whatever you say bonehead" Before he could say anything else our names were called out, our meals ready.
-Time Skip-
We ate our meals without bringing up my sudden breakdown. Well near breakdown. We joked about, laughing about the latest memes and stupid videos YouTube provided. After we ate, we wandered through the city. It was late, the stars lighting up the sky mixed with the bright lights of the city. Arm wrapped around my neck and laughter in the air we finally stopped at a small park. It was one of my favourite places in the city, and the best part was at night they lit lanterns which illuminated the whole part. It was truly a sight to see. We sit down on a nearby chair, his arm still around me. Don't flatter yourself (Y/N) ... He likes someone else, remember.
"Hey kid... You know why i would never play hide 'n' seek with you?" Sans asks, his gaze turned towards me.
Now that caught my attention... And left me with like several questions. "W-what? Heh, why?" I replied, generally confused. Was this meant to be one of his famous Sans jokes that has a weird pun mixed in with it??
"Because someone like you is impossible to find..." He softly spoke, his free hand reaching up to cup my face running his thumb along my cheek. A faint blue blush dusted his face.
WHAT?!?!? My face was heated up furiously, blushing red. My heart was beating wildly as it threatened to burst out of my rib cage. Was he flirting?? Gosh it was so cute but cheesy at the same time... But he liked someone else.... R-right? "S-sans, I'm confus-" before i could finished his thumb swiftly found my lips, hushing me. He lingered there for a second, brushing his thumb along my bottom lip. God it was hot.
"Roses are red violets are blue I didn't know what perfect was until I met you" He leant in close his face inches away from mine, his thumb leaving my lips. His blush was more visible now, glowing a soft blue.
I didn't know what to say, how to react, or how to feel. He left me completely speechless and a blushing mess. And he did this with shitty pick-up lines that you'd find on the internet or hear on a tinder date. Damn he was good.
"(Y/N) ..." The arm that was originally around my neck had now shifted so that his hand was cupping the other side of my face, the other hand now at my waist. He then shifted himself so that he was now next to my ear, his breath against my neck. "Your lips look lonely would they like to meet mine?" His whispered softly, his lips.... mouth... teeth?? brushing against my ear.
My face was now lava, my head spinning with millions of questions and even more feelings. before i even had the time to say anything or even react he kissed me. and it was no peck on the lips, he full on kissed me. And how was he so good at it?! He's a damn skeleton?! But i couldn't lie, I enjoyed it. I kissed back, wrapping my hands around his neck. Few seconds later we pull away, his forehead pressed against mine.
"What am i going to do with you" He muttered as he put back a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "The girl was you; it was always you. (Y/N) I’ve loved you for as long as i could remember, you've always been there for me. I'm not so good with expressing my emotions with people... everyone but you."
My eyes widened as my heart swelled with joy. H-he did like me. Holy sh*t was I that dense, Was i the oblivious one?! Stars above. I mentally slapped myself, embarrassed how i pulled a Sans. 
"I understand if you reject me, after what happened earlier... I will admit it was a d*ck move. but I swear I meant no harm; I didn't mean to hurt you." His thumb gently rubbed against my cheek. "I love you"
He wasn't kidding... He wasn't kidding!!! "You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this" I smile brightly, my eyes threatening to cry again. I sniff, wiping my eyes with my sleeve. " I love you too, Sans. And i always will"
The Things you do in the name of love, it makes us, it breaks us, but it'll save us. Careful before you say it, as it known with different names and come in different forms.
The atmosphere was filled with the smell of coffee grounds and the screams of freshly steamed milk. Conversations mixing together like sugar put in hot tea as light music played in the background. Eyeing Fresh pastry that winked back, almost begging you to buy them as you go to pay for your lunch.
"Woah there bucko, don't be so fast to pull out your wallet, Lunch is on me today." A grinning skeleton spoke, bringing out his wallet as he handed the cashier the money.
"Sans!!! Not again, seriously this is like the third meal you've bought me this week, you can't keep doing this to me i swear you’re gonna go bankrupted." I sighed before my face heated up as I quickly added. "I mean, It’s not that I'm not grateful or anything!!! Which I am very grateful for, thank you so much but you seriously don't have to."
"What? Is paying for another friend's food is wrong! Are you gonna look at me and tell me that it's wrong?!" He joked, grinning like the complete idiot he was while leaning against the countertop as we both waited for our food.
"Pft. No, it's not that. I just feel like ur spoiling me, not everyone gets this kinda treatment u know" I sighed, leaning next to him.
Sans waved me off. “Eh I know but seeing that look on ur face makes it worth it every time. Besides can’t I treat my best friend to lunch? Is that such a crime” He chuckled before ruffling my head like some child.
“Saaannnss, bugger off.” I whine, smacking his hands away. “It is a crime when someone does it as often as you do”
“Welp then arrest me with hand cuff and call me a criminal because I ain’t stoppin’ anytime soon” He joked, holding out his hands together.
You quickly snap a picture, instantly sending it to your favorite fish lady. “I’m sure Undyne would love a good excuse to shove you in a cell” You giggle, trying to look as though you are being serious…. It fails.
Staring at each other for what felt like 5 minutes we both break character and surrender into a fit of laughter, trying our absolute best to stay quite as to not disturb the people and monsters around us.
Containing the last of my giggles trying to calm myself down. I observe the rest of the café feelings slightly nostalgic. “Stars I swear how did I keep you around this long?” I ask, thinking back to the first time we had met.
Sans and I have been best friends for nearly a year and a half. It wasn't always this delightful, at first, he hated my entire being, couldn't stand me. We met at this cute café that I loved so much, I'd go there every weekend for a treat or to study. I remember it was a Saturday, midday, I was walking down the street joyfully looking forward to my (f/f) iced frappe while I scrolled through Monstergram, perhaps read a couple of fanfics in Wattpad, or i could've been a complete basic white Girl and had a photo shoot with my frappe. The possibilities are endless!
As I hummed a happy tune, opening the door to the café I bumped straight into- a skeleton?!
"Oh my Stars I'm so sorry, s-sir? I wasn't looking where I was-" I was them interrupted by the strange skeleton man, face full of disgust and spite. "You should really watch were you’re going. You have eyes for a reason, use them" said spat. That one way to ruin someone's day. I took a deep breath trying to regain my calm, not wanting to cause a scene. "As I said before I'm terribly sorry, I meant no harm-" I was interrupted again by his sarcastic tone of voice
"Course ya didn't, humans never mean these kinds of things. Tch just an excuse to abuse us monsters, perhaps provoke us so we might go "feral.” Oh, you'd like that wouldn't ya. Give you a reason to call the police on us because we were trying to "kill" you. Real nice"
Was he for real, was this actually happening? "Look Sir I don't wanna cause any trouble, I'm just a nice citizen of the terrible human race trying to get her daily espresso. So why don't we shake on it and become friends instead?" I held out my hand with a smile on my face.
"Pathetic. As if I'd fall for that dirty human, you really think I'd want to be friends with a greedy, racist creature who drowns her problems with caffeine? You're dumber than ya look" Sans said.
Ok that's it, I've been disrespected before, but this was crossing the line. And how dare he call me out for my semi-coffee addiction. "What’s your problem Mr? I've been extremely kind towards you considering that you're verbally abusing me for no good reason. Like seriously I accidentally bumped into, I'm sorry for getting into your "personal space". What did I ever do to you?! Yeah, I get that us humans are a bunch of assbutts but take this in consideration, not all humans are. And a lil FYI bucko, I attend every monster freedom protest so I can help fight for your rights and equality. So next time you decide to be a prick because someone accidentally bumped into you then maybe instead of opening your judgmental mouth think for two seconds because maybe that person is fighting so you can have a better future!!!" I ranted, my eyes widening at the sight of the skeleton. His eye lights had shrunken and was sweating badly- Wait skeletons can sweat?!
"I-I... I'm sorry for my b-behaviour miss.... uh, I'll be on my way n-now..." he stuttered, a blue hue covering his cheeks. They can blush too!? Before I could question him, he disappeared into thin air.
I blinked a couple of times, my eyes staring at the spot where the strange skeleton once was. So, they can disappear- uh, teleport? Welp my day just got more interesting.
A week went by, and I was back at my fav cafe, sippin' on my latte, listening to music while I studied. I could hear the faint sounds of people chattering, the coffee maker running and the slight jingle of the bell that rings when someone enters. 10 minutes later I hear yet another jingle, ignoring it like always. But then I heard a familiar voice which caught my attention. I tilted my book down slightly, just enough to let me see whom the familiar voice belonged to, and the sight shocked me. It was that strange skeleton I had met last week. Why was he here? Did he come here often? Did he like to come here on weekends for coffee too?
Shaking my head to silence my questions building up inside my head, i watching him from the corner of my eye, hiding myself behind one of my textbooks. Should... should i say hello?? I kinda raged at him last week, wasn't the best first impression. I sigh, slouching in my chair. What’s the worst that could happen. Putting my book down on the table, pausing my music as i take of my headphones. With every bit of confidence that i managed to conjure i got up from my seat and walk over to the skeleton man.
He just finished ordering, well whatever he ordered and was slouching by the pickup counter flipping through his phone. Great now’s my chance. I stood in front of him, wondering if this was a good idea. "Eh, excuse me.... Mr skeleton guy?" I shyly called, thinking that I probably looked like the biggest idiot in the world.
He gaze shifted from his phone to me, his pupils shrinking at the sight of me. yep, he remembered me. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, straightening himself up before cautiously speaking. "Oh, it you. geez, uh look kid i don't want any trouble. What i said before- i just, I’m sorry. It's just that-"
"Oh no, no, no. It's fine really. This isn't the first time i had to deal with this sorta stuff, it happens all the time. Besides, I understand." I cut him off, ensuring him. "I mean what you did wasn't acceptable at all, but everyone deserves a second chance, right?" I smiled at the skeleton who was now bewildered, the same blue hue that he had the other week weakly flushed against his cheekbones. It was kinda cute not gonna lie.
"Heh, I guess people do... hey uh, would you mind if I sat down with you for coffee?" He asked, rubbing the back of his skull, barely making eye contact. Ok but like he was cute. give this dude a hug. "I'd love that! Oh, wait i haven't told you my name! Gosh I’m such a dummy..." i exclaimed, mumbling the last part feeling my cheeks heat up. I confidently hold out my hand, giving him a soft smile. "I-I'm (Y/N)"
The skeletons eye lights widened, looking down at my hand back up to my eyes. He seemed hesitant at first but finally eased up, taking his hand out of his hoodie pocket wrapping his phalanges around my hand. I didn't know what to expect, the skeleton's hand was warm and had the texture kinda like a pebble. It’s like if you left a nice stone outside in the sun on a beautiful day, the stone absorbing the suns warmth.
"The name's Sans, Sans the skeleton"
-Flashback End-
“Cause you couldn’t resist me” Sans “batted” his eyes, sticking his tongue out. “You figured out I was a hilarious, pun filled, skeleton with a lot of money and a cool brother so decided to jump of that bandwagon and now here we are”
You scoffed “Oh yeah that’s definitely how that happened, you figured me out Sherlock Holmes” You mocked sarcastically.
He chuckles at your attempt of humour. “Heh nice, Oooo does that mean you’ll be my Watson??” He asks
“Ha, yeah alright. Well now I know what our costumes are for this Halloween” I reply, thinking who our Moriarty would be.
“Saves me for being a ghost for the third year in a row, and this is why your my favourite human” he grins, a light blue bluish dusting his cheeks.
Pink instantly dusted my cheeks as I feel my face getting warms. Damn that smooth talker, he always knew how to get you flustered. "Favourite human? Come on, I can't be your favourite. There's probably a million other humans you hang out with, not to mention all the pretty girl that'd most likely fawn over you" I teased, smirking at him. "Besides when did ever become yours~"
"Um since you gave me that box filled with 32 bottles of ketchup for Christmas, duh." He joked. "But seriously, kid you're one of the only human girls I actually talk to and that'll talk to me. I mean there's Frisk but their non-binary, so they doesn't count. and yeah, I hang out with some pretty girls but none of them "fawn" over me, Stars above. Well, I guess one pretty girl does" Sans mumbled the last part, looking off into the cafe.
My grin faulted for a second. So, there was another girl? Oh.... I sigh, quickly shaking away the feeling. Come on (Y/N), you're better than this. Hiding my sadness and disappointment with a smile, I ask about this girl. "Sans have you been hiding out on me?! Come on who is she, what's she like?" I let out a giggle as i felt my heart shatter into millions of tiny pieces.
I felt my soul being crushed just like my hopes, it was always a suspension that he was interested in someone. You had just hoped that someone would be you. You two had always joked around, teased, and flirted with each other and gone out together but as friends. It wasn’t like you weren’t giving him hints, it’s like you were holding up a sign with “IM INTERESTED’ printed on it in red.
As long as he's happy, that’s all that matters. You say to yourself, the least you could have is his friendship.
"Meh, not telling." He said with the smuggest of grins. Oh, that bastard, he hasn't got the slightest idea on what he's doing to me...
"What!? Oh, come on that's not fair, you can't just mention this mystery girl and then not say anything about it" I pouted.
"Heh what? You jealous or something kid~?" He chuckled, raising his non-existing eyebrow and he gave me dat grin. Come on we all know what that looks like.
My face heated up instantly, my cheeks dusted red. "Jealous?! Of what, the apparently pretty girl that fawns over you and most likely has a crush on you and you like her back. W-why on earth would I be jealous of that...." I rant basically outing myself as I mentally curse as myself. F*ck... do you think he noticed?!
"Oh my gosh I was kidding (Y/N), no need to get all flustered about it. Though you're right about me having a crush on her" He smiled softly, his gaze sorta in a daze.
"Oh.... is that so" My face dropped slowly. T-this is fine... I've been rejected before.... This....This...is.... fine...
"Yeah, she pretty, real smart, funny too like i swear she could beat me at puns, the student becomes the master. Heh, I’ve known her since forever. Not too long after i came to the surface. Though my problem is that I'm not sure if she likes me back. Got any advice, kid?" He turned his head to me as he waited for an answer.
Was he serious? Was he really that dense? Could he not see the tears that threaten to flow from my eyes, could he not tell that I was breaking, that he was shattering my soul, tearing apart my heart and crushing my hopes and dreams. It hurt so much, and he has the audacity to ask- You know what it doesn't matter anymore, he likes another. Best thing you can do is be there and support him as a.... friend. Because that's all I'll ever be to him. "Y-yeah I can give you some advice, anything for a friend... Umm, well for a start you should tell her how you feel, perhaps through I'm a few hints here and there, look for hints uhm.... Oh, maybe ask someone to causally ask her if she does like you?" I felt the tears about to spill, losing my two-face game- no! Do not break down, not here, not now. I don't want him to see me like this.
"Huh, great advice. Might try a couple of them some time- Uh hey k-kid you alright, you look like you're bout cry ya eyes out... have I upset you?" He turned his full attention to me, leaning up from the countertop. His hand gently held my shoulders, his gaze filled with worry.
I sniffed a bit, blinking a bunch to contain my tears "Y-yeah I'm alright *sniff* i have hay fever, damn must be that time of year already" I Chuckled, faking another smile.
He sighed, giving me the classic serious Sans look. "Don't lie to me (Y/N), I know somethings up. We've been friends for what? 3 and a half years now?" "Y-yeah..." My gazes falls, not wanting to look into his eyes.
"And friends don't lie to each other, nor do they keep stuff from each other especially if it leads to the friend about cry their eyes out." He hooked one of his phalanges under my chin, lifting it up so I'd face him. Not gonna lie it was hot, but it sadly wasn't the time for that. "Come on kid, what's wrong?" He asked softly
I can't... "It's just... heh didn't think a lazy bone head like you could get the girls" I nudged him a bit, bursting into laughter.
His face was covered in a blue hue, blushing. He let a chuckle, releasing my chin. "Harsh but fair Kiddo. but come on stop avoiding the topic-"
"Aren't I too old for that nickname now Sans? You've been calling me kid and kiddo for as long as i can remember" I force a giggle, hoping to throw him off.
He gave me a "really" look, shaking his head slightly as he sighed. the it was his turn to plaster on a smile. "What, it suits you~ And you do tend to act like a child from time to time." Sans teased. Oh, I acted like a child from time to time?! You should see him when we run out of ketchup. Toddler 100.
I shook my head, chuckling a bit. "Whatever you say bonehead" Before he could say anything else our names were called out, our meals ready.
-Time Skip-
We ate our meals without bringing up my sudden breakdown. Well near breakdown. We joked about, laughing about the latest memes and stupid videos YouTube provided. After we ate, we wandered through the city. It was late, the stars lighting up the sky mixed with the bright lights of the city. Arm wrapped around my neck and laughter in the air we finally stopped at a small park. It was one of my favourite places in the city, and the best part was at night they lit lanterns which illuminated the whole part. It was truly a sight to see. We sit down on a nearby chair, his arm still around me. Don't flatter yourself (Y/N) ... He likes someone else, remember.
"Hey kid... You know why i would never play hide 'n' seek with you?" Sans asks, his gaze turned towards me.
Now that caught my attention... And left me with like several questions. "W-what? Heh, why?" I replied, generally confused. Was this meant to be one of his famous Sans jokes that has a weird pun mixed in with it??
"Because someone like you is impossible to find..." He softly spoke, his free hand reaching up to cup my face running his thumb along my cheek. A faint blue blush dusted his face.
WHAT?!?!? My face was heated up furiously, blushing red. My heart was beating wildly as it threatened to burst out of my rib cage. Was he flirting?? Gosh it was so cute but cheesy at the same time... But he liked someone else.... R-right? "S-sans, I'm confus-" before i could finished his thumb swiftly found my lips, hushing me. He lingered there for a second, brushing his thumb along my bottom lip. God it was hot.
"Roses are red violets are blue I didn't know what perfect was until I met you" He leant in close his face inches away from mine, his thumb leaving my lips. His blush was more visible now, glowing a soft blue.
I didn't know what to say, how to react, or how to feel. He left me completely speechless and a blushing mess. And he did this with shitty pick-up lines that you'd find on the internet or hear on a tinder date. Damn he was good.
"(Y/N) ..." The arm that was originally around my neck had now shifted so that his hand was cupping the other side of my face, the other hand now at my waist. He then shifted himself so that he was now next to my ear, his breath against my neck. "Your lips look lonely would they like to meet mine?" His whispered softly, his lips.... mouth... teeth?? brushing against my ear.
My face was now lava, my head spinning with millions of questions and even more feelings. before i even had the time to say anything or even react he kissed me. and it was no peck on the lips, he full on kissed me. And how was he so good at it?! He's a damn skeleton?! But i couldn't lie, I enjoyed it. I kissed back, wrapping my hands around his neck. Few seconds later we pull away, his forehead pressed against mine.
"What am i going to do with you" He muttered as he put back a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "The girl was you; it was always you. (Y/N) I’ve loved you for as long as i could remember, you've always been there for me. I'm not so good with expressing my emotions with people... everyone but you."
My eyes widened as my heart swelled with joy. H-he did like me. Holy sh*t was I that dense, Was i the oblivious one?! Stars above. I mentally slapped myself, embarrassed how i pulled a Sans. 
"I understand if you reject me, after what happened earlier... I will admit it was a d*ck move. but I swear I meant no harm; I didn't mean to hurt you." His thumb gently rubbed against my cheek. "I love you"
He wasn't kidding... He wasn't kidding!!! "You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this" I smile brightly, my eyes threatening to cry again. I sniff, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.
"I love you too, Sans. And i always will"
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Crystal Hearts
Previous || Chapter Five || Next
»»————- i love candies ————-««
The moment you arrive in the familiar household of Oukawa. You were greeted by a kohaku and the rest of his family.
The certain fiancee of your have a very empty gaze as he stare at you coming down from the car while being dragged by his second older sister.
"Oh! Your finally here!" The head of Oukawa beam at the sight of you and his daughter and greet you two with a soft chuckle.
" I can't believe you running around doing your usual fairy job like you aren't engaged. So like my wife! " He tap your shoulder becoming painful as he said each words.
"... I don't know I was engaged???? " You mumble as you remove his hands on your shoulder before he could dislocated it.
" My! You sound like my wife when she first discovered it too! Ahaha ~ how I miss her~" he cross his arms as he have his eyes close with a smile, hiding the glint of emotion from the view.
But you could see Crystalized heart of bloody red color in which mean deep obsession of love he have for his wife.
" I-is she dead...??" You shake like a left in a Windy day as you walk beside the ever silent kohaku inside the house.
You felt purple gaze stare at you in very mix emotions which shaken you more.
As if you ask very bad question, you wanted to apologize when you heard the head laugh again.
"Of course not! But she said she would go buy soy sauce a couple of years back and never return!" He open the sliding door which leads to a combat like room.
' soy sauce... The fuck. Is this the mother version of buying milk (・_・;)' you thought as you wonder how he so free spirited as he went to the weapon area, picking and choosing from those very realistic blades they have here.
'those aren't real deal right ???' you thought as you too get curious and poke the edge, feeling the sting as wounds bleed from the finger, your fear arise.
"Choice your weapon and draw your blade with intent of winning..." He says as he pick a set of Tanto swords.
"What if I don't?" You look at him and the weapons, then at kohaku who's giving you a dead fish eyes as if not wanting to talk to you either, making you feel even worse!
"I will practice my way to keep my sweet wife from escape then ywy." He trace the non sharp edge of the blade.
"If you lose. I will harvest your organs to sell." He innocently says with a smile as if it was a just a bloody joke.
"I don't want to dishonored the family line when they know I let the person who defeated my sole heir leave without binding them in..." He added.
"..." You gulp a mouthful of painful gulp. Fuck my life.' you thought as you sigh into your fate.
" I-i am a HEARTLESS PERSON! SO EVEN IF I WIN... ITS A BAD THING FOR HAKU-TAN!" you tried to proceed him. Telling him this is very absorb, very crazy!
"It's ok. You will learn to love my baby boy! His very lovable after all! Since you two are friends, it be easy to have a heart to love him too ~" he seems to not take your words at heart.
"My, how confident you have to win! Very likable treat!" He added with a nodding of approval of your attitude.
"...agh... Fine." You thought about it and look around for a weapon, after picking it and outting it to inventory to use in the fight, you look at him with a contempt on your eyes.
"Your family tradition sucks." You throw a middle finger as you two went to the mini arena. He chuckle at your attitude before the oldest start the fight with a wave of her hand.
You pulled a gun and shoot the incoming projectiles (knife) toward you and reload it as he is quick with his legs and run toward you to clash but you shoot his legs with a bullet earning a muffed chuckle of pain as you deflect the blade with your blade in another after summoning it.
"My, your too open!" He says before he knock his head toward yours, causing you to back away and black out for a moment.
At that moment you remember a moment when you once trained and having a friendly match with Kuro.
"Lil mc, you fight very well, it's too surprising too... I wonder what type of fae are you really are. But it's your secret to hide. I won't ask for it. But always remember never be unconscious or black out in a fight. It's not dangerous for you but for your opponent..."
" DAD !!??"
the moment you return to conscious later, you saw a bloody mess in front of you and something wet on your face. You heard a soft
Chuckle as the person who have a blade embed on his side stomach spit out a mouthful of blood yet your gaze seems glow ember with your glowing golden rings in your eyes as if still out of it.
You were about to slice his stomach open when someone pulled you away and feed you magi candy, the moment you taste sweetness. You finally snap out of it.
"...shit." you curse as you see what kind of mess you did. You quickly thank kohaku before you went to reach out for Mr Oukawa wounds.
[ Reverse passage Link ]
The wounds and blood slowly went back as if the time went back but it never said it won't occur again but it would make the wound not fetal till there's a help in hand to have surgery on it.
You can only reverse the moment for one hour and the fact your powers is partly locked it made you feel sick.
"S-sorry... Haku-tan... I dont mean too..." You felt bad, felt really bad about it as tears fall from your eyes as you realize how bad your action is.
"Sigh... Ya were threaten and win. Yet ya still felt bad about it. It's fine... The old man can live another day. He been through worse pain." Kohaku who finally spoke to you, pat your head and wipe the blood on your face.
He was amaze at the sight of you becoming a living monster but instead of fear, he felt thrilled at the thought of wanting to fight you again.
"Congrats! Your now our in law!" The second sister says with a glee as she hug you from behind.
"...I'm a heartless fae... And the idea of marriage of you humans have, are far different from the way of faes..." As you says that, you slowly felt very drained and everything become dizzy.
" I'm ... Seeing double..." You mumble confuse before you slowly fainted toward kohaku open arms. Knocking you out cold for days yet the moment kohaku check your pulls, his eyes widen as he chuckle softly.
" Kokoko... Indeed your heartless..." He mumble after he notice your still breathing either way. He look at his sister's who's beside his father who give him a signal he could leave the room.
Carrying you in his arms, he soon put you to your own room, right beside his.
"It's very nice to meet you, MC.." he mumble as he gaze at you and toward the falling leaves from outside the window. The sign of autumn is here.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
(1) There's are different type of Fae, but they have category of Light and dark fae but under it there's many type of it
(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @valeriele3 @yinenovica
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wolfverse-stories · 11 months
A Tower of birds
(An Irondad/Batfam crossposting)
Chapter 2
     Looking back Tony couldn't help but laugh at the Irony. It was supposed to be a simple little show. A small benefit for an adoption foundation. Little did he know it would lead to the start of his own family...
    No matter how hard he tried Tony couldn't tear his eyes from the horrific scene. All he could do was watch as two bodies came crashing down against the ground. The cries of a small child were drowned out by the screaming as terrified bystanders flew for the exit.
     "Mr. Stark we need you to come with us" one of the officers nudged him towards the police cars.
     "I already gave my statement" He protested crossing his arms.
      "I'm afraid this is about something else," the officer said leading him towards the car at the end. Inside was a small child with dark hair.
     "Is that..." Tony took a deep breath looking back towards the officer "The fly Graysons, that's their kid isn't it"
     "Yes, I'm Afraid so" he nodded "The kids got a bounty on his head, and seeing as you are Ironman we thought it would be safer if he stayed with you"
      "Whoa whoa whoa" Tony put his hands up "First of all people are always trying to kill me, second I'm not the dad type"
     "We could put him in foster care but I'm afraid that's all we could do" he frowned "This is New York there's so much crime we stay busy and kids like him offend fall through the crakes"
     "Fine, I'll take the kid" Tony grumbled.
     Tony stared at the kid sitting across the table. This was a terrible idea, he was the last person that needed a kid. Admittedly the thought of being a father had crossed his mind a few times. He always imagined a baby left at his doorstep, the result of a one-night stand. He never thought of taking in a terrified ten-year-old that just watched his parents die.
     "Are you hungry kid?" He nodded "What do you want to eat?" The kid just gave a small shrug 'Great' Tony sighed going into the kitchen. He opened the almost empty fridge.
     "Why do you not have eggs or milk I can't even find a can of soup" Pepper called as she searched through the kitchen.
     "What's the point of cooking when I can get take-out" Tony answered curled up on the couch.
     "No, you're sick which means you need a home-cooked meal" Pepper walked into the living room crossing her arms "Besides what are you going to do when you have kids"
     "Yeah I don't think s-Achoo" Tony sneezed "ruins the whole playboy image"
End of Flashback
     'This does not count' Tony scuffed closing the fridge "Okay we're going out for pi-" Tony froze in his tracks as he looked around the now empty room "Kid?"
     "Up here" Tony looked up to see the kid sitting on top of a tall shelf "How?"
A week later
      "Mr.Stark could you please tell us about your son," A reporter asked pushing towards the front of the crowd.
     "For the last time, he's not my kid!" Tony yelled pushing his way to the car. As soon as he pulled out of the parking lot his phone started ringing "Seriously" he groaned "Answer call"
     "Hey Tony" Pepper answered "So your kid's swinging on the chandelier"
     "He's not my K-Wait, What?" His eyes widened in shock "I have a chandelier?"
Three weeks later
     "I'm just watching him!" Tony yelled slamming the door shut behind him. He walked into the kitchen carrying two bags from the new doughnut shop.
     "Do you want one?" He asked Dick who was sitting at the table watching him.
     "Doughnuts for breakfast?" The kid asked tilting his head.
     "There is a new doughnut shop down the street so I'm doing research" he replied pulling out three boxes of doughnuts "Want one?"
     "Yes sir" Dick nodded. Tony smiled pushing a box towards him.
     "Tell you what" Tony smiled "You stop swinging on the chandelier and I'll buy you so many Donuts you'll ooze jelly" A few seconds later Pepper walked into the room carrying some papers.
     "Hey I got those-" Pepper's eyes landed on the box of Doughnuts "You have got to be kidding me"
     "It was the Kid's idea" Tony joked pointing to Dick who just giggled happily eating his jelly doughnut.
One Month later
     "Tony you can't take a kid out partying"
    "Of course, I can," Tony said fixing the kid's tie "he's my little wingman"
     "He's ten Tony" Pepper rolled her eyes.
     "I know this is a gala, not a real party" Tony responded "Besides, a lot of people bring children"
     "Yes their own" Pepper pointed out crossing her arms "Besides he's just going to be bored to death why would you want to take him"
    "He's the perfect woman magnet" Tony smiled as Dick ran to get his bag "They can't resist that cute little face"
     "This is wrong on so many levels," she said before walking out of the room. That wasn't the real reason and Tony knew it. He didn't want to leave Dick with a babysitter like his parents so often did. Kids shouldn't see more of a stranger than they do of their own parents.
Two Months later
     'No it can't be' Tony's eyes darted around the dark room 'I can't be back here'
     "Looking for something?" Tony quickly spun around to see the last person he wanted to, Obadiah. His hands clenched around the person Tony had come to love the most.
    "Look whatever this is, it's between you and me so let the Kid go" he glared at the madman.
      "Oh I'm afraid I can't" Obadiah grinned "You took away what was most precious to me, so I'm returning the favor" his grip tightened around the kid's neck until there was a loud snap. Dick's lifeless body fell down in front of Tony.
     "No!" Tony screamed as his body jerked forward waking him up. His eyes darted around the room as his breath slowed into its regular rhythm. Finally, he let out a sigh rubbing the sweat off his forehead.
      "Just a nightmare" he reassured himself. Before he could lay back down a scream came from down the hallway. Tony ran to Dick's room as fast as his legs would carry him.
     "No!" The kid thrashed around sobbing in his sleep.
     "Kid" Tony gently shook him "Kid wake up" Dick's eyes snapped open.
     "Dad?" He looked up at Tony. His big blue eyes shining with tears.
      "I'm here" Tony reassured softly, pulling him into a hug "I'm here"
     Dick was his first child. The one who taught him how to love. Dick was Tony's heart.
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adelemadouce · 5 months
In a Midnight Garden
My son Tanguy was born on February, 19th 1803. It had been an easy pregnancy, but my small breasts remained small and did not produce milk, so we had to find a wet nurse for our Bébé Tanguy. Duchâtel was overwhelmed! He was so proud of his son that he carried him around all the time and showed him to everyone. Maman took care of our child. I only had to do one thing - to love my little boy! And that's what I did! I recovered quickly from the birth and was able to devote myself to further pleasant changes in my life. I got a lady's maid! Her name is Camille, she came from Baubigny, a small village near Paris where her parents ran a small dairy. Camille was the wet nurse's cousine. Two kind, honest women who I was happy to have near me. Camille was very bright; she had been apprenticed as a maid to the wife of a prefect and was now able to do many tasks. She could sew, drape my clothes, do my hair, put on the maquillage... She was knowledgeable about personal hygiene and advised me that it was more appropriate for a lady to remove all body hair, which is what she did to me. Camille knew the best boutiques of the Palais Royal and in the Grand Gallerie. Intoxicated by the thought of being able to buy anything my heart desired, I spent Duchâtel's money with both hands! I took Camille to the famous restaurant "Le Grand Véfour", where we treated ourselves to lobster and Champaigne. One day Duchâtel wanted to surprise me with a gift and I was supposed to accompany him in our carriage. I suspected something bad. He hadn't touched me since I was pregnant. I knew he was going to see a woman in the Rue Pélican. However, his lascivious looks couldn't fool me into thinking that he would rather have resumed his marital duties with me. So I asked Camille to accompany us. And Duchâtel agreed. The trip went to the "Hippodrome de Longchamp" at Bois de Boulogne. My horse was waiting for me in the stables there! It was a lovely light brown mare called "Poupette". I jumped for joy and hugged - not my husband - but Camille!!! From then on, every Tuesday and Thursday, I had riding lessons at the Hippodrome, together with other elegant young ladies, whose husbands had enough money to spare for this pleasure!
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And my dearest Moira finally came to visit me! She was relieved to see me so happy. "Duchâtel leaves me alone," I said grinning. "He has a whore he goes to regularly. But I still have to be on my guard...he could forget himself and force me to lift my skirts for him..." Moira looked deep into my eyes. " Does he love you?" she then asked me. "No. He loves my ass, but not me! I think he's afraid of me..." Moira laughed. "That's good! Keep him in check, be strict with him...you've learned to control him!" Moira, on the other side, was not happy with her life. She still loved Joseph Bonaparte, even more than ever! He was now the father of two daughters. He was also politically active for his brother, the First Consul. This pushed his love affair with Moira into the background. "I would love to have a child with him," Moira confessed in a longing voice. "...and a small house near Mortefontaine where I could raise our child." She sighed. "Is that too much to ask, Adèle?" I put my arm around her shoulder. "...but no, ma chère! Be confident and don't give up on this dream. I'll help you..." I didn't know how to help Moira have a child with Joseph, but I really wanted to comfort her. And who knew what could happen?!
Moira told me interesting things she'd heard from Joseph. They said the First Consul was cheating on his wife. All of Paris knew! During the Egyptian campaign, General Bonaparte took a mistress. She was the wife of one of his officers, a blonde from Carcassonne. The English had reported this in the newspapers in order to ridicule Bonaparte in front of the whole world. But he didn't seem to care! When he returned from Egypt, he took his next mistress, an Italian opera singer. And then he had the young Mademoiselle George, the actress,...sixteen years old. A sixteen year old girl! That all sounded so awful. Poor Aunt Joséphine! But Moira said that she herself was to blame for her misfortune, as she was the first to cheat on General Bonaparte. Joseph had even seen it with his own eyes... Now Mme. Bonaparte is trying to save her marriage with a child. She absolutely has to become pregnant by the First Consul! "Hopefully she will succeed! Otherwise...she might find it difficult to show any sympathy towards us women with children. I'll visit her soon in La Malmaison, do you think I'll be welcome under these circumstances?" Moira nodded. "Of course! Why should she be jealous of you? Your little son is not the First Consul's child!"
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The last days of November were unusually mild. It was hard to imagine that winter was approaching. I was wearing a light lime green dress, when I got out of our carriage that morning in La Malmaison. I also wore a dark green short jacket, a canezou, and a mustard-colored turban with a dark red tassel. It was the colors of autumn, and yet I quickly became too hot in my tight-fitting promenade costume. Aunt Joséphine received me with the greatest warmth. I think she even cried when she held me to her heart. "Ma chère Adèle...our sweet little Maman!" I looked into her face and searched for traces of her unhappiness, but I couldn't find any. Her big brown eyes smiled a little tiredly, but she was pretty and youthful as ever. "Why didn't you bring us your little darling, I would love to see him!" I linked arms with her. "He started teething,...he cries a lot, my little Tanguy!" That was true. "But as soon as he's better you'll bring him here. You have to promise me that!" And Joséphine smiled again. "I'm already a grandmother, but I'm absolutely sure that I'll soon be pregnant with Bonaparte's child. You'll see!" I nodded and let Aunt Joséphine show me her magnificent little Château. It was really beautiful! All these rare flowers and animals made this place seem very exotic. There was a sweet scent of foreign flowers, birds sang in never-before-heard tones, fountains splashed and clocks tingled whole melodies. I had never seen so much silk, chiffon and organza! I walked over carpets as thick as my fingers, crystal glittered everywhere...and flowers flowers flowers! La Malmaison... a dream of flowers! Hortense was playing the harp. When she saw me she stood up and embraced me. I took of my canezou and turban, the air was too sultry. "Well Adèle, where's your old mummy of a husband?" Hortense laughed. Then she whispered to me: "My condolences and by the way: welcome to the club of unhappily married women!" I kissed her on the cheek. "We must be strong, chère cousine!" The First Consul wasn't there, he wasn't supposed to come until tomorrow. Eugène wasn't there either, and I was actually a little glad about that. I was afraid of facing his questions. Why? How? What for? Why not me? I hoped so much that he was no longer in love with me!
Ah, Églée was there! The beautiful wicked Églée. She was happily married to her redhead Michel Ney. "There's an Italian play giving this afternoon and Élisa is playing the main role. You'll laugh your head off when you see her acting, believe me!" ��glée raised her black eyebrows. "And you...?" I looked at her questioningly. "And what?" She grinned. "I mean...do you already have a lover?" I looked at Églée with some indignation. "No. What do you think of me...?" She just chuckled. "I think you should be sensible and find yourself a lover as soon as possible. Be a smart girl,...a really smart girl, my sweet! Do it! Find a lover!" I really didn't know what to answer. Finally the embarrassing moment ended when melon in Parma ham was served. I reached for a glass of Champaigne and enjoyed the delicacies. When the play started in the garden, I was already a little drunk. But I noticed very much that General Bonaparte's sister, Élisa, could not act at all. She had a terrible voice and always looked at the audience and not at the actors she was performing with. The Italian actors were just amazing! Such beautiful and talented young men and women, it was a marvelous ensemble! We were all in a very good mood when the play was over. Most of the audience were strangers to me, but we were all chatting eagerly. It was charming and I drank even more Champaigne.
When it got dark, colorful lanterns lit up in the park. A small orchestra played music and finally someone came up with the idea of playing hide and seek! We applauded and rejoiced like children. I ran into the park, without destination, past a pond, under the tall trees...I kept walking. I could hardly see anything, it was so dark. I heard the music in the distance, the air was so mild, it smelled of tree resin and mushrooms. I leaned against the big trunk of an old oak. An owl howled...everything was as if enchanted. I closed my eyes...and felt lips on my neck. Two hands wrapped around my waist, behind me stood someone who held me close to him. I felt his hot lips on my neck again. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move! I just let it happen! His hands lifted my dress, I felt warm strong fingers on my thighs, they ripped at my panthalons. Then I was lifted up, while the man, this strange, impudent, gorgeous man was still kissing my neck with his wet tongue. He nibbled at my earlobe. "Avanti...mia dolce ragazza...facciamo l'amore...subito!" Then he lifted me up with a jerk, the silk of my panthalons ripped. Regardless of that he pressed me against his body. I felt him penetrating me impetuously, and he held me so tight that I could barely breathe. I experienced a feeling of pleasure like I had never experienced before!! I prayed that he would not stop, but at the same time I forbade myself to kiss this man, whose wild tongue was licking my neck. He held me tight as we both reached the peak of our pleasure. My legs were shaking. If he hadn't held me, I would have fallen. Then someone called my name. The man let go of me and disappeared into the bushes. I felt dizzy. I don't remember how I got home that evening. All I remember is that I prayed: "Dear God, don't let it have been a dream!"
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xiv - what happened ?
wooyoung × reader, ??? × reader
in a school filled with the affluent, it would only make sense for birds of a feather to flock. but what if your new status doesn't immediately buy you a way into said flock? what if instead, it bought you sure rejection? to the rich and powerful, having different masks is a must. despite some people knowing your true self and your secrets
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In a blink of an eye, lunch break came. While everyone rushed out, you calmly put your books away.
"(y/n)!" you snapped your head up to see the source of the voice.
You put on a gentle smile as San approached you with a cute grin on his face, "Are you coming to lunch with us ??" He asked. You looked behind him to see Wooyoung by the door, waiting for you two as he bounced on the balls of his feet with Mingi jumping in front of the classroom window and Yeosang next to him, staring at you with a small smile on his face.
Honestly, you wanted to say yes and just hang with them but then you remembered that you were waiting for Kai's friend to come. So you sadly sighed at San, showing your disappointment, "I'm sorry San, I don't think I can," you said. San pouted back as he tilted his head, "Aww boo, that's too bad... Do you want us to get you something instead ?" He offered. You perked up at his offer and nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! Bread and milk sound nice," to which San nodded enthusiastically. Soon, he ran off to join the others who were waiting for him (and you initially) and waved off as they disappeared down the hall.
Despite feeling like you didn't fit in the first year you were around them, you were glad that at this moment in your life, you seemed to be able to make more friends. You wanted to prove your brother and parents wrong. Ever since your family came into money, they changed a lot. While it started from a different school and living situation, it progressed to them telling you just how they don't like how 'humble' you look. By humble, they meant shabby and poor. Although compared to Mingyu you've been more often exposed to money and luxury (being friends with Wooyoung whom at 4 years old wore a burberry scarf and used it to wipe mud off your 2 for 1 shoe from a discount rack at Dongdaemun), you don't really care much for it. Sure you're wearing branded backpacks that your mom bought and your laptop no longer needs to be fanned to function, but you don't see what's the point of changing your whole personality for money.
Above that, you don't get why your family felt the need to shame you and practically disregard your existence because you refuse to roll in a pile of 50.000 won bills.
Deep in your thought, you didn't realize someone was peeking into the classroom until they made their existence obvious.
"Hi, do you know where I can find (y/n) (y/l/n)?" the person asked.
You jolted slightly out of surprise. Once you realized that someone was talking to you, you sheepishly smiled at the person. "Sorry, that would be me," you said.
The person stepped into the classroom and boy is he cute. Tall, dark hair, and plump lips. You felt yourself blush as he approached you. "Kai told me to give you this," he said as he arrived to your desk, putting down a usb in front of you. You took it and nodded, "Thank you, Soobin," you smiled at him.
He raised an eyebrow in surprise, "How'd you know my name?" he asked, curious. You shrugged, "I've seen you around with Yeonjun in school and around our Cul-de-sac, I simply recognized you," you said, He nodded in understanding slowly when you pointed at his left chest, "And you have your nametag on," you grinned teasingly. At the mention of his nametag, he looked down at where you pointed, "Oh!" He exclaimed, seemingly surprised. The look on his face made you giggle.
Even without knowing him personally, you know that there were rumors going around about him and his friends. While Kai is very sweet, people gossip about how he's always seen at the dead of night in sketchy places. People also spoke of Taehyun and Yeonjun who seemed to frequent the hardware store with Soobin tailing behind, hands often occupied by chemicals. And then there's Beomgyu who has bloodied lips and bruises all over him at random times. The five of them screams trouble and people sided with Hongjoong (as he is the Student Body President) and his friends, not wanting to involve themselves with trouble.
But seeing Soobin being clumsy in front of you seemed to make you momentarily forget about the rumor that surrounds him. As much as he seemed scary, you saw a softer side to him. Makes you wonder about what's behind the rumors, how much of it is the truth.
Just as how Soobin's demeanor made you think, your own reaction to him made him freeze and stare. Soobin knows he's a good looking guy and due to that, girls has become something that of a tedious task to him, something that he doesn't really have much care for. No matter how many girls throw themselves at him and whatever trick they pull on him, it just makes him annoyed. But here you are, in front of him, giggling and suddenly his heart started skipping a beat every now and then.
"U-uh, what's the assignment about anyways?" Soobin asked, breaking the silence. "Some business analysis stuff. I initially wanted to do market analysis on the FMCG industry, but Kai suggested that we do logistics instead since it's related to many other industries," you explained. Soobin nodded at your words and turned around. You thought he would've decided to go out but he turned back around with a chair pulled up to your side close to you much to your surprise.
"You know," he started as he sat down, "Yeonjun's dad has one of the biggest logistics company in South Korea. They have partnerships with Western companies," he said. Your eyes widened in surprise, "Yeonjun? I thought his parents are giants in the Fashion and Cosmetology Industry?" "That's his mom, his dad handles logistics. If you or Kai need real time data, you could always ask for him," he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat when you see his smile, it was so pure and innocent, a different contrast to his ripped jean jacket and bruises on his knuckles.
"Why would she asked him when she has us?" a voice rang through the classroom.
Both your and Soobin's head snapped back to see San angrily glaring at you two. One hand was squishing a custard bun and the other wet with milk from a carton that he squeezed. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he asked as he walked closer. Your eyes shifted between him and Soobin who leaned back with a smirk on his face, "I'm accompanying (y/n) here. She was alone and I assumed you left her here without any care, so why not?" he said as he draped an arm behind your own chair. The sight seemed to set San off as he threw both items on the floor and ran up to you. It was obvious that San is shorter and skinnier than Soobin, but he still managed to grab Soobin by the collar and pulled him up slightly, "Don't mess around with my friends, you asshole!" He growled menacingly in front of Soobin's face who seemed awfully calm. Soobin tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, "What makes you think I'd wanna mess around?" he taunted.
From the side, you don't know what to do. You felt like you should break them apart but with how San looked, you don't know if you really should interfere. But you decided you should try to avoid further misunderstandings, "San, he just came here to give me Kai's assignment," you said. San snapped his head at you and stared, seemingly contemplating. Then he turned to look at Soobin again, "I don't trust you," he muttered lowly which made Soobin rolled his eyes, "And you think I trust you? You're stupider and far more delusional than I thought," he scoffed.
Just as you were about to say something, you heard footsteps and you saw Wooyoung and Yeosang walking in. You looked at them as if you're screaming for their help. Thankfully, they reacted quickly. They went to San and pulled him off of Soobin, seemingly avoiding touching Soobin altogether. "Dude, not here," Wooyoung said. Initially, San seemed like he didn't care, his glare was hard on Soobin and he seemed reluctant to move on. "He might say something and we don't want that," Wooyoung tried to reason again. At that, San seemed to relaxed a little.
Finally, he stepped back from Soobin and Soobin was able to move freely. As he dusted himself off and fixed his collar, San pointed at him, "Just make sure this reject knows his place and stay the fuck away from something he has no right of," he spat out.
That seemed to tick Soobin off badly as he stood up with clenched fist. The glare he gave to San allowed you to finally understand why people feared him so much.
At first you thought that he was gonna say something to San, maybe to defend himself. But the way they were staring at each other, you could assume that they were communicating.
With a huff, Soobin kicked the chair he sat on, making you jolt in surprise while the other three just stared at him. Soobin then pushed past the three, his big stature could've knocked them down easily, and exited the classroom without saying anything else.
You could only stare at him in wonderment thinking, what happened?
taglist :
@paralumanniluna @rdiamond2727 @miaatiny @baguette-atiny @kpopnightingale @dear-dreamie @potaeto-writes-on-wp @kwanisms @qghosty @charreddonuts @noonaishere @bbymatz @maddiebabyxoxo @kawennote09 @woo-stars @treasure-1117 @starjoongie1117 @cutie-wooyo @linhyyboo12 @kodzukein @dreamlesswonder86 @glitterhongjoong @kitty4hwa @ateezourstars @starlight-channie @jo-hwaberry @yla-aira @hyuckilstan @phenomenalgirl9 @flamingi @tannie13 @gxlden-bxbyy @kirooz @leagreenly @seoulscenarios @purenjuniverse @meowmeowminnie @star1117-archives @ilsedingsx @kkayfan @ckline35 @jaxavance @yoongiigolden @jayeonnature
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
I Still Love You - Jotaro Kujo
Pairing - Jotaro Kujo x f!reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 1,250
Notes - again, i have some jotaro brainrot today i tell you what, i absolutely love this marine biologist
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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She sighed, blowing her hair out of her eyes. Which one should she get? She swore she had to have been standing in the middle of that aisle for at least five minutes. She had thousands of other worries in the world, so why was she so hung up on which bag of chips she should buy? Finally, after what felt like hours, she threw a random bag into her cart and took off. There was no way she was going to spend any more time down that aisle. But as she ran out, she nearly bumped into someone with her cart. She was such a clutz, it was embarrassing. “Oh, I'm sorry, I should’ve-” She froze, unable to say a word. Every memory, every feeling, it all came back, right then and there.
“J-Jotaro?” He looked different. Really different. His hair was shorter and he looked more clean, minus the dark eyebags, of course. “Jotaro, is that really you?” She tilted her head, confused why he wasn't saying anything. “Dada? Who’s that?” She looked down to find a little girl pulling on Jotaro’s sleeve. She kneeled down to the little girl’s level and stuck out her hand. “I'm y/n. What’s your name, sweetpea?” “I'm Jolyne!” She looked up at Jotaro, who was refusing to make eye contact, and back at Jolyne. “Nice to meet you, Jolyne!” “Are you dada’s friend?” “Uh,” she looked up at him again, noticing a sad look in his eyes. “We used to be… yeah.” “You’re pretty! Dada! Dada! I didn't know you had pretty friends! Can she be my new mama?!” Jotaro looked down at his daughter, shock in his eyes. “No, Jolyne, she can't be your new mama. You still have a mama.” “I know… but-” “Come on, Jolyne.” “But-” “Not buts. Come on.” “You didn't even say hi to your friend.” Jotaro went to pull her away, but Jolyne stood her ground. “We’re not leaving until you say hi.” Jolyne crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip. Jotaro groaned and turned towards her, his eyes looking at her for a second before averting away. “Hi. Come on, Jolyne.” Jolyne looked satisfied and waved at her. “Bye pretty lady! Daddy, can she come over?” “No, Jolyne.”
She didn't realize how distant her and the rest of the Stardust Crusaders had become. It was heartbreaking, really. She remembers making Jotaro laugh so hard that milk shot out from his nose. She remembers Kakyoin trying to convince Jotaro that Princess Peach was hot. She remembers Avdol trying to get her and Jotaro together. What happened to that? They used to be fun loving kids… and now they were adults. Apparently Jotaro was married and had a kid now? Why wasn't she or Polnareff invited to the wedding? It just felt like everything they had just disappeared.
“Daddy? Can I get this?” Jolyne held up some brown stuffed bear with a bright smile on her face. “Don't you have that at your mom’s house?” Jotaro pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a long, deep breath. “Yeah, but I want it here!” “You can just bring it when you visit me.” Jolyne sighed and put it back. “Okaaaaay. Hey! It's your pretty friend, dada!” Jolyne ran up to her and wrapped her arms around her leg. “Can she please come over?! I wanna show her my dolphin.” She looked at Jotaro apologetically, trying to pull the feral child off of her leg. “Jolyne, get off of her. Look,” for the first time through the entirety of her shopping spree, Jotaro looked her in her eyes. “I'm sorry about her. She takes after her-” “Yeah, she definitely takes after her dad.” She giggled as Jolyne got distracted by something else. “I meant to say her mom, but…” Jotaro chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess she does kinda take after her dad, huh?” “Oh yeah. She has your eyes too.” She looked into Jotaro’s eyes with a smile. Those beautiful blue eyes. She couldn't believe she lost those after all these years. “It's a little unfortunate though,” Jolyne ran up to Jotaro, jumping in his arms. “She’s not around all that often. She lives with her mom full time, she only visits me every once and a while. It's hard though with my job and all the traveling I do. Plus her mom lives in America and… I'm rambling, aren't I?” Jolyne pulled off his hat and put it on herself. “No, you’re not. I… missed talking to you, Jotaro.” “I missed you.” “Who’s Jolyne’s mom, anyway?” “Oh, you wouldn't know her.” She hummed in response, watching as a hatless Jotaro bounced his daughter in his arms. “You know,” she chuckled and picked a fuzz off of Jotaro’s shirt. “I think after all this time of knowing you, I haven't seen you once without your hat.” “Oh, I know. A rare occurrence for Dr. Kujo.” “Dr.?” “Oh my god, has it been that long?!” She tilted her head. “I got a PhD… in Marine Biology.” “Really?! That's so awesome, Jotaro!” She subconsciously threw her arms around the back of his neck into an embrace and he immediately melted to her touch. “Thank you.” She couldn't help but hold onto him a little longer. He still smelled the same. After all these years, he didn't really change. That’s what she loved about him. And even after all these years, she still loved him.
In the middle of the hug, she felt a little hand reach out and pat her on the back. She looked up to find Jolyne with a bright smile on her face, still in Jotaro’s arm. “Dada, you should get her a super fancy dinner. She’s pretty.” Jotaro slightly pushed her away, blushing, but trying to cover it with his hat that he took back from Jolyne. “Good grief, Jolyne.” She giggled, which in turn made Jolyne giggle. “Well Jotaro,” she waved and turned towards her cart. “I'll see you later. It was really nice to see you again. Brought back a lot of good memories.” She didn't let him see the disappointed look on her face. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay with him forever. They had the good shit: shared trauma. She wanted him back in her life. But he had a family now. He clearly moved on. Maybe she should’ve too.
She went to push her cart away, but felt a stronger weight pulling against it. She turned to find Jotaro holding onto her cart. “Jotaro?” “Uh… Jolyne’s probably right. I wouldn't mind some dinner.” “Y-You wouldn't?” She felt her face get warm and the feeling of tears forming. She knew she sounded like an idiot, but she didn't care. “No, I wouldn't. So… please?” She nodded, wiping a tear that was about to fall. “Y-Yeah. Yeah. I would love to, Jojo. Uh… I'm free whenever.” “We’ll wait until Jolyne’s back at her mom’s.” “I wouldn't mind Jolyne coming with us. We have plenty of time to go on dates alone.” Jolyne hopped up and down out of excitement. “Yeah! Let’s go on a date with the pretty lady!!” Jotaro giggled and ruffled Jolyne’s hair, putting her back in the cart. “Tomorrow then?” She smiled softly, straightening Jotaro’s jacket. “Tomorrow sounds great.” Jotaro ruffled her hair next and took off with the cart, trying to ignore his embarrassingly red face. But he couldn't help it. Even after all this time, he still loved her.
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hwaflms · 3 years
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𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚!⭒bf!doyoung x reader 𖦹 𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗘! ⭒fluff 𖦹 𝗪𝗖!⭒0.722k 𖦹 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦! ⭒mentions of cuts and injuries 𖦹  𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦!⭒HAPPY DOYO DAY !!! ahh we would be birthday twins if his bday was tmr </3 (tagging @kflixnet !!)
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[♡ 3:02 p.m.] "baby, how did this happen to you?"
the 'this' that your boyfriend was referring to with a sigh and a shake of his head, was the fresh cut present on your knee. you don't really know how it happened, and in hindsight, you probably could have avoided getting hurt in the first place but, there's no point in crying over spilt milk.
a deep pout is etched on to your mouth, inwardly chuckling to yourself at the irony of the fact that the day you decided it was finally warm enough to wear shorts, you scrape your knee while falling down. if you had stuck to your comfortable sweatpants or jeans, the fabric might have softened the blow and instead caused a graze, but no, it was just your luck that had landed you in your situation.
"i slipped when i was outside", you frown, following doyoung when he motioned for you to sit yourself on the counter. "i was letting the cat in, and somehow...i just slipped."
he snorts in response, bending down to open the cabinet door to where you kept your first aid kit and other medical supplies. taking the red pouch out, he unzips it quietly, leaning downward slightly to inspect the injury with a soft tut. "you're so clumsy, sweetheart."
you poke at his shoulder with a playful glare, and he looks up at you with narrowed eyes before attending to your knee. applying some antiseptic to a piece of cotton, he begins to clean the small cut meticulously, tongue poking the inside of his cheek out of concentration.
you wince a little at the sting from the medicine, the tensing of your leg an action that was not missed by doyoung. he coos a little, his thumbs rubbing tender circles on to your skin soothingly, mumbling a "sorry, love" before screwing the cap of the disinfectant bottle back on.
the whole ordeal feels so domestic and so natural, and you can't help put peer down at him with a soft look in your eye. maybe it's because he can feel your gaze fixated on him, because his eyes flick up to yours and then back to treating your wound, the corner of his lip quirked up. "what?"
you shake your head, casting your eyes away and directing them towards the window with a small smile. "nothing. is it almost done?"
"patience. i'm doing some real serious surgery here", he scoffs, pinching the inner thigh of your other, not injured leg softly, which makes you gasp and kick his hip lightly. "wouldn't want to...accidentally amputate you or anything."
your eyes widen before a laugh slips out your mouth, doyoung rolling his eyes with a soft huff of his own and then he rips open the packet of a cute, hello kitty bandaid that you had purchased a while ago.
("y/n, please, you're never going to use that", he scoffed when he saw your eyes lingering over the hello kitty bandaids for a little too long. if you weren't going to buy it before, you definitely were now, you thought while sticking your tongue out at your boyfriend who wore a tired smile on his face, plopping the package into your shopping cart.)
you were about to make a comment about the specific bandaid he chose out of the others but he makes a face at you, so you grin and choose not to acknowledge it quite just yet.
slowly smoothing on the bandaid, he claps his hands together, straightening his back and looking to you with pride written all over his face. "oh! almost forgot", he mumbles, leaning back down to place a gentle kiss on to the freashly placed bandaid, making your heart swell and do summersaults inside your chest.
smiling, you shake your head with a deadpanned expression, hopping off of the counter and sauntering towards your boyfriend. "what would you do without me?", he croons dramatically, a teasing smile playing at his lips as he wraps his arms around your waist and sways lightly.
the scrape wasn't even that bad, and it was definitely one you could have taken care of yourself, but you still soften your expression and cradle his face in your hands, holding back a smile by biting your bottom lip.
"i have no idea what i'd do without you."
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fire-fist-ann · 3 years
Ace x gn reader : kitchen mishaps
This is a super late b-day gift to @sugxrslushy i am so late but i hope you like it!  and happy belated birthday <3
thanks @dxvilmanlev and @eustasssimp for proof reading 
and thanks @missallsundaes for the apron ideas
@cyborg-franky​ @cipher-p0​ @simp4ace​​
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Y/n was lounging around on the deck of the moby dick. When out of nowhere they saw a blur of orange and black. Next thing they knew They were knocked on their ass staring up at the freckled man hovering over them.   Ace grinned down at his lover under him " babe! Thatch went into town, we have to hurry before he gets back!"
Y/n blinked their eyebrows furrowing together as the wheels were turning in their head. "Hurry for what?" they asked almost a little worried.  The second division commander raised an eyebrow before he burst out laughing as he flicked their forehead  " did you seriously forget your birthday firefly?"
Y/n face burned a nice deep scarlet color, oh god they had forgotten their birthday. "...well no..not on purpose," they squeaked as ace helped them sit up laughing at their dismay. 
Ace leaned forward kissing over the apple of their cheeks " which is why as your boyfriend I,m going to make you the best cookies ever!" Y/n frowned heavily "..didn't thatch ban you from cooking when he isn't here?" Ace's lips curled up "  he's not here, he can't stop us, babe, it's for a good cause come on!" he said pouting almost Y/n let out  a heavy sigh before they smiled "all alright, what's the worst that could go wrong"
Y/n would learn to regret those very words. Ace grinned as he all but threw his lover over his shoulder, As he booked it to the kitchen, keeping an eye out for Marco as they snuck into the kitchen before ace locked the door. 
Ace smiled setting them down brushing their clothes off before he ran to the wall grabbing to aprons " turn around for me " y/n  couldn't help but smile at his antics. Ace smiled tieing the white apron on them that said " you are brew-tiful . Ace snorted as they turned around "  I always forget thatch likes kitchen puns" he said as y/n grinned throwing them an apron.
Ace opened it and raised an eyebrow as he read out loud " an apron is just a cape on backward...where does he buy these" he said grinning. Y/n snuck up behind him tieing it for him " who cares, you said we had to hurry before he gets back"
Ace smiled and moved his hand ruffling their hair " that's right we do! alright let's find that cookbook" he said. Y/n smiled as they started looking around " huh if I was a cookbook where would I be" ace mumbled before his eyes lit up as he opened a cabinet " found it!" " that actually worked?" y/n said laughing as they took their place by him looking over his shoulder 
Ace flipped to the page he was looking for " blah blah, okay easy enough, we got this! we make the best team ever babe" he said shutting the book " do you want the recipe" Nah we don't need it were going to make it 10 times better" Y/n tilted their head before they  laughed his smile was infectious 
Y/n pushed their hair back behind their ear " oh yeah? 10 times better, better than thatch?" " yeah it's just flour, milk, and sugar how hard could it be," he said with a proud smile. As he bounced over around the kitchen grabbing the supplies he raided the kitchen way too much to know where everything was placed.
Ace and y/n started on the batter starting with the dry stuff y/n was surprised ace seemed to know what he was talking about. He wrapped his arms around their waist resting his chin on their shoulder " now add the milk" he said inhaling their scent as he watched them pour the milk in " not too much firefly" he said as he watched them stir the batter.
Ace placed a soft kiss on the nape of y/n neck as he moved his hands over their own smaller ones, as they started rolling the batter out.  Ace started helping them form them into little balls and put them on the baking pan, he grinned pulling away as y/n  cleaned their hands " i, ll set the timer"
" no need to do that babe' y/n suddenly felt like the air had left their lungs as their mind reeled, there was only one thing left he could say. " I, ll just use my devil fruit and cook them right up!" "a-ace uh maybe we should use the oven" they pleaded almost . " don't worry it will be done in no time and then we can go out and do something," he said grinning as he set the pan down 
Y/n put their hands over their eyes knowing there was no longer any hope of talking him out of it, as they heard a loud vroosh sound and a "...oh shit"
Y/n uncovered their eyes and stared the silence in the room was deafening. y/n gulped seeing the once nice kitchen with pitch-black smoke covering over the stove and half the ceiling. There was soot all over the clean floor " thatch is going kill us" y/n said hanging their head in defeat 
The door creaked open " why would I kill yo-" thatch said dropping his groceries almost before he whipped his head to ace who sheepishly wave d" uh...it's not as bad as it looks"   ace said with a sheepish apologetic grin as thatch just started making different faces. ace crept over to y/n and whispered "I think he's having a stroke lets book it" he said 
Thatch gritted his teeth " PORTGAS!" he yelled, causing the couple to yelp. Ace simply picked up y/n in his arms and took off " so he's not having a stroke" he said as he started getting chased down the deck of the moby dick, "did you ruin my favorite aprons too!" he yelled chasing the fire mera user as passing crewmates just winced at the chef's anger
Ace skitted seeing a bunch of crates and jumped hiding behind them as the cook went by. Ace sheepishly rubbed his head " ah I really messed up and ruined your birthday huh... I wanted it to be special cause you mean so much to me but I messed it up" he said with a frown. y/n laughed " messed up? that was the best birthday I, ve had yet ace"
Ace furrowed his eyebrows " but I blew up the kitchen, and mad thatch mad" Y/n laughed as they cupped his face in their hands " ace, I don't need anything special i,m just happy to spend the day with you regardless" Ace's eyes widened before a deep red blush coated his cheeks as he leaned down pressing his lips against their soft pink ones
ace pulled from the kiss with a laugh " you always know the right thing to say firefly" he said smiling holding them close "I, ll just have to make this birthday the most memorable huh" he said smiling fondly at them 
" there you two are!" thatch said standing at the doorway his hand on his hips " SHIT" ace said " starting now, let's make this memorable !" he said and they booked it, y/n with a smile on their face feeling so loved despite being chased by an enraged chef. Every day with ace was never boring, that went for birthdays to it looked like.
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mixedfandomsfanfics · 2 years
This one is for my friend who is experiencing CompHet and Identifies as Lesbian however only crushes on virtual guys
Pantalone x Fem!Reader
Fluff + Romantic for Part 1<3
>>Good morning (Y/N) is something wrong?<< Pantalone simply asks. >>No no , you don't have to worry!<< A rushed answer escapes your lips in an attempt not to worry him. A deep hum comes from the Raven haired man doubting the legitimacy of your statement. >>Everything's fine you say....? Well please just know that I am here for you if it comes to you needing anything.<< He simply sighs and lends you his arm to hook in. >>Today's Sunday we should rest! How about I treat you to something today?<< He suggested and you nodded enthusiastically, glad to finally get a break from your duties and be rewarded for your hard work.
He takes the chance and travels with you to Inazuma in an attempt to show you it's engulfing beauty. He leads you to the Narukami shrine to use the opportunity to pray to the gods. And boy oh boy , Pantalone knows what he is praying for. For his beautiful companion, whose beauty is even more engulfing than any nation, to return his feelings. He would use all the Mora in the world just to see you fall for him the way he did. He prays and after his prayer he simply stares and smiles at you with his signature smile.
>> Come on! Inazuma is known for its great sweets , we should try some!<< He walks with you and "occasionally" admires you and your ways. As you arrive upon a street full of stores you notice a place that offers if not the best sweets. You try to buy yourself some Dango milk and Hanami dango however Pantalone cuts you short and pays for you.
>>Nope , my treat<< He gives you his signature smile. >>Now come on I got one last thing to show you.<< The sun started setting and it has become quite cold thus Pantalone uses this opportunity and pulls you close to him even offering you his jacket. You smiled at him and said that he would get cold that way but he told you he really wouldn't mind and thus you gave in snuggling into his jacket which smelled strongly like him. He couldn't help but stare at you the entire time with an ever so slight faint blush crawling upon his face however he continued focusing on where he wanted to lead you.
He motioned you to sit down at a cliff and he sat next to you as you both gazed upon the sunset slowly but surely turning into a night sky full of stars and you both were admiring it's beauty. However a certain Pantalone didn't only admire the stars but also admired the true beauty in his eyes , (Y/N). He saw that you looked at him and took one of his gloved hands to intertwine it with yours. >>Hey what I wanted to tell you is that I have feelings for you, actually I have had those feelings for a long time.<< He said giving you a genuine look as he stared into your eyes. You gasped in disbelief. >> Actually Pantalone I feel the same way.<< He smiles genuinely and gives you a sweet sounding 'I love you' and takes off one glove of his not intertwined hand and uses it to gently hold your face while kissing you lovingly as Fireworks explode close-by.
Wooo first actual post as an Italian I kept on laughing because I had the image of pants in my mind the whole time ;-;
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"ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙᴏᴏᴋ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ?" - ʜ.ᴏ
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Hello to you! There it is! My first Harrison request. I'm working for a one shot with him, but it takes me so long because it's a little angst. But don't worry, this one is just fluff! I hope you'll all like it! I did not have time to be reread and corrected. So be indulgent once again, English is not my native language.
Summary: harrison met you in this coffe/bookstore where you friend worked. Since that day, he tried to ask you out but nothing really worked he would like. Until that day. Word count: 2690 Warning: some of swear, spoilers of "one day" by David Nicholls" Pairing : harrison osterfield Request: yes!
You walked happily into the store, heading towards the counter where your best friend was. “The cup and feather” was a second home to you. The warm atmosphere that reigned in the bookstore/cafe has always seduced you. There was a peace of mind that relaxed your muscles: the woody decor, the warm and captivating light, the mixed smell of old/new books and coffee. You were leaning on the counter where Maya was completing an order for a regular.
“Good morning Luke! Enjoy your drink!” you said with a large smile.
“Hello dear y/n! Thanks sweetie! Let me know if you want to drink something. It’s on me”
“It won’t be necessary but thank you. I appreciate!”
The customer adds a generous 10-pound bill to the tip pot with a wink at you. Maya thanked Luke and then gave you a broken look. You gave her an amused smile, shaking your head, already anticipating her next line. But nothing could dissipate your good mood, your day was good.
"It's unbelievable how my tips increase when you're here. What's your secret?"
“Hello to you too, dear best friend. I don't have a secret...but maybe, try to be...nicer to customers? Give them a smile while you're taking their order! ”
“Hello honey. I’m so thankful you’re here. It’s a boring day”
It was a pretty quiet day, there weren't a lot of customers. The rather gloomy London weather seemed to have put them off. A huge thunderous sound echoed outside and Maya jumped. You had a sympathetic and somewhat amused smile. You liked the storm. To be honest, you liked the storm when you weren't alone: feel the heavy, electric atmosphere before the refreshing rain falls. She looked out the window with annoyance.
"Jesus. It looks like it's gonna be a long day" she complained
“Don’t be so dramatic! Let me help. How can I help you?”
“There is this book cart that I have to put away and that has been lying around for an hour. But my boss would kill me if he found out that someone who actually doesn’t work here, did it for me”
Maya gave you a knowing look. It wasn't that she hated you helping her with her work, on the contrary, you were quite useful to her. But she would have preferred that you spend your free time other than helping her. You took a few books from the cart, sticking your tongue out at your best friend and rushing down the aisles of the library section. The distinct sound of a heavy downpour was heard outside and a few seconds later, the store door opened to let in two young, but also handsome, men. Maya bit her lip as one of the individuals approached the counter with a polite but warm smile. He seemed tall, with a thin but toned build, thin lips, his blue eyes pierced her from the moment his eyes met hers; a fucking model.
"Hello. Do you mind if we stay a little while the downpour subsides?" he asked.
" Hell no, of course! You can stay as long as you want as long as I can admire you… uh, shit, no, as long as you order something… did I say the other part out loud?
The second boy laughed, but nothing mocking. He was shorter than the guy across from Maya, brown hair and chocolate eyes, muscular arms but not sculpted like a bodybuilder. He seemed in good shape.
The blonde raised his eyebrows, an amused smile on his lips.
"I'm afraid so. Um ... okay. Tom?" he turned to his friend "Do you want to drink something?"
"Black tea. A single sugar and a drop of milk."
Your friend nodded meaning she heard it and then she patiently waited for the blonde to place his order.
"I'll have mint tea. Just one sugar too."
"Noted! Feel free to go grab a book once you've settled in."
The blonde smiled at Maya as he turned slightly to the tables to settle in with his friend. You were immersed in reading a synopsis when you finally returned to the counter. You looked up too late while talking to your best friend.
"Hey, Maya can I keep - ouch"
You had just hit a rather solid chest and your eyes widened in surprise. Two hands grabbed your shoulders before the fall, stabilizing you on your two good. And thank you, handsome stranger because you would have been able to let yourself fall so as not to drop the book you were holding in your hands.
"Everything's alright, love?"
"Huh Huh" You barely said, still a little surprised by the impact.
He smiled at you and finally joined Tom at a table without giving you a chance to thank him. You leaned against the counter giving your best friend an indecipherable expression.
"Who are these guys?"
"I know, right?" Maya whispered, biting her lips again.
You smiled to her. You and your best friend had the same tastes when it came to boys. So it was no wonder that they found them attractive.You quickly gave a last look on the mysterious guy before focusing on the cart again. Your logic wanted you to go back and forth rather than pushing this wheeled machine. And deep down, it was also an excuse to admire the blond boy at the table 7. When you came back from your last trip down the aisles and there were no books left on the cart. You noticed with a sad expression on your face that both boys were gone. What did you expect? A romantic scene where love story is born in the aisles of a bookstore cafe. What's the point? You might not even have been his type. Correction: You were certainly not his type. Maya came over to you, a mischievous half-smile on her face.
"If you're wondering. His name is Harrison. I heard his friend call him. And he kindly tipped you 25 pounds."
"I don't work here."
"It's just like"
"I would probably never see him again, Maya"
"Believe me, I have a feeling that you will."
And she was right. The following week did not bring the handsome stranger, the following week either. You had totally, or almost, forgotten this delicious abrupt encounter. You were in the aisles of the cafe, looking for the next book you were going to devour when you were politely tapped on the shoulder, a throat clearing accompanying the gesture.
"Hm, excuse me?"
You turned around and your eyes widened a little in surprise. You did not expect, or more, to see this beautiful stranger again. He was holding a book in his hands and looked nervous. His demeanor was endearing and you couldn't help but suppress a shy smile.
"I'm looking to get my mom a book. I've heard of this one but ... I wanted your advice."
You raised an amused eyebrow. He wanted to buy a book from his mom and he went to a coffee shop to ask you for advice on a book he obviously couldn't buy here. You found this sweet and awkward. You gave him a shy and mischievous smile.
“You know you're not supposed to buy the books here… just read them. »You joked
"Hmm, yeah ... but ... I wanted your opinion since ..."
"I don't work here ..."
The surprise was read in his eyes as in yours but for different reasons. Harrison felt silly for asking you when you weren't an employee. You, you were surprised by your tone, which seemed so cold when it was not your intention. You didn’t want to be rude to him. In fact, he makes you a little bit uncomfortable. You had never been so awkward with a boy but, for some reason you didn't know, his piercing blue eyes bowled you over. You couldn't deny that you were drawn to him and there was something really spellbinding about Harrison. To catch up you glanced at the book, you wrinkled his nose and you scratched your head
“I'm sorry, this is not the kind of novel I read ... But if she read Fifty-shade of Grey ... this book might please her” you told him, somewhat embarrassed.
Harrison gave you a confused look and you pointed to the cover of the book. To be fair, although he won't admit it, Harrison had grabbed the first book he saw off the storage cart and it actually turned out that it was an erotic fiction rather categorized in the young adult, a bestseller. Honestly, you didn't know where to put yourself. You watched the cheeks of the boy in front of you turn deep red.
"Okay ... Okay. I wasn't there for my mom."
"No shame ..." you tried to comfort him
"No..no i swear. It..i'm … okay ...
A boy with curly hair appeared in the aisle, calling out to the young man, breaking that awkward moment between you at the same time. Harrison's friend seemed vaguely familiar to you, as if you knew him or seemed to know him.
"Harrison, we're late. Tom's gonna kill me, mate!"
Harrison gave a sigh of relief that he seemed to have held back. He gave you a sorry smile and apologized before leaving you, putting the book down on a shelf. They headed for the exit and you stayed there, without moving, still challenged by this moment. You heard a laugh that came from the curl without actually hearing the reason.
"Did you ask her advice about 365 DNI? What kind of div are you?"
"Shut up Harry."
And Harry's laugh echoed one more time before the door closed on them. After a few seconds, you returned to the counter where your best friend was. She nodded at you, as if asking like it had happened. You have to shake your head negatively while shrugging your shoulders. It was the most bizarre interaction you have had in your life. A total failure. With that, he was sure you would never see him again.
But you were wrong again. You were, again and again, at the cafe. Maya was finishing her shift and you were sitting at a table with a book in your hand. You were in your own little world when your gaze was drawn to a male hand, wearing rings highlighting the veins of that said hand, placing a cup of latte on your table.
"I didn't order any-" you said before interrupting you.
Harrison was in front of you, a shy little smile drawn across his face. You frowned, intrigued. How had he guessed your favorite drink? A simple glance over the blond's shoulder told you your answer: Maya was smiling at you, thumbs up, as a token of encouragement. You looked Harrison, pursed your lips, flattered by the gesture.
“I wanted to apologize for the other time.” Harrison finally spoke.
“It's nothing ... I..I hope your mom liked the book.” you just told him with a little smile
"I… It wasn't for her."
"Oh..for whom?" you asked intrigued.
He smirked, amused by your carelessness. Was he not obvious, however? Since the day he met you, the actor hadn't stopped thinking about you. Tom and Harry kept telling him that he was completely whipped and looked like a fool.
"For no one actually. I grabbed the first book I found."
"But why?" you seemed more confused.
"I wanted to see you. It was a pretext… I didn't know how to approach you."
Your cheeks turned as red as Harrison's the last you met him. You were flattered but at the same time surprised to know that he was interested in you. You've replaced a strand of hair behind your ear, blushing. An awkward silence has settled between you two. Neither of them really knew how to break the ice. Harrison looked up at the book you had put on the table when he arrived.
"What do you read?" he asked interested
“One day by David Nicholls. It’s the one of the most moving books I have ever read.”
And you started talking for hours about how this book moved you and how Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess' portrayal in the film adaptation blew your mind. How you went from laughter to tears to anger. How you got attached to the characters in both the book and the movie. Harrison couldn't stop you. He admired you talking with passion and found you endearing. The way you spoke with your hands or the way you frowned when some character action disturbed you. You were in your world and he wanted to enter it.
"I hope we end up like them." He said, interrupting you.
You suddenly stopped in your monologue looking at Harrison puzzled. You didn't expect this. First, because by knowing the story of this novel. You didn't want anyone to experience people's stories, no matter how beautiful it was. Second, did Harrison just say he was considering something with you?
"Like who?" you asked
"Emma and Dexter ... I hope we have such a great story."
You pursed your lips, amused. You swallowed to keep from laughing and you shook your head. You were sure he didn't read the book but you wanted to play with him a little.
"I don't hope so."
"Why? Their love story is beautiful!"
"You haven't read this book have you?"
"Of course yes!" he defended himself, uncomfortable.
In truth, he was lying. He was trying to impress you. He had simply said he wanted to live this love affair to soften you and try to approach you to ask for a date. Once again, you smiled, genuinely amused by the boy in front of you. He looked so innocent and so confident in her walk. But you knew ... You knew he hadn't read the book.
"Harrison, she dies at the end"
Harrison's cheeks have once again turn red. He played with his hands nervously, embarrassed. He was an idiot, a complete fucking div. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to let go of all the stress he had accumulated but also to find a way to make up for it. You were blowing him outright. He thought you were so beautiful and had never been so awkward about approaching a girl. Of course, Harry had introduced him to his ex-girlfriend. But, the actor had never had a hard time flirting. He knew his strengths, he was kinda funny, can't deny he was pretty handsome, after all he was a model. He was also an actor, he could play all emotions, recite hundreds of lines of dialogue. But you looked different and he was unable to have a conversation with you without being ridiculous. You found that rather adorable.
"Okay, okay. I don't hope we end up like them."
“I hope you don't wait 20 years before asking me out?”
Harrison looked at you surprised. Did you really just reach out to her? Did he hear what you just said or did his imagination play a dirty trick on him? Her heart skipped a beat. You pursed your lips before putting on a warm but shy smile. You weren't that confident in normal times but ... but it was pushing you out of your comfort zone. You liked him, his clumsiness made you laugh and moved you a lot. You wanted to know him better. And with a simple smile, Harrison knew he had the green light.
"Would you ... have coffee with me?"
"I'm already taking one with you, idiot" you joked ...
"Yeah..hmm, okay ... um. Would you like to go on a date ... one day?"
Your smile widened. You didn't know if he had chosen his last words intentionally but you liked to think he had. And if it wasn't, that awkwardness had melted your heart. You bit your lip, a smile still on your face. Your cheeks were rosy with emotion. Eventually, you might have had your romantic story at a coffee shop / bookstore.
“Yes, Harrison. I would like to go out with you.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
I've Got A Coupon (18+) 
Part 2
Namjoon: A Massage with a Happy Ending
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Warnings: 18+ consensual sexual poly relationships. Always swearing, Safe sex is implied. Don't read smut if you can't handle the 🍆💦
Words: 1650
Valentine’s Day, what do you give 7 men who already have everything?
Sitting down, you create a series of Love Coupons and place them in a bowl…
Erotic movie night
Massage with a happy ending
lap dance
Voyeur, look but don’t touch!
Naked Chef, dining al fresco
Trip to the sex shop
Location of your choice!
Calling them to the kitchen they each take a turn picking their present.
Series Masterlist
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6:30 am.
Joon was an early riser. Knocking lightly you were hoping he was still asleep.
No answer. Trying to silently open the door you slipped inside holding the handle so it wouldn't tip him off with the click. Loud snoring came from across the room and you could just make out his outline from the rising sun filtering through his curtains.
Tiptoeing closer you dropped your robe. Picking up the fluffy white duvet you slid underneath. God he was warm. He stirred with a sigh and moved closer, his arms wrapping around you instinctively. Namjoon was comfort. His peaceful presence could have easily lulled you into slumber if it weren't for your mission. 
"Joonie," you whispered. "Hey, wake up." 
His dimples popped as he groggily smiled. "Good morning. It's so early." 
"I wanted to make sure you started the day off right." 
Pulling the last envelope from the pocket of your robe you laid it on his chest. 
"Massage with a happy ending."  His cheeks turned red. 
"I think you deserve to be taken care of Joon, will you let me do that for you?" 
"I'm a little afraid I'm going to get too used to this…" He moved his body closer, hands hovering over your stomach. His fingertips, not sure of which way to travel, skimmed over your skin giving you goosebumps from the delicate touch. 
"What would be so wrong with that?" Your lips lingered on his. 
"I want you too badly to think of any excuses right now." 
"Good, lets start." 
Jumping out of the bed you threw your robe back on and retrieved your pile of equipment waiting in the hallway. 
"You really went all out."
He seemed surprised as you set up the table. 
"No half measures Namjoon. Now get that gorgeous ass over here." 
Pulling the sheet off the bed he wrapped himself up. 
"You know what a happy ending is right? You're just going to have to take that off in 4 feet." 
He was flustered, always so shy in his gentlemanly way. Closing the gap he abandoned his modesty beside the table. He was hard as a rock already standing straight out red and excited. 
"Should I lay on my back?" 
Pulling the cover from the table you raised your eyebrows at him suggestively. "That's totally up to you, this is a milking table." 
Never had a jaw dropped further and more dramatically than his. 
He needed encouragement. Walking over to him you let your fingers slide down his chest, "Why don't you lay down on your front and I'll just give you a massage for a bit. You won't even see me until you're ready, okay?" 
His large hands reached out and cradled your face. "It's not that I don't want to look at you. You're so fucking beautiful, I'm just a shy idiot." 
"We can work on that." You couldn't help but smile at him, "now hop on up here." 
He got on the table and lay face down.  
"We're gonna ease into this okay?" 
He nodded. 
Digging through your bag you brought out the bottle of massage oil. "This may be a little cold, are you ready?" 
Squeezing the oil in a stream down his back he squirmed at the sensation. You could have been nice and warmed it, but you liked the idea of the cold liquid making his nipples hard. 
"You've been working out huh?" You began sliding your hands over his skin. "You're a lot bigger than when we last hooked up." 
You could feel him flexing his triceps under your fingers. “It suits you.” 
Working the oil over his entire backside you wanted to up the stakes. "Is it okay if I get on top of you? It's better leverage to work out those knots." 
"umhum," he mumbled face down into the pillow. 
Grabbing the oil you quickly drizzled it down your front before climbing on. Straddling his back you rubbed yourself just above the swell of his ass. He moaned at the feeling of your pussy sliding down his skin. 
"How's that feel?" 
"So, so good Y/N."
Laying flat against him you placed a kiss between his shoulder blades and pressed your breasts into his back. Your arms smoothed down over his as you rocked yourself against his muscle. 
"Joon, I know this is for you but I'm so horny." You kissed the back of his neck, "Do you mind if I get myself off on you?" 
"Fuck baby girl, rub your pussy wherever you need it." 
Raising yourself, the mirror was in front of you. You could see the reflection of his cock hanging through the milking hole, a small slow dripping string of precum dangling from the tip.   
"If you're comfortable you should lift your head up and watch, there's a great view." 
As you rubbed yourself over his swell your hands kneaded his back muscles. He stared at you, watching you get off on him. "Fuck you've got pretty tits. I wanna feel them on my back." 
Letting your breasts hang your nipples dragged over his lubed skin. The sensation of the oil and the rubbing was too much, you couldn't help but moan the closer you got to your high. 
"That's it baby, cum all over me, make me all sticky." 
The table was rocking precariously under your enthusiasm and his cock was swinging back and forth through the glory hole.
"Joonie I'm so close." 
He flexed his glutes and with a few more passes your clit was satisfied. 
Collapsing for a second you lay heavy on top of him trying to catch your breath. "Thank you," you mustered. 
"Don't thank me, you did all the work." 
Lifting yourself to get off of him, sticky cum threads pulled between you. "That's so hot." He sat to turn himself and couldn't resist running his finger through it and sticking it in his mouth. 
"Let's do you now, are you ready for your turn?" 
He was in a daze, with a half smile and popped dimple, he could only nod. 
Grabbing some pillows off the bed you made your way under the table. Something about his penis just hanging there waiting, made it seem so much more suckable. 
"So gorgeous Joon." You licked his tip, teasing it as another ooze of precum dripped in anticipation. "I'm going to milk every drop out of you Daddy."
His moan of approval was loud. 
"Do you like that? Do you want more?" 
"Suck me please I want it so bad." He begged as you continued to play with the the tip, squirming under the torturous build up. "Take it all like you did last time.” 
"Do you think about that? Think about me sucking and fucking you in the practice room?" 
"Every day since." His breathing was heavy. 
"Do you get off  thinking about my cunt wrapped around your cock?" 
You gave him a big deep suck, you could picture his face scrunched up in pleasure and it made you want to cum again. 
"I can't stop. Whenever you bend down I can see your pretty tits in your low cut shirt. Such a bad girl never wearing a bra. I've rubbed myself raw just thinking about you."
"I put on that show just for you. When I catch you looking, I always think about your mouth on me." 
You rewarded his new inhibition with positive reinforcement. Ringing your hand around his base tightly you took him into your throat. 
"Next time you need to get off I want you to tell me. Promise you’ll use me instead of your hand, that you'll fuck my cunt open and fill me with your cum." 
He was making so much noise if anyone was walking buy they'd probably think he was recording. 
"Tell me, tell me you promise."
You were whiny, feeling the need to cum again your pussy was pulsing. Something about bringing Joon, who was so reluctant, to the point of surrender was the ultimate turn on. 
"Yeah, I promise...I promise...Fuck I'm close." 
Removing your mouth you slid your hand up and down his shaft pumping a few times before letting go. Sitting for a minute, not touching him, He was distanced from his impending orgasm. 
Legs swung over the table, he reached for your hand pulling you up and onto your feet. “You should be careful what you beg for, it might be more than you can handle.” 
He walked you backwards until your legs hit the bed. "No more fucking around."
You grinned, achievement unlocked. 
Kneeling in front of you he picked up your knees until they were bent and pushed them wide open. Staring down at your pink heat he slid two fingers inside of you. Moaning as he curled them you were left disappointed when he pulled them back out. 
"Look how excited you are." 
He held them up and showed you the sticky display before rubbing the wetness all over this cock. Pumping twice to make sure he was coated his dick hung waiting in limbo until he plunged himself inside you. The loud moan that followed was from the pure satisfaction of being stretched so completely by his girth. 
His thrusts were slow and deep, bottoming out, holding and then dragging back out against your clenching walls. "Your little pussy likes that huh?" He rammed back in. "Next time you pass me in the hallway this is what I want you to think about." 
"Fuck, Namjoon you're so fucking good. Why are you so god damn reserved? We could have been doing this for months."
He lowered himself, his body heavy on yours, his fingers gripping your hair. The slight pain with the immense pleasure shot white lightning through you. He pumped harder as you clenched and came all over his cock until he too found his release shooting his hot cum deep inside you. 
Forehead to forehead he kissed your lips. 
"Happy ending indeed." 
Part 3: Hobi - Lap dance
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"shock therapy"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst mostly
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @leovaldez37 @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: language, grief, allusions to suicide, mentions of death, let me know if I missed something
A/N: okay this is... Kinda dark, but I mean, expected given the prompt I'm working with lmao, I'd say enjoy but... Well, enjoy <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part IV: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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It began with small actions, like waking up earlier than me, or taking on making breakfast himself.
I thought he was feeling better.
Then came the big actions, like deciding to switch places with me an working with the clients while I made the shippings.
I started to feel something was off the third day since the exchange; I escaped the office to visit him and he could have easily passed as the giant mannequin in our façade.
"Are you alright?" I questioned in a worried whisper near his ear.
"Of course." I knitted my brows, puzzled at his response. He noticed how odd it had been due to my face, and that forced smile fell for a second as he leaned on me to place a kiss on my crown. "Don't worry about me, darling."
Before I could insist, his attention was stolen by a couple of very confused clients.
The following night in the flat, while we were making dinner, it seemed he had gone back to his usual demeanor, so I figured he was making extra effort to look happy in front of the customers.
I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong, though, something between us; I couldn't pinpoint it, yet knew it existed.
It was that same night that I got a grip of what was going on, when the bed's weight shifted, shaking me out of my sleep just in time to hear a muffled sob followed by a shaky breath.
"George?" His eyes met my own as I propped myself on my forearms.
"Did I wake you?" He questioned, his voice as quiet as mine. "Sorry, love."
Sometimes —more often than not— when he called me that name, I would feel butterflies in my stomach, and the fact that it was normally accompanied by some kind of physical contact didn't help at all.
He extended his arm to reach my hand, his thumb caressing the back of my palm. "Go back to sleep." He commanded in a soft whisper, getting up and walking towards the door.
As the door closed, my chest ached at the mere possibility of us going back to the first week we spend together in the flat after the war.
I went straight to the kitchen and splashed my face with water before pouring myself a glass of milk.
Y/n had the brilliant idea of throw away all the alcohol in our apartment to avoid falling into bad habits as a copying mechanism, and, in all honesty, it was one of her best ones.
Grabbing the glass, I made my way to the living room, plopping down on the couch; I wouldn't even try to fall asleep there— it was proven impossible during the first week.
I had to snap out of it and start to sleep in my own room; the war left us all scarred in s million ways, and one of them included that even the slightest, quietest movement would wake you up, and I knew for a fact that Y/n wasn't getting one single night of sound sleep, and I was the one to blame.
"Oi," Speaking of which.
"What are you doing up?"
"Checking on you." She responded, leaning against the doorframe "You alright?" I nodded, but she walked to the couch either way, sitting down and letting herself fall over my chest. "You've been acting weird." She mumbled, snugging her face on my chest and consequently making my heart swell. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"
I hummed, my chin resting over her crown as my arm wrapped around her. "I know." I murmured, knowing very well it was lie.
There was several things I couldn't and wouldn't tell her ever, but I wouldn't let her know that. "C'mon, go back to bed."
"Not without you." It wasn't more than a mumble, since she was beginning to fall asleep on my chest, but it was loud enough to trigger me.
How many times I had dreamed of having her just like this, how many times had I yearned to wrap my arms around her and never let go, to kiss her, to sleep with her before the war; I still did.
I still wanted to kiss all her sadness away, to be able to call her mine; I still loved her in a way I shouldn't, and somehow it felt even more wrong now that Fred was gone.
It took me a moment to realise she had, in fact, fallen asleep. I carried her back to her bed and lay her down, carefully pulling the sheets to cover her.
I lay down too, promising myself I would face my fears the next day— I owe her that, at the very least.
Y/n had left the apartment to go down the Diagon Alley to buy groceries and a new blouse.
It's now or never, I thought to myself, standing at the start of the hallway. I took a deep breath and made my way to my room with my bags hanging on my shoulders.
You can do this.
I reached for the knob with shaky hands and turned it.
You can do this.
My arms pushed the door open in a swift movement, my eyes anxiously scanning the room as if I was expecting to find a monster inside.
But there was no monster, it was just my room; a bit dusty and with a musty smell, but still my room.
I left my bags on the floor and sat on the edge of my bed. It wasn't scary, nor haunted, as I thought it would be, and I felt a weight off my shoulders; Y/n would be able to sleep the nights through, instead of waking up every now and then to my gasps and sobs.
Since it had been way easier than I thought it would be, I decided to take it a step further; I would have to enter there sooner rather than later to clean, so why not now?
Oh, what a big mistake I had made.
"I'm back!" Somehow, I had managed to climb upstairs whilst carrying all the bags without tripping. "Did you know that Florean Fortescue's has three new ice cream flavours?" I threw the Twilfitt and Tatting’s bag on the sofa and made my way to the kitchen. "Don't be mad but I got you something at Twilfitt and Tatting’s!" Laying the groceries over the counter, I frowned at George's lack of responses. "George?" I left the kitchen and took a look around the flat; maybe he was down in the shop?
I was about to go downstairs when I saw a crack of light down the hall, one coming from a partially open door —from Fred's door.
My heart pounded hard against my chest as I made my way to the part of the house we rarely got to.
I knew George had to be inside, but the fact that no sound was coming out of the room —no sobs, no weeping, no ragged breathing— was about to put me under cardiac arrest.
What if during the last week he had gotten worse —rock bottom kind of worse— and that was why he had been acting so distant? What if those 'don't worry about me's had been foreshadowing something terrible?
I shut my eyes, my pulse hammering as I pushed the door open, dreading to find a horrifying scenario.
Open your fucking eyes, Y/n.
I couldn't help the sigh of relief when I saw George kneeled in the middle of the room, alive and breathing.
Then, I doubled checked and realized that maybe he wasn't that much alive. I circled the ginger so we could be face to face, and my heart shattered at the sight in front of me; his eyes were puffy, his cheeks pale, his nose red and streaks of freshly shed tears wetting his face. His hands clutched onto something that I quickly recognised as Fred's blazer, and my breath caught up in my throat.
"George..." I called his name in a quiet whisper; somehow it felt like we were trespassing.
He then looked up at me, eyes hollow, and spoke words so harsh that they burned, even if they weren't meant to hurt me. "It should have been me."
"It should've been me there, I should've gone with Percy."
"It should've been me, not him." I felt my eyes watering, slightly blurring my vision as the man before me kept talking. "He had a life— he had you, I didn't have anything but him." His gaze was now casted down, and I no longer knew if he was speaking to me or to himself. "What am I compared to him? It should be me six feet under, not him."
That last sentence was what snapped me out of the state I was in. "Look at me." I commanded, kneeling in front of him and cupping his cheeks. "Do you think Fred would've wanted you to think that?" His lower lip quivered; we rarely said his name out loud anymore. "He would have beaten your ass. Don't you dare think like that ever again, you hear me?"
"But it's true—"
"No it's not!" I yelled, making him flinch. "It's not, George." I repeated, this time softer, my thumbs caressing his cheeks soothingly. "You're sweet, creative, caring and smart, and I'm so happy to have you here with me." His eyes closed, eyebrows knitted and lips pursed. "You're your own person, and that person is amazing." He leaned on, letting his forehead fall on my shoulder, my hands travelling to his back and hair as his arms wrapped around my waist.
"I miss him, Y/n." He confessed. "I miss him so much— it hurts."
“I miss him too, but I can’t let you lose yourself because of him.” I explained, planting a chaste kiss on his temple. “I cannot lose you too, okay?” I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
"I'm sorry." His breath fanned on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "I wanted to get better, so you didn't have to take care of me."
"Oi," I squeezed him tighter, if possible. "We're taking care of each other." His face buried deeper in the crook of my neck and I had to hold back a content sigh. "We can do this— together." I stated. "You can't go on your own for shock therapy— it doesn't work like that." He nodded. "You gave me a big scare."
"I'm really sorry." His hand, which, until then had been holding onto the blazer, let go of it in order to rub my back.
We stayed like that in silence for Merlin knows how long before I spoke against his shoulder, "I bought chocolate strawberries ice cream."
"Is that a thing?" I hummed affirmatively. He slowly pulled away, his hands leaving my back to rest on my waist before they held mines, pulling me up with him. We gazed into each other's eyes for an instant that felt like an eternity. "I didn't mean to scare you, love." He assured me, pulling me into another hug, this one only long enough for him to kiss my crown.
"I know." I pulled away, giving him a small smile that he managed to return, most likely involuntarily. "Wanna try that ice cream?" He nodded and I led him out of the room. "I also bought you a tie at Twilfitt and Tatting’s."
"Why would you buy anything from there?" His voice was starting to recover some strength as we walked to the kitchen with our hands interlaced.
"'Cause it was a very pretty tie." I defended myself, going to the sofa to grab the fancy bag while George went to grab a couple of spoons and the ice cream. "Look."
He walked to me and examined the tie. "Okay, it's quite pretty." He agreed, offering me one of the spoons.
"Told you." I handed him the tie and he gave it another look before leaning down to kiss my cheek.
"You didn't have to buy me anything." That small smile appeared again, making my heart swell.
"Well, I wanted to." I went to sit on the couch and he followed my lead, carefully leaving the tie over the backrest so he could open the tub.
"Sweet." He commented, dipping his spoon into the ice cream and handing me the container. We ate it in silence and, once we finished, his voice filled the room. "I think I might go for a nightwalk."
"It'll do you good." I nodded, bringing my knees to my chest and curling up in the couch after he took the spoon away from me and got up to leave it in the sink.
"Do you wanna come?" His quiet, almost sheepish question made my head turn to the kitchen door. "I mean— you've just come back but—" He left the kitchen, staring at me expectingly, scratching the back of his neck. "uh... if you wanna come, I could use some company."
"I'd love to." I didn't even notice the way my gaze lighted up until I saw it reflected on his own features, that shone with the slightest tinge of joy.
The fact that I was able to do that only by smiling at him made my tummy flutter.
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