#(and maybe her siblings were recruited at some point?)
angsttronaut · 6 months
tbh, it would've been so funny if curlfeather killed jayclaw. even funnier if she went from being super into her husband to planning his demise because frostpaw had that dream about him, and she realised she could use it to make her a medicine cat.
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Let’s Give ‘Em Something to Talk About
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Femme!Henderson!Reader
Summary: Y/N Henderson’s relationship with Eddie puts her at odds with Jason Carver and co.
Warnings: Reader uses she/her pronouns, bullying/harassment, slut shaming, allusions to sexual content (nothing sexual actually happens), Jason being a prick, swearing, Reader is Dustin’s sister but no physical descriptions are used and you can read it as an adopted sibling if you want, I think that’s it but let me know if I missed something
A/N: Alright, this is the first Fic I’ve ever posted on here. I’m honestly a little nervous, but hopefully you enjoy. I’ll probably end up posting this on my Ao3 too so I’ll link that at some point.
My Master List | Ao3
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“I’m gonna miss you”, Eddie whines as he leans against the locker next to yours.
“It’s one class”, you reply as you swap out your English textbook for history, “that’s, what, an hour?”
“Actually I have Davis’s class next so it feels more like three hours”, Eddie says.
You snort. Mr. Davis has probably been around since the dinosaur era, and if there were to be a competition for most boring teacher at Hawkins High, he would win it hands down.
“It’s not funny”, Eddie teasingly pouts, “I might actually die of boredom.”
“As much as I would hate for that to happen, I’ve got my own class to get to, so unfortunately you’re on your own for now,” you reply.
“Alright well, please tell the rest of Hellfire I’m going to miss them”, he tells you, “and feel free to wear that black skirt of yours to the funeral. The tight one. It’s what I would’ve wanted.”
You roll your eyes affectionately before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“You’re so dramatic”, you say, “I’ll see you later.”
“If I survive that long”, he calls. You shake your head before turning the corner and heading into your history classroom.
“Okay, class”, your teacher, Mr. Price announces once the bell rings, “I’ve written some questions on the board. You’ll find the answers in Chapter 5 of your textbook. Write them down and turn them in by the end of class. You may work with a partner if you’d like.”
You pull your textbook out of your bag and flip to a clean sheet in your notebook. You don’t have any friends in this class, so you figure you may as well just do it yourself and get it over with. That is, until a voice startles you as you’re about to start reading the first page of the chapter.
“Hey, Y/N. Do you wanna work together?”
You blink up at the source of the voice and are pretty sure you must be hallucinating. That’s the only explanation you can think of as to why Jason Carver would be asking you to be his partner.
The two of you have been in the same grade since Kindergarten and you can't think of a single time in all those years that he’s directly acknowledged your existence. The closest thing you have to a connection with him is that your little brother is friends with one of his new Basketball recruits, but you kind of doubt he even knows or cares about that. There’s a few members of his little posse he could be asking to work with him, so you have no clue why he’d be asking you of all people. But, you don’t have anyone else, so you shrug.
“Sure, I guess”, you say.
“Great”, he smiles, moving to sit down next to you.
“I’ll get started on number 1”, you suggest, “maybe you can do number 2 and we’ll compare?”
“Sure”, he says sweetly. You’re honestly getting a little freaked out by how friendly he’s being.
You both do your agreed upon work, and then switch off to show each other your answers.
“So?” you ask when he’s finished reading yours, “does that seem right?”
“Yeah”, he replies, “you’re good at this. You ever thought about being a tutor?”
“Oh, no, not really”, you say.
“See, I just ask because our youth group has this program where some of us older members help the younger kids out after school and stuff.”
“Oh, that’s cool”, you tell him, not really engaged the conversation. It all sounds well and good, but you really aren’t interested in being a tutor at the moment.
“You know, the church has a lot of great programs”, Jason continues, and you’re not sure what any of this has to do with the Byzantine empire, which is what you’re supposed to be discussing.
“Okay”, you say.
“They do a lot of outreach, a lot of stuff to help people who have lost their way.”
“Lost their way?” you inquire, a small part of you beginning to understand what’s actually going on.
“Yeah. You know. Made bad choices, got mixed up with the wrong people.”
“Um, I think we should just get back to the assignment”, you suggest, uncomfortable with the discussion and not wanting it to go any further.
“Look”, Jason sighs, “what I’m trying to say is, I don’t know you very well, but you seem like a nice girl. I’d hate to see you go down a bad path.”
Okay. You get it now, and it’s starting to piss you off.
“Thank you, but I’m doing just fine”, you insist.
“You’ve been hanging around with Eddie Munson”, Jason says, as if it’s some scandalous secret and not just you spending time with your boyfriend, “you really shouldn’t do that, you know…”
You stare at him, a little dumbfounded he would just up and say such a thing to you.
“You can’t be serious…”, you say.
Jason leans in to you, a deadly serious expression on his face.
“I’ve heard about guys like him before”, he tells you, “I know the stuff they’re into.”
Yeah, so do you. It’s tabletop role playing games, which is about the least nefarious activity you could possibly think of. Jason clearly doesn’t see it that way, though, because he’s still going on.
“And I know they like to lure innocent people like you into their little organizations. I’m telling you, Munson is bad news. You should stay away before you get hurt.”
You seriously have to hold yourself back from laughing right in Jason’s face. You’re not sure what reality he’s living in, but it clearly isn’t the same one you are. Last weekend, you and Eddie had watched Terms of Endearment and he’d started to cry (well started tearing up at least, even sniffled a little, though he vehemently denied it). There’s not a single situation in which you can ever imagine him causing you intentional harm.
“Okay, you know what”, you say, “I think I’m gonna finish the rest of the assignment alone, thanks.”
Jason grabs your arm gently but firmly. “I’m serious, Y/N. He’s dangerous. Stay away from him before you end up hurt or killed.”
You’re really not sure what the most offensive part of all this is. It’s either that Jason thinks that somehow Eddie Munson, your lovable dork of a boyfriend,is secretly an evil Satanist cult leader, or that you’re apparently too stupid or naive to make that kind of judgment for yourself. Maybe it’s that he volunteered to work with you on an assignment and acted all friendly with you just so he could get this opportunity to preach to you about your supposedly “dangerous” lifestyle. He’s never given you the time of day before, after all.
“I don’t know what it is you think you see in him, but I promise you it’s not going to end well.”
You snort. Is he, what, jealous or something? He’s got a girlfriend, after all, and plenty of other girls who’d be willing to take her place if she were to leave him. It’s kind of sad that he’s apparently so insecure that the mere thought of Eddie Munson getting female attention is enough to have him losing his shit like this.
“Whatever”, you spit, “just leave me alone.”
He glares at you, but ultimately turns his attention to his textbook and doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the class.
You happily shove the encounter out of your mind once the bell rings. You’re perfectly content with the social circle you keep, and you’re not going to let some jock with an inflated sense of self importance change that.
Jason apparently doesn’t do the same because he spends lunch glaring at you from his table. Granted, him shooting disgusted looks in the general direction of the Hellfire Club is a regular occurance, but today he’s making it obvious his ire is directed specifically at you.
“What the fuck is his problem?” Eddie asks.
“I dunno”, you shrug, “he’s just an asshole.”
Eddie peers at him for a moment and you can see a familiar glint of mischief twinkle in his eye. Before you can comment, he’s dramatically pushing himself to his feet and sauntering over to Jason and company.
“What do you want?” Jason demands.
“Couldn’t help but notice you staring”, Eddie says, “just wanted to let you know that I’m flattered, but unfortunately you aren’t really my type. Sorry.”
“Fuck off”, Jason barks, “disgusting freak.”
“Don’t take it too hard”, Eddie says, giving him a joking pat on the shoulder before making his way back over to you. You stifle a laugh at the indignant look plastered on Jason’s face. Eddie shoots you a proud grin and you shake your head affectionately. Jason clearly doesn’t know shit about “guys like Eddie.”
The next few days pass by uneventfully. Jason doesn’t try talking to you again, which you’re thankful for. Wednesday starts out normally, you go to history, and Jason roundly ignores your presence. Then you have to go to your next class, which is gym.
Definitely not a favorite of yours, and you don’t even have Eddie in your class to ease the pain. You make it through your warm ups, and then the coach has you split up to practice your volleyball serves. Everything’s going well until Andy, one of Jason’s buddies, approaches you out of nowhere.
“Hey, Henderson”, he says, a smirk on his face, “you think you could score me some weed?”
You look at him, confused. You don’t get involved in Eddie’s side hustle, so you’re not sure why he’d ask you.
“Oh, I just figured you probably get a good discount”, he goes on, “I mean, that’s why you let Munson fuck you, right?”
You freeze in shock, your cheeks starting to grow hot. You can’t say you’re used to people making comments about your sex life, especially not to your face.
“I mean, I gotta say”, Andy continues, a cruel glint in his eye, “I didn’t take you for a slut. But come on. Spreading your legs for that freak? Jesus, that’s sad. You know, I’d be happy to show you a good time, since you’re so desperate for it.”
You can only stand there, mouth agape. Sure, you’ve gotten a gross comment or two from a male classmate before, but nothing like this. You certainly have never been called a slut before. You try to formulate a response, but you can’t come up with one. It doesn’t matter anyway, because the coach’s whistle rings out, signaling for you all to hit the changing rooms. You dash out of the gym, more than pleased to be away from Andy.
You hop in the shower in the locker room, take a few moments to shake off the discomfort of the interaction. You’re not entirely successful in that endeavor, because it keeps playing in your mind even after you’re dressed and making your way back into the hallways.
You have no idea where the hell Andy came up with all of that. At this point, it’s common knowledge that you and Eddie are dating, but you don’t know where this idea that you’re sleeping with him for drugs came from. It couldn’t be further from the truth.
“Hey, Beautiful”, you’re distracted from your thoughts by Eddie, who comes happily bounding over to you. His face falls when he sees the look on your face though.
“You okay?” he asks.
“I’m fine”, you say. Something about the idea of telling Eddie about what happened leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It’s embarrassing, and you definitely don’t want him to feel like it’s somehow his fault that Jason and Andy are giving you a hard time.
Besides, it doesn’t matter. Once again, nothing they say about you or Eddie is true. You can’t let some stupid jocks get to you.
Honestly, you probably could’ve been okay, if that was the end of it. Unfortunately, things only get worse the next day.
As you make your way to your seat in history, you catch sight of Amber and Samantha, two cheerleaders who like to hang around Jason and the others, whispering as you walk by.
You ignore them, figuring you’re being paranoid and they probably aren’t even talking about you, but when you sit down, Amber turns and looks you right in the eye.
She raises her voice then, clearly intending for you to hear what she’s saying.
“I hope she’s gotten tested”, she tells Samantha, “I can’t imagine what nasty shit the Freak is passing on to her.”
You take a deep breath, turning away from her.
It doesn’t matter, you tell yourself, it’s not true.
“I hope the drugs are worth it,” Samantha says.
You clench your jaw as you slip into your seat. It shouldn’t bother you so much. It's not true, and even if it were, who cares what Amber and Samantha have to say about it?
You’re dating Eddie because you like him. You like the way he’s always joking around and making you laugh, you like that he makes a point of looking out for Dustin and his friends, you like the way he looks at you with those big puppy dog eyes and flashes that mischievous grin. Cheap access to his drugs has never even crossed your mind.
You shouldn’t concern yourself with what they say, you know that, but hearing your name in connection with “slut” grinds at you.
During gym class, you do your best to avoid Andy, because everytime he notices you looking at him, he’s making some suggestive gesture at you. You don’t bother telling anyone about it, since Andy’s on the basketball team and the coach would probably take his side.
In the hallway, you accidentally bump into Patrick from the basketball team. You mutter an apology, which he accepts, but his girlfriend gives you the dirtiest look you’ve ever seen.
“Don’t talk to her”, you hear her tell him as you walk away, “she’s a slut.”
All of the gossip has put you in a foul mood by the time you get to your second to last period of the day, which happens to be study hall.
Like always, it’s in the cafeteria, with you and a bunch of other students of varying grade levels all sitting around doing your homework. Technically, you’re not supposed to talk, but the teacher in charge is way too underpaid to worry about enforcing that, so you can usually get away with conversation as long as things don’t get too rowdy.
You’re not taking advantage of that today, rather trying your best to distract yourself by actually doing your homework. You’re halfway through summarizing Act 3 of Hamlet when you hear someone say your name.
“Hey, Y/N…”
You’re confused when you look up to find Lucas standing there. Technically, you’ve known him for years, but it’s not like you’ve ever associated with him outside the time he spends with Dustin.
“What?” you ask, a little meaner than you mean to.
“I just thought you should know that…well, I think Jason has been going around saying things about you.”
Of course. You should’ve known Jason was behind this. Jason fucking Carver. Captain of the Basketball Team. Active member of the local church. Son of one of the most respected families in Hawkins. He’s clearly used to people listening to whatever he has to say. Apparently, his ego couldn’t handle you dismissing his comments about your relationship with Eddie.
Jesus, you’d always known he was a bit of an asshole, but this is a level of pettiness you’d never expected, even from him.
“Don’t tell him I told you”, Lucas adds, “but I just thought you should know.”
“Thank you”, you say. You’re definitely glad to have that piece of information.
The next day, you storm into Mr. Price’s classroom with righteous fury coursing through your veins. You bypass your desk and instead march straight up to Jason.
He pauses his conversation with Andy and Samantha when he sees you approach.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You demand.
“Excuse me?” Jason asks.
“I know you’ve been starting rumors about me”, you tell him, “what exactly is your problem, Jason?”
“Me? I don’t have a problem”, Jason insists, “I just think it’s fair the men of Hawkins High get a warning about your ‘extracurricular’ activities.”
You can feel heat flood your cheeks.
“You’re a dick, Jason!” you hiss.
“You know, Y/N”, Jason retorts, “I actually feel bad for you. I mean, no decent man is ever going to want you when they find out you’ve been giving it up to some trailer trash freak.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about”, you snap.
“Believe me, I know exactly what happens to girls who hang around with filthy, Satan-worshiping scumbags”, he says, “and you know what? I’m not going to feel sorry for you when they’re finding your body dumped in the woods.”
“Get over yourself!”
“Whatever”, Jason shakes his head, “I’m not gonna take the attitude from some little slut.”
You’re not fully in control of yourself during what happens next. One second you’re standing there listening to Jason degrade you, the next your fist is connecting with his face.
He stands there, stunned for a moment, before opening his mouth to say something. He doesn’t get the chance though, because Mr. Price gets to it first.
“Ms. Henderson”, he gasps, “Mr. Carver, what on earth is going on here?”
“She punched me in the face”, Jason spits accusingly.
“I-I…I’m sorry I…”
“Enough”, Mr. Price sighs, “I want both of you going to the principal’s office right now!”
You’re in deep shit. That much is immediately clear. You punched Jason Carver in the face. It’s not like you even claim it was self defense, since he didn’t do anything physical to you.
“So”, Principal Higgins sighs, “tell me what happened again?”
“She punched me in the face”, Jason hisses.
“Is that true?”
“Yes”, you sigh, “but he called me a slut.”
Principal Higgins rubs his temple, processing the information. Meanwhile, Jason’s gaze is fixed firmly on you, his eyes full of hatred.
“Mr. Carver”, Higgins says finally, “that is not appropriate language to use in regards to another student. You may go back to class, but I better not hear about something like this again.”
Jason stands and marches out of the office, as if he has a right to be pissed about Higgins’ scolding. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes. Of course he gets a slap on the wrist. Nobody wants to punish the star basketball player. You’re certain that if it were anyone else, Eddie or Dustin or one of the other Hellfire Club members, they definitely wouldn’t be getting off so easily.
“Now, as for you Ms. Henderson”, Higgins says, “we do not allow for any sort of violence in this school. However, in all your years at this school, you have never had to receive any form of discipline. So I’m willing to be flexible here. Normally, something like this could be grounds for suspension, but since this is your first time, I say it’s two weeks detention after school starting next Monday. Does that sound fair to you?”
Not really, no, but you can’t say that.
“Yes”, you reply instead.
“Alright. Good. Now go back to class. And Ms. Henderson, I sincerely hope I won’t have to see you in my office again.”
You’re in a bad mood when Mr. Price’s class finally ends. You’ve gone your entire high school career without getting a detention and now you’ve ruined that over some pompous dick bag. Speaking of, Jason has been staring daggers at you since you returned to class, and is continuing to do so even now as you’re leaving.
There’s a tense, awkward moment where you both stand there in the hallway, glaring at each other, but it’s broken when the force of a body colliding with your back almost takes you off your feet. Jason is forgotten when a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“Eddie”, you huff playfully.
“How’d you know it was me?” he asks as you turn around to face him.
“Cause you can’t keep your hands to yourself, Munson”, you reply.
“Don’t blame me”, he replies, “you know I’m powerless to resist your charms.”
Before you can reply he’s pulling you close and beginning to press kisses to your cheek. You know the two of you are making a scene, and on any other day you might be a little self conscious about it, but today you’re just glad to have him around.
His kisses stop suddenly and you realize he’s stopped because he’s finally noticed Jason’s hateful glaring. Unfazed as always, he just flashes a cocky smile and gives Jason a mocking impression of a friendly wave. Jason makes a face like he’s wishing for both you and Eddie’s violent deaths.
“Geez”, Eddie comments, “he looks pissed.”
“Um, yeah, probably because I punched him in the face”, you mutter.
Eddie’s eyes widen in obvious surprise.
“He had it coming”, you add, “he was being a Dick.”
You know you don’t have to defend yourself to Eddie. He knows better than anyone how nasty Jason can be.
“My, my, Fair Lady Henderson”, he smiles, “I dare say that was very Metal of you.”
“Yeah, well, Higgins didn’t think so”, you reply, “I got two weeks detention for it.”
“Ol’ Higgins never did have a sense of humor”, Eddie says, “but from where I’m standing, you’re basically a hero.”
“Hell yeah”, Eddie tells you, “Jason and his goons have been making our lives miserable for years.”
You can’t help but smile at that. You’re definitely not happy with the day’s events, but knowing Eddie’s on your side makes it a little more bearable.
On Monday you begrudgingly make your way to Mrs. Cline’s room for your first day of detention.
“Ms. Henderson?” she asks when you walk in.
“Yeah”, you say, a little embarrassed.
“Wonderful”, she says, checking your name off of a list in front of her, “please take a seat.”
There’s only two other people in there with you, so you just pick a seat as far from them as possible and sit down.
“Alright”, Mrs. Cline says, “looks like everyone’s here except…”
“I’m here.”
You look up in surprise to see Eddie come walking into the room.
“Ah, yes, Mr. Munson”, Mrs. Cline says dryly, “what a surprise. Please take a seat.”
You know that Eddie isn’t a stranger to detention, but it’s weird that he didn’t mention anything to you when you’d told him about it. He walks over to the desk next to yours, looking way too pleased for someone who’s about to serve a stint in detention.
“What are you doing here?” you ask.
“Oh, you know, got caught vandalizing the boy’s locker room during free period”, he tells you.
“What? When?”
“Friday”, he says with a satisfied smirk.
You frown. This must’ve happened after the whole Jason thing on Friday which means…
Which means Eddie did it knowing that you were also going to be in detention.
“Eddie”, you say, “did you get detention just because I did?”
“I couldn’t let you have all the fun, could I?” he grins.
You can’t help but smile along with him.
“Mr. Munson, Ms. Henderson”, Mrs. Cline calls from her desk, “no talking during detention.”
Eddie mimes zipping his lips and waits until Mrs. Cline looks away before giving you a playful wink. You stifle a giggle.
You don’t know Jason all that well, but you’re pretty sure he would never dream of landing himself in detention just to keep his girlfriend company. You’ve never seen him make a scene in the middle of the hallways to get her to smile. That’s the thing about this that really gets under your skin. Jason and the others don’t know shit. They think that just because Eddie doesn’t fall into their narrow definition of “acceptable”, he must be scary and dangerous. They think that just because you’re not afraid of him, you must be dirty and corrupted. They’re too close-minded to look closer and see that Eddie is the sweetest boyfriend you could ever imagine, that you spend time with him because he makes you happy. They’d rather write him off as a freak and you off as a slut than accept that maybe their perception is wrong.
You’re far from being a violent person, but you can’t say you regret what you did. Jason deserved to be put in his place, and it’s not like you did any serious damage to him anyway. You’re glad you stood up for yourself, for Eddie. You’ve probably tacked “psycho bitch” onto your already unflattering “whore” reputation, but at this point, you’re not sure you care. If being a freak means you get to spend your days with the love of your life, you will gladly accept that label.
After the designated two hours are up, Mrs. Cline dismisses you all.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad”, you say as you and Eddie start making your way through the hall.
“Nah”, he replies, “I mean it’s boring but it’s not bad.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not planning on having to do this again”, you continue, “but it’s bearable.”
Eddie nods.
“I’m sorry, by the way”, he adds.
“For what?”
“Jason and the others. They’ve been giving you a hard time, right?”
“Yeah”, you shrug, “it is what it is. Not your fault.”
“I mean it kind of is”, Eddie replies, “they’re only doing it because you’re dating me.”
“Eddie”, you say, “Jason’s an asshole, okay? That’s not on you. If he can’t handle our relationship, then fuck him.”
That gets a grin out of Eddie.
“You know, you’re getting to be quite a rabble rouser, Henderson”, he jokes.
“I’m learning from the best”, you tease back.
Eddie’s smile widens. He follows you out to your car and then presses a soft kiss to your lips.
“See you tomorrow, Sweetheart”, he says and then heads off to his van. You watch him go, butterflies still lingering in your tummy from the contact.
If you’d actually had any doubts about Eddie, they would’ve disappeared in that moment. That feeling, it’s a one of a kind thing. No one’s ever managed to give it to you before, and you’re not sure anyone else ever will. You love Eddie. He loves you. He’s sweet, and silly and he treats you right. If your peers want to believe a bunch of bullshit about you two, then let them. You know what you have, and you’re not going to let them ruin it for you.
Grinning to yourself, you hop in your car, put the Black Sabbath tape you borrowed from Eddie into the player and head home.
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A nice detail that I kind of noticed was that the Rise opening in season 2 is slightly different than it is in season 1
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When we see inside the Turtle Tank when Leo lands on top of it, originally in season 1 only April & Donnie are in the Turtle Tank but in season 2 Splinter is with them as well.
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Another interesting change between season 1 & 2 is that the group of villains that we see, changes between seasons. In season 1 we see Meat Sweats, Hypno, Warren, Repo, Big Mama & a bunch of Mutant Silver Fish.
However in season 2 we see that Meat Sweats & Big Mama have been replaced by Sloppy Joseph (the mutated sloppy joe that Draxum kept from the episode  Mystery Meat) & Harold (the botanical gardens grounds keeper/ security guard who mutated in the episode How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will)
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The Mutant Silver Fish also Disappear from the openings between seasons 1 & 2 (maybe to represent the Turtles dealing with bigger, more serious threats?)  however there are other additions  
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Mrs Nubbins (Repo’s cat) now appears in the season 2 opening alongside Repo Mantis possibly representing how Mrs Nubbins got mutated at some point in the middle of season 1 as the cat actually appeared pre-mutation in the episode Repo Mantis.
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Ghostbear: Peekaboo losers!
Mikey, Leo, April & Donnie: Ghost Bear!?
Raph: Oh! Love the new look! Oooh hey, can I get a quick selfie?
Ghostbear who has also been added to the season 2 opening as similar to Mrs Nubbins, Ghost Bear also mutated in the middle of season 1 when he mutated in the episode Snow Day.
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Hypno: That’s my Warren! Oh, it’s good to have ya’ back roomie/ magical assistant/ friend. Doves! Let’s go make fun of game show contestants on TV.
Another change is that Warren has switched from sitting on Meat Sweat’s shoulder to sitting on Hypno’s shoulder which might represent relationship that developed between Warren & Hypno in season 1.
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Casey/ Foot Recruit was also added to the season 2 opening possibly representing how Foot Recruit was kind of supposed to have a bigger role throughout season 2 as apparently it had been planned that April & Cassandra were supposed to have a rivalry throughout season 2 but unfortunately most of their episodes were cut & the only one we got was Always Be Brownies.
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Though most of Casey’s episodes were cut from season two she still did have quite a journey with her ending up on the side of the Hamato Clan so it would have been interesting to see where she would have been in an opening had Rise gotten a season 3.
Especially since it seems as though in the time between the end of season 2 & the movie Cassandra has been placed firmly in the ‘friend’ category for the Hamato Clan according to April as she calls Cassandra ‘our friend’.
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April: Whoa! Looks like our friend Cassandra here has been busy
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Finally, the final change between the season 1 & 2 openings is that Draxum has been replaced by Shredder as the seasons ‘big bad’ which makes sense as Draxum has his redemption arc in season 2 starting in the episode Repairin’ the Barron
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Draxum: I told you Carol I do not want to meet your daughter
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Karai: Thank you my young Hamato’s, we will always be with you
Oroku Saki was freed from the Dark Armour at the end of season 2 & went off to be with the other Hamato spirits so if Rise had gotten a season 3 a new Big Bad would have ended up in the spot of Draxum & Shredder
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The ‘Big Bad’ of season 3 could have possibly been one of the Krang or Big Mama as though the Krang were always meant to be the movie’s antagonists we do know that at least one Krang was left on earth at the end of the movie.
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However Big Mama could also possibly be a contender for the ‘Big Bad’ of season 3 as we know that the original outline for the third season was meant to be the Turtles looking for the two missing Turtle siblings & with the fact that Big Mama’s Assistant has been implied by the Rise team to have been one of the two missing siblings it’s possible that the Hamato Clan could have come into more direct conflict with Big Mama in the third season.
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In the movie Krang Prime’s throne was made out of a Triceraton skull meaning that Triceraton’s do most likely exist in the Rise universe so the ‘Big Bad’ of season 3 might very well possibly been a Triceraton invasion.
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Leo: They wanted to wipe out their ancient enemy the Krang
In the 2012 series one of the reasons for the Triceraton’s invasion was due to the Krang’s presence on Earth. A lot of the people who worked on the 2012 series also worked on Rise as well & as such some similarities between the two shows can sometimes be seen (such as both iterations having April & Casey be teens). It’s possible that Rise could have another similarity to the 2012 series by having the Triceratons come to Earth as a response to the Krang’s own presence there.
If the Triceratons do come to earth due to the Krang’s presence there then the events of the movie could possibly set up the Krang as the series next big bad.
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Anyway the differences between the season 1 opening and the season 2 opening include:
Splinter being added to the Turtle Tank with April & Donnie
New villains in the villain group shot
A different ‘Big Bad’ in the final scene
So it is possible if Rise had gotten a season 3 the season 3 opening might have had Casey in the Turtle Tank with Donnie, April & Splinter (maybe standing behind one of their seats?), a new villain group shot with possibly villains that were introduced in the middle of season 2 or villains that will be introduced in season 3 & a new ‘Big Bad’ in the final scene.
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majorproblems77 · 8 months
You know what that means! It means a long post by me! :D
Cant wait to be excited about my blorbo for like 30 minutes, so sit get some popcorn and like some earplugs cause i will try to contain my screaming but I've been waiting for more Sky stuff and I'm so excited!!!!
For point, and because I keep forgetting, all the panels I'll be talking about belong to JoJo and @linkeduniverse
Let's do this!
Alright lets get this out of the way first, I love some parallels right, So as per usual, if I need a panel from anything prior I'll let you know where it's from!
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So what do you think he asked him.
Hey sir! Have you seen a guy with a big flag on his back going way to fast come through there?
Man is just like, oh yeah he went that way past the forge that your other weird fellows were at earlier.
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He run, Then he hero stop. Power pose activated, target acquired. Then he run some more
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Run my blorbo run!
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Genuinely interested in what exactly this is, Is it a map? Is it a list of places? Is it a paper with time shift shenanigans in it?
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I'm not versed in the postman, Is this normal, or did he do this cause he heard Sky and wanted him to think he was waiting?
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This face has be dead. (/pos) I love him so much my dear blorbo its been too long since we saw you last.
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Putting this together for 1 reason
Postman is a dick, Sky was so close, That can't be more than 10 or so metres at most. Poor man ran across Town out of town to catch up to you for you to go sprinting off into the woods, and my man is full on Olympic sprinting to deliver this mail geesus.
Also, the compulsory return of the king 🧍, Sky is the king of this pose and will not be beaten. Although Legend comes pretty close.
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God the expressions in this update are top tier, Sky is just so expressive. Right now, Man is thinking why he does this to himself.
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I'm fucking cackling, this art is amazing and Jojo's sister did an amazing job. Like I feel like I can hear this picture with that teasing tone that my siblings would use on me when we were younger. God I love it.
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So even though Sky is looking towards Legend here, so I'm totally under the impression that Legend said Wahhhh, and Hyrule said I cant run. As Hyrule was with wars When they got split up initally. Poor Sky, man has become the butt of jokes. Im glad Four is giving them a look, He doesn't look impressed. Its okay Sky, you've got a friend in Four behind you. :D
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War's is the real MVP of this arc in my opinion, Man has been in charge of the ragtag chain while Time has been out of action looking over Twilight. He's at the end of his tether.
Part of me wonders if this is going to impact his fighting going forward? Maybe he'll slip up because he's so stressed. He knows not all of them are knighted. These heroes he is with are NOT soldiers and he can't treat them as such.
And this sentence. Don't Interrupt! sounds like he is scolding rowdy recruits, rather than fellow heroes.
Which if you think about it, Sky is giving essentially a scouting report here, He scouted ahead and has returned to speak about his findings. War's is a captain, in his era he's a commanding officer. He's taken reports of this kind before.
Having a panel with Time, Wild and Twilight in Gives me more life than i think i give it credit for. (I am in the crowd that there's a family connection between these three.)
It's also nice to see Wild, like genuinely smiling.
Moving on
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Hero pose again! :D
I love this man
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These panels are very important to me so give me a moment while I explain.
Sky probably has her words engrained in his mind. You can see the questioning look, and thinking. "Is this going to work?"
That eternal dream That he's talking about, he knows her power is faded, but he's going to try anyway. I just didn't think he would use it to track what I can only assume is the postman.
It's really nice to have Sky's relationship with the master sword put on display. It means a lot to me and has brought me great Joy through this update.
He cares about her. And even if she can't talk to him anymore. He still trusts her to lead him true.
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And this panel breaks my heart! Something inside of him probably really hoped Fi would speak to him or give him more of an indication. Sky looks so sad.
I just wanna hug him, and tell him it'll be alright. He's probably thinking about turning around at this point. Maybe he's thinking about how some members of the chain perceive Fi.
A soulless weapon.
(Or maybe im thinking too much into this)
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The way his faith is restored!
Fi did lead him! She did! She's still there somewhere, and his shock! Oh my boy. My sweet blorbo,
And having used like super zoom on that last panel, MY BOY IS SMILING! :D
(Also appreciation for the full body shot's we've got of Sky from this update, I love it so much I love him so much.)
Did I go hunting for the references, Yes I Did.
I think the following area is the area where they pull Twilight too, rather than the battle field and he then moved on from here to get to the battle field.
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From sunset pt4
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The pillar behind Sky has the only slant I can think of. It looks to be the same angle, but that could just be me.
If it is that location, it might be closer to that battlefield than we originally (Or at least I originally) assumed.
(If you've got any other places let me know!)
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God i love him
Blorbo beloved! Is about as shocked as i am with the whole Mailman thing.
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The confidence of this man is unreal. He's ready, he's moving he's going. He's going and ain't going to stop.
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Me absolutely yelling at how this portal looks, it so ANGRY, But we know the Shadow is pissed right now. And if the shadow is making these portals and he's angry. I think the chain might be in for a surprise as they move on to the next location.
Which if I have to be honest. I think is going to be Skyloft. I think we are moving into a Sky arch, having had a Twilight Arc. (I also really want to see Skyloft in this universe, and there's an opportunity here. We've had more master sword things. We've had Sky content. who knows where Jojo will take this next, but I'm excited either way.)
Finally back to the chain! :D
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The gremlins return :D
Wind's little 3:< face as he's thinking is giving the energy of an upcoming detective arch, He is thinking and he is thinking HARD okay.
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Poor Sky. Man has been running around doing all the hard work while the rest of them just enjoy themselves. Hyrule especially is kinda like 'Ohhh... our bad...'
It's actually a kinda guilty look, maybe he feels a little bad about the teasing from earlier?
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Now i gotta mention the potion thing, cause its just so damn funny not too. Sky my blorbo slow down you are gonna choke on the stamina potion.
I want to focus on War's here.
And Wild too.
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These two. These two are important.
Wild has gone from happy and chill vibes to Oh shit real quick.
After everything he put into the Shadow, while the shadow was injured and watched as the thing exploded. It just decided to come back or something. And Wild, here I imagine is thinking, "How was that not enough..."
Now Wars.
War's is Stood not looking at anything, In fact, I think he's looking past Time. The last thing he said was a two word scolding but apart from that he's been awfully quiet. Now he looks like he's thinking. He's closed off, protective.
The only time I can see where he does this is when he's in what I'm going to call, 'Captain mode.' So, When he's flicked something in his head that tells him he has to be a knight.
He dosent do it often, in fact from what I can see he does it 4 other times.
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In order
Devine dark reflections pt 8 - when he's talking about knighthood with Sky and Hyrule
Sunset pt11 - When talking about Wild, and the fact that he's left
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Sunset pt13 - When speaking to Twilight about pulling his own weight
Dawn pt 2 - when Twilight is talking about the team they are.
And now here in Dawn 7 - Where they are discussing the fact that an enemy they fought escaped or survived.
All conversations I would assume a captain would have to have with his men at one point or another. I wonder what He's thinking here. It's got me thinking.
Woah, So this took me longer than I thought. I am on the 4-hour mark now. Lmaoooo
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for listening to me ramble for like 20 minutes.
And just remember
Sky is the sweet bestest blorbo beloved and I love him. :D
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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The Titan Army demigods didn't know Luke . . . or each other!
I was going to give this the more provocative title “How Luke lied to the Titan Army,” because I’ve always felt that when demigods from the TA talk about their goals and motives, they don’t line up with Luke’s plans for world domination. But going back over the moments of every named TA demigod in the series, I noticed something else that might explain the disconnect. Most TA demigods were not in the TA at the same time. Their stories don’t overlap.
The fandom likes to think of the Titan Army as being this tight knit found family of misfits, and that’s a great headcanon; but the truth is, most of them didn’t know each other.
After Luke, the first TA demigod we see is Chris Rodriguez, who joined up at some point between TLT and SOMonsters. He was a son of Hermes, so he at least would have known Luke fairly well, but only him. After his first appearance, we don’t see him again until BTL, when he’s back at Camp Half-blood. He had been sent by Luke to try and scout out the Labyrinth; only to be driven mad, and pop out near Clarisse’s home in Arizona. But while we find out about this in BTL, we are told it happened “last summer,” which means it actually happened in the same summer as SOMo, probably just after Clarisse went home for the year. This means that Chris would have actually spent less than a year in the TA before dropping out of it, and he left before the other named demigods joined.
After Chris leaves, we actually have a gap of almost a year when there is no named demigod besides Luke in the TA, until Ethan joins. Ethan was at Camp “years ago,” before being claimed by Nemesis, and he stayed in Cabin 11, so he would have at least known Luke. But they don’t appear to have been close, because Luke made no effort to find him after leaving. His soldiers only come across Ethan by chance; and even though he’s ready and eager to join, Luke chooses to use him as a sacrifice to appease Antaeus. Ethan still shows the TA an amount of loyalty it didn’t show him, and swears his sword to Kronos. He is the last follower that the titan needed to meet whatever magical quota was necessary for him to perform his possession of Luke’s body. This means that after not seeing each other for years, Luke and Ethan would have interacted for two days at the most before Luke was lost. And Ethan would never have met Chris at all, unless it was years earlier at camp.
And now there’s Alabaster C. Torrington; who, like always, has to be the most extra one in the group. Because the thing about Al that is never stated in the text, but is pretty clear when you read between the lines, is that he never actually met Luke. At all. He would certainly have heard about him, but he apparently had no personal connection to him.
Alabaster and all his siblings joined the TA when their mother Hecate hitched her wagon to Kronos. And we know that happened at the end of BTL, when Dionysus shows up to camp and cheers everyone up with the news:
“The minor gods are changing sides. Morpheus has gone over to the enemy. Hecate, Janus, and Nemesis as well. Zues knows how many more.”
Of course, that would be after Kronos had possessed Luke, so Al never got a chance to meet him. And even though it’s never stated in SOMagic, it’s pretty clearly demonstrated. Alabaster does not mention Luke a single time. And when he explains the war to Claymore, he only talks about the events of TLO; because he didn’t join until the last year of the war.
(He also says that it was Percy who killed Kronos, and we never get an explanation for why he thinks that. Maybe that rumor would spread; but it wouldn’t last long, considering Percy himself would correct anyone who said it. But maybe Al thinks that the story about Luke is Olympian propaganda)
Quite a few of the TA demigods would have joined at that same time, following the lead of their parents, maybe even the majority of their eventual number. I wonder how much those new recruits were told about the TA’s operations before that, but I don’t think it was very much. Kronos wouldn’t want people to be missing Luke; and he definitely wouldn’t want them to know that Percy and friends had bested him so many times.
Finally, there is Silena. Now this might be a hot take, but I don’t think Silena should be considered part of the TA. She didn’t seem to connect with their cause, and probably never swore to Kronos. She only supported Luke himself; first out of misplaced feelings for him, and then because he was blackmailing her. Either way, it’s very unlikely that anyone from the TA other than Luke was contacting her. The others probably knew they had a spy in camp, but not who; it would have been very stupid even by Luke’s standards to let that secret out. You never know when another demigod might have second thoughts, and go the same way as Chris.
So, as much fun as it is to imagine the TA as a big found family, it would never have actually happened in canon. There might have been a strong friendship between Luke and Chris, and then maybe one between Alabaster and Ethan (though come to think of it, Al never mentions Ethan either). But sadly, those are the only relationships the TA would produce outside of fanfiction.
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eastgaysian · 2 months
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the other trevelyan siblings i'm in full dragon age mode now sorry. been cooking up guys for 7 years ☝️🤓. rhion is the eldest then owain then valerie then caden they all have problemsissues to varying degrees. rhion was revealed as a mage at age 9, mom wanted to try and hide this, dad immediately marched over to the circle, and the general family atmosphere after this was one of emotional neglect by parents who should've gotten a divorce. owain is the only one who has any kind of relationship with their parents/maintains even token contact with his siblings. more infodumping ⬇️
rhion: existence is almost forgotten by everyone except owain and maybe their mother, it's hard to tell. chose to become tranquil at 18 following the death of a "close friend," sean, during his harrowing. probably a girl but that's like one of ten identity crises to deal with after accidentally getting a magical lobotomy reversed. (either by gaining the anchor/becoming inquisitor, or due to Shenanigans with owain in a universe where caden is inquisitor.) prone to crying profusely at random times for no apparent reason, generally lacking in emotional regulation skills due to a lack of practice for over a decade. recently i've been charmed by the idea of inquisitor rhion romancing blackwall...
owain: one year younger than rhion. they were close as children and used to regularly exchange letters before rhion became tranquil, after which owain would only send letters on rhion's birthday and never read the terse replies he received. has much warmer memories of his early childhood/his parents than valerie or caden. well-liked/well-connected, charismatic, his hunting parties are popular social events, but totally uninterested in managing an estate due to never truly accepting his role as heir. something of a confirmed bachelor due to an infamous incident where valerie seduced a prospective bride, as well as his reckless lifestyle. still has a pretty good relationship with valerie, they stay in contact, but he wishes that she didn't agree with their parents on the sole point that he needs to get it together and take over the estate. notably, a close friend of the prince of starkhaven.
valerie: black sheep of the family, a popular topic of gossip among the nobility of the free marches, much to the trevelyans' chagrin. barely remembers rhion and thinks ewan's lying to himself when he fondly reminisces about a warm, affectionate childhood. ran away several times in her youth, finally left for good after the previously mentioned seducing-owain's-fiancee incident (which they deliberately planned together), which convinced her parents to give up on trying to drag her back. sister-in-law to the warden-commander surana, and as such gained a degree of his outsized political influence in denerim - officially a lady-in-waiting to queen anora. the most principled and politically shrewd of the siblings, but also capable of being petty and vindictive, even ruthless.
caden: white boy who sucks. kind of 'got away' with being trans since he was always going to be dedicated to the chantry in some way anyway, so arranging an advantageous marriage was never a concern, and if he wants to become a templar instead of a chantry sister who gaf. was like one when rhion was taken away, so he has no memories of or attachment to his eldest sibling, if he even remembers that rhion exists. basically hasn't talked to his parents or valerie since he was recruited at age 10, was sent off to the hicks (ansburg circle) when he completed his templar training, regards the order as his family. owain tries to keep in contact but caden kind of thinks he's a gay loser. he still holds onto all the letters and writes bare minimum replies to the ones he deems 'important enough.'
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nhl-stories · 1 year
. – Quinn Hughes
Summary: Ignoring the pain of a break up is a lot easier when you're not best friend's with your ex's brother
Author’s Note: A song title being a period is very annoying for writing, prepare for angst below
Word Count: 4.4k​
Album Series Masterlist
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It's been so hard Ever since you broke my heart But I'll never tell Honey, I'm not doing so well
It’s like a rite of passage to get a crush on your friend’s older sibling. There’s some sort of forbidden love chemical that goes off in your brain and you just can’t help it.
You never expect anything to happen with it, maybe some embarrassing moments of staring or a few ridiculous confessions in a diary, but nothing more.
Lux wishes her crush could have been more aptly named, and the puppy love had been squashed before anything actually happened.
“Can I get into my house and wash the car off of me before you start bothering me,” Lux tries to sidestep Jack who’s sitting on her porch.
After a five-hour drive, the last thing she needs is to deal with a needy Jack. She’s physically exhausted and doesn’t feel like becoming emotionally exhausted on top of it.
“No, you ignored my texts.”
“Gee, I wonder why,” she rolls her eyes.
She tries using her suitcase to box him out and make it to the door, but of course he’s faster than her and grabs her ankle pulling her down onto the porch into a heap. She sits up with a huff, but can’t help but notice how serious Jack looks.
“Are you gonna ignore me all summer? Because you graduate next year and you may never get a summer off again!”
“You can’t expect me to just happily go hang out at the lake all summer.”
“She’s only gonna be there for like two weeks, she has a job to go back to,” he says it like it’s a selling point.
“You know it’s not just about her, but since I can already see you’re not going to stop unless I say yes, I’ll see you in two weeks,” she tries to escape again, but Jack grabs her wrist.
“Luxy, please come to the party this weekend, my mom would love to see you,” she wants to kick him for playing the mom card, “and I’ll even drive you home so you don’t have to spend the night.”
She narrows her eyes, “Yeah right, you’ll get drunk and then I’ll be held captive in the house of testosterone.”
Jack’s eyes dart around because he can’t deny the possibility of that happening.
“Don’t let Quinn ruin our summer fun,” he settles on that dagger.
“Fine,” she caves and Jack does a fist pump in response, “but you have to stay here for dinner because my mom keeps peeking through the curtain and she’ll be pissed if you leave.”
Lux wouldn’t be in the position if she had never befriended Jack in the first place. Or as she usually referred to it, Jack begrudgingly endeared himself to her.
It had started in middle school, when Jack had chosen drama class as his art elective and of course Lux had gotten assigned as his scene partner for the semester. It was the classic partnering of the ‘class disruption’ with the ‘class delight’ in hopes they’d balance each other out.
Jack was loud and brash and loved to rile up Lux, making fun of the way her cheeks would burn red in exasperation. Lux was the quiet girl in class, but one on one she could hold her own with an acid tongue that could easily rattle Jack’s demeanor. Their teacher thought she couldn’t have made a better pair.
The first time Lux went to Hughes’ house to practice lines, she fell in love.
Quinn was only a couple years older but with her tween brain rotting with hormones; Lux thought she was seeing a man for the first time, when she was always surrounded by mere boys.
Lux decided being Jack’s friend was something she needed in her life, if only for the proximity to her new crush. And when Ellen learned Lux was good in science, she recruited her to tutor Jack and the girl became ingrained in the family’s life.
For Lux and Jack their friendship grew to be a nice escape from usual social circles; a comfortable space where there were no expectations to act or talk or think a certain way.
And Lux got the extra benefit of secretly glancing at Quinn. Sure, her mouth turned to sand when he would merely say hi, or her face cherry red when she had even the slightest physical contact with him. Even if was just ruffling her hair in an older brother sort of way. But it all felt worth it for those miniscule interactions.
It was the one thing Jack never made fun of her for, maybe he thought it would fade away over time, like all of his crushes. But it never fully disappeared, even when she dated boys in her own grade, her heart held a special place for Quinn.
And against the odds something happened.
Lux went to Michigan for a college visit and Quinn offered to show her around a little.
“I can even give you a non-parent approved tour,” he had joked.
It was the first time they had spent any time alone, and something just clicked. They laughed at the same jokes, especially at Jack’s expense, talked about their futures even when Quinn’s was clearly more set in stone than Lux’s. By the end of the visit, they didn’t want to stop talking. So, they didn’t.
Texting went from occasionally, to daily. Texting turned to phone calls. Phone calls turned into visits to Quinn’s dorm to hang out and help him study.
Neither made a move for a long time. Lux, because she was worried that she might be reading too much into it. Quinn because she was still in high school and one of Jack’s friends.
Nothing happened until Jack’s graduation party. Jack was preoccupied with his other friends from hockey as they talked about the upcoming draft. And Lux was about to duck out to go to another friend’s party after she finished a piece of cake.
“Congrats valedictorian,” Quinn says, of course, while Lux has a mouthful of cake.
“Congrats on dropping out of college,” she laughs, hoping her wit covers up her nerves.
“Sorry, I spend too much time with Jack and that means keeping his ego in check.”
“The world thanks you for that,” they both laugh.
There’s a long silence, Lux fills it with finishing her cake before she gathers some courage.
“I was going to head out to another party, want to come with?”
They never made it to the party; they ended up pulling into a parking lot and making out. It was a start of a summer romance, something to enjoy before Quinn went to Vancouver and Lux to Northwestern. It was a bonus making Jack constantly annoyed by their PDA.
The summer ended and they didn’t, a long distant relationship tided over by games in Chicago, spring breaks, and summers off.
Things were great. And then they weren’t. And then they were over.
It’s been months since the breakup, but the wound is still fresh for Lux. Her grades started slipping in the last semester, she began losing weight in the bad kind of way, she stopped going out with her friends as much.
Lux wishes she was doing better. Not to show Quinn, who already had a new girlfriend, up.  Rather, to prove to him (or maybe herself) that her world didn’t end when he ended things. Most days it felt like it had.
She checks her rearview mirror for the thousandth time to make sure she looks well-rested and her eyes aren’t puffy and red from crying on the way over.
“You can do this, there will be other people and you don’t have to talk to him more than hello,” she gives herself a pep talk.
After another deep breath she gets out of her car, grabbing her overnight bag because deep down she knows she’ll end up staying.
She lets herself into the house like normal, and is surprised by how quiet it is. She walks further into the house and finds Ellen in the kitchen chopping fruit.
“Lux, it’s so good to see you!” She puts down the knife and engulfs the girl in hug, “I’m glad someone’s here to help keep them out of trouble.”
Lux follows her eyes to where a group of man-children are outside.
“That’s a lot to ask of one person,” she chuckles before meandering around the kitchen island to avoid going outside, “do you need any help?”
Ellen’s eyes soften giving Lux a sad smile before pulling her into another hug.
“I know it’s hard sweetie, but it’s going to be okay,” she squeezes her once more, “and there’s some veggies you can cut.”
Lux can’t help but notice how at home she feels here, she knows where everything is like it’s her own place, which last summer it sort of had been. She had helped the boys move in and decorate and organize.
“How’s school? Your mom tells me you’re taking the MCATs next?”
“I’m taking them, but I don’t know if I want medical school or grad school or what,” she doesn’t mention that her breakup with Quinn has her second guessing every life choice.
 “My dad thinks I should take a year off to figure it out."
"That’s not a terrible idea, you work too hard.”
“Lukey!” She laughs at the lanky teen and pulls him into a hug, “Do they feed not feed you at college? You’re all bones.”
She thinks she hears Luke mumble under his breath, “I could say the same about you,” but Ellen speaks up before she can dwell.
“He’s like a bottomless pit, we’re banishing him to Jack and Quinn’s cause he’s eating us out of house and home,” Ellen laughs from the counter.
“Good call, they got that NHL money now.”
“Why didn’t you come out and say hi?” Jack calls out when he and the boys start entering the house.
“Because I’m a polite house guest and I'm helping your mom with food,” she stabs the knife in the air to make her point.
Jack comes over and gives her a hug and a spin.
“Glad you actually came,” he whispers as he sets her down.
Some of the other boys from the National program come and give her hugs, they were never close friends but friends by proximity.
The back door opens again and Quinn comes in, hair wet from the lake and leading an equally wet girl by the waist. She knew she would see them but it doesn’t stop her heart from deflating a bit.
Lux can already picture how Quinn picked her up and jumped in the lake with her, then kissing her when they resurfaced until she wasn't mad anymore. Maybe they'd gotten more handsy under the water, until one of the guys called them out and they separated a little flustered but not enough to completely detach.
Lux knows from experience.
She feels a pinch on her side removing her from conjuring her own nightmares, “Lux, I said why didn’t I see you at my last game in Chicago?”
She looks over and blushes, embarrassed she’s been caught, she tries to pull it together before she gets any sad eyes. She’s sick of the pity everyone has been giving her.
“I had finals Z,” she rolls her eyes at Trevor.
Lux knows Z only invites her with hopes she’ll bring a cute friend with her.
“And this goes for all of you stop giving me tickets to Chicago games, I don’t care about hockey or you guys enough to go every time. I barely want to go see Jack and he only plays the Hawks like twice a year.”
She tries to ignore the fact that Quinn is standing by the island now, wrapping a towel around the new girl's shoulders while looking towards Lux.
“What about me? We went to prom together!” Cole says with fake offense.
“You only asked me because I make you look tall!”
She hates how comfortable she feels, laughing with the boys and making fun of them. Then she makes the mistake of making eye contact with Quinn’s new girl.
“Hi we haven’t met, I’m Samantha. I’m Quinn’s girlfriend,” she gives a shy wave.
To everyone’s credit they act remarkably chill about the moment, pretending there’s nothing out of the ordinary.
“I’m Lux.”
“Oh, you’re Jack’s girlfriend, he won’t shut up about you,” she smiles brightly.
Lux and Jack can’t help but let out loud, awkward laughs at the same time. Nothing has ever sounded more ridiculous.
“Jack and Lux no way,” Trevor starts to open his big mouth, “it’s Lux and–“
Lux elbows him in the ribs.
“It’s Lux and me all the way,” he puts an arm around her shoulder, “Or at least it will be when she moves to LA.”
“LA?” Quinn speaks up for the first time.
“I looked at some schools down there, it’s a maybe.”
She shrugs like it’s no big deal but feels a little smug that Quinn is so curious.
“I’m still lobbying for Princeton or Columbia,” Jack says.
“Just what Lux needs, you within driving distance all year round,” Ellen chides her middle son, “Quinn why don’t you start grilling the hamburgers.”
Quinn and Ellen head outside carrying some food supplies. Samantha thinks about staying for a second but everyone else must have a weird fake smile like Lux, because she mirrors the smile before following her boyfriend outside.
As soon as the door shuts behind her, Lux pinches Trevor on the shoulder where she can tell a sunburn is coming in.
“Ow fuck!”
“What the hell was that?”
“I wanted to help out, make Quinny jealous,” Lux furrows her brows at him, “It was working for a bit.”
“Did I ask for your help?”
“No, but you looked like you could use a win,” he shrugs.
She looks around at the other guys, they aren’t really making eye contact. She realizes she doesn’t just feel like a pathetic loser, she must look like one too.
She picks up the vegetables she sliced and carries them outside, determined to show them that she’s not broken. Even if that’s not true.
People start trickling in and it starts to become a real party. She mingles with some girls she’s met in previous summers who live in cabins nearby. She even talks to Samantha when she looks a little lost as people start interrogating Quinn about hockey.
In another life Lux and Samantha would be great friends. Lux hates her a little for that. And she drinks a little too much in response.
A haze fills her peripherals, she’s wobbly on her feet but not quite to the level of falling over or getting sick.
“Quinny!” Lux and Samantha say in the same tone when he comes by with a cup of water handing it over to his girlfriend like he used to do for Lux.
“Why didn’t you tell me how great Lux was?” Samantha says a bit too loud and too fast, “I would have made my plans to overlap with her more.”
Quinn awkwardly laughs and raises an eyebrow to Lux.
“What can I say? I’m very lovable. You know that Q,” she feels herself try to wink, but it’s not quite right.
“Luxy come be my pong partner, I need someone to drink for me,” Luke helps the girl out of the chair, he’s not allowed to heavily drink while his parents are around.
“I don’t think she needs to drink more,” Quinn warns.
“That’s none of your business anymore Quinn,” Lux says with a sharper tone than she realizes she’s capable of.
Luke is extra good at pong because he’s practically sober, while their opponents are on par with Lux. Which means there’s not much drinking to be done on Lux’s part. She can feel herself sobering up and she hates it. She hates it even more when she sees Quinn and Samantha making out by the fire pit.
“I don’t feel well,” she mumbles but Luke hears her.
“Want me to take you home?”
She looks over to see Jack didn’t hold up his end of the bargain and is too drunk to drive her home. She’s probably good to drive herself but she thinks she might drive herself into the lake on purpose.
“Um– no. I drove so it will be a whole thing with my car. I’m– I’ll just– I’ll find somewhere to lie down.”
“You can sleep in my room if you want.”
She’s silent for too long thinking about what to do, she should just go home. Ask Ellen for a ride. Anything to get away from here. She could just sleep in her car.
Instead of doing anything she pulls Luke into a hug, he wraps his arms around her. It’s like he’s holding her together.
“Whoa, are you trying to collect Hughes brothers?” Jack says loudly from across the lawn, he’s too drunk to realize it’s not exactly a funny joke.
Everyone knows what he means, Lux whips her head towards Quinn and Samantha.  She looks thoroughly clueless, but Quinn is fuming.
Lux runs into the house, she doesn’t care if she cockblocks Jack or makes him sleep on the couch, she takes his room and buries herself under the covers and sobs.
She didn’t prove to anyone that she’s doing well.
The next morning her head hurts and she can’t tell if it’s from drinking or crying too much. Jack is snoring in a makeshift bed he made on the floor, she thinks about kicking him in the ribs on her way out.
No one is up when she makes her getaway.
The next time she goes to the lake house is by accident.
She’s out with some friends from high school who go to Michigan. They start out with brunch and it spirals out of control from there.
They’re out getting pizza, all on wobbly, baby deer legs, and deciding where to go next when her friend Kylie’s fiancé comes to pick her up.
“Refueling for round two?” He laughs at the group and tries to gather Kylie.
“More like round three,” Kylie giggles and tries to plant a kiss and misses leaving a sloppy, wet kiss on his neck.
Lux and her other friends ‘aww’ at that even though it’s definitely not cute and more embarrassing.
“And you’re you sure you guys want to continue on?”
“Yeah, we’re good,” Lux gives him a thumbs up.
She isn’t entirely wrong, they make it to the next bar with little issue, though maybe the bartender shouldn’t serve them at this point.
They’re talking about planning Kylie’s bachelorette party in the way drunk girls do, too elaborate to actually be executed.
The conversation switches to their current love lives, which is not exactly the topic Lux wants to broach. At least when it comes to herself. She tries to keep the spotlight off her and that works for the most part, it’s nice to hear about her friends falling in love and their bad hookups.
“What the fuck Lux? I’ve been waiting outside for 10 minutes.”
Jack is standing over the table trying his best to look mad, but having a hard time with the four girls staring up at him in a drunken stupor.
“This a is girls’ night, you’re not invited!” Lux slurs and takes a sip through her straw, going back to her friends.
“You texted me an SOS,” he thinks for a second, “or it seemed like it cause you texted me gibberish followed by your location pin, so I thought you needed rescuing.”
“Well, you can see I’m fine so see you later,” she waves him off and her friends laugh.
“Not happening, I haven’t seen you in weeks and I drove all the way here, you’re coming with me.”
He leans forward to grab her arm only to be assaulted by a chorus of ‘nos,’ so he backs off for a bit, reaching for his wallet and taking out a few bills.
“Next round is on me.”
“She’s all yours Jacky boy,” her friend Ashley winks and grabs the cash.
“Traitor,” Lux sticks out her tongue as Jack helps her out of the booth.
“If a Hughes is gonna take you home, we’re glad it’s him,” Ashley makes a stern face, “tell Q he sucks for us.”
“Quinn doesn’t suck,” Lux says protectively, like he’s hers to protect.
“I’ll happily tell him Ash,” Jack cuts in before anyone picks at that scab anymore, “C’mon Luxy I’ll buy you some pizza.”
She reluctantly goes, blowing kisses to her friends. Jack helps her get into the car and she splays out in her seat.
And that’s how she accidentally ends up at the lake house.
“This isn’t my house?” She mumbles through a mouthful of pizza that she snuck during the drive.
“Obviously, if I have to kidnap you to hang out,so be it.”
Lux rolls her eyes, she’s too hungry and getting too sleepy to argue so she just gets out of the car, carefully because she can’t lose any precious pizza.
“Pizza delivery!” Lux yells out and makes a beeline to the fridge taking out a drink.
“Should you really be drinking more?”
“My knight and shining armor brought me to safety,” she ungracefully rubs a hand across Jack’s face, “so I might as well stay this drunk until I fall asleep.”
Jack jokingly puts a hand on her face and grabs the drink out of her hand, “then let me catch up with you a bit first.”
That’s when Quinn and Luke come into the kitchen, with Jack and Lux awkwardly holding each other’s faces.
“Girls’ night?” Quinn smirks, having been on the other side of that hand many times.
“Oh, I thought Lux was settling for the worst Hughes brother,” Luke laughs and Quinn kicks his shin.
“Lux would be so lucky,” Jack grabs a piece of pizza.
“And there would be a murder-suicide,” Quinn rolls his eyes.
If Lux was sober, she would be able to appreciate the normalcy of this moment.
“Lux can hear you and Lux,” she forgets her point for a moment, ”Lux is drunk and over Hughes brothers. Do the Tkachuks need a new friend? They even have a sister it’d be a better fit.”
“I can put a good word in for you with Brady,” Quinn snickers at the drunken rambling.
Lux grins at him and even through her drunken haze her heart does a little flip, this is what it feels like to be with her Quinn.
“Let’s get you to bed before you really embarrass yourself.”
Jack hooks an arm around her shoulder. Lux is smart enough to know what he’s implying, that’s not her Quinn anymore and she’s inebriated enough to say something she regrets. Jack won’t let that happen on his watch.
“There’s even a guest room with your name on it.”
Jack gives her some clothes to wear and tucks her into her bed.
“I know I’m your favorite Hughes,” he kisses her forehead.
“Yeah, but don’t tell anyone, it’s really embarrassing.”
Lux wakes up an hour later desperately needing to pee, she scrambles out of bed only to realize she’s still heavily under the influence. She tries to wanders the hallway in the dark, pretty sure she’s familiar enough with the layout to find her way.
She’s wrong.
Opening a door she walks into Quinn’s room, who’s just walking out of his ensuite bathroom toweling his hair, naked.
“Oh god, I’m sorry,” she slaps a hand over her eyes, “I was looking for the bathroom and this is the one I’ve used the most.”
He lightly chuckles, “it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“That’s true,” she opens a crack between her fingers and peeks through.
“That wasn’t an invitation to look Lux,” he tinges pink before thumbing towards the open door, “bathroom’s free.”
“Oh right, I’ll be a second then out of your hair.”
When she comes back out, Quinn is sitting on his bed, the side that used to be hers. She can feel hot tears boiling in her eyes and tries to make a quick exit.
She trips over nothing, her faculties still not her own, and finds herself flopping her legs out and leaning against his dresser. Admitting defeat and letting herself cry.
“You okay?” Quinn gets up and takes a seat on the floor next to her.
“I’m sorry.”
“For falling down?”
“No for us. I’m sorry I cut you out and didn’t tell you how I felt and was just a shitty girlfriend.”
“You weren’t a shitty girlfriend.”
He wraps an arm around her shoulder, Lux flinches at the contact before relaxing into the familiar warmth.
“I didn’t know what I wanted and I let get in the way of a good thing,” she kicks her legs like a kid having a tantrum.
“You’re 21, unlike the weirdo Hughes brothers it’s pretty normal to not know what you want Lux.”
He gives her a little squeeze, “I also think us not being in the same city or even country for almost our whole relationship didn’t really help either.”
They sit in silence after that, they’ve always been good at reveling in a quiet moment.
But his hand is so warm on her arm and Lux can’t revel, she can’t hope, she can’t pretend that there’s more to this than just Quinn being nice. And that means fighting her drunken thoughts that are telling her to kiss him or tell him she loves him.
“Samantha seems nice.”
“Yeah?” He looks towards her, trying to hold back a smile as they make eye contact for the first time.
“And it’s nice to see you so happy, I like happy Quinn.”
“I like happy Lux; I have a feeling she hasn’t been around much.”
“No,” she squeaks out, trying to keep the dam of tears together, it doesn’t work for long.
“I’m not dealing with the breakup as well as you.”
“It’s okay,” he pulls her into his chest and lets her cry.
“I’m dealing with it a lot better than I thought I would, and I’m the one who broke up with you,” his voice sounds pinched but Lux doesn’t dare look, “and you’re gonna be okay, I’m not that great.”
Lux gives him a little slap at that comment.
“When you do finally figure out what you want, there’s going to be no stopping you.”
Lux pulls back and kisses the corner of his mouth. There’s no romance in it; it’s a goodbye to what they were.
“I wish we could have worked out, but I guess I’m dodging a bullet by not becoming a Hughes,” she lets out a laugh.
“There’s the Lux, I know,” they’re both grinning like idiots.
He gives her hand one last squeeze as she leaves, hands slowly parting until they’re too far away to touch. It doesn’t fix everything, her heart isn’t completely welded back together, but it’s a start.
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jacks-little-jacky · 4 months
Heyheyhey!! Anon here again! Do you mind writing a scenario in which Jack’s crush absolutely adores adopting children (I’m not talking about one or two, I’m talking about an ’army’ of them, like, 6/7) ?
Like, those kids are incredibly fond of him to the point that in the future they accidentally call him ’dad’? (maybe you can end it with some smut, with Jack offering them another sibling 👀) (IM SO SORRY, THIS HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOR SO LONG AND I’VE BEEN MEANING TO ASK FOR A LONG TIME, BUT IVE NEVER MET ANOTHER JACK SIMP BEFORE— I HOPE I CAN REQUEST AGAIN SOON, I ADORE YOUR WRITING!!❤️❤️❤️)
The Littlest Army | Jack x Reader
Okay so I ADORE Dilf! Jack. Sorry that this took so long but I'm getting back into this blog and I hope the quality is to your taste. Bon appetit.
Warnings: inappropriate use of children (Jack throws them), NSFW Under The Cut! Everything above is pretty SFW, breeding kink/unprotected yee-hawing, mention of pregnancy, I tried something new so idk
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Jack has never seen this coming.
Never, in all of his 28 years of living has he seen himself as a father figure. Sure, leading a Squad that accepted 15-year-olds sometimes made him somewhat of a caregiver. More or less.
He didn't see himself as the domestic type. He could handle the young recruits, they were his subordinates after all. Of course, they were teenagers, but there still was this distance. Professionalism, as little as Jack would bring it with him at least.
Jack wasn't one to settle down, have children and drink tea in his little cottage by a lake. No, that wasn't him. Or so he thought.
Until he met you.
A pretty thing, how couldn't he notice you? Always smiling, waving at the Magic Knight with the two little bundles next to her knees.
He never meant for this to happen.
But the preparations for the Royal Knights Exam came up and everbody was oh so busy. So busy that the Captains would come from their high horses and take over the boring patrols and mediocore missions so their knights would have further time to train.
And Jack always was a working bee, anything that was preventing him from sitting hours in his office going through reports and filing documents about broken equipment and whatnot was good to him.
Really, with the way he was patrolling almost each day the cities around his base location he shouldn't be suprised he picked up on people there. He wasn't unobservant, he just didn't care most of the time.
But after almost two weeks he knew the names of the baker and the lady who spilled coffee in a rush on him. He knew the names of some children he saw running around, learning them from their mothers yelling after them. The names of some of the nuns taking care of the orphans too.
And of course, you. Sweet, temptating, captivating you.
Always running around, helping the nuns. Always running around, bumping into him. Always running around, never leaving his mind.
It was unfair. A sick kind of joke the universe played on him. But how was he supposed to resist? Resist you and your kind smile, your little giggle, and the way you'd bat your eyelashes at him. The way you silently pleaded for him to take the cookies the kids made for him.
And he did, lowering on his knees slowly while staring into your eyes. His golden eyes only leaving your captivating eyes when his knees hit the ground and he redirected his gaze to the actual kids around him.
They were loud, tugging at his robe and shoving the cookies almost into his face. He cracked a little smile, before giving in and laughing. Ruffling their hair and taking cookies, biting a chunk off and praising how good they were.
Asking if they had any help. Which of course, he knew they had. His eyes darted to you when they started laughing, telling him about how you helped with the baking but they did all the decorating themselves! Such proud little bundles of joy, cheering your name.
It made something in his stomach churn.
The way your proud eyes sparkled, the way your plump lips spread into this stupid smile that had his heart aching. How you watched over them, even with him near.
At first, he didn't think he'd ever have a chance. With how much you helped the orphanage, Jack's working theory had been that you were in training maybe. Although you didn't wear the robes, the way you'd almost always be there when he passed on his patrol and the way the children often referred to you as a big sister or mother figure was evidence for itself.
He often wondered, about the two bundles that would always be around you. If those children were just especially attached to you, or if they even were your own in a way.
And of course, you two got talking. After all the kids were amazed to not only see a Magic Knight but a Captain regularly patroling their place! And you were just making sure, that he wasn't a danger to them, or that they didn't bother him too much.
Just making sure. Definitely not being interested in the tall commoner yourself. No, that would be ridiculous.
It didn't take long for Jack to figure out that you were not really one of the sisters who worked at the orphanage. But your two adoptive kids were close friends with some of the kids there. So they'd get to see their friends and hang out and you did your part in the community. You just liked kids, helping them and being around them.
Something Jack, oddly enough, has come to appreciate more and more with every visit he paid you guys.
He soon found out that you didn't only have two kids, but four. A ridiculous amount if you ask him, not that you do but he tells you that anyway.
Oddly enough, with his attitude, you would've thought he'd start backing off. The subtle flirtatious, the little touches that lingered a bit too long. A single mother wasn't held in the highest regard in the Clover Kingdom. You didn't care, of course, you chose to take in these kids and were planning for more.
But Jack did not back off. In fact, he slowly started seeing why you liked these brats so much. Even if it was just because they never failed to make you smile in a way that nothing else could at first. Still, he worked himself up with these children. From the little awkward encounters at first, he worked his relationship with these kids up to ruffling their hair and occasionally carrying them, throwing them up, and catching them. You had to reprimand him multiple times that it was dangerous. What if a little one slipped from his hands and got hurt?
It didn't stop it though, even if he wanted to listen he couldn't with the way he got begged by some of these brats. The little ones loved sitting on the shoulders of the tall man, he just... wasn't refusing it. And of course, you did not miss the way his eyes hushed to catch yours each time, silently seeking approval.
Neither of you could really grasp it.
Jack felt a pull towards you and he couldn't resist it. And although you denied it, you could feel it too. The way your eyes would meet although you weren't even talking with each other, the way you'd know when he'd come by each day. How he'd make the kids laugh and amaze them, acting, unlike his brash and brutal reputation with the little ones in your care. The way his tongue would brush against his lips whenever he heard your little laugh.
You were irresistible to him. And so was he. It was like there was an invisible string connecting you two. It wasn't visible, hell it wasn't reasonable, but there was this clear pull toward each other and you could only try to resist for so long.
So long. Until it snapped.
Lips crashed into yours, you weren't even sure how or why it was happening but you found yourself in the arms of one of the most powerful men of the Clover kingdom.
The children's laughs and yells from playing some game faded into the background as your fingers dug into the fabric of his robe. His big hand was caressing your cheek and fingers tangling into your hair. A gasp crawled out your throat at the sensation of his teeth nibbing onto your lower lip.
It was warm. So warm.
Your breath was heavy after your lips separated, feeling like he had just kissed the air right out of you. A smile spread onto his lips, that wide, proud smile that just promised trouble.
"I figured...", his raspy voice spoke up. His face was still so very close to yours that you could feel his warm breath hitting your lips. "What?", you asked. The smile creeping on your face couldn't be more obvious. "Figured you might... need... some help with your kids?" Jack suggested in a hushed voice.
"I'm quite alright with them.", you stated amused. Jack's teeth bit down onto his lower lip ever so slightly, a gesture you probably would've missed if not for the close proximity. "But... I might need help when I get the next ones....", You whispered.
Jack's eyes visibly lightened up, the golden pool of honey gazing down at you. "Even more?" He asked, voice quiet with disbelief. "Of course. I still have plently room in my heart. And at home. I want a big family, so beware...", you whispered.
Your heart was pleading he'd be fine with it. Knowing his reputation, he probably wouldn't be. But Jack had surprised you more than once already and you'd hope he would do it again now too. You wanted him, but you still had your priorities. Your family, and the wish to extend it was more important than a little crush.
Even if it didn't feel like just a little crush.
You could hear the tall man gulp quietly before placing his lips upon you again, the kiss was shorter, softer. Your lips responded softly to his, mind easing a little that he wasn't running.
"I might have to start numbering them if you get any more..." Jack joked quietly against your lips and it actually made you laugh. He wasn't against it, he just found the amount of children one woman would adopt ridiculous. Like everybody else, just that he was offering to try it. With you. All of you, even the family.
Jack was a ridiculously good partner. The reputation he had was nothing like how you knew him. Yes, he was a little crazy, a brute but he also was the best guy you've dated.
He cared for the kids, to the point the name "Dad" slipped more than once before it really was official. When it was, your children were almost happier than you. They liked the captain, loved how he'd take them on little trips whenever you needed a pause. Or the way he made their mother laugh so cheerfully at his jokes, although they didn't always understand them. They will, when they're older, you tell them.
After you and Jack became official you adopted two more children and they were the first ones to meet Jack as their Dad, not as the awkward man stumbling out of their home half-dressed some mornings. He was a bit scared at first, own children, adopting them with you and being their legal guardian from day one felt... odd.
He never saw himself there. He thought it just was not for him. Until you.
Jack even suggested tying the knot before you, if you'd like that. He loved your kids like they were his own. Hell, they were his now. And if he rushed away after a meeting just to pick them up from visiting friends or anything he was used to the stares. After all, the magic knight captains weren't exactly unknown.
The children weren't home, it was a rare day that the house was so quiet. Your little bundles of joy were at a birthday party with some of the children which gave you the rarer occasion of relaxing with your boyfriend.
Boyfriend. It still gave you a tingling feeling to think about it. How far you've come with him. It did not feel like you two had been together for that long, but you have.
A while back he was just a stranger doing his patrol and now he was the legal father of two from your six children. And that was only legal, the others still called him Dad. You never had thought this could happen, that you'd end up in bed with Jack the Ripper. Your back pressed against his chest as you cuddled up on the bed, spooning.
His fingertips ghosted over your hips. You couldn't remember a moment in the last weeks when you could just lie down with him and relax without anything interrupting you. As you closed your eyes you decided just to relax and ease into the touch, you deserved it. The gentle touches, the way his hand was brushing over your side and stomach.
His slender fingers traced your figure so delicately but with just enough pressure to spread pleasurable tingles across your body. The way he increased the pressure, kneading your flesh softly before his fingers continued his mindless search, fingernails sending goosebumps all across. It was causing your mouth to let loose the softest moans. His hands were warm and big, and he knew just where you liked to be touched, how you liked to be touched.
One of his hands crept up your stomach, cupping one of your tits and gently kneading there too. The sensation causes you to buck your hips back into his, your ass rubbing against his growing erection. The deep rasp of a low laugh was ringing in your eyes. His lips nipped and kissed at the nape of your neck. His lips turned up into a cocky smile as he heard the little muffled sound spilling from your lips.
Jack was slow, taking his time. No matter how often his hands would explore your body, he'd never tire of it. Although there was a thought stuck in his head. How you'd look with his child, how happy he could make you.
He bit his lip a little, trying to imagine how it would be for the little ones to get another playmate. And how you'd look, plump tits full of milk and your body getting more plush and soft. How happy he could make you, picking out names and going shopping. Having a little girl or boy that looked just like you running around the house.
And of course, he thought about how it would be to make this theoretical child. Definitely one of his favorite parts of this idea.
How your tight cunt would squeeze around his cock for everything he got. How it would be to go in raw and feel your sweet walls engulf him, squeeze and milk him. How you'd moan for him, how nice and deep he'd fuck you. Nice and deep, he would make sure it takes.
You turned your head to face Jack, your lips puckered a little and Jack did not waste a second to give you the kiss you silently asked for. His breath was heavy, his nose nuzzling against yours as he was claiming your lips with eager. It was one of the things you loved about Jack, his eagerness, his need to please. He wasn't a man who half-assed.
"I have an idea...", he mumbled with his mouth close to your ear. "Oh?" Your voice was a little amused as your hand reached back into his hair. Another sloppy kiss was shared before Jack laughed against your lips huskily.
"How about another brat, keke?" His question was voiced with lust, tone sultry making it oh too obvious what his intentions were even before he ground his hard cock against your ass. Your lips turned upwards in a little grin as you pressed back against him. "Oh?", you asked before laughing a little, "I thought I was insane for building a little army, as you have put it?"
"Let's make it a strong one." He whispered to your ear, his hands wandering to places they wouldn't belong in any more public space. "I promise I'll give you a strong addition.", he purred in your ears. A wide smile crept over his face as your sweet moans reached his ears. His fingers shamelessly toying with your clit. "I bet your brats would like another sibling."
"They probably would...", you agreed between heavy breaths. Your lips crashed against his again, your kisses eager and sloppy. Jack couldn't help but grin against your lips at the way you moaned into the kiss, his fingers wandering lower. Your slick collecting on his fingers before he pushed inside.
Jack's fingers were long, strong, and precise. His ring and middle finger worked on easing in and out your tight entrance, curling them to reach just the spot that had you bucking back into him. His thumb was still drawing sloppy and lazy circles on your clit while his mouth nipped and kissed on your throat, leaving little hickeys and marks.
He was impatient, hungry for you. His soft pace soon turned sloppy and fast, his cock rubbing against your ass through his pants. He responded to your moans with his own, your kisses getting messy, lips smashing against each other urgently.
His cock was throbbing in his pants, straining against the fabric and begging to be freed. To be engulfed in your sweet, slick walls instead of this fabric. His tongue was pushing out his mouth to get a taste of you, sweet, slutty moans that matched yours rolling off his lips.
"Can't wait to fuck you." He whispered shakingly, the pace of his fingers was still going, it was messy but unrelenting. "Then don't," you moaned against his lips.
In an instant, his hands retracted from your pants. His tall body crept over you, not even a minute after your clothes were discarded on the floor while Jack was making quick work of his own clothes. It was hot, and your vision was blurry, not like Jack felt any different from you. His vision was blurry and the only real point of focus was you.
Naked, spread out for him. Just for him. Ready to be devoured.
There was this insatiable hunger Jack felt every time he looked at you. It wasn't that bad at first, but it was there. But once you let him have a taste there was no turning back, he was hooked. Hooked on your body, your love. Hooked on you.
He grabbed your hips, pulling you closer with ease to align his length with your entrance. A gentleman, he teased you a little first, making sure his cock was covered in your juices and you were whining with your hole clenching around nothing for him. Such a gentleman, sinking his cock in slowly, making you feel every inch.
"Take me like a good girl, yeah?" He cooed at you, his lips turned upwards in a huge smile when he saw your face. You were so cute, red-faced, and heavily breathing. How could he ever resist you?
Your cunt was gripping him tightly, so tightly it was melting parts of his brain. He was only sinking in fully once and he already felt drunk off your pussy. Your sounds the sweetest thing he has ever heard.
He was breathing heavily, slowly sliding out and in, creating a rhythm that made you mewl with pleasure. Jack's eyebrows were furrowed as he tried his best, his very best not to lose his mind with the way your walls were pulsating around him and he could swear it was hypnotic or something. His kisses were sloppy and messy, hot breath coming out in short bursts.
It wasn't long after that the slow work-up did in fact not work for you two. Your sounds were loud enough to alert the neighbors, it was a good thing the kids were out. Jack couldn't control himself with the way he was fucking bullying his cock into your soaking cunt, loud squelching noises accompanied by the sound of his tight balls smacking against your ass over and over.
Your moans were lewd and loud, spilling into each other's mouths as your kisses were messy and full of tongue. Each thrust, each kiss full of lust, of desire for one another. The Captain rocked his hips into yours over and over again, his leaking cock nuzzling against all those places that had you in ecstasy. The heels of your feet digging into his lower back, trying to push him deeper.
It was almost animalistic, the way your bodies moved. His thrusts were sharp, hard, and fast. The sounds of your moans vibrating from the walls, the creaking of the bed, and the headboard slamming against the wall mixed with your voices creating a symphony of sin.
"I'm close, so close", you whined against his lips. Jack's grip on your hip tightened, his rhythm changing just a little to adjust his hip to slam in deeper, harder. Your fingers scratching his back and tugging at his hair was causing him to moan loader, to fuck into you more eagerly. His eyes were darting between your pleasure-struck face, a sight for the gods if he could say so himself, and the creamy white ring that built on the base of his cock.
"Good girl, such a pretty thing.", he praised between shaky breaths. A big grin plastered across his face, and one of his hands came up to cup your cheek. He made sure you'd look at him, basking in the sight of how flustered you got. Chest heaving and teary-eyed, a sight he'd never forget. His thrusts got harsher, forcing you to look at him while your face twisted and contorted in pleasure. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter, until it couldn't hold.
A loud moan escaped your lips, thighs shaking violently as your pussy clenches tightly around his length. The sensation was too much for the tall man, his moans becoming slightly more high-pitched as his hips stuttered, rhythm losing as he fucked himself into you more desperately. You were gripping him so tightly, your cum running along his length and dribbling down your legs and he couldn't compose himself. His hips rutted and ground into you with carnal need, chasing his high until he was spurting hot, sticky streaks of his release.
The tall man was still grinding his hip against yours after a few seconds, letting his orgasm wash over him before his arms gave out. He let himself fall on you, not his entire weight at once but he still wanted to stay there, on top of you, close to you, inside of you.
"Bloody hell", he laughed quietly, breath heavy as he peppered lazy kisses to your cheek. "You think it'll take?", he asked after a moment, rolling over and wrapping his arms around you. "I think it's a little early to say", you replied amused. Jack nodded understandingly.
"Then we should just keep repeating this until we have confirmation."
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06sunnybunny06 · 5 months
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Part 3 (Aren't we friends?)
The kingdom of Archon Krio (Snowy)
Run, run, just run. Anywhere, but away from him!
My head was pounding and my legs were hurting. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. The burning snowstorm did not allow him to escape from his embrace. Mad laughter came from behind. This is a sign of his approach. - "No. To return to his hands again? I don't want to!"
Tears flowed down her cheeks, turning into icy droplets. My legs started to hurt terribly. You're tired. Your foot tripped over a snag, knocking you into a snowdrift. This was the last attempt to act in any way. "Maybe when he notices the body, the life will have already left me?" - Unfortunately, your thoughts were drowned out by the crunch of heavy footsteps.
- Nice try. I even thought that I had already lost you.
Despite the whole situation, his tone was still playful. You ran away. She ran away almost as soon as he moved away from your temporary shelter. It was a great plan, but judging by the result, it wasn't good enough.
Ajax easily picked you up in his arms. First he looked at your half-conscious face. When his eyes revealed no injuries or frostbite, he chuckled contentedly.
- Let's get you out of here. It will be a miracle if you don't get sick after that. I know how much you like our games, but I'm seriously asking you. Don't bring it to injuries. - The last words were spoken in a serious tone.
You don't remember what happened next. Just a wonderful dream from a previous life. A warm breeze played with your hair when you were flying a kite in the form of a child. Mom and Dad were sitting next to each other. They have the same peaceful smiles on their faces as you remember them. For some reason, my heart felt so painful and anxious. The kite flew out of the hands of an already adult girl when a thunderstorm was approaching in the sky. The place where your parents were sitting is empty. Loneliness consumed you and then you remembered.
His eyes flew open, staring at the ceiling. It turned out that the tears were real. Ragged breathing broke the silence in the room. You're here again. It would have been better to die in that snowdrift than to come back here again.
How did it all start? Oh, yes, with the news of your wedding. You went to Snezhnaya to meet with Child's family. He was obviously glad that he had already taken his fiancee with him. It seemed to you that all this was more like a performance than a real marriage of two lovers. Moreover, it's unexpected, but it couldn't be any other way. If only recruitment into the ranks of Fatui. So, Child is yours in every way, but at what cost?
After your wedding, his chains seemed to fall off, opening the way to you. He was weird before, but now he seems to have turned into a real obsessive maniac. When you arrived at this establishment, the dressing room was already filled with your new clothes. Although you never mentioned your size. Okay, winter clothes, you've never had them, but you have everything from outerwear to underwear. You doubtfully decided to omit this point because Child has always been generous. Perhaps someone convinced him to prepare for your arrival. There's nothing wrong with that.
Child's family turned out to be exactly what he was talking about. A real big family with loving parents and siblings. They welcomed you warmly. The mother's eyes showed that she was afraid for her child's future. Now that he has you, will he be able to temper his ardor? From that moment on, Child wanted to hear his real name, Ajax, from your mouth.
You did not stay in your parents' house, because you had your own corner, albeit temporary. Until the next departure on the harbinger's assignment. Naturally, you will have to go with him. The trip can take from several months.
"If I'm far enough away, how can I protect you?" Besides, Fatui are not particularly friendly. Leaving an angel like you with them is fraught with bad consequences for your psyche. Or there will be some idiot who will fall in love with you, and I would not like that.
You had no choice but to agree. Moreover, the trip will not hurt anyone. If he is traveling for work, then you can relax in peace, enjoying this or that country. But something was still wrong. For some reason, my soul is not at ease from the presence of your spouse. Maybe it's because of his grip, which is getting heavier and lingers longer than usual. Maybe his eyes are as dark as the depth itself, which scan your every move. His awareness of your life was terrifying. Yes, you were friends, but you were careful with him and never told him unnecessary information. I really want to get my old life back.
Ajax looked into your shared bedroom, thinking you were asleep. When he saw your open eyes, a smile appeared on his face.
- Thank the archons, you have woken up. The doctor has come to examine you. He claims that your health is not in danger, but strongly recommends that you no longer go out in light clothes. I had to tell him that you were sleepwalking, which is why you ended up on the street almost naked.
Of course he lied. What kind of crazy person would even decide to run away from her own husband in a snowstorm in the woods?
- Child, let me go.
His eyes instantly darkened. The figure of Childe looms over you, leaning on the hand that he brought to your face. "First of all, my name is Ajax. Secondly, it is impossible, given our circumstances."
- Then maybe I should die." Not really, but just to fake his death.
He chuckled when he heard your suggestion. - " Did you really decide to leave me all alone when you and I got married?"
There are tears in your eyes. There was nothing you could do but convince him.
- You've done a lot of bad things to me. You've made my life a living hell. Everyone I loved is dead. And it's all your fault.
He grunted in displeasure, looking away. "Do you really blame me for the death of your family? I told you what happens when one of the Fatwa members turns traitor. I didn't know until one of the soldiers reported the location of the deserters' hideout. Who would have thought that your parents were one of them? Is that the only reason you decided to run away? When did we come all this way together?"
You pursed your lips. His words accused you of doing it because of a little tantrum. Like a child who was not allowed to do something, and he took it with hostility. It's a shame.
It seems that fate itself is waiting for you, revealing the dark side of Ajax, as it should be. Some time ago, one of the employees came across you dropping reports. When he quickly disappeared apologetically, you noticed another piece of paper that had fallen behind a large flower during your encounter. You wanted to catch up with him, but your eyes noticed something much more interesting. The report clearly states who died at the hands of the organization and for what. The names of people I knew seemed to glow on the paper in red ink, and most importantly, who exactly started this operation was your husband. It looks more like a betrayal than an accident. If he was planning to commit genocide in your village, then what the hell does he need you for? Questions raced through my mind. It feels like you're going crazy. There is a clear line between the concept of "lying for good" and just lying. But what Child did was a real scam.
Considering that you are now surrounded by snow-capped mountains and forests, there is no direct exit from here. Are you trapped and with whom? Someone who buried your past with his own hands. If you go anywhere, you will be guarded. With such soldiers, you need to be practically invisible to slip away unnoticed. It seems that the cryo archon itself has taken you into its cold hands, despite its blessing of the cryo archon. There is only one thing left - to go to certain death....But this idea also failed.
Ajax tried to calm you down somehow by stroking your head. It's all about love. Yes, it's love. From your first meeting, you naively relied on Childe, knowing nothing about Li Yue, as if you were already connected. He remembered his younger brother, Teucer. Curiosity, naivety and a desire to live in a bright world accurately described your condition. The great similarity between you has activated the role of protector in the harbinger's soul. Your face sometimes took on a childish expression rather than an adult one, like other residents of Li Yue. This is a city of contracts, where everyone has an idea about finance, business, and so on. It is not difficult to see visitors, especially those who do not understand anything about society. It's like being born in a safe cocoon and being thrown into this dirty, cruel world.
He immediately noticed the snow roots in your face, behavior and manner of speech. It remains only to find out whose fruit of love you are. Imagine his surprise when the soldier sent your relatives in search of you. He talked about people who live in a small hidden village located in the middle of nowhere. In fact, these are the disappeared Statues. Each of them had some kind of tragedy behind them. From death in the clutches of one of the monsters to death as a result of natural disasters. Who had the imagination for what. His breath caught in his throat. Isn't this a great chance to win your heart? This is a great opportunity to make it clear what will happen if your family somehow deprives him of the opportunity to be with you. That was the plan-just to get to know each other better. But the former Fatui had other thoughts on this matter. They decided to fight for their existence, someone tried to escape. When he personally plunged the water blade into your father's body, your mother just stared, losing all hope. You and she really have something in common in your face. They didn't acknowledge your existence. It seemed like they didn't have a daughter, but what they left behind proved the exact opposite. Your room is tiny compared to what he can give you. Your clothes smelled like you, as if they had been taken off recently. He took away almost everything that reminded him of you. When Tartaglia turned to the still-warm bodies, a glint on the woman's finger caught his attention. A silver snowflake ring. This decoration will be a good addition to your love.
He sighed blissfully. Now there are no obstacles to creating your cozy nest. All that remains is to protect you from the Queen's influence. She'll be glad to see a soldier with his cryo element. But all this was not for her, but for Childe.
- I won't give it to anyone...
He is afraid of losing you, as well as his family, because of Fatua, because of the queen. They are all dangerous to you. Tartaglia specifically develops strength in order to protect her loved ones, but in your case this will not be enough. It will take a trick. Only marriage remains. Yes, this is what you need. You didn't realize at all that you grew up among traitors. Child, on the contrary, saved you from their influence. Fortunately, his nonsense reached the ears of the ruler. She blessed your marriage. That was enough to take you under my wing. The most important thing is that you don't find out the whole truth. That's what he thought until today.
Something was wrong. Your face didn't show its old smile during his departure. My gut was bothering me. When Ajax came home, you weren't there. You just disappeared. When he went outside, panic seized him. There was no one in the yard. "Where the hell are all the employees?! Why isn't anyone looking out for her?!"
When the guy didn't find you, he was overcome by a feeling of anger mixed with madness. He started laughing out loud. He couldn't even save one jewel. Calming down, Child began to act. Even if you left, you wouldn't be able to get far in such a storm. There were footprints in the snow. Your footprints. The panic began to recede, but there are many dangers in the forest. Plus, if you add a snowstorm. Unless you die of frostbite...
He was happy that you were alive. For some reason, you don't want to see him anymore.
"You know, I risked my life to save you. Do you have any idea what I'm like? Taking care of my family is part of my responsibilities, and now you've become a part of them too. All my life, I've done everything just for the people I love. Don't I deserve the same love from you?
His desperate thoughts surprised you. Until the Fatuis noticed your presence, they sometimes talked about Ajax as a killing machine. They were afraid of him. But this is not a monster in front of you right now. This is a man with his own fears and desires.
And here it is again. The feeling of guilt overwhelmed you. He's doing it on purpose! How many times have you fallen for his manipulations, but if you think about it, that's how it is. He protects you, pays for everything necessary for your comfort. If you weigh the scales, then his side will be heavier than yours. But his love is scary and obsessive.
You groaned in displeasure. My head is about to explode from so many contradictions. One person has just appeared in your life, and has already caused so many problems.
"I-I can't leave you, no matter what.... - Tears started flowing from your eyes. You're desperate.- I do not know what to do. It hurts me, I'm scared. You are guilty and at the same time not guilty at all. Why is all this happening to me? I wanted to live freely, like an ordinary person. To look at the stars when I can't sleep, to get up early because of workdays. There are all sorts of goodies, and when the weather is very warm, go to the sea. But none of this makes sense right now. Because of the connection with you, I feel like a puppet who is controlled the way they want...
Emotions have enveloped you. You burst into tears, having no idea how to continue living. Ajax lay down next to you and hugged you. Who knew that your tears are so exciting? His arms wrapped around your sniffling face as your lips closed with each other. His tongue found its way into your mouth without difficulty.
You were so preoccupied with your grief that you didn't notice how the light nightgown was slipping down. His hands started wandering over your body. The kissing tracks first marked the chin until they were at the level of the collarbones.
You exhaled when you felt a big cold hand squeeze your chest. Fingers squeezed the hardened nipples, playing with them. Ajax, for the sake of keeping warm, did not take off his clothes, continuing to descend lower and lower over your body.
Wait, what are you doing? - You realized his actions when Ajax started pulling off your white lace panties. His personal gift.
- Isn't it time for us to fulfill our marital duty? I'll prove to you how much I care about you. He licked his lips, admiring your entrance. He just wanted to taste her. His tongue began to wander over sensitive lips, penetrating inside. Whatever your taste is, it's divine, and now it all belongs to Ajax.
You tried to restrain your moans, feeling how pleasant it becomes in the lower abdomen from your husband's courtship. It feels like a knot is being tied inside. Your hand tried to pull his head away from your vagina, but Child wrapped his arms tightly around your legs for support, not allowing you to move an inch. He clung like an animal, absorbing any secretions. And now you are already standing at the aisle, breathing becomes heavier, the rhythm is faster and, finally, liberation.
With a loud groan, you sank onto the pillow. The blood was throbbing in his temples. It was so nice. The blanket with Childe rose above you. His chin was covered with wet tracks, and his tongue was defiantly licking everything off his fingers.
- Look what you've done. If you didn't love me, this wouldn't have happened. "Your face is red from his teasing.
"Are you kidding me again?" I can leave if you don't finish!
He just giggled at your threat. - "Well, no, since we started, we need to finish."
You felt something hard pressing between your legs. " Do you feel it? This is the fruit of my love. He's only like this because of you, silly. He must be deep inside you for us to finally connect."
You were scared. "It will be unpleasant for me. And if it hurts?"
-Shh, I'll be careful not to do that. - Ajax kissed your forehead, soothing you.
You closed your eyes, listening to him unzip the zipper. Something solid began to invade your space, which caused an unpleasant stretching. You suffered a little discomfort clutching the blanket in your hands. There was a groan from Child.
- God, it's so tight. My dear, you have received me so well. I entered almost completely.
His lips pressed against yours as he began to move slowly. His arms wrap around yours without opening them. After a while, the discomfort was replaced by pleasant tremors. The rhythm became even faster, accompanied by moans in your mouths. The room was filled with heat, moans, and skin-to-skin patting. A knot began to form in my stomach again. Ajax pulled away from you, forming a bridge of saliva between you. His eyes looked into yours with love, his cheeks were covered with blush. He hugged you again, moaning right in your ear.
- I love you, I love you so much. You have no idea how long I've wanted this!
He didn't mention that his patience could have broken down much earlier. How he wanted to kiss you, put you on his desk, spread your legs and enter. To taste you. These thoughts made his groan louder. At one point, you both froze, freeing yourself. His white milk mixed with the secretions inside you. You were breathing heavily, calming your breathing, when you felt the tremors resume.
- what? Isn't that all?
Ajax looked excited, and hearts seemed to appear in his eyes. "But we didn't fully enjoy it! I want more. You can't refuse me, can you? I've done so much for you."
It was more than once. You've already stopped counting the number of orgasms. He started all over again anyway, changing his position one by one.
Almost in the morning you were lying unconscious, hugging each other tightly. Ajax opened his eyes for a moment, listening to your measured breathing. He did everything to make you lose your strength for something. The guy hoped that your thoughts would now be directed in his direction, and not be sad about the death of your family. He is ready to please at least every day, for the sake of your love. You're not going to get anywhere anyway. Maybe if you create your own family, you won't torment yourself with the past anymore?
Ajax sighed blissfully and kissed your forehead. He got comfortable, hugged you tighter and plunged into the land of Morpheus.
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
NFWMB - song inspired fic
Soap x Reader
tw: mentions of violence
you two are a team. inseparable.
Captain John Price sat across from Kate Laswell, building a special task force. He pulled the file out that belonged to Kyle.
"Sergeant Garrick."
They call him Gaz. He never said anything."
Price nodded before grabbing the next two files with a big smile. "John and (Y/N) MacTavish." He smiled fondly at the photos on both files.
"Siblings?" Price shook his head. "No, married. Both SAS, where they met. He's a sniper - demolitions. She's a weapons and hand-to-hand expert. He goes by Soap and She goes by Widow."
Laswell shook her head. "So why both? Won't that cause issues?"
"Not even remotely. She gets the intel, he covers her back. Nothing touches her when he's watching." Price locked eyes with Laswell, who nodded. "Alright deal."
You sighed and tilted your head back, hitting the side of the truck. You were in your tactical gear and your helmet. Your husband sat to your right, also in his tactical gear. His arm was resting around your shoulders. You had just gotten word that the two of you were being recruited for a special task force and had just finished a mission.
"What do you think the Lieutenant is going to be?" You turned your head towards Soap, who just shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe a big softie." He joked and you smiled.
Pulling up to the airport, Soap jumped out of the truck and turned, helping you out after. You both turned to see a man in a skull mask. "Must be the L.T." Soap smiled as you heard Sheppard introduced you two to Ghost over the comms. You smiled at him as Soap lightly punched the man's shoulder. "Let's get ourselves a win, yeah, L.T.?"
"Fuckin' hell." You laughed, looking back at Ghost. "Don't worry, it only gets better."
Graves blocked the entry way to Alejandro's compound. You stood besides Soap, who hand one hand on his gun and one hand in front of you. You had your hand on your gun and you looked between Ghost and Soap.
Alejandro charged towards Graves and violence broke out. Soap immediately jumped in front of you. You whipped around, going back to back with him. You immediately started shooting, trying to take down some of the shadows. You heard Soap groan loudly in pain and you felt him fall back on you. You gasped and planted your feet, supporting him. "WIDOW! SOAP! RUN!" You heard Ghost shout and you nodded, feeling Soap grab your middle.
He pulled you behind him and he pushed you down a hill and he followed after. You pointed your gun pasted Soap and shot down some of the Shadows that tried to follow after.
You pulled Soap's arm over your shoulder and tried your best to support his weight. "You hit?" He grunted, dragging himself along, trying to move as quick as he could. "No, but you were." You pulled him into an alley, resting him against a wall. "I'll be fine, doll. We gotta find Ghost." You switched through different stations, hoping to find a clear one, mainly finding Shadows talking about you, Soap, and Ghost and needing to find you three.
You felt yourself start to tear up, frustrated. "Now, dolly, please." Soap tried to reach out, but winced. You let your head drop down to rest on his shoulder before finally finding a clear channel. "Ghost? Ghost? This is Bravo-176. Copy?" You tried to speak clearly, but your voice was shaky from the tears.
"C'mon. Let's get moving." Soap kissed your cheek a couple times before you helped him stand again. Soap grunted and you two started moving again. It took a bit but Ghost did get into contact with you two. He told you he was held up at a church in the center of town.
"Meet there. Find a way out of town, copy?" You answered Ghost, who replied with a simple 'copy' and you got moving. "I love you, you know that right?" Soap mumbled, as the two of you moved through a building. You chuckled lowly. "That is why we got married, is it not?"
"Yeah it is. You know that I would never let anythin' touch you, right? I would actually die before that happened." Soap turned his head towards and you slightly paused. "You remind me every mission, darling. Let's keep moving." You pull him along.
You two soon reached the church but it was littered with Shadows. "Ghost! Let's go!" You shouted Ghost ran towards you two. Soap shot at the Shadows as Ghost hopped the fence. You three sprinted towards a truck that Ghost had pointed to. You shoved Soap into the passenger seat before jumping into the bed of the truck. You quickly recovered and started shooting at the remaining Shadows.
"Be careful, doll!" Soap shouted, trying to reach out to you, but Ghost held him back. "I got this, Johnny!" You shouted. Ghost drove the truck through the streets. "Jesus Ghost! My wife is back there!" Soap shouted, turning his body to face you, the back window had been shattered by bullets so he was able to reach you finally. "Johnny, calm down!" Soap grabbed his gun and stabilized it on the back of the truck. "Like hell I will."
He started shooting with you. Soon, all the Shadows became just that. You felt your body collapsed against the back of the truck, feeling the adrenaline finally wear off. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you grabbed it immediately. "You good back there?" You hear your Lieutenant ask and you grunted in response. "In one piece. No hits."
Arriving at Alejandro's safe house, you jumped out of the back and met the other two. After getting inside, you dragged Soap off to patch his wound. It was silent as you worked on the wound, it always ways. You hated when he got hurt and he knew it.
"I know what you're thinking, but I rather it you than me." Soap whispered to you and you shook your head. "You know me." He laughed.
"I know you very well and you know that I don't think having to patch you up, so if you can please not get hurt, I would appreciate it." You leaned down and kissed him gently.
"Sorry doll, but ain't nothing fucks with my baby."
this one did not turn out as well as I'd hope but still let me know what you think!
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m4gp13 · 1 year
Thinking about Ethan and his almost paradoxical relationship with Nemesis hours.
In some ways, it's odd to see Ethan being placed in such a position of importance in the army where most of the people were there because they wanted to overthrow their parents for treating them the way Nemesis treats Ethan, who he is devoutly loyal to. Nemesis ignored Ethan and left him to rot as an unclaimed kid in the Hermes cabin until she needed him, at which point she claimed him and immediately gave him the task of getting her respect. She didn't see him as a son, she saw him as an employee and a tool she can use for her own gain. This is exactly what demigods don't like the Olympians for. They use their children as a cheap labour force with no regard for who they are as people and children. Ethan fighting for Nemesis is no different from Luke fighting for Hermes and being completely devoted to him.
I find it kind of sad that when Ethan turned against the army and attacked Kronos, it didn't come with him realising Nemesis was just as bad as the Olympians, he defected because Kronos' desires didn't fit what Nemesis wanted. He was so deeply devoted to her that right up until the end, it was her he died for. Not his own goals, not for Percy's sake. He died because Kronos was a hindrance to her plans.
I can't help but wonder how the other demigods in the army saw Ethan and his relationship with his mother. I don't think he would have told people about the eye thing (he was very defensive about it when Annabeth asked and he only told Percy in the moment when he officially joined Kronos) but I imagine there would have been rumours going around and the people he was closest to him would have known or had some idea. If they did know, would they pity him? Not for the eye (not just for it) but for his unwavering devotion to her. Maybe he reminds them of the siblings they left behind at camp; still holding out hope that their parents really do love them and if they can just prove they're worthy of it, everything will be fine. Maybe it infuriates them that he's in a position of power in an army with half of its recruits dedicated to taking down people like his mother but he just lacks any self-awareness to recognise he is simultaneously fighting for and against the same thing. Maybe they see themselves in him, or an older version of themselves who would have gladly given everything they had for the love and respect of their parents. Maybe they see a part of themselves they are actively trying to fight.
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teecupangel · 2 years
OG anon of the Reborned Desmond in Unity. I'm mighty proud that my ideas spur you fun writing. I'll confess you a secret, I'm also og anons of the ideas I've sent you prior but I don't wanna have you see me aggressive or pushy because I enjoy your content immensely (I had bad experiences of people's harsh words in irl and online on my personality). Anyway, it's similar in Unity idea. What if Desmond is reborned in AC Rogue, like became Shay's childhood friend or Liam's older or younger brother. Or possibly in a time earlier so can Desmond be established in Brotherhood maybe master assassin for Connor's happiness. Haytham's confusion and frustration in some point in the plot that Desmond won't kill him but has a look of a disappointed or pained look of a family member and Lisbon is saved. Desmond and Shay could become platonic soulmates or slow burn childhood friends to lovers (up to you) or better yet Desmond unintentionally became mentor (he was supposed just be an assassin in the background damn it lmao) and Shay is like a bodyguard or right hand which had these intense sexual tension between the two. Sorry for messy and long ask
Ah, well, I don’t see a problem with your personality and I like the ideas you throw at me. To be fair, I do try to limit my time with everyone’s asks to a certain time so I can still write. So if you don’t see an answer, that only means it’s been pushed to next day or something.
Alright, let’s think about how to make this work.
As usual, we’ll keep the same limitation as the Unity AU one
Desmond remembers his life as Desmond Miles
Desmond will have his ancestors’ memories and skills but those memories will be vague
So he either gets reborn as Shay’s childhood friend or Liam’s older/younger brother. Since Liam is Shay’s childhood friend, we can combine the two and make Desmond’s Shay’s childhood friend who is also Liam’s sibling.
Now, according to AC wiki, Liam was Achilles’ first acolyte and it was Liam who also recruited the rest of the Colonial Assassins. He’s pretty much Achilles’ second in command and maybe even being groomed as the next mentor.
In this scenario, Desmond and Liam would both be inducted into the Brotherhood together (whether we keep the whole “Liam’s father got executed to save his son” part of his backstory is up to you, nonny) with Desmond being more of Liam’s shadow. Many will see him as the little bird who whispers in Liam’s ear. Everyone in the Brotherhood knows that if you want Liam on your side, you get Desmond on your side.
We’ll get to Shay later as we need to talk about how Desmond’s inclusion would affect the Colonial Brotherhood as a whole.
Achilles Davenport
Desmond would still remember how Ratonhnhaké:ton thought of him as a father-figure. He also remembers how Achilles sometimes treated Ratonhnhaké:ton like a stubborn child so he has mixed feelings for Achilles. What he does remember is that Achilles’ family would die. Here’s where we get a bit creative with this. Desmond doesn’t have actual medical know-how. What he did had was a Shaun who was more than happy to explain what killed Achilles’ family and how that could have been prevented, which literally boils down to “cleanliness”.
So, in this scenario, Desmond is kind of a clean freak. People assume it’s because he used to live in a dirty place and Liam never tried to correct them that Desmond had always been a clean freak since they were children. The homestead is always clean, especially the kitchen. Achilles learned to live with it because his son loves the ‘wash your hands’ song that Desmond taught him. In this case, Abigail and Connor live and that means that Achilles would be ‘milder’ than his canon characterization. (Maybe Abigail even treats all of Achilles' students like her children as well?)
Hope Jensen
The main difference for Hope in this scenario is how she controls her gangs. Desmond knows it would be impossible to stop crimes from happening but his words and his adherence to the Creed would resonate with Hope. Instead of having something akin to a Proto-Rooks, Hope would be in charge of something similar to how the media portrayed the golden age of the mafia. They’re criminals, yes, and they sell illegal shit but they’re organized and they have a code. They protect the people in their district and take care of crimes not their own. In exchange, the people (and maybe even the police) look the other way when they do illegal stuff. (Hope becomes a mix of Vito Corleone and Red Hood in this scenario… does this mean Desmond accidentally created the mafia in New York during the 18th century?)
Not much would change for Kesegowaase although he would consider Desmond as a close friend. They’re also hunting buddies and Kesegowaase would notice how many of Desmond’s movements are very similar to him or to other tribes that he knows of. Desmond would just wave it off as a coincidence or maybe even say “I had a great teacher”. Kesegowaase would seesaw between thinking Desmond had been trained by one of his people (or one of the other tribes) and thinking Desmond may have been blessed by one of their spirits.
Louis-Joseph Gaultier
Oooohhhh bbooyy. This one… okay. So… Gaultier will be the one that keeps butting heads with Desmond. A lot. Desmond would even argue against his inclusion as he sees Gaultier as violent and arrogant but Achilles will argue that his connection with the French army made him invaluable. Even his suggestion of just keeping Gaultier as an ‘ally’ would be denied because Achilles sees how loyal he is. “He is loyal to a master, not to the Creed!” will be Desmond’s main argument. So there are a lot of times that he and Gaultier would argue on what it means to be an Assassin and what the Creed means. Gaultier would emphasize on Desmond’s Irish immigrant heritage to belittle his knowledge about the Creed and Desmond will argue that blood doesn’t matter. On the flip side, Desmond’s constant arguments with Gaultier and critiquing of Gaultier’s actions make all the other Assassins have a better understanding of the Creed and what it means to be an Assassin.
Liam O'Brien
Honestly, I think Desmond should be his younger brother, mainly because that would make Desmond be of a similar age as Shay and because Liam just has big bro-vibes. Just imagine him being a protective older brother who likes to tease Desmond. In this scenario, Liam would feel responsible for Desmond’s safety (especially if we do decide that their father still dies for Liam’s mistakes) and he’s a bit overprotective at times which Desmond finds both tiring and also makes him feel warm inside. Liam would also be torn whenever Desmond and Achilles would butt heads. On one hand, Achilles is like a father to him, on the other hand, Liam also knows his brother long enough to understand that everything Desmond does is for what he believed is right. Achilles may have been the one to choose Liam to be an Assassin but Liam knows that it’s Desmond who embodies what being an Assassin is supposed to be.
And now, we get to Shay Cormac.
Shay met Liam first and Liam was the one to introduce Desmond to him. Desmond has no memories of Shay at all since, even before the memories of his Bleed took a hit, his memories of Haytham stopped before Haytham met Shay. Not only that but Achilles never told Ratonhnhaké:ton anything. All Desmond knew is that the Colonial Brotherhood will be destroyed by the Templars while Ratonhnhaké:ton was young. So he grew up treating Shay as a friend. They separated due to their family situations but Liam later reunites with Shay and invites him to the Brotherhood.
And this is where Shay gets hit.
Growing up, he saw Desmond more as Liam’s little brother. A small kid that Shay needs to keep an eye on because he can be a little strange and has a mischievous streak that no one would believe. Shay has lost count of how many times Desmond had made some asshole’s life hell without anyone realizing it was him.
So when he heard Desmond was one of the high-ranking members of the Brotherhood, he wasn’t surprised. Desmond had always been a sneaky little shit.
He saw Desmond as a young adult for the first time, maybe while he’s looking over reports Hope was showing him concerning the current situation in New York, and Shay just…
Desmond as a child was cute. Maybe a little too thin but that was unfortunately normal for them. He always wore Liam’s old clothes which were too big for him.
But Desmond in his Assassin robes? Wearing clothes that actually fit him? Having grown up into a fit young man?
Shay gets hit hard. And Desmond is simply too happy to see him again to see it.
But Hope notices it.
And Liam freaking notices it too.
And now Shay doesn’t have to just deal with his growing affection for an oblivious Desmond. He has to deal with Hope’s teasing and Liam’s seesawing erratically between teasing him and threatening to eviscerate him. Shay’s crush is going to be the worst kept secret in the homestead that even little Connor Davenport knows about it.
But Desmond doesn’t.
Because Desmond is too focused dealing with the whole Kenway drama at the moment.
Because no matter who Desmond gets reborn to… He will always prioritize the three men he cared for the most.
And, at this point, Haytham Kenway was already in America (but Desmond has no idea where) and there were even slow ongoing talks of an alliance with Ratonhnhaké:ton’s tribe that Desmond has taken charge of.
And this is where I go back to my try-and-tested idea of Desmond spending lots of time with baby!Ratonhnhaké:ton and being bff with Kaniehtí:io. (*whispers*Ratonhnhaké:ton and Connor Davenport being brothers *whispers*)
But let’s focus on the first part of Rogue for this one.
One way for Desmond to learn that Achilles is messing with Isu bs is thanks to Hope. Hope and Shay were the ones to be ordered to find and analyze the precursor box and either of them could tell Desmond about it but, at this point, Shay is still ‘new’ and may be trying to get some brownie points from Achilles. On the other hand, Hope has long been converted to Desmond’s side and would definitely tell Desmond about all of these because she’s heard of how dangerous these items are from Desmond himself.
Desmond would strongarm his way to being part of the mission and might even sneak into Morrigan as a stowaway and only show himself when they were nearing Lisbon. Thanks to Desmond’s ‘affinity’ with POEs, Lisbon will definitely not happen (hell, we can even use some of the plot points from A Pirate's Son for this part XD) and the second part of Rogue would be changed to Desmond and Shay trying to secure all the other POEs in the manuscript they have.
And… maybe they start getting close during their travels and something develops between them during that time… (nudgenudgenudge)
Sidenote: This is also a bit similar to the idea I was thinking of based on @twitcherpated’s suggestion in AO3 of Desmond being reborn as the actual Connor Davenport. The only difference is that Desmond would be a bit young in that one and won’t be able to stop Lisbon but, even if he’s young, he can still comfort Shay and stop him from doing anything drastic while still in shock.
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Hello! I have come to bother you again, i hope you are having a nice day so far! The request this time is: Imagine that the pack wasn't to big on celebrating Halloween but then this heavily traumatized baby bat appears into their lives who loves the holiday and suddenly there's Halloween traditions, pumpkin carving and horror movie nights along side a very well decorated den and nests. (Also may or may not be influencing other ghouls to celebrate wink wink the doves,special and bell) (and also also started to open up to his packmates after finding comfort in Halloween stuff 🦇)
Sending lots of hugs, 🎃
I think there was plenty of Halloween activities, Ghouls participated to but they weren't... As involved as say Special and Bell who were used to the human customaries. They didn't really do the whole decoration thing, maybe go to the costume party, watch a few horror movies, call it a night. Didn't care much for the candy, etc etc.
When Phantom came along, they loved introducing him to holidays and things he's never seen before. His face just lit the fuck up when they started telling him about Halloween. The holiday is coming up soon, and they see Phantom just eyeing a few decorations in the hallway siblings have started putting up.
"Bug? You okay?"
And he just turns with the most innocent gleam, pointing at the pumpkin and bat lights on the wall with one of those paper skeletons. "Can we do this?"
So, they do! They want Phantom to feel relaxed, to be able to have fun and be himself. If his interest is Halloween then damnit, they're gonna go all out now!!!
They're putting up fake spider webs, Mountain and Cumulus specifically making Halloween-Themed food and drinks, lights around, those little paper hangups for the window. Mountain even starts recruiting the help of Pebble and Ivy to make pumpkins at a higher rate so the ghouls can have some too! Aurora's favorite activity is the pumping carving, she's so dedicated and makes her have a smiling face, Phantom just carving a bat into his.
He's shown all the original movies! Frankenstein, Casper, Hocus Pocus, Night of the Living Dead, even the fucking Omen!!! Phantom's is bingeing Halloween movies faster than any of them can process. And then it happens. He watches Nosferatu.
"I want to be him. Can I be him?" He's asking, Dew just eyeing the old VHS screen.
"You wanna be a vampire?"
"Yeah! For like the dressing up thing you talk about, yes?"
Duo Swiss and Sunshine are on the case. They're getting materials for his costume, Rain is doing makeup, Phantom can't stop giggling because Rain is tickling his nose with the brush. Besides his hair and horns still being out, looks like the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen! This tiny Nosferatu just running around their den, and they even set up a trick-or-treat station for him and Aurora. They're taken around the abbey to see the decorations and more trick-or-treating.
His favorite costume though is of course; Special Cowbell and the Doves. He's a mad scientist with a "Frankenstein's dog", and his multiple monsters that mimic Frankenstein's monster. He's given a fake syringe that when you pull the tab back, it's full of mini M&M's.
Aether is carrying back a tuckered out Aurora, Swiss holding the hand of a much too candy hyper Phantom. He's just yelling about how amazing it was, how it should be Halloween all the time, and how much he loves them for showing him how amazing it is.
By time they get to the den, Phantom is also passed out in Cirrus' arms. Carefully undressed and settled in his pajamas and bed, Mountain climbing in after as they've been cuddling non-stop lately.
The next morning, Phantom is devastated their taking all the decorations down. He doesn't want it to end! Aether gets the idea of it not having to be. Phantom gets his room decorated for the first time since being topside, no longer basic colors but now decorated to the max in Halloween items.
For once, he has a sense of identity. :3
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bumblewarden · 2 years
So!! I've been wanting to do this for a while, but life got in the way, so now I'm here to take that thing up again because!!! Fun!!!! This is about the relationships between OCs, and I don't want to impose anything but. Regarding how Novhen and Astala would get along:
What if they HAD grown up together? Maybe not in the same family (although, it would be fun 👀👀👀👀👀👀 they are very similar and very different from each other in different aspects. For example both are very loyal and community oriented, but also Astala is loud and boisterous while Novhen is quieter and more underhanded), but definitely the same Alienage. They'd know each others' quirks and habits. Maybe Novhen got frustrated with Astala because she'd always hide in these really obvious spots when playing hide and seek and Astala in turn would never be able to find Novhen? Maybe Novhen would at some point have stolen a plum tart for her and maybe Astala would've helped him against another kid who made fun of Novhen? Maybe, if we wanted them to meet up later during the Blight, Astala had to move away from Denerim at some point. I think she's a bit older than Novhen; maybe she got married elsewhere. Or, if not, now we gave more elves storming Vaughan's estate, which is alwats fun. I think Novhen would get to lead that one operation until Nelaros's death, because before that, stealth does seem to be the best option.
I think these two would get along well, differences aside. Astala would make an effort to lower her if needed, and having a familiar face to lean on during the Blight year would probably be a big comfort to them both. I think they'd be comfortable enough with each other to talk about the recruitment and how it didn't exactly happen willingly; they could gripe about nobles and politics; they could just. Sit in silence after Broken Circle and try and digest Sloth's nightmare. They could kill the slavers at the Alienage together!!! I think having a like-minded person from the same cultural background would help enormously.
One thing Astala probably wouldn't be on board with is the Cult of Fen'Harel. She'd let Novhen practice alright and defend him if accusations about this were levelled against him, but I think she would either have fallen out of it if she'd ever been introduced to it (it didn't save Adaia after all, so...), or never warmed up to the idea of this elvhen trickster god
These are my thoughts as far as they go. What do you think? Also I hadn't thought of it, but if you want to move this conversation to DMs, they're open ^^
(And if this doesn't tickle your fancy anymore, feel free to ignore ^^)
👀👀👀👀👀 I am eating this ask up like breakfast. Or, er, ramen. Which is the thing i am actually eating atm. But yes yes yes to all of this, i love it so much
Full response under the readmore for length, but i'm realizing now my response is mostly about them as kids 😅 Oops
[Ask Game]
The way i play with companion!Novhen, i'd assume he and Astala are probably either siblings or cousins (i waffle), except this time on their mothers' sides. I don't know Astala's exact age, but Novhen was born in *pulls out notes* Wintermarch of 9:7 Dragon. If we try to stagger them based on Adaia's death, that's probably close to a decade between them which seems a tad bit higher than it should be. We'll just have to dance around that matter
Even if Astala isn't significantly older, there's probably never a single moment where he's taller than her XD Add onto that that girls tend to hit puberty first, there's gonna be quite the height difference around age 10
But yes, their personalities go in very different directions but are probably pretty compatible, especially if given the benefit of a shared childhood! They're both very sociable, but i suspect most people like Astala more, especially authority figures. She's much less of a troublemaker, and Novhen definitely took a while to come into his own as a social mastermind. (This also would make her the ideal candidate for a distraction whenever Novhen’s a-scheming. That’s gonna do her a lot of favors when trying to get him to steal plum tarts for her XD These two are the real blight as far as anyone in the alienage is concerned XDD)
Oh, actually! If they knew each other, i can imagine pretty well him practicing with or studying Astala to get better at social situation! And clearly it worked! (A: "Ok now make an angry face... You just look like you can't find a chamberpot. You have to scrunch your eyebrows like this." *jams her thumb down his forhead*)
Astala seems to prefer her hair shorter during the Blight, but how was it as a child? Because if it were in some sort of puff, i can imagine her child-level object permanence resulting in her hiding in an empty barrel with the puff still peeking over the top! (Artist's Rendition Below)
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I don’t think he’d be too frustrated with her poor stealth outside of team games at least! (If they’re partnered is another story…) He does sometimes tease her that she’s not going to be a very good criminal when she gets bigger. Idk, how would she respond to that? Because how does she feels about the fact that she's not going to follow in her mother's footsteps (or how aware of that she'd be as a child) or maybe she would retort about how she’s already bigger or something else? Definitely a lot of ways to take that one lol
But also the idea of Novhen as alienage king of hide and seek is kinda cute. He's usually the last one left (all that damn thief training), so it’s not unheard of to see a parade of Astala, Shianni, Soris, and whoever else they've wrapped into their game (which with Astala could be quite a number) turning the alienage upsidedown to find him. There's probably at least one time he gets found in the first minute, and he thinks he's going to die of embarrassment. Because of that, they almost never let him be a hider in the first round. Sometimes when he’s hiding, they'll accidentally pick up seekers who weren't even playing along the way because they want to see him knocked down a peg XD That's what happens when you win too much!
Astala probably has him beat at wrestling tho! And the game where i imagine they’re most evenly matched would be arm wrestling. As an archer, Novhen has insane upper body and especially shoulder strength, but Astala has insane everywhere strength
On the less competitive side, imagine them as dance partners as little kids ☺️ Astala’s probably the more enthusiastic one about it, but i’d imagine she could drag him into it Easy whether through blackmail or Ole Reliable (puppy dog eyes). There have to be lots of events in the alienage that call for dancing, so it’s good to have a go-to dance partner! And if they ever get a Silly Urge while dancing, the one thing that i’ve found little kids most reliable to do is spin so fast they nearly make themselves sick, and when there’s two of them spinning each other, there’s no stopping them until the centrifugal force throws them both to the ground. At least they’re having fun lol
The Cult of Fen'Harel thing makes sense. I wouldn't expect Astala to be into that. I imagine in this case that Cyrion and Adaia agreed to expose the children to both sets of beliefs, so they could choose once they got older
It's a good thing Novhen's good at keeping matters hush because otherwise Astala would likely get stuck constantly mediating between Novhen and Ilanlas on matters of religion 🤭
Tbh Novhen would slightly begrudge her for choosing the Chantry, but i don't think he'd ever let her know if he could help it. It's just not worth it, and you can't talk about that without talking about Adaia's death which nobody is excited to talk about. Still, it's a potential source of drama, esp as the politics of DA:D are winding up
Back in the present day, if the endgame configuration is one where they live in the same location (which i think could only be the case if they were both companions), Novhen would offer her once for him to educate her child/ren in the way of the Cult of Fen'Harel and/or the Vir Banal'ras fighting style, probably get denied at least on the first one, and never bring it back up. He knows she's Andrastian and also wouldn't expect her to teach them that fighting style herself (too rogue-based), but if he had permission, he'd want to at least try to expose them to their family's traditions, so they could make a choice themselves like Novhen and Astala did
And honestly, if he's present for the origin, once Nelaros dies, Novhen would more than happily hand leadership of the mission over to Astala. Stealth only goes so far, and she has first dibs on revenge #SupportWomen
And with Unrest in the Alienage! As soon as Caladrius is dead, Novhen is scampering over his corpse to pick the lock on Cyrion's cage. Doesn't even wait for someone else to pilfer the key. Astala is free to react to that little scene however she wishes, and we get the whole Tabris family reunion after
Whoever’s Warden, i imagine those two leaning on each other a lot for emotional support during the Blight because not only are they the only alienage elves in the party, they’re family (or at the least childhood friends). Once we personalize the Broken Circle dreams, they get upsetting fast. If either of them get sent into that mission (or Maker forbid both of them), they’re definitely going to need to share a blanket by the fire for a minute
EDIT: the paragraph looks like it's been eaten but also! Novhen would be very cautious about Astala's Zevran romance at first. ("Yes, Stala, he's very dreamy, but let's not forget he's only here because he was hired to kill you.") We know he's very protective, and they're both so eldest sibling-coded
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forgottenvice · 2 years
Moshang Sound of Music
Another Twitter thread
🎶How do you solve a problem like Shang Qingua? How do you write a plot and pin it down!🎶
Mobei Jun has a small wealth of half siblings from his mother's side, she was very much involved in her own bride stealing and pulled a TLJ finding a human.
She gets killed shortly after MBJ meets SQH leaving the northern heir with seven half human half siblings.
MBJ isn't great at affection but he doesn't want to leave his half siblings to the mercy of other demons. They don't threaten his position and his mother specifically asked him to take care of them if anything happened to her.
So he recruits the only human he knows to help.
Why would SQH help? Well there was a specific culling of these specific kids that he used as a throwaway worldbuiling tidbit for PIDW and knowing what could happen to these ACTUAL CHILDREN he offers to help .
He abandons Cang Qiong to some secret demonic estate to help Mobei Jun raise his half siblings. How hard could it be right? they are just kids, and unlike LBH they're not heavenly demons how bad could it be?
Well not great, MBJ basically abandoned him with the kiddos while he goes to deal with his father's issues and the kids are literal demons. Even if they're only half they are well aware of their demonic side and absolute terrors.
He wishes the pranks were frogs and snakes in his bed, or as simple as the kids trying to confuse who is who.
Twice he's almost decapitated and if the toddler doesn't stop challenging to a fight he's gonna lose a finger. WHY DO THEY LISTEN TO MOBEI JUN AND NOT HIM?
He reaches his breaking point when the oldest nearly impales him while he was trying to properly ward their estate and protect the kiddos. He didn't blame the kid not really but when Mobei Jun finally returns to the house he asks the demon to help out more, or at the very least help discipline the kids.
 Mobei Jun tired from dealing with the machinations of his father's court, igored Shang Qinghua's request and the cultivator finally snaps.
He starts yelling at MBJ about how the kids deserve better. He can only help with their human side but without a demon to teach them to control their demonic powers, and if Mobei Jun refuses to do that he's out.
He grabs his sword and flies away from the estate.
He doesn't make it far before MBJ teleports him back. Shang Qinghua is about to go on another tirade but he stops.
 MBJ is just holding onto his sleeve and he isn't looking SQH in the eye. As if he's embarrassed.
"Please, there's no one else I can trust."
MBJs rough gravelly voice lowered to a whisper tugs at Shang Qinghua's heart and despite the fact their little shits the kiddos really don't have much else.
"You'll help more?"
The giant demon looks so small and lost and SQH could never say no to his favourite.
"Fine. If you bring some of your court work to me I can help with that too."
Mobei Jun's eyes widened at that, the relief plastered across his usually stoic face. It makes SQH just how young MBJ actually was.
He was a fool to think he could ever walk away.
The kiddos of course witness this whole exchange. The older ones feel a little bad about things, the younger ones are impressed by SQHs flying sword and he must be powerful because he made MBJ cave, which demons never do.
Mobei Jun had to return to the court but he promised to return more often, specifically to train his siblings.
SQH resigns himself for another few days with the hellions, unfortunately after MBJ leaves a winter storm sets in, and unlike MBJ his siblings are NOT ice demons.
This of course starts with the youngest, barely more than a baby 4 maybe 5 years old sneaking into SQHs room looking for warmth. SQH gets a surprise but after promising not to bite SQH anymore he lets the toddler stay.
The estate isn't poorly maintained but small demons cause a lot of damage and one cannot always repair cracks quickly, so the triplets (11 yo)are the next to see comfort in SQHs room. They broke their own windows and have almost no protection from the wind in their room.
SQH reluctantly agrees to let them stay in his room, MBJ was generous enough to give him the largest one, with a build in fireplace even. The kiddos are restless so he decides to tell them a story.
The first one he's every put together since entering PIDW.
This eventually draws two more of the kids who were 'patrolling the halls for threats' (SQH talismans are good, there really was no need) and eventually they're making themselves comfortable too. SQH is appreciating the shift in the little half-demons .
The eldest of the brood (15 of course) tries to sneak out, but since SQHs talismans are so good their immediately teleported to his room, and rather than berate them (because it's happened before) SQH just hands them a pillow and continues his story.
He calls it a sleepover and does his best to entertain, for some reason (fear maybe?) the kiddos are a lot more cooperative, though he doesn't expect it to last past the storm.
 MBJ returns the next day to find them all happily sprawled across his room sleeping adorably
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diazevan · 1 year
I think the Buckley siblings are definitely upper class and they never really had to worry about money. Not because of the down payment on the house, because of everything. We know Buck had college money and he spent them on his bike and going around the world to find yourself is not really something people who struggle with money do. Also I think both SEAL training and FIRE academy aren’t free and that’s not really something you can pay with bartending tips. Buck entire lifestyle is very rich kid coded: moving out of a house you don’t pay to an apartment you rent for sentimental reasons, planning hot balloon dates, suing the LAFD (lawyers are very expensive) and his whole vibe.
Sorry, this answer is long! 9-1-1 isn't particularly known for its accuracy regarding the earnings of first responders. We forgive that because it's fictional.
Update: According to their website, All LAFD programs are free aside from the $73 signup fee and also states, 'The Department does not charge for any of our recruitment and mentoring services.'
The Buckley siblings are not trustfund babies. I’m not saying their parents aren't well-off, I don’t doubt that, but it doesn't mean they shared their wealth with their adult children (until helping Madney with the deposit.) I’m saying ‘adult’ because I believe while they were growing up, the parents funded everything parents are expected to: clothes, food, etc.
Let’s work with what we know. In Buck Begins, Maddie says ‘I'm gonna go nights so I can work during the day, pay for it myself. That way, I won't need to ask Mom and Dad for anything ever again.” I’m guessing that despite their parents doing their bare minimum of what is expected, they weren’t too kind about it, highlighted by how Maddie says this line. She knows she’ll either not get the financial support from her parents, in becoming a nurse, or they’ll complain about it if they do.  So, she goes it alone, deciding to almost work twenty-four days so she doesn’t have to ask them for money!
In 4x04, while arguing with his parents, he says this, “She married Doug, and you cut her off.” Maddie was married to Doug for eleven years, that’s eleven years no contact with her parents, after they cut her off. Cut off contact, and likely cut any kind of financial support. They wanted nothing to do with her, as Buck repeatedly points out in this scene.
What about Boston? I’ve seen that so many times on twitter. How did Maddie afford to live in Boston for six months and get expensive medical treatment? Doug’s life insurance. She received $400, 000. She says in 5x13, “I used most of my savings when I left,” which matches the belief that she used this money to fund her care in Boston.
Now, you’re right about Buck’s college tuition money. “Maybe you use your tuition money to make some cool modifications on your bike.” We don’t know for sure if this was entirely funded by his parents or if he had student loans. Since I am British, all I know about college is from movies, apparently some parents will keep college funds aside from their children as standard. So perhaps, yes, he did have a tuition fee paid by his parents, which maybe is why he rebelled.  Remember this is young, angry and restless Buck, he was likely to burn through that money like it meant nothing, because being reckless or getting hurt, was his way of gaining his parents attention.
But more importantly, is what happened next. When Buck leaves Hershey, Maddie gives him her Jeep and some of her own money. “Look, I can give you a little bit of money to get started, and then you can go anywhere you want.” It is Maddie who funds Buck’s ticket out of that house, giving up her two means of escape. Savings she had, from working her arse off in Boston and as a nurse! Now, Buck’s dynamic with his sister, is so different to his parents. He likely kept that money very safe and was incredibly frugal because Maddie gave it to him. So, it was more special.
Quite explicitly, we see that Buck never settles down when he’s on the road. He goes, from one place, to the next, to the next. Picking up many jobs. Likely couch surfing, sleeping in the jeep, or cheap motels, Buck didn’t have hefty bills to pay! He could save up, on the road.  All those years of traveling around, and saving would fund NAVY Seals and Firefighter training. What also helped, is he lived in a Frat House, not making him financially liable for all the bills, which were split evenly across all the guys. Then he lived in Abby’s apartment, where once again, he wasn’t paying any bills. With a fireman’s salary, while living in a frat house, and sharing the bills, he likely found it easier to save. Making it easier to fund a hot air balloon ride, a nice studio apartment, and then a lawyer!
They do call Buck's place a "frat house," but I'm not sure how true that was, but if it was an actual frat house and he didn't make any payments, that's more savings. But I don't think he wanted to stay in the frat house.
Buck also couch-surfed in LA! He lived with Chimney and then Maddie, for a considerable amount of time before ever moving into his apartment. Time he likely spent saving.
Anyway, that’s what we know. I still can’t ever believe the Buckley parents ever set up trustfunds. Neither Maddie nor Buck saw a dime after they left or were cut off. Not until more recently now that the Buckley Parents are attempting to make an effort. Still, Buck and Maddie grew up self-efficient, relying on each other, not their parents.
On an unrelated note, I would be interested to see a storyline of when one of their parents passes away though. If they do get left with money, I wonder if it would strike up the argument that money doesn't fix all the problems and neglect they experienced during their childhood and beyond.
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