#(and thank u anon for the awesome idea)
klance-daydreams · 2 years
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cue random hindi movie song here
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appallinnballin · 9 months
oooh, would you ever draw a reference map or whatever of the body types you head canon for entity/mfm etc ? i think that’d be cool.
i really love your interpretations of these characters 🙏
aa that would be cool!! maybe someday!!!!!!!
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strwbrymlkshake · 2 years
ANON...BABY??? WELL there is not really any cute anonnie nicknames unfortunately. BUT that is so sweet thank u<3<3<3 I hope I am not just a lunatic to you but a strwbabemlkshake as well<3
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
shwesisketch did an amazing job drawing Pinocchio Xion! I really love it and I'm happy you do too ;_; Also I'm happy to meet another Kairi fan. I hope you have a wonderful coming week!
They did such a good job right??? It's absolutely amazing.
Love seeing more Kairi fans, our girl deserves better.
I hope you have a good week too :0 you deserve it :D
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enaelyork · 1 month
I just discovered your blog and I am excited to read your Cooper Howard stuff.
I have a (18+) request for Cooper Howard as The Ghoul. Could I have him, the reader, and Lucy, traveling to New Vegas together and the reader and Cooper can't get a moment alone togther. Like Lucy accidently keeps interrupting or won't take the hint to leave, so Cooper at one point just says to her to leave so he can fuck the reader. Lucy feels so bad and leaves, and then the reader and Cooper go at it lol.
No worries if you can't do the request, I just want to say your an awesome writer!
Hey Anon ! Thx you so much for this request !
I reeeaaaaalllllly like this awkward plot. Here we go ! You u enjoy it.
Pls be cool, english is not my first langage.
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+ 18 DNI / Cooper Howard/ The Ghoul x Reader / P in V/ Fingering/ Piece of violence/ Unprotect sex.
Banners by @saradika
Word : +/-2.6 k
My ask for Cooper Howard is Open
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You wanted him.
There was nothing consistent with this need. Firstly because your first altercation wasn't anything like a love affair (unless hand-to-hand combat fell into that category), then because...Damn, he's more irradiated than a hundred power plants nuclear weapons combined.
But it was eating you up.
Eating away at every bit of your mind and reason. Every movement he made, every word that escaped his mouth made your stomach twist. It seduced you in all its horror, in all its brutality and you loved to consume yourself in this deep obsession.
And him too.
Oh yes. Him too.
You didn’t immediately notice what was happening until that evening. At the end of a grueling journey through the wastelands, you decided to take a break to spend the night in a less dangerous place. And through the flames of the pyre lit in the center of the small makeshift camp, you had seen his eyes. The look he gave you struck you to the core. You had not given in to his gaze, to the devouring glow that it contained in the shadow of his hat. He abused you psychologically, so much so that his mere presence next to you tortured you. The fascination that he skillfully distilled in your veins was no longer enough to contain the attraction you felt for him, and he played on it. As for who would be trapped first in these torments, you had no intention of giving up ground easily.
- There's a reserve there. You say, pointing to the cabin on the top of the hill. I'm going to look for something to burn.
No one had refuted the idea, not even Lucy who sat on a stone cuddling Dogmeat without even seeing what was happening before her eyes. This child was so innocent that she did not recognize a predator when he cohabited with her, much less the issues that were taking place under her nose. The shelter had provided a rare moment of peace during which you allowed yourself to breathe. On the table you were facing was a pile of old paper and some dry wooden rulers, enough to burn. It was a bargain to grab and you quickly put the whole thing together in your hands.
-I want to hear it.
The cold of his breath caressed your neck and made what you were carrying fall at arm's length. Without turning around, your eyes rolled towards the shadow that towered over you in all its height. He was so close to you that one movement would have been enough for him to grab you by the hip and flip you onto the table and, damn, that idea was more interesting than it should be.
Him. There. Behind you. Probably way too close.
-Hear what ?
- What you want. I want to hear you beg me to do it.
The laughter that left your mouth spread throughout the room, surprising even you with its brutality. It was the smartest thing to do, the healthiest reaction, and probably the best option you had left to not give in to him. Without a word, you turned around to lock your eyes with his, your hands firmly anchored in the old wood of this crumbling table to keep them at a safe distance from what they coveted.
-I never do that. To beg. Yet your eyes screamed otherwise and you sincerely hoped he was too blinded by his pride to understand it. Your irises lowered to scan it up and down as if it were an impregnable vestige.
-You can use your guns, a rope, or even your teeth. You will never hear me do such a thing, especially to you. I know how much pleasure it gives you.
- Oh, believe me, there are a lot of things that would give me pleasure right now.
There was nothing worse than this precise moment, suspended in the storm that has been brewing above you for too long. The storm swirled with your every glance, every moment his body was near yours, but nothing had yet managed to trigger the lightning.
Your instincts proclaimed. Leave before you die in his arms. And probably that was what you wanted most in the world.
- Only in fairy tales do monsters and princesses love each other. And this world is not one.
However, your arms were already too close to his neck, his radiating your hips and pulling you to him without you putting up the slightest resistance.
It wasn't a fairy tale.
His burning scent consumed your nostrils and your heart was about to give in for good.
- In this world, monsters like to destroy pretty things.
A nervous laugh escaped your lips which you tried to keep away from his, but your butt was already hitting the wood of the table behind you when, suddenly, a noise made you jump.
- You are there ?
-Holy shit! He cursed, leaping away from you before propelling himself towards the door, a bloodthirsty impulse waving his hands as he opened the door to reveal your traveling companion.
Her eyes were full of innocence from long years in a shelter. Her smile and the sigh of relief she heaved when she discovered you in the shed made you want to laugh. She had no idea what had just happened.
- Oh damn! I was terribly afraid of never finding you again.
She exclaimed, putting an end to any possible attempt at approach. While Cooper nervously contained his desire to strangle her, you advanced towards him, a perfidious smile on your lips.
- I never liked spectators…
This is how the little game began.
There are worse things than fear. Worse than impatience There is frustration. The one that itches, that annoys, the one that deflates the ardor that takes hold of you as the days pass. A frustration answering to the sweet name of Lucy. It is difficult for you to express to your friend the desire to see her leave. Not forever. Just a few moments, the space that would allow you to put an end to this duel between him and you.
To the looks. To provocations.
And his growing rage for your teammate. You were angry with him, with the way he spoke to her, his resentment which constantly burned his lips whenever he spoke to her. Lucy had taken the team's instructions literally without giving anyone a break.
She had only followed an order that came from him. But in a sense, this charade amused you, allowed you to understand that you were not the only one to be a slave to your impulses. He wasn't so scary after all. So weak in his humanity, at least in what remained of it. In a way, this fact reassured you that you were attracted, and it was pure madness. Then came this famous day. The route had taken an unexpected turn. An ambush set up in a ruined housing estate had seriously delayed you. Worse, while trying to hide, you had fallen into a hole, scraping your neck and abs against an iron rod.
- Are you injured? Oh, god, you're hurt !
Lucy had torn a section of her suit to quickly wrap the bleeding wound on her neck before arriving to safety. Once away from the danger zone and inside a building whose structure had reasonably withstood the disaster, she invited you to sit down as if you were about to die.
- I'm fine, I assure you.
- I really have to check.
Cooper hadn't said a word. It was a silence heavier than the chaos itself. A heavy silence, from which one could expect to see the worst horrors ensue. He had taken the chair away from the one you were sitting in and hadn't even laid eyes on you. An unpleasant tingling was felt in your neck when Lucy applied a treatment there, then tied the fabric again at the height of the wound. Tearing you away from the strange worry that was emerging within you. - You need to take off your top.
He was there. He had done nothing, not even for a moment had he tried to watch over you.
But that’s what a team does, right? Cannon fodder and fuck fodder, that's all you meant to him. And now that he had to slow down, that he had to take care of you, he seemed immersed in deep thought, probably looking for a way to get rid of you.
- There is nothing. I assure you.
- Do not joke. Do what I tell you. The space between those few seconds seemed eternal.
Not with him. Not when he's in this room.
This is what you should have answered, instead you saw yourself witnessing disaster. Your hands tugging at your t-shirt before taking it off, letting it fall to the floor, eyes focused on him.
Free fall.
A few seconds, his eyes on yours, his gaze wandering over your bare skin, the tingling of the scratch on your stomach blending into something else entirely. And a shot fired into the void, startling Lucy.
- Do you see that gun, Mclane? Lucy nodded, lips quivering.
- If you don't leave this room immediately, the next bul' that comes out of his barrel will end up in your skull.
- But…but…I didn’t… She paused for a moment, glancing over at you before turning back to Cooper, horrified.
- Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it.
- Oh my God. Oh my God, I,.. I,…
- Come out now, Lucy, please hurry up.
There was no need to give the blush time to flood her cheeks. She was too pure, too carefree to witness this. Because war was declared now, and nothing would stop it.
A second later, his hand closed around your aching neck, pushing you against the table.
- Say it.
- Bastard.
His burning hands ran over your skin, incandescent, they transformed your blood into magma. It was pure madness, but nothing was delicious than the violence with which he held you in this position, his hips firmly fitted to your ass.
- Oh, stop, someone had to tell her, right?
- I almost died.
-And whoever tried to do that ended up with their skull exploded. This is how it works and if you want to know… You could feel his breath on his neck, his hand searching for the opening of your pants. You could have easily pushed him away, but it was just to contradict him. Because you wanted him, almost as much as he did and for far too long.
- I wouldn't have hesitated to shoot her, too, if she had continued to bother us.
- Liar.
Your words died in a hot breath, his fingers already making their way through your panties, sliding along your warm pussy. You guessed the smile that distorted his mouth as you discovered the extent of what he provoked in you.
- I need to fuck you. He whispers in a harsh, trembling voice into the crook of your neck. I only think about this. Only you and it messes up my priorities.
- Do it, then.
- Before, I want you to be at my mercy.
You giggled. It was out of the question to give him anything, yet his fingers caressing you made you less certain of your convictions. Your hips rocked to his rhythm and he was heavily satisfied with what he felt.
- So wet. So impatient. How long has it been, huh? How many times have you been touched while waiting for this moment.
- Too much.
Your hands moved to your back, reaching for the buckle of his belt, stroking the obvious erection in the seat of his pants. He wasn't going to bring you to your knees, at his mercy, without paying the consequences. You needed it, anyway.
Need to feel him inside you. Need it to make you forget the horror of the world in which you were moving. Because you didn't like reality, it was unbearable for you to think about the future that this disgusting world had in store for you. The waves his fingers sent through your body were so violent that you looked for support to stay upright. But he didn't see it that way: you had no right to stop petting him without asking his opinion. So, holding you firmly with one hand, he grabbed the second to invite you to continue.
-You can't just collapse like that, sugar. Not now, not after what you promise me.
The orgasm he provoked in you tore your soul apart. There was no way Lucy could have missed the sound of your voice, no matter where she had taken refuge to escape it. She heard it and it would probably haunt her for the rest of her life.
For a brief moment, he pulled away from you to turn you around to face him, taking off your pants, probably tearing a few sections of them in the process. Then, lifting you up to allow you to wrap your feverish legs around his waist, he pinned you firmly against the table.
His mouth crashed onto yours, devouring all of the air that tried to escape your lips. You bit him almost to blood, desperately, greedily. It was like your life depended on his mouth and what he was going to do to you. He devours you without respite, crushing my lips in a destructive kiss, then kissing your face, your neck, your jaw and your closed eyelids. His erect penis tickled the entrance to your vagina and this sensation made you lose the little reason you had left.
- Please. Please…
- Please what? He slowly rocked his hips to let his cock slide down the length of your sex.
-Please fuck me.
He laughed nervously. He had managed to get what he wanted. Like always. He had you and all your passion. You had never had to beg anyone in your life, but the world had changed and you had met Cooper Howard, two parameters which alone had transformed you greatly.
- I won't be delicate.
- Go ahead, I won't be the one begging you to spare me.
You felt dizzy because your body was calling for it. His hand came to rest against your throat as he stood up in front of you, dominant and impatient. You knew this was going to be exactly how you both wanted it to be, like animals, in a dingy old shed while some poor girl waited for you outside. Your bodies finally collided with rare violence, extracting a grunt of satisfaction and pain from you. His hips pounded against yours like his life depended on it, his fingers still firmly placed on your clit.
It was too much, too much.
Him, his gaze which never stopped contemplating your pleasure.
What he provoked in you. The expression he wore. You could no longer contain the slightest sound emanating from your mouth, so as if to save what was left of you, you brought a fist to your lips, muffling every cry that tried to escape you. But that wasn't how he saw things. Still pounding into you, he removed his fingers to grab your wrist, pulling it away from your mouth to pin it firmly to the table.
- Let it be heard. I want her to understand that she must never interfere between us again, understand?
You no longer had enough strength to speak, but your head was bobbing up and down frantically. You didn't care anymore if she heard anything, at this point in the situation the desire that was swelling throughout was so depraved that you were ready for him to fuck you in front of his eyes.
He was close, you could feel it in the way his hips met yours. It was painful and delicious at the same time, but there was no way you were going to cum without him. Not without seeing the orgasm distort the features of his face. And he didn't resist much longer, exploding in a deep, throaty pleasure, propelling you with him away from all this mess.
Then silence.
A moment of floating in which you slowly let yourself be drawn into. He had gotten what he wanted.
You too.
He stepped aside, giving you the chance to stand up before adjusting his hat on his head again. You glance at each other before guessing the satisfied smile that appears on his lips, the situation made you want to laugh.
Nothing was less certain than the fact that Lucy was still able to look you in the eyes now.
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nutal · 3 months
What are some of your head canons for Adam and Lute?
omg this is a GREAT question anon thank you so much for this mwahahahah 😈 OK ANYWAY BUCKLE UP
- They both have some sort of act they put on but in two entirely different ways, for Lute it’s a cold, untouchable front, and for Adam it’s an overly confident, boastful attitude. When the two really start connecting with each other intimately, those walls slowly start to come down and they kind of go hand in hand. Adam would probably be pretty insecure underneath all of his narcissism due to the fear of being left behind, and Lute would likely let her coldness dissipate in the face of something like that. And after one of those heart-to-hearts Adam probably would say something like “…yeah, but don’t get the wrong idea or anything cuz I still totally rock babe HAH.”
- Adam probably wakes Lute up in the middle of the night to talk about some REALLY stupid bs but Lute will listen regardless of what time it is in admiration of her dumbass boyfriend. <3
- Whenever Adam is trying to make a point about something while just casually rambling on about whatever, sometimes he’ll just stop and say “I mean, c’mon, you agree with me Lute right? RIGHT?”
- Adam uses pet names 24/7 and Lute simply does not care to use them at all but she enjoys it when Adam does, even if his ideas of pet names can get a little odd sometimes. Like wtf is “dangertits” LMAOO
- You can tell Lute is really being vulnerable in front of Adam when she starts calling him by his actual name instead of “Sir.” *cough cough* that one episode 8 scene☹️. As much as Adam doesn’t want to admit it, that shit hits him pretty hard.
- In an AU where these two are living as normal human beings on Earth, Adam brings Lute to every rock festival/concert imaginable and he would absolutely geek out about every single band that came on stage to her. “LUTE ITS FUCKING SLAYER BITCH!!! HOLY SHIT!! THE SLAYER THAT MADE REIGN IN BLOOD, HELLOOO?” Lute enjoys each second of it.
- Talking about what canonically happened for a second (even though I’m still in denial), after Adam’s death, Lute sometimes visits his room, tending to it as she feels morally wrong leaving it alone to be and damaged and decayed by time. Plus, it’s a duty that all of Heaven’s quarters be kept maintained as to keep a good image. One day, Lute accidentally stumbles upon a dusted mixtape Adam had on one of his shelves, with a note attached to it saying, “For my awesome lieutenant after we kick ass at extermination”, and yet, he never got the chance to give it to her.
SORRY GUYS I HAD TO WITH THAT LAST ONE MY FAULT GANG ADAM IS DEFINITELY TOTALLY ALIVE! HAHA… ok anyways hoped u guys enjoyed this cuz i would love to make more in the future
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nom-nommmm1 · 1 month
Hi!!! I really like your writing!
I just wanted to throw this idea out there of fem!y/n and dead going to a fair or something. They are having fun together and maybe it leads into smut? Eh just wanted to throw that out there. Thanks!
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Masterlist + taglist !!
Ty anon for the request, I had a little scare for a sec bc I thought I deleted your request 😭 but anyways thank you for your support. It means a lot to me that you enjoy what I write <3
Content warning !!: sweet!pelle x fem!reader, unprotected p in v, car sex, friends to lovers
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the doorbell rang. I get up off the couch, grabbing my phone. I open the door coming face to face with Pelle. “Hey Pelle whats u-“ I ask before he cuts me off. “Hey y/n, me, euro and the guys wanted to know if you’d go to the fair with us” he says quickly, a pinky blush forming on his face. “Oh yea sure…can I get dressed?” I ask, pointing to my silky pajamas. Pelle looks at my pajama’s and then back at me, his blush deepening. “Oh! Yes- I’m so sorry!” He chuckles, closing the door.
“We’ll be waiting outside for you!” He yells before walking back to his car. I chuckle walking back to my room, picking out my outfit. I walk down the stairs, getting my purse next to the front door as euro honks the horn, irritated. “I’m coming!” I holler to him as I lock the door, making my way to their car. I step up to their car window trying to open the door but it’s locked. Euro rolls down the window. “Ah-ah, you’re riding with Pelle, we got too many people in this car” he says pointing to Pelles car.
Pelle slouches in his seat, his blush a bright pink. I sigh walking to his car. Why does this kid not like me? I reach the passenger seat window, opening the door and taking a seat. “So what music you got in here?” I ask looking at his CDs piled on his center console. “Oh..just some random stuff, you can pick what we listen to on our way” he says handing me the CDs. “Awesome” I smile, taking a cd, putting it into the player. The corners of Pelles lips curl as he puts the car in drive.
Euronymous takes the lead in driving to the fair, we follow him closely. “Good choice” Pelle says turning the radio up a tad. ”Thanks” I say looking at him for a moment without him noticing, taking in his big brown eyes. I smile leaning back in my seat. The AC blasts, I shiver. “You cold?” Pelle asks glancing every now and then. “Yea, could you turn the air down a touch?” I ask holding myself. “Totally” he says turning the air down. “Thank you” I say. Pelle nods, keeping his eyes on the road.
We pull up to the fair, trying to find a place to park. Both cars park next to each other. Pelle and I get out, going to the others. “So what should we do first?” Faust asks looking around the place. Everyone shrugs their shoulders but Euro sees a ride he wants to go on. “What about the tornado?” He asks looking to the group. No one objects. Oh fuck. Euro looks around on last time. “Alright let’s go” he says heading straight to the ride to try and be the first on.
We all get on the ride, I hold onto the handle bars tightly, scared of falling. I ride starts up, spinning slowly, but it speeds up gradually. After about five minutes we are up in the air spinning. “Holy fuck!” I scream still holding onto the bars while everyone else has their hand up in the air, laughing at my fear. The ride slows down, going to the ground. The workers unbuckle us and I make a run to the exit, still dizzy.
“Never again” I say panting as everyone else is still laughing. “So who’s gonna stay with y/n if they’re not going on rides?” Hellhamer asked. Pelle raised his hand. “I’d be fine to do it, I’m not too interested in riding rides anyways” he said grabbing my arm gently. “Cmon let’s go sit down” he said leading me to a bench. We both sat on opposite sides of the bench, looking around the fair in silence for a moment or two.
“Are you sure you didn’t want to hang out with them? You totally can if you want to, I can just Uber home” I said quickly but Pelle just chuckled. “You worry too much, I would never leave you here alone, I can ride rides next time. Don’t worry” he smiled, making eye contact with me. I blushed, nodding. Music from the game stands started to get louder and I couldn’t help but look. Pelle noticed me looking at one particular game stand and spoke up.
“You wanna check out some of their games?” He asked taking me out of my trance. “Sure!” I exclaim excitedly, taking Pelles hand and practically running to a stand. Pelle blushed, rubbing the soft skin of my knuckle before I let go. After a few tries of one game I won a my melody plush and a beach ball. Pelle leads me to another stand where he wins a huge teddy bear. I chuckle looking at the big bear in his arms.
He struggles to carry the bear as he takes his hand in mine. “You wanna take this stuff to the car?” He asks out of breath from keeping the bear up. “For sure” I laugh as we walk to the car. We make it to the car, popping the trunk and stuffing the plushies. We are breathless from tussling with the huge bear, Pelle opens the front doors, we both sit. “God I’ve never seen fairs give out this big of bears” he says still painting. “I know right” I say laughing.
We both take a minute to catch our breath before Pelle says something. “Did you have fun?” He asks looking to me. “I had I a lot of fun with you Pelle” I say, Pelles lips curl into a big smile as he hears that. “I’m glad” he says inching a little closer to me. I follow his lead, scooting in closer to him. Pelle looks into my eyes, his dilate as he puts his hands on my jaw. “You want to do this?” He asks, his thumb rubbing my lip.
I nod, leaning into Pelles lips, kissing him. Pelle kisses me back roughly, bitting my lips any chance he gets. He groans pulling away from me. I look at him confused until he climbs into the back seat. I smirk. He grabs my face again, kissing me roughly. With his other hand he scoops me up and puts me in his lap in the back seat. I groan into his lips, feeling the tent in his pants right on my leg.
Pelle moves his hands down to my ass, grabbing and squeezing wherever he could reach. I blush feeling his hands all over me. He smiles, pulling my shirt up. Slowly taking it off me before taking off his own shirt. He looks at my figure with admiration, taking in every part of me. After a few moments of silence he takes my lips again.
I smile feeling his tongue collide with mine. He takes me off of his lap, slipping out of his pants and boxers. Giving his cock a few pumps before looking at me, I smirk pulling my panties down a little. Pelle blushes, taking my hand, and pulling them all the way down for me. I chuckle as I hover over his lap. “You sure you’re ready?” He asks nervously. “I’m more than ready,” I say looking into Pelle's eyes, slowly taking in his cock, mouth agape full of moans and groans before fully plopping down on his length.
Pelle moans, slapping my ass roughly. I squirm, a small yelp falling from my lips. Pelle bites his lip as I squirm, feeling my movement sending shivers down his spine. His hands come up to my hips, forcing me to stay still. We sit like that for a minute before Pelle starts to move me up and down slowly. I moan feeling his length go in and out of me and a slow pace. Pelle looks up at me, staring at me with lust.
He speeds up his pace. As I’m about to moan Pelle kisses me, keeping me from being loud. “You have to be a little quieter” he says in my lips. I nod, kissing him back. He speeds up again, this time he goes painfully fast on me. The sound of the CD can be heard at max volume throughout the car. Pelle moans into my lips, his forehead starting to collect sweat.
He pulls me on and off of his cock at lightning speed, I practically scream, cumming on his cock. Shortly after Pelle cums. We stay like this, trying to catch our breath. Pelle kisses me, taking me off of his cock. He puts his jacket around me, holding me in his arms. “Do you want to go home or would you maybe…wanna go back to mine?” He asks, his cheeks turning red. We just had sex and this kid is still nervous around me. I laugh.
“I think we should go back to your place” I say. Pelle smirks before putting his boxers and pants back on. “Let’s go then” he says climbing back into the driver seat.
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Jk guys I had time today 😽
╰┈➤@pilllover @mxqlss @roseroseluvrr @bkaulitzz @adellaonly @m3tal-chick
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lucky-teo-dreamer · 4 months
DRAWING REQUEST.... you draw a lot of shoka, fret, and rindo who are 100%%%%% awesome and i would LOVE to see your take on nagi,,,, perchance also as a squid or octo kid (her nerdy side makes me think she'd be more of an octo kid but up 2 u) or with a cool pokémon like scolipede,,,, or whatever you think,,,, anyways even if u dont do this rq i just want to let you know that i wuv ur art
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-you're literally too kind and since you were the only one i got i went ahead and gave you a whole lil canvas of nagi!!!
-I hope you enjoy these i certainly had a blast drawing her after so long!!! The first one i started was her with the scoliopede cause i thought that was such an epic idea of her having one i think it listens to her ramble about her game all the time!!!
-AND YES i agree nagi would be perfect as a octoling!!! while i dont play the weapon myself i thought maybe she'd be a splatana user :] hdhdhd
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sourle · 11 months
HII HELLO HII HIl can i request the traffic light trio (seperate) with a bird demon s/o? As in like. Reader is a humanoid bird person kind of and mildly based off of magpie/ravens, including their behaviour
Meaning that the reader would bring the traffic light trio trinkets they find as a sign of respect and affection, or them being curious and mimicking what the others do in an attempt to bond with them better, etc etc you get the idea.
Im iust rily obsessed w birds rn ahagahdyn you can freestyle this as much as u want!! go wild w bird things i like birds a lot . crows ravens and magpies my beloved flying creechurs
thank u in advance !! :]
A great opportunity to call you Bird Anon. I did one where the reader has wings but not a real bird. Anyway, this is a cute idea! But before i got into rambling let's get to the HCS!
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A bird demon! Oh you both would be having a lot of fun! I see him as one who love to be in the sky as we can see most of the time he transforms into a bird or eagle, couldn't really know what the bird he changed to.
Both of you would fly on the sky while he's in his bird form. Chasing each other in a playful manner. Usually he's the one who always got tired first. Not only he's still not used to being in some form for a long time but because he's not a forever bird like you.
Those small gifts you have him? Yeah he kept it, in a special box he has only for the things you gave him.
He adored how whenever he did something he sometimes mimicked him and followed what he did.
He is sometimes not fond of your curiosity, let's just say it got the best of you and now you're hurt.
Bird demon! She dealt with demons before but knowing about a friendly one is awesome!
She loves how you sometimes copy her movement.
Watching you fly around being happy is making her happy, and adoring you from afar is something she does.. sometimes.
She definitely dresses up as a Raven/magpie once in a Halloween.
You and her would race sometimes! It would be a practice for you to test your speed, and it's helping.
Bonus point if you're able to carry her and fly up the sky with her, she definitely will streams that.
Red son
A demon s/o is definitely what he's searching for, I mean c'mon he has preference and I know for sure a demon is on the list. Why? Idk red son, powerful sh-*rambles and rambles*
You know he has anger issues right? Yeah, whenever he's mad about something or just straight up pissed off. He'll tend to avoid you, to avoid burning your feathers of course. It's too pretty to be Burnt.
He definitely asked you for a single feather to use it as a quill.
He can teleport yes, but sometimes asks you to help him get to a designated location that's far from his teleportation range.
It would be funny if you prank him, like dropping him by "Accident" or just spun around in the sky while you hugged him.
Also he found your curious and mimicking behavior funny. One time his father was reading a book you just sat next to him and read a book of your own that you have no idea what it meant.
This man studied Raven/magpie just to understand you.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
Hii!! I'm so glad that you're gonna participate in the augtickletober! Please consider writing number 25 with lee todoroki, where he gets gang tickled by the boys from class 1A hehehe (I feel like I've seen many gang tickles for Bakugou/Midoriya, but rarely seen it for Todoroki, and I feel like Todoroki somehow deserves it). (Please no foot tickles) If you need plot recommendation (but feel free to use your own hehe): - The boys of 1A decided to help Todoroki practice since basically he's the one that hasn't received his provisional license. - Class 1A is having a field trip, and the boys have deep talks at their sleeping hall before sleeps and the topic of "Todoroki rarely laughs" pops up I hope this idea works well! Thank you so much for participating in this event, looking forward to it!!
TickleTober Day 25 - Gang Tickles
THIS! Thank you for the kind words and awesome ideas Anon! Definitely got my creative juices flowing! Sorry this is so late, I’ve had quite the week (O~O) And the candy-cane could definitely go with some gang tickling. Mans needs to laugh more! Did a handful of the 1A boys, just because more than 5 lers on one person gets a little iffy. Anywhosit, thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Todoroki
Lers: Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Midoriya, Bakugou
Summary: On a class field trip, the boys of 1A get to talking about their multi-quirked peer. After discovering that they all rarely hear his laugh, the goobers make it their mission to get him to crack a smile. Some fun, ticklish methods are utilized.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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It was a rare, yet heavily anticipated day for Class 1A; Fieldrip Day was finally upon them. They were out at one of the pro’s training facilities. One of All Might’s favorites, to be specific. The facility had a few sports fields, a training hall, and some nice barracks. If anything, it was better than a day of doing schoolwork at UA. Nothing against Aizawa; the teens just liked the change in pace. Plus, no math for a day.
Every student enjoyed the day; even Bakugou cracked a few genuine smiles. Ready to rest and recover, the boys hit the showers and got ready to sleep. Tokoyami was out the moment he arrived, not caring for small talk. A few conversations floated around the room as the male students entered the barracks, one in particular sticking out.
“Hey, Todoroki never really laughs, does he?” Sero had been the first to bring it up, but at that point, every student had their own little thought to add. “You’re right, I’ve really only heard him laugh once or twice. He smiles, but those are rare too!” Denki had seemed particularly surprised at the revelation.
“Why do you extras care? That half-and-half stiff is just taking after his father. Pros like him don’t act all happy,” Bakugou tossed his hair towel to the side, almost hitting Aoyama with the soggy thing. Kirishima, ever the apologist, tried to redeem anything the blonde had just said. “Th-that might be part of it, but he could just be a stoic dude. I wouldn’t call him a stiff, Bakubro. He’s just…a little serious.”
The tape hero jumped back in, trying to keep his conversation on topic. “Only time I’ve seen him even giggle was when Mr. Smiley attacked. Still, the guy pretty much held it in! Bakugou even laughed when he got hit, man!” That got a growl from said blonde, Sero nervously chuckling at the murderous glare he received.
Midoriya was fidgeting with his sleeve, looking down as they argued. He knew something they all didn’t, and saw a much different side of Todoroki. Iida noticed his antsy demeanor, outing him to his peers. “You seem rather tense, Midoriya. Care to share what’s on your mind?”
He squeaked at the sudden attention, feeling their eager eyes on him. “U-uhm, I dunno. It’s not really my place to share it…” Denki, bored and ever the trouble maker, pressed the matter. “Aww, c’mon Midoriya! You can’t just not tell us! We gotta know!”
The angel and devil on his shoulder fought for a few seconds, coming to the ultimate conclusion that a little laughter could do his friend some good. “W-well, I’ve seen Todoroki laugh quite a few times. You kinda gotta…m-make him, though.” The interested students hung on his every word, soaking in the new information. Make him? “What’dya mean by that, Midobro?
Izuku sighed, knowing they would want to hear more. At least Kirishima was nice about it. “He’s…he’s ticklish. Like, pretty badly ticklish. I’ve managed to get him really laughing a few times; it isn’t all that hard.”
Every teen that was paying attention seemed shocked. The serious, stoic, hardly-cracked-a-smile guy Todoroki was ticklish? It seemed hard to believe; the image of their emotionally distant peer a giggly, blushing, mess was just too obscure to imagine. Denki made sure to point it out. “No way! I’ve poked him before, and got nothing! I’d know if Todoroki was ticklish.”
Bakugou stared down his childhood friend before interrupting. He knew the greenette well enough to tell when he was lying. “Nah, the nerd’s telling the truth. Icy-hot is fucking ticklish.”
Kaminari looked like he’d just won the lottery. A goofy smirk formed on his face as he made a joke. “Wow, Todoroki is actually ticklish. I’m gonna go visit Hell for a bit, now that it’s frozen over.” Ojiro, rolling his eyes at the line, tased the goofy blonde’s side.
Iida regretted asking, feeling a bit guilty for indirectly exposing his classmate’s secret.. “Can you all be mature about anything? Our classmate would not appreciate us gossiping about this personal aspect!” Bakugou rolled his eyes, flopping on his mattress. “Pull the stick out your ass, four eyes. It’s just stupid shit, not like we’re talkin’ bout his dirty secrets or anything.”
The class president squawked at his argument, but didn’t get a chance to yell at him before Kirishima cut back in. “HEY! Why don’t we all put this info to use and, I dunno, make the guy laugh. I think we can all agree that he needs it.”
Nobody argued with him there. Not every student was up for it, some fearing retribution, others not wanting to be crispy-fried or frozen solid. In the end, the team consisted of Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Midoriya, and surprisingly Bakugou. They got a plan together; all they needed was the dual-quirked teen.
Todorki had always enjoyed longer showers; it felt nice to just stand under the water and think. He was expecting a few of his peers to question how long he took, though he wasn’t prepared to have five of them eagerly eyeing him as he left the showers. The boy tried to keep the suspicion out of his voice as he spoke to them. “Do you all need something from me?”
The electric blonde smirked, stepping forwards. “Actually, yeah.” With that, the group went into action. Catching him by surprise, Sero came up behind him and shot tape around his hands, hoisting them above his head. Kirishima held the shocked teen in place as Sero got a few more layers of tape on his hands and forearms, thoroughly restraining him.
Normally, Todo would’ve just burned throughout the tape and left. With his peers so close, however, he was hesitant; he couldn’t risk hurting them. The teen tugged at his arms, shooting a glare at his classmates. “What’re you all doing?”
They answered his question pretty quickly. Kaminari squeezed his sides, while Sero poked along his spine. He snapped his mouth shut, eyes growing wide. Oh, they didn’t. He forced out an order, managing to contain his giggles. “G-get off of me!”
This only encouraged his “attackers.” Sero used both hands, dragging his nails down Todoroki’s spine. The candy-cane arched his back, flinching right into Kirishima’s wiggling fingers on his belly. That got a snort out of him, the serious teen’s cheeks dusted with red.
“Oooh, someone’s ticklish!” It was already a struggle to hold in his giggling; Kaminiari’s stupid teases were an unfair challenge. “Sh-shut uhup!” The electric student gasped, eyes lighting up with playful mischief. “Was that a giggle?! C’mon, gimme a few more!”
Who knew Kaminari would be so good at teasing? The student definitely didn’t, that’s for sure. Thankfully, he moved his fingers to the boy’s armpits, trying to find his worst spot; he didn’t realize he had already found it. “How about here, huh? Does this tickle?” That damn word… He wished he could delete it from the blonde’s vocabulary.
Midoriya tried to conceal a smile, watching his peer move farther away from the jackpot he was looking for. He was conflicted; on one hand, it was wonderful to see Todoroki like this around other people. On the other hand, he would probably be more than a little betrayed if the greenette revealed his worst spot. Decisions, decisions… Eh, what’s the worst that could happen?
“You know you’re getting colder, right?” All four of the perpetrators turned to him, Todoroki’s eyes narrowed in a “don’t you dare” expression. Ignoring it and the inevitable revenge, he continued. “You actually already found it. It’s right around here…”
Denki parted the waters for him, letting the freckled teen do his thing. With an apologetic smile, he clawed at Todoroki’s navel, not flinching at the howl of laughter the action received. The other students’ eyes lit up, though Bakugou tried to conceal his. Izuku stepped back, leaving his friends the chaotic seed he’d planted.
Ten fingers immediately latched onto Todo’s stomach, Kaminari wasting no time. Loud, surprisingly bubbly laughter burst from him, a wide smile growing on the face of the typically-earnest teen. “N-NOHOHO! MIHIDORIYAHA! TRAHAHAITOR!”
That started a little competition; an unspoken game of “Who Can Get Todoroki to Laugh the Loudest” beginning between the four teens. Denki was in the lead, scribbling in and around his navel and teasing his lower belly. Kirishima was in a semi-close second, drilling his fingertips into the multi-quirked boy’s hollows. Sero, deciding to be a menace, toyed near his spine, tracing teasy little shapes up and down his back. Bakugou and Izuku hung back, though the explosive blonde seemed ready to jump in.
Todoroki was burning; not literally, but he could feel the heat on his cheeks. He trusted his classmates not to go too far, but damn, that shit tickled. He was mainly nervous of Bakugou; they had already found his worst spot, but he knows one more that would make the goofiness much more unbearable. A spot that Baku knew.
Deciding that he had waited long enough, the fiery teen cracked his knuckles, approaching the group. He crouched down, going for Todo’s outer thigh. He clawed at the outer edges, making sure to keep things as comfortable as they could be.
Todoroki shrieked at the addition of the spot, four people now trying their best to wreck him. It was almost maddening; all he could think about was “tickles, tickles shIT THAT TICKLES!” over and over again. His entire face was a bright red, almost matching the left side of his hair. “NAHAHAHA! GUHU- PLEHEHEASE! NOHO MOHOHORE!”
Denki saw how wild all the tickling was driving his classmate. Deciding to show some mercy, he went for one more scribble on the boy’s navel before backing away. Kirishima also took the hint, ending the underarm tickles. Bakugou reluctantly pulled away, not wanting to seem silly compared to the other two. Sero continued out of pure spite, wanting to hear the giggles a little longer.
The hot-and-cold student was wiped; five of his classmates “tormenting” him was exhausting. He practically hung from the tape restraints, giggling softly as Sero continued to softly tickle his back. It honestly just made him more tired, but in a good way. He still wanted it to end, but they were relaxing in the silliest way.
Midoriya checked the time, seeing how late it was getting. He had always been a bit of a mother-hen when it came to his close friends, even though he got injured far worse and much more often than they did. “Come on, Sero. He’s had enough.” The tape hero-in-training backed away, a smug smile on his face. “Fine. You know he was enjoying it, though.”
Kirishima hardened his hand, cutting the tape around the giggly, exhausted teen’s arms. It quickly unraveled, Todo swaying into Midoriya’s waiting arms. He carried his classmate over to the half-and-half student’s bed for the night, laying him down and pulling the blankets over him. He was out in seconds.
The rest of their classmates snickered quietly, each going either back to sleep or to their devices. The goof troop that wrecked him fist-bumped, silently cheering a job well-done. Sero, still proud of himself for bringing it up and starting it all, chuckled. “I’ll admit, that was pretty fun. Nice to see him laugh like that.”
His friends agreed, even Bakugou huffing a quiet “I guess” before heading to his bed. The teen had a strict sleep schedule, and while the tickling was fun, it did delay that. The rest snickered before dispersing, each heading to their own sleeping spots.
Todoroki found himself smiling and laughing a lot more after that day, be it from cheesy jokes or the occasional side poke. And honestly? He didn’t really mind. Turns out even the most serious of teenagers can enjoy a good laugh with friends every once in a while.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
One of the (many, many) things I love about your blog/ideas/posts is that you look at things so outside of the box and so full of nuance that is almost unheard of on the tumblr dot com. Exploring the “”bad”” choices in the game (sparing Loghain, taking vaughn’s bribe, etc.) with empathy and creativity, making really detailed characters to push back on the whole “ya I did a playthrough where I did all the evil choices” thing that’s so common in rpg’s….ok I’m rambling so I’m going anon but short story short I think you’re awesome and your brain is big and strong and full of The characters of all time
wah. thank u!!
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heliads · 2 years
I love love love your stories with Newt, thank you so much for writing them, i was thinking if I can request one? Just a simple thing with hurt/comfort and some angst. My idea is that reader does something that threatens her life, maybe she's the one that runs to help Minho in the maze at night (whatever, you decide really). But after that, when she comes back, Newt is furious, because he was SO worried that that was it, that he would lose her; so when she comes back he starts scolding her, but in the middle of the argument his eyes start to get all teary, and he just realizes he's crying after the first tear falls. Then despite him being stubborn and trying to avoid it, the reader just hugs him and holds him tightly until he calms down, this makes him break and cling to her, and he just sobs on her shoulder because he thought he would never see her again. Then just some cute moments and maybe his feelings getting spilled. Thank you, I'm excited to read it, you're awesome 💖
no you're awesome, anon! also i'm glad you like the newt fics bc like five requests for him came in during the last week, so you get a lot of newt content lmao
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You could spend your whole life wondering if you would never know what it feels like to be alive. Really, properly alive, that is, not this dreary day to day surviving that makes up most of your days in the Glade. You have a pulse, your blood is still good enough to force your heart through yet another set of paces, but it’s not enough. You don’t know that it will ever be enough.
Perhaps it’s the lack of freedom that keeps making you feel this way. You certainly have enough exertion in your life to give you probable cause to feel something a little stronger. After all, you and your fellow Gladers are the only things keeping you from certain death. Despite your best efforts, though, you cannot shake the obvious truth that you are in a prison, and that prison will keep you tied down until the day you die. In the life you lead, that may come sooner than you think.
Death is common enough in the Glade, as evident by the small graveyard in the back of the Deadheads. It should be enough to convince you of the merit of your own life, to let you seize the day because you know quite well that it may be your last. Still, your hours peter off into drudgery, and you cannot make yourself believe that any one of your days are worth the effort you put into them.
Shouting voices echo around you like the calls of birds, and you dimly realize that this must mark the end of the work day. Everyone has been released from their shifts at last. Most of the boys head over to their friends, slinging arms around shoulders and sharing what happened to them during the past few hours, all the jokes that have been quietly stewing in their heads now begging to be spoken aloud for greatest comedic effect.
Not all of the Gladers seem so happy to be off work, though. It’s not like they’re begging to be let back into their daily jobs, they’re just more like you, more apathetic. You wrap up the task you were doing before break was called and head out, rambling aimlessly through the Glade in search of something to fill your hours.
You used to be more like the more exuberant Gladers once, but you’ve been here for what’s coming up on three years. Despite all the work it takes to maintain the place, the Glade is small, and you can feel the walls of the Maze bearing down on you, forcing you to stay in place. You made your jokes a long time ago, their fountains of cheer have now run dry. There are no hilarious anecdotes left in you, just a deep, shifting weight of too much time on your hands.
You’re still not alone, though, despite your best assumptions. Soon enough, you’re greeted by your own name shouted aloud, your own friend coming up to grin at you. Newt’s been here almost as long as you have, yet he still finds a way to make his days worth something. There was a time, once, when he couldn’t. Neither of you dare to bring it up, but your eyes still flicker over to his bad leg every now and then when you’re sure he can’t see it.
Newt, in his tenure, has learned to read you just as well as the grounds of the Glade. He taps a hand lightly against your shoulder blade to get your attention.
“What’s up with you?” He asks, frowning slightly. “You seem more tired than normal. Sleep alright?”
You lift a shoulder. “Sleep was fine. It’s just– I’m sick of this place, you know? Nothing ever changes.”
“Repetition keeps us safe,” Newt reminds you, “I’m more worried about what happens when things start changing.”
You sigh. “I know. I’m glad to be alive, obviously, but how long are we supposed to be here, doing all this? The Creators had to have put us in here for a reason, but I just don’t get it.”
Newt nods slowly. “I’ve been thinking a lot of the same things. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, though. When the time comes and our situation starts shifting, I’ll make sure you’re the first to know.”
He says his last bit with a sort of smile, and once again you’re amazed by how he’s able to stay positive so easily. If there is a pessimistic bone in his body, Newt is able to cover it up with the grace of a master illusionist.
Unable to hold your tongue, you ask him about it. “How are you able to do that? Stay so happy about everything, I mean. Why is your patience still intact?”
Newt chuckles. “I have a fairly good reason to make my days matter.”
He doesn’t clarify on what that means, but his eyes linger on you a second longer than normal. You feel your breath hitch in your throat, but force yourself to glance away lest you think too much into it.
Newt’s not wrong about the changes, though. The next Greenie Day is as normal as they come, even if the latest arrival tries to hurl himself into the Maze the second he appears. Thomas seems like he’ll be a fine addition to the Glade, all up until another Greenie arrives the next day. She’s unconscious, although between the fact that she knows Thomas’ name and comes bearing a note that says she’ll be the last one, ever, you’re not liking your odds that this will be quickly forgotten.
You and Newt spend your hours talking this latest development over with Alby. The three of you have been here the longest, or at least the longest of the surviving Gladers, but even your shared experience can’t come up with much explanation of what to do next. All that remains is to stay calm and hope that an avenue of escape presents itself as soon as possible.
Maybe that’s why Alby was so eager to go into the Maze the second Minho showed up one afternoon, out of breath and talking about having found a dead Griever. It’s another change, and everyone’s already on edge from the new girl’s arrival. A dead Griever could mean many things, but if it even hints at a way out, Alby feels that he has to see it for himself.
In the end, you’re not sure if he was right or wrong to visit the corpse of the Griever. Alby and Minho stay in the Maze longer and longer, to the point where a small group of Gladers starts clustering around the Doors to see if they’re coming or not. Although the gathering starts small, enough people head there after work that almost the entire population of the Glade, minus Teresa and a few others, finds themselves camped outside the gap in the stone walls.
Newt exchanges glances with you, both of you piercingly aware of the fact that Alby and Minho may not make it out. In that case, responsibility for leading the Glade will fall to Newt, but neither of you are remotely concerned with a sudden promotion, more what the loss of two of your closest friends will feel like. Although you hoped for change, this is too much.
Eventually, you see them, two straggling figures appearing around the corner of the far wall of the Maze. The Gladers erupt in shouts and cheers, begging them to have the strength to return home through volume and spirit alone. Even with the added motivation, though, you can tell that it’s no use. The time has come for the Doors to close, there’s no way your friends can make it back in time. Minho is almost carrying an unconscious Alby, he won’t be able to get both of them through the Doors.
It takes the Doors themselves starting to close to convince you of what you have to do. You won’t let your friends die here, not if there’s something you can do about it, no matter how small. You haven’t lived in a long time, too caught up in the monotony of having to survive, so at least now you can die for a purpose.
You look at Newt one last time before you go. He knows what you’re going to do, you think, you can see the flare of panic starting to rise in his eyes. Even Newt’s split second reaction is too slow, though, and you’re running through the Doors before he can pull you back.
The Doors slam shut behind you with a sickening thud. Minho looks horrified that you’d risk your life to try and save him and Alby, but you think that some selfish part of him is secretly glad that he won’t have to die alone. You help him hide Alby in some broken off hole in one of the Maze walls, but after that, the two of you have nothing to do except try not to die.
A few hours into the whole mess, you realize that you were wrong, terribly wrong. Dying will not make you feel alive, even in the midst of a glorious self sacrifice to save one of the few boys you’ve known the longest, it just makes you finally understand how much you’ll be losing.
For once, you want nothing more than to delve back into that safe, sheltered monotony. Let the sun shine on your face once more, let you walk to dinner complaining with Newt about how the Builders can’t seem to stop themselves from causing fights. Even something so simple as waking up in your own hammock seems like a miracle right now.
It’s there in that moment, running as fast as you can away from terrifying Grievers, that you fundamentally change your perspective on life as you know it. Your world does not have to be exciting or dangerous for you to feel like you’re truly living, it just has to be good, and what you had before was indeed good.
You use that bright spark of a realization to power you through the night. You’re getting out alive, damn it, no matter what it takes. You and Minho will survive, even if the odds are stacked against you. 
Despite your best words of encouragement, you’re still stunned to see the light of dawn filter across the sky. Making it through a night in the Maze is impossible, it always has been. Yet tonight, you and Minho set a new record. It feels amazing.
The two of you take up your positions near the Doors when the time comes. The stone slabs slide away, revealing a frazzled cluster of Gladers waiting for your arrival. The cheers and sighs of relief when your friends realize that you and Minho are alright is like nothing you’ve ever heard before, and you silently beat it into your mind that this is something worth remembering. This celebration is what living truly feels like.
You only allow yourself to relax once Alby is taken away by the Med-Jacks, and slump into your hammock for some much needed rest. For once, the dreamless sleep is all you’ve ever wanted, and you wake several hours later feeling peaceful, although not fully recovered.
As you pass Gladers and friends throughout the day, you’re met with proud smiles and fascinated whispers. Most of them are amazed that you survived, or simply in awe, although you think some are unnerved by it all. You’re not the only one who’s been waiting for change, although more than a few Gladers are wary of it.
The one reaction you didn't expect, though, comes later. You’ve been looking for Newt all morning, ever since you saw him in that group waiting for you outside the Doors, but you’ve never gotten a chance to actually speak to him. Every time you try, he melts back into the crowds.
Your time comes later in the morning. You spot him walking through the Deadheads to grab more wood, and eagerly chase him down. You hadn’t realized how much you missed him, even in the few hours since you saw him last, but you’re still overcome with a wave of emotions upon coming face to face with him.
Newt, however, doesn’t seem as enthralled as you are. In fact, he looks almost angry. When he sees you, he throws down his load of lumber with far more irritation than you were expecting, making your steps slow in surprise.
Newt folds his now empty arms across his chest. “So, you made it out.”
You nod hesitantly. “Yes. Some might consider that a cause for celebration, but you look like–”
Unable to control his temper, Newt cuts you off. “What, like you broke a rule? You did, by the way. Non-Runners aren’t allowed in the Maze.”
You laugh incredulously, a sharp sound. “I was saving Minho and Alby. I did what I had to do to protect them.”
Newt scoffs. “And what about me? What about the rest of us, for that matter? You were supposed to die in there, all for nothing. I thought that was it for you. I thought I was going to lose you, all because you made the terrible decision to be a martyr. I can’t– I won’t–”
His words start freezing up in his throat, and you realize a moment before the first tear falls that he’s crying. Newt drags a frustrated hand over his eyes, but it’s too late, you’ve seen the damage. You’ve seen what you did to him by leaving.
Newt is starting to turn away, but you refuse to let this be the way the conversation ends, so you rush over to him and throw your arms around him. He tries to push you off by impulse, but you don’t budge and eventually he just sighs and pulls you closer to him. He smells the same way he always has, bright sunshine and freshly cut grass, although this time it’s tainted by salt from both his tears and yours.
You’re crying too, you realize, both of you choking on sobs because that is the worst punishment in the end, to have to lose the other. You discovered that when you were running for your life in the Maze, but Newt knew from the moment the Doors closed between the two of you.
You manage to gasp out words in between your tears. “I’m not going anywhere, Newt. Not anymore.”
He laughs, the sound muted against your shoulder. “Could have convinced me otherwise earlier. Just swear you won’t do it again, alright? I need you too much for that.”
You smile, pulling away briefly so he can see the sincerity on your face. “I swear. I don’t have to leave anymore, I’ve got you and that’s all that matters.”
It’s true, you realize halfway through saying it. You’ve got your new reason to live, and it begins and ends with the blond boy in front of you. He is all that you will ever need, and that’s just fine with you.
maze runner tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @thatfangirl42, @hiya-its-amber, @gods-fools-heroes
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seelestia · 2 months
who are a few mutuals that you appreciate alot? mutual appreciation day 🥰❤️😊🤩💐✨
OOOO FUNFUNFUN!!! thank u so much for sending this in and for essentially spreading positivity, nonnie. this is appreciated ♡ also, instead of strictly moots, i decided to extend my appreciation to everyone! moots, anons, friends and readers alike ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
some odeliaesqué sappy appreciation under the cut:
@yvnaology - one of my fav facts abt yona was that she's one of the first moots i ever had on tumblr!!! and she's a lyney kisser and a fellow aventurine kisser (#taste). also she's so silly (/aff) and easy to talk to! like u'll feel at ease around her. she deserves good great and awesome things in life, so make sure to water ur yona daily with love <3
@solarisfortuneia - mika wished me congrats when i reached 1k and i still remember it till this day <3 she's friendly in a shy/modest way and suchsuchsuch a good writer! e.g. i cry over this every day actually. mika also has her silly moments sometimes too. someone save her /j
@floraldresvi - simply the sweetest & most supportive moot EVER! vivi is full of love and she's good at giving some of that love to others <3 her selfships are like bottles of serotonin to me. 100% would drop anything and everything in my hands to support her!!! and ik she'd do the same for me <3 mwah mwah 💐💐
@monicahar - the moot who comes online once in a while and drops absolute meals when she does. ate, left no crumbs 🔥🔥 also SUPER FUNNY!!! and unhinged, i'm concerned but amused at the same time. i hope she's having a nice break!! thank u for ur past & future services ma'am. we love u 🤭🤭
@milk-violet - MIREI !!! sunshine personified but also vv precious. i'm the leader of # protecc mirei squad (real). best person to have ever appeared in my notifs and i lovelovelove when her username pops up. take care & good luck with school! IK U CAN DO IT. remember what i said: slay before ur slayed 🗣️
@xianyoon - the butterfly moot 🦋 !!! both socially and aesthetically hehe. sosooso sweet & kind. has creative projects and executes them well at that too. i personally crown her as genshinblr's best hostess™! also, send her a moodboard and she'll cherish u forever - that's one of her love languages <3 ++ her pretty & aesthetic rb's are such a good refresh for my dash. love her for it!!
@hermosacolibri - the name, 'starlight' fits them sm bcs i feel like if we were to take a peek into their mind, stars will burst out!!! /pos (<- unique complimenting skills ik pardon me). their ideas are brilliant and i can tell they put their all into pursuing their vision <3 it's truly an honor to be a witness & reader. if u want to check them out, they write over at @/starlightlacrimosazpsff !!! ★
@wolfhookk - aaaaa ri !!!! booping her x1000 rn bcs i cannot believe boop trend ended when she came online. the discrimination 😔 /j i'll always remember ri as my first ever moot on here like first, 1st, #1!!! i forever thank her for swooping into my inbox back then and she's welcome to do that even now any time she likes <3
@kaiserkisser - skylia is the true angst consumer, the realest of it!! even in different fandoms LOL. she's nice (and gremlin-ish) when u get to know her more and she reciprocates energy really well! i'll never forget the disaster of boops in my notifs /lh
@callilouv - COOL MUTUAL ALERT !!!! cool art & cool interests. truly, picasso w/ the finger and fandoms!! idk if cal still draws with his finger dhjahshsj but still vv mega cool!
@manager-of-the-pudding-bank - the grandpas & old men kisser where art thou 💔 /j loqua has that awkward & silly rizz!!! idk if she still does wax stamps but i still think it's really cool. bcs qua's just cool in general !!! hehe
@calxlu - aaaaa vi!!! the one who enables my rambles and selfships shhshsh i am so thankful <3 rambler 🤝 rambler is the best. i love talking to her and it's super reassuring to know that it's mutual! even if i take some time but i always look forward to seeing her replies in my inbox. it's like we're penpals across the screen talking abt irl stuff and our f/o's ꒰✿´ ꒳ ` ꒱♡
& honorable mention: @/zhongrin. rin does not interact with minors anymore (which i respect and so should everyone!), so we count as former moots. but !!! i still think she's an amazing person regardless <3 (note: her blog is equally as great but plsplspls be mindful of her rules beforehand.)
brainrot anon - A REAL ONE!!! always there when i come back from the grave each time. i get reminded of them whenever i look at my inbox, it's an instinct atp. their brainrots are so fun & random (but that's a charm in itself /pos) !!! tbh i love elaborating them all so never stop sending the brainworms in <3 feel free to treat my inbox as a drop-off for ur thoughts LMAO /gen. come by again soon!
michiki anon - MY COUSINNNMNMN!!! i still love and miss when they'd come into my inbox to chat. it was so nice getting to know someone in a casual way <3 i hope ur doing well wherever u are, michikinon! i'm doing well these days and i hope u are too 🤍
rix anon - their series still has me FLOOOORED. i still think it deserves a proper platform than just thru my lil ol inbox. it deserves more recognition :( but just the fact that i got to help share their writing alone is an honor of its own!!! i hope ur doing well too, rix anon <3
++ everyone who has left a nice feedback / said anything nice in my notifs or my inbox!! even a simple 'cute' or 'this is good' or even just leaving a note means sososo much to me. i'm just a measly guy in my own little corner on this site, really - so thank u thank u thank u all !!! 🫂
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stitchwraith-stingers · 6 months
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lampwick for @castlingvanias , sophia carter for @springbonnie-fanclub , amaya izumi for @valleyfthdolls , heath for @frindoka, ocha for @toothlesstdm , satoshi for @cobrajacky and GLaDoS for @bearionette
seperate versions under cut + extra words <3
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andrew - HI ANDREW SORRY IK UR IN UR PKMN BRAINROT MOMENT RN BUT I ALWAYS LOVE TO DRAW LAMPWICK EVEN THOUGH I DONT KNOW HER AWHOLE ALOT <333 thank you for making pinnochio yuri real in ur adapation and i did not expect you to follow me after i found ur andrew art that one time and im still so happy i mananged to name one of ur aus AKJDKJ ALSO YOU JUST ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST OPINIONS EVER . EVERYTIME YOU GO INTO MY ASKBOX TO TYPE AN ESSAY UR THAT ONE GUY WRITING ON FIRE GIF... COOLEST PERSON IVE EVER SEEN
bonnie - THANK U FOR HAVING SUCH BASED OPINIONS I LOVE THE IDEA OF TRANSFEM JULIUS... estrogen probably saved her... GRAHH I LOVE UR PIXEL-ISH ART STYLE AND YOU ALSO JUST GET IT.. YOU GET EVERYTHING AND I ALWAYS TRUST U W FAZ FRIGHTS OPINIONS..... yes rouge thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a hot topic /ref (how faz frights yuri should be more popular)
onyx - GRAHH I LOVE UR IDEAS SO MUCH UR SO GOOD W WORDS i love ur au as well AND I LOVE UR IDEA OF VANNY / VALENTINE....that one time you made a comment about how ur impressed w the fact i can draw in ms paint has stayed in my mind i dont know why ..... ONE HUNDRED BILLION TRILLION SMILES AND HUGS... UR SO COOL AND EPIC WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE IT
fret - HII FRET .. NOT ALOT OF WORDS CUZ WE ARENT SUPER CLOSE SORRY </3 ur art is so epic and awesome and i love how you draw tufts so much ... i did not expect you to refind me again after i dissapeared from twt LOL but so cool and epic... i tried to get heath as accurate as possible but i couldnt find a ref that wasnt from september and i wasnt sure if it was updated so im sorry if i got anything wrong </33 i LOVEDD doing the stripes so much sorry the ones on the tail look so rushed
lillie - WE DONT TALK ALOT EITHER!!! I LOVE HOW COMPLICATED YOU CAN DO ANY DESIGN!!!!!!!! i tried to challange myself to get it fully accurate to the ref i found.. yeah that anon was me sorry....GRAHH UR ART IS SO PRETTY IM GRABBING YOU LIKE A SOPPY WET CAT.. PEACE AND LOVE ON THE PLANET EARTH you are the most joyus person on the planet i have ever seen i swear if i walk into your room it would be straight up the sun you are SO HAPPY AND POSITIVE I LOVE IT
charolette - HIII ... KEEPING THE RUNNING THEME OF ALWAYS MISPELLING UR NAME CUZ I CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO SPELL IT.. YOUVE BEEN HERE THE LONGEST ... EVER SINCE MY DA DAYS AND MY DRTWT SHINANIGANS... i will forever mourn the fact the 'WHAT THE FUCK IS POISON GENDER' video where we dunked on some random romanian dudebro guy for making fun of my pkmn headcanons and we used danganronpa sprites is gone... ur the type of person to read the bible as if its some random every day novel and i think thats rad and cool.... this florust guy looks so cool i hope atleast he survives abit in ur fangan.. holding a cake that says IM SORRY THAT YOU KNEW ME WHEN I WAS 11
atlas - HI ATLAS... UR ART IS THE SHIT I LOVE IT... THE COLORS R SOSOSOSO BEAUTIFUL.. ONE BILLION SMILES FOR YOU AND I LOVE UR CASSIE DESIGN... IF I EAT UR ART IT WOULD PROBABLY TASTE LIKE MANGO... GRAHHH i cant believe we started to talk after you drew my cookie run oc that one time... ITS SO COOL TO SEE HOW FAR YOUVE GONE W UR ART.. i tried to keep the blocky shape of ur GLaDoS design AND IT WAS SO FUN TO EXPIRIMENT WITH..... yipee
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Hey!! i saw your countryhumans post and it was rlly cool!!!
can you do russia,canada,france and germany with a tall s/o??
(your blog is so cool!!!)
Russia, canada, France, and germany with a Tall S/O
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probably u are the same height of this mf lmao
congrats cuddling is more easy in some aspects , like surprise hugs/kisses/etc,
the part of the nicknames is
the ""normal"" nicknames like bean, shorty, short stuff or things like that
and he stays with nicknames like, "Darling", "sweetie", "sugar cube", etc.
they can wear each other's clothes without problems
"sweetie is that my sweater?"
"i thought it was mine!"
the problem comes if you would like your clothes to be loose,
hehe yes… discard that from your wish list
when you go anywhere you probably both have to bend over
It's obvious but I wanted to say it
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this man LOVES you
he let you be the big spoon
he loves showing you off
"have you seen my partner? they are so tall just like russia, cry bitch"
but if you want it to stop just say so and it will stop, (like for 2 months and then it will, but only every like 2 weeks)
"germany stop-"
be prepared for lots of questions of "can you pass me that?", "can you hang that?" but that only happens when
A.- didn't find the ladder
B.- he gave up after a long time
C.-I don't know, maybe he can reach it but he just wants to try to talk to you
nicknames like "bean", shorty, etc are still there
"hey shorty can you pass me the salt?"
"ok but you know that i'm…y'know, t a l l?"
"ok, ok, but pass me the fucking salt-"
sometimes he has made jokes about him wishing he were so tall
I said they were jokes?
why the fuck aren't they
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I feel that his type of person is the short ppl
but when he realized that he fell in love with you he said "FUCK I LOVE TALL PEOPLE"
he loves to steal your clothes
regardless of color
"bro, why do u have a (insert fav color, except red and white) shirt? i thought you hated that color-"
"who cares? it smells like my beloved and awesome partner and!-"
"now i understand why i love being single"
i don't have to much ideas rn sorry 😭✋
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protective asf
I feel like this bitch would want to grab your waist but he ends up grabbing your ass
"yes mon amour?"
"that isn't my waist-"
"oh.... O H "
I feel like I would be proud enough to tell you "pass me that please!"
"I don't needed help…"
"honey you almost broke your leg a, THE DAMN LEG"
tall ppl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>idk
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desb3ar · 3 months
ok this was originally gonna be an anon post but i decided to STOP BEING A PUSSY!!!!
your art of miggle is sooo osooooo osooooo sososoo coool..... i love the way you draw him so big but he also just looks sosososo soft and gentle!!!!! i saw the horror art and thats what really made me want to write this because ur ability to absolutely make him turn a 180 is awesome........ i remember seeing that art of him as a weighted blanket and tbh it really spoke to me because i'm autistic and ykw i want a big muscley bf (miguel) to lay on me and be my weighted blanket!!!!!!!!
and your nonviolent communication fanart is sooo good.... granted spoilers for me cus i haven't finished it yet (school unfortunately) but greensagephase must be elated everytime they see u post because i think you're bestowing a writer's greatest honor to have their fic have fanart!
AAAAAAND NOT TO MENTION U ARE A WRITER URSELF AND THATS AWESOME TOO i read all of your works and tehy'resoooo!!!! they're soooo!!!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE MAN it rlly adds depth to mig even if it's soso simple and domestic your talent really shines in both areas!!!!!!!
so... haha..... we are both artists and writers (x reader writers to be specific.... and we both like The Specimen.... whadya say... buddy..... mutuals???? 😊 (THISISSOLONG IM SORRY YOU CAN DELCINE IF YOU WNANA)
im still so stunned i am even capable of turning miguel into this lovable guy. i dont even mean to 😭 i honestly thought i was doing the complete opposite because i wasnt meaning for him to be made out that way, which is funny and somewhat cute. many always say that and im always beside myself when it’s mentioned . him being some sort of weighted blanket, that drawing? one of my favorites ngl. i just might draw some more soft miguel, have them all in one post to relief dashboards of my spam LMFAO
i could go on and on about nonviolent communication. #1 fic of all time. I spent more time than id like to admit reading it, its that good. thats why i draw the things i do, its such an enjoyable read 😭 i gotta draw more of it instead of waiting on the next chapter because theres so many amazing moments i read that i really wanna put on the canvas. green deserves so much fanart for how well-constructed their story is and for the amazingly done writing that makes miguel come to life even more. it’s astounding, green is really the reason i was writing to start with ❤️☺️
on the subject of writing, ive GOT to write more, just need some ideas that isnt too far from how he is in canon (i love him for what ive seen, not because of the fantasies ive hd lmfao). writing takes so much thought and i commend those who take their time to make amazing pieces, i can barely crack 2k words without thinking this is a masterpiece when the talented can make 4k words and its only the mf START. ITS NUTS. but im not here to compare, just paying so much gratitude for authors on tumblr haa im rambling UGH
THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS!! and dont worry, i dont get a lot of long messages in my inbox, its rare, so this means a lot more than you think <333
and amazing on having balls, respect <3
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