#(c: sirius)
cecils-dragons · 7 months
Round 1: Janice vs. Sirius
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Two of the three Asteria cousins against each other! Archivist Janice versus heir Sirius.
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medasgalaxy · 1 year
Hospital Wing - 1976 @afracturedstar
Andromeda took any shifts she could at Hogwarts, not only because she needed the money, but also because she wanted to keep an eye on her younger cousins. She knew she had no right, she had left the family after all, but she couldn’t help to want to check if they were at least alright. 
It didn’t last long before she found out that Sirius had left home, and even if she wanted to keep in contact, Sirius might not, he might want to distance himself from Black and former Black family members alike, and she couldn’t blame him. What was left to do is asked her contacts at school if he was okay, and try to see if she could catch a glimpse before she left the castle. 
However, life had funny ways of working out, and the patient that landed in her care was none other that Sirius Black III. Making her relieved and worried all at the same time. 
“Merlin, Sirius, what happened to you?” she asked, concerned.
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kohaive · 2 years
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TON of character sheets I drew for an OC night
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mkmarlene · 2 months
where: frank's birthday party who: @siriuslypadfootx
It was easier to pretend everything was fine when she was in a bigger crowd, not too many people paying attention to the little details, and the fact that it was a party that included alcohol made it better. Marlene was already a couple of drinks in when she arrived at the Three Broomsticks but still made her way over to the bar to place an order, turning her head just in time to find the mischievous yet familiar dark eyes staring back at her. Her shoulders relaxed and a genuine smile formed on her lips as she leaned in closer to Sirius, her hand coming up to ruffle his hair. "Hey stranger, having a good time?"
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lilyxjxevans · 2 months
Where: Potter Home With: @siriuslypadfootx
Lily had been able to snag a day free of work, in dire need of some rest and a day to just relax. While she had done her best to tempt him otherwise, James had begrudgingly left for training for the afternoon. With a plate of treats in hand that she'd snagged from the kitchens, she made her way into the sitting room where she knew she'd find Sirius hanging out. He'd shown sometime the night before and she'd let him and James catch up, desperate to catch up on sleep anyway. Now it was her turn to bug him.
"You know I considered sharing these with you." She mused as she padded into the room and dropped down onto the couch beside him. "But then I remembered all the ruckus coming from this room while you and James had a sleepover without me." She gave him an only slightly convincing annoyed look. "Exploding snaps was it?" She sighed and shook her head, holding the plate close to her. "Alas, now I think I should just eat them all myself."
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mrsjamesss · 11 months
@mrsiriusss: vc é mesmo uma jamanta, gostei
Não sei o que isso significa.
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Mas vou levar como um elogio, faz parte do meu mantra.
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syoddeye · 3 months
my genuine experience every time i read surprise! ghoap:
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i don't care if it's 'obvious' because it's tagged. i looked for that tag. i know it's coming and yet. when i hit that part of the fic where the emotional support sergeant or big scary goth dude shows up, i lose it. i am lucille bluth every time.
me: oh it's just some idiot with balloons
the author: oh, is it?
me: oh my GODDDD
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thund3randrain · 8 months
"So you were talking about that gay ship you like..."
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webbluvrsugar · 25 days
Getting tricked by Barty Crouch Jr.
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Barty didn’t want to do this to you, the sweet, hufflepuff girl that stayed late hours in the library, studying and reading whatever book you could find, the girl that sometimes skips lunch to help Hagrid and his multiple variations of animals. Really, he didn’t, but he had to, Voldemort was asking for information that his father in the ministry wouldn’t provide to him, and you were the perfect opportunity, your parents also worked for the ministry, surely they knew things he could use, surely it wouldn’t be so hard to exploit them out of you by pressing the right buttons.
So he did exactly that, followed you around the castle and helped you out with your books, listened to whatever you wanted to talk about to form some kind of connection with you and it worked out smoothly, it didn’t take long to make you swoon, a few hair twirls and cheek rubs and you went from complete strangers to kissing on each other’s dorms after curfew, to having you on his bed, to him taking your virginity and making it good for you. He hadn’t meant to go this far, but now with your naked body over his as he caresses your hair, his other hand carrying his cigarette in two fingers, he’s pensive about everything he’s done, because sure, he’s already got what he wanted from you, Voldemort has what he wants but he just can’t let you go.
“Really, that’s what they said?” He mumbles, as if he’s paying attention to anything you’re saying.
“Mhm.. they’re asses.” You whisper back, head slightly buried on his chest as he keeps the same mind-numbing motion on your hair. You stay silent for a while, he can tell you’re thinking to, one eyebrow raising, encouraging you to speak. “So,” you look up to him, a soft, blissful sigh escaping you. “Are we… dating now?”
Right, that question, the one he’s been trying to avoid the last few weeks, he’s even surprised you’ve only asked now, but it’s fitting, he just took your virginity, made you attached to him forever, made himself a permanent memory in your head, he doesn’t blame you for asking, he just doesn’t know what to ask.
“Hm..” he hums, eyes going up to the ceiling, it’s not that he doesn’t like you, it’s just that he never considered a relationship, you don’t know he’s a death eater and he’s not the type of guy you could present to your parents, but he likes the way you speak, the way you act and feel, it brings moments of peace to his restless mind.
“Yes, we are.” He looks back down at you, a small smile peering at his lips as he sees the way you light up, as if he just made your whole world in that exact same moment and he’s almost proud of himself, he doesn’t know how long this will last, but he’ll make sure to keep you happy and clueless while it does. “Feels right, doesn’t it?” He smirks.
“Yes… it does.” You chuckle, looking back down to his chest.
“Good.” He nods, one hand going down to deliver a smack to your ass. “Wouldn’t lose a body like that.”
“Hey!” You try to correct him, he only huffs out a low laugh.
“What? I’m only telling the truth.” His thumb goes down to caress your cheek, taking a long draw of the cigarette before blowing the smoke in the air, the faint scent of tobacco lingering.
He’s never seen himself this soft.
At the end of the day, he doesn’t know who’s tricking who.
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moonyfr · 3 months
I have yapped too much about the marauders to my non-marauders stans friends, and they have started using it against me in arguments. We were fake arguing about gingers, and he said, "Go drown in the river, ginger. Like Regulus, " I genuinely don't know if I should be proud of him or feel offended. He has started saying "Regulus core" anytime I mention drowning. (I am proud of that).
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ceilidho · 4 months
me after writing 50 words: that's enough for one day
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spncvr · 5 months
girls when they remember The Prank was cannon and sirius rlly did that to remus
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medasgalaxy · 1 year
May 26th Gringotts bank @afracturedstar​
Andromeda had been waiting for Ted to arrive to the bank, they were setting some savings for Dora now that she would soon start Hogwarts. It wasn’t that they could do much, but being the child of parents that made her depend on them for everything and not being supportive of her choices, she wanted to leave Dora with something that she could call her own. 
She was getting a bit impatient that she hadn’t seen Ted yet, and was walking about the lobby when she bumped into someone, someone that she didn’t expect to ever see again. “Hello, Bella.” she greeted her sister, knowing that she would get other sort of names from her. 
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kohaive · 2 years
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[ archive: 10/20 ]
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impishtubist · 2 years
happy birthday, reese <3
For @r33sespieces :) 
“Shh, no, you have to be quiet.” 
Sirius pauses outside Harry’s room, cocking his head. Harry’s been holed up in there since shortly after dinner, but Sirius hadn’t thought too much of it. It’s been pissing down all afternoon, and Sirius figured both of them could use a lazy day. For his part, he took a luxurious nap earlier, and the newest book in a romance series he’s been following arrived by owl post this morning. He’s looking forward to curling up with it in front of the fire. If he’s lucky, maybe Harry will come downstairs with his chess set later and ask to play a game together.
There’s a whine from behind the closed door, and then a soft yip. Sirius blinks.
“Hazza,” he says, rapping his knuckles softly on the door, and he hears Harry curse. “Everything alright?”
“Fine!” Harry says quickly. “I’m just--”
He’s interrupted by a loud bark, and Sirius’s eyebrows fly up to his hairline.
“Can I come in?” he asks, and he hears Harry sigh.
Harry’s standing over by the bed, dripping wet and clutching a soaked brown-and-white puppy against his chest. 
“Well, hello,” Sirius says as he steps into the room. “Who’s this?”
“Dunno,” Harry says, cuddling the puppy close and shrinking away when Sirius takes a step forward. Sirius freezes. “Found him out in the garden.” 
“Poor thing,” Sirius says. It’s been miserable outside for two days now. “Can I take a look at him?”
“Why?” Harry asks, instantly suspicious. 
“I just want to make sure he’s okay, that he doesn’t have any injuries or anything like that.” Sirius starts to pull out his wand, but Harry backs away, so he quickly pockets it. “Can we sit down?”
They sit on the circular rug in the middle of Harry’s bedroom, and Harry gently places the puppy in front of him. The puppy shivers, and then takes a few uncertain steps. He’s wobbly, but that seems to be due to how young he is, not any injuries. Sirius puts out his hand, and the puppy sniffs him. His tail wags.
“Aren’t you mad?” Harry asks softly, not meeting Sirius’s eyes.
“I’m not thrilled you snuck a puppy in here without talking to me first,” Sirius says. “But no, Harry, I’m not mad. If you’d told me you’d found him in the garden, I would’ve had you bring him inside, too. We can keep him warm and dry for a night, and then tomorrow we’ll take him to a shelter. Speaking of, can I dry him off? He’s shivering. You as well, kiddo.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Harry nods, and Sirius pulls out his wand. He performs a quick drying spell, and then a cleaning charm, and then casts a heating spell over both Harry and the puppy.
“I bet he’s hungry,” Sirius says. “Why don’t you bring him down to the kitchen, and we can feed him?”
Harry hesitates again, then gathers the puppy in his arms and goes down to the kitchen, Sirius following them. He doesn’t know what exactly is causing Harry’s reluctance, but he has a suspicion. 
He cuts up some leftover chicken for Harry to feed the puppy, and then goes into Remus’s office to gather up the rope toys Moony likes to use, as well as the crate he sometimes curls up in to nap off the Wolfsbane during full moons. Harry eyes the crate warily when Sirius comes back into the kitchen.
“So he’ll have somewhere warm and safe to sleep tonight,” Sirius says. “I doubt he’s house-trained, and sorry mate, but I don’t fancy him pissing all over the house all night.” 
Harry reluctantly nods. “Yeah, okay.” 
The puppy eats and drinks his fill, and then Harry entices him to play with one of the rope toys. Sirius can’t help the smile that touches his lips as he watches them, the puppy having the time of his life and Harry giggling--giggling!--while they play.
The puppy eventually tires himself out and falls asleep curled up in Harry’s lap. 
“There was a dog in the Dursleys’ garden once.” Harry’s not looking at him. He strokes one of the puppy’s ears with a gentle finger. “She was a stray. I brought her scraps from the table whenever Aunt Petunia sent me outside to do chores.” 
Scraps that Harry had probably needed for himself, but he’d split them with a stray instead. His heart ached. “That was really kind of you, Hazza.”
“She was my first friend,” Harry says softly. “My only friend. She lived in the garden for most of the summer, until Dudley found out about her.” 
“Oh, Harry.”
“He and his friends chased her off. Hit her with sticks and threw rocks at her. I never saw her again.” 
“She probably found a home,” Sirius says. “She sounds friendly. I’m sure someone took her in.”
“Yeah,” Harry says. “I hope so.” 
Sirius hears the Floo roar, and then Remus calls out a hello.
“In here, Remus,” he says.
Remus comes into the kitchen, and his eyes widen. “Well, you two were certainly busy today.” 
“Harry found him in the garden,” Sirius says. “The weather’s shite. I don’t see a problem with letting him stay tonight, and then we’ll take him to a shelter tomorrow.”
“Sure, of course we will,” Remus says, sounding amused. 
The puppy wakes himself up with a yawn, and then eyes Remus curiously. He gets out of Harry’s lap and trots over to the other man, sniffing him curiously. Remus holds very still--animals tend to have very strong reactions to him. Either they adore him, or they’re terrified of him. 
The puppy is apparently in the former category, because his tail starts to wag and he lets out a series of happy yips. Remus crouches down to pet him. 
“You’re a handsome fellow, aren’t you,” he says. “Yes, you are. And much better behaved than Padfoot.”
“You hear how he talks to me, Harry?” 
Harry laughs, and Sirius wishes he could bottle the sound. It doesn’t happen enough.
Harry and the puppy are inseparable for the rest of the evening. Remus keeps throwing Sirius significant looks that he tries to ignore. They’re not getting a pet. Hedwig is enough. In the morning, they’ll take the puppy to the nearest shelter, and Sirius will personally make sure he goes to a good home. 
When it comes time for bed, Harry lines the crate with plenty of blankets and sets the puppy inside. He closes the door and locks it, and the puppy immediately begins to whimper.
Harry chews on his bottom lip. “You’re sure he’s going to be alright in there?” 
The puppy whines, and Harry looks distraught. Remus squeezes his shoulder.
“He’ll be fine. He’s got toys and water and soft blankets. He’ll probably make a mess, but that’s alright. That’s what magic is for. He’ll settle down as soon as we all leave him be.” 
The puppy cries for an hour after they all retire upstairs. 
Sirius stares at the ceiling. He’s not going to give in and check on the puppy. He’s not. 
“Don’t even think it, Sirius,” Remus murmurs from his side of the bed.
“I’m not,” Sirius says. “It’s just--do you think he’s cold?”
“We gave him blankets and cast a heating charm.” 
“Maybe he’s hurt.”
“You checked him over before bed. He’s perfectly fine.” Remus rolls over and rests his head on Sirius’s chest. “He’ll settle down eventually.”
Remus is right--the puppy does eventually quiet down. Remus’s breathing evens out soon after that, and Sirius quickly follows him into sleep.
Sirius wakes up before dawn, his new normal, and pads downstairs to make some tea. Harry will sleep for at least another couple of hours, and they won’t see Remus until almost noon. 
But when he comes into the kitchen, the first thing he notices is his godson curled up on the floor. The crate is open, and the puppy is nestled in Harry’s arms, also fast asleep. 
“Sirius?” Remus comes up behind him, knuckling his eyes. 
“What are you doing up?” Sirius whispers.
“Needed a piss, and the bed’s cold without you. What--” Remus finally catches sight of Harry and the puppy, and immediately softens. “Oh.” 
“That’s why the puppy stopped whining last night, I bet.” 
“Probably,” Remus says. He wraps his arms around Sirius’s waist and props his chin on Sirius’s shoulder, though he has to stretch to reach it. “You can’t make him go to a shelter.”
“No,” Sirius sighs. “I won’t. Looks like we’ve got a pet, Moons.” 
“Looks like it. Where are you going?”
“I’ve got to write to the Board of Governors,” Sirius says. “I have six weeks to persuade them to add dogs to the list of approved pets for Hogwarts students.”
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dancetheblues333 · 5 months
rip lily evans you would've loved platform ugg boots!!
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