#(except the top left one in the bottom 4. that was made by my friend kikkini)
ritualcaster · 8 months
Im a man of my word.
DAY 1.
Although I'm writing this down, it's only a courtesy to any who may find this journal. Today Isn't something I think I'll ever forget.
We got lucky. Oh so very lucky. The trains were still running when I sent for Cattail and our colleauges in high society, most of them managed to make it out before the rings were declared a quarantine zone. That said, we didn't get everybody, and not nearly enough either. Cattail hasn't left the guest bedroom I lent him since he got here, he didn't have time to go back for Eden or his wife so I can hardly say I'd fare any better.
For some reason, Fossil stayed behind willingly, presumably to research and possibly find a cure. If anybody can do that, its her. Our communications were cut by rioters before she could fully explain.
We had no response from carrot.
DAY 20.
Theres nothing i can do from here except
Trek there by foot and lead my own rescue mission.
Push has advised against it... strongly...
I can't just leave them.
I have supplies for 2 months.
DAY 23.
Cattail was already packed when I went to tell him I was leaving. I wasn't able to convince him otherwise, but I won't deny I'm happy to have his help.
Cattail knows those outskirts better than anybody. I'm glad we're both omnivores.
Cattail and I fully planned this mission from top to bottom with 3 main goals in mind, save "Eden" and her best friend, dynamite, collect data on the situation, and find at least one sample to bring back.
I originally planned to set up more reliable contact with fossil as well, but Cattail decided traveling into high society would be too dangerous and limited me to as far as the middle ring. To be truthful, I was not expecting him to be this level headed, all things considered.
If possible, although dangerous, we will attempt to bring back other surviviors from the center ring as well.
DAY 24.
We set out for travel today, and, to go back on my word, we did not set out on foot.
Who doesn't love a good off-roading trip in a car that may-or-may-not belong to your boss?
DAY 26.
We can see the rings from here.
We will not be traveling to the center ring.
DAY 28.
We parked the jeep near the wall and decided to climb instead of using the main entrance to avoid rioters and a paniced mob, Cattail and I decided to split up for exactly 24 hours, and meet back here, I suggested it because I was worried Cattail wouldn't survive an encounter with whatever these things are.
DAY 29.
They got my fucking eye.
Excuse my profanity.
I managed 2 different samples
The first was by far less dangerous, I stalked one for about 4 hours, and managed to catch what seems to be some kind of maggot that fell off of it as it rounded a corner.
The second was stationary it was completley different than the first, with multiple roaming around it, almost gaurding it as i observed from the rooftop.
But even more worriesome were the "spikes", maybe "stingers"? Regardless, I watched a crow get a little too close, they both lunged at it midair and before long the crow was nothing but rotting flesh.
I should have backed down there, but I was determined, I took the crossbow from my bag, I only brought one bolt, not expecting this kind of foe. With two paper clips, a rubberband, and a long piece of stitching thread from the medkit I managed to create something extrordinary, a crossbow bolt with two paper clips on it. It was enough to get a small sample, so i don't think it mattered. I climbed down from the roof top, carefully avoiding the ones roaming around, and staying well out of reach of the stingers, I fired the bolt at the main structure, then yanked it back with the thread, as for how I lost my eye, every single one that was roaming around the structure made a beeline for mee as soon as the bolt hit the main structure. I "shelled up" a little too late. After attacking me for what seemed like years, the parasites eventually left me alone.
I'm never coming back here again.
DAY 30.
I didn't realize the full extent of the damage I took yesterday until i was done writing, they didn't just get my eye, they cracked the back of my shell aswell. I must have been in shock because this is incredibly painful. My shell has taken hits from bears, beastials, and once even a "false king" on my missions and never once has my shell taken any damage more than a scratch.
Cattail managed to find the two we came for, albiet not in the best state. Eden looked so different that i originally didn't recognize her, and not just in the maturity sense, she had apperently completely changed forms multiple times since I last saw her, I always assumed Cattail was exagerating, but this truly isnt normal even for her object type. I'll have to talk with her about that later.
We made it back to the jeep and from there we were home free, just a three day drive back.
DAY 32.
Those kids apperently worked up an appetite because we ended up having to forage multiple times. We packed for *two months* what happened to these two?
I tried making conversation, but all three of them seemed to be out of it, even more so than myself!
DAY 33.
It's worse than i thought
We arrived home and unpacked, but as soon as the two walked inside cattail pulled me aside and told me what had happened too them in such a short amount of time. How it spread so quickly terrified me, and i later checked the samples, which had both "died".
I feel horrible for not leaving earlier.
Its a lot harder than you'd think to write with one eye. I'll leave these three alone for awhile while i get my eye fixed, they need time.
DAY 34.
I got in contact with pin, and they respawned me in treatment as a quick fix as per push' suggestion. My eye was fixed but for some reason I still had all my scars and my shell had visible "fuse" lines.
When I asked about it they shrugged.
I need a better doctor.
Day 35.
I woke up in push' office, I talked with push in person, and she told me the goverment of reaching gardens is seizing my samples, but push should still have a say over what happens to them from her position.
I don't know what I was expecting really.
I'll stay with push for now, They need space.
DAY 36.
Who knew push could cook?
Anyway after we studied the sample all we could see was printer materials and not much else. Honestly if these things are made by terminals Fossil might actually have a chance, esspecially with carrot helping her! Luckily already cut off the terminals from the rings, we got readings they weren't functioning properly and cut the connection weeks before the outbreak. Who knows what would hablve happened if we didnt.
With just these two samples and limited knowledge om terminal coding and function, this is all the research we can do for now
DAY 37.
I asked cattail for updates today, and they had gone to court without telling me. Accirding to Cattail dynamite had snuck out shortly after i left and confessed to an officer, but all charges the were dropped as soon as they heard he was from the rings.
I can only imagine how guilty he must feel.
I began planning a second "rescue mission" with push. I may not enjoy it but I'm obligated regardless.
DAY 38.
Neither of us slept at all.
We're looking to rescue as many people as legally and physically possible but with our sparce resources the most we're looking at
Is two helicopters and a few ground vehicles.
I called shotgun
DAY 39.
With each passing minute i'm getting more and more anxious to leave. I won't let this situation progress any further.
Push managed to haggle the government into three times the resources if we bring back a live sample, but i have no idea how we'll make it into center ring let alone high society even with those resources.
DAY 40.
Everything is in place to leave
We're bringing extra food this time
Cattail decided to stay here with mushroom and dynamite after I urged him these resources were plenty and his help wasn't needed.
I may have been too harsh, I'm not good at lying.
DAY 41.
Writing [???] helicopter [???]
they [???] really big tank
DAY 44.
I apologize for my previous notes, the "tank" i mentioned is a glass tank they gave us last second for the live sample, its very small so I have no idea how we'll manage. Perhaps my eyesight hasn't fully recovered quite yet, but writing from a helicopter is surprisingly difficult.
The land party went in though the gate this time, they were armed, but for the most part it was seemingly empty.
This mission is going WAY better than last time so far, we're already just outside the center ring!
DAY 45.
Our radios picked up a short message,
But it went to static to quickly to understand or respond, they reffered to these things as "parasites" which seems much more accurate than "those things" so I'll use that from now on.
When we first got into the center ring, our windows fogged up completely, we actually had to land. typically the rings arent nearly this humid.
We decided to set up camp at the center ring, that way if things go south, we can too! So far, no survivors, we have gunned down about three of these things now, but we switched to a handheld flamethrower push brought (???) Because the noise was attracting parasites and possibly scaring off survivors.
That radio signal gave me an idea though
DAY 45.
Push's flamethrower has been incredibly effective at keeping them at bay while I broadcasted our location over the radio with a short message about the situation.
The first too arrive was a group of 5.
4 adults, one child.
When they arrived the set up their own section of camp without a word. One of them was severely injured, but we fixed him up ok. He'll live for now.
That kid and her chalk is getting pretty annoying.
DAY 46.
I suggested we move into high society but push was against it. Shes the one rrunning this mission so I couldn't really argue.
We had 2 seperate groups of survivors arrive today, but they seemed to know each other. Why is everything with these survivors so complicated?
The first too arrive were two girls that I was afraid to make eye contact with. They were a lot more talkative then the previous group, I explained that we were a rescue party from reaching gardens, they offered too help defend camp while we waited for more survivors.
The second group was much larger, and all three groups keep giving each other dirty looks. They all seem to know each other and not in a good way. Im debating leaving these guys if we get over crowded...
DAY 46
We were debating whether or not it was time to try and capture one alive when a smaller fellow wandered in, and I do mean wandered, he's the only one that not here from the radio signal.
We were warned by two of the previous groups about him, but not in any particular way, just that he was somehow more dangerous than he looked. With thise warnings in mind, I gladly put him in the tank. Temporarily of course. I picked him up with one hand to do so, I am unsure if this guy is dangerous in any way, but better safe than sorry...
DAY 47.
We were almost at max capacity and debating leaving and coming back later, when we were alerted by one of the pilots that something was coming, A massive horde of parasites was headed directly for us, but even more importantly just ahead of the massive horde was a jeep going faster than i have ever seen a jeep go.
Fossil you crazy bastard.
She made it too us well before the horde did, and we left immedeatly.
I avoided writing this one until we landed.
DAY 50.
We made it back, and with bullets to spare.
I was getting tired of gunshots.
We didnt manage to get a live sample though, so Push is about to have to pay so much money.
I kept that weirdo in the tank, maybe he's enough of a specimen.
DAY 51.
He was a specimen.
We scanned everybody for infectiom when we got back using an invention of fossils.
He was the only one who came up positive.
My luck has come though a suspicious amount of times now...
DAY 52.
That weirdo, "Wagyu" he said, is probably the strangest person I have ever met. Although, considering the circumstances, that does make sense.
From what we can tell, wagyu isnt infected quite like the others, for some reason, the thousands of parasites crawling all over him won't mutate him at all.
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blogtowndotcom · 1 year
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Come as you are.
Making my way from Seattle to what I guess is known as the grays Harbor (The Coast) We passed through Aberdeen. I gotta be honest this place doesn't leave much of an impression. There IS a Walmart AND a Safeway so you can get groceries if you live here, major plus. But once the novelty of big box marts goes away you will find a gray rundown town.
I didn't pay much attention to this place when I passed through here for the first time. It was just one more place I had to get through to get to my camping space.
I knew the biggest and best fact about this place. Which is, it's the birth place of Kurt Cobain. I mean if you look at this town for about as long as 5 seconds, the a thought along the lines of, "of course this is where Kurt Cobain lead singer of the hit band Nirvana is from. The welcome to Aberdeen sign has the words "Come As You Are" Written on the bottom. Which is a reference to the hit song "Come As You Are" by the very famous band Nirvana who of course is from Aberdeen Washington.
Come Wearing Business Casual
I've lived in the Seattle area going on 4 years and let me tell you Seattle does take a lot of credit for Kurt and Nirvana. I think it's really easy to see Seattle as a grimy liberal fever dream because of it's horrific homelessness and general lawlessness. However, what Seattle truly is the house that Amazon built. Amazon and many other large companies moved in and kicked all the nonconformists out. Creating a city of shinny futurist buildings and packed the streets with suits and tech bros of every verity. Really easy to see that the rest were left behind and were subsequently priced out or forced out. I don't think Kurt Cobain writer of the chart topping album "Nevermind" would approve...
As a Friend, As a Known Enemy.
Cobain said the meaning of "Come As You Are" is purposely confusing. The lyrics purposely contradict each other. The great contradiction of Aberdeen is living here and also making a living. There is a dark shadow over this town both literarily and figuratively. It seems your only options for making a true living is either working in lumber yards or on a fishing boat both careers that ironically need to be done outside of Aberdeen. "The choice is yours don't be late." If you don't want to do this back breaking work you pretty much only have food service or retail. The latter is disappearing all across the country and of course this place is no exception.
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What am I trying to say with this post? I'm not sure honestly. I don't know what it's like living in Aberdeen. I didn't ask anyone about their feeling regarding the town. I truly have no idea what's it's like to be a resident here. What I can say is that this small town like every other town is a window in to seeing what is truly happening in the US right now. We seem to be moving so fast that anyone or any place that can't keep up will be left behind. It's scary to think that maybe even I could turn into an Aberdeen one day and there isn't a soul on earth that could save me.
I hope people enjoy living here. I hope people can live out there dreams in this community. I hope kids grow up here and experience events that will shape their lives forever. I will be taking a closer look at this town the next time I'm in the area maybe even have a few conversations.
If you live in Aberdeen and found your way to this post please let me know what it's like. Is there anything about the town that people passing throw would miss? What made you decide on living here in the first place? What made you stay?
Anyway I give Aberdeen a resounding 10-10 !
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
hello how about a separate fic of geto and reader? the setting would be like geto didnt leave jujutsu high and actually became an instructor like gojo. and reader is also their long time friend along with shoko but then one night geto and reader had sex ehich shouldnt happen at all, reader firmly believes that it would ruin their friendship. after a month reader found out that she's pregnant and that made her avoid suguru even more, shes not even coming to their mandatory hang out every saturday. she even resign from her work and decided to relocate and hide her pregnancy from everyone especially geto. maybe its because of what geto said when they were talking one night about how he doesnt want to have a child at this point in life. then maybe 4 years after they met again in a park near reader's workplace and shes with a child that looks a lot like suguru.
how would they react when they see each other? how will they reconcile and catch up after all these years??
in all honesty suguru didnt think for once that what happened to them was a mistake, maybe he loves her but he thinks taht she doesnt feel the same.
Ok!! I love this idea but idk the whole background on any of the characters I haven’t finished watching it and I probably never will so, if you request just know I’m like fine with jjk spoilers!!(idk why I needed to tell you guys that😭)
Part two!
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Tw~ everything mentioned in the request, reader basically doesn’t tell Geto about the baby, it’s rather fluffy I think so nothing major just be weary of all the stuff from the request that ends up being written here!
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When you miss the first hangout after the…’incident’ Geto assumes something is wrong so he stops by your apartment only to find it empty any trace of you seems to be erased save for your favorite blanket and a few of your things scattered on the floor.
Geto is disheartened deep down he knows you’ve left maybe that’s why he picks up your things holding your blanket to his face, but he tells himself it’s because if someone broke in earlier he wouldn’t want them to take the rest of your belongings.
Everything except your blanket stays in the top of Geto’s closet, maybe if he’d dug through your note book he’d have seen the letter you’d left for him telling him about your pregnancy, but he doesn’t.
Two years later he’s sat at a park watching the ducks like you’d done on the day Geto first figured out his feelings for you.
He snaps out of his trance like state when he hears the entergetic squeal of an adorable little toddler. He perks up as he hears a mother’s voice hollering after the child. He watches as the little toddler bumps right into his leg falling onto her bottom.
She blinks up at Geto with doll like eyes that remind him of you, not in their shape, no in the way that he thinks he can see the world in them.
When he glances up you’re hunched over hands placed on your knees as you breath harshly, “Hana” you manage to gasp out and she turns her head quickly she gives you a toothy smile when she sees you reaching up for you as she giggles.
Once you stand up settling Hana onto your hip you notice just who your daughter had bumped into.
“Geto” you breath out giving him a small guilty smile.
His brows are furrowed, you’ve gone and had a baby…like he meant nothing? But you didn’t really owe him a thing did you? He didn’t even know if you reciprocated his feelings!
“This is Hana” you motion to the toddler who is now doing everything in her power to escape your grasp, “my daughter…well our daughter” you whisper quietly and his eyes widen dramatically.
“I think we have a lot to catch up on don’t we?” He nods confusedly and you give him a small guilty smile once again.
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Let me know if you guys want to see anything else maybe even a part two?
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jiyeonnnn · 2 years
here's another one,
jeno is your sister's friend and you had taken a liking on him since day one, only because at how he specially treats you. when your sister is away, he is the one who takes care of you and lets you join him wherever he wants and was never even embarrassed, no matter what it was, even that one time when it was supposedly only to be the boys night out. you only went and wanted to just watch them, but jeno never made you feel out of place. so when jeno started slurring and swerving about in the place, in return you were the one who was helping him. but jeno started telling you things you've never knew of before, like how he had always loved you and had multiple wet dreams about you.
you were pretty much turned on, but you didn't want to take advantage of him and left him to sleep. the following day you told him about everything, except the fact that he told you about the wet dreams, but jeno was never drunk. he just wanted you to think he was, so he would ask you what else you heard that night and you told him nothing else, so jeno showed you what kind of wet dream he had yesterday night when you left him on his bed.
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i'm a horny bitch i fucking admit that
"sister's friend" trope really is a great trope for this kinds of filthiness 🥴 like omfg, i can't keep my pants on when my sister's friend is around but i'm too shy to take the initiative so i'll just let him do the honors of doing the first move— ANYWAY ENOUGH RAMBLING
jeno hyung, as you'd love to call him, is a great friend of your sister, and as you've mentioned, he would never let you be out of place; he'd pull you close to him whenever they were playing games, talk to you endlessly (he's loud smh) and even sit you on his lap (*CONSENSUALLY*) so that you won't feel like an outcast whenever he's around.
ANYWAAAAAYYYY, after THAT night, jeno fell harder for u bc of the fact that you know how to NOT take advantage of a drunk person (which in his case, he isn't), so the morning after that, he confessed everything before pulling you into a soft kiss before you could even speak (silencing you with kisses >>>>).
things would escalate immediately as the kiss deepens. full-on body caressing ;). it's was when your tongues were dancing with each other that you pulled back and confessed your feelings for him (i suck at this 💀), and this gave a lot of confidence to jeno to continue on what he's doing.
he'd pin you, (read: your wrists) down the bed before attacking your jawline and neck with kisses, leaving light hickeys on you before whispering something in the lines of:
"you don't know how much i've waited for this to happen,"
"you're so (handsome/pretty/beautiful) under me, so fuckable and breedable"
or just him being a tease and telling you the ways of how will he fuck you based on his wet dreams.
which could go either one of these 2 ways: rough and hard; or slow and passionate. but, i think, since this is just your first time with each other, he'd go slow on you (but will eventually get rough, bc, c'mon, do i really have to explain everything? that's jeno)
he'd be so proud that he's finally able to touch you like this now, make you feel vulnerable, make your innocent lips swollen, rail you until you're crying from pleasure— oh and don't even get me started with his dreams of fucking your mouth until you're all stuffed up with his cum (mouth and ass :))))))
he's a kinky bitch, smh, probably would order you around to call him daddy or something. there is definitely some kind of toys in his dreams— vibrator, a dildo and gags :) he'd use that (though just when you're up to it)
would go on for 2-4 rounds. he would praise and degrade you as the same time as well. STOMACH BULGES. he dreamt of that, no doubt. he wouldn't stop fucking you until you pass out, which is kind of a bitch move, but also hot.
when you're finished, of course, top duty: taking care of his bottom, MANDATORY praises, forehead kisses, and warm bath, and cuddles as he lulls you to sleep— THOUGH BEFORE ALL OF THAT— he would take pictures of your messy state— hair sticking out everywhere, body drenched with sweat and cum, full of his handprint and hickeys— and will send it to their gc (w/o ur sister ofc), bragging how it really was a dream-come-true to fuck you as he was able to show you all of the things he's been dreaming of.
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this was ass 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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spaceboysbrainspace · 2 months
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I made a lil zine~
Here’s image descriptions:
Page 1: A drawing of a sea slug, or Nudibranch, on a black background. The slug has a blue body with densely packed, hair-like orange tentacles on its back. Text wraps around the drawing saying ‘Hermissenda Opalescens, Opalescent Nudibranch. We actually saw a ton of these guys!’ Text wraps around the outside of the page, saying ‘On June 10th, 2024*, I went tidepooling with someone I love a lot. We’d been talking about going tidepooling together for months, and discussing our mutual love of nudibranchs for longer still. I’m not sure I would describe the day as the best day of my life, or even the happiest, but it’s a day that sits right between my shoulder blades, where I have a consistent low-level desire for a supportive hand, or a big spoon, or a hug, or some Body to lean against—it sits right in that spot and broadcasts a feeling of “yes, this is Correct, this is how we’re Supposed to Be. This is Love and Delight and Joy and Expansion and Home and Love and Love and Love.” We saw eight different species of nudibranch, catalogued as follows. *June 10th is also my anniversary of starting hormones. For transgendered reasons. :)’
Page 2: A drawing of a sea slug on a black background. This one is all orange, with fewer tentacles, making them look less like hair and more like weird pokey appendages. There are abstractly drawn strands of seaweed in the background. On the left, text wraps around the seaweed that says ‘We woke up at 5am to drive an hour and a half down the coast to meet a Queer Tidepooling group (can you believe that exists?). He fell asleep in the car (a typical occurrence). The coast was beautiful. We got there precisely on time. There were so many amazing tidepool creatures, and, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t mostly there for the sea slugs.’ More text, in a different color, wraps around the other side, saying ‘Triopha Maculata, Spotted Dorid. I’ve learned that these get more spotted, and yellow, as they age. This one was young!’
Page 3: This drawing shows a smaller sea slug, next to an oversized finger tip, suggesting just how small the slug is. The slug has a grey body with red and yellow hair-like appendages. There’s the vague outline of the reflection of a phone screen in the background. Text circles the slug saying ‘Abronica Abronica, Elegant Aeolid. You could barely even see this one without a camera zoom! That’s my pal’s finger. I think I drew the slug too big! They were missing an eyestalk…’. More text wraps around the finger and the phone reflection, saying ‘There was a “guide” there who researched sea slugs and was just… Wildly good at finding them! Both my pal and I had been tidepooling before but hadn’t been able to find nudibranchs. This person found so many!’
Page 4: Another sea slug; this one is mostly grey, with orange racing stripes going down its back, and pokey appendages with yellow tips. There are white blobs in the background. The text wrapping around the slug says ‘Ancula Pacifica, No Colman Name! A rarer one! So cute!’. More text moves down the page in an unusually left-to-right-top-to-bottom fashion, saying ‘Here are some things I’ve learned about nudibranchs: -Nobody knows why they evolved to be so colorful -They get their color from their food -They’re all carnivores, except: -Some eat plants and keep the chloroplasts and start being able to photosynthesize?? -Nudibranch means naked lung; they breathe through the squiggles on their backs -They are just… slugs -They have shells as babies, but! -if they have a shell as an adult—even an internal shell—they’re not a nudibranch! -a they like tide pools that are deep but sheltered -even though they’re so colorful they hide so well! What the heck! -They’re my friends. Even if they’re shy. It’s ok, me too!’
Page 5: This Nudibranch has a white body, with even denser orange hairy tentacles. It’s climbing on a piece of abstract seaweed. Text around its body says ‘Antaeaeolidiella Oliviae. Olive’s Aeolid. More Common Further South.’ Text on the side of the page reads ‘We were in the tidepools for somewhere between two and three hours, surrounded by delighted queers, oohing and aahing and sharing photos and helping each other scramble around slippery rocks and being In Love with the landscape. The ocean was beautiful the people were beautiful my pal was beautiful the slugs were beautiful I was! In love! (I always am).
Page 6: The next slug is bright pink, with longer, still kind of hairy but more like Medusa hair tentacles. There are a small number of white and brown blobs in the background. Text wraps around it that says ‘Ceratodoris Rosacea, Hopkin’s Rose. Maybe actually a space alien?’ The text subtly changes color before continuing. ‘I’ve always felt more at home in the forest than by the ocean but tidepooling spaces are starting to become the exception. Maybe it’s the creatures. Maybe it’s because I love to spend time with my friends. Maybe it’s because I Love to scramble around like a little creature and see something cute and pretty and small and gay and say, “ohhh look! It’s cute and pretty and small and gay!’ Just like me.
Page 7: A slug that’s primarily silver, with white stripes and circles and squiggles going down its back in a symmetrical pattern. There’s something adjacent to abstract seaweed in the background. Around it, the text says ‘Tritonia Festiva, Festive Tritonid. My drawing doesn’t begin to do them justice. They glowed. Called festive because they look like they’re wearing lace. Maybe my favorite? Glam, but understated. Like an opal.’ In one corner, text follows the corner of the page and says ‘My pal and I both knew when it was time to leave. We stopped for brunch on the way home. We split an omelette and a crepe. We chatted about home and relationships with the land. We looked over the pictures of our new friends (the nudis!). I basked in the feeling of going on a goofy little adventure with my goofy tall friend. “This is correct this is correct this is correct,” my body said.’ The text is barely legible by the end. More text wraps around the other corner, saying ‘The funny thing is, I don’t actually know that the land where I’m living feels like home - but it feels more and more like a friend, and more and more I’m feeling at home with myself and with my friendships, like I’m carving a little home out of my life and who I spend time with and how I spend my time. I spent most of the car ride wanting to hold his hand, just like I spend most of my time at home wanting to snuggle my dog and most of my time out on the land wanting to dissolve into the trees, because they’re a piece of me, they’re my home, they’re my loves. You are too, by the way. Let me know if you ever want to hold hands, or let me lean that spot between my shoulder blades against your Body.’
Page 8: The last page. This slug looks like a bright, flame-red blob, with little eyestalks and one little feathery appendage where it’s butt would be if a butt were a coherent body part for a slug. It’s on a bigger piece of abstract seaweed. Text wrapping around it says ‘Rustanga Pulchra, Red Dorid. Kind of like a small, bright orange bunny rabbit.’ Text follows the line of the seaweed, saying ‘Can you believe the world is full of such astonishingly weird and beautiful creatures? And they’re just there! Just right there! Just hanging out! In some tidepools, sleeping in the care next to you, maybe even inhabiting your body! Yes, you are the astonishingly weird and beautiful creature, too! How lucky that we get to share the world together, don’t you think?’
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peofun1 · 3 months
Expensive Anime Plastic part 2: Two years later
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now with 80% less cardboard as risers!
so I've had this as my pinned post for two years now, but it's pretty outdated at this point. my collection has grown a lot in the last two years, and I wanted to show it off! this is my blog and I'll make you look at my plastic toys if I want to >:D
this post is a full tour of my anime figure collection as of June 2024, which basically spans across my whole apartment these days. this is my 11th year in the hobby, so everything you see here was accumulated slowly over that time.
buckle up because this is REALLY long and picture-heavy. (also other collectors can find me on myfigurecollection(dot)net as peofun1, if you'd like~)
Alright, first up, the detolfs in the living room:
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Some thoughts: the BNHA shelf will likely get rotated out pretty soon. I fell off the manga pretty hard a while ago, but I do still enjoy these figures... but when my Haikyuu Kotobukiya scales get here (all four of them 😩) I'll probably try to turn that into a Haikyuu shelf. Jirou, Shouto and maybe one Dabi can take the place of the Haikyuu Nendos on the left side
the Katamari Dipp figure is a custom by sixsculpts on instagram! (topshelf on MFC) they reached out to me when I mentioned I'll probably never get my hands on the F4F Dipp figure, and made the Dipp of my dreams for me 🥰 definitely check out their work if you like customs!
last thing -- I know the bottom left shelf is kind of a disaster. Ike and Alphen just REFUSE to play nice together, with the way they both have big capes and swords that stick out and bump things -_- if it helps, we're usually viewing these shelves at an angle from our couch, and Claude in the back is much more visible from there
as a little bonus, here's what one of these shelves USED to look like before I rotated out these figures:
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I decided to pack away most of my League of Legends figures after they laid off my wife 😐 (and several good friends 😐) I may bring them back out once I have more room, but they currently live in the closet. and that's fine, for now.
Next up, my desk in the office:
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I put away all my random stacks of MTG cards to take these pictures.
most of the figures here are blind box/prize figures that I won't be too sad about if they get dusty or attacked by the cats (though I do use some boxes to block them from the cats when I'm not in the room). the exceptions are the goth angel, who doesn't fit anywhere else, the light-up Futaba figure and the Cintiq girlie, who simply have to live with my computer and Cintiq tablet. themeing!
some of the pins/keychains/prints here are official, but a lot of them are fan-made merch! some of them are bonuses that came with zines I preordered (including the infamous showtime akeshu zine)
also, since you can see a few of them in the top pic, here's those plushies. I have way more plush than this, but these are the ones that currently live on my desk:
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Moving on to the bedroom: ❗❗ Warning: this section contains figures that are NSFW ❗❗ I've censored one of them (because her bits are just OUT and I don't wanna to get smited) but there are a few that are ~spicy~ proceed with caution
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(I promise we have books that aren't manga, they're just all on a different bookshelf in the living room!) this doubles as our manga shelf, obviously. we got back into collecting physical manga after moving to LA, since it's easy to make a trip to Kinokuniya and pick up new stuff! mixed in are some older volumes I recently rescued from my parents' house. I'm slooooowly trying to complete TRC, but it's hard to find it these days...
anyway this shelf is kind of a mess theme-wise, since they're mostly just figures I don't have room for anywhere else. especially that top shelf, yeesh. 10th anniversary Miku trying to bridge the gap between horny 1/4 scales and live-service game hell.
long-time followers might also spot the sonic screwdriver, which is the same one I'm holding in the very first post I ever made on this website. please don't go looking for that.
I'm hoping to pick up a third display case (probably second hand, since ikea discontinued the detolf >.> ) but in the meantime they're here getting in the way of my manga.
aside from the LoL figures, I have three others not currently on display: one is Magical Mirai Miku 2017, which is in her box because she's broken 😬 her neck peg got messed up one of the times I packed her to move, so I need to fix that sometime. the second is the 1/4 Yakuwa Nazumi designed by WOOMA, which I desperately want to display but she's ENORMOUS so she'll probably have to wait until I get another display case. and the last is another Miku prize figure, because I clearly don't have enough of those lmao
so that's my whole figure collection! it's a constant work-in-progress, because they keep making cool new figures and I am never satisfied :)
if you actually took the time to read all this, thanks for indulging me!!
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Cosplay Diary -- [Intro to costumes!]
Eight (Splatoon)
Shoes: Black Heels fitted with insoles to account for me never wearing heels. I've purchased two black zippers and some grommits to add superficially for the sake of design matching. (Who has a front facing shoe zipper??) Leggings: Eight doesn't canonically have leggings, but I'm hoping to do some for the costume, translucent ones splattered with ink/paint! I've got leggings, I've got paint, but I haven't painted anything yet Skirt: I've pinned it in further with safety pins to get a tighter fit, and plan on sewing over the fold I've made to adjust the fit (if it'll fit under my machine...). I'd also like to hem it slightly, since Eight's skirt is pretty short. Jacket: Bit big on me, and the zips too centered, but it works. Need to cut off the sleeve and cut and hem the bottom edge without murdering the existing zipper. Wig: So I've never done a tentacle wig before, but my plan is simple. I will construct 4 plush tentacles to be mounted onto an old baseball cap I found and will chop the brim off of. (That's what the bedsheets are for)
Notes: Lots to do on Eight, but a lot of the planning is done so it's mainly getting to sit down and do it. My next step is to sew the skirt and finish it up, then work on the jacket, then wig. I've done a prototype tentacle for the wig and it went well, so I'll be making another with the proper fabrics, to check sizing, then get started on that.
Dot (Pokemon)
Slippers: Managed to get those today! I'll be adding the decorative stuff to make them snorlax themed, and hopefully adding a band around the back as well. Sweatpants: A wonderful find at the thrift store! (Actually, everything here is from the thrift store for the most part. The slippers, and leggings are the only exceptions, from a walmart and dollar store respectively.) Tank Top: I love thrift store. Cardigan: The real meat of this costume, an entirely handknit cardigan. while the pattern isn't perfectly Dots, please forgive me because I've never knit a cardigan before. Actually I've only ever knit scarves, and its been a few years. I've done all body panels and one sleeve, leaving only the second sleeve and the collar trim left for the body of the cardigan. I'd also like to add pockets. Dot's cardigan has a hood, which I won't be priotizing for now (mainly because i do not know how to do that and I'm short for time.), but i've got a pair of really fuzzy socks I plan on using to make the puff balls. I'll be giving them buttons, so they'll be able to be detatched for ease of washing. (Hopefully I can do the same for the tail?) Wig: A dear friend has pledged to mail me a purple wig I'm hoping to use for this, we'll see if the post is good on getting it to me in time. the only thing I really still need to get for these costumes is the pink extensions I'll use for her highlights. I plan on doing her hair back style (because I need. to see.), and have a hairband. I'll probably use glue and hairspray to make flicked back hair I can then clip in and secure to the base wig for the bangs.... That's the plan anyway.
Notes: A lot closer to finished with Dot, big thanks to prexisting clothes from thrift stores. Which is great because I don't wanna make normal sweatpants n tank tops and things! Cardigan knitting has been going well, and I hope to finish the second sleeve Soon. It's been a long while knitting this, but I'm nearly there! Not super experienced with wig work, but hey this cosplays for fun not a contest so I don't wanna sweat it too much.
Feelings pretty good about things right now! If progress is made faster than expected, I might do a third costume, but we'll see. Haven't figured out which I'm wearing what day yet...
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Author Self-Promotion?! OKAY!! ;)
Rule: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics. Thanks for the tag @elismor!
From newest to oldest... I only have five... Just started in February. ;) LOL. All my writing is PG-13. <3
1. Quantum Entanglement: Howzer and Aurelia
Neon lights of every color illuminated the inside of 79s, bathing its wide variety of occupants in a vibrant wash of hues. The place was filled with raucous laughter, loud conversations, and the constant thump thump of the bass from the speakers. The music gave it a boisterous feeling, further contributing to the overall atmosphere of letting go and blowing off some steam. Clones in all states of attire were there, as well as a colorful variety of other characters and species.
"You couldn't handle this even if you did want to!" a clone called out as a leggy Pantoran stalked out the door. He turned back to the bar, finishing his drink and setting the mug on the counter. Another clone approached from behind, clapping him on the back and dropping onto the stool next to him.
"Another one?" the newcomer quizzed, lifting his eyebrows in fake surprise, "Well son of a Hutt. It just doesn't make any sense, Howzer."
2. Gregor x Reader: A Series of Dates
You take your hair down again, for the eighth time it seems, letting out a frustrated huff that it seems to be defying your every wish. Glancing at the clock, you feel the anxiety begin to rise, and you make one last attempt at twisting your hair into a half-decent updo. Standing in front of the mirror, you smooth the front of your clothes, studying yourself top to bottom with a critical eye. Why did you agree to this, again? Well, you didn't, you suppose, but you did make the bet, which you lost, and here you are. You cringe as you remember your friend's laughter as he reassured you, "Don't worry -- he's not like the other clones."
3. Tech's Fall: What We Didn't See
Phee had always told herself she would be independent. Capable. Self-sufficient. Strong. She didn't need anyone but enjoyed the company of others... a little too much, recently. The squad of "deviant" clones had left a lasting impression in her life that she hadn't quite been able to shake, especially the demeanor and appeal of one bespectacled crew member in particular. 
So when she put a tracking beacon on the Marauder, she told herself it was for practicality, for protection. She wasn't one of those clingy sorts who got too attached and fawned over someone; she was a clever and skilled woman who thought of backups and contingency plans for herself and those she... loved?
4. The Bad Batch: Tech and Vel
"Steady, Wrecker..." Crosshair said smoothly, lifting his left elbow to bring his sniper to his shoulder plate, "We will be finished in a moment."
"We either do it now, or I go down there and do it myself," Wrecker replied, "This has taken... three times too long! I'm starving!"
"Well, select your next meal, then. Here he is," came the silken retort. The target came into view, a short, fat little politician flanked by two guards. His chin quivered as he walked, bent over his datapad, engaged in an intense discussion on a comlink in his hand. A taxi whizzed by, causing people to hustle to the side. A few choice words came flying after him from the left guard, but there was nothing more to it.
Except that it was the precise gap Crosshair had been waiting for. His finger tightened on the trigger, and he shifted the toothpick to the other side of his mouth.
5. Rivalry: Tech x Crosshair x You
It had made sense to have a medic on board for this series of missions, but apparently it had also come with an unexpected set of challenges that you hadn't anticipated when you signed on. An unassuming yet proficient individual, you were assigned to the Marauder crew for a short stint to ensure they could achieve a variety of objectives in obscure locations in the Outer Rim without coming in. Others have described you as "promising" and "confident", yet among this batch of deviant clones, you feel considerably ill-equipped in most any situation outside of the medical treatments for which you've been trained. Impossibly capable, ingenious, and talented, they continue to amaze you in the things they can pull off (as well as in the variety of injuries with which they return to the ship). 
After a few days, you feel relatively settled. You keep to yourself mostly but enjoy the company of any one of the clones who opt to spend time with you beyond that which is medically necessary. Games of dejarik, intellectual conversations, entertaining stories... It's been a thoroughly enjoyable time getting to know each one individually. 
Two in particular have connected with you from the start, which was surprising to you because they seem as though they couldn't be more different. 
No pressure tags: @l-lend @annwayne @lightwise @drafthorsemath @dangraccoon @marierg
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ursaspecter · 2 years
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Here's something a little different: My ocs! These are characters for a visual novel I'm working on. In a few words, it's a sort of supernatural, found family, coming of age story. Y'know when it's actually done and who knows how long that'll take.
From left to right: Ash (They/Them), Ollie (He/Him), Ivy (She/Her), Luna (She/Her), Joey (He/Him). They're all 15 except Ash who is 14 at the start of the story but turns 15 at the end of Part 1, and Joey who turns 16 in Part 4. The top image is of their Summer looks, and the bottom image is of their Fall looks. I also have variations for rainy weather in both seasons as well as formal clothes for the Epilogue at their school's winter formal, but I'll upload those later.
Under the cut, I'll put brief character descriptions and a loose summary of the story.
Ash is a bit of a shut in for someone who's so naturally curious. Their curiosity lies in the things unexplained like ghosts and the paranormal. They're a hobbyist photographer, a decent writer (of mostly Ghostbusters slash fiction among other things), and a terrible coder. Seriously, their Geocities website is held together with duct tape and safety pins.
Ollie is a snarky little shit who likes to piss off his mom any way he can. He acts tough, but it's all a front to hide his more sensitive side. When he's feeling particularly angry at the world, he channels his frustrations into his paintings. He considers himself an artist but has hated every single art class he's ever had to take for school. His main influences are Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, and Jackson Pollock.
Ivy is really the heart of the group. She's the one most likely to call everyone up to plan an outing. She's also a big fan of fantasy books and movies from when her dad would read her The Hobbit as a bedtime story when she was a kid. She has a love of costume and film making and would often make little costumes for her friends to wear while they made short movies as kids. Most of them were reenactments of scenes from The Princess Bride.
Luna is a ball of rage only calmed by being around her friends. Her home life isn't the best, so she takes any opportunity she can to get away. When they're unavailable, she mostly stays up in her room listening to her dad's music collection he gave her or writing bad poetry to put to her decent guitar playing skills. Oh yeah and she also has metalbending powers.
Joey is as loyal as a golden retriever to his friends. He looks out for everyone and makes sure that no one does anything stupid while they're already doing something stupid like exploring an abandoned building or hanging out at the cemetery after dark. To pass the time when he's not playing video games, he likes to whittle small wooden sculptures or work on one of his woodworking projects in the shed.
In the Summer of 2001, Ash and their mother move to the town of Salt Flats, Texas. After meeting and being adopted into the friend group of the other teens, they spend their summer and half of their sophomore year uncovering the secrets of the town and the company that practically built it: Titan Industries.
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revivisection · 1 year
bracelet tour
in no particular order, except it's in somewhat of a particular order. kind of a long one, don't click the read more if you don't want to read more
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structured by name, picture, description, story/extra information, and standard location. you don't have to read anything just look at the pictures <3 piling them on one arm is just for the pic i don't actually wear them in that specific configuration
1. "rave bracelet"
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made of somewhat malleable plastic, translucent in the middle with glitter that's slowly become more and more unevenly dispersed, outlined with pink on the edges.
i don't really know why i call it my rave bracelet, i'm not going to any raves, it might've said something on the packaging? it was 50 cents at the dollar store and my friend bought it for me on their birthday. i'm such a good friend. it featured in two of my high school art projects because it's such a powerful symbol of friendship. sometimes i'll squeeze it when i'm feeling anxious
standard location: base of left arm, at the very bottom. it can go up to like half my bicep because i'm a scrawny bitch
2. mori from ouran high school host club
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a blue rubber bracelet with blue roses and mori ohshc printed on it
i had to google his name. i've never seen ohshc. purchased at hot topic in a pack with the other characters on a group mall outing, i was assigned this guy for lack of a more fitting character. i think it's pretty funny, maybe i should watch the show at some point? who knows, i'm pretty bad at watching long form media
standard location: base of left arm, second in command, above the rave bracelet.
3. pompompurin
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a fishtail rainbow loom bracelet made from alternating white and yellow bands. in the middle is attached a charm of pompompurin
made the same day as my corvo's slut bracelet. my best friend assembled this and a matching cinnamoroll one for herself. i'm going to be honest i like cinnamoroll more, but i have accepted pompompurin into my life.
standard location: left arm. he hangs above mori, flat and facing me. if my arms are down, he's upside down.
4. black and red fishtail rainbow loom
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what the title says.
also made by my best friend, but earlier. i don't really wear this one anymore because i had one in the same colour that said "vampir" (as in. the character from dick fight island. we read dick fight island and then she made bracelets for a couple of us with the names of the characters on them) but it broke </3 rip vampir i don't remember what you did at all besides being in the dick fight on the island
standard location: retired
5. black and red hearts
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a heart friendship bracelet made from craft string. the hearts are red and the background is black.
i've made like 14 of these things in different colours. i'm not sure on the exact number, but most of them were for my friends. we all get one in our own colour scheme :) of course, mine is black and red, because of the my chemical romance poisoning. this whole thing started when my mom gave me a big pack of thread intended for friendship bracelet making, and i said, ok sure why not. they're all size adjustable, so you don't need to tie anything.
standard location: left arm, 3rd from the top, always has to be facing the way it is in the above picture (with the top of the hearts facing my left)
6. green and purple hearts
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a heart friendship bracelet made from craft string. the hearts are purple and the background is green.
the latest of these specific heart ones that i made, alongside one that's inversed (purple with green hearts). me and the bestie are going joker mode 👍 also funny because i was called the joker (specifically jared leto joker) once by a fourteen year old trying to bully me
standard location: left arm, above the black and red hearts, also always has to be oriented with the top of the hearts facing left.
7. red flowers (friendship-bracelets.net pattern #9173)
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red flowers on a black vine-like stem on a white background. kind of reminds me of the rose health bar in alice: madness returns
second non-heart bracelet i made if my friendship-bracelets.net account is to be believed, made this one just cause i like how it looks. the edges curl up on themselves but it's fine if you just flatten them out.
standard location: i don't wear this one that much, but it sometimes appears on the left arm. sometimes on the right. just, somewhere in the middle, wherever i think it looks right. flowers face left when on the left arm, right when on the right.
8. this bracelet is transgender (pattern #106540)
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half blue and half pink, with white diamonds with alternating blue and pink interiors.
i just made this one because of the colour scheme it came in. the pattern's also nice i guess
standard location: same as the previous one, not always worn and location not set. i don't even have a preference for which side is up, though i think the blue side usually is.
9. emoticon mice (pattern #3228)
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white emoticon mice on a blue background
<:3)~ mice. or maybe they're rats. who knows, they've been abstracted to smiley face levels. i wanted rat friends like i summoned them with devouring swarm. i don't like this one that much because it's so goddamn uneven, idk if you can see it that clearly but it's super obvious when it's flat. i am so ashamed of how wiggly this is that i didn't upload a picture onto friendship-bracelets.net when i finished it.
standard location: not always worn and location not set. the mice face my left when on the left arm, and right when on the right arm.
10. papa's games new years decoration lookin-ass (pattern #110541)
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rainbow x's and infinity symbols on a black background.
i'm pretty sure i'm autistic. me and the boys out here experiencing patterns symptoms and behaviours. anyways that's why i made this one
standard location: not always worn and location not set, but i think i prefer it on the right arm.
11. corvo's slut
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a black and pink fishtail rainbow loom bracelets that says "corvo's slut" in blue, purple, and pink cube letter beads
you've already seen this one but you can see it again! it's kinda hard to stretch it out so all of the words can be seen since the letters take up more than half of the whole bracelet. very funny. i love this thing, my friend was a genius when she suggested this one. turned the pic sideways so it matches the others.
standard location: top of the left arm, above everything else. this is cause it was pretty tight but i stretched it out, it's still kinda tight tho.
12. misfits fiend skull (pattern #2902)
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white fiend skull on black background
a little convex??? my string tension is garbage. it's also pretty thick at 25 strings so i got creative with how i tied the ends. this one makes me think of leyendecker because i was watching a video about him when finishing it.
standard location: don't always wear this one but i wear it more often than some of the others. can go on either arm but mostly the left, above pompompurin and below the hearts. top of skull faces left when on left arm faces right when on right arm you get the pattern right.
13. woodstock (pattern #5082)
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woodstock from peanuts on a black background
i just finished this one today so i'd have it for this post. matching with a snoopy i made for my friend months ago. finally, snoopy is no longer alone. we also have snoopy and woodstock plushies (i'm woodstock she's snoopy) with magnets in their heads so they can stick together
standard location: i literally just made this like 2 hours ago. i'll put it on my left arm tho, between pompompurin and the hearts. he has to be oriented exactly like he is in the picture etc. you know.
ok that took longer than i expected bye have fun the end. one time one of my friends said that i should sew them all together to make one big arm warmer and i told him i already thought about that and he said "oh no am i becoming as crazy as you are"
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ladyfurbton · 1 year
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Trixie and the Hand Part 5
Image Descriptions:
1: Malachai is an orange long furby with a dark blue pouch on his chest and six orange arms with neutral coloured hands at the end of each arm. He has the face of a furby buddy with blue eyes. There is a green square under his face and a dark blue mohawk on his head. He has little white feet. He is wearing a colourful necklace with his name on it. Trixie is a small long furby who has one purple ear and one pink ear with light orange hair on top of her head. She has a small 1998 face place that is pink and has blue eyes and a yellow beak. Her beak is open revealing a red tongue. Her fur is mainly purple with a few stripes of pink,yellow, blue and green here and there. She has one purple foot and one pink foot. She has a sticky yellow hand. Malachai and Trixie are near a sign. The sign says "we need a saxophone player. Auditions: 3pm 21st of May 22 Wently St." There is a picture of a saxophone at the bottom of the sign with musical notes coming out of it. Malachai says "Oh cool I should audition for that." Trixie says "that sounds like fun. Can I come and watch you audition?"
2: Same as image one except the furbys are saying different things. Malachai says "of course you can" and Trixie says "yay!!"
3: Gothnita the black handmade plush furby has blue ears, hair and faceplate. She has googley eyes and black eye lashes. She is wearing a black shirt with a white skull and crossbones on the front of it with zebra pants. She has a wedding ring on her left foot. Gothby is a small plush handmade furby. He has hair on his head that is made of thick dark purple wool. His ears are dark purple with a black diamond on the middle of each of them that is touching his head. There are three black stripes coming our from each diamond on each ear. Gothby has blacklish grey fur with a purple stripey square on his belly. His face plate and beak are both purple and his eyes are googley eyes. There are three black diamonds on each side of his face plate arranged in a triangle shape. Gothby has two purple feet with three toes on each foot. He has a black diamond on the end of each toe. Gothby wears a golden wedding ring on his left foot. Sunny is a Shelby which is a clam like furby creature. His shell is shaped like a clams and is sandy brown and black striped. He has a black mane going through the middle of his shell. Under his shell are his eyes they look like a 1998 furbys eyes. His eyes are green. The area where his beak is is a pinkish red colour and his beak is below his eyes and is yellow. He has two light brown rock shaped feet below his beak and two smaller feet one each beside the big ones. There is a little bit of black fur near his feet and under his shell. Gothnita, Gothby and Sunny are standing together. Gothby says "ok Malachai show us what you can play."
4: Malachai is playing a silver saxophone with colourful buttons on it. Trixie is beside him watching him play.
5: Trixies hand is pressing the buttons on Malachais saxophone.
6: A close up of Trixie. She says "Oh crap!! Not again!!"
7: Same as image three except Gothby is saying "thanks for auditioning Malachai. We will call you and let you know how you went."
8: Malachai and Trixie are sitting together. Malachai says "why were you touching my saxophone and messing up my notes?"  Trixie says "I am so sorry Malachai. Since I have gotten this hand it has been doing some things that I am not in control of."
9: Same as image eight except the furbys are saying different things. Malachai says "Wow that must be awful for you." Trixie says "Yes I don't think I want this hand anymore. All it does is cause my friends and I trouble."
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mazelikedays · 2 years
2022 Year Ender
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Currently Listening to: Yoasobi - Gunjou Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mood: Kinda chill If you see the picture, then you’ll see me at the bottom left. Finally, a Weiss Schwarz BCS Top 8 spot! On a side note, apparently my livejournal account is still alive, and I discovered my year end posts from 2006 are still alive. So I have been doing year end posts for the past 16 years. Kinda scare to read the earlier ones, since they’re likely cringey stuff. Anyhow, let’s do the 2022 edition of my year ender report! 
1. Last year, I was talking about COVID. Funny enough, I ended January 2022 with contracting the COVID virus. It just felt like a flu honestly, and I was working from home 2 days after. Thankfully though by the time of writing it was more or less dying down (except in China I think) and most countries have opened up.  Hopefully it finally becomes endemic this 2023, but then again most countries don’t care anymore as long as you are vaccinated.
2. A year came by, and I’m still here in Dubai. It’s not bad honestly, a few things happened here and there (like work from home due to my COVID stint, then having an issue with a crappy client who left months later), but overall it’s chill. I’m also getting an increase on January, which is some nice news. However, I still feel I can go elsewhere. I tried going back to Singapore, but unfortunately the job prospects there wasn’t that good. I actually got frustrated when I wasn’t able to get a job there around March/April. But then, something came up and now I’m gunning to go to either Canada or Australia, whichever invites me first. I have submitted my requirements for Canada and I’m still waiting for my final assessment for Australia, so let’s see. These things take time, but hopefully before July there would be some significant news. I’ll also try to apply to increase my chances.
3. Travel wise, I was finally able to go out of the country again as COVID restrictions got relaxed. I started the year with going to Bahrain, though unfortunately after the trip I got COVID. And then in May I was finally able to go back to the Philippines after 2 years, catching up with a lot of my friends. I was even able to go to places like Mindoro and Boracay. It was a fun and busy month for sure! Funny enough, I went to the Philippines again last October to play for WS BCS, and finally went to Singapore again this December. 
4. TCG wise, speaking of Singapore, I finally got a Top 8 placement this year! I won in the WS BCS Singapore Regional. I won using my Tokyo Revengers Dual Lane Pah-Chin deck! Finally, after playing for 8 years, I finally got a top spot! Unfortunately, I didn’t go past that as my deck decided to not cooperate, hehe! I also played in Manila last October but unfortunately lost to the guys who went Top 1 and Top 8 as well. For next year, I’m hoping to go higher and also to participate in the WS BSF in Manila so I can finally play an official team tournament major!
5. In terms of my weight, I got off to a good start. I was able to go as low as 79kg, the lowest I had since probably after childhood. Stress and non-activity though kinda made me gain weight, and going to Singapore pretty much made me fat. Now I’m at 85kg, so I finally bought weights and a stepper so that I can burn calories even if my place is small. As for cooking, I haven’t cooked new stuff lately, mostly repeat dishes. I also got lazy posting food pics and I had to cram a lot in a post recently. Hopefully the goodies I got from SG will motivate me to cook new dishes! 
6. Anime, Manga and Pop Culture stuff.
I think for anime and manga, this was the reverse of last year. I watched more anime and read way less manga. I think the reason for this is that a lot of the manga I have been reading have ended this year.  As for sumo, I’m still pretty much into it, and it was fun to see new winners. I felt the sumo season ended pretty weird though, with only Takakeisho left as Ozeki, and Abi winning out of nowhere, albeit in a kinda off manner. There’s a lot of up and coming new talent though, and I’m excited to see them rise!
Currently Watching:
Gundam: The Witch From Mercury S1 Planning to Watch: Engage Kiss, Jojo: Stone Ocean, Tokyo Revengers S2, Tomo-Chan is a Girl, Danmachi S4 Part 2, Bofuri S2, maybe Ayakashi Triangle? 
Finished This Year:
Hataraku Maou Sama S2, Rising of the Shield Hero S2, Princess Connect Re:Dive S2, Kaguya-Sama: Love is War S2 and S3, Danmachi S3 and S4 Part 1, Made in Abyss S2, My Sempai is Annoying, Mushoku Tensei S2, Komi-San, Mieruko-Chan, Kimetsu no Yaiba S2, Isekai Shokudou S2, My Dress Up Darling, Tokyo Revengers S1, Love After World Domination, Lycoris Recoil, Overlord S4, My Stepmother’s Daughter is my Ex, Tensei Shitara ken Deshita, Bocchi the Rock
Unfinished Anime: 86, Ranking of Kings
Finished OVA/Movies:
Yuru Camp Movie, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, Metropolis, Her Blue Sky, FGO Camelot 2, FGO: Solomon, Quintessential Quintuplets Movie, Macross Delta Zettai Live, Fate Kaleid Liner Movies 1-2, 
New Manga Read:
Spy X Family, Ayakashi Triangle
Finished Manga: Tokyo Revengers, Dr. Stone Other Stuff Watched:
Movies: Eternals, Dune, How to Train Your Dragon 3, Rurouni Kenshin the Final, The Batman, Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love and Thunder, The Green Mile, 
Series: Trese, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett
New Games Played: Mainly just playing Mahjong Soul and Pokemon TCG. I actually tried Tekken 7 and FF14 but didn’t feel going all out. Also played Wordle until like a few months ago.
8. Fulfilled (or not) Wishes a. Hoping to go back to SG again. - I did, but only as a tourist. I’m aiming for somewhere like Canada or Australia now. My friend will go to the UK soon so I’ll check that out as well. b. A Significant Other - I tried last Valentines Day. Miserably failed. Will put this on hold until I can go emigrate elsewhere c. Get Healthier – It was going pretty well the earlier months, but certain events made me gain a good amount of weight as well.  d. Travel more - I was able to travel to Bahrain, then went back to PH and SG. I would like to travel to either somewhere new, or in Japan again as well. e. For this COVID-19 nightmare to finally end. - It’s pretty much normal already at this point, just waiting for COVID to get endemic status.
New Wishes:
a. Get Healthier - Need to get my weight loss back on track. Hopefully new equipment will work out in my favor b. Get to emigrate elsewhere - Canada seems to be the most likely now, I sure hope there’s some news soon before July. Will check out elsewhere too that is nice and has a WS TCG community. c. Travel to new places - It’s kinda unlikely unless it’s already like Canada or Australia, but I would like to go to somewhere new. Let’s see. I’m also gonna camp to Hatta for the new year. Before I leave Dubai, I sure would like to go to Jebel Jais and do the skydive as well
d. TCG wise - Hoping to finally play in a teams tournament, and get more Top 8 or higher placements. If I can get an invite to worlds and if it’s gonna be in Japan, the better!
Oddly enough, I don’t have much else to wish for, maybe just for good health for me, my family and my friends. Typing this now because I’ll be camping tomorrow in Hatta! Anyhow, till next year!
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werewolfin · 2 years
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I posted 19,867 times in 2022
That's 3,755 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
19,856 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,703 of my posts in 2022
#long post is long - 1,873 posts
#video - 1,535 posts
#fic rec - 135 posts
#quizzy - 129 posts
#lmao - 109 posts
#fic idea - 105 posts
#reference - 98 posts
#music - 45 posts
#audio - 39 posts
#lmfao - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#some people are unhinged as in 'the door doesnt have hinges yet' but others are 'the hinges have torn out the wall and the nails stab me'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Something is wrong on mobile. Tags seem to... just look at them! Typing here is fine, it's just tags, but still. As far as I can tell, it's interpreting it as a-ab-abc-abcd without dashes.
0 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
dreams are something your subconscious tries to tell you
it was basically a time loop where i try to figure out how this guy kept getting murdered at a massive house party but it’s not the girlfriend, best friend (who i was playing as), or even the loner trying to get with the gf. he’s just dead every single time. probably getting murked by several people; i’m pretty sure i killed him once on accident and didnt even bother hiding the body, since it was a party and people would think he was just black out drunk. tried to hide his body on the roof later on though, which just made him get spotted quicker lol.
the party was in the mountains but we were apparently right next to both the ocean and farmland, because at one point the girlfriend sprouted a wing sephiroth style and flew away out to sea. i got the impression she gave up on trying to find out how her bf died in several timelines and didn’t want to get fingered as the culprit in lieu of even any circumstantial evidence, so she sacrificed her ability to swim or land in exchange for flight and left.
i think loner guy got abducted by cannibals in the last one, because it became like texas chainsaw massacre AND the hills have eyes in that there’s a massive inbred family network out there in them there hills that just take people if they want more kids, food, or hunting for sport. There was also a cameo of michael myers because he was apparently just slaughtering them en masse and them trying to put him down but he just did not notice it at all. purely coincidental on his part that he was taking down whole cells.
0 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
dreams are something your subconscious tries to tell you
had a dream i was a dude and i got dressed in pumps and a playboy bunny outfit except the bottom wasn’t a leotard it was a microskirt, so technically i’m flashing cheek with each step.
apparently i did this as a reward or something for my dream state boyfriend, like, straight up in public i am wearing this for him. because of the whole flashing thing being, you know, a thing with this outfit, i decide to squat instead of take a seat, which is something else i feel dream bf would appreciate.
he does not lol.
rather than have sex in ‘real life’ he wants to have sex in minecraft, something i do not have, with mods i also do not have. the force of my disappointment turns me into a lady again.
seeing as i’m lucid dreaming and it isn’t going anywhere fun, i decide to launch off the cliff that’s usually at the back of buildings in my dreams and just start hang gliding or w/e only to get waylaid by the fucking party going on out on the courts. i’m still in the bunnygirl outfit.
i woke up mildly aggravated that i read my dream bf so wrong, which is funny because in actual real life i had never and will never actually date this guy. this is what happens when you see a sick af cosplay and find an anime character with the same specific name the same day lmao
0 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i switch to firefox and it fucking breaks not even a day later -.-
extensions no longer loading properly, tumblr just giving me a blank page...
anyone know how to figure out wtf is happening
1 note - Posted September 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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All Stars 2 (2016)
Look up any Drag Race season ranking online, and most of them will put All-Stars 2 at #1. I don't personally agree with that, but it's still in my top 5. Maybe I just like the regular seasons more? Or maybe my expectations were too high for this? Or maybe the Alaska rigging is too obvious. I mean, the producers cast all of Ro-Laska-Tox together, plus two more from Season 5, and they introduced the lipstick twist. You can't tell me that wasn't indented to help Alaska out. Literally half of this cast is from Season 5. And she's just not the most exciting winner to me. The lipstick twist changed the entire format of the show. Instead of the bottom 2 lip syncing for their lives, the top 2 lip synced for the win. The winner of which chooses which of the bottom queens to eliminate. They do so by revealing the lipstick that has that person's name written on it. The AS2 queens collectively agreed to base their decisions off of the judge's critiques. Except Tatianna and Alyssa who went with their own way. I mean, I don't care what criteria they use. The twist is meant to spice things up. If they want to be strategic about it, or save their friends, or look at the track record, they're free to do whatever. But it's funny how that agreement to stick to critiques didn't matter when Alaska was in the bottom. So why is AS2 so highly rated? Well, maybe it's because AS1 was so disappointing that this season gave the fans what they wanted. I also think it's because of the casting - these are some of the biggest names to ever compete on Drag Race. I don't dislike anybody here - even Ginger and Roxxxy improved. It's probably the most talented cast they ever had as well. The challenges were great too. Although I think the Snatch Games is overrated - only Alaska, Katya and Alyssa were funny. But other than that, the Talent Show and the Ru-mix make their first appearances. I love the Talent Show because it's the perfect opportunity for the queens to show who they are. I can understand why Adore and Coco got so emotional about being in the bottom for it - this is their livelihood being judged. The Ru-mix is also a welcomed change from the music video challenges. Furthermore, the Rusical didn't have a single bad performance, although I've seen people say Katya was screwed over with her role. And the family Makeover lead to some emotional moments. I guess the Shequels and the stand-up routines were the most disappointing. The other big twist from AS2 is the return of the eliminated queens. At the end of episode 4, Jaremi talked s**t about Alyssa, and then the mirror lit up to reveal the eliminated queens staring back. It's definitely an iconic moment. Then the next episode continues with the biggest fight of the season, between Alyssa and Jaremi. I'm glad we got one more episode with the early boots. And I'm glad Tatianna and Alyssa re-entered the game - they were eliminated too soon. I was bummed out when Coco left first too. Otherwise, the latex runway was my fave runway. And we're now in the Todrick Hall era of Drag Race. I can't think of a reason why he isn't there anymore. 🤔 But yeah, this season is still missing something for me to put it head of Seasons 5 and 6.
Queens Ranking: 10. Ginger Minj Ginger wanted to disprove Season 7's lousy reputation, but she couldn't keep up with the All-Stars from other seasons. Her comedy wasn't as good this time. In the Talent Show, she knew how to properly sing, even if I didn't love the song. But she was invisible in Episode 2. And then she got frustrated for being "safe" in the first two challenges, thinking she slayed the runway and the Snatch Game as Tammy Faye (she didn't). While in the Rusical, she made the same faces she always does. But I think she was put in the bottom 2 because of her bad runway. She also thought Alyssa felt threatened by her lol. Still, Ginger was fun at times - "Come on All-Stars let's get this... over with", throwing shade at Violet's win (the corsets remark), and mistaking Tatianna for Morgan McMichaels. But then her storyline became all about her BFF Katya and she contradicted herself over it. She didn't want to send Katya home, but then said Katya didn't show enough fight. While in the revenge episode, she called Alyssa's reasoning "bulls**t", but then said she wouldn't have let Katya go home... 9. Jaremi Carey (FKA Phi Phi O'Hara) Jaremi spent AS2 addressing his Season 4 backlash. He explained that he felt threatened by Sh*ron's style. But as the season went on, it became clear that he wasn't getting redemption. His storyline was that he hadn't changed at all. He played mind games again by making others doubt themselves. He refused to do one-on-ones (which annoyed Detox). He refused to "beg". And he feuded with Alyssa, like he once did with Sh*rn. He didn't like Alyssa's Werk Room antics, that the judges were showing favouritism towards her, or her decision to save Katya (since it went against the group agreement... and that he'd be eliminated by her reasoning). Jaremi was firm in his stance to eliminate queens off of critiques. And then there's the revenge episode, where he accused Alyssa of "acting like a child" and "playing the victim" during their fight, when she did neither. He also refused Alyssa's hug after being eliminated. Post-show, Jaremi has blamed the edit, but I still didn't like him that episode. Otherwise, he kicked off the Reading challenge savagely. His Future of Drag cosplay runway was amazing. His rockstar Helen of Troy in the Rusical was fun. And he slayed the acting challenge with those body movements. His Snatch Game was overrated though. And he brought back that cringe Latina character for the stand-up. 8. Adore Delano Adore's meltdown sure took up a lot of screen time. We got to see her entire thought process on the matter. It stemmed from Michelle's harsh critiques, and apparently guest judge Raven-Symoné crossing the line. The edit only showed the critiques on her outfit, and nothing about her singing performance - which improved once the chorus hit. I was indifferent about the outfit. Adore was very disheartened about being in the bottom right away though. It shook her confidence. It was a step backwards for her growth. It felt personal because she wrote the song. Her "90s grunge" drag style was already being misunderstood. And the power dynamics between Adore and Michelle had changed. Michelle defended her words as pushing Adore outside her comfort zone. But maybe that's a flaw with the show - why not let the queens stick to their styles, even if Adore's is seen as "messy" or "lazy". I got her entrance look. And if she needed to quit for her mental health; if she was unhappy being on reality TV and would rather do her own thing; I don't blame her for it. 7. Roxxxy Andrews Unlike Jaremi, Roxxxy got her redemption edit. She's actually kind of chill in AS2. She tried so hard to not be that evil person from Season 5 again. She claimed she did it to sabotage Jinkx. Roxxxy started strong by winning the first episode thanks to her burlesque reveals. She then stuck to the critiques agreement at the expense of her friend Coco. She also did well in the Rusical. But... Roxxxy was in the bottom in literally every other episode, usually being saved by Alaska or Detox. And almost every time, she didn't believe she was the worst in the challenge. So about that... her Alaska impression in Snatch Game was a choice, she didn't stand out in the Shequel, she wasn't even trying in the stand-up (stumbling over words and repeatedly saying she sucks), the wig glue ad could've gone further, she outshined her mother in the Makeover, and she had the weakest "Read U Wrote U" verse. Still, Roxxxy's latex and Two Outfits in One runways were good, and her Top 4 outfit was beautiful. 6. Alaska Chad Michaels Pt II. Alaska was so focused on winning AS2... to the point where she was only entertaining in the challenges. And then she threw a fit after finally flopping one, sounding entitled over it ("I NEED IT"). She also got paranoid of Katya being another Jinkx lol. She did deliver in the challenges though, even if she kept using that voice. Her Mae West in Snatch Game was so natural. She knew her character for the Baby Jane skit. Her delayed one-word responses in the stand-up were funny. Her patronizing tape ad was a good concept (even if Alyssa's ad was funnier). Her "Read U Wrote U" verse was well-written. And she started the season strong, with the memorable trash bag entrance and by winning the Reading mini-challenge. Alaska should've been bottom 2 in the Rusical though for missing the words. Oh, and she always had a gimmick for the lip syncs - the leg in "Le Freak", the doll make-up in "Got to Be Real", the US flag in "Cherry Bomb", smearing her make-up in the finale. Not to mention that "HIEEE" banner in the Makeover ugh. Otherwise, Alaska's storyline was not letting Sh*ron or Ro-Laska-Tox be her pitfalls this time. She can say saving Roxxxy wasn't favouritism, but I don't buy it. The borrowed top thing sounded like an excuse. Anyways, my favourite runway of hers this season was the latex one. 5. Coco Montrese I still love Coco, even if she didn't do much in AS2. What we got is a toned down version of her Season 5 personality. Partly because her elimination was overshadowed by Adore's meltdown (which I know isn't Coco's fault). But she wasn't starting drama this time. She also flopped the Reading challenge. Her dance routine in the Talent Show was dull. And while she had some fun moments like the Doritos pocket mirror in her entrance, shading Roxxxy's make-up, saying "girl find the note" or "that hug was like Obama hugging Donald Trump"... I was left wanting more. Otherwise, Coco counted on her friendship with Roxxxy to save her, which didn't happen. And then she didn't choose Roxxxy to be her partner in the comeback challenge lol. The cheesy chips joke was the only thing that stand-up routine had. 4. Detox I liked Detox more in AS2. She seemed to be enjoying herself more, and had a better sense of who she is. There was a personal reason for that change, which she explained in the Makeover episode. But yeah, Detox can throw some fun shade. At least she owned up to saving Roxxxy out of friendship, unlike Alaska. And her latex and silvery robot runways were two of my faves this season. She had some meh challenge moments though - giving another unfunny Nancy Grace in Snatch Game, but at least she was committed to being abrasive? Aside from Alyssa making her break character at one point. The trash can advert was a weak concept. And I didn't get why the judges were living for her glow paint Talent Show; although I imagine that's what you'd see at a Detox show. Still, her Marie Antoinette expressions put her in the top 2 for the Rusical. She was decent in the zombie skit with Katya. Her Makeover looked creative. And she did all those alliterations in the stand-up. Detox sure loved to show her ass this season too, even bringing back the corset in the "Step It Up" lip sync. 3. Tatianna Tatianna's time in the competition felt too short. She was top 2 in the first challenge thanks to that erotic spoken word monologue. But in the next episode, her timid Ariana Grande in Snatch Game was messy; even breaking character at one point and singing silently... although that's still better than Roxxxy's Alaska impression. Tati said she was nervous about her fellow Season 2 queens being there. As for her second elimination, her tea advert had a solid concept (even Marcus Lemonis said so), she just needed more conviction. But of course Alaska sent her home over Roxxxy. Anyways, I love how Tatianna just calls like it she see it. Like saying "Oh you mean everyone thinking you're a bitch" to Jaremi. Or when she disagreed with the entire room to say she'll use her own reasoning to eliminate someone, and pointing out the strategic side. Or knowing full-well that Alaska wouldn't save her (both times). Tatianna also felt the pressure to live up to the modern standards of the show. Like don't just disregard someone for being old school. She broke down after the Snatch Game because of it. Otherwise, her T-Boz runway was great. And she had that "I used to have braces" (manly voice) punchline in the stand-up. 2. Katya The narrator is back! F**k Alaska's track record, Katya should've won AS2. She can just throw out comedic responses so effortlessly. Bjork was the perfect character for her in Snatch Game. I enjoyed her in the zombie skit (she didn't need to be bottom 3 for that). In the advert, the demonic voice and passed out poses were hilarious. I thought she had the best Makeover. And her "Read U Wrote U" verse was fire. Sure, Katya flopped the Rusical as an aggro Princess Diana (and for cutting the train), but what could she have done with that role? She accepted defeat afterwards, but I'm glad Alyssa saved her. Katya's storyline was about letting go of the anxiety from Season 7. And yeah, I felt like she was free and fearless this season, even relishing in the idea of eliminating others. I liked that she showcased her Russian character more this time as well. And she would've eliminated Roxxxy at the end! Twice! I wish Katya could've won a lip sync though. She had some fun moments like air guitaring her leg in "Cherry Bomb" or the "henny" part in "Step It Up". As for her runways, the underwater latex one was my fave. Also: "Party" caught me off guard. 1. Alyssa Edwards The walking catchphrase machine is back! "I need, I need, I need, I need..."; "girl we have buried the hatch"; "rigga morris"; "you can be a monster, a gila monster or a beast"; "rowdy rowdy and think you're a bowdy bowdy bitch"; "the rooster has done cock-a-doodle-doodle-doo woke us wide awake"; "5th alternate/4th runner-up". I just love the way Alyssa talks. She ran wild this season. Her Talent Show performance was so Alyssa. Ru was laughing hysterically at her Joan Crawford in Snatch Game (how was she not top 3?) She stole the show in the Rusical as Annie Oakley ("BANG BANG"). Her stand-up killed because of her delivery and expressions ("Buffoonery, riggory, and straight-up tomfoolery!"; "BEAST!") And her energy drink ad was funny, with how she zoomed across screen. I'm just sad she missed the Ru-mix. She only flopped the Baby Jane skit, giving flashbacks to her Season 5 telenovela. Also, I thought Alyssa was the best lip sync performer of AS2. She had an emotional moment in the family episode. And she ignored the group agreement by basing her eliminations off of consistency. I don't think she was "playing the victim" with Jaremi either, but she might have misunderstood his intentions. My fave runway: maybe the latex kisses. The flashing cameras were a cool idea too. Favourite entrance: Adore Delano (it works for me) Challenge ranking: 1. "Read U Wrote U" Ru-mix (Katya > Alaska > Detox > Roxxxy) 2. Talent Show 3. "HERstory of the World" (Rusical) 4. Merchandise adverts 5. Snatch Game 6. "Family That Drags Together" Makeover (mostly for the family interactions) 7. Stand-up routine 8. "Drag Movie Shequels" (Acting) Lip Sync ranking: 1. Alyssa Edwards vs Tatianna ("Shut Up And Drive") 2. Alyssa Edwards vs Detox ("Tell It To My Heart") 3. Alaska vs Jaremi/Phi Phi ("Got To Be Real") 4. Alaska vs Katya ("Le Freak") 5. Alaska vs Katya ("Cherry Bomb") 6. Detox vs Katya ("Step It Up") 7. Roxxxy Andrews vs Tatianna ("Shake It Off") (it's the most forgettable one) 8. Top 3 Lip Sync ("If I Were Your Woman") Season ranking so far: 5 > 6 > AS2 > 4 > 2 > 7 > 3 > 8 > 1 > AS1
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designdeets · 2 years
Assignment 3 Commentary
For my infographic on tips for quality sleep, I wanted to communicate the information as efficiently as possible, and people would easily remember what they read. So I came up with an acronym for "SLEEP", with each letter of the word stating one tip each for better sleep.
I wanted to associate the colours I'm using with feelings of calmness, relaxedness, tranquility and silence-the common notions of sleep. Thus, I used a blue gradient as the background colour to represent the night sky and also added tiny stars for detail and visuals. 
I included different elements in the infographic related to sleep such as a sleep mask, pillows, clouds, moon and stars, to sustain visual interest so people's attention is captured for longer. Since the sleep mask represents the theme and is the main visual hook of the infographic, I placed it at the center while also making it big and used a bright colour to create contrast against the dark background. I made use of the counters in the two "E"s in "sleep", to draw eyelashes of closed eyes.
Although the moon, clouds, stars and Zzs were placed on the top right and the left side is left empty, I felt that asymmetrical balance was achieved because it didn't feel jarring or incomplete. Maybe it's because the top section resembles the naturally bare night sky. The pillows were placed at the bottom left to create symmetrical balance overall when looking at the infographic. This way, neither side feels overfilled and uneven.
I tried to ensure visual hierarchy by placing the hook at the top center and the tips for better sleep right below it, so that the eyes naturally follow the flow of information.
I used a font that was easy on the eyes and made it white, creating contrast against the dark blue background. 
Self-reflection and comments during critique:
1) The text on the pillows was too wordy. More visuals/images can accompany the bites of information to reduce the number of words. Thus I tried to convey that Singapore was one of the top countries who is sleep-deprived (which is quite bad but expected), by emphasising the number "3" . I also drew a tired emoji and a charging sleep battery with the number of hours a Singaporean gets on average. I also removed some unnecessary words and simplified the information so that readers get the main point. For example, I simply stated that chamomile tea and milk is proven to improve sleep, and accompanied it with visual images.
2)They also pointed out that I could do with removing the additional sentences under the main tip. For example the 1st tip "Stick to a fixed sleeping schedule" is enough and didn't require the sentences below it. So I removed all the unnecessary sentences for the tips except the the ones that sound too vague without additional information.
3) Some of my icons were not really visible because they blended in with the dark background, so I changed the colours so they can pop out more.
4) They said the eyes in "sleep" can be made more obvious so I emphasised it even more by drawing a heavier lashline and thicker eyelashes. I asked several friends after I improved it and they said they can definitely tell those are closed eyes and it is bold enough to capture attention.
Before critique
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After critique
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Screenshot of adobe workspace
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skeletalheartattack · 2 years
you got a ref sheet for bo? kinda wanna draw em
:0!!!!!!! i have some silly ones i did myself, but i never had a proper ref of Boe made!!! bear with me cause this might be a little messy...
here's the closest thing to a ref i have of him. but like. very very small.... i couldn't fit his missing tooth into it for example. nor did i have a good way to draw his mohawk.
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basically he just wears a trenchcoat, jeans, some basic cowboy boots and he titty out. i seem to only draw the bottom of his legs/feet when the infomaniacs on the ground it seems. i don't seem to have any reference of his whole body though in one image.
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and lastly here's just a few above waist references of him. he's turning around in the first two so you can get a look of him behind.
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i hope these help!!!! i wish i had a full ref of him made but.... ough perhaps one day...
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